Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fuego, Wednesday 6/18 (#37): Tonight's episode brought to you by Melrose Mints

Back in the 90s, when Melrose Place terrorized the airwaves, there was a recap site called Melrose Space. This was my introduction to the art of snarky recapping, long before I ever suspected that I would someday be involved in such a thing myself.

The recaps made frequent reference to "Melrose Mints," aka TUMS, which were often needed to deal with melodrama-induced queasiness. In this case, however, it's the people of Serdán who'll be needing the mints. And some morphine - lots of it. And maybe some hemlock.

Gabi is nearly peeing herself with excitement over the big ring that Benito put on Sarita's finger. Jimena unenthusiastically offers her right hand to Octavio, who puts his ring on her middle finger. Gabi proudly announces that the wedding will take place within a month, and everybody's invited! The four happy lovers look as though they have each been hit in the head with a baseball bat.

Father Tadeo arrives discreetly, just in time to hear the announcement. It's obvious that both the party and the double-engagement have taken him by surprise, but he crosses himself politely. He asks Eva if she knows where Sofía and Juan are. Before she can answer, Raquel rushes over to greet him. She says she thought he was out of town since he wasn't there.

Embarrassed, Gabi bustles over to apologize and explain that her head was so full of things, she forgot to invite him. Tadeo doesn't even blink at this blatant lie. Raquel ushers him to her table, telling him she wants him to perform the ceremony. Gabi graciously offers him her seat.

In the pueblo, Oscar helps Quintina (wearing a costume of her own - bomber jacket, helmet, and goggles) load bread onto Hortensia's truck so that she and Grandpa can make some deliveries. (How do the Reyes usually deliver their bread?) Moments after she peels out of there, Franco arrives. Oscar reports Jimena's bafflingly bad reaction to his offer of the ring. Franco then reports Rosario's unexpected disappearance, so soon after asking for his help.

"I don't understand women," Franco says. Oscar says it's hormone-induced caprice, and says hopefully Juan will be happy.

Juan and Sofía are eating at what looks to be very out-of-the-way picnic lunch stand. Juan asks their hostess if there's a place they can stay; she says there's nothing like that around there.

Rosario is reunited with Luis at the hotel in Cuetzalán. He nods and grins when she asks if he's okay. Feo asks where Petra (his crazy caretaker) is. The boy says she left. Feo reminds Rosario that he did what he said he would - let her be with her son - and says someone will bring them something to eat and not to leave the room. Rosario says it doesn't matter if she's locked up, as long as she can be with her child. Feo leaves, and Rosario tells Luis she hopes they can escape to some place where no one ever finds them.

(It occurs to me that Feo might not even realize the boy's his.)

Back at the party, Tadeo takes Gabi aside and asks, "when are you going to learn that unions should be given for love? You can't marry your daughters with whomever you want unless they are in agreement. Do you want to repeat Sofía's experience?" Gabi replies that Sofía is unhappy because of love, and she blames Tadeo for encouraging her defiance.

Tadeo says "it seems you still have no fear of God." She says he's the last person who should judge her actions since he hasn't done anything to convince her father to come back to the hacienda, like he's so content to be living with those bricklayers. And if anything bad happens to her father (she interrupts herself to slap on a big fake smile and a giggle and wave at some people), she'll hold Tadeo responsible for that too.

Phew. Is anybody reaching for their "mints" yet? Pace yourselves.

Grandpa and Quintina pull up in front of a picnic lunch stand (not the one that Sofía and Juan were at) and Quintina gives them a basket of of bread. Not too far away, Feo, who seems to have encountered them by pure chance, gloats to himself about the lucky opportunity fate has presented him.

Eva finally gets back to Tadeo and says Gabi thinks Sofi is out with Feo, but Eva's pretty sure she's with Juan. The padre says it's a touchy situation and the only reason he's not too worried is because Sofi's out of danger while he's still trying to get her that annulment from Fernando. (He practically growls the name.)

Quintina and Grandpa have stopped at the convent; the truck is empty. I guess they've been invited inside for tea. Feo loosens the one of the tires and cuts the brake line, then takes off to the hacienda, where the engagement party is still in progress.

Gabi chides him gently for being late and asks where he and Sofía were. "Sofía? She wasn't with me." Does Gabriela worry? No, she guesses that she's making mischief with Grandpa. Feo thought-bubbles that she's not with Grandpa unless she's at the convent.

"Poor Don Agustín," Feo continues thought-bubbling to himself with a sardonic grin, "I'm sure he's already in a better place."

Not yet. Grandpa's commenting to Quintina how on glad the nuns at the convent were for the bread they brought them. Quintina remarks that the road is awful, full of curves/bumps/something (I can't find a road-related translation for "bancadas"). Grandpa says she's a good driver, but be careful anyway just in case of a bad curve. Quintina suddenly realizes she can't slow down - the brake's not working. As the car begins to swerve uncontrollably on the wobbly tire, only now does she realize they're not wearing their seatbelts. (Since a car crash killed his wife and cost him the use of his legs, I find it hard to believe that Grandpa would forget to buckle up.)

Suddenly, the truck flips - I'm not sure how. It turns all the way over, bouncing off the flawlessly paved road, and comes to rest right-side up. Grandpa is banged-up, bleeding, and not entirely conscious, but at least he's breathing. Quintina is in better shape, and tells him to hang in there while she goes for help.

Night falls. Ah-ooooooooo! It's a full moon! Juan and Sofía are camped out near the waterfall; she assures him she's okay with sleeping on the ground, as long as she's with him. Then, suddenly, she gets a bad feeling - she thinks something has happened. (Sure it did, but it must have been at least an hour ago since the sun was still up.) Juan is sure nothing happened, and the feeling was just that - a feeling. They need to go to sleep so they can leave early tomorrow. She doesn't seem so sure, but he holds her, and she says she loves him more than anything else in the world.

Oscar meets with Fr. Tadeo, still upset that Jimena didn't explain why she dumped him. He wants to confront her. Tadeo asks if he's willing to confront her mother. Oscar says he respects mothers, then babbles the blessedness of motherhood, and somehow gets on the subject of Mary Magdalene (I think this has something to do with his conversation with Franco about Rosario a few weeks ago).

Tadeo loses his temper and asks what does any of this have to do with the subject at hand?! "It's unbelievable, all the nonsense I have to listen to! Where'd you get the idea that Mary Magdalene had children? Be careful when discussing sacred religious matters that deserve respect! If you don't know what you're talking about, better not talk!" Oscar apologizes.

The party's still happening. Octavio and Jimena have slipped away for a hot makeout session... she has reversed his gayness! Eh - no, actually he's just told her that he's no more interested in marrying her than she is in marrying him. He says she'd be the woman of any man's dreams, but not his. This is a huge relief to Jimena. Her relief is a big relief to him! He suggests they make a pact: they'll pretend to go along with the relationship, but when nobody's watching they can do whatever they want.

Sarita and Benito have also slipped away for some hot non-makeout. Sarita says she doesn't love him. "I don't love you either," Benito says casually. "I like you, but I don't love you." He gave her the ring for the same reason she took it - his aunt and her mother made them do it. He asks if she's ever been in love. She says yes, but it went very badly; so badly she doesn't believe in love. He says he does believe in love - love he has for a woman who isn't Sarita. She chuckles reassuringly.

In the Reyes kitchen, Franco and Oscar are wearing pretty aprons and cooking dinner. Franco sings that he doesn't care if someone doesn't love him. Oscar scowls and tells him to shut up; he's like the dog with two sandwiches. (Also known as the dog with the bone who saw his reflection in the water and thought it was another dog with a bone; he opened his mouth to take the other bone, dropped his own into the lake, and was left with nothing.) Franco teases Oscar about being without his love and her money. Then Quintina staggers in, crying about the accident and says they need to go back there right away.

At the party, Feo tells Crabi he's going to go looking for Sofía - he thinks she might have gone back to the convent. Before he can leave, however, Raquel demands that he dance with her. She hands Gabi her wine glass and whisks Feo away. Gabi stares at them, miffed, holding a wine glass in each hand. Feo looks at her helplessly. (It's not often that we get to see his flair for comedy!)

Juan and Sofía haven't gone to sleep yet. He's telling her he's going to work really hard so that he can give her all the amenities she's used to. She says those things don't matter to her - what good are they if she's not happy? Living in a golden cage? He's already given her back her will to live and made her feel true love. "I'm yours forever." Then they catch full moon fever.

Fr. Tadeo has returned to the party. (I think the scene between him and Oscar was edited out of sequence; Oscar was even wearing a different shirt.) He wants to know why Jimena isn't marrying Oscar. She says she found out in time that he's a bad man, and she deserves someone better. Tadeo asks, what did Oscar do to her? She says he showed her who he really is - "someone very different than you and I think."

A mariachi band begins to play. Jimena marches right up to them and begins to sing somewhat off-key. Mortified, Gabi protests; Raquel says "aw, let her sing, Gabriela! Don't you see how happy she is about her engagement?" Feo agrees. Crabi pats his hand, gives him a gooey look, and says "only because you ask." She sits down with much too big of a grin; but the grin fades quickly as Jimena goes on singing about being really drunk.

Grandpa, Quintina, Dimples (Oscar), and Fuzzy (Franco) are at the dispensario. The good doctor is there; Grandpa's somewhat delirious and keeps saying "Gomez no, Gomez no." Quintina tries to reassure him. The good doctor says his name is Mondragón. Dimples tells Quintina he's going to recover. She's crying and saying she was driving well, very calmly, and she doesn't understand what happened to the truck; the brakes failed. Fuzzy says the truck was very old and that's why it gave out.

Oscar tells Franco they need to inform the family. Quintina begs Grandpa to get better. Hortensia shows up and is glad to see Quintina safe and sound. Quintina points out that Grandpa's not doing as well, and "worst of all," Hortensia's truck is totalled.

Still not asleep yet, Sofía worries to Juan that it might be difficult for them to go back someday. Juan assures her that it will happen. She doesn't think her mother will forgive her. Juan says, "why think about that? Instead think of how I love you with all my soul."

Jimena has moved on to another song with the mariachis - this one's about making the same mistakes year after year, drinking again with strangers and crying over the same pains. She is finally silenced by the arrival of Dimples and Fuzzy. Gabi FREAKS and screams at them: how dare they interrupt their private party? They tell her that Grandpa had an accident.

Most of the onlookers seem horrified; Gabi merely looks thoughtful. "Is he dead?" Feo asks hopefully. "No, he's alive," Oscar says, giving him a hard look. (Do you think he suspects?) Fr. Tadeo sighs with relief. Feo smiles with angelic relief. (Oscar stares even harder at him.)

Later, at the clinic, Sarita is telling Jimena that the accident is very suspicious - she thinks "they" (the brothers) caused it. "They want to hurt us!" Jimena says Sarita's so obsessed with this idea, she can't see past her own nose; take into account that they're the ones who rescued him. I think Sarita believes that's all part of their cunning plan, but Jimena cuts her off - sure they're a couple of shameless traitors, but that's a far cry from wanting to hurt their grandfather.

"You're going to pay," is all Gabi has to say for herself as she and Feo enter Grandpa's room. "I'm going to sue you all!"

I'm sorry. I have to take a break. I am laughing too hard to go on. How Diana Bracho can play this character without convulsing in laughter with each new ludicrous outburst, I cannot imagine. She must keep a thumbtack in her shoe or something.

Ahem. I'm back. The brothers, Quintina, and Dr. Mondragón just stare at each other, bemused. Oscar says "do whatever you want, ma'am." Enraged, Crabi tells them to get out. "You have no right to be here." The doctor says she can't kick them out if Grandpa wants them there.

"I just knew something was going to happen, but nobody paid me any mind."

Feo, always so interested in others, asks Dimples and Fuzzy where Juan is. "Leave my brother alone and worry about Don Agustín," Franco says. Oscar tells him it's best he not ask questions to which he wouldn't like the answers.

Sofía wakes with a start. She's had a nightmare that something awful happened to her grandfather. Juan urges her to go back to sleep.

Oscar tells Jimena he knows it's not a good time, but he deserves an explanation. She refuses to give any specifics other than to call him a malhecho. "Me? A mal hecho?" He reminds her that she was dancing, singing, hugging that guy and now look, she's wearing an engagement ring! She betrayed him! She played with his feelings!

All she can say to this is that he's the one who played with her feelings. She tells him to leave her in peace. "Fickle chick," he mutters.

Franco tries to make nice with Sarita, saying he's worried about Grandpa. She says she's convinced the brothers are trying to hurt her family. He says they love her grandfather and would never hurt him. She says they came to the hacienda with bad intentions. She's going to prove it! "So you're still upset about Rosario?" Franco unwisely asks. She scoffs, shows Franco her ring, and brags about Benito, "someone of my class." (Where'd I put my Melrose Mints?) Franco says great, if that's what makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. And Rosario's left town, and we don't know when she's coming back.

I'm not sure why he told her that, but it seems to have an effect - for a split-second. Then she tosses her head at him and leaves.

Eva finds Oscar and tells him they need to find Sofía and tell her about Grandpa. If he gets worse, Sofía would never forgive Eva for not letting her know. Oscar says the doctor told them he's going to get well. Eva is relieved, but still thinks Sofía should be informed so that she can decide what to do.

With all the nice people outside, Gabi and Feo are alone with Grandpa. "You deserve it," Gabi is thought-bubbling to him. "You provoked all of this. You deserve what happened to you."

Feo gently holds Grandpa's hand and does his innocent puppydog expression, thought-bubbling "Hopefully you'll die - that would solve all my problems."

Oscar and Franco wonder where Juan is. Oscar says Juan likes the mountain trail; if they went there and stopped to rest, he and Franco can find them before dawn.

I guess that worked. It's the next day and they're all talking. Sofía wants to go back and be at Grandpa's side. Juan says they all love her grandfather, but the doctor said he's going to recover. Oscar agrees, he'll be fine. Juan says if they go back now, it's going to be very difficult to leave again. Oscar suggests that they just let him know where they're going, and he'll keep them informed.

This isn't good enough; Sofía demands to go back. Juan says he wants what she wants, and if going back will make her feel better, they'll go back, and figure out later how to get away again. Sofía says no, they have to accept that fate is against them, it's proof that their love is impossible. They'll NEVER be free to be together; NEVER. The sooner they accept reality, the better. "You're free, Juan. I give back your promise to love me forever. You're free." Finally he lets go of her hand.

(MINTS! I need my damn MINTS!!)

Finally... the long-awaited return of the Padre's donkey! I wonder where he's been all these weeks. Vacation? Retreat? Seminar? Jail? Espionage? Romance? We shall never know, for he is a donkey of deep secrets.

Grandpa is stirring, just in time for Sofía's arrival. "What are you doing here?" he asks. She says she came back for him. "You shouldn't have done that, it's a mistake, put your love first, you have to leave and be happy! You should go back before your mother sees you. Go, there's still time." She says it's too late. He says "It's never too late. Trust in your love. Go. I know what I'm talking about! Please!"

She refuses and insists it's too late. But she's glad he's okay.

She gets home with a "where's my Melrose Mints?" look on her face. She turns back towards the door, and for a moment I think she's going to flee; but instead she closes the doors and bars them.

Feo is glad to see her. "Where were you? Who'd you spend the night with?" She says she's not going to tell him anything, he can think whatever he wants. He shakes her and says he's her husband and she has to answer him. He is about to bitch-slap her all the way to Telemundo when Sarita, Jimena, and Eva show up and pull them apart. He has the nerve to shout that it's his right. "Right to what, kill me?" Sofía challenges.

"That's what I should do - kill you! You're a tramp!" And this time he does hit her, in front of three witnesses. He also shoves Sarita and Eva.

Gabi appears at the top of the stairs. "Enough," she says without a great deal of emotion. "I only want her to tell me where she spent the night!" Gabi sends Sofi to her room. Sofi stares at her, disbelieving. "Now!" Feonando tries to get in her way. Gabi calls him off.

Sofi leaves. Gabi tells him there will be time to talk to her later. He says that if she doesn't tell him where she was, he could...

She cuts him off and shakes her head. He looks at Sarita, Jimena, and Eva, huddled together protectively, and leaves the house.

Now Gabi wants them to tell her where Sofía was. They don't say a word. (The nice thing is that technically, they don't know where she went.)

Grandpa wakes to the sound of jingle-spurs. He tells Juan to kidnap Sofía if necessary, but get her out of there. "Do it." Juan says he can't; it's all over. She'll never have the nerve to leave her family. She'd never leave all this for him; and when that damn cottage is finished, they (the brothers) will leave the hacienda.

Now there's a weird-colored scene of the guys at the cottage. It takes a minute to figure out, but the red edges around the picture signal a montage:
  • The brothers return to work.
  • Jimena is kissing Grandpa goodbye at the dispensario and ignoring Oscar.
  • Sarita looks happy when she hears Franco sneak up behind her, but then gives him the cold shoulder.
  • Juan is planing a piece of wood.
  • Sofía is looking out the window.
  • Grandpa is coming home from the hospital.
  • The brothers are painting the cottage red.
  • The sisters come out on the balcony; the brothers see them and pause in their work. They stare at one another miserably.
Now we're out of the montage; no idea how much time has passed. Sofía, the woman who once left a broken teacup and spilt tea overnight for the maid, is preparing to sew a button onto a blouse.

Suddenly, she gets very, very queasy. She nearly collapses over her bell collection, but makes it to the bathroom just in time.

Crabi pays our construction workers a visit to gloat that they've finally finished that damn cottage. Juan is just as glad as she is, and proudly offers her a tour. "No, as far as I'm concerned it can fall apart tomorrow. After all, it wasn't made for my tastes, and nobody asked my opinion. Luckily, this will be the last day we see each other."

She should totally apply for a job at Hallmark.

"Don't be so sure," Juan says.

"Everyone of your class is alike," Crabi says. "I remember this girl who came to my house one night to claim something that wasn't hers. Some 'Libia.' God punished her for that."

The brothers take a few steps forward.

Sofía comes out of the bathroom, beaming. She picks up a figurine of an angel holding a baby.

"I'm pregnant! I'm expecting Juan's child!"

In telenovelas, the expectant mother is always the last to know.

Next time:
Gabi takes a swing at Juan. Oh, the irony.

I'm off next week - you'll get a double-dose of Nicolás on Monday and Wednesday.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #103, Wednesday 6-18: What a difference three years makes…or not.

In case you missed last night (or did not read Beckster's excellent recap--in which case, shame on you!) three years have passed. Three years of Luciana drinking alone in her room…well, that's not so different. Three years of Marisela and Bobby going out while Marisela makes eyes at Mateo. Three years of Valeria modeling and Rocky missing her. Three years of Mili continuing to date Hugo instead of calling up Alejandro to say "Oh, by the way, we're not related." I can't explain that one, unless it's due to Hugo's new haircut of awesomeness (thanks, hair people!). In other news, Constancio won his election, and Mili, Lina, and Gloria managed to finish school. So, tonight is their graduation party from "la prepa" (high school, more or less--in Mexico only K-9 are mandated, at least in theory).

Padre Manuel has convinced Constancio to make a speech for the occasion. If you think this is finally the moment he's going to admit that Mili is his daughter, then in the words of George Strait, "I've got some ocean front property in Arizona." On to tonight's show:

Constancio ends up saying, "I'm proud you're my…uh, that you're part of my…uh, that you're part of this house." Everybody claps, but Milagros is devastated, once again. And PM is doubting his knowledge of human nature. Hugo is surprised to hear Constancio talk like that. Mili can't understand why he won't fess up already, but she insists he's got to be the one to make the first move.

In his study, Constancio pats himself and Rosario (via photo) on the back for producing such a great daughter. That he won't acknowledge. Heck, two out of three ain't bad, right. He thinks since Rosario didn't forgive him, Mili won't either.

Luciana looks at magazines with Valeria on the cover, then at a picture of Alejandro. She's missing her kids, but she forgets neither of them would be talking to her if they were actually here, so what's the diff?

Hugo retrieves a little box from his room. Braulio comes in to ask if he's proposing today and wishes him luck. And downstairs they go.

Sor Cachete and Madre Superior talk about how nice Constancio's words were. Lina suggests putting on some music to liven up the party, which they finally do. It's bailongo night at Casa Belmonte. Hugo and Braulio come rushing downstairs. Sor Cachete asks Braulio to dance--he sure as heck doesn't swing that way! He ends up doing the robot a little bit. Luciana comes downstairs screaming that maids don't dance in her household. She specifically requested Morbid Maids, not Merry Maids. She screams that she's leaving and calls them all nacos, to which Mili responds, "nacos las pelotas!" Now, why does Mili saying "pelotas" always get muted out? I know she's saying "balls" but what's so bad about that? Does anyone know if they muted it out in Mexico? And finally, how am I supposed to learn all the good curse words if they don't let me hear them? Luciana leaves and it's back to the party. Mateo's friend, Fernando, hits on Lina, but Bobby tries to bust them up. Good question, Fernando, where is Bobby's girlfriend? Constancio's standing there with his hands in his pockets while everybody else dances.

Marisela is outside by the fountain kissing Mateo. Gross. How could she be attracted to him, with his ratty face and his old man sweaters? My apologies to any actual old men reading, I'm sure you'd never be caught dead in such horrid sweaters as Mateo keeps wearing. Who did he piss off in the costuming department?

Braulio comes into the kitchen to snap at Karla for not attending to the guests. She refuses to wait on other "servants." Rocky and Lina come in to say they're running low on drinks. Lina pisses off Karla by calling her "stepsister," so Rocky volunteers to go get drinks. I hadn't noticed before tonight, but there's an egg holder in the background shaped like a chicken. That has nothing to do with anything.

So, who's gonna watch Querida Enemiga?

Luciana's hitting the piano bar again. We see the back of someone's head and I'm betting it's Nestor. She orders a whiskey and Nestor comes over to ask what a bar like her is doing in a girl like this. He hasn't been able to forget her, he's legally divorced now, and he'd like to get some of that Drunky Luci lovin'. Luciana says her husband is still cheating on her with Andrea, the kids are gone, she feels like she's losing it all. Nestor's like, "Hello! What am I, chopped liver? Divorce Constancio and let's get married." Nestor hasn't gotten the memo that Luciana has no spine unless it comes to tormenting those she believes are beneath her.

Rocky is fetching the drinks from the trunk when a cab pulls up. None other than Valeria "Snotty Spice" Belmonte. He calls "Chiquita!" She looks like she wants to roll her eyes, but she's just too sad to.

Hugo stops the music and proposes to Mili. I think for as much as Hugo's worth, I should be seeing a whole lot more sparkle coming out of that box. Of course, we all know Mili's not that kind of girl. She'd probably be happier if he'd opened up the box and proposed with a big fat check to the Milagros Lascurain Charitable Foundation aka Save The Orphans of St. Deceptions Fund. Oh, never mind, she says yes right away. Not like a happy, excited "yes," but more like "aw, aren't you sweet, yeah, sure." She looks like she's going to cry. The bling looks much better out of the box. Mili and Hugo kiss. Braulio looks like he's wondering if he's backed the right horse…or maybe he's just verklempt.

When we return from commercials the kiss is still going on. The ladies gather around Milagros to ooh and aah over the ring. Braulio tells Hugo he applauds his romanticism, but thinks that Hugo needs to ask Milagros' father for her hand. Hugo approaches Constancio and asks for Milagros' hand…from Padre Manuel. Constancio's relieved and Braulio asks him who he thought Hugo would ask. Heh, who knew Hugo had a sense of humor? The gals wonder when the wedding will be and Hugo suggests next week, if Padre Manuel will agree to marry them. He does, "of course." Hey, I know it's been three years, but has everybody forgotten (a) Alejandro? And (b) that they're not actually related? I'm guessing he'll be back just in time to shake things up.

Nestor continues trying to convince Luciana to leave Constancio. Dude, have you not realized she's a masochist? What other explanation could there be? Luciana says she's afraid and she can't. Idiot. She tells Nestor to forget her…again. Riiiiight, cause he listened the first time?

Rocky is happy to see his Chiquita, digo, Señorita Valeria. She does this strange sideways walk closer to him while not looking at him at all. Valeria confirms she's not a dream and slaps his hand away, screaming at him not to touch her. She orders him to hurry up and help the taxi driver with her bags. Rocky's never been so happy, his Chiquita is back! And it's just like the old days when she used to senselessly berate him!

Valeria walks into the party. Constancio is also happy to see her. She's doing some work for a catalog in Mexico. Rocky stumbles in with all the bags. She's back to calling him Morgan. She tells him to hurry up and take her bags upstairs. Bobby comes over to say hi and she disses him like back in the old days, telling him to go away. She asks about the party. Constancio tells her the gals have graduated and Hugo and Mili are engaged. Valeria mocks him for proposing to Mili yet again, then she says she's going upstairs to sleep and they should turn down the music. Constancio declares the party over. He hints he's starting to see some of Luciana in her and seems sad. Marisela gripes at Bobby that she can't see what he ever saw in her. Marisela is still playing the good girlfriend in public. I thought I liked her, but now I see she may be just as bad as her sister.

Upstairs, Rocky is still struggling with the bags. Valeria orders him out, but he won't go until he tells her how much he missed her. Valeria tells him he's just the chauffeur and should treat her with respect and keep his distance. I vote he washes the car with his shirt off tomorrow. It worked before. He pulls out her letter to him and says he reads it twice a day. She snatches it back. She starts reading it in an over-dramatic way. She finally says she couldn't have written something so tacky. She agrees it's her handwriting, but she doesn't understand why. She would have to have been mad to write it to someone who's not worth two cents. She rips up the letter and shoves him out before he can pick up the pieces. Oh, but I don't think she's as unaffected as she pretends to be…please, show, I need a reason to go on!

Romulo is in Yolanda's room crying over her. Sor Cachete comes in, saying she's got a bit of a hangover from the party punch last night…she didn't know what she was drinking! Oh, that Sor. Romulo says he's proud of Gloria, but sad she didn't invite him. He comes to visit Yolanda when Gloria won't be there. Sor C says she brought Gloria with her, so he leaves. Gloria comes in and doesn't acknowledge him and she doesn't want to talk to SC about it either.

Damian and his boyfriend talk about women while they look at a girlie magazine. Damian tells his boyfriend he sure as heck won't marry Karla. Damian still thinks Karla will (a) get him out of jail and (b) continue making conjugal visits. Damian asks his boyfriend if he's got friends on the outside who can discredit Constancio.

Karla's brilliant method of getting Damian out of jail is to beg and whine to Constancio. And to tell him how much Damian is suffering. Constancio just grins. Karla says she'll do "anything." Constancio tells her to quit playing at the femme fatale with him and get off his desk! He wants to know why she's helping Damian and he won't accept "I love him" as an answer. Karla says it's because he promised to marry her and she's tired of being a servant. Well, perhaps she should think about getting another job rather than snagging a rich husband. Tart. Constancio cracks up laughing. He says some things are going to change. He tells her to go make her usual conjugal visit, but to do what he (Constancio) tells her to do.

Luciana is happy to have Valeria back. Valeria just stares at her as she picks at her fruit plate. Luciana complains about how terrible her life is, what with daddy throwing parties for servants. Seriously, that's her only complaint? Luciana wants Valeria to tell her all about Paris. Valeria's not in the mood. Uh, Luci, you had your chance. Quit trying to live through your daughter? Luciana asks if there's a man, but Valeria says men are all "tarados" ("retards") and she won't fall in love again.

Rocky is trying to piece back together Valeria's letter and crying. Horacio doesn't understand why it's in pieces. Rocky cries that Valeria hates him. Horacio takes the opportunity to say "I told you so." Rocky cries that he lost her forever.

Damian's boyfriend calls Constancio to tell him that Damian plans to have him discredited and also to watch out for Karla. Constancio says something about things changing tomorrow. Boyfriend turns around and Damian is right there. He says he might have some guys to spread rumors about Constancio, but they might need money. Boyfriend also tells him it's a good idea not to marry Karla and get tied down. He crows about some woman he had a thing for and who "betrayed" him, but one day he'll get out and she'll pay…oh, no, tell me this is not the guy who raped Socorro. You know how it is, everyone is connected with everyone else.

Karla is skanking it up for her next conjugal visit. Socorro is not happy about this. She tries to get Karla to give up on Damian. Karla tells Socorro that Damian will marry her once he gets out. She storms out.

Constancio and Hugo go over some work stuff. I can't get over Hugo's new haircut. He looks so much better. Constancio tells Hugo he's happy about the way he's been managing the company. I guess Hugo would be the only person left to do it while Constancio's out playing man of the people. He's also happy that Hugo is making Milagros happy…and he hopes this time the bride doesn't get away! Hugo actually laughs at this. Constancio announces that by the time they get married, Damian will be out. Andrea, with much bigger, wavier hair than usual, stands at the door of Constancio's office, grinning like the shameless hussy she is.

Padre Manuel and Mili coach a futbol match. Mili's style is more violent than Padre Manuel's. Padre Manuel forgot to tell her he wants her to teach them to play clean, not teach them all her tricks. Halftime is called and Padre Manuel gives them a lecture on playing clean. Mili flashes back to more of Mili and Alejandro's greatest smooches. As she breathes that she misses him, we see the piece of green gum sitting in her mouth. Attractive.

Andrea picks on Hugo about trying for Mili again. Hugo's tired of it and he tells her to stay out of it. Andrea doesn't believe he's changed. Hugo says he was never evil, he just let her influence him too much, but that can be fixed. Andrea tells him that after what she tells him, the "right" thing to do is help Mili get the love of her life back. Hugo says that's over. Andrea asks if it's the blood thing? She says she's always known about that, but she also knows it's a lie--Constancio isn't Alejandro's real dad!

Tomorrow: Karla tells Damian that marrying her is his get out of jail free card. Hugo tells Mili that Alejandro needs to know they're not related so he can decide whether he's going to leave Florencia.


La Traición, Tue. 6/17 - Dr. Dan finds out that's it's not a good idea to lie to Soledad and Hugo finds out that his brother has done him a favor



Antonia asks Soledad if she is sure that she lost her engagement ring. She says that it must have happened in the mine with Hugo and… She pauses and flashes back to when Hugo kissed her hand. Antonia says, “and Hugo what, Soledad?” Soledad says that there was a lot of confusion when they rescued Hugo in the mine and… Antonia says that it’s not a good sign. Soledad asks what she will tell Daniel. Antonia advises her to tell him the truth. He is an understanding man. Antonia repeats her statement that losing the ring is a bad sign. Apparently it means that the relationship won’t prosper. (We knew that already.)

Ursula and Boris finish kissing and she leaves. Boris finds what Marina left: a photograph of the day he married Marina. He wonders how it got there.

Hugo asks since when Arturo lost a… He gives Arturo back the glove and says that he didn’t know he had lost a hand. At that moment, Alcides shows up.
A: Little brother (hermanito), little brother. You’ve been getting into too much trouble with the law lately. I feel for you having to share a cell with this vermin.
H: What do you want, Alcides?
A: I came as soon as I heard you were here. It’s my defect as an attorney. I can’t stop litigating. I want you to tell me what you are charged with so I can get you out of here. (to Arturo) Tell me what villainy (‘fechoria’) you’ve done so I can sink you (‘undir’) deeper.
A: Sink me more. Wasn’t it enough that you left me one-handed (‘manco’)? (Alcides winks at Hugo.)

At Dr. Max’s, Dr. Dan is getting ready for his celebration with his goofy clown smile. He flashes back to when Soledad accepted him. He thinks to himself that no matter how much Soledad loves Hugo, he’ll win her over regardless of what it costs. (Good luck with that.) He says out loud that today is the beginning of their happiness.

At the cabaret, Margot has shown up in her bar girl outfit. She starts to put the moves on a cop. Antonia comes to the cabaret but she asks to leave early to attend a family celebration. Paquito is annoyed but he agrees saying that she has to remember that the show comes first. Then Antonia is accosted by Eloisa, who makes it clear that she recognizes Antonia.

Hugo is leaving the prison with Boris. He says that he didn’t expect to be released so soon. Boris says that Soledad didn’t file a complaint so they had nothing to hold him on. Alcides is in the police station. He says to Hugo that he was lucky this time. He advises Hugo to be careful. Judge Fernández has it in for him (‘te tiene ganas’).
H: I have to thank Soledad. In spite of everything, she still loves me.
A: Yes, by your good fortune, that is so (‘para tu fortuna así es’). See how love is: I would do anything for Soledad (‘cualquier locura’, literally, ‘any craziness.') except kidnap her, of course.
H: I don’t want to talk to you about that.’
A: You always said that I didn’t know the way to a woman’s heart. But this time you have to recognize that you were wrong.
H: (sighs) Alcides, I’m exhausted. Goodbye. (Hugo and Boris start to walk away.)
A: The little doctor can’t marry Soledad. (Hugo turns back to look at Alcides.) It’s the truth. Chirac is a married man.

The celebration is in full swing at the Obragon’s. Soledad looks like she is attending a funeral. Lucas is drinking water. Ester is the life of the party. She proposes a toast to the newly engaged couple. Ursula says to herself, “My poor little girl.” Everyone toasts to a future of happiness and peace. Dr. Dan asks why Soledad isn’t wearing her engagement ring. Before she can answer, one of the guards brings an urgent letter that has just been delivered for Soledad. She wonders who it can be from. Ursula suggests that it could be from Michelle and Ester thinks it might be a surprise from Dr. Dan. Soledad opens it. Everyone asks what it says. “You lied to me,” says Soledad to Dr. Dan. “It’s a marriage certificate. You are a married man.” Dr. Dan takes the document. Everyone asks what this means. Dr. Dan asks the guard about the person who delivered the note. The guard replies that it was brought by a boy who then ran away. “Daniel, please,” says Soledad, “Tell me that this marriage has been annulled. Tell me that this certificate is wrong. Please, you can’t let me down too.” (It looks like he can.)

Hugo, Boris and Alcides at the polices station-
H: What do you mean von Chirac is a married man?
A: What it sounds like: Chirac is married.
H: Where did you get this information?
A: That doesn’t matter. For your information, his wife is named Manuela Marin and they were married several years ago.
B: Excuse me for butting in, Don Hugo, but I don’t believe a single word of this.
H: von Chirac wouldn’t deceive Soledad this way. He wouldn’t get engaged to her knowing he was married.
A: Listen to me. von Chirac and Manuela may not live together but they are husband and wife under the law. They’re married.
H: You’re deceiving me, Alcides. This is another of your schemes.
A: Your eyes are gleaming, little brother. (‘Cómo te brillan los ojos, hermanito’) You’re hearing wedding bells (‘campanas de bodas’), right? This will benefit both of us. Now, more than ever, our race to conquer Soledad goes forward. Now there is only you and I. Just us again.

Eloisa says that she knows that George Wilde is really Antonia de Obragon. Eloisa says that she knows that under those clothes and mustache is the very conservative aunt of Eloisa’s best friend. She rips off Antonia’s moustache. Antonia runs out. Paquito comes in and asks Eloisa what she is doing. She says she isn’t doing anything but discovering his secret. She holds up the moustache. Paquito grabs it and goes after Antonia.

Margot continues to make the moves on a policeman. She wonders how she can get his boots off him.

Dr. Dan reminds Soledad that he had told her that he had been married. Soledad replies that she didn’t think he was still married. Lucas asks Dr. Dan to explain. “Before anything else,” says Dr. Dan, “I want ask your forgiveness. I never wanted to hurt you Soledad. This certificate has no importance to me.”
"If marriage isn’t important to you, it is for me,” says Soledad, “Did you think I was a woman you could deceive too? I thought you were a different class of man, Daniel.” Dr. Dan says that he is a different class of man. He loves and respects Soledad more than anything. “Then prove it to me,” says Soledad, “tell me that this paper has no validity.” “I can’t,” says Dr. Dan, “Legally I’m still married. I never divorced Manuela Marin.” Soledad is impactada, Ester and Lucas are weeping and Ursula looks pleased in an understated way.

Hugo and Alcides-
H: You took the time to find all this out about von Chirac?
A: I told you I’d get him out of our way. Now the fight to win Soledad’s love is between you and me, brother.
B: I still find this hard to believe.
H: I don’t think my brother is kidding (‘esté jugando’) about something this serious.
A: Well said, brother. Well said (‘bien dicho’). (Alcides applauds with his cane.) And you Boris, learn from your master. Hugo, I deserve some thanks, don’t you think?
H: (approaches Alcides) I never thought the day would come when I would have to thank you, brother. Thanks, Alcides.
A: So you have another reason to be grateful. Tell me. Tell me about the evidence against Arturo in the case against him for kidnapping my niece. I hope that creep rots in jail. Tell me.

Gladis goes to see Arturo and brings him some food. She says that he should get a lawyer. Arturo replies that Margot is going to get him out of prison faster than any lawyer. Gladis shakes her head.

At the cabaret, Margot tells the policeman that her greatest fantasy is to wear police boots.

Antonia is taking off her disguise. Paquito comes in and apologizes for Eloisa and says that she won’t say anything but the show has to continue. He begs her. Antonia says that George Wilde no longer exists and she won’t play the piano in this bar anymore. When Eloisa tells her family what she has been doing, they won’t forgive her. Paquito assures Antonia that Eloisa won’t say anything. He brings Eloisa in and asks her to tell Antonia that she won’t open her mouth. Eloisa says nothing.

Soledad tells Dr. Dan that she can’t believe it. He not only deceived her but her whole family. Dr. Dan asks that before she judges him, she listen to him first. He says that he could have gotten divorced. Not doing it wasn’t for lack of will. He just never returned to see his wife. (That explains everything - not) Ester asks how he could have deceived them all when she opened the doors of her house to him, etc. Dr. Dan asks Ester not to take it that way. He says that he was married (‘estaba casado’) to Manuela. “You are married (‘estás casado’) interrupts Soledad. Dr. Dan acknowledges the correct tense of the verb. Dr. Dan says that when he discovered that Manuela was betraying him with his best friend, his life was over. He was on the point of doing something crazy and that is why he ran away, very far away, to Africa where he worked as a doctor to lose the memory of that betrayal and never come back to Manuela. When he did return from Africa, Manuela had disappeared. He never returned to her from that day until now and that’s why he couldn’t get a divorce. Soledad says that she understands all that. What she doesn’t understand is why Dr. Dan was incapable of telling her that he was married. This is an outrage.

Hugo and Alcides:
H: The only proof we have are some footprints that were found in the place where the baby was left at the cabaña in the forest.
B: The judge made some drawings and compared them to those of Arturo de Linares. They are identical. Because of this, he was arrested while the investigation is onging.
H: But I’m convinced that this criminal was the person who took my daughter.
A: Fine. At least you know it wasn’t me, little brother.
H: Alcides, What did you do to Arturo? What is this about you cutting off his hand?
A: I didn’t cut off anything. He’s lying to you.
H: You tried to kill me. You let them bury me alive.
A: Look Hugo. I swear by the memory of our parents. I swear by the love I have for Soledad that I didn’t do it. He cut off his own hand. But if you prefer to believe that criminal who was capable of kidnapping your niece, go ahead. Tell me how you found the footprints.
B: We found them in the cabaña in the forest when we were moving Hugo’s things in there.
A: So you finally decided to accept my help.
H: I’ll pay you for it little by little
A: As you wish.
H: Brother, I have to leave. I have to get ready for my trip to find Michelle. Later.
A: No, no, no. You’re not going anywhere, Hugo.

Eloisa grudgingly says that she won’t tell anyone that Antonia is playing the piano in a bar. Paquito makes her swear. (I wouldn't depend on that.) “All fixed,” says Paquito, “Please. I need you. Get ready.” Antonia (who looks kind of like a werewolf with half her disguise on) says no. She goes back to saying that she is a respectable woman and won’t work in a den of iniquity like this. Paquito says that if she leaves, he will tell her family that she worked in his bar disguised as a man. He says that she can decide and leaves. Antonia starts putting cold cream on so we’re not sure what her decision is.

Soledad asks Dr. Dan if he was going start a relationship with her based on a lie. “You know the significance betrayal has for me, Daniel,” says Soledad, “if there was something that drew me to you it was that you were an honest man – what a huge disappointment.” Dr. Dan says that she is right. He has no excuse. Ester and Lucas ask Dr. Dan why he didn’t tell them about this before. Dr. Dan says that he never thought about it. For him, the marriage didn’t have any validity. It had been many years since he had thought about it up until he met Soledad. When he met Soledad, the memory was completely cleared from his heart. Soledad says that the marriage is a reality. Dr. Dan says that it’s a piece of paper. In his mind and in his heart, he is a completely free man. He hadn’t seen Manuela in more than two years. Ester says that he should have gotten a divorce from his wife. Dr. Dan says that after he was betrayed he didn’t think of engagements or marriage, he only wanted to kill himself until he met Soledad. Soledad (who is completely dry eyed during all this) says, “You don’t know me, Daniel. If you knew me, you would have told me the truth from the beginning. You’ve just opened an immense chasm between us. This celebration doesn’t make sense now. It’s over. I’m going to my room. Excuse me but I don’t feel well.” She leaves. Dr. Dan cries. (You blew it, buddy, big time.)

With Ursula in her room, Soledad says that she finds it hard to believe that after everything she did to convince herself to start a new life with Dr. Dan, she finds out that he is married. He lied to her all this time. He’s not divorced. She can’t believe it. Ursula asks if she ever asked him if he was divorced. Soledad says that isn’t something you ask. If he was courting her, he must have been divorced. It’s logical. Ursula asks how Soledad feels. Being lied to again must be very painful. Soledad says that she feels like she is being punished. It’s one lie after another and she is sick of it. She says that if it weren’t for her daughter, she would have left San Marino long ago.

S: When we were in the mine, Hugo asked me to take off Daniel’s engagement ring and I was tempted to do it but I didn’t. Hugo was going crazy. He kissed me and swore that he loves me. And I felt like dying. When I kissed him, every pore in my body wanted to be with him. His eyes. His scent. Everything … but I didn’t give in.
U: Enough, no more. I don’t like to see you like this.
S: I told him I couldn’t because I was engaged to another man. Even though my heart was telling me the opposite, Ursula. My heart yearned for him because not a single day has passed that I have stopped loving Hugo. That’s the truth.
U: Then do it. Listen to you heart. I hate seeing you like this (que a mí parte el alma,’ literally, ‘how it attacks my soul’). Say what you will, Hugo loves you like crazy. I know it.
S: But insanity isn’t enough for people who love one another. That’s why I decided to step aside to let Hugo find happiness with Michelle.
U: And you?
S: Nothing. What can I do?

Hugo and Alcides:
H: What is it?
A: I heard that Michelle Phillips sent you a letter saying that she was leaving you forever.
H: Brother, how do you know about that letter?
A: Because Soledad told me. There’s no point in your leaving. She lives so far away.
H: I don’t want her to suffer because of me.
A: Then she is in love with you?
H: Brother, I won’t discuss my private life with you.
A: I need you here, brother, to build a strong case against Arturo. To testify. I need you here.
H: I wasn’t a witness to anything. You have the footprints from the cabaña.
B: I’ll make sure they are not destroyed.
A: Fine. You know what you are doing. But if you leave now, you’ll stop Arturo from spending a long vacation in jail. I’m warning you.
H: Goodbye, brother. (Hugo and Boris leave.)
A: (Flashing back to when Michelle died.) If my brother finds out that Michelle never returned to her country, things could get very complicated.

Dr. Dan says that Soledad is right. There’s no reason to celebrate. He should leave. He hopes they can forgive him. Lucas tells him to find his wife right away and divorce her. People make mistakes. Lucas has made mistakes, serious mistakes. Ester says that she has made mistakes too but Dr. Dan is a good guy and didn’t mean to hurt Soledad. Dr. Dan says that he understands Soledad’s feelings. He should have told her that he wasn’t divorced when he started courting her. Ester says that he should give Soledad time. Soledad has a lot to think about. He leaves. Lucas asks where Antonia is.

Antonia is playing the piano at the cabaret. Manrique is impressed at her talent. The judge comes in. Margot sees that he is wearing military boots. If Margot can get his boot, Arturo won’t go to jail. She dumps the police officer for the judge.

Soledad and Ursula-

S: I don’t know how I was strong enough to resist the temptation to be with Hugo, Ursula. One of the reasons I stopped was Michelle. I don’t want to betray her friendship.
U: Michelle would never reproach you. She knows that Hugo loves you.
S: Do you think that obsession could be mistaken for love? How can I love a man who has hurt me so much, betrayed me, tortured me. A man I don’t trust. I don’t understand, Ursula. I feel that I love him. I feel that I hate him. Couldn’t that be an obsession? You’ve been a witness to this. I tried to get away from Hugo. I tried with all my strength even to the point of giving Daniel a chance because he is a good man and then he lies to me. He did the same thing to me that Hugo did when he was pretending to be Alcides.
U: But no one has done what that man did for you. He came to your house and kidnapped you for love. That seems so romantic to me. Don’t keep suffering. I know I don’t have much experience but you just said that love involves sacrifice. Don’t you think that love is also about forgiveness?
S: I would like to forgive him, Ursula, but I can’t. I’m afraid. I don’t know.
U: Hugo has changed a lot. He regrets everything that he did.
S: Hugo is for Michelle.
U: You know that’s not true.
S: I don’t know. I think.. I need to be alone. I have a lot to think about.
She leaves the room.

Lucas asks Ester where Antonia is and she gives him the millionaire piano lessons story. Lucas is ashamed that not only do his women have to work to support the household, they have to work at night. Soledad comes in and says that she needs some air to clear her head. Ester starts promoting Dr. Dan. He didn’t mean to hurt her. She should try and understand… Soledad asks who is going to understand her. She asks her mother not to interfere in her decisions. Soledad goes out on the porch, “Could it be that in spite of everything, I have to marry Daniel and leave San Marino to get you out of my life Hugo?” she says and flashes back to Antonia telling her that losing an engagement ring is a bad omen. “A bad omen,” she repeats. A hand on her shoulder, it’s Hugo. She asks what he is doing there. “I came to bring you this,” he says, “it’s your engagement ring from Daniel von Chirac.” The credits roll.

Tomorrow- Alcides pretends to be Hugo.


Yo Amo A Juan, Tues. 6/17/08: Juan Tells the Truth... At First

CL brags to Sandro that he didn't have to lift a finger to set off Paula and Juan. When he and Paula met at the restaurant to discuss the sale of the shares, Juan and Marely were there, too. It was perfect!

Juan and Marely are driving and she apologizes to him for her antics from the night before. She's not accustomed to drinking like that. He says there's no need to apologize. But she's afraid that she's boring to him. Boring?!? How can that be? She's a Cachon! Juan goes on to list all of her attributes.

Sandro tries to express some concerns to CL about buying the shares from Paula. Is CL's plan legal? CL says, who cares? Sandro reminds CL and Juan and Marely are together, so he doesn't have to keep Juan and Paula apart. CL doesn't think that Juan and Marely will last. And he's leaving nothing to chance. Paula has no idea about the trap has in store for her! Sandro says, whatever you say.

At Casa Cachon, Nidia serving food to Angarita. He says, what about Perafan outside? Nidia's sure Perafan will go away. Angarita decides to bring some food out to the camper. Outside, Aliro is picketing: "Bald man outside, Perafan inside." And, for the record, he doesn't want any of the food. Angarita tastes it to prove it's not poisoned. Delirio still refuses. OK, says Angarita, go to hell! Delirio tells Anga he doesn't want to go to hell -- he'd see Anga there!

At Farrell, Juan barges into "Sandro"/CL's office. Sure, sure, come on in, have a seat, says "Sandro." Juan starts to talk about the sale of his shares and "Sandro" informs Juan that he's no longer intersted in buying them. What?! "Sandro" has another commitment now. Juan starts to bug him about the meeting with Paula at the restaurant the night before. What was it, business? "Sandro" is coy about it. After exchanging some polite insults, "Sandro" tells Juan he's barking up the wrong tree. And "Sandro" tells Juan, sometimes you just have to keep a low profile about your plans.

Juan tells Fern how he struck out, "Sandro" wouldn't tell him what the meeting last night with Paula was about. Well, says Fern, why don't you go over to Paula's office and find out for yourself?

As it turns out, Paula has gone. In fact, she's just left, so Juan hurries downstairs after her. Down in the garage, Paula's car won't start: No puede ser!! It's the battery. Juan arrives and offers to give her a ride. She doesn't want to be rude, but she'd rather not accept a ride from him. He insists and she gets in the car.

Upstairs, Marely steps into the lobby and asks after Juan. Ivonne tells her Juan just left. Marely hurries out. Yvonne smiles, nervous at what's in store.

Downstairs, a staffer tells Marely that Juan just left. With Paula. Paula???

In the car, there is silence. Juan starts to ask Paula about the dinner with "Sandro." She doesn't want to talk about it. Juan tells her he can't stand it anymore, he feels like he's drowning. Juan tells her the truth -- that he loves her now and he's always loved her from the start. She confronts him, why now, so late?

Paula asks, what about the other women? Juan says that he was just trying to forget Paula. He wants to know how she feels. Paula is angry and crying. But what about Marely? I can't love a man who would hurt Marely like that. She's my sister and my friend! Paula gets out of the car. Juan grabs her and tries to embrace her. They almost kiss, but she pulls away.

Back at the office, Juan comes into Marely's office. He heard she was looking for him. Yes. She asks him what he's been up to. Nothing. She heard he took off with Paula. Paula? No, no. But Marley saw them leave the garage together. Well, as it turns out, he did give Paula a ride to the taxi stand... her car broke down. Juan, is there anything else you want to tell me? Juan says no. He changes the subject and invites her out to eat.

Paula bursts in the door to her mom's place, crying. Paula tells her mom that Juan told her just now that he loves her. And that he and has always loved her. Her mom brightens. Did Paula tell Juan that she loved him, too? No, of course not! She couldn't. It's too late, he's with Marely. Ana tries to tell Paula that it's not too late. Juan doesn't love Marely, he loves Paula. And Paula should be honest with Juan and with herself!

At lunch, Marely is telling Juan about a report the she's going to write with a proposal of how to cut expenses. Juan is staring off into space, looking devastated. Marely asks him what the problem is. Nothing, nothing. He tells her he wants to talk about something other than work. She wants to know what else there is... He looks so down and he's been so quiet.

Marely says, why does she get the feeling that he's lying to her? Juan gives her an earnest look, he says he doesn't know why she feels that way. And she tells him that it's really, really important to her that he doesn't lie to her.

Back at Casa Cachon, Yadi is trying to feed Nidia Michaela. The baby won't eat and Yadi feels her face. The baby has a high fever! Yadi and her mom scramble to call the doctor. Yadi is hysterical and tries to reach Kike at his new business. Julia tells Yadi that Kike's out and he doesn't have his cell with him. Yadi tells her Kike needs to call, it's urgent.

At the hosptial, the doctor tells Nidia and Yadi that they're having a hard time bringing the baby's fever down. They are devastated.

Kike returns back to his office, after a successful meeting with a client. The phone rings and Yadi tells him that the baby is in the hosptial. They haven't been able to get the fever down. Kike asks, why didn't you tell me sooner? Yadi tells him she called before she left for the hospital -- and told Julia it was urget. Julia had told Yadi that Kike didn't have his cell. Kike scowls at Julia, why did you tell her I left my phone, my daughter is in the hospital!!! He storms off. Julia looks like she is not living her best life.

At the hosptial, Kike and Yadi hug each other. He asks Yadi what's going on. She doesn't know and can't tell him. He goes to scream at a nurse.

In the meantime, the doctor has come in to talk to Nida and Yadi. The doctor tells them that it may be a bacterial infection, they would need to use a strong antibiotic. He's not sure that the baby can tolerate that medication. Kike starts to threaten the doctor: he doesn't want anything bad happening to his little girl. The doctor calmly says, I can understand that you're upset... You just need to sign a release to do the treatment.

At Farrell, Ivonne bursts into Paula's office. Ivonne wants to know what Paula's crying about. Paula denies that she's crying. Then, Paula tells her that Juan told her yesterday that he has always loved her. Yvonne thinks that's good news. So Yvonne and Ana agree! But Paula says that Juan's with Marely. Yvonne reminds her that they're not married. If their engagement broke off, it would be sad, but not the end of the world.

Paula tells Yvonne that she doesn't want to get in Marely's way and hurt her like she's done so many times. And she doesn't want to repeat her past mistakes. After all, she broke up Monica's marriage to CL. Yvonne reminds Paula that CL and Monica's marriage was dead before Paula arrived on the scene. And Yvonne was with CL then. Paula doesn't want to hurt Marely -- and she has work to do. She shoos Yvonne out.

Kike and Yadi and Nidia wait at the hosptial. Nidia, the voice of reason, tells them to stay calm. The doctor comes out to give them an update and Kike tells him to speak Spanish. The doctor has come out to tell them that that baby is better. Kike hugs him and jumps for joy.

Juanito is putting on his PJ's while Juan stares off into space, sad. Juanito wants to know why Juan's so quiet. Juan starts to say "Pa-" then stops. He starts to talk about how he didn't have a "papa" the way Juanito does. Juanito's not buying it. He asks his dad if he is really in love with Paula? Juan looks shocked and denies it. Juan goes through the "logic" of the situation: Marely is is girlfriend, Paula is not. Juanito wants to know why Juan doesn't hug Marely like he loves her. Juan says that Marely is a very special person. Juanito chides him, tell the truth...

At the hosptial, Yadi and Kike are standing over baby Nidia's crib. Each of them is holding her hand. Yadi says she's thankful that the baby is better and that Kike is her father. Yadi tells Kike can see the baby any time. She says Kike is a good person, she took him for granted. Yadi wants the baby to learn from Kike's example and not to suffer for Yadi's mistakes. Kike looks at her, surprised.

At Casa Julia, she is calling all the hospitals to try to find out where the baby is (no HIPAA rules in Mexico?). She tells a person on the phone the baby's name: no it's not a joke. Finally she calls the right place.

Yadi and Kike each try to tell each other to go home for the night to sleep. But they both want to stay with the baby and scowl at each other resolutely.

Paula is in her bed, hugging her bear and crying. She hears her mom's words, that she should tell Juan how she feels. She starts to tell herself that's what she'll do, but then she worries about Marely.

Juan is pensive, sad, staring up at the ceiling from his bed. He hears Paula's words, that she wouldn't want to be with someone who was capable of hurting Marely, her sister and her friend.

Marely is taking off her makeup in her bedroom, looking very, very sad. She hears Juan's words, struggling to explain to her that nothing happened with Paula.

At the hospital, Julia comes to the baby's room and opens the door. It's dark and she sees that Yadi and Kike are asleep in the room, leaning on each other. She turns away.

In the morning, Julia is sitting on her couch, like a parent waiting up for a delinquent teenager. Kike comes through the door and says a formal good morning to her. He tells her that the baby is better. She says that she is glad. He is sorry he was cross with her. She tells him that it's no problem. He mentions that she looks like there is a problem. No, no.

Julia flashes back to the discovery of Kike and Yadi in the hospital room, asleep together. She tells Kike that she needs to him to move out... uh, she and her ex reconciled and he would be jealous of Kike living there. Sure, sure. Kike goes to get his things. She offers to help him pack. He says he can do it himself and be out of there in five minutes.

Marely confronts Paula in the Farrell lobby. She has some questions for Paula, who looks stunned. They step into Paula's office.

Why is it so hard to answer the question, Paula? Were you with Juan or not? Paula says no. Marely tells her that she saw Paula and Juan leaving the garage together. Oh, that! He gave me a ride to my mom's. Any Marely asks, what did you talk about? Nothing. And I decided along the way there that I wanted to take a taxi and I got out.

Marley tells her Juan told a different story, about taking her only to the corner taxi stand. Paula says, I didn't want to create an appearance of impropriety when there was nothing there. I didn't want you to have doubts. Marley shouts, I didn't have any doubts until you gave me reason to! She storms out of the office.

Marely runs into Laura in the hall. Laura wants to know, why the long face? Marely rushes into her office, in tears. She slams her hand on the desk, they're both liars!

* Note: Any similarity to real events is purely coincidental. *


Fuego 6-17 - Sophia runs off, Rosi's spawn is carried off, Jimena is p**sd off, and Fernando's luck is off

Hi all, I'll be filling in for the next three Tuesdays until Cheryl and Willa join you on 7/8. Look for Ferro on Mondays now joining our Querida Enemiga team.

Soo, we're off.

We start with Jimena giving Oscar the stink eye while he hugs Rosi.

Ofelia yells at Franco for meddling Rosi into a problem that it’s his fault. He plays dumb (pretty well too) that he doesn’t know what the problem could be. Ofelia begs him to just leave already.

Sofia whines to Grandpa Augustin about her Ma, etc. G-Pa tells her when happiness knocks you have to open the door, go with Juan and marry. Forget your Ma, it’s your life.

Jimena bawls on the bed, Sarita comes in and sees this and Jimena tells her what she saw, that Rosario is not only betraying us with Franco, but also with Oscar.

Oscar tells Franco about Rosario being upset and looking for you but she didn’t say anything, she left.

Whine, whine, why is he betraying me, Jime continues. Sara says well they showed up in a mysterious way here to work by themselves, uncontracted by the engineer and they never said anything so she thinks they are hiding something. Maybe what they wanted was to hurt us somehow. Jime says well they did, he broke my heart.

Doc shows up to Sofia with something important to tell –he must have gotten his latest installment from Gabi. He tells Soph Ma is worse everyday and she could fail at any minute with any upset.

In the testosterone house the manly men are eating pan and extolling their own virtues after G-Pa thanks them again for protecting him from his evil daughter. Only Quintina injects some estrogen and calls them her trustworthy babies.

One thing though G-Pa is not settled with. He wants to know why they showed up armed at the hacienda that day? What were they up to?

Sofi by a tree day dreaming. She’s hit by a branch and discovers very well carved and painted initials FR and wonders whose they could be. Hmmm...a clue to lost lands perhaps?

Eugenia is crying to bro Uribe that she knew this would happen one day because they are not equals. She swears she’ll leave tomorrow am. He tells her he loves only her, but she knows he’ll never disobey his family. He begs her to please not do this. Clearly she refers to his impending boda. Guess they are an item, but wait didn’t he just show up from Europe all sophisticated and citied? When did he strike up with the peasant girl?

Gpa doesn’t give up and asks again why they showed up armed. This time they are in the field of brawn. They agree he’s earned their trust, so they tell him that the map they showed him identified that their parents were really rich and owned land. Juan doesn’t remember because he was very young, but they killed his parents for those lands. Gpa promises to find out where that hacienda is, and most of all where the killers are.

We return to a cock fight, and this time it’s really the birds, even though Feo is there, and we are treated to mariachi music while Feo hands over a check because his cock wasn’t the best. His buddy (Lopes from La Fea) keeps urging him to stop betting already. Feo tells himself his only solution is if G-Pa signs or dies.

Back at the bakery Padre Tadeo wants to speak with Gpa and he says Gabi won’t listen, but Gpa interrupts him he knows, Oscar and Jime want to marry so he gives his blessing, but he also knows that Juan and Soph are in love. Tadeo says, yeah about that there’s something bad. Can’t say much, but yeah, Soph’s in danger around Feo. Juan over hears this.

Juan shows up to ask Sophi if she’s ready to go. She says something happened, her Mami Evil is worse. He says he hasn’t changed his mind and walks away.

Rosi wrapped in white calls after Fran in the square and tells him that they have her son and she needs his help.

Soph plays with plants smiling gleefully while girl music plays, all of sudden macho music plays, Juan rides up on horse and says - you come with me. She hops on very skillfully and they are away on Capricho the horse.

Meanwhile Rosi between tears tells Fran about her son and that it’s not Armando’s, that the father is dead. He was an outlaw and his own posse killed him, but she loved him, so helped him with his illegal doings and so she’s been living in fear of being turned in since that day and ending up in jail.

Matron Uribe gives the boys the rings they are to marry with. That’s pathetic. They dost protest, but she says you marry or you are disinherited, so there. They are subtly impactados.

Speaking of rings, Oscar gives Jime a family heirloom ring and tells her how much he loves and respects and honors her and wants her to have this ring as a symbol of loyalty and fidelity and to firm up his proposal. Dissed, she says she doesn’t want the ring or the love and gives it back. He wants to know what her problem is.

Sofi says she can’t go. She says, nice dream but can’t happen because I can’t abandon the monster while she’s so sick. Juan tells Sofi she has to go with him or he’ll go alone and she’ll never see him again. He begs for her answer again.

She doesn’t answer. He says fine, he’ll accept her decision but he’ll never forget her and will love her for always. Bye. Hasta Nunca. Ok, she calls after him and Vicente begins and she swears he can’t go, she’ll die, so she’ll go with. And there are hugs and more Vicente.

Oscar now on the hot seat wonders what happened. Jime acts as if he should know and calls him a cynic, and he is way wrong if he thinks she’s like Sara and she will compete with no one and stomps off.

Gabi calls after Sofi and can’t find her. A servant shows up and Gabi tells her to make sure that none of the workers come up to the house because today is a special day with an event that no one should miss.

Eva finds Jime crying and learns that Oscar is two timing her. Eva doesn’t believe that is possible. Sara runs in to find her still crying and tells her that she really needs to forget about that bricklayer and mentions her suspicions again. Sara believes that Eva knows something. She demands Eva say whaty and Eva hedges for a bit. Gabi bursts in and wonders if they’ve seen Soph and of course they haven’t.

We are then treated to a romantic montage of them kissing and swimming in the river in another part of town....they are soo happy as Vicente reminds us. Beyond the spurs, like a good lover she asks what he’s thinking. He’s thinking about his brothers and that he owes some of this happiness to them and their support in this flight with her. Liar, no way, she’s wet in see through white. There is no way he’s thinking of his brothers. He continues that he promised them he’d be back soon to help them with their pact for justice.

What is Fran doing sneaking around behind rocks? Oh right, he’s going to save the day, and the little boy. That or drink some tequila in a shack. He sees a skull and throws a blanket and a few things when the other little boy and Mariachi run up and tell him that Armando didn’t take Luis, another man did.

Someone hiding behind the shack overhears this conversation.

We see that Feo takes the little boy and the Hag to Cuetzalan and holes them up in a hotel room proclaiming that they can’t go anywhere. Hag is sick of the little boy and launches a trash bag at him. She thinks she should leave and someone else should watch him - so she's out the door.

Rosario is crying and praying for her son in church. Ofelia was looking for her and tells her it hurts her to see her this way, she’s like the daughter she never had. Rosi takes this opportunity to throw hate at her real mother who abandoned her, and hopefully she never returns because she never wants to see her. Aha, I’m seeing the Eva hate logic now for Ofelia.

The chicas minds are at work and they wonder if Juan has taken Soph, and if so, they are in big trouble. Eva tells Sara she’s wrong to think the bricklayers came to do harm. Jime assures that Juan is so in love with Sofi and would never hurt her. Sara thinks that he’ll do harm to her, after all he’s their brother.

Oscar whines to Padre about Jimena’s rechazos and how much he wanted her for the mother of his children etc. Padre assures him it will all work out and that Jime is just capricious. Oscar spills the beans about Juan riding off with Sophi and Padre is impactado.

More cock fights and Feo is still losing all his money, he says because of his buddy, yeah it’s never the gambler’s fault. Aha, that guy behind the shack was an informant and tells Feo that Franco was looking for the boy. Feo thinks he has to get rid of Rosi then. Buddy tells him not so fast she’s bringing in our only money at that cantina. He says don’t worry it’s only for a few days. Buddy says who really needs to go is the Reyes. Feo says yes, as long as G-Pa lives with them he won’t sign the papers. He says it’s time to invalidate that old man’s accounts. Buddy asks how, and Feo responds to kill him. I get chills, Sargeant Schultz (or is he more like Coronel Klink ?) is my favorite character.

Hacienda workers are now saying they haven’t seen Sophia, or Fernando so Gabi thinks they must be together then, and hopes they return in time for the banquet.

Speaking of Sofi she and Juan are still face sucking by the rio.

Don Agustin (G-Pa) is making bread and Quintina flirts with him when Oscar comes in and tells him of Jime’s rejection. G-Pa thinks something is behind all of this because she loves him. Oscar doesn’t know what it could be, he promises G-Pa, who thinks Oscar might have been a little cavalier, he's done nothing.

Gabi is wandering with Eva swaering everything must be perfect. She also says she thinks Sophi and Feo are together. She begins to greet guests advising them of the engagements.

Over at the Uribe’s Tia Evil is telling the boys to buck up for their important banquet. They say they don’t know anyone anyway and should have had something more intimate to announce this. She thinks they should count their luck. Just then Eugenia runs up and announces she’s leaving. Tia evil thinks she’s unappreciative for leaving before the wedding when there is so much work to do.

Back at the Hacienda Agustin, Sara complains about how Rosi knows how to manipulate men and that she has two of them with one hand on her waist (that is, not hard work for her). Jime doesn’t want to hear any more about Reyes bros, but Sara says well you have to because what if Juan hurt Sophi, she’s worried. Jime says well, Juan is ok, he loves Sophi with all his heart. She says they better hurry anyway and get down to their party because Mami Evil is going to announce to the world their marriages. Sara says told you so that Mami would get her way and that we’ll marry those guys. Jime says yes and it’s all Rosi’s fault.

Franco is still on the hunt for the boy. At the Malquerida, Feo now tells Rosi the boy is ok, but she doesn’t believe it and wants to see him. He says he’s fine, you’ll see him but you have to leave now and go to another town in a little hotel with your boy at least until Franco and Sophia and Eva stop looking for you. She says whatever Feo wants, so she can be with her son. He says he’s not as bad a guy as she thinks and he really doesn’t want to hurt the boy because she fails to obey. She agrees and the obligatory groping ensues.

At the hacienda happy music plays as everyone fake socialises and makes looks and funny nods at each other.

Back at the bar, previous informant tells Franco that he should be satisfied because Rosi has now left the pueblo for good.

Gabi and Tia Evil make the announcement of the engagements. None of the promised four look enraptured with this idea. Tia forces them to handover the rings. They both do so coldly and the girls take them. She yells that they need to put them on for the girls. Sara flashes a giant rock that already looks like a complete wedding set. Jimena has an equally big rock that is put on her middle finger. Gabi continues that the wedding will be in a month!

Seems like there is a lot of interest in more about Ciudad Serdan so I decided to post this satellite link. It's really neat and if you zoom in you can see the parroquia very well. See if you can see shirtless Juan wandering around.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

06-17-08 "oooops, guess I lied" says Luci

So much pain, so much pain. Let’s see there are four, yes let’s lets all count together,
Tio Brau
Padre Manuel…Yes kids that’s right.

Can any of these adults step up and do the right thing? No of course not…

We open with Mili and Lina’s Dad in the Study. He is gonna talk to Consti about Mili. In case you missed it, he is pretending to be Mili’s father. This has Consti jealous, because I think once Consti has marked something, well it is his. Remember fans of these stellar human beings, he went BSC when he thought Luci was gonna knock boots with Bobby’s dad. Oh because, he wanted Luci, of course not…he just didn’t want anyone else to have her, he can’t even stomach the idea of doing Luci.

Mili hides on the staircase in the study and I am glad to see this, as I am certain the study is on the first floor and now I can see you can go upstairs or down to the “Gawd only knows what”. Maybe they built a bomb shelter back in the fifties and it is full of tortillas that have since turned to leather and bottles of liquor, which fortunately for Luci in the event of Nuclear Attack have held up quite well.

Anyway Consti comes in and is all what do you want, what are you doing here. Fake Dad says he can come anytime he wants. No you are not her father..Am too..Are Not..Am too, so this continues for a bit. Finally Fake Pa says what’s it to you, why do you care? Now it is time for Consti to lament, “She is special, noble, intelligent, blah blah blah. Mili’s lil face is peering out of the steps and she gets all tender looking.

Finally Consti writes a check and tells Fake Dad to beat it, Fake Dad gleefully takes the check and leaves. Brau comes in and tells Consti, everyone is waiting in the Garden.
Consti leaves and Mili pops out, she tells Brau that Consti loves her and defended her. She is so happy. Brau has that, oh lil dreamer just keep believing that look on his face.

Meanwhile over at the hospital, Gloria is sitting and looking at Ma, who is still in a coma.
Chamaco comes in and comforts Gloria. Gloria like all people (well not all people, not Consti or Luci, but I am counting people with souls) laments that she talked badly to her Ma, when her mother just wanted them all to live as one big happy family.

Now over to the so called Wedding, Luci is talking the arm of Domingo (I think that is his name, Flor’s pistol packing Pa) off and of course she is downing the wine. Val walks up and she starts talking about Val’s big adventure to France and Val blows her off. Domingo just shrugs probably thinking “Run little girl, run far and fast and don’t ever look back”. Marisol is there with Bobby the Tool, Matt the Ratt is there with his friend. I don’t know his name. Matt’s friend is giving the eye to Marisol or Flor’s sister, I am vague on her name also. Lina sees Bobby making out with Marisol, and she flirts with Matt’s friend. Matt’s Gramps is there. Matt is looking for Mili, but she is nowhere to be seen.

Oh wait she is hanging with fake Dad, yucking it up about the great deception. Seems tells fake Dad, how real Dad really loves her. You can see fake Dad is thought bubbling “Well I might be a real Naco Bastard, but at least I claimed my kid”. Seems like Mili has agreed to soften Gloria up regarding said Naco Bastard father. Mili makes him give back the check so she can donate it to St. Deceptions. Geez by now don’t those kids have gold plated toilets in their dorm rooms?

Now back to the Wedding, Luci is clink clink clinking a spoon on her wine glass. She makes some lame ass speech about the happy couple, Al looks like he could vomit. She drones on and on and on, with an occasional slur thrown in. She finally calls her beloved Consti to say a few words and he does just that. He says after his wife’s eloquent speech all he can say is Happiness to the Novias.

Now it is time for the ceremony which is sad and fast by telenovela standards, Al stares at Mili and she stares back through the whole thing. Hugo is supporting her and her sister is watching the eye exchange with a knowing look.
Finally I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the novia, (yeah I thought that was weird too).

With that said, the witnesses have to sign the marriage certificate. We get the time stands still as it is Mili’s time to sign and she and Al stare at each other. Now we get a cornucopia of scenes of the past romance. Ahhhhhhhh.

Now Val is all packed up and ready to go and Ma has pulled herself together enough to give her some parting words. Like it is for the best and so on. Consti comes in to send her on her way, Hurry quick Consti, get her out of the house before Rocky can somehow jump on her and impregnate her. Val just stares ahead, tears rolling down her cheeks.
At this point, Al strolls through and Luci is like hello my love. He say “ I want to be alone for a few minutes, make my excuses to Flor”. Luci, “ You are not happy?” Al, “I am the most unhappy man on earth.” Luci doesn’t cave. Al moves on and Luci with shaking hands, not cause she is upset, but cause she is seriously jonesing for that decanter of whiskey, pours herself a big ass tumbler.

Rocky is standing against a wall behind them, he is doubled over with the pain of watching Val leave, tears are rolling down his face. He staggers off.

Say, Consti and Luci wouldn’t this be a great time to hook it on over to Mexico City General and pull that breathing tube outta Gloria’s mothers mouth? Don’t let the hijinks stop there, I’m sure there are plenty of people you could pull the plugs on. You people are on a roll. Go for it. These two are like a big festering blister of smallpox, let's see, they killed poor dead not the baby daddy French guy, Consti badgered Granny to death, ruined Mili's, Al's, Val's, Rocky's, Brau's, basically Flor's, I mean she is BSC, but Luci really pushed it, probably Flor's Pa's cause he is gonna have to get involved.

Now Al and Flor come out of the Hacienda, they are in street clothes and ready to embark on a life for from there. As Flor gets in the back of the limo, Mili comes out and she and Al do a heart breaking farewell hug. Yes it even pulled at my jaded heart strings. So much unnecessary pain.

Okay I am just so gonna through in a complaint here, you just know that by the end all will be forgiven. I hate that. After so much hurt, it is all like, oh well sorry. Let’s move on.

Luci then comes out to say goodbye and off go Al and Flor. Luci turns to Mili who is crying, but tastefully crying not wailing and hanging on the car bumper. Luci starts laughing and says “Know what”. Mili says, “What?” Luci answers, “You and Al aren’t brother and sister”. Mili says you are lying. Luci laughs and says, “Nope truth is Consti isn’t Al’s father”.

---Now seriously could you ever forgive that? Like yes I understand you were in a dark place then, you were an alcoholic with self esteem issues, you were just acting out. Screw that. I would never ever ever forgive her. It is bad enough that Consti and Brau lied by omission, but Luci and what she did to her own lil Bastard. Never evah evah.

Mili runs down the driveway all broken and nearly falling in her high heels, she yells, we aren’t brother and sister, but alas that ship has sailed. She wails like the motherless child she is and motherless child Al should be. Luci laughs.
Poor Mili I guess she is so physically sick at the betrayal that she just folds up, cause this would have been a perfect time to beat Luci, damn near to death.

Now Luci is sitting in front of her mirror and guess what she is doing, why drinking, we see single brief scenes and I am totally confused, I’m thinking she is drunk, then we see Hugo and Karla doing the predeed. Que the Hell?

Now we get the subtle. Three years later.
Oh seriously three years?
Soccito & Horacito have gotten married, Karla snarls. Damien is still doing time. Consti is in the gov’t and looks like he sleeps through most votes. We didn’t get to see Andrea, three years of Consti, maybe she hung herself. Gloria’s Mom is still in a coma, so time passed pretty fast for her. Gloria’s pa keeps coming to see her. Val is doing the “Work it, look fierce, make the run way yours”. Rocky is buying a “Posh” magazine and he is grinning at the picture of Val on the cover. Mili and her posse the chiclets are going to school. Hugo & Karla are doing the deed.

Now Consti is talking to Luci, who has not gotten dressed nor stopped drinking since the night her spawn abandoned her. Consti says is she gonna help with the fiesta for Mili, yeah good Consti, I am glas to see you are as big an AssHat as you were three long years ago. Luci laments that Damien is in jail, her kids never come and see her and that little bastarda is still living in the house. The verbal sparring continues, she hates Consti, well Consti and I both say a big BFD to that, as if.

Okay now it is fiesta time, Gloria, Lina and Mili have graduated Preperatory school, which in Mexico is like 10-12 grade. Geez this means they are now like twenty-one. That’s okay it take the average kid here in Oklahoma much longer than that. Anyway I guess Hugo planned the party, maybe Brau helped, well I’m sure he helped. Balloons, everyone is so happy. Marisol is there, with Bobby. And audience I am happy to inform you that our young Bobby is still a virgin. How do I know, you ask? Pshaw, now what twenty five year old man sits in the middle of a party with adults, giving his girlfriend a hickey on her neck. Always the groomsman never the groom. Matt the Ratt is there and still loving Mili from afar, I think Chamaco is there, I’m not really sure. Consti make one of his normal AssHat speeches about how proud he is of Mili, really of all the chiclets, but Mili holds a special place in his heart, yeah and her cells hold half your DNA you AssHat. I dunno I don’t think there is any booze at this party, cause I’m sure Luci would have come down stairs in her unwashed crumpled three year old jammies and joined in, but alas she is no where to be seen. Oh yeah as Bobby is putting his initials in Marisols neck in hickies, Marisol is holding up a help me sign to Matt the Ratt’s equally jaded friend. Okay she didn’t really hold up a sign, but her eyes were saying, I am so tired of kindergarten, save me sailor. So it is the usual cast of characters at this function, looks like no one has moved on, not one little step. Was Gloria’s Dad there or her brother? Lina mentions Al and Mili runs off in a fit of woe, she goes upstairs and gazed at a 5x7 of Al. Oh if only.

Damien is running the card games at the prison and Karla gives him a call. He is like get me out of here and she is like okay, well you promised to marry me if I help you, and he is like well help me first. And I am like, okay three years and she just now thought of this? Why cause Hugo rolled off of her to attend the party and she had twenty minutes of time on her hands and decided to help Damien?

Padre Manuel is there and decides to nudge Consti towards claiming that suitcase he threw out of the car twenty-one years ago. Oh wait it wasn’t a suitcase, it was a kid.

Consti starts making another…leading up speech that I will give you odds of 100-1 the big reveal will not happen.

Okay that is as much as I can stand….Never would I ever forgive these people. In fact I would join up with Damien and screw the company over when he gets out of the slammer. Well I would anyway, but now there is a good reason.

I personally think Consti rocks in at a 14 on my scale of Rat Bastardness
But Luci has him beat rocking in at about a healthy 19+.

Looks like Val is back tomorrow and Hugo asks Mili to marry him.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon. and Tues. June 16 & 17 - Brothers and sisters work together

Monday’s episode was very sweet.

Jimena and Sarita did a good job of sowing doubt in Norma’s mind about Dínora. Fernando helped by getting himself alone with Juan David and then putting clumsy moves on Norma.

Los hermanos Reyes were also very good together with Óscar and Franco trying to help Juan and then all of them trying to keep Eva from leaving after Óscar figured out that she was Ruth’s mother.

Then the Elizondo sisters deciding to work together was great too.

Quintina was prepared to defend Juan and the hacienda against Dínora – who would prevail in a fight between them? I'd put my money on Dínora. She probably strong and fueled by evil.

Tuesday's episode:

Senile old Calixto almost blabbed the truth to Ruth.

Óscar’s little pep talk with Eva before meeting with Raquel was incredibly sweet. I keep using that word but I can’t think of a better. And then the Reyes brothers sitting outside like nervous parents while Eva did them proud inside against the ghastly Raquel. BTW, Eva used one of expressions Marie Celeste talked about in the last post:

Raquel: Eva Rodrigues, vamos por partes
Eva: Que partes ni que ocho cuartos, señora, se acabó.

Raquel: Eva Rodrigues, let’s go one step at a time.
Eva: One step at a time my foot, that’s over with.

Benito eating with the ranch hands was hysterical and so was his falling down in the manure pile and having to be washed with a hose.

What a ghastly smile Grabi had when she invited Fernando out to eat.

Poor Armando all alone in the hospital. Did you ever see a hospital that used blue sheets on its beds?

Grabi thought Fernando was attractive and the perfect man for …. her daughter. But now for her? Yecch!

It was funny when Juan picked up Juan David and he/she started to scream.

Franco and Sarita were so cute together holding hands.

Loved the scene of Óscar and Franco pulling Dínora’s chain at the dinner where she hoped to trap Juan into marrying her.

And abuelo partying at the bar Alcala.

Uh oh. Looks like more trouble for Juan tomorrow.


Guapos: Monday 6/16/08 "Pre-Wedding Jitters?"

Part One

Picking up right where Friday’s left off…..

Romulo is laying it on thick, telling Mili how much he has longed to find his “daughter” and how they can be together now. Al is in the background, covering up his grin, trying to not let Constancio see his smirk. Connie is totally taken aback, and has no idea what to say. He finally blurts out to Mili, “How can you believe all of these lies?” Mili tells him to mind his own business and Connie says it is his business since he needs to protect Mili. Connie says he doubts that Romulo is her father and Mili questions him as to why. Connie says Romulo is too ugly to be her daddy and besides, didn’t Mili say she would spit in her father’s face once she met him. Mili says that was before she knew that her father really didn’t abandon her and her mother, he went to America to earn some money to provide for them, to make life better. It wasn’t his fault that they were separated and he had no idea what had become her mother’s and her fate. Romulo mentions how he’s in need of a job and Mili offers to have Connie help him find a position in Belmonte Enterprises. Connie says there aren’t any openings and Mili suggests that Damian’s butt being tossed in the can has left an opening.

Speaking of the devil, Hugo is visiting his father in prison. Damian wants to know why Hugo hasn’t come to visit before now. Hugo’s been busy, he tells his papa. Damian starts to beg Hugo to help get him out of there, to speak to Connie and bust him loose. Hugo isn’t game for it, in fact he agrees with Connie. Damian all but calls his son an ingrate---if it wasn’t for him, Hugo wouldn’t have 20% of the company. Hugo reminds his father that he used him to rob Connie, and apparently that trumps the “gifting” of Luci’s shares.

Connie is in his study with Braulio and he’s complaining about Romulo claiming to be Mili’s father. He’s certain the man is just after the money. He tells Brau that he has to find some way to protect her. Brau suggests that telling the truth might be the best course of action. Connie doesn’t seem convinced.

Later that evening, the family is gathered to celebrate tomorrow’s wedding. Domingo toasts the couple and Luci harps on and on about the service not being in a church. Florencia reminds her future M-I-L that she can’t be married in the church because she’s divorced. Al tells his mom that he doesn’t have a problem with it, so why should she. Connie offers up a toast, to Damian who’s butt is now in prison. Luci scolds her husband on bringing up that kind of thing, especially in front of Hugo. Connie tells her don’t worry, a couple more drinks in you and your comments will make everyone uncomfortable. Padre Manuel arrives and asks to speak to Mili. Nestor is also at the party and he makes his excuses for missing the wedding tomorrow, he’s heading out of town.

PM tells Mili about Yolanda and together they fill Gloria in on the terrible accident that happened to her mother. Gloria goes to the hospital and PM is there to offer comfort. Gloria blames herself, she should have agreed to live with her mother. PM tells her that has nothing to do with the accident. Gloria asks the priest what will happen if her mother dies. PM doesn’t launch into a speech about the Kingdom of Heaven, he instead assures Gloria that her mother will most likely recover.

Outside the house, Nestor finds Al pensive by the fountain. He says he’s heading out and gives Al a hug. Mili shows up and Nestor decides to give the couple some advice….it is obvious that they truly love each other, they can’t hide it. So Nestor urges them to admit how much they care. Al tells him that they have their reasons, but leaves it at that. Nestor leaves and Mili and Al each have tears trailing down their faces.

Later, at the hospital Gloria learns her mother is in a coma. Gamuza wants to remain at the hospital with her, so Sor Cachete takes him to get something to eat? I didn’t quite catch where she took him. Meanwhile, Gloria tells Romulo that his presence isn’t needed at the hospital, so Romulo leaves. Mili arrives at the hospital to offer her support to her friend.

Back at the house—Lina, Soco, and Brau are discussing the happenings with Gloria’s mother.

Part Two to be posted in the late afternoon. Added below and much later than expected due to some problems with the animals at the vet (they're OK, but we had to have a bunch of panels run on the kitties and my dog is now on a salad diet---thank goodness produce is cheap at Aldi). OK, onto part two.....

It is the next day and Domingo and Marisela are giving Flo their well wishes for a happy wedding and gushing over how beautiful she looks. Personally, I think the halter dress with the red piping is kinda homely and don’t even get me started on the wearing of the nose ring for your wedding ceremony.

Back at the Belmonte mansion, Val is thanking her father for giving Rocky and Horacio their jobs back . Connie tells her that she should know the truth, that Rocky took money in exchange for breaking it off with her. She, of course, does not believe him.

Al is up in his room crying, this does not bode well for a happy marriage. Luci enters and urges him to get ready for the ceremony. He comments that he’s been in Hell since finding out that he and Mili are siblings. He tells his mother that he still loves her and cannot resign himself to losing her. He asks his mother to tell him the truth, he’s always felt that Connie isn’t his father and there it some secret that Luci’s been hiding. He tells her he needs to know the truth. He begs her to tell him the truth, promising to not judge her because we all make mistakes, but he needs to know. Now both of them are crying and just for a small glimmer of a second it looks like Luci might have enough human emotion in her to tell her son the truth, but that second passed. Instead, she tells him that she’s offended with the question and that Connie has always been a father to you (has she been paying attention?), so don’t doubt that. Al is heartbroken, this was his last and only hope. Luci goes on to add that she’s his mother and she would never lie to him (umm, so what are you doing right now?) especially about such an important thing. Al ends up apologizing for doubting her and asking the question, his intention was not to offend her. He gets up like a robot and says he’ll go change for the wedding. (Beat) Luci gets up and high tails it out the door. She runs into her room, apologizing to thin air but calling it Al and reaching for the bottle.

Val tells her father that she knows that Rocky truly loves her, so there is no way he’d agree to take money to break it off with her. Connie calls Rocky into the study and tells Rocky to tell Val the truth….that we all have a price and Connie agreed to meet Rocky’s. Rocky is so overcome with emotion, he looks like he’s going to breakdown right then and there, but he says not a word. Val tells him she needs to hear it from his lips. Connie adds that it was 50 thousand pesos----that is the value of Val’s love. Val demands that Rocky tell her himself. He finally says that it is true, but he didn’t want her to find out that way. He intended for them to break up, but in a way that wouldn’t hurt her. She’s so disgusted to hear his words, she smacks him right across the face and leaves the room. Connie comments that he can see that Rocky really loves Val, now get back to work.

Romulo brings flowers to the hospital and once again Gloria tells him to scram. Romulo gets a report from Padre Manuel as to how Yolanda and Gloria doing. Then he tells PM that he’s got to go do a favor for Mili. PM is surprised to hear that Romulo is helping Mili with something.

Val is crying in her room and Connie comes in to console her. He says he doesn’t want to see her like this. She tells him to not look. Connie says it is obvious that Rocky was only interested in money and Val’s better off. Val tells him to leave her alone. He’s willing to go, but not before giving her a ticket to Paris and telling her she needs to put some distance between her and what has happened. She takes the ticket and tells her father that she’s leaving that night.

Karla goes to visit Damian in prison. She tells him that she loves him and misses him, the house is not the same without him around. He says he knows that Karla’s got to have some inside info on Connie’s deep dark secrets, she can use that to blackmail him into getting Damian out of prison. Karla says there is nothing she knows that Luci doesn’t know already, so there is no way blackmailing Connie would work. Damian, not one to give up, thinks that he needs to wheedle a little more to Karla and he starts promising her that when he gets out he’ll marry her, for sure he’ll marry her. This is sure to get her moving on getting him out of prison.

Val goes to see Al and she tells him that she’ll be leaving for Paris right after the ceremony, she's going to follow up on getting her modeling career started. She cries on his shoulder and tells him that they are a pathetic sort, him marrying a woman he doesn’t love and her being a fool for loving the wrong person. Al reassures her that she’ll find someone someday.

Connie and Luci get ready for the wedding. She starts to let into him about rehiring the chauffer. He tells her that he’s got an agreement with Rocky and he’s sure he’ll keep it. Connie tells her that he’s looking forward to having laughter back in the house. They exchange a few more word and he scolds her for not being able to stop drinking even on her son’s wedding day. Brau comes in and tells Connie that Romulo is waiting for him downstairs. Luci wants to know who this person is, but Connie blows her off.

Soco is upset that Karla went to visit Damian. Karla in turn, insults her mother’s choice in men, namely Horacio. Lina stands up for her father and Karla, the coward, backs down.

In the study, Mili is prepping Romulo for his conversation with Connie. They hear him coming and Mili hides (going down the spiral staircase, which leads to where?). Connie comes in and calls Romulo an opportunist who is only interested in getting money out of Mili. Romulo says he wants Mili to come live with him and Connie says no way, no how. Besides, Mili’s of age, she doesn’t have to go live with Romulo. Romulo questions why Connie is so attached to Mili and he tells him that Mili’s special. She is noble, intelligent and brings joy to the house. Connie says he knows that Romulo isn’t Mili’s father and Romulo replies---if she’s not mine, then who’s kid is she? Mili's hanging on every word, hoping that Connie will finally admit he's her father. END OF EPISODE


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