Thursday, October 23, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Thurs., Oct. 23 - Things are revealed at the beach house

Andrés is so furious with PJ/S that he grabs something that he is going to smash onto PJ/S's head .

Fortunately, Azur barks and distracts Andrés. Good dog.

Ángela pooh poohs Antonio's suggestion that PJ could have come back in Salvador's body.

Much to Andrés' annoyance, Isabel ogles PJ/S on the plane trip. Vicky is not a good traveler.

Simón finds the new hot Valeria playing the piano and romance is born.

Okaaay! Now the good stuff. Isabel sends for PJ/S so they can go on a drive around the area. Andrés is sleeping.

Got to love the headband.

Isabel and PJ/S end up on a beach alone. PJ/S is shirtless and Isabel can barely keep from drooling.

She suggests PJ/S might like a swim.

PJ/S takes off his pants in the water and apparently wasn't wearing any underwear. He throws the pants back onto the beach and Mario jumped a little too far out of the water and there had to be a digital coverup. We can enjoy what we got.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

QE, Wednesday 10/22 (#86): The Divine Light's batteries run down

Lorena and Alonso sit down in the restaurant and smooch. Then they have a nauseating conversation about how a crummy little place can have the tastiest food. (Just in case anyone forgot that these two aren't fancy and materialistic.) Sara watches them kiss again and says to herself, out loud, that they'd better enjoy it while they can because it's not going to last.

Ivan asks Ern how it went last night. Ernesto tells Ivan his intel was bad - Lorena and Alonso are engaged. He admits that he lost her due to his own idiocy, and he can't top what Alonso did for her (the DNA thing). He's going to have to forget her, though he's not sure if he can. His womanizing days are over. It'll be awful hard to fill the hole that Lorena left.

Alonso catches Sara staring at them and asks Lore if she wants to leave. Lore's willing to ignore her. She doesn't want to hide, but she thinks it must really hurt Sara to see them together, because (Lorena says) the only sincere thing she ever did in her life was fall in love with Alonso. He says he'll always regret having anything to do with Sara. (She keeps looking at Sara, which is not the best way to ignore her!)

They kiss again and tuck into their breakfast. Sara comes over and says to them what she said to herself before, "enjoy your 15 minutes of glory because I don't think you'll last that long." She taunts them about all the nights she spent at his side and says that as long as she's alive, they won't be happy.

Lorena follows her out (over Alonso's protests). Their cute conversation, paraphrased:

Sara: You came here to throw your relationship in my face.
Lore: Alonso never stopped loving me, even when he was with you.
Sara: Well, let's see if you can improve on my performance between the sheets! I doubt you can make him quiver* the way I did!" (Actually the dictionary says estremecer="shudder" but that translation struck me as way too funny for this situation...)
Lore: You must be very sad, knowing that the whole time he was kissing you, the man you loved was thinking of me.
Sara: You won't be able to forget what he did to you.
Lore: That's because you don't know how to love. I'm going to marry him, and we'll make up for all the time we wasted thanks to your miserable intrigue. And I'm warning you, you're going to pay for what you did.
Sara: You got to your parents after I did; you're going to be with Alonso after me; you're just leftovers.
Lore: I feel sorry for you. I've got a family, boyfriend, job. You're just going to be bitter and lonely.

Then they trade threats, and Lorena warns that Sara's going to end up in jail.

Lore goes back into the restaurant, and Alonso expresses some more regrets and swears up and down that he loved her then and he still does. Lore says that's Sara's punishment.

Sara walks down the street, once again talking out loud (never heard of thought-bubbling?) that she's losing everything. She can't even pay for a taxi. She has to take the bus. Sweet!

Magda complains that the batteries on their Divine Light of Good Fortune are running low. She and Efrain squabble over which of them does more work. She thinks it's time to get rid of that Jacqueline; maybe have one of the spirits tell her to go on a mission to Patagonia!

Just then, Jacqui comes in beaming; she's still wearing that same pink dress. I would have spilled sooooo much food on that thing by now, but on her it still looks clean and crisp. Magda asks her if she's sure she wants to go on with them, living a life of hardship and sacrifice. J-girl is sure! She will do whatever the Divine Light of asks of her In that case, Magda tells her, she must go north on foot and find a woman named Eufrosina who just lost her husband and wants to communicate with him. She needs their help!

Magda has no advice as to how Jacqui will recognize this woman, but gives some crazy directions on how to get there. She tells Jacqui to bring the woman back when she finds her someday.

After Jacqui leaves, Magda and Efrain crack up laughing that she fell for that old trick. Efrain recalls that they tried that one on someone else three years ago, and she hasn't come back yet!

Meanwhile, Sara tries to get severance pay from the TV show. The manager reminds Sara that she doesn't deserve severance because she QUIT. Sara says they made her quit. The manager says Sara signed her resignation. Sara threatens to sue. The manager tells her she'll just waste her time and money.

Ernesto shows up to do his show, and Sara yells at him for not being man enough to keep Lorena from going back to Alonso. He tells her she's got no right to yell at him, and he knows what kind of person she is and he's not going to fall for her game. Lorena's where she wants to be. Furthermore, he doubts that Alonso would go back to Sara if she were the last woman on earth! Who would? She's a liar and a cheat. And then he walks away from her.

Lorena notes that Zulema seems nervous. She thinks it's because of the operation, but Zulema says she thinks Omar is fooling around with someone else because he's being cold and distant. Lore doesn't believe it, but Zulema says their life is boring and tedious after years of routine. Lorena suggests that Zule call him and ask him out on a date.

So Zulema calls the office, and Greta says oh! You just missed him! He's gone out with clients. Zulema cluelessly thanks her. Then Unregretful tells D'ohmar what just happened, and he loves it. He even says she was so hot at the wedding he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Blech. She's ready to start partying.

Jacqui returns to the Divine Light etc. and announces that the spirit guided her right to Eufrosina and she's going to come in tomorrow! Magda and Efrain are practically speechless. Magda says there are two more missions, but they're going to let her take a break first!

Diana puts the baby to bed, and Vasco says he's been waiting for a chance to tell her that he loves her and Saulito. She says she needs to recover from all she's been through with Bruno. He agrees to be patient.

Zulema's getting ready for bed. She's not happy about D'ohmar's "night job." Lorena wants her mother to cut him some slack and he's probably exhausted from working such long hours. Yeah, sure, THAT'S why he's so tired... Zulema agrees she's being unfair, assuming the worse. Lorena's got a date with Alonso. Zulema gets gloomy and says she hopes Lorena isn't left with nothing more than happy memories. Lorena says that when Zule gets her cute old figure back, Daddy will go nuts. (Again, focusing on the presumed cosmetic benefit of the surgery rather than the urgent need to lose weight quickly.)

Lorena and Alonso go someplace and jump up and down to music. Lorena looks for a bathroom and spots Daddy and the skank sucking face in a dark corner.

He tells Greta he feels strange - he hasn't been to a place like this in years. (Gee, if only there had been some woman in his life who would have liked to go places with him.) Greta tells him to relax and enjoy their night.

Alonso is still bouncing alone to the music when Lore comes back, crying, and wants to leave. He assumes that she saw Ernesto. As usual, instead of just explaining "I saw my dad kissing a some creepy girl" she acts all mysterious and insists that he take her home.

Betina unwraps her ankle. It looks pretty good, considering. She gets off the bed and very carefully practices her dance moves.

Finally, when Lore gets home, she tells Alonso what she saw. She cannot understand why her father would do this.

Ivan gets home and says Betina's not going to dance at the contest tomorrow, but she's still going to be there to support him. Ern supposes her family (meaning Alonso) will be there too. Ivan says he'll understand if Ern doesn't want to go. Ern says they're all going to be there for him.

Alonso says there's no excuse for what he did, but she should still listen and try to understand. She's angry. She's not sure how she's not going to yell at him, but she agrees to listen. He's sorry he can't help. She says his support helps more than he knows. She gets out of the car.

Beti calls Alonso and asks him to take her to the dance contest tomorrow. She wants to be there even if she can't compete. He's not sure it's a good idea, but he agrees to do it.

D'ohmar is surprised to find Lorena waiting up for him when he comes home. "I've been waiting for you," she says sadly. He says he was out with clients. She tells him to stop lying - she knows he has a lover, she saw them kissing at the disco. She insists that they go somewhere else to talk, because she doesn't even want to discuss this in the house.

Bruno comes home and flings something at Sara that doesn't look big enough to be food, but he says he got it from the cafeteria at the hospital. She says she's not a dog for him to throw food at. He begs to differ.

She complains about the crummy way they're living, and he tells her to get a job. That way they'll be able to rent something better. She wants to get her revenge first. He suggests that she get ready to look for a job soon, then, because the fat lady is having her operation the day after tomorrow.

Omar admits that he's been having a thing with his coworker for a few weeks. He says he loves Zulema, but Lore says that's a strange way to show it! Zulema adores him, he's the love of her life, and she's noticed his distant attitude. "I suppose you went for this woman only because of her appearance, right? Or worse yet, you're in love?" He assures Lorena that it's just a fling and his family is more important. He didn't want to hurt them.

Lorena tells him to do the right thing and break it off. He promises to end it tomorrow morning and never cheat again. They agree they don't want Zulema to be hurt by knowing about this.

Bruno assures Sara that whatever's to go wrong with Zule's operation has already been set up. She tries to reward him with sex, but he rejects her and says she's like a horny tramp (or something like that). She likes the challenge, he protests again, she slaps him, it looks like he's going to hit her, she gets even more excited, and then he says "quit talking, you know how to turn me on!"

It's a big day at the Temple of the Divine Light of Good Fortune; the seance is about to begin. Efrain wants to know what Magda's found out about Eufrosina. Apparently she wasn't very talkative and Magda wasn't able to search her bag, but the woman's husband's name was Aquino. Efrain's not worried; he'll just play it by ear.

Efrain and Magda join Jacqui, Eufrosina, and a few other people at the table. Efrain puts on some theatrics and starts calling to Eufrosina in a growly voice. She's really happy to hear from her husband - so she can ask him where the hell he hid the deed to their house! The spirit of Quino says these worldly things are nothing compared to his love for her.

E: Huh? Our parents arranged the marriage and we hated each other!
Q: Oh, I loved you, you just didn't know it.
E: You hid it really well, with all your lovers. Cut the crap, tell me where those papers are!
Q: I'll tell you, but first you must show me that you don't care about material things.
E: We're going to have tests? Okay, What's your name?
Q: Q... Quino Joaquin.
E: And what was the name of your cat?
Q: ...Bolita?

Eufrosina gets up and smacks Efrain. Her husband's full name was Aquirino and he was allergic to cats. She calls them a bunch of charlatans and storms out. Jacqui is indignant. They made a fool of her! Magda tries to blame evil forces for the seance's failure, but I guess even Jacqui has her limits. She leaves and mutters aloud to herself in the street (again, not a thought-bubbler) that she's now without friends, money, or dignity. "Now what will become of me?

At the hospital, Lore tells Alonso how it went with her father. And now here's Zulema for her final pre-op checkup. (Bruno eavesdrops.) Alonso promises a quick recovery and then she'll feel great!

Omar tells Regreta that Lore saw them. She's relieved to hear that Lore won't tell Zulema, but she sort of misses the point and think it means that they need to be more careful. He's like um, no, we're done. Getting caught opened his eyes. She tries to talk him out of it, "but I loooooove you." He picks his family over her. She says he's selfish and instead of punishing himself, he should know that he's not happy with his wife. He pushes her away and tells her to back down. She gives up and says she was really happy with him.

That evening, Omar tells Lore it's all done. Then Zule comes in, happy that she just ate a big plate of enchiladas for the last time!

Pretend that I don't throw a fit over this because it's a perfect example of how Zulema never even TRIED to control her diet; and you're especially not supposed to eat anything before an operation! The anesthesia can make you barf... Man, they make this surgery sound like it's like getting your ears pierced!

Omar says he's sad that after this operation, he won't be able to call her his little fatty anymore. She says he can call her "momia" (mummy) because she'll be all bandaged up. Alonso shows up and says Zule should be resting up for the surgery. Omar agrees and says it's not as simple as going to the dentist.

Jacqui ends up at the convent, says she's a sinner and she's led an empty life and wants to change. She wants to turn her life around and help people. The nun has mercy on her and lets her in. The convent door closes and that is probably the end of J-girl's story.

Alonso examines Beti's ankle backstage at the dance contest. "I don't know what you did, but it looks much better." He's not sure if she can dance on it or not, but he'll bandage it up tightly and she can try.

Ern shows up with the little kids and has to sit in the same row as Betina's family and Lorena and Alonso. Lore is sad she can't say hi to the kids.

Beti and Ivan dance first. We see more of the audience than we see of the kids, especially Ernesto glowering at Lorena and Alonso. The kids do fine, Beti's foot doesn't fly off, and they get a standing ovation. (Sadly, there's no sign of the Mean Girl gnashing her teeth.) They make the semifinals, but the other couple gives an anemic performance. Beti and Ivan win the trophy and 25,000 pesos ($1,824 at today's exchange rate). Their families run up to congratulate and hug them. Ernesto gives Lore a pained look over Ivan's shoulder. Gina asks who "that man" is. Alonso introduces himself as Betina's uncle.

Paula takes a picture of the whole gang. Lorena is making a miserable face while her two suitors glare at one another behind her.

Next morning, Zulema gets a good-luck call from Julian on his honeymoon and tells him not to worry. Diana gives Zule a blessing. Omar hangs around awkwardly in the background and doesn't say anything.

Now Zulema's on the table. Everyone's in sexy blue Tyvek gowns. Alonso says she's going to breathe in the anesthetic, and by the time she wakes up they'll be all done. They put the mask on her face. "Don't worry! It's going to go great!"

Sara's upset that Bruno's at home instead of at the hospital. He says he did everything yesterday, and all they have to do is wait. He put expired drugs in a fresh package. The expired drugs will cause something like an allergic reaction that will affect multiple crucial functions. She'll go into shock almost immediately. It's the worst thing that can happen to a doctor. Sara is pleased.

Indeed, Zulema's heartbeat is already speeding up and she's having trouble breathing. Alonso cancels the procedure and orders 3 cc's of some other drug.

Mexico airdate: 8 de septiembre
Next time: I'm guessing the other drug doesn't work either, because Zulema flatlines.


Cuidado con el Angel, October 22, 2008

We start with a recap of JM, Stephi and Ceci talking about what happened the night before with MC and the man she claims was in her room.

JM congratulations Ed about the upcoming wedding to his cousin. Ed can't wait to establish a life with her and to start having kids. Stephi walks up to the receptionist asking for JM and comes face to face with Israel and dismisses him with a wave of her hand. Stephi walks in JM's office and sees the invitation for Ed's wedding. She then comments on how the bride must be very happy and so will she when they set the date for their wedding. JM tells her to pick a date.

Padre Anselmo is outside talking to Adrian about the incident last night at the Velares house. At that moment Isa pulls up and tells the Padre as promised she has come to talk to him.

Back in JM's office Stephi is estatic about picking a date and JM then decides to call Israel into his office to talk about the incident that happened the day before between Stephi and him.

Isa walks into Padre Anselmo's office and says that she has come to explain what happened last night. The Padre says that he is listening and will not run her off. (he's p'od about what happened and is sarcastic to her). Isa asks for his forgiveness about her behavior. She goes on to say that Patricio was in a foul mood about MC and her bad behavior which has created tension in the house. She says that MC friends are no longer permitted to visit her even the Padre. She advises the Padre to wait until MC comes to him and not to return to the house.

Mayita is upstairs in the attic with her other abuela. Abuela is telling her a story about a donkey.

JM is talking to Israel and Stephi about the incident and says it is not important? He offers Israel an apology which pisses Stephi. She apologizes to Israel and he apologizes to her. JM says that they must get along as she will be his wife. Stepi asks JM if he has a calender and as he goes to ring his secretary, she insists on retrieving it herself. She walks into reception and gets the calender then informs Israel that the only reason she apologized was for JM and that she does not like him. Israel says I don't like you either. She walks back into JM's office and is going thru the calender and asks if the 26th of next month is good for him. He says perfect and she kisses him. (Is it me or do you find her constantly calling him "mi amor" sickening and her constant affection nauseating)?

We come back from break with Isa coming into the house and Patricio looking for her to tell her that he has set a trap for MC. He then proceeds to tell her what he did and where he set the trap at. Patricio asks Isa to invent a reason for MC to go into his room. She sneaks into his bedroom and removes the money off the dresser and as an after thought takes Ceci's favorite perfume.

Stephi goes to visit Onelia and tells her that they have set the date for the wedding. Rocio and Mayita are taking a stroll in the garden. Stephi tells Mayita that she will be marrying her dad and that she will be her new mommy.

MC is in the kitchen feeding the dog and Isa asks MC to put roses in Ceci's room since she and Stephi have an arrangement and Ceci does not. MC gladly accepts the roses and rushes off. Isa goes to tell Patricio that she has sent MC into his bedroom. The trap has been set. MC walks in the bedroom singing to herself and arranging the roses in the vase when she accidentally knocks over the wallet. As she is picking it up along with some leaves, Patricio walks in and asks her what is she doing? She says you scared me and I was just arranging the roses and he asks why she had his wallet in her hands. MC response is that she knocked it off the dresser by accident and leaves. Patricio picks up his wallet and notices that money is missing.

Stephi tells Isa that the wedding date has been set. As they are walking down the hall they come across Patricio who says that MC stole money from him. Isa convinces him to set another trap just to make sure.

MC goes out to the garden to get more classes from Adrian. He asks MC if she has done what he has asked of her. He comes across JM's name written in the notebook 50 times.

Ceci is in her bedroom looking for her favorite perfume and thinks that she left it in the bathroom. Patricio tells her not to look that basically MC took it along with the money. He calls her a theif. Ceci defends MC saying you cannot accuse someone of theft without proof. He says he caught her. Stephi interupts them and tells them that she has set a wedding date.

Isa and Stephi are talking in the hallway and Isa has another trick to make MC look bad.

Padre and Cande are shucking corn and talking about what happened the night before when Padre went to visit MC.

MC says goodbye to Adrian and JM drives up. MC wants to talk to JM, but JM wants to move his car. MC insists that he leaves it and grabs his hand and they run down the lawn. MC wants to know when JM is going to teach her and he says he would like to, but does not have time. MC says that you will have less time when you marry. Have you picked a date yet? Next month answers JM. "Wow, that's quick. So are you taking me to live with you too?" asks MC.

At Elsa' house we see her sitting with her parents qho are asking her about what she wants to live. She does not care and tells her parents whatever they want. The maid comes in and informs Elsa that Nelson is here to see her.

Isa is in the dining room putting oil around the rim of the centerpiece.

JM says that you want to live with me? That cannot happen. Other things are said, but the important thing is that she is hugging him and he wraps his arms around her and as Stephi and Patricio are walking and talking in the garden they come across this scene. MC asks are you going to take me to your house? JM tells her that they will talk about it another day. Just then Patricio and Stephi walk up to them and JM stands up quickly looking very uncomfortable. MC does not notice and says that she will bring her wedding gift to them and runs to her room.

Ceci is confiding to Isa about what Patricio has said about MC and that he has set another trap. Isa asks where and Ceci tells her. MC runs in and informs them that she is getting the wedding gift for JM and Stephi and will be right back.

Nelson calls Elsa over and asks if she is really marrying Ed.

Rocio and Onelia are talking about Stephi. Rocio does not believe that Mayita is happy about Stephi being her new mommy. Onelia disagrees with her and is only happy that JM is not hooking up with MC. Rocio takes up for MC and Onelia says the only reason you like her is because of her friend (Vicente). Rocio then tells her off.

JM, Stephi and Patricio are talking about who's going to pay for the wedding. MC shows up with her gift. JM says that this is original and Stephi says that it looks expensive. JM leaves with Stephi accompanying him and Ceci says it's time for lunch and she will inform the kitchen staff. Isa says no, let MC do it. Then proceeds to accompany her. Isa tells MC to get the centerpiece off the dining table and as she picks it up, it slides out of her hands and falls to the floor. Ceci is upset and Paticio says if MC knows how expensive that centerpiece was. MC says that she will pay for it. Patricio asks with what money. The money that you stole?

Tomorrow: Another fight!!!


Fuego, Wed., Oct. 22: It just goes to show you that losing your mind can be healthy, remedial, and productive.

Buenas noches a todos.

It’s been two weeks since I’ve watched this god-forsaken show, and I’m just not the same; I almost completely regained my sanity.

It does my heart good to see little Sofia moseying around town with her “Se Busca” fliers. I won’t even comment on how they were produced in a town with no ink cartridges. To her demise, nobody’s seen the guy. I think I saw some people grin when they found out Juan was missing. Then the one old guy breaks it to her softly: Sofia—Juan’s been gone for what seems like weeks (though it’s difficult to say because nobody around here has grasped the concept of time) and he’s not comin’ back. I swear to the Virgin, nobody’s seen your daughter or Juan. What does Sofia do? She crouches down in agony and constipation and clinches her teeth: (to the Virgin) you’re a mother, so help me find my daughter. We’ve seen this so many times I should write it down, produce it en mase, and distribute “Sofia’s Prayer” to all my Catholic friends and neighbors.

Oh my God. I can seriously say (not without a smile, though) that I never expected our little Juan to become a health-care seminar leader and motivational speaker. I’m telling you; it was the water and the tight jeans that really characterized the former Juan. Think “Rocky” locker-room pep-talk meets Dr. Phil: We must maintain our health and listen to every word the lady doctor says. But the witch doctor says she’s evil. Screw him! says Juan—he couldn’t even cure that one girl. Not true; it’s the girl doctor’s fault. Nope. Juan is one of us, he respects our tribal customs, says a man who is definitely not an indigenous person. Yeah right says Witch Doctor. Well, you know the laws of the tribe; now you must fight. If you don’t accept, you’ll have to leave and never come back (doesn’t give the guy much of an option). Gee, I think I played a similar game when I was eight years old, and even then I thought it was stupid. Just goes to show you that living in huts in the middle of forests was and continues to be detrimental to modern humanity.

Speaking of adolescent games, it’s tea time at Gramps’s tree house and Sofia explains that Fernie has become even more ambitious, if that’s possible, since he has become Gabi’s sole heir. I’m really worried about Mom, says Sofia. Since when does she give a rat’s patooty about her mother? Then she tells Gramps that Damian has been like an angel sent from Heaven above. Who’s Damian Ferrer? Oh, look, there he is now! I had so much respect for him until he saluted Gramps. I’m telling you, it’s the water. Anyway, he tells Gramps that he raises horses, always tells the truth, and is in love with Sofia. Puh-lease, that’s like the oldest line in the book. But, you know Gramps, who pretty much wrote that book. Naturally, Gramps is impressed, Sofia’s embarrassed, and Damian’s relieved. Do you know the story of Sofia? Please don’t tell it—we hear about it every night. Gramps relates that Sofia WAS in love with Juan Reyes. Thank God, Damian stops him, and says he, like us, knows all about it.

Ding, ding, ding. And in this corner, weighing in at 275 lbs. (all bark and no bite, oh, wait, that’s the dog show) Juan R-r-r-reyes! You have to win Juan; my dying daughter depends on it. No pressure, no pressure. And in the other corner, weighing in at 150 lbs. (he’s got a bandana, and no shirt—what else can I say? He just looks tough) The Wi-wi-wi-witch Doctor! Of course, tribal law dictates that we can’t start until the master of ceremonies flings some smelly stuff onto the dirt fighting grounds. Juan, tapping into his machismo side, takes off his shirt as well, but you never turn your back to the storm! Just then, WD attacks like a ragging little bull, jumps on Juan’s back, and goes for the eyes—just like in tae-kwon-do classes. They both fall back, but WD gets up and kicks Juan where it counts a few times. Juan tries to get up, but he can’t see! WD punches him some more, and then raises his arms in victory. It’s all over folks! But wait, there’s a bucket of water, which replenishes Juan’s thirst and heals his blindness. Now the triumphant music plays and Juan punches WD square in the face. He picks him up and defiantly delivers him to two bystanders. As the WD stands there, Juan declares his defeat and tells them that everyone has to be vaccinated. All told, the WD put up a better fight and delivered more blows, but you know me, the eternal cynic. Now the mayoral figure will symbolically lead the effort by vaccinating himself first. Woohoo for making strides toward civilization.

Fernie is basically ripping all the ranch workers new asses. Why did you let them go, they were at the point of provoking a tragedy. They claim that they acted in the best interest of the girls. I really have no clue what they’re talking about. To say that Fernie is berserk is an understatement, so just imagine his fury when he tells his workers to get water to his ranch come Hell or high water. You gotta love the pathetic extra who smirks when Fernie has his tantrums.

So, is it any surprise that Gramps loves Damian? However, he tells the kid close, but no cigar; he’s too late and won’t be able to conquer Sofia’s heart. Gramps, you know that I only think about my daughter, says Sofia. Not to worry, I’m not a man who gives up easily, says Damian. It’s moments like these that make me want to rewrite and therefore revolutionize Mexican telenovelas. Gramps insists that he get to know Damian, because y’all know what happened when they didn’t get to know Fernie the last time love was in the air. Well, that was sort of the point…

Things are going smashingly well with the vaccinations. This scene evokes so many questions: with what is she injecting them, are the needles sterile, how did she obtain the vaccinations, who paid for them, etc., etc.

Why does this Nestor Miranda character always play the doctor in everything? It’s as old as, well, this telenovela. Anyway, Gabi is sure to remind him that Sofia is a false, conniving, calculating bitch who tries to get everyone on her side. This reminds me of someone else we know. But the doctor doesn’t buy it and tells her that she’s wrong, and Sofia really cares for her mother, so take that. No! She deceived you, just like everyone else. Nestor gives Gabi a little sermon about loving her children, and you know the story by heart, inside out, and upside down.

Oh, God, don’t tell me that Jimena is pulling a Hugo (ADCLS). Granted, I’ve missed a lot, but that’s just low even for her. Anyway, she was up and about one second, and then she uses her “illness” as a pretext to manipulate poor Eva’s fragile, fragile feelings. Bitch. As Eva is street walking down Memory Lane Jimena cries and jerks her head some; nobody in a coma moves that much, nobody. Now that she’s blown her cover she hugs Eva and apologizes; I have no earthly idea why. Why is it that every time I watch this damn show Eva, Jimena, and Sarita are ALWAYS crying, hugging, and asking each other for forgiveness?

So it’s obvious that you’re cultured, you’ve traveled the world, you’re smart, handsome, and well-behaved says Gramps to Damian (who reminds me of myself). Then the question we all ask ourselves: why the hell did you come to live here? The answer: he lost his wife and kids, and it’s been nearly impossible to start over again. I’ve never lost my wife and kids (nor do I have any), but if I did, I probably wouldn’t move to remote regions of Mexico in order to start anew.

Gabi hassles Nestor (that’s not his name, but a rose by any other name smells as sweet) about playing into the hands of Sofia. Well, ma’am, in my long, successful career as a cardiologist, I’ve seen cases where people think they have heart conditions, when really they have problems with their souls. But this doesn’t move Gabi, and she sure as hell doesn’t need his services. One last diagnose: you’re selfish, and manipulative, but if you ever want to change, look me up. He’s full of clichés, isn’t he? I swear I’ll never look you up, even if I’m dying. Sofia Sofia! You always turn people against me; damn you!

Sofia’s and Damian’s leisure walk is interrupted by Pablito, who tells Sofia that Capricho has gone missing again—can no one get the damn horse a leash?—and he probably went looking for Juan. There’s a better chance that Capricho falls down the well and Juan finds him, than Capricho finding Juan.

You know, I’ve always loved and admired Juan for his ethereal ability to bounce back and roll with the punches. Sure he was blinded, kicked around, and beat-up, but you’d never know it. Maybe it’s that vaccine, which leads me to another question… Oh boy, so Juan tells his assistant, who for all we know could be a doctor too, that all he could think about was the one guy’s “niña.” Juan then asks himself why he feels connected to her; who is she? Well, I’ll say this much; her name is “mi niña” and your script writers made it a special point to question her existence.

So Sofia has it in her pretty little head that Capricho is missing because Juan came back for him, and Franco and Oscar are complicit in Juan’s crime of stealing his own daughter. I’m gonna say this: it’s traumatizing enough to lose your baby fresh out of the womb, so why the hell aren’t local authorities, for lack of a better term, doing all they can to find the baby? Hell, when a local police officer kidnapped (and later killed) a pregnant mother of 8 months in my suburban community, every relief organization and representatives from the FBI were looking for the kid until they found her. I guess reality just doesn’t sell—it’s not sexy.

So Capricho is trying to take Juan home, but Juan has no clue what’s going on, and pulls the horse by its snout in the opposite direction. It’s odd that when the horse wants something he has no problem articulating his desires, but when Juan wants something, the horse is as stupid as a horse.

Damian tells Sofia that he really admires her, and will stand by her side for the long haul. It’s painfully obvious that he’s been watching too many telenovelas.

Now Pablito is Juanito, that is, he’s the head baker, and wants to bake Sofia something that will never let her forget about Juan. Isn’t it funny that in his old life, Juan didn’t give two shits about hygiene in the kitchen, but now he wants to vaccinate everyone. Just goes to show you that losing your mind, literally, can be healthy and productive.

Comment: the extras/indigenous tribe people are laughably pathetic. Remember that Juan can’t do anything without brute force, so how the hell are these people not fazed whatsoever by the injections? I’m just saying, if you’re gonna show close-ups on their faces, they should at conceal their smiling countenances.

So apparently the doctorcita is sick with whatever everyone else had, and she really needs the injection. If you were the doctor giving everyone the injections, and you knew there was a plague going around, wouldn’t you give yourself the injection before you reached the brink of death? Well, the point is, she didn’t, and the one guy comes in for revenge and a quickie, and then throws all her medications on the floor. They were still in their boxes, so that doesn’t mean you can’t still save yourself honey. Whatever…

Gramps catches Fernie stealing, yet again, and Fernie denies it. He must be a very confused individual because his interior monologue tells him that he is stealing, but he tells everyone on the outside that he’s not stealing.

So Gabi is sitting in front of a mirror and hyperventilating. She flashes back to her times in the graveyard/pit when she couldn’t get out. She wants to thank the person who came up to her and told her it would be okay. Whatever it takes to heal…
Then, Gramps accuses Fernie of setting up the burry-Gabi-alive ordeal, and tells Gabi that Fernie arranged it all better than Napoleon or Alexander the Great could have done. Like I said, I missed two weeks, so I assume this is why she was “ill.” Of course, Gabi doesn’t believe a word and apologizes to Fernie. But then again, she wants to talk to Fernie seriously. That will never happen…

How cute, Pablito made Sofia a little “S” cookie. Sofia immediately thinks it was Juan, and holds the cookie as if it were Juan’s own heart. Then she takes a sensual bite and remembers their first kiss, their first sexual experiences, and we’ll save the rest for cable. I wish my cookies would evoke such passion. “Juan’s back!” Not quite, honey…

Tomorrow: Damian tells Franco and Oscar that he isn’t there to create hate and animosity, and furthermore, he is prepared to marry Sofia. Well, they’re not too happy about Damian moving in on their brother’s gal, so they resent Damian. Hot diggity, doesn’t this description get you hot and bothered and jazzed for another episode?


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues, & Wed., Oct. 21 & 22 - Isabel & Andrés get married and no one is happy

PJ/S runs into Valeria returning from her humiliating meeting with Andrés. Like everyone except Isabel and Andrés, she says that he reminds her of PJ. When PJ/S asks if she was fond of PJ, Valeria says that she loved him secretly. PJ/S is moved and sheds a tear at this. He tells Valeria that in memory of PJ, she has to demand the respect owed to her and not run away. He says that the next time he looks into her eyes, he wants to see the real Valeria.

Something bad must be going to happen at the beach house because people keep wanting PJ/S to assure them that he will come back from there. Here is it Gaetana. Later, Ángela says that she has feeling that PJ/S won't come back.

The happy bride appears.

PJ/S's reaction.

At the altar

The bride is having flashbacks to the sex in the rain with PJ/S during the service.

The happy couple (and their chauffeur) after the wedding.

You only need PJ/S to give you advice and you change your life around completely. Valeria comes down the stairs as a perfectly made up and beautiful woman full of self confidence. Everyone is impactada.

PJ/S has a spiffy new uniform for the beach house. Rebeca comes to tell him how unfair it is that Isabel is taking him away from her and that she can't live without him.

Walter can't resist stealing a wallet from a guest at the wedding.

When Andrés can't get Isabel to change her mind about taking PJ/S on their honeymoon, Andrés says that he will get PJ/S to resign. Andrés confronts PJ/S and tells him to resign or he will throw him out in front of all the guests. "Go ahead and try," says PJ/S.

Here is Soledad from La Traicíon in her black wedding dress.


Cuidado Con El Ángel #22, 21 Oct 08 Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

It is a dark night in the DF. Marichuy is nestled all snug in her bed, while visions of sugarplums or quite possibly Juan Miguel, who could be considered a sugarplum, dance in her head. Her door opens and closes, and a dark figure approaches her bed, accompanied by ominous music. Cuate is alarmed and awakens Mari, who screams and dives around and crawls under the bed to avoid the shadowy figure in the hat and cape.

Pat and Ceci are sitting in bed when they hear the screams. Patricio looks annoyed, because you know those orphans, they are always screaming in the night just to make his life difficult. They think she’s just having nightmares again and sit around discussing it calmly for a minute before Ceci finally gets up to go check on Mari. The witches get up, too. By the time they all get there, Mari is hiding under the covers screaming and there is no one else in the room.

Elsa eats a late dinner with my telenovio Eduardo in Benihana or its Mexican equivalent. She thinks JM must be angry at Mari about the party dustup, Ed says no. Elsa doesn’t understand why he’s engaged to Estefanía; she thought he liked Marichuy. Join the chorus, honey. Eduardo says he does, but there is too much class difference between them. He says that totally straight-faced, as though in any universe that would be a reason to marry Stef. Then he mentions sending out their wedding invitations and she looks grim, and the expression intensifies when he reminds her that she won’t be working at the theater anymore after they’re married. Why? Is being married to him such a demanding job that one can’t fit in some theater work? I may have to reconsider.

Ceci tries to comfort Marichuy as they sit in her bed, where she has pulled the sheets off for more to hide under. Mari tells them about the man in the hat, but they think she was dreaming. Stef tries to get Ceci to abandon Mari, but Mari begs her not to leave. Stef and Martirio smirk at each other.

Adrián helps Candelaria with the laundry as he tells her about the classes he’s giving Marichuy. He says she’s smart and eager to learn, but Cande says he must not know her; she’ll lose interest in two days. Adrián thinks she’s wrong.

Martirio and Stef finally leave. In the hall they run into Isa, dressed all in black with a hat and cape. Where’s your broom, witch? Ceci stays with Marichuy until she falls asleep. The three witches cackle hysterically in Stef’s room.

The next day, doctors JM and Ed enter their office, where some secretary lady and Israel, who does apparently work there, give them the day’s info. Seems today is pro bono day.

Marichuy is in the orchard where the apples are always ripe, petting the docile deer, while the birds braid her hair and the mice make her a dress for the ball. The first parts, anyway. The gardener gives her a rose.

Cecilia is in Stef’s room arranging her necklaces on strange ceramic heads when Mari comes in with a basket of roses and a vase, joking like she is selling tamales, which makes Ceci laugh. Mari admires the necklace Ceci is holding (she says “chido”, cool) and Ceci lets her hold it and tells her it’s very valuable. Marichuy says if she had a necklace like that she could sell it and buy lots of things. Oh, it’s the heirloom necklace.

Stef enters the curaloco office where the secretary and Israel are working. Israel asks if she has an appointment, and she says she’s JM’s fiancée. Israel tells her she may wait if she’d like, so she sits and promptly lights a cigarette, then tries to send Israel to fetch her more. He says that’s not his job (he’s not a mandadero, errand boy) and she repeats snottily that she is the FIANCÉE of Dr. Juan Miguel San Roman. He’s still not an errand boy.

Lots of flyover footage of ocean and islands, then some divers haul Viv’s boy-toy-gone-wrong onto the beach. From the bullet holes, they brilliantly deduce that he was murdered.

In Madrid, Viviana wears a swimsuit and hangs out on the balcony drinking wine, with no regrets over the murder and excited to be starting her new life.

Stef berates Israel for not following her orders, he repeats that it’s not his job and besides, she doesn’t even say please, so she says she doesn’t have to say please to him; he works for JM and hasn’t he heard she is the FIANCÉE of Juan Miguel. He calls her out on her bad manners and she leaves, threatening to have him fired. Let’s do hope the good doctor hears all about this.

Stef arrives at home and complains to Ceci about the horrible way that office guy treated her, not quite telling the tale the way it happened. Ceci just tells her to mention it to Juan Miguel, then walks off all buddy-buddy with Marichuy, to Stef’s dismay. In her room, Stef takes out the necklace and remembers Mari’s comment about how expensive it is.

Patricio tells Isabela that some money is missing from his desk. She suggests that maybe Ceci took it, probably knowing very well that she herself took it. Pat goes out to the rose garden where Ceci and Mari are cutting roses, and Ceci tells him of course she didn’t take it. Then it has been stolen!, he says. But who could have taken it? Isa acts distraught, then suggests Marichuy as the culprit. In a shocking twist, Patricio is willing to believe that. Ceci says she would never do something like that, because she sees a difference between taking milk for starving orphans and stealing money for no reason, but Pat and Isa say, once a thief, always a thief. Ceci says no puede ser.

Isa and Stef stir their eyes of newt and wings of bats while cackling over their success in convincing Patricio that Mari stole the money. Isa gloats that he already wants to send her back to jail, but how about a final blow, the necklace? There is no crack of lightning and roll of thunder, but there should have been.

Mari sits by the fountain and calls Rocío, who is exercising by the pool at the castle. They make plans to go out.

Stef appears to be actually thinking for once, as she is ruminating on the fact that Marichuy is the real daughter of Ceci and Pat, and if they find out she’s lied to them all this time she will lose everything, including JM. Isa tells her to just work on getting the wedding happening ASAP, and leave the guacha to her. She tells her, no pierdas la cordura. Cordura means prudence or wisdom.

Mari and Rocío are shopping, apparently buying a wedding gift for the half-blissfully betrothed, and naturally just must stop for a bite at Domino’s Pizza.

JM calls Israel at the office to tell him he can leave early. JM won’t be returning to the office, he’s going to visit his novia. Speaking of which, Israel has something he wants to discuss. JM says they’ll talk in the morning. Israel and the secretary grimace at each other.

JM arrives at the mansion and Ceci says she wants to talk to him about something serious.

Rocío and Mari hear all about the fabulous pizza specials and rave at length about the delicious options. That is quality drama at ITS BEST. Finally they sit down and Rocío says she doesn’t think JM is any too enamored of Stef. Mari says she’s seen them kissing, and Rocío says of course they kiss, but so?

Ceci tells JM about Mari’s nightmares.

Mari tells Rocío about the hat-wearing person in her room in the night, and wonders if it was the same person as before. She says she wants to be able to stop being afraid, and then maybe she could fall in love, like Stef, who seems so happy. Gee, Marichuy, if only you had a curalocos to help you with that.

Ceci suggests that JM could help Mari. Hey, what an idea! She doesn’t know whether the man is real or a dream.

Elsa visits Nelson and he tells her she looks sad. He calls her “hermético” or tight-lipped, impenetrable. She says it’s because she’s neither the classy person her parents and Eduardo think she is, nor the existential hipster Nelson thinks she is. They snuggle on his bed as she dumps him and he looks devastated.

Stef complains to JM about that chavo (from what I have gleaned from internet slang dictionaries, that’s like a greaser dude, think John Travolta in Grease. I don’t see how that applies to our sweet Israel. Anyone?). She says he was rude to her and calls him majadero (stupid, annoying). She thinks he should be fired. She tells him what actually happened and he looks like he is seriously reconsidering marrying this nightmare. He says Israel isn’t an office boy; he is studying medicine.

Isa works more on convincing Pat that Mari is the thief. Pat says he’s sure of it and he will set a trap to catch her.

Stef kisses JM and Mari walks in and is all, ooh, awkward. JM looks busted and Mari says she’s going to go get their wedding gift, but JM says he wants to talk to her. ALONE. Stef is every bit as thrilled about that as you would imagine.

JM and Mari go out to the garden and JM puts his jacket on Marichuy. He asks about her nightmares. She says she’s had them for a long time, and he asks her to tell him exactly what she dreams. She flashes back to the terror in the woods but tells him about the person in her room and says that wasn’t a dream, it was real, she’s sure. He says he can help her.

Nelson drops by Vicente’s loft, where Amador is hanging out as usual. Doesn’t the wolf get lonely, and why is Vicente still putting up with this loser? Nelson is sad because Elsa is getting married at the end of the month, and Amador is as sensitive as he always is and laughs at him. Vicente tries to comfort Nelson and looks annoyed at Amador.

Marichuy tells JM about her bad dream, how a man is chasing her and she tries to flee but can’t, but stops when she gets to where the man grabs her. JM looks very concerned, but repeats that he can help her. She is sobbing, and he looks teary too.

Padre Anselmo goes to visit Marichuy. Isa hustles him back out the front door and lies to him about family problems to get him away from the house.

JM asks Mari about the man in the dream, and she tells him she never saw his face. He asks if there are any men like that in her life. Ummmm, you met him, remember, Juan Miguel? Your fist knows his face quite intimately.

JM goes inside and tells Stef why he’s worried about Marichuy. He assures Ceci that she can be helped.

Marichuy cowers in her bed and cries.


Fuego, 10/21, Tues. #122 - From the Book of the Not So Dead

Santa, I have been a very good girl this year and I want two pairs of the white pants that repel mud, that's really all I want for Christmas except for Sofia's tears to dry up for once. Oh, you're not Santa? Well that's a shame, I had a longer list. Would you mind forwarding this to Santa?

At Nervous Crises R Us Hacienda, we get a repeat of threats and counter threats about the Monster Mom with Feo, Damian and Sofia; while off in the other side of the mirror aka in the deep jungle, Doctora HotHips wonders what more indiscretions and violations of her Hippocratic oath it will take to keep Juan ignorant and stupid. Oh wait, he's already stupid so just ignorant of his identity will suit her.

At the Evil Eyes R US Medical Clinic, the herbal self flagellations don't seems to be working today on the Brujo. He threatens the frightened parents that if they mention the doomed Doctora's name again, the baby will suffer.

Doctora Hot thinks the Juan's trapping was just the misfortune of his stepping into a trap met to provide protein for a great dinner. Juan is sure the animal trap was set just for him.

As he strides down the stairs toward the door, Dr. Matasanos threatens Sofia that she is meddling with her mother who only has a nervous condition which will be fine in the morning given the two mickeys he slipped her. Sofia insists that she will call the cardiologist her mother has been seeing to get a second opinion of what is really happening to her mother . Damien tries interfere, Sofia heads out to get help from Rosendo in fetching the cardiologist who apparently doesn't have a phone either, and Damian and Feo square off with the echoing, I never threaten in vain. NeverrrrrrrrrJamasjamasjamas. Damian watches, peering around a door as Feo threatens Doctor Matasanos not to be too helpful to Gabriela and finally someone hears all of Feo's threat. Watch this come back to nettle Feo.

Juan avers, I don't know who I am. He asks Doctora about her family. She lost her mother young and her father was wonderful always laughing, he is a doctor like her. Dad dedicated all his life to her making her his princess. She doesn't know what happened, it all changed and Dad wasn't her supporter any longer. He's gone?? asks the innocent Juan who hugs the distraught Doctora.

Feo replays the damning cobarde labeling from Damian and promises himself revenge. The Cardi doctor magically appears with Rosendo in the blink of an advertisement while Damian and Sofia cuddle on the love seat waiting for him. Doctor Cardi wants to know who Sofia is, when Sofia answers, her daughter, he pounces with, do you know that you and her other daughters are the main cause of her illness and angst? Feo moves in to show the good doctor up to his wife, smiling smugly. Juan tells the doctora how much he likes her and...

Doctor Cardi declares that Gabi's pressure is dangerously high she could have an embolism at any moment. Don't aggravate her, you could kill her, he says to an abashed Sarita. Feo smirks again. See, See!

Doctora tells Juan, you don't respond to my kiss but you don't reject me. If I don't recover my memory, it would be easy to love you in the end but now If I don't respond to you, if i don't feel comfortable, I need to move on without your reproaches. Doctora is sure he will come to love her.

Doctor Cardi says, to Sofia that if she is so concerned for her mother, why do Gabi's daughters make their mother suffer so. Clearly he is playing the tape somewhere in the back of his head of Gabriela sitting in his office insisting that all her health problems are caused by her disobedient daughters. Damian defends Sofia, saying if the Dr knew her devotion he would never say such things. Dr Cardi, says you are trouble like my daughter is trouble. Sofia asks him if he always supports his daughter or only judges and condemns her. Dr. Cardi (Dad of HotLips) frowns in doubt.
Things happened and now I don't see Leonora (aka Dr. Hotlips or Hothips). Sofia rejoins with, but she is the most valuable thing you have. Do you want your daughter to life in your shadow? Can't you look for her and tell her you are proud of her Doctor Cardi frowns a lot. Sofia gets back to her favorite subject. I suffer so from the evil of a man who took my daughter from me for his egotism like yours. Unlike poor me, you have the luck to be able to seek and find your daughter What if yk\ou had her stolen for all your life? Dr. Cardi is suddenly moved by Sofia's wonderful words. She shows Dr. Cardi the picture of Juan on the wanted poster and when he wants to know who is this big hunk of a man (actually I would ask that). The next morning the Dr. either still at the Hacienda or coming back again, but it is now light. He says thanks to Slofia for her wisdom and words. She repeats her little lecture that he can't lose his daughter for pride and arrogance (soberbia) and needs to seek her.

Silvestre tells Capricho and Juan about seeing the man searching for his brother (Juan's, we aren't sure where Caprichio's brother is.) Why didn't you tell me? whines Juan. Because Hotlips said not to, admits Silvestre. Juan says I might have a brother, what the f... (Just Kidding)

Sofia is once again in the office of the commissary, we don't know which town, and he suggests maybe she should look in all the orphanages. Do you realize how many of them there are. Can you give me a complete list of every orphanage? He looks surprised, there are so many do you plan to look in all of them? (You know the answer to this). As light dawns and the choir chants heavenly, Enya-like music, Sofia suddenly changes her quest to look for all the orphans in all the orphanages in the whole world. She gets hugs from all the cute orphans. Lookng at ones that couldn't be the right age doesn't seem to keep the bells from ringing in her head (or in my head for that matter). An orphanage worker kindly suggests that none of these little tykes are the right age, duh, nor did they arrive in a blue blanket. They are so sorry they can't help her but will do everything they can to help her as they can. They are so, so sorry they repeat these same lines twice. (So you can just read them twice if you like while I get a glass of water.)

Paddy Tad comes into the bakery to greet the boyz, insists on grabbing the burning hot bread and shoving it in his mouth. Franco opines that It might not be as good as Juan's yet but they continue the fight. Paddy Tad wants their help in a religious matter, Oscar admits that they don't have much money, but asks how can they help while they wait for Juan. Paddy Tad thinks that so much time has passed that it is time to have a mass to pray for Juan's soul that needs to find rest. Franco and Oscar insist he is NOT dead so doesn't need such a mass. Paddy Tad, crying or sucking on his burned lips, tries to reason that Juan would come back if her were alive so he must be dead. He insists that he loves Juan and would not dare suggest this if he weren't worried for the eternal well being of Juan's soul. However painful, they need to accept reality. The boyz and the muzic get really forlorn and sad here. May God be with you and keep you and console y ou. He says as he sweeps out with bread dust on his black robes.

Juan is plenty peeved about why the Doctora hid the facts on the strange man looking for him or for his brother. He yells for her to answer him!!

Juan feels strange while berating the Doctora. sits down suddenly, she drops instantly to the bed at his side and she feels his forehead although looks like that isn't what she wants to feel.

In the sacred cave the altar of Libia is lit and bedecked with new flowers like the wall of a Beverly HIlls florist, Oscar and Franco have lit so many new candles and they cry in their best black shirts as they seem to accept that the earth they are digging and the cross they have constructed are going to help Juan's soul find rest. Perhaps Juan and the baby are with our parents and Libia now forever.

We switch to a Mass scene with Paddy Tad encouraging the congregation to remember the wonderful Juan as we see flashbacks of his good deeds with all the towns people praying for Juan. Neither the sisters Elizondo nor the brothers Reyes are there. Paddy Tad carries on the formal church Mass while in the cave, Oscar feels fear that they won't be able to keep the promises that Juan made to their mother. They have placed the new cross for Juan and a tiny one with a doll for the baby daughter. Sofia screams her way into the cave saying they have no right! What they do about their brother is their business, but her daughter is not dead. In fact Juan is not dead, she feels it. She touches the doll they have lain on the soil then grabs and clutches the baby cross and the doll. My daughter Maria Guadelupe is not dead. I know she is alive and off comes anoather liter or two of tears. The brothers hug the inconsolable Sofia even though she doesn't actually deserve it since she continues condemning and blaming their brother.

Doctora offers Juan a drink of something tasty and he wants to know why she lied to hide things from him when Oscar came to look for him. She glibly says, to protect him from harm. She launches off on herself quite like Sofia, that she didn't hope to love anyone but here he is and I know you love me and if i just keep you here in the dark you will forget all about lookling for who you are and will stay with me. She seals the deal with kisses that Juan finally cannot resist. and says mi niña a few times. And finally the Doctora admits that this doesn't exactly hit any of her g-spots. She whines about this "mi niña" being really a turn off and Juan again demands to know why she has kept him in the dark.
He wants to know what else she knows about him that she is hiding . She sullenly admits he has also called out Franco, Oscar, Libia, and Mi Nina and talks in his delirium about the woman he loves. SO, he demands, I do love someone , I do have a family. Why are you not wanting me to find my past?

The cave, Sofia stamps her little feet and says three times, be clear, my hija is not dead she is alive and Juan is a live, my heart tells me Juan and my hija are alive, are alive, are alive. She takes the dolly and the baby cross and goes out. Oscar and Franco say what are we waiting, for he isn't dead. They dig up the doo rag or apron or white pants that show no dirt stains, and rip out the cross and regret the funeral.

The woman whose baby has been cursed, runs up to Silvestre and says her daughter is dying dying. He looks at the baby's lifeless form and declares that they need to find the Doctora. Old nasty and the Brujo are foiled again, holding their useless herbal wands. What if the Doctora saves this sick baby? What are they going to do about us? That baby might live, we better do something or this situation is fried.

Drdaddy/Dr. Cardi looks at the picture on his desk as he rehears Sofia telling him he should be proud of his daughter. He should be trying to find her to keep her in his life . He cries and says he will listen to Sofia, the crying one, and look for his daughter Leonora.

Silvestre and Juan discuss the sick baby and Juan says they have to help the Doctora vaccinate everyone.

Gabriela is awake and boy is she sizzling mad! (What? you expected gratitude?) Were you trying to kill me, she barks in a rare moment of realization. He excuses the well accident as the ineptitude of Rosenda and the Hacienda boys. Here comes Dr. Cardi to see her. How are you? Feo, expecting boring whines leaves. My family is involved in trying to kill me. I am not sure whom you mean by family but it is not your daughters who are fault for what is making you sick.

Sofia finds a travel agent booth to looks for Juan in a market place where she personally interviews all of the inhabitants of this large market turning slowly in circles looking for her daughter. She finds a peaceful shrine and stops to pray. A concerned man comes around the corner to say, we didn't lie to you or trick you. Sofia snaps, I feel like you are all tricking me and hiding and protecting him. The patient man assures her the entire market shares her pain. She sinks to the floor to pray for help from the Virgin.

Next: An interminable continuation of crying but, Caprichio gets an idea!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Mon., Oct. 20 - Recipe for marital success - marry your former lover that you hate and take your current lover on yr honeymoon

Thanks for everyone's nice comments about these posts or should I say the pictures.

Isabel breaks her engagement with Andres telling him that her world ended when instead of asking her to marry him, Andres told her to marry the old man. Andres threatens to reveal that they both tried to kill PJ if Isabel doesn't marry him. Finally, Andres tries to drown Isabel in the bath.

Abigail knocks on the door of Isabel's room and Andres stops holding her under the water. Isabel agrees to marry him on condition that he never touches her again. He initially refuses but ultimately accepts her terms.

Antonio goes to see Gaetana to tell her about the way S acts like PJ and to ask her about whether the soul of a dead person can take over the body of another living person. She tells him no but she's is rattled. Later, Gaetana tells PJ/S about the visit but he is not worried. He want to use the ghost of PJ to achieve his plan.

Isabel thinks about killing herself but Rebeca stops her.
Vicky tell PJ/S that he looks more like PJ every day.

Isabel tells Andrés that the European honeymoon is off. They are going to spend a few days at PJ's beach house. Then she tells the staff that Vicky and PJ/S are going with her and Andrés to be staff at the beach house. PJ/S is quizzical and Walter is disgusted. Andrés had told Walter that he was going.

Later, PJ/S goes to see Isabel to say that he doesn't want to go to the beach house with her and Andrés. He doesn't know if she is doing it to provoke Andrés or to provoke him but it doesn't seem like a good idea. She doesn't care and says that if he refuses to go, he'll be fired.

PJ/S tells Ángela that they won't be able to get the documents from the company like they planned because he has to go to the beach house with Andrés and Isabel.

Valeria goes to ask Andrés not to marry Isabel. He tells her to butt out of his business and goes on to say that she is ugly and stupid and he hates her. She runs off crying.

Vicky is unhappy about having to go on the honeymoon trip. PJ/S tells her to imagine that PJ is with her and that he will be closer than she thinks.


Doña Bárbara - Thurs. & Fri, Oct. 16 & 17: Santos is jealous and Antonio is in trouble

I think it's pretty evil that Telemundo just stopped providing the English subtitles on CC3 right in the middle of their novelas. I don't know if we have any non-Spanish speakers on this blog who are watching DB. If so, let me know and I'll try and provide more detailed summaries of what happens.

Thanks Novelera for your most recent update on what is going in the novela versus the novela.

Starting with Thursday's episode, we have two stories moving forward: DB's attempt to make Santos jealous with Florencio 'Quita-Dolores' (QD) and Antonio and Cecilia trying to tell Santos about their relationship and Federica and Josefa's efforts to get Antonio for Federica.

DB makes a big show of flirting with QD while Santos fumes. His jealousy makes Santos oblivious to everything else including Antonio's efforts to tell him about his relationship with Cecilia and when Dr. Arias appeals for support in denouncing Pernalete's use of public funds to present QD's concert, Santos is off to the side brooding and he can't concentrate.

Antonio tries to talk to Santos again but before he is able to, Josefa tells him that Federica is expecting his child. He is impactado.

Pajarito advises Cecilia to take Lorenzo to the shrine of the Virgen de la Corteza. Separately, Marisela asks Santos to take her there and he agrees.

Antonio tells Melesio about Federica and how he got drunk and woke up next to her in bed naked. "¿Blanco y en botella? Pues, ¡Leche!" "If it's white and in a bottle, it's milk!" meaning that the situation says it all. He has no choice but to do the honorable thing and marry her. Melesio says that if Cecilia truly loves Antonio she will forgive him.

As part of her scheme to make Santos jealous, DB tells everyone that she is sleeping with QD but when he comes to her bed, she pulls a gun on him and says that she lied and tells him to get out.

Antonio chucks a bouquet of flowers at Cecilia's window with a note. It says that he loves her and will love her forever and not to doubt him. She wonders why he asked her that.

Federica and Josefa tell Pernalete that Federica is pregnant and Antonio comes into the room just in time to take the blame.

DB asks QD how much it will cost her to have him marry her.

In Friday's episode, QD tells DB that he would be her lover for nothing but to be her husband will cost her a lot.

Santos tells Marisela to leave him alone and she goes off in a huff. He follows and apologizes. She tells him that she is a young lady and he should treat her that way not like a naughty child.

Pernalete reacts badly to the news that Federica is pregnant.
He hauls Antonio off to jail.

DB and QD have a deal.

The Altamira ranch hands are on the point of telling each other who their girlfriend in town is when they find out that Antonio is in trouble for getting Federica pregnant.

Antonio suggests to Pernalete that Federica have a pregancy test but Josefa manages to get some urine from a pregnant woman and give it Federica to use for her test.

Santos makes a deal to sell 500 head of cattle to a neighboring rancher. DB finds out about it from Mr. Danger and decides to interfere. She tells her ranch hands to get 500 head of cattle ready. Then she lets QD offer to sell the cattle to Encarnacíon at half the price he offerred Santos. Santos rides off to confront DB and she arranges to have him find her kissing QD.


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