Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed., April 1: El Miedo burns; Santos saves DB; the authorities refuse to believe that Sapo was responsible

Sapo et al open fire on people trying to escape from the burning house.
Santos et al arrive at the boat landing. The hear shots and smell smoke and realize that El Miedo is being attacked. Santos tells the women to stay at the river but we know how likely Marisela is to follow that advice.

DB comes for Eustaquia and takes her down to the secret room.

Gonzalo wonders where everyone went.

Santos and his party start firing on Sapo and his guys from behind. Sapo splits his forces. When the boat captain announces that the national guard is there, Sapo's men want to leave but Sapo says that he won't leave until 'that witch' ('esa bruja') is dead.

DB gets guns from the secret room and starts firing back.

Santos goes inside the house through the tunnel into the secret room and Marisela follows him.

Santos joins DB upstairs. He asks if she is ok. "I'm fine, better than ever," she says, "This is the worst moment of my life. I need you and you are here. You see how much you love me?"

Santos and DB return fire.

The bad guys take off. Santos brings everyone to Altamira. Santos asks DB if it was Sapo who attacked El Miedo but she won't admit it. She starts to have cramping and Marisela takes her upstairs. DB says that she only needs a little rest and doesn't want the doctor. In a sweet scene, DB thanks Marisela for saving her life. She asks Marisela why she did since Marisela hates her. Marisela replies that it seems that she doesn't hate DB as much as she thought. DB asks if Marisela will forgive her but Marisela says that doesn't matter. DB tells her how Lorenzo forgave her before he died. She says it would be odd (curioso) if Marsiela forgave her too one day. Marisela asks who it was who attacked the hacienda and DB confirms that it was the enemy she warned Marisela about. She says she can't tell Santos who it was and she makes Marisela swear not to tell Santos either. DB says that this secrecy is the only way to protect Marisela and Santos from evil.
Geno and Pajarote reconcile and she is about to tell him about the baby when Gervasia arrives and tells her Melsesio wants to know what is going on.

Melquíades manages to get back to El Miedo. He assumes DB is dead until Juan Primito arrives and tells him that DB is ok.

Pernalete and Mujica arrive. They asks who did this. Santos says that he suspects Fidel Castell. Gonzalo arrives. Santos says that only DB actually knows what happens.

JP brings Melquíades to La Chusmita and tells him not to tell anyone except DB where he is.

DB tells Marisela that her huge engagement ring shows how much Gonzalo loves her. Marisela says that she can't get used to it and DB says that Marisela didn't inherit her modesty from DB.
DB continues to claim that nothing is wrong. She sends Marisela out to get her some coffee. JP shows up, tells her about Melquíades and DB says that she wants leave with him.

Marisela brings Dr. Arias to see DB but she is gone.
Gonzalo and Pernalete team up to insist that Santos has no proof that the attack on El Miedo was led by Sapo.

Los Mondragón and their cousins arrive at El Miedo and wonder what the hell happened.
Sapo tells Facundo that DB isn't just a woman. She's a witch who killed his four friends. DB seems to have gotten a psychological advantage over Sapo.

JP brings DB to La Chusmita. She says that she is losing her baby.


Doña Bárbara - Tues., March 31 - Santos and Pajarote drown their sorrows; Sapo attacks El Miedo

Marisela tells Santos that it is she who should be asking how he could do this to her. How could he say that he loves her after fathering a child on her mother. Santos replies that they have gone over this before and so they have. Marisela drags Santos away from Gonzalo's office.

Now Gonzalo realizes that Santos was right about Sapo and he is in big trouble. A little late, there buddy.
Genoveva is chatting with Néstor when she sees Pajarote. She excuses herself and arranges to meet Pajarote later to tell him something important.

DB is daydreaming about happy families when she sees Melquíades looking at her. He says that he is worried that Sapo won't quit until he kills her. DB agrees to let Melquíades go to San Fernando and try to kill Sapo again. She says that it isn't the death she planned for him but dead is dead so she'll take it.

After rehashing their positions once again, Marisela tells Santos that when she saw him patting DB's belly, she realized that they strongly tied together. Santos says that is why she decided to marry Gonzalo. Santos asks Marisela to feel him and remember their kisses and passion. How can she think Gonzalo can make her forget that. "I don't know," replies Marisela.

Now we know DB has completely domestic. She asks Eustaquia for some knitting needles (agujas de tejer). She wants to knit something for her baby with her own hands. She remembers how Eustaquia taught her to knit when she was a little girl.

Santos tells Marisela how much he loves her, that he will never go to back to DB. He holds her, tells her that he knows she loves him... Who knows what might have happened if Gonzalo hadn't appeared.

A strange sight - DB knitting. She realizes that Melquíades is right. As long as Sapo is alive, he is a threat to her and hers. Eustaquia comes in and DB tells her that all the men have gone on various errands. Eustaquia is concerned about their vulnerability but DB is sure that Sapo won't attack her hacienda.

Sapo tells Facundo that their transaction across the river tonight will be very profitable and he doesn't want any mistakes. Facundo says that as long as the guards don't show up, the merchandize should cross without any problems. Sapo says that it is all in the hands of the Commissioner then.

Santos and Gonzalo have their usual grade school argument about Marisela that ends up with them each pulling on her to go with him. Marisela tells Santos not to come looking for her again. Santos says if that is what she wants, he is leaving.

The captain of the river launches decides to defy Gonzalo's order and send some boats that can't be serviced out on patrol.

Melquíades tries and fails again to kill Sapo and he gets shot himself. (What happened to the efficient killer with the blowgun?)

Marisela tells Genoveva that her lips told Santos to go away but her heart wants her to be with Santos. She says that crying won't help. She will learn to love Gonzalo and asks Genoveva to help her. Geno says that she will do anything to make Marisela happy again. Then she goes to meet Pajarote.

Not surprisingly, Santos is drowning his sorrows in drink. Pajarote comes in. Unwisely, Pajarote enters into a conversation with Santos about the perfidies of women. Genoveva shows up for their meeting.

Geno and Pajarote say that they have to talk but they kiss instead.

Sapo is furious that DB tried to kill him and then Facundo tells him that the operation had to be abandoned because there were patrols on the river. Sapo decides that DB has gone to far. They will go to El Miedo right away and destroy the place.

Facundo tells Gonzalo that his people apparently don't respect his order because the river patrols went out. He says that won't help Gonzalo's political career and his friends won't like him anymore.

Geno tells Pajarote that she something important to tell him but she starts by asking what he feels for her. Pajarote says that when he sees her, he wants to kiss her, bite her, eat her, etc. Geno asks if he feels the same way about the Mondagon woman. Foolishly, Pajarote says that he feels the same for her as for any other woman. Naturally, this is not what Geno wants to hear. She says that she had something important to tell a man who cares about her but since she is just like the rest, she doesn't care if he doesn't know. "Goodbye," says Geno, "and try and die soon, Juan Palacious."

Gonzalo chews out the boat captain and the captain says to go ahead and report him. He has a spotless record and knows that he is in right. Antonio comes in and hears part of this.

The drunks, Santos and Pajarote, tell each other that women just don't get it (no captan) maybe because they don't want to get it (no quieren captar). They drink a toast to women even though they don't get it (bridemos por ellas, aunque no capten.') [illustrating the present indicative, infinitve and present subjunctive of the verb.]

Melquíades makes it to Marisela's room and collapses. He tells her that DB is in danger and Marisela has to warn her. Geno tells her that Santos is in the bar and Marisela goes to get him.

Antonio tells Gonzalo that he is being too hard on the Captain. Gonzalo replies that it is a matter of authority. He has given an order and it must be followed. Antonio says that Gonzalo is acting like the tyrants of the previous government.

Marisela tells Santos about the danger to DB. The boat captain and Antonio come in and say that the fastest way to get to Progresso is by boat. They all leave.

Gonzalo finds blood in Marisela's room.

Meanwhile, it looks like the wounded Melquíades is trying to walk back to Progresso.

Sapo's henchment douse the walls of El Miedo with gasoline and sets it on fire while they wait outside with guns drawn to prevent any escape. Meanwhile, Santos is on the way, with Pajaorte, Genoveva, Marisela, Antonio and the boat captain.

DB wakes up and realizes that the place is on fire.


MEPS, March 31st - The Games People Play, Every Night and Every Day

Capitulo 31

From last night: We see Dr. Not Feel-So-Good pill pushing our poor Lili once again. If she doesn’t tell him what she told her sister Nanda, he’s going to give her electric shock treatments and she’ll be a crazy person for real!

Lili goes into the bathroom and makes herself vomit up the pills – you go girl!

Freduardo is driving with Jacinto, he tells Jacinto he needs to find out more from Liliana, Jacinto promises his and Margarita’s friendship and help once again.

Don Silvestre aka Gepetto is bragging about his daughter the “nurse” again to the Doctor. Martina tells the doctor how worried she is about her father. Martina and Daddy go to leave the doc’s office and Martina shakes the doc’s hand – they are obviously attracted to each other, otherwise we wouldn’t be hearing sexy “let’s get it on” type music playing in the background. The doc is kinda hunky, huh? He sort of looks like he could be Hawt Chef’s little brother from Querida Enemiga. He’s no FC, but then again, nadie es!

Fred wants to know if Gardena is working at the hacienda again because he’s got a solution for her. Jac tells Ed what a pain in the ass Gardenia’s been lately and says if Gardenia ever finds out about what they’ve done with Soledad, and that she wasn’t there for the original burial there will be hell to pay. Fr/Ed says he’s going to put Gardenia to work for him at Las Animas – he’s Franco Santoro now, remember?.

Speaking of Gardenia, she harping away at Margarita again about what an ingrate Fr/Ed is. Margarita keeps quiet, but looks like she might spill the beans to Gardenia sometime soon.

Prisci’s still lying around in Vlad-the-Impale-Her’s bed. She has her legs elevated at the foot of the bed – Vlad wants to know if that’s a new yoga pose. She says she’s relaxing, but all of us women who have ever struggled to get pregnant know, that’s what you do after the . . . ahem, deed is done . . . so as not to lose any of the precious little tadpoles needed for the makin’ of the baby! Vlad wants her to hang around a bit longer, he offers coffee, but she says she has to leave. She goes to get dressed, and Vlad smiles to himself.

Back at Don Silvestre’s shop, he and Martina discuss the Hot Doc. Daddy Gepetto tells her it’s time she got a boyfriend and she says, but who would want a “pueblina” (small town girl like her. He tells her it happens in the novelas all the time. (Yeah, just look at Aurora and Santiago!) He says the doc would have to be blind not to see what a good girl she is. Gepetto is in for a shock one day soon.

It’s dinnertime at the Hacienda of the Dysfunctional Rich People. The Barbinator is hammering away at Fernanda about Eduardo not showing up to transfer the coffin, and it definitely had to have been him who stole it. Nanda looks a little fed up with Babs and says she’s going to get to the bottom of it tomorrow herself with Eduardo. Cadmilho thinks it’s funny that Fernanda is now chasing the son of a servant. Anyballs can’t understand why they’re even bothering with this stuff. Fernanda and Santiago say it’s important to find out who robbed the coffin. Babs goes along with it and agrees, saying who knows just what kind of bad person Eduardo could have turned out to be, or how far he’ll go since he hates them so much. But, for once Cadmilho opens his big mouth at the right time and asks Babs if she’s forgotten that it was she who went and told his parents that Eduardo was trying to take advantage of Fernanda in the old barn that day. Fernanda is shocked to learn it was Babs who told on them. Nanda defends Eduardo, saying he didn’t do anything to her. Babs fakes being choked up, saying she was only trying to protect Nanda’s innocence. It doesn’t look like Prisci’s buying any of this story. Telephone rings in the background and the servant comes to say it’s a phone call from the US. They all agree it must be Eduardo. Nanda goes to the library to take the call, picks up the phone and automatically says, “Eduardo” – Ruh Roh – it’s her husband Dumian! He’s like, quien the hell is Eduardo? It’s me your husband! Nanda explains the confusion. Dumian says he’s bored, Esteve Norton (Esteve has a last name!) hasn’t been able to see him, and Dumian is feeling like a monkey in a cage. He tells Nanda he misses her, she hesitates, and never answers him.

We switch over to Errorika and Freduardo at Las Animas. She’s come by to give him a surprise and hands him an envelope. She says they have something to celebrate and tells him to open the envelope.

Back to the dining room, Nanda returns and tells them it was Dumian. AnyBalls wants to know how the business deal with Pow-where Meeelk is going and Nanda tells him Dumian hasn’t been able to see Esteve yet. AnyBalls asks what else he said and she repeats that he said he misses and loves her. Cadmilho thinks this is hilarious and Anyballs is just pissed. Nanda is furious and cries to Daddy Gonzo about how her stupid brothers are treating her. AnyBalls looks like he’s starting to sweat about Dumian not making the deal yet – probably cause they’ve got no money left. Gonzo tells Cadmilho that the two of them are going to have problems if Cad continues picking on his sis. Cad makes another wisecrack. AnyBalls wants to know what Cad’s going to do about Errorika. Cad’s not getting it – he says relationships end, why is there so much drama about Errorika? He wants to know if he has to marry her just to make everyone in the family happy. AnyBalls (who is showing signs of some little ones right now now) says at least if you’re not going to marry her, the least you could do is not disfigure her face! Nanda wants to know que the hell they’re talking about. and AnyBalls let’s the gata out of the bolsa that Cad practically beat Errorika to death. Cadmilho tries to defend himself by saying he was drunk so it doesn’t count and starts cackling with laughter. Gonzo finally says Basta! He gets up, goes over to Cad, picks him up out of his chair and gives him a damn good hard slap across the face and screams at him to shut up! They all look on stunned – including Cadmilho. Babs stifles a chuckle.

Back to Fr/Ed’s Nest where Errorika has given Fr/Ed ownership papers to a horse that’s very expensive. Fr/Ed says he can’t accept it. She says they have lots of horses and that this horse isn’t worth half as much as the favor he’s going to do for her. This horse must be the gift her parents sent her.

Back at dinner, Gonzo says it’s shameful what Cadmilho has done. Nanda says that Cad is an animal, but no she says, animals have more feeling that he does. She says Errorika should report him to the police and have him thrown in jail. Poor Aurora looks like if she stays in that house one more days she’ll wind up with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – drunken Dominga is probably starting to look normal to her. Nanda and The Cad continue screaming at each other until Gonzo yells Basta! Gonzo tells The Cad that if Errorika decides to press charges against him, he won’t be moving one finger to help Cad. Nanda says she’s going to invite Errorika over to beg her forgiveness for what’s happened. Cad says he doesn’t remember what happened and he doesn’t have anything to say he’s sorry for. Daddy Gonzo orders Cad to be there and to say he’s sorry. Cad walks out.

Back at Fr/Ed’s Errorika is saying that maybe it took being hit by Cadmilho to find out just what kind of worm he really is (que clase de gusano es). Errorika’s phone rings, it’s Nanda calling to invite her to dinner and tells her she just found out what happened with Cadmilho. Nanda says they’re all sorry for what happened and will she come for dinner tomorrow. Erika confirms with Fr/Ed that he can go tomorrow and tells Nanda she’ll be bringing someone. Erika tells Fr/Ed she can’t wait to see Cad’s face when he sees her with another guy. Fr/Ed tells her he feels a bit uncomfortable going to dinner because he’s doing business with the family now, but he’ll go. She’s happy and scampers off.

Nanda tells everyone at the table that Erika has accepted and will be bringing someone to dinner. Prisci changes the subject and tells everyone that the fertility specialist said she and Anibal are both fine and that one day soon there will be a baby in the house. Barb fakes happiness. AnyBalls excuses himself from the table and ruins the moment.

Fr/Ed is on the phone with Esteve, saying how frantic Dumian must be waiting for Esteve’s call, and that tomorrow night he’ll be seeing Fernanda once again. He says Esteve will confirm that the Elizalde business is in a financial crisis. Esteve says he’s going to bombard Dumian with questions about Grupo Intolerancia de Lactos. Fr/Ed tells Esteve he wants it to be obvious that Damian’s trip to NY was a complete disaster, and that Damian comes back to Mexico empty-handed.

Ay ay ay! Gardenia is pissed off once again because Jacinto has told her he’s found her a job at Las Animas with the Engineer that’s moved in. She’s mad because they didn’t talk to her first. She says she doesn’t need them, she’ll go somewhere far away and find her own job. Looks like this time Gardenia has pushed Jacinto to his limit. He yells that they’re just trying to help her, but if that’s what she wants to do then fine, nobody is going to stop her. He gets up and walks out. Margarita just shakes her head at Gardenia and goes to calm Jacinto down.

Santiago is happily whistling to himself while making up the couch for him to sleep on for his slumber party with the light of his life, Aurora Borealis. She gives him a peck on the cheek and tells him he’s the best person she’s ever met. He says he’s sorry his sister isn’t her normal self with all that’s going on, she’s usually a lot happier. This reminds Aurora of what she saw through the window on Nanda’s wedding night – Babs and Damian goin’ at it. Aurora says poor Fernanda. Santiago jokes about snoring – I could snore through his scenes with Aurora.

Margarita doesn’t think it’s a good idea for Gardenia to be working at Las Animas, that she’ll probably recognize Eduardo. She says Gardenia loves Eduardo more now than when they were kids. Jacinto agrees. Jacinto and Margarita get lovey-dovey with each other.

At the hospital, Doctor Guapo asks a nurse about Martina. She says she doesn’t know of any nurse named Martina. Speaking of Muddy Martina, she’s telling her teammate about Doctor Guapo. El Jefe shows up and tells them to hurry up. He tries to get Martina to be more “friendly” with the clients again, but she says she can’t be bought and that if he brings it up again she’ll break his face. How ladylike – Gepetto would be so proud.

At the Cukoo’s Nest, Lili tells Ciro how Dr. Evil threatened her with electric shock treatments. She tells him she asked Eduardo for help, but he didn’t answer her. Ciro says he’s got the answer. Ciro says tonight he’s going to create a distraction so that the Reina Blanca (White Queen) – Liliana – can make a call for help. He tells her not to worry and she goes back to her room. Ciro pulls a book off of his shelf and looks at what appears to be algebra problems. He goes to put the book back on the shelf and he knocks over the box that Soledad hid under the floor, that Lili left in his room. He finds the papers inside and reads them – Ciro is muy impactado and says, “Santo Dios!”

At the Hacienda, Nanda is in her room obviously not able to sleep. She goes to the window for fresh air and Smart Nanda shows up behind her. The two Nandas figure out that Eduardo must’ve been sent away because Soledad got wind of Eduardo trying to take advantage of Nanda, even though it wasn’t true. They think it’s strange that he never even came back for vacations. Barb knocks on the door and comes in pretending to be worried about Nanda. Nanda tells Barb she’s worried that Eduardo thinks it’s her fault that he got sent away to school, because of all the gossip about him trying to take advantage of her. Babs assures her she wasn’t responsible for that, and Babs encourages Nanda to talk to Eduardo. Babs swears that Eduardo will never cause Nanda anymore pain, but to herself she thinks that “bastard has to come back and deal with his mother”.

The next day, Nanda is one the phone waiting for Eduardo’s secretary to connect her. Santiago stands by listening. Eduardo tells the secretary to tell Nanda that he’s just arrived in Mexico City yesterday – nothing more. Just then Erika pulls up in her car behind Fr/Ed, to introduce him to Saleroso (Salty), the new horse.

Nanda asks the secretary if she’s sure he’s in Mexico. She tells the secretary when she talks to him tell him to contact the Elizalde family right away. After she hangs up she explains to Santiago that the secretary said Eddie’s had some business problems and that he’s having a problem getting to the Hacienda. Santiago asks Nanda if she’s sure she wants to see him, and she says yes, if it’s the last thing she does in her life.

Out comes Saleroso, the horse. Fr/Ed is completely impressed by this horse. Of course it’s the classic good guy on the beautiful white horse. They confirm their plans for dinner at the Elizaldes tonight and she’s thrilled that she can tell everyone they’re dating.

Nanda is starting to suspect that Eduardo is playing games with her and that’s why he hasn’t arrived yet.

Erika watches Fr/Ed ride Saleroso. She’s more impressed with Fr/Ed than Fr/Ed is with the horse. After he gets off the horse, she runs over and plants a kiss on Fr/Ed’s mouth. She looks thrilled – he looks stunned.

Tomorrow: Fr/Ed explains to Jacinto about his new future “novia” – Erika. Nanda confesses to Margarita that she used to think Eduardo was the “bestest guy” in the whole world, but now she’s realized he is despicable. Babs is on the phone with Dr. Evil and he tells her he can’t get any info out of Lili even though he’s threatened her with electric shocks – Babs says then go ahead and roast her brain (“rostizar su cerebro”) so we can be done with this problem. I’m completely creeped out by that!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tontas Tuesday March 31, '09 Will He Or Won't He Be Sleeping On The Couch

Yep, that's the big question tonight. Pat's making heavy inroads. First he got his suitcases in the door. Then he moved his valise into Candy's bedroom. Next he proposed sharing her bed because the couch "no está sexy". Can't dispute that. And besides, Chava wants a little brother. Did any of this get resolved? Heck no. But come along for the ride anyway.

Candy's still wearing her fright dress over jeans, so we assume it's the same loooong day. She and Pato are sparring about his sleeping quarters. She says couch. He says no.

More sparring between Santiago and Marissa. He wants to know how much longer she's going to play this game with him, pretending to be at the hospital while hiding out in her apartment. He proposes confronting the situation like adults. She prefers more torment. You didn't ask me how I am, she adds slyly. So how are you? Fine! The scene ends with Marissa making one of her nutso faces. You've really got to feel sorry for that poor beleagured baby nesting in her uterus.

Back to our other twosome. Chava wants to know why Dad's sleeping on the couch. Moms and Dads sleep together, no? Great idea, concurs Pato, and by the way, my stuff in already in your room, dear. Now Chava talks Dad into taking him to work, over Candy's tepid protests. He and Chava make identical pleading faces to mama...puhleez puhleez puhleez. And off they go.

Candy then bops upstairs to harangue Charlie out of bed. No lying around, get moving, help young people. You need to tell your story. Save lives. Come with me to the Institute. The romantic music plays so we know this is a good idea.

Cute scene with Patricio and Chava at work with him explaining about ceramics and exporting them so all the world so people can appreciate Mexican artisanry. Chava decides he wants to be an artist as well as a soccer player and dad's on board with that. You can be many many things, Chava, he assures him.

Candy's at the Institute selling the Charlie idea to Barbara who's all enthusiasm. Lucia, meanwhile, is doing some heavy-duty flirting with some classmate, asking for help in math which alas he can't give. But he'd sure like to help her with literature! Fortunately Santiago drives by, nips this scene in the bud and assures Lucia she can talk with him later. Right now she's going home with Papa.

A new client arrives at the Institute who will only speak with Candy. Why? Well, she knows her from her columns, that's why. And she has a problem. Remember those old headache ads, which ran?.... Headache no. 57 etc.? Well, I swear we're on our 57th PSA! But now it's female sexuality, or to be more exact, female frigidity. I feel like I'm back in the 50's reading Ladies Home Journal "Can This Marriage Be Saved?". Here's the short version. Marta had a very strict upbringing. Married, sees her husband as her "dueño" (lord and master if you want to get all flowerly about it) and in 20 years of matrimony, 2 children, she's never felt a thing. Nada. Candy wisely turns Marta over to Barbara. Not only for counseling but presumeably old Barb knows a bit more about female sexuality( having been married twice) than Candy ( one night of pre-nuptial bliss.)

Patricio's still explaining his business to Chava and now we're on the subject of "equipales" (chairs with leather seats). They're made with wood (madera) or "otate" (a thick type of bamboo) and leather. Whoops....another pipi break for Chava. This is the most urineferous telenovela ever. I used to laugh about Fafy Cuenca's Flomax moments but Chava's pipi scenes are even more numerous. What's with these script writers? The scene ends with a
secretary bringing in the documents Patricio asked for, while Dad and Chava rush to the men's room.

Okay, forget pipi and PSA's. We've got a yummy scene with Chayo and Eduardo. Well, yummy to me at least 'cause I've always maintained these two really love each other and belong together. Yeah, I know, a lot of you hate him. But bear with me here. He's contrite. He's sad. He knows he's been stupid. He's acknowledging how he never appreciated all she did for him. And now he does. And he's asking forgiveness. And for another chance.

Chayo's not so sure. She's been so hurt in the past. She couldn't go through any more pain, or another betrayal.

His answer: Never again. I love you. I miss you.

Her answer: I'll think about it. Give me time. (Lo voy a pensar. Dame tiempo.)

Color me happy. I like these two together. Ad time.

When we come back, there's a powwow at the Institute with everybody on board about Charlie, and possibly Lucia, collaborating in teaching about the problem of AIDS and hey, maybe we could get a firm to donate free condoms! comes Marissa to rain on the parade. She doesn't like anything about this idea. As a matter of fact, she thinks the Institute should concentrate on female beauty and recommending plastic surgery. Take that Miss Candy!

While they square off, the scene switches to Santiago having a heart to heart with Lucia. He saw her flirting. Sure seemed like more than a friend, as Lucia claims. You need to be careful. You've just been through a big scare. And you need to be upfront with people about it. Just because you weren't informed and you felt betrayed and angry, doesn't mean you should turn around and hurt others. And what about Charlie? He's alone and the person he loved most in the world (Lucia) isn't with him. I don't know if you'll get back together or at least be friends but remember....the AIDS virus can only be transmitted through blood or semen....not kisses and hugs. Take care of yourself.

In the meantime, the fight has escalated between Candy and Marissa. Who does the Institute belong to? The name is registered with Marissa. But the rooms are rented by Candy through her uncle. Well, I own every stick of furniture, retorts Marissa, and by the way, you can forget about ever running your column again....ever! Looks like the end of the line for these two.

But what about Chayo and Eduardo? Well, she's come to Candy for advice and help. Candy says....are you ready now?... " Listen to your heart. " Our good ol' fortune cookie/telenovela wisdom. Well, Chayo's heart says "she loves him and can't live without him". Okay, fine. Candy will help. And her assistence? Well, it consists of a threatening phone call to Eduardo. Don't talk. Just listen. Chayo loves you. And she's worth her weight in gold (vale oro) If you ever cheat on her again, I'll take a pair of pruning shears (tijeras de podar) to your nether regions.

I dunno. This doesn't strike me as the most mature way to further a relationship. But hey, Chayo asked for help. And this is what she got. Color me unimpressed.

Another powwow with the group. Candy's telling them about the split and she understands if they want to go with Marissa. She has more revenue and she'll keep the Institute's name. Nope. They all want to stay with Candy. New name is all. Meño suggests Institue Bocina (horn, loudspeaker) because it "suena fuerte" (sounds strong, loud). Ho ho. The scene ends with a rousing cheer of "ni un paso atrás" (not one step backwards)

More threatening. This time between Marissa and brother Raúl. He doesn't want to drop Candy's column. It's the most popular part of the paper. Well, Marissa is half -
owner and she says it has to go. But if that's not enough, she could throw herself down the stairs, lose the baby and then how would he feel? So here's the phone. Do it!

Chava and Pato are back at home and this time Chava's the instructor. He's telling Dad about the little box of lies and how Mom asked his forgiveness for the lie about him having no father. Patricio asks if Chava can forgive HIM for having hurt his mom so badly. Of course. (Both their voices sound very similar in this scene. Quite effective) Some good dad/son lovin' going on when Candy arrives. Mami!!! Esposa!!! How was work? Hugs and kisses all 'round and you can see Candy is feeling a bit smitten with all this family affection. When Patricio hands her the divorce papers so she can sign them, instead she tears them up. Slowly. While looking into Patricio's eyes. He gets up. Comes toward her. And they kiss. And we break for an ad.

Are Candy and Patricio about to get busy? Well, if Chava has his way, yes. He's ready for a little sibling. Patricio reminds her that they had planned to have at least 5 children together, and for now, Chava's the only one. Maybe they should start working on this right away. She wants him to slow waaaaay down. He'd like her to speed up a bit. How about we at least practice. Some heavy breathing. I'm feeling more fear than desire, says Candy. Well, I could give you a little kiss and see if that helps, proposes Patricio.

And yes, we've had this scene before! A number of times. Oh well.

Back to Santiago's office. He's cranky. Wants Hortensia to tell Senora Ramirez she can't keep cancelling appointments. She goes right to the heart of the matter. How's Lucia? And how are you? He cries on her shoulder. She tells him to "luchar por su amor" (another telenovela staple). He launches into his Legend of the Lonely Man (she only knows the Legend of the Lonely Woman) Well, here goes anyway. Lonely man looked for love. And found it. A dynamic, successful, full of life lady. But what happened? An old love came along and took her away. He's been abandoned by Paulina. And Marissa wants to hurt him....which is like abandonment. And Candy doesn't want him. But you have me, Hortensia reminds him huskily. And me, pops up the comely assistant, moving in for a hug. Santiago comes to and skedaddles. And Hortensia warns comely assistant to never again touch the doctor in her presence!

Pato's on the couch but doesn't intend to be there for long. He calls Candy on his cell phone. She tells him to stay put. He pops into her room instead. Lands on the bed, proposes they make up for lost time. Chava barrels in. Dad falls off the bed. Chava's sent out and politely asks permission to enter. Asks Dad if he kisses Mom on the mouth. He sure does, little fella. Every chance he gets. Tells Dad that it's yucky to do that. Lots of laughs and Chava, Candy and Pato make a big loving sandwich family type hug.

Contrast that with Santiago sitting by himself on a park bench. Looking blue, sighing at a nearby baby, briefly going into delusional thinking, imagining himself talking with Candy.

Back to Candy's house and kitchen mayhem. Somehow Beto has appeared and Dad and two boys are in the kitchen throwing eggs and flour around, pretending to make a cake. Gogo and Meño enter and Tio is horrified, not only at the mess but also at the mere presence of Patricio. What are you doing here!? What do you mean you're sleeping on the couch!? Patricio stammers that it's just for a couple of days. Candy stammers that she's sorry, she meant to tell Meño but it all happened so fast. Gogo wants to know if Alicia has been informed. Patricio brushes this off.

Meño takes Candy aside and asks the 64-thousand dollar question. You told me that "el doctor plastico" was the love of your life. Now you've got Patricio living here? Candy's reply is that Chava needs his papa so let him stay. Meño thinks she's guilting herself into getting back together with him. She lied to him and she feels she owes him. But does her heart go "tilin tolon" when she sees him. Look into my eyes, he adds sternly. ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH PATRICIO? And there we end for tonight.

Previews: Alicia's on the phone, talking to Candy. Patricio's not in the hotel. Where is he? Living with me, is Candy's reply. And Santiago, now that Candy and Patricio are together, is telling Candy that he's going to marry Marissa.


tijeras de podar =pruning shears
bocina = horn, loudspeaker
equipales = chairs with leather seats
vale oro = Lit. is worth gold. we'd say "worth their weight in gold"
tilin tolon = ding dong
suena fuerte = sounds loud; sounds strong (play on words)
ni un paso atrás = not one step backwards
otate = a type of thick bamboo
dueño = owner, proprietor, "lord and master" in marital sense
llueve sobre mojado = when it rains, it pours. (no, this wasn't in the episode. just thought I'd throw this in)
And finally...Diane's Dicho of the Day (because she likes them) "Al que madruga, Dios le ayuda" The early bird catches the worm.


Las tontas no van #80, Mon 3/30, The power of forgiveness given and withheld

Tonight’s theme is apology, and forgiveness given and withheld, including discrimination against those society refuses to forgive. In honor of the return of functioning captions, I pulled several vocabulary words out of tonight’s episode. Considering how many unfamiliar words they used, I sure did appreciate the captions. You know the worth of water when the well runs dry!

Santiago tells Charly that nobody has to know he’s infected, other than certain parties with a need to know – his doctor, the government, any potential partner. It’s a sensitive issue because of discrimination suffered by those who are infected. Forgiveness Topic #F-1, Society‘s refusal to forgive.

Look how far Santiago has come, at least in one aspect. Remember when he would panic if Lucía said the S-word? Now he counsels Charly and Lucía. He explains that there are plenty of couples with one infected partner. He steps carefully and says they could find themselves in that situation as well. Luc interrupts: no way, no how. Santi goes on, he doesn’t know whether they’ll get back together. He recognizes a special closeness between them, and he doesn’t want to fail to tell them that if they decide to have relations, they need to take precautions this time. Of course, he never suggests that it may be emotionally unwise for them to resume relations. Remember, this is a novela. Sunday school with sex. As for the PSA, latir – throb. ‘Nuff said. Charly again begs Luc to forgive him. Luc says “Nunca!” (#F-2, Forgiveness withheld.)

Santiago is unsettled. He tells Hortensia that Charly is still a boy and he had to counsel him how to delay death. When he found out Charly had risked Luc, Santi wanted to kill him. Now that Luc is safe, he just feels compassion. He still feels like he failed his brother. (#F-3, Can‘t forgive himself.) Santiago remembers a few years ago when Luc proudly announced to him, “Tío, I’m a woman now.” He remembers the happiness in her eyes and her glow, and he fears her light will go dark from bitterness. (Brillo – sparkle, brilliance. Me da pavor – it terrifies me.)

Getting ready for bed, Rocío and Lucía have a sisters talk.
Roc: Why are you angry? Did I do something? (#F-4, Roc is willing to apologize even if she doesn’t know what she did wrong.)
Luc: No, nothing. I’m angry at myself. (#F-5, Luc can’t forgive herself.) I fought with Charly and said some ugly things.
Roc: Did he do something to you?
Luc: Yes, but it was my fault too. Something very bad.
Roc: (From the mouths of babes..) When I’m angry at Daddy, I always end up (terminar) angry at Chava too.
Luc: It’s because you like him so much.
Roc: Don’t you like Charly? Are you ever going to forgive him?
Luc: I don’t know. (Repeat of #F-2, Will Luc forgive Charly?)
Notice that Lucía is starting to soften up a little on Charly.

Ed announces to the Abandonados that Lucía’s test turned out (resultar) negative.

The restaurant is decorated for a Christmas party, and Candy arrives with the boys. (This episode aired May 28 in Mexico.) Santa arrives with Patricio’s voice. He says he wants to celebrate the last eight Christmases with them. Candy is charmed, and Santa takes the opportunity for a big kiss. Beto sees it and tells Chava, “Wow! Your mom is Santa’s girlfriend. You’ll get better presents than anyone!” Santa gives the boys toys. Meño tells boys to get moving – ponerse las pilas. There are dolls for Rocío, Lulu, Soledad, and Meño. Soledad is not charmed. He gives Candy a soccer ball signed by the whole Chivas team, per a letter she wrote to Santa when she was about 12. She should have asked her dad (Jesus Bracamontes was the Chivas’ coach in the 90’s). Sven sits down with Soledad and stutters and stammers and gets tongue-tied as only Sven can, until she holds his mouth closed long enough to tell him yes, she is willing to go out with him. He wants her phone number, and his motor starts running again.

Santiago goes to see his old friend Federico the shrink. Fred says he owes Santi a favor after the great surgery Santi did for his wife, but Santi tells him, “Los amigos nunca estamos en deuda” – Friends never owe you anything, or friends never keep accounts. Fred reviewed the case and concluded that Marissa is in bad shape, and for right now, neither Santi nor he can do anything for her. Speaking as Santi’s friend, the only solution he can see is to stay at Marissa’s side, play along with her game, humor her, and be there to remediate any risk. She obviously has a behavioral disorder, probably brought on by pregnancy hormones and the situation with Santi.. If Santi doesn’t play along, things will take a turn for the worse.

Santi is having great difficulty swallowing all this - he‘s completely boggled. Play along with someone who is totally unbalanced – desequilibrio? He asks how far he needs to go along with this absurd game. He wants to protect his son, but Marissa is pushing him to get married. Fred counsels that he should even get married, and after the baby is born, they can separate (I think I heard that), and she can get proper help.

Santiago is dumbfounded by this advice. So am I. Santi insists, no, he demands that after the baby is born, the doctor will officially certify that she is not emotionally fit to care for the child. The doctor guarantees (avalar) that he will certify that. For a patient that he has not tested, not analyzed, not even interviewed yet. Let’s review, shall we? Santi’s one old friend keeps a macabre museum in his house. Another old friend is the quack who killed Candy’s sister. Another old friend operates… This old friend sounds like he’s in league with Marissa, but is ready to certify her, sight unseen. How is it that the best plastic surgeon in Mexico spent his college years with a bunch of quacks?

Alone with Candy, Gregoria says that Alicia is pretty upset about seeing Candy and Pat kissing. Candy points out that she is the victim (perpetual, eternal, unrelenting, and unmistakable); and that it was Ali who ruined her marriage and ruined her life. Gregoria reminds her, none too gently, that Candy is no angel either, considering all the pain her death caused. Candy, in a monologue that demonstrates exactly why we all love her as much as we do, says, “Yeah, mom, but I didn’t know that I was causing anybody pain, and besides I was really hurt too, and besides I was angry. You’ve already forgiven me, haven’t you?” (Big smile.) Greg answers, “Yes, but I didn’t forget.” (#F-6, Forgiveness presumptuously assumed and grudgingly given.) Candy doesn’t want to go out of her way to hurt Ali, but she’s not going to change her course for her either. Pat joins the conversation and is soon joined by Chava, excited about the visit from Santa.

Santiago is reading in bed when Donato brings him some tea. Without being snotty, Santi tells him that if he wants tea he’ll ask for it; what does Don really want to talk about? Next we see Don drinking tea with Santi, explaining that his boss accused him of robbery, and all the stolen goods were found in his room. Santi knows he’s no thief, but he’s disturbed that Don never told him this before. He understands that Don asked Isabel to keep his secret, because nobody is willing to give an ex-convict a chance (#F-7, society won’t forgive.) But Donato needs to understand that Santiago is the one responsible for the household and he needs to be informed. While he’s at it, Santi reminds Don that this is his bed; Don shouldn’t get too comfortable. I love how Donato is always trying to covertly tiptoe to a higher position, and Isabel and Santi always reassert his proper place. I once knew a Newfoundland dog who always tried to sneak into my lap without my noticing.

In the morning, Santiago scolds his mama (I love watching these two together) because she never told him that Donato was in jail. He says, “Me hubiera gustado saberlo,” I would have liked to have known (imperfect subjunctive). Isabel is worried that the stress is getting to her son. By the way, notice the statue on Santi’s desk. It’s not erotic! I didn’t know Televisa had any of that kind! Later Santi calls Donato to his office, but Donato interrupts Santi to turn in his resignation. He says, “I should tell you, I have always been loyal to you and to all your lies.” Santi asks if Don is blaming or blackmailing him. No. Does he want to leave? No, Don replies, he has to leave. Santi asks whether it’s for his dignity or his shame, because neither is appropriate in this situation. He won’t stop him if Don wants to leave. Santi had already come to a decision, for the safety of his daughters.

Refugio drags her fiancé into Barb’s office for a session because her last three novios ditched her the day before the wedding. He admits that her mother told her secret – her psychiatric problems and nervous disorders. (#F-8, society flees from those with mental disorders.) Refugio is stunned; her novio asks, “You mean it’s not true?” They realize that the problem was her mother who was afraid of being left alone. Her novio demonstrates a sincere, remorseful apology that clearly indicates a change, and she forgives him. (#F-9, apology sincerely given and gratefully accepted.) In contrast to..

Ali and Margarita are forming battle strategies. Marg tells her that if she confronts Pat, he’ll just distance himself farther. Ali is sure Candy’s doing it for vengeance. Speaking of the Queen of Sangrón, Candy arrives at the door, and the sisters give each other genetically-enhanced stink-eye. Candy says it’s time for them to stop fighting. Ali suggests that the first step is for Candy to leave Ali’s husband alone, since she gave him up. Candy says she didn’t give him up, she escaped him. She accuses her sister of being a fat-faced cootie-head. Not really, but their conversation has regressed to that maturity level. She continues, “Nonetheless, I came to apologize if I’ve hurt you somehow.” Can you imagine? Ali rejects an apology with that level of warm, heartfelt remorse. There’s just no pleasing some people. (Have I ever mentioned how much I despise insincere apologies? Especially the ones that begin, “I‘m sorry if you think I...”) (#F-10, apology insincerely offered and sincerely rejected.)

If you haven’t watched this episode yet, I recommend that you skip the Candy & Chava scene. Those are minutes in your life that you’ll never get back. You could use them doing something more productive. Like watching paint peel. Chava brings Candy his caja de mentiras (box to trap lies), because twice he lied about brushing his teeth. Maybe it was a ploy to leave the box where it was truly needed. We’re treated to another Tontas Toidy Time (ah, the sweet memories, sitting around the toilet bowl with my mama), when Candy flushes the lies down the toilet. And yet another when he confesses that he doesn’t wash his hands after using the bathroom. Candy forgives him. (#F-11.) Then she takes Chava to his room and apologizes for all the years she lied to him, saying that his father was dead and keeping them apart. (#F-12) Didn’t she already do that, back when Chava found out the Pat was his dad?

Barbara tells the institute staff that Refugio will be enrolling in all their classes. Chayo wonders why Barb made her such a special project. Barb identified with this patient because her mother was so controlling. Meño wonders if that was related to Barb’s two marriages and divorces, but Barb denies any relation.

Isabel sees Donato carrying suitcases and blames Santiago for firing him for having been in jail. Thus Tina and the girls hear the secret. Tina goes to lock up her valuables. The girls think Don has the face of a thief. It turns out that Santi simply asked Don to get rid of things that were in storage. Santi and Don start albures (a verbal game of bawdy puns) that go over my head.

Marissa calls Santiago to come quickly because she is in pain with stomach cramps, and she’s worried for the baby. He heads for the door, but he imagines that it is a very pregnant Candy calling him instead, talking sweetly to the proud papa, until Mar interrupts his enjoyment of the moment. When he arrives at her apartment in a rush, looking so fine in that black shirt instead of the yellow cow shirt, he finds her note, “I went to the hospital. I feel terrible, and very, very alone.” She doesn’t answer her phone, so he rushes out the door to find her. As the door closes behind him, she emerges from the kitchen mocking him.

More of the same with Ed and Chayo. Ed complains that they can’t continue this way in a divided house. She hired Dany, an Organizer of Ex-Couples. She whistles, he enters, and is at her beck and call. Her first call is for Dany to carry her to her bedroom.

Santi goes to his office, and he, Hortensia, and Ed are all on their phones trying to track down Marissa. Santi yells at Hortensia because he’s going nuts with worry for his son. They reach Raúl and find out Marissa is at her apartment. Santi rushes back out the door. Horti notes to Ed that Marissa is quite lucid about certain things..

Pat arrives at Candy’s door, steps inside, puts down his suitcases, and announces that he came to live with her and his son. Chava runs down the steps and Pat tells him the same thing, knowing Candy wouldn‘t break her son‘s heart by canceling that plan. Candy is not charmed. Pat follows the adage that it’s easier to get forgiveness than permission. (#F-13.) He goes straight for her Achilles Heel, claiming that he decided to move in because he saw how happy it makes Chava when they are together, and he wants Chava to always be happy. Candy is mad that he didn’t talk to her about this first, and he whimpers, pleading forgiveness, until she yields. (#F-14.) Candy agrees that he can stay, but as Chava’s dad, not as her husband, and he won’t sleep in her room. She also asks Pat for divorce papers. Why? If they are to have a relationship, it needs to start today, with no remnants of the old one.

• brillo – sparkle, brilliance
• me da pavor – it terrifies me.
• terminar – This word has many handy uses. Check Word Reference to understand them better. But one of the uses is “to end up,” e.g. Rocío ends up angry at Chava.
• ponerse las pilas – get a move on, buckle down. A pila is a battery, so act like you’re on a full charge.
• Los amigos nunca estamos en deuda – Friends never owe you anything; friends never keep count. (I don’t understand why he uses estamos instead of estan, but my ears and the captions agreed.
• desequilibrio – mentally unbalanced, or unbalanced in general
• avalar – to guarantee
• Me hubiera gustado saberlo. – I would have liked to have known. The tense is imperfect subjunctive.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Mañana es para siempre 3/30: the captions reappear and a coffin disappears.

Oh, frabjous day, the captions came back! Schoolmarm, was it your doing? Are they here to stay?

Yesterday: Ed tells Jacinto it must have been Lily who mentioned him, and he has business with her. Also, Erika's maid squeals: "Come look at the present your father brought, it's in the garden." I don't believe we saw the present?

Priscila tells Anibal the doc sez he has vigorous semen! Anibal sez, why don't you go study art in the Sahara Desert?! He sez, if I'm fine, then the "problem" is yours. "No, we are both divine, we're just stressed, sometimes people get that way when they really want a baby ("speak for yourself" he mutters), you need to work less. Relax, do your homework, and if you do - you get off school permanently." (She won't ask him for sex again?) "That should be a good incentive for you!"

Eduardo sobs and rants to the padre, he doesn't want his mother in the Elizalde mausoleum, he wants to be able to go wail and weep over her grave without the undesirable element watching. The padre agrees to his request, warning him he's overwrought.

Ciro and Liliana are playing chess. She says she's worried, the awful Doc has been plying her with flowers and letting her go outside and take less medicine, but he's pressing her to tell him everything she said to Fernanda. "I've got to get out of here and Eduardo is my only hope." "Patience! The white pawn gains strength and will battle the black queen."

Barbara gets Gonzo to speed up the exhumation red-tape. She hopes to regain Fer's trust and also to flush Eduardo from his hiding place.

Fer monologues to her picture of Soledad, Ed and Fer in happier younger days (before Fer's eyebrows got so fierce and plucked). "How you've changed, Ed, your indifference hurts, I can hardly believe there is no affection left. You are so harsh, your love has turned to hate, why?" She hopes when they are face to face he'll be the Eduardo she loves. She kisses the picture and then sadly: "No, it can't be the same - I'm married, and he surely has another woman."

Business looks good at the House of Mud, but the boss is annoyed, the girls aren't getting the customers to consume enough and numbers are down. A bald guy comes in, looks around, says he needs new stimulation not these same old Mud Maidens, and leaves.

Anibal gets home late. Pris bitches about that, then suggests he have some wine to relax. "Don't push me, I want to sleep." He leaves. Pris: "I'll have a child, with you or without you."

Barbara prods Fer for info, after saying she's managed to get Gonzo to speed up the exhumation paperwork. Where is Eduardo? When is he coming? Nobody knows, so let's go forward with the ceremony. "Soon we'll know who wrecked your wedding," Barbara sez kindly. So the plan advances, Gonzo leaves money for flowers and a mass to be said.

Ed finally gets back to the sanitorium, and plies the friendly nurse Adolfina with a gift. She asks him point blank: "Are you Eduardo?" He is impactado and remains so throughout the commercial break, then says no, Eduardo is dead, but he is a relative of the Cruz family. "Well, Lili asks for Ed all the time." Adolfina takes him to see Lili but they've only got five minutes before the change of the guard. Ciro squanders all those minutes, mouthing off about the black queen and pointlessly explaining: "I'm a professional patient, I'm here because I choose to be." "His wife and son don't love him." As the nurse drags Ed away, nothing of import having transpired, Lili begs: "Don't abandon me!"

Priscila sashays down the stairs, joking: "Fer, you better get busy with Damian or I'll have a baby before you do... in fact, better not wait because I want my baby to have a cuz to play with." She taunts Barbara: "Don't you have any maternal instinct?" She goes to have some wine with that cad Vlad and takes him home with her to his apartment where she drinks some more and knocks him onto the couch. Anibal calls her cellphone and she doesn't answer it. Some Important Paper falls next to the couch.

Humble sweet Aurora [I like her, she should have been the heroine. --Ed.] is making her bed when Barb comes in like a spider and sez, I thought you were leaving yesterday. "Oh, I thought I'd stay a little longer..." "HOW much longer?" Barb is in the process of snarling when Santiago comes bouncing in yelling, "All my life!" Barb sez, I only asked because if she were going to be with us much longer, I'd find her a better place. "Well, I've found her a better place." He installs her in his own huge bedroom and shuts the door in Barb's face. He explains, Aurora gets the cushy bed but he'll sleep on the sofa "because I don't want you to think I'm a fellow of easy virtue."

Lucio is drooling over Playboy Magazine in the limo when Barb steams up, throws him out, and zooms off to see Cigarman. "Soledad's spawn is near." "Flush him out - a visible enemy is best." Cigarman fears Soledad told Ed stuff before she died and he adjusts Barb's to-do list: get rid of Eduardo and THEN destroy the Elizalde's milk empire.

Fer comes to Santiago's room to collect him (and therefore Aurora) for the cemetery excursion. However, when Fer, Santiago, and Aurora arrive at the public cemetery to watch Soledad's exhumation, it's discovered that her coffin is gone! "Eduardo!"

Yes, in fact, Ed's had his mom cremated and had the nice orange box of ashes delivered to him, they will rest at San Rafael. Jacinto and Eduardo emote, they sob and sob, it's the only respite from non-stop talking this entire hour!!! Cry on, me lads!

At the hospital in Pueblo Villa Madero, a doctor is examining Martina's dad the blacksmith. The scar is well healed. Martina arrives to take dad home. "Oh, here's my daughter, she's a nurse here at the hospital!" "Well, I'm quite new, so we haven't met. Which department to you work in?" She is silent. He is smitten. Boy howdy, wait till he sees her in her, uh, nurses uniform!

Lily is daydreaming about being saved by Ed when the evil doctor arrives, tired of waiting for her to talk. This time, he has two pills instead of the usual one, and he forces them into her mouth and looks under her tongue to be sure she isn't hiding them. "No more concessions! If you don't tell me everything, I will turn your brain to pudding with my super-special electroshock treatment!"

Tomorrow: Erika gets Fr/Ed to pose as her boyfriend at the Elizalde dinner party. Gonzo punches Camilo (who's laughing about having almost killed Erika when he was drunk). Priscila and Vlad continue to have sex.


Doña Barbara, Mon. March 30 - Marisela gets engaged to Gonzalo; Sapo demands payback for his contributions

The English subtitles on CC3 came back tonight! You could have knocked me over with a feather. That means I don't have to write such detailed recaps. In addition, at the end of tonight's episode, they announced that DB is now in its 'etapa final,' which means there is an end in sight. The action seems to be picking up a little, too.

Marisela pulls away and tells Gonzalo that is enough for the first kiss. She runs off. Gonzalo obviously hasn't had that much experience with women because he thinks that Marisela has fallen for him.

DB has shown up uninvited at Altamira. Pajarote makes himself scarce saying that he has to go see if the rooster is laying an egg ('voy a ver si el gallo puso').

Sapo (translated in the English captions as 'Frogman') is delighted to hear that DB is pregnant because it will make her weak.

In a funny scene, Marisela is desperately brushing her teeth to try and eliminate any traces of Gonzalo.

Genoveva asks why Marisela wants to get engaged to someone she finds so repulsive. Marisela says that it's just that she can't get used to Gonzalo's kisses. They're kind of gross.

DB tells Santos that Marisela will never go back to him and Santos says that he isn't going to back to DB either. He sends her back to El Miedo.

The next morning DB tells Melquíades that they have to keep Santos from finding out anything about Sapo's relationship with her. She tells Melquíades to hire more men who can handle arms so they aren't taken by surprise.

María Nieves gets grudging permission from Melesio to visit Altagracia as her fiancé.

Genoveva is obsessing about her pregnancy problem and what will happen when she starts to show. Marisela isn't very sympathetic and says that they should go have breakfast.

Santos tells Andrés and Néstor that he is sure that Sapo is involved in some criminal activity but they need proof because he can hire lawyers and bribe judges.

Gonzalo gets too clever and puts the engagement ring he has for Marisela on her breakfast roll. Marisela comes in to breakfast and is babbling away to keep from having to kiss or talk to Gonzalo, takes a bite of the roll without looking at it and nearly chokes on the ring. [On the NPR news quiz show, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, last week, they reported a story of a man who did something similar and his girlfriend actually swallowed the ring and she had to wait a couple of days for it to reappear.] Marisela manages to spit out the ring but it's an inauspicious start to their engagement.

Pajarote asks Santos if he needs anything from San Fernando. He confides to Santos his reason for wanting to go there, which Santos finds very funny.

Marisela lets Gonzalo put the ring on her finger.

Leoncia asks what exactly Tigre's and Leon's job is at El Miedo since they never seem to do anything. They reply that they do special jobs for the Doña. Melquíades shows up and tells them that DB is hiring armed men. Leon and Tigre think their cousins would fit the bill. Apparently we are going to get more involved with Celeste's story since Leoncia says that she hopes that Tigre and Leon don't find out about Celeste's relationship with her cousin, Genaro.

Sapo orders Gonzalo come to see him.

Marisela goes to visit Antonio. She asks about Lucía's condition and says that she can see he is suffering. Antonio says that he cares very much about Lucía. She has been very good to him and loves him in spite of everything. Marisela asks Antonio how he could marry one woman when he was in love with another. Antonio says that he wants to answer because he knows why she is asking. He says that he married Lucía out of gratitude and out of spite for how Cecilia had made him suffer but most of all to create a barrier to his feelings for Cecilia. He says that Marisela is doing the same with Gonzalo. Marisela tries to argue otherwise but Antonio says that he knows Marisela is still in love with Santos. Marisela then asks if Antonio fell in love with Lucía. Antonio says that he cares about her a lot and is suffering for her. He says that he would like to be faithful and a good husband to her. Marisela concludes that Antonio is saying that he is in love with Lucía and that is good because she wants to fall in love with Gonzalo. She leaves and Antonio says to himself that she forgot to ask if he ever stopped loving Cecilia and the answer is no.

Pernalete intercepts and reads Gonzalo's telegram to DB saying that he has succeeded in getting engaged to Marisela. He scurries off to deliver the good news to DB.

Pajarote tries out various ways to tell Genoveva that he loves her. Geno tries out different ways of telling Pajarote that he knocked her up. Finally she says that she will have a little bird (pajarito) with beautiful eyes like his father.

Unlike Geno, DB wants to start showing but Eustaquia says that when she was pregnant with Marisela, she wore her regular clothes almost until she gave birth. DB says that she can't remember anything about being pregnant with Marisela. Eustaquia says that DB tried to deny that she was carrying a baby. She says that it was so sad. DB never bought anything for her daughter.

Juan Primito tells DB that Pernalete has come and and he is happy so JP thinks he has brought good news. When DB reads the telegram, she is very happy. She gets rid of Pernalete and tells JP that she has good news about the 'girl of his eyes.'

Now we find out what the 'little favor' is that Sapo bought from Gonzalo. He needs Gonzalo to stop the river patrols that night so that a big cargo of 'merchandise' can cross the river. Gonzalo says that's he will have to act too abruptly and it will be dangerous. Sapo says that he had better think of something or he will find that that there are things even more abrupt and dangerous like a bullet to the head.

DB tells JP the news about Marisela's engagement and tells him to go to Altamira and share it. Poor JP knows how Santos will react and doesn't want to do it. He covers his mouth and refuses to go to Altamira.

DB has to threaten him by saying that she will make the one-eyed alligator chew JP's legs off if he doesn't do what she says.

JP goes to Altamira. He says what he has to as fast as he possibly can and Santos is angry. He immediately finds a crop dusting plane and tells the pilot that it is a matter of life and death for him to get to San Fernando.

Gonzalo forces the leader of the river patrols to take his boats out of service for maintenance. The guy is really angry about that decision. Marisela overhears part of the their conversation.

When JP reports that Santos ran off to San Fernando, DB says that the has to find out that he can't control Marisela any more. But he will still have her and she will be here waiting for him.

Néstor runs into Genoveva and takes her out for an ice cream just as Pajarote arrives in San Fernando.

Santos has also arrived in San Fernando. He bursts into Marisela's office,

sees the ring on her finger and ask how Marisela could do this to him?


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Fri., March. 27 - Lucía gets bad news; Sapo and Gonzalo get good news for them but is bad news for DB and Marisela

Marisela is suspicious of why DB is warning her about Sapo. DB says that even though she is the same woman that has caused Marisela so much pain, she doesn't hate her and doesn't want anything bad to happen to her. Marisela tells her not to lie. DB is trying to confuse her with nice words. DB replies that she knows that deep down Marisela cares for her.

Melquíades has Santos and Sapo in the cross hairs and says that Santos' life is in his hands. Meanwhile Santos is telling Sapo that he read about him the in paper and came to meet him out of curiosity. Sapo tells him to be careful, curiosity killed the cat. Santos tells him not to worry. He has more 7 lives. [Has he lost two or do cats in Spanish speaking countries have 7 lives, not 9 lives?] Melquíades says that Santos' death would hurt DB very much and it is only for her that he isn't going to shoot Santos.

Santos tells Sapo that he wanted to meet the person who tried to buy various haciendas in the region including his. Santos says that Sapo acted throught his employee, Fausto Borrego, and Santos mentions that he hasn't seen Borrego around lately. Sapo says that Borrego is no longer in his employ and asks if Santos is interested in selling. Santos says that depends on whether he receives a good offer.

Cecilia tries to lift Antonio's spirits and tells him that he has to be strong for Lucía and his child. Antonio thanks her for her help and calls her his 'mariposa.' Cecilia asks him not to make things harder than they already are.

Marisela says that the worst has already happened. DB says that much worse things could happen. Marisela says that Sapo is a friend of Gonzalo's. DB assures her that Sapo is the most vile person and he has the worst instincts that she could imagined. She says what makes him more dangerous is that he is intelligent and has lots of power. Marisela asks what he is doing in San Fernando. DB says that he has come for her but Marisela is in danger, too because she is DB's daughter.

Santos is blocking Melquíades' shot. Sapo tells Santos that he understands that the cattle raising is good in this area. Santos replies that it's not only the pastures. A milk processing plant has just opened in Progreso. "Progreso progresses," says Sapo. He writes down an amount that he will pay Santos for his hacienda. Santos looks at it and says, "Altamira is worth more than the land and the cattle. You know what I'm referring to, right?" He tells Sapo to think about it and make him an offer that reflects the real value of the hacienda. Santos leaves and Sapo goes with him thus depriving Melquíades of his target.

DB continues to try and warn Marisela. She says that Sapo won't rest until he has gotten rid of DB and those are around her. Marisela should get away from Sapo as quickly as possible and warn Gonzalo about him as well. DB thinks that Gonzalo has already gotten into some shady (turbio) business with Sapo. Marisela replies that Gonzalo is an honorable man. DB says that Marisela is young and naive. "All men are honorable until they stop being so. They all have a price and Gonzalo has a high price because he is very ambitious. It's a price that the guy in this photo can pay with no problem." She tells Marisela to be careful. She starts to walk away. Marisela asks why she has come again to tell Marisela these things as if she mattered to DB. DB replies that she does matter to her for the same reason that Marisela cares about her - she is Marisela's mother for better or worse.

Marisela tells Genoveva about DB's warning and says that she is afraid. DB spoke to her seriously and she has her own suspicions. If they are true, the situation is very dangerous.

Sapo says that he thinks the reason Santos gave for his visit, to meet the person who wants to buy his hacienda, is very stupid. He tells Facundo that he thinks that Santos came to check him out (indagar) and sniff him out (husmear). He says that Santos isn't stupid. He knows that Sapo has other interests. Facundo asks if they should eliminate Santos. Sapo says not yet. They will give him more rope (cuerda) so that he reveals his true intentions. "Remember that the dead don't speak," says Sapo, "and he still has a lot to tell." It starts to rain and Melquíades has to leave without completing his mission.

The doctor gives Lucía the bad news about needing dialysis. She is upset.

Sapo reports on his failure to DB and tells her that Santos was visiting Sapo. Santos comes in and asks what DB is doing in San Fernando. He accuses her of coming to town because of Sapo and ask her to deny it. She does deny it claiming that she came to San Fernando to buy things for the baby. As DB babbles to Santos about being willing to get fat to make his baby grow big and strong, Facundo is at a nearby table listening.

Genoveva things that she is already getting fat.
Marisela says that she isn't but says that they should go and have dinner because pregnant women need to eat. She says that her latest godchild is hungry. Soon she will have a football team of godchildren.

Antonio tells Lucía that he is very proud of her. She took the bad news with a lot of strength of character.
Lucía replies that is because he is by her side. Cecilia comes to Lucía's room. Cecilia tells Antonio and Lucía that she overreacted when Toñito got a rash like all first-time mothers. Lucía says that she doesn't know if she will get to experience that.

Pajarote drops Gervasia off in town to do some shopping. Pajorote has flashbacks to his encounters with Genoveva. He is interrupted by Celeste. She asks if he has solved his problem. He says that if he couldn't do with Celeste, it was because he has a prefers someone else - someone who likes him and for whom he can perform. He says that this other woman is pure (limpia), decent, slender (flaquita) and his. Celeste says that she doesn't think that this other woman is decent and doubts she is his because she doesn't see her anywhere. Celeste dares Pajarote to go with her and prove that he can perform. He tells her to leave him in peace.

Lucía sends Antonio out of the room. She asks Cecilia's forgiveness.

DB tells Santos that he is obsessed with Sapo. She says that it is all in his imagination. He could write novels. DB gushes about the baby and gets Santos to feel her belly just at at moment (of course) that Marisela and Genoveva come into to the restaurant.

Marisela is upset but at least DB doesn't look triumphant.

Santos comes over to Marisela saying it isn't what it seems. Marisela replies that he has every right to touch he belly of the woman carrying his child. She and Marisela leave. Santos follows. Once again, he tries to explain that he isn't getting back with DB. Marisela says there is nothing to explain and he should respect her and not pursue her any more.

Lucía says that she took advantage of Antonio being alone and full of pain when he was let out of prison. Cecilia says that she was just acting like a woman in love. She says that in her heart, she knew that Cecilia and Antonio still loved one another. She asks if Cecilia hates her for that. Cecilia says that she has never hated Lucía. She was there when Antonio needed her. Cecilia says that Antonio chose her and she thinks that he did very well. He loves her, he is with her and they are going to have a baby. She tells Lucía not to worry about her.

Toñito is sleeping in Antonio's arms. What a cute baby!
Antonio says that he is sure that the women are talking about them. Antonio tells Toñito a secret - he is still in love with Toñito's mother.

Marisela tells Geno that when she sees Santos and DB together, she can't contain her anger and her stomach hurts. She doesn't want them to be together but it is better for DB and the baby.

Santos asks Antonio to tell Gonzalo to be careful of Sapo because Santos is sure that he is a dangerous criminal. He says that he thinks Sapo is one of the rapists but DB won't confirm that. Antonio asks why there is such mystery and Santos replies that DB is like that. Santos wants Antonio to warn Gonzalo about Sapo and when Antonio asks why Santos can't do it himself, he says that they have too many problems between them. Antonio agrees to tell Gonzalo. When Santos asks how Lucía is doing, Antonio tells him that her health is not good at all.

Leon accosts Gervasia and asks her to come with him promising to treat her well.

Geno tells Marisela that she will never tell Pajarote about the baby. He will jusst make fun of her and say she did it on purpose to make him marry her. Her grandfather will force a shotgun wedding and she doesn't want a forced marriage with the groom looking like a martyr in all the photos. "How dramatic!" says Marisela, "You make better novels than Madame Fabulé."

Leon is about to drag Gervasia off when she threatens to cut his face open.
Pajarote appears and asks if everything is all right. Gervasia says that she is fine. Pajarote says to Leon, "There are terneras that know how to show their claws (sacar las garras) and scare kittens (gatitos).

Antonio tells Gonzalo that Santos sent him to tell Gonzalo to watch out for Sapo, not to trust him and that he could be a dangerous criminal.

DB tells Melquíades not to worry that he didn't get Sapo. It just means that his time hasn't come. She says they should return to El Miedo before Sapo finds out they are in San Fernando. At that moment, Sapo lowers the window of his car and looks at her.

Sapo's henchman asks why if DB is an enemy, he doesn't just get rid of her. Sapo says that would be too easy. He has an end planned for DB that is commensurate with her arrogance.

Gonzalo says that he doesn't pay any attention to what that idiot Santos says. He says that Santos always was jealous of him. He says that Santos was jealous of him because Gonzalo had more money, was more popular, had a better family name, had more girlfriends and was president of the student council. Antonio reminds Gonzalo of all Santos has did for him when he was a rebel and says that he is only the messenger. Gonzalo replies that if he doesn't want problems, he should never mention Santos' name again. Antonio agrees but asks Gonzalo to do the same because he won't let Gonzalo speak ill of his soul brother (hermano del alma).

Facundo tells Sapo that DB and Santos were talking about him. He tells Sapo that he found out an interesting fact - DB is pregnant. Sapo says that is great news.

Marisela is trying to cheer Genoveva up when one of the guards show up with 30 roses and a note from Santos: "Since I can't send one every day, here are the 30 roses for this month to remind you that every day I love you more strongly than the day before and to make clear that I will never ever give you up. I love you today, too. Your Santos." Geno tells Marisela that she doesn't know how Marisela resists Santos. Marisela leaves saying that she has to make a clean break once and for all.

Back at Altamira, Pajarote asks if Santos is thinking about Marisela. He say that he is always thinking about her. Pajarote asks if Santos doesn't think that women are crazy. Santos says that he is sure that women are crazy but the worst thing is that they want to make men crazy. "But when they aren't here," says Santos, "we miss them so much." Santos says that when Marisela isn't at Altamira, the house seems dead. It lacks yelling, laughter, disorder, life.. It lacks her. "Who does it lack?" asks DB appearing suddenly, "Me? Are you referring to me?"

Marisela tells Gonzalo that over the last year she has used him to escape from Santos and next to Santos, he is the man she likes the most. She says that she has made a decision and the answer is yes. Gonzalo asks if she means that he is her boyfriend (novio) with kisses and everything. Marisela says yes. Gonzalo kisses her and Marisela looks that she barely keep from gagging.


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