Friday, September 16, 2011

Teresa Thu 9/15/11 #139 Poor Professor Hottie finally learns the truth


This time I was able to get an HD capture of the episode, so hopefully will have a few screenshots.

Here's a preview of one that's worth quite a bit of discussion:

Poor Professor Hottie's face as he is finally told that Fernando dumped Luisa for . . . TERESA!!!

I'm going to post this recap in installments, as I down my Pepsi and get through this episode! 


A drunken Arturo is told by Mariano that Teresa has left him for Fernando. Professor Hottie, who is completely sloshed, doesn't believe him. Aeeeda comes in and observes that Professor Hottie is "super borracho."

Teresa is talking with Fernando. He's worried about how Luisa is doing after the bad news.

Mariano and Aeeeeda drag a very baked Arturo back to his apartment, where Lucia is waiting. They deposit him on a couch.

Juana and Cutberto are sitting on a couch at Juana's place. Teresa is there and she asks if she can spend the night there. She is talking about her pending divorce and how things have become with Professor Hottie. Juana says it's not good to be here alone with Fernando. Teresa says she's going to go talk to her parents and she hugs Juana.

Mariano, Aeeeda, and Lucia have deposited a prone and totally baked Professor Hottie on the couch. They all look down on his peaceful, prone form and talk about the whole marriage mess between him and Teresa. Mariano leaves, first leaving his card with Lucia and saying his apartment is room 209 if she needs any help. We see Professor Hottie utter "Teresa! Teresa!" in his drunken sleep.

Quick shot of poor Luisa remembering happier times with that dirty dog Fernando, as she leans against a wall at the hospital and quietly cries.

Teresa is visiting her parents and telling them the big news about dumping that loser Professor Hottie. Refugio immediately starts having some sort of attack. Armando quickly gets her her pills and she gulps it down as she gasps for air and looks generally distressed.

She says that Teresa should not consider divorce, that if there are problems, a woman tries to help work things out and is supportive. But Teresa says that's just not how it's working and that Professor Hottie isn't doing his part since he's a sloppy drunk and all. Mom suggests that maybe Teresa doesn't really love Professor Hottie. Teresa says (with some sincerity) that she adores him, but can't take what he's doing.

Luisa sees Aurora at the hospital and in a crumple of tears, she wants to know where Mariano is, she needs to talk to him! Aurora offers to help and wants to know what's going on. Luisa just keeps saying that she wants to tell him that he was right, he was right. Aurora is mightily confused.

Some scene between Hernan the Galán and Esperanza. They talk about the check that Mayra gave her to help in her search for little Rodrigo. Hernan says he'll hang onto the check and hope that they don't need to use it. He's not quite sure why she was given so much money. Esperanza says that maybe because Mayra is a mother and a woman too and understands what Espe is going through, and maybe she wants to set an example for Aeeeeda.

Aeeeeda has returned to Mariano's apartment with him and they're chatting. Conversation turns to how things are going with Aurora. Not well. Then Aeeeeda zones in for the kill, planting a big kiss on Mariano's lips. He seems to be semi-responsive.

But after the break, we see that he pulls away. She of course starts to whine about this. He explains his thing with Aurora. Blah blah blah. Then when it's obvious he's not going to relent, they start talking about Espe's baby. Aeeeda doesn't believe the suggestions that her dad may have been behind the kid's being missing.

Aurora has taken Luisa back to her place and wants to medicate her in order to calm her down. Luisa says no. She starts to dissolve in tears and cries about how she wants to die. Poor Aurora gives her a hug as she cries some more.

The source of all this current pain, Teresa, is talking on the phone with the other source of pain, Fernando. He's worried about Luisa. Teresa says in that calm, creepy sharky voice that Luisa is fine, she's with Aurora who is a doctor. She plans to meet Fernando at a hotel. Fernando just looks sick with worry. After Teresa hangs up, she has a flashback of happiness with Professor Hottie and says to herself, he's the one she loves, and that Fernando is just there for the money. She looks at her big fat diamond ring and cries, lamenting, "Oh, Arturo. Why were you so stupid?"

At the Professor Hottie apartment, both Lucia and Professor Hottie are sleeping on couches or chairs, covered with blankets. Lucia wakes up and realizes that they've got an appointment with the Germans, it's time to get up! She tries to shake Professor Hottie awake.

Teresa's on the phone with a frustrated and angry Fernando. She didn't show up at the hotel last night! She gives some smooth excuse about being with her parents, her mom is very traditional and upset about the whole divorce thing. She couldn't call either because she left her phone with her madrina, blah blah blah. Fernando says he wants to talk to Luisa to explain things, ALONE. Teresa wants to go with him, but no, ALONE.

Lucia is artfully pouring water on a hungover, sleepy Professor Hottie, to wake him up. He wakes up with a start, accidentally breaks the glass vase that she was using to pour water on him. She asks how he's doing. Well, BAD. He starts in with how sad he is that Teresa is divorcing him. She says that he should fight for her. But he sees no point in fighting for a love that doesn't exist. She only wanted his money. It's his turn to dissolve into tears as Lucia gives him a comforting hug.

Professor Hottie's sister is in an equally bad way. She's telling a sympathetic Aurora about how she regarded Teresa as a sister, never thinking she'd do this. There is no excuse for what either Teresa or Fernando has done.

Fernando's mom busts into the house, all enthusiastic about his suit for the wedding. He looks severe and serious and just blurts it all out in one sentence. "I'm not going to marry Luisa because I'm in love with Teresa."

The look on Oriana's face is really, just priceless.

More with poor Luisa and Aurora. Luisa wants to warn her brother. Aurora says that's not something you can say over the phone. Luisa talks about how Mariano warned her but she didn't believe him. Something in the way she tells this gets Aurora's antennae up. So Mariano was really visiting Luisa and not Teresa? This changes everything, you can see it in Aurora's face.

End of the first installment of this recap. 

As you would expect, a BIG SCENE between Fernando and mama over this shocking news. A BIG slap on the face is administered to Fernando. Then she commences with ripping him a new one. Everything she says is right-on. He's betraying his best friend, going off with a married woman, is he CRAZY? Fernando is defiant, says he's already told Luisa, that it's better this way since he doesn't love her. "Better for for whom? For Teresa? Certainly not for Arturo and especially not for Luisa!" She pretty much nails all the finer points. This is selfish and crazy and Teresa is only doing it for the money.

A crying Luisa is talking more about her misfortune. She's not a strong woman and this is just too much for her. Aurora tries to comfort her. Aurora says to herself that she was stupid (this in regards to doubting Mariano, I think).

More with Fernando and his mom. She thinks that if he hasn't yet told Professor Hottie, it's not too late to undo this. Go back, talk to Luisa, take it all back and things can go on as before, and they can get married. But Fernando doesn't want to do this because he doesn't love Luisa. She yells at him that what he feels for Teresa is not love, and better to be dead (? I think) then get hooked up with this social climber. Wow, that's intense!

Luisa is still crying. She lost the love of her life and her best friend at the same time! She then remembers, that they were all at Zacatecas together. She then wonders how she lost Fernando.

More with mom and Fernando. She keeps saying that Teresa is just a social climbing fortunehunter. She really loved Mariano and only married Professor Hottie for the money. Fernando has of course drunk all of Teresa's Kool Aid and doesn't believe any of this.

Lucia and Professor Hottie are chit-chatting over coffee. Professor Hottie has cleaned up and looks sane and sober again. Teresa walks in and has the nerve to act jealous at this scene. Professor Hottie doesn't miss a beat and says, "Do you believe that you're the only woman in the world?" He plays the situation to his advantage for once, praising all of Lucia's good qualities, as poor Lucia looks on uncomfortably at this way-too-personal domestic dispute unfolds in front of her.

Even more with Momma and Fernando. She says, by all means, sleep with Teresa but don't marry her! You don't love her! You'll never be happy with her, after knowing what you did to poor Arturo and Luisa! Fernando gets in a snit and walks off, saying that they're not able to talk about this any more. Momma looks very impactado and worn out from all the screeching. She breathes heavily and actually starts to clutch her chest.

End of second installment of this recap. 

More with the awkward scene between Teresa, Professor Hottie, and poor Lucia. Professor Hottie says that Teresa is just pretending to be jealous, when all along she never could feel any such thing. Lucia just wants to get out of there. Professor Hottie says no, it's okay, he has nothing left to say to Teresa. He escorts Lucia out as they both leave the apartment, leaving Teresa looking upset. When they're gone, she breaks out into tears and says that he's not going to go with that "tipa"!

In the hallway, Lucia and Professor Hottie talk a little more. He says that he shouldn't have said anything about her to Teresa. She says, but it's only the truth, you could get another good woman. He says, not in his case, he wants Teresa more than his life.

A nice little scene where Aeeeda actually tells Aurora about her encounter with Mariano, and how he didn't respond to her and how he still loves Aurora. Aurora is very encouraged by this. Aurora is a little surprised that Aeeeeda tells her all of this and seems accepting that she's lost Mariano. Maybe I'm maturing, Aeeeda laughs. They hug and Aeeeda wishes Aurora happiness, and during the hug you see the sadness on Aeeeda's face.

Oriana is prone on a couch as the servant lady hovers over her. Oriana looks a bit worn out. She tries to get up and stumbles a little. She calls and leaves a message with Luisa—"I know what stupidity my son wants to do, call me back, please."

Professor Hottie and Lucia are coming out of a pretty building, I am assuming their business meeting went well. He gets a message on his phone, it's from Oriana. He's not going to answer right back, I don't think he has the time (?) yet. He says that Oriana will be happy to hear that he's divorcing Teresa. He says that Oriana has been like a mother to him sometimes, but she doesn't understand how he feels about Teresa. Lucia takes his hand lovingly and says, "You're not able to stop thinking of her, are you?"

Aeeeda is looking bummed. Pop asks her what's gong on. Man trouble, she loves Mariano, lost him for good this time, blah blah blah. She's thinking of leaving Mexico and staying with her mom in Spain for a while. Pop says something ranty about Mariano, but she's actually reasonable and says it's not his fault. She actually sounds resolved and sane throughout the whole conversation.

Teresa's waiting at her parents' apartment and Professor Hottie comes in. He wants to talk. "About the divorce?" She asks. The law has made it much easier to divorce. But Professor Hottie has other things on his mind. He wants her back. He goes in for a deep kiss and she responds as their love song swells in the background.

More kissing. He wants her back, all he wants is her, blah blah blah. He tells her to reconsider, because today he's going to fix things. She looks moved and transfixed as he slowly withdraws and goes off to presumably fix things.

Aurora calls Professor Hottie and says that she's got something sensitive to tell him and it's better that she see him alone (not with Teresa).

Mariano chats with his dad. The subjects discussed include Professor Hottie arriving drunk at his apartment, what could he do but help. Aurora is a great girl, dad approves. Dad also approved of Aeeeda when Mariano was with her. But Mariano doesn't love Aeeeda, even though she's a great girl. What he feels for Aurora has no comparison.

Juana and Refigio sit over coffee and get caught up on everything that's going on, so people who have missed a few episodes can find out about what they missed. Refugio wants Teresa to give Professor Hottie another chance, not divorce him. Get him to Alcoholics Anonymous or something.

At the hospital, Esperanza goes to the chapel and prays to the Virgin Mary to get her son back. Hernan the Galán comes in and kneels by her side, supportively.

Teresa is talking with her parents about the divorce. She is not sure what to now—she seems a bit rattled by Professor Hottie's hot kisses, I think. Her mom says to listen to your heart, it's never mistaken.

Rubigote and Geno are talking about something. I guess about how Mariano and others are suspecting him of taking the baby? I need another infusion of Pepsi if I'm going to follow their conversation, I apologize. FF>>>

The final, big scene. Professor Hottie is ushered in to see a sleeping and crying Luisa, who is staying at Aurora's place. She tells him, brokenly, through tears, that she's not going to marry Fernando, that he called off the wedding. Professor Hottie erupts in outrage over this news. Then Luisa says, "that's not all." No, Fernando not only dumped her, but dumped of for someone else. Before she can spit out who "someone else" is, Professor Hottie is again ranting and raving in protective, brotherly rage. But finally she is able to get out that final tidbit. Fernando is leaving her because he says he's in love with Teresa! There is a look of disbelief on poor Professor Hottie's face and that is where we end the episode!


La Pola - September 15, 2011 - Discussion Page

Alejo and his band are captured on the road to Los Llanos. They are forced to march through the streets of Santa Fé to prison. Sámano is determined to capture the woman who is their leader. Iglesias convinces him that there was no woman with those who were captured.

María Ignacia pleads with Sámano to release Alejo. He brushes her off and tells her that she promised to deliver Policarpa. She gives him more information.

Sámano gets up close and personal as Alejo is being whipped mercilessly. He demands to know the whereabouts of Pola, the mestiza whom Alejo loves. He spits at Alejo, and Alejo spits back at him. The whipping continues.

Iglesias makes a deal with Sámano. If he captures La Pola, then Sámano will promote him to an officer’s rank. Iglesias pretends he wants to join the rebels and asks Candelaria how he can contact Pola. She doesn’t believe him. Finally, he stages a scene where he punches an officer who is making a pass at Candelaria. He momentarily gains her confidence. She says that she doesn’t know Pola’s whereabouts, but her brother probably does.

With that information, Iglesias tails Vivianito to the safe house and captures Pola. She passes Alejo’s cell in the jail. To set an example, Sámano has Vivianito whipped so that Pola can hear him crying out in pain. He is released later.

The trials begin. First Arcos is condemned. Then Pola is brought in, accused, tried and condemned to death. Pérez Delgado makes an argument that killing a woman could make trouble in the town. He is ignored and overruled.

As to Sámano, he will follow the law and kill them all twice – once by firing squad and once by hanging.


La Fuerza del Destino #30 Thu 09/15/11 La Fuerza de knowing who to ask.

Gerardo LIES to Ivan and says he had nothing to do with his mother's death or the disappearance of his son. He does admit to knowing how Alicia died, but says he didn't talk to Alicia much about anything but Ivan. Ivan says the graveyard caretaker has filled him in on the mystery man who was bringing flowers to his mother's grave. "From the description, it sounds like it could be you." Gerry says there's lots of guys who look like him, but it's not him. "Why do you suspect me, Ivan? Do you think I'm the kind of person who would get a woman pregnant and leave her to her fate?" Ivan accuses him of having left his own grandson to his fate.

Gordo visits his cousin out in the boonies. He says he's got a business proposition for her. "I need a kid, about 10 years old or so. Not for anything bad…on the contrary, it would be really good for him and his family." Gordo's an idiot.

Gerry says he only found out the truth about the "kidnapping" recently and there was nothing to do. Lucia told him. "How old is your son," Ivan asks. He's 10. "So, you met your second wife after your divorce? I'm thinking that if you got married after your divorce, your kid should be younger, no?" Gerry now says that Alex is his second wife's son by another man, who he adopted. "Please don't tell anyone. I wouldn't want him to find out and get hurt. He thinks I'm his real dad and he's happy thinking that." The waiter comes back and Gerry says he's lost his appetite and he needs to get back to the offices. He wants to finish up and turn the office over to Ivan tomorrow. I don't know if Ivan bought any of what Gerry was selling or not. He asks for the check and looks suspicious.

Celia yells at Camilo to quit poking around. Camilo says that Ivan has every right to know who got his mom pregnant…uh, the second time, that is. He notices that Celia is really upset and accuses her of being upset because she knows something. Celia says it's just time for Ivan to bury the past and Camilo should be helping him to do it. "No, if I were him, I'd also want to know who was the jerk who screwed up my mom's life." "What for?" "For whatever! And don't change the subject! What do you know that's gotten you so furious?" Celia says she's done with the conversation and she doesn't want to talk about it ever again in this house! Camilo asks her if she really thinks that the man who got her "comadre" (co-mother; as Ivan's godmother, she shares mothering duties with Alicia; also sometimes used to mean "BFF", since who else would you trust with the job of being your child's godparent?) pregnant and then left her to be killed getting a back-alley abortion really deserves for her to protect him? Celia repeats that she doesn't know anything and she wouldn't tell him if she did. "I made a promise." She sticks to her story, but Camilo doesn't believe her. He even asks if maybe it was Antolín. This really gets Celia riled up and she asks how he could dare say such a thing about his brother! Um, because it's Antolín, duh.

Lucrezia is actually convinced that Maripaz is behind the extortion plot. But even if it's a real extortion plot, she's willing to let Ivan take care of it. Carlota says Ivan doesn't really care if the whole world knows he had a kid with Maripaz…and besides, men can get away with everything! Maripaz shows up, hung over, swearing she cancelled her party, but Lucrezia can smell the alcohol on her. She gripes her out for making up this stupid plot. Maripaz swears she didn't. "Well if Ivan doesn't pay, don't expect any help from us!" She's not moved by Maripaz's whining that "everyone" will be talking about her…they're already talking about her for being a lazy drunk. She says that having Maripaz announce that it's a "love nest" isn't scoring her any points either. "I only did it to piss off Lucia!" Well, Lucrezia doesn't care. She wants Maripaz to move out of the apartment and back into the house like a decent woman! Damn you, Lucrezia…if you keep making the jokes for me, what the hell am I supposed to put in the recaps? Maripaz won't move back home since she's finally become (okay, swallow any liquids now) independent (see, I told you). Lucrezia's not buying that. She tells Maripaz she got the apartment with lies and threats, so if she's such a smarty-pants, she can take care of the extortion on her own too. Lucrezia won't give her a penny. Maripaz tries to threaten her grandmother, but that isn't going to fly! Carlota won't forgive her for "ruining" Lucia's life. "She ruined my life first, by getting between Ivan and I!" Well, we all know that's a lie. Carlota says if the truth about her having a baby 10 years ago comes out, then Maripaz can just deal with it. Maripaz says this is their fault for being stupid and giving Ivan part of the ranch. If they hadn't done that, she says, they could have sold it off and used the money to pay off the dumbass extortionists. Carlota says it was an act of justice and, between clenched teeth, wishes Maripaz luck. Maripaz says it's impossible that her own family has turned their backs on her! Well, no, dear, empirically it's not.

Saul meets Lucia on her way out of school and invites her out for a sandwich. Seriously? A sandwich? You've got no game, Saul. No game at all. Since she turns down his generous offer, he asks if it's because she's gotten back together with Ivan. Since that's not the case, he wants to whine to her about how badly Ivan and his daddy have treated him and all the other farmers. Lucia's not interested.

Ivan goes to visit Toni in the hospital and tell him about the blackmail. His logic is that if someone's calling to try to get money out of him and no one knows about the kid except Maripaz's family and Celia's family…and since he trusts Celia's family…. Toni asks what about Antolín. Ivan says he doesn't think Antolín knows, unless he recently got told by Celia or Camilo. Ivan says regardless, he can't let any stone remain unturned. Toni agrees he has the right to that. Ivan didn't really believe Gerry when he said he didn't know anything about Ivan's mom or his son. Toni changes the subject and lets Ivan know that David told him that Torres, the subdirector of Agricultural Affairs for the area, sent a letter about the "complaints" he's received and he wants to talk to Toni. Ivan is sure that JJ complained. Toni thinks JJ is going to cause trouble. He agrees to Ivan taking the meeting for him and then changes the subject and asks when he's getting out of the hospital. In a few days. Well, that's good news to Toni's ears. He won't settle for just one piece of good news, though, he'd love another…like that Ivan and Lucia are back together. Unfortunately, Ivan says she won't talk to him or return his e-mails. Toni says he's going to talk to her, but Ivan doesn't want him to. "Fine, I'll talk to Carlota, then, which is practically the same thing, but you can't forbid it!" Ivan can't argue with that one.

Ivan meets Camilo in the waiting room and tells him it will be a few days before Toni gets out. In the meantime he wants Camilo to finish furnishing the house, get his sister to coordinate with the maids the agency is sending over, get Benito to start landscaping…basically, get the house ready for Toni. Camilo tells Ivan that after careful interrogation of his mother, he's sure she knows something because she said she swore she wouldn't tell. He thinks maybe if Ivan does the asking, he can get Celia to spill the beans. Ivan asks if Antolín knew about the baby he had with Maripaz, but Camilo doesn't think so.

Antolín is hanging out at Carolina's house with her and Alex. Alex is happy because Gerry has promised that if he gets the prize for math, he'll take him to see the ocean. Alex asks if Antolín has a girlfriend and Antolín says he doesn't, but he returns the question. Alex says he does have a girlfriend, which is news to Carolina. "Her name is Elisabeta and she's the prettiest girl in the school." Antolín thought that Alex went to an all-boys school, but no, it's co-ed. "And what do you like better…your girlfriend or fútbol?" Well, fútbol, por supuesto! Antolín laughs that we'll see if he says the same thing in a few years. Carolina sends him off to go do his homework and brush his teeth. Antolín comments on Alex liking math and fútbol. Carolina just smiles and asks Antolín what's been going on with him lately while he looks at her suspiciously.

Gordo comments that Antolín wasn't about to get any info out of "the blind chick," and gets threatened never to call her that again. "Her name is Carolina!" Antolín says he has a likely candidate for Ivan's kid and he knows where the kid goes to school. He figures the school will have the info that was on the kid's birth certificate and once they figure out how to get their hands on it, they can probably draw a few conclusions from that. Gordo has his own plan, though…they'll just buy a kid off a woman who has too many. Antolín asks if Gordo has ever heard about DNA, duh! "Besides, around here, we do what I say…so are you with me or not?" Gordo says he was just trying to help and he and Antolín drive off in the pimpmobile.

Gerry and Carolina are talking to Lucia. She tells them that Ivan has sent her emails, but she hasn't talked to him. Gerry tells them that Ivan asked him point-blank what he knew and he lied. He doesn't know if Ivan believed him or not. Carolina says he can suspect all he wants, he doesn't have any proof. Um, you mean the "proof" you keep telling to brush his teeth? Gerry feels guilty, like a traitor, but Carolina says that betrayal would be giving Alex up. She thinks that if Lucia marries Ivan that will solve all their problems. Ivan could be around his son after all.

Lucia actually tells Carlota this and Carlota says that's not a valid reason for her to marry him! "But you married my grandpa while you were carrying another man's child!" Well, yes, but Teodoro knew that. She encourages Lucia to tell Ivan the truth and maybe he'll be understanding enough to let Gerry keep raising him while he sticks around as Tio Ivan. "But if you lie to him, he'll only end up hating you." I think Carlota's right. Lucia goes to check her email for the millionth time. Carlota says Lucia is old enough to make her own decisions, but she will tell her this…well, I didn't quite get all the words, but basically she says Lucia shouldn't pay for other people's mistakes. Lucia reads Ivan's email, "I would have liked to talk to you first so what I'm going to do won't take you by surprise, but understand me--I'll do whatever it takes to find out the truth. Regardless, my love for you is still the same." Lucia wonders what Ivan is going to do.

Benito meets the women the agency sent over--Soledad and Agustina. Camilo comes over with Carmen, who immediately starts laying down the law. Camilo pulls her aside and tells her she's just as much an employee as the rest of them and being a bitch is only going to get her fired. He doesn't buy her logic of having to show them who's boss. Carmen relents and goes back over to say they should all go inside and she can explain their duties to them…but she heads for the wrong entrance and Camilo has to point her in the right direction. Benito and Camilo exchange a look.

Camilo goes into the office area, where Gerry is directing the rest of the move-in process. Gerry and Camilo go to see if the truck is done being unloaded and while Gerry is reassuring Camilo that everything appears to be in order, but he'll come back around if any additional work is needed…Ivan walks up with the caretaker from the graveyard who confirms that, yep, the older man standing there is indeed the one. Ivan, I hereby dub thee the most intelligent galán since Alex on Sortilegio! Ivan comes up and Gerry keeps trying to hold up his lie, but the caretaker will NOT budge. He remembers talking to Gerry a few times, too, and he noticed Gerry stopped showing up after Ivan got there. Gerry tries to take off, saying the old man is confused. Ivan grabs him and accuses him of knocking his mom up and being responsible for her death. He tells Gerry to be a man and own up to it and quit swearing since they both know he's lying. Gerry pulls himself together…and walks off. Ivan tells Camilo to let Gerry go. He asks him to drive the caretaker back to the graveyard. The caretaker is confused about why Gerry would pretend not to know him. He remembers that Camilo's dad is buried in Lot 3. For the benefit of those of us who had any lingering doubts about the reliability of the caretaker's memory.

Lucia reads over Ivan's e-mail again, still wondering what it means. She takes a call from Maripaz, who has apparently already turned her posh apartment into a craphole by leaving clothes strewn all over and drinks on the table. I bet she doesn't even use coasters, the bitch! She wants to talk to Lucia, but not over the phone. Lucia is busy, but she caves and agrees to a meeting.

The landlady/superintendent person comes over to Maripaz's and Maripaz starts whining about needing a maid STAT! The super says none of the applicants have had references and she won't hire from an agency because it costs too much money. Maripaz says she doesn't care what it costs and she's accustomed to having people wait on her! If that's the way it is, says the super, she'll call an agency right away. Maripaz rudely dismisses her.

Ivan goes over to visit Celia. "I talked to Camilo about my mom yesterday. I already know who it was--Gerardo Lomeli. There's no reason to keep hiding it. One of the caretakers at the cemetery recognized him and we confronted him. Please, godmother, tell me everything!" Celia says his mom asked her not to tell him ever. "You didn't tell me. I found out. Please, I'm begging you, tell me how it happened. Why did he abandon her?" "He never knew. She didn't dare tell him she was pregnant." "Why?"

Gerry goes home and tells Carolina that Ivan knows about Alicia from the caretaker at the cemetery. Carolina didn't know he was leaving flowers at her grave. She says he's made a serious mistake and panics, thinking that just like he found out about his mother, Ivan will find out about Alex. She says he never should have told Lucia. "We have to leave here! To another town, anywhere!" She starts crying, saying they can't take Alex away from her, she couldn't handle it!

Ivan goes back to the hospital. He tells Toni what Celia told him. Toni believes what Celia said about Alicia not ever telling Gerry because she didn't want to screw things up for him. Ivan wonders what he's supposed to do now with his quest for justice. Toni says that's life. When his wife and son died, he wanted the other driver thrown in jail, but then they found out his son had had a few drinks and was the one who caused the accident. Ivan says he's really sorry, but this is different. "What if it's not true? What if she did tell him and he blew her off?" Toni says if when she was dying that's what she told his godmother, then it must be true. Besides, Gerry took flowers to her grave every week and only a man in love would do that. Ivan agrees, but now he doesn't know what they're there for. Toni says it's to get rid of Ivan's ghosts. They now know about his mother, so it's time to see what they can find out about his son. He advises Ivan to go talk to Gerry. "Do you think Lucia knew about my mother?" Toni tells him to ask her.

JJ goes to ask Lucrezia about her loan. She got 10 million pesos from the McGuires, which JJ says is a pittance and not nearly as much as they need. Lucrezia says the McGuires also sent Camilo to help run the ranch. JJ says he's just some loser friend of Ivan's, which Lucrezia agrees with. JJ wants her to give back the money. He says most of the farmers haven't accepted the handout. He's talked to the director of Agricultural affairs, who's a good friend of his (*snort*) and he intends to make the gringos pay double, and then they'll really be able to make the land productive. Where the hell does this guy get off? How about those gringos just leave and you keep struggling? He tells her they have to remain united and if she lets him run her ranch, he can do what her husband and her thieving overseers never could, it will be the ranch it was back in her father's day. Lucrezia seems willing, but technically the ranch belongs to her mother. JJ basically says "screw her, she's old," and asks if Lucrezia always has to ask her mother for permission to spend money on the ranch, to buy seeds and whatnot. Lucrezia tells him she has authority for that, and has for years. JJ says to just take out the money in case. He thinks there's no risk. Since they came to do business, if no one will cooperate and no one is growing any crops, they won't have anything to process at the plant. Lucrezia looks like she's considering it.

Ivan sits in the Ag director's office and says things aren't as JJ has said. He's brought David with him…this catches the director's attention and he seems impressed that David is JJ's son but he's working with Ivan. David has all the info on the size of the ranches, their crops, and the amount being offered to each rancher. David hands over a disk of info, which the director says he'll review and then set up a meeting with JJ. He goes to ask his assistant to draw up a receipt. David tells Ivan that his dad won't let up. Even if Torres, the director, sides with them, JJ will just play dirty. He'll pressure and threaten the ranchers and turn them against Ivan. Ivan says he can deal with it. "Did I tell you that Maripaz and I already signed the divorce papers?" "And? Did it hurt?" "No. I even feel relieved." "Good." "And you. Are you still with Lucia?" "No." "Why?" "I've got a lot of problems, David. Personal problems." "Well, if you need help, you know you can count on me." Torres comes back in with the receipt for them.

Carmen clashes with the decorator when she tries to direct the furniture delivery.

Lucia comes over to the Crap Shack. Maripaz tells her, first off, that she lied about Ivan giving her the apartment. It's old news to Lucia. Now Maripaz brings up the blackmail. "They want to destroy my reputation, Lucia!" She whines that Ivan said he'd pay, but now she's not sure he will. "So talk to Ivan about it." Maripaz whines that Ivan won't take her calls. "Even though I've been the crappiest sister EVER, you've gotta come through for me Lucia." Maripaz wants Lucia to ask Ivan to pay the blackmailers off. "My mom and my grandma both think this is all a plot of yours to get money." Maripaz swears to God and the Virgen that it's not true. She tells Lucia that it was Lucrezia's idea to ask Ivan to pay it off, since Lucrezia and Carlota refuse to help her. Lucia says she's done with Ivan and she isn't concerned about the "dishonor" to the family. Maripaz tries to use her twisted logic on Lucia. It amounts to "Everyone will think I'm a big 'ol ho for sleeping with Ivan and since you're my sister they'd think you slept with him too." Lucia has had enough and leaves. Maripaz calls Ivan and asks him if he's going to pay up or not. "If they tell me where he is, I'll give them more than they asked for." And if they don't know? Then he won't give them a penny. Maripaz asks if he doesn't care about dragging Lucia into this. "If that guy doesn't get his money, he's going to tell everyone we had a kid and I'm going to look like a slut. And so is my sister! My own sister, going after my baby daddy. Juicy story, isn't it?" Ivan hangs up on her.

Carmen and the decorator keep arguing about where the furniture should go. Camilo tells her to let the "architect" do his job. Ivan comes in and Camilo introduces el arquitecto Cisneros, who is in charge of the decorating. Oh. That answers that question. Cisneros says that Toni picked out all the furniture, except for the paintings and the carpets, but if they want to make changes, they can. Carmen says it all looks too serious. They all ignore her and Cisneros says he'll bring the bedroom furniture in the afternoon, then the "cristalería" (glassware) and the "vajilla" (dishes; dinner service) tomorrow. He brought catalogs for the bedding, but Ivan tells him to choose. Cisneros says the house would be ready for move-in day after tomorrow. Carmen whines that she can pick the bedding, but Ivan says Cisneros already knows his father's taste. Cisneros thanks him for the vote of confidence and Carmen poutily does the same and stomps off. Camilo asks to speak to Ivan alone and Cisneros goes outside. Camilo tells Ivan they have a meeting first thing tomorrow with the Ag Association's accountant. Even though Ivan knows that JJ had nothing to do with his mother's death, he still thinks he needs to go down for all the crimes he's committed. Camilo warns that JJ has already turned a lot of the ranchers against them. Ivan says what they need to do is take away the power JJ has over them, and they can do it by showing he's been dishonest. Camilo asks what about Gerry. Ivan says he talked to Celia and she told him everything. It seems that Gerry really didn't know about Alicia being pregnant. But Ivan is still pissed that Gerry was married and seeing his mom on the side. "And if he did it 'for love' then why didn't he divorce Lucrezia and give my mother her place?" Camilo supposes it was because she was a servant. "Exactly! Good enough to take to bed, but not good enough to be Mrs. Lomeli!" Ay, yi, yi…they both severely overestimate Gerry's backbone.

Ivan accosts Lucia after school. He demands she answer a question. Lucia says she's got one first and asks what he meant by his e-mail--what is it that he did? "I found out who got my mother pregnant. Did you know about what was going on between my mother and your father?" Dude, I'm ok with the question, but the grabbing her by the arms and shaking? That is behavior unbecoming a galán.

Tomorrow: Lucia goes running to Camilo; Camilo has a thing for Lucia.


Cuando Me Enamoro #105 Thursday 9/15/11 It’s BBQ night in the DF. Tonight’s entree: Berta Brochette

Ahoy all, I got home late from the theater so there are bound to be some comprehension errors. Please let me know if you have a different take on anything or if there are any glaring mistakes.

Last night we were impressed that Doc Tatarrific tells Jero he should go to the DF. She senses he has doubts and the only way to dispel doubts is to confront the situation. He says she is a unique woman, she’s marvelous.

Chema thanks Adri for meeting him, is it because she feels something for him? Don’t deny it, he says, there is something between them. She says she loves Matias and Chema had something going with her daddy’s wife, so it’s all a bit weird. “Didn’t my kiss provoke (induce) anything?” he asks. All he knows is that he likes her. So much so he provokes her with another kiss. She eventually pulls away saying she’s not sure about Matias or Chema, and so she hobbles away.

Over at EM, Hit-N-Run Spare Girl pays a visit to ias. She gushes that she’s happy Adri is doing better and she whips out a couple of cheap trinkets as a testimony of her relentless and omnipresent regret. She mentions, again, how thankful she is for his friendship. She’s gotta run and gives him a cheek peck, pausing mid beso just long enough to intrigue him. Sap.

Cool. Hons and Cons are drinking champagne and nuzzling. She’ s not wearing a pink suit, but rather a single-sleeved black number. It’s gonna be a special night; he suggests a second honeymoon and she tells him she’ll love him until the end of the world. The one he’s gonna rock tonight.

Adri arrives home to find Nata crashed out on the bed. She gently covers her friend.

Heh, Roberta’s lit up at La Mentira, griping to the bartender that her mom is revolting. (Es un ASSSCOOO. I had to do a double take, it sounded like A**Hole.) “All this time my life has been a huge lie. Give me another drink.” More slurring about Monster Mom and whiny demands for more booze. Her phone rings and she tells it she HATES her mom.

Malafina (who has been trying to call Berta) yells at the maid for not knowing Berta’s whereabouts. She mutters she doesn’t know what she’s going to do with Berta.
Grumpías arrives at Coni’s and Adri tells him Nata is in the bedroom sound asleep. He gives her the trinkets and she’s happy, thinking they are from him. He rudely tells her they are from Hit-N-Run, here is her telephone number, call her, good-night. Jerk.

Next morning Coni finds a cheerful note from Nata that she’s off to do some things, thanks for letting her stay, and she’ll see her later that day.

Nata and Gonzo have an affectionate and happy reunion. They have so many things to tell each other. He starts right in with the news that he is going to marry Regina. Nata frowns but sees he is happy, so she is happy too. He tells her now it’s her turn. She has a favor to ask him...

As much as Gonzo and Nata are happy, Fina and Berta are bitchy. Breakfast is on the table and Fina comments that Berta doesn’t seem to have an appetite. “I just lost it,” grumbles the hell-spawn. I don’t blame her, the food looks like white glop. They gripe at each other. Fina: You’re a thankless wretch. Berta: You only used me as a pretext for your own ambition. Fina: Fine, then take care of your own future, economical and emotional, because if you want nothing from me then that’s what you’ll get.

As much as Fina and Berta are cold and rude, Adri and Cons are pleasant and loving. Adri is thrilled that Cons and Hons are back together. Mopías strolls through long enough to kiss Cons and snub Adri. Yes little man, we see you are trying hard to make your point. Adri denies to Cons that something is wrong between them. Adri limped with her cane last night but this morning she is in very high spike heels. It’s a miracle!!

Hons meets with the bank manager Luciana to thank her personally for the bank’s support during his rough patch. She gets a call and has to step out for a moment. Hons peeks at her laptop and sees a folder titled “Jeronimo Linares” just as Luciana loudly exclaims “See you later Jeronimo.” Que??? He asks does Jeronimo Linares bank there? Claro, he’s one of their most important clients.

Berta’s in bed nursing her hangover when Daddy calls. He wants to see her right away. He’s sorry that she doesn’t feel well he wants to see her NOW! “For what?” she thought-bubbles as she rubs her aching temples.

Ezequiel, the servant that satisfies, strolls amongst the vines in deep thought. He recalls last night in split screen. On the left he’s about to get horizontal with the house-guest. On the right Augi is warning him against biting the hand that feeds him; he remembers what happened to Alvaro, doesn’t he? Ez hisses at himself for being an incredible dumba**, then whines a bit about Alfonsina, then wonders about Berta’s particular interest in the vine cuttings. She had asked him how could a vine cutting be so valuable, one that is worth gold? She heard Augi threaten someone because he replied “with your life if anything happens to it”. Ez wonders, could it be true what the señorita said, that the patrón has a valuable cutting? Because that would be very odd.

Ines and Isidro are having a tense breakfast. He says he’s glad they are alone so that they can talk calmly, but then he immediately jumps down Inez’s throat because he wants her answer about Guadalajara. How calm of him. She doesn’t have an answer yet and he gets all bent out of shape, saying her silence pains him. Dude, do you have a brain tumor or something? What happened to Mexico’s perfect couple of yesterday? Maybe he’s going through manopause.

I didn’t understand this next conversation and I probably got it wrong: Ezek approaches Augi with something on his mind. He’s been thinking they should reserve some cuttings in case they get hit by the plague. Augi tells Zeke that he knows better than anyone that the only cuttings worth a fortune are the ones from La Bonita. They are the only ones worth preserving. Ez says somehthing and Augi tells Zeke he has very tiny mind.

Carlos and Mati visit El Padre to ask him to marry them.

Laz joins Kari on the beautiful patio that overlooks the wine country. He starts to get a little romantic until she shuts him down by reminding him she is still in mourning. This guy is a saint. He says he understands tradition, however he can’t help dreaming of her. Chica, are you human? I would be so all over that bad boy’s bones right now. In fact I need to get a glass of ice water just to cool myself off a little.

Speaking of ice water, Sulkías who is all Mr. Happy Face because Renata is in his good graces again, hugs his “sis” and exclaims how happy he is to see her. Adri comes in and Nata rightfully forgets her bro in her gal pal excitement. Nata mentions she’s happy A&M are in love but then it’s weird trips incorporated as A&M glance at each other guiltily.

Over at Chez Garce (that’s French for B**ch House) Berta’s dressed and ready to go to the showdown. She’s still pithed at mamacita who says if Berta is going to papa for money she is very wrong. “No you’re the one who is wrong,” snips Berta, not knowing she’s about to be skewered by the rest of the family. Fina warns her not to reveal her diabolical secret or Berta will regret it the rest of her life.

At the Regina Center Coni gets a call from someone and she plans to meet them at a nearby restaurant. Chema joins her in the kitchen and apologizes for inconveniencing her. Well, maybe not her but her husband. He gets a bad headache which worries Cons, she says she feels he is like family, but he reminds her, yet again, he’s not a kid and leaves.

When Berta gets to EM she is rude to Beth. She goes into the conference room and faces the firing squad of Matias, Nata and Jero. Pop asks why did she lie about Jero being the baby daddy? “Because it was the truth”, insists Berta. Jero accuses her and says he knows that the baby daddy was...his brother Rafael!

Berta bares her bodacious chops at him and denies all, but Jero offers of the proof that shows what kind of woman she is. Nata pipes up that the record shows Berta did NOT lose the baby as a result of falling down the stairs. Berta says their having her record is illegal, but oh, right, Jero got it as a result of wallowing with La Doctora. Gonzo is very disappointed in Berta. “So you’re against me too Papa?” Gonzo says he is on the side of truth. Matias with his apish stance has been chomping at the bit, dying to spout off in anger and he does, saying Berta is a demon. No argument there. They all glare at each other.

Laz and Ezequiel talk about the plague and Ez says he doesn’t think he’ll be working at Cruz de Amor much longer. He messed up by gettin’ jiggy with Renata’s sister.

Alfonsina and Kari are shopping for a dress that will hopefully drive Ezequiel wild.

Back at the family BBQ Berta is just about medium-well. Nata says that both she and Jero believe that Fina was in on these lies from the beginning. Matias is gleefully enraged, “damn you both.” No, damn only mom, insists Berta. She says she’ll tell the truth, Fina is the one who concocted everything and made Berta comply with her plot. Fina is at fault for everything, blah blah blah boo hoo for me. Jero asks why didn’t Berta just refuse? She says she was between the sword and the wall. Matias calls bull**it on Berta and Nata agrees. Berta had a choice.

Ez swears he didn’t mean to boink the Berta but he couldn’t say no. Laz totally understands and Ez admits he now has an inkling of what happened with Alfonsina. Some discussion about Augi being engaged to Renata but also doing Berta, blah blah blah. Laz asks, does Nata know about what’s going on between Augi and Berta? Oh hell no.

Fina pulls out some documentation about Gonzo’s life insurance and sees that it pays out double in case of accidental death. She cackles as she happily recalls the other ‘accidental’ deaths that she caused, Roberto’s and Rafa’s. Hee hee hee, Gonzo is worth more to her dead than alive. She’s got to take advantage of the situation before he changes his beneficiary.

Aw jeez, Gonzo is still ripping on Berta and he’s in overdrive. Enough of the tribunal already. He screams at her on behalf of Matías and she tells him that his lawyer changed their marriage contract because Fina asked. Fina manipulated everything. Nata yells that Berta was responsible for her own deelio. Jero takes a turn too, then apologizes to Matías for the breach in their friendship. He also sincerely apologizes to Renata for his prior craziness. He excuses himself and leaves Berta at the mercy of the heavy breathing Monterrubios.

Jero runs into Hons at the elevator. They discuss the coincidence of their banking at the same establishment. Hons becomes suspicious.

Ez is in the vineyard instructing the workers to fumigate with the magic anti-plague concoction provided by La Bonita. Augi approaches and is not happy but Ez tells the workers to move out. He then tells Augi that Jero isn’t even around because he took the first plane to the capital. “To the capital?” asks Augi. “Yes, to the capital”, assures Ez. Let’s say capital just a couple more times. Augie juts out his lower jaw as he realizes that Nata is in the capital too.

Berta gripes to her family about the doctora’s lack of professional ethics but they stay on track with the fact that Berta and Fina are liars. Gonzo tells her to get out, it’s all over. She begs him not to abandon her. He says after what he did to Matías, Nata and him, she gave up everything for ambition, envy and hate. He leaves and she gets the Fina look on her face. Back to the dark side for you missy.

The kilt-clad Nata catches up with Jero in the garage to thank him for his part in revealing the truth. She says they have a lot to talk about and they have the usual “it’s too late for us, you’re engaged, you have another girlfriend” conversation. She tells him she hopes he finds in Marina that which he could never find in her. He wishes the same for her but Augi is not the guy; please look for another because Augi’s not the man she thinks he is.

Avances: Fina tells Berta that Regina is Renata’s real mother.

Grito de Dolores a todos!!!!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alborada, 9/15/2011. Cap. 76

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #29, Thursday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 76 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's two moving screenshots.


La Fuerza del Destino #29 Wed 09/14/11 Muchas lagrimas, a confession without benefit of clergy, and an extortion scheme that could easily be nipped in the bud

[Posted for Urban Anthropologist]

Please provide any missing details.  Gracias.


Short clips of about the entire second half of yesterday's episode.


Cafe:  Gerry and Lucia talk about Gerry's feelings for Alicia.

Gerry:   I swear I loved her and if she had told me she was pregnant I would not have left her unprotected.
Lucia:   No, Papa.
Gerry:   She was a marvelous woman.  [Something about not being able to talk to Luscreechia about his problems]  For that reason I kept quiet.  I did what I had to do.  I wanted to divorce your mother.  Forgive me, daughter.
Lucia:   No, Papa, don't ask my forgiveness.  I love my mother but she has her faults.  And everyone has the right to make his own life.

Gerry is crying by this time; both decline to order any food.

Lucia:   Did you think Ivan was going to ask stuff about his mother?
Gerry:   He did.
Lucia:   But wasn't he suspicious of your relationship with Alicia?
Gerry:   I don't know.  But he also asked about his son.
Lucia:   What?
Gerry:   Alex is Ivan's son.

Casa Curiel:  Luscreechia complains about Camilo's plans for the ranch, as if she knows more than he does.  [Give us a break.]  Carlota informs Luscreechia about MP moving out and that she lied about Ivan again.

Luscreechia:   If she's reconciled with him, that's OK with me.
Carlota:   But he loves Lucia, not Maripaz.
Luscreechia:   Men change their minds like clothes.  And they have a child and a child is a tie difficult to destroy.
Carlota:   A child who has disappeared.  Do you know something?
Luscreechia:   The same as you.

Cafe:  Gerry explains to Lucia how and why he stole the baby and we see the flashback.    Both are crying.
Lucia:   And so it was you who took him?
Gerry:   After what happened to Alicia, I couldn't let your sister give the baby up for adoption or have it end up in a casa de cura.  [orphanage?]  This was my grandchild.   
Lucia:   Yes, Papa, but ...
Gerry:   When your mother ordered the baby left in the servants' quarters I entered the house while Carlota was in the kitchen and got the baby out as quickly as possible.  I went to Mexico City where I had met a wonderful woman named Beatriz.  I explained my plan and she agreed.    She received him with much affection.
Lucia:   How did you register him?
Gerry:   We left Mexico and told a doctor that an illiterate midwife delivered the baby in a town where no one knew us.  He gave the baby a clean bill of health.  A year later he was registered as our child.
Lucia:   I think you did well, Papa.  Alex could have fallen into strangers' hands.  But what do we do about Ivan?
Gerry:   I never thought he'd come back.
Lucia:   But he has and he's obsessed with finding out what happened to his son.
Gerry:   I don't know, mi amor.  You need to tell him.
Lucia:   No, Papa, don't make me do this.  Don't give me that responsibility.
Gerry:   I've always been a weak man, indecisive.  The best thing I ever did in my life was to take my grandchild.  I gave him a life, a family.  He thinks I'm his father and he loves me.  How are we going to tell him “Know what, Alex?  I'm not your father.  Your father is this gentleman.  You have to leave with him.”  Imagine the child's trauma...
Lucia:   Yes, I can imagine, but I'm also thinking of Ivan.  His anguish, his desperation to know about his son...
Gerry:   I understand him.  But Alex.  Don't think...Do you know what you're going to say?
Lucia:   Papa, this is a decision you have to make.

Except we know that Lucia – or Carlota – will ultimately do that.  

Commercial Break which opens with promos for Una Familia con Suerte, El Grito de Mexico, and Mira Quien Baila.

Merry Piece's den of future iniquity:  Silvia Molina, who manages the building, talks to MP about engaging a servant.  Merry Piece apparently never learned how to cook.  After she leaves Merry Piece turns on the TV, settles on the couch, and calls Antolin to get him to set up a party for her.  She continues to lie that the apartment was a gift from Ivan.  Afterward David calls her about signing the divorce papers.

Casa Meandragon:  David visits Esther and tells her how happy he is with his new job.  She talks about how she misses him and he tells her how his opinions are valued at his job and how he will be seeing a new shrink for his problem.  Esther is convinced that all he needs is a good woman and he tells her he doesn't understand how he could have thought he was in love with Merry Piece.  Esther never approved of that match because MP is bad news.  

Bar, outdoor tables at night:  JJ is attempting to incite the other ranchers against the McGuires, accusing them of abuse of authority or something.  This is really about how they didn't give him more money than he really needed in the first place.  Those guys are a bunch of idiots to follow him.

Hospital:  Tony and Ivan talk about Gerry, with a segue to Merry Piece.

Tony:  What do you think?
Ivan:   I don't know.  It's obvious that he lied about this pretext of his sister-in-law before meeting with Lucia.  I don't know why and I don't understand.
Tony:   Better Lucia should talk to him about the lie Maripaz told about you buying the apartment so that...
Ivan:   But it was he who called Lucia.
Tony:   Surely you shouldn't have doubts?  She's his daughter, no?  Don't start fantasizing.  
Ivan:   This attitude isn't logical.  Perhaps by talking we can agree on something.  
Tony:   Something like what?
Ivan:   Camilo suspects that Alex is my son.
Tony:   Who is Alex?  Gerardo's son?
Ivan:   Exactly.
Tony (incredulous):   Por favor!
Ivan:   Why not?  He could be.  The boy is exactly the age my son would be.  The person who took him knew he was in the servants' quarters and could have sneaked into the house.  It could have been a servant or it could have been him.  Lucia could have worked with him or known about it.  They could be talking about what he should say when I question him.  Why else would he be so nervous?
Tony:   Well, we'll see tomorrow.
Ivan:   Someone called Maripaz demanding four million pesos to keep quiet about her having had a son

Tony raises his eyebrows as Antolin and his accomplice talk about it elsewhere and head for a pay phone to call MP, who tells him to call Ivan because she has no money.  She gives him Ivan's number.  When Fat Dude tells Antolin he needs to call Ivan McGuire Antolin hesitates.  Obviously Fat Dude doesn't know that Antolin and Ivan have history.  Antolin would be an idiot to tell him.

School: Lucia thinks about her conversation with Gerry as she meets David.  She's incredulous at realizing she initially suspected her mother, then her grandmother and now knows that her father took the baby.  David arrives and Lucia explains she will introduce him to her [male] colleague, then split the scene.  He's eager for this meeting and they head off.

Casa Lomieli:  Carolina gets hysterical at the prospect of losing Alex.

Carolina:    But why?  Why?
Gerry:  Because I thought she could help.  Lucia loves Alex.  She's a child psychologist.  She will know what to tell Ivan.
Carolina:    We're going to lose Alex.
Gerry:  No, that won't happen.  She told me.  She wants me to tell Ivan.
Carolina:    We haven't much time.  What is she going to do?  Lucia is...  You made a mistake!
Gerry:  Understand me.  I've been dragging my feet since Ivan got back.
Carolina:    We have to think of Alex.  After all the lies how are we going to tell him his father is a stranger to him?  What about Alicia?  There's no need!  We're going to lose him!
Gerry:  No, that won't happen.  

Carolina continues crying as Gerry holds her.

Casa Curiel:  Lucia tells Carlota about her conversation with Gerry.

Carlota:   He told you that?  I can't believe it.
Lucia:   He took Alex and that was a good thing.  At least the boy grew up with his grandfather.  But since Ivan came back we have to tell him.  How do we tell him that?   And about his mother?  Can you imagine the hurt that this will cause him?  He will never forgive us, grandma.
Carlota:   To begin with, you're right.  I'm very sorry, mi amor.  For him and for you.  Ivan called me on the phone.  He wants to talk to you about Maripaz.  In reality the apartment was rented by his father so your sister will shut about about your mother and me.
Lucia:   Maripaz isn't important.  Why did my father tell me?  I can't say this, ever.
Carlota:   Cry, mi amor.  Cry all you want.  Afterward you will be strong and try to forget this.

Lucia continues to cry, but I can't believe that Carlota wants to bury this.  She must mean something else.

Commercial Break which opens with promos for tomorrow's Mujeres Asesinas, which will start 10 minutes early (but my listing doesn't reflect that yet).  It's the ugly plastic surgeon.

Pool Hall:  Antolin and Fat Dude talk about next steps.  They call Ivan from the same pay phone outside so the call can't be traced.

Casa Curiel:  Ivan arrives when his cell rings and Fat Dude demands the money.  Ivan tells him he will pay $5 million (US) if he will first tell him where the hell his son is.  Fat Dude is so incredulous he hangs up and tells Antolin, who is frustrated by the fact that they don't actually know anything.

BTW, currently $5 million US is 16x what they were demanding.

Lucia doesn't want to face Ivan, but Carlota tells her she has to.  He's not even coming over for the same reason and this is the least she owes him for what he's done for them.

Unfortunately, Luscreechia shows up as Cleto comes in to look for Lucia.  She tells him to have Ivan come in.  He tells Ivan that Luscreechia asked him in and that Carlota went up to Lucia's room to talk to her.  Ivan follows him in and stands in front of the portrait of his grandfather.

Luscreechia argues with Lucia, who doesn't want to see Ivan.  Luscreechia leaves Lucia's room and goes downstairs.  She doesn't realize that Lucia has followed and is eavesdropping from behind a column.

Luscreechia:  Forgive me for keeping you waiting but would you believe Lucia has a serious headache.
Ivan:  She has a headache or she doesn't want to talk to me about her sister?
Luscreechia:  Oh, I know the heart can't be commanded and if you've reconciled...
Ivan:   No, I have not reconciled with Maripaz, Señora.  And it was my father who paid for it so she won't say what she knows about your mother or you.  You know your older daughter always lies.
Luscreechia:  So therefore you will neither pay the money demanded for the child?
Ivan:    There are two possibilities here.  Either Maripaz is capable of anything to get her hands on money so she made a deal with somebody about threatening the child or you all actually knows where my son is and are trying to extort me.
Luscreechia:  Of course not!  How could you think such a thing? 

(Lucia retreats.)

Ivan:   I know you will do what you have to to gain an advantage.  If you know where my son is, I will tell you what I told the asshole who called me.  I am prepared to pay $5 million dollars to get my son back. $5 million dollars, Señora. Think about that.

He exits, leaving Luscreechia muy impactada.

Lucia goes to Carlota's room to tell her that Ivan got the phone call.

Casa Curiel/MP's place:  Luscreechia calls her to chew her out about the extortion attempt and that he thinks they know where the child is.  She tells her that Ivan is willing to pay $5 million.  Carlota and Lucia enter the room behind Luscreechia, so Lucia didn't really miss anything important before.
Luscreechia demands that Maripaz come over immediately to clear this up.  She doesn't believe that Maripaz doesn't know anything and didn't instigate this.  Maybe she's getting smarter about her brat.

Carlota:   Now what other disgrace is this?
Luscreechia:   No disgrace.
Lucia:   Were you talking to Maripaz?  Could she have been threatening Ivan over his son?
Luscreechia:   I don't know.  I don't understand.  And who knows at what moment this engendro will appear.  This isn't the example I wanted to set for my daughters.
Carlota:   Excuse me for saying this, but it was.  You wanted to kill Ivan and then his son.  Maripaz is modeling your behavior, doing what benefits her.
Luscreechia:   I never did it for money.  Never did I take it that far.
Carlota:   Aha, but then she continued your bad example, daughter.

Pool Hall:  Fat Dude is ecstatic at the prospect of $5 million, but Antolin reminds him they know nothing.  Fat Dude suggests that they just find a boy the same age and pay some money and pass him off as Ivan's son.  Antolin looks doubtful, then mentions that Ivan would demand a DNA test.  Fat Dude  asks what that is.  Really, Antolin, you need smarter accomplices.

MP calls Antolin to cancel the party because she's sad (yeah, right).  He agrees to see her, pays the bill, and leaves.

Casa McGuire:  The shirtless Ivan e-mails Lucia that they need to meet.  He repeats the truth about Maripaz.  He promises to respect her decision if she decides in the end not to pursue their relationship.  Lucia looks like she's trying to decide what to do.

MP's place:  She's wasted, still drinking, and whining to Antolin about how her mother accused her of trying to get the $4million pesos and how nobody loves her.  “My whole family hates me and I have nothing in this life.”  [Yeah, right.  I'd kill for that apartment]  He tries to get her to tell him where the boy is but she doesn't know.  He then suggests they think about who might be extorting the money.  Oh, this dude is slick.  Possibly it's the same person who took the baby.  Merry Piece tells him the only people who even knew she had a baby were her family and they don't love her.  He asks if her father knew about the extortion, but she says she didn't tell him.  He asks about Gerry's marriage, when did it happen, etc., finally saying that he could have impregnated his second wife before the divorce.  MP rants about how all men are unfaithful garbage.  They're all the same, etc.  She shuts him down at that point and he looks slightly confused, but not confounded.

Commercial Break

Casa Curiel:  Morning.  David calls Lucia to thank her for the referral to his new shrink.  He's optimistic.

School:  Lucia talks to a little boy whose parents are divorced and whose mother married another man.  He misses his real father who lives en la capital.  [Do people really talk like that?]  Nothing appears to be dangerous in his current life, the stepfather appears to love the child, and Lucia tries to convince him he now has two fathers.  Lucia remembers Alex's last birthday party.

Casa McGuire, breakfast time:  Camilo comes to see Ivan who still can't get through to Lucia.  She didn't answer his e-mail.  All because of a lie told by Maripaz.  Camilo reminds him that he broke up with her first over the revelation about Don Teodoro's will.  Camilo then changes the subject to the ranch.  Luscreechia treated her workers badly and working there isn't easy.  Ivan reminds him that the ranch belongs to Carlota and his dad is in her good graces, so this can be fixed.  Onward.

Registro Civil:  Merry Piece and David sign the divorce papers.  She wears dark glasses through the signing, as though she were some movie star.  She asks the lawyer how long it will be before either can marry again.  She's disappointed to hear that it will be a year.  David asks why she's in a hurry, whether she has another guy.  We know what's on her delusional mind.  In your dreams, cualquiera.

Agricultural Office:  Receptionist tells JJ and Saul to have a seat when they come to see the Director.  JJ grouses that he deserves more respect than to be kept waiting.  JJ, stop singing that song; we're all tired of it.

Commercial Break that opens with a promo for a teen preg episode of La Rosa de Guadalupe.  We could snark that series to levels MST3K writers only dreamed of (provided we could make it through an episode).

Registro Civil:  Merry Piece actually has the nerve to ask David for alimony.  She claims to have moved to a tiny apartment because she can't take living with her family.  Something was blipped out, but I think it was that the terms of the divorce don't grant her any.  He tells her he can't give her much because he has his own bills.  I didn't get what she said about his father.  However, it ends with her smugly telling him to text her when he's set up the account.  He shakes his head as he watches her exit the office.

Agricultural Office:  JJ and Saul enter the director's office.  They try to make trouble for Tony and Ivan by saying they're reneging on their promise.  The money they're offering is a joke.  The director disputes this, that the money is fair and more generous than past offers.  Saul goes on about insults and cheating; JJ tries to stop him twice.  The director isn't buying it but says he will talk to the McGuires.  JJ chews Saul out as they exit.

Cafe:  Ivan and Gerry talk about Alex.  Ivan approaches this very effectively.

Ivan:  And how is Alex?
Gerry:  Very happy.  Now that it's vacation time we're all going to the beach.
Ivan: Good.  When I was a child I loved the beach.  I was always happy there.

The waiter brings their drinks and they toast.

Gerry:  Good tequila.
Ivan:  I almost don't drink, but ['didn't get this]
Gerry:  Me, too.
Ivan:  I always had good memories of you.  You were always likeable, gentle.  I remember when you'd pick me up from schoolv
Gerry:  You were always a great student and a good kid.
Ivan:  Despite what happened with Maripaz?
Gerry:  You two were very young and one regrets how things happen.
Ivan: I'm going to be direct.  I want you to tell me – man to man – what you had to do with the disappearance of my son and my mother's death.

Gerry es impactado.

So far I don't like the new closing song.

Avances:   Carlota advises Lucia that if she loves Ivan she should tell him the truth.  There will be multiple confrontations. 


Engendro:   fetus, malformed child


Cuando Me Enamoro #104 Wednesday 9/14/11 Baby truths be told, AH gets one chip off his shoulder... sisters (or half sisters) in disbelief... + one long overdue reconciliation

Recap by Marta Ivett

Tantrum girl MR calls her mom mad from airport.. After whining some, she hangs up.
F: You will have to come back to the lane, kid (meaning line back up with my plans), whether you wan to or not.
Roberta insults the airline woman at the counter because she wants an aisle seat, not a middle seat… But she has no choice, plane is full and she won’t wait until the next day.

At MR office, Matt and Gonzo agree that they can return the last loan money to the bank (if only they knew its Jero behind that). They will let Hono handle that so he can thank the bank manager personally for the vote of confidence… Matt asks where he is, Gonzo says Hono is ‘fixing his life’, as we all should be. Gonzo asks Matt about Adriana, he is not sure, will let time say if he can fix things with her.
Fina has arrived at the office, Gonzo tells Beth to let her in. They wonder what she is doing there. Matt says it is time you tell all in the office that Fina is no longer your wife.

Gonzo receives Fina but is acting very rude and distant with her.
Meanwhile at reception, Gina also arrives at the office.

At Ensenada, Jero, folder in hand, finds Renata in the fields.
J: I told you I would prove to you what I said… here is the medical record of Berta’s. It shows that the baby was not mine, but my brother Rafa’s… The baby was 5 mos along and you and I met the day I arrived in Mex, so it is impossible I would have conceived it while still in Spain.
R: How did you get this…. Ah! right… your girlfriend gave it to you.
J: She was Bertas attending OB. Marina cared for her when she fell from the stairs and also when she lost her baby, which was two days before the wedding.
R: What are you talking about?
J: That Roberta knew well that she had lost her baby before the day she got married.
R: No…
J: Of course, Berta deceived you, deceived me, lied to us, she lied to everyone! That is why I came to see her, but Agustin told me she left for mex.
(renata confirms that)
R: I can’t understand why Berta lied…
J: Berta is evil, and she can’t stand to see you happy. Unfortunately she destroyed our relationship, which had a chance.
R: We also allowed it, Jero. She would not have been able to hurt us if we had been together, and had trusted each other.
J: Maybe. But she did not do it alone. I am sure behind her is your mother. Your mother was your sister’s accomplice. Your mother knew well about the relationship between Berta and my brother. And that he was the father of the baby. I am sure that your mother tangled/pushed Matt to marry Berta. And I assure you that she knew that Berta had lost her baby before the wedding.
R: No…
J: OF course.
R: You are speaking of people that I don’t know. As if I never had seen them, as if I don’t relate what you are saying with them.
J: Because you are not like them! That is why I understand your pain. What I don’t get is how could a woman like that have given you life.
R: Me too.
J: I am so sorry that because of your mom and Berta, our love ended the way it did.
R: Me too. You have no idea how much. Well, and what do you want to do with all this?
J: You tell me. All I wanted was for you to know the truth. Take your time to think about it and you let me know. (he tries to leave but she calls him back)
R: Jero, would you come with me to Mex to speak to them and show them this?
J: Why [do you want us to] do it together?
R: Because we want the truth.

Padre brings an ice cream popsicle to Marina… a new doctor will arrive soon but he would like her to stay, everyone in town likes her. She feels good here… padre knows it is not just for the town people. He asks her if she gave Jero the papers… he imagined everything except for her to find such a complicated love here. She says that’s right, but I prefer a thousand times to have fallen in love than than to never have known such a full deep sensation of true love. Padre would not like to see her suffer if her gamble did not pay off. She is aware that in love you sometimes win and you sometimes lose but she prefers to suffer for love than not to suffer, because that is living.

Fina and Gonzo argue, he won’t leave her on the street. Fina yells what about my house? Gonzo says the house is under lien for the loan but as soon as that is released the house is hers. Fina insists Gina is his lover, but he yells back defending Gina. Beth calls Gonzo and Fina can hear that Gina is here waiting for him. He tells Beth to send Gina to the conference room to wait for him.

At ensenada, Augie is looking for Nata in the house. But does not find her, finds her suitcase made up instead and walks out mad. Finds her in living room.
HE acts very possessive with her… but puts up the excuse he was avoiding her pain. She has the papers and won’t tell them what they are, she has to spend some time alone, digest all the information, and return to Mex. She asks him to let her go alone. He asks if it has to do with what Jero said. She says partly, but she has to think and needs space, so she asks him again to let her go alone.
Renata has to assure him its not about Jero.. its about herself, she needs space and time to rearrange her thoughts and feelings. She insists she needs time and space. He says this weekend he will go to see her parents… he is willing to understand her ‘processes’ and give her space, but he needs her to give him his ‘place’. She says ok.
He lets her go finish packing, but thinks ‘things will be as you say until you sign our marriage. After that things will change very much, future Mrs Dunant!

Matt tells Beth to tell everyone that Fina is no longer Gonzo’s wife, and tries to convince a very awkward feeling Gina to stay and wait for Gonzo…

Fina and Gonzo are still arguing in his office, she argues that Gina is allowed to come at will, but she is banned from coming. Gonzo says she only comes to yell and create scandal.
F: If you had given me free access, and not had Beth have to announce me like a stranger, I would not have to create scandal! … I know that cursed woman stole my husband and his love!
G: Regina did not steal anything from you. You killed our relationship yourself. So what you came to find out is clear to you now, right? SO please excuse me, I have things to do.
Fina is not willing to walk out risking running into Gina… She says to herself ‘enjoy your relationship because soon there will be nothing’. She sees someone and confuses her with Gina talking to Beth, and walks out unnoticed.

Gonzo does not find Gina. Matt cheers him saying he is happy to see him with Gina.
Gonzo asks Matt not to make the same mistake he made. Don’t confuse love with loneliness… Matt assures him if he marries again it will be for love. He feels tied to Berta but only on paper… ‘a mala hora’ (wrong timing) we got stuck with mom and daughter.

Alone in her room at Cruz de Amor, Nata is torturing herself with her thoughts…
What other lies are in my mom and sister’s lives? What am I going to do with this?? Why did you (talking to God?) let my mom and sister commit all these attrocities? Why do they want to hurt me? Why do they want to destroy me?? Why??
Split screen with Jero at hacienda very anxious, upset.
J: They destroyed our relationship, Nata. I swear that my love for you is still intact. How I wish I could turn back time and let my intuition lead me. That twisted ‘reasoning’ that controls the… (he remembers their kiss outside the restaurant)… Now I understand why they say that the heart is never wrong. Even if your heart is no longer mine, I swear mine will always be yours. Even if you have left my life, Nata. I swear it. I miss your kisses so much. I miss all of you… I think that’s how it will be forever… (you brought that on yourself, buddy!)

Augie is escorting Nata at airport, he keeps with the possessive attitude, she is uncomfortable. He switches to plan B and tells her he loves her and kisses her. She thanks him for his ‘carino’ but he says its love.

R finally gets home. Fina arrives behind her, mad.
Tells Berta she went to see Gonzo, that the properties are held because they are under lien with the bank…
R: Then we will end up on the street?
F: No, I have an alternate plan that I have wanted to tell you about but you were gone.
R: What is your new Magnificent plan?
F: Sit down… to know this plan, you will need to hear a truth that I have kept for 24 yrs.
R: what truth?
F: Berta… you are my only daughter.
R: What do you mean I am your only daughter?
F: Yes, Nata is not my daughter.
R: What are you talking about, mom? Did you go crazy or what??
F: NO, dear. It is the truth!
R: How can that be? It can’t be true.
F: You have always sensed/felt it, dear. And Nata herself has questioned herself about it many times! And that is the truth, Nata is not my daughter.
R: Then Nata is not my sister?
F: NO, she is… she is because… nata is your half sister.
R: No, explain it to me because I don’t get it
F: Alright, but before I tell you the truth, you have to swear to me you will not judge me.
R: I can’t promise anything, because I have not heard it. IT sounds to me like your worst crazy act!
F: No, its not crazy. I did it all to protect you. To give you all you were due!
…. When your dad came back from that trip, he was already married another woman. And I was already pregnant with you.. but she also was. We gave birth on the same day at the same hospital. Things got worse from that point on. Your dad wanted us literally to dissappear from his life (we see the Roberto/Pepa argument back then, where he proposes her to leave Mex) Your dad promised that you would never need anything, he even promised to include you in his will… but that was not true either.
R: So my real dad did not love me either?
F: Neither he wanted me. That is why when Nata and You turned one year, I showed up at their house and I made sure his wife knew who we were (she recalls when she confronted Roberto and Gina found out Berta was his too) That woman never forgave him for deceiving her. I thought that after that Roberto would come back to us.
R: Roberto? Was that my dad’s name?
F: Yes. I named you after him. So he would never forget he had a daughter he should love.

R: Then what happened?
F: Rob went to see us at the hotel. We argued, he told me he did not care about us, he told me ‘for me you are dead’…
At that moment he had a heart attack. And he fell by the window of a store… and died.
He too had a cardiac problem like you and your sister.
R: Renata too has a heart condition too?
F: Yes. At that moment I thought only she had the condition, and I planned to say that you were ill, not her! But you see, you have the condition too.
R: Mom, how did you get Renata? How did you get my dad’s wife to give her to you?
F: She did not give her to me. I stole her.
(ROB is in shock, about to have a heart attack right there)

Mati with wedding gown trying, with Kari, Manuela and the other girl. She is very happy, she thought she would never marry Carlos. Mati still a bit sour that her ‘in laws’ don’t like her. Manuela says once they get to know you they will realize you are the right woman for their son. Mati tells Kari to stop kidding around and accept Lazaro.

Carlos and Jero… Carlos talking about the wedding, Jero is distracted. Carlos asks jero if they can do the wedding party at La Bonita. Jero offers to pay for the honeymoon.
C: What happened?
J: I just talked to Renata. I gave her the evidence of all the lies of her sister and her mother which destroyed our relationship.
C: How did she take it?
J: Very painfully, very sad. I felt so compelled to embrace her… to console her. It is not fair what they did to us!... Even less to take it from someone who shares your blood.
C: Yes, it must be really painful.
J: Know what she asked me? For me to go with her to confront all this together.
C: And are you going?

Renata is at airport reading the documents… Berta suffered a placenta detachment abortion at 5 months pregnant, and did not have surgery until 24 hrs later
R: I read it and read it again. I can’t believe it. Why, Roberta? Why are you like this? Why do you lie? What makes you act this way? Why?

R: How could you mom? That is a monstrosity! How could you do something like that??
F: Please understand me, dear. I was desperate. When I realized Roberto was lying to me, I had to do something to assure your future, dear. So we would not end up on the street.
R: That is why you stole my sister??
F: YES!! Because your dad’s will stated that she would inherit all of his assets when she turned 25! And you were not going to get anything! And it was not FAIR!!! Both Renata and you have the same rights! You both are his daughters!!
R: But what did you win with all that??
F: For you and I to end up with all the money from the grant!
R: Ay mom, you are driving me crazy! How do you intend for us to keep all that money if it is in her name??
F: You can take her place, dear. Your dad’s wife doesn’t know which one of you is his daughter and both of you have the heart condition (soplo) like your dad! It is a perfect plan, dear!!
R: No, mom! You are crazy! I will never do it! Now I understand why you always wanted to control my life! But it is over! This time don’t count on me!
F: No, no! Dear, wait! I still have not told you who is Renata’s mom.
R: I am not interested in knowing! Really, you are crazy, you are a monster! How could you deceive me so many years??
F: It was for your own good, dear!
R: You have never cared about me!! Never!!
F: You will give in, Roberta. I know you will.

Isidro comes in running… He came to tell her news… Lic Ortiz will come in as associate in their law office. Ines knows that means they will have to move away. She is worried about the charity they just started… Suddenly they hear mariachi music…
A serenata came in… for Connie!! Ines and Isidro come fetch Connie at kitchen happily announcing Hono brought a mariachi…
They all run out…
He appologizes saying nothing will make her forgive him. The only way is to show her how much he loves her, but for that he needs her to accept him again. I love you, Connie, but I am human and filled myself with doubts! I am dumb for fearing losing you. Because it hurt to think that someone else would give you something I was not giving you. I was blind, I doubted your feelings for me after so many years of marriage. Please forgive me… Return to me. Be my girl, my accomplice… SMOOCH!!
He teases her into giving him more kisses ‘to convince him’… ok, hold this (flowers)

Alfonsina comes to La Bonita with a gift for Kari… Kari is finally ready to put the past behind… bury it along with Alvaro. At least she wants to try and not live angry or staying away from anyone. Alfo says I wish Ezeq was thinking like you… but maybe he is beginning to. This morning he was a bit more charming .. Kari wishes they would get back together.

Gonzo visits Regina at her house.
They get cheesy, smoochy… love is strong, don’t want to say goodbye… She went to the bank and the amount the note is asking for does match the value of the grant.
He reassures her, he won’t allow anyone to hurt her anymore. She thinks the only way to stop the hurt is to agree to the request. Are you sure? Yes… To Pepa my daughter has a price, but not for me.

Renata arrives at Connie’s…
She sits down, says to herself ‘ I feel so alone’.

Jero and Marina are eating together… He tells her about Nata and her reaction. Every day he is even more surprised of Fina’s perverse actions… Seems she takes it on Nata because she reminds her of the man who abandoned them. She asked me to go with her to Mex to confront everyone together.
Mar: Clearing everything opens an opportunity for you two, Jero. So I think you should go. To open or close for good that circle in your life.

Agustin mad waltzing around at his farm, saying if she deceived him she will pay…
Jero at Mex, he and Gonzo and Nata confront Berta at the office. Did someone say ‘CHARGE!!!’??


La Pola - September 14, 2011 - Discussion Page

Readers: I have not yet seen this chapter since it was on so late in my time zone last night. I will review it when I return around noon. Please feel free to post your comments in the meantime and have, as NovelaMaven says, a place to wring your hands.


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