Thursday, February 07, 2008

La Traición, Episodes 1, 2 & 3

Note: I am writing the recaps of the first month or so of La Traición after the novela has ended. I will not reveal any spoilers for those who may be reading these recaps and seeing the novela for the first time. However, I may make reference to information that we learn later that might be of interest. My comments on the novela and vocabulary that I find interesting are in italics in brackets, [thus]

La Traición: Episode 1

Hugo de Medina and his servant Boris Monsalve ride along a beautiful lakeshore to where several other men are waiting.
Hugo: I am here, Don Arturo de Linares, in response to your challenge [‘reto’].
Arturo: As the injured party, I have the right to say how the duel will be conducted. I have decided it will be a duel to the death.
H: It doesn’t seem necessary that death be the price for a mistake, sir.
A: You call soiling the reputation [‘el haber enlodado la honra’] of my sister, Beatriz, a mistake?
H: I’ve told you before and I repeat it again: there never existed anything but a healthy friendship between me and Beatriz. However, I know that I can’t do anything to convince you of that.
A: Hugo de Medina, you will pay with your life for what you did to my sister.

An attractive house in a garden- Soledad de Obragón is sitting at her dressing table with her maid, Ursula. Ursula asks if Soledad still remembers Don Hugo de Medina. Ursula says that she has something to tell Soledad. Soledad’s mother is planning to have Don Alcides visit Soledad formally. “Alcides, the brother of Hugo de Medina?” says Soledad. Ursula tells Soledad that her mother wants her and Alcides to have a relationship [‘sean novios’]. Soledad asks why her mother insists on bringing suitor after suitor to her that she doesn’t want to see and above all Hugo’s brother. Ursula asks what she means. Soledad says that she doesn’t know how to explain it but she has always felt a special curiosity about Hugo de Medina. She remembers him as a man who was so brave, so interesting, so intelligent, so gentlemanly… Ursula breaks in to say that Hugo is very mysterious and strange. She asks if Soledad remembers that Hugo went out of his house very little and now goes out even less. “That’s why,” says Soledad, “but I would rather meet Hugo de Medina a thousand times before having to receive his brother, Alcides de Medina.

Alcides de Medina, who is Hugo’s identical twin [‘gemelo’], is walking along the street in a city that will only be referred to as ‘the capital.’ [These scenes were actually shot in the old part of Bogotá, Colómbia.] Up ahead there is a commotion. A couple are accepting bets [‘apuestas’] from a crowd of men on the outcome of the duel between Hugo and Arturo. This couple, who I will refer to frequently as, ‘the diminutive duo,’ or 'Los Burke,' are Guillermo and Elena Burke, the lovable lowlives of the city.

Guillermo approaches Alcides and says that he supposes that Alcides has come to town to accompany his brother to the duel. Alcides is buying flowers. Alcides tells Guillermo to beat it [¡sáquese!]. Guillermo says that he works as a gardener in Hugo’s house and one hears things. Is it true that Alcides and his brother don’t get along? Alcides pulls a switchblade from his pocket, flicks it open and puts the blade against Guillermo’s throat. He tells Guillermo to get lost, he’s in a hurry. Undaunted, Guillermo tells Alcides that he is organizing bets on the outcome of the duel. Would Alcides like to place a bet? Alcides hands Guillermo some money, “You already know who my favorite is,” he says.

Soledad tells her mother, Ester, that she isn’t interested in Alcides de Medina and won’t receive him. Ester asks what makes Soledad think that she has the right to choose her suitors. “Convention [‘las normas,’ literally, ‘the rules’] dictates that your father and I decide your future,” Ester continues. Soledad replies that the conventions of society don’t interest her. “Mama,” she starts to say, “love is…” Ester replies that love comes with time. She goes on to say that Alcides isn’t rich but he comes from a good family and that should suit her. “It suits me?” asks Soledad, “Are you sure? Or does it suit you?” Soledad suggests that it is something that she could brag about to her friends. Ester accuses Soledad of trying to kill her with her rudeness. Ester tells Soledad that it shouldn’t be too much to ask to to at least speak with Alcides. Soledad agrees to speak to Alcides but she isn’t promising anything. She tells her mother that she has a right to dream, a right to find a man that will make her happy, that she loves and she is sure that one day she will find that man.

At the duel, Hugo gestures to Arturo to choose his weapon. He takes a pistol and Hugo takes the other. Boris wishes Hugo good luck. One of the seconds tells Hugo that this is his last opportunity for Arturo to receive satisfaction and avoid bloodshed. Arturo says that the only thing that he will accept as satisfaction is if Hugo marries his sister. Hugo says that he can’t pay for something he didn’t cause. “I didn’t sully [‘no mancillé’] Beatriz’ honor,” says Hugo. Arturo says in that case, the duel should proceed.

Alcides has brought flowers to Soledad. He says that is a treat [‘un agasajo’] to be able to enjoy her company. He says that he doesn’t have much experience in such things but he confesses that he has been attracted to Soledad for a long, long time. Soledad starts to say something discouraging but Alcides interrupts and says, “I know that that with time and a little luck [‘con el tiempo y un ganchito,’ this is Alcides’ mantra and we will hear it many, many times] he will win her heart.

At this point, Lucas, Soledad’s father, comes home and announces the latest gossip – Alcides’ brother, Hugo, is fighting a duel to the death with Arturo de Linares. Alcides says that he knows this already. Lucas mentions that Arturo was a soldier and no one gives Hugo much of a chance. Soledad tells Alcides that he has to do something to prevent this duel. Alcides replies that he is concerned about his brother’s life but in this case, there isn’t much that he can do – Hugo has acted shamefully with a woman. Soledad says that she doesn’t think that Hugo is capable of doing harm. She goes on to say that even so, it isn’t worth putting his life at risk. She tells Alcides that he has to go and stop the duel and she will go with him. [This is Soledad’s first ‘crazy stunt,’ where she gets an idea and acts on it immediately, no matter how ridiculous]. Lucas starts to object to the idea of Soledad interfering in a duel but surprisingly Ester supports Soledad’s position and says that Alcides’ brother shouldn’t be left to certain death. Alcides say that will have to hurry. Soledad goes for her coat and Alcides says that he will wait in the carriage. Lucas is surprised that Ester is concerned about the life of Hugo de Medina. Ester reveals her twisted mind by saying that she doesn’t care a whit about that libertine, Hugo de Medina, but she wants to give Alcides the opportunity to do something to impress Soledad.

The guy in charge of the duel tells Hugo and Arturo, who are back to back, to take ten steps and then turn and fire one shot. He counts to ten. Hugo and Arturo turn and fire.

Alcides stops the carriage on the road and pretends that there is something wrong with the horse. “I wasn’t aware that you were acquainted with Hugo, Soledad,” he says as he examines the horse. Soledad says that it isn’t necessary to know someone to believe that it is unjust for two men to fight to the death because of a woman. Alcides replies that it isn’t that simple. He says that Hugo is his brother but he didn’t behave properly with Beatriz de Linares –he seduced her and then abandoned her. “But he’s your brother!” says Soledad, “You can’t just let him be killed. Let’s go.” Alcides says that he doesn’t recommend continuing. The horse has a loose shoe. He will go to the nearest village, get help and be right back. Soledad’s second crazy stunt: she takes the reins and takes off in the carriage leaving Alcides open mouthed in the road.

At the duel, Arturo has been wounded in the arm. Hugo is unharmed. Boris tells Hugo that he knows that he could have killed Arturo but he didn’t do so. Hugo says that Boris knows how he feels about duels of honor. He only came to defend himself. The doctor says that Arturo’s wound is not serious. Arturo tells Hugo that it was a lucky shot but this isn’t over. Hugo bows to Arturo and repeats that he is wrong. Hugo and Boris leave. The doctor says that Arturo should leave this matter alone. “No way,” says Arturo, “I have reserved a surprise for him.”

Hugo and Boris are riding through the woods when Hugo stops to listen.

He gets off his horse and draws his guns. Boris follows suit asking what is going on. All of a sudden, two men start firing at them. Hugo and Boris return fire. Hugo gets on his horse while Boris tells him not to expose himself that way. Into this drama comes Soledad in the carriage. One of the attackers tries to get Soledad to stop the carriage. She refuses and he fires at her. This spooks the horse, which bolts. Soledad calls for help. Hugo hears her, rides alongside and jumps onto the carriage from his horse and brings the carriage to a stop. Soledad is babbling about what happened. Hugo gets out of the carriage and lifts Soledad down.
H: Are you all right, Miss?
S: Yes, I owe you my life. (Wonderingly) You must be Hugo de Medina?
H: Have we met before? (Soledad gives an embarrassed laugh. Hugo realizes who she is.) Señorita Soledad de Obragon. But you were just…
S: A little girl who ran by your house on her way home from school.
H: I heard that you were in Europe, right?
S: Yes, but I’m back. And you? I heard you were in a duel. I was coming to look for you with your brother.
H: With my brother?
S: Yes, but I’m happy that you are ok. I heard the duel was over a woman.
H: I assure you that I am innocent of whatever I am accused of.
S: I am not anyone to judge you. First, I don’t know… (Soledad notices that Hugo’s hand is bleeding) You’re hurt. Are you all right? Did something happen?
H: No, it was the attackers in the road. The duel ended without any fatalities.
S: It doesn’t matter. A doctor has to see you. Let’s go to the hospital. Let’s look for your brother, Alcides, first and then go to the hospital right away.
Alcides arrives.
A: You heard him. It’s nothing. Let’s go.
Alcides hands Soledad into the carriage, gets in himself and they leave. (We hear Alcides’ theme for the first time. The words (in Spanish) can be found at Mabouchita’s LT website:

Back in town, Guillermo Burke is assuring his wife that they will make a fortune with the bets he has collected. Guillermo figures that Hugo de Medina must be dead by now. Elena says that she hopes it works out as he predicts because this is their whole savings. The cry goes up that the duelists are returning. Everyone runs to see who survived. Guillermo can’t believe it when both Hugo and Arturo ride back into town. Everybody who made bets wants their money back and Los Burke run off with the crowd in pursuit.

Boris says to Hugo that he acted recklessly when the men were shooting at him on the road. Hugo replies that he would prefer being shot than dying of catalepsy. Boris says that Hugo acted like he wanted to commit suicide. Hugo replies that they shouldn’t discuss this in public. They dismount and walk over to where Arturo has just gotten off his horse. “Arturo de Linares,” says Hugo, “I thought that you were a gentleman.” Arturo tries to punch Hugo but Hugo stops him with a martial arts type move. “Don’t waste your money sending killers to get rid of me,” Hugo says to Arturo, “In addition, I didn’t have anything to do with your sister.” Hugo puts on his hat and walks away while Arturo looks after him with hatred.

Alcides is having tea with Obragons. Ester says that she was wrong to let Soledad go to the duel. She might have been hurt. [Make a note of this. Ester almost never admits that she was wrong.] Soledad says that nothing happened. Hugo was able to stop the runaway carriage. She says that Hugo was very courageous. Ester replies that Soledad was very stubborn to run away from Alcides in the carriage. Lucas interrupts to say that the important thing is that nothing happened. He thanks Alcides for bringing Soledad home. Alcides says that he only did what any gentleman would do. Lucas says that he will send Hugo a note with a good bottle of wine as thanks. Ester says that Lucas will do no such thing [this will not be last time that Ester overrules her husband]. Ester says that she doesn’t want Hugo to get close to their family. She says that he is nothing but trouble. “To be honest with you, Doña Ester,” says Alcides. “Hugo is a good guy [‘un buen tipo’] but he leads a dissolute life [‘una vida desordenada’] and he’s always getting into trouble.” Soledad announces that she will go visit Hugo tomorrow to thank him and to check on his wound. Ester forbids Soledad to visit ‘that libertine.’ Soledad does not reply and excuses herself to take a bath.

Ursula says to Soledad that Hugo has made a big impression on Soledad. She has been distracted all afternoon. Soledad tells Ursula that she is surprised how different Hugo and Alcides are in spite of being twins. Soledad says that Hugo is so confident and the deep look in his eyes impresses her. Ursula says that Hugo makes her afraid. He is mysterious and has a reputation as a womanizer. Ursula points out that the duel was because Hugo dishonored one of the young ladies in the city. Soledad replies that Hugo told her that he was innocent and she believes him. Soledad says that Hugo’s eyes are those of an honest man who doesn’t need to lie to impress a woman. Soledad says that there is something else, she doesn’t know what, it’s as if he is deeply sad. Soledad says that she has to see him again. Ursula points out that her mother has forbidden this. “When did I ever do what my mother said?” asks Soledad.

In his townhouse, Boris is cleaning Hugo’s wound. We can see the two rings that Hugo wears on the index and ring finger of his left hand.
H: I met Soledad after so many years. An agreeable surprise, I would say.
B: Only agreeable?
H: My dear friend and partner in crime. Soledad has become a woman... beautiful, her eyes, My God, what a smile!
B: I have seen Señorita Obregón when she was walking in the plaza. It wouldn't be a bad idea to court her.
H: Boris, you more than anyone know how much I suffer because of my illness. No, friend, it isn't fair that I drag the woman who loves me into my suffering. It is better to be involved in affairs that don't go anywhere.
B: The woman who loves you, will have to understand you, know that you suffer from catalepsy and support you. It has been a long time since you had an attack, maybe you are getting better.
H: Yes, if catalepsy was just any illness but it is incurable, my father suffered from it and was buried alive, (Thunder crashes outside. Hugo pulls a cloth to uncover his father’s skull on a stand)… alive. (He looks at a portrait of his father. We hear Hugo's theme.)
Hugo flashes back to a scene from his childhood. A coffin is opened. The inside of the lid is stained with blood. His mother is screaming, 'I told you and you didn't believe me! Curse you all!’ She kneels by the coffin. Someone leads the twin boys away. ‘Forgive me,’ his mother cries, ‘they wouldn’t listen! Bastards. They didn't believe me!’

One of the attackers in the woods [we find out later his name is Fabio] is at the front door of Arturo’s house. Arturo asks why he has dared to come there. Fabio says that he has come for his payment. He needs money. Arturo says that he won’t pay since Fabio didn’t do the job. Hugo de Medina should be dead (We see Beatriz comes down the stairs to overhear this.) Fabio says that he has to get out of town before Hugo finds him. Arturo says to meet him tomorrow in the usual place.

Beatriz asks Arturo what crazy thing he has done. Is he going to kill Hugo? Arturo says that he challenged Hugo to a duel to protect her honor but he was defeated. He hired men to kill Hugo in that eventuality but they failed too. Beatriz tells Arturo not to touch Hugo and not to try to hurt him again. Arturo say that as the oldest son in the family he will do as he pleases. He will protect the good name of his family regardless of what it takes.

Los Burke have lost all their money because of Guillermo’s bet on the duel. They are broke. Guillermo says that he has a plan to get their money back. Helena says that he will never earn it in 100 years working as Hugo’s gardener. Guillermo says he isn’t going to continue to work as a gardener. Elena asks if he is going back to his old job of stealing corpses from the cemetery for Dr. Max. Guillermo says that he will never go back to that job. Elena says that the money was good and they were helping science. Guillermo says that it gives him goosebumps [‘se me pone la piel de gallina,’ literally, I get chicken skin’]to think about the cold, stiff corpses. No, his idea is to steal stuff from Hugo’s house. “He has so much; he’ll never miss it,” says Guillermo.

A cemetery at night. A funeral procession enters carrying a coffin. Hugo is in the coffin. “Get me out of here! [‘Sáquenme de aquí’]” says Hugo in a low voice, “I’m alive! [‘Estoy vivo’]” but no one hears him. The coffin is put in the grave and dirt starts to be shoveled on top. Hugo wakes up from the dream and yells, "No!"
Boris comes in and asks if he is all right.
H: I had the same nightmare as always. I am being buried alive and I yell and no one hears me and you aren't there, Boris.
B: You know that you can count on me.
H: You are the only person who knows that curse that I have to carry. (Hugo puts his hand on Boris’ shoulder.) Listen to me. No one must know, no one! I don't want their pity.
B: Your secret is safe with me and while I am by your side, no one will bury you alive.
Boris takes Hugo’s hand. Hugo lies back down and closes his eyes.
H: Thank you, thank you, my friend.

Soledad [in a lovely green gown] and Ursula are heading out the door when Ester stops and asks where they are going.

Obviously lying, Soledad says that she is going to the park as usual with Ursula. Ester asks if they think she is stupid. Last night Soledad threatened to go see Hugo de Medina and Ester knows that she is capable of doing just that. Soledad replies that she has thought about what Ester said and has decided not to see Hugo. Ester believes that Soledad is deceiving her. Lucas comes in and tells Ester that they should trust their daughter. Ursula says that she will make sure Soledad doesn’t do anything she shouldn’t. “Your vigilance and nothing are the same thing,” retorts Ester. Once again, Lucas urges Ester to trust her daughter and the girls leave. Ester turns and asks how Lucas dares to countermand her order. Lucas tells her not to be so rigid. Their daughter is young and deserves space to breathe. “It’s you who won’t be able to breathe if you do something like that again!” says Ester viciously.

Walking through the park, Soledad says to Ursula, “Will I seem too bold to Hugo if I visit him at his house? I don’t want him to think badly of me.” Ursula says that she has the perfect excuse. She produces a jar of ointment that her grandmother taught her to make that prevents scars from forming. Soledad can use it on Hugo’s wound.

Guillermo is sneaking around Hugo’s house with a bag. He picks up a mantle clock and puts in the bag. Seconds later, he is surprised by Boris who asks what he is doing. Guillermo thinks madly and says that he is looking for a bathroom. Boris replies that his bathroom is in the servants’ quarters. Boris tells him to leave before Hugo sees him. Guillermo starts to go rejoicing in his luck when Boris asks him what is in the bag he is carrying. Guillermo replies that he has his gardening tools in the bag and produces a pair of pruning shears. Boris accepts this explanation and tells him not to come to this part of the house again.

Hugo is reading in a dressing gown. Boris announces that he has a visitor – Beatriz de Linares. He knows that Hugo isn't pleased that she has come but she insists on speaking with him. Hugo comes downstairs to see Beatriz and tells her that she shouldn't have come. She is making things more difficult for him. Beatriz says that she wants to apologize for what her brother did. She hadn't known about the duel or the ambush afterwards. Hugo thanks her but says that doesn't change anything. He tries to get her to leave. Beatriz says that would never allow anyone to hurt him. She loves Hugo so much.
Hugo asks how he can make her understand that her feelings towards him are not reciprocated. Beatriz mentions all the time they spent together. Hugo responds that they went to the theater and to restaurants as friends. Beatriz says that she didn’t take it that way. Hugo says that is why he ended their friendship. He says that she has to leave his house. He almost drags her to the door, opens it and there are Soledad and Ursula.

Outside his house, Arturo asks the maid where Beatriz is. The maid says that she went out early and looked nervous. Arturo says that he thinks he knows where she went and he will end this once and for all. He marches off purposefully.

Beatriz: So your next victim will be the distinguished Soledad de Obragon?
H: Beatriz, I've told you not to speak like that. Soledad and I..
B: Don't tell me, you are only friends. (to Soledad) Be very careful, that’s how he begins with all his women and that’s how it ends with them only being a friend.
S: I should definitely go. I've come at a bad moment.
H: No, Beatriz is just leaving. (Hugo gestures to the street. Beatriz leaves.) Please come in. (Ursula says that she will wait outside.) I invite you to go into to the tea room. I owe you an apology, first for receiving you dressed like this and second for that embarrassing incident.
S: That woman, you fought the duel for her?
H: No, no, I didn’t fight it for her. It was all a mistake. Her brother accused me of having seduced her but I treated her as a friend.
S: Fine, you don't have to give me explanations.
H: For me it is important that you know that what people are saying is not true, Soledad, Beatriz has given me a lot of trouble, but unfortunately… (he takes her arm. Soledad looks at his hand and he lets her go.) unfortunately, she confused love with friendship and now she can't distinguish between reality and fantasy.
S: I brought you some ointment, a family recipe. It prevents scarring.

Outside, Arturo finds Beatriz. He says that he knows where she has come from and she tells him to mind his own business. He tells her to forget about Hugo or Arturo will finish him. Beatriz replies that she loves Hugo and he will be hers whatever the price. “If you continue to see Hugo,” says Arturo, “I swear that I will kill him.”

Back inside Hugo's house:
Soledad puts the ointment on Hugo's wound. Hugo watches her without saying anything. Soledad realizes this and lowers her gaze. Hugo approaches her. Soledad gets up nervously and says that she has to leave.
H: Stay a little longer!
S: You saved my life and I gave you some ointment. We're even ['estamos a mano'].
H: But I want to see you again, Soledad, if you permit me. I would like to visit you formally at your house.
S: I don't think that would be possible.
H: Nothing is impossible in this life, unless, are you engaged? who? Alcides?
S: No, no, no! to be honest, with your reputation, you are not very eligible.
H: I would like to get to know you better, Soledad, a little better.
S: I don't think there is anything wrong if I see you as a friend.
Hugo kisses her hand.

The screen says, ‘Three months later’. There are a series of scenes showing Soledad deceiving her mother to go out with Hugo and having picnics, riding bicycles in the park and kissing him. We hear Soledad’s theme.

Hugo gives Soledad a bottle of French perfume. She asks what the occasion is. Hugo replies that today is the three month anniversary of their meeting. Soledad replies that the time went so fast. Hugo says that nothing gives him more pleasure than in being in her company. She has succeeded in bringing color to the gray life he had before. Soledad says, "Gray?" and Hugo replies that now he feels that he is a different man.
At this moment, Alcides sees Hugo and Soledad together.
Soledad says that she feels like a different woman also. These have been the most marvelous three months of her life. Hugo kisses her. Alcides looks on with anguish.

Alcides pays a boy to put a note under the door of the Obragón house without being seen. "Let’s see how much longer your clandestine romance lasts, brother," says Alcides. Lucas finds and reads the note.

In the Park:
S: Will you come to my birthday celebration?
H: Of course, I will make every effort but I can't promise anything.
S: If you are concerned about my parents, I am inviting you.
H: I want you to understand that my obligations don't leave me time for social events.
S: (angrily) Ah, so you consider me a social event.
H: Of course not! If I promise that I will come to your birthday party, will that make you happy?
S: Completely.
H: I promise. (They part) Adiós, Soledad.. I will be thinking of you... a lot. (They kiss and we see that Lucas is watching.)

Boris is waiting for Hugo.
B: The forest air is doing wonders for you, señor. You should come here more often,
H: It does agree with me, that’s true. But I feel better breathing the aroma of a flower so beautiful and fresh as Soledad.
B: Señorita Soledad is more in love with you every day.
H: There is such delicacy in her. Such tenderness in her voice and warmth ['tibieza'] in her manner of speaking.
B: And you are more in love with her every too.
Hugo tells him to bring the carriage.

When Soledad returns home, Ester confronts her with the accusation that she hasn't been going to the park to see her friends but to be with Hugo de Medina.

Alcides is waiting for Hugo outside his house.
H: Were you waiting for me, brother?
A: I wouldn’t be here otherwise.
H: (to Boris) Tell Marina to set another place at the table, we have guests. (to Alcides) Come into the parlor and have a glass of some excellent wine.
A: I don't have time to have a drink or to have dinner. I've come to give you some advice.
H: From your expression, it appears to be more a scolding than advice.
A: Take it how you will. I've come to speak to you about Soledad de Obragón.

Ester tells Soledad that she isn't worthy of being an Obragón. Soledad says that they will speak later. Ester says that she won't permit Soledad to behave like a tramp ['cualquiera']. Soledad says that she isn't a tramp, she's a woman in love. Ester slaps her and tells her not to be disrespectful. Soledad says that it is the truth. Ester slaps her again. Lucas intervenes. Soledad runs to her room.

Hugo and Alcides:
A: You put Beatriz de Linares aside to take up with Soledad. I saw you walking with her at the entrance to the forest.
H: So now you waste your time keeping an eye on me.
A: Are you playing with her? Are you going to convert her into your friend like you did with Beatriz?
H: I don't have to give you any explanations about my private life but I'm going to satisfy your curiosity. Look.. Soledad is different from the all the women I have met before. She is beautiful, vital, filled with energy for what she does. In the short time I have known her, she has succeeded in changing so many things in my life, so many! But even so, I couldn’t tell you what I feel for her.
A: You don't need to. From the way you express yourself, I can tell.
H: What is your interest, Alcides? perhaps you love her too?
A: That's not important! I only hope that you don't make her unhappy so that I will forget that I am your brother and treat you as my worst enemy. (He takes a hold of the lapels on on Hugo's coat. Hugo removes Alcides' hands.)
H: Aren’t we already? I know you’ve always hated me, Alcides.
A: Life has been unjust to me, Hugo. I've had to endure living in your shadow all these years and everyone points at me.
H: I am sorry that you have such feelings towards me. Believe me.
A: I'm not! I am going to fight for Soledad. You've been warned.
Alcides leaves giving Hugo a little shove as he walks past. Hugo’s happy mood is gone.

Soledad is in her room crying. Thunder crashes as Ester comes in to talk. Soledad says that she is sorry that she lied to Ester. Ester tells Soledad that she will never permit her to be seen with that good-for-nothing man. Soledad replies that that Hugo isn’t a good for nothing. He has shown respect for her and been a gentleman in every sense of the word. Ester repeats that Soledad is not to go near Hugo. "What if I love him?" asks Soledad. Ester replies that Soledad doesn't know what love is. Ester says that Hugo is capable of causing problems to those around him and he is cursed by God. Soledad asks how she can say such a thing. Ester replies that everyone one knows it. Doesn't she remember what happened to his parents? Soledad says that Hugo's father died of natural causes and his mother died in an accident. It wasn't his fault. [These were Alcides' parents too but the shame doesn't rub off on him, apparently.]
"No daughter," says Ester, "Something terrible surrounds this man. Stay away from him before it's too late. It is said that he will never get engaged to any woman. I believe that man, Hugo de Medina, brings death with him." Soledad looks at Ester like she is crazy.

Hugo is sitting in his room. Boris announces dinner.
H: I won’t be dining.
B: Did your brother's visit upset you?
H: Boris, Stick to your duties and leave please. I want to be alone.
B: Señor, please stay calm. You know how bad it is for your health if you get upset.
H: I said I want to be alone! (Boris leaves.) I suffer enough with this cursed illness without you reminding me about it all the time.

Ursula brings Soledad her herbal drink. Soledad is writing a note. Ursula tells Soledad how sorry she is about what happened. Soledad says that she has to go see Hugo and tell him that they’ve been discovered. Ursula says that it would be better to wait until tomorrow. It is already late. In her impulsive way, Soledad says that she can’t wait. She has to go right now. She says that nothing will happen to her being out alone and she knows a shortcut through the cemetery. No matter what her mother says, she isn’t going to stay away from Hugo.

Lucas tells Ester that if Alcides had Hugo's fortune, he would be the same or worse as Hugo. "Don't say stupid things," says Ester, "I would feel very fortunate to see my daughter married to Alcides. Hugo de Medina inspires fear and suspicion in me. The intuition of a mother is never wrong and this man seems strange and disagreeable to me."

Hugo speaks to the empty room.
H: For many I am disagreeable, (He pours himself a drink) including my brother who doesn't know my secret. He sees me as an unscrupulous seducer! But if knew the truth, he would feel so sorry for me. There would be pity in his eyes and I don't want anyone's pity. (At this moment, Hugo has a spasm and the glass falls from his hand and shatters. He gasps. We hear his theme.) If only I could get rid of you... If only I could live like other mortals and start my own family and have my own children. (looking at the portrait of his father) I'm sure no one ever loved you and no one ever feared you and no one ever hated you as much as I do.

Soledad goes through the cemetery while lightning flashes and thunder crashes. She hears her mother's warning that Hugo de Medina brings death with him. She sees the tombstones of Hugo's parents Anabel and Armando.

Hugo stands with his arms braced against the chair and the desk. He calls Boris. Boris is outside in the stairwell and he hurries into Hugo's room and closes the door.
B: Do you need something, señor?
H: I don't feel well. I want to apologize for having been short with you; it wasn't my intention.
B: I know, señor. You should lie down.
H: There isn't time. I think that tonight it will happen.
B: Señor, Please, don’t say that.
H: I don’t feel well at all. Yes, Boris, it’s a fact. It will come tonight ['Ella vendrá esta noche, literally 'She will come tonight']
B: It? ['Ella?' literally, ‘She?’]
H: Catalepsy, death! ['La catalepsia. La muerte,' Catalepsy and death are feminine nouns in Spanish.] This phantasm to which I am inextricably bound.
Soledad knocks on the door of the house and calls Hugo's name. Hugo moves towards the door of his room but he staggers and falls. Boris lifts him up. Marina opens the door of the house and asks what Soledad wants. Soledad rushes right past her and runs upstairs to the door of Hugo's room and pounds on the door, "Hugo, my love. Let me in, please," she calls, “I have to see you.” On the other side of the door, Hugo, supported by Boris, tries to stay conscious, "Boris," he gasps, "don't let her see me like this, don't let her..."
The credits roll.

Episode #2:

Outside of Hugo’s bedroom door, Soledad begs him to open the door. On the other side of the door, Hugo loses the battle and succumbs to an attack of catalepsy. Boris lowers him gently to the floor.

Still speaking through the door, Soledad apologizes for coming at this hour but she has to speak to him. Boris comes out of Hugo’s room and closes the door behind him. He tells Soledad that she can't see Hugo. Since he got back from the park, he hasn't felt well. Soledad asks if it is something serious and Boris says no. She says that she will only stay for a minute but Boris repeats that she can't see Hugo; he is sleeping. Boris says that he will give Hugo a message from Soledad. Soledad gives him a letter and leaves. Marina asks what happened to Hugo. Boris tells her that it isn’t any of her business. He tells Marina not to let anyone into this part of the house without Hugo's permission. When Boris has gone back into Hugo's room, Marina calls him 'grosero,' or rude.

Hugo is on his bed unconscious [that is to say, he appears to be unconscious or even dead. When he is having a catalepsy attack, Hugo's skin feels cold and he has no apparent heartbeat or respiration. He can't move or speak but he is aware of what is going on around him.] Boris tells Hugo that he has to wake up for Señorita Soledad.

Returning home through the cemetery in the thunderstorm Soledad is startled by the sudden appearance of the gravedigger, who, we will find out shortly, is named Miguel.

Hugo wakes up with a sudden intake of breath and starts coughing.
B: Thank God! I thought you weren’t going to wake up. How do you feel?
H: Fine, thank you, fine.
B: The good thing is that this attack wasn't too severe. It certainly was the result of the discussion with your brother, it disturbed you too much.
H: I’m very thirsty, Boris. Bring me a glass of water, please.
B: Right away.
H: Boris, Soledad was here?
B: I told her you couldn't see her.
H: I heard. Did she leave something for me?
Boris gives him the letter. Hugo reads it:

My parents know about us, Hugo, and they want to separate us but they won't succeed. If you support me, if you want, I will leave this house and I don't care about the scandal or what society thinks. What is important is to be by your side.
H: (smiling)What craziness are you thinking about Soledad?

Ester is looking for Soledad and Ursula tries to cover for her not being there. Soledad returns without Ester realizing that she went out. Soledad tells Ursula that she left a note with Hugo's servant because Hugo was not feeling well. Soledad says it was strange. She thought Boris was lying to her because Hugo would never refuse to speak with her. She says that they are hiding something from her and she will find out what it is.

Hugo and Boris:
H: You realize all that Soledad is willing to sacrifice to be with me?
B: And if you tell her, señor? If you speak to her about your illness, Señorita Soledad seems to be very understanding. She could help you and support you.
H: I've told you the tragedy that was my mother's life? The catalepsy attacks that my father suffered ended up driving her insane on the day that he supposedly died.
Hugo flashes back to when he was a child. There is a funeral procession but his mother is screaming that her husband isn’t dead, that he suffers from an illness. She says that they have to listen.
H: No one paid any attention to her pleas not to bury him. They thought she was crazy. No one knew that Papa suffered from catalepsy. Then Mama went insane for real.
B: It must have been terrible.
[This story is being told for our benefit. We learn much later that Boris was actually living in Hugo’s house when all this happened so he must have been there when Hugo’s father was buried alive and doesn’t need Hugo to tell him about it.]
H: I realize that I can't permit Soledad to suffer the same way my mother did. It would be very selfish of me.
B: There must be something we can do. It's been a long time since you consulted the doctors in Europe. Maybe by this time, they’ve found a cure for catalepsy.
H: I've spent a fortune on those doctors and I’ve come to the conclusion that catalepsy is incurable.
B: What are you going to do, señor?
H: Make a decision.

Ester asks Soledad how long she is going to continue with this absurd whim. Soledad replies that it’s not a whim. She is in love. Why can't Ester try and talk with Hugo? He isn’t the bad person that she thinks he is. Ester replies that she isn't going to talk to Hugo and he isn't coming to her birthday party.

In the taverna, Alcides sits down at the bar with Arturo and says that he has something to propose to him. Arturo asks why would he want to talk to the brother of his worst enemy? Alcides says that he does not agree with the way Hugo treated Beatriz. Alcides says that the behavior of his brother is an embarrassment that sullies the Medina name. Arturo replies that Hugo de Medina is a good for nothing who doesn’t want to admit the damage that he did to Arturo’s sister. People like that should be eliminated.

Soledad asks her mother to let Hugo come to her birthday party. It's her birthday. Ester refuses and says that Soledad will be escorted by Hugo's brother. She also tells Soledad that her engagement to Alcides will be announced at the party. Soledad is impactada.

In the taverna, Alcides asks Arturo if he has thought about how to kill Hugo. Arturo asks if Alcides expects him to tell him his plan so Alcides can run and tell his brother about it. Alcides says that he and his brother have never been on good terms. He says that in his opinion a weed has to be pulled up by the roots so that it doesn’t damage the garden ['la mala hierba hay que cortarla de raiz para que no dañe el huerto']. Arturo replies that he has an agreement with Beatriz. As long as she doesn't go back to seeing Hugo, Arturo won't touch him. Alcides says that is a bad agreement. His brother is a danger for all the women of the city and much more for Beatriz.

Los Burke are broke. Guillermo says that he will have to go back to stealing things from Hugo’s house. Helena says no. He might be caught by one of Hugo’s servants. Guillermo says that in that case, they will have to sell the clock that he stole but Helena doesn’t want to sell it.

Boris notices that the clock is missing and ask Marina when she last saw it. She says that it was two or three month ago. Boris recalls when he caught Guillermo with his sack in the house. He tells Marina to make an inventory of all the valuable things in the house. He has to find out if it is Guillermo who is stealing.

In the Linares house, Arturo tells Beatriz that her dear Hugo is courting Soledad de Obragón. Beatriz says that Hugo is playing with Soledad. "No," says Arturo, "he played with you. He treated you like a tramp." Beatriz tells him to leave her alone.

Soledad stands holding flowers and crying in front of a tombstone that says, Hugo de Medina, 1855-1890. "Why, why did you leave me alone?" says Soledad, "Why did you have to deceive me? You knew that your illness would finish you. You knew that you would die” "Get me out of here, I'm alive," says Hugo in the grave but Soledad doesn’t hear. Soledad puts her flowers on the grave and Hugo's arm comes out of the dirt and grabs her hand. Soledad cries out in terror. Hugo wakes up from his nightmare and looks at the portrait of his father and his father’s skull.

Soledad is on her way to Hugo’s house having told her mother that she is going to the dressmaker. She needs Hugo’s answer to her proposed plan. Beatriz approaches Soledad in the plaza and says that they have to talk about Hugo.

Guillermo steals a necklace that is lying on a table. Boris is watching. Guillermo brings it outside and gives it to Helena.

Soledad says that she is sorry about what happened but she has nothing to say to Beatriz about Hugo. “Don’t you want to know the truth about what kind of man he is?” asks Beatriz. Soledad asks if Beatriz is going to tell her all the terrible things that Hugo did to her. Beatriz says that it isn’t just what he did to her. Hugo is an expert in breaking hearts. Soledad says that she doesn't believe anything Beatriz says. Beatriz says that Soledad is blind because she loves Hugo but he will betray her just like he did to Beatriz. Does she like having a man play with her? Soledad tells Beatriz to be careful because Beatriz has to treat her with respect. Beatriz says that Soledad is just after Hugo's money and she isn't anything but a tramp. Soledad hits her and Beatriz attacks her. Úrsula pulls Soledad off of Beatriz. Úrsula tells Beatriz not to say another word or she will close her mouth with her fist [‘puñetazo’].

Hugo is looking at a letter that he has written. Boris tells Hugo that Guillermo Burke has been stealing things from the house. Boris wants to confront Guillermo. Hugo asks Boris if he has proof of his accusations. Boris tells Hugo that he saw Guillermo steal a necklace of his that had no value. Hugo says that right now they have more important matters. He gives Boris a letter and tells him to deliver into Soledad hands and to no one else. Boris leaves. Hugo raises a glass in an ironic toast to the portrait of his father.

Soledad decides to go home and not to go to Hugo’s house. Úrsula asks her if it wouldn’t be a good idea to think about what Beatriz told her. Soledad says no. She tells Úrsula that she thinks Beatriz is crazy. She is obsessed with Hugo. Maybe so says Úrsula but in the city people say terrible things about Hugo. "I know who Hugo is and what matters to me is that I love him and he loves me and that's enough for me.

Arturo yells at Beatriz for fighting with Soledad in the plaza. Beatriz says that she doesn’t care what people say. It’s true. She is in love with Hugo. Arturo raises his hand to hit her but doesn’t. Arturo says that it may not matter to her if the family name is dragged through the mud but to him it does. Beatriz says that she will fight for Hugo’s love. Arturo says that he sees now that the only way to make Beatriz forget about Hugo is to get rid of him and Arturo says that is what he will do.

Soledad returns and Ester asks why she is back so soon. Soledad says that she didn’t go to the dressmaker because she didn’t feel well. She goes to lie down. Ester says that she knows her daughter very well and she can see that something happened. Úrsula lies and says that it was just the heat. There's a knock at the door. It's Boris. He says that he has something to deliver to Soledad personally. Úrsula says that he can depend on her. Boris says that he hopes so for the sake of both their masters. Úrsula takes the letter but Ester sees her. She asks what Úrsula is carrying, "A letter for Soledad from that shameless man?" She grabs the letter, opens it and read its. She smiles in satisfaction and hands it back to Úrsula to give to Soledad. Úrsula is surprised.

"My mother read it?" asks Soledad. Úrsula says that she couldn't do anything to prevent that but then Ester gave her the letter to give to Soledad.

Soledad opens the letter, "Dear Soledad: you can't imagine how much..." He's breaking up with me! He says that he doesn't want to see me anymore. Soledad is devastated. "I don't understand! Why?" Úrsula tries to comfort her.

Helena tells Guillermo that the necklace he stole was worthless. She tells him to go back inside and steal something valuable. Guillermo says that he is under suspicion. Helena says that this was his idea so he had better figure something out.

Soledad is inconsolable. Úrsula says that Beatriz was right - Hugo isn't a good person. He was just toying with you. Soledad says that it is so hard to believe. He seemed so sincere. Ester is listening outside the door in triumph. Soledad says that Hugo is a good person, it is she who must have been confused. She must have frightened him with the note that she sent. Úrsula says that Soledad was wrong to have fallen in love with Hugo, he doesn't deserve her.

Hugo and Boris:
H: I don't deserve her! Soledad shouldn't love a man like me.
B: I hope you have considered this carefully, sir.
H: (holding his father's skull) I can't tell her. How do you explain to someone that you suffer from a disease like catalepsy?
B: If you will permit me to say so, sir, it's very hard on you too. You have the right to fall in love and be happy.
H: That's not true. I am not a man like any other. The disease I suffer from cannot be taken lightly. At any time, I could fail to recover from an attack.
B: You know that is why I am here. To help you when you have an attack. If you spoke to Señorita Soledad, she would help and support you.
H: That would be selfish of me. Soledad deserves another man, one who can fill her life with light and not make her suffer.

Ester tells Alcides that the moment has come for him to resume his courtship of Soledad. She tells Alcides that according to the note she read, Hugo doesn’t want to have anything to do with Soledad. Alcides says that he stopped visiting when he found out they were seeing each other. Ester says that she is ashamed of what Soledad did but her virtue is intact. She didn't go all the way in her friendship with Hugo. "Please," says Alcides piously, "I didn't have the slightest doubt. She was educated with the best principles." Ester says that Hugo is dangerous and certainly has bad intentions towards Soledad. Alcides says that Hugo is a hardened seducer who doesn't hesitate to get what he wants. He says that what Ester has told him has raised his hopes. Perhaps it is possible for him to win Soledad's heart. Ester is encourages him to make an effort.

In Hugo’s house, Boris surprises Guillermo holding a vase and he drops and breaks it. “Now look what you made me do!” says Guillermo. Boris accuses him of robbing valuable articles from the house. Guillermo denies it indignantly. Boris says that he has proof and produces a list of things that he found in pawn shops in the city that had been stolen from the house. Caught out, Guillermo asks whether Boris is going to turn him in to the authorities. Boris says that of course he is but Guillermo pulls a knife and says that he won’t allow it. Unfortunately for Guillermo, Hugo is behind him with a gun. Hugo cocks the gun and Guillermo drops the knife.

Soledad continues to cry helplessly. She remembers Hugo's words about the gray life he had led before meeting her, that the last three months had been the best of his life and his kisses. Úrsula comes in and asks if Soledad is still crying for that man. Soledad says that the more she thinks about it the less she believes it. Úrsula says that she was very much in love. Soledad replies that she will never forget Hugo, she can't. Even though very little happened between them, she feels that Hugo is in her heart. Suddenly Soledad decides that she isn't going to give up solely on the basis of a simple goodbye note. She needs to know why Hugo doesn't want to see her any more. Soledad says that Úrsula has to help her.

Hugo and Boris are escorting Guillermo through the courtyard of the house. Suddenly, he runs ahead yelling for Helena to flee. To stop him, Hugo demonstrates his marksmanship by cutting the cord of a hanging planter that falls neatly on Guillermo’s head. Predictably, Guille thinks that he is dead. Helena comes in and escapes with Guillermo.

Boris wants to go after them and take them to the police. Hugo says to let them go and learn the lesson to be more careful in such situations in the future. Boris is humiliated by the reprimand. Marina asks what is wrong with Hugo. Why did he treat Boris so unjustly? Boris tells her to keep her comments to herself.

That night Alcides brings flowers to Soledad but when Ester goes to get her, Soledad has put pillows under the covers and is gone. Ester demands that Úrsula tell her where Soledad is.

Soledad barges into Hugo's house past Marina and finds him eating dinner.
S: I need an explanation. I deserve one! What are your real reasons for leaving me?

Ester tells Alcides that Soledad is ill and he leaves.

Hugo and Soledad:
S: Speak! I came to listen to you. Talk to me.
H: (very calmly) You shouldn't be here, Soledad. Please don't make the situation more painful.
S: Are you throwing me out?
H: I'm not throwing you out. I'm only trying to prevent this crazy behavior from having consequences. If someone saw you enter my house, the scandal could do you much harm.
S: I risked everything I had for you. I thought what we had between us was important. How can you send me a note ending everything without explaining anything?
H: Soledad, do your parents know that you went out?

Ester tells Lucas that Soledad went to Hugo's house.

Outside the Obragón house, Alcides says to himself that something is suspicious here. ['Aquí hay gato encerrado,' literally, ‘a cat has been shut up here'].
Hugo and Soledad-
H: I will take you to your house. Wait a moment.
S: I don't need you to take me. How could you deceive me this way? How could you play with my affection this way? You are a bastard. She leaves.

Guillermo tells Helena that he doesn’t think Hugo will turn him into the authorities. Helena is glad but she says that they have no alternative now to doing grave robbing for Dr. Max. Guille refuses and Helena says that she makes the decisions in their house.
There’s a knock at the door. Guillermo thinks that it is the police. Helena opens the door. It’s Dr. Max. He says good evening.

Soledad is running in the woods in the night and she trips and falls. Hugo is running after her and helps her up.
H: Soledad, are you all right?
S: Let me go! Don't worry about me. Go back to your house. You don’t have to bother about me.
H: You can think what you want about me but I can't let you go alone.
Soledad cries.
S: No, let me...
H: You have to understand that this is not easy for me.
S: Oh really? Yes it is! I was so ready for you to conquer. How could you do this to me? Why? I hate you! I hate you! (she hits him on the chest and take a hold of the lapels of his coat crying uncontrollably. Slowly, almost against his will, Hugo puts his arms around her.)

Dr. Max tells Los Burkes that he doesn’t carry any grudges from their business in the past. He helped them. Guillermo agrees that Dr. Max helped them in the past but he doesn’t want to steal corpses from the cemetery for Dr. Max’s experiments. Dr. Max tells him not to call them experiments. They are serious scientific studies. The reason that he resorts to stealing corpses is that the law puts many obstacles in the way of obtaining them legally. Dr. Max says that he heard that Guillermo was fired from Hugo de Medina’s house today. Guille responds that he left on account of ‘professional differences.’ Dr. Max says that he knows they need money and he will pay them double for each cadaver they bring to him. He puts some money on the table. “Double?” says Los Burke in unison. Dr. Max nods.

Arturo de Linares is meeting with Fabio, his henchman. He tells Fabio that Beatriz’s obsession with Hugo de Medina is damaging the good name of his family and he has decided to eliminate Hugo whatever it costs. Beatriz overhears. Beatriz runs after Fabio, and asks him listen to her idea for a change in his plans. She is sure that he will like it.

Hugo and Soledad-
S: (moving away from Hugo) Forgive me, what am I saying? I’m one of your conquests? I didn't even rate that. I only got kisses and pretty words.
H: Don't say that. You're wrong.
S: How could I have been so naïve? How could I have been so stupid? Of course, I must have looked to you like a stupid child.
H: I can explain. Let me speak.
S: Hugo, you are the only man that I will love in my life. For you, I defied my parents and now I see that they were right. You like to snare women to enjoy and then abandon them without any explanation.
H: You deserve an explanation and I will give you one.

Fabio is kissing Beatriz and she pulls away and says that is enough for now. She says that is a sample of what he will get if he helps her. Fabio says that surely Beatriz is crazy for that rich guy if she will sleep with him in return for Hugo’s life. Beatriz says that Fabio has to do something else for her. She wants him to kill Soledad de Obragón.

Hugo and Soledad-
S: I don't want any explanation because it will hurt me and what could you tell me? (Hugo tries to say something) That you don’t want to be with me? That you found someone better?
H: Please! You have to let me speak.
S: Don’t bother. I know that you don’t care. The last thing I want is your pity.
H: Never! I swear that I don’t feel sorry for you. You have to believe me.
S: You are so selfish. It’s my fault for opening my heart, for telling you what I felt.
Soledad starts to walk away.
H: I love you [‘Yo te quiero’] (Soledad stops and turn around.) The only one here who has been deceived is me. I can’t hide it anymore even though I would like to. I know that I should let you go but I can’t. I love you Soledad.
S: Hugo.. (She runs back to him and he embraces her and picks her up.)
H: I love you. I love you. I can’t continue hiding it. (They kiss and then we see them lying down on the ground.

There’s another Medina in the woods tonight. Alcides sees Hugo and Soledad kissing and knows that he has lost again to his brother. He pulls a gun and aims it at Hugo and Soledad.

The credits roll.

Episode #3:

[Sorry, no pictures from this episode. I deleted it from my TiVo by mistake and I had to watch it on You Tube. The quality of the video is so bad I can't do screen shots. More pictures from tomorrow's episode, which will be in the next post.]

We see the scene of Alcides aiming his gun at Hugo and Soledad who are kissing on the ground in the woods.

Alcides lowers the gun and leaves.

Linares house:
Beatriz says that she only wants to know if Fabio will do it or not. She wants Soledad de Obragón dead as soon as possible. Fabio tells Beatriz that she must hate Soledad a lot to give him her body in exchange for her life. “Ok,” says Fabio, “I will do it.” Beatriz says that it has to look like an accident. Fabio tells Beatriz that her brother wants him to kill Hugo de Medina. Beatriz tells him to leave her brother to her. Fabio asks how he can be guaranteed that Beatriz will do as she promised. Beatriz says that he has her word. He will have the privilege of being with a true lady [true ladies don’t sleep with thugs in return for murdering their rivals].

Hugo and Soledad:
S: Today is the most marvelous day of my whole life. I am your woman and I’m so happy.
H: I am happy that I listened to my heart. This is the precise moment for you to know…
S: No, we don’t have to talk now.
H: Soledad, you are the woman that I’ve always waited/hoped for.
S: You are the love of my life, Hugo.
H: I hope that this madness won’t cause problems with your parents.
S: You have regrets?
H: Never! I love you.
[There has been a lot of speculation as to whether Soledad and Hugo are supposed to have had sex in this scene. Soledad saying that she is “Hugo’s woman now,” would indicate yes but the fact that Soledad doesn’t seem to have taken off any of her voluminous clothes would indicate no. Hugo and Soledad never refer to this scene in the many, many times they will talk about the first time they made love (and a baby).]

Alcides is in the cemetery and he addresses the Medina family tombstone. “Mama, Papa. You are the guilty ones. All this is your fault.” He puts his pistol to his head and has a flashback:
One of the twins as a child comes into where his mother, Anabel, is in bed. “Is that you, Hugo?” she asks. “It’s me, Alcides [‘Soy yo, Alcides’],” says the child. “What are you doing here?” responds his mother, “Do you want to kill me, too? It was your fault that your father had an attack of catalepsy. It was your fault that he was buried alive.” “Don’t say that! Don’t say it again.” says the child Alcides. “Get out!” screams Anabel, “It’s all your fault. Your brother Hugo is so different. You are a devil!” The child Alcides looks at his mother in horror and runs out. He passes by his brother and says, “I hate you!” Adult Alcides says, “I’m not Hugo, mama,” he falls to his knees, “I’m not Hugo, mama, I’m not…” He points the pistol at his head but can’t pull the trigger. He starts to cry, “I’m not Hugo. For the love of God… My God, release me from this misery!” He puts the gun in his mouth but can’t bring himself to shoot and cries like a child, “Mama! Papa! Please, I’m not Hugo. I’m tired of losing.” He lies down on the tomb. “Please, love me!”

Hugo and Soledad:
S: Are you all right?
H: I have a strange feeling… I think something is happening to my brother.
S: Why would you think of him now?
H: Sometimes I get sensations from outside that are only related to him.
S: Yes, I’ve heard of that. It is common with identical twins even if they are hundreds of kilometers apart, one can feel what the other is thinking.
H: This has always happened since we were children. Always.
S: Don’t think about it. You are with me.

Lucas comes to Hugo’s house looking for Soledad but first Marina and then Boris turn him away saying that Hugo isn’t at home. Lucas is angry but he leaves. When Lucas is gone, Boris tells Marina that she did a good job. Their duty is to protect Hugo’s back. Marina tells Boris that Soledad was there and ran out. Hugo went after her. Marina says that she thought they were arguing because Soledad was crying. Boris says that Marina would be a good servant if she didn’t gossip so much.

Hugo and Soledad (still in the woods) -
S: I feel so happy in your arms, I would like to stay here forever.
H: I need you at my side, Soledad. I believe that I can’t live without you. I believe…
(He hears someone coming. They both see Los Burke go by.)
S: (whispering) It’s Los Burke. I wonder what they are doing at this hour. I can’t imagine what would happen if anyone found us here, much less your gardener.
H: (whispering) It’s a long story but Guillermo doesn’t work for me anymore. (He smiles.) Why don’t you give me a kiss? (They kiss.)
S: I don’t want my parent to know I’m gone.
H: Let’s go.

Ester yells at Úrsula, “After all we have done for you and this is how you repay us? You will leave this house tonight!” Lucas returns without any news. He says that only thing they can do is wait for Soledad to come back. Ester says that when she comes back, she will know what Ester de Obragón is capable of to keep the good name of her family.

Hugo and Soledad-
H: I will speak to your parents this very night.
S: No, it’s better if you wait.
H: For what?
S: They aren’t ready, especially my mother.
H: Soledad, I want them to know that I am ready to formalize our relationship.
(Soledad laughs and kisses him)
S: Good. Tomorrow I will speak to them.

In the tavern, Alcides is getting drunk. He asks for another drink but the bartender (Omar) tells him that he can’t give him any more credit. Arturo comes in and buys a drink for Alcides and himself. Arturo asks if Alcides is drowning his sorrows since Soledad and Alcides’ brother are still seeing one another. Alcides asks what Arturo knows about his brother and Soledad.

Los Burke are in the cemetery getting ready to dig up the body of someone named Clarissa. Guillermo asks Helena to assure him that it isn’t an old woman. He doesn’t like to deal with the corpses of old people. Helena reassures him. They are about to open the tomb when Miguel the gravedigger and watchman asks what they are doing there.

Lucas is waiting when Soledad returns. He asks where she has been. Soledad says that they can talk about that tomorrow. Ester says that Soledad needs time to think up a story and says that she was with Hugo de Medina.

Helena tells Miguel that the Clarissa was her cousin and they have come to say goodbye to her. Miguel asks why they have come at this hour of the night. Guillermo says that as poor relatives, they weren’t welcome at the funeral. Guillermo produces a flask and offers it to Miguel to ward off the cold.

“If you already know,” says Soledad, “why are you asking me?” Ester slaps her. Soledad say they can do what they want but they she isn’t leaving Hugo because she loves him more than anything in this world. Ester says that she will see about that. She will make it her business to get Hugo de Medina out of Soledad’s head even if it costs her life. She says that first thing tomorrow Soledad is going far from the city to her Aunt Antonia’s house and she will stay there until such time as she forgets about Hugo de Medina. Soledad appeals to her father but Ester says that Lucas is in agreement with her. Lucas reluctantly confirms that he is in agreement with Ester. Soledad says that they will never succeed in removing Hugo from her heart.

Alcides tells Arturo that he couldn’t succeed in winning Soledad’s love. “That woman doesn’t care about you,” says Arturo, “You aren’t rich but you come from a good family. You could get any woman that you want. Why Soledad de Obragón? For her money?” Alcides says that he doesn’t care about money. He asks if Arturo has ever been in love. Arturo says no. Alcides says that he wants to see Hugo humiliated in front of him. Arturo asks Alcides if he hates Hugo that much, would he like to see him dead? Alcides says that he would be happy with whatever gets Hugo out of his life. Hugo has turned into a shadow that is ruining his life. Arturo says that Alcides can get rid of Hugo and Arturo will help him. Alcides asks what the price is. Arturo says that he’s heard that Alcides and Hugo have no other family. If Hugo dies, Alcides will inherit Hugo’s fortune. Alcides promises to compensate Arturo well if succeeds in killing Hugo. They make a toast to their new alliance.

Miguel has passed out drunk. Guillermo opens the tomb and is horrified to find that the corpse is an old woman. Helena laughs.

Úrsula tells Soledad that her mother made her tell where Soledad had gone. Soledad tells Úrsula not to worry about that. Where is she going to go at this hour to find work? Úrsula says that she will find something. Ester tells her not to count on it. Ester will make sure that no decent family hires her. “Enough!” says Soledad. “Get out of my house!” says Ester to Úrsula. Soledad hugs Úrsula and says that she will find a way for her to return. Ester orders Soledad to go to her room. Soledad tells her mother that she hopes that she doesn’t have to pay for what she has done.

Hugo and Boris-
B: I understand that Señorita Soledad was here, señor.
H: You understand correctly. (Hugo smiles)
B: I assume that things have changed.
H: I only hope that Soledad didn’t get into trouble with her mother for coming home so late.
Úrsula arrives at the Medina house.
H: What are you doing here? Has something happened to Soledad?
U: (crying) They found out. Her parents realized that she came to see you here.

Guillermo refuses to get the corpse out of the tomb so Elena does it.

H: (to Boris) Saddle me a horse. I’m going to the Obragón house right now.
B: Lucas was here earlier looking for you and he was very angry. He was told that you were out. It might be better to wait until he is calmer.
H: No, Boris. This shouldn’t wait.
U: Pardon me for expressing my opinion but I agree with Boris. At this hour, Don Lucas and Doña Ester are not going to listen to you and it might be worse for Soledad.
H: I should not have left her to face them alone.
B: Don’t beat yourself up. You couldn’t have known what would happen.
H: I am worried about what her mother will do.

Soledad tells her father that he can send her away but he can’t separate her from Hugo. Lucas replies that she and Ester are not her enemies. Soledad says that she cares for them a lot but she loves Hugo and he is a marvelous man. Lucas says that she doesn’t need to meet him to know what kind of man he is since he didn’t even have the decency to present himself at this house. Soledad says that he didn’t come because she knew that you wouldn’t receive him. “I will never accept him. What he did tonight was too much. Ester is destroyed. I know that she will become ill and it’s your fault.

Dr. Max is angry at Guillermo and Helena for bringing him the corpse of an old woman. They make excuses. Dr. Max pays them less than what had been agreed upon. Helena objects but Dr. Max pulls a sword on them and they leave.

Arturo sees Beatriz all ready to go out first thing in the morning. Beatriz says that she is not going to see Hugo or to confront Soledad. She has thought about what Arturo said and decided not humiliate herself any more in front of Hugo de Medina. Beatriz asks Arturo to introduce her to potential husbands from his friends. Arturo tells her that he doesn’t believe her and is going to kill Hugo anyway.

Hugo and Boris (Boris is assisting Hugo to dress)-
H: It won’t be easy to convince Soledad’s parents but I will be at her side through all of this.
B: Including marrying her?
H: I would love to but you know the price she would have to pay if she came to live with me.
B: Señorita Soledad has shown that she has a strong character and determination. She will be able to take on your illness and help you conquer it.
H: Maybe, but I don’t know if she could become accustomed to seeing me fall down unconscious like I was dead time after time.
B: Then I am not very sure about you marrying her.
H: Boris, stop analyzing me.
B: Pardon me. I didn’t mean to offend you.
H: My head is spinning.
B: It’s a difficult situation.
H: It’s not just about Soledad but my brother. Since last night, I’ve had a bad feeling.
B: About what?
H: I’m not sure but it’s a feeling that I don’t like at all. I don’t like it.

Arturo and Alcides meet by a lake while Beatriz waits in the carriage. Arturo says that Alcides wants his brother dead and Arturo will help him. Alcides says that Arturo will be a rich man when Alcides gets his inheritance. Alcides asks what will happen with his sister. “She says that she wants to forget Hugo,” says Arturo, “but I know it’s not the truth. In any case, when the job is done, she won’t have any other option than to forget him.” Arturo asks Alcides to help his plan by bribing a servant in Hugo’s house so that Arturo can be informed of Hugo’s movements.

Soledad has a breakfast tray for her mother. She asks Lucas how Ester is doing. Lucas says that she didn’t sleep at all and cried all night. Lucas says that he is worried about Ester’s health and he asks Soledad not to make the situation worse. Soledad comes into her mother’s room and announces that she has brought her breakfast. Ester asks if Soledad thinks that she will forgive her. Ester asks where they went wrong in her education. After all the love she received, how could she do this shameful thing? Soledad says that it’s not shameful to be in love. “With a libertine, it is,” says Ester, “Meeting secretly at night is too much. I pray that no one saw you.” Soledad tries to explain but Ester won’t listen. She says that she doesn’t recognize her daughter. Soledad says that if it helps Ester to forgive her, she will do what Ester has said. Soledad says that she thought about it last night and it hurts to see her mother suffer so she will go to her Aunt’s house even though it hurts to be apart from Hugo.

Guillermo and Helena are in bed when there is a knock on the door. It’s Miguel, the gravedigger. Los Burke are nervous but the not-too-bright Miguel has only brought a bag of tools that Guillermo left in the cemetery. He says that Guillermo will need them for his work as a gardener. Thanking him profusely, Los Burke usher Miguel out the door.

Hugo tells Marina that Úrsula will be working there. Úrsula says that he won’t have any complaints about her.
Hugo tells Marina that cleaning his room isn’t part of her duties. Boris tells Hugo that a while ago he saw Alcides in front of the house. Hugo goes downstairs, confronts Alcides and asks
H: why are you hanging around my house?
A: I need to talk to you.
H: I have business that I need to attend to.
A: You are going to see one of your new conquests and you are putting Soledad aside since you obviously got what you wanted from her.
H: What are you talking about?
A: You were with her! I saw you last night. Now you are going to abandon her like an old rag.
H: What happens between Soledad and me isn’t any of your business.
Alcides tries to hit Hugo but Hugo dodges the blow.
A: It is my business! Because I courted her first and you took her from me like the rotten person you are.
Boris: (to Hugo) Sir, our business is urgent. We need to leave.
A: This conversation isn’t finished! When you return, I’ll be waiting.

Fabio and a confederate are hiding in the bushes outside the Obragón house. The confederate wants to be reassured that the target is Soledad, not Hugo de Medina. Fabio says that’s right and it has to look like an accident.

Lucas and Soledad are getting ready to leave their house to go to the house of her Aunt Antonia. Lucas tells Soledad that Ester had decided not to go because she doesn’t feel well. He says that Soledad will thank them later for what they are doing. Ester decides that she shouldn’t let Lucas go with Soledad alone. She is capable of doing anything of to deceive them. Lucas and Soledad get in the carriage. Soledad says that she just wants to stop at Hugo’s house on the way out of town to say goodbye to him. Lucas says no. He says that Soledad would just use the opportunity to tell Hugo where she was going to be.
“Papa, don’t be angry about what I’m going to do!” says Soledad as she jumps out of the carriage and runs away. Ester runs out of the house and asks about Soledad. Lucas says that she escaped. Ester calls Lucas an idiot and runs after Soledad. The murderers are also on the move.

Soledad is hurrying down the street with Ester in pursuit. Hugo is there also in a carriage. Hugo tells Boris to stop the carriage. Arturo and Beatriz are strolling along this street as well. Arturo’s men are trying to run Soledad down with a cart but it is Ester who is in danger. Hugo reacts and pulls Ester out of the path of the cart at the last second. Arturo realizes that his men were trying to kill Soledad, not Hugo and is furious. Ester has hysterics and beats on Hugo telling him not to touch her and saying that it was his fault that she was almost run down by a horse. Soledad says that she is not being just. Hugo saved her life. “Wicked girl,” says Ester, “I trusted you and look what happens.” She faints. Hugo calls for Boris.

Alcides gets admitted to Hugo’s house to wait for him. He asks when Úrsula started working there and she answers that today she is here tomorrow who knows where she will be. Alcides then asks to speak to Marina alone. Úrsula reminds Marina that she is supposed to be instructing her in her duties. Marina says that she can’t talk to Alcides right now. Úrsula says that she doesn’t trust Alcides. Alcides sneaks up to Hugo’s bedroom.

Hugo’s carriage returns to the Obragón house. Lucas comes up and asks what happened. Hugo explains that Ester has just fainted. She is fine but she needs to rest. Hugo, Boris and Soledad bring Ester into the house.

Alcides goes into Hugo’s bedroom. Alcides discovers his father’s skull. He asks what in God’s name Hugo is keeping that for. Marina comes in.

Fabio tells his confederate that he tried to kill the wrong person. Arturo arrives and
demands to know why they were trying to kill Soledad de Obragón.

Hugo puts Ester on her bed. Soledad thanks him for what he did. Hugo leaves. Soledad runs after him. 

H: What happened? Why were you running in the street? (He takes her hands.)
S: I was looking for you to find some way for us to keep seeing each other. My mother wants to separate us. She wants to send me to my aunt’s house. My love, the only way for us to be together is if we run away together. Let’s run away!
The credits roll.


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Juan Q 2-6-08 - Nid shows some motherly like love, Anga some brotherly love, and Pau wonders is it love?

Pastie and Cl are chatting about Juan being back in town. Pastor suggests it will be adisaster if Pau and Juan meet up. CL yells at him for suggesting that his wife might fall into improper conduct. Pastor apologizes and Cl ralizes that Pastor has his own agenda for Juan not seeing Pau, but Cl swears Juan won't get near his wife, nor even see her from afar.

The trash man takes Oscar and the Grouch out. He has a hard time moving these heavyweights.

Because MAPAT (shows real producer) expresses interest, Juan wonders when the camera trucks will show up. She tells him she needs to discuss it with the executives, and there will be preproduction and proposals, that he needs to put his proposal in writing, and include photos maybe before they even get to that point. She asks him to guarantee that these women are beautiful. He says there is pure beauty in Achi, though they aren't as pretty as she He says she lools like a Spanish belle (pareces maja espanola).

Oscar and grouch tell each other how much it sucks to live in trash can. Grouch says he's giving up he can't stand it any more he's dying in there. He crawls past the guards and garbage man. Oscar follows suit and insults Grouch for being a chicken and foiling his "perfect plan". Delirio complains about how bad it stinks Gutis calls him a stink beetle (pinacate) and he calls him a a (slimy) salamander (tlaconete).

Juan tells Kike in the truck it's a done deal, and at least she didn't send them out on their ass.

Cl gets dresses to go out and Pau says he's nuts. He says he has to go to the office because things require his personal attention. She thinks he should stay in bed.

Juan is getting praised by the store lady as the famous flower guy who caused a sensacion. The lady tells him 3 other people came already asking about these famous flowers. She describes them as a 2 women and a man, well sort of a man. He asks how the women were. She says they were beautiful like models, very much putting on airs (pipirisnais). He determines that one has to be his Paulita.

CL says goodbye to Pau and that she doesn't need to pick him up. He goes in and addresses the office randoms that yes he's back, so they had better get back to work.

Ivonne goes in to say hello to him and he rips her a new one for making him get cut open. He tells her to shut up or he'll fire her or worse strangle her. He asks her to get him two tickets to Jamaica for this weekend and that he wants to speak to Pastor and Moni.

Pau talks to Marely. She wants to know if Juan is here. Mar lies and says no he's not here, if he were he'd look for you, and she has lots of work so has to go now.

Ana asks what she's up to. She breaks the news that she is going away with CL.

Pastor tells CL and Moni about Juan's return that he spoke with him briefly, and that he must be working with Anga on the Anthurium deal, and CL surmises that maybe he was the one who robbed them of the deal. They send Pastor on recognaisance to confirm that Juan is behind this. Moni doesn't think they should trust Gaytan but Cl thinks they need to find out for sure. Moni thinks that Juan's presence is a warning for him.

Just then, Pau calls Cl and asks if they can change their plans so they don't eat together because she wants to eat with her Mom instead. He says that's fine. Mom is listening and wonders why she's lying. Pau says she can't tell him about going to see if she can find Juan. Ana points out the inconsistencies of her actions. She tells her Ma she has to go.

Cl tells Moni that she needs to stop meddling in his life. Cl asks how Moni found out about the flowers, Consuelo? Moni says yes she made a small comment about it casually. CL pushes her on this because he didn't know she talked with Consuelo and there are too many coincidences. She is in defense mode explaining away how this happened. CL warns her to stay away from the two of them. He is fine with her worrying about his health but her investigations are too much. She tells him well it hurts her to see him jump hoops for Pau whose only desire is to see Juan again.

At Casa Cachon, Nid and Juan are chatting when the door rings. Nid comes running that it's Pau. Juan decides he doesn't want her to know that he's there. Nid says she won't say anything. He flips back and forth a little but stays firm she shouldn't know he's there.

Nid invites her in and wonders what she wants. Pau begs her to tell her where Juan is. Nid says she shouldn't be looking for him because she's are married. Pau says they need to clear up some things so she needs to find him and confront him with her feelings. Nid understands.

Nid wants to know what Pau wants to tell him. Juan is upstairs yelling at himself that he came back to fight for this woman and now here she is in front of him and he's afraid to show his face. He decides to summon his courage and go down. He stops to listen in and Nid sees that he is there. She tries to get Pau to tell her what she'd tell Juan if he was in front of her. Pau admits she doesn't really know what she's looking for, sometimes she thinks she's in love with him and other times not.
Nid asks why she ended up with CLimeball if she cares about Juan. Pau says she never could image herself married to Juan. He proclaims chinchas bravas, why? Nid repeats it. Pau begins to describe that CL has everything a woman wants, he knows how to treat women. Juan asks to himself what about him, he doesn't know how? Pau then redeems herself by saying that Juan's heart is so big it doesn't fit in his chest, and he too knows how to treat women.

Fer and Marely discuss lunch and other cutsy things.

Ivonne digs on Mar about Juan being back and that Fer has competition. Mar tells her to bug off because Fer is her boyfriend and Juan doesn't interest her.

Pau confirms the problem is that Juan is too common (corriente). Nid wonders if she is ashamed to be with him then. Pau says yes, crying. Nid thinks that's a problem, and that she should get Juan in front of her to figure out how he makes her feel. Juan overhearing is offended and says that he has his goofy style, but it's his own style at least. Nid ends up telling Pau that she'll contact her if she hears anything from Juan.

Pastor is hanging out with his bro at the market. They chat briefly about the business with the Japanese and Pastor wonders if Juan is goign to come by. Anga thinks not because of the time.

Nid and Juan discuss Pau's admissions. She tries to tell him that sometimes people say things they don't mean. Juan says no she's wrapped herself around it completely to have said it in that way. Nid tells him it's nothing for him to be so gloomy about. She continues that's what happens when others don't understand those of us who walk to the beat of a different drum, those of us with character and valor. She says she was shamed by her family and own daughters too; even called a naca by people she didn't even know only because she had her own sense of style and likes to dress the way she does and so forth. She tells Juan that Ceasar Farells are many, but Juan Dominguez is unique and there is only one. She thinks only he made Pau feel love for the very first time. He wonders if he should go look for her and she says no let her suffer; it should cost her blood.

Anga invites Pastor to live together with him as a family because they are both rather alone in this world and he's grown to care for him.

Nid comes up with the idea that if Pau wants to look for him then she should do it on his territory in Achichipico. Nid calls Pau and tells her Juan's town is named Achichipico and that's where she can find him, with her cousin. [A double entendre occurred to me not long ago that this name could mean "to poking or pointy tits." Chichi is slang for breasts like tits, and pico is picks or pokes or points. They probably did this on purpose, it certainly wouldn't surprise me.]

Nid tells Juan now the ball is in Pau's court and we'll see what she does.

Pau lies and tells CL that is was her Mom who called and that she wants her to go look at some special pigments.

Pastor asks if Ivy can receive a very sad friend. She tells him she's not dressed, he says like he's going to care. I tell you, she looks so much better without all that make up. He wants a drink to make him forget all this upsetness.

Juan wonders if NId is really right about this idea he concludes that Pau would be desperate to search for him this way.

Pau can't sleep and Cl accuses her of jumping around in the bed like a grasshopper. she blames it on the moon. He wants to take advantage of the moon to moon her. She tries to resist that he needs to get better, but of course he wins for now.

Pastor cries his woes on Ivy that he thinks Juan is rejecting him again and it breaks his heart. Ivy tells him he needs to drop this obsession he has before it gets worse and she warned him not to get excited about Juan's return. He says it's already worse, there's something else. He confesses that he's just about to betray his brother Juan.


Novela recommendation - La Traición

I just want to make sure that anyone who might be interested knows about this great new novela, La Traición (The Betrayal) on at 8pm EST on Telemundo. (You can watch episodes on Telemundo’s website or on YouTube). The website is:

If there is enough interest , I would be willing to participate in recapping it. For me, half the fun of watching a novella, is chatting about it on Caray Caray!

Here is the Synopsis from Telemundo that I translated from the Telenovela-world website:

La Traición is a beautiful story set at the end of the 19th century, in an era where the double standard of appearances and secrets will determine the direction of the lives of two beings who will succeed in love from beyond another dimension. Hugo de Medina, one of the most attractive and rich men in the town has a secret; he suffers from catalepsy, a disease that caused the death of his father who was buried alive. Hugo is tormented by the fear that he will suffer the same fate. This man with an air of mystery seduces the most beautiful women in the area and then leaves them. He meets Soledad de Obragón, a beautiful young woman who puts true love before social conventions, and ends up falling deeply in love with her.

Soledad returns his love and knows that Hugo is the great love of her life and in spite of all the obstacles put before her, decides to fight for their love and unite their lives in marriage.

Soledad realizes that she is pregnant but decides to wait until after the marriage to tell Hugo. However, this doesn't happen because Hugo has an attack of catalepsy just before the wedding and, like his father, is buried alive, realizing his greatest fear.

Unexpectedly, Hugo is saved from death by the Burkes, a pair of amusing, petty criminals who make their living by robbing graves to sell cadavers to a scientist who uses them in his experiments.

Since Soledad is pregnant she is forced by her family to marry Alcides de Medina, Hugo's brother, who hides his resentful and envious personality and who has been in love with Soledad for a long time. Alcides, in spite of knowing about the disease that Hugo endures, does nothing and says nothing. On the contrary, he takes advantage of the situation and manages to be the one to marry Soledad by claiming to want to help save her from the dishonor of being an unwed mother.

When Hugo returns to town, he discovers that Soledad and his brother have married. Unaware of the pregnancy and not understanding her motive, he feels that he was betrayed. In that moment, carried away by pain and rage, he decides to revenge himself on those who have caused him such suffering.

As Hugo and Soledad go their separate ways down roads full of obstacles and conflicts, they are separate in the physical world but in reality united by a strong psychic connection between them that, without their realizing it, makes them appear to act in concert.

Only time will tell whether Hugo and Soledad will be reunited in the physical world as they are united in the mental and emotional world.

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Yo Amo a Juan, Tuesday, 2/5/08: Juan is back in town, but don't tell!

We start with Nidia lunging at Juan, and then agreeing to close her eyes. He scoops her up, carries her out of his bedroom, and locks the bedroom door behind him.

It is morning and Marely is getting ready for work. Juan knocks on the door and apologizes for the scene with Fern last night. Marely is the most beautiful woman. He's sorry things didn't work out between them and gives her a hug. She pulls away and leaves for work.

Kike, at breakfast with his bib, is worried that Yadi will forget him when she starts her studies. Of course she won't!

Delirio and his esteemed partner in crime are in their khaki prison duds, talking to the lawyer. Whey are they in jail, when Don Pastor is free? The lawyer tells them he can't do anything for them and takes off.

Kike and Juan are driving in the truck and Kike remarks that Juan has really made something of himself. Juan more humble. Kike starts talking about the mother-in-law and Juan reflects on his previous close encounters with Nidia.

Yadi comes down the stairs and tells her Mom all the baby's stuff is ready. Nidia is lusting over photos in her wedding album. The phone rings and Yadi picks up to greet Delirio, calling from jail. Nidia gets her to tell Del that she's already left. Del tells Yadi not to even bother telling his dear Nidia that he called. His fellow prisoners wait for the phone as he goes on about the saintly Nidia.

In the prison yard, Delirio continues his sob story. Most of the guys in the yard look a lot happier than he is. Delirio whines, hugs his nervous friend and starts to lean into him. The friend turns to see some prisoners mock them and whistle. Delirio continues with his drama and his friend tries to pull him away from the audience. Words are exchanged with nearby prisoners and Delirio lunges at the largest prisoner there before his friend pulls him away.

Paula steps into the flower shop to investigate the true source of the flowers from Juan. Behind her, Monica is also venturing into the shop and they bump into each other. What a coincidence! Monica is there for a friend's birthday... Paula is there for her mom... Such an orginal gift!

Delirio and has friend are conspiring about how to escape. The friend has a a plan, they'll escape via the trash. Delirio yells, The trash!?! The friend shushes him and they plan.

Pastor is telling his bro Angarita that if he ever needs help with his business, he should turn to Farrell Industries. They have experience and know how to deal with overseas customers. Angarita doesn't need anyone's help, what he needs is capital. That's what Pastor says he's talking about! Angarita wants to know why Pastor is pushing Farrell. He wants the truth from Pastor and says he has ways of getting it out of him! Angarita calls his assistant who has been waiting for this moment (to get the machete??). The horror! Pastor backs down.

Monica and her cousin are discussing Cesar Luis, Paula, Juan and the encounter at the florist. They think that Paula looking for Juan. Monica won't have to find Juan herself, she'll let Paula do the work for her.

Paula greets grumpy CL in his PJ's at home. He asks where she was and she tells him she came from the florist where she ran into Monica! So??? So it's Monica who is the joker. And CL wants to know exactly what Paula herself was doing there at the florist!

CL yells at Paula, what is she hiding? They said they weren't going to hide anything from each other. She says she was just trying to find out who the flowers were from, and she didn't tell him because she knew he would get angry like he did. He thinks she was trying to find Juan.

Pastor says he's not trying to pressure Angarita about Farrell Industries. But Angarita thinks Pastor is pressuring him because Farrell helped him out of the criminal charges. Pastor stares into space, dejected.

Just then, Juan runs up to them. Pastor throws his arms around Juan and gives Juan a big hug. Juan tells him how he just came back into town and about his business. Pastor is thrilled and falls back onto his brother. Angarita rolls his eyes and Pastor says his goodbyes, giddy.

Paula is hugging her teddy bear, hearing CL's words about her ex. Paula says to herself, Juan is not her ex. He's a man that can make her happy.

Juan talks business with Angarita and tries to push the concurso. Kike asks Pastor if it isn't time for Pastor to go back to the office. Pastor is there on behalf of his boss and wants to know what Juan is up to. Kike tells Pastor that he'll have to ask Juan himself. Pastor wants to know if Juan is single. Kike says that Pastor will need to ask Juan directly about that also.

Juan swears on his name to Angarita that he's going to get Televisa to help him out with his project. Pastor comes back and makes eyes at Juan. Angarita tells Pastor that the deal is his and he's sick of Farrell trying to get involved. Juan snaps at Pastor to try to wake him from his daze. Pastor says he'll call Juan and shakes his hand without letting it go.

Juan has a favor to ask Pastor: don't tell anyone that he's back in town, much less the folks at Farrell. Pastor says, count on it! Juan squeezes Pastor's arms and Pastor giggles and turns away.

Nidia and Anna check out a studio space. Nidia has the baby stroller and is thrilled about the studio for Anna's art. Anna thinks it's too big.

Juan works his way onto the Televisa lot by ingratiating himself with the receptionist and going along with her when she thinks he's a famous actor. He says he has an appointment and barges into another office and charms the female office staff there. Kike is tagging along and silently cheering.

Marley gets a romantic note and goes to a restaurant. She is serenaded and Fern appears. They kiss.

Pastor goes to the flower shop and makes his inquiries. Funny he should ask about flowers for Cesar Luis!

Paula tries to apologize to CL and he relunctantly accepts. Juan's out of the picture, of course. CL gets her to agree to go away with him for the weekend.

Delirio's friend gets him to squeeze into a trash can. The trash guy comes out to take the cans away. Delirio and his friend pop their heads up from the trash cans to get some air and duck back down. A guard comes by and hits the side of the trash can and Delirio startles in his trash bag.

Juan tries to sweet talk the gatekeeper at Televisa with the big heart earrings.

At long last, Pastor is able to call his boss with his report. Guess what? Juan's back in town!

*Note: Any similarity to real events is purely coincidental.*

*Extra Note: Soccer game on Univision tomorrow, Wed. 2/6 starting at 9 PM EST / 6 PM PST. On the West Coast Juan Q airs at 8:30.*


Pasion - Feb. 5, 2008 - Rico and Cami's secret wedding

(ed. note: new word - hambriento means hungry, starving, famished; new character - Don Laurenzo is played by Luis Courturier, AR, DA, stage play TDM with FC and Cesar Evora.)

* Sofia and Ofelia make arrangements to talk privately later. Cami asks Sofia for her help, in convincing Jorge not to take the mill from her father - it may kill him for sure. Sofia pledges her assistance.

* Paco tells Justo of Santo's arrest - Justo is impactado and asks for Ofelia. Paco explains no one is there but them and his aunts. Justo is insistent. Paco leaves to get Ines and Rita.

* Sofia and Ursula barge into the office to confront Jorge. He thinks it's about Ursula. Sofia and Ursula get after him about Santo's arrest. Sofia and Jorge argue - Jorge laughs and dares her to try and stop him. Sofia is so angry, she yells and screams and scolds him, and as he turns his back to her. She starts to hit him. Ursula tries to pull her back and make her stop. She continues to scold and hit. Jorge slaps her hard across her face. Ursula is impactado. Sofia stops and indignantly leaves the room. Ursula asks Jorge about Santo's sentence. Jorge says it will be one week in jail and then a public whipping of 20 lashes. Ursula leaves.

* Sofia sits in the raguan, crying.

* Ines and Rita talk, gossip about Santo's arrest, then Rita starts to whine and moan about her jealousy over Cami and Rico again. She goes on and on. Ines scolds Rita for continuing her jealous rants - she yells at Rita to stop, no wonder Santo is so fed up. Rita stares at her. Ines apologizes. Rita is hurt and goes inside.

* Ofelia, Rico and Cami meet in the bedroom with Justo. Justo grunts his argument to Cami for her to leave town with Rico and get married, in order to protect her from Jorge. Rico hesitates but agrees. Ofelia explains to Rico that Monte Carmelo is outside the territory and Jorge has no jurisdiction and the friar monks will cooperate with them. Cami agrees to the plan. Rico asks about the distance. Ofelia explains and then says they need two witnesses for the ceremony. Ofelia offers to go as one. Justo grunts for them to ask Sofia to go also. Cami looks at Rico, who is in his own little thought bubble.

* In the kitchen, Ofelia talks with Cami and Rico about the plans. Ofelia is worried about leaving with Santo in jail; she will go visit Sofia to ask about him as well as being witness to the ceremony. Rico agrees; he tells Cami that he will meet them at her house, to receive word from Sofia. He leaves still in his thought bubble. Ofelia and Cami wonder what's bothering him.

* Rico walks through the shop and pulls Ascanio away to walk and talk to him. Rico explains to Ascanio that he has to marry Cami right away to protect her from Jorge; Ascanio gets after him about the false name. Rico knows that but has to choice; Rico explains all his motivations as well as Jorge's determination to take the businesses away. Ascanio agrees to go along with him, but only for Cami's sake. Rico leaves. Ascanio returns to shop. Vasco asks what that was about. Ascanio lies and says about a job but he couldn't accept. Ascanio gets back to work.

* Ines and Cami are talking by the gate. Rico joins them. Ines wishes them the best. Ines watches Rico and Cami leave.

* On the street, Cami asks Rico what's bothering him. He covers by saying he has lots on his mind (investigation of the robbery, Vasco, the letter, his mystery truth he needs to tell her later). Cami assures him about the friars at Monte Carmelo will help them. As they walk through the plaza, Ofelia walks silently passed them to the mansion.

* Ursula is in her bedroom telling her maid what she wants done. Maid leaves and Fortunata, who had been listening from the side of the bed, talks to Ursula if this has to do with Vasco. Ursula is still upset with him. They discuss Sofia's interest in Justo and Santo. Tita is playing with her mom's feathers on the bed. Ursula suspects that her mother's interest is for diversion. Ursula plans on having a little fun herself. Fortunata gets after Ursula and reminds her to keep it clean, she has to continue to report to Sofia.

* In the raguan, Sofia and Ofelia talk. Ofelia asks about Santo, and Sofia tells her to have patience and everything will be resolved. Sofia asks about Justo, and Ofelia tells her he is recovering well. Ofelia tells Sofia that Rico and Cami have decided to run off to Monte Carmelo to get married in order to protect Cami from Jorge and have asked Sofia to be a witness. Sofia grumbles that she would be delighted to be a witness, to the disgust of her leech of a husband.

* In the salon, Rico and Cami tell Jimena the good news - they're getting married. Jimena is thrilled and asks to go also. Cami tells her that she can't go, they are trying to keep it a secret. Jimena suggests that she help get the dress and other items ready for the wedding. Rico tells Cami she does have a point, this is your wedding after all. Jimena leaves to get things ready. Rico and Cami sit down and talk about their love and the marriage. She only wants to know if he really loves her. He tells her he loves her with all his heart. She promises to never doubt him. They kiss. (AY!)

* In the raguan, Sofia and Ofelia continue their conversation. Sofia mentions all the illegitimate daughters Jorge has to his credit, but no sons. Sofia brings up her suspicion that Santo is Jorge's only son. Ofelia gets nervous and scared, she says her son is a good man, devout and a church-goer, she doesn't want her son anywhere near Jorge. Sofia wonders why Ofelia doesn't want Santo to relish in his inheritance as the other Lord of San Fernando. Ofelia is paranoid and desperately asks Sofia to stop pursuing this. Ursula runs in and interrupts. She smiles and tells them the good news that Santo will be released in one week. Ofelia and Sofia are happy. Then Ursula tells them the bad news, he will have to undergo 20 whippings in public.

* Ofelia arrives at Cami's house. In the salon, she tells Cami, Jimena and Rico that Sofia has agreed to be the second witness, and will arrive here later tonight in the coach. Cami turns to Rico and reminds him about the papers. He says he will go to his hacienda for them and will join them over there. Ofelia also tells them that Santo will be released in a week, also he will have to receive 20 whippings in public.

* Rico returns to the hacienda - he shouts several orders to Jesus and Pablo outside.

* In the salon, Rico tells Mario about having to marry Cami tonight and his reservations about doing so with his fake name. Mario teases him about sleeping with Cami. Rico gets after him about always thinking about whores; don't you want to settle down with a decent wife? Rico asks about Mario's past. Mario finally fills his buddy in on part of his past - apparently he fell for a high society lady, who made a fool of him. She convinced him to sneak into jail, and kill many many guards to help the lady's brother escape; Mario's dad discovered this and ordered Mario to disappear. Rico asks Mario what happened to the lady. Mario discovered the lady hooked up with another man, so Mario killed both of them right there. Rico says not all ladies and society families are like that. Mario laughs and isn't interested in continuing the conversation. Rico asks Mario to go with him tonight. Mario taps his buddy on the shoulder and leaves. Rico sighs and holds his hand on his face. Lis wanders in - she hasn't seen much of him lately and wants to talk. She asks if he signed the marriage contract yet. Rico lies and says he can't do it now, because Justo had a stroke and Santo's been arrested. Lis is shocked and asks about Santo - Rico tries to end the talk with "I'm busy now and can't talk". Lis continues to badger with her questions about his stolen money. Rico continues to say he's busy and walks to the hallway. Lis follows. Servant tells Rico that the coach is ready outside the gate. Lis is stunned and asks what coach? Rico says not now, Lis, I'm busy, we'll talk tomorrow. Lis is left baffled and bewildered in the hallway as Rico closes the door to his room.

* In his bedroom, Rico stuffs the papers into his vest. He takes out his little chest and finds his mother's wedding ring - the special perfect ring to give Cami at their wedding. He stares at it and smiles.

* In the hallway, Lis pushes Fran to look out the window and tell her what's happening outside. Rico, Mario, Pablo and Jesus leave on horses to the street. Fran tells her they left the yard and are escorting what looks to be one of the Mancera coaches. Lis is curious.

* On the road, inside the coach, Sofia asks Cami about her first marriage - Cami tells her and Ofelia about her marriage to Tim and the ceremony. Cami tells them she blames herself for Santo's arrest. Sofia and Ofelia assure her otherwise.

* Vasco and Ascanio sit quietly at the table, while Rita vents her hostility and continuous jealousy over Cami leading the privileged life. Ines is fed up and scolds her for it, finally tells her to stop. When Rita finally shuts up, Ines escorts her inside to go to sleep. Ascanio and Vasco go to the front gate and discuss where to find Bernie. Vasco doesn't know where he went. Ascanio says think, it's important. Vasco mentions family, friends, the capitol and another location. Ascanio warns Vasco of the danger of Bernie trying to use the letter to extort more money or worse, actually giving it to Lis. He tells Vasco this could ruin Cami's life; besides Jorge already is determined to take the businesses away from Justo. Vasco is impactado by this last news brief.

* The group arrive outside Monte Carmelo monastery. They knock on the door. A friar answers and speaks with Sofia. Sofia, Ofelia, Rico and Cami meet with Don Laurenzo in the rectory office. Don Laurenzo discusses first with Sofia and Ofelia the urgent reason for the nighttime nuptials for Cami and Rico. Cami and Rico pledge that they are serious about going through with the marriage and are honest. When Don Laurenzo is satisfied, they follow him to the chapel where the quick ceremony takes place - they exchange vows, Rico says "I accept" then Cami says "I accept"; Rico slips the ring on Cami's finger; Don Laurenzo declares them husband and wife and blesses them. As they follow Don Laurenzo to the next room, Rico and Cami again declare their eternal love for one another and share a kiss. (AW!) In the room, at the table, Don Laurenzo hands Rico the feather pen. Rico hesitates for a moment and then signs the registration book. Rico hands the pen to Cami, who signs the book. Then Don Laurenzo asks Ofelia and Sofia to sign the book. Don Laurenzo takes the book away and says he will return in a minute. Sofia wants to have a big shindig to celebrate. Cami says they can't, Justo's recovering and Santo's in jail. Rico and Ofelia suggest a small family dinner instead. Cami agrees. Sofia mentions they will postpone Vasco and Ines' wedding until Santo is released. Sofia remarks on the beautiful wedding ring. Don Laurenzo returns to tell them their marriage is now official. Rico thanks Don Laurenzo.

* In the coach, Rico and Cami climb out in front of Cami's house. Sofia and Ofelia congratulate the couple, and promise to tell Justo. The coach leaves. Mario asks Rico if they are planning on going to the hacienda tonight. Rico says no they'll stay here. Mario and crew give Rico and Cami a "seaman's sword salute" and ride away. Rico kisses Cami; Cami gives him the keys; he holds the door open and sneaks in a kiss as she enters. He closes the door behind him.

* In the courtyard, Cami suspects that Jimena has left. They are all alone and hug passionately. Then they kiss and he picks her up in his arms and carries her inside. (AW! HOW SWEET!)

* They enter the bedroom, and find Jimena's surprise for them. The room is filled with lots and lots of bouquets of roses. Rico takes off his coat and pours the champagne. He toasts there happiness. He tells her that although the wedding was rushed, small and in secret, he pledges that they will always be together in love and happiness, and they will have lots and lots of children. Cami starts to cry - Rico says no tears - she says they are tears of happiness. They kiss and he starts to undress her. She asks what he loves about her - he loves her character, her strength, her ability to be strong in the toughest of situations. He takes off her necklace. She giggles about her fears and nerves, and asks if he's nervous or scared. He says "soy hambriento (starving), ahora soy muy hambriento (hungry)." They kiss and he picks her up and lays her on the bed. He kisses her and she unbuttons his shirt. He tells her she's so beautiful. They undress each other and make love. (AY-AY-AY!) Rico says, "I love you, my life, I love you. Cami replies, "I love you too."



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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Guapos 02-05-08 "All Roads Lead to Rome"

Okay..time for another episode of “Why the Death Tax Should Never be Repealed” or should we really leave vast wealth in the hands of incredibly stupid people? We start out with Luci coming into the servant’s room and seeing her beloved Jasmines. Luci goes BSC and screams calling Mili a thief. Actually Mili is a thief, but roomie servant girl points out that they are a gift from Mili’s Novio. Well here comes Novio or Al. Since Ma (Luci) wants to call the cops and put Mili in jail. Al keeps his mouth shut. Mili says flowers are from a boyfriend, not a RatBastard like Al. Okay the RatBastard is my part. Mili throws the flowers on the floor. Luci weeps and falls on the floor trying to pick them up. Egads these were the self same flowers that were to be entered in the big, “My Husband Treats Me like Toilet Paper Stuck to his Shoe” show held by middleage wealthy women. The gloved guy, I forget his name, (I’ll just call him Gloves), watches all with a look of disdain, the family he has served for an eternity is headed toward critical mass. Is it too late for “Truck Driving School”?

Meanwhile over in Eugenio’s office of Psychology, the wife is confronting him with the trip to Roma, that is Rome to we none Latin types. Who else is going. Eugenio is like it is a business trip. The wife further grills him. “Can I go?” “Hey it is strictly business, it will be crowded”. Wife having been clued in by the ever pathetic Connie, presses on. Finally Eugenio agrees to take said wife.

Now we go back to said RED-EYED Luci, she is all dressed up and Mr. Gloves is in the room with her. Eugenio calls but she tells Gloves to tell him she has gone out. She tells Gloves she feels she is dying in that house little by little.

----Don’t ya like when we come in at the middle of a story, so we can ask questions like, Hello, why in the Hell have you stayed this twenty some years?----

Karla with all the skills of an Hunting Dog, tracks Damien (who is my hero, I mean come on what are you gonna do with these people? Might as well get it while you can), down out in the gardens. He asks her for money. ---What happened to the big check Connie was writing, for the info about Eugenio?—
Karla says she doesn’t have any dinero, Ma keeps all the money. Damien puts the pressure on.

Later we see Karla slipping Damien tres mil pesos, or about $300 dollars. He says he will return it tonite, he will also give her some high class lovin. Mili observes all this and when he leaves, she chastises Karla. Telling her she will never see the money again.

At some point Mili went to visit crazy, but kinda cute Hugo. He has given her a key for his room so she can come and visit anytime. Gloves confronts her in the hall, he finally says; you gotta a key, fine you feed him.

Now Connie takes Luci out for a big night at a restaurant, he is laying it on thick, when who do they encounter? Why it is Eugenio and Wife. Greetings all round with, you look stunning , Oh so do you. Wife says they are celebrating their trip to Roma and a second honeymoon. Connie makes this a big deal like, oh how romantic and so on.
Connie and Luci are seated at their table and something is said about their marriage, how it was an arrangement of convenience between their parents.
----At this point I’m thinking, Luci must have been pregnant by some unacceptable guy or maybe she was a young Amante and they married her off to Connie, cause Al is at least four years older than Mili, so they must have been married a while when Connie “Soy Un Perverto”, was nailing the help.---
Connie is now sucking her finger like plump Vienna Sausages and Wife of Eugenio is laying a big one on him. I guess this is to show Luci & Eugenio that their romance has no future.

Meanwhile back at the Hacienda de Dyfunctiono, Mili brings dinner to Hugo, who is not there. Al sees her go in and starts beating on the door. Finally Mili opens it and tells him that Hugo is indisposed. Al and Mili get in an argument basically about what a stellar Prick, Al is. Mili is uber close to knocking his lights out with her drawn cliched fist. Here comes Miss Princess, sister Val, she can’t believe the crap Al takes off the Naca help. Mili spits out more words of contempt and exits stage left.

Connie and Luci arrive home all romantic and intertwined. Oh what a marvelous evening, it was so wonderful. Well it is not over yet. Connie tells his little woman “Go upstairs and I will be up soon”.
As soon as she is out of sight he scoffs and makes hand gestures. The phone rings, Connie stares at the phone, “Who would call?” Geez AssHat, it isn’t like you don’t have a teen daughter, a son and a brother-in-law the Mafia is probably huntin down. Yes, in a perfect TeleNovela World, it is of course “Eugenio”. Wow I didn’t see that coming. Eugenio tells her, he loves her and this is a chance for them to be free, he will leave a ticket for her at the airport. Luci won’t give him a firm answer, cause Egads after all this is her big chance with Connie.
---Please Gawd, why couldn’t I know a bookie that was giving odds on that?---

Say it isn’t so..Alas it is so..Connie super sleuth has been listening in on the downstairs phone.

At some point Al visits Granny, he laments the story de flowers. Granny says “Nice thought Dude, but some crappy flowers for a broken heart…as if” She tells Al that while he has a good heart, if he really wants Red (the uber slut official girlfriend), he needs to back off and leave Mili alone.

Mili dressed in her Carlito outfit is in her room packing her things. Roomie friend comes in and Mili says she wants to blow that Taco Stand.

Next day….

Mili knocks at Al’s door, she is dressed as Carlito and carrying her uniform, she does some diatribe about basura or trash and so on. I don’t care enough to check. Anyway, She gives Al a slap across the face for not defending her.
---This kind of amazes me, cause while she does have issues with studly Al, a normal family would have fired her Naca Ass awhile back. While not a fan of knowing your place, she does push it. I think these people want to hire quiet girls who will bone the jovens and then disappear should they become pregnant, thus setting up the next TeleNovela---

Connie is in Red’s apartment. I have no freakin idea how this happened. Maybe he stopped by on the way to work, but he is getting dressed. Red and Connie start making out. Knock Knock…She tells him to hide in the bedroom. Why yes it is young Al. He is wanting to get busy, but Connie is lurking and watching. Red puts him off with a “I feel sick” go to the pharmacy and get me some medicine. I’m thinking she is already taking medication for “Restless HooHow Syndrome” and it doesn’t seem like it is working. Al, Wuss that he is complies. He leaves and chuckling Connie comes out and leaves.

Luci is in her bedroom, telling Val about her great dinner with Connie. Eugenio calls but Luci won’t take the call. Yep, that pretty much sums it up, Luci doesn't love Eugenio, which is fitting cause it did seem to come on pretty fast. I guess she just like that fact that a nice guy (with a wife), was treating her decently after twentysome years of abuse from the Connster. Seriously though Eugenio is a Craftsman Tool and is indeed weak.

Over at the Hacienda, Val is getting lessons from underwear models. Seriously like she is an underwear model? Bobby pervy friend of Al is lurking. So are Morgan and gardener guy. Bobby tells Val he has a friend at a radio station and she needs to listen. Like 15 seconds later, Val’s el uber secreto love is playing some lame ass song on the radio for her. Of course, the ever Vapid Val has no idea it is Bobby.
Bobby calls her about the romantic dedication and she hangs up on him.

Connie calls Eugenio and thanks him for all the wonderful therapy he gave Luci, why their evening was so great like when they were first married. Connie says he owes it all the Eugenio for her change of heart. Connie dropped all kinds of pervy hints saying they went at it until like 4:00 or 4:30 in the morning.

Hugo has left again in his Street Person getup, he is telling Ma, how happy he is now that he has met Mili. Don’t worry Ma, cause I am still BSC. Damien suddenly appears and wants to know who is at his wife’s grave? He chases Hugo, but Hugo being much younger and not spending his energy on meaningless sex with servants outruns the ol man. Seriously can you believe Damien went to his wife’s grave? Maybe he was checking to see if any dinero fell out of someone’s pockets while kneeling.

Al comes home and catches Luci packing her cheap cloth suitcase. What is up with that? I hope there is a sidepocket for Visine. Yes, she is leaving. Al understands, he doesn’t feel like he has a father. Guess what AssHat, you don’t. When Al exits, Luci throws her suitcase and tears up the ticket. Geez no wonder she drinks, I find myself drinking just watching her.

Now we go to Eugenio’s house. His wife spots a note on the bed, it basically says…I’ve gone to find happiness. Now Bobby comes in, he too has a note, “Pa has abandoned us”. I didn’t know Bobby belonged to Wife and Eugenio.
---Don’t Psych’s say that people deserve closure? This Eugenio guy is a total tool. I mean I think the wife at least deserves the chance to tell him what a slimey low life RatBastard he really is. What a spineless weasel, I hope he goes to Venice falls into the open sewer channel and drowns, now it would be cosmic justice if Bobby could nail the Vapid Val and dump her---

Connie arrives home and there is a big discussion about Val’s modeling. The phone rings and it is Eugenio, he is pressuring Luci to flee, alas his pleading falls on deaf ears. Luci blows him off with a have a nice trip. Connie is listening closely.

Mili while wandering through the garden runs into “Street Hugo”, she goes to get him some food.
Karla’s Ma gives her some sandwiches, when Mili leaves, Ma remembers she needs to give Mili some money. I think it is for the orphans. She comes back crying that she has been robbed all her money is gone. Yeah, put it all on black, Damien.

Connie is sitting on the bed, Luci comes out and thinks it is busy time. Connie says he has a headache and then tells her he knows about Eugenio. Quick Luci check the trash, maybe a little tape will fix that ticket.

Al sees “Street Hugo” and Mili in the garden and confronts them.

Stay tuned….Now I am all torn between BSC Hugo and his Worthless Father Damien, but I kinda think I could make it work with either of them.

I’m not seeing a happy outcome, if Connie becomes human because he has a Naca daughter and quits describing his exploits, and Luci fesses up about Al the Bastardo and Val falls in love with Morgan the servant…Well I might as well just watch Hallmark.


Juan Q, Monday Feb 4, Where we find out Juan has changed, but Nidia hasn't

Once more, I have to apologize profusely for being so late. Finally I was able to finish it and here it is. Since this is my last recaps on Mondays I’ll just say it was very rewarding to do this, I’ll still lurk around, comment and whenever needed I’ll substitute.
Thank you one more time for your patience.

Nidia is talking to Ana. She tries to tell her about the money and how she stole it from her, but she can’t. She ends up making up a story about how she wants to help Ana put a gallery. Ana is not sure it is such a good idea; she doesn’t want to give Nidia trouble. Nidia says she doesn’t need Ana to get into trouble, she says, she can do that by herself (I agree).

At Farrell Pastor enters the main lobby, where everybody is just hanging out. When they see him coming they welcome him with applause. He gives a little speech thanking everybody for believing in him; he gets some more applause from his coworkers. He ends his speech with a yell of “Pastor es inocente, Pastor es inocente, Pastor es inocente” (very funny)

Paula is at her house, having a little flash back. She remember how Juan asked if she called only to assure herself that Juan still loved her and did whatever she wanted. She says aloud “yes Juan, I want to know if you still love me”. In the same house, but in the kitchen Consuelo is talking to Monica; she is telling her that Paula and CL already had their first argument and it was because of the flowers. Consuelo tells her it was a good idea to send those flowers. Monica denies sending flowers; she wants to know who sent the flowers. Consuelo tells her that the flowers came with a card and the card said that Juan Dominguez sent them. Monica is pleasantly surprised. Right then, Paula comes out of the room and Consuelo ends the conversation. She apologizes for using the phone to make a personal call. Paula is getting ready to leave, and tells her not to worry about it. She asks Consuelo to please look after CL while she is gone. She says she’ll be back later.

At Farrell Pastor is now in Monica’s office. He is still on cloud nine, and he keeps on talking about his welcome and how everybody was so happy for having him back. Monica has no patience for him. She wants to know if he has talked to Angarita. Pastor says that to convince Algarita you have to go slowly “pian pianito”. Moni retorts that if she would have done the same, he (Pastor) would still be in prison. Pastor says that he understands, and that he’ll have results soon.

Nidia is still trying to convince Ana to accept her offer to open a Gallery, Ana likes what she hears, however she is still not sure. Nidia lays it thick. She calls Ana a Michael Angela, a Leonarda, a Picassa. She finally accepts.
At Farrel Marely is leaving the office. Fernando tells her to wait for him; he just has to finish some reports and can take her home. She declines saying that she wants to be home early. Yvonne is watching all of this.

Juan and Kike are on their way to the Cachon residence, Kike is telling Juan all about his daughter. Juan’s mind wanders and of course he is thinking about his Palomita and wondering how she reacted to the flowers he sent.

Paula is talking to Ana. She is telling her about the flowers. (Ed Note. I think that the writers were a little tired, because the next dialogue was repeated verbatim 3 times by different people. Let’s count it together) One:
Ana –Juan wouldn’t do something like that
Paula –No, I didn’t think so … how weird no?
Ana –Was the card sign?
Paula –No, the flowers were bought by phone
Ana –Frankly, I don’t believe the flowers were sent by Juan, he was always very respectful
Paula—But he has changed so much…
Ana –I think this is a very bad joke. There are a lot of people that know what has happened between you. They could be trying to cause trouble.
Paula –There is only one way to find out, I’ll call the flower shop

Monica is talking to Laura (Two)

Monica –I still can’t believe it, Juan wouldn’t do something like that
Laura –Was the card sign?
Monica –No, the flowers were bought by phone
Laura –It doesn’t sound logic.
Monica –I don’t know, people change.
Laura –I think this is a very bad joke. There are a lot of people that know what has happened between them
Monica –There is only one way to find out, I’ll call the flower shop

Kike and Juan arrive to the Cachon residence. Nidia is impactada when she sees Juan. She says that she doesn’t remember Juan, maybe if she touches him? She approaches Juan and starts touching him all over. She says she is remembering now, Juan thought bubbles that Nidia hasn’t change at all and that coming back to the Cachon residence has moved him very deeply.

Pastor goes to visit CL; he brought him a basket of fruit and wine. Pastor says that he heard that the surgery was a total success. CL is not happy to been reminded of his operation and cuts to the chase. He says he wants to talk about pending businesses. Pastor says that the pending businesses are being taken care of by everybody in the office. CL says that is not the kind of pending business he is talking about. He is talking about something, or better said someone, someone that was supposed to stay in the past. Pastor guesses he is talking about Juan, and gets very excited. CL tells him to calm down
Pastor wants to know if Juan is back. CL says that he doesn’t know.

At the Cachon residence, Juan has Nidia Micaela in his arms and is saying how beautiful she is. He says that she looks like her mom. Kike pipes in that the baby has his eyes. Juan says yes, the white part of the eyes is the same. Everybody laughs and Kike gets upset. He takes the baby upstairs for her nap. Yadi goes with him. Nidia says that “para variar” just for a change; Kike “esta que no lo calienta ni el sol” is very touchy (lit. not even the sun heats him up,) The sleazy music sounds and Nidia realizes they are alone. She uses this opportunity to throw herself into Juan’s arms. Juan moves out of the way and starts talking about the baby. Nidia doesn’t want to talk about the baby; she wants to talk about them. Just then

Juan is saved by the bell; Marely arrives home and is very happy to see Juan. Juan gives her a big bear hug. Nidia is not happy about it.
Later Nidia asks Kike if Marely and Juan were an item. Kike says that Juan only loves Paula.
Marely and Juan are talking in Nidia’s office. Marely goes directly to the point. Are you here because you want to see paula? Juan tries to deny this, but Marely tells him that she knows him very well. Juan thought bubbles that in the time that Nidia would take to undress your body, Marely could undress your soul.

Fernando is still at the office. Yvonne approaches and tries to make him invite her to dinner or the movies. Fernando says that he’ll never go out with her again. Yvonne says that as soon as Juan comes back, Marely is going to dump him and then he’ll try to go back to Yvonne, but she won’t take him. Fernando says that that’s never going to happen.

At CL House Pastor and CL told pastor all about the flowers (Three)
Pastor –Juan wouldn’t do something like that
CL –No, I didn’t think so
Pastor –Was the card sign?
CL –No, the flowers were bought by phone; Frankly, I don’t believe the flowers were sent by Juan, he used to respect me
Pastor –but, people change
CL –I think this is a very bad joke. There are a lot of people that know what has happened between us. There is only one way to find out
Pastor –Calling the flower shop

At the Cachon residence, everybody is eating Juan is sitting next to Marely. They are talking about Delirio. Nidia says that she has been there to see him twice. Kike says that he feels sorry for him. Right then Fernando arrives. Juan is very happy to see him. Juan wants to know if Fernando came to see Nidia. Fernando says no, that he came to see Marely since she is his girlfriend. Juan asks Marely why she didn’t tell him before. Marely says because it is not true. Impacatdo face from Fernando, he can’t believe it. He is all upset and almost runs out of the house. Juan tries to stop him. He catches up with him and tells him that he is sorry. Fernando tells Juan that everything is his fault, why did he come back? Marely was fine until he came back. Doesn’t Juan understand that Paula doesn’t love him? Juan is impactado and tries to defend himself, but Fernando doesn’t let him. He (Fernando) gets in his car and leaves. Kike comes out and tells Juan not to worry, they’ll talk to Fernando tomorrow, by then he will be feeling better. They both enter the house.

Later Marely calls Fernando to apologize. She says she is sorry and that she never considered herself Fernando’s girlfriend. Fernando says that they went out on dates and they kissed what does she calls that. Marely says they were two friends trying to find out if they were compatible. Fernando says that that is bull manure (not really, but I know that’s what he was thinking). He says that Marely is saying that they are not together because she wants to be available for Juan. Marely says no, that is not true. I’m sorry all of this happened, but I never lied to you. She says she is sorry one more time and hangs up.

In another room Juan is thinking about his Palomita, he has his eyes closed and doesn’t see Nidia entering the room and approaching the bed. She throws herself on top of him. Juan tries to stop her, but Nidia won’t stop. Juan finally agrees with one condition Nidia needs to close her eyes. She does, Juan says ready? She says yes. Juan says here I come. The End


Guapos: Monday Feb. 4, 2008- Perhaps a Christmas Club Account at the Local Bank is a Better Option.

Alejandro is convinced by the lies that Constancio told him regarding the lack thereof a personal relationship between him and Andrea. Al asks Andrea for forgiveness. They kiss and make up. Connie leaves them alone and this gives Al the chance to tell Andrea that the whole business with “Carlitos” was a way to make her jealous. Andrea assures him that she knew that all along.

Outside his office, Connie is accosted by his daughter. She’s come there to let him have it because she’s learned that Andrea is his mistress. Before Connie can get a word in, Al and Andrea show up. They explain the whole “misunderstanding” and Val asks Andrea and Connie for forgiveness. She tells Al that she won’t apologize to him because he’s just a gossip.

Meanwhile, back at home…..Luciana is begging her brother to not spill the beans about her relationship with Eugenio. She tells Damien that he knows that she’s not been happy and that her relationship with Connie hasn’t been good for a long time. Damien is concerned that if Luci takes off, what will become of him and his part in the business. Luci assures him that if she goes, she’ll make sure to put things in order. She tells him that her shares of the company will be given to Alejandro. Damien isn’t happy with this plan.

Regina and Mili have lunch at the convent. Padre Manuel and the nuns gush over Mili and go on and on about her charms to Regina. Mili punctuates this conversation with a burp. After lunch, Mili and Rocky take to the soccer field. Regina sits in the stands and watches. After witnessing some of Mili’s antics, Regina tells herself she’s got her work cut out for her. Mili scores a goal.

Mili and Regina return home. Regina says she’s tired and Mili tells her that going out did her some good, she looks younger (and I have to agree).

Al brings Andrea home for dinner. He fills Luci and Damien in on the reconciliation.

In the maid’s room, Lina tells Mili that the family is gathering to have dinner with Al’s novia---which is Mili. Lina offers to help Mili get ready for the party. We are not treated to a view of Mili during the process, so we know it is going to be scary.

Regina comes down for dinner. The family is surprised that she’s left her rooms. Connie says it is a miracle and Regina says that’s the word for it.

Mili shows up, with big hair, gaudy make-up, eighties-style earrings, and a tight dress. She bursts into the room with her mouth running. She calls Luci-suegrita and Luci flips. Mili suggests that calling her mama might be a better idea. This freaks Luci out more. Al attempts to explain to Mili what’s going on, but she’s too busy exchanging words with Andrea. Once Mili closes her mouth, Al tells her it was a joke. Mili is confused. Al spells it out for her---Andrea is his novia. Val starts in on Mili and Regina cuts her off. Al is surprised that Mili took it all seriously. To save face, Mili tells them that she knew all along it was a joke and that’s why she dressed so ridiculously and she leaves. Regina tells the family she won’t be dining with them after all, because she’s lost her appetite.

Mili runs into the maid’s room. Lina and Karla are there and Lina tries to find out what happened. Mili’s not talking. She runs into the bathroom and locks the door. Once inside, she breaks down and cries.

Dinner is over and Constancio says that Regina didn’t stay for dinner because of the joke played on Mili. The family launches into a round of making fun of Mili, while Karla is milling around in the background.

Mili visits Hugo and they decide to develop a secret knock so he’ll know when it is her at the door. Mili alludes to something happening at dinner and Hugo presses her for more info. She doesn’t tell him. Mili asks when Hugo will finish his painting and he says never.

Regina has a flashback to a conversation she had with Rosario. Rosario was telling her about how Connie’s friends treat her because she was the maid. Regina offered some encouragement and she asked how Connie reacts when his friends treat Rosario poorly. Rosario said he remains silent and that hurt.

Al comes to visit his grandma. She tells him that she expected more from him. He tires to explain and Regina continues to scold him. She’s upset that he would play with people’s emotions. She tells him to go.

Connie finds tickets to Rome in Luci’s purse. He pumps Damien for info on the name of Luci’s lover. Damien isn’t talking, so Connie offers money. Damien finally blurts out Eugenio’s name when the offer reaches fifty thousand.

In the kitchen Karla is filling her mom in on what happened with Mili and the family. Mili and Lina are there too. Karla tells Mili that Al would never be interested in a girl like her. How could Mili think a servant could be with the patron’s son. Lina makes a comment about Karla and Damien. Karla says the difference is that she and Damien feel something for each other. Lina says sure, a couple times a week and only at night.

Al walks into the kitchen and asks to speak with Mili. They go for a walk outside and Al tells her he feels bad. He adds that Mili didn’t deserve to be treated that way. She says he’s wrong, of course she did because she’s an idiot who had confidence in him. She adds that she believed in him and she asks why he did what he did. She doesn’t allow him to explain. Instead she tells him that he’s left her with her heart in her hands, broken. She runs back into the house and Al lets out a frustrated scream.

Val, in her underwear, practices for her catwalk. Connie catches her and tells her that over his dead body will she be parading around in lingerie in front of everyone.

Mili prays that God will help her get Al out of her head. Later, she meets with Gloria at the convent. They talk about Christmas and one of the nuns tells her that they don’t have enough money to purchase gifts for the orphans. Mili says she’ll take care of getting the money.

Hugo asks Braulio about Mili. He tells Hugo that she’s out and then he tells him to be careful with her, she’s a servant. Hugo tells Brau that’s the stupidest advice he’s ever gotten in his life. Brau leaves and Hugo talks to the picture----he tells it that Brau thinks you’re an opportunist.

Luci is tending her flowers. Brau admires them and she says that if she sticks around she’ll enter them into a contest. Brau asks where she might be going. She dances around the subject.

Padre Manuel talks to Mili about her relationship with Al. She rants on about him and PM is convinced that there is no risk of romance.

Constancio meets with Milena, Eugenio’s wife. He tells her what’s going on between his wife and her husband. Milena doesn’t believe it. Connie tells her that they’ll bring a stop to it. He’ll take care of his wife, she needs to take care of her husband.

Connie’s plan is to seduce Luci. He makes arrangements for them to dine alone and tells her how much he misses them having alone time. She is shocked. He asks her out for dinner and she accepts. He gives her a kiss goodbye and he thinks to himself that she’s falling for it.

Mili decides to sell flowers to raise money and she convinces Lina to help. Lina wonders where they are going to get the flowers. Mili indicates that the Belmonte’s flowers are good enough.

Melina snoops in Eugenio’s office and finds his ticket to Rome. She takes a different approach than Connie. When she sees Eugenio, she confronts him with the tickets.

On the side of the road, Mili and Lina sell flowers. Al shows up, he buys all their remaining flowers and seems to pay a hefty price.

Luci discovers her flowers have been taken. She screams for the police to be called.

Meanwhile, Lina and Mili return home and in the maids’ room they find all the flowers Al purchased laying on Mili’s bed, with a note. The note says that if these flowers don’t succeed in making her accept his apology, then Al will have to get all of Xochimilco to do the job. END OF EPISODE.


02/04/08 Pasión: A Man's Got To Do What A Man's Got To Do

Cami is showing Ascanio the accounts in the back office when Jorge enters and asks to speak alone with her. Ascanio leaves and Jime gets on his case in between bites of apple for leaving her friend alone with the old lech. Ascanio asks her, "What was I supposed to do? Tell him no, I’m staying right here?” “—He’s probably going to ask her to sleep with him!” Ascanio wonders if he should go back in but Jime hisses that that would be even worse.

In the back office, after complaining about all the men Cami has attracted ready to defend her, then saying a few trite, pro forma, words about how Justo’s getting along, Jorge comes directly to the point. He tells her that Justo is old and he doesn't know how capable he'll be after his illness and that with Vasco he has to settle accounts for sleeping with his daughter. Cami suggests it was Ursula doing the seduction, but he brushes it off and tells her he’s not there to argue with her, only to see that his rules are complied with. So, not only did Vasco seduce his daughter, but Cami’s fiancé refused to adhere to his demands also.

Jorge adds he doubts Ric's activities are exactly above board and that he thinks he is either a thief or a pirate. Cami tries to deny it but he tells her to shut up since he’s the one doing the talking here. “You’re father’s useless to me now. Because of all of this I’ve decided to take away the concession for the mill and the store.”

Cami begs for some understanding of their situation and special circumstances especially after the earthquake. He says neither the Government in Spain nor he is interested then arrogantly explains that he is responsible to the Crown for the tax collection and when the only mill and store in town has reduced sales (and thus profits) well……

Cami accuses him of being cruel and vengeful. “It’s neither cruelty nor vengeance,” says Jorge. Just show him the money. BUT, he could be per-sua-ded to change his mind IF Cami cares to provide some demonstration of affection. In other words, “Put out or be put out!” Her choice. (Ol’ Whorehey’s inside parts, it appears, are just as withered as his outside parts.)

Vasco returns home on the other side of town after his dicey run-in with Ric and the boys. Ines gets upset when she sees him bloody and roughed up. She wonders if he found Bernabe and fought with him. Vasco explains how Ric and his men worked him over and says he ended up telling them the truth about Bernabe and the letter; he explains he’s supposed to keep quiet about the fact the letter never really got destroyed so that Cami doesn’t worry. Ines starts to scold him but he’s not up for it and tells her nobody is more sorry about the whole business than he is. Vasco has a big, serious cry on Ines’ shoulder.

Just then Paco runs over to Vasco and says he blames himself for making his grandpa sick. Vasco handles this like a true-loving father and tells Paco that it wasn’t his fault. He was the one who should have destroyed the letter but didn’t. Justo’s illness is his fault, not Paco’s.

Back at Ric’s manse, Lis tells Aunt Fran what Ric told her about the assault on the caravan and how his entire fortune was stolen. Fran’s first worry is that the two of them without Ric’s financial support or Timoteo’s fortune, will be out on the street begging with a cup in their hand. Ric, she says, will no doubt have to return to piracy to live and be away for months or years at a time. Without a man's support or protection and without cold hard cash, Fran warns, the only option for women in their situation will be prostitution or penury. Lis needs to seriously consider Don Alberto’s attempts to court her. Lis refuses, having a better idea: if Ric’s marrying Cami anyway, might as well live off her (and Daddy Timoteo’s) big bucks if push comes to shove. For once, Fran doesn’t argue.


Vasco leaves Paco with Ines and goes to visit his father at Ofelia's.

Santi comes into the store looking for Cami. Ascanio says she’s busy in the back and Jimena adds that she’s with Don Jorge and best not to disturb the two of them. Ascanio tells Santi he figures he can do the books for the store but doesn’t understand why Vasco isn’t in charge of that instead. Santi says because he’s not trustworthy. Jime pipes up then and tells Ascanio how Vasco and his pal, Bernabe, tried to blackmail Cami with Lis’ famous ED letter instead of handing it over to her like he should have. Jime realizes then that she’s just said way too much and Ascanio looks like he’s heard way more than he wanted. Santi shakes his head in disgust over what an incredible winner his future BIL is.

At Justo’s bedside as the music swells in the background, Vasco asks his father’s foregiveness and swears he’ll be turning over a new leaf. He’s going to be the best, hardest-working son and husband ever.

Meanwhile, Ric comes to pay ailing Justo a visit too. While Ric waits out in the garden for Vasco to finish his visit with his father, he passes the time chatting with Ofelia. Ofelia tells Ric she’s glad Cami and he are marrying and he thanks her for it.

Back at the store, Santi is getting impatient and thinking Cami and Jorge have taken way too long for it to be just a simple chat. He goes off in a huff towards the back to find her. In the back office Jorge keeps insisting with Cami and tells her he's keen on getting her into bed. If she just goes along with it, then the whole matter is resolved and nobody has to know a thing. He’ll just send for her at a friend’s house. (Cami,this might have been a good time for you to spit out something about learning long ago that limp lechers make lousy lovers.) Saintly arrives just in time in a Dudley Do-Right moment and he angrily interrupts horny Jorge’s offensive chat with the cornered Cami.

Saintly Santi now loses his temper. Cami tries to stop him but he refuses to be quiet this time. He asks Jorge where he gets off thinking he’s above the law and says the old coot has no right to take the women around there whenever he’s got the urge. He's on a roll now and he tells Jorge that for all the authority he might have, he has no right to trample on the dignity of his people; and Jorge may be able to mock human law but not devine law; when Jorge goes to meet his maker he’ll have to pay the price and he’ll be getting a one-way ticket to Hell. Jorge says, fine, now that you’ve blown off steam, kid, scram. Saintly says no way, he’s not moving an inch and whatever Jorge has to say to his SIL, he can darn well say in front of him. He’s not going to permit one more perverted act from the likes of Jorge and that’s that.

Jorge reminds Cami of the ultimatum and leaves. Cami and Ascanio know the sick b@stard will try to take it out on Saintly now. She asks him why he had to do it and he says he’s tired of everyone suffering such degrading humiliations from the man. Ascanio suggests he skip town for a while because there’s no way Don Jorge is going to overlook such an insult. Saintly yells at him that it was only the truth. Cami says, “But you don’t do things like that!” He starts yelling then, “So where’s your fiancé? He’s the one who should be here defending your honor!” then turns and leaves.

Jime runs in and asks what Jorge wanted. Cami cries to her about his threat to take away the concessions for the mill and store if she doesn’t sleep with him. Ascanio, wide-eyed impactado, swears to God he’s not believing all that he’s just seen and heard.

During all this Ric is sitting at Justo’s bedside. Justo asks him to take Cami far away from there and Ric promises to marry her as soon as possible. Ofelia steps in and explains that Justo, knowing Jorge is a vengeful baddy with his sights set on Cami, means to say he is worried he will try something unless they leave and get away. Ric doesn’t think Cami will leave, especially till her father’s recuperated, but Ofelia stresses it’s now or never. Ric tells Justo he’ll talk it over with Cami and he'll try to live up to the great trust he's placed in him.

At the palace, Fortunata and Sofia discuss Sofia’s decision as Godmother to cover all Ines’ wedding expenses. Talk turns to Ursula and the trip to Mexico City to find her a new husband since it’s such slim pickin’s in San Fernando now. Sofia complains that her daughter brings on her problems herself by being rude and frivolous and all her friends end up running away from her. Talk turns to what a great guy Santi is and how young and nice he is, “Like his mother, fortunately,” adds Sofia. Fortunata asks if she knew his father and if he was not a good man. Sofia says if she’s referring to the old blacksmith, then no, she never did meet him. Fortunata wonders what she meant by “if you’re referring to”, so Sofia changes the subject to Justo and how she loves him as a friend and for being her only friend.


Back at the blacksmith shop, Ascanio tells Saintly that he shouldn’t have treated Don Jorge that way since the guy has the right to deal with his subjects any way he chooses. Santi says Ascanio may be fine with letting him defile their women whenever he wants, but he is not about to. He complains that Jorge has insisted twice now with Cami, and again with his sister, Ines. So Ascanio says he should just take the whole family away somewhere where nobody would order them around.

Horny Jorge, now hot under the collar, has other ways of dealing with disrespectful subjects like Saintly and sends a group of palace guards after him. They arrive at the market and make their way towards the blacksmith's shop, not missing a chance to trample and bully their way through all the stalls. The captain of the guard informs Saintly that he is being arrested for insults and slander regarding their great and gracious leader, the Lord Jorge of San Fernando.

Ofelia and Ric come running out to see what the commotion is about. Ric runs over to Saintly and tries to ask him what’s happened for them to take him like this. Now, finally, it seems Saintly Santi has his chance to rub it in with Ric. He tells Ric that this is happening because of what he did in defending Cami when Ric should have been there doing said selfless heroic deed instead, and (being selfless and heroic) he proudly states he does not regret it. Ric doesn’t understand and Saintly tells him then go ask Cami and Don Jorge.

The guard shoves Ric trying to get him to move and Ric knocks him out of the way; the captain warns Ric that that is an act of contempt but Ric yells at him to go to Hell and storms off toward the store to get an explanation from Camila.

Cami and Jimena come out as Ric asks what caused all of this. Jimena explains that Santi insulted Jorge when he went to defend her and so Jorge sent the guard to put him in jail. Ric and Mario exchange glances.

Speaking of deeds Saintly does regret, GRita comes out just then, swoon-worthy impactada at the sight of her beloved being literally dragged off to prison. She faints dead away as the guard takes martyred Saintly to jail.

At the prison, the captain gives orders for only bread and water. One of the guards knows Saintly and asks what he did to get thrown into jail. Saintly says, “I rebelled against injustice.” The friendly guard replies, “Well you did it badly then.”

Manuela gets into town at the tail end of the procession and calls Ascanio over to explain what happened. They agree it is just another in a long line of tragedies for Santiago. Mannie asks him to come by later and fill her in on the details. He smiles and says maybe it’s not such a good idea, but she tells him her daddy’s out of town and it couldn’t hurt to find out a bit more. He agrees and leaves. The nana isn’t too happy about her conversation with a stranger and a young man to boot, but Mannie insists she’s done nothing wrong. Since she holds Ofelia in high regard there’s no reason not to get as much info as possible as she sees it.

Ric, Mario, Cami and Jime head back to Cami's house.

Inside, Cami gives Ric a quick rundown of Jorge’s proposition while outside Jime snaps at Mario and wonders where in the world his boss was when Cami needed him most. Mario says he hasn't a clue. Upset in general with the whole situation, Jime pulls at Mario's beard and tells him he's being a pain and he better not cross her, then walks off. Mario at that point could be knocked over with a feather. He is definitely in luhhhvv!

Back inside in the living room Ric tells Cami about her father's request for the two of them to go off together somewhere far away. She rejects the idea because she doesn't want to leave her family with Justo sick and the possibility of them being left destitute. Ric explains that he’d take them all away and tells her to understand that San Fernando is not the only place on earth. If it were up to him he’d just as soon go to the palace and slit the guy’s throat. She cries and says she can’t handle it any longer, but he tells her she’ll have to and that there are times when you just have to keep a cool head and think things through.

So together they consider what possibilities they have to stop Jorge from carrying out his threat since she won’t leave. One choice she says is to give up on getting married, but he says that won't solve anything either. “Do you really think Jorge would ever leave you in peace?” She agrees that he wouldn’t. The third option, which isn't really one at all, is to go to bed with Jorge. Ric says then that he’s going over to try to talk to Jorge and get to the bottom of things. Cami asks Ric to help Santi to get out of jail while he’s at it, but makes him swear that when Ric talks with Jorge, he’ll keep himself in check and not provoke another major catastrophe. His answer is only that at times it is necessary to kill somebody when that somebody will not stop harming others.

Up in her bedroom Cami tells Jime the whole story. Jime says if it were her she’d kill the guy too. Cami says, then what? She can’t exactly take her sick father and her pregnant sister in a crummy little boat to some hide away, let alone abandon Santiago to his fate in prison. Jime gripes that she worries too much about everybody else. Cami says, well, these people are her family and she doesn’t have a choice. Jime wonders what choice she has if she doesn’t kill Jorge. Cami’s says she’s only thinking now about what she can do to get Santi out of jail and she leaves.


Vasco and Ofelia go to the prison to see if they can visit Santiago.

At the palace, meanwhile, Sofia and Ursula discuss taking Tita to Mexico with them while they find Ursula a new husband. Ursula thinks she’ll be a nuisance, but Sofia figures any man who wants to marry her needs to meet the little girl and get to know her. As Ric waits downstairs to see Jorge, Fortunata gallops upstairs to tell Sofia and Ursula that Santi has been taken off to prison.

In his office, Don Jorge writes their lawyer that he is refusing permission for Ric and Camila to marry so not to write up their marriage contract. After sending it off he has Ric enter his office, and nonchalantly offers him a glass of wine. Ric refuses it. He stares daggers at Jorge who seems not to notice or to care in the least.

Sofia, Ursula and Fortunata decide to go to the prison to speak with Santi and find out what happened. Ursula wonders what the problem is now with her father and Cami. Sofia tells her she shouldn’t have much problem figuring it out.

Ric tells Jorge that it’s improper for a man of Jorge’s station to take advantage of people the way he does. Jorge says he’s governing the same way his father before him did. Ric tells him that it’s not governing, it’s abuse. Jorge says that’s HIS point of view, but he has his obligations to the Crown and if somebody with the concession doesn’t bring in enough in taxes, he’s got to give it over to someone who can do a better job of it. Ric reminds him that he is willing to be more tolerant with Justo in exchange for something else. So Jorge says, “Then you’ve spoken with Camila?” Ric says yes and Jorge breaks in and says, “I have my rights. Oh, now, now, I already know what you’re going to tell me. That I’ve already exercised them with the girl, but being that she’s remarrying, I can do it again.”

Ric wonders why Jorge’s become so persistent with Cami in particular. He answers that she’s so temptingly appetizing. Ric just glares, doesn’t move a muscle. “But she’s MY woman.” “—Oh, so you’ve slept with her already then?” Ric nods slightly, never taking his eyes off Jorge. “Yes, so therefore you can comprehend why I am not ready to allow another man to put his hands on her.” Jorge walks out from his desk and matter of factly says, “With me you will have to make an exception.” Ric refuses. “Not a single exception."

Jorge turns around and faces Ric again. “Well, if you’re thinking of using that threat against Alberto, allow me to tell you that you have no proof. It’s true that a worker from the hacienda took the wagon off to sell, but we couldn’t find out how he got it, since nobody has seen him since.” Ric smirks. “On the way to LaFont’s hacienda we came upon a burial, the worker from that ranch was murdered. Also the owner of the stable where my wagon was kept, at dawn, dead.” “—What a pity!”

Ric smirks again and changes the subject, “So, what about the blacksmith?” “--He showed me a lack of respect. He must pay.” “--So, what’s the penalty?” “—Don’t know, depends on the judge. Insulting the lord is a serious offense.” “—Capital punishment?” Jorge wonders if that wouldn’t be just what Ric would like in order to get his rival out of the way, but Ric says the only reason is that it seems unfair to do this to him. Ric says his outburst is understandable considering Santi has suffered with certain of Jorge’s demands in the past. Jorge disagrees and says nobody gets away with insulting him.

Ric asks if then Cami is the exchange for Justo keeping his two concessions and for Santiago’s being let free. Jorge smiles and says, “Nice to see you’re so bright.” Ric narrows his eyes and says, well, that being the case, he might as well go on home and leaves.

Sofia gets to the prison. Nobody has been allowed to see Santi. She and Ursula persuade the captain to let them see him. Outside the jail while they’re waiting Cami tries to get an answer from Ricardo about what he and Jorge discussed. He tells her it’ll have to wait till later. Ursula comes for Ofelia and takes her in to see Santi, but Ric refuses to let Cami go with them. Inside the guard tells Sofia he couldn’t understand how someone like Santi with such a kind soul could be put in a hole like that. (In fact, nobody’d been in there for a while and the bars were needing fixing I think he said.) Sofia gets upset when she hears he would only get bread and water and when the captain of the guard objects to her bringing him anything else she threatens to castrate him.

Santi tells Sofia he’s used to dealing with Jorge, but there are some things a man simply cannot put up with. Sofia promises he won’t be in there for long. Ursula seconds that sentiment in the most sickly sweet voice that you got to wonder what is going on with her all of a sudden. As Ofelia and Sofia get a big hug from a grateful Santi, Ursula can’t seem to take her eyes off the muscles in his arms.

When the women come back out Sofia tells Ofelia she wants to talk with her. Ofelia plays dumb, but Sofia tells her she knows exactly what she wants to discuss and she better come looking for her. Ofelia says fine. Then Cami runs over and tells her that Jorge has threatened to take the concessions away from her father and if he does it will kill him. Sofia swears it will only happen over her dead body. (Considering Jorge’s strange behavior recently I wouldn’t tempt fate.)

Paco tells Justo that Santi was taken to jail and Justo nearly has another stroke.

Sofia, followed by Ursula, barges into Jorge’s office fit to be tied. Ursula tells him that jailing Santi was going overboard and he answers back that Santi was looking for it. Sofia complains that he’s acting like a vindictive jerk and all for his lust. He says all round the world is moved by lust. She says then why does he complain to his daughter about her behavior, and he says men are just different from women. She screams she’s not going to let him take away Justo’s concessions and imprison Santiago all for his urges. Jorge, though, asks since when does he take orders from them? He’s lord and his word is law and that goes for the two of them also.

Sofia warns him that if he takes Justo’s concessions away it will kill him. Jorge turns his back on her and says, “Sorry.” She loses all control and starts pounding him on the back. “I hate you, you devil! You’re only doing this because you want to force Camila to go to bed with you!!” Ursula tries to pull her off him. He turns around and slaps Sofia so hard he knocks her to the ground.


Monday, February 04, 2008

Guapos Friday 2/1/08 Part II Go Giants!

Back to the scene where Hugo is showing the painting to Mili. It is signed Pandrosa. I don't really understand this whole thing--does she think Pandrosa is someone else, and he's the artist's agent? Does she think Pandrosa is the guy in the wig and beard?

Andrea is now confessing all to Regina. She calls her "madrina" (godmother). Is she really her godmother, or is it a name of respect? Probably the latter. Anyway, Andrea's "respect" is really phony. She tells Regina that Connie was at her apartment because of the argument he had with Luciana. Does anyone really believe Connie slept on the couch? They didn't show anything, so I don't know what we are supposed to think.

She now tells Regina that she has a problem with her apartment and she will be evicted. No problem--Regina tells her she can come live at the mansion. I don't think this is going to be the Brady Bunch.

Mili is talking to Hugo about her mother died. The other tinkling piano music from Amar is heard. Instead of piano music of doom, it's piano music of melancholy (or PMM).

Connie taunts Damian about some money he gave him--he gave him 2.5 million pesos (to pay the blackmail?), but half a million is gone, and he wants to know where it is. I guess Damian lost it in gambling. Connie says he can pay off the debt by tailing his sister night and day to see where she goes. Damian does not want to do this. Connie says that she is putting the horns on him, and he's had enough. But Damian feels like a traitor to spy her on her. Connie says "Traitor? Hah!" In other words, Damian is such a loser he has no choice but to do Connie's dirty work.

Andrea begs Alex to let her explain what was going on with Connie. Mili is overhearing in the hall. He says he's through with Andrea and he loves another. Who is the girl, she asks. It's Mili, and he pulls her over. Mili is my novia!

Andrea goes off to report the news.

Back in the Belmonte bunker of bunk beds (otherwise known as the servants' quarters), Mili tells her friend about the kiss--it was like the kind of kiss the hero gives in the last chapter of a telenovela.

Constancio berates Luciana some more about her worthless son. He is outraged: I've given him my name, and now a Belmonte is with a servant. Takes one to know one, she says. All these years, we've lived with the ghost of the criada (servant) that you were with. How many times have you called out her name while making love to me? All I can call out is Eww.

The servants toast Mili.

Valeria quizzes Alex on his new choice of girlfriend. He says don't worry--it's just a tale to tell Andrea. He wants to get back at her for being with Papa. Oops. Valeria didn't know?

Braulio and Regina discuss his late sister.

Regina and Mili discuss the relationship with Alex. Mili says she loves him.

Valeria asks Andrea what's going on.

Luciana asks Consty how he could get back at her with Andrea.

Con talks with Regina. She refuses to let him let Alex resign. Connie points out that he's not really her grandson. Too bad, says Regina--she's doing it because Connie lost her the real grandchild.
Connie says that tomorrow he's going to cancel Alex's credit cards, and he'll be a muerta de hambre (low life). Granny says, no, everything goes to Alex.

Finally, the most important scene:
Luciana is meeting with her psychiatrist (whose name I also don't know, sorry). He has plane tickets for Rome. They will make a new life. He is not a psychiatrist--he is a man in love. She says she is afraid. She wonders wouldn't it be better to tell Connie first that she is leaving? (Anyone think that's a good idea?)
No, says shrinky-dink. We must go away and make up for all we have missed for so many years . . .
Is he the missing lover from the past--or is this just a cheat where figuratively they have missed out on love for many years.


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