Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Abismo de pasión #94 7/24/12: Little Elisa Says "¡Adios, Damian!"

*And it will probably stick for quite a few capitulos

“Hola amigas, Hola amigos.  Estoy aqui en Camp Abismo…” The old, but familiar tune fades off. 

 “It’s Elna June here, checking in from rustic Camp Abismo in California’s Sonoma County…”

Well, here at Camp Abismo things are in full summer swing and we are overflowing with houseguest campers. We love our campers but they do cut into telenovela time, don’t they?

In reviewing our Tuesday plans for Cement Cenote summer fun I discovered that I was the only person signed up for tonight’s 9 PM ‘Abismo de Pasion’ Intermediate Spanish Class. I was shocked. Shocked , I tell you. I went ‘round to the campers. I recruited. I cajoled. I arm-twisted. I discovered that most campers had signed up for the “Sampling Russian River Pinot Noir (Since We are Not Driving)” course, a very popular offering here at Camp Abismo. 

Sadly, not one of the miserable little darlings, er campers, was willing to give up their Pinot tasting to enjoy a little Latin Culture with Auntie EJ.  Can you imagine that? Sometimes family members can be such a disappointment. Sadly, life is full of such missed opportunities.

Tonight’s recap is a bulleted offering.

·      The Camp Abismo herbal crafts classes have sent a healthy supply of herbal throat drops to poor Elisa, who, by now, what with the screaming, crying and huge emotional upheaval of the last week must be just about on her last vocal bleatings.
·      Oh, yes and Uncle EJ sent a few of his SPECIAL formula herbal throat drops along for anyone in the cast or crew of AbD who is feeling especially stressed. (They are also available for free to ANY reader or recapper who so requests). As a recovering lawyer, Uncle EJ is really enjoying his new hobby. He thinks Lolita will need his concoction when she finds out that Horacio is a murderer.
·      Little Elisa, Not-So-Happy-At-Last
o   As you will recall from yesterday, Little Elisa rallied briefly, when DamiaM came around la Quinta. The two lovebirds reconciled when he found out that he wasn’t really her brother after all, they hugged and made up, Elisa reprimanded him for some of his mistakes including sleeping with his fiancee Florencia and Elisa reminded him in the VOICE OF DOOM (thanks Cynderella and Sylvia and your respective and respected aunts) that mistakes have CONSEQUENCES.
o   But she forgave Damian. Then Little Elisa not-yet-happy-at-last packed her maletas with Lolita's assistance and she and Damiam made ready to run away together, but dastardly Carmina, who had listened at the door and heard their plans to run away, brought Alfonsina (Damiam’s Momsie) over to the house JUST as they were leaving. Alfie had a serious deal-breaker—TA DAH!
o   She has a letter from a clinica that says Damiam is about have a baby with his fiancée, and, oh, yes, her name is not Little Elisa, it is Florencia. (Large shoe drops offstage).
o   Little Elisa and Damiam go into another room to have a talk, but honestly, Little E. has pretty much had it, what with the MISTAKES of the parents being visited on the children, all of the obstacles, Damian’s behavior, his Spider Woman of a mother, and the whole Florencia thing. (These writers are one brick short of a load in the creativity department, aren’t they?)
o   After all, said same fiancee has already pulled a fake pregnancy on Little E. once before, can you blame the Little E. for being annoyed? SOOOO, she says, “Goodbye Damian!” and even though Elisa has said this before we think that she probably means it right now, if only for the moment.
o   Talk about the Perils of Pauline! Little E. is still in her funeral clothes from burying her dad and her scheming eeevil murderous Agent Orange the Toxic Tia grins like a poisoned Jack-O-Lantern as Alfonsina and Damian take their leave. Is there no end to the woes of Little Elisa?
o   And that was only six minutes into the show. Oopsie, I promised to write shorter recaps
o   Later on Little E. went to Father Lupe to ask him to say a Mass for Daddy Augusto Catfood.
·      Braulio/Antonia/Vincente in the local Clinic
o   Antonia and Vicente both survived Dr. Tovar’s surgical ministrations in the renal transplant surgery—Dr. Tovar can do it ALL—and are resting up in the same room, so that they can film nauseating scenes together. Chente is still a snot, and he refers to Braulio, the man who lovingly raised him, as Antonia’s “husband”. The dreadful adolescent keeps asking for his daddy Gabino. I devoutly hope Chente gets to have Gabino as his papa.
o   Antonia’s marriage is pretty much toast. Braulio says he won’t be home when she gets there. She wants to explain about those 17 years of passing off Gabino’s devil child as Braulio’s, but Big Braulio isn’t listening.
·      Gabino  Mendoza
o   Gabino has BIG plans to be the BIG man, bigger that Rosendo Arango. He shows up with his tattered face at Casa Arango and Alfie treats him with her usual disdain, barking orders and changing his plans. Gabino does not look best pleased but he is still planning on concluding the deal with his “Reina”, tomorrow, with cheque in hand.
o   Gabino comes home to Ingrid and gives Ingrid the news the Augusto killed himself. Ingrid is very pleased.
o   Gabino and Ingrid head into town to celebrate, and run into, first, Don Lucio and Maru, then later, Begonia and Dr. Tovar. Begonia offers her sympathies again to Ingrid while Gabino scowls. He is most unhappy that Begonia of the Big Mouth, Alfonsina’s former BFF has just spotted him with Ingrid. Bad timing, Gabino. Your little deal is not QUITE done yet, is it?
o   But the next morning, Gabino signs the deal with his “Reina” at a Notary. It looks to me like the deal is signed, sealed and delivered.
o   Gabino now appears at Casa Castañon where he slimes all over Little Elisa ...
·      Familia Tovar
o   Sabrina the dumb Teenage Witch is all set up to be a tool of the evil forces of Paolo and Flo.
o   She and Mommy Begonia natter on about how Enrique doesn’t trust Paolo and how Paolo really respects Sabrina (in a pigs eye!) and how Enrique just is worried about Sabrina getting PREGNANT…
·      Landucci
o   Florencia hugs Damian when he gets back to Casa Arango. She is ripe with the news that she is secretly going to kidnap Sabrina’s baby and call it their own. Damian cries as she drapes her blond scheminess all over him and allows Flo to think that these are tears of sentiment at the joy of their having a baby. Of course we know he has just been ripped from Little Elisa’s arms by the news that he is about to be a papa. Can you imagine the fate of this as-yet-unborn innocent were Damian to raise the child to find out that it was Paolo and Sabrina’s??? Sins of the Fathers, all over again. And the wheels turn round and round…
o   Too bad about Damian and Little Elisa’s elopus interruptus. Damian’s face was so sweet when he looked at Little Elisa. I really like when they let Zepeda loose with a little sweet emotion. Oh well, we have a long wait for another one of THOSE scenes, methinks.
o   So a little later, Flo walks in on Uncle Paolo, and he is all dressed up and looking good. Whew, pretty little Flo doesn’t think Unkie Hunkie Paolo got out the custom duds for Sabrina, just who is he going to see?
o   Guido, the lonely Landucci, moldering away in a Mexican prison for a crime he did not commit, has just gotten his release. Alfonsina Arango has just paid for him to get out of jail, his Licenciado says. Now, there is some good news.
·      Carmina, Carmina, Carmina
o   Well, you guessed it. Paolo, the would-be rapist, the wanna-be child stealer and former lover of Carmina Carmina Carmina figures that with Don Augusto done and buried these 8 hours or so, Carmina Carmina Carmina, hereafter known as CCC, should be hot for his program.
o   He appears unasked in Carmina’s bed (he says it is because she left the back door open—duh) and startles our Agent Orange. (I am serious, he DID startle her). She makes a noise and in a most satisfying manner, Little Elisa-most-unhappy-and-and-now–indignant-as-hell hears this and walks in on the former lovers. When the lights go on she assumes the worst and reads CCC the riot act. Little E. lays a mighty slap on the orange one, knocking her to the bed. She curses her Tia for disgracing her father’s memory and says many other things that I am sure didn’t make it onto the screen.
o   What an utterly satisfying scene. I replayed it again and again. So, even though Carmina got away with murdering Augusto Catfood yesterday, she got caught today with her pants up in a compromising position with her former lover. She was wrongly accused, for once. How delicious. How delectable. How delightful.
o   Carmina heads out the next morning to complain to Alfonsina that Paolo is an infeliz. Alfonsina looks at her  like she has an heirloom pumpklin for a head. Really, Carmina? You just now noticed? The guy is a complete a$$burger. What am I supposed to do about it? This is a loose translation of Alfie’s response.
·      Gael, Paloma and Ramona
o   Gael and Paloma bore us with some more talk about their RELATIONSHIP. Yawn. Either I am about to get a migraine or these two make me want to take a nap.
o   Paloma comes home to the Yerberia and Ramona is still angry with her. She compares Gael to her father.
o   Ramona flashes back on a young Gabino Mendoza visiting baby Paloma at the Herb Shack "out of curiosity" and Ramona threatening him and cursing him. Gabino calls her a witch and leaves. Ramona still shakes when she has this memory.
·      Don Lucio and Maru
o   Don Lucio and Maru discuss his feelings of paternal responsibility toward Little Elisa. Walking through the Plaza, they run into Ingrid and Gabino. Don Lucio is still troubled by the idea that he has met Ingrid before, and not at the Procesadora recently.
o   Padre Lupe Ends the Evening With The Voice of DOOM
So when Carmina gets back to la quinta after harassing Alfonsina for having an annoying houseguest, Padre Lupe is waiting for her. He has got the VOICE turned on. He has been thinking and he thinks she killed Augusto. 


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #77 Tue 7/24/12 You're Only As Sick As The Secrets You Keep

Well, if secrets make us sick, clearly we have a lot of very ill people in this fascinating love story..

  Violeta has kept the secret of her employment from her mother.  Mother Magda has kept the secret of Violeta's parentage from both her and Don Aquiles.  Paz has kept the secret of Luciana's parentage from both her and Licenciado Linares. So has Mati. Rosaura has kept the secret of giving away Luciana as a baby from...well...everyone except Padre Honesto. Maximino is keeping secret the framing of Linares, his silent partnering of the Inferno and his sadistic affair with Vicky, Vicky is keeping her affair a secret from her worried papa,  Gala and Julie have kept secret the fact that they only want Rodrigo for his bank account. Jana is keeping secrets from herself....that she's really in love with Lorenzo, not her official novio, Brigida is keeping secret her  vicious monetary dealings with Gala and Julie.  Both Luciana and Rodrigo are keeping secret from themselves and each other that they're still madly in love and really want to be together.

All these secrets are eating away at hearts and souls, corrupting motives, destroying peace of mind, betraying integrity  and blighting caracters.  So hang on tight as we watch some of these secrets worm their way to light,  while others still remain hidden....and quietly poisonous.

I'm going to consolidate the scenes for (hopefully) brevity as Melinama wants us to scale down the length of these.


The barrio plans for the tacos de canasta business is going swimmingly.  We see the posse stocking up at the colorful mercado, having their fortunes read by the “pajaritos de suerte” (suerte can mean luck, but also fate, chance or providence).   Estelita's granddaughter hears that she's going to get a good surprise (mom coming back?), Lorenzo: that love is on the way (Jana?) and Ariche: that he will soon get to know or meet up with (“conocer”) the sky. (I'm in a cold sweat thinking he's going to meet his Maker but actually he just goes on an exciting plane ride with Rodrigo).  Then it's off to home where all the females gather around the table to chop, peel and prepare the veggies while the boys go off to see about the bicycle tire, and Marianita, quickly bored with it all, goes out to play.  Paz throws a small hyperventilating hissy fit when she learns Lorenzo plans to stay in Mexico City to “probar suerte” (try to make his way) but that soon passes.  She's got other things to worry about; namely her own date with destiny revealing the truth about Luciana to Licenciado Linares.

No, Paz hasn't told him yet.  She had the chance for a face to face truth telling when he walked in the door earlier, but she lost her nerve.  And in the meantime, she seems to be having heart palpitations every time she thinks of the confrontation and the possible “desprecio”(disdain, scorn, contempt) that Luciana could feel for her, finding out Mama Paz has lied to her all these years about her true origins. (Yep, Rosalena, your diabolical Fear Fest had its effect.) At episode's end, she finally gets up the nerve to call Linares and request an urgent meeting.  But no, she can't tell him over the phone.  So we're left to bite our nails, wondering what will happen to torpedo this important meeting.  For sure, it will be something!

So what secret did come to light?  Violeta's.  Magda and she have a big Come to Jesus meeting the next day with Magda proclaiming it's not so much the degrading work as the fact as the engaño (deception) and las mentiras (lies) that Violeta's been spinning all these years.  Lots of perdoname's and what kind of mother have I been, and no's youse the best, and more perdoname's until finally they come to affectionate peace with each other and heartfelt hugs are exchanged. (Have we already mentioned that Violeta respectfully addresses her mom as “usted” while Magda uses the “tu” form when talking to her daughter?) Paz walks in and sees the happy ending and seems to be wondering if her own High Noon meeting with Linares and then Luciana will turn out as well.  Key reveal: Violeta assures her mother that though some of the girls do a few other things in addition to waiting tables, she NEVER has.  She's still the good girl mama raised in the Het Het pueblo. Key reveal for Magda: She's no saint and really shouldn't judge Violeta.  (Glad that's settled.)


Rodrigo is continuing with his business plan involving saving money on the cost of plane fuel  by using “biocombustibles”(biofuel)--in spite of the fact that Boss Dad Maximino hasn't given his approval.  His two buds, as well as Oscar and Pato are all for it.  Maximino, when he learns of it, is totally against.  Rodrigo is the son and employee, Max is the papa and the boss.  If he wants to go rogue, he can leave the company. (What happened to our understanding, sympathetic father?)

 And while he's on a tear during this episode, Max also humiliates Vicky-- keeping her at his feet while he sneers into his drink, demanding that she give up her work if it conflicts with his whims of a nooner-only-sooner or any other shagtime he wants.  When she pleadingly bleats that she needs to work during normal hours, he knees her in the jaw and  slams out saying that he's through with her.  She creeps back to work and I just hope she realizes how lucky she is to be shot of that old fiend.  Nicole rags on her about the purported excuse to leave to see about her ailing father, but doesn't look convinced.  Methinks Vicky might lose both work and Osito in one fell swoop.

But hey, there's always time for more domination games.Back at work after the Vicky beatdown,  Maximino grabs Aldo roughly in the hallway, reminds him not to “pasarte de listo conmigo” (get too clever with me, try to get away with something) because you don't know what I'm capable of when people bother me!   But I'm going to test you, Maximino continues, I'm going to take you to the Inferno with me tonight and I want you to pay close attention to what I want you to do.


Rosalena, Julie and Gala are having a Tea and Scheme party on the veranda.  Julie's mouth, as usual, looks like a bloody scar. Like she just feasted on raw flesh. Rosalena is her usual pale, monotone , beige-on-beige, cool ,demented self.  Gala...impeccable, but heavily made up.  They're trying to get their stories straight on the going-off-to-Columbia gambit to try and snare Rodrigo back when Julie can't resist dropping the news that they know about Rosaura's betrayal of Linares (and Luciana).  Gleefully thinking they have her by the short hairs, Rosaura cooly informs them that she's glad they know she's capable of anything if someone gets in her way (si alguien se interpone en mi camino) so then they realize that if they drop the dime on her, she's capable of saying that the whole Luciana humiliation in the library was engineered by Julie and Gala.  She was only there as an innocent but concerned mother.  Pow! Zap! And Checkmate!  Nice to see the gruesome twosome momentarily defeated.  Back to being under Rosa's thumb for our scheming duo.


 Earlier, Rosalena, on her endless mission to control the universe, starts in on Connie about her weekend romance plans with Oscar.  How can she...a woman of a “certain age”, and a mother, even consider going off on a juicy weekend like some oversexed adolescent!!!??  I mean, look in the mirror sis!  Look at your body!  You're going to let him see THAT!!??? We both know Men prefer Young Women. Connie looks appropriately deflated and manages to whimper that Rosa has really wounded her.  I know, Rosalena blissfully acknowledges, forgive me. The truth hurts. And, dirty work done, she breezes off.

With that painful “truth” in mind, Connie later sees Melissa walking on air, first, because she's on her last chapter of the thesis, and because her mentor is the oh-so-wonderful Licenciado Linares.  Now there's a May-December pairing for sure.

So no suprise that when Oscar calls later, champing at the bit to leave on the weekend with Connie, she hesitantly says, “But first we have to talk.” (Trust me, those are words no man wants to hear.)

These very painful scenes, and their aftermath (particularly for us women of a “certain age”) were prefaced by Connie elaborating to Rosa her philosophy of parenting.  To wit, she lets her adult children live their lives, and she lives hers.  “Asi de simple”.  Clearly, she and her sister are polar opposites.  But Rosie remains convinced that she's the  one taking the High Moral Road.  (another secret she's keeping from herself.)


Back in the pueblo del norte, Procopio and his other funeral home buddy are speculating on the expected demise of the local Padre Serafin.  He needs to die soon so the funeral home, and Procopio's funeral wreath (“coronas”) concession can finally have some business!  Otherwise, they'll be soldiering on   “con una mano  atrás y otra  delante” (without a peso to their name)  Later, the metiche female duo gloat to the chubby clothing seller (I've forgotten her name...ah, it's Luchita, thanks jlk) that she's probably lost her deal with Procopio (“se durmió el gallo”) because he's about to do land office business with those self-same funeral wreaths.  The Padre for sure is bound for heaven soon.


Well, sure.  We all know Cupids fly, right?  So it's only fitting that Ariche gets his plane ride with Rodrigo.  He gamely tries to get Luciana to come along—a threesome would be so nice!  But she has studying to do for her prepa exam.  And Rodrigo is already looking daggers at her because he came upon her and Linares looking friendly and assumed the worst.  She manages to throw a dagger herself, assuring Rod that yesssss, Licenciado Linares has always been very loving with her.  A Very Good Man. (Take that!  And then some....)

So, off to the friendly skies of Rodrigo's business plane. The ride goes off without incident, in spite of my worries about Ariche's “suerte”.  His stomach is up in his throat, he's giddy with nervousness, but assures Rodgrigo that he's “muy valiente” just like him.(yes, Vivi, your word did come back) And they both decide Ariche is going to be an airline captain himself when he grows up (if he works hard and really makes the effort, of course).  PSA for education and hard work.

1)Oscar and Connie have the same philosophy.  Oscar wants Maximino to let Rodrigo have his head. If his proposed business venture is a loss, well, it won't be a big loss.  Let him try.  Connie's philosophy with her children is the same.  Let them make their own decisions (Melissa/Linares? Aldo/Vicky?) and their own mistakes.  And learn from them.  Oscar and Connie are the Modern Caring Liberals. And clearly meant for each other.
2)Maximino and Rosalena also have the same philosophy.  Control those around you, take vengeance on those who cross you, and never ever forgive a betrayal.  They're the False Uprights, guarding their power and prestige at any cost.  And basically bitter and unhappy.
3)Julie and Gala are consummate schemers, but so far haven't been terribly successful.  Both are divorced.  Both want more money than they have, and both are endlessly envious.  And unsuccessful in relationships.
4)The barrio folks have had their ups and downs, their personal losses, and their misunderstandings.  But all of them value family above all else and are ready to forgive and start over, in order to safeguard and maintain relationships.  And work together so that all can be moderately successful, in spite of their lack of education and financial backing.
5)Luciana and Licenciado Linares are both capable of everlasting love; and both are drawn to each other (el llamado de la sangre! The call of the blood) and seem to blossom in each other's presence. Furthermore, Linares is accumulating further proof that he wasn't in the country when those criminal money transfers were made.  So another secret is on its way to reveal.
6)And Rodgrigo...well, he's still a dunce.  But there's hope, readers, there's hope!


Rosalena is on her knees begging Rodrigo's forgiveness.  And it seems to work.  Looks like the big dinner with Rodrigo in attendance and Gala springing her plot, is going to happen. Aaaarrrgh!


A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando. (lit. Praying to God while hitting with the mallet.) fig. God helps him who helps himself.
A phrase that typlifies the work ethic of our barrio folks.  Whether it's making pottery in the pueblo, hawking clothes and baubles from China, or flogging tacos in Mexico City, the humble folks are willing to pull themselves up by their bootsraps in order to make a go of it.  They can't...and won't coast on family connections.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Abismo de pasión #93 7/23/12: No Exit

Flor arrives at Doc Tovar's office to pick up the results of some tests. Pal tells her no results from Mérida have arrived. Flor talks about flowers for her upcoming wedding and Pal tells her not to play the victory march just yet. Flor says Dam's little sister Elisa will be sure to get an invite. Pal makes a crack about how behind Flor is in the latest happenings of La Ermita, but won't explain herself. Flor makes a dig that Quique is only flirting with Pal because he can't have Flor.

Doc and Fina snipe at each other about Be-gone-ya, Carmina and Fina's loose lips. They get around to the test results in his office. They go to get them and encounter....

Girl Fight!!! They pull Pal and Flor apart. Order is restored and Doc hands over Dam's life sentence the results to Fina. Fina is thrilled. She wants to get these to Dam ASAP.

Dam finds out that Elisa caught him nekkid and sleeping with Flor a few days back. Elisa blames herself. Dam explains he was drunk and miserable and had to find a way to get Elisa out of his heart. Elisa talks about  50+ episodes left consequences for every action. Dam wants them to start a new life together. Elisa thinks that's unfair to Flor. Dam says he doesn't love Flor and that Elisa needs to get away from the house of painful memories. Elisa agrees to go away with Dam.

Carmina goes to Horacio's House o' Meat. He tells her someone knows he had something to do with Blanca's death AND someone saw them leaving the night of Augusto's death.

Padre Lupe goes to see Ramona. He wants her to tell Elisa what she told Augusto the day he died. She is not saying a word about it ever again. Padre wonders what if Augusto didn't kill himself and he died other way? Ramona asks "other way?"  Padre says that's what he's trying to figure out. Ramona wants to know why he doesn't tell what he knows.  Ramona remarks that's it's easier for him if someone else gets their hands dirty. She ain't talking.

Sabrina nags Paolo about marrying her. He sees Carmina and drools. Sabrina tells him it was Carmina's recommendation that got mommy to let Sabrina date him.

Dam packs Elisa's things.  Elisa doesn't want to leave yet. She still needs to say goodbye to Lolita and take care of the greenhouse and find out what's going to happen to the hacienda and Cielo Abierto. Dam asks about her dad having a will or not. She doesn't know. She begs for a couple of days to get things arranged. Dam won't wait. Lolita catches Carmina listening at the door. Later Lolita comes in and there is a llorafest. Elisa tells her she can't stay and get all crazy and bitter like her aunt. Lolita agrees and helps them pack. Lolita makes Dam promise to always take her of "her niña". Elisa makes Lolita promise to leave the hacienda, too.

Chente recovers at the hospital. Chente asks if Gab was worried about him.  Braulio lies and tells him Gab came to see him. Chente tells Braulio he doesn't care for him one whit. Brau goes to Tonia and tells her he is leaving. Raise a glass, everyone!

Gabino is being all Eddie Haskell with the little old lady owner of the hacienda he wants to buy. They will settle everything in a couple of days when the certified check comes in. But until then, does his little chula reina mind keeping her little chula boca closed?

Flor wants Fina to uphold her end of the bargain. Flor wants Gweedo out of jail ASAP. Fina says Dad will be released, but first she wants to clear the Landucci name so the town doesn't think Dam is marrying the daughter of a thief. Alone, Fina gushes about HER nieto when she in interrupted by a phone call. She looks pithed.

Horacio remembers Padre Lupe's words about confession. Lolita comes in crying. He comforts her. They can run their business and start a family. Lolita thanks him for his love and support.

Paolo primps and Flor enters. She tells him not to mess up their plans and their future. He notices the bruises and she tells him about her fight with Paloma. Paolo warns that Flor's feelings for Quique are dangerous to their plan too. She better not screw up, either.

Dam and Elisa are almost out the door when Carmina stops them. It seems she was the phone call to Fina, who has arrived at the hacienda. Dam tells her not to waste her time. Nothing will stop him from being with Elisa. Fina gives a speech about a parent's love and sacrifice and hands Dam the results of "Florencia Landucci's" pregnancy test. Fina guilt trips. "You would leave your child? Abandon him like your father abandoned you?" "Elisa, you would allow that?" Dam still won't give up Elisa. He thinks he and Elisa need to discuss it and Fina can butt out. Dam and Elisa retire to Augusto's office and Fina snipes that Carmina looks good in black.

Elisa yells and cries about consequences. She loves him but they are never going to be happy. She tells him to go with Flor and be with his child. The can't make the same mistakes as their parents. Dam refuses, but Elisa tells him that she is putting an end to things. They are over. His mom and Flor are no longer the obstacles. Elisa herself is going to oppose them being together.


Por ella soy Eva #5 7/23/12: JC talks himself out of trouble again and again, but anvils are at the ready.

  • JC's two stooges want to talk salary with their boss Adriano but he says no more salary till Playa Majagua is all set. They admit a few details of the plan are not yet nailed down.
  • JC's married stooge's wife shows up. She gives him money, he's embarrassed, she says she married him for better or worse.
  • On the beach: Juan makes up seasickness in order to get back to shore (to deal with the disappeared Lalo). Helena hears about a drowned boy on the elevator; she runs to confront Juan, faints clutching her son's shirt.

    Lalo reappears just as she's being taken off to the hospital. Lalo says: "Mom, I have to tell you something bad about Juan!" but doesn't get to say anything.  JC takes care of Lalo that night while Helena is under observation.

    JC makes a man's pact with Lalo: Lalo is not to tell his mom about "Operation Honeymoon." Cannily Lalo says: "If it's bad for my mom I'm telling her. And you have to promise never to be her boyfriend." JC promises (on various virgins). Then Lalo extracts a bedtime story. In the midst of an extravagantly Argentinian retelling of Robin Hood, Lalo falls asleep. JC is warming to the squirt.

    Next morning, as JC enters saying "Hygeine is primordial! Time for ablutions!" Lalo has disappeared again. Distracted along the way by bimbos, JC nevertheless finds Lalo, who blackmails him into joining the sons-and-fathers ball game on the beach. Helena arrives in time to see this cute scene. Bonding takes place.

    Back home, her mean Dad is yelling that Helena isn't home yet. She calls to say they're on their way. JC gives her a dvd to watch when she's alone. She and Lalo sing a Latino version of 99 bottles of beer on the wall as JC drives them back. He's nauseated at first, then joins in lustily.

    With her girlfriend Helena watches the dvd from JC, which typically lays it on thick. She's buying it - she likes him plenty. BUT in the next room Lalo overhears the word "novios" and comes in to tell her everything: "I heard that he wants to seduce you and leave you with a broken heart. That he makes women cry. He promised me he'd never be your boyfriend if I didn't tell, but if he doesn't comply I don't either." Lalo orders his mom not to see JC again. She cries.

    Juan (after a macho chat with his stooge about his "bonbonsote" and how they'll find her project and copy it) calls her - he wants to meet that night but she says, tomorrow morning. He arrives with flowers -- she slaps him and is in a towering rage. He has to blab falsehoods a mile a minute to sleaze himself out of the trouble he's in. Ludicrously he shouts: "Trust me! Trust me!" She softens, saying "I like you a lot but there are things you should know about me..." to whit:

    When she was 21 and she and her boyfriend were just getting out of college, she got pregnant. He reluctantly offered to marry her. Her father paid for a wedding and gave them money for an apartment. Shortly before the wedding her fiance went off to the U.S. never to return, taking all the money with him. Her dad was so furious he had a heart attack. To keep dad from keeling over, she now does everything he tells her to, and swallows the humiliations he dishes out. He's told her if she gets betrayed by a man again she is out. "It's hard to be a single mom." JC listens with sympathy, he's softening too. He says he wants a serious relationship with her. She says he'd have to accept Lalo being number one.

  • Plutarcho has two stooges. He offers one of them money to kill JC. The stooge convinces him out of it. He says he'll find another way to destroy his rival. Felix snoops and says JC's team hasn't made much progress with the Playa project. He hears about the connection with Helena.

    Pluto is furious that Rebeca was in a hotel with some guy (when she came out she crashed Pluto's car a little bit). He doesn't know that guy was JC. He hires one of his stooges (Onesimo) to be her chauffeur (to spy on her).

    Rebeca gives Pluto another endless massage. His wife pops in, asking him to play hookey with her. He refuses. There are fat jokes. She says she's at the limit of her patience and leaves. Pluto is tired of everything and everybody. Rebeca tells him there's a competition for the development at Playa Majagua and he could enter, and she has lots of info but he won't get it unless he's nice to her.

    Ez and I can't figure if the stooge who is showing Pluto how to break into JC's computers is the same as the first one. The computer stooge is Felix and he's cracked the code: Pluto is in like Flynn.


Refugio Para el Amor #76 Mon 7/23/12 Violeta Loses Face in Front of Magda, But Then Gains Some Shocking Knowledge About Luci

Rod has just called Luci at Estelita’s place, and gets pissy after mistakenly being called Lic. Linares. Luci apologizes for the error, but Stupid Hot Head Rod will not be placated.  He asks Luci’s permission to take Ariche on his plane. Luci gives it, but says it has to be really soon, since they are headed back to the pueblo in two days. This gets Rod’s boxer-briefs even more twisted into a bunch. “Well, well! From the looks of it, you’re in a big hurry to get away from me.” (Damn straight! Do you blame her Rod?) Luci is far more gracious than I, and says she wants to leave as soon as possible, and that’s that. Rod tries to huff and puff some more that he’s got work stuff to do. That’s fine with Luci, but they’re not waiting around for him. NimRod speaks to himself after they hang up, chiding Luci for leaving him alone and for how brief their love was. (Rod, that was YOUR fault big guy.)

In Vio’s apartment, Flor La Loca is still laying it on thick about what a whore Vio is to Magda. She’s no nurse and she’s trying to steal her man, but Flor will NOT let her take him. No one will take the man that she loves and the father of her children! Magda has heard enough. She gets up in her face and tells Flor to beat it and quit bugging her daughter. She needs to go back to her house and deal with her husband and kids. She physically throws Flor out, then collapses on the couch in shocked tears. Paz finally comes out of the bedroom, wondering what all the noise is about. She immediately goes to Magda in concern when she sees her crying. Magda tells her what she just learned about Vio.

At Inferno, Vio isn’t doing much better. She’s down, and Polo and everyone else can tell. Polo warns her that the last thing she needs is to lose her job. Both he and Serena advise her to just tell her mom the truth already. Vio says she knows she has to talk to her mama, but doesn’t know how. She’s dying of shame for being just a night club waitress. Serena reminds her that she’s also a singer, but Vio doesn’t see the prestige in singing for a bunch of drunks (bola de borrachos). Polo once again says there is nothing bad about her work, and she has nothing to be ashamed of. Stalker Marcial (I’m starting to see what he and his wife have in common) shows up just then. He gets his usual greeting from Vio, “What the hell do you want?!” But the guy just won’t quit. Polo gets in his face and tells him Vio has people to defend her. Marcial babbles some crap about how the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. He has to tell her something important, alone. Vio, who is perfectly capable of defending herself, pulls Polo away and gets in Marcial’s face herself. There is nothing he can’t say to her right there, and he’s got one minute to do it. The clock’s ticking!

Luci tells Ariche that Rod called to ask permission to take him on the plane. But she tries to set some reasonable expectations by saying Rod has to work a lot, so it’s not a sure thing. Ariche is sure. Rod promised, and what he promises, he comes through on! Luci, who has just experienced the opposite with NimRod, doesn't know how to respond to this. Fabian and Lorenzo arrive. Neither has had much luck finding a good job without their high school degrees, but they’ve decided to give this taco business a go. Ariche pipes up that it was his idea. The boys mention that they have a business partner (socio), but fudge that it’s Ariche, instead of Aldo, when Luci asks. (After the Inferno casino incident, Luci wouldn’t be too keen on that.) Don Trinidad, the local mechanic, can offer them the use of a bicycle, and Estelita says that she makes great tacos and will cook the fillings for them; she’ll also invest some of her money. She’s their new partner! Luci is sad that she has no money to help them out, but Lorenzo says no sweat. They decide to go to the market the next day for all the fixings. The boys and the kids go off to bed.

Gala is pathetically plotting with Fernanda and Valentina how she can worm her way back into Rod’s life. They can start up all their old couples activities—movies, dinners, clubs, and their trips to Cuernavaca. Gala tells F&V that they need to arrange one of these outings with their novios, Gabe and Marcos, but neglect to mention that Gala is coming. Because if Rod knew she was coming, he wouldn’t come. She also wants her girls to find out what was the final nail in the coffin between Luci and Rod—the Inferno business, or Luci’s relationship with Linares? Fernie tells Gala what she learned from the boys-- that Rod has declared that he wants to go back to his life before/a new life.

Ariche brags to Fab and Lor that Rod is taking him on his plane. The boys are skeptical of this. Plus, wasn’t Ariche done with Rod for not marrying Luci? Ariche tells them that Rod promised that he will always care for and look out for Luci, even if they aren’t married.

NimRod and M&G are out drinking. The boys suggest they take a trip, sans girlfriends. What about this weekend? Rod doesn’t want to go on what would have been his wedding weekend. Plus he promised a friend that he would take him on a plane ride. M&G are curious about this friend.

Estelita thanks Luci for staying with Marianita all day while she was away. It was a pleasure for Luci since Mari is such a sweet girl. Before she goes upstairs to see her mama, Estelita has some words of wisdom for Luci. “Never doubt the great love that your mother has for you.”

Upstairs, Paz is trying to calm Magda down with some tea. Magda has started to think she wasn’t a good mother. Paz tells her not to think this way. No one could have been a better mother. She gave Vio all that she could, up till Vio decided to come to the capital. Magda wonders if she didn’t sufficiently motivate Vio to have other aspirations. Paz tells her that one gives what one can to our kids, but we can’t direct their destinies. It’s up to them. (Rosa is the one who needs to hear this speech.) What hurts Magda most is that her Violeta did not have enough confidence in her to tell her what was really going on. Hey, Paz can relate, given the latest difficulties with Luci and Lorenzo. Paz reminds Magda that Vio is a good girl. “My poor Violeta. She’s fallen for a married man with two kids. I don’t know if I feel pain or anger.” Paz begs Magda not to judge Vio, because if their kids kept quiet, it was to protect them and not cause them pain. Magda starts blaming herself again. Deep down (en el fondo) she knew something was wrong.  A mother’s heart is never wrong. Paz agrees. God has given them the gift (el don) of knowing when something is wrong with their kids. She hugs Magda. Magda now knows why she went so long without seeing her Violeta, because she wanted to keep being fooled/deceived. She preferred the lie over confronting this pain.

Back at the bar, Marcos tells Rod that taking Ariche for the plane ride is just a pretext for seeing Luci again. Gabriel agrees and doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But if NimRod really wants to forget Luci, as he says, then he needs to stop seeing her. Rod says that he’ll never completely end things with Luci because he’ll love her till the last instant of his life. Whether they are together or separated, he’ll always be there for her, even though she wants nothing to do with him. Gabe rolls his eyes and takes a swig of his drink. (My feelings exactly Gabe.)

The female half of Rod’s posse is still at Gala’s, also discussing Luci. Gala, who doesn’t understand the concept of pride, does not believe that Luci wants nothing to do with Rod. That’s the first thing women of *that class* say, but they just say it to make the man want them more. Gala is sure that right now the domestica (drink!) is sitting around waiting for Rod to come look for her. Valentina, the Bimbo Voice of Reason, doesn’t think that Luci is like that at all. The other two tell her to shut up. Julie shows up with a bottle of champagne and glasses and announces that Gala is going on a trip to Colombia to see about expanding her magazine there. It’s all part of a ruse to make Rod think she’s leaving the country and perhaps not coming back (go back a few sentences and see who is really into game playing—Luci or Gala?). Gala and Julie want Valentina and Fernie to spread the rumor to their boyfriends. Julie says it’s all part of moving the chess (ajedrez) pieces into place. Gala trusts her mama Julie to help eliminate the domestica (drink!) and trap Rod.

Paz and Magda discuss what Magda should do next; speak to Vio of course. Magda can’t pretend that nothing has happened. She can’t fake (fingir) what she feels. Poor Luci walks into this den of lionesses and is immediately met by “the look” and “the voice.” Paz tells her to sit her butt down and fess up about Vio. “You and I are going to talk.”

It seems that Marcial has had his minute to explain because he’s following Vio around at the club and asking her to think about what he said. Vio gives him the talk to the hand gesture, but seems pensive as he finally walks away. Polo thought he would never leave. Vio tells him and Serena what Marcial said. He admitted that it was all a deception (as part of his undercover work), but the only truth was that he fell in love with her. Serena thinks he’s telling the truth; you can see it in his eyes. In any case, Vio’s got more important things to worry about—telling her mama the truth. Polo says she needs to tell her mama about Inferno and Marcial, like now. Ivan comes over to break up their little chat session, then orders Vio to put on a happy face, since the customers don’t pay to see her looking sad.

Paz still has Luci in the hot seat and wants to know why Luci didn’t tell them about Vio’s real work. Magda says she found out in the worst way possible. Luci apologizes but says it wasn’t her role (papel) to tell them. She thinks Vio is going through the same thing that happened to her with the Rod situation. They were really ashamed to tell them.  Magda doesn’t know what’s worse-- their (Luci and Vio’s) shame (vergüenza), or her and Paz’s pain. Luci urges Magda to wait for Vio to get home and listen to her. Nope! Magda doesn’t want to wait. She’s going right now to see Vio! And Luci is going to take them. Magda grabs her purse and runs out, and all Luci and Paz can do is run after her. They pass Fabian on the way out, and Luci tells him to tell Lorenzo to call Inferno to warn Vio that Hurricane Magda is on the way!  Lorenzo calls Ivan, because he can’t reach Vio on her cell phone. It’s urgent, an emergency. Ivan, ever the jerk, reminds Lorenzo of the no calls rule during work hours, and says if it’s an emergency, then Lorenzo should go to a hospital.

Ivan then finds Vio and tells her that there is a pair of hags (rucas) at the door who won’t leave, and she needs to go get rid of them. Vio doesn’t understand why she’s being asked to take care of it but goes. Behind the crowd trying to get into the club, we see an anxious Magda peering over their shoulders. Paz and Luci stand a few feet behind her looking worried. Vio finally comes out, not really looking where she’s going, and comes face to face with her shocked mama. Magda looks Vio up and down, from head to toe, and takes the whole trampy look in. Devil horns, platinum blonde bob wig, tons of makeup, chandelier earrings, cleavage, bare shoulders, tight corset, short skirt, bare legs, and do-me red pumps. Vio instinctively covers her bosom in front of her mother’s judgmental glare.  This has got to be worse than that nightmare where you’re naked in front of a group of people.

Magda’s face screws up in disgust as she says Vio’s name. She backs away from Vio’s pleas and open arms.
M: Why have you been lying to me all this time?!!
V: Mama, forgive me please! Forgive me. I didn’t want you to feel ashamed of me, mama.
M: More than anything else, I’m ashamed of having a LIAR for a daughter! Who thinks her mother is so insignificant, that she doesn’t deserve to hear the truth!

Magda says she’s glad she was able to see it with her own eyes, because she wouldn’t have believed it otherwise. “I have nothing more to do here.” They are both bawling by this point and Vio continues to plead. Magda scares the bejeezus out of her, and Paz and Luci in the background, by nearly slapping the crap out of Vio. But she holds herself back. “You’re already a woman, so you know what you’re doing!” Serena comes out, sees the situation, and high tails it back inside before she gets a taste of what Magda is dishing out. “I did it for you mama! To help you!” Magda lets out a primal scream and yells at Vio to let her go. She takes off, holding on to Paz for support, and Luci pulls Vio into an embrace. Vio makes her go after the mothers, and continues to weep outside the club.

Aldo is still in the car waiting for Max to emerge from the love nest, where he’s terrorizing/trysting with Vicky. Max calls and says he’s coming out in five minutes, so Aldo better be at the door. Yes Master. Aldo sees Vicky leave and get into a taxi before Max comes out to the car. Max slaps Aldo on the head. Home, boy!

At the big house, Oscar is just bringing Connie home, and giving her some mighty fine kisses. He asks her to go away with him that weekend—the two of them alone, *together*.  Connie is blushing like a school girl. Oscar asks if she’s afraid. She says no, but says they would be acting like a pair of adolescents. There is nothing adolescent about what Oscar has planned. He calls her an exquisite woman. Why won’t she give herself over (entregarse) to their relationship? She’s lovely, adorable, and they don’t have to ask anyone’s permission. “Let’s go. Why don’t you let me romance you a little?” After another passionate kiss, Connie says she’ll think about it. He tells her not to take long. She’s all smiles and giggles, so I don’t think he’ll have to wait too long.

Upstairs, Boris is still demanding an answer from Hannah on the phone to his question about her liking Lorenzo. He notices her reaction every time that Lorenzo is mentioned, especially her reaction when Lor was set free from prison. Hannah chooses her words carefully, and says that she was just happy for Lorenzo and Luci. Sometimes Boris thinks she accepted being his girlfriend out of obligation (compromiso), because he was pressuring her. Well, this is true, but Hannah says she wouldn’t be dating him if she didn’t want to. She wraps up the call. “Te quiero mucho Flaquita.” Hannah says she cares for him too, but she doesn’t look so sure. She remembers greeting and making googly eyes at Lorenzo at the lake house party, and tries to convince herself that she doesn’t like him *that* way.

Lorenzo and Fabian are waiting up, wondering what happened with the Vio-Magda situation. Vio should have just told her the truth in the first place. Magda and Paz go marching past them, with Luci taking up the rear. Luci tells the boys that it hurts her to see Magda and her Ama suffering through their fault. That’s why she wants to hurry up and get out of this place and back to the pueblo. Lorenzo breaks it to her that he’s not going back, but he still needs to tell their mom.

In Het Het, the new Procopio is giving Don Aquiles the rundown of all the rents and debts he’s collected on his behalf. Don’t know the new guy’s name yet, but to Don Aquiles he’s simply Baboso (simpleton). Baboso wants to know why Aquiles wants/needs all this money, since he has no one to inherit it. Don Aquiles kicks him out, then takes a swig of his tequila, a tug on his cigar, and fondles his money. He admits he needs some company, and then remembers Magda’s harsh words to him about him ending up old and alone with just his money for company, after he kicked Paz and her kids out of their home.  Aquiles laments the loss of his Palomita, but then remembers the Diablita in El Inferno (Vio)—a perfect place and person to spend his money on.

 Magda and Paz are back in the apartment going over what a LONG difficult day it’s been.  (It started out with the Rumble in the Library, and ended with the Shaming at the Club.)  Estelita heard about what went down from the boys, and comes to check on Magda. This gets Magda all weepy again. Estelita offers some comfort by saying Vio is a good, hardworking girl, who has never had any shameful conduct.  Magda knows that her daughter has principles, but it still feels like her heart has been ripped out (arrancar).  Paz points out that Vio has gotten ahead all on her own, without troubling her mama. Magda thinks that had she worked more/harder, she would have been able to provide Vio with more things and Vio would have stayed with her in the pueblo. Paz thinks that she gave Vio something much more important- love, care, and values.  That’s why she’s been able to fend for herself in such a big bad city like D.F. Instead of being ashamed, Magda should be proud of Vio. Vio, and Luci and Estelita’s daughter, are making their way and getting ahead by themselves. Their daughters are very worthy (valiosa) and brave (valiente). The three mamas seem to agree on this point, but all three of them look worried about their girls.

The next morning at the Torreslanda breakfast table, Rosa La Loca is still harping about how wonderful it is to have her whole family together (i.e. under her control). Pato points out that Rod is missing from the equation, but Rosa will not let him rain on her parade. She assures them that Rod will be back to his old self soon. Today it’s Melissa’s turn to look at her aunt like she’s runaway manicomio patient. Rosa thanks Melissa for being there with them. Max also doesn’t seem to be buying this Stepford Wife act, but Rosa points out that this is what he wanted—his family in perfect harmony. Max rolls his eyes, Hannah pouts, but Connie and Aldo agree that harmony is what they need. Aldo is pleased about the family meals, because as his uncle’s personal assistant, that means he gets to be at home for the meals too. Hannah is shocked that this is Aldo’s new job. Well, if Aldo wants to keep his new job, he’s going to have to work on his poker face a bit more because he can barely hide his shock when Max lies to Rosa that last night he was at a business dinner for couples. But he didn’t bug Rosa about it since she’s SO busy. Max gives Aldo the side eye, and he looks down at his plate.

NimRod is having breakfast on his own at his place, when he gets a call from the family jeweler Sr. Palomino, saying that the wedding bands are ready. Does Rod want them delivered to his residence (domicilio) or office?

Rosa continues playing perfect families and wants them all to go to the club together that weekend, like when the kids were little. Hannah can even bring Boris. Hannah wants to know if she’s for real (es neta?).  Connie announces she will not be part of the club fun, because she’s going away with Oscar over the weekend. Cue the “wooohooos!!” from the young folk, and Connie is blushing bright red. Rosa tries to lay a guilt trip on her about spending time with her kids, but Melissa and Aldo are fine with mom having some sexy adult time with Oscar. Pato leaves for his therapy, which leads to a mass exodus, except for Connie. Big mistake Connie, because Rosa immediately starts her mind games to try to tear down Connie’s self esteem. She’s setting a bad example for her kids; her eternal obligation is to her kids. Yada, yada, yada.

Estelita also has a full table for breakfast, but this one is way happier. Lorenzo, Fabian, Ariche, Marianita, and Serena join Estelita for breakfast, as Luci looks on and has coffee. She wants to wait to have breakfast with Magda and Paz, who have gone to mass. They all tell Serena about the new taco business. They’ll go to the market to buy everything they need after breakfast. Luci can’t go with them since she still has to study for her exam that’s tomorrow.

Vicky is back at work doing nails in the salon. Things are going well until she gets a series of texts and calls from Osito demanding that she meet him in half an hour, and calls from Aldo. Instead of turning off the damn phone, she tries to hide it and ignore it, which just makes her more flustered and leads to her spilling water on her client and ticking off Nicole.  She lies that she’s worried about her father who’s still depressed about losing his job. She wants to take him to a doctor for older people. But since Nicole won’t give her any time off…Nicole isn’t buying it. Vicky’s going to have to find some other way of solving her problem.  Back to work.

Magda and Paz are back from mass. Magda looks on at a sleeping Vio from the main room. Magda tells Paz that she waited up until Vio came home in the early morning (madrugada), but didn’t say anything to her. She’ll wait till she’s awake to speak to her. Paz is glad they went to mass and prayed. She needed it since she had before been so decided about telling the truth, but speaking with Rosa totally disarmed her.  Vio comes out and stands in the doorway, without Paz and Magda realizing it. Paz says Rosa asked her if she was ready to confront Luci. This gets Vio’s attention.

Downstairs, everyone is ready to go to the market. Luci goes to answer the phone and this time it IS Lic. Linares. He says he came by yesterday to take Paz out for coffee, and to say hi to Luci, but no one was there. 

Rod is at the plane hanger, and also gets a call. It’s Marcos who wants to know if he’ll be having dinner with them. They are putting together a dinner for Gala who is going to Colombia. Rod wishes her luck, but he’s not interested. He meets with the pilot and arranges a special flight that afternoon.

The mamas continue their conversation, with Vio listening in. Magda is surprised that Rosa’s words got to Paz. Rosa asked her what she was going to tell Luci when she confessed the truth to her—that she had denied her the opportunity to live another life. What’s she going to do when Luci demands an explanation (reclamar) for having lied to her all these years?  Magda wants to know, “And her father? What’s going to happen to him?” Rosa assured Paz that el Lic. is sure his daughter died with his wife. Telling him the truth now could actually hurt a lot of people. But on the other hand, it would bring him great happiness after being alone almost 20 years. Magda concedes that it’s complicated. She’s going to try to clear things up with her Violeta, but this thing Paz has to speak to Luci about is at a whole different level of complications. Paz is scared to admit the whole truth to Luci, but she can’t continue to keep silent. “What am I going to do the next time I have in front of me Lic. Linares? Luciana has to know that I’m not her real mother. That she is the daughter of Aurora and Claudio Linares.” Vio is majorly impactada in the background, but scurries away when they hear a knock at the door. Magda opens the door to find the smiling face of Claudio Linares wishing them a good day. Paz tries to hide her face. “Good day Paz.” Duhn, duhn, duhn!

Avances: NimRod comes upon Luci and Lic Linares looking chummy, which will prolong his idiotic jealousy. Paz says she will tell Claudio the truth, and picks up the phone to call him. Will she tell him next episode? Don’t bet on it. But with Vio knowing the secret, it can’t be too long now!


Amorcito Discussion #64-73 July 23-27

Programming note: Beginning July 30th Amorcito Corazón will air from 3pm EST for ONE HOUR *muppet flail excitement*!!!


Hello all.  This is my first attempt at recapping so please excuse the errors you will find in interpretation and punctuation.  I have been too afraid to do this but this show has me hooked and I wanted help dear Sara and her dedication to this an afternoon show.  Please note the recap isn’t completely chronological in order of events.  Thanks for your patience.

Fer & Isa make up and seem to be making headway towards the bedroom but, of course, poor Sarita wakes up and comes in and the they stop.  He wakes up later on the couch and she gives him  coffee.  This lovey-dovey tone continues at work (he comes into her office singing of love) and then Zoe shares her info that, of course, breaks up our lead couple again.

Horty visits Willie at his house and Lala is there.  Horrible Horty (HH) keeps propositioning Willie about her job opportunity.  Since Lala is concerned about money, neither Ricky nor Willie are employed, she keeps encouraging Willie to take the job.  She also mentions Tuqueque’s situation.  Willie finally accepts but I think we all know this is probably a bad business decision on his part.  Watch for his reaction after he and HH shake on the deal; he holds his hand like he has just gotten cooties.

Ricky falls in w/his old colleagues and gets a job from Jorrible.  The crime boss gives him a cell and camera.  My guess is that Ricky is to take pictures of either Willie or Fer.  I wasn’t able to determine if Ricky & Jorrible had be associates previously but I got that vibe.

Juancho gets works and get tested to see if he is compatible w/Tuqueque.  We get a nice PSA about the importance of organ donation.  I also think the organization will assist financially with the operation (but let me know if I just made that up).

After Isa tearfully breaks up with Fer again (we should keep a running count of the break-ups, perhaps per episode), she cries to Zoe.  Evil Witch Manny (from now on EWM) comes in sharing about her night of passion with Cecilio.  Zoe & Isa attack her about the almost kiss and EWM drags them both the Fer’s office.  In Fer’s office, EWM plays the victim b/c Fer didn’t actually kiss her.  Since this is a TN everyone (Isa, Zoe, F5) believes her.  He apologizes for this “misunderstanding” b/c he doesn’t want this to affect his relationship w/her or her with his daughters.

F5 & Zoe go to lunch where she rants about Fer being an idiot, who is causing her friend to suffer.  She is able to tell the stupid short guy is expecting his child when a pregnant passes by their table and he comments about that pregnancy destroys women’s skin.

Sarita gets a call from Lucio, a worker/foreman at their ranch, b/c he can’t get in contact w/Isa’s father.  She goes by Leo’s.  He doesn’t answer as he’s drugged and G-mina shows up.  She insults Sarita and lies that Leo is at the ranch.   Sarita leaves wondering where poor Leo is.  G-mina shoves more drugs into Leo but thankfully he does not shallow them.  

Jorrible comes by Isa’s office later and b/c of stupidity (under the guise of a broken-heart) she goes out to lunch dinner.  She tells Suzie she’s going to lunch and Jorrible adds she won’t be coming back after lunch.  I hate his presumption and she plays into it by leaving w/him. Later Sarita goes to the office to find Isa, who has gone out to lunch w/Jorrible.  Zoe calls them and Sarita returns to G-mina’s w/Fer while Isa heads there with Jorrible.  Isa forces Fer to leave while the leech continues to suck all logic from Isa’s brain.  Thankfully G-mina answers the door and Isa & Sarita find poor Leo in his almost comatose stand.  And in a true break from TN convention, an ambulance is called and arrives so quickly. I’m shocked.  Fer rushes in behind the stretcher and is able to console Isa.  Jorrible is left to bring G-mina to the hospital (ha, ha).

Suzie overhead Sarita state that Zoe was pregnant so naturally she congratulations F5.  He then goes to Zoe to ask why she hasn’t told him.  Earlier when Zoe is telling Sarita why she hasn’t told F5 he’s a father, Sarita calls him an idiot for all the things he’s been saying about babies and pregnant women.  Unfortunately she gives Zoe the hope that many men act stupid like this until they have a child of their own.  Honestly do we think F5 is going to have that revelation; if I were a betting person I’d put ALL my money on no. Oh goodie I’m right.  F5 is acting like a jerk and surprise, he and Zoe get in a fight.  F5 tells Cecilio Zoe is preggers and he runs out to find her.  Naturally she doesn’t answer the phone but thankfully he finds her crying near Isa’s apt (inside).  He takes her to his house.  Meanwhile, F5 is at his favorite bar and runs into Zoe’s ex, Alvaro  Surprise, they get in a fight.  The next morning Fer comes by Cecilio and find Zoe there.  Awkward! 

Waiting-Room drama: Isa and Sarita know the person responsible for Leo is G-mina. Leo has had a cerebral vascular accident and now is in a coma.  G-mina smiles at the info while all the others (Isa, Sarita, Fer & Jor) look concerned.  Jor hugs Isa expressing condolence and she leaves the leech to hug Fer.  G-mina tries to insert herself (is she married to Leo legitimately?  My guess is no b/c he keeps trying to change his will) as Leo’s woman.  Isa and Sarita see him first.  I hope G-mina isn’t able to kill him when she gets her visit.  Our last scene is Sarita catching G-mina talking to Hector (her boyfriend/accomplice) saying she wishes Leo would die as he’s just a dead vegetable now.  Sarita slaps her.


Attention all! About the recap feeds. Don't use chrome browser.

Hello friends, I suppose I should mention this periodically. When went away (or threatened to), our sidebar recap collection was switched over to a system which is internal to blogger (our blog host) so we figured it would never go away...

It works fine if you use the Internet Explorer browser or Firefox, but unfortunately CHROME BROWSER IS TOO STUPID TO USE IT. If you examine this problem of rss feeds online you will find many people wailing about "Why can't Chrome negotiate rss feeds properly like all the other browsers?" and there is no answer. Yet.

In the mean time, if you want to read old recaps, switch to IE or Firefox and then click on the recap feed in the sidebar. Sorry about this. Feel free to comment. In particular: does the recap feed work for you?


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Abismo de pasion #92 7/20/12: Poor Little Rich Boy Happy to Know that He's Not a Pervert At Last AKA He Won't Need to Be Neutered Afterall

Alternative Titles

  • The Mean Muggers Strike Back
  • "Florencia" Takes A Pregnancy Test, But Florencia Won't Know if She's Fake Pregnant For Certain Until "Florencia's" Results Are In
  • Padre Lupe Goes A Gossiping
Butcher Shop With barely a whisper, Padre Lupe encourages Horacio to tell him the details of the Don Agosto’s death.  Horacio tells him that he only knows what everyone else knows.  Don Agosto committed suicide.  Liar!  Padre tells Horacio that he knows that he was with Carmina when Don Agosto died.  Horacio agrees, but denies that they were anywhere near the house.  Padre tells Horacio that he knows that he has reasons to cover for her.  I want to change and be a good man for my wife, says Horacio.  Padre is not buying it and switches tactics.  He tries using his RIGHTEOUS VOICE OF DOOM!  Padre tells Horacio that he had the opportunity to confess his sins, but didn’t.  Horacio says that just one of his sins would have collapsed the Padre’s eardrums and if he had confessed them, Padre would have never allowed Dolores marry him. 

Hospital Vincente’s Room Vincente sleeps.  His mother, sitting at his bedside, watches over him.  Braulio enters the room.  Tonia is concerned that Dr. Tovar hasn’t arrived yet.  Braulio informs Tonia that Agosto killed himself and Dr. Tovar is at the funeral with his family.  Tonia is shocked.  She’s upset that the Braulio was at the funeral rather than being there with her and their son.  Vincente no es me hijo, says Braulio.  He asks if Gabby arrived.  She doesn’t want anything from Gabby.  It hurts her that Vincente has been asking for Gabby.   Braulio says that Vincente needs a kidney and Gabby would be the best one to give it since he’s his real father.   Tonia wants to explain how she became pregnant by Gabby and married to Braulio.  Braulio doesn’t want to hear it right now.  I do!  Shut up and let her talk!  They will sit down together and talk later.  Vincente continues to sleep like an angel as his parent argues with his his…Braulio.  Braulio leaves the room. 

Butcher Shop After it becomes obvious that the RIGHTEOUS VOICE OF DOOM is annoying and ineffective, Padre Lupe returns to his tried and true guilt-inducing whispery voice.   Horacio simply gazes off into the darkness and considers turning on the lights in the butcher shop.  I’d appreciate the illumination so that I could see their faces better, but then the scene wouldn’t be as intense.  Padre tells Horacio the church doors are always open to him.  If Horacio is serious about being a good man, he will have to answer to the laws of both God and man.  The weight of his sin will destroy his life.  Padre brings out the big artillery and says that it hurts him that Horacio has/will destroy Dolores’ life as well.   Finally, Horacio cracks.  The love that I feel for her is sincere, he says.  He swears that he loves her more than his whole life.  Padre seizes the opportunity to take advantage of Horacio’s vulnerability.  He mentally reviews other voices that might assist him in extracting a solid confession from this degenerate.  Eureka!  He’s got it!  Lupe grabs a nearby USMC Drill Instructor cover (hat), runs over to Horacio and screams in his face!  PROVE YOUR LOVE FOR LO LI TA!  YOU WILL CONFESS YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS AND YOU WILL CONFESS ALL OF YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS AND YOU WILL CONFESS THEM NOW, RECRUIT!  Surprisingly, this doesn’t work either.  Horacio remains stone-faced (I think.  I wish someone would flip on the light switch).  Padre considers testing his soul-searching Kermit the Frog voice, but immediately decides against it.   

Casa de Castanon Living Room Darn it!  It’s immediately after the funeral.  This means that Elisa is going to be doing a whole lot or crying and require a whole lot of comforting.  Dolores slowly leads Elisa over to the couch as Lucio and Carmina trail closely behind them.  Carmina thanks Lucio for everything.  It was the least he could do, he says.  If they need anything else, they know where to find him.  Lucio asks Dolores where her husband is.  He went to open the shop and Padre went with him.   Carmina looks nervous.  Elisa is listlessly leaning against Delores.  Lucio comes over and gives Elisa a parting kiss.  He asks Dolores to make sure Elisa gets some rest.  Elisa tearfully asks Lucio why her father wasn’t buried next to her mother.  Carmina answers for Don Lucio:  Agosto thought that yo momma was a low down dirty hooooahhhh (Oh! Snap!  I think dems fighting words).  He would have never permitted it.   I buried him next to his son, says Carmina.  As Carmina continues speaking, Elisa becomes angrier and angrier.  Did this hooka just say something about my momma?   Don Lucio sprints from the room.  Dolores, diffuses the near-conflict by grabbing Elisa’s shoulders and escorting her from the room.  Elisa mean-mugs Carmina on the way out.  Elisa can barely walk from the grief and has to hold on to the door knob.  Dolores says that she call Dr. Tovar and ask him to check on Elisa.  Carmina rolls her eyes.   

Hospital Lobby Bruised, Gabby taps Braulio on the shoulder.  I’m here.  Braulio didn’t think he’d show.  Gabby continues to deny paternity, but says only there cuz he’s got two kidneys.   If Vincente needs one to save his life, then that’s what he came for.  Dr. Tovar, dressed in scrubs, enters the hallway.  Braulio tells him to perform a test on Gabby to see if he’s compatible.  Dr. Tovar tells Braulio that they don’t have time for that.  Vincente has already been prepped for surgery.    For a split second, Braulio gets excited and thinks that Vincente is his son after all.  No, sorry, says the doc, you are still not Vincente’s daddy, but great news!  Tonia is compatible; she will give up her kidney.   Dr. Tovar wants Braulio to sign some documents.  Braulio says that he isn’t going to sign anything.  He insists that the doctor test Gabby.  He wasn’t aware that Tonia was going to give up her kidney.  He looks at Gabby.  I’ll rip that sucker out of him right now!  The doctor repeats that they don’t have time for this and repeats that Braulio will need to sign the papers.  The doctor walks off.  A nurse brings Braulio some documents to sign.  Braulio multi-tasks by both signing the form and mean-muggging Gabby at the same time.  Gabby uncomfortably backs closer to the wall. 

Casa de Arango Alfonsina’s Bedroom  Florencia sits on the couch while Alfonsina nervously paces behind her.  Florencia is upset that Damien didn’t even turn back to look at her once he was aware of Agosto’s death.  She complains to his mother that he just headed for the door to comfort Elisa, Alfonsina sits down on the couch and Florencia immediately stands up and begins pacing.  Alfonsina tells her not to worry, Elisa is no longer her rival since she’s Dam’s sister.  Florencia wants to know if they are certain that Elisa is Rosendo’s child.  Alfonsina says it’s possible since her husband was a Rolling Stone and where ever he laid his hat was his home. (Temptations Sing!  And when he died, all he left us was alone with several million dollars, a profitable business and a sprawling hacienda with servants).   Florencia is not satisfied knowing that it is “possible”.  She wants to know for sure.  She sits down beside Alfonsina.  Alfonsina tells Florencia to calm down; Damien believing that Elisa is his sibling will work in their favor.  Florencia wants to make sure that Dam Fine never thinks of returning to Elisa (Good luck with that, sweetie!).   Florencia tells Alfonsina that she wants to travel to Merida for wedding decorations and a pregnancy test.   Alfonsina is simply giddy that her choice of scented candles and Barry White music contributed towards her inebriated son’s possible conception of her grandchild.  They two women embrace. 

Merida Clinic SSSSSssssssPaolo and Sabrina are at the clinic arguing. His big surprise in Merida was to get her a pregnancy test.  You don’t believe that I’m knocked up, Paolo?  He says that he doesn’t trust home tests.  He wants her to take a blood test under Florencia’s name.  Once he’s certain that she’s carrying his son, he’ll speak to her parents about marrying her.  She insists that she is pregnant.  Sabrina doesn’t want to take the test because she can’t stand the sight of blood and hates needles.  Paolo asks her to do it for him.  She agrees and tells him that her father has connections in Merida; he might find out.   Paolo reminds her that if she takes the rabbit test under Florencia’s name; her father won’t find out.  He tells her that if she doesn’t take the test and prove that she’s pregnant, he won’t talk to her parents.  They walk over to the counter.  He introduces Sabrina as Florencia Landucci, his niece.  Sabrina stands by quietly.  She’s deserves a category all by herself on the Dumb Chick List.  Make room for the Incredibly Stupid section.  

Casa de Arango Alfonsina’s Bedroom Florencia tells Alfonsina not to get so excited.  Her Aunt Flo is only a couple days late, so she may not be preggers.  Right now, she merely suspects that she’s fake knocked up (she can’t be sure until Incredibly Stupid pops positive and she has the results in her pretty little hands).  Alfonsina suggest that she do a home test.  Florencia says that blood tests are better.  This way both Alfonsina and Damien can be absolutely positive that she’s with child.  Alfonsina agrees.  Florencia asks if she would like to go with her, Alfonsina says she can’t cuz she’s got stuff to do.  They can go tomorrow.   Florencia wants to go today.  She wants to visit the linen shop, pick out some center pieces, pick up the falsified pregnancy test results so that she can trap Damien, and then do lunch.  We can do it all at the same time and it will be fun.   Alfonsina says in that case then, they can make a day of it.  They’ll pick the results up together.  They embrace and Alfonsina calls Florencia “daughter”.  Florencia leaves the room and Alfonsina sighs with pleasure.   Commercial.

Hospital Lobby Worried and alone in the lobby, Braulio asks a nurse for an update on his family.  How’s my wife and my, my…uh Vincente?  The nurse tells him that they are still in surgery.  She’ll let him know something as soon as she knows more.  Breaking News!  Elisa has dropped dead!  Why else would Dolores not be at her side?  Dolores has momentarily managed to tear herself away from the Queen of Drama and walks towards Braulio!  She whispers his name.  How are things?  She asks about Vincente.  He explains that Vincente needed a kidney and Tonia was the donor.  They hold hands.  She’d better get home before Elisa regains consciousness.  She tells him that she will pray for his family and that he needs to have faith that everything will turn out well.  He thanks her for her concern.  She tells him to ask the doctor to stop by and see Elisa who is doing very badly.  Dolores turns to leave.  Braulio calls her back and asks her to stay with him; he needs her support.  Dolores checks her watch.  Elisa’s blow to the head was just enough to knock her out for an hour or two.  She touches his face and stares at his full lips (Horacio is my husband.  I must not lick Braulio.  Horacio is my husband.  I must not lick Braulio).  She will wait with him until they get out of surgery. 

Merida Clinic Waiting Room Instead of gossiping, Mrs. Kravitz should really teach her daughter to cross her legs when wearing short dresses.   Florencia Landucci!  Here we are!  Paolo drags Incredibly Stupid towards the counter.  He tells her that he will wait outside.  She protests.  She wants him to come in and hold the stick while she urinates on it.  It will be so romantic when the rabbit dies.  Just kidding!  She’s scared of needles.  Paolo says that he is too.  He prefers to wait in the lobby.  Sabrina follows the nurse.  Paolo tells the other nurse that he wants the results sent to Dr. Tovar’s office in La Ermita since he will be the OBGYN.  What doesn’t Dr. Tovar do?  The nurse says that he can pick the results up at n the La Ermita Health Center.  Paolo is so desssssssspicable that I am becoming deeply attracted to him.  I think I need therapy.

Hospital Doctor Tovar has completed the transplant and comes out into the lobby.  Both Tonia and Vincente are doing fine.  Braulio and Dolores hug; he asks to see Vincente.  The doctor tells them that the two are recuperating. He’ll have to wait.  Dolores, realizing that she’s been too touchy-feely with Braulio forces herself to back out of his embrace (I must not lick Braulio.  I am a married woman).  Braulio thanks her for staying with him at such a difficult time.  She has to get home before Elisa wakes up.  She tells the doctor that Elisa is still doing badly and asks him to stop by. 

Casa de Arango Alfonsina’s Bedroom Dam Fine is cussing out Alfonsina.  He wants to know why she didn’t tell him that Agosto is dead.  Why didn’t she give him Maru’s message?   It slipped her mind completely, she says.  Dam Fine tells her not to treat him like he’s Dam senile.  He accuses her of doing it on purpose and tells her not to deny it.   Fine, she says, I won’t deny it.   He didn’t have anything to do with Agosto’s wake.  He tells her that she can’t continue to treat him like a child.  She can’t decide what he can and cannot do.  He wanted to be there for Elisa because Elisa would have done the same for him.  Alfonsina doubts it.  She wants to change the subject.  Damien tells her that as each day passes, he knows that they will never have a normal relationship.  She says that she is the only one making the effort.  He says that the only time they got along was when he lived in Italy because they never had to see each other.  After he gets married, he’s moving with his wife so she can’t try to control them.   The procesadora will be fine in the Gabby’s hands since she’s never going to fire him.   She tells him that it is not necessary for them to move.  She has a surprise for him.  Dam Fine says that he has never liked surprises and leaves the room. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom Dr. Tovar is completing his examination of Elisa.  Something is seriously wrong with her this time.  She is not crying; there’s no hint of a tear anywhere.  I’ve never seen her this way before.  I’m very worried about her.  He asks why she won’t eat.  He tells her that although she’s going through a bad time, she has to snap out of it.  Otherwise she will make herself very sick.  She says that she doesn’t have the strength for anything.  He knows that she’s tired of fighting, but she must continue fighting all the same.  She is very young.  She’s a strong girl, he says.  Get your strength from your loved ones.  He says that she should rest and then exits the room.  No tears.  No wailing.  She’s just a sad lump. 

Casa de Castanon Living Room Dolores is talking to Camina. She says that they should have told Don Lucio. Carmina says that they have to handle their problems themselves.  Dolores tells Carmina that she has no heart (ya think?). Dr. Tovar interrupts the conversation.  Dolores wants to know how Elisa is doing.  She’s well, says the doctor.   She’s depressed and needs to rest. Give her something to eat and drink.  Dolores mean-mugs Carmina and then goes to check on Elisa.  Carmina calls the doctor back into the living room.  She thanks him for everything and complains that no one is concerned about her.  She lost (OK killed…semantics) her husband and no one seems to care.  She knew Elisa didn’t have anything seriously wrong with her.  Dr. Tovar says that Elisa needs support and a lot of understanding.  Carmina tells the doctor that he was the only friend that Agosto had (and you, his only friend, boinked me). Oh she’s good!   Dr. Kravitz tells Carmina that Agosto stopped by and asked about her pregnancy.  She asks what he told Agosto.  He tells her that he told Agosto the truth, but he had the strange feeling that Agosto already knew the answer.  He simply confirmed what he already knew.  You were knocked up before you got married.  He feels bad because he may have contributed to his death.  Carmina tells the doctor to leave because he is not making her feel any better about killing her husband. 

Procesadora Damien’s Office Padre tells Damien that he’s been trying to call him, but the phone at that hacienda has been busy for days.  Dam Fine says his mother probably took the phone off of the hook.  Damien wants to know if there will be a mass for Don Agosto.  Padre says Carmina doesn’t want one.  He doesn’t know if Elisa wants to do a mass.  He’s come to tell him that Elisa needs him more than ever.  Dam Fine says that he knows, but he’s not sure that she will accept his visit.  Padre rises from his seat and strangles his hat.  He knows that Dam Fine is not in love with Florencia.  He tells him to go get Elisa and take her from that house.  Something’s not right with her aunt; she’s EVIL.  Damien asks why his uncle is so desperate.  Padre tells Damien to marry Elisa and give her the love that she’s never had in her life.  Damien says that he wants to love her hard and he wants to love her good, but she’s my sister!  Dam Fine goes on to explain that he’s tried drinking, drugs, hypnosis, acupuncture, yoga, boinking Florencia, electric shock therapy, a psychiatrist, voodoo, a witch doctor and watching Tony Robbins DVDs.  Nothing works!  He wants to violate Elisa!  Padre Kravitz interrupts his nephew.  Damien, he says, in my rush to tell Gael and CNN, I forgot to tell you that Elisa is not your sister.  Dam, I thought you would have seen in on my Facebook page by now.  Damien looks shocked.  Commercial. 

Procesadora Damien’s Office Damien runs around his desk and grabs his uncle.  Uncle, what are you saying?  Elisa and I aren’t siblings? Are you sure because I want to violate my sister over and over again!  The next step was castration!  Padre assures his nephew that Carmina lied; she falsified the Deny Natal Accusations test and a frontal lobotomy will not be necessary at this time.  Elisa is not your sister, says the Padre.  So, I’m not a pervert?  Damien bends over with relief.  His uncle encourages him to go to Elisa immediately. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom Dolores brings Elisa a tray of food and asks her to eat.  Tearless, Elisa says she’s not hungry.  Her mother’s picture and her father’s black glasses rest on her nightstand.  She plays with her amulet as she lies in bed in her funeral clothes; a little pink blanket covers her legs.  She is so bummed.  Dolores tells her that Dr. Tovar says that it’s very important that she eat.  Elisa says that she will eat later.  Dolores tells her that what happened was terrible.  Dolores wants to know where she went last night.  She went to see Damien, but no one opened the door.  She needed to see him.  She couldn’t tell him that they weren’t siblings because he didn’t open the door.  Dolores says that she has to make Damien listen to her.  He has the right to know that he does not have the hot tamales for his sister.   Elisa points out that it’s useless.  He didn’t even show up for Agosto’s funeral nor did he send his condolences.  Dolores thinks that Damient may not know about Agosto.  Elisa says that in La Ermita everybody knows everybody’s business.  Padre Lupe has a Twitter account.  She has to accept that he is with Florencia and she’s lost him.  Darn it.  She’s way too depressed to cry and I feel sorry for her.  I can’t stand to see her this way; she’s just lying there.  Why isn’t she hysterical?   Sniff. Sniff.  (It’s just my allergies acting up again).   

Procesadora Gabby is searching the file cabinet for something.  Maru asks him what’s up.  He says that he needs the agriculturist’s contracts from ten years ago.  She wants to know why.  Basically, he tells her to mind her own business and just tell him where he can find them.  She says they’re in the archives. 

Casa de Don Lucio (Hopefully, this conversation is right). Padre is earning every bit of his paycheck today.  He is visiting EVERY ONE.  Lucio tells the Padre that he is very sad.  They discuss the inconsistencies of Agosto’s death.  Lucio says that he heard there was an autopsy (when does Tovar have the time?)  There was a report, but it only shows the approximate time of death.  Padre says that Gael told him that Agosto was in a good mood until he heard about Kenia’s death.   Lucio says that the last time he saw him, Agosto was depressed about having to sell his property to Gabby.  He felt like a failure.  Padre says he won’t accept that Agosto killed himself. 

Procesadora Gabino’s Office Gabby has found a folder in an archive box.  He locks the door to his office, opens the folder and practices forging a signature. 

Hospital Tonia’s Room Alfonsina has come to the hospital to find out why Tonia is still lounging around after that elective kidney transplant surgery.  The house is dirty and she’s hungry.  The other girls aren’t as efficient as Tonia.  How long is this recovery going take and where is Braulio?  Somebody has to do some foreman work!  Alfonsina tells Tonia that she’s happy that she’s doing well.  She heard that the surgery was a complete success.  Alfonsina has asked about her little snitch (I mean Vincente) and he is also doing well too.  Tonia tells her that Braulio knows that Vincente is the spawn of Gabino.  Alfonsina is stunned and calls Tonia a fool.  Dr. Tovar walks in and wants to know how the patient is doing. The doctor tells Alfonsina that Tonia needs to rest and explains that kidney transplants are necessary.  Tonia will have to remain in the hospital for a while.  Tonia asks about Vincente.  Doctor wants to watch him for three to seven days.  He’ll also have to be under strict medical control and will need regular blood tests.  Tonia wants to know if she and Vincente can share a room.  Doctor looks at Alfonsina and tells her that he needs to talk to her. 

Procesadora Gabino’s Office Gabino has perfected the signature.  He throws the scratch paper in the trash bin, not the shredder.  I said Gabino was good-loooking.  I didn’t say he was smart.  Braulio meets him in the lobby and gives him an update on Vincente.  Gabby doesn’t care.  Dude, he’s your kid, says Braulio.  Gabby denies it and says that Vincente is Braulio’s problem. 

Case de Castanon Foyer Dam Fine has arrived!  Hurray!  He asks Dolores for Elisa.  She says that she is in the bedroom.  He says that he needs to see her.  Dolores says she’s resting and tells him to come back later.  He insists; he begs.  She wants to know why Damien didn’t open the door when Elisa was outside shouting his name.  He says that they don’t have time to discuss this now.  She relents because like me, Dolores loves a begging man.  Darn it!  Carmina heard the doorbell and comes into the foyer.  She hears the conversation and tries to stop Damien by telling him that the house belongs to her.  Damien points out that the house also belongs to Elisa and shoves her out of the way.  OK, he didn’t shove her.  I made it up, but he mean-mugs her and walks towards Elisa’s room.  You heard him, says Dolores to a flabbergasted Carmina.

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom Elisa is just staring out the window.  You already heard?  She tells him that she saw him arrive.  Damien marches in the bedroom and immediately starts groveling.  He apologizes for not being with her.  He just heard what happened.  I would have been here sooner.  She won’t even look at him as she responds.  She says there’s nothing to forgive.  She is still wearing that stupid little halo braid.  He tells her that he couldn’t sleep last night, so he came looking for her.  She turns to him and asks what time did he come.  He said that he came early, but Carmina wouldn’t let him in.  He just wanted to know that she was ok.  Even though Carmina didn’t tell him about Agosto, he knew something was wrong.  She tells him that she wasn’t there when he came because she was at his house yelling and screaming for him.  He tells her that no one told him that she’d been there.  He tells her that he saw her with Gael on the way home.  She tells him that she’d left to go visit him in the middle of the night.  She had to see him.  Now she understands why he didn’t respond to her.   There’s moisture; her eyes are glistening.   She wanted to tell him that her father had died and they are not siblings.  He tells her that he just found out this morning; his uncle told him.  Oh, and that I’m not a deranged pervert.  He grabs her hands and tells her how sorry he is that her father died.  He kisses her hands loudly.  A tear rolls down her cheek.  See?  All she needed was a little dose of Dam Fine.  He wipes her tears away and tells her that he loves her with all of his heart.  Nothing will ever separate them, he says.  He pulls her into his arms.  Mi Elisa.  Mi Elisa.  With tears in her eyes, she holds tightly to his big shoulders. 

Sniff.  Sniff.  (Darn these allergies). 


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