Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Jun. 25: Things I learned from my Priest: Telling the truth will only complicate things.

Buenas noches a todos.

We start out tonight with Juan and Sofia in the bakery. Juan wants them to leave far away and start a new life. Sofia doesn’t want to because she is not a coward, nor does she want to be a cowardly mother. She is going to obtain her divorce with the help of Padre Tadeo. Juan says that her plan is fine; he is going to be at her side forever.

Raquel and Gabi are talking in the hospital room. Raquel is going to stay with Gabi all day because Gabi has been such a great friend. However, this is short-lived because Fernie slithers in, and Gabi gives Raquel the boot. Fernie flirts with Raquel and then is reprimanded by Gabi. I think Gabi is jealous. Fernie reasons that Raquel will soon be part of the family. Gabi says that she has never been so humiliated. Well, this statement sort of makes sense if you forget about every other episode in which Gabi had never been so humiliated. Fernie says that Gabi explicitly told him to find another woman, and that’s exactly what he’s doing. Gabi asks him if he truly is going to find another woman. He responds that he wishes to find someone like Gabi. He kisses her hand, she blushes as a result of false hope.

Juan has trapped Sofia in his room. He wants to hold her forever. They kiss a lot. He has a surprise for her, but she has to stay with him for a while longer.

Quintina is talking to the picture of Libia, asking it/her what is going to happen when “they” find out what really happened. In walk the love birds and out walks Quintina. Juan shows Sofia some heart-shaped loaves of bread. Sofia and Juan take sensual bites of the bread. Juan holds the piece of bread right in front of Sofia’s face, moves to kiss Sofia, but then eats the bread instead. Sofia mentions that the bread is sweet and rich, just like their love. Then they kiss with their mouths full of bread. ¡Qué bien!

Oscar and Frankie are on the war path. They want to investigate who attempted to kill Gramps and Quintina. They decide to start at the Elizondo ranch, as long as Eva doesn’t lose her indiscretion.

Juan goes to see Padre Tadeo. Juan considers telling Sofia the “whole truth.”

Sofia is talking to Eva about how much she hates false people who don’t tell the truth. “Well, how would you feel if Juan had a dark secret and lied to you?” asks the “indiscreet” Eva. “Well, I would be very upset, and I would have to leave him” says Sofia. Hmm, would this be any sort of foreshadowing? In walks Rosario. Sofia gives her this huge, uncomfortable hug. Rosario, who isn’t used to any sort of affection, asks why the heck Sofia just hugged her. Sofia tells Rosario that they are sisters. If only that were half true… Rosario denies it and Sofia refutes her denial. Eva backs-up Sofia. Rosario doesn’t understand at all. Eva explains that Rosario’s father was Bernie! That Bernie sure got around for his age…

Padre Tadeo tells Juan that he shouldn’t tell the truth, because it would only complicate things. This must be a lesson they teach at the seminary... Has anyone noticed how sickly the Padre has been looking lately? Now I understand that they film these TN’s early in the morning, but he looks like he just received some sort of beating from the producers.

Eva, who doesn’t look much better, explains that she was in love with Bernie, but she made the mistake of shacking-up with him when he was drunk. Therefore, he didn’t even remember the night before. Yeah, tequila will do that to you Eva. The girls, or should I say sisters, ask who else knows of Eva’s secret. Well, the problem here is that Sofia answers for Eva by saying that no one knows anything, and Gabi only knows that Eva had a child, not a child by Bernie. Eva agrees, however, considering Rosie’s dangerously explosive disposition, we know that Eva’s hesitation will come back to bite her in the butt.

Fernie and Gabi are talking about Gabi marrying Bernie, who was a boy from a different social class. She always loved him, but he never really loved her in the same way. She ended up hating him, especially when he started sleeping around. Of course, she was the good wife who was never to blame for anything. Gabi admits that she sort of feels sorry for Libia, and even wonders if she had a family or people who cared about her.

We then see Juan talking to the Padre. Juan tells him that their real last name is Robles. He is concerned that Sofia will discover this “honest mistake” and be upset with him. Juan asks the Padre to keep this little secret. Question: How is it in any way possible that this group of three men (granted, with one brain between them) never knew their real last name? Did they ever pay a tax, or register for a commercial license to sell bread?
When will I ever learn to stop asking rational questions that have irrational answers?

Oscar and Frankie, the investigators, are interrogating Quintina’s sister in the market. Apparently Pedra is affiliated with Fernie, and is a prime suspect in the kidnap/attempted murder.

Appropriately enough, we see Pedra getting off some bus as drunk as a skunk. She’s thinking about making a lot of money.

Well, Fernie has to leave Gabi at the hospital. But before he leaves, he has to tuck in his mommy-in-law. He mentions that he needs Gramps to sign those papers. Gabi says that Gramps will never do it, so don’t bother. And besides, she is more concerned with getting rid of that damn bastard child, no matter what it costs.

Sofia is telling Eva that she is going to make sure that the four girls come together to form a strong sisterhood. Eva tells Sofia that she doesn’t want everyone on board with this new sister thing. Sofia interjects that she doesn’t like lies. Well Sofia, there is no lie as long as you don’t explicitly tell your mom and sisters that your father never had an illegitimate daughter. Regardless, Eva doesn’t want anyone to know because mommy’s illness is too delicate, or something like that…

Fernie is talking to his whig-wearin’ side kick. He is hoping that Sofia feels so guilty that she will pressure Gramps into signing those papers that give Fernie all that money and put the ranch in his name. Side kick asks Fernie if he really thinks that this scam is going to work. “Well of course it’s going to work! No one is smarter than I! No one!” says Fernie. Side kick thinks to himself: “Yeah right. If you were so smart your wife wouldn’t be having a baby with some other guy.”

Pedra stumbles through the market where everyone sees her. They know that she was affiliated with Fernie, and they go to find her. She sits down at the corner restaurant. She orders when the helpers/search party show up. They interrogate/flirt with the waitress who served Pedra. They aren’t too sure what they are doing, but they will figure it out as they go. They pretend to know Fernie. Pedra interrupts the conversation because she knows Fernie too. They tell her that he is a decent guy and really nice. She tells them that they don’t know him like she does. She tells them that she makes a lot of money from Fernie’s business deals, and that she can get them involved too. They plan to meet the next day. Friends, sorry about the repetitive, simple, fourth-grade sentence structure, but I insist that summaries are better than direct quotes. Thanks for understanding.

Gramps has invited Quintina back to the house. She walks around and then remembers that she cannot be there. It’s okay though because she is allowed to go to the cabaña. Lucky for Gramps, she is an interior designer and is going to help him out with the cabaña. Gramps takes her into the office, closes the door, and then shows her a sock in which he stores his cash. He gives the money to Quintina so that she can buy a car for her sister, and then buy one for the two of them (Gramps and she) to go on day trips. He doesn’t care what she buys because he completely trusts in her. It must be blind trust though, because this is a woman who couldn’t even light an oven.

Fernie is driving along cursing Gramps’s name. Uh oh. He is suddenly surrounded by three other trucks who carry men with guns and a guy who looks like he came from the 80’s. Now that’s scary!

This blast from the past, “coyote,” wants his money for his boss. What a dangerous web of drug trafficking. And to think that Fernie is relatively low on the food chain… The boys take Fernie into one of the trucks.

We see Juan and Frankie riding horses in the countryside. Oscar reminds everyone that Sarita thinks that the boys are only there to harm them. Friends, I’m sorry that I don’t recap more of what they are saying, but I feel that this dialogue is worthless; Oscar is always talking about his obsession for Jimena, and Frankie does the same for Sarita.

Fernie is safe for now, but they will kill him if he doesn’t pay up PRONTO.

Eva is asking Sarita to accept Sofia and Gramps. Sarita says that she can’t because they are the reason Gabi is in the hospital. She says that they only think about themselves, and that she is tired of Eva always insisting on Sarita accepting them. Eva says that she will come back another day. Before she leaves Sarita says that she doesn’t understand how Sofia rejects Fernie so much; he is such a nice guy who only cares for the welfare of the Elizondo family. Wow, Sarita has effectively been brain-washed. You know who she reminds me of? Renata from Heridas de Amor. They are so similar, especially in the sense that Diana Brach is the one who does the brain-washing in both TN’s. Of course, Sarita doesn’t have any drug addictions, spending problems, or heart conditions…

Jimena wakes up and wants to know how Gabi and Sofia are doing. Gabi is fine, but Sofia hasn’t been able to reconcile with her mom, nor break up with Fernie.

The brothers have been swimming. Juan doesn’t want there to be any lies between Sofia and him. He is leaning toward telling her the truth, but he is indecisive by nature, and therefore will never really do the right thing.

Gramps and Quintina are talking about a “top secret.” Fernie arrives home and eavesdrops on their conversation. Quintina tells Gramps that someone cut the brake cords in the truck with the intention to kill Gramps and her. Gramps concludes that Fernie was the culprit, although he doesn’t have clues to prove the accusation.

The boys arrive home in order to meet the investigating team from the market.

Quintina tells Gramps that she is going to buy the cars tomorrow. She asks him if he is sure that he wants to go through with the deal, and he says yes. The two of them make a nice couple.

Gramps goes to see Sofia and tells her that he wants to see Jimena.

Fernie is in the office and thinks about his debts. He goes up the stairs, but is stopped by Pedra; “Buenas noches” she says in a drunkard voice. Fernie wants to know why she came.

Juan finds out that Pedra is the woman who knows things about Fernie. The men tell them that Pedra is going to meet them in the market the next day. They want to know what type of businesses she could be involved with.

Sofia is in her bedroom remembering the time that Juan and she did it in a barn. Juan remembers the same thing while he brushes he teeth. Toothpaste is just the right stuff to get you thinking about your lover.

Jimena is just about to hit the sack when Oscar jumps in from the balcony. He is hoping to get in the sack with Jimena.

Frankie sneaks into Sarita’s room by way of the balcony. He decides that he will wait for her. He sees that she has saved the rose that he gave to her long ago. He rummages through her private belongings as Sarita catches him.

Following suit, Juan comes in through the balcony of Sofia’s room. He wants Sofia to know “everything.”
Tomorrow: The boys are reconciling with the girls. It’s a night of passion for everyone-even Fernie!


La Traición, Tues. June 24 - The excitement builds: Lucas writes a letter, Manrique tries to rent a piano and Eloisa rips her dress

Aurora heads for the trip wire

Did I do something bad?

Eloisas takes Aurora out of the treasure vault

Alcides wipes off Manuela's kiss

The sign for Lucas' new love-letter writing business

Margot gets up, faces Hugo and asks if he recognizes her. Hugo says that he thought she was Manuela. Arturo is confused and irritated. He tells Hugo to say why he came or leave. Hugo tells Arturo that he doesn’t know how he got out of jail. He will find out later. He tells Arturo that he knows what he is planning. Arturo says that he doesn’t know what Hugo is talking about. Hugo asks why Arturo sent his servant to get Manuela.

At the Hacienda, Alcides tells Manuela that he assumes she knows why she is here and asks Hercu-less to leave them alone. Manuela says that Herc explained everything to her. What she isn’t sure about is the payment for her services. She asks how much Alcides is talking about. Alcides asks if 200 grams of gold sounds good.

In the treasure vault, Eloisa and Aurora are playing with jewels. Eloisa considers taking a tiara but she thinks Alcides might notice if it was gone and kill her. Suddenly Eloisa notices that Aurora is right next to the trip wire for the booby trap. She tells the baby to be still and first nicely and then angrily. (Good luck with that.)

Soledad asks if Dr. Dan is sure of what he told her. He says yes. If Aurora gets a blood transfusion, she could be cured of catalepsy. Dr. Dan now explains that he wants to exchange all of Aurora’s cataleptic blood with some other blood and then she’ll be cured. He says that medically it’s very logical. Soledad says that nothing could make her happier than curing Aurora. Dr. Dan says that he swore to find a cure for her daughter and he will, she’ll see. Soledad thanks him and goes to change.

Eloisa tries to tell a little baby not to do something. She goes and stands where she will be hit by the arrow and Aurora grabs the trigger. The crossbow is triggered – Eloisa gasps.

Ursula is knocking on the door of Soledad’s room and calling her. Ester comes up and asks if she has seen Soledad. Ursula says that she was at the market. When she came back, she found Soledad’s door locked and no one answers her knock. Ester knocks and calls. Ester asks who is taking care of the baby. Ursula doesn’t know. Could someone have taken her again? They go to ask the guards.

Manuela asks if Alcides doesn’t think that her coming from so far away to help him doesn’t merit something more. Alcides asks how much she wants. Manuela says that depends – just the basics will cost half a kilogram of gold, a deluxe job will cost more. Alcides says that if she does the job well, he will pay what she asks. Manuela agrees and ask Alcides what exactly he wants her to do. Alcides asks her to listen carefully. She is going to meet with Dr. Dan in front of Soledad. Manuela says that she already understands that Alcides doesn’t want Dr. Dan to marry Soledad and that will happen if he doesn’t get a divorce. Alcides says that he wants to use her presence in San Marino. He wants Manuela, in front of Soledad, to tell Dr. Dan how much she loves him, how much she misses him, etc. He wants Soledad to feel that it is Dr. Dan’s fault that Manuela is suffering. “That will make Dr. Dan look like a heartless villain,” says Manuela. Alcides agrees. Manuela tells Alcides that that will cost him 3 kilograms of gold.

Soledad tells Dr. Dan that she will donate as much blood as is necessary to cure her daughter. Dr. Dan drops the bombshell that just any old blood won’t work. It has to be the blood of someone who has been cured of catalepsy. Soledad says that would mean Michelle or… Dr. Dan finishes the sentence, “or Hugo de Medina.”

Arturo says that he doesn’t have anything to say to Hugo. This is a private dinner so Hugo should leave. Hugo says that he knows that Arturo is conspiring again with his brother, Alcides. Hugo says that Alcides probably got him out of jail and as a thank you Arturo sent his servant to get Dr. Dan’s wife in Alcala. (Hugo, you’re really not thinking here. Don’t you remember that Arturo accused Alcides of being responsible for Arturo losing his hand? Why would they work together?) “Hercules went to get a woman?” asks Margot. Hugo says that he saw Herc get on the train with a babe and they had a good time on the trip. Margot is upset to hear that Herc was fooling around behind her back and she leaves.

Hercu-less is looking for Marina at the Hacienda. He takes off his shirt and washes. Marina comes into the room behind him and watches lustfully.

Manrique begs Antonia to give him piano lessons. She says that there are serious problems in her family right now and she can’t think about piano lessons. Manrique says that he is a man of quick decisions. He wants to know whether Antonia will give him lessons. She asks if Manrique has a piano. He says no but they could use the one in the tavern. Antonia says that she could never go into the tavern. Again Manrique offers to pay her whatever she wants. They could use the piano in the tavern in the mornings when the cabaret is closed. No one would know. Antonia suggests that Manrique leave. He does.

The guard tells Ester, Antonia and Ursula that Soledad left without the baby but that Eloisa came in. Down in the treasure vault, the arrow missed Eloisa by a hair. She is relieved and irritated at Aurora. She grabs the baby and leaves the vault. (I think Aurora is still clutching an emerald but she isn’t wearing the cute bonnet that she had on).

Alcides says that he will pay Manuela 3 kilograms of gold but she has to get on the job right away. Manuela says that she isn’t finished negotiating. She wants half of the gold up front. Alcides says that she is a good bargainer. He asks what she does for a living. Manuela says that she lives off of men. Alcides says that can be very lucrative. He asks how Dr. Dan fells into her clutches (‘caer en sus redes,’ literally, ‘fell in her nets,’) She replies that she is good actress and gives Alcides a sample performance. Alcides says that he is impressed. Manuela says that she has other abilities as well and strokes Alcides’ leg.

At the hospital, Soledad says to herself that Dr. Dan is very good to her and her daughter but no matter how much she tries to deny it, her heart belongs to Hugo, only Hugo.

Arturo tells Hugo that he is free because he didn’t have anything to do with kidnapping Aurora. Then Arturo finally tells Hugo that Hercu-less betrayed Arturo and has worked for Alcides for months. Hugo turns on his heel and leaves. “Hercu-less brought Dr. Dan’s wife to San Marino,” says Arturo to himself, “Alcides must be up to something for his brother to be so upset.”

Eloisa puts Aurora in her crib and tells her to be quiet. (Aurora has her bonnet on again.) No one must see her leave. She opens the door and Ester and Ursula are standing there. Ester asks where Eloisa was. Why didn’t answer when they knocked a few minutes ago. Ursula asks about the baby and Eloisa says that she is in her crib. Then Ester (the seamstress) notices that Eloisa’s gown is ripped and asks how that happened.

Manuela tells Alcides that men who know her intimately says that she is the best of the best. Alcides pats her hand, “Congratulations, (‘la felicito’)” he says, “but really I’m only interested in your services as a professional imposter.” He gives her some gold as an advance. Herc comes in. Alcides ask him to take Manuela to find Dr. Dan. She knows what to do. Alcides tells Herc that no one must see him. Alcides says that if anyone finds out that Manuela is involved with him, the whole plan will fail. Herc says not to worry no one will see him. Manuela kisses Alcides on the cheek as she leaves and says that she will be back for the rest of her payment. Alcides wipes it off with his scarf and says that Manuela is a professional slut.

Manrique comes to see Paquito and says that in San Marino only he and the Obragons have a piano. He wants to rent the piano in the cabaret.

Eloisa says that she fell while playing with Aurora and tore her dress. Aurora does have a jewel from the treasure vault (choking danger!) Ester asks why Eloisa didn’t respond when she and Ursula knocked. Eloisa replies that she was playing with the baby and didn’t hear. Eloisa takes the offensive and ask why Ester is asking so many questions. Eloisa volunteered to watch the baby when Soledad went to the hospital. She says that Ester’s suspicions offend her. Ester backs down and says that so many strange things have gone on that they are all on edge. Eloisa says that she has to leave to get her dress fixed. Ester offers to do it for her but Eloisa refuses. (She’d have to take it off and all the jewels she stole would fall out.) She leaves. Ursula goes to Aurora.

Manuela comes into the hospital and asks nurse Soledad to see Dr. Dan. Soledad asks for her name and symptoms. Manuela says that she isn’t sick. She is Manuela Marin, Dr. Dan’s wife. Soledad is impactada.

Alcides imagines the look on the ‘little doctor’s’ face when he sees his surprise he sent him. He hopes Maneula does a good job. Hugo comes in.
H: We need to talk.
A: I heard you went to Europe looking for Michelle. What happened? Did you find her?
H: I’m not here to talk about Michelle or my personal life. I’ve come for another reason.
A: Calm down. You always act as if everyday were your last. Sit down. Would you like a brandy?
H: No, thanks. I don’t want anything. I want answers. And you’ll give them to me one by one.
A: Uff. I take it things didn’t go well with Michelle.
H: Michelle wasn’t there.
A: You don’t know how sorry I am. But tell me, to what do I owe the honor of your visit? Or did Soledad tell you?
H: Tell me what? What did Soledad have to tell me?

Manuela asks Soledad again to get Dr. Dan. She says that he is with a patient but she will get him in a minute. “Thank you, nurse,” says Manuela. “I’m not a nurse,” says Soledad primly (in her nurse hat) I’m an assistant to the doctor.” “Nurse, assistant, it’s all the same to me. Please get Dr. Dan,” says Manuela. Dr. Dan comes into the hall and sees Manuela. He is super impactado. Manuela starts her performance right away. “After so many years I have returned.”

Paquito makes excuses about why he can’t rent the piano to Manrique but he insists.

Ursula finds the emerald in Aurora’s hand and wonders where she could have found something so expensive.

Hugo and Alcides-
H: What happened with Soledad?
A: Well if you don’t want a drink, I do. (To himself) How do I explain impersonating Hugo and hugging and kissing Soledad? No, I’ll let Soledad explain it.
H: I’m waiting Alcides. What must Soledad tell me?
A: You have no sense of humor. Tell me why you’re here.
H: Don’t act stupid. I know what you’re up to. I think it’s base.
A: What are you talking about?
H: Manuela Marin de von Chirac.

Manuela says that she got his letter and now she’s found him after so many years of neglect. Soledad says that she will leave them alone. Dr. Dan asks if they have met and introduces Soledad to Manuela as his fiancé. Manuela says that Soledad is one who wants to take her husband.

Margot finds Hercu-less. She slaps him.

Boris goes to see Lucas. Lucas asks if he has good news about his divorce but Boris says that unfortunately he doesn’t. Lucas says that Boris seems to be very much in love with Ursula. Boris says that he is madly in love with Ursula and that is why Lucas should let him see her. Boris says that he knows Lucas’ family has problems with Hugo but… Lucas interrupts and says that his relationship has nothing to do with his boss. Lucas shows Boris his “Love letters written here” sign. Lucas says that is his new job. It is all he knows how to do. He doesn’t know if he will have any clients. Boris says that he will be Lucas’ first client.

Ester and Ursula discuss where Aurora could have picked up the emerald. They consider Eloisa and Alcides. Ester says that it couldn’t be Alcides. He can’t get by the guards.

Hugo and Alcides-
A: Manuela Marin de von Chirac. That’s the name of the ‘little doctor’s’ wife. I saw it on the marriage certificate.
H: Alcides, I just came from Arturo de Linares’ house. He says that Hercu-less works for you.
A: What’s wrong with that?
H: I saw him and that woman on the train from San Marino and not only that, I heard all their plans. At first, I thought it was Arturo’s idea in conjunction with you but no. It’s you who are the one who is responsible for everything. It’s you who are behind everything.
A: Little brother, why don’t you calm down. You’re getting upset. What is the problem? He’s your enemy as much as mine.
H: Alcides, I don’t play dirty (‘yo no peleo dando golpes bajos,’ literally, ‘I don’t fight with low blows’) My fight for Soledad is clean and transparent.
A: However, Dr. Dan isn’t playing fair (‘limpio,’ literally, ‘clean’). No sir. He fooled Soledad, our beloved. He shouldn’t have done that. Don’t you think he should be punished?
H: Who do you think you are? God?
A: No but I have more money than Him.
H: Ayy, brother. At times I pity you. We are so different.
A: You’re wrong. We are exactly the same. The difference is that you have always had everything you wanted but I haven’t. I had to work hard. I had to work for what I have with a little scam (‘trampita,’ literally, ‘a little trap’) here and there.
H: Like now. No brother. I don’t play by those rules. I’m going to tell Soledad the truth right now.
Alcides puts out his arm to keep Hugo from leaving.

Manuela says that Dr. Dan abandoned her and never responded to her letters. Dr. Dan stands there open mouthed. Soledad says that is not what Dr. Dan told her. Manuela says that when she got Dr. Dan’s letter it broke her heart because she thought that she was the love of his life. Dr. Dan asks why Manuela is telling these lies. She knows perfectly well that he found her in bed with his best friend. Manuela says that isn’t true. Dr. Dan says that it is true and he wrote to her a thousand times asking for a divorce but she never responded. He asks her to divorce him because his heart only belongs to Soledad. “Don’t you care about my feelings?” says Manuela. Soledad excuses herself and Dr. Dan says that he and Manuela have a lot to talk about.

Hercu-less asks why Margot slapped him. Has she gone crazy? Margot says that she knows he was on a train with a slut named Manuela. He asks what she is talking about. Margot says that someone saw him. Herc says that they are lying. Margot says that Hugo saw him making love with Manuela on the train. She slaps Herc again. Margot says that he is just like all the other men. Herc says that he can explain but Margot says that she doesn’t want to hear it. She’s leaving him. After she’s gone, Herc curses his bad luck to have been on the same train as Hugo.

Hugo and Alcides-
H: Are you going to kill me?
A: Listen to me, Hugo. Listen to me. Brother, that attitude is going to push Soledad into the little doctor’s arms.
H: I heard everything. I heard everything. I heard her say that she is here to wreck Dr. Dan’s life.
A: What do you want? That he ruin our lives? Is that what you want? I’m sorry brother but I can’t let you leave this house and tell Soledad all these stupid things. I forbid it.
H: You can't forbid me to do anything. (Hugo drops his walking stick.)
A: We’ll see. I’m better trained than you now. I don’t want to hurt you.
H: What are you going to do? Bury me alive again?

Boris takes his letter and thanks Lucas. He says that he couldn’t have found the words without his help. Lucas has a real talent. Boris asks Lucas not to reveal that he wrote the letter. Lucas says that he won’t.

Ester knocks on Antonia’s door but she says that she is busy and won’t let Ester in. Ester says that she wants to know if Antonia has lost an emerald. Antonia says that she doesn’t have any emeralds and to leave her alone. Ester wonders what is going on with her.

Hugo and Alcides have an awkward confrontation because they are both played by the same actor.
H: The only thing that has changed about you is that you have a lot of money. But you continue to be as selfish (‘egoísta’) as ever.
A: Leave my house. Leave my house and do what you want. Run to Soledad and tell her what you want. Tell her and I’ll deny it all.
H: It will be your word against mine. As always.
Hugo leaves. Alcides says that he can’t believe fate put Hugo on the same train as Dr. Dan’s wife.

Arturo finds Margot and tells her that he thought she might like some company after what happened. Margot says that she didn’t know he cared about her problems. They kiss. Margot says that Herc betrayed her but she won’t pay him back the same way. They kiss again.

Dr. Dan asks what Manuela is doing in San Marino. Why has she suddenly turned up when he found the love of his life? Who sent her here?

Eloisa comes to the Hacienda to see Alcides. Marina says that he isn’t home. Marina refuses to bring her something to drink. Marina says that Alcides left her a letter. She goes to get it. Eloisa tells herself that Alcides will be glad when he finds out what she told Soledad to make him seem like an angel.

Hugo finds Soledad at the hospital. She says, “Hugo,” like she’s found her long lost love and he says, “Soledad,” like he’s reading the phone book.

Margot stops kissing Arturo. She says that it isn’t right. Arturo says that he thought she cared for him. Margot tells him that she should leave. Arturo says that Margot is always welcome in his house. If she ever wants to see him, she should do so.

Marina is insolent when she gives Eloisa the letter. The letter explains about Manuela and how Hugo found out about it. He wants Eloisa to do damage control with Soledad. He also wants her to go into the treasure vault and get four gold bars.

Manuela starts to tells Dr. Dan that after he left terrible things happened but he says that he doesn’t believe a word. He tells Manuela that Soledad is the only woman that he loves now. He says that Manuela is going to go out right now and tell Soledad that there is nothing between them and that it was Manuela’s fault that Dr. Dan left her. Manuela says that she won’t do it. Dr. Dan tells her not to make him do something that he doesn’t want to do. She tells him not to threaten her. Dr. Dan tells her that Soledad is his future and he isn’t going to let Manuela ruin that.

Hugo and Soledad-
H: I know that I promised not to come looking for you but I just got back from a trip.
S: Ursula told me that you went to find Michelle. I don’t understand why you came back so soon. What happened with Michelle?
H: Michelle wasn’t in her house. I spoke to Andres.
S: Where is Michelle?
H: She went to Europe. It seems that she doesn’t want anything to do with me.
S: I see. Why is it that we hurt the people who love us, Hugo? It is as if our being together makes bad things happens to those around us.
H: That’s not correct. Michelle left because she is an intelligent woman and she understands the thing that we don’t want to understand.
S: What do you mean?
H: That our lives are linked forever. That we love each other. That our love is stronger than our wish to be apart.
S: Have you spoken with your brother, Alcides? Did he tell you what happened?
The credits roll.


Fuego en la Sangre 6-24-08 - Evil is as evil does, and un hijo!!

We open with Feo whining and pushing Sara to tell him who Sofi baby daddy is. Thank goodness she remembers that blood is thicker than ugliness and she decides not to betray her sister and tell him. Of course he keeps at the convincing until she’s forgotten the earlier concept and is about to tell him. Again gracias a Dios that Jimena decides to wake right then and scream for her miserable Ma or I think we’d be missing a hermano Reyes soon.

Helmut Head, aka Raquel, tells the bros Uribe that Crabbi is very ill and if she doesn’t get better soon they will have to postpone their weddings. Oh hurray, uh I mean bummer , he actually says hopefully, and Raq wonders que the heck, and he says oh he means hopefully she gets better soon, so the weddings aren’t postponed.

We get Vicente again and Sofi contemplates her new status as expectant mother and saying "hijo" over and over again. We flashback to a grito fest they had together at the river proclaiming they loved each other. She switches from saying hijo 20 times to saying Juan 20 times, and turns out in his bedroom, he’s thinking of her too.

In a courtyard the boys are painting and Juan says he couldn’t sleep last night from thinking about his Sofi. He paints on Franco who tells him to cut it out. He hopes that his happiness didn’t influence their relations with Jime and Sara. Oscar says well things didn’t go the way we planned, we intended to hurt these girls and we were the ones who ended up smacked! Franco tells Juan that all that matters now is him, Sofi and their niece or nephew. Now it’s Juan’s turn to scream it a million times. Un hijo!!! He screams. They argue about whether it will be a little boy chick, or a little girl chick (pichoncito/a) and Juan ends up caring only that it’s healthy and not as flippant as they are. In this frenzy of happiness the boys decide to demonstrate just how ready for father hood/ unclehood they are by declaring a paint war on each other and wasting a fair bit of paint (not really that cheap for them) covering each other.

I challenge someone to be the official counter of how many times un hijo is screamed by this bunch.

Eva is going to see Crabbi. G-Pa wants to go see her too, but Eva thinks that’s not a good idea, it’s better he stays behind and watches out for Jime. He guesses she’s right.

Doctor Sell out spins his web some more and tells Sofi, who is wandering the halls of the hospital, that Ma has to stay for a few days for observation and to avoid stress. He turns into Dr. Phil, though, and accuses her of being responsible for all that is happening. He advises her to reflect on all this stress she’s caused and to act with prudence or she will carry the death of her Ma and crazyness of her sister on her conscience. Sofi looks sad.

Evas comes upon Rosi and Luis playing on a park bench and decides that this would be a really good time to tell her, hey I’m your Ma. She tells her the whole story about giving up for adoption her daughter and that, oh, God has put her right in front of my eyes. Cara de impactada from Rosi.

Rosi counters with the brilliant question, so then are you telling me I am your daughter? Well yeah, that’s what that would mean. Eva begs for Rosi to give her a chance to get to know her. Eva says her heart is sure, but Rosi wonders if she could be wrong, and Eva assures her not. Something is telling me, maybe there is more we don’t know.

My reception fritzed out a little here, but I think Rosi told her something like, well, you can’t just show up here telling me you abandoned me and now you regret it and expect me to just accept you. Eva agrees she’s right, and not to ask for anything that Rosi can’t give, but she just wants a chance. Luis comes up and Eva learns this would be her grandson and she hugs him and says how beautiful he is.

Sofi thinks back to what the doc said to her about her Ma’s delicate condition. She enters the doorway to Crab's room but is met by Feo who tells her to not even bother entering because Crabbi doesn’t want to see her. She burst in anyway, only to hear the same thing from Wicked Ma who tells Sofi she doesn’t want to see her ever.

Poor Sofi, she runs to the Virgen. Feo closes the door, Ma slips out of her whacked altered state and the two of them start giggling like kids who just played a trick on their teacher. Pathetic.
Sofi cries at the Virgen for a while.

Feo congratulates Ma that now Sofi will do whatever she wants. Ma thinks not so fast, she thinks Sofi is very hard headed and not that easy to dominate. But, she says she’s going to continue the farce and for now, the most important thing is to worry about that stupid child she’s expecting and make sure that it’s never born or my family and your disgrace will never end. Feo tells Crab that they were made for each other. There is more weird hand-kissing. Feo swears that Sofi’s hijo will never be born. Never. Yep, definitely a suegro loving abuelo killer. Oh my.

Crabbi says they have to think about this well, and Feo assures he’s got the best plan, he asks to sit on the bed with her.

Sara spits fire at G-Pa and tells him Jimena is sleeping and he shouldn’t go in. She only wants to protect her sister. He tells her he only wants to help and she needs rest, so stop being stupid and let him in. He tells her she doesn’t know what really happened and Crabbi always lies. Sara says Crabbi’s not capable of lying. Poor deluded Sara.

Rosi is talking with Ofi. She says she was so moved when Eva hugged her son, and she really wants someone to care about Luis that way, she needs a family. So, she’s going to accept Eva whether she is or isn’t the real ma, and maybe one day she can accept her as if she were.

Eva was looking everywhere for Sofi, who tells Eva she’s not with her Ma because Ma has banned her from fake hospital room.

Feo confirms that he’d do anything for Crabbi, and that it’s his way of showing his great affection. More weird looks and hand kissing.

Eva tells Sofi to understand that Ma is probably under stress. Sofi says none of this would have happened if she would have let me divorce, though. Eva tells her to have patience and worry about the baby. She wishes that her mother was more like Eva. OK this has to mean something too, I’m thinking. Eva tells Sofi about her encounter with Rosi, she didn’t get a pardon exactly but this is a step. Sofi wants to get close to her too because she is her sister, and maybe she’ll learn to care for us.

Padre Tad is at the hospital, the nurse tells him Gab is still delicate, and Feo takes the opportunity to tell the Padre that he contributed to her upset with his criticism and judgments. Tad swears that Feo made all this up and that he won’t get away with what he wants. Tad says he’s very persistent and will come as many times as needed. Tad tells him not to provoke the winds because this could make a great storm. Tad reminds that he knows much about Feo, who thinks that Tad can say nothing because of the secrets of confession, but Tad warns him not to be so sure, because he wrote his superiors and if they deem it warranted, he can tell all.

Our brothers Pollock are wiping themselves off in the church, congratulating themselves for finishing earlier than they thought. Yeah, but did they get the paint mess cleaned up? They decide to go home to take a bath and then Oscar says they need to arrange things for Quintina by hurrying over to the Commisario.

They throw coins to decide who gets the first shower so as not to run out of hot water. and Oscar wins. Next, they throw between Juan and Franco, and it keeps coming up heads. Juan discovers that the coin has two faces and that Oscar was cheating so they grab him. I’m thinking this is a useless exercise because surely after those three hotties get in, the water won’t need any external heat. ;) They then throw Juan in the cold shower with his boots on and we are advised by the blur that in this country we missed another ass shot. Damned censorship.

Helmut head (Raquel) visits Crabbi and because she’s so bad off, she thinks they should decide to postpone the wedding. Uribe boys are thrilled to wait as long as Crabbi needs. Raq agrees they’ll wait. I think Crabbi didn’t realize this complication of her little farce.

Juan proclaims the money means nothing to him. Juan pulls out the map and says now that a baby is coming we have to get back what belongs to us. He thinks here is the village where they lived. Franco reminds him that Agustin can help but Juan thinks he’s still kind of confused and doesn’t have the head for this right now.

At least they don’t censor this. Mas tangas for Oscar. He comes out in his speedo and is done already so Franco goes to take his turn. If I were only a fly on that wall. Sigh. Oscar tells what with everything that’s happened they haven’t looked through the papers, and Juan says now is the time because –say it with me kids- he going to have an hijo. Count anyone? Oscar smiles and says lets read. Juan is trying hard but he can’t remember anything. What I don't get is that Oscar is always bearing himself. His body isn't bad by any standard, but the other two guys are workout junkies and have those six packs to prove it. Why can we never see those two in tangas? Oh well, I take what I can get. I noticed there is a lot of manly affection in this novela. Bet the gay guys like this show as much as the non-gay gals. :)

Speaking of that, my apologies if you saw this before, like you wouldn't mind seeing it again, but if you didn't, I just have to share the original version of the naked swimming hole scene from a few weeks back. Too bad it's a really small screen. Did I mention I dislike this censorship? :)

Ok sorry, back to the novela.

Jimena wakes out of her dilusional stupor and Sarita is right there to warp her thinking again. Jime begs for Oscar over and over and wants Sara to go look for him.

I think Oscar says it’s good they are making the complaint to the authorities because Juan needs to work or else they’ll end up bankrupt. Eva and Sofi come up and the 3-1 bros ask how her Ma is. Oh and they clue her in that Juan’s in the house alone, and they will be gone on errands all day. Eva encourages her and she decides to go in and see him. Eva wants her to be happy.

Franco thinks it’s great Oscar told Sofi this and hopes she goes to see him. Oscar says he has to see Jimena. He goes to see Eva about this and wants to see Jime and express his well wishes for Ma and Eva tells of Jime’s trip into looney land. Of course this compels him to see her immediately. Back at the house Jime is still asking Sara for him and Sara wonders what to do.

Eva begs Oscar not to go because Sara is taking care of her, that this condition happened once when she was a child too, and well with all that happened lately, Sara is being a big beatch, really. Jime won’t recognize you anyway. What, she’s not in a coma now...

Of course Juan is in the shower soaping himself oh so well (I love this show) when Sofi comes in to the house calling for him, so of course what she does is hug his clothes and herself instead of running right to him, despite knowing he’s alone, for a long time.... Silly girl, she’s pregant? Is that right? :)

Suspense music plays as Franco paces back and forth at the commisario. He has to wait for his brother to arrive. Where is his brother? Well....

We get a nice ass shot of Oscar, who approaches the sleeping Jime in her room. He lays down on the bed when Sara comes in and yells that he needs to leave. She spits more fire about him being here and threatens to rat him out but won’t because her sister is sick and asking for him. She mentions she’s just taken a tranquilizer. He whispers to Jime he misses her and thinks of her every second and hopes she’s better soon, it hurts him to see her this way, he loves her. Sara spits more fire after getting slightly romantically jarred by his words and thinks it’s a good thing Jime is sleeping and doesn’t hear his lies. He says they aren’t lies. Sara tells him that he betrayed her when Jime saw him hugging Rosario. He thinks she nuts. Then he remembers the night Rosi was upset looking for his brother. He swears there is nothing between them and tells the story that Rosi was upset and he comforted her only. He apologizes and tells Jimena now he gets her change of heart. Sara keeps spitting that the Reyes only came to harm them. He wonders where she got that idea and she tells him not to see Jime anymore.

The non-existent love scenes are getting to me though. I guess maybe we are supposed to imagine that because Juan is drying Sofi’s wet hair that she joined him in the shower. No doubt because she was turned on by the smell of his clothes.

Juan says he’s the happiest man now that, yes, he’s going to have an hijo. She agrees it will be the miracle of their love, even though he fought with her Mom right before she was going to tell him. He apologizes about what he said to her Ma, and she agrees he’s pardoned. She says Ma’s difficult, but she’s Ma and so we have to look out for her. Sofi confirms that she is willing to do what it takes to defend her love and her child. Juan tells her to recall what Tad says that God tells the woman to abandon her mother and father to go with her mate. He begs her to go far away with him...and I didn’t catch her reaction because my recording stopped. Juan does say that the only thing that matters to him is to be by her side embracing, for always, and she echoes for always. Amazingly Vicente does not. I have confidence he will soon enough.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Guapos 06-24-08 "A Beautiful and Sad Love Story" Pleeeeeese spare us

We start out with the rehash of Flor telling Al she doesn’t want to stay in Mexico. Al wants to raise the baby around all the people who are important to him.
--Geez does this tell you what kind of a father Al is going to make? Raise the kid around Luci, Consti, & Uncle Damien.—

Now then Al tries to comfort the little woman over the whole “Hey she’s my sister” thing. Flor is none to comforted by this cause like the other 19,999,998 souls of Mexico City she knows the only thing Al and Mili share between them is unfulfilled lust. Okay, Okay, me amor, she finally gives in, but begs him to live in a different house. Now I think this shows real maturity and good parenting on Flor’s part. She no doubt realizes, Luci would in a drunken stupor kick the poor kid down the steps, or Consti would leave the “unloaded” gun lying around, or if it was a boy, Karla and Andrea would be hitting on him before his tenth birthday. Welllll Al will think about it.

Hey Fans who thought a month ago, that the Mafia side of the family would be the sane ones.

Meanwhile in the study of the many staircases, Padre, Damien, Consti & Karla discuss Damien’s recent life altering decision to turn to God. Karla is wailing, Consti is threatening, Padre gets between Damien and Consti. Geez, Consti is threatening to do great bodily harm in front of a priest. This will probably cost him another wing on the St. Deceptions Orphanage where all the kids are now wearing designer uniforms, courtesy of The Belmonte Sinners. Padre suggest that Damien go to a religious retreat where he can meditate on God and make his decision. This sounds good to Damien and to me too. Just like when Tony Soprano would go to Florida til Jersey cooled off. Oh Damien you continue to be my hero. Damien realizes he sucks, but hey, he never said he didn’t. At least he doesn’t do evil crap while pretending it is to benefit someone else. Damien knows it is to benefit him.

Now we get to see Consti in his office, Andrea comes up and does a lil somthin somthin and Consti who was studiously reading papers, jumps up, flings his bifocals on the desk and plans to get a little afternoon delight. Andrea already playing wife, squelches that idea, she starts in on the divorce thing. Geez Consti, marry her, you’ll save time breaking someone else in, she already has the much put upon nagging thing down. To pacify her, Consti invites her over for a little fiesta at the house. Besides it will really piss Luci off and that is always a good thing.

Over in Naco land, Gloria is talking to her mom. Ma tells her that she is going to live with Pa and Gloria’s half brother. Pa walks up and tries to make nice with Gloria. He never even knew he had a daughter, she doesn’t want to hear it and marches off. Personally I feel, Gloria is being a bit of an AssHat, I mean Pa did bring flowers to comatose Ma, for three solid years. Too bad Gloria isn’t Consti’s kid cause she’d wailed on his ass.

So now let us move on to the happy celebration. Let’s see who is in attendance, Luci, Val, model boyfriend, Bobby, Mariposa (or what ever the hell, Flor’s sisters name is), Mili, Hugo, Consti, Damien and here comes Andrea, before Luci can say anything, Nestor comes in behind her. Say isn’t there a YMCA in Mexico City? This guy drops in constantly. Oh yeah Domingo Soprano is also in attendance.

Well now we have toasts, to Val, to the pregnancy, to Mili and Hugo, Mili throws up in her mouth a little. Oh yes, Damien has a toast to his new life devoted to God. Karla who is serving throws down the tray and runs off. Luci says “The Servant is a little emotional”. You can just see Mr. Soprano thinking things were never like this back in Jersey.

Luci’s last nerve is fraying, playing the doleful wife while Andrea and Consti stand giggling together. Luci slips into the study and pours herself a stiff one. Gulping like a guppy left outta the bowl, Luci gasps when Nestor walks in. I am so unhappy. I am here my love, Nestor answers. Please what sin has this guy committed that he is trying to do penance for? Nestor and Luci are lip locked as Mili walks in. Luci is all up in Mili’s face. Damn Mili caught her dead to rights, I mean, she is threatening Mili and with what, she has played every card she ever had. Mili says she isn’t like Luci, meaning she doesn’t take pleasure in completely trashing someone’s life. Finally Nestor tells Luci to give he and Mili sometime alone.

He says I have a story to tell you about a beautiful love.

Now Luci moves on up to the bedroom, she pulls out another bottle, fills a glass and starts chugging. Here comes Flor. For the love of Gawd, can this woman not get a moments peace.

Meanwhile Val is walking the grounds with model boy. He starts quizzing her about Rocky. Val plays it off with please, the chauffeur all he cares about is money. Model boy says he is love with Val, she is intelligent, beautiful, a snappy dresser, basically a bitchin babe with a groovy personality. They kiss.

We go back up to see Flor all worried about brother bumpin, nah says Luci, after all you are married to Al and your are having his baby. Yeah but, Yeah but, Yeah but, they really aren’t related. Luci brushes that little detail off with a wave of her drunken hand. But you are his wife.
---Let’s think about this Luci, you and Consti, spawned Val and that didn’t even slow his stride on hitting anything that moved---oh Luci you and your liquor inspired logic.

Flor noticing a catch in Luci’s drunken rambling, queries if Mili knows that Mili and Al are not sharing DNA. Luci tries to avoid answering, but finally fesses up to the fact, that yes indeed Mili knows. Flor is furious, and I can’t really blame her. Luci constructed this enormous fairy tale, then out of spite and alcohol, told Mili.

Meanwhile out in the garden, model boy is still tickling Val’s tonsils. Alas Val fantasies it is Rocky. Shocked she opens her eyes. The kiss is over. Well after a brief discussion, Val isn’t ready for a relationship and she tries to play it off that he is a model and not serious, just a good time guy. No he is serious, but willing to just be friends for the time being.

Now then, Flor and Luci make up and band together to keep Mili and Al vertical at all times. Flor also encourages Luci to divorce RatBastard Not Al’s Daddy and hook-up with Nestor. Oh woe is me, it is too late, Luci whines. Flor says it is never too late.

Back downstairs, Nestor comes out with Mili. Luci and Mili do some snarking. Mili says Nestor told her a beautiful, but sad story.
Now audience don’t you so wish, Mili would say sad, but not as sad as all the crap you people have put me through, then announce the entire sordid affair to the whole party. Please the only people what wouldn’t stiffle a yawn would be Al and Val, and Val is out getting her groove on in the garden. Well at least all 20 million residents of greater Mexico City DF, would at last have a clue.

Luci now drags, Hugo off, I think she is going to try and persuade him to move Mili out of said “Happy Mansion” once they are married.

Flor pulls the hey lets be Amigas with Mili, Mili once bitten twice shy looks pensive. Hey let’s go shopping for baby clothes, Al has to go to work tomorrow as Consti is three years behind, telling Al what a worthless idiot Bastard, both figuratively and literally, so Al will be busy all day and Mari-what-ever the hell her name is will be busy. Sounds like swell fun.
--Audience how many times have you found yourself longing to spend time shopping for baby things for the love of your life and his new wife, what a most excellent bonding experience.--

It is finally last call at the Hacienda, Nestor says dump AssHat and marry me. Luci looks pensive. The merry partygoers pack up and all are leaving. Andrea lingers behind. Luci tells her to hit it, but Consti says it is late. Oh good a sleepover. Consti and Andrea go giggling upstairs and Luci is left to pour yet another glasses of liquor. Has this man no decency? Consti and Andrea dunk into a bedroom. I’m not sure if it Consti and Luci’s room or another, all that TeleVista cheesy fake furniture looks alike to me. Luci comes up and stands outside the room. She reaches for the door handle, but doesn’t turn it. I think she realizes that she can sleep in another room and have the whole bottle of liquor to herself.

Karla steals into the study, she breaks into the not very secure desk and finds the gun.

The next morning, Luci is getting dressed. She is going out. Consti comes in and does some baritone snarking. I think he told her she looks old. She says she is going to get a divorce, he says she is crazy. She says she is crazy. There is a whole lot of ESTOY LOCO.

Over at the church, Gloria & Ma are talking to Padre and Rev. Mother. I think they thought that Gloria’s Ma was gonna join up. Is it like traffic tickets in a small town? Is Padre getting points for a free trip to Rome? Gloria snarks and Rev Mother takes her off to the kitchen. Padre and Ma have a talk about Gloria’s Ma & Pa. Sorry I really didn’t follow this very closely as I am just thrilled to see her without the tube in her mouth. Really, Gloria wise up, not to be cynical, but odds of a forty something poor woman getting married in Mexico City are slim to none. Geez move on.

Luci is saying goodbye to Damien as he gets ready for Catholic Summer Camp, well he is off to see God. Consti comes down and make fun of him and Damien with perfect timing and staying in role, does the sign of the cross and blesses Consti telling him that he needs to repent, confess his sins and get God’s forgiveness.

Over at the office Al is making himself at home, Bobby the wanna-be is hanging out. Hugo (whom I might add, makes a cutting figure in his suit) is moving into Damien’s office as Damien goes on his soul searching. Al asks if Hugo thinks Damien is on the up and up, Hugo says all he knows for certain is that Damien doesn’t want to marry Karla. Bobby tells Al that Matt still represents Mili and Matt is a tool.

Speaking of Matt the Tool, we now see what Mari-what-ever-the-hell-her-name is doing, why she is doing Matt. She is having a little tete-a-tete in a café. Now who is the tool Bobby?
Also Matt lose that pleather jacket.

Mili and Flor are having awkward times in the BABY-R-US store. They have different tastes in baby clothes, although they seem to have the same taste in babydaddy. Ewwww jealousy rears it’s ugly head and Flor starts laying down the law. Like keep your hands off my babydaddy, you aren’t stealing him from me.” Mili is like “he is my brother”. Flor, “Drop the act princess, I know, you know that ain’t true”. Mili, “You know? How long have you known?” Flor, “Since before the Wedding”. Mili, “Oh no you dindint”. Mili goes all Naco on her Ass, “You knew, you stole Al from me”. She is grabbing Flor and pushing and shoving. Nice, Mili looks like a complete psycho accosting a pregnant chick in a baby store, where all those people will feel sorry for the preggers girl.

Now to wrap it all up, back at the mansion Brother Damien goes for one last hug of his sister, when Karla steps in pointing the gun at Damien. Consti thinks this is great fun and says, “Maybe Karla is going to help you find God sooner than you thought.”

And el Fin….
Tomorrow looks like Flor’s sister the tramp tells Flor, she must be honest with Al.
Oh as if…

Damien gets all my recappers luv tonite. You rule Damien…beside hopefully the gun is empty.


Querida Enemiga June 24,'08 Perky, Plucky, Pretty and in Peril

Merciful heavens...this was a jam-packed episode. Can't believe I'm saying this but I could have used a little "filler" tonight. Guess they're in a hurry to establish all the characters and who the bad guys and good guys are. No middle ground here,that's for sure.

Wicked Sara is confronting wicked Señora Armendariz (did I spell that right?) at the charity benefit she's hosting...ironically for abused and abandoned street children who need a good home. HEAVY DUTY IRONY. DON'T MISS IT.

Sarita brings up the orphanage, and Madre Asuncion but the señora doesn't cave. When she hears the nun has died, she says "forget it", no witnesses. Sorry. Sara ups the pressure asking why she's rejected when all she wants is a home, a family. Faux Abuela is tough, refusing to be manipulated by Sara's "cheap melodrama" and adds that her father stopped being her son ages ago.

Ah, so your son is my father and I deserve his name, pounces Sara. What about my mother? Nowhere. And what about proof, says granny. Don't worry, it's "bien guardado" (in a safe place) Sara is determined to stay and watch the style show and she does, distracting the señora mightily.

We get a little relief from this face-off with a shot of Lorena dreaming of Alonso. For some reason they play cartoon-type music during this segment.

Now galan Alonso is arguing with his sister Paula about using her daughter, Bettina, to manipulate Dario, estranged husband. Easy for you to say, you're a bachelor, she shrieks. (this lady is as annoying as Paula (Juan Querendon) when she starts yelling...which is often) He's got plenty of money for his girlfriend, tell him to give ME more.

Well, she has a point. Girlfriend Jacqueline, wicked assistent to wicked abuela, is lobbying for one of the expensive dresses being modeled in the benefit-the-street-kids fashion show. And of course he's only too ready to buy it for her.

Okay, now to the poor folks who have a close loving relationship to make up for their lack of cash. And we find out that the two kids aren't his, and THEIR baby died at birth. Okay, for sure, it's Lorena and wicked abuela smuggled her out to the orphanage, probably with the help of an equally wicked doctor. These telenovelas really make you nervous about the medical profession.

Daughter Diana (kid 1) is out with her beau who is horrified and nasty when he learns she's pregnant. Why didn't you take precautions, he screams (like he couldn't!? c'mon dude) He's just 30, he's saving to buy an apartment, a kid ties you down, he wants no part of it! He doesn't even know her family and accuses her of just getting pregnant to get out of the house. A real sweetheart.

Kid 2 is lazing around the house, watching soccer. Mom wants him to get a job. He says he's good for nothing. She says "think positive".

Cut to little pueblo San Martin. Wicked Sara is talking to Chalo, wicked bus driver . Sure enough he has a friend in Mexico City who can falsify documents for her. Sara finds him, gets the falsified documents to prove she's the real granddaughter and the games begin.

The reluctant abuela is having a conversation in the morning with her tool son Jaime. She lets him know Omar's whelp has shown up and imagine the scandal if this gets out. The nun talked before she died. She checked it out and everything fits ("todo calza")

Okay, I'm still learning names. Zulema checks on daughter Diana, who's not going to work, very unusual. Says she's got a headache. Mom, with mom radar, thinks it's Bruno (the scumbag who doesn't want to be a daddy) but Diana assures her it's not that.

And guess what, Bruno works with our hero Alonso, in the clinic for poor children, methinks, given that the salary isn't great. He wants to offload his patients on Alonso so he can brood about the fight with Diana. Alonso has time, in addition to checking his cellphone evey 5 minutes to see if Lorena has called.

Back at hell's kitchen, Lorena and Rosy are having a chat, I only include it because Rosy says she had fun at the disco like "un enano" (dwarf)...divertirse como un enano means to have a great time, but I'd love to know how this one got started! Rosy and her mom are going to cover for Lorena while she goes back to the culinary school to see if there are any scholarships. There aren't but she just misses seeing Alonso who's come looking for her. (WHO IS SEEING THE PATIENTS AT THE CLINIC FOR GOD'S SAKE?)

Of course we did have that cute scene, which you may have seen in the promos, where the little kid listens to Alonso's heart and guesses he must be madly in luv 'cause it's beating so hard. AWWWWWWWWW.

Now we have a second confrontation between Sara and her alleged grandmother. These two really look somewhat alike and have similar relational styles. They're clearly meant for each other. Sara manages to talk her way into living with abuela, as long as she agrees to be introduced as her "niece".

Sara arrives, gets the cold shoulder from Jaime, who no doubt wants the full inheritance for the son he has with his wife Barbara. Barbara, who has this horrible high voice, is intrigued. She's obviously bored blue with her life of leisure in the home. Sara's shown to her room by Matilde, the maid, who proves to be a good source of gossip. She's the one who blabs that son Omar and a woman named Zulema are Sara's purported parents. Funny little scene where Sara makes fun of Zulema's name, and then throws herself on the bed, dreaming of the plush life she'll have.

Alonso is still obsessing about Lorena and his receptionist is in on it. Lorena and Rosy back in the kitchen are chatting and Lorena says Rosy reminds her of her good friend Sara. Rosy offers her phone card so Lorena can call but darn, there's only 30 seconds left on it so she doesn't find out Sara has flown the coop. Also in there, Jacqueline storms in, gets mad that the cooks are laughing and tells them they can debone 40 chickens if they're having so much fun. See...the bad buys are very bad and the good guys are saints. No problem.

And speaking of bad...don't wanna be a dad-Bruno is thinking of leaving the clinic. So what if he's helping a lot of people, the pay's not good enough! Same theme in all these telenovelas...bad people after money, always miserable. Good people value love and being of help, also miserable but only because of the bad guys. Eventually very happy.

Anyway, wicked granny is explaining her strategy to tool son Jaime. She wants to keep the enemy close, find out Sara's true intentions. Now we switch to Dario (izzat right? too many new names for me) who's with Jacqueline, gorgeous in her new dress he bought and clearly happy he's getting a divorce but horrified that he wants to bring his daughter Betina into the mix.

Betina is whining for help on math homework but mom's ready to play cards and drink tequila with her chums and guess of those chums is Rosy's mom and Lorena's boss in the kitchen. All these people are related in strange and almost incestuous ways.

Lorena's getting ready to bed down in the storeroom when she decides to call Alonso (finally!) and inadvertantly sets off an alarm. She's able to charm the night watchman (wife, 5 kids, dog, cat, lost turtle) into letting her off the hook and he even ends up bringing her a blanket and transistor radio to help her through the night.

The tequila swilling card sharks are talking about men but only one of them admits to looking for a guy, and if he's handsome and rich, so much the better.

Their lively gathering is contrasted with the grim silent supper at abuela's house. (Rich people never have any fun or any know that, right?) We learn about Vasco, Jaime and Barbara's son who is studying in England. Barbara's clearly suspicious about this sudden unheard of niece but Jaime and mom refuse to tell her anything.

Sara stonewalls her way into going to work with abuela the next morning, after getting insulted about her clothes but...big plus...getting outfitted with new ones. Diana arrives at the clinic to confront Bruno who hasn't called. Lorena spills boiling water on her foot and gets hauled off to the same clinic where...Eureka!...Alonso is called in to treat her. BIG BIG SMILES ALL AROUND. Suddenly that little first degree burn doesn't hurt anymore.
Whew...and that's it...other than a little vocabulary.

recaudos = proceeds, money collected

estropear = spoil, ruin

es un plomo = she a real pain in the a** (Jacqueline)

te trae de cabeza = you're crazy about her (Alonso/Lorena)

se ve a leguas = it's obvious

todo calza = everything fits

en algo grueso = in something shady

hacer bolas = mess it up

comodin = joker, wild card

divertirse como un enano = have a great time


El Juramento debuts June 30

I translated the following summary for "El Juramento" (formerly known as "El Engano") from the official summary posted on the Telemundo website. "E.J." will replace "La Traicion" weeknights starting June 30 on Telemundo. -- Jody :)

"A love that will fight to win over... the lie"
The Oath is a story of love that behind the pain of a man that seeks revenge, discovers a great love where the lie, converts himself into victim of his own trap.

Returning to Mexico, Santiago discovers that his brother Diego has committed suicide over the deceit and betrayal of Alma, for whom he loved like crazy; without knowing her name, Santiago vows revenge for his death and goes in search for that woman to the home of the Robles Conde family, great business executives of the hotel industry, where he meets Alma and Andrea.

Santiago remains impressed with the beauty of Andrea and by mistake he assumes that she was the guilty one behind the disgrace of his brother; he plans his revenge in seducing her, without knowing that in reality it was her cousin Alma who sought to manipulate Diego driving him to commit suicide.

With all the armaments of seduction towards Andrea, Santiago falls in love with her and takes her to live in a house far away from the city, where he starts an emotional mistreatment filled with coldness and indifference. The problem is that despite that Andrea suffers through the anger of her husband, Santiago lives tormented because despite his rage, he has fallen hopeless in love with her.

One day Andrea decides to confront him and to know the cause of his anger, and it is there when he reveals his cruel truth. The woman, pressed into suffrage, can't believe the nightmare that unjustifiably she lives by a thirst for revenge and lets him know for certain that she will never forgive him. When Santiago is convinced of his huge mistake, he decides to search for her but now it's too late.

For Santiago, the battle only begins, he must fight for the forgiveness and to recover the love of Andrea, whom despite her pain, can't stop the love that she feels.

The life of the two protagonists is a story that debates between love and treachery, where the heart will be the only thing capable of breaking the barrier of hate that separates them.

Osvaldo Rios (AMF; Zorro) - Santiago
Natalia Stregnard - Andrea
Harry Geithner (AR; Zorro; LT) - Diego
Hector Suarez Gomez (Zorro) - Esteban
Dominika Paleta (LU; Los Plateados) - Alma
Salvador Pineda (Esmeralda) - el padre Salvador
Kenya Hijuelos - Mirta
Hector Bonilla - Teodoro
Susana Dosamantes - Luisa
Tina Romero - Silvia
Pablo Azar - Juan Pablo

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Guapos: Monday 6/23/08- "The son's back and there's a bun in the oven".

Mili’s about ready to spill the non-sibling beans to Alejandro when a very pregnant Florencia enters the Belmonte mansion, tossing an obvious monkey wrench into Mili’s plans. Flo questions why Mili doesn’t offer up congratulations, but a very emotional Mili can’t seem to do it at that point and she runs off upstairs. Al wants to go after her, but Hugo convinces him to let her be. Luci and Connie come downstairs and Luci’s all gushy at seeing her son again and then, of course, even more gushy at seeing the bulging bun in Flo’s tummy. Domingo (who came in with Flo) tells Connie that they are going to be abuelos. Connie’s wheels are turning and I’m sure he’s trying to figure out what financial advantage this will bring him. Connie reluctantly offers up a “welcome home” hug to Al.

Damian has Padre Manuel come out in the downpour and sneak in the back way of the mansion. Damian has something to tell the good padre, and it isn’t a confession. Damian claims to have found God while he was in prison and now wants to commit himself to doing God’s work. PM is skeptical (as are the rest of us). Damian assures PM that he was always a sinner but now wants to redeem himself. PM suggests that Damian practice some patience, to think on it awhile and see if his heart is still leading him in that direction a few days down the line. PM questions Damian as to what this means for his wedding plans with Karla. Damian says that sacrificing the love of a good woman is a small price to pay to God.

Soco puts drops in Rocky’s eyes and then Rocky and Horacio have one of their heart to hearts. Rocky tells the gardener that he knows that Val still loves him, but right now she’s not letting him come near her with a ten foot pole. Horacio has an idea, Rocky should write Val a letter telling her how he feels. Rocky likes the idea.

Hugo goes upstairs to be with Mili. She convinces him that she can’t tell Al the truth now that he’s going to be a father. Hugo doesn’t like the idea, but Mili makes him promise to keep his mouth shut about Mili and Al not being brother and sister. She tells Hugo they need to get married because she can’t destroy Al’s family (and marrying Hugo’s going to prevent this?). Hugo ends up agreeing, but on one condition….that they get married in a civil ceremony. He won’t get married in a church until Mili loves him for real. Hugo promises that he’ll never leave Mili, but questions if she’s sure this is what she wants to do. They agree to get married in a week.

Domingo wants to throw a party for the expectant parents. Connie is in agreement. The two men banter about what the baby’s name should be---they both want him to be named after themselves. Flo tells them that it is going to be a girl. Luci thinks the baby should be named after her. Damian and PM come into the foyer. Al’s happy to see his uncle’s been sprung from the pen. PM tells Connie they need to talk with him. The three men take off to Connie’s office, where PM tells Connie that Damian is seeking a religious life. Connie doesn’t buy it and tells PM that Damian’s trouble, he’d turn the Vatican into a casino if given the opportunity.

Hugo comes downstairs with Mili and announces their upcoming wedding. There's some conversation about the upcoming nuptials and Damian even mumbles something about performing the ceremony (because becoming a priest takes only a week?). The scene ends with Mili offering congratulations to the expecting couple.

Later Lina consoles a very sad Mili. Mili ends up pouring out the whole story to Lina-----Al’s going to be a daddy, she thought she and Al were siblings, but not anymore. Lina questions this and Mili says that Connie’s her daddy, but not Al’s. Mili gets Lina to swear she’ll tell no one.

At the hospital, Gloria is still ticked at Romulo. He tries to talk to Yolanda, but Gloria starts a fight and the doctor walks into the room. The doc says nothing, but scolds them with his eyes. Gloria tells Romulo to leave her and her mother alone!

Karla finds Soco and Lina working in the kitchen. Lina questions why Karla’s not dressed for work. Karla tells her she’s been raised to a new level, since she’s going to marry Damian. Speak of the devil, where it he? He’s at church. So early in the day? Lina suggests it would take the man all day to confess his sins.

Horacio delivers Rocky’s card to Val as she’s sunbathing by the pool.

Yolanda tells Romulo she’s going to look for a place to live for her and Gloria & Gamuza. Romulo asks Yo to give him a chance, that they should be together. He asks her to marry him and she tells him that he wasn’t part of her plans. He says that he wants the opportunity to be a good father to Gloria and Gamuza. Yo says that she’s always cared for him, he was her first love, and she’s willing to marry him.

Karla meets up with Damian at the church. He tells her he wants to be a priest. He asks for her forgiveness, since they can’t be married. Karla, rightly, suspects that Damian’s doing this to make a fool of her and wants to know how he came to this decision. He tells her of “enlightenment” while incarcerated. She wants to know why he didn’t speak of it before. He comes up with some lame excuse and then tells her that perhaps she’d make a good nun. She smacks him and swears that’ll never happen!

Al announces to the family that he and Flo are back to stay. He asks if there is a job for him in the family company. Connie hesitates and Hugo and Luci stick up for Al. Flo says if Connie can’t give Al a job, certainly her father will. Connie finally agrees to find a spot for him. Al thanks his father.

Ramses surprises Val at the pool. They end up swimming and Val doesn’t end up opening the card from Rocky.

Al asks Mili if she’s not happy that he’s come back to DF. She says that’s not the case. He says he wants to be near his family and to raise his daughter in her own country. Mili understands. He says he wants her to be the baby’s aunt. Mili’s touched by this. Al says it is time they learn to live together. Flo walks in on this conversation and she’s not happy. Al takes off and Mili offers help to Flo. She says you can help me by keeping clear of my husband, it turns my stomach to see the two of you together.

Luci is up in her room, hitting the bottle and thinking of Nestor.

Meanwhile, Nestor is visiting Connie at the office. Connie thanks Nestor for his support during his campaign. Connie ends up inviting Nestor to the party to celebrate the upcoming birth.

Flo tells Al that she doesn’t want to be back in Mexico because she doesn’t like him being near Mili. He reminds her that Mili’s his sister and she’ll be marrying Hugo. Flo doesn’t want Mili messing in their marriage. Al says she won’t but she’s important to him. Flo questions if Mili’s more important than she is. Al tries to convince Flo that staying is a good thing and she finally agrees, as long as they don’t live under the same room as Mili. Al says they’ll talk about that later.

Val figures out the card is from Rocky. She rips it up, as he watches from a distance.END OF EPISODE


Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., June 23 - Ruth leaves home, the incompetant assassins fail yet again, Memo gets an unwelcome assignment

Good episode yesterday-

Oscar and Jimena are such a cute couple. This endless fooling around might easily be very irritating but they do it so well that it is entertaining.

It was funny how in Juan and Oscar's 'serious talk' with Franco, Oscar pretended to be more concerned about having his and Juan's relationships messed up by Franco's romance with Sara than about Franco's feelings.

Sarita finally tells her sisters who she is seeing.

Ruth finally finds out that she is adopted and from Melissa, not Calixto. So far, anyway, Melissa seems like a good character. She told Raquel off. Raquel is as possessive as Gabriela but not as evil. The reaction of the 'fruit sons' when they saw Ruth walking on the road was amusing, too.

What can you say about Herzog and Rubinsky latest fiasco? It seem highly improbable that no one in the restaurant would have called the police even if Franco didn't want to. What is it with the old cars in the novela? There's Juan's truck, of course, which is just a heap but both H&R and Pepita drive these classic cars.

Memo seems really unhappy about his assignment to kill Rosario. He talks big but he's not a killer. He didn't even want to fight to protect Armando when he got beat up. He kept pushing the other bodyguards forward.


La Traición, Mon., June 23 - The final week starts out slow! Hugo eavesdrops, Margot bakes a cake, Manrique wants piano lessons and Lucas gets a trim

Margót has made a cake for Arturo

Eloisa hasn't childproofed the treasure vault

¡Tan preciosa!

Hercu-less tells Manuela how attractive she is but she says that she isn’t interested in servants. She wants the bosses with the money. Hugo appears to be listening to their conversation. Herc says that he doesn’t have money but he has other virtues and starts to unbutton his shirt saying that it’s hot… Hugo wonders who the woman with Herc is and what they were doing in Alcala? Hugo thinks Herc might be on an errand for Arturo. Manuela takes off her extremely modern looking shoes and starts to play footsie with Herc.

Soledad asks why Antonia took her baby. She remembers that Antonia was very hard on her but why did she take the baby? Antonia says that the baby was a product of sin since Soledad wasn’t married to Hugo. That is why she had Dr. Max take the baby to a convent. Antonia flashes back to making her agreement with Dr. Max. Soledad says that they thought Arturo had taken the baby when Hugo rescued her. Antonia tells her that Arturo took the baby from Dr. Max. Soledad is horrified. Aurora could have been killed. Antonia says that she is really sorry. When she came to the Obragon house, she was obsessed with having everyone live under God’s law. That is why Antonia wanted to punish Soledad such as when she set the baby’s clothes on fire. Flashback to that incident. Soledad says it was an accident but Antonia says that she did it on purpose and almost ended up killing Soledad.

Eloisa asks why Alcides needed to speak to her so urgently. Alcides asks Eloisa if she remembers what he told her when he came back to San Marino. Eloisa says how could she forget it – Alcides would give her half his fortune when Soledad was his (‘cayera en tus brazos,’ literally, ‘will fall into your arms,’). Alcides says that now seems to be the perfect moment to reach that goal. Eloisa flashes back to seeing the treasure. “Half your fortune,” says Eloisa dreamily. Alcides says that it is enough to live like a queen for three lives. Eloisa says that she will convince Soledad that Alcides is the best man in the world. Alcides says he doesn’t want only that. He wants Soledad to think that he is right man for her. He tells Eloisa that he has just sent Soledad flowers and he needs to sacrifice a pawn (‘peon’). “That’s me,” says Eloisa, “Don’t worry, I will defend the King in front of the Queen and it will be checkmate (‘defenderé al rey frente a la reina, y le daré jaque mate’).” She leaves. “Con tiempo y un ganchito, Soledad,” says Alcides, “each time, I’m getting closer to you.” (You didn’t hear Soledad tell you that she loves Hugo and has forgiven him?)

The judge tells Margot that it was a dirty trick to steal his boots to get Arturo released from prison. He says what she did is immoral and reminds her that he is the highest authority in San Marino. Margot says to herself that she hopes she doesn’t get arrested. She starts to apologize when Arturo comes in. Arturo says that it was he who asked Margot to demonstrate his innocence. It was nothing personal. He was lucky that Margot found him – who better than a judge to impart justice. Arturo says that he hopes the judge has no objection. The judge grudgingly says that he has no objection and leaves. Margot hugs Arturo. He tells her that she is his savior and he is eternally grateful to her.

Soledad asks how Antonia could have done what she did to her and her baby. She never imagined that Antonia hated them that much. Antonia says that she didn’t hate Soledad; she just thought she was taking the wrong path. However after she saw Soledad suffer with Hugo’s vengeance and her baby’s illness. When she saw Soledad make so many sacrifices for love with such nobility, she realized that she was mistaken. Antonia says that she doesn’t expect Soledad to forgive her; she knows God will punish her. She wants Soledad to know that she is doing something terrible to pay for her sins and help support the household. Eloisa breezes in and seeing Soledad and Antonia says that she might have arrived at a bad time.

Arturo says that he is a free man thanks to Margot. She is happy. Arturo notices that she isn’t watching the window. Where is Hercu-less? Margot says that he has gone on a trip. Arturo wonders what Alcides is up to. Margot tells him not to worry about it but to go home and get some rest. Arturo asks if Margot would like to come with him. Margot says that she has to wait for Herc. Arturo says that he will never forget what she did for him.

Hercu-less is putting the moves on Manuela. She asks if he is married. He says he is married to someone who loves him very much. Manuela says that Herc does not seem to love his wife that much. Herc asks what love has to do with it. Any man would go after a woman like her. Hugo says to himself that the woman is a featherbrained (‘ligera de cascos,’ literally, ‘light of brains,’). Herc asks Manuela if she knows what to do when they get to San Marino. Manuela says that she has to go his boss’s house and see if he has the money that he promised her. Hugo wonders who they are talking about. Why did Arturo send for this woman? Manuela continues that after that they will go to Dr. Dan’s and ruin his plans for Soledad.

Eloisa apologizes for coming at a bad moment. Soledad says that she and Antonia were discussing a family matter. Eloisa says that she will return later. Eloisa flashes back to unmasking Antonia at the cabaret. She winks at Antonia. She tells Soledad that on second thought, she will wait in Soledad’s room because what she has to say is very important. Eloisa admires the flowers and ask if they are from Soledad’s suitors. She leaves. Antonia says that she can’t carry her guilt any more.

Dr. Dan is healing the sick and a nurse comes in and tells him someone is bleeding to death.

Back on the train, Herc says that Manuela understands the plan well. She says that she hopes Herc’s boss has the money because she doesn’t feel like seeing her ex-husband again. Herc reminds her that Dr. Dan is her husband. They aren’t divorced. Overhearing, Hugo is confused. He wonders why Arturo would bring Dr. Dan’s wife to San Marino. He flashes back to Alcides telling him that Dr. Dan was married. Hugo figures out that Alcides found the wife and is bringing her to San Marino. He can’t understand why Arturo’s servant is doing the job. Are Arturo and Alcides allies? Manuela and Herc go off to a private carriage for some nookie. Hugo concludes that this woman is part of a plan by his brother and Arturo to get Dr. Dan out of the way.

Ester is cutting Lucas’ hair (I guess they can’t afford a barber). Lucas says that Antonia is acting very strangely and talking about sin. Lucas wonders if she getting enough sleep. He doesn’t like the idea of these nighttime piano lessons. Ester says that Antonia is making good money and their lifestyle has improved. Lucas says that he will put a sign out tomorrow that says, “We write love letters.” (There’s a lot of foot traffic outside the Obragon house.) Ester says that she kept his love letters. They were wonderful. Ester says that she is sure he will have lots of orders.

Paquito is paying his staff. He pays Pierre and Esmeralda. Paquito asks Esmeralda if she wants to know a secret. He puts her in his lap and says that he is not as effeminate as everyone things. Sometimes he wants to love a woman. If she is interested, he will pay her extra. She seems to be interested.

In Soledad’s room, Eloisa asks if Antonia is ok. Soledad says that it is a family matter. She asks what Eloisa wants to tell her. Eloisa says that it is about Alcides. Soledad is concerned that something happened after Soledad left Alcides at Eloisa’s house the previous evening. Eloisa says nothing happened but that Alcides was so upset by what happened that he started crying. He regretted how he had behaved in the past and hadn’ know how to win Soledad the way she deserved. Soledad says that it is too late. All she feels for him is disgust. Eloisa says to herself that this is going to more difficult than she thought (‘esto va a ser más difícil que matar un elefante a pellizcos,’ literally, ‘this is going to be more difficult than killing an elephant with pinches,’). Eloisa tells Soledad that at least her feelings are clear. Soledad says that on the contrary she doesn’t know what she feels in her heart. Eloisa mentions the two bouquets of flowers. Alcides told her he was sending one, she asks Soledad who sent the other, Hugo? Soledad says that the other bouquet is from Dr. Dan. Eloisa ask Soledad to tell her frankly what she feels for Dr. Dan.

Dr. Dan tells the other doctor at the hospital that their patient needs a blood transfusion. The other doctor says that he has never done a transfusion. Dr. Dan says that he learned a special technique. He goes to get his equipment. (This has to mean something. Is this how Dr. Dan is going to save Aurora – a blood transfusion from Hugo?)

Margot runs into Gladis and her maid in the street. Gladis is her usual nasty self. Arturo comes up and tells his mother not to call Margot names. Thanks to Margot, Arturo is free. He asks her into the house. Gladis says that Arturo can associate with whomever he wants in the street but he can’t bring this woman with a bad reputation into her house. Arturo warns Gladis that if she doesn’t stop talking about reputation and the nobility, he warns her that his is capable of marrying Margot.

Paquito finishes his business and pleasure with Esmeralda. Manrique shows up. He wants to realize a childhood dream and take piano lessons with ‘George Wilde’ and needs his address.

In response to Eloisa’s question about what she feels for Dr. Dan, Soledad says that he is intelligent, well educated and generous but he lied to her. He wasn’t capable of telling her the truth about his marital situation. Eloisa says that was a terrible thing. She goes back to her pitch. She says that Alcides was really upset. What if he has changed? Soledad replies that Alcides tried to kill his brother. After trying to do something like that, could a person really change? Eloisa says that Alcides was gone for a long time. He lost his memory and went through a lot. Sometimes people change after such experiences. Soledad isn’t sure. Eloisa continues with her pitch by saying that she understands why Soledad doesn’t trust Alcides. Eloisa says that she wants to tell Soledad that the man she saw last night was totally destroyed and vulnerable. Soledad says that maybe Alcides has changed but for good or bad, Hugo has stolen her heart. Eloisa struggles to conceal her exasperation.

Hercu-less and Manuela return from their train tryst. They will go to Herc’s boss’ house. Manuela says not to say a word about what happened. The train arrives in San Marino. Hugo says that Alcides will have to explain this low blow against Dr. Dan. He says that in love you don’t win with traps and lies.

Dr. Dan does the transfusion with blood that is amazingly bright red and thick like ketchup. The procedure is a success. Who was donor? The nurse says that the hospital is very proud of him. Dr. Dan wishes Soledad thought so.

Soledad repeats to Eloisa that her heart belongs to Hugo. She can’t help it. Soledad needs to go out but Ursula isn’t there. Eloisa volunteers to take care of the baby. (Bad idea) Soledad agrees.

Ursula has gone to see Boris who is taking out his frustration on some piece of metal. Ursula asks if Boris saw Marina. Will she give him a divorce? Boris has been crying.

Gladis says that if Arturo marries Margot, he will never set foot in her house again. He will lose his inheritance and his mother. Gladis leaves. Margot asks what Arturo is doing. He will give his mother a heart attack. Margot laughs at the idea of she and Arturo being married. Arturo says that he said what he did to get his mother off his back. He asks what Margot is carrying. It’s a cake she made with her own hands. Arturo says that the cake will be the perfect dessert to the dinner he has planned for her. Margot will be the guest of honor.

Paquito gives Manrique a bunch of excuses about why he can’t provide ‘George Wilde’s’ address. Manrique says that means he will have to go to Plan B – he holds out the ad Antonia put in the paper about piano lessons. Manrique didn’t want to go there because the Obragons hate him.

Eloisa, holding the baby, locks the door of Soledad’s room. She says if she wants to steal some of the treasure, she is going to have to take Aurora with her. She opens the door to the treasure vault.

Dr. Dan explains to the patient’s wife how he saved her husband with a blood transfusion. Then the lightbulb goes on for Dr. Dan. He can save Aurora with a blood transfusion! Why didn’t he think of that before? (Because you haven’t been thinking with your brain lately, Dr.Dan). Soledad arrives at the hospital to work. Dr. Dan says that he has great news that has to do with the health of her daughter.

Eloisa and Aurora are in treasure vault. Eloisa puts Aurora down on the floor and starts stuffing jewels into her garters and cleavage. Aurora is playing with a pile of diamonds or something right next to the trip wire for the booby trap.

Boris tells Ursula that he talked to Marina and she won’t give him a divorce. Ursula asks if Boris is telling the truth or does he still love Marina. Boris assures Ursula that he and Marina are finished. He loves Ursula. Ursula asks what they are going to do in the meantime. The Obragons won’t let them see each other until Boris is divorced. Should they meet in secret? Boris says no. He will get divorced somehow. Ursula leaves.

Hercu-less brings Manuela to see Alcides. She introduces herself and asks who he is or should she call him ‘Master,’ (‘Patron’) too? Alcides says that a lady like herself shouldn’t call any man ‘master.’ He introduces himself to Manuela. He says that he hopes this is the beginning of a long and rich friendship (‘una larga y fructífera amistad’). He says that he loves to discuss business with a woman as beautiful as her.

Soledad asks Dr. Dan not to keep her in suspense. Dr. Dan says that it is very risky but he is almost sure that if he gives the baby a blood transfusion, that will cure her catalepsy.

Antonia is roaming around filled with guilt. She says that she should have told Soledad the whole truth. She had to purge the wickedness from her heart. The only thing her family must never find out is that she plays the piano in a cabaret disguised as a man. Manrique appears. Antonia asks what he is doing at this house after all the damage he has done. Manrique says that he isn’t there on a social visit. He has come on business. Seeing the maestro play in the cabaret awakened some youthful dreams he thought he had forgotten. He says that he understands that Antonia gives piano lessons. He would like to be her student. He will pay whatever she asks.

Arturo offers a toast to Margot’s kindness and tremendous courage. Thanks to her, he is a free man. He starts to give Margot instructions on drinking wine. In barges Hugo saying that he just saw this lady with Hercu-less on the train. He asks what kind of a man could commit such a base and evil act. Hugo calls Arturo a miserable coward. Arturo asks what Hugo is talking about. Hugo says that he knows that the woman Arturo is with is Dr. Dan’s wife. (Why didn’t you follow Herc and Manuela, Hugo?) Arturo and Margot look very confused. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Aurora goes for the trip wire in the treasure vault.


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