Monday, October 18, 2010

Dinero Monday 10/18/2010 Vixens, Vomit And Vainglory: A Rough Night At The Hacienda

After the fun fiesta of Friday, the party start getting rough. Vicky and Marian have come to blows over Rafa. The bozos working the hacienda are betting on Vicky as the winner. Rafa, trying to separate them, ends up flailing all by himself. And Daniel, sidling in sideways, as usual, opines that a dinky little car salesman is hardly worth fighting over. Marian begs to differ, still muttering that she'd like to give Vicky what she deserves.

And Ale? She's staring into the night, bemoaning the fact that everyday she seems further and further away from Rafa. But she loves him! Woe is she.

Well, enough of that drama. The cameraman distracts us by honing in on Ovidia's luscious bosom. Pepeto's doing the same, addressing most of his commentary directly to those 32 D's. Seems he'd like a kiss. Seems Ovidia is shy. But a quick study. After the first beso, she's all over our sexy sidekick. Rafa and Ale need to take notes. We've got a real first-class kissarama going on here.

So let's move on to another D cup...make that Double D. Claudia's hood ornaments nudge up against Marco, getting his immediate attention. She teases him about Daniel monopolizing Ale and swanning around like HE'S the hacienda owner. Marquito replies that if she keeps on making nice with him, he'll tell her a secret about the REAL owner that will make her like him even more. She's entranced and makes a sensuous booty exit that just about has him falling over. Man, these guys must have loved rehearsals, don't you think?

Well, Jaime, not so much. The only eyeful he's getting is of the dishes which he's preparing to clear from the table. Then it's off into the night, with only a "solo amigos" and no" besos" to take with him. What's worse, at the door he bumps into oily little Cesar who's come to take his Julietita to an" antro" (nightclub). And greets her with a kiss. Worse and worse.

Ditto for Vicky who's furious with Rafa for breaking their pact and cozying up to Marian. He persuades her to cool off in the pool and she flounces in, literally sizzling in the water.

More fussing and fighting at the bar with Ale and Marco. He's still trying to persuade her to stay with the marriage, for his sake and for Rosario and papa's sake. She's still insisting on a divorce. Stalemate.

While the young folks are feuding or lusting, or both, the older contingent is settled in on the couch while Jorge reminisces about the old hacienda days and people trying to con him into buying billy goats that were actually dogs.

But wait! New developments back at Leonor's house! Jaime makes an impassioned plea for dates with a higher purpose than a dingy nightclub. What about movies, museums, libraries, cultural events? Dios mio! anything but nightclubs. How prosaic. Well, it's moot since Julieta can't go out anyway. She has schoolwork to do. And Jaime's always been a big help. Would Cesar be interested in giving her the same kind of help? No way. Cesar is gone in a flash. Jaime's there to stay. And as they sit down at the table to study, Julieta gives him a big wink. Our Jaime's back in high cotton. Have no fear.

We're back at the barbecue and Dandy's forging ahead with his stupid plan to make Susana eat meat. The guys are egging him on. The gals seem to sense that this is a bad idea but don't intervene. Susana looks literally sick. Her nose is red, her cheeks pale, and when she finally forces a bite of meat into her mouth, she bursts into tears, retches and then faints. Don't know if it was my semi-vegetarian's imagination, but the meat looked literally putrid and the people eating it looked barbaric. There's a group swoon as Susana goes down, Ale knocks Dandy over and the rest fall like dominoes. Then they all dive into the food. All except for Dandy who looks paralytic and stricken. He knows he's queered things once again with his Nonicita.

When we come back from the ads, Susana has received some Carrot Therapy and is somewhat recovered. Rafa takes Ale aside to tell her he has sold off all the trucks and can now pay his debt to her. She says she loves him. He says he loves her. And off we go to another scene.

Beltran calls them all to attention and Doña Arcadia tells them there's good news and bad. The good news is that they're all going to go off to a convention. Much excitement. And then. Disaster! The lights dim. The Headless Spectre appears. Shrieks and moans. Ale jumps into Rafa's arms. Vicky shoves Ale aside and gloms onto Rafa. Ale bounces back and makes a Rafa/Vicky/Ale sandwich. Rosaura strangles Bebe. And Marco and Quintana merely look puzzled. Until they suddenly see the Ghost directly behind them. Dios mio!

And just like that, it's a brand-new day.

And we have Ale, in another horror of a bathrobe (Honestly, where do they get these things? Goodwill?) doing a product placement for some sort of hair goo. Great way to start the morning.

Moving on. Marco's on the phone to Chavez. At 7 AM mind you. He wants him to show up pronto at the apartment, with Señor Shrimp and Quintana, and explain to him what the hell is going on with the hacienda. This should be good.

Back to Ale's. She's having fruit with fiber for breakfast. And chatting about the ghostly appearance which Jorge appears to have forgotten. And furthermore, nothing like that ever happened during the 50 happy years he lived there. Didn't Mololongo take care of all this nonsense? Evidently not. But speaking of the party, why was Daniel paying so much attention to you Ale? And making Marco jealous.

Leaving that question unanswered, we switch to Rafa's house. He's filling Leonor and Julieta in on the ghostly excitement. But that's not the big news. The great noticio is that he's sold all the trucks and will no longer be in debt to either Vicky and her family or to Ale. It's back to a normal life. Lots of jumping and hugging and "Si se pudó!" (Yes he could, yes he could...!) And throw in some "Si, ira, ira, ira" and you've got one happy family.

Back to Marco and Chavez, who's brought some take-out breakfast food. He's horrified to learn from Marco that the Headless Ghost reappeared last night. It certainly wasn't his doing!

When we come back from the ads, the sales force is straggling into Auto Siglo, wondering if their pay will be docked for arriving late. Doña Arcadia's hovering over her spycam listening and wondering if they'll ever quit chatting and start selling. Uh-oh. Dandy the Zombie has arrived. "Meat is bad. It has cholesterol and it separates lovers," he intones. Nobody's very sympathetic. You and Susanita are like oil and water anyway. How about going after Milagros? Ramirez takes umbrage at that. "No se vale pedalear la bicicleta de un amigo." (No fair bird-dogging a friend's girl.) he mutters. Marino thinks that's just what folks should do, particularly since Ramirez is too old and tired to meet all her sexual needs. Okay, enough of that.

Doña Arcadia's amused by the discussion but Beltran arrives and she tears herself away to ask him how he felt about the Ghost last night. He blusters that the only thing that scares him is financial ruin. She reminds him she saw him running at top-speed from the Apparition. He changes the subject by suggesting that they add Milagros to the sales force heading to the convention. Wouldn't she look good representing us? A good dressing down for being a "viejo rabo verde" (dirty old man). We leave him looking glum and well chastised.

Susana, on the other hand, is looking marginally better, having dosed herself with all kinds of herbs and fiber that morning. (Is this a product placement for fiber? Both she and Ale have had a lot this AM.) Meanwhile, Rafa and Ale, under the guise of talking about the morning junta, are slipping in little "I missed you. I missed you too's". How sweet.

The junta begins. Dandy's still in zombie land. Ramirez starts up. He's shushed. Ale begins with goal-setting but everyone else wants to talk about the party and the Headless Spectre. Oh forget that, let's talk about Milagros. And the scene breaks with a little cartoon shot of Susana, head spinning 'round 365 degrees after the carne assault. Dios mio indeed.

And we return to Marco's apartment. Quintana and Shrimp have arrived, looking very shifty-eyed. Marcos' wants to know what's up. While does Daniel Cepeda think he owns the hacienda? More shifty looks.

Final scene. Doña Arcadia and Beltran are about to get back to work when he gets a phone call. And it's from Urdiales! Dios mio in triplicate! This must mean something. And there we end.

A fast mishmash of scenes, most of which I couldn't get. Rafa and Ale vow they'll face it together. And then...did I see right? someone seems to be holding a sword over Rafa's throat. The perfidious Daniel perhaps?

un galeno = physician (they called for one when Susana retched and then fainted)
compórtate = behave yourself! (Ovidai to Pepeto who was more interested in nibbling her flesh than barbecue)
no manches = no kidding
cotorrear = chatting (Doña Arcadia noting what chataholics her sales people are)
fuera de eso = aside from that (Jorge, musing that aside from that, {the ghost} the evening at the hacienda was quite pleasant)
no se vale pedalear la bicicleta de un amigo (not right to steal another guy's girl)
viejo rabo verde = dirty old man (Beltran)
"si se pudó" = yes, he could! yes, he was able to! (Rafa)
antro = nightclub, place for young people to hang out and dance

Dicho of the Day

Darle una sopa de su propio cholate a.......
To give someone what he's got coming to him.
Insert any name you want above. Daniel, Marino, Ramirez, Cesar....even Dandy. There are some "asuntos pendientes" to wrap up, and we've only got two weeks. Stay tuned.


El Clon, Mon., October 18 - Summary for Discussion

As we begin the last two weeks of the novela, Clara has finally told Rogelio about Fer. The rest is pretty much same old, same old.

Nati tells Andrea that now she only feels pain when she snorts cocaine. She can't get the big high she got the first times she did it. 'Sácame de este infierno,' Get me out of this hell, she begs Andrea. Andrea promises to be there for her.

Alí, Latifa and Zoraida toast (with tea) to their success in rescuing Mohamed from Abdul's marriage plans for him. Mohamed comes in and tells them that Rania has called a family council (concejo de familia).

Rania tells Amina that she couldn't take anymore of Jade acting like she is first wife. She says that she should have called a council much earlier.

Jadiya tells Jade that Rania ruined everything when she married Said.

Abdul reams Said out a new one for his marital errors with lots of camel analogies: 'Dejaste que el camello montara al beduino,' You let the camel ride the Bedouin; 'Si dejas que el camello meta la cabeza en la tienda, entrará y la ocupará toda,' If you let the camel put its head in the tent, it will go in and take over the whole place.

Luisa catches Albieri out in another lie. She tells Anita that her intuition tells her that he is with another woman.

Albieri is with Amalia, of course. He tells her that therapeutic cloning can save children who would otherwise die of genetic defects. He says that man has always wanted to control nature. Albieri tells her that he had always been afraid of the instability of life. He sought to partner with God to find a logic to face life [I think he's referring to having gone to seminary] but then he found out that God was his idea. God was the need he had to control nature. So he turned to genetics. Amalia asks if Albieri is an atheist. He replies that if he believes in God, 'pero sólo porque quiero ocupar el puesto de él,' it is only because I want to occupy His place.

Roberto quizzes Clara about what is going on with the woman who claimed to be his mother in law and left notes on his car.

Lucía has a lot of anxiety about the false mother in law as well. Rosario assures her that the secretary in Roberto's office must have misunderstood what the woman said.

Andrea tells Nati that many people have conquered drug addiction and that the most important thing is to want to do it. She offers to take Nati to see Alej but Nati is afraid that Alej will be with Diana. Then Nati says that she needs a line. Andrea reminds her of her desire to stop taking drugs but Nati says that she is nervous. Andrea replies that people are always going to be nervous, stressed, depressed but drugs aren't the answer. Nati doesn't want to hear that and leaves.

Clara asks Enrique if he thinks that she will be fired because of Fer's involvement in the attempted robbery at the Ferrer house. Enrique doesn't think so but he says that he will talk to Lucas.

Enrique tells Lucas that he hopes Lucas doesn't blame Clara for what Fer did. Lucas replies that that he doesn't think what happened is Clara's fault anymore than what Nati did is his fault. But, he is worried that Clara's access to confidential information in a safe might be a problem if Fer tricked her into opening it. He wants to give her another position at the same salary but with less risk, as his secretary.

Clara still doesn't tell Rogelio what happened. She says that she was with a friend whose son was arrested. Rogelio puts his wallet on the coffee table and then goes upstairs with Clara leaving it there. No points for guessing what will happen.

Upstairs, Rogelio tells Clara that he feels like a burden to her. She assures him that she won't stand him up again and asks his forgiveness.

Fer steals the money out of Rogelio's wallet.

The folks are gathered for the family council and the children are sent out with the Naz. Before Zamira leaves, Mohamed tells her that he left a present for her in room. He says that she just wants her to be happy.

The Naz tells the children and we see acted out the story of the Sleeping Beauty (La princesa durmiendo) with the Naz as the Beauty, of course. No spindles in her version. The princess pricks her finger on a needle (aguja). Instead of the three fairies who give gifts to the newborn princess, we have Abdul as a good genie [he looks a lot like Santa Claus here]. He says that she will be the most beautiful and rich woman in the country. Zoraida, Jade and Latifa play wicked witches who put the curse (maldición) on the baby Naz. Of course, Prince Pablo kisses her and they live happily ever after.

In the other room, Alí tells the assembled group that he and Abdul as the oldest family members will act as judges. They will hear both sides and render a fair decision. Said speaks first. He says that his house is a living hell. The women are always complaining about each other. He says that he has thought about buying another house where he can live in peace. Rania pipes up and says that it isn't her fault and Jade gets into the act and they demonstrate just what Said is complaining about.

Rania says that she is Said's wife and the Koran says that she is entitled to a house. Said's house can never be hers while Jade is there. Jade protests that she just wants to take care of her daughter. Alí pronounces that Said has to decide whether to throw Jade to the wind or marry her. Abdul agrees with that decision.

Alí tells Said that he doesn't have to decide right away. When Abdul says that he can give his answer the next day, Alí protests that Said needs more time - two months - to make the decision. When Rania objects, Alí asks what are two months compared to a lifetime. Said agrees. Alí takes Jade aside and tells her the obvious - if she wants to stay with Said, she has two months to win his love back but if she leaves, the doors of his house will be closed to her forever.

Rogelio and Clara are in a bar. He tells her that he doesn't want to talk about Malicia anymore. Clara wants to tell him what happened with Malicia and Escobar but Rogelio says that he already knows about that. He reaches for his wallet to pay and, uh oh, no money. When Rogelio decides that it was a messenger who stole his money and promises to fire him, Clara can't let an innocent person take the blame. She tells him about Fer's drug habit and that it was because of that she she didn't go to Paris with Rogelio and that it was Fer who was arrested the previous evening. When Rogelio asks why Clara didn't tell him, she says that she couldn't. She feels like a failure as a woman and a mother. Rogelio tells her not to say that.

A month has gone by. Leo and Cristina have returned from their honeymoon. Marisa tells Leo that Nati has been gone for 10 days and they expect bad news. She leaves Leo with Lucas to tell him what has happened while he was away. Lucas tells him about the robbery and that Nati planned it. Even though he withdrew the charges, Lucas says that an investigation is continuing and if Nati is convicted, she will go to jail. He also tells Leo about how Fer's involvement makes him want to put Clara in a position with less access to confidential information. Leo agrees with whatever Lucas wants to do.

Paula has been released from prison and finds Nati. She says that Gustavo, the incompetent thief, is angry with her and will come after her when he gets out of prison. Nati tells Paula that she is pregnant. She says that she has to stop taking drugs or she'll lose the baby and she doesn't want to do that. Paula has some good dope and offers some to Nati but she refuses. She wants to go talk to Alej. [Is Nati really preggers? If so, is this Alej's child? When did they have sex after she lost the first baby?]

sKank1, aka, Hilda, has apparently waited a month but she shows up at Roberto's office again and this time, she gets to see him. She tells him that she is Karla (with a K)'s mother and Karla is the mother of his child. Roberto asks who Karla is. Hilda tells him that she has an attorney who will protect her grandchild's rights. Karla doesn't want to hurt his marriage so she would be happy to reach a private agreement where Roberto gives them $10 grand a month. Roberto throws her out of the office. See you in court, says Hilda. Roberto asks poor Clara how she could think that that witch was his mother in law.

Nati, who looks like she did the drugs, tells Paula that she always wanted a baby. She says that when she has the baby, everything will change. She will live in a house with Alej and be happy.

Alej tells Diana that he thought Nati would change but he no longer thinks so. He says that he has a hole in his heart. Diana hugs Alej and tells him that he is a special person and that Nati will regret what she has lost. Of course, this is when Nati comes up behind them.

The credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #49-50 10/18/10 The Attorneys.

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 31: Less of Martha to love.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 49

1. Omar refers Lety to an attorney for the embargo. Sixth-sense Caro says Alicia doesn’t seem pregnant. Jazmín wants to dance in the event, but she’s a second-string model, not a dancer.

2. Omar gives Alicia a big check for the pregnancy. She claims her baby needs HIM, not his money, but she keeps the check.

3. The kids make a mess in Wardrobe. Juana’s neice tells Saimon he has a good heart but the woman he wants ignores him. She tells Lola to put five apples under her bed to get rid of bad energy.

4. 18:10-19:15 Caro wonders why Lety’s not in the production meeting since they need her data. Marcia invites Lety to stay. See the transcript. (requested fm Marta)

5. Marta returns, post-lipo. Lopez even flirts with her.

6. Lety leaves to meet the attorney. Fernando warns her to make sure Conceptos stays in her hands (why does he say that?). Fern asks Omar if this attorney is reputable, not like the Panama contacts. Otherwise they could have even worse problems. Omar tells him not to worry; “It’ll be like a blessing from heaven.”

7. Fatima greets Fernando way too affectionately and Marcia puts her on the blacklist. Irmita counsels Lola to fix her attitude.

8. The Happy Hour Attorneys (abbreviated HaHA’s), Sanchez and Rosales, agree that they haven’t had a case in ages. Lety tells them she doesn’t want to keep Conceptos and she doesn’t want to sell it off. The embargo will be a precaution so the company will stay intact until they pay their debt.

Capitulo 50

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 32: Lien on Conceptos when feeling loanly.” Then come back here to discuss it..

1. Marcia asks whether there are problems with the bank, and Fernando says they’re just a little short on cash because of the launch expenses. She gives her universal solution, “Follow me to the bedroom,” but he wipes away her kiss. Her solution doesn’t work – he still can’t sleep.

2. Lety tells the HaHAs to file the demand tomorrow morning. They want a payment advance so they can pay the bar tab. Lety reminds Tom that Conceptos will not be in their possession, only liened.

3. Saimon tells Jazmín he’ll get Luigi to let her dance.

4. The cuartel sees Alicia at the gym. Paula suspects she’s not pregnant because she’s exercising. Sara wants to tell Omar. Juana says they need proof. Marta discovers that Alicia did not get a blood test when she was hired. Later Lopez tells Ali she needs one. She’s afraid of needles.

5. The lien was published in the public record, so the banks start calling. The HaHAs have registered the demand. Sanchez tells Tomás that an agent will inventory Conceptos as part of the Demand. Ariel’s secretary reminds him that the Public Record site was updated, but Ariel’s too worried about paternity too check the site.

6. Tom brings the demand and tells Lety about the looming inventory. She panics that someone will discover the embargo. Tom tells her that with the demand, she can end up in the president’s chair, ordering Fernando around.

7. Seeing Marcia fills Fernando with guilt for what he’s done with her inheritance. He even ducks her air kiss. Omar tells him to buck up; what he needs most in this crisis is to be strong. Omar fears Tom knows about the embargo. He warns Fern to be nicer to Lety since she now owns Conceptos.

8. 46:25-47:45 Fernando goes to Lety’s office. He worries about carrying so much responsibility in this crisis. See transcript. Lety assures him that his company is in good hands. He leans in to kiss her.

Tune in tomorrow, for some very funny little scenes.
Good news! We get new exit music!
I’m going to try to include a “Tune in tomorrow” section when I can. I’ll be careful about spoilers. What if I say things like, “Somebody is in for a big shock tomorrow,” or, “Important plot twist tomorrow”? Is that too much of a spoiler? Fea virgins, please give me your HONEST opinion. (Those were just examples. They do not refer to Tuesday’s shows.)

Spanish Lesson

Cap 49. In the production meeting. I have asked Marta to write this up. She will probably post it Tuesday morning.

Cap 50. Lety’s office. Your company is in good hands.

F: Lety, store these papers carefully. Take them home and put them in a secure place. Nobody can see them, understand? My life is in those papers. Lety, you can understand, perhaps better than anyone, that this is the most important decision I’ve made in my life. It doesn’t just affect me, but also the lives of others. What’s at stake is not just my future, but that of many people. My family, the Villareals, the employees, my employees. I’m sure you understand that it’s not easy for me, obviously.
L: I know that it’s very delicate and I understand the magnitude of the problem.
F: I ask you to understand me. I’m going to be very alterado (upset / changed). We can expect very difficult days ahead, maybe even months. Everything is at stake here. They gave me a company. And look what happened in just a few months. I’m losing, Lety. … You’re going to be late. We need to go.
L: Don Fernando.. I know you gave me your company. The company of your family. But I want to say something. Your company is in good hands.
F: I know that, Lety.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Llena de Amor #48 Fri 10/15/10

Spiderus kicks Nereida out of his room. Dude, what’s wrong with you? She’s hot and you’re in bed, and YOU are telling HER to leave. Sheesh.

Ilitia is wearing a tight dress that look great on her, rudely telling her mother (I’m going to call her that even if she isn’t her ‘real’ mother) that she doesn’t need any company, she’s going out to get her wedding set up.

Low is thanking someone named Gaston for ‘influencing’ the cops in some manner. Jackie’s boobs, then a couple seconds later the rest of Jackie, come into the office. They flirt a little bit, she claims to still not be interested in him, and he throws her down on the desk and chokes her. As Ron Burgundy once said, wow that escalated REALLY quickly! My captions are a mess so I think what happened is he told her not to play games with him. He lets her breath, she asks if he’s going to hit her. He says no, he’s a gentleman, but he knows people that he can hire for that sort of thing. She runs out in fear.

Brandon tells Oliver he’s tired of running after Mari, she went back to her family, so whatever. The boss comes in with some letter and says that the letter means that if Brandon makes one wrong step he’s out of here. Cripes the captions are a mess, anyone else having trouble? It seems like they have a live captioner tonight, everything is 30 seconds behind. That drives me crazy.

Jackie runs to Begona and tells her what happened with Low. Jackie says the baby is better off without Low. She also says she won’t let Eman marry Ilitia.

Delicia and Paula think that Bernardo’s illness is being blown out of proportion, now they have to take him his meal. Delicia also thinks this whole thieves thing is strange. Nereida crashes in and grabs the meal and stomps back out with it, giving no answer to the others about what her problem is. The other two gossip about how weird she is after she leaves.

Maximo is in bed, Emil and Eman are asking him about the thieves. Tio says they weren’t thieves, they were here to kill him. Emil says he’s being dramatic, always playing war. Eman says, dad, what if he’s right?

The Comisario tells Brandon all the things he has messed up lately, Brandon tries to explain it all away. Comisario says whatever, the last straw is that this morning there are new charges against him, by Ilitia, for sexual assault.

Emil tells Mari that she can come back to the house any time she wants, she doesn’t have to work, he’ll give her money. She says she wants to work to help Netty, who had to hock one of her necklaces to buy Mari clothes. Emil says um, uh, do you know where Netty hocked the necklace? We all know what he plans to do. “oh Emil, my hero!” with hand waving and eyelash fluttering.

Hottie Doris gets off the phone and tells Netty that it was the university, they want Mari to come see them right now. Do schools actually do that? Netty calls the Mala Mansion and luckily Mari answers the phone. Netty tells her to get over to the school. Mari says she might not go there, it’s so expensive, but maybe she can ask Emil. Netty freaks and says no way, and she shouldn’t worry about the cost, Netty will get that figured out today. She hangs up and says she’s heading to the bank.

Spiderus looks at his bloody leg bandage and curses Nereida, he hopes she didn’t see anything. Eman comes in without knocking and Spiderus quickly covers up. Eman asks how two thieves could get into the house, two shots be fired, and Spiderus doesn’t know anything about it. Spiderus says he’s sick, why is Eman bothering him, etc. This goes back and forth until Eman notices that there is blood on the sheet covering Spiderus’s legs. He says “you’re bleeding!” Spiderus has the commercial break to figure out an excuse.

Netty has all her papers to go mortgage the pension to pay for Mari’s school. She isn’t worried about the high interest and doesn’t want Mari to be dependent on los Ruiz y de Teresa for her school money.

Eman quickly puts together that Spiderus had to have been one of the thieves, Benigno shot one of them, the guards said nobody came in or left the house, etc etc. Spiderus says he wasn’t in the house last night, then spends a full minute saying “I’m going to explain it to you” while Eman says “ok out with it already.” Spiderus says he knows where right now they can find Axel.

Gretel came with Mari to the university. Mari says she can’t let Emil pay for school. I say why not, if someone offers you something like that, you take it. Especially where school is involved. Gretel says then why did you come? Mari says because they told her to come, something about her exam yesterday for sure. Gretel says good luck, she’ll wait for her. Mari leaves, Oliver shows up. Gretel is very glad to see him. Oliver is excited because he aced his exam and thinks he might get a scholarship. She wonders if that’s why they called Mari, did she get a scholarship too?

Emil badgers the Comisario into investigating the ‘break in’ at his house himself. Brandon overhears the Comisario on the phone and says he can’t go alone, he (Brandon) will go with him! He confesses that he wants to go.

Spiderus says that since Emil kicked out Axel, Spiderus has had him followed for his safety. Then he whines that his service and loyalty to the family doesn’t begin and end with Fedra, he has been there for years whine whine. Finally Eman says shut up and tell me where Axel is. Spiderus says that the last word he got was that Axel got beat up bad in a bar fight and he’s fighting for his life in a hospital. Surely he meant ‘the’ hospital, as we know there is only one in novelaland.

Muneca sits and cries, Begona asks what’s wrong, Low came home didn’t he? Muneca says yes, but for Ilitia, not for her. They aren’t even sleeping together. Begona says it will all work out. Sure it will. Muneca says no, she feels cursed, Ilitia is mad at her now too. She tells Begona that Ilitia isn’t her daughter.

Kristel can’t believe the news about Ilitia being adopted. Ilitia says she can’t belive it, her mother must have been a drug addict, or a criminal, or.. Kristel says “or a servant!” Ilitia says no no no that would be even worse! Well we got our answer there, right? So I’m sure Ilitia’s real mother is of a low social class, just to teach Ilitia a lesson. Ilitia swears Kristel to secrecy. Orangey will surely know by the end of this episode. Ilitia is worried that now Eman won’t marry her. Kristel says they need to go shopping. As soon as she stands up, Kristel’s eyes roll and she falls back on the couch.

Mari got the highest score on the exam. Oliver is happy for her, but figures that means she got the scholarship. Mari says no, they are giving it to Oliver! He gives Gretel a big kiss and runs inside. Mari tells Gretel that they give the scholarship to someone who needs it, not just the best score, and she also asked them to give it to Oliver. She asks Gretel to help her keep that secret. I think the best way to keep that a secret would be to not tell anyone, but what do I know.

Enan says how can Spiderus be supporting the family when they all marched off to the morgue and Spiderus knew where Axel was the whole time. Spiderus says he thought it could have been Axel too, after the beating he took. Spidrus spins a tale of him tracking down the guys who beat up Axel and getting hurt while giving them a thrashing, and oh man he feels so bad that all that crap with the thieves happened when he wasn’t there! He really gets into his story and Eman seems to be buying it. He plays up what a victim he is, with Eman coming in and yelling at him. Eman says what he says better be true. Spiderus swears that it is, Axel is in the hospital right now. He gets on his cell phone to call some dude named Flores to find out what hospital Axel is in. He instructs Flores to call the house phone when he knows which hospital.

Kristel says she feels better now, it’s all goo. Ilitia wants to get help, Kristel says no no no don’t tell my mother! Of course Fedra hears this and says don’t tell me what? Let the speculation begin – I say that Kristel is pregnant.

Netty comes home and has a check to pay for Mari’s school. The lawyer shows up then too to talk to Netty. Lawyer says it’s possible that Mari can recover everything – it seems that Fedra bought the judge who ruled in her favor. I wonder how he found that out?

Ilitia covers for Kristel, saying that she’s on a super strict diet and it’s leaving her feeling faint. Kristel says they have so much to do for the wedding, let’s go. Fedra says WEDDING? Yes, wedding, happy hugs all around. Fedra says this wedding has to be the best, she always wanted Eman to marry a princess like her, not some nobody that nobody knows where they came from, right? Ilitia looks uncomfortable. Fedra tells Kristel that if she passes out again she is going to call the doctor. I feel better and better about my pregnancy prediction.

Muneca tells her story to Begona, she couldn’t get pregnant, Begona right away says “don’t tell me that Low had her with another woman?” How in the world would someone guess that? Adopting your husband’s love child probably happens, I’d say, about never. Muneca’s lawyer guy shows up, he tells her that she can relax, they got an injunction that will postpone for a while anyone closing down the orphanage.

Low is getting the same news, to him it’s NOT good news. He tells Salamanca on the phone to do whatever he needs to do.

Netty is ready to run to the cops and get Mari her money back. Lawyer says it’s not quite that easy, there is a secretary who heard the whole agreement go down but she is nervous about coming forward. Lawyer says he is going to get Fedra’s documents reviewed again, by a new judge.

The Comisario and Brandon show up to investigate. Emil and Fedra can’t believe it’s Brandon AGAIN.

Netty and Lawyer say goodbye. Mari comes in with Gretel and Oliver. They deliver the news about Oliver’s scholarship. Everyone is happy. Mari tells Netty that she asked them to give the scholarship to Oliver (I thought it was a big secret? Maybe just a secret from Oliver) and says she can always go to school later. I think anyone ‘taking a year off’ or whatever from college is a huge mistake. You have to get that stuff done when you have the chance. Once you earn a degree (or pass the CPA exam cough cough) that is yours FOREVER. Anyway, Netty (after giving Mari a “you did WHAT?” look) recovers and says that no, Mari won’t wait, she has it all taken care of. Everyone is happy.

Fedra tries to say that Maximo made the whole thing up, Eman says let the cops do their jobs and we’ll know the truth. Eman asks Fedra what her deal is, she acts like she doesn’t want to find out about what happened! She claims that she just doesn’t like these specific cops. She runs off to ‘supervise’ the cops. Eman answers the phone and says ‘I was waiting for your call’ and says he’ll be right there. He rushes out.

Fedra crashes into Spiderus’s room, the cop supervision was just an excuse for Eman. She tells him the cops are here and they bang around the room trying to find the things they need to hide. Spiderus has a SMALL room, my college dorm room was bigger than this.

Gretel is so worried about Axel. Oliver says don’t worry, he will never stop looking for his brother in law until he finds him. “Brother in law?” Gretel says, “are you crazy?” He says yes, crazy for her. He kisses her and she says stop, someone might see. He says so what, let them see. Gretel says understand, she’s confused and scared. He says he is scared all the time on the job, he uses that fear to be more brave. She says ‘this’ isn’t ok. He says what isn’t ok? That he loves her? What?

Maximo tells the cops what happened, that someone came to kill him. Emil rolls his eyes and says jeez, give it a rest. Brandon says what happened her was the same M.O. as when someone broke into Netty’s place. Emil says they are jumping to conclusions. Wouldn’t any real cops not have other people around when they were asking questions? Emil tries to tell the Comisario that Maximo is a little out there. The Comisario says thanks, but we’ll go wherever the evidence leads us. Brandon says he needs to talk to Spiderus about this.

Spiderus tries to get dressed, Fedra tries to help. She gathers up all of his bloody sheets and they leave the room.

Eman is at some crappy looking hospital (this show actually has two hospitals! They are breaking new ground in the novela genre!) trying to find his brother. The nurse says they have no Axel Ruiz y de Teresa! Another nurse overhears and says that there is a guy in intensive care that had no ID, maybe that’s who he is looking for. She takes Eman right back to see him.

Brandon busts into Spiderus’s room, the room is empty. Delicia is with him, she says how strange! Nereida went on and on about him being laid up and sick, couldn’t get out of bed! Brandon digs through the dresser, looking all over the room. He lifts up the mattress and says “look what I just found!” He does a better job searching this room than the last time he was here. No we don’t see yet what he found under the mattress.

Mari tells the Comisario that the guy pointed a gun at her but didn’t say anything. Carlota says how strange, these types usually yell an threaten to be intimidating. The Comisario says probably the dude didn’t say anything for fear of being recognized. It could be someone close to the family. Fedra jumps in and says how crazy that is, and starts whining about how the cops are coming in here and bothering poor Spiderus, waaaa I’m such a victim. Brandon walks in and says look what I found here, these gloves hidden in Spiderus’s room! He has a pair of gloves in a plastic bag. I’m not sure if the Ziploc gallon size is the Mexican version of an evidence bag, or if Spiderus kept them stored that way. Fedra looks apprehensive.

It is Axel in the ICU. Eman tearfully talks to him but Axel is out cold.

Fedra says gloves, so what. Mari says thank you to Brandon for his help. He says he is just doing his job, but as a friend he advises her to move out of this house. The cops leave. Fedra runs to Emil and says see? They are always picking on Spiderus! Waaa. She goes off to get a drink. Gretel says they should let the cops do their jobs. She must have just gotten home. Carlota says it’s one tragedy after another in this house. She has no idea! Fedra says fortunately she has some good news. Eman and Ilitia are getting married in one month! Mari doesn’t look like this is good news.

Kristel says that Mari’s fat is going to freeze when she hears about the wedding. Kristel gets some food from the maid and starts chowing down like mad. Even the maid notices. Kristel suddenly throws up in a napkin. The maid says “ah, pregnant.” Ilitia says WHAT? Kristel fans herself and looks guilty.

Mari can’t believe the news. Fedra says what’s the problem? Mari just looks upset. Emil wants to know when they decided this! And why wasn’t he consulted! Gretel says it isn’t good news, the wedding is a mistake. Emil says Gretel you’re wrong, Eman should marry the woman he loves. Mari starts saying “no no no they can’t get married, no!” Fedra laughs at her.

Eman cries over Axel some more. He promises to take care of him when he gets out of the hospital. A doctor comes in and says that Axel was dumped at the hospital awake, but he was so injured he slipped into a coma and there is no way to know when he’ll come out of it. I’m warning everyone now – I have a strict ‘no amnesia’ policy. If Axel wakes up and has amnesia, you’ll need a new Friday recapper.

Kristel tells the maid to shut up. She’s not pregnant! The maid says she’s showing all the signs! We viewers know all the signs too. The maid says she hopes she was mistaken, sorry. Kristel gets out her calendar and flips quite a few pages looking for her last period. Oops she’s two weeks late! There was some talk about missing pills or something too.

Monday: Not much new, Kristel freaks out about being pregnant, Gretel cries about Axel. Eman holds Mari’s hand to tell her he’s getting married or something and Ilitia sees them.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hasta Que el Dinero Nos Separe Fri. 10/15/10 There's Something Different About Milagros

Last night the gracious and lovely Pata took us to a fiesta at the hacienda and along with Jorge, was taking us on a tour of the premises. As time expired, we were left standing along with Jorge, Rosario, Alejandra, Daniel, and Quintana as Jorge tried the door to the bedroom he shared for so many years with his beloved Chelita. Tonight I'll take over as your host, guide, and interpreter as we rejoin the fiesta precisely where Pata left us. Thanks Pata.

Jorge may be losing his memory, but he has clear memories of this particular room. How odd... the door will not open. It appears to be locked from within... Hmmm. Leaving the other guests for a moment, we are transported behind the locked door and discover three holdovers from last night's festivities. In the nuptial nest once shared by Jorge and his bride so many years ago we are shocked (OK, maybe not so much) to discover an old buzzard flanked by two lovely canaries. Yep, it's none other than the wily Chávez and a couple of tasty bonbons sleeping off a night of debauchery. They are startled, while outside Daniel has a sense of the situation and suddenly remembers that he offered a relative visiting from far away (who by the way is also a blue blood much like Daniel himself) accommodations here at the hacienda. Yeah, that's the ticket, a relative. He politely ushers them away.

Inside, our favorite buzzard feels a sense of urgency... the canaries not so much. They need their beauty sleep and I must say, it seems to be working. Now, just how are they going to gracefully exit?

Trusting Chávez to come up with an escape plan, we rejoin the invited guests poolside just as Rafa arrives with a stunning Vicki clinging like a pretty barnacle to his arm. Red is definitely her color. Ale is clearly worried as she and Daniel pause their engrossing conversation long enough for Ale to fret as Daniel admires. Daniel and Rafa exchange pleasantries before sparing a bit as both Rafa and Ale caution our blue blood of Rafa's violent tendencies.

Moving on to greet some of the other prominent guests including Rosario and Jorge, Vicki manages to capture Doña Arcadia's attention by screeching in her best avian voice, "Mi Pajarito es lo máximo (My little bird is the most.)," prompting the regal one to respond in her pained imitation of Vicki's bird call, "¡Ay, esa vocita!" There is no word from the dogs about the effect this exchange has on their tender ears.

Señor Beltrán motions Rafa over and noting that he now has seen Rafa in the company of several beautiful women, first Ale, then Marian, and now Vicki, asks him if he shares Marino's trait of wanting many women and many children. "No, no, how could you even think that?"

Meanwhile, spotting the beautiful pool, Vicki asks Rafa if he wouldn't like to go for a swim. "No, but you go ahead." Sensing that her children are at risk, Doña Arcadia instructs Chalo to escort the dogs home lest they contract corrucos (not sure what this is but can't be good for doggies) or some other exotic disease, "and brush their teeth, eh?" Jorge wants to know if Vicki is Señor Medina's novia, prompting a peevish Marco to ask how it is that Jorge can remember Rafa's name but not his. "I don't know, Marcario...ah no, Maclovio, perdón, it's Maclovio."

Fortunately, Daniel interrupts this happy exchange by announcing the chef for the evening, none other than the famous TV chef, Chef Oropeza. Trapito is especially impressed and rushes to shake his hand even as Rafa tries to restrain his enthusiasm. Daniel escorts him to the preparation table and there is applause as he announces the mouth watering menu, carnitas, American steak cuts, grilled fruits and vegetables, guacamole... the general banters with him and then pitches in to chop some onions. Everyone seems thrilled and pitches in. Now I'm hungry again.

Meitras tanto, as Chef and the others head for the grill, Marco takes the opportunity to grill Señor Shrimp about why Daniel thinks that he owns the hacienda. He nervously says that it's not important. What matters is that Ale and her family are not aware that Marco is now the owner and that Jorge is kept happy. Marco buys it.

Chef Oropeza gives last minute grilling instructions to the rest of the guests. Claudia especially pays close attention.

Aw heck! Chef has to leave. He's got a show at 11:30. "Gotta go. Been fun. Adiós."

Arriving fashionably tardy are Marian and Muskrat. They look great. Daniel greets them. He may be a jerk and a cad but he certainly makes a good host and throws one heck of a party. He points out the various guests. Marian is interested in seeing who Rafa is with. As others head out to swim and soak, Trapito snacks and Vicki emerges from the changing room and confidently saunters by in her scanty bikini and dangerously high heels. Marco drools and mutters to himself as Marian seems disappointed to see that he has brought Vicki. Her eyes widen as Monserat points out the obvious, "Vicki is very pretty." Marian weakly agrees.

Vicki is anxious to know what Rafa thinks, after all, she has dressed (er... uh... undressed?) for his benefit. We catch a glimpse of a gawking, gaping Marco whose lascivious, lusty leer suggests that he approves. Rafa tells her that he's touched, she looks fine but removes his jacket in a feeble attempt to shield this fineness from the gathered guests' gazes. While Marian wrestles with the urge to approach Rafa, Daniel, the ever attentive host offers her a tour of the hacienda.

Back in the master bedroom, Chávez has come up a plan. He has decked himself out in his Iraqi disguise as an Arab sheik and his consorts are skimpily clad as harem dancing girls. The three are very convincing. He hopes no one recognizes them, otherwise, "All Hell will break out(se va a armar la que Dios es Padre)" as Loret de Mola would say. He tells them to practice their dance and when they do, "Don't move your butts so much or you'll wake up my little boy." Cute.

Well look whose arrived even more fashionably tardy than the M&Ms... it's Germán and Milagros who looks as though she's disguised herself as Audrey Hepburn. That's my guess. Rafa asks Ramírez whom he's brought

as Daniel joins them. Daniel correctly guesses that Ramírez is also an auto salesman and Rafa points to the pool where the rest of the sales force is frolicking. They've also spotted Milagros and all insist that she join them in the pool.

On her way to change, she brushes past Ali Babba and the harem girls and they in turn encounter a suspicious Marcos who asks Chávez, Is that you?" "No no no! It's not me, I'm someone else." These guys crack me up.

They are joined by a curious George and Rosario, who thinks he looks familiar. She thinks he looks like that rat bastard Chávez. Marco hastens to point out that the man has a very common face. Daniel to the rescue, introducing the stranger as his Arab relative, Alibabuchas (hey, I was close) who is a guest at the hacienda.
Rosario just happens to know a little Arabic but before having a chance to try it out, he is spirited away by Daniel who has pressing business to discuss.

In the pool Pepeto is trying to reignite a relationship with Rosauro and not only is rebuffed by her but is upbraided by the General for trying to interfere with Rosaura's rejuvenated marriage. undaunted, his attention turns to Ovi who has arrived with her associates and is looking delectable. This in turn seems to annoy Rosaura. Does anyone really care? Thought not... next!

At home, Leonor and Julieta are sharing a meal with the improved Jaime. Julieta, for whom this transformation was wrought, doesn't care for the new look,

but she does forgive him. He's ecstatic until she announces that she has no intention of getting back together with him. He wilts as the old neurotic Jaime puts in an appearance.

Old Jaime blubbers and babbles to no avail as Julieta delivers the coup de grace... "We'll be friends." Shattered hopes and dreams clatter to the floor as a Pedro Infante movie drones on in the background. Leonor feels his pain.

At Party Central, Daniel wants to know what the heck Chávez is up to, "Why the disguise with the beard of camel axillary hair?" (He said it... I report it ) With growing suspicion, Marco joins them. How does Chavéz and Daniel know each other?

Not far away, Pepeta moves in on Ovi who is guarded by Bugi and Amador. He flirts, suggesting that she put on her swimsuit and join him in the pool. Bugi suggests the swimsuit is more like a few threads. As she goes to change, Pepeto's ego is boosted. He gloats to himself of his continued charming effect on the ladies, after all, "Pepeto es Pepeto."

Marco wants an explanation. Chávez relates how he came back for his Iraqi togs, couldn't resist a few drinks with his amigas, fell asleep and when they awoke the place was filled with people. Now they're just trying to leave gracefully. Daniel says he doesn't know Chavéz and tries to hurry him on his way. Marco tell him to take his odalisques with him though Danny thinks the ladies should stay. They follow their shady sheik after planting kisses on Marco and Daniel.

The boys from the dealership are teasing Ramírez about Milagros. He tells them that she's spent the week preparing for the fiesta, even going to the dentist, and implores them not to poke fun at her. Here comes Milagros now. She's still wearing that big hat, the dark shades, and is wrapped in a floor length black cape. Very mysterious. As she makes a move to disrobe, Ramírez tries valiantly to dissuade her... but nopis, she unties and drops the cape.


I'm in awe. Stunned. Overwhelmed. And so are all the men at the party. Who are you and what have you done with Milagros? Time stands still. The men gasp and cheer. Shaken, the other women wonder and realize at the same instant what she has that they don't that can cause such a stir. The men chant, "Turn around! Turn around!"

She does.


She removes the hat and shakes free her tresses. Is this a Pantene commercial?

Germán approves. Murmuring amongst the guests ensues. Ovidia, Amador, and Bugambilia stand back and admire their work. It's amazing what a simple change of hairstyle and a little dental work can accomplish.

Germán suggests they get in the pool to avoid the gawkers. What? And get that lovely hair wet? She agrees but notifies him that she wants him to stay with her, "Toda la noche." "Of course!" Jiménez, caught up in the moment, "¿Toda la noche?", wants some of that action (just to watch) but is rebuffed by our thoroughly modern Millie.

Marian is strolling with Rafa away from the crowd. She pleads with him to stop these games he's playing. It's not fair to Vicki, Ale, nor her. He doesn't love Vicki and he's not going to get Ale who is married and besides there's Daniel. She gestures toward Ale and Danny, deep in conversation across the lawn, who appear totally engrossed in each other. He thinks then responds, "You know... you're right... she's not for me."

Across the yard, Daniel appears to be making progress. Ale is laughing at his tale of the camel he bought. He observes how lovely she is when she laughs.

He certainly doesn't have to lie about that.

By the pool, reclining on a chaise lounge, Millie is basking in her new found attraction for men. She is surrounded by adoring fellows (Trapito is literally worshiping her feet) who are like bees tending to a fragrant flower, like vultures surrounding a rotting armadillo, like dogs vying over a bitch in season, well, you get the picture, and so does she. They are intrigued by her tales of her cookie sales. They have decided that Ramírez, who is returning with their drinks, is unworthy. Marino reminds him that his mom chose her for him, she did not chose him herself. Millie has doubts. Shrimp man and Quintana is teaching her to snap her fingers,

something that will no doubt come in handy for her in her bright new future. Are we witnessing the creation of a monster?

At the de la Parra home Janet and Pancho are clearly in mating mode. She is feeding him with her fingers as Daddy Gastón and Felipe look on.

Felipe seems to be envious, but no, he announces that he also has a novia. "Who is it?" Don Gastón wants to know. Well, it's Silvia. Remember the slightly rough looking sturdy blond in the meat market? Her. Dad looks worried. His little boy have discovered girls and things will never be the same.

Back at the pool, Her Highness has had enough. She moves in to shoo the vultures from the tasty roadkill. She has especially harsh words for Beltrán, "She's young enough to be your granddaughter."

Rosario chastises Jorge, then visits her ire on Quintana. Doña Arcadia warns Germán to behave himself and take her straight home and then advises Milagros to be careful how she displays her wares. When she leaves, Beltrán circles back, "Ah chiquita, so you were going to be a nun?" "Sí, Señor." Then he reminds her of the important thing in life... "Money, money, money," snapping his fingers. She joins in the finger snapping. I think she gets the message.

Marco has a word with Vicki, "Vicki! Vicki, you're very lovely." "Thanks." She observes that he seems angry. He asks if she's keeping her part of the bargain by keeping Rafael close. She assures him that she is. "Then where is he right now?" "Pajarito. Pajarito? ¡PAJARITO!"

As the salesmen file by, "Move along, move along!"to admire Milagros, she and Germán talk. He gazes. "Don't look at me like that." "You're so beautiful." She asks Germán if it no longer bothers him to be seen with her." "What do you think?" "The sad thing is, I don't know if I still want to be seen with you." She walks. He cries.

Saying that she is not the best one to give him advice, Marian offers Rafael some advice, "Take time away from all three of us." Well he can't. He made a promise to Vicki. "But you don't love Vicki." She encourages him to think, meditate. She says that even though it's not in her interest, she is telling him this because she loves him. "Te amo!" They each move in for a kiss that never happens because... "¡PAJARO!" Busted!

Vicki is not happy at all. Rafael tries to mollify her. No good. Words are said. "You were going to kiss her!" Denial is futile. More words. Marian offers up her thoughts. There's angry shouting. "!BRUJA!" The ranch hands, sensing a cat fight, move in to get a look. Rafael is useless as a mediator.

I think the party may be winding down.

Dr. Judy... Next!



For those who missed the show:



And the renovators:

The dentist:



La Verdad Oculta #24: The Judas Kiss; aka The Roberto Handshake

As quickly as it started, the kiss abruptly ends, leaving Elsa suddenly bereft and perplexed, listening to Juan José's stammering apologies for his perceived effrontery. It won't happen again, he promises, to Elsa's crushing disappointment.

Leonardo is finally shown in his actual office at the AFI (FBI) headquarters, where Ramón brings him news of the diamond theft in Los Angeles -- and of the jail break. Ramón suggests a fatigued-looking Leonardo could retire to his ranch; why not -- Leonardo is wealthy, and he could make Ramón his foreman, Ramón points out.

Leonardo remains silent and proceeds to the smuggling-truck topic, where Ramón reports the witnesses fingered the one-eyed man again. At the condo, an irritated Adolfo makes plans for Félix to escape to the beach house for a while to avoid compromising Adolfo.

At the club, Julieta tries to convince Gabriela to accept Carlos; but Gabriela's interested in neither him nor David: they have too much money and can't be serious minded. Meanwhile, David sits impatiently in a Manzanillo disco with whining Bertha, wishing he were working, as he originally intended.

Carlos tries to make time with Gabriela at work, but Yolanda interrupts with a visit. In fact, though, Carlos becomes a little misty when Yolanda reveals she loves him -- as if -- he were her real son. So he asks Yolanda the favor of setting up a meeting at her place between Gabriela and him. He's more and more fascinated by her.

At Santiago's, unhappily mulling over the blue clubs ring, he flashes back to his 1980's vapid good-time girl, Márta, who didn't quite understand her family obligations in favor of free love. The doorbell rings, shattering the reverie; and it's Leonardo, who announces his serious intentions toward Gabriela.

At Juan José's, Elsa is teaching Caramelo to read when suddenly there's a huge crash from the kitchen pit and clouds of black dirt. Juan José shouts that there's a cavern opened up down there. And even more shockingly, in a moment through the hole deep below appears a woman in a lighted hard hat.

Alejandra's hat spotlights Juan José's amazed face -- and their instant mutual intrigue. They're both suspicious and defensive at the same time. Alejandra claims to be contracted to the city and conspiratorially confides that if he's looking for well water, she won't turn him in. As she leaves, a grin spreads across her face; while Juan José remains pole axed.

Adolfo takes Félix to the club office for some traveling cash, but there's a problem: Leonardo shows up, and Yolanda and Félix try to get out of his way. Adolfo miffs clueless Carlos, throwing him out of the office so Félix can hide out.

When Adolfo learns Leonardo came to pick up the girls, he dismisses them early to get rid of Leonardo. But before he exits, Leonardo stuns Adolfo, asking whether he's heard of Santiago Guzman. Adolfo nervously remains silent.

Later at the condo, Adolfo worriedly admits, to Yolanda's despair, that Leonardo must be probing into his past. If he finds Santiago and reopens the case, Santiago might seek out Mario in his own defense -- and learn Adolfo's been blackmailing him.

At Elsa's, Juan José adds insult to injury by explaining away the kiss as excitement of the moment, discovering Gregorio's treasure well. But they get happier thinking about all the gold; and with the help of her calculator, Elsa thrills herself and Juan José figuring the likely amount at more than $15 million dollars!

Back at Adolfo's, when Yolanda points out Leonardo visits the girls at home, Adolfo realizes then it must be that Leonardo found out about the diamond shoes! When he blames Carlos, Yolanda insists it was Adolfo's fault for involving innocent people.

Just then Carlos enters, furious that Adolfo went over his head and dismissed the waitresses early. That's his job! They got busy and couldn't cover it. Adolfo blows him off and exits, and Yolanda further disappoints by refusing to help Carlos meet with Gabriela. She's a good girl and not for him.

At Gabriela's, Julieta is just hoping Leonardo picks them up every night so they can get off early all the time, when groggy Santiago emerges in pajamas and figures Adolfo knows Leonardo's a cop.

He becomes very heated to hear Gabriela had dinner with Carlos without asking permission first. She reveals sadly that David's not as sincere as she thought, and her dad insists neither one of them is right for her.

When Elsa visits the architect studio to collect a payment, Mina learns from her without letting on that Roberto lied about the house sale to Alejandra and in addition took Carlos in with him as a buying partner. Mina's curious whether Juan José could use some renovation work, but Elsa demurs and claims not to know.

David, Bertha and Roberto arrive home from Manzanillo; and when suffering Mario makes a brave show and emerges to greet them, Roberto shakes his hand -- privately thinking darkly how it's just too bad he's going to have to kill the poor guy.


El Clon Friday October 15: Summary for Discussion

The Ferrers and Clara are intent on rescuing their children from the consequences of their behavior. Paula’s mother is not. In her first on-screen appearance, she makes it clear that she has no illusions left about her daughter. Paula, who has had more than one encounter with the law, stole her belongings, destroyed her marriage, left her in debt and shamed her in the community. She is ready to leave her in jail and walk away.

But Lucas, newer at being the parent of an addict, is still in protective father mode. He doesn’t want Natalia charged even if it means that the whole gang goes free. Carolina – who does indeed seem to be a lawyer -- explains that it’s not that simple. She’ll see what she can find out.

Mohamed and the Near-Wife Experience:
The party for Zuleica is beginning. Following Alí’s instructions, Latifa welcomes Zuleica with a gracious smile. The soon-to-be sisters exchange gifts. And then Alí makes his move. Ever so casually he asks the young woman:

¿Fuiste criado en el Líbano? (Were you raised in Lebanon?)
Yes, she was. Oh really? Then:

¿Conociste a Samia la hija del ebanista Emir?
(Did you know Samia, daughter of Emir, the cabinetmaker?).
Again, agreement from the unsuspecting Zuleica:

Sí, Samia la hija del ebanista Emir fue mi ama de leche!
(Yes, she was my wet nurse!)

Alí is faux-impactado:
¡Samia la hija del ebanista Emir fue la ama de leche de Mohamed! Mohamed y Zuleica tomaron de la misma leche y según el libro sagrado son hermanos. No se pueden casar!
(Samia was Mohamed’s wet nurse! M & Z drank the same milk and according to the holy book, they’re brother and sister. They can’t get married!)

Abdul is impactado de verdad. Call the Naz, he orders.

The Naz is in the bedroom sulking and painting on her Cruella Deville mouth. Latifa gets down on her knees and promises she will do anything the Naz wants…
-- Anything? asks the Naz – yes, anything!
… if she will back up the wet nurse story.

The Naz looks Abdul in the eye and confirms the story: That very same Samia nursed her brother!

Saved by the Naz!

The Zombies have a Get out of Jail Free Card:
At least for now, the children of privilege have their freedom. Marisa and Rosa wait outside the police station with Nati.

Lucas stays behind to talk to the detective. He is told that even if the family doesn’t press charges, the police have to investigate the incident. Carolina will be taking charge of both Natalia’s and Fernando’s cases.

Clara leaves with Fernando.

An officer brings Paula into the room. Where’s my mother? she asks. She was here, says the detective, but she left.

Back at Mohamed’s house, Amin is emboldened by the his father’s escape. He asks Tío Abdul if he can trade his esposa in Fez for Jadiya’s pretty friend Aime. Not hardly, says Abdul.

Mohamed keeps his promise: Freed from the threat of an unwanted marriage, he grants Samira the freedom to postpone wearing a veil until she feels she is ready to do so.

The Naz reminds Latifa that she owes her: Te lo voy a cobrar, Latifa!

And both Zoraida and Jadiya comfort poor bamboozled Zuleica with pious clichés.

At Empresas Ferrer Roberto gets an envelope with a message congratulating him on the birth of his first son, Roberto Jr. Someone’s playing a joke on me, he tells Carolina.

A bit later, the jokester herself, Grandma Skank, appears at Clara’s reception desk looking for Roberto: Tell him his suegra (mother-in-law) is here. But Roberto is so intent on a conversation about access to the DNA results in Leo’s case, that he waves Clara away. She leaves him a note.

At Dora’s apartment, the lawyer is also talking about the DNA results. They have been delivered to the judge. Everyone else will have to wait. As Daniel listens unobserved, the lawyer tries to prepare Dora for reality while bolstering her spirits. Even if Daniel is Lucas’s clone, she says, no one but Dora has the right to call herself his mother. She carried him for nine months. She gave birth to him. Neither Leo nor Lucas is his father in any meaningful sense of the word.

Daniel looks miserable.

Grandma Skank is back home and reports to Consuelo that Roberto was too busy to see her. She’ll go to his house if she has to.

Roberto finally notices the note Clara left him earlier: Tu suegra está aquí. (Your mother-in-law is here). Huh? But she lives in Atlanta. He calls home to find out if she’s visiting Miami. Nope, she’s not…

Lucas has been thinking. Now he wonders aloud whether it wouldn’t have been better to leave Natalia in jail. He tells Marisa:
Yo creo que es momento que Natalia asuma las consecuencias de sus actos.
(I think it’s time for N to assume the consequences of her acts.)

Marisa won’t listen. Natalia claims she did nothing and Marisa claims to believe her. But Lucas has reached a turning point. Stop lying to yourself, he tells her. And as for him, he is ready to live his life again.

Rosa encourages Nati to invite Alejandro to the house. She’ll bake his favorite cake.

Alej is at a table at Gloria’s with Vicki, Pedro and Diana. Pablo comes by and Alej, leaving his phone on the table, steps away with his friend and hears the news: Nati was arrested. Meanwhile, Nati calls him. Diana picks up, and offers to pass the call to Alej. No thanks, says the crestfallen Nati. I’ll try later.

Then Natalia calls her old friend Andrea and asks her to come to the house.

The situation at Said’s house is out of control! Somebody call a Sheik!
Jade is in her room brushing Jadiya’s hair when Rania bursts in. She knows Jade danced for Said and she is enraged:
No tengo que soportar una criada con infulas de esposa en mi casa!
(I don’t have to put up with a maid living in my house putting on airs of a real wife.)

Said comes upon the two trying to choke each other and he pulls them apart. Jadiya tells him it’s all Rania’s fault and Rania of course says otherwise. He is sick of all three of them, he tells them. He’s going to buy a house for himself and only see them for visits.

I won’t stand for the way I’m treated here, says Rania. I’m calling a sheik. I want a meeting of the family council!

Albieri and Luisa are still bickering about The Mendelson Affair. She calls him a liar (mentiroso). He tells her not to ask him anything if she doesn’t like his answers. And he starts to say: ¿Sabes qué, Luisa?.... (You know what, Luisa?...) but chooses not to complete the thought. He tells her he’s going to the Medical Board and leaves. Luisa plans to check on his story.

Anita is dying to tell Luisa about Amalia, but Julio convinces her to hold off -- at least until Leo’s paternity suit is settled.

Escobar is on his way out. He has to attend to some problems with Fernando.

Nati wants to know if Alej is seeing Diana. Andrea says no, but according to Pablo, Diana is determined to win him back. Alej still adores you, Andrea tells her friend. Don’t lose him! And how do you know? asks Nati a bit jealous at the idea of Alej confiding in Andrea. I know because I’m dating Pablo, says Andrea. And she adds: You know I’ve really missed you, being able to talk to you about stuff.

Diana gets to listen to Alej talk about Nati: how frustrated he is that Natalia hasn’t called or made any effort to see him. [I guess Diana forget to tell him about Nati’s earlier call.] How he is still deeply in love with Nati. And how he’s following his dream because of her encouragement.

Nati pours her heart out to Andrea:
She wants to go back to her old life. She wants to stop doing drugs. But she just can’t. That’s what rehab is for, says Andrea gently. But Nati ignores her and continues:
It started as a joke, a way to avoid reality, to escape problems. If she had foreseen it would end like this, she never would have started…

Escobar still hasn’t heard about the arrest. When he gets to Clara’s house, he finds Fernando alone, dishevelled and hostile. When Escobar reproaches him for acting like a bum, Fernando throws the Malicia affair back in his face. I was wrong, says Escobar. I was a fool. But I never meant to do harm to you or your mother.

But nothing Escobar is saying gets through to Fernando – not apologies, not explanations, not rebukes, not threats. Escobar gets right up in his face and Fernando responds by punching him in the jaw. Hard. So hard that Escobar falls to the floor.


Friday, October 15, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #47-48 10/15/10 Fernando & Omar's serenade

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 29: Alicia's Palace of Lies.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 47

1. Marta’s husband and daughter give her money to buy a car. Alicia sees what they have and she doesn’t.

2. Omar and Ariel ask Fernando and Marcia if Alicia is really pregnant. Marcia declines to gossip. Fernando observes that she’s hit bottom and she thinks a baby will solve her problems.

3. Ariel tells Alicia that if the baby is his, he won’t recognize it. Ali says she’ll get a DNA test and tell her child who his father is. Ariel tells her to not have the baby. When she refuses, he tells her to move to Jakarta and he’ll maintain her. She flatly refuses.

4. Tomás wants to give his name to Alicia’s baby.

5. Again Fernando can’t sleep, worrying about Conceptos. He swears that he will never let Ariel have the presidency, even if he never sleeps again.

6. Ariel imagines her baby and and fears she will tell everyone it’s his. Omar imagines life with a crabby wife and crying baby. He tells Ali he’s not ready to be a dad. She says he’s a 34-year-old baby. He asks if she’s going to have the baby.

7. Fernando and Lety negotiate purchase and financing of equipment from Fern turns on flirt mode with the owner’s daughter, but she shuts him down.

8. Since Alicia can’t insult Marta’s clothes, she makes her feel inferior for being fat. The cuartel tells her she should use the car money to get liposuction.

Capitulo 48

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 30: Apples and hot sauce.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Caro won’t take Fernando’s calls because of the Benny disaster, so Fern and Omar go to her office to beg her to work for them. Fern’s leap to the couch (he can fly!!) is just the start of the humor and exuberance of the scene. Their song is Desesperado, a José José (Erasmo) classic. What a magical scene!

2. The cuartel twists Marta’s arm to get lipo. Irmita strongly objects. Lety doesn’t believe in aesthetic surgery. But she fantasizes Fern’s reaction if she got store-bought beauty. Sara knows of a great plastic surgeon. Perhaps her future boss, Dr. Santiago?

3. Rodaje agrees to finance the equipment, so Jacqueline and her goon come to sign the contract.

4. Lopez allows Marta leave to have surgery, because she’ll be better looking when she returns.

5. Fernando recognizes that he won’t reach his goals, but with the BL contract they’ll be able to pay their debts. Omar asks where they’ll get the money for payroll, the BL launch event, and loan payments. From Lety, of course.

6. Lety requests a 1.8M peso loan to FI from her old boss, Visera. He balks because that’s more than FI’s capital. She shows him the guarantee and pagaré. Visera is shocked that Conceptos would stake its entire assets on a 700K peso loan.

7. Weeks pass. Conceptos finishes the first commercial.

8. Paula asks her son what he wants for his birthday. He wants a father like everyone else. Specifically Saimon.


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