Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Caray Caray! from catch phrase to blog and now a new restaurant!

OK, folks. I was reading through an on-line version of the mexican newspaper Milenio, and found this article in their archives. Thought you'd like to know about this also:

here's the url to use to see the entire article:

Nuevos retos
Caray, Caray… qué inauguración
Caray, Caray... what an inauguration
Carla Estrada amadrinó el restaurante de Mariana Karr y María Zarattini.
Carla Estrada was the special dignitary for the restaurant of Mariana Karr and Maria Zarattini
- and guess what Mariana and Maria decided to name their argentine-italian restaurant? "Caray Caray" after the phrase Mariana used in the novela "Alborada".

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Juan Q 9/18 "Don't have sex man. It leads to kissing and pretty soon you have to start talking to them."*

She’s had another bad fight with her ex-lover, she slept with her chauffeur the night before, she’s hung over and being held hostage at a hotel. Now her boss/ex-lover wants to know where in the hell she is. Paula Davila’s bad has just started!

CL loses it. Paula promises that she’ll hurry and says that she’s having personal problems. CL doesn’t like this answer. He pays her too much for her to use her time fixing personal problems. He yells at her loud enough that a large crowd gathers around Marely’s desk in order to hear him screaming at Paula. He has Marely hang up the phone and Margay come to his office in order to attend to business. CL leaves and Pastor encourages everyone to get back to work. Yvonne gets a good laugh out of the whole situation. Meanwhile, Paula stands and waits in the hotel lobby.

Nidia gives her best attempt at waking up Alirio. It takes a lot effort, but he finally comes to consciousness. She wants him to get up but he wants to continue dreaming. Alirio changes his tune and decides he wants Nidia’s loving. No surprise, Nidia turns him down. He thinks it’s strange that they haven’t done “it” yet. Nidia refuses again and tells him to get up and help clean the house.

Fernando and Kike talk about the conversation between CL and Paula. The both realize that Juan isn’t at work. Kike has an urgent delivery, but he wants to wait. Fernando thinks it would be better if Kike leave and forget about the whole issue with Paula. Kike decides to stay and wait.

Juan begs Nidia and promises to pay her back. First, Nidia wants to know why Juan needs the money. Apparently, he told her that he needs a new shirt. Juan continues this lie saying that he can’t stand going to the office all the time in the same clothing. Nidia says she’s not a fool, she wants the truth. Juan starts to tell the truth, catches himself and starts a new story about drinking with his buddy, Fernando. The bill was really high and he had to leave Fernando behind. Juan’s plan works. Nidia offers to let Juan borrow the money. She goes to the office and he rushes upstairs to change.

Pastor and Yvonne enjoyed what just happened in the lobby. Pastor comments that “Troy” is about to burn. Yvonne twirls her hair and says that she’s looking forward to it. Pastor compliments Yvonne on having the wits to go to Monica. Yvonne points out that not only did she not get fired, she got a raise.

Paula urges Juan to hurry, but he tells her that traffic is heavy. He thought bubbles that he would really like to talk to her about what’s going through her mind, but he doesn’t know how to start. Paula asks Juan to do her favor. She insists that he doesn’t tell anyone about the night before. Juan takes a weird turn that makes Paula question his direction. He tells her that he’s hurrying to the office. Paula’s more worried about getting home to change. My cold little heart breaks a bit for Juan; he looks absolutely lost.

Two days of marriage and Alirio is whipped. He’s cleaning the house when the doorbell rings. It’s Gutierrez (the guy who created the fake will) and he wants to talk business. Alirio doesn’t think the house is the right place. Gutierrez points out that Alirio said nothing about the wedding; he wanted to congratulate Alirio. Alirio replies that the wedding happened very quickly. Gutierrez wants to get down to business.

CL and Marbay finish their meeting. Marbay leaves and the phone rings. Monica asks for the neurotic man. He tells Monica he doesn’t feel good after all that happened last night. He also points out that Paula missed another important appointment; she had personal problems. Monica says that she can speak with Paula. CL says that he would rather sort her out himself. Monica says that she’ll call later. Chelo comes into the apartment. Monica tells Chelo that she was wrong about Paula Davila.

Alirio promises Gutierrez that he’ll pay what he owes, but Alirio really wants Gutierrez to leave. Gutierrez refuses and says that now is the time to pay. Yadira comes into the house. She wants to know if Alirio told Nidia about the visitor. Alirio makes excuses but Yadira’s already disgusted with the “guest” and leaves. Gutierrez can’t help but express how much he liked Yadira. He even says that if Alirio hooks him up with Yadira then he’ll forgive the debt.

Alirio thinks Gutierrez is crazy. Alirio demands that Gutierrez leave immediately. Nidia arrives and wants to know about Gutierrez. Alirio tries to rush Gutierrez out the door, but Gutierrez tells Nidia that they have a lot to talk about. The group moves to the office and Alirio’s still begging to do this another day. Nidia wants to get straight to the point. Gutierrez says that Alirio owes him money due to some business that they’ve transacted. Alirio owes him payment for a will that Gutierrez prepared.

Paula finally makes it home. She wants to know why Ana’s still home. Ana says that she was waiting for Paula. Ana starts to scold, but Paula tries to rush off to change. Ana stops her and demands an explanation. Ana says that Paula lives in her house so she must respect Ana and live by Ana’s rules. Paula blows Ana off and goes to her room to change. Ana follows.

Alirio says that Gutierrez is abusing his wife. Nidia brushes Alirio’s comment away and asks how much money Alirio owes Gutierrez. Gutierrez says it’s a considerable sum. Over Alirio’s protests, Nidia promises to pay every cent of the debt. Nidia repeats that she’ll pay, so long as Gutierrez forgets about the will. She hands him the checkbook and tells him to write out his own check. He gladly does so and leaves. Nidia looks surprised at the amount.

Paula’s not listening, so Ana goes after Juan. Juan assures her that he was out with Paula all night. He even points out his tired eyes. Ana wants to know to know what they did all night long. Juan’s backed into a corner, and he’s not sure how to escape.

Not only did Paula want to change, she wanted to shower. She cleans herself and thinks about making love with Juan. Apparently, she didn’t forget as much as she claimed.

Juan tells Ana the truth about the night up until he says that Paula ran into a friend. Ana’s not buying it. Juan says that Paula went to the friend’s home and Juan in the house. Ana thinks that he’s inventing the story. She can’t believe he would lie like this. Ana stomps back into the house. I guess Juan’s having a bad day as well. Juan thought bubbles that he’s losing his power to lie. For him, this is terrible.

Alirio’s very apologetic towards Nidia. Because of a debt of three pesos, Nidia had to pay a small fortune. Nidia tells Alirio not to worry about it because he, Alirio, is going to pay her back. He doesn’t understand how, but she tells him that he’s going to work.

Paula finally comes out of the house. Juan thought bubbles to himself whether he should talk to her or not. He decides not to say anything other than to warn her about the story he told Ana. Paula shows no emotion and thanks him.

Alirio begs and begs not to have to work. Nidia tells him he can either work or be in charge of the house. She won’t have a lazy husband. She wants him to work for CL. Alirio points out that he’s never worked for anybody. Nidia insists that he will work. Alirio looks as though he’s about to resign himself to the fact that his life as an independent contractor is over.

Juan and Paula finally arrive at the office. Paula rushes away to her offices. Kike and Fernando want to know about what happened. Juan plays dumb. Kike can’t believe that Juan doesn’t know about the quarrel between CL and Paula from earlier in the day. Juan’s honestly surprised about this. Juan’s really nervous and asks the boys to tell him about it. They don’t believe that he doesn’t know anything.

Paula rushes through the lobby to her office. She stops to speak with Marely. Marely warns Paula that CL is waiting for her. Paula and Yvonne have an unfriendly confrontation. Paula immediately goes to CL’s office. She again explains that she had personal problems. He wants to know what personal problems. She won’t tell him. He scolds her for allowing their relationship to interfere with her work. She apologizes again. He says that’s not enough, she needs to be a good worker. He thinks that she’s showed that work really doesn’t interest her. She points out that she did try to resign. He retorts that she stayed, and with a good salary at that. He softly asks her to start over. He wants to know where she was this morning; he insists that she explain.

Paula says that she doesn’t want to answer. She doesn’t know why she has too. He’s messing with her private life. He doesn’t understand why she’s being so mysterious. They have “The Argument” again. She insists that their relationship be strictly professional. He’s upset because she keeps evading the question. She lets him know for sure that she will not answer his question. He asks if what she did was so terrible. Is that why she can’t tell him. She replies that she has a lot of work and rushes out of the office.

Kike and Juan talk about the fight. Juan can’t believe that CL would have the nerve to quarrel with Paula. Kike wisely points out that CL is the boss. Juan think that CL doesn’t use good methods. Kike reminds Juan that Paula is an employee of the business. Juan thinks it’s ridiculous how Kike talks about CL as if CL is a God. Kike thinks that Juan is striking out at the hand that feeds him. Juan’s going to end up in the street. Juan decides to tell Kike a secret, as long as Kike doesn’t say anything. Juan makes Kike swear. He starts to tell Kike the story, but pauses because he knows better. He tells Kike that he kissed Paula a few times. Kike can’t believe he stuck around for such terrible gossip.

Yvonne and Marely have a secretary stare-down. Yvonne walks over to give Marely some advice. If Marely ever wants information about Yvonne again, she should come directly to Yvonne. Yvonne warns Marely to tell Paula the same thing and not to mess with Yvonne ever again.

Nidia enters the lobby with Alirio and greets Marely. Nidia tells Marely that she came to speak with CL. Marely warns Nidia that it might not be the best time. Nidia ignores Marely’s warnings and marches straight into CL’s office.

Juan asks Kike if he doesn’t believe Juan. Kike thinks that Juan’s losing his manhood. He doesn’t want Juan to lie to him. Juan insists that he’s telling the truth. Juan gives some more details about the night, he just leaves out the part about the end. Kike really doesn’t believe him anymore. Fernando knocks on Juan’s car to tell Juan that CL is waiting for Juan upstairs. Once Juan leaves, Kike mentions to Fernando that they should send Juan to a doctor because Juan’s going a little nuts.

Nidia and CL discuss Alirio’s employment. Nidia wants Alirio someplace familiar, where he can be taken care of. CL explains that he doesn’t have a job for Alirio. Nidia replies that Alirio will any job. Alirio protests, but Nidia silences him. CL says that he’ll speak with Pastor. He tells Alirio and Nidia to go to Pastor’s office. CL will call ahead to warn Pastor. Everyone thanks each other. Nidia and Alirio leave the office. CL calls Pastor and says that he has directions for Pastor in order to resolve a surprise that CL is sending.

Juan nervously paces the elevator, wondering if CL knows everything. He thought bubbles himself into a fury, knowing that he’ll stand up for himself. Before he can go into the office, Paula stops him. She again tells Juan not to say anything about the night before to CL. Juan comments that Paula looks nice in her red suit. Juan promises to keep his word. She even tells him to tell a lie if CL asks. He tells her to have faith in him.

He lovingly greets Yvonne and asks if CL is ready. Juan passes into CL’s office. CL is especially friendly today, even offering a cognac. Juan accepts. CL asks about Juan’s life. He wants to talk man to man. CL asks if they’re friends and if Juan trusts CL. Juan confirms. CL asks for a favor. Juan’s nervous, but CL assures Juan it’s nothing big. CL wants information about where Paula went last night and why she was late this morning. Juan nervously drinks his cognac.

Paula paces her office, still caught up in her personal problems. She’s sure that CL called for Juan in order to get information from him. Marely wants to know what happened this morning. Paula promised to arrive on time to all her appointments. Paula tells Marely that she committed her worst error ever the night before. Marely thinks Paula’s talking about CL. Paula says no and confesses that she slept with Juan. Marely looks as though she just might pass out.

CL doesn’t understand why his question bothers Juan so much. Juan thought bubbles to himself that this would be the perfect opportunity to tell CL & show that Paula has a real man in her life, but he also doesn’t want to break his promise to Paula. CL points out that Juan giving information won’t affect anyone. Juan promises to tell, as long as it doesn’t make things bad with CL. Juan again tells his story about going to the bar. This time it’s a male friend from the school. Juan says that the friend and Paula talked and then asked Juan to take them to the friend’s house. Juan went to get Paula in the morning, but she hadn’t come home. CL stands up, in shock that Paula’s moved on so quickly. Juan toasts himself for coming up with such a great story.

Marely struggles to hide her tears at the same time Paula laments the terrible night that she just passed with Juan. Paula doesn’t understand how it happened. Paula tells Marely that she told Marely because she knows of Marely’s interest in Juan. Paula didn’t want Marely to find out some other way. Marely’s more worried about Juan. She asks Paula to answer a question. Is Paula interested in Juan?

Lio de Faldas – no direct phrase into English but it’s about a man who “skirt-chases” & is having problems with his skirt chasing ways. Hope that makes sense!

Meterla en cintura – to sort someone out

*Steve Martin


Juan - Monday 9/17 - In which Juan is shot and severely wounded by the huntress of love

Hi all, I"ve noticed that Mondays haven't been posted in the past few weeks. I hope it's OK that I post a quickie recap of last night's episode. It was a good one, rather critical, I had a wretched case of insomnia so I thought what the heck, why not do a recap? Here goes...

Paula doesn't want to go into her house after the Pig Dinner at Casa Farell. She asks Juan to take her far away to a special place of his choice. Sweet music (their song) plays. He says he knows the perfect place. A confused Ana watches from the window as they drive away.

CL and Monica argue about Paula's pig boyfriend. CL goes off to sleep on the couch.

Juan takes Paula to a plaza with a Diana the Huntress statue. He tells her not all men are pigs. She says if not for him she would have lost faith in all men. He tells her for a woman like her he has no recourse but to give his own life for her tears (or something like that I think).

Moni follows CL to argue some more. He tells her that Paula lost the Sarmiego account so she's not such hot stuff after all.

Paula teases Juan about leading Marely on, he's not the perfect guy either. He says at least he didn't lie to show off (darme mi taco = give myself my own taco) but rather to try to spare Mari's feelings. They yuck it up and Paula invites him for a drink.

Cut to a nice piano bar where they attack some Margaritas. They're small drinks so I'll bet they're expensive. Juan thought bubbles that tonight they will bear their naked souls to each other. A couple of drinks later and they are dancing to a slow song.

Fast Forward through the next CL and Monica scene. He returns to bed with her.

Paula asks Juan to stop calling her Licenciada. She orders it as his boss. He can't take his eyes off her beautiful ruby lips. He says her name a couple of times then, "Paula...will you dance with me?" He thought bubbles non-stop during the dance that this is a miracle. They gaze into each others' eyes.

Marely tosses and turns in bed. She looks outside; Juan isn't home.

With Debussy playing in the background (Clair de Lune, one of my favorites!) Paula asks Juan to tell her about his mystery love, his goddess. He says she is confused about love and needs time. Paula asks why does he settle for an impossible love? He says when true love hunts you down there's nothing you can do but surrender heart and soul. She tells him he's divine and kisses him as Clair de Lune reaches its crescendo. Wow! They actually kiss!

They enter a hotel room and slowly undress each other. They look great together, much better than she and the Pig. Ay amor, they even get a new romance song, or at least verses we haven't yet heard.

Next scene: we see Juan's boots next to the bed...and Paula in his arms, obviously post-boink. He tells her that his life has changed completely. He's had sex a thousand times but this is the first time he's made love. He continues to call her Licenciada. He reveals that she is his impossible love. His tomorrow is now a sky full of hope. "I love you Paula, with all my heart. Paula? Paula?" Alas, Paula is asleep.

Next morning Marely goes into Juan's empty room. Yadi catches her and teases her. Mari admits having a crush on Juan. She loves him. Yadi hugs her sister and they wonder why the Cachón women always love the wrong man.

Juan observes his bodacious half-naked bod in the mirror and comments that there is nothing more disagreeable or grotesque than someone who has just woken up, that's why he had to wake before his palomita, so that he could spiff up a little.

Alirio's snoring has kept Nidia awake all night. Hasn't she heard of ear plugs? The phone rings. It's Ana and she wants to speak to Juan.

Paula wakes up. She looks around. Where is she? She gets up and stumbles, not a good sign. Juan proudly walks out of the baño wearing his towel (hubba hubba), strikes a pose and happily announces "Buenos Dias!" Paula reacts, "what are we doing here?" Juan struts to the end of the bed and strikes another pose. Paula is impactada, but (uh oh) not in a good way.

Paula tells Juan she doesn't remember how they got there. He says a little talking, a little dancing, some Margaritas...we kissed. She yells at him to shut up, they're late! She grabs her undies and heads for the baño. Poor Juan, he looks so very confused. Paula stares at herself in the mirror. She doesn't look happy.

Nidia tells Ana that Juan never came home last night.

Juan, now fully clothed, smells Paula's dress, lays it gently on the table with her shoes, peels himself a banana (glad he hasn't lost his appetite) and wonders at Paula's reaction. Gosh, there could be any number of excuses why she'd behave that way, right? She's probably just hung over.

Paula, with great trepidation, creeps out of the baño and says they have to leave. Juan, still pleased, blows her kisses. She tells him to leave the room so she can dress. She's not looking nearly as pleased as Juan. Her phone rings, it's Ana! Paula finally answers, yes she's fine, yes she's with Juan.

Juan waits for Paula at the front desk. He gets the bill, 3,500 pesos (about $313.00)! He's muy impactado and he only has 50 pesos (about $5.00). How will the Santo Niño get him out of this mess? The concierge call security and tells Juan nobody leaves until the bill gets paid.

Paula runs down, anxious to leave. Juan explains the situation and she only has 500 pesos and no credit cards. (Eh? And she calls herself an executive?) Juan tells her the goons won't let them leave without paying.

CL shows up at work and asks Marely for Paula. Mari says Paula will be in soon because she has an early appointment with Señor Margae.

CL gets into it with Ivonne, what was yesterday's show all about? What was she thinking? Ivonne says she's thinking that she's in control now and any false moves on CL's part will compel her to run straight to Monica and tell her the truth about CL's cheatin' ways. Yesterday was only a demonstration.

CL, in a worse mood than before, asks Mari once again about Paula. Just then Margae shows up for his appointment. Marely stalls him momentarily with a cup of coffee.

Juan has left Paula at the hotel as collateral while he takes a bus somewhere and wonders who will help to get him out of this mess. He decides to hit up Doña Nidia, she will be the most understanding.

Mari finally calls Paula to tell her Señor Margae has arrived for his meeting. CL hears, grabs the phone, and demands to Paula where in caramba is she???


Acorralada Monday 9/17/07

I'm sorry about the confusion on my last recap! I watched Friday's episode thinking that I was watching Monday! That's what I get for not reading the last recap posted...

Anyway, on Monday, Chucky thinks that she's killed Fedora and call Kike to tell him she needs help hiding the body and stealing all the cash from the fabrica and the valuables from the house. It's no surprise that Kike's up to the task.

She goes to Fedora's office to find the hidden (not locked) metal cash box that has $20,000 in it for office expenses. HUH? What kind of office has that kind of petty cash fund? Gaby catches her in the act and Sharon claims that Fedora asked her to count it. Gaby knows it's a lie and goes to find Fedora to prove it.

Diana's walking down the street talking on her cell phone when she's spotted by Iggy. He snatches her in broad daylight.

Pancho's fed up with the viejas, so he drugs their morning coffee and steals everything that's not nailed down.

As Iggy has Diana pinned, he makes a comment about when he kidnapped her in the selva -- big mistake, Iggy! It caused her to remember all of the details she'd forgotten and we're treated to a flashback of that kidnapping.

Roddy, Emilio, Caramelo, and Gaby are frantically searching for Fedora. They've checked the whole fabrica and the garage, but they can't find her anywhere. The only place they haven't looked is Sharon's office, but she assures them that she's not in there. As they turn to check her office anyway, she heads for the elevator. Caramelo tries to stop her, but she's no match for Chucky. Chucky manages to escape and they all find Fedora in Chucky's office, unconscious and bleeding from the head. Roddy's confused - he thought Sharon and Fedora were buddies, but Gaby lets him know that it was all an act, and that Sharon never changed.

Max goes to Cuban John's looking for Marcella and wants to know if she loves him... she tells him it doesn't matter, he loves Diana and they should be together.

Iggy's kidnapping attempt is foiled by the cops. Now that she's recovered from her amnesia, she tells them all of the details of both kidnappings.

Sharon's on the run in a car that she's stolen from Fedora's fleet of cars. She calls Kike to tell him she's going to the warehouse where Pancho was hiding, and he should meet her there.

Fedora is rushed to TeleMiami hospital, or as everyone on the show refers to it, "The hospital where Diana work(ed)." The doctor is worried that she may lose the baby.... this is the first time that Roddy's heard about the baby and he's impactado.

Octavia shows up at the fabrica and asks Beatriz for Fedora, and learns that she's been taken to the hospital. So she heads to the hospital and asks Dulce what room she's in - Dulce tells her the room, but that Fedora can't have visitors right now. The perfect setup for Octavia's evil plan! She goes into Fedora's room and puts the tarantula under the covers with Fedora... this scene is sure to give me nightmares!

Marcela and Mercedes are hanging out in the soft drink section of Cuban John's market. What are these two planning to do? Spend their days moving from the produce section to frozen foods?

Chucky arrives at the warehouse and finds Diego there. He tells her to beat it, they can't both be there, and Pancho's gone anyway. She tells him that she's on the run for killing Fedora, and suddenly he has a change of heart. He listens to all of the details and then she tells him that she can tell that he's Pancho's hermano on account o' what a hunk he is. We all know what comes next...

Kike arrives at the warehouse just as Diego and Sharon are finished, and Diego isn't exactly a gracious host. He tells Sharon to hit the road and take Kike with her. On their way out, Kike proposes that they move to New York, which sounds like a fab plan to Sharon, but first they need to kill Gaby so that she can never be with Larry!

Marcela is now working at Cuban John's place (at least she's not planning to just hang out among the broccoli). Leo shows up and asks her what's happened with Max, and she tells him that she's done with him. Leo quickly proposes that he'll be her baby daddy!

Fedora looks awful - she's sweating and twitching and turning funny colors, and the doc is perplexed. He pulls back the sheet and sees the bite mark! Oh no - now her baby is really in danger - they should probably abort it. (HUH?!) Diana vetoes this idea - they must save her AND the baby! Credits roll.


Destilando 09/17/07 "When a good time turns around. You must whip it."

Our four Brujas take inspiration from Devo..
"When a good time turns around.
You must whip it.
You will never live it down.
Unless you whip it.
No one gets their way.
Until they whip it."

We begin tonite with Pilar verbal slap down of the Montalvo women (Dani excluded)…Minnie tries to argue back, but Pilar stares her down. The “no more of this nonsense” notice is also given to Fredra & Sofie, who try to look like they are completely uninvolved.

Now it is time for dinner, but Granny Pilar has no appetite and will adjourn to her room. Minnie all upset that Aaron didn’t come to her defense demands that they leave. Isa says she is going with them. Bruno tells them to calm down that his mother had good reason for her tirade. The rest get up for dinner, but Fedra, Minnie and Isa decide to remain in the living room to discuss defense. Geez good call ladies cause I bet the rest will probably just think you are talking about the latest edition of Mexico Redbook. This has so turned into a teen angst movie with Gavi as the spunky poor girl, Rod is the handsome king of the school and Minnie & Isa are the A-Team girls. Fedra tells our cheerleaders that they must conduct themselves with class and dignity cause they can totally outshine Gavi at the big Homecoming dance, ooops I mean the “Tequila Function”. They will have awesome bitchin dresses, hairstyles, make-up consultants & CFM heels while, Gavi will have a dress made by Clarita on her old Singer, from a vinyl table clothe, with a necklace made out of napkin rings and bad hair rolled on old toilet paper rolls. Then during the big dance scene where everyone can shake it in perfect step, they will be in the center doing the fancy hip shakin while Gavi runs off to the bathroom crying with smeared makeup. Damn Fedra, I saw that movie too. Okay I elaborated a bit here, but seriously this is the jest of the conversation. Hee Hee Hee, our cheerleaders don’t know the big Dance is being held off school grounds and they are so not invited.

Gavi is at home telling Clarita about the big meeting over at the big apartment. Clarita is her usual wide eyed naïve self. Gavi further informs her that the four will be banned from the big Tequila fiesta. Clara wonders if this is prudent. Clarita believes nothing good comes from revenge, personally Clarita I beg to differ.

After dinner Aaron stands up, he says he and Minnie have good news. Rod says “A divorce?” No, of course not, Aaron announces Minnie is pregnant, congrads all round…or at least Bruno and Fedra are happy, the rest just put on their polite rich white people faces and snicker, with the exception of Elvis, but he does snicker. The party is breaking up, Isa tells Sofie to take a cordial up to Pilar. (Sofie is just such a whipped puppy now), she leaves the table and everyone else begins vamoosing. Frankie who oblivious to everything but the good eats and fine after dinner liquor continues to sit at the table. Say this would be a perfect opportunity for Isa, to slip in a comment about future slipping it in. Hey three months, you got three months to make up your mind about running off with me and your little doppleganger, don’t forget.

Mean while out in the stick…or rather the agave fields, the country folk (Meester James, San Wanna, Ofelia & Roman) are sitting around having dinner. James (subtle, dude, subtle), wonders when that paragon of virtue Sofie will be returning.
Ofelia tells SanWanna to do something productive and answer the phone. She smarts off and Roman tells her to do it.
Land o’Goshen, it’s Hilario. SanWanna just gushes into the phone..finally Ofelia wrestles it from her. Ofeilia is all happy to hear from her son. Hil wants to talk to Roman…Roman refuses to talk to his son, why as a matter of fact, he says he has no son. Way Harsh Words Roman. Roman apparently feels modeling sunglasses and low rider jeans with no shirt and his thumbs stuck in his waist band, is rather unmanly as compared to the endless brushing of horses and mucking out stalls. James tries to talk to Roman but it is a no go. Hil says his father just does not understand that Hil decided to change his life.

Now over to Rod & Isa’s, Isa can’t believe Rod’s attitude. She makes one last valiant effort to kinds seduce Rod, or at least get a little pity party going, but it just isn’t gonna happen. She tries to pull the poor pitiful me, now I’ve even lost your family routine. She demands to know if Rod has plans to hook up with Gavi (like in the long run). Well yeah, but even if he didn’t he is still leaving Isa’s lame ass. Rod just pulls away from her and goes off to bed. Isa sits down on the couch and says how much she hates Rod. I can’t really fault Isa. Being married to Rod has been like owning a Ferrari for three years and never getting to drive it, you’d at least to park it in your garage once before the repo man cometh.

Over at Aaron & Minnie’s, Minnie is furious that Pilar talked to them that way. Aaron is like shut-up and play the game, until we can buy a kid and get the entire Montalvo fortune. I like the fact that there is a picture of Aaron smirking on the end table. I like when people have pictures of themselves up. I think it demonstrates an element of humility.

Over at Granny Pilar’s, Elvis is in talking to the fish “Abuela”, the fish is actually much more affectionate to Elvis than the real Abuela. Dani comes in and she wants to go see a fertility doctor. The more she see the little spawn of “Isa and Rod”, the more convinced she is that lil Ricky is the spawn of “Isa & some unknown”.

The next day Gavi receives another gift from Rod, it is a brand new bottle of “Ardent Passion” the new Tequila…Actually it is quite the romantic gift. Dr Chuckles Blondie watches Gavi from the door with that totally lame love struck look on his face. He comes in and sees the bottle, he is like yeah nice. Nancy comes in and tells Gavi that Rod is on the phone. After pausing way too long, Blondie gets the hint and leaves. Rod and Gavi do some “I love you”, “no I love you” back and forth on the phone. I can see that Gavi is no fool and realizes she has to constantly reinforce Rod with things like “you are indeed the only man in my life”. This makes our boy happy. Oh please make the time past fast.

Fedra & Aaron are having breakfast in an outdoor restaurant. Aaron tells his mother Minnie really isn’t pregnant and they will buy, oops adopt an heir. Fedra is appalled at the thought of adoption, no doubt the mother will be an alcoholic or drug addict or crazy woman. I find it hard to believe that Fedra is not aware that “Helen Rojo” has left children at nearly every Catholic Church in Mexico City. Once you get the kids dry, they turned out to be fine little white children with great intelligence, stunning looks and had quite good morals, much better than Fedra’s own biological child.
Adoption doesn’t matter it is the means to an end. The end being the inheritance. Lacking a cell phone at the moment, Aaron is force to smash some toast to make his point.

Pat, Bruno & Rod are in Rod’s office admiring the new Tequila, by this point, my shot glass and I wish we could admire the new Tequila. Pat knows Dr Blondie, he starts telling Rod what a stellar guy, Blondie is. Bruno picks up on this and they start ragging on Rod, like Minnie pushing Isa’s buttons, the boys rile Rod up. All in good fun.

Dr Blondie is discussing some up coming trip with Gavi he questions why her name is not on the list. She states she didn’t know she was going. He wants her to accompany him. Gavi is less than thrilled, Dr Blondie, master of passive resistance, pulls the “Oh I guess it would make Engineer Montalvo mad” Okay I’ll just take Nancy. This makes Gavi, feel like a shirker & a wuss. Yeah it sounds like a cool party, but my boyfriend wants me to stay home. Dr. Blondie you are the devil. He says don’t worry I’ll talk to Av* (the head guy). Gavi say no that’s okay, I’ll do it. Dr. Blondie smiles, oh he just helped Gavi realize her own power.

Over at Granny’s, the servant is taking a delivery from the messenger boy. She shuts the big iron gate, the one the poor folks can’t see through so they don’t have to see how the rich folk suffer every time there is a “tortilla strike” in Mexico City and the price of corn meal goes up. Seriously you can see the tops of these house as you drive down the main street of “La Reforma” which run through Mexico City. Then you can see all the “regular Mexicans” who just got off work at the “big houses” waiting for buses. “The Free Market” at work.
Anyway the servant comes in and hands Frankie an envelope. Frankie is lying back on the couch with some device on his face, it is kinda scary like something out of one of those teen slasher films. He is getting a facial. (I’m sure the camera crew was howling while filming this, it is so distasteful, much like the pregnant belly shirt scenes). Frankie is also reading “El MetroSexual”, my personal suggestion for his next reading material would be “Sombrero de Culo”. Sofie inquires about his mail. It is an invitation to the Big Tequila function. “And Spouse?” Sofie asks. No, the invite is for just Frankie. Pilar comes wandering through and Sofie says she wasn’t invited. Pilar says call the CRT & see what happened. Frankie is laughing that finally he is gonna get to meet the famous Gaviota. Sofie is displeased.

Aaron comes in to chat it up with Rod, after some Tequila small talk, Rod demands Aaron return the 5 millones pesos he gave Onate. Bruno comes in and back Rod up, he says they decided Videgaray should resume his position and they need to get rid of Onate. Rod give the invitations to Bruno & Aaron, Bruno can’t imagine why the invitation doesn’t include Fedra. Aaron says asks MariAnne Frano, she has the answer. Rod snickers.

Minnie arrives at Isa’s apartment, Isa has just hung up from Sofie, oh no…none of the Ateam have been invited to the big Homecoming Dance.

Aaron is off in an office; he is talking sweet talk to someone on the phone, he gets another call. The new caller is Minnie, well good to see Aaron hasn’t let all his Amante, Wife, family problems & bad business decisions take away from his screwing around time. Aaron is such a multi tasker. Minnie asks if he got his invitation, Aaron says yes and no, Minnie is not invited. She starts making demands, but Aaron says focus on the task at hand. The task being, getting the inheritance. He tells her Fedra wasn’t invited either.

Now Aaron is back on the phone setting up a hook-up with some chick. Onate comes in and he tells Aaron why Elvira was fired. Aaron plans to send Onate off to an Island in the Caribbean where they will pass off Rum as Tequila. I think Aaron plans to steal Rod’s Tequila, or ruin him or something…I’m not really sure about the business stuff.

The four brujas are meeting about how to deal with the banishment of the CRT. Sofie is just such a little flying monkey, she doesn’t really protest, she just seems so accepting of whatever crap someone hands her.
Well the rest of the flying monkeys are not going to put up with it.

Nancy, Gavi & Blondie are having a meeting, the phone rings. It is Minnie. Dr. Blondie, man of deep running passions, says he’ll take the call. Gavi has her deer in the headlights look.

NOW THEN….my digital cable signal was lost….
But wait, I’ve got analog back up on VCR, but no closed captions…

So here goes….looks like Blondie tells Minnie he is well aware of the shunning and he supports it..

The End

Looks like tomorrow SanWanna tracks Hil down…wearing a red dress (SanWanna, not Hil)
PS..I just want to say a shout out to the land of hair extensions, cause my Gawd, Minnie your hair has seriously got them goin on.


Amar #44 Monday 9/17/07 In which Amar sin Limites turns into a James Bond movie--but not like the old ones with Sean Connery

This episode was a bit too intrigue-filled for my taste. It smacked of my least favorite movie of last year: Casino Royale. I know most people loved it, but I actually walked out halfway through. After a certain point, I just couldn't follow the plot twists and didn't care. Amar is beginning to feel like that. Discuss!

After a reprise of the scene in which Andres bids farewell to Leo, Azul meets up with GSD. She is happy for him in his new relationship, it seems. He wants to know what's up with Diego. It's not easy, as she thinks he loves someone else. Dad advises her to fight for her love. Love is always a struggle.

Ivan finds Eva looking out over the scenery. She is annoyed by his interruption, but he has important info. He says he found microphones. I'm really not sure what's up with the microphones. Later, I think he says he planted microphones. I really think they are all bugging each other. In any event, Ivan apparently has some recorded voices that will be useful.

Phone call: it's Boris, who we see is just a hand waving and hear a loud voice. He wants her back in Prague immediately--and she must bring Diego with him.
Eva doesn't want to bring Diego, as she fears Boris will kill him. Ivan begs her not to disobey Boris. It's all Burgay's fault, she says, so she's going to bring Burgay instead. Ivan planted more microphones, and she calls him a wizard. They have recorded some things that they are going to use in some way I am not sure of.

Eva calls Diego on the phone and tells him he's not going to Germany and she is leaving. She is crying a river. Thankfully her raccoon makeup doesn't run too badly. Diego runs to the hotel to look for her, but she's not there. She says I love you, Diego, to her phone.

Diego, now free of the dragon lady, immediately goes to Azul's place. He tries to explain how he is amarrado (tied down) by his contract and agarrado (trapped). I like how those two similar words are only different by one letter!

Eva and Ivan are sitting in the front two seats of a private jet while Burgay dozes in the back. Eva and Ivan work on editing a recording of Diego on some sophisticated software on their laptop. I really cannot understand what they are trying to do, but they are very proud of themselves. I also can't understand why they aren't worried about Burgay overhearing what they are saying, as he is sitting a mere five feet away.

Back to Diego and Azul.

Then Burgay wakes up and asks there they are going. Boris wanted Diego, but he's getting Burgay.

Azul and Ceci now rehash the meeting with Diego. Azul says Diego told her Eva was leaving, maybe forever. They are trying to figure out a way for him to get out of his contract.

Someone calls Ceci. Is it Andres or Arnaldo? I really don't know. She talks about how she is going to serve cafe in the new store.

Piero drops by at casa Moran. He offers pop a job for 40K pesos a month. Pop is flabbergasted, as his previous salary was 8K pesos a month. Yeah, another credulity problem. These guys with no schooling or skills think it makes sense that people offer to multiply their salaries times five? Piero justifies it because now they are going to be family.

Mo and Leo argue over the departure of Andres. Mo seems to think Andres will be coming crawling back, no problem.

Manuel and Clemencia discuss the job offer. To his credit, Manuel says he doesn't trust Piero. Lidia comes in and finds out she just missed her wonderful fiance. She is kind of horrified that her father will be working with hubby-to-be.

Ceci and the boys get ready to open the new store. She totters around in some high heels and can't learn to walk in them properly.

Diego goes to Mansion Mo and encounters Leo. He wants to see Mo, but he has to wait. GSD comes in. GSD and Diego now seem to form an alliance.

Meanwhile, Mo is wondering what is going on. He has been calling Burgay all day and getting no answer. Call me immediately, he screams to the voice mail for the umpteenth time.

Diego and GSD confront Mo. They want to know what GSD is working on once and for all. Mo pulls rank, but, if I understand this correctly, Diego pulls a higher rank--his association with Eva. When she comes back . . .. Mo looks surprised--oh, you didn't know she left? She told me she's never coming back. This part made no sense to me. If she's not coming back, why did he says she was returning, except to fool Mo, I guess.

Mo asked if she went alone. No Ivan was with her. No, he didn't mean that--Ivan is always with her. He wants to know if Burgay went. Diego doesn't know. No wonder Burgay didn't answer. Mo asks Diego if Diego thinks he's an idiot. She would have told him if she had decided to leave. No, she only spoke to me of ending my contract. If this isn't true, says Mo, Diego will pay dearly. It seems they are bluffing each other with the gaps in their knowledge is the best I can make of this exchange--anyone else?

GSD says he wants to talk to Eva too. He wants to resign and he has had enough of this secret project. He wants to know what it's all about. He gives Mo 24 hours or he's going to go to the secretary of health. Mo blows his stack.

They leave, and Mo punches some numbers on the phone angrily. He asks for Licenciado Perez Castelar, whoever that is. He needs to know if Eva and Burgay are in Berlin--pronto.

Cut to a scene setter labeled Prague.
Boris's hand is waving. He wants to know where is the man he asked for--Diego. He orders Burgay and Ivan from the room. Eva says Diego couldn't leave Mexico because he is on an important mission. (I think he also didn't have a passport, no?) Boris says that's nonsense and points a gun at her! He's going to kill her, Ivan and her love, but first he'll give her an opportunity to explain. She calls his bluff. She knows he really isn't going to kill her because if he were, he wouldn't have given her a chance to explain. He didn't give her mother a chance to explain when he killed her in right in front of Eva's eyes! This is a bad dude!

Ah, she is right. He isn't going to kill her right away, but he was about to do it. If this doesn't work out right, next time he won't excuse her. (I just didn't understand this part of the speech. Does anyone?) She pushes a box toward him. Ah, marvelous woman, he says. Tell me all.

Now Diego and GSD are best pals. They drive away in the Mustang with the top down. Diego is saying that he had his suspicions about Mo but he really got a bad feeling when Mo became so interested in him.
GSD says Mo is a dark secretive guy, and although he seems nice, look how I always felt that he wasn't the right guy for Azul. And I am? Diego asks hopefully. Well, I'm not sure, says GSD, but at least you don't give me a bad feeling.

GSD wants to know more about the project. There's an intringulis, or ulterior motive, he thinks. He asks Diego to go for a drink to discuss things.

Ceci and Arnaldo rehash the Andres situation. She is crying. She says Leo is like a prison guard. She doesn't know why, but she hates her. Arnaldo thinks they have to respect their strange relationship. If he only knew. . .

Back to our new BFF's: GSD and Diego. Mansion Mo is really strange, they agree. GSD wants to enlist Diego's help in getting something out of the lab without Mo knowing. The problem is the sample has to stay sterile and very cold. He is somehow going to put some samples on ice and wants Diego to help him by putting an ice chest in the car. Diego agrees. GSD is impressed: now he knows why his daughter is in love with Diego. I'm still not clear how they will get the sample past the security.

Mo and that guy in a gray suit (the Licenciado?) try to figure out what's going on. Whenever Lic. has talked to the big guns, he has not been able to get much info about Eva and Burgay.

Eva continues her meeting with Boris's hand. This part was very difficult to understand, even though I tried watching it more than once. Boris wants to know how they can be sure Mo isn't going to betray them. Because Mo wants to control the science project. Boris tells her she must be tough. She can't just ask for allegiance, she must demand it. She says Mo wants to dominate them with the info. Hasn't Burgay pressured him? She thinks Burgay and Mo are plotting against them.

Boris says he put her in charge because she's not like other women, and now she's turning out to be a sap too, is the gist of this. He never knew another woman who had the entereza, strength, that she has.

Now, tell him about this Diego. She says she has a recording of Diego and the woman he loves. She doesn't know this woman, she says, but they arranged the conversation so it sounds like Diego is involved with them. She thought to lie to him, even though she knew he would kill her. Does anyone understand this? It's so darn convoluted: She loves Diego, so she wants to protect him by keeping him away from Boris and by faking some speech to make him sound loyal to the organization. However, unless I'm crazy, she actually told Boris all that. Again, Boris is some bad dude.

Why does she love Diego? Because he is good, and simple, and pure. Puh-leeze, says Boris. Everyone is evil, and ugly. Not Diego, and not her mother, she says. Anyway, don't worry. She thinks Mo will fire Diego, and he'll be out of the way. All will go as they planned. Boris doesn't believe it. He never thought a woman like her would lose her juicio, or judgment. My DVR cuts off here.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Acorralada #172 Monday 9/17/07

Gaby is surprised by Larry's phone call, and heartbroken when he tells her that they have nothing to talk about and practically hangs up on her. After this she flashes back on their weekend on the deserted island and we're treated to some nice shots of Larry the hunk.

Fedora and Roddy take Sharon car shopping, where she's as obnoxious as always, talking about how money's no object, right? She can have whatever car she wants? Roddy tells her that it's Fedora's gift, so Sharon lays it on thick with "Fedora's the best - I love you I adore you!" Yuck. She finds the car she wants - some kind of lime green Dodge Hemi - and says she wants it in blue. Fedora says, blue, not white? To which Sharon responds "just cuz you're paying, doesn't mean you get to pick the color!" What a witch!

Isabel calls Octavia to let her know that she's found the spider, and then swings by Casa Irazabel to deliver the fuzzy little creature. She has Octavia convinced that one bite from this spider will paralyze Fedora forever!

Marcela has left Max a "dear John" letter, telling him that he's now free to be with Diana now, and he shouldn't come looking for her, because he won't find her. Max is impactado, Octavia is thrilled. Marcela has made arrangements for her and Mercedes to live in the apartement in the basement of Cuban John's supermarket. After talking to John, she heads to TeleMiami hospital so that she can be there when the bandages are removed from Mercedes. The scene is an exact duplicate of the Max's bandage removal scene -- open your eyes, SLOWLY. Don't you wonder what will happen if she opens them REALLY fast? Of course the surgery is a huge success and Mercedes' vision is fully restored!

Isabel and Iggy are digging through a dumpster that appears to be filled with clean kitchen utensils and framed prints. I'm not sure what they're looking for, but it's one of the cleanest dumpsters I've ever seen. They're discussing the lifelong feud between Octavia and Fedora, while Iggy thinks to himself that his downfall is all Diana's fault.

Marfil tells Pedro that she needs 3 or 4 credit cards in her name, and has he made an appt with a lawyer yet? He's fine with the credit cards, but he's dragging his heels on modifying the will. When he asks if he can kiss her, she's disgusted - saying that he smells like a pipe. I think Pedro is realizing that he's been conned.

Diana, who's still hanging out in Leonardo's office like she owns the place, tells Dulce about how much happier she and Gaby were when they were poor and their only excitement was going to a movie on Saturdays...

Gaby overhears a conversation between Sharon and Kike, where she agrees to sneak out her window so that she can get with him tonight. Gaby tells Fedora and Diana, but Fedora doesn't want to tell Roddy about it, but agrees that she needs to have a chat with miss Sharon. Speaking of chats, when she goes into Sharon's office she searches her laptop and reads some chats between Sharon and Kike and sees all of the awful things she says about Fedora. She tells Sharon that she's going to print the chats and show them to Roddy. Chucky goes up behind her and picks up a heavy marble pillar and tells her that she's about to see why Gaby calls her Chucky as she knocks Fedora in the back of the head with it! Fedora falls over onto the desk (strange how there's no blood) and Chucky realizes that she's finally free of Fedora! Forever!


9/14 Juan Q. Where PIG is the main dish (we are not talking about the animal) and Juan's dreams might become a reality

Pastor is asking Julia for Yvonne, Julia says that she’s been trying to call her but doesn’t know where she is. Julia wants to know what is happening. Pastor says that Yvonne condemned herself

CL arrives to the apartment and finds Yvonne crying. Monica looks sternly at him. CL tries to apologize. Monica tells CL she wants to talk to him alone. They walk into the room and CL tells Monica that whatever Yvonne told her is not true. Monica is very upset, how could he fire Yvonne like that! She’s been a good secretary. CL realizes Yvonne hasn’t said anything, and improvises. He says he fired Yvonne because it is very difficult to work with her. Monica makes him promise he’ll rehire Yvonne. CL accepts. Monica goes to where Yvonne is to give her the good news. Yvonne is delighted and very “grateful” to Monica. CL looks like he ate something rotten.

Yvonne leaves the apartment and finds Fernando outside. Fernando wants to know what happened. Yvonne tells him she recovered her job –Soltaste la sopa? (Lit. Did you let the soup out) did you spill the beans? –No, but I gave him a good scare. Since you did not want to bring me, why don’t you take me home? –Do you want me to take you to your house? –No let’s go to your apartment --I don’t want to be your consolation price –Fernando, “no te pongas tus moños” Don’t be picky, you always end up doing whatever I want.

Ana and Juan are talking and waiting for Paula. Ana goes upstairs to se why Paula is not coming down. Juan has one of his famous colored daydreams. In his day dream Paula is the perfect wife taking Juan shoes and massaging his feet while his “mother in law” gives him some food. He thinks to himself that he would never leave his mother in law. He likes to take care of both of them. In the mean time Ana went into Paula’s room. Paula looks beautiful in that red dress. Ana agrees with me and asks Paula if maybe perhaps by any chance Paula is overdoing it. Paula asks if she looks bad. On the contraire, you look too beautiful –That is the general idea. –Why are you doing this? --I want to cause a good impression. –Be careful, think on what your are doing, you may hurt somebody that “no tiene ni vela en este entierro” (somebody innocent. Lit. somebody without a candle in this funeral) like Monica –I promised I won’t hurt her. –ok, just stop being resentful and don’t “alborotes el gallinero” (Make things worse. Lit. fright the henhouse)

In the mean time at the apartment, CL is resting on bed and looks really bad. Monica is trying to cheer him up. –It is going to be fun –That depends in your concept of “fun”; did you know that for the Romans, fun was to watch the lions eat the slaves? –You are acting like a spoil brat. –I’m feeling really sick to my stomach. –You better get well, because this time I won’t believe your act.

At Ana’s house, Paula is finally coming down the stairs. Juan can’t believe his eyes. –I had to make a superhuman effort to not fall down butt first (no irme de nachas al piso) and to keep my big mouth shut. –Are you ok Juan? --No, no I’m ok, please forgive me but you took my breath away –Thank you Juan, but I think you are exaggerating. – No, the one that is exaggerating is you, you look Chula de bonita (gorgeous. Lit chula and bonita mean beautiful) –Thank you Juan, but we have to leave. –Usted dice rana y yo salto (I’m ready for whatever you need. Lit. You call frog and I jump) As they are leaving Ana approaches Juan and asks her not to leave Paula alone, not even for a second. Juan reminds her that he is not invited to the dinner. Ana replies that she wants him to wait for her in the car. Juan says that he’ll do it, and won’t leave. Ana thanks Juan.

At the Cachon residence, Alirio and Ladies are sitting at the table. Alirio prepared dinner “Estofado con carne” (I’ve made estofado, and I can tell you is kind of hard to cook and needs a lot of ingredients… as of matter of fact I think that that is why my husband is a better cook that me, he knows how to prepare food in a blink of an eye. In my case I learned how to cook at the feet of my grandmother, and she started to cook at 1:00 pm to have dinner ready by 6:00 pm and all her recipes were very complicated. Did you know that a good “Mole” takes about three days to be ready? ... but I digress) The Cachon Ladies taste the food and declare it uneatable. Alirio can’t believe such ignorance. He says that you need to have a refined palate to appreciate his food. Nidia says that you also need to have a strong stomach. Nidia and the girls decide to order pizza. Marely notices that Juan is not at dinner. Nidia says that Juan might be coming soon enough.

Juan is driving Paula to the dinner of doom. He is looking to her thru the rear mirror. He thinks that she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world and that she causes conflicting feeling inside of him. They arrive to the apartment and Paula dismisses him. Juan says he won’t leave. She says that at least he should go eat dinner, he doesn’t budge. She finally accepts for him to wait for her but with one condition; he should pray for her. He says he will. She kisses him on the check, and he pledges never to wash his check ever again.

Paula rings the bell, CL answers the door. He wants to talk to her –I want to talk to you before mm… (He was going to say my wife)… I mean you are going to hear thinks that I don’t want you to misinterpret. –Are you scared licenciado? You should calm yourself; I just came to a business dinner. Monica comes and compliments Paula, Paula returns the compliment. –Has CL offered you anything to drink? –No I was showing her the apartment. –It is beautiful; it’s been decorated with really good taste. –I did not do it; it was CL who decorated it. –Well done Licenciado.

At the Cachon residence, Alirio is telling Nidia that he wants to buy a car. –A car? –For the girls, that way they wouldn’t have to take the bus. This is the first time I see Yadira agree with Alirio. –Yes mom, please. –No I think that this way I have more control over you. Marely, ever the nice daughter, agrees with her mother and says that she’ll buy a car when she saves enough money. Nidia says that Yadira should learn from her sister (Way to go Nidia, this is the best way to promote sibling rivalry) Nidia also wants to know how is Yadira doing at school. She is sure Yadira has failed a lot of her classes (I did not know Yadira was going to school!) –I am not good at school, besides you have a lot of money, I don’t have the need to work. –In this house everybody needs to cooperate, therefore if you want a car you need to study or work. Free, nothing!

Paula what do you want to drink? Vodka, wine? –Wine please. –And you my love, what do you want? (Paula mouths the word Love? To CL) CL squirms (I love to see CL squirm) –I can’t accompany you to drink, the doctor said I could not drink alcohol. –Yes it is better if you take care of yourself. –With the care of my husband will be enough. CL empties his cup, and asks for more. Monica is surprised. We go to commercials.

Back at the Cachon residence, Alirio and Nidia are in their room. Yadira and Marely are listening at the door. Yadira is complaining that Alirio makes to much noise. Marely says that since they are technically in their honey moon, they (the girls) should leave them alone, Alirio and Nidia have the right to do whatever they are doing in there. Yadira pictures this in her mind and says “que asco” disgusting.

Marely is now in her room, the phone rings, and she hesitates to answers. It’s Juan. –What happened to you, Juan? You did not come to dinner. – I’m sorry “se me fue el santo al cielo” time flew by and I did not realized it (Lit. the saint left me and went to heaven. I know it doesn’t make much sense, but I think this expression was used to denote that time flew by because when you are watching a heavenly vision you lose the sense of time. I don’t know, maybe?) I’m sorry; please forgive me, but its better to call late that never right? –Yes of course, where are you? –I’m waiting for la licenciada, because I’m going to take her to her house. Marely gets really mad. –You can take as long as you want, I don’t care and you don’t have to explain anything to me, you are old enough to do whatever you want!! -- Ah caray, ah caray, did you eat scorpions for dinner? –No, but I can’t stand that you are taking care of Paula at all hours. –Marelita, I’m just being nice to her that’s all. –Well, I wish you good luck, bye. Marely hangs up angrily, and leaves Juan wondering what went wrong.

Inside the apartment CL is offering Paula more wine. Paula is wondering if maybe CL wants to get her drunk. CL denies this. Paula says that maybe it would be good for her to be drunk, that way she would have the strength to tell Monica everything about their relationship. CL decides is better for her not to drink more. Monica brings the main dish, Pig. Paula says that PIG (she is looking at CL) is very appropriate. Monica says that Pig is CL’s favorite. She calls CL my life. Paula excuses herself to go to the bathroom. As soon as she leaves Monica comments that Paula looks like she is suffering and if she has the chance, she’ll ask her. CL says that Monica is too nosy.

In the mean time Paula is in the bathroom. She is calming herself; she thinks she won’t be able to keep up the farce. In the car we see Juan praying for her, he wishes he could go in the apartment and rescue his Palomita.

Paula goes back into the dinning room. Monica makes small talk while they eat. –Did you live a long time outside the country? --Yes, they were very happy years, I can’t complain. –I imagine that your return must have been traumatic; it must be hard to come back and find everything the same. Yes, you imagine that you are going to find support, somebody that can honestly give you his company, but that is not true. Monica wants to know if she has a boyfriend. CL is very uncomfortable with this question. He says that maybe Paula doesn’t want to talk about her personal life. Paula enjoys seeing him suffering and says not at all she is ok talking about her personal life. Maybe it bothers him? Monica says not to listen to him.—I bet you that he wants to know if you have a boyfriend. –No, I don’t have a boyfriend. –That is hard to believe a beautiful woman such yourself, and no boyfriend? –I had a traumatic relationship with a worthless man that left me very hurt, she confesses. –I’m sorry to tell you this, but you show it. –Monica! –Don’t worry Don CL, I had the bad luck to fall in love with the wrong man, he was a liar, he swore to me that he loved me and that he did not have any other relationship, but he lied. He was married. He had everything; money, a great company, a good wife, health, everything but honesty –No, no, I can’t believe it, and who is this monster? CL looks pleadingly at Paula, while shaking his head no.

Monica tries to make Paula feel better, she tells her that not all men are the same –Look at me for example, I got the best of all. –Yes he has great qualities... the day that I fall in love again I’m going to do it with a man that would value me, and that would treat me like a person. –But we have been talking a lot about me, what about you; you look like you have a great marriage. –Yes, you could say that, we have had 7 years of good marriage, with ups and downs like everybody else. We have been very happy, I can’t complain, I have been very happy…and you my love? –Yes… very happy

In the car Juan is having one of his dreams. I think the writers read Caray, caray and know that we are craving for an epic novela, and they are trying to give us a little taste of it. Every body is dress a la amor real. CL and Juan are having a duel. CL’s second is Alirio. Alirio tells CL to aim to the heart since it is Juan’s week spot.

Back in the apartment, Monica is talking to Paula –Every day I get convinced that I’m a very fortunate woman, because I found CL, he is the best that could have happened to me. There are not many men like him. –I can only imagine… I have to go. –No Paula, stay, I want to talk to you. –I’m sorry I’m not feeling well; perhaps I shouldn’t have talked about my personal life. –I understand, don’t worry, I just want to thank you for staying with me in the hospital, it was a very hard time for me. CL, can you take Paula to her house? –No, Juan is waiting for me downstairs.

In the car the dream continues. CL and Juan aim and shoot. They end up killing each other. The Cachon Ladies cry and try to help Juan. Alirio steals CL’s wallet.

Paula and CL are fighting. CL says something about fixing things. Paula is beside herself with rage. She can’t believe it! She tells him that he doesn’t deserve the wife he has, because she is a victim just like herself. –If you don’t leave me alone I’ll go upstairs and I’ll tell your wife that you are the man that broke my heart. –You can yell all you want, but remember that you love me and I love you more that anything in this world. Paula slaps CL. –That is for me and for Monica. Paula runs to the car. Juan is still sleeping Paula tries to wake him up and touches his shoulder. Juan half sleep, takes her hand and starts kissing it –My love I’m here I’m not going to let him hurt you; I’ll take care of you. Paula starts crying. Juan wakes up and is ashamed because he was sleeping. –Please take me away form here. Take me to whatever place you want, but take me now. CL went back to the apartment. Monica is badmouthing the man that broke Paula’s heart. CL says that they shouldn’t judge without listening to the other side of the story (Ed note: ¡que asco de hombre!) –What could justify a lie like that? –I don’t know, all I know is that you are going all feminist on me, just like Paula, things are never just white or black –Is Paula a feminist? –I don’t really know, but just listening to her… --I’m sorry, but I don’t see anything wrong in defending yourself from somebody like that guy. I also, could never forget a betrayal like that, because a betrayal of love is the worst of all.

In the car Juan is feeling bad for Paula; he asks her if she is ok. She says she is fine. He wants to know if there is something that he could do for her. Paula is touched and starts crying. They arrive to Ana’s house, Paula asks Juan for forgiveness for the night he had to pass waiting for her. He says it was an honor to wait for her. She starts crying again and asks for a last favor –Please take me away from here. Take me whatever place you want.

On Monday is Juan dreaming again?


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Amar Friday - My DVR is dead

I feel like the kid who uses the 'Dog ate my homework' excuse too much, but it is true. This morning my DVR gave me a message that said "DVR service unavailable" and the cable company said it is likely that my machine is screwed. So once again my recap is screwed as well. Any help would be appreciated, the tech isn't coming until Tuesday morning.

Edit - reader Jestena came through in a big way with a quite detailed off the cuff recap -

jestena said...

O.K. Folks, I'll give a try to filling in what happened on Friday.

Meeting at Mo's Mansion at High Noon with Eva, Burgay, Mo, Ivan, Diego & Azul. The topic of the meeting is why Azul & Diego want to jump ship. Burgay asks if they have gotten a better office elsewhere. Diego blurts out that he's grateful for everything the evil trio has done for him but feels there are many strange and suspicious goings on in this company. Just then he gets a phone call from Efraim who, per the bribe/threat from Ivan, tells Diego that guess what? The person he got Ivan confused with is in his garage right at that moment. So, it was all just a big mistake. Diego looks baffled and unsure, but he returns to the meeting to say that he will not be resigning after all, as he thinks everything can be cleared up. Azul sticks to her guns and walks out, saying that Mo would not dare make her fulfill her contract. What Mo is she thinking of? Burgay & Eva tell Diego they have plans for him to go to Germany so they want him to take an intensive course in...English. Who knows? He's not happy about having to work in Germany as he does not want to leave his family. It may be that Eva is just testing him. As the meeting winds down, Silvana arrives for her interrogation, I mean, visit with the Moppet. Eva sees her there and demands to know if she is there hoping to see Diego. Eva then goes back to speak to Mo and tells him she knows that someone tried to kill him. She won't tell him how she found out, but she says Mo knows who did it and why. He really doesn't know yet, but Eva suddenly starts talking pointedly about Silvana and how very sad she is. Hint. Hint. She then walks out. After Silvana goes up to the Moppet's room, Mo. tells Leo to keep an eye on her.

Azul goes to the lab to tell her father she quit but the guard refuses to let her in and Mo won't intervene. Azul goes to see Emilia to tell her what's going on and also that she is angry at Diego for not fighting for their love by qitting with her. She fears that Eva is taking him away from her. She then refuses to take Diego's calls for the rest of this episode. And yes, she is at her mopiest today.

Diego goes to see his parents to tell them he may have to go to Germany, Papa and Mama are canoodling on the couch, so I guess all is forgiven. They tell Diego of Lidia's wedding plans and he jumps for joy, thinking that Paco has returned. He is dumbfounded and not happy to find out who the groom is and that the nuptials are so soon and asks if Lidia is pregnant. Good qestion, under the circumstances.

Andres and I ..I mean Ceci are having a meal in a "nice" restaurant and Ceci while liking the restaurant coquettishly tells Andres she would have preferred to stay at home since they were alone as she had been hoping to do "something else" that night. Our boy then says, "but we do have to go out once in a while". I'm with Ceci. The restaurant's not going anywhere, what's the rush? She then asks him about his back, which he claims is almost all healed. He repeats the story of the vines scratching him and changes the subject. He tells her of how he met Mo and how Mo helped him and Tia Leo when they were penniless and now they live as one happy family. Ceci isn't buying that and asks why he allows Mo to mistreat him and Tia Leo to "dominate" him. That's the word she used, I swear. Ceci then asks how Leo's husband died. Andres is so startled by the question he spills his wine all over the table. Ceci stares at him strangely.

GSSD is at Emilia's apartment having wine. She blabs about how Azul quit and wasn't allowed to come to speak to him at the lab. They talk about his work and he says he believes he has made a major discovery regarding the toxin, and hopes all of this will benefit humanity. Not with that crew he's working with. Emilia then says enough already with the work talk, let's adjourn to the bedroom. GSSD smiles rougishly and says, "to rest, right?" Ha ha.

Favio tells Silvana he'll always be there for her in her quest to find out the true story of Mo and her son's death but warns her not to expose herself to danger at Mo's house.

Diego goes to Efraim's house to try to shake his story about confusing Ivan with someone else. Efraim sticks to his story but is visibly upset. He claims that the person at his garage is a karate expert and that's why he knew the KGB manuever that Ivan also used on Diego's neck. just a coincidence. Later when Gaspar comes home, Efraim nervously asks him if he knows Eva's bodyguard but he won't explain why. Gaspar is puzzled about why Efraim is so upset.

Ceci goes to the boutique and winds up getting a job there from Julio as a hostess. Arnaldo isn't sure she is chic enough to work there at which point she impishly disses Arnaldo's cowboy boots and goes off with Julio to select some fancy gear.

Piero comes to Mo's house to get an advance of money to oover the wedding expenses. Mo is very pleased with his progress and gives him a big check to cover setting up a dummy construction company. Turns out Piero has some issues with immmigration and with his credentials as an archchitect, but Mo can help him with all this as long as he marries Lidia so he can insure that Diego can never quit. Piero offers to throw Diego's father into the mix too as he needs work and maybe could be more leverage for Mo. Mo likes this idea but warns Piero not to let the family know that Piero works for Mo. Here is where I was confused as it seemed to me that Piero said he is not married to Lucia and the little girl is not his. That's what it sounded like he said. I need help with that.

Final scene: Andres has a suitcase and is preparing to leave Mo's house. Leo is begging him not to go and also warning him that he and Ceci will pay, as she knows he wants to be with Ceci. He admits that he loves Ceci but is not sure of her feelings for him. Really? Leo says, "you're leaving me to go with her without knowing her feeling? What's up with that?" She then says she always knew this day would come but not so soon. Andres says that it's been like 13 years! He swears his undying love for her and says she'll always be his top woman and hasn't he proven it by saving her life? I guess he means by killing her husband. She says, oh that, that's nothing, you hated him anyway. She ends by saying that she'll totally die if he leaves her as she can't live without him. He takes her in his manly arms and she clings tearfully to him. I'd have played that part for free, Univision.

Thank you Jestena!


EL GRITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VIVA MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry, in the moment I didn't have time to post an explanation for those of you unfamiliar, so here is a really nice balanced (I think) excerpt that describes the significance of el Grito and independencia for the Mexican People.

We in the US, like them, or they like us, were colonized under Eurpoean rule, and so both of our countries share that revolucionary pride. I, for one, salute all the visionaries who had the courage and fortitude to stand up against imposed governments and to take measures to determine their own destiny, even dying for their causes.

For all of them, VIVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Destilando Amor, 09/14/07: Pow Wow at Pilar's

Aaron warns his barren bitcher, Minerva, that there's only a little while left till his granddad's letter is opened and she needs to get pregnant or he'll find another bitchin' babe to produce one for him instead! In fact, scratch that! At the family meeting they'll tell everyone they're expecting again and he'll worry about the details later, he says, and goes back to sleep.

It is sunrise on the sandy soil of Montalveña once more. Sofia goes in to wake up sissy-in-law, Isadora, for the plane trip to Mexico City.

Speaking of bitchin' babes, Isa is pretty pasted after a late night's feral fornicatin' with Frankie on the farina bags. Sofia complains that her Frog Prince came home late again last night and is even more dead to the world than Isa is. Isa slyly smiles to herself and savors the memory of savage sex in the storehouse with Sofia's now snoring spouse. (Cut the girl a little slack. We all know she hadn't been gettin' any since last Christmas and now that her figure is back.....)

Isa, still dressed in her teddy-wear and showing a true lack of class, follows Sofia into their bedroom while Frankie is being prodded awake. Frankie says he's got pesticide spraying to oversee and will have to fly in later to the D.F. and then goes into the bathroom to shower and shave.
Sofia picks up Frankie's pile of clothes from the night before and remarks to Isa how filthy they look, and then sees his buttons are all ripped off his shirt. Jealousy overtakes Missus Priss and she complains that Frankie must have been doing the nasty with some slut. Isa says he'd be incapable of that and more than likely it was a bar-room brawl.

Frankie looks himself over in the mirror and sees he's got two big hickeys on his neck. He is all smiles and probably wondering if he remembers where Sofia unpacked his ascots.

Gavi receives the seagull painting from Rodrigo and reads the romantic inscription on the card:

"Gaviota, if it is true that I am the only man in your life then hang
this painting in your office. It represents our essence, and every
time you reflect on it, be certain that I'll be thinking of you.
-- Love, Rodrigo"

She and Nancy decide to hang it up immediately over the wall behind her desk.

Sofia calls Rodrigo to find out if he knows why Pilar called for the family dinner. He has no clue and says wait till she gets there. She also puts in a word for Isa and suggests she deserves a "hearing" of some sort. He says he'll talk with Isa afterward and hangs up. Isa comes downstairs and asks what he said about her, but Sofia says only that he'll discuss things with her afterwards. He didn't even complain to Sofia and she at least thought he would gripe a little, but not a word. Isa gets nervous.

Back in Mexico City, Alonso comes in late to work after having been to the lab for some medical tests. While Gavi is gone to get him a little breakfast he notices the painting. Nancy glances over from the doorway and sees him read the note that Rod sent with it.

Over at Montalvo Corp. Margarita comes in with the first formally packaged bottle of Ardent Passion tequila and she asks Rod about the lips on the label. Dani walks in just then and explains they're her pal, Mariana Franco's. She leaves to have the bottle of tequila delivered to Gavi at the CRT with his card.

Dani starts to tell Rod about Avellaneda's visit to Grammy's house the night before and the reason.

At the CRT another package arrives for Gavi. This time it's a beautiful set of little tequila vials in book form. She reads the passionate declaration on the card:

"Few times has giving a book about tequila meant so much to me.
Through it you'll discover the poetry of tequila. I know that you'll enjoy
it and I hope it will become one of your favorites. The reading is so
pleasant that one can only compare it to the delight one gets from the
flavor of a good tequila. I wish that through these aromas you perceive
the relationship that exists so closely between tequila and love.

Gavi is one impactada Gal Friday, cuz it's crystal clear the type of burning passion cool Alonso is capable of and has kept hidden from her until now. (SSSSSSSteamy!!)

Rod tells Dani that even though Gavi took the delayed divorce in stride, she put all sorts of restrictive conditions on their relationship for the duration: bottom line -- no romantic encounters and no mixing in her work relationship with her boss as long as he stays with his wife. Dani laughs and asks if he was expecting a sea of tears since he's lucky she didn't just tell him to go to Hell and never darken her door again.

Rod admits it would have been nice to have Gavi grieve a bit, but what really aggravates the bejesus outta him is that Professor Wonderful will have her to himself 12 hours a day and cannot help but eventually succeed in winning her affections. Amorous Alonso will have 1080 hours' worth of advantage to woo her while he will be restricted to "Hi 'n G'bye" which equates to 1076 hours of pure risk for him over these next 90 days. (Maybe that's why they call it penance, Burly Bear.)

Back at the CRT Gavi thanks Alonso for the book he sent and he tells her it was nothing, that it is just his way of doing things and he hopes it's useful to her. He smiles and asks her before she leaves to start putting flowers in his office again; as long as she waters and sings to them he knows it cannot turn into an abandoned tomb.

Nancy tells Gavi that while she was in talking to Dr. S., Rod called to see how she liked the painting and that their boss read the note that Rod sent with it. Gavi tells Nancy that it was Dr. S. and not Rod who sent the second gift. Nancy says it looks like the two guys may end up punching each other out over her.

Back in the middle of the Montalvo mescal, Frankie tells the farmhands to stop mixing the copper sulfate since he's got his own consultant, Basilio, who is an agricultural advisor in the area and who will be in charge of mixing it. He makes a big show of wanting to be exact about the pesticide formulation to ensure nothing happens to the crop. However, Basilio should be wearing a black hat instead of a white one cuz he's going to be diluting it for Frankie and keeping it quiet from the Montalvo's.

Videgaray, loyal legal eagle turned legal beagle, returns with the bank information about Ricardo Duarte that Rod wanted investigated. He reports that the bank would authorize the loan guarantee for Ricardo, but it's only a verbal agreement, never put into writing. The banker would give his pal, Ricardo, the loan but only if he fails to pay off the debt in three months when it's finally due. That, Videgaray says, is possibly Rod's last resort, his only means of salvation. But then, they have to trust they can keep things on an even keel until then.

Across town Daddy lies to Princesa about being able to pay off his debt to Rod. He explains why she cannot separate from her husband now: that if she would divorce Rod he'd no longer have any moral obligation to repay his loan and Rod would have to come up with it all. The creditors would fall all over Daddy, and they'd take all the hacienda's profits for the next year and would seize ownership of the plantation and all family bank accounts till the debt was paid in full. Of course that would mean then that he and Mommy Dearest would have to flee the country like a couple of thieves in the night and they'd be penniless. The Montalvo's would not just stand there with their arms crossed, either. They'd exact some kind of vengeance on Princesa and Daddy. (God knows what that means in a country like Mexico.) She tells him that now she understands why Rod seemed so calm and cool about all of this.

Over the phone Fedra and Minnie discuss the situation with Susana and the CRT and Pilar's possible motives for the family dinner that night. Fedra, with another signature eye-roll, tells Minnie to tell Isa not to let the old battle axe intimidate her, that they all will support her in all of it.

Later on, during a rehearsal, Dani makes a call to Gavi and apologizes for her brother's actions the other night. She was only trying to help because it seems every time the two of them get back together somebody or something else manages to separate them. Gavi admits that Rod did act like a rampaging bull and she was forced to race after him to explain that there was absolutely nothing going on between her and her boss, but then afterward he calmed down and became the handsome honey she had fallen in love with early on. She just has one favor to ask and that is for Dani not to try helping her out anymore, please.....

Sofia tries to get Grammy P to spill the beans about the reason for the family dinner, but Grammy won't budge. Finally Pilar gets pestered to the point that she at least admits she is angry at her for being the others' accomplice.

Gavi and Nancy go over the list of invitees for the upcoming tequila gala. Pilar, Dani and Bruno get a check, "yes". Aaron's name comes up then and Gavi admits she's had more than her fill of the guy, and she has no other alternative but to put up with him for the evening. On the other hand, his spider of a wife, Minerva, can spend her evening spinning webs for him at home. Fedra also is x'd off.

Then comes Francisco de la Vega and Sofia next. Gavi says that his name sounds so familiar, but she can't place it. However, he's part of the men so he can come. Again, the wife, Sofia, is blackballed. Rod of course must be there, but Isadora, she says after a look at the painting behind her on the wall, will never set foot in the CRT again while she is still working there.

Nancy warns her that those Montalvo women are crafty and will not take a snub like this sitting down. Gavi's says her patience is exhausted and these women have hounded her, pushed her to the point of starvation and poverty, mopped the floor with her good name and professional reputation and with the exception of Pilar and Dani, are more dangerous than a bag full of poisonous snakes. She tells Nancy to remember that if their schemes had worked, neither of them would still have their jobs now. Just to play it safe, though, she wants Nancy to take the list for a final review to Dr. Santoveñia to get his approval.

Avellaneda comes in afterward and tells Mariana about his visit to Pilar's house the night before and how he gave her the rundown on the escapades of the past few months. He says he knows Pilar to be a woman of principle who will not allow her husband's name to be dragged through the mud this way.

Mariana goes in to Alonso a bit later to explain her reason for refusing to put the Montalvo wives on the guest list. She asks if he wants a harmonious and pleasantly dignified affair or a food fight with the Montalvo women. If he really thinks they should be invited she will organize everything and then leave before it starts. He'll have to be in charge of it for the evening by himself.

Alonso figures Gavi's got a point and, definitely wanting her there and no doubt for personal reasons, he approves the list and says he'll take responsibility for whatever backlash there might be afterward as the music turns menacing and the camera goes into slow-mo.

Rod arrives home that evening and comes upstairs to ask if Isa is ready to leave with him for the meeting at Pilar's. Isa sarcastically asks him what time the lynching takes place and accuses him of enjoying the little trial his grandmother has planned for her. He says she shouldn't go if she doesn't feel like it. The family would understand why she's not able to face them all.

Isa asks why Rod doesn't seem upset and he answers there's no reason since he's used to this from her by now. She and Minnie both, daily, put the family through something major. He's not upset, though, because nothing she's done to harm Mariana Franco has worked. Luck, he snickers, is just not on her side these days.

Isa gets upset with Rod and asks why he doesn't complain. He asks if she means, now, here, kick up a fuss so then he would ask her for a divorce; they would take advantage of the family meeting to have her parents come and all together they could discuss how they've decided to get a divorce? Rod says it's fine if she doesn't go with him; he'll know she wants the divorce and again we've got the perfect Mexican stand off, since Isa is just as obligated to stick around another 90 days in hopes that Daddy gets his loan and frees up Rod's fortune, thus assuring her 50% so she can run off to "Paradise" with freeloading Frankie.

Isa sits on her bed and whines that she wishes she was the hell away from there and never had to see Rodrigo Montalvo's face again.

The family has pretty much all arrived at Pilar's, but she refuses to come down to greet them. Aaron assures Bruno that Agave Turquesa had rebounded and is once again making money. He says he plans to relocate the company's home office there in Mexico again. Rod arrives next and is visibly upset to see Aaron and relays it with one majorly mean scowl. He turns and greets Minnie with a snide remark about not having to ask what she's been doing with herself lately cuz he already knows.

Aaron greets his cousin and tells him he's back on top again and is planning to put his offices in the Montalvo headquarters. He'll show him what making money really is! Rod looks like he's thinking, "In a pig's eye," but instead says politely, "We'll see later on."

Elvis walks over to Rod and asks how he liked the painting and if he has it up at the office. Rod says no, he found a "better place" to keep it, but doesn't get specific. Right then Frankie walks in and Aaron makes an aside to his dad pretty much like "Look what the wind blew in...." (literally, here comes the lint). Frankie greets everyone but Elvis.

The Frog Prince goes to Rod right away and exclaims that he was so diligently overseeing the spraying of pesticides that he nearly missed the flight because of it. Just then Elvis walks over and remarks to Frankie how calloused his hands are looking these days and how his features resemble a farm hand's, toughened from all those long hours in the fields tending so carefully to their little pieces of land.

Of course, the irony and sarcasm are lost on Frankie and the only thing he thinks to say to Rod is something about whether Elvis now owns a piece of the land since he's probably marrying Dani. Rod says no, and next time he sees Elvis, if perhaps Frankie would greet him, then he just might scale back the mocking 'tude. Aaron suggests it's just an example of "black humor" and its double meaning is not lost on Elvis, even if it is on Aaron and Frankie. With a sly look over at Aaron, "You got it, man!" Elvis answers, becoming the second unassuming man of mystery in this story.

Next Elvis walks over to see Li'l Ricky and remarks it's been months, and that he's a handsome kid but still doesn't look a thing like Rodrigo. Rod walks over and frowns, "You think it's too soon for that, maybe?" Elvis says something else just as cheeky about being black, but Isa tells Elvis to can it; and Dani tells Elvis not to pay attention to her because aside from other things, Isa has a rotten sense of humor. Isa shoots dagger looks at her kid sister-in-law. Dani smirks and leaves to get Pilar.

That night at home, Gavi tells her mother about what Avellaneda came to her office to tell her and how he visited Pilar Montalvo to warn her off, and how Alonso was supporting her move to exclude the Montalvo wives from the gala. Clarita, though, gets lost in her own thoughts and remembers her last conversation with Don Amador before he died; and how she took his hand and kissed it as he looked lovingly at her.

Pilar comes down into the living room and talks about the pride she has had in the Montalvo family for 60 years, wearing the name proudly as Amador always won the respect of both worker and dignitary alike through his wisdom and sense of justice. Though her sons and grandsons have continued to act in the same dignified manner, she cannot say that about their wives. Thus she received a visit from Robert Avellaneda the night before, during which he related to her the despicable actions of both Minerva and Isadora and the chaos they were able to cause over at the CRT.

Pilar explains about the subterfuge with Susana, Avellaneda's secretary, and reminds them all that she warned them to leave Mariana Franco alone. However, Avellaneda told her that because of them not only had they almost caused Mariana to lose her job, but also that of her immediate supervisor (not to mention Nancy, the lowly secretary, Pilar), so now she feels shamed because of this visit.

Bruno is beside himself with anger as he listens to the tale his momma has to tell and exclaims --all together now: "No puede ser!" Huff. Puff. "Why, it can't be!"

Pilar continues that Mariana had wanted to resign but that Avellaneda had gone to the officials at the CRT and left it up to them. They came back saying they supported Mariana completely and so she would not be leaving. "So, accept your defeat. This hardworking, simple young woman has won and she did it with all the class and intelligence that you lack."

Pilar continues, "He also came with a warning that you are not to ever attempt anything like this again. If you do, I will not hesitate to act against even my own family."

Finally one of those darned flying anvils has landed on top of Minnie-puss and her posse..........


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