Friday, August 22, 2008

Guapos, Thursday, August 21, 2008: Luci dries out and Connie fesses up

The fake Sor Cachete (Macarena in a nun’s habit) wonders where the convent kitchen is after Padre M has told her to get in there and rattle some pans.
Connie comes into Damien’s room and jumps him, taking a few swings and saying how dare you rob my daughter? Damien is stunned – your daughter? Connie says yes, my daughter. The music goes ta- DUM!

At the hospital, we see Luci still having detox tremors and in come Mili and Rocky who say you asked to see us? Rocky says you look better than when we found you. Luci asks him to step out so she can talk to Mili alone.

Luci says to Mili that she can’t believe that the person she’s hurt most in the world is the one who saved her life. Mili says I’m sure you would have done the same thing for me. Luci says no, I would have left you like trash, to die in the street. Mili says you can insult me, I can take it. Luci says no, what I want is to beg your forgiveness. I know I don’t deserve it – I was so blind, so horrible, with you and you didn’t deserve it. I never met your mama, but I hated her because of the great love Constancio had for her and still has for her.

Mili says he abandoned her, left her to die. He didn’t love her as much as you think. Luci says and then you came into the house Mili, into my life, and when I found out Alex had fallen in love with you it was a massive blow to my pride. Rosario stole Constancio’s love and I wasn’t going to let you, you of all people, steal the love of my Alex.

Mili says I didn’t want to steal anything from you. Alex loves you so much and we could have shared his love, but you didn’t want to. Luci says I ended up destroying my son. Forgive me, Milagros, please forgive me. Mili is in tears and she says of course I forgive you, because of you there is Alex, my very reason for living. Mili lays her head on Luci’s breast and Luci embraces her, her hands shaking so severely she seems palsied and Mili’s teeth must be rattling.

Connie is laying the Big Truth on Damien – Mili is the daughter of Rosario, servant of the house, who he left to marry Damien’s sorry sister. Ahhhh, says Damien. So that’s why Regina left her her fortune – she was the lost grandchild. Connie says think what you like, but I’m not going to let you rob her, so hand over that paper she signed.

Not a chance, says Damien. She may be your daughter, but she has hurt my son terribly and I’m going to protect him. Connie gives him a shove. Damien says attention! If you’re so big into protecting her, why haven’t you acknowledged her as your daughter, huh? Connie says thief! Maybe, says Damien, but I’m a million times better father than you are. Connie is furious and says you aren’t doing it for Hugo, you’re doing it for yourself. You weaseled money when they got married and now you want to weasel more when they divorce. Damien says Mili cheated on Hugo with Alex, and it’s not fair that Hugo should be left empty-handed. If he lost the love of his life, Milagros should lose something too.

Connie gives him another shove and says I’m not going to let you get away with this. Damien says there’s nothing you can do and – attention! – you’d best leave it alone, or I’ll blab on you. Here you had your bastard child in the house, working as a servant. That news would be the end of your political career. Connie growls at him I’m going to destroy you! Damien says lets see who destroys who and he gives Connie a shove and walks out.

Mili is just breaking away from her embrace of Luci and Luci says it drove me nuts how everyone would say how good you are, but now I’ve seen that it’s true. You must have a huge heart to forgive what I’ve done to you. I learned so much from living in the streets, from doing anything for just one drop of alcohol. I even was begging. Mili says hard lessons, and Luci says painful ones. Luci says I always thought social standing was so important, but now after living what I lived, things I never thought I’d experience, I’ve learned so many things.

She strokes Mili’s hair and says look at you, you’ve grown up without parents in a world where so many strikes are against you, whereas I was given everything, yet I threw my life in the trash. Mili says there’s time to change – your children love you. They hate me, says Luci. No, no says Mili, they love you and they’re very worried about you. Take that love and use it to get better, to rise up in life. Luci sobs and Mili strokes her face and cries too, and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

At the ad break, they show a clip of Luci standing by the ocean in what looks almost like a nightie, no makeup, the wind blowing her carelessly tied-up hair.

Luci tells Mili about Oceanica where you go to dry out and recover and Mili hopes she wants to go. Luci says yes, she needs help and can’t do it alone, but she has no money. I’ll pay! says Mili. I know, says Luci, I know you paid for this hospital and you said you’d pay for Oceanica, but I just can’t let you after all I’ve done to you. Forget all that, says Mili, clean the slate. Think of it as a loan and you can repay me later. My reward would be you getting better and coming home to your children. Luci sobs forgive me forgive me and Mili, crying too, hugs her again.

Macarena, pretending to be her sister, has served up quesadillas. The padre asks what’s up with that and Macarena says I couldn’t find what I needed to make something better, your excellency. The padre says but you’re the one in charge of the kitchen! The padre says he’s sorry the MS can’t be with them, she’s feeling under the weather. He asks Macarena to do the blessing. Gulp! She thanks for the cheese and the tortillas and the griddle she finally found. Eyebrows pop up around the table. The padre asks where is the other good stuff she used to put in the quesadillas, and her great salsa she always makes? Nobody appreciates me, says Macarena, can’t I have a bad day like everyone else? The padre wonders why she’s reacting like that. Macarena says everyone picks on me, I should take a vacation! Here I am working for no salary! The padre says are you serious? You do seem very tense. He tells her to go with another sister who is going off into the jungle to do good works. Not me, says Macarena. Yes you, says the padre, those are my orders. Macarena says when’s this trip? The padre says you remember, it’s tonight. Get your things together. No, no says Macarena.

Rocky is talking alone to Luci now and he tells her everyone thought she was in the institution and he asks how she ended up on the street. Luci says she doesn’t want to talk about it, the important thing is that she is where she’s getting help, thanks to him and Mili. Of course we helped, it’s natural, says Rocky and besides you are the mother of my chiquita, my mother-in-law. Do you mind if I call you that? No, says Luci. He wants to know if it’s all right to tell her kids where she is so that they can come visit and she says no, not until I’ve been to Oceanica and I’m recovered. Rocky tells her she’s a strong person and that will help her get better.

Luci says she’s so sorry for the bad things she did to him and Mili, but most of all Mili. Luci asks how it’s going with Vale and Rocky says great now that Connie has said it’s okay for them to marry. He did? asks Luci. I know my husband very well and I know he plays dirty. Luci says she has a favor to ask – could they wait until she’s all better so she can come home and see the wedding of her daughter? Rocky says you’re not going to oppose the wedding? Luci says no, I see that my children’s happiness is with you and Mili. I was fighting a losing battle.

In the storeroom, Sor Cachete is pacing in Macarena’s leopard outfit and is praying to God, asking him why He put Macarena back in her life after she had escaped her bad influence. Mono comes in and she begs him to let her go. He says sure, just tell us which niche has the money in it and you’ll be free to go back to your life. She says never, the money was stolen and it would be a sin to help. She says why are you playing at being a bad movie-style Mafioso when I can see in your eyes that you’re a good person? Mono glares at her. Well, sometimes, she says. I can see you have a noble heart, didn’t your mother tell you that? Mono thinks it over and says why yes! She said son, you are ugly, but you have a good heart. Sor Cachete says see? You’ve just lost your way. Heaven is chock full of repentants, you know.

Mono has his hand over his heart and seems to be having an epiphany, but a voice is telling him to pick up. It’s a message coming through on Macarena’s cell, which he has. She says come get me, or I’ll end up on a mission in some jungle. He says what about the money? She says look for it tomorrow morning. The padre comes up to Macarena and says the bus is waiting for you. Back to Mono: he says they’re going to take her on a mission. Sor Cachete says I know and I really wanted to go and it’s your fault I can’t now.

Luci is saying so Flor left without her child? Mili and Rocky are at the end of her bed and Mili says yes, she thought I’d make a better mother. Luci agrees and says no matter what I did, it seems fate has reunited you and Alex. Luci says she will do everything in her power to see Mili and Alex married, and Rocky and Vale. They deserve it. Mili and Rocky are thrilled and say she seems like a new person. Luci says I had to go through a lot to get this way. She asks if Andrea is still in her house. They say yes, she is, strutting around and playing the grande dame. Luci says that’s all I need. She makes Mili and Rocky promise to see her when she gets out of Oceanica and they happily agree. Group hug.

Damien is lunching with Peralta and he asks him to build a fire under the story of Connie and the illegitimate child. Why? asks Peralta. Damien says it’s a girl child, and she was working as a servant in the house. Peralta says that’s serious and Damien smiles.

Vale is coming into the foyer, furious, where Alex is holding the baby. She checked with Pedro and guess what Rocky was never there. She asks Alex if Rocky could be cheating and he says surely there’s some explanation. He laughs and says no way would Rocky run around on her and in fact the thing he likes best about Rocky is how much he loves her.

Just then Rocky and Mili come in and Vale wants to know why they’re coming in together. Mili says they just met at the door and Alex says how’s Padre Manuel and Mili says he says hi. Mili goes upstairs and Alex takes the baby up too.

Vale confronts Rocky and says she checked at Rodeo and he wasn’t there. She rants a bit and he laughs and says you’re jealous! He says he can’t say where he’s been but it’s something for her, a surprise, she’ll see. She melts. He says and oh by the way they won’t marry in 2 weeks. She is upset and says when. He says it depends, and he runs off.

In his studio, Karla is leaning on Hugo as they recline on the couch. She wants to know why Mili’s things are still around if they’re not sleeping together. Hugo says if he took them out it would be accepting their separation. He’ll never let her go, even though she just gave him all her money to separate. Karla sits up, suddenly alert. Hugo explains how that happened and Karla says do it! I can’t be bought with any fortune, says Hugo. He pushes her back and starts to kiss her and then says change, and put on the wig. She rolls her eyes, but, ever the pragmatist, off she heads to the bathroom.

A scene of Alex and Mili adoring the baby. She shows him how to burp a baby, something he’d never heard of, oddly enough. They want to put the baby down and decide to sing to her. They sing softly and that segues into a background song while we see scenes of a rocky beach and a car driving into a nice facility. Scenes of the makeup-less Luci registering.

More montage: We see the nuns in the jungle, and Macarena is swatting at bugs. Luci is writing in her journal, is sitting in group therapy. Karla is making love with Hugo, she surreptitiously takes off the wig. Rocky (pencils up his nose), Bobby and Alex at the office – no business. A gray-haired customer is there, they swarm him. He is next seen giving a file folder to Connie. Alex enters Connie’s office, passing the customer and confronts Connie about it. Luci is working out in the gym, her black eye gone. Mili and Gloria and Socorro are framed in a mirror with Lina, congratulating her. (Is she getting married? She has a white top on – we can’t see the rest.) Vale and Rocky are sharing a lounger and Ramses comes out and lays down in the other one. Rocky chases him off. Luci is in the facility laundry, ironing her own dress. She is at a PowerPoint presentation about alcohol dependence. She is at a microphone, speaking to the group. Mili and Connie are walking by the fountain, Damien observes. Mono is prying open every niche at the convent looking for the right ashes. Karla is vacuuming in Damien’s room in her short skirt, and unseen by her, Damien studies her. He shoves her down on the bed while she says no no!

Luci is receiving a pin for progress. She sits out by the sea, writing in her journal. She is running on a vast, sandy beach (that place sure looked rocky in the first shots). She looks at photos of her family, sits on the sand and journals some more. The sun is setting, she lights a fire and burns her journal. She stands and watches the sea, she lets sand fall from her fingers and blow away. She watches the journal burn.

She passes through an applauding double row of people as she pulls her small luggage behind her and leaves. She has on a horrible little-girl sundress that must have been donated. An airplane is aloft.

Mili and Rocky are nervously waiting at the airport. Why is the plane so late? There’s Luci! They all embrace joyfully. Luci still has no makeup on, but at least she doesn’t have that dreadful dress on. She wants to know if her kids know, and the two assure her that they don’t. Luci says she can’t wait to see them, but she’s scared too.

The MS is in bed, no habit, and we find out she has short dark brown hair. Wow, even nuns dye their hair! She is concerned that Sor Cachete hasn’t written from the jungle and the padre is surprised too. He says the niches in the church have been broken into. The MS says her time is near and she is resigned. The padre wants to know if she wants to confess. She says no, there is something that is bothering her a lot. She wants Connie to come. The padre says he’s a hard-head and nothing she says will get him to fess up to being Mili’s father. She says go get him.

Peralta comes into Connie’s office and says why did you want to see me? You should ask! says Connie. What have you done? Connie whams his desktop. You have worked against me! You’re the one that got me blackballed and arranged it so that Damien replaced me. Peralta says how can you say that? Even if you don’t think I’m your friend, I am. People come and go, the party remains. People die, the party is immortal. Connie says come to the point. Peralta says it’s not my fault, it’s just that the party doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore and Damien is the best candidate for the presidency. Connie is livid and says Damien will fall hard and fast. Peralta says no harder or faster than you – there’s a rumor that you have a bastard child and she was working as a servant in your home. Connie is speechless.

A car pulls up to Mili’s mom’s house and Rocky, Mili and Luci get out. Luci says she really loves it. Rocky says your place is in your home with your children. Luci says I’ll be back there, but I’m taking it one step at a time. They go in – Rocky and Mili have decorated and set some flowers and fruit around. Mili says she remembered that Luci loves jasmines. They have two framed photos, Vale and Alex, and photos on the wall of the baby. Luci is overjoyed. She can’t wait to hold her first grandchild in her arms. Luci embraces them and says I lost so many moments due to my alcoholism – never again. Group hug.

Back at the office, Connie wants to know who told Peralta and he says he can’t reveal his sources. But he says having your child work in your house as a servant – well! Connie says it’s Damien, I know it. Peralta says I’m sorry, but your political career is over. Connie says you’re really going to regret siding with Damien. I’m going to run out both you and him. Peralta says are you threatening me? They declare war. Peralta says you aren’t just messing with me and Damien, you’re messing with the party, which is going to back us up. Connie tells him to get out.

Karla comes in where Hugo is moodily painting. She has an envelope in her hand, and she tells him she’s pregnant – by him.

Avances: The dying MS tells Connie that Mili’s mother didn’t die.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 8/20/08 " . . . but they're cousins, identical cousins . . ."

Rehash: Mili signs away her fortune while Andrea tries to persuade Karla to get pregnant (by Hugo?). I still don't understand this, and I don't think it matters. Andrea thinks Connie will pay big bucks if Karla helps them, but I think Andrea doesn't realize the end of her reign is probably near.

In the kitchen, Mili prepares to read that letter finally, but Lina and Gloria try to pull it away from her. Socorro intervenes, but before she can read, Braulio comes in to say that Dr. Whatshisname has called. The doctor tells her to get over and see Luci ASAP. Brau tries to pry into what's going on, but Mili won't tell.

Mongo goes to the church and looks for Sor Cachete. He tells her he and his wife want to make a big donation. Shouldn't she be wary that he is wearing a prison uniform (not to mention he is eight feet tall and and looks somewhat like a troglodyte)? No, she is all agog, 'cause the convent is collapsing, until they turn and see . . . Macarena, in all her blond glory. Cachete is impactada, but we'll have to wait to see what happens next. (Since we finally saw Macarena for the first time a couple of weeks ago, I've been waiting to see Guapos's split-screen answer to The Parent Trap and The Patty Duke Show. Tonight's episode deserves a premio for its high-tech special effects.)

Val visits the new office of the Three Stooges Construction Company. She is charmed by Rocky's sign (we now know that Rocky's nickname comes from his real name, Ricardo). She tells Bobby to be sure to hire an ugly secretary. Bobby jokes that he and Al have to suffer because of her jealousy. Rocky takes her into his office and jokingly tells Bobby to hold all calls. Bobby offers to get them coffee . . .
Out in the reception area, Marisela shows up to reveal the truth about Lina to Bobby. He mans up and tells her the past doesn't matter--all that matters is that he loves Lina. Marisela realizes she has no chance against this true love and they part amicably.

Over at the bat cave, Hugo is painting madly. Damian shows him the papers that Mili signed, but Hugo is not as happy as Damian thought he'd be. No, he says, Mili can't buy her freedom so easily. He starts to tear up the papers, but Damian says they're just copies. He's protecting his son, who always gets himself in trouble by acting on his emotions.

Mili finally reads the letter from Flor. Flor has turned 180 degrees from last week, when she was egging Hugo on to stick with the bad marriages and he wanted out. She says that Mili must divorce ASAP so she and Al can marry and make a proper family for nameless baby. She gives Mili ammunition: Hugo slashed the painting, and worse, he was cheating on Mili at the resort with another woman. She warns Mili not to let Hugo manipulate her.
Hugo comes in and demands "What have you done?" but she turns and says, "No, what have YOU done?" Showdown!
Mili says she won't let Hugo trample on her (pisotear) anymore, as she found out about his cheating. She says she never lied. She married Hugo with the best of intentions to forget Al, and she tried. But she never lied, not like Hugo. This moral relativisim doesn't quite work for me, but it's all we've got. She shows him the letter, and he tries to deny it, saying Flor is crazy. No, she says, Flor has gone away and given her the baby. He doesn't believe it at first, but reality sets in and he admits his past sins.

Back at the church, Macarena calls Sor Cacheta "Cacha," but SC says only her friends can call her "Chubster." Macarena says she never thought her sister would end up in a convent, much less a nun, but SC says it gives her peace. Macarena gets down to business--where are their parents' ashes?

Hugo is now giving the abusive husband's usual excuse: You made me do it. I slept with that other girl 'cause I had no choice--you left me alone and went away with Alex. Mili says what she did was different: She and Alejandro made LOVE, and it was the most MARVELOUS night of her life. He asks why she always provokes him, and she says she can't be responsible for his actions. (geez, she's right, but she probably should have avoided rubbing it in with all the ecstatic details about her night of adultery!). Mili asks for her freedom, and he says never. She throws off her ring, and we last see Hugo mouthing it tearfully the way my dog chews on a marrow bone.

Back at the church, Sor Cachete is beginning to smell a rat, and she says she will call the police before she reveals the location of the parents' ashes, as there is no name on the cubicle. Macarena hits her on the head with a bottle, and she's out cold.

Al arrives at the office with nameless baby. Everyone coos over her. The partners remind themselves that Connie will try to destroy their business.

Lina helps Gloria prepare for her date with Chamuco.

Mongo and another guy carry Sor Cachete to a lair somewhere. Not clear why they would carry her outside the convent (or how they managed to get out of the convent or carry such a heavy weight . . .). Or maybe they're just in a room in the convent. Sor Cachete is still out cold, but she starts to wake up. Macarena hits her on the head again. Mongo asks Macarena why she hit her sister, and she says because she talks too much and she forgot how much Cachete hates her (or she hates Cachete? This went by too fast for me to check my pronouns and word order).

Mili is sitting forlornly on a garden bench when Connie drives up in the Mercedes. Time for another agonizing conversation where neither side admits the truth to the other but they exchange longing looks. She says Hugo won't give her a divorce, and Connie is surprised to learn that she doesn't love Hugo (some people are always the last to know!). She says she tried to forget her great love but she couldn't: Drumroll: Alejandro is the love of her life. Connie is surprised and then more surprised to learn that Flor has left. Mili spells out the whole Flor leaving situation. She says she has always wanted to marry Alex, but there is always something in the way. Connie says that Alex doesn't deserve her. He says that he thought there was something between them but that it was long over. He is sorry. He says Alex is not her happiness, and he wants her to be happy. Why, she snaps. Because I love you. She says he doesn't know how to love--if he did, he wouldn't be living such a bitter life. He says he wants to help, and she taunts him: you can't--you're not my father! Ouch!

Hugo begs Damian for Mili's documents, but Damian won't give them up. He wants his son to regain his dignity (and some other parts of his anatomy?).

Rocky, Val, Bobby, Al, and nameless baby return from the office. Lina comes out, and they are planning to go to eat. Mili comes in and gets Rocky over to the side where they pretend to look for an earring while she tells him they have to concoct an excuse to get out and visit Luci. Mili leaves. Bobby and Lina decide to go out alone. Val tells Al to change the baby because she smells. Rocky makes an excuse and leaves. Ramses comes in and tries to foment jealousy. Val scoffs but then wonders if he could be right.

Luci is talking to the doctor and a new doctor. Her black eye has gone down a bit. New doctor is going to take her to a special rehab place called Oceanica for five weeks, and we get a PSA on twelve-step programs. She worries about money, but the doctor reminds her that Mili is paying (hmm, not after she gives up her money to Hugo!). She says she will wait to make her decision until she speaks to Rocky and Mili, and the doctor tells her they are to arrive momentarily.

Chalupa and Gloria make up. He was sorry to learn she wasn't having a baby after all his hard work. She says she didn't want to wait two more years to get married. They kiss.

Now for another money scene: Connie comes in to Hugo's study and asks him to give Mili a divorce. What's it to you? asks Hugo (who knows all too well, but won't let Connie know he knows). He then says that Al wants to be with her, but he's not going to let "mi . . . er . . .Milagros" be with that mediocrity. He says he doesn't want her with either Al or Hugo. Hugo taunts him: why are you so interested--you act like she's your daughter. Connie says that he promised Regina to always protect Mili. Hugo tells Connie to go talk to Damian, 'cause Mili signed over everything.

Mongo and Macarena (now dressed in the nun's habit) sneak back to the church. Mongo says she's got to get rid of the red lipstick, so she kisses Mongo and smears the lipstick all over. Then they hear Padre Manuel calling, so Mongo hides his huge bulk behind a skinny tree. Seeing the smeared lipstick, Padre Manuel chides Chunky for eating all the raspberries again. She starts kissing his hand avidly and calling him Your Eminence (I'm not Catholic, but I think that title is reserved for higher ranking clergy, no?). Thinking she has lost her mind, he says she's got to get to the kitchen right away to make dinner--the orphans are dying of hunger. Kitchen? Macarena doesn't do kitchens.

Finally, we end with Connie bursting in and attacking Damian. Unfortunately, my DVR cut out there and I did not record the overlap with Fuego. I hope someone else can fill us in on this climactic moment!


Querida Enemiga - Wed 8-20 - Time to pay the piper or pay him off....

Snorty yells at Sara to get the human resources guy because Jaime is sacked and Art will take his place.

She sees Art in the hallway and tells him that he will be promoted. He asks her to talk, then spills that he saw her two timing her boyfriend and if she talks so will he.

In the clinic Val is hoping someone will help Don Gumaro get the treatment he needs by forking over some dough.

Snorty is meeting with HR when Sara bursts in to take back her envelope with those lovely pictures. Guess she had second thoughts. She reviews them just to make sure they are there and leaves.

Lore hopes her application for the scholarship will be considered and tells Rossy the teachers agreed to help her. She says Erni agreed to help her. They are on their way to see Monica. Turns out Rosy runs into her male buddy again who says they will make a great pair, of waiters of course. Lore takes the opportunity to mention that Julian isn’t coming and new guy of course asks who that is to which Lore is sure to tell him it’s Rossy’s boyfriend. Later she yells at Rossy for being flirtatious because he is throwing his eyes at her and she cares a lot about Julian.

Later new guy introduces all the various workers and Rossy thinks he would be a good PR guy. In the kitchen, Erni is introducing the kitchen team to each other when Monica goes in to tell him everyone is waiting. He tells her she didn’t need to hit his car that way and she shrugs it off. Soon they all come out and Lore is surprised to see Erni and he is happily surprised to see her.

Erni tells Moni that Lore is one of his best students and confirms she’s on her team.

Abue of course later yells at Sara for busting in earlier without knocking. Of course Sara apologizes. On her way out Jaime comes in for his lashing and Snorty kicks him out of her sight.

Erni gives the troops a pep talk that they are the life of the restaurant blah blah blah. Moni takes Gaytan aside and smacks him down for telling Erni he’s the soul of the restaurant because he’s already so arrogant or something like that. Something is up with her. Bro says it will work to their favor so what is so bad.

Pau is getting G-Pa to play Sudoko which is good for his memory. He complains about Sara again and hopes Al opens his eyes and gets rid of her.

Betti is walking home and Ivan is playing ball and stops her that he tried to e-mail her but it was wrong. She says her name, her birthyear, and her G-pa’s age. All of which he can surmise except for the last. She tells him to use his imagination. So he does. He follows her, rings her apt and gets her birthdate from her Mom under the guise that their information is wrong a lot of the times at school and they want the birthdays so they can celebrate everyone’s. Ma is skeptical but gives up the birthday. He then craftily says G-Pa looks really young so how old is he. After a few yogurt or ice cream mumbles Ivan repeats what he thought G-Pa said: ok, 69, but G-Pa corrects him to 64. He has his e-mail address. G-Pa knows what he was up to even though Ma didn’t figure it out.

At the restaurant Lore and Erni discuss that the other didn’t know they were going to be here.
Lore wishes she was in the kitchen. Rossy runs up that Mon wants to see her. Rossy raves about Erni’s looks. Moni comes up and yells at them to leave Erni alone and that’s an order, because they are on her team. OK, this chick is starting the kitchen/waitstaff rivalry already? She’s not much of a restaurateur because harmony between the front of the house and the back of the house is pivotal to success. Duh.


Chalo surprises Sara by hanging out near her car, I guess he wants some. She tells him to scram and not do that because Arty has already found them out. Chalo doesn't get the big deal, but Sara reminds him something about Arty potentially screwing things up with Snorty and then their whole puppet show will be exposed. She slaps some sugar on him and kicks him out, driving off worrying she's late to meet Al.
Sara goes to hosp to tell old man Gamuro her abue will pay his bills. Al and Val are of course pleased and think highly of Sara for being the conduit.

Barb comes in to yell at Jaime for falling asleep at the conference table and that this is the lowest of the low; he can't explain what happened to him. It always amazes me how these people cruise along in life without any weirdness and then one person shows up on the scene and all of a sudden bad things start happening and they never put two and two together. IF they did these novelas would be over in 40 episodes I guess. Oh well. And no concern about his health from any of these folks. Nice.

Snorty wants Vasco to work for her and tells of her benevolence to the old guy to regain her image.

Next we see Jaime is packing to leave and Barb is stifled for a moment. Jaime asks Barb for a divorce, that their marriage is a failure.

Next we see Barb run in on Snorty and Vasco "bonding" (hee) and she screams that jaime just asked her for a divorce (nice way to break it to your kid) Then, the servant runs in and announces to all of them that the police are downstairs with a warrant for the arrest of Snorty and Jaime.

Jaime is resigned that this would happen but Snorty is still defiant as they descend the stairway. Snorty warns Jaime not to say a word and yells at him to keep his mouth shut.

Al thanks Sara for her good deed and promises to take her wherever she wants to go. Of course she wants some of that hunk so guess where they end up.

Back at the mansion Snorty is saying she won't go until she gets her lawyer present, but the po po won't wait they say he can meet us at the station. The Police are ready to handcuff the pair but Snorty protests and does not want to be handcuffed. She will go wherever they want but refuses to be shackled

Vasco tries to intervene and call lawyers but can't reach them and complains that she is an old lady and shouldn't be handcuffed or treated this way, they aren't murderers. None of this works and in the end the police get their way, and their persons, in handcuffs, leaving right away. Ah, the power.

Mucho Press bug Abue at the station and she tells Vasco to seek Sara, because she will clear her name. Omar and Zully observe this and Omar feels a little bad, because after all this is his brother and Ma. Sheesh

Naked Sara holding Al's sheets tight to her bosum doesn’t answer the phone in favor of pressing activities and makes kissy face with Al.

Di and Julian watch this all unfold on the tele and Di thinks Vasco must be upset. julian says it not as bad as her getting back with Bruno and thinks she is making a big mistake. She says he's the baby daddy and nothing changes that and Bruno's a renewed man and so forth. Julian still says dumb move.

Rossy and Lore discuss with Ma how Monica appears at war with Erni. Maru thinks they were novios. Lore doesn't agree, that she didn't think they really knew each other, but yep Moni was rabid. She says she's stuck in the middle because one is her boss and the other her professor.

Erni bugs Ivan, who turns out to be his nephew, and shows up to borrow a laptop about not touching anything else in the house and taking off shoes. He gets mad and decides he'll use a friend's instead and Erni calls him ungrateful and ill mannered and Ivan calls him nasty and mean and thank goodness he has no kids or they would have fled a long time ago.

Betti gets a message and wonders how he got the e-mail.

The Spinsters are playing cards with the new inductee Val, who during gossip session, tells that Arty’s only friend is his Mommy. Girls cheer to that and laugh.

Arty is having a discussion with none other than said Ma who wants Val put in line and Ma doesn't want a libertina in the house.

Vasco goes to see Di and wants to come in but Bruno is there so she thinks not a good idea. She's sorry she didn't tell him earlier that she's back with her baby daddy. Vasco doubts Bru has changed, but he hopes so for her sake and if not well, he can answer to him.

Next day Sara is at home chatting with Al on the phone about how wonderful there evening was and he saying how could it be otherwise with you, whiny Barb storms in without knocking and breaks the news that the baby snatching pair have been detained. Sara is impactada.
Sara barges in to the lesser house greeting a wet toweled Julian...mmmm...and wants to know where Ma and Pa are. Julian yells at her for storming in that his parents aren't there.

Maru and Lore are running and extolling the age virtues of this passtime (curious if you do it in Mexico City, because I would think the pollution counterbalances any health effect) Zully catches up to the runners to tell them news.

Maru worries about Jaime while Lore and Zully go on about how they deserve this and should pay for what they did, etc....

Sara comes upon them and yells at her Ma wondering how she could do this and she does the whole threaten to leave again crap. Lore defends Zully, that if Sara can't show some respect, well she is there instead to defend her Ma, and we end with a smirky Sara face. I'll really be satisfied when the evil ones get their's in this show.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Aug. 20: If only they hadn't re-connected Franco to that little machine...

Buenas noches a todos.

Attention all recap readers/recappers/anyone else: Next week I go back to school, and therefore I do not anticipate having the time or energy to do recaps. Is anyone willing to take over for me? Thank you.

We start tonight from the hospital where Gabi tells Sofia that she is going to marry Fernie. Sofia is incredulous. Gabi reminds her that now she is free to marry that idiotic baker of hers. It seems that everyone is on board with Gabi and Fernie’s getting hitched. Sanctimonious Sofia, as I like to call her, reproaches her (mother?) for marrying Fernie when Bernie hasn’t even been in the ground for a year. Gee, the way things have been going on around here you’d think we spent three years watching Juan baking Sofia Bread and seeking revenge.

Padre Tadeo, too, reproaches Fernie for attempting to marry Gabi. Fernie assures the Padre that there aren’t any other men in the world quite like him. Padre tells him that he certainly is unlike anyone he has ever met, and is unbelievably evil. Fernie mentions that he is going to voluntarily divorce Sofia.

At the hospital Gabi chats with Eva about Eva being Soifa’s mother. Eva tells Gabi that she better be careful with her moments of indiscretion, such as the one in which she told Sofia about her “mother,” because they can prove to be dangerous.

Coach Quinti is giving Jimena lessons in house-cleaning. Jimena isn’t sure about this cleaning business; she even has blisters on her hands!

Fernie wants to know why the hell the cabaret workers have come to visit Rosario. He tells Rosario that the cabaret is losing money, and therefore it is time for her to get out of the hospital and back to dancing. Rosario fights back and tells Fernie that if he keeps bothering her she is going to tell Eva and Gabriela the truth—whatever it is, I don’t know.

So Juan has brought Sofia back home, and everyone is happy to see her again. Everything Quinti has prepared looks delicious. We even have quirky animation as the Reyes bros. kiss Quinti. Everyone sits down to eat, but Juan gets upset that no one has washed his or her hands. Marketing time! Sofia gives a pitch about some pill that pregnant women can take to alleviate the pains of pregnancy.

Fernie has paid a visit to the clinic where Franco resides. Even when he is unconscious and on death’s door he doesn’t fail to show us his strategically-revealed thighs and tighty-whiteys. Fernie caresses Franco’s limp body, and whattaya know?; Franco sits straight up. Uh oh, it was only short lived and now he has flat-lined—literally. Without noticing that Fernie was there, the doctor and the nun find Franco in bed, and have to re-connect a wire to the machine that keeps him alive.

We see Armando and Raquel talking. Raquel has a problem with the Reyes bros. and her ranch. She needs to find Fernie, but he’s not around, and besides he’s planning a wedding with Gabi. Raquel is crushed.

Gabi is practicing her accounting skills. She realizes that two bank statements don’t coincide. She sees Fernie and asks him why. He freaks out about her not trusting him, just like Sofia. After he cools down he apologizes and admits that the figures don’t match. Of course, it was that darn Oscar’s fault.

Juan and Oscar are visiting Franco in the clinic as he wakes up and acknowledges their presence. He doesn’t remember anything, as usual, and is introduced to Pedro. Oh looky, Juan brought Franco a toy horse. For somebody who doesn’t remember anything, Franco has an amazing ability to remember that when he first woke up he saw Fernie. Maybe it was a dream…

Fernie is drinking tequila at the bar when Raquel surprises him with a slap; “damn liar!” she yells.

The doctor at the clinic reminds the bros. that their brother is confused and it is doubtful that Fernie actually came to visit him. Oscar asks if his brother is going to be more stupid than before. Clinically, that is impossible.

Raquel is grappling with Fernie, cussing at him, etc. He drags her out to the truck. She demands that he return the money he borrowed. She cries and cries as he drives off.

Jimena is busying mopping the floor, which she says she likes doing, as she answers the door to find her mother. Gabi relates that the Reyes bros. needed a maid and they got one for free. “What a mess you are!” Gabi says as she lists all of Jimena’s unattractive physical traits. Now Jimena is only a shadow of what she used to be…

Now even Quinti is a baker. It’s not like you exactly need credentials to bake with the Reyes… The bros. come home and tell her that Franco is going to be fine. She kisses the boys and we see the tacky hearts and stars appear on the screen.

Jimena explains to Gabi that she likes to do the housework, and that she is a wife to Oscar, not his obligated maid. Gabi explains that she didn’t come to talk to the maid, but instead the good-for-nothing Oscar. Oscar enters and tells Gabi that he is good for something; he takes care of and loves her daughter. Don’t make her laugh.

Shirts-optional time in the bakery! Why the hell does Pedro take his shirt off? Apparently he thinks he has something none of us has. Well, considering the length of his chest hair, I would say it’s fairly remarkable, but then again, an animal can grow hair… He tells Juan that he leads a lonely life, gets all sentimental, Juan reassures him, and he goes back to baking something.

Gabi tells Oscar that he is a robber and is going to rot in prison for embezzling money from the ranch. She brings him a check that is more money than he ever hoped to see in his entire dirty life. She gives him the check so that he will free Jimena. Gabi needs her at home because she is very sick and needs someone to care for her. Oscar admits that he has never seen so much money, but Jimena’s love doesn’t have a price. He explains to Gabi that he is poor, but proud, and certainly would never steal anything. He says that Fernie can’t be trusted and points out his questionable qualities. Gabi busts a cap about Oscar having a nerve to judge her hubby. Oscar tells her that she can visit Jimena whenever she wants, but she can not come to his house to insult him. Gabi says that his dignity doesn’t mean anything and that Jimena will return home very soon.

Jimena tells Oscar that she heard what Gabi told him. She is worried about her mother needing a nurse/slave. She cries as Oscar reminds her how much he loves her.

At the clinic Rosario is with her son. Eva tells Rosario that Franco has opened his eyes and is talking. The doctor tells her that both she and Franco will be leaving today.

Fernie takes Raquel to some parking lot and parks. No, it’s not one of those scenes…! He explains to her that he is marrying Gabi to get her off his case. Since Raquel is married he couldn’t marry her, so he had to choose Gabi. Did anyone else notice that she has purple hair? It’s not auburn… Anyway, Fernie somehow convinced the blithering idiot that he loves her and then he kisses her. Whattaya know?; Gabi pulls-up as they are kissing. Raquel crouches down and Fernie explains that he is having car problems. Gabi has something to tell him and it can’t wait. She gets out of the car…

Jimena is having trouble with the idea that Gabi and Fernie are getting hitched. Then again, that would mean that Sofia and Juan could get married, and therefore Jimena gets to plan a wedding. Now she’s happy.

Fernie gets Gabi to go back to the car and he, too, gets in with her. She tells him that Oscar pretended to not know anything about the bank statements and even kicked her out.

Sofia is talking about marrying Juan and how happy they will be together. There is going to be a double wedding because Jimena and Oscar still need to get married in the church. Sarita is eavesdropping again and is jealous. Of course we know that there will actually be a triple wedding, at least, which will closely resemble the one in La Madrastra. Sarita says that she still loves Franco, but Gabi told her that she has to marry Benito or return to the convent. Now it’s a sad day when Sofia and Jimena have, pardon the expression, the balls to tell Sarita to suck it up and ignore anything Gabi says. This conversation is proof positive that Sarita has failed in upholding her bookish character. Just as Sarita is admitting her love for Franco, Rosario walks in to listen to every word she says. Sarita complains that she doesn’t have anyone who cares about her or loves her. She is just like the girl who stands in front of the mirror and her friends complaining about how fat she is so that her friends will call her skinny. Schmuck…

The Reyes bros. also heard what Sarita said. They didn’t have a clue that she still loves Franco. They say that Franco is confused because in his heart he loves Sarita, but in his head he likes Rosario. Juan asks Pedro if he really loves Sarita or if he is just playing with her emotions. Pedro says that he does love her, but she can only love Franco, which upsets him.

Tomorrow: Gabi takes out her fury on Sarita for leaving the convent, and then gives her the boot! But that’s not all; evidence that links Fernie to raping Sofia is now in the hands of Raquel!


Pasión de Gavilanes, Wed. 8-20: Abuelo discovers an 'amor prohibido' ; Feo gets a shock, reacquaints with his cousin and hires some new employees

A lot happened today. We saw Don Martín have this catalepsy-type attack before. Fortunately, Feonando is an evil weakling and can't actually kill his father in law. So now Abuelo is in the same sanatorium as Fruit Lady (Hortensia). I'm sure that will be significant.
Grabi's brain must be addled by drugs or she would never have accepted Malcom's Don Martín charade. The real Don Martín would never allow his wheelchair to be pushed around by Carmela. Where did they get a wig for Malcom with about 2 minutes notice?
If before it seemed ridiculous that her daughters would stay with Grabiela, it now seems ridiculous that they are agreeing to stay away. But this part of the plot isn't going to go forward until the writers are good and ready and there is no way they can have the girls show up at the Hacienda without finding out what is going on or getting shot by Dínorah.

Abuelo catches Feonando cheating on Grabi with a wanted criminal.

Abuelo comes back to life!

Feonando gets a nasty surprise!

Why you should drive with an unconscious person in the back seat.

Malcom in his Don Martín disguise fooling Grabi.

Feonando's evil cousin who happens to run a mental hospital.

Juan and Norma #1

Juan and Norma #2

Juan and Norma #3

This pair of nitwits don't add much to the brain power at the Hacienda.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre Aug. 19, Tues (#80) - Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That...Oh, Never Mind....

Thanks once again to Bridget for her smashing first recap last Tuesday. Wasn't she fabulous!

I can see that while I was off gallivanting around Wyoming and Colorado the writers have turned this into a fine family story, full of love and thoughtful, warm relationships, ready for reruns on the Disney Channel with just a few adjustments. Buckle your seat belts, please, we have some narrow roads and tight turns facing us this evening.

Paddy Tad makes Abuelo and Eva promise not to tell Gabriela what he heard, but afterall it wasn't learned in a confession, I don't want to hurt anyone because I love you so much, but Gabriela told Sofia that she wasn't her mother.

Juan and Sofia open their eyes about the same time and rejoice and thank God and the Virgin of Guadalupe that Our child is alive because of our love. Are you feeling pain, no it moved, it moved, It's ALIVE, IT"S ALIVE!!

In the waiting room Sarita makes the monumentally stupid decision that it is only she who can save her ailing mother by devoting her life to her so she won't be alone. Sarita says she will leave the convent, which wakes up Pedro, leave the convent? he chimes in hopefully. Oscar pours cold water on the saintly plan, saying I don't think your mother needs you so much, she has who she needs. Well, you'll find out, your saintly mother doesn't need any of you right now.

Ofelia brings news to Rosario that Sofia and her baby are recovering. Rosario, one of the real yet rare, sweet characters in this drama says, Sofia deserves to be happy. I am so happy for Juan and the baby deserves to live and to be happy with his parents. Like all the babies in the world, she adds wistfully. Rosario happily thinks about her little nephew. She loves having family, doesn't she.

Speaking of great parents, Feo is sipping fire water in his other office to celebrate his great luck in the money happy marriage bargain he has made with Gabriela. With the money and property she is showering on him and what Raquel is willing to give him in competition with Gabi, he concludes, Women alone are easy prey. He brags to Armando, who less than the devoted servant Feo thinks he is, decides Raquel needs to know about these marriage plans.

Raquel enters a lawyers office wondering who has brought this claim against her land. The Hacienda Uribe is being challenged by the alleged legitimate owners: the Robles Reyes.

Abuelo tells Oscar and Juan that Feonando has tricked him into signing over his fortunes. But Abuelo has a few aces up his sleeves. He has secret resources that Feo knew nothing about and the reclaiming of the Reyes lands will be his project. He is not as stupid nor as old of a fool as Feo would like to think.

Feo and Gabriel await the arrival of Sarita and Jimena to inform them that "we plan to marry, we love each other and we are getting married. shock bounces off the very walls as they echo casarnos, casarnos...

Mama this can't be, its barbaric, its a joke. This can't be, it's impossible, Gabi snaps back, Would I joke about something so serious. This has to do with my happiness. But he is your son-in-law. Feo stands to assure them he is ready to file divorce papers (lucky Sofia) and age or nothing matters to Feo but his love for Gabi and his happiness. Gabi sweetly adds, If you don't want to return to this house which is MY house, it's not important. (ha, she hasn't seen Feo's paperwork has she?)

Raquel is yelling at the lawyer who can't find any proof of Uribe signatures or proof of ownership of this hacienda. You'll hear from my husband and his lawyers..

The Reyes argue in the waiting room when Raquel appears to announce to them that she has no intention of losing her hacienda even though they have filed a suit and Juan assures her they will fight to get their rightful property back.

YUCK WARNING! Gab/Feo entwine in lust back at the hacienda. Are you sorry to be with me now that your daughters are against this marriage. We will live like husband and wife and I don't care who doesn't like it . And the same goes for my father. Feo waxes poetic with love, this is why you make me crazy, this is why I love you, you are so valiant.

The girls wring their hands over Mom's sinful ways. When did this start, I don't understand anything. Abuelo says their father never loved Gabi and neither does Feo, so she bought his love just like the last time. You're mom is so perverted she doesn't know what real love is. Sarita is still worried for her sick mother. Yeah she's sick alright according to the tests in Puebla, says Jimena she needs special treatment. (Oh the irony of it all). Gramps assures them, the only thing that they should worry about is that Sofia should be reestablished in her house and her baby will be born safe and sound. Nothing else matters.

Sofia, kind of Sleeping Beauty like, tells Eva that the Reyes elf house makes her happy because it is her true home. I love you so much daughter. Eva, Do you know why I fell. I think that your mother told you something awful like she wasn't your mother. She also told me that you are my mother, are my mother, are my mother. (You know these writers make this a snap to translate)
At first it impressed me, shocked me mucho, but now later I think that I ended the winner knowing that you are my mother. My child, sighs Eva. Sofia then tells that Momma told her that she made the whole thing up and Sofia confesses that she forgave her mother once more. Sofia asks like a little girl, would you be happy to know that I am really your little girl? You have always been a favorite and I have always had special feelings for you like you were my daughter.

Quintina's sister asks her son why he wants to go. He wants to try his luck elsewhere. She can come with him he says but she never wants to leave her country. Quintina comes with bugsbunny voice selling pan, swears she is trying to save her real voice. Rigo's brother (sorry I can't ever remember his name) wonders why she is seeking poblano chiles in Puebla, how silly she is.

Rosario and Ofelia walk arm in arm by the world's noisiest fountain and talk about how they love each other and Rosario thanks her for being so good to her in good times and bad. What if Eva is not your mother? Rosario assures her, I will love her the same no matter what the blood ties.

Quintana breaks into poetry about her rellenos, chorizo, beans and finger lickin' good stuff for the banquet she plans to prepare to welcome Juan and Sofia back home. Chiles en nogado, the best in the world. Nuns invented this recipe for emperor Augustine en Iturbide. Rigo's brother shows her the Mexican flag with green for the chiles, white for the nogado and red for the pomegranate. Rigo comes along with the first pomegranates of the season, a basket full of the best. Quintina kisses and bunnytalks forgetting all about selling bread.

Abuelo now tells the girls that Feo tricked him out of all his money and property. He is convinced this is Feo's real aim in his quest to marry Gabriela.

Quintina sings in the kitchen, Pablito is going to carry flowers to his Abuela's grave while Quintina makes the best food ever. Where did this cute kitchen come from. She cries over the onions and makes the chiles en nogado (I am slobbering on this computer, hope it doesn't short out. I haven't drooled like this since the shower and swimming hole scenes.)
Sarita goes to visit the sleeping beauty, Franco. I hope you recognize my voice, I am Sarita, you recognize me true? I am happy and even though you may have forgotten me I remember that when we first met, you and Oscar saved my Abuelo when his wheelchair fell. I remember feeling things that I had never felt before. And at the fair, that day and night were magic It lit in me the flames of love and later I realized that we enjoyed the same poems and in this same room when you were recuperating from that vicious beating, I gave myself my first kiss on your lips. She was immensely happy, then she gets all worked up about the hatred she felt when she saw Rosario kissing him in the bakery. And the first kisses she got from him awake and the first feel up under the water at ye olde swimming hole . You are the man that I love and always will love. She then relives the confrontation with Rosario at Abuelo's She waited for him to rescue her from the church wedding, when you didn't arrive with all the other Reyes. She prayed that he would come to liberate her in time. She ran out when Franco is discovered hurt once again, then hears Abuelo say Franco ran off with Rosario and was set on fire. She then decided to retire from the world and dedicate herself to God's work. But I am enchanted and even though you love Rosario, I still love you for all my life. Franco I love you . She kisses him with her eyes closed so she doesn't seem his tears, but we do. She looks back but still doesn't see the tears that we see up close running down the whiskered cheeks of Franco. Sigh....
Jimena comes into the kitchen saying bad news makes her hungry. Quintina slaps Jimena's hands for snatching food Q is preparing for the banquet for the triumphant return of Juan and Sofia. Quintina says she should be like Sofia who helps Juan in the bakery, does wifely chores and helps in the orphanage. Q begins to tell her that she doesn't do any wifely things like wash and iron Oscar's clothes, which she should really do before eating. Jimena is clueless (but you knew that) Q begins to teach her the wifely arts. The well manicured Jimena rubs on a washboard and washes and rewashes the clothes, then irons and irons and irons while Quintina supervises pointing out that the iron needs to be plugged in. She throws away the burned torn pieces, ala Lucy Ricardo.

Oh snakes alive! PaddyTad has a sudden headache. Ave maria purisima, snakes out Feo. AGAIN, what do you want this time why are you trying to make fools of us in the house of God? Feo sits with his self-satisfied smile, I have information that you are going to want to have. Gabriela and I are getting married.

Before we all upchuck, the scene switches to Juan coming in and jumping on the couch. They joke and laugh about Sofia's and the baby's recovery. Just then, Gabriela comes in all high and mighty and demands to see Sofia and no one will stop her. Just as Eva and Sofia talk about their love for one another. Sofia confides that she is glad to know that Eva is her real mother. Gabi sweeps in saying how happy she is to see Sofia better. She wants to talk to Sofia alone, but Sofia asks Eva to stay put telling BadMom, we have no secrets do we. Mama, what do you want to tell me?

Paddy Tad refuses confession from Feo he will not hear his crimes and sins any longer. Without the confessional he has the liberty to condemn him.

Gabi has something very delicate to tell Sofia and wants to do it alone. Eva leaves, already knowing the news and tells Sofia they will talk later. Gabi the evil says, I am going to get married . Married to whom?? To Fernando, to Fernando, Fernando, ....

Feo is a jerk
Gabi is a jerk
Feo is a jerk, oops already wrote that but it's true... and goes well with the dialog echos tonight.
Thanks Julie for the great idea, I am going to set up a template of predesignated jerks on my computer too!


Guapos 08-19-08 "Karla gets all dressed up for her Date"

Okay…drama for the sake of drama, we get to relive Flor giving Mili, lil baby Nameless. Mili begs, she pleads, she offers to write bad checks. No sorry the die is cast, Nameless would be better off with you than me, you can give her much more than I ever could.

Flor won’t even kiss Nameless goodbye, she tells Mili to leave and Blondie sister, who has to do all the heavy lifting in this scene, leaves with her.
Flor then picks up the phone and calls Ex-husband to come get her before she changes her mind.

Seems Hugo and Al had a fight. Hugo has vowed to have unrequited love with Mili each and every night, twice on the weekend nights, until he gets her pregnant.

Hugo sits weeping in his room, he is suffering the death of love,
---Dude, I feel for you here, but alas you knew that bus was never going to stop on your corner, now you have a bus willing to stop, morning, noon and night. So what if a few others have ridden…I say let the person who hasn’t ever given the wrong person a ride, be the first to throw stones. Yeah Hugo, youv’e picked up some dicey riders along the way.

Anyway, Damien tries to convince Hugo to cut Mili loose, for a bit of dinero of course. Hugo says he feels so alone…He and Damien embrace. Damien does look a bit concerned for his son’s mental stability, but not enough to try and do anything other than get the $$.

Al is pacing the floor, in his room looking into the empty crib.
--Okay I must say, I have not paid enough attention to see the crib set-up, but these people are loaded, I believe they could have found a better crib set up than that. It just screams clash with the décor.

Damien runs into Mili & Nameless downstairs, the crossroads of the hacienda. He tells her to meet him in the study. He wants to talk to her.

Meanwhile, Blondie who dumped off Mili and Nameless at the Hacienda, goes into the kitchen, where Karla is chowing down on a sandwich. She inquires as to the whereabouts of Lina. Karla tells her that Lina & Bobby are out with her mother and the gardener. Karla then says, weren’t you and Bobby an item?
“Yes, but no longer, Bobby has Lina pregnant,” Blondie wistfully answers. Karla tells her, “Nope that isn’t Bobby’s kid, it belongs to that RatBastard, Fernando”. Better known to avid viewers as Dead Fred. Well, that brings a smile to Blondie’s face.

Now I forgot this part, the above mentioned foursome are out at a nice restaurant, Horacito is a bit cold, thinking his preggers daughter is never going to marry. Bobby promises yes they will and soon and then it will be the best honeymoon ever.

Mili comes in with Nameless. Al is happy to see the kid. To make a long story short…Mili gives him the 411 that Flor is never coming back. This makes Al looking like he is having, having aaaahhh what is the phrase, oh yeah “Deep Thoughts”, sorry I just don’t usually connect Al with Deep Thoughts. Yes, Matey, Mili says, “She abandoned the baby”, then for the slow viwers or maybe for Al, she repeats, “She abandoned the baby”. I beg to differ, she put the kid in the future step-mom’s hands. Yes, being from Mexico, Flor has seen her share of TeleNovelas and she can read the writing on the script.

Karla slips into Hugo’s room. It is all dark and in shadows, much like Hugo’s soul. She finally locates him. He asks her if she knows, when he is doing her, he is thinking of Mili. (Karla, having wised up in the past few episodes, does not tell him, "yeah and I‘m pretending Jaime Camil is hiding his salami", what's your point?), instead she just acts like okay, whatever and tries to get to the “getting busy” business. Hugo says he has a present for her.
He hands her a bag, she pulls out an orange dress, then a really bad black wig, which actually looks a lot like Mili’s current hair style. Karla is freaked, I’m freaked. She says “ This is crazy”. Hugo starts rubbing a lot of nasty synthetic black hair all over his face and breathing hard.
---At this point I am begging the Television to make it stop---
Karla takes the lovely gift and goes in the bathroom to change.

Okay, while we are waiting for Karla to change, let’s go over to the Bar. Sister Chunky’s doppelganger, the smokey torch song singer is sitting at a table with her love, the big prison guy.
Meanwhile, her understudy is crooning a tune about hearts and love..whatever, I think he is Juan Q’s friend from Juan Q. Maybe he is singing a sad song cause he is wearing that gawd awful sequin shirt, yet he is not sporting a mullet. I say if you are going to wear an 80’s shirt, you better own it.
---For those of you who like translated songs, sorry---
Anyway, the chunky Novia wants to blow town, oh if only they had the dinero..It is at the church. They must go to the Church to seek their ill gotten gains.

Damien enters the study, Andrea is sitting on the leather action couch. She is playing with her hair and thinking about making someone’s life miserable. Damien tries to embrace her, but she says they have to be careful. She seems game to keep bopping Damien. I am not sure what they even talk about, I think maybe Consti dying?
Finally Damien sweeps in for the kiss and they are playing serious tonsil hockey, when Mili opens the door, she creeps up and startles them. Andrea acts all, like Damien forced her. Andrea exits stage left. Mili is not fooled.

Damien tells Mili how, his son is so depressed, just like when Damien killed Hugo’s Mom and Novia, well okay it was Vehicular Manslaughter. Now Damien, romantic that he is believes in true love and knows Al & Mili need to be together. However, Hugo is blameless in all this and well Granny’s inheritance would sure make life easier. Mili says, Money can’t buy happiness, Damien looks like he begs to differ, but keeps his mouth shut. He tells Mili to think it over.

Val and Rocky come in to stand in amazement gazing at the Nameless Baby. Then there is some back and forth about how cute their kids will be. Al leans against the desk looking dejected, have you ever noticed how this happens when God forbid, Al is not the center of attention. Anyway, realizing their faux pas, the others turn all their attention on Al. They are sorry their little stunt at the beach has lead to Al’s shattered marriage, Mili’s problems, and poor Hugo’s twenty-four hour suicide watch. Perking right up at the attention, Al says they are not to blame, it was the most wonderful night of his life. Everything is going to work out. Group hug, baby Nameless lies alone in her crib. Get used to it honey.

Blondie arrives home and calls out for her sister. No answer , there are three letters on the table, one for Al, one for Mili and on for Blondie. She opens hers, and unless she is a graduate of “Evelyn Woods Speed Reading”, barely gets past the salutation before she crumples a rather lengthy typewritten missive. As if , I bet it was a copy, paste job from a term paper off, probably the first line was, “It was the best times and it…..”

Now in the bathroom Karla has changed into the dress (I don’t get the dress as I don’t recall seeing Mili in many dresses, wouldn’t lil Naco gangbanger clothes have been more in keeping with the fantasy?), anyway she pulls on the wig. She is replaying in her mind the lines that Hugo said to Al about nailing Mili each night til she gets pregnant. Yeah good idea Karla, keep wearing the wig and get pregnant, Hugo is so BSC, he’ll never notice. Hugo watches her from the doorway, when she turns he puts a Mili hat on her head. He calls her Mili and says he loves her, he demands she tell him that she loves him. Karla not knowing what else to do , says he loves him and inserts her tongue down his throat, thus rendering any further speech impossible. ("She is thinking, Don Jaime es tan devino” ). A girl gotts to do what a girl gotts to do.

Now Mili is back up in Al’s room, he is walking the floor with the mewing baby. Mili takes the baby and she calms right down. Al says it is cause Nameless knows her Mother. No it is cause it is a doll, not a real kid. But I guess if Karla and Hugo can pretend, the rest of us can too. Al says it is a done deal, divorce and we will be a happy family. She kisses Nameless and Al says give me one too. He kisses her forehead and it is off to bed (I mean in her own room, stop people, by herself). Oh yeah and Al warns her to be careful, cause Hugo is BSC. Mili says Hugo would never hurt her. Well not unless he has superglue remover and can detach Karla.

Consti and Andrea are rolling around. Now I missed this too, maybe it is just the effect nasty Andrea has on me, but I think that she thinks they can control Damien if Karla gets pregnant by Hugo.
--Really I don’t know so feel free to comment—


Blondie has stopped by to see Mili, she gives her the letter. Being this is a TeleNovela, Mili doesn’t read it.

Chaumaco is in the kitchen with Gloria and Sorrocito, he ignores Gloria. Sorrocito starts talking to him about movies, she says something about him going to the movies that night. Well will Gloria ask him?
She does, he says he will go. Hooray, I hope he isn’t jerking her around. Gloria is thrilled.

Mili is in the CrossRoads room with Al here comes, Andrea. She makes some digs about Mili and Al and the marriages falling apart. Mili fires back that Andrea was the amante of Al, Consti, Damien. Andrea acts all righteous and Al says “Please, you have done every man in the family”. Andrea slaps Al and Mili hauls off and gives her a serious smack, she slapped her so hard, I was rubbing my cheek. Andrea goes to grab Mili, but Al pulls her back. Hugo, walks up and says what is the problem, you and Al are Amantes. Mili feels really bad and Andrea gloats.

Hey let’s go see Luci, She is looking pretty bad. She is thirsty and water doesn’t quench the thirst. The doctor is telling her that getting sober is tough. The hallucinations, the nausea, the shakes (and her hands are indeed shaking). She brings up Mili and Rocky, yes the doctor tells her that they were there. She says she said awful things to Mili, the doctor says, “Not really, no worse than you have talked to her for like five years now”. No he didn’t really, but if Miss Sanchez would let me sit in on her class, he would have said it. Instead, the doctor tells her that Mili understands, that she was detoxing and things tend to get messy. Luci says Rocky and Mili found her. Luci remembers parts of it. She says she would have died like a dog in the street, Mili saved her, she gave her warmth when Luci was so cold. (I still cringe at that scene).
Luci says she treated Rocky and Mili very badly, she thought she was so much better than them. Yes indeed, the doctor says they have hearts of gold. The doctor asks if Luci wants to see her children, No they are better off thinking she is dead. She ruined their lives, they hate her. She does want to see Rocky and Mili again. Then Luci says she can’t pay the bill, she has no money. The doctor says no worries Mili has paid the bill. That Mili, seriously they broke the mold with that one.

Later the chiclets discuss, Mili feels bad about Hugo. The conversation changes to the awesomeness of Gloria and Chaumaco…Brau comes and tells his sobrina that Damien wants to talk to her.

Damien has the papers for Mili to sign, remembering her conversation with Al about being a family and feeling more than a little guilty about Hugo, she signs…..

The end or everything I can remember.

NOW…tomorrow Mili reads the letter, Blah, Blah, Blah oh yeah and Hugo had a woman in his room when you were with Al, so actually Hugo cheated first…..

Mili is totally pissed, hello Mili you are so young, but don’t you recall, Al often told you it was only sex, when he nailing anything that moved, see with men it is only a little fun, just sex, it didn’t mean anything…If you don’t believe me ask your father.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues. 8-19- Happy times at the Hacienda de los Reyes and bad times at the Hacienda Elizondo

Franco and Sarita visit the construction site for the new houses.

Juan, Norma and Juan David play with feathers. Who is going to clean up all that mess? (I couldn't get a good shot of Juan.)

Pancha and Pepita visit Don Martín and he tells them he is investigating something.

Dínorah has to save Feonando's bacon when he is threatened by a gambler to whom he owes money.

Abuelo drags himself up the stairs to find out what is going on at the Hacienda. Not a good idea!


Querida Enemiga Tuesday Aug. 19 '08 There's Good News and There's Bad News Tonight

Yep, there's good news and bad news tonight....lots of good scenes with Sara squirming and little Lorena looking good, but Sara pulls off some evil shenanigans as well. A real mixture of ups and downs. So here we go....

Rehash: Ernesto and Monica are haggling (Monica's showing some interesting cleavage but he's unmoved) and Dad ends up siding with Ernesto about the budget.... to Monica's fury. She flounces out while the two good old boys smooth over the discussion with some wine.

Meanwhile, Sara and Chalo have gotten out of her new flash car and are pelvis to pelvis smooching while Arturo looks on gleefully and snaps a photo with his cellphone. I hate Arturo and really hate his greasy hair but he has a wonderful evil chuckle. I'm giving him points for that. I also enjoyed his comment...Why is she going with someone like that when she gives herself such airs. Why indeed?

Chalo wants to hold onto the car and try it out on the highway, assuring Sara that she's good at thinking up excuses for why she wouldn't have it. They decide to say the stereo needs fixing but then go inside to cook up more evil schemes. (Chalo was hoping for some nookie but actually seems more interested in getting his hands on the car.)

Meanwhile, Alonso's trying to get through to his dad, who's bopping around with Bettina's i-pod. He's wanting another "family dinner" this time to introduce new novia Sara. Dad's not on board. He knows Sara as well as he wants to. Punto. Alonso finally wheedles him into it but he's not happy. Alonso...who just gets stupider and stupider (it's the sex I guess) praises Sara as being authentic," not a fake saint like someone we know". Dad walks off muttering, so now do we have to erect a monument to this Sara!?

Back at the restaurant Boss man and Ernesto are still talking about Monica. Ernesto's worried she'll start a war between kitchen and wait staff but Boss man (sorry, didn't pick up his name when I was gone last week) assures him that while she's temperamental she'd never mess with the bottom line.

Maybe not, but she's messing with Ernesto's car, accidentally backing into it and leaving a big scratch. When she finds out whose car it is, she figures it serves him right and threatens the kid who witnessed the accident not to say a word. Of course said kid hits up Ernesto for some money and rats out Monica immediately. We'll see where that leads. But the boy wants to know if Monica is his girlfriend....Would I take on a scorpion like that?! snaps Ernesto. (damn, that probably means they'll end up together. Shoot!!!!)

But I'm getting ahead of the story...Ernesto is still talking with the boss, unaware his vehicle has been damaged. Boss brings up the ladies he met the other night, including what is obviously Maruja, wondering if there might be a place for her. Nope, Ernesto has already picked his staff....and who knows about women anyway!? They both agree.

Meanwhile, Sara and Chalo are scheming on how to get Jaime out of the way. Chalo suggests another accident but our clever Sara says that's too obvious. She'll think of something and then they'll have to deal with Vasco...otherwise he might get put back in the will. This little lady wants it ALL!

Vasco, unaware of all the plotting around him, wants to head back to work to see his buds. Barbara's shrieking, albeit in a motherly way, that it's too least let the chauffeur take you etc. She's a skank but she does love her son.

And speaking of skanks, here's money-hungry Bruno taking another shot at winning back Diana. He arrives with baby present in hand and she's all like "que lindo" and whatnot. She resists his entreaties for a little while and he actually slips in some obnoxious arguments like: Vasco will tire of you and tire of the baby....and...just to get this over with...he ends up breaking down her resistance. Big smooch. We're gonna get married, I swear by all that's sacred I'll make you happy. The whole enchilada. Diana loses points for this one, big- time. Fooled once, shame on you. Fooled twice, shame on me. And she's going to get hurt, that's for sure.

Oh well, like I said...good news and bad news. Lorena's looking into finding funding since she can't pay all her tuition with what she's earning selling muffins. Friend Patti is raving about Ernesto's book and Chef Hawt arrives to start class, handing out papers for them to fill out. One hapless students moans about it being a pop quiz and gets ejected. The rest have to write about why they want to be a chef. Of course you know who's going to blow Ernesto's socks off with her eloquent answer...but again, that has to wait.

Vasco arrives at work and gets those dreaded words....that's right guys...when a woman says "We have to talk" it's never good news. But he thinks she's just being hormonal and pregnant and blithely goes off to see his buds.

Now back to Patti and Lorena. Patti drew a blank. All she could think of to say was she likes cooking!...but she padded it a little. Then we get a shot of Ernesto reading the replies with disgust. One fellow misspelled "recipe". Another brown-nosed by saying she wanted to be just like Ernesto. "Don't let me down, Lorena", he mutters and of course she doesn't. In fact her reply is so eloquent that later on he asks permission to use it with the Academic Committee to see if she can get a half-tuition scholarship. Hey, that's part of the good news!

Now we have vicious little Sara, going into class with Patti and Lorena, all sneers and contempt, tromping on Patti's foot for good measure, then calling Alonso, "mi amor" on the phone to ask him to pick her up at school. Ooooooh, seethe and burn! Lorena handles it stoically. Then a little verbal catfight ensues when Lorena objects to cooking armadillo in the pre-Hispanic cooking class. Armadillos are an endangered species. Teacher doesn't want to hear it. Neither does Sara who sneers and disses Lorena but our plucky heroine hangs in there, the other students support her and the teacher concedes that they can cook with huitlacoche (see vocabulario) instead. Score points for Lorena!

Nobody likes Sara. Everybody likes Lorena. Except stupid Alonso of course. Whadda drip!

Vasco and Diana are now going round 2 and he's getting the picture. She trots out the're a wonderful person, a real man, someday you'll find a woman who....He cuts her off and says, even though it breaks my heart, I'll respect your decision.

Meanwhile, skanky Bruno has wasted no time getting on the phone to tell Hortensia it's a done deal, he's reconquered Diana and he wants his check. Hortensia isn't forking over until she sees it with her own eyes. (I hate to say this, but I really like how this lady operates. She's evil but she's upfront about it and she's no fool for sure. Willing to give her a few points, even if she's baaaaad.) the "pièce de resistance"...big confrontational scene with Lorena, Sara and Dr. Dumbass. Sara's parading her paltry trophy in front of Lorena and the other students and Lorena challenges her by saying..."Oh do you want to show everyone you've taken him away from me?....."Or do you want to find out if he still has feelings for me" and kaboom! she moves in and lays a big fat smooch on Alonso ...who is totally cooperative.

Of course they interrupt this with an ad.

Now we're back and Lorena flings him away (Good Lorena! good!) and says, "But I don't feel anything for him. A guy who wouldn't believe me and would run right off with another woman. I care nothing at all for a man like that. But watch out Alonso, Sara will betray you just like she betrayed me."

Sara calls Lorena something awful that was blipped out. Lorena slaps her (Go Lorena!) You'll respect me, our heroine snaps. Sara's ready to get down and dirty but Alonso restrains her and pulls her away.

Patti's impressed and calls Lorena her idol, but we see from Lorena's face the toll the confrontation has taken on her, and she admits she would have like to hear what Alonso had to say. Patti reminds her that men NEVER have anything to say while women have all too much to share.

Sure enough, Sara's fuming about the treatment and wants Alonso to vent and he's saying nuthin' ,absolutely nuthin'. So she tries a new tack and asks him about his work. We have the sad story of a patient with prostate cancer who can't afford the expensive treatment that could help him and we see Miss Sara hatching a new plan to win Alonso's undying love. She'll ask Hortensia for the money. But that comes later too. Hang on.

Sara's now in the office with Hortensia and they're talking about the meeting coming up where Jaime will have a chance to redeem himself in mama's eyes by winning over the big clients. Uh oh...we know Sara will jinx that. Win some, lose some. But first she tries wheedling Hortensia into funding the prostate cancer patient's treatment. Nope, no individual charities. But it will help your image that was soooo damaged by Jaime's faux pas at the banquet, counters Sara. And it will help you look like a queen with Alonso, right? ripostes our clever Hortensia.

She ends up agreeing to the deal but warns Sara against being too madly in love with doesn't pay.

As soon as Hortensia leaves, Sara's on the phone to Chalo with a plan to deep-six Jaime. I'll compress and tell you that she gets a powerful sleeping pill prescription, drops it in Jaime's morning orange juice, he falls asleep during his presentation, Hortensia fires him and icky Arturo gets a promotion. Uggh...I just like to get the rotten stuff over quickly if you don't mind.

Now onto pleasanter stuff. Julian's back from Acapulco but Rossy's still giving him the cold shoulder. He looks for advice from his folks and mom suggests a Mariachi serenade. Now where this kid get the money to pay for one I don't know. But he shows up in front of the house, sings with a nice tone but badly off-key, while the musicians play in the background, Rossy, in a fetching nightie, relents and rushes out but alas, the hug is painful....she's still burned to a crisp!

I'll compress the scenes of the "novia dinner" as well. Don Toribio and Bettina aren' t helping set the table...they're making it clear to both Paula and Alonso that they're not on board for this little celebration.

Things don't get any better when Sara arrives and starts oozing her fake charm. She talks about traveling to Europe and hints that she'd like to go sometime with Alonso, which Paula seconds. Bettina says "No!" They try to cover it over by saying that Alonso is her favorite uncle and she wants him around but little Bettina shoots straight from the hip and tells Sara she's a complete phony, making too obvious an effort to make them like her and she far prefers Lorena. (Go Bettina, major major points for that one!) Sara covers with more fake smiles, winks and phony compliments while Bettina and Don Toribio roll their eyes at each other. Bettina is forced to make an apology and she does it as gracelessly as possible, again exchanging conspiratorial looks with Gramps. Quite an enjoyable scene for us Sara haters.

The news of the Vasco/Sara rupture is shared at both houses. Zully and Omar are sad; Hortensia pretends to be sad but isn't, and Barbara is positively gleeful. Jaime suspects Barb of engineering it some way but evidently is unaware of Hortensia's role in the breakup. Poor boob.
Vasco is especially sad....and believes that Diana never really loved him. He won't go back to Omar's house but doesn't want to stay in the mansion either.

So as we near the end of this episode, Sara has won some battles, lost others. Lorena totally showed her up at school. And she's got Chef Hawt on her side and his smile is scrumptious...especially when contrasted with Alonso's scowl. Bettina dumped on Sara at dinner and she's about to find out that Arturo has proof that she's betraying Alonso. And he'll use it to discredit her if she drops the dime on him and Barbara and ruins his chances at work.

On the other hand, she's effectively taken Jaime out of the mix, and now has set her sights on keeping Vasco out of his granny's good graces. And she still seems to have Alonso under her thumb, but hey, that's no big deal.

The evening ends with Arturo showing her the compromising photos of her and Chalo lip-locking and pelvis bumping. But wait...she's already left HER compromising photos of Arturo and Barb on Hortensia's desk! Will the whole scheme blow up in her face? Tune in tomorrow and find out. I'm guessing the wench will find some way to wiggle out of it.


ensañarse con = to show someone no mercy (Ernesto with Monica)

pachuca = flashy, (Chalo's opinion of Sara's car)

los barberos = toadies, brown-nosers (Ernesto's opinion of many of his students' answers)

achicharrada = burned to a crisp (Rossy)

huitlacoche - fungal culinary delicacy (what they're going to use in pre-Hispanic cooking class since Lorena objected to slaying armadillos). Check Google for a fuller discussion of this "smoky ingredient" You'll love the literal translation but I'm not giving it here!


Guapos: Monday 8/18/08- "A Little Game of Pass the Baby"

I watched at this last night, not taking notes, thinking I’d do that when I rewatched the episode. However, I didn’t end up taping the show, I got the Olympics instead. So I could tell you all how China won gold on the women’s trampoline competition, but that's not why you visit this site. so anyway, going on memory, with very sketchy details, I’ll try to recap. Please fill in the blank spots:

After visiting her hospital room, Mili tells Rocky that Luciana hates her. The doctor scolds Mili for disobeying his orders and going into see Luci. He tries to tell her that the ugly things Luci said is because she’s detoxing (even though she said lots of ugly things before, when she wasn’t drying out).

Mother Superior tells Padre Manuel she’s dying of cancer and has only a couple of months to live. He wants her to tell the sisters in the convent, but she doesn’t want to worry them.

Mono and Damien meet up. Damien agrees to take Mono to see Sor Cachete. Which he does, but Mono takes off before Damien can “introduce” the two of them.

Florencia tells Alejandro that she’s leaving town and taking the baby. Al vows to fight to keep his child in his life. Flo tells him he can choose to have her and the baby stay or he can be free and get together with Mili. Al seems to have a little struggle here, but then he asks to kiss the baby goodbye. He has a little tender goodbye with the baby. Marisela lights into her sister after Al leaves.

Bobby and Al are at their office. Bobby shows Al the signs that Rocky made for their office doors, Al’s says “Alejandro Belmonte, President and Owner of Mili’s heart.” Al likes it so much he hangs it up on his office door. Bobby is a little worried this will make them look really naco, but Al gets him to hang his sign up and Rocky comes in and hangs his up on his door. They discuss how they aren’t going to be a stuffy company like Constancio’s. Speaking of the king of Rome, in comes Connie. There to check out the competition he says, with a laugh. He and Al have some words exchanged and Connie leaves, and is chuckling on his way out.

Karla tries to open up to Hugo about how different she feels with him. He’s not interested in sharing feelings and tells her he assumes she’s in this to get a little money. She says quite the contrary, she’s got genuine feelings for him.

Mili goes to pray at the church and runs into PM. She tells him that she and Al weren’t able to keep their promise they made to the priest. He assures her that’s okay and that now they need to get the roadblocks cleared so Al and Mili can be together. Mili worries that Flo’s going to try to keep Al from the baby (do we have a name for her yet?). Al shows up and confirms that Flo’s threatened to take the baby away.

Socoritto asks Gloria how's it going with Chamuco. Gloria tells her about another spell she's going to brew up. Soco says why don't you try the old fashion way of getting back together with him, tell him you are sorry and ask him to go out with you. Gloria ponders the alternative.

Damien meets with Perlata and they discuss who should become head of the party. Damien mentions that Connie had an affair with a servant and there is a child floating around out there somewhere.

Al goes home and appeals to Hugo, to grant Mili a divorce. Hugo says no way. Al says that Mili will never love him, Hugo doesn’t care, it’s about pride. Karla is outside, eavesdropping on the whole conversation. The boys continue to have words exchanged and then Hugo says that keep it up Al and I’ll make sure to exercise my husbandly rights, night after night after night with Mili (so she has no say in this, that would be rape Hugo!). Until we have a child, because I’d like to have a child. Al punches him and a brawl ensues. Damien tries to break it up and to find out what this is all about.

Val and Rocky discuss their relationship as they make out on the couch. Rocky is worried Connie will catch them. Val says nothing to worry, they are engaged. She compliments Rocky on his new business and suggests that they go shopping to get him some new duds. Ramses shows up and bothers Val and Rocky. Rocky threatens to rearrange Ramses’s face and that makes the model nervous. Connie comes upon the group. He sends Ramses away, telling him to return tomorrow, much to Ramses’s chagrin. He scolds Rocky on his behavior towards his new assistant (I’m fuzzy on the rest of this---help!).

Mili goes to talk to Flo. Mili asks to hold the baby and she starts to coo. Seeing Mili with the baby and probably thinking back on Al with the baby, causes Flo to do a 180 degree turn. She tells Mili that she’s giving her the baby to care for awhile, says she needs to go find herself. Mili tries to talk her out of it, but Flo’s mind is made up. She goes to pack up the baby stuff. Marisela tries to talk Flo out of it, Flo tells her the decisions been made—Mili and Al will be better parents to the baby than she will. Mari calls her sister selfish and she suspects that this all has something to do with Rigoberto. Flo says that she thought her maternal instincts would kick in, but she just doesn’t feel it. Perhaps she only got pregnant as a way to cement herself to Al, but that didn’t work. Flo takes the baby’s stuff out to Mili and sends her on her way. She has Mari go with her, since the streets of DF aren’t safe. Before going, Mili again tries to appeal to Flo about not abandoning her baby, to no avail. Flo gets on the phone to Rigoberto and tells him they need to leave tonight before she changes her mind. END OF EPISODE.


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