Monday, October 13, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Mon., Oct. 13- PJ/S crashes the car and cops a kiss

Gaetana helps PJ/S get ready for a date with Rebeca. He tells her that Rebeca likes him and he is going to please her.

Rebeca tells PJ/S that she wants to formalize their relationship. He is noncommittal but moderately encouraging.

Walter cuts the brake line of the car that PJ/S drives.

When PJ/S leaves in the car with Isabel, Walter is jumpy as a cat.

Walter must have fixed the gas pedal too because the car won't slow down on a level road even when it's not getting any gas. The car crashes. Isabel is ok but PJ/S is hurt. When Isabel gets close to him, he kisses her.
Then he passes out.

The one doctor in all Río Claro (He makes house calls. He works in the emergency room.) checks out PJ/S. It turns out that there is no concussion or broken ribs or anything - just bumps and bruises.

PJ/S leaves the hospital in the same clothes in which he was admitted. (If you are in an accident, the paramedics don't carefully take off your jacket so you can wear it again, they cut it off you.) Isabel tells PJ/S that he can stay on as the chauffeur if he tells her why he kissed her. PJ/S says, "I kissed you because I wanted to. You're a beautiful woman. Even if I were dying, I couldn't resist kissing you." Apparently, this explanation satisfies Isabel.

Isabel makes Andrés drive PJ/S home. Andrés insults PJ/S and he demands to get out of the car. Andrés says that, "The old man felt sorry for everyone. He recommended you out of pity."
PJ/S says, "I agree. That's why he promoted you to your present position. Otherwise, you wouldn't be any more than a mediocre employee."
Andrés tries to punch PJ/S but even injured, he faster and stronger than Andrés.

PJ/S's blood boils when he thinks about that Isabel treats Andrés better that she treated him and that he has her kisses, caresses and body - what PJ/S wants to have for himself or to destroy.

Ángela tells Andrés and Isabel about the lawyer who is representing her interests. They recognize this lawyer as a big threat to their plans to steal Ángela's inheritence. Isabel tries to convince Ángela that the lawyer is not trustworthy.

Gaetana has economic problems and PJ/S promises to help her. She is grateful.
For LT fans, I will get back to doing the recaps. I should have some free time at the end of this week.


Querida Enemiga Monday Oct 13 - This recapper has run out of patience with Lorena

Stupid hypocritical Lorena doesn’t get out of the cab after seeing Ern and Jimena talking, she tells the cabbie to keep driving. So this is basically the exact same situation Ern was in last week, and Lorena was SOOOO upset with him jumping to conclusions, so she decided to do the same thing I guess.

Sara and Bruno plot how to poison someone, Hortensia is their target now right? No, I guess they are going to ruin the event that the Armendariz company has planned, put something in the food to make everyone drunk or high or something and cause a scandal.

Jaime calls Maruja, Vasco is going to be fine. Greta tells Maruja she is in love with a married man. Maruja goes on about how with her and Jaime it’s ok because his marriage was over before she got involved with him. Greta says uh yeah this guy too, but Maruja sees through it and says “He’s tired of her or you WISH he is tired of her?”

Omar and Zulema have another fight about forgiving Hortensia.

Hypocritical Lorena complains to Diana about Ern having not changed at all! There must be something in my past that I’m not remembering because this whole Lorena being a hypocrite is under my skin in a big way.

Ern shows up at Maruja’s house and nobody answers, nor does he get an answer when he tries to call.

Lorena whines to Diana some more. I don’t care.

Omar lays awake thinking about what Greta told him at the office. He smiles. He’s feeling pretty good about himself, but I think he knows better.

Diana tells Lorena to maybe go back to Alonso. Lorena speaks but I won’t listen to her so I don’t know what she said. Maybe she should go back with Alonso, since now I don’t like either of them.

Zulema and Lorena make plans to meet up later at Lorena’s school.

Dario and Paula tell Bettina that they are splitting up, again. Bettina, of course, is crushed. I do like that at least this time they are telling her together rather than isolating her and talking about the other behind their back.

Lorena teaches an old guy how to use a big knife. After class, Ern is outside waiting for her. He says he looked for her at Maruja’s house, was she out with Rosy? Loren just says “no” and keeps walking. Oh yeah Ern’s just supposed to “know” that she miraculously found her birth parents and moved into their house. SHAME ON YOU ERN, HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT WITHOUT BEING TOLD, YOU POOR EXCUSE FOR A MAN. Ugh I’ll try and relate the conversation but I have just had it with Lorena. She finally says, after they both act like babies, that she lives with her parents now, Alonso found out who they were.

Bruno lies to Alonso and says he wants to trade his night shift to spend time with his wife and baby and acts all nice but Alonso is too stupid to notice the difference. Alonso of course agrees to take his shift. Bruno calls Sara to say he got the night off.

Lorena tells Ern the story of the DNA test. She explains why Alonso was there etc etc and Ern buckles under and apologizes, though under the circumstances at the time, he did nothing wrong. He then wants to explain about Jimena, but two-faced wench Lorena won’t let him, she’s tired of hearing it. Lorena you are horrible and I hate you. She makes him listen to her story and when he even apologizes for not doing anything wrong, and then she won’t let him get two words out. Whatever. Let’s refocus the show on Julian and Rosy, or Vasco and Diana, and write Lorena and Alonso right out of it. Ern SHOULD be insisting right now that he hasn’t done anything wrong, but instead keeps asking for forgiveness and a fresh start. Write him out too. These people make their own problems and then we’re supposed to feel sorry for them. I don’t.

Jackie falls deeper into her cult and gives the lady more money. The lady wants more, Jackie hands it all over. What a sucker.

Ern and Lorena love each other, but the extremely stupid conversation that leads nowhere continues. She refuses to believe him, she has lost confidence in him, though HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG. I just can’t get over this. He didn’t do anything! She didn’t do anything with Alonso either, but he let her explain and he got over it. Zulema shows up for their meeting, Lorena leaves with her. Ern looks sad. He should look like “WTF?” since he didn’t do anything wrong.

Omar tells Greta that there is no chance for something, he is married and has a family. She tries to convince him, even puts his hand on her chest to feel her ‘heart’. He gets flustered and leaves, she thought bubbles “he’ll fall.” So she is actively trying to steal him away. Everyone on this show is growing more loathsome by the minute. Where are Julian and Rosy for some comic relief?

Lorena cries to Zulema, blah blah blah.

Hort is out of bed, when did that happen? She is at her desk, the nurse brings her a drink. And she’s talking! She asks Augusta if she knows how to drive, I guess she wants to go somewhere…

Zulema and Lorena continue to talk. Another fight about Hortensia, Zulema won’t let it go. I agree with her, really. How can you forgive what Hort did. Jaime, maybe, since he was a wimp and Hort steered him.

A cab arrives at the mansion, the driver gets out a wheelchair. Augusta puts Hortensia in the chair and she pushes her towards the car – and a hand stops the chair. It’s Zulema. Hort immediately asks Zulema to forgive her. Oh I guess this was the end of the cab ride, it wasn’t the mansion, it was the lesser house. Hort took a cab over here to apologize. Lorena is shocked that Hort can talk. They go inside. Zulema isn’t very nice, as expected. She pulls out a baby outfit, the only thing left from 22 years of thinking her baby had died. She goes on to describe (at length) the suffering she has lived with all this time. Zulema decides to forgive Hort so she doesn’t have to spoil her new happiness with rancor. She doesn’t seem to REALLY forgive her, but she says she does. Zulema leaves the room. Hort apologizes to Lorena some more.

Greta comes in to talk to Omar, he says he doesn’t want to continue what they were talking about before, but she says no, she thinks she’s going to ask Victor to move her to another office. Omar says that’s probably for the best. She was NOT expecting that answer. I guess big boobs don’t ALWAYS get you your way, just most of the time. Her plan backfired big time here.

Lorena tells Zulema that Omar will be happy with what happened today.

Barbara wants Vasco to bail out and come home, but he wants to stay and take care of business. Jaime shows up with someone to take Vasco’s statement.

Diana and baby show up at home, Lorena and Zulema tell her about Hort’s visit. Zulema feels free now that the business with Hort is over. Zulema and Lorena want Diana to work for them if she can’t get her old job back.

Ern gets the job as the new TV chef.

Dario has a tearful goodbye with Bettina and Paula. He’s off to Monterrey. Dario gives Paula his car and says to call him any time when she needs something. Lots of crying. Dario is getting into the cab when Jackie runs up and wants his forgiveness, she is getting it from everyone. She tries to explain, he is suspicious. He is angry that she ruined his family and finally says “ok I forgive you, now shut the hell up.” She gives him some kind of new age blessing and he can’t get out of there fast enough. Jackie then rings the bell and wants to talk to Paula and Bettina. I guess she thinks she can get forgiveness from everyone in one day if she keeps moving.

Toribio continues his Tai Chi. The instructor seems to really like him and flirts with him, just in time for Carmelita to show up and be really jealous and bitchy.

Paula tells Jackie to make like a tree and get out of here. Paula tells her an acid bath couldn’t purify her, go to hell, get out! Jackie gets on the floor and begs, making Paula laugh. Bettina says fine, I forgive you, you can go now. After Jackie leaves, they laugh and think she has gone completely crazy.

Bruno and Sara are sneaking around at night, Sara has something she is going to put in some food. Bruno tells her to be careful so she doesn’t kill anyone. She hides from a night watchman, I guess the guy patrols but doesn’t lock doors, Sara had just walked right in. She injects some chemicals directly into a bunch of steaks and returns them to the cooler.

At home, Lorena gets a big bunch of flowers. She acts all happy and surprised. She is so dumb, they have to be from either Ern or Alonso, and whoever it is, she’s going to be grumpy about it. So how can she be all “oh for ME?” when they show up? They are from Alonso, who sends along a love note. Of course, right away she gets her stressed look and doesn’t want to get into it. The doorbell rings again, more flowers for Lorena. Obviously from Ern then, right? She gets all happy again. Jeez she’s like a dog, they will let you hurt them over and over and still be happy to see you. And yes, as soon as she reads the card, she gets mopey again.

Ern has a drink and remembers making out with Lorena. And then taking off her shirt, etc.

Lorena’s family laughs and votes on who she should go with, while she just looks pained. Kind of an Alonso look. Maybe that’s an indication.

Sara exits the building, Bruno who has to be negative about everything all the time tells her she used too much. Then why did you give her so much to use, dumbass? They run off.

Lorena and Zulema talk about how great Omar is.

Greta tries to get somewhere with Omar again. He tells her no, so she just jumps him and kisses him. She won’t take no for an answer. He is an idiot and just stands there and lets her paw all over him. Not an idiot for letting some hottie kiss him, just for letting her do that when he is already married.

I did this from youtube, so I apologize that I don’t have any preview for you. I expect we’ll see Ern and Alonso chasing Lorena and Lorena whining to everyone about how those two act but not mentioning that she does the same thing but I guess for her it’s ok.


No Friday Cuidado recap? Anyone want to discuss the show?

So, on Friday, Marichuy was terrified that she had killed Amador. Rocio went to check out the situation, and Amador demanded to see Mari or else he would report the attack to the police. She went, and after a very melodramatic unbandaging, he discovered he cannot see (I suspect he may be faking. His apology was over the top and I think he's just trying to suck Mari in so he can attack her again).

Stef tried to ingratiate herself to Mari. She wants Mari to tell her what the nightmares are about, undoubtedly so that she can use that information to terrorize her. Also, she spent time looking up synonyms for "orphan" to tease Mari with, and we learned that she's a slow reader.

Patricio continued to be mean to Marichuy.

We met Elsa's parents, and they are super-annoying in a funny way, and really want her to marry Eduardo. She rolled her eyes at them.

JM and Eduardo are on their way home.

What else?


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Friday, Oct. 10 - PJ/S finds out the truth about Isabel and Andrés and vows revenge

Again, sorry for the delays in posting.

On Thursday, PJ/S found out that Isabel and Andrés were planning to defraud Ángela out of her share of PJ's fortune. He warns her not to sign anything without consulting a lawyer that she can trust and gives her the name of a lawyer that PJ had confidence in. (Ángela is wearing a really horrible outfit here.)

Sure enough, at the party, Andrés and Isabel try and get Ángela to sign the document but she refuses.

Valeria sees PJ/S go into the door to the basement.

Andrés and Isabel go to the study to discuss how angry they are that Ángela refused to the sign the document. Unbeknownst to them, PJ/S is in the secret room behind the portrait of his first wife. He overhears them talking about their plot to get PJ's money.

He opens the picture and sees them kissing.

Poor PJ/S is devastated.

He leaves the house without telling anyone.

He goes to the bar and hooks up with a working girl he met there before. He sees Isabel, not her, though.

Finally, he tries to strangle her and the club bouncers throw him out. For some reason, Gaetana is at the club and she takes him home.

A gratuitous shower scene.

PJ/S goes back to the house and manages to keep his job much to Walter's disgust. PJ/S and Walter declare themselves as enemies.


Doña Bárbara - Wed.-Fri. Oct. 8-10 - Finishing school and fences- lots going on in the llanos.

Santos tells Gervasia to come home but DB says that's machismo and machismo isn't civilized. Gervasia decides to stay at El Miedo.

Santos chews out his employees for uncivilized behavior and tells them not to carry weapons.

The next day Santos tells Antonio and Carmelito that they are going to Progresso to send a telegram and buy some stuff at the hardware store. He has decided to sell his house in the capital and build a fence between El Miedo and Altamira.

Twice Marisela hears people saying, "El que quiere besar, busca la boca," "He who loves shows it with a kiss." She decides to try that herself.

She offers a kiss to Santos but he is horrified.

The doctor wants Antonio to help him win Cecilia but Antonio tells him that Cecilia is sacred and to stay away from her.

Federica goes after the second of Santos' employees. She says, "Carmelito, sabes que yo sufre mucho de cosquillas?" "Carmelito, did you know I am very tickleish?" She shows him where and one things leads to three times with Federica astride him like a horse.

A furious Marisela tells Santos that it is time to take her father back to Altamira.

Josefa asks Federica about Pajarito and Carmelito. She says that she would take both, "Because one wins for size and the other for technique." ["Porque uno gana por tamaña, pero el otro gana por maña."]

Santos and Lorenzo decide to send Marisela to a finishing school. She is horrified and promptly decides to leave Altamira.

The girls at the Sandoval house see Marisela coming and know that something happened at Altamira.

Marisela tells them that her life is ruined.

DB shows up at Altamira with a lot money that she wants to lend to Santos so he doesn't have to sell his house in the capitol. He says that he can't be bought and that there is big wall between them.

Balbino Paiba tells DB that Santos is buying barbed wire ["alambre de púas"] and she figures out that Santos is going to build the fence he has talked about between Altamira and El Miedo.

In a very funny scene, Marisela says that she doesn't need to go to a finishing school. Maurice left a book on etiquette. After telling Lorenzo not to slurp his soup and Santos not to put his elbows on the table, she shows that she has a little more to learn. She says that the book tells about the proper behavior for all private and 'pubic' (public) events in the whole big udder ('ubre,' I'm not sure what Spanish word she meant.) ["eventos privados y púbicos en toda grand ubre."] Then she takes a giant bite of cake.
Josefa and Federica decide to add Maria Neives to their collection.

Santos is surprised to discover DB building the fence between their properties.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Friday 10/10 QE Alonslow you can't have back what you never had

Hi everybody sorry about the title, it is just that I can't stand Alonso trying to win Lorena back when he slept with her "sister" it is one of the unforgivable sins of telenovela land. Now complete

Bruno and Sara decide to unite forces to destroy Lorena and her family.

Lorena is at the lesser house remembering Ernesto. She tells her mom that she can’t forget him and that she wanted to create a family with him, but she can’t overlook the fact that he is very handsome and a lot of women are crazy about him and that makes her very jealous and she can’t live like that. Zulema tells her that she will find somebody that will make her very happy. Lorena tells her that she loves Ernesto and she can’t think about anybody else. Lorena changes the conversation and asks Zulema if everything is OK because she looks sad. Zulema tells her that she is having problems with Omar because he has decided to forgive Hortensia.

Dario tells Paula that he has to go to Monterrey because of a job and he wants her and Betina to go with him. Paula tells him that she can’t go because things are not working between them. Dario tells her that they will start anew in Monterrey, but Paula doesn’t believe it. She tells him that it won’t work because the problem isn’t the place, the problem is their past and they can’t change that. For once Dario understands and tells her that he was a fool and wishes she could love him again. She tells him that it is too late for that and at least they are friends now.

Jacky is mad at Ickturo because he didn’t asked about her doctor’s appointment. He asks how it went at the doctor’s. Jacky then tells him that the doctor did a biopsy and will give her the results later. She also tells him about Magdalena, the Lady that talked to her about the “Luz Divina de la Buena Ventura” Divine Light of Good Fortune and tells him that she will go to her house later. Ickturo tells her that she should be careful about sects. Jacky wants him to go with her, but he doesn’t look convinced.

Lorena is remembering Ernesto. She says to herself that she wanted to be happy with him to spend the rest of their life together. At the same time Ernesto is saying that he loves her and misses her. Ivan comes into the room and tells his uncle that he wants to enter a dancing contest. He tells him that he could win 20,000 and if he does, he’ll share the money with him to help with the expenses. Ernesto is proud of him because that shows maturity.

Ed Note. Zulema is driving me crazy; her nagging is driving me up the wall, if nothing else, I now understand men a little better and will try to refrain from nagging. Back to our story.

Zulema –Nag, nag, nag, how can you do this to me? Don’t you see it is all about me?
Omar – Leave me alone, I just want a little peace and quiet.
Lorena –Leave him alone, after all this years, I’m happy now and I also want peace. Would you reject me too?
Zulema –Nobody understands me all I can say is that I will continue with my nagging unless you do as I say. (She leaves the room dramatically)

Alan meets with Sara to ask her to sign her resignation as the image of his product. Sara is surprised. She tells him that she can wait until everything goes away and then they can renew their relationship. Alan tells her in no uncertain terms that he loves his wife and since she has given him another chance, he wants Sara far away from him. Sara is furious.

Diana and Julian go to Bruno’s apartment. Julian wants to hit him, but Diana stops him. They went to pick up her baby’s clothes, but she also wants to talk to him. Julian goes to pick up the clothes and Diana tells Bruno that she knows everything about the deal with Hortensia. Bruto laughs at her and tells her that it is her fault because she was naive and in love. Diana stands up to him and tells him that she has opened her eyes and now she can see him for what he is. She tells him that she filing for divorce and he better sign because she is attaching domestic violence case to it.

Barbara is talking to Vasco. She tells him that she will never oppose his ideals. Vasco wants to know how she is doing; she starts crying and tells him about Chalo. Vasco tells her that he is sorry. Barbara says that at least she has a nice memory of him.

Back at Armendariz Inc. The general manager tells Omar that everything is ok, no, Sara hasn’t showed up and they know not to let her in. He also tells him that they are concentrating their efforts in a bankers ‘big banquet. Omar wants to see the details of the banquet.

Rosi is helping Maruja with the accounting of her company. Maruja tells her that she is ready to leave the restaurant and she wants Rosi to leave too. Rosi says thanks, but no thanks. Maruja offers her an executive position. Rosi is not convinced and Maruja tells her to think about it.

At school Lorena and Paty are talking about Sara and the big scandal. Paty is very happy about it, and notices that Lorena is not. She asks her and Lorena tells him that she broke her engagement. Paty wants to know the details. Ernesto walks in.

Toribio is talking to Alonslow. He is very happy and tells him that he loves Tai Chi. Alonslow is impressed. The phone rings and it’s one of Toribio’s Tai Chi fellow students.

Ernesto is talking to the class about mestizaje and how it is very important in the Mexican cuisine. He gets distracted when he sees Lorena, and Paty has to redirect his thoughts back to the class. Ernesto tells the class to get the ingredients ready because they are going to make a quesadilla they say they are going to nixtamalizar maiz to make a tortilla. He leaves to get everything ready. Paty tells Lorena that she can tell that both are dying to come back.

Toribio is in his element. He is talking to a bunch of ladies about Tai Chi. He notices that Alonslow is not happy and asks him if it is because of Lorena. Alonslow tells him that he misses her and wants her back. Toribio tells him to look for her, not to pressure her, but to start getting into her life again. Alonslow thinks that it’s a great idea and says he will do it.

Ickturo comes back home and tells his mom that he has the perfect opportunity; they will export corn, they are going to be millionaires! His mom is very happy.

Jacky goes to Magdalena’s house. Magdalena tells her that she is happy she decided to come. Jacky is very eager to learn. Magdalena tells her that she needs to give her “obulo” a donation, Jacky gives her what she had.

Lorena asks Ernesto why she kept on looking at her. Ernesto tells her that for the same reason she looked at him. Ernesto tells her that they can’t deny it; they are still in love, but Lorena is not that sure. She tells him that she is still afraid. She asks him if he has something to do with Jimena. He tells her that Jimena is just a friend and he has always been faithful to her. He then asks if she has something to do with Alonslow, before she could answer his question, somebody comes to tell Ernesto that the Principal wants to talk to him.

The principal tells Ernesto that the people from the program “Cocinando con Alegria” want to talk to him.

Sara arrives and goes to talk to her friend, the one that started the problem of the scholarship. She asks her about the first class and when she wants to copy her notes, the friend tells her that she is not interested in her friendship anymore. Sara leaves humiliated.

Lorena and Paty saw what happened with Sara and are laughing at her, when Alonslow arrives. Paty excuses herself and leaves Lorena and Alonslow together. He wants to talk to her. Right then Ernesto comes back and sees them talking. He is now sure that Lorena and Alonslow are back together.

Sara goes into a classroom. There is a picture of Sara kissing Alan on the board. Sara is very mad rips the picture and asks the class who did it. Right then the teacher comes and asks her to go see the principal.

Lorena tells Alonslow that she can’t stay long because she needs to go back to her class. He tells her that he hadn’t asked her out because he wanted her to get comfortable with her family first. Lorena thanks him for giving her, her family back. Alonslow wants to know if Lorena is still with Ernesto. Lorena wants to know why. He tells her that he still loves her and wants a second chance. Lorena tells him that he has a very special place in her heart because he found her family but nothing more. He wants to show her how much she means to him, he asks her to let him take her out for a whole day to show her how much he loves her.

The principal tells Sara that she has been expelled from the institute.

Alonslow keeps on pushing Lorena to go out with him for a whole day. She tells him that she can’t do that because she doesn’t love him anymore, but he tells her to think about it.

Back with crazy Jacky, there is a meditation meeting. Magdalena asks teacher Jaime if he has been able to contact the highest teachers. He tells her that the contact has been established, and the teachers are telling her that there is a new soul in the room that needs healing, however she won’t be able to obtain healing because she is a sinner , she needs to purify herself first by asking forgiveness from all of those whom she has wronged.

Sara storms out of the principal’s office and sees Lorena coming back. She blames Lorena for all her problems. Lorena tells her that in effect she was the one that told the wife, but it is all Sara’s fault because she is the one that has been doing those bad things. Sara tries to hit her, but Lorena holds her hand and tells her that she won’t play her games, she knows that she trying to pick a fight to get her expelled. Sara tells her that she hates her. Lorena just smiles and tells her that she feels sorry for her. Lorena walks away.

Jacky tells Magdalena that she is very happy the contact with the teacher Efrain has helped her. Magdalena tells her that now all she has to do is repent and fix all her mistakes. Jacky is more than willing to do everything she has been told.

Ivan invites Betina to eat. Gina asks her if she is Ivan’s girlfriend, Ivan hesitates a little and says that no, Betina is his dance partner. Gina tells them that they should be girlfriend and boyfriend because they look very cute together. Betina tells her that they are too young to have a relationship. Gina tells them that that is not true, because she has a boyfriend and she is younger.

Ernesto has a meeting with the producer of the program. He tells him that he is one of three candidates, but not to worry and relax and do his best for the test. The producer tells him that this time they only called men because of the incident with Sara. Ernesto didn’t know what happened with Sara. The producer fills him in.

Betina is showing Ivan’s siblings how to dance. Fanny tells them that the little ones have to go do their homework. They leave Ivan and Betina alone and Ivan uses this opportunity to ask Betina if she wants to be his girlfriend. Betina accepts

Maruja tells Ray that she can’t work for them anymore. Ray can’t understand why she is leaving. They enter Ray’s office and Monica is there. Maruja tells them that her little business is doing so well that she needs to be there full time. They ask her to at least wait a little while they find somebody to replace her. She agrees to wait.

Lorena enters the lesser house and Diana is there. Diana wants to know how she feels after seeing Ernesto at school. Lorena tells her that she loves Ernesto with all her heart, but can’t have a relationship with him because they both have trust issues. She then tells her about Alonslow visit and how he is asking for a date with her. Lorena tells her that she is very confused and doesn’t know what to do. Diana tells her that Joel came by and he is going to help her with her divorce. Lorena is happy for her.

Toribio goes to see Alonslow to know what happened with Lorena. Alonslow tells him that Lorena is hesitant, but he asked her to go out with him for a whole day to show her how much he loves her. Toribio is not that sure about the plan. ALonslow tells him that Lorena hasn’t agreed to go out with him, but he is almost sure she’ll say yes.

Jacky is talking to Catalina. She asks for her forgiveness. Catalina thinks that Jacky is crazy, but tells her that yes she forgives her. Jacky is very happy and tells her that now is her turn to ask for forgiveness. She needs to contact Valeria and tells her that she is sorry for everything she did. Catalina refuses. Jacky then prays to teacher Efrain to help her open her heart.

Ernesto arrives to his house. Fanny tells him that the children are sleeping and Ivan is practicing dance in his room. She comments that Ivan’s girlfriend is very pretty. Ernesto is not to happy to hear that Betina was there.

Lorena is talking to Rosi and Diana about Alonslow and Ernesto. Diana tells her that she needs to decide which one is the one that she really loves. Lorena tells them that she loves Ernesto with all her heart. Rosi then tells her to stop thinking about it and to go and talk to him. Diana agrees that they need to talk and resolve all their misunderstandings. Lorena says that she will go to his house to talk to him because she can’t stand this situation anymore. Zulema walks into the Kitchen and asks them if they have heard form Omar. They tell her no, and Zulema, very rudely, just walks out without saying anything else.

Omar is at the office. He tells Greta that she can leave; he’ll stay longer because he has a lot of work. Greta gets close to him and tells him that she wants to stay to “help” him, and then she gets even closer and tells him that she can see that he is very tense. She offers to give him a little massage which Omar refuses. Finally Greta takes her mask off and tells him that she likes him. Omar is trying to resist, he tells her that he is a married man and asks her to leave. She says she’ll leave…for now, but she’ll see him tomorrow.

Julian and Rosi are making out on the couch of the lesser house. Lorena comes out. She is going to see Ernesto. Julian tells her that everybody at work is saying that is almost sure that Ernesto will get the job as the chef of “Cocinando con Alegria”. Lorena is very nervous and asks them to wish her luck. She leaves and then Julian asks Rosi if she wants to go to a more comfortable place. Rosi accepts and they leave too.

Ernesto is at his house when we hear the door bell. I think we all know what is going to happen, is it Lorena? No it is Jimena. Jimena tells him that she has good news. She found Ernesto a job. Ernesto tells her that he has that test tomorrow for the program. Jimena tells him that she is sure that he’ll get the program, but if not, then he can always go and take the job her father’s friend is offering. She asks him if he has fixed things with Lorena. He asks her if he has time to hear his story.

Sara has been waiting for Bruno. He arrives and makes fun of the fact that he is late because he has a job and she doesn’t. Sara tells him that she called him because she is ready to start the destruction of the Armendariz family. She tells him that she can’t think of a way to make Lorena suffer, she’ll start with the old lady. They will sabotage the Banker’s Club banquet.

After hearing the whole story, Jimena tells Ernesto that maybe he overreacted. She doesn’t believe that Lorena would be capable of betraying Ernesto. She reasons that maybe they were in front of the hotel, because Alonslow had to stay in the hotel, not because they just had sexual relations. Ernesto is not sure. She asks him if she saw them kissing. He says that no. Jimena tells him that Lorena is very direct and it doesn’t look like the type that would lie. Ernesto tells her that maybe not her, but what about Alonslow, he keeps on pursuing her and he(Ernesto) knows that Lorena loved him a lot. Jimena tells him to talk to Lorena to clarify the misunderstandings. He tells her that he’ll do it because Lorena is the woman of his life. Jimena is impress because Ernesto is showing maturity.

Ernesto (conveniently) walks Jimena to her car. He thanks her for all her help. Jimena tells him that that’s what friends are for. He hugs her and right then guess who arrives in a taxi, Lorena. She asks the driver to stop the taxi and she looks thru the window making a big impactada face.
The End


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre, 10/10/08: A Gorrilla (Still) in the Mist and a New White Knight to the Rescue

To avoid unnecessary repetition we start at the point where Crabiela is angrily yelling to Sofia that she has disinherited her and her sisters. The three of them will be out on the main drag pushing pencils to survive once the old witch (rhymes with ___) assumes room temperature and Fernando does a Fred Astaire on her grave. Mama was just waiting for a chance to throw that in Sofia’s face and, apparently, being told that giving Feo so much authority over them all had turned him into an even bigger despot than she ever was gave her the perfect opportunity to spout the news. Sofia stares at Crabi in a state of speechless impactada.

Downstairs said despot is disposing of Nati’s services over letting Eladio into the main house. Fatima runs in and finds herself on her knees begging him not to fire her daughter and defending Eladio, so he fires her too. Why, you ask? Just because he can. (Feo must have been a Gestapo agent in an earlier life.)

Off in the jungle, meanwhile, the toothpick would-be rapist, Skinny Bones, is griping at the witchdoctor that his spells aren’t as powerful as they used to be. The witchdoctor says it’s because this new stranger (Juan) is more powerful than they supposed and it’s not going to be as easy casting a spell on him. (Does this guy really believe this bunk or what?) Juan and Dra. Leonora come rushing into the hut. Juan yells at them that they are sure the two of them had something to do with him being poisoned. They tell him he’s lying but Leonora says they’re the ones lying and they are going to prove it. Juan warns them that since they want war, it’ll be a war unto the death. The witchdoctor tries to scare him with the old magic “exploding ember” trick, but Juan doesn’t fall for it. He says he’s going to expose their abuse and all their humbug and magic nonsense to the rest of the village.

Back at the hacienda, Gabi finds out that Fatima and Nati are leaving and says no way they can leave and asks them to stay. Feo overhears this and immediately comes out of his lair, his brandy glass and choice cheroot in hand, to ask if she really intends to contradict his orders. When she says yes he pushes her rudely into another room for a confab. Feo doesn’t want her upstaging him with the servants. Gabi says give orders all he wants when it concerns the hacienda; but she’s still in charge of the house and she is not going to do without Fatima, unless he wants HER to do all the cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing. They compromise and decide Fatima stays, but Nati still goes.

A few minutes later, Nati says a tearful goodbye to her mother who must continue to work there to send money to her sick, elderly aunt; and over at the Robles-Reyes hacienda, Eladio tells Franco, Eva and Quintina how Feo accused him of being a thief and was threatening to run off Nati from the hacienda. Eva says Fernando will never change. He’s a nasty man and now that he feels he’s in control of the hacienda he is going to be even worse (in spades, Eva).

Night has fallen and Damian is again pensively meandering through what is supposed to pass for moonlit, misty Mexican moors but is actually just the woods along the long driveway to the main house at Hacienda de las Elizondo y Escandon, when he finds Nati crying on the side of the road. He apparently takes her under his wing, but first he makes a detour. Damian walks into the hallway as Feo is starting up the stairs for his room and says “Good Evening”. Feo turns around and coolly looks him over, sizing up the new and unexpected competition. Damian says he’s there to pay a visit to Sofia.

Back in the jungle, Juan tells Leonora he’s feeling better but needs to clean up a bit down at the river. He is still weak and stumbling, so she goes with him as “physical” support.

Upstairs at the hacienda, Oscar has snuck in again and is back at Jimena’s bedside. He says it still pains him to think how her mother is getting her way and plans to make the two of them pay for going against her. He gets ready to leave and then tells her that he thinks she might be playing him for a fool and just faking this. So he says if she doesn’t recover he is taking up with Nati. Suddenly she wakes up from her trance and gives Oscar the third degree about why he’s there and didn’t he just go looking for Juan. Jimena begins to yell at him over Nati and then starts yelling for her mother. Sofia and Sarita hear her and Oscar manages to barely escape being discovered.

Gabi, Sofia and Sarita come running into Jimena’s room, but Jimena plays possum. Gabi loses her patience and warns them all she’s fed up with their problems and if Jimena doesn’t come to soon, she is sending her off to an institution. After the others finally leave Jimena sits up and thinks to herself that she’s going to continue pretending so that she can get what she wants without Mama finding out. (Those of us in Viewerville are not sure if this means she’s been pretending all along or not.)

Juan and Leonora get caught in another downpour. (They don’t call it a rain forest for nothing.) They stop under a tree and Juan attempts to get a campfire started. (Yeah. Right.) Lightening and thunder crack suddenly. Leonora is frightened and “instinctively” grabs Juan close. (Okay. Okay. Without the whiskers, there’s nobody who makes you want to swoon like EY in scenes like these.) Just as they are about to kiss, Juan suddenly has flashbacks of Sofia. He falls to the ground and begins rolling in the mud from the crushing pain in his skull. (If Sofia only knew the power she has over this guy she might actually become dangerous!)

Lolly-pop Lips, aka Leonora, stares down in confusion and asks Juan what’s wrong, what’s the matter? (I swear Dra. Leonora must have slept through those head trauma classes because I can’t believe she still doesn’t have a clue! Did she sleep with the profs to graduate med school or what?) She tries to help him by running in circles, flapping her dainty hands and grimacing. He screams at her not to touch him and continues to thrash in the mud. (Dunno, Doc, maybe it’s just a bad case of …testicular edema.)

Back at the Reyes’ new bakery, the one that gives a whole new meaning to the term home style bread, Oscar is kneading dough. Franco asks him if he thinks Juan is really dead and Oscar says no, of course not. Something inside him says no, anyway. He tells Franco no use to worry about it now, though. They’ll have time for questions when they go looking for him later on. So Franco asks him about Jimena. Oscar tells him Jimena is awake now, but still angry as heck at him. He thinks he’s lost her forever. Franco says he refuses to resign himself to losing what they love.

Back in the jungle under that tree, which is giving very little if any shelter from the rainstorm, Juan is beside himself with grief and tells Leonora that he wants to be able to love but he can’t because he feels that somewhere someone that loves, adores and misses him is waiting for him to return. Because that someone loves him and he loves her, he cannot cheat on her with Dra. Delish. They argue back and forth that he can’t commit because he is so upset that he doesn’t know who the heck he is; she doesn’t understand why he is so sure he does have someone back home if he doesn’t know who he is. (Missed those psych classes too, huh, girlfriend.) He says that’s exactly why he’s so uptight.

Dra. (and I use the term loosely) Leonora tells Juan not to drive himself crazy over it because it doesn’t get him anywhere. (If you two ever make it back to Puebla City together, sue the broad. She knows exactly where the bus stop is and should be taking you there ASAP to get your head examined. Hell, you needed that BEFORE the concussion.) His answer is to howl at the moon again.

A minute later Juan is telling Leonora that she’s got to understand. He ought to be searching out his past. He can’t stick around there acting as if nothing will happen. (I assume he means between the two of them.) He has got to leave and find out who he his and what/who is in his past. Leonora gets angry and screams at him to leave already. “Go on! Beat it!” she yells at him. It doesn’t matter didly squat to her anyway, she lies, and so he races back to the hut.

We are beamed back to the hacienda where, at the bottom of the stairway in the hallway, Feo is snarling at Damian that it’s too late to be visiting Sofia, particularly for strangers. Damian says he knows perfectly well that Sofia is unattached so he’s not breaking the rules by coming around. Feo gets testy then and says he’s the owner of the place and the one giving orders there (uh, yeah and?) Gabi hears the noise and is pleasantly surprised to see somebody like Damian (new blood) standing there. He introduces himself and says he realizes it’s a bit late, but he came to visit Sofia and –looking straight at Feo--didn’t think he’d be so unwelcome. Gabi comes down the stairs at this point with a genuine smile on her face, undoubtedly thinking to herself that if he’s a suitor what a relief he’s not covered in grime, reeking of sweat or yeast, and that he actually knows what a razor is for.

Feo takes the snub and says it’s still too late to receive visitors so go home. Damian stares at Fernando and stands his ground. Fernando barks “Scram!” at him, but Damian doesn’t flinch an inch. (Sigh!) Sofia hears the commotion and walks regally down the stairs. Damian stares up at Sofia, totally captivated. Sofia tells King Cock he’s full of poppycock. She reminds Fernando that SHE decides who she wants to see and when, so kindly keep his nose out of her business and then agrees to speak with Damian. Mama's smile is so big she looks like Wide Mouth Frog. Damian is a mesmerized impactado and continues to stare up at her.

Again in the jungle, a while later, the village sage and the others are there milling around a campfire to decide what they want to do about the doctora and Juan. The witchdoctor speaks first and says because they let her stay among them the ancestors are all in a tizzy and want to punish them for it. He’s had visions that times are going to be hard because of it. Wise Man says no, their punishment will be worse for not appreciating what’s in front of their faces, a man who has contributed to the village while working alongside the lady doc. This indicates that she is nothing to be afraid of and they should let her help them. One of the village men agrees with Wise Man. The witchdoctor throws another smoke bomb into the campfire and tells them that the smoke is a sign that evil surrounds them but that they don’t want to realize it. He winks over at Skinny Bones who is smiling over these antics and secretly encouraging him.

Meanwhile, back in their hut, Leonora tries to convince Juan not to leave, at least until morning, since it’s pitch black in the jungle and he’s bound to get lost again. (How about following the trucks/mules that bring those bags of flour you bake those conchas with back to the main road and taking the bus back to civilization, or forcing Skinny Bones to show you the way out? Leonora didn’t just get dropped down there by helicopter. --Juan, the Robles-Reyes gene pool needs to end with you.) Juan says he’s got to leave now because the anxiety over discovering his past is too great. He’s glad he met her he says and gives her a kiss on her forehead. He tells Silvestre to take good care of her and heads out--no food, no knife, and no blanket and so much for the war he just declared a few minutes ago. (And we’re supposed to take this guy seriously as a hero? Sofia, get with the program, dear.)

On his way out of the village Juan runs into Wise Man. Juan explains his need to find whoever and whatever is waiting for him. The old man tells him that his past could be full of happy memories or it could be full of extremely painful ones that he himself created, and that perhaps the people he left behind would be happier and better off without him. If Juan got lost in the jungle, he suggests, it was obvious he was running away from something. Juan wonders if he could have really hurt someone and the old man replies that no one runs away from something without a reason. So, it might be a good idea for Juan to wait until his memories return first and his mind clears, otherwise he’ll just be running back into the darkness of another kind of jungle. (Okay. That’s my philosophical take on the discussion.) He suggests that Juan should wait for a sign before leaving for civilization.

Speaking of Civilization or what passes for it, now alone with Sofia, Damian tells her that he doesn’t like to beat around the bush and confesses that he is interested in her and wants the opportunity to get close to her. Sofia says she thinks he’s just confusing things because the two of them are suffering similar problems. He shouldn’t consider her as anything more than a despairing mother. He says he agrees and understands her suffering. That’s why he hopes she won’t reject him. “Don’t send me away, Sofia.” She thinks it over. (I wouldn’t have had to think twice about it. Come on, Slowfia. You like him and you are a free woman…..and Damian is the essence of classical Spanish suave and debonair. Note: classical Spanish guitar strains in the background). Sofia says fine, but only as friends. She smiles big. He smiles bigger ‘cause he figures his foot’s in the proverbial door.

Upstairs in their bedroom Gabi tells Fer that she’s pleased with the likes of Damian. This is the kind of man, a man of class and position, that her daughters should have been involved with rather than messing around with those darned bricklayers. Fernando is apoplectic. He spouts off something about being the man of the house now and Gabi’s not having been able to properly control her daughters from doing whatever and whenever they want. So now that he’s the sole authority in the house he’s not going to allow Sofia to show such a lack of good manners. “No man is going to visit Sofia, let alone at this hour!!” he yells.

Gabi gets suspicious then and demands to know if he’s actually jealous of Sofia. Irritated by the question, Fernando cops to only looking out for Gabi’s welfare, nothing more --only she always confuses everything. She turns away and he storms out of the bedroom, but stops first to smile at himself. At the bottom of the staircase he admits to himself that of course he’s jealous because this guy, Damian Ferrer, is a real rival unlike that idiot, Juan Reyes. (Hey, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.)

Damian returns home and apologizes for making Nati wait so long, but he at least got a chance to speak with Sofia, he says, even though Fernando tried to keep him from it. He offers Nati a job as his housekeeper and she is thrilled. (Note: the dog’s got the same name as Tall Tweedle! So typical of this group. They couldn’t come up with something like Marimba or Max?) Nati starts chattering away and eventually tells him that Sofia and Fer used to be married, but since it was a forced marriage, she never loved him and she left him when she met the father of her little girl. Damian tries to take it all in and make sense of it. (Note the fast, forceful strumming on classical Spanish guitar playing in the background. –Word up, Damian! You may want to think hard and fast before getting any more involved with the “in crowd” of Mexiloon.)

Meanwhile, Juan returns to Leonora’s hut and tells her that he’s taking the old wise man’s advice and waiting at least till his mind clears before setting off again. She smiles. They hug. (I shrug.)

Sarita is writing another love letter to Franco but shoves it hurriedly into her desk when Fernando comes in with her divorce papers. He makes a mental note of what he just saw for later and then shoves the file folder into her hand. He wonders why Sarita isn’t jumping for joy. She fakes it and says she’s just a bit surprised. He almost looks as if he has designs on her too. He says he’ll see her later and congratulates her before he exits, stage left. Sarita takes the letter out and says to herself there is nothing more that binds her to Franco except the love she has for him, and that it is something which no one will ever succeed in tearing out of her heart.

Across the hall, Jimena is holding the glass rose Oscar gave her. She hears Sarita approaching the door, puts it down and plays possum again. Sarita comes in and tells her that she’s very sad. She lies down on the bed and whimpers that now she’s divorced from Franco. Jimena sneaks a peek and thinks they are both a sorry lot because even though they’re divorced, they still are in love with the enemy.

Gabi goes to see Sofia to tell her that she approves of Damian Ferrar and hopes she takes advantage of his interest in her. Sofia says she can’t look at another man when she’s only interested in finding her daughter. Again she can’t believe that Gabi is unable to understand the suffering she’s been going through. Gabi says it’s not her fault: Sofia asked for it by going to bed with a no account like Juan Reyes. She shakes her head and walks out leaving Sofia to her misery.

The next morning Juan watches as the Indians use sticks to poke holes in the ground to plant crops. He notices a couple of oxen on the side of the field and decides to show the Indians how to use a machete on some of the broken tree branches nearby to make a plow that can be pulled by the oxen for quicker planting.

At home, Pablito tells Franco and Oscar how badly he misses Juan and wonders if he’s still alive and will ever return. They cheer him up and have him help them bake.

Damian invites Sofia to his house. She’s not in the mood for going out she says. She feels emotionally dead inside, but he convinces her that she needs to stop thinking about death and overcome her tragedy for the good of her daughter. He talks her into coming to see the pastures he’s going to use for his horses and says that he wants her to meet the guys getting them ready for him. They’re simple folk (You can say that again!) and she’ll really like them.

They enter the pasture and when he unsuspectingly introduces her to Oscar and Franco they turn around dumbfounded. She frowns at the two of them. “I know them very well. They’re the brothers of Juan Reyes, the man who kidnapped my daughter!”


Friday, October 10, 2008

Cuidado Thursday, October 09, 2008: Mari wants her Pygmalion but instead she gets two pigs … and a sow

Déjà vu: Mari has the newspaper photo of JM in her bedroom. Steph comes in, demands it back and slaps her. Mari gets her down on the bed for a good old girlfight.

And on to the new: Mari says nobody touches my face, least of all you.

The noise carries to the rest of the house and Ceci and Isa come running. The prim and icy assistant Martirio tells them that the girls are in a big fight.

Mari bites Stef on the wrist and says why did you call me a rat? Stef says ‘cause you are one. Now Mari has Stef down on the floor and they are really going at it and here come Ceci and Isa. Isa pulls Mari off and they hold her while she jumps around trying to get free.

Ceci says stop, and Mari says okay if you say so. Stef falls sobbing into Ceci’s arms. Isa looks daggers at Mari.

Meantime, JM is on the treadmill at a gym in Seattle. He’s not burning a lot of calories because it’s set to like 1 mile per hour. As he strolls on it, he’s talking on his cell to Rocio back home. They discuss his having appeared in the paper and Rocio said he looked real handsome in the photo. He asks after Mayita and Rocio says she misses her dad big time. Then he asks after Onelia and they laugh about how she’s cranky and not liable to change. JM says she must be glad Marichuy is out of the house and Rocio says she sure is. Then he asks after Marichuy. Eduardo, who is on a faster treadmill right next to him laughs and whaps him with a towel.

Now we see how Marichuy is, namely in big trouble. She is looking defiant and Stef says she shoved me! She bit me! Mari says why don’t you say what you did first? Stef whines I didn’t do anything, I just asked for the photo of JM that you took. Mari says tell the truth, liar!

Isa says she’s the devil. Mari says if you want to see the devil, just look in the mirror. The photo is mine. Stef says see how she is? Ceci says why did you come looking for that photo? You could have bought another copy of the paper, for heaven’s sake. And you, Mari, there’s no reason to have a fight over something like that.

Back at the gym JM is asking Rocio if Mari is happy. Rocio says not completely, but we got along great. JM says how are they treating her at Casa Velarde? Rocio says seems like good, are you going to call her? JM says it’s not necessary, but asks Rocio to keep taking care of her. He doesn’t know yet when he’ll be back. Just as Rocio is sending kisses down the wire, Onelia walks up.

Back at the gym, Eduardo throws a towel and JM and laughs.

Ceci says to Mari what happened? and Mari stares at the floor and says, nothing. Ceci says let’s keep this to ourselves. If the judge found out, he’d be furious. Martirio says my lips are sealed. Ceci says to Mari – okay? Mari keeps looking down and Isa yells at her to look up, the lady of the house is speaking to her. Ceci waves her off.

Everybody leaves except Mari and Isa. They glare at one another.

Onelia is asking Rocio what that playboy wanted. Rocio says he asked after Mayita, you and me. Onelia says did you tell him Malvina got a call from my dead daughter? No, says Rocio. Ah ha, says Onelia.

Now the guys are walking by the gym pool, shirtless, natch. Eduardo is ribbing JM and JM goes on and on about Mari’s eyes, her voice, how he can’t stop thinking of her.

Cut to Mari who is having a glaredown still with Isa. Isa makes a mean remark about her low class, and Mari sarcastically calls her a fine lady. Isa says you should kiss the ground I walk on. They trade more insults and finally Mari says Ceci is the lady, not you. Don’t mess with me or you’ll see who you’re messing with. Ha! says Isa. Your mother dumped you in an orphanage! Mari makes fists, and Isa, seeing she’s scored a bullseye, smiles smugly and leaves. Mari plops on the bed and Cuate wags. (Yeah, wag Cuate! You were supposed to fang Stef and Mari had to do it herself.)

Now the guys are in the hot tub. Eduardo says JM will have to make some sort of decision about Mari.

Mari finds the now wrinkled photo of JM and tells Cuate that nobody is going to steal her photo of him.

Isa is talking with Ceci while Martirio stands to one side, arms folded, listening to everything. Isa says Mari’s a danger. Ceci says yes she shouldn’t have acted like that, but she’s impulsive. Stef is sitting over to the side, we now see, and Ceci takes her hand and says you’ve had the advantage of a good upbringing, you need to understand Mari and you have to forgive her. Yes Mama says Stef unsmilingly. Ceci says you have to make sure nothing like that happens again, for your father’s sake. I promise says Stef. Ceci tells Martirio again that the judge shouldn’t hear about this and Martirio says yes madam, but her eyes shift around.

Ceci and Martirio leave and Stef says to Isa did you hear that? Understand her? I’m going to destroy her. Isa pats her.

Now Ceci, with Martirio at her side is asking the nice young maid Dora if she heard about what happened. Dora says you could hear it all over the house. Ceci tells her that she and her coworkers mustn’t say anything to the judge, she doesn’t want him telling Mari off and criticizing her to JM.

As we’ve come to expect, the minute JM is mentioned, he appears onscreen. And there he is, pacing in his hotel room, his brow knitted. He is thinking back to talking with Mari while she was doing wash in the barrio and she was scared because she thought he was dead. No puede ser, he says, and sits down to his laptop.

Stef is visiting Rocio and checking out Castle San Ramon. Mayita comes down the stairs and Stef twinkles and says she has a present for her and she should close her eyes. It’s chocolate and Mayita uses Mari’s slang to thank for them. Rocio laughs. Here comes Onelia down the stairs. Introductions are made and then Rocio leaves with Mayita to help her with her homework. Onelia tells Stef to come into the sitting room.

Onelia says the room was decorated by Viv and Stef looks properly sad for about 2 seconds then says when it JM coming back? I need to set the date for my party. Onelia says what does JM have to do with you?

Rocio is helping Mayita when Mari calls and says can you come over? Something really bad happened here and I need someone to talk to. If JM were here, he’d understand. Rocio says she’ll come.

Stef tells Onelia that she’s seen JM around a lot and he’s on the guest list of invited males. Onelia rolls her eyes. Stef says Onelia’s invited too. She says she’s never had a party because she’s lived outside Mexico. She wants to know if it’s okay if he is her escort for the night, considering that he just got widowed. Onelia says most people wouldn’t bother asking her, so it’s okay. Stef slides to her knees and takes Onelia’s hand and says she’s so glad to have met her. Onelia looks her up and down with a small smile.

Mari is in the Minicooper with Rocio who seems to have abandoned her visitor and her niece. Mari tells her Stef slapped her. Rocio says now be honest – why? Mari hesitates, then plunges in and tells about the photo, followed by a lively account of the ensuing fight and Ceci’s arrival to stop it. Rocio says did you say she slapped your first? Mari says no. Ceci says why not and Mari said Ceci was saying all kinds of things and I just zipped my lip.

Rocio says you should have told her! Where is the photo? Mari is happy and says I have it and nobody’s going to get it. Rocio says you really like JM? Mari doesn’t say anything.

Stef is getting a manicure and haircut at a fancy salon and she’s loving it. She tells her aunt, whose manicure is drying, about her visit with Onelia and how Onelia started out very cold about JM attending her party and how she (Stef) charmed her and now it’s okay that JM is her escort. Isa approvingly says you’re maybe even worse than I am. They high-five. Stef says she’ll work on her so that the day she finds out Stef is marrying her son-in-law, she’ll be happy. They both decide that they deserve a salon like this.

Mari tells Rocio that JM has helped her, understood her, supported her. How could she not like him? Rocio says let’s call him but Mari says no, I don’t want to bother him. I’d be so embarrassed. Rocio says how about we go to an internet café and Mari says what’s that? Rocio explains that they can e-mail him. She’ll show Mari how.

We see JM at his laptop, but he can’t concentrate.

At the internet café, Rocio is encouraging the doubtful Mari, who doesn’t know what to write. She wants to Rocio to do it. Rocio hands her a piece of paper and says here, why don’t you write it down and I’ll type it? Mari says she makes too many mistakes and her handwriting is very bad. Rocio says he’ll love whatever she sends, it’s the thought. She says write, and we’ll scan it, but Mari doesn’t know what that is. She draws a big heart.

JM’s got mail! And there is the big heart and under it in very primitive scrawl, misspelled, is I miss you a lot. Don’t forget me. JM is charmed. He smiles at the screen and says Marichuy, you love me too.

Mari asks Rocio how they send it and Rocio says it’s already there. Mari says but I didn’t hear a voice or anything. Rocio explains a bit how e-mail works and Mari is amazed. Rocio shows her how to type her name in, and Mari says she’s more scared than she was of the canoes the other day. Rocio says you need to learn to use the computer. Mari is amazed when she sees her name typed.

Eduardo comes up to JM and says why are you smiling? JM tries to close his laptop, but Eduardo opens it and looks. JM laughs that he’s been trying to forget her and here she wants him to remember her. Eduardo thinks the e-mail shows a lot of depth. The handwriting and spelling pretty much suck, he thinks, but the sentiment is lovely. They figure that Rocio helped. Eduardo wonders what message Mari is actually sending. JM says that she loves me like I love her.

Riding home in Rocio’s car, Mari thinks to herself that the idea of JM gives her butterflies.

Now JM says to Eduardo that probably it’s just that Mari has had so little kindness in her life. Eduardo says that could turn into love. JM says they are quite different and the circles he moves in are very different. Eduardo says think of Pygmalian and how JM could convert her into a lady. JM says forget it. Eduardo says wait until Mari makes it clear that she’s in love with you. JM laughs happily.

It’s evening and Ceci is sitting on the couch with Patricio begging him not to be so stern with Mari. She says that guy the other night surprised Mari. Pat tells her she’s gullible. Ceci says you didn’t give Mari a chance to talk. Pat says I don’t believe a thing now that I’ve caught her lying.

Martirio comes in and says there’s a man to see Marichuy. Pat says see? Let him in. And go get Mari. Ceci says she’s not here, and Pat is shocked. Ceci says it’s not late and she’s with JM’s sister.

It’s Adrian at the door and Pat remembers him from the police station. Adrian says JM said he could visit at JM’s place and so he’s thinking maybe he could visit Mari here. Pat says if JM said so, then okay. Ceci comes in and is much friendlier to Adrian than Pat was. Ooops – here comes Mari in the door. Pat tells them they can visit outside and asks Martirio to take them out.

Outside, Mari has to chase off Martirio who is shadowing them. She jumps into a swing and Adrian asks how she’s doing. She says she’s fine here. He notes that the judge seems very strict and then says I told him I am your novio. Mari stops swinging and looks at him. Mari pictures JM. Then she says I don’t think we’re novios. Adrian says that’s because they don’t let me see you. JM must’ve sent you here because it would save him trouble, eh? Mari says no, because it would be better for me here. She gets mad and says don’t talk bad about JM! Adrian asks what she feels for this guy who abandoned her.

She swings harder. He asks again. She says I feel thankful. Adrian says and what do you feel for me? She says it’s very different and she stalks back to the house.

Adrian runs after. Mari passes Stef in the hall and they exchange warnings, then Mari takes off and Adrian appears. Stef says hello and asks who he is. Mari’s novio, he tells her. Stef smiles and says oh, I didn’t know she had a boyfriend! and she adds it doesn’t look like Mari knows either. Adrian runs after Mari.

Padre Anselmo is repairing something and Adrian comes in. He says he saw Marichuy and they fought because he said JM had abandoned her. He wants the padre to convince her to marry him. The padre says that’s between you two, plus she doesn’t want to marry anybody. Adrian says why? and the padre says I can’t tell you because nobody knows. Dramatic closeup on the padre’s face and he intones It’s a secret.

Ceci and Stef are having breakfast outside in the garden. Stef gushes that she can’t wait for JM to come back and Ceci notes she’s pretty enthusiastic about him. Stef says she’s in love. Ceci turns serious and says but what if he doesn’t love you back? Have you thought of that? Stef looks serious. Ceci says you’re very beautiful but love isn’t about looks, it’s about understanding, etc. etc. It’s not just the physical. Stef smiles and says thank you, but I’m sure I can win his heart. Ceci says I’m glad you’re so sure. You must have inherited that from your father.

Ceci’s thoughts turn to having given up her daughter. She says to Stef are you sure you forgive me? Stef says yes, mama. Ceci says if Marichuy were my daughter, she’d feel very differently.

Mari is making her bed, letting the sheets billow. She loves her room, and she’s happy happy happy, she tells Cuate. Could it be the exuberance and resiliency of youth, we wonder, but we are wrong. She tells Cuate it’s because she’s in love.

Stef asks Ceci why she mentioned Mari. Ceci says because Mari told her a mother who would abandon her child is worse than an animal. Ceci is still shook up thinking about that and she feels ashamed. Stef comforts her and asks if she told Mari what happened with her. Ceci says no. Just then Mari comes running.

She has Cuate her arms and the poor dog looks like he’s sure rather be off sniffing trees now that he’s finally outside. Mari says she wants to talk to Ceci without “that one” there. Ceci says you can talk freely in front of my daughter. I think Mari says she wants permission to put some personal touches in her room and that Ceci says whatever you like.

Stef all sugary says she wants to fix things up with Mari. She gets up and goes over and tries to give Mari a hug, but Mari sways away. Stef is all bright smiles and says see? we’re all made up. Ceci tells Mari not to be stubborn holding a grudge. Stef aims a kiss at Mari’s forehead and smiles blindingly at Ceci. Ceci says she’s happy they’ve reconciled. Stef puts an arm around Mari’s shoulder and pets Cuate. Mari looks frozen.

Montage of Mari and Rocio checking out a fun gift shop. Mari asks if an item is expensive and Rocio says don’t worry, JM told me to take you wherever you want to go. Mari says he’s so good, how can I not like him? They exit smiling with shopping bags.

Just then Vicente the artist is driving by on his motorcycle and calls out to her and stops. She explains to Rocio that he’s a good friend who’s helped her out. He says where have you been? Are you under house arrest? How are you going to repay that psychologist, hmm? Mari indicates he should shush and introduces JM’s sister, ahem.

He wants to know if they are waiting for a taxi, and Mari pats Rocio’s Minicooper. Vicente whistles appreciatively. He wants to know when Mari is going to come pose so he can finish his painting of her. Mari says sometime and he says remember mi casa es tu casa and we are your friends. And when you come, bring your little friend. He winks at Rocio and she looks pleased. Smiles all around. Vincente drives off and Mari gives Rocio a little teasing shove.

Dora is mopping and Ceci wants to know where Mari is. Dora says she came in with packages and headed to her room.

Mari has hung some of her colorful shop findings on the walls and she is busy painting one alcove a strong green. Ceci comes in and looks a bit taken aback, but assures Mari that it’s her room. Mari says she needs some pictures on the walls. Ceci says she has some extras, but Mari politely says no thank you, not if they’re like the other boring ones in the house, she’d like to find some of her own. Ceci tells her she’ll take her to get some. Mari hands her the brush and runs off to get ready. Ceci looks around again and then seems a bit amused.

We see Mari happily romping through an outdoor art market. (Where is Ceci? I thought she was coming along.) Mari runs to Vicente’s place and knocks. Amador is trying to sleep on the couch and ignores the knocks. Mari calls out “Vicente?” and he recognizes her voice and shoots up. He’s in shorts and a T-shirt and holy cow, we see that he is a big solid block of muscles. Our little Mari doesn’t stand a chance. She has sat on the stairs to wait and Amador opens the door, grabs her and drags her in.

She tries to fight him off, but he says we’re alone now and you can’t get away. She runs across the room. He yanks off his T-shirt and says we’re going to make love now. She throws things at him. He grabs her and says I’m going to make you happy, you’re never going to forget me. She struggles frantically.

Avances: looks like Mari has shoved Amador and he’s hit his head and is out cold, or maybe dead. Vicente comes in and says what have you done, Marichuy??


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