Monday, March 16, 2009
Doña Barbara, Mon. March 16 - Santos goes to jail; Marisela and Antonio decide to leave town; DB has a bad dream and decides to turn over a new leaf
I was on a birdwatching trip to Venezuela but not in the llanos where DB is set. We were in eastern Venezuela near the border with Guyana. We spent a lot of time like this - peering into a rainforest for a tiny bird to show itself for a second or two. We did see one caiman, just a little one, though, with two eyes.
Interestingly, we did go birding near a shrine sort of like the Virgin of the Tree Bark in DB. This is the the shrine to the Virgin of the Rock.
...and here is the rock with the Virgin indicated.
Everybody loves toucans and here is a picture I took of a Channel-billed Toucan.
Back to tonight's episode...
Santos tells Marisela that she can't leave, that she has to stay with him. Not surprisingly, Marisela tells him that she is neither his farmhand (peon) nor his employee nor does she have an owner. She will do what she pleases with whom she pleases.
Antonio tells Cecilia that he is moving to San Fernando to work for Gonzalo. He doesn't want to leave her but he can't control himself when he sees her and thinks it is better if he goes away. Cecilia starts to cry and says that she doesn't want him to leave. Antonio says that if he stays, they will become lovers when they could have been husband and wife. Cecilia agrees that his leaving is for the best but she is destrozada. She makes him promise that he won't speak about their love again. He promises but says that she will always be in his heart.
When DB tries to intervene between Santos and Marisela, he tells her not to dare touch him.
Pajarote finds Celeste crying by the road. She tells him that she is bored. She doesn't like the hacienda where she works, the boss is crabby, her brothers won't leave her in peace and watch her all the time and her mother gives her jobs to do up to here ('hasta los tuétanos', literally, 'up to the squash'). Celeste asks if Pajarote has a girlfriend. He says no.
Santos tells DB that it is her fault that Marisela wants to leave. He calls her the worst person he has ever met, and says that she is a thief, a criminal, a murderer. Marisela tells him to shut up.
(Unusual shot of Marisela and DB together looking at Santos.)
Celeste is ready to get it on with Pajarote but he says that he has to go get a bull who has an appointment with his cows. "They have all the luck," says Celeste. The encounter convinces Pajarote that his decision not to stay with one woman is wise.
Genoveva is all sweetness and light.
Antonio tells Lucía that they are going to San Fernando.
Marisela tells Santos not to play the innocent. Everybody told him about DB and he stayed in her bed anyway. Gonzalo tries to intervene but Santos calls him a traitor. Santos accuses Gonzalo of taking advantage of what has happened to steal Marisela from him.
Celeste tells her mother about the handsome guy she met named Pajarote. Tigre overhears and says if Pajarote touches a hair of her head, Tigre will kill him. Eustaquia overhears.
Santos punches Gonzalo and Gonzalo orders Pernalete to put Santos in jail until he sleeps it off.
Outside, Marisela tells Gonzalo that she is fed up and can't take it anymore. He says everything will change tomorrow.
Don Encarnación is surprised that Antonio wants to get involved in politics. Antonio tells him that Lucía convinced him to try it.
Marisela tells Cecilia that she is going to San Fernando with Gonzalo. "You too?" asks Cecilia.
Geno overhears Gervasia and Altagracia telling Melesio about their Shakespearean strategy to get her and Pajarote together.
DB comes to see Santos in jail. He says that she can't imagine how much he hates her. DB keeps playing the baby card and saying that she knows that Santos really loves her. Santos tells her to get it through her head once and for all that he doesn't love her.
Marisela tells Cecilia what happend with Santos in the jefetura and how she can't take any more. That is why she is going to San Fernando. Marisela goes to lie down and Cecilia asks how Gonzalo learned to manipulate people so well ('mover tan bien los hilos,' literally, 'move the threads so well').
Santos tells DB that she is worse than the plague. She destroys everything she touches because of the evil she carries inside her. DB replies that what she has done in her life was to defend herself after what happened to her when she was almost a girl. Santos rejects this. He tells her to stop hiding behind what was done to her. He says the the rest of humanity isn't guilty of her rape. He says that she is evil because she wants to be evil. He says that there is something twisted inside her that likes to see other people suffer. DB swears that she has repented for what she has done. She says that the baby she is carrying will be her salvation and make her a better person. Santos isn't buying. He says that she has told him this many times before and he believed her and then she deceived him. He goes on to say that he isn't going to let her destroy the life of his child the way she did with Marisela. She isn't going to be able to hurt the baby because he is going to take it away from her. She protests her love for him again but he says that he doesn't want to hear it and tells her to go away.
Gonzalo tells Pernalete not to let Santos out of jail until the next day after Gonzalo has left town with Marisela. Spinelessly, they agree.
Cosme and Andres are still hoping to get jobs working for Gonzalo. He meets them in the bar. He tells Andres that he should start a newspaper in Progresso that will print the plans that the government has for the region. He tells Cosme that he needs him to oversee the construction of various buildings that he is planning. When Cosme says that to do that he needs money, Gonzalo says that he has an investor who will provide the capital. [We've already seen Gonzalo tell Santos that Sapo was just a businessman so I can guess who is going to be investing in these projects in Progresso. Gonzalo has gone to the dark side indeed.] Cosme and Andres are surprised but they drink a toast to their new projects.
DB flashes back to Santos' words. She says that no one will take her baby away. She meets the priest and says that she hopes he will baptize her baby.
Mujica comes to see Santos in jail and tells him about Gonzalo's orders not to release him until the next day. Santos tells Mujica that he is sure that Gonzalo is scheming to take Marisela away from him again.
Antonio comes into the bar and tells Gonzalo that he has accepted his offer. Gonzalo introduces his new secretary to Andres and Cosme who are impactados. [I don't think DB asked Gonzalo to get Antonio out of town. Gonzalo has made Antonio his secretary for the same reason Pernalete got him involved in the land transfer - Gonzalo thinks that Antonio isn't smart or experienced enough to figure out what he is up to.]
DB is back at El Miedo and wonders what is happening when Celeste and her mother scurry away in fear of her. Eustaquia says that it is because she is used to making people afraid of her. "They who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind," says Eustaquia quoting the Bible (Hosea 8:7 - "Quien sembra vientos, recoge tempestades.")
Andres and Cosme hastily leave the bar. Gonzalo tells Antonio that they have to leave for San Fernando the next day. Antonio is surprised. He says that he has to say goodbye to his 'viejo' and Santos. Gonzalo tells him that Santos is in jail.
DB has a dream where Santos and Marisela tell her how much they hate her and other people call her a devil and when she runs to the cradle, the baby is gone. She tells Eustaquia about the dream. Eustaquia says that it was just a nightmare. DB says no. Dreams are messages from the other side. The gods of her mother want to tell her something. Eustaquia tells DB that the dream means that all the evil in her past is threatening the baby. The gods are telling her that she has to change and undo the bad things that she has done or the baby will pay her debts.
Now Pajarote finds out about the scheme to get him and Genoveva together.
Cecilia is crying. She tells Marisela that she is her grown up daughter and her friend that she wants to love and see again. Marisela tells her not to cry. She won't be so far away and they can talk on the telephone and visit. Marisela says that she has to leave and Cecilia agrees. DB shows up and asks to speak to Marisela. She says that she has come to ask Marisela to forgive her for all she as done.
Genoveva meets Pajarote and they tell each other that they were victims of their friends' plan.
They both agree that neither is in love with the other. But they start to kiss anyway.
Antonio comes to see Santos. Santos calls Gonzalo a traitor. Santos admits he acted like an idiot but he doesn't regret what he said or did. Antonio tells Santos that he is going to San Fernando as Gonzalo's secretary. Santos is surprised.
DB tells Marisela that she knows it is difficult to believe after all she has done but she wants Marisela to forgive her. Marisela doesn't believe her and asks what else she wants since Marisela has already given her the hacienda and Santos. DB repeats that she just wants Marisela's forgiveness. Cecilia asks how DB dares to comes and ask forgiveness of Marisela after she has ruined her life. Marisela says that she understands. DB is asking her for forgiveness out of fear. She is doing it for her child so that her god or demons don't harm the child or punish it. Marisela tells her not to worry. She doesn't hate DB's child. She feels sorry for it. She says that the love DB believes she feels right now is one of her lies. She is using at her pregnancy to get Santos back but she won't be able to deceive Santos again or her either. "Don't worry," says Marisela, "Live in peace if you can. I won't continue to fight for Santos. You have made our love impossible but you will never have him either. Accept it! Santos will never love you again. And this baby will not be happier than I was because you don't know how to love. This marvellous woman (indicating Cecilia) has tried to teach me what is good and what is bad. And, forgive me Aunt, today I can't be a good person. Bárbara Guaimarán will have to live without my pity (piedad) because I am definitely not forgiving you! "
Labels: barbara
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon., March 16 - PJ/S & Isabel are on the run
A cute pic of Mario from Friday's episode.
PJ/S and Isabel are on the run. I haven't watched all the episodes I missed when I was away and some of them didn't get TiVo'd so I don't know why PJ/S and Isabel have run away but she apparently knows that he is PJ.
PJ/S tells Isabel that he doesn't feel well and is having visions of being with Cantalicia. (It doesn't seem like he has told Isabel that Salvador is trying to get his body back.) PJ/S and Isabel decide to do something to help Cantalicia.
It's blurry but Valeria slaps the unspeakable Rebeca in the middle of one of her tirades.
PJ/S mails a letter to Ángela and some money to the priest for Cantalicia. A policeman sees them.
PJ/S in his beach whites.
PJ/S and Isabel are kissing,,,
... when he gets the familiar psychic attack.
Ángela went to the hospital with false labor. She reads PJ's letter to her and says that even if they never meet again physically, he will always be the most important person to her.
Walter figures out where PJ/S and Isabel have gone.
Labels: cuerpo
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Doña Bárbara Offers to Buy El Miedo, Friday, March 13
DB tells Mujiquita and Pernalete that she’s paying a dineral (a fortune) to her daughter for El Miedo. Pernalete asks if she’s sure. Marisela isn’t doing a thing about getting the hacienda and he’s pretty sure she won’t. She tells him to stay out of it and asks Mujica to prepare the paperwork. He starts typing on an ancient typewriter.
Antonio tells Gonzalo that working for him is not the job for him. He says he’s a campesino, suited to working with horses and cows. Gonzalo tells him that he’s a hard worker and that he doesn’t need politicians who look for prebendas (special favors). He needs a man with the frankness and purity of someone who has earned his way by the sweat of his brow. He wants him for these reasons and also because Antonio is his friend and can help him to advance the people of the Arauca.
Antonio says he doesn’t know about laws and government. Gonzalo tells him that what he does have is a gift for leadership. He needs someone to always remind him of the truth. Lucía smiles happily.
Yowzah!! The next scene scorched the wood on my pine entertainment center! Pajarote and Geno are cuddling after making love. He asks if he hurt her and she said only a little. He asks if she enjoyed it. She replies that she’s sure she’s going to enjoy it. Pajarote looks disconcerted. “Then you didn’t enjoy it?” Geno tells him Marisela told her that when she made love to Santos a balloon inflated inside her. Pajarote replies that Marisela must be a phenomenon! Geno says that the balloon grows and grows and suddenly and beautifully explodes. A look of comprehension is now on Pajarote’s face. “And this balloon didn’t explode for you?” Geno replies that it was expanding but his balloon exploded first. He asks if she wants to know how it feels when the balloon explodes, and she replies that she does. He tells her that the bad part of all this is that, once she experiences this, she’ll want it every time. Is she ready to risk it? We now see Geno’s ecstatic face and upper body, and Pajarote is obiously below.
Lucía says she’d love to be the wife of a government secretary. He says he’s not good at these things. She tells him he shouldn’t give a desaire (snub or rebuff) to Gonzalo. Gonzalo tells him that this is the land of cattlemen, and he needs that experience. Lucía keeps pressing him, and Gonzalo tells her to not push. Gonzalo tells her that Antonio doesn’t think he can do it, but you and I know that he can. I’ll leave you to discuss it with your wife and we’ll talk in a week.
Santos is in the bar getting drunk. Arias tries to stop him but, slurring his words, Santos tells him not to butt in.
Lucía looks more like her usual sulky self, asking him why he won’t accept. Antonio replies “zapatero a sus zapatos” (the cobbler should stick to shoes). She says that Gonzalo is right about his experience in running a hacienda. And besides, he himself said she needed to see a doctor in the city. If they went to San Fernando, she would have the best doctors. Antonio says it’s one thing to visit a doctor in the city; another thing to move there. Besides, his son is here. She tells him it’s not so far and they could have Toñito on weekends. She explodes; “Why not admit it; you don’t want to leave because of Cecilia!”
Pajarote and Geno are in the bathtub together. He tells her she’s not so bitter now. And she replies he’s not so pajarraco (nasty piece of work) now. He asks her if she enjoyed her balloons. She tells him she can’t say that they all exploded. Pajarote is indignant; after all my work! She said it was more like damp firecrackers than a rocket going off. He tells her not to worry, the next time he’ll give her a fiesta patronal (4th of July party) with big rockets and fireworks. Geno turns serious wondering what they’ll tell people. P says nothing. She agrees, not wanting people to make fun of them. She starts to talk about the future and P looks a bit worried, telling her they’ll be friends with a future. He can’t bring himself to say novios.
Antonio tells Lucía not to keep insisting. These fights aren’t good for her pregnancy. He gets up to leave for a breath of fresh air.
DB and Mujica enter the bar to get a drink. DB spies Santos and says it appears Mujica’s not the only one needing a drink. Mujica wants to approach but DB tells him to leave him alone.
Cecilia is in Marisela’s room, and she’s curled up in misery. Cecilia tells her the sun is shining and she should make an effort to dress and get out. M replies that she wants to die. C tells her no one ever died from love, and she knows this better than anyone. M replies that tomorrow she’ll get up, but today she buried her happiness with Santos and she needs to stay in bed.
DB knocks then pushes past Casilda and goes on into Marisela’s bedroom. Cecilia confronts her, and DB says she has to speak to her daughter. Marisela sits up and tells her she already destroyed her life. Isn’t that enough? DB tells her she shouldn’t complain. She has many friends. Look at Cecilia roaring like a lion defending someone else’s cub. Cecilia tells DB that she was only one defending Marisela while DB was hurting her so much. She says that M is not someone else’s; she’s hers and she’ll defend her against anyone and most especially against DB.
DB tells her that she didn’t come to hurt her. She knows that Marisela hates her and she has a right to do so. She has come to give her justice and to offer her a good business deal. She pulls a document out of her boot and tells her that she has bought El Miedo. Cecilia says it’s a trick. DB says she only wants to fix things. Marisela tells Cecilia that she’ll talk with DB and that she’s not as weak or as stupid as DB thinks she is. Cecilia leaves. DB tells her that that woman loves you. M asks if that makes her feel better. DB replies: no, but it makes me proud. Let’s talk business.
Genoveva returns to Casa Sandoval to recriminations from Gervasia. Apparently she left food on the fire and ruined lunch. Gervasia asks her why her hair is wet. She makes up a quick story about how she tripped with a bucket of water that she’d gone to fetch.
Carmelito and Maria Nieves are quizzing Pajarote about where he’s been for two hours. They tell him about DB’s pregnancy and that Marisela left Altamira. Pajarote says he has to take a siesta as a result of exploding so many balloons!
DB tells M that things have been too complicated between them because of the absurd business with the hacienda. She admits her bad temper and that when she’s crossed, she becomes blind with rage. She says she has a simple solution, buying El Miedo, or La Barquereña, as you prefer to call it. Marisela asks who she’s trying to fool. She tells her to quit trying to be gentle and humble; it doesn’t suit her. Finish what you have to say and go. DB shows her the paper with her offer. She says there are no tricks. She wants M to profit from the sale. M will be able to start a new life, travel, study, whatever she likes. She says it’s the least she can do after all the harm she’s done.
Santos is passed out in the bar. Gonzalo asks Andrés and Cosme to help him get him up to his room in the hotel.
DB says she knows M doesn’t believe her. She tells her she didn’t want to fight with her own daughter. Unfortunately they both fell in love with the same man. She tells her that the price she’s paying is fair. Marisela tells her she must be trying to pay for 20 years of neglect. DB says that there’s no price that can be paid for the damage she did to Marisela. But she wants her to know that this time there’s no estafa (fraud). M asks why, then answers her own question.
It’s to give the hacienda to your child, the one that’s on its way. You’re going to give him what you denied me: your property and your love. Years ago I would have envied this poor child. But now I pity him. Because your love kills, and it destroys more than your hate, Bárbara. DB says she didn’t come to fight. Look over the offer. Marisela says: “And the oil?” DB says: “Look at what a horse trader you are! Let’s talk. The oil is a possibility and not yet confirmed. But, all right. Let’s add to the contract that if there is algun yacimiento (any mineral deposit) you’ll have the right to a percentage. What about 25%? If it’s there, and for life? Anything so you won’t think I robbed you.”
Marisela tells her she just wants to clear her conscience, but it won’t work. DB tells her to look at her. She is who she is, and she only knows how to pay for her wrongdoings with money.
Andres and Cosme have Santos under the shower. Santos babbles drunkenly about them taking him to see Marisela. After he’s on the bed, Andrés asks Gonzalo why he’s amused. G says it’s because when they were younger it was Santos who took care of him after a bender. He tells them to let him sleep it off.
Andrés and Cosme are talking with Gonzalo in the bar. They tell him there isn’t enough for them to do in El Progreso. The newspaper idea hasn’t worked out, even though he realizes they need one. Cosme says that he’s almost finished constructing dairies for Santos and after that will be out of work. They want to work for G. Gonzalo tells them they can’t let themselves be carried away and make mistakes like the previous government, taking care of friends only. DB approaches and asks about Santos. G tells her he’s in his room at the hotel passed out, and that the door is open. A & C look shocked.
DB comes into the room calling him my love. She asks if he can hear her. He thinks she’s Marisela and tells her not to leave him. She says she’s not M, she’s DB. He rolls over, turning his back on her. She gets into bed with him and tells him she knows he hates her. He asked her for the truth so many times. But how could she tell him a horrible truth full of blood and guilt. She was afraid of losing him. And look, I did lose you. Now you love my daughter. But is that true, or is she only a reflection of what you felt for me. She’s a child, and you like women. I enjoyed you so much my love, and I miss you so much. I know you’re sad and angry. But now our child is coming. You will come closer to me to watch him grow. And that’s when things will begin again. I’ll be patient. Eventually there will be the three of us. Our child, you, and I. And this time it will be better. No lies. No secrets.
Marisela is writing a sad letter to Maurice telling him the sun is shining outside but there’s a cloud over her soul.
Casilda and Cecilia are discussing the situation when Marisela emerges asking Casilda to go to the hotel and tell DB that she’ll meet her at the Jefatura at 4:00 to sign the document.
Gonzalo tells his friends that they will have to wait so he won’t be accused of advancing his friends. Andrés tells him they weren’t friends, but companions in the fight for a better country.
Cecilia tells G that she’d like a ride to Altamira so that she can speak with Santos. G tells her he’s dead drunk in his hotel room and with DB. C tells him DB is going to hear from her. Gonzalo follows her to his room. Cecilia tells DB that she’s not going to let her put one over on Marisela. She said the very foolish Marisela was going to sign. DB replies that this is a good thing and thanks for letting her know. She leaves. Cecilia tries to get Santos awake.
In the next scene, he’s in the bar asking for a beer as a hangover cure.
Cecilia is talking with Antonio about Marisela. She goes on to say how sad she is that she lost him without even a fight. She says she has to keep loving him in silence, and that she can’t bear to think she’ll never be with him again. They kiss.
DB is in the Jefatura. Mujica gives her the document, explaining he’s added the part about profits from mineral rights. Santos shows up telling her he’s not going to allow her to take advantage of Marisela. DB tells him Pernalete himself just said it was a good deal for Marisela. Marisela shows up. DB tells Santos to read it and see that it’s not a trick. She’s buying the place for a very good price. Santos tells Marisela not to do it. Owning the hacienda is what her father wanted for her. DB tells him to let her make up her own mind.
Cecilia and Antonio are on her bed together. She says she doesn’t want to live without him. He calls her mi mariposa and says that he feels her love.
Santos tells DB that this is another of her Machiavellian plans. She’s doing it to hurt M. The thing that disgusts him the most is that she’s using her pregnancy to hurt Marisela. He tells her what she’s doing is extortion. She’s taking advantage of Marisela feeling badly to get her to sell her property. In her right mind, she’d never sign. DB says no matter what she does, he blames her. She’s trying to treat her fairly and he comes around with legal words. Marisela is not a child and she knows what she’s doing. Santos accuses her of buying the place to get her to go away. He says he knows her. He doesn’t believe in her tears and regrets. Marisela says she doesn’t believe in them either.
Pajarote is walking along, leading his horse and talking to the horse. He tells the horse that Genoveva was dynamite! Who would have guessed that the little virgin would be so hot. He tells himself she really goes for him, especially since he discovered her balloons. The bad part is that she’s talking about the future. Why do women always do that? He doesn’t want to be like the rest of the guys, faithful. He sees Celeste sitting on a log crying. "Ah, look who we have here: the little Mondragon! Looks like we’ll have to console her".
Cecilia jerks herself away from Antonio and begs his forgiveness for the way she was. They can’t do this to Lucía. Antonio says that the best thing is to put distance between them. He’s going to live in San Fernando.
Marisela tells Santos and DB to quit arguing over her. It’s not worth it. DB is expecting his child, and she’s the odd man out in this situation.
Santos looks at her imploringly and wants to know if she’s thinking of leaving. Marisela replies that she already left his life. He says it’s not true and that the only person he loves is Marisela. Marisela asks for a bolígrafo (ballpoint pen). Santos says: “Don’t do it, my love!” M tells him not to call her his love ever again. DB says “Good decision, daughter!” And Marisela (using the formal, usted form with DB) tells her not to ever call her daughter again.
Gonzalo comes in asking what’s going on. DB tells him she just made Marisela a millionaire. Marisela tells him she just made a decision. She’s going to San Fernando with him. Santos is impactado.
Labels: barbara
MEPS, 03/13/09 - True Confessions: Wedding Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down
Capítulo 20
In another part of the county it seems that Errorika has brought Cad-milo home for the night since mami and papi are away for the week. They share wine and suck face. Before Cad gets to second base she needs to hear the magic words, “I love you.” Cad-milo handily side steps the issue by telling his “pastelito lindo” [pretty little cupcake] to take in all the details of his sister’s wedding the next day because Erika’s will be twice as nice. The pastelito smiles broadly and gets ready to be devoured.
The next morning Nanda is up early and she rushes to watch the wedding preparations from her bedroom window. (Hope that wedding planner got her money up front.) The Bar-bot enters the room and stares menacingly at Nanda before saying hello. Nanda tells Babs that her being there all these years has made her mother’s absence more bearable. Babs gives Nanda Monserrat’s gold medallion to wear for the wedding. It’s the same one Moan-sie wore for her own wedding. Fernanda stares at it and remembers how her mother always wore it while Barbinator Barbie secretly gets a large charge remembering how she smothered Moan-sie to death all those years ago.
Across the way, Jacinto and Eduardo meet up at the newly rented Las Animas. Jacinto hands over the suitcase that Eddie left the other day at his mother’s. Jacinto tells him that the people who used to use to live at this hacienda were nasty types. Eddie says they were no worse than the Elizalde's.
Meanwhile, downstairs in the main house of the Elizalde’s hacienda, Any Balls and Gonzo are eating breakfast. AB wonders if Babs isn’t wrong to reject Franco Santoro’s business offer out of hand, but Gonzo figures that Barbie is right to be cautious about Santoro. AB suggests that his daddy is old fashioned and says that in this day and age he figures you have to finalize business opportunities as soon as they present themselves or they can be lost forever. He’s interested in the huge infusion of capital that Santoro’s offer represents. (Personally, I think AB is interested in a different kind of "infusion" from Franco Santoro.) Papa Gonzo is puzzled at AB’s sudden and urgent interest in funding and asks if the company’s bankrupt. AB denies that that is what's behind his mentioning it while at the same time he thinks about their having had to unexpectedly dump all those millions of dollars worth of powdered milk product in the dead of night. Santoro’s money, AB lies, is only to help cover during the expansion period. Gonzo says that’s what the powdered milk purchase was for, so there’s no reason to get ahead of themselves like that. AB stares at his bowl of corn flakes and swallows hard.
Back at Las Animas, Jacinto tells Eduardo (love that preppy look, Eddie-Boy. Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!) that he has a bad feeling about the trouble Ed is getting himself into by getting involved with the Elizalde’s. Eddie says that he’s not doing anything wrong. He swears that he won't do anything bad to them. As much as he would like to, he just isn’t capable of it. All he wants is to make them to look at themselves in the mirror and to be appalled at what they see there. He wants them to say out loud what they refuse to put into words. As for Anibal, says Eddie, he’s no better than Camilo. “One is dominated by ambition and the other is dominated by the desire for power and by lust. Camilo will sell his soul to the Devil for a little bit of pleasure.”
We beam over to said pleasure seeker in bed with Errorika. She tells him they’ve really got to get up. Cad-milo’s ready to take the Stairway to Heaven again, but she reminds him they’ve got to get ready for his sister’s wedding. “We can tell them we’re practicing for our honeymoon,” he says lustily.
Viewerville dizzily beams back to Las Animas where once Ed and Jacinto are now discussing Santiago’s character flaws. Ed says he’s got to come back soon or lose everything he loves. Of course, “he began losing it all anyway since he was a kid because he refused to pick a fight with Camilo.” At the same time Santiago, aka the Mop-top, is bee-bopping along on his way back to hearth and home for the kid sister’s Big Day.
Back at Las Animas again, Eddie continues lecturing Jacinto about the rest of the Elizalde’s faults. He tells him that refusing to acknowledge something is also a sin. “Gonzalo Elizalde is intoxicated by that siren [Barbara Greco] to the degree that he has given up his own will.“ We beam back to the Elizalde’s where Babs is smoothing Gonzo the Geezer’s hair, straightening his tie and convincing him with that low-pitched, mesmerizing purr of hers, to forget about the alliance with Franco Santoro in favor of keeping Grupo Lactos all in the family. Definitely looks like the wheels inside of old Gonzo's head need a bit of oil as the dottering old fool tries to mull over what Babs just said.
Eduardo swears to Jacinto that when he is finally face to face with Gonzo Elizalde and he knows that he is Sole's son, everything will have come to an end (whatever that’s supposed to mean).
The Barbinator is smiling smugly to herself in the mirror now. Artemio Bravo’s call interrupts her thoughts -which begs the question: do bar-bots actually think or do they simply compute? He orders her to make sure that Fernanda's wedding is the last time that the Elizalde's ever celebrate anything. From that moment on "everything must be a step taken towards the family’s bankruptcy, misfortune and grief."
In another part of the main house, Nanda begins the long ordeal of getting ready while across the way at Las Animas, Eddie and Jacinto now discuss her sin of “inaction.” Eddie believes that she’s at fault because she stood by and did nothing all those years his mother suffered the unspeakable under the harsh hand of Barbara Greco. She obviously forgot him very quickly, he editorializes, since for all the years he was away Nandita never once replied to his letters, ‘though whatever he felt for her he supposed was mutual. (Ok. Ok. Anybody else losing it here besides me? The girl was nine! Dial up Dr. Laura quick cuz Eddie-boy here needs a large dose of Dr. Laura's special style o’ smack-down.) Jacinto objects. He thinks Eddie’s got Fernanda figured all wrong. She is different from the rest of them; she’s not a schemer and has no secrets to hide. Eduardo says then if she has no secrets he plans to help her develop a few.
Fernanda meanwhile, notices the old photo of her with Sole and Eduardo and begins crying as Prissy walks in with Nanda’s wedding bouquet.
Back again at Las Animas, ‘Cinto and Eddie continue this never-ending discussion of theirs. He tells Ed that he’s afraid that they’ll be the ones to come out on the losing end of things. Eddie says there’s not much left to lose (speak for yourself, Eduardo) and if they can put the brakes on the Elizalde’s, it will be to Jacinto, Margarita, and Denia’s benefit as well as his own. Jacinto interjects that the way things are going at his end, his wife is to the point of abandoning him. (Dunno, but that may be a bit of a non sequiter. Whoever’s been editing this episodio has got his head up his proverbial rear.)
Outside the main house now, Denia tries pacifying Margo, who is frustrated to tears that she hasn’t been able to track down Jacinto all morning and she suspects she’s just swallowed another one of his lies.
In her bedroom, Nanda (we assume, due to the crap—excuse me, questionable editing) is apparently upset that Soledad isn’t going to be there for the wedding. Prissy tells Nanda that her mother didn’t come to her wedding, either, but she skips over the reasons why for now, and changes the subject to the amulet she wants to give Fernanda. It’s not a good luck charm; however it’s supposed to protect Nanda from evil. Prissy wants her to keep it safe in case she ever needs it, even though, she says, Fernanda might not understand or even think she would need anything like that. (I say hang it outside her bedroom door like garlic.)
Outside in back, last minute wedding preparations continue. BOW barks last minute instructions. Gonzo walks up and tells Babs that he’s worried Santiago won’t make it in time for the wedding. Babs commiserates. “You can never know what to expect from him.”
About this time, Santiago, that loveable, mop-topped Moppet, is pulling up to a toll booth when he spies a pretty young woman crying on the side of the road.
In the main house Denia walks into Nanda’s bedroom to attend to her household chores. Nanda frantically asks her where Sole is and why her nana isn’t there to help her at least dress for the wedding. Denia stutters as the ever-ready Barbinator arrives just in the nick of time. Babs pretends to be muy impactada that Sole still hasn’t arrived yet and she ever-so-thoughtfully tells Denia to leave the towels and have Lucio take her to pick up Sole.
Meanwhile, our charming Mop-Top, Santiago, pays his toll but absent-mindedly forgets his large wad of change. He then drives through the toll booth again but it’s not for his change. He is distracted by the disconsolate pretty young thing at the roadside. So what does he do? He stops in the middle of the toll lane and hops out to ask her why she’s crying and if he can help.
Back in Nanda’s bedroom, Babs sweetly suggests that Prissy help Nanda get dressed since the bishop is almost there and Fernanda can’t exactly make confession dressed in a bathrobe. BOW then heads outside with Denia and Lucio. She has Lucio explain to doltish Denia that they only need to drive around a few minutes then say that Sole has sent word back that she will arrive later on. Denia gets uppity and makes the mistake of angrily asking what she’s supposed to say once Fernanda realizes something is up. BOW smacks The Insolent One up ‘side the head and tells Denia that’s not Denia’s problem. (You know, you’d think after the first loose tooth Denia might just take the hint. --So what is it about Mexican domestics that they always just accept getting smacked around by the patrona in these things?)
Errika finally arrives at the Elizalde’s and she and Prissy talk Fernanda into letting them help her get dressed since Sole is running late. Five layers and numerous FF>>’s later Nanda is fully dressed. She is anything but a beaming bride-to-be. Prissy leaves and Err confesses to Fernanda that she spent last night with her big bro, Cad-milo. She tells Nanda what Cad told her about having a wedding twice as nice as Nanda’s. Nanda says she hopes it will be exactly that, but with a man that truly loves and respects her. Err insists that Cad-milo loves her as much as Damian loves Nanda. (She’s got that right…..)
Meanwhile, the Mexican version of California’s Valley youth (like brother, like sister) brings miles of speeding traffic to a dead halt. Santiago begins to plead (amidst numerous honking, impatient drivers who are ever so literally edging towards road rage) for the young lady to let him play Good Samaritan by offering to give her a lift. She accepts and our uber-charming Moppet de México avoids a much deserved butt-kicking from the irate crowd. “Keep the change and pay their tolls with it,” he tells the attendant.
A bit later that morning, Fernanda confesses to the bishop that she hasn't been totally honest with Damian. The bishop asks her what she’s kept from her future husband. She starts thinking back to smiling little Eduardo. Nanda tearfully tells the bishop that she had always thought her wedding day would be the happiest day of her life, but it isn’t. She tries to smile and keep up appearances for everybody else, she admits, but inside her heart is breaking and she isn’t sure why. The bishop asks if she’s in love with Damian or if there is somebody else she’s in love with. Nanda says she loves Damian, but her childhood love interest is something that still haunts her. She hasn’t heard from him in fifteen years, but it still bothers her. The bishop chalks it off to the normal wedding day jitters and absolves her.
Across the way at Las Animas, the adult Eduardo looks at some of his childhood photos. The engagement ring he bought for Fernanda drops out from an envelope and onto the desk. He remembers back to the bittersweet kiss in the loft where everything began. He says to himself that for Fernanda everything was just a little child’s playtime fantasy, while for him it has been his entire life. (Eddie, you handsome hunk, it’s so sad to see you stuck in the past this way like some emotionally stunted lunk-head.) He chucks the engagement ring in a cabinet cubby hole and forlornly walks away.
Outside Jacinto rides away on his bike and remembers the last bit of the conversation with Eduardo. From that day on, Eduardo told him, their friendship will have to be the best kept secret of their lives; and if for any reason at any moment ‘Cinto believes that Eduardo has put him or his family in danger he has got to do whatever necessary to save himself and his loved ones.
On the road ag’in, Santiago kids with his new passenger about why she’s going to Villa Maderos, the same town he’s from. He mentions he’s headed back home there for his kid sister’s wedding and she notices that he’s not exactly pleased about it. She asks him why. He smiles at her and says he’ll explain if she tells him why she’s headed to Villa Maderos. Pretty Crying Girl clams up again.
Denia and Lucio are sitting it out on the little road that leads to Sole’s. Lucio tells her enough time’s passed and they need to head back to the main house for the wedding. She has a fit and suddenly tears off her apron. She starts screaming and crying that she’s had it up to her ears with La Hiena. Unsuspecting Lucio reminds her she should never bite the hand that feeds her. She tells him to butt out because he has no idea what’s been going on. He admits BOW is a bit demanding, but jobs don’t exactly grow on trees around there. He says he’s kept his fine job because he’s always done what the lady asks and has ignored the rest. He then tries to get Denia into the SUV, but she pushes him away. He can’t understand what the big deal is and says that all she has to say is that Soledad says she’s coming later. Denia loses it finally and screams at Lucio that it’s all a lie because Soledad is really dead.
Loud-mouth Lucio is speechless for once. Denia is still on a roll, though, and she lets it fly fast and furious. Denia screams at him that she is fed up with constantly having to bow down and kiss [lamer: literally, licking] La Hiena’s feet. She’s sick to death with being constantly humiliated by her and being treated like she’s her slave. “The woman is a fraud! She’s nothing more than a bitch in heat!” Lucio says she’s exaggerating. Denia insists she’s telling him the truth and then admits she saw La Hiena herself rutting in the back seat of Damian Gallardo’s car the other night, and she was doing the dirty deed with none other than Fernanda’s intended himself!
Labels: manana
Tontas no Van Friday 3/13 Qué casualidad! (What a coincidence!)
Okay, remember how Isabel said she had something in the basement to help Santiago with his blues? Some of us thought it might be wine. Isabel drags Santi to show him just what it is.
We revisit Candy consoling Charly after telling him he has HIV, and Meño entering, asking what’s wrong. Last night we saw Charly tell his Dad he was going to die. So tonight he tells him all about the tests, the HIV….NOT! Actually, when Meño asks what does he mean by saying he’s going to die, both Charly and Candy fumble and stutter, and then honest, helpful Candy tells Meño that Charly was fighting with Lucía. Yeah, that’s it. Right. Meño doesn’t believe it, though, but his phone rings, and he goes to answer.
Now it’s time for some scorned women tips. Margarita (Pat’s Mom) has moved in with Alicia (and of course Pat has moved out), and is in her pink satin robe. Alicia is sitting on the couch in her jammies. Upon hearing of Alicia’s woes, wise Marg informs her that when men are in crisis, they just look for more beds (with women in them, I guess), and of course when men are not in crisis….same thing. Alicia is consumed with jealousy (me carcomen de los celos, jealousy is apparently always plural). Marg opines that Ali is letting her anger cloud her judgment, whereas, she, Marg, has NEVER been mad at Arturo! When Ali questions why Marg is leaving Art (and Marg admits she knows Art and Gregoria aren’t really lovers), Marg reminds Alicia that it’s all just a big game. She wants half of Art’s money, doesn’t care that much about what Art’s doing, just wants money, and some peace. She gets up to get the tea that phantom maid Eva hasn’t brought them, as Alicia muses that she also wants peace….but she wants all the rest, too!
Charly is freaking out, and Candy comforts him, but he wants to be alone. So she exits his room, sits down, and cries on the steps. Gregoria comes in, and Candy tells her the sad news…NOT! She says she needs some air, and walks outside, shutting the door, leaving her mother worried, but without a clue as to what is wrong.
Okay, we FINALLY see what Isabel had in the basement. It’s a dreamcatcher (atrapa sueños), that belonged to Santi’s Dad. It looks like a multi-colored mobile, little circles, sort of native-american looking, with feathers hanging down, and a little birdie in the middle. Santi says it’s half psychedelic, and he doesn’t smoke the same thing Isa and Dad did, back in the day, what’s the deal? Well, Isabel’s Dad trapped her with it, and since Candy is Santi’s dream, he can do the same. How do you use it? Isa says you use it with good vibes, Santi again wonders if one has to smoke something to make it work. No, says Isa, just don’t force it, just let it work, and you’ll be able to trap your impossible dream.
Back at Candy’s house, Gregoria and Meño are both concerned. When Meño hears that Candy was crying, too (as well as Charly), he thinks maybe Charly is involved in drugs again, and goes to confront him.
Meanwhile, Candy, who was going out for some air, has teleported all the way to Pat’s apartment, where she actually does tell Pat the truth, that Charly has HIV. Pat calms her down, and pledges his aid. Candy is afraid that Charly has already had relations with his novia, Lucía. She’s worried that maybe Charly didn’t “take precautions”. Pat agrees that it’s a terrible thing for Charly, but Candy does have to ask Charly about it, and if Charly didn’t take precautions (in this episode, just about no one uses the word condom, they all use euphemisms), Lucía will have to get tested. Candy doesn’t want to think about this, but Pat advises calm, they’ll think it through together. He brings up the fact that Lucía is Santi’s niece, and Candy says she’s more like his daughter, and that REALLY scares her, how could she tell Santiago? Pat understands. Candy then asks if PAT takes precautions (tu te cuidas?). Pat does (whew!)
Meño (with Gregoria right behind) has knocked on Charly’s door to find out what is really going on. Charly still denies any big problem, and is really sleepy now. Meño, however, is not to be deterred. He tells Charly he’s his father in the bad times as well as the good, gives him a little kiss, and says that in the morning, Charly can tell him the truth.
After the commercial, it’s morning. Candy is trying to bury herself in work to get through the day, but it’s not working. Chayo enters with news that there's a new client, she wants all the services, but it’s strange, because the woman is great looking, great body, why would she need help? Candy says maybe she needs self esteem, help her out. We see the woman, who has long, luxurious hair, and is wearing a low cut blouse that exposes just about everything. She also has tight jeans which hug some terrific hips and legs, and Chayo thought bubbles how can this woman feel bad with such a body?
Santi thinks it’s time for some magic, and brings the dreamcatcher to Candy’s office. Of course he doesn’t realize she’s not feeling very magical at this moment. But no matter. He sings a song like an Indian pow-wow, passes the dreamcatcher next to her, and proceeds to explain how it worked for his father to trap Isabel, so he hopes to make his own dream come true with Candy. His playful mood doesn’t work, and when she tells him it’s nice, but some other day, he realizes something is wrong. When he asks, she tells him the entire truth….NOT! She doesn’t say a thing, so he says he won’t pry, but count on him for full support, and then, he does a little native dance to bring good spirits, which does get a bit of a smile from Candy.
The kids are apparently at lunch break from school, as they’re wearing their little blue uniforms and eating snacks. Chava (remember, his Mom was sad, so he wanted to give her a present) dreamt that he gave his Mom the keys to a car. Only the keys, not the car. Anyway, he forgot the rest of the dream, but Rocío asks if he has decided what to give his Mom for real. No, but he does know they need to get the money first. Beto asks if they can polish windshields again, but no says Chava, first of all, Dad (Pat) would be mad, and also, they don’t get much money from it. Rocío says the people driving are very cheap (son muy codos). So Chava has another idea, to be a boss of some sort, and the kids rush off to their next adventure.
Meño enters Charly’s room to have that morning chat, but Charly is not there (he’s actually hiding), so the chat will have to wait.
At the Institute, our guapa gal with the low self esteem says as a child she was an ugly duckling (patita fea), and hid from view. Chayo says just like in the movie, you became a swan (cisne). Right, but the gal feels bad inside. Well, Barb the psychologist can help. Great, and guapa girl then has a confession – her real problem is that she’s always attracted to married men! At this, Chayo’s face falls.
In Santi’s office, he’s still holding the dreamcatcher, as Hortensia enters, and asks if it’s something to get rid of flies. No, explains Santi, as he absentmindedly holds it in front of Horti, it’s something you hold in front of the woman you love, to trap her, which prompts Horti to lean in for a kiss, which she doesn’t get, but as she leaves, she starts chanting the pow-wow incantation.
Candy is putting back the photos on the wall of her office (Marissa destroyed it the other day), and as she mounts the picture of Charly and Meño in the chef hats, she thinks to herself, just when Charly was getting along better with his Dad, and getting to know him (conocía) and when she says that word, she remembers Lucía!
Chayo comes in to describe the new client, saying that when she heard the guapa gal say she likes married men, Chayo wanted to cut her to pieces (descuartizarla), but when the gal said she suffers because she knows her amantes are not really hers, but belong to their wives, Chayo was surprised that she actually felt pity. Can you imagine, the wife pities the amante? The office phone rings, Chayo runs out to get it, while Candy, still in distress, having not said more than two words, calls Charly, asking him to come to the Institute.
Back to the kids. Now they want to be bosses of something, but can’t figure out what. Rocío reminds the boys that they are now the owners of the restaurant! Okay, they’ll go there, be the bosses, get money, and Chava can buy his Mom a car to cheer her up. Off they go!
Charly has come to Candy’s office. She asks if he has had relations with Lucía. He answers yes. Well, this is delicate, but did you use precautions? He hesitates.
Guapa gal is having a consult with Bárbara. Apparently, although Guapa no longer feels ugly on the outside, she still feels ugly on the inside, and goes with married men because she doesn’t feel capable of really getting any man to love her. Bárbara (sounding a bit new-agey), tells her she must learn to love herself.
Charly admits he didn’t use precautions with Lucía, but they only did it one time. She can’t have contracted the disease with only one time! Candy then asks how many times did Charly have sex with the neighbor who gave him the HIV? Only once, chokes out Charly. You see, you see, says Candy, you have to tell Lucía, she has to have tests done, and Santiago has to know, and you have to tell your Dad. Charly is overwhelmed, says wait, wait, let me just tell Lucía first. Maybe she didn’t get infected. God hears you, says Candy.
Now we have a scene somewhat parallel to the earlier one between Alicia and Margarita. This one is between Pat and Arturo, as they have some man talk in Pat’s office. So, how’s it going, Dad? Better than ever, assures Arturo. My hair hasn’t fallen out, I’m still a liar, I haven’t lost my vices (mañas), and my disguise as a strongman is still working. Pat wants to know why Art hasn’t mentioned his wife. In fact, Art hasn’t really talked about her since he told Pat about the business with Clemente (Candy’s Dad)’s death. Answer, Art doesn’t want to show weakness. Pat feels that it takes bravery for a man to admit weakness, and show feelings.
Bárbara is now discussing the case of Guapa gal (whose name is Jazmin Ruelas) with the Institute ladies. Her case is different from any we’ve had. She doesn’t need makeup, clothing tips, or any of that. She needs to feel valued, and we’ll help her with that. Chayo still resists, how can they befriend someone’s amante (and I and probably some other viewers, are starting to get a little suspicious here about just who Guapa is). But when Soledad asserts that maybe the one of them with the biggest gripe about the client should be the one to overcome the client’s problem, Chayo agrees that it’s her job, she’ll help the woman, but Soledad owes her one.
Back to Arturo and Pat, who asks his Dad if he ever told his wife that he loved her. Art dodges, says he married her. Pat continues, asking if Art ever told any woman he loved her. Art doesn’t want to answer. Pat is being kind and respectful, just wants to get to know his Dad, and reminds Art that Art has never told Pat he loves him, either. Arturo says son, a man is master of his silence (un hombre es dueño de su silencio). Pat has heard his Dad say this many times, often adding, and prisoner of his words (y preso de sus palabras). Forgive me, son, says Art, but telling a woman you love her is delivering to her your freedom. Pat disagrees, says that when a man tells a woman he loves her, he wants to give his freedom, to let her see his fears, and this makes him even more of a man. Well, nice words, replies Arturo, but you and I are very different. I know, says Pat, and that’s okay. And you know what? I love you, Dad. I love you a ton (un chorro). Art can’t bring himself to say it out loud, but he puts his hand on Pat’s to let him know he feels the same way.
In the restaurant, it’s mariachi practice time (it’s midday, and no customers have arrived yet). But as soon as they get started, who should enter but Donato, accompanied by our 3 little musketeers. Chava asks if Zamora and Toño can take care of them for a bit. Z and T beg off, saying they have to wait tables (they’re actually afraid of taking care of kids), but when the 3 kids say porfa a few times, Z and T can’t resist those cute little faces.
Cut to Chayo’s house, where all the ladies are preparing a nice dinner for Jazmin. Chayo doubts Ed will show up, he’s probably with his amante, and although she and Ed both live in this apartment, they lead separate lives, Ed is her ex-husband now. Doorbell rings, and it’s Jazmin.
The mariachis are serenading the kiddies, singing about the moon, a cat, a fun song. Rocío asks at what hour do they actually start working? They ARE working. Okay, what time do the customers arrive? Zamora doesn’t know, because he doesn’t have a watch. Well, do they have some of Meño’s clothes? Why that? The kids want to be bosses, and work here in the restaurant. By the way, how much do bosses earn? Again, Zamora has no idea, because he’s never been a boss. Beto says he once acted like the boss in his Dad (Pat)’s office, and when the kids ask how much Pat earns, Beto doesn’t know, but it must be a ton or heap (chorro, same word Pat used earlier). Rocío says bosses earn muchisisisisimo dinero! All right, Z and T go off to find a few of Meño’s handkerchiefs, so the kids can be bosses.
It’s night now, and Pat and Candy are dining in an upscale restaurant (maybe in his hotel). Candy can’t go home, can’t face Meño, who would know she was hiding something. She tells Pat how she did talk to Charly, and unfortunately, Charly did have relations with Lucía, and didn’t use protection. She reminds Pat that they two of them didn’t use protection either, that’s how Chava was born. Pat agrees, but no one taught them about all this, they were young and wanted to live intensely. But of course, they could also have died intensely. Candy wonders if Art ever talked to Pat about all this. Pat remembers Art saying that when HE was young, everything (like gonorrhea) was curable with antibiotics. But now with AIDS, one could die. He’d then say “Hay que tirar el gol con calcetin” (you have to score the goal with a sock, which I guess means a condom, so Art did actually give Pat some advice on this). Pat muses that his father really does love him, in his own fashion.
For the millionth time, Ed is whining in Santi’s office. His novia cancelled their date (okay, now we KNOW what’s going on with the guapa gal!). And he has the right to be entertained. And at home, Chayo won’t even turn around (voltearse) and look at him. Santi’s not falling for this. He lays into Ed, Ed has a beautiful, sexy wife, who does everything for him, works, cooks, cleans, and he repays her by taking an amante? He calls Ed dirt, pitiful, and walks out.
Back at Ed’s apartment, the ladies (including Jazmin) toast with some red wine. A phone rings. It’s Jazmin’s, and they insist she answer. As all the ladies make disapproving looks (especially Chayo), she tells her mystery lover she’s sorry she couldn’t meet with him, she’s having an important meeting with some amigas, why doesn’t he go entertain his wife so she won’t be in a foul mood, the way she always is (lol). She kisses the phone and returns to the group, as Chayo looks as if she’s about to explode in her attempt to remain cordial and helpful.
Well, our jefecitos (I just made up that word to mean little bosses, hope I’m right), are all set for their new jobs. Beto has a green handkerchief on his shirt pocket, Chava a blue, and Rocío pronounces them muy guapo. No customers have yet arrived, and Zamora said he and Toño could pretend to be customers. The kids want to know if they’ll pay, like customers! Maybe not. Well, Chava knows what to do when real customers come in, he’s been watching his tio abuelo, and at that moment, two guapisima young ladies come in, the first customers of the day. Chava and Beto say all the right things, the ladies are seated, Zamora is jealous, but Donato arrives to spoil the fun, time for the kids (he calls them patroncitos, sort of like my jefecitos) to go home.
We then have a touching moment with Pat and Candy. He tells her he loves her, but of course she’s confused. However, she does want to distance herself a bit from Santiago, and get to know Pat a little more. This is great news to Pat, who suggests a trip to Paris. No, Candy isn’t ready for anything like that yet, she’s consumed with worry for Charly and Meño, she needs patience from Pat. Pat will give her that, and he’ll help her with anything, since all he really cares about is that she’ll be okay. He asks her to promise she’ll be okay, and she promises.
Okay, we sort of forgot about Marissa in this episode, no? We see Marissa and Alicia at Mari’s place. Apparently Mari asked Ali to visit, and Ali has no idea why, does Mari need help with a name for the baby? Nope, why don’t we talk about Candy? Ali is tired of thinking about Candy, until Mari points out “she destroyed us both”. As Mari adds a few more choice expressions of how Candy ripped up both of their lives, Alicia perks up, maybe this is the start of a new alliance, as they bump fists.
At Chayo’s, Jazmin feels a bit alone, since her family is scattered (regada, which is related to watering plants) all over Mexico. Chayo makes a snide remark, but the girls remind her to make Jazmin comfortable. Jazmin then gets a text message, and goes off to the bathroom to answer it. Two seconds after she’s out of view, Ed enters, HE’s also answering his phone with a text message. Ruh-roh! He sees the ladies sitting at the dinner table, and shyly greets them. Lulu informs him that they’re all helping out a patient from the Institute, whose name is Jazmin Ruelas (at this point, Ed’s smile becomes strangely frozen, as he struggles to maintain his cool at the revelation that his amante is THERE IN THE APARTMENT!). He excuses himself, lurches off to Chayo’s bedroom, where he starts praying feverishly, telling God he never prayed before, but now please help him, he’ll be a good Christian, what’s he going to do, with his wife and lover in the apartment at the same time!!
End of episode.
Next time: Marissa starts to take action against Candy.
Carcomer – to eat up or consume
Codo – cheap
Patita fea – ugly duckling
Descuartizarla – cut her to pieces
Mañas – vices
Un chorro – a heap, or a ton (a whole lot)
Voltearse – to turn around
Regada – scattered around
Labels: Tontas
Friday, March 13, 2009
MEPS, Thurs., March 12, 2009. Cuidado con el Ed
Nanda repeats to Erika that she saw the mystery man again in the shopping mall. He was shopping. They didn’t get a chance to talk because Damian called her – when she looked back, he was gone. Erika said – just as well since you’re about to get married.
Gonzo introduces Ed to Barb – she claims not to know him – he reminds her that they crossed paths in the reception. She says she was distracted. Then Gonzo introduces Damian, the director of finance. We get to admire Ed in his suit, tie and, OK – so his ears stick out a little. Just look at what’s between them.
Jacinto is talking to licenciado Arvizu on behalf of Ed. Jacinto tells the licenciado that Franco Santoro wants to rent the hacienda, “Las Animas.” The licenciado wants two forms of ID and financial references before he’ll rent Las Animas.
Ed is giving the Elizaldes a presentation that illustrates his knowledge of their company, and he states that Power Milk is ready to make them a great offer, e.g., an injection of capital – so that Power Milk can get a foothold in Mexico. Barb is suspicious – she says they aren’t looking for investors.
Jacinto calls Ed on his cell – they go back and forth – Ed pretends to be talking to someone like an investor in terms of two millions of dollars. Jacinto continues – he needs to talk to Ed or Margarita will spill the beans. Ed tells Jacinto he’ll meet him later.
The Elizalde clan are curious about Ed’s work – he tells them that Power Milk is going to rent Las Animas if they make a deal. Anibal is just about out of his chair – they’ll firm things up after his sister’s wedding. Gonzo invites him to the wedding – Ed will accept if Damian doesn’t object. Ed – dear Ed – asks, what’s the name of the bride.
Erika bubbles on about how Camilo has arranged for her to have a gentle horse, etc. – Nanda warns her –Erika says that all women can’t get a man like Damian and Nanda says that Barb helped. And, Barb keeps helping herself.
Lady in supermarket gets a call from her daughter – she goes into a sales pitch for Fermodyl hair color. What the Hell was that all about?
Gonzo and Barb get in the car to head home. Gonzo takes Barb’s hand – she rags on about Anibal making such an important decision by himself. She is still suspicious of Ed. Gonzo says we’re not going to sell our company. Barb says do you think Franco Santoro’s offer is without strings. Anibal, Damian and Ed continue talking – Damian leaves. Anibal is still happy, because he sees that his ass will be saved by Power Milk’s money. Ed reluctantly takes Damian’s hand and tells him he is envious of him. Anibal offers Ed a whiskey, but Ed says tomorrow. Ed is still setting Anibal up, and Anibal says he can consider it a done deal. What a greedy little b*****d.
Jacinto asks Margarita if she went to see her students – Margarita says if you really love me and our marriage – come with me. They shouldn’t keep quiet. He warns her that the hyena’s word can follow them wherever they go. But, Nanda doesn’t know that Soledad is dead, and Margarita wants to pass it on.
Barb is talking to “Doctor Obregon” on her cell in the car and pretends to cry. Gonzo wants to know what’s going on. She says this is the last time they can suspend Lili’s treatment because it resulted in such a terrible crisis. Both of them are crying. Barb says it is so painful. Liar, liar, pants on fire. The driver just shakes his head. (Ed. He knows too much. How long do you think he’ll be around?) Nanda is insisting that they take Lili out of the asylum so that she can attend the wedding. Clever Barb has thought of every which way to manipulate Gonzo. She doesn’t want to risk having Lili at the wedding because if anything goes wrong, her plans goes down the toilet.
Dr. Obregon is getting ready to give Lili a shot but he tortures her a little bit first. He wants to know what she said yesterday – just one little word – this injection will make you talk – what did you say to your sister.
Jacinto is trying to convince Margarita to stay and keep quiet. Margarita says to Jacinto – if you’re sincere, come with me. Come with me or I go alone.
Dr. Obregon gives Lili a drink – he keeps at her – tell me, I’ll keep it a secret. And when you are dead from your fantasies he warns her, you’ll tell me the truth. She says the pawn is moving. He doesn’t understand. She shows him the white pawn. He throws it on the floor. She says the pawn will get the queen. This isn’t what he wants to hear.
Nanda makes another grand entrance down the staircase. The wedding planner is still changing things, like where the dance floor will be located. OH, fiddle dee dee. Decisions, decisions. In runs Gardenia and tells Gonzo, Barb and Nanda that Margarita wants to see Nanda. Gardenia doesn’t have enough common sense to talk to Nanda alone. Barbara throws a mean look, like she smells a rat. Jacinto and Margarita are in the kitchen. Margarita says she’s going to tell Nanda everything that is happening. Naturally, Barb just happens to hear this conversation. Gardenia warns Margarita that Barb will get them all. Margarita can’t stand it any longer.
In walks Barb with one of those smirk/smiles on her face and wants to know what’s up. They all freeze.
Break time.
Back at the kitchen, Barb tells them Nanda doesn’t know that Sole is dead because the Hyena forbade it. She struts around and tells Gardenia she’s needed in the kitchen and tells Jacinto and Margarita to get lost with their gossip.
Meanwhile Gonzo fills Nanda in about Lili’s crisis and that Lili cannot attend the wedding and that Nanda shouldn’t visit Lili for a while. What a surprise! He’s doing exactly as ordered by Barb. Nanda argues back. He understands – but this is for Lili’s good. In walks Barb, and she’s sorry to interrupt but wants to see Nanda for just a little minute.
At Pueblo “San Rafael” Ed/Franco enters a room with a large statue of Jesus. It just happens to be a church. He begins to pray.
Barb brings Nanda into the kitchen where Gardenia, Jacinto and Margarita are still perplexed. Nanda asks how Nana is doing, and Jacinto says “better.” Nanda wants them to help Sole get dressed for the wedding so that Sole can bless her. She wants to know what they have to say. Nanda tells Margarita that when she returns from her honeymoon, they will all go back to work on the artisan program. Barb looks disgusted. Yikes.
A priest, Father Bosco, enters. He knows Ed and wants to know why Ed is there. He didn’t have any trouble recognizing Ed. How about that? Padre says the heart returns to the place it loves and wants to know about Soledad. Dead, says Ed.
Anibal is talking to Lic Arvizu about Ed.
Father says if you find a diamond in the rough and polish it, it will shine with bravery. What does that mean? (Ed. I must have lost part of this conversation. If anyone knows what went on here, please fill us in.) Ed will not change his mind.
Father Bosco wants to know the details – he feels very bad and is very sorry. Ed says they are going to be more sorry and then he asks for confession.
Jacinto and Margarita are still arguing – Margarita says we’re living in the eye of a hurricane – you want to stay in this place. She says to Hell with the artisan projects.
Lic. Urbizu wants to see Jacinto right away.
Ed confesses that he has been disobedient, hateful and full of rage and that he wants to take vengeance against those who let his mother die of pain and sadness. Father says that vengeance will not bring her back. Ed says it will help her rest in peace.
Padre says this is an act of confession – locked in his head. And the confession ends. Father has forgiven him, and he tells Ed he hopes he isn’t going to do what he has just said he’ll do. Ed wants to know what is vengeance and what is justice. God gives justice says the padre, and men seek vengeance.
At the blacksmith’s place, Silvestre is eating dinner with his daughter (Martina) the mud wrestler/ nurse. The food is so good and he is enjoying it so much. He’s happy where he is. He makes a reference to “Calixto”. (Was he referring to the red hot lovers Calixto and Melibea?) Margarita is just giving back to him all that he has given to her. He says that when you’re old, you get sentimental. I don’t get this scene. We know he’ll find out about her sooner or later.
Augustine is calling his wife, Dolores, who demands to be called Dolly because Dolly is a more chic name. He’s looking for their daughter, Erika, who is in her room. He wants to go to Madrid with Dolly – to a big meeting – she agrees after he dangles a visit to Paris in front of her. I guess they won’t be able to go to the wedding.
Augustine goes into Erika’s room – he tells her she looks beautiful. He likes her hair. He warns her about Camilo. He tells her he and Dolly are going to Spain. He asks Erika to send their regrets to Nanda. They’ll be back in a week, and he’ll bring her a pretty gift.
At the Cantina, Las Copetonas, the girls are talking about their lives, and times are tough for Martina and if Dad knew she was a mud wrestler he’d die. Her friend will loan her money for rent. Nice friend. She wasn’t so nice in Guapos.
At the church, Father Bosco lights a candle.
Jacinto is at the café and Martina sits down and asks him what’s up. She wants to know who he was with yesterday. How is Silvestre (her father). He burned his hands a month ago – he’s not well. In walks Ed/Franco – Martina sizes him up and leaves. Jacinto tells Ed about Silvestre’s accident. Ed remembers Margarita as a pretty little girl, and now she entertains drunks. Ed hands Jacinto a wad of bills. Ed tells Jacinto that he’s working for him. Jacinto tells him that the situation is difficult – Margarita wants to tell Nanda everything. Jacinto is between a rock and a hard place. Margarita wants to move far away. Jacinto slides Ed something across the table – it’s the keys to “Las Animas”.
Nanda is looking at a picture of Damian on her laptop when her alter ego appears. They argue with each other. Nanda is the emotional person – her alter ego is the analytical person. The alter ego wants to know why she’s marrying Damian. Nanda says for love, of course, or I wouldn’t marry him. But, she looks unsure.
Jacinto tells Ed that the licenciado made a list of demands that had to be met before he would rent Las Animas. Ed doesn’t understand. Jacinto relates that the licenciado called Anibal Elizalde himself. Ed laughs. He didn’t think Anibal would fall so easy. Ed tells Jacinto he met with Anibal this very morning, and that he was invited to Fernanda’s wedding. Ed tells Jacinto that he will destroy the “patrimonio” of Fernanda Elizalde. Chills don't run down my spine. (Ed. He used the word “patrimonio” which can mean wealth, net worth, possessions.)
Avances: The wedding preparations continue.
Labels: manana
Doña Bárbara: Gonzalo and Doña Bárbara Join Forces, Thursday, March 12
DB and Gonzalo are talking together like old buddies. Gonzalo says that, if she’s having Santos’ child, what is he doing with Marisela? DB says he won’t be with her for long. Gonzalo asks her if she thinks having the child will make Santos leave Marisela. She replies that she doesn’t know that; what she does know is that “la palomita” will leave him. She says she knows Marisela. She says that “este relación se va a terminar más rápido que un dulce in la puerta de un colegio”. Their relationship will be finished quicker than a sweet left in the doorway of a school.
Marisela tells Santos that he lied, that when he was with her he was also with DB. While she was falling in love with him, he was sleeping with her mother. Santos tells her that’s not true. But Marisela says that no man could resist. Santos tells her that he was with DB before she returned from the city. He was depressed and was drinking a lot and that he missed her. She gives him a scornful look and says: you missed me and this is the reason you went to bed with her. You are lying. She says what bothers her the most is that he pretends to be innocent. She says he’s a monster. He and DB son tal para cual (one's as bad as the other). Santos tells her he loves her. She replies that he only loves himself, and that she was a stupid fool.
Genoveva tells Antonio that a woman in love is capable of forgiving anything. Antonio doesn’t think Marisela will do that. Genoveva thinks Santos will tell her that the child isn’t his, and that Marisela will fall into his arms.
Santos tells Marisela that he knows he should have stayed away from DB, but he thought that she had left with Gonzalo and that he’d lost her. He felt desperate. Marisela tells him she doesn’t believe a word; he can go to hell! She tries to leave the room and Santos takes her by the arm. She tells him never to touch her again. Marisela tells Antonio to get her out of Altamira. She can’t take any more. She says she’s had too many blows. All she wants is to go far, far away.
DB tells Gonzalo that he amazes her. He was a fugitive from the Government and now he’s the official over the entire Arauca. He tells her that the work he did in the past paid off. DB tells G that she would do anything to have Santos by her side. G says he wants to renew their previous plan. He says this time he’ll succeed with Marisela and take her far away. DB says that’s exactly what she wants. Gonzalo tells her that she, in turn, needs to get Santos back; although it shouldn’t be too difficult with the baby as an asset. DB tells G that the last time she saw him he seemed defeated, but now he’s triumphant. She loves it! They agree to work together.
Cecilia tells Marisela she’s so sorry to have been the one to tell her about the child, but it had to be done. Marisela says she feels as if her heart had been ripped out, her soul and life as well. She feels empty, humiliated. Cecilia says she, more than most, understands how she feels. Marisela says that La Doña always wins, doesn’t she? What she can’t stand is the betrayal by Santos, that he deceived her. She says she learned from this that love doesn’t exist. Promises are only made to fool you. Virtue is the worst defect. Cecilia tells her that Marisela once said she wished she had a mother like Cecilia. She wants her to know that she’d be honored to be her mother. Besides loving Marisela with all her heart, she admires her.
Cecilia and Antonio talk about what happened. Cecilia says Marisela is destroyed. Antonio says she’s strong. Cecilia tells him even the strong can ruin their lives, as I did when I lost you. Antonio tells her she’ll never lose him, that neither time nor distance will cause him to stop loving her. They almost embrace, but Cecilia catches herself and gently tells him to go home to his wife.
Juan Primito tells DB and Gonzalo that “la nina de mis ojos” cried and cried and then she left Altamira. DB says (ironically) Ay, Marisela is very sad. Now is when she needs a friend. Gonzalo asks if she knows where Marisela went. DB tells her she went to Cecilia’s house in the pueblo. She then advises him not to push himself on her, to just be a friend, approach her slowly, little by little. Gonzalo says “Voy a seguir sus instrucciones al pie de la letra, suegra.” (I'm going to follow your instructions exactly, mother-in-law.)
Lucia is waiting up for Antonio. He worries that she should be in bed. She admits that she sometimes is jealous because she knows he loved Cecilia more than he’ll ever love her. He tells her not to say that and that he does love her.
DB, in her nightgown, says she doesn’t remember being this dizzy, this sleepy. But she’s so happy expecting the child of Santos Luzardo. Eustaquia tells her yes, and she’s happy ruining her daughter’s life. DB tells her not to be aguafiestas (rain on her parade) Marisela ruined her life without a care. Eustaquia tells her that her daughter did not ruin her life; all she was trying to do is to be happy. DB says to let her cry and suffer. She warned her. She told her Santos was her man, and that he will always love her. Eustaquia tells her that Santos no longer loves her, and when will she understand that.
Carmelito, Pajarote and Maria Nieves come to tell Santos the horses are ready. His attitude makes them think he’s angry with them. “Y ahora que bicho le picó?” (What’s eating him now?)
Eustaquia tells DB it would have been better if she had not gotten pregnant again, that she doesn’t know how to be a mother. E is very afraid. She thinks DB may treat the child the same as she did Marisela when she realizes Santos does not love her. DB defiantly says that he does love her, and that she will be the best possible mother to the child that’s coming. What happened to Marisela she deserved.
E tells her that a good mother loves her children equally. She would give her own life to save them sadness. A good mother shows her children the way, guides them, advises them, and consoles them in bad times. A mother gives everything and expects nothing. But you denied even the simplest things to Marisela when she was little. You threw her out of your house and your heart. You manipulated her and deceived her. And now, with this pregnancy, you stabbed her in the heart; and it gives you pleasure. No, for a real mother it would be impossible to enjoy seeing her child in pain.
DB says what about my pain? He was mine and she took him. Eustaquia reminds her that Marisela went far away and left her with Santos. But he looked for her and fell in love with her, but you won’t see it. You thought if you got her away, he’d forget her. You’re trying to tie him to you with this child, but love isn’t that way.
DB asks why E is turning her back on her when, after so many years, she might actually be happy. Why do you continue to defend that thief? Eustaquia says she didn’t take him from you; you lost him.
Gonzalo shows up at Cecilia’s. (By the way, I’m not liking him one bit at this point; he’s as ruthless as DB.) He asks Marisela what she’s doing at Cecilia’s house instead of being at Altamira with Santos. She rushes to him and puts her arms around him. He tells her to calm down. He’s sure Santos didn’t want to hurt you. He’s good and honest. Marisela says he lied to her. Gonzalo says to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he wanted to tell you, but didn’t dare. Men can be awful. (This guy is slick. He knows that if he really trashed Santos, there’s a chance she’d defend him.)
Marisela tells G that Santos told her he loved her and would love her forever. Gonzalo tells her “Yes he loves you, but DB is DB and she was always his weakness.” Gonzalo brings up the fact that when Luisana was at Altamira he got up every morning and met DB at the whispering pool. Maybe she trapped him. Marisela says that no one traps Santos. She says he betrayed her, he betrayed Luisana and he betrays all women. She was only one of many.
Pajarote approaches Geno and asks why she seems nervous. He asks for a coffee, but she tells him to serve himself. He asks her what happened at Altamira and did Marisela tell her. Geno tells him she’s so sad.
Gonzalo, still playing Marisela like a violin, tells her not to cry. He’s sure Santos also feels badly. Marisela doesn’t think so, that he’s probably happy to be expecting a child. And she’s happy for him. Gonzalo gives her an odd look and asks her if she really means it. Maybe he got a hint that loving means wanting what’s good for the other person instead of for yourself.
Gonzalo reminds her of how much she’s changed. She educated herself, had a teaching job and a real future. Marisela says she should not have come back. He tells her she can go back whenever she likes; perhaps if she left she’d forget all this. Marisela says “Run again?” G says, if it worked before, why not now.
Pajarote is rubbing Geno’s arm and consoling her. She says he shouldn’t do it. He tells her they’re only good friends, consoling each other at a bad time. She says they aren’t friends, but he says it’s high time they were. He’s very close to her and calls her his sweet pineapple, rough and prickly on the outside, and sweet and perfumed on the inside. She tells him about DB’s pregnancy and how they all found out yesterday.
Gonzalo tells Marisela that he has an idea, no pressure though. He says he’ll soon have to return to San Fernando. As she knows, he’s in charge of the regional government and will need a secretary. It’s only an idea. He tells her he doesn’t have any romantic interest in her any more and won’t take advantage of their working together.
Marisela says what’s on MY mind. What about yesterday (when he told her he still loved her)? He says he got carried away with old sentiments, but a year of reflection caused him to realize that his place in her life was as her friend. Meanwhile, Cecilia is standing in the doorway looking just as skeptical as I feel.
Santos is on the veranda at El Miedo telling DB that she lied to Marisela again. You did it to confuse things and hurt her. You made her think we had relations long after we were through. DB defiantly says, yes I did. So what? Because you and I never finished. We still love each other despite everything. Santos is disgusted. How can I make you understand? I don’t love you. I won’t ever love you again. It’s over!
DB tells him it’s not over and that the child is proof he’ll always have something with her. She tells him she doesn’t want pity. Santos tells her that’s the only feeling he does have for her. He tells her she’s pathetic in her insistence in holding onto him. He says he feels badly for the child because she’ll make him miserable. DB tells him that it’s Santos’ child and that she will love him. Santos tells her he’ll be at the child’s side at all times to save him from her, because a mother who can’t love all her children is not normal. He says the child is unlucky to be born with such a lack of love and so many lies.
Santos says he will accept that the child in her stomach is his, and that he will love and care for him. But she should be very clear about one thing. He will never return to her. Does she understand?
Marisela says she can’t think. Gonzalo tells her he wants her to get distance in order to get perspective. Cecilia comes in being overly nice to Gonzalo. She tells him (with an edge in her voice) what a loyal friend he is. And loyalty is something a politician should remember. Gonzalo looks uncomfortable and asks why she would say that.
Geno tells Pajarote that the situation with Marisela is why she’s sad. He kisses her on the forehead and tells her he’d like to console her with kisses. In fact he’s dying to kiss her. First she elbows him in the ribs, then changes her mind and kisses him passionately.
Cecilia asks Marisela what Gonzalo said to her. M tells her about the job offer. C asks if he didn’t just say he was in love with her. Cecilia tells her to be careful. She says there’s something in Gonzalo’s attitude she doesn’t like, an ulterior motive. She doesn’t think he’s the same as he was before.
Santos shows up at Cecilia’s house and says he has to talk to Marisela. C tries to talk him out of it but he insists. When he goes in he asks her if she’s calmer. She looks daggers at him. He tells her he couldn’t sleep without talking with her. He never betrayed her. He never was with DB after she returned. Marisela said DB said something different. Santos says she should realize that DB would say anything to separate them. He says if the child is his, it was from an act prior to Marisela’s return. It might be his child, but his woman is Marisela. He will do what is required for the child, but everything between he and DB is dead and buried.
Marisela tells him the child is a barrier between them.
DB remembers some of the awful scenes with Marisela earlier in the novela, when she told her she conceived her with disgust and bore her with hatred. She remembers the time she pulled a gun on her. She says to herself that it’s true; she has been hard and cruel with her daugher.
Don Encarnación is not happy because Antonio came in late and Lucia was up waiting for him. He doesn’t think Antonio is taking proper care of her. Gonzalo shows up and offers Antonio a job as his right hand man for San Fernando and the entire Arauca.
Pajarote and Genoveva run into Santos office tearing at each other’s clothes. Pajarote tells her she’s about to find out what a real man is like. Geno tells him he’ll find out what a real woman is like!
Pernalete is trying to convince Mujiquita to use his prior friendship with Gonzalo to get him off his back. DB shows up asking for a document of purchase of El Miedo from Marisela. She hands Mujiquita a paper with an apparently awe-inspiring amount of money on it.
Santos asks why the child has to be a barrier. She tells him he sees, but he doesn’t want to see. She is very tough and decisive. She says the child, when born, will be her brother. And when they have a child, her brother is going to be their child's brother and his uncle at the same time. Doesn’t this seem disgusting to you? My brother would be the son of my husband and also my step-son. You and I don’t make sense. Between you and I there can’t be anything. This is over.
Labels: barbara
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