Friday, August 06, 2010

8/6/2010 Ep# 120 Aimee almost loses an ear while Juan & Reggi profess their love for each other

Ren is having the nightmare again.

Celia is telling Aimee that when she went to town to look for Rod, Ren and Leo were very upset. Celia, the masochist, ask Aimee to take her when she leaves. Aimee burns some document while saying that something drastic has to happen to see if her luck changes. Aimee says that lately luck has not been on her side. Aimee goes on to say that she is sick and tired of everyone and she wants to be free again. But before anything happens Aimee wants to go back to see the witch. Celia is not too happy about that. Aimee is confident the witch can help. Aimee orders Celia to get her robe. Faster than the speed of light. Celia and Aimee are are the witch's lair. Aimee wants to fake and accident to "lose" the baby. She has to go to a witch for that? can't she "fall" down the stairs? The witch is telling it is to risky, Aimee said she knows how to protect herself. The witch is seeing in the smoke coming out of whatever it is she is boiling a baby. the Montes de Oca's heir. Aimee reassures the witch that she is not pregnant. The witch tells her you wish, is not you is another woman, another child. Juan and Reggie's? Aimee can't believe her ears. The witch tells her yes this boy is going to be handsome, strong like his father. the brilliant Aimee deduces that the witch is talking about the newlyweds. Aimee vows to herself that she is going to change destiny and that god forsaken baby is not going to be born.

Finally a new and sunny day. Juan is at the beach talking to his mom. Juan tells his mom that he knows she is in heaven with JDD Sr. loving each other and that both are watching over him. Reggie joints her hubby and tells him about the legacy of love that MDR left them. MDR thought them the love is bigger than anything. Juan professes his love to Reggie and promises Reggie that he'll love her beyond his death. Reggie promises him that come what may they'll always be together. Yeah, we all know what that means. They seal that promises with a kiss.

Fully is questioning the service where the heck is his loving wifey. The servant tells him that Elo is at the dressmaker. That Elo must have a closet bigger than the house. She goes to the dressmaker everyday. I hope she has the dresses to backup her story if ever questioned by fully. We see Elo entering the premises of the dress maker and Serv hot on her heels.

Dr. Pablo is checking Ren. Ren is telling him this is the second time he feels sick. Dr. Pablo tells Ren he doesn't anything wrong with him physically. His brain is another matter entirely. Pablo, says to Ren maybe is something you ate or drank. Ren realizes it is in the alcohol and asks Pablo if it is poison. Pablo says he can't assure that, but asks him to be careful. Pablo tells him about MDR's dead. Ren is very surprised and said MDR died ages ago. Pablo signals with his head, nope, nope.

Juan tells Reggie that MRD was upset because he called himself Juan del Diablo and she baptized him again. Reggie finds it amusing and reminds him how when they where at that island she also baptized him Juan De Dios. Juan wants a life change and be happy with Reggie because he loves more than anything in this world and he wants her to be proud of him. Reggie tells him she is already. Juan tells he is sure his parents are watching and protecting them and their love. MDR and JDD Sr. better strengthen their powers because I have the feeling Juan and Reggie's is going to be tested to the core.

The dressmaker is telling Elo that she is afraid what Fully would do if he finds out what is going on here. The dressmaker is afraid Fully would kill them all. Fed enters the room. The dressmaker leaves. Elo and Fed start going at it. Serv enters the house, it seems there's something going on between him and the dressmaker because he touches her chin very gently. Serv kneels and looks through the keyhole how Elo and fed are making a dress and thinks to himself that Fully has to know this the sooner the better. Can you imagine how useful a cell phone would be for Serv right at this moment?

Noel is talking to Juan about the finca and that Reni would pay his debt as the gentleman that he is. Noel said he'll do all the paperwork. Juan tells Noel that neither him nor Reggie care about the finca. Both Juan and Reggie think is best to give the finca to the workers and the fish folks. Noel agrees with him and tells him he very proud. Juan tells Noel they've decided give Clem the big house, but Juan cautions Noel not to tell Clem yet. Juan sends a message to the Montes de Oca to take their time leaving the finca. Noel is not happy delivering the message because he doesn't want ot go back to la finca. Noel tells Juan about his visit to la finca and that the told Leo about leaving. Noel makes the observation to Juan that he sees a glimpse of sadness on his eyes. Juan gives him the news about MDR and also tells Noel that he is at peace now because his parents are finally together. Juan reassures Noel that he is not sad. He is at peace.

Renie is with mommy dearest. Ren demands of her an explanation about MDR. Rod is eavesdropping and he hears when Ren says that Pablo told him that MDR just died. Rod thinks to himself that if MRD is dead, again, he has not reason to live. Suicide Rod? Really? I don't think so. It would be too easy.

The service is telling Aimee that Rod didn't come home last nigh. Rod spent the night at the finca and no one even noticed his presence. Aimee as always is sitting in front of a mirror spraying whatever it is she sprays herself with and fixing the flower thing on her neck. The maids are concerned about don Rod. Aimee dismisses them and tells them that maybe Rod is just having a good time. She sends a message with the maids to her father. Aimee tells them to tell Rod that as of tonight she is coming to live with him. She double checks that they got the message right and makes them repeat what she told them. They repeat the message, she is satisfied and tells them that she is going to abandon Ren for ever.

Leo is telling Ren the lie about MDR and Orca's doing. Rod walks away. Ren asks her why didn't tell him about this. Why he had to hear this from a third party. Leo gives the line about not wanting to worry him. Ren reassures her that his is a man not a weakling, he also tells her that he is a MDO and he has made the decision to get his dignity back.

Noel asks Juan where is MDR buried. Juan tells him in the penon del diablo where his dad is. Noel is happy with the news. Noel sees the ring and recognizes it. Noel asks Juan if Rod was there. Juan asks surprised Rod? Noel tells Juan that Rod bought that ring to ask MDR to marry him.

Rod is wrecking the dungeons promising to kill Orca when he set his eyes on him.

Juan is holding the ring and tells Noel he promised MDR he'll forget about his vengeance, but he doesn't want to see any of the Montes de Oca. Juan asks Noel to return the ring. Noel is now Juan errand's boy.

Serv come to inform Fully about the rendezvous between Elo and Fed. Serv tells him about seeing them doing the deed. Fully wanrs him that if he is lying Fully'll kill the messenger himself. Serv tells Fully to go and see for himself. Now I am almost sure since the dressmaker kind of gave Elo a warning when Fully decides to go they'll be gone. Fully warns Serv that the penalty for this type of treason is dead.

Juan is by the sea and Remi joins him. Remi asks Juan how is he felling. Juan tells him much better and makes the observation of how beautiful is the day today. Juan says that is going to dedicate his time to be a fisherman because that is the only thing he is good at. Isn't he filthy rich? Remi says he doesn't what he is going to do now with just one arm. Juan gives him the news about the finca and Remi will get a big piece of the land and since he is going a land owner he can then hire some help. Juan talks with Remi about Remi feeling sorry for himself. Juan points out to Remi that he can use the other hand. Juan also talks to Remi about Lulu and how love is the most imprtant thing in life. Juan tells about how he found his mom and lost her. Juan tells Remi that love is more important than pride and to fight for his love. Juan asks Remi if he is going to go through life feeling sorry for himself. Remi is mulling everything Juan is saying. Juan tells him his is going to cast his net and when he brings it back is going to be full of fish. Juan tells Remi that is his choice to either help Juan or continue felling sorry for himself. Juan gets up to throw the net.

Noel is conferring with Clem about Rod visiting MDR. Clem says, could you believe that he has the gall to ask MDR to marry him? That sick and selfish love was the cause of all MDR disgraces. Noel, says he is worried about Rod's sanity. Noel is not too far from the truth

Ros is still crying and going on about losing MDR. Leo is beside herself MDR is finally dead and she, Leo, had nothing to do with it? You think? Leo is happy because Rod is going to be all hers now.

Uh, Oh. Fed and Elo are still at it. Fully and Serv walk into the room and we can hear they voices of pleasure of the two sinners. Fully does the same Serv did and peeks through the keyhole. Elo says something about Fully finding out about them. Fed says do not worry my whore, err, my love the only thing we have to do is to find the right moment to get rid of the old fart and get all his money. We have to try to poison him again. Fed ask Elo if she has any idea when and how. Elo says she'll do a big celebration dinner and invite Fed. Elo says I'll prepare the old fool his favorite dish and then we can consummate our plan. Fed says that only then they can be happy and together for ever. Fully to himself, "malditos traidores." F traitors.

Mariela is talking to Noel about her feelings for Jime. Mariela doesn't understand why. But, we all know right Noel?

Jime is back in church talking to the virgencita and asking la virgen to adopt to her.

Noel drops the bomb to Mari and asks her the $10 question. what would you do if Salma wasn't Angela. Mari asks Noel if he knows something she doesn't. Noel says it is only a supposition and since we are still investigating we have to exhaust every possibility. Noel asks Mari if she would allow him to give her an advise. Mari says yes. Noel tells her to get close to Salma and let her hart tell her if Salma is really her daughter. Noel tells Mari to listen carefully to her heart because it might tell her something. Mari looks intrigued.

Fully is walking on the streets, upright. I think he forgot his cover about being a very old and incapable man. I'm also surprised he didn't do anything to the fornicators. Anyway, he is thinking about the treachery and how the worse of it is what it hides. He might know a thing or two about it. Now is acting according to character. Fully things that a simple death would be too easy for the traitors. He'll think of something appropriate for them. That's my fully! I was thinking that Grizzies body was never found and then I thought that Branco is gone and he was the cadaver finder.

Lulu is at the market buying oranges, she trips over and a new and improved Remi offers to help her. Remi asks her if he can be of assistant even though he's missing an arm he is strong enough to help her with that heavy basket. Lulu can't believe her eyes, she is all smiles. Lulu thanks him very sweetly. He really looks handsome. they walk away together.

Mari is trying to take Salma to church, but Salma is not having it. Mari said to Salma that she'll get used to it. Salma tells that she is a gypsy and she is not Angela an takes off. Mari is calling her, but Salma continues running away. Gabe literally walks into Mari and asks her what is going on? Mari tells him about what Salma just said. Gabe tells her he wants to share some doubts about the validity of Salma claim to be Angela. Mari ask what types of doubts. Gabe propose Mari to go someplace else with him to talk. Mari agrees.

Lulu and Remi have arrived to De Marin's house. Remi asks him if this is her place of work. Lulu tells him she is the cook in the Marin's house. Remi sets the basket on the ground and when he is standing up he barely touches Lulu. They looked into each other eyes and then he slowly walks away. Lulu is breathless and thanks him. Lulu is very happy because Remi is talking to her.

Mari and Gabe are walking and comparing notes. Mari is telling him that Salma still keeps her gypsy's clothes and the way she behaves is very strange. Mari sits on a bench and when Gabe was going to ask her something, Gabe sees Serv turning the corner. Gabe excuses himself and said he'll be right back. because he had seen someone he needs to ask something very important. Mari says OK. Gabe confronts Serv about how Serv almost killed him. Serv denies it and ask Gabe what would, he, Serv gain by Gabe's death. Gabe tells serv because you know I don't believe Salma is Angela. Gabe tells Serv how Gabe knows that Salma is paying Serv for his silence. Gabe offers Serv money but Serv doesn't take it and tells Gabe to leave him alone.

Jime is still at church praying to the virgencita about MDR and how she is still hurt about losing her mom.

Gabe is informing Noel of his encounter with Mari and how they almost talk and couldn't about Angela. Gabe is sure that Serv knows the truth and doesn't want to say it. Noel Gabe about his suspicion about Mari being Jime's mom. Gabe just realizes the resemblance between the two. Noel is sure that Jime is Angela. But since they don't have any proof they should stay with their mouths shut until they know for sure. that way no one gets hurt. Gabe agrees, but they have to find out pronto.

Aimee is leaving the house with Celia. Aimee tells Celia not to make any noise because she doesn't want to be found out. They are walking on stealth mode, when all of the sudden we hear Renato shout AIMEE!. Aimee and Celia are very impactadas. When Aimee and Celia where leaving the house was pitch dark and all of the sudden there's is light. Renato is pointing a gun at her. Celia cries to Aimee; Senora corra! my lady run. Aimee takes off running and Ren fires his gun, we see Celia falling to the ground and then yelling NOOOOOOOO! while Ren just looks on. Ren is either a very bad shot or he just wanted to scare Aimee. Aimee tells him are you nuts? did you want to kill me? Ren tells her I warned you that if you tried to escape I was going to kill you. This was just to show you that I'll fulfill my promise. Yeah, it was just a warning shot, too bad. But I think he got her on her right ear. Reni tells her if he really wanted to kill her he would had done so but the shot would've been between her eyes. Ren just wanted Aimee to know who's the boss. Ren tell her that he warned her, that she would never be able to leave him. They are going to be together until death do us part.

Diner is on at Fully's house. That was quick. Fully asks surprised about it and asks a dinner for me? Doesn't he dines at home every night? huh. Elo is all love, yes my love I realize how much I have been neglecting you and I decided to make up to you and do something nice for you. Fully happier than a dog with two tails, or so Elo and Fed think. Fully tells her how happy he is Elo invited Fed to the little celebration. Fed is like you know how much I love you man. Fed tells Fully how much he appreciates Fully's friendship. Fed goes on to tell Fully how he, fed, is the lucky one. Yes Fed you don't know how lucky. They toast to eternal friendship and loyalty.

Aimee asks Ren why is it so difficult for him to understand that she doesn't care about him anymore. Ren says who care! I don't care about you either, but you staying put. Starting tomorrow someone else is going to assist you. Ren yells Celia to leave. Celia knows was best for her and gets the hell out. Ren orders Aimee to go back to her bedroom and stay there until he says otherwise. Aimee tells Ren she is not going submit to his tyranny. ren warns her not challenge him, she is going to walk away and he grabs her by her arm and spoons her around and tells her whims are all used up. Aimee tells him to her go because he is hurting her. ren tells her to obey his orders. Aimee tells him she is not afraid of him. Leo comes down the stairs yelling at Ren no to touch Aimee. This is Aimee's cue to run away of Ren's reach and look for protection from Leo. Leo inquires about the sot she heard. Aimee tells Leo that Ren tried to kill her and shows Leo her injure. Leo starts questioning Ren and he tells her this is a husband and wife issue. Ren tells Leo to go back to bed. Leo points out the obvious, But Ren you are holding a gun and you are very agitated. Ren, I told you this is between husband and wife, get the heck out and do not interrupt us again. Aimee is putting her best act begging Leo not to leave her alone with the neanderthal. Aimee is begging for her child, Leo listens to her son turns around and goes back upstairs. As soon as Leo leaves Aimee changes her victim act to being the nice person she. Aimee turns around and looks at Ren defiantly.

Dr. Pablo is at Noel's telling him and Clem about his suspicions of his uncle the old dr being murdered the same night Juan was born. Dr. Pablo looks very handsome with his hair this way. Noel asks why he think the old Dr. was killed. Pablo says I've been putting two and two together and they sum four not five as I have been told. Pablo says that since MDR came back from the dead, Juan being the bastard son of MDR and JDD Sr. Juan being abandoned right after his birth. Pablo is sure his uncle knew all that and wasn't going to stay quiet. Clem adds her two cents and tells them that the old Dr. was MDR's dr and probably he found out what Leo and Rod did. Pablo says that is why I think my uncle was murdered. Noel is looking very worried. Pablo comes up with the idea of asking Rosenda if she ever heard anything about Leo and Rod killing the Dr.

Leo is in a very dark room talking to herself how Noel was right about everything she loved and cared for is going to hell.

Ren is dragging Aimee to their bedroom. He throws her on the bed. Aimee call him a savage and a coward. Ren tells her, you better understand that I am your man and you owe me obedience and if you do not obey me, this would be your treatment from now on. Ren tells Aimee I wanted to give you the royal treatment but you didn't want it now I'll treat you like a slave. Aimee tells him she won't allow him to treat her that way because she is going to leave. Ren yells you better or I'll tie you. Ren walks away and she throws something at him and yells at his back, I hate you, i hate you! Ren turns around and says at least you are being honest now, but I don't care, if love couldn't keep us together hate would, but you are going to be with me until I say so. The next time you try to escape think it twice because I just show you I won't stop at nothing. Aimee, Stupid you are not going to stop me; I swear you are not going to stop me. Aimee holds her ear in pain.

Juan and Reggie are in bed kissing each other. Reggie asks Juan why is looking at her that way. Juan answers because I love you and I thank God for finding the most wonderful woman, in you arms I feel complete and you lips drives me nuts, your eyes are like two big stars, that are always lightning my way. Reggie, my love, my love I am very touched by your words. Juan I am telling you how I feel. Reggie, I also love you the same way you love me and I have learned to look at the world through your eyes. More kisses, more I love yous, you are the best thing that have happened to me. Juan, wait I have to confess that I am very afraid of losing you. Reggie, never say that again because I am yours and will be for ever and ever. There you have it.


Thursday, August 05, 2010

El Clon Thursday August 5: Summary for Discussion

In which Jadiya’s heart is broken; Rania wins membership in the Wicked Stepmothers Club; and The Naz shows us a person can be kind and self-absorbed at the same time.

Samira appeals to her mother for help in her budding romance with Carlos, but Latifah tells her:
Tienes que sacarte a ese hombre de tu corazón.
You have to get over him (literally: remove this man from your heart).

Zein and Jade are arriving in Miami. He wants to know if the man in her past is from Morocco or the United States but she refuses to talk about him.

At the gym, Alej and Diana continue their conversation. ¡No puede ser! (It can’t be) insists Alej. But Diana isn’t repeating gossip: She actually saw Nati drunk and high and obviously spending a ton of money. The increasingly miserable Alej remembers Lucas telling him about the money he gave her to buy appliances. I’m telling you this as a friend, says Diana:
Aléjate de esa niña, ella no te conviene.
Stay away from that girl, she’s not good for you.

We flash briefly to Nati and Paula, still high, walking along the road where we saw them trying to hitch a ride yesterday.

Luisa and Albieri are in the ruins in Fez. She asks what he was trying to do (she uses the verb: pretender) by coming here. Was he going to stay? Did he make the decision to leave her so easily?

Alí still can’t make sense of what Albieri has done. Finally he tells Zoraida:
Si sucedió, es porque Ala lo permitió.
If it happened it’s because Allah permitted it.

Dora is in Caliente, Cris’s bar, where Miguel is once again attentive to her. Vicki tells her that Cris called. She is on her way back to Miami and she’s furious with Dora. She plans to set things straight (aclarar cuentas) with Dora and Leonardo and the whole truth (toda la verdad) will come to light. ¿Pero cuál verdad? (but what truth?) asks a bewildered Dora.

The maids in Alí’s house are cowering. Zoraida explains to Alí that they are afraid of Albieri; if he comes back, they will run away. But he’s not an evil spirit, says Alí, he’s just a man, a man I’ve known all my life.

In Miami, Rania and Amina discuss the genio malo in Alí’s house. (It seems Abdul, in addition to his other charms, is an incorrigible yenta and called the good sisters to spread the word.).

Jadiya wants to know why Rania is changing everything around in the house; her mother isn’t going to like it. Rania sits down quietly with Jadiya and explains as gently and kindly as she can that Jade will be living in a different house. But Rania loves her and will take care of her… Okay. That would be in an alternate universe...

..In this universe, Rania screams in her face that her mother has gone off with another man, and that she, Rania, will do what she damn well pleases because she’s in charge now. I’m going to tell my father what you are doing, retorts Jadiya. Go, tell him, shrieks Rania. (And to give you an idea of how mean she is, Amina has to remind her to cool it, that Jadiya is just a child.).

Elsewhere in Miami Jade is burning as she recalls Lucas’s words when he asked her to trust him, that he would be there for her. Mentiroso, falso… !

Pablo shows up at Salamandra in response to a message Malicia left for him. She wants his help with a problem. She has found so many serious errors in Cris’s work that it looks like Rogelio may be giving her Cris’s job. What should she do? You should talk to Cris, answers Pablo. But what would you do if they offered you the job?
Si fuera yo, no lo aceptaría.
If it were me, I wouldn’t accept it, answers Pablo. (If clause: fuera: imperfect subjunctive of ser; Then clause: conditional of aceptar)
But this job is all I have, says the winsome Malicia, and things aren’t going so well with my boyfriend…
Oh, well, that’s different, says Pablo.

In Fez, Luisa and Albieri get Cris’s note saying she has returned to Miami. And she has taken Daniel with her!

And back in Said’s house in Miami, Jadiya is desolate. She tells her father that Rania changed everything and her mother won’t like it. Tenemos que hablar (we have to talk) says Said as he strokes her hair lovingly. But when is my mother coming back? Jadiya asks.
Nunca. No va a volver nunca.
Never. She’s never coming back.

An angry Jade accosts Lucas in the street in Miami. I don’t want to have anything to do with you, she tells him, but there’s one thing you owe me:
Quiero que me devuelvas a Jadiya.
I want you to return Jadiya to me.
Once again she tells him she has given up everything for him and he has ruined her life.

As they are talking, an image of Daniel comes to her unbidden. She seems spooked, momentarily.

He begs her to listen. He still loves her. He intends to keep his promise to her. He asks her to go to their apartment to talk. She agrees but insists she will take her own taxi there.

Jadiyah, meanwhile, is pleading with Said to bring her mother back to her. He did everything he could, he tells her, but in the end she didn’t love him and she didn’t love her daughter. She turned her back on us (Nos dio la espalda), he tells his heartbroken daughter. She rejected her veil and she rejected us. Rania will be a good mother to you now. No! cries Jadiya and she runs out of the room leaving Said slumped on the floor, weeping.

Jadiya walks downstairs, passes Rania and Amina and heads out to the garden followed by Said. R&A follow him. ¿Qué pasa, mi amor? (what’s wrong/ what’s happening my love) Just leave me alone, she says. Yes, déjala (leave her) advise R&A.

We are back in Fez with Alí and Zoraida. Said has called to say:
Jadiya no se conforma… no deja de llorar.
Jadiya is unhappy... she won’t stop crying.
Said would like Zoraida to fly out to Miami immediately to take care of his daughter. Alí tells her to go but reminds her that Jade chose her fate. And so, for that matter, did Albieri choose his fate when he had the hubris to think he could create life. But remember, says Alí to Zoraida:
No vayas a conspirar con Jade porque te corto la lengua.
You’re not going to conspire with Jade or I’ll cut your tongue out.

The following scene is all Naz:

She comes to visit Jadiya, and is appalled by what she sees. What did those animals do to you? she wants to know. I want my mommy, says Jadiya. My father says I’ll never see her again. The Naz dismisses this, saying:
Tu papá ha dicho muchas babosadas.
Your father’s talking drivel. (babosada is related to the word baba, drool)
I’ll find out the truth and I’ll tell you what’s what. But for now, how about a story?

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Nazira. So great was her beauty that suitors came from everywhere just to gaze upon her. When she danced, it drove them mad. (Here we see the fantasy Naz belly-dancing for her admirers, an appreciative Alí prominent among them) The Princess –Odaliscas were sick with envy and so they conspired against her. (The PO’s are Latifa, Jade, Amina and Rania, of course).

One day, the handsomest man on earth (Pablo) came in search of a wife. The PO’s conspired to keep the handsome Prince Pablo from seeing Princess Nazira. Indeed, they called the executioners (Verdugos), scary black-garbed figures, to first remove Prince Pablo from the scene and then to lock up the beautiful Naz in a tower so high and far away that no one could hear her screams for help. (Mohamed and Said are los Verdugos).

With Princess Naz out of the way, the PO’s compete among themselves for the Prince’s attention. But to no avail: none of them is beautiful enough for him.

One day as the Princess Naz is bemoaning her fate, she sees a bottle in a corner. She opens it and an enormous genie pops out. She gets three wishes.

A key to unlock the tower and escape? suggests Jadiya. (Alas she is familiar with ogres locking up princesses in towers and in her experience, a key is paramount.) No, says the Naz. The genie can open the door by magic. She chooses instead:
una alfombra mágica (a magic carpet) y una varita paralizante (a ‘paralyzing’ wand)
[So if anybody can spot the third wish, let me know. I count only two.]

The genie releases her from the tower. When the PO’s see that she is free, they call for the Verdugos. But Princess Naz taps all but Prince Pablo with her magic wand and her enemies are frozen. Then Princess Naz and Prince Pablo run away to get married. After several days flight on the magic carpet, they reach his kingdom.

Both the Naz and Jadiya take comfort in the story.

In Fez, Alí is smoking his water pipe (What is in that pipe? Does anyone know?). Albieri is with him and tells him he’s going back to Miami that very night. Alí says:
Me buscaste para que te aconsejara y lo voy a hacer. Creo que debes hacer público lo que hiciste.
You sought me out so I could give you advice, so I’ll do so. I think you should make public what you did.
He goes on: In the godless west, it will probably make you famous. Maybe they’ll give you prizes. But on Judgment Day, you’ll see what’s more important: the prizes or the lives you destroyed to do your experiments.
Albieri says he’s more concerned with how he’ll be judged on earth. Alí reminds him that everything earthly is ephemeral. Only Allah is eternal.

In the final scene, Lucas is begging Jade to let him explain what has happened. She remains stony. Don’t dare lay a finger on me again, she tells him. It’s over. Nunca estuvo escrito. (It was never written).


Dinero #169- 8-5-10: Susana Slaps, Screams, Sulks, And Is Generally NOT Herself

Dandy lets Carmela know that he’s been driving the ladies wild since the tender age of 15. She understands why and starts trying to suck off his face to show her understanding. Unfortunately, Susana sees this lip lock/face lock and is not so understanding. She approaches an unsuspecting Dandy, and grabs him by the hair, releasing him from Carmela’s jaws. After a few choice words, Susana winds up to deliver a monumental slap to Dandy’s cheek. Unfortunately, our resident skinny drunk guy gets in the way and receives the message intended for Dandy. Carmela wants to know who this woman is. Dandy says she is his girlfriend. Susana corrects him and says she WAS his girlfriend. She then delivers a few more choice words (it’s all too painful to detail), and storms out in tears. Carmela tries to cheer Dandy up by asking why he wants that little girl when he can have a whole lot of woman like Carmela. Dandy collapses into his chair and over a table in despair, and Carmela collapses into her chair in defeat. No Nelson nooky for Carmela.

A weeping Susana rushes by Rafa and into Ale’s office. Rafa knows something bad went down and calls Dandy to get the 411. Unfortunately, Dandy still has his phone shut off, and is probably contemplating suicide at this point. Rafa is joined by Pepeto and Ramirez, who saw Susana and also want to know what’s up. Their answer soon arrives in the form of the walking dead Dandy. They drag his lifeless body into the meeting room.

Dandy explains all and calls Carmela a demon. The boys lament that they have accomplished nothing from all their efforts. In fact, things are worse than they were before. Rafa is even further away from getting Ale back, and Dandy and Susana are over. Rafa begs for Dandy’s forgiveness, but Dandy has gone to an inner place far, far away. Poor Dandy! Rafa then gets excited and says that all is not lost. This gets Dandy’s attention. “I can get back my Nonicita!” Rafa has to dial back the enthusiasm. “Nope. Sorry Dandy. I meant getting the bank loan.” Dandy returns to the safe place in his mind.

Susana, who had been bawling in Ale’s office and getting a massage and hugs from her BFF, has now returned to her desk for a bit of much needed meditation (ohmmm…). It doesn’t work as well when you’re crying though. Rafa interrupts and gives his lame non-excuse about everything being cleared up eventually, and then she’ll see she was wrong about Dandy. Susana doesn’t want to hear half excuses. Well, then Rafa has a favor to ask her. Is Rafa looking to get slapped? He wants her to call up the bank and check on the status of his loan application. Susana gives him a firm NO. I say he’s very lucky he escaped with his life.

Rafa heads back to his not so merry band of men and calls the bank. The answer is (drumroll please)…NO. Well, then there’s no choice in the matter. Rafa has to marry Vicky. Ramirez accepts that it’s their fate to be in unhappy marriages- He to his wife; Rafa to Vicky; Ale to Marco; and Dandy to…well, to someone who is NOT Susana. Dandy collapses into a puddle of tears. They then wonder if they should send Dandy back on the Carmela mission since he has nothing to lose now (just rub it in guys). Clearly the soulless shell that was once Dandy will not be able to adequately protect himself against Carmela the Ardent. How about Zetina? Rafa proclaims that he hasn’t been doing much other than running up taxi fares. How about putting Dandy on Marco’s trail instead? He can’t sell many cars in this state anyway. They all think it’s not too bad of an idea. Dandy does not react.

On the sales floor, Marino tries to dump a potential client on the General when his girlfriend (or his next victim as the General calls her) strolls in. The General will only do it if she gets credit for the sale. His girlfriend's trucks aren’t ready yet, but Marino wants them to celebrate nonetheless. They decide to celebrate at her place so that he can meet her sons. She thinks her sons will be like the sons Marino has never had. Claudia nearly chokes on her coffee when she hears this. Once Marino’s next victim leaves, Rosuara asks him if she know about all the kids he does have. Marino tells her to keep her big gossipy mouth shut.

After the not so merry band disbands, Dandy attempts one more time to talk to Susana. She does not want to hear anything from him or see him. She is hysterical, and very un-Susana-like, yelling at him to beat it (vete!). She winds up for another slap, and this time she connects with her intended target, Dandy’s cheek. Ramirez drags a shell shocked Dandy away and they nearly run into Marco who is just entering the sales floor.

Marco is on the phone with Chavez, arranging the fake exorcism of the hacienda by the Great Mololongo. He then surprises Ale who is just heading back into her office. They both don’t hear Susana’s warning that Rafa is in his adjoining office. Marco has purchased two tickets for himself and Ale to Brazil! Not only does he want them to go there for their honeymoon, he wants them to live there. Yep, that’s right. Permanently. Rafa is just as shocked as we are as he overhears this from his office. Marco has it all planned out, and Ale can barely come up with reasons not to go along with this plan. Urdiales is starting a new business in Brazil and wants Marco to manage it. No, he’s not mad about the wedding invitation gaffe anymore. Marco will have a huge salary. They can sell the hacienda and buy a huge house there. Between the new job and the sale of the hacienda they can pay off all their debts. It will be easy for Ale to learn Portuguese. Of course they will send for her aunt and dad to come live with them. After all, Marco couldn’t possibly imagine living without them. He tops it all off with a little samba hum and dance.

Marco’s Brazil sales pitch is interrupted by a call. He has to go, but before he does, he does another happy little samba hum and dance, which Ale mimics. Once he leaves, her false smile fades and her face looks just as grim as Rafa’s, who is standing in the doorway between their offices. Ale is startled by his presence. Rafa looks defeated. He assures her he’ll have the truck business wrapped up and pay her back. He leaves to gather the not so merry band and tell them about the latest Brazil developments. The guys wonder how Marco can afford to take Ale off to Brazil if he’s got nothing to his name. In Ale’s office, Susana is wondering the same thing. Susana wonders what Rafa said. Ale says he said nothing. Susana then informs her Rafa huddled with his buddies when he left the office. Ale is sure this group included that lout Dandy, but Susana tells her that actually Dandy is sulking at his desk. Ale thinks he deserves it.

Meanwhile, Marco has stepped outside to inform Chavez that Carmela called him. He is sure she wants her money. When he arrives at Carmela’s office, it is obvious that her sexual frustration with Dandy has put her in a foul mood. Her assistants are bearing her unhappy shouts and insults. Marco wraps up a call with Claudia, who wants to give him a bachelor party send-off for one. More importantly, she tells him about Rafa’s upcoming marriage. Marco is very happy. And Carmela’s very happy to see her bon bon when he enters her office. One of her assistants comments that Carmela is going to eat richly today as she exits and soaks up the view of Marco. But Carmela’s been down the Marco road before. She appreciates the majestic view from the window, but she knows as soon as she steps outside of the car to try to take it all in, she’ll step right into a pile of moose poop. All she wants from Marco this time is her money. Marco informs her that he will have the money once he sells the hacienda. He has been given power of attorney to do whatever he wants with the hacienda, and what he wants to do is sell it. But first he needs the certificate stating that the hacienda is free from embargo. Carmela is impressed by his devious plan, and impressed he’s managed to con Ale and her family after all this time. She’ll give him a copy of the certificate, but not the original. But she doesn’t think it will be so easy to sell a hacienda quickly. She has a plan however, which we’ll have to wait to hear in another episode. Zetina is watching this whole exchange and calls to report to Rafa when Carmela goes to make the copy.

Back at Siglo, things are going from bad to worse. Susana is now refusing to answer the phone. Rafa answers a wrong number call from someone looking for a psychiatric hospital. Rafa tells them it’s not a psychiatric hospital, but close. (lol!) Susana has retreated to Ale’s office again. She can’t keep working in this same place as Dandy. She has to leave. Ale tries to console her, but they’re interrupted by Beltran. He and Doña Arcadia want to see Ale and Rafa in Arcadia’s office, right away. When they arrive, Beltran and Arcadia want to know what the management plan for the sales team is going to be while Ale and Rafa are off getting married and honeymooning at the same time. Rafa assures them he’s leaving Siglo at the end of the month. Beltran wants to know what up with those Celeste trucks. He hasn’t seen any down payment money come in. Rafa and Ale try to explain about the buyer with trust issues, but they are sure he will come through. Rafa personally takes responsibility for it, and Beltran and Arcadia calm down. Next they want to know what the plan is for Ale while she’s away. Ale also says she’s not returning, and Rafa blurts out that she’s moving to Brazil. Arcadia and Beltran wax poetic about Brazil as a perfect honeymoon spot, and wonder if Rafa is going on a honeymoon. When he says not and talks about the expense, they wonder what he’s doing with those huge commissions he’s been getting. He and Ale pass guilty looks. Beltran and Arcadia end the meeting rather pleasantly by stating that the doors of Siglo will always be open to both of them if they want to come back. Once they leave, Arcadia comments on love making people do stupid things (Amen Arcadia), and urges her puppies not to fall in love.

Outside of Arcadia’s office, Rafa and Ale breathe a sigh of relief that Beltran didn’t push them about the down payment. Ale then mentions that this may be the last time they see each other as they both have packed schedules from now until their fast approaching weddings. Yikes!

Tomorrow: There is no show tomorrow because of the Pecado finale, which I will be watching.


Corazon Salvaje 8/5/10 Please Stop Crying. I Can't Take it Any more!

Ep 119

We begin our episode with one of the saddest episodes I’ve ever seen in a TN. And since Jeri covered it so eloquently yesterday I would not dishonor it by trying to recap it again.

Juan, so worn out, finally falls asleep as he continues to tenderly hold his mother in his strong arms. He remembers all the good times they had in their short time together. Regina and the boyz approach him and he wakes with a start. He holds up the rosary and the shark’s tooth and asks them where is God. Where is the light to save my mother. Just one more minute, one more minute. Everyone looks so sad. Remi says we have to take your mother to prepare her for burial. Juan is still babbling. Pedro tells him his mother is no longer with us. Juan continues to babble. Remi says that they are the same. They have both felt the loss of a mother. And here is your family. Everyone is crying. Regina, Colibri, Jimena, Gabe, me. Remi continues, it’s time to let her go. You have to let her go. It is time for her to rest in peace. Juan says you are my brother. You understand my pain. He won’t let him take her. Nobody will take her. He starts to get off the rocks. Then there’s a break and it looks like maybe the scene was cut.

Rodrigo is wandering around the house. He goes into a bedroom.

They’ve managed to get Juan off the rocks and he’s carrying his mother. Gabe gives it a try and says something about stars but I can’t hear over the waves. Juan says no and continues walking. Jimena tries next. She says she understands. His pain is her pain also. He needs to let them take her. He says no. You can’t take her. They all gang up on him but he still won’t let her go. He’s swinging her around and if this wasn’t so sad it would be funny. Because if it was me, I’d be laughing my ass off.

Rodrigo is apparently in MdR’s bedroom. He remembers the night he discovered JDD there in her room. How he wanted to kill JDD but MdR wouldn’t let him. He remembers how he would rather kill her than let her be with JDD. He says to himself that she is dying. The love of his life is dying. He cries. Good. You hateful bastard. He touches the pillow. Why didn’t you love me? Do you really want me to go there? Why, why? He rolls around on her bed. Seriously, are we supposed to feel sorry for him?

Back on the beach it looks like Regina is up to bat. Remember all the good times you had. She’s with your father. No matter what she says he still won’t let MdR go. Think of your parents to together. She’s making some progress it seems. We’ll take her to Penon del Diablo. The boyz start moving in from behind. She begs him some more. He agrees to take her Penon del Diablo. Just when I thought they were going to grab MdR from him, he gets up and starts walking with her. They prepare the Juan De Dios boat for her with flowers and torches. They play music and sing and she’s dressed all in white. Remi tells him everything is ready whenever he decides to go. All the guys are wearing black bows on their sleeves. They get her situated on the boat.

Rodrigo has stopped crying on the bed and gets up to wander down to the dungeon. He follows the hallways until he gets to the cell where MdR was kept. He looks around and swears that he will do something with his own hands. He finds her veil and picks it up and sniffs it. I’m not even going to go there. He finds the doll. He picks it up and throws it on the floor in disgust. He sits in the chair and starts talking to the veil. He repeats her name.

Juan slowly rows his mother’s body to the island. Colibri blows a horn. Juan conducts his own private ceremony. He looks to the sky and says that now his parents are together. He’s made a giant flower heart and his mother is in the center. He says that in memory of his mother his name is now and forever Juan de Dios San Roman Montes de Oca. He asks El Senor to let her rest in peace. He starts to recite the Lord’s prayer as a white dove flies into the middle of the grave and away. I’m not sure if that is supposed to symbolize his mother’s soul passing or whether it is JDD coming for her. You decide. I hear this song in my head as I watch this scene:

Lay down your sweet and weary head,
Night is falling, you have come to journey’s end.
Sleep now, and dream of the ones who came before,
They are calling from across a distant shore.
Why do you weep? What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see, all of your fears will pass away.
Sail for miles, you're only sleeping.


What can you see on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea a pale moon rises,
The ships have come to carry you home.
And all will turn to silver glass,
A light on the water, all souls pass.

Hope fades into the world of night,
Through shadows falling out of memory and time.
Don’t say, We have come now to the end?
White shores are calling, you and I will meet again
And you’ll be here in my arms, just sleeping.


What can you see on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea a pale moon rises,
The ships have come to carry you home.
And all will turn to silver glass
A light on the water, Grey Ships pass into the west.

Back on the beach Pedro is thanking Remi for taking care of that situation. He says of course.
He is my brother. Santos says he is a brother to all of us. Gabe says he is his patron as well as his friend and also a father. Jacinta says something and Jimena says they are all feeling the pain but not as much as Juan. He went all these years thinking she was dead and then he found her. And then he had to lose her all over again. But finally his parents are together. Jacinta notices the ring and Jimena says it is her engagement ring. Gabe has asked her to marry him. Santos and Jacinta are getting married too. Gabe goes over to Remi and tells him that he needs to be happy too. Don’t let your pride get in your way. He watches Gabe and Jimena together and looks very sad.

Lulu lights a candle and thinks about Remi and thought bubbles that she thanks Remi for changing her life. For his love, his innocence. And for believing in her. For this she needs to show him that she loves him. She cries and wishes he would forgive her.

Meanwhile Rod is still babbling incoherently to the black veil. FF>> We don’t really care.

And now for something completely different:

Renato is in the parlor drinking. I wouldn’t drink that stuff if I were you. Didn’t you learn your lesson last time? Amy barges in looking for her dad. She can’t find him anywhere. Tomorrow she’ll go look again. Renato says she only wants to find her dad so she can go live with him in his house. Aimee says don’t you remember--He interrupts her and says don’t you remember when I told you to get lost? She tries to argue with him and he grabs her arm. When I call you you will come right away. She chastises him for being so rough and says how can you treat me that way when I’m your wife and I’m expecting your child. I can’t wait for him to find out that she’s not really pregnant. He says well then it is better that this future mother get her rest. She gets all snotty about it. If you don’t want to talk then I’ll leave. You only want to drink anyway. You don’t want to confront reality that is why you drink. Hmmm… that sounds suspiciously like my ex-husband. Bad day at work--better have a beer. Messed up on the video game--better have another beer (or two, or three, or 10). Stubbed my toe--better make that a shot of Southern Comfort. I think you get the drift. Is anyone else getting really sick of Renato and Aimee besides me? Renato says you got that right. I drink to forget what a lying ho you are. She tries to bring up Regina but he’s like just shut up and let me drink in peace. I can’t say I blame him there. He says well if you won’t leave then I will. She tells him not to go. He tells her the only thing she is interested in is his position, his name, his fortune. I married you and now you are the boss of everything. He picks up the decanter to pour another drink. I have a bad feeling about this particular decanter.

Back on the beach Clem and Regina are discussing the sad death of Juan’s mother. The death of a mother is a terrible thing. But finally she is happy. They agree. Regina tells Clem that Renato lost his half of the finca in a card game. Everything is Juan’s now. Clem looks surprised. What’s going to happen? Regina doesn’t know. Clem tells her not to worry about it. She tells Clem that Aimee was here. She shakes her head as she tells Clem that Aimee confessed that she’s not expecting a child. I see this as a golden opportunity to get even with her. But that’s just me. Clem is astounded and says Aimee is playing with fire. Yep. Clem is very afraid what Renato will do when he finds out.

Renato is to the point that he doesn’t really care what happens. Blah blah blah. Aimee’s lines, Renato’s lines. He grabs the decanter and heads for the stairs. This time she tells him to get lost and don’t come back. He gets in her face and must smell bad because she keeps putting the fan in front of her nose. He says he could kill her. Oh good. Renato’s pretty snockered by now. I don’t know if it is from the alcohol or the sleepy time potion that was put in the brandy. He starts to go up the staircase of death. We haven’t had a good death by staircase in quite a while so maybe we are in luck. Aimee thinks to herself what a dumbass he is for drinking the wrong alcohol with the potion in it. Maybe he will die.

Raul is at Noel’s office. He wanted to see Noel immediately. He wasn’t sure he had heard the news. News? What news? You don’t know? Raul is a little surprised. Tonight Renato lost his half of the finca in a card game. Noel comes out of his chair on that one. Oh Renato my son! Who did he lose it to? To Juan de Dios San Roman. Noel has to think about that one. So now Juan has more than half of his inheritance! Man, that Noel. You can’t put one past him can you?

Juan finally shows up at the beach house. Everyone is glad to see him. Jimena says now you can be at peace. You have completed your promise to your mother. Santos says we are all here. We are not just your friends we are your family. Amen brother. Thanks to God that I have you all as my friends. My mother said that my friends would give me support and strength. He calls Regina to him. He thanks her for everything. You will illuminate my way the rest of my days. She says yes. They hug. Colibri gives a cute smile. Dr. Pablo shows up late to the party and tells Juan how sorry he is about his mother. Regina says she and Clem would have come for him but they knew there wasn’t much time. He understands and goes to stand awkwardly against the wall. Regina tells Juan that now his mother is not alone. He says yes, she is not alone. My mother accompanied my father and now they are together.

Rod somehow has made it back upstairs and overhears Noel shouting at Leo to see his son. He starts yelling for Renato. Leo tells him to He says he just found out that Renato lost the finca. Rod is surprised to hear this tidbit of news. He continues to listen and thought bubble to himself that it can’t be possible. Leo and Noel continue arguing and Noel says she ‘d better make preparations to leave. She’s not having any of that. She’s not going anywhere. That bastard Juan is not going to get this finca. Rod didn’t like the sound of that either. It can’t be possible.

Renato is lying in bed fully clothed and doesn’t look like he’s feeling all that great. He’s having some serious nightmares. Raul is telling him that Juan is more intelligent than he is. Well, yeah. Everyone is laughing at him. Juan is holding a bag of money and a piece of paper and waiving it at him. He tells him what an idiot he is and now he has everything. Bwaaah, Bwaaah! Renato wakes up and tries to get out of bed. He falls back down. Freaky music plays in the background. Then we get scary music as Renato falls back one last time on the bed.


Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-08-04: The white dove comes for María del Rosario

Episode 118

At Raúl's, Inéz Villareal continues frantically demanding why her husband and Noel think Salma is not their granddaughter, when from down the hall Mariela approaches and stops in her tracks, spying Noel. She greets him, saying how nice it is to see him; to which he shyly turns and returns her sentiment.

Mariela remarks on the lovely day and invites Noel to stroll with her; and after the Villareals gladly excuse him, Noel approaches Mariela and pointedly takes her hand to kiss it, looking into her eyes. Noel promises Alberto to return and finish the earlier conversation, and Mariela takes his arm as they exit.

The moment they do, Inéz rounds on Alberto once again, pleading for an explanation; but Alberto can't get over the idea of Mariela and Noel together and that they're even using informal address. Inéz won't be distracted, and he must finally regretfully tell her it's true that Noel suspects Salma is not their granddaughter.

At the cottage, María del Rosario's health is much worse, and she can't eat for coughing. Regina is just praying for God's help that she doesn't suffer when a black figure creeps in through the doorway. Regina is startled to see it's her father, and he's looking for María del Rosario. Where is she? Rodrigo begs.

Back at Raul's, Alberto concedes they only have suspicions; but he's noticed some inconsistencies, like how Salma doesn't really know the town. Inéz desperately worries a deception would break Mariela's heart; while behind the wall in the hallway Salma eavesdrops -- and behind the next wall, Lulu eavesdrops on her, like a mirror looking in a mirror.

At the cottage, Regina tries to stop Rodrigo; but María del Rosario appears from her bedroom and assures Regina it's all right; she wants to talk to him alone. After Regina exits, when María del Rosario warily asks what he wants, Rodrigo lowers himself to one knee and proposes marriage!

In a carriage on a country lane, Mariela grins at Noel across the seat and asks why he's gazing at her so intently. Noel removes his Magical Mystery Tour sunglasses and observes that Mariela so reminds him of someone that he can't put his finger on.

She laughs and asks if it's a former lady friend, and he chuckles and ruefully denies he had any lady friends except Leonarda. Mariela admits she only had her husband, as well; and she was widowed at a young age. Then she lost her daughter and was consumed with finding her.

When Noel asks if she feels particularly sympathetic to Jimena, Mariela confides in a whisper that it pains her to admit she identifies more with Jimena. She hasn't seen much of her, she explains, because her parents think it would hurt Salma. Just then the carriage lurches violently and dumps Mariela into Noel's lap.

Slightly abashed face to face, Mariela seems in no hurry to jump off. Noel gentlemanly ascertains her well being and then launches out of the carriage to find out what the hell happened. As it turns out, the driver narrowly missed a young girl in the lane. When Mariela hears it was in fact Jimena, she runs to embrace her.

At the cottage, Rodrigo is still on bended knee, and María del Rosario wants to know if he's lost his mind. Rodrigo recalls he thought he had lost his mind when he saw her "dead;" when she appeared later as the black-veiled woman in his room; and when he saw her in front of the townhouse.

Rodrigo rises and rushes to her, grasping her hands; but now that he's seen her alive -- and not a ghost, he says, he's come back to his senses. And that's why he's asked her to marry him, he says earnestly; because he's never, ever, stopped loving her. María del Rosario looks at him blank faced.

He eagerly pulls a little red box out of his jacket pocket, explaining breathlessly that this is the ring from the day so long ago of his first proposal -- when that damned fisherman took her away from him! he grits out, shaking a fist. María del Rosario moves away and observes she never belonged to Rodrigo.

Looking him in the eyes, she calmly maintains that her heart always did and always will belong to Juan de Dios San Roman. Rodrigo begs her painfully to please not say that name! He still hates him. But the fisherman is dead, and they two are still alive, he points out. He urges her to take the ring and marry him.

María del Rosario reaches up, closes the ring box and lifts a hand to Rodrigo's cheek, which he gratefully covers with his hand. Poor Rodrigo, she says; he never changes. He never has understood that love doesn't obey orders. She can't marry him, María del Rosario repeats. She's a married woman; married to Juan de Dios.

Rodrigo angrily responds that it's a lie! The guards interrupted the wedding, he insists. María del Rosario observes that it's so difficult for him to understand that Juan de Dios and she swore eternal love -- and that soon she's going away with him. She astounds Rodrigo by explaining she's condemned to death.

Out on the country lane where Mariela and Jimena embrace, Noel looks on and now realizes that of course Mariela reminds him of Jimena. They look a lot like each other, and with dawning comprehension he concludes they look like mother and daughter. Is it possible Jimena is the real daughter of Mariela? he wonders.

Back at the cottage, Rodrigo cannot stomach the idea that María del Rosario might die; but it's true, she says. Rising and looking distant, she adds that she has very little time remaining. If he really does love her, she wants him to let her die in peace. She's already forgiven him. Rodrigo is devastated and exits.

Lulu and Gabriel meet in the plaza, where Lulu reports that Salma always acts preoccupied and sad when she's alone, like she's pining away for somebody. When Lulu adds she saw Salma giving money to Servando, Gabriel thinks it's hush money -- and that if money can shut him up, money could also make him reveal the real Angela.

At the cottage, Clemencia is astounded Regina left Rodrigo alone with María del Rosario, but Regina insists Rodrigo loves her and couldn't hurt her. María del Rosario emerges from the bedroom to say she is feeling much worse, can't rest and is glad they are there. She doesn't want to be alone. She collapses on the floor.

When the women return her to bed and want to call the doctor, she insists they should stay; these are her last moments, she says. María del Rosario tells Regina she must remain strong and help her son, and Regina tearfully promises to do so. Clemencia swears through tears to continue to be like a mother to Juan.

Just then Juan charges in, bearing his mother's favorite sweets; but is brought up short by the sad scene. He can't believe it when Clemencia tells him his mother is dying. He quickly sits by her side and takes her hand, as she weeps over the suffering he's had to endure.

Juan tearfully begs her not to abandon him. Please don't go! But it's not she who decides, his mother says; it's God. Juan can't accept it; he doesn't want her to leave him, he repeats. No! She says he must continue to be strong, but Juan defiantly refuses. He doesn't want to be strong! He doesn't want her to leave!

He drops his head on her chest, weeping, and she asks him not to suffer for her sake. They weep together and she entreats him not to fight it. She's going to reunite with his father, she whispers. Searching Juan's face, she marvels how much he looks like his father. He's coming for her, as he promised, she assures Juan.

This thought mollifies Juan. She seems so sure of that, he observes. Juan wipes his tears on his shirtsleeve and sits up. All right, he relents. He will take her to wait for Juan de Dios. Pulling back the covers, he lifts his mother up into his arms. They'll go and wait for his father, he says.

Juan carries his mother to the shore, where their friends and family are gathered, and explains he must take her -- his father is waiting. He carries her up the shoreline, away from them, sobbing, step by step, slowly leaving friends and family behind as they approach the rocks -- the last barrier before the eternity of the sea beyond.

Sitting on the rocks in her son's arms, María del Rosario, remembers the sea, where she met his father. The sea was always a witness to their love, she says. She knows why Juan called himself Juan de Diablo, but that's over now; no more vengeance, no more tears, no more hate. His father and she will be together.

Juan still doesn't want her to go, he says. But she wants to be happy with his father, she says, and so she gives Juan back his real name: Juan de Dios. Juan kisses her hand, relents and tearfully promises to remember all the advice she gave him and do whatever she wants. And so from now on he is Juan de Dios, he says.

God is love, his mother tells him. And now that Juan's known this feeling -- now that he loves and is loved -- he belongs to God, she says with a beatific smile. Juan promises through tears that he will remember all her words; but just don't leave yet, he pleads.

He shouldn't worry for her sake, his mother says; she leaves gladly. And she thanks heaven that she had a chance to hold him in her arms, even if it was just for a little while. As the sun progresses lower in the western sky, she tells him she endured all those years clutching a rag bundle, hoping to see Juan again.

When she tells him that not for one moment in all that time did she stop thinking about him, Juan cries "Mámi!" into the crook of her neck and is wracked with sobs. To find him, she continues, was the only thing that maintained her life. Despite the sadness, despite the suffering, he gave her the strength.

And she wants him to be strong now. Juan says he understands that she has to go, because her life has been one of martyrdom and she has completed her duty to God about him. For that she deserves heaven; but he doesn't want her to go yet, Juan pleads again, inconsolably.

My son, she says, I would never leave you alone. Placing her hand over Juan's heart, his mother assures him she will always have a place in there. She wants God to always protect him, so she gives him her blessing. Juan kisses her hand and says Amen, but calls it back. No, he can't let her go! he sobs with fresh tears.

Wait, wait, Juan says. He wants to give her something, too. Juan removes the rosary that belonged to her which Clemencia gave him long ago -- and the shark's tooth from his father; and his mother holds them, smiling. The sun progresses lower and lower in the western sky, and his mother says it's the most beautiful evening she's ever seen.

She met him in the sea and she lost him in the sea, María del Rosario says. And only the sea can return him to her. Offering the two symbols of herself and Juan de Dios in her hand together up to the setting sun, María del Rosario repeats that she met him in the sea; she lost him in the sea; and only the sea can return him to her.

"Juan..." she whispers, as her hand slowly lowers, her head drops to her son's chest, and her arm falls slowly from around his shoulders. Juan knows his mother is gone and keens No, mother, no! Still holding her and kissing her hand, he can't let her go. He still needs to tell her about himself; tell her his story.

He needs to tell her how he became Juan del Diablo, what happened during the many years of her absence. Rocking back and forth with her, he begs her not to go. Just one more moment! He needs to tell her about himself; needs his mother to get to know him. His father was a very brave man whom Juan loved so much.

Juan recounts how he met his dad, went to live with him and heard his father's story -- how he thought she was dead. He needs her to listen to him; please don't go, he asks, sobbing. Juan caresses his mother's face and kisses her cheek. Gazing at the same sunset she did, he agrees it's the most beautiful evening.

Now there won't be any more suffering, any more sorrow; because she'll be with him and be happy, Juan says. All the happiness that never could be while on this damned earth! Juan sits with her and mourns as the sun sets and into the darkness. He still sits, cradling his mother, with only the moonlight.


Dinero #168 8/4/10 Big rats, pigs and small animals

Tonight was quite interesting. Lots of little scenes and some revealing characteristics of our minor characters. We learned that Azucena is not to be messed with. That Filepe (the little one) of the brothers Grimm has a soft side for small animals and Pancho (the big goofus) would make a sweet uncle. We learned a little Japanese. We learned that Chispe (Marians secretary) is irreplaceable. We also learned that Manrique (who we haven’t seen for a while ) speaks several languages. Not much plot movement when all is said but I think tonight’s ending was one of the toughest cliffhangers we have had in a while. I am so glad I am not recapping the next episode. So here’s to it.

Our last night repeat scenes include the Brother’s Grimm trying to figure out how Vicky got pregnant, Marco getting some undeserved power, and Rafa not very happy over the idea of Juliette working for the lovely Marian. Oh and I forgot the crowing Rooster. It must be Wednesday.

Juliette wants to know why she can’t accept Marian’s job offer. Rafa tells her she needs to study. He is afraid if she starts working her studies will falter. Juliette reminds him that almost all her friends are working and going to school and the work experiencece will help her out once she finishes school. Rafa tells her Marian did not offer a job just to help her out. Lenora pipes in “Really? Than why did she do it?” Rafa bumbles about saying “I really don’t know but I will certainly talk to her this afternoon and tell her you are not taking the job.” Juliette informs Rafa that if he does that she will be really mad at him, and starts arguing. Lenora again adding her thoughts states that it might not be a bad idea, after all she could help out with the bills. Rafa retorts he is the man of the house and he will take care of the bills.

Juliette brings up a good point. He is about to get married. How does he think he is going to maintain two households. Juliette doesn’t believe Vicky would be overjoyed with that idea. Rafa doesn’t know why she would even bring Vicky into this matter. Lenora reminds him that she will soon be his wife and her daughter-in-law (nuera) as she gives some pause to the thought of Vicky as her daughter-in-law. Juliette continues her crusade as she tells Rafa sooner or later she is going to have to work and she doesn’t want to have to depend on him or a husband. Rafa bears teeth as he asks “Are you getting married?” Again Lenora feels compelled to enter the conversation defending Juliette saying, eventually when she gets married. She tells him there is nothing better than a women who knows how to work to be self sufficient.

Poor Rafa than asks why is he even there. Lenora reminds him that he is the best son and the best brother. He has always been responsible and caring but sooner or later he will have to give up this responsibility (liberarte ese carga). Juliette reminds him he has to live his life, take care of his wife and future children. But he will have to accept that one day she will go to work. Rafa says “what happens if we don’t want have kids“. Lenora reminds him that Vicky really wants to have lots of “pajaritos” Than she suggests that maybe they should have some pre-nuptial analysis done (blood test perhaps?).

Vicky is telling papa good bye and to have a good day as the men are off to work. Filepe tells her to be careful. They will be watching her. Pancho wants to know if it will be a boy or a girl, a Vickiecitta or Bofe. Vicky tells him she doesn’t know. Than Pancho wants to know if she has been nauseous. Vicky starts to kick him out but not before he has a chance to quickly belly talk to his future niece or nephew. As she closes the door she worries that things might get out of hand. (Duh!! ya think?)

Rosario and Azucena are out for a little ride when Rosario gets busted for making a turn without using her turn signal. Rosario wasn’t aware of this as the creepy cops pull her aside. She asks if they are going to give her a ticket (multar/ to fine or penalize). He tells her the fine is a “the minimum of 10 days solitary or 500 dollars (quinientos baros)”. Rosario tells them she doesn’t have that kind of money on her. They laugh at each other in that annoying way they have and Rosario steps out of the car and wants to know why they are laughing. Creepy cop number one tells her it is because "the lady from the hills (lomas/hilock or back of beyond) doesn‘t have the money".

Azucena to the rescue as she pops out of the car to go to Rosario’s aide. The creepier cop starts to hassle her as he says this is just what the Dr. ordered to cure his lonely nights and insomnia. He then asks her when he should come around to collect the bread (pan/ thinking money or maybe not?) Azucena does a slow countdown as our stupid cop thinks she is telling him what time to come by. When she reaches three she smacks him silly, calling them rude pigs ( pelados cochinos) and helps a very distraught Rosario back in the car. She turns to the cops and tells them if they fine Rosario she will accuse them of lacking morals, sexual assault and what ever else she can think of, turning indignantly away back to the car as she calls them pigs (cerdos/ another creative word for pigs). Rosario cries out an embarrassed apology as they drive away. Our creepy cop is left massaging his injured cheek saying “That is a real women” (verdadera hembra /real female).

Dandy is sneaking up to Susana’s desk carrying a little plant. It is an oriental rose. He explains what he named it in Japanese and it means that is how much he is in love with her (until something happens. I didn‘t catch it). He tells her if she doesn’t water it ( riegas), it will die like he is without her love. Susana goes about her typing not bothering to look at him but we see she is softening just a little, then chides him about his night out with Rafa. Dandy explains it was just a bachelor’s party and nothing happened. He tells her Vicky even showed up. He doesn’t know how she found out but she showed up. He begs her, attempting to hug her, to not be mad at him. Susana is protesting this as Ale walks in and curtly tells him to quit bugging Susana and get back to work. He reluctantly tells her fine but before he leaves he tells them that they are both wrong in what they believe he is doing with Rafa. All they are trying to do is expose the kind of person Marco really is and he makes a hasty retreat. Ale mouth a gap, turns to Susana and tells her “that’s all I need is for Dandy to be bad mouthing Marco.

Susana brushes this off and admires her plant. Ale wants to know what it is. Is it something to eat? Susana tells her it is a floral arrangement (arreglo). Ale sarcastically says how beautiful, as she goes into her office. Susana tells her not to make fun of it. Ale tells her not to believe his lies. Susana has warmed to her gift and tells Ale that she is charmed by it.

Ale continues making fun of Dandy’s gift and Susana tells her to stop being such a bore (pesada) and asks her how things are going at home. Ale informs her about Jorge needing to go to Switzerland today. Susana asks if he won’t be going to her wedding. Ale doesn’t know if he will be back. She tells Susana that Marco has told her not to worry about anything. He will take care of everything. Including having Jorge grant him power of attorney so he can see to the recuperation of the Hacienda. Susana chimes in or to sell it. Ale is offended by this remark and wants to know why the entire world thinks Marco is a crook,. If he was going to do something bad he would have done it a long time ago. She continues that Marco is a wonderful man and he adores Jorge. Susana asks if she cares for him a lot. Ale asks Susana whose side she is on Rafa or hers? She tells Ale that if she is not in love with Marco not to marry him.

Back from break we have a cute little scene with Trapito and an adorable young boy who has brought him his lunch. Rafa approaches and greets the young boy and warns him not to eat to much or he will get big like Trapito. Claudia and Rosaura rush up to Rafa and try to get the scoop on last nights fiesta. Rafa tells them there wasn’t much of a party and reminds them about the morning meeting.

Jorge has just signed the papers giving Marco power of attorney. He tells the clerk how thankful (agradecer) he is that he was able to see them today. He tells Marco between friends no thanks are needed. Jorge looks up and says “that’s it?” The clerk says that power of attorney his now in Ale and Marco’s name. I can’t think of an appropriate despicable name for Marco right now as he sweetly goes over to Jorge and tells him all that’s left is to get his tickets and pack his bags. The clerk asks what the hurry is to go to Switzerland. Jorge tells him he is not sure, it is probably to get a gift or a cow.

Rosario is on the phone thanking Manriquez for escorting Jorge even though Jorge hasn’t always treated him very well. Quintana is taking all this in, as Rosario hangs up and tells him Manriquez agreed to go to Switzerland. Quintana says he can’t believe that Jorge doesn’t remember anything about the account. He asks if he could have an investment there? All Rosario is worried about is that Jorge doesn’t have another heart attack while he is gone. Quintana (another person I lack appropriate despicable names for) goes to Rosario to offer his shoulder. She goes off to get him a coffee as Quintana thought bubbles “I knew it. I knew that Jorge had something in Switzerland.

We have are boring Siglo meeting where no new news is attended to. Ramirez has a rant about who will be in charge when Ale and Rafa leave. Rafa defends Ale and says she is the one who will stay and blah blah , as Ale smiles admirably on. Once he is done and the meeting is over it is a different story as Ale tells him she doesn‘t need his help or his generous words. Leaving Rafa behind with his mouth open giving an exasperated huh.

Now lets go over to the woman who really appreciates our sweet Rafa and would do anything to get closer to him including offering Juliette a job. Marian enters her office with her assistant Chespis close behind. Marian tells her “if his sister works here I will have access to Rafa and access to information about his life. That’s without telling him he owes me a favor.” Chespis wants to know what kind of job they will give her. They don’t even know what she is studying. Marian, very pleased with her plan says “That’s not important, what matters is to have her close. Anyway just ask her when she comes what she is studying and we will find her a job. It has to be an area where she will be close by and .I have close contact with her.”

Chespis is a little worried now and hopes she won’t offer Juliette her job. Marian teasingly gives this some thought than reassures her that she is invaluable to her. Chespis is still a little concerned that Marian might be a bit to much in love with Rafa.

Rafa is drilling Dandy about Carmella. Dandy is a little worried about this. He tells Rafa that this woman is insatiable. She cornered him in the archives and tried to use him like a sexual object. Rafa grins weirdly as Dandy tells him to stop. Dandy tells him that when he called him at her office Carmella got mad and kicked him out. He is sure that Susana knows all about it. Rafa assures him that things can’t be that bad and that they will get better.

Another little worthless moment when Pepito and Marino start going at it with no apparent reason and names are called and fists ready. Rafa tells Marino that the best revenge would be that Ale never leaves Siglo. And that he would have to wait for his next reincarnation to become the boss at Siglo.

Chavez is talking with Marco about his absolute power over Jorge’s hacienda and house. Marco smugly answers yes and that things couldn’t be any better. Chavez asks what if Ale doesn’t want to sell the hacienda. Marco tells him it doesn’t matter because he has Jorge’s absolute trust and confidence. Chavez also asks why Jorge is off to Switzerland. Marco tells him that Jorge has always maintained (mantuvo/maintained or supported) an account there. He goes on to say it can’t be very large otherwise they wouldn’t be having the problems they are having now. Chavez says the important thing now is to be in Mexico. Chavez inquires if the wedding is going to be canceled. Marco asks him if he is crazy. He assures him that he was able to talk Ale into still getting married even though it will be a civil wedding, the legal affects are the same. Marco then looks off saying “Ale will be my wife and finally I will get rid of that wretched Medina.”

Chavez also asks if he has taken care of the headless thing (descabezado). Marco tells him no it would be best to keep it there to keep Ale and Rosario from wanting anything to do with the hacienda. Than
Chavez wonders if they might still need the help of Molologo to exorcise the headless thing. All this talk about ghosts has our sissy boys a little spooked when they are interrupted by the waiter as they both jump.

This was my favorite scene tonight. Buga is jumping all about in fright as he saw a rat. (Rata/rat raton/mouse). Felipe enters as Ovi is huddled between B&V as B describes the rat in sheer terror. B. wants to know who will kill the bicho (small animal). The three of them elect Felipe to take care of it. He seems frightened at first until he is comforted in the ample bosoms of Ovi. He then wants to know if this is a massage parlor (masajes disfrazados). Felipe is more interested in the charms of Ovi but is persuaded to go after the rat. Ovi is impressed that he is acting like a man and not like B&V. He goes behind the sink and retrieves a tiny little cream colored mouse dangling it by it’s tail. He holds it up in his hand and declares how inoffensive it really is as he lets it crawl all over his hand. He tells them he will go get rid of it but will be back for Ovi.

Time for another little Ale/ Rafa confrontation, as Rafa asks Ale if he can come into her office. He enters and approaches her desk as Ale tells him to go over to his side. She wants to know if has found any more clients for his trucks. He tells her no and she wants to know what he is waiting for. Than she gets her digs in about the fiesta last night. She walks towards him and Rafa reminds her she can’t come in, after all that is his side. Brief cute little Ale smile than she turns and continues chiding him about being busy with Marian. He is so busy how could he be out selling those trucks. Than she says “you don’t know how much I wish not to know anything about you.” Rafa seems crushed at this and sadly replies “Really?” More insults about the fiesta and a great new word I never heard of is thrown out, mujerzuelas (sluts). Rafa tells her nothing happened last night.

He tells her that mysteriously, Vicky found out where the party was going to be and showed up. He goes on to say it was Susana that informed her. Ale feigns surprise at hearing this. Rafa tells her she should be talked to about this but he can’t be bothered. The conversation eventually turns to Marian, and how she has her eyes on him. She inquires how his lunch went with her. Rafa says something did happen but it was nothing. Ale’s interest is peaked. Rafa asks her if she really wants to know what she said and tells her that she asked him not to get married and to come and work for her. Not exactly what she wanted to hear.

Ale with a more somber affect repeats what he has just told her and Rafa confirms this. She asks him what his reply was, seriously at first than feigns disinterest, as it really isn’t all that important to her. They are interrupted by Susana who tells Rafa that Mr. Ospina (Dandy) is waiting for him. He tells her to tell him he will be there shortly. Susana replies, “He says it is urgent.” Ale tells him to go, he can’t let one of his happy mates wait for him. Rafa reluctantly leaves but tells Susana first that he has a bone to pick with her.
(tu y yo nos vamos a comer un pollito/ literally “you and I have to go eat some chicken). Susana reminds him that she is a vegetarian. Once he has left Susana asks Ale why he would say that to her. Ale lets her know he found out it was her who told Vicky where the party was.

Rafa nearly knocks Dandy over as he asks him what‘s up. Dandy tells him he is going to meet Carmela. Dandy is really nervous and tells Rafa that he doesn‘t think he can do this. She practically raped him twice while he was looking at the archives. Rafa assures him that he knows how to handle this kind of situation as he gives him a pep talk. He tells him he is a professional when it comes to women. He is an artist in love and seduction. Dandy tells Rafa he is just worried because he doesn‘t want to let down Susana. Rafa continues to beg him to lend him a hand (échame la mano). He is the only one that can help him dig up the truth about Marco.

Dandy reluctantly caves in and tells him he will help him out but it might cost him his relationship with Susana. Rafa reminds him that his relationship with her is practically over. Dandy says “Ouch that Hurt but I still have hope of getting back with her, just like you have hope Ale doesn’t get married and returns to you.” Rafa grimaces and says “Ouch that hurt too.” And our two happy amigos stand shoulder to shoulder as Dandy says “We are brothers with the same pain.” Rafa puts his arm around Dandy’s shoulder and tells him “well at least you understand what I am going through.” They continue discussing their woes when Susana breaks up their huddle as she leaves Ale’s office and is within hearing distance. Rafa tells Dandy to “go take care of those clients.” Off he goes as Susana watches him. She gives Rafa the cold shoulder as he walks away.

Susana alone now at her desk wonders what is going on between those two. She decides she needs to find out. ( tengo que averiguarlo), and rushes back to Ale’s office. She tells Ale that Rafa just sent Dandy out to see some clients but they were really suspicious acting and if she followed him she could figure out what was going on between them. Ale all excited tells her to go quickly.

Jorge is in a quandary trying to remember what it is he forgot. He calls for Azucena and she comes running to his side. Poor Jorge has forgotten why he called for her. She tells him when he remembers to call her back and leaves. She doesn’t get very far as he calls out again for her. He tells her he remembered why he called her. He wants to remember something but he can’t think of what it is. Azucena reassures him that this happens to him all the time and it isn’t odd. He doesn’t remember if it is about a trip he took or a trip he is about to take. Azucena reminds him it is about the trip he is about to take to Switzerland. The talk turns to Frijoles (beans) and this wets Jorge’s appetite for Swiss enchiladas.

Quintana is talking with his associate and tells him there must be something quite important in Switzerland. His associate asks him if there is any way of finding out. He tells him no but he will wait and be very attentive. As they leave they play a little pass the drunk around as they both bump into our resident barfly who then walks over to the bartender and says “They were drunk.” The bartender replies “look whose talking.”

Rosario has just informed Ale that everything is ready for Jorge‘s trip. He will be leaving at nine. Rosario begs her not to be late tonight and Ale assures her she will be home in time. It seems however, that she has forgotten all about the party Claudia, Rosaura and Isabel were giving her. There is some sweet girl chat and Ale humbly apologizes for not being able to invite them to her wedding. After all it will be very small.

Another quick little scene with Pancho retrieving some wedding boxes that were sent to their house. Vicky all excited and twittering that her wedding dress has arrived. Pancho wants to know where to put them. She tells him to put them in hers and Rafa’s bedroom. Pancho confused about this turns and says “Whose bedroom?” Vicky non-phased repeats what she said. She than changes her mind and decides to get a look at her dress. She tells Pancho she wants him to be the Groom. He protests and tells her he is not going to be the “bofe“. He tells her none of this is important. The only thing that matters is that the “bofe“ gets to the church. Even if they have to have mass with his dead body. She assures Pancho that Rafa isn‘t suicidal enough to contemplate not showing up.

Our last scene will be brief because I found it most disturbing and I know it will be repeated tomorrow. Carmella has settled into a table at our local bar waiting for Dandy. She gropes the waiter as he leaves with a very nervous Dandy looking on. Dandy musters up courage and joins her. She tells him she would be grateful if he turned off his cell phone. She does not want any interruptions. Poor Dandy doesn’t have a chance as Carmela goes in for a saliva exchange and yes, this is the cliffhanger I was talking about. Who should walk in but Susana.


Wednesday, August 04, 2010

El Clon, Wed., August 4 - Summary for Discussion

Nati takes a road trip in more ways than one;
Ali gets no help from Allah; and
Cristina is convinced that Leo diddled Dora.

Rania tells Amina the good news that Jade isn't coming back and now she is first wife.

Alej tells Pablo that he can't find Nati anywhere.

Apparently, Nati, Fernando and Paula partied at Clara's house where they drank the whole bar, didn't clean up and burned her sofa. Clara is surprised to learn that Nati was at her house. Fernando is hung over (Hey Mom, deja la intensidad que me duele la cabeza, Hey Mom, take it down a notch, I've got a headache.) and uninterested in helping clean up or in hearing lectures.

Alej calls Rosa and tells her that Nati left his apartment the previous evening and hasn't come home. He also tells them that Nati didn't buy stuff for the house either. Alej's news eliminates any ideas that Lucas and Marisa had that Nati has cleaned up her act.

The Naz takes out her frustration on Latifa accusing her and the rest of the family of knowingly choosing an old fart for her husband. Latifa replies that no one consulted her and she prays daily for the Naz to find a husband and be happy. She asks why the the Naz takes everything out on her ('¿Por qué siempre quiere echarme toda la agua sucia a mí?', literally, Why do you always want to throw the dirty water on me?) The Naz vows that she isn't going to depend on intermediaries anymore. She is going to propose a temporary marriage to Pablo. Latifa hopes that Pablo's family accepts her.

Latifa catches Zamira daydreaming over a heart with 'Carlos' in it. She demands to know who Carlos is. Zamira replies that she writing down the names of all her friends and started with Carlos.

Luisa calls Dora and tells her that she found Albieri but that Daniel isn't with him. She says that Albieri has a lot of things to tell Dora but he doesn't have the courage. He will explain when they get back to the US. Not surprisingly, this makes Dora more upset than ever.

Albieri is searching for Daniel in the medina.

Ali continues his camel ride. He returns without having gotten any guidance from Allah or from contemplating the last 120 episodes of the novela. Zoraida tries to calm him down by saying that Daniel was the work of an evil genie. Ali tells her that Albieri thought he was Allah and created a person in his lab. ('Albieri se creyó Alá y creó una persona'.) Ali wants the advice of a sheikh but he asks Zoraida first whether she thinks that the boy Albieri created is as human as she is.

Luisa is crazy with worry about where Daniel is. Albieri says that Daniel acts on impulse all the time and has done this before. Luisa wants to go to the police and asks for Daniel's passport. Naturally, Albieri isn't interested in going to the police or showing Luisa Daniel's passport. He says that they will wait another 24 hours. Luisa says that all that has happened is Albieri's fault for not telling Dora about the embyro mixup. Albieri replies that it isn't that simple. Luisa makes Albieri swear that they will return to the US with Daniel and tell Dora everything.

Cristina and Daniel continue with their conversation of confused identities. Cristina wants to know if Daniel's father visited him when he was growing up. Daniel finally realizes that Cristina believes that he and 'Danielito' are two different people. He asks if she knows D-ito's mother. Cristina tells him that she is D-ito's godmother and she was there when Dora delivered D-ito. Daniel remembers his godmother. She tells Daniel that Albieri brainwashed D-ito with the story that Dora wasn't his mother. Finally, Daniel tells Cristina that he is Danielito. She is impactada.

Not suprisingly, Cristina comes to the conclusion that Leo cheated on her with Dora. She believes that everyone lied to her. Daniel is sympathetic. He says that everyone has lied to him, too. First Albieri said that he was Daniel's father, then Dora told him Osvaldo was and then they told him he was the product of artificial insemination. Cristina vows that she is going to find out the truth right away.

Nati still hasn't turned up. Lucas wants to call the police but Marisa doesn't want her to be arrested again and have that on her record permanently. Lucas calls Andrea and her parents to see if they know the mysterious Paula who was with Nati. Carolina asks Fernando about it and he says that Paula was someone he met when his band played at a bar. He says that Nati and Paula left his house in a cab and he doesn't know what happened after that. He also doesn't know where Paula lives.

News sure travels fast. The Chump knows about Fernando's party at his house and that Clara didn't spend the night there. He says that the problem with Fernando is Clara's fault. Anita lets him have it. She says that it was he who left his wife and child and now he is criticizing Clara for the job she is doing raising Fernando by herself. The Chump replies that he is and idiot for telling Anita about his personal problems.

Andrea tells Rosa that she doesn't know Paula and that she and Nati don't see each other anymore.

PSA - Enrique - Drugs made him turn his back on his real friends and take up with bad friends.

Alej comes home from training but there is no word from Nati. Finally, she calls [when was the last time you saw a pay phone?] from Key West. Alej asks what the hell she is doing and Nati replies that she doesn't want to be scolded and hangs up.

Latifa tries to get Zamira to tell her who Carlos is but Zamira will only say that he is a friend. Latifa prays to Allah not to let Zamira fall in love with a Westerner.

Rosa is telling Lucas that Nati is in Key West when Leo comes home. He is shocked at how messed up everything got in his absence and blames it on the bad parenting of Lucas and Marisa.

Diana tells Alej that Nati was at the Salamandra club the previous night and she was high.

Nati and Paul are high and hitchhiking.

Latifa is afraid that Zamira will turn out like Jade. She tries to get Zamira to swear that she won't fall in love with a Westerner but it's too late. Zamira tells her mother that she is in love with Carlos.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, August 3: Ep 117--Renato, Renato, have you learned nothing from Kenny Rogers?

Regina doesn't know what to make of Aimee's threat, but sits at her kitchen table and cries.

Leonarda tells Clem she has no proof. Clemencia says God doesn't need "proof" and Leo will get the same punishment as if she actually had killed her sister. She advises her to apologize to her sister while there's still time. Leo shouts she has nothing to feel sorry for and Clem tells her to think about it. Leo goes back to hitting the bottle and curses Maria del Rosario.

Clemencia runs into Aimee on her way downstairs. Aimee says she must be happy for the newlyweds. Clem says they are happy, despite what Aimee thinks, and Aimee wouldn't know truth if it nibbled on her fan. Clem leaves and Aimee mocks her. She thought bubbles that their happiness won't last now that Renato has done the paperwork for the anulment.

Renato is all in at the card table. Juan takes the bet. Renato lays down a good hand, but before he can take the pot, Juan lays down a better one. Fully says Renato lost it all. Renato wants to get it back. He offers to bet his half of the finca and the house in town. Juan will take that bet. If he loses, then he'll give Renato his half of the finca and the house in town. They ask Fulgencio to deal. Dumb. Ass. If Juan loses, he still has a house and a fortune, but Renato won't have a dime to his name. Renato doesn't need a card. Juan looks panicked. Fully says they've got to lay down their cards at the same time. Renato grins at Juan. Fully declares Juan the winner. Raul looks pleased for the first time tonight. Renato is in shock. Juan doesn't look terribly happy either.

Maria del Rosario sits up in bed, reading her bible. Regina comes in and sits with her. MdR asks her for a favor. She wants her to guard her love with Juan. To forget the hate that runs in the Montes de Oca family and be happy. She asks Regina to swear nothing will separate her from Juan. Regina swears that the love she and Juan have will be as eternal as Maria del Rosario's love for the original J double D. Renato signs over his half of the house and finca to Juan in the presence of Fully and Raul. He takes his leave. Juan takes the paper and says good night to everyone but Fed. He leaves his cash and asks Raul to give it to the poor…and the soon-to-be-poor (looking at Fed).

Maria del Rosario sleeps. Juan comes in with flowers for her and the paper from Renato. He panics, but she's just sleeping. He whispers to her that he won back the finca for her at poker. The finca is all hers now and she can do what she wants with it. He wants to see her living there, as lady of the house, so she can remember her youth, when she was happy and in love with his dad. He asks why fate keeps taking from him what he most loves. Now that he knows his mom will be leaving him soon, he's going to miss all the love and affection he didn't get from her growing up. He'll have to be strong to let her go. He gives her a kiss and says he'll really miss her. He takes her hand and crosses himself with it, then positions the flowers and the paper where she'll see them. He leaves and MdR starts crying, having apparently been awake the whole time. She strokes the flowers and says her heart is broken because she knows the end is near, but at least she's grateful she got to meet him and give him all the love and blessings she couldn't before. She hopes she can give him enough strength to let her go. She remembers Juan de Dios giving her flowers. She tells him to come for her. She grabs the vase, knocking the paper to the ground, and holds the flowers close to her, crying.

Eloisa's staff put the living room back the way it was. She hopes Fully was pleased with her. He thanks her and says he can't understand why Fed came without an invitation. Maybe Fed is getting a little too comfortable. Eloisa laughs that Fully is the one who brought Fed to the house in the first place, to help with his bad economic situation. Fully agrees with her. Eloisa complains about him inviting Juan. Fully tells her life makes justice in strange ways. We all pay our debts at some time. He advises her not to forget that and kisses her.

A tired Doc Miranda tells Remi he's healing up well. He's tired from all the travel back and forth to see Rosenda and Madame Marlene. Remi is still bitter about the whole "ho" thing. Doc Miranda says nobody's perfect. Remi doesn't want to hear Lulu's name. Doc Miranda says he'll lay off, but he does want to talk about something. He asks about Remi finding Juan when Juan was a baby. He's worried about all the lies the Montes de Ocas have told.

Leo goes looking for Renato, but he's not in his room/the girls' old room. She says she felt lonely and wanted to talk to him. She cries when she realizes he's not there.

Doc Miranda is convinced they had something to do with the death of his uncle. He figures that his uncle was there for Juan's birth and that he refused to keep his mouth shut and was killed. Remi says that's a pretty serious accusation. Doc Miranda wants to look for proof. If Leo and Rod killed his uncle, he doesn't want to let them get away with it.

Leo cries. Alone. In the dark. Serves her right. She cries that she's being left alone and she doesn't have anyone. Everyone is abandoning her and soon she won't have anyone but that bitch Aimee. But at least she'll have her grandchild, right? That will be her only consolation, her only company. She tunrs and heads out of the room.

Aimee strokes her corseted belly and its fake padding. She stomps the fake belly on the floor and curses Regina for sleeping with Juan. She curses Juan too.

Reggie and Juan lie in bed together. She doesn't know why he went to confront Renato. Juan says he had some unfinished business with Renato. He'll tell her about it in the morning, but for now, he strongly suggests they kiss all night. Not that we get to watch, mind you.

The next morning, Leo's nursing a hangover. She asks Celia for stronger coffee. Celia thought bubbles about how much she drank last night. Renato comes downstairs and greets Leo. She complains about how awful she feels and how late he got home last night. He asks for a few minutes to talk about last night…um, in the office please, so one one interrupts them. She can decide for herself how serious it is. In the office, Leo sits behind the desk. Renato is pacing and it makes her dizzy. He refuses coffee or tea. Leo doesn't like seeing him so upset. Renato says no one is lucky in this house. Leo thinks if he tries, he can fix his life. "With Aimee?" Leo knows he doesn't like her like he did before, but that happens in all marriages. And then other things are left. Renato says he doesn't have respect for her. Leo reminds him there's a kid on the way. She notices Ren isn't listening. He tells her they've lost the house and the finca. Heh. Oh, sorry, I mean, Gee, that's too bad. *giggle, snort*

Eloisa comes into Fully's office to tell him she's going to see her dressmaker. Fully says he doesn't want to be without her today. Eloisa whines about all the work he has to do. He says he'll leave it all for another day. She can pick up her dresses some other time, right? Eloisa is forced to agree and says he comes first. She reminds him that his wishes come before anything else. They hug and Eloisa makes faces.

Leo demands an explanation. Renato admits he lost it at cards. Leo is shocked. Renato tells her they've still got money. The only thing he doesn't like about this is that Juan is the guy who won it all. Leo doesn't like it much either. Serves her right, the cow!

Lulu answers the door at Raul's house. Noel comes in with kind words for her. He greets Don Alberto and asks if Raul is available. Alberto says there was something about unfinished business after a card game and four big bags of money. Noel agrees that's strange, but he's sure the rumor mill will come through. Has Alberto had a chance to think about Noel's doubts about Salma? Alberto has noticed that her attitude has changed recently and he's starting to think Noel might be right and Salma isn't really Angela. His wife hears him and gets upset.

Renato keeps trying to console Leo. Aimee fans herself idly. Leo is upset because the house was a present from Rodrigo. She hoped her grandchildren would grow up there. Aimee giggles behind her fan. She suggests they move into her dad's house in town while they look for another house where Leo's grandchildren can play. She'll go into town and talk to her dad immediately. Renato tries to stop her, but Leo says she always gets her way anyway, so just let her go. Renato says that Rod has nothing to say about this, since the finca was his.

Regina is shocked when she hears the news. Juan makes it sound like it's not his fault--it was all Renato's idea! Reggie is worried about her family. Juan gets upset and says he'll give it back, then! Reggie calms him down with kisses and says she doesn't care about Renato, she's just worried about her family is all. Juan tells Reggie that he wanted to give the house to his mom and he wanted Reggie to help her with it. Well, Reggie doesn't have good memories of the finca and doesn't want to live there. Juan agrees--he doesn't want to either. Reggie suggests they give the house to Clemencia. Juan likes that idea. Reggie likes their little house and wants to live there. Juan says he's heard in town that there's rumblings of revolution. He's heard the idea that the land should belong to those who work it, so he'd like to give the land to the farm workers and the fishermen. Reggie agrees and says she's so proud of him.


Tuesday, August 03, 2010

El Clon Tuesday August 3: Summary for Discussion

Cris meets Daniel and reaches her own conclusions; Jade comes close to confiding in Zein; Ali looks for divine guidance; and Rania gets her dream job.

We are in the hotel in Fez with Luisa and Albieri. They step outside to find Daniel, discover he has wandered away and set off to look for him.

Daniel, meanwhile, continues following Jade and Zein as they make their way through the medina back to their hotel.

In Miami, Clara has asked Escobar: ¿Dónde están las escrituras? (Where’s the deed? (to the property)). He tells her he’ll bring it next week. They start their usual squabbling when Escobarde stops abruptly and asks: Is that a new perfume? Why yes, says Clara, and a new hairdo (peinado) too. (It would be fine if he fell in love with her again, but under no circumstances is she to fall for him. Do you hear me, writers???) Before he leaves, she promises she’ll tell Fernando his father’s going to be calling; but she can’t promise that his son will want to talk to him.

Lucia and Roberto are at home talking about Andrea. Lucia says she’d feel terribly guilty if Andrea were to get caught up in drugs. But why? asks Roberto. We’ve always set a good example for her. True, says Lucia, but in this country, well really, everywhere:
Cualquier cosa que hagan los niños es culpa de los padres.
Whatever the kids do is their parents’ fault.
Just be alert, Robert says, and let me know if you smell any incense burning!

When he leaves, Lucia goes to look for the incense Latifa had given her. She can’t find it so she asks her maid, Rosario, if she’s seen it in the bedroom. Rosario can’t say. Consuelo (aka Skank 3) is so super efficient that she has taken over cleaning the bedrooms. So efficient, says Lucia jokingly, that:
La única que falta es que se salga con la basura metida en su cartera!
The only thing missing is for her to leave with the garbage in her purse! (If Lucia only knew…)

I’ll tell you what happened in the Triple Skank Scene, so you can all fastforward: They are at Gloria’s. Consuelo pulls out some papers and says she has done what she was supposed to do. Karla assures them she is following the plan to the letter. And Hilda daydreams about how she’ll spend the money, when they have it. All very vague.

In Fez, Zein wants Jade to tell him what she is running away from. She explains that in the past there was a man she loved, a man who asked for everything and left her with nothing. Now she is running from temptation. She needs to stop living in the past.
¿Crees que pudiste haber amado a Said?
Do you think you could have loved Said? asks Zein.
No, says Jade, he was always an obstacle for me, like a mountain. Then, asks Said, ¿Qué ves en mi? (What do you see in me?/ How do you think of me?) The question hangs in the air, unanswered.

Cris stops at the hotel reception desk asking for Luisa and once again can’t make herself understood.

Albieri and Luisa figure Daniel must have gone back to the hotel so they head in that direction to look for him.

Daniel is still in the medina, savoring the image of Jade dancing and the moment when she looked directly into his eyes.

Back in their Miami apartment, Alejandro calls out to Nati: Te conseguí el helado! (I got you the ice cream!). Then he realizes that she’s not there. ¿Dónde te metiste, Natalia? (Where’d you go, Nati?)

Alej finds Pablo at the gym and asks him to help look for Nati. Pablo says he’ll help, but not all night. They’ll look in a few likely places. He also repeats his advice to his friend: Nati is messing with your concentration and your career and she doesn’t seem to care. You need to get away from her. Alej refuses to blame her. It’s all Fernando’s fault!

Cris calls her friend Vicki. She updates her on the missing report, the many messages she’s left for Rogelio and Malicia. You think Malicia may have something to do with this? asks Vicki. Don’t be silly, Malicia is helping me. Well then, says Vicki, why don’t you put on your red dress (baby) and go out and have some fun?

Daniel’s wanderings have taken him to the hotel where Cris is staying. She is taking Vicki’s advice and getting ready to go out. She remembers her encounter with Diego years ago:
Ese día también me vestía de rojo.
On that day I was wearing red too.
She goes outside and suddenly she and Daniel are staring at one another. She can’t believe what she’s seeing, thinks she must be losing her mind.
-- Don’t you remember me? You kissed me in Miami. It was a party at a club and I was dressed like an Arab… I’m Daniel!
Cristina touches him and exclaims: You’re real!
Sí, soy de carne y hueso (I’m flesh and bone) says Daniel. You think I’m strange? So does everyone else, even my mother!
Cristina is feeling ill and says she needs a doctor. Then she collapses. (That’s two down. Just wait until Luisa sees him.)

And in Miami Nati finally answers her phone. She is at Clara’s house drinking and doping with Fernando and a new drug buddy, Paula. Nati lies carelessly about where she’s been. She’ll be home in 15 minutes she says. And she does get ready to leave -- but can’t turn down the chance to do one more line of coke.

Cut to Enrique’s monologue. He reminds us that cocaine destroys a person’s willpower (voluntad).

Clara is at Salamandra dancing with Rogelio while the venomous Malicia looks on. When Rogelio steps away to talk to the Malicious one, Caro asks the question we have all had: Did you tell Rogelio what Malicia did to you? No, she says, I was embarrassed. Besides, I figured she probably told him herself. (The moral here: discretion and dignity never pay, or at least not in a telenovela!) Meanwhile, Rogelio is congratulating Malicia on her excellent work on the pilfered report.

Cris wakes up stretched out on her bed in her hotel room. Daniel is with her. (We have no clue how they got there.) Cris becomes more and more confused as Daniel tries to explain himself to her. He talks about his father who lives in Miami but is here with him in Fez… Wait a minute... She looks closely at Daniel and then she gets it! (or so she thinks!)
He’s worse than I thought! cries Cris. He was having an affair with someone when he was still with me! And out she marches Cris the Avenger to find the man she assumes is Daniel’s ‘father’.

She marches up to Albieri in the hotel lounge: Where is he? You tell me right now! And don’t lie to me! You ruined Luisa’s and Dora’s lives just to protect your friend. LEO was having an affair even way back then. You should be ashamed of yourself!
Albieri realizes she’s seen Daniel and asks where he is. Cristina says if he won’t say where Leonardo is, she won’t tell him where Daniel is. No one gets to make fun of me, she says.

Cristina goes back to her hotel room where Daniel is waiting for her. He tells her Rogelio called. You’re so beautiful, he says, una aparición. (a vision, which is an interesting thing to say since that’s what everyone thinks Daniel is). Since Cristina seems to know his father, he wonders if she knows his mother. No, she says, but I know your brother. I have a brother? asks Daniel with surprise. Cristina asks him if he’d like to return to Miami with her and he agrees to do so. They will leave tomorrow. But keep those hands to yourself, she warns him.

Ali is riding his camel in the desert, meditating and praying, trying to make sense of the past 118 episodios and where a human clone fits in the grand scheme of things. When, back at the house, Abdul asks where Ali is, Zoraida tells him and explains that he is trying to put his thoughts in order. With his customary good cheer, Abdul predicts that the fires of hell are waiting for those in this household who have permitted the light of Allah to be extinguished.

Jade remembers Lucas telling her that there would never be another love like theirs in his life.

Aeronovela has safely delivered Mohamed’s family back to Miami. Mohamed stops to exchange warm greetings with Gloria even while he chastises Samira for being outside and showing herself to the world. Gloria and Mohamed do agree on one thing: It’s not easy.

Amin tells Ramón about his prometido in Fez (and the potential for three wives more!) Karla calls out ‘Papacito’ and the little Prince perks up. But she walks right past him into the arms of what must be her current victim. But Amin gets her attention when he tells her Te traje un regalo. (I brought you a present).

Said’s family arrives at their Miami home as well. Jadiya is told that her mother is not with them. But here’s the really good news: Rania has gotten that promotion she’s been angling for. From now on, says Said, you’re the First Wife!


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