Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Amar Sin Limites Monday January 7: The Moppet and Clemi change their minds

just to torture us all some more.

We start out in Emilia and GSD’s kitchen with GSD blowing smoke at LF and talking over his son-in-law’s apparent decision to shack up with Silvana with his daughter’s death being so soon. LF concurs that it seems wrong. GSD says that the problem is that Silvana is an old friend of Emilia’s and besides, he loves his grand-daughter Caty.

Diego and Clemi are talking to Gloria at the boutique. (What’s the deal with the giant sunglasses indoors? Was the actress in a fight or something?) Diego and Clemi ask Gloria if she knows where Silvana went. Gloria says how is she going to know, better than Diego who is living with her? Diego explains that they had an argument and she left, he can’t find her anywhere and she isn’t answering her cell phone. Gloria says she doesn’t know but she recalls for them the odd conversation she overheard with Silvana on the phone. She said she heard that Silvana had to go to Guadalajara.

In Guadalajara, Silvana has arrived at the hideaway, with Manuel conked out on the couch. Silvana upbraids him for getting drunk and Manuel claims he only had a few drinks. Manuel denies this and Silvana doesn’t listen. She tells him that he upset Azul, that Azul complained that she didn’t want to be under the same roof with a drunk. Manuel half-heartedly defends himself by saying that she’s getting upset over nothing—he got her here, and that’s all that matters. Silvana complains that his help is very expensive and look at what she has to put up with. He could have ruined the whole plan. Manuel complains that she ruined HIS plans. He had to put up with a call from Diego, “the policeman of the family” who chewed him out for missing his date with Lidia, thanks to Silvana not calling her. So that’s why you felt you could mess up? Asks Silvana. She claims that she did call, but too late. (I don’t remember this so I think it’s another lie, a small one among many many big ones.) She winces and says that she had a lot of problems that held her up. Manuel wants to know what. Silvana admits that Diego kicked her out. The only way to get him now is for her to get pregnant with his child. Manuel says,”That’s not going to be easy if you don’t have a way to sleep with him.” Silvana says something about having a way to get a child of Diego into her womb (I couldn’t follow exactly what she says—could use some help). Manuel follows up by saying, now you’re really complicating things. (Vocab alert: he actually says “Meterse en camisa de once varas.” I have no idea what the origin of that one is—Put oneself in a shirt with eleven wands???) Silvana says she doesn’t know, but she’s willing to risk it all (jugar todo por el todo). Manuel says faking a pregnancy is going to be hard. She’s going to have to have a fake belly for starters. Silvana is starting to get annoyed by his questions but Manuel smiles and says that he is the only one who can solve ALL her problems. Silvana doesn’t get it (BUT WE DO) so Manuel explains to her that he’s willing to impregnate her. And his DNA would be similar to Diego’s so there wouldn’t be any risk of a paternity test showing a bad result. Silvana is not THAT crazy and she gets up angry that he would suggest such a thing. Manuel says he’s just being logical. He thinks that this idea makes more sense than stealing Azul’s baby. (GOT A POINT THERE!) Silvana then launches into a discussion about how she wants to give Diego the baby he always wanted, His and Azul’s baby. The plan is that he is going to take care of Azul, take her to the doctor, and after she gives birth, steal the baby. Manuel doesn’t like this plan. “So you want me to steal my grandchild?” Silvana says “yes, so that it can be brought up in YOUR family.” “You’ll do what I order you to!” Manuel says he’s not the guy to be taking care of prissy little pregnant women like Azul. (prissy=mojigatos? I guess he’s talking about her complaining about his drinking). Manuel tells her to find somebody else to be her servant, somebody who can take the fall when it all comes crashing down. Silvana says that’s what she’s going to do. She’s going to find somebody else who doesn’t get drunk and try to take advantage of Azul. Manuel is offended by this And says he’s the one who is sacrificing himself and for so little money.

Back at the boutique, Clemi, Gloria and Diego are still comparing notes. It’s not possible that she’s working. According to Ceci, Silvana broke her contract with the modeling company and they won’t give her any more work. Diego remarks on how loopy she is, that she’s making all these snap decisions. Gloria says she will try to find her, but what’s the urgency? Clemi tells Diego to fess up—maybe Gloria already knows. Diego says “It seems that Silvana is pregnant with my child.” Gloria gets all excited about being a grandmother. Clemi is like, “Yeah, seems that way.” Gloria says it’ll be great for her to have another child, to recover from what happened with Nico. She’s all excited and happy to be co-abuelas with Clemi. Clemi smiles but we can’t really see her expression behind those GIANT GLASSES.

Back in Guadalajara, Silvana is all hugs and smiles for Azulcena. She cheerfully asks how things are. Azulcena tells her, it’s like she told her before. Her “Uncle Manuel” drinks A LOT. Silvana claims that Manuel is really sorry—“It’s because of problems he has with his daughter.”

Azulcena snaps into psychologist mode and tells her that drinking never solves one’s problems. She tells Silvana that she doesn’t want to stay with him. What would happen if she had a problem with the pregnancy and he’s on another bender? Her pregnancy is the most important thing to her at the moment and she doesn’t want Manuel there. Silvana says that she agrees, and for that reason, she’s going to send “Uncle Manuel” back to Mexico City and bring HER MOTHER back to take care of her. Silvana relates that her mother is a wonderful, lively person and she’ll really like her. Azulcena brightens up at this prospect.

Back at the boutique, Gloria is very lively with the news that she’s going to be a grandmother and she’s sharing the news with Chucho. Julio looks up from what he’s doing and asks acidly “And who is the father?” Gloria says, “Who else, Diego!” Chucho and Gloria return to a celebratory cuddle. She jokes that Chucho would make a great granddad but when she goes out with the grandkid, everybody will assume it’s her child! Chucho chuckles at that one.

Silvana is pacing the living room of the hideway. The cell phone rings. It’s Gloria. Silvana remarks that now more than ever she needs her mom. She picks it up. Gloria excitedly answers the phone “Daughter! I know I am going to be a grandmother!” Silvana acts surprised that she knows and tells her not to tell Diego. Gloria says it’s too late. Diego already knows HE TOLD HER. Gloria asks why she didn’t want him to know. Silvana responds because he doesn’t love her and she won’t force him to have a child with her. Gloria is all sunshine—“Why of course he loves you! Who else does he have now that Azul is dead? He loves YOU! And he’s crazy looking for you everwhere. He was even going to call the modeling agencies in Guadelajara. Imagine that!” Silvana is impactada into the commercial break.

We don’t see what happens next because when we come back, Silvana is in the kitchen with Manuel. Silvana explains to Manuel that he’s going back to Mexico City and she’s going to convince her mom to come out to Guadalajara to take care of Azulcena. Manuel burps after drinking a glass of milk and opines that this is a bad idea. He may drink a little too much but her mom is a complete nut. She’s capable of anything. Silvana thinks that she will work for her best interests, much better than Manuel can. Manuel thinks that the more people know her secrets, the more likely that she’ll lose control of the situation. Silvana says, too late. She’s already decided. She starts rummaging around in the kitchen and says that she’s going to get a urine sample from Azul. She wants to prove to Diego that she’s pregnant.

At the boutique, Diego has gotten off the phone with the modeling agenc(ies) in Guadalajara. They had no plans to contract Silvana. Gloria says that she spoke with Silvana and that she went to Guadalajara to have some medical tests done. She said she would call Diego on his cell. Clemi asks if Silvana wasn’t sure about the pregnancy and that is why is had the tests done. Gloria said she thinks that there is no doubt because she confirmed it to her. Gloria gets all excited again and announces again “Silvana’s going to have your baby, Diego!!” Finally she notices that he isn’t in the partying mood and says that Silvana told her that you don’t want the baby. “That’s not true is it?” Diego looks guilty.

Silvana holds out a jar to Azulcena who says “Another test? Why when LF already did all the tests?” Silvana thinks fast and says that since they didn’t stop to bring the results, it would be better to have something to give the doctor so that he can evaluate it. Azulcena agrees and complies.

Next we are in Emilia and GSD’s apartment again, where Ceci, Arnaldo and GSD are all hanging around Emilia’s bed. Ceci has brought a little gift. She heard that Emilia took a bad turn. Emilia relates that fortunately it was only a scare. But to be on the safe side, she is now on bed rest. The gift Ceci brought is a little ball of yarn and some knitting needles so that she can make the baby something and to pass the time. Emilia repeats that she doesn’t want to do that—maybe later. She’s still afraid of losing the baby. Arnie expresses his feeling that the baby will be born just fine. Ceci chimes in that “there’s another baby on the way” GSD jumps up and starts to suggest that maybe she and Arnie?!! Arnie quickly jumps in to say NO NO NO, Julio already told him that Silvana is pregnant with Diego’s baby. GSD is stricken with this idea and comments that Silvana and Diego’s relationship has moved very fast. Ceci argues that Silvana never gave Diego a chance to wait. Emilia psychologizes that this kind of thing often happens. People try to overcome their grief by making new connections. Arnie suggests that maybe this was planned. Diego wanted a baby. Ceci disagrees. Diego wanted a baby with Azul, not with Silvana.

Night falls and Clemi, Anibal and Lidia are all eating dinner. Lidia relates that Tavo is having money troubles and that they may be postponing the wedding. Anibal says that they shouldn’t do that. He and Clemi can cover anything they can’t. Lidia says, that may not be necessary. She’s got a plan to sell plastic surgery insurance policies to patients at the hospital. Clemi insists that she take Anibal up on his offer. Weddings entail a lot of costs, she adds. Anibal asks where they are going to live. Clemi jumps in again to suggest that they live there. “This is your home!” Lidia says that she thought they were going to live in Tavo’s apartment but now maybe he’s going to have to sell it to pay off his debts. Clemi tells her to consider it and also to have a very modest wedding. Lidia says that is what she’s thinking and she is planning to ask Diego if she can have it in his backyard. Clemi says that they should all go over to see him tomorrow, because today she learned, that he’s going to be a Daddy. Both Anibal and Lidia stare at her.
Silvana is already back from Guadalajara and is at Diego’s. Diego’s not happy. He asks her how she could have hidden such important information from him. Silvana has a home pregnancy test box and she announces that in a minute she will give him proof that she’s pregnant. Diego plops heavily in a chair.

Back to dinner time at Clemi, Anibal and Lidia’s. Clemi reiterates that Silvana told her and Katy obliquely that she was pregnant. Later Diego confirmed it. Anibal asks what Diego will do. Lidia rolls her eyes and says knowing her brother, for sure they will makeup and he’ll marry her.

At Diego’s (which is dark, just like the tone of this show at the moment) Silvana comes out of the bathroom holding the pregnancy test. She says yes, it’s our baby! Diego agrees that he always wanted to be a father. In fact, he’s already feeling the love for the baby. She makes him feel her belly (ICK!) and then he says although he’ll always love his child, he can never be with her.

Back to eating—Clemi says that nobody can know what they are going to do, and she wishes that Diego had handled this better. But she hopes that before anything, they take into account the well-being of HER GRANDCHILD! Anibal says he noticed a twinkle in her eyes. (Awwww!) The doorbell rings and interrupts this happy scene. Is it Tavo? NO! It’s Manuel! Lidia tries to slam the door in his face. He asks her to wait and hear him out. She says she already gave him a chance. She says she knows that he was supposed to take Silvana’s car to the shop and instead he went out on the town. Manuel stops her and says No…wait…I was robbed! He swears it. Lidia is skeptical.

Back at Diego’s, Diego is explaining to Silvana that he’ll support the child, economically and “morally.” The child will lack for nothing. But the one thing that won’t be happening is that they will not be living together. Silvana has been tears rolling down her cheeks and raccoon eyes which look even more dramatic in the semi-darkness. Silvana complains that Diego is hurting her and hurting their baby by talking to her this way. Diego says he wants to do what is right but she complains that what he is doing is not right for her or the baby. Diego tries explaining to her that the child will get all his love, when it’s born and will learn that Mom and Dad just can’t live together. That’s the way it will be because he’s not willing to live a lie. Silvana is angry now. She gets up and says that now she needs to think about what’s best for her and HER child. Diego says wait a minute. Silvana reminds him that he doesn’t want her to stay there. Diego says that’s true but he wants her to keep him informed. Silvana says that he’s not the only one that can issue demands here. She gets up and stalks out. Diego sits down again heavily.

Back to Manuel and Lidia. Apparently he’s building the frijolito story up into a big robbery. But he overdoes it and she figures that to be robbed by a small child he must have been drunk-as—a—skunk. What’s more, she knows he was because she talked to Diego and he told her. And she believes him more than she believes her dear old –NOT Daddy. He tries the “I only had a few drinks” line but she doesn’t buy it. She tells him that she’s had it with him. She doesn’t want him at her wedding at all. Anibal will give her away. She pushes the door shut on him. She staggers back into the room crying where Clemi and Anibal comfort her.

Meanwhile back at his dark mansion (did Diego get so busy looking for Silvana that he forgot to pay the light bill?) Diego goes to Caty’s room to try to explain to her the situation. Caty is all excited about having a little brother or sister (mostly sister) and a real family and starts making plans. Diego explains that it won’t be quite like she imagines, for one thing, little bro or sis will not be living with them. Caty looks puzzled.

Next we are at a bar with Ceci and Mario. Ceci is not happy and Mario asks her why. She explains that she found out that Silvana was pregnant by Diego. Mario says that it doesn’t surprise him since she was chasing him since day 1 of his widower-hood. If she could do that, she’s capable of anything. Ceci says that Diego finally opened his eyes and saw her for the witch she is, they separated but now that there’s a child involved…who knows what will happen. Mario agrees with the standard line about how the child is not to blame for how it got there. Ceci adds that all children deserve a family who love and support them. Ceci says she knows what it is like not to have anyone.

Back to Caty and Diego . Caty is wanting the new baby to live with them. Diego says that yeah that would be nice, but the baby is going to be living with its mommy, Silvana. Caty counters with wishing that her family was like other families, like her friends families. Diego explains to her that there are lot of different kinds of families in the world, ones where the kids live with mom, others where they live with dad. “Like us! “chimes in Caty. Diego finishes up that the only thing that is important in a family is that the members love each other. Caty says that’s why she wants the baby living there with them. Diego says they will still love the baby no matter where it lives. And besides, she told him she didn’t like Silvana. She didn’t want him to marry her. Caty says that she changed her mind. Now she wants Silvana back with the baby so they can all live together like a happy family. She starts whining. Diego relents a bit and says “Well, that decision doesn’t just depend on me.” (Somehow I don’t think convincing Silvana would be a problem.) Caty whines some more and Diego says that sometimes things can’t be the way we want them to be. He gives her a big hug.

Back to Ceci and Mario. Mario has picked up from her line about “being alone” and tells her that she has no reason to feel alone anymore. His feelings for her are very serious and he’d like to know what she thinks about that. Ceci says she doesn’t know, she’s confused and afraid. Mario asks her what he’s done to make her lack confidence in him. She says “it’s not you” and proceeds to tell him that in her previous relationships, she’s wound up being disappointed. When she thought she had found true love, she ended up disillusioned. Mario says he can wait until he wins her over and to punctuate this sentiment he pulls a rose from his inside jacket pocket and hands it to her. She is obviously impressed and sniffs it.

Silvana is pacing around another room (did she get another hotel room?) and there’s a knock at the door. It’s Gloria who cheerfully bursts in prattling on about how she is excited she is about the grandchild. She mentions that now she will have a child to help her move forward from Nico. Silvana tells her to “shut-up” about Nico and not to mention him again. It’s true , she’s had a lot of losses in her life. From now on, she will only be winning. Gloria says she understands that she’s sensitive about the topic but she only wanted to say that sometimes life gives us second chances…like with her…she wants to prove to Silvana that she loves her. Silvana says yes, and she will need her, now that she will be ALONE. They sit on the couch. She tells Gloria that Diego doesn’t want to have anything to do with her. Gloria says that Diego has to take responsibility. Silvana says that Diego doesn’t want the child. Gloria says no way, Diego told him herself that he does. Silvana tells her that Diego doesn’t want her because he’s still in love with Azul. Gloria responds that that can’t be. Diego can’t tie himself down to a ghost. Azul is dead. Silvana gets up from where she is sitting and says "No Mama, Azul is alive.” Gloria is impactada into the commercial.

Gloria can’t believe it. She thinks Silvana is crazy. Then she thinks it’s a bad joke. Silvana assures her it’s no joke. She explains the back story about how Azul was in an accident and has no memory of who she is. Gloria then thinks that that is why Silvana left, so that Diego could be with Azul. Silvana says no way, she took Azul to a house in Guadalajara. Gloria, now completely horrified wants to know what she’s up to. Silvana says that she was just trying to keep Diego from being hurt. Gloria disagrees. “Diego will be the happiest guy in the world if Azul is found.” Silvana doesn’t like the sound of that. She tells her mom that Diego would die of sorrow to know that Azul is in love with another man, pregnant and wants to marry him.

Meanwhile, Diego is talking to Azul’s picture back in his bedroom. He tells her that he doesn’t know what to say. He wishes that he could have her advice. Since she’s been gone he’s been so confused.

At the same time, Azulcena is lying on a couch back at the house in Guadalajara thinking about …a blur…or a guy whose face is a blur…touching her face and comforting her. At first, the blur looks like it will turn into Diego but instead, it turns into Luis Felipe.

Diego is fantasizing too, about cuddling with a pregnant Azul, until he looks up and then she turns into SILVANA!

Silvana is still trying to convince her Mom that she wants Diego to be happy and Azul to be happy with the man she loves. She wants to fight to have the best for her child. Mom points out that all this seems mighty convenient for Silvana’s plans. This is the real world and there are laws here that can’t be broken. Silvana demands to know why nobody can know and everybody can be happy. Her baby and Azul’s can be with its family. Gloria says “You said it yourself, Diego cannot forget Azul. You would be basing your happiness on a lie. The suffering apart, it’s not the right thing to do. And eventually you will pay for it.” Silvana complains that when Diego finds out that Azul is alive he will leave her immediately. “Then what will I do?” She wails. I will be alone, out of a job. Gloria says not to worry. She’s sure Diego will support her and she can count on her help, and on Chucho’s…Silvana interrupts her and says that Diego will not be happy now that Azul is no longer the same. Azul will be unhappy since she’ll be taken away from the man she loves. ...Gloria says that that is for them to decide. Silvana shouts NO! She insists that the child(ren) will suffer who are not to blame for the troubles of their parents. Gloria insists that Azul must remember something. Silvana says that they’ve taken her to various specialists and nothing has worked. Azul is not the same. “The Azul that you know DIED. She’s like another woman and she deserves to be happy, as much as I do.” Silvana changes tack. She says that as her Mom, she should be supporting her in her moment of need. Gloria gets up and says that that is what she is trying to do. She’s trying to convince her NOT TO MAKE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF HER LIFE. Silvana argues that she’s doing the right thing. Mom says no, this is not good. You have to be honest, on the side of the truth, without lies and deceit. “How are you going to look your child in the eye if you are not truthful?” (Actually she says “limpia” or clean but I think this is the sense she meant it in.) Silvana then accuses mom of never doing what she is doing now. Risking everything for him. (She says “el” but I suppose it could be it, standing in for “el bebe.”) “I am going to defend my child with my fingernails and teeth. “My baby will have a family and an emotional life that I never had. “ She reduces Gloria to tears with this and she admits that she was “never a good mother…but..” Silvana interrupts and says “now you are going to be one!” Silvana tells her that she wants her to go to Guadalajara for a few days to take care of Azul. Silvana says that she doesn’t like leaving her there alone. Gloria asks..so why is she alone in Guadalajara if supposedly she has this man who loves her? Silvana tells her that “she wanted to be alone for a few days to think things over and decide what to do.” Gloria says she doesn’t know what to think, she has to take a few days to think about what to do too. Silvana tells her to think of her for once. Gloria hugs Silvana but she’s still horrified by this whole situation. (She may have been a selfish and thoughtless woman but at least she’s not evil or crazy.)

It’s the next morning. Gloria is eating breakfast with Chucho and he can tell something’s wrong. He notes that since she came back from talking to Silvana she’s been quiet and sad. “Did you argue with her again?” he asks. Gloria denies it. But incidentally, an acting opportunity has come up…in Guadalajara! She needs to go there for a few days. Chucho takes her hand and says that they’ve talked about this. She decided to give up acting. Gloria pretends that it’s the opportunity of a lifetime and that she can’t miss it. It will only be for a few days. She wants his support—she doesn’t want to be away from her little cotton head for long.

Over at Casa Diego, Clemi is serving coffee to Diego. Clemi says she couldn’t sleep and decided to come over early before going to the office. Diego says he didn’t get much sleep either, trying to decide what to do. He talked to Caty and all she wanted to talk about was how happy she would be with a new brother or sister. “She even thought that she could get along with Silvana, imagine that.” Clemi thinks it’s great that he talks to his daughter and listens to her. Diego says yes, but in the end, she’s a child and he’s the one who has to make the decision. Clemi agrees. It could happen that once the baby is born, Caty could decide that she doesn’t like them living together. In the end, Diego says children can adapt. Clemi agrees and says the important thing is that they feel secure and loved. Diego says that he can’t do that living with Silvana. He doesn’t love her. And he doesn’t think that he will ever love her.

Gloria is still picking at her food and looking pensive. Chucho gets up and very poetically describes her as a bird that came to him in the twilight of his years. He could never “clip her wings.” Gloria gets up and gives him a kiss. She knew he would understand. Chucho stops her and says that he doesn’t want her to try to fool him. He knows that everything that she has told him is a lie. She protests but he says he doesn’t want to know the reason for her trip. He supports her unconditionally. Gloria’s eyes fill with tears and she thanks him again. He warns her that she think hard before she does whatever it is she is planning to do, because "guilt can make us do things thinking that we can undo the harm we’ve done previously." (Whoa, is Chucho a mind reader, or what?) Gloria smiles and hugs him some more.

Clemi is putting the coffee cups away at Diego’s and she tells him that she does have one thought for him that she’s been burning to say. She asks him that even if this isn’t the way he wanted it to be, he could have a child of his own, under his roof. Diego agrees but he says that neither he nor Caty would be happy with the example of him and Silvana as parents, who don’t love eachother. Clemi starts digging in some more to her theme. She knows that Silvana has made a lot of mistakes “but she’s not a bad woman.” (YES SHE IS! AND YOU SAID AS MUCH TWO DAYS AGO! Who knew that Amnesia was an infectious disease?) “She loves you deeply. And have you thought about what it’s going to be like to be a part-time Dad?” Diego has a guilty expression. Clemi’s stealth assault may have worked.

Lidia and Tavo are back at Casa Clemi-Anibal. Tavo has just come over for breakfast. He comments favorably on her cooking, which must have improved since before, she didn’t know how to cook at all. Just then the phone rings. It’s Mario. He’s gotten her lunch with the head of Plastic Surgery at the hospital. And it’s at a nice restaurant too. Mario’s sure the deal will work out great. Lidia is excited and when she puts the phone down, Tavo gets that jealous look on his face. Lidia doesn’t notice and says that she’s going to be selling policies like hotcakes. (Hot bread actually.)

Gloria is at Silvana’s. “You win.” Gloria tells her. I will go to Guadalajara and counsel Azul-Azucena to stay with the man who loves her, so that my grandchild can have a family. Silvana is beside herself with joy. She tells mom that there will never be a lack of closeness between them again. Gloria stops her and says that if she finds out that Silvana has been lying to her, even if the cost is Silvana hating her for the rest of her life, she will tell Diego. Silvana is impactada.


Monday, January 07, 2008

Juan Q 1/7/2008 -The tigers are loose..Nid after Ana, Ivonne after Fer, and Delfi after Anga

Here's a quick and dirty recap for my die-hards since we have no regular Monday recapper. If you would like to sign up, please e-mail Melinama. This is a great show, and so much fun!!!

Molo happily greets Herlinda in the street. Sadly he agrees to do her the favor of saying hello to Juan and telling him how much she loves him.

Pau takes the therapists words to heart she begs Moni for forgiveness. She goes in to CL and suggests he does the same he protests there is nothing left hanging between him and Juan and she says fine, at least make good with my mom.

Fer asks Marely if she liked his present of chocolates. She smiles that silly schoolgirl in love smile and tells him yes.

Laura is being nosy asking Ana all kinds of questions about her marital status. Ana is disturbed. After a call from Yadi to Marely announcing that Mom has escaped again she shows up at Ana's interrupting the design review by attacking with a rolling pin and wondering where her husband SAmuel is hidden.

Juanito is trying to talk his way out of going to school in favor of working with Pa in the business but Pa Juan says that school is where he belongs.

Nid chases Ana up to her room where she calls Marely to come get Nid cause she's crazy. Mar and Pau take off to the rescue.

Chavaz Papa tells his son he'll work with Dominguez or he'll leave the house and put his nachas elsewhere. He also says besides, you need to endear yourself to him so that you can convince him to marry your sister, because that's the only way to do it.

Juan tells Molo he's going to bring Herlinda around so Molo can see her night and day.

Alirio is at a market demanding Tolucan Chorizo, and to make sure that it is absolutely authentic.

At the battle between the enemies, formerly friends, now enemies again, Nid breaks through the bedroom door after Ana and yells at her for putting the horns on her husband. Needless to say Ana is impactada.

Laura has called the police, and this manages to frighten of Nid who agrees to leave, but not before saying that she and her daughters are waiting for Samuel at home.Nid calls Laura Cucsa, Metiche, Mirona.

Laura calls Moni and tells her what just happened, that Pau's Mom was doing Nid's man. Moni is happy.

Pau and Mar arrive, but too late. Ana tells Pau the details while Marely rushes off after her mom. Pau learns that Laura saw the whole thing, and that the police coming was only a threat to get Nid to leave.

CL and Pastor discuss Alirio and CL says let him have what little he wants or else he's going to keep controlling Pastor, and we don't want him to surpise us with anything. He also gets around to telling Pastor what Pau wants him to do.

Meanwhile Alirio shows up in reception with a huge bag of Chorizo, asking to see Cl and Ivonne tries to blow him off.

Ana tells Pau that even though Laura tried to save her life she's unsettled about something, that she seemed to be more interested in Pau than the designs. Pau tells her to ignore it, but she says she still doesn't like that woman. Pau tells her CL is coming today and Ma reluctantly agrees to talk to him. Pau begs her Mom to receive him with an open mind.

Fer asks Ivonne for some papers and Ivonne takes this opportunity to launch cheap shots at him about Marely. He says she is his friend and Ivonne shouldn't confuse friendship with business and orders her to provide him the papers. The exchange culminates in her accusing him of moving up rapidly in the business and wondering how he did it, then him saying his own merit, but others can't even move up by sleeping with the boss. The lobby lizards (thanks Jeanne) are listening in and Cl and PAstor come out and yell at the two of them for arguing about personal matters in the office, instead they should do it in the street.

Later Pastor yells at Fer that there are more discreet ways of solving problems and that Ivonne has been through and suffered so much for him,poor girl. Fer says that's crazy because she had plenty of opportunities with me and she threw them in the trash. Pastor says that everyone commits errors, she does and he does to, and even though she's immature etc. try to understand her, and don't repeat this scene ever again in the office. Fer agrees he won't.

In Achi, Anga is with Delfi being amorous when all of a sudden he falls to the floor. Delfi screams and runs for Juan.

Mar and Yadi are debriefing Nid about her crazy behavior, they tell her she and Ana have already patched things up, and even are friends now, oh and DAd is dead. Nid is impactado.

While Delphi is in the other room crying over Anga's death, Juan and Molo pick him up. He's ok and admits to Juan he was "playing" with her. She runs in the room glad he's ok and cuddles with him. Juan tells himself he can imagine what game they were playing and he walks out.

Nid still doesn't believe SAm is dead even though Mar offers to take her to cemetery. She thinks The girls are trying to drive her crazy. Nid wants to know why Mar hates her so much and sends her to her room for disrespecting her mother.

The doctor leaves his recommendation with Juan regarding Anga. Good news is his head is ok, but bad news is that his heartbeat is accelerated and he needs absolute rest to fell better. He emphasizes this to Delfi who thinks ok, so he needs to be in bed. He elaborates that no, that's absolutely nothing to give him an emotional rise...that is no ñiqui ñaca or ñaque, and the oldest remedy to help her cope with that is a cold shower.

Guti tells Alirio maybe he should get close to PAstor to convince him to go along with their scheme. He yells at him that he has had opportunity after opportunity and keep blowing each one. Alirio says no way will he feign amor for Pastor but asks him if there might be a campito for him to stay in Guti's house. Now that will be hysterical if they live together.

Cl at CAsa Davila is beginning his penance to Ana. She is reluctantly listening.

Juan is consoling Anga who thinks he saw death near him this time. Juan tells him not to say such things and says he cares for Anga like a Dad. Anga says he would be honored if Juan was his son, that he thinks he will leave a large part of his estate to Juan. Juan is of course impactado.


Amar Friday 1/4/08 In which the show drags on even more

How could there be two more weeks of this!

I'm a fill-in recapper here, and I haven't been watching (or reading recaps) every day, so I'm doing my best to understand plot twists that I have missed. As you all said regarding Thursday, it's like there's a personality transplant for everyone.

We open with a recap of the last three scenes: Caty overhears about the bracelet, Azul thinks longingly about the past while looking at her bracelet. Gloria tells Silvana that it's never too late to do the right thing. Sure . . .

Silvana overhears Diego and Caty talking. Caty tells him she doesn't want him to marry that evil witch. Well, she doesn't call her an evil witch. Silvana interrupts before she can say much more.

LF is having a conversation with some older guy who is his father? The father seems to want him not to marry Azul, because why should he give a name to someone else's kid?

Ceci tells Clem and Anibal about her recent almost kiss with Mario. They talk about how LF is now free and she can go out with him. (I missed any episodes where the chronology with LF and Ceci is explained. Did Ceci go out with him before he met Azul?) Clem says she doesn't trust Silvana.

LF continues to talk to his father.

LF talks to the camera and says "where are you, Azul." Azul moons at the camera and thought bubbles "I miss you." But who is she talking about?

Silvana is talking to her mother, who is still trying to get her to take the righteous path. Silvana talks to Azul on the cell phone and asks for her drunken jailer, er, Manuel. Mom wonders who it is. Silvana says it's about a modeling assignment. Floria wonders why she's so agitated about just a modeling assignment.

Silvana wants her mother's help in winning over Diego's family. Mom says she should treat them nicely (use honey). I can't stand watching this psycho liar anymore!

Now Caty tells Diego that Silvana yelled at her when they were out last week. Diego tells Silvana they can't marry. His daughter's opinion is paramount. Caty doesn't want to change Azul for Silvana. Silvana goes on and on in a very boring scene where she begs for another chance.

Lidia is talking to one of the plastic surgeons about her business, which I don't understand. Tavo lurks jealously in the hall and listens.

Silvana comes into Caty's room to talk. Caty has the largest mountain of stuffed animals I have ever seen. Silvana tries to win her over by telling her how much she loves her.

Silvana talks to Clem and says that Clem has finally succeeded in breaking her up with Diego. Gee, when I first was watching this show, wasn't Clem trying to put them together? What happened? When did Clem wise up?
Anyway, Silvana suddenly comes up with a diabolical plan. She tells Clem that she has something of Diego's to remember him by--implying it's a baby. Tell me, folks--did Diego and Silvana actually sleep together recently? I thought it was an abortive attempt. Or does Diego think they did it? He's such an idiot.

Caty asks Diego if Silvana's having a baby. She tells him that Silvana asked that she not tell anyone. Diego calls Silvana. She checks her caller id and smiles conspiratorially but doesn't answer. I"ve got you now, she says. Suffer a little. She swaggers out. She is at the airport waiting for a flight to Guadalajara, apparently.

Tavo now springs out from his hiding place and tells Lidia he can't marry her. I can't follow this story and his annoying tests. Is he really rich? She convinces him she really wants him even if he's porr. All she wants is him. Haven't we heard this before? She is going to work to get back his money? Can someone fill me in on what is going on here?

The reporter finds Frijolito. How'd you find me, Frijo asks. Well, that's what reporters do, he's told. The reporter tells Frijo that he knows that Silvana accused Frijo unjustly and wants more info. Frijo won't tell tales. He wants to genius reporter to figure it out for himself.

GSD worries about his baby. He blows enough smoke to kill three babies.

Clem and Diego discuss Silvana's baby alert.

Lidia and the plastic surgeon rehash her situation with Tavo. Just then the phone rings. It's GSD calling to say there's a problem with his baby.

GSD blows more smoke while worrying. There's a long talk between him and LF where nothing happens.

Clem and Diego call Gloria and find out that Silvana went to Guadalajara. They're all beginning to smell a rat.

Silvana arrives and finds Manuel passed out drunk on the couch. She tells him that Diego broke up with her but she planted the pregnancy idea. Manuel has a "scathingly brilliant idea." (courtesy Hayley Mills in "The Trouble with Angels." He will impregnate Silvana. I'll pause while you all barf. Anyway, that was the end. Does he think this will be a way to outsmart DNA testing? Is he going to do it the traditional way, or turkey baster. I don't want to know. Yuck.


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Pasion Friday Jan 4 - Lis is the designated cryer today

Margaret’s recording yesterday apparently ended just before the shock ending –as everyone is sitting around the table eating and drinking, Rita shows up like a huge wet blanket. She says hello to everyone and you can see the icicles in the air from her voice. The sound guy knows that she’s pissed off too. The whole table is impactado.

Today – Ofelia welcomes Rita, Camila introduces her friends, and Santiago rather nicely tries to help her to a seat. Rita immediately turns bitchy and says she has a headache and runs inside. This of course was a total Debbie Downer moment, the party IMMEDIATELY breaks up. I mean in like .0005 seconds. After they all leave, Ofelia asks Santiago why Rita was being so rude and says she is going to talk to her. Santiago says no, he will. Uh oh I feel a fight coming on (no I’m not psychic I saw it in the preview last night).

Jorge tells La Font all about when he and Ric discovered together that the ED card was missing. They speculate on who could have taken the card. They say that Ric could marry Camila and get the inheritance that way. Ursula shows up and says she hopes they aren’t talking about the same thing AGAIN. She of course wants him invited over to dinner, Jorge tells her that Ric is out of town.

Santiago and Rita have a big fight and she says he still loves her, he admits it. First of course he tries to play the whole “she’s your sister you should be nice to her” card but then he just says fine, he still loves her. He says if she can tell him how to get over her, he’d be glad to hear it. She says she wants Camila to move far away, Santiago says who died and made her queen? Rita says that it’s the only way she (Rita) and Saintly can be as they were before. Oh – about the nickname Saintly, I saw someone give me credit for that in yesterday’s comments, I did not create it. I completely ripped it off from someone but I can’t remember who, it may have even been in the comments. Thank you for the credit, but I can’t take it. I can only propagate the usage of it. Saintly wrinkles his nose at Rita and stomps off.

Ric and Mario ride horses through the countryside, Ric says Lazaro is going to pay dearly. Mario calls Lazaro ambitious, Ric says there is a difference between being ambitious and being a traitor. Then they discuss the missing ED card.

Vasco shows up at the palacio with a gift of perfume for Ursula. When Ursula gets it, she tells her friend to tell Vasco to meet her at the place where they met before. Is Virginia the other girl’s name? I know she is La Font’s daughter but I can’t remember her name.

Camila and posse get home and her entourage can’t believe Rita’s behavior. Camila tries to defend her, but gets choked up talking about it and runs into the house. Ascanio doesn’t offer any opinion and Jimena snaps at him, Ascanio sulks off. Jimena wants to know what his problem is, he shouldn’t have any problems here. Claudio sagely tells her that everyone has problems. Jimena says sure, but time heals wounds. Claudio has turned the conversation to himself and says his situation is so bad who knows if he’ll recover.

Rita whines and cries to Justo about the whole Santiago/Camila thing. Yawn. This part has grown tiresome. Rita begs Justo to find a husband for Camila and he agrees. More to shut her up than anything I think, he doesn’t look thrilled about it. Anybody else feel like they would all put Rita on a boat and push her away from shore and let Camila and Santiago get back together and never speak of it again if they could?

Ursula meets Vasco out by the river and flirts with him madly, he feels like he has the green light. He’s a little over confident, she is pumping him for gossip. She wants to know if Ric visited Camila, since he’s her fiancé and all. Vasco says that Ric himself told him that he was NOT in any relationship with Ursula. She says that Ric wouldn’t waste the time to talk to someone as low class as Vasco, then tells him that maybe it isn’t official yet but they are going to get married. She leaves Vasco standing there dumbfounded. Wow he has horrible hair.

La Font reports to Jorge that he can’t get any info from anyone in the house about the ED card, it is a complete mystery. Then he says that there will be a caravan tonight, they are going to attack it at a different location. La Font then catches Lis coming downstairs alone, Fran is sleeping. She wants to know if anyone found the ED card, La Font tells her no and offers his handkerchief when she starts crying. He tells her that nothing happens in this town without him knowing about it, so she doesn’t need to worry. Justo shows up to see Sofia, he and La Font glare at each other a Justo goes upstairs. La Font then gives Lis the lowdown on who Justo is and that he is friends with Sofia. Lis is worried that Sofia will help Camila because of her friendship with her (and her non-affair love affair with Justo, I’m convinced that 40 years ago they were in love or something and they have been doing a Camila/Saintly yearning from afar thing ever since). La Font tells Lis that she just might try and help Camila.

Upstairs Sofia tells Justo that she herself is the one who stole the ED card. Sofia hints that Jorge is helping Camila because he wants, well, you know. Justo gasps in a very effeminate manner, reminding me of Granillo, the big fat gay guy from Duelo de Pasiones. Sofia tells him to tell Camila not to worry though, SHE is the one who stole the Erectile Dysfunction card. He says how? She says she went in to the women’s room, took it, and left.

Justo immediately shows up at Camila’s house, where Jimena bitches at the chismosa servant some more. She tells Justo that she doesn’t like that servant. I wonder if she were part of this kind of household before, with how quickly she started bossing around the servants here after moving in. Jimena tells Justo to sit with her outside as Camila is currently hosting Don Jorge inside.

Inside, Camila keeps pulling away from Jorge’s groping hands. I know he isn’t being secretive about his motives, but jeez you’d think he would act a little gentlemanly to put her at ease before making his move. Nope, he keeps grabbing at her hands and hair. Loser. He is also pushing the idea on her about getting married. She reminds him that she was GOING TO, before he messed it up. And she can’t yet think about other men. He says she should enjoy things of her new class, for instance he’s having a party for the muckety mucks next Friday and she should come.

Outside Justo insists to Jimena that Camila isn’t alone, she has him. Jimena very rudely points out that he wasn’t able to help her the last time, when she got carted off by La

Font before her wedding night, what is he going to do now? This cuts like a knife and Jimena actually looks like she regrets saying it, for a second at least. She apologizes. She explains that while he is a man about town, Jorge is in a higher and more powerful position to help Camila. Camila walks Jorge to the door, then greets Justo as Jimena leaves. Justo tells Camila to listen to Jimena, she has more sense than the other women in town. Yes yes, she’s great, I love her, says Camila. Justo says Jimena obviously loves her back. They sit down to chat.

At the palace, Sofia still thinks a party is inappropriate, but Jorge say whatever, I don’t care, we’re partying. Sofia gives in and starts writing down the guest list, consisting mostly of Jorge’s loser friends, then he says he wants to invite Camila. Fortunata asks about Ricardo, Jorge says of course. Oh, and also Camila’s friend, Jimena.

Justo starts going on about Saintly and Rita again with Camila. He says she needs to find a husband. It would solve the Rita thing, as well as letting her escape the future Jorge has planned for her.

Inside, Jimena tries to talk Camila into marrying the rich, handsome Ricardo. They then discuss how they both know without a doubt that he and Captain Ric are the same thing. Camila says if Ric won’t marry her, she’ll find some other nice guy, Jimena says “oh yeah I know him, Don Nobody.” So even hundreds of years ago women were irrational man-haters. Good to know.

La Font and his band of merry men wait in the shadows as a caravan approaches. This caravan is way more heavily protected, so they don’t know what they will do. Before they can decide, the caravan is attacked by another group of men, bloodthirsty pirates led by Juancho (Orlando of Duelo, Mario of Amar). One of La Font’s flunkies describes them as ‘beasts’ as we see Juancho slit one guy’s throat and pull his head back to expose the wound. The pirates kill everyone and steal the caravan.

Back at Jorge’s, La Font delivers the news, Jorge thinks maybe Foreman cut out the middleman. Jorge wants to explain what happened to Foreman, La Font (who I think is embarrassed by being upstaged by the pirates) tries to dissuade him, but Jorge says the next time La Font goes to meet with Foreman, Jorge is going with him. He says he’s a better diplomat than La Font so he wants to talk to Foreman himself. La Font wants to know what about, Jorge tells him not to worry, he’ll be involved.

Mario and Ric, on horseback, look at a beach. Mario says there is another bay not far that is better, they go to see it. They arrive there and get off their horses to sneak up and see what’ sgoing on. They see some pirates on the beach, then they see a whole pirate village, complete with guys fighting and women all around. Some woman they call La Paisana is there, they recognize her. She seems to be in charge. Then they also see Juancho, who is wearing bright red clothing so we don’t miss him. Ric and Mario decide that the pirates have stolen goods. Mario thinks Foreman is probably behind whatever they are doing, Ric agrees. He sees horses and mules that he says are surely stolen, they have brands but he can’t make out what they are (they have been passing a spyglass back and forth all this time during their spying).

Justo goes to Santiago’s shop, saying hello to the porno twins as well. He asks Santiago to make him a new money box, one that is stronger with a better lock. My accountant heart flutters at this talk, it’s about time someone took cash security seriously. Santiago suggest making a small heavy cabinet for the money. Are we supposed to believe that Saintly invented what will eventually become the safe? Justo immediately changes the subject to Rita, then says he’s going to look for a husband for Camila. Saintly is obviously angry but say Justo has the right. Justo says he recommended Saintly to someone else as a blacksmith, Saintly says fine, then when Justo leaves he throws some stuff around. Does he expect Camila to just sit around, or what? They aren’t even having an affair. With Vasco, he at least has a reason to be jealous when Ursula dumped him, Santiago has no right.

Camila and her new little family talk about what to do with themselves. Ascanio wants to DO something, not just mooch. He used to work in a bakery, so Camila says they’ll open a bakery. Ascanio says no, then he’ll still be just their employee, it’s no different. He’s awfully mopey today. He doesn’t want Camila to make his father hire him either. Camila says whatever. Jimena says Claudio can live the life of a Seniorito, riding horses, learning to fight with swords, etc. Claudio says he can’t forget that he has to exact vengeance for his family. Jimena says hey you know who could help? Ricardo! Camila tries to play it off, but Ascanio says that if she asks, Ric will help her. She asks why, does Ascanio know something that she doesn’t? Ascanio just says that Ric is a gentleman and always delivers what he promises. Claudio is muy excited and wants to meet Ric.

Fran and Lis find Ursula so Lis can apologize. Ursula is bitchy, Lis tries to explain that she wasn’t trying to insult Ursula, just that…. Ursula cuts her off and calls Lis out completely – she is in love with Ric but he doesn’t love her the same way, or.. have they already gotten busy? Lis says of course not. She starts crying, Ursula insults her and says that whoever Ric marries, it won’t be some blind woman. She continues by saying that even when she recovers her inheritance, she’ll still just be a poor blind woman who can’t satisfy a man like Ric. Finally she says if Lis wants some guy, Ursula can find her one, the she laughs and walks away. Lis destroys the flowers in her hand in rage, Fran tries to calm her down.

Jorge is sitting on what passes for his throne, a chair in the main room of his palace. There are a line of people waiting to see him about something. Ursula barges in and says she needs to talk to him. Jorge tells Marcelino, the fussy administrator, to just tell all the people that they have permission to get married, and get them out of here. He and Ursula go to another room, where Ursula tells Jorge that he is the one who said that ‘he’ (Ric?) would make a good husband. Jorge says “You like him!” Ursula says of course. Jorge says fine, but she better not cheat on him or there will be trouble. She says she won’t cheat but she won’t let him treat her poorly either. Jorge says good, you seem ready. He advises her to use her intelligence to keep her husband in line, like Sofia. Ursula laughs but Jorge says it’s true, he thinks he can do whatever he wants but in the end somehow Sofia ends up getting her way, Ursula should learn from her. I was taken aback by this attack of honesty from Jorge. I don’t even see him as the true villain of this show any more, La Font holds that position. Surprisingly, the other ‘bad guys’ are the mostly harmless Fran and Lis. Without them, there wouldn’t be any trouble brewing.

Lis blubbers and cries about getting totally owned by Ursula in their verbal sparring match earlier. Fran calls Ursula a pig, I was half expecting for Ursula to be in the background overhearing this too. Maybe I’ve seen too many sitcoms.

Ines and Ofelia visit Camila, Ines gets sent off to visit with the others so Camila and Ofelia can talk. She says that she really likes Jimena and Claudio, when Camila says “What about Ascanio?” she just says “eh.” Camila asks Ofelia what that was all about and Ofelia says Ascanio obviously likes Ines a bit but Ines, well…. Camila says yes, she has been and still is in love with Vasco. Camila says her brother is so guapo, but for Ines she wouldn’t recommend him, Ofelia says that Santiago told her the same thing. So everyone knows that Vasco is a god for nothing, it seems. I predict him falling in with the wrong crowd and managing to hurt (physically or emotionally) one of our heroes at some point. Like maybe he’ll join Juancho’s band of pirates and end up robbing his own father’s store. Well, actually, just joining them at all would be bad because they are the ones who kidnapped his sister. Also, before we move on, I wouldn’t refer to Ofelia as one of the ‘sexy’ ladies on this show, but she really loves to put her breasts on display. I guess she’s a widow, still trying to attract some guy, rather than just acting like the other middle aged people in the town. Maybe that’s why Justo keeps hanging around – “hmmm let me go over to Ofelia’s and ogle her boobies for a bit.” Anyway, Ofelia wants to know how Camila is doing about everything. Camila says she understands about Santiago marrying Rita and there’s nothing that can be done about it. Ofelia feels guilty about it, she says if only Camila had sent a note or something. Camila says she sent one to her father, but it must not have made it. This is at least the third mention of “why didn’t you send a note” so it is written IN STONE that the card will come back alive at some point and Rita will go down. Then I guess Camila will have to make a choice between Ric and Santiago. Ofelia says that she’s sure that Camila will find a nice guy to marry soon.

When Ofellia and Ines leave, Ines says that she always liked Camila better than Rita, even though Rita got nicer after she married Santiago, but now she’s even worse than before. Ines says that Camila still loves Santiago, or Santiago loves Camila, or something like that, basically she says that hope never dies. Ofelia says shut your mouth, but Ines says no, always have hope. In this case, having that hope means that nobody will be happy. Camila will stay alone while Saintly and Rita continue their loveless marriage.

Ofelia tells Santiago that she loves Vasco like a son, but they need to find some other guy to marry Ines. Santiago says yes, what about Ascanio? Ofelia says they don’t know enough about him and besides, he lives with Camila. For Ines, she wants someone independent an successful. Hmmm how interesting that this comes up the very same time that Ascanio gripes about being a kept man. Santiago says he can ask Camila more about Ascanio, Ofelia accuses him of finding excuses to go see her. He says for crying out loud they live in the same town, she is his sister-in-law, are they supposed to pretend the other doesn’t exist? Ofelia says no, but they need to stay away from each other for the greater good. Saintly gripes that it’s no good. He makes some metaphor about Christ, to which Ofelia says “you’re not Christ” but I didn’t get it.

Ric and Mario get back to town, Ric is going to go see Camila. He says he’s going to tell her the truth. Which truth, I don’t know. Mario says she is going to denounce him, Ric says maybe, but whatever, he has to tell her the truth. Mario sees Jimena walking along, he tells the porter at the hotel to take care of his horse and take his stuff to his room, then adds menacingly “without stealing anything!” The porter is insulted and says that isn’t necessary to say, he is honorable. Mario chases after Jimena and catches up with her. She is very scared of him, but he says he just wants to talk. She says about what, your boss ‘El Antillano’? He says yes. She says what lies are you going to tell me, that he turned into a saint? Mario says no, just the truth. If she doesn’t like what he says, whatever.

Monday – you ladies can get all in a tizzy as Captain Ric turns on the bedroom charm and tells Camila that he is falling in love with her, as well as admitting his true identity. Then, just to make trouble, Santiago somewhere out in the open finds Camila and kisses her, which Ric sees, so they have to fight about it. Whew!


Saturday, January 05, 2008

January 4, 2008 - Yo Amo a Juan – In which Anga Gets an Offer That’s Hard to Refuse, and Juan Throws a Party

We revisit Nidia commenting on Marely’s “new boyfriend,” Fernando. He sounds perfect, according to Nidia. Nidia scolds Marely for not letting Mami know she has a new BF. Behind the girls, Fern and Kike exchange looks. Kike is thoroughly titillated by this. Just wait, muchacho, your time is coming later tonight [Ed. Note: like a carpenter I always measure twice and cut once—watch twice and recap once]. Marely informs Mami that Fern has asked her out and Mami isn’t delighted. She scarcely knows him. [Ed. Note: oh, the irony here, but I’m not going there, gentle readers.] Mami’s worried if Marely makes things easy for a guy, he’ll lose interest. But maybe the fact that he has a car will change all that. He’s a catch if he comes with a car. She tells Kike to pass a message to Samuel’s ghost that she’s expecting him to eat at home. Kike agrees to let him know. [Sorry, couldn’t resist that. I know it was bad of me.] Off she goes with Fern in tow and Marely trailing, eyes rolling.

Juan is enjoying the lovely climate of Achichipico and thought bubbling about not understanding a word of what Susana and Sunyu are talking about. He wants help from the Blessed Child of Atocha. The gals come over and Susana gets serious with him; they’ve made a decision. Juan is wary….and Sunyu grins a little while Susana tells him they’re business associates now. Susana continues with a few details as he grabs her hand. He pumps their hands with all the force his incredible arms can muster. The gals look a little shell-shocked, if delighted with all the proprioceptive [fancy word for tactile/kinesthetic, and it’s actually English ;-) ] input. They are princesses, no, queens, no angels! Juan thanks them early and often, finally grabbing each of them by the face to kiss them. Susana and Sunyu stand frozen and dazed, smiling like loonies. Sunyu is counting on Susana explaining qué the heck this is all about later [Okay, I’m interpreting here a bit. Poor Sunyu is getting all the information that most deaf folks get in crowds of hearing people when there is no interpreter…..lots of hablablablabla and “later, I’ll tell you later” and single sentence summaries from the hearing companions. Unacceptable interpreting!] But Sunyu is so enchanted with Juan she isn’t complaining.

The granite sign for the Hospital San Arcangel looms in front of us; Fern and Marely are going to turn Nidia in. Marely apologizes, but Nidia needs to be seen and diagnosed. Nidia’s irritated and tells him to get out of here immediately, and swats him. She’s perfectly fine and they are nuts. Nidia screams for help in the closed car; her daughter and the girl’s boyfriend are kidnapping her. Marely tells her to calm down and Nidia refuses. Marely tries to explain that Nidia hasn’t been well and this is for her own good. Nidia denies she needs help and asks what language she has to use that Marely will understand. She asks Fern if he prefers to get out of there or have a broken window? Marely caves and they go while Nidia fusses about the kids trying to order their parents around.

Back in Achichipico, Juan addresses his buddy, the Blessed Child of Atocha. He thanks the Child for a laundry list of things, asks for help with the new business and apologizes to the Child for any inconvenience (pena, loosely translated), and prays for everyone he loves in Achichipico and the D. F., and even Akito though he’s in the Other World now, falling on his knees to make sure the Child knows he is serious. He especially prays for Juanito, thanks the Child and tells Him that he wants Juanito to be proud of his Papi. Joyful that he’s covered the waterfront with his prayer, Juan gets up to leave, making his customary bow/curtsy to the Child and realizes he’s forgot something Really Important. He goes back on his knees to pray for Paula. He loves her So Much and all he wants is for her to be happy.

Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Paula is sitting on the sofa in Ana’s living room, sad Palomita music playing, and she’s pensive about the lovely times with Juan as the phone rings. Surprise, it’s CL. All he wants to do is see how she is, greet her and he hopes she’s having a good evening. He realizes he’s surprised her because they usually fight or are settling some issue or other, but all he wanted to do is hear that voice he loves. She warms to his charm….of course. What a nice gesture. Oh, my, he hasn’t been enough of a caring hubby and he’s let those small bad things become big ones. Gee, what a shame. But he has such an enormous love for her! He just has to fight to save the relationship. Paula doesn’t know what to say to him. [Ed. Note: just ask us, we’ll give you some talking points here.] He wonders if he’s such a bad hubby that she’s surprised by something that should have been obvious? He loves her So Much and wants to be with her for the Rest of His Life. They wish each other goodbye, he with a kiss. Good job, CL, she’s hooked again.

No sooner has CL hung up than Moni comes in to ask why he’s still hanging out. She needs a ride because Fern has her car. But, by the way, she’d like to get a bite to eat before going to the apartment, wouldn’t he like to eat, in exchange for the lift (a cambio del aventón), she’ll treat? If he’s hungry, that is…..But, of course he is! [Very deftly done, Monica.]

Nidia seems to have acquired Fern’s jacket to keep her warm, and is working her magic on Fern outside the gates of La Casa Cachón. She thinks they can trust him now, but she of course needs to vet her daughters’ BFs. Fern and Marely play along. Nidia fishes for a compliment—isn’t she in the flower of her age? Fern tells her she’s lovely (guapa). She draws him aside to tell him the daughters might be a little envious of her. Marely scolds for talking in secret. Nidia swats Marely’s head and tells her to respect her elders and invites Fern in to eat. They can get to know each other better. Fern and Marely exchange wild looks over her head; she’s just out of control flirting. Nidia babbles about it seeming strange to him that her hubby (Samuel’s ghost) won’t be eating with them. She drags him into the yard while Marely sighs and follows.

Behind a pillar in the Farell lobby, Ivonne hides to watch CL and Moni get the elevator. Pastor comes and taps her as the door closes, and Ivonne jumps. He wants to know what she’s doing and she retorts that he almost scared her to death. She tells him that she’s hiding to avoid CL, she didn’t want him to see her while he was leaving. Her purse was in the desk, too. Pastor wants to know if this was part of the Master Plan. Nope, she just wanted to avoid CL’s insistence. Pastor tells her to tell CL enough, already! Ivonne responds that she’s tried. She doubts he’ll stay quiet, today he’s with Monica but tomorrow, who knows? Pastor tells her to hold firm, it’s her only opportunity to show him that she’s not going to continue to be his…….um….crying towel. Ivonne gives him a look as he modifies what he started to say. She tells Pastor it’s likely too late; Fern appears tot be interested in another woman—Marely. Pastor scoffs. That muchacha is no expert and no match for Ivonne. Ivonne has more resources! Ivonne smiles fondly at his encouragement.

Juan babbles to Juanito about the new business, and Juanito obligingly looks on with feigned interest. Juan explains that he and Juanito are going to make up for what they have lacked for so many years (privaciones – wants, privations). Juanito’s trusting little face looks up at his Papi. Will they be rich? Yep, they’re already rich in their hearts. Hasn’t Juanito noticed that the Blessed Child of Atocha has filled their hearts with blessings and gifts? [Ed. Note: Awwwww.] He points to the painting of the Child above the head of Juanito’s bed. [Which probably was his when he was a joven, since Delfi probably took Juan in when his Mami passed away. Just a guess.] Juan and Juanito will be millionaires, his Papi will be the Czar of Anthuriums. Juanito wants to know what’s up with this Czar thing. Juan puts it in terms that Juanito can wrap his head around---Juan’s toasted pigskin will be the best. [ ;-) Thanks, Maricruz!] Juanito wants to verify—Papi will be the boss, or will….?? The record stops. Juan assures Juanito that his Papi will be the one. Juanito is not so sure; it seems sometimes that the other one orders Juan around. [Anga, we presume.] Juan denies that’s the case; he’s the king. Juan tells him their exports will be everywhere. Juanito will attend the very best prep school/boarding school (colegio). He’ll have a room the size of a restaurant/wine cellar, whatever, with wall-to-wall games [my best guess for recatado]. Can Juanito imagine his birthday party? Juanito’s little face gets serious—he tells his Papi he’s never had one. His mommy could never manage to have one for him. Juan is muy impactado. We see his big heart squeeze with pain.

After a break, we note that Paula looks as good in a bikini as she does in most everything else. It’s got as much coverage as everything else she wears, too. As they eat, Paula tells Ana that CL disconcerts her. There are times when it really looks like he’s changed and wants to be with her, that things between them could actually work. But just about that time she remembers so many things he’s done that contradict it and give her doubts. Then she thinks this new and improved CL is just a strategy he’s using to get her back, and when he has it all in the bag, everything will be the same old-same old. Ana comments and looks wary. Paula continues that he just talked with her and seemed very caring. She kept on the defensive because he threw her a curve. She feels guilty. Ana doesn’t think she should be guilty about having doubts after all this. Paula notes that this is a critical point between her and CL; in some way, Juan continues to be like a ghost imposed between the two of them. Ana thinks Paula is getting tangled in too much thinking and analysis about it. Paula worries she’ll live with uncertainty the rest of her life. CL is real, and there is always the possibility that this time he means what he says, wanting to resolve things with her. Juan is a ghost. Ana notes that maybe for some reason or other Paula wants to go back with CL. What will happen after they resolve things? Will they be happy? Paula thinks happiness is relative. Ana doesn’t believe it; people can try to get as close to happiness as possible. It’s not a consolation prize. Paula repeats that Juan is merely an illusion for her. CL is real and has shown he wants to be with her. [Ed. Note: huh.] Isn’t that a more solid principle than this idealized love for Juan? Ana doesn’t know—she turns the question to Paula—is that what it seems? Paula can only shrug.

Juan has quietly come into Juanito’s darkened room and is smiling at his hijo who is supposed to be getting off to sleep. Juanito’s lamp is still on and he pipes up; what’s Papi up to? Juan replies that he’s just watching his son. He tells Juanito there’s a B-52 cockroach in the living room and he’s terrified, so he needs Juanito’s help to take care of the cockroach. Juanito wonders why such a great big guy like Daddy is such a wimp (coyón – cowardly). He shakes his head and goes down with Juan on the cockroach safari. Juan babbles on for him to be careful and follows Juanito into the room, turning on the light to a delightful mini-party with their favorite three folks—Anga, Delfina, and Molondrón. There are party hats, balloons, noisemakers, the works! Juanito joyfully smashes his face into a dessert and gets it all chocolate-y. Juan thought bubbles as we watch the party that he’s found a treasure and has learned that the greatest possible joy is always in giving joy to another person. Juan is enchanted with his son’s smile, and rejoices that they have been able to celebrate “Juanito’s first birthday party.”

Afterward, in Juanito’s room as Juan cleans his little face, Juanito points out is wasn’t really his birthday. Juan denies that this is a problem, it was simply an “un-birthday party.” He sings “happy un-birthday to you.” He hugs and kisses a delighted Juanito. Juan explains he wants to celebrate to make up for all those years that they couldn’t be together. Juan realizes that all those years, Father God had been saving a piece of heaven for him. Juanito is pleased with that idea. Juan assures Juanito that he is Juan’s greatest joy, his “motor” and his strength. Juanito thinks he’s so happy he won’t be able to sleep. Juan cajoles his son with a strategy to sleep; close his eyes, and imagine when they will celebrate the birthday for real, with clowns, and electronic games, and a swimming pool. Juanito is excited; will they have their own swimming pool (alberca)? Juan assures him they’ll have an enormous one at their house. He picks Juanito up and twirls him. Juanito tells his Papi that even if they have all that at his birthdays in the future, he’ll never forget THIS party and he loves his Papi a lot. Juan gets misty and gives Juanito a big kiss while they exchange loving looks. [Ed. Note: Awwwww.]

Speaking of bed, Anga and Delfi are sharing a quiet moment in hers in their jammies, Anga’s arm protectively around her. They chat about Juan, his amazing luck, and establishing a business with Anga and Juan. Put faith in it and the dreams will come true. Delfi wonders about that, and Anga points out that the people of Achichipico love Juan and he has the contacts and clout that will make it a success. Delfi talks fondly about Juan’s head in the clouds all the time and his big stories [read that: lies] and how you just have to overlook that in the boy. He’s basically good people and noble. Anga agrees. Delfi changes the subject: talking about rascals with good luck, she has a proposition for him. [Ed. Note: seems a little late for a proposition at this stage, Delfi…] What, he wants to know, does she want to be in the business with them? Nope, it’s something else. How about they get married? Anga is muy, but muy, impactado and sits bolt upright, and looking distinctly nauseated.

Molondrón and Juan, on the other hand, are sharing a quiet moment on the patio and talking about the lovely ladies. Molondrón thinks Juan’s charm convinced Susana to go in with him on business. Juan postures. He hasn’t lost it yet! Molo wants to know if Juan doesn’t like Susana at least a little, and don’t lie about it to your Molo. He acknowledges there might be something, but his heart is still wounded. Still, he’s not closing off the possibility. Molo is pleased with that, it’s his old Juan back.

Delfi and Anga are right where we left them, in bed, and she’s telling him her reasons for wanting to marry. She doesn’t want it to go from mouth to mouth—that she’s sleeping with a guy who isn’t her husband. [Ed. Note: Ah, yes, small towns….] Anga sounds doubtful….but to MARRY? She urges him to just give it a thought; he’ll have everything with her…..a home, a warm meal, and someone who loves him like no other can. She reaches over to tickle under his arm that’s raised behind his head. He chuckles and then grimaces as she cuddles up to him, and mutters to him to tell her yes.

CL has stopped by Laura’s apartment with Moni after they’ve eaten. He wonders if she’s going to tell her friend Gustavo Rivas that she and CL had dinner, won’t it bother him? Moni wants to know where that question is coming from. He gives her a lame reason – but she’s not going answer the question. She’s a free woman and doesn’t have to inform CL about her relationship with Gus. He murmurs and she reaches to straighten his lapel as they sit on the sofa facing each other [Ed. Note: my back hurts even watching it.] She coyly tells him it went well for them; she had forgotten what a pleasure it was to just chat with him. CL tells her he’s the salt of the earth (un pan de Dios, a/the bread of God—I thank Marycelis for translating that for me once long ago). He tells her he doesn’t understand why women like her are determined to look for defects in him that don’t exist. [Sheesh.] She grins coyly and exclaims “how modest!” He acknowledges that would be his only flaw. She smiles as she tells him that in spite of this tiny flaw, it was good. Does he realize that when they let down their guard, they can be good friends? CL, true MCP that he is, doesn’t know because he’s of the mind that it’s strange for men to be friends with women. Moni tells him that’s just his bias and asks if he’d like a drink. CL thanks her, but no. They’ll see each other tomorrow, he has to go. She bids him goodbye and gives him a tender kiss on the cheek; he looks a little bemused and pleased. Monica bites her lip, watches him leave, and sighs heartily.

Of course, Cousin Laura is in the wings waiting for her turn on stage. Is it just her ideas, or did actually she hear CL’s voice, she wonders? He’s just left, Moni tells her wistfully. Laura thinks it looks like her strategy to make him jealous is working. Moni looks calculating as she tells Laura that while Paula is acting like a prima donna/diva, Moni herself is gaining ground. She and Laura grin broadly at each other.

Outside of La Casa Cachón, Fern and Kike are recapping what just happened with Nidia. Fern laments that it’s difficult (cañón) to see poor Nidia like this. He doesn’t like to see Marely so sad. Kike agrees, poor Marely. He gives Fern a speculative look that isn’t lost on Fern. Fern retorts that he has cared a lot about Nidia, but now he cares about her in a different way. They laugh about Nidia thinking that Fern is Marely’s BF. Kike comments that Fern’s looking pretty happy in his role of BF. Kike warns Fern off—and Fern wonders if he likes Marely, so what!? Neither of them has any commitment. Marely is JUAN’S girl! What? Did he buy her or what? Kike talks to him like Fern is a preschooler—this is the woman my compadre needs. Fern wonders who named Kike the guardian of all Juan’s women? The fuss at each other a little—Fern thinks there is no reason for him not to get involved with her and Fern gives his reasons for liking her: she’s pretty, intelligent…..Kike is mildly impactado. What, you really care for her? Well, yes! Fern is annoyed that Kike would think otherwise. Kike stares in disbelief.

Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Yadi is telling her sis that Nidia has had her good points. Marely’s not happy that Nidia’s insisting that Fern is her boyfriend. Yadi pokes at Marely—it doesn’t look like Marely is angry about that idea. Marely denies it’s true. He’s a good friend, good people with her, nothing more. Yadi points out that he’s charming, not bad looking…..Marely goes on the offensive. “Don’t tell me you still like him?” She grins slyly. Yadi tells her sis they’re not talking about Yadi, they’re talking about Marely. She tells Marely that she should be at least considering Fern and option. Marely retorts she wasn’t looking for one. Yadi says she should. They take turns scoffing at each other over it. Yadi thinks Fern is the perfect candidate to help Marely get Juan out of her head once and for all. Marely is definitely not thrilled with that idea.

Meanwhile, outside, Kike says he’s only telling Fern the same thing he told Juan; Paula only took up with Juan to forget CL. Fern thinks the vibes he’s getting from Marely are different. Fern thinks with himself, Marely will forget Juan forever. Kike thinks it’s going to be difficult. Fern tells Kike the one enamored of Juan is Kike, not Marely. Kike says don’t be a fool, I’m serious here. Fern says it all remains to be seen. Kike shakes his head.

Back in Tweedle-land, Tweedledum and Tweedledee are engaged in one of their favorite pastimes—drinking while they discuss how to get Juan. T2 tells T1 that Juan’s got Aldemar hooked into his scheme, and T1 says his Dad’s just a toady around Juan. T2 fans the flame—he notes that Herbierto is irritated. Herbierto decides they need a plan. It’s not just Juan who can get people to do what he wants; the Tweedles are going after the girls—now the question is who gets whom? The girls have money and some should be Herbierto’s, he contends. Casimiro chuckles, but he’s interested.

Susana’s hooked on Juan. As she lies on the bed, musing about him, she hopes she’s not mistaken and he’s a man of his word. Why, a gal could easily fall in love with a guy like him!

Juan’s thinking about her, too, as he lies in his hammock while Juanito sleeps in the background—with the light on??? Juan thought bubbles that if Molondrón is right, Susana’s got her sights on Juan. Wow! Gee, Juan, a precious executive, he thought bubbles. It’s his specialty. Then he remembers it’s his specialty for embittering his life. He continues to wonder about Susana—she might be a good mother and a good woman to help him heal his wounds. He glances at Juanito and encourages himself to go for it.

The Tweedles clean up, but not so good, folks. It must be an Achichipico thing to wear clothes that don’t match when you go formal. They’re hot to trot and trotting for the local hotel to find the ladies. Both have white pants (how DO they keep them clean?) Herbierto has a jacket and both have red ties. [Does someone know the name for that kind of tie?] Caismiro’s actually goes with his shirt….mostly…..Each of them clutches a bunch of flowers tightly. They are pure determination. Herbierto wants to know how he looks. Casimiro tap dances around it, as most self-respecting folks would. Casimiro wants to talk about who gets who. They argue—Herbierto tells him he gets the Japanese girl, she fits his personality better, and Herbierto gets Susana—nothing is solved. Casimiro’s cousin who works in the hotel sees them and chuckles about them being dressed for a costume party. Casimiro tells him not to mock. They’ve come to call on the foreign girls. Cuz is skeptical and is reluctant to go knock on the girls’ door; it’s pretty late—if they’re lucky (perhaps, a lo major) they’re already sleeping. But, he goes. The boys giggle and Herbierto turns on Casimiro—what’s HE laughing about? T2 mutters that he doesn’t know….the truest words we’ve ever heard….

Hasn’t Delirio learned yet? He sneaks into the dark bedroom, crawls into bed with Nidia, and wakes her up. Nidia yells “Samuel” at him. Delirio just mumbles and she says it’s high time he arrived (bonitas horas de llegar - good hours to arrive). She flips on the light. Delirio keeps his back to her and pretends to snore, but no luck. She’s ticked that he just arrived and now he falls asleep—she drags the blankets back and realizes it’s Delirio. Nidia erupts again with screams and throwing pillows. He’s a degenerate! Depraved! He’d better get out of there! The kids come running in their jammies. Is she okay? No, of course she’s not okay, for Pete’s sake! Get this violator out of here! Delirio begs her to calm down; things are not as they seem to her. She yells more insults about him thinking he can justify being in her bed. Kike drags Delirio out while Nidia yells insults at him; she wants him out and never wants to see him in her house again. Delirio protests his eviction, of course. Yadi sends Marely off to bring Mami something and tries to calm Nidia. She tells her Mami that Kike will take care of Delirio. The light bulb goes off in Nidia’s head—qué the heck is Kike here this late and in his jammies????? Yadi, never a fast thinker, somehow pulls it off—pajamas are the fashion now, people wear them all the time! She ignores the late part and hopes it’ll work.

Downstairs, the rest of the family, in jammies, has reassembled for tea and decompression. The maid has magically appeared, fully dressed [obviously never sleeps] with a tea tray. Marely scolds Delirio for his foolishness in going into he bedroom. It was logical Nidia reacted like that. He asks what he’s supposed to do; he’s her hubby. Marely acknowledges that as Yadi joins them, and Marely points out that Nidia’s not in her right mind (no está in sus cinco sentidos, she’s not in her five senses), she’s in some other world. The girls and Kike chat about the tea while Delirio whines. It’s the last straw! He’s been exiled from his nuptial bed and displaced from his own bedroom. Kike tells him to quit using the Sunday words. (palabras domingueras). [Delirio uses the terms “lecho nupcial” and “propria alcoba,” instead of cama and habitactión –his words are antiquated and pompous]. Kike tells him to get a grip (grab the wave, agarre la onda), can’t he see that Nidia is bad off? Yadi scolds Delirio—didn’t it occur to him not to go into Nidia’s bed? He whines that he still has stuff in there, what’s he supposed to do? Marely tells him to wait until Nidia’s not around, get the stuff, and put it into Juan’s room. Delirio moans.

The Tweedles are still negotiating a partner switch. T2 doesn’t LIKE the Japanese girl. Herbierto looks at him in feigned disbelief—doesn’t Casimiro KNOW that the Japanese girls are the best lovers? They’re all geishas! [Ed. Note: Gag me with a spoon. All my Japanese-American friends in Hawaii would be in shock with this line. Especially my girlfriends.] Casimiro wonders if that’s true why Herbierto doesn’t want her for himself? Herbierto chuckles with oil dripping down his chin [I’m just saying] and tells Casimiro Susana already has her eye on him. Casimiro doesn’t buy it, but Herbierto talks faster. Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Susana wishes them a terse good evening, what can she do for them, as she walks up in her lovely white silk robe. Casimiro gives her a thrice-over with impactado eyes and Herbierto, sleaze ball that he is, giggles repeatedly as he presents their case. Casimiro wanted to see if the Japanese girl would go out for a walk with him, and by the way, if you’re not doing anything, maybe you and I could accompany them? Casimiro is impactado at Herbierto’s chutzpah. Susana is, too, as Herbierto thrusts the flowers at her.

Nidia is calming down with her tea. She tells her girls she had told them about that man (Delirio). These types of depraved men don’t listen to reason. She babbles on and they humor her. They’ll do everything they can….tomorrow. Finish your tea. Nidia wants to wait for Samuel to take care of it. She’s afraid this lecher will get into the girls rooms and go too far with them. The girls assure her nothing so serious will happen. Nidia thinks with these degenerates you never know. Haven’t they seen the news? Nidia is definitely not going to be able to sleep tonight. The girls sigh and Nidia babbles on. Their lazy father hasn’t shown up, either (shown his nose). So, that lecher is hanging around her house! She sighs in frustration.

The Tweedles leave the hotel musing on the welcome they didn’t get. Casimiro doesn’t believe they were really tired like they said. Herbierto thinks they got some points anyway. Casimiro tells him there’s no one so blind as one who refuses to see. They argue about what Susana’s refusal to go out with them meant.

Back at the Casa Cachón, Kike tries to convince Delirio he needs to make himself scarce for a few days. “Qué????????” Kike presents his rationale: he doesn’t see any other way. Yadi nods vigorously. Delirio wants to know why HE has to make the sacrifice? [Ed. Note: It isn’t obvious to you, Lic? Sheesh.] It’s just not fair. Marely explains that his presence disturbs Nidia. But he adores Nidia, Delirio whines. He can’t let go of her. Yadi says if he loves her so much he shouldn’t be such an egotist. Think of her rather than yourself! Kike says it’s for everyone’s good, while she gets better. Delirio just isn’t interested. They’re just plotting to get rid of him and this is the perfect excuse. It’s not going to be that easy! Yadi yells at him to not be paranoid. Marely begs him to please just leave the house for a short time for Nidia’s sake. He looks at her, pensive. Kike begs him to pay attention, and to do it, too. It’s for the good of the Doña. They all beg Delirio to do this for Nidia. It gets quiet and we hear the crickets chirping. The three kids think it’s a done deal, and they sigh and begin to relax….until Delirio comes to and tells them no, no, no and NO! He’s not budging. How do they like that?? They all sigh in frustration as we go to break and see Delirio counting his billetes.

Juan stretches out under the late night sky, clad in his botitas, tank t-shirt and jammie-shorts. The moon is high in the sky with a steeple behind him…how idyllic….. Anga joins him—is Juan a night owl? (Ave nocturna, night bird). No, he tells a jammie-clad Anga, he used to sleep like a bear in winter but since he went to the capital, he’s lain awake nights thinking and thinking, with insomnia. He wonders why Anga’s awake at this hour. Anga tells Juan that he’s been thinking about a delicate issue—Juan wants to know if it’s the business. Nope, personal-- Delfi proposed. For once, Juan is speechless, but he chuckles. Anga wants to know why he’s laughing. Juan responds and they sit companionably for a while. Anga tells Juan he asked her if he could think about it a little while. He’s tired of being alone and stuck to the memory of Nidia. Juan congratulates Anga, because he can reclaim (recover) his life, and fast. Juan continues that others of us want to but can’t. Anga scoffs. He knows he’s no Adonis and bald (calvo - a pun, since his last name is Calvo and it means bald), but he still has time to begin something new. And Juan is young; why can’t he do the same? Juan is glib (labia que tiene, you have glibness), so he should be able to do it….Juan is the King of this town! There must be several little gals willing to fix his wounds and cure them. But time passes, and when you realize it, it might be too late. Anga’s spent the best years of his life waiting for someone who would never be his. He looks at Juan meaningfully.

Marely is still trying to get hardhead Delirio to cooperate with the program. It’s just for a few days. Nope, Delirio’s having none of it. Not even one day. I’m staying because I’m staying. Nidia has apparently been awakened by his whining and wants to know qué the heck is all this. Delirio calls her his dear and tries to explain. She tries to throw him out again. It’s Doña Nidia to you! She doesn’t know what language she has to use for him to understand that she doesn’t want him coming back to her house. [Ed. Note: apparently it hasn’t occurred to her that they still are all in their jammies in the middle of the night arguing about him being there.] She’s just amazed by his audacity. He whines and she scolds; it’s all because Samuel Cachón is….wherever he is….Delirio tries once again to call her his love and she tells him to get out or she’ll kick him out. Delirio goes off stage right while Yadi cheerfully bids him farewell. They hear Delirio slam the door and Nidia remarks he almost broke it. She notices that Kike is still around and wonders when he’s going to get out.

Well, apparently everyone’s going with the program, as Kike and Delirio sit freezing their okoles off on the front steps of the house. They wonder when this Sra. will get to sleep so they can sneak back in. Delirio emphatically doesn’t want this scene repeated every day. Yadi comes out to get Kike, and Delirio doesn’t want to have to sneak into his own home like a criminal, that’s the last straw, but Kike tells him it’s fine if he wants to stay outside all night and Delirio thinks better of it.

Juan is all excited to greet the ladies at the hotel as the rooster crows the next morning; he’ll give them a great guided tour of the town or walk by the river with them. He thought bubbles about Susana—could she be his future? He greets the ladies with bows and a cheerful “hola.” But, what are those suitcases? Susana tells Juan they have to return to Mexico City to take care of some loose ends. He tries to convince them to stay in Achichipico, this wonderful place. Nope, they’ll have to come on some other occasion. He thought bubbles –what should he say, that he thought she could be the mother of his child, that she could rip the bad love away from his heart? She smiles at Juan and he bucks up, trying to make the best of it. Can he carry the suitcases? They’d love that, Susana tells him. Juan goes between them and flirts a little with Susana as he passes her. Sunyu smiles at Susana’s look. They arrive to the red car that Akito had driven, and Juan tells them that parting is such sweet sorrow [Okay, I paraphrased that] and that’s life. But, they’ll be returning very soon, right? Sunyu reaches up to kiss him. He tells her “sayonara” and she goes around the car. Susana is left facing Juan, who tells her to remember her promise. She says she will. Then he takes her aside. Will she be in contact with folks at Farell? She’s puzzled and a little wary. Yes…..why? He wants a favor that’s very special. Don’t, under any circumstances, tell them she knows Juan. Susana is impactada.

Marely comes into the office, greeting co-workers, and finds a gift at her desk. She opens the card, which tells her it’s just a little token (detalle) for someone sweet. It’s signed “yours faithfully, Fernando.” (Atentamente). She reads it aloud and Ivonne is impactada.

Susana doesn’t understand. Why? Well, he worked at Farell for a short time, was a highly placed executive…..What area, Susana wants to know. In the VP Commercial area. He left with some problems. What problems, she wonders? Well….with a woman. That’s why he doesn’t want the people there to know he is here in Achichipico. Susana wants to know if it’s really that. He swears it is. If she has to mention someone, why not mention Anga—they know him well at Farell. He asks her again to please not mention him. She tells him he’s a very special (peculiar) man. He thought bubbles that he’s not sure if it was a compliment or insult. She tells him he can count on it, not to worry and tells him she has to go. Sunyu gets into the car behind her, so it’s clearly time. He kisses her cheek and she’s impactada and pleased….as we all would be….. Juan thought bubbles that there went his future, all his hopes were placed in this little doll. His, and those of his son. He sighs to himself about her lips and hugs, and tells her to return soon, very soon as he waves them off.

Moni is meeting with Fernando to tell him the ladies have called to her them know they’re on the way. She wants him to have all the documentation ready for them when they arrive. Fern asks her if this business deal is very important for the company, right? Moni affirms it’s the opportunity for them to open a new business in the Orient, and for nothing in the world can they lose it.

On the other side of Mexico, Juan is telling Anga that no way in the world can they lose this business deal. Anga agrees, and for that reason he wants all the business details clear from now on. The first thing is to define the partnership. Juan thinks they should see a notary. Anga wants to know how they’ll divide the percentages of profit; Juan says it’s 25% each. Anga disagrees, it’s just Juan, Anga and Aldemar. What about Molondrón? Anga says he doesn’t want Molondrón as a partner. Juan tells him very politely he’ll make it easy; if it’s three people, it’s Molondrón in and Angarita out. Anga is impactado.

At the Farell lobby, Julia has lost weight and all the lobby lizards still live in the lobby. Paula strides in, blue jeans and casual top, smiling uncomfortably. She greets Marely, who’s excited to see her. The lizards speculate evilly. Paula complains about how the whole world is watching her. Marely reminds Paula she knows how they are and asks if she’s come to see CL? Nope, she’s come to see Monica. Marely is muy, pero muy, impactada. We are reminded that any similarity to real life is purely coincidental. [Ed. Note: has there EVER been a better ending sequence than Juan cachi-cachi-bonboning in the waterfall, sans shirt??]

Monday: Will Monica forgive Paula or slap her? Will CL have a hissy that Paula’s with Monica? Will Juan pine away for Susana, whom he’s known and adored for all of two days?


A cambio del aventón – in exchange for the lift/ride
Privaciones – wants, privations, what has been lacking
Colegio – prep school, boarding school, like mine but for hearing kids
Coyón – cowardly
Alberca – swimming pool
Un pan de Dios – salt of the earth, literally a/the bread of God
Cañón – difficult
No está in sus cinco sentidos – not in her right mind (lit. she’s not in her five senses)



Interjections, dichos, refranes and fun sayings.

These are collected from all our telenovelas over the past couple of months, but most of them are from Juan Querendón, a veritable gold mine of vocabulary. If anybody notices anything that is incorrect please let me know and I'll fix it. Many thanks to all you recappers who point out these gems for us. Enjoy!

¡Abusado! = Look out! Be careful!

¡Agárrate! = listen to this!

¡Chévere! = Fantastic!

¡Chido! = Cool!

¡Chula de bonita! = gorgeous! (chula and bonita mean beautiful, so doubly beautiful)

¡Nana! = No way!

¡Padrísimo! = way cool, extremely cool, great!

¡Pian! = take it easy! (from the musical term ‘piano’ which means calmly)

¡Protesto! = I protest/complain, used here as I attest, affirm or swear I will

¡Que vivo! = How clever!

¡Sopas! = Crash! Wallop!

agarra la onda = understand the vibes

amarrárte los calzones = hitch up your trousers, get tough

anda cacheteando las banquetas = wild about someone (lit. slapping the sidewalks – from Schoolmarm’s Barron’s dictionary of Spanish slang)

andarse muy pipa = to go around really happy

borron y cuenta nueva = wipe the slate clean

como uña y mugre = thick as thieves (Lit. like fingernail and dirt)

consultar con la almohada = sleep on it (Lit. consult with the pillow)

cortado por la misma tijera = cut from the same cloth (Lit. cut with the same scissors)

dar la cara = face the consequences (Lit. to give the face)

en balde = for nothing (lit. in the pail, bucket)

escurrir el bulto = to pass the buck (to dodge the issue)

eso es el colmo = that's the last straw (lit. that's the height)

eso cuenta no se lo come nadie = no one is buying this story (no one is eating this story)

esperar la cosa ponerse fea = wait for the s**t to hit the fan (lit. wait for things to become ugly)

estar en las nubes = to have one's head in the clouds

estar hasta la coronilla (de) = to be utterly fed up (with), which actually looks like I’m up to the crown of my head

estoy hasta el gorro = I am fed up

irse de espalda = It is an exaggeration and is used to denote surprise “Cuando
le dijeron el precio del carro casi se va de espaldas” When he was told the price of the card he almost fell backwards.

¿le muevo la aguja? = do I move the switch? (lit. do I trip your trigger, do you care about me?)

los papeles se han cambiado = the parts/roles have been reversed, or the tables are turned

manzana de discordia = bone of contention (lit. apple of discord)

Más se perdió en la guerra = it's not the end of the world (Lit. More is lost in war)

matar dos pájaros de un tiro = kill two birds with one stone

me falto valor = I lack the courage

me agarré con las manos en la masa = I was caught with my hands in the cookie jar (lit. I was caught with my hands in the masa)

me cae gordo = I can’t stand him (Lit. he fell fat for me)

me chiqueaba = to play hard to get

meterla en cintura = to sort someone out

no canta un gallo = it’s clear (a rooster couldn’t sing clearer)

ni nostalgia ni nada = no looking back, no regrets

no dio su brazo a torcer = didn’t let him twist her arm, didn’t give her arm to be twisted

no te sulfures = don't get mad

pasar por alto = get lost in the shuffle

“Pica, pica y califica” (something like saying: “check mate”)

rebanadas del aire = slices of air (starving)

sacar a alguien de quicio = to drive someone up the wall

sacarle la vuelta a alguien = avoid someone

sacar tajada = get a piece of the pie, to get in on the act (lit. take a piece)

si no le importa que meta mi cuchara – if you don’t mind me meddling (if it’s not important to you that I’m mixing my spoon in it)

sin saber a qué hora = never see it coming

Sin ton ni son = without rhyme or reason

no taladres el alma = don’t put a hole in the soul (don’t drill/bore through the soul)

Todo cabe dentro las posibilidades = anything fits inside the possibilities, anything’s possible

todo se vale = anything goes, it’s all worth it (my loose interpretation)

tomar decisions al vuelo = make decisions on the wing/on the fly, think on your feet

torcer la flecha = twist the knife (lit. twist the arrow)

yo pico de cera = I mind my own business (Lit. ??)

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