Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Zorro Monday July 16, 2007: Where Olmos has 9 lives and loose lips.

Outside Montero’s cabin hidden in the woods, Santiago faces off with Diego/Zorro and Esmeralda/WIB, both in their respective disguises. SM wants to know the name of the woman with Zorro. Before she can reply, Zorro knocks Santiago down. Meanwhile, a grossly burnt Olmos hops out from the bushes and pulls a gun on WIB. He starts spouting about how Mariangel ruined his life and how he is going to make sure that she pays for what she did to him. Esme asks about her baby and Olmos replies that he should have never given the baby to Mangle. Diego asks SM why he took the child and SM’s only answer is that he thought Mangle wanted to be reunited with her child. He now thinks differently. Olmos is insistent that he’ll be the one to get Mangle, so he takes off to the cabin. Unluckily, Olmos opens the cabin door and the building explodes!!

In the area, close enough to hear the explosion, Monty speculates that Zorro has been blown to bits. Mangle is just ticked; she complains about Monty taking the Queen hostage. She doesn’t like being a fugitive and she tells Monty that he’ll need to get some money for her, she can’t be poor.

Tobias and Pizarro face off. Tobi’s at a disadvantage because he can’t handle a sword and he’s wearing a dress. Piza taunts Tobi, while Cat begs him to not hurt her husband. Tobias tells Cat to let him handle it, because he’d die for her.

After the explosion, Santiago tells Zorro and WIB that Mangle lied to him and that he found out that the baby is really Diego de la Vega and Esmeralda Sanchez’s child. Diego is convinced that no one was inside the cabin, it was a trap.

Tobi and Piza fight. Piza’s about to kill Tobi and Cat shoots him. Piza asks her “why?” Cat doesn’t answer, instead she begs Tobi to forgive her because she never meant to hurt him. Tobi looks upset because his wife has emasculated him again.

Mangle and Monty talk about the baby and how strangely it looks like Diego. Mangle wants to know what they are going to do after this. She wants to use the baby to get money from Diego, but Monty doesn’t seem to like this idea. MA says that Diego would pay a handsome ransom for the child (Note, didn’t they just think that they blew up Zorro and hasn’t Monty been suspecting that Diego is Zorro, so wouldn’t this throw a monkey wrench into their plans?). Meanwhile, the Queen is tied up nearby and overhears their whole plotting. She looks disgusted (as well as you can look disgusted with a rag stuffed in your mouth).

Diego and Esme are out tracking Monty and the kid. Diego says that the river is rising right now (is there a tidal river in LA?). They find a cave and Esme worries that Monty and Mangle will do something to harm the child (ulcer 1). Diego assures her that they think the kid is theirs, so they won’t do anything as long as they think that. The two talk/rehash about how they coped being separated from each other.

Monty proposes that he use the Queen to get a ransom. Mangle says that’s all fine and good except that Sara Kali is the real queen. Monty says he can still demand money for TQ and win or lose it all---if they lose they’ll see each other in Hell. Mangle says that won’t happen because she’s going to take care of him and he can take care of her. Monty thinks this is almost like a wedding ceremony, but Mangle points out that there isn’t love between them, just lust. She says that as long as they are together, the lust will continue. She adds that nothing, not even death, will keep them apart. The Queen is still forced to listen to this and seems way too interested in watching them paw at each other.

Alejandro and his merry men are hot on Monty’s trail and discover the exploded cabin. Alej splits the men into three groups and tells them if anyone spots Monty they’re to send someone to gather the other two groups of men before they attack. Alej tells one of the men to search the building for survivors. Once Alej rides away the soldier says why bother, no one could have survived that fire. He walks away and we, the audience, can see Olmos stumbling out of the building.

Sara Kali is hiding with the gypsies and she’s worried about her prima, the Queen (ulcer 2). They decide to break camp.

Ana Camila/NAC tells Renzo that she intends to leave the gypsies. He’s confused because they promised to remain together always as part of their wedding vows. NAC says that with Esme’s return things have changed. Renzo swears to his wife that he loves her and only thinks fondly of Esme. NAC says prove you love me by leaving with me.

Diego and Esme, still in the cave, rehash a whole bunch of stuff: Santiago taking the baby, Esme thinking that Santiago was dead because that’s what Mangle told her, Santiago asking Diego for money. Diego says if anything were to happen, he’d blame himself. However, he assures his love that nothing will most likely happen to the baby because Mangle and Monty think it is their child.

The river is down, so Esme and Diego start up their search (there was a shot of them running out of the cave together that just made me laugh—reminiscent of Batman and Robin). In their search, they find arrows and a note from the Amazons; the women warriors are helping lead them to Monty and the kid. What good fortune!!

Padre Tomás meets with the cloaked men. He tells them the time is now to help Zorro. They agree.

Mangle takes Monty and the crew to Olmos’s house. She tells Monty how Olmos stole money from her dad to get the place and most likely planned on taking her there when he drugged her. Monty is concerned that Olmos will find them, but Mangle assures her lover that she most likely killed Olmos when she set him on fire and stabbed him with a jagged piece of glass.

Olmos, a little more charred than before-- but still wearing clothing that shows no signs of going through not only one, but two fires-- finds Gerardo. They rehash about Piza and Tobi (Gerardo was there trying to get them out of town). Gerry tells Olmos that Piza’s body is missing (this means he’s not dead, I’ve watched enough Zorro to know this is the case, and really no one seems able to die on this show---well except for Miguel, Leroy, Auggie and several other minor characters that Piza or Monty had killed), so they better get to the boat and get out of town. Olmos says he’s got work to finish here and wants Gerry to drop him off at some place (could it be his mystery house out in the middle of nowhere, currently the hide out for Mangle and Monty?).

Monty tries to entertain the Queen with a little piano music and some food. He wants to make a deal: money for her freedom and also a free passage to a safe country. TQ says there is no way she’ll agree to this. Monty threatens her and she tells him that she’s been trained since she was little to expect threats on her life. Monty muses that perhaps Sara Kali might be interested in making an agreement to free her cousin. TQ tells him that the only way out of this mess is for him to take some responsibility and accept the consequences for his actions (not going to happen).

Gerardo gets Olmos to his house. Olmos tells his underling to take off and try to make it to the boat before it sails. Olmos spots Mangle and Monty getting all kissy face on the veranda of the home. Once Mangle is alone, Olmos sneaks up behind her and starts to choke her.

Dolores, Almudena, and Maria Pia rehash about the following subjects: Esme is alive, Monty kidnapped the Queen, Santiago took the baby, and Alej and Diego have gone off in search of Monty and the baby. Dena asks MP about Fernando. MP offers up her own rehash and fills Dena in on the happenings with her brother—escaping from prison, getting injured, hiding in the cabin (she fails to mention that she and the monk had a roll in the hay, but good for her to not kiss and tell). Dena is worried about her brother (ulcer 3), but MP assures her that he’s healing. (Have to mention that Maria Pia has some awful roots showing in her hair, it reminds me that I need a touch up).

Olmos chokes Mangle and tells her that he gave her everything and all she did was laugh and make fun of him. He tells MA that her baby died and he switched it with Esme’s baby—that Monty was going to have the baby killed, but he save it. Therefore, he can die in peace, he says, because he helped save an innocent child. Now I know that he’s not going to kill Mangle because armed with this knowledge she’ll be able to wreck more havoc.

Diego and Esme reach the point where the Amazons are no longer able to help them. He tells Esme that they need to hurry; just in case Monty or Mangle figures out that the baby is not theirs (too late on that one, Olmos just spilled the beans to Mangle).

Some of Monty’s goons come out on the veranda and see Olmos choking Mangle. They shoot him in the back and he releases his hold and stumbles away. Just for good measure, another goon shoots Olmos again. Now with two bullets in him, he falls to the ground and has flashbacks to when he and Mangle got together thanks to the vial of love potion.

Maria Pia returns to the cabin and finds Fernando gone. He left a note stating that he is going to fix things.

Mangle tells Monty what happened with Olmos and that the baby isn’t theirs. Monty seems upset and mutters that Pizarro betrayed him (has he forgotten that Esmeralda is still alive, and Piza supposedly brought Monty her heart, I guess so). Monty tells Mangle that he never wants to see the child again. She tells him to slow down, that baby is worth beaucoup. She’s sure that Diego would give up his entire fortune for the child (except, if Diego is Zorro then he should have died in the cabin explosion---little details, little details).

Pizarro staggers into Agapito’s shop (?). Immediately Pito wants the chisme and asks if Zorro did this to him. Piza passes out or dies---but knowing how people never seem to die on this show, I’m going out on a limb and saying he passed out (for the time being).

Diego and Esme discuss hearing shots fired, but they can’t figure out from where they came. Just then, Olmos crawls out of the bushes (not dead yet, has he made a pact with the devil, this guy's got to have 9 lives--he's been stabbed, burnt twice, and now shot twice) and tells them that he can tell them where to find Monty and the kid.


Duelo-Monday 7/16 - El Gran Finale-The sun'll come out tomorrow but I will hate Thelma forever and ever amen!

OK folks, it's been a long bumpy road from the night our dopey protagonists fell in love in Cancun, Quintana Roo lo so many years ago until tonight, el gran finale. I'll tell you right now that Tonki the wonder dog does NOT make an apppearance tonight, lending credence to the theory that he has most likely already moved on to bigger and better things. Either that or he so overshadowed the other characters they forced him to be written out of the script. But enough whining about missing the Tonkster...on with the show!!!

Thelma tells Emilio that it's all his fault she prowled the Devil's Cave looking like a skank, got drunk, passed out, boinked the hunky busboy, got pregnant, lied about the baby's father, and tricked Emilio into marrying her. She promises she will kill somebody.

In the cabaña Luba tells Alina "...and that is the secret of The Cofre." Well hell, we didn't get to hear the damn secret! But since Alina is still in the cabin sitting upright I guess it's not lutefisk like I predicted. Luba says she was a coward for never telling DonLoco. Alina vows to deliver The Cofre to her father even though it's going to hurt him to know its secret.

Singing Auntie Rebecca is on her knees wailing to God to forgive her for not reporting Thelma. She's got the volume turned up to 11 if you know what I mean. She cries that it's her fault so many people have suffered and now jail awaits Thelma in Puebla. She turns her attention to the baby and asks him to forgive her for renouncing his mama but his papa has a right to know his son. She turns on the waterworks full blast before rushing out of the room.

Back in the cabaña Luba tells a sulking Gaspar not to cry. He weeps that Capitan Valtierra doesn't believe his cachorrito (little cub) is his. Luba tells him to believe her, tomorrow is another day and things will be more clear. She promises. She puts him to bed, boots and all, and gives him a kiss. What is it with everybody going to bed with their shoes on in this show?

Next morning, Sierra Escondida - Elias the Human Piñata asks Emilio if he has any idea where Alvaro might be hiding. "Montellano knows the caves well," Emilio astutely observes. Emilio, Vargas, Elias and a couple of other agents decide to search for DonLoco in the zone of caves. Alina tries to go with them but Emilio informs her that the capture of DonLoco will be too dangerous for her to attend. "I want to go!" "You can't go!" Naturally she aquiesces because she's a mindless turnip. "Find my mama," she begs before kissing him goodby.

Thelma tells Singing Auntie that Emilio knows the entire truth. SA tells Thelma the he left early with some guys because DonLoco kidnapped Soledad. That information doesn't interest Thelma, all she cares about is her son. She swears that nobody will take him from her. SA nods her head hopefully, "I'll bring the baby so you can be with it." Maybe she figures this will be Thelma's last chance to hold the baby before they haul her butt off to jail.

Soledad sleeps on the floor of the cave. The camera goes to a closeup of her hand clutching a fistful of dirt and rocks. When DonLoco tries to wake her she throws it in his face and escapes. He grabs his gun, pauses, then drops it on the ground. He follows her outside calling her name.

Back at La Rinconada Vera is sucking up big time to Alina, trying to explain exactly why she almost burned Luba alive. It wasn't against Luba personally, it was because of what Vera thought she did. Yes folks, Vera really said that, she's working hard to keep her job. Alina, preoccupied, tells Vera to forget it, she's more worried about her mom right now. The padre (the new one) shows up because he has something to tell Alina. Last night her dad came to the church dragging Soledad along and forced the padre to renew their vows. "No puede ser!" exclaims Alina, "my father keeps getting crazier." The padre tells her they headed for the highlands. Alina runs out leaving the padre and Vera behind.

SA goes into the bedroom to check on the baby. She is impacted to see an empty spot where the baby should be.

Alina is on horseback and gallops full speed through the countryside. She screams for her mama at the top of her lungs. I guess she's not in stealth mode.

SA runs into Thelma's room to tell her the baby is gone, somebody took him! Thelma is muy impactada. She and SA head toward the baby's room when whom should they meet in the hallway but Luba. Thelma demands to know where Gaspar is. Luba screams she doesn't know. They have a mini shriek-and-slap fest before Thelma runs on. SA tells Luba the baby is missing and that Thelma thinks Gaspar stole him. "Gaspar, what have you done?" asks Luba.

Orlando comes downstairs and tells Vera he's on his way out of town. He did what he came to do, to tell Emilio his big news. He says this all important-like, somehow forgetting he was far from the first person to break the news to Emilio. Vera's still on the apology rounds and covering all the bases. She asks Orlando to forgive her for threatening him. He tells her to ask God for forgiveness, and hey, here's the padre! (Heh, heh, one last good wisecrack from the sarcastic Orlando.)

The padre asks Orlando if he's on his way to help in the search. Orlando tells him no, all the guys headed off to the zone of caves to capture DonLoco. Uh oh, says the padre, DonLoco's in the highlands, not the cave zone and he just gave Alina the same information. "Que the hell?!?!" asks Orlando, "Alina's alive?" Vera smiles broadly, just like when she lit the twigs under Luba's feet. They should watch out for that one, she's scary. She confirms that Alina is alive. The padre tells Orlando that Alina is searching for her mom alone and is in danger.

The ineffective search party wanders around the countryside looking for DonLoco and Soledad but to no avail. They can't find any tracks and decide to search elsewhere. Emilio surmises that they might be in the highlands. Elias suggests they split up to cover more territory. Just then Orlando rides up with the news that Alina is searching for Soledad on her own...alone!

After the search party leaves Gaspar wanders onto the scene cradling his cachorrito. He holds the baby up, "see, this is Escondidaville. This will be your home and you'll live here with me, your papa." It's a very sweet scene as Gaspar explains to him why the country is superior to the city. He puts his face next to the baby's, "Ay cachorrito, I love you! Mama Luba says you look like me (He does!) but I don't think so; you're too handsome." He gently swings the baby around and plays airplane. I almost cried at this scene, I can be such a sap.

Cut to the ugly viper Thelma angrily saddling her horse. Luba and SA try to stop her but she grabs a knife out of the woodpile and shoves it into her boot. Luba brandishes her own knife but as usual doesn't do anything with it. Thelma gets on the horse and rides off, looking rather stupid on the big horse if you ask me.

Soledad, on the run, hears Alina calling her. She is amazing, still perfectly coiffed and put together after her night in the cave.

Soledad trips for no apparent reason. Alina jumps off her horse and, ever observant, asks her, "you escaped from my papa?" Soledad suggests they beat feet out of there fast.

The commercial break informs us that tonight's Cristina show is about "coming out of the closet". No Duelo cast? What gives?

Back to the action, Alina whips out the huge cofre and starts looking around. Soledad freaks, "What are you doing? We have to get out of here!" Alina tells her she has to give this thing to her father, Luba gave it to her. Soledad is dying to know what's inside but she's even more eager to split from the area; they are in danger. Alina, whose stupidity is limitless, asks "Do you really think he would hurt me?" Soledad finally convinces Alina to put the damn cofre on a nearby rock. DonLoco is in a bad mental way and they need to get the hell outta there! Alina perches it on the rock.

Angel comforts Claudia at what is obviously her mother's funeral; the Coral clan is standing around in black. Claudia asks Angel to never leave her. Angel answers it may not be the best time but he wants to assure her that they can always be together. He takes her hand, "Claudia, will you marry me?" Angel's making up for lost time.

DonLoco walks from behind a tree and sees Soledad on the horse. Alina peeps out from behind her mother, "Papa?" DonLoco is muy impactado, "Alina, you're alive!"

Gaspar sits by the river singing a lullaby to his son. The baby gurgles contentedly, so far he's having a great day in the big outdoors. Baby cries a little and papa promises to take care of him.

Poor DonLoco thinks he's hallucinating for sure. This is obviously going to be Sergio Goyri's big scene. Alina tells him it's really her. He approaches her, "you're so beautiful, so alive," but then he pulls back, refusing to believe his eyes. His head must be playing tricks on him. He drops to his knees and weeps "daughter, daughter" as he holds out his arms to her. Alina drops down next to him and sobs "It's I, Alina, your daughter." She gives a quickie explanation, she pretended to be dead to escape his clutches. He thanks God and they embrace.

Soledad, watching, gasps, "you're all better!" "Better than ever," he responds, "God has pardoned me by returning my daughter to me." He admits that he was sick and unable to think clearly. Now he is determined to find a cure for his madness. Soledad is still anxious to get him to the authorities for "necessary medical help". I don't blame her for being nervous.

Suddenly DonLoco spies The Cofre on the rock. Alina has second thoughts; maybe now is not such a good time after all. He knows something lies within...something he should know. He opens The Cofre as the background chorus reaches a crescendo.

Claudia starts to cry and Angel gets worried. Maybe her ma's funeral wasn't the best place to propose. "No stupid," she laughs, "I'm crying because at last my future is looking good. Yes I'll marry you." They kiss. Good, that's one plot line wrapped up.

Alvaro pulls an old letter out of The Cofre. It's from his dead mother. Her voice reads the letter to him..."Son, you must know the truth. You are not the son of Alvaro, your true father is Justin, the foreman who worked for us. Here is a photo so you can know him and one day look for him and tell him who you are. Please understand that I had to keep this quiet so you wouldn't have the shame of being a BASTARDO!"

Alvaro commences with much angst and gnashing of teeth. How could he have been such a jerk to Alina, calling her an illegitimate bastard when in reality HE was the true bastard? "I am the son of a nobody, not a Montellano, I'm worse than a nobody, I'm a damn bastard!" Yes, I know this whole cofre crapola is a bit of a letdown, but surely we knew it wasn't going to better than this, right? Where's the cocolbosh when you need it?

Luba and SA are in Ifigenio's carriage headed out after Thelma. Luba has one of her premonitions and it's a really bad one.

Evil Thelma sees Gaspar down by the river holding his son. She screams his name. He screams back at her, "Muñequita, go away!" She starts to climb down the hillside, choosing to climb down inside the waterfall instead of the embankment, the silly cow.

DonLoco starts to lose it, he accuses God of playing a dirty trick on him. Soledad's like a terrier with a sock, she still wants to get the authorities so they can "help" DonLoco.

DonLoco sees his decomposing father, or the guy he thought was dad. "You're not my son, not my blood, you're a bastard," the gory hallucination yells. DonLoco begs his father not to deny him, he loves him. Basically he says all the crap that Alina used to say to him so this is supposed to be divine retribution. "He's going to have a crisis," warns Soledad. She and Alina start to run away for real this time but are stopped in their tracks by a large jaguar.

Emilio and Vargas have returned to La Rinconada for some reason. Vera tells them that the baby went missing, Thelma left like a crazy woman to hunt down Gaspar, and Luba and SA followed in Ifigenio's carriage.

Gaspar yells at his muñequita to not come down via the waterfall, it's too dangerous. She slips and plunges into the river. The baby cries and Gaspar yells "no, no!" He puts the baby down on the rock (Really, not the best place to put a baby!) and jumps in after Thelma who is face down in the river.

Luckily, SA, Luba and Iffy run onto the rock and retrieve the baby. Meanwhile Gaspar has gotten ahold of the odious Thelma to the great relief of her Singing Auntie who thanks God. The ungrateful Thelma thanks Gaspar by pulling the knife from her boot and plunging it deep into Gaspar's heart. His eyes grow wide in disbelief but his grip tightens on Thelma. He rolls back into the water, bleeding, dead.

As the water turns red Gaspar and Thelma float away. Luba hears her son's voice as if in a dream, "Mama, take care of my cachorrito...Mama..!" SA hands Luba her little grandson. Luba, holding the baby, begs Gaspar not to go, not to leave her. "I'd go with you but you left me your heart," she wails, looking down at the baby. She lets out a few world-class yells until she is drowned out by the chorus.

Gaspar floats down the river holding his muñequita tightly to his chest. They are both face up, eyes closed and serene, together at last for all eternity. Or at least until they part at the crossroads where Gaspar will go up to heaven and Thelma will most assuredly burn in hell. Die bitch die!!! Sorry, I needed to get that off my chest.

The vicious jaguar threatens Soledad and Alina. DonLoco leaps between the women and this feline danger and shouts to attract the cat's attention. "Me, me," he yells, then starts to run, the jaguar loping after him. I think he meant for Soledad and Alina to run away but they seem to be following the cat. They're both pretty stupid.

DonLoco climbs up a tree while the jaguar patiently waits for him to get out of reach before pawing at the air. But whoops! DonLoco's branch breaks and he falls to the ground. Kitty licks his lips and goes in for the kill. Its jaws are clamped on DonLoco's throat, suddenly a knife flashes held by DonLoco's bloody hand and stabs the cat again and again.

Next we see Soledad and Alina running toward DonLoco. He's bleeding out from his jugular and doesn't have much time. Alina screams "papa" as he keels over. "Forgive me my love, forgive me," he begs as the life oozes out of him. Soledad and Alina are in hysterics at this point but it's too late, DonLoco's lifeless eyes stare up at the sky as the omnipresent chorus sings it's final "Amen..."

Enough of the blood and gore. This telenovela will end as they all should (and most do), with a lavish wedding!

Puebla - The wedding march plays, all our characters wait expectantly in the pews, Luba coos to her grandson, Elias the Human Piñata has finally snagged Soledad, Doctora Loca sits snugly between Rodrigo and Gaby (blech!), Angel proudly sits next to his babe wife Claudia, and Alina and Emilio kneel before the altar. Alina, who has been looking kind of gross lately looks fabulous right now. Emilio looks great in his dress whites and even his single expression becomes him. They exchange rings, a not-too-sloppy kiss, then turn to smile at us.

After the wedding Luba, holding the baby, pays a private visit to the Virgencita. She asks the Virgencita to tell Gaspar that her soul is with him. She'll take care of his cachorrito until she comes to join him. Tell Gaspar that she misses him mucho mucho mucho but he is still here in her Gaspar chiquito, her cachorrito. (Looks like she changed his name from Emilio and who can blame her?) We hear Gaspar singing his lullaby.

But wait there's more! Why end now when they can drag this thing out for another ten minutes or so?
Alina is in a hospital bed. She's in labor and Emilio tries to calm her. In the midst of a contraction they profess their love for each other and kiss. "Thanks for making me a dad," he says. Soledad and her gal pals pace outside the room.

The camera shows the clock which means a long time has passed. I guess it's a difficult delivery. The doctor comes out to the waiting room looking very serious. He needs to talk to Emilio and Soledad. Suspenseful music plays.

Cripes, they've gotta be kidding...the doctor says Emilio must choose between the life of his wife or the life of his child. "No puede ser!" moans Soledad. Emilio can't decide. He gets a look of consternation on his face. The doctor tells him that Alina wants to see him.

Alina is about to go into surgery. Emilio is by her side. He tells her he cannot accept their rotten luck. Alina says she already made the decision so he won't have to. She can't sacrifice the life of their daughter for her own. She tells Emilio that when she sees her daughter's smile it will make him think of her. She'll never forget how noble he is. (She's got a short memory!) Emilio looks well and truly constipated now, he's pulling out all the stops. More sobbing and violins. The OR staff wheels Alina away.

Emilio sobs in the waiting room. He hears the cry of a newborn. "Alina, goodbye my love," he whispers.

Cancun, Quintana Roo - A little girl and little boyfrolic in the water. They run up to Emilio in a hammock, "papa, papa, where's ma?" The three of them run to a chaise on the beach. It's Alina and she's busting out of her bikini top just like old times! What happened..?
Cut back to the operating room where Alina apparently had another visitor, the Virgencita. Alina's pregnant belly gets kind of glowy and the Virgencita tells her that she'll see the sun rise at dawn. OK, so I guess the Virgencita handed out another miracle. She saved Alina but she couldn't save Gaspar? I don't mean to be a sourpuss but that kind of pisses me off, it's really unfair. But I digress...

We're back in Cancun and the present. Emilio sends the kids off to play. The little boy tells his sister that he loves her, she looks just like a muñequita. (Eh? That kind of creeps me out.) The little boy chirps, "Sing papa Emilio, sing."
Emilio and Alina engage in some boring sweet talk. He says her eyes are more beautiful than the sea yada yada, then he serenades her throughout the remainder of their vacation, "...now and forever I want to forget your past pain, to share only the serene hours of your heart...and wake up sweetly in the dawn of a new life, full of love."


Even though Duelo was a silly telenovela I must admit I enjoyed it. The hero and heroines were boring and stupid but the supporting cast had some absolutely unforgettable performances. I really enjoyed being a part of the Duelo recapping team and I want to thank the many readers and commenters who shared their insights and opinions with us and who took the time to read our recaps. I hope to see some of you over at Juan Querendon (my current recapping gig) or perhaps at some of the other telenovelas.
I'll post the last Duelo vocabulary list in the next day or so.

OUR BELOVED GASPAR, R.I.P. You were my favorite.


Destilando Amor 07/16/07 "Excuseme por el Jacuzzime"

We begin with Rod telling Isa how he has to run back to DF to help out her Padre, with a get out of jail free card and also go to the Tequila meeting. Isa whines a bit and easily manipulates "Mi Amor" to let her tag along on the trip. She convinces Rod by telling him, her Doctor said she should live her life as normal. Hmmm, like did he specify, keep having sex your BabyDaddy oh yes and keep lying to your NotBabyDaddy Husband? When he agrees she actually calls him BonBon and yes I am forced to go pour myself a glass of Tequila. Heads up, Rod says there is a problem with the Tequila and it has something to do with the United States…For the love of Gawd, I certainly hope this doesn’t mean they are going to cut off my personal supply!!!! Rod calls that stellar example of a 1950’s single gal secretary Elvira to make their travel arrangements.

Meanwhile over in DF, that Scarlet Woman, Gavi is having a sit down in a Restaurant with her ole buddy Eduardo Zaldívar. He is telling her the gossip from Montvalo…They say Gavi stole funds from the company. Gavi is muy impacted!!! How dare they say I stole! He tries to calm her down. Zaldívar says this is Minnie because of Gavi’s involvement with Aaron, Gavi denies involvement with Aaron, but does admit a history with Rod, dating back before he was married. Things did not work out well. Gavi gets up and leaves with her lil suitcase of Encyclopedias. Zaldívar gets a phone call from Elvira inviting him to a meeting with Rod. Eduardo says he will attend.

Over at Dry Gulch Acres, Acacia is wandering around with her dirty bloody hands; wiping them on her white clothes. She says you’ll never hit me again and God may forgive your sins, but I never will. She is totally channeling Wednesday Addams.

Now over to Montvalo; Rod is telling Isa (by phone that they are invited to dinner at Granny’s)…Rod runs into Bruno, who is thrilled to see him…Poor Bruno has so much work. He is so happy Rod & Isa are back together. Rod takes a stroll down memory lane and creeps into Gavi’s old office, we get some Gavi flashbacks via Rod’s mental GaviVision…Rod is forced to do his "contract every episode required" obligatory crying scene…this time in her old office.

Commercial: Oh good another Amor Sin Limites….Awesome looks like some chick tries to shoot Rene Strickler, bring it on…

It is now evening in DF and we are taken to Granny Pilar’s Museum of Manners. Sofie is telling Granny everything is cool with the "House of Lies", everyone has told regarding Gavi as long as she stays MIA. Sofie is wearing a fine "Tammy Tell Me True", lovely dress. Gawd, Sofie is just such a tool. Granny says was Frankie invited to dinner? He would, but he is out investigating jobs. Granny says what a fine young man Frankie is and Sofie agrees.
Gavi arrives home in one of the famous Mexico DF, Green & White VW Taxi’s…Frankie is right there. Okay I get it, he is now renting the Stalker Parking Place…He is all "No Puede Ser" Jennifer. He asks her to dinner. She declines, oh no he pulls the magician hands & looks like she is gonna run up and change & he says he’ll wait….

Long shot of Miami
Aaron is on the phone discussing the closing of the New York Stock Exchange, he is buying and selling and Aaron is very, very tense. Oh here comes Pam in her normal attire, a bathrobe…they cross the room and she starts stripping off Aaron’s clothes, there are clothes all over the floor.

We hear the voice of Minnie, "Aaron, Aaron", downstairs the maid is carrying freshly folded towels, she has that "Que the Hell" look as she tells Minnie, Aaron is upstairs. Damn you know the maid is thinking, "Oh No, were am I gonna get another gig, that all I do is wash & fold towels for a water addicted crazy lady?"

Like all evil witches, Minnie sees the trail, lil Hansel & Gretal left to the Jacuzzi. Damn now I feel sorry for Minnie, cause the door is closed and she does this kind of scared kid, backs into a corner thing, before she actually opens the door. The door slowly opens and well there is no getting out of this one. They are all over each other in the Jacuzzi, while holding champagne glasses. ****That drives me crazy when they show people frolicking in tubs or pools while holding glass, Hello have we learned nothing?****

Anyway Aaron sees Minnie and kinda does this Muy Impacted mini seizure thing (like she tossed the blow dryer in)…Pam looks up and for all the world she looks like a twenty dollar hooker who just got caught with the Senator. Minnie is pissed and she runs out. The maid is standing up there taking it all in. Which I don’t want to lie to you people, I’d seriously be doing the same thing. That is one of those stories that only gets better with the retelling. Pam is running after Aaron yelling "Where are you going?"

I gotta say, I tried to like Pam, but now I am sure she only calls Aaron, Bichi cause when she says Aaron, it probably comes out like Airwon, in a cute baby lisp.

Aaron chases Minnie, wearing only a big freshly clean fluffy white towel…She is pissed and tells AssHat Aaron, she is sending his happy ass to jail, for cheating the company and Rod and just being a RatBastard in General. Aaron is trying to do one of those, honey…baby…are you gonna believe me or your lyin eyes, SMACK…SMACK, she smacks him across the face with one hand then the other. It is truly a work of art, cause he is using his hands to hold up the towel and can’t even try to deflect. I must say Pilar did instill manners. Minnie runs off again. I want her to run into Horatio (David "I never go out in the sun" Curaso), screw him and talk Horatio into planting some coke on Pam, but hey that’s just me.

Frankie is still hanging around waiting for Gavi, she is spewing venom against the Montalvos. She wants to go with Frankie cause she is kinda interested in the whole future fortune telling thing.

Aaron is like one blood vessel from a serious stoke, find the keys, this guy is quite the charmer, Pammy looks all, oh how could this happen? Gee who knows, that Minnie must be like telepathic.

Minnie is standing in what looks to be some rich persons backyard against a pillar (probably left from some old plantation home) and sobbing, "Por Que Aaron?" I hope she knows Florida is "a right to pack heat state" and the owner is gonna shoot her if she doesn’t shut up and move on. Now IMO the answer to your question Minnie, would be because you are all terribly flawed human beings, but that is just my opinion.

Sofie and Isa are sitting on Grannies couch. Isa is telling Sofie, "Rod is wonderful, so attentive." I am waiting for Gigdet to say "Swell".
Dani comes in with Elvis and gives the big congrats to Sofie. Isa unlike Rod is not so easily fooled and questions Sofie. Sofie tells the whole story of how young Nancy Drew broke the case of "Singing Amante". Oooppps oh no is this gonna make trouble for me and my little bast..I mean Varon? No Sofie says as long as Gavi remains in hiding; everything is cool. (This is a very loose translation as Sofie is not even aware there is such a word as cool)

Finally Gavi comes down and she and Frankie take off in his red borrowed car. Frankie tries to impress her with Opera Music, but no a coal miner’s daughter at heart, Gavi opts for Norteno. Frankie has some & he and Ellie Mae ride happily.

Granny comes in and asks again about Frankie, the demure Sofie giggles and says he can’t come. Isa looks peeved at Frankie’s name, it is probably cause that kid is doing flip-flops thing it’s Pater is gonna appear, cause it ain’t feeling no connection to Rod. Sofie giggles yet again and tells Isa that Frankie has Grannies heart. Isa has a "I can one up that" look.

Rod finally shows up and has good news about Isa’s dad. He goes off to talk to Dani and Sofie asks about Isa’s dad. Once again Isa says how freeking awesome Rod is. I wondered if Sofie asked cause Isa had hit her up for money to help out dad, but of course Sofie declined.

Rod tries to question Dani about the weird phone a couple of days earlier, but Pilar calls them for dinner. Dani tells him it was nothing. Rod has a look like "Que?", but false alarm it was another misfiring synapses.

Aaron is on the phone and saying Minnie came to Miami and was BSC, (I am guessing that must be Mommy on the phone) Pam tries to comfort Aaron. He says he needs peace, Pammy who is now wearing a different robe (cause god knows a girl has to keep a guy guessing so he won’t get bored). Pam wisely tells him it is not going to be easy.

Over in DF Frankie & Gavi are in the restaurant drinking wine and he is doing the "70’s show", what’s your sign? Next will be "Cause you are one bitchin babe with a groovy personality". Gavi finally tells him she is a Scorpio and he says all the traits. In conversation he tells her that he can hook her up with a job at Montalvo. Gavi takes off for the bano, really to make a quick exit as Frankie, sits and thinks how much he likes her and how interesting she is compared to that simple minded Sofie, yep Frankie knows what a dullard Sofie is.

Isa excuses herself from the dinner table and Rod tells Granny he needs her to get his papers from Videgaray the traitor. Dani just sits there stone-faced. Granny fesses up that Videgaray did not betray Rod. She tells the story of the singing Amante & how Aaron investigated. Once again Rod is muy impacted or as muy impacted as Rod can be. He leaves and Dani gives them the evil eye. They still say there is no reason to tell the rest of the story (like Gavi isn’t really a whore and didn’t take the check). After all they need to watch out for Frankie’s Mom’s lil grandson.

Now then at Dry Gulch Acres, James pulls up and goes up to knock on the door, when he hears Acacia, he turns around and she is standing there in a long white dress…yep she was bringing the creep factor, I so expected a dog to howl. James asked her to marry, she said yes, but she has crazy eyes. She told him Meliton was on a trip and would be back in 15 days. James cause he too is a dumb ass, bought it. Yes indeed that is the first thing I thought when I saw Meliton, now there is a man who likes to travel.

And in conclusion to an evening of sex and lies, Dani was on the phone with Videgaray, while Sofie and Granny listened. She told him not to reveal to Rod all the info they uncovered. She then gave the look of disgust to her family members.


7/16 Juan Querendon

Hi Juan Querendon fans... I will be posting Monday's recap tomorrow. I am a little behind on some things but I promise, a full recap is coming!


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Duelo July 13 - Three people spill the same long held secret all at the same time.

Just to warn you, this one ended up being a little longer than usual. I figured since it was my last Duelo recap, and with it being an important episode, I would remove some of my internal controls that usually rein in my verbosity. I just let the rambling flow today. Here we go with the penultimate episode -

As the torch wielding lynch mob, with Thelma on horseback behind it, confronts Orlando, Luba, and Gaspar, Orlando and Thelma hurl insults at each other. Luba puts on her witch act to try and scare them off. Poor Gaspar yells out that Thelma is a bad person, though he still refers to her as ‘munequita,’ and that she has always been bad to him. She doesn’t care. She calls him retarded. Luba decides to reveal the truth about Thelma’s baby, but Thelma gets the crowd to agree, before Luba gets the words out, that Luba is a witch and can’t be believed. Orlando draws a gun to hold the crowd back.

Elias the wimp paces nervously while the prosecutor (Vargas?) tells him to calm down. Yeah right, he has a target on his forehead. Elias goes on about how much he loves Soledad. Elias continues his pacing.

Orlando shoots above the crowd to scare them back. There is a standoff. Orlando says they’ll find another way out of SE, Thelma says no way dude wherever you go we will find you. Orlando, Luba, and Gaspar leave, the crowd tries to follow them. This is a weak lynch mob, whenever they find Luba and Gaspar they try to kill them with yelling. It didn’t work the first couple times, just because now it is night and you actually lit your torches, it won’t work any better this time. I guess we shouldn’t expect a good plan, since the group is led by dumb and dumber, Vera and Ifigenio.

There is a knock on the church door, the priest opens it. In comes Don Loco with his gun out (I mean that literally, not some euphemism, this is on broadcast TV) and drags Soledad in behind him. Don Loco tells the priest that he and Soledad want to renew their wedding vows. Yes, he has completely lost it. The priest doesn’t really look like he’s up for it.

Luba, Gaspar, and Orlando return to their cave. Orlando says the cave is more secure than the immaculate cabin. Luba astutely says, “Where do you think they’ll look first when we aren’t at the cabin?” She left out ‘dumbass’ but the implication was there. Orlando says then they will be here waiting for them. Gaspar says something about the cofre, Orlando wants to know what is in it. Luba opens the cofre. Are we FINALLY GOING TO SEE WHAT IS IN THE DAMNED COFRE?

First we have to listen to Don Loco be crazy some more. He tells Soledad that it looks like she forgot the vow she made before God to be at his side until death. I guess he forgot the part of his vows where he shows some respect to his wife. Maybe in Mexico they don’t have the men say that part, but anyway. The priest says he is offending the house of God, I agree, but Don Loco tells him to hurry up already, they’re in a hurry. I don’t know if Soledad has just given up or she’s too scared to try and resist, or what. I was going to say that she has returned to her old completely helpless self, but I guess she never got away from that. She has done nothing to help herself for the entire six months of this show.

Elias, sporting a nice black eye, is still pacing around nervously. He appears to be drinking coffee, I don’t know if that’s the best thing for him now. With his nerves already frayed, that coffee will make him climb the walls and make a few extra trips to the bathroom. Emiliooo enters and says what are you waiting for? Let’s go! I guess he didn’t want to kick back with a cigar and watch other people do stuff, it’s time for action! Alina and Elias commiserate about their worry. They are off to SE to try and rescue Soledad. Emiliooo unnecessarily states that it will be difficult. Thank you for clearing that up.

Another cofre teaser – Luba tells Orlando that all the secrets of her herbs (is that really what she said?) are in the cofre. Gaspar says that she told him they could never tell what was in there, she says there isn’t any reason to remain quiet any longer.

The priest starts his ceremony. He asks DL if he reaffirms his vows to Soledad, he says yes. The priest asks Soledad, she just starts crying. DL tells her to answer. She says yes. She can barely get the words out. The priest looks disappointed.

Rosendo, who wears some sweet 70’s vintage clothing, is playing pool when the cops bust in and arrest him for the death of Claudia’s mother. I guess he wasn’t trying to hide out from the law. He goes along quietly. Claudia and Angel are there to witness it. Angel uses the excuse of comforting her to give her a full body, hip to hip, hug. I don’t blame him. I’d say he’s just days away from sealing the deal here. Crazy mom is out of the way, Rosendo is out of the way, I expect them to be married or at least engaged by the end of El Gran Final. She was dumb to cave to her mother the other day, but otherwise she seems normal enough. Don’t screw this up Angel. You stupidly ignored Sexy Nurse Suzi, you got lucky and rebounded with hottie store clerk Claudia. You won’t continue to be this lucky, quit while you’re ahead.

Emiliooo brings the gang to his hacienda. They sure got there fast. It’s going to be their base of operations. Emiliooo notes that nobody was there to receive them, he knows Santos is gone, but where is everyone else? Maybe Emiliooo and his merry band can break up the witch hunt.

Gaby says she isn’t afraid anymore, Doctora Loca told her that bad guys always get caught by the police. Tina is pleased that she is smiling again. Rodrigo comes in and they all have a happy reunion.

The lynch mob is outside Luba’s cave. One of them runs up and throws an explosive in the door, there is a nice big boom. Inside, they hear it and it makes the room shake, but nothing else. I guess the cave is farther inside the mountain than I thought. I always thought that the door there went directly outside, which would have had the explosion right in the middle of the living room. There must be some long entryway. Inside it sounds like an earthquake, the cave is collapsing. Luba, Gaspar, and Orlando make a run for it. I rewound to make sure, yes, someone grabbed the cofre on the way out. For a second I thought they left it there, and it would get buried, that would have been a nice plot twist but would have majorly pissed me off. Phew.

Coming out of the commercial, the bumper is Alina from back at the beginning of the show. She looks 20 times hotter here than in the show itself. What happened? Don’t they film the show over a shorter period of time than it even takes to watch it? How can she change so much in such a short period of time? It’s not like she got ugly or anything, but at the beginning of the show I regularly thought “Wow she’s hot” but I don’t remember the last time I thought that. I only noticed her ongoing battle with her shirts. Ah well, who knows.

SA is holding the baby in the living room of Emiliooo’s house. Emiliooo and Alina enter, surprised to see her there. Emiliooo has gone for quite an interesting look, a white buttoned shirt hanging out, a tan cowboy jacket, and an enormous cowboy hat. His footsteps sound like he’s wearing cowboy boots too. He isn’t used to walking in them, apparently, he stumbles a bit. Either that or he’s drunk. With the shirt hanging out, his look can be described as ‘drunk city guy dressed up as a cowboy.’ He asks SA what she is doing there. SA looks impactado, which is premature since the scene isn’t over at this point. Oh wait, it is. That might be the shortest scene in the history of this show. I’m going to go back and time it. 11 seconds. WTF. These writers have some serious ADD.

Luba and Gaspar run like hell through the forest. She yells at him to tell her where he left Orlando, Gaspar says he was in the cave. He’s going to go check, but she stops him. Luba is worried about him being missing, since he was protecting them with his gun. Gaspar whines that he doesn’t know where to go. Just then Thelma and the lynch mob (I’d say that is a great name for a band, but it was actually already used for a band, and they sucked. So never mind.) appear out of nowhere and Thelma says “oh, poor you.” Um, how did they get so close without Luba and Gaspar seeing the 50 torches? Thelma says she’s going to send them to hell. She starts the witch act again. The lynch mob grabs Luba and Gaspar and prepare to deal with them.

SA starts to tell her story. She says that Thelma and Orlando are here, uh, have they seen Thelma? Emiliooo says no. She says they have to stop her, she is going to do something horrible to Luba and Gaspar. Alina says they need to go check the cave. SA prays. Too late, accomplice.

Soledad and DL walk through the forest. She stops and announces that she is cold, hungry, tired, and thirsty. “Please, let me rest!” DL says there isn’t time for that, they have to get somewhere. She asks where. He says they are going up into the mountains to find a cave to be safe. She begs him to change his mind. Of course he doesn’t. What is it with this guy and caves?

Tina gives Rodrigo some tea. Rodrigo is happy to be home. Tina tells him about the phone calls from Thelma, and tells him that Thelma is the one who kidnapped Gaby. Rodrigo looks like he would kill her right then and there. With all the scores to be settled, there better be one hell of a grand shootout on Monday, not something lame like DL and Thelma both getting hit by a car.

Malena is impressed with Coral’s digs. Coral looks horrible, like she has a silver dollar cold sore. I know it’s a bruise, but bleah. She tells Malena the long list of people who are living with her now. Adela enters and is introduced to Malena. Coral tells Adela that tomorrow she’s going to hire some more household help. Poor Adela. They come here and while everyone else mooches off of Coral, Adela gets put to work. Angel and Claudia enter. They tell Coral that Rosendo killed Claudia’s mother. Coral is impactada.

DL and Soledad sit by a fire. I guess DL had this place stocked already, Soledad is drinking from a metal cup. She asks if they are going to live there, he says of course not. When they stop looking for him, they’ll go somewhere else. She says they’ll never stop looking, he says they will. He tries to kiss her, she says no, not now. He leaves her to rest. She prays to the Virgin for help.

Rodrigo is super pissed about Thelma. Tina explains that she wanted Alina far away, this was her crazy plan to make that happen. Rodrigo busts out that excellent line “Va a pagar muy caro.” She will pay dearly. Tina fills him in on Coral being suspicious first, then Doctora Loca got Gaby to spill the whole story. Since Tina, above all, is metiche, she can’t help but tell Rodrigo how Doctora Loca is nice, pretty, and a good person. Lady, he just found out that someone he knows kidnapped his daughter, he isn’t looking for a blind date. Cripes. And besides, Doctora Loca isn’t all that great, Tina, you don’t know about her burying her face in DL’s moustache. Ugh I got a flip in my stomach just writing that. Rodrigo says “yeah, yeah, she’s great.” He is polite to a fault. He should have told her that now is definitely not the time. Perhaps Tina knows that there are only 90 minutes left of this show and she’s trying to move it along.

Soledad is still awake. DL says he can see the stars, it is a romantic evening. Soledad tells him to leave her alone. He says this is their second honeymoon. He tries to get her to recall their first. She shuts him down. He tells her how much he loves her. She doesn’t want any of it. He figures she is just tired. She says yeah, that’s it, I need to rest.

Luba is tied to a stake, ready to burn. She tells the lynch mob to think about what they are doing. They decide to burn her. Gaspar, who isn’t tied up, cries miserably for his mama. Poor guy, he does a good job of being upset. I guess they are only going to burn Luba, I thought all this time that they wanted to torch both of them. Thelma tells Gaspar to shut up. She says if he didn’t do what he did at the Devil’s Cave, none of this would have happened. Ifigenio puts his torch to the kindling around Luba. She yells to Gaspar to save himself. She and Gaspar both cry and scream. Jeez it’s like a horror movie, it goes on and on. When will Emiliooo and Alina show up to save the day? Maybe after the commercial.

Hey was there no Asi es la Vida commercial today, or did I just fast forward through it?

The fire is still burning, Luba and Gaspar are still screaming. Emiliooo rides up and says “What’s going on here?” Alina, behind him, sees what is happening and tells him it’s Luba! Alina walks up next to Vera, who completely freaks out at seeing Alina alive. Suddenly the lynch mob starts trying to put out the fire. Ha I can’t get over Emiliooo riding up and asking what’s up, like he was approaching his buddies at the bar. “So what’s going on?” Idiot. Luba thanks the Virgin for saving her. Alina starts in on Vera, wanting to know what’s going on. Alina tells her that she is alive thanks to Luba and Gaspar. Vera says, “So she’s not a bad witch?” (I’m having a Monty Python moment here.) Alina says no, she is good and everyone needs to show her some respect. “She saved me from the evil of my father.” Emiliooo helps Luba down from her stake. She and Gaspar have a tearful reunion. Emiliooo confronts Thelma, wanting to know what she’s doing there. Alina runs up like a tattletale and says that Thelma is the one who incited the lynch mob to go after Luba.

Everyone tries to comfort Claudia. Claudia says now she is alone. Angel, on cue, says no, she isn’t alone, he is there for her. Coral says “What about me? Claudia you are like a sister to me.” Really? You hired her to work in your store like a week ago and now she is like a sister to you? I need to go get a job in her store, after a week I’ll be like a brother to her, then I’ll move my family into her mansion and mooch. Coral says that now with Claudia and Malena living here, they will be like a big family. Angel says they already locked up Rosendo, he hopes he’ll be inside for a long time. After how easily DL got out, don’t count on it. Duelo de Pasiones II – Rosendo Returns. Coming soon. Featuring an all 70’s/shiny shirt wearing cast.

Thelma runs away from Emiliooo. Vera the turncoat immediately screams out that Thelma is the one who got them all after Luba in the first place, and she knew the truth about Alina being alive! Ifigenio says yeah, let’s get her! They all cheer and start to run after Thelma. (I’m having another Monty Python moment here. If you have watched Life of Brian and Quest for the Holy Grail more than a few times this will seem like something right out of one of those. “Yes! We are all individuals!” There were frequent witch-related bits in there too. If you haven’t seen them, what is your problem? I can understand the TV show being too much to sit through, but those movies are classic.) Emiliooo tells the lynch mob to stop, they aren’t going anywhere. He is sure that Thelma is going to La Rinconada. He asks the crowd why they were going to torch her, Vera says because they thought she killed Alina! Emiliooo says that of course now they can see that they were wrong. He preaches that nobody can take their own justice, that is what the law is for. He tells them all to beg forgiveness from Luba. Alina checks on Luba and Gaspar, who are holding on to each other for dear life. Luba says how is she supposed to feel? She was on the brink of death!

Thelma storms in and yells at SA, wanting to know if she left the baby alone. SA says no, the baby is here in this house sleeping. Thelma tells her she shouldn’t have come. SA starts to tell her about Emiliooo, Thelma cuts her off and says yeah yeah, Emiliooo knows everything. He stopped them from killing Luba and Gaspar. SA then tells her that Gaby named her (Thelma) as her kidnapper. Uh oh Thelma, looks like it’s all falling apart. You are screwed. SA keeps on about Rodrigo, Thelma pours a drink and yells at her to shut up and help her think of a way out of all this. SA says no, not any more, she is as guilty as Thelma but she won’t fall any farther. Thelma tells her sarcastically to go to church and ask for forgiveness, then even though she could clearly see Emiliooo walking in, she says nobody will ever know what Gaspar did to her. Emiliooo, obviously, then asks, “What did Gaspar do to you?” Thelma gets an ‘uh oh” look. Yeah. Uh oh is right.

Elias tells Vargas that there are a lot of caves and DL knows them very well. Elias is desperate to know how Soledad is doing.

Emiliooo demands an answer. Thelma says she doesn’t have to answer. Alina wants to know why Thelma holds such a grudge against Luba and Gaspar. Thelma is taking the “I don’t have to tell you anything” approach, which of course is code for “I am so guilty of a number of things, I don’t even know where to start.” She says she’s leaving, Emiliooo stops her and says she’s staying until she provides some answers. Alina says that if Thelma doesn’t talk to them, she’ll have to talk to Vargas. Emiliooo agrees and says he’ll file accusations against her. Luba enters and says something confusing, but I think she means that she will tell everyone what Thelma won’t. Oh this is it, finally! Luba takes a long time to tell it, but she tells them that Thelma’s baby isn’t Emiliooo’s, it is Gaspar’s! Emiliooo is super end of show slow motion impactado. He looks like he got kicked in the nuts, then he looks down at Thelma like “oh you bitch.” The impactado was long enough for him to do all that. And right in the middle of a scene! We haven’t seen the super/end of show/slow motion impactado trifecta anywhere but at the very end of an episode. If any scene called for it, this was it. Thelma, of course, immediately starts yelling at Luba for telling her little secret. She says it’s a lie. Gaspar enters and says “My mama isn’t a liar! I kissed you in the Devil’s Cave!” Thelma insists it isn’t true. She tells Emiliooo that the baby is his, and she is his wife! (What does that have to do with anything?) Alina took some smart pills, because immediately she steps up and says she knows Luba doesn’t lie, so fine, nobody leaves, we’ll have a DNA test. Thelma is really grasping for straws, she tells Alina “Who are you to be involved in this? Shut up!” Emiliooo tells her no, YOU shut up. Recess is almost over kids, let’s get on with this. Thelma still tries to play the victim and tells Emilioo that she has put up with a lot from him, but she’ll never forgive him for humiliating her in front of these people. She storms out, SA hurrying along behind her (why?) but this time nobody stops her. Luba tells Emiliooo that he knows that she hasn’t ever lied to him, she is telling the truth. Emiliooo says he doesn’t know, she always told him that Gaspar created his infatuation with Thelma from nothing, now she is telling him something else. Wow when did everyone get so sensible? I have to agree that he has a point there. Emiliooo says he wants to think. Don’t hurt yourself. Luba tells Gaspar that it’s time to go, he is upset and wants to see his baby. Alina tries to be nice to Emiliooo and then leave, but he tells her to stay with him. That was like the total opposite of the 11 second scene, this one might have been more than five minutes. That’s an eternity for this show.

Thelma goes into her room and slams the door, leaving SA in the hall. She tells SA to leave her alone. SA then thought bubbles “Poor Thelma.” What? Poor Thelma? She will be getting what she deserves. Thelma in her room curses Gaspar. She knows what the DNA test will show.

SA talks to the baby, who is wide awake. He is quite a nice looking baby, no wonder SA can’t leave him alone. She tells him not to worry, he isn’t guilty of any of what his mom did. She says nothing will happen to him. Emiliooo and Alina enter, Emiliooo asks for and receives a moment alone with the baby. He asks the baby if he is his son. He has a sweet little talk about how he loved him when he first saw him and if he isn’t really his son, he still won’t leave him alone. Now he has to help Vargas find DL. Emiliooo shouldn’t worry, doesn’t he know that every virgin who has sex before marriage gets pregnant the first time? Alina must be about a week along at this point. Downstairs, he sees Orlando and snaps at him “what are you doing here?” Orlando says he has to talk to him, Thelma cheated on him, the baby isn’t his! Poor Orlando, he’s always late with the news. Hasn’t this happened to him before? Emiliooo is slightly impactado again. Maybe he’s wondering how everyone in the world knows about the baby except him.

Gaspar plays with the horse he whittled for his baby. He is upset that Emiliooo didn’t believe them. Gaspar wants to find a cave nicer than the one they had before and live there with his son. Luba says it’s a pretty dream, but the baby will never want for anything living with Emiliooo. Gaspar says he doesn’t need a hacienda, they lived in a cave and were poor, but they are happy and good people. His baby could grow up to be just like him. Alina enters and asks if it is true about Gaspar being the father. She doesn’t answer, but behind her Gaspar nods his head frantically.

Emiliooo wants to know how Orlando knows about this. Orlando says, “You already know?” Emiliooo says Luba just told him, but how does Orlando know? Orlando says he has testimony and proof that Gaspar got busy with Thelma at the Devil’s Cave. Dammit wouldn’t Emiliooo have realized that he didn’t have sex with Thelma anywhere near the time she would have conceived? The 200 years ago mentality these people fall into when it is convenient is maddening. Emiliooo asks why he should believe Orlando after what he did with Alina. Orlando says yes, he was jealous and he lied, but now he is telling the truth. Come to think of it, Orlando really is a snake. He tried that thing with Alina, and remember waaaay back at the beginning of the show, he was trying to get some from Thelma too? I had forgotten that. Emiliooo gets back to his normal self, ignoring reality, and says that he doesn’t believe Orlando or Luba. He tells Orlando to leave, or they are going to have to rumble.

Alina talks to Gaspar and Luba, she says that they need to do the DNA test. Gaspar, who suddenly can barely talk like he’s losing his voice, says he doesn’t want the baby anymore, his munequita took it from him. (What? I went back and it didn’t make sense the second time either. What am I missing here?). Alina says they need to clear it all up. Even if Emiliooo will be sad, they need to know the truth. She then tells Luba that DL took Soleda and they are hiding in the mountains.

I guess Orlando didn’t leave, so there’s gonna be a fight. Orlando says fine, don’t believe me, you’ll be working like a dog to support a retarded kid. Whoa, that’s a low blow, he deserves the whupping Emiliooo is about to give him. Bah the fight gets broken up before it really starts by a couple of the detectives/police/whoever came with Vargas. SA wants to know what’s going on, Emiliooo says Orlando is telling him lies that the baby is Gaspar’s. SA says this time Orlando isn’t lying, she herself knows for a fact that Gaspar is the father. Emiliooo is impactado for the third time at the same news. That has to be a record, impactado at the exact same thing three times in a row.

Luba and Alina worry about Soledad. Gaspar whines that the bad people like Don Loco an Thelma always win. Alina gears up for a speech and says “No Gaspar. Everything will work out, I have faith.” Luba then actually tells Alina that she is strong. Yeah right. She is almost as wimpy as Elias, though today she has shown more brains than usual. The conversation shifts to the cofre. Luba says that DL’s mother gave it to her before she died and Luba wasn’t able to ever give it to DL. Alina asks what the secret it. Luba says she’ll tell her, and tomorrow when the agents find DL, Alina can tell DL. I think that’s what she said. They are just rambling and being dramatic. Gaspar is holding the cofre, it looks like a metal lunchbox.

Emiliooo tries to look dramatically pensive. Thelma comes downstairs to talk to him. Why would she do that? She should be doing a repeat of the old Soledad/Samsonite escape. She calls his name and when he doesn’t answer says “I’m talking to you.” Man she has some nerve. I have to remember any time my wife might speak a little rudely to me that at least she isn’t this woman. Emiliooo says he doesn’t want to see her or hear from her ever again. She says fine, then admits herself that Emiliooo isn’t the father. She says it’s his fault, because she loved him and he always mistreated her and she was jealous. The only reason she was even at the Devil’s Cave that night was that she was looking for him. She says tearfully that the only reason she knocked boots with Gaspar is that she thought it was him, Emiliooo. (Wow she must have been drunk! Gaspar has about two feet more hair and about 75 pounds more muscle. Plus, he talks like a five year old.) Emiliooo wants to know why she said the baby was his. She says so they could be together. Emiliooo says he is going to give the baby to Gaspar, he’ll take care of the baby better than her. She says if he does that, she will kill them! I’m not sure if ‘them’ is Gaspar and the baby, or Gaspar and Luba, or Emiliooo and Alina, or what. But she will kill somebody!

Monday – El Gran Final! Por Fin! The advance shows SA in a complete meltdown because the baby is missing, then we see Gaspar holding his baby, telling him how much he loves him. Aww. (that wasn’t sarcasm.) Then, DL is standing in front of Soledad, who is on a horse, apparently trying to escape. From behind her pops out Alina, who says “Papa?” DL gasps “Alina!” Does he still think she’s dead?

Ok folks this is it! One more big show on Monday! We got the whole Thelma is evil and Gaspar is the father reveals out of the way, all that is left is to find out what is in the damn cofre and for DL to get his final reward. See you in Amar Sin Limites! (In a few weeks anyway, I’m on vacation to Mexico the next two Fridays and someone has graciously volunteered to step in and cover for me. I’ll be back in my regular Friday slot on August 3.)


Acorralada #127 – 7/13/07 – Friday - The End Must Be Near as Another Death Culls the Herd

Marfil and Diablo are still at the morgue. Marfil, who's all jittery, doesn't want the attendant to cover Debora's face. We get a lovely close-up of Debora's bullet wound perfectly centered on her forehead. Again, note how her hair is red and not blonde any more.

Princess Fi shows up at her long-lost friend Ishy's place. She tells him her marriage is over and how her former boyfriend just died. I believe she is now on the prowl for a new rich man, because Ishy is saying she just missed "Alejandro" who is rich and survived his yacht's sinking, but is now on his way to Atlanta.

Pedro and Max are at an attorney's office in Atlanta. Pedro tells the attorney he wants to recoup everything his evil brother stole from him. In addition, he wants to name Max as his sole beneficiary. Max tries to tell him that's too much, but Pedro won't hear of it. He's made up his mind; Max will get everything when Pedro dies!

Princess Fi tells Ishy that she's broke after leaving Cousin Eddie and doesn't like it. Her parents used to be rich, but they lost their fortune little by little. She lived like a queen with Cousin Eddie and wants to continue that life style. Ishy offers his humble house, but apparently Princess Fi doesn't want to live that way. I'm not quite clear on this part; can anyone help me? It doesn't make sense that she's homeless, but won't stay with Ishy. There must be something I'm misunderstanding.

Dimwit is back at Emili-Oh's Homeless Shelter for Wayward Individuals. Fidiota is trying to talk Dimwit into returning to Psycho Mansion, but Dimwit is refusing. Fidiota says "Very well, as you wish. By the way, I'm going to an AA meeting, as I need help. Roddy made me realize alcohol was causing me to be very hard on you girls and I almost lost you!" Dimwit tells Fidiota she never would have lost her girls. Suddenly Sylvie bursts in; Dimwit has a visitor. It's Cousin Eddie with a bouquet of red roses. Is anyone creeped out by him besides me? Fidiota rushes off to an appointment with Roddy so Dimwit can have a moment alone with Cousin Eddie. My skin is crawling!

Marfil wants a moment alone with Debora. The attendant gives her two minutes. After Diablo and the attendant have left, Marfil starts spewing her rage against Debora. She hates her. They were always rivals for their parents' attention, friends, etc. Debora was always a delinquent and evil. On and on. Marfil states, "And now you're dead forever! Maldita!!!!" Marfil starts laughing maniacally. Suddenly Debora's eyes open up wide and she grabs Marfil by the throat!

Cousin Eddie is bemoaning the fact that his marriage is over. "Dimwit, please promise me I won't lose you as a friend." He then asks her out for dinner and dancing after she's recovered, so they can have some fun and try to forget what's-their-names. Dimwit is skeptical and I'm even more creeped out! He then starts pleading and wheedling until she agrees to go to dinner only.

Debora is still choking Marfil until Marfil breaks free. When the camera pans down, we see Debora is still dead. Psyche! By now, Marfil is shaken up. As she's quaking in her Jimmy Choo's, Diablo and the attendant return. She then leans close to Debora and whispers "Hasta nunca! May you burn in hell!" She then covers up Debora's face with a sheet and walks out. The Orchestra of Doom kicks it up a notch.

Sylvie points out the obvious (while she's arranging the roses). Cousin Eddie is enchanted with Dimwit. Dimwit is still moaning over Max's demise.

Pasta is talking to Peyote, despite the fact she's still in a coma. He says he knows she can hear him. He then proceeds to tell him that Caramel went to the jail to talk to Puncho and confront him about being a bigamist and a trafficker in stolen jewelry. We then see Caramel coming to the jail to see Puncho; she's come to ask him for a divorce. Puncho looks pretty chastened. Commercial.

Fidiota is at Roddy's office. She's nervously anticipating her first AA meeting. We then get a PSA about alcoholism. "Don't worry, I'll be at your side," says Roddy. He then tells her he'd like to get married in three months.

Gaby and Dimwit are having another heart-to-heart talk. Little Doormat wants to know if Isabel poisoned Dimwit as a way of avenging Andres' death. Dimwit says she's sure it's some other reason, although she doesn't know what. Little Doormat then starts asking about Cousin Eddie. "He's just a friend," swears Dimwit. "I'll never love anyone else ever again!!! Blah, blah, blah. Dimwit wants to know why Little Doormat looks so sad. Little Doormat swears Dimwit to secrecy, but says she needs to tell someone. "Kick Me raped me!" Dimwit is impactada! This must be bad since we never got a trade-marked glassy stare with a head tilt. OK, so maybe there was a little of the head-tilt action going on.

Fidiota is a little stricken at the possibility of getting married in three months. Roddy wants to know if it's because Fidiota wants to get back with Pasta. "No," says Fidiota. "Pasta is out of my life for good! I want to marry you, just not in three months. I want everything to calm down first." Roddy smirks when Fidiota says Pasta is out of her life forever. If Fidiota doesn't want to rush things, he's fine with that. He just knows that the happiest times of his life will be when they're husband and wife.

Pasta and Caramel are hanging out at Peyote's bedside. Caramel is telling Pasta how she told Puncho she wanted a divorce. When Pasta asks how Puncho took it, Caramel says Puncho was sad. She adds she hates seeing him incarcerated. Pasta says Puncho is getting what he deserves. At that moment, Peyote starts gasping and heaving her chest. She looks like something out of the Exorcist. Pasta tells Caramel to find DoK stat!

Fidiota is now at the AA meeting, clutching Roddy's hand. The group leader announces they have a new participant. Fidiota stands up and introduces herself giving her full name. She admits she's an alcoholic. I thought AA only used first names.

Dimwit tells Gaby she needs to dump Kick Me. "Why are you staying with that jerk? You need to tell mom!" Little Doormat gets frantic; you promised you wouldn't say anything! If Larry finds out, he'll kill Kick Me and get in trouble. Swear you won't say a word. Promise me!!!! Promise me!!!! " Dimwit promises and the sisters embrace.

Pedro and Maxi-Moron are chatting about Pedro getting his fortune back. Maxi-Moron doesn't want to return to Miami until everyone forgets him.

Princess Fi is telling Octopus she has no money and will probably be homeless before too long. She asks if she can stay with Octopus and her son. Octopus points out Marfil lives there and probably won't be too open to the idea of Princess Fi joining them. Princess Fi then tells Octopus about a rich guy she heard about in Atlanta. His name is Alejandro. I'm sure Princess Fi is going to make her way to Atlanta before too long.

Octopus is at the hospital when Caramel and Pasta walk out. Peyote is dying!

Pedro and Maxi-Boring are now discussing his plans for revenge. Max, using his alias of Alejandro, is going to go after Diablo, Doc Evil, and Camila. Then, one day he will come face to face with the mother of his son, and when he does, he wants Dimwit to explain how she could have slept with Diablo! Dramatic music plays.

Caramel and Pasta are out in the hospital waiting area when Octopus walks up. Pasta tells Octy that Peyote just suffered from convulsions. Octopus is about to go see her daughter when DoK walks out and tells them Peyote just died! OK, I’m totally shocked they'd kill off one of the bigger characters. They all pile into Peyote's room, with Pasta and Caramel saying a heartfelt and sad goodbye. Octopus stands back and just stares with no expression on her face. Finally DoK says they all need to leave so they can get Peyote's body ready for the funeral. Pasta and Caramel are distraught and leave, glaring at Octopus on their way by. Finally a shell-shocked looking Octopus leaves. By now, Luscious and Yolanda arrive and hear the news. They are distraught as well. Again, Octopus just stands there stone-faced. This is a very sad scene.

Fidiota is sitting in Roddy's office discussing her feelings about her first AA meeting when the cell phone rings. It's Caramel giving her the news about Peyote. Fidiota is impactada and gives Caramel her sympathies.

Princess Fi comes in to the waiting room where Octopus is sitting by herself. Still with no expression. Princess Fi tells Octopus she's sorry to hear about Peyote. Octopus doesn't give her much of a response, except to say that now she's lost two of her children. Princess Fi is in tears; Octopus still has that impassive look on her face.

Marfil and Diablo are in bed again. The "Ick" factor is still overwhelming. Marfil gets a call from Larry telling her about Peyote. Marfil is impactada. She then tells Diablo and adds the Peyote was a parasite who drained Octopus' money. Diablo points out that Octopus has lost two of three children and starts laughing. Marfil doesn't look terribly amused.

Maxi-Tool is in Atlanta telling us how much he misses his family. He also says, "Forgive me for letting you think I'm dead!"

Fidiota is telling a bed-ridden Dimwit about Peyote. Dimwit wants to go to the funeral to support Pasta, Caramel, and Lunkhead. Fidiota is actually supportive.

Little Doormat is in her bedroom dressed in black. She sure is petite. Kick Me comes up and wants to know why she's dressed in this manner. She tells him she's going to Peyote's funeral; "Peyote died today." Since when do funerals happen so fast? Only in TeleMiami. At any rate, Kick Me is convinced she's going so she can see Lunkhead. He then forbids her to attend. Of course Little Doormat caves. He then takes off his sweaty work-out shirt and starts to hand it to her, but drops it on the floor before she can take it. He then orders her to pick it up and bring him some clean clothes.

Everyone is arriving at the funeral and Pasta and Octopus are standing at the door greeting people. Octopus' expression is still frozen. Dimwit, Fidiota, and Roddy show up and offer their condolences to Pasta and Octopus. Octopus accuses Fidiota of only coming to gloat at the misfortune falling upon Octopus. Fidiota replies she would never wish the death of children on anyone. She knows what it's like to lose her children! Octopus just glares at her.

Marfil shows up dressed in a perky white top. She's the only one at the funeral dressed in something other than black. Octopus asks Marfil to accompany her to the casket. When she gets to the casket, Octopus totally loses it! She stands there sobbing and begging forgiveness for being such a crappy mom. She is finally paying a huge Karmic debt. Larry tries to comfort her and they become a big sodden mass of grief. Perhaps Octopus is finally realizing the errors of her ways, because she now seems truly repentant.

Credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella Withdrawal II: Don't forget Telenovela-World

I've noticed in the comments that people are still suffering from LFMB withdrawal. In addition to the chat room (a great place to leave messages and youtube links, but some people say they can't access it), don't forget there's also the forum on Telenovela-World. Blogger has a nice Comments feature, but it isn't really intended for ongoing conversations. There's no threading, and you have to scroll and scroll. A forum IS intended for ongoing conversations, and new stuff always gets added to the top so you can find it quickly. Go to the forum now and check it out!

Yes, it's been slow there lately. Know why? Because people go there, see that no one has posted, and leave. (I see the same thing happening in the chat room all the time - I'm guilty of it myself.) But if you want people to talk, sometimes you have to start the conversation. Go to Telenovela-World and start a thread there.

Oh all right I'll start it myself. OK done. Now go there. Please. :-)


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