Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dinero #220- 10/21/2010: Marco Gets Screwed In More Ways Than One/ or The Whole Truth Comes Out

Zetina’s detective work has snagged Ale and Rafa a huge fish. A soused and cluelessly contented Chavez, enjoying his beloved whiskey in his second favorite place (after the hacienda). “Chavez!” “Licenciada Alvarez del Castillo!” Rafa is shocked that they know each other. Ale explains that she knows him alright, and lists his attributes— un ratero, un estafador, un desgraciado (a thief, a swindler, a loser). “It’s his fault we lost the hacienda. He should be in jail!”

Ale throws Chavez’ whiskey in his face, which draws more concern from him than the threat of jail. Ale does NOT want to talk to this guy and makes to leave, but Rafa convinces her there is much they can learn from Chavez about all the shenanigans happening in both their lives. They start the game of 20 Questions with the first question being what Carmela’s got to do with all of this.

We’ll have to wait for the answers, as we go back to our other fishies wriggling on a hook- the whole Siglo team. Doña Arcadia has just fired the whole lot for being impertinent loafers. They all beg her on bended knee to reconsider, but as they have no Trancazo food with which to tempt her this time, they’re having to beg particularly hard. Even her precious Susanita has earned the Queen’s ire for going out to eat with Dandy. They beg her for one more chance (una ultima oportunidad). Claudia and Rosaura say she’s like a mother to them. (That only works for Daniel ladies.)

The Generala womans-up and says they all should take responsibility for their mistakes and accept the consequences with dignity (she does remain on her knees, however). Marino tries a different, and more effective approach. Money, money, money. And a healthy dose of competitive pride. He reminds Arcadia that she needs her sales team for the upcoming dealership convention, in order to beat their competition ClauAutos. This gets the wheels turning in Arcadia’s head, and she paces thoughtfully, parting a path through her supplicants. Unfortunately, Bebe is neither agile nor fast enough to avoid getting trod upon by Arcadia’s royal shoes. Finally Arcadia decides she can’t go to the convention and compete against ClauAutos without a staff. “Les voy a dar una ultima oportunitdad.” (I’m going to give you all one last opportunity.) Cheers all around!

Carmela is not in as generous of a mood. She’s tired of giving Marco opportunities to pay her in full. Now she wants to receive her reward from her bizcocho (gorgeous; cutey; cutey-pie). Marco’s lack of liquidity means he has to pay up in another way, and they’ve arrived at Carmela’s favorite love hotel for her to receive payment. She’s ready to give his recently tuned up parts a test drive, and wastes no time removing his jacket, tie and shirt, leaving a trail of red lip stains on each item and Marco. A veil of discretion is dropped on this scene as we head back to our game of 20 Questions at the bar.

Chavez continues to spill the dirty details. The hacienda’s been free of debt for months. He and Marco had Carmela hold off on sending them the letters. Oh, and all the money Marco used to live his good life and “help” her family all came from what the hacienda produced. (I’m amazed that Ale is still managing to stay standing through this assault of hard truths.) She rubs her temples in utter shock of what she’s hearing. And the sale of the hacienda was fictitious too. The Shrimp, uh Señor Rubiales, just loaned us his name. Ale has had just about enough. She lets go a stream of insults to Chavez. “Usted es un desgraciado (see above), un transa (a crook), un mentirosa de lo peor (a liar of the worst kind)!” Chavez tries to throw all the blame back on Marco, but they point out that he’s not so innocent. “He swindled me too.” He tells them how Marco nearly tricked him into going to a dangerous country in Africa and then sent him to even more dangerous Iraq to find Rubi.

“Rubi sabe todo esto?!” (Rubi knows about all this?) Yep. And Quintana too. Ale has to sit down now. “No lo puede ser!” (It can’t be!)

And who really owns the hacienda, Ale wants to know. “Un tal Daniel Cepeda.” (Some guy named Daniel Cepeda.) Both Ale and Rafa look impactados. Chavez explains how Dan played into the hacienda scheme. And no, Marco doesn’t know about him. “Once he knows, he’ll die of rage (coraje).” Chavez is gleefully blitzed. Ale lets this all sink in. What she’s really worried about is Rubi. She explains to Rafa Rubi’s role in accompanying Jorge to Switzerland to track down the Swiss account information. She’s worried Rubi is just trying to scam Jorge. Chavez tells them to relax, since Rubi is truly gaga for the old bald guy (pelón).

Now we come to the 50 Million Dollar Question. Rafa wants to know what Chavez knows about the supposed radio contest that got his mama in trouble and sent her to jail. Chavez finally starts to squirm guiltily under Rafa’s intense gaze…as we head to commercial.

When we get back, Chavez is still on the hot seat. Ale turns up the temperature. “We’re waiting for an answer Chavez.” Chavez is saved from answering when the Shrimp man strolls in. “Ignacio Rubiales para servirles” (Ignacio Rubiales at your service.), he says gallantly. Ale is not impressed by his gentlemanly greeting. She is ticked off, but Shrimp man thinks he did nothing wrong. He just lent his name after all. Ale’s rage builds to new levels when just then Quintana comes sauntering in with his lackey. Looks like all the roaches are scurrying out of the woodwork now that a bright light is being shown on their dirty dealings. Quintana casually greets everyone with a buenas noches. Rafa has to hold back an enraged Ale from attacking Quintana physically.

“I’ll never forgive you for what you did to my aunt Quintana!” Even Shrimp man tries to calm her down. Quintana graciously accepts Ale’s ire. He loves her aunt, even if Ale doesn’t believe it.

Now that all the relevant players are in the room, Chavez thinks it’s time for another round of whiskey. “Un momento!” Rafa protests. “This isn’t a party or a meeting of friends.” Ale, however, thinks the whiskey is a good idea if it will continue to loosen their tongues. “We’re here to learn the truth, mi amor.” Pascal brings a fresh bottle, glasses and ice cubes. Ale asks where they should begin. She is met by guilty faces all around, but Quintana decides to start first.

We need some relief from all this truth telling, so we head back to the Siglo crew. Everyone there is feeling pretty relieved that they’ve still got their jobs, although Bebe’s nerves are still so jangled that Claudia playing with his sparse hair is not enough to calm his nerves. He needs a hit of Jimenez’s Pepto. He chugs the whole bottle down to the horror of the crew.

The Generala thinks they all need to go out for drinks at El Trancazo after work to calm their collective nerves and everyone agrees. Dandy runs off to invite his Nonicita, and Marino scornfully makes fun of how whipped Dandy is by his skinny vegetarian. “Can he even go to the bathroom by himself?” (Ira solo al baño?)

In storms his latest victim, er baby-mama. Sandra, looking striking in blue, and like she means business. “Marino! Necesito hablar contigo!” (I need to talk to you!) Marino looks like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Maybe we need to step away from this intense scene for one that provides a bit more diversion. The veil has been lifted on a very tussled and satisfied looking Carmela, lounging in bed under the sheets. An even more tussled, but less satisfied looking Marco sits on the edge of the bed hurriedly dressing.

“I knew under those clothes was something marvelous. You’re a sensual animal! From the first time I saw you, I knew you’d make me very, very happy.” Carmela purrs like a contented cat. Marco tries to raise a smile. He thinks that because she’s a satisfied customer, he doesn’t owe her anything else. But he doesn’t know our Carmela. This little diversion was just a down payment on the money he still owes her. She’ll now give him all the time he needs to pay her. In the meantime, she’s eager to go another round. Marco thinks to himself, “Si tu supieras lo asco que me das.” (If you knew how disgusting you are to me.) But out loud he calls Carmela a super hembra, una hembra sensacional (a super woman; a sensational woman). Carmela is sure he must be making that wife of his, the one who gets to share his bed every night, a very happy woman. This sets Marco off on an unhappy thought bubble about that damn Ale and Medina.

We’re transported over to the increasingly enlightened couple. Quintana is confessing his sins. Daniel is his nephew and that’s how Dan came in on the hacienda deal. Ale is shocked by this familial revelation. Rafa wants to know what’s the difference between leaving the hacienda in Shrimp man’s hands or Dan’s. Well Dan bought it for real. Although Quintana thinks he just bought it on a whim (capricho), like rich people tend to do. Rafa speculates that he probably wants to gift it to Marian as part of his seduction of her. Ale looks as shifty eyed guilty as their four companions. She tells Rafa that Dan has OTHER intentions.

Ale cannot believe that so many people were conning her without her realizing, but our sweet Rafa tells her it’s because she’s so honest herself that she thinks the rest of the world is the same.

Now we get to the question we’ve all been asking. What about the ghost? Both Chavez and Quintana admit to arranging for their own headless (descabesado) horseman ghost on various occasions, but admit to unplanned ghostly appearances that neither of them can explain. They all conclude that there must be a REAL headless ghost. They have a toast to the ghost. Suddenly, the resident spook, Zetina, appears from nowhere at Ale’s elbow, giving a fright to both her and Rafa. All he wants is a drink of whiskey, and Chavez happily obliges by giving him the last dregs of the bottle. He orders another bottle. Rafa asks once again for an explanation of the radio contest. And we veer off to another scene once again.

Sandra confirms that she is indeed pregnant with a girl. Marino is over the moon. Finally he will have his precious, beautiful baby girl! Not so fast Marino. Seems that Sandra is not like his other women and doesn’t need his support. She plans to raise HER daughter by herself, and Marino will NOT get to see her. Unless, Marino conforms to her demands: marry her; live under the same roof; help educate her three sons; and no other women.

Marino takes orders from no woman (a mi ninguna vieja me obliga nada). Anyway, he’s still married and has NINE of his own kids to educate. Sandra is horrified. He told her he has three kids. Marino’s apparent lack of concern earns him a slap and a “hasta que nunca” (until never). Sandra storms out. Undeterred, Marino decides to turn the Trancazo outing into a celebration of his little girl. Obviously he does not remember the begging, blubbering mess that was Sandra’s ex when we first met her long ago. I have a feeling Marino will never see that girl of his if he doesn’t tow the Sandra line.

Rafa is finally getting his answer about Frank, aka Jerónimo Vega, and the radio contest scam. “That’s the guy! The one who brought charges against my mamacita.” Shrimp man has a one track mind and thinks Rafa is referring to Ale, his other mamacita. When Rafa takes offense, saying he is talking about his sainted mama, Ale takes offense. Isn’t she his mamacita? (This is what you get when you can use the same term of endearment for your loving mother, or your hot girlfriend.) “Si, si, si hombre. Eres mi mamacita.” He gives her a few kisses to prove his point. But back to the business of his mother, Doña Leonor Nuñez de Medina. Poor, lonely Zetina interjects that Rafa is lucky to have a mother. Chavez offers his lawyer services to Leonor and is derided for his cynicism. They all decide to toast to Leonor instead.

Rafa wants to find Frank, ASAP. Chavez understands, but can’t seem to help. He’s interrupted by a call from none other than his ex-other half, Marquito. He explains he’s at the usual bar, but not with the usual people. He’s with Ale and Medina and he’s told them everything. “Es demasiado tarde. Ya sueltó la sopa.” (It’s too late. The soup has already been spilt./The beans have already been spilt.) Click!

Rafa starts to get violent, giving Chavez’s lapels even more of a workout than they usually get with Marco. He demands Frank’s dondeabouts. Ale calms him down, and Chavez self medicates with more whiskey. Rafa takes a moment to point out to Ale that he never lied about the contest and Ale apologizes for doubting him. The bar urges them on. “Beso, beso, beso!” They share a sweet, chaste kiss.

At Trancazo, things are a bit more caliente. The drinks are flowing and Margarita La Diosa de la Cumbia (goddess of the cumbia) is singing with her band. Everyone hits the dance floor to Margarita’s upbeat tune Amor de Mis Amores.

Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir (Amor de Mis Amores) Lyrics

no te asombres si te digo lo que fuiste
un ingrato con mi pobre corazon
porque el fuego de tus lindos ojos negros
alumbraron el camino de otro amor
y pensar que te adoraba tiernamente
que a tu lado como nunca me senti
y por esas cosas raras de la vida
sin el beso de tu boca yo me vi

amor de mis amores amor mio
que me hiciste que no puedo soportarme
sin poderte contemplar
ya que pagaste mal a mi carino tan sincero
lo que conseguiras que no te nombre nunca mas
amor de mis amores si dejaste de quererme
no hay cuidado que la gente de esto no se enterara
que gano con decir que un hombre cambio mi suerte
se burlaran de mi que nadie sepa mi sufrir

no te asombres si te digo lo que fuiste
un ingrato con mi pobre corazon
porque el fuego de tus lindos ojos negros
alumbraron el camino de otro amor
y pensar que te adoraba tiernamente
que a tu lado como nunca me senti
y por esas cosas raras de la vida
sin el beso de tu boca yo me vi

amor de mis amores si dejaste de quererme
no hay cuidado que la gente de esto no se enterara
que gano con decir que un hombre cambio mi suerte
se burlaran de mi que nadie sepa mi sufrir

(morire de amor sin que nadie sepa mi sufrir)

amor de mis amores si dejaste de quererme
no hay cuidado que la gente de esto no se enterara
que gano con decir que un hombre cambio mi suerte
se burlaran de mi que nadie sepa mi sufrir

The gang takes a break from the dance floor and Claudia brags about her natural cumbia skills. She’s always felt something moving within her. The Generala thinks it’s those additional parts of hers that are filled with liquid. Claudia asserts that she was born with these assets, including her sensual dance moves. Pepeto takes her back to the dance floor to prove it, and everyone else returns as well. Dandy busts an intricate move while dancing with Susana, and some shapely chickadee (skank) takes the opportunity to cut in and wedge herself against Dandy. The Siglo ladies jump in to aid Susana, then send the chickadee and her friend packing. “El señor tiene dueña. Fuera!” (This man has an owner. Beat it!)

Susana thanks them for standing up for her and protecting her interests (cuidado mis intereses). I think all is forgiven for the meat test incident. The scene ends in expected Trancazo fashion with Susana falling flat on her bum, and banging her elbow, from a busted chair. Everyone laughs and all is well with the world.

All is not well in the world of Ale and Rafa, but things are starting to right themselves. Ale invites Rafa in to her apartment for some coffee. She begs his forgiveness once more and he happily gives it with a hug and kiss. They still have many problems to resolve, but Rafa doesn’t doubt that they will do so after all they have already been through. “Quien, que podre impedir nuestro amor?” (Who , what will be able to stop our love?) Absolutely nothing.

A desolate and disheveled Marco wanders the streets wondering where it all went wrong. He had it all and now he’s lost it, and to that naco. He does not want to go to jail. He has to make a definitive decision.

Back at the Alvarez del Castillo apartment, we have a cozy scene. Ale, Rafa, Rosario, Jorge and Rubi are enjoying a coffee. Ale has just recounted all the revelations of the night. Rosario always knew that Chavez was the worst of the worst. What surprises Jorge is that Marcario. And Rafa is perplexed by this new character. Ale explains that it’s Marco and Rafa chimes in that he never liked Marco from the get go. And then Quintana and Shrimp man too! Ale wants Rubi to clear up where she fits into all this. (Tienes que explicar muchas cosas.) Now Rubi’s in the hot seat.

She explains that she was never a nurse, but when she started taking care of Georgie she decided to become a nurse, started taking classes and stopped dancing for good. She realized how much she loves taking care of people, especially someone as sweet as Georgie. “And Iraq?” Dastardly Marco and Chavez sent her there to keep her from spilling the beans to Ale’s family. She worked as a dancer once again at a bar for tourists and diplomats. (We see an animated Rubi shaking her bon bon in Iraq.) There she met a rich, old sick guy whom she began taking care of. Then he kicked the bucket (looks like he was quite happy at the time) and left a small but significant inheritance for Rubi.

It’s with this money that she returned. And she hasn’t returned to dancing, although she really misses dancing. Jorge seems have gone right through and past the forgiveness stage and tries to cheer-up Rubi. She can dance with him! The two take a happy spin. The ladies look on in horror. Rafa stirs his coffee and looks like he thinks Jorge is the luckiest man in the world.

Rosario’s not ready to let her off the hook about knowing about the hacienda and not telling them. Rubi explains that she wanted to, but Marco and Chavez threatened. But she was able to help them with their house the first time they were about to be evicted. She was the one who went to Quintana and got his help in stopping their eviction. They all realize that it wasn’t Marco who worked that particular miracle, as he lead them to believe. The thought that it was Quintana who saved them brings a smile to Rosario’s face. Rubi assures her that he really does love her.

And what about Switzerland? Well, Rubi met a lot of men there, but all they wanted was her bodacious body. Rafa, who has been taking this all in wide-eyed, makes an involuntary appreciative sound at this, but quickly plays it off as appreciation for the coffee under Ale’s wilting gaze. Rubi just had to come back to the best man she’s ever known- her Georgie. She gives him a big hug and a kiss for his bald head. Awwww!

Marco is back at his apartment having a drunken, paranoid conversation with his whiskey. An even more drunk, but carefree Chavez enters. He wants to talk, but Marco doesn’t talk to or drink with his enemies (yo no bebo con mis enemigos). Chavez claims he is a friend, not a foe. As much of a friend as Marco was when he tried to send Chavez off to Africa (touché). Marco isn’t interested in talking about the past, but instead about Chavez’s betrayal in the here and now. Chavez doesn’t think that Medina is such a bad guy. This does not get a happy response from Marco. They already know everything, and they’re looking for Frank. When they find him, you’re toast.

Ale is meanwhile explaining that Marco threatened her with throwing his mama in jail and that’s why she broke up with him. Rafa knew all along (he sure didn’t act like it), and that’s even more reason why they need to resolve this issue. They hope their man Zetina can find Frank.

On to business. Rafa shares the good news about Urdiales’ purchase of the fleet (flotilla) of trucks and they celebrate the expected commission. Rafa wants her to go to the dealership convention and he’ll stay behind to keep an eye on all these outstanding problems. No señor! Ale wants her man with her at the convention (and so do we). He’ll think about it, but he really wants to know what she plans to do about the hacienda. Ale doesn’t think there’s anything she can do. It’s been sold; her dad signed the papers. “Santa Claus!” Well, then they can start anew together and help their parents.

But wait just a minute buster! Ale wants to know what he intends to do about Vicky and Marian. And what is Ale going to do about Daniel, Rafa wants to know. Mr. Todo Yo? She’ll resolve that issue just like that (*snaps fingers*). Well, Rafa will resolve things with his two auxiliary women just like that (*snaps fingers*). They both look skeptical, but beam happily at each other.

What’s important is that we love each other, and we’re together. We end the evening of questions and revelations with an embrace and a kiss.


La Fea Más Bella #55-56 10/21/10 It Was a Dark and Stormy Dawn.

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 37: Our Lady of *belch*.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 55

1. The cuartel co-diets with Marta for solidarity. Marta tells Lety she only told Fernando that Tom is Lety’s friend. Paula teases that Lety wants to hide it from Fern so he won’t give up on winning her.

2. Fernando reports to Omar that Tom isn’t interested in Lety, but that $40M could certainly attract him. Lety returns and Fernando is peeved at her.

3. Omar starts working Carolina until she says “pregnancy.”

4. At the venue, Fernando tells Omar what Juana said. See the transcript. They conclude that if Lety is in love with Tomás, he could manipulate her to get his hands on Conceptos. Omar says that the only way to avoid it is to make Lety fall in love with Fernando. Fern tells him to stop talking so crazy.

5. Marcia and Fernando fight about Fatima. Marcia orders him to fire one of the two (Fatima or Lety).

6. Fernando solves the audio problem by fanning the equipment.

7. The cuartel sees Alicia’s results – she’s not pregnant. Sara can’t wait to tell Omar. They beg Lety to get them into the event.

8. Luigi discovers that Fatima is drunk, and he fires her.

Capitulo 56

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 38: Pregnant Anticipation.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando tells Fatima to leave. Luigi says he hates supporting Fernando, but he can’t tolerate a drunk dancer. Felix, the choreographer, has his moment of fame, throwing a funny tantrum.

2. Fernando puts Jazmín into Fatima’s slot. Marcia is still pissy because he didn’t fire Fatima soon enough to suit her. Fern says, “You got the head you wanted. I hope you’re happy.” Luigi says he’s not jumping for joy either. (You hear Camil laugh at Sergio’s antics. The camera returns to them, and Camil has arranged his face but Elizabeth [Marcia] hasn’t.)

3. Marcia harasses Fernando in front of his parents, saying that one of the dancers got drunk because some galán promised her heaven and earth, seduced her, than discarded her. Ariel says, “Las tantitas no aprendan (the fools never learn),” and he pointedly looks at Marcia.

4. Carolina counsels Omar. He feels responsible for his child, but he doesn’t feel ready to man up. She tells him his conscience is disturbing him and he needs to face Alicia.

5. Ariel is desperate to get rid of Alicia, so he agrees to set her up in Miami with $5K per month plus expenses. Omar offers Alicia his name, financial support, and involvement in his son’s life, but not marriage. Alicia prefers things over people, so she takes Ariel’s offer.

6. Planning the night’s schedule with Ricky and Vidal, Fernando performs a 60-second dance without music. What fun!

7. Alicia finds out from Lopez that the lab ran a pregnancy test and Marta saw the results.

8. They won’t let the cuartel enter the event because they don’t have invitations. Saimon informs Fernando. Marcia is pissy. Omar says it’s unwise to keep the owner of the company out of the event.

Tune in tomorrow!
One dream ends, one dream begins, one dream is both delightful and dreadful.

Spanish Lesson. Cap 55, The Only Solution.
Just like yesterday, I wrote today’s Spanish Lesson because I had already transcribed it a few years ago. It’s a pretty loose translation.

F: Juana can read the future. And she said that she’s in love.
O: You’ve already told me that.
F: I’m setting up the story. Juana predicted that Lety would change his life, and he’d change hers.
O: You’re going to believe somebody telling fortunes?
F: There are too many coincidences. Lety’s life is changing, and so is Tom’s. He’s working for FI.
O: You mean Lety intends to win him (conquistar) by giving him work?
F: Yes. Hey! Even before FI, she tried to get him a job at Conceptos. Since that didn’t work, she set him up in FI. He’s not a millionaire, but it seems like he has some money. And now he’s involved with millions of dollars, since FI owns Conceptos.
O: If Lety is in love with him, he’ll manipulate her however he wants. Lety could betray us to get the love of her life.
F: If he manipulates her a su antojo (manipulates her at will / manipulates her desires), Adios, Conceptos.
O: Tomás could give love to Lety in exchange for the company. Love for $40M.
F: No, Lety is very loyal. It sounds horrible, but it could be true, right? But wait! Juana said she would achieve a dream in the middle of a storm. And we’re in a storm! The dream would be romance with that guy. But Lety is loyal. But how far could a woman go for love?
O: Someone as ugly as Lety would make a deal with the devil for the miracle of getting a husband.
F: What do we do so this guy doesn’t take advantage of Lety?
O: Pues, es muy sencillo. Tienes q competir contra Tomas Mora. (Well, it’s very simple. You have to compete against Tomás Mora.)
F: (Laughs hysterically.) No. Seriously. now. What do we do so this guy doesn’t take advantage of Lety?
O: Why, take her away from him. You should make Lety fall in love with you. (Debes enamorar a Lety.) I’m serious.
F: What are you, high? We can talk tomorrow when you’re sober.
O: No. You have to enamorar a Lety.
Meanwhile Lety is mooning at Fernando’s picture She remembers Juana saying, “The predictions are coming true, right?”
Lety to herself: No. No, because the man of my dreams will never take notice of me. Never.


Llena de Amor #51 Wed 10/20/10 We have contact!

It must be Cathy's off week; I lost track with the missed episodes.

But we can't not discuss last night's big Big BIG happenings!


Axel's home from the hospital; he does not seem to remember how awful Fedra is to him. He wasn't quite sure who Netty is, either, but he seems to like her. Emiliano told him Netty is very important to him.

Kristel ran away from the abortion clinic to Ilitia's house to hide from Mauricio. Mau showed up and roughed up Ilitia before she threw him out. Ilitia told Kristel she has to dump the jerk. Ilitia got an offer for a modeling job out of the country and left.

The police found blood on the gloves from Bernardo's room. Bernardo claims it's his own; he says he has some bleeding disease.

Brandon is taking some evidence from the helicopter crash to be analyzed by experts in Los Angeles. He goes to the airport, where Ilitia also is, coincidentally. Will they cross paths? Telenovela law says yes.

Lowrenzo had the household staff move the porn stash, so the police find nothing when they search the house. Tejeda tells Begoña he won't do anything more about the case until Muñeca tells him what she saw.

But the BIG news is that Emanuel found Marianela in LF's office, and after a lot of reminiscing and romantic tension, he kissed her. For a long time. Long enough for Brandon to walk in and interrupt them.


La Verdad Oculta EP27 10/20/2010 - Desperately seeking Mauricio Medina


* A very desperate Elsa tells Asunción Juan José will be sent back to prison for 8 years if they can't prove his innocence. Oh, and he wants to sell the house. Asunción objects but Elsa says the treasure may not even exist, and they need money now to hire a lawyer for him. Asunción offers he'll search the gold round the clock but Elsa cries they have no time for that! Caramelo comforts the crying girl. Elsa asks about the elegant man who interrupted the performance of scumbag and scum bagette (thanks, Jeri). Does Asunción know who's that guy? No, unfortunately he doesn't... But wait, he mentioned a name... Mina! Mina Álvarez!

* Carlos has a nightmare, the awful memories and the face of the dead maid haunt him.

* David learns from Mario that Fausto wants to bring his daughters far from the capital. He immediately calls Gaby on phone and says they need to talk and promises he'll try to convince her father not to go. Because he loves her.

* In the AFI office Ramón and Leonardo talk about Adolfo. The old man gets very nervous every time he visits the girls in Sagitario. He's hiding something, Leo's sure about that. The strange case of those shoes also prey on the detective's mind and he orders Ramón to investigate after Yolanda Rey. Ramón asks about Gaby, how does their relationship develop? Leo gets brooding and says she doesn't care about him.

* Elsa tells Alejandra Juan José's story and that there's a man who could save him from being imprisoned again. Alejandra remembers Mina sent Mauricio Medina to JJ's house, and Elsa begs her so heartbreakingly that she finally agrees to call him on phone.

* Fausto says goodbye to the girls and leaves to find a new home in Baja California. Gabriela warns Julieta that Fausto wants them to keep his travel in secret. Julieta doesn't understand why they have to lie, or why they have to move to another city. And anyway, it's not fair, not fair, not fair!

* Alejandra calls Medina but she learns he's on an architectural conference for five days. Elsa breaks out into sobs. An idea comes to Ale's mind: if Elsa wants she can look for the phone number of the hotel where Medina stays.

* Mario calls Fausto but it's Gaby who answers the phone. He enjoys hearing the voice of his daughter, but when he learns Daddy has gone on a business trip he starts to panic. He tells Abelardo that Fausto doesn't even have a job, therefore the "business trip" is a scam, he obviosuly wants to flee! Abe advises him to manipulate Fausto - threaten him that he'll tell the whole truth, every single detail to the girls. Abe knows Mario is a good man but he has to be cruel otherwise Adolfo will win.

* Julieta, who's in "my family sucks and I hate the world" mood, tells Roberto they have to move to Baja California soon, and it's Gabriela's fault! Rob pretends to be very sad for losing "the love of his life", and tightly hugs and comforts her... Until his phone rings, and Darth Adolfo summons him to his house. Now.

* At last Alejandra and Elsa manage to talk with Medina. He's very sympahtetic, yes, he know JJ didn't hurt either of those people, and he'll gladly help him when he goes back to the capital. Elsa urges him, that'd be too late, they have to act right now. Por favor! But Medina loses his patience and hangs up the phone.

* Asunción is determined to find the treasure, so he spends the day digging in the pit. An old man in the bottom of an 8 meters deep hole and his only helpmate is a tiny, tired little girl? I don't like it.

* Cuernavaca, Morelos state, México. Medina, who's wearing nothing but a white bathrobe *Viewerville: Yesss!*, is enjoying the morning in his hotel room, when someone knocks the door. He opens it and meets a pretty, young woman, who spills all her problems on him. She's the one he talked to on phone earlier, Juan José, and the scumbags, and conditional liberty, and prison, and he's innocent, and prison, and eight years, and it's not fair, and help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope! She grabs his hands and says the police won't believe JJ because he's a nobody, but they would believe him!

* Adolfo confesses Rob he can't stand the police officer who's always lurking in Sagitario visiting the waitresses. He wants him to provoke a situation that'd make the girls quit. Rob flashes his fourteen karat smile and says it won't be necessary because they move to other city soon. Their father got fed up with the messy relationship of David and Gabriela. Dolphie's impressed. And how does he know about this? Well, he and Julieta have an understanding. Wink, wink. Adolfo is content like a cat caught a mouse and rewards his padawan with some cash.

* In the hotel room Elsa continues begging, and Medina gives in. He'll return to the capital and will help her friend.

* While Marky Marcos is playing a carefree hippie in a park, Susana is asking inconvenient question. They don't have much money left, what are they going to do now? Where are they going to sleep? Why did he buy so ugly clothes? And so on. Marcos says the could return to that house... And they could sell her shoes. What? Her uncomfortable but pretty *Viewerville: no, darling, they're fugly* shoes? Never!

* David visits Gabriela. They manage to clarify their misunderstandings, no, David doesn't date Bertha, no, there's nothing between Carlos and Gaby. However, no matter how sweet are David's word, or how many times he professes his love or hugs her, she's adamant that they'll leave the town and it'll be fine that way. They hug again, just when Leo arrives. One more broken heart. David recognizes him, he's the one who broke into his office a few days ago, isn't he? He gets very uncomfortable when he learns that the superhero cop lives next to his Gabriela.

* In JJ's house the unavoidable happens: Asunción's so tired that he can't climb the rope. Caramelo starts to panic and wants to look for help, but Asunción says nobody can know about their secret digging project! Someone knocks the door and it's Carlos. Since he says he's Elsa's friend, and anyway, he's the only adult who could help them right now, the frightened kid leads him into the kitchen and shows him the hole. Carlos tries to pull Asunción, but he isn't strong enough, so he decides to look for a ladder. While he's away the old man whispers to Caramelo that they're looking for water, only water, okay?

* At the police station JJ learns that Mario's niece, Alejandra helped Elsa to find Medina. The architect shows up and tells them he's free, the charges against him are withdrawn. By the way, does he want to sell his house? Yes, he does. Medina gives him his business card and says a very warm goodbye to Elsa.



Dinero # 219 10/20/10 : A surprise return and a mysterious stranger

Rafa is attempting to comfort Ale. He assures her that no matter what comes their way they will get through this together. He suggests she go home and try and relax. Ale with a mournful cry gives Rafa a hug.

Across town it is decision time for Julieta. Her two suitors are vying for her hand. Julieta has had enough and angrily tell them to both stop and storms away. This leaves our two suitors blaming each other.

Dandy has approached Susana attempting to nuzzle up to her while she sits at her desk. An irritated Susana wants to know what he wants. “To ask me again to go eat meat in front of the whole world to prove my love for you.” Dandy tells her of course not but, for that reason they need to talk about their relationship;
their likes and dislikes, their intimacies.

If they are going to continue to love one another they need to not obligate each other to do things they don’t want to. Susana seems impressed with Dandy’s rational discussion. They decide to talk and have diner together. Of course it has to be in a neutral place. One where Susana can have her salads and Dandy can have his meat. What better place than the trancazo. We are treated to Dandy’s funky eye swirl.

Marco looking every bit the part of the “found out novela villain” is sharing his tragedies with the final two constants in his life, Chavez and a bottle of whiskey. Chavez is trying to figure out what went down. Marco informs him that Ale found out he never even knew Urdiales. Chavez can’t figure out why the guy would need to buy cars. It would have been better if he just bought bikes for all the workers. Marco is not impressed with his stupidity as he shakes him by the lapels. Chavez is able to detangle himself from Marcos clutches and asks him what’s going to happen now. Marco doesn’t have a clue. Now it is Chavez turn to go after Marco’s lapels and we have a lapel showdown.

Jorge is trying to comfort Rosario by offering her a cup of tea. The door opens and a morose Ale enters. Jorge wants to know what she is doing their so early and with such a face. Ale wants to know why they all have such faces as well. Jorge tells her it is the same face he has always had. Ale wants to know what’s wrong with Rosario. She asks if she found out about Marco. This brings a concerned Rosario to her feet wanting to know what happened to Marco. Ale assures her nothing happened to him. She found out that Marco lied to her and never worked with Urdiales. This is met with a unison “What?” Jorge can’t believe this. Certainly she is mistaken. She tells him she is not mistaken. Marco didn’t have a single explanation for her. Rosario can’t believe that their beloved Marco has been lying to them all this time. Jorge asks her why Marco would be lying. Ale tells them she doesn’t know and sadly sits down. She says she is going to divorce him and doesn’t ever want to see him again.

Vicky is serving up beans to the men folk when we hear a knock at the door.
The boys are to busy to answer so Vicky of course gets the honors. It is none other than Rafa who much to Vicky‘s displeasure is not there to see her but to pay off his debt to the family. The family is quite surprised that he is there to pay off the debt in full.

Chavez and Marco continue to commiserate as Marco salutes to their final whiskies together. Zetina walks in and seems quite surprised and excited to see them together. He quickly hides at a near by table and goes into full spy mode with his mission being to find out what they are discussing.

Marco is envisioning what Ale might be capable of if she finds out what they have been doing with the hacienda. It would mean a bullet between the eyes. Chavez has a worse image of what the old buzzard Rosario would do to him with the pistol. Zetina trying to listen in with the latest spy listening devices doesn’t have a clue what they are saying.

So we are in our final chapters why not add a little more intrigue as we see a pair of man’s hands stirring a cup of coffee.
Who should approach with an envelope but none other than the lovely Marian and hands it to our stranger.
He opens it and we see him thumbing through pictures of Rafa Julieta and Lenora with Marian asking “What do you think?”

You would have thought at this stage of the game Rafa would have figured out how to pay off his debts with a cashier‘s check, but no, as we see Felipe, Don G. and Pancho counting out the fruits of Rafa‘s labors in cash.

Vicky escorts Rafa to the door and reminds him about their agreement. Rafa assures her he has not forgotten they have an agreement.

Rosario is still beyond disbelief at what Marco has done. Jorge wonders if this might not be the reason why he was never able to remember his name. He continues to say “There was something inside me that knew he wasn’t trustworthy.” Ale sadly agrees that this could be the reason. Ale than want’s to know what’s been going on with them as they appear to be all upset as well. Jorge tells Rosario to tell Ale all about Quintana. She tells Ale it is very similar to what happened with Marco. That he was there to tell her he only wanted to marry her for money. Jorge is fighting mad about this. Ale is all sympatric as she tries to console a broken hearted Rosario asking her what she said to Quintana. Rosario tells her she told him he was the worse man she had ever known. Jorge walks over and gives a sympatric pat as well telling her “Well said.” The three sit together giving one another comfort.

Rosario goes on to tell them Quintana wanted to clear the air before they got married so there would not be any bad intentions between them. She says that he told her now it isn’t important to him that they don’t have any money he still loves her. Rosario says that his words now have her all broken up and feels bad. Ale shares her sadness and tells Tia that she feels really bad herself. Ale continues on saying both Marco and Quintana were liars.

The misery continues as the doorbell chimes. Ale answers it as we pan from a pair of black heels up to the lovely face of none other than a smiling Ruby, waving an enthusiastic “Hola.”

Rosario is in total shock as she sees Ruby at the door stating “That’s all I need.” Jorge on the other hand is more excited and this is exactly what he needs as he taps Rosario’s face to keep her from fainting. Ale shuts the door on Ruby stating “It’s just a ghost.”

Jorge knows better as he rushes to the door and opens it to Ruby gleefully greeting Georgie. Ale is surprised that Jorge would have asked her to return. He tells her “Yes, I called her.” Rosario and Ale are impressed that he remembered her phone number. Ruby clapping her hands in excitement wants to know if they missed her. In unison both Ale and Rosario answer “No.” Then looking at each other reluctantly state yes. Ruby rushes to them and gives each a sweet kiss telling them she missed them. After all they are like a family to her. Ale now giving her a forced hug, wants to know how things are going in Switzerland.

Ruby tells them it was very cold and she missed the warm climate of home. Rosario with no snootiness to spare tells her they were referring to the matter of the bank account. Ruby answers “The same. Neither backwards nor forwards.” (Ni para atras ni por adelante.)

Jorge tells her that it doesn’t matter, as he leads her joyfully to the sofa telling her they have lots to talk about. Ale rushes to Rosario’s side and asks her if she feels better. Rosario tells her a little with the distraction of Ruby’s arrival. Ale agrees looking over at Ruby and states “She could distract anyone.”

Rosario continues on their mutual saga of the broken hearts and asks Ale what they should do. Ale tells her she is going to continue on insisting on getting her divorce. Ruby is listening in intently. Ale tells Rosario she is worried about her and wants to know what she plans to do about Quintana. Rosario doesn’t understand why men have to be so hateful and such liars. Ale assures her not everyone is like that. Ruby agrees as she stands and tells them “Georgie isn’t like that” smiling as she continues “he is an a good and enchanting man.”

Ruby sits back down on the arm of Jorge’s chair and Ale casually asks her to go sit on the sofa. Ruby isn’t budging. Ale and Rosario continue on their man bashing rant stating that men are like children looking for mothers. Rosario admits that at her age she isn’t ready to become Quintana’s mother. Ale tells her that isn’t what she means. She just needs to decide if what Quintana told her was sincere. If he loves her it is worth the pain. After all he did tell her he still loves her. Again we see Ruby attending to Jorge but listening in to Ale and Rosario. Jorge wants to add his two cents, but Ruby sweetly tells him no, after all men don’t know about such things.

We are back at Vicky’s house where the men continue to count their dollars. Vicky is at the door telling Rafa how proud she is of him for paying off the money so much sooner than he had too. He tells her with some awkwardness that “On the day of the wedding (stutter stutter) he promised he would pay back all the money as soon as possible.” Vicky continues singing his praises telling him he is a hard worker and because of all his wonderful attributes he deserves a reward and plants a kiss on Rafa’s not to eager lips, as he begs his leave. Before he can make his escape Vicky pulls him back and asks him about the debt he has with that witch. Rafa wants to know what which. Vicky says Ale. He tells her Ale is not a witch and yes he has paid her as well.

This earns Rafa another reward as Vicky plants another kiss on him. This was met with the same lack of enthusiasm as her first kiss as Rafa is almost able to make his exit but not before Vicky drags him back to remind him once more that they have an agreement and that they are “novios“ and he owes her because his mother is free. Rafa tells her he knows and this was the second time she has reminded him about this and that he will never forget it. She tells him sweetly that he can go to work now and not to forget to come visit her tonight. If he doesn’t show up she will just have to go find out where he is. This has left poor Rafa to talk to himself asking Santa Claus when he will be able to end this farce. As he leaves Vicky is left to mutter to her self that something is going on, but she will keep a close eye out.

Marian has finished her business with the stranger whose only seen from elbows to hands as they shake on their arrangement, with Marian telling him they will be in touch.

We are now at the Hacienda with Daniel talking to some man, (I imagine it is his lawyer) about finishing up the papers regarding the hacienda. The man wants to know what the urgency is. Daniel tells him the only one here who can ask questions is him. He dismisses the man as if he were a simple servant and muses to himself that perhaps these papers are the only thing that will help him secure his objective. To win over Ale.

Chavez and Marco are still at the waterhole drowning their miseries. They are still trying to figure a way out of this mess. Chavez suggests he continue with the lie that he works for him in secret. Marco tells Chavez that he has said so many things now that he doesn’t remember them all. Marco says the worse thing of all is that ingrate Ale doesn’t believe him. She is now even doubting him. She has taken to her role as the offended one and is full of doubts. In the background we see Zetina hidden behind a newspaper taking his role as a spy to new levels.

Marco goes on to warn Chavez that if Ale and her family figured out what they were up to they could end up in Jail. Chavez doesn’t believe this could happen as it would be a very long and costly process. He reminds them that after all they no longer even own the hacienda. He says they have the contract that says Shrimp man now owns the hacienda. This gives Marco the opportunity to tell Chavez that he never really trusted the Shrimp Man. He suggests Chavez goes to the hacienda to get as much money as possible and close the sales with Shrimp man. Chavez tells him it isn’t that easy to get more money out of the hacienda. He tells him he has to wait. Marco isn’t buying this and tells Chavez he can’t wait. He does a disgusting hiccough in his face which causes Chavez to almost tip out of chair as he bumps into Zetina.

Marco’s phone rings and we hear the ultra high helium voice of Carmella ragging him out. Marco trying to calm her down tells her he will meet her at her office so they can talk. Marco abusing his phone as he hangs up says every day she torments him more. Chavez wants to know what his adoring tormentor wants now. He tells her the man eater wants her part of the money. He tells Chavez he has no other choice but to go see her. He stumbles out asking for his taxi, giving our resident barfly a pat on the shoulder as he leaves.

Susana is chewing out Dandy telling him she didn’t like it one bit that he made her eat meat, shaking her finger at him. Dandy tells her she has no idea how repentant he feels about the whole thing.

He then goes into a little Hare Krishna shoulder dance as we hear the music playing in the back ground. He tells her that he asked Doña Dolores to play the music she likes just to please her. Susan melts a bit and we get a big discussion about meat lovers verses vegetarians. He tells her that their relationship is stronger than the foods they eat. She tells him she doesn’t know if she can share her life with someone who doesn’t share in her beliefs.

Chavez now Marco-less but still at the bar is calling Quintana and the shrimp man. Zetina is listening in and decides this would be a great time to call Rafa. He tells Rafa he has news and this would be a good time to come to finally face Chavez. He tells him to fly over immediately (por que no viene de volada)

Chavez has reached the yellow breasted shrimp man and tells him he needs to talk with him urgently. He will be waiting in the usual place for him. Then he calls Quintana telling him as well they need to talk. It seems as Marco wants to know how they are coming along with closing the Hacienda deal. He hangs up offended that Quintana would think he might be drunk.

Ale is now on the phone with Rafa telling him she needs to talk to him. Rafa tells “his love” that he has talked with Urdiales who told him that she asked him about Marco. She tells him that Marco has been lying to her. Rafa tells her even though it hurts him to say it he did warn her. She agrees and tells him this causes her pain as well. He was telling the truth and she didn’t believe him. That’s why she needs to talk with him urgently.

He tells her Urdiales left and he needs to go meet with Zetina. He tells her he believes he has the opportunity to finally unmask the rascal that she is married to. He asks her if she would like to accompany him. She tells Rafa she doesn’t know if she could take so many things in the same day. Rafa assures her he will be with her to help her through it. He tells her he knows it will be painful but the things that strip us down can make us stronger. ( lo que se vaya a pelar que se vaya calamanco./ I am just taking a guess at this) We get a split screen of our two lovers.

He continues his pep talk and asks if he should come and get her. Ale agrees and tells him she will wait for him and tells him she loves him before she hangs up.

Rosario approaches her and wants to know if that was Rafa. She also wants to know if she really does love him. She tells her yes. Jorge stands now and wants to know if that means she never loved Marco. She tells him she will explain it all later. When she was with Marco she believed she did love him but once she met Rafa her life changed. She smiles brightly at saying this. With him she discovered love and learned how to laugh and smile and have fun. She continues “With Marco I never felt that.”

Rosario who just can’t leave well enough alone wants to know if what she has with Rafa is just a passing passion. Ale smiling tells her it isn’t just a passing moment and that she doesn’t want another moment to pass by that she won’t be by Rafa’s side. She continues to explain to Rosario that with Rafa she has seen life through different colors and a different form. She asks her if she remembers about all the doubts they had about Rafa. She tells her that they were all Marco’s tricks. She tells her Rafa is a great man and they have the opportunity to be together without obstacles. She knows he is the man of her life.

Rosario tells her she would love to have her clarity and sentiments. Ale tells her she could have that but not if she won’t leave her comfort zone (I think that’s what she said). She continues “Love sometimes hurts. But there is nothing better in the world than to be at the side of the man you love.” Rosario wants to know what they should do with the lies. Well if they confess their lies and asks for forgiveness everything should be just fine. Rosario has to think this over. Ale Asks her what’s worse the man that lies but confesses or the man who continues to lie and hides it. Rosario ponders this as well as Ruby thinks to herself that she should come clean to Jorge and tell him the truth if she doesn‘t want to loose him.

Dandy and Susana are eating and he tells her that love isn’t half of the total. There isn’t a perfect other half (Las medias de naranjas no existen/this is another guess here) He tells her that they are different as he takes his fork and grabs a piece of her salad and intertwines it with his meat skewed fork. He continues to say holding the forks together “If we are willing to share our differences together we will be stronger” and scoops both forks into his moth savoring them .

He tells her that when he is with her he is a much better human being. She makes him feel many things. She tells him that he has changed her life as well but still has doubts.

We travel to Carmella’s office as she closes the door and we see a wreck of a man who use to be Marco standing in there. She is chiding him about not seeing the money yet and she is tired of it. Swaggering to the effects of the afternoon spent in the whiskey bottle he tells her he has given her the first payment, and right now he doesn’t have any more.
She goes behind her desk sitting down and says “Look doll. I am a women. You are a man. I have needs.” as she shows off her ample assets continuing “and you haven‘t completed your side of the bargain. How long do I have to wait? I am not use to being rejected. What assurance do I have that you don‘t have the money and you are just going to take off? Hey?”

Marco still tipping about, sits down and tells her “Look sweetie, I am incapable of doing something like that to you.” She tells him the only thing she believes he is not capable of is to make a women happy. Marco leans in closer and tells her he is a real man and has made many, many women happy. Carmella pipes in “Minus me.” She tells him the worse thing a man can do is to reject a women. He knows what he has to do if he doesn’t want her to hand in his head and send him to jail. Marco asks her if she is really capable of doing that. She laughs at him telling him the difference between them is she is capable of many things and he is just a fraud. Marco leans away and Carmella gets ever close continuing to say “Or do you want to show me that isn’t true?” Time to pay the band Marco.

Dandy is still trying to get Susana to forgive him. He tells her he will never ask her to eat meat again. He tells her that they have been through so much together. Susana is still hung up on the food preference difference. Dandy brings up other differences they have like music. He wants somebody that will help him when he does something wrong. He tells her he can’t imagine life with out her. Susana is charmed and tells him he has never talked to her like that. Finally all is forgiven as they stand to seal it with a kiss. As they go to sit down the chairs break in unison.

We go to Doña Arcadia who is in her office watching her monitor grumbling about her employees wasting time. We see Chato sound asleep at his station. She rudely awakens him as he rushes to her beck and call. For his punishment for not being attentive she tells him he has to give the dogs a bath and brush their teeth as well as perfume them and fumigate them for fleas. Or something like that. As he leaves she continues to watch her screen and is not amused with antics her sales crew are up to. She is about to go confront them all. As she leaves we see Chato all dressed in full dog bath gear.

Muskrat is telling Marian what she feels for Rafa isn’t love but a fantasy. (Capricho/whim or fantasy.) She tells her she can’t understand why Rafa is ignoring her like this. This has never happened to her before. She feels rejected. Muskrat tells her that she should know that she is a very attractive women, but that her self-esteem is affected by Rafa’s indifference. Marian agrees with her. She tells her she has spent many sleepless nights wondering how far she would go to get Rafa. Muskrat wants to know what would be her limit. Marian tells her she has one last card to play. She tells her it is something that could be very dangerous but could be the opportunity to convince Rafa how much she loves him. Muskrat tells her she knew she was up to something as she has seemed very mysterious lately. She asks her what she is up to and Marian isn‘t ready to tell her for fear of loosing the game. None the less her plan is in play. She is certain it will be a great surprise.

We are back with Ale and a very pleased Jorge now that Ruby has returned. She is the best medicine for him. Rosario isn’t convinced. Ruby tells Jorge that she is sorry to say that she doesn’t have any news about the bank account. He tells her not to worry. Now that she is back at his side he is certain he will remember the account number.

If it’s not the phone it has been the doorbell interrupting us all night. This time it happens to be the door and Azucena rushes to answer it. It is Rafa who is warmly greeted by Ale with Rosario looking on crossly. Ruby seems a bit confused as she asks Jorge if Ale isn’t still married to Marco. Jorge tells her yes but she is about to divorce him.

Ale tells Rosario not to give her such a sour face. Rafa apologizes to Jorge telling him he knows he made a promise to him but many things have happened and he would like to talk with him about this but very calmly.
Rafa asks if he can borrow Ale for a little while. Jorge tells him not to go drinking and not to be late. They both promise in unison.

Ale gets her purse to leave and Rafa tells Ruby “Goodbye it’s been a pleasure” as Ale is chiding him and telling him “No no, not so much pleasure there” and closes the door.

Jorge tells Rosario not to worry. He tells her he may be loosing his memory but not his clarity. He tells her that Ale is in Love with Rafa and has been for a long time. Rosario wants to know how she can remember Rafa’s name. He tells her once again that Ruby is the best medicine for his memory.

Doña Arcadia is now front and center in the show room and is rounding up the “bunch of lazy good for nothings.” ( bola de haraganas ) She has had it and they are all fired. Including Dandy and Susana who have just arrived from their little make-up dinner.

Our final scene is with Rafa and Ale entering our favorite bar. Ale wants to know why they are at this bar. She would rather go to a different place. Rafa apologizes but tells her he needs her to see someone. Rafa is looking around and spies Zetina in the corner. Ale is confused and wants to know why she needs to see Zetina. Zetina points out Chavez in the chair and as they approach Ale is quite shocked to recognize a semi-comatose Chavez sitting at the table.

Well I can’t wait for tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

El Clon, Wed., October 20 - Summary for Discussion

Jade pulls away from kissing Daniel and laughs. He asks why. She says that she isn't 18 anymore but he is. She says that she is sad because she can't go back in time and he can't know the person she was then. Daniel replies that he likes the person she is now. 'Lucas...' says Jade and apologizes saying that she is confused. Daniel replies that he knows that she only noticed him because he looks like Lucas. At first, he was angry about that and then he forgave her. They laugh together.

Lucas finds Cristina prancing around with a veil. She is planning to do a dance that will knock Leo's socks off. Lucas remarks how 'tú siempre subiendo el ánimo,' you always raise our spirits. 'I know there are problems,' says Cristina, 'but no one's dead.' Lucas says that he feels like he is dead. Cristina tells him that Jade was right, he is always looking for excuses not to be happy - now it is Natalia. She tells him that he has to break out and go crazy. Lucas says that Jade wants the 20-year old Lucas, not him. She won't accept him with his problems. Cristina says that she wouldn't do that either. Accepting someone's problems is different than living apart from them because of those problems.

Jade tells Daniel that she has nowhere to go. She has given up everything. He invites her to live with him. She says that Lucas never did that for her. There were many times when she was in this same position and he just left her alone.

Daniel brings Jade to his house and introduces her to Dora. He shows her his room. She can sleep on the bed and he will sleep on the floor. Jade tells him that she is afraid of causing him problems. Daniel says that the only thing he is afraid of is not being with her. He asks her to marry him.

[Instead of the opening credits for the show, we get a promo for Aurora and the first confirmation that it will premiere on Nov. 1]

Estela doesn't think Dora should let Jade stay with them. Dora replies that Daniel is going through a lot right now with the hearing tomorrow. She will let Jade stay for a few days and then they will see about it.

Daniel asks if Jade loves him. She tells Daniel that she needs to stay away from him. She is afraid of him. She knows how this will turn out. Daniel says that she is afraid of him because she has been told that he is a clone. He claims that at the hearing tomorrow, Albieri will prove that he isn't a clone and then when she sees him, she won't be reminded of what Lucas did to her. Daniel asks Jade how she met Lucas. When she tells him, he is impactado.

Ramoncito tells Gloria that he thinks Alej and Diana are novios.

Roberto gets notice that Karla has filed a paternity suit against him. Lucía has a spasm and has to sit down. Roberto swears that he hasn't been with anyone else. He tells her that he will prove that the claim is false.

Zein can't understand why Malicia wants to honor Leo Ferrer. She makes up something about wanting to attract wealthy businessmen. Zein says that she is the publicist, she can do what she wants.

Malicia calls Leo's office and gets Clara [I guess she hasn't started her new job yet.] Malicia won't say why she is calling and Clara won't put her through. Malicia replies that it isn't a problem, she will call Leo on his cell. Clara tells Carolina that Cristina ought to be warned.

Pablo tells Alej that Diana is the woman for him. Alej replies that Diana has been very supportive and they are thinking of moving in together. When asked if he has heard from Nati, Alej says that he has heard that she is worse every day.

Everybody's getting ready to go to the big hearing. There is some to-ing and fro-ing with the upshot that Pablo sees that Nati is preggers. He tells Cristina that he didn't know Nati was pregnant and he doesn't think Alej knows. Cristina says that Nati is about 6 months along.

Marisa is visiting Lucía. Lucía says that if Roberto betrayed her, she will die. At this point, Rosario comes in. She has remembered who Karla is and that she is a distant relative of Consuelo. In a flash, Lucía figures out the scam. She is sure that Karla et al won't want a DNA test because they will be shown to be liars. She is so relieved to realize that Robert didn't betray her.

Dora and Daniel leave for the hearing.

At the courthouse, everyone turns up. Roberto tells Rosa not to talk about reincarnation. The trial starts. The judge states that the results of the DNA test show that the DNA of Lucas and Daniel are identical. Leo is called to testify and all the other witness leave the hearing room.

Pablo tells Alej that he saw Nati and that she is 6 or 7 months pregnant. Pablo thinks that it isn't his child but Alej is sure that it is. He almost runs over Diana on his way to confront Nati. Ramoncito tells Gloria about this. 'San Judas Tadeo, esto no es fácil,' Saint Judas Tadeo, this isn't easy,' says Gloria as usual.

Jade and Estela have a little conversation about Morocco and why she wears a veil. [I guess Jade had her makeup in the pockets of her very tight pants because she is perfectly made up right down to the orange eyeshadow.]

Jade may be gone but things are not happy at Said's house. Said is mooning over Jade and won't talk to Rania. Jadiya and Rania have a knockdown drag out fight. When Jadiya curses Rania's father, they come to blows.

Jade calls Latifa and tells her where she is staying. Latifa and Zoraida are about to bring some of Latifa's clothes to Jade when the Naz comes in. She asks why they don't bring Jade her own clothes. Zoraida replies that Said wouldn't like it. The Naz says that no one will stop her if she goes over to Said's house and gets the stuff. [What do you bet it's all going to fit in a little telenovela magic maleta? In real life, she'd need a U-haul van.] When Latifa expresses surprise that the Naz wants to help Jade, once again the Naz shows why she is one of the more interesting characters in this novela. She replies, '¿Y qué es lo que tú quieras? ¿Que la otra odalisca, Rania, se ponga las cosas de tu prima?' Do you want that other odalisque, Rania, to wear your cousin's stuff?

Nati is her usual rude self to the other maid, Marina. When Marina won't leave her alone, she runs outside just as Alej runs up. He says that he won't leave until she explains what is going on. She tells him that the baby isn't his. She goes back inside, locks herself in her room and threatens to jump out the window if he doesn't leave. He tells her that he will leave but it is over between them. Neither of them seem very happy about this turn of events.

Marisa has gone to see Enrique's shrink. She starts to tell him the whole story of the novela. [At least it's a change from Enrique's endless sessions about how drugs ruin your life.]

All the witnesses are hanging around in the hall of the court. Rosa doesn't understand why they just can't have people come to court when they need them. [Good question! But in this respect a novela trial is the same as a real trial - a lot of standing around waiting.] Dora tells Albieri that she never should have come to his clinic- he ruined her life. Albieri replies that Dora is and always will be Daniel's mother. Then he sees that Amalia is there and slinks away. Meanwhile, Luisa does not accept Cristina's conclusion that Albieri has ruined a lot of people's lives. She says that he is a genius who is a benefactor of humanity. Cristina's expression says it all.

Much to the consternation of Roberto and Enrique, Leo testifies that Albieri made a clone of his son Lucas and that that clone is Daniel.

Luisa finds out that Amalia spoke to Albieri the previous day. Then she overhears Amalia on the phone arranging to meet someone. At the end of the conversation, Amalia says, 'Igual un beso para ti, Albieri,' A kiss to you, too, Albieri.

The credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #53-54 10/20/10 The phone rings and the world changes.

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 35: Pimp My Boss.” Then come back here to discuss it.

I know todays two scene lists are particularly long. So much significant stuff happened, I couldn’t bear to ignore it.

Capitulo 53

1. Luigi gives the board a preview of the show, and Fatima practically does a lap dance for Fern.

2. The agent finishes the inventory, and the embargo is now finalized. Sanchez invites Fernando to bribe him to stop the embargo. Lety goes after Omar like a rabid dog because of his choice of attorney.

3. Fernando is burdened with guilt because he’s lost the company to Lety.

4. Fatima locks Lety out and chases Fernando. Lety detours Marcia and hides Fatima under her desk. Fernando asks Lety why he attracts all the locas. Lety giggles and says it’s not only locas. She says it’s because he’s like a superhero. He likes the sound of that.

5. Ali tells Marcia she’s sure Lety hid Fatima. Marcia reams out Fernando. Then she attacks Lety, saying that her job is Fernando’s alcahuete (one who procures women). Lety says, “I’m here for my work.” Marcia says, “For me, you’re my obstacle.” Luigi tells Marcia it’s too late to fire Fatima.

6. See the transcript. Fernando feels awful for how Lety was treated. He says Lety is his guardian angel. They hear her phone call and realize Tomás knows about the embargo. Omar sees it as a threat and plants doubts in Fernando. (Notice Fernando’s eyes vibrate as Omar is raising doubts.)

7. Jealous Paula tells Saimon that Jaz is just using him, and it won’t go anywhere because she’s living with Efren. He says, “What should I do? You reject me, so let me enjoy this illusion while I can.”

8. Fernando confronts Lety. She admits Tom knows about the embargo. She couldn’t meet Sanchez in a bar alone. And Tom had to know since he handles all the money. She assures them, he’s trustworthy.

9. Lety feels bad that she’s deceiving Sanchez about the true nature of the embargo. Tomás says that if Sanchez knew the debt was part of a fraud, he’d do things Lety wouldn’t like.

Capitulo 54

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Lety gets a phone call FROM A BOY!!.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia tells Fernando that since he can’t fire Fatima, she wants Lety’s head because she procures his women. Fern refuses – the company can’t exist without her. Marcia snarks, “What, does she already own the company?”

2. Fernando asks Luigi to fire Fatima because she’s crazy. Luigi says, “If she pursues you, it’s not the work of the Holy Spirit, nor because you’re the most attractive man in the universe.* The animal inside dominates you. You attract them, you seduce them, and then you throw them in the trash.”

3. Marta answers Lety’s phone. Lety comes back, and Marta tells her, “Guess who called? Your novio, Tomás Mora!” Fern tells Omar. “They talked about it right in front of me! As if I didn’t exist!”

4. Omar says he should’ve investigated her better. Fernando says now they depend on someone they don’t know. They agree they can’t ask Lety about her intimate life but, Fern says, “Her intimate life is intimately inter-related with MY life!” Omar says it doesn’t change anything if she’s in love. That startles Fern, and Omar teases that Fern is jealous of Tomás.

5. Lety gives Marcia cash to pay event staff. Marcia is insulted that Lety asks for a receipt. Fernando tells Omar it’ll be a wild night. Fatima with a fatal attraction, Marcia on the warpath, and Lety has a novio. He can’t concentrate on his work. He challenges Lety, and she says Tom isn’t her novio. The cuartel made that up.

6. Fernando is bursting with happiness. He tells Omar that Lety does not have a novio. Everything’s back to normal, and she didn’t hide anything from him. He plays with Omar’s toys like a little boy. Omar thinks that rumors always carry some truth.** Fern wants Omar to investigate with the cuartel, but Omar says Fern hatched the embargo plan, so Fern has to investigate.

7. Alicia provokes the cuartel, saying they’re not good enough to go to the launch. So Lety tells Ali that the cuartel WILL go to the launch. Ali tattles to Marcia. Marcia tells Lety she’s just a lowly employee, not the owner.

8. Fernando gets Marta to gossip about Lety. She says Tom is not her novio, but she’s mad about him. Juana said he’d change her life and she’d change his. He’s intelligent, rich, and very sexy. Marta makes Fern promise not to tell Lety what she said, “Cross my heart, ho-kay.”

9. Marta says Tom is not really her novio, just her amor platonico.*** She says he doesn’t even notice her. But now her luck is changing – she’s hit the jackpot! Fern asks how reliable Juana’s predictions are. Marta says they’re usually right, “but Juana also said, ‘terrible times were coming to Conceptos,’ and look! Things couldn’t be better!” QUE???!!!

* Note: Luigi tells Fernando he’s not the most attractive man in the universe. (That would be TBLMOE!) It wasn’t until a year later that Camil was named #1 in People en español’s Hombres más guapos, 2007.

**Today’s dicho. Omar tells Fernando, “Cuando el río suena, agua lleva.” When you hear the river it is because it carries water. (If a rumor is popular, it has some truth in it.)

*** Note: Amor platonico is an impossible love. Like, if you were in love with your history teacher (does a crush on Don Fernando count?).

Tune in tomorrow!
It Was a Dark and Stormy Dawn.
What will the cuartel do with the lab results?

Spanish Lesson. Cap 53, First Suspicions.
I wrote today’s Spanish Lesson because I had already transcribed it a few years ago. It's a rather loose translation.

F: Marcia really laid into Lety, horribly
O: Careful! Don’t let her be upset! You know what Lety has in her hands.
F: Enough paranoia. Lety is my guardian angel.
They overhear her phonecon with Tomas. They realize he knows about the embargo.
O: Didn’t you tell her, no one could know about the embargo except us three (it was not supposed to leave us three)? Didn’t you hear what she said to the guy who calls her all the time? She told him about the embargo! Wouldn’t it be good to ask her what’s going on? I don’t like it one bit. Tell me one thing. Do you know this so-called Tomas? Personally?
F: No, I’ve never seen him.
O: Nor do you know what he can carry between his hands? (?) Don’t you think you should already know who it is around Lety? Or to put it a better way, to know who is behind the woman who holds your company in her hands? Or, and hear me well, don’t you think you should know more about her?
F: No Omar, I’m not about to distrust Lety. On the contrary. Every day she convinces me more, the class of woman she is. And her loyalty toward me.
O: I agree. I have no doubts about her either. What’s more, we both would put our hands in the fire for Lety. She’s honest, upright, best intentions toward you. But don’t forget, she comes from a poor family. She’s never had $40M.
F: What, you think that money will [corrupt?] her? That she’ll take my company? Omar, I have enough problems, without inventing extra ones. Above all these problems, know this: you can’t suspect Lety of something so serious (poner en tela de juicio, to question). Have you forgotten? She rejected the CineRent bribe, for loyalty to me.
O: Yeah, but lest you forget, she didn’t reject it at first.
F: She’s human. She has the right to [stumble?]. What did she do in the end?
O: Yeah, fine. But that was 500K pesos. Now we’re talking millions of dollars. But fine. We won’t discuss Lety’s honesty. But be careful. [Someone could poison her. (?)] Don’t forget that someone could influence her to betray you.
F: I know her family. They are not that type of people.
O: Fine. And what can you tell me about that Tomas?


El Clon Tuesday October 19: Summary for Discussion

Natalia pulls her hood up and walks away unnoticed leaving Diana standing behind Alejandro with her arms around his shoulders. He doesn’t feel ready for a relationship, he says. He needs time and patience. Diana offers him both and he is grateful.

Enrique talks about how hard it is for the addict to live with his frustration, pain and especially, rage. And rage makes him want to consume even more drugs. The therapist points out that:
Viver es lidiar con las emociones.
(Living means coping with one’s emotions.)
But that is precisely what the addict can’t do. So he numbs himself with drugs. But then he is left with a terrible fear.

And so Natalia tries to numb the pain and rage she feels after seeing Alej and Diana together. Pregnant or not, her fifteen minutes of abstinence are over and she is back with her Zombies. And she’s not willing to share with Fernando. After all, they bought the drugs with her money.

At Empresas Ferrer, another piece of Clara’s world is wrenched away when Lucas informs her that she has been demoted: she is now his secretary. But she shouldn’t worry -- someone else has already been chosen to take her place.

In the barrio, Gloria is happy with Ramón’s latest item: Alej and Diana left the gym holding hands.

When Karla hears how Hilda was nearly thrown out by security at Roberto’s office, she wants to forget the whole thing. But Hilda is undeterred. She calls the Del Valle home number, gets Lucia on the phone and announces that Roberto has a son by her daughter. Fortunately, Lucia is sitting on the couch because she, like so many before her in this story, faints dead away. It’s a good thing Consuelo is there to phone for help.

Roberto has rushed home and is now assuring Lucia that:
Esa historia del hijo es lo más vil que puede existir.
(That story about a son is the most despicable thing I ever heard./literally: that can exist.)
He doesn’t even know that impostor (farsante). He thinks he knows who the daughter is, but he never had anything to do with her. Lucia is the only one he loves.

At Casa Ferrer, Cris is showing Vicki her presents from Morocco. Sour Mama Rosa interrupts the smiling friends to ask what they’d like for lunch. Cris has a yen for Cuban food:
...un plato de lechón con arroz, frijoles y maduritos...
(... a serving of suckling pig with rice, beans and plantains).
Rosa informs Cris very prissily that they never eat pork – too much fat and cholesterol! She recites a politically correct list of pastas. Whatever you like, says Cris.

Rosa grouses to Marisa about Cris’s low tastes but Marisa cuts her short, advising her to join forces with Cris (unirse): Así no sufres tanto. That way you won’t suffer so much.

Natalia phones Marisa with the unsettling news: she is pregnant. She hangs up before Marisa can say anything. The nightmare is starting again, Marisa tells Rosa.

Lucas is no happier than Marisa about the pregnancy. He tells Enrique he feels as if he is living Natalia’s life rather than his own. And he wonders, as he feels his life is passing him by, how Jade is... (¿Cómo estará Jade?)

Not so great, it seems. She can’t understand why Allah let the Shadow cross her path just when she had gotten over Lucas. Allah must be testing her, she tells Zoraida.

No me gusta verte así cabizbajo, Dora tells Daniel.
(I don’t like to see you downcast like that)
Daniel is sad to think that Jade prefers the ‘original’ to him. Dora begs him to stop comparing himself to Lucas. She can’t wait for the hearing tomorrow: Finally the 'misunderstanding' will be cleared up. And Daniel is also looking forward to it. He hopes to hear that he is unrelated to Lucas Ferrer.

We see Natalia wearing a white tank top and walking alone. Then she is in black and walks with her Zombies toward the drug house. She is visibly pregnant. (I’m completely confused by the timing because she looks at least 5 or 6 months along.)

¿Quieres acabar con la vida de tu hijo? (Do you want to do away with your child’s life?) asks the desperate Marisa when Natalia shows up at Casa Ferrer. Natalia retreats to her room, chases Rosa away, and once alone she says: Quiero morir. (I want to die.)

While the women – Cris, Marisa and Rosa – are trying to decide what to do, Natalia runs out the door.

Natalia meets up with Paula. I don’t want to use anymore, says Natalia. Okay, I’ll take your share, says Paula. Natalia snatches back her drugs.

At the Del Valle home, Roberto and Andrea are gossiping about Albieri and Amalia when Lucia bursts in. She was so worried when she didn’t find Roberto at work and couldn’t reach him on his cell. Why she almost had a heart attack. But now all is well and she and Roberto are all kissy-face while Andrea giggles and hides behind a pillow. And Consuelo, whose back is turned to them but is always lurking and listening, sticks out her tongue in disgust.

Consuelo reports back to Skank headquarters that she is ready to give up. That woman never lets Roberto out of her sight. You quit and I’ll sue you says the litigious Granny Skank. And Karla con K continues to have misgivings:
¡Yo te dije que lo mejor era no habernos metido con esa gente!
(I told you it would have been better not to mess with those people!)

Albieri has just gotten home from the librería (bookstore), when the doorbell rings. It’s Daniel. He tells Albieri: If you say that I’m a clone in the hearing tomorrow, you’ll never see me again. I don’t want anyone calling me a clone – not even you!

Luisa excuses herself so they can talk. She picks up Albieri’s jacket and notices a paper sticking out of one of the books he just bought. It is a note in Albieri’s writing: Este libro es como tú, con mucho cariño, Albieri. (This book is like you, with much affection, A)

Albieri does his best to convince Daniel that being a clone is nothing shameful any more than being a test-tube baby is shameful. He is a human being like everyone else. And besides, it may not even be necessary to mention cloning tomorrow.

Daniel feels that Albieri doesn’t get it:
A veces me siento tanta rabia por ti. Me gustaría que sintieras lo que yo sufro...
(Sometimes I feel so much rage towards you. I’d like you to feel what I’m suffering…)

And yet…
… al mismo tiempo no puedo alejar de ti.
(… at the same time I can’t stay away from you.)

Albieri created him and he’s the only person that can give him his place in the world.

The Family Council has assembled once again at Mohamed’s house. Said has been tight-lipped about his decision and now everyone listens attentively when Alí says:
Said, tell us, will you marry Jade or cast her to the winds?

¡Me caso! he says smiling. (I’ll marry her). Rania’s face falls. Alí beams and he tells Jade she is fortunate, that Allah has been good to her.

No one is prepared for Jade’s response:
Pues yo no me caso. No me vuelvo a casar con Said.
(Well I’m not getting married. I’m not going to marry Said again.)

Now Rania and Amina exchange smug little smiles while Jadiya’s face is a mask of grief.

Alí is furious. He has done so much to make this marriage possible and now she is throwing it away. He curses her. Jade accepts the curses meekly. But she can’t take any more. She refuses to go on deceiving herself.

Then I don’t want you either, retorts Said bitterly – not in my house and not in my life. I am burying you, Jade, in front of all these witnesses. I’ll never take you back. And I curse the moment I fell in love with you, the jewels I gave you, the silks, all the gifts…

The Naz looks on, her face streaked with tears.

Jade deliberately removes her veil, her rings, her earrings. I’ll give back everything you gave me, she says. And I’ll leave with what I came with: my life.

She holds Jadiya’s tearful face in her hands, strokes her hair and says: Some day, you’ll understand.

Samira comes up to her aunt: Tía, toma esto. (Aunt, take this). She gives her the veil she just received from her father. They embrace warmly. Latifa is weeping.

Jade kisses Jadiya one more time and tells her she loves her.

Rania continues to look smug.

You shouldn’t let her go, Zoraida tells Alí. She doesn’t know anyone in this city. Let her go, says Alí. When she comes back, she’ll be tamer (más mansa). But now, let her go where the wind takes her.

Said watches miserably, smirky Rania clinging to his arm and leaning on his shoulder, as Jade closes the gate behind her and heads out alone into the darkened street.

Daniel is waiting for Albieri in his office. He notices a photo of Lucas and he takes it down and scowls at it.

Albieri, meanwhile, tells Luisa that he bought the book for her. She doesn’t believe him. After all, he already owns that book. She demands reassurance that he loves her and that he’s never been unfaithful to her. She is, she tells him, the only one he can trust and she urges him not to disappoint her. And now, she says, let’s have dinner with Daniel.

But Daniel is gone. And the photo of Lucas is on the floor, torn to pieces.

Daniel sits on some steps outside, in the dark. He is idly tossing a coin over and over.

At Mohamed’s house the postmortem is in progress. Alí feels betrayed by Jade’s ingratitude; Abdul says it was her destiny; Rania is relieved that Jade is gone. Samira is worried about her aunt and so is Amin who points out that she left empty-handed. The Naz says Alí shouldn’t have let her leave with nothing. Jadiya is sad that her mother had to leave her gold; she warns Rania that it will never belong to her. Rania murmurs to Amina that she can’t stand Jadiya. She would say more but Amina restrains her.

At Casa Ferrer, Lucas sits in his bedroom unable to sleep. He is anxious. He has an oppressive sensation in his chest, almost a pain, as if something is about to happen. Marisa, already in bed, thinks he’s nervous about tomorrow’s paternity hearing. He doesn’t think that’s it. He can’t stand the idea of another Lucas wandering about, living his life, taking over moments that belonged to him.

He decides to go for a drive.

Outside in the Miami night, Jade walks up to Daniel, still seated on the steps. She sits down beside him, laughs, takes his arm and kisses him.

Credits roll.


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