Friday, March 18, 2011

Llena de Amor #151 (Mex. 164-165) Thu 3/17/11 Everyone is green...with envy

I'd like to thank Audrey again for filling in for me while I was out of town. Audrey, you rock!

Yikes, these double episodes are time consuming. I got halfway through Episode 164 and realized I would have to shorten things up or I would be here all night and you all would start to nap while reading the recap. Please let me know if I've left out anything important.

Happy Saint Paddy’s day, I invite you to join me in a tall glass of Guinness, or the beverage of your choice, and enjoy the antics from tonight’s cast of crazies.

Last night we left Emanual and José María shaking hands on their new friendship, thus bringing them one step closer to discovering they are son and daddy by birth.

Capitulo 164
Eman hires José María (JM) explaining that he and Fidel both have other full time jobs and they need help managing La Buena Noche or Vida or whatever their bar is called. JM says Eman’s dad must be very proud of such an enterprising son. I sure hope JM gets to find out he’s Eman’s real dad before he dies of his terminal illness.

Netty, looking fabulous, is adored by bar patrons and telenovela viewers alike.

Over at the station Gretelman and Oliver are having a minor spat over Gman writing articles extolling the virtues of El Lirio. Oli thinks El Lirio is a delinquent. Gman mollifies Oli’s over inflated sense of justice with a whiskery kiss and Oli pretends to cough up a hairball in mock protest.
This entire scene was edited out, such a shame.

They are interrupted by Kristel, followed by Brandon, who is freaking out (freakeando she says) and demands police protection 24/7 because the rapey snake is on the loose. She wraps Brandon’s arms around herself to demonstrate just how closely her body should be watched.

Next up is an unpleasant little scene where Eman arrives home just wanting some shut-eye, but nooooooo. First he is intercepted by Ilitia who has been waiting up for him. His next torture is the arrival of the snotty Spaniards with bossy bitch Vicky announcing that from now on Eman is out of Jorge’s room (a little yippee from Eman) and back with his wife (a little frown from Eman). (Vicky and Jorrible make the perfect couple; too bad she doesn’t love him so she can make his life miserable.) Jorge snippily adds that Eman can move out if he doesn’t like this arrangement. Eman says he’s not going anywhere until Marianela herself tells him to leave.

Ilitia’s smug smirk disappears with the arrival of Kristel flanked by her two favorite super cops. Brandon and Oli explain they are there to protect all the ladies from Orangey. Eman’s slightly confused as to why Ilitia would need protection. “She’s pregnant” explains Brandon. We will all soon weary of the constant mention of Ilitia’s pregnancy, trust me. Kristel derails the conversation and annoys Ilitia by slithering all over Brandon.

Things are more pleasant over at Netty’s where Gladioli is Que bárbara-ing all over the place and extolling Netty’s great talent. (She uses usted; aren’t they better friends than that?) Gladi says Eman has a heart of gold for hiring a guy who has been in jail for so many years. Oops, Netty reminds her to keep her mouth shut because they are the only ones who know this. Gladi promises her lips are sealed. (Anvil anyone?)

OMG, Netty’s doorbell rings. Who knew she had a doorbell? I thought people just walked in. Anyway, its sexy-voiced Emiliano whose “Can we talk?” is practically foreplay. Netty, fanning herself, would agree.

Fedra comes home to Misery Manor and is irritated to find the place overrun by cops. She is even more irritated when Brandon explains it’s because Orangey escaped. She punches him and shrieks they are not the policía, they are the porquería (worthless)!

It’s gonna be a busy night for Brandon. After Fedra exits he’s joined by Eman who announces Vicky doesn’t need Brandon’s protection because he, Eman, will protect her. Brandon advises Eman to take care of his own pregnant wife and he, Brandon, will take care of Vicky. After a bit more chest thumping Eman heads indoors but oopsy, looks like he dropped something on the ground. Brandon picks up a shiny Lirio de Plata!

Eman, king of smart-alecks, says there are a bunch of these silver goodies floating around and he has it because he idolizes El Lirio de Plata.

Brandon asks does Eman just idolize El Lirio or is El Lirio Eman’s alter ego, eh? He advises Eman that the truth will surface and he plans to be Eman’s shadow.

Inside, Fedra amuses herself by boozing it up and watching Vicky and Ilitia bicker. She sends Ilitia, in her pregnant condition, upstairs to bed. Vicky tells Fedra she’s not going to get away with insulting her because her past will soon come back to haunt her. She shocks Fedra by saying she met Chema; Fedra demands to know what he told Vicky.

Fedra accuses Vicky of having her own secrets and threatens to out her. Vicky reminds Fedra that Jorrible snatched the prints and Fedra has no proof. She’s told Fedra a thousand times, she is Victoria de la Gartha! Do we think this will stop our Fedra? Not a chance; she’s determined to expose Vicky’s deception.

Stupid Vicky heads to the kitchen to calm her nerves. She loudly calls herself Marianela while she rifles the cupboards for CHOCOLATE. Must have CHOCOLATE, it’s the only thing that calms her down. Fedra rushes in with a “Gotcha! La Gorda always used chocolate to calm her nerves.” Vicky tries the “how could we be the same person” ploy but Fedra just snickers “you were fat and now you’re skinny”. She threatens Vicky with a knife and demands a confession.

Emiliano whinges a bit about being a rotten dad so that he can get a soothing kiss out of Netty. In walks Jose Maria with a “Well well, the husband of Fedra is kissing my landlady”. Emiliano gets all huffy and defends Netty’s honor saying he loves her deeply, but Jose Maria says her honor doesn’t need defending. Then he casually lets drop that he kissed Netty. Cara impactada de Emiliano.

Vicky stomps on Fedra’s foot and Fedra yells that she has the same stompy foot as Mari! Fedra keeps trying to trick Vicky into admitting she’s Mari and suggests that she should watch her back because Jorge’s out for her money. Mari’s money you mean, corrects Vicky, blah blah blah they threaten each other ad nauseum. Fedra keeps calling her Marranela which is pretty funny (marrana = sow).

Emiliano, annoyed by Jose Maria’s chivalry, tells Netty what she does is his business because he is crazy in love with her. She reminds him that she’s waited for him for years and begged him to leave his witch of a wife but she ends up telling him she is his completely. Big kiss.

Gretel (dressed as Gretel) joins them and says she loves seeing them like this. Group hug as Emiliano thanks Netty for being like a mother to his kids. He wants to talk wedding with Gretel’s novio but she tells them thanks to the escape of rapey snake he is standing guard at Misery Manor.

Angela is at La Buena Vida reading cards for Fidel and Benigno. She says the cards don’t lie, Eman is El Lirio de Plata. Angie, do the cards also tell you to keep your voice down? Beni blathers on about Eman having a good heart ever since he was a kid but he sure has been unlucky in love. Angie says tonight will be different. It’s a night for lovers but tonight the pairings will be tangled and confused. Doesn’t sound different from any other night to me but we’ll have to trust the psychic.

Vicky whines to Jorrible that Fedra knows she’s Mari, but how? (Don’t get me started, don’t even get me started.) She also mentions that Fedra accused him of going after her inheritance. Jorrible suavely slithers around that one and assures her he loves nothing more than helping her out.

Brandon interrupts and wants to talk to Vicky alone. Jorrible smugly departs and Brandon observes “I don’t trust that guy”. Vicky laughs and says he’ll never change. Rocks-for-brains Brandon keeps calling her Marianela.

Vicky hugs Brandon in thanks for his protection as Eman observes from the stairs above.

Kristel is in her room freshly made up, sporting a negligee and admiring her bodacious ta-tas in the mirror. She positions herself on the bed and cries “Help! Auxilio! Help!”. Oliver bursts through the door, gun drawn, and tells her he doesn’t like her little games.
She dedicates herself to finding out what exactly he does like.

Lorenzo sits alone agonizing over the thought that Kristel might have sprung from his loins. He damns Fedra and says starting now, thanks to her, his luck is going to change. He calls someone named Santos and tells him to find out all financial information pertaining to Juana Felipa Perez, everything, especially the most hidden, and he wants it by tomorrow.

Fedra’s hanging out (pun intended) outside the Manor, in her cups (pun intended), slurring to Bernardo that she’ll never forgive his perfidy in saving Jose Maria’s life. She will never trust him again, ever, slosh slurp. He confirms that he will protect Jose Maria’s life with his own if need be. (Foreshadowing?)

Meanwhile Kristel is upstairs entrapping her super polis. She locks the door, drops the key down her cleavage, and tells Oli he can leave any time; all he has to do is unlock the door. Poor Oli tells her to stop the game, last time he was with her it caused a huge fight with Gretel and he wants O-U-T now.

Vicky tells Eman to quite whining about her hugging Brandon, she’s a free woman. He disagrees, she’s HIS woman. Wrong, pregnant Ilitia is his woman. Wrong, Vicky is his woman and he proves it by laying a big yummy kiss on her.

Upstairs Kristel continues to chase Oli around the room, putting her octopus hands all over him, kissing him and trying to take his clothes off. I believe she accomplishes this by getting a death grip on his huevos.

Ice Queen Vicky pushes hot, panting Eman away and tells him to go to his pregnant wife’s room where he belongs. Ooh, cold!

Bernardo asks Fedra to leave Jose Maria alone. He’s sick, a condemned man and should be able to live out his last days in peace. He should know he has a son. “Never!” she insists.

Eman tries to sneak a pillow and blanket out of his room so he can sleep somewhere else but Ilitia catches him and drops her robe, displaying her naked loveliness to Eman who is still vulnerably hot and bothered by Vicky’s rejection. It’s her turn to lay a big yummy one on him.

A few doors down Vicky paces in her room and calls herself weak and stupid. No argument here. Brandon hears her crashing vases and runs in to comfort her. She whines that it’s all her fault that she’s lost Eman forever. Brandon tells her he, too, knows what it’s like to love the unattainable.

A few more doors down Kristel has covered Oliver with lipstick marks and uh oh, there is a knock at the door. Its daddy and Gretel! Panic time.

Capitulo 165
Kristel makes Oliver retrieve the key from you-know-where.

Meanwhile, outside the door Gretel is freaking (or freakeando as Kristel would say) because she’s worried about Oli’s virtue. Nereida tips her off that Kristel’s lovers always exit via the window so off Gretel dashes.

Ilitia is still naked and still trying to persuade Eman to do the hootchy kootchy with her. Amazingly, he is able to resist and he re-robes her. She says he needs to sleep somewhere so he should just share the bed with her but they won’t do anything. Now people, I ask you, did you ever believe that line? No, I didn’t either.

Vicky is curious about Brandon’s unrequited love. Anyone she knows? Uh, just someone he met, it’s not worth mentioning. It’s Consuelo, right? Uh, yeah sure. He reasons that since they are both solo they can start a new life together, one nail drives out the other (we know this dicho so I won’t repeat it in vocab). Vicky tells him he’s a great guy and they hug just as Eman walks in.

As predicted Kristel’s got Oli on the balcony and is showing him the way out, or down to be specific. He takes a leap, drops and rolls, and fares better than his predecessors. “Nothing happened!” he exclaims in delight as he feels for broken bones. Nothing except the mighty slap to the face that Gretel gives him.

In fact she slaps him a few more times (yikes, enough with the physical abuse), points out he’s got lipstick all over his face and shirt, and ends up pushing him into the pool. That was an ugly scene. Let’s move on.

Back in the bedroom Eman and Brandon try to out-sneer each other. Vicky is again with the “I’m a free woman without commitments” and she and Brandon tell him to run back to his own room and wife. Just then Ilitia bounces in and wants to know what Brandon is doing with that woman? Jorge slithers in and says he wants to know too!

Ilitia tells them to get a hotel and Eman pipes up that they were on the verge of kissing. Gasps all around. Brandon informs them that if he and Vicky want to bump cars it’s their business. Ilitia wonders what Eman is doing there this time of night when he should be in bed and this elicits ribbing from the others. They finally disperse but sinister Jorge stays behind to let Vicky know he’s all hurt because she turned to Brandon instead of him.

Gretel returns to Kristel’s room and tells dad that she wants to talk to sis alone. She demands to know what happened with Oliver. “Who’s Oliver?” Kristel tries. Nope, doesn’t work. Gretel keeps pressing until Kristel lies that she and the bored super cop had wild and crazy sex. She earns a slap for her lie and next thing they are on Kristel’s bed, with Gretel astride her, strangling Kristel and crying that Oliver is the love of her life.

Kristel manages to push Gretel off but Gretel chases her, says she’s like her mother, and starts strangling her again. Gretel has a flashback of when Fedra was strangling Luis Felipe which freaks her out. She runs from the room and smack dab into Axel where she weeps to him that she caught Oliver with Kristel. She’ll never forgive him and doesn’t want to see him ever again boo hoo.

Bernardo, having a moral crisis, sits alone and reflects to himself about how his life has turned out without the guidance of his capitan. Nereida interrupts his thoughts and spitefully comments that she wants to stop Delicia's wedding. Bernardo forbids it but Nereida spills the beans to Fedra that Axel and Delicia plan to get married at Netty’s place tomorrow. Fedra swears that will never happen.

The next morning at the country club Lowrenzo meets with his private investigator Santos who reports that a Juana Felipa Perez Fernandez has three accounts, two in Mexico and one in the Cayman Islands. Santos adds that Juana Felipa also owns a club called La Mala Noche where the famous La Reina dances; she’s notorious for driving the men crazy. Lowrenzo reviews the records and gleefully notes the lady is loaded. This will be his best business venture yet.

Brandon finds Ilitia in the kitchen and they bicker jealously about the night before when he was in Vicky’s room. He mentions Acapulco, they used protection, so there’s no chance the baby is his, right? He says something that causes Ilitia to throw a glass of water in his face. He grabs her, she yells “let me go!” and Eman comes into the kitchen and wonders what’s up between them.

Speak of the queen of Rome, Fedra arrives, apparently at Lowrenzo’s request. She’s starting early today, pulls out a flask and adds a splash to her coffee. He tells her he was up all night thinking about Juana Felipa, Jose Maria Sevilla, and how she could have kept the news about Kristel hidden for all this years and then allow things to go so far. She hopes he was tormented because he deserves it.

Back at Misery Manor Eman is all up in Brandon’s face for bothering Ilitia. Brandon says hey she threw a glass of cold water at me. Eman wants to know why they always end up fighting but before his rusty cogs and sprockets have a chance to work Ilitia feigns dizziness. Eman wants to fire Brandon but Vicky arrives and asks Brandon to accompany her to work. Eman and Ilitia might look purple but they are seeing green.

Axel and Delicia happily plan their wedding for tomorrow. A nice lady in a white uniform meets them and I gather that Axel is treating Delicia to a day at the spa. After Delicia goes inside one of Axel’s creepy (but studly) “friends” approaches him and rags on him about marrying a servant. Jerk.

Lowrenzo wants Fedra to tell him about Jose Maria Sevilla. Did she love him? Yes she was crazy in love but that’s over. She was only 15 years old and thought he sank in the ocean. The thing that they (she and Low) have is different. They are like a couple of scorpions. She goes on to describe that Jose Maria was always so high and mighty but he was an excellent thief. Now he’s returned after 27 years to torment her. Low tells her that she can count on him unconditionally. She eyes him suspiciously.

There is a great scene between Fedra and Lowrenzo that got edited out. They admit they have the hots for each other but they also can’t resist trying to sabotage each other. Lorenzo raises his hand and tells Fedra that one of his men has a gun aimed at her and when he drops his hand he’ll shoot her, pow. Fedra raises her hand and says she also has a man with a gun pointed at Low’s head. They threaten each other until their arms are so tired from being raised that Low has to hold his arm up.

Fedra finally leaves, backing out with her arm raised. Everyone at the club stares at them wondering why the two nut jobs have their arms raised.

Axel defends Delicia but after he walks away his creepy friend says something threatening that I didn’t understand.

Eman and Ilitia go in for an ultrasound. Eman is very excited to see the blood of his blood on the screen. Ilitia observes him with tears in her eyes, she never thought he’d be this excited.

The nice spa lady tells Delicia to disrobe (cute pink bikini underneath) and relax on the massage table. Creepy friend comes up behind and attacks her. Luckily another patron sees this and demands to know what’s going on. Unluckily that patron is Fedra.

Ilitia’s meets with her doc and the doctor tells her that she is 5 weeks pregnant. No way, Ilitia says she’s 2 weeks pregnant. Nope, doc is absolutely sure that it’s 5 weeks. Ilitia has a flashback to that night in the country when she and Brandon made love under the stars. No way!!

So was Angela right? There was no actual loving but the pairings, such as they were, were definitely tangled and confused.

Tomorrow: Fedra enlists the aid of Axel's creepy friend and sabotages Axel’s wedding with a trite telenovela ruse that works every time.

Calladita te ves mas bonita – Keep it under your hat. Keep your mouth shut. Silence is golden. (Lit. Stay silent and look prettier) – what Netty told Gladi about Jose Maria’s secret
Encargarse – to take care of, to be in charge of
Manos de pulpo – octopus hands (what Oliver said Kristel has)
Marrano/a – swine/sow
No confío en ese tipo – I don’t trust that guy
Porquería – worthless (also means nastiness, filth, dirty)
¡Que bárbara! – How awesome! Cool! Wonderful!
Soy una tumba – My lips are sealed (Lit. I’m a tomb)


Thursday, March 17, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #257-258 3/17/11 Team Fernando gains four new members but loses an important game.

Capitulo 257.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando manhandles Aldo like Aldo does to Lety, to get him away from her. Fern says the cave is now his office, and Aldo loses his cool.

2. Tom tells Ali he’s trying to get her hired back as his secretary. Aldo asks Luigi to get to know Lety, and to respect her. In exchange, he’ll openly recognize Luigi as the genius of Conceptos.

3. Fernando ponders the cave in a very moving scene. He still feels her essence there. He remembers just before she left. He remembers that he lost her forever, and it was his own fault.

4. Omar tells Caro how much he loves Aurora. She brought light to the emotions he kept hidden. You can tell Caro wishes those emotions were directed at her. He asks her to get him another date.

5. Aldo tells Erasmo that he bought Conceptos’ debt for Lety. Erasmo proclaims him part of the family.

6. Humberto respects Fernando for becoming Lety’s assistant. It means he’s maturing and wants to save the company. He promises his support. Marcia’s angry but FrostyPop tells her to lose her bitterness, and she agrees. If only he would’ve told her that months ago!

7. Ali hogs three sandwiches so there aren’t enough for the kids. Lola kicks her out for abusing their hospitality.

8. Fernando uses Luigi’s cake as an excuse to go to Lety’s. The menfolk want to kick him out. MamaJ invites him to stay, and Lety doesn’t argue.

9. Tom offers to put Ali in a mid-range hotel. She objects that it’s not good enough, but he’s broke from paying for the sandwiches. For once she accepts reality instead of blaming it on him.

10. Erasmo asks why the men aren’t married (why doesn’t Aldo say that his wife died two years ago?). Moty interrupts the awkward moment by dragging out Aurora’s wig.

11. Fern and Aldo scrap, and Fern gives him a ride home. Con rancor! Pop recalls what he heard the men say, and he wonders if they are fighting over Lety. Mama tells Lety she needs to decide.

Capitulo 258.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Pop tells Lety she can’t go playing with two men like that. Lety doesn’t know who she loves. Aldo is honest, but Fern is Don Fernando. Pop doesn’t understand, but we do. After Lety leaves, Mama says she thinks Lety will end up with Fern. Pop says he likes Aldo.

2. Tom asks Aldo how to get Ali to like him. Marcia tells Ali she can sleep at her place tonight.

3. Caro tells Lety she thinks this time Omar is really in love. His card reminds Lety of how much pain he caused her, and he has made many women suffer. It’s time for him to get a taste of his own medicine. Caro warns of the dangers of revenge.
Fernando interrupts Aldo who is getting nose-to-nose with Lety.

5. Marcia surprises Fern while he’s gazing at the picture of him and Lety, taken while he was still engaged to Marcia. Shrew Marcia would take this opportunity to make a cutting remark, but kinder, gentler Marcia overlooks it and offers her support while he tries to rescue Conceptos.

6. Tom sells his car so he can buy a house. But Ali says it’s not good enough and she’ll stay with Marcia.

7. Aurora meets Omar for lunch and yanks him around like a puppet on a string. She says the meal isn’t good enough so Omar calls for the chef. Aurora leaves his table and sits with two other men. Chef Aldo comes out. He sees Aurora but doesn’t recognize her. Omar is stunned to see Aldo. When he turns, Aurora is gone.

8. Teresita is appalled that Fern works in the cave. Fern says it’s a big challenge for him. He lost the company by arrogance. He wants to win it back by humility, and he can learn that from Lety. Humberto says he admires what Fern is doing, promises his support, and is proud of him. At dinner, Fern tells his dad that he’s in love for the first time in his life, and it’s with Lety.

9. Lety wrestles with her choice. Fern evokes passion, but Aldo sacrificed everything for her. “Do I want to keep suffering with Fernando, or give myself an opportunity with Aldo?” Aldo would never make her suffer. And if she accepted him, he might be even sweeter. She had a relationship with Fernando and it ended in tears. “How would it be with Aldo?”

10. Lety finds Aldo in the park. She steps up and gives him a big kiss, and the sprinklers go off (Fernando should pray for a drought in DF). Lety tells him she loves him. She says, “I believe we should give ourselves an opportunity to be together.”


Triunfo del Amor #61-62 3/16/11 Vic Sleeps, Linda Slimes, Burnie Schemes

Abriged version of the entire two hours:

  • ·       Linda still pursues Os.
  • ·         Vic takes too many pills and is in a coma for about 30 minutes.
  • ·         Vic gets Maria fired again.
  • ·         Maria goes off on Max and throws a big hint.

Seriously. That sums up the entire two hours, but if you want more detail:

Toni, Pip and Oscar are beside themselves watching Vic suffer. Oscar hates Os. He can’t believe he was with such a vulgar and insignificant woman. Pip is driven to beat up a mannequin. Oscar says with Vic by his side, Os shouldn’t have even thought about another woman. There is no doubt (no cabe duda) that Os doesn’t appreciate anything he has. I’m sure Toni is happy to hear all this from Oscar.

Maria and Burnie are that the clinic. They’ve taken some blood from Maria.

Vic is still crying and upset that the children are so affected by everything. Especially Fer. Os begs. They hold hands and exchange a meaningful look.

Toni says that you men know more about this, but she’s sure what attracted Osvaldo was what is wasn’t getting from Vic: attention, admiration (atención, admiración…is that slang for Tits and A$$?.) Toni says she told Victoria many times that she was neglecting (estaba descuidando) her relation with her husband.  Oscar tells Toni not to make excuses for him (no lo justifiques.) It’s obvious that Os doesn’t deserve (merece) a woman like Vic. He goes on and on. Os should kiss the ground she walks on. Toni asks if Oscar is so perfect, that he would never make a mistake. Oscar says he never would have laid eyes on a woman that wasn’t his adored one (Yo jamás hubiera puesto mis ojos sobre una mujer que no era mi mujer amada.) Too bad you aren’t Os says Pip. Victoria is hurting. Oscar doesn’t think Vic should ever forgive Os.

Meanwhile, Vic is thinking about Fer begging her to forgive Os. Speak of the devil, here he is, hoping she’ll be happy without him. She tells him to wait. She is going to give him a chance because she doesn’t want anyone to suffer…but she doesn’t forgive him and never will. (Sounds like a whole lot of fun is in store for Os.) Fer sees them hug and is thrilled. She calls Max (wearing a weird plaid coat.) Max is happy to hear this news.

Jimena overhears the tail end of his convo with Fer. Jimena is glad his family crisis is over, because now he can focus on attending to her. She’s tired of the hotel. She doesn’t want to live there anymore. He says they’ll look for an apartment when he has time. Jimena says that if he keeps stalling they’ll end up living with her mother and flounces out. Max thinks how different things would be if he had married Maria.

Maria is gushing to JP about his mother. I’ve found the mother I lost in Sra. Bernarda. (En la señora Bernarda, encontró la madre que yo perdí.)

Milagros, the mourning mother FF>> Sorry, Ms. Salinas, your acting is great, but I’ve got a recap to do.

Wowzers. Jimena is in bed with Gui again!  Conversation turns to the Sandoval troubles. Gui plays dumb and Jimena fills him in. She goes on to say the two have reconciled. Ruh roh! That got Gui’s attention! The family family has reunited once again he says. He wonders how long it will last. He guesses not very long.

Fer greets Os at what I assume is the breakfast table. She is so glad he’s back and he swears to do all he can to make things right again. Fer just wants to see her parents happy. Os reassures her he will do what he can to make that happen…but he doesn’t look too sure about that.

Padre JP and Maria are talking. She assures him she’s a strong woman and will find work. He thought bubbles about how proud he is of her.

Fer and Os eating. Fer asks why her mom is so mad. Os chokes on what he’s eating. Os gives a vague answer about human mistakes and Fer digs for more details. What happened? What did you do? He thinks she’s too young to understand, but promises to tell her when she’s a little older. Ummm? Huh? How young is she? She drives, she drinks, she’s NOT a virgin. I think she’ll understand. Fer asks to be reassured that whatever happened it won’t happen again. Os promises that nothing and no one with threaten the family.  He promises it. Might as well sit back and wait for the mierda to hit the fan.

Burnie and JP eating breakfast. Burnie says no matter what JP thinks, she really does love Maria Desamparada. Riiight. JP asks if it’s la llamada de sangre.  Could it be you love her because you are her grandmother? Who knows? She says. He only asks one favor. He says no one knows about Maria’s pregnancy. Please be discreet. She promises she isn’t going to say anything to anyone. Riiight. How do you know when Burnie is lying? When her mouth is moving.  While Burnie is cutting the cheese (literally…she’s cutting a hunk o’cheese. Excuse me, I’m giggling. I’ll have to get back to you in a minute….) Ok, while Burnie is cutting the cheese (snort) , she “accidentally” cuts JP.  She staunches the blood with a napkin. Luckily she has an evidence bag tucked away in her chair. Next stop: the lab.

Os and Vic pull up somewhere looking miserable. Os thanks her for accepting his dinner invitation. Vic says she accepted only to be courteous. She repeats that she is not going to forgive him.  I’m not sure she understands the concept of “reconcile.”  Oscar calls and needs Vic’s signature (firma) on something. She say’s they aren’t far from the office. They will be there soon. She definitely doesn’t get the “reconcile” thing. At least she asks Os to come with her. Away they go.

And cut to Linda. She misses Os. She knows he must miss her and that she is important in her life. Did I mention she is still wearing black from JuanJo’s funeral? Trashy. She is flat trashy. She doesn’t even deserve a “bless her heart.” Oh noes! She gets up to leave. Aw hell.

JP is drinking tea with madre. She is still apologizing for the cut. JP takes his leave and once again, Fausto is called in to take the bio sample to the lab. Fausto is at her beck and call. Usted mande y yo obedezco. Bernarda talks to herself and says this test will prove if Maria is the child everyone is looking for. Burnie is really lucky that no one else realizes that it’s the 21st century and medicine has made great advances since the days when sewing skills and rag dolls were used to prove familial relations.

After a commercial break, Os and Vic arrive at the parking garage for the casa de modas. They look a little happier. He offers to go with her. She smiles and says no, she’ll go up. (Viewerville cringes. We know Linda is on the prowl and we saw last night’s previews. I smell mierda and I think I hear a fan. Am I the only one?)  Aaaand BINGO! There’s Linda! How the hell did she find him? She hops into the car and gives him a big ol’ hug.

Vic is on the phone with Oscar (despite being in the same building…she must have unlimited minutes.) The paperwork she has to sign is for the sale of the rest of Os’s shares. Vic hopes it makes him happy. Oscar says Os is asking a lot of Victoria. Vic wants to try to forgive him, but it’s going to take a lot of work.

Back at the car, Os is trying to get rid of LindaLeech. He’s told her it’s over. He doesn’t want any more problems because of her. Victoria is here. He tells her to get out of the car. Linda gets a little huffy and tells him she only wants two minutes of his time. This chick will not let up. sheesh! He won’t even give her a second. Can’t she understand that he doesn’t want to see her anymore? Linda says she isn’t going to budge.

Oscar tells Vic that since the shares are being sold, she will have to find a new partner (socio.) Vic says that she's lost so much, that if she lost the company it wouldn't even matter to her.

Os is still trying to get rid of Linda when Vic comes down the garage stairs and sees the two together. Linda says she will continue to seek him out (Te voy a seguir buscando) and will never leave him (no voy a renunciar a ti.) Finally she gets out of the car and Os looks around guiltily and checks his watch. Too late buddy, you’ve already been busted. He calls Oscar and asks if he and Vic were still working. Oscar tells him no. Oscar says Vic left a little while ago. Os knows knee deep in the mierda now. “Is it possible she saw me with Linda?” Yup.

Os makes it home and Fer greets him. When asked if she’s seen her mother, Fer says yes. She’s up in her bedroom. Clouds float by (Telenovela code for “time has passed.”)

Max in a kayak. FF>> or no… it’s your choice.

Os eating breakfast. He asks Micaela if  la Señora has gotten up or not. No, Micaela answers. She finds it strange that she’s sleeping so late. Os jumps from the table and runs to the bedroom.

Victoria is sleeping. Os can’t wake her. Fer comes in and sees the scene. General freak out ensues.  No one seems to call an ambulance.

Cut to commercial.

They’ve discovered all the pills she’s taken. (May I say what a good acting job Ruffo is doing? Os is really shaking the snot out of her and she is completely limp!) Fer screams. Os shakes Fer. Finally Micaela is sent to call the ambulance.

JP is visiting Maria. He has great news. He found a job for Maria. It’s nothing glamorous. Work is work Maria says.  It’s at a  photo/camera shop.

Eva is buttering Burnie up. She tells her how wonderful she is, how generous, how pious.  Burnie fancies herself a Joan of Arc (if she had lived in a different age of course.) Burnie suddenly asks Eva where she’s from. What is your connection with Fausto? What’s up with that horrible burn on his face? Who are you people?

Vic at the hospital.

Max and Fabian. Max doesn’t know. The two think it’s great she isn’t at work. If only they knew.

Vic is in a coma. (Who wants to start a pool? I think she will be in a coma less time than Chuy from STuD.)

Max feels all is in vain without Maria next to him. Fabian wonders why Max is torturing himself. He’s married to Jimena and is going to have a child with her.  Luci runs in and tells Max about his mother.

Everyone is at the hospital. Vic is in intensive care.

Jimena and Mom. Obviously Jimmie hasn’t heard the news.

Max arrives at the hospital.

Maria is meeting her new boss. Hopefully JP has more pull with this guy than Victoria. Oh that’s right, she’s in a coma and can’t get Maria fired right now.

Everyone still at hospital. Jimmie and MamaRox look appropriately concerned, but deep down you know they are wondering how much Max will be worth when he inherits. Jimmie makes me want to puke with her “I’m so sorry Max” and “Ay Fer”.  Jimmie and Mom sit on the couch. Pip and Toni move to the other couch.

Milagros , Cruz and Napo FF>> (Mainly ‘cause it’s 10:10 PM and I haven’t even gotten through the first hour.)

Maria is home from her first day of work. Napo rushes in and needs help with Milagros. She is acting strangely. FF>> (She’s having trouble coming to terms with JuanJo’s death.)

Vic’s vitals are checked. She moves her hand. She wakes up. See, told you it would be less than Chuy! She’s getting better.

Os and Max insist on seeing Vic. The waiting is getting to Fer. Jimmie and MamaRox talk nasty about Pip. Really mature ladies.

Os feels guilty. Blah blah blah Max tells him to suck it up. Take it like a man. (More or less. I fast forwarded.)

Max visits with Vic. Vic wants to go home.

Jimena is tired of waiting around.
Max and Vic share a moment. Os enters. Vic recoils at his touch. She calls him a traitor. She says she saw him. Max leaves.

Os tells Vic that she has to believe him. He only loves her. They rehash what they’ve been fighting about since around mid-January.

Linda is at Maria’s new job whining about how much she’s been walking around looking for work.  She and Maria end up fussing because Linda says if she were still with Osvaldo, she would have some money fo sho’.  Maria takes offense and reminds her that Milagros is half crazy over the death of JuanJo. Linda says she isn’t to blame for anything. Padre JP makes a dramatic entrance and says yes, you are.  He tells the girls about Victoria being in the hospital.

Pedro and Ofelia arrive at the hospital (Pedro is without his steel balls tonight.)  They get filled in.

Ofelia pulls Pedro aside and calls Os a hypocrite and bad mouths him.

Linda is trying to cry. She’s also trying to convince Padre JP that she really loves Os and that Vic doesn’t. Padre tells her nothing she is saying justifies her actions.
And he calls out Maria and Nati for being complicit with it all. JuanJo died because of your irresponsibility, he tells Linda, because of your frivolousness, your pride.  Linda runs out. Maria looks like she feels terrible.

Jimmie is with Gui and wants to know what he said to Osvaldo. (?) Gui says you’re afraid he’ll find out about us, right? She tells Gui to answer her before she goes crazy. He says it’s not possible for her to be more crazy. (LOL) She pushes his drink out of his hand and he grabs her. He throws her on the couch and tells her he told Os they were lovers (Um? Is he messing with her, or did I miss that conversation?) She freaks. He says he didn’t tell Os anything of the sort. They end up kissing and being gross.

Max and Fer in the hospital. Sweet brother sister scene.

Vic is screaming about her hija. She starts removing all the tubes.

Maria is reviewing all the sins committed against her by Victoria, but for some reason she can’t explain, she isn’t happy about what is happening to her. Padre JP thought bubbles that surely it’s the call of the blood (Llamada de la Sangre); that Vic and Maria are truly mother and daughter and that the only person who can say it or negate it is his own mother.

Eva is finally answering Burnie’s questions. Fausto is my nephew, son of my sister. He’s had the burn since he was young. His parents died when he was young.  I took him in. He never went to school. Folks made fun of him. But he memorized the bible. I am very proud of him.

Gui complains that Jimmie was rather frigid. He says some things I miss, but I do catch that he says Jimmie is pretty much in his power. Man, they have a sick relationship.

Rox is at the hospital making excuses for Jimmie. She will do all she can to help at the casa de modas. She wants Max to think of her as a real mom.

Os comes in and says Vic is much better. Hugs all around.

Linda walks the street and thinks about what JP said. She wants to see Os. She runs into the street. Gui almost hits her.  He suggests they get a drink. She seems a little reluctant to get in his car, but she gets in.

Burnie is telling Fausto not to be afraid. Don’t be ashamed of your face. She will be faithful. Blah blah blah. Is it true you’ve memorized they whole bible? He quotes something from the New Testament (John?) I don’t know it (I would have been all over it if it had been Torah.)

Os and Fer in the hospital. FF>> Vic stumbles out of her room. She yells at Os and starts going on about his lover, don’t touch me blah blah. All in front of Fer…and pretty much everyone else.

Gui and Linda in a restaurant. FF>>

Back at the hospital. Vic is embarrassed by her behavior. The whole pill thing was an accident. Toni and Pip tell her to fight for her marriage. She can’t … not after what he did.

Finally, a damn commercial break.

Max returns to the hotel. Jimmie is nowhere to be found. She’s playing pool and drinking.

Ofelia is laughing about the whole scene. Pablo is not happy. He wants to know why he hates them so much. She says it’s a long story. He wants to know if she had something with Os before they met. Yes, she says. I loved him very much.  But love became hate. When Victoria took him away? Pedro asks. No, Ofelia says, Vic didn’t take him. Os fell in love with her and married her. Pedro says it’s the same thing. Vic took him and now you hate them both. You are wasting your time trying to break them up. They are going to reconcile. That remains to be seen, Ofelia says.

Jimmie is coming home. Max has waited up. He wants to know where she’s been. Looking for apartments? Really, Jimmie?

Fer and Vic. Mother daughter talk. FF>> Fer wants to be as strong as Vic is. She wants Vic to forgive Os.

Burnie is reading about Vic’s hospitalization. She is positively overjoyed. Look how she has fallen. Burnie conjectures that really Vic tried to kill herself. Burnie’s pretty sure it’s because Vic can’t hide her dark past/origins. Burnie is really enjoying it.

Vic sleeps. Violins play. Os enters. He stares at her. It’s kind of creepy. He kisses her forehead.

Burnie is going to get rid of her little by little until she disappears completely. Eva wonders why Burnie hates her so much. Burnie blah blahs about JP and how if she hadn’t nipped it in time, he would have not become a preist. Biblical blah blah. Eva looks a little worried/creeped out.

Jimmie and Mom are going to the doctor then to look at apartments. Max will not be joining them. MamaRox mentions that Max married her like she wanted, but he doesn’t love Jimmie. And I don’t love him, either, Jimmie snaps back. I get to keep living the way I’m used to. The baby will be born and Max will be crazy with happiness.

Some creepo is taking pictures of Maria.

Os and Fer have breakfast. Fer asks how things are going with them. Fer wants to know how he could have cheated on her mama. Os=impactado.

Apparently creepo picture taking dude was hired by Oscar. In all the hubbub, he still remembered his instructions to make sure Maria doesn’t keep a job.

Fer says Os doesn’t need to answer her question, but she wants to know if the relationship with the other woman is over. Os assures her it is.

Maria loses her job at the photography shop. Ok, look writers. Priest trumps be-yotch! Everyone knows that! Grrrr!

Max in lime green hot wheel. Theme song and memories.

Maria comes home. She looks out the window. Padre JP is there. (Ok, creepy. Why was he in there when no one was home?) He asks how was work. She cries.

Linda calls Oscar’s office. He goes off on her.
Back to the crying Maria. Vic got me fired! What am I going to do?

Vic is back home. She’s giving instructions to Toni and Pip. She’s not coming in to work. She has to think about what she’s going to do.
Maria is feeling better. She’ll find work. Max pulls up in the green machine. He needs to talk to Maria. Padre doesn’t look happy about it.

Vic and Os. Same ol’ same ol’. She tells him to leave the house. Get away from her and the children.

Padre JP wants Max to leave Maria alone.  Max starts to leave, but tells Max to wait. She wants to talk to him. Padre JP respects her decision, but he thinks they need to hurry up and get the breaking up over with.

Pip, Toni and Oscar. I can’t hear a thing over Pip’s background fit. But I gather it’s about Linda and her not giving up.

There’s a weird scene where Linda is waiting for Os at Televisa, but Vic also pulls up and plants herself in  front of Os’s car. Thank goodness no one noticed Linda.

Maria is explaining to Max that Vic is persecuting her. Max can’t believe his mother would do such a thing, but Maria says she can and she is.  Maria tells him she won’t give up. She has a really good reason for not giving up.

The kayak is back!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Eva Luna #92 Wed 3/16/11 Lots of Cakes, Kissing and Crazies

We start the evening with the tearful reunion of all the Gonzalez women- Deb, Eva, Alicia, and Matilde. Deb has decided to be the bigger woman and forgives Tilde so that they can all move on with their lives. Later, Eva informs Renata that they will all be out at a party, and Leo will be off on other business. In addition, Deb is her mother and can come and go in the house as she pleases. Renata graciously tells Eva she’s happy for her. She later calls Julio to inform him Marcela will be all alone in the house tonight. (Bwahahahaha!) He’s so pleased with this news that he scores a birdie on his miniature golf course. Doc Marcos arrives. Over coffee Julio tells him how he’s been stalking/wooing (you pick) Justa. The Doc wants to know who could be sending those letters to Marcela to drive her crazy. Julio has no clue, but tonight he’s planning on continuing HIS plan to drive her crazy. They have a good chuckle.

Adrian is celebrating his 12th b-day with multiple cakes for each missed b-day celebration.

In the kitchen, Justa and Ric prep the punch and order more pizza for all the expected guests. A bit later in the courtyard, they give Adrian his big boy gift-- a watch, which he loves.

At the house, Marcela’s talking out loud to herself about how no one is going to control her- not Leo, not Eva, no one! Suddenly, Julio’s voice calls to her from the great beyond and she thought-bubbles back to Renata’s comments about spirits not at rest. She tries to calm herself and puts down her drink. “Marcela, I’ve come to find you.” “No!” She leaves her room for the doorway to Julio’s old room. As she fearfully peeks through the door, we see a mischievously smiling Julio behind her, slip into her room.

Leo and Liliana are in her hotel room arguing over the latest developments. He admits to killing Eva’s dad and putting the cops onto Dan. Liliana is upset that he didn’t inform her of this latest turn in the plan. Dan behind bars doesn’t benefit her. Leo tells her not to get her thong panties in a bunch. His testimony won’t be enough to put Dan away, so he won’t really go to jail. Her job is to continue to poison Dan against Eva. Just then, there’s a knock on Lili’s door. It’s Dan! Leo convinces Liliana to open the door. She does, but agilely prevents Dan from entering. Instead, she convinces him to take her out to dinner.

Back at the Haunted Mansion of Horrors, Marcela slides against the walls and back into her room trying to get away from Julio’s rumbling laugh--only to be greeted by the fantasma of a very alive looking Julio. “Hola Marcela.” “No puede ser! You’re dead. I killed you!”

Julio proves the contrary, and reminds her of her words over his seemingly lifeless body the day he “died.” Marcela has a fit and faints dead away on the floor. A while later, he and Renata have laid her out in her bed, and talk (too openly) about their plan to drive her crazy. They’ll make sure she thinks she saw a ghost that night. (Bwahahaha!!)

At the party, Marisol and Tony chat in the kitchen about her record contract and her leaving the strip club. He congratulates her. He always knew she’d be a star someday. Out in the courtyard, Franc and Jacky arrive with Laurita looking like husband and wife. Justa and Ric remember the less than happy terms under which they met at the wedding of Franc and Marisol. Adrian opens Laurita’s gift and finds an awesome flat panel tv. (I never got a cool gift like that when I was 12.) Adrian is such a sweet kid that he reacts to Jacky’s gift of chocolates with almost as much enthusiasm. Jacky and Marisol get territorial over Franc. Marisol wins and takes Franc off. He is HER husband after all. Tony then swoops in to make a move on Jacky and to remind/ reprimand her for going out with him just to make Franc jealous. She denies it.

Dim Dan seems to be enjoying dinner with Liliana—he shares his troubles with her and thanks her for listening. Liliana makes her move by encouraging Dan in his decision to put Vicky in a manicomio (yay!) and giving his hand a squeeze in a show of caring support (yuk!). Lili tries to convince Dan that Eva is blindly in love with Leo and she’ll always believe in him over Dan. Dan’s not buying it. Eva’s just confused by the lies.

Renata calls Leo to tell him of his mother’s crisis as Julio happily looks on. Leo’s on his way.

The Gonzalez ladies arrive, looking pretty fabulous. Marisol and Alicia greet each other like squealing sorority sisters. Eva introduces Deb to all as her mother, and everyone congratulates them on the happy development and note how beautiful Deb is. Upstairs, Ric sets up the tv in Adrian’s room as Adrian and Laurita look on. Justa announces the arrival of Eva and family. Adrian excitedly runs down to see them, but Laurita hangs back- she’s obviously not thrilled to see Eva.

Marcela is still out cold, but Renata decides it would be best for Marci to be a raving lunatic when her beloved son returns (I love the devious way she thinks). She waves smelling salts across Marci’s nose and stands back to watch the show as Marci swears Julio was HERE to her and Leo. Leo looks across the nightstand to the partially drunk brandy, assuming his mama is either under the influence, or completely off her rocker, or both. Marci clings to him and continues to babble. She jumps up from the bed and yells that she doesn’t want Juio to take her! He was here! They have to believe her. He was sitting right there! Leo tries to comfort and calm her, while Renata quietly exits with a sh!t eating grin on her face.

At the party, Tony catches Alicia trying to call Leo. They have their usual argument, but Tony informs her that Leo saw him kiss her the other day. Alicia is not happy about this news. Dominoes has delivered the pizzas and the adults arrange them on the table next to the multiple cakes (these kids are going to have a major stomach ache). Laurita hangs back and looks on at Eva sadly. Eva approaches to speak to her alone. Laurita spits out that she doesn’t believe that Eva ever loved her, despite what she says. Eva tries to convince her, but Laurita is so upset she decides she’s leaving the party. Eva convinces her to stay, since it will make Adrian sad if she left. Eva will be the one to leave. She hopes they’ll have the chance to talk another day. Laurita doesn’t agree, but she doesn’t disagree either. After she walks off, Justa approaches Eva to say she just heard about the problem between her, Daniel and Laurita. She very much hopes that Daniel will soon be proven innocent. Eva hopes the same. The party later culminates with Las Mañanitas, Adrian’s face in the cake, and a sweet (because of the cake and the kids) kiss on the cheek from Laurita.

Renata checks in with Julio to tell him operation Drive Marci Mad worked like a charm, and no one saw him leave.

Dan has brought Lili back to her hotel room. (Why did he need to enter? I really don’t know.) She continues her campaign against Eva. “Eva is not your happiness.” Dan disagrees. He hugs her farewell, and Lili takes the opportunity to feel him up. She tells him he’s tense, full of stress and needs a massage. Dim Dan gives in. The massage soon turns horizontal, with kissing and Lili on top trying to convince Dan to go with the flow.

His only thoughts are of his first meeting with Eva-- when she gave him a terrible massage on the boardwalk. He breaks away from Lili’s embrace and lets her know Eva is the only woman in his thoughts.

Victoria, meanwhile, is getting a serious case of cabin fever in Dan’s bedroom. She has A PLAN that she will put in motion tomorrow.

Back at the Mansion of Horrors, Renata tells Eva that Marci’s losing it and it has to do with Julio. Leo wanted to talk to Eva about it when she returned. He is at that moment in bed, awaiting Eva. He opens his door, thinking the person knocking is Eva. He’s surprised to find Alicia instead. They continue to have one of their stupid arguments about whether he really loves her. Like the idiot she is, she falls for his line about always loving her, even when he marries her sister. They begin to kiss and get down to business on the bed.

Unfortunately, Eva knocks before she enters, and the two have enough time to jump apart before they are caught in a truly compromising position. Their dishevelment and guilty looks are enough to prompt Eva to ask: “Que haces aquí Alicia?”

It was my pleasure guest recapping for you this evening. I hope I gave you enough detail.-- Vivi in DC

Previews: A lot! Eva wants to know what Alicia is doing in Leo’s room. They must have made up some excuse, but later Alicia admits she has a lover. Eva seems to be stalling on continuing the marriage preparations for some reason. Vicky joins Dan and the family at breakfast and seems to be putting her “plan” into motion. Deb overhears Marci having a nightmare about a fire/explosion, attempts to remove THE GLOVE, and learns from Vicky that Dan’s parents died when their car crashed and exploded.


Llena de Amor #150 (Mex. 162-163) Wed 3/16/11 Call The Squad! Lots of Time Bombs Going Off Tonight

This was a real blockbuster of a Casserole tonight, readers. André struggles with the news that he's HIV positive and lashes out at everyone. Fedra, herself an equal opportunity lasher, tries to kill Chema, goes to Plan B ( Gerardo,the helicopter assassin) when Lorenzo fails; convinces the latter he's committed incest by dallying with Kristel (way to ruin the moment, Fedra!) ; while Netty, an equal opportunity eyelash flutterer is batting those orbs at both Emiliano and Chema. Delicia gets a beautiful new bridal gown but Axel barges in once more to see her, thereby angering the Telenovela Destiny Gods who promise disaster for any groom who sees the bride before the wedding. And Kristel comes up empty once again. Her fallback position as a model for a lipstick commercial tanks when she refuses to kiss HIV-positive André.

And oh yeah....Ilitia really is pregnant.

We began with some pre-audition canoodling. Lorenzo is hoping to lure Kristel back in the sack before she finds out he really has no status or clout at the agency any more. Things are looking good as the smooches get hot and heavy and Kristel wraps her shapely leg around his backside.

Our more innocent lovers, Axel and De, are lamenting the desecrated gown. Until De decides that even if she has to marry Axel in her servant's garb, the wedding is the thing. No no no rumbles Emiliano, peeking in the door. We're going to buy you the most beautiful wedding gown ever.

Enter Ms. WetBlanket to chastise Kristel and Lorenzo and to threaten to call security if he doesn't vamoose and pronto. Kristel wheedles Vicky and Jorrible to keep her on (after all, Vicky owes her something after that dumped at the altar fiasco) and Jorge pleads Kristel's case.

Mientras tanto, Brandon wants to station Oliver outside Mauricio's room given his recent oxygen deprivation and long list of enemies. Trouble is, when they enter the room it's empty. Mau-Mau has escaped once again. Parents, lock up your maidens 'cause Rapey Snake's on the loose once more.

Back at the mansion, Fedra is lining up a gynecologist bribe to provide proof that Ilitia is pregnant. Tú te pones guapo y yo me ponga guapa” (you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours) and the deal is set. But she can't resist a little ragging on Ilitia for failing to seduce her own husband. So our Top Model explains about the rape the day of the wedding. Fedra actually seems deeply sympathetic, while ferreting out just who knows and who doesn't (Ammunition for later? You betcha.)

And at the agency, André broods and bristles as Doris tries to help. Kristel bounds in, plops on his lap, ready to seduce another available guapo male when Jackie arrives to label him a HIV carrier. Kristel is off the lap and spraying hair lacquer as an anti-viral agent faster than you can say Complete Idiot. And we sense that we have a long and prolonged PSA coming up.

Lorenzo packs up his office gear, yells at his secretary who informs him she no longer works for him and slaps him a good one. We see other secretaries giggling in the background. I'm guessing this scene gets deleted.(Actually no!) But it was fun to see a subaltern strike back.

PSA in the agency dressing room. Jorge is okay with firing André (this happened to a student of mine who was HIV-positive because his employer didn't want to pay the health care costs he was sure would be needed.) Vicky insists on keeping him, pronouncing that “What kills is not the disease but the rejection.” (I think we need to give the disease a little bit of credit after all, but whatever...) “No way am I working with this guy,” snaps Kristel. “Then YOU can quit. André can work here as long as he likes.”

So back to our innocents. Axel and De are at Netty's house now planning the bestest boda evah. Netty's fluttering, Emiliano is rumbling delightedly and the gals are soon off to pick out a new dress.

Oh my. The wardrobe folks have outdone themselves. Fedra's in some kind of Foreign Intrigue Slut Outfit. Slouch hat, plunging neckline showing not only the top but also the underside of her breasts (How much lower can we go until we're completely nude? Dark coat and those ubiquitous tights. A Killing in the Woods outfit, complete with assault weapon (don't ask me what kind) in a gun bag (funda). She's got Lorenzo in her sights which gives him pause. But no, it's only to check the damn thing's working before she hands it over to him. To kill Chema. The reason? “He's the man who raped Ilitia,” announces our fibby Fedra.

More PSA. Doris comforts. André rejects. Jaqui gloats when Jorrible announces that no model from any agency will work with André because the word is out he's HIV-positive. Doris volunteers to be the model since she KNOWS that the virus can't be transmitted through a kiss.

More drama at the hospital clinic. Eman is tired of waiting. Wants to go to another place. No way. Ilitia's not putting up her feet in the stirrups and spreading her top model legs for some strange man. Only her very own lifelong gynecologist (bribed by Fedra) will do. A woman doctor then. And guess what!? A wonderful woman doctor has just had a cancellation. Picking a protesting Ilitia up in his arms, Eman hauls her off to the exam. Very macho. We're on pins and needles. So is Ilitia.

More information sharing. Gretel has come to Vicky's office to tell her the mysterious José Maria Seville is part of Fedra's past and may be Emanuel's father. What's more, he could prove who Fedra really is! They don't need her father Luis Felipe's papers.

Back to Fedra's fun and games. Chema has arrived in the piney woods and is suspicious about the remote meeting place. Fedra chides him for always being so suspicious and paranoid (Genio y figura hasta la sepultura) and wildly flaps her Foreign Intrigue hat around as a signal for Lorenzo to shoot. Which he would gladly do, but faithful Bernardo tackles him first.

Jorge, chewing filming the long-lasting lipstick commercial with Doris and André dutifully smooching. Kristel, “en super buena onda” is pointing out it will be a big failure. Some third rate make-up artist and an HIV-positive model! D'ya think your clients will like learning that's who you did the ad with!?

The only one more disgusting at this point is André himself who dismisses Doris as an amateur, not worthy of his shabby talent. His life is over if he has to film with the likes of her. Doris calls him an oxygen-waster and boy is she right! I fail to see this guy's charm, bod or no bod.

Dreadful foreshadowing at the boarding house. Delicia descends the stairs in a lovely gown. Enraptured sighs by Netty and Emiliano. More sighs from Axel who's barged in and can't take his eyes off his bride-to-be. Netty tries to shield her while Emiliano and Axel chuckle about these silly female superstitions. You just KNOW Disaster is headed down the pike on this one.

And Disaster has already hit in the hospital clinic. Instant results. Ilitia nervous. Emanuel anxious. Reads the printout. He's stunned. She's stunned. "What!?" she shrieks in English. Tears of joy. And a little anxious eye-rolling. Did Brandon and I really use protection? All the time? Baaabeee, we're having a niño! Hugs. And more eye-rolling. And tears.

Some eye-rolling on my part too. Hope they cut this next scene out. Doris is still trying to comfort André and makes the mistake of saying she knows just how he feels. No she doesn't! She's just a hack makeup artist for corpses. She doesn't even belong in an agency with the likes of him and his crew. She begs him to keep working and start treatment. He snarls that he's not about to stick around and let people watch him fade bit by bit. He's a man who lives by his image!

Back to some other shallow people. Lorenzo Menso (Stoopid Lorenzo. Fedra's nickname) wants to know who Chema is really. Clearly he's not Ilitia's rapist. Fedra stalls.

And Kristel wails. Nereida brings her tea and the offer to be her Best Best Forever now that Ilitia has decamped. No way does Kristel wants the friendship of a “vil chirussa” (wretched maid) like her. But wah wah wah, she has nothing! No career. No Lorenzo. No best friend from birth. And now Ilitia's pregnant while she'll never have kids. This is “zero cool”. But wait. It gets better. Her cellphone rings and it's Mauricio with the news he's out of the hospital and ready to wreak vengeance on her.

Brief (thank God!) scene between Emanuel and Vicky. He tells her Ilitia is really pregnant. She tells him André needs his support. No, she can't say why. That's André's tale to tell.

But so.....expecting a baby! Boy or girl? Oh well. Too soon to decide but you'll be a marvelous daddy. Yes, but I won't give you up, insists Eman. “A marvelous dad is one who stays by his wife and child” sighs Vicky. And keeps the family together. We're over. I must forget you. (How many times have we heard that one?)

Back at the mansion, Fedra is incensed to find Chema lurking around the grounds. Heraus! * Chema still wants an explanation for the ambush in the woods. Was Juana Felipa Perez hoping to become his widow? Lorenzo, crouching in the bushes, overhears and gloats that he's got more dirt on Fedra. And Bernardo overhears our innocents planning their wedding and gloats that he can deep-six their happy dreams. Another Oh my, Oh dear, Oh crap moments for our young folks.

And on we go to the next chapter in our casserole. Fedra smirks to Chema that finally “se caer el veinte” (you finally figured out) Yes, she wants him out of the picture. He reminds her that when he found her she was selling her body for scraps of garbage and he turned her from a starving animal into a Woman. Right but now she's turned HERSELF into a Society Woman, thank you very much, so Heraus! with you. (I love how Fedra, who hardly copes with the Spanish language, throws in Italian and German whenever she feels like it.)

Ilitia visits Mom with the proof that she's pregnant and rubs a little salt in the wound concerning Muñeca's doubts about her veracity. Muñeca returns the favor by asking her if she's SURE nothing happened with Brandon in Acapulco.

And our sweet innocents De and Axel bicker over how many kids they're going to have. She says two. He says five. She has a presentiment something BAD is going to happen. So do we. And not with family planning.

So back to our Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Lorenzo gloats over the knowledge that Fedra was a hooker. She reminds him he was a kept man by Muñeca for many what's the diff? He proposes a deal. Nope. Not money. He wants another opportunity at Kristel. He's willing to fight the whole world for her precious love and Fedra's going to hand her over to him on a silver platter.

Or is she?

Doris consoles Vicky when she learns Ilitia really is pregnant. Emanual moans about his mistakes with André until finally realizing his friend has a worse problem that he does. He echoes the sentiment that André needs to get medical help and also realize he can have long full life with proper treatment. André, still a jerk, just a jerk with a serious disease, blows him off and says he doesn't want his pity.

Back to our scoundrels. They are now having a marvelous bitch session over who loved whom more. Love!? No way. I helped you relax. I relieved the boredom of Emiliano. You NEVER loved me. If you had, you would have given me money, no questions asked, when I begged you, chuckles Lorenzo. Bernardo's more important to you than I am.

Fedra swears by “lo más sagrado”, whatever that may be, that she loved him just as much as she hated him. In Her Way. But yes, more than any other man I have ever cared for. But your fling with Kristel is an aberration. Think back to when we became lovers. Right after I returned from my honeymoon with Emiliano. OVER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Did you think there were never any consequences to our dalliances? she intones. For the good of OUR DAUGHTER, you have to give up this sick relationship.

Lorenzo, stunned and nauseated, accuses her of lying. Look in my eyes, she commands. You can't touch her. You can't even look at her! She's your daughter.

Why now!? he wails. I tried to stop you before, she sniffs. Lorenzo wants proof. Fine. You have all my secrets in your hands. And if you want proof, sure. Get DNA testing. But don't let Kristel know. He agrees.

Ugh. Back to Vicky and Jorge. Same restaurant. But with dessert. He's chirping that now that Muñeca has asked him to manage her stock in the agency, he's sold his own agency in Spain. And will invest the profits in Fedra's planned holiday retreat. Cool huh? Just like Vicky suggested. I thought it was your idea, murmurs our boring heroine. Well whatever. I now own 30 percent and we'll get your dad's inheritance for you back. Snore. Dreary followup. She shares the news about Ilitia's pregnancy. He pretends to be sad. She claims she'll tear Emanual out of her heart. He pretends to believe her.

More fun with Fedra. Gawd she's a clever scoundrel. Ilitia's waving the positive pregnancy test in her face. Eman shoots real bullets alright. One tumble in the hay and she's pregnant. Fedra's not so sure it isn't a little cop offspring and if that Brandon shows up at the house....well, there'll be trouble. Cappici? More eye-rolling worries by Top Model. Did we use one every time? Did it slip? Did it break? Quick prayers to Diosito.. (Hardly the person to consult, but still....) Fedra grabs Ilitia's hairbrush and exits. DNA test problem solved!

Downstairs, grandfather Lorenzo is also chatting with God. Please Dios, don't let Kristel be my daughter. Fedra arrives with a hairbrush full of DNA samples and happily sends Lorenzo off to the lab, knowing he'll get a match. But promise me you'll always protect Kristel from knowing the dreadful truth, she fake pleads. And he agrees. Lorenzo Menso indeed!

Netty, in a red dress that leaves little to the imagination, is singing her heart out in La Buena Vida, while Chema respectfully listens. And at La Mala Noche (please take note of heavy-handed symbolism) Fedra, somewhat more covered black.... is doing her usual leg swings and butt pats while the helicopter killer looks on with lustful delight. In case we still don't get it, Chema notes that Netty sings like an “angel”. Okay. Point taken.

Chema invites himself over to Emanual's table, says he wants to take him up on his job offer (Fidel agrees that they need an "encargado" at the new restaurant) and also requests that Eman “tutear” him, even though he's OLD ENOUGH TO BE HIS FATHER. (Okay, did you get that?) Chema believes his life is starting over. Emanuel moans that he feels like his is ending. He's going to be a father. But he doesn't love his wife. Love for a woman begins and ends, opines the Capitán. But the love for a child is forever. And Chema would give anything not to have lost the child he was expecting with a woman long long ago. And who would that woman be? Because you knew MY mother many years ago, right, queries Emanuel.

Meanwhile, Mommy Dearest is working out another Chema assassination deal with Helicopter Boy. If you get this “stone out of my shoe” you'll be well compensated, promises Fedra. But if you don't manage to kill him dead, I'll pursue you to the very gates of Hell.

Emanuel is still gently grilling Chema. He knows so little about his mother. What was there between you? Well, the mother of my child was very different from your mother, hedges Chema. But you dig my mom, right? Well.....she is very pretty. But Destiny decreed that Fedra was not for me. And really, let's talk about the present, not the past. The past is very dark. And there are some rooms in the past that are better left alone. In fact, better yet, let's toast to the future, conclude José Maria.

That works for Emanuel. “Me caes bien” (I like you) and he thinks he and Chema can be good friends. And there we end. Another two-for-one casserole. Whew. What a mouthful.

Eman tells Vicky they're meant to be together no matter what and plants a big kiss on her.
Fedra finds Vicky stress eating in the kitchen. Proof positive she's really just a thinner Marianela. Puts a knife to her throat and demands that she confess.

*heraus! = out! be gone!

encargado = manager
volver al redil = come back into the fold
cappici = Italian? for unnerstan', ya get it?
la vida es una rueda de fortuna = Life is a wheel of fortune (Lorenzo to Fedra)
amarrado a la pata de su cama = tied to the foot of her bed (Doris, saying what Ilitia wants for Eman)
la funda= dustjacket, sleeve, pillowcase, or cover (for a weapon)
te ves guapo en close-up = Fedra, to Lorenzo, as she gets him in her gun sights

Dicho of the Day
Fedra said it. Genio y figura hasta la sepultura. A leopard can't change his spots. Or simply, people never change.


La Fea Más Bella #255-256 3/16/11 A Night of Pictures of Lety

Capitulo 255.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tries to rescue Conceptos from Aldo’s clutches while Omar moons over Aurora. Fern says Omar is the one who will never fall in love.

2. Ariel fires Alicia for being stupid and useless. Ali tells Marcia.

3. Fern asks Lety if she’s decided yet. He says she’s different – she seems insecure and erratic. She goes to an appointment but won’t tell him where.

4. Ariel tells Marcia he’s doing the only thing he can think of to move Conceptos forward. He asks for her support and a chance to demonstrate what he can do. He certainly can’t do worse than Fernando.

5. Marcia reports to Fern that she heard Lety making a date with Omar. That’s the funniest thing Fern’s heard in weeks. But then he worries that it’s a cover because she’s going out with Aldo.

6. Fern follows Caro and Lety to the office of Manuel Vera. Lety gets a dress for tonight. Fern tells Manuel’s secretary his troubles and his fears. Caro catches him. Lety is flattered that he followed her, but she doesn’t want to be discovered.

7. Men evict Ali. Note, she got the ten-day notice two days ago. Her papi calls just as they take the last things. (Julie! That’s twice!) Ali knows he feels bad that he’s not able to help her.

8. Omar gushes to Aurora while Fern spies. Omar keeps Fern away so he doesn’t steal her. Fern reports that Marcia said he’d be meeting Lety. While they scrap, Aurora escapes. The paparazzi (PhG, Photo Guy) misses Aurora. Omar blames Fern for making him lose his woman. Fern says, had Omar won her, she wouldn’t run away. Fern’s just glad Omar wasn’t with Lety.

9. Alicia knocks on Marcia’s door with her suitcases, but Marcia’s not home.

10. Ariel assures Fern’s parents that he’s going to put the company right and get it out of Aldo’s hands. Marcia expects the worst of Lety as always. She reports that Lety is playing with three men at one time. Ariel asks for everyone’s support.

Capitulo 256.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. RoboPop sees Aurora. He tells la señorita that it’s dangerous for her to be out alone at night, dressed so provocatively. Her father should take better care of her. She should consider how she is managing her life.

2. Tom hears Ali got evicted. Sara finds her and suspects she’s homeless, but Ali still acts superior. Sara convinces Paula and Lola to take her in for the night.

3. Lety is in an identity crisis brought on by the Aurora persona. She’s sure her mom would understand, but no one else. For the second time she swears that Aurora will never be seen again. She can’t decide who she loves. (Those pictures should give her a big hint.) She’s afraid to lose either.

4. Fern gazes at his Lety shrine while Aldo sketches Lety. Omar writes a card to Aurora. In the morning, Fern tries to stop Omar from reading his card in front of Lety, but she’s amused.

5. Ariel announces half the employees are laid off, starting with Fern and Omar. They argue the articles of incorporation and Fern wins. So he fires Lety. Fern says, “Over my dead body!”

6. Aldo enters and says Ariel’s committee has no authority. From now on, any company decisions will go through Aldo. Aldo tells Ariel to get lost. Aldo says he has no intention of keeping the company. But had he not acted, today Conceptos would’ve been auctioned off. He gives them six months to pay the debt of $6.5M. He invites Lety to continue as president, and she refuses. Privately she tells him she feels like he’s manipulating her. He informs her that she loves him.

7. Fern tells Omar that he sacrificed for Lety too. He gave her the freedom to decide. He sacrificed his love for her happiness. Meanwhile Aldo tells Lety that he sacrificed (with interest and a due date) so she could be happy with him. She tries to pull away and he drags her back, but she breaks free.

8. Aldo says Fern grew up spoiled and never matured because he father gave him everything, whereas he (Aldo) had to struggle for all he has. (That is so wrong on so many levels, I don’t know where to begin.) Fern says Aldo knows nothing of his life, and what matters is, he’ll wind up with Lety. Aldo says Fern made Lety suffer, and he charges that Fern doesn’t know how to love. Fern says Aldo has no idea how much he suffered, and yes, he knows how to love. Lety taught him. Fern proposes a pact. Neither of them pressure Lety. Neither will be alone with her without the knowledge of the other.

9. The cuartel wants to hire Aurora for a commercial so they can win the dinner with TBLMOE.

10. Marcia tells Lety she handed Fern over to her, only to have Lety reject him. She says she loves both, so she must have a big heart, big enough to make everyone around her suffer.

11. Fern needs to be close to Lety without pressuring her. He tells her he’ll be her assistant. See the transcript. Aldo comes in and puts an arm around her possessively, but she pulls away.

Spanish Lesson. Fernando makes himself Lety's assistant.

L: What are you doing her, DF?
F: Oh, I don’t know. I decided that starting right now, my workspace will be that office there. I’m going to be your assistant, Lety.
L: You want to be my assistant? No, please, how can you think that? It doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.
F: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.
L: Can you explain to me where you got the idea that you could be in that dark hole that was my office?
F: It’s not a dark hole. It’s a very pretty office. I confess that at the beginning, my only intention was to be close to you. Yes. Because I don’t lie anymore, Lety. But let me finish. I don’t lie, but I still haven’t resolved leaving people alone, but I’m working on it.
Look. I’ve been thinking, and I realized that nobody believes in me anymore. If my parents supported Ariel to come be in charge of the company, it’s because they didn’t have confidence in my ability to resolve the situation. A mi me perdió la soberbia (my arrogance destroyed me / got me lost). That XG Ariel took the presidency from me. And now I need to demonstrate.. well, to show myself too, that I can be humble.
L: And you hope to achieve that by becoming my assistant?
F: Yes. What’s most important to me is to recover YOUR confidence, Doña Lety.
L: Oh, don’t call me Doña.
F: Ay, Doña Lety. You don’t say it, but I know that you have much more confidence in Domensaín than in me. And I don’t blame you. Because now he has become the savior of.. He didn’t just rescue you. He rescued my company.
L: Yes, the truth is, Aldo has been very generous with all of us.
F: Yes, what he did is admirable, you can’t deny it (sin hablar). And look at how things are now. The company is held by someone I don’t like very much. To wrap it up. The possibility to recover my family’s company.
From that office, I will demonstrate not only that I can be humble, but also my ability to work. I want you to admire me too. I need to prove to you that I am just as able to earn your love.


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