Thursday, December 09, 2010

Eva Luna #25 Wed 12/8/10 Oops!! Vicky realizes Dan wasn’t with Sabrina. “Oh well”

We start out with Marcella drilling Dan about Eva. He admits he wanted to talk with Eva. She inquires as to why he would want to talk to her servant. He tells her it is his daughter’s birthday and he wanted to invite her to the birthday party. He tells her that Laurita really likes Eva. Marcella tells him he doesn’t seem to be very selective regarding his daughter’s friendships. Daniel quips back he isn’t accustomed to classifying people according to their social status.

Then she wants to know why he lied to her. Why did he tell her the first time he called was to talk to Leo. Daniel looking straight in her face says “because the first time I called I was looking for Leo.”

He stands with hands in his pockets and says “Any more questions?”

Adrian is telling Justa and Ricardo about his little adventure in the lake and how he came upon Laurita who was about to drown and he saved her. Justa and Ricardo tell him they were really worried about him and he promises he will never do it again. Ricardo remarks later that it isn’t easy to be grandparents.

Over on the other side of the tracks, Laurita is telling Jacky about her little adventure. She makes her promise that she won’t say a word to Daniel. She tells her the only reason she won’t say anything to Daniel is so he won’t worry. But she still deserves a punishment. Laurita begs her forgiveness and not to punish her. Soft hearted Jacky melts and says okay. She wants to know more about the young man that saved her. Laurita smiling say’s it was a very handsome boy that I will never forget.

Claudia and Vicky are having a chat. Claudia tells her she doesn’t agree with what she did to Sabrina. Vicky justifies her actions by saying “She was looking for it because she was messing with my man.. I heard her admit it. I won though.” Claudia tells her it was a bit extreme to put the acid in her cream. Victoria replies “she deserves it for being such a tart (golfa/ tart or whore). Claudia tells her she is starting to scare her. Victoria warns her to be careful what she says to her, and to get it into her head that she had nothing to do with what happened to Sabrina.

Marcella isn’t buying Daniel’s story. He tells her to believe what she wants to. Then he cordially invites her to Laurita’s birthday party. Marcella “graciously” thanks him but tells him she won’t be able to come. Then she tells him to listen carefully “My dear son-in-law (yerno). If I ever find out you had anything to do with Eva, you will be sorry. You can’t imagine what it would cost you.” as she continues to hiss like the venomous snake and begs her leave.

Claudia is asking Victoria, what happens if it turns out it wasn’t Sabrina he was with? Victoria tells her “Well I was wrong and I am sorry. But any women who I think could steal my Daniel will have some pretty unlucky days.

Carlos is being detained and questioned by the police. They end up doing a good cop bad cop routine and the good cop ends up getting a confession that he did break into to the schools admissions office and stole Alicia’s files. He swears to them that Alicia had nothing to do with this. He also swears to them that she had nothing to do with threatening the teacher. This plotline is fed to us in 30 second doses throughout the show. I will just end it now. The detectives end up putting the cuffs on him and throws him in Jail.

We have more family time with Adrian and the grandparents. Adrian tells them that the girl he saved was very pretty. They tell him he was a hero but what he did was very dangerous. Adrian asks Ricardo if you think about someone all the time does it mean you love them? Ricardo smiles and looks at a nervous Justa and says “why do you ask?” Adrian replies “Since I have met this girl I can’t stop thinking about her.”

We are quickly taken to another room where Laurita is talking to a photo of her mother.

She knows it was her that sent the boy to save her. She promises her she will never go to the park alone again. She tells her she wanted to go to the park with Eva but she had to work. And Jacky couldn’t go either. Daniel happens to be just around the corner as Laurita continues talking to the photo. She then asks if she knows who Eva is. Daniel listens intently as Laurita continues that she is a beautiful woman who is mad at her dad. She asks her mother since she is in heaven to do something to help her dad be more content.

Daniel approaches Laurita and says “You miss your mother a lot don’t you.” He tells her he misses her too. They have a sweet papa daughter talk. He tells her he is lucky to have her. She smiles and tells him he is a great papa.

Nervous Fran has just gotten Marisol’s voice mail. He is leaving a message as Jacky walks in. He is telling Marisol that he is worried because he hasn’t heard from her and to call him when she gets this message. After he hangs up he says to Jacky “I think Marisol dumped me.” She tells him sarcastically to invent something else up. Francisco is hurt at her lack of compassion and tells her she has no idea how he feels. She shoots back “Your wrong. I know exactly how you feel.” He sits back down sheepishly and tells her he is sorry he didn’t know. She angrily retorts “that’s your problem you never know anything.”

Back to the other side of the tracks Marisol is confiding in Alicia. She is worried her day’s are numbered and her train has left the station.

Daniel and Laurita continue their little chat. He tells that her the most important thing to him his her happiness. She tells him she wants that for him as well and says “For this reason I am telling you not to marry Victoria. Tell me, are you happy? Are you happy to be almost at the point of marrying her?”

We get a brief moment with Eva who is caressing the gown Daniel gave her lamenting “Why Daniel do you continue caring when you know that “we” can never be?”

Laurita is telling Daniel to answer her question “Are you happy with Victoria or not?” Daniel sighs and tells her she shouldn’t ask such thinks. It makes him think about thinks he doesn’t want to think about.” (What is wrong with this man??!!!!) A confused Laurita tells him she doesn’t understand and a clueless Daniel feeds her a bunch of bunk. He tells her he she (Laurita) makes him happy. He likes his work and as for as the marriage, well it’s the best he can do. Laurita tells him if he is thinking about getting married again he should marry Eva. She could be like a mother to her. Daniel says “And Victoria?” Laurita firmly answers “no she could never be like a mother.” She continues “you care for Eva and she cares for you. You should marry each other.”

Francisco is asking Jacky to be honest with him and admit that she really doesn’t know how to cook snails. She tells him not to worry about it so much as Marisol barely touched her food. He then tells her he doesn’t know what to do, as she walked out on him at the café (Me dejo plantado) . He is worried because she hasn’t called him. Jacky suggests that he call her. He tells her he can’t call her. He has already called a million times. Anyway she has her phone turned off.

Alicia is asking Marisol if she isn’t risking a lot for this man. Marisol tells her she has never known a man that treats her like he does. One who makes her feel so special. And who doesn’t ask for anything in exchange.

Fran is now telling Jacky that he has the strangest sensation that she knows the truth about him. Jacky says well if that’s how you feel than she must have discovered the truth. Not what he want to hear. He tells her not to say that. “Look at me I am suffering.”

Alicia is going on about Tony. Marisol tries to convince her that Carlos is the better option. She tells her she knows Tony isn’t the best choice but Carlos is more like a third cousin. “I see him but don’t feel anything for him.”

Julio is asleep in his bed moaning and groaning and tossing and turning. ReNuta walks in with a glass of water and sees that he looks distressed. She sits down on the bed beside him and feels his forehead.

He is mumbling in his sleep “This can’t be. This can’t be. Justa.” ReNuta quickly pulls her hand away surprised to hear him call out her name. He continues ranting “no” and calling out Justa’s name. “Where are you, you can’t be dead. Justa my Love!” He suddenly sits up and is startled to see a startled ReNuta quickly move from the bed.

Speaking of Justa, Ricardo is telling her the answer to Adrian’s question is yes. If you think about someone all the time you are in love. He asks her if she ever thinks about him. She gets flustered. He then wants to know why she gave him the book for his birthday. More fluster talk. He tells her he keeps knocking on her door and she never answers. He tells her he knows she hears him. She says “Perhaps. But maybe this door doesn’t have a key and maybe it is better to say this door has been damaged (quedo destrozada). She walks away leaving Ricardo looking on sadly.

Our door buster is now demanding to know what ReNuta is doing in his bedroom. She tells him she brought him a glass of water in case he was thirsty. He wants to know why she was sitting beside him. She tells him because he looked like he might have had a fever. He tells her no what he had was a bad dream (Un mal sueño). She inquires about his dream. He tells her he returned to a very painful moment.
She seems quite unsettled and asks if he needs anything else and he tells her no. She can leave. As she leaves we see Julio talking out loud “Why Justa, why would I be dreaming about you now, my love?” ReNuta continues to listen in at the door as she says to herself “You can’t find out that Justa is still alive. Nor that Victoria is the daughter you had with her.” and solemnly closes the door.

It is the next day (I think). Victoria and Claudia are poolside. Victoria has just hung up after talking to Daniel. He wants her to help with Laurita’s birthday party. As long as she gets to spend the day with Daniel she will be happy. Claudia wants to know if she knows how Sabrina is doing. Vicky tells her she doesn’t know she hasn’t called the hospital. Leo has entered the picture and wants to know who is in the hospital. Victoria fill him in on Sabrina’s little run in with the acid laced cream. Leo remarks “Wow. What a sinister person.” Victoria retorts “Well one never knows what she did to deserve it.” He tells her it had to be an assassin or someone like that to do something like that. He tells her that they all need to go visit her. Victoria tells him no and to not even think about telling Daniel about it.

He wants to know why and she tells him about Daniel spending the whole night with someone who had an accident. Leo seems surprised and says he never told him about it. Claudia wants to know where ReNuta is with there drinks. In walks Eva with said drinks. ReNuta asked her to bring them. She had a headache and went to bed. Eva hands a phone to Leo and he leaves. As she bends over to give Victoria her drink, she notices the bandage on her forehead and wants to know what happened. She tells her she spent the whole night at the hospital under observation. Victoria looks at her and says “All night.” Eva shakes it off and tells her she is fine now. She asks if they need anything else and they tell her no and leaves. Victoria looks quite upset and Claudia asks her whets wrong. She tells her “I am beginning to think the women Daniel was with all night was not Sabrina. It was Eva.”

Claudia starts laughing and says that’s incredible. “Why don’t you change professions from model to spiritualist (espiritista) or a detective because your seeing ghosts all over the place. I think you should go see a shrink. (I think that’s what she said, but don’t bet the farm on it.) Victoria is not amused. Claudia now continues “ Don’t tell me now that Eva will have an accident because you have doubts about her. What are you thinking about doing to her. Something worse than what you did to Sabrina?” Victoria is mad and tells her not to talk about those things. Victoria now wonders if it was Eva and Claudia tells her it could not have been her Daniel was with. (Again I am not really certain about this). Anyway Daniel shows up and seems miffed that Victoria isn’t ready to go shopping with him for Laurita’s birthday party.

ReNuta is holding the stack of letters saying to herself “ Julio you don’t have the slightest idea of how much I loved you. It hurt that you thought more of my sister, and for that reason I preferred seeing you marry Marcella. These are the letters that she sent you and I never gave them to you. (She could have just as easily said “These are the letters you sent to her and I never gave them to her.” I always get confused with who does what to whom in the past tense.) There is a knock on the door and she quickly puts the letters away.

Eva has come calling to see how she is doing. ReNuta rudely says “What do you want?” She tells her she came to see how she is feeling. She offers to bring her something if she needs it. She curtly tells her she is fine and to leave her room and stop bothering her. Eva quips back “With that attitude nothing could help you.”

Weird little brother and sister encounter. Most of it boring but the most important piece of information was that Leo did not rat Daniel out to Victoria about Daniel’s interest in Eva when she asked him if Daniel was interested in her. She also asked if Eva was interested in Daniel. Leo tells her the only man that Eva could be interested in would be him. As Victoria leaves Leo says to himself “I saved you today Daniel because it isn’t worth the trouble if Victoria finds out . In the end Eva will be mine and only mine.”

Daniel has encountered Eva once more and invites her to Laurita’s birthday party. She is hesitant at first but finally succumbs to Daniels charm. After all she is only doing it for Laurita. She asks if it is okay if she brings someone. Daniel wants to know who. She says it is a child that lives at the pension with them. He lives with a bunch of adults and it would be fun for him to go to a party. Daniel smiles and tells her that would be fine.

The day of the birthday party has finally arrived and we see Fran unload a van full of screaming excited children in front of the big house. Laurita is thanking Daniel for her birthday present. It was a medallion that her grandparents gave to her mother when she was about the same age as Laurita.

We see balloons and children everywhere and Daniel reminds Laurita that Vicky helped him with the party preparations.

Laurita is less than impressed and says “How nice” as only an 11 year old can say. Then promptly asks about Eva. Daniel tells her she should be on her way. Laurita is concerned and wants to make sure she knows the party is today. Daniel tells her not to worry and our sweet moment is ruined as Vicky encroaches and wants to know how she liked the splendid decorations that she sent for the party. She replies with proper snot “It’s a bit infantile and I am not a baby. I am going to go play” and starts to take off.

Daniel quickly stops her and reminds her of her manners and she reluctantly but graciously thanks Victoria. Then Laurita asks “Before you tell me all you do for me aren’t you even going to congratulate me?” (I love this little girl!!) Then we get the best fake hug ever with Clueless Dan smiling in approval.

Awkward moment over as the hug ends and Victoria reminds her not to leave as her gift is in the living room. A less than enthused Laurita departs anyway leaving Victoria to whine to Daniel “See I did all I could to get close to her and she just left.” Daniel tells her not to worry he will talk to her and wait for them in the living room.

Victoria now more the low-some creature we know her to be walks into the living room where Leo and Claudia are sitting and says something along the lines of “What does that little snot think? That I will spend all afternoon waiting for her to open the present I brought her?” Leo advices that she be more patient. Claudia agrees with him. Victoria rants “three months after we are married I will send her off to an intuition very far away from here.” Leo tells her she is pretty naïve. That is not going to be very easy. He tells her “Your future husband sees you through his child’s eyes.” Victoria tells Leo that those two will soon agree with her because they will both see through her eyes.

Daniel has dragged a less that excited Laurita into the living room. Her excitement diminishes further as she unwraps the gift that Victoria bought her. It is a pink laptop. Victoria wants to know what she thinks about it. Laurita says it is nice but she uses her dad’s computer. She gets up to leave and is stopped by Daniel who tells her to not act so badly and tell Victoria thank you. Victoria tells her the most important thing is that she has her own computer.

Once again Laurita attempts to leave but quickly returns when she hears Eva’s voice. Her excitement has greatly improved as she rushes to hug Eva who is carrying a large box. (Now that’s a real hug)

Vicky looks on with green envy and Daniel smiles brightly. She tells her to open her present and greets everyone. Victoria says “I didn’t think you would be here Eva.” and Laurita quickly and proudly states “I invited her.”

She opens the gift and inside is a cute white puppy. Laurita is ecstatic, and again Victoria not so much as Daniel smiling says “It is just what you wanted.” Victoria wants to know where she got the money to buy the dog. Eva explains there is a an animal shelter (albergue de animals) close to her house and that’s where she got it. Victoria is worried that it doesn’t even have it’s shots yet and tells Daniel that this animal could be a danger for Laurita. Eva assures her that the dog has had his shots. (I am not certain if Victoria has had hers.) Eva then gives all the papers demonstrating this to Daniel.

Laurita begs to keep the dog and Daniel reading the papers tells her that everything looks good to him and it shouldn’t be any problem. Victoria is not happy as she watches Laurita joyfully thank and hug Eva. Laurita wants to show off her puppy and Eva tells her not to go yet she has someone she wants her to meet.

Alicia and Marisol are back at the pension trying to figure out how to get a hold of Fran. Alicia tells her to call the house. She should have the number in her phone log. Of course, as Marisol scrolls through the messages he left.

In the meantime Eva is introducing Laurita to Adrian. Adrian is all smiles and they are quickly off to play as Eva leaves with Jacky to the kitchen. Daniel sits across from pouting Victoria as Leo remarks “Eva brought a great present. Why didn’t you tell me she was coming?” Daniel tells him he didn’t think it was important. Victoria quickly plots to get Daniel alone and asks her to come with her to get something to eat. Leo excuses himself to go make a phone call and asks if he can use his phone.

Marisol is now dialing the number in her phone. Leo at the same time is about to pick up Daniels’s phone to make his call and answers it as it rings. Leo apologizes and says her call interrupted his just as he was dialing. Marisol seems a bit confused and asks to speak to Mr. Ramirez Conti. Leo seems confused now as he says “Who?” She repeats the name and Leo says “Oh yea you want to talk to the chauffer.” Marisol’s turn to be confused as she says “No not with the chauffer, I want to talk to the owner of the house.” The confusion goes back and forth as Leo now looks at the phone and walks out to get Daniel.

He hands the phone off to Daniel and tells him he has a call. The confusion ball is back in Marisol’s court as she hears Daniel’s voice on the other end. She asks who she is talking to and he says “Daniel, who are you?” Marisol replies “Daniel the chauffer?” Daniel’s turn for confusion as he says “The chauffer?” She finally says “This is Marisol I would like to talk with Mr. Ramirez Conti.” Daniel finally figures it out and says just a minute I will go get him. Leo wants to know if it is a new conquest and Daniel says “Yes but it is for the boss.

“Boss man” is in the kitchen helping Jacky and Eva with party stuff. Jacky is thrilled with the gift she gave Laurita. Eva goes to leave and has
a cute little encounter with Daniel and they dance their way around one another. Daniel tells Fran that he has a phone call. Fran seems surprised as Daniel tells him the call is for Mr. Ramirez Conti. Jacky looks a bit worried. Daniel says “Well she asked to Speak with Mr. Conti and you’re the only Mr. Conti I know.” As he hands him the phone he tells him “You and I need to talk Later.” Finally Marisol gets to talk to Fran.

And finally Eva and Dan get to talk as well. He tells her Laurita was dying for a dog and wants to know how she knew that. She tells her that Laurita told her. He tells her he is very happy that her and Laurita are friends. He would love it if they were able to spend more time together. She said they were friends the moment they met. Daniel gets a little nostalgic and tells Eva they grow up so fast. He worries there isn’t a women in her life. Eva tells him not to be so worried because when he marries Victoria she can take care of that problem. Daniel tells her he doesn’t think Victoria has the patience for this. He continues “Furthermore Laurita doesn’t want me to marry Victoria.” Eva tells him not to worry he knows how children’s whims are. Daniel tells her Laurita cares for her, as he looks away then looking back at her tells her he does too. I am certain I am not the only one who gave out a long exacerbated sigh as Victoria interrupts this engaging conversation and possessively intertwines her arm to Daniel.

She says “Hello my love. Are you enjoying your time with one of my house servants?”

Dan chews her out for talking to her like that. Victoria doesn’t understand why he would be so upset. After all she is a servant at her house. Then she looks at Eva and says “Your not upset with me are you?” Eva tells her not to worry. Then she wants to know if they were talking about the bump on her head. Daniel tells her no. Eva becomes quite uncomfortable. He tells her they were talking about Laurita. Victoria hemms a bit and says “Your probably not aware of the huge coincidence you two have.” Daniel wants to know what she is talking about. Victoria says “Well Eva spent a whole night under observation and he also spent a whole night watching over a friend who had an accident. What a coincidence, huh?”
Eva is squirming about uncomfortably and fortunately is interrupted by Jacky. She tells them someone is looking for him and his fiancé. Jacky approaches Eva and says “That women isn’t bad. She is horrible. She doesn’t deserve Daniel.”

Adrian approaches Laurita with a bouquet of flowers and tells her it is her birthday gift. Laurita is overjoyed.

Adrian tells her he wanted to get her something better but he doesn’t have any money. Laurita smiles and tells him it is the best gift he could give her. She says it is the first time a friend gave her flowers. Adrian tells her he never imagined he would be at her house. Laurita is more amazed that he knows Eva and that she brought him to her party. Laurita tells him he can come and visit any time he wants.

Adrian tells her she lives in such a big house. Laurita asks where he lives. He tells her he lives in a room. Laurita wants to know if he lives in one room with his parents. Adrian explains that his mother died and his father left him. He tells them Justa and Ricardo take care of him like grandparents. He tells them they are good people and they were worried for him and for her because she almost drowned. Laurita shushes him saying her dad doesn’t know anything about that. She doesn’t want Eva to know either because she told her not to go to the park alone. They agree it will be their little secret. Eva hears them and asks them what secret? Laurita says if she tells her it won’t be a secret. She says okay but hopes it is nothing bad.

We are only allowed so much sweetness per night as we go back to the dreary big house. ReNuta is brining Julio his nightly medicine. He tells her to leave it there. ReNuta tells him Marcella prefers if she stayed and watched him drink it. He tells her he doesn’t care what she wants and at this moment he doesn’t feel like drinking it. She smarts back “If Eva brought it you would drink it right away right?” Julio says “Truthfully you are just as jealous of Eva as you were of your sister right?” She shoots a very nasty look his way.

She tells him his comment has no merit and she has no interest in talking about Justa. Julio looks at her with searing eyes as she finishes her sentence and says “Justa is dead.”
Julio tells her after his dream he has begun to believe that this is not the case. She tells him he had a bad dream and that’s all it was. He continues looking at her as she tells him not to think like that anymore and to forget about it.

As Eva leaves Adrian and Laurita she runs into Leo who tells her how surprised he is to see her there. She tells him she hardly ever comes there. He tells her that he is happy that she did come. He then says he is curious. Did she come because Laurita asked her or because of Daniel. That’s where we end.


Llena de Amor #83 (Mex. 88) Wed 12/8/10 Three red herrings, two fresas, and one rotten orange are stinking up the joint

I got confused trying to keep track of Marianela, Victoria, whatever her name is. So if I write Mari, Vicki, MariVicki, I mean just the one person, Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa. Also, tonight there was a lot of talk and not much action. Was it just me or did the episode seem to drag on? Oh well, I guess it can't be exciting every night.

The very boring wedding is still going on. However, in the den or wherever it is the purses and money are kept, El Lirio de Plata de Darth Vader has tied up MariVicki. She wonders is he the same guy that attacked her way back when? No, that guy was violent and this not so much. They almost get found by Nereida but since she’s a lazy maid who doesn’t do a thorough search El Lirio and Vicki remain undiscovered.

Max summons Paula to the foxhole to tell her he saw Gretel who is safe even though she spent TWO YEARS in the wine cellar in the same outfit.

El Lirio goes through the purses and Mauricio’s money-stuffed briefcase (hoorah!) grunting happily as he finds the goods. Throughout all this he entertains Vicki with his story, that he robs not for himself but for others in need. Mari thought bubbles that he thinks he’s Robin Hood and crazier than she thought. That made me laugh. He robs the safety deposit box, swipes her necklace, places un Lirio de Plata in her hand, smashes the window and casually strides out of the room. Whatever happened to opening a window and sneaking out?

The wedding party breaks down the door to discover they have been robbed!! Do they not notice that Eman’s not there?

Ilitia gripes that this pirate Robin Hood ruined her “wedding”. Muneca pipes up the guy’s not all bad and suddenly Ilitia notices Eman’s not there. He appears and is “shocked” to hear that that they have been robbed. Fedra shrieks for Bernardo and busts everyone’s ear drums. I think this is a red herring to make us wonder if Bernardo is El Lirio. Doesn’t work.

Consuelo moons over Brandon and tries to suck up to Dolores her kinda maybe future mother-in-law. She wishes.

Back at the wedding party Ilitia doesn’t like that Eman is talking to MariVicki. Mari in her fake Spanish accent asks has anyone called the poleeth? Speak of the king of Rome and through the door Brandon enters.

Paula begs Beni to take her to Gretel. She could care less that she’s supposed to be working the wedding so they sneak out, telling Delicia they’re going to fetch refreshements.

Brandon does his police thing, waves a black glove around that he found outside and claims it belongs to El Lirio. Eman thinks it’s suspicious that Brandon all of a sudden shows up and Mari thought bubbles that this is no coincidence, she’s certain Brandon is El Lirio de Plata. Little do they know he was probably just sniffing around hoping to catch a glimpse of Ilitia.

Nereida and Delicia, who are acting exceedingly casual about the house being burgled, think it’s very suspicious that El Lirio was able to get in and go straight to the room with the purses and Malicio’s briefcase. Nereida licks her lips and wonders if Bernardo is El Lirio de Plata.

Eman continues to cast suspicion upon Brandon (and away from himself). Ilitia’s not liking this and pipes up that the Spaniard is a stranger and it’s probably SHE who is the thief. Fedra jumps on this idea and starts to attack until Mari tells her to look in the mirror, her makeup is running. This throws Fedra off while Jacqui snickers in the background. Mari says she’s a stranger now but very soon they will know more about her. Emiliano forbids Fedra to attack Vicki and Brandon.

Ilitia keeps trying to implicate Vicki but Vicki defends herself by pointing out she was robbed too. She tells Brandon the only thing the robber said is that he was El Lirio de Plata. I guess she forgot that El Lirio blabbed nonstop while he was robbing the place.

Doris finds Oliver in his pigsty of a room. They discuss The Kiss and Oliver admits he was looking for an antidote to the pain that is Gretel. Nevertheless he really liked the day he and Doris spent together. She tells him she can count on her for anything. They hug, get a little too close, stare at each other, and jump apart.

Brandon goes into the den to look for clues and Vicki asks Emiliano for a favor. Can she visit The General on behalf of Marianela? Oh, and can she have a job? That would be two favors but who’s counting?

I thought Max would recognize Vicki but no, she says she’s Mari’s friend. Max wants to hear all about Mari’s marriage. Is her husband a fatty like her? Good grief I can’t believe he asked that! I would have ripped him a new one but Vicki thinks it’s funny. She says she’s come to deliver an important message from Mari. Carlota confessed that Max’s suspicions are correct. “Then it’s true, Gretel is my daughter!”

Cut to Gretel sobbing on her bed and having a flashback to the unfortunate kiss between Oliver and Doris. Thank goodness she, and we, are saved by a knock at the door. Paula hugs Gretel like a, well like a long lost daughter.

Vicki gives Max a letter from Mari which she says explains everything. “Dear Tio Maximo, I’m fulfilling a promise I made to Carlota. She confessed everything blah blah blah, hired detectives to look for Gretel in Mexico and Europe, couldn’t find her, made Tia’s guilt even worse. Poor Carlota, asked me to find Gretel’s parents and tell them sorry for the terrible damage she did by taking away their baby.” OK sweetie, no harm done, Carlota can have a Get Out of Hell Free card.

Gretel is sobbing to Paula that she lost everything. Paula volunteers to look for Gretel’s novio but Gretel tells her too late. Everything’s gone, her family, her love, she’s more alone than ever and has nobody, doomed to a life of fleeing. Paula swears that she will stick by Gretel and go with here no matter where!

It looks like Max has told Vicki about Fedra locking Gretel in the wine cellar because they are trashing the witch vehemently. He says because she’s Mari’s friend and has the eyes of a pure soul he’ll admit he’s got Gretel hidden in a hotel. (Some General.) Vicki wants him to tell her where so she can visit Gretel this very night.

Back at the hotel room Paula is ready to stay with Gretel and never go back but Benigno fears that if she’s a no-show then Fedra and Bernardo will be on them like a pack of vultures. Gretel adds that last time someone tried to help her, namely Oliver, Bernardo tried to kill him and she doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Paula. “Benigno, take her away now.” Sobs and tears and Gretel is left alone once more.

Time for a commercial break. You know what I like about the holidays? Chia pets, and this year we have all new Sponge Bob and Shrek in addition to Scooby, kitty and Obama. Makes a great gift so order yours now!

Ilitia gripes to Fedra that her wedding was a complete flop. Ya think? Brandon wants to take Vicki down to the station for questioning but Vicki’s not liking this idea. Can they do it tomorrow? Eman puffs up his chest and smugly tells Brandon that Victoria doesn’t want to go anywhere much less with him. I’ll bet Vicki prefers to speak for herself.

Axel and Delicia sneak away so she can give him something. No, not the kiss he was hoping for but something else. She bought him a gift, it’s a guitar, how sweet!

Brandon tells Eman to occupy himself with his wife and let Brandon do his work. Mari announces she’s fine with helping out the poleeth. See toldja Eman.

The two fresas are off in a corner hissing that they hate the españolita even more than the fatty. Ilitia’s pissed because she’s getting the attention of all her men. “All?” Kristel reminds her that Eman is her only guy, right? And Brandon? Ilitia snickers that she’s not at all interested in that naco. Ew, ew they squeak in unison, and then they hungrily check out Brandon’s assets.

Axel is very touched at Delicia’s gift and they decide he has to leave the guitar there (is it her room or the laundry?) so Fedra won’t find it in his room. He moves in for a kiss, closer, closer, and BOOM Nereida walks into the door to burst the moment. Delicia shoos Axel from the room but Nereida has seen enough. She tells Delicia she’d better not be having it off with the young lord. If she decides to tell Fedra Delicia will find herself in the street.

Malicio has the nerve to get on Emiliano’s case about the theft, boo hoo he wants his money. Emiliano and Emanuel gang up on him and kick him out of the house. Kristel whimpers as Malicio ominously bids the new Mrs. Eman a good wedding night. Creep.

Bernardo busts into the room holding Fidel’s arm behind his back. He announces he found the thief sneaking around outside. But Fidel says he just took the kids to the orphanage as instructed and he’s back to see if Muneca needs a ride. Lowman gets all huffy and says she doesn’t need her chauffeur when she’s with Low. Fidel says “but you always dump her and run off with your clients.” Somebody give this man a gold star.

It won’t be Ilitia though. She proclaims Fidel’s innocent because he doesn’t have the brains to be Robin Hood. Thanks bitch. Low leeringly laughs and suggests Ilitia and Eman run off and start making them grandparents. Even the baby-loving Muneca is nauseated at his suggestion.

Mari’s at the poleeth station telling her story yet again, can’t describe him, all in black with a mask, low voice, he tied her up, she was paralyzed. Brandon becomes very excited when he hears that Vicki is Mari’s friend.

In the boudoir Ilitia is in a high dudgeon over her wedding day. Eman tries to comfort her and says he knows something was bothering her in the church. She tells him he doesn’t get it, it’s everything, that stupid Malicio who almost got in a fight with her dad, the ceremony that didn’t happen, the theft, that obnoxious Spanish friend of the stupid fatty, just everything. Eman immediately sticks up for Vicki which sets Ilitia off and she stomps out of the room.

Vicki tells Brandon that Mari told her all about him, Netty and the others. She tells him that Mari is married but he will always have a place in Mari’s heart. She and Mari and more than friends, they are like sisters.

Eman is in bed thinking of happier times with Marianela. He scolds himself, he needs to tear her out of his heart. He picks up all the unopened letters, “Why did you come here Victoria and bring back all the memories of my fatty?”

Ilitia comes back in her wedding nightie and Eman tells her he wants to make her very happy this night. He kisses her but she can’t stop thinking about when Agent O violated her. She pushes Eman away and cries, “Let go of me! Leave me alone!” She’s in tears and Eman is all Que the hell?

Tomorrow: War and Death


La Verdad Oculta #061: Roberto in the driver's seat

At the tunnel house, Santiago amazes David and Abelardo with news that someone broke into the makeup studio and made way through the tunnel last night. They can only guess Bertha or one of the servants figured it out, so Abelardo takes charge of cleaning Mario's bedchamber from now on.

Putting it down to robbery, David then explains he's hiring a private investigator to find Dora -- and he's visiting Carlos to confirm his trefoil ring is a match to Mario's cuff link. Santiago agrees on robbery; because were the culprit Bertha, the stuff would already have hit the fan.

At breakfast at the mansion, Gabriela's not buying David's assurance everything is ok. At Adolfo's, he's upset to hear about Yolanda's conversations with David and Leonardo, but especially to learn Leonardo's reopened the old murder case and suspecting someone besides Santiago.

Back at Mario's, David lies to Julieta that the security guards on the grounds are against a rash of neighborhood break-ins. Inside Julieta's tickled Leonardo phoned and made a lunch date with her; but is surprised when Gabriela explains about the smuggling shoes he'll likely ask about.

David confronts Carlos at the Sagittarius office, getting a proper gander of the trefoil ring. Carlos must consent when David insists that even adopted, he's still Mario's legal heir. But tit-for-tat, grinning David infuriates and rattles Carlos with the shoe story that his own father is a jewel smuggler.

And David lies he indeed possesses the remaining photo after all. At Mario's, Gabriela snoops and finds his bedchamber locked and notes "Mario's" alarm when David phones him, explaining the visit to the Sagittarius, hoping the ruse will work and the Ávilas will cancel the contract.

For Carlos's part, he phones Adolfo to brace him immediately, angrily swearing he won't do jail time for Adolfo's crimes, if true. Adolfo tells him to keep his mouth shut, calls him an idiot and hangs up. Adolfo thinks the photo could be a ruse, but Yolanda begs him to cancel the contract now.

They ponder who could have told David -- Gabriela's dad? Leonardo? If David has proof, why didn't he just tell the cop? Adolfo's face lights up suddenly, deducing that maybe the Genovéses have something to hide. Later, Yolanda phones Gabriela to speak to absent Santiago; but instead Gabriela makes a date with Yolanda for the next day.

Gabriela hangs up -- just before eavesdropping Susana does so on the kitchen extension. Adolfo drives to Roberto's, but misses him heading out. At Mario's, the guards halt Roberto until Susana vouches for him coming to visit Mario. Santiago doesn't know Roberto and must believe Susana that he's a family friend to see Mario.

Upon entering the office, Roberto claims Mario promised him work; and when Santiago cheerily goes along, Roberto can't contain his loony laughter at catching "Mario" in his ploy. Roberto removes "Mario's" glasses, reaches for the letter opener and savagely plunges it -- into Santiago's false belly!

With Roberto rebounding in mad mirth, Santiago springs up wild-eyed; and Roberto grabs the bogus nose and wig, revealing it was he in the tunnel last night and he knows "Mario" is a fraud! He plans to make a lot of money off it, shoves his business card at Santiago, and exits -- warning in a menacing whisper not to make him wait!

Terrorized Santiago tugs the stiletto from the prop and desperately phones David to come immediately, before racing to the tunnel house to shout their exposure to horrified Abelardo. He explains all, and Abelardo tries to calm Santiago's worst nightmare: that his daughters will think he murdered their mother!

Back at Mario's, Gabriela informs David she's meeting with Yolanda to talk about Márta, the shoes, her dad's odd disappearance, just as David's rushing to help Santiago in the studio. Upon arrival, David's disgusted to hear the culprit would have to be Roberto and phones him right away to make a visit.

Meanwhile, Santiago nervously phones Yolanda, claiming from Chihuahua, imploring that she not tell Gabriela about Márta. David arrives at Roberto's, failing to learn anything except the blackmail amount of $2 million pesos -- and that Roberto's truly anxious to know where Mario really is.

Upon David's return to the tunnel house, he ponders with Santiago and Abelardo why Roberto could be sure the man in Mario's office wouldn't be the real one; and Santiago points out -- unless he knew Mario was no longer around!

At lunch, Julieta's happy to answer Leonardo's questions, judging rightly he agrees, that he wouldn't do anything to hurt them. Leonardo is most interested to know if David booted Bertha before or after his own visit and wants Julieta to find out.

Up in the architectural studio, Mina teases Alejandra over torturing herself to distraction with torrid memories; while across town Asunción grins knowingly at sad Juan José over fondly kissing his beer bottle daydreaming the same thing.

At the AFI, Leonardo explains to Ramón that earlier David didn't seem surprised -- but claimed not to know -- about the shoe caper. If David booted Bertha from the house BEFORE Leonardo's visit, then he knew already. Question is, who would have told him? Santiago?

And if Bertha isn't the thief, then maybe Adolfo has someone else planted in the mansion, Ramón suggests. Just then, Bertha phones, and Leonardo remakes a meeting with her right away. Hanging up, Leonardo notes that Bertha didn't want to be picked up from wherever she was -- and charges Ramón to tail her afterward.

In Gabriela's bedroom suite, Julieta stresses to her sister that they should trust Leonardo; if they are caught up in some trouble, he's the only one to help them. And she tells of his interest in the timing of Bertha's departure. Meanwhile, Roberto visits Adolfo at the condo to break off their association.

Adolfo is astounded and indignant Roberto would pull that, especially after taking his $5 million pesos -- until while lifting him by double fistfuls of shirt collar, Adolfo learns Roberto possesses a certain photo with a certain pair of shoes.


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #119-120 12/8/10 Germany!

Capitulo 119.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety tosses out several excuses for why she can’t travel, but none of them succeed. She’s worried what her father will say. Lety doesn’t want Marcia to know they’re going to Germany, but Alicia will tattle. So Fernando gives everyone two days off for the soccer match.

2. Lety tries to ask permission on the phone but she loses her nerve, so she goes home early. Mama asks if they made her president. Pop asks if she got married.

3. Marcia calls to ask why Fernando shut down the office for two days. Fern says to himself, “So Lety could travel without worries (tranquila).” They argue as usual, and she says it’s impossible to talk with him. (Not an auspicious sign for a happy marriage.)

4. Lety tells her family that she needs to travel to Germany tonight. At first Erasmo forbids it, but he’s impressed when Lety says Fernando doesn’t sign any contract until she reviews it. Mama pleads that it’s her work and her future. Later Pop puffs up with pride because Lety’s boss puts so much trust in her. He gets nostalgic looking at her empty bedroom and her stuffed animals.

5. Fernando realizes that Lety is afraid of flying, and he is marvelously caring and nurturing with her. He also uses tequila therapy. On the airplane Lety gets quite drunk and Fernando gets quite impatient with her.

Pata sent this picture of Fernando's smile simply to brighten your day. Works for me!

Capitulo 120.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. RoboPop and MamaJ imagine traveling. Pop wants to see historic Greece and MamaJ wants to see romantic Venice.

2. Fern & Lety have to wait three hours to see the head of publicity. They consider what this contract could mean for Conceptos – it would be out of debt and out of embargo. Fernando says, “Nothing would make me happier.” The German woman tells them they’ve chosen another firm instead. Fern and Lety are disappointed, but he decides to go to the World Cup Mexico game instead.

3. The cuartel plans a soccer party. They want to get Mexico jerseys (playeras or verdes). Fernando is excited to see the game, and he calls Omar and orders him to get two tickets.

4. Lety feels uncomfortable so far from home, and she asks Fernando to take her back to Mexico. She’s afraid Marcia will discover them. At the Olympic Pond, Fernando tells her he adores her. With them both in white, it’s almost like an outdoor wedding, don’t you think?

5. In the park they see Eugenio Derbez. Fernando asks him to get them tickets, but Fern can’t get anywhere because Derbez misinterprets everything he says. See the details below. Fernando gets frustrated but Lety is loving it. Fern asks for a minute so Derbez times him like Fern does to Alicia.

6. Derbez's crew think Fern's nuts if he wants to get tickets a day before the game. Lety says, “Excuse me, Don Eugenio,” and Derbez loves that. He stops the clock and starts flirting with Lety. Fern gets jealous and asks, “Do you always talk like that to women you don’t know?”

7. Luigi hears Omar on the phone, trying to get tickets for the game in Hanover, and he and Marcia lecture Omar for planning to abandon them with all the work.

8. At broadcast HQ Fern and Lety meet comedian Omar Chaparro (remember Megatron?) and sportscaster Toño Valdez (of the comb-over). The men argue, both wanting credit for providing the tickets. Marcia calls with her usual harangue.

The Derbez Scene

IMHO Eugenio Derbez is one of the funniest people in Mexico. He’s a comic genius. Today's cap includes a shtick he's known for, drawing humor from double meanings. Here is what I caught of today's scene.

Fern wants to go to the partido (game), but Derbez says he doesn’t get involved in politics (partido: political party).
Fernando says, “I don’t have entradas (admission),” but Derbez says Fern doesn’t have entradas (receding hairline) because he uses Toño Valdez’s shampoo (Toño does an obvious comb-over).
Lety says, “We know you have palancas (influence, leverage),” and Derbez answers, “Palancas? Do I look like a car to you?” (Palanca: gear shift lever.)
Fern asks, “Can you help me or not? I’m retrasado (running behind).” Derbez says, “Yes, I see you’re retrasado (mentally handicapped), and you’re also late.”
Lety introduces herself as Leticia Padilla Solis, and Derbez flirts, “Leticia Padilla, why are you so solis (alone)?”


Llena de Amor #82 (Mex. 87) Tue 12/7/10 A wedding-day masquerade.

At the church for the Wedding of the Year, or Of the Century, or whatever Fedra is hyping it as (although she certainly didn’t dress elegantly enough for such a momentous occasion): Ilitia, trembling and traumatized, clings to her father as he obliviously escorts her down the aisle to the altar. After the chummy handover, Emanuel notices something is amiss with the hours-missing miss. “Are you okay?” he asks. “Perfect. How about we get married?” “Well, that’s what we’re here for.”
Over at the house, Gretel has made her way from the snakepit to the foxhole. She tells Don Máximo that she never went to Switzerland; Fedra kept her locked in the cellar all this time. She begs for help and he tries to soothe her.
Back at the church, Ilitia is still putting on a brave face and Emanuel is looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. The priest asks if there is anyone with a reason they shouldn’t marry. Eman tries not to look too hopeful. As he casts his eyes about, hoping someone might speak up, he notices movement in the back of the church. He and Ilitia both turn around and watch the lady in red stride down the aisle. Marianela pauses, looking dead-eyed, and thought bubbles that they should remember her face, because it will follow them the rest of their lives. She crosses herself and steps into the pew. The priest gets back to asking whether Eman accepts Ilitia as his wife, but Emanuel is totally distracted and can’t stop staring at the interesting interloper. Ilitia is on the verge of tears. She gets Eman’s attention and he accepts. The question is asked of Ilitia, as Mauricio slips into the church and throws taunting looks at her. She flashes back to the unspeakable horror and faints. Everyone jumps up to catch her and call for a doctor. “Poor thing, and on her wedding day!” Malicio sympasnides to Kristel. Eman carries Ilitia out of the church.
At the police station, Doris asks Oliver out. “What the heck? You’re the one who has changed. Before, you couldn’t stand me,” he says. Doris tells him she heard what a downward spiral he has taken, and she wants him to be happy and fun like he was before. He needs to get that snotty abusive Gretel out of his head, and she is going to help him.
Gretel asks Max for money so she can escape and go far, far away so that Fedra won’t kill her. Max doesn’t want to miss out on spending time with her. Besides, where would she go? Fedra is smart and will just hunt her down. Gretel says she has to at least try. The general wants to think up a smart strategy to protect her, but Gretel says there’s no time. Max gives her a big stack of cash but says he can’t let her leave before he finds out if he is… There is an angry knock at the door. The Spiderus has scuttled out of the cave. Gretel freaks out.
Doris holds Oliver’s hands and tells him to forget Gretel and fall in love with one of the millions of women who would appreciate him. He says he’s still in love with Gretel, despite what she did. Doris says they should go do something fun for a distraction. For example, he could teach her how to shoot. “But you’ve always been afraid of guns.” Doris says she’s changed. You only get one life, so you have to live intensely.
Gretel hides in the bathroom and Max opens the door with a gun in his hand. Spidey says he lost something and wants to look for it. Max won’t let him in. Benigno runs in for backup. Spiderus mocks the two of them and I don’t know why they don’t just shoot him. Oliver would certainly fudge the evidence and say it was an accident. They get rid of the leech. Benigno is thrilled to see Gretel and dismayed at her condition. The general charges him with getting Gretel out of the house without the serpent or her lackey noticing.
Oliver teaches Doris to shoot. He takes the hands-on approach. The groping works, because she manages a good shot and hugs and kisses Oliver in celebration.
The household staff direct the caterers and decorators to set up for the reception. Benigno pushes a huge cake box on a cart. Looks perfect for hiding someone in, so Spiderus insists on checking it out. He and Benigno tussle over the box, and Spidey goes sprawling with the cake smashed all over his head. Paula and Benigno laugh hysterically. Gretel sneaks past them with a duffel bag.
Doris fires another successful shot and whirls around, whooping with joy. Oliver ducks in panic and nervously takes the gun away from her. Doris just can’t keep her hands off him as she convinces him to come home for the party with dancing and everything. The dating scene in Los Angeles must have been awfully dismal.
The families have brought Ilitia back to the house. Muñeca mentions that the priest didn’t even have a chance to finish the wedding. They all ask Ilitia what happened and she says nothing, just a bad moment. She wants to get out to the party.
Benigno takes Gretel to a nice hotel. She worries that it’s too expensive and she’ll run out of money. He tells her not to worry. He’ll bring her whatever she needs. For now, she just needs to rest while they figure out what to do. By “rest” I think he means “take a shower.” He leaves and Gretel looks at herself in the mirror.
At the pensión, everyone is eating their tasty dinner in the living room. Doris tries to coax Oliver into party spirits. Consuelo and Brandon zing flirty looks back and forth. Gladiola offers Brandon more pozole and Consuelo insists on fetching it. She and Glad fight over his bowl while Netty stares. Finally Gladiola cottons that this isn’t about soup. “What’s going on between you two?” she asks. They are all wide-eyed innocence. Gladiola still looks suspicious. Netty says she wishes Marianela were there to enjoy the reunion with them, but she’s far away and will never come back, since she has to forget her One True Love.
At the wedding reception, musicians play while Axel stares at them, entranced. Delicia walks up and offers him champagne. She teases that he may only have one, because as smoochy as he is sober, she’d hate to see him drunk. He just says he’d give anything to be in the musicians’ place.
Bernardo whines to Fedra that Gretel hit him on the head. “What do you want me to do, give you a massage to make it all better? Just up her drugs,” Fedra says snidely. “No, you don’t understand. She escaped.”
Kristel and the rapey snake are in the office. He’s got a briefcase full of money which he says is to do with his “business.” “What kind of business is it that you do? Is it legal? Are you mixed up in something dirty?” Kristel finally asks after all these years. He’s insulted that she doubts him when he’s been slaving away, saving for their future. Kristel apologizes profusely. Someone is knocking at the door through the whole scene but they don’t seem to notice.
Wedding socializing. Emanuel again asks Ilitia whether she’s okay. She insists she is and offers a toast for the start of the beginning of her marriage to the love of her life. Everyone raises their glasses, salud. Marianela marches in and also toasts, to the happiness of the newlyweds and the whole Ruiz y de Teresa family. Everyone looks confused.
“Who the hell are you? Who invited you?” Fedra asks Mari. “No one. I invited myself.” Well, that’s the limit. Mari introduces herself as Victoria de la Garza, a friend of the owner of this house. “You’re crazy. I’ve never seen you before in my life,” Fedra sneers. “No, I mean Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa,” Mari says, and even with that fresh reminder they don’t notice that she still has the same face and voice. Emanuel is thrilled that she is a friend of Mari’s and happily introduces himself and asks if there is any news from Mari. “She just asked me to deliver this,” Mari says, dumping bundles of the letters he sent into his arms.
Gretel is clean and her hair is brushed! Oh happy day. She remembers Bernardo telling her that the last they heard of Oliver, he had married and moved away, and he and his wife were expecting a child. Of course he’s forgotten about Gretel.
Emanuel sadly notices that all the letters are unopened. Fedra and Lorenzo remind him that he’s supposed to be caring about Ilitia, not Marianela. He tries to get any information about Mari anyway, but she ignores him. Emiliano introduces himself and Mari/Victoria tells him that Mari found the peace she was looking for, and kisses him on the cheek “from Marianela.” Emanuel continues staring at her.
Spidey creeps in and tells Fedra that some ladies want to leave their handbags in the office. Fedra tells him to keep an eye on the new lady.
Kristel and Malicio continue making out in the office. Kristel mentions that sometimes she wonders about the baby they lost, and imagines him with Mau’s eyes and smile. Somehow this doesn’t seem to give her nightmares. Malicio is disgusted and says he’ll leave her if she ever mentions it. Bernie breaks in and some women put their purses on the desk. He tells the puerile pair to find a more appropriate place for their grossness.
Back to the boring reception, Emanuel and Ilitia dance and everyone else sits around. Mari thinks he’s a hypocrite, dancing with his new wife while pretending to be worried about his old fiancée. Kristel and her parasite wander out of the office and he ogles Mari/Victoria. Kristel forbids this behavior, and he forbids her to make jealous scenes. He slimes over and introduces himself smarmily to MariVicky. He greasily suggests they get to know each other better, and she leads him to the dance floor. Kristel can’t have this, so she frantically announces it’s time to change partners, pulls Ilitia away from Emanuel, and shoves her at Mauricio, simultaneously pushing MariVicky at Emanuel. Ilitia is not thrilled, to say the least.
Bernardo tells a herd of women that the Lirio de Plata has been pilfering from these types of events, but their purses are safe locked up here in the office. They drop their bags and leave. “Ooh, what expensive things these emperifolladas ladies have. I wonder what I would do with so much money,” Nerieda sighs. “You’d better not try to find out,” Bernardo warns. She reluctantly agrees.
Emanuel and MariVicky dance closely. He tells her that not a day goes by that he doesn’t think of his precious gordita. He heard she married and moved to Paris. Is this true?
Malicio coerces Ilitia to dance with him, although she’s crying and looking like she may vomit. She calls him a pig and says she should denounce him. He says she’ll keep her mouth shut and not cause a scandal. She pushes him away and runs to daddy. Low and Muñeca ask what’s wrong and she pretends she’s just upset because Eman keeps dancing with La Gorda’s friend. Low digs himself into a little hole ogling the lady in red in response.
Emanuel holds MariVicky very close and desperately begs for information on his beloved gordita.
The pensión denizens are having a way better party, dancing up a storm. Oliver is perking up and Brandon and Consuelo are…whatever.
Mari has wandered off into a quiet corridor. She tells her dead parents that this house has only bad memories for her, but she’s here for them, to get the proof she needs about Fedra’s dastardly deeds. She’s at the office door when Emanuel comes along, thinking she’s looking for the bathroom. She says she wants to talk to him, because he asked about Marianela. Well, Mari is living very happily in Paris with her husband. Con permiso. Eman tearily holds her back and says he just needs to know one other thing: has Mari forgotten about him? He doesn’t understand. They were so in love, and then she just left with no explanation. WHY? He cries as Mari stares stonily at him, thinking about his tumble into bed with Ilitia and the poisoned chocolates. “I am the one who doesn’t understand. If you’re not over Marianela, why did you just marry this other woman?” MariVicky asks. His answer to that is too lame to believe. He says he married Ilitia because they have an understanding about his lingering feelings for Mari. Well, that sounds like a solid basis for a happy life together. After he sadly leaves, Mari sneaks into the office.
Doris and Oliver head out to the sidewalk for a change of air. She’s thrilled that he seems happy again. He says what she’s doing for him is invaluable. Doris says maybe so, but he can have it for a cheap price. She suggests he hit on her again, the way he used to. He’s out of practice, but gives it a try: “Know what the most beautiful thing is, in my eyes? The reflection of yours.” They laugh and flirt, and I swear Oliver is blushing furiously. They start to kiss, right exactly as Gretel wanders up the street and sees them.
Mari rifles through the office, looking for evidence. She wonders how to open the safe. She hears something and looks behind the curtains. A figure clad all in black, hood, gloves, mask, everything, creeps up behind her and grabs her, covering her mouth. You’d almost swear this guy was totally recognizable as Emanuel, but then again, you can’t possibly recognize Victoria as Marianela, so who knows? He tells her to hold still and stay quiet. He’s polite enough to introduce himself, though, as el Lirio de Plata.
Gretel runs away right before Oliver thinks better of kissing Doris. Oliver and Doris both apologize to the other for getting carried away. Gladiola comes out to fetch them and Oliver heads back inside. “Mamá, what would you say if Oliver and I were novios?” Doris asks. “Are you crazy? That’s the last thing I need!” Gladiola says. She thinks Oliver is a hopeless case and a waste of time for her beloved daughter.
“El Lirio de Plata?! Where did you get that name?” Mari asks. “If you want to get out of here, don’t ask and don’t investigate,” threatens Darth Lirio. He pushes her to the sofa and ties her hands and gags her.
Out at the party proper (that is, the party that is too proper to be any fun), Muñeca notices that Ilitia has lost an earring. Ilitia just takes the other one off. She is not going to let anything bother her and ruin her wedding. Lowrenzo reminds them and us that this is the event of the year. Dismal year, yikes. Malicio worms his way into the conversation and Ilitia tells him to scram. Lowrenzo remarks that ever since Mau became a mafiosito, he’s been more intolerable than ever. “Excuse me! Mi puchunguito is zero Mafioso!” Kristel objects. Low scoffs. Mau decides it’s time Lowrenzo slithered off into the sunset, and he punches him to the floor. Thus begins the traditional wedding fistfight.
Gretel stands on the sidewalk, crying that Oliver has forgotten her, and it’s all her fault. She broke his heart. Oh, well, it’s for the best. He never could have been happy with her.
André and Axel pull Lowrenzo and Malicio apart. They continue to exchange words, and Fedra and Emiliano join in the yelling. Ilitia begs them all to behave, for her sake. Fedra frantically tries to pretend that everything’s rosy and urges the band to kick it up. She grabs Nereida and asks her to check on Bernardo and the bag-watching, because the last thing they need after all this is for the Lirio de Plata to strike this shindig.
Darth Lirio tells Mari he won’t hurt her. He rifles through the purses and stuffs loot into a black bag. Anyone’s guess why all those ladies would bring valuables to leave in their handbags. Mari objects to abetting a thief and tries to get away. Lirio grabs her and pulls her behind the door as Nereida comes in. Nereida does not notice them. El Lirio manhandles Mari muchly.
Tomorrow: Kristel and Ilitia gripe about the nubile newcomer; a crowd gathers outside the office where Mari is still tied up.
Despistar – to confuse, to throw off the trail
Me tratabas de nabo – you treated me as an idiot
Baba de conejo – rabbit drool? Which somehow works as a term of endearment, because Oliver said it.
Chiquibú – another of Kristel’s pet names for Agent Orange
Desfachatez -- audacity
Emperifollada – gussied-up, titivated
La vida es una fiesta y el que no baile se entume – Life is a party, and he who doesn’t dance gets stiff
Piropo – pick-up line; flirtatious comment
Chascarillo – a joke
Chacoteo – joking around; silliness


La Verdad Oculta EP60 11/07/2010 - Another Letter of Doom

...or: Smeagol enters the tunnel

* Leo shows up in the Genovés villa to ask more inconvenient questions from Mario. David quickly says his father isn't at home but they can talk in the hall, and quietly asks Gabriela to tell Mario he mustn't leave the study.

Leonardo in his accustomed calm "the hound hunts down its prey" manner tells David the story of the strangled dancer, and mentions that both Adolfo Ávila and Mario Genovés were involved in the crime. David fiercely protests that his dad has nothing to do with Marta Sardíval! Yeah, Gaby said she'd heard Adolfo talking about that woman but she's wrong! He tries to get rid of Leo, but the detective hasn't finished yet. The police suspects Adolfo Ávila wanted to smuggle diamonds hidden in a pair of shoes... the shoes he gave to David's wife. David's suddenly all ears. Leo asks about the photos but unfortunately they're lost. All of them? What about the one Carlos Ávila kept in his office? David is surprised, how does Leo know about that? From Fausto Guillén. Hmm. David repeats they don't have the photos anymore. The detective thinks David and his father don't want to collaborate with the police, and what is more, he suspects they don't tell him the truth. Anyway. He would like to talk with Gab. David the Jealous asks if Leo wishes to interrogate Gaby, too. No. Then good bye, Senor, they're done. For the time being, adds Leonardo. In the study David asks Fausto if he talked about the shoes to Leonardo, but he denies it. Then it must've been her, says David.

* Caramelo tells Juan José she's going to have lunch with Elsa! For a chance JJ has no problem with it, on the contrary, he asks Asunción to give her a letter.

* Newly homeless Bertha calls her Sugar Daddy to ask for a private appointment. Alejandra starts to worry about her and asks her if she really stole that photo. No, she didn't!

* David's worried sick because of the shoes and Leonardo's visits, and he's not fond of playing the idiot either. He's afraid Gaby might look for Leonardo again to explain her everything. Fausto protests: come on, boy, my daughter is a decent girl! Yes, David knows that, but Leonardo does like her! Fausto asks him to let him talk with Gaby first. Okay. A few minutes later it's Gaby, who opens her heart to SantiMario. She thinks everything that happened lately was her fault, she was the one who talked about Marta to Leo. Oh... And is that true that David isn't Mario son? Because Adolfo told her so. Yes, it's true. And is this mysterious Marta David's mother? What? No! SantiMario swears he doesn't know any Marta, and by the way David already knows he isn't his father. Does Gaby feel calmer now? Yes. Great.

* Caramelo tells Elsa a kid always tries to bully her in school because she has no parents. What if Elsa was her mom? Sorry, sweetie, she doesn't know. By the way, JJ send her a letter! Caramelo asks her to read it right there, and Elsa obeys. "Elsa. I'd like to apologize..." Suddenly she becomes silent and puts it back into her bag.

* Ramón and Leo learn another interesting facts about the Guillén family: Santiago changed not only his name but his daughters', too. Gabriela's original name is Marta and Julieta was Elena. Santiago and Marta got married in 1983, and after some calculation Leonardo realizes that Marta was pregnant at the wedding! Ramón says it isn't unusual, but Leo's "little grey cells" think otherwise. What if she was carrying someone else's child? Then Faustiago was jealous for reason.

* At her workplace Elsa reads the letter again.

"I'd like to apologize because I was rude to you. You don't deserve to being treated like that. You're a very pretty, generous woman with a heart of gold. I will never forget how you treated me while I was in prison, and how you took care of my mom while I couldn't do that. And that's why, because you're so good I'd like you to give me an opportunity to get closer to, to explain my behaviour and to offer you my sincere friendship. This is all ask from you. I wish you would listen to me for a moment, and if you don't want to see my anymore I'll understand and I'll never bother you again.
Juan José"

She's very touched by JJ's words and a smile of hope lights up her face. In a bar JJ is nervously waiting for Elsa and when she shows up he confesses he was afraid she wouldn't come. He thought she didn't want meet him ever again. Yes, that's true but when she was reading the letter she remembered Piedad who definitely wouldn't want them to be angry at each other. It's true. JJ repeats how grateful he is for everything she did for him. He realized he has no right to boss her around or to tell her who she's allowed to spend her time with. If she thinks Mauricio Medina is the man who'll make her happy he's fine with that, but she needs to know she can count on him forever. Como dos hermanos. (Like brother and sister.) Elsa's smile freezes, this didn't sound like the speech she was expecting.

* Julieta enthusiastically informs Gaby of Bertha's departure, and David confirms it.

* Bertha arrives at the Ávila condo, and while Carlos is eavesdropping, she tells the old rascal that hell brake loose when the last photo disappeared. Anyway, why is that damned picture so important? Adolfo promises (for the 100th time) to tell her later, and generously offers her an apartment in one of his hotels.

* Leonardo, who was supposed to meet Bertha that day, calls her at the Genovés villa. David orders Susana to tell him she doesn't live there anymore, then asks his wife not to meet Leo again.

* Adolfo shows Bertha her new, beautiful home. The persistent girl asks him again about the photos, and playfully warns him she's not a tonta (stupid woman). Adolfo smiles at her and says he'd like to get known of her better. Fine! Bertha says she's a very ambitious woman and she'd do anything to gain money. Adolfo thinks if she keeps behaving likes that she'll get everything she wants and she'll be richer than David. Oh, by the way, he has more money than Mario... Wink, wink. *Viewerville: yuck*

* In the tunnel house Fausto and his son-in-law discuss Gabriela again. The only thing he told her is that David isn't Mario's son. Blondie asks him if he knew Leonardo and Bertha were supposed to have lunch together. After he leaves Abelardo asks Fausto what happened to David. *Viewerville: this time* Oh, he's jealous at Leonardo Faidella. The men laugh. However, the Bertha-Leonardo relationship makes Fausto worried.

* Julieta, who's taking English classes, would like to watch a few tutoring videos, and David says she may use Mario's DVD player in his bedroom. *I can't believe there aren't a dozen televisions in that house.* After Juli leaves David says now Gaby knows Mario isn't his real father. Yes, it's true. But what about that Marta? She really doesn't want to contradict Mario's statements but she DID hear Adolfo talking about that woman! And Leo's search for the photos... What happened, David? Don't tell her that everything's fine. She's afraid David thinks she's a stupid girl, that's why he doesn't tell her anything. Never! Look, the fact is that Leonardo is investigating after Adolfo's supposed smuggling operation... and finally Gaby learns about the diamonds, Bertha and the importance of the photos.

* Leonardo visits Marcos in prison. Does he know how important those shoes are for the police? It's natural he sold a few diamonds to have money. But if Marcos tells Leo the truth he'll do everything he can to help him. Marcos admits he and his girlfriend brought the shoes back to Mexico. What's his girlfriends name? Marcos answers it's not her fault. Whatever. Her name? Susana Gómez, and he doesn't know where she lives now.

* Naughty Sue is in Roberto's flat. She tells him how angry David was because of the photo, he even kicked Bertha out! Both are puzzled and they agree that everything is strange in the Genovés household. Roberto is very interested in the tunnel Susana mentioned earlier. She wasn't lying, was she? Of course not. Sue also has a strange question... about his friend Carlos. How long does Roberto know him? Since they were kids. But when he asks her how she knows Carlos she answers she heard his name in the Genovés villa.

* It's late night. Alejandra interrupts Fausto's pleasant evening with an interesting book and a comfortable armchair. Have they found the letter yet? And who wrote it? Dora. And how on Earth does Dora know about David's parentage? Because she's his mother. Alejandra's jaw drops. But why did she flee, was she afraid of David reaction? Maybe, says Fausto. And maybe because she proved JJ's innocence in the same letter. It's too much for Alejandra, she has to sit down. She complains a about her former lover: he may not be a murderer but he isn't a good man either. Why? Because he treated her badly. She wishes Fausto good night and leaves the old man who seemed to be quite tired of the love life of the youngsters.

* Carlos and Yolanda discuss the strange case of Gaby's photo and suspects that Yolanda, who knows Adolfo's businesses perfectly, doesn't tell him the truth. Who's Marta? There's no Marta, my child. And why did that detective visit her? Oh my God, did he investigate after other crime? Did he ask Yolanda about Carlos?! Yolanda doesn't understand him, why would a policeman investigate after him? Hmm, nevermind. He promises he'll find out what's happening. Yolanda asks about Adolfo. He's surely with Bertha, laughs Moustache. Isn't it funny that a geezer like him tries to hit on a young girl like her? Yolanda looks really worried.

* And one of Viewerville's biggest fear comes true: in a well-orchestrated scene Roberto breaks into the headquarters easily, he discovers the make-up room, the wigs, the photos, the televisions and, que horror, the tunnel. However, on the other end of the passage Fausto notices the noises and asks if he's Abelardo. Who's there? Roberto flees, Fausto follows him and on the other side of the passage he discovers the opened window.



Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Eva Luna #24 Tue 12/7/10 Erratic subtitles, idiotic choices, and despair.

Eva Luna, December 7, 2010, Episode 24—Erratic subtitles, idiotic choices, and despair.

Note: All video clips hosted on my own site. Virus-free, blah blah blah! And as always, corrections to this recap are welcomed. Thanks!

Also note: I got my HD video capture device, so the clips are in HIGH QUALITY from now on! Woo hoo! You'll see that I went a little overboard with making extra samples (from Eva Luna and other TNs). I'll update this page with more on that later.

As noted in the recap title, the CCs were erratic. Bizarre. My Spanish listening skills are improving but not good enough to recap without CC. Fortunately the English CC worked off and on. My apologies if I skip over bits! I hope that the rest of you can fill in the blanks. Also, I consolidated some scenes. It was easier that way.

We start with Freaky Ictoria looking venomously at a retreating Sabrina and thinking to herself that she won't let Sabrina take Daniel away from her. "I'm going to erase that stupid smile." (And she means it too. Freak!)

Daniel comes home with a stiff back from sleeping in a chair the night before when he was looking over Eva at the hospital. He encounters Jackie (wearing a lovely but VERY yellow sundress outfit type thing) and she tells him that Ictoria was at the house. Daniel instructs her to not let Ictoria in his bedroom when he is not at home.

Video clip of review of yesterday's episode, credits, and beginning scenes. (Right click to open in new window.)

Jackie then proceeds to tell Daniel about how Ictoria and Laurita kinda got into it at breakfast. "I don't want to be a gossip, but . . . " she says, her eyes averted hesitantly. I think this is part of the Servants' Campaign To Break Up Daniel and Victoria Because Victoria is a Total Witch Who Will Ruin Everyone's Lives. Daniel soaks this all up.

At the big house, Renata is being a shrew and being very sarcastic about Eva's stay in the hospital, dismissing her wound as if it was nothing. Then she says she's got to wash Max, the dog. He's a big dog and he hates baths, but it's Eva's job, Renata says with relish.

Daniel sees a framed photo of Francisco hidden under a cushion on the couch. (This was probably part of the charade to fool Marisol that he owns the house.) Francisco feigns ignorance about the photo, and then Daniel asks Francisco about Laurita and Ictoria. "I don't want to be a gossip, but . . ." Francisco says, and then says that Laurita was kind of sad that morning. "But I told her you were planning a surprise birthday party!" Daniel thinks this is a good idea, because Ictoria can help plan it. (I wonder what the Servants' Campaign To Break Up Daniel and Victoria consists of? This should be interesting.)

Marcela is having her one hand manicured. (Weird.) She's saying weird creepy things which sound like she's planning on doing someone in, but the CCs are out so I really don't know.

Someone's at the front door and Eva answers. It's Daniel. They give each other goofy grins and then he asks how she's doing, she says fine . . . she says she's got to pay him back for the hospital bills, of course he won't hear of that. Then Georgio drives up and sees them and talks to himself about (I don't really know—no CCs here) but he's gonna tell on them, you just know. Eva looks TOTALLY BUSTED and but Daniel says don't worry.

Video clip of this scene.

Georgio visits Marcella as her one hand is manicured and tattles to her all about Daniel and Eva chatting very cozily with each other at the front door. At first it looks like Marcella is thinking that this drama is beneath her, but he makes a big deal of it and Marcella gets all fired up about it and is gonna do something about it.

Eva and Don Julio are in his studio. He is saying that he noticed that the days that she was gone and he refused to take his "medicine," he felt stronger and could go on walks. But when he has the medicine, he's weaker. He thinks the medicine is the culprit. Eva also notes that something funny is going on with it, but she's hesitant about the idea of quitting the medicine. "It'll be MY choice" says Don Julio.

Alicia and Marisol are at the pension, wondering about what to do with Francisco. How to deal with his expectation to see Marisol's fabulous mansion?

Don Julio tells Eva that he'll take a drink of the medicine today, but that's it. No more. Then he and Eva talk about taking a little stroll outside.

More with Marisol and Alicia wondering what to do, what to do with Francisco and all the lies she's told . . . Maybe Marisol should just tell the truth! (You think?)

Ictoria is telling Claw about the Evil Sabrina who is stealing away Daniel. Ictoria says she's going get that "shameless slut" and "give her the lesson of her life." Ooohh. Scary. (You'll see!)

Justa and Don Ricardo are in the kitchen of the pension. Don Ricardo bought Adrian a bicycle as a reward for good grades.

Eva takes Don Julio out for a walk in the sun. She has him smell a flower and tells him to breathe deeply. "I'm feeling like new" he says. He tells Eva she is exceptional and kisses her hand. (These two actors have a lot of chemistry and this is a sweet scene.) Meanwhile, mean Marcella and bitter Georgio are looking out the window and shaking their heads as if this is the most terrible thing ever.

Don Ricardo gives Adrian the bike. He's thrilled of course! He says that Don Ricardo didn't have to give him anything, but Don Ricardo says he wanted to.

Eva is commencing with giving Max a bath in the back yard, with a garden hose. Leonardo comes up and helps her out, getting a little frisky with her (trying to touch her knee) but in the end they wash Max and both get wet as they spray water on each other and it's all very light-hearted.

Meanwhile, Sabrina is preening at her fashion shoot.

Adrian is riding his bike on the street when he sees his dad getting into a car with some other dudes. He follows the car.

Eva comes inside to the kitchen after Max's bath and who is there but Laurita! She says that she's visiting because Eva hasn't visited the house. Laurita invites her to the upcoming surprise birthday party. Laurita then most unwisely says (while the nice plump maid with the braid listens in) that she knows that Eva loves Daniel and Daniel loves Eva, blah blah blah. Eva tries to shut her up, but it isn't working.

Meanwhile, Evil Icky Vicky sneaks into Sabrina's dressing room and is putting the standard Telenovela Liquid (a variation on the standard Telenovela Drops) in Sabrina's makeup remover.

Video clip of these scenes (with English Closed Captions).

Laurita wanted to go out with Eva right then, but Eva has to work.

Marisol is looking at Francisco as he waits for her at some sort of outdoor restaurant. Should she tell him the truth? She dithers back and forth. The truth would be the smart thing.

Eva walks Laurita back to her house and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Laurita sees her bike there and decides to go for a ride. She tries to tell Jackie but Jackie's doing some cleaning with her iPod volume too high and can't hear.

Evil Icky Vicky has completed her mission with the liquid in Sabrina's makeup remover and then says with great malice, "Your face will change completely." Evil, evil, evil. (You'll see.)

More with Marisol looking at Francisco and thinking about what to do.

Laurita is riding in the park or somewhere and is scared by a snake. Her bike goes into the river and she is flailing around in the water. "Help!" she yells (in English).

Ictoria sees Sabrina coming to her dressing room. Fakey fakey well-wishing from Ictoria to Sabrina over her success. Yeah right. Ictoria thinks more malicious thoughts about Sabrina as Sabrina walks away.

"Where is Adrian?" wonders Don Ricardo and chats with Justa. He's going to look around the neighborhood as Justa worries about Adrian.

Alicia wonders how long she can keep up the charade of going to school while not going to school. She wonders what's up with Carlos.

Meanwhile, Carlos is telling a friend that his theft of the school records worked, and that now he hopes Alicia will see his love for her now. He also fills the friend in with all the stuff about the investigation and the extortion, and he says he's sure she's not guilty. It must have been Tony that did that. (Well, at least you're smart about that, Carlos!)

Eva is at the big house and drops a folder full of documents on the floor. As she stoops to pick them up, Mean Marcella walks up and gives her a talking to about chatting with Daniel as well as taking Don Julio out for a walk.

Laurita is flailing around in the river still as Adrian rides by (we all saw this coming a mile off, right?) and rescues her. They make fast friends. A very sweet scene.

Eva is a bit fed up with being chewed out by Nasty Marcella and tells her if she doesn't like Daniel talking to her (Eva), then to tell him that!

Then the phone rings and Marcella tells her to answer. She does and it's Daniel. Oh no! Busted again. She drops the folder with the paperwork and I guess hangs up.

More friendliness with Laurita and Adrian. They shake hands.

Phone rings again. Eva doesn't know what to do. Just ignore it. That doesn't work, Nasty Marcella wants to know why not!

Adrian and Laurita chatting. Adrian tells her that he was looking for 'someone' and that's why he's in this neighborhood.

Finally Marcella answers the phone herself. Daniel says "Eva?" on the other line and it's so over. Marcella says "I'm so sorry, you're talking to Marcella. Are you disappointed?" More uncomfortableness. Creepy. Daniel tries to claim that he wanted to talk to Leonardo. Marcella is of course not buying it.

As Laurita is departing, she tells Adrian that he is her "hero" and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Adrian looks elated.

Daniel talking to himself in the office, wondering what he's going to do. Icky Vicky comes up and tells some B.S. tale about the run-in she had with Laurita, making it sound like she (Icky) is really sorry for what happened, when we all know that she's not.

Alicia is talking to herself in her room and (I think) saying that Carlos is nice but he doesn't do it for her, that Leonardo guy does. Oh, Alicia. Your brain is really full of cotton balls, isn't it?

Daniel's secretary walks in and tells Icky and Daniel that Sabrina is in the hospital because someone put acid in her makeup remover and her face is "destroyed." Icky feigns shock. (Evil, evil, evil! See? I told you.)

Carlos gets busted by the police.

Daniel is shocked over poor Sabrina and Icky Vicky is wondering why. He says she's a colleague! Icky Vicky says they'll send flowers.

The police have questions of Carlos about the wallet found in the room where the records were stolen.

Ictoria is talking to Daniel on the phone now (having gone home, I presume) about poor Sabrina. She says she'll keep updated on her condition. She hangs up the phone and tells an astonished Claudia that she is capable of much more. Claudia says she is "amazing" but I think Claudia is creeped out, as she should be. (I await a dire end for Ictoria. Acid in HER face? Maybe a wild beast will rip off her face? Something like that? I hope so.)

Mean Marcy visits Daniel at his office. She wants to know why he was talking to Eva. Daniel has a frozen expression on his face as the episode ends.

Video clip for avances for tomorrow's episode.

That's it! Thanks everyone, and please, fill in the blanks that I KNOW I missed!

- Elvira

P.S. More notes on the video clips: These are not "real" HD clips. I had to size them down for streaming. You'll also notice a bit of "blockiness" in the clips—that's due to the settings I used. (Any higher and the file sizes would have been too big.) Stay tuned because I intend to have some downloadable "real" HD samples for you soon, in case you don't have HD yet and you're curious how some of your telenovelas look in HD.

UPDATE: I've prepared a page with some HD (and HQ) downloads from three popular telenovelas, including Eva Luna. Check it out!


La Fea Más Bella #117-118 12/7/10 People think clearly, but not for long.

Capitulo 117.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

Pardon me for writing such long summaries today. Consider it rebound from so many days of nothing to write about.

1. Pop tells Lety they’re leaving because he doesn’t want her around immorality, and she refuses! Lety tries to figure it out. Could Pop have found out she and Fern are lovers? No. But what DID he hear? She confronts Fern and asks him what’s going on, but he brushes her off because they’re about to shoot.

2. Pilar announces that Fern has admitted that he’s Pavel, as she wraps herself around him. Lety STRONGLY objects but Fernando silently begs her to cooperate. Lety explains to Pop that they agreed to the Pavel story to get Pilar to ride the horse. Pop points out that Lety is becoming a liar, and he demands that she resign tomorrow when the shoot is finished.

3. Fernando tells Omar Lety almost died when Pilar said she and Pavel/Fern were together, and Fern feels awful about it (so why’s he talking to Omar, not Lety?). Omar supposes that Fern is again bothered by guilt for what he’s doing to Lety, and because he has to make Lety believe he loves her so she doesn’t take his company. Fern is disgusted by Omar, and he has just one brief moment of clarity when he says, “The commercial is the least of it. What’s most important is Lety.” (If only he could keep hold of that idea.)

4. Lety is having a rather lucid moment herself. “Why, Don Fernando? Why do you resort to lies to fix your problems? Then I get pulled into it, and in the end I rescue you. I love you so much. I’m scared that you could lie to me too.” That really worries her, so she has a fantasy to feel safe again. She asks him, “Could you lie to me?” He denies it, but she points out that he lies to Pilar, Marcia, his family, and the whole world. Why should she be any different? He tells her that he doesn’t hide anything from her, no secrets, no lies, no deceptions, because he loves her. She says, “I’ll always trust you.”

5. Back in reality, Fernando asks Lety to forgive him for not telling her his plan with Pilar, and she says it would’ve been easier had he told her. She says Pop told her to resign. Fern answers, “No, you can’t. What would I do without you?”

6. Pilar wants “Pavel” to kiss her for courage, but Saimon diverts her. MamaJ tries to keep Pop busy but he interrupts the shoot instead. They get rid of Pop, shoot the commercial, and head to lunch. Fernando tells Lety, “I love you,” for the first time since the hotel, but he says it amid silly tickling.

7. At lunch, Pilar suggests to Fernando that he formalize their relationship in front of everyone. Sara rescues him by acting like they’re lovers, so Pilar dumps Pavel.

Capitulo 118.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Pop tells Lety there is never an excuse for lying. Lety says that sometimes people lie for good reasons. She admits that she lied when she said she was hired as the assistant to the president.

2. Fernando asks MamaJ for help so Lety can stay at Conceptos. Erasmo thinks it’s a bad place, but to him it’s solidarity, support, protection, and friendship, and the cuartel agrees. He says Lety is a crucial part of the team. Pop relents and lets Lety stay. Gerardo takes a group photo, then at Saimon’s prompting he takes two photos of Fern and Lety.

3. As they pack up to leave, Fernando asks Lety if she can come to his house tonight because last night didn’t work out. She says no because she’s guilty por Marcia and she doesn’t want to provoke her dad. Fern tries to cover his deep disappointment. After she leaves he ponders, “Lety, mi Lety. Your tenderness, your love, and the way you give yourself (to me) move me/affect me. I’ve never felt what I’m feeling for you. Never.”

4. Alicia leaves work and insults the cuartel even when they’re not there. Teresita calls for Lety. Ali is nosy about her business but MamaT asks her to just pass the message. Ali decides NOT to pass the message.

5. Lety and MamaJ rehash. Lety is proud that she stood up to RoboPop for the first time, and she won. Mama is proud that she did something valuable outside her four walls.

6. Fernando is at home gazing at his photo with Lety when Marcia calls. He says, “How could I forget our wedding date is soon? I’ve been thinking about it all day.” All the while he can’t stop looking at Lety; he even replaces Marcia’s picture with Lety’s. In his thinking chair he ponders, “None of us is happy, neither Marcia nor Lety.. nor me,” as he stares at his empty bed.

7. Lety thinks about her guilt for deceiving Marcia. She reviews their relationship. See transcript. She just wanted to love him in secret, and that wouldn’t hurt anyone. But now he loves her too. How can she resist the love of a man like him? He makes her feel like a queen who deserves to be happy.

8. Morning (finally!!!). The cuartel is excited about Mexico’s World Cup match in two days.

9. Ricardo was impressed with Conceptos’ work yesterday. He says a German company needs a Mexican company to produce ads, and Conceptos could get the contract, but Fernando as president would have to go TODAY. Lety is depressed that Fernando will be gone, but when he says she needs to go along to negotiate the contract, she’s afraid to travel so far from home.

Spanish Lesson. Lety's Diary.
Tan divino, mi Don Fernando. In spite of it all, it turned out well. So why do I feel so bad? Marcia. Today when he embraced me I was so content. Again he said he loved me. I can’t stop thinking about him. I don’t want to remember the guilt I feel. Thinking about Marcia makes me realize I’m wrong, and Don Fernando too.

How did I get to this point? How does the world turn that I would meet Don Fernando? At first I allowed my feelings to grow because I was sure he would never pay attention to me. I wanted to love him forever in secret. I believed it was a love for me alone, nothing more. Like that it wouldn’t hurt anyone. But later it turned out that he also fell in love with me.

How could I resist this love with a man like him? Lety la fea can’t resist the love of Fernando Mendiola. The man most desired, the most seductive, the most beautiful. Love. His love broke me. It conquered me. How can I fight against such a marvelous love? His love makes me feel a little less ugly. Less insignificant. His love makes me feel like a queen who deserves to be happy. How can I reject that? How can I reject my happiness? I don’t know why my happiness comes in droplets. All I do is think about what happens next. In the painful task I have to do for Doña Teresita. I return to feeling guilty for getting in the middle of Fernando and Marcia.


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