Saturday, October 16, 2010

El Clon Friday October 15: Summary for Discussion

The Ferrers and Clara are intent on rescuing their children from the consequences of their behavior. Paula’s mother is not. In her first on-screen appearance, she makes it clear that she has no illusions left about her daughter. Paula, who has had more than one encounter with the law, stole her belongings, destroyed her marriage, left her in debt and shamed her in the community. She is ready to leave her in jail and walk away.

But Lucas, newer at being the parent of an addict, is still in protective father mode. He doesn’t want Natalia charged even if it means that the whole gang goes free. Carolina – who does indeed seem to be a lawyer -- explains that it’s not that simple. She’ll see what she can find out.

Mohamed and the Near-Wife Experience:
The party for Zuleica is beginning. Following Alí’s instructions, Latifa welcomes Zuleica with a gracious smile. The soon-to-be sisters exchange gifts. And then Alí makes his move. Ever so casually he asks the young woman:

¿Fuiste criado en el Líbano? (Were you raised in Lebanon?)
Yes, she was. Oh really? Then:

¿Conociste a Samia la hija del ebanista Emir?
(Did you know Samia, daughter of Emir, the cabinetmaker?).
Again, agreement from the unsuspecting Zuleica:

Sí, Samia la hija del ebanista Emir fue mi ama de leche!
(Yes, she was my wet nurse!)

Alí is faux-impactado:
¡Samia la hija del ebanista Emir fue la ama de leche de Mohamed! Mohamed y Zuleica tomaron de la misma leche y según el libro sagrado son hermanos. No se pueden casar!
(Samia was Mohamed’s wet nurse! M & Z drank the same milk and according to the holy book, they’re brother and sister. They can’t get married!)

Abdul is impactado de verdad. Call the Naz, he orders.

The Naz is in the bedroom sulking and painting on her Cruella Deville mouth. Latifa gets down on her knees and promises she will do anything the Naz wants…
-- Anything? asks the Naz – yes, anything!
… if she will back up the wet nurse story.

The Naz looks Abdul in the eye and confirms the story: That very same Samia nursed her brother!

Saved by the Naz!

The Zombies have a Get out of Jail Free Card:
At least for now, the children of privilege have their freedom. Marisa and Rosa wait outside the police station with Nati.

Lucas stays behind to talk to the detective. He is told that even if the family doesn’t press charges, the police have to investigate the incident. Carolina will be taking charge of both Natalia’s and Fernando’s cases.

Clara leaves with Fernando.

An officer brings Paula into the room. Where’s my mother? she asks. She was here, says the detective, but she left.

Back at Mohamed’s house, Amin is emboldened by the his father’s escape. He asks Tío Abdul if he can trade his esposa in Fez for Jadiya’s pretty friend Aime. Not hardly, says Abdul.

Mohamed keeps his promise: Freed from the threat of an unwanted marriage, he grants Samira the freedom to postpone wearing a veil until she feels she is ready to do so.

The Naz reminds Latifa that she owes her: Te lo voy a cobrar, Latifa!

And both Zoraida and Jadiya comfort poor bamboozled Zuleica with pious clichés.

At Empresas Ferrer Roberto gets an envelope with a message congratulating him on the birth of his first son, Roberto Jr. Someone’s playing a joke on me, he tells Carolina.

A bit later, the jokester herself, Grandma Skank, appears at Clara’s reception desk looking for Roberto: Tell him his suegra (mother-in-law) is here. But Roberto is so intent on a conversation about access to the DNA results in Leo’s case, that he waves Clara away. She leaves him a note.

At Dora’s apartment, the lawyer is also talking about the DNA results. They have been delivered to the judge. Everyone else will have to wait. As Daniel listens unobserved, the lawyer tries to prepare Dora for reality while bolstering her spirits. Even if Daniel is Lucas’s clone, she says, no one but Dora has the right to call herself his mother. She carried him for nine months. She gave birth to him. Neither Leo nor Lucas is his father in any meaningful sense of the word.

Daniel looks miserable.

Grandma Skank is back home and reports to Consuelo that Roberto was too busy to see her. She’ll go to his house if she has to.

Roberto finally notices the note Clara left him earlier: Tu suegra está aquí. (Your mother-in-law is here). Huh? But she lives in Atlanta. He calls home to find out if she’s visiting Miami. Nope, she’s not…

Lucas has been thinking. Now he wonders aloud whether it wouldn’t have been better to leave Natalia in jail. He tells Marisa:
Yo creo que es momento que Natalia asuma las consecuencias de sus actos.
(I think it’s time for N to assume the consequences of her acts.)

Marisa won’t listen. Natalia claims she did nothing and Marisa claims to believe her. But Lucas has reached a turning point. Stop lying to yourself, he tells her. And as for him, he is ready to live his life again.

Rosa encourages Nati to invite Alejandro to the house. She’ll bake his favorite cake.

Alej is at a table at Gloria’s with Vicki, Pedro and Diana. Pablo comes by and Alej, leaving his phone on the table, steps away with his friend and hears the news: Nati was arrested. Meanwhile, Nati calls him. Diana picks up, and offers to pass the call to Alej. No thanks, says the crestfallen Nati. I’ll try later.

Then Natalia calls her old friend Andrea and asks her to come to the house.

The situation at Said’s house is out of control! Somebody call a Sheik!
Jade is in her room brushing Jadiya’s hair when Rania bursts in. She knows Jade danced for Said and she is enraged:
No tengo que soportar una criada con infulas de esposa en mi casa!
(I don’t have to put up with a maid living in my house putting on airs of a real wife.)

Said comes upon the two trying to choke each other and he pulls them apart. Jadiya tells him it’s all Rania’s fault and Rania of course says otherwise. He is sick of all three of them, he tells them. He’s going to buy a house for himself and only see them for visits.

I won’t stand for the way I’m treated here, says Rania. I’m calling a sheik. I want a meeting of the family council!

Albieri and Luisa are still bickering about The Mendelson Affair. She calls him a liar (mentiroso). He tells her not to ask him anything if she doesn’t like his answers. And he starts to say: ¿Sabes qué, Luisa?.... (You know what, Luisa?...) but chooses not to complete the thought. He tells her he’s going to the Medical Board and leaves. Luisa plans to check on his story.

Anita is dying to tell Luisa about Amalia, but Julio convinces her to hold off -- at least until Leo’s paternity suit is settled.

Escobar is on his way out. He has to attend to some problems with Fernando.

Nati wants to know if Alej is seeing Diana. Andrea says no, but according to Pablo, Diana is determined to win him back. Alej still adores you, Andrea tells her friend. Don’t lose him! And how do you know? asks Nati a bit jealous at the idea of Alej confiding in Andrea. I know because I’m dating Pablo, says Andrea. And she adds: You know I’ve really missed you, being able to talk to you about stuff.

Diana gets to listen to Alej talk about Nati: how frustrated he is that Natalia hasn’t called or made any effort to see him. [I guess Diana forget to tell him about Nati’s earlier call.] How he is still deeply in love with Nati. And how he’s following his dream because of her encouragement.

Nati pours her heart out to Andrea:
She wants to go back to her old life. She wants to stop doing drugs. But she just can’t. That’s what rehab is for, says Andrea gently. But Nati ignores her and continues:
It started as a joke, a way to avoid reality, to escape problems. If she had foreseen it would end like this, she never would have started…

Escobar still hasn’t heard about the arrest. When he gets to Clara’s house, he finds Fernando alone, dishevelled and hostile. When Escobar reproaches him for acting like a bum, Fernando throws the Malicia affair back in his face. I was wrong, says Escobar. I was a fool. But I never meant to do harm to you or your mother.

But nothing Escobar is saying gets through to Fernando – not apologies, not explanations, not rebukes, not threats. Escobar gets right up in his face and Fernando responds by punching him in the jaw. Hard. So hard that Escobar falls to the floor.


Friday, October 15, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #47-48 10/15/10 Fernando & Omar's serenade

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 29: Alicia's Palace of Lies.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 47

1. Marta’s husband and daughter give her money to buy a car. Alicia sees what they have and she doesn’t.

2. Omar and Ariel ask Fernando and Marcia if Alicia is really pregnant. Marcia declines to gossip. Fernando observes that she’s hit bottom and she thinks a baby will solve her problems.

3. Ariel tells Alicia that if the baby is his, he won’t recognize it. Ali says she’ll get a DNA test and tell her child who his father is. Ariel tells her to not have the baby. When she refuses, he tells her to move to Jakarta and he’ll maintain her. She flatly refuses.

4. Tomás wants to give his name to Alicia’s baby.

5. Again Fernando can’t sleep, worrying about Conceptos. He swears that he will never let Ariel have the presidency, even if he never sleeps again.

6. Ariel imagines her baby and and fears she will tell everyone it’s his. Omar imagines life with a crabby wife and crying baby. He tells Ali he’s not ready to be a dad. She says he’s a 34-year-old baby. He asks if she’s going to have the baby.

7. Fernando and Lety negotiate purchase and financing of equipment from Fern turns on flirt mode with the owner’s daughter, but she shuts him down.

8. Since Alicia can’t insult Marta’s clothes, she makes her feel inferior for being fat. The cuartel tells her she should use the car money to get liposuction.

Capitulo 48

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 30: Apples and hot sauce.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Caro won’t take Fernando’s calls because of the Benny disaster, so Fern and Omar go to her office to beg her to work for them. Fern’s leap to the couch (he can fly!!) is just the start of the humor and exuberance of the scene. Their song is Desesperado, a José José (Erasmo) classic. What a magical scene!

2. The cuartel twists Marta’s arm to get lipo. Irmita strongly objects. Lety doesn’t believe in aesthetic surgery. But she fantasizes Fern’s reaction if she got store-bought beauty. Sara knows of a great plastic surgeon. Perhaps her future boss, Dr. Santiago?

3. Rodaje agrees to finance the equipment, so Jacqueline and her goon come to sign the contract.

4. Lopez allows Marta leave to have surgery, because she’ll be better looking when she returns.

5. Fernando recognizes that he won’t reach his goals, but with the BL contract they’ll be able to pay their debts. Omar asks where they’ll get the money for payroll, the BL launch event, and loan payments. From Lety, of course.

6. Lety requests a 1.8M peso loan to FI from her old boss, Visera. He balks because that’s more than FI’s capital. She shows him the guarantee and pagaré. Visera is shocked that Conceptos would stake its entire assets on a 700K peso loan.

7. Weeks pass. Conceptos finishes the first commercial.

8. Paula asks her son what he wants for his birthday. He wants a father like everyone else. Specifically Saimon.


La Verdad Oculta EP23 10/15/2010 - Schedule changes, aka Ten things we hate about Univision


* Now that Juan José and Asunción know Gregorio's babblings about the treasure are true they are xtremely happy. They shout madly joyously: "We'll have houses, palaces, yachts!" JJ says at last he'll be able to take revenge on those bastards... Like the Count of Monte Cristo! Asunción asks: "Who?"

* Marcos and his low-life friend Ramón get on a private airplane that will transport them to freedom.

* Adolfo talks to Déborah on phone. She's still looking for the shoes. (I love to imagine her scanning every single trashing bins of LA.)

* The two jailbirds are in a hotel of Ensenada. Their gangster friend explains them what their next step will be.

* Gaby arrives home and looks for her father to ask his permission to have a dinner with Carlos, but he has already left. She can't decide what to do, she doesn't want to disappoint neither Carlos, nor Fausto. Julieta encourages to meet with Carlos and make David jealous.

* Marcos & co. have finally arrived in an abandoned warehouse of Los Angeles. They put their luggages on a table and wait for someone anxiously.

* Asunción, Carramelo and JJ are having lunch in the market. Caramelo asks innocently how much time they need to find the treasure. The adults start to hiss, JJ covers her mouth and they look around cautiously. Is this how paranoia begins? Anyway, they're cute.

* An expensive car shows up in the warehouse and a bunch of elegant American gangsters and their Winnetou get out of it. One of them opens the luggages of Marcos and Piggy which are filled with drugs and Winnetou gives the Mexicans their payment. Everyone's relieved. This scene is cool, I bet even Tarantino, Vin Diesel and David Statham are hinding behind one of those columns.

* Carlos visits Elsa and tells her she doesn't have to worry about the lawyer she owes anymore. Elsa doesn't understand why Carlos and Roberto they help her but she's grateful. Oh, she doesn't have to thank him, it's a pleasure to help a pretty girl like her. (It's official, now I find him hot.) He starts to ask Elsa about Juan José, assures her they still want to buy the house and he would like to meet the big guy to settle their differences.

* Marcos and Piggy Ramón who are dressed up in expensive clothes talk about their new richer life in front of the greenscreen of Los Angeles. And what to do next? They'll have to be careful in this country, says Ramón Marcos knows a girl who lives in LA, maybe he should visit her.

* Abelardo shows Fausto the secret door in Mario's house. Alejandra shows up and tells Abelardo they'll finish the construction soon.

* Roberto and Bertha enjoy their boring Davidless vacation in Manzanillo. She hopes Blondie will join them soon.

* Breaking news: at last a scavenger found The Shoes in a trasher bin!

* A few streets away Marcos calls his ex-girlfriend and tells her he's free and is in Los Angeles.

* Abelardo and Fausto continue their sightseeing tour in Mario's house. Abelardo warily says he hope Fausto won't betray Mario after his death. No, he won't... Mario is a good man. So you are, says Abe.

* Marcos meets the scavenger on the street who asks for money. Oh, leave him in peace, he's in a hurry! The scavenger shows him The Shoes. Does he want to buy it? Hmm, why not? *Viewerville: Oh. My. God.*

* While having a coffee Carlos and Gaby talk about his family. His parents divorced years ago and he doesn't know where his mother is. Gaby tells him their mom died and their awesome father raised them. Carlos says they're very lucky to have a nice dad... His father is so aggressive and violent. Then he finally confesses her he likes her. Much.

* The ex-girlfriend greets Marcos with greet pleasure. They missed each other much. She tells him the American Dream sucks, her her life was much better in Mexico. Marcos gives her the ugly shoes and promises her he'll treat her like a queen. She doesn't have to return to Mexico.

* Fausto visits Mario who's getting sicker every day. Mario gives him a special ring that he found in Marta's hand when she was murdered.

* JJ is using a his carpenter skills and is building a construction to make the treasure hunting when Carlos shows up. Caramelo

starts to shout and clings to his leg to keep him from entering the house. Cuuute. JJ enters the hall and yells at Carlos, what the hell is he doing in his casa?! Carlos tells JJ he finally realized who he is, he used to work for his father. Yes, your father and Mario Genovés sent me to jail for 11 years! Carlos says he never believed he killed that girl and would like to buy his house. He offers him 2 million pesos. JJ says the house is not for sale anymore.

* Fausto asks Abelardo about David. Abe says he's a good and caring boy. And has he ever seen this ring? No, never.

* Adolfo an his blonde girlfriend are lying in the bed naked and talk about their family. Yuck, no more Hot Rod Montes de Loca scenes, por favor.

* Elsa visits Juan José who tells him enthusiastically that the treasure exists. He's rich, he's rich! They hop, they shout, they laugh, the hug... And finally, they kiss.



Dinero #215 10/14/2010 Fiesta on the Horizon/ or Pancho gets a girlfriend

Monday night left us at the restaurant with Marian giving Rafa some very insightful advise and all the help he could ever need. She reminds him he is about to be free from all the debt life has thrown at him. Who should enter doing his best side winder walk but Daniel accompanied by Ale. There are a few uncomfortable moments and even a cute little imitation by Rafa doing Daniel’s signature “Todo Yo” bit. We get a cute Ale smile in response to this.

Marian tells them not to fight. Daniel is ready to take Ale to another table when Rafa suggests they all sit together. Ale is game, but Daniel and Marian both seem disappointed at this suggestion. Now it is Ale’s turn to do her best Daniel imitation as she turns to Daniel and calls him “chiquilla” encouraging him to join the party. Rafa and Ale are the only two that seem happy about this new table sitting arrangement.

Ramirez is chiding Marino for blowing his own horn at the morning conference. Marino assures him that he is the best and when he is boss things will be different. If people don’t sell they will be out in the street. Ramirez asks if his warning includes him as well. Marino tells him of course, but if he gets better he has a chance of being his right hand man. Bebe is bad mouthing Marino and Ramiro has the line of the night when he says “Marino is the female version of my wife.”

We have some chatter amongst the women of Siglo; Claudia Rosaura and the General. Claudia is certain that Ale had been crying. Rosaura is in total agreement. The talk turns to the upcoming party at the hacienda and Rosaura goes on and on. It gets so bad that Claudia and the General leave her to her own musings.

I finally figured out the name of Vicky’s friend. It is Janet. Vicky is plotting her moves on Rafa at the hacienda as she holds up an itsy bitsy teeny weenie non polka dotted purple bikini in front of the mirror.

Janet inquires if she is really going to wear something that small in front of so many people. Vicky wants to know what so bad about that. Women wear bikinis like that all the time at the beach. Janet inquires how things are going between her and Rafa. Vicky confesses they are not going as she had hoped but, if only she could have “cositas” with Rafa she is positive she could get him back. Janet warns her not to be so possessive this time. She continues “You have to give men a little freedom so they feel like they can do what they want. Even though it isn’t true.”

Back at our table for four, we hear Rafa’s inner musings, “I am dying to tell Ale that I sold all the trucks, but that Daniel will just make jokes about it because he has so much money and what any one else makes just seems small. It is better if I tell her later.” They all play nice for about 10 seconds, and we have some very awkward silence and attempts for pleasantries. Rafa suggests another round of tequila, but Ale wisely declines and requests water. Our pretentious Daniel requests wine from Napa. Rafa says what? And Daniel calls him ignorant and goes on to explain where the wine comes from. More awkward silence and building tension. Ale in an attempt to break up the awkwardness suggests they tell a funny story. Rafa takes this as his clue to ask what the heck she is doing hanging out with Daniel especially after what happened at the cabin. Danny Boy takes offense at this and the gloves come off. Now Ale wants to know what he is doing their with Marian.

Things have gotten pretty uncomfortable and Daniel suggests to Ale they Leave. They stand to leave and Rafa is wondering whose bad idea was it anyway that they sit together. They all answer in unison “Yours!” Rafa takes a moment than agrees it was a bad idea and if they want to leave, go ahead and leave. Daniel takes Ales hand calling her chiquillia and says let’s go. Ale looking a little nervous looks at her watch and decides it best she get back to work. Rafa taking another cue also looking at his watch agrees with her. Marian doth protest too much and balks at Rafa telling him not to abandon her. Rafa tells her she can stay behind with “Chiquilla.” Ale looking at Marian says her and Rafa really have to get back to work, and as quick as you can say “Change partners” Ale and Rafa leave and Marian and Daniel are left alone at the table wondering what the other is up too.

On the way out of the restaurant Rafa asks Ale what the heck she is doing. Ale crying with her back to Rafa reminds him that the two of them are nothing to each other and walks away.

Back to Vicky and Janet. Vicky is telling her she seems to be giving out lots of advise about men but she doesn’t see lots of men flocking around her. Janet tells her there is only one man on this earth for her. Vicky asks if her brother has even noticed her yet. She tells her “the saint who isn’t seen can’t be adored.” (santo que no es visto, santo que no es adorado.) Janet tells her she is working on looking better and asks Vicky if she hasn’t noticed that she is thinner.

Vicky tells her she does look thinner but to catch the eye of someone she has to look a bit more scandalous. She continues giving Janet lessons on seduction and approaches her placing the itsy bitsy bikini top around her neck.

She tells Janet there is nothing more attractive than a women who is sure of herself. Janet wants to know if that is the case why is she having so much trouble with Rafa. Vicky tells her “It is easy to give advice but hard to put it in practice or am I wrong sister!.” Janet demurely agrees with her.

Ramiro is back to talking to the scary photo of his wife and his mother-in-law from hell. I am thinking about this time Ramiro is seeing the wrong therapist and perhaps he should start seeing Vicky’s therapist. The “photo session talk’ turns to the fiesta and bikinis with Elvira suggesting he buy her one. She suggests she could even look as good as Claudia. Lets move on.

We haven’t seen our police for a while. I was hoping we could manage to sail through the ultimate weeks without them but no such luck. My how they have changed.

They stop Trapito who happens to be driving the van he will be using to transport all the Siglo crew to the fiesta. They ask to see the registration papers and driver’s license. Our Barney Fife want-to-be takes the drivers license and is challenged by the fact he is trying to read it upside down.

(Ihope this link works because I found it more entertaining than their blather even though I adore Trapito)

Trapito is able to free himself from the bungling police duo and arrives at Siglo. All are ready to board the short bus. Claudia is worried there won’t be enough room and Marino offers his lap. Susana is concerned that Ramirez is missing. Marino informs her that he will be coming later with Milagros and gives a disgusting groan. Doña Arcadia and Beltran accompanied by Chato and the most pampered dogs in the world show up. Pepito wants to know if they will be riding with them. Bebe reminds him there are standards and Doña Arcadia agreeing with Bebe tells them they will be taking her car, as we see Trapito assisting Marino into the van.

As the van pulls off we see Doña Arcadia’s ride pull up.

This happened to be my favorite scene tonight. It was very sweet and a total surprise. Janet is leaving Vicky‘s house and happens to run into Pancho in the doorway. Some pretty funny flirting ensues with Pancho trying to charm her. He tells her she has pretty eyes and compares her to looking like a contented cow. At first Janet is offended by this and Pancho goes on to say that contented cows have very pretty eyes like hers. Janet seem quite taken with Pancho’s prose.

The awkward flirting continues and Pancho gives Janet a little twirl noting that she looks good. Janet blushing, attempts a friendly tap that hits below the belt and sends Pancho into a soprano song.

My next favorite scene which was so over the top was with Lenora at the market with a friend. One of her snotty neighbors starts teasing her about being a jail bird. Lenora tries to defend herself claiming her innocence. Lenora does her best to ignore the wise cracking remarks but her friend is not going to let the cattiness go and starts to confront the snotty women. The women continues her taunting and starts bad mouthing Rafa. Lenora is okay with the insults about her self but once it turns to insults about Rafa her back is up and a full fledge food fight ensues with everyone at the market getting hit.

In our next scene we see Rafa knocking on a door. He has arrived to pick up Vicky. She is looking quite smart in bright red little number and Rafa has taken note of this and is quite impressed. Vicky thinks to her self “Just wait till you see me in a bikini.”

Lots of Vicky’s family tonight and I am totally fine with that because they were pretty funny. We have traveled to the family butcher shop. Felipe is wiping down the counter when a love sick Pancho shows up. Felipe notes the goofy grin and wants to know what’s up. Pancho informs him he has met the love of his life.

A female customer in a short tight skirt shows up and looks as if she is flirting with Pancho who is checking out his arm pits and it turns out her intentions are geared towards Filepe who is just as surprised as I was when she gives him a great big hug.

We continue with the “getting to the fiesta theme.” Marco has arrived at Ale’s new apartment and is graciously greeted by Rosario. The next to show up is Quintana. Again Rosario offers gracious greetings with a disapproving Marco looking on. Quintana asks Marco why he’s there. Marco informs him he is still Ale’s husband and he is going to take them to the hacienda. Quintana looks a bit confused and says he thought he was going to take them. Ale has the perfect solution. Marco will take her and Jorge and Quintana can take Rosario. Jorge is a little upset at first with the idea of Rosario going with Quintana but decides that it doesn’t matter. After all he is so happy just to be going to his beloved hacienda once more. There’s a little wrinkle in this plan when the Shrimp Man shows up. It is agreed Shrimp Man will accompany Rosario and Quintana. There are disapproving looks all around by Quintana, Marco and Shrimp man but none of this has dampened the party spirit of Jorge and Ale as they leave singing and dancing.

Ale and family have finally made it to the hacienda and are greeted by Daniel. Marco is now left in another confused state wondering to himself why this guy is acting like he owns the place.

Jorge is so overcome with emotions at being back at the hacienda that he kneels down to reconnect with the pool and almost falls in.

He is rescued by Ale and Daniel and escorted to a chair where he almost trips again. Jorge mistakes Daniel for someone else. (I think the actor playing Daniel is having a very hard time not cracking up at this point and I couldn‘t figure out what was said.)

The Siglo crew has arrived and all are quite impressed. We get Rosaura’s “back in Miami” speech to groans by all around her. Marino goes on as well about his greatness and Ramiro tells him he is just jealous. Somehow poor Tripping Trapito manages to get pushed into the pool.

He is helped out of the pool but manages to full flat on his butt.

Jorge has fond memories at how great the hacienda was until he messed it up. Everyone decides it is time to get ready to properly enter the pool and Ale directs them to the appropriate dressing rooms. Claudia attempts a little “come on” to Marco on her way to change and is met with a cool disinterest. Plenty of other fish in the sea and she is now coming on to Daniel who is a lot more receptive to her flirting.

Like I said before our funniest scenes tonight were with Vicky’s family. Don. G and Filepe are doing some father son bonding while doing the crossword puzzle.

Pancho is in the background pacing nervously waiting to introduce “the girl who caught his eye” to the family. We hear a knock on the door and Janet comes in but is standing behind Pancho. A very excited Pancho introduces Janet as his girlfriend. Don G and Felipe are quite surprised. This announcement delights a very pretty Janet as she pulls Pancho aside to confirm that he really wants her to be his girlfriend. He stammers and stutters a bit asking her if she wants to be his girlfriend and Janet says an enthusiastic “yes.” She grabs Pancho around the neck and gives a big kiss. (I was thinking at this point they may need to give Ale and Rafa some lessons on Kissing.)

Filepe can barely believe what he is seeing.

Doña Arcadia and Beltran have arrived at the hacienda and are greeted by Ale and Daniel who bows (actually he sits on the arm of a chair) and kisses the queens white gloved hand.

Beltran and Jorge also exchange greetings with Jorge of course not remembering the correct name.

Daniel introduces the Queen to Quintana and the Shrimp Man. Rosario tells her that Quintana is the boyfriend she was telling her about. We get a very contentious look from Shrimp Man as Doña Arcadia remarks that they make a lovely couple. She takes them aside and talks some more and Rosario assures her there will defiantly be a wedding. Shrimp man is still scowling in the corner.

We now go to the only other people besides Don G. and Sons who are not at the fiesta. It happens to be Lenora, Juliette and Jaimie. Jaimie shows up at the house and Juliette acts all snotty. He just wanted to make sure that Lenora was okay. Lenora thanks him for all his help. He smiles adoringly and tells her that their family is very important to him.

Our last little scene is at the Hacienda. Ale is standing by Jorge’s old bedroom and he is reminiscing about the good old days with his wife. He attempts to open the door only to find it is locked. We see what is on the other side of the locked door. It is a confused Chavez lying amidst his two young companions.

Bring on the Fiesta!!!!


El Clon Thursday October 14: Summary for Discussion

Lucas thinks fast! He steps on the gas, knocks over his assailant, and peels out of the driveway to call for help. The police arrive quickly -- amazingly quickly -- and the rest of the gang flees in a barrage of gunfire.

Lucas goes inside and finds Marisa and Rosa unharmed but stunned and tries to comfort them.

Alej is training hard for that last pre-title bout. Pablo thinks he should ask Diana to go with him but Alej has too much integrity to risk giving her false hopes. After all, he broke her heart once before.

Tío Abdul may need to borrow Amin’s telescope so he can get a better look at Gloria. She intercepts his lecherous gaze and scares him off by inviting him over for a beer.

Inside Mohamed’s house, Zoraida marvels at what a docile husband he has become.

And guess who’s coming to dinner? Alí arrives with the news that Abdul invited Zuleica to come over this evening. Latifa is incensed that she is expected to dress up and prepare a party for that odalisca. Trust me, says Alí; I know what I’m doing.

Three generations of sKanks are on parade. SG1 and SG2 are working over their plan to parlay SG3 into hard cash.

And the plan is beginning to emerge – Enrique finds a flyer stuck under the windshield of Roberto’s car. He reads:
El exitoso abogado Roberto del Valle acaba de tener un hijo en Pequeña Havana a cual no ha reconocido.
(The successful attorney Roberto del Valle just had a son in Little Havana and he hasn’t acknowledged him.)
Enrique chuckles appreciatively but Roberto doesn’t see the humor.

Carolina’s advice to her friend Clara: Tell Rogelio about Fernando!

At Salamandra, Yasmín reports back to Malicia with the info on Leonardo Ferrer. Malicia’s phony smile fades quickly when Yasmín leaves and Diana walks in. Malicia is unfazed by Diana’s news that Rogelio and Clara are back together. After all, she observes snidely, he should be with someone his own age.

Rogelio dreads telling Malicia it’s over between them. Piece of halvah, says Zein, who has clearly had a lot of practice in the art of the gentle let-down. And speaking of love, Rogelio wants to know if Zein has talked to Said again. No, not yet.

When Enrique and Roberto arrive at the office, they are shocked to hear about the assault at the Ferrer house the night before. Oh and here’s a letter that came for you, says Caro to Roberto.

Lucas brings news from the police to Casa Ferrer. They have caught one of the gang and that means it won’t be long before they get all of them.

Lucas, Daniel and Dora all have their DNA testing done.

Padre Andres tells Albieri that his sin has always been vanity. You are as vain as I am, retorts Albieri – It’s just that you’re vain about your virtues. When Andres reproaches him – again -- for not taking the human cost of his actions into account, Albieri – never one to shy from comparing himself to God -- likens cloning to the story of Eve’s creation. Who were Eve’s parents? Wasn’t she formed from a part of Adam’s body?

At the Clinic, Luisa takes a phone call from Albieri’s old colleague, Dr. Mendelson, and confirms that he wasn’t in Miami when Albieri used him as an alibi. When Albieri walks in, Luisa pounces and accuses him of lying. He doesn’t bother to deny it: A veces tengo que inventar cosas porque tú no me entiendes. (Sometimes I have to make up stories because you don’t understand me.) And when he walks away, Anita advises her friend to keep an eye on him. Follow him!

It is sooooooo sad. There truly is no honor among thieves! The Zombies rage because they’ve been stood up by the gang. ¡Nos robaron! (We wuz robbed!) But their frenzied tantrum is cut short by the arrival of the cops: the Zombies are under arrest!

Said hasn’t made up his mind about Jade. He believes that she wants to marry him but he knows she doesn’t love him. Love is born of a life together (El amor nace con convivencia), Jade begins… but the conversation is aborted when Rania, alerted by Amina the Spy, hurls herself between them like a live grenade. Said makes a hasty escape from the field of battle -- he has a ‘business’ lunch.

And the business of the lunch is Jade. If Said doesn’t love her, is he willing to give Zein a chance to woo her? Said promises he will have an answer on Monday.

The Naz is leading an impromptu exercise class for Samira, Jadiya and Zumaya in Latifa’s living room. Up to now, Latifa and Mohamed have kept their children from knowing about Mohamed’s folly, but the irate Naz spills the couscous. Amin and Samira are both distressed. They know how their mother feels about a second wife. But Samira is especially stricken because she feels it’s all her fault. She’ll wear a veil if it will keep her mother from suffering, she promises tearfully.

The gruesome trio are having their mugshots taken at the police station. Natalia shows no fear or remorse. Just scorn.

The police have contacted the residents of Casa Ferrer with the news that their assailants have been captured. Marisa and Rosa are reluctant to go to the station and identify the attackers but Lucas insists it is their duty to help the police. And besides, what if they arrested the wrong person?

When they get to the police station, they are told that all of those responsible have been arrested: those who planned the attack and those who carried it out. And unfortunately, the intellectual authors of the crime aren’t strangers to the family. And then they bring in Natalia.

Natalia denies everything.

Enrique to therapist: Drug addiction is an illness that destroys character. The addict morphs into a machine for consuming drugs.

Lucas can’t bear to proceed against his own child. He wants to withdraw the charges. The police explain that the gang identified her – and Fernando and Paula -- very clearly and that she provided them with the key to the house. Natalia just keeps on denying. She wails: ¡Mamá, sácame de aquí! (Mom, get me out of here!) And Marisa puts a protective arm around her. Lucas will call his lawyer.

Clara is telling Carolina about her conversation with Rogelio when she gets the call: the police have Fernando in custody. He is accused of involvement in the attack on the Casa Ferrer.

The break-up:
Rogelio doesn’t know Malicia had a chance to prepare her part ahead of time. In a well-rehearsed scene, she is convincing as the tough, classy dame who loves the guy enough to let him go.

Lucas is trying to reach Enrique but gets no answer. And he can’t get through to Carolina either. That policeman hates me, whines Natalia.

Malicia can’t leave Rogelio without loosing a poison dart in Clara’s direction: Clara hates me. Please don’t let that color our relationship. They agree: ¡Amigos para siempre!

The moment he leaves she says: ¡Ay! Casi no me lo quito de encima! (I thought I’d never get rid of him. Literally: Almost I don’t get him off me.) And she pulls a photo of Leo from an envelope. She’s not finished.

Rogelio calls Clara and wants to see her but she tells him it will have to wait until tomorrow. She has a very serious problem right now. And so she does. As she enters the police station, she meets the cold gazes of Lucas, Marisa and Rosa.


Llena de Amor #47 Thu 10/14/10 Polly Purebread finds out she's a Peripheral Puppy

Hooray, the telenovelas are back!!

Muñeca tells Ilitia that she has every right to know the truth. And the truth is, “You aren’t my daughter.” Lowrenzo glares at his wife.

Eman is sitting with his Tio and affectionately tells Gretel that this was a night of surprises. She fidgets when he tells her he’s happy she’s in love with her policeman. She tries to deny it, love disgusts her. He laughs and tells her he saw her kissing Oliver and he couldn’t be happier. He describes what it’s like to be in love and she says yep that’s it! Is that what you feel for Ilitia? Cara impactada de Eman.

Kristel fakes being happy that Mari is moving back in to Hell House. It’s all an act for Tia Carlota. Fedra fakes felicity too.

Brandon arrives and Kristel quivers in pleasure. Emiliano explains to Carlota that this guy is Mari’s boyfriend. Fedra sneers and Kristel leers. Brandon tells them to relax, he and Mari are over.

Ilitia rightly asks how they could have kept her adoption a secret for so long? She hates them both! Lowrenzo clarifies, Ilitia is his real daughter. She asks how can that be? (Really? Does she not know her father at all?) Muñeca says daddy boinked another mujer. Lowrenzo begs Ilitia’s forgiveness but we know how her mind works. She wonders how her mother could give her away like a peripheral puppy. She says she hates the sight of them. “Get out!”

Begoña’s been talking in the dark since Friday, wondering how Lowrenzo could adore Ilitia but shun her own adorable Christian.

Mari has hustled Brandon outside to explain to him that she’s only there while Tio is sick. He reminds her that she only thinks of him as a friend while he truly loves her. (Hey, weren’t you macking on Ilitia earlier? Oh well, change of scenery I guess.) Eman interrupts them.

Paula visits Tio and Gretel remarks that Paula has special feelings for her uncle. She’s grateful that Paula cares for her Tio and for them too. Their happy hug is interrupted by Crabby Carlota. Gretel sets Crabby straight. Paula has been like a mother to them! She demands to know why Carlota treats Paula badly. Crabby gives her snobby response, “she’ll never be a part of this family!” and Gretel scowls.

Fedra and Spiderus/Bernardo skulk and plot to thwart Carlota’s mandate that Mari get the house and money. They want Tio’s document and since Mari will be in their clutches it’s the perfect opportunity to take care of her once and for all. Spiderus tells Fedra to make sure Mari has sweet dreams (i.e. Fedra’s going to give her knock-out drops) and he’ll take care of the rest. Fedra cackles that they’ll get to wear black after all. Yikes.

Lowrenzo drinks straight vodka and blames Muñeca for everything. She tells him that Jacqui’s in town, knows everything and has threatened to go to the press in order to come between Ilitia and Eman.

Jacqui visits Begoña and the flesh is bustin’ out all over. Begoña’s worried about Jacqui’s encounter with Lowrenzo but Jacqui snaps her fingers and says there’s no man she can’t control. We’ll see.

Mari’s raiding the refrigerator and Delicia is advising her to snack on her cousin. There are many cultures where cousins marry. Mari says not in her family, it would be a scandal. She puts the food back and announces she’s on a diet for the beauty contest. Speaking of scandal, Fedra joins them and kicks Delicious out.

Brandon and Netty commiserate that Mari has decided to stay in the same house as Fedra. Netty can’t believe she’d leave a place where everyone loves her. Brandon educates Netty, Mari’s in love with her cousin.

Fedra performs fellatio on a gigantic chocolate bar in front of Mari’s face. But our little marshmallow has grown a spine and she blurts out it’s Fedra’s fault that her son is in trouble. She knows that Fedra forced him to be with a prostitute when he was twelve. Axel told her everything! “You destroyed the child’s innocence!”

Fedra gives Mari a mighty slap and seethes that Mari’s not going to see half a cent. She insults Netty, Mari’s parents and happily watches as Mari starts gasping for air. Just then Carlota comes in and demands to know what’s wrong with Mari. Fedra jams the chocolate bar in her own mouth and shrugs.

Netty accuses Brandon of being drunk, but he says it’s not the beer, he speaks the absolute truth. That’s why she always goes back to the house. Netty frets but Brandon reminds her that love is crazy. He reveals that he and Mari were never really novios, it was a farce. He cries in his beer.

Muñeca calls Emanuel to give him the angst update. He’s the only one who can help Ilitia now.

Carlota reveals to Fedra that Mari has her attacks when something upsets her. “What upset you honey? Tell me.” Crazy Fedra music plays in the background.

Tio Maximo advises Benigno to watch out for Mari and protect her from Fedra. Paula surprises Benigno by bringing him a plate of food and tells him that Fedra insisted on making the meal and wants him to eat everything. Tio advises that if Fedra made it it’s got scorpions or rat poison in it. Paula looks indignant but I can’t imagine why.

Oh dear, the family is enjoying what is no doubt another toxic repast. However Mari announces she’s not hungry and intends to spend her time caring for Tio Maximo. Ha ha, she just ruined Fedra’s meal.

Netty tells Gladiola that Mari has a secret love that will surely bring sadness into her life.

Fedra’s down (or up?) in the lair of Spiderus pitching a fit because Mari refused to eat her drugged food and plans to stay in Tio’s room. Spiderus consoles her by volunteering to dress up as a robber and shoot Mari in the head.

Mari is down in Tio’s room reading him to sleep. She stares at Benigno’s venomous vittles…should she? No! She’s on a diet!

Muneca discovers that her special prescription of suicide pills is missing. Eman arrives and all hell breaks loose as they break the door down. Yep, pills are scattered all over the floor. “My daughter follows your example!” shrieks Lowrenzo.

PSA alert. Oliver is reading an absolutely fascinating magazine. Why look, it’s The History Of Mexico. He just can’t put it down! Brandon interrupts him blah blah PSA they fight over it and a close up of the magazine. Moving right along...

It’s night time and a dark figure slips into Tio’s room. He removes a document from Tio’s drawer, sticks it in his pocket and promptly knocks a music box over. The dark figure grabs Mari and points a gun at her head. Outside the door is another dark figure with a stiletto, knife that is. It’s Cat Woman, oh wait, it’s Fedra and she hides. Benigno runs in with a gun in his hand and his slumber mask on his forehead. The first dark figure backs out dragging Mari with him. Dark figure pushes Mari away and there is a shot. Cat Woman runs. First dark figure runs and Benigno fells him with another shot. Dark figure jumps up and kicks the gun away as Cat Woman watches, hidden.

Eman jumps in the shower with Ilitia. No, no that way, they are fully dressed and he’s trying to wake her up.

Cat Woman, who has remained hidden so far, suddenly decides to trip over lamps, bump into walls, make noises and get chased out of the basement.

Lowrenzo mutters that Muneca is the only one to blame for putting Ilitia at death’s door. His pleasant musings are interrupted by the Mafioso that visited earlier. The Boss needs a favor; he wants to stash his stash in Lowrenzo’s house. An unpleasant discussion ensues but the gun wins and Lowrenzo doesn’t get his way for once.

They are out of the shower and Ilitia needs a little TLC and reassurance that it’s OK for her to be the daughter of a nobody. She says Eman’s the only one who can console her. He really steps in it and reminds her that they’re getting married in a month, so cheer up! Then he looks like he wants to be the next to swallow pills. She happier she becomes the sicker and more full of despair he appears.

Our lame ladrones burst into Bernardo’s lair, he holding his bum and she in a snit because they don’t have the document. But wait, he whips out said paper and Miss HotAndCold is happy once more. Until she spies her pal bleeding all over the bed. “You’ve got to get the bullet out,” he instructs. Man, Fedra’s night just keeps getting better. She flips open the stiletto and gleefully moves toward her patient, licking her lips.

Next morning over breakfast Emilio is aghast that Benigno didn’t wake him up after the intrusion. It turns out nobody heard the commotion including the two shots that were fired. Eman is aghast that Mari was threatened and he wasn’t home. I’m aghast that this family is able to sleep through gunshots yet again. Were they drugged again? I guess so.

Nereida brings Spiderus his juice and antibiotics in bed because he’s “suffering from a serious stomach infection”. She decides the cure is a little romp and jumps on top of him. He yells “my leg!” and nearly jumps through the roof. Nereida demands to know what he’s hiding from her and tries to pull the blankie off of him.

And still no word on Axel.

Un cachorrito periférico = a peripheral puppy (like a mongrel, not a purebread I think)
No es la chela, es la neta = It’s not the beer speaking, it’s the absolute truth
Ladrones = thieves


Thursday, October 14, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #45-46 10/14/10 Fathers' Day

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 27: Oops.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Today's episodes involve four different "fathers," Omar, Ariel, Erasmo, and Humberto; and their involvement in the lives of their "children."

Capitulo 45

1. Fernando got the restaurant parking attendant fired for damaging his car.

2. The police raid their vendor and confiscate their prepaid equipment as contraband. Omar’s contact tells him the equipment is delayed in Customs (aduana).

3. Marcia tells Fernando that he’s paranoid if he thinks Alicia is Ariel’s spy. He says they’ve been in regular contact since their date, per Omar. Marcia says that date was a disaster, and Ali only said that to make Omar jealous.

4. Omar brings Fernando the bad news, and he throws a major fit. Customs tells Lety it’s impounded as contraband. Fern is losing his grip. Omar’s atny says they can get the equipment if they pay import fees. Customs tells Lety there is no way to recover it. Note to self: don’t trust Omar’s attorney.

5. Fernando and Lety down the bottle of Valerian. Funny scenes of stoned Fern and Lety. Lety reminds them, “I told you so!” Omar and Fernando start fighting.

6. Fernando tells Lety, “Starting today, Conceptos is in your hands.” He tells her to get the embargo documents, and they’ll register them today. She tells Julieta to send the papers by taxi, but Erasmo decides to take them instead.

7. Fernando tells Marcia and Luigi that the NY vendor was out of stock, so they’ll buy from a domestic vendor instead. Fernando has a fantasy of a “60 Minutes is at the door” moment.

8. Fernando’s car is in the shop, so Erasmo insists on taking Fernando and Lety on their errands. Pop rebukes Fern for yelling at Lety, and Fern suggests that Pop yells at her too. Pop mentions that he’s doing the accounting for Filmo Imagen. Ruh-roh!

Capitulo 46

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 28: My Two Dads.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Erasmo brags about his honesty and honor, and Lety’s too. Fernando reproaches Lety for telling Pop about FI. He asks, “Is there anything else I don’t know?” She doesn’t tell him that Tomás is a 1% owner.

2. Omar hears the cuartel say that Alicia is pregnant, and they speculate that he’s the father.

3. Fernando and Lety notarize the Guarantee and take it to the Recorder. Fern asks her why she couldn’t get a financial job, considering her skills and qualifications. She says, “Por fea.”

4. Pop orders Fernando to ride with him and not take a taxi. Fernando and Erasmo tell each other to stop yelling at Lety. Fern tells Lety she shouldn’t complain – her father yells much more than he does.

5. Omar asks Alicia if she’s pregnant. Ali answers, “What if I am?” Omar says it’s not his. Ali tells Marcia that the cuartel is saying she’s pregnant. Ariel hears it and asks who the father is. Ariel says Fern is bankrupting Conceptos.

6. Omar tells Fern that Ali is pregnant. Fern teases that the expert bachelor got caught by Alicia. Ariel throws a rage that the baby’s not his, and Ali reminds him he never took precautions. Omar “usually” did.

7. Marcia advises Fern to tell his parents about the lack of business, and says Ariel wants a board meeting. They plan an event to launch the Bella Life (BL) commercials. Fernando invites his parents, and his dad will want to see the balance.

8. Marcia asks Ali if she’s really pregnant, and if she did it to trap Omar.


La Verdad Oculta #022: You sound like you're yelling from the bottom of a well

At the condo, Adolfo decides Roberto will be a washout as a thug and threatens to take away the apartment, the car and the cash because Roberto can't gird up and kill someone -- even though Adolfo already once saved Carlos and Roberto from jail for the death of the hotel maid.

Bertha pitches a fit at breakfast at Mario's and worms her way into David's Manzanillo business trip, despite David being too busy to ferry her around. Bertha instructs long-suffering David to arrange for Roberto to accompany them so she can have some fun while there.

Roberto visits Elsa and is shocked to learn that the guy selling the house was the man they framed for the maid's murder -- and that the reason Juan José didn't sell is that he recognized Carlos as the son of the man who sent him to prison.

David calls Gabriela at home to apologize for his fight with Carlos in the office the night before and beg her to meet him and have a serious talk; he's going off on a business trip to Manzanillo later that day, he tells her.

At Juan José's, he is dismayed to find Asunción has been gabbing freely with Caramelo about the treasure and what they'll do with it; but Asunción insists it's just a game, both for the girl -- and for them, too. If they don't ever find the treasure, they'll just go back to being poor and forget about it.

Back at Elsa's, she starts the thought running in Roberto's head that Juan José has had nothing to do for the past eleven years except think about being framed; and for some scheme that occurs to him, Roberto suddenly offers to pay the still outstanding fee of the shyster lawyer who visited there earlier, threatening Elsa to re-incarcerate Juan José.

David apologizes to Gabriela in the park for the previous evening and vows he's truly in love with her and wants everyone to know openly; he intends to talk to her father, and by the time David kisses Gabriela, she's already a puddle of purr.

Roberto visits Carlos at the restaurant office and urgently fills him in on his conversation with Elsa about Juan José; they are both fearful of what a guy like him and eleven years in prison could wreak on them and Adolfo and Mario.

Marcos and the low-life bunk mate board one of several work-detail vans under guard at the prison and head out of the city.

Meanwhile, Roberto shows Julieta his new apartment, and she's impressed with it and his car and money -- which he sketchily explains came from some recent business deals. A phone call makes Roberto abruptly change plans to go on a three-day trip; but Julieta does not learn it's David on the other end.

Roberto makes a bee line for the luxury condo, where Adolfo takes him back into his employ upon learning of Roberto's trip with David -- and that the man they framed for the maid's death is living across the way from the victim Adolfo has chosen for Roberto: Mario Genovés.

Juan José at home is getting irritated he doesn't even possess a decent shirt in which to visit Elsa, when Asunción points out Elsa wouldn't care -- she likes him anyway. Juan José doubts he could offer her anything, even if he felt towards Elsa more than just the lovely sister of his erstwhile friend.

Roberto continues laying out his cunning plan to Adolfo: he thinks that after eleven years in prison brooding on nothing but revenge against Adolfo and Mario, Juan José has surely moved in next to Mario for that reason -- and they can use him to do their dirty work. It dawns on Adolfo that Roberto is a smart fellow to figure out a way to kill two birds with one stone: kill Mario and put the hapless guy they framed back in prison.

Out in the country, the prison vans continue on their route; but some "associates" of the low-life have set up a roadblock ambush, and all the vehicles come to a screeching halt to the tune of semi-automatic weapons. They dump the guards and set the inmates free, as Marcos and the low-life advance to the front of the caravan and speed away.

At the garment factory, clueless Salomón is tickled to learn his son, Roberto, has finally grown up and is getting his own apartment and becoming a business man -- and that Salomón will get his money back soon.

Gabriela's joy gets a bucket of cold water over a talk with Julieta at the kitchen table, where Julieta explains her doubts about David, Roberto and the cousins going on the "business" trip to Manzanillo together -- and Julieta phones for Bertha at Mario's just to find she's out of town.

Later at work, Gabriela is sick to think David would jerk her around like that, especially after claiming he wanted to speak to her dad. She feels like an idiot for falling in love with him. But Julieta's approach is nastier; she wants to fight fire with fire and get back at David and Roberto.

After eternally digging in the kitchen floor, all the deprivations of the past eleven years and disappointments of his life after release are steadily wearing on Juan José's nerves, despite Asunción's attempts to calm him. Calm him, hell! He's working up a really good mad for revenge.

From the restaurant office, Carlos must fruitlessly chase Yolanda onto the floor to apologize for being rude to her after she tried to talk some sense into him about his fight with David over Gabriela. Spying Gabriela working a table there, Carlos pulls her into the office to talk David down and himself up just at a time Gabriela's feeling low about David. She's going to ask her dad for permission to have dinner with Carlos.

From way down in the bottom of the now-deep pit in the kitchen floor, Juan José starts frantically yelling for Asunción; when he arrives, Juan José hands him out a rusted piece of the well head which he excitedly says Gregorio told him about. Here it is! Here it is! We found it! We found it!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

La Fea Más Bella 10/13/2010 preempted. So instead, "What's an Embargo?"

Wednesday's LFMB was preempted by the Chilean miners' rescue. I assume it was preempted everywhere; let me know if I'm mistaken. So I thought today would be a good day to figure out what the embargo is all about. Lety has agreed to embargo Conceptos if she has to, but that hasn't happened yet.

By the way, before I forget. Marta has posted "Spanish Lessons" for Monday's and Tuesday's caps in the comments section on each recap page. Go back and take a look if you missed them.

The Embargo Process.Here is what I think is going on. I’m really fuzzy on some of this, but I’ll give it my best effort. Someone correct me if you know more.

The Guarantee will need to be notarized. I think Lety uses the terms Guarantee and “Prenda” (Surety) interchangeably. I think that the Guarantee has a clause that permits FI to lien (embargo) Conceptos if Conceptos defaults.

Then the Guarantee is registered with the government Recorder’s office. It takes three days for it to become effective. From the point when it's registered, the debtor (Conceptos) has 15 days to pay the debt. After that time, the creditor (FI) has to initiate the lien (embargo). You need an attorney to do that.

The lien would be an encumbrance on Conceptos. FI would not own Conceptos, but it would have financial control over it. Conceptos could not sell any assets under the lien, it could not put up its assets as collateral, and no other creditor could lay claim to Conceptos’ assets because FI would have first rights.

If it’s like US law, a lien is not perpetual. After some months it will expire. Before it expires, the creditor must Perfect the Lien and get a Judgment. This is done by an attorney. It is the Judgement that gives the creditor final and full ownership over the assets of the lien.

So in summary, as I understand it:
1. The Promissory Note (pagaré) is a formal IOU with legal requirements to pay.
2. The Guarantee (also called Prenda / Surety) recognizes the creditor’s rights if the debtor doesn’t pay.
3. The Guarantee is notarized and filed with the Recorder's office. The debtor has 15 days to pay.
4. After that waiting period, they file the lien (embargo). This encumbers the assets.
5. The creditor must Perfect the Lien and get a Judgment before it expires.
6. The Judgment would make FI owner of Conceptos.

Plot Ideas
I have one more topic to throw out for discussion. Those of you who haven't seen Fea before, I'd love to hear your predictions of what will happen. Don't worry if you're wrong. How could you know? I'd just love to hear your ideas.

And veterans, did you have any other ideas for alternative plots? I posed the question over the weekend. Fea broke so many conventions. Where would the plot have gone, had it been a typical novela? Swapped babies? Staircase of doom? Ariel starts smashing cell phones? C'mon! Get creative!


El Clon Tuesday October 12: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 169: In which -- Lord help us -- the Zombies have a gun; Natalia tries to rob Alej – again; Clara and Rogelio make up while Malicia prepares to trade up; and the Not So Smart Pizza Caper is in progress at Casa Ferrer.

It is, in the end, Cristina who, with a gutsy mixture of common sense, kindness and charm defuses the Zombie crisis. She goes up to them, introduces herself, asks Andrea to put on some cool music and invites the Zombies to join the party.

Enrique is sad to see the kids in that condition – it challenges his sobriety. It’s a good thing Caro is there to look out for him.

Lucia tries to comfort Marisa, who, in spite of looking devastated, minimizes Natalia’s behavior as adolescent rebellion. She’s a good girl but she has some bad friends, she says. I understand, says Lucia.

When Lucia rejoins the party, Paula gives her a hard luck story about her sick mother who can’t afford to buy her medicine. She scams her out of $300. By the time Andrea and Pablo wise her up, it’s too late. And we see Fernando and Paula gloating over the money as they are on their way out the door. “Me robaron” laments Lucia. (They robbed me).

Rogelio is trying to talk to Malicia about Zein and Jade but she is tuning him out – is she thinking about her last victim or her next one?

Leo and Cris slip away together.

Daniel and Nati are at a table talking and Lucas watches them and frowns.

The day after the wedding…

Gloria tells Alej he’s been looking sad since he broke up with Natalia. I still love her and I miss her, he says. And I still feel as if I could have done more for her. I doubt she’s thinking about you, says Gloria.

Amin and Mohamed walk by. Amin asks his father if it’s true that he’s going to have a bride. (¿Es verdad que tú vas a tener una novia?)

Diana and Pablo are at the pool talking about witchy Malicia. Andrea stops by to chat. Pablo admits he’s not sure if he likes Andrea or if he’s just using her. She’d be good for you, says Diana.

You should have seen it mom, it was a disgrace, Dora tells Estela. Daniel defends Natalia. She feels alone and she’s like me, she feels she doesn’t belong there, he says. The doorbell sounds: It’s the lawyer bringing news: Leo has presented his paternity demand and the judge has ordered Dora and Daniel to provide DNA samples.

Lucas and Marisa are at the breakfast table as Rosa looks on. ¿Y Natalia desapareció? (So Natalia’s gone?) asks Lucas. Marisa answers:
Sí, claro, ya hizo su escándalo, nos humilló delante de todo el mundo, se va a perder por unos días.
(Yes, of course, now she’s made a scene, she humilliated us in front of everyone, she’s going to get lost for a few days).
Enrique phones to tell Lucas that the judge has ordered him to provide a sample of DNA.

Back at Dora’s apartment, her lawyer explains how a DNA sample is taken. Dora is sure the test will put the lie to the whole clone business. The lawyer reminds her that if Leo prevails, Dora’s name will be removed from Daniel’s birth certificate.

At Empresas Ferrer, Enrique advises Lucas to comply with the judicial order for DNA. If he doesn’t, it will seem like he has something to hide.

Caro confirms to Clara that Rogelio and Malicia are really a couple. Clara decides she needs to hear it from Rogelio and sets off to find him.

Rogelio is with Zein at Salamandra. Zein is also determined to put his romantic house in order and he sets off to find Said and get an answer from him about Jade.

Enter Clara. You should have at least had the decency to break up with me, she says angrily. Rogelio seems genuinely puzzled. You’re the one who ended everything, he says. You were just using me to make your husband jealous! (Me utilizaste para darle celos a tu marido!) Clara tells him the truth – how Malicia broke up her marriage, stole the apartment and the car and then kicked Escobar out to be with Rogelio. And if you don’t believe me, says Clara, ask Escobar. Clara, escúchame (listen to me), begins Rogelio… They look at each other. And they kiss.

At Said’s house:
Jade and Zoraida are chatting. Said me va a aceptar de vuelta (Said is going to take me back again), predicts Jade. [Poor Jade didn’t see Said’s memory bubble of Jade’s past betrayal.] Rania shows up complaining about Jadiya’s music. Jade invites her daughter and her friend to listen to the music in her room. She and Zoraida will continue their conversation downstairs.

Lucas is in his office with Enrique. He is going to follow his father’s example, he has decided. He’ll be there for Natalia but he is going to live his life. Says Enrique:
Hay que luchar por la vida, Lucas. La vida sigue.
(You have to fight for for your life, Lucas. Life goes on.)
Yes, agrees Lucas, and life passes by so rapidly.

Outside somewhere in Miami, the Princess of the Zombies gives the house keys to the thief for hire. His gang will attack at 10pm and then they’ll all meet up to split the loot. But right now the Zombies need a fix and have no money left. They decide to rob a clothing store.

Somewhere along the way, Fernando has acquired a gun. Once inside, he waves it threateningly and all three Zombies fan out through the store. Hey, you, fool, give me your money! says Natalia to someone with his back to her. He turns and gazes at her with sadness: It’s Alejandro. She runs out of the store and he follows her. What are you doing? he asks in despair. Do you want to be a criminal for the rest of your life?

Enrique to therapist: When your head is clear, you are filled with shame and guilt and you can’t look people in the eye. But when you are using, you turn into an animal…

Alej tries to confront Natalia with the reality of what she is involved in: Does she realize she committed armed robbery and the store probably has security cameras? He tells her he can’t be with her as long as she is using drugs. I want to stop, she insists, I want to be happy with you…

At the clinic, Albieri is phoning Amalia to arrange their next meeting. When he notices Luisa is watching, he ends the call quickly. He tells her he was talking to a patient. Luisa complains to Julio and Anita that Albieri is hiding something. Julio tells her that sometimes a man wants to leave his wife but can’t figure out a way to tell her. So he leaves hints and that way she can discover the truth for herself. If you really want to make it hard for Albieri, concludes the enigmatic Julio, don’t help him so much.

Zuleica meets Latifa at the mall, as agreed. She wants to know everything about “our” husband.

Coincidentally, Zumaya and the Naz are also at the mall. The Naz gets mad when she learns that Abdul chose a novia for Mohamed and no one consulted her.

Meanwhile at Mohamed’s place, Samira is refuting Zoraida’s contention that it’s a sin not to wear a veil. Samira is pointing to a text (which we know Zoraida can’t read) and quoting:
Es conveniente que la mujer use el velo pero no es obligatorio.
(It is advisable that a woman use a veil but it is not obligatory.)
At that moment Latifa comes back from the mall and with a smile announces:
Averigué todo lo que necesitamos. (I found out everything we needed.)
And Alí, also smiling, replies:
Ahora, sí Latifa, ahora lo podremos salvar de ese compromiso.
(Now, yes Latifa, now we will be able to save him from that engagement.)

Alejandro and Natalia continue their conversation beside the water. When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror? he asks. I don’t know, I’m afraid of seeing myself, she answers.

Alej goes off to get them some cold drinks and by the time he comes back, Natalia is gone.

When Clara gets back to the office, she is feeling pretty good about her talk with Rogelio: We made a good beginning, she says. And adds: I’d just love to see Malicia tearing her hair out when she finds out Rogelio and I are back together again.

Malicia, however, has other things on her mind. She has charged a Salamandra employee, Yasmin, with investigating Leo. Find out everything, she instructs her -- personal and professional. She is planning an event in his honor, she explains.

Marisa gets home and Rosa tells her Leo called. He is on his way to Morocco. Lucas is going out but Marisa is unwilling to join him. She doesn’t want to risk meeting anyone who witnessed her humilliation last night.

That night…

The Zombies are sitting on a ledge outside. Natalia is positively radiant with her imagined revenge. Ya están llegando a tu casa (They must be arriving at your house about now.) the others tell her.

A beat-up yellow pizza delivery car drives up to Casa Ferrer and a fat guy in a rumpled white shirt gets out. He holds out a “Smart Pizza” box. It’s for Señora Rosa, he tells the dubious guard. Then Pizza Guy thief pulls a gun and says: Don’t move or I’ll shoot! A second thief holds a gun to the guard’s back and they march the poor guy inside the house while a third thief is left as outside look-out.

Once inside, they knock out the guard and leave him sprawled on the floor.

Marisa is upstairs in bed and hears noises below. She pulls on a robe and starts downstairs to investigate. As she goes she calls out: Natalia, eres tú? Rosa? (Curiously, Marisa, in her nightclothes, is more modestly dressed than we have ever seen her.) The thieves scurry into hiding. She sees the guard on the floor. One of the thieves sneaks up behind her and says: Don’t move or I’ll kill you!

The second thief forces Rosa at gunpoint from her room. The thieves demand money. Marisa tells them there is no money in the house. Then where’s the safe? She takes them to it and they pull out a paper with the combination. Except it’s not the right combination. They don’t believe Marisa when she tells them she doesn’t have the code. You have until the count of three to tell me, begins head thief. One… The threat is interrupted by a ringing phone. Answer it, they tell her.

It’s Lucia calling to offer friendship, support, understanding, a trip to New York… and she simply won’t stop talking. Marisa finally says yes, we’ll talk about it later, and hangs up.

And at their home Lucia tells Roberto that Marisa sounded odd. And all she wanted to do was be a good friend. Some people are like that, says Roberto. They don’t like to accept help. And Marisa is very proud.

Marisa, meanwhile, is negotiating for her life. They want cash but they will take the jewelry she offers. And then once again, they want the code to the safe. I swear to you – I don’t know! On my daughter’s life, I don’t know! (hmmm…)

Lucas drives up and is ambushed by thief 3 pointing a gun at him. Hands up, he shouts. Don’t move or I’ll shoot!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog mom looking for more great romantic songs for weddings

Hi, it's been a while since I asked - I'm making a collection of good songs in Spanish for weddings. Do you have a suggestion? Here's the most recent one I got (it's me singing and playing rotten piano): Cuando tu me miras así.

Please leave me canciones para bodas ideas in the comments?



La Fea Más Bella #43-44 10/12/10 Alicia loses both patrons.

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 25: Goin' to Panew York.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 43

1. Fernando says that he called Lety because Marcia had the guests and Omar is traveling. Marcia says, “Lety is your asst. for work. Don’t involve her in your personal life. That’s what I’m here for.”

2. Marcia says she’s free to go along to “New York” with Fernando, but he dodges that. He leaves for Panama. As a goodbye, all he gives her is an air kiss.

3. Fernando sends Saimon to bring back his car from last night. Saimon has to take the kids along. Coming back, he gets distracted by Jazmín and scrapes the car on the gate. Saimon’s terror continues through the cap.

4. Alicia throws a fit because Marta is wearing a duplicate dress. Marcia defends Marta – she has her husband’s income, and she doesn’t throw away dresses. Ali doesn’t even have an amante to maintain her, so she should stop complaining, live within her means, and drop her idiotic arrogance.

5. Ariel assigns Alicia to find out the name of the equipment vendor in NY. Alicia asks Marcia, so Marcia tells Lola to call his hotel. Lola finds out he’s not registered. Lety tells her not to tell Marcia; he’s with an amante.

6. Since Lety’s not in her office, Alicia searches her office for info about the vendor.

Capitulo 44

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 26: Feinting Fit.” Then come back here to discuss it..

1. Lety catches Alicia spying. Alicia says Marcia requested the vendor’s name, but Lety says she doesn’t know. Lety tells Fernando what Marcia did, and that Marcia will call him at his hotel in NY. Fernando decides to return on the next flight.

2. Lots of blither about Saimon and Fernando’s car.

3. Fernando calls Marcia, angry because Alicia spied on Lety’s office. Marcia says Lety’s lying; she never told Alicia to do that. She’s sure Lety did it to provoke problems between her and Fernando.

4. Marcia accuses Lety. Marta I. wrote the transcript for this scene. See the Spanish Lesson below. Lety says Alicia told her that. Alicia claims it was for Marcia. Marcia yells at Ali for causing problems with Fernando.

5. Marcia tells Fernando that Lety didn’t lie, Alicia was snooping, but not under Marcia’s direction. She found a web site with rankings for vendors. She says she won’t defend Alicia; her relationship with Fern comes first.

6. Alicia feigns illness to avoid Fernando. He demands the phantom web site. Better yet, he says he will tell Ariel about the vendors directly, so Ali doesn’t have to invent web sites, poison Marcia’s mind, spy in his office, or sabotage Lety’s computer.

7. Fernando doesn’t notice the damage to his car. Per Fern’s orders, Omar takes Ali home. The cuartel suspects she’s pregnant.

8. Ali asks Ariel to find a web site she can show Fern. Ariel fires Ali as his spy. She’s lost two patrons in one day.

Spanish Lesson

Marcia vs. Lety; Marcia vs. Alicia
Thank you, Marta I, for transcribing this scene.

Mar: Sit down. Look, you have never been a saint of my devotion. But for Fernando, I agreed for you to continue in the company and you became his right hand (man/woman). But don’t confuse things. You can get into the work areas but in the personal matters. NO! What are you going after? (que pretende?) To destroy my relationship with Fernando?
Let: No, never that, Doña Marcia. I have always been very respectful of your relationship with Don Fernando.
Mar: That is not true! (standing up) I know you cover up for his calls, his visitors, you take his lovers out of here so I won’t see them. I have accepted so I don’t have major problems with him. But for you to make up intrigues, I won’t permit that!
Let: Forgive me, Doña Marcia, but I have not made up anything.
Mar: You told Fernando that you discovered Alicia in your office because I had sent her to dig through your things?
Let: Doña Marcia, I did not make that up. I caught Sra Alicia digging through my stuff.
Mar: But I did not send her.
Let: But she was there and she told me you had sent her because you needed the names of the NY vendors.
Mar: Ah.
Let: I swear it to you, Doña Marcia! You can ask her!

(Marcia comes out and yells at Alicia to come in her office)
Ali: What is it, Marcia?
Mar: Don’t even sit down! Did you go in Leticia’s office to dig in there? Did you tell her that I sent you there to find information? Tell me the truth!
Ali: But Marcia! We had agreed that we needed to know who those vendors were!
Mar: But at no time did I order you to dig in Leticia’s office! At no time! I had already talked to her and she told me she did not know anything. What did you go there for?
Ali: But Marcia, since she always hides information!
Mar: Fernando just called me, transformed into a panther, I had a huge argument with him as I have not had in a long time! You can go, Leticia.
Let: Yes, ma’am. And forgive the misunderstanding.
Ali: Witch! Ay, the first thing I warned you about was the first thing you did! Are you happy with the scandal?
Let: But I didn’t do anything, Doña Alicia. Isn’t that right, Doña Marcia, that you called me in to clarify for you.
Ali: Aha, aha, yes, yes. But it is because you told Fernando and he of course had to call to…
Mar: Enough, Alicia. You have to pay for this stupidity.
Let: Can I go, Doña Marcia?
Mar: Yes, I already told you to, Leticia.

Mar: You know that she tells all to Fernando! If you know her ability to create traumas, how could you go in her office to dig in her stuff? You served yourself to her in a silver platter, Alicia! You jumped into the broiler! So don’t criticize her or blame her. She is that way.
Ali: Ay, Marcia, but you have to…
Mar: I don’t want to hear you! How did you dare say that I sent you to spy on her? Fernando feels like strangling me. I just insulted that woman to defend you. And now I want to know, what is your interest in the darn vendors! It is beginning to seem too strange to me, Alicia.
Ali: Marcia, I only wanted to help you! And…
Mar: I will ask you a favor. Don’t help me anymore. My life was going fine until I began to have your collaboration.


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