Thursday, July 10, 2008

Enemiga - Wed. 7/9 - Chalo on the prowl, Rossy after the towel, and Doctora just scowls

Lore goes to see Rossy in the flour rack. She disapproves of Rossy’s "instruction" to Julian and that was over the top. Rossy says he deserved it, his loss if he doesn’t forgive her.

Chalo is bugging Sara and wants to know when he’ll get something. She has nothing yet so what can she give. I guess he’s no longer satisfied with just nookie. She tells him this business is going to take some time so you have to wait. He threatens to rat her out. She tells him he’ll lose out too if he does that. He says he has nothing, so loses nothing. He promise to stay in the DF to keep an eye on her

Love how they are always in that same hotel

Omar tells his wife about his visit to the other side. His Mom hasn’t changed one bit, in fact she’s more bitter than ever. He notes that Jaime isn’t happy. Zule says it for me: Duh, who would be around your Ma. Omar tells her this just proves he didn’t make the wrong choice by being with Zule. He thanks her for making him so happy.

Diana rushes Vasco out the door. He is on his cell because he wants to find out how his Ma is doing in Rio de Janeiro not San Juan de Rio. Julian comes in and is sneezing because after being out in the rain casi naked he simply must catch the obligatory cold.

At the kitchen, Rossy is telling herself to hang in there until Julian calls her, but then she wonders if Lore is right and he won’t . Just then Maruja yells at Rossy for using the cell phone. She is happy she no longer has to report to any one. Ma yells at her for not respecting the house and wants to know where she has been sleeping. Rossy asks if she’s worried, but she says no even though Rossy thinks Ma missed her.

Omar is going to get gas before he takes Zule to see about her tanda. (See discussion about this on Friday’s comments).

Maruja enters to find Julian lounging about and breaks that she has to go out because she’s buying baby clothes. Julian wonders que the heck for. My sis is popping one out? After wondering how she managed that foolish fall from grace, he of course does the obligatory macho thing by saying Bruno must pay for not marrying his sister.

Arturo and Barbi alias Lipo Lass (thanks Sharkbait) are having breakfast when oooooh who walks in to the exact same hotel/restaurant?....Jaime, her husband.

Arturo decides distracting him is the best idea. He goes up and introduces himself as having met him at the Celebrity dinner. Jaime then remembers ironically that Art is married to one of the doctoras there. Key point.

Lipoass (my adaptation) hides under the table then ducks out the side door. On the way out she exclaims that she was about to have a heart attack. Yeah, dummy. Rule 1 of cheating on your spouse is not to go out in public with your amante, something to keep in mind Caray folks. She says they should never come out of the room again. Arturo tells her it will all be fine.

Lore goes to visit Andrea in the hospital, who Alonslow told her about. He told Andrea about Lore too, so she already knows who she is. Lore brings in contraband chocolates for the girl, a bag big enough to instigate a stomach pumping for sure. Bruno tells him Lore is here so he goes to say hi. Bad luck for this boy because in that minute the bad actress Doctora comes in looking for him. Bruno kindly tells her the truth that Al went out to see his girlfriend. She says she’ll go look for him herself. Of course she finds him in bad timing again just as he is kissing Lore. She reams him a new one for not attending his patients instead of sucking tongue with his squeeze. She tells him to prepare a report of the medicines used most in the pedes department in the last month, today. He says he’ll do it. Valeria tells him that he is needed in emergency.

Sara and Snorty are running around a mall. Sara was wondering if she is still worried about Vasco, and she says no but she is affected. She’s surprised Sara did so well on her test, and Sara takes the opportunity to attribute it to the things she’s learned from Snorty. Sara asks if she could borrow some knives that she needs for her studies. Snorty says nevermind, she will buy her anything she needs new as long as she promises to be the best student in the school. Sara hugs Snorty and thanks her for all her support. Just then she spots Chalo watching her and she gets faint.

Al is attending a really big kid, with a mustache no less, and tells Bruno he doesn’t have that report because he’s busy with this patient so someone else is going to have to do it. Bet we know who.

Vasco calls his papa who gets excited to think that maybe Vasco will come home. No chance, dude, he just wants to know if anyone’s heard from his Mom, he’s been accepted by his uncle as a son. No they haven't heard, no one can reach her because her cell is off. At least she knew rule number 2.

Maruja gives Jaime the soda he dropped when he answered the phone and they chat that kids are big pains in the butt. He thanks her and asks her name again. They exchange extraordinarily long smiles.

Chalo follows Sara all around the mall and Sara keeps feigning to Snorty she’s ill and that maybe they should leave. She asks to go to the rest room first, and smacks down with Julian. He tells her he just wants her to understand that he’s not kidding, and he will beat her down if that’s what it takes. Sara keeps assuring him that she has nothing. He screams foul and says he’s been watching her go in and out of expensive store after expensive store and surely she has access to something, getting along with the old bag so well. He puts his slimy pata down and gives her two days to come up with some earnest money for him.

Doctora asks Bruno if Al has the report but Bruno again very kindly tells her that his friend refused to do it because he was attending patients and she explains she’s in a jam now and how dare he not follow orders. Bruno of course offers to help her out.

Security guard asks Maruja how she’s doing, he noticed she’s not well. He knows she has problems with her kid. He knows this too because Rossy is sleeping in the kitchen. This of course makes Maru happy, no doubt she thought her daughter was shacked up with that boy.

Psycho Ma Paula asks her daughter how her Dad and his chick are doing and Bettina says they are fine, even better. Ma takes this that the little girl is evilly playing with her and witholding info purposely, and takes this opportunity to play a game and manipulate her. Bad. Ma refuses her permission for a sleepover.

Dario is working and Jaqui brings him an antipasto plate. There is olive kissing and he tells her she can decide whatever she wants about the wedding, it’s women’s stuff anyway and he’ll be happy with whatever she wants.

Aloslow’s papa is looking for his keys but Al won’t tell him and anyway he shouldn’t drive, it’s dangerous for him. Pa is mad about this.

Sara gives Horty a list and gets a promise of knives but is denied a car. I think a car would have been a better choice for her than a bag full of sharp shiny objects.

Lore is whining about all she needs for her classes and brought Rossy a sandwich. Rossy recomends that she borrows all that stuff from here, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Lore says no way.

Jaime lays it on Sara he knows her real fake status as granddaughter and wants to know why she is there with them and has no interest in being with her parents though she knows where they are.

Jaime says he needs to talk to Omar about this. Sara cries she’s the victim and he says all the more reason it makes no sense you want to be with the ones who set you up. He opens his mouth that he helped out the Abue with the baby dump. His conscience is heavy, and he wants to tell all, but Sara says Abue has done everything for her and if she goes back to her parents she knows that Abue and he will end up straight away in jail.

Lore begs Rossy to come back to her house and she shouldn’t have had Julian in her room, but Rossy tells her to go away with her Nun talk and she isn’t going back until Ma apologizes.

Sara wants the family united. Jaime apologizes for thinking badly of Sara and she says he’s already forgiven. She whispers that appearances deceive.

Vasco accompanies Diana to work, even though he wishes he could ride his bad ass bicycle.

Lore tells Zule she got into school. She goes in and meets her Dad, who knows she is Lorena right away.

Horty goes ahead of Jaime and suggests he take Sara to the meeting and he agrees that a little flirting might help them. Sara agrees to go and Jaime says he admires her and sorry about my correct surmising last night. She tells him that harmony and peace will return to this family in time. Not until she finds her way to the meat grinder (thanks Julie).

Sara sneaks into Snorty’s room and is searching for something, oh, seems she’s turned into a petty thief now and nabs a wad of cash and a really ostentatious brooch to pawn and shut up Chalo.

Maruja in the kitchen tells the other chef that Lore now has her own bed because Rossy no longer lives with her. Chef asks Rossy where she lives and she says in a mansion with a family who really treats her well.

Lore thanks them for a great breakfast, she feels like she’s with family (snicker). I’m sorry but there is no way this blond super fair skinned chick is the daughter of those two black-haired darker skinned people. This is just the worst match up ever. It’s like they didn’t even try. Then Omar opens mouth and says her parents must be proud of her. He gets the story and agrees that he admires her. They agree she is like family to them too, and that she is welcome any time.

Doctora busts Al’s balls some more for not following her orders and he should think about this if he wants that post.

Sara gives Chalo his spoils and he wonders if it’s not bisuteria (costume jewelry). She says no way with that woman’s money. She had to rob this too. She says she wants Al away from Lore. Chalo asks if it’s not enough that she robs Lore of her family, now she wants the boyfriend too?

He says no way, he won’t help someone take his squeeze. That's understandable. She says she just wants him out of the way because he is bent on helping Lore find her parents and that is bad.

Speaking of that, Lore calls to see if Madre Trinidad has found out anything new, but no, she hangs up and wonders where her parents are. (snicker again)

Zule tells Julian that Lore was looking for him. He thinks he already knows why and that she probably wants to have him contact Rossy but he won’t because of a bad trick played on him. At the kitchen Rossy checks to make sure that no calls came in from Julian. She is still holding out.

Chalo runs into Lorena oh, just by coincidence in front of the house she lives at. Yeah coincidence. He wants to see the city and has no future with the Nuns. He begs to come in because he hasn’t eaten. She eventually agrees.

Jaime is telling Abue it went well at the bank and Sara handled them very well. Just then Jaqui comes in with Charlie Manson’s dream gift. She says the knife set is the best quality, and they will serve Sara well. Snarly Sara (Snarla) thanks her Abue, er Tia.

Chalo calls Lore his guardian angel and thanks her for feeding him. He’s not shy about asking for more help, maybe Lore’s friends will let him stay there too. She says, she doubts it, she’s already on the couch. She gets a call from her beau.

Sara tells Snorty she looks great for her event. Snorty tells her yes, but something is missing, the difference is in the accessories and she asks Sara to pull out her special box. We knew this was coming. She screams her money is gone. Snarla tries to talk her out of the idea that someone in the house stole it.

Maru leaves a care basket on the racks for her daughter.

Jaqui is complaining about her hard day kissing Snorty’s behind buying stuff for Sara. They agree to get a movie. Beti has learned the manipulating tricks now and plays Papi off Mami, and amante too. She wants to go to a pijama party but Ma didn’t let her. Amante sticks her big nose in and says he should let Beti go, but Papi doesn’t want to contradict Ma (smart Papi) the two gals gang up on him and he caves, they’ll tell Ma Beti stayed overnight with them instead. Bad, this is getting worse.

Picking on the help again. Sara smirks as Snorty accuses them all of stealing from her and wants to know who did it. One rats out the main housekeeper. That is just wrong. They need to stick together.

Rossy finds the basket and thinks Julian did it. She calls and thanks him for forgiving her he says ni loca and hangs up on her. She’s perplexed.

Chalo takes a bath at Maruja’s and Lorena is apologizing for his intrusiveness. When he comes out Lorena gives him the boot. He apologizes if he’s imposed. She asks him to leave. Just then the doorbell rings and Alonslow shows up. He wonders what Chalo is doing there. Chalo calls it destiny that he has found Lore with all the people in the capital. I don’t remember when these guys met.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Fuego, Wed., July 9: I'm my own Grandpa!

Buenas noches a todos.

Alternative title: If I had a dollar for everytime some Mexican couple had sex under a tree, I'd have five dollars. (Folks, guitars weren't the only things being stroked tonight.)

As Sarita and Jimena are checking-out the new club in town, Jimena tells Sarita that she had a little visitor on her balcony last night--none other than Oscar! Sarita questions whether Oscar’s priestly duties entail midnights on the balcony. However, Jimena tells her that Oscar isn’t going to be a priest, and that they are going to get married (what else is new?).

Just then the new showgirl in town, a.k.a. potty-mouth, falls desperately into the strong arms of Oscar. Maracucha’s long, pointy fingernails dig into Oscar’s biceps just long enough for Jimena to see that and the loving countenance of Mara. Jealous and hurt, Jimmena introduces herself and Sarita as the fiancées of Benny and Octavio. Uh oh. Oscar is so outraged that he actually picks up the hammer, only to slam it on his thumb. Jimena kisses Benny and then shows Mara that gorgeous ring that her wonderful honey- bun gave her. Of course Benny has never had so much action with a girl in his life and needs to wipe off Jimena’s kisses with a hanky.

Juan is beside himself with anger. Padre Tadeo is with him and they are faced with the problem of remodeling the Bakery. Seeing that God will never abandon the Reyes, He has prepared an oven for them in the local Orphanage. Juan is so excited, and rattles off all the yummy breads that he is going to prepare for everyone.

Frankie and Rosie are sharing some pretty sexy scenes out in the jungle. Frankie, who is wearing some pretty tight, white briefs, is holding the slightly naked Rosie in his arms as she straddles his nether regions. And to think all of this is happening on some straw mat, next to a fire, accompanied by a smooth voice, and a few strokes of Frankie’s guitar-- no pun intended. How sexy!

It must be opposites night because we see Madam NOT Sexy, a.k.a. Sarita, reproaching the ever-confused fiancée. Apparently Jimena is an idiot for thinking that Oscar could love her. Jimena admits that he does have some negative qualities…

Mara, the innocent bar girl, tells Oscar that Jimena can’t be his girlfriend. Why? Because Jimena doesn’t trust Oscar. Why should she? Anyway, Mara invites Oscar to spend some time with her. Sounds like trouble…

Well Gramps and Quitina are preparing for flight as Quintina relates the story of Juan saving Sofia from the fire. Eva comes in and tells Gramps that Gabi wants to see him. He tells Eva that if Gabi wants to see him, she has to come and see him--and that’s final! Gramps has an important mission for Quinti.

Sofia and Juan admire that trophy that Juan won for the trick his stunt-double did. Sofia says that they sure did take a lot of heat for that. That was the time that they first talked, and everything has been great ever since. They decide to take the trophy with them.

Gabi goes out to the cabin and is greeted at the door by a fine young man in a tuxedo, oh wait, that’s Quinti, never mind. However, Gabi failed to make a reservation to see His Majesty, and therefore cannot enter. Luckily His Excellency can spare two minutes for his daughter. She has come to have Gramps sign those papers that will give her money from his fortune; he’s not giving them.

And the moment of truth. The four fiancées admit that none of them is in love with each other, but they will put on a show until they figure something else out.

Fernie has gone to visit Raquel. Fernie asks her about last night, but she was so hammered that she doesn’t remember anything. It’s a good thing, too, because Fernie was kissing her, and no one wants to remember such an experience. Fernie, who knows a boob when he sees one, and he’s seen many where he works, admits that this will be like taking candy from a baby, which he has probably done in the past.

Speaking of Sugar Mamas, Sofia is blindly offering Juan her savings. He sort of refuses it, but we know he’ll take it. Just then we hear a plane. False alarm; it’s Gramps accompanied by Quinti in her aviators and leather jacket. We all know how cold Mexico is in the summer… I think part of hanging around Gramps means that you start to act the part of random characters and their occupations until you actually believe that you are that character. Anyway, Gramps has come to offer Juan some of those Chuck-E-Cheese coins. Juan refuses them because he knows that the local soda machines won’t accept them. On second thought those crazy investors will accept them, so he decides to go against his pride once again.

Fernie now has a lot of confidence in Raquel, and therefore asks her for some money. You see, he finds her really attractive and nice, and thought that she would be just the woman to lend him some money. She is delighted that he thought to ask her for fiscal help, however the moment loses something when Gabi pulls up in her SUV and is surprised to see Fernie.

Raquel tells Gabi and Fernie that she can’t give them the money until she talks it over with her husband. Well, if he’s half as stupid as Raquel he’ll still probably agree to this. Gabi reprimands Fernie for not having any shame. Lay off; he’s only trying to protect your interests. Gabi tells him that he doesn’t want her as an enemy because she doesn’t forgive or forget anything.

Time for Rosie to make that trip. Granny Eva is going to take care of Luisito. Rosie is a basket case for leaving the kid, but she’s gotta make a living somehow.

Oscar, the financial advisor of the family, is crying because they don’t have a cent to their name. So, they are going to sell those boot-spikes for money. In other news, Frankie is suffering because he doesn’t know which woman he likes best: Rosie; the vivacious, sexy, yet highly unstable broad, or Sarita; the border-line socio-path who has no soul, no breasts, and everyone thinks she’s a nun. I’d go with Ruth, and I’ve never seen the girl in my life.
So now that Pablito is the new live-in/son of three fathers, he has to pull his weight around the house, something that Oscar heavily enforces. He doesn’t care where the money goes, just as long as he still has three fathers, a grandpa, and an aunt. Unconventional families are ubiquitous, even in rural Mexico, where they still use the gold standard. Oh, but Pablito is saddened when he remembers that biologically he must have a mother. Everyone quiets down, and Sofia, the only woman who hasn’t been assigned a fake familiar role, offers to be his mother. Well, if Juan is Pablito’s father, and Sofia is Pablito’s mother, then Juan and Sofia must be husband and wife! And therefore, Juan’s brother Oscar would be Pablito’s uncle, who is also his father, who therefore would be Juan’s husband in this unconventional family; meaning the local authorities would arrest the family for a whole array of things, and Sofia, who is the mother and three times wife, would be left alone with Gramps and Quinti to run the local family airport.

Uh oh. The vulture Gabi spots Luisito, and wants to know why he’s there. Eva tells her that it’s her grandson. Gabi wants him out of there; it’s not her problem that he’s only a baby and has no place to go. Gabi is appalled by Eva’s behavior; she doesn’t like that they were eating peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches apparently.

So Pablito has found the picture of Libia, shows it to Quinti, who says it’s a saint and refuses to show it to Sofia because it is dirty. Sofia is suspicious.

Now that Juan works in an Orphanage, he has taken the role of home-economics instructor. He teaches the children how to make bread for his company, and the best part is that the children do the labor for free. Though the oven here is different because you can grab the pan with your bare hands-right out of the oven!

Luckily for Eva, Gramps is going to let her Luisito stay with him. And Luisito is now a General in Gramps’s army!

Big night at the Tumbao, and everyone who’s anyone is there. Frankie and Oscar are playing the field tonight, but they can’t score it big with Jimena and Sarita because those girls are caressing their fiancées. Here comes Mara, who gives Oscar a virtual belly dance.

Bedtime for Sofia. And before she falls asleep Juan brings her some heart-shaped S-bread. Juan says that if his son turns out to be a daughter, he will love her more because she will be like Sofia. Then he tells Sofia about his sister, who was his best treasure. And you all know the rest… New information: she had really rebellious hair, and boy did Juan love to comb it!

Tomorrow: Sofia is living the happiest time of her life, but everyone is in for a big surprise when there’s a family reunion.


Guapos Wednesday 7/9/08 Braulio gives new meaning to the term "hawt monkey love"; oh, yeah, the other family members have problems too

Sorry, but I've really got to rush this today. If anything is missing, please fill in.

We lead off with a repeat of last night's ending: Mili misleads Al about whether she's gone all the way with Hugo. Suddenly, Alex is called in to the study, where Connie, Domingo and Damian are waiting. Connie starts to talk about the future of their merged businesses, but Tony Soprano cuts him off: There will be no merger; instead, he's taking over completely. Bada bing! Bada boom!

Hugo asks Mili why she lied to Alex. She gives the explanation about wanting to preserve things for the wife and baby, yada, yada. Luci comes down the stairs and greets Hugo and pointedly not Mili. She asks if he's seen Nestor and is told he's outside. As she leaves, she tosses off a request that Hugo ask his wife not to look at her as if she wants to hang her. Mili fumes.

Back to the study. Domingo is offering Connie at most a 25 percent share in the business with no active role. Now that he has learned Connie is not Al's real father (and accordingly, not the real grandfather of Domingo's grandchild), he can't trust him (and Damian is worse). Connie accuses him of a swindle. Domingo says when Monday's market opens, Damian's shares will drop precipitously. (was it a publicly traded company? Who knows?) Connie says he will destroy Domingo. Domingo says not if I see you first. Connie orders him out of the house. Domingo says tomorrow he and his girls and Al are leaving for Monterrey. Connie asks Al for help, but Al says, "Sorry, Constancio, but you're not my dad, and now I'm not on your side. To be honest, a big weight is lifted from my shoulders."

Al and Domingo leave. Damian is worried, but Connie says don't worry, we can take him. Connie calls someone.

Domingo talks to his daughters by the pool and tells them they're leaving. He walks away. Mari tells Flo that it's a good thing she didn't spill the beans to pop about all the bad times she's having with Alex.

Luci kisses Nestor in the back yard. She effuses about how wonderful it is that they are now free to make out in the open (not for us viewers, eeww), and how they can shout their love for all to hear. He looks a bit queasy and tells her that he's upset for Alex. She is worried that Alex hates her, but he says everything will be okay eventually. He is going to try to talk to Alex.

Mili and the gals talk. She is not exactly revealing too much about the wedding night. It's clear she's still pining for Al, and Lina wants her to get a divorce and go with Al, but Mili says it's not the right thing to do. She points out that she was at fault too in letting the deception go on. Now she teases Lina about Bobby. Lina says Bobby is still treating her as just a friend.

Bobby is at a card store trying to buy the perfect stuffed animal that will express his desire to convey that his gift recipient (Lina) is a friend that he wants to be more than just a friend. (You know, I would have suggested that jewelry was a better bet, but I guess he doesn't want to move too fast.) He is shown a cute little dog. Pablo/Pedro (whatever his name is) from Rodeo comes in on the same mission for Braulio.

Damian and Connie go somewhere in a car and have some documents. Connie gets out of the car and meets a mysterious figure in a black leather coat like someone from the Matrix. He hands him the documents.

Flor and Mari continue their discussion. Flor blames her drunken mother-in-law for everything, but Mari points out that Flor was really her own worst enemy. Sooner or later, she had to know Al would find out . . . Said Al is listening at the door and bursts in (scene from avances). Mari leaves and Al wants to know who told Flor about Connie? Was it his mother? No, she lies. It was Mili. He doesn't believe it.

Meanwhile, Connie comes back to the car where Damian is waiting. Damian wants to know who the mysterious figure is, by Connie cautions that it would be safer for him not to know.

Al and Flor have an argument about Mili that I don't have time to recap in detail. It's pretty repeptitive anyway. Flor immediately goes to Mili's room and tells her how she's lied to Alex. She tries to get Mili to take part in her deception, since Mili promised to keep the happy couple together.

Braulio helps Hugo seet up his new painting studio. He tells Hugo he's so happy that Hugo didn't take his niece away. Hugo tells him he feels Braulio is his new uncle too. Braulio gives him an overenthusiastic hug.
Braulio is called to the door where Pedro is awaiting to deliver flowers and a giant chimpanzee stuffed animal. Luci and Socorro are there. Luci somehow thinks the presents are for Socorro and she tells Soco she never thought Soco was the type to have lovers. Meanwhile, Braulio sweeps Pedro away with the ruse that he is dispatching him from the mansion.

Bobby gives Lina the stuffed dog, and they have an awkward moment. He asks her if she would like to go to dinner or a movie sometime. They're like high schoolers.

Hugo shows Mili a new painting he's made. Braulio has given him a picture of her mother, and he has painted a picture of Mili and her mother together. She really loves it, and they hug. Of course, just then Al comes in.

Cut to the entryway, where Luci and Andrea are having a good cat fight, a la Alex and Krystle on Dynasty. This fight should have been staged next to a pool or fountain, however, so the participants could fall in. Connie and Nestor pull the gals apart.

Al talks to Mili now about the past. He accuses her of deceiving him, but she tells him that she never was able to find the right time to tell him. First, she only found out right after he was already married. Once she decided to tell him when he returned to Mexico, Floreenda was pregnant, so she refrained from revealing the truth. That's why she married Hugo. She needs to forget Al. He says he is dying because of their eternal love, he is full of rage. His marriage was a mistake and he's going to fix it by getting a divorce. Mili says he can do what he wants, but she's not divorcing Hugo. In fact, Al is in their bedroom, and he should respect them. Ick.

Al asks how she could give herself so easily without love. Hugo must not really love her if he could take her without love. Mili says no, she gave herself. Al says that everytime he is with Flor, he has to hold his tongue to stop himself from saying Mili's name. He is crying now, and it is a very tough scene. She sends him away, saying that Hugo's love for her is very large--look at the painting he did. Al says that he has painted her with his soul and tattooed her on his heart. Al leaves, and Mili cries too.

The fearsome foursome continue arguing, but Damian breaks it up. He says that Connie is party president today and president of the country tomorrow. They should all work together. Dontcha just love Damian as the voice of reason?

Short scene of Karla going after her chicken pimp unsuccessfully.

Braulio talks to Pedro, all the while caressing him with one paw of the giant chimpanzee. It's just hysterical to see Braulio with the chimp hanging off his side. Pedro begs forgiveness for ignoring him for three years. Braulio isn't so fast to forgive. Pedro leaves, and Damian catches Braulio with the monkey. Brau laments that he will now be a laughingstock.

Al is crying in the family bar and Nestor finds him. He says he's always gone there to be alone when his parents fight. Nestor says that for three years he wanted to tell Al the truth, but Luci had fooled him with the paternity test. Al says he is an orphan now--Luci has taken away everything and the love of his life.

Avances: Mari gets a phone call that her father has been killed in a plane crash.


Querida Enemiga, Tuesday 7/8 - Gaspar rises from the dead and makes a cameo appearance as...a stripper!

Big thanks to JudyB for trading nights with me. Thanks Judy! I hope you don't mind that I got to recap on the night Gaspar made his guest appearance. He sure was cute in his little sheriff outfit and I didn't miss his overalls one bit.

On with the show...

We get to see a repeat of Vasco doing his verbal smack-down on grouchy granny. Dad gets some too, he should have protected his brother. Vasco announces he's going to stay with his estranged uncle and he throws his credit cards on the table in a brazen display of independence.

Bruno meets Diana and tells her that Zulema made him reflect, he doesn't want to abandon the baby. OUR baby, she says. Fine whatever but you're not part of the deal, he replies, he doesn't see himself married. She says she hopes he doesn't let the baby down like he has let her down. Bruno looks confused.

Jaime tries to get Vasco to stay but since he is as prejudiced and close-minded as Granny, not to mention super wimpy, Vasco runs upstairs in disgust.

Betina gets home after spending all day with daddy. She wonders why mom asked her to keep dad late into the afternoon. Paula thought bubbles that she'd love to see the faces on that pair of idiots.

A doorbell rings and Jaqui runs to the door. OH. MY. GAWD. Did you see who's at the door? None other than El Intocable, aka Rene Gomez, aka Gaspar from Duelo, the incredible hunk. He's got a cameo as a stripper! He plunks down his boom box, gyrates his fluid hips and removes his shirt (le pant le heave) in front of an unappreciative Jaqui. He even sings Happy Birthday. Dang, he is so fine. Where was I? Oh yeah, Jaqui pushes him away and falls to her knees, her face smack dab in his manly parts just as Dario enters. Umhum, and daddy ain't happy.

Jaime admits to Snortensia he couldn't convince Vasco to stay. He betrayed his brother and now he's lost his son. Snorty wails, "He's abandoned me, the person I love most in the world!" Not a very nice thing to say to one's son.

Dario is determined to ruin our fun. Does he grab a seat and tell Gaspar to go on with the show? Hell no. The wet blanket fights with Jaqui and Gaspar puts his cute little Sheriff shirt back on. Poor baby, he just wants to dance and get paid. Dario kicks out the bod beautiful and he and Jaqui glare at each other.

Diana cries to Zulema and wants to know why is it that she can't love someone who loves her back? Ah, the eternal question.

Dario may be dumb but he ain't stupid. He figures out that his obsessed ex is behind the stripper plot. (If Paula were really smart she would have just hired the stripper for herself instead of Jaqui. Talk about falling on one's sword!) Dario and Jaqui decide to stick it to Paula by making love not war.

Vasco leaves Evil Acres and tells his dad he can't be part of the plot to banish Tio Omar. Snortensia watches sadly from her little window.

Sara rubs lotion on her shapely gams as Snorty stalks in looking for the low man on the totem pole. She blames Sara for Vasco leaving, she must have told him about Omar because Vasco would rather live with Sara's mother and her kids! Sara feigns surprise, "I have siblings?" She tells granny not to worry, the only family she wants by her side is her abuela. Granny comments she'd love to hear Vasco say those words. Another left-handed compliment from the old bag.

Well well, turns out Rosy is sleeping in the kitchen's pantry. Señor Caballero the gentleman security guard discovers her and promises to bring her a blanket.

Maruja, alone at home, frets about where Rosy is spending the night.

Vasco and his bicycle surprise Zulema at Casa Contenta. He seeks asylum for a few days. He tells Zulema and Omar that he's not like his dad, he can't live like that.

In contrast, Snortensia cries over Vasco's picture..."It was all for you and you scorn me just".

Next morning Valeria the babe doctor who works with dumb Alonso and evil Bruno kisses her little girl goodby and gets the stink eye from her blowsy blonde suegra. Odious Ickturo bounces downstairs and excitedly tells her he got some money and he's going to spend it on decorating his new business in a good part of town, hooray! Valeria, ever practical, tells him investing in decor sounds dumb to her. He suggests she to stick to her patients and leave business matters to him.

Snorty lolls in bed while the maid Mathilde arrives for her morning insult. Snorty perks up enough to tell Jaime that Sara has all her confidence, she is ambitious and prefers money over her own penniless schmuck parents. She threatens Jaime that if Omar ever finds out they are harboring his daughter he will denounce them, so Jaime had better keep his lip zipped.

The next scene is at Casa Contenta where nothing important is said (except an odd bit about Vasco surprising Julian in bed, uh, OK) but we get to see lots of yucking it up and arm-punching. Even Diana manages to force a smile.

Lorena shows up at Alonso's office with the requested cake. He wants to go with her to to find out the results of her test. How nice that this busy doctor can leave his practice in the middle of the day.

Valeria tells Bruno some interesting news, apparently he and Alonso are both competing to be the new head of the clinic (Jefe Medico - Chief of staff?) Bruno says it doesn't bother him to be competing against his friend, the clinic is the most important concern. He gets an evil look on his face. (It's a pretty sad clinic if those two dopes are the best they can do.)

Vasco and Diana arrive at work. She's impressed when he tells her his liberty is more important than grandma's money. Wow, he sure is different from her bad boyfriend who was ashamed of her because she lives in La Colonia.

Short scene with Lorena and Zulema highlighting Zulema's exercise and she still hasn't lost a pound. Zulema tells Lorena she's sure she did well on the exam.

Jaime recalls the angry words of Vasco and the insulting words of Snorty. He goes for a soda, sees Maruja, and drops the soda on his foot. Does he have a thing for her or is he just distracted? Dude, you should seriously go for the cook and leave Lipo Lass to her boy toy.

Sara sees the exam results, she is one spot higher than Lorena. Bitch. "I did it!" she yells. She sees Alonso and throws her arms around him. He is probably supposed to look muy pero muy impactado but he just looks confused.

Omar surprises his mom at work. Cara impactada from Snortensia. He just wanted to let her know that Vasco is at their house. (What, he couldn't call or email?) She blames him for turning Vasco against her and calls Zulema a common crook. Omar declares that Vasco is a big boy and makes his own decisions.

Lorena arrives at school and Sara blurts out "Too bad you didn't pass, ha ha." Her joke seems to backfire as Lorena grabs her and screams "It's all your fault I lost the scholarship!!" She runs off before dense Alonso can stop her. Sara pouts, "Gosh, it was just a little joke." Alonso looks confused again.

Snorty and Omar argue about money. Jaime enters and is shocked to see his brother. Omar has had enough of his superficial family and he leaves. Jaime follows him outside and Omar comments that Jaime seems very sad to him.

The head Doctora (current chief of staff on her way out?) asks Bruno where Alonso is. Bruno tries to twist facts to make it appear that Alonso is neglecting his work to be with his girlfriend. Predictable jerk.

Ickturo shows up at Barbara's room. He needs more money. She needs more loving. Guess who gets their way?

Maruja and Greta arrive at Paula's. Maruja tries to get Greta to call Rosy's cell but no answer. OK, so now we know she really is worried. They scold Paula for using Betina as a spy. Paula justifies her behavior, she's going to stop those two from marrying!

Betina is at Dario and Jaqui's apartment. Jaqui sends Dario off to get pizza so she and Betina can have a woman to woman talk. Jaqui sucks up to Betina and gets her to admit that Paula arranged the stripper. She says Betina has a place in their home (lie!) and that when Betina helps her mother it hurts her father. That poor kid is going to be so screwed up.

Sad Lorena gets home and Maruja tells her Alonso hasn't stopped calling, and guess what, you really did pass the exam! Just then Alonso and Sara arrive. Sara is all "Why did you run away like that? It was just a joke." (This show and their sadistic jokes.) Lorena snaps back that Sara knows why! Clueless Alonso tries to fix things by suggesting they go out to eat and Lorena jealously suggests that he and Sara go out since they seem to be getting along so well. Sara turns her head and smirks, her diabolical plot is working perfectly.

After the commercial Alonso tells Lorena that maybe they should celebrate another time when she's in a better mood. She says "and you better not move." What? Maybe she means he'd better not follow Sara, I'm not sure.

Speaking of which, Sara sucks up to Snorty by bringing her some tea and telling her she passed her exam. Snorty says there's nothing worse than being disappointed by one in whom you have placed all your hopes. But all is not lost, she has Sara. We know that all Snortensia's affections come with a hint of a threat. She says that Sara had better not deceiver her...ever!! Sara mutters that the old witch will fall one day. She gets a surprise call from Chalo which makes her mad. He's not to call her there! (He called her call phone, how could he know where she is?)

Rosy calls Lorena and tells her where she's staying. She wonders if Maruja has been worried about her, but she doesn't seem cncerned when Lorena says Maruja hasn't mentioned it, probably because she has a hot date with Julian.

Betina arrives home and is snotty to Paula.

Rosy and Julian snuggle in some bar. He thinks it's too bad she and Maruja are fighting. She thinks it's too bad they got caught with their hands in the masa. Julian pisses Rosy off by eyeballing some chick holding a Pomeranian. He tells her he loves only her, wanna get a hotel room? Horny Julian has a little bit to learn about romance.

Omar comes home to find Zulema and Diana crying. Diana ugly-cries that she's pregnant, Bruno will recognize the baby but he doesn't want to marry her. Dad blows a gasket and spouts a bunch about morals, yada yada. Diana asks, does he really want her to marry someone who doesn't love her? Dad calms down and says OK, the baby will want for nothing. Some wacky orchestral music plays, it sounds kind of like Conan the Barbarian. They all weep and Omar says the baby will have a lot of love. The music reaches a crescendo as Vasco enters, "You can count on me too." Man, does this guy have a knack for sticking it to grandma or what?

Rosy and Julian are in the hotel room dry humping. He's optimistic. She's thirsty and thinks they need to take a shower. Somehow she gets him to disrobe and head for the shower. She eyes him lasciviously but gets to work. She quickly gathers his clothes and throws them out the window, then she makes her escape. He comes out and looks out the window in time to see her gathering up his clothes. (Why didn't she just carry them out? Maybe she threw them out then decided to make it harder for him, eh?) She yells up at him "Next time don't flirt in front of my face!" She laughs and jumps in one of the magical taxis that appears out of nowhere. I think Rosy just became my favorite character.

Vasco and Diana enjoy an evening stroll. She thanks him for his friendship. She was afraid how her parents would take the news, now she just has to tell Julian. Speaking of the king of Rome, Julian, wet and clad only in his hotel towel, which is a good look for him by the way, scrambles out of the taxi and asks Vasco to pay. Rosy stole his clothes and he had to leave his watch to pay for the towel! Needless to say Vasco and Diana are highly amused.

Elsewhere, Chalo prepares his little love nest in a cheap hotel room. Sara arrives and is angry, if granny catches her she's doomed! "Nice clothes," remarks Chalo. He's tired of being poor and not getting nookie any more. He tells her it's time to chip in or he'll reveal everything he knows.

Afanador/ora = Crook, petty thief
Despreciar = To scorn
Lombriz = Worm
Mocharse = To chip in, to go halves
Muertos de hambre = Penniless schucks (this phrase is an old favorite, but worth repeating)


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Fuego -Tues. 7/8, #51 - Everything Is Smoked But The Peace Pipe

Willa and I are back from aventuras maravillosas, I will now be your trusty recapper for Tuesday nights. Mil besos y mil gracias a Kris, aka Fuego de Rosca de Reyes for her fabulous recaps of the past two Tuesday evenings. Talk about smokin' charms, Kris, you are the very best!!

So now we get right to tonight's smokin' melodrama: We are treated to the world's most reviewed scenes of any telenovela. It seems that the writers can't believe that anyone has an extra brain cell to waste on memory but not to worry. Flashing before our eyes and rattling our ears, the rattle free but venomous snake frightens Blanco the stallion into dumping Sofia but also stomping the stuffing out of FeoFernando, too many scenes flash by of the smokin' in-laws would be incestuousness, until we arrive at last to the happy couple Juan and Sofia rescued from fire but looking like so much smoked salmon in front of the bakery that looks cooked too. In contrast, the Hacienda has a new batch of crickets that nearly drown out Armando's proud announcement that Mapache will give them no more worries.He has completed Feo's orders and we sent Mapache off to the other world. Armando does his own able sound effects as he draws his thumb across his own throat in a poor imitation of that foaming death from the poisonous midnight snack. Armando's one worry is that Nabor who was in the cell for offing Don Bernardo so rudely with his car may have talked with Padre Tadeo. Feo does snot-nosed mockery so well, "Padre Tadeo, Padre Tadeo, Padre Tadeo...PadTad, I am looking for a way to get rid of him forever.

But wait, Padre arrives to talk to the lads in the jailhouse about who the sacristan (sexton) was who arrived. At least the lads are honest about their benign negligence, they admit to only having see the bottom of the priestly robes. However, they went by so fast and it was so dark, the lads are confused, PaddyTad frowns so we realize someone is thinking, thinking very hard.

Armando uses Sofia's famous line to assure his agitated, cigar smoke surrounded boss: Tranquilo! Feo wants him to make sure, while upstairs Gabriela paints flames with an angry stabbing brush on a blank canvas and revels breathing heavily again at her ardent mind movies of her artful arson at the bakery. She mutters her hopes that they are all dead!

Feo delivers the news of her impending tour to Rosario with orders to pack. She will be going with Ofelia and she shyly asks if her son can come too, you can just hear the Feo say no with a hiss, no way. See who you can leave him with, don't you understand? She backs off not asking anymore questions. If only Feo could make everyone else act as scared as Rosario does, life would be so sweet.

In a parallel scary scene, Mommie Dearest sails down the stairs with the sniveling daughters in her wake. They beg to see their sister but Gabriela berates them for wanting to follow their sister's scandalous example they should leave Sofia for dead (like Mama wanted so badly to do) and they are not to plague her with appeals to see Sofia. Abuelo Augustin tries to reason with his unreasonable daughter. She has no right to separate her daughters. He threatens that if she denies them the right to visit Sofia, he will not sign any papers as she wants. Well, we know that money talks but Abuelo better get a rearview mirror on his wheelchair as Gabi's sour look fades, no, it just blurs.

Rosario and Eva commune amiably in the church so we can see what a harmonious parent-child relationship looks like. Eva assures her that she will be thrilled to look after little Luis with such love and care while Rosario makes her big tour. It will help Luis get to know Eva as his grandmother, nobody can take better care of him than she will. Rosario says he couldn't be in better hands, and Eva happily promises that there is nothing she wouldn't do for her. Rosario asks Eva to say goodbye to Sofia for her but Eva hesitates then tells her that Sofia has left the hacienda and is now living with Juan Reyes. ¿Juan Reyes? says Rosario with widening eyes. Clearly she hasn't heard the news that Sofia and Juan are expecting a child and together at the Reyes fire-brazed house, which is still remarkably smoke and soot free, at least in Libia's old room where Juan is feeding Sofia and himself something loving from the oven, or at least from the microwave if that didn't burn. Sofia doesn't want Juan to worry so much about what happened to her last night (not to mention the bakery is pretty messy looking with fallen timbers and all) but he flashes that million dollar (ten million peso) smile assuring her that he and his brothers always carry on even when something bad has happened to them. She beams out compliments of his confidence, strength which she admires more every day. They bill and coo more about love. I replayed his beautiful smile and superior kissing skills several times but I forget what all the sweet nothings were...

Next scene, brace yourselves, Oscar in itty bitty black briefs tries to shave and hold his belly in at the same time while he chats with baby brother who is slathering soap on his almost younger looking body in the shower which apparently has no movable curtain. The bros. carry on a serious economic discussion reviewing the needs of the pregnant Sofia who isn't used to doing poverty so much and little Pablito who is now their son. They plan to keep up the serenading business at night but agree that a day job is what is really needed.

We return to the new tropical nightclub where Maracuya is energetically rehearsing to the delight of the new owners. When they beg her to tell them what more she needs, she has the audacity to suggest they build steps off the the front of the stage so she can more gracefully descend to meet and greet her adoring crowds. They look thunderstruck that she would ever get off the stage but are equally delighted to do something to please her.

Oscar and Franco now in decent black shirts sit down to a hearty breakfast which Quintina has provided thanks to her sister's market. She quips that perhaps they will become vegetarians (I guess Sis doesn't sell carne at her veggie stand?) The Reyes Bros. are certainly being looked after by the community. Oscar wants to know how the loving went with Sarita but Franco frankly reveals that he couldn't bear to wake her but he did manage to pilfer through her letters to read of her undying love for him. Just then they are interrupted by none other than Oscar's so-called rival, Octavio who is protected by Franco from Oscar hurling his burly self at him long enough to spit out that the reason he has invaded their sanctuary is to offer him a carpenter job. Next thing we see is Octavio coming back to the stage where Maracuya is tiptoeing through her dance routine while Oscar follows with his bag of tricks or tools. Octavio and Oscar do a little Marcel Marceau routine showing where and how big the steps are to be. Maracuya notices Oscar's charms right off the bat and is especially thrilled when he strips off his black cowboy shirt, reveals his bare chest and finally dons his serious laborer's white sleeveless undershirt all to the beat of the pulsing sexy music.

Juan excuses himself from the visit with Eva and Rosario telling Sofia just to whistle (chiflar) if she needs anything. Eva and Rosario and Sofia all hug then sterner talk turns to the mystery and danger of this fire's source which Sofia informs the ladies has been judged by the brothers as deliberate arson. As Eva can't believe people could be so horrid, Rosario stares into space while she admits their are people in their pueblo that are capable of this and worse. Sofia thanks them for their visit, Rosario says Eva told her that she was now living here at the Reyes palace. Sofia assures her and Eva she is glad her sister Rosario knows where she is and she doesn't want any secrets between them (hehehe, we know better though don't we....) Rosario sincerely looks as though she fervently wishes this were true. But, she does reveal that she is going on tour such is the nature of her work. (hehehe, but we know this isn't the little music review to launch her career, don't we...) Harps play in the sound track to let us know how hallucinatory this all is.

Juan and little Pablito have a tender arm-wrestling scene with shirts off in the boys dormitory where apparently Pablito will replace Juan. He offers to get a job to help pay for expenses but Juan assures him that his job will be to go to school. Franco comes in to join the joking but Juan asks him to distract the little boy to keep him from getting too sad while they get ready to go bury the grandmother. Franco tells Juan he is not going to believe where Oscar got a job.

Oscar is dancing around Octavio wanting to say something but all he can transmit is that he will try his best to get the stairs built quickly so the club can be opened at the earliest moment. He wishes, he wishes, oh shucks, he wishes Octavio the best of luck with new club. Maracuya watches Oscar like a hawk sizing up a mouse. Oscar breaks into a sweat.

Maracuya flirts and Oscar sweats profusely and hammers nails into the beautiful stairs that develop as if by magic.

Rosario shows up to give her condolences to Pablito for losing his abuelita who is now in heaven with the stars and his parents smiling down watching over him. Juan thanks her for coming and for her nice words to Pablito. Franco looks that sick puppy look at seeing Rosario, they all clutch Pablito while they avoid looking at the taut animal fur fabric that Rosario has chosen for her mourning costume, oh wait, she was wearing it yesterday too. She leaves without giving Franco the slightest encouragement.

Maracuya flirts and caresses herself with ice cubes while she sips her fruit drink and Oscar makes a sweaty job of pounding nails in that staircase. Before you can spell out passion fruit, she is caressing Oscar with an ice cube and they have an earnest business discussion about the other night club in town and whether that will be competition for her. She says no, she isn't worried, they will all have their audiences, but soon is asking him if he has a girl friend. He actually tells the truth but she seems undaunted by this awkward fact.

The two remaining sisters are visiting Abuelo Augustin's bungalow which Sarita doesn't find to her tasteand discussing whether to risk Gabi's flaming wrath (no jokes here, folks, they just don't know how dangerous she is, but they are justly afraid) while Abuelo encourages them to go see Sofia and Eva counters with negation and caution after giving them the news of the fire but assuring them that Sofia is fine. The girls worry about making Gabi's health worse, but Augustin reminds them of her miracle recover. Octavio shows up to save the day and invites them to visit the new club to meet Maracuya. Aha, a free pass to get out of jail.

Feo lurks outside the bakery muttering self aggrandizing threats about those who would reject him. Inside Quintina and Sofia laugh in the sitting room. Sofia is in a white cotton dress which seems to have replaced the black skirt and that foot wide leather cummerbund belt that must have been making the baby's head go all pointy, I'm relieved. Quintina rubs creme into Sofia's angel soft skin when the wicked Feo bursts into their serene room with his rude ways we have come to expect. He demands that Sofia return with him this very day to the hacienda. She glares in defiance.

Feo does his usual violent rough handling of Sofia while Sarita and Jimena pull on him from one side telling him to leave Sofia alone. Although this is new attitude-wise for the shrinking violet sisters, as we could have predicted it is the intrepid Quintana who faces down the threats and violent pulling of Feo as he threatens she shames him with her little fists up telling him he is a big macho for treating a helpless woman so, what does he think he is doing? The boxing ring bell rings to tell Feo he is on the slippery slope and he backs off saying he is there wasting his time. (Is Feo capable of this type of epiphany? Nahhh.) He spouts poor me, how humiliated he is with everyone in the pueblo thinking he is a schlubb. (Sorry bud, they already knew). Quintana is afraid afterward that Feo will kill Juan or that Feo may have hurt Sofia but outside as the cowardly Feo drives off in his big black truck, Juan rides up on his big black horse, drops Pablito off and starts to chase after the car but thinks better of it and goes inside to check on Sofia. The three brothers and Pablo are in a clutch worried about the three sisters and the brave Quintina in another clutch as they determine that nothing much really happened and nothing new was set of fire.

The big bully Feo mutters that he is about to finish with all these guys and he will show no mercy with anyone that has messed with him but he drives on in his big black truck only to be surrounded in the wooded lane by several more even bigger black trucks loaded with gun toting goons and our leather clad ever-smiling Coyote makes another appearance. Although it was hoped that he would let the boys pistol whip this gutless wonder. However, Coyote only asks him if he approves the Boss taking Rosario on the "tour". Oh so jovial, Feo assures him he is only too happy to comply with whatever the Boss wants, but Coyote cuts his dream talk short with the reality show piece that he has not repaid even one centavo of all the money he owes Boss man. Feo brashly asserts that he is on the verge of taking complete control of the hacienda and he will then have all the money he needs to pay the debt in full. Coyote says great, if the money doesn't appear soon we will have to tell all to your mother-in-law and sisters-in-law. Gee, I wanted some rabbit punches or pistol whipping here but no....

Sofia tells her two starry eyed sisters how tender but strong but sexy (I put that in) how strong, so tender, so oooohhhh she thrills her empty bedded sisters of the joy of romantic love she shares with Juan. They are ready to sign up. Sofia is grateful to God for her good fortune and happiness now and wishes her sisters similar good luck one day. She amazes everyone with her solicitous query about her Mother's health and childish wish that her mother will pardon her one day. (Huh?, I'm thinking fire and brimstone being covered by icicles thoughts myself, but...)

Sourer than ever, Gabi swears she will never pardon Sofia just as she will never pardon Bernardo. Feo has other worries and tries to scare Gabi with the need to mortgage the hacienda if he can't get the money he needs to run the business (run it right into the ground) Gabi looks a bit afraid of the frantic Feo herself for once. As he nuzzles her neck and urges them to become united against all to save the ranch. She remains unmoved while he says she should gather her pride and think about him or think about herself or at least think about the hacienda... Oh you sweet talking sob... you finally found the magic button.

Sofia and her sisters discuss how difficult it will be for them to be frequent visitors.

Juan brings Pablito in to officially give him his bed, Pablito finally has the nerve to bring up keeping Mariachi and in fact keeping him in the dormitory. The brothers hesitate then give in while Pablito goes off to find bones for Mariachi from Quintina. the big boys talk about the job at the tropical lounge. A job is a job, Juan finally says. He seems a bit surprised that Oscar did something independent of him but they will carry on.

Feo is throwing an ugly little fit as Gabi who is no shrinking violet in the fit department says she doesn't want to humiliate herself in front of her father again. There must be some little bit of power Augustin has that even she can't deny.

Sisters Jimena and Sarita show up with Oscar and his brother (cousin?) to show off the tropicana lounge to celebrate the grand opening and with flashing green lights as they approach to find Maracuya has just pulled the old ooops, I am falling into your arms because I just can't stay on these big bad stairs trick. Oh, oh, talk about green lights. They are now flashing inside of Jimena's head. Busted!!!

Tomorrow: Oscar caught with his hands in the masa....


Guapos 07-08-08 "Que Sera Sera"

Wow another visit to loco mansion.
We see Flor pacing a deep path into the carpet as the ever patient “New Hugo” tells her to calm down, he trusts Mili. Al has been through a lot.
---Please someone cut back on Hugo’s meds, I want him to get a little fired up. Instead he is like some kind of Eastern Mystic. Que sera sera,
FYI..(Thanks to Wikepedia) The phrase was lyricist Jay Livingston's own variation[5][6][7] on "Che sera sera," a fictional motto which he had seen in the 1954 film The Barefoot Contessa.)
Authentic renderings of the phrase "whatever will be" in romance languages include:
French Ce qui sera
Italian Quello che sarà
Portuguese O que será
Spanish Lo que será
Catalan El que serà

This greatly explains when being a smart ass I have uttered this phrase, my husband would say, I don’t know what you are saying, I thought he just didn’t like the message. Geez…all this time I thought it was Spanish.
I like Al must live and learn. Lo que sera

Now meanwhile over at the soccer stadium, Al is lamenting his uber rotten life. The nights have been cold and gray. He is shivering, he needs Mili’s kisses, her hugs, the touch of her skin. “Help me,” he says. Geez didn’t he use much the same lines on Flor when he found out Mili was his sister. This guy…Hey I had a flat tire, let me dip my pen, Hey my shoe-string broke, let me dip my pen, hey my girlfriend, shoved my preggers girlfriend down the steps and she lost my fake baby, let me dip my pen, Hey I just found out I been groping my sister, let me dip my pen. Okay Okay I know it was a bit traumatic, but he doesn’t know that Flor has been lying to him for three years, so the fact that he left his 8month and three week pregnant wife standing back at the reception from hell, really doesn’t get any points from me.

Anyway, he now says Mili is the only one he ever loved, she is the only one for him in the world. Mili says she has always loved him. It is like watching the experiment scheduled for this summer at CERN, the SuperCollider, hydrogen and anit-hydrogen collide, giving us a view of the “Big Bang”.

Whoa, this close and God shines a light on our little atoms. Really it is Padre Manuel, but he is an agent of God. Just like a dose of cold water, our kids separate. Padre Manuel calls them down.

Back at the home of misery, Flor still just won’t shut the hell up. She goes on and on about what type of person Mili is, just the type to skip out on her Wedding Night and steal another’s wife, So typical of her class. Yes friends, the lower class women are fabled for their ability to marry and run off with some one else on their Wedding Nite, Egads, everyone knows this. Hugo patient man that he is has had about enough. He finally tells her that if Al goes with Mili, it is not Mili’s fault, it is everyone else, all the secrets, the lies. Mili and Al have both suffered for all this time. He lets Flor know that she too has been in on the charade all this time. Hugo just wants Mili to be happy. Flor with her little nose stud scowl (she is a bit of a ferret face), mocks Hugo. You married her knowing she loved Al? It is your Wedding Nite and someone else is taking his place. Hugo finally tells her to shut-up.

Rocky sneaks into Val’s room. Val also hates her parents, that is okay Val, we all hate your parents. She and Rocky do a little kissing, hugging. She tells him that Andrea and Nestor have moved in. Val says nothing will ever split them up. Rocky wants to ask Consti for Val’s hand. Afterall Consti is an honorable man. Damn Rocky, you just don’t learn do you? Val is not really keen on this idea.

Now over to the convent for a lecture, Que Sera Sera, you are married to Hugo and you young hombre have wife and kid on the way. You must move forward. Sister Chunky comes in with her glowering at Al and does the I got my eyes on you. Padre makes Al & Mili promise not to do the deed.

Audience I have a question, being a adult buffet Catholic, okay I know you are supposed to not tell stuff from a confession, but what if the person isn’t sorry and they are screwing with someone elses life? I mean Padre knew the whole time that Al wasn’t Mili’s brother and Luci was just keen on lying cause Mili was a nasty servent’s bastard. So isn’t keeping quiet really kind of like lying?

Okay so Padre tells them to go home and no monkey business (this covers no hawt monkey sex).

Flor and Hugo are still in the living room, she has caught a second wind and the only thing I can guess is that Consti did not replace the pistol in his desk after Karla tried to whack Damien, cause I am sure a bullet to the brain would have been much less painful than listening to Flor rant and rant and rant.

Out front Mili and Al are in the SUV. Al brings up the Wedding Night, like “You know what happens on a Wedding Night”, Mili just kind of nods. Al, “I wanted to be your first”. Mili is like, me too, Que Sera Sera.
---At this point, I’m thinking does Al just want to knock one off in the Suv?---

Back to the yammering….Thank Gawd Al & Mili walk in, Hugo stops braiding his tie into a noose and Mili runs into his arms. They go upstairs. Flor starts in on Al. Where were you, I’m pregnant, you left me and your hija and ran off with Mili.
---This hija thing is like a moot point, hija is like in bubble wrap, she wasn’t left on the front steps of the convent---
Al tells her he isn’t in the mood or STFU.

Now I just so don’t get this? Like a room downtown would have been out of the question. Having a honeymoon in that nest of vipers on a good day would not have been a good idea, tonight this just screams wrong.

In Mili’s room the bed is covered with petals from every rose in Mexico City, there is a huge vase of roses. Hugo asks her how she is. Fine, it was very hard for Al to hear all the lies and secrets. Hugo says, it is fine no hard feelings, I will set you free.
---Geez I feel I am strangely falling in love with Hugo and I usually don’t go for selfless guys, still Damien is my first choice---
Mili tells Hugo she wants to stay with him, she feels safe in his arms, he protects her.
This declaration is only lacking the cliché “I love you like a brother”. I am sure that has been left out due to her earlier unsisterly feeling towards Al when she thought he was her brother. They chat a bit about what a total RatBastard Consti is plus, Luci being a vendictive BSC drunk. Still Luci has had a sad life, Hugo counters. Now fans we know that Mili being the good little Catholic girl that she is, promised the evasive Padre that she wouldn’t be doing any deed doing with Al and how can she avoid that? By staying married to Hugo. Hugo tells her they can take it slow.
Hugo stop, you are making me feel like I should be a better person.

I forgot, in Al’s room, Flor is playing the poor poor pitiful abandoned wife role what strategically holding her belly baby bump. Al says I just found out all these lies and rather than help me, it is all about you.
He just keeps telling her he isn’t in the mood.

Now he creeps down the hall to listen outside the bedroom….Ewwwww
Flor catches him and drags him back to their room. Not your best moment Al.

----Now I’m not sure what we are supposed to think, I guess nothing happened cause we go straight from here to the next day---

Andrea and Consti are all happy love-birds in the bedroom, Andrea says she is now the senora of the house.

Downstairs, everyone is a bit down after the whole wedding debacle, Rocky is very happy and says he has his chica back. Everyone is happy. Hugo and Mili come in to eat with the vents, everyone welcomes Hugo. Lina is giving Mili the eye, Mili is like not now…we so know there is going to be girl discussion later. Brau announces that Andrea & Nestor have moved in…Mouths drop..It is so modern. Brau says no comments & no gossip. Pleeeeeeeeeezeeee.

Lina is dusting upstairs and singing to her ipod, Andrea comes out and tells her to tone it down, Andrea is resting. “At this hour”, Lina answers. Andrea tells her to go get breakfast, she is now the Senora of the house. Luci comes out and says get me breakfast, I am the senora of the house. This leads to cat calling insults…after Consti for money, you are old…blah blah blah.

Consti is sitting in the living room cutting an apple, no cares in the world. Al walks in and Consti has such a smirk on his face. “Well Consti”, Al says. Consti is like it’s all good. Al says, “You married my mother for money, that is why you always treated me bad, cause you had to take me as part of the deal.” Consti just continues to smirk. I so wanted Al to go all Aztec Warrior on his Ass. This is pretty painful cause you can see Al is seriously hurting. Consti just continues to smirk, “Nestor is a nice guy, rich has his own company and donated a lot to my campaign”. The more he talks the more furious Al becomes. Nestor comes in and Al walks out. Nestor and Consti gentlemen that they are, sit reading the paper in the living room.

Mili sees Val in the hall and congratulates her on getting back with Rocky. Val thanks her and pulls her into her room, Val apologizes for ever treating Mili bad, and how bad her parents are. It is a case of can you believe what freaks my parents are? Val feels bad for Al, Mili tells Val she must help Al. He is so alone. The girls (Val still doesn’t know that Mili is her ½ sister) hug.

Now Al is in the garden with Ferret faced Flor, Al has had it with his family, “Why, Oh why did we ever come back to Mexico?” Well cause of Mili, Flor answers. Now Al wants to run far and fast from the family. Here comes Domingo Soprano and slutty sister. Domingo wants to talk to Consti and leaves Flor with her sister.

Domingo leaves with Consti to the study. Nestor is feeling awkward, he tries to talk to Al, but Al excuses himself as he says he needs to talk to Hugo (who has just walked in). Nestor, you’ll get used to it, everyone act strange in this house. Nestor wanders off. Que Sera Sera

Hugo, tells Al he is sorry for all the drama and lies. Al beats around the bush. Hugo says just ask me whatever you want. Well we all know this is leading back to the Wedding Night. Mili comes in and says……..(Okay I totally forgot what she said, I’m sure it will be replayed tomorrow night), but the drift is as she puts her arm around Hugo, I am his wife…leaving Al to have a muy impacted look.

Personally folks….I don’t believe it.
Consti you set off my “Suckdar Meter” tonite, the smirking and eating the apple. You are such a prick and smirking at someone who is hurting like that. Yeah a nice word would have really cost you a lot wouldn’t it. I don’t care what Padre Evasive says, nothing short of an organ transplant would make me forgive these Asshats and considering the damage that has been done to said organs, a transplant would probably be out of the question anyway.

Tomorrow night, Al will walk in on Flor and Sis as they discuss how she has hidden the truth about his Bastardity from him for years.

This prompts me to question the Bastard issue…since it was brought up at least three time per episode, this would have been a perfect time to banter the term about.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., July 7, Juan and Ruth get out of the cabaña and into the pit

Juan and Ruth

I'm back from a very nice mini-vacation.

First, the boring part- Armando and Rosario. They hate each other; they love each other; they try and kill each other. Who cares? These two deserve each other.

It was actually amusing that Dínora, who had no compunction about torturing Juan would react so strongly when the matones were going to rape Ruth.
Juan gets a little payback on Dínora, not nice but understandable. Ruth had to point out that maybe they should get going before the matones came back.

So Franco finds Juan's cross in the burnt up cabaña. When did Juan lose it? As far as I can tell, he didn't have it on in from the beginning of the scene in Thursday's episode when he pretended to agree to Dínora's demands. He has it on in a scene that was cut from Wednesday's episode but is on You Tube. Between the scene where Fer and Dínora are talking and she says that there is just one thing that is keeping her around and where Norma comes out on the balcony, there is a scene where Juan is sleeping and he is clearly wearing the cross. He has a dream that he is in church getting married to Norma and then she turns into Dínora and she and all her family are laughing at him. There is the suggestion that Norma is picking this up because at end of the dream, Norma suddenly wakes up, checks the baby and goes out on the balcony.

Picky details- It probably would have been as cold in the cabaña at night as it was out in the open. Juan's shirt was completely destroyed by being used as a rope for him to climb out of the hole? It looked like it just got ripped up some. His pants would have made a better rope - stronger material and longer but whatever.


Guapos: Monday 7/7/08- "Luci Rocks the Mike and Turns Al's World Upside Down."

At Rodeo, Sor Cachete offers up well wishes to the newlyweds and then sings a song.

Val is bored and sitting at a table with Ramses. Bobby gets Ramses to leave under the pretext that a reporter is outside wanting to interview him and take some pictures. He leaves Val alone at the table and Rocky grabs her from behind and carries her outside ---no one in the very crowded club notices this at all, apparently so enthralled with the singing nun----hello “Sound of Music” anyone?

Outside, Rocky tells Val the truth, that he never took money to end it with her. He only agreed to let Val “free” to go to Paris, Connie’s the one who tossed in the payoff idea and Rocky had to go with it because it was the only way Val would be willing to end it with him. She doesn’t believe him at first, but his true emotions show through and how can she not believe him. They end up kissing.

Al offers up a song to the newly weds. Hugo “marks” his territory by kissing Mili on the cheek. She’s just not that into Hugo, she’d rather stare at Al, obviously pining for what isn’t. Florencia has steam coming out of her ears during the song.

Ramses looking for Val, asks Braulio for some help. He flirts and offers to help him locate her. Meanwhile Mili’s posse tells Pedro that Ramses is Braulio’s new novio. Pedro doesn’t like that one bit and he walks over to check out the situation.

Drunken Luciana decides to take the stage and mike. Constancio attempts to get her down, but she’ll have none of that. She says this song is for Connie and begins to warble. Everyone finds the situation strange and uncomfortable.

Val is happy to realize that Rocky never stopped loving her. She can hear her mother singing inside and they decide to go check it out.

Connie stands throughout the entire song, a look of disgust on his face. Luci’s song is insulting (anyone find it on YouTube? If so, check it out if you missed it).

After the song is over Connie tries to get her down off the stage telling her she’s humiliated him and herself. Nestor even tries to get her off the stage, but she’s not done. She wants to let everyone know how happy she is for Hugo and also for her unborn grandchild. It doesn’t stop there, she informs the crowd that Connie’s been having an affair with his secretary and that she wants a divorce because she, herself, is in love with another man…..the love of her life. She then blurts out that she’s got something to tell Al and she hopes he’ll forgive her. Connie tries to stop her, but Luci’s on a roll. She tells Al that Connie’s not his daddy, Nestor is. Oh yeah, Nestor, Al is really your son.

Connie tells Al that Luci’s crazy. Al calls Luci a liar. Flo tries to calm him. Al doesn’t want to hear it from her, he heads out of the club, pausing to look at Mili on his way out. Mili goes after him and Hugo tries to stop her, but ends up letting her go when she insists that Al can’t be alone right now.

Connie and Nestor exchange looks….Connie is stunned. He then applauds (with a slow clap) Luci as she exits the stage. Pedro hops up and tries to get the music started, this is a party after all.

Outside, Mili comforts Al as he realizes that his “parents” have ruined his life. He also realizes that this means he and Mili aren’t brother and sister.

Connie is upset with Nestor. He’s opened his home to this man, and offered friendship. Connie tells Luci she’s sick and says something about a name change (implying that Al should change his name? or that Luci should be Lucifer? Anyone?). Connie walks away and Luci tries to explain to Nestor. He’s confused because the paternity test said he wasn’t the baby daddy. Luci admits she had the test results falsified. Why? Nestor asks. She was afraid he’d reveal the truth to Al. Nestor says “So it is better to reveal the truth to him here in front of everyone? (Excellent point). Luci asks Nestor’s forgiveness and hugs him. It looks like he’s caving.

Rocky comforts Val as she grasps all that has been revealed this evening.

The downstairs staff discusses the big reveal.

Ramses finds Val in Rocky’s arms. He tries to get them to stop. Rocky essentially tells him to get a clue. Brau is there to offer comfort, but Ramses wants nothing to do with him.

Al realizes that Regina was not his grandmother. Mili says she was in all ways that matter. Al says he’s empty inside and that he feels all alone and betrayed. He adds that his parents have messed up Mili’s life, too. He questions Mili as to what he’s supposed to call Connie now.

Nestor tries to sober Luci up with coffee. Flo comes up to her and lights into her about telling Al the truth, now he knows he’s not Mili’s brother. Luci is of the opinion that that doesn’t matter because Mili’s married and Al’s expecting a baby with Flo. Little solace to Flo.

Andrea lets Connie know that she thinks a divorce would be a good thing, and really not that much of a scandal. Nothing they can’t handle, especially in light of the big reveal tonight. They leave the club and run into Mili and Al sitting outside. Connie expresses his remorse that Al had to find out this way. Al tells him to hold the remorse, because he’s probably enjoying all of this. Realizing now isn’t the time to try to talk to Al, Connie turns to Mili and says that he’s sorry her wedding day was marred by all of this. Connie and Andrea leave. Mili suggests that she and Al head back in, but he’s not ready to face his mother and Nestor. He tells Mili that right now he only wants to be with her. He asks her to go some place, away from there, with him. She agrees.

Padre Manuel wonders to the Sisters why Luci let the truth be known now (OK—this isn’t rocket science, the lush thinks that now that Mili’s married it was safe to tell Al the truth and besides it was a good way to humiliate Connie, hoping he’d divorce her).

Karla starts talking a little smack about Luci. Damian doesn’t want to hear it. He tells Karla to zip it and besides, Luci is Senora Luci to her. Karla says we’re going to be sisters-in-law, I think we can tutear.

Flo and Hugo go looking for Mili and Al. They ask Gloria if she’s seen them. Gloria lies and says nope, but Gamuza spills the beans and tells them that Al and Mili left together.

Back at the mansion, Damian tries to be the voice of reason with Connie and Luci. He’s brilliant plan is for Nestor and Andrea to move into the house. This way they’d avoid scandal and keep everything under this roof. Inside, Connie and Andrea will be a couple and Nestor and Luci will be a couple. Outside, it will appear that Connie and Luci are still together. They end up agreeing to it and toast to their plan.

Val and Rocky rehash that he loves her. She apologizes for behaving poorly towards him since she’s returned. They decide to kiss and make up.

In the mansion foyer, Hugo attempts to calm Flo down and explain that Al is understandably upset with what he’s learned tonight. Flo doesn’t like the idea of Mili and Al being together. Hugo says that it doesn’t bother him because he trusts Mili. Flo reminds him that Mili is with Al on her wedding night, not with Hugo.

Val and Rocky enter the house and they cover up their relationship to Flo and Hugo.

Connie and Luci come out to the foyer and both want to talk to Val. She’s not interested in hearing what they have to say. Damian tells Val about the new living arrangements and Val tells them they all are crazy. Val takes off. Andrea says it must be too much for her to take in one day. Luci says she’s wiped out and she heads upstairs. Andrea joins her and they walk up the staircase like best friends.

Domingo, Marisela, and Mateo rehash the evening. Mateo (in true Eddie Haskel fashion) says that it is terrible when a marriage ends after so many years. Domingo likes him and tells Mari that he’s much better than that Bobby she was dating before.

Mili and Al are at the soccer field, sitting in the stands. He declares his love for her and how much he needs her. He tells her that she’s the only love of his life and she tells him likewise. They kiss. END OF EPISODE.


Fuego, Monday 7/7 (#50): Fr. Tadeo plays with fire

Alternative titles:
My Three Dads
Fuego en la Panadería
Did someone order a cheesecake?

Short version:
  • Gabi burns down the bakery, but no one is seriously injured. Feo gets Raquel drunk in hopes of using her fuzzy memory as an alibi for Gabi.
  • Drunken Raquel offers Eva a job and tells them her daughter Ruth is in town. Gabi reacts. Eva notices.
  • Oscar's blasphemous bluff to join the priesthood is neutralized.
  • Pablito's granny dies; Pablito goes to live with the Reyes.
  • Tadeo is questioned in Mapache's death and realizes there is a conspiracy. Nabor fails to mention Mapache's foamy last words blaming Feonando.
  • Gabi and Feo continue their demented dance of seduction.
  • The Uribes hire Maracuya to open the nightclub. Meanwhile, the Bad Love Bar is losing Rosario to Feo's bookie.
  • Feo and Crabi independently decide to get rid of Tadeo.
Long version:

Crabi sloshes a few gallons of gasoline around the front of the bakery, muttering "they'll pay," while Sofía fondles tomorrow's bread and waits for Juan who was supposed to fetch just that one heart-shaped pan and come right back.

Juan, Pablo, the padre, and Quintina are tormenting Oscar with the good news that he's been accepted into the seminary and is to show up first thing tomorrow morning. Oscar is not swift enough to pick up on the joke, and his dimples are nowhere to be found.

Nutty Crabi repeats that Juan and Sofía will pay, and they don't deserve to live, because they filled her with rage and shame. She throws her good lighter (which hopefully has an inscription on it, maybe something like "this lighter is the property of Gabriela Elizondo, and Juan and Sofía will pay") at the puddle of gasoline and watches it go up in flames. The gas burns obligingly.

Inside the bakery, Sofía pulls the blanket around herself with a little smile. (Perhaps it smells like Brut cologne.)

The guys and Quintina are still teasing Oscar about the priesthood. Just when I'm afraid there's no end in sight, Oscar finally blurts that he's not going to become a priest. Phew! No - the joke's still not done. Juan and the padre pretend to be totally shocked and confused by Oscar's denial. Flustered, he vehemently affirms that he never intended to be a priest. "I did it for love." Juan scolds him for joking about matters of the Lord. (Franco smirks and/or chews in the background.)

Gabi is enjoying her handiwork waaaaay too much. From the look on her face, this is even better than that time when she stroked her shoulders. "The fire waits for those who have sinned," she howls, half-crying, half-ecstatic. "It burns all of the damned! Nobody humiliates Gabriela Elizondo! Nobody!" She then turns her face skyward and begins a prayer that could be a Hail Mary, or some other standard Mary prayer, or possibly a prayer that all inside are burned to a crisp - sorry, I'm not sure - there are no captions for this part and her words are lost in the loud music and crinkly fire sound effects. She takes her gas can and drives off as the flames climb up the front of the bakery.

Now it's Tadeo's turn to scold Oscar. "I feel very deceived." Oscar admits he was an oaf, but he was desperate because he's in love with Jimena.

There's more redundant discussion of this, and then Oscar gets on his knees and begs the padre's forgiveness. Finally the padre admits he knew Oscar's "calling" wasn't for real, and he just went along with it to see how far Oscar would take it. "I'm going to give you a good punishment so you'll learn." (Oooh! Ooooh! I hope it's a spanking!) Oscar apologizes again to the padre and to Juan and Franco. The brothers snub him; Oscar takes on a wheedling tone; Franco and Juan laugh loudly in his ears. All is forgiven.

(Please, let us never speak of this again. Even The Jamie Kennedy Experiment didn't last this long.)

People on the street are taking notice of the big fire, even though there's amazingly still very little external damage. They're screaming and calling for water.

Inside, Sofía casually turns toward the window and seems really shocked to see the fire, even though it looks as though she's been sweating for a while and her eye makeup is smeary. Cut to people outside running up with puny buckets of water, and the bakery is filling with smoke and flames (must have jumped through the keyhole or mail slot) and Sofía is starting to panic for her baby.

The guys (+ Quintina) are sitting casually around the kitchen table. Juan sniffs the air and asks Q if she left anything in the kitchen. He smells something burning... finally he remembers that he's the one who left something... "Sofía! The bakery!!"

They all run to the front, where they can see the fire through the glass door; Juan is ready to bust through it when a big flaming stick magically falls from the other side, making that door unusable (like if he breaks the glass the big flaming stick will be in his face). They run out to the street, where the bucket brigade is in full force (the front of the building still barely scorched). Sofía is cornered by the flames inside, crying for Juan.

Juan breaks the glass door in the storefront and makes a beeline for the back room. Unfortunately there are some flames in the way, which he doesn't seem to notice. Franco and the padre pull him back. Sofía cries helplessly, though it looks as though she may have taken a moment to reapply her makeup - good thinking.

Gabriela drives down the Mundo de Fieras Memorial Deserted Highway and stops at Ye Olde Evidence Dump. It's an abandoned lot with the remains of a razed building, or maybe just random unsalvageable construction refuse and/or miscellaneous large trash items. With her bare, fingerprinty hands, she hurls the gas can as far as her little arms will throw it. Comically, it bounces off of something and lands just a few feet away from her.

She sags against the doorway of her car; could her sanity finally be catching up with her? Or are her 18-hour support hose beginning to fail?

Juan lets some people douse him with water. He runs into the baking room, where Sofía (not coughing yet) is passing out. We catch a glimpse of one of Juan's S-in-a-heart cakes. He stumbles through the smoke, flames, and bakers' racks, and finds Sofía on the floor, very happy to see him. "Save us, save our child! I can't lose him, save us!" He picks her up. Yay! The day is saved.

Or is it? Several loud explosions shoot flames through the now glassless windows. Oscar and Franco scream in horror, knowing that their brother and his lady are surely dead!

Oscar and Franco run towards the building. Tadeo hauls Oscar back; Hortensia's sons restrain Franco. Good thing, too, because Juan is perfectly okay - he's just trying to find a way out of the inferno. But the brothers break free of their protectors; now Hortensia's sons have to hold the padre back.

Juan comes out with Sofía in his arms; they do a quick status check and Juan thanks God they're alive. The other guys continue fighting the fire, but seems to be a lost cause at this point, even though the paint job still looks pretty good.

At the comisaria, Mapache's cellmate Nabor (the guy who was accused of running Bernardo over) is freaking out and calling for help. Looks like Mapache's been dead for a while, because the foam's all gone now. Finally the guards show up, and Nabor tells them about the poisoned sandwiches and shows them the bag and wrappers; the guards wonder who brought them, since the only person who came in was Father Tadeo.

At the hacienda, Raquel and Feo are still drinking and flirting. He is really laying it on thick, and she's loving it. "Oooh, you're terrible, Fernando!" Yuck. "With so much gallantry, anyone would fall into your arms." Blech! She asks where Gabi went - "I got the impression when she left that she was kind of mad." He vaguely tells her that something suddenly came up with the hacienda, but she won't be long.

Raquel says she drank too much and had better go, but she stands up too fast and nearly falls over. Feo tells her to stay, chat some more about her travels, and have a little more cognac. (The perfect remedy for when you get the spins? Or maybe he's run out of Super-Sleepytime Tea!) She happily consents to this and starts yapping about Venice - which, she giggles, is ideal for lovers. Feo drinks to that, and the invisible snake rattles its tail as Raquel's eyes flash coquettishly over the rim of her brandy glass.

The guards at the comisaria are telling the comisario that Mapache was dead when they showed up, and Nabor said someone left poisoned sandwiches, but Tadeo was the only person who came in. "He came in twice." The comisario asks Nabor what he discussed with Tadeo; Nabor says Tadeo asked if he wanted to confess, and he said no. The comisario says Mapache had said he could give them a clue about something.

Nabor has a lovely flashback of Mateo foaming at the mouth and saying "Fernando Escandón." Nabor looks at the comisario, looks at the floor, and says "no, he didn't tell me anything. Nothing, nope." I don't think the comisario believes him, but I guess Nabor doesn't want to put himself in a situation where he can never eat a sandwich again.

The fire at the bakery is finally out, but there's smoke everywhere. Clutching a small framed picture or book with the Virgencita on it, Franco tells Juan there's nothing left. Oscar says "we lost everything." Juan says it doesn't matter, because they're all okay, and they'll fight to go on and bring back their bakery. (Darn, I was hoping they'd open another nightclub.) The brothers agree. Tadeo shows up and says as long as they keep that faith and brotherhood, nothing will hold them back.

Juan says he should take Sofía to the house. "Oh my goodness," Quintina moans in the background, and asks Rigo to get the doctor. They are all coughing. Hortensia tells Hilario that she and Q will go back in and see if they can recover any more stuff; he warns them that the things inside are still going to be hot.

Gabriela returns to the hacienda, holding a handkerchief to her nose - almost as if she were crying. (Probably over the loss of her lighter.) Whatever emotion she was having dissolves as she sees Raquel and Feo standing very close and laughing. Raquel, at least, seems happy to see her and asks where she went. Gabi composes herself and apologizes for leaving to take care of a "contratiempo" (setback). Raq says don't worry - she's had a great time with Gabi's son-in-law. "Fernando is every woman's dream!"

Gabi (still with the hankie around the nose): "I know, though not everyone shares your opinion. There are some women who have rejected him." Feo sulks. Raquel excuses herself to leave, and nearly trips into Feo's arms. Gabi eagerly offers to escort Raq to her truck. (She's apparently a big fan of drunk driving.) Feo thinks maybe Raq shouldn't drive. He calls for Rosendo to take her home, and they'll return her truck later.

As Feo and Gabi walk Raq to the front door, Raq asks Feo why Rosendo's taking her home - why not Feo? Gabi looks sour. She gets even sourer when Eva shows up: "What were you doing out so late?" Eva says she was helping Grandpa with his cottage. Gabi says her house is not a hotel where Eva can come and go as she wishes. "And don't think I've forgotten how you confronted me this afternoon. But we'll talk tomorrow."

Drunk as she is, Raquel notices and comments on Gabi's mistreatment of Eva, and offers the woman a job! Then Raquel adds, "Oh, I haven't had the chance to tell you about Ruth! She's my daughter! My only daughter!"

(Doesn't this happen every time you have company or go somewhere? The best conversation doesn't kick in until right around doorknob-time.)

Gee. I wonder how old Ruth is. Like if she just happens to be roughly the same age as Rosario.

The super-ultra-mega-impactada look on Gabriela's face tells me I might be onto something. Eva notices it, too, though I'm not sure if she's thinking what I'm thinking.

Rosario and the Fly Girls are dancing at the Bad Love Bar, just in case that creepy look from Gabriela and Eva's reaction to it were too subtle. Rosario spies Armando meeting with his goons.

Sofía is in Libia's old room, coughing for the doctor. (I guess only the bakery burned; I had thought the house would go with it, or at least be made uninhabitable by smoke, since aren't they adjoined? No? Maybe there's some space between the house and the bakery?) The doctor says Sofi's stronger than they thought, and Juan needn't worry so much. He wants to look at some burns on Juan's arms, but Juan refuses, saying he can do that later but wants to worry about Sofía now. (She's coughing quite a bit.) She assures him that she and the baby are okay.

Franco is telling Rigo and Hilario that the oven wasn't lit, so someone started the fire. Oscar agrees that someone wants to hurt them, and the fire was set. Quintina reminds them of the cut brakes on Hortensia's truck; Hortensia reminds them of the plot to frame the brothers for Petra's murder. Hortensia's boys also find it very odd. Oscar wonders why it's happening.

Tadeo has listened to all of this with an increasingly angry face. Finally he storms out without a word.

Feo and Crabi are having another three-way with Brandy in Crabi's study; she tells him she took his advice and worked off her hate. He closes the heavy wooden doors and asks how she feels. "Good. I showed that no one makes fun of Gabriela Elizondo."

(Maybe I should make sure I check the batteries in my smoke detectors.)

Feo smirks and says "now do you understand why I like you so much? You're a strong woman, decisive. There are few women like you. Very few." He nuzzles her neck. "That's why I need you at my side. Together, we will be invincible!"

But all of his cheek-kissing causes her to overheat, and she pulls away and protests that she's not into love scenes. "You have to learn that when I say no, it's no."

"And YOU have to learn that I am not going to accept your rejection!" he says, grabbing her around the middle and kissing her ear. She tries to wiggle away, but he plants a big one on her mouth, and at last she gives in with frightened peeps of self-loathing.

The doctor checks Sofi's pulse health and says she needs to recuperate. Sofía again tells Juan she's fine. He says he doesn't know what he would have done if he had lost her. He would have died! He still doesn't want the doc to look at his burns, but Sofi insists. "Do it for me." Juan winces as the doctor puts something on his burns.

Gabi is still protesting to Feo in between kisses, saying she's not in the mood. "Why not? Everything went the way you wanted. You carried out your vengeance!" She says sure, for now, but they don't know what will happen tomorrow. She breaks away and tells him to leave her in peace; they'll have time for "us" afterwards.

She flees, but he follows her into the foyer. "Time? When? When will that time be?" He kisses her roughly and she pushes him off again; who knows what might happen next, but for Tadeo's timely arrival (I don't think he saw anything). He point-blank asks which one of them it was.

Oscar and Franco accompany the doctor back to the dispensario to visit Pablito, who is still at his grandmother's side. They apologize for their lateness and say they had a slight problem. Pablito shushes them and says she's asleep; however, he looks nervous when the doctor lifts Grandma's hand to check her pulse. The doctor doesn't say anything, but puts her hand down and listens with the stethoscope.

He doesn't listen very long. Pablito isn't watching and Oscar doesn't catch on right away, but Franco seems to realize that something is wrong. It becomes much more obvious with the doctor pulls the blanket over Grandma's face. Oscar looks at his brother and quickly stands. Pablito gets up too. The doctor kindly touches his chin.

Pablito wails in denial, begging for it not to be true. Oscar tells him Grandma is in heaven, resting with God. Pablito is inconsolable, crying "she's left me all alone." "You're not alone," Franco says, "you have us, we'll always be with you."

He wants his granny. Oscar nearly beats the poor kid up trying to reassure him that they'll take care of him and that they love him very much. "My grandmother loved me very much!" the boy protests. "Why'd you go, Abuelita? Why did you take her, God?"

Man, this kid can cry. I finally get a death scene, and it's SAD!

Crabi and Feo are playing dumb with the padre. He says one of them set fire to the bakery. "Duh, there was a fire at the bakery?" Feo repeats as Gabi dabs her face nervously with the Hankie of Guilt. Tadeo says "Sofía was inside, she and her child could have died." Gabi tells him he has no right to accuse them. He says he's sure one of them did it, despite their denials.

"We don't have to take your insults," Feo hisses. Tadeo says the truth insults no one. Gabi says she had thought he was a friend of the house, but now she sees he's not, and instead of bringing peace and love (as if it's something you can transport in a box!) he's only brought them hate and hostility. He's the real reason her family is destroyed.

Tadeo says she doesn't see her faults, and if anyone destroyed her family it's her, and her cruelty and selfishness.

Hysterical, she kicks him out and tells him never to come back. (Notice how Feo always lets her do all the talking?) Tadeo finally leaves, frustrated. Feo beams at his sweetie.

Juan shows up with his arms all bandaged up and gives Sofía some tea, which is probably not spiked with anything except love and possibly some ambient schmutz. She asks why he's looking at her that way; he says she doesn't know how frightened he was when he saw her trapped among the flames. More "I woulda died if something happened to you or the baby." She says it's all over now, and she's so grateful to have met him; he's saved her so many times, from sadness, reviving her heart with his caresses and tenderness; she thinks it's his little sister (who she still doesn't know was Libia) who put him in her path. "I wish I could have met her."

Juan? You wanna say something? He's wincing like he wants to say something.

The Uribe guys plus boyfriend are again crowing over how awesome their nightclub looks. Octavio tells them their opening act has already arrived (I don't see her so I guess he hasn't inflated her yet). Boyfriend (poor guy, someday I'll know his name) asks if she's as spectacular as "Gisele." "Much more," Octavio gloats. Her stage name is Maracuya, the Passion Fruit. They toast all of their hard work.

(WOOO! What was that loud noise and flash between scenes? If you have a machine that can play back very slowly, you'll get brief glimpse of Maracuya... if you really can't wait a few more minutes. Teases!)

Pablito is at the Reyes house now, telling Juan about his grandmother. The brothers and Quintina listen, teary-eyed. Juan gives him a bear hug and gives him a pep talk about how Pablito's had to deal with his own problems since he was very small; but his grandmother lived long enough to raise him well. She's happy up there, together with Pablito's parents.

And now Pablito has a new family, Juan says. He'll be like their much smaller brother. Oscar says no - he'll be like their child. Quintina says she'll be his aunt.

Father Tadeo arrives to check on Sofía. (I guess Pablito is chopped liver?) Oscar asks the Padre where he went so abruptly before, without saying anything. Before Tadeo has to answer, the comisario shows up with his not-very-good-guards, wanting to take Tadeo downtown. The brothers do not react well to this turn of events and don't want to let Tadeo go. Comisario says he's not under arrest - they just want to know about his visit last night. "That guy Mapache was poisoned - he's dead."

Maracuya has arrived at the new nightclub. She's wearing a big headset, and she has sunglasses on top of her head (or is that a big black bow), and crazy black hair pointing in all different directions, and an interesting black sorta-dress type of thing. Benito says she's even more spectacular than he imagined. (He must be pretty excited, because his voice sounds high and nervous.) They ooh and ahh over her; they exchange pleasantries; she is very professional and they all tell each other how lucky they feel to be in business together. I think she tells them that the most important thing in show business is to show up.

The run-down old Bad Love Bar looks pretty skanky by comparison. Armando is groping the cigarette girl. El Coyote - I think that's what they call him, the guy who attempts to collect Feo's gambling debts - tells Armando that his boss has seen Rosario's show, and he wants to sponsor a tour. Armando says it's impossible, because she's the main attraction at this place. He very patronizingly pats Coyote's chest, which causes about a dozen men to zoom in with guns pointed at Armando. "My boss doesn't accept a 'no'," he warns, baring his teeth. "And this time will not be an exception." Armando graciously accepts the offer, in that case, but says he'll have to clear it with the bar's owner first. Coyote is amused and says Feonando Escandón is a great friend of theirs, and no doubt he'll enthusiastically agree to let the boss take Rosario on tour.

Feo rubs Crabi's shoulders (I'm not sure if she notices) and tells her to calm down. "I'll always be at your side." (Easier to get the knife in that way, right?) He says no one can prove that she's the one who set fire to the bakery. She's not so sure. He says he'll say they were together all evening, and Raquel will agree, because she drank a lot and won't remember anything. Now (rubbing her back) they need to rest because it was a tough day for both of them. He tells her not to worry, and he'll find a way to resolve any inconvenience. (More with her shoulders.)

Flustered, she thanks him and tries to wish him a good night, as if she doesn't notice his mouth on her neck. Clearly she does notice, though and pulls away - somewhat absently. He gives up and leaves.

"The first inconvenience to resolve is Father Tadeo," she thought-bubbles.

Tadeo tells the comisario he only came by once. The guards admit they were playing cards, and only saw that there was a guy wearing a cassock. Tadeo brilliantly deduces that someone must have put on a cassock so they'd think it was him. This would mean that there are more people involved in Petra's murder, who were afraid he'd turn them in.

Feo resumes his search for the accusatory little notes that Bernardo left behind. He is interrupted by Armando knocking frantically at the door. Armando apologizes for coming to the house, but it's urgent. Feo is ready to pimp-slap him, but Armando stuns him with the news that a "sinister man" (I guess Armando has never met El Coyote before) came by saying that some guy named "the boss" wants to take off with Rosario. Armando said no, but the man threatened him and said Feonando would agree to it. Feonando disguises his displeasure by lighting a cigar.

Armando also reports that Mapache won't be a problem; he's been sent to the other world. Feo approves. However, Armando adds, Mapache had been locked up with Nabor, the drunk who hit Don Bernardo; and they say he spoke with Father Tadeo. They don't know if he told him something.

"Padre Tadeo, Padreo Tadeo," Feo mocks in frustration. "He's looking to be put out of my way forever. Para siempre."

Next time:
Feo acts like a jerk.
Oscar gets a new job.


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