Friday, August 20, 2010

CS 8/19/10 Love is in the Air. But Not So Much for Juan and Regina.

Juan and Remi are on the beach and Remi is trying to talk sense into him. I don’t see that happening any time soon. Remi looks disgusted and walks off.

Back at the Finca Rod is knocking on Leo’s door. Un oh. Caught red-handed aren’t you? Arcadio and Leo are scrambling to look presentable. Rod tries the handle but it is locked. Can’t he just look through the windows? He gives up and goes away. Arcadio goes to the door. He’s gone. Leo is worried. Arcadio says it is better that he left. Leo assures him that there is nothing between her and Rodrigo. That died years ago. I don’t want anything with him. Arcadio goes to take a better look.

Juan and the boyz are brooding on the beach. Well, Juan is brooding anyway. Suddenly Gabe says he’s got some great news. Everyone looks expectantly at him. Jimena is the real daughter of Mariella. And we’re going to be getting married pretty quick. That brings a smile to Juan’s face. Everyone cheers. They toast to their health.

In the parlor Rod is pouring himself a drink as Leo creeps down the stairs. Didn’t the unwelcome wagon escort their sorry asses out of there? The nerve of some people. Rod said he was worried about her so he came back to see if she was ok. She’s still astounded that they gave the house to Clemencia. Rod wants to talk--in her bed. She says, uh, not this time. Maybe some other time. She heads off to bed. He thought bubbles to himself that Leo has changed. He won’t permit any disloyalty. Where have we heard that before?

Back on the beach the boyz are talking and they decide to hit the sack. Gabe and Juan start talking about the new sheriff and how pretty soon Leo and Rod will get what is coming to them. Juan looks down still so Gabe asks him what’s up. Juan says that Regina is asking for a dissolution of the marriage. Gabe can’t believe it and neither can we because it’s not true. Gabe says you’re crazy. She has tried to show you in so many ways how she loves you but you never see. He’s sure that the letter is a scheme cooked up by Aimee. Juan asks if he’s sure. Gabe says yes. Trust in your heart.

Meanwhile Renato is talking to the priest. The priest goes on about how marriage is a sacrament, blah, blah, blah. Renato respects that but he has something to say. The padre is listening. Renato begins--He tells him he story about Juan and Regina being forced to marry and how it is his fault that Regina has had to suffer through this marriage. But he’s been trying to help her out. Padre wants to know what Regina thinks about all this. He says of course she is on board with all this. Here is her signature. Rat bastard. Not sure exactly what the padre is thinking. Renato thanks him.

The next morning Rod is looking through books thinking of ways to defend Leo. He comes across a folded up paper in one of the books. It is the blueprints for the finca. He looks them over and remarks about the entrances and exits but also notices some areas that are very dangerous. Someone could get hurt. Dun, dun, dun.

Leo is upstairs talking to Arcadio. Why doesn’t Rod hear all this going on? Leo is worried that all their plans are about to be exposed. She’s thinking they need to steal all the money Rod’s and Noel’s too. She starts whining and Arcadio looks a little disgusted.

Rod’s down in the passageways looking for something. He comes upon a passage and says this is the one I’ve been looking for. It’s the best place. I couldn’t have found a better place. Hmmm, what is that little rascal up to now? I guess Leo is getting ready to go. She’s looking around her room at all her nice stuff. I have to agree that furniture is pretty awesome. Renato is getting his stuff ready and remembering the conversation with the padre about Regina. Is he starting to feel guilty for telling the priest all those lies? He asks El Senor to forgive him. I’m thinking--No.

Leo is waiting for Renato downstairs. She still can’t believe she has to leave her own house. Renato offers her his arm. They walk outside and Leo turns to get one more look at the house. She thought she would live in this house always. Rod stands on the balcony and watches them leave. Rod grabs his walking stick and heads back down in the passageways. Arcadio is walking along when he almost runs smack into Rodrigo. They glare at each other as we go to a break. Back from the break, Rod grabs him and wants to know what he’s doing here. He yells at him that he is responsible for keeping MdR down here all these years. Arcadio says, that’s not so. He says oh no. I just took care of her. Rod smacks him. Do you want to know the truth Rodrigo? The truth? Yes. I want to know. Let me go and be prepared for a great surprise. Oh yeah, now we’re talking. I’ll tell you everything that happened.

Over at Renato’s new house he’s showing his mother around while the servants make really tall floral arrangements. Renato says it is not as grand as the finca but it is what it is. Leo says she just needs to adjust to her new life. She says she’s been thinking. She’s a very strong woman and things will be ok.

Rod and Gabe are on the beach talking fishing business. Everyone is content and the boats are ready. Juan says that is the beauty of the cooperative. Everything for every body. Juan’s going to take his fortune and invest it in the port and in his people. Gabe says I know it is not the best time but I have a favor to ask. He wants Juan and Regina to accompany him to Mariella’s house so he can formalize the marriage proposal to Jimena. Juan is delighted to go. You can count on him. As far as Regina. He doesn’t know. As you know we are not on the best of terms right now. And who’s fault is that anyway?

Regina is in bed not feeling so great. Clemencia is worried about her. Regina says she’s always tired. Clemencia says that is to be expected in her condition. Clem tells her to wait she has a surprise. Regina says she is always waiting. Clem says is it Juan? Duh! Like you had to ask. He doubts my love. He received a letter from Aimee saying she signed an annulment for my marriage. I’ve lost everything. Clem asks if she told him about the baby. Of course according to TN rules Regina has not. But I love him with all my heart. I can’t take it any more FF>>

Jacinto is ironing when she hears a noise behind her and turns to find flowers sticking through the door. I wonder how they grew them like that? Oh wait. It’s just Santos. They are so cute. He gets down on one knee and is holding a handful of petals. She smiles at him as he blows the petals from his hands and there is a ring. I have to give him a 10 for originality on that one. They hug. How nice.

Remi is attempting to cut a tomato with his one arm and is not having much luck. Next he tries a fish--because that is going to be much easier I’m sure. (Gag, he’s cutting up my two least favorite foods all at once.) Lulu shows up and wants him to let her help. He says he doesn’t need any help. He gets mad. Don’t you get it you big lug, I love, I love you. He tells her to get lost and leave him in peace forever. That Remi--he’s such a kidder.

Fully is at Noel’s office. He informs him that his beautiful wife has disappeared and he’s sure it is with that darn Fed who has disappeared also along with a big part of his money. Noel is horrified. Fully’s laying it on pretty thick. Noel thinks a minute and asks him if he’s sure she left with Fed? Fully says unfortunately yes. I guess they’d been lovers for quite a while. I’m sure everyone in the port will understand your tragedy. Especially when those bodies start bobbing in the water like apples at a Halloween party. You are a fine upstanding guy. A great example for everybody. Ha! If you only knew. And the academy award for best male actor goes to--Fully!

The priest is waiting for somebody in his office. Leo comes rushing in late. They talk but the important part is that he has there in front of him the document that annuls the marriage of Juan San Roman and Regina Montes de Oca. Too bad he doesn’t know about the baby.

Gabe is telling Regina the happy news about the wedding. She would gladly be the matron of honor. She looks so happy. Wait until she finds out what Renato’s been up to.

It’s another dark stormy night at the finca. Rod and Arcadio are talking in the dungeon. Rod says what do you have to tell me. Arcadio beats around the bush but finally says he was only carrying out the orders of his patrona Leonarda. Rod is taken aback. He doesn’t believe him as crazy music plays in the background. It’s the truth. Rod remembers back to the night of MdRs “death.” Rod says why did you pretend that MdR was your wife. That wasn’t my doing. It was Leo’s idea. She also told MdR that her baby was born dead. Rod is still trying to put the pieces together about this whole thing. As Arcadio circles around Rod I hear Arcadio saying in my head Gollum, Gollum. Arcadio says if you don’t believe me here are the jewels she paid me with. He hands them to Rod. Rod says yes but these are not worth much. Where are the more valuable ones. Leo has them hidden.

Everyone is gathered for the party for Jimena and Gabe. Juan makes a very nice speech about Gabe being his friend and like a son for him. He hopes they will be happy forever. Alberto makes a little speech and Abuela welcomes Gabe into the family. They all drink. Real Angela looks uncomfortable in that dress. The doorbell rings. Raul says he didn’t invite anybody else. Lulu comes in and says someone is looking for Juan San Roman. Uh oh. It is Renato. Juan goes off to see what he wants. Juan meets with him and cuts to the chase. What do you want. Renato says he has the papers that will restore Regina’s life. Renato says here. Look at them. It is the dissolution of your marriage. You and Regina are no longer married. And here is the diary of Regina. Oh you know that’s going to be trouble. They stare each other down. End.


Dinero #177 8/19/10 Ale’s wedding night/Marco’s wedding nightmare

Lots happened tonight, so without my usual intro I will get right to it. No, not really. Got to have an introduction especially since so much happened. So many questions left unanswered from last night. What has become of our giggling duo? Will Marco and Ale do the nasty? Will Susana return to Siglo? Will Ale Return? Will Susana tell Ale about Rafa? Will Don Gaston find a husband for Vicky? Are Marco and Vicky both crazy and in need of shrinks? Read on and all will be revealed. Well almost all.

Susana has returned to Siglo and is immediately assaulted by the entire group prying for information. Pepito asks her where she left Dandy? Bebe scolds him and tells him not to be so nosey (no seas metiche/meddlesome or nosey). She explains the last she heard they were out collecting the money from the truck sales. Claudia chimes in “ Not that I want to think badly about them but maybe those magpies have fled with the money” ( esas urracas ya volaron con el dinero).

Said magpies are being pulled over by our two goofy cops. Things go from bad to worse in a New York minute as explained quite nicely by Vivi in last night’s recap.

Marco and Ale with champagne glasses in hand, have entered the honeymoon suite. Ale chugging away, questions and answers her own question “Marco where did it go, where did we get lost (extraviar/ to go astray or to get lost)? It was for sure the day this guy appeared in our lives.” Marco agrees that this half haired jerk changed their lives. Ale on her second glass of champagne and quickly going for the third continues “he sent me over the cliff and later he sent me to hell.” (me mando/sent al barranco/ cliff or ditch y luego me mando al demonio). Marco is a little confused by this as Ale continues chugging and explaining what she meant. Marco showing his “softer side” tells her none of this matters now. They are together and no one will separate them. Not even Medina. Ale in total drunken agreement swaggers over to the champagne bottle for her fourth glass and tells Marco “Least of all Medina, lets drink to that”. Then she says “Do you know what? If Medina had never shown up I would never have doubted my love for you.” Marco still looking confused agrees. Ale continues that Medina is dead to her. Then she continues to lament for the pobre Vicky Vicky Vicky who is now stuck with that womanizer. She confesses that she actually likes Vicky (me cae bien) “I don’t have any thing against Vicky, but Rafa, it’s over .

Marco now quite fed up with Ale’s constant chatter about Rafa and Vicky tells her they are not there to talk about Media and his wife. Ale looking as if she just remembered what they are there for pours another drink and says “Of course not . This is our wedding” Marco corrects her “this is our first honey moon night. Should we go to bed?” Ale quickly answers she is not tired. Marco is, as he opens the bedroom door and we see a rose covered bed with a huge A outlined in roses.

Marco is thinking snidely to himself “I will see to it that she forgets Medina. What would happen if she knew Rafa didn’t get married?” as Ale stumbles into the room admiring the display of roses. Marco now wanting to get down to business approaches her, Ale trying hard to make a quick exit is faltered as Marco pulls her back seductively and goes in for a kiss which is met by a fish lip puckered Ale.

We have a quick scene of Jaimie consoling himself with a tequila. Wondering what he has done. He lost his girlfriend, he lost his best friend. There’s no forgiveness what he did. What can he do to get them back.

Rafa and Dandy are at the police station. The desk clerk is informing Rafa that his alcohol level was low, but his car has to stay on the lot (corralon) until he pays the fine. Rafa pleading with the clerk tells him he can’t do that. He needs his car. The clerk reminds him that he broke the law and was driving his car when he shouldn’t have been. Pay the fine and you will get your car back. Dandy asks if the car is safe in the impound lot. The clerk tells him not to pay attention to all the rumors and assures them it will be safe.

Rafa continues to argue but dandy pulls him aside and tells him it is better to just go back to Siglo and let Beltran know what is going on. Then he asks Rafa why he didn’t take the money out of the trunk (cajuela). Rafa tells him that they already thought they were a couple of delinquents. What would they have thought if they say all that cash. And if they took the money they would have to catch a taxi and Rafa wasn’t going to go through that again.

We are back with are happy couple. Marco is tenderly telling Ale they are going to recover what they lost as he showers a less than enthusiastic Ale with kisses. Now it is Ale’s turn to thought bubble wearing a plastic smile thinking “Okay Rafa we are now both in the same spot. Both married” then with a very sad face looks away from Marco still thinking about Rafa “I miss you.” as Marco starts to undress her we see a very worried look from Ale.

Dandy and Rafa have arrived back at Siglo. Susana calling them irresponsible, asks them where they have been and where is the money. Rafa shooting a look to Dandy then to Susana says “Guess what? We didn’t bring it.” We hear “What?” in unison. Then Susana asks “Did you spend it (gastaron)?” The general is sure they drank it. Ramiro is certain they were assaulted and Claudia wonders if they lost it. Ramirez asked if they used it to make bets ( apostaron). Rafa nervously says no to all and tells them to let him first talk with Beltran and than they will tell them all about it later. Before they leave Dandy makes an attempt to talk with Susana and tells her he loves her. This is shot down as Susana tells Dandy that “You two are useless.”

Ale and Marco are alone in bed (or are they?) as Marco is caressing a smiling Ale, calling her his love and kissing her when he looks over and sees a smiling Rafa lying next to Ale. (Funniest telenovela moment I have ever seen!!!). Marco screeches with freight and jumps out of the bed scaring the daylights out of Ale screaming “What’s he doing here?” Now an equally frightened and confused Ale asks who, as she looks over and sees no one is there. Marco starts jumping over to the other side of the bed looking for Rafa. He searches under the bed and in the bathroom. Ale now standing has grabbed the sheet to cover her self and is asking Marco what’s going on. Marco totally over the edge is screaming “that half haired jerk. He’s here. I am going to kill him. Where is he. Where did he go?” Ale now has jumped up on the bed and Marco is still flipping out screaming “where is Medina? Where did he go?” Ale asks him if he is going crazy. Marco is out of control as he continues accusingly yelling at Ale “I saw him. Medina. He is here“.

Rafa is explaining to Beltran and Doña Arcadia where the money is. It is in the truck of his car in the impound lot. Doña Arcadia wants to make sure she heard him correctly as she repeats “Do you mean to tell me you left all that cash in the trunk of your car? And it is at the police station?” Beltran wants to know if they are crazy. And we take a much needed commercial break.

Beltran is not taking the news very well as he clutches his heart. He wants to know why the money from the sale is in the car. He bids adios to a cruel world whining like a ninny. Doña Arcadia tells him to hang on, first they have to find a way to get the money back. Rafa interrupts and tells them he needs to pay the fine then get his car back so they can get the money out of the trunk. Doña Arcadia tells them to get going, and they are off, but not before they are stopped by Chato to do a quick bow of reverence to his Queen. Beltran continues screaming at them to not return until they have the money. Poor Rafa is so rattled as he backs out he almost demolishes the entire place.

Back at “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” we have Marco still screaming and ranting at Ale “This can’t be!! That half haired jerk was here again!!!” (referring to his other hallucinations of Rafa in bed with Ale).
A Very puzzled Ale now huddled in a pink robe on the corner of the bed wants to know what he is talking about. Marco is still looking around for Rafa while Ale now panicked is opening the bathroom door assuring Marco that nobody is there. Ale tells him she may have had her share to drink but he is the one that is affected. She asks him if he is drunk and who did he see. Was it Medina? Marco crazed tells her “Yes it was him he was here beside you smiling and making fun of me. .(sonriendome burlandose).

Ale is quite worried by now and tells Marco that something is going on. She assures him that Rafa is not there, it is just the two of them . “He is married now and doesn’t exist between us”. Marco tells her he saw him. Marco now on the bed with fingers to his mouth in dire need of an anti-psychotic drug is trembling in terror. Ale kneels beside him and tells him she is really worried. She tells him to look as she points over to the bed. “There is no one here but you and me. Your obsession on the subject of Medina has reached it’s limits.” Marco looking at her and barely whispers “Do you think so?” Ale tells him yes She thinks he should see a psychiatrist . Marco does a little crazy sign to his head and repeats “A psychiatrist?” She tells him he needs to see a specialist because what just happened isn’t normal. Marco reluctantly agrees with her.

We have our quick lovely Marian fix. Chespis is asking her if she thinks Rafa will accept her invitation to Monterrey this time. He didn’t go the last time. Marian reminds her the last time wasn’t her fault. May be this time he will go. It is going to be about trucks. Chespis wants to know if she should call Rafa to ask him. Marian tells her she will do it herself.

Ale is telling Marco, since he brought up the subject of Medina, that today he has to pay her what he owes her. She tells him not to worry. “Right now he should be getting the money from the truck sales and like you said we need this money today. Does it bother you that I will have to see him to get paid?” Marco now more calm, asks her where she will meet him. She tells him at Siglo. Marco more subdued, thumping his head with his hand tells her that will be fine. Ale begs him to think about what just happened and what she said. For the sake of their marriage. She tells him she was really scared by all this and doesn‘t want a repeat performance. Than she thinks to herself “This can’t be happening, Because of Medina I can’t have relations with my husband. Although on the other hand I am happy about this.” Then she tells Marco she feels responsible for all of this. Marco meekly tells her he will go see a psychiatrist. He will get help.

Susana has entered Doña Arcadias office and has made a sweet deal. She will be returning for double the salary. She confesses to their dismay that she was involved with Dandy. They tell her if Dandy doesn’t leave her alone she is to tell them and they will fire him. Susana doesn’t want that to happen. Win/win all around. Siglo gets back there most valuable employee. Doña Arcadia gets her precious massages and we can hang on to the hope that Dandy and Susana will get back together.

Pancho and Felipe have shown up to Siglo looking for Rafa. Rafa wants to know what they are doing there. Felipe tells him they have come for their money. Rafa tells them he doesn’t have the money. And a fist flies towards Rafa’s throat.

The brother’s are throttling poor Rafa as Marino hangs in the background wearing a creepy smile. Dandy intercedes and tells the brothers they need Rafa alive to get their money. Felipe bouncing around like a kangaroo is shouting now at Dandy. All of Siglo is now involved. Marino says he wouldn’t be happy to see Medina get a few punches, but he would be really happy to see him get really beat up. Reluctantly it is agreed that Felipe and Pancho will accompany Rafa and Dandy to recover the money.

There is a funny little scene where Ramirez offers to sell Rafa a new car. One that would help avoid any further situations like the one he is in now. He could even give him a discount. Dandy interrupts him saying “How could think about selling him a car at a time like this?”

As Rafa and Dandy leave with the brothers Marino says “Medina is a looser . Sooner or later that gorilla and chimpanzee will make sausage out of him and that will be a happy day for me. Life is just.” Ramirez sadly agrees telling his comrades that those butchers will be the end of Rafa as he continues to say “I am beginning to believe that those savages are related to my wife.”

Don Gaston is hard at work as he overhears a customer talking about Vicky. She is telling her friend that she invented a tale about being pregnant. He confronts them and asks them what they are talking about. She apologizes but tells him it can’t be avoided. Don Gaston wants to know if the entire neighborhood is gossiping about this. The women tells him that she doesn’t want to offend him but they all think she has a screw missing (faltando un tornillo). Poor Don Gaston shouts at them, he can’t permit them to talk about his daughter like that. She really was in love with Medina, and that doesn’t mean she is crazy. The women tells him if she were him it would be best if she were taken care of at a nuthouse (loquera/ madhouse or insane asylum). Don Gaston angered by this remark decides to charge her double for the meat. Then he realizes he should not be so rude to his customers. He slightly lowers the price as he slings the bagged meat across the counter. The other women has decided not to buy anything and they leave as Don Gaston pounds his gavel in disgust calling them a couple of old gossipy parrots (bola/ring or ball de viejas cotorras chismosas).

Vicky is still in her room but has changed out of her wedding gown. We hear a very eerie Adam’s family style of the wedding march as Vicky talks to herself and places her wedding veil on her head. She is asking
no one in particular where her Pajarito has gone and to tell her where she should look for him. She has the same crazed look on her face that we saw on Marco earlier.

Ale also out of her wedding attire has entered Auto Siglo. She is stampeded by the crew dying for more gossip. Claudia asks her what she is doing their. Shouldn’t she be on her honeymoon. Didn’t she get married today. One by one they all add their two cents. She tells them all she got married, but before she leaves on her honeymoon she has to see Medina. This is met with surprise and in unison “What???”

She explains the only reason she needs to see him is regarding work matters. She asks them what they were thinking she was there for. Bebe tells her it is really strange to see her here “I can’t believe there could be any business deal worth you coming here on your wedding day.” She is rescued by Susana who want’s to know what she is doing here and whisks her away, telling her they need to talk. Ale is equally surprised to see Susana at Siglo.

The two friends catch up. Ale wants to know why she is there. Didn’t she quit. Susana tells her that Beltran and Doña Arcadia talked her into staying. She retells all the perks they offered. They raised her salary and even offered to fire Dandy if he bothers her. Now it is Susan’s turn to quiz Ale on why she is here. She tells her she came to get the money Rafa owes her.

Susana lightly scolds her, telling her this isn’t a day for business. This is your wedding day. Ale shaking her head and now crying tells Susana this is the saddest day of her life. “I couldn’t have had a sadder uglier wedding. And my papa wasn’t even there. And things aren’t going well with Marco” Susana reminds her that she never thought it was a good idea to marry Marco. Ale tells her “ I had to marry him. Rafa is married. I will never see him again. This is my destiny. Would you want me to be a spinster?” (solterona) Susana says guess what and before she can finish her sentence they are interrupted by Beltran.

Ale wiping her tears tells Beltran she is crying tears of happiness. He wants to know what she is doing there, wasn’t this her wedding day? Ale flashes her wedding ring smiling and tells him she is married. Beltran wants to make sure she got his gift, a can opener (abrelatas). He tells her he needs to talk with her urgently and will wait for her in his office and leaves. Ale asks Susana if she knows what he wants to talk to her about. Susana tells her no and attempts once more to tell her something and Ale brushes her off telling her she has to go talk to Beltran.

Don Gaston is artfully taking a cleaver to a piece of meat. A young man approaches and asks for a kilo of
sausages (longanizas). Don Gaston tells him he has seen him here before and starts chatting. What does he do? Is he married? Is he single? Is he gay? (I smell a matchmaker here). Don Gaston asks him if he wouldn’t want to meet a beautiful young women who is a good cook and get married and have kids? The young man tells him there isn’t anyone like that. Don Gaston than asks him if he wouldn’t like to marry someone like that. Our young customer is catching on as he says “Are you talking about Vicky?“ Don Gaston Smiling proudly says “well who else?” Our customer backs away telling Don Gaston no thanks, he has enough hysteria with his mother. Don Gaston is holding up the sausages and tells him he forgot them. The young man in quite a hurry rushes off and tells him to hang on to them for him.

Poor Don Gaston wipes a furrowed brow saying to himself, “nobody wants anything to do with Vicky. What am I going to do with this creature (criatura).

Ale meets with Doña Arcadia and Beltran and is asked for the millionth time if she wasn’t going to get married today. Beltran tells Doña Arcadia that she is married and is now Mrs. Venezuela. Ale with the fake smile holds up the ring. Once again she explains why she isn’t on her honeymoon. She tells them they will have a honeymoon after they have a church wedding. Then she asks about Rafa. Doña Arcadia tells her that Rafa wants her to stay at Siglo. Beltran then tells her Rafa made a condition that he would stay only if Ale stayed. Ale is surprised and wonders why he would want her to stay. Well of course so he could continue to torture her. Doña Arcadia seems confused by this and Ale realizes she had said this out loud and back tracks. Beltran cuts to the chase and tells her that her and Rafa were the best workers Siglo ever had and offers Ale her old job back. Ale tells them she will have to think this over and will get back to them.

Rafa and the crew have arrived at the impound lot. Rafa loudly bangs on the door and is greeted by an armed guard none to happy to see them. Rafa explains he came to get his car. The guard tells them this isn’t the time to get his car. They all start talking at once and Felipe is offended when the guard calls him a child. The guard tells them to come back in the morning. He tells Rafa all the papers he needs to bring and that he also has to pay the fine. This is not going so well for the guys. The guard tells Rafa not to look at him with those eyes. Rafa in full twit fashion tells the guard they are the only eyes he has. He realizes that they aren’t going to be able to anything tonight. The guard leaves slamming the door in Rafa’s face. The guys scope out the building and come up with a plan.

Our veiled Vicky in purple pajamas is sadly caressing her photo of Rafa as Don Gaston enters the room. He asks her how she feels. She sighs deeply and he tells her this can’t go on like this. He tells her “you look really bad and you won’t take off that veil. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I think you need to go see a specialist. Someone that can cure emotional problems. You need to understand that I think you might need to go see a psychiatrist.” (We have heard this speech before tonight. ) Vicky turns and looks at Don G. and says “What?” then repeats sadly through tears “Pajarito”

Our last scene is with Ale and Susana. Susana wants to know what Beltran and Doña Arcadia wanted. She tells her they want her to return to work as if nothing has happened. Susana wants to know what she told them. Ale tells her she told them nothing for now. She has to talk it over with her husband. They both shutter when Ale says “husband”. Ale says that sounds really strange. Susana agrees especially since her husband is Marco and not Rafa. Ale sarcastically thanks her for reminding her of that fact. Ale tells her she can’t work with Rafa. Especially knowing that he is now married to that intense Pajritta as she mimics Vicky’s screechy voice. Susana tells her she needs to hear this, Ale slightly protesting says what? Susana finally tells her that Rafa did not marry Vicky. We end with a dazed and confused looking Ale at hearing this news.


Llena de Amor #9 Thu 8/19/10 The client should just sell Kristel as a diet aid. She's sickening.

It occurred to me when the episode was nearly over that we still don't have a Thursday recapper, if Sylvia isn't starting until September. Here's a summary:

Emanuel walked in on Marianela in the boutique dressing room, to her horror. He yelled at Kristel and Ilitia for setting it up. Then he said he'd meet them all at a restaurant for lunch. When he got there, Mari had lost her appetite due to the continued insults of the Snob Mob. He gave Marianela a new dress. Then they ditched the b!+ches and left on his moto to go to the publicity agency.

On the way, they encountered André and his item of the minute, also on a moto. Before the lady took off her helmet, Emanuel called her "Rebeca," ooooops, that was last night's love of André's life. This one is Raquel. He covered by "accidentally" also calling Marianela the wrong name, like he's just so bad with names. What a coincidence, André and Raquel are also heading to the agency. She is the "after" model for the weight loss product.

At the agency, the client is having a fit because they are behind schedule. He also doesn't like the "before" model; she's just wearing a fat suit and it doesn't look right. He threatens to cancel the whole shoot. But here's Marianela, and he LOVES her. Raquel is worried about losing money if they don't do the shoot. So Mari agrees she'll do it, against Emanuel's advice. He's in pain watching them shoot, as the announcer is talking about how horrible it is to be fat, LIKE THIS, and pointing at Marianela. She's not too comfortable herself, but likes how much they're paying her. Then for some reason they dump brown powder all over her, a lot of it.


Axel went to a music school he is hoping to attend, but he missed the audition and the guy won't let him have another chance. He missed it because Emiliano made him go to Emanuel's big race. So he's totally bummed. Gretel finds him there and they sit outside on the steps and she cries about how miserable she is. She thinks their mother is going to do serious harm to Marianela and Axel is alarmed.

Brandon and Oliver are trying to find Marianela, so they stake out the house. I despair for the success of any Novelaland investigations, because the detective skills of these two police are nonexistent. They don't ask anyone about Marianela. They encounter Gretel and Axel coming home, and all they learn from that is that Oliver is very attracted to Gretel. They see Kristel and Ilitia arrive and babble vacuously, and note that she's the same squealer they've encountered before.

Gretel asks Fedra where she was the night before, and Fedra tells her to stay out of it OR ELSE. Gretel, unfortunately, can imagine the else, because she knows what her mother is capable of.

Later, Axel and Gretel are trying to have a serious talk, but of course Kristel meth has to interrupt just to be obnoxious and demand that they be normal and get a novia/novio, respectively.

Fedra and Bernardo were talking about the paperwork that will give all Eva's assets to Fedra, and Delicia overheard. She told Paula that she's sure they are plotting against Marianela.

Netty visited the General and he's in agreement that they will work to get Marianela what's hers.

Avances: Kristel and Ilitia throw a "welcome" party for Marianela. Netty is there, so there's hope. Marianela dances happily with the gang at Netty's pension.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

El Clon Thursday August 19: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 132/160: This time Said says “no” to Jade. Natalia may have pushed Alej too far. Daniel gets closer to the truth of his origin. Malicia’s showing her inner sociopath to a lot of folks lately. And Lucas looks to Cristina for help.

As Amina and Rania watch from an upstairs window, Jade begs Said to take her back. He refuses.

We see Jade pulling her suitcase back along the darkened overpass.

Daniel has sought out Padre Andres and tells him how alone and disconnected he feels. When Daniel asks, Andres acknowledges that it is possible for one woman to carry and give birth to another woman’s child.

At Albieri’s house, he and Luisa are waiting for Julio. When Julio arrives, Albieri says he is ready to tell him the truth.

Carolina is visiting Clara when Clara discovers that her agenda electrónica is missing.

Cut to Enrique at his psychiatrist’s office. He talks about how drugs can lead addicts to steal, even from their own mothers.

Natalia finally shows up at her and Alejandro’s apartment. When he asks her where she has been, she explodes at him and refuses to apologize or explain, and won't say anything about the missing sound system. He goes outside and cries. She crouches down beside the bed, looks around warily, and calls Rosa to say that there are people trying to get into the apartment. Lucas, Marisa and Leo are out. Rosa says she’ll come right over.

Enrique is once again heard talking to his psychiatrist. He says the addict brings madness to his surroundings.

Pablo and Diana continue their conversation at Salamandra. Malicia is nothing like Natalia, he tells her, and he accuses her of speaking against Malicia out of jealousy.

Said and Marisa are out together at a restaurant. He is proud of himself, he says, because Jade wanted to come back to him and he had the strength to refuse her. Marisa is unhappy to hear this. Her family is in crisis; and an unattached Jade is likely to seek out Lucas and therefore threaten Marisa’s family’s stability.

Lucas lies in bed remembering Jade saying that their romance was destined to be. And Jade walks along the dark street remembering Lucas’s promises to her.

Back at Albieri’s house, Julio says he knows that Daniel is a clone: Dra Silvia told him -- she knew as soon as she saw him. Albieri asks: ¿Voy a ser procesado, Julio? (Am I going to be prosecuted, Julio?) He also declares that tomorrow is going to be very hard because he’s going to tell Leonardo the truth. (Albieri still seems completely indifferent to Daniel's feelings and how he is likely to react to the whole truth.)

At Gloria’s, she and Ramón see Hilda and Karla walk by. Ramón says he’s heard that the father of Karla’s baby is a wealthy married man.

Roberto and Lucia are all playful affection at home. Andrea, only half-jokingly, asks if she can have a little brother or sister. They remind her that she will probably make them grandparents in a few years.

The whole family, except Said, Rania and Jadiya, are gathered at Mohamed and Latifa’s place. Jade shows up, suitcase in tow, and begs Alí to take her back. He says he will do so if she agrees to come back to Fez and live according to his precepts.

Daniel returns to Dora’s apartment and says that Padre Andres told him everything. He now knows that Dora gave birth to him but isn’t his mother.

At Mohamed’s place, the family discusses Said’s decision to reject Jade. The Naz is unhappy about it. She says Rania is as much an odalisca as Jade, but at least Jade is Jadiya’s mother. Ali continues his conversation with Jade and reminds her she was the one to turn away from the path of happiness.

At Said’s house, there is a pall of gloom. Rania complains to Amina that even when Jade isn’t there, she still manages to come between her and Said.

At her apartment, Dora gets angry when Daniel repeats what Andres told him about his origin. He is quick to reassure her that to him, she will always be his mother. He admits that he felt some tie (lazo) to Leo, but he regards Albieri as his father. He made him, didn’t he?

At Vicki’s request, Dora meets up with her at a bar. Vicki wants her to know that Leo “confessed” to Cris. Dora is perplexed. How could he confess to something that is untrue? She is determined to find Leo and get to the bottom of this.

Julio and Anita are at Albieri’s clinic, when Malicia breezes in looking for Escobar. She is rude to Anita and treats Julio’s attempt at polite chitchat with disdain. She is giving Escobar the kiss-off when the chump is called away momentarily. By the time he gets back, she has gone.

In the final scene, Lucas arrives at Cristina’s apartment. She thinks he’s bringing a message from Leo, but he tells her he’s there to ask a favor: he’d like her to talk to Jade for him.

Credits roll


Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-08-18: The Return of Arcadio Guerre -- a return, a lover switch and there will be war

Episode 127

At Raúl's, Noel asks Alberto's permission to take his daughter for a stroll; and he assents, noting after they depart that what's going on between them seems like more than simple friendship. Inéz has reservations, though, and grants Noel is a really good man; but with discomfort points out that he's married.

Raúl agrees, with caveats: he's married to a woman who never loved him and that only ever made him unhappy; Leonarda has always been in love with Rodrigo and cheated on Noel despite him being an exemplary person. When Raúl contends that Noel deserves love with a good woman like their daughter, the parents remain hesitant.

Noel and Mariela stroll companionably, with her just saying she sees a glimmer of light in her life now, when they spy Rodrigo and Leonarda approaching from the opposite direction. Noel deliberately removes his sunglasses and calls Rodrigo out again. "You're a coward," he says. "A fraud!"

Noel waited on the dueling ground, and Rodrigo never came, Noel accuses. When Rodrigo claims the death of his daughter so devastated him that he couldn't get out of bed, Noel's not having any of that. Rodrigo's always looking for the perfect excuse, Noel says. But nothing justifies his cowardice!

That's enough! Leonarda spits out; they don't need to be arguing in the middle of the street, she says, glancing around. She cattily adds she sees Noel's going around with "widows" now, a shot at Mariela -- who warns she's well aware of Leonarda's depravity and not to mess with her.

Leonarda and he don't live together, Noel says, nothing ties them together, and Leonarda clearly flaunts her lover -- cane pointed at Rodrigo; so he doesn't mind telling her that he's started the legal process to remove every entanglement still binding them. Leonarda heaves a great, facetious sigh; and Noel and Mariela walk on.

The two of them reach a solitary park bench; and Noel is about to apologize, but Mariela needs none. They sit together, where Noel must capitulate and declare his love, under the onslaught of Mariela's warm, seductive ways. He's very serious, he insists; since they met he's not stopped thinking about her.

And he'd like to know whether she feels anything for him and if he could expect... he stammers; well, she knows he's arranging his affairs so that he can be free to offer her something serious and proper, he begins. Mariela takes pity on his discomfort, intrigued by this turn of conversation.

Noel, she says, smiling shyly; he must know that she feels something special for him, too. Noel's face lights up with joy and relief. She knows his story, Mariela continues; that he's never been loved. Haltingly, she reveals that she'd like it to be she who shows him what true love is -- because he deserves it.

Realization and pleasure dawns on Noel's face as he concludes that this means, that she means, that she agrees... he runs on. Mariela places her fingers over his lips and finishes, that she agrees. With a tender smile, she agrees to join together with him and find love again. Taking up Mariela's hand, Noel lingeringly kisses it as his black eyes blaze at her from under his top hat.

At the finca on the entry landing, Leonarda must remove a muslin dust cover to sit on the settee. Glancing around, she bemoans that her family is in shambles and nothing is the same; she's lost everything! Even her son; but one thing she will not lose is her freedom, she vows. She will not go to prison; she'll never let them lock her up. Never!

And at his townhouse, Rodrigo dwells on Noel berating him. With a big gulp of cognac, Rodrigo realizes that he trusts no one now, not even former friends, like Noel. He's sure that any of them would be happy to do him harm, and that Noel will probably show up there; so he'd better high himself out to the finca, he decides.

Another lightning storm engulfs the finca, as a pair of boots enters the straw-strewn catacombs, greeted by a resident rodent. Leonarda sleeps in her chamber, now gazed upon by a shadowy figure outside the door. Lit by a sudden flash, the boots enter the chamber; and Leonarda awakens, asking who goes there.

But before she can strike a match, she drops the box in surprise when the storm reveals the familiar face of her true lover. You? she asks breathlessly. But that's impossible! The huge, leonine head of Arcadio peers back at her in the flashing light.

At the cottage, Regina's stumped at Juan accusing her. She didn't seek out Renato; he found her! What's more, she was looking for Juan, she effuses excitedly. Regina has a wonderful surprise... she begins. But Juan interrupts, shouting instead that he has a surprise for her!

What an idiot he is, he grits out, jabbing a finger at her; when will he ever learn that as a Montes de Oca, Regina is his worst enemy! Regina is completely mystified; what is he talking about? Why does he doubt her love? Pushing the wad of Aimee's annulment letter at her, he says Here! This is what he's talking about!

She started annulment proceedings on their marriage, did she not? Juan accuses. Regina, in shock, takes the paper, as Juan nastily charges that now Aimee is dead, the way to Renato is free, isn't it? Hearing this, a furious Regina instantly hauls back and lays a blistering smack against Juan's face.

How dare he say that; and how dare he malign her sister with her not here to defend herself! Regina shouts. Looking down in desolation at the crumpled paper, Regina thinking of the baby, regrets this could have been a wonderful day; but now it's destroyed by his doubts, she says.

Bitter tears coming, Regina also regrets that he will always be Juan del Diablo! Sobbing, she exits the room, leaving Juan with his big face hanging out. He follows, sounding contrite, begging to speak with her. He just wants to know the truth, he says; he wants to know if she started the annulment procedure.

But the stunned and silent Regina only inflames Juan's ire. Why does she keep silent? Her silence makes him think it proves the damned letter is the truth! he shouts. Regina turns to him and tearfully points out it's not her silence, crumpling the paper again; it's his stupidity!

She's forgiven him before, Regina says, but this is too much -- too many times he's doubted her love. And does he know why he doubts? It's because he still hasn't learned what it is to be loved! He resists it! Resists love. Regina can't fight his doubts any more, because she can't win.

She can't convince him of her love, and she prays to heaven that the day he's convinced doesn't come too late. Juan looks a little abashed and confused; but when Regina tells him she doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore, it's a blow.

In Leonarda's bed chamber, Arcadio confirms she can believe her eyes; it's really him. Hypnotically, he explains he's the only one who never abandoned her; he's always tied to her and what happens at the finca. He heard a rumor the Montes de Oca were in shambles, and that's why he's here.

Leonarda seems entranced, and when Arcadio assures her he's there so she doesn't have to worry, she cries in relief. Referring to himself in third person, he continues his mesmerizing recitation: Arcadio has returned to protect her and take care of her, as always.

Leonarda goes to him and whimpers gratefully that he's returned to protect her. He was gone so long, she thought he'd gone far away, she says. But no, he continues soothingly, he was not so far away -- he was always close by to stay informed. He heard what happened. Appealing with open arms, he explains he's the only one she can trust. Leonarda wrings her hands and nods assent.

Everyone has abandoned her, Arcadio points out -- including her son! At that moment, Renato sits drinking cognac and remembering the horseback scene earlier. Shaking his head, he tells himself derisively that Juan will always be the savage, and he can't allow Juan to mistreat Regina. Renato's going to proceed with the annulment right away, he determines.

At Fulgencio's, Eloísa can't sleep and carefully rises from bed so as not to wake her husband. She's sure Fulgencio is lying to her; he doesn't trust her. Much better she grabs the money and jewelry and runs before he offs her, she decides. Under the fluffy peignoir, Eloísa is fully dressed, and she slips out into the hallway.

At the cottage, Regina can't believe Juan demands she answer yes or no to whether she started the annulment. Can't he see he's offending her? He's never going to understand her feelings, and she always falls for believing they can weather anything, which is sadly untrue, she says. Juan disappoints by insisting Aimee must have known something to send that letter.

In her bedroom, Arcadio distresses Leonarda, pointing out he warned her about Rodrigo, but she wouldn't believe him. He, Arcadio, was always everything to her! he insists. It's true, and she has no one to turn to, she admits. When Leonarda begs Arcadio to stay with her, she tries to take his hand; but he pulls away.

She takes it again and pleads that he not abandon her. He'll stay, he says; but only on condition that she split the secretly hoarded fortune from all these years. And moving to the bed, he adds that she'll belong to him and nobody else! Everything will go his way. How about it? Arcadio says with an outstretched hand.

Back at the cottage, Juan allows that Aimee was a liar and fooled everybody; but there was always a kernel of truth in her lies. And when Regina won't answer the simple question, it makes him wonder if she doesn't think much of him. When Juan posits that maybe she wants her freedom start a new life, Regina can't believe it.

Why would she do that? she asks. Juan throws up his arms -- how does he know, to dream that Renato loves her? Now that he's a widower, Juan says, jabbing a finger at Regina's nose, all she needs is an annulment. Regina maintains it's his imagination, and he has no proof at all. Everything he's saying stems from his pride, she insists.

Regina begs him not to fall back into that. Juan doesn't like it, but she won't give him his answer; so he shouts Whatever! and strides out of the house. With Juan standing at the window outside, Regina moves to and fro inside. She almost follows him, but doesn't. They each stand in the aftermath of their argument alone on their own side of the wall.

At Fulgencio's, Eloísa nearly backs out, but decides she must move forward with her plan. Entering the study, she gives herself a fright knocking something to the floor; she doesn't want Fulgencio to awaken and find her. Eloísa's just beginning to crack the safe when she's startled by the squeak of a hinge, and the door opens behind her.

Worrying in the cottage, Regina gets a twinge of morning sickness and is momentarily joyful about becoming a mother; but then gets sad again remembering how she hoped Juan would go crazy at the news, too. Cradling her abdomen she smiles and resolves to fight for her baby, even if it has to be alone.

Eloísa nearly faints from relief it's not Fulgencio coming through the study door, but instead a black cat. Apparently not superstitious, she sends the cat back out and returns to safe cracking. She laughs thinking of Fulgencio finding his loving wife has left him, carrying away all his fortune.

Now he's going to pay, Eloísa says grudgingly, for all those years she had to put up with him. With a click, the combination works, and she stands back to enjoy this portentous moment. Behind this door, she says, are the hopes and dreams that will give her a new life! Pulling it open, Eloísa gets a bullet between the eyes.

Awakened by the gunshot, Fulgencio enters the study, kneels to kiss his dead wife's hand, and closes her staring eyes. Regretfully he recalls he always warned her that the price of betrayal was death. With a last longing gaze, he orders Servando to put her with Federico and clean up every drop of blood.

At the bluffs above the surf, Fulgencio stands as Servando lugs two body bags to the edge. Fulgencio always thought he'd die before Eloísa, he says, looking up; and be buried on such a night full of stars. Tossing a red rose on her shroud, he tells Eloísa that he truly loved her and that it's too bad she couldn't appreciate him.

To Federico, Fulgencio says he got what was coming to him for betraying Fulgencio, poor bastard. The man hasn't been born who can get away with that, he vows. Fulgencio orders Servando to heave them over the edge, but be careful of Eloísa; she's a lady -- and his wife, after all. And they tumble down the cliff.

Turning to Servando now, Fulgencio repeats that whoever betrays him dies; and Servando tries to talk himself up, but Fulgencio skewers him, too. Who knows, perhaps we'll see each other in hell, Fulgencio says; and Servando joins the two body bags at the shore line.

Leonarda lies with Arcadio in bed, where she agrees to share everything with him and be his woman. He promises to spoil her, give her whatever she wants -- as long as she's faithful to him, of course. Meanwhile, Rodrigo has arrived at the finca and looks for Leonarda. He startles them by knocking at her bedroom door.

At a bonfire on the beach, Juan tortures himself over the annulment; he can't believe Regina would start it, but she wouldn't deny it! He fills Remigio in on their argument, and Remigio has lost patience. Why doesn't Juan see Regina's telling him he's got it all wrong?

But Juan needs to know for sure, because he intends to let her do what would make her happy. If she really did start the annulment and wants to be free, he won't keep her -- as much as it would break his heart, Juan says.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Llena de Amor #8 Wed 8/18/10 "The Brujas take Mari shopping and Fedra's eyes go-a-popping"

Bernardo ends up dragging a drunken Fedra away from an obnoxious drunken man at the bar. He's not happy to see his dominatrix capturing the attention of other men. He gets her home.

Lorenzo limps into the house. Flora tells him that she's tried to reach him on the phone. He's annoyed to hear this. Flora informs him that his wife has taken too many pills.

Brandon tells Doris and Oliver that he doesn't like Emanuel. They were only trying to help Mari and get her out of that place, where they were making fun of her.

Ilitia tells Kristal, Mauricio, Andre, and Rebecca about Brandon being the cop who treated her so terribly at the airport. Kristal jokes that perhaps Brandon is her karma and the love of her life. Ilitia is disgusted at the idea of a goddess such as herself being with such a naco as Brandon.

Viewers are given many slapstick scenes of Emanuel struggling to get Marianela home and up into her room. Before leaving the bar, Kristel, Ilitia, and Mauricio try to convince Emanuel to not take Mari home--the night is young and all that. He finally gets her home, out of the car, and to her bedroom. Emanuel runs into even more difficulties trying to get her in her bed....he can't have sleeping on her stomach because she might have trouble breathing. So he attempts to get her on her back. She ends up flopping onto the bed, pinning Emanuel under her. He struggles even more to escape, but this muscle man is apparently too weak to push her off. So he ends up trapped there for the evening.

Lorenzo wonders to a sleeping Camila why she took so many pills. Why did she do make him feel bad. For sure, Ilitia is going to blame him for this.

Bernardo gets Fedra home. She drunkenly shouts out to the household that the duena de la casa is home. She wakes up Gretel. Bernardo tries to get Fedra to quiet down. Gretel hears them and mutters something about the two of them always being together. This time is won't be so easy, she says and she climbs back into bed with her father (which causes me to raise an eyebrow, but I realize that Gretel is a few french fries short of a Happy Meal).

Bernardo stops Fedra in the hall and tells her she shouldn't enter and do something ridiculous. He warns that the gordita could wake up. Fedra repeats that she's the boss of this house. Fedra goes into Mari's room and it looks like she's caught Emanuel in bed with Mari. The pumpkin costume, however, blocks Emanuel from Fedra's view. Fedra spouts out some hateful she can't believe that her children could be related to such a horrendous monster. Fedra mentions something about Eva (I didn't quite get that---anyone?) and something about swindling. Emanuel overhears it all (and since his grasp of Spanish is mucho mejor que mine, I'm sure his mother's drunken ramblings have more impact on him than me).

Ilitia is missing Emanuel. Meanwhile he's drifted off to sleep.

Fedra tries to crawl into bed and finds Gretel is in her bed. She frets as to what this means. Gretel is crazy and capable of anything.

The next morning, Emiliano wonders why Fedra is sleeping on the lounge chair. Why didn't she sleep in their bed. Fedra wants to point out the Gretel is sleeping in their bed, but Gretel is already up and gone. Fedra tells her husband she can sleep anywhere.....this is her house and her things. Emiliano gets his wife to climb into the bed, but she wants to talk about Mari. Since she's come to the house there have been many problems.

Gretel talks to herself in the mirror and says that she's going to find out where her mother goes at night. She's going to find out what she's hiding and even more.

Marianela dreams that she and Emanuel share a kiss when they wake. Instead, he wakes up groaning from her being on top of him. Mari is shocked that they were together during the night. He tells her that she was knocked out...she drank quite a bit. Delicia enters Mari's room. She's bringing Mari her unshrunken uniform. Emanuel gets up from the bed and gives Mari a kiss. Delicia smiles thinking that Emanuel and Marianela 'slept together'. Mari explains what happened. Delicia is upset that Mari was drinking, and that led to them sleeping together. Mari explains that nothing happened. Delicia is upset to think that the brujas were making fun of Mari. Delicia says she's going to get Mari a tea to help her with her hangover.

Flora asks Camila what she was thinking. Camila says she doesn't remember. Camila worries about Lorenzo. Speak of the devil, he and Ilitia come in and Ilitia scolds her mother for endangering her career by taking so many pills. Camila
admits to being a little depressed and explains that she just wanted a good night's sleep and that's why she took so many pills (depression and pills are not a good combination). Ilitia tells her mother that when she's depressed she should just go shopping or she could go and change her look. Lorenzo says how is it that their daughter understands how to deal with these things more than Camila does. Flora is shocked at the shallowness on display. Camila tells her husband and daughter how she wishes that cutting her hair or getting a massage would cure a wounded soul. Lorenzo suggests that taking some classes, like macrame, might be of benefit. Camila says that it is being alone, completely alone, that is what bothers her.

Mari brings breakfast to the General. The General is concerned that Mari is bringing breakfast, not the servants. Maris says she's bringing it because she likes to do things for him. She urges her uncle to leave his room.

Ilitia comes to find out why Emanuel abandoned her at the club the previous evening. Ilitia tells Kristal that she doesn't want to end up like her mother...taking too many pills because Lorenzo doesn't care. Kristal is shocked to hear this, but since these two aren't capable of carrying on a deep conversation, they switch to superficial stuff. They start to rehash their ill treatment of Mari. Ilitia makes a disparaging comment about Mari being a relative, Mari happens to overhear them. She confronts Kristal and berates her for getting her drunk and picking on her. Ilitia says it was just a joke, no actually it was a little test. More like a hazing, and Mari passed the test. Now Mari's got two new "best friends". In fact, they are going to take her shopping. Ilitia knows the perfect boutique (which, boutique = nothing over a size 5, so we can be assured that Mari will not find anything to buy). Ilitia tells Delicia to tell Emanuel they've taken Mari shopping.

Bernardo mocks Fedra for her hangover. She tells him that her problem isn't being hungover, it was that she found Gretel in her bed....which means that Gretel knows that Fedra wasn't in the house last night. This is going to be a problem, Bernardo says. Bernardo tells Fedra she's got to get this under control before it gets out of hand.

Gretel is at the cemetery, visiting Luis Felipe's grave. She tells him that she did nothing to help him. It was a mistake, a terrible mistake. She wishes she could have saved him. She asks for his forgiveness because it is her fault he's dead.

Netty goes to visit Mari. She's worried about what she should say. She wants to reclaim the inheritance from her sister. This is like a telenovela, she mumbles to herself.

Emanuel asks his mother about a story Bernardo told his as a child. It was about a boat, El Lirio de Plata (Silver Flower "Lily or Iris" ... I learned azucena as lily and according to my dictionary lirio means Silver Flower seems to cover all bases). Fedra says that is a legend. Emanuel thinks the man existed and it is a true story. Jose Maria Sevilla is no one. He's got to be no one pretty important to get you so upset, Emanuel tells his mother. She leaves and Emanuel says to himself that the man and boat existed and he's got to investigate this.

Mari sees the display in the boutique window tells Ilitia that she doesn't think they'll find something in there for her. Ilitia says they have sizes up to 8. Mari says to herself how she wishes she could wear clothes like this....never in your dreams she tells herself, and reaches for a candy bar.

Delicia answers Netty's knock at the door as Emanuel is coming downstairs. Delicia passes on the info that Mari's gone shopping with Kristal and Ilitia. Emanuel is surprised to hear this. Emanuel is pleased to be talking to Netty. Netty can't believe how Emanuel has grown. He tells Netty that she's a beautiful as always. He leaves and lets Netty wonder the house...she runs into Benigno. He offers his condolences over Eva's death. Netty shares with Benigno that she's worried about Mari living here. Benigno gets summoned by the General and Netty worries that something's not right in his head.

Fedra lights into Bernardo for telling stories to Emanuel. She calls Bernardo's captain a criminal and this sets him off. Capt. Sevilla was not a criminal. B: He was honest and capable of giving his life for others, including yours Fedra!! Fedra reminds Bernardo that they were treated like slaves....the water, salt, sun, wormy rice, and moldy potatoes. Bernardo tells her she's an ingrate. She was nothing until Capt, Sevilla plucked her off the streets when she was a....(fill in the blank here people, because Fedra cut him off....I'm thinking whore, who's with me on that one?). F: Don't you dare mention that word in my presence. B: You need to admit that Capt. Sevilla saved our lives. He died for us. Bernardo mentions being haunted by ghosts and Fedra tells him she's not afraid of that dead guy, she's afraid of the past. Bernardo shows Fedra the silver flower broach. Fedra's eyes pop, she is impactada.

Mari stands around as Kristal and Ilitia try on clothes. As all chubby girls have had to do, she forced to listen to skinny girls complain they are fat, just so people can tell them they aren't. The clerk comes out with a white dress and Ilitia insists that Mari should try it on. Emanuel arrives at the boutique as Ilitia and Mari are trying on clothes. He decides to sneak a peak at Ilitia, but unfortunately for Mari, he enters the wrong dressing room. END OF EPISODE


Dinero #176- 8/18/10: She’s Mine, All Mine! Bwahahaha!

Doña Arcadia and Beltran breathe a sigh of relief that it seems Dandy is with Rafa, as they were worried about him coming back alone with all that cash. Beltran wonders where Rafa finds these weird (exóticos) clients that do strange things like pay for fleets of trucks with cash. But he then decides he doesn’t care as long as Rafa brings in the money, money, money.

Said money-maker is taking a call from his ex-almost-father-in-law, who also wants him to deliver the cash. They agree that tomorrow Rafa will pay back Don Gaston’s loan. When he hangs up, Rafa admits to Dandy that he still doesn’t know who he will pay since he owes both Don Gaston and his Licenciada. Dandy reminds him that Ale is probably not HIS licenciada anymore, and Susana arrives right on cue to confirm that this indeed is the case. She made it to the wedding ceremony too late, and the horrible deed was already done. Susana is in tears, Dandy looks on with concern, and Rafa is distraught and destroyed. “No!!!! No, no, y no!” (We feel the same way Rafa.)

Back at the Matrimony of Misfortune, Marco is eager to get the noche de bodas (wedding night) started. Tia Rosario wishes Ale to be happy and to not suffer (too late). Ale promises to try. Quintana whispers in Marco’s ear that the game is not yet won. Ale tries to stall the inevitable start to the noche de bodas as long as possible by bidding everyone and their mama farewell. Marco manages to drag her away, as Quintana and Rosario look on. He waxes poetic about how lovely marriage is (hint, hint). Rosario seems to actually have some insight, and observes Ale’s departure with concern, noting that marriage is lovely, WHEN the couple is in love.
Outside of the Reception of Regret, Rafa is still in a state of shock. Dandy and Susana remind him that he still has other disasters to avoid and a truck sale to wrap up. Susana asks Dandy to go with him, since he’s in no state to drive by himself and close the deal. Just to rub a bit more salt into Rafa’s wounds (thanks writers), Ale and Marco drive by our Three Musketeers. Rafa sees Ale first, but then their eyes lock and communicate shared pain and regret. Marco drives off and Rafa’s head falls between his knees in defeat.

Marino is also receiving some hard to accept news. Beltran has confirmed that not only is Marino NOT the new sales team boss, but Ale and Rafa are NOT leaving. Marino throws a massive tantrum. Beltran reminds him that Rafa and Ale bring in the money, money, money, and for that he’ll forgive them for a silly thing like a doctored resume. Plus, he does not believe that they have an amorous (amorosa) relationship. And he forgives Marino too. He forgives him for his insolence (insolencia) and his arrogance (soberbia). Lol! He then placates Marino by telling him that his opportunity will come and sends him on his way. Beltran then twirls his imaginary villainous moustache, cackles and says that opportunity will NEVER come. Bwahahaha!

Marco has pulled over by the side of the road and asks Ale if it was just his imagination or did he see Medina outside of the club. She lies that it was just his imagination and quickly switches topics. She wants to be honest with him (obviously about some things, but not others). She admits that the reasons she had for breaking up with him way back when in the hospital haven’t changed. She’s still is not in love with him. “Then why did you marry me?” She tells him she married him because of how good he’s been to her and her family and because he’s a good man. She’ll do all she can to fall in love with him again and be happy at his side. He does not take his eyes from hers, he kisses her hands lovingly throughout, and calls her a queen. He tells her, “From this day on, no one and nothing will be more important than you in my life.” (The man is good.) He then suggests a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant to precede their noche de bodas. “Y después, volveré ser tuya.” (And afterwards, I will be yours once more.) Don’t do it Ale!!!!

Rafa and Dandy have arrived at Don Romulo’s safely, and Dandy’s crazy eyes are quickly counting up the cash. Romulo is full of questions. Why was Rafa late? Did he get married? Is Lic. Alvarez del Castillo still getting married today? Rafa dodges the questions, but can’t get out of Romulo’s invitation to share a birthday drink with him. After a bit of tequila, Dandy and Rafa beg off as they still have that long, dangerous, winding road to drive, and want to get back with the cash before dark.

Marino’s tantrum has turned to shocked silence at his desk. When Ramirez asks him what’s up, his shocked silence turns to rage and then to weeping. The promotion and improved salary was part of his master plan for beginning his new life with Sandra. Ramirez takes this to mean that Sandra has fallen into Marino’s clutches…er, is now his mujer. Marino confirms that this is the case. Ramirez wonders if she knows about all his kids and how she reacted. Marino admits she was furious, but shares his philosophy that the worse you treat women, the more they want you. (Blech!) Arcadia watches and listens to this conversation with her secret cameras and calls them immature niños. (Amen)

At the bar of the fancy restaurant, Ale’s downing flute after flute of champagne so that she can feel as SUPER! as she claims. Marco is licking his lips and rubbing his hands thinking about the night to come. “Vas a ser mia, todo mia!” (You’re going to be mine, all mine! Bwahahaha!) Ale tries her best to not look like she’s going to vomit. That becomes more difficult when Marco attacks her with a major lip lock. She fights the urge to push him away.

On the road back to Mexico, Rafa and Dandy are strangely in a good mood and singing an off key (Dandy) duet to Amarte a la Antigua. Rafa thinks maybe they should just turn on the radio instead. Dandy calls Siglo to inform Beltran that they are on their way back with the money. Rafa is in the midst of wondering when he’ll be able to forget Ale, when the other love of his life, the Pantera, also decides to make his life difficult. He gets a flat tire and pulls over by the side of the dangerous, winding road. Dandy may be a great friend, and amusing company, but he is useless at changing a flat tire. As he contemplates just exactly how a jack works and its purpose, two solemn fellows suddenly appear near the open trunk of the car, where the cash-filled bag is in plain sight.

Luckily for them, these two fellows turn out to be real sweethearts who change the tire and warn our two hapless heroes that the road is dangerous. Once they’re back on the road, Dandy wonders how Rafa manages to stay in such good spirits, despite how crappy his life is. Rafa admits that his sis Julieta says that his life is like a telenovela. Anyway, he thinks nothing else can happen, as it’s all happened already to him today! (Famous last words Rafa.)

It’s the last day of the month, and we all know what that means…Marino’s women and children are beating down the doors of Siglo for their monthly maintenance payments. Ramirez refuses to appease them on behalf of Marino, unless Marino liberates them and allows them to find happiness somewhere else and with someone else. Marino is not on board with this plan. “No! Ellas son mias!”

Marco, another man staking his claim, has carried Ale over the threshold of their honeymoon suite. The room is filled with roses and Ale says it’s lovely. Marco thinks it will be even better when they move to Brazil. Ale stalls on the Brazil idea and says they still need to talk to her papa and tia about it. In the meantime, she can begin working at the hacienda each day! Now it’s Marco’s time to stall, and he tries to distract Ale with thoughts of their upcoming night together. Ale takes a deep breath and tries to think of England. She gives herself a pep talk, and plants a huge kiss on Marco. Don’t do it Ale!

Marian has recounted all the telenovela details of Rafa’s life to Chespis. Chespis is impactada and says that Rafa is in debt up to his eyeballs (“hasta las orejas”- up to his ears). Marian is sure that even if he sells those trucks today, he won’t be able to pay off all his debt to both Vicky’s father and Alejandra. She wants to help him pay the debt. She’s sure he’ll pay her back as he’s a hard working man of his word. Chespis reminds her that he is still in love with another woman. But Marian is sure that will soon not be a problem as Ale is getting married that day.

Back at Siglo, the horde of Marino’s women have made it to the doors of the show room. Edgar Jr. steps up to receive some adoration from his papa. But, what’s this? He’s morphed into a polite, bow-tie wearing, intellectual. When Ramirez walks up to address the crowd, Marino looks back and forth between the new version of the apple of his eye, and his best friend. They both seem to be sporting the same green bow-tie. Edgar Jr. and his redhead mama also seem to be all smiles while listening to Ramirez. The smiles of all the ladies fade, however, when Ramirez informs them that their monthly allocations will be cut by 2%. Marino has a new lady love, Sandra, and she will now be included in the division of Marino’s salary (and she hasn’t even given him a child yet!). Who is this Sandra, they all want to know.

Beltran starts to worry that Rafa and Dandy haven’t returned yet, and so does Susana when she arrives at Siglo and finds out from the sales team that they have not yet arrived. At Arcadia’s suggestion, Beltran decides to call Rafa to find out what’s up, but he requires his secretary to do so for him. Arcadia marvels at his inability to do something so simple for himself. She then orders Chato to make her a coffee the way she likes it.

We finally see where Rafa and Dandy are, and it seems they are in the city. Yay! Unfortunately, our two incompetent cops are pulling them over. Boo! Our two boys step out of the car and the cops smell the tequila. Dandy claims they drank those tequilas a LONG time ago. This doesn’t go over well with the cops, and the silent half makes his usual commentary of “ooooh!” Dandy wants to know if Cop Oooooh is a ghost. This ticks them off even more. Rafa leaves Dandy on his own to deal with the situation while he accepts Beltran’s call. He assures Beltran that “la lana esta segura” (the cash is safe). This perks up the ears of our cops. They’re suspicious and want to know what “cash” Rafa is talking about. He tries to talk his way out of it, but they throw him and Dandy up against the Pantera and frisk them. Our two boys are as jumpy as Tickle-Me Elmo and giggle and wriggle at the roaming hands of the cops.

Tomorrow: A very ‘nekid’ looking Ale and Marco make out under the sheets, until an equally ‘nekid’ fantasy (Marco’s not Ale’s) Rafa appears grinning next to Ale. Vicky pulls a Miss Havisham and puts on her wedding veil while obsessing about Rafa.


El Clon, Wed., August 18 - Summary for Discussion

Jade gets a divorce ring; the Chump gets a nasty surprise and Albieri finally wakes up to reality.

Jade repeats to Zoraida that she is going to go back to Said. At least then she will be able to be with Jadiya and see her grow. She will forget all the crazy things she did for Lucas. 'Lo voy a borrar de mi memoria,' I will erase him from my memory,

When Dora comes home from work, Estela tells her about Dr. Silvia's visit and how strangely she reacted to Daniel.

Silvia lays out to Julio how she concluded that Albieri made a clone. Albieri had told Julio that two embryos were switched. Silvia says that there weren't two embyros and even if there had been, no embryo was another twin of Diego and Lucas, nor was Leo a sperm donor. Julio concludes that she is right.

Albieri wakes up and Luisa tells him that the secret of the cloning is slowly unraveling. Albieri is suddenly worried that he might be arrested since human cloning is a federal crime. Luisa reiterates that she will help him. She is worried that Dora or Leonardo might denounce him. [Albieri apparently is unconcerned about what might happen to poor Daniel.] Albieri asks Luisa to send for Julio right away.

The Chump tells Anita that he is all confused about how his sweet Malicia suddenly turned ugly on him. Of course, he believes that the cause of the problem (putting the apartment in Fer's name) is Clara's fault. Anita won't let that pass but the Chump doesn't want to hear. However, Anita agrees that he should go to the apartment and work things out with his ratoncita. 'Don't forget the flowers,' says Anita. Julio asks who is getting flowers. Anita answers, '¿Pues quién recibe flores? Las vividoras. Las tontas no,' So who is getting flowers? The social climbers, not the stupid ones.'

Meanwhile, Malicia is telling Pablo that she ended her relationship with her old boyfriend because he became envious, competitive and selfish. Pablo says that he first noticed her when she told him that Cristina was cheating on him [I had forgotten about that]. That showed that Malicia cared about him and that she is sincere, pretty and transparent. She goes on to say that she never wanted to hurt Cristina. Dumb old Pablo buys this tripe, hook, line and sinker.

The Chump arrives at the apartment to find that Alicia has changed the locks. 'No puede ser,' he says, it can't be.
Of course, Tío Abdul arrives at Mohamed's during a street fair where there is a lot of flesh on display. Abdul gives his usual diatribe against Westerners.
Pablo is at Alej's. Alej is worried that he doesn't know where Nati is. He also tells Pablo about the missing stereo. Pablo asks, why Alej continues to carry this burden. He cares about Nati but she doesn't care about him. '¿Hasta cuándo vas a hacer el papel de idiota, Alejandro? asks Pablo, How long are you going to play the role of an idiot? Alej decides to go to Gloria's and leave Nati a note.

Nati is with her druggie friends, Fernando and Paula. She says that she wants to leave but is easily talked into staying. Diana sees them so that she can report this to Alej.
Carolina tells Clara that she keeps an eye on Enrique and periodically checks his stuff but she is giving him another chance. They are getting married. In a thought bubble, Clara wonders if she should be checking Fer's stuff.

Lucas flashes back to when he overheard Lucia telling Marisa about how Jade was crying when they ran into each other at the mall. He calls Jade.

Jade doesn't answer. She tells Zein that she wants a divorce so that she can go back to Said. Zein asks if she wants to be happy. Jade replies that is what she has been looking for all her life. Zein assures her that he can make her happy. Jade replies that she has concluded that there are people in the world who are born for love and there are those who are not. She says that she keeps chasing love like a mirage in the desert but never gets it.

Once again, Zein tells her that he can make her happy. Jade is sure that if she loved Zein, he wouldn't care about her anymore. She asks Zein to divorce her. Zein says that he needs Ali as a witness and anyway Said doesn't want her back. Jade is sure that Said only said that in anger and will change his mind. Zein tells Jade that he will give her until the evening to think better of her request.
Alej is at Gloria's. She asks why Nati isn't there and Alej lies and says that Nati wants to be with her family.

Andrea finds Nati sitting alone. Nati tells her that she is having a lot of fun. Andrea tries to take her home but Nati refuses. Andrea tells Nati that she is trying to help her as a friend. She mentions the rehabilitation center where Roberto took her. The unlovely Paula joins them. Nati and Paula claim that they aren't drug addicts. They could stop anytime. Andrea says that if drugs were so great, rehab centers wouldn't be so full of people. Paula and Nati call Andrea a party pooper and leave.

Clara is worried. She tells Enrique that Fer didn't come home the previous night and won't answer his cell. Enrique says that Fer is in denial that he is an addict and if he doesn't want help, Clara can't help him. He also tells Clara that Fer isn't in his band anymore because he stopped showing up a rehearsals. He also tells her that what Fer does isn't her fault.

Leo thinks that Cristina is hiding Daniel from him to get revenge on him for having an affair with Daniel's mother. He wants to find Daniel.

A hangdog looking Chump comes to the club and asks Malicia why she changed the locks of the apartment.

Leo goes to see Cristina and demands to know where his son is.

Zein goes back to the hotel. Jade is packed up and ready to go. He begs her to think about what she is doing. Jade reminds him that he promised he would not hold her against her will. He repudiates her 3 times. She thanks him and says that she won't forget him. He gives her a goodbye ring saying that the end of a relationship should be as a nice as when it starts. Jade says that it is too bad that they met too late. Zein says that they met when they were destined to meet. Jade replies that in that case, they are destined to say goodbye now.
A clone and his true love pass in the night.

Cristina refuses to tell Leo where Daniel is and accuses him of betraying her and breaking her heart. Leo calls Amalia. She blows him off.

At first. Malicia is really nasty to the Chump, telling him that she already told him that she needs time to think. When people start noticing in the club, she gets all nice and kissy and tells him that he is very understanding and she'll talk to him at the clinic. The Chump buys it and leaves without making a scene.

Alej calls Rosa looking for Nati.

Diana tells Pablo about how she saw Nati doing drugs with two people she didn't know. Pablo tells her that he has told Alej to get out of that relationship 1000 times. Diana says that Pablo isn't doing much better ('tú no te quedas atrás', literally, you aren't remaining behind) by hooking up with Malicia.

Jade shows up at Said's house. [What is this? The third or fourth time she's done this?] He comes outside.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, August 17: Ep 126--Reunited, and it feels so good….

There's not a dry eye in the house as Jimena and Mariela are officially reunited as mother and daughter. Even Salma's getting a little misty-eyed.

At Casa Fully, he threatens Eloisa with the bloody knife as she screams "forgive me" through her gag. Fully gives her a shalow cut on the neck and un-gags her. She keeps begging forgiveness and admits she did plot to kill him, but, umm….it was all Fed's fault! Fully says if she really loved him, nothing would have convinced her to turn against him. She had it all, but now she's lost it. Eloisa swears she'll make it up to him. She'll be the bestest wife ever if he just forgives her!

At Captain Breton's office, Phillipe and Lulu confront Leonarda and Rod. Breton wanted a private hearing so that there won't be any further scandal. Rod says it's all a waste of time, since neither he nor Leo did anything. They begin with the accusation that Rod unfairly had Juan DD Sr. locked up. The old Aguacil says Rod had him accused of stealing the family jewels. Breton points out that it's his understanding that Rod did this to keep Juan from marrying Maria del Rosario. He lays into Rod and Leo for objecting to MdR and Juan getting married just because Juan was a fisherman. Despite the claims of the old Aguacil and his assistant, Rod insists that he only wanted Juan locked up, not tortured, and certainly not locked up for life. Oh, well, when you put it that way. *roll eyes*

Fully wants Eloisa to suffer a painful death. Eloisa offers eternal slavery. Fully will give her one more chance, because he "loves" her. She can only leave the house with him. Eloisa is so grateful, she agrees. Servando comes in and Fully gives the order to release Eloisa. She shivers with fear. Serves her right! Fully tells her to go take a nap and they'll talk later. Eloisa can't get gone fast enough. Servando shuts the door and asks if he thinks Eloisa has learned her lesson. Fully says only time will tell. He tells Servando to clean up Fed's blood, then leaves his study. Servando finally breathes.

Breton tells Rod to sit down. He asks the old Aguacil what the truth is. "Mr. Montes de Oca is the one who's lying. Don Rodrigo wanted him locked up and dead…and a painful death, too." It's a case of he said/he said. Breton has to tell Rod to sit down again. Rod did bribe an officer of the law, which is bad enough in itself. Breton has the secretary put that in the record.

Dr. Miranda now accuses them of killing his uncle. Leo says it's all too much, they're going to blame them for every death! Doc Miranda says the night his uncle died, they commited several crimes: leaving MdR for dead; abandoning JDD Jr. to his fate. He's sure his uncle tried to stop it and/or was coming to town to turn them in. He figures they did him in to keep that for happening. Rod says the old Aguacil investigated and found nothing to implicate him. The old Aguacil says there was no investigation and he always suspected Rod and Leo did it. Miranda asks if it isn't a crime to leave a newborn out to die. Leo says she was sending the kid to an orphanage, but the coachman, Celestino, left him out there and never told anyone. Breton now asks if Leo never realized that MdR wasn't dead. Leo says Arcadio told her that MdR was dead and she believed him. How could she have imagined that Arca kept her locked up at the finca? "Do you really think I could do something like that to my own sister?" Oh, lady, we're not even going to dignify that with an answer. "Who do you think I am?" Rod tells her to calm down.

Renato is looking for Reggie at her house, but she's not there. He has no intention of getting in the way of her and Juan. He just wants to apologize for kissing her by force. Clemencia is shocked that he dared. She tells him to leave Reggie alone. "You're acting just like Aimee! She always wanted what wasn't hers and look what happened to her!" Renato says he really does love Regina. Clem reminds him that Reggie doesn't love him back. She loves Juan and that's what counts. Renato claims he'll leave her alone when he's sure that Reggie doesn't love him anymore. He's convinced there's a part of her that still does and he won't rest until she realizes that he can make her happy. Pobre de Clemencia. You just can't argue with those Montes de Locas. Regina may be the only one who's never lost touch with reality.

The fishermen play around at catching Santos with their nets. They tell Juan that Regina was there looking for him, and she said she had a big surprise for him. Juan doesn't want to see her right now and says he'll stay and help them. He tells them that he got a letter from Aimee saying that Regina asked for an anulment. Pedro has just about had it with him. No, on second though, he has had it! Juan is whining that at first Regina thought he was "poca cosa". "Then you know what? You're absolutely right. If you think you're not good enough, then you're not. She needs someone who loves her, trusts her, supports her…and if you're not that guy, then you don't deserve her!" Pedro goes off, angry.

Gabe thanks his bro, Branko for getting Salma to tell the truth. Aw, shucks, it was nothing. And now he knows his love for Jimena was impossible, because she's not a gypsy. Gabe asks if blood is really the most important thing. Branko says no, love is more important, but he made an oath to his parents and he can't break it. So, what about Salma? Branko doesn't answer.

Salma apologizes to Jimena for making up crap and hurting her. She swears she's sorry and Branko made her understand that greed would drive her to "perdicion." Jimena wants to know why Salma did it. She says she thought she didn't have another way of getting Branko's attention. She tried to tell the truth once, but she was tempted by fake grandpa's wanting to make her his sole heir. Jimena says she did a lot of harm to Señora…"No, to MY MOTHER!" Salma can't be at peace unless Jimena forgives her. Jimena's lips say "te perdono" but her tone of voice says "pudrete en el infierno!" Salma asks for a hug and Jimena obliges. She tells Salma she forgives her for giving back her mother. Jimena remembers her mother singing the nursery rhyme to her. The grandparents come in and now they have no more doubt that Jimena is their granddaughter. Grandma taught the song to Mariela, and Mariela taught it to her. Grandpa joins in on the love-fest. Grandpa asks forgiveness, which Jimena gives much more convincingly than she did to Salma.

Branko says he and Salma need to get going. Grandpa tells Salma they don't hold anything against her. She says she's grateful for everything they did for her. They really made her feel like part of the family. Salma isn't sure if the gypsies will take her back. She looks to Branko. Grandma offers to take her to Puebla if she doesn't have anywhere else to go. Branko says Salma will come back with him and explain her bad behavior and how everyone has forgiven her. He doesn't think they'll reject her. He's been thinking, and he realizes she was influenced by Grizelda, who's disappeared. After seeing her repentance, he realizes she's a decent person and he could maybe learn to love her. She asks him to forgive her for all the stupid crap she pulled to try to get his attention. Dude, make an honest woman out of her and keep her out of trouble. Branko says when they get back to the camp, they'll get married. Salma is thrilled and finally gets to plant a big ol kiss on his scruffy face.

Eloisa looks in the mirror at her scratch and curses Fed for intending to betray her. She looks around her bedroom, paranoid, and says she has to be careful from now on. He might be intending to kill her after all and she'll need to escape as soon as possible.

Breton moves on to the next accusation of bribing the old Aguacil to capture and torture Juan del Diablo. Rod says he didn't know who Juan was and he only wanted Juan locked up for interrupting his daughter's wedding reception, as was proper. What happened after that wasn't his fault. The artist formerly known as the Aguacil says his orders were to apprehend and kill Juan. Rod says "Well, you didn't have any obligation to obey me." Breton is sick of hearing Rod's crap. He's tired of hearing about what respectable people they are.

Remigio tries to talk to Juan about how his fears will drive him to make dumbass mistakes. "Be careful and don't get carried away by your impulses." Juan finally says Pedro's right, but that letter is getting to him. He's afraid of losing Reggie, of course. He begs God for help. He tells Remi he promises he'll go tell Reggie how much he loves her, but they've all taken off. Santos, still stuck in the net ignores him. Juan walks off.

Breton now brings up Brigitte's murder. Lulu explains they had financial troubles at the casino and went to offer Rod a partnership, but she never returned. Rod says he never saw her and his staff can confirm that he was with Leo at the finca until late. Lulu demands they reopen the case. They're convinced Rod had something to do with her death. Leo is incensed that Rod's being accused of killing that slut. Breton tells her to quit making comments like that. Rod looks around at his accusers, but he has nothing more to say.

While the older generations have sherry, Gabe and Jimena suck face. He mentions getting married. Mariela is thrilled! Love shouldn't wait! Jimena wants to go thank the Virgen right away. Noel comes over and Mariela gives him the good news that Jimena is Angela. Mariela is shocked to hear that Gabe and Noel had suspicions. Noel hugs Mariela in congratulations and the grandparents realize something is up. Oh, I didn't mean that in a dirty way, but hey, Noel's still a fairly young guy.

Juan and Remi stand looking at the ocean. Remi tells him to go find Reggi already and find out what the surprise is. I thought we did this already? Juan says he's going. Again.

Breton asks Doc Miranda about the attempt on Rosenda's life. Rod says he had nothing to do with that slut. Miranda loses his temper and gets chastised by Breton. Breton says he's heard it all, and they're all dismissed, but they can't leave town. He'll be calling them back to hear his verdict. The guards take the old Aguacil and his buddy back to jail. Before leaving, Leo and Rod stop to give everyone dirty looks.

Renato finds Reggie in the woods and apologizes for kissing her. Reggie tells him to leave her alone. He refuses. Just as Juan rides up, Renato hugs her. Juan sees her and tells Renato to let her go. He grabs Reggie up on the back of his horse and tells Renato to leave his wife alone. How many times do we have to tell you, Renato?

Poca cosa=a small thing; not good enough
perdicion=perdition, ruin, hell
Te perdono=I forgive you
Pudrete en el infierno=rot in hell


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