Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Destilando -- Tuesday, June 12

Hi everyone! I'm glad to be blogging on Tuesdays. Thanks to all of you for coming to the site, and especially to those of you who have been blogging. As I'm in the west coast, please bear with the time difference while I post the blogs. Oh, and today my cable box got messed up so I couldn't record it, but I will try my best to blog all that I can live, from California =) here it goes...

Our novela starts with Gaviota in her toga singing on the balcony overlooking the ocean while Rod kisses her neck. Rod: I feel I'm dreaming. Gav: Me too, but we have to call the city because people must be wondering. Rod: doesn't matter; about time people find out about us. Gav wants to be responsible and wants no problems with Rods family. Rod wants to send a telegram, etc...they pretend to be writing a telegram about how Rod is currently caught in the eyes of his secretary and they're never coming back...PUNTO!! (period). They pretend to write the telegram.

Back at Montalvo Corp: Minnie is STILL nagging to Aron about how Rod and Mariana are together. Elmira...I mean, Elvira tells Aron he has a call from Rod. Aron: where are you!! I cannot move on without you and Mariana. Rod says Mariana is being transferred to some port (sorry, forgot the name), and Rod plans on visiting the other ports to check on the working conditions there. Rod says things are doing great at the ports. R: oh, and please cover my back if I'm not back by new years, and I have no clue where Mariana is...oops, gotta go, bye... he looks at Gav dreamy eyed saying she looks beautiful. Gavi is worried about the lies about them. Rod promises that she's not going to hear anymore lies...they kiss.

At Montalvo corp...Minnie: I think Rod lied to you Aron. A: mamasita, please find another thing to keep you busy, i've got too many things to do. (Sorry, but this is the villian I hate to love).

In Acapulco: Francisco is trying to romance Isa with some poem and lots of sloppy kisses.

Back at Manzanillo...Rod and Gavi are in little boat that lands at a deserted beach. Rod points to a little hut and playfully says this is where they will live while they build a house. Gavi wonders why he brought her to this beach. Rod promises to devote his life to make her happy. They hug..

Back in Acapulco...Ice and Fran are having dinner (on Isa's expense of course)...Fran pretends to know about wine... tells the waiter to get them a ceirtain kind of expensive wine, and teaches Isa about wine, but the waiter tells him that wine does not exist...I chuckle... Anyhoo, Fran wants to take Isa to champs elysees in France to eat lobster... (sorry Fran, contrary to what you think, Paris is not by the beach). Isa asks him what he does for a living. Fran says something I don't undrestand... I don't think he understands it either.

Back at deserted beach, Gavi and Rod are embracing by the ocean. G: my mom must be worried and people at the corporativo must be wondering. Rod: Good thing we figured that the irregular exports were just a mistake and Aron is innocent. Rod wants to stay at the deserted beach with Gavi forever. Gav (flipping hair): you can't ask me to change my life in a day. Rod: don't u want to be with me? Gav: of course you idiot (OK I made that up)...Gav says of course she wants to stay with him, but not just like that. G: We need to take things slowly...I'm scared ur going to regret it later. Rod: so much time has gone bye I don't want to wait. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But Gav insists on going back. Rod: OK, tomorrow a boat will come bye and u can leave, but please think about it....take your time, but think about it... he SMACKS a kiss on her and leaves, in a way that only Rod can, and my heart skips a beat..sorry, couldn't help it, his hair is all messy and his shirt is half unbuttoned like a true Rico Suave.

In Acapulco....Fran: I want to work at companies with good personnel and great views. For me, work needs to be like love and provide pleasure and love....grrrr. Isa seems to be buying into his stories. He tells her dum poems and details about making love to her. Isa, learning from past experiences, asks him how much it'll cost? He says, no worries, I'll pay you every penny when we get back to Mexico. He sings to her. Isa is not crazy about it, but hey, its better than what she gets from Rod.

At the mansion Montalvo.... Sofie gets back from the gym. Grandma is calling Dani but no one answers and Granny is going nuts with Dani's move-out situation. Sofie is worried about friends finding out about Dani living with "that guy". Granny is too embarrassed: my family is falling apart. Sofie: no worries granny, sis is going to get bored from living in poor circumstances. Granny: Nopes she's not, you know how stubborn she is. Granny, crying: I had hopes that I would enjoy her company when she came to Mexico. This is the saddest year of my life since gramps died.

Meanwhile, Dani is excited about going into an audition (I didn't catch this very well, if I got it wrong please correct me :) ). Boyfriend smacks a yummy Veracruzano kiss on her and wishes her luck.

At Montalvo corp: Elvira is flirting with whats his face...?? Oh yeah, Onarte...he tells her how he missed her when he was by the ocean and gives her a shell as a souvenir... Aron interrupts cuz he wants to speak to Onarte. Oh, and by the way, he asks Elvira what Minnie was doing there? Elvira fills him in on Minnie's secret spy skills. In the office, Aron and Onarte discuss the trip. Onarte is happy that he did such a great job and tells Aron that nobody will ever suspect them. Aron wants numbers, but Onarte only cares about their reputation and tells him to calm down. Aron suspects that Rod can show up by surprise at the Veracruz port. He wont rest until Rod and Mariana are back in Mexico City.

At her home, Clarita is worried about Gav and is asking the Virgencita to protect her.

At deserted beach, Gav is coming out of a hut... she's looking for Rod but cant find him....tum tum TUUUUM!! dramatic music plays in the background... Gav walks on the beach that looks like the blue lagoon, alone looking for him and the producers lead us to think that some spy killer will suddenly show up....gulp, its Minnie!! ok, I was just kidding...

Back at the Montalvo Mansion: Minnie's attemps to find proof about Mariana and Rod resulted in a Mission Impossible, so she reports back to her other networking spies Granny--"the godmother" (Imagine Granny with dark black glasses wearing a leather jacket) and Sofie. She attempts to convince Granny and Sofie that Mariana and Rod are together. However, now that Minnie is telling the truth, noone wants to believe her. Sofie practically tells her to get a job (??)... hehehe... Sofie also tells her to see a doctor... Minnie gets mad..Granny is worried about escandalos (scandals). Minnie: you're going to regret this! Sofie, one day you'll have to swallow your laugh. I care about Isa!! Your silence make you complice of Mariana while she destroys the marriage of MY friend.

Back at twilight zone/deserted beach...oh wait, now there's mariachi and no twilight music. Gav is sitting on a hammock, and Rod is walking towards her, singing together with a mariachi...Rod can kiss, but he cant sing... hehe...i'm loving this...he's SO trying. Of course, the song they're singing is the theme song "...pooooor amarte...daria hasta mi vida por encontrarteeee"....

After commercials, we are back to Rod's singing. Rod leans into the hammock and Gav kisses him. The Mariachi leaves. Rod: I only sing on islands so I don't make anyone sick (geez, thanks!). Gav and Rod promise to never again separate. Rod, with his typical squinchy-eye expression, begs her to never never never leave him.

At the auditions, Dani is happy because she got accepted. Boyfriend is happy too.

Back at deserted beach: Rod has no phone signal. Gav, under the hut wonders what they will do. Rod: tomorrow you call your mom and I call Videgaray to start the divorce. Gav: what are you going to tell your family...? Rod, smiling, starts talking with an accent saying tomorrow he will tell his family he became a costen~o (someone who comes from the coastal region), and will be staying at the beach from now on. Gav nags about how they have to go back. Rod gives her a coconut and tells her to please enjoy the trip. Gav notices that he's avoiding facing his family. Gav asks why his family hates her. Rod says they know everything, how they met, how he loves her, how she got pregnant. Gav: that's why they hate me? Rod: I don't want to talk. Gav: its important. If we get together, your family will be mine and our children's. Rod: I'm going to renounce my family. Gav: why; what are you hiding? Rod: they hate you because they think ur a bad person and that you went to Europe as a prostitute. Sorry, I didn't want to hurt you. There are many things about the Montalvo family you don't know, and it all revolves around the testamento. He tells her the juicy details about the testament. Gav: Now I understand why they're freaked about about a jimadora being pregrnant with your child. Rod: thats why Aron is messed up about me having a baby, because you are the only person I can love. Gav: thats why your fam sees me as a threat.

Back at montalvo corp; Pamela comes running to her Bichieeee. Aron is happy to see her, cuz he couldn't find her in Miami and started wondering if she's cheating on him.

At deserted beach: Gav and Rod continue to talk about the issues at Montalvo family. Gav now understands why Minnie is bitter about having a child. Gav asks if Rod liked Isa. Rod says NOOO!! She's pretty, but I never saw her like that. Just a friend. Gav: really? There was nada, nada nada??

Acapulco: Fran kisses Isa and tells her he has plans with her for the following weeks (and lets bill it to your room...hmmm... just commenting). Isa says she cant stay that long.

Again at deserted beach: Rod and Gav are talking about how Isa could be with Rod for that long. Rod says Isa would refuse to find a man who could give her what she deserves.

Ironically, in Acapulco: Isa and Fran exchange lots of sloppy kisses. Fran aks isa for a yacht...(!). Isa says I'm married to a millinaire but don't have my own money, DO YOU MIND?? He says no, he doesnt care about her money and he's going to show her dancing the horizontal mambo with her.

Back in a hotel room at Mexico City: Bichie and Pam are in bed. Pam cannot live a moment without Aron: Bichie, r u going to marrie me? Aron with chestshire smile: if you give me a child, of COURSE! Pam is worried... a baby??

Back a penthouse: Minnie stuffs a pillow in her PJs pretending to be pregnant...she's crying...gets a nervous breaksown, and throws the pillow at the mirror...

Clarita at home, is still worried about Gav talking to neighbour Dona Jose. They talk about New Years plans. Clarita tells Dona Jose that don Benvenutto is going to make them dinner and invites her. Dona Jose says she can't cuz she works. Clarita asks her: isn't your son going to visit you? Dona Jose: no, mi Panchito travels a lot and will be in France...somewhere Esque mi Panchito is very chambeador (workaholic). Twilight music plays in the background.

Talking about Panchito, back in Acapulco Francisco and Isa are drinking chanpagne in bed. She tells him they're going back tomorrow, and they start the horizontal mambo ONE more time as Fran sreams: auxilio! Dang, Isa is really catching up with what she has been missing for the last couple years!

At deserted beach: Gav and Rod Are STILL arguing about going back vs not going back, and all the things they need to do in Montalvo Corp. She persuades Rod to go back and get their work finished. Gav: me too I gotta get my stuff done there. For our good, we gotta do it, let's be discreet. Rod: until when are we going to hide [this relationship]??!!! Gav: your family will always be part of you for life. Even if we escape, you will continue to be responsible for your sisters and the be the favorite of Dona Pilar (Rod smiles). I only respect them and am thankful, even if they hate me. Aron helped me grow, Bruno and dona Pilar have been nice to me. I cant be unthankful, much less let them think that my only reason for entering the enterprise is to distroy your marriage.

Avances to the next capitulo:

- Mariana is going back to Mexico and leaving on her little boat. Rod: I love you! Gav: Me too. But Rod is crying unconsolably...

- Plus, Isa gets back, and she is one angry woman....


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Cast of "Juan Querendon" with pictures and summaries

The material in quotation marks is translated from the ESMAS site.

JUAN DOMÍNGUEZ - Eduardo Santamarina - "He's attractive, tall, hyperactive, corpulent, happy, and poetic. More than religious, he's spiritual. he's a hopeless romantic, a brave man, hardened and charismatic, a bit of a liar, but with a good heart. For him Woman is most important, he considers her a marvellous being who should be praised."

At the beginning of the story, he's escaping his tiny home town two steps ahead of men who are tired of his womanizing ways and has come to the house of Samuel Cachón on the very night that Samuel shoots himself dead with only poor Juan, in his running shorts, as witness.

At some point in the past Samuel Cachón had an affair with Ana Dávila and got her pregnant. He never spent any time with his illegitimate daughter Paula and now regrets it bitterly. His legitimate family is Nidia and daughters Yadira and Marely.

PAULA DÁVILA - Mayrín Villanueva - "Paula is Juan's great love; she is a young attractive kindly executive. Despite her having studied abroad, she is ingenuous. Her need for tenderness, affection and acceptance lead her to be imprisoned in the lies of a married man who will make her suffer."

ANA DÁVILA - María Marcela - "She's a sweet, pretty, sober, honest, decent woman. Her error was to fall in love with a married man (Samuel) with whom she had a daughter (Paula) the man never recognized. She fears her daughter is committing her same error and struggles to protect her."

NIDIA CACHÓN - Sylvia Pasquel - "Nidia is a happy widow, ambitious and too impulsive, which gets her into trouble. Her preoccupation with looking young sometimes makes her ridiculous. She's obsessed with Juan." her husband, just before offing himself, told Juan "My wife is a "cualquiera" (a common ie loose woman) and so is my daughter Yadira. Marely is the only one who can be saved - take care of her."

MARELY CACHÓN - Florencia de Saracho - "An introverted university student, noble and affectionate, with a highly developed sense of justice and responsibility. She is the most sensible one in her family, but she has a strong, impulsive temperament, though she is not resentful. 'Marelita' is Juan's second grand love."

YADIRA CACHÓN - Dacia Arcaraz - "Yadira is a spoiled, vain, extroverted girl, selfish and "easy," a lazy student but very ambitious. she's pretty and knows how to accentuate her sensuality. She thinks her future depends not on her personal efforts but rather in marrying a rich man."

CÉSAR LUIS FARELL - Alexis Ayala - "He's very attractive, a seducer drawn to any woman who's in front of him, despite being married. He's astute, an opportunist, able to look ahead, sure of himself, extroverted and with a great sense of humor, but he's also a manipulating lying hypocrite." This is the guy who, much later in this novela (maybe in the ultimos capitulos), will be waiting at the church to marry Paula (who looks very reluctant).

PASTOR GAITÁN - Pedro Romo - "He's a bad-humored, resentful, abusive blackmailer. He's a repressed homosexual hopelessly in love with Juan. He likes to sow discord and is servile with his boss (César) but also betrays him. He lives with his mother whom he loves but also hates for controlling his life."

PASTORA GAITÁN - Alejandra Meyer - "She's a controlling and overprotective mother. She has a love-hate relationship with her son. She spends her life reproaching her son for the sacrifices she's made for him and ridiculing him in front of others."

ENRIQUE BUENO - Eugenio Bartilotti - "He's Juan's best friend and considers him his brother. He's generous and well-intentioned. Even though he likes to entertain himself, he's very responsible, works tirelessly to improve himself and is capabable of sacrificing everything for Yadira, the woman he loves." (This show's Tomás Mora?)

FERNANDO LARA - Arturo Barba - "Fernando is Juan's close friend, a good guy despite his surly appearance. He has a volatile nature, speaks little, but when he speaks he says a lot. Disappointment in love left him unconfident and reluctant to get close to others. He has an elevated idea of what friendship is and therefore is capable of sacrificing a lot for those he considers his friends, Juan and Enrique."

MÓNICA BERROCAL DE FARELL - Reneé Varsi - "A classy woman who speaks several languages, with licenses and postgraduate degrees earned abroad. She's successful and hardworking, and seeks above all professional recognition. She can be tender or hard, according to what's necessary. She'll ferociously defend that which she thinks is hers. She is rancorous and vengeful in the face of betrayal."

ALIRIO PERAFÁN - Roberto D’amico - "An unscrupulous lawyer who always looks out for his own interests. He's not very attractive and has hangups, and his eternal love for Nidia leads him to fulfill all her whims, and to feel very jealous of Juan."

IVONNE MOSQUERA - Arleth Terán - "A provocative and sometimes vulgar woman, obsessed with getting her former lover César Luis to get a divorce and marry her. She hates Paula and always tries to make her life impossible. She's scheming, poisonous, and very dangerous."

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Juan Querendon 6/12 Johnny Q falls in love

I can’t figure out what’s shorter. That woman’s dress or Juan’s shorts. Juan checks out her view from the rear while she pays the cab. She turns to him and admires those oh-so-short shorts. Juan thanks her for paying for the taxi. The lady feels Juan’s chest and says that her cousin recommended him well. The lady leads Juan into the house and says that it’s his.

The woman leads Juan into the house. She says that her husband is more or less Juan’s size. She says that she look for something for him to wear. The woman introduces herself as Nidia. She says that they’re going to celebrate his arrival with some tequila. She rushes over to the tequila. While she pours, Juan admires her “form.” He also thinks to himself that these people must be wealthy, considering the house. Juan sees a photo of Nidia with Joan Sebastian, who Juan considers to be the most famous Mexican poet. (Joan Sebastian is really a songwriter of pop songs. Kind of like the Mexican version of the guy who wrote all those Britney Spears/N’Sync songs or so I gather.) The woman just stands there holding the tequila.

Paula asks her mom if her father is sick. The mother says no. She even accompanied him to all his medical tests and nothing was wrong. Paula says that he talked as though he was going to die. Ana thinks it’s because of what he did to Paula. Paula thinks she was hard on him. Her mother just wants them to reconcile. Samuel is Paula’s father and that will not change. Paula can’t believe that her mother still defends him. Her mother thinks that Samuel is a good man. Paula thinks he wasn’t there in the way she needed him to be. Her mother begs Paula to give him a chance. Paula says that she will one day, but not now. Ana reminds Paula that Paula came from Ana and Samuel’s love.

Nidia sings and dances for Juan. Juan says that he can tell she’s very caring. She approaches him and says that he’s practically a part of the family. At that moment the family enters. Their names are Yadira and Mareli, and Juan likey likies. Nidia introduces Juan as the friend of a cousin, so he’s practically a cousin himself. The women squirm in their spots while Juan checks them out. He likes them all, but finds the youngest (and blondest) to be the most beautiful. The older sister asks Juan if he’s a mute. Juan takes his shot and introduces himself to the girls. Nidia shoos the girls away so that she and Juan can talk. The girls stay in a spot where they can watch. Nidia re-approaches Juan. At that moment, the husband enters. It’s Samuel. Nidia introduces the gentlemen, but Samuel’s a little cold. He asks Juan to accompany him to the study so that they can talk. Juan reluctantly follows. The girls run down the stairs and asks if he’s really their cousin. Methinks they like him. The only one who doesn’t seem that impressed is the youngest.

Juan and Samuel sit and talk. Samuel says he’s very happy that one of his wife’s relatives has come at this time. Samuel goes into a seriously depressing spill about how all of his efforts were in vain. Juan congratulates Samuel on having such a nice family, and such a lady for a wife. Samuel stands and says that his wife is a nobody. Juan looks a little nervous. Samuel pulls out a gun. Juan asks Samuel to put the gun down. Juan tries to run out of the room, but Samuel points the gun at Juan. Samuel tells Juan to take care of his children. Especially, Mareli because she is the only one that can be saved. He asks Juan to also take care of Paula. Juan says that he doesn’t know Paula, but Samuel just tells him to take care of them. Samuel shoots himself in front of Juan. The women rush into the room to see a dead Samuel and Juan shaking his head no. Wow. What a nice, happy novela.

Juan’s in the interrogation room. The police want to know who he is and how he was related to the deceased. Why did he kill Samuel. Juan was sure that he would be put away for life. Oh, it was just a daydream. In real life he’s sitting with Nidia talking to himself about what just transpired. The police want his statement and Nidia’s. Juan understands why they would want his but not why they would need one from Nidia. The policeman explains that they’re going to initiate an investigation. Yadira runs over to the couch and says that Mireli wants to enter the room to see her father. The family rushes to the door and stops Mireli from entering. Mireli cries for her father. Nidia pushes the women away.

Ana comes downstairs to see Paula cooking. Paula explains that when she lived in New York she cooked in a restaurant where she learned many things. Ana thinks that Paula’s going to make her fat. Paula thinks her mom still looks great. Paula tells her mother that she thought about their conversation. She wants to go to the office with her mother today and speak with her father. She wants him to know that she cannot hate him. Ana hopes that Paula’s heart can pardon Samuel. Paula wants the same. Ana thinks that Samuel will die of happiness if he sees that Ana brought Paula to the office.

Paula can’t believe how big the business is. Ana explains that Samuel has prospered. Paula says that she’s very proud. They women enter the office and Paula marvels some more about the office. Ana greets Charito, who is on the phone and crying. Charito explains that Samuel committed suicide. Ana passes out in her daughter’s arms.

It’s the day of Samuel’s funeral. Nidia thanks Juan for all he’s done, but he won’t hear it. Nidia seductively hugs Juan. He just wants to offer help. Mireli thanks him. Yadira and Nidia launch into a tirade about Samuel not caring for his wife and children. Mireli can’t believe they’re talking like this when they’re father is dead. She thinks the other should have more respect. Juan tells us that this is the day that he fell in love with Mireli because she was the only one who really felt the death of her father.

We see the guy from the beginning of the novela, who was about to marry Paula. He’s with his wife and hands her a package for the family. He’s going to Madrid. The pair talk lovingly to each other. The man with glasses enters and he’s crying. (Pastor) Pastor announces that Samuel Cochon is dead. He killed himself with a pistol. The man and the woman can’t believe what happened. (I do believe the man is Cesar Luis.) CL wants to send flowers. Pastor takes charge of this.

It’s the time of the viewing, and all Juan can focus on is Mireli and her grief. He wonder what he should do, say. He decides to console her, but she cuts him short and asks him to leave her in peace. His game is slowed but not stopped. He likes grumpy women and as the moments pass he’s falling more and more in love. He wonders what will happen.

Tomorrow: Johnny Q & Paula meet again!


Acorralada #104 Monday 6/11/07 Maxito's still missing

Monday's episode begins with Diana on the phone with a woman (Isabel, but Diana doesn't know this) who says that she has the baby, she didn't kidnap him, she took him from Bruna, who asked her to watch him for her. Just as she's about to give Diana her address, the police knock on the door and she hangs up. The scene ends with the police coming in and looking around the apartment suspiciously.

Next we're transported to Paco's apartment, where Octavia is daydreaming about destroying Fedora when Paola walks in saying that she's leaving. A fight ensues - Octavia tells her to have some pride and dignity and stop this fooling around with her naco husband.

Back to the mansion, where Fedora is trying to console Diana. She's sure that the woman who called will call again.

Back to Isabel's place, where the police explain that they received a call about a woman being beaten. Isabel looks oddly relieved when she responds that it must be the neighbor, who doles out daily beatings. The police leave, but Isabel's friend tells her that she needs to return the baby to his parents before she ends up in jail.

Back to the Octavia/Paola fiera contest. Octavia's trying to tell Paola that she'll stay in her room, she's not going out looking for the naco. Paola says she's not staying there with Octavia's husband, who she hates. There's some pushing and a lot of hair flying when the doorbell interrupts their cat fight. It's Rene, and Octavia tells him that she hopes he can convince Paola that she doesn't need to be out on the street looking for drugs. Rene, the new improved Rene, who doesn't act goofy anymore, tells Paola that she's not going anywhere.

At the fabrica, Pancho is screaming for Emilio to come out so he can show him who's boss, is met by Caramelo, who tells Pancho to beat it. It's the same as always with these two -- Pancho's telling her to stay away from the "munequita de pastel" Emilio. And she's asking what difference it makes, he has another wife.

Back to Rene & Paola, where Rene is telling Paola that she needs to stop taking drugs, he wants to save her, he wants to give her the same advice that her aunt Yolanda gave to him. Drugs are bad, Paola. But Paola needs drugs because her husband doesn't love her. Rene tells her she must fight this addiction! It's a disease!

Next we return to the fabrica, where Caramelo tells Pancho that all of the love she felt for him is turning to hate. Of course Pancho the super macho doesn't understand this. As he rants about Caramelo going to Orlando with Emilio, Beatriz is just looking at him with disgust, which prompts a nice kiss on the lips from Pancho the macho.

Caramelo tells Emilio that Pancho has left the fabrica, and Emilio is upset to see that she's crying again. He tells her that she needs to have a little dignity, and gives her a big hunky shoulder to cry on.

Meanwhile, Paola is also crying over Pancho as she tells Rene that she needs drugs. Rene tells her to fight, resist, and although he tries, he falls just short of squeezing out a tear of pure dolor. Violins take us to commercial.

Back from commercial, Diana is telling Fedora that she's afraid that history is going to be repeated - that she will be separated from her baby for all of his life. Fedora's sure that the woman will call back, then she mentions that it's logical that Diana and Maximilliano are upset, but she's noticed that Diego doesn't seem to be bothered by the baby's disappearance. Diana hadn't noticed.

Speak of the devil, we're transported to TeleMiama hospital where Diego is in Bruna's room when Marfil arrives. She tells him that she's not sure she can trust him, and he responds by walking across the room.

Rene and Yolanda are at the new Irazabal house, discussing Paola's drug problems. She needs to go to rehab before something terrible happens.

Meanwhile, Isabels's neighbor tells her that she's going to return the baby if she doesn't do it herself. Isabel is impactada.

Back to Rene and Yolanda, where Yolanda says that she can't bother Max with Paola's problem because his baby is missing. Rene suggests that Larry can help, because Paola needs help immediately. They're interrupted by Max and Larry's arrival, but they have no news about the baby.

At the hospital, Marfil is impressed to hear Diego's plan to stay in a wheelchair so that Diana will never leave him. Now she knows that she can trust him.

Isabel and Eugenia are arguing about what to do about the baby. Isabel is afraid that they'll be charged with kidnapping if they return the baby, so Eugenia suggests that they leave him in a park and then call the police. They go to pick up Maxito and find that his fever is back, so now they can't just drop him off at a park. Eugenia says that they'll have to return him.

Diego and Marfil are scheming about how to keep Diana and Max apart - he suggests that she convince Max to take the baby from Diana. Then Diana will hate him forever. Marfil thinks it just might work - she never wanted to raise the little nurse's baby, but at least she won't have to deform her body by getting pregnant.

Isabel and Eugenia are freaking out at the latest news in the paper - that the baby has been stolen. Now the police will think that they're baby thieves and they'll end up in prison!

Speaking of prison, we return to TeleMiama jail, where Camila and Ignacio are still arguing with the transvestites and Silvia. Ignacio and Camila are thrilled to hear the news about Diana's baby being stolen, and the trannies are outraged at their heartlessness.

From San Francisco, Roberto is trying to reach his cousin Ignacio by phone and doesn't understand why he's not getting an answer. Fiona is whining to him about how he doesn't give her enough attention, he tells her that he's got to arrange the trip to Miami and will be back in a few hours. No problemo, she's looking forward to the trip because she'll get a chance to rekindle an old flame when she sees Maximilliano. Cut to commercial.

We return from commercial to Isabel and Eugenia, where Eugenia convinces Isabel that she needs to call Diana and arrange to return the baby. Isabel agrees, but says they should check on the baby's fever first.

At the mansion, Silvia is telling about how she ended up in jail because of Ignacio and Camila, but Lala tells her that with everything going on in the house, her absence didn't matter. Silvia's a little flustered by Lala's comments, but manages to ask if there's been any news about the baby. When she learns that there hasn't, she suggests that they call a psychic she knows!

Meanwhile, the baby's fever has not gone down, and Isabel is worried that he's going to die.

At Bar Don Paco, Paco is telling someone on the phone that his marriage is a disaster when he's interrupted by the arrival of Yolanda and Rene, who want him to help Paola because she's never had the support of her mother.

Speaking of her mother, she's prowling like a cat around Paco's living room while Paola's curled up on the couch crying over Pancho. She says her only happiness is at the side of Pancho, and says that she misses her papa, who always loved her. Octavia thought bubbles that if she only know that Paco is her real father...

Paco isn't interested in hearing about Paola's problems. She's the one who ruined Caramelo's life. Yolanda hints that he would feel differently if he knew the truth - the truth that she's not authorized to tell him. Paco isn't interested, he just wants Paola as far away from him as possible.

Diana is laying in bed crying over Maxito when Silvia and Gaby enter and suggest that the psychic that Silvia knows may be able to help. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Rene asks Yolanda why she didn't tell Paco that he's Paola'a father, and Yolanda tells him that Octavia's capable of anything if she knew.

Estrella Cosmica has arrived, and I see that she's wearing one of Caramelo's earrings on her turban. She reads the cards to Diana - she sees two women, two women who are identical like two drops of water - these women will cause Diana a lot of pain. Diana tells her that one of them is dead, but Estrella says they're both alive and they intend to destroy her! Diana is impactada. Estrella has no info about the baby.

We're transported to Max's rental house, where Marfil's home and wants to talk to him about the baby. She's sure the baby will return, and when he does, maybe they should get custody of him and raise him together. Max looks confused by this suggestion.

Estrella tells Diana that the baby is in the arms of strange people, and the cards are not clear, but it appears that many people want to harm Diana, including a beautiful woman who wants to win back a lover from her past. Jump to San Fran where Fiona is daydreaming about Max.

Eugenia is telling Isabel that they need to call and arrange to return the baby. They're both worried about the baby's fever.

Fedora is not happy to hear about the Estrella's card reading in her house. The woman is a charlatan, and all she's done is make Diana more nervous. They're interrupted by the phone - Eugenia tells her that she's called to give her the address of where the baby is so that she can come get him. Diana has her usual glassy eyed response, and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, Eugenia tells her to come soon, the baby has had a fever. She also asks Diana not to call the police, as they didn't take the baby and they didn't know that Bruna had taken the baby. Diana promises that she won't call the police.

What Diana doesn't know is that her hubby's up to his same old tricks - he was listening in on the phone call. He's not happy at this latest development and calls his buddy Marfil to see what to do next.

Max is pacing around his new library in his ugly blue sweater as Rene, Yolanda, and Larry try to keep him calm.

Lala is telling Pancho about the baby's kidnapping, and Pancho wants to know how Diego's taking it, as he knows that Diego loves the baby. She says she doesn't know, he's behaving strangely, he's acting tense. He's not the good man he used to be - he's changed so much. Pancho says of course he's not, he's paralyzed and he's not loved by his wife.

Max is crying on Yolanda's shoulder in the company of Rene and Larry, who are telling him not to worry, when the phone rings. It's Diana - she knows where the baby is! Credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #294B 6/12/07 Serendipity

Carmina tells Aldo that she’s sorry. She knows how much he loves Lety and that he’s suffering. Aldo replies that he feels empty, as though life has ended. Carmina reminds him that he doesn’t deserve this. She will do whatever to help him. Aldo’s cryptic reply is that pain is part of life. He never thought he would suffer like this again. Carmina asks him what he’s going to do. He responds that he’s not of the mind to think about that right now. Carmina thinks that if Lety didn’t know how to appreciate Aldo, then there’s no reason to suffer because of her. Aldo absently says that Lety never stopped loving Fernando. Aldo thanks Carmina for coming. She asks if they’ll see each other tomorrow. “Who knows if I will be here tomorrow. I want so very much to be in Acapulco. So very much.” Carmina kisses him on the head and takes her leave.

Fernando comes home and Marcia immediately asks him to listen to her latest love letter. “Neither the light nor the most pure sound not even the most extraordinary landscape competes with your beauty because for me your are the light, the sound and the scenery.” Marcia looks pretty happy. Fernando thanks Marcia, thinking she wrote it for her. She tells him no and then asks if he thinks it’s nice. His facial expression doesn’t change so she asks him to at least say if he didn’t like it or thought it was pretentious. Fernando still doesn’t respond so Marcia asks him about what’s going on. Before he answers she says that she knows. He’s sad because his friend, Omar, moved in with Caro. Fernando didn’t know this and can’t believe that Omar would leave without at least leaving a Carvajalmark. Marcia replies that Omar only took ten minutes to pack. Maybe because he was worried that Caro would change her mind. Marcia tells Fernando not to worry, because they’ll see Omar everyday in the office. Fernando says that he’s happy for Omar but feels bad for Caro, then he corrects and says that he’s happy for the two of them. Marcia can tell that something is still wrong. Fernando replies that it’s an important moment and he doesn’t want to allow an opportunity to pass him. He says that something happened with Lety that is a sign. He would really like to get Lety back and with the way things are going this might be a good moment. Fernando half smiles.

It’s daybreak again in Mexico City and Lety’s in her office reading a newspaper about how she, the ugly executive, is Aurora. Fernando takes the paper from her and reads the article out loud. Lety thinks the article is correct. She’s the ugliest of the ugliest. Fernando disagrees and says that she’s the most beautiful of all. Lety thanks him for saying that to make her feel better, but she really thinks of herself as horrendous. Fernando’s mad as hell and he’s not going to take it anymore! He points to the picture of Lety and says look at this beautiful woman. He looks at where he’s pointing and switches to Aurora’s photo. Lety says she’s not Aurora, she’s Lety. The ugly one who no one will love. Fernando says that he fell crazy in love with her, and he continues to be crazy in love with her.

The cuartel looks at the pictures in the newspaper. Sara comments that she can’t believe they chased this woman. Irmita says that one never knows for whom she works. Sara says that this is like a fairy tale. The women talk about the changes between the women that Lety had to make. Irmita brings up the kiss between Aurora and Inocencio. Even Sara thinks it was hell of a kiss. Irmita says that those two are crazy in love. She wonders when Lety will realize that she really loves Don Fernando.

Carmina enters Conceptos and heads directly for Lety’s office. Lola tries to stop her but Carmina says that she had to speak with Lety. Lola leaves the office and Fernando stands. Carmina apologizes for entering like that, but she needed to speak with Lety. Carmina gets right to the point and tells Lety that Aldo has told Carmina what Lety did. Lety is impactado. Carmina continues and says that Aldo called her last night and that Lety cannot imagine what Carmina had to do to console him. Lety says that she can imagine. Lety starts to explain, but Carmina interrupts. She doesn’t want to judge; she just wants Lety to stay calm. Aldo left for Acapulco. Lety says that she needs to talk to Aldo. Carmina tells Lety that he doesn’t want to see her ever again. Lety says that if he went to Acapulco, she will go look for him. Carmina says that she wishes that Lety would leave Aldo alone. Lety replies that she and Aldo need to talk. Carmina says that she prohibits it. She, Carmina, is going today to Acapulco to live with Aldo!

Fernando talks to God. Only God knows how much he loves Lety. Could this be his opportunity to get her back? Fernando defends his Lety and rushes Carmina out of the office. Lety collapses into her chair. She can’t believe that woman is going to live with Aldo in Acapulco. Carmina comes charging back into the office and holds up the newspaper. Carmina tells Lety not to worry because Carmina will make Aldo happy. Fernando once again pushes her out of the office. When he returns, Fernando grips hands with a crying Lety.

Seriously, why would they play the happy Acapulco music at this moment? Anyway, Aldo stands against a half wall holding the newspaper. Aldo says that he should have told Lety that he left, but he was just so disillusioned. The man in the restaurant thinks this is reasonable. Aldo talks about planning his wedding, but the man thinks Aldo should focus on other things like the restaurant. Aldo says that it’s time for him to get back the restaurant and he’s still not happy.

Fernando tells Lety that he’s never said a word and that’s important. Erasmo’s voice comes in from the Vortex. He does not want to be announced. Julieta tries to hold him back, but he slams the newspaper on the desk and demands to know that it means. Lety starts to reply, but Erasmo says there is no way to justify it. Fernando interrupts Erasmo’s tirade and says that Erasmo has no right to scold or judge his daughter. Erasmo replies that Lety is his daughter, and that gives him the right. Fernando agrees that Erasmo has rights as a father, but he won’t listen to Lety’s reasons. Fernando volunteers to explain it all. Erasmo wants to not what gives Fernando the right to explain it. “Because I love your daughter!” Fernando replies. Fernando then stumbles and tries to get Julieta to help him. Fernando backs off and allows Erasmo to continue. Erasmo says he’s waiting for a response.

Now it’s Omar looking at the newspaper, and he’s shaking. Marcia tells him that she didn’t believe it either. Sara reads directly from the article talking about Lety converting into the beautiful woman. Omar yelps out that he cannot believe it. Caro pulls Marcia aside and says that she’s really nervous. Luigi also has the newspaper, and he’s just as incredulous as Omar. He thinks this is against the laws of aesthetics.

Fernando’s talking again. He tells Erasmo that Lety did it all for love. Fernando catches himself and is silent once again. Erasmo says that love has caused the worst injustices in history. Luigi, Caro and Omar enter the office. Luigi accuses Lety of having a pact with the devil. He wants to know how she did it. Omar talks next. He thanks Lety. Erasmo wants to know why. Omar explains that Lety taught him a good lesson. He discovered that life is not frivolous. He now values women and has fallen in love with an incredible woman. Luigi squeals. Erasmo says that he had no idea that Aurora did so many things. Fernando replies that Erasmo cannot even imagine how many problems Aurora solved for the company. Julieta asks Erasmo to forgive his daughter. Erasmo does so and tells Lety that she has his love. Lety and Fernando look at each lovingly. The “boink” apart when the phone rings.

It’s Jacks on the phone. Jacks tells Fernando to enjoy this moment because no other program will go on air with as much expectation as this one. Fernando says that he’s going to tell the truth. He’s fed up and he doesn’t support this at all! Jacks seems surprised, but he laughs anyway. Jacks reminds Fernando that Conceptos will reap a fortune from this. Fernando says that doesn’t matter to him. Jacks says that as a businessman, Fernando should be more cold. Fernando replies that he used to be like that, and he lost the woman that he loved. Fernando says that it was very egotistical of Jacks to publish that article. Fernando accuses Jacks of ruining Lety’s life. Jacks replies that wasn’t his intention. He says that he’s sorry. Fernando says that this doesn’t fix anything, Lety’s still destroyed.

Everyone in Lety’s office overhears Fernando’s tongue lashing. Julieta thinks that he’s incredible. Irmita agrees. Erasmo says that Aldo loves Lety more. Marcia wisely says that Lety, Aldo and Fernando need to fix their own problems. Julieta agrees, but she likes Fernando defending his daughter. Juana points out that Aldo is not even here. Lety interjects and says that they might never see Aldo again. He went to Acapulco. Everyone’s shocked. Fernando enters and notices the tension. He rushes everyone out of the office. He runs to Lety to get her to go watch the show as well. He pushes her chair and then takes her by the hand.

The whole cast watches the kissing episode. It went well and everyone applauds, except Lety. Fernando comforts her.

Aldo and the man shake hands. Aldo has officially re-purchased his restaurant. He thanks the man for taking care of “The Flavor of Life.” I’m surprised Aldo didn’t try to rename Lety “The Flavor of Life”! The man wishes Aldo luck. Another man congratulates Aldo for being the owner of the property. (Anyone else notice that this is Aldo’s office in Conceptos minus the boat and a few other decorations?) Aldo thinks this is incredible. A talk show comes on air talking about the new show, “Corazon, Corazon.”


Zorro Monday June 11, 2007: Where Diego picks a fight and Selenia suggests a séance.

OK-- I did this recap pretty quickly, so some detail might be missing. Please feel free to fill in anywhere I was vague. Also, I won't be able to do Wednesday's recap. Is there anyone who'd like to give a shot at trying to recap?


Esmeralda sees Mariangel kissing Diego as they ride past in a carriage. She is weak and this is the final blow, she collapses.

Meanwhile, SAM/Garcia and Pizarro are tracking Esme. Piza notices Montero’s tracks as well and the two soldiers realize they don’t have a lot of time if they want to get to Esme first.

Tobias strangles Catarina. He calls her a tramp and a slut. He releases his hold on her and tells her that she’s all but written his death sentence. Tobi lets Cat know that he saw her with Pizarro. Cat switches to offense and tells Tobi that she is a lady, and will not tolerate him calling her a tramp. She also says that if she turned to Piza it is all Tobi’s fault….he didn’t treat her right. He slaps her and is shocked at his behavior. He mutters to himself “what am I doing” and that his mother taught him to treat women with respect (for some odd reason, at this point, I had a flash of Norman Bates….don’t know why, but I did). Tobi tells Cat that she brings out the worst in him.

Diego tells Mangle ¡Ya basta! Enough already! Mangle orders Diego out of the carriage and tells him that she never wants to see him again. He makes some comment about the baby and this ticks Mangle off even more. She says that he only cares about the baby (that’s right, and it’s high time you figured that out). Diego is unwilling to get into this again, so he tells Bernardo to take Mangle into town, he’s going to walk back to the hacienda.

Esme musters up some strength and starts walking again. She cries out for Diego to come back to her. She falls down again and when she looks up, she sees Monty, on horseback, looming over her. He pulls out his pistol and aims at her.

Yumali shows Maria Pia how to administer the medicine her abuela made for Almudena. Yumi warns that it is important that just the right amount be given---too little it isn’t effective and too much would have terrible effects. Yumi tells MP that she picked her to help with this because she has confidence in her. MP is flattered. The two women start to discuss how Mangle wouldn’t be a good choice to help with this project, they decide not to tell Mangle about the medicine. Olmos overhears and he’s upset that the two women trash talked Mangle.

Mangle tries to get Diego to get back into the carriage. She says she doesn’t like the way he talks to her and that no man has ever talked to her like that before. Diego isn’t complying, jus then Juan rides up from the hacienda. Diego asks to borrow his horse and he takes off.

Monty taunts Esme about what she saw with Mangle and Diego. He comments that he doesn’t know what she and Mangle see in Diego. After all, he’s being made a fool since Monty is sleeping with his wife. Monty ties up Esme and makes her walk behind his horse.

Cat tries to get Tobi to go to the Maestro’s funeral. Tobi resists at first and gets miffed when Cat implies they are a couple. He finally agrees, but gets a dig in by telling Cat that while they are at the cemetery they should search out his grave spot since he’s going to end up having to duel with Pizarro.

SAM and Piza see that Monty’s got Esme. SAM wants to do something, but Piza says they can’t. If they intervene, everyone will know it was them. They need to wait for the right moment.

Diego meets up with Padre Tomás. He rehashes his finding out that Fernando killed his mother. PT lets Diego know that he knew that. This makes Diego mad. PT says he couldn’t say anything because it was revealed in a confession. PT remembers when Diego was a child and came to the Mission, he was trying to forget the horror. Diego says that Fernando has to pay. PT reminds him that he took a vow for justice, and he can’t seek vengeance against FS as Zorro. Diego says he’ll do it as himself. PT says Diego can’t use a sword, and if you do, you’ll reveal to all that you are indeed Zorro.

SAM and Piza meet up with Monty and Esme. SAM is a little too excited that Esme was found. Esme faints and SAM convinces Monty to let him put her on his mule to head back to la casa escondida.

In the cantina, Diego asks for the strong stuff and wants to be informed when Fernando leaves his office. The barmaid complies. She gives Diego a little gossip on why the cantina is messy, because of the fight that Fernando got into earlier.

Mangle sends her letter to Barcelona. She finds out it will take about 60 – 70 days to get there. So she knows that she won’t get a reply for about 4 – 5 months. She passes Selenia, who compliments Mangle on her perfume. MA appears to ignore the sorceress. Selenia figures out that Mangle was sending a letter and with her powers, she appears to be scanning the sealed envelope.

Olmos is dreaming, and I think it is a pesadilla. He’s talking to his mother who fills him in on the curse that was placed on her womb. We get a little background info on Selenia, she was supposed to be about 130 years old when Olmos was a child and she cursed the womb for payment from a woman who was in love with Olmos’s father. Olmos wakes up and swears he’ll get revenge on the witch once he’s been able to use her potion on Mangle.

Selenia convinces Mangle that she can talk to the dead. She reveals that she knows Mangle’s name and Santiago’s name. This freaks Mangle out a bit, but also hooks her into agreeing to have Selenia contact the dead for her.

Maria Pia and Dena rehash Diego finding out about the truth of his mother’s death. Dena warns MP to steer clear of her brother.

Yumi finds Alejandro in the barn…blah, blah, blah. Just to sum up, he hasn’t told Dena about Yumi being his Indian wife because he doesn’t want her to suffer. I imagine it would be a little difficult to fill you wife in on you being a bigamist.

A drunken Diego goes out to find Fernando. He calls out to the governor and Fernando knows that something’s up, so he sends his men away. Diego makes a run for FS and the two men wrestle and fight. You killed my mother!! I didn’t know it was her tribe!! Diego accuses Fernando of taking away his two great loves---his mother and Esme. Maria Pia happens along and breaks up the fight. Fernando’s parting words to Diego are “If I’d known, I would have never touched her” (meaning Regina/Purina).

Padre Tomás figures out that Diego got drunk as a way to insure he wouldn’t kill Fernando. PT is impressed.

Monty wants to take Esme back to the prison where it is more secure. Piza says he fortified the basement and wants Monty to put the thugs under his commands. Monty agrees. Monty and Piza rehash the explosion mishap, right in front of SAM. SAM knows they were plotting to kill the Marquesa. Monty leaves, and Piza tells SAM to give Esme water and to not let her die.

Cat begs for Tobi to forgive her. He says she’s got to forget that man, but if she wants to dally around, she needs to find someone weaker than Tobi so he has a chance in a duel.

MP looks after Diego and she apologizes again for holding back the secret for so long. Diego tells her he’d like to be alone.

Cat and Piza meet in their secret spot, while Tobi watches from the loft. She tells him that she wants to end it and he says he’s the one who decides when it is over. He questions her and why she seems afraid (this is after he threatened her with physical harm, so I think that could contribute to her fear). She says she just doesn’t want to cheat on Tobi any more. Fine, Piza says, I’ll kill him and it won’t be a problem any more.

Olmos and Mangle go to Selenia, so she can hold a séance.

Maria Pia wanders the town alone and runs into the handsome man from the cantina. You know, the one who ended up fighting with Fernando because he made some remarks regarding MP’s attractiveness.

SAM goes to find Diego, in the cantina, and tells him that he’s got something very important to tell him. END OF EPISODE


Duelo—June 11, 2007 “Boy, am I stupid!” says Alina. “You are really stupid!” says Coral.

Sorry for the length of this post—there was a ton of dramatic dialogue. Stuff I couldn’t really summarize all that well.

We open to marital discord between Emilio and Thelma over whether Thelma can burst into her soon to be ex-husband’s bedroom whenever she feels like it. [Fabiola Campomanes may be one hot wench en realidad but lately all she’s been doing is scowling and I am not the first to notice that when she does her face more than resembles that of a rat. ]

Emilio astutely points out that the only reason she regrets having tormented Alina is because she thought she was dead. Now that that’s proven NOT to be the case, she’s going to try to keep him from seeing her. Emilio tells her that she knows that he’s going to fight for her. Thelma scowls some more.

We skip over to the hospital where Gaspar is lying in a coma after having had the bejeezus beaten out of him in his failed lucha comeback. Luba is crying and praying to the Virgin of Peace (without her usual visual aid) to save Gaspar, to help him to hang on until she can undergo the liver transplant. She murmurs about how children are the only thing that are important. Children, like her little cub Gasparito.

Back to Thelma and Emilio. Thelma threatens Emilio that she’ll never give him a divorce and if he insists she’ll get custody of Emilito. [I know that there’s a bias in favor of the mother in custody battles but, let’s see—you drank copious amounts of booze during your pregnancy, once the baby was born, you threatened to throw him off a bridge and then last week, you tried to kill yourself. Not exactly a candidate for Mother of the Year.] Emilio is non-plussed. He figured she would go there. She taunts him again, that he doesn’t care about their son. He cuts her off and threatens that she could lose everything, including their son. Then he tells her to out of his room. Thelma bares her teeth at him and swears that he will regret this before she finally leaves.

We transition to the morning of the next day, with a beautiful pink- orange and blue sky. Adela is serving Soledad and Coral breakfast on the terrace at Coral’s mansion. Soledad inquires about Alina, whether she is awake. Adela affirms that Alina has been awake for hours walking around the house. They agree that after what happened last night when she met Emilio again, she’s probably still shaken up. Coral says that she must speak to Alina about Emilio. Just then, Alina walks up, looking goth in a gray and black sweater and jeans. She’s pouty and sullen and doesn’t want any breakfast. She’s NOT wearing THE heart pendant but appears to be wearing some other pendant. Adela hears the doorbell ring and goes to answer it. Coral starts in to explain what Angel and she had tried to do. Just then, Adela shows up with the visitor—it’s Emilio and he demands to talk to her right now. [He looks just as bad as she does in some bug-eye-Elvis sized dark sunglasses and a black leather jacket.] Alina gets up and asks everybody to leave so she can speak to Emilio alone

We hop over to Veracruz, to the Montellano canefields. Hugo and Alfonsina have evidently made up and are packing up to go on the lam back to Sierra Escondida to find THE BOX. Hugo is making sure he has the blank checks when suddenly Don Loco’s sleazy lawyer walks into the office with a revolver cocked in his hand. “Well, well,” he says unpleasantly. Alfonsina asks stupidly what he’s doing there. “I’ve come to kill you” says SL, lowering his weapon at Hugo.

Back to the other showdown, between Emilio and Alina. The other women leave. Alina stands up and tells him that they have some things to clear up. Emilio asks her why she hid from him that she was alive. “To protect myself until my father’s trial was over” she replies. “Why didn’t you tell me of your plan?” he insists. Alina gets huffy—“You think I planned all this?” “I took the potion that Luba gave me because I was desperate. I wanted to die. Because if I couldn’t be with you, I didn’t want to marry anyone.” “I didn’t know how I could go on living.” “So, says Emilio, you did it because you love me?” “Yes” says Alina, “and now I see it was for nothing because you are back with your wife.” Emilio says, “No, that’s not true.” Alina counters, “Oh yeah? Last night I saw you kissing her. It didn’t look like you were suffering.” “Oh, yeah?” says Emilio “and how long did you plan on making me suffer with your death?” “Don’t you get it that I am still here because I love you?” He sounds pretty pissed when he utters that last sentence and he grabs her roughly to kiss her. Alina resists and pushes him back angrily. “Once again with your stolen kisses!” she hisses at him. “I hope you enjoyed it because it’s the last one you are going to get.” “You think you’re going to forget me?” says Emilio. “Yes!” says Alina. “I’m not going to deny that I had a tiny piece of hope left that you and I could love each other…but after what I saw last night…it became utterly clear to me that your place is beside your wife.” “No!” says Emilio. “I am going to divorce Thelma.” “Ay!” says Alina, exasperated. She sits down. “I don’t believe you.” Just then, Rodrigo walks in claiming that the door was open and he decided to just come on in. Emilio scowls at Rodrigo, Rodrigo is stony faced back at him. Alina looks from one to the other, squinting into the light.

If you were wondering where the three other women went, they are in the living room where Don Max recently met his fate. Evidently, Coral has found a magnificent carpet cleaning service because the same rug is still there without any evidence that a guy was stabbed to death with a poker on it. Adela is peeking out the window into the garden at the other trio going at it out there. Adela is hoping that Alina and Emilio kiss and make up. Coral is worried about their stupid pride getting in the way. Soledad, the prude, is sure that the only reason that is keeping her daughter from Emilio’s arms is that she doesn’t want to be the cause of a divorce. Coral shakes her head at Soledad as if to say, You have no idea, babe.

Back to the standoff in the garden. Emilio asks Rodrigo to leave. Rodrigo gives some lame excuse like he’s in charge of Alina’s security and he can’t leave. Emilio thanks him for his service and says he’s not needed at the moment. Alina protests that Emilio is acting like an jerk, he’s always acting like he owns her. As far as she’s concerned, they are done talking. She tells him to leave. Emilio is incredulous. “You are asking me to leave after you hid that you were still alive from me?” Rodrigo chimes in “You heard her, Emilio. Either go, or I’ll kick you out.” “Look, says Emilio, I don’t want to cause a ruckus. But I’m not giving up either.” Alina looks darkly at him. “I will fight for your love, Alina. Until you understand that our destiny is to be together.” Rodrigo puts his arm around Alina. “Well, then Emilio, it’s better that you know that you will also have to confront me. “I am not going to give up on her love either. “What do you have to do with this?” asks Emilio. Alina interrupts to say that she and Rodrigo are going out. What’s more, he’s asked her to marry him and she has agreed to become his wife. If Emilio wasn’t played by such a bad actor he’d be impactado into the commercial. Instead all he does is grimace and squint into the camera.

We come back into this SAME interminable scene between Emilio, Alina and Rodrigo. Emilio of course, asks for clarification of what Alina just said before the commercial and Alina repeats that she’s going to marry Rodrigo. Emilio asks her if that is her final answer and Alina gives a little smirk and says “yes.” Emilio complains that if he had known about this he wouldn’t have come to see her. Alina doesn’t like the way this sounds and starts mewling about how she has a right to a fresh start, just like he’s doing with Thelma. Rodrigo starts trying to get Emilio to leave again. Emilio finally says that he will still separate from Thelma because she has done nothing but blackmail him with their son. Alina says that she can only believe what she sees, just like he did when he saw her in bed with Orlando. And besides, she doesn’t want to be the cause of breaking up his family. She smirks again, this time with moral superiority. Emilio starts to disagree. Rodrigo AGAIN starts in with the getting Emilio to leave. Emilio tells him to stuff it, he’s leaving. “Goodbye, Alina. I hope you find happiness.” He goes. Alina looks stricken. Rodrigo holds on to her tightly with a grim smile, like he thinks she’s going to run away.

Back to Veracruz—Sleazy Lawyer holding a gun on Hugo with Alfonsina trying to stay out of the line of fire. Hugo tries to argue that he thought DL double crossed him by stealing back the money he had been paid for his testimony. The lawyer listens but is unimpressed. Alfonsina whimpers and SL tells her to shut up. She’s using Hugo’s body as a shield but with the canon that SL is holding, at that range, the bullet would easily go right through Hugo into her. Hugo tries to argue with the lawyer that he’s not the type to kill in cold blood. SL laughs at Hugo.
Back to Rodrigo and Alina who are now sitting at the table. Clueless Rodrigo is elated that Alina has just agreed to marry him. Alina doesn’t look so happy about it. Rodrigo whines that maybe she just said that to get rid of Emilio. [YA THINK?] “I’d understand…sniff sniff.” Alina looks guilty and answers in a small voice “Of course I want to marry you…” she still looks unhappy. Rodrigo is all smiley again. [WHAT A LOSER!] Alina looks tortured once again, with the lip biting and regret written all over her face.

Once again with SL, Alfonsina and Hugo. [SHOOT THEM ALREADY, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE!] blah blah blah. OK this is a bad sign and yes---Hugo manages to overpower SL, grab his gun and knock him on the head with it. Alfonsina thanks Hugo for saving her but Hugo is all business. He did it for himself and the money. He grabs money out of SL’s wallet and they hurry up their original plan to leave for SE. They don’t kill him but figure they’ll be long gone by the time he wakes up. They grab their stuff and leave, DL’s ridiculous portrait hanging next to the door.
Over at Emilio’s Puebla mansion, he’s pouring himself a brandy and moping about why he seems destined never to be happy and never to be with Alina. He doesn’t get why she doesn’t believe that he will be divorcing Thelma. Just then Thelma walks in, triumphant. She knows he went to see her and from his demeanor, she knows it didn’t go well. Emilio tells her to go away, as usual.

Alina and Rodrigo are kissing in the garden. It is the worst kiss I’ve ever seen. It’s like both of them are forcing themselves to kiss the other. It breaks up fast when Soledad and Coral come in. Soledad innocently says that she thought Emilio was still here. “No, Emilio and I…we resolved everything that we had to resolve…” says Alina. Rodrigo jumps up and announces that Alina has agreed to marry him. Soledad looks surprised. Coral looks suspicious. Alina smiles wanly.

Over at Casa Valtierra, Emilio has accused Thelma of trying to fix up the dinner date with Rodrigo and Alina to shock him. Thelma dramatically says that back then, everybody thought Alina was dead, the dinner had nothing to do with Alina. Emilio doesn’t buy it. What’s more, he’s not going to let her continue to bother Alina. Thelma tells him she doesn’t think he should worry about Alina anymore. “she has someone to take care of her now.” “And that’s not you!” She struts over to the brandy and pours herself a glass. Emilio warns her that it’s not over yet. He’s going to confront Rodrigo and anyone else who tries to get between him and Alina, including her. Thelma knows she’s got him where she wants him and she pushes again---“I don’t think you should be worried about me. It’s Rodrigo you should be worried about. I don’t think he’s going to let you get between him and Alina.” “Besides, I don’t think it’s good for you to be humiliating yourself like this. You should just accept that she’s never going to be with you. She already has her Captain…. Captain.” She walks out of the room laughing with her glass of brandy.
Back to the Hospital where Luba is in conference with Gaspar’s doctor. The weird little man who is some kind of fight manager helps to facilitate the discussion because Luba has been transformed in this foreign setting, from a smart, crafty witch to a stupid, clueless peasant. The doctor tells her that they will have to do some tests to see if her organs are compatible with Gaspar’s. She finds it hard to believe that her son’s body is not compatible with hers.
Back at Coral’s mansion Soledad thinks there is something not quite right about Alina rejecting the love of her life (as impossible or inappropriate as he was) and immediately accepting a marriage proposal from a guy that she’s only known for a few weeks. When Coral butts in to say that she can’t have forgotten Emilio that fast, Soledad tries to interrupt her as if the suggestion is impertinent. Coral stands her ground this time but Rodrigo, pathetic excuse for a guy that he is, says he knows what it’s like to try to forget someone and move on [YES but your wife was DEAD, you aren’t likely to meet her at every other corner]. He knows that his job will be to try to make Alina forget Emilio and to make her happy. He kisses Alina’s hand. Alina looks like she can’t decide whether this is cute or smarmy.

At Casa Valtierra, Thelma is buttoning up Emilito’s onesie while talking to the SA. She recounts her conversation with with Emilio and finishes up on how Emilio is still humiliating her by pursing the reluctant Alina. SA tells her that she was the one who accepted this situation. Thelma disagrees. She never accepted this. She is going to come up with a plan to separate them. When SA protests, Thelma starts screaming at her to shut up and not get in her way.
At Coral’s, Rodrigo has gone back to the base. Soledad confronts her daughter alone and wants to know the truth about this sudden engagement. Alina gives it up almost immediately that her pride was hurt when she saw Emilio kissing Thelma and it was the first thing she could think of to say that she knew would hurt Emilio. She’s not sure she wants to marry Rodrigo, she was er…confused. Soledad says, “So basically, you accepted Rodrigo out of an attack of jealousy. That was a really bad thing to do…don’t you see that from all that has happened with your Father?” “Why couldn’t you explain that to Rodrigo?’ Alina looks sheepish. “ He was so happy, I couldn’t break his heart.” Soledad looks disapprovingly. Coral pokes her head in the door. “Sorry for listening, but you need to know something Alina.” “Emilio didn’t lie when he told you he was going to divorce Thelma. Angel told me that even before he found out you were alive, Emilio had already asked Thelma for a divorce. Emilio didn’t deceive you.” Alina is impactada into the commercial.

Out of the commercial, Alina is in a rage. “SO WHY WAS HE KISSING HER THEN?” she demands. Coral says, “It was just a kiss. And besides, I have no doubt that that chick could force him to do it. Look, Angel told me that that crazy bitch never stops trying to blackmail him. She’s threatened to kill herself.” “Wow” says Soledad. “That woman is crazy.” Now it’s Alina’s turn to smack herself upside the head. “Boy, am I stupid! I thought that they had reconciled because he thought I was dead.” “You are REALLY stupid” says Coral. “What’s going to happen now?” Alina buries her hands in her face and groans. “I don’t know.” Coral continues “you can’t be playing with Rodrigo’s feelings!” Soledad finally butts in here. Yeah Yeah, we covered that before you got here. Alina pipes up that she made a promise to Rodrigo and now she’s going to have to keep it. And anyway, he’s a good guy and she could learn to love him. Soledad nervously fusses with her daughter’s hair.

Over at Casa Valtierra, Thelma has apparently decided that she has to get rid of Alina-Flor, whatever her name is. She’s got to kill her. She confides in the SA who is horrified. She’s also got to settle accounts with Angel who undoubtedly planned that little reunion at Coral’s boutique. SA argues that he did it for Emilio’s good. Thelma jumps on her that she’s insinuating that Alina is for Emilio’s good but she explains that no, Angel tried to argue on her behalf that Emilio give her another chance. It would do no good to try to pick a fight with Angel as well. Thelma is livid. SA decides it’s a good time to leave. Thelma insists that Angel hates her. SA tells her that if she harms Angel, Emilio will hate her even more. Thelma claims that Emilio need never know…unless the SA betrays her. SA tells Thelma that she’s her niece and that she would never do that. She embraces her. And she thought bubbles that because she cares about Thelma; she isn’t going to let her go through with any plans would make her fall any lower than she has already.

Hugo and Alfonsina are at the bus station in Veracruz going to buy tickets for San Mateo. Alfonsina suddenly says that they can’t go to San Mateo, first they have to go to Puebla. Hugo looks at her like she’s crazy. She’s wanted in Puebla for killing the clerk in the hotel. Alfonsina says she has a plan so that she will not be recognized. Hugo wants to know more but Alfonsina insists that all he has to do is watch and she will execute the plan. Hugo agrees to go with her. NO THIS MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. DON’T EVEN TRY. NOTHING ELSE TO SEE HERE, LETS JUST MOVE ALONG TO THE NEXT SCENE.

At the Boutique de Coral Claudia has just made a sale. Angel just happens to be in the neighborhood and stops by. He’s wearing a black sweatshirt that says “I’ve been in the Taj Mahal.” At least, I think the last line says “Taj Mahal.” Caudia tells him that the customers have been coming in at a good pace all day but that neither Coral nor Soledad have been in. Angel tells her that he’s not there to see them. He wants to invite her to go have a meal with him. A late lunch, I guess, since he mentions 3 o’clock. Claudia accepts and looks pretty happy about it.
It’s still girltalk time in Alina’s room at Coral’s. Soledad, whatever her flaws can see that marrying Rodrigo when she is in love with someone else is not a good idea. She’s suffered enough in a bad marriage to not wish any of the same kind of hell on her own daughter. Coral chimes in that she knows she’s being nosy but she wants to talk to Alina alone. Soledad realizes that this whole situation is really too complicated for her tiny brain to handle and she tells Coral that she’ll be going along to the Boutique to see how things are going there. Coral sits down on the bed, across from Alina and addresses her directly. “Look, I know that Rodrigo is a nice guy, a teddy bear [peluchito—am I translating that right?] But tell me, does he get you hot like Emilio?” [actually the word she uses is estremecer, shiver or shake but you get the picture.] Alina sees why this is not a conversation she can have with her mom present. She sighs, no. Compared to Emilio, with all his faults, Rodrigo is, shall we say, a little light in the loafers. “That’s exactly it, says Coral. Love without Passion, is nothing more than affection.” “What do I do?” asks Alina. “Tell Rodrigo that you were mistaken. What you feel for him is friendship. Nothing more.“ Then, go to Emilio. Tell him that you love him and you can’t love anyone else.” Alina looks scared. “I can’t do that!” Coral urges her—“and what happens when Emilio divorces Thelma because he can no longer stand that witch. Will you go to him then?” Alina gets all wobbly and hides her face in her hands and groans. She gets up and walks out of the room. Coral looks doubtful that Alina has the cojones to go through with what she knows she has to do.

Still in Puebla, we are back at the jail, where a soccer game is taking place. DL and batneck are plotting DL’s escape. DL has big plans once he escapes to kill all the people who tormented him in jail, one by one.

Elsewhere in Puebla, Mariana, Malena and Ricardo are having lunch. Malena wants to know what Mariana’s plans are now that she’s confronted DL and he didn’t believe her story. Now she’s thinking of going after Alfonsina. After all, it’s her fault that all this happened. Ricardo doesn’t like the sound of that. He’s worried about her having a relapse. Malena agrees. Mariana says there is no hurry in pursuing Alfonsina since she probably thinks she’s in the clear. First, she wants to take advantage of the fact that Alina and Soledad are in town so that they can be present for her wedding. Ricardo almost drops his fork. He is ecstatic.

At Coral’s, the prosecutor, whose name escapes me, arrives. He is there to take Alina for the DNA test. Soledad seems oddly nervous, while Alina is very confident. Could it be that Soledad really did cheat… Noooooo! Anyway, they all leave at the same time, with Soledad heading to the Boutique and Alina to the DNA test place.

In a café, Angel has met up with his older brother. Emilio looks pretty awful, with his Elvis sunglases. He looks like he’s hung over. He needs to talk to somebody before he goes crazy. He tells him that Alina is engaged to Rodrigo Ochoa. Angel is impactado.

Coral and Claudia have made another sale. Coral tells her to go ahead and take her lunch break. It’s almost 3.

At the prison, the soccer game is heating up. In the background shanks are being exchanged and batneck provokes a fight. This is pretext for the riot.

Angel and Emilio discuss the details of what Emilio knows about the Rodrigo-Alina thing. Angel isn’t buying it. He’s sure that they are just friends. Emilio says that maybe that is how it started. Angel is uncharacteristically firm. He tells Emilio that he must fight for Alina. Emilio adds that Alina is afraid that she will be blamed for his divorce. Angel says it doesn’t matter, he must make her see reason, she doesn’t love him. Emilio is buoyed by this information and smiles, saying that he’s going to fight. He gets up and leaves. Angel realizes he is late for Claudia. He figures he might as well blow her off completely and go see his doctor instead.

Back at the Prison riot, fists are flying. Batneck and DL stay out of it until the guards come then they give the signal and the inmates turn on the guards. Jailbreak!

Next we go to Rodrigo’s apartment. Mauricio, Dra. Aida Loca’s dud boyfriend fills him in on the big bustup. He tells it like she broke up with him but I remember it more like, she got caught and he walked out on her, but no matter. Maurico tells Rodrigo that Dra. Loca is in love with her patient…Alvaro Montellano. Rodrigo is impactado. He’s never known the identity of this mystery patient before.

At the jailbreak in progress, who should show up but Sergio. Somehow he’s just been sent over to this section and good timing too, or so he thinks. Don Loco is not interested in his help. Sergio is ticked off and warns the guard that DL is escaping.

Over at the DNA lab, Alina is having her blood drawn. She’s happy to get this out of the way. General Ochoa shows up to take custody of the results and chats with her. She tells him that she’s grateful to Rodrigo for guarding her but now she doesn’t really need protection anymore since her Dad is in jail. Ochoa is solicitous and asks her what she thinks of doing next. She tell him she’s always been interested in medicine, she learned a lot from Luba about herbs and she’d like to study some more. General Ochoa says he has a propostion for her.

At Rodrigo’s apartment, He’s serving coffee. Mauricio asks if Rod had any idea that Aida was in love with a patient. Rodrigo says no but he’ll talk to her. She has to put this behind her. Mauricio says he loves Aida and doesn’t want to lose her. Rod can’t believe she could lose everything…for this guy. The doorbell rings. It’s Emilio. He’s demanding a chat with Rod. GEE WHAT MONSTEROUSLY BAD TIMING, EMILIO! Rod looks like he wants to slug him.
At the jailbreak, DL and batneck sneak out past the guard. They scale a wall and some pals are waiting with a rope to rappel the rest of the way out.

At Rodrigo’s Mauricio can see the thunderclouds and he beats a hasty retreat. Emilio wants to have it out with Rod. Alina loves him. The only reason why she isn’t running to him is that she thinks that she is causing his divorce. Rod goes into the whole, leave her alone, you had your chance, she deserves to be happy, blah blah blah. They are both ready to fight for her.
At the jailbreak, Batneck is urging DL to climb the rope. But DL can see what batneck guy can’t—a guard with a sniper’s rifle, pointed at batneck guy’s head. Pop. Batneck guy falls over dead. DL surrenders. Jailbreak is over. On his way out, he sees Sergio with the guards and realizes that it was he who tipped off the guards that they were trying to escape. DL is pissed and hurls threats at Sergio that he’s going to pay for his treachery.

Alina is now sitting in General Ochoa’s office. He has suggested that he could recommend her for a place in the Military Nursing training program. Alina looks excited by the prospect although she is not sure that she would qualify. Apparently, all they need is a high school degree, so Alina is already qualified. Ochoa says he’ll put in her recommendation immediately so that she can get going right away. Alina is elated. Ochoa suggests they go tour the school now. Alina asks to make a phone call and Ochoa leaves the room to give some orders and says he’ll be back right away to take her.

Over at the Prison, DL is being hustled into Solitary Confinement. He’s in a tiny dark room with only a skylight. He continues cursing Sergio.

In puebla, Alfonsina is buying her “disguise” which apparently is just some frumpy indigenous peasant clothing and beribboned hair. Without her rack, abs and tush on full display, nobody will recognize her. It’s positively brilliant.

At the boutique, Soledad is getting Alina’s phone call. She’s happy for her daughter. She tells her she’ll be excited to talk about it with her later and they hang up. But, in the midst of her happiness Soledad starts having orange flashbacks about Don Loco’s cruelty toward her. She remembers slapping him and him knocking her to the floor. She starts crying. Coral sees her friend is having a bad moment and walks over to her. Soledad pretends that she’s crying from happiness that her daughter is excited about her new opportunity. But, she remembers the suffering…Coral tells her to forget that guy…he’ll never get out to harm them. They go to attend a new group of customers who have just walked into the shop.

At Casa Valtierra, Thelma is shouting for Angel, the maid tells her that Angel went out early. The SA tells her to calm down. Is she still thinking of dressing down Angel for setting up the Alina-Emilio reunion? Thelma says she needs somewhere to put her rage. She swears that that nosy invalid will feel her anger. SA looks horrified.

Over at the Hospital where Gaspar is a patient, The Virgin of Peace is paying him a visit.
Angel arrives at the boutique super late to apologize to Claudia. She’s already gone. Angel is nervous. Not a great impression to leave “the one” he has been spouting off about. Coral tells him that she looked a little sad when she left. Angel dishes out his lame excuses. Coral tells him that he’s a dweeb. He stood her up and now she’s thinking he’s a jerk. She’s going to require a really good apology. Coral tells him that she’ll tell Claudia he was there. Angel rushes out. Coral smiles to herself and exclaims “What is it about these Valtierra men that drives us crazy?”
Meanwhile, Alina is doing the grand tour of the Military nursing school. If she does go, she’ll definitely be the hottest nurse there. No sign of nurse Suzy and her tight whites. These Nurses are all business and snappy salutes. When they get back to the general’s office, Rodrigo shows up and notices her big smile. He is happy that she’s happy.

Angel has made it back to Casa Valtierra. He’s been coughing a little more. Thelma descends upon him like a vulture and starts berating him for setting up the meeting at the Boutique opening. Angel says that his brother has a right to be happy, “and with you he’s not.” Thelma starts to tell him it’s none of his business when Emilio walks in and tells her to shut up. He tells her that regardless of her engagement with Rodrigo, he’s going to fight for Alina’s love. Thelma is superslowmo impactada, although I’m not sure why because this should not be news to her.

Next up: the return of the singing Captain Valtierra complete with a 10 piece Mariachi band serenading Alina, just like old times….Que Romantico! But Thelma has plans that involve AMENAZAS and Rodrigo getting a taxi for Alina while Thelma waits in another taxi. Emilio files for divorce and his lawyer is none other than Mauricio, Dr. Loca’s erstwhile boyfriend. And yes…it’s ULTIMOS CAPITULOS folks!


La Fea Más Bella #294A 6/11/07 Well, it's hit the fan now!

Aldo wants to know what's going on. Lety thinks it's just because she forgot her glasses, so she puts them back on, but then notices what she's wearing. To cap it off, Tomás hands her a mirror and she's so impactada that she takes the glasses back off. Fernando and JR come over and JR says "Que impresion" (what an impression; how impressive). Tomás is trying to tell Lety "I told you so," but it's way too late for that…there's just no way to come back from this. Fernando says he thinks they're busted. Lety tells Aldo she can explain, but Aldo coldly says it's clear what she did with the help of Fernando and Tomás. Fernando then tries to explain, but Aldo cuts him off and says nothing can justify what Lety did. Now it's Tomás' turn, but Aldo cuts him off as well saying that he could have expected anything from Fernando, but Tomás? "Que desilusion tan grande" (What a big disappointment). Lety asks Aldo to listen to her for a second and Fernando pulls Tomás and JR away (but it looks more like JR sticks around to listen).

Lola and El Cheque: El Cheque is being released and the guy behind the desk tells him he hopes El Cheque will think twice next time before he gets behind on his payments. El Cheque swears he'll pay them first out of his paychecks from now on. Lola looks pretty doubtful. El Cheque gets his manila envelope of belongings back. El Cheque tells Lola he's not going to live with Jasmine anymore, he doesn't love her, he won't pay her bills and so now there won't be any more problems, "mi amor, Lola." Lola replies "Dolores" (ooh, burn!). She wants to know if he understands that this is all the fault of Jasmine, that quita maridos (husband-stealer; homewrecker), bandida (thief). El Cheque wants to have a chat with Lola over some taquitos.

Tomás and Fernando lament the failure of their brilliant plan. JR says this was a totally awesome evening. He thinks it rocks that Lety is Aurora. Millions of people are going to watch the program and it should be a big hit because of what happened tonight. Fernando wants to know what tonight has to do with it, but JR says nothing, see you tomorrow. They don't know what JR's planning, but Fernando swears he'll kill JR if Lety gets hurt any more and Tomás says he'll help.

Lety has apparently told Aldo the whole truth. Aldo's all bitchy that she didn't trust him with the truth earlier. Shut up, Aldo. (I know, I know, she had it coming, but that doesn't excuse him for being patronizing about it!) Blah, blah, blah, Lety lied to herself, blah, blah, blah, revenge, lies, making others suffer, blah, blah, blah, you haven't learned anything…again, Shut up, Aldo! Aldo says Lety finally found what she really wants in life…Fernando. Ooh, you know what, I take it back, Aldo, you are wise and you speak only truth…preach it, brother! Lety denies it (no, Lety, embrace it, embrace the Fer side!). Aldo's not buying what she's selling either. He says he didn't imagine the kiss between Aurora and Fernando. He calls it a bajeza (a despicable thing to do) that Lety had to dress up as a diva to kiss Fernando (I changed my mind again, shut up, Aldo, I'd do it too!), he calls it mezquindad (a miserable thing to do) and barbaridad (an atrocity). He says he's desilusionado (disappointed) with Lety and walks off, telling the guys to take Lety home. Fernando says Aldo's being unfair to Lety. Lety cries her overly-made-up eyes out and asks Fernando what to do. Fernando consoles her and says he and Tomás are there to protect her, but Tomás remembers Alicia is waiting for him, so Fernando will take Lety home. Lety says she's got to take off her makeup and change clothes. Fernando looks like he's sad, but he wants to jump up and down all at the same time. He settles for holding Lety. Ay, Don Fernando, tan divino!

Lola, El Cheque, and los taquitos: El Cheque is trying to put the moves on Lola, but in a kind of desperate, pathetic way. He's finally realized that Lola's a good mother and was an "excellent" wife. Lola's taking this well, not eating out of his hand, but not griping him out either. She doesn't think he's understood things yet. She thinks they can stay friends, since now she knows she can make it on her own and doesn't have to depend on anyone. She thanks El Cheque for the tacos and leaves.

Tomás comes home to find the bedroom door back up. He overhears Alicia (allegedly, I thought) talking to Papa about how Tomás runs around at night without telling her where he's going, he doesn't feed her, he doesn't give her money, she feels so alone. Tomás wants to talk to Papa and clear things up. He takes the phone and greets his "suegrito" (little father-in-law) and calls him "Don Papa de Alicia"…but alas, Tomás says "he hung up." Alicia weeps and says he always hangs up, he always leaves her, he always goes, he always does the same thing to her. She cries and lies down on the bed and Tomás looks worried. Sorry, I can't help it, but I feel really sorry for Alicia. It doesn't excuse her behavior, but it sure does explain a lot.

Aldo's on the phone to Carmina telling her he just needs to be alone, but Carmina is getting in the Carminamobile to rush to Aldo's side, whether he wants it or not. Go, Stalker Chick! Now's your chance!

The Moras: If you cry at the drop of a hat, you might want to get the hankies out now. Tomas: "Chiquita, understand me, I felt really strange when I heard what you said to your dad. I suddenly think I don't know you that well, Alicia Ferreira. I always liked you, I fell in love with your beauty, but you don't let me asomarme (you don't let me in) what you have here [in your heart] hidden. I never thought you were capable of…" Alicia: "Tomy, I'm going to explain it to you." Tomás:" No, Chiquita, I understand" Alicia: "Really? You're not mad?" Tomás: "Of course not, I just found out something that moved me." Alicia: "Ay, Tomy, what are you talking about?" Tomás: "Alicia, you have a great pain and even you haven't realized you're carrying it around." Alicia tries to laugh it off: " Ay, Tomy, I don't know what you're talking about, of course not." Tomás: "You don't know? Well, I do. But I'd like to understand more, know what's happening to you. Chiquita, I don't want you to suffer." Alicia: "But I don't suffer." Tomás: "Yes, you do. And now that I realize it, I don't know how, but I love you more." He moves in to kiss her, and it looks like she was going to kiss him, but Tomás kisses her on the forehead. Alicia: "But I'm great, look at me. You know." Tomás: "Yes, Chiquita. Good night." Alicia: "Good night, Tomy." He hands her her phone, leaves the room, and closes the door as Alicia looks, dare I say it, thoughtful. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the only scene I've seen with the two of them that hasn't completely grossed me out. I only pray they don't regress!

Fernando is driving Lety home and she has re-Lety-fied. It looks like she's wiped out from crying. Fernando tells her not to cry any more because it breaks his heart ("parte mi alma", literally "splits my soul"). He says Fry Daddy will be back once he realizes Lety did it for him. Lety says Aldo hates lies and he'll never forgive her. Fernando says it gives him flojera (he's sick of), Aldo with his intachable (impeccable) morals, but then he tells Lety he's kidding. Lety says Aldo is right and they were a couple and no se valen los engaños (it's not good to deceive). Fernando says she shouldn't be sad, he'll start getting over it with every soup he makes. Lety says she's lost him and she won't see him again. Fernando says she can count on him for whatever she needs. She thanks him and says he should go home and he can take her car if he wants (oops, I didn't notice they were in her car!). He says he'll get the door for her and helps her out of the car. He says he doesn't want to leave her alone, but she tells him not to worry and to go home. Fernando says "están las llaves pegadas" (the keys are in the car) and walks off.

JR is on the phone to the dude from the gossip show. They have some kind of brilliant plan that comes complete with creepy music. Everyone will watch the show. Mexico will have a big surprise tomorrow, and Leticia Padilla will become a public figure. Creeps. Those two make me sick.

Lety is in bed crying and Mama comes to visit. Lety says she made the worst mistake of her life. She tells Mama about the crazy evening. Mama's supportive, but she asks how Lety could think the plan for the evening was a good idea. Lety tells Mama about Aldo and what he said to her and that she lost him forever. Mama consoles Lety as we go to credits.

Tomorrow: Well, we don't exactly know, but we're on the road to the grand finale and there are more surprises in store.


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