Friday, July 27, 2007

Juan Q - Thursday 7/26 - Cesar squirms cuz he's a worm, but Juan is an angel and a prince.

Hi all, on Saturday morning I leave for a three-week vacation, no TV and no computers. Would one of you other recappers be willing to post a date and title on the next three Thursdays for me? I'm hoping that some of our commenters will weigh in with a sentence or two (or more!) of what happened in the episode.

On with the show...

We begin with a repeat treat of Paula giving Ivonne an earful, poking her in the head, then pushing her out of the elevator. Paula continues down to the garage and instructs Juan to take her to his house immediately.

Cesar and Monica drive up moments after Paula leaves. Cesar doesn't want to go up with Monica so Fernando makes up a story that he has to talk to CL privately. CL acts all bummed out in front of Monica but afterward thanks Fer for "playing the ball well". He gives Fer the "thumbs up compadre" sign, Fer just shakes his head in disapproval.

Alirio tells Nidia with great flair that when he visited Paula at the office she was a fiera and nearly tore him to shreds while ejecting him from her office. Furthermore, she suspects there is something fishy going on because Nidia is so anxious to get rid of Ana and he, Alirio, told Nidia she would be.

Nidia insists there is nothing to worry about because Samuel's original will is gone and only the forged will remains, right??? Alirio begs her, for once in her life, to be tactful and diplomatic. She retorts that the snot-nosed brat Paula doesn't scare her. Alirio wheedles some more and dramatically concludes that no matter what he will not shoot himself in the head like the deceased Samuel! (Uh oh, I really hope Alirio doesn't off himself cuz I like his obnoxious self.) Nidia rolls her eyes like "I only wish."

On the drive over Paula tells Juan that she's angry, furious, hysterical. Juan, thinking he's in trouble, talks a mile a minute saying he has no idea why Marely refused the job, he doesn't understand why Paula wants to go to his house, hablabablabablaba... Paula tells Juan not to worry, there is a lot he doesn't know about her.

Juan continues to suffer in angst. Paula finally does the big reveal...she tells him that she and Marely are half sisters. Juan is slam-on-the-brakes, bug-eyed, drop-jawed impactado.

Paula asks Juan can he imagine how she felt when her own half sis came in and asked for a job, especially after he recommended her? Juan is aghast that Nidia and family are the ones tormenting Ana and Paula. Paula tells him the Ana/Samuel story. "WOW!" Juan exclaims, dumbfounded, speechless for once.

CL sequesters Monica in his office. He sees Marely and asks her what's up. She informs him she is Paula's, er Licenciada Davila's new secretary. CL says he respects her work ethic, it's just like her dad's. He glances at Ivonne's empty chair, looks at his watch and frowns.

Paula hopes Juan doesn't think badly of her mother, now that he knows she spent her life sinning with Samuel and all. Juan assures her not at all, there are no bounderies when it comes to love and sin. Then he makes a funny face and thoughtbubbles, "Like mother like daughter." (I paraphrased what he said, it was rather complicated.)

Paula goes on a tirade against Nidia, explaining to Juan the bad things Nidia has done to Ana recently. Paula doesn't need Juan's help and doesn't want to get him into trouble. She will put that woman in her place on her own!

Ivonne wasn't at her desk because she's in Pastor's office complaining about Paula's behavior to her in the elevator. She says Paula is a fiera who thinks she's the queen of the place. Pastor sees through Ivonne and asks her to swear that she's not the one who's been making crank calls to Ana. Ivonne insists she's not but Pastor doesn't buy it. He knows his gal pal too well.

Marely daydreams about Juan at her desk.

Pastor gets a call, CL wants to see him right away. Ivonne throws her hands up...great, the boss is here and she's not at her desk. This morning sucks!

The next scene is classic - Cl, Monica and Pastor are in CL's office. While CL tells Pastor to find his wife a job, she's very bright and will be a great asset, he stands behind her making all kinds of sign language that says 'Get her the hell out of here, NO JOB!! Pastor's face goes through a series of confused contortions as he tries to decipher CL's true intent. Pastor takes a deep breath and goes for it, he has the perfect job that requires Monica's many skills, it's at the plant in Pachuca! CL nearly wets himself in joy. Yes! Pachuca! (Kudos to Alexis Ayala and Pedro Romo for a truly funny scene.)

Juan parks around the corner from Nidia's Nuthouse and directs Paula to it. Yadi begrudgingly interrupts her manicure to answer the door. She and Paula trade barbs but Yadi's no match for Paula today. Paula brushes past her and clickety-clicks into the main room. Defeated, Yadira fetches Nidia while Paula tenderly looks at Samuel's picture.

Nidia is screaming at Alirio to tell her EXACTLY how much inheritance she can expect when Yadi interrupts. When Nidia hears that Paula Davila is downstairs she does an epic chest thrust and tosses her hair back. Aliria tries to prevent her from going downstairs. Nidia calls him a chicken and says he has no...(cups her hands like she's holding his huevitos)...he has no...guts!! She pushes him aside and Yadira follows.

Meanwhile Juan is outside with a worried look. He recalls the night he arrived, when Samuel ordered him at gunpoint to take care of his girls, especially Marely the only one worth salvaging, and don't forget about Paula. Juan remembers being confused. Who was Paula? Samuel shoots himself and scares Juan back into the present. Claro! Paula is his palomita, and Samuel entrusted her to Juan's care. Life is a difficult path sometimes.

Nidia must have cut Alirio off at the pass because she is the one talking to Paula. Paula says she has Personal Business with Nidia. Nidia insults her but Paula stands firm, she'll not leave until Nidia hears her out. Nidia likes to talk, not listen, but she does a chest heft and tells the Señorita to follow her. Yadi and Alirio press their ears against the study doors.

Pastor sucks up to Monica and extolls the virtues of the job in Pachuca. Monica sits and listens patiently, she says the job sounds wonderful, PERO...she wants to enjoy this pregnancy working side by side with CL. It's what they both want. CL squirms. Pastor thinks. He has another great idea, he needs an office manager for the main delicatessen. Monica likes this idea, she'll go for it even though she has no idea what it entails. Whatever. CL gives her the bum's rush and Pastor escorts her to her new job. Great idea Pastor, let the pregnant lady work around all the food.

Nidia tells Paula she has five minutes to say her what's on her mind. In between Nidia's insults Paula manages to state her case. She has a proposition for Nidia, she wants Nidia to 1) stop trying to take away Ana's house, 2) stop trying to get them out of the country, and 3) stop blackmailing Marely into quitting her job. Nidia smirks, it's the stupidest proposition she's ever heard of in her life! And what will she get if she agrees to these demands?Paula retorts that if Nidia lays off then she will NOT thoroughly investigate everything having to do with Samuel's will. Alirio, listening outside, nearly faints.

Paula goes on to say that Nidia and Alirio's recent behavior has made her suspicious and if Nidia insists on tormenting them then she will investigate until she finds out what Nidia and Alirio are up to. Alirio graps his throat like he's choking. Paula tells a somewhat mollified Nidia to think good and hard about her proposal. She blasts through the doors, flinging the eavesdropping pair aside. They try to act nonchalant.

Kike enters Farell Industries offices looking for Juan. He is suprised to see Marely. He can't believe Juan kept his promise and got her a job. The office gossipers stroll over to spy on the conversation. They eyeball Kike; maybe they're interested in him even though he needs to do about 500 situps a day.

Paula tells a worried Juan that everything went fine, much better than she imagined, now they have to get back to work. Juan tells her no, there is an important something she needs to do first. He saw Ana this morning and she was sad. Paula gets a stubborn look on her face but Juan keeps working her, talking in his sexy persuasive voice to please give mama a second chance. He acts out for her how they will kiss and make up. His antics make Paula smile...OK, she cannot say No to Juan.

Alirio has a complete meltdown because Nidia didn't do as he advised and now the fiera is sniffing at their trail. She tells him to shut up, she has a very simple plan. She will act like she accepts Paula's proposal, the stupids will forget, then after a while...they'll be mole (pulverized sauce)! She will completely destroy their lives, this time for good and Alirio will help her reclaim her property. Alirio hems and haws, he tells her that actually, in reality, no dear Nidia of his heart, he will not. He lied to her, he never falsified Samuel's will in her favor like he told her. Nidia is wide-eyed impactada, her eyes get pretty darn wide.

The commercial advance shows Alirio counting his money.

Nidia gasps and cries she has nothing! She is ruined by Alirio's lies! She stands up, glares at him, and in a divine about-face begins to circle the desk after him. "No wedding!" she hisses. She chases and shouts insults at him. When she corners him he starts talking to save his skin. She can't be paid Samuel's inheritance because, well, basically he embezzled it. "You robbed me!" she shrieks. She chases him round and round the desk.

Kike tells Marely that he's at Farell Industries seeking employment as a chauffeur so he can earn more money so Yadi will treat him with respect and admiration. Marely sighs that sooner or later Yadi will see he's the man for her and Fernando's deceptions will be a big surprise for her. Kike perks up his ears, deceptions? What does she mean? Is he married? Does he have kids? Is he half poofter? Marely tells him to beat it, she has work to do.

Nidia's got Alirio in an arm lock. He pleads for his life, he never thought to keep the money for himself, it was going to be her wedding present. She chokes him until he promises to hand over the money...tomorrow! He says he will give it to her as part of their Marriage Agreement. "Pay up now," she demands, "before the little bird flies."

Paula tells Juan he is an angel for persuading her to visit her ma. He smiles and says life is too short to fight with those we love.

Inside the house - Ana paints, hates her art, and smears her palette onto her painting. The doorbell rings. Ana answers and she and Paula stare at each other.

CL is majorly miffed because Paula has been AWOL all morning. He asks Ivonne if she knows where Paula is. "Miami," Ivonne sarcastically answers. It's not her business to know. La Licenciada was there this morning but then she left. She accuses CL of being afraid his two women will meet. Cl squirms. Ivonne advises him that nothing gives away a cheating man faster than a bad case of the nerves.

CL asks Marely about Paula. Kike pushes CL to get his attention, he is Enrique Bueno, Juan's friend. Has Juan spoken of him? Cesar looks confused.

Ana and Paula make up, tears, apologies, things are looking good. But then Ana asks Paula to give up her job. This boring pair go on and on so I'll try to make it short. Paula has been on her own and doesn't want mom to run her life. Mom can't stop being a mom. Paula wants to make her own mistakes, will mom let her live her life? Mom says as much as it pains her, NO. Paula says they have nothing more to discuss. Mom says she will always be the mom and will be there if Paula ever needs her. It's a mother/daughter Mexican standoff.

Paula goes outside, sees Juan, and rushes into his arms. Wow, it's like a dream come true for Juan except that his sweetie is really bummed out. He's not sure if he should hold her. He thoughtbubbles "I thank the heavens for her sadness because thanks to her tears I now feel the greatest happiness of my life. It's an ironic contradiction but there it is. I want this moment to last for all eternity. Watch, (he's adressing his watch now) you hold time in your hands. Make this night last forever so that she never, ever goes away from me." He embraces her sadly.

I love Juan!!!!

Advance for tomorrow: a disastrous encounter, later Paula gives Pastor her resignation.

echar balone fuera = evade the issue (lit. to throw the ball outside)
enredar = to tangle up
Dando y dando, pajarito volando. = Do the money exchange now. (lit. giving and giving, the little bird flies away)
floripondio = big poofter (derogatory slang for homosexual)
para colmo de males = to make matters worse

Dear friends, next week I will be in the Galapagos Islands, the following two weeks I will be in Peru hiking Machu Picchu. I'll be back August 18th and will resume my recapping duties the following Thursday. I'll miss you all and look forward to catching up when I get back! If I happen to run into Christian Meier I'll give him a kiss for each and every one of you. We get like 600 hits a day, right? heh heh


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #6, Wednesday 7-25: Gala Night and the Morning After

Previously on Amar Sin Limites: There's a very long "previously on" segment including such events as Azul and Diego's googly eyes at first sight; Piero and Lidia trying to eat each others' faces (por dios! Get some kissing lessons, people!); and the teeny-tiny strap on Azul's dress breaking.

Azul finally agrees to let Diego help her with her dress and he proceeds to very, very sexily sew the strap back on. Frankly, I don't see how anyone could get that excited about having a sharp needle that close to a sensitive bit of anatomy, but whatever. She tells him he knows how to sew really well and he says that’s what he's been trying to tell her all night. Meanwhile, legions of adolescent boys wonder why no one ever told them taking home economics could get them some play. Before they can consummate their wardrobe malfunction, Azul and Diego are interrupted by someone coming into the bathroom. They hide in one of the stalls and Diego attempts to retrieve the needle from Azul's cleavage, but she smacks him on the hand and gets the needle for him. Did all of that sound really dirty? Cause it should have.

Lidia has come to visit Boss Man (Piero?) at his house, which gets him all hot and bothered. Apparently he has a thing for his mistress coming by and chatting with his wife while he puts his daughter to bed. And apparently, getting him all hot and bothered was her goal.

Diego continues sewing as he and Azul hide out in a stall in the ladies' room. There's more flirting about Diego's sewing and more shushing each other and lots more heavy breathing. It occurs to me to wonder how he's going to cut the thread. I typically bite mine when I'm sewing…whoa, and so does he! So wrong! ("It's sewing porn!" my husband exclaims. I realized later that I missed Diego cutting the thread the previous day because my DVR cut off and then they didn't re-show it at the beginning of today's show.) Diego says he'd like to live in the ladies' room with Azul forever (ew!). Mauricio calls Azul on her cell phone to tell her he's on his way, but she's a little distracted. She covers the mouthpiece and tells Diego to stay and not follow her. Mauricio is telling Azul she needs to make him look good when he gets there.

Silvana is nervously watching people arrive at the party and drops her bag. Security are keeping their eyes on her. She bumps into Diego on her way to the ladies' room and he helps her in there. Someone should tip him for going above and beyond the call of duty as bathroom attendant tonight. She's looking pretty unsteady on her feet, but she tells Diego she hasn't been drinking. He innocently asks her what she's doing there and she tells him it's a long story. She asks him if he's with the gal in the red dress, that she saw them, and that she (Azul) likes him. He tells her he's got to go back out there and chase after Azul some more. Silvana asks him to see if she's being followed since she wasn't invited. It does look like security is waiting for her to come out, so Diego tells her he'll deal with his unfinished business and then help her get out of the bathroom.

Diego's dad is desperately trying to get some, while Mama tells him she needs a little more time to get, uh, motivated. Ya'll I'm trying to keep this as clean as I can, but the writers sure aren't helping! He complains about not knowing when she's in the mood and when she's not. Mama asks for more delicacy and more time…and oh, by the way, it would also be nice if he didn't talk to her dad that way. She calls him on his "owner of the house" line by reminding him that Abuelo helped pay the mortgage a couple months when they were about to take the house away. Take that! He storms out of the room.

Silvana has attempted to escape the ladies' room without waiting for Diego. Security asks to see her invitation and she tries to tell them her "husband" (Diego) has it. Another Security person asks Diego for his invitation as they have a problem with his "wife" but he says he left it in his coat, which he checked. Security want names to check against the list of invitees. Diego gives them "Carlos Moreno," but they're not on the list, so Security ask them to leave. Diego good-naturedly escorts his "wife" out the door while stopping to grab Azul and smooch her in a not altogether unpleasant way before he leaves (Piero should take notes). As Mauricio passes Silvana and Diego on the stairs she starts insisting that she has to go back, but he keeps escorting her out.

Azul is being very subtly rude to Mauricio's business contact Burgay (?) telling him they missed the best of the music and there's probably no food left, except for some sweets. Mauricio turns on her the minute Burgay goes to check on the sweets, telling her she's doing this on purpose, he already explained why he was late, and asking her again in his subtly menacing way, if she can't be nice, could she at least pretend to be the kind of woman a man wants in a situation like this? She gives him a big fake smile and tells him she can.

Burgay tells Azul that since he got there, Mauricio hasn't stopped talking about her. Azul keeps up her sarcasm, saying that Mauricio exaggerates and that she gives him whatever he wants since she's not allowed to fail him. Burgay tells Mauricio that Azul is enchanting. Azul says everyone's said so, ever since she was little and asks if Burgay would like more champagne. He declines and leaves the table to go say hello to an old friend. Mauricio asks if all her clowning is because he has responsibilities other than her. Azul says she's just trying to be nice. Mauricio would like an explanation of what's going on. Azul says she thought he wanted a stupid girl who smiles and puts up with anything. She explains to him that one does not leave a woman waiting alone at an event like this and that people who do it to her (leave her waiting) can go to hell. She says he has to learn how to treat a woman and leaves. He calls after her, but doesn't leave the table.

Diego and Silvana are walking down the street, but Silvana says she doesn't care where he walks her to; the only thing she knows is that she needed to kill someone tonight and she failed. Diego says, "me too, but with kisses." Silvana assures him that she's serious and has a gun in her bag. Diego says that's why she didn't let her bag go all night. Silvana is surprised he noticed and says he's intelligent and that intelligent men are very dangerous. She has another dizzy spell and Diego puts an arm around her and tells her to breathe deeply and keep her head up.

Back at the party, Burgay has noticed Azul's absence. Mauricio lies that he sent her home. Burgay says she's immature and that's why she's resisting Mauricio. Burgay thinks she needs an aplacadita (some calming down). Mauricio says she's intelligent and beautiful, but Burgay reminds him that above all, she's Toscano's daughter, which makes her more interesting. Mauricio says she doesn't need to be anybody's daughter to be interesting, but Burgay reminds him that they need Toscano (for what, we still don't exactly know) and Mauricio shouldn't upset his daughter again. Mauricio promises not to. Burgay suggests they visit some female "friends" of his who aren't so "hysterical" and asks if Mauricio has cuerda (literally "rope"; I think he's asking if Mauricio still has enough time/energy, but I would be much obliged if someone could confirm).

Azul is back at home, telling Ceci that for once she (Azul) put Mauricio in his place. Ceci is surprised that Azul left him there. Azul tells Ceci that she saw Diego there and that he didn't stop following her all night. Ceci wants details. Azul only tells her Diego kissed her. Which I guess is true, but really seems to leave a lot out.

Diego has brought Silvana to his house. He says he's going to bring her water. Silvana tells him not to call the woman in red tomorrow because in life, you have to know how to wait. She says she's going to wait and everything will turn out well. Diego says he doesn't know if he'll be able to wait. Silvana either passes out or falls asleep on the couch. I must say, I know Azul's supposed to be the romantic lead, but I think Silvana is way prettier. Just my $0.02. Diego finds a note on the dining table addressed to "Clemencia y Diego." The note reads: "Children, the die is cast. I didn't tell you personally because I knew you wouldn't have let me leave, but the truth is, I don't want to argue with Manuel again. He's ruder to you than usual because he knows it bothers me and so he does it adrede (on purpose). I'll be with my friend Efrain for a week and then I'm going back to Tepatitlan. Lots of love, Aurelio."

Diego carries Silvana into his room and lays her down on the bed. He undresses and gets into the little cot. We see that Silvana is sleeping, but tossing and turning. Diego reaches over and takes one of her hands. He tells himself again that he doesn't know how long he can wait.

Looks like the next morning Azul is annoyingly chipper. She's yelling at Ceci to hurry up and she says she's fixed her some juice. Ceci complains that it's grapefruit juice and couldn't Azul have at least added some vodka (mmm, breakfast of champions). Ceci curses Diego. She says she understands that Azul needs to work out her frustrations, but she doesn't think it's fair that she (Ceci) should have to go out running when she doesn't want to go running. Azul denies that Diego is why she wants to go running, since it was just a kiss, and tries to get Ceci out the door. They stop when the phone rings and listen to hear Mauricio ask the answering machine if Azul is there. Azul tells the answering machine that she's already left and pushes Ceci out the door.

Silvana is telling Diego what a nice guy he is for bringing her home and letting her sleep in his bed. Diego asks if she wants more coffee, but she declines. She asks about the stuff in the room and he tells her his Abuelo is a sastre (tailor) and that he (Diego) is as well. She seems surprised. Diego tells her his Abuelo taught him how to do everything, take measurements, trazar (sketch), hilvanar (baste), cut, make pants, jackets, chalecos (vests), abrigos (coats). Silvana asks him if he does women's clothes too. He says he's an expert at fixing women's straps and flashes back to his intimate contact with thread the previous evening. He asks if she remembers the girl in red and tells her he fixed her strap in the bathroom. Silvana says if he likes her he shouldn't call her, women's intuition. Diego says he'll respect it faithfully. She asks if he's faithful and he says he's faithful to what's good for him. Silvana says she's faithful to those she loves and those who give her life meaning. She says she's leaving, but Diego says he'll lend her clothes (she's still in the peach dress from last night). She jokes that he makes women's clothes after all, but he tells her he has a sister. He jokingly asks if she has any color preferences before he leaves the room.

Azul finishes up her run and sits on the grass by Ceci, who either ran faster or gave up earlier. Ceci says that if this guy gets her like this with one kiss, she can't imagine what she'll do with the first revolcón (tumble; roll in the hay; etc.; and thanks for making the joke for me, Ceci!). Azul says she needs some peace, to think about what's going on: the two classes she needs to finish her degree, her lack of money. Ceci says she can teach Azul how to live on the cheap. Azul says she's dando vueltas (going in circles) about working with Mauricio. She asks Ceci if she thinks Diego has a girlfriend. Ceci laughs and falls back on the grass.

Diego brings Silvana into the kitchen and introduces her to his parents. His mom looks pretty shocked. She asks about Abuelo, but Diego tells her Abuelo left and Silvana slept in his (Abuelo's) bed. Mama reads the note. Silvana says she'll send the clothes back as soon as she gets home. She says Diego told her Abuelo was a tailor. Papa says that back in the day people used to wait in line for him to make suits, they waited in line because they had the time, but he doesn't have time, so he has to go. Wow, dude, way to make it all about you. Silvana thanks Mama for the bed, breakfast, etc., but Mama is distracted. She says she has to talk to Papa about the letter and asks Diego to serve Silvana breakfast.

Lidia and Piero are at the office smooching and smushing noses and just begging to get busted. At least they're not trying to suck each others' lungs out today. Piero asks where they should go. He suggests an apartment he has in Acapulco. Lidia counters with Puerto Escondido. Piero accepts, but wonders what she'll say to Paco. She says she'll say she's going with some girlfriends, but asks what it matters. She asks what he'll say to his wife. He says he'll tell her he's going fishing and that he won't have to give much of an explanation. They get interrupted by a woman coming into the office who thankfully announces her presence by loudly wishing "Daniel" a good morning (I'm guessing this is someone off screen). They try to act innocent until she leaves and then Piero says they'll go this weekend. Piero heads into his office and Lidia sits at her desk and bites on a green pencil.

Silvana apologizes to Emilia for being out all night. She says she didn't feel well and slept at her friend's house. She says it won't happen again. Emilia says that Silvana can't do stuff like this while she's under Emilia's care. I'm having a little trouble with the whole ex-sister-in-law/therapist/host thing, but I'm just going to have to accept that the rules of ethics are a little different in Telenovelaland and move on. Emilia tells Silvana she's still not ready and they should go slow. Silvana agrees and says that it's taken her off track from her objectives (she doesn't answer Emilia's question about what objectives she's talking about). Silvana says yesterday she only saw sad faces and that today she woke up in the middle of a simple family having conversations she hadn't heard in years. She said it calmed her down and made her feel there's something she needs to come back into her life. Emilia says she needs to go back to being a complete, happy woman.

Azul and Alfredo are chatting about an event Azul would like Alfredo to go to at some club. She tells him she's realized that what she needs isn't money, but the adrenaline that he enjoys so much. Meanwhile Diego is despairing because he can't get through to Azul on the phone. Ja! Once she hangs up with his dad, he gets through on dad's line, but hangs up as usual. Dude, you're thirty--you should have stopped doing that when you were a teenager!

Diego goes upstairs looking for some red thread and complains that he can't find any. Don Chucho gives him some from his private stash. Diego is planning to hem a piece of that red silk fabric from earlier to give to Azul, but Don Chucho says he can't just give her a piece of fabric like that. Diego says she'll understand, but Don Chucho tells him to wait and he'll see. Go, Don Chucho, work your magic!

Ugh, moppet time. Caty is sitting by the pool. She calls Azul to tell her she's sad because Azul doesn't come to visit her. Caty says her dad told her he and Azul were fighting and she wants to know if that's why Azul doesn't come over anymore. Azul says she's just busy and that she loves Caty. She promises to visit soon and Caty asks if she'll visit today. Azul says she can't because she has to visit her dad. Caty asks if her dad can take her to where Azul's dad is. Sneaky little moppet. I guess she learned from the master manipulator himself. Azul says they just can't see each other today, but that she doesn't want Caty to be angry at her, they'll see each other another day.

Diego is continuing his stalking by visiting Alfredo's apartment. He catches Alfredo coming out the door and hassles him about a package he wants to leave, but Alfredo is trying to pawn him off on the doorman, who isn't currently answering the door. Diego hands Alfredo the package and Alfredo hands it back, asking Diego who he is to be leaving a package for Azul Toscano. Diego asks if Alfredo can give the package to Azul and says she'll know what it's about. Alfredo wants to know if she's expecting the package and whether Diego is a friend of hers. Diego asks who he is and Alfredo says he's her dad. Diego says it's a pleasure to meet him and that the package isn't anything dangerous and then he takes off.

Azul is in a bar talking to Emilia about how bad she feels for not being able to see Caty. Sounds like she's already told Emilia about running into Diego the night before. She says she's confused because she doesn't want to get distracted from her objectives. Emilia asks what objectives she's talking about (ooh, let's see if she gets an answer this time!). Azul says she had a fight with Mauricio and she's wondering if she really wants to marry him or if she'd like to do something else and not think so much about the future. Emilia says maybe she should go with her instincts for a while and quit being so obsessed with money. Emilia thinks it would be good for Azul to see that boy again who made her think about and doubt so many things.

A man behind a desk is advising Alfredo to accept Mauricio's offer. Mauricio thinks that would be like throwing away thirty years of work. I guess this is his boss, because he tells Alfredo that he didn't want to have to tell him this, but cutbacks are coming and things are going to get difficult.

Ceci drags Azul out of the bedroom to listen to the messages on the machine. Ceci thinks it's funny that Mauricio has left four messages. The messages get progressively more angry and in the last one he says he's losing patience. Azul looks sad and tells the answering machine that she's losing patience too.

Silvana couldn't resist the lure of Diego's house. She came back on the pretense of returning the clothes she borrowed. Mama tells Silvana she should go to the pool hall nearby where Diego is hanging out and say hi. Silvana says she'd rather call him, she doesn't want to bother him. Mama reaches out and takes Silvana's hand. I think Mama knows something's up with Silvana, even if she doesn't know what it is.

Alfredo is practicing his fencing with Azul. He wins this round 5 to 4, so I guess they're pretty evenly matched. She tells Alfredo she's losing her reason. Alfredo mentions the boy he saw today who had something for her that Alfredo's not sure he should give her since the guy didn't seem terribly sane. Alfredo starts to spout some psychobabble, which cracks Azul up. She tells him to get to the point. Alfredo gives Azul the package and goes to get some water. Looks like Don Chucho made the red fabric into a rose. Diego included a note that reads: "To many more straps, Diego." The theme music plays and we end on a shot of Azul looking muy encantada.


Acorralada #134 Wednesday 7/25/07 The unholy alliances continue

Gaby decides to let Kike stay. He flashes an evil grin behind her back at how he has put one over on her. It is unclear to us whether she really thinks he has turned over a new leaf or she is just resigned to the abuse. It's so preposterous that she would continue with this relationship at this point, when she need not fear getting rid of him and even her mother is finally on board with giving him the boot.

Marfil meets with "Alejandro" to plant some seeds of her evil plot. She hints that Diana is the one behind the fire. She also throws in some points about Diana sleeping with Diego. And how Diego hopes to get Diana back. He never had her, so I don't know what this is about.

Larry comes to see Diana to discuss Alejandro.

Sharon calls Roddy to tell him her mother died. She begs him to come to LA. He decides to go, but he doesn't tell Fedora the truth about why he is going right back to LA after having just returned. That can't be good, because our dear revengeful Fidiota won't like having been lied to.
Why doesn't he just tell her the truth? It really doesn't fit in with her character that she would be upset at finding out he has a long lost daughter. After all, she was happy for Paco finding his long lost daughter.

Marfil goes over to Octy's palace of plastic fish to have a meeting with Fiona and Camila. It seems Fiona is living there even though Paco threw Octavia out and he is in Puerto Rico. I can't explain. The form a strange bedfellows alliance to get rid of Diana. It's all so kooky, I can't really follow their plot. The will be an alliance of "viboras" (vipers), or "perras rabiosas," rabid dogs. Camila, meanwhile, says she's sure that Alejandro is really Max.

Alejandro tells Pedro that he thinks Diana was involved with the fire at the manicomio. Pedro ridicules him for this. He should also ridicule him for his white shoes, which "Max" is still wearing. This should be a dead giveaway for all the other characters!

Silvia is over at the bar with the trannies. They seem to be friends again, and they decide to go shopping. I really could not follow what they were talking about. It seems that the trannies are going to get her a makeover so she can get a husband.

Eduardo calls Diana to tell her she's going to leave. She will always be his friend. She flashes her best patronizing saccharine smile.

Sharon now cries on Roddy's shoulder. He doesn't want to take her back because of his new wife, and I have to admit he is really in the wrong here. She really lays it on thick. She never had a father, she is all alone, he just views her as an "estorbo," a nuisance. Please take her to Miami. How can he turn his back on her? Finally he agrees to take her back to Miami. She hugs him and we see that she, too, flashes an evil grin to the camera. She definitely belongs with Kiki!

Max plans to make Diana jealous.

Gaby cries.

Diego goes to see Diana at the hospital, and when he grabs her she tries to get away. He tells her to calm down--she wouldn't want a scandal. This is always a favorite line of characters in this show.

Silvia and Mariposa are walking in street near the mall. They fall down a sewer! (alcantarilla). Luckily Larry is driving by, and he will help them get out. When you see Larry on the street, he is looking down a very small hole that is not big enough for them to have fallen through. Meanwhile, when they show them in the hole, it is a big space, filled with rats. We now have a chance to see quite a few disgusting scenes with rats running around, and finally Silvia even picks up one by the tail. I think it was a live rat! Not a fake! I just can't understand what the point of this scene could possibly be!

Lorenzo goes for a haircut. Paco calls and tells him he's coming home. I wonder if he knows all those women are living in his house.

Camila and Iggy plot some more about Diana. They learn that Diego and Fiona have an alliance. I can't really tell anymore. They figure Diana will finally be going to prison. Then they see Eddie packing his bags to leave. They are horrified: Their gravy train has left the station.

We see Emilio open the door to his apartment to greet Alejandro. He says: Hi, Max. Credits roll.


Juan Q 7/25 - The Wednesday Juan curse strikes again, not those Chinese Chickens

Ok, I'm starting to think my recaps are cursed because every week now I've had some issue with some small part missing. What are you trying to tell me Juan??? Well this week even though I watched my machine recording right in front of me, and can see the grooves on the disc, when I went to review it, it won't play and acts as if nothing was recorded, sooooooo all this is from memory. Thank heavens I was writing while I watched, so I had notes, but I know I missed the details of several conversations. Please add as you see fit. Thanks.....

Paula tells her Mom That the person calling has to be that stupid girl Ivonne. She’s in love with him and her territory is threatened so she’s trying to make my life miserable. Mama wantsto know what she means by invading territory. Paula says she didn’t say that. Mom knows what she heard and asks her…Are you involved with CL? Paula answers more or less.

GAYtan gives up his car to the thugs begging them not to do anything.

Paula fesses up to Mom she says they had something to do in Taxco, only a few kisses. She’s not convincing. Mama pushes it begging her to look in her eyes and tell her if she slept with him. Paula very obviously avoids her eyes. They continue discussing this.

Pau says he will divorce. Mama brings up her Papa that he said the same thing and accuses her of repeating history. Paula says it’s not the same because she gave him conditions for them to be together. Paula says she’s in love, and her love isn’t ok, but Ana’s was? She says that’s not fair. Mama is upset. She kicks Paula out.

Marely tells Juan she can’t accept the work. He is wondering what happened. She says she thought about it and it’s not what she really wants. He blames Pastor, and she says sort of, but not completely. She says say what you what but I can’t accept it. He continues, fine, you are a big girl even though you don’t look like it. You could do so well and move up in that company and it’s a good job but it’s your life so if you want to throw it away, fine go ahead. He says to himself that he couldn’t imagine at that moment that Marely had the most noble of intentions by refusing that work.

Yadi over hears Mar and Juan’s conversation and tells Nid. She says it was Juan that Mar was telling and that he was the one who brought Mar to Paula. Nidia is not sure that he is a traitor though.

We have a tear fest between Ana and Paula, but Ana doesn’t budge and Paula walks out in her spiffy white coat.

Fer shows up outside at Casa Cachon. They are eating dinner. Nid wants to know why Juan is upset. He says office stuff. Yadi asks if he’s seen Fer today he says he has but why? She says she hasn’t heard from him yet.

Outside Perfan shows up and sees Fer and takes his money for a taxi and says that he saved his life. Perfan invites Fer in to eat dinner, that he is very hungry.

CL calls Ana to talk to Paula, when his wife comes around the corner he stalls and then asks for Pastor Gaitan. Ana tells him wrong number and he hangs up. She notes the name and thinks that’s weird that he asked for that name as if she recognizes it.

Cl and Moni discuss what he was looking for Gaitan for. They discuss something about work and he ends up saying he’ll dine with his beautiful wife.

At dinner Nidia asks Fer if he’s eaten, he says no but he’s not hungry. Nidia says with his noodle thin body, he needs to eat and she tells Yadi to serve him a plate. She then tells Perfan that she needs to talk to him in the study immediately. He wants to eat, but she tells him the food won’t run out so come now.

Juan yells at Fer that he’s going to have to tell Yadi the truth. She comes out just then and wants to know what truth. Juan tells her something to do with work and he leaves the table.

Nid rehashes the Mare/Paula encounter and again Perafan tries to convince her to leave them alone. Nid says we still have a card to play, we won’t get anything from Ana but maybe from the daughter. He says no they are the same and we are going to end up thrown out on our asses and without a lifevest! Nid tells him he has to go talk to the daughter or else he’ll be without a bride before the wedding

Fer and Yadi and Chinese chickens – Ok this conversation cracked me up. Fer tells her that the truth is that he is having big problems at work and that he is almost in bankruptcy. She wants to know why and he says the Chinese are flooding the market and doing it with low prices stealing business away from him. She wonders about that because she didn’t think that the Chinese dealt in the meat and food that he sells and she is trying to figure out how they would under cut him. He says for sure they deal in chickens, and they are importing them cheaper. He asks her if she would stay with him if he were in ruin and a simple employee. She makes a face and says that he will never be a simple employee and that he will find something else to do. In other words she didn’t answer the question he asked….

Moni asks Cl what she could do at Farell. She thinks she could work in the Commercial Area. She mentions she could work with certain people and sort of recalls that a young lady Paula works there and he reminds her of the name.

CL tells Moni he thinks very highly of Paula and Gaytan recommended her. He then tells her guess who she is the daughter of, Samuel Cachon and his former secretary and that she was illegitimate. Moni asks why there always has to be this kind of same story behind men. CL says ask me there’s no story, I am a white dove (innocent)! She says well, that’s a good thing, huh. He rolls his eyes as he takes a sip of his drink.

Perfan gets back and dinner is gone. Nid thinks it’s good because she won’t ruin her diet then.

Juan and Fer are walking outside. Fer says he’s screwing up things with the woman of his dreams. Juan says if it weren’t for him, he would never have met her. He has some kind of plan with respect to Yadi for Fer, and he said that it might take care of things with Marely too if he plans it correctly. Fer ends up thanking him for presenting him to the woman of his dreams.

Marely greets Juan. She asks him if he or Fer finally told Yadi the truth. He’s says no not really. She’s on her way to Farell to talk to Gaytan and he says he’ll take her. He shows up to Ana’s house to pick her up and goes in because he’s been waiting for her a little longer than normal, but Ana tells him she’s not there.

Perfan shows up at Farell and sees Paula. He says he wants to discuss the offer that they made her. He thinks she should take it as soon as possible. She tells him she doesn’t care what they think and that they are wasting their time. Paula wants to know why there is so much interest in them leaving the country? She wants to know what they are hiding.

Juan makes Ana something like a tea and says that she’ll feel better. She’s embarrassed, but he says don’t worry tell me what’s wrong. She tells him everything that happened except that she can’t tell him why she told Paula to leave because it’s private and between women. He suggests calling the office. He says that they will find out how the iguana chews. He promises to bring Paula back to the house, and says he has his crafts and he can get her to come back despite her pride.

Perfan is still discussing this with Paula. She says she’s not leaving the country because of Nidia’s whim. He says even though it’s a whim he is here to remind her that Nidia is ready to pay her a high price for it. Pau says that she thinks she is going to start her own investigation into all of this to find out what's really behind the great interest in them being gone. He tries to convince her that's not necessary. She gets angry and she kicks him out.

Marely gets off the elevator and sees him as he's leaving and accuses him of bugging Paula again.

Marely goes in to see Paula. She tells her she can’t accept the job. Paula wants to know why. She tells her that it’s because it’s not what she wants to do. Paula doesn’t believe her, asks her if it has to do with Pastor, and then her. She says no, she just thought about it. Paula pushes her and she finally admits that she made a deal with her Mom that she wouldn’t take it in exchange for her leaving them alone about the house.

CL and Moni talk in the car and she wonders again if something is wrong with him. He of course denies it.

Paula tells her to take the job she needs it and that she shouldn’t put herself in the middle of a problem that doesn’t involve her and that Paula can defend herself against Nid, she’s defended against worse. Then we see that Marely decides to stay and Paula has given her work telling her that everyone’s first day seems hard and that she can have the freedom to decide how she needs to do things and she can resolve things on her own if she wants and can save certain things for Paula to deal with as she sees fit.

Paula shoves Ivonne in the elevator and berates her for meddling telling her that she knows she is calling her mom. Of course Ivonne denies it. Paula roughs her up quite a bit and tells her she better cut it out or she is going to be in big trouble.

Paula comes down to the parking garage and says hello to Juan and he asks her where they are off to. She says his house. He looks at her impactado!


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Destilando Amor 7/25: in which Aaron looks forward to eating a hamburger in the bathtub and Dani spills the beans

I was lucky enough to get an episode in which, finally, an end can be seen to all the recent wallowing in despair.

Clarita is proposing that she and Gav go back to the fields; Gav says she won't give in to the Montalvos, that Fedra and Minerva poisoned her reputation and she wants to clear it up, but she doesn't see much hope of that. And of all of the Montalvos, Rod is the worst.

Gav lights a candle for Bruno and hence Clarita hears of Bruno's heart attack - she is muy impactada.

Bruno in his hospital bed (you can buy one just like this at Walmart for $19.95) wrings a reluctant concession from Aaron about paying back at least part of his debt to the corporation since it's in such a liquidity crisis (that's what a business says when it's out of money).

The doctors tell Aaron his dad is stable, so everybody leaves except (1) Aaron, who stays behind to talk with (2) Rodrigo. They do a limp little review: "I'm glad you're coming back to the corporation, where is Isa?" "In the apartment." "She hates the hacienda." "Not any more. And have you reconciled with Minerva?" "No, it's over, I'll be marrying Rubberlips in a couple months, you're invited." Aaron wants to limar asperezas (smooth things over), he says they shouldn't let a bunch of skirts freeze them against each other. Rod says Gav is over, now he just cares about his wife and child. Aaron smiles widely and thoughtbubbles, "that's just what I wanted." Aaron leaves. Rod thoughtbubbles that he will never forgive Aaron for boinking Mariana.

Dani comes in promptly as if she'd been waiting in the wings for Aaron's departure. Rod tells her about Mariana asking Avellaneda (president of the tequilero's organization) for work and that he, Rod, couldn't give Mariana a recommendation because she's such a bad woman.

Dani figures this triggers the end of her promise to keep silent until Mariana shows up again and proceeds to describe to her stupefied brother the many lies the family has been telling. You've heard it already. His forehead creases in befuddlement but eventually he understands her simple sentences...

(Meanwhile, in their only scene, James and Acacia are lying in bed in the austere Dry Gulch honeymoon suite. She is wild-eyed loony, a bit Lady MacBeth-like, shaking in his arms, having just seen the ghost of her rapist uncle. Meester James says he'll change the locks, he'll get her a cellphone in case Meliton shows up in his truck, he won't be happy till Meliton is in jail. Acacia just keeps channeling, "Out, out, damn spot!")

In her luxurious home Minerva, in a pink satin shorty bathrobe, is surprised to hear Aaron knocking brusquely at the door. She throws the cellphone on the sofa, lets him in, then picks up the phone and adlibs a vivacious conversation with a pretend someone with whom she'll be taking the next cruise: "Jamaica is so precious this time of year!" Aaron does his spoiled baby routine, hissing "HANG UP because ***I*** need to talk to you." "Oh," she continues to her imaginary friend, "my ***EX*** husband is here - oh, a jacuzzi with an ocean view, that'll be nice..." He starts throwing things and leaves, slamming the door, as she laughs vivaciously into the phone, "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" Minerva has a hopeful, almost cheery look following Aaron's angry departure and I was certainly rooting for her.

Pamela, in a lacy nightgown (or maybe it's a poolside coverup) in her luxury hotel suite, is fretting: Aaron is so late coming home! Fedra says he's talking to Rod. When Aaron, steam coming out of his ears, finally arrives, Pammie acosts him and he snarls: "You know I hate interrogations, you're just like Minerva!" "No, I'm not jealous, I'm just worried, hey let's go back to Miami, your family won't give me the time of day and your dad is better." "You can go, I have to stay." She pooches her gigantic collagen lips at him. She wants to go out to dinner in her negligee, he just wants a bath and a hamburger and stalks out. Badly played, belleza.

Isa and her mom do a tired review. Dad is in NYC; Rod is being attentive but Isa worries that he'll meet up with Gaviota, she'd feel safer if he were sequestered with her far away in the country. Mom says stop worrying, it's a tempest in a teapot, the baby will solve everything. Isa is a bit worried about all the lies. "Just save all your energy for making him happy." Isa frets, Rod is out SO LATE. "Don't be demanding!" says ma. Isa whines (actually she simply says, expressionlessly, but if she were actually an actress she'd be whining): "If it weren't for that inconvenient damn heart attack, we'd be all cozy-like together at the hacienda."

Gav can't sleep, she's scrunched in a corner of her bed. All the payments she can't cover are coming due. Clara says they'll come whether Gav pulls an all-night vigil or not, so she should sleep. She sleeps but dreams a particularly awful dream about Rodrigo.

Meanwhile, Dani's revelations continue and Rodrigo's brow is still pitifully furrowed. Aaron is in on this? Gav didn't get a cent? You all helped? He decides to leave immediately and kill Aaron. "No, Rodrigo, that would bother Fedra. Anyway, your impulsiveness always gets you in trouble." "Their lies destroyed what was sacred to me." "If you let on to Aaron that you know, he won't rest till Gaviota's in her grave. For now, just try to help her from afar."

Isa, in HER satin shortie, is standing a scant inch away from Frankie in the hallway outside their apartments, asking if he meant all the things he'd told her about loving her etc etc and he says of course he did and she says then what's this farce with Sofia, did your profound sentiments go up in smoke, what kind of man are she and I in love with? and the elevator opens and it's Rodrigo! Brow still furrowed. Frankie leaves. Rod asks, kind of suspiciously, what did Frankie want? Isa tries to distract him: "The baby moved!" "Already?" he asks without interest. She puts his hand on her belly but "I don't feel anything" he coldly grouses. She kisses him, he says he wants a drink of milk, she says she'll get it for him, he wipes her kiss off his kisser. Later, sleepless in bed, he reviews: "I need to remember, all I can do is try to help Gaviota. And..." (gazing at his wife, who's asleep) "...I can't hate the mother of my child!"

After her own sleepless vigil, Gaviota decides to call Avellaneda because the situation is desperate. If he says no, they'll sell their few remaining sticks of furniture and go harvest cacao in Tabasco. "We've never been afraid of work!"

Sleazeball Oñate tells that nice maintenance man at the corporation to clean up Mariana's car real spiffy; he tosses him the key. The maintenance man wonders why.

Avellaneda takes Gav/Mariana's call but says (due to her not having a recommendation, as he'd said the previous day) there are no openings - she says she's desperate - he's saying sorry he can't help but, just then, Rod shows up. "Call me back in ten minutes," he suggests to Mariana. Despondent, she tells Clarita, "That's what they say when they're blowing you off, I remember, I know the tricks. Aww, let's start packing."

But now, astonishingly, Rod has a recommendation for Mariana! Reading it, Avellaneda marvels drily: "It's more like poetry than a reference." Rod decides to tell him the whole inappropriate story of the love affair of Rodrigo and Mariana and the ganging up of the evil Montalvos upon two innocent lovers, concluding: "Don't you, Avellaneda, participate in the injustice too! Mariana would be a very useful employee and you need her!"

Avellaneda worries that, if all the rest of the Montalvos are against Mariana, it would be very problematic for him to hire her. Rod promises there won't be any trouble with him, at least - he's just gonna stay home with his wife and baby, as he promised, and try to save his marriage, there's no longer anything at all between him and Mariana.

The packing is all finished, except for the Virgencita's shrine and the little bits of furniture they hope their friend can sell - Clara urges Gav to make that second call to Avellaneda - Gav doesn't want to, "Why absorb one more humiliation?" - "What difference would one more humiliation make? You'll always wonder!" - Gav calls but Avellaneda is almost out the door - Gav is about to hang up and go harvest cacao - but wait - Avellaneda takes the call -


Amar Sin Limites #5 Tuesday 7/24/07

Tuesday's opening scene takes place in Clemencia and Manuel's kitchen where he's given her a sweater as a gift. Too bad it's about 4 sizes too small. Clemencia is gracious, of course, but Manuel ends up storming out of the kitchen because he says the salesperson screwed it up.

Next we see Diego delivering a suit... he's out delivering suits so that he has an excuse to be in Azul's dad's neighborhood. He calls to see if she's there and hangs up after she answers the phone. Azul is arguing with her dad over taking the job that Mauricio has offered and she walks out.

Next we see Silvana on the phone, confirming that Mauricio will be at tonight's benefit. The synthesizers of doom tell us that this is not just a courtesy call...

Diego's plan works. He arrives at Azul'd dad's house just as she's leaving and runs right into her. Too bad she's already in a foul mood and he's given her an excuse to read him the riot act. She tells him that she's tired of it and tells him to go, but when he stands there looking confused she collapses in tears and apologizes to him. He wipes away one of her tears and kisses it, then offers her a handkerchief. What a gentleman! She leaves and tells him not to look for her anymore.

Diego tells Isela and Paco about the encounter and comes to the conclusion that he should just leave her alone. He's not good enough for her, and he needs to start taking life seriously.

Little does he know that Azul is telling her best friend, Cecilia, about how confused she is. She knows that Mauricio won't wait forever and she needs to make a decision, but she doesn't know what to do. She tells Ceci about how she reacted to Diego's surprise visit earlier. Cecilia tells her that if Mauricio can give her the stability that she needs, maybe she should be with him.

Next we see Azul and Mauricio curled up on a hammock, she's apologizing for her behavior, she's just been very stressed. He apologizes too, and tells her that he's been very anxious lately, but he's never been so in love. He presents her with three tickets for a benefit, he got an extra ticket for Cecilia so that he can get to know her better. Apparently Mauricio knows how much influence Ceci has over Azul.

Emilia has found a dress in the closet, and Silvana tells her that it belongs to her. She's going to a benefit with a man she met at a cafe, but she feels a little guilty about going. Emilia tells her not to feel guilty, she knows that it was her brother who left Silvana, not she who left him. She's glad that she's going to the fiesta.

Next we see Paco and Diego playing pool, where Paco tells Diego that he's managed to make some counterfit tickets for the Ratzinger fundraiser. They're almost exactly like the originals. Diego tells him he's not interested, but Paco won't take no for an answer. He puts a ticket in his pocket and tells him to think about it, then as Diego leaves he tells him that he'll need to borrow a suit.

Azul meets with Emilia and tells her about her plans to accept Mauricio's offer. Emilia doesn't seem to be happy with her decision, but Azul does her best to convince her that it's for the best. As she goes to leave, she tells Emilia that if things go well with Diego -- Emilia asks her who Diego is, but Azul claims that she doesn't know a Diego, she must have heard her wrong. She said Mauricio.

Mauricio, meanwhile, is talking to Andres. He will pick up Burgay from the airport because he wants to talk with him alone. He suspect that he's looking for other suppliers in Germany, and he won't permit that.

Lidia is making out with Piero again, and she's telling him about Paco going to the party with all of the rich people.

Silvana is telling Emilia that she doesn't remember the name of the cafe where she met the man who's taking her to the fiesta. Emilia doesn't want her to go alone, but Silvana tells her she's not going alone, and gives her a cell phone number to appease her.

Apparently Lidia and Piero have pried themselves apart, because she's now at home and her papa's calling her to the phone to accept a call from Piero's wife! Not to worry, she called for Piero, and when Lidia gets on the phone she passes it to him. Lidia promises to bring over some papers that he needs right away. Papa looks suspicous.

Azul is at Alfredo's house getting ready for the benefit, listening to Alfredo talk about how benefits are really just a waste of money that could be better spent. Then she receives a call from Mauricio saying that he's running late and he'll meet her at the fiesta. She's not happy about this and wants to wait for him, but he insists.

Paco calls Diego's house looking for Diego, but Lidia tells him that he's not home. It doesn't look like he'll be able to go to the fiesta after all.

Andres tells Leonarda that he's leaving and she shouldn't wait up for him. She kisses him on the lips. (I still haven't figured out this relationship).

Lidia and Clemencia are sitting at the kitchen table talking about Manuel's gift. Lidia doesn't understand how her dad doesn't know Clemencia's size, and asks if she's ever considered divorcing him. Clemencia doesn't answer, and Lidia storms out saying that she won't put up with a rude husband who doesn't even look at her. She'd rather not marry at all!

Mauricio and Burgay are in the car, and Mauricio is asking him to go to the party with him. Burgay seems less than thrilled.

Emilia tries the number that Silvana gave her and learns that it's not in service. Meanwhile, Silvana is in the bathroom, when she takes some pills from her purse, we see that she's carrying a gun.

Next we see Diego arriving in a tux. He's walking along calmly when Silvana, who's just had a drink knocked from her hand, manages to knock the drink from Diego's hand. Always the gentleman, Diego is super smooth when he apologizes and grabs them fresh drinks.

Soon he sees Azul and the piano music plays as he tells himself "Tranquilo, Diego, Tranquilo." The luck is thrown. And we go to commercial break.

After the commercial we see Diego walking up behind Azul, but her cell phone rings and he stops. It's Mauricio telling her that he'll be there soon. He wants to know if she received the flowers, and she says that she did but she would have rathered see him than see the flowers he sent. She's at a party with people she doesn't know. Of course Mauricio is less than apologetic.

Diego counts down from 5 to approach Azul, but just as he reaches 0, she's approached by some friends. Luckily they don't chat long and he finally gets to talk to her. He asks if the guy that she bought the smoking jacket for is there, and she says that he's not. Diego says what a shame it is that he's missing the party.

Ominous music plays as Silvana watches the entrance. Security approaches her and she quickly moves away.

Mauricio and Burgay have arrived at Burgay's hotel, and Burgay is telling Mauricio how important it is that they get Toscano's help. Mauricio tells him that Toscano won't be at the party, but his daughter will. His daughter who Mauricio is engaged to. Burgay thinks this is a brilliant plan.

Diego and Azul are looking quite comfy at a table for two. They're leaning in close and talking about how nice it is to spend some time together, and he tells her that he hopes they'll spend more time together. He asks her to dance, she tries to resist, but how can she? It's a slow dance and they're making the most of it, all snuggled together cheek to cheek. As the song ends, they come so close to kissing, but not quite. Then we have a very awkward moment - a couple walk past Azul and after they pass she's hunched over holding her dress, then we see that he strap has broken and she runs off the dance floor. Commercial break.

Ines and Alfredo arrive at Alfredo's house. I'm a little confused about the conversation they have about the lights -- something about turning off the lights to save money, and she offers to lend him money, but he says that he will show her that people are too dependent on electricity. It's totally unnecessary. He says that if she would like, he will prepare something to eat and they can dine by candle light. She loves the idea, and gives him the "come hither" sign.

Pobre de Azul is in a panic. She's stuck in the bathroom and she has no way to repair her dress. Diego comes to the door and offers to help, but she refuses.

Silvana is still looking for Mauricio, who hasn't arrived yet.

Clemencia is telling Manuel about how handsome Diego looked tonight. She says Manuel never took her to elegant parties, and he says that he doesn't go where he's not invited. He's talking about how viejas think they they have the same rights as men these days, which Aurelio says is a stupid thing to say. Somehow it turns into a discussion of women's rights and soon becomes an argument between Manuel and Aurelio. Manuel tells him to go back to his neighborhood, and Lidia walks out saying that she's tired of him being rude.

Diego borrows a needle and thread from the coat check lady and returns to the ladies room to repair Azul's dress. She claims that nothing's wrong, but he promises that he can fix it and she won't have to take the dress off. Silly girl, take the dress off! :)

Manuel has moved on to complaining about Diego, and Aurelio defends him. Clemencia stops it and tells them both to shut up so that they can end the day in peace. Manuel wants to have an after dinner drink, but Aurelio says he's going to bed and Clemencia isn't interested either. He looks confused.

Lidia goes to Peiro's house to deliver the papers he needs and meets his wife and daughter.

Alfredo and Ines are getting ready for bed and Ines thinks it's pathetic that they're living like this at their age. Why doesn't he just tell Azul about her? He says that he will after she's married to the clown, they'll tell her. She doesn't understand - Azul is a big girl, she can take it.

Azul is in the bathroom attempting to sew the strap back on her dress, but she's not having much luck. She finally gives in and lets Diego help. Their theme song plays as he reaches for the strap. He needs to cut the threat, but as he has no scissors he bends over and breaks the thread with his teeth. Of course all of this happens in slow motion... credits roll.


Destilando-- Tuesday July 24

We start with Maria Jose and Clarita, who are cursing Rod. Clarita says Rod better not show up anywhere around here!

Gavi goes to see Sr Molineros (her boss); he talks about how she didn't sell much. She talks about how they stole the encyclopedia from her and she needs another one. He decides he's going to deduct the cost of the encyclopedia from her pay....she's shocked. He's going to pay her only 200 pesos (that's $18.56 to be exact) for the whole month of work...! She's pissed that for a month of such hard work that's all she''ll earn. Geez, I don't blame her. But in a typical Gavi moment, she fills herself with pride and doesn't take the money. To myself I am wondering how many tacos I can buy at Taco bell on taco-tuesday for $18.56 ...50?? 60?? Instead, she decides her and ma can go a couple of days without food; she throws some documents at his face, insults him, and then leaves. He calls her 'imbecil'.

In Mexico city, at the hospital Rod and Isa arrive to see tio Bruno. Isa sees Frankie who briefly says hhhhi. Patricio and Fedra say Bruno is in intensive care but will get better, and is only asking about Rod and thinks he's going to die. Fedra makes me chuckle as she says that they cannot tell Bruno he cannot work, because that's like telling him to die.

Patricio wants to call Minnie; Bruno is like a dad to her. Fedra complains about Minnie going to the Greek Isles on a singles cruise. That's right, only Aron is allowed to boink other people.

In her room, Minnie's phone rings as she lays depressed in bed and doesn't answer.

At the hospital, Bruno tells Rod he's going to die. Rod says Bruno will get better. Bruno says no, he'll die anytime with all the problems he has at work. But it depends on Rod. He asks Rod to return to the corporativo. Rod tells him he will return to work and recover everything they lost. Bruno: thanks hijo.

Gavi is walking on the streets of Mexico city, feeling bad for wasting a month of her life walking endlessly and going door to door to sell encyclopedias for no money. She realizes her chances of getting a job are slim considering her bad reputation. But she will not let herself be defeated by the Montalvo family. She decides she will move on regardless.

Sofie and Isa are talking. Isa complains about how Sofie and Rod care too much and treat her like she's sick. Franke slimes his way with dona Pilar, taking her to the cafeteria. Isa notices Pillie is weird with her. Sofia assures her Pillie's got nothing against her and is just sad about Bruno. Isa believes this; I assume it's because bitter is Pillie's natural facial expression.

Rod comes out of the room, saying Bruno wants him back at work. Isa asks what they agreed on. Rod tells Isa he's sorry, but they're stayin in Mexico City. Isa squinches her face in disagreement; she's starting to accept that princesa doesn't always get it her way with the Montalvo family.

Gavi goes to look for ingeniero Avellaneda for help. She plans on telling him the truth of what happened. Meanwhile, Avellaneda is on the phone hearing the news about Bruno. He's talking to 2 men about agave plagues that have been reported at some hacienda. His secretary walks in and tells him Mariana Franco is waiting for him. He refuses to see her, and proceeds to resolve the agave plague issues. Mariana is shocked that he won't see her. She needs to see him and will wait for him, and proceeds to sit down next to an agave plant. She waits, and waits....and waits. Lo and behold, Avellaneda walks out. She asks him for 2 minutes of his time. Gavi: I'm sure they told you horrible things about me and I want to clear out these issues. He asks the secretary to tell the taxi to wait for him, and they go in his office. Gavi: I want a reunion where I confront the Montalvo family, and I want them to tell me in my face what I have done, especially the parasite called Rod Montalvo. Avellaneda doesn't want issues with the Montalvo's. Mariana: with all due respect senor, you'll have to do it for 3 reasons: 1) I don't want u to have a bad image of me 2) the Montalvo family treated me very unfairly. They just cannot treat people like that. 3) I want to work with you. We now hear dramatic music as the screen image zooms out into a commercial... I don't understand, why is it so bad if she wants to work with him?

Back from commercials.... Avellaneda: WHA??? work with you?? Mar: Of course, that family closed all doors on me and I have tried to work but without agave's I cannot make it. Agave's are my world. Imagine all I learned at Montalvo corp; I cannot just throw that away. Avellaneda: I cannot just hire you in one day. Mar: I'll do everything you want! I'll be the reportera, limpiadora...etc etc. Avellaneda: it's simple, to work here you need references and you don't have them. Mariana: that's why I want you to get that family together and when you find out they lied, my name will be cleaned in front of you. Avellaneda: well, now I can't think straight, Bruno just got a heart attack. He leaves, leaving Mariana shocked.

Patricio goes to find Minnie at her house. He tells her tio Bruno wants to see her because he got a heart attack. She starts crying. He tells her Bruno feels he will die and needs her. Minnie: I want to see Bruno but I do not want to see Aron. Pat: Aron should be back tomorrow. You might not see him but if you do I will accompany you if you want.

Back at the hacienda: Roman's wife is praying for don Bruno. Roman arrives with no news about Bruno, saying 'no news is good news'. Sanwannabanana is dressed up and wondering how long Mr James will be married since she wants to try her luck with him. Ofelia is mad at her. Sanwanna tells Ofelia that Acacia's sanity won't last long.

Mr James is carrying Aacacia into the house while they both laugh. They just got married; and she's wearing a long white dress. It's refreshing to see Acacia laughing so loud! James tells her he is her fervent admiror, unconditional friend, and lover/ husband. They kiss. He tells her he loves her. Acacia says she loves him mucho mucho mucho. They playfully start going to the bedroom, but we get some freaky music and Acacia suddenly sees her uncle's ghost/image pass behind James into the bedroom. Ah!! I'm getting the chills...what the heck...I'm so disgusted by Meliton I cant bare to see him again. That was freaky....anyhoo. She screams and cries and tells James her uncle just came back and is going into the room. She pulls out a rifle as they go into what used to be Meliton's room, James holding the rifle a la ghostbuster...but they can't find Meliton. Acacia swears she saw him enter and starts crying. James suggests they pack up and leave. She says she's NOT leaving; this is her place. James says its better if they move; when he's at work she'll be home all day with these memories. Acacia: I can't go Meestir Jaaames!! When my aunt died she told me this is mine and made me swear I won't leave...I have to fulfill my promise!

At night in Mexico city...Clarita is wondering where her Gaviotita is. She says by now, Gaviota should have her "Tripas pegadas al espinazo".. ..LOL... I guess this means she must be tired. Meanwhile Gavi is talking to the Virgencita de Guadalupe and asks her for help with ingeniero Avellaneda. She noticed he's lost faith in her, "but Virgencita, don't you think it's time for them to stop throwing sand at me??"

At the hospital, Minnie goes to see Bruno. She arrives with her new BFF, Patricio. Hmm...Patricio is always with Minnie and these 2 are having lots of scenes lately...makes me wonder, does this mean Patricio will leave Lluvia and he'll end up with Minnie?? Anyhoo, they talk about Sofie and Fran Slimer.... in the next scene, we see Fran and Sofie kissing passionately at home....they start making love.

At the hospital: Fedra is nagging Bruno about not working and getting better. Bruno wants to go to NY; he wants to leave everything ready before he dies. He rejoices as he sees Minnie outside the glass window waving at him. Fedra walks outside and greets Minnie. She looks her up and down and murmurs how I guess this means Minnie looks better. Minnie takes advantage of the moment to tell Fedra how she had fun on 'the cruise'. Minnie walks into the hospital room. Bruno calls her hija and she asks him to get better. Minnie:I'm here to tell you that you cant leave us, we need you!

Outside: Aron arives with rubberlips. Pillie is mad to see Pamela. Pillie: Now you live with her! A: Si abuela, and we'll get married soon. Pillie: take this woman out! I don't want her here! Aron turns around to look at a worried Pamela. That seems to be the only expression she has lately. Pillie doesn't want to make Minnie feel bad. I think beyond that, Bruno might get another heart attack if he even glances at Pam's's too bright for a sick person to handle. Pamela leaves. Fedra takes advantage to tell Aron Minnie looks great. Patricio complains to Aron about Pam...he reads my mind as he suggests Bruno might have another heart attack if he sees her.

Next scene, we find Minnie sitting down with Pillie and Patricio while Aron watches them talk. The conversation goes something like this.... Minnie: yeah abuela, I, uh, had a lot of fun on the cruise!! Oh...and..and i'm...hmmm....going to Jamaica...soon!! Yeah, I had a lot of fun in Greece...yup...uh-huh. Ok, gotta go...bye!!" She gets up and says bye to Pillie and Patricio. I rejoice as she passes bye Aron without saying goodbye; Aron tries to stop her but it's too late. He looks a boy who's toy got taken away from him. Sorry little piggy, you may join the frustrated wanton club of Isadora: nope, we don't always get what we want.

In the parking lot of montalvo corp, Avellaneda sees Rod and tells him that he wants to talk to him about Mariana Franco. They go for a coffee.

Gavi finally gets home. She tells Clarita she left her work. Clarita is upset; Gavi tells her mom what happened.

Avellaneda tells Rod all the things that Fedra and Minnie have done to Gavi and the things they've said about her. Rod says Gavi wouldn't steal money. Avellaneda tells him how Gavi wants to get the family together to get her name cleaned. Rod tells him to tell her that he already spoke to his family. Avellaneda asks Rod if he would recommend Gavi, since she asked him to employ her. Avellaneda thinks that Mariana's work at montalvo corp was extraordinary. He feels she has the qualities to work at a good company, but one of their requirements is to have a recommendation letter from the company where she worked. Rod opens up to him about her. Rod: I was in love with Mariana Franco. But she was a dishonest person. Avellaneda: too bad, she's having a hard time getting a job. Rod: maybe she deserves it. Avellaneda: well she's going through a rough time. Rod: maybe my cousin can give you that letter, cuz I never will.

Aron and Bruno are talking at the hospital. Aron is offended about the way his dad is approaching him: when I have a chance dad, I will pay back for those losses, hopefully this way you'll change your thoughts of me.

Clarita and Gavi are arguing. Clarita is pissed about the situation. Gavi: but ma anyway we spent half of our lives being poor! Clarita wants to go back and work at the fields. Gavi tells her about her chat with Avellaneda. She doesn't have much hope. Gavi doens't want to leave without getting back at the Montalvo's: it's not vengeance ma...It's justice!!!


- Dani tells Rod the truth about what the family did to Gaviota.

- Clarita wants Gavi to talk to Avellaneda
- Isa is talking to Fran in the hallway...the elevator in front of them's Rod.

~~~~ Have a lindo dia! :D ~~~~


Acorralada #133 Tuesday 7/24/07 Kike gets what he deserves!

Tuesday's episode begins with a heart to heart between Pancho and Caramelo, where she tells him that he's caused her too much pain and she's moving on. She's in love with Emilio.

Lala and Diego ask for Rodrigo's help with Pancho, but he says there's nothing he can do.

All of the ladies are fawning over Alejandro - he receives visits from Marfil and Fiona. Diana spends her time staring at pictures of Max and looking sad. Camila's the only one who smells a rat, and she calls Fiona to tell her about her suspicions. Ignacio thinks she's crazy to think that Alejandro is really Max. This whole thing gets more stupid every day.

In LA, Virginia is in the hospital, and she doesn't have much time. She decides that it's time for Rodrigo to know the truth, so she calls him and tells him that he's Charo's papa. Rodrigo is impactado - he's worried about what it will do to his marriage.

Kike comes into the living room and tells Gaby that she's going to take a bath with him. She refuses and tells him that she wants nothing to do with him, she won't be his again. He threatens to force her and she reminds him that she's killed a man who tried to rape her. Then she runs like a schoolgirl to her bedroom and locks the door. Nancy's in there with her and tells her not to open the door. Kike's banging on it and threatening to break it down, but stops and goes to get himself a drink instead.

Charo surprises all of us when she appears genuinely upset over her mother's illness. She's crying and telling her not to die.

Fedora arrives home and goes to check on Gaby and finds her almost hysterical in her bedroom. She wants to know what's going on and Nancy tells her what's happened. She goes downstairs to show Kike who's the boss and Kike smarts off to her - tells her that Gaby doesn't respect him as a husband and she should stay out of it. At that, Roddy's on him like white on rice. He punches him repeatedly and throws him out of the house! FINALLY!

Too bad he manages to come back in and go up to Gaby's room.... why don't these people call Brinks or something? Geez! Anyway, he hasn't come back to beat Gaby, he's come back to plead with her. He has nowhere to go - his family's in Mexico. He asks Gaby not to let them throw him out and promises to change his evil ways. I think we all know how this will go...

At TeleMiami hospital, Virginia reminds Charo of when she was a child and wanted to know who her papa was. Well now she should know that Rodrigo is her real father. She says her peace and calmly dies. Credits roll.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

ZORRO; Monday July 23, 2007: Two funerals & a wedding, and with a few fast forwards in time, the de la Vega family grows.

We are all cordially invited to the wedding of Esmeralda Sanchez and Diego de la Vega. Padre Tomás is presiding over the nuptials. A mangled Mangle is crashing the service. Outside the church, the pirates are poised to take over the city.

Meanwhile, Tobias is drowning his sorrows in the local cantina and bemoaning how women only make you suffer. Another patron is looking for a fight (methinks it is a pirate) and soon Tobi is being roughed up.

Across town, Fernando is confronted by men with swords (also pirates). Fernando, as noted before, is one bad a*s and he takes on the pirates, killing them all. Sadly, his trusty sidekick, Jose ---introduced for the first time today--- is killed in the skirmish. This just goes to show that on this show, only the minor characters can die right away. Fernando doesn’t mourn the loss too much, he thinks only of his daughter, Mangle.

As Fernando wanders the mean streets of LA, soldiers are being knocked around by the pirates on the rampage.

Olmos is talking with Gerardo. He’s convinced that Mangle is still alive and waiting for him. Gerardo isn’t so sure, but figures that Olmos must really be in love to still pine for Mangle. Olmos tells him that it isn’t love, it’s a curse.

Fernando makes it to the church and mingles with the guests. No one seems overly concerned that he’s just walking around the church. All eyes are on the couple of the hour. FS spots Mangle and recognizes her, not by her flame red hair---which is hidden under her black cloak---but by a bracelet she’s wearing which was obviously a gift from him at some point in the past.

SAM/Sgt. Garcia spots Fernando, and not wanting any problems for his dear Esme and Diego, approaches the former governor. FS tells SAM that the pirates are attacking the city.

Somewhere else in town, Catalina and her father are running late for the wedding. Cat comments that they must be the only ones not at the wedding. The pirates take this opportunity to nab the only woman not in the church, and the haul off Cat. The intend to use her as a prize for the pirate who grabs the most loot. Tobi hears her screams as he’s being tossed out of the bar.

Fernando weaves in and out of the guests at the wedding. Diego and Esme are taking their vows. PT is uttering the “speak now or forever hold your peace” line. This would be a perfect time for Mangle to make a scene, but she chooses not to do the obvious. PT pronounces Diego and Esme husband and wife and the newlyweds share a kiss. Mangle pulls out her gun now and Fernando jumps in the way. Mangle fires and hits her father. Complete mayhem ensues. The crowd freaks and Maria Pia screams “NO!” Mangle stands still, holding the gun. Her vanity gets the best of her, she spends time covering her face instead of getting off another shot. She addresses the newlyweds and tells them that the bullet was intended for them (which one, I don’t recall, but perhaps she was hoping for a two for one special). She tells them that she was almost eaten alive by the cannibals (I’ve used the expression when talking about mosquitoes, but never heard it used for cannibals). She’s angry that no one came to her rescue. We don’t find out how she escaped, but we can surmise that her hellish personality and evil ways easily overcame the ever lethargic creepy cannibals. Mangle heads out of the church. No one makes an attempt to subdue her, which I find rather odd, but oh well. She sees Olmos outside the church and tells him that she’s going to kill him. He says he wants to see her face before he kills her (que romantico). We get a glimpse of her face---she looks rather ashen and a little worse for the wear, but I guess I was expecting more of a mauled up look. Mangle shoots Olmos just as he stabs her. They fall to the cobblestone street together, face-to-face, almost in an embrace. They are dead (I thought Olmos was like the Energizer Bunny, and he’d keep going and going—his 9 lives must have been used up).

Tobias takes on the man carting Cat away. Tobi stabs the pirate and he’s shocked at his own actions. Cat tells her husband she loves him.

SAM and the troops fight the pirates. The soldiers are winning. SAM fights dirty---kicking one of the pirates in the family jewels.

Maria Pia begs Agapito to save Fernando. Pito says it is grave, FS was hit in the heart. Since it is the last show, and because there is some repenting needed, Fernando will not be getting the Zorro gunshot cure. He really is going to die. Knowing the end is near, FS asks Alejandro and Diego to forgive him. Diego grants him forgiveness in the name of his mother. Fernando has flashes of Regina/Purina or Yumali (one of the two---I can’t tell, they’re identical after all). He says she’s here. Meanwhile, Maria Pia is sobbing over his body. Alej tells Fernando that he has their forgiveness (seems the right thing to do, since he just took the bullet intended for either your son or his bride). Fernando tells Maria Pia that wherever he’s going, he’ll always love her. Fernando dies.

We are next treated to a montage of Fernando’s and Mangle’s funeral (jointly held, hopefully Pito cut a deal with the family---perhaps this is where Mangle got the two for one deal). Padre Tomás’s voice talks about Fernando finally finding peace and not knowing what ruled Mangle’s actions.


Maria Pia gives birth to a daughter, she names her Fernanda. Almudena announces that she’s pregnant. Alejandro says he’s the happiest man alive, good thing he spelled that out because we’d never have known by his acting---such a stiff performance.

The cloaked men gather in the Fox Cave---Alej’s face is among them (the only one we see). He’s posing. Zorro addresses the men and the determine that his mission has been accomplished. His presence is not needed in LA now, but if ever it is needed again, he’ll be there to help. Zorro hands his sword over to PT and walks out of the Fox Cave.


Fonzie returns and asks Maria Pia to marry him. He wants to have the chance to make her happy and to provide a family for her daughter.

Dena had a son.


The family is on a picnic. Diego and Esme try to sneak a little kissing in behind a tree, but Alejandrito interrupts. Diego and little Al go fishing and have the same gestures (scratching their behinds at the same time).

Cifuentes invites SAM to share a drink. The soldiers comment on how peaceful things have been since Montero died. Cifuentes suspects that Zorro left with the Queen, but SAM is sure that he’s still around, watching out for LA.

Diego lets Tornado go, fly and be free. He encourages Tornado to go find a mare, but make sure that he brings her around to meet the family.


Esme tells Diego that she’d like to have a sister for little Alej. Diego says he knows how to make little girls. They disappear underneath the covers.


Esme gives birth to a daughter (I guess Diego really did know what he was doing), they name her Elena. General Alej likes the name. SAM arrives shortly after the birth to say that the Queen is dead. The town mourns.


A new military commander is coming to the city. Esme fears that Diego may come out of retirement and she says that now that they have children she doesn’t want him returning as Zorro.

Diego starts to train Alejandrito (all growed up now). They practice with swords, guns, and the whip. Diego shows him the Fox Cave. They discuss how the new commander is causing problems in the town and they need to confront him. Diego asks his son if he’s willing to be Zorro. Alejandro is not so sure, but Diego assures him that he’s been well trained and that he has his trust. Just then, Bernardo arrives with a horse for Alejandro. That seems to be the selling point. Alejandro dresses in the Zorro clothes (apparently well preserved over the years, and conveniently just the right size).
In full daylight, Alejandro takes his horse out for a ride, in his Zorro attire. Esme and Diego watch him leave. Diego is proud and says that he hopes his son will find love just like he did. Esme and Diego kiss and Zorro waves from a distance. THE END


Juan Q 7/24 - A bad day for Paula equals a great day for Juan

Pastor mentions that Mareli doesn’t have any experience, just like Paula. Mareli thinks she can learn the job quickly and do a good job. Pastor notes that Mareli doesn’t share Juan’s last name. Mareli explains that they are second cousins. She asks if Pastor has a problem. Pastor says he doesn’t have any, but he finds it strange that Juan has such a large family. Pastor changes the subject and asks if Mareli has a salary requirement. Mareli looks quizzically at Pastor.

Paula lectures Juan about always telling the truth. He swears that this was the only time he lied. She replies that lies damages friendship. Juan gets excited that Paula considers him her friend. She assures him that they are friends and makes him promise not to tell anymore lies. They share an awkward moment. Paula breaks the stare by asking Juan why he wanted to get work for Mareli.

Mareli approaches Yvonne to look for Paula. Yvonne says she doesn’t know where Paula is, but wants to know if Mareli got the job. Mareli tells Yvonne that she did get the job. Yvonne congratulates and introduces herself to Mareli.

Paula thinks that for Juan to do something like this for Mareli, he must care a great deal for Mareli. Juan agrees and says that he does really care for Mareli. Paula wants to know the depth of that affection. She asks if Mareli is Juan’s girlfriend. When Juan says know, Paula asks if he wants Mareli to be his girlfriend. He says that he does. Paula gives her approval.

Mareli enters the scene, hugs Paula and thanks her for the job. Paula leaves. Mareli thanks Juan for his help, but he wants to know why she told the truth to Paula. She explains that she couldn’t, but that she did lie about it to Pastor. Mareli thinks that Pastor is very unpleasant. She observes that Pastor acted like he wanted to know about Juan and Mareli’s relationship. Mareli thanks Juan again and gives her a kiss on the cheek. This, of course, makes Juan very happy.

Paula asks Yvonne if CL is busy. Yvonne says that he’s not in the office and that no one knows when he will return because he left with his wife. Yvonne looks happy, but Paula looks less then thrilled.

Monica takes CL to a place where they can talk. She wants to know what he had to tell her.

CL doesn’t want to talk about it, but Monica won’t let up. She can tell that something is really bothering him. CL says that it’s fear of what may happen in the future. He points out that they have never been a normal couple and now he’s afraid that this new life will bore them. She freaks out, because she thinks he means that their relationship works only because they don’t see each other all that much. CL honestly says that’s how it’s been. Monica positively says that they can fight to stay out of a routine. CL wants to know what will happen if they fail at that. Monica thinks that CL only looks at the worst case scenario. CL says that he has changed. Monica wants to know if his feelings for her have changed as well.

Paula sits in her office and flings around her work. She obviously disturbed, and Yvonne is loving it. Pastor catches Yvonne spying. [I’m not sure if it should be considered spying considering the blinds to the window are flung open. Not very covert, if you ask me!] Yvonne explains to Pastor what’s wrong with Paula. Paula catches them looking and finally closes the blinds.

Monica asks if there’s another woman in CL’s life. She accuses CL of having a different plan for their matrimony and not telling her about it until now. CL keeps saying that it’s all based in fear. He asks Monica to put herself in his place; he’s unprepared for this. He claims to be telling her all these bad things in order to fix them and so their marriage doesn’t end. Monica has an idea; she wants to work with CL at the office. CL shows us all his teeth, but doesn’t reply…yet!

Yvonne anonymously calls Ana again. They fight for a moment. Yvonne warns Ana that Paula’s in a bad mood because CL left with his wife. Yvonne asks Ana to ask her daughter if she doesn’t believe what Yvonne’s saying. Ana immediately dials her daughter but changes her mind.

Monica crosses the line into needy spouse and starts going on and on about her perfect plan. CL runs for a drink. CL says that he needs to think about it, but Monica won’t except that answer. He tells her to think about her job. She proclaims that she’s planning on resigning. CL can’t believe that she’ll just throw a way a job for which she worked so hard. She thinks that her decision is well-thought out and sensible. CL continues arguing that she has a good job and should not take it for granted. She demands to know if he’ll give her the job. CL caves and says that she can have the job. Monica announces that she’s going to look for an office in the building next week. CL can’t believe that this happening so fast.

Juan reads a comic and imagines himself in the old west. He and Fernando duel over the money owes Fernando. Juan and his cow chaps successfully out gun-sling Fernando. Fernando brings Juan back to reality by pounding on Juan’s car and asking about the money. Juan leaps out of the car, pretending to have guns on his hips, pulls out the money and gives it to Fernando. Juan demands that Fernando count the money. While Fernando counts, Juan debates telling him that Mareli will work in the office. Fernando thanks Juan for the payment. Fernando also tells Juan about the trip to the doctor’s office. Fernando notes that CL seemed preoccupied and worried. Fernando brings up the deception of the Cachon women. Juan thanks Fernando for bringing it up and then spits out in one breath that Mareli will be working at Farrell.

Yadira and Nidia enjoy the afternoon novela. The Cachon’s lament the suffering of women. Nidia thinks that her life would make a successful telenovela. Mareli enters with an upset look on her face. She wants to know why Nidia’s messing with the Davila’s and their house.

Fernando is not happy and he wants to know if Mareli finds out the truth. Juan assures Fernando that this won’t be a problem because Juan already told her the truth. Fernando asks if Yadira knows as well. Juan says that she does not and that Fernando may handle that however he would like. Juan gives Fernando some advice: he tells him to tell the truth. Fernando asks if Juan converted to Buddhism. Juan replies that he’s just trying to live a good life.

Nidia says that yes she is messing with Ana and the house. She doesn’t think it should matter because Samuel paid for the house. Mareli insists that neither Samuel nor his family paid for that house. Ana and Paula paid for it. Mareli tells her mom that she doesn’t have any right. Nidia reminds Mareli that Ana was Samuel’s lover. Yadira stands and defends her mother. Mareli shuts her down immediately, saying that Yadira doesn’t know the situation or the Dávila. Mareli changes the subject. She found a job and she thinks the other women should do the same. Apparently, they don’t like that idea. Nidia declares that she will not work and that she will take care of Ana Davila. Mareli stomps out of the room, disgusted.

Yvonne and Pastor take a moment to talk about Paula. They switch to Mareli. Yvonne wants to know why he hired her. He thought it was a good idea in order to begin the battle. He’ll be the cunning man and Mareli will be the vixen. He wants Mareli to know what it’s like to have Pastor as an enemy. Yvonne thinks that Pastor is losing credibility. Pastor proclaims that he’s getting it back. Paula Davila’s days are numbered.

Fernando still doesn’t want to tell the truth. Juan insists that Fernando should tell the truth. Juan thinks that it’s a hormonal thing with women. When they receive sincerity it’s like sustenance to them. They become very affectionate. It’s a science! Juan uses his argument with Mareli about telling the truth as an example. Once he’s done, Juan walks away happy that he told the truth but nervous because he didn’t mention that Mareli told him to forget about her for forever. Fernando approaches Juan and says that he will follow Juan’s example and tell Yadira the truth. Juan thinks to himself that at worst he did a favor for Kike. Juan flings Fernando away from him when he realizes that Paula is watching.

Nidia laments the fact that her own child turned on her. Yadira thinks that Nidia should have told her so that she could have helped. Nidia asks if Mareli was with Juan today. Yadira explains that Mareli went to Juan’s office. Nidia wonders if Juan is playing with them. She tells Yadira that Alirio saw Juan with the Dávila. Yadira thinks that they should ask Juan. Nidia thinks that if Juan is really playing them then they should throw him into the street.

Juan and Paula share a quiet ride. Juan tells Paula that she may speak with him about anything, especially after everything she’s done for him. Paula doesn’t want to share. Juan thinks that people need to talk and externalize their thoughts. He says that he doesn’t like how she looks so sad.

Pastor tells Yvonne that he needs her to go someplace with him; to visit Juan at his house. Yvonne thinks that Pastor is going a little nuts, but she agrees to accompany him. She hopes that they don’t get a bad surprise. Pastor wants to go to his house to change, but Yvonne wants to avoid that.

Juan insists that Paula allow him to open the door for her. She tells him that she’s not accustomed to having a car or a chauffer. Juan says he only wants to attend to her like she deserves. Before she enters the gate, Paula turns to Juan and says that he is the best and only good thing that’s happened to her since she’s come back to the city. Juan hugs the wall and thinks that all he could do was silently adore Paula.

Yadira enters Mareli’s room. Yadira doesn’t think that Mareli shouldn’t have stood up for the Davila’s. Mareli reminds Yadira that Nidia only wanted their father for money and someone to treat poorly. Yadira thinks that Mareli is trying make justifications. Yadira thinks that Mareli’s hiding something. Yadira can see it; she just doesn’t know what “it” is. Mareli says that she spoke with Paula and that she’s going to work with Paula. Nidia walks in to overhear Mareli saying she will be Paula’s personal assistant.

Paula tells her mother the same thing, but at their house.

Nidia thinks that Mareli might just pick up her bags and move in with the Davila’s. Mareli doesn’t think this would be a bad idea. Mareli doesn’t want to be bothered anymore. Nidia tells Mareli to forget about the job. They argue about the job for a few moments. Nidia says that if Mareli doesn’t work for Paula, then Nidia won’t try to take the house.

Ana’s not happy about the situation either. Paula points out that Mareli is her sister and that Mareli is very different from Nidia. Ana says that those women hate them. Paula replies that Nidia has a reason to, but Mareli does not. This obviously doesn’t sit well with Ana. Ana leaves the room.

Juan drives home and thinks about how happy Paula’s words made him. He smiles and whistles to himself. He sings, off tune, along with “Palomita.”

Nidia repeats the promise. Mareli says that she’ll think about it. Nidia and Yadira leave the room.

Yvonne and Pastor look for Juan. They drive around a neighborhood that looks pretty dangerous. Yvonne can’t figure out if they’re lost or if the address doesn’t exist. They pulls up to a corner. Some young thugs surround them and beat on the car.

Paula asks her mother if she’s forgiven Paula. Ana says that she’s not mad about Paula’s words. Ana’s mad because Paula judged her. Paula assures her mother that she thinks Ana is very valiant. Ana says that she’s very tense and worried about Paula. Ana tells Paula about the anonymous phone calls.


Amar sin limites #4 Monday 7/23/07 Mauricio begins to show his true colors

Greetings to the new group of viewers of Amar Sin Limites. This is my first recap of this show, and I am still trying to figure out who is who. I was literally watching with Melinama's cast list next to me, and I'm still not fully up to speed. If I've missed anything, please pipe up, anyone! I am posting this with some sections missing, because I had some work emergencies and could not go back and rewatch the sections I missed. I note that the characters are talking fast, and there's some interesting new vocabulary, but I would rather get this posted now. As I get used to these characters, I will be able to get more information in.

We open with a recap of the previous episode's cliff-hangers. Leonarda asks Andres: You are going to kill him--no? Who? We now hear that she is referring to Benjamin--not Mauricio.

Silvana and Emilia have a sorrowful conference. Silvana tells Emilia: "Tomorrow I want you to take me to see my son." Since we know son is dead, she means to see his grave.

Azul arrives at the restaurant party, followed by Mauricio. Diego arrives just on their heels, and is stopped by Cecilia (is that who it is?), who knows that Mauricio is inside. Diego goes in anyway, and he learns that Mauricio went to the bathroom, so he talks to Azul. She tells him to please go. He leaves, and she smiles ruefully at her champagne as Mauricio comes back and they toast. The theme music swells. It is very melancholy. (The soundtrack sounds like many of the themes from gloomy '70s flicks, such as The Poseidon Adventure and Love Story.)

GCSSD (grumpy chain-smoking scientist dad) meets with his sister? to discuss paying his debts? Changing jobs I apologize for not paying close attention to this part on first viewing. I intended to go back. I am not sure how the sister fits in to the story. (I note that Dad is chain smoking, because it seems so startling. You just would not see anyone smoking like this on an American show, let alone a scientist. Diego also smokes in a later scene. BTW, I comment as a reformed two-pack-a-day smoker, five years "clean and sober." I used to love smoking, but now I find it crazy. Here in NYC, we have had draconian anti-smoking regulations for a few years, and more and more European countries are also going nonsmoking. It just seems incongruous. And that's my rant for the day.)

Outside the restaurant now, Cecilia and Diego discuss Azul while strolling around the neighborhood. Against her better judgment, she gives Diego Azul's phone number.

Maurice has a surprise for Azul--he has made her director of HR, and he has a host of items to make it official--such as a plaque for her desk and so forth. What a great surprise.

Something happens here with Diego seeing something in a car mirror, but I didn't get it in my notes. Sorry, but I don't have time to go back and watch again today.

Paco and Lidia fool around in the kitchen, but she is thinking about her boss.

Azul and Maurice are now back at her apartment making out on the couch. She jumps up to show him the new suit. This nicely stops the unwanted (on her part) action. He wants to get back to the action, saying the night is not over, but Cecilia fortunately comes in. This is enough for him. He doesn't want to stay with the girl in the next room. He wants Azul to have an apartment with no roommates.

The Boss calls Lidia. He can't stop thinking about her. He needs a paper for tomorrow, and he's coming over to get it. Pobre de Paco. (Does anyone know the boss's name?)

Now Azul settles in for some girl talk with Cecilia. Too bad she didn't get to be with Diego.

Diego is moping in a bar.

Diego calls Azul but she is not there (I'm sorry, but I have another missed section in my notes: If I remember correctly, he called her at her father's house?)

Lidia is kissing her boss in the yard. She says she loves Paco, but boss man is something else. Oops--Pop comes in. (Can we call him Robopop in honor of Don Erasmo? Or can we call him Mope-o-Pop, since he's such a drip?) She quickly jumps behind the boss and wipes her lips. Pop--here's my boss, she says. Pop asks him in!

Abuelo sees what was going on, and files away the information.

Pop and Abuelo have a discussion about Diego. Abuelo reminds Pop that Diego is a good boy. Diego comes home, and pop yells at him.

Abuelo tries to make peace between the two. He reminds Pop that he should help his children. Lidia too. Pop says that Lidia is intelligent and doesn't have problems. Abuelo does not reveal her "problem." Pop reminds Abuelo that it's his house, and he's the boss.

There are a couple of more scenes here that I apologize for missing. I can go back and fill these in later.

Azul is discussing her relationship with Cecilia. We hear a piano theme that reminds me of Love Story. Azul is pragmatic. She says that her parents were in love, but they divorced. Cecilia asks--you don't really love Mauricio, do you? Azul hedges with I don't know.

Emilia and Silvana go to the grave.

Diego and Cecilia have a discussion.

Azul gets a call about her thesis. Is it from her adviser? She says she's not going to do anything. (I will fill in this later.) She calls Diego! He's not in. When will he be home? No message. I'm a little confused about how she came to make this call, as my notes are incom

Azul is a vision in azul the next day. She is talking to Mauricio. She wants to take time to finish her thesis, but he wants her to take care of the child. Why not get a nanny, she asks. Why should he when she almost has a mother . . . He is really an abusive turkey. Azul says it's too much at once. Mauricio is angry!

The tailor who took Azul's message tells Diego that while he was out a girl called, and she was nervous.

Silvana and Emilia go to the grave. Emilia says she is never going to be happy without her son.

Abuelo and Clemencia worry about the children.

Pop comes in with a gift for Clemencia--it's an ugly gray and pink striped sweater in a very small size. Abuelo and Clemencia look at it, appalled--how could he not see it was a size for children? Doesn't he know her size?

Diego delivers the suit. He calls Azul. He reaches GCSSD.

Silvana calls Mauricio.

Diego follows Azul and stares.


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