Friday, January 16, 2009

Fuego Capitulo #176 - Mexican Figure Skating Championships Circa 1994, and The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Part Deux?

Review of last night: Sofia arrives for the party and everyone figures out Juan isn’t in the house. She tells her sisters about her argument with Ricardo Uribe. She wants to rest while they wait for Juan and Oscar suggests she go to Juan’s room. The sisters take her to Juan’s room and they walk in on Root high in the saddle with Juan in his bed. Ruth flips her head around and laughs at Sophia while breathing heavily (Root gets the Oscar (the award not the brother) for acting), and tells Sofia she told her she’d steal Juan from her. The girls are impactadisima, to say the least. Just to rub it in a little more, Ruth says “Bye” as the girls run from the room.

The girls march out into the living room intent on leaving the hacienda when Oscar (the brother, not the award) stops them and wants to know what’s wrong. Sophia tells him to go ask his brother. Oscar says Juan’s not there, and Sofia says oh yes, he’s in his room. Franco walks in with Tio Vicente and crew and what’s to know what’s up. Sofia drops the bomb that Juan is in his bed with Root! MASS impactada-ness fills the room! Sophia’s all snarcastic with Oscar and says, “Is that clear enough for ya?” Everyone in the room is devastated. But how come none of them look shocked or surprised? Apparently they all think Juan is as stupid as we do.

Next we find Paddy Tad walking through the darkness with Nabor. They’re talking about Pad’s chat with Fermin in the jail and how he confirmed what Pad suspected, but that they have to be very cautious and careful in their decision-making about what to do. Paddy Tad says they need to speak with an attorney about proving Fermin’s innocence. Ooops, they stumble on the last person they want to see, Fernando. Feo says that it’s not the time of night for two “saints” to be out walking the road alone at night. Pad says they are not saints, and they’re not alone – G-d is always with them, although that’s not true for Feo. Feo asks Pad if Pad really believes that the devil is his ally and is his companion. Feo tells him he better return to the church with his prayers and stop with his foolishness. Paddy says not so fast, it’s not all foolishness – just this afternoon he spoke with Fermin, who is in jail for a crime that Feo committed and good ol’ Fermin is ready to tell the truth about Feo, and that he better be careful because the time has come for him to pay for his crimes.

Oy vey, cut to Root buttonin’ up her bosom when Tio, Oscar and Franco arrive in Juan’s room. Juan is still out cold, laying flat on his back. The boys and the Elf are uncomfortable and start to leave when Oscar calls out to Juan. No response. Oscar knows something is not right and calls to the boys and the Elf to come back. They start calling Juan as well, and ask Root what she did to him. She says Juan is a big enough boy to take care of himself. Oscar tells Root to finish getting dressed and get out. Rigo comes running in to say he tried to stop Sofia but he couldn’t. Franco steps closer to the bed, and Root leans over and gives Juan a big goodbye smooch. She calls them cuñado (brother-in-law) and tio and says adios. I guess in her mind doin’ the nasty constitutes familial relations as well – well at least a simulation thereof. Franco, Tio and Rigo escort Root out and Oscar pulls at Juan, realizing he’s out cold.

Back in the enchanted forest, Feo tells Paddy Tad he better be careful how he talks to him or the devil might appear. Pad says the devil is right in front of him and then Feo starts roughing Paddy Tad up. Seriously, when Feo gets that crazy look in his eyes, even I’m scared of him. Pad says he’s not scared, like he told him, G-d is always with him. Feo proceeds to rough Nabor up a bit, looks crazily at Pad, and then leaves.

Over at the Hacienda Doble E, Eva is pacing in the little girls’ room (not the bathroom – the actual little girls’ room), thinking about how finally the three little cherubs will have their Ma and Pa together, and that Sofia and Juan will marry tomorrow. Happiness and contentment don’t last long in Eva’s world, when Sofia comes in crying. Eva says no don’t cry, tomorrow you’re getting married. Sofia says no, no, no, Juan cheated, Juan’s been lying to me this whole time. Eva says no, no, no, Juan loves you more than life itself. Sofia says no, no, no, if he loved me he wouldn’t have betrayed me. Finally, Eva’s like, Que the hell? Sofia finally says Juan was in bed with Root! Eva says no way, that’s not possible, it’s not true – who could possibly have told you something crazy like that? Sofia says nobody told me, I saw them myself! For once, Eva is speechless and tearless. Tell you what – I’m not a completely cold, compassionless person. I truly feel bad for Sofia at this moment, but my compassion only goes so far. I feel much worse for all of us – I have a feeling we’re going to suffer painfully waiting for this ridiculousness to be resolved.

Sofia is now telling Sarita and Jimena that she still can’t believe what she’s just seen. How could Juan have possibly done this to her the night before their wedding? Although Sarita doesn’t want her to, Jimena fesses up that she saw Juan and Root kissing just the other day. Sofia says, “Are you trying to tell me this started before tonight?” Sarita says she didn’t want to believe it either. Sarita tells Sofia that Juan loves her, he’s loved her since they first met. Sofia says no, how can you say he loved me when you saw him in bed with Ruth just like I did. Jimena says it’s better to tell Sofia the whole truth, no matter how painful it might be. Jimena tells Sofia not to cry for Juan, he doesn’t deserve it. Sofia says to Jimena, “Don’t you get it? Everything my mother said to me is coming true – I’ll never be happy with Juan. Jimena says they’ll never be happy with Los Reyes (Sarita’s all “Hey!!! What about me over here? I had sex in an actual bed with Franco, we’re doing fine!) Jimena asks what Sofia is going to do now? Stay in that house and put up with their mother’s humiliations? Sofia says damn right I’m staying in my house with my daughters, I didn’t do anything wrong. (But it’s better to have your kids grow up around an abusive grandmother like that?) Sarita says but Root lives here too! Stupidfia says she’s not going “to flee” (huir) from the house, she’s not the one who has anything to be ashamed of.

Over in Juan’s room, he’s awake, but ready to blow chunks from the after effects of the tranquilizer meant for a horse. We’re even treated to dry heave sound effects, and Franco asks for a “bacinica” or a small pot for Juan to throw up in. (Bacinica was actually a chamber pot.) La realidad of it all! Juan says what they’re telling him happened cannot be true. Tio’s telling him to calm down, Franco is telling him he’s got to face what’s happened, and Oscar is telling him that Sofia just saw him in bed with Root. How is he supposed to calm down? He tries to get up and falls back on the bed. They’re trying to get him to remember exactly what happened. Juan says he was on his way to Sofia’s house when he felt something stab him in the back, un dardo (a dart), yeah, a dart! They drugged me! Tio asks, but who? Duh, Tio, where ya been lately? Juan, for once the smartest one in the room, says “Who else??? Root!” Juan’s trying to get up again and wants to go explain to Sofia, but he still can’t get up. They tell him to calm down, he can barely speak. Juan starts dry heaving again – YUM.

Feo walks into Crab’s office and says he’s got excellent news for her. Juan and Sofia are not getting married. Gabi is happily intrigued and Feo tells her that he and Root just broke up their engagement. Feo says Gabi can continue humiliating Sofia and laughing in her face for falling in love with Juan Reyes. If that isn’t enough for Gabi, now she wants to throw Sofia out in the street, but Feo says no, not right away at least. He says why waste the opportunity to see her humiliated. Gabi tells him he’s right, why should she deny herself the pleasure of humiliating Sofia again. Gabi is bursting with joy at this new development.

Sofia is in the chapel praying to her father. Eva obviously went running back to the scene of the crime and is yelling at Juan in the kitchen. How could he have done this to Sofia? Really, Juan looks pretty darn bad. Juan says he didn’t do anything. Eva is furious and says don’t lie. Juan says I don’t lie – you know me! Eva says but they saw you and Root in bed, naked and kissing! Juan says he still doesn’t understand what happened. Juan says that’s why he has to go and see Sofia. Eva says, “You really think she’s going to want to see you? That she’ll believe you? That anyone can believe this?” Now Juan’s mad, and says “You’re going to believe me! You know how much I love Sofia!” Eva says “Then why did you do it with Root?” Juan says Eva, of all people, is going to go and talk to Sofia and tell her to listen to what Juan has to say. Juan says to look him in the eye and tell him he’s lying! Is that what she sees? Eva’s having second thoughts now and looks confused.

Over at the cabaña, Darth has just learned of Feo’s and Root’s plot to separate Juan and Sofia. Darth says for once he’s happy about something that Feo did. Darth tells Ruth that now she has to be careful because Juan is going to come back looking for revenge. But Root tells Daddy Darth that Juan doesn’t have anything to use against them. He tells her she’s wrong, that Juan has found the papers saying that Raquel is the owner of everything. Root is impactada. Darth says that if Juan finds Raquel, that Juan will convince Raquel to leave Darth and Root in ruins. She starts telling Darth he better find Raquel, she can’t believe he still hasn’t been able to find her. Darth does not like her tone one darn bit, but she’s not backing down. She’s says it can’t be that hard to find Raq and walks out, throwing some food on the floor for good measure.

Sofia Kerrigan is still in the chapel: “Why??? Why me????? Why me????” Why can’t she and her sisters be happy with the men they love.

Root (aka Tonya Harding) comes home after a hard day of breakin’ up marriages, throws her leather jacket on the banister and runs up the stairs, when Juan’s stirrups come clangin’ through the door. He wants an explanation of how they got in bed together. Laughingly, she tells him she can’t believe he can’t remember, it was Juan that wanted to be with her. How can Juan deny what they feel for each other. Juan picks her up, throws her over his shoulder and holds her over the railing like he’s going to drop her, yelling that she better tell him the truth. She’s screaming the whole time to let her go. He puts her back down on the stairs and says he could never have feelings for a woman like her with no self-respect or dignity. Root tells him she’s giving him the opportunity to be happy with her. He says he loves Sofia and he’s perfectly happy with her. She asks him if he really thinks Sofia is going to believe him, that she saw them in bed naked, kissing. Root says Sofia will never get that image out of her mind, that she’ll always suspect Juan of having been with Root. Juan says look at you, how pretty and hateful you are. Where did you get so much anger to become so hateful and perverse. Crabiela comes out and wants to know what’s going on. Juan says he came to see Sofia, but Crabs tells him Sofia isn’t in the house. Juan’s yelling: Gaviota! I mean “Sofia!” into her room, but doesn’t find her there or anywhere else in the house (or Gaviota either). As he’s leaving Crabs takes the opportunity to tell him that Sofia hates him. Juan says she obviously doesn’t know her daughter very well, Sofia doesn’t know how to hate. Juan tells Gaby that he’s saving up all the things she’s done to him in a bag full of rotten bread (un costal de pan podrido – un costal is the big flour sack). He says it’s a good thing Crabs is the mother of the women he loves, or otherwise he’d basically have to open a can of whoop ass on her. Yeah, and you too Root!

Now Juan’s outside screamin’ at poor Capricho. Malhaya! Which I understand to mean something much stronger than “Shit!” “Shit!” He tells Capricho that he can’t believe what he’s gotten himself into, he has to talk to Sofia! Malhaya!!!! Meanwhile, Oscar is telling Franco and Vicente that they should have gone with Juan to the Hacienda Doble E. Tio says Juan was right to go alone, that this is between Juan and Sofia. Oscar says what if Sofia doesn’t forgive Juan? Franco says no, they will be married tomorrow, if they don’t get married tomorrow, they’ll never get married. Tio says that if Juan loses Sofia, Juan will never be the same again.

Juan finds Sofia in the chapel. He says they have to talk. She says about what? Your cheating? Your betrayal? She tells him to get lost, she never wants to see him again. He says how can you believe that I betrayed you? She says I saw you in your bed with Root! Are you going to tell me that’s not what I saw? That you had nothing to do with her? Juan says yeah, that’s right! She slaps him across the face and says, “How could you do this? We were going to get married tomorrow! Why did you destroy my life this way?” Juan tries to tell her he was drugged, but she’s not buying it. How does he think she would believe something as crazy as this story he’s making up? She says everything they had is now over. She doesn’t believe in his love. He tells her to be careful with her words, that their love doesn’t deserve this. Sofia says it’s she that doesn’t deserve this betrayal, but she’s going to go on with her life like her father taught her. She tells him to get out and never come looking for her again. He says he’ll never leave her, she begs him that if he ever loved her to just leave her, he destroyed her life and all her illusions, just leave her in peace, all she has left of him are her girls. Juan says he can’t give her up, she says he has to, he’s hurt her in the worst of ways. She tells him to get out again, and he says for now he will, but just to be clear, he’ll never give her up, he’s a part of her. He swears to La Virgen that he’s not lying – she screams for him to get out. Crying, she asks how she’ll forget, Juan was her whole life. She asks G-d for help.

Juan rides through the enchanted forest screaming like an animal and arrives at Libia’s grave, to ask for her help yet again. Weird thing is he must’ve stopped with Capricho at Ciudad Serdan’s local Dunkin’ Donuts because he’s brought a concha to her grave. Juan says he can’t take it anymore, and he’s going to find out what happened one way or another. Libia’s magical flower glows.

Sofia arrives back in her room, and sits on her bed in the dark. Crabi, lurking behind her, turns on the light and tells Sofia she’s been waiting for her. Uh oh, this cannot be good, and Sofia knows it. Mommy Dearest asks how Sofia how her bachelorette party was. Sofia asks why Crabs is asking if she already knows what happened, and why does Gabi want to make her suffer more. No, says Gabi, I don’t want to make you suffer, I just want to confirm that what I heard was true, that you really found Juan in bed with Root. Sofia says yes, it’s true, and she’s sure Gabi is pleased by that, and that her curse on Sofia has come true. Gabi says she’s not happy, she’s just satisfied, and it just goes to prove once more that mothers are never wrong. Gabs says G-d is punishing Sofia for disobeying and going against her, all for a worthless man like Juan, but that in the end, Sofia deserves what happened. And also, Gabi says, how curious that Sofia is nothing at all like Gabi. Sofia says, no, you’re wrong, now we’re a lot alike, first Jose Robles Reyes despised Gabi, and now his son betrays Sofia. (I honestly thought she was going to use the Root slept with both of our husbands parallel which I would think would’ve had more impact on Gabi.) Gabi turns and says now Sofia has to think about vengeance. Sofia says how, figure out how to kill Juan, like Gabi did with Jose? Sofia wants to know how Gabi convinced Ricardo Uribe to kill Juan’s parents. Gabi says Sofia has no right, Sofia says yes she does because she and her sisters have been the victims of Gabi’s abuses and mistakes their whole lives, and they don’t want to pay any longer for what Gabi is guilty of. Gabi asks, doesn’t Sofia have a heart? Sofia says, yeah, that’s right, I have no heart, it was just stolen from me tonight. Sofia says that Root is responsible for destroying her life. Gabi says don’t blame Root for Juan’s weakness. Sofia wants to know why Gabi’s always defending Root, Sofia thinks maybe it’s because Root is so much like Gabi, and that maybe Gabi wishes Root was her daughter instead. Gabi says she admires Root’s strength. Sofia says that Root’s strength is nothing more than cruelty – Gabi turns to leave. Sofia says it’s a shame Gabi admires Root, doesn’t Gabi understand that she’s creating a “cuervo” (a crow) that will scratch her eyes out? Gabi thinks Sofia is just saying stupid things. Sofia says no, it’s not stupid, Root is betraying you and you don’t even suspect it! Now Gabi wants to know what she’s talking about, but Sofia changes her mind and says she’s not going to tell her, it will destroy Gabi’s heart. Sofia tells Gabi to ask Root, if Root is so honest and true. But Root really is just like Gabi. Sofia says that she is not the only one that Root has betrayed with the man she loves. Gabi is slightly impactada and just might be catchin’ on! Woo Hoo!

Franco is tucking Ojitos (as he calls Oscar) into his bed, along with his satin heart pillow that Jimena gave him. Franco tells Oscar not to worry, he’s going to go look for Juan, when Juan comes jingling into the room. They ask if he’s spoken to Sofia. He says, yes, but she doesn’t believe him and doesn’t want to see him. It doesn’t matter what he says, she only believes what her eyes saw. He says she looked at him like he was a cheater, but he’s not capable of that. Oscar says it’s just like Juan told him, don’t lose hope or faith. Juan’s like, what hope, what faith? Sophia will only believe what she’s seen. Franco tells Juan to convince Sofia with his love and devotion, they are the best weapons he has to convince the woman he loves.

Back in Sofia’s room, Gabi is telling Sofia not to try to make her doubt Root, Sofia is just saying these things because she can’t stand Root. But Gabi’s not going to listen to her. Gabi tells Sofia goodnight, and to enjoy her pain. Jeez, g’night ma!

Root is in her room replaying the scene in her head when Sofia found her in bed with Juan. She’s thrilled that she finally got revenge on Sofia. She thinks Sofia will never forgive Juan, and that they’ll never be happy. She’s beaten Sofia.

Oscar is on the floor doing his exercises with the boys and he thanks Juan for continuing to help him even though Juan is suffering. Juan says one thing has nothing to do with the other. Franco asks what Juan’s going to do about Sofia, they were supposed to be married this morning.

Juan walks into the church and is imagining Sofia there, in her wedding dress, waiting for him to marry her. Juan’s mad at G-d and does his own male version of Nancy Kerrigan’s “Why?” He says G-d knows that he’s innocent, G-d saw everything that happened, G-d knows he’s a one woman man like his father was, and that woman is Sofia.

Cut to Sofia’s wedding dress, lying on her bed. She picks it up and holds it, crying. Now Sofia’s imagining Juan, in his Good Humor Mariachi wedding duds, waiting for her in the church. She imagines them kneeling at the altar, then just as they’re about to kiss, Juan disappears, leaving Sofia alone at the altar. Back to reality, Sofia asks why Juan abandoned her, why did he cheat? Why, why, why????

Back in the church, Juan’s yelling, cursing and destroying flowers. Paddy Tad walks in and kneels down beside Juan. Over and over again Juan says he’s innocent. Pad T says he believes him. Juan says he can’t even explain to himself what happened. (This was Juan’s same line when they couldn’t figure out what happened to the baby after he came back from voodoo jungle, right?) Pad says even though right now Juan has no explanation for what happened, they have to find one – they have to find the truth. Juan swears on the memory of his parents and his sister that he’s innocent, he’s not guilty of what he’s being accused of. (He really seems more busted up over this than he did when they all accused him of running off with the baby!) Juan Clinton is crying, he had nothing to do “with that woman”. Absolutely nothing. He has to convince Sofia – he’s not capable of this.

Previews: Root rubs it in Sofia’s face that she’s lost Juan. Juan says it’s not over until the fat lady sings, and if it’s the last thing he does, Sofia will listen to what he has to say.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Las Tontas no van 1-14, Wed - A mask for Meno, no more for Raquel, miffing for Sole, and mortification by Candi

Santi and Lalo are considering a bet when they go out of the door and see that former patient Raquel shows up. All we know is that she got special "favors" from him. Lalo leaves him and begs him to be strong. He fears temptation.

He calls Horty whispering that he wants to know what Raquel wants and begs Horty to come. She does and tells him she doesn’t get into that with the patients and all she knows is that Raquel asked for an appointment. He wants the nurses or her to stay in the room with him, but of course the nurses didn’t come in yet because their kids are sick and she has to have some tests performed and has to leave. She tells him to grow up and handle it and he asks for a hug which she gladly provides until she reaches his cheeks (butt) and he flinches so is left to his own devices. Poor Santi...

Finally Raquel saunters in and sexy music plays. He tells her he doesn’t think she needs any more surgery and she responds that she isn’t there to see the doctor, instead, the man.

Pat shows up with white roses for Sole. Of course Candy is there and she manages to duck under the couch. We then go through rotations of Sole wanting to make out with Pat but then wanting him to leave and telling him she has a migraine. Pat smells the perfume and thinks Candy is there, but Sole says that she put it on. He wants to go to the bed but she convinces him it’s sexier out here. Eventually Candy works her way out crawling on the floor, but pops her head up when she hears that they spent the night together making whoopee. She makes a funky face as she exits floor left. Sole tells Pat he has to go now so Beto doesn’t find him.

Meno comes upon Issy in the kitchen putting on chartreuse face cream. It looks scary. He wonders about it and she offers it to him for application. He wants the recipe. She notes he’s flirty. He continues to apply and they discuss how he wanted to be a hippie but his father beat it out of him! He continues how he didn’t like Yoko Ono because it was her fault the Beatles broke up. Hmmm interesting. She thinks maybe they wanted to break up at the height of their career.

They continue their chat when Charly comes shouting for him. Meno hides under the towel and Issy tells Charly he suffered a wasp sting. This satisfies him for a moment but then he comes back in and asks if she got one too. She says no, hers is a mask for wrinkles. Meno thanks her for saving him, but she tells him that he either lives in the closet or lives out of it, but not in the closet with the door open or it will cause him a heart attack.

Lalo is trying to listen in to Santi’s door when Raquel’s boxing husband shows up looking for her whom he followed there and she didn’t answer her cell phone. Luckily when he enters the room he only finds Santi and Raquel talking. She leaves announces she will be faithful with him until death.

Lalo wonders what he said to fend her off. Santi told her he was gay, and don’t laugh because he also said that Lalo was his lover. Lalo screams.

Back in the office Santi is yelling at Lalo for always using his computer . Lalo likes the keys. He starts a pity me speech that he has all this great stuff, kid, career, Mom, but he’s not happy!!! Lalo tells him to breath and relax. He tells him he should scream now what is bothering him. Instead what’s bothering Lalo comes out that he doesn’t want her to work, and that he wants her to cook, etc. Santi tells him to compose himself.

OK, is anyone else annoyed at the Ugly Betty sound alike musical excerpts here? I swear Rosy Ocampo is channeling Selma Hayek and trying to copy. Even the scene opener photos are plagerized.

At home Donato comes up to Santi with two pairs of boxing gloves and basically doesn’t know what to do about the two Mamas who keep fighting with each other. Trouble is going to get worse because Marissa also shows up, sees Chava and wonders why he’s there so early. She learns the news of the new Brady bunch situation and is very unhappy about this. Donato hands Santi the gloves saying he’ll need them more now.

Of course she chases Santi down and tells him she’s no fool. He explains the whole situation about those pesky hamster rats invading, well except for the "hamster" detail.

Pat is leaving the house and Candy has to hide from him by sliding around a fountain.

Mari continues she isn’t a little girl. Donato agrees through the window. They punch him. Santi tells her not to make a mountain out of a mole hill (well, really a grain of sand) and that jealousy is getting the best of her. He continues that if he wanted to mess with Candy does she think he would bring her right there to his house? He reminds her she can come to the house anytime she wants. She thinks maybe in his head he would. She says she is not going to standby and let this happen and she shouldn’t have to give his butler money just to get up to his room. Santi yells at Donato for this. All this bicker ends up with her telling him to go to hell.

I thought this scene didn’t make sense but now I realize they are spending the doc's money. Zamora and Tono are in a fine restaurant with a bottle of champagne and one hell of what looks like a camarones platter. They ask what it is that they are eating and learn it is fried cow brains (sesos de vaca frita). Yum. Mad cow express. They are choking when Meno comes up and wonders what they are doing there.

Our teens in love are studying and gradually sit in chairs closer to each other until they are standing and holding hands. Their bliss is short lived because of the evil bullhorn bearing butler (say that 5 times fast) and he slaps the hand that they each held.

We then go to selfish Candy shaking down Sole and making her feel really bad for being with Pato. Sole rightly reminds her that he’s nothing to her, she left him a widow long ago. Candy says he is only going to want her for sex and then he’ll move on to another and how can she be so stupid. She’s not stupid, she’s lonely. She doesn’t like being alone. (How long has it been? A couple of months? Pick a better excuse Sole, admit you like his....) Sole misses having someone to make breakfast for. Ha, she can come to my house. Anyway, Candy storms off on an insult that Pato likes decaf, eggs, and papaya juice and if she wants any other advice to keep him in her bed every day, to call her. Snot. I don’t think Sole deserved that.

Candy and Ceci are shopping. Ceci is trying to console her but Candy just yells at her. She then says she’s sorry and knows something that will seal the perdon. Candy gets an idea and pulls Ceci with her. For some reason Barbara is right behind them also shopping and is intrigued at this display.

The young lovebirds have escaped the evil Donato and are chatting and Charly wants to know about her parents, that if she tells it might make her feel better. We get a flashback of her getting told as a younger girl that her parents aren’t coming back. She starts to cry saying sometimes she’s still waiting for them but her Tio helps her miss them less and hugs Charly.

Santi accuses Mari and Issy of conspiring against him because they are socios of Candy. I don’t know. This was more arguing about Candy being there and that sums up that. Santi says something about his heart being broken.

Candy and Ceci are looking at clothes when Barb comes up and makes trouble. She asks if Candy figured out what woman left her the roses yet. Candy isn’t sure it’s a woman but Barb bets yes. Barb snidely asks if Ceci will bet yes.

Jaime comes upon Donato, also shopping. He wants to know who the man in the house is. Jaime is interested in paying him for some information. Donato says it’s Meno, an old friend and he is a wonder, tremendous. Jaime asks if he is a womanizer and Donato says uh no, he’s tremendous. He then counsels that Issy really likes skirts.

Horty calls Candy whispering to let her know that Pat and wife are downstairs at the doc's office.
There is a weird exchange here, like Ali is deciding on what surgery she wants like the color of paint in her kitchen and she ends up to think they should invite them to dinner.

Back at the restaurant, the waiters tell Meno about how they got money because they were not rats, really hamsters and when they arrived to fumigate the Doc had already rounded them up. Whew. I hoped I was right about this. No smoked hamsters. Meno agrees not to tell anyone but they have to lie and not tell anyone either or they'll lose their jobs. Zman agrees he'll be Pinocchio.

Mari and Candy have a face to face about how she is in the house and didn’t tell her. Candi thought she knew, and can't we talk about this another time because I've had a horrible day. Mari agrees, she's had a bad day too thinking that people she thought were loyal aren't really loyal and faithful etc. Candy looks her in the eyes and asks her if she really thinks that she is capable of stealing her novio. Mari very seriously says yes, but this breaks down into a joke and she says no, of course not they are like sisters. Uhhuh....

Pato has taken Beto on an outing and they decide they are going to eat Tortas Ahogadas yum. But duh, Pato, first rule of separated parents is never take the kid away from the custodial parent without permission or notice, uh, bad, very bad. Of course Sole comes home and freaks out that Beto is not there and eventually comes to the conclusion that Pato has him. She calls and they are having a grand old time, but he completely discounts her anger and tells her as his Dad he has a right to see him, well, maybe....anyway she says if he doesn't bring him right back, she'll accuse him of kidnap. Yes, that could work....

Donato wonders when Meno is taking his son away, because he seems to be a tiger for Rocio. Meno says of course, he came from his Pa! Donato corrects him that he did come from a tiger, but not a tigress. Ouch. Meno warns him not to disrespect him again or his tooth and nails will come out.

Meno is wandering about and Jaime follows him. Meno notices this and confronts him, telling him essentially to just ask for his phone number already. He thinks Jaime should let go of his timidness and that they will try an exercise. Jaime doesn't exercise because he's ill and says ok, here's a book for you to read. "How to come out of the closet in the dark" There is a word play here because it can also be blindly coming out of the closet, but there's definitely a joke here beyond the gay reference.

Turns out that Jaime is still not so sure about Meno. He still follows. Meno's come on to him apparently didn't convince him he's not a threat and he still must think he's competition for Issy's affections. Meno ends up at home with Jaime still in not so secret tow and he asks Issy about this timid guy. Well of course Issy says, she'll introduce him to Meno. He's shocked she knows him, and even more so that this was, er well, she's not sure at her age, but it is her boyfriend. Jaime wants to know who he is and she explains a friend who is staying at her house, she presents Meno to Jaime, but he just walks away instead of shaking his hand. How rude!!!

Meno asks her if she likes him and she shrugs affirmatively so he plays his best Dr. Phill and follows after and tells Jaime he's a baboso (buffoon) and Babosos don't go to heaven, and he has to try a little harder and not let the precious Issy walk away. Jaime is stumped.

Pato has taken Beto to his house. That pisses Sole off more because he'll be around the wicked wifey...

Charly is making a banana shake, something we know Meno loves (and has been painted as a gay fave, so maybe son and father aren't that different despite the sexual orientation) and Meno tells the truth to Charly about the Hamsters...and Santi comes up and yells for Charly to leave Roci alone. Meno gets mad and says look, you leave my son alone if you don't want me to tell Candy about the "Hamster Rats." Santi agrees.

Beto is back home and Sole yells at him for leaving the house. Pato says it's not his fault it's mine. She tells Beto not to go like that or he won't ever get to go with Pato again. Beto says but he's my Dad and I want to see him! Oooooo, score one for Pato!!!!

Santi has "that talk" with Charly and reminds him he'll be at peace, but don't hurt my daughter of the soul....she is my daughter!!! Charly nervously agrees.

We then see some random blond guy warmly greeting Santi at home and exclaiming that he hasn't seen him probably since his wedding. Santi tells the guy his wife left him, but oh, here let me introduce you to Candy. She takes one look and SMACK!! right across the kisser, she backs up only to call him a murderer. Guess we know where this is going, but we'll have to find out next time.....


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues, & Wed., Jan. 13 & 14 - Whack, whack, glug, glug, bye bye Andrés

Out in the boat with Isabel, Andrés finds the gun Isabel brought along. He says that he wants to kill her. He tries to kiss her. She knocks the gun out of this hand with the paddle of the boat and then starts to whack Andrés with the paddle.

Back at the house, Valeria is concerned.

Isabel thinks she has killed Andrés. But he's not quite dead. More whacks, then dump him overboard and cleanup.

Isabel returns to the house and reluctantly tells her story to Valeria. She says that in the boat, Andrés attacked her, lost his balance and fell in. She waited around but he didn't surface. Valeria wants Gonzalo to search but Isabel doesn't want to do anything or tell anyone what happened.

It looks like Andrés comes back to kill Isabel but it is just a dream.

Simon manages to get Isabel's address book from Rebeca. PJ/S and Simon decide to go to the house where Isabel and Valeria are staying.

Abigail catches Rebeca fondling PJ/S's old chauffeur uniform. Then she throws it on the floor and stomps on it.

Gonzalo finds Andrés but he's a floater.

Isabel comes up with a story for the police to that Andrés left the house without she or Valeria being aware of it and then committed suicide. Valeria reluctantly agrees to support this version of events.

Rebeca goes to see Cantalicia and tells her not to give up on PJ/S.

PJ/S and Simon arrive at the house. Isabel tells them that Andrés is dead. PJ/S goes to see the body (those are his excellently tailored legs.)

PJ/S has a flashback to Isabel saying that she is willing to do anything for love. "You had the guts to do it," says PJ/S, "You murdered him."


Cuidado con el Angel, January 14, 2009

We start off with a repeat of last night’s episode. Leopard is playing his amazing harmonica while Marichuy is in the bedroom asking herself if she can love him.

A series of shots showing Marichuy at the hacienda with the baby in various places. She wonders if she can love Leopard. Micaela comes running to Cande that they caught the lady (Blanca) who killed Viv. She tells her the whole story is in the paper.

Blanca is shown into a jail cell.

Cande does not want Marichuy to see the paper. Micaela says that Marichuy must find out the truth soon. Cande tells her to give her time.

The lawyer tells JM that the case is very complicated. JM says that he will present papers to the judge explaining that Blanca is a sick woman. Suddenly, Onelia bursts in the room. She tells the lawyer not to defend Blanca for the murder of her daughter. If any lawyer defends her they will lose there prestige and honor.

Elsa and Nelson are in their apartment. Nelson thanks Elsa for taking care of him even though she does not love him.

JM tells Onelia that the lawyer is not intimidated by her. She tells JM that the lawyer needs to be aware of what the repercussions are if he defends Blanca. Did you tell him that you are happy that my daughter is dead? That you hated her and the night that she was murdered was the night you felt liberated. JM tells her that she is getting out of hand. She continues on that all this happened because Viv left him instead of loving him passionately. But he never loved her and she faked her death. JM tries again to tell her that what she is saying has no relevance to the case, but again she ignores him. She tells the lawyer that Viv faked amnesia because she was desperate to return to the house so that she could be with her husband and daughter. JM again pleads for her to stop talking. Onelia then says that JM and Blanca planned her daughter’s murder along with the double personality. She then storms out of the room.

Elsa asks Nelson why he thinks that she does not love him. Because it’s the truth. You were going to leave me again, but stayed with me for pity. You know that I’m going to die. I want to tell you to leave and that I don’t care to stay by myself. But I can’t tell you to, because I am scared. Please don’t leave me. Elsa tells him that she loves him and will stay with him till the end.
The lawyer tells JM that he will represent both him and Blanca. JM asks him why after hearing what Onelia just said. The lawyer says because of Onelia’s hatred for JM and Blanca. She wants vengeance. He also wants to find out about all the stuff she said regarding Viv faking her death and amnesia. JM tells him that the information is irrelevant to the case and does not want the jury to hear about her conduct. He continues on that he does not want her reputation to be tainted because she was his wife and the mother of his daughter and her memory should be respected. The lawyer tells him that as his attorney he should be told all of the truth even family secrets. Fine says JM. I will tell you, but you are not to make public anything I am about to tell you. The lawyer responds back “Even if it can prove your innocence or Blanca’s?” JM hopes that it will not be necessary.

Leopard is in his chair and has just finished reading about Blanca being arrested.

JM and the lawyer are meeting with Blanca. He informs her that he will be defending her in the trial.

Marichuy starts reading the paper, but Leopard tells her to forget it. He wants to take her somewhere.

Estephania and Isa are visiting and talking about the case. Estephania tells her that she will be at JM’s side the whole time consoling him and holding his hand.

Marichuy and Leopard are outside talking. They talk about the change in him and his feelings for her. He tells her that if she leaves to take him with her. She gets embarassed.

Onelia asks Rocio where Mayita is. She thinks its time for Mayita to know the truth about JM.

Leopard is taking a nap and Marichuy is messing with him by using some type of plant to tickle his face. Marichuy says it's time to go back. He says that the time he has spent was like being close to heaven, but it's time now to go back to reality. Life can be so cruel. Marichuy says that he must still be thinking about the article in the paper.

Rocio tells Onelia that JM told them not to tell Mayita yet of what is going on. Onelia says you always do what is ordered from JM. Rocio tells Onelia not to forget that she was mistaken about Viv's fake death while accusing JM. And that she is mistaken about him now.

Marichuy and Leopard are walking back to the hacienda and he asks her how he knows the newspaper bothered him. She tells him it' in his voice. He confesses that the woman killed was going to be a mother and ...... but gets interrupted by a guy telling Marichuy that Padre Anselmo is at the hacienda. Marichuy goes running to see him.

Rocio tells JM that he needs to talk to Onelia. She has kept Mayita in her room because Onelia wants to tell her lies to put her against you. She wants to tell her tat Blanca killed her mother and you were her accompliance. He leaves to go see her.

Marichuy asks PA if he has seen the baby. She scolds Cande and leaves to get him.

JM finds Onelia in the living room and tells her that he wants to talk to her about his daughter. He tells her that she once had to leave the house because she was trying to get Mayita against him and he will throw her out in the street again if she persists. She says let's see who has to leave once the trial is over. Hopefully, JM says, it will be you. I have respected you as the mother, but you have always acted as an enemy towards me. And on top of that you have always wanted to inflict the most pain to me. She tells him not to raise his voice to her and that no one will ever convince her that Blanca is innocent. JM reminds her about her little conversation that she had with his lawyer and that the information she told him could be used in our favor.

PA thanks Leopard for all that he has done for Marichuy. Marichuy resents mini Juan to PA. A sad look comes across his face. When she asks him what's wrong he tells her that he remembers a little girl that was promised a little baby brother. Marichuy recalls her conversation with Mayita.

Onelia wants to know what he is talking about. He tells her that Viv's character and morals could be brought up in the court as a defense. She tells him that he should not speak ill of her. He does not want to tarnish her image because of Mayita. It is her fault if it comes out.

Marichuy tells PA that she owes so much to Leopard. She tells him that Leopard confessed that he is in love with her.

Amador goes to visit with Estephania and Isa.

Marichuy tells PA that she wants to go back to Mexico and become an actress making lots of money. She asks PA for his guidance.

Amador tells Estephania and Isa that Marichuy wants to think a little before deciding if she wants to go back to Mexico. He blames Leopard and thinks that he is in love with her.

PA tells Marichuy that it is her decision and has she forgotten about JM.

The doctor has come to visit with Rocio and JM thanks him for his work in fixing up Rocio.

Marichuy tells PA that she has two choices. She can either go back to Mexico and work as an actress making lots of money or she can stay at the hacienda where she has peace. I can never find that in Mexico.

Estephania goes to visit Blanca. She tells her to get use to living in a jail cell because she will be in one for many years. Blanca asks her what she is doing here. Estephania tells her to thank her for getting rid of Viv.

Marichuy tells PA how she feels about Leopard. How he saved both her and her son. He tells her that is not enough. She feels that she will eventually love him. He is more of a father to my son then his real father. (i think that is what she said)

Rocio's doctor asks her how Vicente is doing. He thinks that Rocio is sacrificing herself for someone who does not try to get better. He blames him for the accident. She tells him that she knows Vicente still loves her. The good doctor tells her that she needs to forget about him.

Estephania tells Blanca that she killed Viv for her hatred and jealously but she is the one to benefit from it. She knows that Blanca is in love with JM and that he never looked at her as a woman, but like a piece of furniture. She keeps telling Blanca ugly things. Blance begs her to leave.

PA tells Marichuy to stop crying because nothing can be solved with tears. She is confused. PA asks her if she can be with JM will she go back with him?

Since I did the second half on youtube I cannot see what is going on tomorrow night.


Fuego, Wed., Jan. 14: "Sometimes people get confused." -Padre Tadeo

Wow, it's too late for this. I just got home from being out with friends, and I tried to use my cell phone to start my car, so don't expect too much...

Alternate titles:

Facing your problems will only solve them...
Save Capricho, ride Juan.

The wholesome and pure family members are consulting their wedding planner, PadTad, about the wedding preparations—plenty of vanilla. Sofia’s mighty excited that Paddy used his priestly tenacity to annul her marriage to Fernie. In this case tenacity would be synonymous with “misguided procrastination, mental breakdowns and blatant inability.” Pretend-mother Eva is just beside herself that her make-believe hija let her play a small part in the biggest day of her child-bride life. PadTad blanks out in one of his fitful, one-way monologues with Dios. He begs that one day the truth as it has represented itself in his mind somehow outwardly transmit itself to pretend mommy and hija. Juan takes advantage of the religious intimacy and brings Sofia over to the altar. Everyone who’s ever had passionate relations in public places knows that altars are perfect make-out spots, especially when you can devour your special someone’s face in front of her fake mommy and emotionally-confused confessor. That’s amore…!

Somebody’s faux-leather bra with wrap-around straps is fitting a little too tight this morning… You-know-who has her merlot-stained panties all in a twist on account of Juan and Sofia’s gettin’ hitched tomorra’. On top of that, it doesn’t seem that she’s going to get half of Gabi’s fortune like she once schemed. We can’t all be heiresses, princess. Leave it to Fernie’s uncompromising, yet paradoxically reassuring hands to put her in a strangling full nelson and turn that frown upside down. Together they will unite their powers of leather and bondage to separate the star-crossed, cross-eyed lovers forever. All they have to do is stage Root in Juan’s bedroom with her legs pointing North and badda boom, badda bang…

Meanwhile, Sarita is enjoying retired life at her eclectic boutique of Thomas Kincaid wannabes. Caught up in the excitement of 19th century ballads, she hardly notices the amorous presence of her sometimes-lover. Franco presents her with a rose and they kiss. Jimena, on the other hand, has come to terms with the gravity of her husband’s condition and realizes that life isn’t always a bed of roses your boyfriend just made for you in your mom’s back yard. When reality leaves us nothing else to cling to, we must run away as Cher so eloquently explained a long time ago…
Juan is fighting his own personal demons as he goes all overseer on the field hands in an attempt to locate Coyote. Call me crazy, but sometimes cell phones and automobiles bring tranquility to emergency situations. Anyway, we, the loyal viewers, see that Coyote is chillin’ with Raquel in some sort of 90’s hiding chamber. They’ve risked their lives for Raquel to tell Coyote that Eva’s life dream was realized and Sofia is supposedly her “real” hija. Then, this other woman who’s obviously had her own share of marital problems/beatings looks around the corner… Said abused/eavesdropping housewife sits in the dark and contemplates what she thinks she just heard. She decides that Sofia deserves to know the truth about her mother.

In a final act of desperation, Eva goes to PadTad for any help whatsoever. Though her problems are many, the solution is simple: “the truth is always obvious.” Insightful, indeed. It’s just that, Root said they aren’t related, and it’s really made her think. That’s a very dangerous sign… “Sometimes, people get confused.” “Thank you, Padre.”

It’s decided, at least for the next few hours, that Jimena is indeed skipping out on her paraplegic husband for something bigger and better in the big city…Tijuana, here I come. Though she was 1/3 of the Mob Squad and ½ the brains of the operation, Sofia encourages her dearly confused sista to find peace elsewhere. Again, when life gets uncomfortable, don’t even attempt to suck it up. Instead, immediately proceed to get packing. Per Sofia’s request, Jimena will hit-up the bachelor(ette) party and then hit the road for good. Sort or revolutionary, you know, this combining of bachelor and bachelorette parties. It will be economically intimate and family only, of course. Strippers and beer kegs are so Puebla, these people have morals…

If nothing else, Juan will always be remembered for rolling his wheel-chair bound, younger brother in circles on his bedroom floor. Seeing that the “play with the cripple boy” technique hasn’t worked, it’s time to play good cop bad cop with Tio Keebler. “Look, you’re a loser who can’t walk, no wonder your woman’s gonna skip town.” “I only want what’s best for my most beloved brother.” “You’re gonna walk come hell or high water, bitch.” Oh, no. I think they cracked him…

Juan calls Ricky out for snooping around his house. Wow, he’s like a hero because he kicked an old guy while he was down, right? Basically, nothing transpires, and then Ricky pretends to shoot him while he mumbles promises to kill Juan and Sofia. If we could only move past the Freudian “cowboys and Indians” stage…

Wow, so if you’re still reading this, Gabi over-does the whole “I’m a frigid bitch” routine with Sofia and tells her she would never go to her wedding because Juan is, among other things, a mistake of a husband. Sofia cries, wishes she were never born, etc. Gabi goes to hit her, enter Eva. PadTad’s pep. talk instilled in her the courage to tell Gabi that Sofia is like her daughter, and if she ever touches her again, she’ll have her ass. Gabi: “if they only knew the truth.” Nick: “would that change anything?”

The bachelor party…is a lot of things. But I do know that my grandparents wouldn’t have been caught dead at that party and they were in love with Scrabble and Lawrence Welk…bring your calculators! All I can say is keep the tequila flowing and give it an hour or two... pass the rum punch while you’re at it…

Like I said, keep the alcohol flowing… I didn’t expect that would happen at one of these upstanding parties, but every party has a back room, and every back room has someone looking for…romance. They call her Root… and in one of the most soft-porn-esque scenes of the series, we see Root saving a horse and riding a presumably drunk or dead Juan into the late hours of the night. If you ever thought you knew what necrophilia was, I’m almost certain, that Root just redefined it. I have so many questions, but we’ll save that for cable… But the doors locked, right? No. It isn’t, and that’s why the three “we’re not getting any so we’ll enter without knocking” sisters came in so not-surprised… I guess the only thing more devastating would be if this happened ON the wedding night… technically he’s still a bachelor…

ULTIMAS SEMANAS!?!?! Hallelujah!!!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cuidado Tues 1-13. Love me, love me, say that you love me.

Amadork tells Candelala that he is sure that Juan Miguel is the man who hired Piraña to kidnap Miguelito. Cande is stunned.

Liriochuy and Leo sit in a field, picking the flowers. It’s like Leo used to be a real fightin’ bull, and now he’s Ferdinand. Marichuy wants to go back to the house to check on her baby. Leo wants to chat some more; he’s hoping to convince her to stay at the hacienda. She says we’ll see and runs off; he chases her. They enter the hacienda sitting room and are surprised to see Amador. Leo, wearing his sabertooth necklace and Katie Couric’s hair, tries to give Amador an intimidating look, then leaves the jerk alone with his prey. So, did you hear I have a son?, she asks. He says he knew right away, when the kid was born. Clues, Marichuy, clues. Cande helps out by bringing the baby in. Marichuy at first seems horrified, like she doesn’t want him around evil Amador, but then can’t resist showing off her pride and joy. Amador grins wolfishly and manages to choke out the proper congratulations, then says, “okay, so when are we leaving?” “Qué?,” asks Marichuy.

Elsa is at the church, telling Padre Anselmo that she doesn’t know what to do about her dying alcoholic husband. He thinks that it doesn’t matter what he does since he’s dying anyway, and he’s just been lying silently in bed ever since she wouldn’t let him go out for booze. She cries and Padre Anselmo looks sympathetic.

Mari tells Amador she isn’t ready to leave the hacienda yet. He tells her he’s got a great role in a telenovela all ready for her and she’s going to be a big star! She’ll be able to name her salary and get a better place for them all to live and provide a good life for her son. A good life in which his mother works 16 hours per day and never sees him, I guess. Marichuy agrees with me; that would be a very busy life, and this isn’t a decision she can make alone. Who else could be involved?, asks Amador, and tells her to run grab her stuff so they can leave. Leopardo, she says. Amador looks at her like she’s just said she has to consult her fairy godmother.

PA tells Elsa she should be sweet and loving to Nelson and make his last days pleasant. Elsa sobs that it’s not so easy. PA thinks she can manage, and she reluctantly agrees.

Amador asks why Leo should have any say in Marichuy’s life. Because he saved my life, and my baby’s too, says Mari. Also, he’s been very good to her and he asked her to stay, so she can’t just leave without even talking to him about it. Amador is all, where are your priorities, crazy woman!? Think of the fame and fortune! Marichuy tells him she’s been very happy in the country, and she’ll probably go back to the D.F. one day, but not for riches and fame. Amador asks her to at least think about it. She agrees and says she’ll let him know. He reminds her that he knows what’s best for her (!) and she thanks him effusively for being so interested in her well-being. As soon as he’s gone, Mari runs back and tells Leo that they need to talk, but later since she needs to take care of the baby. He hopes it’s not to tell him she’s leaving.

Ivette is wearing a nurse’s uniform and is staking out the church.

Eduardo and Beatriz have brought Mayita home, and she and her papa are way excited to see each other. She raves about the beach and asks why he didn’t go with them, even just for a day. He just says he couldn’t. Mayita thinks next time they should all go, and take Blanca with them. Juan Miguel gives a horrified look to Ed and Beatriz over her shoulder. I’m guessing she still doesn’t know her mother is dead. Juan Miguel is probably thinking he can keep telling her that her mom is out shopping or having lunch until Mayita is like fifty, then tell her that her mother died peacefully in her sleep. Ed and Beatriz and Beatriz’s baby stand there looking like a cozy happy family. Well, the baby doesn’t stand.

PA is praying at the altar with every candle in the church lit while Ivette sneaks up behind him. He turns around. You?! Here?!, he says. She stares at him evilly.

Leo sits in a field playing his harmonica and asking himself when he’s going to tell Marichuy. She rides up on her bicycle and nearly crashes. Mari says she’s come to talk with him. Leo says he also has something to tell her. Okay, you first, she says. He touches her chin and leans closer to her, which is so significant and romantic that we must have an advertising break to swoon/catch our breath. When we return, he chickens out and kisses her cheek. She looks confused; he looks disappointed in himself.

Back at Castle San Roman, Mayita says she’s going to look for Blanca. Juan Miguel tells her that Blanca left when Mayita went to Acapulco. But she’s coming back, right?, replies Mayita. JM hesitates but is saved when Rocío comes downstairs and is greeted with Mayita’s usual enthusiasm. Rocío gushes about the new baby and Beatriz hands him over while Ed looks on like a proud new daddy. It looks like Ed convinced Bea that he wasn’t interested in Elsa any longer. Mayita squeals that she got to play with the baby in Acapulco, and she learned how to change diapers and give him a bottle, so now she’s all ready for when her new little brother or sister arrives! She is SO EXCITED!!! Juan Miguel looks uncomfortable and Rocío stares at him, trying to force him by Jedi mind tricks to get it together and tell the truth for once.

Ivette asks PA what he’s going to do about her. She is hiding a dagger behind her back. PA tells her that sinners are eventually punished. I am very curious as to how that works, theologically, with multiple personalities. He reminds her of the commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.” She gloats that she killed and doesn’t regret it. He says that’s an even worse sin. Then he tells her that those who seek refuge in a church always find it.

Leo’s chaste cheek kiss took Marichuy completely by surprise, or so she’s willing to let him think. He proclaims in breathy tones that he doesn’t want some fling; his love for her is pure and profound. Marichuy can hardly look at him. He begs her to tell him what she thinks and feels. At this point I would have told him that I think and feel that he needs a haircut. But I’m callous and unromantic like that. Marichuy just looks thoughtful.

Ivette tells Padre Anselmo that she often feels the urge to go into a church. Would you like to kneel and pray with me?, he asks politely. Ha! No!, she says. She doesn’t believe in praying to some painted image. She just likes the peaceful ambiance in the church. She raves at length about all the marvelous features, and Padre Anselmo suggests that her passion for the place must come from somewhere. She says she has strange feelings which she doesn’t understand; parts of her life are like a black hole, and she tries to resist those feelings. PA tells her that deep down, she has faith. Well, maybe not her. The other one. Blanca. Ivette looks angry.

Marichuy is walking along the path with her bike while Leo begs her to tell him what she thinks. She vaguely mentions JM kissing her lovingly, and now Leo… Leo asks if she doesn’t want to erase (borrar = erase, blot out, smear) those old kisses with his new and improved model. Dry cheek pecks are totally so much better than what Juan Miguel had going on, right.

Ivette denies that Blanca exists, but PA says of course she does, and she is going to win control over you! Nonsense!, says Evilette. I am stronger and I have won! Blanca has ceased to exist! She and PA circle each other like feral cats. Ivette tries to leave and PA tries to stop her. Over my dead body will you leave, he warns/asks for it.

Marichuy tells Leo that she just doesn’t know. He worries that she may be afraid of him, or not like it when he touches her, but she says no, she feels safe with him. He would like to have her in his arms; he could be her overcoat (really, he said that). He says he’s loved her for a very long time and he’s been waiting too long. She looks REALLY uncomfortable.

Leo remembers his past encounters with Marichuy and recounts how he fell in love with her. She says she knew “ni maiz” (more slang for “nothing”) about that, which is of course hooey. Actually she says, “ni maiz, paloma” which I can’t figure out. Paloma means dove, or according to my slang dictionary in more southerly countries it can mean something vulgar and I can’t believe she would call him that, or of course the closed captioning could have gotten it wrong. Anyway. Leo says he will stop at nothing to get her to fall in love with him; he wants her to want him to kiss her, to dream of him at night, etc. So, will she consider marrying him? Never mind that she’s still trying to fend off the intent of the one kiss. Love is not a racecourse, Leo.

Ivette says to PA that if she has to kill him, well, so be it. She raises her dagger, but, as the church bells ring, she shifts to Blanca. Blanca looks horrified.

Leopardo continues to argue his case as Marichuy just says she doesn’t know. He asks if she’s attracted to him, and she says yes. He is thrilled.

Blanca is delighted to see Padre Anselmo, but doesn’t know what she’s doing there. She realizes that she escaped from Rocío and worries about what she’s going to do. PA tries to calm her down.

Leo, not getting a clue, again asks Marichuy to marry him, since she finds him attractive and all. Jeez, Leo, a girl can’t just go around marrying every guy she finds attractive. That would be chaos. She hesitates some more and he says he understands; she needs some time to learn to see him as a man who wants to be all muchas smooches with her. He says the old Leopardo has hidden his garras (claws); now he is like seda (silk). He kisses her on the cheek again. She still looks uncomfortable.

PA calls JM and reports that Blanca is in the church.

Marichuy returns to her bedroom and Cande asks whether she told Leopardo all about her past. She says she didn’t get a chance; he did all the talking and he is in love with her. Cande looks impactada, even though she totally already knew that.

PA tells Blanca that he called Juan Miguel. She says she asked him to call the police. He says he thought it was better to call JM; he will know what to do. Blanca the Severely Mentally Ill is much more sensible than anyone around her, and says she needs to be locked up and punished, because she is dangerous and killed someone. Padre Anselmo assures her that SHE is innocent, because PA apparently doesn’t care about the millions of people who are in danger when Ivette takes over. Those people are not in his church at the moment. Blanca begs him to get the police to take her away.

Cande says “told you so.” She says that absolutely everyone on the hacienda knew that Leopardo is in love with Marichuy. Marichuy thought he just liked her as a friend. She describes the whole discussion, the sentimentality, the blushing, the kisses. Ooh, kisses!, says Cande. She demonstrates some that are way mushier than Leo’s.

Blanca is praying for forgiveness, while, not Ave Maria, but Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, plays in the background. I love this show and its wildly unconventional music choices! Who knew you could have any tune but Ave Maria in church?! Someone tell Franco over on Fuego. Juan Miguel arrives and she hugs him and begs him for forgiveness.

Cande wants to know the whole story about the kissing. She tells Marichuy that she needs to make it clear whether she’s still in love with JM or if she could love Leopardo.

Juan Miguel rubs Blanca’s back as he hugs her tightly and murmers sweet nothings in her ear. Sweet nothings like, “you’re not really guilty of murder. I’ll help you.” Sirens approach outside.

Marichuy tells Cande that she knows it’s impossible to return to Juan Miguel, but she still really doesn’t know whether she could be in love with another man.

Juan Miguel tells Blanca that since she’s in a church, she doesn’t have to leave with the police unless she wants to. Does it really work that way? She says she wants to. The police enter the church and Blanca takes the opportunity to snuggle up against Juan Miguel, one last time for the road.

Marichuy says that Leo declared his amor at the wrong moment, because she had just talked to Juan Miguel. Cande looks distraught, but Marichuy is all starry-eyed remembering their brief and awkward conversation.

Blanca is arrested, but before she is taken away JM says to trust him, because he will save her. After she goes, he swears to Padre Anselmo that she will not be convicted. I’m guessing that in Novelaland court he can totally be the expert witness in the case even though he is personally involved and has crossed nearly every ethical and common-sense boundary in dealing with her.

Cande can’t understand why Mari is still grinding that axe (or something to that effect. She used the phrase “ponerse las amolanas.” Amolar means to grind or sharpen, also to annoy.) Marichuy insists that she just wanted to know whether he was okay after that horrible dream she had about him, but she is totally not in love with him anymore, no way. Oh, tell that story to someone else, says Cande.

Juan Miguel calls Rocío and reports that Blanca has been arrested. Rocío tells Ornerylia, who looks gloaty about it.

Marichuy recounts the phone call. He heard Miguelito, but she told him it was a friend’s baby. He kept asking her questions, and she wanted the earth to swallow her up. Then he told her that he never stopped loving her. But, he’s stuck with his awful wife, so that’s that. Marichuy confesses that she still loves him and will never stop thinking about him, and she thinks that would stop her from being happy with Leopardo.

Yay, Vicente is still alive! Long time no see, old pal! Becky serves him tea (Becky’s still alive too! Who knew?) and he says he hasn’t heard from Rocío in a week. Becky says no wonder, with all the madness going on in that house. If I were Rocío I think I would have been sleeping over at Vicente´s place all this time specifically to get away from Onelia. Becky catches Vicente up. The governess has been arrested, but she tried to kill Rocío. Vicente did not know this and is upset that Roc did not tell him.

Vicente’s mom (Mercedes?) tells him that Rocío just called and said she won´t be able to come visit today. She’s too stressed out from all the drama. However, that nice doctor is at her house to give her a tranquilizer. Obviously, that does not comfort Vicente.

Doctor Humberto is giving Rocío her tranquilizer, while Ornerylia is doing her best to be the antidote. She yells at Rocío for being upset when they should be celebrating that the murderer has been caught. Rocío says that it just seems so unjust that Blanca has to be locked up in jail because of what her other personality did. Exactly, she should be in a mental hospital. Onelia continues to rant and blames Rocío and Juan Miguel for helping Blanca, and says she’s going to do her best to ensure that Blanca gets the maximum sentence. Doctoro begs her to stop.

Vicente is still obsessing about Rocío and Doctor Humberto together. Becky tells him to quit already, it makes sense for her doctor to treat her, and her anxiety has nothing to do with him. He says he is always the last thing she thinks of. I say, maybe if he had gone to physical therapy like his doctors advised, he could have gotten himself over to her house to be supportive. Or at least remembered how to dial the phone himself.

Juan Miguel and the licenciado discuss Blanca’s illness. JM speaks about it totally authoritatively, even though he admits that he hasn’t had time for a single analysis session with her.

Leopardo sits on the terrace railing and plays his harmonica. Then he plunges to his death! No, he doesn’t. Marichuy sits inside and wonders what to do and daydreams about smooching Juan Miguel, always a pleasant pastime.

Avances: Marichuy and Leo go on a picnic which is at least half romantic, that half being Leo.
Leo and Marichuy see an article about Blanca/Ivette in the newspaper.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fuego, 1-13: "Remember when I said you were my first love? I lied."

Greetings, friends, I'm covering for Cheryl, she's spending a month in Mexico!

From yesterday: It's a full moon again.

Soledad (they put white powder on her face and blast her with a white light, do you think she's supposed to look like an angel?) begs her son to put aside his rancor, to break the chain of hate and vengeance (what good advice for the entire world); he can't and won't, he will bring down Ricardo and Gabriela if it's the last thing he does, and, as Nickster astutely pointed out, it probably will be... They have this conversation a couple more times during the episode.

Eva mopes, Sofia commiserates, "if YOU were my daughter, would you forgive me?" "Of course." Eva mopes some more, mopes and mopes. Then she goes and finds Ruth and warns her away from Furd, and says "we have so much to talk about," but Ruth doesn't think so. Goaded by Eva's relentlessly kindly platitudes, Ruth snarls: "I. AM. NOT! YOUR! DAUGHTER!!!" After several reiterations, Eva is left impactada - or rather, befuddled - into the commercial break. There is a lot of yelling about this same tired subject afterwards. Ruth looks as old as her supposed mother. I keep waiting for the collagen in Eva's lips to subside.

Later, Eva and Sofia have their same conversation again, with this important addition: "If Ruth is NOT your daughter, then - who is? And where is she?" Yawn.

Tad enters the hacienda. "Padrecito," sneers Furd, "you were told not to come here." Well, Father Bouffy announces he has a signed letter from Augustin that Furd tried to kill him, and he has a witness too. "What witness?" Ruth appears on the stairs sporting a less-than-loving look. Bouffy prompts her: "You saved Augustin when Furd tried to kill him, remember? You remember, don't you?" She retracts it all.

OK, for the pointless diversion of the night: Quintina and her two Maria friends dress up like Bratz dolls with pink and green wigs and go ogle the male strippers. They're just having a grand old time till there's a roust, and they get taken to jail with everybody else, have their mugshots taken and have to sign papers. Is there a point to this?

Gabriela, reading in bed, mopes: "Always alone, waiting for somebody, Furd for instance, I'm tired of begging for love, for attention. Only that low-life Coyote wants me. Hmm," - remembering I guess that, although bald, Coyote has a nice body - "why not? I'll go look for him!"

Meanwhile Coyote is again repeating (in case you missed it), Gabriela and Furd must pay.

Oscar is on his floor blanket and manages to move a toe, which leads Juan to harass him impatiently and remind him he's supposed to get up and walk. This irritates me. "I don't want what I can't have!" Oscar explains, and that's my philosophy too.

Franco tells Juan, over Oscar's head, that he visited Sara at the Gew-Gaw Palace and heard Jimena met a new fella. This gets Oscar's head up off the ground, but it's just a joke...

What actually happens at the Gew-Gaw Palace: Sara sadly takes leave of Jimena, who tells her to go home. Bunking down among the mylar balloons at Tchatchkes R Us, Jimena dreams morosely of Oscar and decide she should leave, go far away as soon as possible. Sarita, at home asleep over a book of riveting poetry, is awakened by Franco's rose and they share happy reminiscences and kisses.

Question: How does Franco keep his stubble so even? He seems to have two days' worth of beard every day. How can he do that?

Sofia starts badgering Gabriela, "Why do you hate me so, why do you like Ruth best?" "Do you really want to know?" "Yes." "Really, really?" "Yes." "Are you sure you really, really, really want to know?" "Yes, yes, yes." So Gabriela takes her to the study, presumably to tell her, but wait...

... Soledad gets shown in; Sofia and the maid are ordered out. "Bossy as ever, Gabriela!" "I thought you were dead." "No, just blinded and burned. But you're going to pay." "Who's going to do it? You, you idiot?" "No, my son [unnamed] by Ricardo, whom I tried to kill when I was pregnant, but now he's a man out for vengeance. He's closer to you than you think. Now I've warned you, my conscience is clear."

Meanwhile Raquel, wearing a plastic wig suitable for a Skipper doll vintage 1964, is lurking around the hacienda corner, waiting for Soledad, whom she has evidently chauffeured on this mission. She's worrying about Soledad's safety (oh, sympathy and concern? I guess Raquel has been rehabilitated while I wasn't watching this show) and is biting her fingernails when --

Ricardo shows up! He shouts, shakes her, yells about Important Papers, she doesn't know anything about them, Coyote is in the trees with a serious weapon and a bead on Ricardo, he fires, commercial! After commercial - well, he missed. Ruth runs (not well), Coyote shoots again and skedaddles. He catches up with Ruth and they leave together.

Meanwhile, Gab is throwing Soledad out with the usual, "Never cross my threshold again," and Sofia, aghast at this breach of hospitality, sweetly asks the blind woman if she'd like a lift home. "No, someone is waiting for me, but who are you?" She repeats Sofia's name and says she won't forget her kindness.

The Reyes brothers stand in a row at Libia's shrine and thank her for Juan's impending wedding, etc. Oscar, somewhat less thankful, mopes to dead Libia that he's lost the love of his life through arrogance and pride.

Very indignant, Ricardo reports to Ruth that somebody shot him! Two Times! Who was it? Raquel is being protected by somebody! And then the words we love to hear, that signify the true beginning of Ultimas Semanas: "Things are getting complicated." "Nothing is going as we planned!" Ricardo asks Ruth if she wants to separate Sofia and Juan for (1) hatred of the former or (2) hots for the latter.

It's a full moon again, again. Juan staggers a bit, stumbling in from vaulting up over the balcony. He and Sofia bring on the anvils by saying they will be together in two days, nothing can stop it, they have overcome all the obstacles that separate them.

That is clearly not true, as we all know such a moment comes in the LAST CAPITULO and NOT BEFORE!!!

Coyote asks Ruth crossly why she brought his mother to Gabriela. "Well, your mom was very insistent." They mull over the documents Ricardo was shouting about. They must be very important. But what are they? Where are they?

Now Ricardo, not having gotten sufficient satisfaction whining to Root about his evening, whines identically to Gabriela. "Raquel was outside, spying, and somebody shot me. TWO TIMES! Somebody was protecting her." "Who would protect her, she's so useless! Oh - maybe Soledad's son?"

This is a double surprise to Ricardo, who didn't know Soledad was alive, and also didn't know she had a son. His bug eyes bug out even more than usual, he is double impactado somewhat to Gabriela's surprise: "Why do you care, anyway?"

"Because I was profoundly in love with Soledad, and she returned the love with equal intensity. Remember when I said you were my first love? I lied. My only regret in life is that I abandoned her. I want to see her!"

Tomorrow: Furd, intent on getting "his half," prepares to shoot Gabriela. Juan has a fistful of documents as he steps, hard, on Ricardo's shin.


Doña Bárbara - Tues., Jan. 13 - Chicharrones and Arroz con carne de Puerco

Marisela tells Guerrero that she killed Meléndez. Guerrero presses her for details. Marisela hesitates while DB and Cecilia tell him that she is lying to protect Santos.

Juan Primito shows Gervasia the burnt jeep. She is horrified when she sees the bodies.

Andrés and Cósme tells Melesio that they are each in love with one of his granddaughters. Melesio says that they all need to talk about this.

Guerrero yells at Marisela asking if she was alone with Meléndez, if she was tied up, if he let her go? She doesn't know how to answer. All she can say is that Santos didn't do anything. DB and Cecilia continue to protest. Santos yells from his cell. Mujiquita tells Guerrero that Marisela needs to rest a little. Guerrero agrees to this but says that Marisela will rest in jail until he determines whether what she says is true.

While they are putting Marisela in a cell, she tells Santos that he has to be released. She killed Meléndez. DB insists on staying with Marisela since she is a minor.

The rebels asks if Melesio will let their terneras go away with them. This is news to Melesio. Genoveva says that they will travel the world being pursued. Altagracia tells her not to be a killjoy (aguafiesta). At this point Gervasia and JP come in and tell the news about the dead guys in the jeep. Gervasia faints.

Guerrero releases Santos. Santos refuses to leave when Marisela is in jail. Guerrero asks Marisela where she was held and she tells where the hut was. He asks how she killed Meléndez and she says, "I ran him through with a pitchfork and I left him there," ("Lo atravese con un trinchete y ahí lo dejé.") DB gets everyone to leave her alone with Marisela.

Guerrero tells Mujiquita to prepare a statement for Marisela to sign when she is calmer. Marisela and Santos tell Guerrero that Marisela is lying. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Santos suggests that Guerrero get some proof before he arrests people.

DB tells Marisela that she is stupid. Guerrero laid a trap and she fell into it. He doesn't have the proof to hold Santos or anyone. Marisela says that she got very upset when Guerrero accused Santos of something that she did. DB says that Marisela inherited her passionate nature. She loves Santos the same as DB does. Guerrero tells Marisela to come with him. They are going to visit the crime scene.

Pajarote and María Nieves find the crashed jeep. Pajarote finds Meléndez' wallet on the ground and the two bodies in the jeep. Melquíades is watching from hiding.

At the hut, everything is different. Guerrero asks if this where the murder took place and Marisela says yes and then no. Santos tells Guerrero again that Marisela is lying to protect him. Cecilia looks down and sees blood in the straw (you can hear a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl calling in the background - a series of short whistles. These owls often call during the day.) DB pushes more straw to cover up the blood with her foot.

Pajarote goes to Altamira to tell Lorenzo what is going on. Lorenzo tells Pajarote that he thinks it is very strange that Meléndez suddenly turns up dead and conveniently burnt to a crisp so as not to leave any clues. He asks Pajarote who could have done such a gruesome and well-planned thing. "Another barbarous death," says Pajarote, "very barbarous," (This works a little better in Spanish where the feminine form of the adjective to modify 'otra muerte' is 'bárbara.' We recall that the previous 'barbarous death' witnessed by Pajarote was the dismembered corpse of Julian Barreto discovered half eaten by the one-eyed alligator.)

At the site of the crash, Guerrero tells Santos that the corpses are burned beyond recognition. Things found at the site indicate that it was Meléndez and Sargeant Fierro in the jeep. Santos tells Guerrero that is it is clear that Marisela was lying. He should release her. Guerrero wonders what happened to the other soldier.

In the cell with DB, Marisela asks who cleaned up the place and how did Meléndez get burned up. DB tells her not to ask stupid questions. Marisela tells DB that Meléndez told her he was one of the men who raped her. DB admits this.

Antonio is back at work. Don Encarnación asks him to take Lucía to visit his nieces. She needs to meet people.

Marisela and DB-
M: You don't want to tell me about it?
DB: How could you want me to tell you about the horror of that night? You have already experienced something similar by being harassed by a lowlife. Imagine five of them, pursuing you like an animal, killing the man you loved, your father and ending the world that you knew. No, my child, you don't tell that. You survive that ... and it kills you.
M: That man deserved to die the way he did.
DB: Even worse.
M: And the others?
DB: They're in hell...(DB catches herself here) Or at least that is what I want. But I don't know what happened with them.
M: Because of them, you couldn't love me. What happened to you must have been horrible. I understand that.
DB: At least you understand that. Because I still don't understand what happened or forgive.
M: But you are happy now, right? You have him, you have Santos.
DB: Yes, I have him but I have no peace. I still sleep badly and every night the same nightmares pursue me. This anguish never leaves me. It's like being hungry and never being satisfied. It's like being thirsty and never slaking it. It's fear, child, and I've learned to live in fear (en el miedo).

DB offers Marisela a cigarillo.

She declines saying that she has tried to smoke with the terneras but it made her cough. DB says that she has bad habits and isn't a good example for anyone. Marisela says that DB isn't as bad as she thought she was.
M: You saved me when I was with that man.
DB: Are you converting me into a heroine?
M: I would like that.
DB: Don't do it. It's not worth it. I'm not worth anything as a mother, Marisela.
M: What you did the other night...
DB: Yes, I did it, I saved you. But understand, I didn't do it for free. Don't believe that I have changed, child. I continue to be what I am. Your mother charges for her favors and they cost a lot.
M: Me? You will charge me for your favors?
DB: Yes, you, too. Unfortunately, being my daughter doesn't exempt you. You still don't know when I will have give you the bill (pasarte la factura). My affection is... expensive, very expensive, child.

Marisela and DB are released from the lockup. DB tells Marisela that she is out of prison, she didn't kill anyone, Santos is free. Her mother took care of everything. Marisela runs to Santos and he embraces her and thanks her for what she did to try and save him. DB is instantly consumed with jealousy.

Santos brings Marisela back to Altamira. (Look at this scene carefully. It is clear that Genesis wasn't there when it was filmed. You never see her face with Lorenzo or Santos. They used a double.)

DB returns to El Miedo. She is beside herself with jealousy of Marisela. She tells Eustachia that Santos believes that Marisela invented the story that she killed Meléndez to save Santos and now she is the heroine while DB, who did so much to save them both, is here alone. Eustaquia says that she doesn't understand. She thought that DB had realized that she loved her daughter. DB says that she does love Marisela but when she sees her with Santos, she wants to kill her.

Santos asks Marisela to tell him what really happened with Meléndez when Gonzalo comes in. She embraces him and asks Santos to leave them alone.

Pernalete comes to see DB and complains about the soldiers hanging around in Progresso. DB tells him that is why she wanted to talk to him. DB says that she is fed up with having the soldiers around, too. Pernalete says that nothing can be done about it. DB says that she will tell him how to get the soldiers out of Progresso.

Gonzalo asks Marisela to go far away with him. He promises that she will never regret it. Sadly, Marisela says that she can't. "Why?" asks Gonzalo. "Because I'm not in love with you," replies Marisela.

María Nieves tries to make jokes about the burnt-up soldiers (chicharrones) but his attempts at humor fall flat. Altagracia says that MN's story are unpleasant and boring. Pajarote asks why Genoveva isn't celebrating with the other terneras. Is she eaten up with envy that they are getting married while she has missed the boat? ("a ti te está dejando el tren," literally, "the train has left her behind") Pajarote says that if he were stranded with her on a desert island, he would climb the highest palm tree and throw himself off because she is bitter and unpleasant and has the soul of an old maid (solterona), the body of an old maid and the face of an old maid.

Antonio brings Lucía to Melesio's house. When he hears that two of the terneras are going to marry the rebels, he says that his cousins can't marry men who are pursued by the authorities.

DB tells Pernalete to send telegrams to the Capitol complaining about abuses perpetrated by Meléndez and praising Guerrero for restoring order and recommending that he be promoted. Then Pernalete has to tell Guerrero that his promotion is thanks to DB. Pernalete says that what she asks will be difficult but if it means that the soldiers will leave he will do it. Santos returns to El Miedo.

DB tells Santos that soon the soldiers will leave and everything will be happy again in Progresso. Santos doesn't know how she can make that happen. DB says that she is a witch.

Melesio tells Antonio that when young people fall in love, it's better to go along with it and he thinks his granddaughters have chosen excellent partners.

Pernalete offers a toast, "to my intelligence, cleverness and power of persuasion."

Mujiquita doesn't know what he is talking about but he happy to drink Pernalete's booze. Josefa comes in and asks if it is true that Meléndez is dead. Mujiquita confirms that her protector is gone. He tells her to get out of his hotel and Pernalete tells her not to think about showing up at his house.

In bed with DB, Santos is thinking about Marisela and all she risked to save him. DB guesses this.
Cecilia asks Marisela whether she was telling lies about what happened with Meléndez to save Santos or was she telling the truth? Cecilia mentions the blood she saw in the hut. Marisela doesn't want to talk about that. Cecilia asks what Marisela is thinking. Marisela says that she thinks that she understands her mother now. She says that she feels guilty for falling in love with Santos.

Santos is waiting in Marisela's room when she wakes up the next morning. He tells her that he wants to be friends like they were before. Marisela says that isn't possible because he is her mother's lover. She says that if her father weren't in such bad shape, she would leave Altamira.

Guerrero comes to El Miedo. DB asks if he is coming to arrest her. He says that he has been promoted to Captain and recognizes that the promotion was the result of recommendations by DB. He and his soldiers are preparing to leave Progresso. She asks him and his unit to a farewell dinner. She will make her specialty - rice with pork ("Arroz con carne de puerco"). We see Melquíades looking at Meléndez' body in the freezer. Is she going to cook him and feed him to the troops? It hardly seems worth all the problems associated with only having two bodies turn up just to make the soldiers be cannibals all unaware.


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