Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Querida Enemiga- Wed 8-13- With friends like this, who needs Enemigas
Rossy and Julian announce they celebrated a little after his show, but the real party is in Acapulco, but maru isn't sure she'll give permission, but Rossy reminds her she's old enough already. She looks nice in the blue dress.
Zully flashbacks to Sara telling her of Lore's betrayal with Chalo, and then remembers when she fired Lore. She tells herself she feels she's done something wrong. ya think?
Barbi in bed says it's best if Art leaves the business. Jaime comes in and the two fight about Vasco coming home. Barb won't have it any other way but Jaime isn't sure that Vasco will accept. He agrees to help try to convince Vasco. After he leaves Barb tells herself Art is hot in bed, but a slime, and her husband is so noble, but sucks in bed. Ouch...
Suegra from hell(SFH) looks faint and Val notes she has high blood pressure and offers her a pill. Art comes in and wonders what's wrong and SFH blames it on Val of course that she wouldn't be in this condition if Val wasn't always contradicting her.
Pau gets a call from Dario in Thailand who wants to speak to Betti. Of course she asks him how it is and reminds him that was always their dream. Betti is happy to talk to Pa and wishes him a great time.
Jaqui is in bed pouting, doesn't like the country and doesn't want to go out to see anything. Dario can't believe it because this is their honeymoon.
Pa Tori is yelling at Al for being with "that girl" and come to think of it, she looks the same sort of... Pa swears Al is making a big mistake and wasting time that she isn't worth. Boy howdy, now that's for sure. The radiation from Ciudad Cerdan has made it's way to the DF, looks like.
Zully confronts Sara about her vacuum fest with Al and wants to know the truth, if she set up Lore to steal her man. Sara of course denies it.
In the other house, Pa Tori says the same sort of thing to Al, that a love like his and Lore's doesn't just vanish, and if he still loves Lore, well then he should think he's also hurting Sara if he really likes her. Al shrugs him off.
Zully still gives Sara the third degree and tells her she doesn't believe her, and doesn't believe the story about Chalo and Lore. Sara turns evil and threatens to leave the house and never come back. How mean. This keeps up after the commercial.
Barb and Jaime go to the clinic to spring Vasco and beg him to come home that he needs to recover and rest so they are taking him home. he wants to go to Omar's though. There is talk about Abue deciding to tolerate Diana. Barb agrees then that she will too, if Vasco comes home and that she will let Di visit as much as possible. Said Di walks in and learns the great news. She smiles funny.
Abue was talking with Bruno about something...I didn't catch what.
Julian back from his market run tell Zully that Maru will help her out because she's left Snorty's place. Omar comes in and notices Zully is sulky and asks her what is wrong. Of course she denies anything, but he knows better.
Abue shows up to the love fest at the clinic for Vasco and throws out a big apology to Diana and that she is welcome anytime in the house. Barb welcomes Di too. Di smirks again.
Sara goes to see Al in clinic and sucks his face, Bruno walks in on them. He yells at her in the hall for this and she's like, what? We have nothing going, sorry if you fantasize about me, but I owe you nothing. True. She tells him she was turned off by him rejecting his own kid.
Lore is selling panque on the street and she has a huge following. and people ask for several at a time. A young lady in a red convertible is in the next line and can't help but be curious at such the commotion. She buys a panque and comments on Lore's energy and positive attitude running at all the cars and working so hard, she thinks someone like this is needed at her Pa's restaurant and would like to offer her a job. Lore gets excited.
After the commercial we learn it's a waitress job, because someone is already in charge of the kitchen despite Lore offering her cooking skills.. hmmm me thinks me knows where this is going. Lore accepts and is excited.
Vasco is back at the mansion with everyone fawning over him. Barb pronounces that he's better off here than at the lesser house, er she means the hospital. Di smirks.
Bruno shows up to the lesser house and tells Zully that he made a mistake and loves Diana and wants her back and wants to marry her. What? Zully tells him Di is happy with a boyfriend who wants to marry her and take care of her. Bruno swears he's going to make her happy forever. Zully says he should go now.
Abue wants him to be thinking about staying there. He asks Di to sit with him.
Barb sees Di downstairs and says something mean and confesses that she doesn't really accept Di, she's only faking it for Vasco's sake. Di says curses, should have known better.
Sneaky Sara over hears this and catches up to Di and swears she's on her side, that Di needs to get Vasco out of here as soon as possible so though family can't poison and manipulate him.
Rossy is in the kitchen and comes in yelling that she wasn't given her day off to go to Acapulco. She and head chef discuss this and she decides that's enough, she will be unemployed with her Ma and she leaves.
Pau goes to another unrewarding interview and it turns out they are looking for chicas mas fresco read young and hot to sell insurance. She thinks he should stick with his chicas and she yells at him and leaves.
Zully gets a call from Vasco and will tell Omar that he's not coming back for now. Di comes home and tells Ma Bruno asked her to marry him. Ma already knows. Di doesn't know what to do, she still loves him. Zully advises her not to do it, guys like him never change.
At the cooking school Lore and Patti are chumming around when Sara comes up and gives Lore another knife and Lore is grateful and hugs her. I'm thinking she's getting the tools she needs to take this witch out. Patti makes a jealous smirk.
Rossy goes home and complains to Ma about not getting her day off. Ma is upset and in a moment of weakness spills the beans about Sara and Al.
At school Lore is sad and keeps having thoughts to call Al. Sara tells her not to bother he's not worth it. Sara confesses she feels lonely and Lore tells her to find herself someone ans she'll feel better. Yeah, there's some advice...
Pau is all dressed up and she and Betti are waiting for G-Pa and worry he forgot. He comes and takes them out somewhere for a good time.
Sara and Al are sucking face again at his place and he stops and says yeah, you know that blond girl is still on my mind and I think of her when I'm kissing you so we better not. Sara reminds him how horrible Lore's betrayal was and oh, you need me and she'll make him forget. Our bright bulb easily does, and goes back to sucking her face off again.
Ma begs Rossy not to tell Lore yet, that they need to tell her together. Rossy mad at this situation and speaking evil of Sara isn't sure she can hold it in, but she promises her Ma to wait.
Lore comes home and shows Rossy the lovely sharp present that Sara gave her and Rossy has the smartest idea and says what we all wish that Lore should use it to carve her up. Just to make sure we agree they flash to Sara and Al still hoovering. Lore of course freaks out and wants to know why Rossy would say such a thing. OK, we know she's not good at keeping secrets so she squeals that Al and Sara are going out and they may even be novios. Lore has a freak face and is muy impactada!!!!
Labels: enemiga
Fuego, Wed., Aug. 13: Casos de Familia: I have two mommies, one of whom is sleeping with my husband--the other one is a punching bag.
We start tonight with Fernie reminding us all that women are so stupid, and all you have to do is tell them pretty things and they will do whatever you want. He laughingly pulls out his stack of cash that Gabi lovingly gave him and throws it in the safe with the others. Then, for kicks, he pulls out Libia’s necklace and fondly remembers the night, which incidentally I recapped, he bashed her brains. Oscar, private eye, sees Fernie stroking the necklace, but can’t make the connection; it’s that selective memory of his.
Oh! There’s Gabi, who is also snooping around. She tells Oscar that he’s a low-life, good-for-nothin’ son-of-a-gun. He’ll never learn to behave like decent people.
Over at Reyes’s Kitchen for Wannabe Newlyweds we see Juan instructing Sofia how to make bread without any recognizable utensils or universally-accepted hygienic techniques. Sure she smashed the raw egg into her hand and then into the flour container, but what does that matter?
Gabi is still questioning/criticizing Oscar on his spying. We get it already, he’s a piece of filth; can we move on? Oh, but don’t worry. Fernie tells everyone he’s back, as if they didn’t know, and that he’s ready to assume all responsibilities of the ranch, of course, with the help of Oscar. “Sure, boss!” replies Oscar, uh, shouldn’t that be brother-in-law?
So the townspeople want to throw a chile party. They feel the need to explain what a chile is, and why it is important to Mexico. However, Juan and Sofia aren’t keen on the idea because Franco and Rosario are in critical conditions. It’s not like they wouldn’t be invited if they weren’t in the hospital, and it’s not like Juan and Sofia are going to be visiting them for the three hours of the party. Talk about bad excuses… Regardless, the townspeople are worried about having a singer because Rosie does all the local gigs and, well, she’s not around. Not to worry! Quinti has altruistically offered the services of Pa-pa-pa-pucho-Peter-Reyes.
The nun-in-training Sarita is busy teaching catechism to the local children as Peter observes her from a distance; it seems he’s drawing her on a corner of the concrete bag. Sarita is looking more and more like Fraulein Maria everyday…
For someone in critical condition, Rosie has an awfully good complexion. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that the nurses are liberally applying makeup on the patients. Eva has stopped-by to tell her that everything is taken care of with Luisito, and not to worry about Fernie.
Peter pays a visit to Gramps and asks him if he knows Gregorio de Cante. Well, of course he does! He happens to be one of Mexico’s finest rural poets. You know, if Fraulein Sarita reads the guy’s stuff then it has to be good.
Gabi comes slithering along the hospital hallways to beat-up on the old punching bag also known as Eva. Gabi wants to know if Eva still plans on supporting Rosario even though she’s not her biological daughter. I hope these people realize that Gabi only has the influences she has because they give them to her. If people would completely ignore her bull shit then she would cower away and kill herself. Since everyone on this show scored lower than the average fourth graders on their local graduation tests, they walk around in a daze and absorb every last word of Gabi’s as if it were Holy Scripture.
As luck would have it Gramps has a special collection of de Cante and other works from fascinatingly poor, but proud authors. Peter thanks Gramps, and then Gramps remembers that Sarita’s favorite author is de Cante; is it possible… no, it can’t be…
Sofia goes to visit Sor Sarita and tries, again, to talk her sister out of becoming a nun. She reminds her that she is young, beautiful, and smart. That can be argued… Anyway, Sarita claims that it’s either the convent or Benito. Well, that’s a very pressing decision Sarita, I don’t know how you’ll ever decide.
Gabi is off on her usual rant about Rosario being a whore, her mother being a whore, etc. Gabi says that if Eva can’t grasp the concept, then it’s her own fault. Eva tells Gabi that it doesn’t matter what Gabi says (there’s some of the backbone I was looking for) because Rosie loves her and they have a relationship. Either way she wins, but that Gabi, she’s all alone. Her kids flew the coop, and Fernie uses her. That’s not true! Gabi stomps off. Eva asks herself if Gramps was right about Fernie and Gabi being an item.
I guess when Fernie said that Oscar was going to help-out, he was referring to treating Oscar like the hired help. Fernie tells Oscar that he has to learn to be a big rancher by starting from the bottom. Apparently Fernie’s only interest is to make Oscar a good rancher and to make sure that Oscar and Gabi get along. Oscar tells Fernie that it’s obvious that Gabi and he love each other. Where did that come from? I don’t know but the music indicates that somebody is about to get fired…
Rosie wants to know why Gabi stopped-by; it’s not like she was making her charity rounds at the hospital, honey. Eva tells her not to worry about it. They are interrupted by the doctor who says that Rosie is healing better than expected, and now has to learn to walk again. Seems like she has made a startling recovery, one for the medical books, and can even play around with her kid. She asks if he’s still living with Gramps; that’s obvious because who else would put the kid in a dress shirt and sweater vest? Rosie has made a real character change, and even prays now; she thanks God for her second chance at life. Maybe now she can kick the go-go dancing and join Sister Sarita over at the convent.
As always, Oscar is proving his idiocy by his willingness to shovel horse shit for free, and then tell his wife that he likes it because it’s character building and facilitates a friendly relationship between him and his mother-in-law. Now that’s horse sh_t!
Gabi is talking to Fernie, and really hopes that Fernie leaves soon because he’s so annoying. Anyway, she tells him that she went to visit Eva in the hospital, and has a surprise in store for Sofia; she will never have a grandson by the Reyes-primero muerto!
Rosie has even relocated hospitals and is consoling Franco. She really needs him, etc. Oh looky! He moved his index finger—that obviously, and historically means that he will be a-ok.
Sofia is consoling Eva about her confrontation with Gabi. Eva’s not really upset because Gabi has been on her case all her life. Obviously Gabi likes to see Eva hurt, and that’s why she said Rosie isn’t her daughter. Sofia even mentions that Gabi is far from God. When Sofia hears what her mother told Eva she gets angry and goes to talk to Gabi. Eva freaks and asks God to prevent another tragedy. How dramatic…
Gramps pays a visit to Juan, accompanied by two attorneys. The attorneys have done their research and have discovered that nobody owns the land that is commonly known to be the Uribe’s. Actually, the land is under the title of Juan Jose Robles. But, Juan can’t have the land until he and his brothers can prove that they are the legal sons of Robles, and therefore the heirs to the property. Naturally this evidence will not materialize until the last week of the show, and will be a point of much debate and probably a death or two. Not to worry, Gramps, as always, is going to make sure that everything works out, and will not rest until the land is theirs again. Mark my words…and his…I smell blood…
Fernie smells something too—the scent of Sofia, and consequently comes prowling out of the shadows and into the foyer. He’s ready for vengeance and pulls out some string. He starts up the stairs, always looking at the ceiling, just like the cat he is.
Meanwhile, Sofia is upstairs questioning her mother about Eva’s daughter. Gabi tells her to be careful, and that there are truths that destroy. This truth could destroy Sofia. Gabi asks Sofia if she really wants to know who Eva’s daughter is. Well, if you put it that way…No, Sofia wants to know, and Gabi tells her that she (Sofia) is Eva’s daughter. Sofia can’t handle this and leaves the room. Ok, let’s look at this from a pragmatic stance: Sofia herself mentioned that Gabi’s story changes every time she changes her underwear; why would she even believe it?
Uh oh! Fernie set a trap with that string. She falls over the banister, but Juan is there to catch her. Talk about good timing. Those Televisa stage crew guys are top-notch, unlike their writers… Oh, her stomach, her baby! Gabi laughs, and then pretends to care. Once Juan and Sofia are gone Fernie and Gabi laugh that the bastard child will not be born.
Eva is talking to Padre Tadeo. She’s scared that another tragedy is about to occur. Ya’ gotta’ hand it to her; when she’s right, she’s right.
Fernie tells Gabi that they have to go to the hospital or else it will seem suspicious. Gabi doesn’t really want to go because all those townspeople are going to be there, and they are all so tacky. But the good thing is that the bastard will not be born. They are happy that they are systematically destroying the Reyes family: first Franco, then Oscar, then Juan, who has to, and will, suffer the most of all.
Juan brings Sofia into the dispensary and everyone freaks out and runs amuck. Oh wow. That place has two beds? I thought that they were going to kick-out ET on account of Sofia. From the looks of things Sofia is in an early-delivery situation. Padre reminds Juan that in times like these he isn’t to lose faith. With the way things have been going, I’d say he’s had plenty of practice. Gramps comes rolling along and wants to know what all the fuss is about. When they tell him that Sofia “had an accident” he sends Rosendo to Puebla for the best doctors, and the price doesn’t matter.
Juan has a heart-to-heart with the Virgin and, once again, asks her to not take away Sofia and the baby. Considering his track record and my uncanny ability to make predictions, I’d say everything is going to be fine. Though, I was wrong about Y2K and Hillary Clinton. The doctor tells Juan that Sofia is fine, but she may lose the baby.
Tomorrow: So Gabi told Sofia that she isn’t her daughter. What’s more, Fernie and Gabi tried to kill Sofia and the baby. And of course, the doctor says Sofia might lose the kid. But things won’t stay like this! Those are Univision’s words, not mine. Ok, what a pathetic preview; they didn’t tell us anything new—sort of like the Telenovela itself…
Labels: Fuego
Fuego en la Sangre #75, Tuesday, August 12, 2008, It's the Eye of the Storm
We find our poet Quintina cheering on Juan and Sophia sitting down for a family dinner with Pablito. It seems like its a full moon out with everyone making whoopee. As Jimena acts indifferent to Oscar's advances he decides to stand in front of the balcony windows in speedos as tight as rubber bands. Back at the Reyes house Juan and Sophia swear up and down, in the name of love, in the name their unborn, that nothing will separate them. I pinky swear... but we all know, never say never.
Looks like the Tumbao has changed their target demographic with their new main attraction ... Pedro Reyes! Benito seems overly ecstatic with tonight's turnout. After a night of loving we see Juan demanding that Franco wake up from his coma. They've found their lands, their home and they need him because they can't do anything without him. Wake up Franco, wake up blasted. (I still waiting for Juan to shatter that wooden rocking horse with all this testosterone!)
In the jungle, the mighty jungle Gramps is retelling the tragic tale of the Reyes brothers to Eva. He mentioned the new mystery of how Gabby and Raquel acquired the Reyes' land. Gramps has questioned Eva (again) why did the Reyes brothers showed up at Hacienda completely armed the first day they met them? Of course Eva is fumbling and can't say why and that Gramps is going to have to ask the boys himself. But soon all will be revealed.
Back at the cave we find Juan and Libia enjoying some brother sister bonding. Libia in her coffin and Juan lying in the dirt next to her (shouldn't it be smelling by now?). Juan is remembering the good times and the bad and how he gave her their mother's medallion. He asking Libia to please protect Franco and to confirm that Franco is going to be ok. (Of course he is Juan! The glowing flower is telling us so!). Glow flower glow! Libia has "spoken". After this little heart to heart Juan decides to go skinny dipping in the nearby river.
At the hacienda Gabby is looking through her scrapbook of Sophia. Of course she's also plotting against revenge her and the Reyes brothers. I'm not sure how revealing Sophia origin is going to somehow damage the Reyes. We'll see.
Ofelia and Rosario are worried about what Feo is going to do once he gets out of jail. (Ok obviously this is novela-land but wouldn't it have made more sense to say yes Feo is this horrible person, etc. and have him rot in jail!?). At the same time Feo is being discharged and is told that CSI: Puebla has confirmed that the gun he used to kill Anselmo also had Anselmo's fingerprints. Therefore it is confirmed that Feo acted in self-defense. (In all my years of Law and Order episode training I know that isn't going to hold up in court). Regardless Feo is free and reading between the lines it seems like the Commisario is telling Feo he did them all a favor by killing Anselmo.
Grandpa has laid down the law that Feo is not to return to the hacienda. Visibly upset Gabby tells gramps that Feo has been gone a while and he wouldn't be coming back to the hacienda. Grandpa gets the feeling there's more than beats the eye between Gabby and Feo and tells her so. But instead of answering Grandpa's questions, Gabby decides to leave the room "offended" that her father is questioning her motives.
Feo has returned to the Bad Love Bar only to find Armando with Feo's hat on and sitting in his chair. I'm waiting for Armando's traditional beating along with the ever popular "ripping Armando's wig off". But there's no slapping around by Feo today so the wig stays in place. Feo is informed that once again the bar is in trouble now that the Tumbao has a new act... Pedro Reyes. Darn those Reyes!
Wow, Feo's got game with the geezer dames. At the Uribe household Feo has convinced Raqui that he only has eyes for her. He can't stand Gabriela and is in love with Raquel. Falling for the trap, Feo manages to get Raqui and her stylish purple wig into bed. After a fantastic 30 seconds of loving, Raqui has promised Feo anything he wants as long as he doesn't leave her. Between the loving we see a short clip of Padre Tadeo begging for mercy ... (yes please because I'm about to wash my eyes with bleach after that love making scene.)
Gabby continues to torment Oscar on the manners of being a "educated" man while Jimena's smiling like a nitwit. Feo has just arrived at the Dispensario to check in on Rosario. He tells her that just because Luisito is his son not to expect him to change or treat her differently. He will to continue to treat her the same (or worse) if she provokes him. As he's choking Rosario, Sophia has chosen this moment to stop by with Juan. Feo manages to compose himself explaining that he killed Anselmo in self defense and to protect Rosario and Luisito. Rosario confirms that this is true. After Feo leaves, Juan asked Rosario again if Feo is the man who torments her. Rosario doesn't answer right away. But she eventually denies it and says how Feo did her the favor regarding Anselmo.
Back Ms. Gabby Charm School Oscar has finally took a stand against her but she reminds him that she's showing him how to be "gente decent" (upper class I assume). Juan is explaining to Sophia that Feo has a hold over Rosario and Sophia has to find out what that hold is. Rosario will have to tell her the truth and if it is Feo who is tormenting her then Sophia will have a talk with Feo (I'm rolling my eyes at this point). No, me man you woman...Juan will be the one to talk to Feo. Its time for deep thoughts with Juan as he and Sophia return to the bakery. Looks like the only way to get the brain ticking is by baking some bread. How is he going to get those lands back? By the marching theme music (equipped with a boing) it can only mean one person... Don Augustine!
Mr. August is already on the case and is asking help from his old friend Aragon. As the tale of the Reyes/Robles/Reyes story retold (not completely) to Aragon, Aragon will figure it out and report back with any information. Feo has returned to the Hacienda for the rest of his things. Gabby assumes Feo is back for good but no. Feo has agreed to return to the Hacienda with the promise that Gabby will not reproach him about anything. As Feo and Gabby are making out in the foyer when Oscar walks in spies on this endearing moment. Oscar is lapping up this whole scene.
Ofelia and Rosario discuss the evilness that makes up Fernando. That even with the news of his son, Fernando was not moved. Fernando has confirmed what we've all known...all women (at least in this novella) are stupid and how they bend with the simplest sweetness he has given them. Now he has Gabby under his control. As he places money in his safe, he pulls out Libia's necklace. Believing that since he killed Libia his luck has changed for the better. Oscar has entered Feo's room as Feo reminisces. Feo doesn't see him but unfortunately Gabby catches Oscar as he exits the Feo's room.
Tomorrow: Eva is planning to "compensar" Rosario, Gabby plants the seed doubt, and a startling confession from Gabby...Sophia is Eva's daughter! Sophia and the baby are in danger.
Labels: Fuego
Querida Enemiga, Tuesday 8/12 - "It's all about power, who's got it, who wants to have it." - BtVS
From last night: Wonderful repeat of Lorena shutting up Snorty with her awesome smack-down. Nice job Lorena. Lame Alonslow doesn't know how to row a boat. Then he and Sara kiss. Blech.
Sara feigns surprise, pulls back, then lays another one on Don Dumbass. Double blech.
Lorena tells her friend at school that Alonslow lost confidence in her, boo hoo. Friend says have patience.
Sara acts all innocent and tries to slip into the conversation that Lorena is a liar, "Oops, sorry I mentioned her Alonso!" Alonslow says in spite of everything he still loves Lorena. Doesn't matter, Sara knows how to get his attention, let me help you forget her by sucking face and showing skin. He doesn't seem enthusiastic but he doesn't pull away either. Man, this guy is terrible, he did a much better job in Ladron but oh yeah he barely spoke just flexed his muscles, is he on drugs?
Betina's friend calls and says her dad came home from the bar angry. She doesn't want to play Parent Trap anymore.
Barbara wails to Jaime about Vasco. He tries to make her feel better and she tells him she hates the sound of his voice. Odd coming from her, the shrill harpy.
Paula and Greta cackle about Paula running into Dario on his wedding night. He was not so happy to see Paula with another guy, ha ha. They poke fun at Maruja who is daydreaming. Greta jokes that Maruja "esta metida en un lío" which I thought translated into "is involved in a mess" but that didn't seem right. I looked it up and "lío" also means affair, so maybe she meant a little of both.
As Rossy and Lorena stuff muffins in bags Lorena amuses Rossy by telling her that Snorty stopped in traffic deliberately to insult her but Lorena made Snorty turn red and drive off. Then Ernesto bought a dozen of her muffins for his girlfriends. They comment that Maruja has been acting weird. She's either in love or going through menopause.
Paula and Greta give Maruja a hard time for liking a married man, Snorty's son no less. Maruja responds by pounding a big shot of tequila.
Sara lies on Chalo's bed, licks her lips, and smugly basks in her success at phase one of the seduction of Alonslow, as if that would be a difficult thing which of course it would not since he has had no nookie for who knows how long, maybe never. Chalo assumes the smile is for him and he kisses her feet while they discuss his trip to Acapulco. He wants to get it on as usual. She wants to call Alonslow and manages to get Chalo out of the room by sending him off for Champagne that she has to pay for herself.
Toribio is not pleased to hear his son talking to Sara on the phone. Al tells Sara he's a little confused, he needs time. She gets romantic, "Te beso". Al squirms. Toribio tells him he's crazy to go out with the woman who is like Lorena's sister. It's immoral!
Commercial break and uh oh looks like Fuego's stairway of impending doom claims a victim with a little help from a tripwire.
Toribio continues to tell his son he's slow in the head (an understatement). What kind of friend is Sara if she goes out with Alonslow? She's not a good girl. "Ya basta papa" as Alonslow stalks away, thus proving that no matter how old a boy gets, when a parent tells him his girlfriend is "bad" it's like throwing gasoline on the fire, foreplay in fact.
Talking to Alonslow on the phone has gotten Sara a bit randy. When Chalo returns, grunting and proud of his purchase, she pours champagne on her neck and jumps his bones.
Next morning in the lesser house, Zulema and Omar have breakfast and miss Vasco. They'll never forgive Jaime for what he did to them. Diana joins them and pipes up they should forgive him for Vasco. Snorty no, but Jaime deserves forgiveness. Omar says never.
Over at Evil Acres Snorty sees Jaime getting ready for work and insults him for it. What a witch, she puts his nads in a vise for missing work and now she tries the same because he decides to go back. He brushes past her. I do believe the thought of seeing Maruja has given him some incentive. Bruno calls Snorty and wants to see her.
Back at Casa Pobre Julian announces that tonight he's going to win big on his TV show deelio. Diana stomps off because Ma and Pa won't accept Vasco's family, i.e. Jaime. Sara joins the table and Omar acts like a dad, she got home late, at dawn! Sara's snotty back to him. He says he's her dad and she'll respect the house rules. She shuts him up by lying that she was with her abuela.
Lorena is back on the street hawking her muffins to a stud muffin. She keeps putting her panques between his cute face and the camera, how annoying. Chef Hunk drives up, smiles and teases her. He says her muffins are a temptation and he couldn't stop at one. He buys a dozen more that she has saved for him. Dang, he really is a babe, and with more than one expression in his repertoire a real catch.
Big surprise, Bruno will accept Snorty's deal if she increases her offer. She agrees and tells him he'll get 20% as soon as he convinces Diana to marry him, 30% more when they get married, and the remainder after they have been married one year. Big gulp from Bruno but he accepts, telling Snorty it's been a pleasure. She peers at him disdainfully.
Over at the hospital Valeria tells Diana that Vasco's condition hasn't changed, plus Mommy Skeletor has instructed that Diana cannot enter while Mommy is there. Diana announces that Mom can't stop her. Does Valeria watch her back with admiration? That girl knows how to stand up to her suegra.
Barbara is pissed off when Diana enters. She's even more ticked off when Diana tells Babs she can't give orders, Vasco wants Diana by his side. Barbara goes into shrieking harpy mode which always seems to work for her, and Diana says she'll leave only to save Vasco from the scandal that is his mother.
Wicked Barbara coos soft words of insult against Diana into Vasco's ear. He opens his eyes! Uh oh, a blank stare. Please oh please no amnesia.
Bruno blocks Diana, he needs to talk to her. He lays it on thick. He wants another chance for their sake and the sake of the child. Will she marry him? Diana is muy impactada but in an angry sort of way.
After the commercial Diana rebuffs Bruno. He's too late and she loves Vasco. Not true, says Bruno, there is something in your look...
Snorty enters Vasco's room and he calls her abuela. Hooray, no amnesia!! He recognizes Alonslow and the last thing he remembers is his dad leaving the car.
Ickturo pretends he's happy to see Jaime return to work. Icky thought bubbles, "Dammit, what am I going to do with this pernazo here?" Anyone know what "pernazo" means? Perno means bolt or rail, so maybe it means something like a barrier, or yet another word for idiot? Jaime receives a call that Vasco is awake and Ickturo is genuinely see Jaime leave.
Bruno tries a different tack, Vasco's family will never accept Diana. Doesn't work, she blows him off.
Jaime rushes off to see Vasco, but not before he stops by the kitchen to tell his best friend Maruja. She hugs him, thanks be to God!
Snorty and Harpy badmouth Jaime to Vasco but he won't hear it. Then they make Vasco thank Bruno for saving his life.
Meanwhile Bruno's words haunt Diana. Does he still love her? Nah, he's gotta be lying. But the seed is planted.
Snorty makes all sorts of bogus promises to Vasco to get him to come home. She'll accept Diana, she'll try to ask Omar's pardon, blah blah blah.
Random scene with Chef Hunk and his sis, presumably to show us that she is an excellent publicist, lies to her kids, and is a snob like Chef. She's shocked to find out that he bought his delicious muffins "in the street".
Jaime begs Vasco's forgiveness and tells him he has turned over a new leaf. Vasco awaking is a sign from God.
Maruja absently fondles an artichoke while the chef prepares the day's plates for tasting. Snorty's in a good mood and likes the soup. Next up is the Filet with Asparagus and White Wine Sauce. Preoccupied Maruja spills the sauce all over Snorty's jacket and everyone in the kitchen is horrified.
Maruja chooses a pre-emptive strike and dresses down Snorty for wanting to fire her like a dog after all these years. She says Snorty doesn't forgive mistakes so she's quitting right now! Snorty shrugs and says she didn't say anything but if Maruja wants to quit go ahead. Snorty sniffs her jacket, says the sauce smells good and to serve it (sauce not jacket) with the Filet.
Chef tells Maruja to ask Snorty's pardon while she's in a good mood. Maruja announces Snorty's happy because Vasco just woke up. Rossy is suspicious, how did Maruja know?
Over at Televisa studios Julian prepares to go on. He tries to relax but Rossy's rapid yacking confuses him. He needs to concentrate! He makes raspberry noises which grosses Rossy out. They're very cute, these two.
Julian is on TV and Jaime and Vasco watch from the hospital as Julian dedicates the show to his cousin Vasco. Omar reluctantly joins them. Jaime calls Julian Omar's step-son. "My son, Jaime, he's my son," replies Omar.
Here's the confusing part, Julian gets a bunch of answers right and wins 300,000 pesos which is like 29K, right? All or nothing is his choice, so he chooses to go on and wins an all expense paid trip for two to Acapulco. So does he get this trip in addition to the money or instead of the money? Rossy runs up on stage and kisses him so I guess he gets the trip in addition to, because it would be a lame trade otherwise. Whatever, they will run into Chalo who will try to kill Julian and ruin their trip anyway.
Jaime returns to work and is surprised to find Ickturo playing Big Shot at his desk. Icky says HR sent something down for Jaime's signature, the termination of a lowly employee who makes too much money. Her name is Maruja. Cara impactada from Jaime.
"Hola mi amor," trills Sara who visits a reluctant Alonslow. She's so happy that her cousin is OK. She tries to get close and invade his space but he gets confused (naturally) and backs away. She complains of a headache and he snaps into action by taking her pulse. She has just figured out how to keep his attention.
Jaime surprises the heck out of Lorena by calling on Maruja. Maruja tells him if he came to convince her to come back he's wasting his time. He says he came to apologize for the other night. Maruja reveals that's her real reason for quitting work and please don't come looking for her any more.
Phase two of seduce the dope. Sara lies down on Alonslow's couch, she opens her shirt so her chi-chis flop out a bit. The poor schmuck shows up with some tea, a wooden stake would be more appropriate I think. Sara says she's cold, no she doesn't want a blanket, she needs a hug. She throws herself on him, shows some leg and heaving breast. Our reluctant Romeo responds by trying to tear her shirt off. Well, Sara wondered what kind of lover he is, now she knows...clumsy stalker.
But she pulls away to tantalize him. "Oh, what you must think of me...take me home!" Alonslow pants, looks dazed and confused, and stares at her chest.
Zulema and Diana, watching Televisa and cooking for tomorrow, need some eggs but uh oh, they're all out. Zully leaves to borrow some from a neighbor.
Maruja sadly tells Lorena that she quite work because she went out with Jaime the other night and he wanted to kiss her. Please don't tell Rossy, nothing happened. Lorena hugs her and gets a weird, impish look on her face.
As Zulema walks to her neighbor's she spies Alonslow's car. He's inside and he's kissing Sara! Zully is muy pero muy impactado.
Tomorrow: The preview says Sara is playing with fire. Surely they don't mean Alonslow. Zulema accuses Sara of getting rid of Lorena so she could have her boyfriend.
Aturdir = To confuse
Esta metida en un lío = involved in a mess, involved in an affair
Pernazo = ??
Labels: enemiga
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Guapos 08-12-08 "Are you warm, are you real, mona lisa? Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?"
Well it’s party time at the ole, hacienda…good times, good times.
Blonde sister, lets Lina have it with the you’re pullin the oldest trick in the book, “Servant gets pregnant”.
--I can’t really argue with that, but needless to say, Pay the servants more dinero and maybe they could afford birthcontrol.---Nah, I don’t really believe that either.
Thankfully, Bobby comes in and scoops up Lina, telling Al “Happy New Baby Day” & Lina and I are getting married and we are having a kid too. Oh Snap, Blondie looks sad, Lina looks happy.
Somehow, Blondie makes her way back over to Bobby, he inquires about Matt the Ratt. Blondie says, “You didn’t know?’, he has been implicated in the murder of my father. She swoops in for the big obligatory hug. Lina, Mili, & Gloria stare while Al looks a bit nervous on the steps. Al tells Bobby to come upstairs and see the new kid. Blondie says tell Sis, I am going home, I will call later. When the boyz leave, she walks past Lina with a “Now who is Snappin Sista”.
Mili walks up to Hugo, ackward..
She once again says she is sorry.
--Now I must insert here, is she referring to her “Mi Culpa” cause “I banged your cousin like a snare drum in a Shriner’s Parade” or cause of that hair? Que the Hell is up with that hair, even my husband asked what was wrong with her hair. I dunno, but it has been pretty bad since “Beach Blanket Bingo”. Maybe it is a wig?
Anyway Hugo is in no mood for a party, he prefers to go upstairs and paint, “Oh and by the by, I will never divorce you”.
Mili displays serious angst, but it may be that she caught a reflection of that God Awful Hair.
Meanwhile over in La Carcel Centro, Gramps Lawyer has gone to see his grandson. He tells Matt that he will get him the best lawyer, but Matt must pay for his criminal deeds. Matt’s little pinched face looks even more pinched than usual.
--I can totally see Matt wearing the “Miss Congeniality” crown in prison, yes prison is not going to be kind to our 135lb dripping wet boy--
Andrea and Consti arrive back at the homestead. Andrea is like a freaking Lego, she is totally interchangeable with any male, she doesn’t miss a beat.
Al & Bobby go up to the bedroom of despair. Flor tells Al to go run a bath for the kid. She uses the time to ask, Bobby not to tell Al that Flor’s ex showed up at Blondie’s. Bobby will keep it quiet.
Andrea is preening around the bedroom, Karla is with her and lamenting her bad fortune. She so had dreams of being the President’s wife. “Well take heart, now you can be the President’s servant,” Andrea answers. Andrea is like, run along little girl, no help from me.
Downstairs Andrea and Consti are discussing poor drunk Luci, the doorbell rings.
--Damn you TelVista, I was hoping it was it was Luci, dressed as a Nun collecting Wine for the Church, but alas it is Nestor. Say this is turning into quite the party.
Over at the Hotel, Luci is passed out with a bottle. A knock at the door. The Hotel Manager is demanding she open the door. Luci is all slurry and looking much the worse for wear. She finally answers the door. The manager is disgusted by the trash and empty bottles. Luci says the Hotel Staff are crappy cleaners. Hotel Guy says, you only open the door for more mini-bottles. He tells Luci he wants her out. He will meet her downstairs to settle her bill. This sobers princess right up. She has no money. Somewhere in the alcohol soaked recesses of her long term memory, she must haul up an old Audrey Hepburn character. She pulls a dress up on her head, fashions it into a wrap, pulls out a big necklace and sunglasses. She will sneak out.
Bobby and Al are talking about their start up construction business, the boyz need capital. Alas, being rich and decadent..they have apparently not saved a centavo. Bobby pressures Al to talk to Daddy NestorBucks. Al doesn’t want too. Al must make a stand and do this for himself. As if, you still live with your parents, when they aren’t in jail or an rehab. Rocky comes in to tell Al that Nestor has arrived. The boyz continue their discussion about trying to raise capital. Rocky says he has some money. Al & Bobby scoff at this. Rocky takes the notepad and pen, says out loud; this much from the TacoNaco and this for being a chauffeur, he hands it back to the skeptics, who suck in their breathes. Welcome to the business brother-in-law.
---Hey kids this is a PSA for hard work, slow and steady. Rather than spending all your money on fast cars and faster women.---Still it won’t be enough. The boyz say Rocky is now one of them. Guey all round.
Blondie stops in the jail to see Matt. She spits in his face. She rants on about how he used her, it was a set up from the beginning, all he wanted was her money. Damn, Matt snarls back, yes and women like her are so easy for ambitious men like him. She was so easy. Blondie hopes he rots in jail.
--Blondie, go over to the prison in like a month and see who stands up when you call out Bitch--
Downstairs, Consti is telling Nestor, that beings that Luci is drying out, he really has no reason to stay. Nestor says, oh but I am here to see my grandkid.
Upstairs, Karla slips into Hugo’s room with two glasses of beer. He is like what do you want. Oh I just brought you a beer. She says you promised to paint me. He says you are so predictable, my father is done with you so here you come. Get out. Karla slips around behind him and says she hates to see him suffer. She is kissing on his neck. She says there is no reason they can’t spend time together. I guess, they can rub neosporin on each other’s broken hearts. Hugo tries to put up a very brief fight, just so he won’t look like a slut. They are soon intertwined and moving to the settee, I say good for them. It’s like I always say, another bus comes along.
Downstairs, Consti is making a fake happy speech over the Wedding of Val and Rocky or Morgan. Rocky is a bit of a Tool and calls Consti “Guey”. As if, I mean Rocky isn’t that educated, but he has been around the rich and famous long enough to know better. Consti, painfully plays it off.
Mili congratulates Consti on his nice speech, and Al’s baby and so on. He asks if she is happy and what she wants. She wants her father. Well, Consti gets all teary eyed at that, but then catches a glimpse of that hair, he just can’t get the words out. Poor Mili is comforted by Uncle Brau.
Luci is wandering down the dark streets of Mexico City with her little suitcase on wheels. She is accosted by three young ruffians, who push her around, steal her headgear, and lovely necklace and then to add insult to injury, they steal her suitcase. They run off and she runs after them screaming, “Give me back my bottles.” Priorities…
Over at the Macarena bar, Macarena stands lamenting…I believe she is enamoured with Damien, who is no where to be seen.
Now let’s stroll over to St. Deceptions, Chunky Nun is looking at a set of pictures of guess what? No I can’t put anything over on you people, that’s right, twins.
--I said out loud, yeah she is a twin & my husband said “I thought they were the same person.” I answered, “They are in real life.” And he started laughing maniacally, I never know what is gonna set him off during these dramas.—
Anyway, Mother Superior comes in and chastises Chunky for worry Padre Manuel about Mother Superior’s health. She says she is fine. She then looks over and see the shrine to the past that Chunky has built. She tells Chunky, to leave the past in the past. Maybe they got sick as kids and Chunky needed a Morals transplant and Macarena donated hers. That would explain everything, or maybe Macarena is really Chunky hiding out in St. Deception’s and maybe Chunky is really Macarena or maybe my husband is right and they are one person, but twins in real life.
Flor has left the bedroom of despair and is showing the kid to Nestor. He is making over the kid and Al and Flor stand there looking like they just got life in prison…no chance of parole. Nestor leaves and I don’t think they got a chance to tap the well for dinero.
Upstairs Karla is asleep, just like a pit-bull puppy; she looks so sweet while sleeping. Hugo is playing with her hair, then he kisses her neck a couple of times and I think..okay round two. I am so jaded, instead Hugo gets up (he is wearing boxers, Hugo actually looks quite fine…and thank you for wearing boxers..I heart you) Anyway, Hugo takes down the half ass drawing he was working on and starts painting.
Bobby leaves and Flor follows him out. Al is left holding the baby and Mili stares at him.
Flor outside tells Bobby, thanks for not ratting me out. Bobby tells Flor to meet him at Blondie’s tomorrow.
Meanwhile right out in the open..Mili and Al edge closer together, of course they do…No one practices caution in this house, except I must say Kudos to Karla, she locked the door when she came in Hugo’s room. Mili says, “Te Amo”, Al answers me too. They lean in for the beso, but Mili pulls back. I must go up to bed. They say their time at the beach was the happiest of their lives. Al says if you can’t sleep, think of me, I will be thinking of you.
Seriously he said that…
Mili forgetting she has already let the cow out of the barn, runs up the steps like a scared maiden.
Flor comes in and just looks kinda lost.
Cock-a-doodle-do…Morning has broken.
We see the sight of a dirty white pants suit, why it is Luci, she has slept on the street. She gets up, she is so thirsty, there are three alcoholics boozing in up in front of a graffiti covered wall. This doesn’t necessary mean it is a bad area as most of Mexico City is covered with graffiti, however the three dirty, crazy ass drunks are kind of a tip off. Luci goes up and starts talking to drunk lady, she starts asking directions. Crazy lady is talking nonsense and waving a bottle around. Luci snatches the bottle and runs off. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. She is standing around a corner swilling down, some nasty looking stuff, my vote is for pulque, cheap, sweet, brewed at home and a favorite amongst the alcoholic street set. I know it was a bottle with a label, but probably a refill. Well, I just hope there is enough alcohol in it to kill, the various parasites, viruses and bacteria that the alcoholic woman no doubt has festering in her.
---Note to Nestor---Hold off any deep kissing for a while
Anyhow drunk lady catches her, a fight breaks out and to the dismay of both mighty amazons the bottle is smashed. Luci wanders off and drunk lady cries.
Karla wakes up and Hugo Van Gogh is still painting. Karla says she is cold, come give me a hug. Hugo doesn’t stop painting. Karla says let me see it. Hugo just gives her the “Stand back signal”.
---I find myself praying to the entire Holy Family, St. Deception, and all 365 of the calendar saints. Please don’t let Hugo have pained Mili’s head on Karla’s body.
Hugo is finished and Karla steps around to see it, her face lights up. It is is beautiful and the best thing I ever saw Hugo paint.
Hugo has his MOJO back. Call me crazy, but I love these two crazy (really kind of psychotic) kids together. The people no one else wanted. Karla is so thrilled… they kiss.
Consti is sitting in his office with his PI, he sees pictures of the beach and he spots Ramses. PI says Ramses was very jealous of Val and Rocky, Consti wants him to track Ramses down.
Al comes in and PI leaves. Consti lies and tells Al that he is still trying to track Mili’s Pa down. Al just gives him a tired smile. Consti says Al will be his right hand man. Al says Nope, I am quitting…
Bobby shows up at Blondie’s. She doesn’t want him to encourage Flor to see her ex. Flor comes in. A knock at the door. Surprise Surprise is ex husband.
To be continued….
Mili spots the picture of Karla and demands to know how that happened.
I say give it a rest Princess.
Consti is still a self serving RatBastard…
Labels: guapos
Guapos: Monday 8/11/08- "Two Impromptu Parties, Two Very Different Reasons"
Back in the jail visiting room, Val admits to her father that she went away with Rocky. Connie’s not too happy, but Val goes on to explain that Rocky makes her happy. She asks her father what kind of marriage he wants for her, a loveless one like Al’s and Florencia’s, like her parents, or one based on love. Connie says he only wants her to be happy. She encourages her father to live up to the promise he made to Rocky three years ago when he sent Val away to Paris. She reminds him that he deal was that if they were still in love three years later, he’d not stand in the way of them getting married. She tells her father that they are more in love than ever. Connie reluctantly agrees to fulfill his promise.
Gloria complains to Chamuco that with him working so much, she never sees him. And, when they are together, he’s too tired to do anything. He can’t see her point and she walks off in a tiff. Chamuco lays his head down to take a little nap and has a dream---fast forwarded 15 years and basically a “Cats in the Cradle” moment happening with his daughter (who he keeps calling a son). He wakes up, calls it a nightmare and takes off to work.
Gloria finds Mili and Lina and she tells them about her discussion with Chamu. Mili scolds her friend and says that he’s working so hard because he thinks there is a baby on the way. Mili urges Gloria to ‘fess up to him. The girls then press Mili for info on her trip to Puerta Vallarta and did she run into Alejandro when she was there. She admits that they spent the night together and how it was the marvelous thing in the world. She goes on into great detail about how much it meant to her, how strongly she feels for Al, etc. Of course such a discourse cannot go unheard. Hugo’s outside the door eavesdropping on the whole thing, crying more and more tears as Mili tells her tale. Hugo takes off and has a temper tantrum in his room---wailing “Why Mili? Why? Why can’t you love ME!” Karla walks into the room and asks what’s going on. He tells her to scram. She says, hey I’m just here to work. He kicks her out.
The Mafia Princesses are talking….nothing new here. MP1 has gotten an all clear from the doctor after giving birth in the back of an SUV. They discuss how Gustavo, whom they’ve known all their lives, could be responsible for their father’s death. Al walks in on the conversation and he can’t pass up the opportunity to point out Mateo’s involvement in the plot to kill Domingo and frame Constancio. Marisela isn’t so quick to believe Mat’s involved. She flings a little mud in Al’s direction, reminding him that he’s stolen from his family. Al says it’s false, something cooked up by Mat. He tells Marisela she can check with Connie when he returns home. Besides, he adds, let’s see the proof. Marisela says that Mat ripped up the documents. A-ha, Al retorts, that says it all. Mari realizes she’s been such a fool. MP1 says face it sis, we’ve fallen in love with miserable men. Al tells Flo that if she’s so miserable, then she shouldn’t have any hesitation in granting him a divorce. Flo ignores this and turns to her sister and says let’s go upstairs…. “You’ve gotta see the baby!”
Upstairs, Mili and the girls are discussing the smells of changing a diaper. Flo comes in and demands to know why Mili’s with her child, she left it (does it have a name yet?) in Soco’s care. Flo tells Mili to stay away from her baby, but hand her to me (lack of logic, yeah I think so too).
In the office, Damian flirts with his new secretary, Erika. Andrea arrives and she’s a little perturbed to see him flirting. She orders him into the office. Damian tells Erika that they are not to be disturbed for any reason. Inside, Andrea tells Damian of the toys, balloons and decorations she’s bought for the new baby. Damian questions her motives and she tells him that she’s trying to win Al over. She’s already made tracks with Val, but she needs to get both of them on her side so they don’t kick her out of the house while Connie’s locked up. They discuss how Damian is related to the bambina, but Damian gets bored with this line of conversation and starts to kiss Andrea.
Val tells Rocky that they no longer have to keep their love a secret. Connie’s agreed to live up to his promise, they can get married.
Robledo and Connie arrive at the office and meet the new secretary. She tells them that Damian’s in a meeting and can’t be disturbed. Connie get’s her to let Damian know he’s there (Erika takes no notice that Connie’s last name is Belmonte and she’s working for Belmonte Enterprises). She intercoms into the office and tells Damian that a Constancio Belmonte is there to see him. After hearing this, Damian freaks and orders Andrea to get her clothes back on, as he rearranges his own clothes.
The MPs are again rehashing old news. MP1 fills MP2 in on Al and Mili sleeping together in PV. MP2 is shocked they’d do that while everyone was there (it’s not like they did it in the hotel lobby, right in front of everyone, sheesh). Flo blames it all on Mili, how she’s had designs on Al. Mari reminds her sister that she tricked Al into marrying her and tells Flo that it is obvious that they aren’t happy and she should let Al go. Flo says she’s used to winning, so there is no way she’s letting Al go. Mari says, you are a winner, you’ve got this beautiful baby….think of her. Mari then tells Flo that Rigoberto, her ex, came looking for her. Mari fills her in on how the drop in visit went down, including the part where Bobby told Rigo that Flo’s not happily married. Flo rants some about how she doesn’t need Rigo in her life, blah, blah. Mari scolds her sister and says that she’s making the same mistakes with her marriage to Al as she did in her marriage to Rigo.
Bobby and Rigo are lunching together. Bobby wants the background on why he’s back in town, Bobby thought he was dead. Rigo says Domingo intended him to be dead. He says that Domingo ruined his life----that Dom was behind the whole cheating on Flo thing. He tells Bobby he’s there to clear things up now that Dom’s dead and Bobby agrees to help him.
Connie beats on the door to his office. Inside, Andrea is busy blowing up balloons. They finally open the door and “surprise!”. They spontaneously throw him a getting out of jail party. Never does Connie ask how they knew he was sprung from the pen. He tells Damian that they’ve got some things to work out later, but he gets into the party spirit and toasts his freedom and toasts himself.
Val, Rocky, the rest of the servants, Hugo, Mili, Al, Flo and Mari are gathered in the mansion foyer. Val toasts the birth of her niece, Connie’s freedom, and her and Rocky’s engagement. Everyone is happy for the couple. Horacio, Mili, and Al all give them hugs. Hugo gets in on the hug activity and tells the couple that he hopes “they never betray each other or break promises they make to each other”. This is said as he stares at Mili. Karla, not one to miss the obvious, senses that something’s going on between Hugo and Mili. Rocky gives a little speech and he and Val declare their love in front of all and kiss.
Connie asks Robledo to help him with his daughter’s marriage. He needs a fake judge to perform the ceremony. Robledo’s not too keen on helping. Connie says that it won’t last, it is just a whim for Val. Then there is the whole thing with Val being from money and Rocky being poor. Robledo suggests a prenup would be a better option, but Connie’s not in favor of that. Robledo agrees to help, but asks Connie what’ll happen if the marriage lasts and they are truly in love. Connie says he’ll accept that he was wrong. They discuss Mateo and then Al. Robledo says that it was a true demonstration of Al’s love for Connie, that he was willing to take the blame for Dom’s death in Connie’s stead.
The gathering at the Belmonte’s has turned into an impromptu party. Mili, Lina, and Gloria are dancing. Al’s having a bonding moment with his daughter. Mari and Flo are sitting on the steps looking bored. Flo decides to mess with Al and she takes the baby away from him. Mari decides that she’s going to mess with Lina, she asks Lina to bring her a drink. Lina reluctantly does and then Mari starts to harass her about trapping Bobby into marriage with a pregnancy, isn’t that a typical servant trick. Lina says that Bobby cares for her and that’s why he’s marrying her. Mari wants to know when Lina got pregnant and Lina asks why that’s any of her business. Mari says she wants to know if it was when Bobby was with her. Bobby arrives at this moment and Lina says he’s here now, have him answer your questions but leave me alone. Lina walks away. Bobby greets Al and learns that his baby was born. Bobby says he’s got some great news too. He calls Lina over and announces that he and Lina are to be married and that they are going to be parents. Al is happy for his friend and steam is coming out of Marisela’s ears. END OF EPISODE.
Labels: guapos
Fuego, Monday 8/11 (#74): In Jail/Just Visiting
"In exchange for what?" Sofi asks. Grandpa warns that these secrets could ruin Gabi forever. Gabi directs a very creepy, speechless giggle at Sofi and walks out.
Rosa is rehashing to Ofelia her last conversation with Anselmo, and how angry he was when she told him that Luisito wasn't his. She's worried Anselmo will take her away from him by force. Then Eva bursts in with the news that Feo just killed Anselmo. Whee!
Sweating profusely, Feo tells the comisario his version of the story: he was just defending himself from an escaped inmate who wanted to kill him and take Rosario and her child. In fact, he was the one who tried to burn her and Franco alive. It was all Anselmo's doing. He even said as much to Feo when he tried to kill him.
Benito tells Juan and Oscar that he'd like to help, but he's totally out of the loop on his aunt and uncle's affairs. He and Octavio moved in with them when their own parents died under strange circumstances - a strange accident no one could explain. Benito and Octavio were very young. The entire estate passed to his aunt and uncle, and supposedly B and O will get it all back when they get married. If they don't get married, they won't see a cent. And it's all part of a perfectly legal setup, so they can't get out of it.
Rosario blames herself for Anselmo's death. She feels she was foolish to tell him the truth about Luisito's paternity. Ofelia thinks maybe not - perhaps Feo will treat them better now that he knows. Rosario doubts this.
Juan and Oscar are at the bakery. Juan is frustrated that the whole world seems to be protecting Ricardo Uribe, but he's happy they found their house and their tree. Oscar didn't recognize the house and wonders if they remodeled, but Juan is sure and now they'll find out who killed their parents. Oscar is worried that their investigation may jeopardize their relationships with Jimena and Sofía. And the women still don't know that Libia was their father's girlfriend.
At that moment, Quintina is chastising her sister for bringing back Libia's photo in front of Sofía. Hortensia thinks it's high time the sisters found out the truth about the girl. Quintina warns her to mind her own business. Also, she needs to make a ton of mole.
Juan proudly tells unconscious Franco that they found their land. Oscar tells him to get better soon.
Eva goes to the hacienda. Gabi complains. Eva says Sarita and Jimena need her. "Nobody needs you, with the exception of that little hussy, that chick... uh... what's her name? Rosario?" She helpfully adds that Eva will burn in hell forever for her sins. Rosario's already begun to pay, having been burnt alive. "Is she already dead?" she asks hopefully. Eva says no, the reason for her long face is her shock at knowing Feo just killed a man. Now Gabi is shocked too.
Feo is shown to his luxurious cell, where Nabor and another man are still cooling their heels. Nabor is terrified.
The comisario has gone to the dispensario with questions for Rosario. He sorta screws it up by telling them Feo's entire story, which strikes me as something a professional would never do, and asks if it's true. Rosario hesitates. Ofelia jumps in and confirms Feo's story that Anselmo wanted to hurt Rosario, and Feo defended her. "Right, Rosario?" "Yes, it was just as Ofelia said." He asks what her relationship was with Anselmo. She says he was her first boyfriend and her child's father, and he wanted to take them away by force. Ofelia is relieved.
Juan and Sofía making bread and Juan is trying to figure out what went on between Gabi and Raquel. It must have been something very awful. Sofi doesn't think it has anything to do with his parents' murder. Juan says only Ricardo Uribe can clear it up, and he's going to find him; if that doesn't work out he'll have to talk to Gabriela. He has something else to tell her: he went to Raquel's door, and the memories came back to him. That was his house, the home of his parents.
Oscar has just told Jimena everything too, including the murder and the tree. Jimena thinks her mother will like him better now that he comes from a hacienda. Oscar says that property also holds a secret between Gabi and Raquel that they won't talk about. Oscar has to find out what it is.
Jimena makes a sad face. The craziness never seems to end with this guy.
Sofía and Juan visit Rosario, curious as to why the comisario was there. Rosa tells them that Feo's in jail for murder. Juan goes to find out what's going on. Rosa tells Sofía about Anselmo, the reason she was in jail. He tricked her and made her suffer a great deal.
Eva puts Luisito to bed. (There seems to be a stick on the bed next to him. Wouldn't he prefer a Snoopy doll or something?) Grandpa is glad Feo's in jail and hopes he stays there forever.
Rosendo drops off Gabi at the police station and tells him to come back in two hours. The Coyote intercepts her. (Last week or the week before, possibly at the cockfight, Coyote approached Feo and asked him about his mother-in-law. I'm not quite sure what he's up to.) Coyote humbly takes off his hat and says maybe she doesn't remember him, but he couldn't forget her. He's a friend of Feo. She remembers that she blocked them with his truck in the road; she still doesn't get the "joke." He's grateful that she remembers him.
Gabi asks what he wants. He says he just wanted to say hi, but since she's at the jail, is there some problem? She says no problem for her, but Feo's in trouble. He gives a very emphatic promise of help if she ever needs it.
Juan is walking down the street, mumbling to himself about how great it will be to get his land back, when he runs into Padre Tadeo. Talking a mile a minute, he tells the padre he's ready to investigate the murder of his parents. He tells him about the tree. It'll be a big fight but it's okay, he'll do it and he'll also find his parents' killer. He's sure Gabi is involved. Otherwise why wouldn't she talk? Why not tell the truth? And that snake Fernando, even though he's very young, Juan's sure he's got something to do with it too. "Oh, didn't you know? Feo's in jail for murder."
Tadeo doesn't look even a little bit surprised. I think he's just going through his mental list of Feo's enemies.
Gabi shows up at the police station and demands to see Feo immediately.
Feo's henchman, the other cellmate, asks if Feo thinks he'll be there very long. He says no, he'll be out soon, and asks the henchman if he got the money he sent. (Nabor is rhythmically butting his head softly against the bars.) The henchman says yep, he got the money just as Feo promised. Feo says 'You well know that I'm generous with those who serve me loyally."
Nabor is looking at Feo. A cold glance from Feo neutralizes the man's curiosity. The henchman says Nabor hasn't given him any trouble - he's been in terror of him ever since he showed up. (I think the deal is that Feo paid this guy to get arrested so that he could lean on Nabor day and night.)
Nabor has squashed himself against the bars, trying to make himself invisible. Feo asks if he's the one who claimed that Mapache uttered Feo's name before dying. "Me? How could you think that? I've never said anything against you. Nothing!"
Sarita is telling the kids a story when Pedro, who has been working on orphanage building, interrupts to say she's very young to be so sad. Sarita tells the kids to go play silently. Pedro asks what Franco did to her so that she doesn't smile. She says he didn't do anything, and don't ask those kinds of questions. (I'm not sure what part of her body he's speaking to, but he's not looking at her face.) He hopes she'll begin to smile again soon, because he's sure it would look great on her.
She tells him to leave her alone, she just wants to be a nun and serve God. "Really? You really want to serve God? Or are you just trying to escape the pain that Franco caused?"
Juan and Sofía come along. Uh-oh, Juan thinks Pedro was flirting with her again!
Gabi is at Feo's cell. He greets her coldly. This repetitious conversation can be summed up as:
Gabi: Waaaaaaaaaaah, but I looooove you. Pleeeeese?
Feo: Eh, bite me. You threw me out. We're done.
He also mentions that he killed the man to defend Rosario, and no doubt Gabi will think he was screwing around with her too. He tells her to go away and don't come back. She squeaks and says she won't ever doubt him again, she loves him, can't live without him. He disagrees, she never really loved him or she wouldn't have doubted him or been so selfish. He's going to pay back all the money she loaned him, too. She's made him suffer too much.
She weeps and begs pathetically. "I promise if you come back to me, everything I have will be yours. Everything."
Yes, Juan did jump to that conclusion about Pedro flirting with Sarita. Pedro reminds him that Franco was taking off with Rosario. He had made his choice. Meanwhile, he says, Sarita's about to make a big mistake. She just wants to become a nun out of spite, and they can't let it happen. "You're a Reyes," Juan concludes.
Sarita is angry when Sofi tells her that Juan accused their father. Sofía says they have the right to know the truth and no one can deny them. Sarita says love is blind, the Reyes came to the hacienda to hurt them, they've deceived them all along and they still are. Sofi says Sarita is the one who's being blind, out of spite, because Franco wanted Rosario. "How can you say you want to be a nun if you judge the whole world? ... Every day you seem more like our mother, yes, you're always scolding others, embittering life. That's not a good Christian, Sarita. It's obvious you don't have the calling."
She takes Sarita's hand and tells her to get past it. Sarita coldly pulls away.
Benito asks his aunt about the pact she made with Gabi about the land. The Reyes have a right to know. She doesn't want to hear about it and tells Benito to stay out of his uncle's business and stay away from the Reyes. Don't ask questions or snoop around, "or you could lose everything you have now. Everything!" (Notice how this last statement somewhat mirrors what Gabi said to Feo, except it's about taking away instead of giving. Interesting? Or just coincidence?)
Blind with tears, Gabriela stumbles into the street. Juan launches himself across the road to save her from a red pickup truck, saving her life and ruining a perfectly nice white shirt - two awful things in a split-second.
Not surprisingly, Gabi is offended rather than grateful. She curses him as a crowd gathers. She blames him for all of her problems; he repulses and disgusts her. She'd rather be dead a thousand times than owe him her life. She's tired of suffering because of them and the bastard Sofi is carrying in her entrails. "I curse you and the child you're expecting."
Sofi says if you curse your own blood, you're cursing yourself. "That's what you think. My blood and yours are not mixed together (revueltas)." Juan asks if she's referring to the blood that was spilled when his parents were killed. She says she had nothing to do with his parents' death, but if they were killed they surely deserved it. She can tell what kind of people they were because of the kids they had.
Juan approaches menacingly. He scoops up her purse from the ground and gives it to her. He warns her not to talk that way about his parents, or he might forget that she's the mother of the woman he loves.
Gabi screams hysterically at the onlookers not to forget that Juan wants to kill her. If something happens to her, it'll be his fault!
Tadeo shows up, pulls her aside, and says (again) "we have to talk." He tells her the Reyes aren't her enemies. Her true enemy lives in her house, close to her. He begs her again to get Feo out of her life. Gabi gets offended, says Feo is a great guy, and tells Tadeo not to make her have to speak to the bishop. He says fine, "do what you want, I won't do anything to prevent it, but don't throw my words into the wind. One fine day, you could regret your stubbornness."
Gabi starts crying again.
He says goodbye to her, asks God to protect her since Tadeo can't convince her of the danger she's in nor soften her heart. He tells her to trust in God. He leaves, and she rubs her shoulder and leans against a post for support. The witnesses are paying no attention to her, however, as Juan is thanking Rosendo for saving Franco from the fire and tells him the Reyes have long memories. He can count on them for anything.
Sofía reminds him to bring his kids to catechism class to prepare for their first Communion. Rosendo mentions his ages-ago request that Juan and Sofi should sponsor them as godparents.
Gabi comes back and forbids Rosendo to speak with them. He says it's his private life. She complains that they're all so insolent. "I should fire you right now." Rosendo says that's up to her.
However, he's her ride home, so she doesn't fire him. She just says she's tired of them and shuffles away, with Rosendo steadying her by the arm.
Back to the hacienda. Jet-black with grime, Oscar is flirting with giggly maids in the kitchen. One of them informs him needlessly that mole poblano is the main dish of Puebla. He doesn't want them to be formal with him; he tells them to call him Oscar because they're all family.
Gabi comes in and scolds him for eating in the kitchen, where only the servants should eat, and chatting with them. He doesn't understand why. She says he's low-class if he only feels comfortable in the kitchen with the help. He licks his fingers. She complains about him being dirty and eating with his hands. "You're disgusting."
He tells her he's only putting up with it for his wife, but he could always leave this house and take his wife with him. She mocks his dignity and tells him to go with her.
Sofía thanks Juan for saving her mother's life. They agree that her hurtful attitude is her problem, and she'll miss out on the joy of her first grandchild. Sofía won't suffer any more over her put-downs. Juan and the baby are her family now. He says he'll do anything for her - even forgive, if necessary.
Oscar is scrubbing his teeth with his bandanna in Gabi's study. She lectures him about self-respect. He can't act like a bricklayer now that he's un hacendado (a hacienda guy). But she'll help him get classy so that he doesn't lose Jimena. (He shakes his head in denial.) Gabi says he's the man of the house now, and they need him. But if he lets her down, she'll have to ask Feo to come back to the hacienda. (From jail? I wonder if this scene was edited out of order.)
Tadeo visits the jail. Feo glumly but sarcastically asks if he's come to give a sermon or to absolve him of his sins. Tadeo ignores him and tells Nabor he knows he's not in good company, but God is with him and will protect him.
Juan and Sofía are making out in the kitchen. Quintina sneaks around them and says the love of two is the love of God. They speak in mushy dichos for a while. Q cheerfully says she's glad they stopped, because it's like counting money in front of poor people. Then she says something about a lemon and chases a terrified Pablito around. I think she wants to tickle him.
Oscar comes out of the bathroom at bedtime. Jimena pretends to be asleep. He teases her about pouting and her pretty eyes that make him think of the sky and the sea. She smiles, but keeps her eyes shut and pretends to be immune to his words and kisses. He talks about the Reyes dignity and standing before the open balcony as God brought him into the world, except, also with his underwear and boots, because a cowboy never takes off his boots.
Finally Jimena pays attention. She tells him to shut the balcony before he makes a scene. He doesn't care! Let them look! He clowns around some more until she begs him to come to bed. She asks him to turn out the lights, but he says he likes to feel that he's being seen.
He gets into bed and pulls the covers over them. They're still at it later, in the dark.
Next time:
Grandpa questions Gabi about her relationship with Feo.
Anselmo's death is ruled self-defense.
Oscar sees something that may well cause him to go blind.
Gabi teases us again about Sofía's "origin."
Feo acts like a jerk.
Labels: Fuego
Monday, August 11, 2008
Querida Enemiga Monday August 11 - Innunendo
I’m going to try something new this week. When I take notes on paper, I have to pause the show too much. When I try to type on my laptop when I watch, I have to pause too much. This time I’m going to sit down and write what just happened at each commercial break. Hope it works ok. Sorry if anything is out of order, but I don’t think it will matter.
Alonso frets about going out with Sara, hottie assistant Valeria tells him to go, why not? He says “duhhhh… ok.” Then he thought bubbles about how it wouldn’t be fair to deprive Sara of his friendship just because she’s friends with Lorena. Gosh how magnanimous of him.
Lorena sells her sweets (no not THAT she’s a professional virgin) on the street. Ernesto just happens, in the largest city in the western hemisphere, to be driving down that street. He buys a couple and says they look good, but he’s a harsh critic. Lorena stands by her product. He drives away, he was very nice about the whole thing.
Diana tries to visit Vasco, Skeletor Barbara runs her off, in spite of Jaime defending Diana as Vasco’s boyfriend. We know who wears the pants around here. In fact, she does always wear pants, have we seen Barbara wear a dress or anything? In the hall, Hortensia talks smack to her too, Diana storms off. Sara comes in and tells Hortensia that Dr. Bruno, who operated/took care of Vasco, is Diana’s sperm donor and gives her the whole story. Hortensia goes to Bruno and offers him a Director post at a private hospital and a fat check, but only if he marries Diana. Bruno looks like he’ll do it without a second thought. Surely he’d end up being Arturo v2.0, but with a better looking mistress since he’d have money.
Dario is worried about Jackie being so late at the wedding and tells Bettina that surely Paula had something to do with it, Bettina asks him to stop dogging her mom. Jackie finally shows up and Dario and Bettina think the dress looks funny, but whatever. The shortest wedding of all time commences, all they do is say ‘acepto’ and sign their names, and it’s over. Jackie tries to not move a muscle so her dress doesn’t fall apart, during the kiss she’s tucking part of it back together.
Bruno thinks about Hortensia’s offer.
Jackie gets into a snit and argues with Dario, she is upset about her dress and her wedding being ruined. She stomps off to the bathroom, where her mother (very scary looking woman by the way) follows her and gives her an attitude adjustment. After Hortensia and Arturo’s mom, I expected her to be the same, but she made a lot of sense. Quit sniveling, you are making it worse, get out there and enjoy your wedding, or all the pictures will have you with that horrible look on your face. Jackie tries to make a smile in the mirror and doesn’t quite succeed.
Paula gets weepy and drunk, ends up passing out on the couch. Alonso brings Bettina home, she smells his cologne (like he poured on the bottle) and they have a conversation about love and he tells her it is the greatest thing, even if it doesn’t always work out the way you expect. Later, Paula wakes up and sees an invitation on the table and decides she’s going to go – I guess this is the party or event where Bettina’s friend’s dad is also going to be, right? She is surprisingly alert after how drunk she was before. When she wakes up in her tight sweater, I am again reminded of how the best body on the show is being kept under wraps. Not fair.
Speaking of nice bodies, Sara is dressed up with her boobs basically hanging out to go meet Alonso. For once I agree with one of her plans. If she is out to conquer a horny man, and we all know how horny Alonso is, she is on the right track. Julian asks her why she seems so at peace with the whole Lorena thing, Sara makes up some excuse about giving it time. Zulema comes in and tells her she looks like she’s going on a date, not just coffee with a friend. If this were a Mexican mom for real, there would have been a fight about how she’s dressed. Most moms aren’t so happy to see their daughters showing off the goods to some man they haven’t met.
Lorena comes home, she sold all her stuff, and talks to Rosy. Rosy wants her to come to the movies with her and Julian, but Lorena says no, it will remind her of when all four of them went out. Why stop there? I can’t eat, it reminds me of eating with him. I can’t walk, it reminds me of walking with him. Etc. You can see I don’t have patience for that sort of thing.
Hortensia looks at Ernesto’s book and is impressed. Is this a real book and they are really trying to boost sales, or what?
Jaime comes to the lesser house to try and talk to Omar, Omar slams the door in his face. Just then Maruja comes up, they talk briefly and Jaime asks her to spend some time with him, walk, talk, get a drink, whatever. She has here eyes so wide open, you would think he just asked her to have sex in the alley. I guess she still just sees him as Mr. big shot from her work.
Alonso and Sara get to a restaurant and make nice small talk to each other. Just then, her cell phone rings and in defiance of all common etiquette, she answers to be greeted by Chalo saying “Hola mi rrrreina” in that incredibly annoying way of his. Sometimes I say that to my wife in my Chalo voice, along with “quien es tu Challlloooooo” just to get a rise out of her. She doesn’t say anything to him, just hangs up and tells Alonso that it was Lorena. Of course it rings again, so she turns it off. They talk and make googly eyes at each other, before long she has talked him into taking her to Chapultapec the next day, she’s going to skip school to go. Mr. high and mighty morals Alonso doesn’t seem to have any problem with it. It may have had something to do with Sara continuing to rest her barely restrained breasts on the table. Very subtle. Gabriel Soto must be a better actor than we thought, because they don’t have him staring at them the whole time.
Meanwhile Lorena studies and starts crying and moping when she finds a picture of her and Alonso.
Arturo and Barbara meet up in a hotel room, he gets upset once he realizes they aren’t going to have sex. She storms out, he says to the empty room that he’s getting tired of her.
Paula goes to the bar and finds Daniel there, he has an invitation too, they figure out that the daughters set them up. She wants to go yell at Bettina, Daniel has seen the tight sweater and says no no no, stay, let’s make the best of this. She agrees and actually starts acting normal. They get a table.
Jackie is all steamed about her wedding being ruined, she is in bed with Dario, who is trying to get something started, but she’s on the phone with her mom, who is continuing to give her good advise (hey! Cheer up! You’re married!) which Jackie seems determined to ignore. When she hangs up, Dario tries to get her to move on from the dress and that nobody from the company came, but she just wants to go to sleep. Plenty of time for nookie in
Paula and Daniel enjoy some drinks – I have to take a time out. So far she got totally bombed, passed on out the couch, then went back out, in the same clothes, still early enough to catch Daniel at the bar? How is this possible? It takes (uh *ahem* I’ve heard) a lot longer than that to sleep off that much booze, especially when you’re in your 30s. Plus, I hope she brushed her teeth before she left the house. Anyway, Daniel seems to want to get a little closer to her but she is obsessed with her ex, who lookie here, just showed up. She gives Daniel a big wet kiss, his chin is shiny wet afterwards, to try and make Dario jealous, which seems to work. He marches right up, is introduced to Daniel, then Paula teases him for not being upstairs on his wedding night. So now the novela code dictates only one hotel too? Jeez. When Daniel figures out that she just kissed him for Dario’s sake, he isn’t pleased. I won’t be surprised if he leaves.
Jaime takes Maruja back to her house, then tells her how nice she is and touches her hand and tries to kiss her. He does it in a totally non-creepy way, I think this actor is by far the most convincing in his character. I hadn’t always liked him in other shows, but I really think he’s doing a fabulous job here. Of course, Maruja is a bit freaked out and runs in the house, telling muffin-wrapping Lorena that nothing is wrong.
The next day Lorena is selling muffins at the only intersection in the world, when Hortensia sees her and tells her driver to call her over. Lorena’s smile disappears when she sees Hort, who tells her “you finally ended up where someone as useless as you belongs.” What a nice lady. She is so screwed in a month or two. Or however long this show lasts. She continues to insult Lorena until Lorena says “at least I never dumped a baby at an orphanage.” This shuts Hortensia up, she tells her driver to move it. He tells her that they are at a stop light! She just says move it!
Ernesto is at the location of his new restaurant, where someday I’m sure Lorena is going to be the chef (no spoiler just guessing), he meets a woman named Monica (hello Monica!) who is hot but frowny, she seems to have a big problem with Ernesto. He has no idea why and his business partner (sorry I can’t remember his name) shows up before the conversation goes any further. Monica just keeps frowning at him.
Chalo rides up on his motorcycle and almost hits Sara as she is leaving the lesser house, wanting to know why she didn’t answer last night. She goes off on him, someone could see them! He is tired of staying hidden, she tells him to go take a vacation to
I guess Monica’s problem was that she wanted to hire a celebrity chef or something (and Ernesto isn’t?) but they appear to work out some sort of agreement. I didn’t catch a lot of the dialogue here, somebody chime in if I read that scene wrong. And yes, I’m cheating, I’m not waiting until commercials to type, I thought I might forget something.
Maruja is very listless at work, Rosy wants to know what’s going on.
Monica says Ern’s food looks great, but what if it tastes like crap? He says that won’t be the case. Monica gets a phone call and leaves, Business Partner confesses that she is his daughter and has always been bitchy. He says it more nicely, but that’s what he said.
Barbara comes to meet Sara at the company, Sara wants money. Barbara hems and haws, so Sara calls Arturo’s secretary (he’s Jaime’s assistant and also has a secretary? Is there really that much to do?) but Barbara says fine fine I’ll pay and Sara says in the phone never mind, I’ll find him later. Hortensia arrives and wants to see Sara. When she goes into her office, Barbara asks Sara how much money she wants.
Monica follows Ernesto outside after the meeting and basically wants to be in charge of hiring the help. He tells her butt out, you handle your business and I’ll handle mine. She says is this war? He tells her however she wants it. She vows to make it hell for him.
Barbara tells Arturo that Sara knows, he tells her to just pay the money. Barbara says so easy, since you always take and never give. He says he’s going to pay her back with interest. She says they should cool it for a while, he agrees quickly. I guess he really is tired of her. His wife is so much hotter and nicer anyway, jeez. Barbara sneaks a kiss that Arturo doesn’t look too excited about and she leaves. He is happy about this turn of events. I guess there isn’t any risk of the affair being outed and now he doesn’t have to be with Barbara. Wow she says no sex one time because her son is in a coma and he dumps her just like that. He really is as shallow as we thought.
Sara tells Chalo by phone that all is ready for his trip. She hangs up and Alonso brings her an ice cream and she flirts with him as they walk on their non-date date or whatever the hell it is.
Ernesto tells Lorena that her muffins (ok really I’m not making innuendos at Lorena on purpose today it just happens) were the best ever. They chat and he wants a dozen more. She says for his girlfriends? He says no all for him, but she doesn’t believe him. He says fine, for my girlfriends then. Ha ha ha flirt flirt oh you crazy kids.
Lorena’s school friend says that Lorena is about to join the harem. If he bought those muffins just for himself, he’d be fat! Lorena hopes the harem all get fat from the muffins.
All right – right away seeing Alonso rowing a boat I want to call him retarded but I’m afraid that there is some Mexican rowing style that I’m just not aware of. He is sitting in the butt end of the boat, the flat end, and rowing back that way. You can even see that the oars are anchored to be used in other seat facing the other way. Nobody associated with this show noticed that he was trying to push a rope? Or are we supposed to be impressed by his strength, where he can row a boat without the aid of aerodynamics? I have rowed boats before and it’s hard enough when doing it the right way, bow first. Maybe Sylvia has some insight here. Is rowing stern first some sort of Mexican mating ritual? I’m going to say that Alonso is just dumb. Anyway, ha ha ha flirt flirt with these two too. When they get out of the boat, it’s rocking (don’t come a knocking!) and of course Sara falls against him as they step on to land, then they start making out. Alonso manages to look completely confused even while they are kissing. Dude, did you not get all the boob signals back at the restaurant?
Tomorrow – Toribio yells at Alonso about something. He was all agitated and I couldn’t understand what he said. Unfortunately there aren’t any captions on the previews!
Labels: enemiga
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