Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre - 0711/08: The Best Part of Breaking Up and Pasties in Pursuit

[A humble request to our faithful anonymous readers from this recapper: as some comments can sometimes and have been taken/misinterpreted negatively by this recapper and other bloggers when read, it would help enormously to avoid confusion, as some of our bloggers have suggested, if you would be kind enough to use some kind of screen name somewhere in your posts or at least put the generally accepted ; ) happy face/ sad face : ( so it can be assumed you're interested in a non-defensive, reasoned and reasonably non-hostile response as opposed to having the proverbial egg splatter over both our faces. You don't need to use a real name ever --that's the beauty of a screen name, but as it is we don't know if we're talking to the same anonymous or 10 of them and/or if we're even following the same conversation thread or not. Thanks! --ed.]

As Longfellow once wrote, "Into each life a little rain must fall" and so Gabriela walks over to sprinkle on Eva just as Raquel is about to tell her about her daughter, Ruth. The picnic's over and Crabi says it's time to leave and she'll deal with Eva later on back at the house. Eva walks back over to Sofia who, as we've noted, is literally dressed in her Petticoat Junction blue best, complete with Pollyana hair bows and white buck-dancers. Eva says she's noticed Sofia and Juan have had a spat. Sofia says love cannot withstand a lack of confidence and she says that Juan no longer trusts her. Eva wants her to try to smooth things over.

Juan walks over then and asks to speak with Sofia. Eva leaves as Sofia wipes back her tears and asks him what for if he isn't going to believe her. She tells him that love cannot withstand doubt and says she'd rather give him up before taking the risk of living through the same kind of hell she did when she was with Fernando. "If you don't trust me, let me go and I'll give you back your freedom." She walks away leaving him to stew in his own juices a while.

In town later that day Eugenia begins to tell Rigo her reasons for introducing him as her boyfriend to Benito the night before. She fills him in on their relationship and how it was impossible because she comes from the wrong side of the tracks.

At the same time, on their drive back to the hacienda, Benito, Tall Tweedle, tells Small Tweedle (Octavio), Jimena and Sarita about his feelings for Eugenia. He admits his great love for her and says he feels its useless to pursue her now, especially since he met her new boyfriend the night before at the club's grand opening. He deserved to lose her he says because he was a coward for not fighting to save their relationship. Benito cheers up when Sarita promises to help him get Eugenia back. Jimena persuades him to go find her and tell her how much he loves her and that he cannot live without her.

Meanwhile Rigo doesn't seem to care if he's second best. He wants a chance for romance and so, on the rebound, Eugenia decides to give it a go.

In another part of town, Fernando helps Gabi into the truck. She complains that she doesn't understand what everybody has against her. (Yeah, you can lead a stubborn jackass to water, but you can't make it drink.) She has only tried to do her level best to raise her daughters properly and feels she was in her right to disown Sofia. After all, she clucks, she's behaved like a whore and hasn't a shred of decency. And the way she flaunts her shamelessness in public! "Her immorality and bad manners shock me!" she carps. Fernando--speaking of the immoral--puts his hand on Gabi's and reiterates his steadfast loyalty since Bernardo's death. "Whatever you've done was for your daughters. Now it's time that you ought to think of your own happiness." Gabi, though, rejects any further seductive hints from Fer who, poor guy, apparently isn't gettin' nookie from nobody, nowhere these days, especially now that Rosario is out of town and on the road for a while.

In the Reyes' little kitchen a very sad eyed Sofia is putting away the picnic things when Juan, looking like a wounded puppy himself, peeks out from the doorway and wants to talk. He tells her that he knows he's a rough and a jealous lout (try adding loud and obnoxious to the list and I'd say he's about got it summed up) but she should understand (wrong choice of words, Bosco) that he's never had anything of his own in his life; and what life has given him it's snatched right back up again. He explains that he's never had anything as valuable as her before and is very afraid of losing her. Can't she just forgive him? Sofia simply says again that he cannot be so distrustful of her because it's hurtful.

Jimena and Sarita have stopped in to visit with Augie. He's teasing Jimena about loving Oscar. She admits she does still love him but feels he's too much of a playboy and says she'd rather be single, but on second thought knows she'd really rather not, especially when she gets to thinking about Oscar's hot looks. Augie turns to Sarita and asks about Franco. She answers she is upset with Franco for coming into her room and reading her letters. What really is upsetting though she says, changing the subject, was seeing Sofia and not being allowed to even say hello. Jimena says she doesn't think Mama will ever forgive Sofia.

Just then Mama walks in the door, finds them there with Augie, and gets hopping mad. She screams at them to get back to the house and forbids them to visit with him ever again. Jimena asks why she's not going to let them speak to their granddad either. Augie gripes about Crabi treating her daughters like they were her slaves, but she tells him to stick his nose out of her life. He says he can't believe she won't even let them speak to their own sister. AS far as Crabiela is concerned, for them Sofia is as good as dead. Augie yells back no, she is very much alive and he threatens to never sign those papers if she continues to refuse Sofia's sisters to see her again. (How many times can he push the envelope here? Sounds like Augie's days might be close to being numbered.)

That night Armando tells Feo how worried he is because not a soul has come to the Bad Love Bar since Rosario left on the Big Boss's mandated magical mystery tour and Maracuya started shakin' her bacon across town at the competition's new club. He tells Feo that they are losing a heck of a lot of money because of it. Feo reminds Armando that he owed the Big Boss so much money it was an offer he couldn't exactly refuse. Armando says that if it keeps up like this much longer they are going to have to shut the place down.

Across town at Tumbao, Raqui comes in and sits down with the Elizondo sisters and her nephews, Tall and Small Tweedle. She is explaining that it took a great deal of effort to convince Gabi to let the girls come tonight since she thinks the place is a veritable den of iniquity. (Ha! She ain't seen nothin' yet!) Just then Jimena spots Oscar as he comes in and is shown to a special, front row table for the floor show.

[Note: The US version of last night's episodio, Niurka's "naughty" ditty, was edited out and we were weirdly shunted over in hyper drive to the more "family-friendly" Touring Bon-Bons. (Imagine that!) The remaining shreds of the scene in the nightclub with Jimena and Oscar and Niurka were so disconnected and discombobulated that all sense of continuity was sadly gone and any comic quality was I'm giving you the link to watch this on YouTube before you go any further into the recap.
Enjoy!! --ed.]

Maracuya begins her performance with her backside, covered in floor length imitation tail feathers shakin' at the audience. She turns around and the crowd goes wild as she goes full frontal and they see she pretty much has bared all but for a triangulated area of shimmering pasties on the appropriated parts of female anatomy. Men are cheering, but Jimena gasps, eyes popping, in sheer amazement and horror. Boom-boom-boom laca laca! Oscar does a triple-take. He looks over at Jimena and the two exchange stunned expressions. He's gulps for air but can't help sneaking a glance or three for a glimpse of Maracuya's mesmerising moves.

Jimena shoots an angry, accusatory glare at Oscar then as the music throbs and the beautiful, bare-acuda bounces, shimmies and shakes her way straight to Oscar's front row table. Jimena now throws a fire-breathing, green-eyed death-ray towards Oscar. Oscar looks back at Maracuya then over at Jimena again. Jimena flashes a "How dare you? How dare she--but how dare YOU!" Oscar raises his eyebrows like "W-w-h-hat? Who me?" Jimena glares back like " Yes, YOU!" as the sin-sational singing naca knocks her mammalian maracas in quadruple time and then locks a dumb-struck Oscar into her suffocatingly scintillating body block. Boom-laca laca laca laca laca.....! (First went the copas and then us, rolling onto the floor --and howling!)

Suddenly we are shunted back to the tour as Rosario, curiously now managing to wear halter tops that are slightly less likely to incur wardrobe malfunctions during her family-friendly performances, is finishing her set. She drinks in the applause. They love her, and so, apparently, might Bobby.

Franco, meanwhile, has ridden into the countryside and is singing love songs, with his horse patiently listening as he strums his guitar by the fire and thinks of Sarita and Rosario. He still hasn't figured out which one to choose. (By now even the horse seems to agree this is gettin' pretty old.)

Back at the Reyes Ruins, Juan is moping in his bedroom because Sofia refuses to kiss and make up. He thinks back to his jealous outburst and Sofia's honest and heartfelt denials. He says to himself that he was really an idiot and wonders when he'll learn to keep his snout--or, as we would say up here, his trap--shut.

After the show Maracuya sends for Oscar to visit her backstage. Mara tells Oscar they're both adults so she's going to call a spade a spade. She has the hots for him and she knows he doesn't exactly think she's chopped liver, either. "Some things you just cannot h-i-i-i-de, right?" she coos. He smiles sheepishly and agrees. He has to apologize though (hard to say if it was Jorge ad-libbing or his character actually speaking here). Oscar says he's a bit distracted --no doubt, owing to the fact that she's been propositioning this small town "boy" practically in her birthday suit the entire time. Oscar is hardly able to put two words together for staring at her "attributes". He haltingly manages to spit out that there is still Jimena to consider. Mara purrs that she knows he's still very much in love with his girlfriend, but the girl doesn't have much faith in him. The girl, therefore, doesn't deserve to have him. Oscar says he's given Jimena cause to doubt him since he's purposely been staring at Mara just to make Jimena angry and to get her jealous.

Mara ignores this and puts her seductive charms into high gear. She has a proposition for him: go away with her when her stint at the Tumbao is over. They'll travel together. He asks what kind of "job" she had in mind. Mara answers that he'd be her companion at first and then her agent. (Sort of the casting couch in reverse.) Mara is very, dare we say, up-front about not intending to marry him; but they will enjoy themselves and be happy together. She won't promise how long it might last, but while it does he'll have made enough money to live in style. She asks him to at least think about it, caresses his face with her clawed paws and seals her proposition with a passionate lip lock. Even though Oscar isn't exactly up for it and tries to pull away, Octavio accidentally walks in on them. Octavio frowns and leaves without a sound.

Oscar has just managed to de-suction his mouth when Jimena walks in and sees them together. She says nothing either but immediately thinks the worst and angrily heads back out again without either Oscar or Maru realizing they've been seen.

Padre Tadeo has gone to the jail that evening to ask Nabor what he wanted to tell him about Bernardo Elizondo's death. Nabor admits he was drunk that day, but says he cannot forget that right before he ran him down, Bernardo looked really strange. He wasn't riding the horse like usual. Instead it was like he was asleep and his body was loose and his head was way over to the side. Besides, he adds, he hit him straight on from the front and according to the doctor, Bernardo died from a blow to the noggin. "Doesn't it seem really strange to you, Padre?" The padre ponders (note the knit brow) and sighs.

Meanwhile, Feo is driving down the dark country road towards the hacienda and cursing his rotten luck. "Don Augustin won't sign, I've got nothing to pay my debts with, and to top it off I'm losing money at the cantina. Dammit all!" Suddenly a shot rings out and the driver's side window shatters. Feo gets out and sees the Big Boss's enforcer standing on the side of the road with a shotgun. "This time it was the window. Next is your head," the enforcer dude warns him then rides off with one of his goons.

Oscar returns home and excitedly tells Franco about Maracuya's offer to be her agent. Franco wonders if that's all and Oscar answers sure, what else could it be? He says he'll have more money than he knows what to do with and Franco agrees it is what Oscar has always wanted; it would be his opportunity to finally get it. He asks Oscar if he's going to accept or not. Oscar says he'd be a fool not to, but then there is Jimena. He loves Jimena.

Franco reminds him that she is going to marry Octavio, but Oscar insists she's marrying him. She loves him and has made it plain more than once. Oscar and Franco remember back to the first day they spent with Sarita and Jimena, the day the fireworks went off in their hearts (according to the imagery in the flashbacks). "Those were the days," muses Oscar.

Franco wonders when they'll ever get their love lives straightened out. This brings Oscar to mentioning the fight between Sofia and Juan that is still going on. "The guy is such a hothead and now he's got doubts about Sofia."

Sofia is in her room and still weeping. Juan knocks and asks to come in. (It's his house so I guess she can't exactly say no.) He asks if they can talk. "Come in," she says with an extra loud sniffle. He doesn't want to say much, just that he can't bear to see her suffer and he loves her very much. He'd really like her to forgive him. Sofia says, well she's been thinking about how he's so much like the trophy he won. When he's baking and so tender its as if he's riding the docile horse, but when his bad impulses and fits take hold it's as if he's riding the wild horse. His personality at times creates a rift between them. She can only hope that one day he isn't sorry for not learning how to control himself. He tells her she's right about everything but he really needs to know if she's going to walk off and leave him.

Sofia won't give Juan an answer. She's still hurting and angry, but she cannot resist his tender kisses. Eventually she gives in to her desire and the reconciliation lasts long into the night.

While Luisito sleeps Augie asks if Eva knows who his father might be. Eva says she's been too frightened to bring it up as she regrets how much Rosario must have suffered by being abandoned. She says when she sees how much Sofia loves the baby she's expecting she is full of self-recrimination for the way she let Gabi goad her into giving up her child. Augie says he knows Gabi has caused a lot of pain for folks, but she is still his daughter and he loves her, though it is painful to see how unfair she is. (Yep. Good or bad, the kid is yours till the end and there is always a loving tie that binds -though it's hard to think of Crabiela as somebody's kid let alone that Augie could even mention her name and the word "love" in the same sentence.) He shakes his head in shame.

Gabriela is now in her darkened bedroom with just a candle and moonlight pouring over an open bible. She is kneeling at the end of her bed and praying as refrains from what is possibly Mozart's Requiem or maybe Verdi's --or then again, maybe it's neither--are playing in the background. It's fairly obvious that she's suffering from a true martyr complex as she kneels there, arms outstretched, Christlike and now turns God's idea of justice on its head. "Lord, everyone condemns me, but I know I'm right because my heart follows alongside you. You're right side has sustained me always and you said 'blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice'; that is me and I am harming no one. I'm only imparting justice, because I obey. I'm trying to carry out your teachings. Your teachings, Lord. Forgive me. Forgive me." She begins feverishly whispering something totally inaudible after.

At the same time in the rectory chapel Padre Tadeo reads from his bible too, but it's a different chapter and verse. "One day we will all sit before Christ's tribunal and only he will judge us and impart justice." Tadeo prays for for the Lord to allow Gabriela to think things through before she tries to take justice into her own hands. "She cannot; she must not."

Morning comes to Ciudad Serdán. Juan is up bright and early putting together breakfast in bed for Sofia. He wakes her with the tray in hand and she tells him she is certain that her father up above has been watching and has come to love him like a son. Juan doesn't answer. From the look on his face it's evident the idea of his sister's seventy-something lover treating him like a son isn't exactly an appetizing thought. He changes the subject and tells her he's determined to control his impulsive outbursts. She is pleased and says it would be good for everyone if he does.

At Augie's suggestion Quintina has returned to the cottage with a sack of clothes for Luisito. Augie tells her to get the little boy dressed and that he needs to speak to Sofia ASAP.

Franco, Oscar and Pablito are eating breakfast in the kitchen when a couple of the men from the town come by to ask if Franco would sing at an event they're holding that day. Oscar wrangles a fee out of them but Franco refuses to accept it. Despite their need for ready cash he is not going to charge for his performance.

Across town Small Tweedle, Octavio, is trying to persuade Maracuya to extend her singing contract with them a while longer. She refuses and adds that anyway, his "fiancee" doesn't like seeing her around. Octavio says no, Jimena is only jealous over Oscar. Mara teases and says well then you already know she is Oscar's girlfriend. Octavio begins to stumble around trying to explain his situation, but Mara stops him. She says she's been around the block a time or two and seen quite a bit. She realizes his "preferences" for other "people" and that she knows he's really in a relationship with Bruno and promises to be discreet. Octavio explains that since their families are so insistent that they get married, his pact with Jimena has been the only way to avoid them pressuring the two of them any further.

At the hacienda Feo is in Bernardo's old office. He begins banging around on the desk looking for secret compartments which could hold those incriminating papers of Bernardo's. Eventually he finds a false drawer with a letter from Bernardo inside. He opens it and begins to read: "If it's you reading this letter, Fernando, then you still haven't found the documents I left to incriminate you; but if it's another person who is reading this from me, I Bernardo Elizondo, declare that I hid several documents which show that Fernando Escandon is not a man to be trusted."

Feo looks over at Bernardo's picture on the desk, crumples up the letter and worries about what to do next.

Outside Augie, Luisito and Quintina head off to town in the motorbike and sidecar while nearly running down anybody in the way.

Sofia and Juan have finished eating. Juan tells her how blessed he is to have her with him. He cannot believe how happy he is. She asks sweetly if he'll love her the same forever. He gives her a huge grin and answers of course, expecially siince she's giving him a child to unite them in love. Sofia asks Juan if he's thought about what to call the the baby. He suggests that if it's a boy he'll be called Juan Jose after Juan's father. He isn't sure what to name it if it's a girl, but then a thought comes to him. A bit later he and Sofia are standing in front of the altar at church. "Maria Guadalupe is what we'll call our little girl, in appreciation of the virgencita--" (as if we weren't already OD-ing on sweetness and light about now.....) Sofia agrees and smiles up at the image of the Virgen of Guadalupe. "--in appreciation of the virgencita's love and protection," she says. The music swells.


As seen on Hugo and Mili's wedding

“Lo prometido es deuda” (What’s promised is owed) so I am including the lyrics for “Hoy Tengo Ganas de Ti” as well as a finished version of “Rata de Dos Patas” (thanks to NinaK who did the bulk of the work on “Rata”). I have also attached the clips for both songs as were posted on Monday’s recap.

Quick note: There are a few different ways to say “tener ganas,” so I chose crave.

Hoy Tengo Ganas de TiLetra y Música de Miguel Gallardo

Fuiste ave de paso
Y no se por que razón
Me fui acostumbrando
Cada dia mas a ti.
Los dos inventamos
La aventura del amor.
Llenaste mi vida,
Y despues te vi partir.
Sin decirme adios
Yo te vi partir.


Quiero en tus manos abiertas
Buscar mi camino,
Y que te sientas mujer
Solamente conmigo,
Hoy tengo ganas de ti,
Hoy tengo ganas de ti.
Quiero apagar en tus labios
La sed de mi alma.
Y descubrir el amor
Juntos cada mañana.
Hoy tengo ganas de ti,
Hoy tengo ganas de ti.

No hay nada mas triste
Que el silencio y el dolor.
Nada mas amargo
Que saber que te perdi.
Hoy busco en la noche
El sonido de tu voz,
Y donde te escondes
Para llenarme de ti.
Llenarme de ti ,
Llenarme de ti…….


Today I Crave You – Music and Lyrics By Miguel Gallardo

You were a migratory bird
And I don’t know for what reason
I became accustomed
To you more each day.
We both invented
The adventure of love.
You filled my life,
And then I saw you leave.
Without saying goodbye
I saw you leave.

I want in your open hands
To look for my way.
And for you to feel (like a) woman
Only with me.
Today I crave you
Today I crave you.

I want to quench my soul’s thirst
In your lips.
And to discover love
Together each morning.
Today I crave you
Today I crave you.

There is nothing sadder
Than silence and pain.
Nothing more bitter
Than knowing I lost you.
Today I look in the night
For the sound of your voice,
And where you are hiding
To fill myself with you.
Fill myself with you,
Fill myself with you...


Rata De Dos Patas

Rata inmunda
Animal rastrero
Escoria de la vida
Adesfecio mal hecho

Infra humano,
Espectro del infierno,
Maldita sabandija,
¡Cuanto daño me has hecho!

Culebra ponsoñosa,
Desecho de la vida,
Te odio y te desprecio

Rata de dos patas,
Te estoy hablando a ti;
Porque un bicho rastrero,
Aún siendo el mas maldito,
Comparado contigo
Se queda muy chiquito

Maldita sanguijuela,
Maldita cucaracha,
Que infectas donde picas,
que hieres y que matas.


¿Me estas olliendo inútil?
¡Hiena del infierno!
¡Cuanto te odio y te desprecio!

Maldita sanguijuela,
Maldita cucaracha,
Que infectas donde picas,
Que hieres y que matas.


Two-legged Rat

Filthy rat,
Despicable animal
Dreg of life
Malformed folly

Spectre from hell,
Damned bug
What damage you have done me!

Poisonous snake,
Refuse of life,
I hate you and scorn you.

Rat of two paws,
I am speaking to you;
because any lowly insect
Though it may be the most damned,
Compared with you
Falls short.

Damned leech,
Damned cockroach,
That infects where you bite
You injure and you kill.


Do you hear me useless one?
Hyena from Hell!
How I hate and Scorn You!

Damned Bug,
Damned Cockroach,
That infects where you sting,
You injure and you kill.



Friday, July 11, 2008

Guapos Thursday, July 10, 2008: Domingo goes splat

My tape started up with no credits and no re-hash of yesterday’s events. So if something happened before this, please add fill me in.

In the wine cellar, weepy Alex is listening to Nestor, who is happy to have him for a son and has great plans, business ideas that he’d like to include Alex in. But Alex says he is so angry with his mother he doesn’t want to talk to her, doesn’t want her talking to him. Calmate, says Nestor, your mother knew in advance you’d feel that way. Nestor goes on about how he and Alex will get to know each other bit by bit. Alex says your minute is up Senor Miranda. Nestor is taken aback and says don’t call me Senor Miranda. Alex says that’s how I knew you from before and that’s who you still are. I’m sorry, but the word “papa” makes me sick lately. Alex takes off.

Braulio is in his room in his bathrobe. He’s looking at the luv monkey and remembering that Pedro said “take you time and think it over.” There’s a knock and it’s Damien. Damien gets up real close and thanks Braulio for the inspiration on how to avoid marrying Karla. Braulio says what? Make me gay, says Damien. Brauilio is horrified.

Brualio flakes out on his bed and postures. You’re not my type, he says dramatically. I’ve seen how you treat Karla and I’m much more the sensitive type. Damien says I don’t mean that! I’m all man, real macho. Braulio puts a finger to his mouth and looks a bit vampy. Damien says I just need help to convince her I’m gay and (he takes Braulio by the chin to his delight) you’re the only one who can help me. Braulio makes eyes at him. Damien looks a little worried.

It’s daytime and Luci is working with her flowers in the greenhouse. Nestor comes in and caresses her and tells her he’s off to work. She notes that he looks troubled. He says he didn’t want to bother her last night with this, but he talked to Alex. He says how angry Alex is with her and says he was surprised Alex has taken it so hard. He wants to know if there’s something more that he doesn’t know about. No, lies Luci, it’s just that I kept the secret so many years. They smooch a bit and Horacio comes up and coughs discreetly. He says Brauilio told him she needs the car. Nestor takes off.

She says to Horacio why are you looking at me like that? You’re judging me. Well, I know for a fact that your wife has a lover, and she doesn’t even deny it. Horacio looks serious. Just ask Brauilio, says Luci, he was there when I found out.

Somebody give Alex a Kleenex. He’s at the construction site with Bobby and he still hasn’t dried up. He’s explaining to Bobby how he and Mili stayed apart because they thought they were brother and sister. Bad marriage, now her marriage, etc. What to do? Bobby says think of your baby who’s on the way.

Alex says he remembers exactly his conversation with Luci the day before his marriage where he asked her if he really was Connie’s son and she acted all offended and told him to trust her. Alex tells Bobby that’s the woman who gave me life and for what? To throw me in the trash? (Somehow hard hats and weeping don’t go together.)

Mili is showing Gloria and Lina the painting Hugo did of her with her mama. They agree it’s an excellent present. Mili wants them to help her decide where she should hang it. Gloria has to get back to her chores including the ironing Karla won’t do, but Lina lingers. She has a date with Bobby and has so much to do. Mili says she’ll help with the chores. Lina is worried Braulio will get mad, but Mili says that’s her uncle.

Down in the kitchen Braulio is telling Karla off about her attitude and not doing her chores. She says pretty soon she’s going to marry Damien and be the senora of the house. Braulio says there’s a glut of those right now. As long as she’s wearing the uniform, she has to do something in the way of work. Socorro agrees.

Damien comes up behind Braulio and says he’s brought this rose to give to the loveliest person in the house. Karla says awww Damien. See how romantic he is, Mama? Damien gives the flower to Braulio and says a flower for a flower. Brauilio looks very stiff but plays along. Karla looks on slitty-eyed while Braulio sniffs the rose.

Out in the yard, Valeria is happily reassigning staff. She tells Morgan and Horacio that Morgan is now her personal Morgan again, and Horacio goes back to being gardener. She gives Morgan a kiss.

Mili is in Alex and Flor’s room gathering up the laundry. She holds up his undies and we now know the answer to the burning question briefs or boxers. It’s boxers. Flor walks in and takes a fit. Mili says she’s helping Lina. Alex walks in and Flor tells him Mili is getting his undies to keep as a trophy. You keep ‘em, says Mili, and puts them over Flor’s head. Mili heads off and Alex tries to suppress a smile.

Horacio comes into the kitchen where Socorro is happily working. He looks at her steadily while she prattles on about waiting to hear one of his cute compliments. She figures out that he’s in some strange mood. He tells her if she wants to leave him, she can. He won’t make her stay. He walks out and she’s all que the hell?

In their room, Mili is telling Hugo about the episode with Flor and Hugo thinks it’s a hoot. He asks her why she hasn’t hung her painting yet and she says she hasn’t chosen a spot. He says this is your house, you don’t have to put it in here – you could put it in the foyer. Mili is surprised, but seems to like the idea

At the office, Connie is working at his desk and Damien is telling him that as future party head, he needs to keep his reputation spiffy. Connie’s working and not paying attention. Damien protests and Connie says he has so many brothers-in-law he can’t keep them straight. Damien says there’s a lot of tension in the house and they need to do something about it. Leave it all to him. Connie says I don’t want to think about those things at the office.

Damien says he’s worried about Domingo and what he could do. The phone rings and Connie is pleased with whatever the caller reported. Who was that? asks Damien. Nobody, says Connie, happy. Don’t worry, the matter of Domingo has been resolved.

Mateo and Marisela are talking in her apartment. She is a bit stiff with him. She says it was just a fling and she told him so from the git go. He says but he fell in love with her. The phone rings. We know what’s about to happen since we saw the avances yesterday. Her father’s plane crashed and he’s dead. She is shocked and stunned, but Mateo doesn’t put his arms around her. He looks at her like she’s a math problem.

In the foyer, Alex is telling Flor not to be so paranoid. He talked to Lina and she verified that Mili was helping. He explains that Mili used to clean his room before, and that she doesn’t mind doing that kind of work, plus she likes to help others. How sweet, says Flor.

Mili and Hugo come laughing down the stairs, toting the canvas. Alex says we were just talking about you and Flor can apologize. Flor doesn’t like that one bit, but Alex says you were just saying you regretted the incident. Mili makes a snotty face. Flor apologizes and Mili says that’s okay and they go back to the problem of where to hang the picture. Hugo asks for Alex’s help.

He’s chosen a prominent spot where a big dark landscape hangs. Alex takes it down – miraculously there’s no dust outline of the old picture on the wall. . Flor says that painting’s going to cause trouble but Alex says everything does in this house so who cares?

Finally we see the picture, which looks suspiciously like a photograph. Alex compliments Hugo. Luci walks in and asks what it’s doing there. Alex says don’t you dare say anything against it. Amazingly, Luci backs down and says I just thought it might look better on some other wall. She comments through gritted teeth that Mili’s mother is pretty and goes to leave.

Alex takes her by the arm and says don’t run off, you owe Mili and me an explanation, I think. Luci says this is not a good time for it and Flor agrees. Alex grabs her again and says you’re not leaving until you hear everything I have to say.

Karla is out by the fountain pacing back and forth in her tiny uniform skirt, cursing Damien for this new game. Horacio walks up and Karla says how could he present a flower right in my face? Horacio thinks to himself that she means he gave one to Socorro. Karla heads back to the house.

Marisela is sobbing and lamenting and Mateo is looking at her like she’s a lab experiment. Calmate, he says, as if anyone in her position could. She tells him the police think someone tampered with the plane and they’re investigating. Mateo says you have to notify your sister and Marisela is worried how it will affect her pregnancy. Mateo suggests telling Alex and letting him break the news. Marisela dials the phone.

Meantime in the foyer, Luci is telling Alex that he’s too upset and she’ll wait until he’s calmed down and then she’ll answer all his questions (he doesn’t seem overemotional to me). Don’t forget I’m your mother after all. Alex scoffs. You don’t know what it means to be a mother. A mother doesn’t destroy her child. Luci tries to start up the stairs but he blocks her. Mili comes over and says it’s not worth it, let her go. Just then his cell rings. Of course he answers – don’t we all no matter what? It’s Marisela, natch. He gets an impactado look and eyebrows all around the room lower. He hangs up and tells Flor to sit down and that she must be strong for the baby.

At the office Damien is just hanging up from Luci. Connie asks what’s up. Damien looks at Connie and says I’m just thinking, and I hope… Connie says blurt it out. Damien says Domingo’s plane crashed and he’s dead. Connie looks impactado, but as we and Damien watch him say oh my goodness, how sad, he doesn’t seem entirely convincing. Hard to tell, and Damien’s face says he can’t tell either.

Poor actress playing Flor - she doesn’t get to do any scenery chewing. Instead, it’s a bit later and we are in the hallway outside Alex’s and her room and Alex is reporting to Mili that she is devastated and has done nothing but cry. Mili is sad and asks if she can see her, but Alex says this isn’t the best time.

Vale comes up and hugs Alex and is sweet about what has just happened. She reports that Luci is spending her time wondering what name to put on the wreath, Belmonte or Miranda. Alex is disgusted and wants to go tell her off, but Vale says not now. She gives Alex a big hug and he says such a nice hug and she says she’s been wanting to give him one because she loves him. They’re still half-siblings. He likes that, and Vale tells Mili to join the hug. It’s sweet, the three of them in a group hug.

Morgan, Lina, Karla and Socorro are in the kitchen talking about what just happened. All think it’s sad except Karla who says the daughters can be planning what they’re going to do with all those millions, that’s what she’d be doing. The other three are shocked. Socorro tells her to take a cup of tea up to Flor. Karla balks. Why her? She’s about to get married to Damien and can’t be playing the servant. Socorro says get it through your thick head, you and Damien are never going to marry. Horacio comes in just as she says that. Socorro goes out pushing Karla ahead of her. Horacio remarks to Morgan and Lina that that’s why she doesn’t want Karla marrying Damien – she wants him for herself. Lina and Morgan look puzzled.

Back in the office, an outraged Connie is demanding to know what Damien is implying. Damien says well, you got those documents and passed them off to a pretty suspicious-looking character. Connie sputters are you saying I murdered Domingo? Damien says no no not murdered. Then what? says Connie. Damien says maybe you put a hit out on him.

Hugo, distraught Mili and Braulio are in Hugo’s room. Mili feels like maybe her fighting with Flor put some bad energy out in the universe and now looked what happened. Hugo assures her that her actions had nothing to do with Flor’s father’s accident. He points out that Domingo is a guy who always played with fire, a Mafioso in fact. Braulio says but it was an accident. Hugo says in those kind of situations with those kinds of people, you never know.

We are at maybe a funeral or a memorial service. Everyone is in black (which in the U.S. could mean a wedding or a funeral, you can never tell). Connie tells the sisters that Domingo was a great friend to him. Mateo and his weasely friend are there. Also the Belmonte household, including its new members. Nestor and Luci are commenting that the two daughters have no family, they’re all alone (and indeed no Mafioso friends seem to have come) and now the Belmontes are all the family they have.

Alex comes over to Luci and Nestor and asks in a solemn-occasion low voice What are you doing here? Expressing our regrets, says Luci. Well, you’ve done it so now leave, says Alex. Nestor says if you or Flor need anything, I’m there to help. Alex says thank you, but I don’t need anything from you Senor Miranda. Luci says okay lets give our condolences and go. They head over to the bereaved girls.

Vale has overheard and comes over to Alex and says you have so much hate, you’re scaring me. Alex says they make me sick, seeing her with him. Vale says that’s your father! You have to focus now on Flor and the baby. Alex looks over and there’s Flor still standing with her sister – nobody has offered the pregnant bereaved lady a chair, apparently.

Mateo must be sweltering in his black leather jacket buttoned up almost to his neck. His ratty friend whispers to him that he needs to marry the little orphan (Marisela) quick before Alex gets his hands on too much of the inheritance. Mateo says he has it all planned out carefully. He excuses himself, saying he has to attend to his future wife. She weeps on his shoulder a bit.

Bobby comes in and Marisela runs to him and now gets into to some major, squeaky crying while he holds her. She says she was afraid he wouldn’t come and he says of course I’m here. She says don’t leave me alone. Mateo looks on calculatingly – this is an unexpected wrinkle.

Andrea comes out into a mortuary hallway where Alex is brooding. She kindly offers her condolences. He says can I ask you something? She says anything. He says how could you be with me and my father at the same time? Andrea insists that she didn’t mess in with his father until she and Alex had broken up. And though you may not believe me, I’m in love with him. Alex says you’re right I don’t believe you.

Andrea reminds him that things could have been different if he hadn’t chosen that servant over her. And I’m going to marry your father. Alex says he’s not my father, but congratulations. You two deserve each other.

Andrea leaves and Flor comes in. She says I was afraid you’d left. Alex says no of course not, mi amor. He comforts her and she says she feels so alone, please don’t leave her. Alex says he won’t.

Mili and Hugo walk in and Flor goes ballastic. She demands to know what Mili is doing there and says leave. Mili tries to give her condolences, but Flor says you’re just here to make fun of my misfortune, aren’t you? Get out!

Hugo says to Mili we thought this might happen, let’s go. Mili says let me try and she tells Flor how sad she is for her, how it reminds her of when she lost Regina… But Flor cuts her off and tells her she’s a hypocrite. Hugo talks Mili into going.

Al says Flor that was bad. Flor says just what I need in my hour of pain – you siding with her. Alex says but she was sincere. You always defend her, says Flor. Alex says I sometimes feel like I can’t talk to you. Flor says if you feel that way, then go. Get out. He turns to leave and she says wait! She says don’t leave me. He holds her and looks very doubtful.

In the foyer, Karla grabs Braulio by the lapels and tells him to knock off the game with Damien. She says he’s real macho and what’s more, he’s hers. Braulio says he’s not involved with Damien, he has better taste than that. He reminds her that she is a servant under his orders. Karla says when she marries Damien, the first thing she’s going to do is fire him. He laughs at her and reminds her that it’s Mili’s house. Karla says I’ll get rid of her too. Braulio says don’t kid yourself, you are a servant and you will die a servant.

It’s night now. Braulio is in the foyer looking at the painting and Alex comes in. Flor is staying with her sister, he reports, and he’s exhausted. But here come Andrea, who goes on up to bed, and Damien and Connie. Alex goes right to the point – he wants to know if Connie has anything to do with Domingo’s death. Connie says just what I need – my son suspects me too. Alex says I’m not your son, and why do you say I suspect you too? Apparently I’m not the only one. Freeze frame on Connie looking mad.

Avances: Alex is asleep on a couch, and Mili in her jammies caresses his face (lookit at that huge rock on her hand!). Alex wakes with a start and wants to kiss her. Karla sees. Alex tells his mother off for her lies.


Fuego - Thurs. 7-10 - A party, a tour, some lures, but no cure for the weary of discord- Still love this novela though and you'll read why!

HI - I'm hitting for Melinama tonight.

We start with Sofi and Juan proclaiming their love to each other again after he talks about his sister.

At the Tumbao, Maracuya (Passion Fruit) taunts Oscar with her topless cuban wonders. We only get teased to some hair and fluffy skirt, and HUGE eyes by Oscar. I suppose the guys could slo mo this, but it looks like Oscar’s big empty head is strategically placed.

Over at the bad love bar, it’s bad times. Bombon Assasino plays without it’s bombon. Bartender says they are all over at Tumbao. No Rosi, no customers. Curses, we are losing lots of money.

Rosario is on one hell of a pro tour for being the regular bar act in a pueblo. She’s in the town square where the crowd begs for another song.

Nice guy backstage, Bobby Pullido, tells her how great she is and that she should join their next tour. She appreciates his offer but can’t. He asks her then to at least consider dinner after the show. She agrees. Ofi tells her she was great, and she wonders how Luis is doing. Bobby then goes on stage to sing his hit

"Desvelado" (Kept Awake)

Sera fe que yo encontré,

una voz de ternura
Que me llena de placer,
cuando la oigo hablar
Con ella me enamoré,
aunque nunca la conoci
Sueño en su querer
y en sus brazos quiero dormir.
Escucho cada dia la radio

Seguro que la vuelvo a oir
Por el cielo busco mi estrella
A la luna quiero subir
Voy desvelado
Por estas calles esperando encontrar
A esa voz de angel que quiero amar
Donde andara
Voy desvelado

Y mi deseo no me deja descansar
Porque despierto y no me pongo a llorar
Yo seguiré desvelado y sin amor.

Back at Tumbao, Benito and Sara are at the bar and that guy gets up to get Eugenia a drink. Benito suddenly spies Eugenia, she wonders what he is here for. He says he was looking everywhere for her (nevermind that he owns the joint). Just then boy with drink walks up and is introduced as her novio. Benito greets him and tells them to enjoy before he walks away. Smart boy wonders why she introduced him that way. She tells him another day she’ll tell him. He figures she is in love with that guy and he can’t compare to him.

Back at home everyone is singing las mananitas excruciatingly slow and flat to Juan. Sofi is dressed like the Nelly American Girl doll. But she gives him a big girl’s hug anyway. Everyone congratulates him. Vicente serenades us into the birthday mass. Juan thanks the virgen for this happiness and so does Sofi. Then more bad singing ensues. Franco/Pablo is singing Ave Maria, but he’s out of tune again. Yikes, that carries horribly in a big cathedral. Thank God they cut to commercial. I always thought he could sing pretty well too. Guess the studio really does mix his voice well. Obviously he was doing that without a pre-recording playing over him.

G-pa in his zoo tells his girls he’s going to Juan’s party, and they weren’t invited because of course they weren’t going to be allowed to go. Luisito runs out and Sara asks who he is. G-Pa says it’s his grandson, well, really that of Eva. They confirm it’s Rosi’s son and are impactada.

G-Pa asks Jime about her disgust with Oscar and that it was unfounded, he loves her. She doesn’t budge even though G-Pa tells her she will be sorry and may lose him if she doesn’t forgive him.

Brilliant Padre holds up a piece of lettuce proclaiming how delicious it is. Funny, but I always thought lettuce pretty much had one taste. Anyway they didn’t know Sofi could cook so well and she says she tried really hard to please everyone but especially her stud muffin. I love how they are all crammed in on the one side of the table, and poor what’s his face has to sit by himself rather than on the forbidden other side.

Anyway, they toast with ponche. Oscar tells Juan they bought him a surprise, something they knew he wanted. Feo's head? Nope...

He opens it, and is moved to tears, but says instead Dios has given him the best gift, Sofi, his baby, his brothers. The bros say they can never pay Juan for all he’s done for them. He was father, mother, brother etc. to them.

Juan loves the spurs but says they can’t spend the money right now, so they have to take them back. Sofi talks him out of it after everyone yells no. Padre tells him he will bless them and must use them because he knows how to ride best. Manlove all around.

Tia Helmut head tells the boys to go on a picnic. She says they will discuss the wedding details. The boys promise that they are getting along swell with the Elizondo daughters, so set up the wedding when you want. She then asks how it went at the Tumbao. They like this topic much better. Tia wants to meet the singer. Won't that be fun.

Speaking of that, Feo and his buddy size up Maracuya, whom they blame for a potential continued loss of money. They decide to offer her what they clearly believe is a better deal. She’s not so convinced. She tells them she is only going to finish her contract then she has other engagements, she's not interested now help her so she doesn't fall. I did like how she took the cig out of Armando's mouth.

At the party the group is discussing that Pablo needs to be in school when Don Aus shows up and brings Juan a toy rocking horse. OK, I’m so wondering about this guy. His girl is dressed like a dolly and he is getting toy horseys for presents. Hmmmm. Can we say Michael Jackson anyone?

Rosi is asked if she will sing a duet with nice guy but she’s fears the long arm of the Feo, and says she’s not sure if her organizer will agree to it and she has to go. Bobby is not dumb at all and notes that she must have some big problems. Yeah, wait until you meet the rest of that town, dude.

Now everyone is in the country. And I mean everyone. It’s going to be a showdown between the Hatfields and McCoys.

All the actors make funny looks at each other. Crabbi prohibits her daughters from getting close to those fools. Feo suggests maybe they go somewhere else but surprisingly Crabi says no. Raquel agrees there is plenty of space in this park, er country spot. They sit in another location only a few feet away and discuss how uncomfortable this is for everyone.

This Hatfield group (in hats no less, go figure) toasts red wine for the wedding of the boys.

On the McCoy side it’s Juan’s turn to suggest they can leave but Sofi says no way we decided to come here today and here we stay. She mentioned earlier that her dad brought them there when they were little.

The goons have been investigating but still don’t know if Mapache opened his trap, maybe to the padre. Armando proclaims the padre to be an annoyance and that he would love for him to disappear as he plays with his cigar cutter, ala mafia.

Feo comments that Don Au looks very happy with the muerto de hambres. He worries what if Au leaves all his stuff to those losers. Crabbi looks positively frightened.

Just when you think it’s a G-rated swimming scene because people are actually wearing swimsuits, a Reyes gets into the river. Franco is lurking like a pervert with his pants half undone. He eventually sneaks up on Sara in his skivvies. Oh my. Oh my, oh my. Oh my, oh my, oh my. Thank god they splurged for an underwater camera. Sorry I was stuck for a minute there. LOVELY swimming scene. OK, I’ve regained my respect for Franco. That was nice. He can sing off key all he wants if he’ll keep swimming in his tighty whites. That will definitely get a slow - mo replay. Multiple times.

Just then Tia Helmut asks Fer to go someplace more comfortable. Feo refuses and kisses Crabbi’s butt about it, that see, she is the most important thing to him. She smirks.

While Franco and Sara frolick around in the water, at first she resisting him, but man that can’t and doesn’t last long before she is hot on him, Tia wanders up on Benito who was reliving seeing Eugenia again. Luckily he sees Tia and warns the two to swim away. Tia wonders where Sara is and tells Bene he needs to go swimming after her in case something happens. (Yeah like Franco accidently pokes Sara's eye out with....) He smiles much too much and agrees.

Back at the "picnic" the soccer players argue about someone being offsides. Feo wanders off as does Crabbi apparently and suddenly Feo slams Crabbi up against a tree. Slimy lust ensues. Meannwhile back at the ranch....the McCoys are still playing soccer when the ball gets launched somehow into the deep forest. Juan volunteers to retrieve it. We know what’s going to happen here. Of course the ball lands just where None Fer Nando is turning into Ma Fer Nando. Juan is impactado.

The players call after Juan and the ball when Feo catches Juan and asks him what his problem is. Crabbi has run off at this point. Juan tells Fer they have something unfinished between them. Sofi runs up and wonders what is taking Juan so long. He tells her he just saw Fer with a woman. He didn’t match up the very distinctive skirt of Crabi though, apparently, because he can’t tell Sofi who. She thinks it’s strange and that Fer’s always been sooo in love with her and never interested in any other woman. Gads. This woman just needs a really good spanking. Juan takes this to mean that she is jealous and starts turning on her and Vicente reinforces this for us. Sofi stomps off mad.

Maracuya is working on her best aerial Shakira impression. Bet the guys holding up her ass like this job. They take a break and as she sensually sort of wipes sweat beads off her face she thinks she really likes Oscar and mustn’t let him go.

Oscar on the other hand is telling Jime that she is going to marry him not Octavio, whom he is shifting back and forth like a puppet. They go through this whole, "I’m not going to regret not marrying you, you liar", "she’s hot but I love you", etc. Eventually, Octavio gets sick of being shoved and moves himself out of the middle of them, until Jime summons him to leave with her. Vicente can't get away.

Sara runs away from super undies man and screams that he should have more respect in front of her fiance. Franco wonders if she loves Bene as much as she loves him, and wrote him love letters too? She tells him that he only saw her letters he didn’t read them, did he? Ohhhh he laughs, of course he did you dingbat. This makes her mad and she smacks him. As she runs off with Bene he laughs at her slap and we get our final nice shot of the tighty whities. We surmise he’s got a tanga on underneath them though. Darn.

Anyway Oscar notes Juan is out of sorts with Sofi and tries to convince Juan not to be jealous. He reminds Juan that Sofi left everything for him. Yeah dummy. Crabbi or no Crabbi she still was a rich girl living in a hacienda and left it to shack up in the back room of a burnt up panaderia with a muerto de hambre. I’d say she did her part.

Back on the "Tour of Rosi" Bobby orders tequila for them both and wonders if she doesn’t like this place. She just says she’s not used to being out. No kidding. He tells Rosi how talented and beautiful she is and that he likes her very much. She responds by telling him she appreciates that but can make a commitment to no one.

Tia Raquel runs up to Eva and it looks like they bond. Tia wonders who the boy is. Eva says it’s her grandson and Tia muses how wonderful it would be to have a grandchild. She mentions that she too would love to have grandchildren, but her daughter Ruth doesn’t even think about getting married, Eva never heard that she had a daughter. Nor did we, yet. Tia was about to tell us more when Crabbi pours water on the party and says they are leaving now and that she’ll talk to Eva later. So that's what she calls it. Talk. Hrmpf.

Eva tells Sofi not to fight with Juan. Yeah we think that too. We are sick of this sillyness. Juan calls after her and she says if he doesn’t trust her they have nothing to discuss. She loves him and has always been truthful with him. She would rather give him up though, then live like she did with Fernando not trusting her. This sweet moment is interrupted by the advance from tomorrow when the witch has Oscar in her claws. Scary. Really. Scary.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Thurs., July 10, Grabi lets her hair down and drops a bombshell

the 'old' Gabriela

the new Gabriela

her astonished daughters

Melissa, Leandro, Ruth and Antonio sing the 'Yo soy tu mujer' song while Benito grumbles

Raquel and Benito (eating as usual)

That title was too good to miss. We got a new Grabi and most of the episode involved people running around saying that it was impossible/horrible/embarassing for Grabi to marry Feonando. Except for the fact that we know that Feo is bad and Los Reyes are good, it is hard to argue with the sentiments expressed by both Juan and Grabi, herself, that Grabi should be free to ruin her life the same way that she thought her daughters did with their choices.

Very nice scene with Sarita and abuelo where she defends her choice of and love for Franco.

Yes, indeed, that was Olmos the jorobato (hunchback) from Zorro as the snobby guy at the nuthouse. Franco was great here too using his power but very calmly and reasonably. You are so right, Marie Celeste. It is hard to remember the callow Franco who was mooning over Rosario and who let himself get tangled up with Eduwina.


Querida Enemiga Thursday July 10, '08 When Bad Things Happen to Good People...Over and Over and Over

Okay folks, it's another night of Misery and Misunderstanding....and a little bit of Mayhem (when Julian gives Bruno a well-deserved a..-kicking). No smokin' love scenes, one glimpse of Bruno's bare chest (but we don't like him, so who cares?) and thus the beat-down was the highlight of the night. What does that tell you about this show?

Brief rehash of greasy Chalo trying to insinuate himself into casa Maruja but Maruja is having none of it and dispatches him to a boarding house. He insists on finding one nearby so he can be near to his new best buddy Lorena.

Back at Evil Acres, Hortensia is vilifying Matilde, while Sara smirks in the background. Matilde defends can search my room. Hortensia isn't buying could have passed it on to someone. But Señora, you've known me for years, I raised Vasco...and if he were here, he'd defend me! What evil have I done that you would doubt me? And...Sara is the only new person here, Matilde adds.

Hortensia jumps to Sara's defense and threatens Matilde with jail for the rest of her life (possibly this could be better than her present employment...who knows?)

Now we switch to another unpleasant scene. Dr. Doofus is all prickly with Lorena because when he arrived the greaser from home was still hanging around the place. Lorena weakly defends him as being from her home town and just wanting to better himself like she does. The relationship is clearly in chill mode.

Maruja is in Rosy's room, reminiscing about her daughter and happy at least that "she's in a mansion and eating well". This scene rang true for me. I have to admit I still go into my children's rooms from time to time and reminisce about them. (of course one is STILL at home)

Now an icky mom/child scene. It's bleached blonde Harlot Mom with Ickturo gushing about his plush new offices in a swank zone of the city. Turns out Arturo secretly dipped into his joint account with Valeria to help pay the hefty rent but Harlot Mom even approves that...her baby boy is just doing what he needs to make a good living for his family.

Rosy's talking to Lorena on the phone, confiding that Julian still hasn't forgiven her when Maruja arrives. She quickly hangs up and pretends to be talking to the imaginary woman who's housing her and promises to call her "mom" 'cause she's SO NICE. (take that Maruja!)

Sara busts in on Dr. Doofus, claiming she just stopped by to drop off the check from Noche de Estrellas. He tells her he's very busy....and she sits down. Hmmm. So he asks about Chalo and she spins her web that she doesn't like him but Lorena has always been VERY close to just have to "understand". What a wench!

In the meantime our little lamb-to-the-slaughter is cooking up a week's worth of meals for Alonso and papa Torbio. Dr. Dad is teasing her that it's not enough food and that she needs to come over more often. And he needs to get out more. But not sitting in the park like some old geezer!

Doc Doofus is rescued by Bruno who sends him off to Admissions while he hits on Sara and invites her out to lunch. On their way out they run into Diana ,who has come on the pretext of asking Bruno to confront her parents like a man and tell them himself that he'll recognize the child and help support it.

You couldn't have come at a worse moment! he snarls and goes on to say he didn't want to marry her because he didn't want marriage's nothing to do with the new babe he's dating.

In the midst of this scene we have a quickie with Hortensia and Jaime where he weakly defends Matilde and she crushes him with another put-down.

At the restaurant Bruno is trying all his charms on Sara who plays along. He promises to take her to a five-star restaurant next time (cinco tenedores..literally 5 forks). She plays it cool while he gushes that he's having a great time. Of course she wants to know all about she his "ex"? And gets all righteous and indignant when she finds out Diana got pregnant to "trap him into marriage"...then a little noble "but I feel sorry for the baby"...and then the kiss-off. Bruno is intrigued.

Uh oh, Ferro...some crying...whew...not too much though. It's Diana, back at the office, and she's upset about the confrontation with Bruno. Vasco consoles her, reminding her that one doesn't get over love (even for a bottom-feeder like Bruno) in a day....but eventually she'll find a man who will make her happy.

Zulema is happily opening the boxes with her new cooking gear, musing that they'll need to make more money now that a baby is on the way, and Julian asks for Bruno's place of work so he can go beat on him.

Zulema tries to dissuade him but to no avail. Go Julian!

We have a series of scenes where Sara is trying to get into Jacqui's computer (no problem since she doesn't use a password) and having to skitter back and forth whenever she hears someone coming. When Hortensia notes that she need a menu for the German Embassy's new Cultural Center and Jacqui hasn't finished it yet, Sara jumps in and says oh puhleeze puhleeze, let me do it, I'll work all night! As soon as Horentsia leaves, she locates Jacqui's notes, uses them with a few minor changes (manito de gato) and is ready to hand it to her "abuela" first thing in the morning.

Interspered in all this was a brief scene of Dario returning Bettina home and Paula trying to find out whether Bettina went to the pajama party after all.

Beastly Bruno is in Doofus' office gushing about Sara. Alonso looks....well...puzzled, confused...not happy. Who knows? He agrees that Sara is charming but then pointedly asks Bruno about Diana. Bruno doesn't like that subject...he'd rather plan a big double date, him and Sara, Alonso and Lorena at a five-star restaurant. Alonso doesn't have the cash...he needs to wait until next payday.

He's called out of the office to check on patients, (taking an extra shift for a doctor who didn't show) and is really tired. So Bruno slips sleeping pills in his coffee, ensuring that Alonso will fall asleep at the job and that Bruno will be tapped for the jefe post instead of his hapless buddy. As Bruno muses on this lovely thought we get a close-up of his evil little eyes.

Diana is smiling at last. She finds a package from Vasco with a cute little green outfit for the baby. It's going to be an ecological niño! How wonderful.

Sara and Lorena are chatting, Lorena's talking about her work with Zulema and her dead end search for her parents. Sara unloads some fake sympathy and says she hasn't found her parents either.

Meanwhile Dr. Doofus has been discovered passed out at his desk. The head doc is outraged. Bruno gloats at the door, disappears, then reappears as the rescuing prince, ready to take on the extra shift and cover for the good-for-nothing Alonso. Don't you just love these folks!?

The nasties continue with Chalo barging in on Lorena again , pretending to go off hurt when she rebuffs him, meeting with Sara afterwards to get a little nookie, while Sara rolls her eyes and imagines that she's with Alonso instead.

Julian and Vasco are having a little brotherly bonding over football....and vengeance. Although Vasco is not a fan of violence he more or less approves of Julian's plan to mess with Bruno.

Zulema and Diana are both oohing and aaahing over the little baby outfit and mom remarks that Vasco is much more caring than the actual father. Well duh! Plus we knew where this was heading from day one...Vasco and Diana together. But it will take time.....much much time. More time maybe than I'm willing to watch.

Sara is sneaking into the mansion after an all-nighter with Chalo and is caught by Jaime. No problem....first of all because the man is a little dense...but also because Sara's a great liar. She paints a noble picture of staying at the office all night to prepare the menus for the German Embassy, hands him the disc to copy for her, slips out of further conversation by yawning prettily and up the stairs she goes.

Alonso has finally'" come to" but doesn't realize his boss had caught him napping at the desk. Valeria notes wisely that he really seemed like he was drugged. He wants to explain things to the jefa but she is conveniently away at a meeting. Everything's working in Bruno's favor. the good part. Julian finds Bruno in an alley outside of the office and gives him a thorough beating. I'm ashamed to admit this, but I enjoyed every single kick to the ribs and could have enjoyed a few more, but alas, Dr. Doofus arrives on the scene and holds Julian back. The only thanks he gets is Bruno bleating, "Why didn't you call the police?!"

Meanwhile, Sara is working her black magic at the office, claiming that a night without sleep is nothing...she can keep on working...and Hortensia is thrilled that her "niece" has the same drive and energy that Hortensia herself had at that age.

Chalo is at his friend the forger, trying to hawk the jewelry Sara stole. They haggle over prices and finally come to an agreement while quaffing down some beers.

Jacqui arrives at the office to find HER menu is not needed; Sara has already provided one. But when she looks at it, she realizes it's hers with just a few changes. Hortensia demands that she prove it and off Jacqui goes to copy her original. What do you want to bet Sara finds some way around this? You gotta admit this evil wench has brains.....unimpeded by any conscience whatsoever.

Sara has also made a sweet promise to Jaime (who is clearly under her spell along with mama) to go find Vasco at work and try and persuade him to return home. And what could be better.?..she also finds Diana at the desk and gets to put in a few more poisoned darts about her date with Bruno.

Vasco (who just as clearly isn't under Sara's spell) wraps a protective arm around Diana, introduces her as his uncle Omar's daughter and tells Snotty firmly that he's not going back to Evil Acres.

Okay...for anyone who's hot for Bruno...anyone? anyone?... we now see him with his shirt off (shoulders aren't bad... that's for you shoulder fanatics), he's taped up, the x-rays show the damage isn't as bad as expected, and he's feeling well enough to complain that Alonso is sticking up for Julian instead of sympathizing with Bruno. And he certainly doesn't want to meet Diana's parents, whom he refers to as "those people". He's going to own up to his paternity and financial obligation....that's plenty good enough! Alonso, like the decent fellow he is, does not approve...not of that, and not of Bruno's dating Sara.

We finish this hour of misery with a little scene between Zulema and Lorena where Lorena learns Zulema had a baby girl that died....but wait!...Zulema thought she heard the baby cry. Such sadness to lose a child they both agree, and look very pensive.

Ah the irony...there is Zulema with her very own impossibly blonde, fair-complected child sitting right in front of her, and yet neither of them knows it. Doesn't it just break your heart?


1. molido = beat, tired, ground down
2. al buen entendedor pocas palabras = a word to the wise is sufficient "okay, I get it" what
Chalo said in a pretend huff to Lorena
3. una buena friega = a good beating, pasting (yea Julian!!!!)
4. una manita de gato = a little touch up...what Sara did to Jacqui's proposal....could also mean
a little touch up of makeup
5. venga esas cincos = gimme five. Vasco and Julian high-fiving his decision to give Bruno a lesson.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues. & Wed., July 8 & 9 - Two kinds of forbidden love

Óscar introduces Jimena to his favorite place
Óscar and Jimena

Franco and Sarita get a nasty surprise

Juan and Norma dance

Lots of developments in the last two days:

Juan and Ruth got rescued.

It was a classy move when Melissa and her sons went to be with Raquel and wouldn't let her drive them away with her insults.

The celebration at the Reyes hacienda looked liked a lot of fun. Melissa was particularly amusing when she insisted on dancing with Juan (the bigger the horse, the better the ride).

Why do I think the police will have no success in finding Dínora?

I guess there is a sort-of resolution between Rosario and Armando. It's nice that they aren't trying to kill each other anymore.

Antonio returns to town to be with Ruth and Melissa puts him up much to the disgust of Benito.

And, of course, Franco and Sarita finally got together. Very sweet scene until, of course, Feonando brings Grabi to surprise them in their love nest. Grabi appears to have lost her mind and Fer has gone completely to the dark side. Does Grabi really think that her daughters are going to give up their lives and live with her forever? Grabi's attack on Sarita was horrible and this is why Grabi wins the worst mother contest over Ester from LT.

Finally, there is the 'love' scene between Fer and Grabi. You notice that they don't get the 'yo soy tu mujer' song. It's 'Amor prohibido,' 'Forbidden Love,' for them. It was pretty hard to watch. Do we think Fer got the idea of asking Grabi to marry him after he told her that he understood why she was choosing her daughters because he didn't have any power at the hacienda. He stops on the way out of the study as if the idea just came to him or had he planned it beforehand?


Enemiga - Wed. 7/9 - Chalo on the prowl, Rossy after the towel, and Doctora just scowls

Lore goes to see Rossy in the flour rack. She disapproves of Rossy’s "instruction" to Julian and that was over the top. Rossy says he deserved it, his loss if he doesn’t forgive her.

Chalo is bugging Sara and wants to know when he’ll get something. She has nothing yet so what can she give. I guess he’s no longer satisfied with just nookie. She tells him this business is going to take some time so you have to wait. He threatens to rat her out. She tells him he’ll lose out too if he does that. He says he has nothing, so loses nothing. He promise to stay in the DF to keep an eye on her

Love how they are always in that same hotel

Omar tells his wife about his visit to the other side. His Mom hasn’t changed one bit, in fact she’s more bitter than ever. He notes that Jaime isn’t happy. Zule says it for me: Duh, who would be around your Ma. Omar tells her this just proves he didn’t make the wrong choice by being with Zule. He thanks her for making him so happy.

Diana rushes Vasco out the door. He is on his cell because he wants to find out how his Ma is doing in Rio de Janeiro not San Juan de Rio. Julian comes in and is sneezing because after being out in the rain casi naked he simply must catch the obligatory cold.

At the kitchen, Rossy is telling herself to hang in there until Julian calls her, but then she wonders if Lore is right and he won’t . Just then Maruja yells at Rossy for using the cell phone. She is happy she no longer has to report to any one. Ma yells at her for not respecting the house and wants to know where she has been sleeping. Rossy asks if she’s worried, but she says no even though Rossy thinks Ma missed her.

Omar is going to get gas before he takes Zule to see about her tanda. (See discussion about this on Friday’s comments).

Maruja enters to find Julian lounging about and breaks that she has to go out because she’s buying baby clothes. Julian wonders que the heck for. My sis is popping one out? After wondering how she managed that foolish fall from grace, he of course does the obligatory macho thing by saying Bruno must pay for not marrying his sister.

Arturo and Barbi alias Lipo Lass (thanks Sharkbait) are having breakfast when oooooh who walks in to the exact same hotel/restaurant?....Jaime, her husband.

Arturo decides distracting him is the best idea. He goes up and introduces himself as having met him at the Celebrity dinner. Jaime then remembers ironically that Art is married to one of the doctoras there. Key point.

Lipoass (my adaptation) hides under the table then ducks out the side door. On the way out she exclaims that she was about to have a heart attack. Yeah, dummy. Rule 1 of cheating on your spouse is not to go out in public with your amante, something to keep in mind Caray folks. She says they should never come out of the room again. Arturo tells her it will all be fine.

Lore goes to visit Andrea in the hospital, who Alonslow told her about. He told Andrea about Lore too, so she already knows who she is. Lore brings in contraband chocolates for the girl, a bag big enough to instigate a stomach pumping for sure. Bruno tells him Lore is here so he goes to say hi. Bad luck for this boy because in that minute the bad actress Doctora comes in looking for him. Bruno kindly tells her the truth that Al went out to see his girlfriend. She says she’ll go look for him herself. Of course she finds him in bad timing again just as he is kissing Lore. She reams him a new one for not attending his patients instead of sucking tongue with his squeeze. She tells him to prepare a report of the medicines used most in the pedes department in the last month, today. He says he’ll do it. Valeria tells him that he is needed in emergency.

Sara and Snorty are running around a mall. Sara was wondering if she is still worried about Vasco, and she says no but she is affected. She’s surprised Sara did so well on her test, and Sara takes the opportunity to attribute it to the things she’s learned from Snorty. Sara asks if she could borrow some knives that she needs for her studies. Snorty says nevermind, she will buy her anything she needs new as long as she promises to be the best student in the school. Sara hugs Snorty and thanks her for all her support. Just then she spots Chalo watching her and she gets faint.

Al is attending a really big kid, with a mustache no less, and tells Bruno he doesn’t have that report because he’s busy with this patient so someone else is going to have to do it. Bet we know who.

Vasco calls his papa who gets excited to think that maybe Vasco will come home. No chance, dude, he just wants to know if anyone’s heard from his Mom, he’s been accepted by his uncle as a son. No they haven't heard, no one can reach her because her cell is off. At least she knew rule number 2.

Maruja gives Jaime the soda he dropped when he answered the phone and they chat that kids are big pains in the butt. He thanks her and asks her name again. They exchange extraordinarily long smiles.

Chalo follows Sara all around the mall and Sara keeps feigning to Snorty she’s ill and that maybe they should leave. She asks to go to the rest room first, and smacks down with Julian. He tells her he just wants her to understand that he’s not kidding, and he will beat her down if that’s what it takes. Sara keeps assuring him that she has nothing. He screams foul and says he’s been watching her go in and out of expensive store after expensive store and surely she has access to something, getting along with the old bag so well. He puts his slimy pata down and gives her two days to come up with some earnest money for him.

Doctora asks Bruno if Al has the report but Bruno again very kindly tells her that his friend refused to do it because he was attending patients and she explains she’s in a jam now and how dare he not follow orders. Bruno of course offers to help her out.

Security guard asks Maruja how she’s doing, he noticed she’s not well. He knows she has problems with her kid. He knows this too because Rossy is sleeping in the kitchen. This of course makes Maru happy, no doubt she thought her daughter was shacked up with that boy.

Psycho Ma Paula asks her daughter how her Dad and his chick are doing and Bettina says they are fine, even better. Ma takes this that the little girl is evilly playing with her and witholding info purposely, and takes this opportunity to play a game and manipulate her. Bad. Ma refuses her permission for a sleepover.

Dario is working and Jaqui brings him an antipasto plate. There is olive kissing and he tells her she can decide whatever she wants about the wedding, it’s women’s stuff anyway and he’ll be happy with whatever she wants.

Aloslow’s papa is looking for his keys but Al won’t tell him and anyway he shouldn’t drive, it’s dangerous for him. Pa is mad about this.

Sara gives Horty a list and gets a promise of knives but is denied a car. I think a car would have been a better choice for her than a bag full of sharp shiny objects.

Lore is whining about all she needs for her classes and brought Rossy a sandwich. Rossy recomends that she borrows all that stuff from here, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Lore says no way.

Jaime lays it on Sara he knows her real fake status as granddaughter and wants to know why she is there with them and has no interest in being with her parents though she knows where they are.

Jaime says he needs to talk to Omar about this. Sara cries she’s the victim and he says all the more reason it makes no sense you want to be with the ones who set you up. He opens his mouth that he helped out the Abue with the baby dump. His conscience is heavy, and he wants to tell all, but Sara says Abue has done everything for her and if she goes back to her parents she knows that Abue and he will end up straight away in jail.

Lore begs Rossy to come back to her house and she shouldn’t have had Julian in her room, but Rossy tells her to go away with her Nun talk and she isn’t going back until Ma apologizes.

Sara wants the family united. Jaime apologizes for thinking badly of Sara and she says he’s already forgiven. She whispers that appearances deceive.

Vasco accompanies Diana to work, even though he wishes he could ride his bad ass bicycle.

Lore tells Zule she got into school. She goes in and meets her Dad, who knows she is Lorena right away.

Horty goes ahead of Jaime and suggests he take Sara to the meeting and he agrees that a little flirting might help them. Sara agrees to go and Jaime says he admires her and sorry about my correct surmising last night. She tells him that harmony and peace will return to this family in time. Not until she finds her way to the meat grinder (thanks Julie).

Sara sneaks into Snorty’s room and is searching for something, oh, seems she’s turned into a petty thief now and nabs a wad of cash and a really ostentatious brooch to pawn and shut up Chalo.

Maruja in the kitchen tells the other chef that Lore now has her own bed because Rossy no longer lives with her. Chef asks Rossy where she lives and she says in a mansion with a family who really treats her well.

Lore thanks them for a great breakfast, she feels like she’s with family (snicker). I’m sorry but there is no way this blond super fair skinned chick is the daughter of those two black-haired darker skinned people. This is just the worst match up ever. It’s like they didn’t even try. Then Omar opens mouth and says her parents must be proud of her. He gets the story and agrees that he admires her. They agree she is like family to them too, and that she is welcome any time.

Doctora busts Al’s balls some more for not following her orders and he should think about this if he wants that post.

Sara gives Chalo his spoils and he wonders if it’s not bisuteria (costume jewelry). She says no way with that woman’s money. She had to rob this too. She says she wants Al away from Lore. Chalo asks if it’s not enough that she robs Lore of her family, now she wants the boyfriend too?

He says no way, he won’t help someone take his squeeze. That's understandable. She says she just wants him out of the way because he is bent on helping Lore find her parents and that is bad.

Speaking of that, Lore calls to see if Madre Trinidad has found out anything new, but no, she hangs up and wonders where her parents are. (snicker again)

Zule tells Julian that Lore was looking for him. He thinks he already knows why and that she probably wants to have him contact Rossy but he won’t because of a bad trick played on him. At the kitchen Rossy checks to make sure that no calls came in from Julian. She is still holding out.

Chalo runs into Lorena oh, just by coincidence in front of the house she lives at. Yeah coincidence. He wants to see the city and has no future with the Nuns. He begs to come in because he hasn’t eaten. She eventually agrees.

Jaime is telling Abue it went well at the bank and Sara handled them very well. Just then Jaqui comes in with Charlie Manson’s dream gift. She says the knife set is the best quality, and they will serve Sara well. Snarly Sara (Snarla) thanks her Abue, er Tia.

Chalo calls Lore his guardian angel and thanks her for feeding him. He’s not shy about asking for more help, maybe Lore’s friends will let him stay there too. She says, she doubts it, she’s already on the couch. She gets a call from her beau.

Sara tells Snorty she looks great for her event. Snorty tells her yes, but something is missing, the difference is in the accessories and she asks Sara to pull out her special box. We knew this was coming. She screams her money is gone. Snarla tries to talk her out of the idea that someone in the house stole it.

Maru leaves a care basket on the racks for her daughter.

Jaqui is complaining about her hard day kissing Snorty’s behind buying stuff for Sara. They agree to get a movie. Beti has learned the manipulating tricks now and plays Papi off Mami, and amante too. She wants to go to a pijama party but Ma didn’t let her. Amante sticks her big nose in and says he should let Beti go, but Papi doesn’t want to contradict Ma (smart Papi) the two gals gang up on him and he caves, they’ll tell Ma Beti stayed overnight with them instead. Bad, this is getting worse.

Picking on the help again. Sara smirks as Snorty accuses them all of stealing from her and wants to know who did it. One rats out the main housekeeper. That is just wrong. They need to stick together.

Rossy finds the basket and thinks Julian did it. She calls and thanks him for forgiving her he says ni loca and hangs up on her. She’s perplexed.

Chalo takes a bath at Maruja’s and Lorena is apologizing for his intrusiveness. When he comes out Lorena gives him the boot. He apologizes if he’s imposed. She asks him to leave. Just then the doorbell rings and Alonslow shows up. He wonders what Chalo is doing there. Chalo calls it destiny that he has found Lore with all the people in the capital. I don’t remember when these guys met.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Fuego, Wed., July 9: I'm my own Grandpa!

Buenas noches a todos.

Alternative title: If I had a dollar for everytime some Mexican couple had sex under a tree, I'd have five dollars. (Folks, guitars weren't the only things being stroked tonight.)

As Sarita and Jimena are checking-out the new club in town, Jimena tells Sarita that she had a little visitor on her balcony last night--none other than Oscar! Sarita questions whether Oscar’s priestly duties entail midnights on the balcony. However, Jimena tells her that Oscar isn’t going to be a priest, and that they are going to get married (what else is new?).

Just then the new showgirl in town, a.k.a. potty-mouth, falls desperately into the strong arms of Oscar. Maracucha’s long, pointy fingernails dig into Oscar’s biceps just long enough for Jimena to see that and the loving countenance of Mara. Jealous and hurt, Jimmena introduces herself and Sarita as the fiancées of Benny and Octavio. Uh oh. Oscar is so outraged that he actually picks up the hammer, only to slam it on his thumb. Jimena kisses Benny and then shows Mara that gorgeous ring that her wonderful honey- bun gave her. Of course Benny has never had so much action with a girl in his life and needs to wipe off Jimena’s kisses with a hanky.

Juan is beside himself with anger. Padre Tadeo is with him and they are faced with the problem of remodeling the Bakery. Seeing that God will never abandon the Reyes, He has prepared an oven for them in the local Orphanage. Juan is so excited, and rattles off all the yummy breads that he is going to prepare for everyone.

Frankie and Rosie are sharing some pretty sexy scenes out in the jungle. Frankie, who is wearing some pretty tight, white briefs, is holding the slightly naked Rosie in his arms as she straddles his nether regions. And to think all of this is happening on some straw mat, next to a fire, accompanied by a smooth voice, and a few strokes of Frankie’s guitar-- no pun intended. How sexy!

It must be opposites night because we see Madam NOT Sexy, a.k.a. Sarita, reproaching the ever-confused fiancée. Apparently Jimena is an idiot for thinking that Oscar could love her. Jimena admits that he does have some negative qualities…

Mara, the innocent bar girl, tells Oscar that Jimena can’t be his girlfriend. Why? Because Jimena doesn’t trust Oscar. Why should she? Anyway, Mara invites Oscar to spend some time with her. Sounds like trouble…

Well Gramps and Quitina are preparing for flight as Quintina relates the story of Juan saving Sofia from the fire. Eva comes in and tells Gramps that Gabi wants to see him. He tells Eva that if Gabi wants to see him, she has to come and see him--and that’s final! Gramps has an important mission for Quinti.

Sofia and Juan admire that trophy that Juan won for the trick his stunt-double did. Sofia says that they sure did take a lot of heat for that. That was the time that they first talked, and everything has been great ever since. They decide to take the trophy with them.

Gabi goes out to the cabin and is greeted at the door by a fine young man in a tuxedo, oh wait, that’s Quinti, never mind. However, Gabi failed to make a reservation to see His Majesty, and therefore cannot enter. Luckily His Excellency can spare two minutes for his daughter. She has come to have Gramps sign those papers that will give her money from his fortune; he’s not giving them.

And the moment of truth. The four fiancées admit that none of them is in love with each other, but they will put on a show until they figure something else out.

Fernie has gone to visit Raquel. Fernie asks her about last night, but she was so hammered that she doesn’t remember anything. It’s a good thing, too, because Fernie was kissing her, and no one wants to remember such an experience. Fernie, who knows a boob when he sees one, and he’s seen many where he works, admits that this will be like taking candy from a baby, which he has probably done in the past.

Speaking of Sugar Mamas, Sofia is blindly offering Juan her savings. He sort of refuses it, but we know he’ll take it. Just then we hear a plane. False alarm; it’s Gramps accompanied by Quinti in her aviators and leather jacket. We all know how cold Mexico is in the summer… I think part of hanging around Gramps means that you start to act the part of random characters and their occupations until you actually believe that you are that character. Anyway, Gramps has come to offer Juan some of those Chuck-E-Cheese coins. Juan refuses them because he knows that the local soda machines won’t accept them. On second thought those crazy investors will accept them, so he decides to go against his pride once again.

Fernie now has a lot of confidence in Raquel, and therefore asks her for some money. You see, he finds her really attractive and nice, and thought that she would be just the woman to lend him some money. She is delighted that he thought to ask her for fiscal help, however the moment loses something when Gabi pulls up in her SUV and is surprised to see Fernie.

Raquel tells Gabi and Fernie that she can’t give them the money until she talks it over with her husband. Well, if he’s half as stupid as Raquel he’ll still probably agree to this. Gabi reprimands Fernie for not having any shame. Lay off; he’s only trying to protect your interests. Gabi tells him that he doesn’t want her as an enemy because she doesn’t forgive or forget anything.

Time for Rosie to make that trip. Granny Eva is going to take care of Luisito. Rosie is a basket case for leaving the kid, but she’s gotta make a living somehow.

Oscar, the financial advisor of the family, is crying because they don’t have a cent to their name. So, they are going to sell those boot-spikes for money. In other news, Frankie is suffering because he doesn’t know which woman he likes best: Rosie; the vivacious, sexy, yet highly unstable broad, or Sarita; the border-line socio-path who has no soul, no breasts, and everyone thinks she’s a nun. I’d go with Ruth, and I’ve never seen the girl in my life.
So now that Pablito is the new live-in/son of three fathers, he has to pull his weight around the house, something that Oscar heavily enforces. He doesn’t care where the money goes, just as long as he still has three fathers, a grandpa, and an aunt. Unconventional families are ubiquitous, even in rural Mexico, where they still use the gold standard. Oh, but Pablito is saddened when he remembers that biologically he must have a mother. Everyone quiets down, and Sofia, the only woman who hasn’t been assigned a fake familiar role, offers to be his mother. Well, if Juan is Pablito’s father, and Sofia is Pablito’s mother, then Juan and Sofia must be husband and wife! And therefore, Juan’s brother Oscar would be Pablito’s uncle, who is also his father, who therefore would be Juan’s husband in this unconventional family; meaning the local authorities would arrest the family for a whole array of things, and Sofia, who is the mother and three times wife, would be left alone with Gramps and Quinti to run the local family airport.

Uh oh. The vulture Gabi spots Luisito, and wants to know why he’s there. Eva tells her that it’s her grandson. Gabi wants him out of there; it’s not her problem that he’s only a baby and has no place to go. Gabi is appalled by Eva’s behavior; she doesn’t like that they were eating peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches apparently.

So Pablito has found the picture of Libia, shows it to Quinti, who says it’s a saint and refuses to show it to Sofia because it is dirty. Sofia is suspicious.

Now that Juan works in an Orphanage, he has taken the role of home-economics instructor. He teaches the children how to make bread for his company, and the best part is that the children do the labor for free. Though the oven here is different because you can grab the pan with your bare hands-right out of the oven!

Luckily for Eva, Gramps is going to let her Luisito stay with him. And Luisito is now a General in Gramps’s army!

Big night at the Tumbao, and everyone who’s anyone is there. Frankie and Oscar are playing the field tonight, but they can’t score it big with Jimena and Sarita because those girls are caressing their fiancées. Here comes Mara, who gives Oscar a virtual belly dance.

Bedtime for Sofia. And before she falls asleep Juan brings her some heart-shaped S-bread. Juan says that if his son turns out to be a daughter, he will love her more because she will be like Sofia. Then he tells Sofia about his sister, who was his best treasure. And you all know the rest… New information: she had really rebellious hair, and boy did Juan love to comb it!

Tomorrow: Sofia is living the happiest time of her life, but everyone is in for a big surprise when there’s a family reunion.


Guapos Wednesday 7/9/08 Braulio gives new meaning to the term "hawt monkey love"; oh, yeah, the other family members have problems too

Sorry, but I've really got to rush this today. If anything is missing, please fill in.

We lead off with a repeat of last night's ending: Mili misleads Al about whether she's gone all the way with Hugo. Suddenly, Alex is called in to the study, where Connie, Domingo and Damian are waiting. Connie starts to talk about the future of their merged businesses, but Tony Soprano cuts him off: There will be no merger; instead, he's taking over completely. Bada bing! Bada boom!

Hugo asks Mili why she lied to Alex. She gives the explanation about wanting to preserve things for the wife and baby, yada, yada. Luci comes down the stairs and greets Hugo and pointedly not Mili. She asks if he's seen Nestor and is told he's outside. As she leaves, she tosses off a request that Hugo ask his wife not to look at her as if she wants to hang her. Mili fumes.

Back to the study. Domingo is offering Connie at most a 25 percent share in the business with no active role. Now that he has learned Connie is not Al's real father (and accordingly, not the real grandfather of Domingo's grandchild), he can't trust him (and Damian is worse). Connie accuses him of a swindle. Domingo says when Monday's market opens, Damian's shares will drop precipitously. (was it a publicly traded company? Who knows?) Connie says he will destroy Domingo. Domingo says not if I see you first. Connie orders him out of the house. Domingo says tomorrow he and his girls and Al are leaving for Monterrey. Connie asks Al for help, but Al says, "Sorry, Constancio, but you're not my dad, and now I'm not on your side. To be honest, a big weight is lifted from my shoulders."

Al and Domingo leave. Damian is worried, but Connie says don't worry, we can take him. Connie calls someone.

Domingo talks to his daughters by the pool and tells them they're leaving. He walks away. Mari tells Flo that it's a good thing she didn't spill the beans to pop about all the bad times she's having with Alex.

Luci kisses Nestor in the back yard. She effuses about how wonderful it is that they are now free to make out in the open (not for us viewers, eeww), and how they can shout their love for all to hear. He looks a bit queasy and tells her that he's upset for Alex. She is worried that Alex hates her, but he says everything will be okay eventually. He is going to try to talk to Alex.

Mili and the gals talk. She is not exactly revealing too much about the wedding night. It's clear she's still pining for Al, and Lina wants her to get a divorce and go with Al, but Mili says it's not the right thing to do. She points out that she was at fault too in letting the deception go on. Now she teases Lina about Bobby. Lina says Bobby is still treating her as just a friend.

Bobby is at a card store trying to buy the perfect stuffed animal that will express his desire to convey that his gift recipient (Lina) is a friend that he wants to be more than just a friend. (You know, I would have suggested that jewelry was a better bet, but I guess he doesn't want to move too fast.) He is shown a cute little dog. Pablo/Pedro (whatever his name is) from Rodeo comes in on the same mission for Braulio.

Damian and Connie go somewhere in a car and have some documents. Connie gets out of the car and meets a mysterious figure in a black leather coat like someone from the Matrix. He hands him the documents.

Flor and Mari continue their discussion. Flor blames her drunken mother-in-law for everything, but Mari points out that Flor was really her own worst enemy. Sooner or later, she had to know Al would find out . . . Said Al is listening at the door and bursts in (scene from avances). Mari leaves and Al wants to know who told Flor about Connie? Was it his mother? No, she lies. It was Mili. He doesn't believe it.

Meanwhile, Connie comes back to the car where Damian is waiting. Damian wants to know who the mysterious figure is, by Connie cautions that it would be safer for him not to know.

Al and Flor have an argument about Mili that I don't have time to recap in detail. It's pretty repeptitive anyway. Flor immediately goes to Mili's room and tells her how she's lied to Alex. She tries to get Mili to take part in her deception, since Mili promised to keep the happy couple together.

Braulio helps Hugo seet up his new painting studio. He tells Hugo he's so happy that Hugo didn't take his niece away. Hugo tells him he feels Braulio is his new uncle too. Braulio gives him an overenthusiastic hug.
Braulio is called to the door where Pedro is awaiting to deliver flowers and a giant chimpanzee stuffed animal. Luci and Socorro are there. Luci somehow thinks the presents are for Socorro and she tells Soco she never thought Soco was the type to have lovers. Meanwhile, Braulio sweeps Pedro away with the ruse that he is dispatching him from the mansion.

Bobby gives Lina the stuffed dog, and they have an awkward moment. He asks her if she would like to go to dinner or a movie sometime. They're like high schoolers.

Hugo shows Mili a new painting he's made. Braulio has given him a picture of her mother, and he has painted a picture of Mili and her mother together. She really loves it, and they hug. Of course, just then Al comes in.

Cut to the entryway, where Luci and Andrea are having a good cat fight, a la Alex and Krystle on Dynasty. This fight should have been staged next to a pool or fountain, however, so the participants could fall in. Connie and Nestor pull the gals apart.

Al talks to Mili now about the past. He accuses her of deceiving him, but she tells him that she never was able to find the right time to tell him. First, she only found out right after he was already married. Once she decided to tell him when he returned to Mexico, Floreenda was pregnant, so she refrained from revealing the truth. That's why she married Hugo. She needs to forget Al. He says he is dying because of their eternal love, he is full of rage. His marriage was a mistake and he's going to fix it by getting a divorce. Mili says he can do what he wants, but she's not divorcing Hugo. In fact, Al is in their bedroom, and he should respect them. Ick.

Al asks how she could give herself so easily without love. Hugo must not really love her if he could take her without love. Mili says no, she gave herself. Al says that everytime he is with Flor, he has to hold his tongue to stop himself from saying Mili's name. He is crying now, and it is a very tough scene. She sends him away, saying that Hugo's love for her is very large--look at the painting he did. Al says that he has painted her with his soul and tattooed her on his heart. Al leaves, and Mili cries too.

The fearsome foursome continue arguing, but Damian breaks it up. He says that Connie is party president today and president of the country tomorrow. They should all work together. Dontcha just love Damian as the voice of reason?

Short scene of Karla going after her chicken pimp unsuccessfully.

Braulio talks to Pedro, all the while caressing him with one paw of the giant chimpanzee. It's just hysterical to see Braulio with the chimp hanging off his side. Pedro begs forgiveness for ignoring him for three years. Braulio isn't so fast to forgive. Pedro leaves, and Damian catches Braulio with the monkey. Brau laments that he will now be a laughingstock.

Al is crying in the family bar and Nestor finds him. He says he's always gone there to be alone when his parents fight. Nestor says that for three years he wanted to tell Al the truth, but Luci had fooled him with the paternity test. Al says he is an orphan now--Luci has taken away everything and the love of his life.

Avances: Mari gets a phone call that her father has been killed in a plane crash.


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