Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Teresa Tue 7/19/11 #100 Vanesssssa shows her fangs and Odiosa Oriana returns
CASA BARRERA: Teresa tells Amadeo the two phases of her plan: get the proof and file charges. She’s happy to hear Mayra is planning to file charges against Ruben today.
HOSPITAL: Aida can’t understand why Mariano’s surprised at Ruben’s actions. She reminds him that aside from cheating on Mayra, he stole millions from her. Mariano doesn’t agree that she should be the one to file charges against him. She knows it won’t be easy but she’ll have to be strong for her mother’s sake. She shudders to think of the ensuing scandal. Why, it’ll be worse than the scandal at Teresa’s wedding! Mariano reacts to the mention of she-who-shall-not-be-named. She’s convinced there’s no other way and her family will be a farce (comedia). She has to continue with her parents’ divorce and the proceedings that will end with her father in jail. She refuses to listen to Mariano’s speech about this being her dad. He deserves everything he gets. He didn’t think of anyone but himself.
CASA CHAVEZ: Johnny and Pati announce to Juana and Refugio that they are now ready for their wedding night. It’s been months right? Yeesh FF>>
CASA BARRERA: Luisa tells Teresa how much she missed her. She tells her how wonderful Fernando has been and how he even had someone from his construction company (constructora) redesign the closet to give her more room. She was nervous at first but found they have more in common than she first thought. He makes her feel loved, cherished. Teresa says the same happened with her and Arturo. She asks if Luisa is planning to move back home now that she and Arturo are back.
CASA CHAVEZ: Juana and Refugio talk about Johnny & Pati and how wonderful it is to be in lurve. Refugio asks if she’s thought more of giving the good Doctor another chance. Juana says yes! Woohoo!
CASA BARRERA: Arturo tells Fernando of his efforts to win over Teresa. He had to start at zero and it was all worth it. Everything was cool as long as they were traveling but now that they’re home, he’s concerned. He spent a lot of money and got careless with the Saenz case (are we ever gonna meet this guy?) If he loses this case, he stands to lose mucho dinero because he’s Saenz’ aval (bank guarantee). They have an agreement that goes back many years. He just needs to organize himself. He has money but he needs to control the spending. Much of his money is invested in Luna Turqueza. Fernando tells him the project is going well with Geno in charge of the upcoming presales. Arturo is relying on the sale of those condos, he doesn’t want to borrow money at today’s interest rates. Fernando mentions increased costs due to the loans they needed but feels the project will still pay off. Arturo asks why loans were needed but they’re interrupted before Fernando can answer. Luisa and Teresa have come in and Luisa and Fernando invite them over for dinner. Teresa begs off and they postpone the homecoming dinner for the following evening. Arturo also asks if Luisa is planning to return home. Luisa and Fernando explain they’re so happy and they will continue their living arrangement.
HOSPITAL: Hector tells Aurora that the love he and Vanessa once shared no longer exists. She asks if it’s possible to rekindle that love. Hector is adamant that there’s no use. She feels he’s full of resentment and asks that he at least consider it.
Genoveva’s House: Geno is overjoyed to hear that Espe’s baby is a boy. She catches herself before Aida notices. Aida points out the irony of her mother having gone through countless procedures in an attempt to get pregnant again because Ruben wanted a boy. Geno feels this news will be important to Ruben. Open your eyes Aida!!! Aida thinks of Mayra and how she’ll react to this news. Geno feels Mayra shouldn’t be told yet. She seems so overwhelmed (agobiada) lately. Aida has told her the divorce will take its time especially if she’s to get her half, which is rightfully hers. Geno’s not happy to hear this and believes Mayra shouldn’t vent her anger (ensañarse) and take Ruben’s money in revenge. Aida responds, “It’s not revenge, it’s justice. And that’s not to mention…..” she catches herself before she says too much and covers by talking of the embarrassing scandal that will take place.
CASA CACERES: Mariano has come to call on Mayra and takes his turn at playing buttinski. He’s come to talk to her about Ruben and lets on that he knows about the fraud. Mayra’s very unhappy Aida’s told him since they had agreed to tell no one. Mariano’s concerned about Aida sending her father to jail and asks Mayra to reconsider her plan. Mayra wonders if he’s really concerned about her daughter --- or is his concern really for Esperanza. He assures her this has nothing to do with Espe and besides, she’s distanced herself from Ruben. Mayra doubts it, considering that baby will bring them further together. Mariano tells her it’s all in the past and he doesn’t want to talk about Espe. His concern now is Aida because she has a deep resentment toward her father. Mayra comments that the resentment is justified and Aida wants to take the case. He’s concerned of the guilt she’ll feel in the future. He asks that she reconsider and tells her he truly is interested in Aida.
CASA BARRERA: Teresa returns to her Teddy bears. She thought bubbles about the bear statue they saw in Spain but she picks up the Mariano Teddy and wonders why she’s so concerned he no longer lives at the vecindad. She wonders when she’ll see him again. ¿Cuando, cuando? Gee, that didn’t take long.
VECINDAD: Oh no! Avert your eyes! Johnny and Pati are alone in their apt. He loves her, she loves him. They toast to their health. They talk of how much they think of each other. FF>>
CASA ALCAZAR: Vanessa asks Aurora if she told Hector she still cares for him. Well, no, she was supposed to be discreet and says he’s still resentful toward her because she left. Vanessa understands. They were very young and she loved him but she didn’t always behave as she should have. She’d understand if he doesn’t wish to forgive her but she still has to try. Don’t you think, hijita? Oh, look at the time! Aurora has to leave for her rounds and Hector walks in. He quickly excuses himself but Vanessssssa stops him, inviting him to join her for dinner so they can talk. He doesn’t understand what she wants to talk about. Nothing she has said so far seems relevant to him. DOORBELL!! Maid walks in with Juana, all gussied up. She’s come to invite Hector to dinner and he accepts! He leaves Vanessssssa standing there as she says to herself, “Estupida, you will not ruin my plans.” AHA! The proof I was waiting for. So she is mala.
Speaking of Mala, Arturo and Teresa are in bed. He whispers sweet nothings in her ear about being happy forever and growing old together. They continue to kiss as he slips a shoulder strap off and…..hold your horses, cowboy. Teresa’s so tired, she just wants to sleep. Back to her old ways.
Hector and Juana are at dinner and he asks what changed her mind. She tells him Teresa convinced her to fight for him and to understand that the only reason Vanessa is in his home is because she’s Aurora’s mother. He nervously tells her he prefers she not be in his home at all but it makes Aurora so happy. She thinks her mother loves her and didn’t leave her voluntarily. He knows otherwise but doesn’t wish clarify that for Aurora’s sake. Juana tells him she’s happy he told her Vanessa left him for another man. This shows how brave he was to go on with his life and raise his daughter by himself. He agrees he’d do anything for his daughter. But enough about Aurora, let’s talk about us. He’s missed her so much. She’s happy to hear that and smiles broadly.
Morning at Vecindad: Johnny & Pati wake up in bed….Ugh. They talk of the sacrifices they’ll have to make, blah, blah FF>>
FERNANDO’S Apt: Luisa nervously awaits the arrival of Teresa and Arturo. Arturo arrives alone after having been to the office. Just as he feared, the Saenz case has become complicated.
Outside, Teresa arrives at the apartment complex and runs into…..Mariano. They give each other the once over, each saying they’ll never forget the other. She assumes he’s followed her. WRONG! He tells her he now lives in this building! Is she surprised a poor taxista could live here? She never had the patience or the will to wait for him to achieve his goals. Fortunately, there are others who believe in him. “Like Aida?”, she asks. “Is this her apartment?” He tells her this is his apartment, paid for with his earnings. She asks again if he’s living with Aida. Before he can answer, Aida walks up saying the air was cleaner while she was gone but now she’s back and all is ruined. After accusing her of coming to beg for Mariano, she warns her not to come here anymore. Teresa says if Aida’s worried she’ll lose her BF, then he better move cuz she’s got friends in the building. They banter back and forth like this over Mariano while he just stands there. Ladies, please, show some dignity. He finally suggests he and Aida get a move on.
Later at dinner, as Arturo talks of their wonderful trip, Teresa is very pensive. She says it’s just that now that they’re back it’s as though nothing has changed. DOORBELL! Oh goodness Oriana the Terrible arrives and starts in immediately to insult Teresa. Teresa greets her warmly enough but Madame O tells her it’s good Arturo tried to expose her to some culture (cultivar) although that won’t change her origins. Teresa fights back, saying her origins in the vecindad don’t make her any less worthy than her. Madame O, not to be outdone, tells her that’s what you people say to console yourselves. Arturo steps in telling her she’s offending his wife. She feels she’s only stating the truth. If she doesn’t like it they can leave, it’s a free country. No one needs to stay where they don’t want to. Stunned looks from everyone and Teresa is close to tears. What kind of a freak is she? Didn’t she learn any manners where she was born?
CASA ALCAZAR – Vanesssssa the Viper sees Aurora coming and puts on the sad sack face. She tells Aurora dinner last night was a disaster. Hector and she were settling down to dinner but the moment was shattered when Juana arrived. She’s not sure he loves Juana. Yesterday, she got the feeling Hector still cares for her and she plans to fight for him. Aurora thinks that’s not possible if Hector loves Juana. Vanessa sets her straight and tells her she’s sure he still feels something for her. Otherwise, why would he have lasted 20 years without finding another woman? She’s not accustomed to losing. She philosophizes that in life one should always go after what one wants. That’s what Aurora should do about Mariano. She asks her to invite him over so she can get to know him better.
GENOVEVA’S HOUSE: Ruben is toasting to his son. He’s so happy after so many years of trying, he’s at last going to have a son! Geno agrees everything’s turning out better than they had planned. He reflects that he never thought Mayra would react so badly over everything that’s happened. She was always so submissive and shortsighted. “And she doesn’t about the fraud yet!”Geno interjects. She tells him he can’t really blame her. She was so in love with him she lost all perspective and how could she have guessed he would cheat on her and end up with a son. She toasts to their being parents again. He takes exception to that but she reasons that once that baby is with them everything will be perfect. He toast to his son. And to Mayra, who without her poor character and naiveté, they wouldn’t be there. What a pair.
Ruh-roh! Mayra’s arrived at the police station sporting gigantic sunglasses as a disguise. She’s there to press charges against her husband for fraud. The officer tells her this charge can result in imprisonment, is she sure she wants to proceed? ABSOLUTELY! Score one for the naïve, submissive Mayra!
FERNANDO’S APARTMENT: Fernando tells Madre del Diablo that Teresa’s not going anywhere because she’s his guest. Arturo chimes in and says that although he’s always thought of her as a second mother, Teresa is now the most important person in his life. If she continues to disrespect her, he will have no choice but to break off his relationship (with Odiosa Oriana). Teresa takes the high road and tells Arturo he shouldn’t break off any relationship for little ol’ me. Arturo doesn’t want to back off but she insists saying Oriana is correct in saying they’re from different social spheres and have a different outlook on life but in time she’ll come to understand her (Teresa). Fernando points out Teresa’s elegance (nobleza) and that’s considering she’s not a blueblood (de sangre azul). Oh, ok, you twisted my arm. Madam Odiosa agrees to give it a try. Teresa’s happy to hear this because these are the people they both love the most. Madam O proposes a toast and orders Arturo to serve her some champagne. He gets an ok nod from Teresa. Teresa then gives Odiosa an evil stare that seems to say, “Stay out of warm waters.”
CASA CACERES: Mayra’s back and Aida asks where she’s been. She’s angry when Mayra tells her she’s already pressed charges against Ruben. They were supposed to do it JUN-TAAAAAAS! Apparently Mayra’s followed Mariano’s advice and didn’t want Aida involved in the criminal case. Mayra insists she stay out of it because Ruben will always be her father and later, grandfather to her children. Aida’s very angry to have been left out and refuses to consider dropping the charges. Very well, but Mayra insists on having another attorney take the case, and that’s that. She tells Aida it was Mariano who convinced her and she’s sure he did it because he really cares for Aida. Aida’s all, en serio? Hmmmmm
FERNANDO’S APT: Let the toasting begin. Luisa toasts to Fernando landing a new project in Acapulco. Fernando toasts Luisa for the happy times they’ve spent these past few months and hopes to continue to be happy forever. Oriana, being the uncouth slob that she is, jumps the gun and offers her wedding band as an engagement ring, saying it’s a family heirloom, etc. etc. Time’s a-wasting! She proposes they toast to their engagement. Everyone looks uncomfortable.
But, Fernando comes through. He pulls Luisa up from her seat and asks if she wants to marry him. She’s flustered and says yes but only if he really wants to. He assures her he does and as he’s already said, he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Teresa toasts to their happiness but Arturo feels this is a bit rushed. Fernando agrees but that doesn’t mean he loves his sister any less. Oriana tells them to enjoy! Teresa’s happy for Luisa because she is like a sister and for Fernando who’s always treated her as a great friend. They all toast to the happy couple. Cue the Jaws theme as Oriana watches Teresa who seems to hesitate as she drinks her champagne.
CASA CACERES: Aida breaks the news to Mayra that Espe’s baby is a boy, what her father always wanted. Mayra is predictably upset and thinks of all the times they tried for another baby because he was never satisfied. She’s glad she found out now about the fraud, otherwise he would have been enjoying her fortune with that Gata and their baby.
FERNANDO’S APT: Luisa can’t believe it. Neither can Fernando. Until he met her, he never thought he’d marry. But she made the difference. Her passion, her interests, her beauty, all combined to steal away his heart little by little. He loves her and she loves him. Kissies. Fernando tells Arturo he won’t need to worry as much now because now there will be two of them to care for Luisa. Oriana says she’s the best daughter-in-law anyone would want and now she’ll have the grandest wedding of the year. She’ll have to invite all her educated friends and obviously her society friends as well. Teresa suggests Luisa and Fernando should decide on the type of wedding they want. Oriana reminds Fernando that in families such as theirs, there are certain obligations which must be met. Arturo feels they’ll decide what they want to do and they can count on his help. The important thing is that Luisa be happy. He and Teresa decide to leave. As Teresa hugs Luisa, she can’t help but get a dig in saying, “It may have taken his mother’s needling, but Fernando finally asked you to marry him.” Que mala.
EL HUARACHE VELOZ: Johnny meets up with Fito and updates him on family matters: Espe’s baby is a boy and the babydaddy is a scoundrel. Fito offends Johnny by saying he used to think of Espe as a Reina but now that she has a baby it’s a different matter. Johnny gives Fito a 400 peso payment on the loan and Fito at first declines saying it’s nothing on what he owes. Johnny convinces him to keep it.
GENOVEVA’S HOUSE: Geno’s giving Ruben the latest on Luna Turqueza: DVD presentation is complete, potential buyers are lined up, and Tower 1 is nearly complete. Ruben is very, very nervous. He hopes the sales go quickly because he doesn’t want Mayra to have one single peso of the profit. She wants half of Luna Turqueza but he’s not about to give it to her. He thinks she’s appeased for now (HA HA) and he thinks he can convince her (not to take Luna Turqueza profit). Geno comes back to the subject of “nuestro hijo”, wondering who can help them. Ruben repeats that this could be very dangerous and wants to leave that as a last resort. He thinks he can convince Espe to give him the baby (what?). Involving anyone else is too risky. Geno rolls her eyes.
FERNANDO’S APARTMENT: Oriana’s the last to leave. Gee, why am I not surprised? Fer walks her to the door alone and she asks what’s bothering him. He scolds her for her rudeness toward Teresa, especially in his home. They all agreed to leave it in the past, she says. She’ll make an effort to get along with her. He hopes so. Otherwise they’ll never be a true family. She must think of Arturo and Luisa. Oriana reluctantly agrees to try – at least until Arturo realizes what a good-for-nothing that woman really is. He also tells her he’s none too pleased that she obliged him to propose to Luisa.
HOSPITAL: Mariano tells Aurora he can’t believe that his and Teresa’s paths continue to cross. Aurora’s more surprised that it still seems to bother him. He denies it bothers him but he’d just prefer not to see her again. Besides, running into her showed him he really doesn’t feel anything for her anymore. Aurora hopes so because she talked to Teresa after her return and she said her relationship with Arturo is on the mend and their troubles are in the past. Besides, isn’t he happy with Aida? He responds that she’s lovely and he’s giving it his all. His lips say yes but his eyes say nope, nothing there.
FERNANDO’S APARTMENT: Fer complains about his mother always trying to run everyone’s life. Luisa agrees but says she didn’t say anything to avoid conflict and she knows his mother means well. Then she pulls off the ring and tells him she doesn’t want to get married like this. Fernando is impactado! Guau.
Labels: Teresa
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Alborada, 7/19/2011. Cap. 35
On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 35 start at this link.
Thank you, Carlos, for today's pictures. Juana and Mirtha are like the cartoons of the character with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, both of them whispering in the character's ear. I just can't decide whether they're the angels or the devils.
Labels: Alborada
Teresa Mon 7/18/11 #99 Tere Takes Art to Heart and Learns that Aida Got Mariano to Play Spouse; Cat and Mouse with El Bigote Reaches Stage 2
Labels: Teresa
La Pola - July 19, 2011 - Discussion Page
Go to mai tai's guide to la Pola for characters and places.
Juliano decides to flee to Palenque to get away from Cata and the misery and possible death he is most certainly likely to suffer in Domingo’s household. Cata, however, is still crazy for him and gets on a horse and pursues him. They meet each other in the forest. They briefly embrace as he helps her get off the horse. They are drenched by a sudden shower and he, at least, comes to his senses and tells her he must go.
In general, Pola, Bernarda, Paloma and other slaves conspire to keep Juliano’s disappearance a secret as long as possible to give him time to escape. Finally, Ciro tells Domingo that he can’t find Juliano. It is now late in the day. Ciro tells Domingo that there are people who will hunt Juliano down for money. However, Domingo decides to wait until the next day to send riders out to find Juliano.
Alejo and Pola have some sweet moments together. He is dressed in civilian clothes for the next part of his journey. He wants to find them a place to live in Honda where he has relatives who might help them. Pola is more inclined to go to Santa Fé where there is more action.
Alejo, being the stand-up man he is, even goes to see the priest to inquire about wedding arrangements. Alejo wants music and flowers. The priest asks the big question: Do you have your father’s permission? Not yet, replies Alejo.
Alejo and Pola continue their discussion about how they want to live. Pola likes Alejo’s idea about having a library. Anyway, Gertrudis breaks up the party and tells them that a man and woman cannot be alone.
Domingo makes another trip to the mayor’s office and tells him about Nicolasa’s death. He is annoyed because he paid 350 pesos for her.
Before leaving Cartagena, Don Antonio Nariño wants to visit his benefactor (Enrique?) who has helped him so much. His friend urges him not to abandon his ideas of liberty because they need a person like him to unite them. However, Nariño doesn’t think he has the strength.
Pola finds Cata and asks her if she fell in the river. She takes her home and still tries to convince Cata to leave with her and Alejo. Everyone conspires to keep the matter of Cata and Juliano secret.
Mayor Andrés pays a surprise visit to Hacienda Domingo. Gertrudis is at work here. She offers him a drink and tells him Cata will be delighted to see him even though Domingo is not home (the mayor knew that). She gets Cata and notices that she is all wet. Anyway, the mayor who believes that Cata has the hots for him makes a move on her. He thinks he is the object of her desires and dreams. She slaps him and pushes him away. My husband will kill you.
Tonito tries to convince his father to continue his political work. He promises to always be at his father’s side. Your brothers do not agree with you, says Nariño. I hope your mother is still waiting for me.
In Santa Fé Don Jorge runs into the priest who has been treating Magda. He finds out that Magda is very sick and may die.
Cata suffers through another episode in bed with Domingo. She pushes him away and tells him she is going to vomit. He just puts his head in his hands in defeat.
Alejo is ready to leave. He tells Pola he will be gone about a week. What if you don’t return? When I return, he says, we will decide where we will live.
Domingo goes to see the mayor who is visibly shaken when he finds out it is Domingo García. How can I help you, he says.
Magda continues her quest for money to get Antonio home, but no one will help her. Apparently the Junta of Santa Fé has the word out that there are “reservations” about Nariño. We see that Magda is very sick.
Labels: LaPola
Triunfo del Amor #165 7/18/11 Victoria triumphs, Bernarda gets trounced, and María takes a nosedive.
Casa Victoria wins the biennial competition and María wins a special award as best model in the show.
She’s not pregnant, she’s sick, you bozos! To judge from her symptoms, it appears that María is suffering from Alonso’s Curse.
And as a great rabbi once said: All the rest is commentary.
At the new Casa Victoria, the rumor of María’s pregnancy reaches Max. Now he’s excited too. María tells him to cool it until they know that it is true. [I don’t want to be crude or anything, but how is it that no one asks if María is ... er ... late?]
Fer gets a call from Cruz. He’s back with his dad and she sets off to meet them at the doctor’s office.
You’ll never work in this town again
At Televisa, the director fires Gui. I know we saw this before but I could watch it over and over. One minute Gui is telling the crew to peel him a grape and the next, he’s needing a cardboard box.
The pregnancy rumor makes its way to Victoria, too. She gets a little mopey about not being able to enjoy the excitement with her daughter. Toni tells her to snap out of it – she has a Bienal to wrangle.
Cruz and his father, Dionisio, are finishing up their consultation with Dr. Sabelotodo (know-it-all), aka Heriberto, in his office at the rehab center. Don Dionisio agrees to use his inhaler and follow Sabelotodo’s instructions while they wait for some test results to come back. Then Fer, waiting just outside, joins them. After a brief introduction to Papa Robles (who turns out to be as gallant as his son), she asks for a few moments alone with Sabelotodo.
Sin pelos en la lengua
Fer lays it on the line. She’s grateful for what he’s done for her as a physician but that doesn’t give him the right to take over (apropiarse, to appropriate) her family. And he had his nerve ruining the plans she and Max made when he barged in on her parents’ evening...
...Here Sabelotodo tries to deflect her outrage, telling her she still has a lot to learn about love.
But Fer is undeterred. It’s time he realized he can’t use the familia Sandoval as replacements for the wife and children he lost. And he can’t condemn her father – a very good man -- just because he made a single “mistake”.
[We can forgive Fer a bit of rhetorical excess. A “mistake” would be washing the reds with the whites in hot water and turning the undershirts pink . But Osvaldo’s relationship with LindaHo involved a series of choices and a chain of deception and lies over several months. So please don’t tell me adultery is a “mistake”. Whew. That rant was a few months and several telenovelas in coming.]
Sabelotodo tells Fer she doesn’t get it. The only feelings that count are Victoria’s and the decision is hers and hers alone.
Well. Dr. Know-it-all may believe what he’s saying but no one in the Maven house is buying it. He seems to be working hard to manipulate Victoria’s feelings and keep Osvaldo at a distance.
Check it out. The big night is here and there’s his big smarmy self, settled in like Jabba the Hut, accompanying Vic and cheering her on on the night of the big show.
Where’s Osvaldo?
The seat next to Juanjo is empty. Yeah, like that’s a surprise. Oh, wait ... Turns out the seat is reserved for Osvaldo but Os isn’t coming because he doesn’t want to run into Heriberto.
The precompetition entertainment begins. It’s a celebration of the roots of Mexican culture. The runway fills with native-costumed dancers moving to the sound of drums and flutes.
Backstage at Casa Victoria, an amazingly relaxed Vic rallies the troops telling them to enjoy themselves and be proud of their achievement. Max and María reassure Fer, who is, after all, a rookie at this game.
[Anyone who has been watching this show from day one will be struck by the contrast between this Victoria – generous, encouraging, comfortable in her own skin – with the one we met at the big desfile de modas at the start (it was sometime during the Reagan administration, I think. I distinctly remember Nancy telling us to “just say no”). That Victoria was tormented by her past, and by the loss of her daughter. She was controlling and rigid and her people cringed when she approached. From the crucible of her suffering, a new Victoria has emerged. I forgive you, Vic. ... sniffle sniff...]
Backstage at Casa Bernarda, a predictably frazzled Bernie -- and here’s someone who has not changed at all since we first met her -- abuses, browbeats and belittles her troops. We see Eva in action so at least we know Bernie hasn’t chopped her up and eaten her for breakfast.
Happy chaos reigns in Casa Vic’s hair and make-up area.
On Casa Bernie’s side, it’s all raw nerves and bickering. In the absence of a small dog to kick, Bernie makes do with inanimate objects.
Vic and Bernie talk trash.
Vic tells Fer she is bellísima – and she really is! It’s her moment, her mother tells her. Enjoy it!
Casa Victoria is up first with the Armando Mafud collection, his fusion of high fashion with Mexican traditional. Fer struts with perfect confidence. [Also with a perfect gait. How much time has passed since her surgery, anyway? Shouldn’t the babies be walking too? And talking? And starting to wonder why their parents are still not married?]
The vecindad gang chatters in the audience. Never mind the Upstairs Heri-Vic-Os dilemma. Jarocha-Joel-Jarocha have their own Downstairs triangle going on.
Luciano and Pipino talk trash.
Now it’s Casa Bernie’s turn. After Armando’s fantastical, Fridaesque creations, Bernie’s dresses look dull and borderline ugly. We’re off to a bad start, says Bernie.
Victoria and Bernarda glare at each other backstage.
Team Os weeps
Far from the glitter and excitement, Osvaldo sits alone and hopes that things go well for Victoria. He’d be there too if it weren’t for Sabelotodo.
María continues to feel weak and dizzy. Max, Toni and Vic all fuss over her. Max offers to take her home. Vic thinks maybe Dr. Sabelotodo should examine her. But María is a trooper and she tells Vic she’s fine. She made a promise to Vic and she intends to keep it. Vic moves in to hug her daughter and María ... hugs her back!
The cocktail dress portion of the show is coming up. These designs reflect the work of Pipino and Luciano and their respective bosses, Victoria and Bernarda. [Seriously. When did Bernie become a designer? When did she ever show taste or talent or interest in fashion? Or is it that in the current True Blood craze, her taste for the Inquisition is suddenly seen as panache?]
Backstage, Ximena is looking for a drink.
Cruz’s father has a coughing spell and Heri and Cruz lead him outside. So, romance aside, maybe it’s not such a bad idea having Dr. Know-it-all there. After all, when was the last time you heard someone stand up and ask: Is there an actor in the house? I mean, someone who wasn’t watching a telenovela.
Here are Victoria’s Phase Two creations. I’d never recognize them as cocktail dresses, but what do I know? There are some cool designs with calavera prints – you know, those iconic death’s head images -- and painted figures looking like they stepped out of a mural. No unibrows though.
Roxana has some chisme (gossip) for Bernie: Victoria’s star model is feeling sick and it’s possible she won’t be able to close the show. Gracias, Señor, says Bernarda with a pious upward glance. Me, I think she’s directing her thanks in the wrong direction.
Gorgeous Fer walks again in a long black floral-printed number.
Then we see Casa Bernarda’s entry: a lot of tall skinny girls in short sparkly dresses, some with leggings.
Backstage, Ximena, drink now in hand, overhears Luci and Fabían refer to María’s pregnancy. ¡Estúpida! she sniffs. ¡No puede ser!
Roxana catches Ximena holding a pair of scissors. She’s ready to run off and slash Victoria’s collection. (It wouldn’t be the first time!) What’s got her so unhinged? She tells her mother that María is pregnant again. She and Max are going to have another baby.
Things don’t look too good for Casa Vic.
María is fading fast but no one can take her place as star of the show because her dress was tailored just for her. Max reminds her that hateful Xi will be her competition on the runway. That seems to stir María’s fighting spirit.
Max and María become uneasy when they hear generous applause for Bernarda’s phase two collection.
An announcement is made: the competition is now a tie. Casa Victoria has won the first phase and Casa Bernarda the second. The winner will be determined in the third and final phase: evening gowns (los diseños de gala). Also, the judges have decided that in addition to the main prize, there will be an extra award given tonight.
Ms. Bottomless-Pit-Of-Need and Dr. Know-it-all: a match made in rehab
In the audience, Leonela asks Dr. Sabelotodo if he has plans after the show. He tells her they’ll all be going out to celebrate with Victoria. If she wins, that is. And if she loses, asks Leo? The two agree that after a loss, Vic probably won’t be in the mood to go out. So how about dinner, persists Leo. And the good doctor accepts, but tentatively.
The two houses show their evening gowns. Casa Vic continues with the Viva México theme; and Casa Bernarda’s stuff is a big yawn.
Now Ximena takes her star turn on the runway. She may be nicely buzzed but there’s no detectable stagger. Her walk is professional and well-received.
And then the last model of the the evening is announced: María Desamparada Iturbide. Here’s María standing as tall as a little girl can, radiant smile on her face. She wears a mariachi hat, and a long strapless sequined gown. We hold our collective breath as she descends the steep stairs, walks the length of the runway and back, and then climbs the stairs, turns, and exits uneventfully.
And the envelope, please:
The winner is – Casa Victoria!
Sore-loser Bernie prepares to leave immediately. Isn’t she going to stick around for the best model award? asks Rox. Answers Bernie with a sneer:
Me importa un rábano aunque gane la imbécil de tu hija.
(I couldn’t care less – even if your idiot daughter wins. Literally, It matters a radish to me...)
Once again, the envelope, please:
The best model is – María Desamparada Iturbide! (Meh. I voted for Fer.)
Great Galloping Ghost of Alonso! Are they really setting us up for another llorathon in intensive care?
María strides out, still wearing her game face -- although she left the hat backstage. She takes her place up front with Victoria and accepts the award. Then Victoria looks at her closely and says with alarm:
Hija, te está sangrando la nariz.
(Daughter, your nose is bleeding!)
And then, as Victoria looks on with horror, María collapses at her feet.
Sweet William Levy paddling a kayak rumbo al gran fin
Labels: triunfo
Monday, July 18, 2011
Cuando Me Enamoro #65 Monday 7/18/11 Multiple Choice “Looking For ___ In All The Wrong Places” (a) love, (b) blame, (c) revenge, (d) advice, (e) clues
Renata replays in her head her last conversation with Rafael. He tells his friend Renata that soon he will have his papers in order and he will have the answer to his soul’s desire. He asks strangely if she thinks her father would accept him as a son-in-law. Renata plays coquette: is this an intimation or …. About me? No Rafa laughs, sure you are beautiful but it’s something else. Would I be able to rise up to the high station of the Monterubbios? Without analyzing what this must mean (duh, how many siblings do you have and does Rafa seem even a little bit gay?) she assures him her father Gonzo already cares for him and knows he is honest, hard working and good. Then Rafa phones begging her to meet him, he needs her support. He is upset and says he is mal, seems like sick, heartsick is meant here. But now it resounds in her head. Memory flash #2, Roberta in her jammies is fishing for info. on whether Renata is “seeing” Rafa, Renata assures her that they are just friends but no they didn’t have the meeting he had asked for, in fact he stood her up (dejar plantada) and he never answered his cell again nor could she find him to know what happened. Roberta looked puzzled but feigned her usual indifference, marching her cute flannelled-butt up the stairs. Noble Renata has to assure herself that this Roberta is the same as her sister Roberta, she couldn’t possibly accuse her falsely. (Should be proof of her unique DNA?)
Adriana talks frankly with her father about his packing to leave for a hotel. She says inspite of his infidelity, Constanza is an impeccable woman and they will sort it out. He snorts at the impeccable part but they then decide he could stay in Adriana’s apartment while this is straightened out. Funny how he forgot so quickly about his infamy when he thought a kiss between Chema and Consta meant infidelity and Consta flashed on his sexy embrace with Blanca and admitted that she had too.
The commandante plans a trip to the village where Josefina Alvarez supposedly lived before she met Gonzalo. Fina swears that Regina’s days are numbered. Hon leaves while both Hon and Con are in tears.
Isidro is by Andrecito’s side and Inez is crying too much. Still no improvement. Regina says he still is not reacting to the medications and needs buckets of new blood. Isidro says don’t surrender. I would take your place but you need to fight so you can become the best doctor in the world and make your mother proud.
Adriana, tells Con she is going to the office and she and her dad will be staying at her old apartment. Constanza says this is your house you can stay her but I understand that you want to be with your father. Perfect communication here, between the women. But Con says no one is indespensible. She comforts Con that Hon really loves her inspite of his indiscretion with Blanca. She understands that Con is humiliated and has reason to be sad but the marriage is strong. This kind of honest support could be used in Baja too but no.
Hon arrives in Roberta’s bedroom demanding that she give him the pictures she sent him by email. She stammers her innocence, she sent no email, but then realizes her computer is betraying her. Fina comes to protect and deny but Honorio threatens to tell Gonzo and Matias the kind of person she really is, as he grabs the disc and leaves. Roberta cannot imagine how she got here or who sent the photos, but Fina instantly knows.
The inspector gathers Gonzo and Antonio (well Antonio was already there in the bed) but he urges the to get Regina out of town for her own good. He has to leave town for a few days and no one can guard Regina from the assassin who is surely in town. Gonzo offers that Jero has invited her to his hacienda in Ensenada He pointedly tells the not to tell anyone where she has gone, even your family he says emphatically at Gonzo who looks worried.
The doctor tells the grieving parents to prepare for Androcito’s death. The esquincles arrive to cheer up Andrecito, he is held up by his dad who shakes him out of his coma to take in the cheering squad and the miracle cure begins.
Adriana tells Matias about the Hon/Con split. Men have a strange way of showing there love she says, and men need to know how a woman feels when their love chooses someone else. Matias looks guilty, but actually he really does know what it is like..
Back at the office Blanca tells Daniel that she can make him a very rich man if he helps her trash the business. She chides him that he will be a poor boy not too interesting to the hot Adriana. He hesitates and she leans forward with her girls unzipped and ready to go postal, we don’t have much time to decide.
Renata leaves Roberta a phone message without success. She tells Adriana to get a picture of Roberta and take it to the bartender at the Mentirosa to see if Roberta was the woman Rafael came there with . Adriana says call me tonight to explain what this is all about and I have plenty of news to tell you about things here.
Lazaro tells Jero he needs to leave the hacienda and Jero thinks it is because he is upset that Karina chose to go back to Dr. RSnake. Lazaro makes apt comparisons between Jero’s disappointments and his but Jero doesn’t completely see it, his case is different with different circumstances, yeah sure Jerko.
Speaking of jerks, ahem, Agustin is ordering Ezekiel to rally the vineyard workers there is a hurricane a brewin’ and he is not going to risk taking the La Bonita harvest. Ezek promises to get all ready to save the Cruz and Agustin insists that the same goes for La Bonita.
Renata calls Roberta again who snips that she has so much to plan to be bothered with her. She doesn’t even get her question out when Roberta hangs up on her so she can grab her former friend Selene by the hair. Uncle Hon is threatening her and she knows Selene sent the pictures of Chema and Constanza. If you open your mouth I will tell everyone this was totally your fault. Selene responds with a better threat. She can tell Matias that the baby is really Rafa’s not Jero’s and ruin even more plans. Roberta uses her winning argument that Selene is not even intelligent, more stupids, which is Roberta’s favorite adjective for virtually everyone that vexes her Selene is nothing to her again she threatens walking off. Pamphlet dropper man, Diego, drops by to offer help to Selene as she clutches her sore throat. The next time, they can join forces to combat Roberta.
Back at the intensive care unit now oddly quiet after the pep rally, the Commandante approaches Inez who asks if there is any news of Pepa. I think he wants to talk to Isidro but is very compassionate suggesting that she and Isidro turn their attention solely on the sick boy and he will keep doing his job.
Chema and one of the Center volunteers are discussing Androcito. She says more than half the staff of the Center have gone to donate blood for the boy. Chema is calmly adding fruit to a plate when Honorio bursts into the Center’s kitchen threatening that he better not be taking advantage of Constanza. Chema is so shocked that he tries to tell Hon that he has no idea what he is suggesting there is nothing happening between Con and him. Hon is in broadcasting mode with his receiver turned off so he throws Chema to the floor, storms out shouting threats that if Constanza sheds even one tear, he will regret all his life, he even threatens he doesn’t care if he spends the rest of his life in jail, leaving Chema sputtering in confusion.
Regina and Antonio discuss her stubbornness (terca) about leaving for safety at Jeros.
Chema calls to tell Consta they must talk, She thinks it isn’t a good idea. Hon was at the Center threatening him.
Matias tells Gonzo that Consta has thrown Hon out and he wonders if this perfect seeming marriage of Hon/Con will end in divorce. Gonzo is distressed by esteemed Hon and beloved Con doesn’t know the answer. Matias wonders if they will be in his wedding they are supposed to be the witnesses (testigos), Maybe he should get someone else, Gonzo advises that he talk directly to Constanza before he decides to make any changes. He tells Matias (now what did the Commandante just say, goofball? at least it is the good Matias) that Regina will be going to the hacienda for safety. Matias thinks it would be a grand idea for Regina to snoop into how Renata is doing and Jero and she are getting on . Gonzo does his strange flip and wants to advise his son to forget Renata and to forget about Jero and concentrate on Roberta and his coming BABY. Ick, double ick.
Triple Ick, Alfonsina approaches Padre and tells him she is preggers while slimedog RapeySnake looks on from behind the wall. Padre is at first elated at this blessed news. She reveals it is not happy news because it is not Ezek’s but RS’s. Padre yells she better not do anything evil. The evil is all in the eyes of the sneaky doctor who licks his chops, now he is sure.
Agustin arrives at La Bonita’s vineyard with his crew aggressively pushing for his team to join with Jero’s to harvest HIS grapes committed to him by Rafa from La Bonita (everyone remembers it is for three years of harvests). Agustin works up the fear of the possible storms turning into a hurricane and destroying the crop so they should all lend a hand to save HIS harvest. It is pointed out by Ezek. that last year a threat of hurricane was averted into a mere storm, but Agustin doesn’t want to down grade the storm warnings! Once again Ezek and Lazaro join cooperatively to get trucks and gather people to get the grapes in. Jero’s ineffective comment to Carlos is that he can’t believe how much he dislikes Agustin. How did his little brother get so taken in by him. Somehow, he is more worried about Renata being taken in by Agustin.
Finally Roberta picks up with a snotty tone, what does Renata want? Renata jumps fast this time asking if Roberta had a relationship with Rafael Guttierrez. What could make you ask that, says snippy sister, what stupidity, of course I didn’t. They hang up with Renata puzzled at the lie and Roberta scared about what the question really means.
Poor Arely tries to make her parting act significant, leaving the heirloom bracelet and a note that Agustin will probably not care about at all. Give it a rest, you poor misguided spare one.
Mathilde is looking energetically in Jero’s bedroom when Renata comes in and asks Brat to look in the office, at the last moment she asks if Brathilde knows the name Roberta. Oh yes, our little revealer says she’s the one they named La Bonita for. Renata finds another piece of the puzzle from the blurting maid, yes Jero knew that Roberta was La Bonita before he learned that it was really her Renata who is to blame for Rafa’s death. How did Jero come to think she was Rafa’s love. Mat doesn’t know but he now has no doubt that she Renata is La Bonita.
Regina comes into the ICU to learn that Androcito is now recovering. Androcita tells his dad that he has woken from his bad dream and found the pathway back to the light. Dad proclaims it a miracle.
Hon calls himself an imbecile that he failed to notice what was happening to his love with Constanza. Chema tells Constanza that he wishes Hon’s accusations were true, he does really love her. Consta is confused and rejects any development of this. She tells him of the infidelity with Blanca and Chema thinks she shouldn’t take this but should connect with him instead. But he wants to help defend Consta to Hon’s face. It isn’t fair that she be judged for something when she has done nothing wrong. Constanza fuzzily thinks if Hon believes she and Chema are actually lovers too, it will be easier to end their marriage.
Regina, Cata, Inez and Antonio discuss Andrecito’s miraculous improvement, pep rallies are the best drug. Talk turns to Regina. Antonio says now she has no excuse to stay, but all three argue that they will hold the fort for several days. She will go back to the house to grab a bag and head for the airport.
Doctor RS accosts Alfonsina threatening that he will tell Ezek that he is the father of her baby. He is a doctor and can verify the paternity. If she doesn’t want him to destroy her marriage, she must show up at his office tomorrow for the tests. Ick, and again Ick.
Ezek in the meantime is proudly sharing with Lazaro that he thinks Alfonsina is pregnant and he couldn’t be happier. He had hoped to have wagons full of kids but he hopes this second one is a girl who will be a beautiful as her mother.
Gonzo shows up at Regina’s to take her to the airport demanding no arguments. He hopes that she will stay safely at the hacienda and perhaps she can become good friends with his beloved daughter Renata. They agree that would be wonderful.
Renata finally finds the files and chest in Jero’s closet and flipping through it comes across the picture of Roberta in the front and her at the side. The back is signed with an R. Jero comes in asking what she is doing with his things. She retorts that she is merely looking for proofs of her innocence.
Tomorrow the many threats and plots thicken and sicken.
Labels: Cuando
Alborada, 7/16/2011. Cap. 34
On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 34 start at this link.
Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Another striking composition.
Labels: Alborada
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