Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Guapos: Monday 8/11/08- "Two Impromptu Parties, Two Very Different Reasons"

Mili and Lina are able to explain away Lina’s slip about Constancio being Mili’s dad. Socorrito buys it hook, line, and sinker. Lina tells Mili about Bobby’s proposal and Mili’s quite happy for her friend.

Back in the jail visiting room, Val admits to her father that she went away with Rocky. Connie’s not too happy, but Val goes on to explain that Rocky makes her happy. She asks her father what kind of marriage he wants for her, a loveless one like Al’s and Florencia’s, like her parents, or one based on love. Connie says he only wants her to be happy. She encourages her father to live up to the promise he made to Rocky three years ago when he sent Val away to Paris. She reminds him that he deal was that if they were still in love three years later, he’d not stand in the way of them getting married. She tells her father that they are more in love than ever. Connie reluctantly agrees to fulfill his promise.

Gloria complains to Chamuco that with him working so much, she never sees him. And, when they are together, he’s too tired to do anything. He can’t see her point and she walks off in a tiff. Chamuco lays his head down to take a little nap and has a dream---fast forwarded 15 years and basically a “Cats in the Cradle” moment happening with his daughter (who he keeps calling a son). He wakes up, calls it a nightmare and takes off to work.

Gloria finds Mili and Lina and she tells them about her discussion with Chamu. Mili scolds her friend and says that he’s working so hard because he thinks there is a baby on the way. Mili urges Gloria to ‘fess up to him. The girls then press Mili for info on her trip to Puerta Vallarta and did she run into Alejandro when she was there. She admits that they spent the night together and how it was the marvelous thing in the world. She goes on into great detail about how much it meant to her, how strongly she feels for Al, etc. Of course such a discourse cannot go unheard. Hugo’s outside the door eavesdropping on the whole thing, crying more and more tears as Mili tells her tale. Hugo takes off and has a temper tantrum in his room---wailing “Why Mili? Why? Why can’t you love ME!” Karla walks into the room and asks what’s going on. He tells her to scram. She says, hey I’m just here to work. He kicks her out.

The Mafia Princesses are talking….nothing new here. MP1 has gotten an all clear from the doctor after giving birth in the back of an SUV. They discuss how Gustavo, whom they’ve known all their lives, could be responsible for their father’s death. Al walks in on the conversation and he can’t pass up the opportunity to point out Mateo’s involvement in the plot to kill Domingo and frame Constancio. Marisela isn’t so quick to believe Mat’s involved. She flings a little mud in Al’s direction, reminding him that he’s stolen from his family. Al says it’s false, something cooked up by Mat. He tells Marisela she can check with Connie when he returns home. Besides, he adds, let’s see the proof. Marisela says that Mat ripped up the documents. A-ha, Al retorts, that says it all. Mari realizes she’s been such a fool. MP1 says face it sis, we’ve fallen in love with miserable men. Al tells Flo that if she’s so miserable, then she shouldn’t have any hesitation in granting him a divorce. Flo ignores this and turns to her sister and says let’s go upstairs…. “You’ve gotta see the baby!”
Upstairs, Mili and the girls are discussing the smells of changing a diaper. Flo comes in and demands to know why Mili’s with her child, she left it (does it have a name yet?) in Soco’s care. Flo tells Mili to stay away from her baby, but hand her to me (lack of logic, yeah I think so too).

In the office, Damian flirts with his new secretary, Erika. Andrea arrives and she’s a little perturbed to see him flirting. She orders him into the office. Damian tells Erika that they are not to be disturbed for any reason. Inside, Andrea tells Damian of the toys, balloons and decorations she’s bought for the new baby. Damian questions her motives and she tells him that she’s trying to win Al over. She’s already made tracks with Val, but she needs to get both of them on her side so they don’t kick her out of the house while Connie’s locked up. They discuss how Damian is related to the bambina, but Damian gets bored with this line of conversation and starts to kiss Andrea.

Val tells Rocky that they no longer have to keep their love a secret. Connie’s agreed to live up to his promise, they can get married.

Robledo and Connie arrive at the office and meet the new secretary. She tells them that Damian’s in a meeting and can’t be disturbed. Connie get’s her to let Damian know he’s there (Erika takes no notice that Connie’s last name is Belmonte and she’s working for Belmonte Enterprises). She intercoms into the office and tells Damian that a Constancio Belmonte is there to see him. After hearing this, Damian freaks and orders Andrea to get her clothes back on, as he rearranges his own clothes.

The MPs are again rehashing old news. MP1 fills MP2 in on Al and Mili sleeping together in PV. MP2 is shocked they’d do that while everyone was there (it’s not like they did it in the hotel lobby, right in front of everyone, sheesh). Flo blames it all on Mili, how she’s had designs on Al. Mari reminds her sister that she tricked Al into marrying her and tells Flo that it is obvious that they aren’t happy and she should let Al go. Flo says she’s used to winning, so there is no way she’s letting Al go. Mari says, you are a winner, you’ve got this beautiful baby….think of her. Mari then tells Flo that Rigoberto, her ex, came looking for her. Mari fills her in on how the drop in visit went down, including the part where Bobby told Rigo that Flo’s not happily married. Flo rants some about how she doesn’t need Rigo in her life, blah, blah. Mari scolds her sister and says that she’s making the same mistakes with her marriage to Al as she did in her marriage to Rigo.

Bobby and Rigo are lunching together. Bobby wants the background on why he’s back in town, Bobby thought he was dead. Rigo says Domingo intended him to be dead. He says that Domingo ruined his life----that Dom was behind the whole cheating on Flo thing. He tells Bobby he’s there to clear things up now that Dom’s dead and Bobby agrees to help him.

Connie beats on the door to his office. Inside, Andrea is busy blowing up balloons. They finally open the door and “surprise!”. They spontaneously throw him a getting out of jail party. Never does Connie ask how they knew he was sprung from the pen. He tells Damian that they’ve got some things to work out later, but he gets into the party spirit and toasts his freedom and toasts himself.

Val, Rocky, the rest of the servants, Hugo, Mili, Al, Flo and Mari are gathered in the mansion foyer. Val toasts the birth of her niece, Connie’s freedom, and her and Rocky’s engagement. Everyone is happy for the couple. Horacio, Mili, and Al all give them hugs. Hugo gets in on the hug activity and tells the couple that he hopes “they never betray each other or break promises they make to each other”. This is said as he stares at Mili. Karla, not one to miss the obvious, senses that something’s going on between Hugo and Mili. Rocky gives a little speech and he and Val declare their love in front of all and kiss.

Connie asks Robledo to help him with his daughter’s marriage. He needs a fake judge to perform the ceremony. Robledo’s not too keen on helping. Connie says that it won’t last, it is just a whim for Val. Then there is the whole thing with Val being from money and Rocky being poor. Robledo suggests a prenup would be a better option, but Connie’s not in favor of that. Robledo agrees to help, but asks Connie what’ll happen if the marriage lasts and they are truly in love. Connie says he’ll accept that he was wrong. They discuss Mateo and then Al. Robledo says that it was a true demonstration of Al’s love for Connie, that he was willing to take the blame for Dom’s death in Connie’s stead.

The gathering at the Belmonte’s has turned into an impromptu party. Mili, Lina, and Gloria are dancing. Al’s having a bonding moment with his daughter. Mari and Flo are sitting on the steps looking bored. Flo decides to mess with Al and she takes the baby away from him. Mari decides that she’s going to mess with Lina, she asks Lina to bring her a drink. Lina reluctantly does and then Mari starts to harass her about trapping Bobby into marriage with a pregnancy, isn’t that a typical servant trick. Lina says that Bobby cares for her and that’s why he’s marrying her. Mari wants to know when Lina got pregnant and Lina asks why that’s any of her business. Mari says she wants to know if it was when Bobby was with her. Bobby arrives at this moment and Lina says he’s here now, have him answer your questions but leave me alone. Lina walks away. Bobby greets Al and learns that his baby was born. Bobby says he’s got some great news too. He calls Lina over and announces that he and Lina are to be married and that they are going to be parents. Al is happy for his friend and steam is coming out of Marisela’s ears. END OF EPISODE.


Fuego, Monday 8/11 (#74): In Jail/Just Visiting

Grandpa and Sofía ask Gabi again how that piece of Robles land came to be theirs. Sofía says the Reyes' parents were killed for it and the land is stained with their blood. Gabi tries to conceal her shock at hearing the Reyes are the Robles. Sofi says this puts her father's, grandfather's, and Gabi's honesty in doubt. Gabi tries, unconvincingly, to play dumb and simply says Raquel gave that property to them.

"In exchange for what?" Sofi asks. Grandpa warns that these secrets could ruin Gabi forever. Gabi directs a very creepy, speechless giggle at Sofi and walks out.

Rosa is rehashing to Ofelia her last conversation with Anselmo, and how angry he was when she told him that Luisito wasn't his. She's worried Anselmo will take her away from him by force. Then Eva bursts in with the news that Feo just killed Anselmo. Whee!

Sweating profusely, Feo tells the comisario his version of the story: he was just defending himself from an escaped inmate who wanted to kill him and take Rosario and her child. In fact, he was the one who tried to burn her and Franco alive. It was all Anselmo's doing. He even said as much to Feo when he tried to kill him.

Benito tells Juan and Oscar that he'd like to help, but he's totally out of the loop on his aunt and uncle's affairs. He and Octavio moved in with them when their own parents died under strange circumstances - a strange accident no one could explain. Benito and Octavio were very young. The entire estate passed to his aunt and uncle, and supposedly B and O will get it all back when they get married. If they don't get married, they won't see a cent. And it's all part of a perfectly legal setup, so they can't get out of it.

Rosario blames herself for Anselmo's death. She feels she was foolish to tell him the truth about Luisito's paternity. Ofelia thinks maybe not - perhaps Feo will treat them better now that he knows. Rosario doubts this.

Juan and Oscar are at the bakery. Juan is frustrated that the whole world seems to be protecting Ricardo Uribe, but he's happy they found their house and their tree. Oscar didn't recognize the house and wonders if they remodeled, but Juan is sure and now they'll find out who killed their parents. Oscar is worried that their investigation may jeopardize their relationships with Jimena and Sofía. And the women still don't know that Libia was their father's girlfriend.

At that moment, Quintina is chastising her sister for bringing back Libia's photo in front of Sofía. Hortensia thinks it's high time the sisters found out the truth about the girl. Quintina warns her to mind her own business. Also, she needs to make a ton of mole.

Juan proudly tells unconscious Franco that they found their land. Oscar tells him to get better soon.

Eva goes to the hacienda. Gabi complains. Eva says Sarita and Jimena need her. "Nobody needs you, with the exception of that little hussy, that chick... uh... what's her name? Rosario?" She helpfully adds that Eva will burn in hell forever for her sins. Rosario's already begun to pay, having been burnt alive. "Is she already dead?" she asks hopefully. Eva says no, the reason for her long face is her shock at knowing Feo just killed a man. Now Gabi is shocked too.

Feo is shown to his luxurious cell, where Nabor and another man are still cooling their heels. Nabor is terrified.

The comisario has gone to the dispensario with questions for Rosario. He sorta screws it up by telling them Feo's entire story, which strikes me as something a professional would never do, and asks if it's true. Rosario hesitates. Ofelia jumps in and confirms Feo's story that Anselmo wanted to hurt Rosario, and Feo defended her. "Right, Rosario?" "Yes, it was just as Ofelia said." He asks what her relationship was with Anselmo. She says he was her first boyfriend and her child's father, and he wanted to take them away by force. Ofelia is relieved.

Juan and Sofía making bread and Juan is trying to figure out what went on between Gabi and Raquel. It must have been something very awful. Sofi doesn't think it has anything to do with his parents' murder. Juan says only Ricardo Uribe can clear it up, and he's going to find him; if that doesn't work out he'll have to talk to Gabriela. He has something else to tell her: he went to Raquel's door, and the memories came back to him. That was his house, the home of his parents.

Oscar has just told Jimena everything too, including the murder and the tree. Jimena thinks her mother will like him better now that he comes from a hacienda. Oscar says that property also holds a secret between Gabi and Raquel that they won't talk about. Oscar has to find out what it is.

Jimena makes a sad face. The craziness never seems to end with this guy.

Sofía and Juan visit Rosario, curious as to why the comisario was there. Rosa tells them that Feo's in jail for murder. Juan goes to find out what's going on. Rosa tells Sofía about Anselmo, the reason she was in jail. He tricked her and made her suffer a great deal.

Eva puts Luisito to bed. (There seems to be a stick on the bed next to him. Wouldn't he prefer a Snoopy doll or something?) Grandpa is glad Feo's in jail and hopes he stays there forever.

Rosendo drops off Gabi at the police station and tells him to come back in two hours. The Coyote intercepts her. (Last week or the week before, possibly at the cockfight, Coyote approached Feo and asked him about his mother-in-law. I'm not quite sure what he's up to.) Coyote humbly takes off his hat and says maybe she doesn't remember him, but he couldn't forget her. He's a friend of Feo. She remembers that she blocked them with his truck in the road; she still doesn't get the "joke." He's grateful that she remembers him.

Gabi asks what he wants. He says he just wanted to say hi, but since she's at the jail, is there some problem? She says no problem for her, but Feo's in trouble. He gives a very emphatic promise of help if she ever needs it.

Juan is walking down the street, mumbling to himself about how great it will be to get his land back, when he runs into Padre Tadeo. Talking a mile a minute, he tells the padre he's ready to investigate the murder of his parents. He tells him about the tree. It'll be a big fight but it's okay, he'll do it and he'll also find his parents' killer. He's sure Gabi is involved. Otherwise why wouldn't she talk? Why not tell the truth? And that snake Fernando, even though he's very young, Juan's sure he's got something to do with it too. "Oh, didn't you know? Feo's in jail for murder."

Tadeo doesn't look even a little bit surprised. I think he's just going through his mental list of Feo's enemies.

Gabi shows up at the police station and demands to see Feo immediately.

Feo's henchman, the other cellmate, asks if Feo thinks he'll be there very long. He says no, he'll be out soon, and asks the henchman if he got the money he sent. (Nabor is rhythmically butting his head softly against the bars.) The henchman says yep, he got the money just as Feo promised. Feo says 'You well know that I'm generous with those who serve me loyally."

Nabor is looking at Feo. A cold glance from Feo neutralizes the man's curiosity. The henchman says Nabor hasn't given him any trouble - he's been in terror of him ever since he showed up. (I think the deal is that Feo paid this guy to get arrested so that he could lean on Nabor day and night.)

Nabor has squashed himself against the bars, trying to make himself invisible. Feo asks if he's the one who claimed that Mapache uttered Feo's name before dying. "Me? How could you think that? I've never said anything against you. Nothing!"

Sarita is telling the kids a story when Pedro, who has been working on orphanage building, interrupts to say she's very young to be so sad. Sarita tells the kids to go play silently. Pedro asks what Franco did to her so that she doesn't smile. She says he didn't do anything, and don't ask those kinds of questions. (I'm not sure what part of her body he's speaking to, but he's not looking at her face.) He hopes she'll begin to smile again soon, because he's sure it would look great on her.

She tells him to leave her alone, she just wants to be a nun and serve God. "Really? You really want to serve God? Or are you just trying to escape the pain that Franco caused?"

Juan and Sofía come along. Uh-oh, Juan thinks Pedro was flirting with her again!

Gabi is at Feo's cell. He greets her coldly. This repetitious conversation can be summed up as:

Gabi: Waaaaaaaaaaah, but I looooove you. Pleeeeese?
Feo: Eh, bite me. You threw me out. We're done.

He also mentions that he killed the man to defend Rosario, and no doubt Gabi will think he was screwing around with her too. He tells her to go away and don't come back. She squeaks and says she won't ever doubt him again, she loves him, can't live without him. He disagrees, she never really loved him or she wouldn't have doubted him or been so selfish. He's going to pay back all the money she loaned him, too. She's made him suffer too much.

She weeps and begs pathetically. "I promise if you come back to me, everything I have will be yours. Everything."

Yes, Juan did jump to that conclusion about Pedro flirting with Sarita. Pedro reminds him that Franco was taking off with Rosario. He had made his choice. Meanwhile, he says, Sarita's about to make a big mistake. She just wants to become a nun out of spite, and they can't let it happen. "You're a Reyes," Juan concludes.

Sarita is angry when Sofi tells her that Juan accused their father. Sofía says they have the right to know the truth and no one can deny them. Sarita says love is blind, the Reyes came to the hacienda to hurt them, they've deceived them all along and they still are. Sofi says Sarita is the one who's being blind, out of spite, because Franco wanted Rosario. "How can you say you want to be a nun if you judge the whole world? ... Every day you seem more like our mother, yes, you're always scolding others, embittering life. That's not a good Christian, Sarita. It's obvious you don't have the calling."


She takes Sarita's hand and tells her to get past it. Sarita coldly pulls away.

Benito asks his aunt about the pact she made with Gabi about the land. The Reyes have a right to know. She doesn't want to hear about it and tells Benito to stay out of his uncle's business and stay away from the Reyes. Don't ask questions or snoop around, "or you could lose everything you have now. Everything!" (Notice how this last statement somewhat mirrors what Gabi said to Feo, except it's about taking away instead of giving. Interesting? Or just coincidence?)

Blind with tears, Gabriela stumbles into the street. Juan launches himself across the road to save her from a red pickup truck, saving her life and ruining a perfectly nice white shirt - two awful things in a split-second.

Not surprisingly, Gabi is offended rather than grateful. She curses him as a crowd gathers. She blames him for all of her problems; he repulses and disgusts her. She'd rather be dead a thousand times than owe him her life. She's tired of suffering because of them and the bastard Sofi is carrying in her entrails. "I curse you and the child you're expecting."

Sofi says if you curse your own blood, you're cursing yourself. "That's what you think. My blood and yours are not mixed together (revueltas)." Juan asks if she's referring to the blood that was spilled when his parents were killed. She says she had nothing to do with his parents' death, but if they were killed they surely deserved it. She can tell what kind of people they were because of the kids they had.

Juan approaches menacingly. He scoops up her purse from the ground and gives it to her. He warns her not to talk that way about his parents, or he might forget that she's the mother of the woman he loves.

Gabi screams hysterically at the onlookers not to forget that Juan wants to kill her. If something happens to her, it'll be his fault!

Tadeo shows up, pulls her aside, and says (again) "we have to talk." He tells her the Reyes aren't her enemies. Her true enemy lives in her house, close to her. He begs her again to get Feo out of her life. Gabi gets offended, says Feo is a great guy, and tells Tadeo not to make her have to speak to the bishop. He says fine, "do what you want, I won't do anything to prevent it, but don't throw my words into the wind. One fine day, you could regret your stubbornness."

Gabi starts crying again.

He says goodbye to her, asks God to protect her since Tadeo can't convince her of the danger she's in nor soften her heart. He tells her to trust in God. He leaves, and she rubs her shoulder and leans against a post for support. The witnesses are paying no attention to her, however, as Juan is thanking Rosendo for saving Franco from the fire and tells him the Reyes have long memories. He can count on them for anything.

Sofía reminds him to bring his kids to catechism class to prepare for their first Communion. Rosendo mentions his ages-ago request that Juan and Sofi should sponsor them as godparents.

Gabi comes back and forbids Rosendo to speak with them. He says it's his private life. She complains that they're all so insolent. "I should fire you right now." Rosendo says that's up to her.

However, he's her ride home, so she doesn't fire him. She just says she's tired of them and shuffles away, with Rosendo steadying her by the arm.

Back to the hacienda. Jet-black with grime, Oscar is flirting with giggly maids in the kitchen. One of them informs him needlessly that mole poblano is the main dish of Puebla. He doesn't want them to be formal with him; he tells them to call him Oscar because they're all family.

Gabi comes in and scolds him for eating in the kitchen, where only the servants should eat, and chatting with them. He doesn't understand why. She says he's low-class if he only feels comfortable in the kitchen with the help. He licks his fingers. She complains about him being dirty and eating with his hands. "You're disgusting."

He tells her he's only putting up with it for his wife, but he could always leave this house and take his wife with him. She mocks his dignity and tells him to go with her.

Sofía thanks Juan for saving her mother's life. They agree that her hurtful attitude is her problem, and she'll miss out on the joy of her first grandchild. Sofía won't suffer any more over her put-downs. Juan and the baby are her family now. He says he'll do anything for her - even forgive, if necessary.

Oscar is scrubbing his teeth with his bandanna in Gabi's study. She lectures him about self-respect. He can't act like a bricklayer now that he's un hacendado (a hacienda guy). But she'll help him get classy so that he doesn't lose Jimena. (He shakes his head in denial.) Gabi says he's the man of the house now, and they need him. But if he lets her down, she'll have to ask Feo to come back to the hacienda. (From jail? I wonder if this scene was edited out of order.)

Tadeo visits the jail. Feo glumly but sarcastically asks if he's come to give a sermon or to absolve him of his sins. Tadeo ignores him and tells Nabor he knows he's not in good company, but God is with him and will protect him.

Juan and Sofía are making out in the kitchen. Quintina sneaks around them and says the love of two is the love of God. They speak in mushy dichos for a while. Q cheerfully says she's glad they stopped, because it's like counting money in front of poor people. Then she says something about a lemon and chases a terrified Pablito around. I think she wants to tickle him.

Oscar comes out of the bathroom at bedtime. Jimena pretends to be asleep. He teases her about pouting and her pretty eyes that make him think of the sky and the sea. She smiles, but keeps her eyes shut and pretends to be immune to his words and kisses. He talks about the Reyes dignity and standing before the open balcony as God brought him into the world, except, also with his underwear and boots, because a cowboy never takes off his boots.

Finally Jimena pays attention. She tells him to shut the balcony before he makes a scene. He doesn't care! Let them look! He clowns around some more until she begs him to come to bed. She asks him to turn out the lights, but he says he likes to feel that he's being seen.

He gets into bed and pulls the covers over them. They're still at it later, in the dark.

Next time:
Grandpa questions Gabi about her relationship with Feo.
Anselmo's death is ruled self-defense.
Oscar sees something that may well cause him to go blind.
Gabi teases us again about Sofía's "origin."
Feo acts like a jerk.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday August 11 - Innunendo

I’m going to try something new this week. When I take notes on paper, I have to pause the show too much. When I try to type on my laptop when I watch, I have to pause too much. This time I’m going to sit down and write what just happened at each commercial break. Hope it works ok. Sorry if anything is out of order, but I don’t think it will matter.

Alonso frets about going out with Sara, hottie assistant Valeria tells him to go, why not? He says “duhhhh… ok.” Then he thought bubbles about how it wouldn’t be fair to deprive Sara of his friendship just because she’s friends with Lorena. Gosh how magnanimous of him.

Lorena sells her sweets (no not THAT she’s a professional virgin) on the street. Ernesto just happens, in the largest city in the western hemisphere, to be driving down that street. He buys a couple and says they look good, but he’s a harsh critic. Lorena stands by her product. He drives away, he was very nice about the whole thing.

Diana tries to visit Vasco, Skeletor Barbara runs her off, in spite of Jaime defending Diana as Vasco’s boyfriend. We know who wears the pants around here. In fact, she does always wear pants, have we seen Barbara wear a dress or anything? In the hall, Hortensia talks smack to her too, Diana storms off. Sara comes in and tells Hortensia that Dr. Bruno, who operated/took care of Vasco, is Diana’s sperm donor and gives her the whole story. Hortensia goes to Bruno and offers him a Director post at a private hospital and a fat check, but only if he marries Diana. Bruno looks like he’ll do it without a second thought. Surely he’d end up being Arturo v2.0, but with a better looking mistress since he’d have money.

Dario is worried about Jackie being so late at the wedding and tells Bettina that surely Paula had something to do with it, Bettina asks him to stop dogging her mom. Jackie finally shows up and Dario and Bettina think the dress looks funny, but whatever. The shortest wedding of all time commences, all they do is say ‘acepto’ and sign their names, and it’s over. Jackie tries to not move a muscle so her dress doesn’t fall apart, during the kiss she’s tucking part of it back together.

Bruno thinks about Hortensia’s offer.

Jackie gets into a snit and argues with Dario, she is upset about her dress and her wedding being ruined. She stomps off to the bathroom, where her mother (very scary looking woman by the way) follows her and gives her an attitude adjustment. After Hortensia and Arturo’s mom, I expected her to be the same, but she made a lot of sense. Quit sniveling, you are making it worse, get out there and enjoy your wedding, or all the pictures will have you with that horrible look on your face. Jackie tries to make a smile in the mirror and doesn’t quite succeed.

Paula gets weepy and drunk, ends up passing out on the couch. Alonso brings Bettina home, she smells his cologne (like he poured on the bottle) and they have a conversation about love and he tells her it is the greatest thing, even if it doesn’t always work out the way you expect. Later, Paula wakes up and sees an invitation on the table and decides she’s going to go – I guess this is the party or event where Bettina’s friend’s dad is also going to be, right? She is surprisingly alert after how drunk she was before. When she wakes up in her tight sweater, I am again reminded of how the best body on the show is being kept under wraps. Not fair.

Speaking of nice bodies, Sara is dressed up with her boobs basically hanging out to go meet Alonso. For once I agree with one of her plans. If she is out to conquer a horny man, and we all know how horny Alonso is, she is on the right track. Julian asks her why she seems so at peace with the whole Lorena thing, Sara makes up some excuse about giving it time. Zulema comes in and tells her she looks like she’s going on a date, not just coffee with a friend. If this were a Mexican mom for real, there would have been a fight about how she’s dressed. Most moms aren’t so happy to see their daughters showing off the goods to some man they haven’t met.

Lorena comes home, she sold all her stuff, and talks to Rosy. Rosy wants her to come to the movies with her and Julian, but Lorena says no, it will remind her of when all four of them went out. Why stop there? I can’t eat, it reminds me of eating with him. I can’t walk, it reminds me of walking with him. Etc. You can see I don’t have patience for that sort of thing.

Hortensia looks at Ernesto’s book and is impressed. Is this a real book and they are really trying to boost sales, or what?

Jaime comes to the lesser house to try and talk to Omar, Omar slams the door in his face. Just then Maruja comes up, they talk briefly and Jaime asks her to spend some time with him, walk, talk, get a drink, whatever. She has here eyes so wide open, you would think he just asked her to have sex in the alley. I guess she still just sees him as Mr. big shot from her work.

Alonso and Sara get to a restaurant and make nice small talk to each other. Just then, her cell phone rings and in defiance of all common etiquette, she answers to be greeted by Chalo saying “Hola mi rrrreina” in that incredibly annoying way of his. Sometimes I say that to my wife in my Chalo voice, along with “quien es tu Challlloooooo” just to get a rise out of her. She doesn’t say anything to him, just hangs up and tells Alonso that it was Lorena. Of course it rings again, so she turns it off. They talk and make googly eyes at each other, before long she has talked him into taking her to Chapultapec the next day, she’s going to skip school to go. Mr. high and mighty morals Alonso doesn’t seem to have any problem with it. It may have had something to do with Sara continuing to rest her barely restrained breasts on the table. Very subtle. Gabriel Soto must be a better actor than we thought, because they don’t have him staring at them the whole time.

Meanwhile Lorena studies and starts crying and moping when she finds a picture of her and Alonso.

Arturo and Barbara meet up in a hotel room, he gets upset once he realizes they aren’t going to have sex. She storms out, he says to the empty room that he’s getting tired of her.

Paula goes to the bar and finds Daniel there, he has an invitation too, they figure out that the daughters set them up. She wants to go yell at Bettina, Daniel has seen the tight sweater and says no no no, stay, let’s make the best of this. She agrees and actually starts acting normal. They get a table.

Jackie is all steamed about her wedding being ruined, she is in bed with Dario, who is trying to get something started, but she’s on the phone with her mom, who is continuing to give her good advise (hey! Cheer up! You’re married!) which Jackie seems determined to ignore. When she hangs up, Dario tries to get her to move on from the dress and that nobody from the company came, but she just wants to go to sleep. Plenty of time for nookie in Thailand, where she apparently doesn’t really want to go.

Paula and Daniel enjoy some drinks – I have to take a time out. So far she got totally bombed, passed on out the couch, then went back out, in the same clothes, still early enough to catch Daniel at the bar? How is this possible? It takes (uh *ahem* I’ve heard) a lot longer than that to sleep off that much booze, especially when you’re in your 30s. Plus, I hope she brushed her teeth before she left the house. Anyway, Daniel seems to want to get a little closer to her but she is obsessed with her ex, who lookie here, just showed up. She gives Daniel a big wet kiss, his chin is shiny wet afterwards, to try and make Dario jealous, which seems to work. He marches right up, is introduced to Daniel, then Paula teases him for not being upstairs on his wedding night. So now the novela code dictates only one hotel too? Jeez. When Daniel figures out that she just kissed him for Dario’s sake, he isn’t pleased. I won’t be surprised if he leaves.

Jaime takes Maruja back to her house, then tells her how nice she is and touches her hand and tries to kiss her. He does it in a totally non-creepy way, I think this actor is by far the most convincing in his character. I hadn’t always liked him in other shows, but I really think he’s doing a fabulous job here. Of course, Maruja is a bit freaked out and runs in the house, telling muffin-wrapping Lorena that nothing is wrong.

The next day Lorena is selling muffins at the only intersection in the world, when Hortensia sees her and tells her driver to call her over. Lorena’s smile disappears when she sees Hort, who tells her “you finally ended up where someone as useless as you belongs.” What a nice lady. She is so screwed in a month or two. Or however long this show lasts. She continues to insult Lorena until Lorena says “at least I never dumped a baby at an orphanage.” This shuts Hortensia up, she tells her driver to move it. He tells her that they are at a stop light! She just says move it!

Ernesto is at the location of his new restaurant, where someday I’m sure Lorena is going to be the chef (no spoiler just guessing), he meets a woman named Monica (hello Monica!) who is hot but frowny, she seems to have a big problem with Ernesto. He has no idea why and his business partner (sorry I can’t remember his name) shows up before the conversation goes any further. Monica just keeps frowning at him.

Chalo rides up on his motorcycle and almost hits Sara as she is leaving the lesser house, wanting to know why she didn’t answer last night. She goes off on him, someone could see them! He is tired of staying hidden, she tells him to go take a vacation to Acapulco (sign me up!). He says with her? No, under what pretext could she get away? He says what if he meets some nice American girl there? She says she’s not worried, they are together in something. She unspeakingly promises bedtime goodies, I suppose, based on the look on Chalo’s face. I guess even the possibility of sex is enough to keep him quiet.

I guess Monica’s problem was that she wanted to hire a celebrity chef or something (and Ernesto isn’t?) but they appear to work out some sort of agreement. I didn’t catch a lot of the dialogue here, somebody chime in if I read that scene wrong. And yes, I’m cheating, I’m not waiting until commercials to type, I thought I might forget something.

Maruja is very listless at work, Rosy wants to know what’s going on.

Monica says Ern’s food looks great, but what if it tastes like crap? He says that won’t be the case. Monica gets a phone call and leaves, Business Partner confesses that she is his daughter and has always been bitchy. He says it more nicely, but that’s what he said.

Barbara comes to meet Sara at the company, Sara wants money. Barbara hems and haws, so Sara calls Arturo’s secretary (he’s Jaime’s assistant and also has a secretary? Is there really that much to do?) but Barbara says fine fine I’ll pay and Sara says in the phone never mind, I’ll find him later. Hortensia arrives and wants to see Sara. When she goes into her office, Barbara asks Sara how much money she wants.

Monica follows Ernesto outside after the meeting and basically wants to be in charge of hiring the help. He tells her butt out, you handle your business and I’ll handle mine. She says is this war? He tells her however she wants it. She vows to make it hell for him.

Barbara tells Arturo that Sara knows, he tells her to just pay the money. Barbara says so easy, since you always take and never give. He says he’s going to pay her back with interest. She says they should cool it for a while, he agrees quickly. I guess he really is tired of her. His wife is so much hotter and nicer anyway, jeez. Barbara sneaks a kiss that Arturo doesn’t look too excited about and she leaves. He is happy about this turn of events. I guess there isn’t any risk of the affair being outed and now he doesn’t have to be with Barbara. Wow she says no sex one time because her son is in a coma and he dumps her just like that. He really is as shallow as we thought.

Sara tells Chalo by phone that all is ready for his trip. She hangs up and Alonso brings her an ice cream and she flirts with him as they walk on their non-date date or whatever the hell it is.

Ernesto tells Lorena that her muffins (ok really I’m not making innuendos at Lorena on purpose today it just happens) were the best ever. They chat and he wants a dozen more. She says for his girlfriends? He says no all for him, but she doesn’t believe him. He says fine, for my girlfriends then. Ha ha ha flirt flirt oh you crazy kids.

Lorena’s school friend says that Lorena is about to join the harem. If he bought those muffins just for himself, he’d be fat! Lorena hopes the harem all get fat from the muffins.

All right – right away seeing Alonso rowing a boat I want to call him retarded but I’m afraid that there is some Mexican rowing style that I’m just not aware of. He is sitting in the butt end of the boat, the flat end, and rowing back that way. You can even see that the oars are anchored to be used in other seat facing the other way. Nobody associated with this show noticed that he was trying to push a rope? Or are we supposed to be impressed by his strength, where he can row a boat without the aid of aerodynamics? I have rowed boats before and it’s hard enough when doing it the right way, bow first. Maybe Sylvia has some insight here. Is rowing stern first some sort of Mexican mating ritual? I’m going to say that Alonso is just dumb. Anyway, ha ha ha flirt flirt with these two too. When they get out of the boat, it’s rocking (don’t come a knocking!) and of course Sara falls against him as they step on to land, then they start making out. Alonso manages to look completely confused even while they are kissing. Dude, did you not get all the boob signals back at the restaurant?

Tomorrow – Toribio yells at Alonso about something. He was all agitated and I couldn’t understand what he said. Unfortunately there aren’t any captions on the previews!


Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., Aug. 11 - Juan and Norma get married!!

Lotta pics for this episode.

Juan in the shower getting ready for the big day-

His brothers dressed for the ceremony-

Juan refuses to have his hair trimmed-

On the way to the wedding -

The procession to the Church led by the fruit sons- (the horseback riders got to eat a lot of dust)

Waiting for the bride -

Coming down the aisle-

Abuelo gives Norma to Juan

Witnessing the big event-

Taking the vows-

Coming out of the Church-

Dínora prepares to ruin someone else's wedding-

Grabiela in the cross hairs-


So Big!!

Leandro enjoys himself at the reception-

Belinda and Dínora on the lam-

Dínora heads into the swamp-

Here is a link to an image of Sebástian Bóscan with his own hair:


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #139, Friday 8-8: I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!

OK, so the setup for tonight is that the younger set are on the way back from Puerto Vallarta on the road trip from hell. While stopping to fix a flat tire, Flor goes into labor. Yes, labor. And considering everyone else on this trip is either male or Valeria, who do you think is going to end up playing obstetrician?

Mili confirms that the baby's going to be born now, like right now, not later now. Everybody freaks out.

Luciana drinks twice her weight in alcohol as she accuses Damian of cleaning out her checking account. He denies it, of course, and says she must have drunk it all. She tries to scratch his eyes out, but he's more sober than she is, so he holds her off. Then he kicks her out of "his" office and tells her she's on her own from now on. Damn, that's cold, even for Damian.

Mat the Rat comes into Robledo Sr.'s office and tells him that Fernando has been killed and Mat will be killed too if he doesn't cooperate with the guy who killed Domingo Echavarria. He swears he's innocent. I don't think grandpa's buying that. Mat explains that the plot was for him to marry Marisela and then steal the girls' money. Mat says he can't tell the cops because the mob guys will kill him. More power to them, I say. Grandpa says they've got to take him to a hospital and Mat can tell the rest of the story on the way.

Florencia lies in the backseat with her knees up. Mili can't think of what else to do, so she prays to Jesús for help. Um, I believe his vocational training background was in carpentry, so I'm not sure how much help he'd be in this situation. Alejandro comes over to take a look, but Flor doesn't want him there…and Mili doesn't want him looking! Nor Rocky. Rocky faints dead away when Flor's knees fall apart. Valeria now comes over and has to tend to Rocky. Mili finally says that Alejandro will help her, but Flor tells them both to go away. Mili says they're her only options, even though she has no idea what to do.

Sor Cachete and Padre Manuel talk in the library. PM tells her that Damian came to visit. SC tells PM that she's worried about the Madre Superior. The doctor has been coming to visit and she's been keeping quiet about it.

Mili yells at "Florinda" to breathe. Rocky looks for instructions on how to deliver a baby in his book of roadside emergencies. He discovers that they need hot water. Much discussion on where the hot water should come from. Rocky ends up being sent to get it. It sounds like Mili's trying to convince the baby not to come out. Now they're all yelling at Rocky to bring towels…and disinfectant. Valeria has a lovely alcohol-free disinfectant in her luggage, thankfully. Seriously, I think fixing the tire and getting the hell back on the road and/or calling 911 would be a better idea than having the baby delivered by the Five Stooges.

Grandpa called Marisela to come to the hospital. He says they're going to the cops once they get Mat out of the hospital. Mat refuses because either (a) Villalobos will kill him and/or (b) the cops will think he's an accomplice and arrest him. He tries to convince Grandpa to let him flee the country. Grandpa says nothing will happen and goes looking for the doctor. Mat talks to himself, saying he's not going to jail and he walks out with his bright blue hospital gown and his pants. Yeah, thankfully we didn't have to be subjected to seeing his skinny butt.

Mili and Valeria are yelling at Flor to push. We hear a baby crying and see Alejandro faint out in front of the car. Mili hands the baby to Valeria and then cuts the cord. She takes the baby from Valeria and tries to hand her to Florencia. Florencia's a little squicked about holding the baby, but Hugo wants to have a look at her. Rocky finally came back with the hot water, but doesn't know what to do with it. Meanwhile Alejandro keeps lying on the ground passed out. Mili uses the water to wake him up. He faints again when he remembers why he fainted in the first place. Valeria keeps holding the baby, with Hugo looking on. Florencia just looks around as the "something bad is going to happen" theme song plays.

Mat the Rat runs out of the hospital and gets into Marisela's car. He tells her to take off, quick.

Hugo gets Flor back into the front seat of the car. He stares at Alejandro and Mili all googly-eyed over the baby. Mili tries to give Florencia the baby, but she won't take it. Yeesh! It's dangerous to just have the baby bouncing around in the car. Hugo says they're close to a town and should get there fast so Florencia and the baby can get checked out and they can get diapers for the kid. Flor keeps giving nasty looks to Alejandro and Mili while they keep looking all googly-eyed at the baby…and each other. Poor kid's going to have a hard time figuring out what to make of the story of what happened when she was born.

It's beating o'clock at the prison and Constancio doesn't have all the money necessary to avoid it. Once Mono finds out it's not all the money, Constancio starts the fast talking. He promises that Mono will have all the money before noon tomorrow. Mono says rules are rules and the other two guys get antsy to start teaching the new guy a lesson. Constancio finally says he'll pay double, which is a different story. Mono says he'll take the double, but if not, he'll have to pay up in the locker room (los vestidores), if you catch his meaning. The backup band leaves and Mono settles in for story hour.

Macarena, in another fabulous red dress and more cleavage on display than the previous evening, sings at her club again. Damian asks for a table and a tequila. Macarena takes notice and really belts it out for him. The crowd goes wild. The bouncer leads Macarena to Damian's table. She certainly doesn't invest much in the furniture. Looks like they're sitting on folding chairs. She has someone bring a bottle of tequila, to give Damian a shot of courage. She attempts to suffocate Damian in her cleavage. Damian remembers he's got to take one for the team, but he just can't bring himself to do it. He calls her "Sor Catalina" and says she's a pervert. She realizes he confused her with her sister, so he might know where her sister is. Damian goes out to his car and Macarena follows him, but he takes off before she gets a chance to ask where Catalina is…"She has something of mine." She goes back inside and tells the bouncer it's nothing, she'll explain it to him later. Come on, now, don't tell me Sor Cachete has the money…and still they have to fundraise for the orphanage every time one of those kids sneezes?

Sor Cachete thanks Gloria and Chamuco for inviting her to the movies, but she says there'd better be dinner after. She goes to tell the Madre Superior where she's off to. After she leaves, Chamuco breaks it to Gloria that he's not going to the movies with them since he's got to start his new job as a taxi driver tonight. Gloria is not happy. She really wants him to go to the movies with them, but he reminds her they need money for the baby. Gloria eventually agrees. See what happens when you lie about being pregnant? Let that be a lesson to you.

Mat the Rat and Marisela are back at her apartment. She wants him to swear he had nothing to do with "it." I guess he just told her that the Wolfman killed her daddy. She can't understand why he would do that. Mat explains he wants to take the business away from them. He says he wouldn't play along and that's why he looks like ground hamburger. The doorbell rings, but Mat doesn't want her to answer it. Marisela tells him it's Grandpa because she agrees with Grandpa that they should go to the cops. She says she won't let them live in fear. She answers the door and Grandpa is there with Detective Cienfuegos ("hundred fires") . He recognizes Mat from running off from the police station the other day. He wants an explanation. Mateo gives Grandpa a betrayed look, Marisela weeps, and Grandpa looks really, really disappointed in his super-loser grandson.

The young folks have returned to Casa Belmonte and Braulio is thrilled to see them and the baby. Mili is still holding her while Florencia looks pissed off. She says that the doctor in Middle of Nowhere said the baby was healthy, so yay! Death glare from Florencia. Braulio congratulates Alejandro and Flor and she's like "whatever, I just want to shower and then go visit Constancio in jail." Alejandro tells her she should rest, but she wants to confront Constancio about killing her dad. Mili tries to give the baby to Flor, again, but Alejandro's the one who ends up taking the baby upstairs as Braulio coos. Hugo can't help smiling, but then he looks at Milagros smiling and gives her the death glare again. Mili says they need to talk, but he says he has nothing to say to her and he's not interested in listening to her either. Valeria tells her to be patient and eventually Hugo will understand. Braulio wants to know about the gossip.

Valeria comes into Andrea's room. She wants to know how her Daddy is doing. Andrea tells her he'll be in jail for years what with all the evidence against him. Valeria tells her that the baby has been born and she wants to celebrate the birth, but everyone's upset about Daddy being in jail and Mommy being in rehab. Andrea says that's exactly why they should celebrate, to take their minds off things. Valeria goes off to change so she can go on the jail visit too.

Valeria, Alejandro, and Florencia sit at a table with Constancio. Alejandro explains that they didn't bring the baby because Flor had just breast-fed her (seriously? I feel sorry for the poor kid just thinking of all that bitterness and hatred and CRAZY that she's getting from Flor) and they left her with Socorro. Constancio starts with the "I didn't do it, you believe me, right?" Alejandro reminds him he's lied his whole life. Constancio reminds him that Domingo threatened him, but Alejandro remembers that Constancio threatened right back. Constancio said he only planned to ruin him, not kill him. Alejandro says he'll never cease to be amazed at what a rat bastard Constancio can be. Constancio says his conscience is clear (clear or nonexistent?) and he swears he's not a killer. Valeria says she wants to believe him, but he's lied about so many things…and he tried to separate her from Rocky. Constancio says if he was the killer they think he is, wouldn't Rocky be dead and buried? Now everyone, including Florencia, agrees to give him the benefit of the doubt. Florencia says if it turns out that he did it, she'll spend all her money keeping him locked up. Mafia Daddy turns over in his grave…any properly-brought-up Mafia Princess should be threatening him with death. Much more economical than wasting all of Daddy's hard-earned money on keeping Constancio in prison. Flor excuses herself and says she'll wait out front for them.

Rocky tells Socorro, Horacio, and Lina his version of the baby's birth while Socorro cradles a doll. Rocky claims that Mili fainted and Alejandro jumped out the window of the car. He says the baby popped out like an "esquida"…I don't see that as an official word, but is he calling his niece a squid? Socorro tells him he delivered the baby all wrong since he was saying that he pushed the baby out by pushing on Flor's stomach. Gloria now comes in and mentions Mili delivering the baby and Rocky fainting. Rocky goes to clean up the car (ew!) while the others laugh.

Constancio blah, blah, blah's about how crappy he feels, how he's scared, he's going to spend the rest of his life locked up, etc. He cries. Alejandro says if he's innocent, he'll get out. Constancio says even if he gets out, his career is over. Valeria says he's going to clear his name, but Constancio's not optimistic about it. Alejandro even manages to look sad. He looks up and sees Robledo Sr. and the cop guy. Alejandro says he wants to give Constancio a chance to clear his name, but Constancio better not let him down. Robledo Sr. and Cienfuegos come in and Alejandro says that Constancio is innocent. He offers to stay in jail so that Constancio can get out and find the real killer. Dude, that is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Constancio at least has the grace to call it stupid. Alejandro insists that he has to clear his name. Valeria reminds him that the baby and Mili need him. Sr. Robledo says that won't work and also they have good news--Constancio's getting out. Cienfuegos says they don't have the killer, but they're looking for him--Gustavo Villalobos. Valeria's thrilled. Constancio asks Alejandro for a hug. Alejandro looks really disturbed as Constancio hugs him.

The cops close in on the Wolfman's hideout. Of course, because we're in Ultimas Semanas, he's sitting there making a shady business deal. The cops come in with their assault rifles. The get Villalobos and the other two guys and take them out to the cars, after explaining to Villalobos what he's getting arrested for. Looks like Mono Salazar is going to have some competition soon.

Robledo Sr. is filling in Constancio and kids on the details of what Mat told him. Alejandro says he doesn't believe Mat to be innocent and that he made Alejandro look bad so that he could get his hands on the company. Constancio admits that he helped Mat to screw over Alejandro…no, wait, he admits that Mat asked for help, but he wouldn't help him, since he would never do that. Oh, Constancio, will you ever stop being a rat bastard? Grandpa is a little shocked, because he knows Mat is a rat, but he doesn't think he's a killer. Constancio remembers the night that he found Mateo hiding under his desk. Constancio surmises he must have been planting evidence. Cienfuegos looks like it's all adding up for him…he says he's going to call and have Mat detained since he's over giving his deposition. Alejandro comforts Grandpa.

At the station, Mat finishes giving his deposition, such as it is. The cop says he's going to go print the deposition so that Mat can sign it. Marisela is giving him puppy dog eyes for being all beat up. Mat says he was just trying to protect her. The desk guy gets the note about detaining Mat. When Mat goes over to ask if he can sign yet, the desk guy tells him he's being detained as an accomplice. Marisela is impactada, especially when the desk guy says they have proof against him. Mat the Rat gets hauled away.

Grandpa Robledo goes off to finish arranging for Constancio's release. Alejandro says he's leaving because Florencia's waiting for him. Constancio thanks him for his nice gesture. Valeria tells him they need to be closer, as a family, especially since mom's in rehab. Constancio hugs Valeria and calls her his good-luck charm. The record scratches as he tells her he's not too happy about the, ahem, runway show in Guadalajara, hm?

Lina, Mili, and Socorro fawn over the baby and how sweet she is. Mili encourages Lina to practice holding the baby. Oh, la Floreenda esa's going to love that! Socorro's offended that Florencia left the baby like this. Mili defends Florencia to the baby, saying she's going through a tough time and they need to be understanding. Yes, Saint Mili. She tells the gals that Florencia went to see Constancio in jail. Lina lets slip that Constancio is Mili's dad. Socorro is impactadissima!

And Monday…Marisela tells Florencia that Rigoberto's back; Damian and Andrea get busted; Florencia and Mili fight about the baby--well, that's refreshing, at least they're not fighting over Alejandro for once.


Fuego en la Sangre, 08/08/08: Revolting Revelations and the Hunt for the Hallowed Homestead

[There is something to be said for the old adage that you can pick your pals but not your parents, your friends but not your family.]

As we begin Augie rolls himself into the front hallway of the hacienda yelling at Gabriela about why she is enjoying tormenting Sofia about her origin. “Just what are you after?” he asks her. She avoids answering by saying she’s not after anything but the truth. (Huh? Chalk this up to crappy writing cuz I’m as confused as Augie is. She’s not after the truth; she’s hinting at the truth to vex the two of them.) Augie wants to know what ‘truth’ she’s babbling about. Gabi throws out another irksome riddle, “--One that’s very painful and which neither of you wants to know." Just then Raquel, the White Witch, appears at the doorway and says she has an urgent need to speak with her. Augie turns around and tells Raquel that if she came to rat on him for coming over to her place she can speak freely in front of him and then the three of them can clear up just what service she performed for Gabi that she would pay her for it with valuable Robles property. Both women raise their eyebrows.

Raqui begs off and tells Gabi that she of course told Augie it was too delicate a topic and that Gabriela should be the one to tell him if she wanted. Gabi tells her dad it’s none of his business, but Augie says it darned well is since he’s the owner of the property. Gabi deflects and parries by saying then perhaps he might be grateful for the way his fortune has increased and stop annoying her because right now she and Raqui have more important things to discuss. As she and Raquel walk off and leave him to stew he pulls out a piece of paper and a pen that he’s hidden and begins to write something down.

Once they’re in her office, Gabi gripes at Raqui for having such a big mouth but Raqui says she never said a thing to her father about this and doesn’t know how he got wind of it. Gabi should check it out herself if she wants to know. Gabi says she plans to investigate the whole thing and then she immediately changes the subject. The cat claws come out. “So why’d you come here? To look for Fernando?” Raqui denies anything is going on with her and Fernando. She’s a married woman after all. “Besides it wasn’t I who was in the restaurant in downtown Puebla and who was smooching him without a shred of decency in front of everybody.”

Gabi’s got no choice and decides she’ll tell Raquel the truth –the way she sees it at least. Raqui’s raccoon eyes get even rounder as Gabi reveals she’s got a thing for her son-in-law. “Oh don’t be shocked! You know very well that despite still being Sofia’s husband, nothing ever happened between Sofia and him. She always despised him and she caused him so much grief and pain.”

Raqui, who is about as ready for a good shower as the rest of us about now, wisely keeps mum about said suffering SIL hitting on her lonely rich self just a couple of days ago. Gabi prattles on about how they have a right to be happy, that she’s protected him (yep, he’s been her “protegé” all right) and he has dedicated himself to caring for her. She drones on about how she’s given him a lot and now he’s obligated to respect her and to be faithful. (What, like a dog or maybe her sex slave?) That was why when Raqui approached them the other day at the table she immediately thought there was something between the two of them. Raqui denies again that there is or was anything between them and emphasizes that there never will be. She reminds Gabi that she is a married woman and they both know her husband’s personality. She would be crazy to cheat on him (and to get caught, as she conveniently leaves out). He’d kill her.

Raqui takes out her own claws now. Anyway, the only reason she approached Gabi and Fernando, she says, was because she was so shocked to see Gabi acting like some kind of… floozy. Gabi tells Raquel to shut up and just forget what she saw. She has explained what is going on and the two of them have agreed to join the two families, so now they’ve got to force Benito and Sarita to marry each other. Raqui laughs a little and says well, she’d love to pacify her husband that way especially after that nasty fiasco, but she is not sure he’d be interested in being related to a woman who is fooling around with her son-in-law!” (Meeooowww! R-r-ro-o-ow-w-w-l!)) Gabi hauls off and smacks Raqui up the side of the head. “Shut up you damned b!tch!”

Raqui is smarting from the pain but only gives Gabriela a verbal warning never to hit her again. She goes for the raw threat instead: “You and I have a secret and if I tell it to your father it would be your everlasting hell!” (White Witch has spoken.) Raquel turns on her heel and races out. Crabi is oblivious to this threat and thinks only about how Fernando had been telling her the truth all along and that she misjudged him. She worries about what she can do to repair the rift.

As for Fernando, he is sitting in his chair in the office of the Bad Love Bar puffing away on his cheroot, telling himself that he cannot allow Anselmo to take his golden goose, Rosario, with him to parts unknown. He gets up and starts for the door as Gabi enters. He is impactado to think she’d deign to show her face let alone come looking for him there. She takes one look around the room, sniffs and asks him why he’s still involved in this business. Fer gets a kick playing the offended lover. “Again with the explanations! You think the whole world is your property! Ok. I’ll tell you once more.” Armando, he lies, has been putting him up for a bit because she kicked him out of the hacienda, duh. Gabi grovels and forces herself to stammer out her need to be forgiven.

Feo is really enjoying this little scene; he knows exactly which of her buttons to push. He now feigns frustration, saying that she wouldn’t believe him unless it came from Raquel. He says he considers themselves like “husband and wife”, but he’s been too offended by her actions. She begs him repeatedly to come back and to forget everything she told him. He refuses and rubs her face in it. “I could have made you very happy, but you prefer living life full of bitterness.” No, he has his dignity. So, their little relationship is caput. “Go away. Get out and don’t ever bother to come looking for me again!” He pushes her toward the door –and, for once the b!tch is actually speechless. In fact, it’s all she can do to drag herself forlornly through it. As she leaves he snickers to himself that he told her she was going to suffer and suffer she will. “She’ll come crawling to my feet begging for me to come back. Ha!” His thoughts then return to the business at hand: getting rid of that nuisance, Anselmo, once and for all.

Speaking of which, across town in the little clinic Rosario wakes up to find Anselmo staring at her from the foot of the bed. “It can’t be! You’re dead! You’re supposed to be dead!” No, Anselmo tells her, he is alive and he’s escaped and come back to be with her and their little boy. (Now, just how that is supposed to work with the authorities hot on his trail, I don’t think Anselmo, who has got a bit of a short in his chandelier, has quite figured out.) Rosario, though, wants no part of it or him. She yells at him for taking advantage of her innocence and gullibility by tricking her into doing bad things that have cost her dearly ever since, especially suffering over her son. He tells her he is sorry and that he really wants to make it up to her, but she refuses and says she doesn’t love him any longer. He begs her again in the name of their son. “Forgive me and give me another chance. Do it for our son.”

Rosario has moved on. She tells Anselmo that it’s time he knows the truth: Luisito is not his son. He is Fernando’s! Even a half-wit like Anselmo, whose cabeza [head] is minus more than just his cabello [hair] knows what this means. Rosario quickly and tearfully explains that the night they took him off to prison Fernando raped her and she got pregnant. Anselmo’s eyes suddenly are shining yellow like he just might be related to Rosemary’s devil baby and 'murder most foul' is the only thing that the enraged and brainless brute can think about.

Across town at the bakery, Quintina’s sister, Hortensia, is still suffering from hoof-in-mouth disease. She has quickly run in to return the repaired picture of Libia to Juan. She tells him that Quntina had been hiding it from Sofia. On cue Sofia shows up asking to see what it is they’re hiding from her. Hortensia, after removing her foot from her mouth, slinks out leaving Juan in the lurch. Juan tells Sofia that it’s better if he shows her something first and they head out for Libia’s grave site.

When Juan and Sofia arrive at the grave she tells him she remembers the place from the night she ran in there to get out of the storm. It was when they first met and she never quite understood why he became so furious with her when he found her there. He explains that it is his sister’s grave and they come there whenever they’re troubled because they believe somehow that she will be able to help them solve their problems. He was upset that night because at the time he still thought she was his enemy. Sofia wants him to explain what he means, but he refuses repeatedly because he says he will surely lose her forever if he does. She tries to assure him she won’t (which can only mean their relationship is certainly doomed). She says she’s told him a thousand times she will love him forever and always and that he will never lose her. Juan, she says, has got to trust her enough to confide in her about what is behind all this secrecy.

Oscar shows up about then and stops just outside the entrance to the cave when he sees Sofia there. He listens off to the side while Juan tells Sofia his reasons. In another two hanky scene Juan tells Sofia that as children they were constantly running, in fear for their lives, from their parents’ murderers. He carries that fear with him still and that’s why he’s been so protective of them all. He says he’d gladly give his life without a single complaint to save any one of them. He remembers chasing after his two younger brothers who were so exhausting running around like little devils everywhere; but his little sister was as special as they come, and as delicate. She stole their hearts from the moment she began to crawl. He breaks down and tearfully says he can’t understand why God took her from them. Anyway, the night he learned she’d died he became filled with hate at life.

Even after they found refuge with that charitable woman who taught them about bread, Juan continues, he realized his parents’ murderers were still looking for them and they had to flee again. He provided for them all by doing odd jobs here and there. He was charged with protecting them. However, he feels in the end he failed. He failed with his sister and now with Franco. He blames himself for what has happened to them. Oscar can’t stand it anymore (neither can I after hearing it for the umpteenth time). He runs into the cave (Hel-lo?) and tells Juan he’s not to blame, not at all. (Note: Libia must agree since just then the flower starts glowing above them.) Oscar says nobody should dare reproach Juan. He’s given his all and the best of himself. Life will reward him for it and he should be happy here with the woman he loves and the child they’re expecting together.

Sofia and the two of them begin to pray to their “sainted” sister to help Franco and to protect them all. The little flower glows and tinkles again. Libia is definitely on board with this and will no doubt give it her all from the great beyond

Back at the Bad Love, meanwhile, in the hallway Armando unexpectedly runs into Anselmo who is on his way to pay his murderous respects to Fernando. Addle-brained Anselmo realizes instinctively that Armando has been Fer’s accomplice in the abusive treatment of Rosario all these long years and he attacks him. He begins to choke Manny, who manages eventually, to squeeze out enough of an accusation against Fernando to make Anselmo stop and pay attention. Manny swears to Anselmo that Feo was never his friend; he betrayed him and was the one that got him sent away to prison.

Back at the sainted Libia’s graveside Juan, Sofia and Oscar finish praying and Oscar tells them he was on his way to talk to Juan after “discussing” things with little sis here. He’s a bit embarrassed to mention it in front of Sofia but has no choice and says it’s his MIL. Gabi has been constantly humiliating him and the latest was because he didn’t know anything about growing chile peppers. Quite conveniently both Juan and Sofia know how to raise a proper crop of chiles and they hike over to the hacienda to check out the field and begin teaching him what they know.

Back in town at the Bad Love Anselmo barges into Fer’s office and finds Fernando chomping on another cheroot. He gives Fer a (most satisfying and long overdue) beating for the way he lied, betrayed him to the cops, and continually raped Rosario. He tells Fer he also found out that Luisito is not his son at all but Fernando’s! Anselmo then pulls a gun on him and is ready to shoot him dead. Alas our joy at seeing Fernando get another bloody bruising is short-lived as, unfortunately, Anselmo hesitates and Fer is able to wrestle the gun out of his hands. Fernando immediately shoots Anselmo in the heart –or close enough-- and after taking a few too many labored and (according to the hubster, unrealistic) additional seconds to stumble around the office and curse Feo, he drops to the floor and breathes his last.

Fernando smirks triumphantly as he looks over at his handiwork. A second later Eva barges in looking for somebody and realizes Anselmo is lying on the floor there near her feet and has assumed room temperature. She screams at Fernando, “Murderer! Murderer!” Fer stares over at her and then looks away, apparently rather blasé about it all.

Meanwhile, Juan, Oscar and Sofia have made it over to the chile fields. Juan looks around and suddenly spies an old oak tree with initials carved into it. It’s their old oak tree, the one with the same FR emblem carved into it. He calls Oscar over and whispers to him it’s the old tree with the same emblem as the one on their old trunk. Their father carved it out years ago when they were boys. Juan wonders what their land is doing inside of Elizondo land. Sofia sees the fuss and he rather awkwardly accuses her father of being their parents’ murderer.

Sofia warns him not to make such accusations without a single bit of proof because even if it were so and he were capable of such a thing –which she clearly states he was not—that would change their relationship completely. Any slander against her daddy is slander against her and her family. Oscar then insists there has to be some other explanation so Juan apologizes, Sofia accepts and they’re off to find Augie since he’s the only one they can trust who would have an explanation.

Back again in Fernando’s office, Fer shed’s crocodile tears and swears to Eva that it was a matter of self-defense. He was defending (sniff) Rosario (sniff) and her little boy from being carried off with this dangerous escaped criminal! Armando rushes in just then and sees Anselmo laid out on the floor. He tells Fernando that he will have to turn himself in to the authorities. Fernando swears again he killed him in self-defense when he attacked him. Eva doesn’t say another word, just grabs her purse and races out of the office. When she’s gone Armando asks what really happened in there. Feo tells Manny that Anselmo was like a crazy man and all over him, accusing him of taking advantage of Rosario and even of (Gasp!) persecuting her. Then Feo turns and looks directly at Manny and in an accusatory voice says, “He also accused me of betraying him and said I was to blame for him being in jail….” Armando gets a sheepish look on his face and says it wasn’t him. He never even spoke to the guy. “M-m-maybe it was Rosario!” he stutters. “Whoever it was,” Fernando threatens, “I’m going to find out and they will pay for it!”

Then, on a lighter note, Fernando figures that the one good thing to come out of all of this is there is one less hassle now that they’re shed of the sorry SOB. “Anyway, nobody will be able to accuse me of anything. The guy’s a fugitive. Oh, though, one thing he told me did get me thinking.” “—Yeah, what?” “—Anselmo told me Rosario’s little boy wasn’t his.” “—Whose then?” Fernando steps over the body and sinks into the couch and in a deliberate show of contempt, he puts his boots on Anselmo's lifeless torso like a footrest. “He assured me that he’s mine! The boy is mine!” Armando is slack-jaw impactado from this little bombshell.

Oscar, Juan and Sofia are now at Augie’s. They are at the table and he is showing them the two maps he has of the property lines. One is Juan’s of the original under the Robles’ ownership. The other is the last one Augie and Bernardo had ordered done so they could determine boundary lines. Neither one, he says, shows the area of land that the tree lies in. That land was acquired without either his or Bernardo’s knowledge. Augie had investigated its origin and found it belonged to a family named “Robles.” Oscar asks him if he is sure about this, and Aguie replies that he is very certain. Juan admits to Sofia and her granddad then that they are those Robles’ and that their true name is Robles-Reyes. Confused, Augie says he thought their name was Reyes. Juan explains that Reyes is his mother’s family’s name and they used it so their parents’ murderers couldn’t track them and kill them too.

Oscar asks then if their land wasn’t part of the Hacienda San Augustin’s property, how does it happen that it really is? Augie answers that ownership went from the Robles-Reyes to the Uribe’s, and then to the Elizondo’s. It’s something that apparently Gabi acquired in exchange for something else that she hasn’t wanted to explain to him. Juan’s first idea is to rush off and demand answers from her, but Sofia tells him to wait. It would be better if she and Augie do the asking. Augie agrees saying that you don’t win a war without strategic planning. Impulsiveness will get them nowhere fast and, knowing Gabriela, she is never going to tell the two of them anything. Just let him and Sofia investigate and determine Gabi’s role in all of this. In the meantime they need to question Raquel Uribe. Given the circumstances, she’s got no justification at all for hiding the truth.

Along the way, while galloping to the Uribe estate, Juan tells Oscar that it seems Widow Elizondo again is the enemy and Bernardo as well. Oscar isn’t so sure about Bernardo because he feels the old guy really did love Libia. Juan disagrees because Bernardo lied and never told them he was married. Oscar answers that they’ve lied to his three daughters too, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they might not love them. Juan admits he has a point and that then once more love must be put ahead of vengeance. He worries, though, that this could cause a huge rift between him and Sofia. Oscar says it would now be God’s doing and reminds him he’s always told them they’re marked by Fate. Juan, resolute, answers that first they will get answers from Raquel Uribe and afterwards from Gabriela Elizondo!

As for Gabi, she’s in her bedroom weeping and wailing for her Fernando to come back to her. It is going to be a while, though, if he ever does, since at that very instant he is being hauled away in handcuffs by the local constable, aka, sheriff. Fernando tells the sheriff that it was self-defense against a fugitive of the law. He can check at the prison himself. The sheriff says he intends to, but in the meantime Fernando is going to be behind bars. As they head out the door Fernando throws a meaningful look over at Armando. Once they’re gone, though, Manny shuts the office door and breaks out laughing. “You really screwed the pooch this time, Fernando! Me? I’m the one left in charge of all of this. Now I’m the patron and you will pay for all the humiliation you’ve caused me. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

Juan and Oscar arrive at the Uribe estate. Juan takes one look around at the main house and his surroundings and knows immediately that it is their old hacienda and their lost land. The two swear to get it all back because “The Reyes’ have returned and no one will be able to grab their land from them this time!”

Inside the hacienda the two demand answers from Raquel, who hems and haws and says she doesn’t know a thing about any of it. Her husband bought the property from the old owners, but sadly, she never found out who they were. When her husband gets back into the country from his business trip she’ll let him know they want to speak with him. This is not what Juan wants to hear. Oscar asks Raqui then what she knows about the deal made with Gabriela Elizondo and what was given in exchange for that property? She’s rattled for only a second before becoming enraged to hear such impertinent questions in her own house. (Now I’ve never understood why it matters where an impertinent question is asked, inside or out. Rude is rude and a question is still a question.) She yells at them that they have no right to interrogate her this way, but Juan objects and says they have every right. All this land was Robles property and they are the Robles.

Raqui’s raccoon eyes are like saucers now. This little revelation has her impactada and gasping for breath. (Wow! Two body slammers all in the same day!) Oscar adds, “Yeah, what do you know? Our parents were murdered for that land. So, you’re wrong and yes, we have EVERY right.” Raqui plays dumb and insists they’ll just have to wait for her husband to return from his trip. “Get out of my house now! Just leave already!” she screams at them. Juan tells her they’re leaving but rest assured they’ll be back because the estate and all this land belong to them. They are going to get it back whatever the cost!

Meanwhile, Sofia and Augie have Gabi cornered in her office at the hacienda. Gabi tries to deflect their questions by insulting Sofia. She tells her she is dead to her. “Your presence sullies the honor of this sacred home. (That’s rich.) Get out and never come back because I cannot stand to even look at you, nor (with a look at Augie) at you either.” Augie tells her not to think it’s any great shakes having to see her mug either, but they’re there bothering her because they have to clarify just what deal she struck with Raquel Uribe in exchange for the lands at the back end of the property, those that border along the Uribe’s land. Gabi tries shooing them away again and says she’s got no reason to say a thing to them, so get out and do not come back there again.

Sofia shows a little backbone and demands an answer from her mother. “You will have to tell us first why the lands that belong to the Robles are now part of this estate, and above all, because the Reyes’ parents were murdered in order to strip them of it! Their name is actually Robles-Reyes!” Gabi knits her brow betraying just a bit of unease at this new revelation. It would seem that life has suddenly become somewhat more complicated for the Widow Elizondo.


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