Saturday, February 12, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #30 2/11/11 Gilding the Lily with Guilt

cap. #30 

[Excuse the delay, but this week I've been playing catch up with sleep.  As you see, there is a reason for that.  All I can say is that La Bruja de Burnie doesn't know what she's missing!  The nieto made his grand appearance on the morning of 2/9, right on time. --La Nueva Abuela Jardinera654] 

--Now on with the show!

As Viewerville makes itself cosy in front of the flat-screen for another hour of self-flagellation in “Of Guilt and Gelt” Méjico style, we get a good taste of how the road to one’s private Hell is paved with good intentions, especially when immediately jumping to the wrong conclusions.  Viewerville is holding its head and shaking it in disbelieving horror,  much as  Victoria, who has now  made the same trek as Bernarda and Juan Pablo to Maria Magdalena’s little 8x10 den of iniquities and determined that she must be their lost Maria.  (DNA?  We don’t need no stinkin’ DNA!!)   Well, the (appropriately named) Maria Magdalena is definitely a lost little lamb--but is she their Maria ????  Viewerville thinks not!

Victoria's multitudinous sobs of self-pity wane a little as she listens to Maria-The-Ho’s explanation of how she came to the orphanage; the abandoned Osvaldo, meanwhile, feeling muy sorry for himself, thinks back to his tired wife’s cold response in bed the night before.  (True, this is a scene played out nightly in marriage beds everywhere, but it ain't exactly like the Ozter hasn’t been gettin’ any--just not as often as he might like for a guy who’s got a sh!tload self-esteem issues.  But cut him some slack?  The Viewerville Jury is still out on that one!!)  Oz abandons himself to thoughts of Linda’s smothering attentions towards him at the shoot earlier that day.  His cell rings suddenly.  Linda-Ho is on the line, ready and more than willing, to take up the slack for Vic.  He explains that he is in his study, listening to music   alone--as usual--because Vicki’s supposedly working late tonight with Oscar a-gain.  Linda empathizes over Vicki’s wifely neglect and makes a date to meet him later that night at the restaurant where the telenovela was filming that day.

Meanwhile, Maria-HO gives Vicki what for and how to over everyone grieving over the life she’s chosen.  She’s got her pimp and he doesn’t exactly appreciate her getting “visits” from do-gooders.  She cuts Vicki off in tearful mid-whine and slams the door in her face. (Thank you!  I was ready to hit the mute button myself.)

At the same time, back in the barrio at Maria Desamparada’s,  (chug-Hic!) she and Nathy are cleaning up after supper.  Maria says she feels like she’s dreaming and will have to wake up soon.  Nat assures her that Max loves her and that nothing and no one will get in their way.  Well, as Viewerville suspects, they’re counting a coop full of chickens before they’ve all been hatched.  There’s a knock at the door.  Surprise!  Jimena has decided to go slumming to have a talk with Maria D. over who has claim to Max and his de los Sandoval.  

Maxamillionairio’s papa, meanwhile, has decided to go lookin’ for love in all the wrong places and is now in his bedroom, putting on his Daddy Cool Dude leather jacket for the illicit liaison with luscious and leggy Linda.  Micaela The Mini-skirted Maid, is making the bed and matter-of-factly asks if the Mister is intending on going out without the Missus tonight.  Ozzie doesn’t appreciate the question or the intent behind it, so Micaela quickly adds that he usually goes out with Sra. Victoria in the evenings.  Oz grumbles that Micaela knows very well that the Missus isn’t home and that even when she is, she never has time for him.  He says good-night and leaves.

Across town, Jimmie (who has finally nixed that idiotic Parisian beret of hers) pushes her way past Maria and gives the studio apartment a deliberately disdaining once-over.  Ah!  So this is the pigsty the great Maria Desamparada (chug-Hic!) lives in, she sneers.  Well, she adds, it’s to be expected from a slut like her.  Maria warns her to watch her mouth.  They’re not at the office where she has to behave herself; this is her house.  Jimmie jumps on that. 

“--Oh, you call this a ‘house’? This pig-pen? This dink-ass little room [cuchitril]???  It sucks! It’s as bad as that name of yours --Desamparada [desamparada=abandoned/stranded/helpless, which pretty much sums up Maria’s former life].  I can’t understand where you ever got a name like that!”  Maria takes a moment to explain how she came to the orphanage and the nuns came up with the name for her.  Call her whatever she likes.  It doesn’t matter to her.  She’s not ashamed of it, although it’s clearly not who she is now, getting her back up and showing a bit of a tail-fluff.  She’s able to face anything and anyone whenever the occasion calls for it! Jimmie, her back just as high and her tail just as fluffed, hisses back that it’s only because she thinks she’s got Victoria  covering her backside, but that’s going to end in nothin’ flat!  Why?  Because  Jimena-HO is the star model of Casa Victoria and because Vic luuuuvs her, and because she is Max’s girlfriend de verdad and they’re getting married!! 

Maria dismisses that obsolete assumption with a self-assured giggle.  (Kudos to Ms. Abud here, cuz this is unusual for a telenovela heroine--and definitely refreshing after all the endless number of weak-minded, weak-willed and weepy-eyed women we generally get to root for.) 

"--Ahh, now don’t make me laugh, Jimena!! Max doesn’t love you anymore.  He despises you!”  Jimmie snickers.  “--Uh, yeah.  That’s what he’s got you  believing, but he’s just playing a bit and once he gets tired of you, he’ll come back to me again like he always does. “  Maria doesn’t miss a beat.  She stares her right in her face.  "--Yeah sure, and if that was what you really believed, you wouldn’t be here now making a little scene like ridiculous, spoiled little rich girls  usually seem to do."   Besides, she adds, Max is marrying her.  If she’d wanted to she’d be married to him right now.  

Jiimena  calls Maria a liar.  Nat tells her it’s true and she was there when Max proposed.  If she doesn’t believe them, she can ask Fabian.  Yep, says Maria, he’d even bought the wedding bands for them.  Maria then guesses right that Max never really ever had proposed to Jimmie.  “--So, you see!  Max really loves me and  we’re getting married, no matter whose  nose gets out of joint!   [pese a quien le pese]   Jimmie warns her  it’s not going to be as easy as she thinks, cuz she’s not letting him go!  “--I’m going to be your worst nightmare!”   Maria’s  had enough.  She opens the door, drags Jimmie by the arm and throws her into the hallway.  “--Nobody comes to my home and threatens me.  If it’s a war you want then it’s war you get!   I’ll fight you for him! “  Jimmie starts another snide come back, but Maria slams the door in her face.  (10 points and 2 Atta-girls to Team Maria!!)  Nat is a bit worried that the nutcase will go straight to Max and say something to him.  Maria’s ready and she insists it won’t matter.   He loves her, right?  Yeah!  Ok, then  nothing and nobody will be able to separate us! 

Back at the Sandoval manse, Cruz surprises Fernanda with a serenade. (Note: for those of us who suffered through Pablo’s off-key a capella attempts, the Televisa crew got the message. They’re using a recorded soundtrack.)  There’s a little verbal foreplay about the serenade being for Micaela in particular and for nice, smiling, affable young ladies in general--which obviously excludes Brat-Babies like her.  The Mouthy One [rejega] comes closer and Cruz talks to her like a wild mare he’s hoping to break and ride.  She lets him kiss her and she actually smiles up at him afterward.  She lets him kiss her again and--whoa!!!  She’s really into it!!  (Screeeech!! goes the needle on the old NovelaMaven LP player.  WTF?? I know I was sort of snoozing during that gaawd-awful run of obnoxious Uni commercials, but did I really fall asleep after all the excitement of the previous fur-fest at Maria’s and miss something? Ahhh! No, thank gawd. Fer did.)  Fer wakes up with a start and runs over to her window to see if it really was a dream.  Shucks!  It was! She’s actually bummed about it.  Under the covers again, Fer happily thinks back to Cruz’s dream-kiss.

Across town, at their favorite watering hole, Fabian and Max are knocking down a few tragos and discussing Max’s parents’ marital problems.  Max says, yeah, they’re arguing a lot these days, but it isn’t all his dad’s fault.  His mother spends too much time away and forgets his father might get tired of it pretty soon, but he doubts he’d ever really stray. 

However, unbeknownst to trusting Max, Daddy Cool Dude is anxiously looking forward to a little stray down Danger Way at this very moment.  Linda seems to be running late. 

At Maria’s, Linda’s dressed up like a flashy plum tart --literally-- and Nat asks where she’s going dressed like that this time of night. Maria doesn’t want her confirming her worst fears that she’s off to meet Oz.  Just then, there’s a knock at the door.  It’s Milagros with a pan of her lasagna.  She turns to Linda and says she’s giving her a cookbook so she’ll be able to cook all of JuanJo’s favorites.  Linda says she and cooking don’t mix.  JJ comes in then with a couple of tickets to the Fireman’s Fair tonight.  Linda begs off with a supposed belly-ache. He can go without her if he really wants.  He takes one look at what she’s wearing and asks why she dressed like a street-walker.  Mama Millie frowns in disapproval.  Linda sighs and hopes the awkward silence is a short one.

Back at the restaurant, meanwhile, Oz keeps checking his watch.

Max and Fabian are having another round.  Fabian tells him he just made the last payment on the car Max sold him.  Fabian couldn’t have bought a car like that otherwise, he adds.  Talk turns to Maria and yes, that they’ve spent a night together.  Max clarifies that that, though, isn’t the reason he wants to marry her.  What bothers him is that Maria is anxious to have his mother accept her.  He doesn’t know what to do or to say because it seems a long shot that she ever will. 

Back in the barrio, Linda tells JJ she was dressing for him!  She doesn’t want him seeing her in the same old raggy duds every day.  JJ affectionately tells her he thinks she looks beautiful no matter what she wears.  Nat jumps in and says well, since NOBODY is going out, why don’t we all sit down to dinner and then watch some movies together?  The gang’s all up for that --all except Linda, of course, who fakes a happy face for Millie and JJ’s benefit.

Meanwhile, Padre JP is having bad dreams about his little daughter calling out for her papa and his not being there for her.  He wakes up and immediately starts praying for Dios to assist him in handing over their daughter to Victoria. 

At the same time, Vicki is crying to Antonieta about having visited MariaHO.   She admits that she’d always thought she’d know her daughter and could trust in “the call of the blood” but “the call” never came.  Vicki’s confused and sooooo troubled by it all because MariaHO didn’t seem to get “the call” either.  (Time to go with first impressions, Vicki dear.  Like the song says, if it don’t feel right, it probably ain’t.)  She is distraught at the thought that her lapse in judgment and failure as a mother has forced the girl into life as a prostitute  Toni lends her her shoulder.  (Ooof! Sure hope Toni’s sweater isn’t cashmere.)  She suggests Vick wait till she’s had time to think things through, because seeing the girl like that had to be extremely upsetting.

JP prays some more.  “--if they really are mother and daughter, it will take a great deal of effort for them to recover their love.” 

Ok.  Back at the restaurant, Pedro walks into the bar and sees Oz sitting at a table.  “--Can I sit down or are you waiting for somebody?”  Honest Oz tells him go ahead and yep, he’s waiting for his lover.  Pedro frowns and reminds him that he’s risking his marriage and his career.  Oz says he has a right to a little happiness.  Linda is young, beautiful and smiles all the time--she’s everything Victoria is not and she seems to truly love him.   Pedro is like “Really?  REALLY?”  Pedro says well, it’s not like he hasn’t been warned and then leaves. 

Dinner’s over at Maria’s.  Naco Napo and Cruz are the last ones at the trough.  JJ and Millie have left.  Cruz tells a whopper about how jealous Cousin JJ gets when it comes to his girlfriends.  Nat and Linda asks if he’s telling the truth about the  meek and mild JJ.  Cruz says darn tootin’ he is!  Any guy even looks her way, he’s likely to up and kill ‘em.   Cruz gives Linda a brotherly hug and says yep, that’s him.  The gal’s his and only his.  Linda swallows and looks a bit sheepish.  Maria and Nat throw a “Word Up” glance in her direction.

Speaking of a word to the wise, Ofelia pays another visit to Guillermo and says she wants sole possession.  He says it’s not gonna happen.  She should remember they agreed there’d be no strings with this relationship.  She demands respect at least, especially after the way he acted the last time!  He thought she was more intelligent than this, he says.  If she doesn’t like it she can lump it and scram.  He drags her to the door. She pulls away and screams that she wants him.  She needs him!  Doesn’t he realize this? His deviant mind starts working overtime.  If that’s the case, how far is she willing to go?

Padilla has his plan in place.  He’s waiting outside the parking lot for Victoria.  She stops the SUV and rolls down the window.  He starts pleading his case.  “--Don’t you see? The kids still love each other and it wouldn’t be right to separate them.  Besides, we were going to ask for her hand!”  Victoria spits nails, she’s so infuriated.  “--My child is never going to marry yours!!”  Rudy tells her how supposedly he’s just made a killing in his new business, and that it’s given him a good amount of money and property.   He’s gotten a late model car and Scuzzy has even bought himself a brand new sports car.  (He’s kidding right?  This is supposed to impress a multi-millionaire entrepreneur?)  Her daughter’s future is secure, he says.  (Rudy’s first mistake is thinking all women are terminally naive, and that this particular women is still as naive as the ones he used to boss around and sexually abuse in that miserable sweatshop of his back in the day.  A peso gets you ten that Rudy never married Scuzzy’s mama.)   Vicki repeats their kids aren’t getting married and he can rest assured her daughter won’t lay eyes on his son ever again!  She signals for the driver to leave and rolls her window back up. 

Once Vick’s SUV has sped off, Rudy gets a visit from his loan-shark’s enforcers.  Rudy’s missed the last two payments it seems.  They give him his overdue notice by way of a major beat-down. 

Gui, it seems, has his pervert on tonight.  They’ve apparently called Jimmie over for a threesome, but she’s not into that kind of scene.  She tells them they’re both crazy and leaves. Ofelia thinks this has finally put the k-bosh on the competition, but Gui says, naw.  She’ll be back.  She’s as mad for him as he is for her.  Not to be outdone, Ofelia asks if she drives him crazy too.  It would seem  Gui follows the Stephen Stills school of love: time to change partners.  Gui gets busy with Ofelia.

Meanwhile, Linda is stuck at home with the nacos still noshing on leftovers in between bouts of mindless gossip.

Vicki and Oz get home about the same time.  He asks where she ran off to so fast; she’s just as hot under the collar and wondering why he’s not in his pj’s and poppin’ z’s by now.  Unfortunately, Viewerville’s left to imagine another nasty scene and to guess which one of them sleeps in the guestroom tonight.

We peek in on Pedro as Ofelia finally gets home.  She tries to sneak in, but there he is, sitting in the ol’ easy chair and waiting for her to show.  Doesn’t help that ol’ Pete’s had the don’tcha-do-it intervention with Oz just an hour ago, either.  He asks where she’s been and doesn’t buy the “reading lines with Gui” B.S. she’s feeding him.  “--We finished taping an hour ago.  Why didn’t you let me know?”  Ofel tries to change the subject by becoming “indignant” at having to play twenty questions with him.  She goes off to bed and Pete’s got a very strange look in his eyes.

Vicky goes up to Fer’s room to check on her.  (Note to lighting crew: next time try turning the lights down low will you?  The girl’s supposed to be in dreamland, not DF Central!)  Vicki marvels at Fer sleeping so soundly and says she should realize that after seeing MariaHO there’s a reason she’s so strict with her.  She’s trying, after all, to protect her and give her what she couldn’t give her other daughter.  Vicki thinks to herself the obvious: she should never have gone to bed with JP.  FF>>

The next morning, Bernarda seems especially pleased with herself.  Eva notes the contented look on Burnie’s face and asks what’s up.  Burnie’s exultant reply is that Divine Justice is certain and sound.   “--Dios in his infinite knowledge knows what he’s doing.  Yesterday he showed me that he does punish sinners.”  Fausto looks over at her and then at Eva.  He asks Burnie if she indeed thinks Dios is an avenger [justiciero]. Of course he is, says she. 

Maria prays to the virgencita to give thanks to her for allowing Max to fall in love with her and for being the mother she’s always needed.  FF>>

Speaking of mothers, JP’s back visiting his. She notices that he’s looking a bit pale these days and asks what’s the matter.  He tells her she knows very well what’s bugging him: finally finding his daughter!  Burnie says that vulgar sinner is NOT his daughter.  (For once, I think she’s right.)    He asks her not to make this burden any heavier than it already is.  She tells him this burden isn’t his so there shoudn’t be any problem.  He insists that MariaHO is his daughter and needs him.  “--No more than I do,” Burnie says.  He’s a priest (no Duh!) and she quickly reminds him how she sacrificed to help him become what he’d wanted so much.  (Check that.  Something tells me JP never really knew what he wanted--except for Victoria.  Naw, something tells me JP only did it to please Mama--or at least to shut her the effin’ up.) He has no business dealing with the profane, chides Mama.  Rather, he should be consecrating himself!! (I know! It’s been said before, but it bears repeating.  Dealing with the profane and converting it is supposed to be part of the dude’s job description!  Yeah, well don’t confuse Mama with facts.)  JP says he’s a human being first and his duty to Victoria and their daughter is priority one, especially after the harm they caused her. 

This sends Burnie into a rage.  “--Don’t mention that sinner to me!  I will never forgive her for making you crazy [perturbar] a second time!”  JP is embarrassed and turns away in shame.  Burnie has hit the mark and presses her advantage.  “--Don’t you realize that she’s seducing you again? She’s the serpent of old with a new story.  She wants you to leave the priesthood! She should never have let you know that that bastard daughter of hers was born!”  Now it’s JP’s turn to fly into a rage.  He reminds her it’s his daughter she’s talking about.  “--What are you up to?  Tell me!  I demand to know what your intentions were approaching Maria Magdalena before me!!  What did you need to talk to her about?  What did you go there for?”  Burnie tries to deflect and then fakes an attack of some sort.  She starts yelling for Eva and has her take her to her room.  Inquisition over.  JP gets bupkiss out of Mama. 

Back at Maria’s, Linda tries to talk Nat into changing her appearance.  “--The way you dress in that kind of get up you’ll never catch a man!  Love starts with a first view.  You have got to dress a bit more daringly.  My goodness, you cover every inch of your body!”  Nat says her mama always told her a lady needs to be demure and besides, she grew up with males all around.  She wants to be loved for her mind, not her body.  (Good luck with that!  Didn’t that idea sink to the bottom of the briny blue along with the Equal Rights Amendment and Davy Jones’ locker?)   Anyway, she’d rather not come across like Linda The Loose.  Linda says well she might as well resign herself to being single the rest of her life, then.

That day happens to be the virgencita’s birthday so Millie and the crew go to the church and sing Las Mañanitas to her.   (For you FELS fans, we get another round of Ave Maria, but at least Pablo isn’t the one singing it this time!)  FF>>

Later in the day, Linda is walking out of the gate when she turns around to notice that Daddy Cool Dude is leaning against the wall and waiting for her there.  She turns on the charm and gives him a very warm --and warming--greeting. She immediately apologizes for standing him up the night before, but, she says, things got complicated.  No biggy, says Daddy Cool Dude.   What is important now is that they are together, he says.  He lays a major theatrical mouth-meld on her in plain view of the apartment house.  (Hmmm. JJ and Naco must still be on shift at the firehouse.  Millie’s probably upstairs watching La Hora Pico or something.) 

Victoria, however, is over at JP’s parish praying tearfully to the virgencita for having answered her prayers and giving her back her daughter.  She’s sorry for having reacted towards her the way she did, though.  Her tears gush as she tells the virgencita that her worst fears have been realized and because of her, Maria Magdalena has fallen about as low as a young girl can go--a HO. Vicki sprawls, practically prostrate, onto the floor and wails. “--Mi hija!!! Mi pobre hijaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” (Damn!  Where’d she fit the hair shirt under that suit, anyway?  Note to clean up crew:  get one of those yellow caution signs for the floor and an extra large mop.)  JP hears the commotion and enters the small side chapel.  He picks Vicki up off the floor and tells her he understands her pain.  Vicki says there’s no way he could possibly feel the pain she feels. “-- It ‘s not enough to have pity or to ask for resignation with life’s wounds exposed, still tender to the touch [llevando las heridas de vida a flor de piel], when you can’t forget a single one of the faces of people that have hurt you!  But what could you know about this when you have been sheltered your whole life?? When you’ve never felt hunger or cold?? When nobody has used or abused/raped you??!!”

JP tells her she may have suffered in life, but life has repaid her and then some for it. She angrily asks if he really thinks power and money can relieve a mother’s suffering --or make good on the life that was snatched away from their little daughter, in order to be returned to her like so much human offal? “--Or are you going to deny that Maria Magdalena is the dregs of human society?“  She screams then at the virgencita why must her daughter suffer because of the sins she herself committed?  JP can only give her answers from wrote memorization: Dios doesn’t punish.  “--Oh yeah? Then why have I suffered this torture?” she asks him. “Why does my suffering never end?” Again, more of the same trite formulaic from JP:  we don’t always understand at times; just remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn; they must be thankful that their daughter is alive. “--Yes,” she sobs, “our Maria Magdalena is alive (well, barely, if you call that living).  But she would never have suffered so much, if it hadn’t been for your mother.  She is the one to blame for all this!!”  JP is all out of answers for this round, and there’s nobody to call for a lifeline. 

Viewerville’s had about as much self-recrimination and wailing as it can stand.  Cue the kayak!


La Verdad Oculta 104: The Reports of Adolfo’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

Adolfo and Bertha’s wedding ceremony begins with a bang! Unfortunately, it’s not of the fireworks variety, but instead what appears to be THE BIG ONE- a heart attack. Bertha and the guests panic as Adolfo collapses. But then they all do common sense things that telenovela characters usually don’t. Jimena calls an ambulance, Bertha gives them directions, the maid calls Yolanda, Dante loosens Adolfo’s tie, assesses that he is still breathing, although weakly, and talks Bertha out of taking him to the hospital in her car.

At the hospital, Yolanda, Dante and Bertha wait for word about Adolfo. Dante explains how affected Adolfo was by a fax he received just before the ceremony. Bertha thinks he’s been acting strange for a few days now. He even had a terrible argument with Carlos recently. Savvy Yolanda barely holds her sarcasm in, “Oh, really?” Adolfo’s doctor approaches and tells them that Adolfo is in intensive care. They will keep him there overnight and do tests to determine if he had a heart attack (infarto). Yolanda’s face reflects worry; Dante looks like he’s thinking about how he can benefit from the situation; and Bertha looks like she sees her inheritance coming sooner than she thought.

On a quiet street corner, Edgar, the man of many skills, expertly breaks into and hotwires a car. While driving the stolen car, Edgar calls up one of his compadres (compa for short). He asks him to get him information on Elsa Rivera.

Back at the hospital, Bertha calls Carlos to give him the news about his father. Carlos thinks it’s high time Mother Nature became Lady Justice. He sarcastically congratulates the expectant widow and tells her to send his greetings to his father. She informs him that they actually didn’t get married, and tells him to p*ss off (vete al Diablo). As soon as she hangs up on him, Carlos calls David with the news.

Eddie’s friend works really fast, because he’s already called him back with the info he wanted. He tells Eddie that his name has been brought up in the case against Elsa and it was Ulises who accused him. He’s not a happy camper.

The game of telephone continues, and David calls JJ with the news of Adolfo’s heart attack and Bertha’s frustrated wedding. JJ thinks it would be great if the old devil kicked the bucket. All their problems would be solved.

At the hospital, the doctor returns with results from Adolfo’s tests. Seems he didn’t have a heart attack. Instead he’s suffering from gastric reflux (reflujo gastro-esofágico)- brought on by his excessive drinking, and made worse by stress. Ha! He’s already left intensive care, but will be kept overnight if they want. They all agree.

The next morning Ale comes to invite Gabi to go out to eat with her. Meanwhile, at what appears to be an old warehouse, Edgar hides the diamond shoes and photo in a black trash bag in some sort of trash shoot/storage bin.

Adolfo’s back in his own home, tucked into bed in his jammies. Dante wants to know what’s up with him and what that fax was about. He pulls out one of his cigars to settle in for a long chat. Adolfo stops him. Doctor’s orders. All that stuff is hurting his health- smoking, drinking, who knows what else! He gives a few weak coughs. Dante is sure it was the visit of those three idiots and that mysterious fax that put him on the road to ill health. Adolfo explains about the faxed letter and old employee application. He’s sure this letter is the real letter. They are interrupted by the maid who brings a mysterious envelope. Dante, who seems to have lived in DC during the (still unresolved) anthrax scare, wants Adolfo to be careful opening it. It might contain some harmful substance or explosive. Adolfo looks at the thin envelope in the light, and shakes (!) it. Nope, no explosives here. He opens it to find a Polaroid photo of a seemingly dead, and very bloody, Susana. The two experienced baddies aren’t fooled for a moment. It’s a fake. Look at the blood—it’s fake and has obviously been applied with fingers. (These two should join CSI. They’re experts.) Dante wants to know who the woman is. Someone Adolfo wants to have killed. The note attached says, “let’s talk.”
Over their meal, Ale tells Gabi about the boys’ latest stunt and how worried she is about JJ. Gabi thinks they may not have to worry for much longer, if Adolfo had that bad heart attack. Ale doesn’t want to speak bad about anyone, but frankly, it wouldn’t be a loss. Gabi is in total agreement, considering all the headaches he’s caused so many people. Ale wants to know what David has told Gabi. He explained about how they’ve tried to bring Adolfo’s downfall legally, but since that hasn’t worked quickly enough, they’re taking another strategy, without informing Leo. Ale understands, but she thinks they are taking too much risk. They should be taking advantage of Carlos’ change of heart, and use him to bring Adolfo down legally. Gabi is (rightfully) skeptical of Carlos’ seemingly sudden change. After all that he did to her- making her feel like the worst kind of woman, causing trouble between her and David, and even trying to force himself on her (abuso de mi- can imply rape, but less harsh). Ale is shocked and asks for the details. Gabi tells her all the sordid details of Carlos and Roberto and their games with her and her sister.

Eddie and Adolfo finally have a chat via phone and Adolfo wants more proof that he completed his assignment. Eddie thinks the photo is all the evidence he needs. Adolfo agrees to meet him in the warehouse (bodega). After they hang up, Eddie smashes the incriminating cell phone he has been using to make calls. Weak Adolfo gets up to go take care of business, against Dante’s advice. Dante will go with him, and will take the opportunity to smoke outside while Adolfo readies himself. As for the Three Musketeers—Adolfo has a surprise for them.

The Pretty Primas are still discussing all the disgusting things Carlos did. Ale is shocked to learn all the crap he’s done, and understands why it’s so hard to believe he’s changed. She wouldn’t put her hand in the fire for him, but she understand why he is the way he is—his father. He’s always been given anything he wants, and when he saw Gabi and became infatuated (incaprichado) with her for obvious reasons, and well… Gabi wonders if this doesn’t prove that he’s not a good person who’s not to be trusted. Ale thinks he’s reached a point where he’s reflecting on his life, and has decided he doesn’t want to end up like his father. Gabi is worried that it’s a trap that Carlos is laying for David and JJ, that will be sprung on them in the worst moment (mala hora). For this reason, Ale thinks they’ve got to keep an eye on things and have their husbands’ backs (estar dependiente). Maybe they should call Leo and tattle on their hubbies? Gabi doesn’t think this is a good idea for either the well being of their men, or the well being of their marriages. They should show them that they trust them. Ale agrees.

Carlos is feeling blue on his yellow couch when Yolanda comes to visit. She gives him the news of the non-heart attack. Carlos is non responsive to the non news. What he wants to know is why things didn’t work out between his dad and his mother Marta. Yolanda tries to explain as delicately as possible. Marta was a beautiful woman who many powerful men courted. They were always sending her flowers and gifts to her dressing room. One of those men was his father. He courted her until…until he succeeded and she became pregnant. But Carlos knows his father- he’s always been an egomaniac. When Marta told him and wanted to get married, he refused. And then Carlos was born. Marta was very sad and depresses/disappointed (decepcionada). She took care of Carlos for a while, but then asked Yolanda to care for him. “She abandoned me?” “No. No. She was just so sad and depressed and knew I would care for you better.” “And what happened after?” “A few years later she fell madly in love with Mario Genoves.” Qué?!

At the warehouse, Adolfo and Dante arrive with four armed goons. (I guess it takes six men to bring Eddie down.) Adolfo throws the supposedly faked photo at Edgar’s feet, and tells him he doesn’t believe a word he says and knows it’s a trick (truco). He wants Edgar to take them to where he buried the body, right now! The goons grab Eddie and drag him out.

Back at Carlos’, Yolanda continues the tale of the failed romance between Mario and Marta, and their love child. Carlos is shocked; he never knew this. She then explains about Santiago being in love with Marta, proposing marriage to her when she was left knocked up by Mario, and that Santiago is Fausto. Gabriela is the child Marta had with Mario. “Yes my love. Gabriela is your half sister.”

Carlos is ticked. “Do you know what could have happened?!!” He explains about forcing himself on Gabi, taking her to the beach house, and he doesn’t even want to think about what could have happened! “She’s my sister!” Well, now he knows everything. Carlos asks if Gabi knows. Yolanda believes she only knows Marta is her mother. Carlos insists she has to know all the rest, and he’s going to tell her. Yolanda reluctantly agrees. “No more lies. You’re right baby doll. You know what you must do.” Carlos falls to his knees and approaches Yolanda. “So from the beginning, you have always been my mother.” “Something like that my love.” “No. You have been my TRUE mother.” Big hugs, kisses, smiles and happy tears. Yay!

Edgar takes the goons, Dante and Adolfo to the remote place where he supposedly buried Susana. They are all taken aback by the putrid smell. Adolfo orders the goons to dig!

Gabi answers the door at Casa Genoves to Carlos. She tries to quickly usher him in to see David, but he asks for a minute of her time to talk. She’s not happy about it, but agrees. “I don’t know where to begin.” He knows it must seem strange his working together with David. He wants to apologize for the way he treated her when she worked at the Club Sagittarius. When they first met, he immediately felt a special attraction to her. Not liking where this is going, and not wanting to relive it, Gabi tries to put an end to the conversation right there. But Carlos goes on. He apologizes for the beach house fiasco. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Apology accepted. But what you’re planning with David and JJ better be on the up and up, because if you hurt them!... Carlos calms her down before she works up a true Gabi style fit of anger. He knows his father is a bad person and he wants to put a stop to him (frenarlo). But, that’s not everything, Carlos goes on. Yolanda told him Gabi is the child of the dancer Marta and Mario. Gabi confirms that she recently learned this. Well, it turns out that Marta had a child with Adolfo before that, and that child is Carlos. They are half siblings. Gabi stands up in utter shock.

At the supposed body dump site, the stench has gotten worse the further down the goons dig. They’ve found something! They all look on in disgust at the corpse we can’t see.

Back to the two new siblings. Gabi wants to know who else knows. Both are feeling sick to their stomachs, particularly Carlos, given what his intentions were with her. Gabi doesn’t know if she can take any more. Carlos asks Gabi, “And now that you know, what do you want to do?” Sensible and kindhearted Gabi thinks they need to let time allow them to feel for each other what they are-- siblings. This brings a small happy smile to Carlos’ face. He’s gaining family.

JJ and his work computer are still not getting along. He asks for Super Urbina’s assistance with the auto-correct. (I need an Urbina in my life!) Carlos comes to visit, and JJ first wants to know if Adolfo kicked the bucket. No such luck. Something else has discombobulated our dear Carlos. He begins to unburden himself to JJ.

In the bodega, confident Edgar tells Adolfo that he’s never failed him. Adolfo grudgingly accedes, but wants the shoes, diamonds and photo, ASAP. Edgar coolly leans against the bin containing the goods, and tells Adolfo he has them in a safe place. Edgar wants his documents and he wants to know HOW MUCH money Adolfo is going to pay him before he hands anything over. He stands firm even when faced with four cocked guns, and Adolfo’s threats. Adolfo backs down first. Eddie wants 50 MILLION PESOS. If Adolfo doesn’t comply or harms him, the photo, diamonds and shoes will be sent to Fallidela’s hands. This threat gives Adolfo an attack of gastric reflux, so his buddy Dante steps up, gun in hand, to protect Adolfo’s interests. “How dare you blackmail (chantajear) Adolfo Avila!” Adolfo makes Dante stand down, since unfortunately, he needs to acquire that evidence.

In JJ’s office, Carlos continues to unburden himself. He needs to talk to someone. Since he was a child, his only refuge has been Yolanda. But now the poor woman is in a worse state than he. JJ wants to know what Carlos is trying to say. Carlos says he can imagine what it must have been like for him all those years in prison. This sets JJ off. Carlos CAN’T imagine what it was like—to have to deal with the kind of men who are in prison; to be separated from your mother, who is alone; to be accused of a crime you didn’t commit. Carlos thinks that the discovery that he is a coward, and the regret and guilt he will carry with him ALL HIS LIFE is similar. He feels he has an obligation to put an end to the pain JJ carries. He’s made a decision that he wants to tell JJ and David-- he’s going to kill his father! For all the harm he’s done to them all. This high level of hotheadedness even takes JJ aback. He urges Carlos to calm down. At first when Carlos teamed up with them, he thought he was just doing it to get back at his father. But now he realizes that Carlos really does now understand what a criminal his father is. “And your mother? Did she die? A long time ago?” Carlos explains that he never knew her, as JJ goes on about there being nothing in the world like the love of a mother. (Just rub it in JJ.) Prison is scary and cruel, but he also learned a lot and had some of his happiest moments there, like when his mother visited him. She was a sweet, fragile little old lady. We get a flashback to one of those loving prison visits. She died just a month before he was released. JJ explains how Elsa cared for his mother while he was inside. And now she’s in prison unjustly accused. That’s why he needs to help her. The two big guys are a puddle of tears by this point. But Carlos is still determined to kill his father. The only way to get rid of rabies is to kill the rabid dog. JJ (yes, JJ) tells him he needs to calm down. They’ve already got Adolfo cornered/up against the wall (acorralado). They are sure to get him. JJ lightens the mood and gives Carlos one of his megawatt smiles. “Who would have known we’d be buddies?” (cuates) They fist bump to their new friendship. Carlos is so grateful to JJ for considering him a friend—the first he’s ever had. JJ says he’s going to make him cry. (Awww!) They chuckle. “And what about Roberto?” “Him? He’s just like Adolfo.” The two new BFFs get started introducing Carlos to his new job at the Hotel Mirador, the place where their destinies first collided.

At Genoves Manor, Gabi enters Mario’s study to speak to David. She’s in tears and looks shell shocked. When she tells David that Carlos was here, he assumes they argued. Nope. They spoke like siblings. “Carlos Avila and I are half siblings.” David looks at her in shocked disbelief. “What are you saying?”


Llena de Amor #128 (Mex. 133) Fri 2/11/11 When haters (lovers?) collide, a blast from the past and a blast of hot air!

Hee, this one was fun, but what happened to Mar Vick's hair? It got long, I'm sure there's a story somewhere, well this epi has Kristel almost sort of admitting that Low tickles her fancy, Fed and Muni get warnings about the weaker sex, Eman and MarVICK? have a super smooch fest despite hating each other's guts, and we see that one who is not dead will ride again...oh the intrigue. I'll be working on this later tonight...feel free to comment with each other in the meantime!!!


Friday, February 11, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of February 14 -- Discuss among yourselves

Happy Valentine's Day! - ¡Feliz día de San Valentín! -
While Alguien is hurtling towards its conclusion, Herederos is lumbering along and who knows what is going on in Aurora.

Thanks for all the great comments during the past week.

On Friday's episode of Herederos, there were a few amusing moments to relieve the Juan/Paula/Jose menage a trois, the Lucas hates his mother story where now he has broken up his very brief romance with Rosario because of her participation in the encounter with his mother and the dreary Pedro/Julieta/Juan story.

A la Pygmalion, Johnny's table manners are not up to Millán house standards and Berta is tasked with teaching him. Johnny is certainly a very tolerant and amiable guy.

While making sure that the newlyweds don't sleep together, Rosa gets an eyeful of bare-chested Johnny doing pushups, which awakens desires that Miguel is unwilling to fulfill. Rosa imagining Johnny eating breakfast shirtless was quite amusing.

Unintentionally amusing were Juan and Jose trying to herd cows with their fancy steeds who looked a lot more accustomed to prancing around in a show ring than to being behind a herd of cattle.

Otherwise, Jose tells Beatriz that he's interested in someone else and Efraín has tarted up (literally) Eleuterio's bar.

You folks take it from here.

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La Fea Más Bella #209-210 2/11/11 Everybody’s Talking Trash.

Capitulo 208 & 209.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it. The first scene of 209 starts at, "Lety realizes she forgot the directions."

1. Lety leaves for lunch and Marcia is sure she’s going to see Fern. After all, she let him return to the office, and in the meeting he supported everything she said.

2. While car shopping, Lety tells Tom she wanted to get the trash bag of cards out of her office because she’s trying to forget Fern, but she couldn’t throw them away because they were once sacred to her. Tom asks, if she’s trying to forget Fern, why did she give him an office? Why is she working with him on the food project? Lety says it’s because of the financial crisis.

3. Tom recognizes that Fern has been respectful and he supported her in the meeting. Lety notes that Fern freaked when he heard that the project was Aldo’s. Tom proposes that Fern’s jealous. Lety allows herself to hope for that, for only a moment. She’s buying the car with her own money so he doesn’t think she’s taking anything from Conceptos.

4. Fern tells Omar it hurt to throw the cards into the trash can. They hold beautiful memories. He seriously says that he can’t accept the idea of losing Lety, of not being with her. He’s not so sure it was a good idea to ask to work at Conceptos.

5. Marcia and Ali rehash the morning’s meetings. Ali works at poisoning Marcia toward Lety. Marcia recalls that Lety and Fern both left right after Fern threw the bag of cards into the trash. Harsha calls Fern with her usual interrogation: where are you, who are you with, where are you going next, when will you be back? Fernando gets annoyed and Harsha gets upset.

6. Lety tells her diary that Aldo is proof that life has given her another chance to move forward. She writes his deep thoughts. She says, from the first, he made her feel beautiful and important.

7. The cuartel is sorting through the boxes. Sara finds The Letter and reads it to the cuartel. They understand the false romance part, but they can’t figure out he company part.

Capitulo 210.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety buys a sensible car. Tom convinces her that they need cell phones.

2. The cuartel figures out the business part of the letter – that the romance was because Lety embargoed Conceptos. Lola realizes that the board discovered the debt, and that’s what caused the chaos on the meeting day. Sara and Ali scrap over cleaning the floor they scribbled on.

3. Aldo tells Caro that he bought Lety the painting to make her office more hospitable for her, and to remind her of Acapulco. He’s not going to win her heart by gifts, but with his heart, because he loves her. Notice he’s in front of water again.

4. In Reception, Jaz says the big package is a gift from Aldo to Lety. Fern swats, kicks, and shoves the package. How could Omar and Jaz keep a straight face? Then Fern tears it open and discovers it’s a painting of a shell. Jaz tells him that both Aldo and Lety are out of the office, and just like Marcia, Fern concludes that his true love is with his rival.

5. Alicia calls her ex to beg him for money. She threatens to publicize her pathetic state to embarrass him. He hangs up on her.

6. Lety sees Juana taking the trash bag of cards from Omar’s trash can out to the dumpster. She’s pummeled once again because Fern threw that part of her life in the trash, but she feels she should’ve expected as much.

7. Fern and Omar bring the painting. They step off the elevator into the jaws of Marcia and Aldo. Fern tries to invent a plausible explanation of why he had the painting; he fails. Aldo points out, “You knew it was a present from me to Leticia.” When Lety takes Aldo’s arm, Fern nearly implodes.

8. Lety tells Aldo she loves the painting, but the shell isn’t broken like her heart. Aldo asks, “Does that mean your heart is still broken?”

Lastly, we saw something rarely seen on Fea. Sara's shoes. Notice they're not just heels but platforms. It's a wonder she doesn't get nosebleeds from them!


Eva Luna #69 Thu 2/10/11 The takeover begins... beginning of doomsday for some, return of happy days for others

Cap. #69
[posted for Martaivett by Jardinera654]

Julio calls Diego (the designer that had the show where Vicky brought Eva to fix her dress a long time ago), Diego tells Julio he had noticed Eva when she came to his earlier show, she is a stunning woman indeed. Julio thanks him and tells him he will be well compensated for his discretion, stresses that everything must be kept in secret until the last moment…

Vicky and Dano are at breakfast, he is reading the paper totally ublivious to her being there… she asks him to put the paper down, he says she was the one who said earlier that breakfast should be done in silence (I don’t doubt it for a second that she had put that rule in there, now she has to EAT IT).. she replies today is the exception, she is very nervous about today’s show… she will be the star of the night and she has to be perfect. He says why are you nervous, you are used to ‘these things’. She lifts her tone of voice saying ‘these things’ are not enchiladas, her image will be on the line with the fragrance of the year. Jackie comes in and Vicky asks where the sugar is. Jackie tells her we don’t have any, she had ordered herself to get rid of it, not to have any around. Vicky shouts at Jackie. Dano does not immediately rebute but after Jackie is on her way out, tells Vicky to take it easy. Vicky goes on and on with her yada yada about it will show in her skin and she cannot allow it. Tonight I will be the star and I have to look perfect. Dano rolls his eyes and nods in disgust/dissappointment?

Marisol is rehearsing singing, seems Giorgio has arranged for her to sing at the event, since we can see the runway for the show. Giorgio tells her the international press will be there. This makes Marisol very nervous. Giorgio tells her he also has arranged an audition for her with a record producing company.

Marce is with Bruno going over last minute details. They comment how Diego has asked things be kept secret, even the name of the fragrance. She gets a note delivered to her from Diego, she is not happy at all with whatever is in the note.

Julio thanks Eva’s teachers (the guy who taught her english and the lady who taugh her etiquete. They also will be well compensated for their work and discretion, since they also get some of the credit for the ‘golpe’ (hmmm how do we translate that? Surprise takover? lol) we will have tonight.

Matilde comes and sees Eva is more assertive and determined than she ever saw her.

Julio: Today begins my great revenge over viper Marcela (he has a satisfied smile)

Laurita arrives home to Dano’s happy face. Laurita greets Vicky very coldly. Vicky had bought her an outfit to go with them to the event tonight, since both of the people she ‘LOVES MOST’ need to be there WITH HER. (its all about her, isn’t it?) Laurita says she had thought of going to visit Adrian. Dano tries to convince her nicely to go with them. Vicky finds a two-faced moment of generosity (NOT!! She just wants to get rid of Laurita and not have her go with them, of course) and says why don’t we let her go see Adrian.

Laurita calls Adrian and tells him she will go see him, he tells her he is going to the event since Marisol will sing there. She says then I will go too.

Tony arrives at NewVille manor and Jackie is surprised to see him. He appologizes for not having contacted her in all this time, had been busy.

Marce/Giorgio are talking. She is mad about Diego’s last minute requests/demands. Diego calls her. She acts nice and tells him she is surprised by his note. She does all she can to convince him that bringing a new model, especially one outside their agency, is a bad idea. Diego won’t give in. Marcela pokes him for the model’s name and the reason for the changes, but he won’t slip any info to her. It is part of his plan, he says.

Marce tells Giorgio that if the account was not worth so much money, she would pull the plug on the whole thing right now. Who does this idiot think he is ordering me around?? (YOUR CLIENT, YOU WITCH!!)

Back to NewVille Manor door… Tony wants to pick it up with Jackie where he left things, wants to go out with her, etc. She says nope, now she is aiming at someone she is interested in. Tony then tells Jackie he is there because he is the agency’s new driver and he is there to pick up Vicky.

Marce is now chatting with Deborah, discussing Diego’s requests some more. Deborah says the mystery is a great strategy so she is glad he is not thinking of launching a line of beauty products, because then he would be HER competition.

Vicky comes down the stairs, acts very upity-nosed to Tony. Tony thinks ‘payback time, Leo!’

Marce (still talking to Deb): the surprise model comes with her own assistants, security, etc, wants a private dressing room and won’t talk to the press until after the event. Who does she think she is?? I just hope that woman is up to par with this event. Vicky will be climbing walls and pulling her hair when she finds out she is not the star model tonite.

In the car, Tony is telling Vicky he knows a back road that can get them there faster. (he is still thinking he will get payback with Leo’s sister for taking his girlfriend)

Tia Tilde and Eva are looking at the baby.

E: He is my life.

Til : Are u ready?

E: Yes.

Til: Tonight begins a new life for u.

E: In a few hours I will face the Arizmendis and Daniel..

Til: Do you feel ready to face them?

E: Yes but I have mixed emotions. Seeing Dan again, the father of my son, the man who killed my father… and some day soon I will accuse him.

Til: After tonight, there is no turning back.

E: I know, After tonight, when I make the announcement noone is waiting for.

Back to NewVille manor, sweet father/daughter scene:

Dan: I am so glad you are here even if only for the weekend.

Lau: Are you sure that it makes you happy?

Dan: of course, don’t doubt it. If it was not for the event, I would personally take you and Adrian to the movies and to eat something good.

Lau: I am going to the event with you.

(Dano texts Vicky that Lau is going with them. Laurita gets sad that he cut off their sweet moment, Vicky gets smoking mad when she gets the text…)

Vicky and Tony do small talk in the car about Tony’s previous girlfriends, Tony says last girlfriend left him for another, now he is alone… looking for love and/or adventure.

Fran is flirting with some maid that was walking her boss’s dog. Jackie comes behind him and stares at him. This gives the maid a clear message and she leaves. Fran turns around

Jackie:how can you go at it again after what happened with Marisol?

Fran: What if I told you I miss her?

Jac: Really?

Marisol is telling Alicia that deep in her heart she still loves Fran (now it is I who asks REALLY??)

Jackie: Didn’t she lie to you? Didn’t she play with you? I am very surprised you still feel things for her.

Fran: I am more surprised…

Vicky turns Tony down when they arrive at the event, she undermines their conversation, he thought she was showing some interest in her, she basically drops him dead as if he was scum trash.

Vi: … I am definitely not interested in drivers.

Ton: I was not talking about jobs, but genders. Female and male (we might need to add two more since these two are not a good example for either)

Vi: I don’t’ deny I love the male gender. But right now I can only think of my work.

Ton: Yes, but beside that you have the right to take your ‘gustitos’ (cravings/treats?)

Vi: Yes, but I assure you my ‘gustitos’ don’t include drivers.

As Vicky comes in the building another model tells her in front of Giorgio about the new model with the private room, hear she will be the star of the night. Vicky is totally taken by surprise and obviously not liking it, says there must be a mistake, but she gets confirmation from Giorgio that it is true.

Marcela delegates Bruno to deal with the details about the new model. He leaves and immediately we see a whole caravan of people led by Bruno and then Eva surrounded by security guards (she is wearing a black cape with huge hoodie and dark sunglasses). Behind the caravan stands Vicky, completely lost in her thoughts ‘who is woman?”

Deborah is leaving to go change. Marcela thanks her for her ‘support’ and friendship.

Vicky has a tantrum with her mom. Marcela demands she respect her as her mother (NOT!)

Vi: You are the owner! Should not have let them impose on you!

Mar: What does it bother you? You will be the one to reveal the name of the fragrance. That woman will just show up later as the face behind the product, that’s all.

Vi: (this obviously shows the size of her brain) you are right. I am still the first, the most beautiful. (I am beginning to feel bad for Vicky, until I remember what she did to that other model and to Eva then that thought flees my mind very quickly)

Leo is flirting with a model, Alicia throws a tantrum. He tells her she can do makeup of that woman later. He tells her she can do makeup for her later. But Aly very disrespectfully shouts that he can do her makeup himself and tries to leave. He sends the model away.

L: Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Next time I will fire you!

A: Don’t worry, I will leave myself.

L: (grabs her arm so she can’t leave) We will talk tomorrow. (this leaves her confused enough that her tantrum goes away (you silly little girl)

Tony comes in after Leo leaves…

T: IT shows he loves you a whole lot. You must be super happy with your rich boyfriend. What else can you ask of life? He treats you great and even roughs you around in public.

A: Don’t butt in (my life)!

T: Congrats my little queen. You made the best trade of your life. It shows that with him you have everything.

At NewVille manor, Fran invites himself to the event with the excuse he can watch Laurita. Dano is more entertained than angry with this request. He asks why do you want to go? Fran says there will be so many pretty models there, who knows… Dano says sure, maybe you will have more fun tonight/

Ali acts very disrespectful with a model who was just complimenting her work (grow up girl!) Bruno comes to summon her. The new model asked for her specifically to do her makeup.

Bru: Does she know you?

Ali: I doubt it. I am new at this.. (oopsie! Roll in your tongue, girl!) I mean.. she might not know me but…

Bru: It is strange. I’ll take you there.

Marisol is really nervous right before going on stage. Giorgio is there to try to help her settle down.

Mari: Ay San Antonio, help me out please!

Gio: San Antonio is only good to find you boyfriends.

Mari: No! Right now what I need least is a boyfriend to complicate my life more!

Gio: OF course.

Mari: I don’t want to fail you Giorgio

Gio: You will do great.

Mari: Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Gio: I wish you the best. Go and get them, the stage is yours!

(with this she is announced and off she goes)

Adrian and Ricardo cheer her introduction. She sings very nicely, Dano and Fran arrive. Fran notices who she is and is very impactado.

Alicia is taken to Eva’s room and when she turns around, they have a happy hug.

Fran tells Dano Let me give you some ‘healthy advise’, I would not applaud her. Look who it is, it’s Marisol!

Dano: The proffessor? Your wife?

Fran: Yes (Fran leaves, he needs some air…)

Laurita tells Dano she is Marisol and Adriancito and Don Ricardo are here to see her since she lives with them at the board house. Dano now remembers where he saw her.

Laurita wants to go with Adrian, Dano says first we have to greet Dona Marcela.

Ali wants the whole story from Eva. Eva says don’t worry, , starting tomorrow will tell you everything.

Ali: Do you realize that Marcela, Vicky and Dano are out there?

Eva: Yes, but I am not afraid fo them anymore. Now I have weapons to defend myself with. Now I have power.

Ali(totally confused) I don’t get it.

Eva: You will understand later.

Ali: Those people are evil. If they do anything against you I will kill them.

Eva: Don’t be scared. They can’t do anything to me. From tonight on, our lives will change forever. I promise you. Trust me. And now you will help me with the final step of my transformation.

Marcela and Leo sitting at their table say wonders about the singer. They ask Giorgio where he found her. HE lies and says he found her at a restaurant. They want to hire her for future events.

Leo: Did you know the model arrived with a cape and hoodie?

Marcela thinks it is ridiculous. Deborah says it is great strategy, to increase anticipation. Leo admits he is very curious. Marcela admits she is too.

Dano and Laurita arrive to greet Marcela.

Mar: Let me remind you that you are stockowner in the company and the star of the night is your wife. You could have arrived earlier. Sit down. (I think Dano was too polite taking this in stride and not to respond to her)

Marisol has a photo session, Fran looks on.

Event begins… there is an introduction of the ‘mujer latina’, and then they introduce ‘to reveal the name, here is the ‘top model’ VA… (LOL! The bottle says Eva Luna in handwriting) Vicky is very proud of herself, smiling, truly believing all eyes are on her…

Then the announcer continues…

‘And here is the moment everyone was waiting for! And here she is! The woman who inspired this fragrance! As mysterious as the moon, and the new face of love… Eva Luna!!

Vicky’s face drops, Dano whispers in disbelief “Eva!’, Leo and Marce look at each other totally in disbelief… everyone is stunned, in general…

Marce: It can’t be! Looks a lot like her but its not her!

Leo: Yes, Mom, It is her! It’s Eva!

Deb: Is that her? Eva Gonzalez?

Leo: Yes, and she looks very beautiful.

Dano: More beautiful than ever!

Ric: IT’s’ incredible! It is Eva!

Adri: Yes, I know! She looks beautiful! Like a queen!

Laurita (looks up as in prayer): Thank you! Thank you! I knew she would come back!

Tony: Eva??

Ali: (stares at Leo and notices his face is frozen at the sight of Eva): What’s up with Leo? Why does he look at her like that?

Shortly after, Eva drops the bomb after the courtesy thanking Diego and greeting everyone…

E: They say Eva Luna the fragrance is marvelous. Eva Luna the woman represents all those who fight to succeed in life and in love (staring at Dano, he lowers his face). It is said that the biggest secret of success has four words (in english, three: Never give up) And to get here I had to face many tests and challenges that fate put in my path. And tonight I have great news for you. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my inmense pleasure to announce that beginning today, I am the new owner fo Arizmendi publishing!!

Previews… Eva takes over the business, says she is the new president, Dano impactado, Marcela is turning her room upside down, even waves a gun and Leo takes a step back when he sees it in her hand… (seems Vicky got the ‘crazy reaction habit’ from her step mom after all) and Eva shows up at the house, says to Vicky and Dano she is there to ‘claim my house’.

I am thinking of a good nickname for the 'president's table folks...

How bout

ALL-powerful- NOMORE Cruella, the nutty evil princess, the cocky evil prince, the unnamed witch (could turn out to be wicket witch of west or good witch of the North, still TBD), and DUMBO (can't think of any other name for this shallow-brain man)


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