Thursday, October 02, 2008

QE - 10-1 Wed. Will the real nieta please stand up, please stand up...

We start with Lore finding out that crazy Moni slept with Ern first and that playing by the elementary school rules, she possesses him since she had him first and Lore has to leave him. Interesting, so this is how it works eh? Gosh if I can get them while they are young and first, then they are mine? Interesting concept.

Ern wants to talk to Lore, who says this isn't the place or time. We'll talk later. Ern says as you wish.

Barb is on a bender, a perfect opportunity for Sara to mock her about Chalo. Barb says Sara she corrupted Chalo and all this is her fault, Sara says not to make her laugh, oh and she just better keep on drinking. She takes Sara's advice.

Catalina greets Icky and Jacqui with the happiest of smiles and wonders who cooked the dinner. J and I look at each other and J says, no one did, these are leftovers from lunch. Catalina happy wishes them a good meal and saunters off. They are amazed at her unusually light air.

Meanwhile Tori talks to himself that Catalina has the name of a queen. Just then Al comes in and tells him that his friend is going to run the DNA test personally, so they will have the results very quickly.

Sara shows up and greets them. They all make nice nice.

Chalo is looking for an apt. and curses that everything reminds him of Barb.

Sara shows up with dinner for the boys, but they already ate. Tori takes his leave and so she asks Al if he isn't glad to see her. he says yeah, but it would have been better if she had notified him first, he's tired and has something early. She is sad that they haven't seen each other in so long and he acts like this.

Lore agrees to talk to Ern even though they are still at the restaurant.

Sara wants to convince Al that she is the perfect woman for him and he needs to forgive her. He begs her not to make him be rude.

Ern explains that his tryst with Moni was before they were together. Lore wonders why he never told her, and he says that he didn't think he needed to make a list. She's peeved he didn't tell her because he was starting to court her, yet slept with the other and he says it wasn't important. She thinks that's bad and worries if he sees relations so casually if he sees it the same way with her. He tries to convince her this has nothing to do with her. Lore thinks this has everything to do with them since they became *pause* a couple. Ern has already forgotten, and Lore reminds him obviously Moni hasn't and he says that's not his fault, and what he has with Lore is special. Lore thinks maybe Moni thought the same thing, and now she understands why Moni hates her. Anyway, it goes on on this course until she finally says she needs to be alone and she leaves.

But she just doesn't leave, she resigns, saying that she's just too busy with school and her other job. Everyone is sorry that she can't stay, except for Moni who makes a big smile when Lore walks out. Eeewww, I'd like to smush her face in. Ern just calls himself stupid for messing with Moni. Yeah dude, duh.

Julian goes to see Jaime and Maru and they thank him for all he's done to encourage their couple hood. Uh oh. Maru thinks maybe they should have a double wedding. Julian is guardedly optimistic.

Vasco comes up the next day to find his hungover Ma. She promises not to drink ever again. He hopes that's true because she needs to look after Abuela so Sara doesn't get her way. Barb agrees with that.

Lore says she wants to go to her pueblo to clear her head. Rossy knows more is up and wants her to spill the beans. Finally she says it's true, she's feeling horrible because Ern slept with Moni and she thinks she might have to end it. Oh, please. Anyway, she is afraid she's yet another in his collection. Rossy thinks she's not and that he really loves her. She begs Rossy not to tell anyone where she went. Rossy says she'll try.

Lore says goodbye to Rossy and Julian. Rossy is still bitter about Jaime, "that guy" and gets mad when she finds out that Julian has tried to make amends. Further, she is impactada when she hears of her Mom's plans re the double wedding.

Barb is running and having quite a time of it. Chalo surprises her.

Rossy thinks the double wedding is the nacoest thing ever. Julian loses his cool and begs her to make her Mom happy with this. She agrees only if she gets to plan all the details.

Chalo professes his love to Barb but Barb thinks he was only after her for her money. She tells him to leave. He is so affected by her words and reminds her he's never asked her for anything. She calls him horrible commoner names and doesn't want to see him anymore, she swears he'll always be a naco to her.

Tori and Catalina are walking happily in the park when Pa gets a call from Al saying that Sara is not child of Zully, and Teresita neither. Tori reaffirms that the real nieta has to be Lore. Tori cancels his date because he has to go home. She wants to go with, but he says he'll call later and she walks off.

Jaime goes to the office and remarks that he's worked almost his whole life here, and Vasco reminds him well it's still his business. He hands him the balance sheets. Just then Sara interrupts and learns that Jaime will take Vasco's place while he's traveling. She leaves.

When she gets to her office none other than our resident Chalo is there and he's up to extortion tactics again and begs for 2 million pesos (nearly 1 million $) or he'll squawk. Sara just balks.

Rossy is doubling the items for her wedding when Ern shows up looking for Lore.

Back at the office, Chalo says he'll give her 1 week and nothing more, and warns she'll be sorry if she plays dirty with him.

Rossy doesn't know where Lore is but that she needed to be alone. Ern tells her to let him know when she returns because he really needs to talk to her.

Julian leaves and Rossy calls Lore's cell to let her know Ern came looking.

Next we see Lore on a bus recalling when she and Ern kissed first, and then fought about Moni.

Tori and Al are pouring over the test and Al thinks all he has to do now is prove Lore is the real nieta. Tori offers to go to Maru's house and retrieve something that belongs to Lore. Al is appreciative.

At the restaurant, Ern shows up and oh Moni made this nice little card for him. He's like, what, are you five? He has no time for this childishness and doesn't want anything with her, doesn't love her and loves Lore like no one ever. He says if Moni can't leave it alone he might have to talk to Pa. Just then Papa comes out and wonders why he's harsh on baby girl.

Vasco goes in to Abue and learns from the nurse nothing has changed and lets them know he's going away.

Ern tells Moni's Pa he's leaving the restaurant. Pa wonders if it has to do with Lore and that personal stuff shouldn't interfere. Pa says he'll be ruined if he leaves. Ern says he'll promise to train his coworker to prepare the menu and no one will know the difference. There's a ringing endorsement of your executive chef skills! Moni says she'll miss him and Pa says he can't leave. Ern says that's my final word so take it. Moni tells herself she got rid of Lore and now she's losing Ern anyway.

Tori goes to see Rossy and makes small talk about the wedding. finally he asks to use the bano. Instead he goes into Lore's room and pulls out a bunch of hair brushes. To sneaky music he puts them in a sack and tucks them under his coat. He comes out and says he has to go now and thanks her.

Zully is on the phone with Di. Julian breaks to his Ma that the wedding will be double and like the good Ma that she is, Zully says well then you better find someone else to accompany you to the church because I'm not going. Nice.

Tori shows Al the spoils and they confirm it's blond hair and that it will work.

Ern tells his staff he's quit. The staff is swift and knows it's because of what happened. He won't tell anyone why. But Rossy and Maru double team him when he comes out and tell him if he loves Lore he needs to tell her, and he tells them he needs to know where she is. They still don't tell.

Lore shows up at the orphanage and the nuns are happy to see her.

Betti and Ivan are practicing dancing when Dario comes in and thinks something else is up. He wants Ivan to leave. Pau comes out and wants to know what all the yelling is about. She tells Dario to stop it, and makes him come back with her and tells the kiddies to keep on.

Al and Tori are eating when they get a call. It's Sara, Tori says Al is gone and may not come home until morning, but he'll tell him she called. He's proud of himself for playing her.

Lore remembers fond times with Sara, bad times with Sara, good times with Ern, and Moni yelling. She wonders when she will ever be completely happy.

Sara is trying to figure out how to get the money Chalo wants, she thinks she can take advantage of Vasco's trip.

The nuns are worried about Lore and her decisions, and she reveals that Ern slept with another while he was trying to win her over. Of course they nearly fall over at this news. They understand that she is afraid that he hasn't changed.

More news we are about to fall over is this: Al and Tori get the results back. Al reads the whole thing to us, and sure enough, Zully and Lorena are mother and daughter with 99% accuracy. Impactado faces and cut.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Oct. 1: The bathroom's color scheme was bad, but it wasn't that scary.

Buenas noches a todos.

And I wanted to watch C-SPAN…

So Gabi tells Sofia that her daughter is dead. But it can’t be; she isn’t! Telling yourself that she isn’t dead doesn’t mean that the Virgin is going to return her. As Gabi reminds her, dead people don’t come back to life. Not so fast says Eva. You have to believe that she is alive; it’s the only thing that will get you through. Ha! Gabi laughs at Eva and her silly advice. This is the woman who sabotaged you! Are you really gonna believe her? Gramps yells from upstairs; stop beatin’ up on everyone! Ah, but Sofia won’t let her mother intimidate her. Eva tells her to come on. Gramps promises that the last thing he will ever do in life is prove Gabi’s evilness.

What does Sofia do? Well, just like every other time she pouts, she goes to church to pray, where we see Eva wrapped up, and then some third-party mother-daughter combo praying too. Sofia always eavesdrops and then gets emotional. So predictable...

Gabi is combing her long, beautiful, flowing hair, and then tries to leave the bathroom. It’s locked, but what she doesn’t understand is that it doesn’t matter how many times you try to turn the locked handle, it still stays just as locked. I’d love to know why every door in the history of telenovelas locks on the outside. Well, then again, this would explain all those interrupted-sex scenes. Back to the story, she bangs on the windows, and then goes into some stress-induced spasm. The seconds pass like days and Gabi grows wearier and wearier. She bangs on the walls, she stares at the ceiling with raccoon eyes, and she crouches at the door. It’s been what seems like fifteen seconds and still the door is locked, she doesn’t want to be alone! I imagine her sobs are ambiguous to her orgasms with Fernie. Uh, wrong show… Oops! All the door needed was a little push!

Gramps goes to talk to Padre Tadeo. He doubts that Juan took the kid with him. Naturally, Padre Tadeo doesn’t have a clue, but he scrunches his eyes and forehead to make it look like he’s thinking. He says he’ll have to investigate. All I can say is that if this investigation is anything like the one he led with the torches, I stand a better chance of finding Juan. Gramps asks if Fernie had anything to do with all this. Then Gramps answers his own question; “I don’t think Fernie had anything to do with this.” I think Gramps has lost his mind along with the baby.

Poor Gabi is hugging her pillow desperately and can barely utter an understandable word. If I wasn’t laughing so hard, I’d be crying for her. Now imagine me in a baby voice: she was so scared, she was combing her hair, and then the next thing she new, she was locked-in. She stutters on for a few minutes, Fernie embraces her, but he doesn’t know what’s going on. He instructs her on some breathing exercises, and she’s as good as new. Fernie tells himself that Gabi doesn’t like to be locked up—“how interesting.”

So Sofia and Eva were out and about and they decided to swing by the little shop of horrors (a.k.a. the tax write-off Sofia and Sarita have going). If you ask me, it’s basically a bunch of shit that no one in town would ever want, or pay for. Now, move this to downtown Cozumel and you’ll be selling to every 60+ retiree on the cruise ship. Anyway, Sofia tries to greet Sarita, but you know how she gets when she’s in one of her moods and all. Sofia, who doesn’t even have half a brain says, “I know you don’t like Eva, but try to be nice to her” right in front of Eva. And Eva, like the moron she is tries to reach out to Sarita. Furthermore, Sarita tells Eva sorry, but she can’t stand the sight of her. “I understand, hija” says Eva. Just let me be around Sofia, and maybe Jimena, if it’s not too much of a bother. Since when does Eva need Baby Jane’s permission to talk to her sisters? Bitch.

Things are going smashingly over at the usurped lands of the Reyes. Coincidently, Gabi was in the neighborhood, and tells Franco that he has no right to use the sprinklers. Yes I do. Nice defense. And might I add; there is no way in hell that one man would work all that land, and much less Franco, he’s a drunkard good-for-nothin’. Ah, whattaya know; Gramps passes through and yells out the window that he talked to his lawyer and the Reyes can use the water. Then Franco wants to know why in tarnation his father signed the papers over to Gabi in the first place. You want to know why? Juan Jose Robles loved me desperately! I was the only woman he ever loved! Well, whatever you say, but just know that the water and the land is legally theirs, and they can take it away from you—then you’d be ruined! Wait. She wouldn’t be ruined because they don’t grow anything on those godforsaken lands anyway.

So that one poor family who works in the market is in the hospital. Their son had a really bad night, but just like every other person on this show, he’s gonna be ok, but you can’t see him because he is in intensive care.

Then we see the strategically-exposed female doctor serving with the witchdoctors in the middle of who knows where. The Native Americans tell her that the other witchdoctors think that she brings death. Then some fur traders say that if the girl doesn’t accept their negotiations they will have to get rid of her. Weird… Then in some hut, I presume the “hospital,” the girly doctor is chatting with the local translator. He tells her that he saw a man down by the river. He was asking for his brothers and seemed very tired. Oh my God! It’s Juan! Only he could survive a gunshot to the head and a one-hundred foot fall down a rocky waterfall, days in a river without food or water, or his daughter! The doctor hopes that he finds his brother. Well, for Oscar’s sake, I hope they find Juan. For my sake, I hope he made it across the border, or wherever he went.

Sofia still doesn’t understand why Sarita can’t accept Eva—after all she loves them more than their own mother. OMG, we know, you told us that in every episode which preceded this one. Shut up. Sofia doesn’t understand why her mother never loved her daughters. Then she remembers all the times her mother hit her and her sisters. Like the time she called Jimena a whore—SLAP! Or the time she punched-out the arguably-pregnant Sofia—SLAP! And who could forget the time she told Sarita that she hates her guts (time 1, 2, & 3)—SLAP! Sarita tells Sofia that she already signed the divorce papers. Ah, speak of the devil, Franco shows up with the papers, but he couldn’t sign his name so he just wrote an “X.” Now she has her freedom. Now, that’s a line from Beauty and the Beast.

That damn Eva was caressing Jimena and Gabi has had enough of that crap. How dare she put her filthy hands on Gabi’s little tramp? It’s Eva’s fault that Jimena is in that condition. Eva now has this confidence thing going on where she denies everything Gabi says. It’s obvious that she went to one of those religious counselors. Gabi reminds her of the time Eva gave her daughter away to some stranger. Frankly, we’ve all heard some many versions of the same story, who the hell knows how it happened? And I’m sure everyone involved was either drunk or mentally retarded, so WTF? Don’t make me laugh says Gabi. OMG, Gabi decides to tell Eva who her real daughter is. Where have we heard this before? Turns out that Gabi gave her real daughter to Raquel in exchange for those lands. Her name is Ruth. Where do I begin? First, I think I speak for everyone when I say we sure as hell didn’t see this coming since the first day—right? Second, that’s pretty low for Gabi, but at least she didn’t dump the twelve hours-old baby in the dumpster like the teenager from Maryland, or sell her for drug money like those girls on MTV.

So Eyebrows is in the slammer, and he’s giving orders to El Lobo that Fernie has gotta learn that you don’t mess with innocent people. I bet he paid someone to hook him up with a private cell. But then again, from his little display with Pedro, he seems like the type who’d be cruising for some action. He leans toward El Lobo and whispers, “make sure to protect Franco, he needs the help. But don’t let anyone find out, like you usually don’t do.” That’s probably the last thing I would be thinking about in jail, and how does he know anything about Franco’s situation?

Sofia stops Franco on his way out. Tell me the truth, do you know where Juan is. Ok, you imbecile. Does she really think that everyone in town is running around like a chicken with his head cut off looking for Juan as part of a vendetta against her? Then she gives some shitty line about being a devoted but devastated single mother who will do anything—anything—to get back her kid. Puhlease. She needs to go jump down some well.

Gabi reassures Eva that Ruth is her daughter. Yeah, and that’s exactly what she said about Rosario, and look how that ended up. Basically, Eva walks around and treats any girl who’s younger than she like her daughter. Well why are you telling me now? Maybe because you were on your freakin’ knees every day begging her to tell you something. Gabi reasons that Raquel left, and therefore Eva will never meet Ruth, or hold her, or feel her. Or pronounce the name correctly…dammit!

Now Sofia thinks that the baby’s clothes are actually the baby. I’ve seen bad cases of post-partum, but this is border-line State Mental Institution. Yet again, so many allusions to What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Who on the writing staff has an obsession with Bette Davis? Who? Now she is short of breath, and has a celestial dream complete with wolves and an audience of Quinti and Gramps and a random horse. Sofia is walking in a trance calling for her baby. We get a color commentary from Gramps about catching Sofia, and then we don’t know what’s going on. Suddenly I completely understand how these characters feel on a daily basis.

Not that we care about this person, but those people over at the hospital find out that the guy in critical condition has a benign tumor.

Gabi’s all ready for bed, and even checked under the bed for monsters. She forbade Fernie from using the bathroom. She can not believe that the Reyes believe they can use the water whenever they want. Better yet, Fernie wants to know why Gabi was so scared to be locked in the bathroom. Believe me, I know the color scheme was bad, but it wasn’t that scary. Oh! Foreshadow time: Gabi felt like she was being buried alive, and ever since she was a girl, she has always been afraid of dying like that. Fernie kisses her and smiles. Something tells me he is scheming…

Sofia is in some rage-full sleep, and of course, she still hasn’t found her baby. You know; if I went around in tight black dresses and had my hair pulled back like that I’d go crazy too.

Eva bursts into Gramps rooms with the great news: Gabi finally told her who her daughter is (for the second time). It’s Root! It's Root!

So Rosario does some Cleopatra Dance and humps the other go-go girls on stage. You can only do so many dances to that damn song. It was ok the first two times, but then it just got old, and then annoying, then painful…

See, now that Juan and Oscar have flown the coop, Franco is in charge of baking bread. It’s sorta therapeutic, and he takes out all of his negative energy on the kneading of the dough. Neigh! Neigh! Well who could that be at this hour? Franco sees Capricho walking around. Franco is so scared for Juan. All reason tells you that he is dead—no one gets shot in the head, falls down a waterfall, then lingers in the forest for days on end. They just don’t…

Witchcraft time over at that one tribe place. Everyone denounces the “medicine” of the round-eyed lady doctor as they dance in a circle of flames. We must sacrifice her! We must clean the village! Wait! If we are going to follow tradition, it must be by the books! (pardon the expression, of course they don’t have a written language—just look at ‘em) *Lightening bolt*—there’s the sign—burn her! They tie her to a pole. A gust of wind, a crow—the signal—OMG! A hunchback man with a gunshot wound to the head! Is he gonna save her, or eat her? Or be burned alive at the stake, or be the signal to burn the other chick?

In case you care, tomorrow: Gabi and Fernie worked together to knock off the kid. Now Sofia can’t stop going to church, and Franco can’t stop making bread. Juan’s coming back, and the moment will be crucial!

Comment: do you guys realize that these little teasers are almost completely recaps in themselves. There were five words of new information: “the moment will be crucial.” Well, if that is in any way indicative of the episode I’d stop while I still had my sanity.


Cuidado con el Angel, October 1, 2008

We start off tonight with JM and Marichuy at the jail. She is begging JM to help her , he had promised to if she ever called. At the police desk, Padre Anselmo, Candie, and some other people (can't remember there names, but one claims to be her novio although not really) wants to find out what is going on. Marichuy is crying and JM tells her to calm down. "Are you going to help me?" she asks JM. She says that Patricio is upset with her. (no matter how much rewinding I do, I just couldn't understand so this is what I guessed she said.) Patricio says something about Marichuy breaking the windows in his house. JM gives her a look that says "Oh no you didn't!"
Back at the police desk, the policia/investigator/pencil pusher asks how can you be like her mother (Candie), her novio (don't know his name), her protector (Padre) her grandmother, and her friend and she says she has no one. Padre says that is what Marichuy thinks, but is not the case. Her novio asks the policia how much to release her and they all start talking at the same time.. He sushes them up and says that she stole leche from the neighbors in the hood.
JM asks Patricio "Are you saying that she broke various windows in your home?" Yes he answers and she broke them with rocks, then informs JM that he did not call the police. She did something else to warrent being arrested. Again we go back to the police desk and everyone is saying how kind and wonderful Marichuy is and that she has a good heart. Candie tells them that Marichuy confessed to her about stealing the leche for the orphans. They ask to speak to her and the policeman says no that she is being interviewed by the judge. Candie asks who is the judge. The policia informs her that it's Patricio and she tells Padre that Marichuy broke the judge's windows in his house. At Ceci's she is telling Estephania how happy she is to have gotten her back. JM asks the policeman what she is being accused of. He says that she stoled12 bottles of leche from various houses and the neighbors said that it was her. Patricio says that she probably sold it to make a quick buck. Candie yells out not true. The policia names that lady with the curlers as the main accuser. Estephania and Isabel admire the necklace that Ceci gave Estephania. Isabel reminds her that she should remember who put her in this spot. JM confronts Marichuy and asks her what she did with the leche. She says that she stoled it for the orphans. They were so hungry. Patricio asks her, "Are you not sorry for what you did? You can go to jail for this." She answers back "No, I will go to jail if I have to. To see there faces when I brought them the leche. If I have to do it again, I will." Paticio and JM discuss what to do with Marichuy. Patricio wants to her to jail. JM defends her. After further discussions Patricio suggests that JM be responsible for Marichuy. He expects and informs her friends that he will be taking her with him to his house. He goes and tells Marichuy that she can leave the jail, but that she must go with him. They go into the foyer of his house and they talk about something which I cannot understand. She promises to change (I think that she what she says) and she kisses him on the check. I sense he felt sparks. They walk in and JM asks the maid to prepare a room for Marichuy, she will be sleeping in the house. Candie and the novio are talking and he asks Candie how can she be so calm that Marichuy is going to stay with JM. Does she know him? Can she trust him? Jealousy talking here. Onelia and Rocio are talking about how JM had Viv's stuff removed for the room. And in Miami we see Viv being fondled by Bernie (Elvis from Destilando Amor) on the beach. Onelia gets scared by Marichuy and asks her what she is doing here. Marichuy informs her that she now lives in the house. Onelia gets pissy and tells her to leave, but Marichuy says that she will be staying. JM is telling his daughter about Marichuy when in bursts Onelia demanding to know why Marichuy is living in the house. Then demands that he make her leave. JM says I know that your upset because I had Viv's stuff removed. Onelia stops him and says why did you not consult me about this matter? JM says all this happened very late and he was going to tell her this morning. Onelia keeps saying ugly things to JM. (If I was JM, I would be reminding her who the house belongs to). In Marichuy's room the maid brings in her clothes and Marichuy asks about Onelia. The maid says that Onelia doe not want her there and that she doubts Marichuy will be there for very long. Estephania, Isabel and Ceci are out shopping and Isabel she's something she wants. Pretends not to want it, but Ceci insists that she get it. Marichuy is trying to eat breakfast, but has lost her appetite because she is worrying about what JM will do. He walks in and assures her that she will be staying. She swears that she will be good and clean the house. JM says no you will be like a member of the family, not an employee. JM visits with Patricio and Estephania walks in and is like damn cutie. How you doing? Marichuy and Mayita meet at the pool. Candie and friend are walking in the hood and the lady with the curlers says a smart ass remark. They go back and forth and curler lady insults Marichuy and Candie slaps her, pulls her hair and spanks her. Onelia finds Mayita talking to Marichuy and drags Mayita away after saying ugly things to Marichuy. We are back in Miami with Viv and Bernie walking in drunkenly into her hotel room drinking champagne and kissing each other. Marichuy ponders what she is going to do about her situation.


Cuidado Con El Ángel #7, Tuesday 9.30. She who lives in the poorhouse shouldn´t throw stones.

In tonight's exciting installment, we finally reach the pivotal moment we’ve been seeing for days in the bumpers, in which our intrepid (and foolish) heroine throws rocks through windows.

Ín öther ¿excíting? ñews, I've fínally ¡learned to type próperly!, thanks tó Doris´s instruction lást week.

So, we pick up with Cecilia telling Patricio that she had a daughter, his, after his family split them up so many years ago, and she gave the baby to the orphanage.

Meanwhile, back at the house of unscrupulous parasites, Ísabel is totally excited about living the high life instead of never having money and only having milk for breakfast. Estefanía is worried about what will happen if the real kid shows up, but Isabel says they'll just get rid of her. Stef looks a little concerned about this plan, but doesn't say anything.

Marichuy brings more flowers to the church and tells the Virgencita that they aren't as nice as Casilda's, but they aren't stolen this time. I think this counts as character development! After she nearly gives Padre Anselmo a heart attack, he tells her he's worried because the orphans need clothes, shoes, food, and milk, and there's no money. Didn't Ceci just give them a big check last week? Is one of the nuns embezzling? Mari says she can help; he says it's not so easy. She says she can at least get milk and when he wonders how, she just says miracles can happen.

Patricio is mean to Ceci after her difficult confession and says God will never forgive her and wonders how she could hide it from him so long. She says she thought she was dying, and begs for his forgiveness.

Mari poses again while Vicente works on what looks like the same angel wing drawing. I don't think he's even started drawing her in. Israel and Beatriz come in, and Israel asks if Vicente has any money, because he needs to pay the fine from the club fight and he can barely live on what he earns. Beatriz says she already paid hers; it's 2000 pesos. Mari says, tell me where the judge lives and I'll go throw rocks through his windows (I really don't see how she thinks that will help). Beatriz doesn't think she'll really do it, but we know she will because we've already seen that scene many times.

Viviana, lounging on the beach in a bikini with a froufrou drink, phones the castle and Rocío answers. She recognizes Viv's voice and is shocked. Juan Miguel takes the phone and she hangs up. Onelia asks who it was, but thinks Rocío is crazy when she tells her. Viv, meanwhile, thinks to herself that one of these times Mom will pick up, and imagines the look on Rocío's face. Mean. What did Rocío ever do to her?

Mari goes around stealing people's milk deliveries. María de Jesús! I do not think the Vatican would consider that a miracle!

Over breakfast in the national-park-size garden, Patricio says he wants to meet their daughter right away. Ceci is thrilled. There is a massive basket of fruit on the table. SOME people aren´t just hoping for a glass of milk for breakfast. Their pet deer (I assume; it's always there) munches its tasty grass.

Casilda rails about the missing milk. She is tired of that “Angel”. I don't think we've ever established why Padre Anselmo thinks she's such an angel in the first place.

Mari delivers the milk to the nuns. When they ask where she got it, she says she bought it at the dairy with money she earned. Then, eager to end the questioning, she hurries them to deliver it to the kids.

Casilda yells at Candelaria about Mari's many sins and character flaws, and accuses Cande of enabling her. Cande tells her to get out or she'll call the police, and Casilda says SHE will go to the police.

The orphans messily slurp milk, and that indeed is all they are having, while Mari snuggles a baby.

Casilda (in curlers, looking like a nutcase) whips the neighbors into a frenzy over getting Mari arrested.

Isabel and Estefanía are excitedly panicked when Ceci calls and wants them to come over. The apartment's décor consists of long shelves lined with wine and booze bottles. Classy.

Is and Stef meet Ceci and Pat; Pat looks underwhelmed by his “daughter” but is polite. Ceci tries to make Stef feel at home, and Stef says the place is very nice and like a palace. I disagree. It's really huge, but totally bland and sort of cheap-looking. I think the vast majority of the set budget went into Juan Miguel's castle, and well done, there. I love that place.

Mari fills a tote bag with rocks, then takes an arduous bike trip out to the hills to Pat and Ceci's estate. Note to self: when planning to vandalize, gather big rocks closer to target. She climbs over the gate.

Ceci is gushing over the shopping they'll do, and Stef is trying to pretend they don't need to buy her stuff while still encouraging it, when there is a crash of glass. Patricio goes to investigate. Mari breaks lots of windows and he chases her. She pauses to yell at him about fining poor people, he yells about the vandalism, and she escapes.

Elsa visits Juan Miguel in his work office (not his home office), where he is wearing a white coat so we know he is a real professional. Apparently he works for the government; justice or police or whatever, I would guess. She wants to give him her fine money, but he says that's not his job and he won't take it for her; she'll have to pay it at the right office in person. He's still mad at her for two-timing Eduardo, who tragically (for me, because I heart him) does not appear in this episode. He asks why she's leading a double life. She's tired of her boring, cushy life, and wants some excitement. Which is understandable, but why not break up with Eduardo if he's boring and you just want to hang with the artist crowd? Or is it the cheating itself which is exciting?

Mari runs into Adrian, who tells her he's in love with her. She is not hearing that.

Casilda and her posse go to the police station to denounce Marichuy.

Patricio wants to report Mari, but Ceci convinces him not to because she pities that poor vandalizing orphan child. Their daughter could have turned out like that, if not for Isabela!

Mari confesses both the milk theft and the window breaking to Candelaria, who basically tells her she's screwed. And indeed she is, as the police arrive to arrest her. She resists arrest, and a large crowd gathers in the street to gawk at the scene as she is shoved into the paddy wagon, and once again I am amazed at the production budget for this show. There are a LOT of people in this episode.

At dinner at the big house, Stef says her life is like a fairy tale. I'm trying to figure out which fairy tale that is. Ceci gives her a valuable heirloom necklace, and Isabela is rather gauchely excited about that. Stef doesn't say much. She looks like she's wondering just how far they're going to take this.

At the station, Mari explains her situation to the booking officer, then goes on about the windows, which the police hadn't known about. She begs for mercy and asks if she can leave, but he says she has to stay until Judge Velarde (Patricio) decides what to do with her. OOPS. He tells her she needs a lawyer, and she wonders how she'll pay for one, then remembers Juan Miguel's card.

Patricio comes to the station, where Mari is in a cell, and tells her he didn't report her. She doesn't think she's done anything wrong. Maybe Padre Anselmo needs to have a long talk with her detailing exactly everything that she should not do. One step forward, three steps back with her.


Fuego, #108, Donde Estas Condenado!

Hey everyone! Bridget here for the last recap before Cheryl returns this weekend. I am hoping I'll be the one who will recap the return of our beloved Mighty Joe Juan... read ahead and see if my wish is granted. (Normally I touch up my recap while on the bus ride to work. Unfortunately today the gentleman in front me has some horrid breath that I'm having difficulty concentrating.) For a split second there was almost no recap. I almost forgot my Macbook at home this morning!

The Hacienda
Sophia is having a flashback/dream where she accusing Juan of stealing her daughter. Sophia awakes startled from her dream and like a caged animal starts to look for her daughter within the confines of her room. The calling of the full moon has Sophia decides to take a midnight stroll, decked out in black, through the forest. Quintina sees her but believes she's seeing the Llorona.

The Church
Padre Tadeo is preaching about pain and how with pain we get strength, it shows us who our friends are and how infinate the Lord's love is is. Throughout this "touching" sermon Sarita has shot Franco about 500 death stares. Quintina has just arrived flustered and has informed Franco, Eva and Pablito that she's just seen the Llorona. Franco blows it off saying that Quintina is just crazy. They began praying for Juan, Rigo and the newborn. Quintina is still freaked out about the sighting of the Llorona so after every hail Mary she quickly hisses "I swear I saw her!".

The Hacienda
Sophia has returned from her walk when she happens to find her mom complaining about how her daughters make her sick and how they are such a burden. Feo spots Sophia and gives Gabriela the look to tell her someone was there. Gabby has just informs Sophia that CSI: Puebla just finished checking out her the office and found no evidence against Feo Therefore Bernado was just telling lies against Feo. Sophia is "happy" about the news. Sophia hands Gabby some money and tells her that is the money for the rent and food for them staying there. And Sophia hopes that Feo is doing the same. And is Gabby says that Feo works for her (I don't want to think about the extra overtime Feo's been putting in Gabby's bedroom). Sophia informs her mother that the time has past and she was no longer taking orders from her. She's woman now. Feo demands to know where Sophia was coming from and she tells him that she was out crying and suffering. Gabby tells Sophia how ridicules she's acting. And how people are going to make fun her and Sophia doesn't care. She just wants her daughter back.

The Church
The service has just ended. Quintina is still emphasizing the fact that she saw La Llorona.

The Hospital
Hortensia and the other brother are still in the waiting room ... uh... waiting for the news of the surgery. (Is it me or does Hortensia have two rotten teeth?). Why does Padre Tadeo feel the need to shout every time he talks to people. Everyone's wanting to think positive.

Franco is staying nearby and has been thinking of Sarita ... he hopes she got home safe.

The Hacienda
Sarita is sneaking back into the house and of course she gets caught by her mother. She tells ma that she went to church and was praying for the return of her niece. Gabby has told her that the bastard little girl is gone and they need to get over it. She's just being a realist. Sarita is visibly upset.

Gabby said she should be the one to condemn and tells Sarita to get to bed already. Sarita decides to sneak into Sophia's room. Sophia is in her own world with the baby's knit socks. She can't sleep or think and she's can't be in peace. She can't do anything but think about her daughter. She can withstand the lashings of her mother but she can't withstand how Juan has taken her daughter.

Sara the voice of reason (for once!) and she asks has Sophia thought that maybe something might have happened or maybe that Juan might be dead? Sophia can't believe that he has to be alive. That maybe if Juan had taken her daughter that he took her because she was in danger? (You're finally thinking Sophia!). Sarita can't believe that because then Juan is accusing someone in the hacienda of wanting to do harm to the baby... (no mi digas.... apoco!)

Feo is heading to bar since Sophia accused him of being a mooch. Gabby says she will make Feo the only heir of the hacienda. Feo plays up to his part well. He doesn't want people to think that he's with her for his own "interest". But she says she doesn't care but if he deceives her then.... no he won't he "loves" her. They kiss and Feo leaves. Feo thinks that when he's the sole heir he's running Gabby out.

Sarita mentions that Sophia is different now. Distant. (No kidding her kid is gone!) She's the living dead and her heart is shriveled up...Sara is worries that she's going to become bitter and turn into her mom. But Sophia won't ... their mom doesn't know how to love and she has no emotion. They discuss Jimena. What if she doesn't snap out of it? She will but if she doesn't soon then Sophia afraid that Gabby will do something drastic. Sophia tells Sarita how she's now paying their way to live in Hacienda.

The Forest
Jimena in her comatose state is thinking of Oscar. You know what cracks me up? The fact that Oscar is on his one man search party for Juan a serious moment and yet they have the upbeat charro music!

A monumental discovery!! Oscar has found Juan's do rag. Omg he just sniffed it. The scent of Juan is on it! He's on the right path.

The Hospital
At Rigo watch... they've gotten news. The operation was a success! But he's still not out of the neck of the woods. Because if the tumor is malignate then it would probably return... Wails ensue.

The Bad Love Bar
Good grief is it possible that Rosario's boobs have gotten bigger? Armando warns Rosy to be on alert that Feo is not in a good mood. He can't give her too much information but that Feo got orders from someone important. But Armando has the feeling that he's going to be Feo's 'scape goat and he'll refuse to take any blame for Feo. He'll turn in Feo before he does that. Rosy is muy impactada and demands to know what happened.

Coyote has just told Feo that Feo is the one who is supposed to find out what happened to Juan and his daughter not his workers.

So I had the captions on and I have no idea what the heck Rosario is singing. Burra negra and yegua blanca... what the?

The Hacienda
Gabby has gotten her quack doctor to try take Jimena away to the crazy house. Don Agustin has just asked Gabby is all her motherly love is gone. That he would take Jimena to his cabin to take care of her. Sophia appears and says that Jimena isn't leaving the house because it's still theirs. Don August tells Gabby that he should report for abusing an ill person and also inform the authorities how Gabby signed Jimena's divorce papers. Both of which would get her thrown in jail. (How did he know this? and just throw her in jail already!!). He'll sue the crazy house too. Jimena gets to stay. What is Sor Tormenta?

Hacienda Robles-Reyes
Franco is tilling the land taking on the responsibility of running the hacienda. Our little boy is growing up! As Quintina brings him lunch he complains as to way he keeps planting if it's going to die. Gabby shut off the water. They're going to get the water. They find this water wheel in the ground and lo and behold there's water.

Hacienda A
Back in Jimena's room Sophia and August discuss how nothing Gabby does surprises them. August is certain that Juan didn't take her daughter. Padre Tadeo said that if Juan took the baby it was because the baby was in danger. Juan wouldn't make her suffer that way. Nor would he have abandoned his hacienda if he wanted to do her harm.

Hacienda R-R
At the watering hole, Feo shows up and begins to tell Franco that he going to snitch to Gabby about the water. Feo is also there to get Franco to sign the divorce papers. Franco says it's between him and Sarita and Feo informs she's already signed. Franco says he'll sign papers but he will turn them in himself and he throw Feo off his property.

Hacienda A
Sophia is heading out to the church when Gabby stops her. She can't believe that Sophia is going through with that stupid promise (praying to the Virgin everyday). Sophia says she will pray to the Virgin that her daughter returns home safe and sound. Gabby tells her to get in her head that her daughter is never going to return (Sophia is impactada) and to add more salt to the wound says that her daughter is dead (double impactada). Gabby says she tells her that so Sophia can face the facts. She's DEAD.

Next time...
  • Gabby continues her torture of Sophia She also carrying out her revenge plans for the Reyes
  • And she delivers a blow to Franco ... he father never loved his mother... he was head over heels in love with her!
Well everyone I've had fun these last three weeks!


Doña Bárbara - Tues., Sept. 30 - Luisana goes to her wedding in a wheelchair but at least they unhooked the iv

Marisela asks for a handkerchief when she starts to cry in the bridal store. Mauricio is happy that she is learning to cry like a lady but Marisela takes the hanky and loudly blows her nose into it.

Melesio figures out that Gervasia is pregnant. He is ok with that provided she loves the guy. He plays a guessing game with to identify the father starting with all the ranch hands at Altamira but Gervasia says that none of them are the father.

Federica arranges to come and teach the children their catechism while Antonio hovers in the background. When Federica leaves, Toño runs over and says, "Everything that woman told you is a lie. What did she tell you?"

Cecilia decides that Federica has gotten over her passion for Antonio and he wishes that were so.

This is the guy who will be the miracle from the sky to prevent the wedding that Mauricio tells Marisela about. When he gets Mauricio's telegram, he decides to fly to San Fernando right away.

DB holds Luisana at knife point and insults her. She tells Luisana that Santos is too much of a man for her ["ése es mucho hombre para tan poca mujer," literally, "this is a lot of man for such a little woman"] DB calls Luisana a leech ["sanguijuela"] . DB forces Luisana to get out of bed and is going to take her to the train station so she can go back to the capital and find a loser ["mequetrefe"] to marry and live in Paris. Not surprisingly, she gets caught and has to run out of the hospital with the guards in pursuit and knocking Santos down in the process.

Genoveva tells Melesio that she isn't a tattletale ["soplona"] and she and her sisters/cousins give Melesio the locked lips sign and won't tell him who the father of Gervasia's baby is.

Luisana accuses Santos of making love with DB while she was dying the night before they left for SF. Luisana says everything that has happened to her has been Santos' fault. Mauricio hopes that Luisana will decide not to marry Santos but no such luck.

DB sends Leon out to bribe the Sargeant to let her into the hospital on the day of the wedding. The Sargeant recognizes Leon as wanted for cattle rustling. The Sergeant gets overconfident and Leon stabs him to death. This means that when DB shows up at the hospital the next morning, they won't let her in.

Santos finally notices JB's ring on Marisela but he gets distracted when DB appears all gussied up.

Luisana gets ready for the wedding. That is Mauricio's wig.

As Mauricio wheels Luisana to the chapel, he says, "this is a mistake," ["es un error"] over and over .

Santos waits at the altar trying to convince himself that he loves Luisana.

Melquíades is concealed in the hospital chapel with his blowgun waiting for DB's orders.

After talking to Antonio about his relationship with Cecilia, Lorenzo tries to kill himself by drinking kerosene.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues, Sept. 30 - PJ/S burns his last bridges in Las Cruces; Antonio and Ángela get together

I missed the first hour and half of yesterday's episode because that was when my cable company decided to change the channel that Telemundo is broadcast on.

PJ/S uses his brain to defuse a boundry dispute. He tells his illiterate neighbors that the random piece of paper he managed to find in the house is the deed to his property, registered with the notary in the pueblo. His neighbors don't have anything like that of course, and they back down. Nobody likes a smarty pants though.

Cantalicia is afraid of PJ/S and won't let him sleep inside. (There always seems to be a full moon)

Ángela and Antonia surrender to their passion in the attic.

PJ/S confronts Cantalícia about why she is avoiding him and she tells him (using the formal 'usted') that she doesn't know who he is and she is afraid of him.

So now PJ/Santos has alienated everybody in Las Cruces and it's time for him to go back to Río Claro.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Querida Enemiga #70 - Tuesday Sept. 30 '08 When The Sauce Hits The Fan

Whoa....dynamite ending tonight with Monica dropping the dime on her and Ernesto's passionate romp. But first we have lots of other skullduggery leading up to that super-impactado moment. Another tough night, for the most part, in the Querida Enemiga neighborhood.

Rehash: We revisit the icky scene of Vasco , Chalo and Barbara weeping and wailing about the various betrayals. Let's say no more about that. And then we have Sara gliding up behind Bruno while he's whining to Hortensia about the money he didn't get for marrying Diana. So now our villaness has something on Dr. Wifebeater that she can use to her advantage. Right now, I'd say Hortensia's odds of survival are quite slim. But hey, I've been wrong before.

Now a continuation of our ick scene with Vasco etc. Chalo has split and Vasco's berating mom about her affair with Arturo and how she hung onto her marriage for the money and position it gave her while taking a lover. And getting her lover work in the family firm to boot!...taking his dad's place, for God's sake (in more ways than one....sorry). Barbara weeps and wails and all but tears her clothes, shrieking You have to forgive me, I'm your mother! And you don't know just how much that bothers me, Vasco answers wearily. He storms out and Barbara has her big chewing up the scenery moment, collapsing on her bed and reaching out dramatically with her feeble hand and bright red manicure.

Now we flip back to Hortensia's sickbed (I notice the telenovela writers love to do this, dinner table to dinner table scene, bed to bed scene etc. That and the heavily cued "this is how you're supposed to feel" music gets to me sometimes) But okay, No Whining.

Nurse arrives back with the pills and huffily wants to know why Sara is there. Sara, just as huffily, says its scandalous that she's not being kept apprised of her grandmother's condition. After Sara and Bruno leave, Hortensia manages to scrawl Sara Assessina but doesn't want Nurse Ratchet to do anything about it yet. Clearly she's tired after all this effort.

Sara's trying to wind up Bruno, threatening to tell her alleged parents about the deal...or perhaps Diana herself....and Bruno begs her not to. Okay, but you owe me, she adds, and I always collect on my debts (cobrar mis deudas).

Before he leaves, Bruno runs into Vasco and manages to stick in the knife about how now that he's MARRIED and has a CHILD he's working overtime so he has to rush off now. So sorry.

And now a doctor to doctor, house call to house call switch. Alonso arrives at the lesser house in the evening and says he's there to check on Zulema's blood pressure starting with a throat swab!

Even Zully thinks it's a dumb idea but she goes along with it. Dad Toribio is waiting in the car, happy to know Alonso has the necessary for a DNA test. Alonso is twittering a bit about feeling bad for lying to Zully, but pop reminds him he DID give her a thorough checkup and besides, it's for a good cause.

Chalo slams back into his old place. Okay, says the sleepy landlord, eyeing Chalo's shiner, but no scandals this time. Now sad sentimental music plays as the scene goes back and forth between grieving Barbara and heartbroken Chalo. Vasco won't forgive her and she no longer has Chalo....whom she really really luuuuves. Traitor! she wails, How do I heal this hurt!?

Chalo's on the same depressive path, wondering how Barbara could ever forgive him.....especially when she finds out the other stuff he's done. Maybe Sara's right...maybe I am what I am and don't deserve to be happy, he mutters....even though I luuuuuve you, Barbara.

He says all this staring at his reflection in the mirror. Do people really do this? Seems to be a popular scene in movies and the like but I can't imagine anyone in real life doing it. Readers? Weigh in. I know we women don't do it 'cause we look so awful crying (well I do) that carrying like this while looking in the mirror would be twice as depressing. Collapsing on the bed and wailing, à la Barbara, would be more my style.

Now a breakup with lover scene switch (see how the writers work this?) It's Monica, managing to be incredibly nasty to her beau of a few months and the restaurant waiter. She chews out Rodolfo for being late, chews out the waiter for not wanting to rustle up a dessert in the closed kitchen. Sends the food back as galan heads for restroom, then sends the galan packing for good when the hapless, and actually hungry, fellow returns. What a woman! (I'm wondering if Hombre de Mistereo still finds her charming?)

Lorena and Ernesto are heading home after this ugly moment, all happy and chatting and arm in arm and Monica glares at them. Ooooh if looks could kill! says her friend the hostess. Monica's all in heat, muttering how she'd do anything to get Ernesto back, she'd be a slave at his feet. Where's your self-respect? asks the hostess. Back in his bedroom under the sheets is Monica's reply. (do you find yourself worrying that some poor bunny is going to end up in a pot of boiling water like that Michael Douglas film?)

A bedroom remembrance to actual bedroom switch: Diana's sinking into bed after finally calming the baby, holding her head. Do you want a pain reliever? sneers Bruno. It would take more than that, she moans. I'm paying very dearly for having a father for my baby. Leave me alone and let me sleep, he snarls, thought bubbling that he's paying a high price to get his hands on Hortensia's payoff.

Another breakup....this time between Arturo and Vasco. Vasco's firing him for obvious reasons, even though Arturo's dogpaddling madly, trying to talk him out of it. It wasn't serious, it was just a fling, I was married myself at the time. So you treated my mother like a streetwalker, hisses Vasco.

Okay, that strategy didn't work nor did the plea to not mix personal with professional. Good-bye Arturo. Sara's in her office, gloating as usual....this time over her planned menu for the next show. Arturo tries to enlist her help but she's not playing. Even when he brings up the money siphoning, she reminds him he'd be in as much trouble as she. No dice. Be more discreet next time Arturo. He slinks out.

Okay, forget the tearful breakups. For me the learning-to-drive scene was the most painful of all. Reminded me of my nightmare days learning to drive on a 1949 Hudson (think overturned brown bathtub) with a shift gear on the steering wheel, cranky clutch (this was before synchromesh) and...oh my Gawd. And my dad was a lot more patient than Ernesto. Suffice it to say there was lots of Ernesto-yelling in this uncomfortable scene and finally, Lorena wisely exits the car. Finito driving lesson. Whew!

The next scene was with Alonso. Honestly I was glad to see the aimiable doofus. Sara calls and he says "Selena?" That sets her off. He also pretends he didn't know she called him a gazillion times in Canada. But he asks her over and she ends the call with "Te quiero". "Nos vemos" he replies. He and Toribio are discussing how they'll get the hair sample. Pops is all for chloroforming her and hacking off the tresses with scissors but Alonso counsels something a little more discreet.

Switch to poor Maruja, asleep at her desk. Jaime comes in and kisses her and wonders if she's overworked with the restaurant and all. No, it's just her not-ex-marido and not being able to sleep at night. Jaime wants to pay him off. Marjua says no way. Then we'll just have to live together, concludes Jaime. Impactada look from Maruja and a great big QUE?

More marriage talk, this time between Rossy and Julian. She's figuring that even if he sells every last thread of his clothing they won't have enough to pay off her dad, and what's more there'll be nothing for their own boda. She'll have to wear a second-hand dress and have Lorena's muffins instead of a wedding cake. Julian reminds her that the important thing is they'll be MARRIED. She melts and hugs him and wonders what she could ever do without him. Indeed.

And speaking of tight budgets....Arturo is giving badmom the news that he's been fired which she just can't understand. Why he's the best executive in the firm! Things get tense when she wants to know the reason, and even more tense when shrill little Jackie arrives and yelps, Is it because of what happened in the restaurant last night?!

Now we find ourselves at Paula's apartment where Dario is sulking about the poor quality meal he's been served. Fix yourself a sandwich then, snaps Paula. I don't have time to be a stellar housewife now that I'm working.

And they're off! He wonders why she spends her time selling those creams and all that junk. She needs her own money in case another Jackie comes along and he dumps her again. You'll never forgive me will you!? and so on. It's at the point where he's wondering if he's out of place "in his own home" when they suddenly remember they have forgotten to pick up Bettina at her dance lesson. Shelve the marital battle for now and go look for kid!

Kid of course is just fine because Ivan has appeared and they're having a heart to heart chat about life and living with Uncle Ernesto and so forth. When it looks like her parents aren't coming, he invites her out for an ice cream. It's like old times for our young people.

And like old times for Jackie and Arturo who are still bickering. What bad luck to run into Barbara and Chalo at the restaurant, he says. What bad luck that you opened your big mouth (bocota) she replies. Well the good life is over, he continues, I'll have to find another job and so will you. No way! and with that, Jackie heads back to her TV and popcorn routine. (Wouldn't you think Arturo would have strangled her by now?)

Now we're at Alonso's apartment. Sara arrives and is all over Alonso like a rash (a favorite Brit expression). How are you? he asks after a slimy, Sara-initiated kiss. Suffering for you is the reply. (I'm no great shakes in the romance department but this doesn't strike me as an effective way to get back a bored beau.) Did you miss me? she adds. Blank look (Alonso does this well). No one can love you like I do! (uncomfortable semi-constipated look) Alonso wants to be "friends". Sara protests, but then brightens when he offers her coffee (doesn't take much to encourage her, I must say). He asks what's going on in her life, she simpers and wiggles, does the old squeeze-boob over table routine and tells him about her TV program. Alonso looks mildly impressed (about the TV show! c'mon!)

We switch from that table to the table at Ernesto's where Lorena is helping Gina with her homework. No sexy top for Lorena by the way, although her blouse and jeans are somewhat
less frumpy than usual. Lorena doesn't want anymore "shock and awe" driving lessons from Ernesto but he vows to never be that cranky again. Don't make promises you can't keep, she reminds him (anyone hear anvils falling?) but they kiss and make up while gap-toothed Gina looks on in glee.

Back to Alonso's and phase II of the get Sara's DNA sample maneuver. Toribio pretends to have a computer problem. Sara, an equal opportunity boob flasher, gives him a good look...and a hug... and a slimy cheek kiss and saunters off to his room to help him. Alonso dives in her purse while nervous music throbs in the background, pulls a few hairs out of her brush, sticks them in a ziplock bag and voilà! Now we'll find out who you really are, Sara! The computer problem is quickly fixed, Sara teases Toribio about being in a chat room and then back to Alonso, some more coffee and some more attempts to lure him with her cleavage and girlish charm.

While Sara's trying to sell herself, Bettina's trying to sell Ivan on taking dance lessons. It's a great way to forget your cares, she points out, and besides, she needs a partner for the dance contest. Ivan protests that he has two left feet and is a "tronco" (literally trunk, as in tree, but in this case means he's inept) She reminds him that he loves music, he must have a sense of rythym and besides, there's a 20,000 peso prize. NOW he's interested....a little. We'll see, he smiles.

Meanwhile, Sara is still all over Alonso, murmuring into his chest that if they're going to be friends, she would LOVE to have dinner with her DEAR FRIEND this evening. He pleads work. More chest murmuring that his work is her greatest rival. Well, she'll call him and maybe he'll have time for a little friendly chat later. SO GOOD seeing you again.

Off she goes and Alonso breathes a sigh of relief. So do we. Sara is still deep in her obsessions, smiling to herself that she'll get Alonso back, bump off the old lady and set him up in a nice big hospital. Gotta give this gal points for persistence. Never let go of your dream, Sara!

Bettina has finally arrived home, having apparently been ice creaming with Ivan for 5 hours. Mom is incensed and Dad is backing her up. Paula points out to him that it's the first time he's supported her. Well, if she's kicking him out, he needs to give her a position of authority as sole parent. She backpedals, saying they need to relearn how to live together. He kisses her. She looks glum. Oh well, more anvils in the offing.

At the clinic now...or "clinicucha de quinto "(third rate clinic) as Sara calls it. Bruno's asking Alonso to take over Zully's case (hard to tell your mother-in-law what to do) when he's called into Doctora Serrnano's office. She's noticed the discrepancies in the medication inventory and wants to know whassup. Particularly as it's for antidepressives which they don't use much. He obfuscates, tells her the medications were expired so he had to order lots more. She buys it but says from now on she wants to be consulted. He's relieved she didn't actually go down and physically verify the inventory. For now Bruno can continue getting away with his schemes. While all this is going on, Alonso makes a phone call to set up DNA test.

Brief scene of Toribio sprucing up, apparently dousing his sparse locks with hairspray. Turns out his internet date, Solicito, is actually Icturo's badmom....all smiley and gee whizzy and I can scarcely recognize the lady in her new date-persona. Toribio makes goofy small talk about her name, Catalina...the name of a queen! and dumb jokes about Don Alzheimer. She pretends to find it funny and says she's never known a psychoanalyst before (no kidding lady!) She also wants to make sure he's really a widower with no attachments. He wants to know the same. She assures him she's only had one husband....and he died 20 years ago. He can't believe such a beautiful lady hasn't married again. She simpers. He giggles. We have that carnival music in the background so we dense ones know this is a comedy scene.

In the meantime, Hortensia has managed to communicate with her nurse that she wants her lawyer Mendozo to come to the house. This scene actually was funny because Hortensia has developped more facial expression and she was getting really pissed off at Nurse's slowness to understand what she wanted.

When the lawyer finally arrives, he seems almost as catatonic as Hortensia, speaking very slowly, wondering why she didn't come to the office if she wanted complete privacy (duh! she's been in a coma until recently, licenciado!) When he's finally at her bedside, he rumbles How can I help? She writes something on a piece of paper, he reads it stolidly, folds it and asks if he can show it to the nurse. Yes. Nurse looks at it, opens her mouth waaaaay wide and looks very impactada. That's all we know for now.

We see Jaime on the phone, filling a big order and asking if he can send along a few samples of their new products. Vasco arrives, learns the new business is going well and wonders if Dad can fill in for him at work while he goes to Chiapas for a few days. Jaime can't understand why Arturo can't do it, nor can he understand why Arturo was fired (past mistakes, mumbles Vasco) but he agrees to fill in for Vasco, provided Maruja is okay with it.

Maruja is not okay....having opened the door to Rogelio, not-so-ex-husband, who's now decided he not only wants pesos, he wants a piece of Maruja in order to agree to the divorce. Rossy and Julian bust in while he's bent Maruja back over the couch. They fight.l Rogelio whips out a knife, slicing Julian's shirt but not Julian himself, I'm happy to say. Big slugfest. Rogelio runs out the door. Julian gives chase. More slugging. Rogelio runs off, threatening to come back but they aren't worried. And what's more, you're not getting a penny now! Julian yells.

Ernesto and Lorena arrive at the restaurant, happy and loving once again as they chat about one of her star elderly students. Monica glowers and anvils rumble in the background. Hostess friend asks her for help with a reservation. Handle it yourself! Monica snaps. Even without scary music, we know this doesn't bode well.

The gals are in the locker room of the restaurant, talking about the big Julian-Rogelio confrontation. And now on to the strangely unrushed relaxed restaurant kitchen where Ernesto has time to lay a great big sizzlin' hot off the griddle kiss on Lorena.....just as Monica walks in.

Monica goes into a sarcastic diatrible, Ernesto protests that it was just an impulse. You always give in to your "impulses" don't you Ernesto? sneers Monica. I want to talk to you alone. About what? What part of "alone" don't you understand?

They adjourn to the restaurant proper where she forcibly tries to kiss him. He can't understand why she's acting in this crazy way. She's had a boyfriend for several months after all. I canned him. It's you I want and gotta have. Dump Lorena. You're nuts, says Ernesto.

Little lamb Lorena arrives. Ernesto warns Monica to leave her out of it. No way. You can't have him Lorena. I had him first! I SLEPT WITH HIM BEFORE YOU DID!

Impactada look from Lorena . And from Ernesto, I might add. I'm feeling a bit impactada myself.
* * * * *

Hey, after all that, who wants previews? But we get 'em. Lorena's wondering if she wants someone like Ernesto for a husband. And she has to get away, think things over. Alonso is exultant because he has the DNA test and now knows Sara is not Zulema and Omar's daughter.
* * * *


caduco = expired (used in talking about medications)
clinicucha de quinto = (third rate clinic)
soy un tronco (literally, I'm a tree trunk, but means I'm this case as a dance partner)
a poco = used as an intensifier. A poco me llamaste? Really, you called me? or You really called me? What Alonso said to Sara


Doña Barbara, Mon. Sept. 29 - DB masters civilization; Mauricio tries to talk Santos out of marrying Luisana

I thought this was another excellent episode.

Mauricio tells Marisela that he dresses as a woman to better understand the fairer sex for the romance novels he writes as Madame Fabulé.

Cecilia and Antonio are kissing in the Sandoval house while everyone there watches. Melesio shoos the terneras off. The couple say that they have to go the big house to 'review some paperwork' and Melesio accepts this with a straight face. The next morning, Cecilia and Antonio discuss telling everyone about their relationship. They promise never to lie to one another but that gets off to a bad start because Antonio doesn't tell Cecilia about what happened in town with Federica.

DB is dragged off to jail prostesting mightily. She keeps screaming, "I'm Doña Bárbara!"

Marisela goes to see Luisana in the hospital. Luisana is bitchy and obnoxious to her.

Mauricio starts a full out campaign to keep Santos from marrying Luisana. He describes Luisana as an Angora kitten. "All she knows is how to lie on a velvet couch surrounded by beautiful and expensive things."[Ella no puede vivir sino echada en un cojín de terciopelo, rodeada de cosas bonitas y de buena calidad.] If you take her out of her habitat, she dies. He asks if Santos is ready to be the slave of this kitten. He says that Santos doesn't love Luisana. He is just trying to defeat his other woman, DB, the one who controls his manhood [Esa mujer es la dueña de tu hombría]. Santos refuses to listen (notice the little girl with the cat in the background).

The Governor goes to see DB in prison. It turns out things aren't so different in civilization than in the Llanos. Influence works everywhere. DB has something on the Governor but Luisana's connection to the President outweighs that and that is why DB is in jail.

Santos goes to see DB in prison and she tells him their bet is double or nothing that he won't marry Luisana.

DB's henchmen, Melquíades and Leon arrive in San Fernando. DB has them get her a lawyer who also owes her a favor.

Santos wants to marry Luisana the next day. Luisana's doctor doesn't think that is a good idea but Santos won't listen. He sends Marisela to pick out a nice wedding dress for Luisana, completely oblivious to how that makes her feel. Mauricio sees, of course and says that Santos has the subtlety of a locomotive.
He sends a telegram to a 'knight in shining armor,' maybe the old guy that Luisana promised to marry so he would lend her his plane, as part of his effort to stop this wedding.

Marisela tries on wedding dresses. I think there would be quite a difference between Marisela and Luisana in the pechugona department.

DB's lawyer her gets out of jail after she promises not to go the hospital where Luisana is and to leave San Fernando.

DB goes into a beauty parlor that advertises it can work miracles and tells them to make her into a city girl. Thus attired, she has no problem in getting right into Luisana's hospital room.

This goes to show that you can pass as civilized even if you're not. DB pulls a knife on Luisana and tells her not to marry Santos.


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