Friday, June 27, 2008

Fuego, Jun 26, #43? The Good, the Bad, and the Feo

Saludes a todos! I’m filling in for Melinama tonight, and it’s my first attempt at recapping. Please don’t be afraid to fill in anything I missed or correct anything I got wrong. None of us is as smart as all of us.

At the hacienda Feo is less than charmed to receive a visit from Prom Queen Petra. She admits she was mistaken to abandon Rosario’s boy, but lucky for Feo, she’s back now. Is she back because she’s industrious and wants more work? Close but no $5 stogie. She wants more money and if she doesn’t get it she’ll tell everyone what a dirty rotten shnook he is. Together in the truck, she promises that if he gives her the money, he’ll never see her again. Snidely Whiplash thought bubbles that at least she’s right about the “never see you again” part, while visions of railroad tracks dance in his head.

In Sofia’s room, Juan is a punto de telling Sofia the whole truth. He starts but pauses when he sees her father’s picture on her nightstand. He starts again. This time Sofia interrupts him because we all know that in the telenovela universe, when your true love has something very important to tell you, you must never ever let him finish the sentence. If you did, you would bypass three months (or in Fea, 9 mos.) of suffering caused by the undisclosed secret. You’d get married quickly, do a night on the Cristina show, and be out pounding the pavements looking for another role. Nope, can’t have that.

So Sofia interrupts Juan. She tells him that near the end of his life, her beloved father found love with a sweet pretty girl who was very sweet. Sofia should be upset but she’s not because the girl truly loved her father and made him happy because she was so sweet. Sofia only saw her once, at the funeral. That was enough to convince her they had true love since she was so sweet. Did I mention she was sweet? Sofia continues, Grandpa and Eva and I wanted to help her because she was pregnant, but Mama went ballistic. She insulted and humiliated the girl and kicked her out of the house. When we tried to find her we discovered she had drowned to death. Sadder yet, she was pregnant. Ever since, I’ve thought about how sweet she was. I pray for her as much as for my papa. I know that they continue in love even in death. Kinda’ gets you right here, doesn’t it?

Scene shifts to two other young lovers sucking face. Jimena claims that she doesn’t want Oscar near her, but he’d rather believe her kisses than her words. He tries to explain the hug she saw was just him trying to console poor Rosario, but Jimena sticks to her guns. Then we play Oscar the yoyo game. He’s leaving. He’s back. He’s leaving. He’s back. You’ll never see me again. Won’t you miss me? If you don’t want me I’ll... I’ll... I’ll become a priest! I’m leaving. I mean it. Really. After he ducks out the balcony, Jimena wonders if he’s leaving.

Now to Sarita’s room where she is full of indignation because Franco looked at her papers. He reasons that they have his name on them so they must be for him. He assures her that she would be very unhappy with that other twit because she really wants to marry him. To prove it, he kisses her. Men, take note. If a woman tells you she never wants to see you again, you should kiss her by force. If she fights and tries to break free, hold her in a death grip until she surrenders and kisses you tenderly because it’s what she really wants, even if she struggles. I’m sorry friends; I think I prefer the cock fights. At least those are a match of equals.

Juan tries to tell Sofia the whole truth again, she interrupts him again, and he loses his nerve and falls back on the ever-reliable “te amo.”

We return to Sarita and Franco disputing who is good and who is bad.
Franco: My brothers and I are good.
Sarita: No, you and brothers bad. Put mama in hospital. Mama good. Sofia bad.
Franco: No, Sofia good. Sofia love Juan intensely.
Sarita: No, Sofia bad. Should love Feo.
Franco: No, Feo bad. He’s so bad, he’s earned more snarky nicknames than any other villain in Caray blog history.
Sarita: No, Feo good. Feo great! Feo should be nominated for sainthood. No hay nadie como él (there’s nobody like him).

And now Feo strives to prove there’s nobody quite like him. He gives Petra money for a hotel; they’ll finish their business in the morning. We discover that Petra is not only a prom queen, she also has a gift for clairvoyance although she’s a little fuzzy on the details. She tells Feo, “Don’t fail me again or you’ll regret it.” Gee, I wonder what will happen to Petra. Feo bad.

In the bakery we find Quintana trying to pay Pablito’s grandma for her help. She doesn’t want to accept it, but in the end she does, considering that she’s a poor old woman with a good soul but rotten health and no money for medicine. Quintana insists. Quintana good. We’re treated to some English lessons, and her imagination of having her own wheels. Think “Little Old Lady from Tijuana.”

Return to Sarita’s bedroom. She has just ejected Franco, and is disturbed by how much she enjoyed his kisses. She’s taking ferret-face lessons from her sister. Sarita good ferret-face student.

Sofia and Juan are still kissing. He picks up his hat to leave, she flutters her eyelashes, and he realizes he won’t be needing his hat any time soon.

Oscar and Franco meet on the street. They commiserate that they both struck out. The “boys” greet Pablito and his abuela Delfina. Delfina good. Petra steps up to pick on Pablito.
Pablito: Petra bad. Mistreated Luisito.
Petra: Pablo bad. Made lots of problems for me.
Delfina: No, your drunkenness made your problems. Petra bad.
Petra goes after Delfina, Oscar pulls her off, and he sends her away. In anger he hollers, “Mujeres como usted deberían muertas (women like you should be dead).

We step inside the bar for tonight’s bonbons. All I can think is, how does she ever untangle her hair after an act like that?

Oscar & Franco get home and find the FBI boys at the house. They try to figure out what Petra knows and what she’s doing, but we know it’s going to be a moot point very soon. Franco tells them Oscar is going to enter the priesthood and Quintana reacts as if she just became a grandmother.

In his office, Feo tells Right-Arm-ando to get rid of Petra because she’s blackmailing him. Armando is delighted and sees this as an opportunity to “mataremos a dos pájaros de un solo tiro” – kill two birds with one throw. The Reyes brothers threatened Petra in front of witnesses, so when she’s found dead they’ll be the prime suspects. Bye-bye brothers!

Cut to Jimena and Oscar co-remembering each other. She’s mooning “I love him.” He’s mooning, “She doesn’t want me.”

At la casa Reyes, Franco is left entertaining the guests so he brings out a fun party game called “Let’s Torment My Brother.” He informs the FBI boys that Oscar just said he’d be a priest to get a reaction out of Jimena. Quintana points out that it’s a bad idea to play games with God like that. Franco suggests that they all play along with Oscar’s game, and carry it to a point that he is forced to back down. Our FBI boys wonder, “Where’s Juan?” (I think the FBI boys flunked out of the academy. They are supposed to be gathering information, and they are even more clueless than the Reyes brothers, and that is quite some feat!)

Funny you should mention Juan. He and Sofia are still kissing! Except that now they’re horizontal. And naked. And… well, you get the idea.


Back at the Bad Love Bar, Rosario and the Pips (thanks for the idea, Mad Bess) are working on their mermaid image, singing and dancing from suspended fishbowls. Maybe it’s to keep their assets perpetually iced. Maybe it’s a fishbowl since Rosario was in a bird cage recently, and Feo is keeping her like human beings keep pets. Maybe they’re going for the “hot in a hot tub” image. Maybe wet is sexy (remember Bo Derek?).

Rosario sees Armando talking to two nogoodniks and giving them money. We know they are nogoodniks because they are smoking. They leave the bar and give the money to a very-badnik (I wonder what the percentage commission is, for carrying hit money from Snidely’s henchman to the badnik). We know he’s very, very bad because not only is he smoking, he also has a big long mustache.

Out on the street, our FBI boys are debriefing to their intelligence analyst mama. Agent 2 thinks it’s too coincidental that Petra is the one who was holding Rosario’s kid. Mama is sure Petra knows more. More than the FBI boys? More than likely.

At the bar office, Snidely’s henchman (named Bruno in the Dudley Do-Right shows) brings the great news to Snidely: Mission accomplished! You won’t have to worry about Petra anymore (I can’t bring myself to call her Nell, maybe anti-Nell).

At the hotel, anti-Nell is lying in bed drinking and smoking. Doesn’t she know how dangerous that is? She could kill herself!!! Ni modo. The very badnik knocks on the door with his hummer-sized knife. Anti-Nell opens the door and staggers for a good five seconds, wondering about her gentleman caller. He says, “I bring greetings from an old colleague of yours. Anti-Nell screams in terror, realizing too late the danger of talking to strangers. Villain (who reminds me of Fearless Leader) gives his best villianly sneer and evil laugh. We see the menacing shadow of the raised knife, poised to strike terror as only a hackneyed cliché can.

Shift to a scene mucho más tranquilo. Juan watches Sofia sleeping a very well-satisfied sleep. He silently regrets that he simply couldn’t tell her the truth; he’ll have to find another way. We have no regrets at all; we get to look at Juan’s big shoulders. I’ve always been partial to shoulders.

The next morning, the hotel maid doesn’t know why Petra isn’t opening her door. We do. The maid unlocks the door and takes in the whole gruesome scene. The bottle (see where booze’ll get you?), the spilled purse (what good is your ill-gotten booty now), and a leg of the corpse. Camera comes back and pauses on the bottle and puddle of its contents on the floor, lest we forget what caused this frightful tragedy. The maid screams and slumps to the floor in terror. The torn sheets… the corpse… the blood… the booze… the smell… only she knows the gut-wrenching terror, realizing how hard it will be to clean up this room by check-in time.

At the bakery, the boys are enjoying their brotherhood far too much; this can’t last. Today is the one day the police can visit Brigadoon. “Oscar and Franco Reyes, you’re under arrest for murder.” Petra was found dead and they are the prime suspects because witnesses heard them threatening her. I think the police read Armando’s script for that part. Don’t worry, he says. We’ll do a full investigation and justice will be done. Oscar reminds us they’re innocent. Franco says therefore they have nothing to fear. Everyone feels better now, knowing that justice will prevail in a backwater village in Mexico stuck in the last century, a town run by a Feo (dirty rotten shnook) who hates everything Reyes. Yes, sleep well children, knowing justice will be done.

Speaking of Snidely, Right-Arm-ando is telling him everything went like clockwork. Petra is gone and two Reyes brothers are locked up. Feo is furious that Juan is still on the loose; Juan is the one he wanted destroyed. Armando is confident they’ll get Juan soon. We’re not.

Around town, Eva tells grandpa the boys are in jail. “No puede ser!” The FBI boys tell mama the boys are in jail. “No puede ser!” In the hospital, Feo enters Crabi’s room and does a happy dance complete with two-leg side kicks. But only in his imagination. He breaks the news about the boys to mama, Jimena, and Sarita. The girls are impactada. Sarita is aghast that murderers were so close to them. Jimena is sure they are innocent, and Feo asks how she can be so sure. Does she know them?

At the jail, Juan and Father Tadeo present their protests to the Brigadoon police, reminding him that a threat is insufficient evidence. The commissar reports that they searched the Reyes house and bakery and found the murder weapon, the hummer-sized knife. Is that proof enough?

Tomorrow, Juan and Feo have a street fight. Juan has the advantage of size and hawtness. Feo has the advantage of a gun.


Querida Enemiga Thurs 6/26 - Hortensia cracks...a smile

Lorena and Zulema talk about Salsa Borracha and Salsa Negra with dried chipotles. Zulema tells Lorena she's getting supplies for her first catering gig. They smell chiles together and smile.

The head doctora summons Alonso and tells him the famous Snortensia Armendariz (Snorty from now on) is having a gala affair for her pet project the eye clinic. She wants Al to be the representative for the clinic. No matter that he's not an eye doctor, he's an eye taco (taco de ojo = babe) and that's all that matters. (OK, I paraphrased, she said he was charming.)

Rosy and Julian, in a carefully choreographed scene, accidently run into each other. It's love at first crash.

Bitchy Paula scolds her Papi for eating too much ice cream. She gets sweet for about 2 seconds then hits him up for a loan. He suggests she get a job.

Julian tells Rosy he didn't know there was a banquet company with the name Armendariz because, how odd, that's his stepfather's name. Rosy supposes there's no connection because her boss lady is insufferable. Julian wants to meet Rosy after work.

The market mutual admiration society must conclude...Zulema and Julian leave, Rosy swoons, and Lorena says she's never met such a nice woman. She's an absolute angel (pan de dios = bread of God). Rosy pipes up that her son is the bread and she'd like to eat him right up.

Alonso gives Bruno hell for being a chauvinist pendejo who won't take responsibility for his girlfriend. Bruno complains that he's sure she got pregnant in order to trap him. Bruno thinks a kid would be a disgrace. Alonso thinks a kid is a blessing. Bruno bad. Alonso good.

Clingy and desperate Diana calls Bruno again. He tells her to butt out of his life; this is the last time he answers his phone. She begs him not to abandon her.

Back in the quaint home filled with love Julian asks Mami if she believes in love at first sight. She thinks he means Lorena but "No ma, I like the other." She calls him an enamoradizo (falls in love easily) and tells him to get to work on the Cochinita Pibil. Darn, that means chopping onions, he moans.

Over at the kitchen Snorty does a walk-through to test the menu items for the ambassador's dinner. The staff quakes.

Julian cries and no wonder, the kid is absolutely mangling the onions. Instead of teaching him knife skills Mami puts a piece of bread on his head to stop the tears. She tells him another method is to cut the onions in half, put them in the fridge and zero tears. (But a smelly fridge.) He turns on the radio and dances with the bread on his head. I wondered what in the hell this scene was for but I think it's supposed to show how a loving family behaves. Instead of screaming or stealing the grandkid and giving it to an orphanage you put bread on your head and dance.

Snorty tastes a layered appetizer...horrendous! Then some kind of fish on pasta with pesto...vile! Finally a chocolate thing sprouting a carmelized sugar corkscrew...She can't serve any of this, sneers the left side of her face! What other menu do they have for tomorrow?

Lorena pipes up, how about Squash Blossom Soup, Chalupitas with Chicken Guerrero style, or why not a good Fish Veracruz? Snorty and her red-headed puppy named Jaqui sneer at the new kid. Snorty calls her a simple peeler of potatoes (pelapappas), does she know what Foie Gras in a Pinot Noir reduction is? Has she studied in Paris, NY or Spain? Snorty turns to the head chef Maruja and demands three foie gras choices tomorrow! Jaqui insults Lorena on her way out.

Lorena believes that if Snorty really wants to impress the ambassador she should serve authentic Mexican food. I think I see where this story line is going.

Zulema excitedly shows Omar all the money she got from the Don Pancho gig. They are poor but in love. They're really hitting us over the head with this.

Alonso meets Lorena after work and when she gripes about her dreadful boss he mentions he once did an appendectomy on her granddaughter. She says Snorty's insufferable and her little dog too! They have no respect for anyone, and she won't let that woman ruin her morale.

Dario the deadbeat dad gives daughter Betina some money. He says he did his best to make work things out peacefully but her mama keeps fighting. She wishes he still lived with them. He's all Thank God I'm not and I'll buy your love by taking you shopping. He agrees to pick her up after school even though it's not his day. That'll make mom happy.

Lorena tells the night watchman that Snorty is neurotic. Does she ever smile? Does she have a family? Night watchmen says something about the family starting at the bottom, I couldn't understand the rest but it had to do with Snorty's husband I think. Probably they got rich and hated each other. He adds there is one son that works there but(mysterious music plays so pay attention)they say she had another and he died long ago.

Alonso shows up for his appointment with Snorty, sees Rosy and asks about Lorena.

Meanwhile Maruja is giving a tutorial on foie gras while Lorena takes notes. They have Pan Seared Foie Gras with Fig Sauce, Truffled Foie Gras with Wild Mushrooms, and Foie Gras in a Black Cherry Compote on a crisp Carmelized Apple. Chef is impressed at Lorena's note-taking.

The puppy Jaqui skitters out into the waiting room and tells Alonso to follow her. He gives her the stink eye as he recognizes she's the hussy who's boinking his brother in law and causing sis's meltdowns. Jaqui actually has the nerve to ask him to intercede on her behalf but he's No way I stay out of my crazy sister's business.

Snorty meets Alonso and practically cracks her face smiling at him. She can't...quite...get her mouth to turn up.

Uh oh, new characters. A pretty lady has just picked up a cute little girl from school. Little girl loves it when Mami walks her home. I recognize the lady now, she's Valeria from Dr. Hunk's office. They go to a doorway and are met by a jaded blonde woman who's a right bitch. She informs nice lady that little Diego already left. Nice lady is bummed because she was supposed to take him to school or something. I don't understand what's going on here.

Snorty tells Alonso the benefit will be a great time and this time she really does smile, her face has loosened up. Jaqui escorts Alonso to the kitchen where she does an angry butt-wiggle when she sees him flirt with Lorena.

As Alonso exits through the offices Sara trips and ends up in front of him. He helps her up and she tells him she's Snorty's niece. She gets sweet and coquettish when she hears he's a doctor, then she totally checks out his very fine posterior as he exits.

Sara approaches Granny Snorty and tries to ingratiate her way into helping with the benefit. Granny says Sara's too green, she accidentally taps her computer "Ay, I erased the budget!" Sara the computer whiz jumps in and retrieves the file in record time, probably by hitting Backspace. Jaqui skitters in and tells Snorty the new menu is ready for her disapproval. Sara is told to stay behind so she plans her next brown nosing maneuver.

Zulema babbles happily to Diana that the Don Pancho gig went so well their phone is ringing off the hook. She suggests Diana recommend Ma's catering to her friend Bruno and his pals. "We're over!" cries Diana, running from the room.

Alone in her room, Diana weeps that she was a fool and she's afraid she'll be having this baby alone. Mama shows up and asks why didn't she ever talk about her relationship with Bruno? "You don't understand anything!" Diana sobs. Kids are the same the world over.

Snorty tells her Sonny (can't remember his name) that she plans to let Sara help with the gig. Sonny looks like he sees dollar signs flying out the window. He accuses her of feeling guilty. She says Sara is helping out and that's final.

Jaqui meets Dario and tells him his ex's brother's girlfriend, a simple peeler of potatoes, is working in the kitchen and will probably tell Alonso every move that Jaqui makes, hmmmph! Can they have sex now? Dario says he has a better idea and they drive off in his car.

Rosy and Lorena are in the storeroom gathering supplies. Rosy sees a suitcase hidden behind bags of chiles and shrieks "Mama, it's a bomb!" Maruja arrives and they both start shrieking, maybe they think their high pitch will disarm the bomb. Lorena quiets them by admitting it's her bag.

During the commercial they convince Lorena to come home with them. They joke around and Rosy comments that explains why Lorena was such a good employee, the first to arrive and the last to leave.

Yikes, Paula's on the warpath again, she doesn't want Betina to go out with dad. (Hey, what happened to Jaqui?) She finally agrees as long as Betina buys as much as possible.

Alonso tells Valeria about his meeting for the benefit gig. He gets kind of creepily breathless and panting and finally admits he saw Lorena there. Le pant, le heave.

Betina is cute and young and happy to have a father-daughter outing. Happy that is until Jaqui shows up and plants a wet one on Papi. "Jaqueline is my girlfriend," stupid dad says. Betina calls Jaqui a homewrecker and runs away. Jaqui comments that the spoiled brat is just like her mom. After Dario runs after Betina Jaqui mutters that she'll make sure the snot-nosed brat is out of her father's life.

Dario tries to explain to Betina that Jaqui didn't bust up their family, and by the way please don't tell mom that you met her, OK?

Sonny shows Snorty some plans that show they increased their profits by 12%. Snorty snaps at Jaqui for being late, then reams Sonny for his plan that is OK but not good enough. When she sets a goal she wants it met. Jaqui is relieved that Snorty is biting someone else's head off.

Betina spilled the beans because Paula has gone ballistic again. She screams at Betina to NOT WORRY, DON'T BE AFRAID, YOU DID RIGHT! She calls Maruja and demands her help, she won't take no for an answer.

Maruja sneaks into the office and writes something on the whiteboard.

Downstairs, Lorena and Rosy happily wash dishes and plan how to sneak the suitcase out. Maruja returns looking guilty and they wonder what's up with her.

Snorty and Jaqui return to the office and discover the violated whiteboard. Snorty reads aloud - "Jacqueline is a husband stealer. Be careful, you have next to you a fawning toady who speaks ill of you whenever she can." Jaqui wails and Snorty tells her to keep her private life to herself, now Good Night! Jaqui's tiny but evil cogs and sprockets start turning.

Maruja and the girls are leaving when Jaqui shows up and blames Lorena for writing the nasty-gram. She grabs Lorena's hair while Maruja and Rosy try to separate them. Lorena yells back that she's not a fighter but Jaqui looked for trouble and she found it. Then she hauls off and punches Jaqui right in the face.

Lorena storms out of the kitchen followed by Jaqui who can't keep up in her spiky heels and tight skirt. Rosy asks Maruja, "Was it you? Did you do it for crazy Paula?"

Lorena heads straight to the top. She blasts through Snorty's door to tell her of the grand injustice. Jaqui skitters in behind and says Lorena punched her, she's insolent. Snorty's pretty pissed at both of them but she tells Lorena to report to Personnel and pick up her final paycheck. One more word out of Jaqui and she's out too.

Lorena says she'll go but she holds her head high because she's innocent.

Miserable Maruja decides to tell the truth. She starts for the office but Lorena stops her, no sense in both of them getting fired. She tells Maruja not to cry, it could be worse, at least she's got a place to stay.

Everyone is hanging around the gate. First Julian is there to meet Rosy who is bummed because she has to postpone their first date. Next the night watchman comes to say goodbye. Then Alonso shows up and is surprised to see her suitcase, is she leaving?

Jaqui calls Dario to tell him the chisme about what the stupid peeler of potatoes wrote.

The doleful group arrives at Casa Maruja and Rosy squeals that the couch is much more comfortable than the storeroom, no? Poor Alonso seems to have this perpetually dazed look on his face - Que??? Lorena explains she's been sleeping in the kitchen. Maruja says it gets worse, Lorena just got fired for what she herself did.

Sara ingratiages herself to Granny Snorty by coming up with a good idea.

The next day Chachi or whatever his name is calls Sara to report the nuns haven't heard from Lorena.

Downstairs Snorty asks Barbara why she's up so early. Oh joy, she says, Vasco is returning. (Oh joy, another character.) Snorty says her day is illuminated by the news. Sara eavesdrops...who's Vasco?

Valeria gets the cute little girl ready for school and the jaded blonde lady shows up. OK, I get it, the blonde is Valeria's bossy mother-in-law but I still don't know who little Diego is. Mama's Boy/Valeria's husband arrives and Mama fawns all over him. OMG, this guy is an uber wimp. Is he little Diego or is there a son hiding somewhere? They have a mother/son love fest and Valeria rolls her eyes. Ha, so does the little girl.

Alonso visits Snorty to discuss something personal. It's about his girlfriend Lorena, she couldn't have written the nasty-gram because she doesn't even know his sister. He's ashamed to say it but he thinks the culprit is his sister because Jaqueline is doing her ex. (Nice decoy away from Maruja!) He asks Snorty to reconsider her decision, Lorena really needs the job. "And more education," adds Snorty, "her dismissal was not for the message but because she hit Jaqueline." Alonso is lethargically impactado.

Enamoradizo/a = Person who falls in love easily
Ir con la frente muy alta = To hold your head high (Lit. to go with the front high)
Pan de dios = An absolute angel (Lit. bread of God)
Pelapappas = Peeler of potatoes
Taco de ojo = Eye candy (Lit. eye taco)


Guapos Thursday, June 26, 2008 Damien goes and sins some more

Leftovers: Alex says he wishes his mother could be happy, and not a lush. Flor says the baby shopping day didn’t go well and Alex lets her know he’s disappointed she isn’t into being BFF with his ex whom he still loves way more than her. Flor tells him that it was his big idea that they all live together in one house and he’s gonna have to live with whatever happens. Horacio is getting Morgan ready to go on national TV (an outdoor, man-on-the-street location) and declare his love for Vale, while back at Casa Belmonte Gloria has Bobby and Vale planted on the couch, wondering why she wants them to watch TV. But at the last moment, when Morgan is getting ready to speak, Lina jumps on camera and announces that Bobby’s honey is cheating on him.

Whew, that was a long lead-in. Finally we get to the new stuff: Morgan stammers on, that the love of his life is Vale, but back at the mansion, Bobby is looking surprised though not too upset, and Vale gets up and shuts off the TV before hearing the rest of what Morgan is saying. She says she’s not going to listen to stupid stuff, and she flounces out, her extensions flying behind her. Bobby takes off too.

Morgan is still talking into the microphone: he loves her, her father didn’t buy him off! He says hi to a list of employees back home, and the host has to detach him from the microphone. Horacio tells him he’s golden, that Vale will cover him with kisses when he gets back. Morgan says now all Mexico knows. Lina says she had to interrupt since Bobby never gives her a chance to speak to him. I’m thinking a discreet note might be kinder than national TV. All over Mexico, men named Bobby will be looking at their honeys with squinty eyes.

Lina says Morgan shouldn’t return home empty-handed. How about some flowers, chocolates maybe? Maybe even a serenade, suggests Horacio. Morgan says last time he tried that she slept through the whole thing, but Horacio and Lina get him all stoked about the idea.

(I just paused the tape and what do I see other than Eduardo Yanez shirtless in the family bakery, kneading a big blob of dough. My eyes are all over the dough. What does this say about me?)

Damien is in the convent and Sor Cachete is putting cream on his fingers which are all blistered. There! Back to work! says the Sor. Damien says my poor fingers, but the Sor sends him off to do God’s gardening. He weeps as he leaves and she laughs to herself and says he’s so emotional about it.

It’s dinnertime at Casa Belmonte and nobody is in a fight yet. Connie says he can’t believe Damien isn’t back yet – he didn’t think Damien would make it even one day. Flor says maybe he’s really changed. Har, says Connie. Luci tells Hugo she’s sorry about Connie’s comments. Connie says oh I believe Damien, just like I believe you when you say you’ve stopped drinking. Braulio who is standing in attendance, pops his eyebrows.
Alex says don’t make comments like that about my mother and my uncle. Connie says Hugo understands, he had trouble with his father’s drinking like for instance his mother got killed because of it. General uproar, and Connie says Luci’s side of the family has trouble with alcohol. Luci says you are an embarrassment, that’s why I want to get a divorce. Vale says really? A divorce? Connie says pay no mind, you know how your mother is when she’s into her cups.

Flor, who is sitting next to Luci, doesn’t seem too amazed by all this. She suggests to Luci that this might not be the best time to talk about this. Mili says Flor sure knows something about when’s the right time to talk about things. Luci shouts at Mili “Shut up you idiot!” Connie yells at Luci Don’t insult Milagros! Luci jumps from her seat and slams down her napkin. So far none of the impressive rows of glasses on the table have been tipped over, but I’m waiting.

Music starts up outside and everyone freezes. What could that be? It’s mariachis and everyone goes over to see. The big windows are thrown open. It’s Morgan singing away with the musicians, and Socorro and Horacio and Lina off to the side, enjoying the show. The dinner party goes out onto the lawn; Morgan pours his heart into the song. Connie is standing next to Vale and he glances at her. She looks hard at first, but then puts her hand over her mouth and we can see tears starting up in her eyes. Morgan sings that he needs her, that people are laughing because he’s crying. We now see that the whole staff is there. Hugo hugs Mili. Vale is melting.

Gadzooks! Connie has gone for his rifle and here he comes, blasting away. The mariachis cower and run, and everyone runs around on the lawn like a flock of spooked chickens, while a few try to get the gun away from him. Pow! Pow! It’s lucky nobody got shot.

Damien is asleep in his darkened cell of a room, an open book over his face. Sor Cachete comes in and tries to waken him, calling Brother Damien, Brother Damien. He bolts awake saying “you know where you can put your tomatoes.” What? says the Sor. Damien apologizes and says that he was sleeping. Sor Cachete says it’s 5 a.m. and everyone is at mass except him. He says he’ll come and she says don’t go back to sleep. She shuts the door and he falls back on the bed, but she opens the door again and catches him.

Maricela is in bed with Mateo. It’s 6 and he needs to get going on the day. Marisela tells him to call Luci because she wants a divorce. He’s surprised since the Belmontes like to keep up appearances. Maricela said she recommended him and he says thanks, that’s his specialty. Ending relationships? she asks. Just those that can’t be fixed, he says. She goes off to make him breakfast.

At the convent, Damien is telling the padre that he didn’t oversleep, he was just contemplating the padre’s wise words. The padre says that’s great, now back to the tomatoes. Holding up his sore hands, Damien says couldn’t I have a different job, like reading psalms? The padre says that’s not work, that’s a necessity. Damien says he thinks it would be better if he could spend more time contemplating the word of God, but the padre says it’s up to him to listen and obey. Damien heads off reluctantly.
In Vale’s bedroom, she is telling Connie and Luci that this wasn’t her idea. Luci tells Connie he needs to step in and do something (besides shooting Morgan, I guess) but Vale says she’ll put that chauffer in his place. Like a good Belmonte, says Connie; like a true Arango, says Luci.

The servants are eating, Mili too, and Socorro asks Morgan how he could try such a thing, given the situation around the house. Horacio says he never saw Connie so intent on shooting Morgan. Horacio said he told all Mexico about his love, but Gloria says maybe all of Mexico, but not Vale. She turned the show off after Lina came on talking about Bobby. Morgan is crushed and Lina says but Bobby needed to know.

Braulio comes in and tells Morgan and Horacio that Vale wants to talk to them. They go off. Braulio says as for the rest of you – as you were. He turns on his heel and leaves.

Karla makes a gross joke that I didn’t get and Socorro says don’t make jokes like that. Karla says who cares – life is one big joke. She leaves the table.

Maricela is in her apartment – what odd décor! There’s a big bare plant with a giant bulbous bottom, and there’s some huge space indented into the wall that has some giant decorative ball in it. She is dwarfed by her surroundings. Anyway, the doorbell has rung and she goes to the door tentatively, peeks through the peephole, hesitates, then opens. I was hoping for a stranger from her past but no, it’s just Bobby who is goofy-happy to see her like a Labrador retriever.

Horacio and Morgan are standing in Connie’s study and Vale is striding back and forth in front of them, putting me in mind of General Patton, riding boots and all. She announces that everything is going to change. Morgan will no longer be her chauffer and personal Morgan. Horacio is the new chauffer and personal Morgan, and Morgan will be the gardener at reduced pay. And he is to have no contact with her. Now get out of here!

In the foyer, Alex is off to work. He wants to know if Flor will be okay, and she says yes, she’s gotten over the shock of last night. He takes off. Luci passes through and says she’s going out, does Flor need anything? Nope. Quick kiss and Luci is gone. Flor heads up the stairs and we see Mili coming into the foyer. Uh oh.

Mili starts up the other flight of stairs. Flor says hello. Mili blows her off. Perfect, says Flor, we don’t have to talk to one another. But when Alex is around, we should pretend to get along. I don’t want to get in fights with him because of you. Mili says I’m not a hypocrite like you. Flor says we have to do something, or this house will be miserable. Mili takes off, but Flor suddenly crumples onto the stairs, holding her belly and saying help me, Milagros! Mili hesitates.

She runs over, takes Flor’s hand to help her to the couch. Flor says don’t touch me, call Alex. She sits on the tiny couch. Mili calls for Braulio who runs in, and says let’s call a doctor! The baby must be coming! But it’s not due for 2 months! Flor says something is happening with my baby. Horacio, Vale and Morgan come running too. Vale says Morgan go get the car. Morgan starts off, but Vale says my other Morgan (meaning Horacio), you’re not my chauffer any more. Morgan is crushed. Vale asks Mili to come with them to the hospital, she doesn’t want to go alone with Flor, but Flor says no way. They help her out and Braulio dials Alex.

Maricela tells Bobby she wasn’t expecting him. He sees the table set for two for breakfast and says are you with someone? My father is coming, she fakes. Bobby is cool with that. He hugs her. Mateo walks in in the background, sees and fades back into the décor. Bobby notes that Maricela is a bit off and she says she woke up with a toothache. He says he’ll wait for her father with her. She looks worried.

Sor Cachete is looking in the garden for Damien and hears snores. Two feet are sticking out of the vegetation. She tries to wake him, but he is dreaming. I don’t want to get married he says. Can’t we just stay lovers? Sor Cachete gives his foot a good kick and he wakes up. She says time for mass and you aren’t there. Again? He says. We did one at 5, 6 and 7. Sor Cachete says and now this is the 8:00 mass. Come on. Damien follows, repeating to himself “a wedding is worse, a wedding is worse.”

Bobby is remarking to Maricela that it’s odd that her daddy hasn’t showed up – he’s usually so punctual. Mateo appears and Maricela sees him, but Bobby has his back to the hall. Maricela asks Bobby to go get some aspirin from the kitchen. He is looking on the lower shelves and she motions Mateo to leave. Mateo takes the time to smooch her on the way, but somebody’s cellular goes off and Mateo dives behind the couch. Bobby’s head pops up from the kitchen. Maricela grabs him and smooches him and Mateo makes his escape.

Luci is having breakfast or lunch with Nestor in an outdoor café. Her lipstick is way too dark. He is telling her about his great sea-side getaway where they can spend whole months together. She tells him that she notified her family of her intention to divorce last night and he is happy.

Damien is asking the padre if they don’t ever rest, but the padre says that word isn’t in his vocabulary. Damien says a little siesta would be nice, but he assures the padre he’s not talking for himself. He thinks the padre looks tired, wouldn’t a nice nap do everyone good? Or time to meditate? The padre says there’s nothing like a little labor to give a person the opportunity to meditate, and he sends Damien back to the tomatoes.

But first a young woman comes in and wants to confess. The padre is called away, and she asks Damien if he listens to confessions. He says it depends on the sin, and then asks her if she’s seen a film, but I didn’t get the reference. She asks him if he’s being suggestive and he says no, but he eyes her. She smiles.

Maricela fakes a phone call to her dad and explains to Bobby that he got tied up. Bobby suggests that the breakfast is cold, so they should go out. But he turns serious and says you ‘d never cheat on me, would you? Maricela says what brought that on? Never mind, he says. She asks him to clean up while she takes a bath. He picks up the two plates of eggs (who serves eggs in advance?) and looks at them and doubts again. At this point he should check the bedroom, but he doesn’t.

Damien and the girl are making out in a confessional. The padre opens the door on them and is shocked. Damien says she was confessing. The padre says you’re not a priest and besides, the priest is supposed to be on the other side of the confessional wall. Damien says we weren’t doing anything! But of course their hair is all messed up. The padre says it doesn’t look like you are into your calling. Your penance is silent seclusion.

Bobby, clothes and all, sneaks into the shower with Maricela and they start necking.

Flor is getting an ultrasound – Vale and Mili are there. The lady doctor says the baby is fine and the contractions were a false alarm. Flor is relieved. The doctor shows on the screen the little baby parts, ending up with the beating heart. Vale and Mili melt. But then Mili says at least it’s not a reptile like the mother. Flor is furious and the doctor reproaches Mili. Mili says she’ll wait outside and Flor says to Vale why did you ask her along?

Padre Manuel shows Damien into a little bare cell and says he is to sit there and contemplate. Damien says but it’s empty. The padre says you have a bed and candle. And food? asks Damien. Bread and water! says the padre, giving him a small plastic bottle of water and lump of bread. Damien says how about some chicken. No chicken says the padre. Damien says he will meditate. The padre leaves and Damien takes out a hip flask and has a quick hit.

The padre opens the door and says do you know about the vow of sobriety (I think that’s what he said). He indicates that Damien should hand the flask over, and Damien does. The padre leaves again.

Alex has showed up at the hospital and he runs into Mili in the corridor. She tells him it was a false alarm and leads him to the room. Meanwhile, the doctor is telling Flor to take everything easy and she’ll see her in a couple of weeks.

The doctor leaves and Flor is telling Vale how can she relax in the same house as Mili. Vale says give Mili a chance, she’s not as bad as you think. Flor says didn’t you hear what she just said? Alex comes in, and Mili hovers in the doorway. Alex tells Flor how worried he was. Vale says how exciting to see the little baby. Flor says oh she’s kicking now. Alex leans close and addresses the baby, calls her princess and says You are the most important thing to me. Mili looks sad. You are what I love most in the world, says Alex to the baby.

Luci is in their bedroom. She has Connie’s clothes laid in a pile and she tells Karla to go hang them in the guest room. Connie comes in and takes a fit. Luci says we’re separated. Connie says hang them up and Luci says hang them up, but in the guest room. You’ll be comfy there and maybe Andrea can come warm the bed for you. Connie explodes and grabs Karla and throws her out of the room.

Luci says if you don’t like the guest room, go to a hotel, or to Andrea’s. Connie says the divorce won’t work. He is sputtering now. I’m in government! My whole campaign was about family and family values. I won’t allow it! Luci says, oh, you’ll think of a cover story. She takes off for an appointment.

Damien is having a dream. He is in priest’s robes in the church. The young woman from the confessional confesses that she wants him. They start smooching and Karla comes up the aisle (looking great with her hair up) in a bridal gown and says they’re going to marry. She walks forward, humming the wedding march. No! No! Damien yells and wakes with a start.

The padre rushes in and shakes him. And says his cries woke the whole convent from siesta. Damien says let me out! Okay, says the padre, you have a new task – the choir.

Morgan is trying to work the lawnmower but almost mows down a tree. Gloria is giving him advice, but says that at this rate there won’t be a garden left. Horacio shows up in his new chauffer uniform. He reports that Flor’s baby is okay. Gloria says wait until Socorro sees you in that uniform – you look sharp! Horacio struts off and says lunch might be an hour late. Gloria wolf whistles after him.

Morgan is furious. He says he misses his uniform – it was his sex appeal. He calls after Horacio that he is the real Morgan.

Luci’s appointment is with Mateo. He fakes being surprised when she says she wants a divorce. How much will you charge to ruin Constancio? she asks.

Alex and Mili are in the hospital corridor. He thanks her for helping with Flor. Mili gets all excited telling him about the ultrasound and he is excited too and touched. She says how wonderful that Flor created this life – and with the man she loves. Alex turns serious. Then he tears up. I wanted it to be you he says. His face is very close to hers and he is coming closer. It looks like they might kiss but – freeze frame!

Avances: Bobby sneaks into Maricela’s apartment and catches hers in bed with Mateo, Luci throws a jar of cold cream at Connie, Mateo looks like he is totally up for destroying Connie, Mili sobs to her gal pals about the baby.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

La Traición, Wed., June 26 - We explore how various characters reacted to betrayal and suffering

Hugo is devastated to learn that Soledad kissed Alcides

What good are material posessions if you can't help your best friend?

Soledad and Ursula exchange confidences

Alcides tells Eloisa how Beatriz tortured him

Yesterday we finished with Soledad saying to Hugo:
S: Have you spoken with your brother, Alcides? Did he tell you what happened?

The conversation continues:
H: I just spoke to my brother, Alcides. He also asked if you had told me something. Soledad, what happened when I was gone?
Soledad flashes back to Alcides telling her that he isn’t Hugo.
H: What are you hiding? What are you hiding from me Soledad?

At this moment Dr. Dan and Manuela approach. Manuela mistakes Hugo for Alcides and asks what he is doing there. Soledad asks if they know each other.

Boris is hammering away in the workshop and Marina comes in. “Don’t tell me that you’ve come to agree to a divorce,” he says. Marina says that she will sign but under one condition.

Lucas is looking for Ester but he finds Ursula who hastily hides a letter. She is crying. Lucas asks what is the matter. Why is she crying? What is she hiding? Ursula says that it is nothing; she is just a little emotional. Lucas asks her again why she is crying. Ursula makes Lucas promise that he won’t tell Ester and shows him the letter from Boris (actually written by Lucas). Ursula says that it is the most beautiful thing she has ever read.

Eloisa comes in to where Ester is sewing. Eloisa starts to make up some excuse about why she came back but Ester interrupts and produces the emerald that was found in Aurora’s chubby little hand. Ester asks if it is Eloisa’s.

Soledad asks why Manuela and Hugo don’t say anything. Are they acquainted? Manuela starts to make up something. Hugo interrupts.
H: The lady doesn’t know me but I know her.
DD: How is this possible? How long have you known Manuela?
H: She thinks she knows me because she is confusing me with my twin brother. Isn’t that so, Señora Manuela?
MM: Twin brother?
H: My name is Hugo de Medina.
MM: Pleased to meet you. Manuela Marín.
H: Yes, I know. I also know of your plans in San Marino.

Grateful to be provided an excuse, Eloisa says that the emerald is hers and that it fell out of a ring she was wearing when she was playing with Aurora. Ester says that Eloisa isn’t wearing a ring now. Eloisa replies that she took the ring off when she saw that the stone had fallen out. She has come back to the Obragon house to look for it. Ester gives her the jewel and says that it is lucky that Ursula found it before Aurora put it in her mouth. Eloisa agrees. Ester bids Eloisa good afternoon. Eloisa (who is trying to get into the treasure vault) asks to see Soledad but Ester says that she is still at the hospital. Eloisa has no choice but to leave. She says to herself that she can’t get the gold Alcides needs.
Manuela says that she doesn’t know what plan Hugo is talking about and Hugo replies that she has come with an evil plan (‘un proposito perverso’) to harm Dr. Dan. Soledad says that she has to see patients but Hugo asks her why she doesn’t want to hear the truth. Hugo tells them that by chance he was on the same train as Manuela and he saw her and Hercu-less, his brother’s servant, get on the train in Alcala. Hugo says that Manuela is in San Marino to do harm to Dr. Dan on the orders of Hugo’s brother, Alcides.

Lucas tells Ursula that her reaction to the letter tells him that she and Boris love each other very much. Ursula admits this. She says that she didn’t know what love was until she met Boris. Lucas says that Ursula loved Boris from the first moment she first saw him. Ursula admits this also but says that she stepped aside when she saw that Boris was in a relationship with Marina. She also had doubts when she thought Boris was working for Alcides before they all found out that he was really Hugo. She flashes back to asking Boris how he can work for Hugo’s worst enemy, Alcides. She says that now she knows that Boris never lied to her and that is why it hurts so much to think she might have to give him up. Lucas asks why Ursula would have to give Boris up and she says that Marina will not agree to divorce Boris and she doesn’t know what will happen.

Boris tells Marina that he thought for a second she had changed back to the old Marina, but no. Marina says that nothing in life is free. Why shouldn’t she get something in exchange for agreeing to a divorce? Boris asks what she wants. Marina says that she wants money – Boris’ liberty in exchange for money.

Dr. Dan asks Manuela if what Hugo said is true. Is she working with Alcides to make trouble between him and Soledad? Manuela starts to act out her story of the abandoned wife who still loves him. Hugo tells Soledad not to believe a single word. Soledad asks if it true that Manuela arrived with Hercu-less. Manuela spins a tale about meeting Hercules in the station and that he helped her find Dr. Dan. Hugo shakes his head in disbelief. He says that Manuela’s skill in lying is impressive. Manuela tells Dr. Dan that she loves him but DD says that Hugo is right. She is a liar. They haven’t seen each other in two years and she never answered his letters.

Boris laughs bitterly, “You’ll give me a divorce in exchange for money?” he says. He asks if Marina has forgotten that he doesn’t have a dime. He works as a blacksmith and barely makes enough to eat. Marina says that it isn’t true that Boris doesn’t have any money. She remembers that Boris had saved up a small fortune while working for Hugo. Boris says that all that money was spent helping Hugo and buying the blacksmith business. Marina laughs. She says it is too bad that once again Boris has put his life aside for Hugo because he isn’t getting a divorce for free. Boris says that he will do anything to get a divorce. There must be something they can agree to. Marina says maybe there is something. She asks him to come to the Hacienda that night to discuss it. Boris doesn’t want to go to the Hacienda.

Soledad says that she doesn’t know Manuela but it doesn’t make any sense that she would come all the way to San Marino to hurt Dr. Dan for Alcides. Hugo tells Soledad that she knows Alcides. For her, he is capable of anything. Dr. Dan says that he knows it was wrong to lie to Soledad about not being divorced but she shouldn’t believe a word that this woman is saying. Manuela starts to say that Dr. Dan put her through hell. He responds that it was a hell she made when she betrayed him with his best friend. Soledad suggests that he and Manuela talk in private. Dr. Dan says that he has nothing to say to Manuela. Hugo says that Manuela is not to be trusted (‘no es de fiar’). Soledad tells Hugo that he hasn’t said anything convincing. Hugo responds that a gentleman never talks about other people’s private lives but in this case, he has no alternative. Hugo apologizes in advance to the ladies for what he is going to say. Hugo says that on the train he witnessed indecent behavior between Manuela and Alcides’ servant. Dr. Dan is impactado.

Marina asks why Boris doesn’t want to go to the Hacienda. Is he afraid of being alone with her? Boris says of course not. He simply would like to work things out now. Marina says that she is in a hurry. Alcides must be looking for her and she doesn’t want to lose her job. If Boris wants a divorce, he has to come to the Hacienda. Boris agrees. Marina says that he knows how to get in without being seen. She’ll be waiting. She leaves.

Manuela asks how Hugo could make such an accusation. She is a respectable woman. Hugo says that he isn’t going to give the details of her behavior on the train because Soledad is present and she is truly a respectable woman. Soledad tells Hugo that his accusation is very serious. Hugo replies that Soledad knows him very well. She knows that he feels very uncomfortable talking about such things. Dr. Dan says that he believes Hugo. He asks Manuela if she knows how long he suffered because of what she did to him. Hugo says that unfortunately for Manuela, her plans didn’t turn out as she expected. She didn’t count on him being on that train listening to her plans. Dr. Dan tells Manuela that she can go back to where she came from and tell Alcides that his plan failed thanks to Hugo. Manuela laughs, “You know what,” she says, “let me be very clear to you, to this lady (‘esa mujercita’) and to the twin (‘y a ti, gemelito’) that I will never give you a divorce. Never.” Soledad says that she can’t believe that there are people like that. Dr. Dan says to Hugo that he doesn’t know why he did that but he thanks Hugo. Hugo says that life has taught him a very hard lesson: lies, even if told for love, never bring good results. Dr. Dan asks if Hugo spoke to Michelle. Hugo says that Michelle wasn’t home. She has gone to Europe. Dr. Dan says that he understands. She went to heal her wounds. Dr. Dan thanks Hugo again and leaves. Hugo looks at Soledad.

Ester tells Lucas that Antonia has locked herself in her room for hours and won’t come out. Lucas wonders if she is ill. Ester says that she won’t say a word. Lucas says that he will go and talk to her.

Soledad and Hugo-
S: Alcides will have to answer for many things after this. It’s incredible that he would dare bring this woman here.
H: He will deny everything.
S: Thanks for everything. Really, your behavior surprised me a lot. I didn’t think you were capable of doing that.
H: Why? Because I helped the doctor?
S: Yes, I thought that…
H: Let’s make it clear. The doctor remains a strong candidate to win your heart.
S: I admit that your frankness amazed me. Because you were fair (‘hiciste justicia sin mezquindad,’ literally, ‘you acted justly without stinginess’), without caring that this would benefit Daniel. You still did it.
H: I have shown you that what I did because of jealousy or because you married my brother or whatever, my plan of vengeance was stupid and I haven’t stopped regretting it for one second of my life.
S: I’d better get back to work.
H: I need you to clarify a doubt that I’ve had (‘ronda mi cabeza,’ literally, ‘has been turning about in my head’) since I spoke to Alcides.
He flashes back to Alcides asking if Soledad had told Hugo what happened.
H: What happened between you and Alcides when I was gone?

Lucas tries to get Antonia to come out and tell him what is wrong. She says that she just wants to be alone. Antonia flashes back to telling Soledad about her obsession with Soledad’s sin with Hugo. Antonia says that she will only speak to Soledad. She is the only one who can forgive her sins.

Hugo and Soledad-
S: Ok, I’ll tell you what happened between me and Alcides.
H: Did he hurt you?
S: The first thing that I want you to know is that it is very difficult to make this confession…(Hugo starts to say something) Please don’t interrupt me until I finish telling you what happened.
H: It’s clear that I won’t like what you are going to tell me.
S: I went to your house to find you. I didn’t know you had left the city and Alcides was there. Alcides pretended to be you, Hugo. It was all very confusing. He pulled his hair back and I didn’t imagine that he was your brother, Alcides. And … we kissed. I kissed your brother Alcides because I thought he was you.
H: But how, how could this happen? (Hugo’s eyes are full of tears) How, Soledad, how? Alcides will pay for this. He will answer to me. But if Alcides kissed you, thinking it was me…it was because you let him kiss you. Or was it a stolen kiss (‘un beso robado’)? I don’t understand. Why did you come looking for me?
S: It was for something very special.
H: Something very special?
S: Yes.
H: What… very special thing?
S: I was thinking about what you told me.. about us. You told me to find you when I felt prepared to.. and I feel that I am prepared to forgive you, Hugo.

Margot is rehashing her love problems in front of a mirror with the help of flashbacks. She had some good times with Hercu-less but he betrayed her and doesn’t love her anymore. Then there’s Arturo and his ED problem. Margot says that sometimes she is afraid of Arturo and sometimes… She flashes back to kissing him. Margot says that she will take the afternoon to think about what to do.

Lucas continues to try and get Antonia to open the door but she won’t. Ester sends Lucas and Ursula away. Antonia says that she betrayed Ester too. Antonia confesses that she knew about Lucas and Rebeca and didn’t tell Ester.

Hugo and Soledad-
S: I’ve been thinking a lot. You are the father of my child and that will never change. I forgive you, Hugo, and now I ask your forgiveness if it was I who failed you.
H: Soledad, I will spend the rest of my life regretting all the harm I did to you. I will never forgive myself for pretending to be my brother, Alcides.
S: Hugo, those are painful memories for me.
H: Then… does this mean that you are giving us another opportunity?
S: No, we can never be together, Hugo. The only thing that ties us together is the love we have for our daughter, nothing more.
H: This means that you will accept Dr. Dan.
S: The only thing I will accept now is to be tranquil. I’ve gone through so many things – pain and frustrations and if the price that I am going to pay for peace is to be alone, I will do it, Hugo.
H: You will never be alone. I will always support you because I love you. I love you above everything.

Hugo leaves. Dr. Dan comes in. He asks how Soledad feels. She apologizes for doubting him. Dr. Dan says that it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that she knows the truth and he won’t rest until he gets a divorce. Dr. Dan sees that Soledad is crying and guesses it is because of Hugo. Soledad doesn’t want to talk about it. She decides she doesn’t feel well and decides to go home. (Nobody said anything to Hugo about curing the baby!) Dr. Dan doesn’t have any more patients so he tells the nurse he is leaving. He has something very important to do.

It’s back to memory lane with Antonia and Ester talking about what happened with Rebeca and Lucas. Ester forgives Antonia for happened but Antonia still won’t open the door.

At the forge, Boris tells Hugo that he is a very noble person to help his rival like he did. Not many men would have done that. Hugo says that at least he is at peace. Boris asks if Soledad gave him any hope and Hugo says no, “but when you truly love, hope is the last thing you lose. You hold onto anything. You wait for a miracle.” Boris says, “a miracle,” with irony. Hugo says that he knows Boris perfectly and asks what is the matter. Boris replies that it is Marina. She came to the workshop and asked for money in exchange for giving him a divorce. Boris says that he doesn’t know what to do. As Hugo knows, they don’t have a cent.

Manuela barges into the Hacienda looking for Alcides. Marina says that Alcides isn’t home. Manuela doesn’t believe it. She yells for Alcides and says that he never told her that he had a twin brother and the failure of the plan is his fault and he is going to pay her anyway. Dr. Dan comes in during this and tells Manuela that what Hugo said was true then. Dr. Dan also doesn’t believe that Alcides isn’t home. He shouts that bringing Maneula to San Marino to make him look bad in front of Soledad was just another of Alcides’ dirty tricks but Alcides will never get Soledad. Manuela says that Dr. Dan won’t get Soledad either because she won’t give him a divorce. Dr. Dan says that everyone knows what kind of a woman she is and a judge will give him a divorce without her consent. Dr. Dan yells to the absent Alcides that he can buy Manuela, he can pay to have Dr. Dan killed but he can never buy Soledad’s love. Manuela warns Dr. Dan that Alcides is very a dangerous man.
Dr. Dan says that he isn’t afraid of Alcides.

Hugo takes off one of his rings and gives it to Boris to give to Marina. Hugo says that it is very valuable. Boris says that he can’t take it. It’s a family heirloom. “What good are material things,” says Hugo, “if I can’t help my best friend. Take it.” Hugo points out that Boris gave up his savings to buy the workshop. Hugo tells him that Marina knows that the ring is valuable and she’ll take it in exchange for giving him a divorce.

Soledad comes home from the hospital. She tells Ursula that something happened that had it not been for Hugo, would have turned into a nightmare. She rehashes what happened with Manuela, Dr. Dan and Hugo. Soledad isn’t sure whether to believe that Alcides was responsible for bringing Manuela to San Marino but one thing she is sure of is that Hugo behaved like a prince. He gallantly (‘tuvo gran gallardía) defended Dr. Dan knowing that he wants to marry her. Ursula tells Soledad that Hugo is a good person. Soledad has to forgive him. Soledad is telling Ursula that she did forgive Hugo when Ester comes in and explains about Antonia’s bizarre behavior.

At the Hacienda, Eloisa tells Alcides that he came back to San Marino a changed man with one purpose – Soledad. He can’t resort to violence or he will ruin everything. (Did they cut something here? When did Alcides say that he was going to get violent?) Alcides responds that he is trying. Every day he tries to calm all his accumulated hate (‘apaciguar tanto desamor acumulado,’). He has a lot of hate inside him against his parents, against Hugo and what is worse, he is tormented by memories. Eloisa asks what memories is he talking about. Alcides says the memories he has of what he lived through when he lost his memory. It was a living hell. He tells Eloisa with accompanying flashbacks that for months he lived in a cave as a beggar. He didn’t know who he was. Then Beatriz de Linares, Arturo’s sister, rescued him. She took him to a cabaña in the woods and drugged him, and drugged him and drugged him. Eloisa says that she never knew any of this. Alcides says that later it was one horror after another: ridicule, (vejámenes), torture. Eloisa says that it was a miracle he survived. Alcides says that the scar he showed her before was from when Beatriz tried to kill him. “What happened in the cabaña almost turned me into a man who only wanted vengeance,” says Alcides, “but they didn’t succeed, they didn’t succeed.”

Antonia tells Soledad how much she has suffered for what she did. Soledad asks how Antonia changed from the person who taught her how to knit when she was a little girl to this woman obsessed with sin. Antonia tells Soledad that she was raped. (There is a pattern here. We have various people: Hugo, Soledad, Alcides, Dr. Dan and Antonia who were hurt or betrayed and they all dealt with it in different ways.)

Arturo is at the cabaret. He is unusually cordial to Paquito. Hercules is there as well.

Antonia says that being raped was her fault. She allowed it. She wants to rip the pain out of her heart. Since that day, her life changed. She became obsessed with serving God but she had no love and treated everyone badly. That is why she hurt Soledad and her family. Antonia says that she knows she doesn’t deserve it but she asks Soledad to forgive her. Soledad does so. Soledad says that this will be their secret.

Arturo sits down with Hercu-less. He says that he found out what happened with Margot. Arturo doubts that Margot will forgive Herc. Margot is Arturo’s now. He wants to marry her. Herc says that Margot won’t accept a guy who has an ED problem. They start to fight.

Alcides tells Eloisa that Beatriz kept him in the cabaña for various months obsessing about him remembering something that he did. Eloisa asks what Alcides did that caused Beatriz to hate him so much. Alcides says that Beatriz thought he had raped her. Eloisa is surprised and Alcides says that there are still many things he doesn’t remember about his past. There were too many months of torture: blows, whippings and injections.
(Alcides doesn’t remember raping Beatriz?) Eloisa asks why Alcides didn’t escape. He is a strong man. Alcides says that the drugs weakened his muscles and he could barely walk. Eloisa asks what happened after that. Alcides says that it went on that way until the end. “The end?” says Eloisa? “That’s right. In life, for good or for bad, there is always an end.” Eloisa asks how Alcides escaped from Beatriz. The credits roll.

Tomorrow – Dr. Dan and Alcides fight.


Querida Enemiga 6-25-08 - No pain no gain

Lore wonders if she’ll be able to work because she fears she'll lose her job and he says of course but under strict medical observation. HA.

Snortensia introduces Sara to Jaqueline.

Doc says he went to look for Lor at the pension but she says she had to change locations. He wants her new info she says she’s going to move again, but he can look for her at work with Maruja, he knows her right? He says she’s a friend of his sister.

Doc Hot gives Lorena a laundry list of treatments:
1) walk in the park 2 KM with the treating doctor.
2) diet- eat every dinner during treatment with the treating doctor
3) to reduce stress, go to the movies with the treating doctor
4) take medicine every 8 hours and call the doc when done taking them

He says this is the only way to make sure that he’ll see her again. He helps her out.

On the way out they overhear Bruno and Diana arguing about giving up the baby. Lorena is startled by this and asks doc to tell them not to abandon it because the baby will need his parents. She knows, she grew up in an orphanage and never had them. Soon the door opens and they see that it is not patients. Doc warns them this is not the place to discuss personal things.

After they walk away Diana calls Bruno a desgraciado.

Alonzo walks them back and sets a date for 6pm. She goes in and he tells Maruja how much he looked for Lore. In the kitchen the gals chit chat about how wonderful this new galan is. She tells the story of them fighting for the taxi.

In the office Jaqui is showing Snotty Snorty the list of people who bought clothes at her fashion show so she can send thank yous. She’s not interested this time. She blasts the girl for being useless giving a report about things already known. Jaqui says but everything is under control. After Snorts storms out of the room, she curses herself that she even bought a really expensive dress just to get in this woman’s good graces. Hrmph.

They tell Lore how lucky she is and that he definitely is single. Snorty comes in to inspect the goods. She first checks the cilantro salsa, then the crema de chicharrones, and the dressing for the waldorf salad. She says pepper is missing, and the cream needs to be boiled at low heat to have a better consistency, etc. She ends with the vegetables not being cut well and need to be redone. Apparently that was Lorena’s task because she is upset about this after Snorty leaves. Rosi promises to help her with that.

Al tells Val how happy he is that he found Lore again.

Bruno comes in to apologize and Al blasts him for his indiscretion because patients are always around and why didn’t you use protection if you didn’t want this kid. Because he's an ingrate, that's why. He thinks that’s the ladies responsibility and she said she was, so she was lying. He ends that don’t ask him what he’s going to do because he doesn’t know himself.

Chalo is learning from his buddy that Sara changed her and Lorena’s names on the paperwork. He wants to know what the Abuela’s name is so he can find Sara.

Right now she’s getting dissed by Snorty’s HR person who starts Sara as an assistant at a small slaray and sticks her in a nasty file room, nothing to do with computers like she knows how to do.

Back at home son is telling Snotty about the eye clinic that she will have opened in her name. She’s not listening because she’s pissed about Sara showing up. She doesn’t want to talk about it and asks about the eye clinic. They discuss it a bit and she decides she needs to have a celebrity dinner to raise the money.

Zulema asks for her son's help because Don Pancho asked her to prepare a dinner for more than 20 folks. He agrees he’ll help.

Jaime wastes no time, he’s on the phone already soliciting for the eye clinic.

Paola bitches about her soon ot be ex. She dedicated her life to him and he left her for another so she’s going to cry even though her friend tells her he was a miserable. She swears he’ll pay.

Alonzo picks up Lorena and they make flirty face.

In the meantime Diana returns home perturbed and wants nothing to eat and goes upstairs. Ma and Pa determine Bruno is probably bugging her.

Al and Lor are driving and chatting, he’s glad he found her again and they look like they might kiss, but the light turns green and he gets honked so they have to proceed sans kiss.

Sara returns "home" to the mansion to find Chalo waiting outside. Guess he figured out where she is. He knows she has a secret and wants full explanation. Sara goes in and curses him and the servant who gave him the address because he said he was her boyfriend she says she’s going to get rid of him right now. She gets an evil face.

Al and Lore are at dinner. Al is glad she likes to eat and isn’t watching her figure. She says growing up in the orphanage you learn to eat whatever you are given. She tells it wasn’t so bad there and he likes her positive attitude. She says everything looks good, but she won’t order everything or empty his wallet. The conversation rolls around to her not being able to enroll in class because all her money was stolen. Alonzo wants to help and insists that she borrow his money.

Diana cries that Bruno can’t make her abort the baby, but she also knows her Mom is going die when she finds out.

Al wants her to cook something for him. She says to wait until he has a house, er, a place to sleep, er, a kitchen, er she doesn’t know what she is saying. He has a house and lives with his Dad but Ma passed when he was 15 from a long painful illness and he thinks that’s what motivated him to study medicine.

We flash to Sara in bed with Chalo; some throwing out. They are discussing this game she is playing. She says she only wanted to find Lorena and didn’t plan this. She doesn’t know if the parents are rich, but she’s glad that the old lady believed her. Lorena hasn’t told her anything yet, because she hasn’t found her. She says everything is at her fingertips and no one can hold her back, he pipes up except him.

Al tells that his sis lives with his niece and he doesn’t have a big family, but Lorena says she has many siblings and mothers. She misses Sara her best friend whom she hasn’t been able to talk to yet. He offers his cell for her to call but she says it’s too late, they are sleeping.

Back in the sack, Sara warns squirrelly Chalo not to open his mouth, she promises there’s a lot of money at stake. He wants in. She’s wondering if he’s going to stay, and of course at these prospects he’s not going anywhere. Yep, she’s stuck cutting him in.

Alonzo wants to take Lorena home but of course she doesn’t want him to. He wonders why not and worries that she walks the streets at this hour. She says look, she’s a millionaire heiress and doesn’t want anyone to know where she lives. HA that’s funny. He worries she’ll get robbed, well she already was so, she has nothing left. He finally backs down, kisses her on the cheek telling her how special and unique she is.

Ok what’s up with the strawberry eating.

Paula is rabid with hate for her soon to be ex. Her friends try to cheer her up. She does a little, and threatens that he’ll get his.

Of course we go to him, he is with the new chica, Jaqui toasting that tomorrow the divorce will be final. Jaqui already went house hunting. Hubby explains that Paula can no longer impede his daughter from getting to know her.

Lore is bonding with the security guard who clearly is happy to have her around.

Al is yelling at his Pa for not shutting the lid well on the washer because the water is coming out. He is a doc too, because he is reviewing dictation and thinks he messed something up. He tells Al to call a plumber, but Al says the plumber was just here. Next we see that he’s burned something in the kitchen and Al tells him he needs to be more careful and Pa offers pizza instead as his treat. Maybe he's an Alzheimer or senility candidate and this is their way of showing us this....:(

At Snotty’s house, which looks an awful lot like Don Fernando’s house in La Fea, Jaime is telling Ma about the plans for the eye clinic. He also wants to know about the granddaughter, she didn’t eat dinner with them. Jaime thinks they need to get rid of her, and Snorty says they will as soon as she figures out how.

The next morning she comes downstairs and brings Snotty coffee, but it’s not the right kind, so Snorty makes a stink. Barbara defends her, that this place is this close to a jail, and she’s young etc. And Snotty won’t hear of it and says if she wants to live here then she needs to follow the rules. Sara of course oliges and apologizes.

I was looking at Sara’s red dress and I realize I have the exact same one. I’m sure I got it from the same designer, because in the next scene, I can see the little ribbon on the back of the neck. This ribbon is supposed to be cut off when you wear the dress, it’s only there to keep it on the hanger at the store. How funny. I wore it that way once because I was hesitant to cut it off and then decided it really did look stupid. Just like hers does. Looks like they may have realized it too, because it seems it’s gone in the next office scenes. Anyway....

We are now at the divorce proceeding and Paula is still screaming and not signing. He swears his daughter will lack for nothing. As soon as she signs, he runs out to his lover. Of course Paula takes the opportunity to chastise them. She tells him this woman only wants his money and tells her that he’ll be done with her as soon as she loses her hair! They decide not to worry about her.

Barbara tells Sara not to be upset, that Snorty is just well, snotty. She's like that with everyone, including Jaime. She thinks maybe that’s why Omar left. Barb says no, they threw him out of the house for impregnating a woman of another class, imagine that. Sara takes note of this news and thanks Barb for defending her.

Millions of pesos pass through here, maybe some of those will be mine Sara says when she shows up at the business and takes a peek at some papers.

The chefs take a trip to the market and Zulema is there and she smells the chiles. Lorena too, likes the smell of chiles. Zulema is going to make salsa borracha (drunken salsa). Lore asks if she puts pulque in it, and she does, if she can find it, but if she has none, she substitutes beer, or even tequila. Lorena thanks her for sharing her secret because tequila wouldn’t have occurred to her. Really? I found a billion recipes online with it. Zulema thinks there’s something very trustworthy about Lorena. Ding, Ding, Ding... the alarms are going off here. And we close with a smile.

I thought I'd also put in some more Mexcan recipes, in English, as the link above is really to Spanish recipes in Spanish, plus we needed one with tequila! Mexicans would probably use different chiles than only jalapenos, so I included the second one, which is probably more representative below, but the first one is probably easier for gabachas to find all the ingredients. Note this is one of those core condiments that really depends on how your Abuela or your region made it, because it can be done a million ways depending on what ingedients you had access to.

And no way! I just read a story that the supposed orgin of the name is that a young woman who was drunk, one time confused her salsa with her vomit, (the salsa looks like vomit) and that's how the name started. Hmmmm.

Salsa Borracha Recipe

Ingredients:2 medium sized tomatoes
1/4 cup white onion (large pieces)
2 garlic cloves
2 Jalapeno peppers
Salt and pepper to taste1 teaspoon oregano powder
beer or tequila (very small amount)

Preparation:Cut tomatoes in half, remove unwanted parts. Cut stems off peppers. Add a little olive oil to skillet and add tomatotes, onion, garlic, salt and pepper (to taste), and oregano. Toast everything on a high heat until tomotes, peppers, and onions are blackened. Remove everything from pan to a blender and blend until fairly smooth. Add to a serving bowl, then add a an ounce of beer or a splash of tequila to taste.

Salsa Borracha

6 pasilla chiles
1 cup beer or pulque (a fermented corn beverage)
Juice of 1 orange
1 clove garlic
1/4 medium onion, finely chopped
10 whole green olives
1/2 cup crumbled wh ite cheese (queso fresco)

Place a heavy duty skillet over a medium flame. Toast the pasilla chiles in the skillet until the skin blisters. Open the chiles and remove the stems, veins, and s eeds. Soak the chiles in the beer for 30 minutes. Place the beer and chiles in a blender or food pr ocessor along with the peeled garlic clove and the orange juice. Puree until smooth. Stir in the chopped onion and add salt to taste. Before serving place the olives and the crumbled cheese into the salsa for garnish.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #108, Wednesday 6-25: I'm not sure anything really happened tonight.

I expect to night's recap will be a bit sketchy as I'm not feeling too great. Hopefully the rain we got today in Phoenix is just what my sinuses needed!

First we rehash yesterday's scenes: Flor tells Mili she knows the truth and she knows that Mili knows; Mili gets physical with la Florinda esa; Damian continues with the pretense that he has a direct line to God; as Damian gets ready to leave, Karla comes in with the gun from Constancio's desk…Damian is not amused, but Constancio is!

Constancio asks Karla to shoot Damian…but out in the garden, if you please. Damian continues the God talk, Constancio continues with the jokes, Karla continues with the crazy. Damian steps closer and asks her to shoot. She does, but there are no bullets in the gun. Constancio comes over and takes the gun away. He and Karla both look disappointed at the lack of bullets, although Constancio knew already.

Flor and Mili continue grappling in the baby store. A saleswoman comes over to bust up the fight and threatens to call the cops. Flor sends the saleswoman away and then gripes at Mili to quit crying. She tells Mili that she knows she played dirty, but now she's married to Alejandro and Mili can't fight that. She blames Mili for Alejandro continuing to be unhappy. Mili cries about what a bad bad girl Florencia is. Mili says she'll keep her mouth shut, but for the kid's sake. Then the claws come out as she tells Florencia that Alejandro is always going to be thinking of her when they do the nasty. Assuming that Alejandro does ever touch Florencia again.

Karla cries into the furniture. Braulio comes over to ask what's up. Karla tries to pull rank on him, but Braulio's not buying that story that "as soon as" she marries Damian, she'll be in charge. Braulio tells her to get back to work and she does.

Padre Manuel and Sor Cachete argue about whether Damian really wants to be a priest. PM doesn't buy it, but he told him to go on retreat because God works in mysterious ways. Well, I say if God wanted to slow Damian down, he would have let him come down with a nasty case of VD already.

Luciana pays a booty call on Nestor. She tells him she asked for a divorce.

Sor Cachete gets in on the act of screwing with Damian. She puts him to work in the convent garden. Damian thought she was talking about cooking and/or eating. PM suggests he go to the tomato section and tells him to get done by 6 because they eat at 7 and then pray from 8-11. SC breaks the news that they're up at 5 for the first Mass. Damian looks horrified, but he hasn't broken yet. He reluctantly follows Sor Cachete.

If you get a chance, review that ad for La Rosa de Guadalupe…the actress who plays Sor Cachete is in the last scene as a blonde. Quite a different look there.

Constancio gets to work and gripes to Andrea about Damian getting away from him. Andrea doesn't think that's the only reason. Constancio denies Luciana has anything to do with his bad mood, but then he lets slip that Luciana wants a divorce. Andrea thinks this is a great idea, but Constancio doesn't want to. Oh, his male pride is wounded because she's the one who asked. Andrea doesn't care, she just wants to get her claws into him. He looks underwhelmed with the idea of marrying Andrea.

Luciana and Nestor bask in the afterglow. Luciana is back to thinking she's going to leave Constancio to be with Nestor. I'm just waiting to see how long before she decides she can't leave him after all. She says she wants a lawyer and wants to leave Constancio with nothing. Nestor just wants her out of the marriage. Luciana's got her mind set on revenge for all the cheating and the humiliation, etc. Again, Nestor just thinks she needs to get out. Luciana's hoping that once he's got nothing, Andrea will dump him.

Yolanda proposes to Gamuza that they "all" live together as a family: Yolanda, Romulo, Gamuza, and Gloria if she wants to. Yolanda agrees to fix Gamuza smoothies every morning and cakes at night. He asks if he can call her mom. Awwwwwww. Filthy street urchin makes good.

Mili brings her cuatacho a glass of wine. There's some whine with that wine, as usual. There's yet another fútbol metaphor for the relationship between her and Alejandro. Drink. Padre Manuel comes in to give Mili a hug.

Mateo waxes rhapsodic about riding his motorcycle. Marisela admits she wants Mateo, but he's not marriage material. She wants Bobby for a husband…he's sweet, easy to manipulate…perfect husband material. She goes off to the bathroom and right then, Bobby and Alejandro walk in. Mateo downs a big gulp of Marisela's wine. The guys make small talk and Mateo has to cover up how he knows that Alejandro's got a baby on the way. Marisela comes out of the bathroom and tries to hide behind a menu. While standing by the hostess station. Just walk out, brain trust.

Padre Manuel and Mili talk about what a mess things are with the potential incest and then not incest, and Luciana making threats, and etc. Mili says she's going to marry Hugo and she doesn't plan to tell Alejandro the truth. She won't screw up the baby's life. Well, if that's the case maybe Mili should consider busting them up and raising the baby with Alejandro…who knows what kind of hell her life will be with Florencia as a mom.

Marisela is still freaked out, but eventually leaves when she can't figure out what else to do. Mateo gets the check and leaves. Bobby and Alejandro sit down and Bobby calls Florencia, which pisses off Bobby.

Florencia is in Alejandro's room in Casa Belmonte, frantically trying to get hold of Marisela. She thinks about Mili's words that Alejandro will always be thinking about her and steams.

Servants' dinner. I miss the whole bit with Rocky and Horacio. They go off to do something and then Socorro asks Karla what's up. Lina picks on her about being less fun than a convent. She gets upset and leaves. Heh. Braulio tells Lina she shouldn't have called Karla a snake…she should have called her a cockroach!

Sor Cachete, Padre Manuel, and Mili talk about Damian's first day at the convent. He's not doing too well with the gardening, between the heat and trying not to get dirty. They pick on him some more, but Padre Manuel doesn't join in. Mili leaves. PM muses that life hasn't treated Mili well.

As the servants finish dinner, Gamuza comes in, but he already ate, so he declines Socorro's offer of enchiladas. He does accept dessert, though. He talks to Gloria about moving in together with the 'rents. Gloria says she'll come visit, but not live there. Gamuza tries to talk her into it, but he doesn’t have any good arguments. He tells Gloria to tell Chamuco to marry her fast so she'll quit being grumpy. He tells Gloria that she's allowed to call his dad "Dad" since he's going to call her mom "Mom". Guess which one Gloria's happy with.

Luciana tells Florencia that she's in on doing whatever it takes to piss off Milagros. She also announces she's getting a divorce and that she's planning on making Constancio move out. Marisela comes over and suggests Mateo as a divorce attorney. Lina comes up with tea for the ladies, but Luciana leaves. Lina hears Marisela talking smack about Bobby and is offended.

Gloria gets Gamuza to promise to look after her mom. He leaves. Lina comes in from outside and tells Gloria what she overheard Marisela saying about Bobby. I believe she also heard that Marisela is cheating on Bobby with Mateo.

Florencia tells Marisela about the fight. Marisela tells Florencia that she's gotten to know Milagros in the last three years and Mili wouldn't hit her. She tells Florencia that she's the one who's gone too far--she married Alejandro and hid the truth. Florencia says she's a fine one to talk, cheating on Bobby. Marisela says she's not even engaged to Bobby. Florencia's like, whatever, I just have to keep Alejandro with me.

Rocky and Horacio are going to the outdoor set of a show called "So All of Mexico Will Know!" A woman tells her husband that she's cured of her gases and he can come home now. Classy show, there.

Marisela insists that Florencia needs to tell Alejandro the truth. Alejandro walks up, asking what they were talking about. Marisela leaves, thus ensuring that Florencia isn't going to tell. Florencia eventually says it's about his mom, that she's looking for a lawyer, but he should talk to his mom about it. Florencia insists it's delicate. She eventually says that Luciana is thinking of divorcing "his" dad.

Mili tells Hugo that Florencia knows all. Hugo tries to calm her down. Mili fusses about how she's supposed to get along with Florencia, then she fusses about Luciana. Hugo tells her to calm down and reminds her they're going to get married soon. Milagros says it's going to drive her nuts to have to play nice to Florencia's face. Hugo promises he'll take care of her.

Alejandro thinks that Luciana is just upset because she fought with Constancio. He doesn't think there's anything to worry about, since she's apparently done this before. Florencia asks if he wants his parents to stay together. Alejandro says he only wants his mom to be happy and get over her alcoholism. He doesn't think she can do that while she's with Constancio. He asks about the shopping trip with Mili. Florencia says she's intolerant, rude, and it's unrealistic to expect them to get along, no matter how they try. Alejandro asks her to try a little harder. This pisses Florencia off. She says if Alejandro wants them all to live together in the same house, he's going to have to accept the consequences.

Rocky is still hesitating to get in front of the camera. A set person comes to tell Rocky it's his turn. Lina comes over to say that Gloria is getting Valeria and Bobby to sit in front of the TV.

Valeria complains about watching the show. Rocky is talking a little too quietly. He eventually starts off telling his "Chiquita" that…and Lina busts in and says "Bobby, your girlfriend's cheating on you!" Well, that's got Valeria's attention, but it's not quite the message Rocky wanted delivered.

Tomorrow: Florencia suggests a truce to Milagros, who scoffs. The utterance of "balls" apparently induces miscarriage, but probably only because Florencia was already standing on the stairs. Luciana declares that she's definitely getting divorced, which starts a fight at the dinner table. Constancio ends up leaving the dinner table to go fire his rifle into the air. Yep, never a dull moment at Manicomio Belmonte.

In other news…I'm going to be taking a class on Wednesday nights starting the week after next and I'm working until late on Thursday nights, so I won't be able to get recaps up before Thursday night's show. Can anyone switch with me on a permanent basis?


Fuego, Wed., Jun. 25: Things I learned from my Priest: Telling the truth will only complicate things.

Buenas noches a todos.

We start out tonight with Juan and Sofia in the bakery. Juan wants them to leave far away and start a new life. Sofia doesn’t want to because she is not a coward, nor does she want to be a cowardly mother. She is going to obtain her divorce with the help of Padre Tadeo. Juan says that her plan is fine; he is going to be at her side forever.

Raquel and Gabi are talking in the hospital room. Raquel is going to stay with Gabi all day because Gabi has been such a great friend. However, this is short-lived because Fernie slithers in, and Gabi gives Raquel the boot. Fernie flirts with Raquel and then is reprimanded by Gabi. I think Gabi is jealous. Fernie reasons that Raquel will soon be part of the family. Gabi says that she has never been so humiliated. Well, this statement sort of makes sense if you forget about every other episode in which Gabi had never been so humiliated. Fernie says that Gabi explicitly told him to find another woman, and that’s exactly what he’s doing. Gabi asks him if he truly is going to find another woman. He responds that he wishes to find someone like Gabi. He kisses her hand, she blushes as a result of false hope.

Juan has trapped Sofia in his room. He wants to hold her forever. They kiss a lot. He has a surprise for her, but she has to stay with him for a while longer.

Quintina is talking to the picture of Libia, asking it/her what is going to happen when “they” find out what really happened. In walk the love birds and out walks Quintina. Juan shows Sofia some heart-shaped loaves of bread. Sofia and Juan take sensual bites of the bread. Juan holds the piece of bread right in front of Sofia’s face, moves to kiss Sofia, but then eats the bread instead. Sofia mentions that the bread is sweet and rich, just like their love. Then they kiss with their mouths full of bread. ¡Qué bien!

Oscar and Frankie are on the war path. They want to investigate who attempted to kill Gramps and Quintina. They decide to start at the Elizondo ranch, as long as Eva doesn’t lose her indiscretion.

Juan goes to see Padre Tadeo. Juan considers telling Sofia the “whole truth.”

Sofia is talking to Eva about how much she hates false people who don’t tell the truth. “Well, how would you feel if Juan had a dark secret and lied to you?” asks the “indiscreet” Eva. “Well, I would be very upset, and I would have to leave him” says Sofia. Hmm, would this be any sort of foreshadowing? In walks Rosario. Sofia gives her this huge, uncomfortable hug. Rosario, who isn’t used to any sort of affection, asks why the heck Sofia just hugged her. Sofia tells Rosario that they are sisters. If only that were half true… Rosario denies it and Sofia refutes her denial. Eva backs-up Sofia. Rosario doesn’t understand at all. Eva explains that Rosario’s father was Bernie! That Bernie sure got around for his age…

Padre Tadeo tells Juan that he shouldn’t tell the truth, because it would only complicate things. This must be a lesson they teach at the seminary... Has anyone noticed how sickly the Padre has been looking lately? Now I understand that they film these TN’s early in the morning, but he looks like he just received some sort of beating from the producers.

Eva, who doesn’t look much better, explains that she was in love with Bernie, but she made the mistake of shacking-up with him when he was drunk. Therefore, he didn’t even remember the night before. Yeah, tequila will do that to you Eva. The girls, or should I say sisters, ask who else knows of Eva’s secret. Well, the problem here is that Sofia answers for Eva by saying that no one knows anything, and Gabi only knows that Eva had a child, not a child by Bernie. Eva agrees, however, considering Rosie’s dangerously explosive disposition, we know that Eva’s hesitation will come back to bite her in the butt.

Fernie and Gabi are talking about Gabi marrying Bernie, who was a boy from a different social class. She always loved him, but he never really loved her in the same way. She ended up hating him, especially when he started sleeping around. Of course, she was the good wife who was never to blame for anything. Gabi admits that she sort of feels sorry for Libia, and even wonders if she had a family or people who cared about her.

We then see Juan talking to the Padre. Juan tells him that their real last name is Robles. He is concerned that Sofia will discover this “honest mistake” and be upset with him. Juan asks the Padre to keep this little secret. Question: How is it in any way possible that this group of three men (granted, with one brain between them) never knew their real last name? Did they ever pay a tax, or register for a commercial license to sell bread?
When will I ever learn to stop asking rational questions that have irrational answers?

Oscar and Frankie, the investigators, are interrogating Quintina’s sister in the market. Apparently Pedra is affiliated with Fernie, and is a prime suspect in the kidnap/attempted murder.

Appropriately enough, we see Pedra getting off some bus as drunk as a skunk. She’s thinking about making a lot of money.

Well, Fernie has to leave Gabi at the hospital. But before he leaves, he has to tuck in his mommy-in-law. He mentions that he needs Gramps to sign those papers. Gabi says that Gramps will never do it, so don’t bother. And besides, she is more concerned with getting rid of that damn bastard child, no matter what it costs.

Sofia is telling Eva that she is going to make sure that the four girls come together to form a strong sisterhood. Eva tells Sofia that she doesn’t want everyone on board with this new sister thing. Sofia interjects that she doesn’t like lies. Well Sofia, there is no lie as long as you don’t explicitly tell your mom and sisters that your father never had an illegitimate daughter. Regardless, Eva doesn’t want anyone to know because mommy’s illness is too delicate, or something like that…

Fernie is talking to his whig-wearin’ side kick. He is hoping that Sofia feels so guilty that she will pressure Gramps into signing those papers that give Fernie all that money and put the ranch in his name. Side kick asks Fernie if he really thinks that this scam is going to work. “Well of course it’s going to work! No one is smarter than I! No one!” says Fernie. Side kick thinks to himself: “Yeah right. If you were so smart your wife wouldn’t be having a baby with some other guy.”

Pedra stumbles through the market where everyone sees her. They know that she was affiliated with Fernie, and they go to find her. She sits down at the corner restaurant. She orders when the helpers/search party show up. They interrogate/flirt with the waitress who served Pedra. They aren’t too sure what they are doing, but they will figure it out as they go. They pretend to know Fernie. Pedra interrupts the conversation because she knows Fernie too. They tell her that he is a decent guy and really nice. She tells them that they don’t know him like she does. She tells them that she makes a lot of money from Fernie’s business deals, and that she can get them involved too. They plan to meet the next day. Friends, sorry about the repetitive, simple, fourth-grade sentence structure, but I insist that summaries are better than direct quotes. Thanks for understanding.

Gramps has invited Quintina back to the house. She walks around and then remembers that she cannot be there. It’s okay though because she is allowed to go to the cabaña. Lucky for Gramps, she is an interior designer and is going to help him out with the cabaña. Gramps takes her into the office, closes the door, and then shows her a sock in which he stores his cash. He gives the money to Quintina so that she can buy a car for her sister, and then buy one for the two of them (Gramps and she) to go on day trips. He doesn’t care what she buys because he completely trusts in her. It must be blind trust though, because this is a woman who couldn’t even light an oven.

Fernie is driving along cursing Gramps’s name. Uh oh. He is suddenly surrounded by three other trucks who carry men with guns and a guy who looks like he came from the 80’s. Now that’s scary!

This blast from the past, “coyote,” wants his money for his boss. What a dangerous web of drug trafficking. And to think that Fernie is relatively low on the food chain… The boys take Fernie into one of the trucks.

We see Juan and Frankie riding horses in the countryside. Oscar reminds everyone that Sarita thinks that the boys are only there to harm them. Friends, I’m sorry that I don’t recap more of what they are saying, but I feel that this dialogue is worthless; Oscar is always talking about his obsession for Jimena, and Frankie does the same for Sarita.

Fernie is safe for now, but they will kill him if he doesn’t pay up PRONTO.

Eva is asking Sarita to accept Sofia and Gramps. Sarita says that she can’t because they are the reason Gabi is in the hospital. She says that they only think about themselves, and that she is tired of Eva always insisting on Sarita accepting them. Eva says that she will come back another day. Before she leaves Sarita says that she doesn’t understand how Sofia rejects Fernie so much; he is such a nice guy who only cares for the welfare of the Elizondo family. Wow, Sarita has effectively been brain-washed. You know who she reminds me of? Renata from Heridas de Amor. They are so similar, especially in the sense that Diana Brach is the one who does the brain-washing in both TN’s. Of course, Sarita doesn’t have any drug addictions, spending problems, or heart conditions…

Jimena wakes up and wants to know how Gabi and Sofia are doing. Gabi is fine, but Sofia hasn’t been able to reconcile with her mom, nor break up with Fernie.

The brothers have been swimming. Juan doesn’t want there to be any lies between Sofia and him. He is leaning toward telling her the truth, but he is indecisive by nature, and therefore will never really do the right thing.

Gramps and Quintina are talking about a “top secret.” Fernie arrives home and eavesdrops on their conversation. Quintina tells Gramps that someone cut the brake cords in the truck with the intention to kill Gramps and her. Gramps concludes that Fernie was the culprit, although he doesn’t have clues to prove the accusation.

The boys arrive home in order to meet the investigating team from the market.

Quintina tells Gramps that she is going to buy the cars tomorrow. She asks him if he is sure that he wants to go through with the deal, and he says yes. The two of them make a nice couple.

Gramps goes to see Sofia and tells her that he wants to see Jimena.

Fernie is in the office and thinks about his debts. He goes up the stairs, but is stopped by Pedra; “Buenas noches” she says in a drunkard voice. Fernie wants to know why she came.

Juan finds out that Pedra is the woman who knows things about Fernie. The men tell them that Pedra is going to meet them in the market the next day. They want to know what type of businesses she could be involved with.

Sofia is in her bedroom remembering the time that Juan and she did it in a barn. Juan remembers the same thing while he brushes he teeth. Toothpaste is just the right stuff to get you thinking about your lover.

Jimena is just about to hit the sack when Oscar jumps in from the balcony. He is hoping to get in the sack with Jimena.

Frankie sneaks into Sarita’s room by way of the balcony. He decides that he will wait for her. He sees that she has saved the rose that he gave to her long ago. He rummages through her private belongings as Sarita catches him.

Following suit, Juan comes in through the balcony of Sofia’s room. He wants Sofia to know “everything.”
Tomorrow: The boys are reconciling with the girls. It’s a night of passion for everyone-even Fernie!


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