Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sortilegio #26, Wed Nov 11, 2009: I have a neck ache...

...from shaking my heading, trying to get my beanie to work to ease my brain pain from this episode. I think I burned it out trying to catch up on the last 3 shows, recaps and comments.

Ale gets a call from Mari. She has found Mario. Ale is going to go see him. MJ doesn't think he should go alone. Mario or the guy that is pretending to be Mario calls the casa and Ale answers. Ale tells MJ to take the call. Ale picks up another line. MJ says she doesn't know a Mario. Mario says you have a sister Paula and a father Pedro? MJ hangs up. Ale is upset because MJ hung up. MJ cracks starts crying and says she wants a divorce and runs upstairs. All she wants is peace.

Ale drives away as EZ holding Ale's jacket, shakes his head.

EZ is straightening Ale's bed and he finds the hotel key and pockets it. Well that solved the problem of going to the hotel.

MJ remembers the key and goes back to find it but it is gone. She searches the room and it really is not there.

Aguirre asks the hotel desk if anyone has asked for him. Ale comes to the desk and asks if Mario is in the the clerk gives him the room number 25 . Ale knocks on the door, Mario asks who it is and asks what he wants and exits the window. Ale breaks the door in, but he is gone, of course.

MJ talks with Paula. She talks about Mario, Bruno, the hotel, people thinking she had an accomplice, and being pregnant.

Fernando drives Victoria home. She asks him in to have a drink but Fernando turns her down and leaves to go back to the office. Victoria wistfully watches him leave.

Paula is walking and Erick runs up to her and tells Paula the car is ready to take her to school. Paula says she doesn't want to go today. This makes me mad. Paula has been so excited about school, etc, and now she is sad because someone is messin with her.

Felipe has her newly washed pooch and Victoria thinks it is cute. Victoria tells Felipe that she thinks Fernando is in love with her.

Chuco and Papa are talking about food. Lots of food. Paula come up and they tell her about the dog. Papa asks why she is not at school is she sick? She has a pain but took a pill, and tells Papa not to worry. Chucho, thinks something else is going on.
Bety, Fernandos secretary (I guess) comes in and gives him his messages.

Felipe and Victoria are talking about Fernando. Felipe says that Fernando is good looking and a fine man. Victoria says he is much younger than she and to have a relationship with him would be ridiculous.
Felipe says to leave it up for discussion.

Ale is talking to Fernando and telling how Mario got away at the hotel. Ale asks about how his day with Victoria went. Fernando tells Ale how the day went, except he may have caused a problem at lunch because he insinuated to Victoria that he loves her. I didn't get it all.

Paula runs into Bruno and lets into him about all his cr*p. She wants to tell Ale everything. but of course he threatens her with her and MJ being locked up and who is going to believe who. I HATE THAT CLICKING NOISE HE DOES WITH HIS TONGUE IN HIS MOUTH, ( That I don't know how to type.) I just want to SLAP HIM CRAZY! Sorry.

Mario (the guy pretending to be) and Useless (Someone else I want to slap.) are on a bus of some sort. Mario tells Useless want went down at the hotel.

Bruto is on the phone with Erick, yelling, bullying and threatening him. Bruno better be careful. I don't think you keep loyalty by screaming and yelling like that.

Ale comes home and asks where is wife his. Ale goes to his room and she is not there. Ale goes to MJ's room. MJ pretends to be sleeping. Ale says "Perhaps you are sleeping or not, because you don't want to talk with me. But, in the morning, after you are rested, I want to ask you to forgive me for the yelling tonight." He leaves. MJ thinks.

At a party, Roberto and Useless are hanging. It is an all guy place. They are all drinking and showing off there bodies. Roberto asks Useless if remembers the old days. Useless says yes, cause he is sick of women already. they are stupid. Useless pats Roberto leg and suggests suggests they go to an apartment?

Next morning MJ is at the window, looking sick or thoughtful, when Ale knocks and tells her good morning with a bouquet of flowers. Ale tells her she spends too much time cooped up indoors. He as to go to Celestun and he invites MJ and won't take no for an answer. Ale leaves and MJ looks trapped or something.

Ale an MJ holding hands, along with Fernando get in the helicopter.

Bruno and Erick are watching. Bruno is not happy that she didn't show up at the hotel. He wants Paula to be accused. Erick is trying to talk some sense into him, that no one died. Please help fill in here. Bruto says there is no other.

EZ, talks to Celia ( Is she new?) about cleaning, then to Felipe.

Rachel is talking to Useless who as far as I am concerned isn't worth talking about.

Felipe and Victoria have another conversion about Doctor Hernan or Fernando? Oh, and dog tricks.

Victoria goes into to the house and says good morning to Bruno who is in a foul mood. Who would want to be around him? Victoria tries talking about the scandal and Bruno says their whole family is a disaster. They talk about dividing the wealth. Victoria says it should be divided three ways, between Ale, Bruno and Rachel. Bruno asks what about Victoria? She says she doesn't want any of it. Well Bruno also wants to be President. Yeah right! Victoria says that title belongs to Ale.

Ale, MJ and Fernando are in
Celestun Where they are welcomed by some guy. They walk through children dancing to a bote, where they are looking at the sites. Flamingos make their home in Celestun. They look like they are having a nice time. The flamingos and Ale and MJ. Now, they are back talking business. Fernando says it would be important to respect the natural vegetation. MJ is enjoying her time away , happy with no problems. Ale asks if she likes it and she does. He says he could build a house there for them, where no one would bother them. They share a kiss. ( Take him up on it girl!)

Roberto runs into Paula at the moat and says she looks sad. Roberto asks Paula to lunch, but she says she is not hungry. Roberto talks her into it and she leaves to get ready.

Maura is having lunch with this Useless guy. I just think he is slimy. He is asking about Ale's and MJ's relationship. Maura tells him how he supposedly married her and then had this accident. Useless thinks that Bruno could have set it up to get the money and the girl.

Erick and Paula are talking. Paula crying, is telling Erick that he knows that Bruno is sinvergüenza (shameless). She asks if he is going to turn her in. Erick says no and my dvr ends.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

ENDA, November 11, 2009

Diana tries to hit on Orlando but he pushes her away. He walks out of the house and punches a tree.

Emiliano is filing some papers away in Orlando's office and finds a photo of Diana.

Diana's face is all busted up. She calls Rafael and tells him that she got hurt. The maid Juanita comes in and Diana tells her that Orlando beat her up. Diana tells her not to tell Emiliano and that Rafael is on his way. Juanita can't believe it. Orlando seems like such a good man.

Paloma tells Liliana what Aron did to her. Romina walks up and wants to talk to Paloma alone. Liliana tells Romina that her belly is starting to show and too bad that she will be losing her nice figure. Romina gives her a dirty look and asks Paloma how can she be friends with that "naca"? She's nice to me replies Paloma. But I'm still your best friend asks Romina. Well anyway I have something important to tell you. Your test results asks Paloma. No, not yet replies Romina. But I know what the outcome will be. My child is Emiliano's. We need to talk about Aron. You can't leave him in jail. Since when do you worry about him asks Paloma. I thought you were on my side. When did you switch? Romina tells her that since her pregnancy she doesn't want any violence in any side. I don't want anyone to suffer. I want the best world for my child.

Camila is walking down the street and spots Rafael who doesn't stop. Camila is upset.

Romina calls Carloca pleading for her to help stop Paloma from pressing charges against Aron. Carloca tells her not to get involved. Romina says she doesn't want anyone to talk about Paloma. Carloca tells her that she's not stupid. Who knows what your reason is, but I don't care. I already am helping you break up Emiliano and Paloma. Well your not doing a good job replies Romina. They are still seeing each other. Carloca tells her to leave her alone she has enough problems. Once the test results are in they will no longer be seeing each other. Carloca hangs up on her and remembers her conversation with PJC the night before. She says out loud that she has to find a perfect way for her to get revenge on him.

Rufi is in confession with Padre Mateo. She tells him that Carloca is telling lies to Paloma and justifying them saying that she is doing the best thing for Paloma. Rufi is not in agreement, but if she opens her mouth then she will be let go. Padre Mateo says don't stay then. Rufi says I have too. To protect Paloma as much as I can. Padre Mateo tells her to expose the truth or you will be seen as Carloca's accomplice.

Rafael wants to take Diana to the hospital, but she refuses. Because then she will have to file a police report. She pleads with Juanita not to tell Emiliano because Orlando is his boss. Juanita doesn't understand why he would hit her. Rafael tells her to quit questioning and go to what she has to do. He'll stay with her. Diana tells Rafael that she was so scared. Rafael threatens to go after him. No, he just wants to provoke us replies Diana. He has just proven that he's a violent man. He doesn't care to hurt a woman or even the mother of his child. Rafael says he can't stand by and do nothing. Please Rafael pleads Diana. Don't say anything.

Angelica tells Emiliano that Inez threw her out of the house after finding out that she accompanies Paloma to the police station. She now has no money to pay for a hotel since she just paid rent to Inez. Emiliano says to talk to his mom and see if she can stay there for a couple of days. Angelica thinks he's sweet, but doesn't want to inconvenience his family. Perhaps she'll ask Orlando for an advance and go to a hotel. As she is saying this Orlando walks up and says a hotel? What for? Emiliano tells him what Inez did.

Romina tells Aron that she couldn't convince Paloma to drop the charges. Aron grabs her and says find a way! Pay if you have too! It's not good for you that I stay in here. I swear if you don't get me out, I will tell everyone the truth. Romina says it's not the matter of money. The only way you can get out is if Paloma drops the charges. Then hurry up and convince her shout Aron. Or you will pay the consequences. Romina tells him that no one will believe him. They don't even think that they know each other. Aron says don't be stupid. With everything that I know about you they'll realize quickly that we know each other. And that we united to separate Paloma and Emiliano. In that case you will lose replies Romina. The problem that you have with me Romina,says Aron, is that I have nothing to lose. The only thing I want is my freedom.

Orlando offers to give Angelica money or his guesthouse. She doesn't think it's a good idea for her to stay at his guesthouses. He says pay the same amount as you did for your room. He thinks it's unfair what happened to her. And I want to help you. I accept replies Angelica.

Natalia's best friend, Ivonne, shows up. Natalia is happy to see her. She has been feeling so sad lately and confused. About Alonzo or Cristobal wonders Ivonne. Cristobal replies Natalia.

Carloca gets onto Paloma about being gone all day everyday. Paloma just wants to drop off some paintings. Fine, but I'll be waiting for you replies Carloca and dismisses Paloma. Carloca goes back to her desk and reads about a priests conduct must be above reproach. And that they could not have sired an illegitimate child. Bingo!!!! thinks Carloca.

Emiliano asks Orlando what a photo of his mom was doing in his office? Orlando plays stupid.

Angelica tells Camila what Inez did to her and about Orlando's offer. She doesn't want problems between them. Camila thinks that she could accept his offer. They then talk about Rafael and the way he's been avoiding her lately.

Paloma's art teacher thinks that her paintings are incredible. She gives Paloma invitations to give her friends to the art showing.

Natalia and Ivonne are walking down the street. Natalia confesses that she still has feelings for Cristobal. Ivonne spots Cristobal and yells out hello. He comes over and thanks Ivonne for coming to visit Natalia. He has not been able to keep her company the way she deserves. Natalia says I didn't come for you to take care of me. But I would have liked to and it would have been my pleasure replies Cristobal. Ivonne doesn't think she can get use to him being a priest. You will replies Cristobal. They make plans to met up later at Natalia's house.

Carloca is lurking outside the dispensario. She throws down the keys to Cristobal's room and runs out.

Inez runs up to Paloma and on her knees begs her to drop the charges against Aron. She tells Paloma that he is a good person and just lost his mind for a moment. He is truly sorry and begs her again to drop the charges.

PJC is giving mass when Carloca shows up and sits in the front row. She is wearing a low cut shirt and a skirt with a slit at the side and boots. She's trying to slut it up and entice Cristobal. Shameful. Doing that in church. Anyway he ignores her or tries to. You can tell he is quite uncomfortable.

Romina gets a call from someone and can't believe it's him/her. (I suspect it's Samuel, her dad). He/she wants to meet up. It's jumps up with joy and says that she has to get all gussied up.

Padre Mateo sits next to Carloca and asks her to accompany him. Carloca whips her evil purple head around and says "Yo?" I don't even know you. But I know you replies PM. Don't make things more difficult. Join me. Cristobal wonders what's up. Carloca tells PM that she doesn't understand why he called her away from mass. Your attitude decorum gave me no choice PM replies. I know all that has happened between your family and Cristobal. Everything asks Carloca. I don't think so. PM asks her to repent. Okay, but with Cristobal replies Carloca. No, he can't do it replies PM. You should not be close to him. Okay replies Carloca. I will confess with you.

Rafael storms into Orlando's office and says that he will not allow him to hurt Diana the way he did. To hurt a defenseless woman and in her own home too. I didn't hurt anyone replies Orlando. Do you think I'm stupid asks Rafael. But I didn't hurt anyone says Orlando. You were in my home and took advantage of the fact that Diana was alone to beat her up replies Rafael. Orlando says he would never hurt a woman. Rafael tells him not to lie. I know you were in my home and the bruises on her were from you. I was in her house, replies Orlando, because she called me. I swear on Emiliano's life that I never laid a hand on her. Emiliano runs in and asks Rafael what's going on? Why are they arguing? Rafael says nothing and walks out. Emiliano asks Orlando what is going on?

PM and Carloca are in confession. He asks her what sins she has committed. None, she replies. (I can refresh her memory if she wants) They are Cristobal's. He is a sinner. He and Macarena committed a sin and from that sin a daughter was born. What are you saying asks PM. Paloma is the bastard daughter of Cristobal.

Paloma goes to the police station to drop the charges. Inez thanks her.

Emiliano wants an explanation from Orlando about what's going on. He tells Emiliano that Rafael came to find him and to ask him if he wants to know. Emiliano storms out.

PM says Paloma is daughter of Macarena and Cristobal? Exactly replies Carloca. That can't be says PM. I swear it is replies Carloca. This is very bad says PM. I know replies Carloca. Now you know the truth. Or the truth that Cristobal has fed you. You are not going to make me lose faith in him replies PM. No, I don't want that replies Carloca. I just want you to know about the past. PM asks if she has any proof. I don't have to prove nothing to you replies Carloca. This is a confession. You should take my word.

Emiliano is trying frantically to call Rafael with no luck. He calls Joel, but he hasn't seen him.

PM asks why Macarena never told Cristobal this before he became a priest. Because she didn't know that he would become a priest. He abandoned her and never heard anything from him until today. Who else knows about this asks PM. Paloma no replies Carloca. Once I found out that Cristobal was being promoted, I felt it was my duty to tell the truth. Are you doing this because he refused you asks PM. I don't know what you are talking about replies Carloca. That last night you got into Cristobal's room with perverse intentions answers PM. Things did not happen that way says Carloca. I was surprised when Cristobal called me regarding his concerns about Paloma. And when he took me into his room, I had a feeling that he intended for other things so I ran out. PM tells her lying is a sin. Yes I know replies Carloca. I don't lie. (and she said it with a straight face. Unbelievable. Surprised a bolt of lighting did not strike her in the church.) Anyway she says it's very difficult for a woman like her to be in a situation like this. But let me make this clear to you. I did love that man. But I respect the fact that he is a priest. I feel god put you in my path to tell all this to instead of directly to Cristobal. (more like the telenovela gods aka writers wanting to postpone this for a while longer. don't want to give up the goods just yet.) I think it was for you to find out who the the real guy is hiding behind the priestly robes.

Inez thanks Paloma again for dropping the charges. Paloma hopes he has learned his lesson and will never do that again to any other woman. Inez again says he's a good guy. Paloma doesn't want to hear it and says she will never forgive herself for dropping the charges.

Cristobal is at Macarena's grave. He knows that he promised her to protect Paloma. My recording stopped. Can someone fill in the rest please?


Sortilegio #25, November 10: I want 1/3, Alex!

So Bruno engineered Paula "killing" a man and now he's blackmailing MaryJo again and he says there'll be no saving them now. MaryJo at least thinks to ask if this isn't something Bruno cooked up. He denies it of course, and reminds her that she already knows what he wants. She runs away and he says they'll talk later.

Bruno walks on and runs into Raquel, who gripes at him for talking to "that servant" and then wants to talk to him, but he ignores her and walks on.

So then Roberto comes out of his chalet asking what all the shouting is about. Raquel repeats my last paragraph. Robert's response is "ok, then talk to Alex." Like, duh. Raquel says at least Alex is civil. Like she'd know from civil.

Inside the big house, Alex and a robe-clad Vicky discuss their options. 1: They make a deal with Bruno and give him 1/3, and then make a deal with Raquel also. 2: They fight, which will take a couple of years and be really exhausting for everybody. Alex doesn't want to put Vicky through a court battle. Vicky tries to protest, but Alex reminds her that his Daddy left him in charge. Even so, he wants her to have the final word. Vicky says she made up her mind yesterday and she's not going to submit to a "chantaje" (blackmailing) by her own son. Alex wants her to think about it and says they have a few days.

Out in the wilds of the manse (hey, don't those trees look suspiciously like the ones in which Vicky told Tony that the hellspawn were on the way?) Paula tells MaryJo (who is busily trying to ask "why didn't you?" which, hey, too late for that, so just be supportive, m'kay?) that she didn't check the body because she was scared and besides, Erick checked and said the guy was dead. Paula doesn't want to tell Alex and MaryJo doesn't exactly agree, but she doesn't disagree either. Paula remembers that the guy just walked in front of the car and didn't even look first. MaryJo is grouchy about Erick letting Paula get behind the wheel of a car in the dark. Paula swears it won't happen again, but she wants MaryJo to swear not to tell anyone. MaryJo reminds Paula that even if it was a homeless drunk, it was still a human being. Dude, she's not unrepentant, so back off. Paula would probably be better off turning herself in to the cops…at least they won't give her a sermon every five minutes about what she should or shouldn't have done.

Fernando comes to pick up Vicky. Felipa goes upstairs to get her and gets about halfway up when Bruno comes in the front door and tells Fernando that he made it clear Fer wasn't to come around anymore. He calls Fernando a "retrasado mental" (mentally delayed, i.e. "retarded"). Fernando says it's not Bruno's house and he's not going to get in an argument and disrespect Bruno's momma. Bruno suggests they pick another time and place to get into it. Vicky comes downstairs and tells Bruno to lay off. She tells Fernando they're leaving now and Bruno, in a kind of whiny voice, tells her not to go anywhere with Fernando since he's just after her money. "Whatever," says Vicky, "I'm old enough to take care of myself!" Bruno whines that she's his mother. Again, whatever. Vicky tells him if he cared, he wouldn't be doing all the stupid stuff he's doing. She's acting like a mother, but he's not acting like a son. Bruno starts to say it's her fault for sleeping with the old man, but now Vicky grabs a couple of handfuls of lapel and tells him he'd better not dare say another word. She asks Fernando to get her out of there and walks out the door herself, Fernando following.

Vicky apologizes to Fernando for Bruno's behavior. Fernando's not worried, since Bruno's never liked him. Vicky doesn't think that gives Bruno the right to treat Fernando the way he does. She keeps trying to apologize and asking him to forget it and he just tells her not to worry about it and let's go have a good time. He tells her after they check out the land, he's taking her someplace "incredible" for lunch. There's a moment of romantic tension when he buckles her seatbelt.

Ché looks on as Ulises calls up some guy named Federico. Ulises turns down a party invitation, but asks for Fede's help. He offers money and says it's nothing dangerous, just a "broma" (joke, practical joke) and gets a number from Fede.

Some guy getting his shoes shined gets a call from Ulises. This guy is Leo and Ulises got his number from Fede (seriously, we needed to know all this? Ulises couldn't have just called Leo first? We really needed to know how he got Leo's number?). Leo laughs at the mention of a favor and says he's not a "maricon" (fag…sorry, I'm not a fan of the word, but that's the connotation…and also it was bleeped, but I'm 99% sure that's what the guy's lips were saying). Ulises assures him it's not "that" but that there is a lot of money involved. They arrange to meet on the terrace of the bar facing the ocean at noon. Uh, yeah, and the red chicken flies at night. Leo wonders how they'll recognize each other and Ulises tells him to give his name to the bartender and say he's waiting for a friend. They hang up and Leo smiles.

Bruno has a web conference with the Stunt Guy. SG wanted to tell Bruno that there was one tiny problem with their flawless plan (ja, ja, Bruno E. Coyote, take that!), a guy saw him get up. Bruno asks for a description. SG says it was an old guy, probably just someone walking around there, but he wanted Bruno to know. Bruno calls Erick and tells him to come to his room (don't do it, Erick! Defect!).

Pedro and Chucho take a walk as Felipa picks flowers from the garden. Something about having a drink or dinner with Mercedes. Pedro doesn't think he's invited, but Chucho thinks it's both of them. Felipa greets them. She was planning to go visit Pedro later and see how he's doing. Pedro doesn't think she should bother. Pshaw, it's no bother, and she's glad to see he's doing better. Felipa announces she's got the day off, since Vicky's out of the house, and she plans to go to the market to pick up some ingredients for pozole ( Felipa invites Pedro to come along and help carry her bags (sucka!). Pedro's going to go change his shoes and Felipa's going to put the flowers in water and they'll meet at the front door in 10 minutes. Chucho invites himself along because one date isn't enough for him, and then he and Pedro start planning all the food they're going to get at the market. Boys! Felipa is irked that they ran off without saying goodbye. But they're gentlemen of a certain age, so they didn't get far before she got a goodbye out of them both. She goes back to picking her flowers with barely a change in facial expression.

Bruno is now griping Erick out for not having seen that someone found "the body" after they left. Erick says it was too dark for him to have seen if anyone else was around. Erick just had too much to worry about. Bruno hopes it wasn't one of the household servants, but they usually aren't out unless it's the weekend. Whatever, Bruno just hopes if it was they didn't recognize the car. Erick begs Bruno not to turn Paula in to the cops, which he only plans to do if MaryJo doesn't do what he wants. Sappy music plays as Erick says she's a good kid, young, and she doesn't deserve for her life to go to waste. Bruno laughs at him and accuses him of being in love with Paula. Erick denies it and says she's a nice kid who has nothing against anyone, and nothing against Bruno. Bruno shuts him up. He wants Erick to tell him when MaryJo is alone. Erick tucks his tail between his legs and leaves.

Pedro and Chucho run into MaryJo and Paula and tell her that they're going to the market with Felipa. Just to carry her bags, understand? Chucho asks MaryJo to make an excuse to Zeke for why he's out of the house. His first suggestion is that he went to get her a paper, but they get all the papers delivered. Paula is upset at the mention of the paper and wonders if the news would have gotten out already.

Back in MaryJo's old room, Paula cries while MaryJo calls Ezequiel and asks him to bring her all of today's papers.

Ulises and Leo meet for drinks. Ulises gives Leo some money so that he can register at a cheap hotel under the name Mario Aguirre. If someone starts asking around about him, he is to switch hotels. Ulises also gives him the number for the Lombardo house so that he can call and ask for MaryJo. Leo wonders why he's doing this, but Ulises tells him it's none of his business. Fine by Leo, he's done other jobs for Federico before and he's not going to cut off a source of work.

Raquel and Roberto argue on the way to the garage. Raquel doesn't want him there when she talks to Alex, but he insists, since he is technically family and this concerns him too. Raquel makes him take his own car because she says that the new chauffeur is going to take her to run lots and lots of errands after. The new guy asks where they're going, but he doesn't know where Alex's office is, so Raquel has to tell him to follow her husband's car.

MaryJo and Paula look through all the papers, but there's no mention of an accident or of anyone being run over. They hope maybe the guy lived or someone helped him or something. Paula is sorry for causing MaryJo so much trouble. Alex calls and invites MaryJo to dinner, but she makes excuses, saying she's not hungry and not in the mood. Alex wonders if maybe, even though she says she had Aunt Flo over for a visit, she really is pregnant. MaryJo says she's not and they agree to have dinner at home. Paula asks her what's wrong as MaryJo cries, but she doesn't answer yet.

Ulises gives Maura a neck massage as he tells her everything's taken care of. He claims they can trust the guy because he makes a living doing "transas" (cons). But he does wonder where they're going with all this. Basically, Maura just hopes that it will make Alex see what a ho MaryJo is and get rid of her and her trashy family. Ulises says no way. Alex is in love with her. He reminisces about being in love once with an anvil who looked almost identical to MaryJo. The anvil was a drug addict who would occasionally be repentant, but then go back to the drugs again. Ulises finally had to leave the anvil behind. Maura doesn't think Alex is like Ulises because he has dignity. Ulises is adamant that the whole "Mario Aguirre" subplot isn't going to get the job done.

Ulises goes outside and calls someone named Elena, who is busy brushing her horse while wearing a plaid nightgown and a see-thru black chiffon bolero jacket. He asks where Sandra is and Elena tells him that Sandra is still in Spain finishing school. Ulises says that he met a girl who looks exactly like Sandra, isn't that funny? Elena looks panicky. Ulises tells her that the girl's name is MaríaJose and asks if she doesn't have family around there. Elena says lots of people look like other people. Ulises goes on to say that this girl has a sister and a father and just got married to an important man. "How nice for her," says Elena. Ulises tells her he just wanted to call and say hi and see how Sandra was doing. They hang up.

A man comes over to Elena and asks who was on the phone. She tells him it was Ulises, asking about Sandra. The man is going to the hospital and won't be home for dinner. Elena sighs and says "María Jose, I can't believe it!"

At the market, Felipa has to pay for everything because the guys are broke. She points out a stall where the can have a great lime soup with some horchata and cheese. Hopefully the cheese isn't in the horchata, but who knows.

Fernando and Vicky visit "the site." Those are some pretty big ruins…how did they buy that and not know that they couldn't build there? Maybe they're just looking at other pyramids in the area? Vicky laughs and says she feels like a kid on a field trip. Fernando doesn't think she's old, just accustomed to a more serious life. As they climb in the back of a pedicab, Vicky says he only thinks so because he's a "lisonjero" (flatterer). Fernando thought bubbles that he thinks so because he's in love with her and he wonders what she'd think if he told her that.

Raquel explains to Alex that she's been left out of all the discussions and if goods are going to be redistributed she thinks it's only fair that she get 1/3. Alex says he wants to settle things out of court and keep it quiet, which Roberto agrees with, but Alex says that Bruno is insisting on having the name "Lombardo" which is going to make that difficult. Alex tries to remind Raquel about the terms of the original will, but she says again that if things are going to be changed, she wants 1/3. Raquel gripes at Roberto that she didn't even want him to come to this meeting. Alex, however, supports Roberto being there because he's her husband. Alex tells them that he and Vicky hold the majority of the company shares, but Vicky doesn't want to just hand things over, she wants to fight Bruno. "Why?" asks Raquel, "does she hate us?" Heh. Alex says she doesn’t, even though they've treated her like crap. He's having his lawyers write up a deal and then they'll invite Bruno's lawyers over to look at it and if Raquel wants, she can come to the meeting too. Raquel thinks that sounds like a splendid idea. Alex says, "And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do." What remains unspoken is, "so that I can make more money for you and your worthless brother to fight over." And really, even if Bruno wants a piece, it should be a percentage of what the company was worth when their dad died, cause everything since is what Alex made of it, Bruno's efforts at having housing projects built on quicksand notwithstanding. Raquel asks for a minute to speak to Alex ALONE. Roberto says he'll wait for her outside. Raquel wants to apologize for getting drunk and hitting on her half-brother. Alex doesn't even want to talk about it. She comes over to give him a kiss on the cheek and tells him she loves him. Then she leaves.

When she walks out of the office, Roberto air kisses Mari goodbye and grabs Raquel by the arm, asking what she talked to Alex about. She doesn't answer. Another employee coming in from the door Roberto and Raquel are walking out of asks Mari what she needs. Mari wants this person to help her find Mario Aguirre. She's been calling every hotel and motel in the city for days and can't find him. Mari tells the other woman that it's confidential. The other woman goes off to get another phone book so she can help Mari.

Fernando and Vicky are now visiting the indigenous community. Vicky wants to talk to the people, but they don't speak Spanish, only Mayan, which Vicky doesn't speak. She compliments a little boy in Spanish for being handsome and having huge "pestañas" (eyelashes, and she's right, no amount of mascara in the world can replicate those lashes…why is it always boys who get those when you know they don't care?). She says hello to some of the other people and they all walk together to look at the land.

Felipa, Chucho, and Pedro have finished eating at the taco stand. Felipa paid, of course. She jokes with the men about how much they ate, ja, ja. They hear a whining and realize it's coming from a furry little dog in a crate. It's a dirty dog, but Felipa thinks it's got a pretty face. She decides she's going to take it, since a woman there tells her the dog has been there for a few days and no one has claimed it. Felipa says if anyone comes looking for it they know where to find her. Pedro offers to take care of the dog if they let her keep it.

Puch, the leader of the Maya community, talks about the ruins. Fernando says they're about 1200 years old. Vicky has no doubt that the community will benefit from tourism, but she thinks it will take years. Puch says they're willing to do anything so that their old ones can be recognized as the wise men they were. Everybody walks on to see a well.

Raquel whines to Ulises about what Bruno and Alex are doing and how nobody thinks of her and they're willing to let the family reputation be dragged through the mud, whine, whine, whine. Ulises gives her a drink and says her mom's probably just saying they'll go to court to get Bruno to back off. Then he starts kissing her. Cause when someone's really upset, the best thing to do is get your freak on.

And what a freak she is! Changed into some fishnet thigh-highs and black lingerie. Raquel tells Ulises about the 1/3 that she thinks she'll end up with (dream on, sister) and says she'll lend him money (bye, bye, imaginary 1/3). Ulises says that's not right. Besides, he's got some job offers, not that he can accept just anything. Raquel won't take no for an answer, she's going to write him a big fat check. However, she wants exclusive rights to his slimy self. She brings up Maura (oh, yeah, eau de jealousy, a man's favorite fragrance). Ulises says they're just friends and he doesn't know what she was doing there, maybe she just wanted to talk to him. Ulises says he doesn't like Maura at all and only has eyes for Raquel. Somebody's cell phone rings. Ulises finally answers it. Raquel goes over to copy the pose from Ulises classy artwork. It's Roberto, inviting Ulises to a party at "Joe's" where Joe wants to introduce them to a guy who sings and plays the guitar. "Bo-ring," the guys decree, but Ulises will go because Roberto invited him. Roberto asks if Ulises wants to bring back old times. Ew. Please, Roberto, find another girlfriend, another boyfriend, anything but gross slimy Ulises.

Back at the house, it appears the seniors have dropped the dog off at a vet/groomers. Felipa gives Agustin (?) money and tells him to pick up the dog from the vet along with a leash and a collar.

Bruno finds MaryJo downstairs in the big house. He tells her a witness saw everything and wants money to keep his mouth shut. MaryJo has to come to a hotel (he gives her a piece of paper with the address) or Bruno will let Paula get sent to jail. MaryJo insists she won't go. Bruno takes off (since he was tipped off by Erick) before Alex walks in. MaryJo is surprised when Alex comes in. He asks where they should eat, since his Mom's not home. MaryJo gestures vaguely at the dining table, but says she wants to wash her face. Alex says he does too and runs upstairs with her. Is that what the kids are calling it these days? She manages to stuff the piece of paper in her back pocket. Alex starts telling her about Raquel and Roberto coming to talk to him at work.

Bruno asks Erick if his cell phone can take pictures. Bruno wants Erick to take pictures of MaryJo going into the hotel. And he also wants Erick to shut up about Paula and to find Mario Aguirre. Erick watches him drive off and kind of mouths something, but maybe not.

While Alex is telling MaryJo that at least Raquel isn't interested in causing a scandal, he takes off his jacket and tie. MaryJo takes advantage of his back being turned to toss the piece of paper on the floor and shove it under the bed with her foot. Alex wonders if MaryJo is ok and offers to have Hernán come over, but she says it's just the heat. Alex says he really would have liked it if she had been pregnant. MaryJo nervously says she's not, so "ni modo" (oh, well).

Fernando and Vicky have dinner. Vicky starts talking about Bruno. Fernando's ok with listening. She feels stuck between a rock and a hard place. She always thought he had just as much right to inherit as Alex did, but she can't believe that he would try to take it by force without caring who gets hurt. She doesn't want Bruno to get his way, but she doesn't know if she can take the scandal. Fernando says she's only suffering because she had the guts to love and he's a coward because he hasn't had the guts to say he's in love. Fernando says he's in love, but she's a woman "above" him. Vicky thinks he's a handsome young man with a good career and he should tell the woman. Fernando says he'd rather stay quiet and enjoy her company even if it's only once in a while. He can't take the rejection. Vickypatra drinks more wine. But you know she knows.

Leo reports to Ulises that he hasn't had any problems so far. Ulises is going to give Leo some information so that he has something to say to MaryJo when he calls.

Alex is concerned that MaryJo doesn't appear to be enjoying the food. Alex is really worried about her. He asks if she's sick or if something is going on. She says she's just down because of being at home all the time and is bored with nothing to do. The phone rings and Ezequiel answers it. He gives Alex the phone. It's Mari calling to say she knows where Mario Aguirre is. Alex takes off. MaryJo thinks it could be dangerous. Leo calls as "Mario Aguirre" and asks to speak to MaryJo. She doesn't want to talk to him, but Alex tells her to. He walks off as she tells Mario that she doesn't know him, she's never known a Mario Aguirre. Alex is on another phone as "Mario" says they're from the same town and he knows her father, Pedro, and her sister, Paula, and they know him too. "Or what, you've forgotten everything and now you don't want to take my calls?" MaryJo freaks out and hangs up. Alex gets angry and asks her why she hung up. But in a really creepy quiet way.

Tomorrow: Alex and MaryJo have a shouting match; all the baddies are happy that their nefarious plans have worked out; Alex busts down Mario Aguirre's hotel room door.


ENDA Tuesday November 10. Carlota gives love a bad name.

On a related note, there is a raging epidemic of mad cow disease going around Real del Monte.

Anoche: Germán, I assume hanging around the police station to find new lawyerin’ clients, says Aaron is in biiiig trouble. He asks what Emiliano will do if he is the father of Romina’s baby and looks sad and conflicted when Emo says, “ruin my life.”

Camila finds out Romeana was doing card tricks and agrees to meet Orlando for dinner.

Rafael springs Emo from the station and doesn’t seem to mind having paid the fine, even though Emoo has a job and few expenses.

Carlota yells at Paloma for her unladylike gall in reporting the attempted rape. Paloma says she’s fed up with the lies and she’s not going to take it anymore. Countdown to Paloma forgetting all this and hugging Cruelota starts now.

Hoy, finally: Aaron calls Romina and asks her to get Germy to represent him and get him out of jail. She says no way, it’s his own fault he’s screwed everything up. Aaron tells her if she doesn’t do it he will tell Germy that the baby is his.

Rafa drops Emiliano off and is surprised to see the expensive new auto. “Isn’t it super cool? I’m so lucky,” says Emo, grinning from ear to ear. “Yeah, cool,” says Rafa, but he looks annoyed.

Germy is surprised to find Romina sitting in his office chair, reading his agenda. She asks him to help Aaron. Germs says no at first, but his mind is no match for Romi’s wheedling and groping when his hormones hit the override switch. She insists Paloma just wanted to scare Aaron, not put him in jail, but that she didn’t dare ask for help herself. Isn’t it hard enough for Paloma that Romina is going to marry Emiliano? She should at least not have to feel guilty about Aaron’s imprisonment. Germy gives in but warns she is going to pay very dearly for this favor.

Carloca fondles the church keys and talks to herself out loud like the loca she is. She mocks Paloma for thinking Macarena was a victim, when Mac and Cris were only victims of passion. A lightbulb appears over her head. She knows just what her relationship with Cris needs!

Emo calls Paloma and tells her he knows what happened and got in a fight with Aaron. She assures him she’s fine. They agree to meet in the evening when Cruel goes to her church meeting since Paloma can’t leave the house while auntie is home.

Romina is fixing herself a huge plate of sliced oranges with chili sauce. That’s so repulsive to me I hardly hear Camila tell her to stop telling lies to try to get her back together with Samuel, because it is never going to happen.

Over at the rectory, Padre Juan Cris is telling Padres Benito and Mateo that he doesn’t want to leave because he is worried about Paloma and promised Mac that he would take care of her. They think that’s silly because Paloma isn’t really his family and besides, she has Carlota to take care of her. “That is exactly what worries me,” says PJC.

Paloma greets Emo in the Magical Park of Secrets by sneaking up behind him and poking him and screaming. Mysteriously, this gets her some hugging and kissing rather than a swift elbow jab to the ribs. After they say their usual lines, I love you, I’d do anything for you, what if the baby is yours, blabbidy blah, Paloma starts tickling Emo because she, like many people, seems to mistakenly believe that is fun rather than either annoying or torture, depending on one’s level of ticklishness. Tickle-Me Emo thinks it’s cute, though.

Camila stares at the orchid and text-messages Rafael, saying she’s worried about him and wants him to call. Rafa reads the message and says he’s not fine, but he must renounce her and knows in his place she would do the same thing. Unfortunately, he says this to himself, not into the phone.

Paloma and Emiliano are outside the gate of Misery Manor, smooching up a storm. Paloma says they really shouldn’t be kissing when they’re waiting for the test results to tell them their fortunes. Emo says he’s been thinking about it and really doesn’t think Romi could have gotten pregnant the night she spent with him. Paloma of course has no idea what he’s insinuating and says God willing, that’s true. They liplock some more and Romememena wanders out onto her deck and see them and her world comes to a screeching halt. Back in her room, Romi throws a little fit and tells herself that will be the last time they kiss.

Rafa marches into Orlando’s office. “What do you want to talk about, our unfavorite shyster shrew or our son?” Orlando asks smugly. Rafa says Orly may think he has the upper hand (la sartén por el mango, literally the frypan by the handle), but it’s only for the moment. Anyway, Rafa wants to talk about Emiliano. He says Orlando can’t buy his love and he will never see him as a father. Orly says Rafa is just jealous because Orly is going to buy Emo all the things he’s gone without all these years. Yes, that Emiliano has been so deprived, poor little urchin. Fortunately, looks like he’s got a future full of ponies and trips to Disneyland and all the ice cream before dinner he wants ahead of him. Orlando apologizes most fauxsincerely that this bothers Rafa.

PJC is nestled all snug in his bed. The music is all wrong; it sounds like cartoon magical mystery when it should be horror and suspense with curdling screams, because Carlota creeps in wearing her frumpy finest in seduction wear, which is of course the uptight blouse and severe hair and makeup she always wears. She strokes Cris’s hair and he twitches but doesn’t wake up. Then her eyes glow and she leans over his neck like a vampire. Was she watching Aaron try to rape Paloma to get lovemaking tips?

After the break, the music has caught on to the situation and is as horrified as the rest of us as Carloca continues fondling Cris, finally waking him up. “What are you doing here?! Are you crazy?!” he asks, jumping out of bed. She answers both questions by starting to slide out of her clothes. “I am a priest!” Cris yelps, bypassing seven thousand even more pertinent reasons to just say no. He pulls her jacket back around her and tells her to leave, but Carloca grabs his hand and says she won’t leave until they have made love. She is lucky he doesn’t barf on her.

Romina calls Paloma under the pretext of concern. She says Paloma should stay away from the dudes for awhile. She must have gotten a reputation for being easy, and that’s why Aaron tried to have his way with her. Paloma gets really snappy and says whatever Aaron thought is his problem, not hers, and thanks for the bad advice but I’m hanging up on you. Romina reiterates that she’s only saying all this because she cares about (or likes) Paloma. Then after she hangs up, in a transition that makes more sense in Spanish than translated to English, Romina says to herself, “Yes, I like you. I’d like to see you dead rather than kissing Emiliano.”

Okay, this is so psychotic I’m just going to transcribe it:
Cris: How far are you capable of going with your craziness? (he shoves her away, onto the bed)
Cruel: As far as it takes. For love there are no obstacles.
Cris: What you feel is very far from love.
Cruel: My love for you is the only thing that gives sense to my life.
Cris: You don’t know what love is. You confuse it with desire, control, obsession, ego.
Cruel (all up in his face): You’re wrong. I know perfectly what it is. Since the first day I met you, I have felt that my body responded, that my heart was yours, that you were for me. I’ve saved myself for you. I want you to be the first and only man in my life. (she has her hands on his chest, he has a stoic expression). Isn’t that proof of my love?
Cris: Enough, enough. Don’t make me throw you out of here by force.
Cruel: I’m not leaving here until I’ve been yours. Please, please, I beg you, love me.
Cris, pushing her away: It’s very sad to see a woman like this. But I ask you not only to respect me as a priest, but to respect me as a man (in other words, that was the worst seduction ever) (and, he shoves her violently onto the floor).

Rufi can’t believe Romina is blaming Paloma for what Aaron did. She has a lot of nerve calling Paloma “loose” considering she’s knocked up and they don’t even know who the father is, says Rufi. Paloma is freshly determined to continue on her quest for a spine and a voice.

Carlota sobs and begs, “Cristóbal! Cristóbal!” as he flees his room. Then she pouts and calls him “estúpido” and says no one else will ever offer him the kind of love she offers. That is probably his greatest wish right now.

Romina is telling Germy Paloma probably regrets her mistaken accusation against Aaron. Germs tells her not to try to convince him of something she doesn’t believe herself. He doesn’t think Paloma will change her mind or that she asked Romina to get him to help Aaron, and Romina’s calling Paloma a dead fly and making fun of her “little good girl face” doesn’t help to convince him. He’s pretty sure Romina is mad at Paloma over her involvement with Emiliano. Besides, he doesn’t think he can help Aaron, especially after the fight, which he delights in telling Romi about and which makes her even more mad. Germán doesn’t know how Aaron fits into Romina’s twisted plans, but he’s sure Paloma’s well-being has nothing to do with it. Romememena mocks him for playing Sherlock Holmes, but her selfishness is really no match for his lawyer training or his common sense so she can’t whine her way into his believing Paloma wants him to help.

Crueloca yells at a crucifix that Cris will never go far away, or be a bishop, or a priest, or a cardinal, or the pope! Nothing!

PJC has told the story to Padre Benito, and PB is enraged. “You see why I can’t leave Paloma with that nutcase?!” PJC asks. PB says he does understand, but it’s still not his responsibility. Padre Mateo runs in wondering what’s going on.

Inés visits Aaron in the slammer. He wants her to get Paloma to forgive him and get him out of there, because he’s way sorry and it will never happy again, plus he’s worried about his career. Inés shakes her head sadly and says she doesn’t think Paloma would be able to trust him again. He says if he gets out he will go to the capitol and not ever come back.

Orlando tells Camila about his history with Diana aka Gudelia, and that Emiliano is his son. Cami is Angélica-bug-eyed level impactada. Orlando wants Emiliano to know this and change his name to Ferrer before he gets married, AS IF. Rafael is his father regardless of genetics.

It is still the same long long night, which is why Paloma’s birthday never comes. Diana goes to Rafael’s apartment, and he is unthrilled to see her. She says Orlando threatened and insulted her, and she is scared. She begs Rafa to come live with her again and protect her, as she grabs his lapels. He pushes her away and says Orlando wouldn’t dare hurt her, and besides she has Emiliano living in the house. He thinks they should tell Emo everything so Orlando won’t have this secret to hold over them anymore.

Carlota yells at Paloma and Rufi as she stomps into the house and up the stairs. They look bewildered. She throws stuff around in her room and yells that he is going to do what she wants!

Inés blames Ange for putting Aaron in jail. Ange argues that it was his own actions that put him there. Inés says that was a terrible betrayal and it was just a tiny mistake he made, like everyone does. She evicts Ange from the house.

Paloma and Rufi eavesdrop outside Carlota’s door and wonder how many things she broke. Rufi starts to say she knows the only thing that could have put the Purple Cow in such a mood, but then stops herself and won’t tell Paloma what it is. She thinks to herself that Cruel must have seen Cris.

The priests investigate and figure out that Carlota must have had a key. They decide to change all the locks on the church buildings the next morning and tighten up security.

It’s finally morning. Inés tells Diana she can’t be arsed to care about her stupid problems; she’s got enough of her own. Diana bullies her into helping anyway. Inés dials the phone. She tells Orlando that Diana needs to tell him something very important regarding Ignacio, and is waiting at her house for him. They are at Inés’s house, as it happens. She hangs up and they heh-heh over their cleverness.

Rufi goes to offer Carlota breakfast. Carlota is lying on her bed in yesterday’s clothes and says she isn’t hungry. In that case, Rufi is going to the market and the church. La Loca flips out and forbids her to go to the church. After she throws Rufi out, she creeps across the bed to glare at her little shrine statue, apparently a proxy for Cris, and hiss that he is going to pay.

Orlando has appeared at Diana’s house, and she is there too. At first she pretends she didn’t know Inés called, for some reason. Then she says, like she just remembered, that she wanted to tell him that Ignacio made her betray him and has since gone to live in the U.S. “You made me come over here to hear that stupidity?” he asks. In response, she tries to flirtily tell him not to be angry and molests him. He shoves her onto the sofa and tells her it won’t work. But what is her plan?

Emiliano goes to Orlando’s office to return some files. Since Orly isn’t there, he goes to put them in the file cabinet himself, and finds the photo of his mother stashed in there. “¿Qué the heck?” he wonders.

Orlando rages out of Diana’s house and hits a tree so hard he hurts his hand.

Inside, the furnishings are smashed all over and Diana’s face and arms are a bloody pulp. She slowly picks up the phone and calls Rafael to come over. And that is the gruesome picture we end on.

Tune in tomorrow to see Aaron and Romina plot against Paloma and Emiliano. Well, that’s just the filler, in my opinion. Really tune in to see Carlota defiantly attend church, make Cris sweat during the mass, and confess to Padre Benito that Paloma is Cris’s daughter. Make that BASTARD daughter, as it can’t be emphasized enough for Carlota.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Nov. 10, '09 Where Is Aldo And What Have You Done With Him?

Well tonight was full of surprises...and they weren't good ones. Monita was looking cute of course. Quite fetching in glasses and Christmas colors--green sweater and red shoes. And Estrella Falcón actriz got to do another accent number. Sounded to me like Miami Cuban but I could be wrong. Jarocha? Anyone? And our aromatic Beto proved irresistible to our prison matron. But to no avail. Our Aldo has been so brainwashed he actually ratted out the rescuers and his two sisters, and the courageous caper ended with Luisa in solitary at the internado and Estrella and Monita in jail! Holy Moley...what a crap episode!

Enough complaining. Let's start at the beginning. Loriloca is in the coffee room musing about how to torture and kill Gabriela, and scaring the bejesus out of Paula in the process. Paula, as usual, can't get anyone (in this case, Gaby) to listen to her. And thinking she's escaping trouble, Gaby heads for the elevator, only to find herself joined by Lorenza and trapped! Lori castigates her for being a "traidora, promiscua, ofrecida" and a few other epithets and Gaby wisely screams for HELP!!!!

We leave our two ladies in the elevator and listen to Estrella's rescue plan. It involves disguises. Great!

Back to the girls. Lorenza tells Gaby to quit playing the victim. She's nothing but a husband-stealer after all. Gaby tries to explain how it all happened, while hyperventilating. See, screeches Lori, just thinking about him leaves you breathless. There's some vigorous quibbling about whether or not Gaby actually slept with Sal but then suddenly Lorenza changes gears. I don't care. You're just a single woman picking up the leftovers of others. Want him? You can have him. Punto. Gaby is stunned. And a little let down. That's all? she asks. Exit Lori.

Back at the internado, Estrella's in full swing as a rich lady looking to place her child. A somewhat intellectual-looking Monita is her personal assistant and Beto, Man in Black, is her bodyguard in charge of checking out security. A LOOK and a hand kiss and Prison Matron is ready to have him check her out. More to come.

Back at the office, Sal is blinking, twitching, peering through venetian blinds and warning Mau that if he signs this prenup, he's signing his death sentence. Mau, looking dopey and disheveled, after noting that Sal needs to see a doctor, resigns himself to signing the document. What other option does he have?

We break for an ad and when we come back, Matron is showing our trio the classrooms and vaunting the educational aspects of the boarding school. But what about security? they want to know. And where are the kids? Seems Beto (who introduced himself as Mauricio will be given a personal security tour). Can't wait.

Back to the office. Sal, in full twitch mode, assures Mau he'll be back to normal as soon as his divorce is final. He's told Lorenza everything and it's just a matter of time. Suddenly Nieves and Alicia burst into the office with the news that Monita has escaped from the hospital. Mau looks dazed and confused. Sal twitches double-time. Serious business.

Mientras tanto, Monita has found the girls in the dormitory and there are hugs and tears as little Dany confesses that she was afraid her daddy had stopped loving her. And Luisa's worried about him marrying that witch! But Monita has always saved them! Three cheers.

Not so fast. Estrella has found Aldo, dutifully working some algebra problems on the blackboard and smothers him with some passionate kisses. She can't decide if she wants more hugs and kisses or just to whisk him outta there pronto, but he seems hesitant and confused. What's up? He gives her some BS about waiting and meeting up with him in the back patio of the school and we know something is verrrry verrrry wrong. Oh no. Our cachorrito has been brain-washed. He's in worse shape than Sal! Evidently evil Connie has scared him even more than Matron. If he rebels one more time, Constanza will see to it that the kids are locked up there for two or three more years. He can't risk it, poor baby. He has to protect his sisters. (For that alone, I'm ready to string up Constanza. Sorry Carlos.)

So, back to the office again. Nieves is torn between blaming Alicia for Monita's escape (You smothered her! You came on too strong!) and flirting with Salvador (you poor thing, you're all thin and hollow-eyed. Isn't that wife of yours taking care of you!?) This two-way stretch is interrupted by Paula who says she's just talked to Christian and the police have patrols out looking for Monita. Interesting use of police personnel. Must not be much crime in Mexico City. Hah!

Ugh. Excuse me while I grind my teeth a little. Constanza is lounging around Mau's bedroom, criticizing Teresa's handling of her duds. If you mess up my clothing, I'm going to take it out of your salary, she coos. Teresa's unfazed. Go ahead. Dock my salary. It's one thing to harm clothing. QUITE ANOTHER TO HARM PEOPLE...TO HARM SOULS. Connie snaps that she'd better respect her. There are those who deserve my respect, and others who don't, retorts Teresa. Constanza starts to protest but Teresa cuts her off. What are you going to do? Fire me? "Disappear me" like you did the kids? Fine, sez Connie. Go ahead. Drop the mask. Tell me what you really think. I won't fire you....YET. And with that, we break for another ad.

Alright. The only fun number of the episode. Matron has fallen sway to Beto's potent charm. There's some security sex talk with double-entendres about locks and locksmiths (cerrajeros) and whether or not one little push would open a door if someone had the skill (maña). Then a coupe of bent over the desk kisses until finally, overcome by menopausal lust, Matron throws Beto into a chair, jumps on his lap, flings her arms around him....and thereafter, we draw a veil, children. This is the 7 pm hour, after all.

Well, if things are getting rough at the boarding school, it's even rougher at Mau's house. Teresa's taking on Connie, telling her she's "despota, grosera, soberbia and altanera". Her "egoismo" is leading her to destroy others just to get what she wants. Connie looks temporarily sad and discouraged but then snaps back by saying Well, at least I won't end up like some grubby cook. But you're condemning Mauricio to perpetual misery, replies Teresa. And the children. And yourself as well. No one loves you here. No one will ever love you here.

Again, Constanza has a moment of looking regretful, lonely and sad. Then she reloads. I'm marrying him and that's that. Stuff your tears. (Well, as little Sylvia pointed out, the Devil is persistant. And so is our Connie.)

Back at boarding school, the jig is up. Aldo has informed on his rescuers and his sisters. The goons have grabbed Estrella and Monita, a disheveled partly- unbuttoned Matron comes running to the scene, and the girls scream at Aldo that they hate him. Have they fried your brain?! yells Estrella. Look, he says dejectedly....I did this for my sisters. I spent 6 months enduring punishments. I don't want the same thing to happen to them. Monita and Estrella are still struggling and castigating their captors as "Pocos hombres" while Beto, ever the coward, runs off rather than rescue them. Bad Beto!

And Bad Connie. She's tightening the screws on Mauricio. Sign the prenup. You've had enough time. Alright, you can have my money, my property, all I want is custody of the children.'re not going to divorce me double-quick and get anything. If you do, I'll keep the children and you'll never see them again. And while you're at it, you have to fire Teresa. But she's always worked for the family. She has no one else. Not my problem. (Theoretically, I'm against violence...but I just wish Mauricio would slap the crap out of Constanza right now. Take that cool confidence down a notch or two.)

Well, Estrella and Monita are cooling their heels in jail and Luisa's been sent to solitary for her part in the escape attempt. Christian, ever righteous, is reading them the riot act. Aldo is being congratulated by Matron for his change in attitude and the goons are counseled not to let Constanza know about the little dust up at the school. Hmmm. Where will this lead?

Well, we know where Beto was led. Straight to Mau's house. He, Mau and Teresa are in the kitchen while he gives them word of the kids. No, they don't look malnourished, he assures Tere...but why are we whispering?

Because Constanza's in the house! Beto looks elated, then shifty-eyed, as he assures Mau he can help. Plan 1) get Estrella and Monita out of jail Plan 2) Have Teresa waylay Constanza.

The scene switches to a restaurant where Sal and Lorenza have met to talk over their divorce in a civilized manner. Alas, this involves some more doctoring of Sal's coffee "just the way he likes it". However, Lorenza assures him she won't make his life hell. On the contrary, she's ready to sign the divorce document and put an end to this relationship. Watch out Sal!

Back at Mau's, Connie's objecting to being waylaid. Are you spying on me? she snaps. Not my style, sez Tere, but I have a few more things to say to you.
T- You'll never get a man the way you're behaving.
C- Oh yeah, and how many men have YOU had!?
T- There's no better teacher than Life and I've known Mauricio all my life and what he needs, you don't have. He needs the children and he needs real love.

Back in the kitchen, Beto and Mauricio are skirmishing about why he's willing to help and what's with the "tutear" business. Seems Mauricio objecting to it because Beto only tuteared him when he was insulting him. Hmmm. Not sure it really happened that way, but they seem to be working out their differences. As to why Beto really wants to help? Well, he saw how sad Monita was when she decided she had to give up Mauricio. And so "me fajo los pantalones" (I hitched up my pants) and decided to do the right thing. Flee with her and the kids, Mauricio. Keep her happy. But disappear. Do it man!

And there we end. Nothing of note in the preview that I could see other than a shot of Mauricio driving off with the kids. Will it really happen? We'll find out tomorrow.

se te botaba la canica = Paula said this to Lorenza. Anyone have a clue? Sylvia has suggested "you lost your marbles, you've got a screw loose". Works for me.
clamar = protest
ojeras = rings under the eyes
cerrajero= locksmith
maña= knack, skill
servir de escarmiento = serve as a lesson (Christian speaking to Estrella and Monita in jail)
sin decir agua = without so much as a by your leave
me quedé corto= I stopped short (Teresa speaking to Constanza)
me fajó los pantalones = hitched up my pants

Dicho of the Day

Defenderse hasta con los dientes; defenderse come gato boca arriba. = To fight tooth and nail. (What Mauricio and Monita will have to do to save the kids and their love.)


Amor Monday, November 9, 2009: Paloma says sorry, she reckons she’s run out right of cheeks and is not going to turn another one

Friday: Carlota tells Paloma okay, Rufi can stay, but no more talk about your daddy is permitted. Paloma informs Rufi she can stay. Orlando takes Em to a BMW dealership and says pick out one. Em runs around the cars like a kid on Christmas day. Carlota finds out Chris may leave Real del Monte. Paloma tells Aron it’s best they don’t see each other anymore so he doesn’t get the wrong idea. Aron gets a wrong idea, gets all weird and crazy-eyed and grabs her like a rapist.

How charming is Real del Monte! Its picturesque little streets, its sleepy plaza, its sweet church tower, the sun bathing everything in a warm golden glow. Little would the casual visitor suspect the volcanic swirl of passions and deceits that roil and broil behinds its antique walls. The camera is our peephole… let’s press our eye to it:

Paloma screams and carries on, grabs a piece of garden pottery and breaks it over Aron’s head, then tips the big bird cage on him. Finally Rufi materializes. Aron desperately apologies and swears he meant her no harm. Rufi grabs a big stick and chases him out.

Carlota sees him slam out the door and comes into the little garden where Paloma is hysterically hanging onto Rufi. They tell Carlota what happened and Carlota says see what happens when you get a loose reputation? He must know you’re going with the guy who knocked up Romina. She stomps off and Paloma suddenly is worried about the birds.

Carlota huffs off to her car, cursing Aron for being so stupid. Just what I need, she grumbles, right when I’m tying to focus on figuring out how to keep Chris here. She has a little temper fit, but remembers to buckle up.

German comes by Dr B’s office. He wants to strike a deal – he’ll show Dr B the will in return for…

Diana has come to Rafa’s apartment. (When did he have the time to get it stylishly furnished and decorated, and appointed with flourishing arty plants? I’m surprised he has the time to water them even.) She smiles hesitantly and wants to talk. Rafa’s not keen. She tells him she’s not that bad a person – there were reasons she did what she did. But she swears that in one thing she never lied, she always loved him and Emiliano. She gets weepy and says please just listen.

Rufi is sweeping up the pottery shards, and Paloma calls Angie on her cell and says something bad happened and can they talk? Angie agrees to meet her in a café. Rufi says it’s good she has Angie to talk to because she doesn’t know what to say in a situation like this. Paloma tells Rufi how important to have her with her, that she doesn’t want her to leave her ever, ever, ever. Rufi says I’ll always be here.

Uh oh, those are the kind of fateful words that make an anvil slowly levitate.

Whammo! Carlota slaps Aron a good one – she’s at his house, handing out frontier justice. She tells him that he’s a flaming idiot. She welcomed him into her house and supported him and look what he did. He’s blown all his chances. Aron says I just got frustrated, I really really want to apologize. Tell me what to do – I’ve become obsessed and I just couldn’t stop myself.

Camila comes home and Romina is all slant-eyed smiley happiness. She shows her mother the orchid bouquet and says guess what? They’re from my papa to you! She reads the note: Camila, I still love you. Samuel. She flutters her eyelids. Camila looks stunned – not the happy kind of stunned.

Aron is still begging Carlota to tell him what to do. Carlota informs him that he’s a loser – he couldn’t even get Paloma to forget about Emiliano. She says she might need him though, so if she sees any possibility, she’ll call him. Aron says he was afraid she might have him thrown in jail. Carlota says and drag my family’s name in the dirt? She is all tight lipped mad and says you and your stupid passions – there’s no end to the sins people will commit En Nombre Del Amor.

On her way out, Carlota spies some keys hanging on a hook on the wall by the door. She flashes back to a time she saw Inez loan the keys to the priests’ residence to someone to do an errand. She grabs the keys just before Inez comes in. Carlota says I didn’t come to see you – ask your prize of a nephew why I was here. She sails out.

Romina is surprised that Camila isn’t thrilled. Quite the opposite says Camila. Romina says but he could come back and live with us. Camila says I don’t think that’s what he wants, plus I don’t love him. It would be wonderful if you could see him and talk to him, but that’s it. Romina says you’re just thinking about yourself.

That’s right says Camila, and high time. I revolved around him like he was the sun and he took off anyway. He didn’t care what happened to me. You were just a child and I took care of you. But now it’s my time.

Romina says maybe, but it’s best you two are together. Plus if there were a proper father in this house, Emiliano would behave more responsibly. Camila says we don’t need a man to stick up for us.

Romina says please stop ruining my life. It seems to me the least you could do for me is to give him a tiny chance. She flounces out.

Paloma and Angie are in a coffee shop and Paloma tells her what happened with Aron. Angie is astonished he’d do that. Paloma says she feels humiliated – she swears she didn’t do anything to lead him on, and she doesn’t want to ever see him again, or to let him do that to anyone else. Angie says the best thing would be to report him to the police.

Diana boo-hoos to Rafa that she was a victim of Ignacio – he stole the money and wanted to lay the blame on her. She had to flee. She had to think of her child! Rafa says why didn’t you just tell me the truth? Diana says I was afraid you would reject me. You don’t know what Orlando is capable of! Rafa says I’m starting to get the feeling that he isn’t as bad as you made out. Diana says you saw that he was willing to tell Em all that stuff without caring about the hurt it would cause him.

Rafa says I’m not defending him – I don’t like the guy. But I do kind of see his point. Diana wails Orlando is vengeful! Aggressive! He hit me! Oh, I can’t tell you everything – it’s too painful. Rafa says you mean he raped you? Diana says we have to join forces – we can’t let him turn Emiliano against us.

Camila has sought out Romina in her room and says let’s not fight. Let’s imagine if German was the father of your child – would you marry him? Yes, I would, proclaims Romina, for the good of my child. Camila says things like that don’t work without love. Sooner or later it all ends up in resentment.

Camila says she’s decided what to do – she loves Rafa. Romina is horrified – he’s going to be my father-in-law! Please, think of me! At least wait until I get married. Camila starts to say something, but Romina says talk to the hand.

Padre B is trying to talk Chris into accepting the Bishop position. Chris just wants to serve right where he is, but Padre B says you could spread a wider net of service. Having Mac die resolved your need to be in Real del Monte.

Carlota is furious that Paloma isn’t home and squeezes out of Rufi where she went. She’s livid to find out that Paloma is telling Angie what happened. You useless thing, she spits at Rufi. Dirty laundry gets washed at home. Rufi says don’t you even care how Paloma feels? Carlota says no backtalk! I told you you could stay only if you stopped contradicting me.

At Paloma’s door Angie, who has walked her home, gives her a pep talk, telling her that she’s strong and how much she respects her. Paloma goes in and there’s Carlota sizzling with fury. She tells Paloma she took care of things by dealing with Aron, that he wants to come apologize. Paloma says she never wants to see him again. Carlota says that it’s best to forgive others for their mistakes. Just turn the other cheek. Paloma says what happened to me shouldn’t happen to anyone, and she runs up the stairs.

It’s the next day and Paloma is in her school outfit, having breakfast and talking to Rufi who tells her she’s very brave, that most women wouldn’t say anything, even if it was something much worse. Paloma says that’s why she wants to speak up, and Angie is going with her. She didn’t want Carlota to know. She gets ready to run off and Carlota comes in, so she gives her a quick cheek peck and escapes. Carlota tries to get out of Rufi what Paloma said, but Rufi fibs that they were talking about tonight’s dinner.

Angelica tells Orlando she needs to take a bit of time that morning to go help a friend with a problem. He’s worried it’s Camila, so she says actually Paloma. Em overhears, and as she’s about to leave stops her and insists on knowing what’s happened to Paloma.

At breakfast, Inez tells Aron she couldn’t sleep all night, she was so upset by what he did. It could blow her long friendship with Carlota, plus the whole town will be talking. Aron says Carlota is going to get Paloma to forgive him. Inez says that better work, because if it doesn’t, you have to leave Real del Monte.

Paloma is waiting outside the police station and has a flashback of Aron’s attack. Angie arrives, and just a second later here comes a lawyer she called, Nestor (that would be Roja’s law partner) who she introduces as the husband of Vero who took temporary leave from the plateria. Small town, indeed! Paloma says she can’t afford a lawyer, but he says he heard what happened and he’ll defend her pro bono.

Aron is walking along a leafy lane, head hung low in appropriate shame, when up behind him comes Emiliano who grabs his shoulder, and decks him. Nobody touches Paloma, understand? Understand? he rages over Aron. Aron jumps up at him and they get in a realistic-looking fistfight. Two policemen on the beat spot them and go pull them apart and drag them off to the police station.

Paloma makes her report at the police desk. German for some reason happens to be in the background, listening.

Camila comes into the shop and asks Monica if Rafa has called. Nope. Monica gives her a boring pep talk that ends with her telling Camila to follow her heart. No wonder Monica’s storyline seems to have been dropped. Yawn.

Rafa is at his desk at work and is talking to Joel about Orlando’s ultimatum. If he doesn’t accept, Orlando will tell Em himself, in his way. Rafa says for the first time in his life, he doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want Em to pay for the sins of his mother. Joel says you shouldn’t have to pay for them either. Rafa says but Em is going through really rough times right now, and if he finds out the truth about his mother, it’ll blow him out of the water. He’s strong, but we all have our breaking points.

I’d rather give up Camila than have Emiliano destroyed. Joel says Orlando is taking advantage of your love for Emiliano. Rafa says I’d give my life to keep my son sane and on track.

Paloma and Angie and the lawyer emerge from the station. He compliments Paloma on her courage and says if everyone were so brave, the country would be a better place. The lawyer leaves and Paloma says she feels a little bit bad for Aron. Angie says he asked for it.

The cop car pulls up at the station with Aron and Emiliano in the back. Em spots Angie and Paloma and he calls out, but Paloma doesn’t hear him and walks off down the street with Angie.

Orlando looks up from his desk and does a double-take. Gudelia, ¿Qué haces aquí? Diana says please, don’t tell Orlando the truth about me. Because of course Diana didn’t close the door behind her, Angelica outside unwittingly overhears, wide-eyed. Well, she does everything wide-eyed, but she’s even more wide-eyed than usual. Diana says you’ll ruin our son’s life. Orlando says so now you say “our son.” Angie’s eye bug some more.

Orlando says I left it to Rafa to tell him, but if he doesn’t within a reasonable timeframe, then I will.

Diana tries a different tack – she slinks around his desk, slithers onto his lap and starts kissing his face. (Ewwww. Yuck! Patooee.) What if I drive you crazy like I used to? Orlando pushes her off and says you never loved me, you just used me. I can’t believe I used to love you. You should leave now, don’t make me throw you out.

Diana shoves him back in his chair and snarls at him Whatever you do, Em will never love you like he loves Rafa, even if your blood runs in his veins. She leaves, not seeing Angie, who is pressed to a wall like a firing squad target.

Angie walks slowly into Orlando’s office and looks at him goggle-eyed. He stares at her. Did you hear? She nods. He does some heavy breathing.

The MS calls Carlota wondering why Paloma doesn’t show up at school. It’s Carlota’s turn to bug her eyes. She says she’ll go find out where that girl is. Rufina! Rufina is in the kitchen stirring the beans and tells her Paloma went to the police about Aron.

Orlando apparently has just finished up telling Angie everything. He never thought when he came to Real del Monte that he’d find Gudelia and his son, right under his nose. Angie says nothing happens by chance. Orlando says Rafa is supposed to tell him. Angie says it’ll take him time to absorb the information, but he’s a steady young man. Orlando says you’re a psychologist, maybe you can help me know how to handle this. I’d be glad to, says Angie, with a starry-eyed smile.

Orlando goes to her and puts his arms around her shoulders from behind and kisses the top of her head. You can be a big help, he says.

Romina runs into Paloma on the street and is surprised that she’s not in school. Paloma hesitantly tells her that she reported Aron for attempted rape.

At the police station, we see Em with a mild black eye. The policeman behind the counter tells him that violence is never a solution. Then they call Aron, who looks much the worse for wear. He cops a little attitude. The police ask him to step into a separate room.

German comes out of the woodwork and asks Em what he’s doing at the station. Em wants to know what Paloma was doing there. German tells Em that she registered a complaint. Em is pleased and says that’s why he bloodied Aron. German offers to help get Em out, but Em says his father already said he’d come pay the fine.

German says Aron’s the one in big trouble; Paloma’s a minor. Em hopes he gets locked up. G: You still love her don’t you? E: I always will. G: And if Romina’s child is yours, then what will you do? E: Destroy my life.

Orlando calls Camila at her shop and wants to talk, to explain some things. Camila says that’s okay, it’s not necessary and Orlando says but for me it is. She says okay, she’ll go to dinner with him, just as friends. Orlando says did you like the orchids? Camila is surprised that they were from him, but she fakes that they came without a card. But you know what? It’s not appropriate if we’re just friends.

Rafa has sprung Em from the police and tells him that violence is never good, but what the heck, in Em’s place he would have done the same thing. Em thanks Rafa for paying the fine, and Rafa says you know I’m always here for you. He puts his arm around Em’s shoulder and they walk off down the street, happy.

Carlota is telling Paloma off big time for going to the police. Paloma says she’s tired of secrets. Carlota says don’t you know that you could wreck your reputation? Paloma says so what? My mother did so much to save hers and it made her miserable. Carlota says do you realize what class of woman your mother was? No, says Paloma. Because even though you and that “father” told me things, something inside of me tells me they’re not true. And I’ve had it with people abusing me.

Avances: Romina is going to succeed in tricking Em into marrying her. She sees Em kissing Paloma. Carlota uses a key to get into Chris’s room while he’s asleep. He awakes, shocked, and reaches for the bedside lamp. OMG! It looks like she’s disrobing! Chris is trapped like a rat.


Monday, November 09, 2009

Sortilegio #24, November 9, 2009: Embarazadaaa

Eric tells Bruno that last night Paula had her first driving lesson. Bruno threatens Eric with jail unless he obeys his commands. Eric agrees and wants to know what he has to do. Bruno tells him to find a stuntman on the internet. Eric asks him if something bad will happen to Paula. Bruno reminds him that his a—is his from his brain to his bones. Bruno tells him to be ready at the house at 2:00 p.m. He also said something about going to the airport and that he’ll let Eric know where they are going.

Mary Jo tells Paula about all her problems. Meanwhile Ezekiel arrives and gives them each a cell phone which makes Paula very happy.

At the office, Alex arrives in his Buster Brown outfit, you know, the two-tone grey number with the nipped in at the waist vest, which of course emphasizes his bulging biceps and other beautiful physical attributes. He asks Marie if there are any calls. The most important is about a meeting at 1:00 p.m. with Bruno’s lawyer (Archundo). Alex tells her to call his mother. Fernono arrives and tells Alex that there is no news about Mario Aguirre. Alex tells a shocked Ferno that Mario sent Mary Jo a bouquet of flowers. And, Mary Jo keeps denying that she knows him. He avoids answering whether he believes her or not.

Alex tells Ferno about the 1:00 p.m. meeting and that he has asked Victoria to attend. Ferno doesn’t think that’s such a good idea, but Alex needs her. Ferno says it will put Victoria in a very uncomfortable position. Alex tells him that she’s already in it. The boys talk about the fix their in and the nerve of Bruno having impersonated Alex. Dimwit Fernono says how do you know it’s him. Because, says Alex, he knows me like a book and can fake my signature.

Ferno then tells Alex that he cannot accept the job as vice-president at Lombardo. Ferno has already spoken to Victoria about it and now, in his most constipated way, tells Alex the same thing and that he has nothing more to say.

Alex calls MJ on her cell. It is all love and “mi cielo”. Paula interrupts to put her two centavos in about how grateful she is about receiving the phone. Alex boyishly giggles that there is nothing to thank him for. He tells her about the meeting with the lawyers. She says you must be worried and that she hopes it all goes well. Alex then gives us a “please hug me” look. Cut over to Chucho and Pedro.

After short discussion, Chucho takes on the task of getting Mechita out of jail. Merry mariachi music plays in the background so we know something silly is about to happen. Paula shows Pedro her cell. Pedro wants to know why Mary Jo seems so sad, like are you having problems with Alex. Paula interrupts with her hi-pitched chatter and demands that Mary Jo give them the low down. Mary Jo swears them to complete secrecy and then lets them know that it looks like Bruno and Raquel are Alex’s half-siblings. Pedro is shocked when Mary Jo tells them that they all have the same father and that both Victoria and Antonio were married to other people when Victoria became pregnant with the twins from Hell. Well, says Paula, how dare they talk about us.

Both Pedro and Mary Jo jump all over Paula when she gets her motor mouth running about how could this happen. But, Mary Jo is not finished yet. There is more. Bruno is going to sue Alex to get half the Lombardo fortune.

Bruno thanks a man (papparazo) for a newspaper and some articles that have been published. The man asks for more and Bruno will let him know.

Raquel gives the new driver hell and lays down the law to him about how things have to be done. Nobody around her is allowed to talk. She notices there is no car. She notices a taxi parked in the garage and the driver tells her it will just be for a little while. She checks it out for dust or something. Raquel tells him that he’ll only have to work for her husband when he is drunk and can’t drive. She shouts out orders for him to get going.

Chucho is sitting with Julia who is wearing an orange shirt and is soaking her feet in a pan of water. He tells her about Mechita who is in jail and that she has to help get her out. He tells her the story about getting robbed. She doesn’t believe him at first. Well, he says, have you seen Mechita around here? Finally she gives in and goes with him.

Ulises and Roberto are out for a run on the beach. They talk about the Mary Jo situation and that Bruno is still interested in her and that maybe she had another accomplice, and they say that Bruno is very clever. At this point they are both wearing shirts, but, your editor hopes they will take them off and go for a swim. They toast to Mary Jo and Robo tells Uli that Mary Jo is married and that any man who sends flowers to her is crazy. Yeah! Off come the shirts and they go into the water.

A silver Rolls pulls up to Lombardo properties and Vickie gets out. Marie is on the phone when Mau comes in and just happens to overhear Marie talking on the phone about Mario Aguirre. Mau takes a breath and tells Marie that she’s there to see Alex. Marie tells Mau that Alex is very busy at the moment but, if she’d like to wait, she’s welcome to do so. Anyway, has anybody ever had an ex-novia just drop in at your office for a chat? So, Mau says it would be better if she just called him. She leaves.

Meanwhile, Vickie, Hernan, Ferno and Alex discuss the Bruno situation and that this is his way of getting vengeance. Alex calls him a coward and Hernan tells him that they have to talk things over and come to an agreement before a complaint is filed and the matter becomes public. Vickie for once says that Alex is free to express his opinion. Ferno, who wants to protect Vickie’s image at any cost, says they need to come to an agreement. Hernan agrees with him. Of course, one of the pillars of telenovelaland comes up, a DNA test.

Marie buzzes Alex to tell him the lawyers have arrived. Ferno goes to Vickie and tells her not to get upset. She says I’m fine. Hernan tells Ferno that he doesn’t have to worry, because he’ll be there at her side. You know what I think? I think Ferno and Victoria will be condemned to Purgatory and that Ferno and Victoria will be connected to each other by a blood pressure machine which Ferno will have to monitor for at least two eternities.

There is a short conversation between Alex and Ferno that I couldn’t quite get because I couldn’t hear it. Fill in, please. Ferno tells Alex that this all doesn’t concern him because he’s not a member of the family, but that he’ll be in his office if he’s needed.

Raquel’s “taxi” pulls up to Uli’s apartment. She yells “stop” to the driver. Mau just happened to be in the neighborhood so she thought she’d drop in. That girl sure gets around in one day. Raquel plays coy, while the driver leans across the front seat in an attempt to overhear their conversation. Mau assures Raq that she’s only interested in one man, Alex. The driver shouts out much to Raq’s disgust who gets in the car and tells him to just go.

The lawyers begin the pissing contests. Alex’s lawyer says that Sr. Antonio with all his faculties intact chose to leave the majority of his wealth to Alex. Bruno’s lawyer says that his client claims that Antonio was not lucid. Vickie interrupts and says no way, my husband was completely normal. Now they want to hear from Hernan who knew Antonio for many years. Hernan says that Antonio was his friend and was in complete control of his mental faculties until the moment he died. He merely broke a leg, but his blood pressure and mental capacity were perfect. Vickie relates that Bruno did not apply himself at school and did not complete his studies, and didn’t get along with anyone. That was one reason why her husband left Alex everything.

One of the lawyers asks her if Antonio didn’t name Alex because he was Antonio’s legitimate son, child of his first wife. Hernan says that had nothing to do with it. Antonio loved Bruno and Raquel, too. Further, Bruno alleges that Sra. Victoria had an extramarital affair with Sr. Lombardo and that union produced Bruno and Raquel. The shyster in white says that everything that is said in that room will remain confidential, but even if Bruno has little chance of winning, he holds a powerful weapon – that Alex doesn’t want his stepmother “prejudiced”, or that is to say, have her name dragged through the mud. So, if they can’t come to some agreement, everything will be made public. Everyone in Merida will know that things aren’t as they appear.

Alex steps up and calls them all a bunch of “sinverguenzas” (shameless SOB’s) and that that they are exploiting his mother for that “infeliz” (rotten, miserable person). Bruno just wants power and money and he can have it. No, says Victoria, your father was a just and fair man and he made a decision based on Bruno’s behavior that Bruno was not worthy to occupy the position he now demands. She takes her leave. Alex tells Hernan to go with her.

Hernan invites her into his office for a rest, but she says she wants to go home. Out of no where Ferno appears and Vickie asks him to take her home. So, what happened to the silver Rolls?

Back in the conference room, Alex gives the seated legal-beagle array, the “she is more than my mother speech.” She was always loving to me but she had a jealous and vengeful son. Alex tells them that he is disposed to make a settlement (arreglo). Alex’s lawyer tells Alex and the other lawyers that it will take a few days to draw up an agreement. Bruno’s lawyers agree that they, too, want to avoid a scandal.

At their cabana, Roberto reads the newspaper “Merida Hoy” and notes to Raquel that Alex is in the public eye again. Raquel says, “right” and Roberto asks her if it isn’t important to her. She says, of course, they are always worried about bad press. Roberto just doesn’t understand how all this can be happening and how Bruno is threatening to contest Antonio’s will. Roberto asks her if she’s spoken to Bruno. She says, no. How about Alex? Nope. Do it, says Roberto. Raquel then parks her butt on Roberto’s lap and asks him if he thinks there is something between Maura and Ulises. Roberto becomes a little pissed over that and explains to her that Ulises can do as he pleases, he’s a man who lives off the world and he knows him well. He dumps Raq and she grabs the paper.

At Mau’s mansion, Mau tells Uli, who is wearing orange trousers and is standing in front of a pink sofa, that he did good because Alex is looking for Mario Aguire in every hotel. Uli tells her that Roberto thinks that Bruno hired Mario. Uli tells Mau that this is going to be hard to keep up. She says that’s why I’ve paid you. They now realize that they are in over their heads. I think they came to an agreement that they are going to have to come up with somebody else somehow.

Bruno, Eric and a friend (the stuntman?) are having a drink at a bar. They discuss the place where something is to happen and Bruno hands the man an envelope for which the man is thankful. Eric looks uncomfortable and may be having second thoughts. Bruno asks him what’s up, you’re not sorry now, are you. Eric says OK.

Alex arrives at the Lombardo mansion and asks Felipa, who always looks pleasant because that expression has been surgically planted on her face, where is mother? She’s in her room resting. Maria Jose? He asks hopefully. She’s with her sister eating with Pedro. Bruno? She hasn’t seen him. She wants to know if he’s eaten. He says, yes, in the office. Felipa lectures him about that and warns him that if he keeps that up he’ll get skinny and sick. Alex sighs and heads up the stairs.

In the city, Eric and Paula have a little before school chat. He wants to know why she looks like she’s having a problem and wants to know if she and her sister had a fight. No, she says. He doesn’t like to see her like this. Tell me, he says. She says she can’t say anything and has to go to class. OK, says Eric who has clearly fallen for Paula. He’ll be there waiting for her.

At casa Lombardo, Alex tells Maria Jose about his miserable day and about the threats against Victoria. Alex tells her that he wants to solve the problem immediately, but Victoria doesn’t want it to happen. There is something about this Alex doesn’t understand. Victoria feels betrayed. All this has been going on for over thirty years, etc. He doesn’t want to hurt Victoria. How many times are we going to have to hear that? They talk about the “Lombardo” name – like maybe Bruno would have to give it up because then everyone would know something is up. Alex reminds her that Bruno is out for vengeance and he just can’t understand why Bruno throws it all back on his own mother.

Mary Jo flashes back to a conversation she had with Bruno in which he said that in addition to one half of the Lombardo wealth, he also wants her to divorce Alex. Alex asks her if she’s OK. She says, yes, takes her hand and says let’s go to the bedroom. Always the spoilsport, Mary Jo picks up papers that relate to her father’s apartment. Alex gives her the same speech – do you think this money is important to me? She’s grateful, but it’s important to her. Alex tells her that they are husband and wife, etc., and he’ll look at the papers later. He wants to eat now.

At the police station, Chucho and Julia complete the paperwork to get Mechita out of jail. Well, Julia signs and they go ahead. I don’t think Chucho is able to write his name. Mechita is so grateful to them and that she will pay back “hasta el ultimo peso.”

Eric and Paula are driving in the dark. He tries to get information out of her. All she says is that Bruno is trying to hurt Alex, and that hurts her. Then she has a very bright idea – let me drive. Eric stops and let’s her take the wheel. Somebody is waiting in the shadows. A smiling Paula drives on when she hits someone whose face she can see on the windshield. She screams and loses total control. Eric gets out and pulls the man she supposedly hit over to the side of the road. None other than Chucho happens to be at the exact spot where the accident occurred and is witness to the whole dirty deed. Paula keeps screaming, “Is he dead, is he dead?” Eric takes off. Paula is hysterical.

Chucho goes over to the “dead” man who, of course, is not dead. We know that because the man gets up and runs away. Chucho thinks some kind of miracle has happened and starts praying.

When Eric and Paula arrive at casa Lombardo, Paula is still distraught, and Eric tries to tell her that nothing happened. “How can you say that,” she asks? Eric tells her that he’ll take care of everything. He checks the car out. As Paula enters, Zeke comes out of the shadows and greets her with a “Buenos noches, senorita, has something happened to you?” For some reason he is holding a lit candle below his face even though there are dim lights on in the room. Maybe this is just to intensify the suspense. He tells her that Mary Jo is in Alex’s room. She heads up the magic staircase.

A shirtless Bruno is on the phone with Eric who tells him that everything went well and that Paula is out of it. He’s OK says Eric. The body disappeared, says Eric. Eric tells him that something is going on between Paula and Mary Jo. Bruno is happy with the report.

Chucho blesses himself and knocks on Pedro’s door. He asks Pedro for a beer and tells him something happened, but he needs a beer for courage. The beer does wonders for Chucho. He tells Pedro about the accident and about dead man on the highway who suddenly got up and ran away and that it scared him to death. Their little joke: Pedro: “ What did the man say to you?” Chucho: “Nothing. Dead men can’t talk.” Pedro says nothing happened. Chucho thinks the man flew away. Isn’t this just like a conversation between Einstein and Edison?

At home, Mechita, who was in jail, talks to a man who is in bed and appears to be disabled. His name is Gabriel and she tells him not to worry. Julia told him what happened and he was very worried. She tells him she’s in trouble and probably won’t have work. He wants to go somewhere, but she tells him he has to wait. She wants to get enough money together for him to see a doctor to look at his legs. He’s crying because he can’t work.

Zeke and Raq’s driver discuss the day. Paula arrived scared and crying. Zeke corrects the driver’s diction. Anyway the driver tells Zeke that Raq had him drive to a house and that he is not to tell anyone the address. Zeke says that he knows everything that goes on in this house. They didn’t go anyplace special, just here and there.

In the morning, Paula goes to see Eric in her pajamas. He tells her not to worry, nobody knows anything. She’s still very worried. But, there’s nothing in the newspaper. He says it was an accident and that the man was a drunk. Sh-t happens he tells her.

Alex wakes up with Mary Jo in his arms. He rolls her over and snuggles her before getting up. Cut to Vic’s room.

Felipa tells Vic she should stay in bed, but Vic feels well enough to get up and get dressed. Felipa tells Vic that Alex wants to speak to her.

Alex tells Mary Jo he has to go to the office and that they’ll eat together later. He hands her an envelope with money for her personal needs and that of her sister and father. He doesn’t want his wife to go out without “a quinto”. She says, no, no, but he insists and kisses her goodbye.

Alex runs into Felipa in the hallway. He asks about his mother and Felipa tells him she’s waiting in her room. Obsessive/compulsive Felipa straightens out a picture on the wall.

Mary Jo is vomiting into the toilet. We know what that means. But, does it dawn on her? Looks like it’s a yes. She says she has to hide this. Later she goes to Pedro’s cabana where she finds a weeping Paula who tells her that Pedro probably left with Chucho. What’s the matter, asks Mary Jo? “I killed a man” cries Paula. “Are you crazy?” asks Mary Jo. “I killed him, I killed him last night. It was an automobile accident.” “How could this happen?” asks Mary Jo. She was with Eric. Paula gets up, runs out of the cabana followed by Mary Jo. Mary Jo wants to know why Paula was with him – he can’t be trusted. Paula yells back, you’re always criticizing me for something. Anyway, what the H—l is she wearing? It looks like it should be at the top of the Clothes that Hurt List.

Bruno of course appears in the background and tells Mary Jo to let her go. But she’s desperate says Mary Jo. He knows Paula hit a man. In Fernando Escandon* fashion, Bruno slithers around Mary Jo like an insane snake. I know she hit a man and killed him and now you (plural) cannot be saved, he whispers in Mary Jo’s ear.

Avances: More of the same.

*The Devil Incarnate in Fuego en la Sangre.


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