Sunday, September 02, 2007

August 31, 2007 Yo Amo a Juan – In which we wonder if anyone REALLY got lucky tonight……(in honor of Lori’s comment yesterday)

We revisit the disco where Nidia is entertaining her amigos of the night and being entertained by them. She’s lost the hot orange feather bolero jacket, so her substantial cleavage is prominent in her little black dress. She’s still got the hot orange vinyl cap, though…..She tosses back shooters with Kike and Fern…. there are at least three empties on the table and three in their hands. She proposes a toast. They toss back another. Juan is still the center of attention on the dance floor, cachi, cachi bombon! He has more moves than Allied Van Lines. Kike bounces to the music and Nidia flirts with Fernando. Hm. She might even be rubbing up and down in time with the music…..Juan picks up one of his new amigas off the floor and dances her around. The boy dances for his life tonight with total abandon! What could possibly go wrong at such a great party?

Delirio is drunk again, and standing outside Casa Cachón. He yells for them to open the door in the name of love! He calls for his offended Señora, his life. He begs her not to put a hole in his soul (no taladres el alma – don’t drill/bore the soul). He punctuates with a stagger and expansive gestures, putting his hand over his heart. Yadi and Marely gaze disapprovingly with pursed lips and head shakes down on the spectacle of their soon-to-be stepfather three sheets to the wind. Marely asks Yadi what they should do as Delirio keeps slurring along in the background. Marely doesn’t want him hanging out until Mami sees fit to show up but she knows he will. Yadi says he’s not leaving. Poor guy, Marely sympathizes. Yadi asks what she wants, to go down and tell him the truth? She scoffs. Delirio yells “Nidita, what takes me apart is your indifference!” If he keeps gesturing so wildly he’s going to throw himself onto the ground in a heap. Yadi grins, and tells Marely not to worry. Any second now he’s going to wear out and then tomorrow Mami will face her consequences with him (dar la cara). Delirio yells that he will die and his spirit wander (vagará) in front of her house, before he moves even a little bit away. Marely moans that this guy is really in love and she doesn’t think he’s going to stop. Yadi leaves the window and mutters they don’t even know what circus Nidia’s joined. What a lady. The bell rings and Marely frets.

At the disco, Nidia and Fern are upending a tall bottle. Nidia tells Fern this stuff’s going to kill them. Juan watches warily from behind, and Kike tries to chat with Juan, who is busy worrying about what the dynamic duo is up to. Well, they’re up to “pushing” down another round. Fern tells Nidia let another one come (another round). The evening is young, and the company is the same. He’s slurring, too…..”Young man and beauty.” Nidia strokes his face and calls him “Papi Rico” and tells him how divine he is. They rub noses and Fern chuckles. Juan leans over from his perch just above them a couple of steps to get a good look at qué the heck this pair is doing in plain sight. Kike is soaking it in, too. Nidia yells for the waiter, and Juan bounds down to stop her – he’ll bring it. He drags Kike off with him. Nidia drapes herself around Fern’s shoulders and asks about his girlfriend, that thing with her was a lie? She plies him with more questions….is he still crazy about Yadira? (Todavía andas derrapando por Yadira?—are you still skidding along for Yadira? However, in Mexico, this idiom means crazy about). Fern denies he is. That wound is closed, and healed. She tells him she’s so happy to hear that. He flirtingly asks her why she’s so happy about that? Well, a boy like him shouldn’t have to suffer for love. Above them at the high cocktail tables, Ana and Pastor and the two viejas enjoy the show. Not the dancers. Fern slurs that’s exactly what he’s told himself. He toasts to their health and throws back the rest of his drink. Nidia wonders coyly if he’s considered the advantages of having a relationship with a more mature woman? A very mature woman? He murmurs an affirmative, and the camera cuts to Pastor, who is muy impactado suddenly. Nidia continues, a woman who doesn’t have cucarachas in her head? Fern laughs suggestively. A woman who knows where to come and where to go? Okay, the conversation apparently makes sense to both of them. He smiles and they embrace.

Juan is at the bar and comments to the bartender. Kike grabs a waiter to bring a bottle….he points to Nidia and Fern. The waiter will take care of it right away. Juan looks pensive. Kike comments on the dynamic duo-he thinks it’s pretty cool—does Juan realize? Fern has Nidia’s hot orange cap on and they’re in a full body press talking to each other (yeah, that’s right, they’re actually talking. Or slurring). Juan says he doesn’t want to realize. If they keep this up, he’ll have to call in the firemen. He looks annoyed. He complains about Nidia, what a barbarian she is, one little glass of wine and she’s carried away. He makes goofy gestures. Kike tells him he’d better talk with that Fernando so he cools it down. We watch the dynamic duo grind and bump while we hear Juan tell Kike no, in the first place he’s drunk, and he’s had some bad luck recently in love, and in the third place he likes to get lucky. (le gusta matar la víbora en Viernes – he likes to kill the snake on Friday, slang for get lucky). Don’t you see? Kike reminds Juan about Nidia and Alirio. Juan tells Kike “don’t invoke Alirio, he might just appear out of nowhere.” Kike grins.

Speak of the king of Rome, Alirio is still hanging out in the garden with the two girls (in their robes, no less) and drunkenly regaling them with tales of how he’s going to suffer and not move from the spot until he sees Nidia Cachón in the flesh. Marely asks if he realizes what time it is? Well, if it weren’t so urgent that he talk with Nidia, he wouldn’t be putting on this lamentable spectacle. [You got that part right, brother. It’s definitely a lamentable spectacle]. He tells them to hurry up and call Mami for him. Yadi tap dances around the real issue. “What if my Mami doesn’t WANT to come down here?” She is super offended by you! When Doña Nidia Cachón says no, it’s no! He tells Yadi when Alirio Perafán. says yes, it’s yes! He weaves around as he gestures……the girls heave disgusted sighs as they look at each other.

Kike points out to Juan that ultimately, it’s not his problem or Juan’s. Juan thinks it IS his problem, since he promised Don Samuel Cachón (everyone cross yourselves quickly, in perfect synchrony now) God rest his soul, that Juan would take care of the ladies Cachón. With the girls it’s not difficult, but the Mami is of shabby morals. (moral distraída=slovenly, shabby or untidy morals). Kike thinks they just need to enjoy life, not get involved in any of this, and dance. Juan thought bubbles to himself that he best not reprimand her. Kike is right, and who orders him around, his conscience or himself? The party is all over the place (mundial – worldwide) and you’re here, sour.

Marely tries to convince Delirio that he needs to go home, and she’ll personally promise him that she’ll talk to her mother and convince her to see him at the earliest moment in the morning. Okay? Yadi murmurs her agreement. She tells him to pay attention to Marely! He’s come here with his glass raised (polite way to say drunk as a skunk) and made things worse! He wonders who told them? [Not to put too fine a point on it, Alirio, but no telling was necessary here.] It was this old sea wolf – himself. And now they’re out there annoying each other. He’d give his eyetooth for these girls (probably not literally what he said, so anyone who wants to clarify, fine with us!) Marely is no longer sweet and coaxing. He’s got it right, he’s annoying her. She fusses at him not to be so stubborn, he’s not going to see Nidia, he should just GO already. Yadi goes on the offensive, too. He’s not getting past this door. She throws her arms out wide, daring him to try to pass. He acts really drunk and says some nonsense, and the girls talk about waiting until breakfast. They’ve let down their guard and Alirio breaks away and dashes through the door yelling for Nidia. The girls yell and track him into the house.

A slow dance ends at the disco. Juan asks Kike “where those two have gone?” What two? Nidia and Fernando, don’t be dumb. Kike chuckles, he was teasing. He says he can only imagine where they’ve gone! He starts to walk away, and Juan, completely annoyed, grabs him back. Juan tells him there’s unfinished business here for them. Kike says “what WE?” He doesn’t want to interfere, and the last time he saw them, they were right there, dancing. Juan agrees that he saw them, too. The boys look around. Juan is sure that they’ve taken flight. Ana comes and asks for “Doña Nidia.” [That sounded weird to me until I realized she worked for decades for Nidia’s husband, Samuel.] Juan stalls…..”Doña Nidia?” They all look around and Juan does a 360-spin. Pastor joins them and looks around, but looks back questioningly. Juan gets an inspiration. “She went to the restroom! The restroom!” “And Fernando?” Pastor asks pointedly. Kike squirms and says he doesn’t know, probably the restroom, too. Ana smiles. She’ll wait for Juan at the table. Pastor looks between Juan and Kike—he’s enjoying their discomfort.

Delirio has made it in as far as the stairs. The girls are trying to grab him to keep him from going up to find Nidia. He yells up “do me the favor of coming down here right now, or on the other hand, I’m going to have to come up, Nidia!” The girls can barely restrain the viejo. Yadi jumps in front of him and puts her hands across the stairs to block him. “Don’t take another step!” Marely is straining to hold him from behind. He yells for Nidia, and Marely tells him the only thing he’s going to do is make it worse and she won’t see him today, tomorrow, and never more!” He yells like a wounded, lovesick moose and Marely rubs her forehead. Yadi stands guard on the steps. Delirio begs Nidia, and Yadi pushes him back with her foot, telling him her mother isn’t going to see an old fool. Alirio tells Yadi to understand, he’s GOING UP! She says he’ll have to get by her. He’s ready for the challenge, and will do whatever is necessary! Yadi tells Marely to call the police and Alirio is torn for a second while Marely runs to the phone. He starts yelling for Nidia again. Marely tries to grab him from behind again and yells at him that her mother isn’t going to see him for the simple reason that she’s not at home! Alirio spins around, furious-impactado. Yadi throws up her hands in horror—Mami’s secret is out! “WHAT?????” “She’s not HERE!” There’s a scuffle on the stairs—Alirio and Yadi go down like dominoes. Marely screams and puts her hands over her mouth; Alirio looks back at her and yells “Where? Where?” Over his head, Yadi is making faces at Marely to just shut the heck up, already! The director gives us a split screen so we can see Alirio close up impactado and the girls facing off with him at the same time. Alirio catches on that Yadi’s stage-whispering at Marely and looks back at her; she jumps and shuts up. Now we see the three in the split screen and Yadi’s glaring-at-Marely impactada face. Yadi shrugs in annoyance at Marely spilling the beans. In the split screen, we see Marely’s impactada face at her faux pas.

Out on the street in front of the disco we know that’s Nidia looking for a cab because of the hot orange feather bolero jacket and hot orange vinyl cap. They’re perfect for travel outside at night because they reflect so well. Beside her, someone is holding her gold lamé purse. Oh! It’s Fernando! He’s trying to hail a cab. Nidia flashes the slit in her dress instead; maybe that’ll work better. Fern is falling apart. His shirt is hanging out—our fashion plate has lost his groove! Nidia flashes a sparkly smile toward the oncoming traffic while she holds the slit in the dress a little open for effect. Fern staggers over to her and laughs as he slurs through a joke that isn’t funny and doesn’t even make sense. Nidia, a little more together, puts her hands onto his chest and asks where they’ll go, Papi Rico? Ferns slurs “a place more private.” He sounds downright seductive. Nidia practically swoons, oooh, oooh! “You and me alone? And this would be for what?” Fern rubs on her a little, gyrates his pelvis, and his voice gets gravelly—“what do you think?” [I think you’ll be lucky to stay awake for the next twenty minutes.] They’re barely holding each other up, they’re so stewed. He drops the purse. [Doesn’t look scripted to me!] She says they’ll play a game of weenies and something [I probably couldn’t figure out how to translate it because proper schoolmarms shouldn’t even know it]. Nidia wants to know if he’s going to show her the stars. He murmurs seductively “what an intelligent little girl you are, you guessed it, little girl….” And he gyrates some more. They need a room fast. She pushes him away coquettishly; he should be careful, after all, she’s an engaged lady. She strokes her leg and the slit in her dress gaps up the side. He won’t forget. He gives her his word.

Alirio finally made it to the sofa. Good thing, he’s another who wasn’t gonna be awake in another twenty minutes. The girls stand across the room, wondering qué the heck to do with the viejo. His head is bowed, and he is sitting on the edge of the sofa. He’s unhappy that they’re so close to their wedding and she’s gone out at these hours of the night, alone. It’s not decent! [Alirio, you really don’t want to know the worst of it.] Marely excuses her mother; it’s her bachelorette party. She tells him not to make such a mystery of it. Yadi assures him Nidia is with Juan, and nothing is going to happen to her, right? Alirio jumps up at that. Yes, of course, Juan Dominguez! But of course! That lightweight (pelagátos) would have to be involved in this! But just let him appear at that door and he’s going to hear from me!!! He’s playing [fast and loose – my addition] with the reputation of a Perafán Roche de Francisco!

Speaking of playing fast and loose, Nidia and Fern are still considering their next event together. He jumps in front of a cab and it screeches to a stop. He flings the door open for Nidia. She giggles and minces toward the open door. He tells her he’s a gentleman; he could take her directly to her home…..or they could return right now, whatever she says. He’s using “tú,” so we know he’s dead serious. Nidia postures and tells him the night is very young yet. She minces to the cab and gets in while he ushers her with an “in you go!” (Pase Ud. – now he’s back to the formal “you.” Reckon he’s conflicted?) He swings the bag and follows her into the cab after a couple of dance steps. Charleston, maybe. They laugh as the door closes and the cab takes off.

Juan comes skidding out the door of the disco just in time to see the cab take off. Kike follows him closely. Juan looks panicked. Look at that! Look! He’s crazy! [Juan assumes it’s Fernando’s fault??] He and Kike stand helplessly looking after the cab. Juan could be in deep kim-chee when he gets home. Juan throws out his arms in frustration after the cab, and Kike imitates him unconsciously. Juan’s yelling that Fern’s thinking with his feet (not thinking with his brain!) Juan and Kike throw their arms out at the cab again. It’s almost a football stadium wave, actually. Kike yells “how dare he take an engaged woman?” Juan yells that she’s like his mother, his half mother, whom he loves a lot! Like a mother, Kike echoes. Juan yells that Fernando is a vile person, opportunistic, he’s crazy! Kike singsongs that he told Juan Fern is a villain (fichita, from ficha, villain or rogue). What a good rogue he is, he took Doña Nidita. He bounces up and down as he repeats his little song. Juan dances with him as he sings, then stops and asks Kike if he’s all right. Kike realizes he’s being goofy and yells about Fern taking Nidia, he’s an imbecile.

Yadi and Marely are still doing damage control with Alirio. Marely asks him why doesn’t he go rest, tomorrow’s another day and he can come early and clear it all up with Mama. Yadi chimes in agreement. He’s not going to be able to shut his eyes. How can they think so? Well, does that mean he’s not going to let them sleep? He tells them to go on up to bed, and he’ll stand guard on the sofa. [Ed. Note: Yeah, right.]. He’ll wait for the love of his life there. He rubs his hands on the sofa seat, looking desperate. The girls look pained and Marely empathizes. He tells them they think the worst of him and don’t understand how he loves their mother. He is in agony. He loves her, adores her, worships her. He doubles over in emphasis. Putting his head in his hands, he asserts he cannot live without this woman, he can’t! How would this not pain him? Should he cover his eyes and pretend nothing has happened? If they’ll tell him, please, he’ll pay close attention to them!

Kike and Juan have returned to the dance floor. Kike thinks they’ve seen that Fernando won’t go to far, nor Nidia. [Ed. Note: And we all know what a great judge of character our sweet, naïve Kike is, folks, bless his heart.] Juan is more realistic—you put a young man in front of Doña Nidia and adiós! He’s a goner! Fernando better control himself because of that! Kike nods in agreement. Yeah, but he’ll understand the signals (agarra la onda – understand the vibes). Nidia is still not too old and they’re not made of wood. Juan wants to know what they should do? Kike says there is nothing they can do, and they might as well just enjoy themselves. Juan gets realistic now—don’t be an idiot, who’s going to pay the bill???? Kike looks up at him—“don’t be lookin’ at me! You’ve already got me on the brink of bankruptcy!” Juan points out that Fernando’s the only one carrying a credit card (tarejta de crédito, which I tell the lady at the new Mexican grocery in our town every time I go in to get my favorite frijoles refritos). He’s gone and I’m clean, Juan tells Kike (no money). Kike puts his hands in his pockets and looks away. Speak of the king of Rome, the waiter is here wanting to know when and how they plan to pay up, and will there be anything more? Juan and Kike play tag and point the waiter to each other about five times. Both politely tell the waiter that the other is dying to pay the bill. The waiter, dumb as a post, hands the bill back and forth. “He said he wants to pay.” “Well, he brought me here to treat me.” “Um, he’s older than me, so it should be his.” The waiter looks stalemated impactado.

Yadi and Marely have empathy written all over their faces as they stand in the living room looking down at Alirio. Yadi tells him he doesn’t have to be a drama king, but very kindly. He asks them if they think he likes to suffer? That he enjoys it when their mother treats him like a rag, a good-for-nothing (estropajo)? That Alirio is no one, nothing? Well, Alirio Perafán suffers! I’m tormented! I feel like I have a dagger in my soul! He thumps his heart meaningfully. Yadi asks him if he didn’t realize he’d be opening himself up to that when he fell in love with Nidia? He does. He’ll be in love until he’s just bones with a woman who doesn’t love him! Dramatic violin music plays while Yadi and Marely look distressed.

At the bar, Juan is promising Pastor that he and Kike will pay Pastor back after the next biweekly paycheck (la primera quincena, the first fortnight). Kike is incensed—me?? Juan whacks him in the arm. Pastor tells him not to worry, and Juan again promises, and he’ll work it out with Fernando, too. Pastor asks “by the way, where is he?” Pastor’s really amused by all this. Juan looks at Kike. They haven’t come back from the restroom. Juan stammers a bit. The viejas come up, they’ve been looking for Nidia, Ana says, and haven’t found her. She’s worried. Rosario thinks that by this time she might be in bed. Pastor points out that Fern hasn’t been seen, either. Juan thought bubbles that things are bad and he’d better come up with something fast, or Nidia’s rep is ruined. He throws his hand over his face, “Excuse me! I forgot! Nidia felt bad, and Fern took her to her home. He punctuates with gestures. Pastor and the viejas nod in understanding, wink, wink. Our lovely, naïve Ana looks at them one by one, with real concern on her face. “How gentlemanly of Fernando, right?” asks Pastor. They all nod in agreement. Juan affirms “what a guy” (un tipazo) and whacks Kike. “Didn’t you tell me that they were going?” He whacks Kike repeatedly, “you told me?” Kike catches on and agrees, he told Juan. He elaborates….definitely improving the situation. Not. Kike rubs his arm—Juan packs a punch. Pastor chuckles. Of course. A slightly puzzled Ana thinks they don’t need to wait, then. [Ed. Note: She is just too naïve for words sometimes, folks. That must be where Paula gets it.] They agree, and she says they’d better just go, since they all have to work and look at what time it is! More agreement. The pack up to go into our commercial break.

My, my, what have we here? Clothing in a trail the floor to a bed, and here’s quite a scene….Nidia draped over Fern and not much else draped over either one of them. He’s smoking the traditional cigarette as she stokes his furry chest. [Ed. Note: on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the least appealing, CL’s chest is a 1.5, Fern’s is a 6, and Juan’s is an 11. Let’s skip Kike’s and Alirio’s]. “Spectacular!” Nidia drawls and stretches like a cat. Fern thinks it was just regular. They exchange flirtatious chitchat. She sits up and hoists, sheet covering her, and purrs. Oooh. Oooh. Fern, in his yellow boxers, grins and blows smoke. She’s feels great; she feels alive! She feels 20 years younger. [Ed. Note: and you’d still be older than Fern.] “You know what, beauty?” she asks him and takes a puff from his cigarette. I am in LOVE! Crazy in love! HM????? Fern is impactado-worried. In love with you, bombon! She kisses him. He looks disTRESSED! She takes another little puff.

Marely is pouring some liquid courage for Alirio. She brings it with wishes for him to feel better and sits by him on the sofa. [Hair of the dog, does he really need that right now, Marely?] He thanks her. They are such good girls. Marely reminds him he knows how her mama is when she goes out to party. She doesn’t’ like to come home until the sun is coming up. Her idea is that it would be bad luck to come earlier. Yadi tries gently to convince him to go home. He’s not budging. Can’t he stay here? He strokes the sofa. You two can go up to bed. Marely tells him that Mami won’t like it at all if he’s here guarding the door when she comes home. He informs Marely that her mother doesn’t like anything of anything he does anyway. Besides, it’s almost sunup. Juan comes in and greets them. He’s pretty quiet for a big guy in boots. Juan and the girls look at each other, impactados, and Alirio jumps up to ask where the heck is Nidia?

Nidia is wearing Fern’s bright blue shirt and sitting on a chair, stroking her chest and purring. Fern comes out of the bathroom. [Nice chain with a medal!] “Tell me something, bombon….” He nervously says “Doña Nidia….I mean, Nidia.” Sounds like there’s something like a “this was a mistake” line coming, judging from his tone. He’s trying to tell her it’s too fast to begin something between them. She interrupts that she can’t, just can’t! Can’t what? I can’t marry Alirio! Open your eyes! I was asleep for years and I’m awake now! Thanks to you! Fern scratches his nose…..trying to think of how to handle this. She wants him to show her the stars for the rest of her life. He’s back to calling her “Doña.” She corrects him, and he calls her Nidia. [Well, that’s awkward.] Look, I think you’re speeding this up a little, he tells her. At her age, she tells him, she can’t afford to lose any time. She can’t put the brakes on her opportunities. He dutifully agrees, but it’s one thing to quit loving someone and begin to love another overnight. She waves him off, silly boy. Who told you that? I’m living proof! He groans and shakes his head, closing his eyes and leaning against the doorjamb. Falling out of love, she says, is very relative. [Yeah, especially if you weren’t really in love in the first place. But not too many people know why you’re marrying Alirio anyway.] She tells Fern she was never in love with this thing called Alirio. It was he who began this absurd situation with his tricks/betrayal. This is his thing, she whimpers.

Marely is irritated with Alirio, which we can tell by her incensed expression and hands on hips. This is one of Marely’s best in her repertoire, we see it often. Alirio tells Juan he’s waiting. Why isn’t Nidia there, where is she? Juan recovers and tells him she went to stay with one of her friends. Alirio isn’t buying it. Who? Where? Juan tap dances around it. One who was there at her party. He doesn’t remember the name, some of the gentlemen who were there took the ladies. Alirio wonders if they were more young men like him, how many, who? He names Kike, Pastor, and….skidding noises….he goes on the defensive so he doesn’t have to name Fern. Why are you asking ME all this? Tomorrow you can resolve your stuff with Doña Nidia! Ask her all your questions! Are we clear? Alirio is incensed that no only did Juan organize this vile binge (jolgorio), Juan was the pimp. [Too close to home, here.] Juan tells Alirio he has offended Juan. He’s not at fault for things that happen to Nidia. Surely, she slept at her friend’s house. She’ll show up, don’t waste your time and go home to rest. Alirio tells Juan “you can’t tell me you don’t know what friend’s house she went to!” Juan stammers, and Alirio yells “where?” The girls have been watching this exchange with alarm and Marely’s occasional attempts to break in, but they butt out and just watch, mesmerized. Finally, Juan says Ana Dávila. Aha! Alirio says, well, excuse me, there’s clearly nothing more I can do here. He storms out and we know that Ana’s night will be even shorter than it might have been.

The girls glare at Juan, who flaps his arms and says, “I don’t know about you two, but I’m going to sleep.” He flaps his arms again. [What’s up with that?] Juan leaves and the girls shake their heads at each other.

Nidia tells Fern that she saw him, felt his skin, and knew he was the man for her life. Fern is ruffled and protests that she shouldn’t be saying and doing things she’ll be sorry for later. She stands, unconvinced and smiling broadly. “Be sorry? Me? To spend the rest of my life with you?” She puts her hands on his waist and Fern smiles down at her through gritted teeth. He’s in deep kim-chee and he knows it. He makes her crazy, she tells him. “My God,” he mutters, as he reluctantly puts his arms around her. He tells her here’s what they’re going to do: she’s going home, get some rest, and tomorrow when they’re all calmed down, they’ll talk. [Ed. Note: one gathers that they’re at his place. We trust he doesn’t live with his folks still.] Nope, she doesn’t think she’s going to calm down and has nothing to think about. What’s more, she hopes this night will never end. Ever. He frowns as she strokes his chest and rests her head against it. He tries to interrupt, but she won’t let him. She isn’t the one to decide. Does he know why? Stupidly, Fern asks why? She strokes her ….heart. This decides for her, her little heart. He chuckles nervously and looks away from her …..heart. She tells him that Nidia Cachón never betrays her feelings. She pushes him back onto the bed, minces and wiggles, and dives for him. “Don’t be afraid!” We have a split screen and see this action in visual stereo from two angles. He chuckles nervously and says, “oh, Nidia.”

Juan is finally back in the sanctuary of his room. He sits on the bench at the foot of his bed and removes his boots. [The man wears WHITE socks with his boots, folks. He’s still too cute for words, though.] Well, so much for sanctuary—here come the hijas Cachón to invade his moments of solitude. [Doesn’t anyone ever knock in this house?] Yadi yells at him, “no lies! Tell us the whole truth!” He looks at the ceiling and sighs. “And you two continue with the same plan, plan, plan!” [Marely’s bathrobe has fallen open to reveal fetching shorty pjs. Why can’t he get interested in this instead of Paula? It worked for him early on in one fantasy. I’m with the Juan/Marely supporters.] Marely wants to know if this is another prank. He repeats that he told them, Nidia is staying with her little friend, Anita. No eye contact, though. He closes his eyes and yawns loudly, please, close the door behind you. He waves them out, gets up, and goes to the head of his bed. They don’t budge. They don’t believe a word. He begins to undress, tie first. You don’t believe ME? Well, good luck, he’s going to sleep. They begin to look a bit impactadas. He thought bubbles that no way is he going to betray Nidia. He’s decided he’s going to do something drastic, stall for time with these girls and get them to leave his room. He continues to undress, and they are increasingly impactadas, as are all the females in the audience. The shirt’s off. His shark-tooth necklace is on. He looks up at their way impactada faces, and the crickets sound in the background. [I know now they’re not the ones that invade my basement every fall since I’m on the second floor.] Juan, always the innocent, asks “ah??” in response to their expressions. Yadi clasps her hands in front of her, no doubt in rapture. She blinks. “Well, if you’re not leaving, I’m going to sleep.” Yadi crosses her arms and Marely puts her hands on her hips, stubborn to the end. He warns them that he’ll sleep like a baby (Like God brought me into the world – como Diosito me traje al Mundo). Their impactada state increases. Yadi disbelievingly asks if he’s going to undress in front of them. Marely says she’s not budging until he tells them precisely where their mother is. He smirks at them and goes for his belt buckle…..zipper…..slacks……and……they’re off! He’s got on nifty black boxers with figures all over them. He thought bubbles that at the moment he prayed to his Blessed Child of Atocha to take care of Nidia, and don’t let her do anything foolish…..and that if he takes off his slacks, the girls will run for it. He stares defiantly as he throws the slacks on the bed, turns around, and puts his hands on the waistband of the boxes. Marely’s out of there. Yadi gasps and puts her hands to her mouth, but we note she hasn’t moved. She peers around a little to try and get a look in front. Marely runs back and drags her out. Yadi’s resisting the whole way. Marely slams the door after them. We hear the Juan theme music (El Rey Tiburón), which makes darn good striptease background music, folks. He breathes a sigh of relief, plops to sit on the bed, and breathes deeply a couple of times.

Ana’s doorbell rings and she races down in her robe to open it. She peers through the little window-door. Guess who? He greets her defiantly, still plenty stewed. She asks qué the heck he’s doing here at this time of night? He’s looking for Nidia, he slurs. Ana is muy commercial impactada!

Ana looks at Alirio through narrowed eyes and informs him Nidia’s not there. What?? No, she felt bad and left without saying anything to us. Alirio slurs through an apology for bothering her at such an early hour of the morning. He staggers out backward toward the door, with a worried Ana watching.

Juan is under the covers, with his lamp still on. He’s so exhausted but doesn’t know when he’ll be able to get to sleep. He needs to rest and later confront the situation with Doña Nidia and Fernando. He turns on his side with his eyes cracked open a little. He thought bubbles through yawns that he didn’t know at the time this wasn’t the only traitor (sapo, usually toad, but also translates as traitor and several other derogatory names for disgusting people) he’d encounter on the next day.

CL has had a bad night in the steel houseguest room. He didn’t even undress, but slept on top of the bed in his clothes. His neck aches. [Ed. Note: I can relate. On Friday or Saturday I re-ignited an old back injury and have had trouble moving all weekend, which is part of why this took longer to do than usual. I actually feel some sympathy for ol’ CL today.] There’s a knock and he tells the caller to come in while he gingerly and slowly tries to sit up, holding his neck. Chelo looks worried—why? Because he never dressed for bed? Because he’s holding his neck and squinting in pain? He tells her to bring coffee, for Pete’s sake. She’s going but he snaps his fingers and she stops. “What time is it?” After 9:00 a.m. He’s impactado! Where’s Fernando? He hasn’t shown up! Not at all? Nope. Where’s Monica? Gone to the office early. Why didn’t she advise me? Because she said she wanted to let you rest. Chelo smiles approvingly, apparently she thinks this was a lovely thing for Monica to do. “She said she’d see you in the office, sir. I’ll get the coffee.” He scowls and shakes his head a little, then tries to manipulate his neck to feel better.

Fern is ready to go; he has his clothes on, including his blue shirt and tie, and he’s zipping his slacks while Nidia’s sitting up in bed smoking again. She asks where he’s off to in such a rush. She smiles broadly. He’s going to work. She wonders if he could he come back later? No, look at the hour; he’ll have to beg them not to fire him! Nidia finds this amusing. He says he should have picked CL up more than an hour ago. CL will kill him. She gets up with the sheet around her as he fixes his tie and tells him not to be anxious bombon, because she has lots of influence with that guy. She helps with the knot in his tie and they look muy domesticated. He rolls his eyes at the ceiling as he lets her help. [Ed. Note: they both have lovely long fingers. I guess that doesn’t mean anything but hubby says I have a tendency to take in too much visual info and it distracts me.] He doesn’t think that’ll help him at all. She wants to know if he’s taking her home, a gentleman would when she’s spent the night with him. He looks frazzled and irritated. He’s not a gentleman, he says, and he’s flying out of here. What, he’s going to leave her all alone? Yep. And you should go home and let them know you’re okay. I’m sure the girls very worried about you, Doña Nidia! She fusses at him: enough with the Doña and Usted nonsense already! She hoists and pouts. Last night, we got past all that (rompimos la barrera de turrón, we swept away that nougat candy). Fernando sighs with resignation and leaves.

Juan is explaining to Paula why he hasn’t come for her and apologizes. It’s a family problem. She tells him it’s okay, take care of it. He assures her it’s nothing too serious. She’ll take a taxi, she tells him. Can she help? No, he says, but Marely will be late, too. Paula says that Marely should take all the time she needs. Marely grimaces and Yadi, still in bathrobe, stands with crossed arms. [Ed. Note: this is her habitual stance, so we should probably only note when she doesn’t have them crossed.] Paula assures him it’s fine, but he’s leaving her worried. He assures her it’s fine. But, if they need anything, they must call her, she insists. He thanks her and hangs up. The girls start in on him again. Okay, the truth: what happened with Mami last night? Yadi threatens to call the police. She uncrosses her arms and gets in his face, which is actually at her chest level since he’s sitting down. He starts to respond, but the phone rings and Yadi dives for it at the same time Juan grabs it. He’s too fast for her, probably the result of life in his hometown when he had to be quicker than the rest. He hands the phone to her. It’s Nidia! She’s still in what we presume to be Fern’s bed, smoking and thoroughly enjoying herself. She greets Yadi cheerily, “!Buenos días!” “Buenos días? What’s good about today?” Yadi yells. Could a person know where the heck you’ve been all night? Juan gestures at the phone to indicate “see, I told you she’s fine.” Nidia tells her to calm down, she’s fine. Whatever made you behave this way, Yadi wants to know, the hysteria rising. You gave us a big scare! Nidia looks annoyed at the interrogation. Sternly she orders Yadi to calm down and lower her voice. She’s old enough to do as she pleases! Marely edges closer to hear and Yadi pushes her away. She yells at Mami again. “Where are you?” Nidia apparently has radar, or Ana is an easy target, because she tells Yadi the same thing that Juan has told everyone, she’s at Ana Dávila’s house. But, she’s leaving for home. Yadi yells okay, bye, and hangs up. She tells Juan and Marely there you have it, she’s at Ana’s. Juan grunts in affirmation. The girls look at Juan and Marely, still muy suspicious, asks what’s happening. Juan jumps up—what’s happening is this is making them very late to work. It’s time to go! That’s what’s happening! He grabs his jacket. Yadi, in her usual stance, yells at him again that it hasn’t all been said. She wants to know where her mother’s put her feet (ella metió las patotas hasta el fondo) [Ed. Note: I think. ] Juan won’t make eye contact with the muchachas. He thought bubbles that he hopes it’s only her feet. Marely is not sure they should trust him. He finally turns around. It’s not his business, he tells them. If they want an explanation, don’t put him in this situation, ask their MOTHER! Let’s go! Marely gets her things while Yadi nods and smiles with total disbelief in her expression. Juan gives back as good as he gets before he turns to leave with Marely.

Chelo has CL’s coffee. He’s in the room he shares with Monica, fully dressed and ready to go. The shirt is the same color as yesterday’s….one wonders if it is the same one. Chelo comments that he’s bathed and ready (at least there’s that.) Here’s a freshly made cup of coffee. He ungraciously thanks her. The coffee is hot; he spits it out, curses a little (caramba, very mild) and grimaces at his shoulder hurting. Poor baby.

Monica greets Paula in the lobby. How’s it going? Fine, and you? [Ed. Note: Paula’s extremely short, extremely tight, white skirt leaves NOTHING to the imagination. At my school, she’d be here for about 20 seconds before she’d be on the way to change.] They chitchat. Monica hoped to see her, and Paula asks if she can do something for Monica? Yep, today Monica wants to see the stores on the north side. They have a lunch coming up, too. Can Paula go with her? Sure. But Paula doesn’t have a chauffeur today. No problem, Monica assures her, I’ll drive. Perfect, we’re off! They chitchat about the store as they wait for the elevator.

Juan opens the door for Marely to get out of the limo. Nice boots, very short denim skirt and a matching denim jacket, and no eye contact. Marelycita! She won’t talk or look at him. He’s pained. He babbles to her. She looks disgusted. Look me in the eyes, he says as he spins her around to face him. She does, and if looks could kill…..He teases her and she snaps at him. She’s worried about Mamá but more worried about him. Why? The person she should get to tell her about Mamá is Mamá, not him. She asks him directly: Juan, did my mother go off with someone last night? He says he won’t answer the question and she shouldn’t misunderstand him. You and Yadi would be the first to say you don’t want someone interfering in your lives, right? Marely backs off, yes, but….Juan interrupts that he trusts completely in the judgment of her mother. He doubts in all seriousness that she would do something inappropriate. Marely interrupts. She understands, she says in frustration, and won’t insist more. It’s between him and his conscience. She taps his head and he is impactado and speechless. He thought bubbles, but says out loud that his conscience is at peace. He wants her to do a favor and smile; he manipulates her cheeks until she reluctantly smiles and turns to leave. Listen, Juan, she says as she turns to him again. “Order, my comrade.” Um, what are you doing tonight? Tonight? Nothing, why? Well, I’d like to go to the movies for a little bit…..she wants him to go. Of course, I want to go! Let’s go! He makes a goofy face and sound. She chuckles and says she’ll look for him. Juan thought bubbles to warn himself there’s no attraction here, nothing of this kind, but that this morning something very special happened between him and Marely. [Good, Juan, pay close attention. She’s a good choice!] He insists to himself that they are just good friends! [It’s a start, big boy.] She looks at the movie ads in the paper and he looks over her shoulder.

CL has his own lovely black convertible today. Like about every second person on the street today, he’s driving with his d*** cell phone held to his ear with one of his hands. [Ed. Note: Of course, that wouldn’t be one of my pet peeves. But that IS why they invented ear buds, so you can use both hands to drive. It’s bad enough to be on the phone in the first place. This is our PSA for the day.] He’s asking Pastor qué the heck happened to Fernando? Pastor grimaces; he knows. What? He didn’t show up? It’s not like him to ignore you completely, but I can send you another chauffeur. No, CL says, I’m already on the way. Pastor sympathizes. Well, CL tells him, that’s minor. What’s happened there at the office with CL’s situation? Pastor tells him that’s touchy. On his two fronts…..CL wants to know WHAT now, for heaven’s sake? Well, Pastor has just been informed that Monica and Paula left together again, best buds, destination unknown. No way?! Well, I hate to tell you sir, but that’s right. But I think that so far, the bomb hasn’t exploded. CL utters a derogatory remark and tells him it better not explode! He rubs his neck. [Tsk, looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed….] Does Pastor understand? He hangs up, furious and grimacing in pain. Pastor mutters about “this man.” (Who told him to walk to Cuzco? Must be an idiom.) He puts the phone down.

The new best friends find Juan and Marely in the garage. They chitchat about the family problem; Paula says they don’t have to thank her and hopes it’s resolved. Marely assures her it will be fine. Paula tells him they need to go out. She leaves Marely in charge, which pleases Marely, who thrusts the newspaper into Juan’s taut tummy behind her as she goes. Juan’s ready to take them.

Fernando rushes into the lobby of Farell Industries, his brow furrowed with worry. Marely calls him over to her desk before he gets to CL’s office. She tells him CL is with Pastor, so anyway, how did last night go? He nervously tells her well, everything was normal, as he shifts from one foot to the other. She gazes at him with doubt in her eyes and tells him that when she left this morning, her mother still hadn’t shown up. He does a good imitation of impactado. No? She notes that he’s a little late today, too, right? Yes, he stammers and looks at his watch. The party was great and we lost all track of time. Ah. And when did you end? Well, everyone went home, at least, um, I did, I don’t know about the rest. [Okay folks, we have our answer, it was his house where he and Nidia went. At least that’s not a lie.] And among them was my mother? He fidgets and doesn’t make eye contact. Well, it’s like this, as I told you…..he scratches his neck…..Oh, Marely, I gotta show my face to my boss. We’ll talk later. She muses as she says goodbye to him.

Fernando goes to Ivonne’s desk; he’s more confident here. What’s up? Is your boss here? Ivonne waves a hand in front of her face and grimaces, something smells bad! Hm. Could it be his breath? What happened with the party? He tells her there’s nothing between him and her, so, he wants to see the boss. Period. She chuckles. He’s very busy. Excuse me. She gets her nail file out and files, ignoring him. He sighs in resignation, then glares at her.

Monica tells Paula she’s young and has a impressive résumé. Is she single or married? [Ed. Note: that’d be an illegal question in the U. S. Lucky for the writers, they’re not in the U. S.] Juan is impactado and thought bubbles that his boss is getting into deep kim-chee here. Paula says she single, and he thought bubbles “good save, no lies, but not really the truth.” He grins to himself. Monica says that surely she has boyfriends lining up. Juan looks into the mirror, holds up his index finger and thought bubbles that he’s the first in line. Paula, a little embarrassed, says not so many. Monica is insistent—surely she has a boyfriend. Juan thought bubbles that he’s begging her not to say anything, he knows she doesn’t like to lie. Paula has no boyfriend, but is single at the moment. Juan grins and tells himself okay, so she did it, she told a little lie, and what a lovely lie it was in his little chest (it warmed his heart). He only wishes it was the truth. Monica would love to introduce Paula to a few of her friends if she’d like that. Paula is mildly impactado. Juan thought bubbles over this—he doesn’t need this kind of help from Monica [okay, I’m paraphrasing.] Paula tells her thanks, but no thanks. Monica says if Paula changes her mind, let her know. Juan doesn’t want her to meddle! He is sorry for Monica, though—she’s more lost than a fly in the city. She wanted to gain the trust of Paula and what was going to happen was that it would hurt more later. He mutters to himself about the things of this world, here they are in this car, all three victims of Don Cesár Luis!

Speaking of the king of Rome, CL is standing at his desk, wiping his lip and yelling that he slept badly, his neck aches. The first cup of the day burned his mouth. [Ed. Note: doesn’t it just suck to be you, CL?] If that wasn’t enough, there’s this situation with the ladies. All he needs is for the dog to bark. [Must be another of those idioms, folks.] Pastor is sitting in front of CL’s desk. He leans forward and tells CL he recommend that….CL leans over and yells to interrupt him. He doesn’t need any more of Pastor’s fawning like a toady. He wants to know if Pastor has the most remote idea of where this “pair of threats” has gone. Pastor is sorry, but Monica caught Paula at the elevator and they left. CL is annoyed big time. Why is this happening to me? Everything was going so well! Pastor says if you’ll permit me, I think you’re jumping to conclusions. Maybe nothing has happened. CL replies that Paula won’t speak to him and Monica exiled him to the guest room. Is that what you call nothing happening? Pastor retorts that he was referring to the possibility that neither of his TWO women had revealed anything critical to the other. If you let me, I’ll tell you you’ve gotten off cheaply. CL blusters. Ivonne interrupts and he barks at her. She tells him Fernando is looking for him. CL says tell him to come in, and you, too! She nervously agrees. She looks defiant, though, when she come in. She rolls her eyes at Pastor, who gives her the “I dunno” shrug in return. Fernando looks like he’d rather be swallowed up by a hole in the floor. CL looks menacingly back and forth at them. [If he’s having a bad hair day, everyone’s going to.]

Juan helps Monica and Paula out of the car at a building that has the “Farell Industries” logo on the side. Monica swoons against the car and he jumps to steady her. What’s up? She says she was dizzy. Paula wants to know if they can get her something, and shouldn’t she sit? Monica says she’ll be fine. Juan asks if she’s sure, and she affirms she is while Paula exchanges looks with Juan. The ladies go off while Juan thought bubbles that something was very weird here, but neither he nor the Licenciada has any idea what was really happening at the time. But soon they would know the bomb that was heating up. Paula tells Monica to be careful around the boxes stacked up. Monica is impatient with her solicitousness. Calm down, it’s going to be fine, she tells Paula. Paula is concerned that her dizziness is something to worry about. Monica smiles sweetly and tells her it’s the most normal thing for a woman in her state. In your state? Yes, I’m pregnant. [Don’t even have to tell you how impactada Paula is, right?] We are extremely thankful to note that any similarity to real life is purely coincidental.

Vocabulary (but there are a few more in the text I didn’t transfer down here)

• No taladres el alma – don’t put a hole in the soul (don’t drill/bore through the soul)
• Dar la cara – face the consequences (give the face)
• Todavía andas derrapando por Yadira?— Are you still crazy about Yadira?” Literally, Are you still skidding along for Yadira?
• Le gusta matar la víbora en Viernes – he likes to kill the snake on Friday, “matar la víbora en Viernes” is slang for get lucky
• Moral distraída=slovenly, shabby or untidy morals
• Viejo/vieja – old guy, old gal, commonly what spouses call each other, too (regardless of age)
• Pelagátos – lightweight
• Fichita, from ficha, - villain or rogue
• Agarra la onda – understand the vibes
• Tarejta de crédito – credit card
• Estropajo – good-for-nothing, rag, dishcloth

Have a wonderful Labor Day holiday, everyone!



Acorralada Trivia

I just noticed this on the Destilando board, which I was glancing at.

Pancho Villa's real name was Francisco, so a lot of people named Francisco, use the nickname Pancho.

So now we know where Pancholon's nickname must come from. That had always had me wondering!


Amar #33 highlight reel

As stated earlier, Santoro orders everyone to go to the funeral of Abuelo. At the funeral, she strides up and showily hugs Diego, calling him Mi Amor. Santoro is wearing a ridiculous manly black suit with white shirt and scarf in the style of an 18th century dandy. I agree with whoever posted the remark about her resemblance to Elizabeth Montgomery and Burgay's resemblance to Larry Tate! Azul also consoles Diego. Silvana looks jealous.

Arnaldo calls Pop in the office to berate him for the Ines situation. I'm not sure if he's on her side or not. I don't care enough to pay attention. What is funny is that they are both wearing white suits and hats--Arnaldo in his white chef's uniform and hat and GSD in his hazmat suit.

While everyone is at the funeral, Ines shows up and tries to speak to GSD. The security guard is overpowered by her swinging pocketbook. I feared for a moment that she was going to meet Paco's fate.

Ceci and Azul notice that Andres is back. Ceci thinks he's cute.

Mo and Eva are beginning to suspect Andres in the death of Abuelo.


Saturday, September 01, 2007

Destilando Amor 08/31/07: Retreat and Regroup

Pammy and Gaspar continue discussing the motives for Aaron's jolting jilt and his return to Minnie the Man-eater. From what she overheard and what Aaron has told her, Minnie has knowledge of certain of his shady doings. Pammy thinks they ought to report him to the authorities.

Aaron, from his penthouse bedroom meantime, has put Fedra to work getting a few hairs from Rod's baby to use for a DNA test in the States.

Gaspar explains that nobody's going to believe a jilted lover's baseless accusations, leastwise about a Montalvo. However, Pammy, with pouty, puffy lips that beg to be told, "Better get some some ice on that, hon", tells Gaspar that Aaron played her for a fool and she needs to get even. She wants to destroy him.

Gaspar warns Pam there are rumors the Montalvo's caused Artemio Trejo's death in order to take over his clients, so she better think twice 'cause it could get v-e-r-r-y dicey if she starts down this path. Pammy, though, feels this is exactly the confirmation they both need that Aaron's been dirty-dealing. All they need is a little something to go on, but what-oh-what-could it be? Pammy arrives at her moment of epiphany. "Aha!" she exclaims as she suddenly realizes the USB must have certain damning information on its files. Why else would Aaron be so insistent on getting it back!

Gaspar figures that to prove their suspicions they will need to decode the USB's files first; then they'll need to get hold of the company's bills of lading and compare them with the documents they presented at Customs for the various countries involved. It might take a while and it will not be easy! (Now, Gaspar, we'd all be mighty disappointed if it were!!) Pam tells Gaspar to take all the time he needs and he agrees to help. He promises her that if he finds Aaron Montalvo was mixed up in any type of illicit activities, he'll take great pleasure in ruining him.

It's now morning at Mariana's and Clarita is serving her breakfast. Gavi tells her mom that Dani says the baby came out looking like it's parents (yeah, but the wrong set, Gavi). So Clarita should knock off the nutty novela comparisons. Clarita insists that newborns never look like anyone at first, but once they grow a bit their true features take hold. "Wait till this little one is a couple months older and then we'll talk!"

Just then Alonso calls Gavi at home with a couple of additional instructions for a fax, thus crossing the line as the kind of tactless boss you just got to have had to fully appreciate the extent of the intrusion, but she takes it in stride and whispers to Clarita about the workaholic she's working for.

Across town at the hospital, in the lounge, James and Rod have a sensitive little chat over Acacia's mental condition. James is grief-stricken and says she's no longer the young woman he fell in love with. Tearfully he explains that it's as if she's just a child and he is only her tutor. (Isn't it interesting how she has to have a break with reality for James to finally get in touch with it.) Rod asks about the prognosis and James says the doctor doesn't have much hope that her condition will change. There's been too much emotional trauma. However, he's committed (more like condemned) to stay with her for a lifetime to care and comfort her.

Acacia, meanwhile, is playing with her dolly on the grounds somewhere and suddenly goes berserk. While zombified patients pace back and forth all around her she begins to beat it to a pulp, screaming "lazy brat" and all the other choice phrases her loving uncle affectionately yelled at her in the barn just before he met his fate and San Pedro's rejection at the Pearly Gates.

At her desk during tasting school Gavi continues to torture herself with daydreams about Rod and Isa, and the new baby as a smiling, loving and happy threesome.

Meanwhile Isa is on the phone with the twerpy Dr. Tejeiros. He's panicked and worried because none of the documentation he showed her husband the day before will hold up to a closer look-see or say, a legal challenge. He faked them and any doctor worth his salt will know it immediately. Isa tells him not to worry since her husband was both hooked and rooked to perfection. So now they won't be needing his services any further, leaving us all to wonder if Paulino hadn't better cash that check she bribed him with and fast......

Dani fights an involuntary gag and snicker when the charming Pepe le Peu de la Vega starts kissing hands and spewing bad, affected French phrases of "adieu" and begging off having to stick around the D.F. Rod doesn't understand the hurry. Frankie snows Rod and the rest with some cock and bull about his having way-y-y too much work waiting for him at the hacienda supervising the sulfate applications on the agave crops and the like. They certainly can't let their guard down with the threat of contaminated agave! And so it's: So long! Farewell! Aufwiedersehn! Adeiu! // Adeiu, Adeiu, to yieu and yieu and yieu! as Freeloading Frankie floats out the hallway and exits stage left.

Once Frankie is gone, Dani teases Sofia about all the washing, ironing and cooking she is doing for him, not to mention the occasional foot massages thrown in for good measure. Grammy scolds Dani that she knows full well that's what they have servants for..... Sofia remarks to Grammy that Dani is just kidding around, but once Dani and Rod leave to pay the hospital bill, poor Sofia, to her everlasting shame, has to admit to Grammy rather sheepishly, that in fact she's been having to do exactly that because Frankie's so...fussy. She really needs to find a proper cook and maid for him but...... Pilar is distressed and looks quite deflated with this latest revelation.

Dani goes with Rod to settle his account with the hospital. While they're waiting for the bill to be totaled, Dani let's him know that she spoke with Gavi. Besides asking if the baby was alright, she said to tell Rod to stick with his family and take care of them. "Anything else?" "She asked who he looks like, and I told her 'like his parents', of course." Rod sniffs at that. So Dani asks if he's really certain that the insemination was done properly and if he's certain he's even the father. Rod says sure. Their doctor even showed him the documentation that validates it. So why question it? Dani asks him if it is the same thing as an actual guarantee.

At that instant the cashier speaks up and says there's no need for him to pay. Mariana Franco covered it all with her credit card and Rod does impactado double-takes.

Back in Isa's hospital room, Grammy asks Sofia if they're thinking of having children soon. Sofia admits with a weak smile, and much to Isa's delight, that Frankie is so exhausted after suffering through such long and demanding days on the job that at night he just-- well, it's not exactly conducive to making babies......(Meow-w!) Daniela walks in giggling at that point. "Want to know what's so amusing?” She looks straight at Isadora. “Mariana Franco paid your hospital bill!" "--That woman paid my maternity bill and that's amusing to you?" "--Heh, yeah! The person you detest most in the world turns out to be your savior." Pilar simply hangs her head in shame.

Dani finally explains how Mariana left her credit card to insure the staff would take care of her and Isa frowns. "So you came back just to rub my face in it?" "--Relax, Isadora! You'll cut off your milk supply! Don't worry, Rod's sending a messenger over with a check to reimburse her.” She giggles. “--Hmm. I better leave before that look on your face kills me dead!" Isa turns to Pilar. "See! See what I have to put up with?" "--Don't complain, Isadora. How many times did I ask you to leave that poor woman alone? Now you're paying the consequences."

Rod and the nurse show up outside the room with Little Ricky. Dani warns him that Isa knows that Gavi paid her bill and says she may throw a shoe at him when he goes in.

Fedra shows up, coos over the baby and asks to hold him. When she has him she walks off a ways and secretly pulls a few hairs out of Ricardito's tender little scalp (welcome to Aunt Fedra's world, Ricky). Once she has what she needs she unceremoniously dumps Ricardito back into the nurse's arms and leaves. Now it's poor little Ricardito's turn to be impactado...... (Note: No, no babies were harmed in the filming of this episodio. Those hairs were stuck on something hidden behind it's head and all baby cries were dubbed in.-ed.)

Back at Montalveña San Juana, lazing in her usual place at the kitchen table, pages through another magazine when what does she spy but an eyeful of Hilario all macho, macho, macho man!-- looking so fine in those jeans he is modeling, and so obviously not the dirt scratching ranch hand he used to be. SJ starts thinking to herself that he is probably worth a bundle now and a phone call would definitely be in order. Unfortunately neither Roman nor Ofelia will give her his number.

As for Hilario, he's adapted very well to the big city and is now livin' the high life and making commercials with bronzed babes in bikinis.


Back at Aaron's penthouse Fedra shows up to hand over the hair strands of little Ricky's to Aaron. She warns him not to make a move against Rod, even if he's certain and has the proof he needs in hand, until Minnie gets pregnant. Otherwise, Rod will be sure to divorce Isa once he learns she's cheated on him and he'll go running to Gaviota, get her pregnant again with another boy and bye-bye Montalvo fortune.

Dani calls to ask Gavi to meet her for coffee a little later. Nancy tells Gavi that Avellaneda wants her instead of Susana to order flowers for Rod and Isa Montalvo and to send them in the CRT's name. Gavi figures it's his way of emphasizing that Rod is off-bounds now that he is a "family man".

Once they're back at the apartment, Isa and Rod argue over Dani's attitude and their having to remain in Mexico City so he can work on a tequila project that so conveniently requires support from the Public Relations Department of the CRT. "Quite convenient to see Gaviota at leisure, don't you agree?" Rod insists he won't be working with her directly, only through an employee. He will not be seeing her anymore.

Isa lays on the guilt trip like only she can do it and uses the baby as bait. She screams at Rod that it's obvious to her that now he feels he has fulfilled his promise to look after her while she was pregnant and to give the kid his name, neither of them matters to him anymore. He tells her not to involve the baby in this because he has nothing to do with it. She tells him to choose between the tequila or going back to the hacienda with her and the baby.

Rod loses patience now and refuses to give in to her crazy whims. He's spent too much time, money and effort, not to mention that it was his father's dream. Don't bother blackmailing him with the baby, either he warns, because it won't work on him. That kid's his too and he has rights. As far as he's concerned it's better that they go ahead and separate once and for all. Da-duhn!

Rod has just said the magic words and on cue, like a one-trick pony, Isa suddenly and conveniently doubles over in pain. Rod responds like Pavlov's pups and immediately drops his argument and worries about her harming herself with all the upset. He scoops her limp (and very noticeably, abnormally skinny post partem) body onto the bed and fusses over her.

Playing the martyred mother to perfection, she refuses to let him call the doctor for her and then begins to pout like a 6 year-old. Looking woeful and weak, Isa says she does not know what's happening to her. It's just that she is just so scared of losing Rod. (Note to writers: this plot device is getting old. Use your A team.) Rod, who after 3 years and nine months you'd think would be able to read her like a book, folds like an accordion and tells her to calm down, they'll talk things over later on after she's feeling better.


Back at Grammy's, Frankie gets hold of Pilar and, for once, though it pains me to say it, with right on his side but for all the wrong reasons, complains about having to put up with his wife's ex-boyfriend living under the same roof as he and Sofia. He asks her to intervene with Rod to get him sent packing. Pilar says she'll take it up with Rod since it's his friend and his hacienda. Sofia walks in and wants to stay an extra week with the new baby. Of course Frankie has no objection to this. "Stay! Stay!" he says (because while the cat's away, Frankie can play at all hours of the night as well as the day).

James is in Rod's living room waiting to go with him to their meeting at Corporate, no doubt wishing for all the world he could fall through the nearest crack. When Rod walks out of the bedroom to get him, James admits he couldn't help but overhear the argument with Isa. Rod explains Isa was upset because she is angry thinking he's just using the tequila project as a reason to see Gaviota a lot more.

James wonders how Gavi feels now that the baby's been born. He wonders if she probably won't want anything more to do with him. Rod frowns and says she sent a message back through Dani and that is exactly what she told him. So, Rod says he has no choice but to avoid her for a while. Eventually, though, he'll contact her again. James is a bit concerned. "You're going to leave your wife now?" Rod says obviously he can't now with the baby just having been born, and anyway Gaviota wouldn't consider him unless he leaves his family. It's painfully obvious after arguing with Isa that his marriage is on the rocks and won't last much longer.

While Gavi waits for Dani at the coffee shop, she has to stop herself from thinking about Rodrigo. All it does is get her excited and wanting to see and to be with him again.

Back at Rod's apartment, and for the second time that day, James says something surprisingly mature. "What makes you so sure Gaviota will actually wait for you? She might get tired of it or somebody else could steal her from you." "--Don't even say it!" Rod won't even consider the possibility. "Gavi loves me and we're going to be together forever and always!" They head out.

In their bedroom, Frankie tells Sofia about the quarrel between Aaron and Rod and the threat to determine if the baby is really Rod's. Frankie asks if she or the others might have any doubts about Isa. She answers that Isa is irreproachable, even a bit of a cold fish that way; and no, the family would never permit any DNA tests to be done. (Oh really? And Sofia, you know this because?)

In the car on the way back to the Corporate Offices, Rod asks James how Frankie is really handling things. James skirts the issue and says Frank and Crispin are thick as thieves these days. He admits he knows Frankie resents his presence at the hacienda considering Sofia and he have a past. He says it would be better if he found somewhere else to live, but Rod selfishly refuses to let him move out, at least until the new tequila is successfully launched. (So, I suppose that Dry Gulch is too far to drive to and from every day?) James reluctantly agrees to stay on there as a favor to him.

Sofia visits Isa and Isa tells her about the argument, and that Rod told her to either put up or shut up, otherwise face a separation. She feels trapped and that everyone is on his side now. Sofia says she's putting her husband on a silver platter for the woman, but she also scolds her for demanding Rod give up this project after all the things he's done for Isa and her father.

Dani finally makes it to the coffee shop. She has a big laugh at Isa's expense and tells Gaviota that Isa almost had to go back into surgery when she found out La Gaviota had paid her hospital bill. Gavi's shocked herself and wonders how she's going to pay something like that off, but Dani hands her the check from Rod reimbursing her for everything. The two try to determine who in the CRT could be the spy. Dani figures she won't be able to call her there till they figure it out. Gavi mentions then how Avellaneda had asked her to order flowers for Rod and Isa as a warning that Rod is now off limits and she is not supposed to stick her nose into his business any longer.

At Montalvo Corporation Patricio, Bruno, James and Rod hold a small discussion over the launch of the new tequila. Bruno gives him a few marketing tips over the style of bottle to provide the right impression and effect on the purchasing public. Patricio and Bruno suggest he use the CRT's Public Relations Department and Alonso Santoveña's expertise to organize trips to the hacienda so potential clients can see where and how their product is produced. Bruno jokes that Rod already has great contacts at the CRT's PR department now that Gaviota works there. Pat warns Rod about potential problems with the Montalvo women, but he just smiles to himself. Bruno says he certainly wouldn't want to be in Rod's skin right now. Rod just keeps on smiling.


Amar #33 - My DVR has been put on notice

I got home last night after a nice dinner out with my family to discover that my DVR had decided that it was full and couldn't record any more shows. This was news to me, as the day before it was only 55% full. I looked, it said 100% full. I noticed that the most recent show it recorded was an episode of King of Queens I had already seen, so I deleted that, suddenly it was only 57% full again. How can one episode of King of Queens, from a non-HD channel, take up 45+% of my DVR space? I know Kevin James is fat, but come on. I had a quick chat with my DVR, explaining that one more trick like this was going to earn it a stomping, right there on my bedroom floor. I hope it paid attention. Of course, the only scheduled show that didn't get recorded was Friday's Amar episode. So, please everyone, whoever watched, let us all know what happened. Including ME. I don't even have the episode to watch, I am more in the dark than any of you at this point. Excuse me, I have to go talk with my DVR again.


Friday, August 31, 2007

Acorralada # 160 Thursday 8/30/07

If this is Episode #160, we are maybe only 30 episodes from the end! Yay!

Quickie recap from memory: The most important thing here is that Roddy and Fedora had their showdown, and Roddy would not believe a word she said. Even Granny M tried to tell him how awful Sharon was, and he would not listen.

Also, Emilio tried to tell Larry that Sharon was a no-goodnik, but he also wasn't listening.

Marfil and Octy moved in with Iggy and Camila, as they were tossed out of the Irascible house. This apartment should be featured on Big Brother.

We saw more scenes of Max lying in bed with chest conveniently exposed while he moaned "Dimwit, Dimwit."

It seems that Max is being accused in the disappearance of Fiona, because he was seen arguing with her about the pregnancy test.

Speaking of pregnancy tests, isn't Diana supposed to be pregnant? What happened with her dizzy spells?


Destilando Amor Aug. 30, 2007 something smelly this way comes

EPISODE - 8/30/2007:
* Gavi prays to herself about Rod and his son Ricardito. Nancy enters to tell her about Alonso's trip preparations schedule. Gavi says okay, she'll handle it. Nancy notices Gavi's sad mood and tries to animate her about conference participants. Gavi says no one can get her to forget about Rod.

* At the hospital, Fedra and Sofia are talking on the sofa. Isy is in bed holding her son, Rico. Aaron, Minnie and Bruno enter and walk over to see Isa and the new family addition. Isa hands baby Rico to Minnie. Minnie thinks he looks like Minnie. Bruno think he resembles Rod. Fedra laughs at him as she and Sofia gather around the bed. Aaron is negative about the resemblance to Rod. Sofia is happy that little Rico is a Montalvo. Nurse comes in to take baby back to the nursery. Minnie asks Isa why she gave birth prematurely. Isa hints about asking Rod and Gaviota. Minnie is confused and asks again - Isa notes that Bruno and Aaron may not want to hear any female gossip. Sofia tells the men that Rod and James are in the cafeteria. Bruno and Aaron leave. Fedra and Sofia go closer to the bed - Fedra prods Isa to open up with the details. Isa unloads the story of Rod and Dani planning behind her back for Rod and Gaviota to meet on a date. They're impactado.

* Gavi in office on phone with Dani who is at the hospital waiting room with Granny P and Elvis. Gavi wonders who could've tipped off Isa about her and Rod's date (who's the spy?). Dani wonders the same thing. Gavi asks about Isa and the new baby. Dani has a gut suspicion about the pregnancy. Gavi asks Dani to talk with Rod about her sadness as well as give him her best wishes for him and his son. Alonso stands in the office doorway listening to Gavi on the phone. He interrupts to remind Gavi to get back to work - they have a conference to arrange. Gavi asks for another moment and then will get back to work. Gavi and Dani finish their conversation about Granny and the Montalvo family (Isa is spinning the story to make herself look good).

* Minnie, Fedra, Sofia and Isa are discussing what she did to keep Gavi from going to the date with Rod - the contractions, Gavi driving her to hospital, etc. Minnie thinks they need to back Isa. The conversation stops abruptly as Rod enters - he notices the serious faces of the foursome. Fedra congratulates him - he is cordial with her. Minnie tries to talk - Rod shuts her up. Sofia congratulates him - he has a huge warm hug for her. He looks around at the four ladies and is curious about their conversation. Fedra says it's girlstuff. Rod accepts the explanation. As he is about to leave, Isa tells him that the judge will be by soon to register their son. Rod nods and leaves.

* Gavi gives a lecture presentation to a class and introduces a research scientist.

* In hospital cafeteria, Pancho talks with Aaron about the tequila business. Rod arrives. Pancho and Pat congratulate him on his son. Tio Bruno congratulates him on the first great-grandchild of the family. Bruno tells Rod they can talk later about the new organic tequila project. Pat congratulates Rod on the project. James then congratulates Rod on his son. Aaron congratulate his cousin and tries to give him a hug - all he gets from Rod is a firm handshake and a scowl. They sit down at the table. Rod asks about the hacienda - Pancho eagerly answers. James sits and grumbles in a thought-bubble. Bruno asks about the organic tequila project. Rod is thrilled by the progress and that he is finally completing his father's dream. Aaron bites his tongue hard to stay quiet.

* Gavi enters Alonso's office. Alonso is busy with papers before he leaves on his trip. He tells her it is to Spain and will be for three months. Gavi will be in charge of the office while he is away.

* Rod explains to Bruno that with James and Pat's help, in 2 to 3 months the organic tequila will be on the market. Aaron can't stay quiet any longer and starts to bombard Rod with his critical questions about marketing and distribution and offer of assistance. Rod stares at him and then explains to Aaron all the work that they have done with the facts, figures, distribution and marketing channels. Aaron is insulted that he was left out of the whole project. Rod defends his decisions and reasons. Aaron is still angry. Bruno and Pat try to control the hostility. It doesn't work. Aaron and Rod almost get into a fist-fight in the cafeteria. Rod brings up the contaminated shipments that Aaron and Larry the snake arranged again and throws it in Aaron's face. Bruno tries to "shush" the two cousins. Rod and Aaron continue throwing insults and threats at each other. Bruno has to stand up between the two to get them to shut up and stop fighting. Pancho tries to change the subject by asking if anyone wants more coffee. Sofia enters to tell Rod that the judge is there to register his son. Bruno says they'll be there soon and to leave. Sofia leaves. Bruno grumbles at Aaron and Rod to stop fighting and leaves. Pancho and Pat follow him out. Rod stares at James, and pops out of his chair to leave. Aaron stops him and (to get the last word in on this fight) he spouts off about his suspicion that Rico may not be Rod's son, nor a result of the artificial insemination. Rod is insulted by the insinuation by Aaron. Aaron says he will be investigating this - Rod says how dare you - Aaron says for Rico to inherit the whole Montalvo estate, he has every right to investigate the paternity. Rod dares him to talk with the doctor. Aaron says that is just what he intends to do and leaves. Pancho stands in the doorway listening to the conversation. James stands up and tries to calm his friend down. Rod is too furious with Aaron. James wonders if Aaron may have a valid argument - Rod agrees that Isa is an opportunist, greedy, arrogant, and self-centered, but he has a hard time believing that Isa was unfaithful to him.

* In hospital room, everyone is gathered around the bed - Isa is holding baby Rico. The judge stands to the side. Bruno enters and says Rod is coming. Bruno, Fedra and Minnie excuse themself from the room. They leave as Rod, Pancho and James enter. Rod goes to the judge who hands him the birth certificate papers and shows him where to sign. Rod, swallows hard, looks around at Isa, his son, and the family gathered around the room before he signs the documents. Isa and her mommy exchange cheshire cat grins.

* In parking garage, Bruno and Pat explain to Fedra and Minnie the argument between Rod and Aaron in the cafeteria. Fedra is aghast. Minnie blames Gavi for poisoning Rod against Aaron. Bruno tells her to shut up. Minnie goes to Aaron and scolds him for coming to Mexico City in the first place. He tells her to shut up, he doesn't want to hear her commentaries. Bruno scolds and asks if Aaron came back for help with his business. Aaron scoffs. Bruno rolls his head back and asks to see his budget figures for the turquoise tequila. Aaron tries to deflect the request - Bruno won't back off - Valet drives Aaron's car over. Aaron grumbles that he will bring his dad the reports to the office. Aaron pulls Minnie over to get her in the car. Before he walks around to get in himself, he and mommy Fedra talk about her concern over his anger - he tells her that they have to get that hard drive back from Pamela immediately. Aaron hops in his car and drives away.

* Pammie back at home - she finds her only photo of her and Aaron. She mutters that he destroyed her love and now all that's left is an infinite thirst for vengeance. She tosses the framed photo in the trash can.

* At the agriculture commission, Alonso gives Gavi the last minute instructions before he leaves on his trip. She assures him not to worry, she will handle everything at the office while he's gone. He searches his pockets for his passport and papers. Gavi stands there and hands them to him - she took them so he wouldn't forget them. He thanks her. Nancy tells him he needs to leave - so he won't be late for the plane. Alonso and Gavi have a last-last minute check on instructions and good-byes. Alonso kisses Gavi on the cheek and leaves. Nancy is disappointed because Alonso didn't say good-bye to her. Gavi mutters about them being alone in the office, and she hopes the next 3 months fly by quickly.

* At hospital, Aaron and Minnie meet with Dr. Paul Tejeiros. They surprise him with the news that Isa gave birth. He will stop by to see her and the baby later. Minnie tells him where they are. Aaron starts in with the real reason they are there - to find out for sure if the baby is really Rod's - a result of the artificial insemination. Dr. T is really uncomfortable.

* Rod is talking with Ricardo and Barbara in the hallway. Mama Barb advises Rod to take care of Isa, because of post-pardum depression. Rod knows and has everything arranged for the next three months for Isa and Rico. Ricardo assures Rod that his business is going splendidly and that soon he will be able to start paying back the loan. Rod is happy to hear it.

As they leave, Sofia and Pancho leave the room. Rod asks when they will return to the hacienda. Pancho says he will leave tomorrow but Sofia will stay with Granny P awhile longer. James exits the room - Rod invites James to stay in his guest room at the condo. Pancho tells Sofia that he left his cell phone in the room and will be right back.

* Pancho enters the room. Isa smiles to see him there, thinks he wants to talk about his son. Pancho is very serious and informs Isa about Aaron and Rod's argument in the cafeteria - first it was about work, then it turned to Aaron's suspicions and questions about Rico's paternity and the artificial insemination. Isa is very impactado. He advises her to be very asute and make sure to do everything possible so that Rod doesn't start suspecting anything either. They have to keep this a deep dark secret - for the sake of both of their marriages, as well as their future wealth and happiness. She pleased that he finally has accepted her proposal.

* Sofia and Rod talk in the hallway.

* Aaron tries insults and demands to see the medical files on Isa and Rod. Dr. T refuses - he says that those files are confidential only to him and his patients. Dr. T asks them to leave. Aaron tries one more time to see the documents. Dr. T says leave or he'll call security to escort them out. Dr. T picks up the phone to call - Aaron slams the receiver down and he and Minnie leave.

* Rod enters room and says James will be staying in their guest room for awhile. Isa is a space cadet. He asks if she's okay, she claims just tired from all the visitors. He leaves. She calls Dr. T on her cell phone. Paulino (Dr. T) informs her about Aaron and Minnie's visit to his office - she breathes a sigh of relief. She asks him for his complete discretion, and a huge favor. She asks him to bring over documents to make sure Rod knows that Rico is HIS son.

* Late that night, Gavi arrives home. She tries to hug Clara - Clara instead moves away from her and to her virgin collection shelf where she over-dramatically prays to the virgin mary to help Gavi to arrive home earlier from the office, as well as thanks for giving her the stamina and patience so she doesn't die from heart problems. Gavi tries to talk again. Clara shakes Gavi's hand and says Hello Gaviotita, so nice to finally meet you. Gavi explains and apologizes. Clara scolds her and says that the TV has been her only companion every night. Gavi tells Clara that Alonso is on a trip for three whole months. Clara is happy, but turns sad thinking that when Alonso returns she will be late again. Gavi reassures her. Clara asks Gavi when will she get to meet this boss of hers. Gavi asks why? then starts in on her heartbreak over losing Rod to Isa and their son.

* Rod holds his son as Isa looks at her cheese sandwich and apple juice. Dr. T enters. Rod shows off Rico to him. Dr. T says he's spoken with the doctor there and Isa and the baby seem to be healthy and normal. Isa and Rod thank him immensely for all his help. Dr. T is happy to help them fulfill their dream. Dr. T then mentions Minnie and Aaron's meeting with him at his office. Rod is impactado and angry. He hands Isa their son as Dr. T explains the meeting and that all the documents are confidential. Dr. T pulls out the file he brought to show Rod - Rod says he trusts Dr. T totally. Isa forces Rod to listen and look at the documents. Rod looks as Dr. T shows him the documents and explains that all these are kept confidential so only he, Rod and Isa are to have access to them. Rod repeats that he trust Dr. T totally and completely. Dr. T hands him the file. Rod looks up at Isa smiling with their son. He says he trusts his wife completely and hands the file back to Dr. T. Dr. T leaves. Isa continues to smile (like she just ate a canary).

** (commercial announcements - second trailer for the night for the movie "Ladron que roba a ladron" with Fernando Colunga, Saul Lisazo, Ivonne Montero and Miguel Varoni - if you live in or near Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago or New York City, you can go see it in theaters. I unfortunately don't have that luxury or opportunity. it is now in cinema theaters.) **

* Minnie berates Aaron for his suspicions about Rico not being a legitimate Montalvo. She wants to know his proof - Aaron thought-bubbles his memory of making love with Isa. Minnie continues to pressure Aaron about his suspicions. Aaron explains it as a hunch - he just wants to investigate to make sure the insemination did indeed produce this little miracle. Aaron asks Minnie for his opinions. Minnie says that Dr. T is one of the best doctors in this field. Aaron ends the subject for the night with a hug with Minnie. He at the same time thought-bubbles that soon, very soon, he will have the proof he needs to show that Rico isn't a Montalvo at all.

* Pammie sits with her daddy on the sofa talking about Aaron. The conversation starts with not obsession about what Aaron did to hurt her, then changes to what Pammie remembers about Aaron's argument with Minnie and all the conversations Aaron had with Larry the snake about the irregularities of exports. Daddy says these are serious charges and crimes if they are true. Pammie suspects it's why Aaron dumped her and went back to Minnie. She then says that they need to go report what she knows to the authorities.

* Minnie goes to the other room. In bed, Aaron makes a call on his cell phone to his mommy with a request -- for her to get a lock of Rico's hair tomorrow. He wants to order a DNA test to prove whether Rod is Rico's father or not.


Some Telenovela Humor

A friend found this for me. I posted a link in the Destilando comments yesterday, but figured out how to embed it in a blog post so that everyone can see it. :-)

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #32 – Thursday 8-30-07 – It's a Bad Day at Black Rock.

Mama is upset that Papa came home all beat up and gave some lame excuse. Diego is about to go talk to him when Evil Eva calls and wants to meet him for dinner. "Be at my hotel in half an hour." Diego says he'll pump Papa for information tomorrow, but now, dinner calls.

We have that horrible scene with my former crush, Andres, killing Abuelo. The look on Abuelo's face before he was shot was heartbreaking. I'll probably have bad dreams tonight.

Morticia is having dinner with Flavio and probably within the first 30 minutes is telling him all about the miseries of her life; how her son died two years ago, that she was in an institution because she couldn't accept it, etc. etc. Just the sorts of things you say on a first date to attract a new man. She assures him there is nothing between her and Diego; he just helped her out at a bad time in her life. I'm beginning to think her whole life is a bad time. Flavio doesn't want to get in the middle, since Diego is a good friend of his. Looks like Flavio may be taking over the place in my heart vacated by Andres.

It is now 2 a.m. and dinner is still continuing between Evil Eva and Diego. She thinks it's cute that he's really into his family. Diego wants her to meet his family. She wants to meet them, too. "Tomorrow. But tonight I want you to spend the night with me." They then start making out. She sure is scary! Does Mexico not have a problem with sexual harassment? Things are getting pretty steamy, when Diego's cell phone rings. Evil Eva doesn't want him to answer, but being a good do-bee, Diego tells her to hold that thought while he fumbles for the phone. It's Buddy. It's now 2:30 a.m. and no one has seen Abuelo. It's not like him to disappear like this. Now Diego is getting worried. He says he's on his way. Evil Eva doesn't want him to leave; she doesn't want to be alone tonight. Diego apologizes and runs out the door. Apparently he has just committed a CLM (Career-Limiting Move). Evil Eva seethes and calls him stupid. Apparently she doesn't like not getting her way. Commercial.

Evil Eva calls Burgay and tells him to fire Diego. She then throws the cell phone across the room and throws a temper tantrum.

Buddy and Buddy Junior are hanging out waiting for Abuelo to return. The doorbell rings and Buddy Junior wonders why Abuelo just doesn't use his keys. Buddy says he knew Abuelo would be OK. Buddy Junior then starts screaming; "Someone killed Abuelo!" They go rushing out front and there is a huge crowd on the street. Buddy is distraught and can only say "Compadre." I think I'm going to cry. . .Buddy then has to give a statement to the police identifying poor Abuelo. Buddy has no idea who could do such a thing. He keeps asking Abuelo, "Who did this?"

Diego calls Mama, waking her up. "Is Abuelo at the house tonight?" Mama says "No." Mama then starts asking why Diego is calling so late. He doesn't sound like he's in a good state to be driving. Diego makes some lame excuse and apologizes for waking her up. Commercial.

Diego pulls up at the garage. When he walks in, there are all these people milling around. He runs up to Buddy, who is still crying. Buddy tells him someone killed Abuelo. Diego yells at Buddy and tells him to quit being stupid. Finally reality cuts through his fuzzy mind and he loses it. One of the neighbors tries to console him. Very creepy, dark music is playing.

Suddenly the screen goes black like we're going to commercial, but since we just got back from one, I thought my TiVo was on the fritz. To make matters worse, a view of a green valley flashes on the screen for a few seconds. If it wasn't for the Univision logo, I'd have thought the TV changed channels.

Abruptly we're transported to Mama's bright kitchen and Mama cooking. Papa walks in and wants to know who called in the middle of the night. Mama says it was Diego looking for Abuelo. Diego was drunk and hanging out with his friend, Flavor. Mama isn't amused, but Papa basically says, "Boys will be boys." Mama thinks it's odd that she doesn't see Diego's cell phone in its usual place.

Buddy, Buddy Junior, and Diego are either at the morgue or the police station. Someone needs to tell Mama. They ask Diego if Diego wants them to come along, but Diego says it's better he breaks the news himself.

Burgay is telling Mo that Evil Eva wants Diego fired. Burgay doesn't know what happened, but he's waiting to find out. Burgay tells one of Evil's thugs that he (Burgay) needs to see Evil ASAP.

Evil's thug walks onto the balcony. Evil wants to leave immediately for Europe! Thug says Burgay wants to talk to her and is waiting downstairs. Evil asks, "What part of leave immediately don't you understand?" Apparently Burgay reports to Evil, so what Evil wants, Evil gets.

Diego is draped on Abuelo's casket crying uncontrollably. Buddy tries to comfort him without success. How did they get such a nice casket so quickly? I don't think even Mama knows yet.

My ex-heartthrob asks out a hotel worker. She accepts. I wonder if he's going to kill her as well. Commercial.

Diego walks into the house and Mama is jibber jabbering about his being drunk last night. She wants to know why he looks so serious. After snuffling for about five minutes, he tells her someone assaulted and murdered Abuelo. Mama doesn't believe it at first. Finally she tells Diego to say it isn't so. They collapse in a heap. Sobs all around.

Papa shows up at IHoP. He wants to apologize for the fight the night before. He talks about the past and someone being the love of his life. Isela? It's getting too late for me to re-play this 80 times. Margaret, or whomever, can you help? He then gets a call from Mama who tells him about Abuelo. Mama asks Papa to meet her at the funeral home. Papa is impactado. Isela wants to know what happened; "Someone killed Abuelo!" Isela is now impactada.

Next notification is to Lidia, who is doing…what else???? The horizontal bop with Piero. The "Ick" factor is running very high. She tells Piero she needs to answer the phone because Mama may need something. When she hears it's Diego, she barks at him, "What do you want? I'm in a meeting at work!" Silence. Finally Diego stammers out that Abuelo was murdered. Lidia is instantly impactada.

Everyone starts gathering at the funeral home. Mama, Papa, Diego, Isela, Flavor, Morticia, and Lidia. Buddy and Buddy Jr have never left.

Evil Eva the Dominatrix tells Burgay she's going back to Europe without Diego. She wants Diego fired. Burgay wants to know why. EEtD says he left her alone! He humiliated her! He's an idiot! Finally Thug explains it's because Abuelo was murdered last night. Suddenly EEtD is contrite. "Pobre Diego! How could I be so unjust?!" Now she starts crying. I hope she has waterproof eye make-up. She yells at Thug for not telling her sooner. Thug says he tried to, but she wouldn't let him. EEtD leaves and Thug asks Burgay, "What the heck is going on?" Burgay responds, "She's in love!" Thug looks pretty stricken. He must have a thing for EEtD.

Burgay is telling Mo what happened. EEtD has changed her mind about firing Diego. He says it was all a misunderstanding. He tells Mo that EEtD likes Diego but he ran out on her. It turns out it was because Abuelo was murdered. Burgay then goes on to ask about Andres' whereabouts. Burgay points out the only one who would kill a harmless old man would be Andres, because Andres is so jealous of Diego. Burgay tells Mo that if EEtD finds out Andres is involved, there will be you-know-what to pay. Burgay hangs up.

Mo gets on the phone immediately and tells Leo he needs to see her NOW!!!! When she appears, he asks, "Where's Andres?" Leo opines he's in Acapulco. Mo makes her call Andres. Andres is all smug at first, thinking Mo has called to apologize and ask him to return. Mo basically accuses him of Abuelo's murder. If EEtD and Burgay find out about it, Mo won't be able to protect him. Why do I get the feeling that Mo really is more interested in protecting himself than protecting Andres? Suddenly, Andres isn't quite so smug. Leo is worried for her little boy – or boy toy, as the case may be. I don't think anyone has quite figured it out, although Andres did refer to her by name. Leo asks Mo if he can help Andres. "If Andres is responsible and EEtD finds out, there's nothing I can do!" Exorcist Music. Commercial.

My ex-heartthrob tells the hotel staffer, Elvira, he has to break their date. He has to leave early in the morning; something has come up. Andres has a dimple!!!! Why does he have to have a dimple? Why does he have to be an Abuelo-killer? I'm so crushed!!!

Everyone is still at the funeral home. Flavor volunteers to take Morticia home to change. Diego is all for that. Isela leaves and is accosted by Papa. He wants a hug. Isela says he needs to be with Mama; Mama has gone through a horrible ordeal and needs him. As they're hugging, Mama walks out with Diego. Isela covers by telling Papa she's so sorry for his loss and pulls away. Close call.

Finally, EEtD is telling Burgay how bad she feels for treating Diego so badly. She points out she doesn't care about the old man, only about Diego. He's pure, noble, honest, etc. She wants to be at Diego's side. Thug doesn't think this is such a good idea. She tells Thug she's not asking for him to take her to Diego. She's TELLING him! Thug isn't happy.

Mo is on the phone talking to someone. Whoever it is wants Leo present. Mo then calls Azul. My TiVo cut out so this whole scene isn't clear. Feel free to fill in the blanks.

Recorder Quits.


August 30, 2007 Yo Amo a Juan – In which your sub recapper cops out with a fast forward frenzy

I am posting a header for Sylvia tonight so all y’all can comment, but don’t have time to do a full recap. However, here’s a scene-by-scene quick and dirty summary for your reading pleasure. I hope.

We open to revisit scenes from last night:

• Nidia in her robe, hair in a towel, and Yadi in a way too short skirt dive for the ringing phone. Nidia refuses to answer it or let Yadi do it. Nidia is sure it’s Alirio and doesn’t want her plans for the evening spoiled. They fuss about the phone and Nidia rips it out of the wall. Yadi has a tantrum. At the other end of the line, Alirio stands at a pay phone fussing about Nidia not answering. Only Nidia is happy with all of this.

• CL screeches at Monica with a rapidly rising decibel level to just above the high water mark. He’s muy put out with her presence in the office and she wants to know why. She asks him in roughly a thousand different ways (okay, he’s the one who always tells her he’s told her something a thousand times. Now it’s her turn.) He can’t give her a response that rings true from her viewpoint. Or ours. The entire staff of Farell Industries is treated to the show through the open blinds; it must be a slow day otherwise. Monica swoons and CL gets concerned about her for a refreshing change. He grabs her and lowers her to a chair.

Then we are entertained by tonight’s happenings:

• Monica’s new best fiend [there’s no typo here], Ivonne, solicitously brings Monica a glass of water and asks how she can help. Monica assures them both she’s going to be okay and Ivonne leaves. CL walks Monica out to make sure she doesn’t try to drive herself home, telling her the whole time that she can’t, while Paula peers through her blinds--which were open anyway so she’s just being a drama queen here. CL looks back at Paula and she glares at him before the elevator comes and closes on him and Monica. Dramatic pounding piano music tells us she’s muy put out.

• In the basement, the boys are playing bumper cars without bumping. They’re talking between the cars while they roll back and forth. CL approaches and Fern snaps to. Nice save, Fern. CL opens the door and puts Monica in with directions to Fern. Fern goes with Monica, and CL watches Juan. Nah, CL glares at Juan. With his jaw twitching and locking. Juan hasn’t even said a word. He’s just standing here at attention, respectfully, minding his own business.

• CL strides into Paula’s office and she reams him. He goes on the offensive, as usual. Paula ain’t buyin’ it. She saw the ring. She knows something is fishy. She busts him about preventing her mother from working with Monica, just one piece of the intelligence she gathered in her morning with Moni. CL is impactado.

• Julia comes to get the scoop on all the chisme from Ivonne. What’s up with CL and his wife? Ivonne, always the model of discretion, spills her guts. Workers gather in for more amusement. Marely glares at Ivonne, whose triumph is complete today.

• CL is still impactado but makes a quick recovery to go back on the offensive. Paula’s still not buyin’ it, and wants to know why he’s so scared. CL is the answer man, but the answers don’t ring true from her viewpoint. He says they have nothing more to discuss and she says in this, we agree. She kicks him out of her office. He’s two for two today. He’s out a comfy place to stay tonight, too.

• CL leaves the office to find the audience waiting for an encore. He yells at them to go to work. Too bad it couldn’t come at some appropriate time, like when they’re milling around hour by hour, day after day in the lobby. Marely looks upset at her desk; Paula is inside falling apart now that the main feature has played out.

• Pastor is being kept amused by Juan’s latest plan/scheme to invite Pastor to Nidia’s bachelorette party. Pastor plies Juan for details. He sees an opportunity. He agrees to go. Juan is muy pleased.

• Marely thoughtfully brings Paula a cup of tea; Paula needs it. She gently asks Paula what’s up. Paula tells her a little about busting CL about the incident with her mother and Monica’s job offer. They do some lovely sisterly bonding. Marely tells her to quickly clean her desk and go home to rest.

• The boys are in the basement, discussing plans for the evening’s diversion. Kike has joined them and by some miracle, neither he nor Fern has a black eye. Alirio shows up and wants to party later in the evening. He wants the boys to help with a surprise for Nidia.

• Nidia gets her hair done by our friendly neighborhood stylist who cuts Juan’s hair and Pastor’s. She wants a nifty ‘do for the big night out.

• Everyone declines Alirio and tells him to stay home for sure tonight. Alirio is not thrilled that the boys won’t help him surprise Nidia tonight. [It’s not Nidia who will be surprised if you go to surprise her, Alirio]. Paula is headed out, so Juan can bail on Alirio right now. Kike bails as fast as his little legs can carry him. Fern bails because CL wants to go home. Fern asks which home, and CL gets snide. Fern recovers nervously. Alirio is left in the garage (maybe not exactly in this order). Suddenly, Alirio has a storm in his brain that they are going to surprise him with a bachelor party. He’s touched. [I mean that. He’s definitely touched. In the head.]

• Juan is concerned about Paula, and watches her in the mirror on the way to her apartment. He hates to see her so sad. He tries to talk her into going to the party for Nidia tonight, and she isn’t biting.

• CL strides into the house and Chelo is thrilled to see him. He cuts her off and strides up to the office where Monica is working. CL goes quickly into the offensive mode (literally) with Monica.

• Paula paces her apartment, frowning and not even caring about the wrinkles. She picks up the phone to call Ivonne. Ivonne helpfully informs her that CL has left. If she needs him urgently, she can call him at home. Paula quickly gets off the phone.

• Monica isn’t budging. She is calm; he’s having histrionics. She tells CL she needs time away from him at home. He angles his way into the house overnight, but she goes to tell Chelo to make up the guest room.

• Kike and Juan are chatting about things in the basement. Pastor comes to announce he’s ready. Fern comes back from taking CL home; the traffic was awful! Juan divvies up the jobs; Fern and Kike go get Nidia, he and Pastor get Ana. Fern and Kike groan.

• Paula paces. Her floor has a new trench.

• Kike and Fern toss for who has to go to the door for Nidia. Fern wins. He goes to the door, which Yadi answers, arms crossed in full b**** mode. Fern suffers in silence. Nidia comes down in her fetching hot orange bolero jacket, mini-falda, orange patent 60s cap, etc. Yadi is not impressed. Nor is she a happy camper. Why the heck didn’t Kike come himself?

• Juan listens to Pastor and Ana in the back seat while he drives. Juan had no idea that Pastor liked music and art. Juan’s never heard of artists like Monet and Renoir, but he’s sure glad Pastor has because Ana is so impressed and pleased. This could turn out okay after all.

• The disco is dark and lively. Nidia beams from ear to ear; life is good. At least tonight. The viejas are greatly amused. The boys are greatly reluctant. Pastor and Ana are bonding famously.

• Paula is not pacing. She’s dialing a couple of numbers and laying the phone back down. Repeatedly.

• [Fast forward recaps have some interesting moments. This scene was stuck at the beginning with Yadi’s face all screwed up like a raisin in a grimace/frown.] Yadi and Marely have a sisterly bonding moment in the bedroom with junk food. They decide that love is a lot of trouble. Maybe more trouble than it’s worth.

• The viejas are bonding and boozing. Not necessarily in that order. Juan’s pretty satisfied about the way life is going tonight. He might even be a little smug. He gives Kike and Fern a pep talk; Pastor doesn’t need one. Juan gets the boys out dancing with the viejas and joins them. Fern and Nidia might even be having a good time?

• Marely and Yadi are still bonding. For all we know, it might be the most they’ve talked to each other since Yadi found out that the baby was taking her thunder two decades ago. Yadi is trying to analyze what’s up with Juan, since Marely clearly is enamored of him. Yadi wants to know if Marely and Juan have……Marely is incensed. But she admits if given the opportunity….She philosophizes about making love without really being in love. It’s like dancing without music. Yadi adds food examples—tacos without salsa. She tells Marely to fight for her man. Déjà vu. Haven’t we heard this sometime recently? The doorbell rings. They roll their eyes at each other. Alirio.

• At the disco…..the beat goes on……AH! It’s cachi cachi bombon! The viejas and three of the boys admire Juan’s joie de vivre out on the floor. They toast it. We get a really good listen to cachi, cachi bombon. Feel free to dance, everyone. Juan is in his element! But, remember, any similarity to real life is purely coincidental.

Coming attractions: Problems! Where are Nidia and Fern? Holy moley!!!!! And where is Juan? Home in his bedroom, being accosted by the sisters Cachón. Will he do a striptease to try and get them to flee his bedroom?



Juan Q 8/29 - The female to female bond is stronger than testosterone

The two CL chicks exit and CL stews a bit while Ivonne whistles ominously.

Juan is happy that Kike and Fer finally shook hands and says tonight they are going to party together! Cachibonbon!

Marely is ribbing Yadi for making a scene because that’s the first thing she asked her not to do, so why did she do that, Mar could get fired for her berrinche. Yadi says she just wanted to show that chori what was hers. Mar says don’t you realize how ridiculous you look to everyone, plus she didn’t think Yadi cared about Kike anyway. Yadi blows that off and says she only made that statement when she was mad.

Juan continues encouraging the boys to be nice and to party together that they will throw back some tequilas and give Nidia a good send off that she deserves. Just then Pau and Moni walk by and summon Juan to drive them. Fer turns to Kike and says, oh so now you are going out with Julia eh? Kike rejects him and says look, it's one thing to be cordial, but another to tell you my business, so mind your own, essentially.

CL still impactado that his two squeezes are squeezed together in Juan’s car complains to G that the teatro (the deceit or literally the theater) is falling…and I’m stuck here unable to do anything. I love that line. GAYtan decides to take the high and mighty route and tells CL well this is what happens when you have two relationships going at the same time. DUH! He says all that’s left to do now is start praying. CL says great, I don’t even believe in God. Gaytan says well don’t you think this might be a good time to start? Cl says nothing better comes to mind? G says no. CL says then we are lost and it’s your fault I am where I am, I never should have believed that you understand the female persuasion.

Kike goes up to reception at Farell and presents Julia with a flower. She acts less than enthused. He wonders if she has a galan. She says no, but you have a Galana and she’s going around in hysterics. Kike is impactado. Just then Yadi shows up and says, next it will be chocolates, and then romatic music etc. Kike says who asked you? Yadi says that if there is a warning then there can be no deceit. She tells them not to give Marely any trouble because she didn’t want Yadi to come and she marches out giving Ivonne the stinkeye. Julia says she doesn’t want trouble so Kike should just go.

Ivonne then goes in to see Marely and tells her that her boss came and went, and with Cl’s wife no less. She makes fun that Mar is so worried about controlling her sister’s scandals and she didn’t even know.

The two CL wenches are chatting and Mon asks Pau about her Mom’s new job. Pau is surprised she knows about her personal life. Mon says no, I know nothing, but I know about your Mom and she rehashes the whole episode of offering her work and her not showing up. She tells Pau she thinks CL didn’t want her to hire her Mom. Pau is indifferently impactada, if that makes sense. She seems to almost ignore Mon talking to her face. In front, Juan tells himself that it seems Pau is slowly finding out these crazy things CL is up to.

Kike confides in Mar that he doesn’t understand even one peanut what’s with Yadi because now she’s acting as if we are boyfriend/girlfriend again, as if she forgot she erased him from her life. He says well it’s too late his heart belongs to another. Mar asks if he’s sure and admonishes him about playing with feelings, he says she should tell her sister that. Mar then says they need to get to work and gives him his delivery task info. Kike tries to explain again to Julia the real situation, but Julia says, fine, but get your sh*t in order and then call me. Smart woman.

Alirio is at Casa Cachon waiting for someone to come home, Nid shows up in a taxi and sees him but begs the guy to go further on so Alirio won’t see her.

CL & GAYtan are discussing the worst of things that could happen while his two chicas are together. CL says what if Moni tells Pau she’s preggers. What if Moni says they aren’t divorced. Or worse, what if Pau tells Mon about us!!! GAYtan thinks that they will probably be busy viewing all the stores so that won’t come up.

Paula and Moni are wandering around noting the cost of meat in stores and Moni asks her quite a compromising question. Do you know why the whole office looks at me in a very strange way? Paula is IMPACTADA!

After the break, Pau tells Moni nervously oh well, don’t you think that’s just your imagination? Moni says she thought so but it’s just too much. Pau makes up a story that it’s probably just because she is the boss and people are intimidated. She says but so is CL and they don’t act that way around him. Pau says well, he’s around all the time so they are used to him already. She says it happened to her too, when she first arrived that people weren’t sure what to make of her and she thinks that’s true for Mon too, since she hasn’t been around much until now.

CL and G are still mulling the double trouble situation. G says to CL he doubts the worst will happen and they think they will have to go to plan B then, maybe.

Alirio is still wandering outside, then laying on the grass in his cool shades, then finally gives up and leaves. We see Nid get ready to approach the house when Yadi surprises her and wonders what’s up.

Juan says to himself how weird it is that the two CL women are cavorting together and he’s still there sad, pining away for one of them.

CL asks Marely if Pau called - she’s says no, no idea where she is but you can call her cell, he says no, better that she calls me. He tells her nothing out of the ordinary is up and don’t worry, just leave her the message. Of course Mar will. She calls and tells Pau he’s going around here crazy.

Yadi wonders how long Nid’s going to keep at this game with Perafan. Nid says as long as he does. They then have a sort of heart to heart about the party tonight and who’s coming and that these women friends are all working and making their own way in life except for her, that’s she’s always been dependent on men. She blames it on her mother who taught her that her place was to marry and take care of her husband and work in the home. She shudders to think that’s what she has to do with Perafan.

Kike and Juan have a heart to heart about about women and how come a woman acts so weird and Juan can explain it all. Kike says well, he’s putting Yadi on the waiting list. Juan, appreciating this conversation tells himself well, even if neither of them have love, at least they have friendship.

Yadi asks her Mom, if they have the inheritance then she shouldn’t worry about the threats and she shouldn’t get married. Nid says it’s not just the warnings, it’s loneliness. She doesn’t want to be alone.

Mar is on the phone talking to Pau warning her about CL and she says let me talk to him. He wonders where they are and what is going on with her and Mon. Pau tells him nothing, they are the best of friends. He wants to know if she told Mon anything, and she wants to know like what? They fight, she hangs up on him because he’s acting weird to her. Mon asks her to lunch but she says she’s got to get back because her secretary was just saying how they needed her. They decide to lunch instead tomorrow.

Yadi complains about Julia to her Mom. Mom is less than sympathetic that she warned her. Mom tells her she didn’t learn from experience because that guy had her on an altar and she paid him no mind. She wonders if she changed her mind because the other guy left or because she sees maybe Kike is working on his way to being a millionaire. Yadi says it’s not for money. Nid tells her guys might like other women but only certain ones will be chosen for something serious. Yadi wonders what she’s trying to say. Nid tells her she shouldn’t forget who she is, a Cachon, and she has many arguments in her favor and a history with him, so is she going to stand there with her arms crossed? Think about it. Yadi adjusts her chest in Nid fashion. Maybe they think with those things, I mean, you know what they say about guys, so why not those gals.... :)

Juan thinks they need another person and asks Fer if he has a friend who can also come with them to the party. Fer says no. Juan says me neither. He thinks about it more and says he knows, GAYtan!

Moni returns and goes into CL he wants to know where the heck she was. She says he knew perfectly where, visiting the sales points. He wants to know why and thinks her doing that undermines his incredibility (ok, this was a typo, but I decided to leave it in because well it rather fits perfectly) in front of the employees that she could have reviewed the reports instead of hauling off with his vice president all day. She tells him she is going to keep visiting the sales points and she will do what she likes at her business. They continue to shout indiscreetly at each other and a rather large crowd gathers outside to watch the show.

Marely goes in to Pau and asks her if she is ok. She warns her what’s happening. Pau tells Marely that she sees CL differently now that she’s realized a few things, and she outs how upset she is that he prevented her Mom from working for Moni!

CL can spell, Moni says he’s been inventing one reason after another to keep her from working at Farell, she wants to know what he is hiding. He says she’s paranoid. She wants to know what he is so afraid of, is she invading his territory? He says her presence isn’t bugging him, but he feels like she’s interrogating him like a policeman. This fight keeps on back and forth with the same thing for quite a while.

Back in the garage Fer thinks Juan’s nuts, that Gaytan likes a different kind of revelry. Juan thinks maybe if he is surrounded by beautiful women that he might be charmed a little. Fer says huh? His condition isn’t like the flu, it’s something that lasts his whole life.

At Casa Cachon the phone rings and Nid and Yadi fight over it. Yadi thinks it might be Kike and wants to answer, Nid says it’s Alirio and she’s not answering for that Psychopath, as long as he keeps this pursuit up, she can too, because the last thing she wants is for him to ruin her party tonight. Yadi is ferociously mad and her skirt is way too short, so we get a little flash. Nid pulls the phone out of the wall, and Alirio on the other end asks himself who could stand any more.

CL and Mon continue fighting. She says maybe they should split up the economic interests and separate the personal life with the business life. He says she wants to end what they fought their whole lives for? She starts talking but loses her balance and collapses in his arms.

I'll be south of the border next week, if anyone is interested in recapping my Wednesday, let Melinama know, she will do it, but if someone would like to try it, here's a chance, so see you all when I get back!!


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