Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eva Luna #53 Wed 1/19/11 Don Julio’s swan song “Don’t cry for me Marcelita”

So before I begin tonight, lets have a few moments of silence for our dear departed Don Julio. Now you will just have to suffer through a few pages of what happened tonight before we get to the best part. Which happens to be the previews for tomorrow.

Marisol is visiting Carlos in Prison. The stubble does do him justice.
The story line is still boring. He tells Marisol he is not the same man. Marisol wants to know if his family has been there to see him. He tells her his mother became sick after he went to prison and is now living with his uncle. He tells her it is just as well because he would be embarrassed if they came to see him. She tells him not to be so hard on himself. After all what he did he did for love. I don’t think Carlos is feeling the love anymore. He tells Marisol he will go find Alicia himself once he is free and collect what his due him for her indifference (desamor/coldness or indifference.)

Renata enters Don Julio’s quarters and finds him having one of his severe attacks. He tells her to call Dr. Garcia. She calls him and tells him to come over immediately. She has never seen Julio look so bad. She hangs up and runs over to an unresponsive Julio and slaps him repeatedly on the face to revive him. Things don’t look so good.

Alicia is on the phone with Aunt Matilda. Matilda inquires about Eva. Alicia lies and tells her she is fine. Matilda knows better because the cards told her something bad was going down. Justa asks Alicia if she thinks she did the right thing lying to her Aunt like that. Justa tells Alicia she won’t tell Matilda what is going on. Alicia tells her that Eva is not cable of doing what she is accused of.

Next we go to Giorgio who is dressing up the models. Alicia shows up and tells him she is looking for Leo. He haughtily tells her to go look somewhere else because he hardly ever shows up. Alicia looks stunned and asks if he isn’t the owner of this place. Giorgio tells her he may be the owner but he has nothing to do with this part of the agency which is new. Alicia now disappointed says she had an appointment with him for a job interview as a make-up artist. Giorgio is all “What?” and just then Leo shows up. Alicia gives a cheery face, Giorgio scowls and Leo grins sinisterly.

He tells Giorgio to relax and remember who is who at this agency. Giorgio asks if he is telling him he has to interview her. Leo tells him whether he likes it or not he has to at least give her a trial. Giorgio tells him it is not a question of whether he wants to or not, the question is whether she can do the job. Leo tells him he knows this girl has lots of talent or does he doubt him. Giorgio then asks him if he has forgotten about the last person he tried to help (Eva). Leo assuredly tells him he hasn’t forgotten. Giorgio goes on to explain the last person turned out to be a disappointment and a delinquent Alicia looks very confused as Leo tells Giorgio that Alicia is very different and is pure talent as he looks at her and says “or am I wrong.” Alicia shakes her head no. She thanks him for the opportunity and he wishes her luck as he gives her a perv kiss on the cheek.

Who knew, it turns out Alicia actually has talent for this as she skillfully makes up one of the models. Giorgio is impressed with her work. He asks her where she was trained. She tells him it was from reading magazines. He says “Then you have never had any formal training/” She tells him truthfully no. Giorgio, pauses looking at himself in a mirror then says “Maybe Leo was right after all. You really are talented.” Alicia asks him what that means and he tells her she has the job. She practically knocks him over as she rushes him to thank him. He tells her to settle down, don’t cause trouble and just do her job. But he is actually quite sweet about this.

Ricardo encounters Adrian in the kitchen and asks him if he needs help with his homework. Adrian confesses that his father chewed him out for wasting his time with school. Thomas shows up and starts yelling at the both of them. Ricardo threatens to call the police to report him as an abusive father. Nasty words ensue and poor Adrian is caught in the middle.

We have Victoria getting fitted for a dress and Daniel shows up. He tells her he needs to talk to her. She is all charm, but we know she is all vermin.

Leo is now behind his desk and Tony walks in. He tells Tony he needs to find someone for him. Tony asks who. When Leo tells him it is Eva, Tony acts all dumb (again not a far stretch. At least he has lost the lollipop.) He asks Leo to describe what she looks like. Leo gives him a picture. Just leave it to Tony he will find her. Leo warns Tony to not try anything with her. Tony seems offended by this remark. Leo tells him he needs to find her before the police do.

We are back to the Arismendi household where we see an ambulance parked outside. Along comes Marcella in her black Escalade as she runs frantically towards the house screaming “What’s going on?”
She is dressed in black pants a ridiculously red poncho and has a pair of aviator sun glasses on. She runs up screaming at Renata asking what happened. Renata is crying and trying to tell her what happened and Dr. Garcia chimes in and tells her Don Julio is dead. We get a performance fitting our Doña from the dark side as she puts her hands to her face in “utter disbelief.” (Got to love the shades though)

Still at dooms day manor Marcella continues her charade as the grieving widow as she asks Dr. Garcia what happened. He tells her it was a heart attack. Then she goes off on poor grieving Renata and yells at her saying “You let this happen. You were suppose to be watching over him.” Renata truly distraught and crying tells her she tried to but he wouldn’t listen to her. She tried to get him to rest because he didn’t look so good and he even asked her to give him his medicine. Marcella asks her if she gave it to him. Still crying she tells her yes and she saw him take it and she just can’t understand how he could have had another attack. Marcella is going on about how he had stopped taking it for a while and his heart had to be very weak. Dr. Garcia tells her that they will have more clear answers once they do an autopsy. This quickly catches Marcella’s attention as she looks up saying “Autopsy, oh no Dr. you can’t do that.” and starts rambling on assuring Dr. G. that it has to be a heart attack no question about it. “He never took care of himself and sooner or later death was going to catch up to him. An autopsy would be just horrible.” and pleads with Dr. G. not to do one. She tells him she has confidence in is diagnosis. Dr. Garcia tells her if that is what she wants all she has to then is sign the death certificate (acta de defuncion) and start the funeral process. She thanks him profusely and as she gives him a phony little hug. Dr. Garcia looks repulsed.

She releases her hug and crying says in these times the only consolation is to know that her husband can finally rest in peace. She turns and gives a truly over acted performance as she looks to the sky and says “Why Julio. Why did you have to leave me alone. What am I going to do without you my love. I am going to miss you.

More Dan and Vicky stuff. She has changed and approaches him all smiles and asks what he needed to talk to her about. This was all putrid as he thanks her for being so swell during his time of need.

Marcella is still playing the grieving widow to the hilt. Renata offers her a glass of water and tells her to try and calm down. Marcella yells, “I can’t. He was taken so suddenly and this is too much for me.” Renata offers a comforting hand and tells her she understands her pain. Marcella turns sharply and snaps at her “You don’t understand anything. He was my husband, not yours!!” A hurt Renata tells her that she also cared for him. Marcella mellows her tone a bit and apologizes telling her she is really anxious. She continues and says “Lately we had our differences but that’s just the bread of life (El pan de cada dia) that every marriage has. But deep in his heart I know he cared about me. The same as I cared for him.”

Warning, not so subtle dominos pizza product placement coming up. Four women in various shades of yellow office befitting dresses have dominos pizza for lunch and discuss absolutely nothing.

Dr. Garcia hands a folder over to Marcella telling her they are the documents he has to give to the authorities and asks her if she would kindly sign them. She grabs them from him and asks them what they are. He tells her she can read them if she wants. She seems all flustered and tells him “At this moment I just don’t have my head on straight to review these papers.” A most understanding Dr. Garcia tells her it is just probably a routine step ( trámite de rutina) they have to take since they won’t be doing an autopsy. He just said the magic word as Marcella quickly takes his pen and says “Where do I have to sign?” you can just barely see a snicker appear across Dr. Garcia’s face as he watches her sign.

More Daniel and Vicky craziness. She is all sweet and loving and he is acting like he has just been turned into one of those “Stefford wives” as he thanks her once again for being so understanding. She tells him they both did some absurd things. He tells her he realizes after all these years what fine qualities she has. Enough already!!!

Poor Eva is walking the streets and clutching her stomach in hunger. She wrestles with the thought of stealing an apple from a street vendor and hunger wins over as he she grabs one and runs. A chase ensues as the vendor drops the paper he was reading and we see her picture on the front page.

She ducks into a bathroom or something absconding from the vendor. He walks away chiding himself that he lost out on her reward (recompensa.) We see Eva leaving her hiding place and happily giving her apple over to some women thanking her for her help.

Marcella continues with her theatrics as they wheel out Julio’s body and she asks to say goodbye. She pulls the white sheet down and gets nose to nose as she whispers with pure hate

“ Julio you can’t imagine the number of times I have dreamed about this moment my love. You are a total nuisance (estorbo/ nuisance or obstacle.) Now as they say, alone at last, your money and me. Good bye Julio Arismendi. I hope you rot in hell.” (pudras/rot) Then she gives him her kiss of death pulling the sheet back over his face and continues her bad acting of the grieving widow.

We go to the fruit orchard where Matilda is talking with Jose. I think he was the orchard foreman from the first episode. She is telling him she doesn’t like any of this. Jose reminds her that she just talked with Alicia who informed her everything was fine. She says Alicia sounded really strange. He wants to know what the cards said to have her so worried. She says it was really ugly. She saw Eva up to her neck in trouble. Jose wants to know how. Matilda tells him it is hard to explain but she sees a women who wants to harm her. Jose tells her he doesn’t know about these things but he understands her anguish. She tells him she won’t stop worrying until she can talk with Eva. He asks her if she has any idea who the people are that she is messed up with. She tells him she read the cards again and this time saw two women that were both very dangerous. They were “enemies to the death” for her niece.

Leo is talking to the detectives. He is asking them if they have any information about Eva. They have nothing new to tell him. He thanks them and tells them to keep him informed and hangs up. He says out loud “Tony has to find her before they do. I want Eva for myself. How can I convince my mom and Daniel to drop the charges against her? I am sure dad will help me with this.”

Just then he is interrupted by his secretary telling him he has an urgent phone call. It is Renata who informs him that there has been a tragedy. Leo immediately stands and asks what has happened to Victoria. Renata tells him it isn’t her and informs him that Julio is dead. Leo drops to the chair at this news.

Eva is still out wandering about. She is thinking about her Aunt Matilda wishing she had the money to return home. She has to leave this city as soon as possible.

Matilda and Jose are also missing Eva and Don Ismael (Eva’s father). Matilda wishes they had never left for the big city. She tried to keep him from leaving. Jose was surprised that they left. Matilda tells him they were only gone a few days when her poor brother was hit by a car and killed. Jose wants to know why he would just suddenly up and leave to go to LA. We get a flashback of Matilda talking with Ismael asking what the policemen told him. He told him he saw an article about Deborah in one of the newspapers. This was the clue that they needed. He tells her his contacts in LA have her address. He has finally found the mother of his daughters. Jose snaps her back from her flashback and she tells him she just remembered a conversation she had with her brother. The only thing she has to say about this is he decided to leave because he was stubborn. To go and look for someone that he was never able to find and she hopes to God she is never found.

More Dan and Vicky, she asks him to join her for coffee. He agrees but first she has to go retrieve her purse from the models trailer.

Matilda is looking at a magazine cover pointing to it and saying “Deborah Aldana, you are the reason my brother is dead. It is your fault he went to Los Angels. And this he will take to his grave. Your punishment will be that you will never get to know your daughters. Eva nor Alicia will ever know anything about you.”

Giorgio and Alicia are hitting it off famously. She thanks him for the opportunity and they talk about the money she will earn. Or something like that.

Renata enters Julio’s quarters and looks around. She walks over to the leather sofa and slowly beds over and stands there sniffing it. (What the heck?)

Victoria and Dan have gone to retrieve Vicky’s purse as Dan almost has a close encounter of the Alicia kind as he sees her standing with her back to him talking to Giorgio. He ponders for a moment and before he can verify it is Alicia Leo barges in asking him where Vicky is. He takes her by the hand and leads her away with Daniel trailing behind.

Renata is lamenting that Julio died without knowing the truth. The truth about what she did. Victoria was his daughter. The daughter he had with Justa. Marcela didn’t get her from an orphanage. She went and stole her and now she is very sorry for what she did.

Leo finally gets Victoria alone. She is ticked off because her and Dan were just about to get coffee. He breaks the news to her that Julio is dead. Victoria is quite distraught and Daniel is ever the sympathetic ear. More family dramatic tragedy as Leo fills her in on the details. Victoria wants to know if her mother knows. Leo tells her yes. She is at the house. Daniel is comforting Victoria telling her he was very ill and this was bound to happen any moment. Victoria is all upset because she never told him she loved him. (I doubt very much if she loves anyone but herself.) Leo tells her to calm down. Julio knew she loved him.
Daniel tells her they need to go to her house to be with Marcella. Now Victoria is all torn up saying that her father died thinking she hated him. She clings to him tightly and Leo goes in to complete this very strange group sympathy hug.

We have Marcella alone at the house toasting to herself about her good fortune of finally being the owner of everything. After all she deserves it. Life owes her. With the death of Julio she killed two birds with one shot. Now there is no one left to defend Eva. And she will finally be rid of her as well.

Eva is still out looking for work. She runs into some guy who sells “meat” and she looks like some fine meat. He could really sell her. Not certain but do you think he was a pimp? Eva walks away in disgust.

The infamous Deborah gets out of a car and as she is checking her cell phone we see Eva walking in a huff still insulted by the pimp man’s offer and the two bump into one another. Apologies are shared as they excuse one another. They stare at one another for a moment and Deborah asks if they have met before.

Eva tells her no and smiles brightly as she apologizes once more and leaves. Deborah is left pondering this for a moment thinking that she seems familiar. She then shrugs it off and leaves.

Marcella is still congratulating herself on finally being the owner of all. She picks of Julio’s picture and tells it she has won it all and quickly drops it face down. She holds her glass high and toasts herself. This celebration is abruptly ended as she hears Victoria’s shrill cry and once again turns back into the grieving widow. Leo and Victoria run to her for comfort. Marcella fakes the ever comforting mother and I am left with an uneasy feeling at watching the three most evil people in telenovela land grieve.

More fake grieving from Marcella as Daniel looks on uncomfortably. Victoria is crying and going on that he left them all alone. Marcella hugging them tells them they are not alone they have each other and she reaches out for Daniel and says “and we have Daniel and soon he will be your husband my love.” as she takes Daniel’s hand. He is now left standing there with a most dreaded look on his face.

Eva has now entered a restaurant looking for a job. The owner seems eager to hire her. He tells her he may be the owner but his wife is the boss. Or something like that. Any way the wife has the final say and agrees to hire her. Only she feels if someone as pretty as Eva were to work closely with him he might be tempted to stray. So the wife ends up giving Eva the job, but instead of being a waitress her job is to clean the bathrooms.

Now Renata is joining the family and the grieving continues. I am beginning to think the only one who sincerely misses him is poor Renata and I actually feel sorry for her. Giorgio enters and offers his condolences. Daniel tells Marcella that he will take care of all the arrangements. Marcella thanks him because she is just so grief stricken she can’t do it. But lets get this done and over with. She is certain Julio would not want a wake (velorio/ wake or celebration.) Renata isn’t so sure about this, but Marcella insists that he would want to be buried as soon as possible. Like maybe tomorrow. Leo and Daniel take off to make the final arrangements.

Leo and Daniel are outside and Daniel calls him his brother as he tells him he knows what he is going through. Leo comments that it has been a long time since Daniel has called him his brother and thanks him for being there for them.

Renata is gently caressing Julio’s photo and says “Julio I loved you so much. And you never knew it.” as she clutches the photo ever so tightly and sits down.

We have a few more minutes to go and lets waste a couple of them with Marisol and Fran. They are out and about eating ice cream cones. They are discussing where they should live. His fake mansion or her bogus penthouse. Well that’s a no brainer. Why not buy a new house. Marisol is all delighted at the possibility of a lovely grand house. Fran is horrified at the prospect of having to buy a grand lovely house.

Leo thanks Daniel for not leaving him alone in his hour of need. Daniel tells him he isn’t alone. Leo then says for a while there they were cats and dogs. Daniel agrees. Leo adds but it wasn’t our fault. He said they were both betrayed by Eva. Daniel shaking his head tells Leo it is best if they don’t talk about that. Leo tells Dan that they both survived her. He tells Daniel that he has forgotten her already and that he needs to do the same. Daniel looks down then looks up and tells him, “You don’t have to tell me, She doesn’t even exist for me.”

This was a sad little scene. Thomas is hiding behind a tree and poor little Adrian is out trying to sell the stolen merchandise. He almost has a bite, but the man is spooked and takes off. Thomas comes out from behind the tree to yell at Adrian. Adrian tells him he got scared and thought the guy was a policeman. Or something like that. Thomas continues yelling at him and suddenly we hear police sirens in the background.
He tells Adrian they have to get out of there quickly.

The restaurant owner and his wife are talking. He can’t believe that she has Eva cleaning the bathrooms. She tells him she needed a job and that’s what she has. She didn’t want her up front so he could make eyes at her. He huffs and quickly picks up the paper to avoid her and we see Eva’s picture on the front page as the wife looks at it closely. That’s where we end. But I wanted to leave you all with one important picture from the upcoming previews. I told you it was the best part. Life gives you surprises.


Triunfo del Amor #13 1/19/11 A triumph of anonymous generosity.

Well, the frijoles have been spilled now. Don't worry, though, this story is still full of beans. Max agrees with Mami that Maria is very beautiful. He thinks Mami made a good choice. Vicky is excited to send Maria to do their runway shows in Miami and New York. Maria asks to be excused and Vicky sends her back to the design studio. Vicky comments to Max that Maria's got a promising future and her character reminds Vicky of herself. Max is looking like "Yep, she's about to bust my balls as bad as you do when I'm late to a board meeting. I'm so screwed!"

Maria runs into the bathroom to cry that Max lied to her again.

Vicky notices Max's mood, but he says it's nothing.

Maria ends up out in the hallway, where Antonieta comes over to ask what's wrong.

Nathy rattles her teacup against her saucer terribly because she doesn't think her mail-order lover is going to like her. Milagros says it's either she grow some self-confidence or "vestir santos" (dress saints; idiomatic for "be an old maid" as the stereotype of old maids is that they end up spending a lot of time in church). Milagros instructs her to think positive, remember to look for a guy holding a red rose, and carry three red "cuarcitos" (We've spent the last 15 minutes looking and still can't determine whether it's quartz, quartzite, or some other stone, but it's a very deep red that I wouldn't normally associate with a quartz. Mr 5ft further objects that it looks smooth, rounded, and polished, also not normal for quartz. We give up) in a little pouch and stick it in her bra. They see on a chat show that Guillermo is replacing Osvaldo in the miniseries.

Osvaldo watches the same program, where the hosts blame it on both the failure of the movie and on the incident at his house. They kindly encourage him to call the program to discuss things, so they can offer their most sincere support. Not.

Antonieta assumes Vicky must have made Maria cry again. Maria says that Vicky has been behaving herself. Antonieta next guesses it's something to do with Max.

Max thought bubbles that he wouldn't blame her if she never believes in him again, after all the lies he's told.

Pippin finds Antonieta and Maria in the hallway. He starts to tear into them, but Antonieta tells him to back off. Maria says she's not feeling well and asks him to forgive her.

A tall gorgeous hunk of Afro-Latin male enters a café with a pink rose and asks Nathy if she's Nathy. Say yes, say yes! She says no. (Boo! Hiss!) Hot Stuff breathes a huge sigh of relief and says that's good, he was supposed to be meeting some bodacious babe. Suddenly he's a lot less good looking. And that's a pink rose, you wanker! Way to follow directions. He decides he'll wait, since hot babes always make you wait. Yeah, you just hold your breath until I call. Nathy runs out crying and he wrinkles his forehead like perhaps he had a split second of awareness that women who don't decorate the interiors of magazines might also have feelings.

Max runs into Maria outside work. He wants to talk, but she says there's nothing to explain. He just needs to leave her alone and she doesn't want to see him again. Max's logic is that he didn't lie because Victoria isn't his mother. Oh, so she's only your mom when it's convenient? You just spent a very bad day being heartbroken because your extremely bratty sister threw it in your face yesterday! Max, you are a rat bastard. I'm breaking up with you!

He continues to argue that she's his stepmother, his mom died when he was young, and he barely remembers her. Maria doesn't believe him and gives back his rhinestone-encrusted heart. She gets into a taxi.

Os tells Vic that it's been all over the news, but he's not going to drown himself in a water glass over it. Vicky gives him an "atta-boy!" Ossy has been thinking of getting his little hellspawn a gold watch for her birthday. Vic reminds him that Fer was hoping for a new car. Os has finally caught a clue and says Fer is too immature for a new car and he's already made up his mind. She's getting a gold watch. He fails to realize she's also too immature to appreciate that and will throw it on the ground and stomp her foot. Mark my words!

Bratzilla is up in her room, talking to her boyfriend on the phone with the music up too loud bragging that she's getting a new car for her birthday. She wants tattoo boy to bring his dad, aka, her mother's rapist (just in case anyone's forgotten) to the party because her mom is just dying to meet her bratty daughter's loser boyfriend's family. Wow, you know, I think I might have some issues with spoiled rich girls.

Victoria is an idiot. She tells the accountant to go buy Fer a car as a surprise. He's more than happy to carry out her stupid bidding. Antonieta points out that this is bound to cause trouble with Osvaldo. Vic says that Osvaldo will just have to understand that the car is Fer's dream and he'll get over it. Wow. Just. Wow.

Osvaldo's driveway is being staked out by reporters. He stops to talk to them. He denies that his career is over. He reminds them that it's the investors who get final say over casting and says his career will continue just as it has for the last 20 years. Having stopped long enough to be polite, he then asks them to let him by, as he's in something of a hurry.

Linda blames Nathy for not giving the Veracruzano a piece of her mind. And also for not bothering to fix herself up, dressing badly, and wearing huge glasses. She tries to talk her into getting some color contacts. Maria comes in, crying, and says that Max lied to her again, and he's Victoria's son. I can't dignify Linda's lack of facial expression by saying she's impactada. I don't even think she's calculating at this point, unless she punched in "2+2" and then couldn't remember where the "=" is located.

Fabian tells Max "I told you so" and Max agrees with him. He's going to go find Maria and convince her that what he feels for her is real. He admits to Fab that he loves Maria, like, for realz!

Linda found the "=" button, and tells Maria to make up with Max. She also realizes that Max will one day be her stepson. Osvaldo calls from outside the apartment and Linda takes off, but not before she tells Maria that while Maria might like sitting around and crying, Linda prefers to go have a good time with Ossy. Linda hopes she can get something out of this date. Besides a reputation as a skank?

Antonieta thinks it might be a good idea to at least give Fer the car for some other occasion, rather than risk upsetting Osvaldo. Vic cries that she wants to give Fer what she can't give to her other daughter. Her little MARIA. What has become of her? Is she loved? Is she mistreated? Vic can't bear to think of her out there, DESAMPARADA. And so she's going to fix it by giving Fer a car. Makes perfect sense. She repeats again DESAMPARADA. Ooh, who gets the award for most stupid this episode? Max or Vic?

Nathy can't stand to see Maria this way. Maria can't stand to feel so DESAMPARADA. She wishes she had her mother with her right now, so Mami could tell her what to do and console her. "Why didn't they love me? Why'd she throw me out of her life?" Maria can't understand it.

Bernarda closes the curtains and hides her stash of cash in her safe. Bernarda the loan shark. That's fitting. I wonder if she does the kneecap busting herself? She chats to God that she loves her son, but she's not going to finance all his helping of people who actually need it. Pfft!

At the hospital, a doctor checks on the sick kid and tells Padre JP they need the equipment to operate. Padre JP is heartbroken that he can't get the money for it. His mom was his last resort and she's flat broke.

Tiburonarda (that's "tiburon" [shark] + Bernarda) evicts some poor people for not being able to pay rent. She's got a couple of suits behind her with paperwork. She tells a crying woman that she's not a charity! She tells the woman's kids (?) to hurry up as they walk by her carrying stuff out of the house.

Osvaldo takes Linda to a jewelry store. Wait, wait…he's taking his wanna-be gold-digger girlfriend on a shopping expedition to buy his daughter a gold watch for her birthday. Show of hands--who thinks Linda's going to parlay this into some bling for herself? Linda says chicks dig Ossy way more than Guillermo. Os says Guillermo has his fans. Os feels like Linda is encouraging him a lot. Linda is falsely surprised that Vic doesn't "echar porras" (cheer him on) and says it means she doesn't love Osvaldo as much as she says she does. "If I were your wife, I swear I wouldn't leave your side for a moment! Especially not now when you're feeling so sensitive." A store employee comes over and asks to help them. Osvaldo points out a gold watch and asks the guy to wrap it up as a present. Linda oohs and aahs over it and says his daughter will just love it! She oohs and aahs over a little charm bracelet and acts surprised when the sales guy allows her to touch it with her own dainty little hands. Osvaldo says she can have it as a present. She coos a lot and throws her arms around him in thanks. Now, I ain't sayin' she a gold digger. No, wait…I am.

So here's what all of Linda's eye batting and chest thrusting brings up for me (skip this paragraph if you have no interest in my personal life): I have a strict policy of maintaining my marriage by means of never forgetting to date my husband. I do my best not to take him for granted. I roll my eyes and smile fondly at his love for zombie movies and bad sci-fi. I at least point out to him when certain metal bands come to town and offer halfheartedly to accompany him to their concerts (and I'm ever so grateful when he turns me down). I pick up things at the grocery store that I know he likes, but he never picks up for himself because he knows I can't eat them and he doesn't want to leave temptation lying around. (Of course, after seventeen years of being together, when it's the millionth time those damn little hairs are left around the sink after he shaves…what can I say...I'm no saint!) I'd like to think my efforts pretty much guarantee that some little Linda-esque tramp with a fetish for hot nerdy guys with nearly-six-figure incomes (shh, let me dream) is not going to steal my man. It also helps that he's kind of clueless and if someone cooed at him about how pretty a piece of jewelry is he'd probably look up from playing Sudoku on his phone just long enough to say "mhm" and that would be the end of it. Believe me, I've tried! And that's all for this installment of "5ft Latina's Guide to Marital Bliss."

Max catches up to Maria near her place to tell her he can't live without her. She doesn't want to hear it. He accepts that he screwed up. He loves her, he adores her, he needs her forgiveness, but she can't forgive him. He lays a guilt trip on her for not being able to forgive him and says maybe her soul isn't as big as he thought it was. Oh, shut up, you big lying liar!

The sacristan comes running to Padre JP and the other guys in Wood Shop that the kid in the hospital has taken a turn for the worse. Padre JP says all they can do is pray. He tried to raise the money, but he just couldn't and they can't save Manolito with out the machine. He goes off to change clothes and visit Manolito and tells the other guys to keep working without him. Once he leaves, the sacristan suggests to the other guys that they start making some tables, chairs, whatever they can, and sell them to get money for the equipment to operate on Manolito. The guys get to work.

Max won't leave until she listens to him. Maria is too upset and says she promises they'll talk another day. She runs to get on the bus and he screams that he won't quit till she listens to him!

Padre JP has just missed that same bus to get to the hospital to see Manolito, but he runs into Max, who offers him a ride in his silly plastic car.

Bernarda is disturbed (period, end of sentence) by the insistent ringing of the doorbell. She remembers that Tomasa has gone to do the shopping and grumbles that she'll have to answer it herself. Before she can, Maria comes running in, telling Bernarda that she needs a mother's advice and only Bernarda can give it. Before Bernarda can warn her off, Maria grabs her in a giant hug. And then Bernarda's heart grows three sizes, she fesses up to all her evil deeds, Maria is reunited with her real parents and the show's over. The end.

Or not. Vic tells Antonieta that the other day at church, she saw JP AND his evil mother (said as if there's another word after it), and so she ran out. But Maria Desamparada saw her. "What relationship could be between them and that girl?" Well, Vic is going to find out.

Maria changes her mind and says that Bernarda is sick and she shouldn't be burdening her with her problems. Bernarda tells her to sit down. "It's a man, right?" Maria has to confess that it is. "I gave him my love and my trust and he deceived me." "Yeah, guys suck like that." She advises Maria to burn his house down. Kidding, kidding! She says those men need not only divine punishment, but punishment on earth…even if one has to deliver it with one's own hand! Okay, seriously, I did not think she would go there! Maria is shocked. Bernarda says she's only telling the truth. Careful, your crazy is showing.

At the hospital, Max and Padre JP finally introduce themselves to each other. Padre JP wants to chat more, but right now he has to see how the kid is doing. He asks Max to pray, because only a miracle will help. You know, Padre, sometimes asking a different rich person for money helps too. Like, perhaps, the nice boy who gave you a ride in a car that clearly screams "I have a substantial amount of disposable income!" Just a suggestion.

Bernarda tells Maria that she has to be careful and never trust men or their sweet words. Once they get what they want, they sneak out in the night. All they do is lie and deceive! She says she never had a bad experience, but, um, her best friend, yeah, had her heart broken by a married man with a kid who abandoned her while she was pregnant. Yeah he was a bad man…WAS because he died in a fire with his wife and kid and he's definitely rotting in a fiery HELL. Or so she thinks.

Manolito asks Padre JP if he's going to get better. Padre JP advises praying to God, the Virgen, and his guardian angel. Manolito agrees that will help because he's a good kid and only bad kids get punished. Oh, Manolito, I don't know what to wish for--if you live long enough, you'll find out that's not how the world works. Padre JP excuses himself and cries in the hallway.

Maria figures that despite Bernarda's talk, she must be a saint to be the mother of a priest. Tomasa comes back to the house. Maria reminds her of someone, but Bernarda says that can't be. Maria takes her leave and says she's got to go visit sick kids. She agrees to come back and visit Bernarda often. "If you're looking for a mother, you've found one in me." Maria gives her another hug, further infecting Bernarda with her sunshine, rainbows, and happy puppies vibes.

Back at the office, Max tells Fab he's going to finish up some work. Fab hasn't seen Max suffer like this over any other woman. "Do you think she'll forgive you?" Max has some hope, since she said she'd talk to him later and she always keeps her promises. He calls the apartment and one of the gals tells him that Maria is at the hospital. Max goes running out. Dude, are you gonna donate a bunch of money to get back in her good graces? Well, worse things have been done.

Padre JP prays for a miracle to save the kid (is it Manolito? Manuelito? Martincito?) The kid gasps for air, telling Maria that he doesn't want to hurt anymore. She says the meds will kick in soon. Max watches from outside the room as she sits in bed holding him. The kid asks Maria if she'll be his mom. She agrees she'll be his mom and take care of him and never leave him.

Max sees the doctor and asks to speak to him.

The guys from the church sell their wares. They explain that it's to help a sick kid and a customer coughs up some more cash.

Max gives the doc money in exchange for anonymity and being kept informed of the kid's progress.

Padre JP comes back to the kid's room. He finally got to sleep. Maria doesn't want to leave him and says she'll stay all night. She's afraid he'll get worse. Padre JP says he's been praying for a miracle. Maria is sure his words get straight to heaven, since he's on the guest list, and his prayers will be answered. Padre JP kneels at the foot of the bed to pray some more.

The doc comes in and tells Padre JP he has to see something. They leave the room, leaving Maria with the kid.

The machine has just been delivered. It's in a cardboard box outside the hospital. Padre JP is in shock and cries with gratitude.

Maria can't resist and sneaks out to see what's going on.

Padre JP is thanking the Virgen for her "bondad" (generosity), and God for granting them a miracle. Maria is tiredly grateful to see the big cardboard box.

Maria sneaks into Musketeer headquarters, stopping to pull the covers up over Linda. As she's taking off her shoes…

Max is working on his laptop…

She looks at the picture of them…

He looks at the picture of them…

She turns the picture so she can't see it? Thanks God, and pulls the covers over her head.

Max works.

Maria sleeps.

The next day, Maria and Padre JP wait anxiously for the results of the operation. Padre JP is sure after the miracle, the kid will be ok. Padre JP doesn't know how they ended up getting the machine. They just need to be grateful and that's it. All the parish kids come running in with the sacristan, asking how Martincito is doing. They show him what they earned selling their furniture. Padre JP is glad to see all these punks demonstrating generosity and a community spirit. They say it's all down to him. They're all struggling to keep the volume down.

Max is in an adjacent hallway. He sees the doctor, who gives him a nod and a smile as Martincito is wheeled by.

The doc tells the Padre, Maria, et al, that Martincito has been saved. Hugs all around.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak…that's the end of this episode

Tomorrow: Max wants to propose marriage; Fer has her party; Linda is eaten up with jealousy and plans to crash the party.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

La Verdad Oculta #87: Revenge of the nerds

Chicles quickly tires of pretending to write vowels with Caramelo and grabs the chance to disappear with Juan José on a visit to Santiago at the tunnel house. While the two men joke in wink-wink, nudge-nudge fashion over the unsolicited kiss from nevertheless hot flirt, Zaida, Chicles alleviates boredom by snooping in the makeup room.

And with truly hilarious results that must mollify Santiago when Chicles reappears as a pint-sized version of Mario, because he's patient with the boy. Embarrassed Juan José absconds with him quickly, but not before Santiago reminds Juan José to phone Alejandra -- and that some guys indeed can remove their faces like Chicles saw in the movie.

Ulises visits Zaida in her new apartment, where she learns from him that someone she already knows lives across the hall: Mauricio's girlfriend, Elsa. He exits when she receives an irritating call from Édgar with information he's supposed to "take care" of her, and Zaida reluctantly gives Édgar her address.

Mario's resident techno-geek revisits David and Abelardo in Mario's office and explains if they want to install high-tech, covert communications in David's hotel office, the base location will have to be nearby for sufficient signal strength. David's sold on this solution due to his furious vengeance to make Adolfo eat his insults to Gabriela, in whose fortitude and intelligence he has the utmost confidence.

Édgar arrives at Zaida's, where she accuses him of spying rather than caring; and as he's exiting, Zaida encounters Elsa and Caramelo. Zaida smiles particularly at Caramelo; and Caramelo takes particular interest in Zaida, smiling and asking her name -- which Zaida also does in return, remarking with a grin that "Caramelo" is sweeter than "María del Carmen."

Before they enter their apartment, Zaida makes sure to invite Elsa to coffee later, and Caramelo turns to wave a lingering goodbye as Zaida also waves, smiling. At their departure, Édgar makes a suggestive remark that he's going to "take good care" of Zaida, to which she objects and warns him before stepping back in.

A moment later on the way to see Zaida, Ulises approaches Édgar at his post in the hallway and braces him regarding his identity; whereupon Édgar grossly overreacts and punches him in the gut. The ruckus brings everyone back out in the hall in aide of crumpled Ulises, with Édgar claiming the guy must have a stomach ache.

At the condo, nervous Bertha attempts to escape to bed; but Adolfo's sensing her fear and has a plan to unruffle her feathers. He lies in rationalizing her testimony about his alibi: nobody can vouchsafe her, and he didn't hurt David. In fact, he's the victim of the Genovéses attempt to squeeze him out just when the health of the company is threatened by Mario's and David's incapacitation.

Bertha's coming around, so he invites her to an elegant supper and flatters her "daring" and "intelligence." At Alejandra's office, she's still agitated and won't take Juan José's call; instead she and Mina plan a little carousing by themselves. In David's and Gabriela's bedroom suite, while Gabriela disappears to make a bedtime snack, David tries to push to his feet out of the wheelchair.

Upon her return, he's nowhere to be found; but Gabriela drops the snack tray, crashing to the floor, when David pulls himself around the corner -- on his feet. They celebrate with a joyous embrace. Back at Adolfo's, Bertha descends in the little black dress; but he has room service instead of a restaurant, to the tune of the pop of a cold champagne bottle.

Bertha's a little disappointed; but Adolfo continues with his encouragement plan by dangling the beach condo keys in the air between them, to her surprised delight. And he promises of course to never ask her to do anything risky, as he never has so far, he claims. Bertha is considering.

At a club, Alejandra's not happy with Juan José or any other guys who approach her and Mina. When Juan José calls her there, she blows him off; and on the other end, he angrily commits phonicide. Asunción and Chicles follow behind and pick up the pieces; but the phone is toast, and Chicles gets it to play with.

At Adolfo's safe house, bloody and broken Valentín suddenly becomes creative after Dante's threat of a nice float in the drainage canal and dredges up the idea to phone Garnica's hotel in Puerto Vallarta about his personal effects.

Next morning, Elsa makes a sad conversation with Mauricio at his studio about her uneasiness with him, the apartment, the job and everybody at the office -- and especially the engagement. She returns the engagement ring and resigns her job, regretting she can't love him like he deserves.

In Mario's office, Abelardo is absolutely effusive in congratulation at David's entrance using a walker; and "Mario" is happy, too. David explains to incredulous Gabriela the plan for high-tech, covert communications at the hotel office, where David can hear and see conversations remotely from the floor below and slip Gabriela the answers she needs in an earphone.

This morning at Adolfo's Bertha seems sufficiently diverted and convinced by the vision of her impending beach trip swimming before her eyes to allay her fears about Adolfo for the moment. As she exits upstairs, Zaida enters and reports to Adolfo her progress with Juan José and that Dante pulled him into even more investment and ruinous possibilities.

Zaida's not angered at Dante anymore; but she's furious with that brutal thug, Édgar, who beat up her friend and landlord. Adolfo calls Édgar on the carpet and makes him agree to apologize to Ulises. At Dante's, he and his goons supervise Valentín's phone call to Garnica's Puerto Vallarta hotel, where they will try to retrieve Garnica's effects.

At their studio, Mina and Alejandra painfully toast with gulps of alka seltzer when Juan José enters and can't prevent himself giving Alejandra a hard time about her club trip. Through a nasty headache, she yells that he's in no position to give her a hard time and to get lost. But when he tries to explain Zaida, Alejandra stipulates forgiveness only if he never sees her again -- which Juan José claims he can't do because of business.

Her stipulation flouted, she gives him the boot. After he exits, when Mina thinks Alejandra was being a little harsh, Alejandra exclaims Juan José is rich enough to do business with anybody! The only reason he's doing business with Zaida is because he likes the old hag!

At Yolanda's, Carlos urges her to see a doctor; but she knows she isn't physically or even mentally ill. She has a deep sadness and regret; she's led a cowardly, useless life -- lying to protect Adolfo for hideous things. Carlos takes her hand and begs Yolanda to distance herself and come live with him; and she laments no one leaves Adolfo without him wanting it.

When Carlos asks why Yolanda doesn't report Adolfo to the police, she notes it's for the same reason he does not; but now Carlos is ready to testify, he declares. Pointing up the trefoil ring on his finger, Carlos understands it is evidence in a crime.

Yolanda will not tell him which crime; but she will reveal that the person who needs the evidence is -- Mario!


Llena de Amor #111 (Mex. 116) Wed 1/19/11 Froggy Goes A-Courting

Yep. That's right. The big event of the evening was not Emanuel and Ilitia's make-out scene in the shower, or the hoped-for love scene in Sirena's dressing room. Nope, the Big Event was Mauricio formally asking for Kristel's hand in marriage.....while Emiliano, Emanuel and Axel roared with laughter....Fedra and Ilitia looked nauseated.....and super-fresa Kristel appeared super-miffed.

Frankly, our little Llena plane ran into a lot of turbulence tonight. Consuelo, also miffed, gave Brandon a cold cup of coffee and a mini-tirade about his night out with Victoria. The latter got herself slashed on the arm by a manic Fedra, while Oliver, dazed and confused, continues to have serious doubts about his masculinity, considering his strange attraction to Manolo. Lorenzo was hornswoggled into signing a contract giving Mauricio a ten-percent share in the ad agency, and had to make off with the money Lirio de Plata donated to the orphanage to pay off Garduño. Netty's in high dudgeon because "Vicky" didn't tell her that Marianela's in Mexico and let's see....anything else? Other than Doris jumping around for what seemed like hours because she had to "hacer pipi", I think that about covers it.

Now on to the dirty details: The Comisario isn't fooled by the small amount of money Muñeca turns over. He knows el Lirio must have given her more than that but she feigns ignorance. Lorenzo suggests that el Lirio must have accomplices and he shared the loot with them. Comi wants to know how Lorenzo knows so much about the "modus operandi del hampa" (underworld, criminals). but takes his leave. As soon as he does, Low quizzes Muñeca. Are you chiseling the police m'dear? She swears she's not and leaves him to heave his sore back and twisted neck into a chair, wanting just a night of peace and relaxation. Which lasts a half second till his cellphone rings and Licenciado Ordaz orders him over to Mauricio's apartment. Garduño's orders. Chop chop slavey.

Mientras tanto, Vicky's in peril. Fedra's got a knife at her throat while Vick gurgles that she's not alone. She came with two policemen. Bernardo tries to hold Fedra back.

Okay. Lost part of my recap. How do these things happen? Somehow this bodacious picture of Sirena wiped out about six paragraphs. I'm in noo mood to do it all over again. Briefly, here's what went down. Lorenzo gets a call and has to fetch himself over to Mauricio's house. Garduño wants to see him. Vicky gets stabbed by Fedra. Brandon worries about Oliver and what he's doing with Sirena. Doris explains that Sirena is really Gretel in disguise. Brandon asks the question we've all been asking. Why the friggin' complications. Just take off the mustache, Gretel, and start gettin' busy! Doris allows as how that would be okay with her but they can't rat her out. The truth has to come from Gretel herself. Meanwhile, Sirena, messing with some kind of weird accent, Cuban I think, tells Oliver seductively that she'll be waiting for him all night. Mebbe so but he's gotta run. He rushes out, saying he won't be back. She chuckles and knows that he will. But when the door opens again, it's Axel. And Gretel/Sirena/Manolo ain't happy.

Neither is Lorenzo. Although he makes a game play at checking out the ladies cavorting at Mauricio's place, moving in on one in particular until...Dios's Garduño himself at his elbow! Suddenly all the starch goes out of the Señor Porta Lopez. I didn't know you were out, stammers Lorenzo. Garduño gets right down to business. He wants the money el Lirio gave to Muñeca. Lorenzo can keep one percent but all the rest goes to Garduño. And furthermore, he wants Mauricio restored to the agency. Not just restored, but as a shareholder with ten per cent of the shares. And too bad if Emiliano doesn't like it. Garduño is Lo's most important partner. And if Lo doesn't sign, his family will be in danger and the news will leak out that he ordered the mother of little Christian killed.

Lo signs.

He's not the only unhappy person that evening though. After he makes a creaky exit, brushing off the proffered Swedish massage by two sexy young women, Garduño turns to Mau and snaps, Now you'll ask Kristel Ruiz y de Teresa's hand in marriage. Indeed he will, grins Mau, I'll "echarme la soga al cuello" (put the rope around my neck) and make her a real princess. Chuckle chuckle. Well clearly nothing really gets our Mauricio down. Helps to be a thick-headed idiot, I guess.

Oliver and Brandon are still clucking about the dual absence now of Doris and Vicky. They suppose it's that endless line in the ladies' bathroom (too true, especially at sporting events) but little do they know. Vicky, at this very moment, is escaping Fedra's clutches with her life, but also a lot of flesh wounds, while Bernardo tries to talk reason to the Reina. And Doris is having to redo Gretel's makeup to become Manolo again. GretelMan's trying to make Axel understand that if Fedra finds him here, he'll be in as much danger of kidnapping and torture as Gretel was. So let's sneak out the back door now! Whoops. Too late. Oliver's back and really weirded out to find not the lovely Sirena, but Manolo and Axel....too close together...and looking very guilty.

Hmm..before we can get too worried about this ,Doris exits, still jiggling, runs into Brandon in the hallway, and then they locate a semi-swooning Vicky, who needs first aid and some bandages pronto.

And speaking of bandages....we have Emanuel in the shower (not quite a Fernando Colunga moment but hey, I'm not complaining) when suddenly he's joined by little Ilitia, in the buff, ready with passionate kisses. And he responds. The lad is into it. Realllllly into it.

So worry a little while we have a slew of ads.

We're back. And they're still kissing. But she's kissing his neck. Now moving down to his shoulder where she sees....ahem, a big old bandage (which he's getting wet...don't they have to cover those with plastic?). Anyway, the passionate moment gets stopped by some suspicious questions. Like whassup with this serious wound?

Vicky's wounds, on the other hand, don't look too critical. But Doris does. She's still jiggling a mile a minute and Brandon sends her off to the can 'cause she's making him nervous. But Vicky is also nervous when one of the Pirates tells her she's in the Reina's dressing room. Forget the first aid and let's just get out of here! she tells Brandon.

Trouble back in Sirena's dressing room. Oliver doesn't like the fishy stories he's hearing. He's beginning to suspect that Manolo and Axel are dating and he's not happy. If that's so , he's going to be watching Axel very closely, right down to his horoscope chart if need be! There's some contrived suspense over Sirena's little suitcase which Oliver finally opens but Manolo explains that she left so quickly she forgot it....but maybe if Oliver leaves now he can catch up with her. And as for Manolo, he's old enough to choose who he goes out with. So go! And zip, Oliver's gone. And then double zip, Manolo and Axel sneak out.

Back to Eman's wound and the chilled romance. He's claiming it's just a scratch (rasguño). She's saying she's not stupid, it looks like a bullet wound. He tries another story. A piece of scenery fell on him at work. She tries an end run: Baby, I'd die if anything happened to you. Be careful. And by the way, I'm not afraid anymore. I'm ready. I'm....

Well, she's ready but he's not. Why won't you consummate the marriage? she pleads. How romantic, he observes drily. And shuffles off, claiming he's not able to trust her yet. Coward.

Well, trust is an issue at Muñeca's house also. She's holding the valise with the rest of the Lirio money, still debating with Flora whether it's right to use it or not. Our slimy Lorenzo has oozed in the door but they haven't noticed (these people never have any peripheral vision)....and he hears all about the cash and gallantly steps forward to claim order to "protect" Muñeca. And don't worry about the children's hospital. That's why the agency is throwing the charitable bash for gosh sakes. He'll just burn the cash and that'll be it. After he goes, Flora, another smart chacha in the Delicia mode, opines that probably he's going to spend it on other women. Gracias, sniffs Muñeca.

Vicky and Brandon are finally back at the boardinghouse, where she's telling a bunch of lies about her injury. There was this aggressive woman (well, that part is true) who attacked me in the bathroom and that's how I got cut. For some reason, Brandon, with his famous policia nose for lies, swallows this contrived tale hook line and sinker. Maybe he's distracted by his hormones, because he murmurs that he really didn't want to go to this kind of bar. What he had in mind was a quiet restaurant with candles and music and....well, kisses like the one he plants on her....and moving on to becoming The Man in her Life.

Oh my, all the wrong people are kissing all the wrong people. How shall we sort this out? Think about it during the ads.

We're back. And Eman and Ilitia, fully dressed now, are chatting on the steps outside the mansion. She's making some unredeemed snotty comments about Marianela's one thousand pounds of flesh being back in Mexico and messing up their marriage. He's sniveling that he just wants to forget her and needs Ilitia's help. Whine whine, whimper whimper. (Man up Emanuel, I hate you when you're like this!) He finally lays his head down on her lap and she strokes his hair mommy-style and looks seriously worried.
She should be. This is no way to start a marriage.

Vicky puts an end to Brandon's smooching, reminding him that she has no time for Amor. Fulfilling Marianela's vengeance is a full-time job it seems. Brandon points out that no one can live without love (Alas, one can, Brandon; it's just no fun.) but this tête-à-tête is interrupted by the news that Licenciado Pacheco is waiting. He's stuffing his face as usual (remember out new verb "zampar", that's what he's doing with the breakfast rolls) and while he chomps and slurps and thoroughly masticates, he also manages to wonder how Vicky got Marianela to sign these papers so fast. I'll tell you how, shrieks Netty, storming into the room. Marianela is actually IN Mexico and I want to know why you kept this from me Miss Vicky! Vicky tells her to calm down and Netty tells her to stuff it. So Vicky tries another lame lie. I kept it a secret in order to protect you, to keep you safe.

Well, breakfast at the boardinghouse is pretty stormy. And the tension is thick at the Ruiz y de Teresa breakfast table as well. Emiliano wants to know where Fedra was all night. Out looking for my daughter, she sighs. Who knows where she might be, sleeping under a bridge or God know what, sniff sniff. Don't cry Mom, smiles Eman as he arrives. We all know you're a strong woman. Wait, that's not the word. How about INHUMAN!? We know how much you "care", keeping her in the wine cellar for two years while she desperately scratched out her name with her fingernails in a wine cask. She was very well-attended during that time, sniffs Fedra virtuously. I was just doing what the doctor suggested. After casting a few slurs on Tio Max, she's about to launch a new approach when Kristel, wearing a ridiculous mini-skirt, and Mauricio, dressed to the nines, arrive with the Big News. He's here to formally ask for Kristel's hand in marriage.

Raucous laughter. Really really great laughter. Emiliano is rumbling. Emaunuel is guffawing. Axel chortling away. Fedra looks like she wants to shoot herself. And maybe a few other people besides. (Start with Mauricio, Fedra!) And our lovely couple? Puzzled and miffed. Seriously.

Puzzled and miffed. Seriously also is Consuelo. She's made her point by serving Brandon cold coffee at work. 'Cause maybe she made it last night. Y'know, last night when you were OUT with Vicky. Lord, you can't even take me to the park but you're off gallivantingg with her 'till all hours. Well, we have the old sad scenario. Consuelo is sure Brandon could love her, little by little, if he just gave it a chance. Brandon is sure he could not. She has his affection. But that's all. And that's all it will ever be. Exit Consuelo. No hot coffee for you Brandon.

And no Congrats for Mauricio. Papa Emiliano points out that Mauricio doesn't love Kristel and she has already suffered greatly (the abortion) because of him. He counters that he's here to make up (enmendar) for that and ready to render Miss Kristel the happiest woman in the world. (Another whopper of a lie.) The fibs continue with Ilitia wanly wishing them happiness and Fedra, dead-eyed and depressed, adding that she's "fine" with the marriage plans. Mau, playing his part determinedly asks that the family give him a vote of confidence and he'll fulfill his commitment.

Now back to Manolo and Oliver. He's still fuming over the supposed bromance with Axel. Manolo's opines that he's jealous and wonders if he wants a little kiss, haha, just kidding, and scoots out. Leaving Oliver with lots of questions and worries which he wants to address with buddy Brandon. He thinks Manolo's "cheating" on him. Qué!!!?? snaps Brandon. Well, yeah, he told me he was going out with some buddies and instead he was on a date with that rich kid Axel. What's happening to me, Olly moans, slapping himself right and left. Do I have that "gene"? You know the one.....

While he grapples with that question, we find ourselves back at the agency where slimey Lorenzo is hiding away the Lirio cash in the safe, keeping out his one percent...or maybe he could keep ten percent!...for, well, whatever. Muñeca enters and lays down the law. If I find you spending ANY of that on women, I will....He interrupts her and reminds her he did it only to protect her. Now onto the stock holders' meeting. Is Mauricio here, asks Low? Why do you ask? he's not a stockholder, glares Muñeca. Okay. She's plenty worried. And so are we. Hate seeing Mauricio gain the upper hand, even for a minute.
Cue Vicky.

She's seated at the meeting table when Emanuel arrives. He asks about her wounds. She tells him it's none of his business. Rude as usual. Emanuel then asks why she didn't tell him Marianela was in Mexico. More rudeness. Because she hates you. Well, she'll have to tell me to my face, blusters Eman. Enter Fedra. Who snarls when she sees Miss Vicky. Victoria smirks and coos, You looks just like a queen, Fedra. Shall I tell them about our encounter last night? And on that cliffhanger, we end.

Vicky states that she has total control of the agency now.
An el Lirio imposter crashes in, holding Muñeca, and then threatens Vicky.
Fedra snarls, Let 'er die. (We're inclined to agree with her)


hampa = criminals, the underworld
echarle la soga al cuello = to get married, or to get oneself in a fix
rasguño = a scratch
a poco sin ofender es un bar de alto prestigio = really, without offense, this is a high-class bar (the Pirate to Vicky and Brandon, when he's tending her wound)
trae acá = give it here! (Oliver asking for Sirena's little suitcase)
teibolera = table dancer, bar girl
zafada, zafado = crazy fool (Fedra, talking about Gretel and Tio Max)
haciendo las cejas - raising one's eyebrows, passing judgment
que poca! =how rude! (Kristel to her family about their reaction to her marriage proposal)
agarre en la movida = catch someone 'getting busy'...Oliver talking about finding Axel and Manolo together behaving suspiciously)
zampar = review and learn new...zampar means to scarf down or stuff down (food)

Dicho of the Day

Antes de que te cases, mira lo que haces. (lit. look at what you're doing before you get married. Are you listening Kristel!?)
(fig. Look before you leap.)


La Fea Más Bella #175-176 1/19/11 That's no way to talk to your boss.

Capitulo 175.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern arrives and asks if Lety called. He goes to his office which isn’t his office. When the phone rings he calls out to Lety who isn’t there. He hopefully answers it “Lety?”, the one who isn’t going to call. Omar tells Fern to wear a tie so he doesn’t look like a failure.

2. Lety helps the bellas study their lessons. She says not all bellas are empty headed.

3. Irmita’s daughter and granddaughter arrive in time. The priest gives last rites. Luigi tells Lucy that her abuela is awesome. Jorge arrives and thanks Luigi for setting him straight and making him come.

4. Fernando tells the meeting that Lety isn’t coming. Marcia snarks that she’s busy with more important things. (I think Lety’s just following Marcia’s commandment to never show her face again.)

5. See the transcript. Tom informs the meeting that Lety is out of town and won’t return for several days. They tell him they don’t have the paperwork necessary to transfer FI back to Conceptos, and Tom is not the owner of FI so he cannot make the transfer. Marcia and Ariel imply that Lety wants to keep Conceptos.

Capitulo 176.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety repeats to the bellas the “harmony of nature” stuff, and Aldo hears it. He says, “The student has surpassed the teacher.”

2. Jorge overhears Rafael say, “Too late I realized how wrong I was to abandon you.” Later Irmita thanks Luigi for intervening; Jorge forgave Rafael before he died.

3. Humberto tells Tom to tell Lety why it’s so urgent for her to meet with them. Tom says he’ll talk to her tonight.

4. Fern explains to Tom that Lety really needs to show up. He begs Tom to tell her that he’s dying to see her. Tom says he doesn’t owe Fernando any favors (remember, Fern left Tom in a bloody heap), and he reminds Fern of all he did to Lety. Tom tells Fern Lety just wants him to leave her alone.

5. Aldo sees a wrecked minivan and it evokes a memory of a stormy night and an apparently-fatal car crash. He tells Caro and Lety to go away.

6. Caro takes Lety clothing shopping, but Lety’s not willing to cooperate.

7. Pop is ready to visit Conceptos to straighten out whatever Lety left undone, but Tom convinces him everything is fine. MamaJ makes Tom tell her what’s up with Conceptos. He says, “Lety has Conceptos embargoed. She’s the owner of $40M in capital.”

8. Omar is watching the bellas on TV, but Fern distracts him so neither of them see Lety in Acapulco.

9. Marcia tells MamaT that Fern is in love with Lety. She’s horrified.

10. Fernando gazes at Lety’s badge photo in his wallet and ponders, “Could it be that you were never in love with me?” PIGDOG!!!

11. Omar takes Fernando’s wallet, laughs at the picture, and calls her “Gargolita.” Fernando slams him against the cabinet and screams in his face, “I want to see if you dare call her “Gargolita” again!”

Spanish Lesson: Tomás Meets the Board

Humberto waves Tom to seat at his right, Tom doesn’t notice. Humb waves Ariel to same seat. Ariel stands behind throne instead. Tom takes seat, foot of table, next to Fern. Tom’s very nervous.
Humb: We’re consternated that Lety didn’t attend.
Tom: I don’t know why. Didn’t Fern tell you she’s traveling and won’t be back these days?
Ariel: Is Lety conscious of the urgency with which we need her here?
Tom tries to to answer. Fern puts a hand on his wrist, to say, “Let me handle this.” Fern: I wasn’t able to contact her. I could only leave messages.
Tom: She was informed of the meeting but didn’t know exactly what it was about, so she sent me as her legal representative. I’m a partner of FI since its inception until she decided to turn it over to you.
Atny: You’re a legal rep but not the owner. You can’t do what’s necessary so Conceptos can be freed from the embargo. Nor so that the total assets of FI pass into the hands of the Mendo-Reals.
Tom: True, but Lety left a letter authorizing you to undertake those transactions.
Ariel: (Aggressively.) That was inadequate. She may be a financial expert but she’s not an attorney and should not mess with legal matters.
Marc: That is, if she actually intends to return the company.
Tom: What are you insinuating, señorita?
(Fern puts his hand on Tom’s wrist.) F: It’s okay.
Tom: I’m sorry, I cannot tell you that. She did not authorize me to give that information. Don Fernando knew that ever since he went to her house to look for her.
Marc: It seems suspicious to me that Lety left on a trip just now.
Tom: It would be suspicious if neither of us came. But I am here to show my face.
Ariel: Your face is ugly, but it’s not sufficient.
Tom: Well then, you’ll have to wait until she returns. Period.
Humb: I’m not authorized to answer that.
Ariel: If she doesn’t present herself immediately, we’ll have to take other measures.


Eva Luna #52 Tue 1/18/11 Julio has a plan and Daniel is depressed

Eva Luna Ep #51, Jan 18, 2011: Julio has a plan and Daniel is depressed

Lo siento everyone, again I find myself short on time. This time I feel fine, it's just that yesterday was super busy, I got home just in time to watch (and do a video capture) of Eva Luna, but had no time to write the recap. I hope to do that later today, so WATCH THIS SPACE! (UPDATE: The recap is finished. I'm adding it to the end of this post—after the links to the clips and the photos. Scroll down to read it!)

Here are the clips: (Right click to open links in new window. These are streaming clips, like what you see on YouTube.)
Clip One: Near the beginning of the episode. Daniel tucks Laurita to bed. She says that Eva is not bad and she hopes Eva will come back. Daniel doesn't want to hear of it. He doesn't even want Eva's name mentioned in the house again. *Sniff sniff* Everyone is so depressed!

Clip Two: In about the middle of the episode. Some interesting scenes. First off, Eva has flown the coop (has left Leo's mountain shack hideaway) and Leo is upset. The next scene is Eva walking along in Daniel's neighborhood—she's going to confront him! But Icky the witch drives up and we have a screaming fight between them, where Icky accuses Eva of being a thief and Eva vehemently denies it. Then the interesting scene: Don Julio is talking with his doctor about a plan he has, and he needs the doctor's involvement in some way. It's dangerous, but what choice does he have? The doctor isn't so sure this is the right thing to do, but Don Julio thinks he has few options. Sooner or later, Marcela is going to do him in. I could see the writing on the wall—he's going to fake his death! Am I right or am I right? Hmmm . . . I wonder!

Clip Three: (End of episode and avances). Renata is having what she thinks is a routine day. She's nagged Don Julio to take his medicine. He's been busy on the computer in his office. Now she returns and he's sitting on the couch. Oh no! Something is amiss! I wonder . . . what's going on with Don Julio? He seems unresponsive. She calls his doctor and tells him that Don Julio is doing really badly. But what I want to know is, why on earth would she not call 911 right away?  Only in telenovelaland!

And until I return to finish this recap, I leave you with these pictures:
Daniel sees the car he had bought for Eva and has some bittersweet memories of happier times.  He looks so depressed.

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. You look really rough. This Eva thing is really getting to you. I see bags under your eyes. It breaks my heart.


We start with Marcela grilling a nervous Renata about why she's taking a taxi and getting out of there. Renata explains that she's going to visit a friend. Marcela is suspicious but Renata is able to convince her that nothing is amiss.

Daniel is tucking Laurita to bed. She wishes Eva would come back but Daniel says that's not possible. But Laurita protests. Eva is good. She couldn't have suddenly become so bad!

We cut to Eva who is wringing her hands at Leo's mountain hideaway and wishing her auntie were there to advise here. Cut to auntie looking at her cards and wondering what's up with all the stuff going on with Eva.

More talking with Laurita and Danny. Laurita is worried that Icky will horn her way back in and separate Laurita from Danny. Danny insists that won't happen. Just then Jacky interrupts them. Danny seems vexed at first but Jacky says it's because the cops have come to see him!

Now we are back with Eva talking to herself at the mountain hideaway. She develops some backbone and decides she's going to go confront Danny herself!

The detective is asking questions of everyone at Danny's house. He wants to know if Eva had access to the house? Laurita helpfully tells the detective that she and Danny were in love with each other. The detective jumps on this and says that means she could wander everywhere in the house and steal the check. Both Francisco and Jacky back off from this and say that they don't think that Eva would do that. Laurita is even more upset by such a suggestion. Danny says that they were wrong about Eva and they're suffering the consequences. Laurita says that the only one who is bad is that witch Icky. Danny then says with resolve that Eva stole from them and he wants her brought to justice.

Back at the mansion, Renata has completed her mission (she left the house at Don Julio's request) and has returned to give Don Julio an envelope with a paper in it. Don Julio looks at it. Renata is happy that she has been able to be in Don Julio's confidence but she has never lied to Marcela before, she says. Don Julio looks at the paper and says that tomorrow after Marcela leaves for the office, he needs her to write a personal card (?) and not a word to anyone! She says she'll do that and he thanks her and says that he's glad he can still trust her.

Renata says something about how she's glad that her sister didn't turn him against her (Renata) but Don Julio says that Justa was always praising Renata. In fact, she encouraged him to hire Renata after his wife died, and when he (Julio) was putting the smooth moves on Justa, she resisted at first out of respect for Renata's feelings. "May she rest in peace" he says. Renata looks impactada at this news because I guess she had always assumed the Justa had talked trash about her.

We cut to Justa talking to an old cameo picture of Don Julio and expressing her regret that she never told him that she was expecting his baby, because the last time she saw him, she knew he had decided to marry Marcela. But he had a right to know, she's saying.

The next few scenes are condensed: At the mountain hideaway, Leo brings flowers to greet Eva but finds that she has flown the coop. He is not pleased. He yells "No puede ser!"

Don Julio is visiting his doctor and the doctor is worried because he doesn't know the effect that the poison has had on Don Julio's system. Don Julio tells the doctor he needs help in something.

Eva has been transported from the mountain hideaway to somewhere in downtown L.A.? She's saying something to herself about how she's going to confront Daniel(?). The CCs were failing me at this point.

Eva is approaching the neighborhood where Daniel lives and the bruja Icky drives up in a car and calls her a ladrona. Then we have a heated conversation where Eva professes her innocence and the bruja says that Eva is capable of anything. Eva finally snaps and says fine, let's get the police involved because Daniel committed a crime and I want it all out in the open!

Apparently Don Julio's doctor has been clued in on Don Julio's crazy "fake your own death" plan (this is just my guess!) and is saying he can't believe what Don Julio is suggesting. Don Julio explains that since Marcela won't sign the divorce papers, and since she's determined to take him down sooner or later, his options are limited. The doctor again says that what Don Julio wants to do is very dangerous. Don Julio replies that he's willing to take the chance.

Back to more sniping between the bruja Icky and Eva. Icky unburdens all her feelings towards Eva—she stole Daniel away, the only crime that Daniel committed was falling in love with dirt like her, blah blah blah, I want you in jail, I hate you, blah blah blah. She tells Eva that she's there to support Daniel and she'll give Eva a chance to disappear, because otherwise Icky and her mom will make sure she's in jail for many years.

Leo calls Daniel's house, talks to Jacky and finds out that Eva hasn't been there either. Then Jacky and Francisco have a conversation about how poor Danny is trying to convince herself that Eva is bad, but he still can't quite believe it. After some conversation about this Francisco starts boring us with his bogus planned wedding with Marisol. Yawn.

More fast cuts back and forth, which I will try to streamline a little:

Now we cut to the back room at the fashion house (?) and a suddenly more attractive Giorgio is dealing with some employees as Marcela is there. They are chit-chatting about the fashion collection.

The bruja Icky has horned herself into Danny's house and is going to fix "her boyfriend" Daniel's breakfast, even though she wasn't invited. Jacky can't really fight her as she breezes in and takes over.

More clothes are being shown to Giorgio and Marcela. Marcela doesn't like one of the dresses. The employee that brought in the models reminds Giorgio that he approved them yesterday. He says no way, he was too busy and would have never approved such rags. He tells the lady to get them out of there and maybe even burn them. As he's talking with this lady, the bruja Icky calls mommy and tells her that Eva came there and almost confronted Daniel. Marcela asks, why didn't she call the police? Icky says because she knew that Eva would tell them that Icky gave her the check to cash. Marcela scoffs and says no one would believe Eva. Icky was still too nervous to do it.

We cut to Eva wandering the streets and a hot dog vendor offers her a hot dog "to try," which she eagerly eats. When he expects payment, she says she has no money and reminds him that he offered her the hotdog to "try" and takes off.

A very rough-looking Daniel crawls out of bed and greets "Jacky" in the kitchen, only to discover that it's the bruja Icky who has taken over and is fixing him breakfast. He looks too beat down and depressed to put up too much of a fight over this. Icky is insufferable about it.

Leo has shown up at the pension looking for Eva and ends up pumping Don Ricardo for info. Don Ricardo says he should ask her sister.

After the break, Leo gets a call from Mama. She's blaming him because he let Eva get away. She turned up at Daniel's house! She tells him all that happened and he looks impactado.

Poor Daniel is putting up with Icky as she oozes over him as he eats breakfast. He is so beat down that he can't even think straight, otherwise he'd remember that not too long ago she had appeared in his bedroom at the dead of night, with a knife in her hand, ready to stab him to death. I'm just saying.

At the pension Don Ricardo has a brief conversation with Alicia about all the stuff going on with Eva.

More nonsense with Icky and Daniel. As he half-heartedly eats his breakfast, she tells him of some guy who married someone who then cleaned out his bank account (or something). Daniel says that he guesses he was "lucky" that he didn't get married to Eva. No, what you're missing here Daniel is that the woman you are talking to right now was more than ready to kill you just a few days ago. Try to re-think that "lucky" thing.

Little Adrian is dealing with his useless father who has returned to the pension. Basically the dad is telling Adrian that he can forget about school, because daddy needs him home to do some sort of work (to help dealing with stolen goods, apparently). There is more of this, with dad getting increasingly angry and Adrian crying over the loss of going to school and basically, his future.

At Marcela's office, Don Julio has visited and he's got an envelope in his hand. Marcela is telling him that NUNCA (never) will she sign the divorce papers so get out of "her" office! Don Julio reminds her that everything there is HIS.

Eva is walking down the street and is hungry. She walks by an outdoor cafe and sees some half-eaten food on an abandoned table. She so wants to eat it, but hears Daniel's voice in her head accusing her of being a thief. She won't have anything of that, so she starts to walk away and then passes out. (From hunger? or from something ELSE?) The staff at the restaurant fuss over her. (I condensed this scene because of all the annoying quick cuts.)

Don Julio tells Marcela that if she agrees to separate from him, she'll get a lot of money, which is all she's interested in anyway. Marcela mercenarily reminds him that she'd prefer to wait until he dies, because she'll get much MORE that way. Don Julio gives her a knowing look.

Don Julio tells Marcela what he thinks of her. She sneers at him that he should go home and take his medicine, and maybe he'll have another attack and it'll be his last. Don Julio again looks knowingly at tells her that she's nothing and he's going to show that. "You'll see" he says with a knowing smile, drops the envelope he's been holding in his hand, says "from Mr. Basualdo" (I think?) and walks off. (Could he be telegraphing any more clearly to us in viewerville that he's going to fake his death? Or is it just me that thinks this? Seriously, if this is not a case of faking his death I will feel quite ripped off!)

Marcela drops the envelope that Julio gave her into the trash.

After the break, we see Don Julio leisurely leaving the office building while Leo spots him and follows behind for a spell. Don Julio gets into the chauffeured car. Leo watches. In the car, Don Julio calls Mr. Basualdo and asks if he has the paper ready to sign, and that he (Julio) will do it today because he wants it resolved today.

Leo sees his mom in her office and says that he saw Don Julio leave the building. Then they go into how Leo almost got fired by Julio a while before because he (Leo) was using money to pay for gambling debts. We have some sniping back and forth between mother and son over son's shortcomings and mess-ups.

At the pension Justa gives Alicia a phone. It's from her tia.

Eva is crying at her papa's grave, basically whining and wondering why all this stuff is happening to her.

Daniel goes to his garage and sees the product placement car that he gave Eva when he proposed to her. He has a flashback of seeing her model in front of the car at the car show. Other flashbacks of him proposing to her in the car. Good times. Well, not so good anymore. Danny is majorly bummed.

Marisol is visiting Carlos in jail. Carlos is sporting his fetching designer stubble again. Basically their conversation goes like this. Carlos thinks that Alicia "used" him and he's bitter. Marisol tries to remind him that he voluntarily did what he did in order to impress and woo Alicia, but Alicia never asked him to do anything. But Carlos isn't seeing it this way.

Don Julio is back home and talking with Renata. She reminds him to take it easy because he may have a relapse. Julio makes a point of saying to her that he's going to have his coffee and his medicine. Another telegraphing of Don Julio's plan to fake his death, because why else take the poison that Marcela is giving him? I think that he has swapped the drops with different ones.

Giorgio is chewing out that employee at the fashion house for the choice of the dresses and is blaming her for his shame, as if it's her fault somehow. Whatever.

Renata is bringing in Don Julio's food to him as he is engrossed with his computer. She goes into his room, fetches the drops and puts them in his coffee. (This means that the drops were out in the open and he would have access to them, right?) They spat about Eva. Don Julio defends Eva and says that "you will see in time and everything will be clear." When she leaves he says to himself that his "revenge will be very sweet." Don Julio is acting like a man with a plan!

More with Marisol and Carlos. He's talking of the hell that is prison. He's changed. He'll never be the same. He mentions that his mom is sick and is living with his uncle. Marisol tries to cheer him up but he's not going for it. He says that when he gets out of jail, he'll look up Alicia. It sounds like a veiled threat.

Renata comes into Don Julio's room and he's in the throes of an attack. He clutches his chest. She calls Dr. Garcia (instead of 911!) and tells him that Don Julio is muy mal. She returns to his side and he seems out of it completely. Like dead? Or fake death?

We end there!


Triunfo del Amor #12 1/18/11 Guilleremo's Satan; Fernanda's Almost Cain; Will Maria Forgive Max Once Again?

Hey, all. I'm back from Nueva York. All caught up now so let's begin.


Victoria asks Maria why she was a no show today. The obvious, simple, and correct answer is because you're a freakin jerk, but Maria expands on the thought. "You're asking me this?" It's because Vicki treats her like crap and humilates her. Maria asks her to leave. She doesn't want to have anything to do with her. Stare down.

Osvaldo and Linda are kissing. Linda wants to go somewhere where they can be alone. Osvaldo thinks a second and agrees, but just when they get up, Os's phone rings. It's Pedro. He wants Osvaldo to meet him at Televisa. Os says he'll be there and hangs up as he sighs and looks toward Linda.

Bernie tells JP that she likes Maria Desamparada, and she'll always be welcomed here. Juan Pablo's glad, but he looks down. Bernie asks him what's wrong. JP explains that there's this sick kid...he feels weird asking, but could Bernarda lend him some money for the operation for the child? Bernarda looks like JP just asked her for both of her kidneys, her liver, and heart. She says all Octavio left her was the house, and Tomasa and I both have the WTH, you expect him to believe that? look on our faces. Does Tomasa get paid or is she a slave? Bernarda claims she doesn't have anything and dismisses Tomasa for looking annoyed.

Victoria is surprised that Maria doesn't ask her to sit down. Maria says Vicki is wasting her time because Mari has decided she's done with La Casa de Modas. We'll see about that, Vicki says.

Linda comes running into the house excited as heck. Calm down, hun. So much happiness is gauranteed to transform into suffering in novela world. She says she has a surprise, but then turns and sees Victoria. She asks what she's doing here. Victoria doesn't think she has to answer to her.

At Televisa, Pedro tells Os that his contract's been cancelled. Eeee.

In the bedroom, Linda tells Naty that she and Os kissed. Naty is not happy. Linda eavsdrops on Maria and Victoria.

Vic tells Maria that she's determined to obtain everything that's of interest to her, and right now, Maria is of interest. Ya don't say, Maria laughs. She thinks Vicky just wants to humilate her. She asks her to leave again because she NEVER wants to work with her. Victoria says Maria can't be so stupid to deny the future that Vicky has planned for her. Blah blah blah. Maria asks her what she wants in exchange--that Maria abandon her self-respect? She will not be there for her to humiliate. It's like she's her daughter. [Dramatic music.]

JP goes to La Casa de Modas to meet Victoria, but he's told she's not there. He says he'll wait awhile and takes a seat in the lobby. He's determined to convince her to stop humiliating Maria Desamparada [I just love saying her full name.] As he sits there, he has a flashback of Octavio giving him advice as a kid about soccer. When mini JP makes a goal, Octavio greets him with open arms. Touching.

Victoria denies mistreating her daughter. She just disciplines her. Who are you kiddin? I could tame my parakeets plus a lion before you could discipline that gal.

Anyways, Victoria says Maria has a lot in common with Vicki. They both come from humble backgrounds and are orphans. She says Maria has no idea what Vicki had to deal with to get to where she is. Maria is sure she stepped over many people. Victoria says she was stepped over, betrayed, humiliated. She kept it all inside. Maria tells her to give it up because Victoria isn't going to convince her or evoke any sympathy. (Ha. No pity party for her.) Victoria looks taken back. Maria continues that she'd rather give up her dreams than be humiliated. Vicky can leave now. Before she does leave, Victoria tells her not to let this opportunity go. She'll regret it for the rest of her life. Think about it.

Osvaldo calls Guilleremo. He needs to talk to him about some bad news. Guilleremo says he's busy, but he'll call back later if Os wants him to. Os would appreciate that. Guilleremo hangs up and we see he's sittin with Pedro who offers him Os's role. Guilleremo wonders how Osvaldo's going to react. Pedro says the same way Guilleremo reacted when Os was offered. He signs the contract.

Fer is bashing her stupid boy friend for not answering her calls. He has a surprise for her. She jumps in his arms. He shows her a picture of herself in the paper. She's not happy.

Max walks into the lobby and greets the receptionists. They tell him that JP is waiting to speak to him. Max welcomes him and asks how he can help. JP needs to talk to Victoria. The receptionist repeats that Vicki isn't here, and she can't try her cell unless it's an emergency. Max asks Padre if it's an emergency. No, it can wait. Sooner or later he'll speak with her. He's off, and he wishes Max well. Max says ditto.

Maria is off to see the sick children. Once she walks out of the door, Linda asks Nati why she didn't let her tell Maria that she kissed Osvaldo. It's cause Maria and Nati aren't happy with it. Os is MARRIED and can't offer Linda anything. Linda says Nati knows nothing about men.

Max is going to see "the boss lady." He has documents for her. Fab wonders if Max isn't nervous about bumping into Maria. Max says no, she doesn't work here anymore. He gives him the 411. Fab declares that Maria has dignity, and Max finally agrees. (Took you long enough, but I forgive you, Max.) Fab asks if Max has changed his way of looking at Maria. Max says completely. He has no doubts about her purity and goodness, and he's going to treat her like she deserves to be treated--decently. Fab is glad, but brings up a problem. What is Max going to do when Maria finds out that he's Victoria's son?

Linda: There are two types of married men. Rich and poor. Poor can't offer anything, but rich can offer everything. Nati asks why she doesn't find a single rich guy. Linda says it's too hard. Married guys are bored of life. Ya just gotta make 'em feel special. Like you adore them and whatnot. That's what she's going to do to Osvaldo Sandoval.

Osvaldo is in his office crying. Poor man.

Victoria is telling Max that Osvaldo's down. Fer and he need to be more sensitive to Os's work. Max tells her to relax, but Fer comes in screamin like a maniac about her ugly picture. She says her friends are laughing at her. Vicki says she did it with good intentions. Fer wants Victoria to butt out of her life. Max gets angry and tells her to cut it out. Stop yelling at his mother. Fer tells him to stay out of it; Victoria's not his mom. Victoria demands that Fer apologize to Max. Fer says it's the truth. Max tells her it's fine. It is the truth. He thanks Fer for reminding him. He asks if she'd like to be called half-sister or daughter of his father. [I offer my shoulder to him at this point.] He sadly leaves, and Victoria says Fer unnecessarily hurt her brother. The party is cancelled.

Maria brings gifts for the sick children. Bernarda is in the hall of the hospital, looking very sickly. She opens the door and falls to the ground. Maria runs to help her.

Milagros madly knocks on the door with news for Nati. There's a letter for her.

Maria helps Bernie.

Victoria visits Max's office and asks if she can speak to him. She tells him she's his mother despite biology. She's been with him since he was 10. Yes, he was just an orphan before, Max says. No, he was Osvaldo's son, Vicki tells him. The man she loved and still loves. When she first hugged Max, he planted a place in her heart as her child. Her eldest child, her support/strength, her pride. Max smiles lovingly at her, and they hug. He thanks her for being a mother to him, and she thanks him for being the greatest son in the world. She loves having him at her side at work [too much crying]. she tells him to ignore Fer's words. He kisses her head and tells her to relax. He knows his sister loves him but has attitude problems. He knows she's kind of jealous. He again thanks Victoria for being the greatest mom because he is her son. As they hug again, we see a tear drip from his eye as well. [I'm moved.]

Bernie awakes in the hospital. Maria asks if she feels better. The doctors said her pressure was high. She just needs to rest. Bernarda nervously says she wants to go home, but Maria tells her she can't yet. To make sure she doesn't risk her life by leaving, Maria is going to sit with her. Bernarda notes that Maria is even more strong-willed than she is, but she sincerly thanks her for caring.

Victoria is complaining to Antonieta about Fer's behavior. She hurt Max's feelings. She needs to learn that she can't treat people like that. Look who's talking--wow, I said it right with Antonieta who brings up Vicki's treatment of Maria Desamparada. She points out Maria's dignity. Vicky is treating her like she was treated. She asks if Vicki would treat Maria like that if she were her daughter.

The doctor makes Bernarda "promise" to take his advice. Bernie thanks God for sending her Maria. She asks Mari to drop her off.

Victoria is in church, asking the Virgencita to forgive her for treating Maria Desamparada so poorly. Behind her, Maria, Bernie, and JP walk in. Bernie tells JP how good this girl is, and JP thanks Maria for being kind to his mother. Bernie wonders how they know each other, and JP says she comes to him for advice.

Victoria asks again for forgivness cause she's suffered oh so much. She turns around and wonders what Maria is doing with Bernie and JP. Maria sees a crying Victoria leave.

Vicki comes home and is welcomed by Osvaldo who says he has bad news. Sweetheart that he is, Os notices that Vicki's been crying and asks what happened. She says he's not the only one who suffers, she has lots of things going on too. Anywho, Os says it was the worst day of his life. Televisa contacted him and--

Guilleremo walks in and asks how he can help Osvaldo. Os tells them how his contract was cancelled, and they give condolences. Guilleremo says he's there for him as a fiend. Oops, friend. That's why he wants to tell Os on his own that he's the new actor chosen to replace Osvaldo. Victoria looks even more impactada than Os.

Tomasa notices Bernie is in a good more for a change. Bernarda tells her about Maria Desamparada. She's very impressed with her and wants to invite her over. Tomasa can't seem to stomach that Bernie could like anyone. Bernie says Maria is different than others, and she wants to remain close to her.

JP thanks Maria for being there for his mom. He tells her that Bernie would like Mari to visit her, and Maria gladly accepts. She feels something special with Bernie just like she does with JP.

JP says he went to see Victoria, but he didn't get to see her. Maria thinks it's unnecessary. JP thinks Maria has a chance if Victoria went to her house to talk to her. He says Maria is letting pride forbid her from forgiving Victoria.

Guilleremo says he hopes this doesn't end his friendship with Osvaldo. Os is a caballero; of course it doesn't. He congradulates Guilleremo. They're friends as always, and he appreciates that Guilleremo came to tell him personally. Guilleremo calls him his bro and friend and leaves. He thought bubbles that he'll never forget Os's reaction. It's the best day of his life.

Inside, Vicki tells Os that it's not the end of the world. He thinks his career is ruined. Victoria tells him to have faith; he's a professional and will overcome this. Does she really think so? Yes, she does.

Guilleremo tells his dog that he is a true Machiavellan. The end justifies the means. He turns satanic and in John Swift's words, says, "It's better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven."

Fer tells Victoria that she's unfair, but Vicki insists that the insensitive jerk ask Max for forgivness. Fer says it's Max's fault for butting in to which I say that it's her fault for coming into Vicki's office in Max's presence. Victoria shouts that Max just wants to protect Fer, but Fer says that he isn't her brother; he's her father's son, and she's not apologizing no matter what the consequences are. Ugh. I can't stand this beyotch. Victoria is still trying to knock sense into her besides knocking her teeth out. Geesh, take a parenting class, will ya? She says Max took care of her when she and Os were too busy, and he always protected her. Fer says she's bored. Victoria continues that she loves Max like a real son, and he is a real brother. In any case, since Fer won't apologize, the party is cancelled. I wouldn't give her a party even if she did apologize.

After her talk with JP, Maria tells the roomies that she's going to work for Victoria. Linda overreacts. She thinks Maria's going to be unhappy. Naty says it's Maria's life. In that case, Linda says she doesn't want to be criticized any longer by any of them, and she's not going to tell more lies. Maria is confused. Naty explains that Linda has conquered Osvaldo Sandoval. Maria is surprised.

Fer wants to talk to Max, and surprisingly, she's lowered her volume and softened her tone by hundreds of notches. She thinks Max knows how she is--impulsive. She says things she doesn't mean. Max nods. He knows, but she needs to think of others when she speaks. She asks if she hurt him. No duh, dimwit. He answers, much more than she thinks. It's because he loves her and wasn't anticipating anything of the like from her. She apologizes. She's stupid, foolish, etc. Much more, says Max. She hugs him and tells him that she loves him. He hugs her back but tells her that it's much easier to hurt people than to forgive them. She asks if she's forgiven. No, she's not. She sadly walks to the door (thinking of no party?), but Max was just being a kidder. He picks her up and tells her of course he forgives her. He throws her on the bed (awkward to me maybe because I don't have an actual brother?). He calls her mi amor and tells her that he loves her, and it's like nothing happened.

Max sweetly asks what Fer wants for her birthday party, and she tells him that it's cancelled because of what she said to him. Max says they're going to talk to Victoria about it right now. Fer says no, Vicki is really angry. Max asks, are you questioning my talent with my mother? (That makes me cry just a little. My sisters use to make me ask my mom anytime they wanted something because she couldn't say no to me.)

Victoria remembers seeing Maria with JP and Bernie. Why were they together? What could connect them? Max and Fer come into the dining room where Vicki is seated, and Victoria tells Max that if he's there to ask for Fer's party, he's wasting his time. She needs to be punished. Max says we all say things we don't mean sometimes, and all of Fer's friends, including her idiot boy friend are already waiting for the party. He says he understands that Victoria wants to discipline her, and he totally agrees. But he already forgave Fer, and he doesn't want the party cancellation to be the punishment. Max kisses Victoria. Moreover, he'd enjoy the party too. How noble you are, says Victoria. She agrees to continue everything as it was going. Fer hugs Max and calls him hermanito. Everyone looks happy.

Maria is reading a magazine, but thinking of Victoria in the church. What could have broght her there? Damn, these folks are noisy. Doorbell rings. Maria gets up, but no one is there. It rings ugh-ain. She gets up, swings it open, walks out to see who it is. Max pops out of the corner and puts his arms around her. He wants to spend the whole day with her. Does she accept or not? They kiss in the hallway and the beautiful song plays for them.

They're at a park kissing and hugging. Eating cotton candy and kissing. Buying ice cream. Max closes his eyes as Maria feeds him her ice cream. She puts it on his face and he grabs her and kisses her, wiping it off on her. He says, "Wow, that was the sweetest kiss I've ever received." Maria tells him not to anger her. Why would she be angry, Max asks. Maria says he's saying that he's had lots of girl friends. No, not lots. Just enough, he says. Maria says uh huh, don't talk to me. He grabs her by the waist and tells her that out of all of the girls ever, she's the only one he cares about. She puts more ice cream on his face as they laugh and kiss. They take those fun pictures where you stick your head in those funny bodies. Max buys balloons, and takes out a heart-shaped locket. He says it has a lot of feeling and value because he's giving it to her. She likes it. Maria proposes that they give the balloons out to kids. They do exactly that.

At home, Maria caresses a picture of her and Max kissing. She tells the roomies that today was the best day of her life. Max has given life to all of her dreams. Naty and Linda look at the picture. Linda admits that Max is VERY handsome, and Maria protectively takes the picture back. Naty asks if Maria told him about JP telling her to be humble amd return to Victoria's Casa de Modas? No, Maria wants to surprise him. Surprised he will be. She kisses the picture, and all three girls smile.

Maria is at the Casa de Modas, practicing walking in front of Victoria. She thanks Vicki, and Vicki says it's more important that Maria changed her opinion. She advises Maria. More force, so the hair moves. Well done. Victoria is being HELLA nice. Maria says when she's a big model, she'll always remember Victoria's role. Victoria says she's determined to make Maria the best model in Mexico. Now, with lots of force and attitude. Maria turns around, and Max walks in saying Madre. He has papers for her, and he is "surprised" as can be to see Maria there. Victoria introduces her as Maria Desamparada--the next star model of La Casa de Modas, and Max as her son. Uh oh. Max knows he's screwed. Maria looks at him painfully.

Got home late, and my recording cut off the kayak? So ends the episode. And what do ya kno? It's past 12. So ends Cielo's 20th birthday. The first ever without her mother. May she rest in peace.


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