Tuesday, August 17, 2010

STuD, 8/16/10: Showdown at Los Cascabeles

Capitulo 56

Repeated from last week, Ivana and Tizzy are arguing over Val’s intentions toward JM. Ivana ends the conversation by vowing that she won’t permit Val to take Jose Miguel.

Lummy is thanking Don Ernesto for trying to get Crisanta to accept her portion of Rosendo’s salary. Don Ernie says it’s nothing, it was all Valentina’s idea. A blissful Valentina bursts into the room and showers Ernie and Lummy with hugs and kisses. They’re pleasantly surprised, and she kisses each of them again before floating upstairs in a cloud of cartoon hearts and sprinkles. Benita walks in on the shocked Ernie and Lummy, who inform Benita that Valentina’s completely changed her tune. Benita smiles knowingly and says Lummy should get ready for the return of the sweet, real Valentina.

JM returns home a conquering hero, but is greeted by a grim-faced Juan and Sabino. They’ve just gotten the results of a test on a possibly poisonous weed growing on the hacienda. Juan and Sabino argue over who gets to break the news, but finally reveal that the weed was found to be harmless: somebody must have poisoned the cow on purpose! Sabino says Val must’ve become enraged over their supposed “bet” and poisoned the cow. JM staunchly defends her. “I’d put my hands in the fire for her,” JM says; he’s that sure of her innocence. JM admits, though, that the poisoner has it in for him, and there’s surely more mischief to come.

Back at Los Cascabeles, Benita surprises a beaming Val as she emerges from her bathroom/thinking tub. Benita demands to hear all the juicy details. “What details?” Val demurs, before hopping onto the bed and giving Benita the dish.

“JM and I are in love,” Val announces, and Benita swoons backward onto the bed. Val and Benita channel their inner 13-year-old girls by jumping up and down and shrieking. “I’m the happiest woman in the world!” Val shrieks. “I feel like my heart is going to burst!” “Careful, nina, you’re going to splatter me with love,” Benita shrieks back. At this rate, Enshrieketa is going to burst into the room at any second.

But as Val starts shrieking “JM loves me! He loves me!” It’s Count Skankula that darkens Val’s doorstep. Val and Benita’s faces fall. “You robbed his love from me, Valentina,” Ivana says flatly. “You don’t know how much I hate you.” She underlines that point by grabbing Val and flinging her around the room. Damn, I don’t know who’s gonna win this one. Val is probably more physically fit, but Ivana has more artificial body parts than the Bionic Woman.

The flinging culminates in a catfight on the bed, at least until Benita can drag Ivana off of Val. Ivana’s howling draws the attention of Tizzy, who walks in and demands to know what’s up. Ivana twists her face into some semblance of anguish and tells Tizzy that Valentina stole JM even though she knew how much she lusted after, I mean loved, him. Valentina tries to speak, but Ivana cuts her off, saying that if Valentina has everything, why did she need to take the only thing that ever mattered to her? Lummy is feeling left out, I guess, so she runs into the room for Valentina’s rebuttal.

Val begs Ivana to understand -- she fought this sentiment precisely because she knew it would hurt Ivana. Val’s cut short as Ivana starts clawing and vowing revenge again. As Tizzy starts dragging her out, Ivana snarls: “Hopefully history repeats itself. I hope JM betrays you the way Alonso betrayed you. It’s the least you deserve.”


Back at Ivana’s room, she screams at Tizzy about how Valentina is an egoista and can’t stand to see her happy. First Val hated JM, and now she’s in love with him. “She’s doing this to torment me!” Tizzy’s protests only make Ivana madder. “I should have died when I took those sleeping pills,” Ivana says, “then I wouldn’t have ended up here.” Ivana insists that JM is the only man in the world for her and begs for Tizzy’s help.

Back at Camp Montesinos, Fed is congratulating JM on winning Valentina’s heart, but warns him that Val has a “strong character.” Speaking of bitches, Fed worries that Leo won’t take JM’s news well, and they agree not to tell her for now. JM, oblivious to Los Cascabeles Smackdown 2010, hopes that Ivana won’t take the news too hard. Fed warns that a woman scorned is capable of anything.

Sandra is crying to Dr. Felipe and describing her encounter with Horacio. She’s realized that compared to Ivana, she’s just a backwoods country girl that no man could be attracted to. Felipe responds by calling her beautiful and drying her tears. He says that when he first met her, fainted on the floor of her bedroom, he thought wow, this city has some beautiful women. “Even though you were the color of a fresh corpse!” That Flippy has a way with words.

Timo is mangling a math problem while Horacio wrestles with the cash register. Horacio is feeling restless, and Timo suggests he go for a walk. Horacio does him one better and decides to close down the store early. “I get to go home early!” Timo cries, but Horacio rains on his parade: Timo will have to accompany him. Where? Horacio won’t say.

Sandra thanks Flippy for listening to her prattle. “I can’t talk with my parents, much less my mother.” Felipe says that anytime she feels like talking, he’ll be there. “With house calls!” Sandra rains on his parade by marveling that the same woman who stole Horacio’s love also betrayed Flippy. Sandra regrets thinking that Val was the one trying to steal Horacio, and sheepishly tells Flippy about how she slapped her. Sandra is too scared to apologize, but Felipe insists Val’s a good egg.

Benita is comforting Valentina. Val says Ivana’s reaction was to be expected. But Benita says Ivana’s hateful words are indefensible, considering all the love and patience (and *cough* money *cough*) Val has shown her over the years. “She reacted like a woman in love,” Valentina muses. “If I had been in her place …” Benita is having none of it. Tizzy and Val have babied Ivana too much, Benita says, and her behavior is the consequence. Val hopes Ivana will get over it, but Benita shatters that illusion. “Ivana won’t stop at anything until she’s Mrs. Montesinos,” Benita says.

JM reaches home, where Leo has been waiting to have dinner with him. Too bad JM’s already had dinner with his father. He excuses himself to go do some architectin‘. Leo ill-advisedly tries to lure him back by saying that Ivana was at Montesinos Manor earlier. She laments that Ivana went away disappointed after she didn’t get to see him. JM tries to introduce Mom to cold, hard reality with a sit-down chat. “I know you think she’s the girl for me, and I respect your opinion, but Ivana doesn’t interest me at all.” Leo asks if Valentina Villalba is the one who really interests him. JM dodges the question and begs Leo not to get Ivana’s hopes up.

Leo talks up Ivana like she’s selling a used car (although the used car probably has fewer miles on it). JM is steadfast and says Ivana will find happiness with some other guy, maybe … Horacio? Leo is unimpressed, and JM divulges that Horacio broke off with Sandra because he’s in love with Ivana. Leo is even less pleased. JM hints at Horacio and Ivana’s hot love affair, which surprises Leo.

Meanwhile, Horacio is pounding back a tequila at the bar, next to a far less festive and far more sober Timo. He shares his philosophy on the two kinds of women: the kind that will make you suffer, and the kind that will make you suffer more. Just then the band shows up. Horacio encourages them to play, and they begin a special corrido Timo says was written expressly about Valentina Villalba. Horacio orders them to stop, because it’ll only remind him of Ivana.

They start a new song and Horacio joins in, singing about his broken heart and the woman who done him wrong. I’d translate the lyrics, but I think his staggering and wild gesturing got the point across.

A glowering Enriqueta intercepts Sandra and Flippy as he drops her home. Enriqueta pointedly says good night to the poor doctor, but Sandra sends him off with a kiss on the cheek and an “hasta pronto.” Sandra scolds Enriqueta for her rudeness. Enriqueta says that she’s taking her attempt to make Horacio jealous too far. Sandra is confused, but Enriqueta knowingly says that Sandra’s trying to make Horacio jealous by courting the doctor. Sandra laughs. “Yeah, of course.” Methinks Horacio is the furthest thing from her mind.

Meanwhile, Timo is trying to drag a drunken Horacio out of the bar. “I’ve never seen you like this, much less over a woman.” Horacio admits he’s always had an eye for the ladies, but says that he truly fell in love with Ivana. Timo encourages him to fight for the woman he loves, but Horacio sadly laments that Ivana’s fallen in love with his best friend, and there’s nothing he can do about it, even if JM doesn’t return her feelings.

JM scribbles in his notebook before pausing to remember his liplock with Val in the school field. He throws down his pen. “I love you, Valentina!” he shouts to the walls and the mice that probably live inside those walls. “I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love!”

In Los Cascabeles, Val completes his thought. “I love you, Jose Miguel. Thanks to you my life now has meaning.” If those crazy kids strung a few tin cans and a string between their ranchos, maybe they could talk to each other instead of babbling to themselves.

Ivana, meanwhile, is tossing and turning in bed. She curses at Valentina and says “JM is my only happiness, and you want to take him.” She’s rudely interrupted in that thought by Ghost Oscar. “After what you did to me, you’ll never find happiness,” he says. Ivana hurls a pillow and abuses, but Oscar tries to wrestle the blanket away from her. Ivana’s screaming and bad acting eventually scare Ghost Oscar away.

Fed and Sabino are hanging out by the lake when they see the herd of cows. Fed says the cows must be moved, because they might eat some of that poisonous Johnson weed, just like the cow that died. Sabino shares the test results with him; it wasn’t a plant that poisoned that cow. He laments that JM won’t listen to reason and refuses to believe that Valentina Villalba was behind the poisoning. Fed doesn’t understand, since she and JM patched up their differences. But not Rosendo, Sabino says ominously. Sabino asks Fed to warn JM, because Rosendo has him in his sights. Especially since Rosendo’s rumored to be in love with Valentina.

Fed protests that Val would never look twice at a guy like Rosendo. Sabino says it doesn’t matter: to Rosendo, Val is already his property. Fed hopes they can all avoid a tragedy.

Over breakfast, Valentina swears up and down that she never meant to hurt Ivana. Tizzy understands, but the damage is done. No matter what, Ivana now thinks that Valentina intentionally betrayed her. “What do you want,” Valentina asks, “that I renounce JM so that Ivana feels better?” Tizzy says of course not. After so much pain, Valentina deserves to be happy.

Ivana walks into Rosendo’s lair and announces that JM has finally conquered Valentina. She demands that he do something, and soon. “What do you want me to do, kill him?” Rosendo shouts. Ivana angrily tells him not to be such a brute, but Rosendo flies into a rage and says he’s used to removing his obstacles. Ivana counters that she knows how to remove obstacles, too. Besides ending up with JM, she would then inherit the millions from her deceased cousin Valentina.

Rosendo grabs Ivana by the throat. “You do something to La Duena,” he says, and “I swear, you’ll regret it.”

“The same thing goes for you,” she pants, “if you do anything to Jose Miguel. You don’t know me.” But we, and Oscar, sure do!

Rosendo lets go of her throat. “You’re the real viper in this hacienda.” Ivana replies with “I’m not the only one. That's why us two get along so well.”

Don Ernesto and Jose Miguel are overseeing work on the schoolhouse. At this rate, they’ll finish sooner than they expected. Valentina arrives, and Ernie says he better talk to her -- they both know she’ll refuse to speak to Jose Miguel. JM tells him not to worry about it, and strides over to La Duena. She immediately embraces him before getting serious. “Ivana knows about us.” JM holds her hand (discretion FAIL) and says that’s too bad. “Ivana hates me,” Valentina says. JM says people in pain say a lot of things they don’t mean.

“I don’t want to hurt her,” Valentina says. “We’ve had our differences the past couple of months, but she’s my cousin. She’s my blood." JM says Ivana will come to understand (uh, he has met her, right?) and embraces Valentina. Don Ernesto is pleasantly surprised.

Fed walks into the lion’s den, and Leo pounces immediately. “I thought you’d never set foot back in this place.” Fed says it’s his house too, and he can visit as he pleases. Leo says that if Fed’s expecting her to beg him to come back, he’s wasting his time. He says he knows she’s not the begging kind; she’s too proud. Leo smirks: "It’s not pride, it’s dignity." Something that JM obviously didn’t inherit from her, because he’s always at Los Cascabeles chasing Valentina.

Maybe he inherited that lack of dignity, Fed says, from his real father! Teresa chooses that moment to tell Leo that somebody’s looking for JM. It’s Rosendo!

“Hi, patrona,” he says as a horrified Leo turns away. “What, you don’t recognize me any more? Because I haven’t forgotten you.”

Back at the school site, JM is telling Valentina he hopes Ivana won’t become a wedge between them. After all, they’ve had plenty of roadblocks already. Valentina agrees. She’ll need some time to sort things out, but nothing will ever come between them. “That’s the way I like it,” JM says, removing her hat in preparation for a passionate kiss.

Back at Montesinos Manor, Leo tells Rosendo she could never forget a thief like him. “You call me a thief just because I borrowed a few pesos?” Rosendo asks. Fed orders him out, but Rosendo insists he’ll only talk to JM.

Fed says he knows Rosendo’s been targeting JM since he arrived in town, and he wants him to stop … or else. "Please, Don Federico,” Rosendo says. “Everybody knows you’re old and sick. And everybody knows you’ve always been a man of …weak character.”

“Not when it comes to my son," Fed says. "If you lay one hand on him, I’ll kill you.” Rosendo looks unconvinced.


Llena de Amor #6 Mon 8/16/10 The lost supper

Friday refresher, in case you’ve forgotten over the weekend: Axel pours his heart out to Greta, who is unconscious, and therefore a great listener, that he has to act like somebody he isn’t. There’s no such thing as happiness. Emanuel takes out his frustrations on a punching bag and tells Benigno that he’s upset about the problems with Marianela. Benigno suggests he take her a rose – that always melts women. Marianela hugs the box with her mother’s ashes and tells them she’s upset that Emanuel isn’t the friend she’d hoped he’d be. There’s a knock and it’s Emanuel with a rose. Sure enough, it works, especially when he explains that the pie was meant for Kristel. He wants to be her friend.


This touching speech is interrupted by Delicia the maid barging in with a huge box that she says Kristel sent. Oh, and she hasn’t been able to find Marianela’s pin. Emanuel’s ears prick up.

Fedra tells Bernardo that his mother didn’t need to have more than one kid – he’s one in a million. He says he never knew his mother. Lucky you, says Fedra. He hands her a bottle and tells her just 20 drops, that’s all she can have. She has to be careful. She kisses the bottle and leaves the room, telling him to have her car ready at 11:00.

Bernardo thoughtbubbles Fedra, you always get your way. I’ve been with you more than 20 years, serving your little whims. He gets out a small inlaid box and gets out the silver lily. It’s been more than 20 years, he thoughtbubbles some more, since the lily sank to the bottom of the sea. He looks at the lily and hopes this isn’t a bad omen. There’s nothing like a bad omen to brighten the hearts of viewerdom, who perk up at the mention of one.

More thoughtbubbling: The jewel that Jose Maria Sevilla had made all those years ago “pasado nos persigue Capitan” (I have no idea what that means – the past haunts us? Who is Capitan?). And more: If you weren’t dead it would be easier to know where the lily came from, if only the sea hadn’t swallowed you forever the night the ship sank.

We see a burning ship sinking, but it doesn’t look like anything modern – it has masts….more like a scene from The Pinta, The Niña and The Glub Glub Glub.

I’m completely confused, which is frustrating because I’m sure all of this is important. If the lily was at the bottom of the sea, how did it get to the surface again? Why does the ship look like it sank 220 years ago, not 20 years ago?

Marianela tells Delicia that the lily was her only remembrance of her mother. Delicia trots out, saying she’ll get Benigno to help her look for it. Emanuel asks Marianela what it looks like, not letting on that he’s seen it. He says he’ll find it for her for sure.

In his room, he asks himself why he didn’t tell Marianela he had the lily. Maybe it’s because it looked like the one in the drawing Bernardo did for him. He guesses he ought to give it back, or she’ll hate him forever. Poor thing, she hasn’t had a moment’s peace since she arrived.

Marianela looks in the big box and says her trademark oh no no no no no. Is this what Kristel and Fedra want me to wear? She remembers her mother’s voice telling her what matters is who we are inside.

Muñeca is smiling seductively at her husband Lorenzo at home. She just couldn’t wait to be with him! He says he’s awfully tired, but she says suggestively that she knows just what’ll wake him up. She disappears up the stairs, his fake smile fades, and he thoughtbubbles that there’s no getting out of this.

Fedra is in Emiliano’s office pouring a drink and, using a dropper, adding the mystery liquid. He says he doesn’t want to argue. She acts innocent, and he tells her seems like arguing is what they do a lot lately.
F: Do you want me to turn into some boring old gray-haired thing like your Muñeca Rivera?
E: We’re not talking about her.
F: She was your intended until I appeared in your life. You know what I think when you gripe about me? That you wish you hadn’t left her.
E: Please, it was arranged by our families. We were never in love.
F: (handing him the drink and stroking his shoulder) That’s what you told me the first time we made love? Remember, mi amor?
E: (enjoying being nuzzled) I love when you do like that – you drive me crazy.

Fedra smiles seductively as he drinks, and thoughtbubbles, You or any other man that I feel like seducing.

There’s a knock at the door but they ignore it while she twirls her high heel in her hand and lifts the glass to his lips while he smiles happily.

Muñeca appears in the bedroom in a slinky number and dims the lights. Lorenzo thoughtbubbles that he’s not going to be able to get out of it. She begins nuzzling him and says she’s been dreaming of this moment. Really? he says, yawning.

Fedra is on Emiliano’s lap and he’s saying yummy, he loooves making love to her. She pouts that he doesn’t listen to her. He says he can’t believe how she affects him – she’s the most desirable woman he’s ever known. He takes another drink and yawns profoundly. She holds him to her chest.

Muñeca is starting to disrobe Lorenzo when his cells rings. She begs him not to answer it, but he says he just has to. It’s Lucas at some party or bar saying he’s there with two lovely things. Lorenzo fakes at his end: Can’t you get along without me? Okay, I’ll come.

Muñeca is crushed and begs him to stay. He says filming on the commercial is hung up and they’re a bunch of incompetents. He feigns deep regret and hotfoots it out of there.

It’s dinnertime at Emiliano’s house and everyone is arranged around the table. Fedra gripes about the food, which isn’t her planned menu, but Emanuel says it’s healthy – fat’s bad for you. Kristel says Marianela (who isn’t there) ought to know. Axel mutters that the family table is a battleground. Emiliano, still yawning, announced to everyone that this is Marianela’s first time to have dinner with them.

Just then she appears, dressed in a pumpkin costume, and taking the high road. She gives them a sparkly smile and says to Fedra and Kristel that they didn’t think she’d put on the costume, but look, she did and here she is.

Netty is weeping in front of a statue of a santo and Brandon comes in and says how sorry he is, he just heard. She laments that Eva was just finally having the life she deserves. Brandon tells her to try to be happy. Do it for herself. Do it for Eva. Remember how every time Eva visited she said this was a house full of happy people? We have to keep being happy people for her. He gives Netty a kiss on the head.

You’re right, she says. We need to remember Eva with joy. Brandon is happy the old Netty is back. He asks about Marianela and Netty bursts into tears again.

At the house of unhappy people, Marianela thanks Kristel for lending her the outfit. Emanuel thinks it’s a very poor joke. Kristel protests that it wasn’t, she just didn’t have anything that Marianela could fit into, and the pumpkin outfit is the height of fashion – she got first prize once when she wore it.

Emanuel offers her a chair and Marianela mooshes the pumpkin down a bit while Kristal and Fedra suppress laughter. Emanuel says he’s going to his room a minute. Fedra tells them all to eat – Marianela must be starving.

Marianela tries not to show that she was insulted and gives herself a silent pep talk. She was trying to be brave, but maybe she just came off ridiculous.

Ilitia has a huuuuge problem, she tells her mama Muñeca. Which dress should she wear to see Emanuel – the red one or the black one? Muñeca says that maybe she (Muñeca) has hit the age and stage where those kinds of things don’t work. Well, she guesses the black one. Great! says Ilitia, then I’ll wear the red one.

Muñeca looks distracted. Ilitia wants to know why her mother didn’t argue when she picked the other dress. Muñeca just tells her she’ll be late. Ilitia, actually for a nanosecond noticing another human being, asks her if she’s okay.

Emiliano tells Marianela to eat all she wants. Fedra tells him not to say that, she’ll empty the larder. Marianela says she’s not very hungry. Axel says he understands, this family would put anyone off their feed. Kristel says it’ll be a great way for Marianela to diet.

Emanuel comes back dressed as a pirate and he and Axel high-five. Now what, says Fedra, and he says it seemed to be a costume party.

Muñeca is sitting in her room looking wistful when her maid Flora brings her some tea. Muñeca says Lorenzo didn’t even say goodbye. It seems like she’s invisible to him. She says she doesn’t want dinner, she’s just going to take her sleeping pills, and she sends Flora off.

She looks at a photo of her and Lorenzo happy together. She tells it she’s going to sleep because she’s tired of going to bed alone, and that he hasn’t made love to her even once a month, and she’s tired of pretending it doesn’t matter. She’s had it. She shakes out too many pills into her hand. She wishes he’d tell her even once that he loves her. She swallows the handful of pills.

Fedra tells Emanuel to lose the pirate costume, she doesn’t want people horsing around at her dinner table. Emanuel ignores that and sits down and smiles. Emiliano asks her to just let them all eat in peace. Axel wants to know why it’s okay that Marianela can be dressed as a pumpkin, but it’s not okay for Emanuel to be dressed as a pirate.

Emanuel thinks it’s splendid that dinner has turned into a costume party. He compliments Kristel on hers. She looks surprised. He tells her she came as a superficial bitch. I guess what he really said was “witch.” Kristel whines for her mother to do something. Fedra tells Emiliano to shape everybody up, but he’s fallen asleep.

Netty is miserable – she feels like Emiliano’s family has made off with everything now that Eva is gone – they have that big house… Brandon asks her if she really thinks Marianela will be happy there. Netty knows she won’t. What she needs right now is love and she’s not going to get it there. They have tons of money but they’re empty inside. They made Eva’s life miserable.

Brandon tells her money can’t buy happiness, and says he’d like to meet Marianela. If she’s as pretty as her mother, he says, he might fall in love with her. Netty arches her eyebrows.

Emiliano is so groggy his head hits the table. He reckons he’ll go on to bed. He staggers out.

It’s time for dessert and the maid comes in with ice cream, which makes Fedra furious. Where’s the lemon pie? Kristel says Marianela wiped it out. Thanks a lot, says Fedra. If you wanted to ruin our whole evening, you certainly succeeded. Since you arrived in this house, everything’s gone to hell.

Sorry, I don’t agree, says Marianela, leaving the table.

Netty is praising Marianela to Brandon. She was first in her class! She made this sling! She’s a wonderful person! Wow, says Brandon. She’s tender, sweet, she inherited her mother’s character. Wow, says Brandon again, she sounds like a saint. I’m guessing maybe you’re leaving out that she’s not so good looking? Oh, no! says Netty. She has the prettiest face. But she’s….gordita.

Emanuel is lecturing his mother and sister, telling them that Marianela is at a rough time in her life, she just lost her mama and… Kristel yawns loudly. Axel fervidly agrees with Emanuel and says they should make every effort to be kind to her. Fedra says that as long she follows the rules, there’s no problem.

Fedra says she’ll try. Emanuel asks Kristel if she will too. Sure, says Kristel who starts dramatizing Poor orphan who just lost her mother… Emanuel tells her she doesn’t get it. Her last two remaining brain cells aren’t up to the burden. He leaves and Fedra and Kristel break into laughter about the excellent pumpkin adventure while Axel shakes his head in disgust.

Emanuel has walked out into the night and sits on the front stairs and wonders why his mother and Kristel are so mean to Marianela. In the background, Marianela walks out and sees him and thinks how she wants to thank him for the pirate routine. Maybe he really does like her. She starts to walk towards him when out of nowhere appears Ilitia, who throws her arms around him and kisses him. They call each other mi amor. Marianela is crushed.

Flora the maid finds Muñeca passed out on the floor of her bedroom. Panicked, she calls for Fidel, whoever that is. I’m guessing it’s not the dog.

Marianela thoughtbubbles that Emanuel’s girlfriend is so thin and they look so in love. Just then Ilitia spots her and wonders what the heck that is. Marianela turns to run away at a pumpkin trot, but Emanuel calls to her.

Ilitia wonders if there’s a costume party going on and nobody told her. Emanuel introduces Marianela. Ilitia makes a few snippy jokes at Marianela’s expense and Emanuel frowns. Marienela looks sad.

Still at the dinner table, Kristel wonders why Emanuel defends Marianela. Fedra says he’s just that way, but she has to understand who’s in charge in the house. Axel says they’re just mad because she doesn’t take their insults lying down. Fedra is surprised he’s defending her too and Kristel wonders if he prefers chubby girls, instead of her slim girlfriends. He gets mad and says that has nothing to do with it. Kristel says people are starting to talk, so he better find himself a girlfriend and fast. She flounces off and he’s livid.

Fedra tells him to sit and asks him what people are talking about. He stares at the tablecloth. She doesn’t want their name dragged through the mud. He’s not interested in what people say, particularly since a lot of them are party-people bed hoppers. Fedra says that sort of thing should interest him, particularly at his age, it’s normal. He retorts that it doesn’t make him abnormal if he doesn’t like Fabiola.

Fedra says how about Lorena? He’s not interested in her either. Fedra tells him he better get him a girlfriend, like now, and stop this gossip. If not, she doesn’t know what they’re going to do with him. Don’t make up stuff! he protests. She says they don’t have certain kinds of people in her family, using (I’m guessing) using circumlocutions for gay. She goes over to him and says she figures he’ll leave the house with a medical degree in hand and a worthy girl on his arm. She wants that photo for her album. If that doesn’t happen, there’ll be serious problems, understand? She strokes his hair while he glares.

Fidel has arrived and is on his knees next to prostrate Muñeca. He tells Flora to call an ambulance, something telenovela characters are incapable of doing unless prompted. Meantime, at some club, Lorenzo is all over some tall, blonde lovely.

Marianela asks Ilitia if she’s a model. Yes, says Ilitia, but I don’t give autographs in my time off. Ilitia wonders if Kristel’s home, she wants to see her. Emanuel tells her to go on in. Ilitia says she’s glad to meet his cousin, she must have a huge heart, ha ha.

Fidel and Flora are awaiting the ambulance and he tells her to call Ilitia. Flora gets her on her cell and starts to tell her Your mother… Ilitia interrupts her and says she’s with her novio and doesn’t want her mother bothering her right now. Give her a kiss and tell her I’ll talk to her later. Bye.

Kristel is admiring her figure in a long mirror, turning this way and that, while she talks on the phone to Mauricio who is on his cell somewhere grassy, probably the club lawn. He tells her that it was her idea to throw a welcome party for her cousin and everything’s all ready at the club. Kristel laughs that Marianela is unfortunately dressed like a pumpkin right now. He tells her to bring her, they’re going to have the beauty contest and she has to be there.

Kristel says she’ll bring her. Mauricio tells her to use his car, which is still there. Ilitia appears at the doorway of Kristel’s room and they laugh and hug.

Marianela and Emanuel are still outside in front of the house, and she thanks him for his kindness and understanding, and for dressing up like a pirate so she didn’t feel so bad. What makes you think I did it for you? he asks. Maybe I have this whole pirate fantasy life. He does a little pirate shtick.

To my mind, when it comes to humiliation, looking like Errol Flynn is hardly comparable to looking like giant orange-colored squash with tendrils, but hey, his heart is in the right place.

Lorenzo and the blonde come into a hotel room, smooching. She wonders why a guy like him doesn’t have his own pad for romantic adventures. He says he does and it depends on how she performs in the hotel room. He’s rough with her and tells her not to take him to heaven, but to hell. Women like you are my downfall.

She takes a silettoed high-heel in each hand and, raising her hands over her head like a picador, embeds them in him, then leaves him for dead.

Okay, that didn’t happen. Actually, and this must be like some blonde joke, she doesn’t see what a truly scary guy he is and she says Kiss me. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.

Ilitia asks Kristel how she got an elephant for a cousin. Kristel is mortified , mortifed! she’s related to somebody like that – she makes her skin crawl. Emanuel and Marianela come in and Fedra and Axel appear. Ilitia gushes over Fedra, telling her she looks wonderful, and tries to greet Axel, but he rudely shoves by her.

Fedra asks after her parents, and Ilitia says her mother is probably alone right now, while her father is out doing something he shouldn’t. Fedra tells her her father needs to stay out of trouble. While all this conversation goes on, Manuel isn’t paying attention, and is horsing around bumping against Marianela’s pumpkin costume.

The ambulance guys are there, putting Muñeca on a stretcher. They figure her stomach will be pumped. They want to know if Flora and Fidel are family members, and they explain who they are (Fidel is the chauffeur, it turns out), but they are the ones on the spot, so they figure they are acting as family since nobody else is around.

Lorenzo and blonde are snoozling in bed when there’s a pounding on the door. My husband! says the blonde. We hear the guy outside yelling that he knows she’s in there with some guy and he’s going to kill them both.

Okay by me.

Ilitia is telling about her awful experience at the airport, but assures everyone she’ll take care of that police fellow after what he did to her. She says she brought home presents for everyone, but not for the cousin. Marianela says that’s okay, I don’t expect gifts from someone I’d never met.

Ilitia is surprised Marianela is so outspoken and Kristel says she has tons of personality. Emanuel tells her to knock it off, and Kristel says that, just to show she listened to what he said about including Marianela, she’s putting on a welcome party this very evening at the club.

Tonight? says Marianela.

Avances: It’s a party at the club where everybody is hip and Marianela is a pumpkin. Will she turn into a coach at midnight? Looks like she’s having fun, though, and one fellow even tries to kiss her. She goes to hug Emanuel and ends up falling on top of him.


El Clon Monday August 16: Summary for Discussion

In which Alejandro sees Natalia as she really is and still gives her one last chance to redeem herself; Luisa Stands by her Man; Malicia Stands by Cris’s Man; and Jadiya wants to be Daddy’s (Only) Little Girl.

Albieri’s house:
Albieri has confessed to Luisa the secret of the clone. He fears people won’t understand. They will crucify him! (Interesting choice of word). He’ll lose his reputation. They will worry about trivial concerns (nimiedades) and ignore the truly great thing he has accomplished.
Entonces era eso, (So that was it) says Luisa quietly. Now that Luisa knows that there is no ‘other woman’, she is astonishingly indifferent to the moral and emotional implications of what she has heard. All she cares about, it seems, is shielding Albieri. She promises to stand by him, whatever may happen. He leans onto her and she reaches for his hand.

Empresas Ferrer:
Carolina and Enrique are discussing Leo’s newly appeared hijo and the mystery of his lunar when Roberto joins them. Roberto is still scratching his head over the assignment he has been given – to arrange for Leo to adopt Daniel. Enrique flies into a jealous rage when he hears that Leo has asked Roberto to do this work instead of him. He stalks out and is seen taking a swig from his trusty flask.

Alej and Nati’s apartment:
Nati watches from the bed as Alej comes in and unpacks his gym bag. He says nothing as he slams his equipment on the table. She starts to apologize and make up excuses. She admits she drank but denies using drugs. He lets her talk for a while and then he explodes:
¡Ya no puedo más! !Estoy asqueado, estoy harto!
I can’t do it any more. I am disgusted, I’m fed up!
In a speech in which almost every utterance is punctuated by “Natalia” (I counted 24 Natalia’s) he confronts her with the truth: How hard he is working to build a life for them and how she has torpedoed all his efforts. How his trainer, Rudi, cancelled his session and Michael Gonzales called to say that if he lost another training fight or missed a single training session, he would be out. How a person she calls a friend, Paula, left her alone and helpless on the beach:
Te pudiste morir y te dejó botada.
You could have died and she just ditched you.
This is the last time, says Alejandro grimly. Either you stop using drugs or I leave you. She promises to stop. Cree en mí, pleads Natalia. (Believe in me.)

Ramón tells Gloria he heard that Alej lost his trainer, but to Gloria’s frustration, he has no details. Hilda comes in and orders an orange juice (good for pregnant women). Her Karla, you see, is pregnant. Maybe Hilda catches Gloria’s look of disgust because when the juice is ready, she tells Ramón to keep the money; the skanks will go somewhere more elegant. (cachetoso).

Waterfront restaurant:
Hilda is giving Miss K some motherly advice about the importance of good nutrition and rest in pregnancy. Our skank has pure gold en la panza. (in her belly). Es un cheque en blanco al portador. Antes de perderlo, prefiero matarte a ti. (It’s a blank check made out to the bearer. I’d rather kill you than lose it.)

Beach Club:
Roberto sees a hot babe as she walks by and accidentally on purpose lets her scarf drop to the sand. He picks it up and runs after her. Then he notices that there is a camera crew filming her. (And him? Is this a film set? A Candid Camera show?)
Andrea comes along looking for her father but has the misfortune to bump into surly Fernando instead. She warns him that he needs to get his act together because he’s on the verge of losing everything. For her pains, he tells her:
Vete al infierno y déjame en paz.
Go to hell and leave me alone.

Albieri’s clinic:
Anita is on the phone with Luisa while an impatient Cristina and Dora look on. Luisa tells her Albieri isn’t coming in today; she can make up whatever excuse she wants. Anita tells Cris and Dora that Albieri is home, exhausted, and he took a sleeping pill. They need to come back another day. They don’t believe a word of it and head off to his house.

When they leave, Julio comments that Albieri has a lot of explaining to do; and his problems will affect all of them.

Escobar comes in, as usual, talking to Ratoncita on his cell. He’s still asking for the papers. He wants her to send him a kiss. This is inconvenient for her since she is at that moment trying to seduce Pablo. She covers her mouth and whispers: ‘un beso’. Escobar looks less smug than usual.

The apartment that ate Clara’s euros:
Malicia tells Pablo the phone call was from the club. Pablo is getting ready to leave. She leans in and kisses him. He kisses her back.

Dora’s apartment:
A despondent Daniel has made his way back home. Estela, as always, receives him warmly. Are you afraid of me, abuela? asks Daniel. Of course not, she says. He tells her how Luisa looked at him as if she were seeing a ghost and wouldn’t even give him a hug. Estela puts an arm around him and with her other hand pats him comfortingly. He says:
Gracias, abuela, gracias por no tener miedo de mí.
Thank you, grandma, thank you for not being afraid of me.

Casa Ferrer:
Lucia tells Marisa that Leonardo is planning to adopt the boy who looks like Diego. Marisa thinks it is absurd. She’s sure Rosa and Leo are letting their imagination run wild. Rosa comes in with their coffee and asks:
Marisa, sabes algo de Diego? (Do you know anything about Diego?)
Why yes, she answers nastily: Diego morió hace 20 años. (Diego died 20 years ago.)
How can a person be as cold as you are? asks Rosa. And you said you loved him…

Empresas Ferrer:
Roberto tells Lucas about Leo’s plan to adopt Daniel. Lucas wants to talk to Leo and try to dissuade him; Roberto suggests giving him a day to think about it.

Zein’s apartment:
Jade and Zein talk about how being part of two cultural divides has affected them. Zein feels he is totally westernized although he appreciates the beauty of the rituals and customs of the Muslim world. Jade feels that she is torn in two and it is that inner conflict that has kept her from finding happiness.

Zoraida arrives. She returns Jade's letter, explaining that Jadiya refused to read it.

Said’s house.
Jadiya asks Said to get rid of all of Jade’s things. He says he will. He tries to comfort her by promising that he and Rania will always take care of her. Jadiya says once more that she doesn’t like Rania; that Rania was responsible for bringing discord into their home.

Nati and Alej’s apartment:
Gloria wants her son to tell her the truth: Did you lose your trainer? No, no, says Alej, it’s just a few sessions I’m missing. Gloria is in a state of cold fury. She wants to know exactly what Natalia had to do with this. She is so frustrated by his evasiveness that she slaps him. He finally admits that he got in trouble because he had to leave a training session to come to Natalia’s rescue. (socorrerla). Wake up, says Gloria:
¡Tú no tienes para que andar haciendo de niñera con una muchacha que no se quiere ni quiere a los demas!
You don’t have to go around playing babysitter to a girl who doesn’t love herself and doesn’t love others.
Natalia walks in to confront her accuser.

Albieri’s house:
Cris and Dora walk past Luisa when she opens the door. They demand an explanation from Albieri. Luisa shields him with her body and her words and won’t let him speak. He’s exhausted, she says. Another day. And (surprisingly) Cris and Dora leave without the answers they came for. When they are gone, Luisa tells Albieri that they will think of something, some explanation.

I did something magnificent, but I lack the indifference to public opinion that great scientists must feel, remarks Albieri humbly. Luisa tucks him in as he babbles on about how, because of his work, humanity will overcome the burden of genetic maladies… When Luisa wants to make him some tea, he tells her what she has waited more than twenty years to hear:
No te vayas, te necesito. No me dejes solo!
Don’t leave, I need you. Don’t leave me alone!

Enrique’s place:
Enrique continues feeling sorry for himself because Leo didn’t ask him to arrange Daniel’s adoption. Once you’ve been a drug addict, people look at you like you’re garbage, even after you’ve undergone treatment and remade your life, he says to Carolina. Para mí tú vales mucho (For me you are a very valuable person) she answers. Enrique doesn’t seem to notice. He tells her he needs to see his analyst.

Nati and Alej’s apartment:
Gloria isn’t holding back. She reminds Nati that she had everything given to her; Alej had to work for everything. And now Nati is destroying what he has built.

Psychiatrist’s office:
Enrique says he wanted to stop using drugs but he couldn’t admit that he was in the grip of an illness.

Nati and Alej’s apartment:
Nati promises Gloria she’s going to stop using. Gloria says:
Si yo fuera mi hijo, yo ya no estaría contigo.
If I were my son, I wouldn’t be with you any more.
Enrique’s voiceover: Their distrust hurt me, but I gave them no reason to trust me.

Cris tells Vicki she won’t trust Dora until Albieri has told them the truth.
Clara and Rogelio are chatting and when he asks if she has a good relation with her ex, she fibs and says yes. (But thought-bubbles: Ni loco le voy a contar / No way I’m going to tell him)
Cris comes over and she and Rogelio hug affectionately. Cris has a gift for him and one for Malicia, too. She sings Malicia’s praises and suggests it’s time for Rogelio to promote her. He looks a bit uneasy and then he says:
Ya tomamos cartas en el asunto. Alicia te va a reemplazar.
We’ve already addressed the issue. Alicia is going to replace you.
Cris is stunned. She can’t understand where this is coming from since she left everything in perfect order. Rogelio mentions the famous missing report, the one in the yellow folder. He sees how angry she is and begs her not to make a scene. Don’t worry, she says. It turns out that the person with no moral principles is you! Then she turns away from Rogelio just in time to see Pablo and Malicia exchanging a tender kiss.

Credits roll


CS Episode# 125 8/16/10 Aimee is dead, Fed is dead, Juan is a dumb a$$, Jime finds mommy

Juan has a folded piece of paper in his hands. He makes it a ball and throws it away. Then he has a second thought, picks it up unfolds it and reads it. It is the annulment document. Now, how did Aimee got hold of this document? Wasn’t Ren supposed to send it someplace to have the marriage annul? Juan has the thought that Reggie requested the annulment of their matrimony and his first impulse is to go and Reggie for an explanation. For the first time during the length of this TN Juan makes the right assumption and thinks before he makes any judgments, he has to clear his mind and then he'll talk to Reggie. He says he isn't even sure of the veracity of this document.

Elo is tied up to a chair. Gagged and making a lot of noise. Fed is opening Fully's safe. He finally opens it and when he opens the door, the safe is booby trapped. The second the safe door opens a gun is triggered and Fed is finally history! Fed had finally what he deserved. Fed couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the gun. He didn't have enough time to react. The shot got him between his eyes. He fall down in slow motion blood coming out of his mouth and a WTF look in his face to finally rest on his beloved’s lap. Elo is screaming over the gag and she seems to be pretty scared. Elo is breathing pretty heavy. Suddenly we see a hand reaching out from beneath a desk. Slowly a figure is coming into view. It's Fully! He walks slowly towards Elo and says to her do you realize my dear Elo never stop believing in miracles because they truly exist. We see a shot of Fed’s face for dramatization. Fully walks behind Elo and puts knife to her throat. I am almost sure that by now Elo soiled on her undergarments.

Everyone is in black at la finca del mar. Reggi comes in and tells Noel and Clem that is time for them to leave.

Branco and Salma are at the Marin's house. Serv is spying them and asks himself the question. "What are these two doing at de Marin's. I better notify Fully." I don’t really understand why he has to notify fully about these two going to de Marin’s. Lulu doesn't want to let Salma and Branco in the house but they say they want to talk to Mari. They beg Lulu to let them talk to her. Lulu says that Mary is very ill because of Salma;s doing. Salma begs her again and tells Lulu "you were right when you told me that when you do damage to someone your soul is chained." Salma asks Lulu to forgive her and asks Lulu to give her the opportunity to ask for Mari's forgiveness. Branco said that they have very important news to give Mari.

Leo is telling Ren not to insist because she is not leaving the house. Leo is not going to let Clem take possession of her things. Ren tells her, too bad mother I already sign up the documents and we have to vacate the premises. Leo, no, no, and no. Ren moms please take it easy I already bought a house en el puerto and we can move there and live in peace. Leo, well you'll move by yourself because I'm going to die here. Ren tells her I'll leave you alone to think and meditate. Leo, tells Renato she’ll never, never, never, leave the house.

Mari comes and asks Selma what the heck is she doing there. Mari asks her is she came to rejoice in her pain. Mari also asks Salma if she came to tell her more lies. Salma says no senora I came to ask for your forgiveness. Mari, perdon, perdon, you think is that easy? You played with my heart. You gave me false hopes. I gave you my love and affection. Why did you do it Salma, why? What wrong did I do to you that made you hurt me that way? Salma, you never hurt me and I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but I beg you to forgive me in the name of what you love the most. Mari, what I want the most is to find my daughter. Is the only thing I want, find my daughter, find Angela. Your wish has come true Senora. You have been close to your daughter for a long time. Mari, please stop playing with my feelings. Branco, no senora, Salma is telling the truth. We know who your daughter is. That's why we are here. Mari, no you are lying. What you want is money. Branco, no senora, from the bottom of my heart I tell you we are not laying. Mari walks towards Salma, grabs her by the shoulders and demands to be told who her daughter is. For some reason, Salma doesn't say. Probably she is waiting for someone to walk in and stop the confession.

Back to Fully and Elo. Fully is still holding the knife to her throat. Fully, my dear and lovely Elo. I never knew you were so stupid. How could you give yourself to Fed? That poor bastard. Elo tries to deny it, but Fully warns her. Don't even try I saw you at the dressmaker's house. I saw with my own eyes how you kissed him and how you made love to him. I would never forget that image; I think just now Elo is realizing how deep in trouble she is. You my beautiful wife how could you? And look how Fed was going to pay you. He was going to leave you here tied to this chair taking my money. He was going to make you look to be the only one responsible. Fed was only using you my naive and stupid wife. OK I added the last bit. Fed never loved you. He was going to kill you in order to keep all your money you stupid cow. It seems Elo is saved by the bell, at least for now. Serv walks in the room. Fully tells Serv how easily Fed walk in to the trap. Fully orders Serv to put Fed's body in the basement and they'll decide later what to do with it. Fully, I would've done anything for you Elo, but you preferred to betray me. Now you are going to die. I'll give just the time to entrust your soul like the sinner that you are. The blade is all bloody and Elo is about to meet with her maker whoever that is.

The servants are covering the furniture at la casona.Renato walks in one the rooms and looks very sad.

Mari is still shaking Salma (I guess Salma is ready now for James Bond to drink her, shaken not stirred) and begging to be told who her daughter is. Salma doesn't say anything and I think Branco had it like all of us. Branco tells Mari that Jime is her daughter. Mari can't believe it. She looks at Salma, and Salma shakes her head, yes.

Jime and Gabe are walking on the beach talking about their love and how much they'll like o be married. I'm sorry but there's nothing here to report. Too sticky sweet for me.

Mari can't believe and asks them what are you saying the Jime is my daughter? Salma, yes senora. Branco convinced me to tell you the truth. Mari, I won't believe you. You lied to me once. Probably you are lying to me again so my dad doesn't go to the authorities. Branco, tells her, no senora if it wasn't the truth we won't be here. We don't want any money or any reward the only thing we want is to have our conscience in peace. De Marin and Mari's parents walk in the house. Abuelo asks what you are doing here. It was no enough for you all the hurt you caused us? Abuela, what do you want? What new devilry are you planning for us? Salma, I am not going to defend myself. I accept all of you are pissed at me, that's why I gather the courage to come and tell you how sorry I am for what I did. De Marin tells her that nothing is going to erase all the bad things she did. Abuelo, tells why are you here? Mari tells them the news about Jime being her real daughter. Everyone is very surprised and I am sure the abuelos must be feeling pretty bad after the way they treated Jime. Salma and Branco tells them the story how Grizzy and Serv kidnapped Jime and how Grizzy coached Salma to pretend to be Angela. So yeah, Jimena is Mari's daughter.

Serv has reached the basement with Fed's body and is complaining about the weight. He is going to cover it, but before that he decides to empty Fed's pocket because Fed is not going to need it where he's going. I never liked you arrogant bastard. After Serv empties Fed’s pockets he leaves the basement and maybe to add some drama Fed’s body moves and falls.

Clem asks Noel for his permission to go out. Noel asks where? Clem says she is going to go to the market with Reggie. Reggie wants to be like the women of the fishermen. Noel, says how different are Reggie and Aimee. Even though Aimee caused us a lot of grief I still can't accept her dead. Clem, says yes I understand you because I feel the same way. Clem, Ren wanted to give her everything and she did everything she could to kill his love. Noel, yes and even though she knew Reggie and Juan loved each other she did the impossible to try to separate them. Clem, Aimee could never accept that she couldn't own everything. If something didn't belong to her, it couldn't belong to anybody else. That’s why she never accepted that Juan didn’t want her anymore. Noel, I think Aimee needed her mother's love. I don't think Rod in all his selfishness gave her all the love she need it. I am sorry Noel, but Rod gave Reggie less love and Reggie is different. Clem tells Noel about the letter Constanza left and that MDR read it and the letter's content. Noel can't believe it. Clem reminds him of how times at day Leo gave Consty a tea of some sort to make her "feel better." Clem is convinced Leo offed Constanza.

Leo is being escorted out of the house by the guards she says what about Rod? Rod is also being escorted by the guards. Rod also wonders about Leo. These two are going to play the blame game.

Jime and Gabe arrive at De Marin's. Lulu greets them and tells them that Mari is waiting for Jime very anxious. Jime gets all nervous and asks if Mari got sick. Lulu reassures her and tells her they have surprise for her. Jime goes in the living room and sees Salma and Branco. Jime gets upset and asks Salma what in the devil is she doing there? Mari tells Jime to calm down. I have to tell you something. I am very excited and I hope you'll share this excitement when I tell you why Salma is here.

Reggie is in bed feeling sick wondering what is wrong with her. Je, je, je, we know what is wrong with her.

Remi is screaming at Juan for doubting Reggie. I take back what I said at the beginning of this recap about Juan. The poor last neuron on his brain is working overtime now. Remi is trying to make him reason.

Clem came to get Reggie to go to the market. Reggie tells Clem about the ways she feels and Clem tells Reggie she is pregnant.

Remi continues his session with Juan. Remi tells him if you doubt Reggie and this separate you of her then Aimee have won. Juan says you are right I have to believe in her love. Does she love me? Remi has an, oh please look, and leaves. I guess Remi had enough stupidity for a lifetime from Juan and leaves. Juan scream answer me, does she love me?

I tell you Reggie and Clem can tele-port. They are at Pablo's office and he has already examined her. Pablo confirms the good news. Reggie is beside herself and says she is going to give her husband the good news. We know that probably Juan won't know until the end.

Juan is holding a red rose. I think he is visiting Aimee. Aimee is buried at the same tomb MDR was "buried" Why is he there? Anyway, he’s telling Aimee about her last letter and how he never understood her reasons to try to separate him of Reggie. He tells Aimee that he won't allow her to become between him and Reggie. He tells her he never loved her. All he felt from her was passion the same she felt for him. We are treated against our will to some scene of passion in the love cave, when Juan went to la finca on the wedding day. We see la espada y la rosa scene once more. You don't know what love is. I love you sister with all my soul.

De Marin and the grandparents are talking about how if Jime is not Mari's daughter it would kill her. Jime tells Mari what is that thing so important she has to tell her. Mari goes around in circle and Jime is clueless. Then Mari tells her you are my Angela. You are my daughter. Jime can't believe it. Salma tells her is the truth and tells her how Grizzy and serv kidnapped her when she was alittle girl. Branco reaffirms it. Jime and Mari hug each other. Mari, I waited so long for this moment. Now I understand the connection we had.



Monday, August 16, 2010

Dinero Monday August 16, 2010 Marino and Ramirez Get Lucky But Nobody Else Does

Tonight was a strange mixture of pathos, broad humor, slapstick and nail-biting tension. As much as I loathe Vicky, I found myself feeling quite sorry for her tonight. Lying beautifully silent, almost catatonic, still in her white wedding garb, we could appreciate her physical loveliness and get a much-needed break from her manipulative screeching. I felt even sorrier for Don Gaston, baffled and disillusioned by the machinations of his daughter but still loving her with all his heart. Daughter, he explains haltingly, I had to cancel the wedding. Without love and trust, a marriage is doomed. Vicky doesn't see it that way and as he turns off the light and starts to leave, we see a flash of the old Vicky as she makes a wicked nasty face. I fear Rafa's troubles with VVV are not over.

His troubles at work, however, seem to be resolving. Doña Arcadia, along with Beltran, has summoned him to the royal chambers in order to offer him his job back. But Alejandra has to go. Rafa protests. The Queen laughs. You're completely predictable, she chuckles, we knew you'd say that....so here's the deal. If you get Alejandra to come back WITH Susana, then you'll have a job. But we need all three of you....especially Susana for her wonderful massages. Once that's settled, Beltran wants the 411 on the cancellation of the wedding and Rafa mumbles something about having goals he needs to reach before taking a step like that. Doña Arcadia, who knows a lot more, wisely keeps mum.

Now if only Jaime would! His hysterical high-speed tirades are in full evidence tonight. I think I'd prefer he choose the comatose route like Vicky, but no such luck. A torrent of blather and apologies greet Leonor when she opens the door to his frantic knocks. She finally calls a halt and tells him she might be able to hear him out another day. But tonight, no. She's too hurt, too devastated. In the background, we see Julieta, her tear-stained face bearing the same message. You sent him packing didn't you, ma? Indeed.

The last scene before our first round of ads is Rafa, firming up the meeting with Don Romulo tomorrow to deliver the trucks. And then musing over his last encounter with Ale. She wished him luck in his wedding and he had it...no wedding! Now if only he could wish her the same kind of luck so she would fail to marry Marco.

Now we're at Marco's and the telephone rings. It's Jorge. No problem. There was a storm, knocked out all communication but all is well now. Sorry he won't be at the civil wedding but he'll be praying for them both. And no way will he miss the religious ceremony. Marco goes in for a big hug, Ale turns her face away and looks sad, but she clings to him nevertheless.

Auto Siglo looks like a morgue, especially with only our miserable Dandy at the desk. All the rest of the sales staff is at the Trancaso celebrating Rafa's non-wedding. No matter. Rafa now has another "mission" for Dandy. One more time, he has to get Susana to listen to him. Not only that but he must persuade her to come back to work. He doubts he'll make any headway but Rafa packs him off with a "Echale mi matador" (Go for it bullfighter). And he does.

Rafa is not so lucky when he tries to contact a hungover Ale, slumped over her alka-seltzer. Once she finally locates her ringing cellphone she refuses to answer. Furthermore, no matter who calls, she's not "not at home". Got it, everybody? And with that she staggers off to the bedroom, leaving our nefarious Marco to muse "Would she still want to marry me if she knew Medina's wedding didn't come off?"

Well, the wedding scandal provides a great source of entertainment for the sales staff. They're tippling tequilas, musing about Jaime's tryst with Vicky, making fun of Rosaura as usual for her "everything's better in the US" BS, and she in turn is artfully dodging the clumsy seduction attempts of Pepeto.

Just before the next set of ads, we see Rafa leaving work, only to stumble over an hysterical Jaime, now on his second round of frenetic apologies. ( Someone give this guy a quaalude please!) Here's the short version: He didn't want to hurt Rafa or Julieta. Vicky was blackmailing him. He couldn't say anything because her brothers would have killed him. She got him drunk. (I suppose she raped you too, snaps Rafa). Well no, but remember, you stood her up at the hotel and I went to explain why you couldn't come. She was wearing a rather attractive negligée. The champagne was flowing....

And you fell for it like a chump, concludes Rafa. Jaime switches from hysteria to assault, trying to kiss Rafa as he shrieks that he's his only friend in the whole world. Rafa brushes him off. Are you gay or what? (¿volviendo del otro bando?) I'll never forgive you for what you did to Julieta. (We know these two friends will make up eventually. But clearly it won't be tonight.)

So what about Susana and Dandy? Well, not tonight either. He camps outside her doorstep, rousing the ire of a neighbor with his knocking and his shouts. Susana sneaks in during a moment when he closes his eyes. He ends up spending the night crouched outside her door and only gets in when the same neighbor, taking pity on him, pretends to ask for a cup of sugar the next day. Instead of sugar, she gets Dandy. And now there's hope. (But first he has to sprint to her bathroom, poor devil.)

All right, you know who really breaks my heart? Don Gaston. He's not happy with any of his kids and I don't blame him. The boys are buffoons with serious anger management problems.. Vicky is clearly unbalanced. "What sin have I committed?" he sighs, "if only one were normal!" (Fella, I feel your pain. Believe me. Wanna start a Parents of Adult Children support group? I could use one.)

Back at the Trancaso, the non-wedding party is breaking up. Ramirez is off to see his married lady (after fending off a lot of snide insinuations about him and Marino); Bebe is heading for home before his dear wife gets worried, and the rest of the crew are musing about Marino's latest "victim" and whether there will soon be a tenth fatherless child in the neighborhood.

So where do we go next? You got it. Marino's bed which has evidently just seen a lot of action. She's gushing about his prowess, he's angling for a back rub. But whoops he lets out the secret that he's hoping he's engendered a girl child after all those boys. WHAT!? YOU HAVE KIDS!? YOU'RE LIKE ALL THE REST, YOU LIED TO ME!!! Nope, he didn't. He never say he DID NOT have kids. So okay, he has a couple. She tries to throw him out. He reminds her it's his bedroom so she has to go. Except he has other plans. A tussle, a forced kiss....which turns passionate. She wraps herself around him again. Baby girl launch no. 2 is about to begin. Thankfully the scene ends. This I don't want to see.

Don't much want to see Ramirez checking his breath outside his paramour's door either. But I do. Door opens. Breathless and surprise redhead answers. She gets a present and some sweet nothings, followed by "Is Edgar Jr. asleep?" "Does that mean.....you want to spend the night?" More ardent trembling. " Then I'm your woman!" (Don't really get Ramirez' charm but I guess in comparison to Marino, any man looks good) Anyway, clearly our pompous mama's boy going to be as well served as his erstwhile roommate tonight.

The goofy cartoon tells us that night has passed and morning has dawned. Yes, it's the day we've all been dreading, including Alejandra. The third go at a wedding. Hers.

Rosario is looking like spiffy, in a silky forest green top and very successful makeup. Even odious Quintana seems charmed, and hovers in for a "When this is over, we must start planning our own wedding, darling". Blech. Marco is also looking quite natty in his well-tailored suit. And Ale? As Rosario notes, she looks like she's headed for a firing squad (al parédon) rather than to a wedding. Figure it out, Tia!

Well, Susana, at least, IS beginning to figure it out....or at least to listen to Dandy. He's explaining that the wedding was cancelled. True, Rafa didn't back out. It was Vicky's dad that called a halt. But Rafa doesn't love Vicky. He DOES love Alejandra. And we've got to let her know he didn't get married. Susana tries the cellphone. But it's turned off. Then call the apartment! She does. And we hear the fatal phone ringing and ringing right after Alejandra sallies forth, slamming the door shut.

OH NOOOOOOO!!!!!!. And there the episode ends.

Marian, looking lovely with her collagen-plumped lips, is musing that today Rafa loses his love Alejandra to her wedding. Sooooo sad. (Not!)
We see Ale, looking fabulous in a pale pink dress, about to say her vows.
But here comes the Pantera and Rafa! Will he stop the wedding in time? Stay tuned.

regar en tus macetas = lit. to water in your pots. fig. to dip your wick ( The sales crew discussing Jaime's alleged cheating with Rafa's girl)
pelizcadó el pastel = lit. nibbled at the cake fig. same meaning as above
echale mi matador = go for it, bullfighter!
volviendo del otro bando fig. playing in the other ballpark, being gay
como un niño caiste = fell for it like a chump
erroes no se corrigen con mentiras = mistakes aren't fixed by lies (Rafa to Jaime)
reverenda estupidez = utter, absolute stupidity! (Jaime, admitting his mistake)
animalada = an outrage, outrageous (more Jaime confessions)
está como ida = it's like she's not "there" (describing Vicky's catatonic state)
eso no se hace = that sort of thing isn't done (Leonor remonstrating with Jaime)
¿le mandaste a volar? = did you send him packing? (Julieta to Leonor)
parédon = can mean wall or rock, but in this case, "firing squad" (the look on Ale's face the day of her wedding to Marco)

Dicho of the Day

I'm just going to give you a couple of expressions....they're not actually dichos, per se.

"apenas a tiempo" in the nick of time Will Rafa get there before she says "I do"?
un puñalada trapera" a stab in the back A perfect way to describe Jaime's actions. But at least he stopped the wedding in time.
un cuento chino = a cock and bull story Just about anything that comes out of Marco's mouth
lobo con piel de oveja = a wolf in sheep's clothing Marco, Chavez, Marino . Probably Quintana. And Pepeto? Can't decide.

And that's it for tonight folks. Enjoy.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Llena de Amor #5 Fri 8/13/10 I'm back

I hope this is like riding a bike, it has been a while since I've done this -

Unfortunately my night begins with Emanuel doing a Chippendale show for Marianela. Are we supposed to forget that they are cousins, or did we decide that the cousin lovin’ isn’t frowned upon in Mexico? I forget. Anyway, Emanuel finally leaves Marianela to gasp for air, bringing on the one billionth time on TV they have shown someone with asthma and gotten it all wrong. I suffered from asthma when I was younger and the problem is breathing OUT, not breathing in. On TV they always show someone gasping to suck in air, all of a sudden, it comes on a bit more slowly. They also never show someone using their inhaler right, in reality it looks like someone doing a bong hit. Suck the spray down deeeeeeep and hold it as long as you can. And Marianela this time even had the inhaler upside down! Wow we kicked right off with one of my pet peeves. Moving on –

Emiliano calls the cops to report the four guys that attacked Mauricio. Fedra overhears and mumbles threats against Mauricio, she knows what really happened. Emanuel walks in with no pants and blood on his head, Emiliano gets back on the phone, he must have been assaulted too!

Emanuel laughs about having blood on his head like he’s drunk or something and remembers Marianela throwing the chocolates at him. He is acting really weird. Then he realizes it wasn’t her taking his pants, who was it?

Fedra calls Bernardo and the two security guards on the carpet for not seeing the four assaulters. Emanuel and Fedra argue, Marianela comes in with chocolate all over her face. Fedra tells her to lay off the chocolate or she won’t fit through the door.

Ilitia continues complaining about Brandon at the police station. WE GET IT. As Maggie (I think it was her) pointed out, these two getting together later on is a guarantee. Her mom Camila defends him as a hero, Ilitia just complains some more about not talking to her novio, etc. Dad Lorenzo shows up and wants to hear the whole story. Ilitia says later, just get us out of here.

Emanuel says there was no assault, he just had an accident. Fedra says “I knew it!” She is on to Mauricio and his greasy self, and now Emanuel knows Mauricio is the pants thief.

Emiliano apologizes to Marianela about Fedra. They say nice things about Eva, leaving out any mention of her plastic face. He promises to talk to the lawyers about her inheritance. She mentions moving to Netty’s house, he says no way, this is her house, the house of her father! She can go see Netty whenever she wants, or even bring Netty over whenever. I’m sure he is all for that wink wink nudge nudge know what I’m saying? Speaking of Netty, I think the skill she could teach best is how to fan your face with your hand, she’s an expert.

Netty and the other ladies at her house ask if Eva left anything for anyone, Netty says she didn’t have any money to leave. The others don’t believe that, with all her singing success and rich husband. For sure when he died he left it all to Eva, and now it belongs to Marianela, right? Netty thinks, hmmm, that makes sense.

Marianela, still in her bath robe, talks to the General in the basement about how horrible Fedra is. He says she’ll try to get rid of Marianela, dead or alive. She frets. He tells her Fedra hate her because she is the heir to all the fortune of her father. What about the debts, she says? He says that’s all lies. She then FINALLY realizes that she lost the gold lily.

Bernardo brings Fedra all the fake papers making all of Eva’s fortune belong to her now.

Emanuel has the gold lily, wonder how many weeks/months before Marianela finds out and gets it back? Axel is borrowing some books, Emanuel stops him and asks, what if someone told you a crazy story, and then later you found something from it? Axel asks like what? Emanuel says like after hearing the story of Alladin and the lamp, what if you were walking along and you FOUND a lamp just like that? Axel says well, then, that means the story is true! So – this gold lily appeared in some story being told within this family and Emanuel didn’t think it was all true, but here is the lily, for real.

Fedra exults. Then asks Bernardo, where are the debts I asked you to make? He goes into some long explanation that sums up to “taken care of”. She says she’ll pay him handsomely for everything, he says he isn’t interested in money. She says that’s weird and they talk about forgetting the past, apparently her past is shady but now she has been converted into a queen and she’ll never forget that she owes it all to Bernardo. So I ask, what does Bernardo want? Is he in love with Fedra (ugh threw up in my mouth a little)? We don’t get an answer at this time.

The General says he can’t believe the gold lily was still around. It was given to his father from a business associate (what a girly gift between businessmen, but whatever), then it passed to her father, who gave it to Eva on their wedding day. After that it was never seen again. Marianela is upset that she lost it.

Manuelo goes to the kitchen for something for his headache. Then he plays with frosting on a pie, saying something about his sister. One of the maids says something nasty to him on her way out of the room. Is it me, or are the maids the most attractive women on this show? One of them might be too young for me to say that, but still. I have no idea what the deal was with that scene.

Marianela is telling the maid about her lost gold lily, asking for her hep to find it.

Bernardo, aka The Mask, keep congratulating themselves. She wants to go out and celebrate, it sounded to me like she wanted Bernardo to give her some drugs (extasy?) and then she was going to out and slut it up with some random dude. He says that would be the third time this month already, she should be careful. My wife didn’t understand that all any better than I did, I think that’s what is going on here.

Kristel goes into Gretels room as Gretel is asleep. She talks to her about why she has to be so weird instead of ‘normal’ like her. She plays with a hypodermic needle, but before she uses it a maid comes in saying Emanuel wants her in the kitchen. She heads down.

Emanuel is waiting by the kitchen door with a pie loaded with whipped cream (ok now I get it). He whips it up to hit Kristel as she enters….. but it was Marianela. Ooops.

Ilitia’s dad tries to calm her down, it doesn’t work very well. The cops call her in to sign her statement. Instead of just going, she rants first. Then she goes.

Emanuel is having to apologize to Marianela AGAIN. She starts crying. I’m getting very tired of seeing this bit twice per episode. I look forward to no more fat suit and getting the thin hot version of this actress back. Kristel comes in and says that Emanuel is officially her hero (the captions here were WAY off, something about being detenido), which upsets Marianela even more. Sigh.

Ilitia signs the form. Then she yells at Brandon some more. He teases her and asks if she wants his phone number. She vows to get even with him. She throws her money and fame in his face, showing how shallow she is. This continues until she leaves.

The Mask goes into Emanuel’s room (I’m guessing because of the trophies) and some how immediately finds the one where he has hidden the gold lily. He has what sounds like an orgasm as he steals it. Creepy.

Kristel asks Marianela if she was born dumb or if something happened. Emanuel tries to defend her, AGAIN she gets mad at him, etc etc etc. She trips and falls on the pie on the way out, refusing his help to get up. Kristel can’t stop laughing. He says maybe this will also be funny and dumps a bunch of soup on her head. He decides that this IS funny, adding rice, and some more whipped cream on top of her head. He laughs. I agree, it is funny.

Netty and the others continue to talk about the inheritance. They vow to make sure it goes to Marianela. Brandon comes home and everyone is so happy.

Some old lady from Spain, Aunt Carlota, reminds Emiliano by phone that it is Marianela’s house, etc etc. He says of course, when she is old enough it will all pass to her. Fedra flops her arm on a bunch of piano keys in the background. Aunt Carlota makes him promise to protect Marianela. He agrees, with Fedra sulking in the background.

Marianela sits in her dark room and whines to God, out loud to herself. I can’t get her time as Aurora out of my head, it’s the same thing all over again.

Fedra complains about Aunt Carlota putting the responsibility of taking care of Marianela on them. Whine whine whine. She insults Netty, Emiliano quickly comes to her defense. More arguing. Axel shows up and adds to the defense of Netty. Fedra then wants Marianela to leave the house, but Axel says she should decide herself, and Emiliano says she’ll stay here, and everyone will show her some respect, dammit! Good Night!

This is out of order and I don’t know if anyone threw this out there yet – but I think Axel is gay. The whole thing the other night where he wouldn’t give the girls attention, then telling his friend that he ‘was about to tell my parents everything’ but then didn’t, it all adds up.

Ooops – turns out Marianela was listening. She is still covered with cream, Fedra yells at her.

Ilitia comes home, her parents ask if she is going to see Emanuel, she says she can’t looking like this! She sniffs her hair and says she has ‘odor of naco’ stuck on her so she has to clean up first, then go see her novio.

Fedra goes on, Emiliano stops her. Marianela says there was an accident, it wasn’t from eating. She tells what happened. Fedra doesn’t believe her. Emiliano says hey hey whatever, it’s ok if you ate the pie. On and on. Nobody believes what happened. Fedra calls the maids to get Marianela’s unifoms so she can dress for dinner. Whichever maid shows up says it isn’t possible but Fedra sends her off anyway. Wonder why it isn’t possible, sounded like more than it just not being out of the wash yet.

The old lady maid is yelling at Emanuel for the mess he made in the kitchen. Of course they have to clean it up, not him. After enough complaining, he actually does decide to do it himself. The maids keep on him, accusing him of making problems with Marianela. He tries to explain but they don’t believe him.

Haa – Marianela’s uniform shrank to the size of doll clothes. Ooops. The other one is still in the wash, the maid promises to not put that one in the dryer. Kristel shows up to tease her some more. Axel gets mad and leaves. Kristel offers to give Marianela a costume to wear.

Axel is talking to sleeping Gretel, I guess because she can’t talk back to him. He says something about being something that he isn’t. He has a big secret, it is obvious. I really think he’s gay.

Emanuel takes out his anger on a punching bag. The gardener comes to talk to him. He suggests giving Marianela a rose. I’m sure she’ll prick her finger and accuse him of doing it on purpose.

In her room Marianela holds El Cofre (every novela has one) holding her mother’s ashes. A knock at the door. A hand comes in with a rose, Emanuel is here apologizing AGAIN.

Mercifully this episode ends.

Monday – Marianela is in some huge pumpkin costume, about to talk to Emanuel (who is wearing a pirate outfit, though nobody else is in costume) at some party, when Ilitia shows up wearing a most excellent short tight red dress runs up, breaking Marianela’s heart.


Dinero, Friday August 13th – After the Storm

A summer storm. Thunder, lightning, and tons of water. Yesterday some were shocked, some were shaken, some were stirred, and some drank martinis (shaken, not stirred, right?) Although the weather was sunny, the waterworks were flowing, in the form of tears in many eyes, from Vicky, from Leonor, from Julieta, Ale and Susana. But when the storm has passed, it’s time to pick oneself up, deal with the mess, and seguir adelante (keep going). So how did our lovable characters react? Vamos a ver (let’s see).

Of course the storm was caused by Jaime’s mouth bursting open, a big spill of words gushing out with the volume and intensity not too far short of the Gulf disaster (well, maybe a little less). Don Gaston puts a cap on Jaime with a loud “that’s enough!”. Poor Vicky, tears streaming down her pretty face, begs all to resume the wedding. But no – it’s over, states Don Gaston firmly. The wedding’s off!

Over at Siglo, we finally get to see Doña Arcadia using those handy (but politically incorrect) “security” cameras, as she notices Susana’s desk is vacant. She reams out Beltran (whom she calls “Güero”, or Blondie, which is funny, since he’s bald) for letting this happen. After all, with Rafa and Ale leaving, Susana is indispensable. She pretty much runs the place. And….she knows our secrets! And most importantly (she adds conspiratorially) she gives the BEST massages! Beltran agrees with a smile. So go get her, orders Arcadia, offer her anything, a bicycle, double her salary, but go now!

Pancho and Felipe have a plan B. Jaime should marry Vicky! Unfortunately, Jaime’s not too keen on this, and Vicky never wants to see HIM again in her life! Don Gaston orders the Beef Brothers to take the girl home, and they carry her out, kicking and screaming. Marian offers to help Rafa, who says he’s confused (estoy hecho bolas). When Jaime tries to apologize to Leonor, she tearfully tells him SHE never wants to see him again, either. Jaime’s destroyed, what’s he to do? His sins of omission have become his perdition.

Don Gaston takes Rafa into a side room, and lays out his cards. After Rafa confirms there’ll be nothing more between Rafa and his daughter, he calmly states that means there’s no more bond (vinculo) between them, and reminds Rafa that the loan was made only because Rafa was going to be family. And let’s forget about monthly payments. Return the money. Tomorrow. He doesn’t want a problem between the families. Rafa weakly assures him there won’t be.

After Gaston leaves, Leonor comes to console her son, and Rafa informs her he has to return Don Gaston’s money now. Leonor thinks Rafa already gave it to Alejandra, but Rafa admits it’s actually tied up in a business of selling used trucks. The good news? He should get most of the money from the sales tomorrow. The bad news? He also promised la licensiada Alejandra Álvarez de Castillo he’d return the money to HER tomorrow. So, asks Leonor, who are you going to pay?

Our lovely licensiada has switched from booze to coffee now with her pal Susana, trying to recuperate. She’s also looking forward to tomorrow when Rafa will sell the trucks, and pay her both her commission and all the money he owes her. Susie’s phone rings, and Ale says if it’s Dandy, PHHHFFFTTT (she spits), to hell with him. Susana’s a little miffed at the spit on the phone (these two are still quite drunk), but it’s the office (Beltran, but they don’t know it), and there’s no way she’ll answer. She does, at least, stop Ale from any more liquor.

As Rafael buries his head in his hands, a gorgeous pair of legs glides in,

topped by the gorgeous body of Marian. She sits next to him, cuddles gently, giving him her silent support.

After the commercial, Marian’s gone, but the whole Siglo crew is trying to cheer up Rafa. As usual, they each are on private wavelengths which show their personality, Claudia being sexy, Rosaura complaining about how “low class” Vicky’s family is, Pepeto making a macho remark, Ismael telling them all to be ashamed of themselves and Dandy crying that he’s so lonely with no Noni. He gets zero sympathy from our self absorbed sales crew, of course.

Amazingly, it’s still broad daylight (I guess it was a morning wedding), and we whisk over to Marco’s pad, where he and Rosario are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the princess. Well, here she is, along with Susana, the two the picture definition of a bad hair day.

They’re hilarious, as they do very little to hide their still stuporous status. Rosario is aghast at Ale’s brazen drunkenness, but Ale slurringly asserts that she’s taken just the right dose of “amnesia and anesthetics” to sleep until morning. Rosario reminds her they’re worried about Jorge, and tomorrow you’re getting married. Noooo, moans Ale. Rosario are Marco get concerned looks, but Ale pretends she’s just worried about her Daddy. Marco tries to call Ale on her slip of the tongue above, how come she needs to anesthetize herself, to forget? Before she can answer, Rosario insists Ale go lie down, and Marco helps her to her room. As they go, Rosario interrogates Susana. It’s because of Medina’s wedding, right? Susana admits it is, and even though it’s too late, Ale’s still hurting. “But she’s still getting married tomorrow, right?” Susie says you know Ale, she’s obstinate, she’s going through with it no matter what. Rosario wants Susana to ride with them to the club tomorrow, but Susana demurs, she’s not going. She’s just not in agreement with this wedding.

Marco comes back out, and Susana goes back to Ale’s room. Marco tells Rosario he knows Ale’s still thinking about Medina. Rosario rejoices that it’s too late, Medina’s married, he’s leaving Auto Siglo, and that’s the end of the matter. Marco just wants to take Ale far away. And he also wants to wrap up the hacienda matter ASAP. His phone rings, he pretends it’s Urdiales, and Rosario gives him privacy. Turns out it’s Claudia, calling from the privacy of her car,

to tell him the wedding was cancelled! Marco is muy impactado. After hanging up, he thought bubbles that he can’t let Alejandra find out about this. No way!

Rafa’s home now, and we see that that the stress has also messed the tresses of Julieta and Leonor.

The three agree that Jaime really let them down. Julieta is glad they’re finally through with Vicky, who was capricious, always having tantrums (berrinchuda). Rafa admits he’s relieved. Leonor says now we know it was Vicky’s fault, but Julieta is having none of this. It takes two to tango. She stands up. They BOTH went to that hotel, they were both involved, both ended up in their skivvies. Rafa doesn’t like her tone, so Juli says she’s going to her room, adding that what Jaime did was disgusting (una porquería). After she leaves, Rafa tells his Mom he has to pick himself up, get changed, go to Siglo, and check on the trucks. He’s going to try to be his old self again. He goes to change, and Leonor thanks God, who in his infinite wisdom, knew what to do, made it so the wedding didn’t take place, because Rafa would never have been happy.

Currently, Siglo is being “manned” by Trapito, playing solitaire on the computer, and the two leggy greeter girls. Beltran sees this, lets out a bellow, and the girls scurry away, heels a clickin’. Trappy’s groovin’ with his headphones, and doesn’t hear a thing. Where IS everyone! screams Big Belly Beltran. Trappy cheerfully informs him that everyone’s at the wedding, except Marino, who’s at lunch. But Marino left Trappy a price list, and if anyone calls, he just takes down their phone number. But don´t worry, he adds. Just about no one has shown up. This is NOT music to Beltran’s ears. He collapses in the chair, starts wheezing, and Trappy summons the sexy girls over to fan him, which should help a bit.

Time for another of the dumb cop scenes. Am I the only one who never finds these funny? This time they pull over Rosaura and the Generala, and the only good thing about this scene is that I learn the Mexican word for taillights – calaveras.

In Ale’s bedroom, she and Susana have recovered a bit, but Ale, in addition to having a headache, can’t take the fact that as soon as she tries to drown her Medina troubles, her father disappears. It’s one thing after another. Susana has an idea – let’s summon our positive energy through dynamic meditation! Ale’s not too keen on this, how ‘bout another drink instead? Susana tells her to concentrate on her Dad now, it’s too late with Medina anyway, by now he’s already married to that intense girlfriend of his. Yes, weeps Ale, with Vicky.

Although I thought Doña Arcadia was upstairs, she and Chato walk through the front door of Siglo, he leading the two doggies. She tells her big puppy Chato to take the two little ones for a nap, and sing them a lullaby. By this time Marino is back from lunch, and our tall, toothpicked troublemaker greets Arcadia, saying he has everything under control, has she come just so the two of them can work side by side? She remarks how if she weren’t so patient, she could never bear his arrogance. She also fills him in on the canceled wedding, which starts Marino chuckling. And here’s Rafa, looking determined. He and Arcadia are both relieved that divine intervention seems to have stopped the wedding, but Rafa needs to check on those trucks. Arcadia counsels him to learn from the experience he just had. She asks him to be frank, she’s like a mother, isn’t it true he didn’t really want to get married to that girl? Rafa says it’s true, he didn’t love her. Arcadia thinks to herself that she was right. Meanwhile, she tells Rafa, after he checks on the trucks, he should come to her office. She and Beltran want to talk to him. After he leaves she thinks to herself, I’m pretty sure I know whom he DOES want to marry.

Marco knocks on Ale’s door, can he come in? Ale says yes, and Susana leaves them alone. Marco then goes into his supportive, caring mode (and does a beautiful job of it). He gently sits next to Ale on the bed, lovingly takes her hand, and looking straight into her eyes, tells her that since she’s so upset, with her father being unaccounted for, does she want to postpone the wedding? He’ll do whatever she says. Ale doesn’t know, but this would be the third time, and her Dad did want so much for them to get married, this could almost be like his last will. Marco comforts her, don’t worry, with the time difference, it could be really late in Europe, and they could have decided not to call, or just forgotten, you know how they are. I’m sure they’re just fine. Ale, makeup in ruins, cheeks still covered with tears, begs Marco’s pardon. He’s been so good to her, and she’s been so unjust with him. And she’s so thankful for the help he’s given. He sensitively tells her he did it out of love, and when he kisses her softly on the lips, this time, she doesn’t pull away.

Leonor comforts Julieta, it really was sad to find out what Jaime was like, and she doesn’t know which is worse, Jaime’s betrayal of Juli, or his betrayal of Rafa. His LIES were the worst thing, spits out Julieta, rising to her feet. If things were the way he said, why didn’t he SAY something? Why didn’t he tell Rafael? Because of his guilt. He was always so nervous, the guilt was killing him. Leonor walks to her, don’t worry about him, I’m concerned about YOU. Don’t worry, Mamá, replies Juli, wiping the last tear from her face. What doesn’t kill, makes you stronger. I’m going to move forward. Tomorrow I’ll call Marian Celeste. I’ll ask for that job. Because I’m a Medina, a Medina Núñez, too, Mamá, a strong woman like you, because when my Dad abandoned you, you weren’t intimidated (no te achicaste), you had the intelligence to keep going for your children. You’ll see, Mamá, today, a new Julieta has been born!

Marian’s back at her office, telling Chepis that she really was at the point of stopping that wedding, although it turned out she didn’t have to. And she would have stopped it not because she wanted Rafael, but for justice, because she knew he didn’t love that woman. But you ARE pleased with what happened, right? asks Chepis. Well, sure, but Rafa still has feelings for Alejandra, so the problem is only half solved. Chepis guesses that Marian won’t rest until she gets what she wants. Marian agrees, and asks Chepis, can you think of any time I wanted something badly, and DIDN’T get it? Chepis can’t. But what about Daniel, he’s so handsome, he’s the brother of your best friend, he’s been calling. Not interested, says Marian. And listen. I now know that Rafael owes a lot of money to the family of his ex-girlfriend. Maybe that’s why he had to marry her. But now he’ll have to return the money. And another thing. Why wasn’t Alejandra at the wedding?

In the Royal Suite, Arcadia and Beltran are seated as Rafa enters to tell them the trucks will be ready tomorrow for Mr. Román. Beltran is worried that the payment will be in cash, and that’s dangerous. Rafa says he has a car now, and he’ll be careful, go out early, and try to get back as fast as possible. What about the other trucks? Rafa has a problem there, as tomorrow is his last day at Siglo. Well, that’s precisely what Arcadia and Beltran want to talk to him about. They want him to stay. It was going to be a wedding gift, and now, although there’s no wedding, they still want him to continue working here. After all, says Beltran, money, money, money! Rafa doesn’t know what to say. He’s grateful, but, ummm…. What about La Licensiada Álvarez de Castillo? Beltran lays it down. Someone has to pay for what happened. You’re going to stay. So she’s out! Rafa bolts to his feet, muy impactado,

and that’s all for today’s episode.

And this Monday: Will Alejandra find out Rafa’s wedding was cancelled? Will SHE get married? Will things go right with the trucks? And who will Rafa pay, if he DOES get the money? The sparks keep flying, as our novela has really heated up. We’ve finally reached the fabled “end of the month”!


Güero – Blondie, can also be a form of address to a light-skinned person (thanks, Private 057)
Estoy hecho bolas – I’m really confused, it can also mean things are really “piled up” or “messed up”. estoy hecho polvo is I’m really exhausted
Vinculo – a bond, or a link
Berrinchuda – a woman prone to tantrums, which are berrinches
Una porquería – trash or filth, in our case, it meant disgusting
Calaveras – tail lights, you can also say calaveras traseras. The word calaveras also means skulls
Achicarse – to feel intimidated. This is related to the word chico for small. The word chico for boy and chica for girl are also related to this idea of something being small, or chiquita.


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