Friday, October 08, 2010

El Clon Thursday October 7: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 166: Mostly dark. Often violent. And very, very bitter.
La casa es un manicomio y mi papá se casa. (Our home is a madhouse and my father’s getting married). – Lucas

Operation Air Escape is proceeding apace:
Nazira and Samira try to contact Latifa in Fez for news about Mohamed. But the servants at Alí’s house are told to ignore the ringing phone. The conspirators -- Zoraida, Alí and Latifa -- are racing time to spirit the sleeping Mohamed out of the house before Abdul arrives. And they are right to hurry; for at that moment Abdul, Yaser and the would-be novia Zuleika are making their way to the house…

So Diana and Clara know each other, it seems. Diana is on Clara’s side (who wouldn’t be?) and has told her where Rogelio is having lunch today. Clara and Caro are going to the restaurant in the hopes of a casual meeting…

Enrique tells Lucas that he’s not referring him to another lawyer – he’s going to represent him himself. When Roberto joins them in Lucas’s office, Enrique says:
Quiero comunicarte que a partir de este momento, somos adversarios.
(I want to let you know that from this moment, we are on opposing sides.)
Not good news for Roberto.

Rogelio is seated alone, reading a French newspaper, when Clara and Caro spot him in the restaurant. Rats! Here comes Malicia and she’s kissing him! Caro tells her friend to stay cool and they take a table behind the couple. Malicia and Clara are positioned back to back but Caro and Rogelio can look right at each other. Rogelio is very aware of Clara– he can’t stop looking at her – even before Malicia says:
¿Te diste cuenta de quienes están detrás de nosotros?
(Did you notice who’s behind us?)

Whew! By the time Abdul, Yaser and Zuleika get to Alí’s house, the only trace left of Mohamed is the lingering scent of his panic. Zumaya explains that his doctor ordered the family to transport him home immediately. The increasingly cozy trio decide they will follow Mohamed to the Land of Haram. Oh dear.

Back in the restaurant, Clara seeks a moment’s refuge in the ladies’ room. But Malicia follows her and attacks: How’s Fernando? Is he still using drugs and getting in trouble? And Clara tells her:
Nos robaron, una trepadora de quinta que se obsesionó con el papá de Fernando y eso a él le afectó mucho – tú sabes, una de estas prostitutas que le gusta vivir de los demás.
(We were robbed by a low-life social climber who became obsessed with Fernando’s father; and that affected him a lot – you know, one of these prostitutes who like living off other people.)

Malicia pushes all of Clara’s buttons telling her she should go to Paris with a man like Rogelio -- he is so good in bed. And Clara fires back:
¡Usted es una trepadora, una zorra asquerosa, barata , inmunda!
(You are a social climber, a disgusting cheap whore, a filthy thing!)
And she slaps Malicia in the face as hard as she can. They stare at one another for a few seconds. Then Malicia slams her back. The battle escalates. The screams can be heard in the dining room. Caro and one of the waiters rush in to break up the fight.

Malicia runs back to Rogelio and tells him that Clara accused her of interfering with her reconciliation with Escobar and then attacked her for no reason. That doesn’t sound like Clara, says Rogelio.

Jade is standing outside the school waiting for Jadiya. Lucas comes up to her. She tells him to go away; she can’t risk being seen with him. He begs her to meet him at their apartment – after that, he promises, she won’t see him again. [Apparently no one has told Lucas that there are still 17 episodios left].

Jadiya comes out and Lucas slips away.

When Jade and Jadiya get back to Said’s house, Jadiya’s friends Aime and Jamil are waiting. Nice Rania smiles and says she invited them over. Jadiya thanks her sweetly and the kids go off together. Jade asks Mariam to pour her some tea. No, says Nasty Rania:
Yo no tengo que compartir el té contigo. Tú no eres esposa de Said.
(I don’t have to share tea with you. You’re not Said’s wife.)
When Jade threatens to tell Said how she is being treated, Rania tells her smugly that Said knows all about it and has agreed that she doesn’t have to share the table with Jade.

Jade retreats to her room, and throws herself on the bed. It’s all Lucas’s fault! Then she gets up again, puts on her veil and heads out the door.

We see Lucas waiting in the apartment.

When Said gets home, he asks after Jade and Jadiya. Jadiya is here, says Mariam, but Jade went out. The Naz joins him and delivers the Odaliscas Walking All Over You rant and needles him about bringing Jade back into the house and then treating her like a servant. He sings the Can’t Get Her Out of his Heart blues followed by a chorus of When she shows Real Remorse I’ll Marry her. The Naz rants the No Husband rant and threatens to resort to a temporary marriage.

Honestly, someone should put bells on those sisters. Rania slips in silently and sees that Said is back to his veil-fingering veil–sniffing ways. He’s at it again! she laments to Amina. And as usual, Amina tells her to pretend she doesn’t notice.

When Said asks Rania where Jade is, she says that she left without saying anything – just like she always does. She shouldn’t go out without asking my permission first, he says. When he leaves, Rania pouts:
Yo nunca salgo sin pedirte permiso antes.
(I never go out without asking your permission first).
[I guess the little jaunt to Fez doesn’t count.]

Who has suffered more?
Jade joins Lucas in the apartment. She’s not there to listen to him, she says, she’s there to tell him what she is suffering and how much she hates him. It is his fault she is living like a servant in Said’s house just to be close to her daughter. It is his fault that she lost Said and Zein. Every time she has a chance at happiness, he comes along, ruins things for her and then leaves again.

Lucas tells her how unhappy he is, how his life has been a series of losses. And now his daughter is killing herself. How can he abandon her? He accuses Jade of being captivated by the clone and trying to relive their love with him. But how could she not have feelings for a copy of him? she asks.

I’ve loved you my whole life, he says. You never had room for me in your life, she retorts. He takes her in his arms. She resists at first but then they kiss, the music swells… and his cell phone rings. It’s Marisa summoning him home for a new Natalia Crisis. She stole a car from Lucas’s collection (I assume we’re not talking Matchbox here) to get money for drugs. Some weird guy called the house… I’m on my way, says Lucas.

And we see the tears on Jade’s face as she walks away from the apartment.

¡Estás hecha un manojo de nervios! (You’re a bundle of nerves!) says Consuelo to Hilda in the hospital waiting room. Miss K is in labor.

Roberto is worried, but not about the sKanks. He tells Lucia that Enrique will be opposing counsel if Leo proceeds with his suit. Well Enrique is the one who should be worried, says his adoring wife. When the maid, Rosario, comes into the room, Lucia asks her why Consuelo didn’t come to work. She’s with her cousin Hilda – you remember, she was here to see you. Lucia doesn’t remember. Anyway, says Rosario, Hilda’s daughter is having her baby and Consuelo is with them.

And back in the maternity ward:
Between pushing and breathing and screaming, Karla tells the doctor her baby will be named “Roberto del Valle Junior”. Hilda and Consuelo watch through a window in the door and they are already counting their money. The only son of Roberto del Valle!

Lucas gets back to Casa Ferrer and Marisa gives him the scoop. Natalia stole his car and gave it to these guys. He has until 6pm to meet their demands. If not, they’ll strip (desvalijar) the car. And Natalia will pay them what she owes, one way or another.

Lucas grabs the address for the rendezvous and heads out alone. He is met by two scuzzballs including the scary drug guy who ‘kidnapped’ Natalia earlier. They want $5,000 for the car. Your daughter took my drugs and she owes me the money, says the scary drug guy. Lucas must think he has wandered onto the set of Caso Cerrado because he says he doesn’t have to give them anything. After all, the car doesn’t even belong to Natalia.
A debt is a debt, they say. And without even waiting for a verdict, they proceed to beat the snot out of him.

Enrique to therapist: I know I hurt a lot of people and I have no one to blame but myself. I’m the one who decided to start using drugs.

The Zombies formerly known as Natalia, Paula and Fernando and the professional thief they’ve hired are setting up the robbery of the Ferrer house. It should be next week when Natalia’s grandfather is on his honeymoon. And yes, she has the combination to his safe.

Alej is training but he is distracted. His boss gives him a talking-to and he regains his focus. No pierdas tu norte, muchacho! (Don’t lose your bearings, kid!)

I’m afraid it’s true. Pablo has been Maliciated. As he and Diana lounge by the pool he says he’s worried about Alejandro letting himself be deceived by Nati’s lies. He’s not the only one being taken for a ride, says Diana. She can’t believe he swallowed Malicia’s story about Paris. That woman can explain the inexplicable, says Diana. She should give classes in manipulation – she’d be a millionaire!

Natalia shows up at Gloria’s looking for Alej. Gloria shoos her away telling her she’s going to scare her customers. If I were your mother, she says, I’d smack you so hard I’d leave your bottom black and blue (te dejaría el trasero negro.)

Enrique to therapist: Drugs aren’t the illness. They are a symptom of the illness. And the illness is dependence.

A bloodied Lucas returns to Casa Ferrer.

And an ambulance delivers the sleeping Mohamed to his home in Miami. Zoraida and Alí exchange small, conspiratorial smiles but Latifa’s smile is joyful and open. The Naz is enraged that Latifa is happy when her brother is laid out on a stretcher. She is deaf to Alí’s reassurances that Mohamed is fine.

Jade is back at Said’s house. She tells him she can no longer tolerate living there on these terms. It was your choice, he says. I want to live with you and be loved by you like before, says Jade. I don’t want to make another mistake, he answers. Let me prove to you that I mean it, she begs. And as always Rania watches and listens. [Bells! The woman should be fitted with bells!]

Awww… Karla had a boy! She holds him and Consuelo snaps photos.

Cris is packing a few things to take with her to Casa Ferrer, including her white cat figurines. Vicki fears a clash of styles with the brujas. Cris isn’t concerned. She’s willing to teach them about decorating.

Dora arrives. Cris tells her the lawyer’s not there yet.

And at Empresas Ferrer, Enrique lets Leo know he’s going to be representing Lucas. Leo is fine with that.

Lucas limps in and says he managed to get the car back. Enrique tells them they need help to get through this ordeal with Natalia -- either individual therapy or a group. You’re right, agrees Lucas. Count me out, says Leo. I’m not the one with the drug problem. When Leo leaves, Lucas says ruefully:
La casa es un manicomio y mi papá se casa.
My home is a madhouse and my father’s getting married.

In the final scene, Said is sitting alone in a restaurant and Zein approaches him. He wants to know if Said is still in love with Jade.

Credits roll


Llena de Amor #44 Thu 10/7/10 Will the real Fedra Curiel please lie down?

We left off last night with Ilitia tell her ma that the only thing she has ever felt for her is hate. Fedra’s been “assaulted”, she gleefully picks up the knife left behind by the robber and hustles off to get herself rescued.

Back at Casa de Crabby Emiliano wrings his hands about Fedra missing and Gretel assures them that her mother is perfectly fine.

Mari tells Netty she’s off to work because she needs the money and if she can’t pay her way she’ll leave the Pension. Netty’s not happy with the work arrangement as evidenced by the way she angrily rolls her Rs when pronouncing RRRRRuiz y de TeRRRRRResa.

At work Mari and Begoña position a TALL LADDER, sure hope someone doesn’t fall off! Eman and Kristel arrive just in time for Mari to topple said ladder and Eman to fling himself under Mari to break her fall. He groans under Mari and Kristel (who looks like she’s about to crack up) wails that Mari has squashed her brother.

As Netty complains to her amigas about Mari’s work our two policestuds arrive home after searching for Axel. They say someone fitting his description got pummeled at the Don Pepe Cantina. Brandon puts out an APB and tells them to search heaven and earth for the kid. He finds out his Mari is working for RRRRuiz y de TeRRRResa, grrrrrrrrr.

They discuss this with raised voices. The voices get louder. Brandon goes ballistic and Netty yells at him, freaking him out. Eman is her PRIMO, her P-R-I-M-O so stop acting so jealous!

Eman is still groaning under Mari and Kristel is still doing nothing. Eman finally turns over and caresses his cousin. Ilitia strides in and wonders what her baby is doing underneath the whale. The expected insults ensue with nothing new EXCEPT Mari tells them to shut it and warns them not one more insult. You go girl! Eman’s face in the background is priceless.

She tells them she’s nobody clown then she calls them hypocrites and lunges at them. Eman pulls her back. Mari tells them it’s time she told Eman what they did. (They look stricken, ha!) She says it’s time Eman finds out what sort of person his Ilitia is.

Delicia runs in to say there is an ambulance in front! (What, the ambulance takes her home and not to the hospital? Whatever.) The paramedic helps a nearly-comatose Fedra stagger in. She lays her head on Emiliano’s lap as the family discusses whether she should go to the hospital. As if to allay our concerns the paramedic reassures the family that she’s fine at home. Thanks for that.

Fedra weaves her web of faux woe and Monsieur Dumas (aka Emiliano the dumba**) believes her of course. She lies that she went to a costume party and Tia Carlota knew about it, remember the call from before? Oh right. Oh puhleeze! Fedra has bamboozled the family once again. She even has the nerve to ask Gretel if she wished her mother was dead. Gretel snaps back that the only thing she wants is her brother Axel.

Kristel challenges Mari to reveal her great secret.

Benigno brings Tio Maximo up to speed on the bruja upstairs. She’s even got Tia Carlota hoodwinked. Tio says the battle isn’t over, he has the element of surprise and his sister will know the real Fedra Curiel. (Words are cheap folks and I’m tired of hearing that empty threat.)

Mari back-pedals and says she’s just sick of those two always giving her a hard time! She storms through them and Ilitia thought bubbles that she hopes one day that bomb explodes and they’ll be free of her forever. Wow, she is really threatened. She tells Eman he is not to follow the fatty as usual; that stops now.

Gladiola tries to dissuade Netty from following her acting dream. What happened the other day was a sign. Nope, Netty’s fervor remains strong and she’s going back to the studio. Gladi’s babysitting and can’t go with so Doris volunteers to be Netty’s companion.

The two fresas continue to insult Mari in front of Eman, and when Kristel laughs that the fatty cried tears of grease Eman decides that’s enough. He calls security and demands that the two get tossed out on their collective tuches. We have the commercial in which to savor this lovely visual.

Yep, he made good on his threat and the two yelping harpies are being escorted out. He calls to his adoring reception staff (remember them?) and they hustle up to hear their instructions. See the faces of these elegant ladies? From this point forward they are never to be allowed back into the building. Kristel has a hissy fit and Eman explains that in this company it’s who CAN enter, not who WANTS to. Enter Brandon looking for his novia. Eman puts his face in his hands.

Mari tells Begoña that Kristel and Ilitia will learn to respect her. Jacqui enters and applauds the sentiment. She’s wearing an incredibly ugly yellow dress and she looks incredibly hot in it. I’m amazed. Jacqui wants to help Mari but our heroine defiantly announces she needs no assistance in her battle against the viper.

After Mari leaves, Jacqui tells Begoña that years ago her mother helped Muñeca fake a pregnancy to fool the whole world. It turns out that Ilitia is not the daughter of a Porta Lopez. Oh no, that heavy lump was only the daughter of a pregnant pauper. By Begoña’s reaction Jacqui figures out the Lowrenzo is the father of her baby.

Brandon and Eman compare ties but Eman has the final word. Brandon gets the boot along with the babes.

Outside he tells them he ought to let the law handle them for what they did to Marianela. Ilitia calls him a gorilla but Kristel gets all hot and bothered, starts to disrobe, and then cops a feel of the cop's chest as Ilitia drags her away. Brandon’s face is priceless.

Eman proudly tells Mari that her boyfriend was ejected from the agency. Mari gives him an “oh you bad boy” look.

Jacqui tells Begona she regrets not fighting for Emanuel. What’s Begoña going to do to ensure that Christian has a name and support? They high five their alliance against the Porta Lopez.

Doris, Netty and her big hat are back at Televisa. Netty pretends to be insulted that the receptionist doesn’t recognize her. Or maybe it's not pretend. She's such a good actress I can't tell.

Mari scolds Eman for ejecting her wonderful novio. Eman does a great imitation of Brandon, that crazy monkey, and Mari runs off to find her man.

Down in the lobby, Brandon and Eman play tug of war with Marianela. She decides to go with Brandon. Jacqui runs up with some major boobage peeking out of her robe and is highly amused at Mari scolding Eman and leaving with Brandon.

Looks like Doris and Netty got into the studio, but now what? They spot that same tall blonde actress and Netty picks an argument with her. They insult each other until Netty stalks off in a huff when accused of being an old has-been.

Lowrenzo’s in his office enjoying porn on his laptop when Begona butts in. She sits there smiling at his insults and tells him to go ahead but be careful because she’s going to destroy him. He actually looks taken aback.

The two harpies get home and Kristel is still fanning herself from her encounter with Brandon. Delicia breaks up the fresa-fest by telling Kristel her mom was attacked and almost killed.

Fedra proudly tells Spiderus how she provoked the attack. Kristel arrives and fawns all over Fedra, than tells her that Mari is working for the agency. QUE?!?!? Now Fedra really does have a headache.

Tia Carlota approaches Paula and tells her she can’t believe Paula still hates her after all these years. Of course it makes sense that these two have some history. Paula still holds a grudge that the family kept her from the only love of her life, her only crime being she was a humble servant. Carlota confirms that Maximo has never loved another woman. OK then.

Netty is discouraged until Doris spots the head of talent with the same snotty actress. He says sorry they aren’t hiring but she can leave her picture. Smack down.

Brandon is annoyed that Mari didn’t tell him about her work. Why did she hide it? He says it’s because her cousin doesn’t think of her as a cousin, but rather as a woman.

Fedra and Spiderus gripe about her idiot of a husband. Fedra’s getting crazier I swear. She's incredibly irritated that Emiliano hired La Ballena (the whale) into the busines. She spits out that after twenty years of working toward having Emanual get control of the business and the fortune she won't have it jeapordized now. She wants to get rid of Marianela forever. "I want her dead!"

Brandon tells Mari that Eman only has eyes for her. She says it’s because he’s protective like a cousin. Brandon says no, they are the eyes of a man for a woman, not a little girl. Emanuel is in love!

Mañana: Jacqui makes her move.


Eva Luna-index

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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Dinero Thursday 10/7/2010 When Vivi's Away, We All Have To Play

Yes, Miss Vivi's away on a well-deserved vacation, so we're all( hopefully) going to contribute to the recap discussion. I'll give a brief résumé of tonight's happenings and then look forward to reading your reactions to the show if you saw it. We all seem to have different "favorite" moments and I'm interested in hearing what struck you as important or just funny. It was definitely a more upbeat episode tonight than what poor Pata got stuck with yesterday.
* * * * *

Have you noticed that often the most exciting event comes at the very end? Like Milagros appearing at Ovidia's beauty salon for a makeover!? I can't wait. We've all been dying to see this ever since the drab little nun appeared on the scene.

Other events in chronological order:

@Milagros arrives at Auto Siglo looking for Ramirez and the other salespeople mischievously invite her to the hacienda party.

@Jorge brightens up after learning the hacienda is still "his" and chows down on enchiladas suizas. He also gets out of that dowdy gray robe and back into street clothes, except he's wearing his flaming red boxer shorts on the outside.

@Ovidia comes in to buy a car, looking smashing as usual. Marino tries to move in but Pepeto gets there first. Sells the car and Ovidia also gets invited to the hacienda party. Ramirez is so entranced by her assets, when introduced he says "mucho busto" instead of "musto gusto".

@A bedraggled Leonor is finally released from jail. She looks happy to see her family and Jaime. But very puzzled to see Vicky.

@Quintana finally gets over to the apartment and is miffed and mucho jealous that the Shrimp helped them move. Rosario loves the reaction. He invites her out to dance that night.

@Trapito tells the hospitality girls about the party and invites them as well. Suggests they come in "Eve's outfit" but finally concedes that they can wear bikinis.

@Carmela arrives to buy a new car, sweeping past a smitten Trapito who lowers his voice and comes on strong, to no avail.

@Celebration meal at Leonor's house. Vicky's the cook and the custodian...of Rafa. Her antenna goes up when Marian calls. She somehow knows this is "una clienta" instead of "un cliente".

@Daniel calls Chavez and tells him he wants him to remain as administrator of the hacienda. Chavez is stoked that he's put one over on Marco and still has his job.

@All of Carmela's menfolk washouts have fled for cover. She wants no part of Ramirez or Trapito so Alejandra fixes her up with Claudia. After comparing bustlines, they decide they're soul-mates. They dish about men and seal the deal for a new car. Delivery tomorrow. Ale tries to find out who bought the hacienda but Carmela says she can't remember. Maybe later. Hmmm.

@Rafa meets Marian, ostensibly to talk about closing the truck deal tomorrow. Suddenly Vicky arrives, claims her territory, gets Marian's back up and alarms Rafita. Vicky reminds him that if things don't work out, Very Bad Things Will Happen To His Mama.

@Back at the house, Julieta appears to be kissing off Jaime. Tells him she's ready to move on. He's upset.

@Doña Arcadia wants to see Dandy and Pepeto. We don't know why, but with her hidden cameras, she probably wants to know why Pepeto was under a car and Dandy was cowering under Susana's desk, hiding from the Maneater.

@Milagros appears at Ovidia's for a makeover. Lots of snotty comments from the two guys who promise to pray to San Juditas Tadeo, the Patron of Lost Causes. Ovidia is sure she can smarten up Milagros' look.

@Vicky's got Rafa in her clutches. He's tell her it won't work. She's saying it will if they can just be alone together. Like in a hotel. Then she grabs him and forces a lot of kisses on him.

And that's it folks. Lots of fun stuff and promise of more to come once the hacienda party gets underway. Who knows, maybe someone will even invite Carmela. That should heat things up!


La Fea Más Bella #37-38 10/7/10 Commercial success.

Read Kim's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 36B – 38. Cap 37 starts at the section, “Missing Recap 18: Troubles brewing.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the section, “Missing Recap 19: Ariel spreads his sunshine.” That begins Cap 38.

Capitulo 37

1. Fernando accuses Lety of having someone else working for FI, but Lety dodges.

2. Marcia feels bad for Lola, but Alicia thinks she deserves it. Ali says that in that case Paula should be fired for taking Ali’s novio. Marcia later warns Paula that the next time she messes with an executive, she’s canned.

3. Various scenes with Jazmín. I’ll ignore almost all Jazmín scenes and most scenes with the cuartel alone. Note that Paula pays more attention to Saimon when Saimon takes an interest in Jazmín.

4. Alicia complains to Marcia about Omar, and Marcia says, “I told you so.” Ali says Lety acted like the owner and president of the company while she and the boys were away.

5. Fernando asks Lety how FI can have so much money, and why she always refers to FI as “we.” She admits she hired Tomás to invest the capital, but she flatly denies that he knows anything about the Guarantee, or that FI might lien Conceptos.

6. Tom tells Lety that the capital was Fernando’s but the growth is thanks to their work. Lety shows Tom the Guarantee. He says she’s cheating the bank. Lety says it’s legal, and she isn’t about to abandon Fernando.

7. Marcia asks Fernando, “What if I told Ariel that Conceptos has no work?” Fernando sounds like he’s joking, but he’s not. (Although they get the giggles.) He says, “I’d cancel the wedding. Did you expect me to say that your love is all that matters? No. You help me at work, and I do you the favor of marrying you.” She promises her support, as long is he doesn’t do anything crazy.

8. Luigi tells Alicia that Conceptos has no work, and Alicia tells Ariel. He thinks this time he’ll get the presidency from Fernando for sure.

Capitulo 38

Read Kim's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 36B – 38. Cap 38 starts at the section, “Missing Recap 19: Ariel spreads his sunshine.” Read to the end of the recap.

1. Luigi presents the commercials, and the clients love them. Ariel demands to know how many projects Conceptos has lined up.

2. Ariel demands the reports from Lety. See transcript. Lety mops the floor with Ariel.

3. Marta wears a cheap knock-off of Alicia’s designer dress to torment her. The executives get a good laugh at Alicia’s expense.

4. Juana reads Lety’s future from her seashells. I posted a rough transcript as a response to Kim’s recap back in 2007; you can read it there.

5. Lety fantasizes that it’s her wedding with Fernando.

6. Several days later, they still haven’t heard from any clients in response to the bodywash commercial. Fernando tells Marcia to call a committee meeting. He’s ready to turn the presidency over to Ariel. Alicia informs them that Bella Life (BL) wants them to produce their international commercials.

7. In the meeting with Ricky Armstrong, Luigi says the BL contract will be for 11.8 million DOLLARS.

Spanish Lesson. Ariel vs. Lety.
A: I need the last financial report. Why are you looking at me that way? If you say you don’t have it, that would be hard to believe since I know you have all the information for the company.
L: Did you ask Fernando’s permission?
A: Me? Ask permission from Fernando? Tell me something. Do you forget that I’m a stockholder and member of the committee? And that I have the right to review the status of the money I have invested in this company?
L: No, I don’t forget that. But neither do I forget the orders Don Fernando gave me. If he does not authorize me, I cannot give you that information.
A: Fine. My orders carry as much weight, or more, than Fernando’s orders. As a member of the committee, I demand the report.
L: In that case, would you permit me to call Don Fernando for permission?
A: Are you not recognizing my authority?
L: No, but neither can I un-recognizing the authority of Don Fernando, president of the company and my immediate supervisor.
A: Fine. then don’t give me the report. Simply give me a quick sketch of the income and expenditures from the past month. You’re the processor of the information. Go ahead. I’m listening.
L: In this case I’m the withholder of the information. They hired a woman, not a processor.
A: Fine. Sit down. I know that since you’re hiding so many things, it means the company is losing a lot of money. You and I know very well that Fernando cannot afford that luxury. Because he will not reach his goal, and he will hand the presidency over to me. You know that very well, right? And I imagine you want to work here well into the future, verdad?
L: Yes, sir.
A: In that case, decide whose side you’re on. When I’m president, I’ll need someone with your skills. You can be on my team. Lety (puts his claw on her shoulder), assure your future. Give me the report.
Lety stands, and transforms into Super Lety. Don Ariel, with all due respect, I am certain DF will accomplish his goals.
A: You are sadly mistaken. You’re not as smart as I thought. You have more optimism than brains.
L: I have more loyalty than brains, Tutz.
A: You’re willing to be ruined with Fernando. Because when he fails, you will be thrown out of here in disgrace. And neither I nor anyone else here will give you job references. Your loyalty can kill you.
L: If things turn out that way, I’ll accept the consequences. DF didn’t hire me to safeguard my position in this company, but to serve him. And that’s what I promised to do.
A: Do you have a boyfriend? (no) That’s why you don’t know anything about loyalty, much less faithfulness.


Llena de Amor #43 Wed 10/6/10 Una Noche de Perros Dos

I copied Paula's title from La Fea because I was too tired to think of one on my own. Thanks to a bout of insomnia I decided to watch Wed. night's episode of Llena. Good thing too because it was a night of revelations. Here is a very brief rundown of what happened during this night of dogs...

First the big one. Axel confesses to Marianela why he is so tormented. The truth is he has never gotten over the fact that the day he turned 12 yrs old Fedra commanded Bernardo to take Axel to a brothel for his initiation into manhood. How skeevy.

Axel explains he is in anguish, it was the most horrible night of his life. (Dang this kid is a good actor.) After Bernardo picked him up he jumped in the sprinkler to wash himself but he couldn't seem to clean himself off. He never told anyone and he wants to kill himself! He runs out of the house. Some stalker guy is watching him and follows in his car.

Eman is over at the doll house with Ilitia and her parents. Lowrenzo says this very night they will select a date for the wedding. Emanuel sits there sweating it out and getting pummeled by Lowrenzo about the wedding date. Ilitia’s all bent out of shape because Eman and Muneca only care about the orphanage. “How can you care about a bunch of orphan kids more than me?” she whines to Eman. Muneca says "for the same reason that I cared about you when you were little!" Wow, this causes a huge brouhaha. Ilitia wonders aloud to Emanuel, what if they aren’t my real parents?

Meanwhile the parents discuss this aLOUD, so Eman overhears Muneca and Lowrenzo talking about adopting Ilitia and basically confirming they are not her biological parents! Wow, I didn’t see that coming. He calls them on it. So really? Ilitia is all grown up and her parents never told her she’s adopted?

Begona fesses up to Netty and Gladi that Lowrenzo is the baby daddy but she swears them to secrecy because she needs to get proof.

Emiliano speaks well of Netty to Tia C and she seems to soften a bit. She wonders if Fedra is behind the unhappiness and someone other than who she portrays herself to be.

Brandon looked for Axel and couldn’t find him. Mari weeps at the Netty table and tells the support group that Axel is capable of doing something stupid, he’s desperate and could kill himself.

Axel’s in a bar drinking and iritating a couple of ruffians. They beat him while that shady stalker guy observes and takes orders from someone on the phone. Is it Spiderus? Poor Axel, kid can't get a break.

Mari calls Gretel because the Ax man made like wood and split.

Gretel weeps to Eman that Axel is in crisis. He says it’s time to bring their bro back home and he doesn’t care what anyone else says.

Fedra sneaks out again to satsify her urge to perform to a live audience, well, a live judge anyway. Bernardo advises her to be careful and Gretel watches her leave. “Someday everyone willl know who the real Fedra Curiel is.”

Eman is in bed thinking about Mari so he calls her to tell her how much he misses her. They talk about Axel and Eman vows to support him.

Kristel brags to Agent O that she has Mari’s diary. (What? He didn’t know already?) Delicia is on the second floor eavesdropping. She vows to get the diary back.

Next morning Emiliano blusters about the house demanding to know where Fedra is. The entire household is present except Fedra who is..

...asleep face down on a sofa in full dominatrix regalia. The judge walks out in his suit blathering tonterias and she jumps up shrieking “my life is way more complicated than yours and I’ve got to get the hell out of here.” She throws on her jacket, runs out and begins concocting alibis in her head.

Meanwhile Bernardo attempts to make excuses and Emiliano starts throttling him. Cool! The kids pull them apart. Drat! Nobody is happy that Spiderus is clearly protecting his mistress.

Now comes one of the best scenes of all time. Trust me on this as the recap does NOT do it justice. Fedra’s driving like a crazy woman wondering how to get herself out of this mess when a guy in a suit steps in front of her car. I guess his car broke down and he’s a reluctant carjacker. Wow this is her lucky day. She says fine take the car but first beat me up. Guy doesn't want to hit her, he just wants the car. She keeps taunting the poor guy and starts smacking him around so he punches her. She laughs and tells him he hits like a girly-man, come on punch her a good one this time and smacks him in the face giving him a bloody lip. So now he really lets loose, gives her a bloody nose and hurts his hand. He SO wants away from the crazy victim. OK she likes this better, do it again, points to her other cheek. While they argue some other guy runs up and steals her car and the wimpy carjacker runs away. As she calls 911 and orders an ambulance she picks up the reluctant carjacker's knife.

Ilitia is still having a hissy fit, telling Muneca she's never felt like a real daughter to her. What she really feels is "I hate you!"

And that's it. I think I'll try to squeeze in a pre-dawn power nap before I have to go to work.

Una noche de perros = insomnia (Lit. a night of dogs) Thanks to Paula of Fea recaps who shared this great phrase.


La Verdad Oculta #020: Let's Not Make a Deal

Juan José is delighted to have collided with Gabriela at the market. He gazes at her like she's an angel and wonders if she fell from heaven. Quick on his feet, he co-opts the stall vendor to help him make a little time with Gabriela and create an impression.

On the loading dock, Juan José recognizes one of the drivers as Pancho, whom he worked with at the hotel. After a happy reunion, Pancho brings up Juan José's unfortunate prison time and is glad to hear he's out; but sad his mother's dead. Juan José learns Carlos Ávila is now in charge of the hotel restaurants.

At Mario's, David examines his sore jaw from last night when Roberto enters and learns David doesn't want him around if he sticks with Carlos. But Roberto claims he doesn't hang with Carlos much, because he doesn't trust him. And he'll help David with Gabriela through Julieta if he likes.

Mario enters and recognizes Roberto as Carlos's longtime friend -- since way back to the occasion of the girl's death at the hotel. Roberto flashes back to the two of them chasing the poor, screaming room maid until he corrals her over an open railing looking out on the atrium far below.

By then Carlos is chasing Roberto, trying to get him to stop; but it's too late, and the struggling girl hurtles backwards to her death. Back in the present, Roberto reminds Mario they found the guy responsible and that Mario himself identified the man as having been with the hotel maid earlier.

At the loading dock, Juan José confirms to Pancho he did not kill the woman. He was tired and sleeping when he was arrested, after Adolfo Ávila claimed he saw Juan José kill her after apparently raping her. The worst was when Mario Genovés identified Juan José as having been with the girl that afternoon, he says.

At Gabriela's, Carlos visits to return an earring from his car belonging to Julieta and uses the excuse to ask Gabriela out. She won't go without her father's permission, but will ask; and they agree to meet later at work.

Roberto visits Alejandra at her office and bad mouths so-called deadbeat Elsa to dissuade Alejandra from committing to the house sale. He exits as Mina enters, and Alejandra assures Mina she's only friends with Roberto when Mina wonders about seeing him there again.

Mina convinces Alejandra that as long as the paperwork for the house sale is in order, there's no risk for them. They need money and should buy the house; it's worth $5 million pesos if they sell it. Alejandra will ask the architect, Medina, to help her with her part of the payment.

Abelardo brings Santiago to the new house, showing him the secret door to the makeup and costume studio. Santiago breaks down in tears, viewing all the old gear of his art, full of sorrow and regret for what he missed by being dogged for years for a crime he never committed.

Around them are everything Santiago would need to become Mario, including pictures of all the people who work with and are close to him and the latest electronic modeling equipment.

At the restaurant office, Roberto feigns to Carlos that he's marrying Alejandra and so must hang with David, whether Carlos approves or not. Then he explains the real estate deal Elsa is putting together and that Salomón will provide half the money if Carlos provides the rest: and they'll double their profit in three months, he guarantees.

Juan José brought some water from the park and is scrubbing the floor at his house when Elsa arrives to inform him about Roberto's interest in buying the property. Roberto only offers $2.5 million pesos, but Juan José has never even seen that much together in one place at one time, he says.

Elsa enthuses he can have his carpenter shop and a little house. She'd like to see him happy; and he'd like to also put a monument on his mother's grave. He wishes she were still with them; and Elsa imagines Piedad's looking down, hoping to see him have a home and family -- which Elsa ruefully remembers will not be hers, as the sisterly type.

Marcos is out of solitary and now bunking with the low life, and the two of them are still planning their imminent escape. At her office, Alejandra is ecstatic to hear on the phone that Medina will lend her what she needs for the real estate deal.

Roberto and Carlos arrive at Elsa's, and Carlos must apologize for behaving badly earlier -- especially when she tells him who owns the house. They brought some of the cash, and she and Carlos exit to pose their offer to Juan José and look at the property.

When Asuncio learns Juan José is cleaning the house to sell it, he insists $2.5 million pesos is nothing compared to what's buried in the kitchen. Trust him, he says; he's had a sense about things like this since he was little. He can always sense when there's something good in a trash can, he claims.

At Mario's, Bertha is thwarted trying to nail David down to some formal romantic commitment, when he politely points out there isn't anything yet -- and also that they are cousins. She nastily thinks to herself if only the moron knew he wasn't Mario's biological son.

Mario meets in the dressing room with a very agitated Santiago, who's not happy at all to think that David is toying with Gabriela's affection. Mario denies any such and insists David is a good young man without class prejudices and Gabriela wouldn't be marrying for money were they to wed.

Mario wishes the two to marry so both can inherit the family fortune; and if Santiago blocks it, Mario will simply tell all and put her in the will. But Santiago has the hole card: what fortune? If Santiago refuses to play the part of Mario, all the fortune will to go Adolfo. Santiago exits angrily; and poor Mario sinks down at the dressing table, face to face with the plastic head wearing his own wig.

Elsa brings Carlos to buy Juan José's house; but despite his apology, Juan José will have nothing to do with him the moment he hears Carlos's last name. The deal is off, and Juan José orders Carlos out of the house. He explains to a perplexed Elsa that this is the guy whose father sent him to prison!


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Dinero #211 10/06/10 Breaking up, planning barbecues and baseball play offs

I apologize a head of time but this will have to be a bare bones recap. Sorry no pictures and no vocabulary. The Twins are playing the Yankees and they are
ahead 2-0. I am finding it really hard to concentrate. May have to occasionally post the score. Any way this was one of those episodes that was all over the place but didn‘t really go anywhere very pleasant. Except for a cute little Dandy transgression and some priceless what the que faces from Jaime and the promise of Lenora getting out of jail, (but at a very steep cost) it really was depressing.

We left off with Ale crying on Susana’s shoulder about having to give up Rafa to save her fathers Hacienda.

We go to Dandy who seems to be making a little deal of his own with Trapito. He is very secretive about it and wants to make sure Susana doesn’t find out. He stealthy sneaks some cash to Trapito.

Our Siglo meeting is led by Rafa. Ale is to distraught to attend. Marino is shooting his mouth off about his great deal. Jimenez notices that Rafa is a bit down in the dumps and wants to know if he is okay. More egging on by Marino. And we don’t even get the Siglo Anthem tonight.

Ale calls home to check up on Jorge. Tia tells her things aren’t much better and she is worried. She thinks he might need to see a Dr. Ale tells her she knows what she needs to do.

Mean while back at the den of iniquity we see scantly clad women passed out on the sofa and a very hung over Marco sniffing bras and looking for his phone. It rings and is none other than Vicky. She is surprised than Marco knew it was her. He tells her she has a very distinctive and unforgettable voice. She tells him she has something very important to talk about and they need to meet.

Rafa has entered Ale’s office and they both have something to need to say. Ale goes first and tells Rafa they have to break up.

Breaking news: It is 3 to nothing in the bottom of the 3rd.

Back to our story. Trapito, standing in front of two young women is telling Dandy the goods have arrived and they are quite fine. Rafa and Ale are going on with their goofy squabble. She no longer trusts him. Some back and forth ugly moments and Rafa tells her he doesn’t believe she could change her mind just like that overnight. Rafa wonders if it was because she caught him with Marian. He tells her Beltran made him go. She tells him she doesn’t love him. Not now not ever. Rafa leaves in a huff.

Marco is getting ready to leave to go meet Vicky and tells Chavez to clean the place up and get rid of the women.

We find out what Trapito had for Dandy and it turns out to be a couple of beef tacos. Dandy is hiding behind a tree and devouring them.

So continuing in our all over the place fashion, Marian shows up at Siglo. She asks Susana where Rafa might be and is directed to the conference room. Of course Susana has to tell Ale all about it.
We also have a little drop in visit from Devil Dan.. Ale wants to know what he is doing there. He jokingly tells her it is to buy another car. Ale is not amused.

Marian apologizes to Rafa for what happened at the restaurant. Rafa tells her that Ale Broke up with him. (I so feel like I am back at junior high right now!!)

Now we are at the restaurant with Vicky and Marco. She tells him if he gets Lenora out of Jail she will make sure that Rafa and Ale don’t get back together. Marco is not sure about this, and Vicky tells him it isn’t something she can write on paper. He will just have to trust her. Then she tells him “Take it or leave it.

Dandy is still enjoying his tacos when who should catch him but Susana. Cute little fight ensues and Susana tells Dandy she is only worried about his health. She doesn’t want him to eat right for her. She wants him to do it for himself. As he goes to leave he trips and falls. Susana smiles and tells him “If you fall you always get up.”

More Marian and Rafa. Rafa is still distraught about the break up with Ale and Marian is still in La la land believing there is still hope for her and Rafa.

More Daniel and Ale. He is already a head of the game and planning his future with her. Ale tells him he needs to prove to her he actually does have the hacienda. Well he invites her to a little outing at said hacienda. Ale has grown wise to Daniels ways and says she needs to invite her family. We see the Siglo crew lurching in the shadows and Ale invites them as well.

What luck for them. Now they have a place to have their barbecue as well. Marino chides when he is the new General manager of Siglo he will have his own hacienda but he certainly won’t invite any of them.

Carmella is screaming at all her secretary’s. She has found herself with some extra cash. (From her dirty dealing’s with Marco) and has decided she needs a new car. Where should she go? It just so happens she has Ales business card in her purse. That’s where she will get her grand car and promises her buddies she will give them all a ride and they can go cruising for boys.

Vicky is screaming at the waiter and Marco is crouching in embarrassment. She wants an answer from him. Marco accepts her proposal. He has to make a few calls first. When Vicky gets up to leave Marco seems a little aroused by this. Vicky appears genuinely insulted.

Back to Daniel and Ale. They are discussing her marriage to Marco. Ale tells him she has nothing to do with him any more. Daniel tries to go in for a good bye kiss and is shot down. We get a glance of the entire Siglo crew lurching again in the shadows. Ale is left thinking that something isn’t quite right. She thought Shrimp man owned the Hacienda. Maybe Shrimp man works for Daniel. Some one is lying.

More Siglo antics including gossip about Daniel, and Marino chiming in that he is certain that Ale and Rafa have had cositas. Milagros shows up and Marino (I think it was him) magnanimously invites her to the barbeque at the hacienda. She is thrilled at the idea.

Jaime and Rafa have met back at jail. Rafa finally notices that Jaimie looks different. He tells Jaimie about Ale breaking up with him. He also tells Jaime about his deal with Vicky. Jaimie looks as if Rafa made a pact with the devil. Speaking of, Vicky walks in and informs Rafa that Marco agreed and Lenora will get out of jail today.

Oh dear, New York pulled ahead and it is 4 to 3 in the 6th and I got to go sports fans!!! That’s it for tonight.


El Clon, Wed., October 6 - Summary for Discussion

Abdul shoos Alí and Mohamed out of the kitchen - they must be present when the bride arrives. Zumaya (bless her little heart) asks Abdul, 'Si tanto le gusta el matrimonio, ¿por qué no se consigue una esposa?' If you like matrimony so much, why don't you take a wife? Then he could mind his own business and not spend his time finding wives for others. She asks if he knows any pretty women. Abdul sputters and says,'El profeta dice que el fiel para casarse debe buscar la virtud, no la belleza,' The prophet says that to marry, the faithful should seek virtue, not beauty.

The bride is reported to be about to arrive.

Latfia drags her bag through the medina crying.

No worries about Gloria. She grabs Paula by the scruff of her neck and demands her money back. Paula replies that Gloria is crazy and she didn't steal anything. Gloria says, 'Sí, estaré loca. ¿Por qué no vamos a la policía a ver qué tan loca estoy?' Yes, I'm probably crazy. Why don't we go to the police station and see how crazy I am? Paula doesn't want anything to do with the police. Paula tells Gloria that the money is at her house and she'll bring it. Naturally, Gloria isn't buying that one. She drags Paula to the restaurant and tells her to work off what she stole by washing dishes. She makes Paula tell her where she lives and says that when she done with the dishes, Gloria will take her home to her family.

Cristina is planning to honeymoon in Morocco. She tells Vicki that she and Leo were very happy there. Vicki asks what Cristina is going to do with the brujas (witches) that live in Leo's house. No problem, replies Cristina, I'll be the lady of the house.

Rosa repeats to Marisa that she won't take orders from Cristina even though she brought Daniel back to them. 'Pero no sirve para patrona, no señor,' But she doesn't make it as the señora of the house, no way. Lucía shows up and sees the bump on Marisa's face. Marisa lies about it, of course. Lucía doesn't believe her, of course, and tells Andrea about it later at home. She says that Marisa was obviously restless and uncomfortable, which to her, indicates lying. [It apparently never occurs to Lucía that it is impolite to come over without calling.] Andrea wonders if Lucas is beating Marisa up.

Luisa demands to know where Albieri was and she catches him out in his lie about meeting his friends.

All the women at the party are ululating in anticipation of the bride's arrival but it is Latifa who walks in. 'Escuché que hay un compromiso aquí. ¿Quién es el novio?' I heard there is an engagement party here. Who is the groom? she asks. 'I am,' replies Mohamed.

Said takes Rania and Jade to the mall and says that he is giving them one more chance to get along. Jade sees Daniel kissing some woman we have never seen (and scratching his head). The girl asks if Daniel knows the woman who is staring at them.

Said and Rania sit down at a table in a restaurant. Jade excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Said tells Rania that she has to get along with Jade. Jade is crying in the bathroom.

Daniel asks mystery woman a hypothetical question- if there were another man who looked identical to him but was 20 years older, which one would she choose? She weighs youth and virility against money. Daniel is apparently surprised that money is important to women.

Jade dabs her eyes in the bathroom. [We wouldn't want that orange eye shadow to run!]

Daniel tells mystery woman that the veiled woman that they saw was meant for him but the older guy got there first and lived his life before Daniel did. Not surprisingly, the mystery woman is confused.

Jade sits down with Said and Rania. When Said asks why she is sad, Jade replies that she just realized that, 'tal vez yo he persuguido tanto la felicidad que tal vez por eso ha huido de mí,' maybe I have pursued happiness so much, maybe I have chased it away. Said asks, '¿No será más bien que la felicidad siempre ha corrido detrás de ti y tú has huido de ella?' Couldn't it be that happiness has always been chasing you and you have been running away from it? Jade asks how she would know. Said replies that you always know. This is all a bit deep and cryptic for Rania [and for us]. Rania tells Said that he can count on her.

Mohamed tells Latifa that he doesn't want to get married. She accuses him of lying to her and reminds him that he promised her that he wouldn't take another wife. Mohamed says that he gave his word and can't break it. This goes on and on. Latifa cries and Mohamed makes excuses.

Alí tells Zoraida that if Mohamed doesn't want to marry Zuleica, he won't. She reminds him of what he said before about not interfering. He replies, 'Cuando uno quiere algo y se esfuerza por conseguirlo, hasta el ratón se come a un gato,' When someone wants something and makes a big effort to get it, even a rat will eat a cat' [I guess this is sort of like the lyrics to the song,
So any time your gettin’ low
stead of lettin’ go
Just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant
(High Hopes, 1959, VanHuesen/Cahn)]

The bride arrives. Karima sends for Mohamed. He comes downstairs and Abdul urges him to give Zuleica the gold he bought for her. Latifa is watching. Mohamend hesitates and then passes out. Latifa runs to him.

[At this point, we got a 'muy pronto' for a novela called 'Aurora.' Possibly this could be the replacement for Clon. I note that Telemundo was promoting 'Ojo por ojo' for a while as the replacement for La Cartel2 but then dropped it and is now showing 'Caso Cerrado, edición especial' in that time slot.]

Latifa has Mohamed carried upstairs and she makes sure that Zuleica doesn't get anywhere near him.

Marisa has bought a shiny red convertible for Nati. She tells Rosa that if they spoil Nati a little, she might feel more appreciated. They have to give her another chance.

The doorbell rings. It's Cristina and Vicki. Marisa tells them that Leo isn't home yet and excuses herself. In blows Nati and without paying attention to anyone, she runs upstairs. Rosa follows her and asks if she saw what was outside. Nati pays no attention. She is rummaging through her stuff looking for her stash. She accuses Rosa of stealing her drugs. She comes downstairs and accuses Marisa of stealing her money and her cocaine. She asks if Marisa wants her to prostitute herself to get money for drugs. Then she leaves. [You almost have to feel sorry for Marisa, here. Then you remember that she just bought this out of control drug addict a car!] 'Disculpen,' Forgive me, says Marisa. Vicki bolts for the kitchen to make tea and Cristina is very cool and polite. 'Todos tenemos problemas, no to preocupes,' Everyone has problems, don't worry about it' she says. [One wonders how Marisa would have behaved had their rolls been reversed.]

Gloria asks Alej if Nati has left. He tells her that Nati had to go home and take some medicine. Gloria is sceptical and scolds Alej once again for moping around waiting for Nati. He goes to train. Paula is finishing up the dishes and holding a big knife. Gloria tells Ramoncito to call a taxi to take them to Paula's family's house. Paula doesn't want to go there but Gloria says that it's her house or the police station.

Back in Fez, Mohamed has been carried upstairs. Alí tells Zoraida that it is best to let him sleep. Zoraida points out that Mohamed isn't asleep, he fainted and will wake up soon. Alí says that is too bad and suggests that Zoraida make her sleeping potion.

Abdul tells Zuleica that Mohamed fainted because he was so overcome with emotion at seeing her. He is sure that Mohamed will recover soon. Abdul asks Alí how Mohamed is doing and Alí replies that he will be fine when he wakes up. When Abdul expresses surprise that Mohamed is sleeping, Alí replies, 'Si Alá quiso que se durmiera, ¿qué podemos hacer?' If Allah wants Mohamed to sleep, what can we do?

A man at the house where Gloria has brought Paula says that she isn't his daughter and he doesn't want her around. Gloria leaves Paula there saying that is all she can do and warning Paula not to come near her bar again.

Albieri is waiting for a call and lying about it to Luisa. She cannot leave well enough alone and Albieri tells her that he is fed up with having to provide an explanation of where he goes and and who he calls.

Alí tells Abdul and Zuleica that Mohamed will sleep until the next day. Zuleica is upset. She wanted to get married as soon as possible. Abdul suggest that they have another party the next day - two parties for one wedding!

Latifa begs Alí for help. He says, 'Yo no debería meterme in eso, pero las mujeres son muy ingeniosas cuando quieren serlo,' I shouldn't get involved in this but women can be very resourceful when they want to be. Latifa decides that Mohamed should see his doctor in Miami and she has to take him there right away.

Jade is lacking confidants. She tells Miriam, the maid, that she can see the 40-year old Lucas with another woman but not the 20-year old Lucas. She says that the 20-year old Lucas is hers. Jadiya comes in and tells her mother a story to cheer her up. In the story, a prince and princess named Said and Jade live happily ever after and have beautiful little girl named Jadiya.

Lucas doesn't have confidants either. He tells Rosa that he put his life on hold to take care of Nati but it wasn't worth it. Every day things get worse. He can't take any more. He tells Rosa that he didn't marry Jade because he felt guilty about being happy when Nati was in such trouble.

We hear Nati yelling at her grandfather. Lucas wonders, as we all do, how long this will go on.

Leo is taking over dealing with Nati. He has confiscated the car and tells Nati that he won't give that or anything else to her. Nati tells him to be prepared for the consequences. He tells her that the door of the house will be open until midnight. If she comes home after that, she will have to sleep in the street. 'Now, its my way,' says Leo.

Enrique PSA- he tells his psych about when he hit bottom.

The three druggie teens decide to break in and rob Leo's house with the help of someone Paula knows.

Rosa fills Alej in on what is going on with Nati. He is about to go out looking for her when his manager tells him that he is going to supervise Alej's training personally from this moment on.

Finally, the sKank goes into labor.

The credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #35-36 10/6/10 Too much to summarize in a title.

Read Kim's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 34B – 36A. Cap 35 starts at the section, “Missing Recap 14: Alicia, Lety, and Lopez get unlucky.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the section, “Missing Recap 16: Luigi’s new model.” That begins Cap 36.

Capitulo 35, Too much to summarize in a title.

I know I included a ton of detail in tonight’s cap. A lot of significant things happened. Also I want to include the details of the FI loans, etc. Last time this ran, there were a lot of questions about the details. So I’m posting the details as I hear them, for the record.

1. Saimon pays Paula’s antro bill. He counsels her that the ricos just want her for the night. Whereas he cares about her and wants to build a future with her and her son. She gives him a little kiss.

2. Ariel tells Alicia to get undressed and get to work.

3. In the morning Fernando finds Lety asleep on her desk. He lectures her until she tells him she was trapped there all night. He realizes his mistake and feels awful.

4. Fernando tells Omar that he suspects no woman will satisfy him. See transcript. It’s a significant dialog.

5. Fernando tells Omar that this shows Lety gives her absolute support. He has total confidence in her; he could even leave Conceptos in her hands.

6. Tom tells Lety his suspicion: they want her to embargo (lien?) Conceptos. Fernando tells Omar that Lety could fill out that pagaré and become owner of Conceptos, but she’d never do that.

7. Paula accepts a date tonight with another rico. Saimon just feels used and he tells her so.

8. Lopez arrives, wounded from last night. He fires Marta for giving out his phone number, and Saimon for interfering with his personal life. Fernando to the rescue. Irmita warns Lopez that the next time he tries that, they’ll press charges.

9. Omar tells Fern that Ariel told Alicia to not quit. She must be his spy. Fernando decides to not limit Luigi on the body wash commercial, so it’ll be perfect and they can recover their prestige. So Luigi manipulates the client to demand it be filmed in 35mm.

10. Lety writes in her diary, “In times like these, I’m the most important woman in his life, more than his novia, but to him I don’t exist as a woman. He’s given up on finding the love of his life; if only he realized I’m here. It would take a miracle for him to realize it.”

11. Lety tells Tom to keep at least 50% of their assets liquid. Tom wants to keep their profits a secret from Fern, so Fern doesn’t ask to borrow it, and Tom has more money to play with. (See the shift in Tom’s attitude about the money?)

12. Fernando’s worries are growing. He can’t make his loan payments so the lenders could foreclose. He asks Lety for another loan. Omar says a debt of only 700 K pesos and the blank pagaré isn’t enough to protect the company. Fernando says he’ll attach a Guarantee of Establishment of Commerce. Omar asks, stunned, “Do you plan to mortgage (hipotecarse) Conceptos to Lety?” (When did these two bobos gets so savy about financial instruments?) Fern answers, not just mortgage the property, but the equipment, client contracts, everything.

13. Lety’s really scared. She and Omar think the action is premature. Fernando says if they wait and the commercial fails, it’ll be too late. He says, “Lety, I need you.. to eventually embargo Conceptos.” And those words will turn the world upside-down.

Capitulo 36

Kim’s recap for Cap 36 spans two web pages. Read Cap 36, Part 1, starting at the section, “Missing Recap 16: Luigi’s new model.” Then go to Cap 36, Part 2, and stop at the section, “Missing Recap 18: Troubles brewing.” That’s the end of Cap 36. Then come back here to discuss it..

Pobre Don Fernando. It’s quite a dilema you’re facing. You have to convince Lety to lien Conceptos. Lety knows it’s immoral, and she won’t be convinced otherwise. Only one option remains. You have to convince Lety to ignore her morals. But Fernie, didn’t you watch episode 26? You gave her Filmo Imagen because she is honest, virtuous, incorruptible, – you said it yourself – she came through the test of fire and refused to surrender her morals. And now your only hope is to make her surrender her morals. Buena suerte, Fernandito! I hope you’re one h*ll of a salesman!

And then what will happen? Right now you trust her completely because she is completely honest and moral. Will you still trust her after you corrupt her and make her dishonest and immoral? Tell me, Don Fern-ankenstien, are you prepared to deal with the thing you create? Didn’t you read the book?

1. Fernando pulls out all the stops to convince Lety to embargo (lien?) Conceptos in its entirety. Note his salesmanship. See transcript. Omar teases that Fernandito is in love. For the first time Fern doesn’t dispute it, and that unsettles Omar.

2. Marcia returns and discovers that Conceptos has no work. She bites Fernando’s head off, then lays into Lety for being the financial whiz that caused all the problems. Fern defends Lety.

3. Saimon is quite taken by Jazmín. I guess he figures he’s wasting his time on Paula; she’ll always ditch him because he’s not rich.

4. Luigi is auditioning body doubles for preproduction. Irmita recommends Jazmín, who she doesn’t recognize as Lola’s homewrecker. Lola tells Luigi he can’t hire her, or she’ll complain to all the owners.

5. Luigi and Fernando scrap in the meeting. Luigi reminds Fern that they lost business because of the Benny video, so Fern has to compete for “Queen of the Night.”

6. Luigi hires Jazmín on the spot and tells Lopez to contract her ASAP. Lola begs Fernando to not hire her. Fern asks Luigi as a personal favor, but Luigi refuses. Alicia essentially offers to be Jazmín’s patron.

7. Fernando sweet-talks Marcia, asking her not to tell anyone, even Alicia, that they have no work. Marcia says he’s manipulating her. He says, “Go ahead, deliver my head to your brother.”

8. Lety brings Fernando the guarantee to sign. She promises him her total support. She will do the impossible to enable him to reach his goal. He’s moved by her support, especially in contrast to how Marcia just treated him.

9. In Lety’s office, Fernando says, “You’re hiding something from me. I feel like you’re betraying the confidence I have in you. How can FI make so much profit when you spend all your time here? Is there someone else behind FI?”

Spanish Lesson. Cap 35. Fernando & Omar rehash his Fatima date.

O: So tell me. Did you end up in love? Goodbye, Marcia! We’ll miss you!
F: No, Fatima is spectacular, very sensual, but no.
O: Oh, don’t try to tell me that it’s for Marcia, that you feel bad betraying her. That you realized you love your novia like crazy. Don’t say that, because you’d be a liar.
F: No, it wasn’t for Marcia. Know what? I have the feeling that no woman can satisfy (llenar – fill) me. Not Marcia, nor Fatima, nor the models, nor anybody. I don’t know.. When I see them, I want to have them NOW! But afterwards.. empty.
O: Maybe you feel a special attraction for Luigi?
F: Yeah, you’re sooo funny. (Que chistoso eres – that’s a great phrase to memorize.) I’m serious. The only woman I feel anything for is Marcia. And I don’t know if it’s love, affection, habit, being used to her.. I have no idea.
O: Well, if you’re really feeling that what you have doesn’t fill you, then you leave doors open. Keep looking for someone who completes you (yeah, Omar the Imbecile really said that!)
F: No, no, I’m very skeptical. I’ve looked around too much already. You know that better than anyone. And Marcia is still the best I’ve found.
O: Oh, my dear Fernando, maybe this special woman you’re looking for will appear at any moment. I just pray that it’s before you get married.
F: No. I see that as almost impossible.

(and in the executive bathroom, which by the way seems to have no toilet)
O: You actually found her sleeping?
F: I don’t see what’s so funny. I almost died for pity for her.
O: It’s incredible. I can’t believe that you didn’t remember her. Is Lety that insignificant to you?
F: No. (Gets serious.) She surprises me, now more than ever. She just showed me that her (support) for me is absolute (incondicional). She respects me. She obeys me blindly. It says I can have complete confidence in her. To the point that I could even leave Conceptos totally in her hands.

Spanish Lesson. Cap 36. Fernando convinces Lety to embargo Conceptos

F: I’d be a thousand times happier with Conceptos in your hands than in the bank’s. Understand?
L: Yes. .. NO! What you plan is very risky. It can throw us into problems. It’s a deception. A lie.
F: But it’s legal. My debt to FI is real. It’s established by the blank promisory note (pagaré), etc.
L: But we’re hiding the estates of the Mendiolas and Vilareals and, and deceiving the banks.
F: Look. I’m talking about protecting my company. With an instrument that is not entirely clean, but it’s legal. I’m not robbing anyone, and I’m not leaving the country. I’m talking about a means to protect us, to give us time to recover what we lost, without losing the company. Besides, we’re just preparing this in case Luigi’s commercial doesn’t bring in business.
Lety, you’re the only one who can help us. I asked you to set up this company, and I gave you capital. You can’t turn your back on me now. I need you!
L: You never told me that FI was for liening Conceptos.
F: I told you the company was to save me from future problems. And now, guess what? I’m in grave problems! Pleeeease Lety, you can’t turn me down just when I need you the most. What happened to all your loyalty to me? It was a lie, huh? Just a big lie?
Lety excuses herself and shuffles away to let her affection and her conscience wrestle it out. Her conclusion: “He needs me. I can’t abandon him. I can’t do that to him.”
O: I don’t think you should do the guarantee yet.
F: I didn’t want to register it today. I only wanted to have it ready. But what’s it matter? I was wrong about Lety.
L: (Lety comes back.) I told you I’m unconditional (absolute, wholehearted) with you. Tell me what I’m supposed to do.
F: Lety! Thank you. I assure you that we won’t have any problems. And this needs to stay btw the 3 of us.
O: My, oh my, I think our Fernie-boy is en amoooooor.


La Verdad Oculta EP19 10/05/2010 - To dig or not to dig, that is the question


* restaurant
While having coffee Gaby curiously ask Leo about his interesting profession and life. He humbly admits that his job is dangerous sometimes and he's lonely a little bit. No, he doesn't have a girlfriend. Gaby says she's also single and starts to whine about men: they're nasty rotten rascals, they have hidden intentions, they only want to have fun, blahblahblah. Leo tries to convince her that not all the men are same and compliments her.

* David's office
Roberto, who's so full of himself that anyone would gladly slap him, visits David and tells him he doesn't need the job anymore. Oh, and he's dating Julieta, the sister of Blondie's favourite waitress and doesn't miss the opportunity to rub salt into David's wounds by mentioning that Carlos is obsessed with Gabriela. And btw, these kind of girls are cheap golddiggers and he doesn't have any scruples about taking advantages of them.

* Juan José's house
Just when Juan José and Asunción aka the two dwarves start to dig in the kitchen their Snow White aka Caramelo shows up asking them what are they doing. Asunción says that they're looking for water. Here, in the kitchen?! Errr, yes. JJ tells her they want to clean the house and take a bath... The word "bath" makes the little girl upset (do you want to get us sick?!) and she leaves the silly adults in the kitchen.

* Guilléns' flat
Julieta tells Gaby enthusiastically that David looked for her. (She's always enthusiastic. So cute.) And his face became very sour when he learnt that she had gone to cinema with another guy!

* Juan José's house
Elsa visits hot shirtless JJ and she doesn't buy his lame "looking for water" story. Oh, don't tell me that you're looking for Don Goyo's gold. But we have a possible customer for the house! JJ thinks over the situation again and decides he'd better sell the house instead of vasting his time in the kitchen.

* Genovés villa
The Balmori sister have dinner. Bertha tells Ale about her newest relevation: the mysterious man who often visits their uncle is called Fausto Guillén and he's the father of That Waitress! Strange. David the Neurotic joins them and Alejandra slyly mentions that Gaby came there earlier. What, was she looking for me? No, she visited your father. David storms out and visits his weak and tired dad in the study to ask him about Gaby. Mario says she gave him the bills for the books he bought from her father. Blondie is astonished that his father knows Fausto and he doesn't understand why he's interested in that girl. Mario admits she reminds him of an old sweetheart of him. David offers he'll invite Gaby if that really makes Mario happy. He doesn't return to the dinning room and doesn't respond to Bertha's call either. Alejandra gives love advice to her sister: David is a playboy who looks for amusement. However, if she really wants him she should fight for him. Then she comes up with a great idea: why don't they go to Sagitario?

* Juan José's house
JJ has a hard night, he can't decide what to do - sell the house or look for the mysterious treasure? Asunción votes on the second option but can't convince JJ.

* Club Sagitario
Yolanda is surprised that Gaby still works in the club and she learns Adolfo apologized to the girl. David shows up and the kids start to bicker about Blondie's phonecall and Gaby's date with Leonardo. He tells her he came to invite her to their house because his father would like to see her but Gabriela tells him to go to hell and leave her in peace. Yolanda accidentally eavesdrops their conversation.

Bertha and Alejandra arrive and David greets them overly warmly to make Gaby jealous and invites Roberto to their table. He wants to have a great night and doesn't really care about Alejandra's feelings (or Roberto's - though we know he doesn't have any) and he even mentions to poor Julieta that the ex-girlfriend of Rob is thirsty so please bring them beverages.

* Juan José's house
Asunción asks JJ about Elsa and how he met her and the big guy tells him the sad story of the Rivera siblings: Marcos was sentenced to jail because he had killed their bastard stepfather who had attempted to rape Elsa and had beaten up their mother. Their mom died later and Elsa had to get along on her own for a very long time. But she isn't lonely anymore, says Asunción, now she has JJ. (Cont...)

* Guilléns' flat
Fausto is having a friendly conversation with Leonardo when Yolanda shows up and would like to know why haven't they fled from the city yet. Fausto mumbles that they can't. Yolanda spills the beans that Gabriela and David met in Los Angeles and reminds him of that they are siblings therefore it doesn't matter if the boy's intentions are sincere or not. Fausto tells her David isn't Mario's son. Yolanda is shocked but she always looks on the bright side of life: then this means that Gabriela is Mario's one and only heir! Fausto explodes and says Gaby doesn't know anything about their past! He kneels in front of Yolanda and picking his words carefully, he tells her that he's grateful for her help and kindness but doesn't want her to visit them again or keep in contact with the girls. She may commit another error, like when she let Adolfo the Shoemaniac loose on Gaby. She says it was her fault, she wanted those shoes too much and Dolphie always wanted to please her... Fausto gets suspicious: Yolanda obviously is in good financial conditions, is she's involved in Adolfo's businesses? Finally she leaves but gives her old friend one more advice: separate David and Gabriela, don't forget how Mario treated her mother!

* Club Sagitario
The four kids spend great time together drinking. Roberto tries to hit on Alejandra again but fortunately she's not that drunk yet. Their loud revelry make Gaby and Juli jealous and disgusted.

David, who is already intoxicated, rudely orders the Guillén girls to bring them more alcohol and he doesn't care that they have finished work and are about to leave. Carlos saves the day by saying the club is closed and he hits David with the utmost pleasure when he tries to object.

* Zárate house
Rob shares his newest plan with his father: an acquaintance of his rich girlfriend knows a ruined house that is neighbouring the huge mansion of Mario. *Oh no, you didn't.* It is for sale and they could buy it for 2,5 million pesos and later sell it at double price!

* Guilléns' flat
Gabriela doesn't understand why his father is moody and huffed. Is he angry with her? Fausto asks if she gave him cause for that.

* Elsa's flat
Roberto visits Elsa to talk about the house. To his knowledge the house is in bad condition and he can't offer more than 2,5 million pesos for that.

* Guilléns' flat
The girls are depressed about what happened last night, the boys' behaviour hurt them much. They agree Carlos is a good man and Juli thinks that maybe Gaby should give him a chance. No, these rich boys marry women who belong to their own social class.

* market
JJ is fraternizing with a greengrocer when he accidentally clashes Gaby who came to shop and they knock the oranges off the counter. They fluster, they apologize, then they finally look at each other... and JJ looks completely enchanted.



Llena de Amor #42 Tue 10/5/10 One of Emiliano’s brain cells actually fires

I had to start this quite late, so I’m going to just throw it on the page. Here goes…

Yesterday: Emiliano tells Tia Carlota that Netty tore up the check he gave her to pay for Marienela’s education and wants to pay for it herself. Tia Carlota looks astounded and thoughtbubbles that she’s going to have to check out Netty’s household.


Kristel confronts Mauricio about Ilitia and he pretends to be astonished and reminds her that his cousin Lorena was badly frostbitten by Kristel’s brother’s coldness, and is probably looking for revenge, plus Kristel is so incredibly bitchin that Lorena’s jealous. Kristel of course swallows that whole, but then is all scared Ilitia won’t forgive her for slapping her and she’ll lose her best friend. Mauricio hugs her, while rolling his eyes.

At the station, Brandon tells Oliver that he figures that Caiman (the guy they snagged at Netty’s) can be used as an informant and they can break up the crime ring. Just leave it to Brandon! Either Caiman squeals, or it’s the clinker for him.

At Netty’s, Gretel and Marianela are having tea, and Gretel warmly comments that she had forgotten that a family could be happy. She is hopeful that Axel will be comfortable there. She tells Marianela that the Ruiz y de Teresa don’t deserve someone as good as her after all they’ve done to her. Gretel adds for all she herself has done to her. Marianela is surprised, and Gretel says she’s been a coward but one day she’s going to make it all up to her. Gretel swiftly exits, passing Doris.

Marianela tells Doris that she’s going to give it a try with Brandon. Doris is glad, saying that he has a huge heart just like Marianela.

Kristel calls and asks Marianela why she isn’t there for the contest prep. Marienela is steamed and says she’s not going to enter. Kristel tells her she better, or Emanuel gets the diary handed to him tonight. Mauricio gives Kristel a grinning thumbs up, and she triumphantly flips her phone shut.

Bernardo tells Emiliano, who is looking for Fedra, that she’s with her designer. Emiliano scoffs that surely she has enough clothes, for heaven’s sake. The maid tells Bernardo that Fedra called and he can come pick her up. Emiliano decides he’s coming along, just to lay eyes on this design paragon. Bernardo tries not to look alarmed.

Netty is giving an acting demonstration to her class, who is sitting on the floor, gazing admiringly up at her. How does she do it, they want to know. She says with love! With love everything is possible. Love opens all doors.

It’s not true! says Carlota who has walked in through the apparently open front door accompanied by some menacing cellos, her cotton-candy hair and a sneer. Some doors once they’re shut can’t ever be opened again, she intones.

Ilitia is working with the contestants on a dance number. They take a break (per the captions, a “brake”) and Kirstel comes over and begs forgiveness, saying she just lost it when Lorena told her that gossip. Ilitia tells her to investigate next time before handing out slaps, but right away forgives her and they hug.

Marianela walks in and says she’s going to be in the competition. All the other girls giggle because I guess the writers think that anyone who enters a beauty contest is shallow and catty. Welcome to hell, says Ilitia who we do know for a fact actually is shallow and catty.

Tia Carlota, waving her hand dismissively, haughtily says she’s sorry to have interrupted Netty’s little theater. Netty says quite all right, we were just finished. The students repair to the other room for some coffee.

Carlota says she’s come to discuss the inheritance of Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa. Pavon, corrects Netty. It’s Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa Pavon. She’s a member of my family, and I don’t care to discuss her inheritance with you. Carlota says she spoke to Netty’s lawyer and just wants to clear up some details, if Netty’s not afraid of her. Not at all, says spunky Netty who observes that it’s Carlota who may feel uncomfortable talking to her, just because she’s an actress, a profession, she adds, as honorable as any other.

Netty says that she’s not going to let anybody take away from Marianela what is legally hers.

Kristel ridicules Marianela, and when Lorena figures out she’s Axel’s cousin, she throws mean barbs. Look, says Ilitia, you have a room full of new girlfriends! Marianela stares stonily ahead.

Bernardo tries to say that’s he’s the one who always picks up Fedra alone, and he doesn’t want her having one of her upsets. Emiliano smells a rat. Bernardo says he’ll just go get the car keys, but Emiliano says they’ll take his car and Bernardo better not be hiding something from him.

Fedra is trying to get dressed, but Lorenzo doesn’t want her to go yet. She says she has to – she can’t go missing for long with Carlota in the house, and besides, since the thing about Marianela’s money coming to her, things are a little rocky with Emiliano. Lorenzo keeps smooching on her. What about Muñeca? she wonders. He says that he’s found a way to keep her plenty busy – the orphanage is losing its building. Ah! says Fedra. So you’re behind that? Bad boy! She’s so turned on by his clever evilness that it’s back to bed to romp some more.

Muñeca is pleading with a Mr. Salamanco to let her buy the property. She has an assessment, and the price she’s offering is fair. Begoña adds that the orphans will be out in the street. Salamanco says, sorry, I got a much higher offer. This property is going to be a commercial center (which is probably a euphemism for mini-mall).

Emanuel shows up with the urchin from yesterday. Muñeca tells him they’re being thrown out (didn’t he call ahead in last night’s show?). He’s incensed and grabs the paperwork from Salamanca’s hand and rips it up.

Ilitia fake apologizes to Marianela, telling her it’s just that she was quite a shock to the other girls. Marianela smiles and says they can say whatever they want. Ilitia goes over to Kristel to confer over the fact that Marianela isn’t in tears as they’d hoped.

Ititia goes over to Marianela and pets her and tells the others not to say things. Marianela says it’s water off a duck’s back. Kristel says of course, she must be used to people saying things about how she looks. I don’t need anybody to defend me, says Marianela, giving Kristel the stink eye.

Apparently Netty and Carlota have covered some territory, because Netty tells her that she’s offended that Carlota would think she wants to take her Marianela’s money. Look at my home! Does it look like it was given to me? Everything I have I’ve earned by the sweat of my own brow. Carlota observes that people can change, or dissemble. Netty, all righteous, says she’s never used anybody. She’s made it on the applause of her public, and she doesn’t regret any of it. Carlota thinks Netty’s disastrous financial situation sure could be improved with inheritance money.

Why is Netty fighting for something that isn’t hers? Because, says Netty heatedly, I think that someone wants to take the money from Marianela, who’s an orphan, and a minor. Fedra? deduces Carlota. She wouldn’t try something like that. I disagree, says Netty. You have no idea who, and what, Fedra Curiel is.

Bernardo is driving, and Emiliano is in the back seat, asking him why they’ve passed the same spot three times in a row. Bernardo says he always gets a little lost there. He tries to mess with his cell phone in his lap, out of sight of Emiliano. How can he warn her? he wonders frantically.

Fedra has managed to get out the front door of the apartment building, but Lorenzo is still all suckered octopus arms, grasping on to her and smooching her, and doesn’t want to let her go. Fortunately for them, the entrance is in an alcove, off the street.

Salamanca seems to have evaporated, and Muñeca thanks Emanuel, but says she’s afraid Salamanca is going to bring a lawsuit. Emanuel says he knows lots of people. Muñeca introduces him to Begoña, who works at his agency. He greets her and says he’s heard of her.

Oliver and Brandon are interrogating Caiman who resists and blusters. Brandon tells him to calm down, that he’s going to give him an opportunity to change his life.

Fedra’s cell is ringing, but Lorenzo takes it from her and keeps kissing on her while she tries to get it back. In the car, Emiliano asks Bernardo how he can get lost, seeing as how he drives Fedra there all the time. Bernardo stops the car and honks, saying it’s a very dangerous neighborhood.

It’s Emiliano! says Fedra. Lorenzo keeps kissing her and says Emiliano would never come to her designer’s. Fedra grabs his chin and turns it street-ward and sure enough he sees Emiliano purposefully striding across the traffic. Lorenzo jumps behind a decorative wall.

What a surprise! says Fedra. Emiliano sternly asks her if this is the building she sees her designer in. Darned odd, because Lorenzo has an apartment here. Lorenzo cowers in his corner, unseen while Emiliano gives Fedra a laser look.

The girls are working their dance routine moves in front of the studio mirror. Kristel and Ilitia are on each side of Marianela and they bump her time to time during the practice. After practice is over, Marianela leans on the barre and catches her breath. In the background, Kristel and Ilitia figure they’ll run her off yet. Ilitia tells the girls to go home and tells Marianela she can’t be dancing like a hippo.

Ilitia hands out diet brochures and Kristel says no point in giving Marianela one, she won’t try, she won’t even have a bypass. Ilitia decides the girls should give her a welcome, so all the girls start shoving her.

Fedra pretends to be astonished that Lorenzo has an apartment in the building. Why, she’s never seen him! Emiliano says it’s his love nest. Poor Muñeca, clucks Fedra. Bernardo says he’ll go for the car. No, says Emiliano, I want to meet your designer. Which apartment is his?

Oh he left about 20 minutes ago! Fedra says. I was still changing. You won’t believe what he’s designed for me! Emiliano isn’t buying and tells her that the next time she comes, he’s driving her. I don’t like this, he says.

No problem! says Fedra. They all head towards the car, and Lorenzo peeks out. Emiliano turns to look back, and Lorenzo ducks just in time.

The girls have gotten so rough, they knock Marianela to the floor. Her glasses go flying, and she seems to be unconscious. Kristel tells the other girls to leave and to not say a word. They nod and hustle out. Ilitia hovers over Marianela, but Kristel pulls her away. Ilitia hesitates, then runs out with her.

Emanuel is seeing a lawyer who says they can try legal proceedings to prevent (delay?) the sale of the orphanage, but the process will take time. The lawyer wonders why Emanuel is so interested. Justice, says Emanuel.

It’s nighttime and Netty and Brandon are wondering where Marianela is. And with whom? says Brandon, jealous. Doris tells them that she went to the club to practice for the beauty contest. Netty is astonished and disapproves. Off Brandon goes to find her.

Fedra, back home again, tells Bernardo he’s useless, and punctuates her insults with a slap. Bernardo tells her she’s making mistakes, and never should have gone there while Carlota is in the house. Outside the room, Gretel overhears. Fedra yells that she’s not going to miss out on her fun just because that old meddler is around. You know perfectly well what I’m capable of if somebody gets in my way.

Gretel steps into the room and says Exactly what are you capable of? Killing Tia Carlota?

Kristel has told Mauricio about what happened with Marianela and they’re both yucking it up. She wonders if Marianela’s still passed out. What if Emanuel finds out about it?

About what? says Emanuel, who is just coming into the living room.

Ilitia is asking her parents what happens if a person gets hit. Muñeca says it’s violence, and they taught her since childhood that it’s bad. So why does she ask? Ilitia says a friend of hers got hit by some girls. Is it a crime? Sure, says Muñeca. Your friend could send all the girls to jail. Ilitia is stunned. If she talks, Ilitia thoughtbubbles, I’m sunk.

Marianela is just now coming around. Her head hurts, and fortunately her glasses fell within reach. She gets up, telling herself to stop crying. They’re going to pay, she decides.

Brandon arrives and is worried about a bruise on her face we can’t see. She tells him she was attacked. He swears he’ll kill the person. She tells him it was Ilitia and Kristel. He hits the roof, ranting about how rich folks think they can get away with anything. He’s going after them. Marianela asks him not to – she says she needs to defend herself. She personally will be police and jail.

Fedra asks Gretel what mental health issues are popping up now. Is she stalking her, spying on her? Gretel says she just came to ask something and couldn’t help overhearing. Who is it you’re going to get out of your way? Tia Carlota? Whoever I need to, says Fedra menacingly. Whoever. Bernardo takes her arm and tells her to control herself. She tells him she wants to talk to her daughter alone. He leaves, telling her to watch what she says.

Fedra grabs Gretel roughly by the arm and drags her into the bedroom. I’m sick of you and your insults, of your persecutions. Gretel, in tears, says You’re hurting me! Fedra gets eye level with her and says You’re hurting me more! I’m not going to leave you alone until you tell me what you have against me. She shakes her. Tell me!

Emanuel wonders if Kristel and Mauricio have been bothering Marianela. They lightly deny it. Delicia decides this would be a good time to steal Marianela’s diary back and she heads off upstairs. Mauricio tells Emanuel that Marianela’s doing great, she’s so happy with her novio. They tell him she’s already started with the tryouts. He can’t believe it, and teases Kristel about never getting to eat what she wants. He musses her hair and she heads off to fix it. Mauricio protests that he and Kristel have nothing to do with her decision. Emanuel says better be true, or things are going to get interesting.

Delicia has found the diary, and Kristel walks in and catches her. She accuses Delicia of taking her things. Delicia says the diary isn’t hers. Kristel chases her around and finally wrenches the diary out of her hand and shoves her out of the door.

Fedra is crying now. She tells Gretel that she’s her child, and yet she’s her worst enemy in the house. Why?
Gretel: (tearfully) You don’t respect anybody! You lie! You trample over everybody!
Fedra: Well, you have to put up with me, because I’m Fedra. Because I’m your mother.
G: Unfortunately. Just my luck.
F: (obviously hurt): You know, one day I’m going to run out of patience with you.
G: I came to ask you if you don’t want to do something about Axel. Don’t you care what happens with him?
F: No. He’s chosen a lifestyle that your father and I don’t agree with. He’s going to have to find his own way.
G: You’re worse than I thought, Fedra.
F: (shouting) Mama!
G: One day you’re going to pay big time for what you’ve done to your son.

Gretel runs out.

Netty doesn’t want to talk about her day at Televisa and Gladiola ribs her about it, then tells the others about Emiliano showing up with Lorenzo. Begoña suddenly decides she has to go upstairs to give the baby his bath. Axel comes and asks to talk to Netty. Doris is surprised to see Marianela’s cousin there.

Gretel is crying in the garden, telling tender-hearted Paula that she wishes she had a different mother, one who was poor, one who didn’t care about jewels and clothes, but who just loved her children. Paula offers her a tea in the kitchen, but Gretel wants to be alone.

And there she is weeping when Oliver appears out of the foliage. It’s my feet! he says. They have a life of their own and just carried me here. Gretel says she’s not up for jokes, she just wants to cry, because her life is a disaster. Oliver tenderly lays his hand on her cheek and tells her the future doesn’t have to be – let him paint a new one for her. He shows her a single flower he’s brought her and she throws her arms around his neck.

It turns out that Axel doesn’t have rent money for Netty. Netty and Gladiola and Doris tell him he can stay, he can’t be out on the street, and Angela just left so the room is available. They start talking about Angela, and he breaks into a smile.

Marianela and Brandon come in and now we see her injury – three big scratch marks on one cheek. Netty wants to know who did that to her.

Oliver tenderly says to Gretel that he can’t stand to see her cry. Looking at him breathlessly, she says without conviction that she ought to charge him with assault. He says he’s the police, and he’d gladly lock himself up in her eyes. He could swim in them. He begs her let him help her, but she says she doesn’t need help. He says she doesn’t need just help, she needs love, and he’s ready to give her both. He kisses her and she kisses back. Aw.

Avances: Emanuel has called Marianela in the middle of the night because he misses her. Lorenzo tells Emanuel, who has Ilitia hanging on him, that he wants them to set the wedding date that very evening. Marianela says (I think) they’re going to kill us!


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