Friday, December 19, 2008

Tontas #14 Thurs 12/18 - Who's the ham in tonight's love sandwich?

Let's just dive right in!

Raul calls Candy and they plan to meet for a business dinner. When she gets off the phone she bitches at Meño for not telling her that her ma came around. "Because I didn't want to worry you" is the excuse. Well she is worried, for her son Chava not for herself. Patricio's got a lot of money and power and she doesn't want to lose her son.

Chayo complains to someone on the phone that she just found out about Lalo having a secret bank account. *Lalo comes home and tells his wife he loves her and how was her day, tell Papi Rico all about it while I mix us a drink. Oh whoops, that's in the alternate universe. **Lalo comes home, brushes past his beautiful wife (who we know is an awesome dancer ) and demands to know if dinner is ready.
**What really happened

Candy tells Meño that Patricio is indeed Beto's dad. Meño figures it out, Chava's best bud is also his half brother. Candi really thinks she should live somewhere else, a new country, new name, whatever. Meño talks her out of it, surely Pat will find her, it's a bad idea.

He teases her about being dressed up. Who did she make herself look so pretty for? She says she doesn't look pretty she IS pretty. All part of her inner beauty plan I guess but easy to say when you're totally hot.

Donato helps Santi get dressed for wherever he's going and advises him about the dangers of juggling two mujeres. He tells Santi he's the ham in a babe sandwich and he'd better hope they don't join up against him or he'll be driving alone, singing in the rain. (This show's heavy-handed foreshadowing is kind of spoiling the suspense, dontcha think?) Santi talks to himself in the mirror, he really likes Candy, it's got to be Candy but she declared war. And Marissa is crazy with a crazy face. He's going to settle his dilemma the way Mexicans do such things, intelligently, coherently, sanely. He pulls a peso out of his pocket, if it's the eagle it's Marissa and if it's the sun it's Candy. He flips the coin and smiles.

Alicia gives Pato a massage. (Another massage? he's way too spoiled.) He tells her he doesn't have any lovers, Soledad is only a person who used to work for his dad and over time she and Arturo became friends. Alicia notes that she saw a boy there. Pato protesteth too much, "Oh no no no I don't have any little brothers."

Candy's all dressed up for dinner. She answers the door and crazy face Marissa surprises her at the door, she wants to talk.

Alicia is still pressing Pato about the niño thing. "He looks a lot like you" she insists. He squirms and says "well you caught me, yes he's mine." Al climbs on top of Pato and scary giggles, "He's not your son, he's your little bro." She says Pato can confide in her, she doesn't like lies. More worried looks from Pato and they boink on the couch.

Marissa's quite nice to Chava and says she'll take him to the park with his "novia" Rocio. He thinks that's just super. Marissa tells Candi she looks very nice, why? "You're going to dinner with my novio, arent you?" she demands.

Meño phones Candi's mom Gregoria with some bullcrap story about wanting to give Alicia a present. Gregoria ends up giving him Alicia's address.

Marissa asks why does Candy deny she's having dinner with her (Mar's) boyfriend? She calls Santi to verify and Santi tells her he's going out with his friends, whazzup? Candy grabs Marissa, says let's make sure, how about dinner for three, and drags her out the door.

Mini random scene where short waiter (sorry, can't remember who's Sven and who's Ole) teases tall waiter for walking with a limp. Tall guy says he played a little futbol in the morning. Short guy says the problem is at his age futbol is for watching not for playing. They rip on each other for not doing their own work and basically stand there arguing while neither of them works. I'm not sure why this scene is in here but I added it just in case.

Poker night for the boys. They're all there except Raul who said he had an appointment. Santi thinks he's probably meeting a new girlfriend or something. Heh, if he only knew. Then the guys start flaming on women, how posessive they are, etc. Santi says for sure, you get married and your leg is tied to the foot of the bed (Pata de la cama also means to be on a shoestring, so I think Santi's saying once you get married you're on a shoestring and no more spending money on fun stuff). Stupid guy with hat is confused, "Lalo says women are posessive and Santi says they like to tie men to to the bed, right?" Right, mumbles Santi, no no wrong! He said women tie your leg to the foot of the bed (back to the shoestring). Cute smarmy guy says he doesn't like that S & M stuff. Stupid guy in hat suggests they solve their problems by becoming gay. Ha ha laughter all around. I think I spent too much time trying to translate this silly conversation.

Candy drags Marissa to her dinner date and voila, it's Raul! Ha ha ha ha! Marissa is mollified and mortified and wants to leave but Candy says no way, it's a business dinner and she should be there.

Back to the poker game and the guys are still gossiping about women. Lalo worries if he divorces Chayo she'll get half of what he earns. Other guy says women should let their husbands have a lover. Bitter guy says why not two? (Manly chortle). They complain that women these days want the same liberties that men have. They want a husband then take lovers. (I guess that's what bitter man's wife did) Sorry, but I didn't get the end of this conversation.

Raul asks Candy about this new institute she's going to start. "You're going to have a spa?" asks Marissa. Not quite a spa or a gym she says, then Candy gives Meester Raul and Marissa a short tutorial on inner beauty. She claims natural beauty is much better than artificial beauty. Raul is mesmerized.

Next morning Raul surprises sis with a visit and a box of coffee. He's got a great idea, she should unite with her enemy. Mari doesn't understand these things before 9:00 a.m. Raul makes her listen, he says there is something between Candy and her boyfriend, Candy 's institute needs money, she and Candy should become partners!

Candy shows Meño all her fan mail from women who are in crummy situations, whose husbands and sons only need them for cleaning and cooking. She gets letters from women who are beaten and then ask her for advice; she doesn't know what to say to them. Meño gives her a pep talk, she's a woman who knows what to say, who is authentic. Candy pipes up that's what she heard last night. "From the Plastic Doctor?" asks Meño. Candy reveals she had dinner with their boss Raul. Meño is impactado, "No puede..." He's never even invited Meño for a cup of coffee and one look at Candy and he's got the eyes of a cow in love. Candy teases Meño about his gay-looking shirt and the way he walks, then she cackles about it. Whatever.

Candy trots down to the table, pours a cup of tea and forces Charly to have a conversation with her. Does he like his papa? Charly thinks his dad is a little weird but basically good people. Weird how, aks Candy? Charly waves his hand and says dad's mannerisms are a bit delicate. Whatever, he can't stand gays, he had a friend in the DF who came out and Charly wouldn't see him anymore. Candy wonders why this sudden talk of gays. Charly asks Candy if dad has a girlfriend, has he ever had a girlfriend? Oops, Candi's a bit tongue-tied.

Meño visits Alicia and asks to see Gregoria. She's not too happy to see Meño but he's saccharin sweet to her, gives her a hug, says she looks great, did she have a face lift? Alicia says in fact she already suggested it but ma doesn't want to. Nice.

Lucia's happily chatting on the phone with Charly who just got a new job. She still feels guilty about him not being a hamburger anymore. Sounds like he's invited her to visit him at his new gig, I wonder what kind of fast food he'll be this time?

Marissa visits her bro at work, she's warming up to the idea of being Candy's partner but what benefits would she get from it? Bro says 1) your boyfriend won't be able to be with her if she's always with her partner, 2) if you're her partner Candy won't be able to betray you. Marissa adds and 3) you like her; finally after all these years you're interested in someone. Maybe he says. She leaves and Raul looks pensive.

Beto asks Soledad has dad called him? He says dad is never going to come back is he? Poor little guy.

Raul asks his dead wife's picture "Is it bad that I like Candy? She reminds me a lot of you."

Arturo's back on his feet and he wants to go into biz with his son. He has a friend in California and they can export Pato's crafts there. California is full of Mexicans! Pato says that's because we're recovering it, California once belonged to Mexico. Aturo doesn't want a history class, he wants to make money. Pato says he has something important to tell his dad, "You have a lover." Dad is confused, what the?..

Lucia and Eva look for Charly in the mall. A big chicken follows them and gooses them (hee hee, sorry I couldn't resist). Big chicken grabs Lucia and she finally figures out it's Charly. It's his new work and he'd better get back to it before he gets fired. Lucia asks Eva isn't he awesome? Eva's not too impressed, Lucia's boyfriend is just a big chicken, what's up with that? Lucia must be in love because she sighs he's not any pollo, he's a very tasty one.

Marissa visits Candi and tells her she's been thinking since last night. Candy throws out a curve ball, "your nose and boobies were operated on, right?" Marissa almost blows her tea out her nose. She admits yes her body parts are "operadas". Candi wonders why Marissa would do it, she's already so beautiful, not just her looks but she's a beautiful soul.

Pato explains to his dad about the charade, not only does Arturo have a kid but also a lover. "And a lover? Yaaaaay!" cheers Arturo. This may be the first time he's ever been happy about anything Pato's done. What a weird family.

After Marissa recovers from Candi's kind words she gets down to the purpose of her visit. Candy needs money and is looking for a partner, right?

Rocio's on cloud 9. She can't wait to show her papa her latest email from mom. Papa reads it aloud, "My dear daughter, I feel very close to you, blah blah blah, write and tell me all about school the house, because I want to know all about you. Love your only mother." Nice try Santiago, will she fall for it? (The little girl is truly adorable, what a beauty.) Rocio is overcome with emotion and wants to write mom right away. She tells her dad she loves him, and mama too...and also Marissa! Santi falls backward on the bed, foiled again.

Isabel visits Jaime at the restaurant and asks him if he knows any tunes from the 60s. Sure, he knows Joan Baez, The Beatles (so far so good piano man), and "Eddie Gorme" as the subtitles say. Isabel's delighted and so is he, he'll teach her right now. She says how about at my house? Even better!

Santi walks into the office followed by the two buns to his ham sandwich. He's confounded, they're not friends, why are they talking about the office rent? Candi introduces Santi to her new partner. The girls beam and Santi is speechless. Uh...uh...uh...uh...

Alicia thinks partnering with Arturo is a great idea and she wants to be involved. She tells her pop-in-law now that they are business associates he doesn't need to pretend with her. She met his lover and his son. Uh oh, Pato's mom Margarita walks in just as Al is flapping her jaw and is muy, pero muy impactada. "What, you have a lover and a son? I want a divorce immediately!" This part is great, both Pato and Arturo wag their fingers and shake their heads in unison, then they look at each other with the same baffled expressions on their faces, mirror images. Nice bit of acting there.

Santi and Candy fight over Marissa. He says Mari is his partner. Candi pulls her back, Marissa is HER partner, more back and forth. Santi says Mari's betraying him, she's his future wife. Doesn't matter retorts Candy, Mari's not the slave of the Plastic Doctor. He says if she doesn't shut up he'll tell the whole world she's not dead! Marissa's confused, what does he mean dead? Santi back pedals but remains on fire, he tells Candi first he'll deal with his girlfriend and then with her. He and Marissa argue some more.

Margarita asks why is Arturo laughing, what's so funny? Alicia says he's laughing because it's just a joke, they saw her listening at the door. Lots of stupid nervous laughter but Ma's not amused.

Santi talks really fast to Marissa, she can do whatever she wants and he doesn't want to get in her way, but blah blah blah he switches to complaining about her partnership with Candy. Candy is his enemy. Marissa's already a partner in his clinic, she edits the column and now she's a partner in another business? He accuses that she wants to be Candy's partner so she can control Candy and also control him. She retorts he's in charge of the clinic and her bro's in charge of the paper, she wants another business. He says it's going to be a disaster. More fast talking about bubis. Santi gets pouty and says he feels betrayed. Marissa fixes his emotional boo-boos with a kiss, then another, then another. Santi warns Hortensia, no interruptions. Office boinkage ensues. Candy who?

The odd foursome of Arturo, Pato, Alicia and Margarita leave the offices. Ma complains to Alicia that it was a stupid joke. Pop tells Pato he'll help him but not at the risk of his marriage, however the old dog's pretty darn happy that he has a grandson. "Even by a woman I only spent one night with?" asks Pato. Dad says the woman's not important, he wants to give the kid his name and meet him. Pato doesn't think that's a good idea at all. Dad says he's not asking, he's ordering. (Grrrr...)

Candy follows Meño around the restaurant and tells him he has to get a girlfriend because of Charly. She says ask Zamora (Sven?), he knows a lot of women. Meño says being gay isn't an illness. (Do we have to go throught his conversation again?) Fine, says Candy, it's not an illness but if he wants Charly to stop asking so many questions he'd better get a woman, and stop it with the little finger! Meno tries to walk like John Wayne and pounds his hand on the bar except it hurts his hand. (Sigh.)

Isabel, Lucia and the maid are in the mercado and Lucia asks Isabel what it feels like to fall in love. Like butterflies in the stomach answers granny. The maid pipes up it's like having gas in the stomach. Lucia asks is it like butterflies or gas? Isabel explains further, it's like tickling. Maid pipes up again, it's like tickling in your armpits. Que??? Yes, her first boyfriend sold deoderant and everytime she lifted her arms he applied deoderant and it tickled her. Weird. Isabel's curious, why does Lucia ask all these questions about love? She's asking for a friend of course. Oh Really??? asks Abuela. Isabel brags to the maid that she only had one love and she married him, maid laughs at Isabel for only having one boyfriend in her life.

I guess the office lovemaking didn't last long, Santi's already buttoning his ugly coat and calling Candy. He tells her she's not going to win the war. She says his girlfriend is her partner and one man can't win against two women. Blah blah blah idle threats back and forth with Santi concluding that he will not allow her to open her Soul Institue on top of his business, he means it, no kidding!

Lucia and Charly eat ice cream and talk about old-fashioned parents. Lucia says her uncle wouldn't be happy if he knew she had a boyfriend. Charly points out he's not exactly her boyfriend. Duh, she wasn't saying he is, just that uncle doesn't want her to have A boyfriend. Charly asks and what if I wanted to be your boyfriend? She jumps up and skips off. Charly makes a deal with himself, if she turns within ten seconds and waves goodbye then she loves him. Ten, nine, eight, seven...she turns around and with a big smile waves goodbye.

Candi and Marissa are plotting and having lunch at Meño's restaurant. Well, they're trying to talk but Sven and Ole are drooling over them which always puts a damper on dining. Candi's plan is to have the prestigious Doctor Plastico help them with the promotion of their institute. No way says Marissa, he declared war against them and is furious, Plastico will never help them. Candi vows he'll help promote them and furthermore she'll make him strip in the marketplace. (Great idea!!) "Fahgeddaboutit," sez Marissa, "You're nuts!" Candi looks smug.

Mañana de impacatados: Beto tells Candi that her mom's friend Patricio is inside the house giving Chava a futbol shirt. Candi is impactada. Inside the house Pato's putting his little shirt on Chava when he see's a pic of Candi. Pato is impactado. "It's my mom" Chava exclaims proudly. Pato is mas impactado. Candi discovers that Patricio is married to her sister. Candi is muy pero muy impactada.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

12-19-08 Fuego

Okay I haven’t been watching this, I read most of the recaps, but I bought a 50 foot cable during DA so I could use the laptop and watch the TV at the same time. A year later & my connector is loose, most times I type a comment, my connection is broken. So my ghetto wireless isn’t really up to par.

Anyway let’s start with ever increasing hordes of natives crowding into the hospital. I was delighted to see Tio Elf, sporting a festive Red Bow. Now I know what happened to that wreath I hang every year, really Dude if you were gonna steal the Bow, you might have taken the whole wreath..I’m tellin you, a little evergreen dressing up that collar was all that missing from making this a total Festive Fashion Statement. Rigo of the Blank Bullets & his unpregnant wife were present, Sarita & Jimena accompanied by their dull & insipid new suitors. Root & Fer stopped by, they had apparently seen some old Gray’s Anatomy’s and realized, dirty laundry, supply rooms, or open patient rooms and not to mention coma patient’s room are excellent spots for hook-ups. Padre Tad, the most useless priest in the western hemisphere was present. Franco & Oscar, Quintana & the Ros Whatever, the Ranch guy. Oh yeah and I almost forgot, Raquel, Gramps & his Santa.

Meanwhile in the little operation room of Horrors, the kid is going towards the light. Juan is shouting out all kinds of “What the Hell” is going on. I get it, that if someone is directly hook-up giving blood, they probably can’t give the person STFU meds, but still a gag would work. If I am being operated on, and a live donor is giving blood, please Gawd let it be someone who is mute. Less distraction.

The Nurse, Miss Angel of Death comes out to give Sofie the news that “There is no new, other than the kid is going down for the third time”. Oh Woe is Me, those quick to respond eyes of Sofie’s fill right up.

Back to the Operating Room, well I don’t know what happened cause actually I didn’t care, but happy music played, Juan smiled and all was right with the world.

Miss Angel of Death comes out again, curses foiled again, she is forced to act happy and tells Sofie the kid is strong and out of danger. Hmmmm Miss Angel gets a new thought and glides off.

Juan comes out with his shirt all open showing his manly blood donating chest. Why, I have no idea other than a ratings ploy. He is so happy, Sofie is so happy.

Okay now let’s move on to the other interplay going on in the very overfilled waiting room. Ranch Guy tells Sofie and Juan that the famed Snake belt, never belonged to Ber. Ber was a noble and honorable guy.
More of a lover than a fighter. This is the greatest news since well ever. Sofie wonders how Gabi could have told such a ginormus lie. Oh my hand was itchin, I so wanted to slap something…ahhh someone.
Sofie and Juan kiss, they vow to be together forever. Ya think? They will never ever ever be apart. Wow I am a total believer.

Gramps & Santa chew over the news. How could a swell guy like Gramps produce such an evil spawn?
Hey do you think there is some old guy in Palm Beach Fla., wondering the same thing…uhhhh maybe Gramps Madoff? Hey maybe Forty years of being in a Tequila Coma, Gramps missed Gabi’s formative years. Anyway whatever, he now says he wants to marry Santa Amante, she is thrilled, (as she carefully crosses her legs). Yes, love is one thing, but producing another Gabi is another. I know Santa should well be beyond the spawn producing years, but after all this Mexidoom, where all things contary to natural law still occur. They tell, Padre who is giddy with the excitement of chance of wearing a festive Wedding Cossack.

Juan and Sofie go in to see the lil patient. Juan AssHat that he is can’t quit saying Hija, Hija, Hija….I thought for sure he was going to shake her and we’d get to see the flat line. Instead he just chooses to talk to her in full volume. They lie to the little child with promises, of we will be together always. We will protect you, the family will be complete. Aside from the fact that the kid made it through the operation, the second luckiest thing in her life is the fact that she is not the true spawn of this idiots.
On the upside once this all works out as we know it will in the end. The three chiclets will be like those really rich kids who play the parents. You know they will constantly be doing the break-ups so the kids should get awesome pity gifts of sportcars, trips to Europe and so on.
Oh I forgot at some point, Don Clemente comes out and says that Julianna is dying. Juan and Sofie make rather insincere sad faces. Don Clemente, is crying and thanking the two for all their kindness to Julianna.
---The only thing that would have made this scene believeable would have been if Sofie turned and whispered to Juan, “Who is Julianna?”.

The couple go in and visit Julianna, they say their goodbyes, she is just so happy to be in their circle of happiness. She tells them how awesome and true their love. She will soon conveniently check out of life, thus leaving our lovers to feel even more blessed.

Tio Elf confronts Fer in a “In your Face” kinda way. Beats me what was said as I couldn’t get over the Elf seriously getting up in Fer’s face. Sorry but everytime I see him, then I think of Will Ferrell eating sugar on Spagetti and I am off on a whole new tangent. I just can’t pay attention to these people unless there is a chance they are going to kill someone, have sex or commit a crime. If I wanted to listen to a lecture there are plenty of places right down the street open every Sat or Sun and often Wed nites.

We had somekind of Sarita’s new novio thing. They wander off, Franco is pissed and wants to follow, Tio Elf says no. Franco distracts him, then runs off to follow Sarita. Next Franco ends up next to Oscar who is talking to Ximena and Sarita is there. I don’t know if new novio stopped off in the restroom or found a better looking female resident, (yeah it happens on Gray’s). We go thru to exact same crap we have been thru with these two couples. Just make it stop. Although I must say, I think Sarita and Franco are by far the more likeable couple, now that Sarita has gone thru that whole ugly pre-puberty sexual thing. Ximena just seems to have two emotions, I am catatonic but can talk and I am just catatonic.

Fer comes up to croon in Padre’s ear, Padre is all Satan Frightened. Root & Fer take off.

Sofie comes out and gets all sugary with Eva the Puelba Scapegoat. Padre had many HIDDEN happy thoughts, how Sofie is the real, daughter of Eva. Please, he thinks, let the truth be known.

Now Rachel, or Judy as she is channeling…stares at Eva. I gotta say, is this not the “Ol Whore getting Religion” cliché? I love when people act all pious when they are on the downside of longevity. Like getting pious at that point totally makes up for all the people they have screwed over in the past.

Fer & Root are in the Cabana, looking for a enforced wall so Fer can handcuff Root and get all jiggy wit it.
---Fer you know who built this FEMA hut, as soon as Root arches her back and stretches those arms the whole freakin wall will come down and you and your snake tattoo will be on display for the entire hacienda---
Fortunately Ricardo Uribe comes in and interrupts the trist. Fer & Ricardo do a sixth grade pushing, shoving macho contest and Fer leaves, Root gives him the universal “Call me” look. She talks to Pa.
Now we get to find out why Root hates Sofie so much. See Root is a much more complex person than my own sallow self. Just the fact that she is breathing, is enough for me.
--Well it seems like years ago, there was a school dance. Raquel, who was no doubt totally drunk at the time, made Root wear a babyish pink ruffled dress that just screamed out for mocking. Root had a crush on the main man of the sixth grade class. Some little tool named Antonio, who was just waiting to get fat. Yes you can see there is a fat guy inside Antonio. Sofie always the compassionate asks her main squeeze Antonio to give Root a whirl. Three other B team baby bitches stand around mocking Root from the sidelines. Hey I don’t see these chiclets getting an offer for a dance. Anyway Sofie promises the Tool, to dance with him, if he’ll give Root a whirl. He does and she looks happy, she is unaware that he is rolling his eyes. Later in the girl’s bathroom, Root is in a stall, while the three mega bitch chiclets are standing by the sinks mocking Root, saying how stupid she is and how stupid she looked and how Tony the Tool only asked her cause Sofie made him. This is Root’s “I’ll never go hungrey again” moment. She vows vengeance on Sofie.
Pa feels bad for her story & yes indeed he too vows vengeance on Sofie & Juan.

---Seriously, Root now turned into uber leather vixen…Root where have you been for the past few years, Sofie has worn outfits that made your princess dress look positively Red Carpet. Sofie wears things that Little Laura donated to the Parire Goodwill. Not to mention have you looked up the rest of the class? My guess is each one of the three has at least seven kids by various fathers & Antonio can’t see his own feet, much less anything else.

Okay to sum up the rest of this drivel…
Ranch guy confesses to Santa & Gramps that Ricardo is the real killer. Gabi overhears.
Juan and Sofie bother the Virgin with more promises that they will always stay together. Lying to the Virgin, not a good thing. While it seems this would be an awesome time to wrap this crap up, no can do as it goes on for a couple more months. So they will have to break up only to make up again and again and again and again.

Now then I want to thank each and every person who read my recaps & thanks for the support.
This will be my last recap.
For me it just isn't fun anymore.
Thanks again.


Doña Bárbara - Tues., Dec. 16- Meléndez' plans to come to Progresso creates problems for all

Marisela says that she isn't 'Barbarita'. Her name is Marisela Barquero. Meléndez says that she is the double of her mother. In a really slimy way, he says that she is pretty (rico). He asks where her mother is. Marisela says that she doesn't have a mother. Then she calls him a disgusting old person ('viejo cochino') and tells him to get out of her way. Marisela leaves the dining room. "It can't be," says Melendez, "It's impossible that there could be two women so alike. It's the daughter."

DB says that she will leave Altamira but she wants Santos to come with her because they have unfinished business to resolve. Santos says that he agrees but he will come later. DB doesn't like that but Santos says that he has to clean up the mess she made with her invasion. When he is finished, he will come to El Miedo.

Lorenzo tells Cecilia that his heart and body is telling him that his time is nearly up. "Look at the gift life gave me in spite of all my errors," he says holding Cecilia's hand. He says that she wants to spend his last moments with her and with his daughter. Cecilia says that he should prepare Marisela but Lorenzo says no. Marisela has enough troubles. At that moment Marisela comes in cursing Meléndez.

Meléndez's assistent (Guerrero) tells him that Marisela lives at Altamira, has come to San Fernando with her family for one night and her room is being paid for by Santos Luzardo. Meléndez remembers Santos as the lawyer and friend of Gonzalo Zuloaga. Meléndez tells his subordinate to get the men ready to go to Progresso the next day.

Santos give Pajarote a telegram to send to Cecilia. Santos asks Antonio to stay and talk. He first asks if Antonio has decided to return and work at Altamira. Antonio repeats that he won't work for Santos. He explains that when he heard about DB's invasion, he came to make sure Melesio and the terneras were ok. Santos tells Antonio about Meléndez's threats against the landowners in San Fernando. He says that Meléndez is convinced that Gonzalo and his friends were responsible for the death of the border guard. "Did they do it?" asks Antonio.

Cósme tells Gonzalo that they can't leave Altamira. The poet is in no condition to travel. Gonzalo tells Cósme that DB is very tempermental. If she breaks up with Santos, they could be in serious trouble. "You won't be left unprotected," says DB coming into the room. "Santos and I have our problems but we always resolve them. I assure you. Don't look at me that way Gonzalo
Zuloaga. Santos' friends are my friends and even though you don't like me, I assure you that you can have confidence in me. I will protect you. You'll see."

DB complains to Eustachia about how Santos threw her out of Altamira in front of everyone. DB says that she never thought that Santos was capable of throwing them out. "You still don't know your man," says Eustaquia, "Look at what happened right in front of your eyes! You can't make Santos do what you want and he's not going to forgive you for this one." DB agrees. She says that he didn't yell but she could tell that Santos was furious. If it weren't for the rebels, he would have left her. "I have to do something," says DB.

Santos tells Antonio that he can't break it off completely with DB when the rebels are at her house since it might harm them. Santos tells Antonio that Meléndez and his hunting dogs ('perros de presa') are coming very soon and will search everywhere. Antonio asks what he is going do to and Santos says that he doesn't know how he can help them.

Lorenzo wakes up and sees Marisela reading. He asks what she is doing still awake. She replies that she couldn't sleep and is reading to not have ugly thoughts ('para no estar pensando en cosas feas'). Lorenzo asks if she is referring to what happened at Altamira. Marisela says that she can't believe what happened - that DB would dare to do that to them and that Santos cares about that woman who treated us so badly. Lorenzo tells Marisela that it isn't good to carry resentment. He drowned his rage in alcohol and look at him. Or look at DB who only lives to get vengeance on those who hurt her. He advices Marisela not to imitate her parents because she is much better than they. Marisela thanks him and says that when he holds her, she gets a warm feeling in her chest. Lorenzo goes on to say how proud he is of Marisela and that she has been the only light in his life. "No matter what happens, my love," he says, "I want you to know that I will always be with you. I love you very much." Marisela says that she loves him too.

Pernalete receives information that Meléndez and a detachment of troops is coming to Progresso to search for the rebels. Pernalete says that this going to cause problems and will only bother decent people.

DE comes to see Antonio. He thanks Antonio for what he did for Lucia. He tells Antonio that he can't imagine what Lucia means to him. Her mother died giving birth to her and she is the only really valuable thing he has in this life. He gives Antonio a hug and thanks him again.

Santos is telling the rebels about Meléndez's immanent visit and they are trying to decide what to do. DB comes in and overhears. "Are you referring to Nicolas Meléndez?" she asks. She asks why Santos didn't tell her about this at Altamira. Santos says that she was invading his house and he had to resolve that first. DB asks if he sure that it is Meléndez. Santos says he is sure. He saw him San Fernando. Meléndez has kept an eye on him since he knows that Santos is friends with Gonzalo and he suspects that Santos is hiding the rebels. Santos asks how DB knows Meléndez' name. Has she met him before? DB says no. She heard his name when the police came to search her hotel room in the capital.

Santos says that he has to take the rebels and try to hide them. DB says that it won't be necessary for them to leave. She shows them a secret basement room that is accesible by a trap door in the room where they keep the hay or by a tunnel that comes out about 300 meters from the house. Only DB, Eustaquia and Melquiades know about the room. DB tells Eustaquia to bring the rebels what they need.

Cósme and Andres tell their terneras that they are leaving and bid them a sad farewell.

Santos tells DB that she is a complicated woman but he thanks her for helping him. DB says that she is his woman and his problems are her problems. She asks Santos to come to bed with her. Santos says that if DB thought that because of what she has done for his friends that everything has been forgotten, she is wrong. After what she did, she isn't his woman and he doesn't want to be with her. DB asks where he is going. Santos says that he is going to look for a bush(?) (mata) where he can lie down. He needs to think and he thinks that she needs time to reflect on what she did. Santos leaves and DB says that this is bad. She says that Santos seems more disillusioned than mad. She thinks that once the danger to the rebels has passed, Santos will leave her. "Oh God, I have to stop him. I have to do something so that he comes back to me... to be mine. Meléndez... He's on his way here. God, what is happening? It seems like everything is going to blow up." She calls Eustaquia and tells her to get a bag ready and to tell Melquiades to meet her outside.

Cecilia reads a telegram from Santos and tells Marisela and Lorenzo that they can return to Altamira. Santos has thrown DB out. Lorenzo thinks that DB will just keep coming back until Santos breaks up with for good. Cecilia says that if Santis breaks it off with DB, DB will go crazy. "Crazier?" says Marisela, "that one is crazy. She should be locked up an asylum."

Tigre comes into the dining room at El Miedo and asks Eustaquia for a cup of coffee. Tigre says that he slept like a baby. Eustaquia says that it is good not to have a conscience, he can sleep without worries. "My grandmother said that 'the bad ones sleep well, the good ones lie awake at night" ('Los malos duermen bien, los que se desvelan son los buenos.') This is too abstract a thought for Tigre who says that he doesn't know what she is talking about. Eustaquia tells him that DB and Melquiades have left El Miedo, the students have left and Santos has gone. There is no one at El Miedo but she, Leon, Tigre and Juan Primito.

When Marisela, Cecilia and Lorenzo are leaving the hotel, Marisela is given a big bunch of flowers. When she finds out they are from Meléndez, she throws them on the floor and stomps on them. Meléndez calls Marisela, "muñequita," the diminutive of "muñeca," a doll.

Melquiades has taken DB to the airport. She is leaving for the capital to avoid seeing Meléndez. Mequiades says that Meléndez knew Eustaquia. DB hopes that so much time has gone by that Meléndez has forgotten Eustaquia. Melquiades asks DB why she doesn't take advantage of Meléndez being so close and let Melquiades give him what he deserves. DB says no. She wants to be there when Meléndez gets what's coming to him. She wants the pleasure of killing him with her own hands.

Santos is at El Miedo looking for DB. Eustaquia tells him that DB has gone and gives him a note from her. Santos is annoyed that she left without telling him. He tells Eustaquia that DB doesn't just do things without a reason. He demands to know why DB went to the capital. Eustaquia tells Santos that DB went to capital to see a doctor about getting pregnant. Eustaquia says that DB thinks that if she has Santos' baby, he will love her more. Santos is annoyed that DB makes decisions without consulting him. Eustaquia says that when DB is with Santos, she is good but she is alone, she gets into trouble. "Look, Eustaquia," says Santos, "loving your mistress is a challenge (reto) that I am beginning to be fed up with. I'm tired of this. A lot. Too much."

Gonzalo gets claustrophobia and he can't stand being in the basement.

Marisela, Lorenzo and Cecilia return to Altamira. Marisela is very cold to Santos. Cecilia has some cramping and ask to be taken into town to see the doctor.

Marisela finds out from the sad terneras that the rebels have left.

Dr. Arias tells Cecilia that everything is ok with her pregnancy.

Mujiquita comes to Altamira to warn Santos that Meléndez is coming to search. Santos isn't there. But while he is talking, the soldiers arrive. They ransack the place, even pat down the vaqueros as if Pajarote could have a rebel hidden in his shorts.

Santos is having memories of good and bad times with DB. "Bárbara," says Santos to himself, "what is going to happen with us?"

In the capital, DB tells herself that without Santos, her life is empty. "Don't leave me, my love," she says, "Don't leave me."

Marisela goes off on the soldiers searching Melesio's house.

Meanwhile, Gonzalo says that he can't stand being in the basement. He tries to escape.

Antonio and Lucia are in town. Antonio buys an ice cream for Lucia. She asks why he won't use the familiar 'tu' with her. Antonio says that as the foreman of her father's ranch, it wouldn't be appropriate. Cecilia comes up to where Antonio and Lucia are standing. She asks to be introduced to his friend.

The doctor tells DB that she can't have children. Her uterus is damaged.

Marisela comes downstairs at Altamira to find Meléndez there. "Muñequita, I'm happy to see you. I imagine that you are happy, too. I will tell you something but don't tell anyone. I've been following you, looking for you. The same body... the same skin..." He reaches out to touch Marisela and she tells him not to touch her. "Don't reject me, Muñequita," says Meléndez. A girl did that once and things went very badly for her. At that time, I was a poor slob. Now I have power, lots of power." Marisela says that she doesn't care about his power. It doesn't make him better. He still is an ugly old man, unpleasant and disgusting. Meléndez grabs Marisela and and says that all of a sudden he likes her and she should try him out. Marisela struggles and at that moment, Santos comes in and tells Meléndez to let Marisela go.


Tontas no van - Wed. 12-17- How many Buttocks Buy Building Space? But, can Buttocks Buy Bliss? Well, at least some nice boobies never hurt anyone...

Marissa announces her engagement with Santi to Isabel. She goes on and on about what a great party she is going to organize. Ma is guardedly elated. Well, maybe not so much. She’s at least polite. She is willing to say that Mari’s hair is a little frizzy though.

Ali is doing yoga and Patsy wants to tell her something after he asks her why she didn’t come to bed last night. She preferred to sleep in her studio. Patsy wants to tell her something important.
Santi sees the sign about the offices for rent outside when Candi asks what’s up. Santi recites the greetings as it should go, and then tells her he’s noting the sign.

Ali asks Patsy what’s the problem. Que the heck, all of a sudden he’s not interested in telling her, tells her to forget it and walks out...

Ali calls Ma and Ma makes fun that her daughters don’t care about her. Ali reminds her two of them are dead and yes she cares. Ma says but you aren’t here, and she says because she’s in Guad with her husband. Ma says are you sure he’s your husband, maybe really he’s not. This freaks out Ali and so she does what every loving daughter does and orders a ticket for her Ma to come to Guad as she wants to speak with her.

Candi and Santi fight over whether or not the offices are for rent.

The kiddies decide they will be novias but not until they grow up. Chavo decides this is in 2 days.
Santi bugs Tio about renting the offices, Meno says he’ll see what he can do for a free operation. Santi says he’ll operate on Tio’s buttocks if he gets him into those offices. Now there’s a lovely thought.

Zamora asks the doc if (I couldn’t even read the damn captions fast enough, sheesh!!!) when he tells women about that stuff do they swoon and he says yes. Zamora tells Tono they are going to now be doctors. Interesting.

Rocio tells Papi about becoming novios and Santi tells her how to e-mail her Mama.

Patsy is asking a professional about how to go about recognizing a child that is about 6 yrs, when Ali comes in and ends that conversation really quick, before he gets an answer. She remarks that here Ma told her something weird, that he's not her husband. He thinks it's like what his Ma says, since they haven't married in the church, then they aren't married.

Isabel is impactada that Rocio wants a boyfriend already. They go to the bedroom and Roci announces she's just received a letter from her Mama (after like 7 years?????) Santi thinks this is great because now she can forget about Marissa. She says that's not even a joke. She had no Mama, and no she has two, and she cares for them both the same.

Santi thinks now they don't have a problem, instead 35 problems. Caray! Isabel asks if Marissa mentioned the wedding and notes he's less than enthused. She also asks Santi why he’s promised to Marissa. He likes the warm bed essentially. Ma says he could get a stuffed bear to keep him company. He is worried that because they are colleagues that if they separate for some reason there will be lawyers and fall out etc. ma reminds him she is a very smart woman and she will find a way to obligate him to stay with her. He thanks her for that comforting advice, he's not a fool. Tickling ensues by Rocio who has come back. Sooo cute.

SAnti nows stalks Candi on the street but this time he wants to talk to her as a parent. She doesn't buy this, but he struggles to tell her that her son wants to be his daughter's novio.

A mob piles out of an elevator and we see that Patsy goes to see Sole and collects the birth certificate, I guess to register Beto as his. Ali is stalking him in her bright red auto and sees this meeting and wonders what's up.

We learn that Beto is a Pumas fan because of his "father", Pat greets him and wishes luck to him for the Pumas. (Note that this team is a rival of America, the team Pat likes)

In the zocalo, Lucia meets up with Charly and he is excited she came. He hasn't found work yet because everyone wants someone 18 years old with experience, but he is close, 17 and a half. Well, 17 and half a month. Lucia willingly gives him her telephone number and tells him not to give up. They joke.

Santi notes that Candi isn't feeling well, he notes she has no temperature and she indicates that's the only good thing. She recites all that is wrong and that Pat will soon discover she's alive and when he does he'll take away her son. Santi swears he knows the best lawyers and won't let that happen.

Just then Mari and Roci call and blackmail him into coming to the park.

Lulu teases Candi that she was with "her doctor." Candi says he's not hers, but Lulu says if she doesn't want him she should send her double in in her place. Yes, Lulu says she is Candi's double, two Candies, and double her size. Sigh...

At the park, Marissa tells Santi that she and Chio are getting along famously and that she even called her Mama isn't that great? Hmmm Santi is not as warm about this, she tells him he should hug her.

She returns to the house just in time to watch Rocio and now it's Isabel's turn to exchange a number. She has to go out and leaves instructions.

Ali is worrying about where her Ma got off too because they have confirmed that the plane has arrived.

Charly is chatting with Zamora about getting Luci's digits when Candi's Ma shows up and shouts that "you killed my daughter". Zamora, who is standing in front of Tio Meno and holding up a knife thinks she's talking to him, but of course she's talking to Meno and in the next scene he tells Zamora this and to take a hike. He complains she should confront him about such things in private.

This conversation continues and Ma accuses that since he was dead of course he helped Candi "die" too. He says it was Candi's idea and he only protected her like a good uncle. She hurls that his "sickness" has ruined the whole family. He says to be gay is not a sickness, it's a lifestyle choice or "option of life". I suppose depending how you interpret this, it was an interesting characterization to me, because I think many would argue that it's not a "choice" exactly, rather a state of being. Regardless, Ma isn't buying it and insists he's sick. He says she's the sick one, he's chosen freedom and without regrets.

We go to the restaurant where Isabel learns her friend can't make it. She sits near the piano player and is thrilled that he is playing Chopin. He kids that she might be Ingrid Bergman and introduces himself as Jaime.

Candi and Tio are chatting about the office rental sign again when guess who shows up but our Doc Plastico who offers a whole years advance on the rent. This causes Candi to flashback to getting the news of her sisters death by plastic surgeon hand and she shouts no way is he renting. This conversation turns into a war over who will use the space, she says she's going to start her institute for the soul again and that she is going to compete against him for all of his patients. Blah Blah Blah they agree it's war and tear up the sign.

Ali moves in for the kill as she has now visited Sole to ask what Pat was doing there. Beto rushes over offering that he is a friend of his Ma's. Hmm, how friendly. Sole sends him off so they can talk like adults. Now there's some irony.

Revisit of the argument the high point of which is that Doc ends up telling Meno to forget about his buttocks. Candi can't believe he sold out for some buttocks. He tries to brush it off that the flesh is weak and the buttocks as well....she stomps off.

Ali reveals Pat is her husband and wants to know what's up. Sole ends up telling her that look psycho chica, I used to work with his Pa who send him here to bring me some papers. He couldn't come himself. All of a sudden Ali is happy, understands and leaves. Que the heck. I'm thinking she thinks that Sole is having an affair with Arturo. Guess we'll find out.

Jaime and "Chabeli" are getting on well, chatting about dead spouses and Chopin. Turns out he would like to see her again. Her answer to this is to give him a tiny photo, the first one she gave him must have been wrong as she had a mustache so she changes it.

Meno agree to help Candi in her war against plastic doc but only if he can be a salsa teacher in the institute. If not, he rents to the doc. Of course she agrees despite the blackmail.

Zamora says something about Don Meno being the king of the butterflies while he dances.

Santi kvetches to Mari about the rental dispute and he learns that she also works for Mari's bro as the columnist of Stupid women don't go to heaven. Mari wants him to stop talking about her or she will cut off his tongue.

Sole calls Pat to tell him of Ali's stalking. he is in a spa getting one heck of a massage.

Candi and Lulu are chatting at lunch she needs to eat greens, and Santi will not forget Candi

Zamora is trying out his great idea to be friend of doc Plas to get a girl. It doesn't work, he gets a slap.

The girls try on boots etc. Seems Santi and Mari are shopping too and arguing about something and Candi. Of course these folks are going to meet up. Sure enough they do when he and Mari decide to go into the dressing room together. Candi recognizes his voice and looks in on them then runs off. He screams that he saw her. He doesn't find her in the room next to them though and Mari is skeptical of course.

We now go to the arguing about why Ma took so long to arrive. Anyway, Ali wants to know why she says Patsy isn't her hubby. She does break out with the whole church things, and Ali says whatever, he is mine.

This was great. Isabel comes out as the hippie she wishes she was, but they have a Joan Baez song in Spanish dubbed singing over her. The house workers are thrilled at her "costume." I don't know, I'm thinking she's too old to have been a hippie, but what do I know.

Ma tells Ali she had such a real dream that she was hugging Candi, Ali is freaked out about all the dead people talk.

Eduardo's wife shows up and chats with Horty about maybe having her bubis done secretly. Some nice boobies never hurt anyone Horty tells her.She ends up taking a bank statement that comes for her hubby.

Candi again expresses to Tio that she is concerned about Pat discovering her and taking away her kid. Despite him telling her it's hard to take away a kid from his own Ma, she says he has money and lots of power. I guess that is evident from the red Ferrari that he drives around in Mexico. That takes cajones for sure.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Dec. 17: Like Jesus, and Liza, and Judy, she's makin' a comeback.

Buenas noches a todos.

Alternate titles:
Can you donate blood if it contains fire?
How many sherry-soaked brains does it take to reach a verisimilitude?

How convenient that Ricky happened to break and enter into the Elizondo home just as Gabi was getting all hot and bothered after listening in on all the fun they were having in the next room over. However, rooms turn over rather quickly at this joint, and it’s not really “prudent” for Ricky and Gabi to see that Fernie tied Ricky’s daughter to the bed post and used the vino tinto as a personal lubricant. Root sits naked on the bed, feeling betrayed, bewildered, but mostly sexy and amazed. She ponders her sexual appeal to middle-aged “hacendados” and wonders why her other gentleman friend came to wake her.

Unfortunately for Gabi, Ricky didn’t come for a quickie. Mostly, he’s just pissed that he saw Juan kissing his daughter. “Imaginate.” The son of his arch-nemesis kissing his only daughter. How could she be so lucky? Gabi coyly reminds him that Robles-Reyes was only a mere rival; which makes the kissing all the more appropriate. For the love of his daughter he slapped the shit out of Juan. Oh, how he loves his daughter. Gabi: “If he only knew that Root isn’t his daughter.” And to think, all the sadistic beatings and “wine showers” he missed… At least he has the comfort of knowing that his thoughts were not wholly incestuous, but merely unrealistic considering his age.

Another episode, another failed attempt of Raquel to pass for Judy Garland. Mainly it’s the hair and outfit, downing narcotics with Johnny Walkers, and competing with her much more qualified and talented daughter for a place in the audience’s heart. Now, like our beloved Judy, she’s hit rock bottom and wants to confess to Pad Tad. This alone could send her on the Farewell Tour that never stops farewelling…

It seems that the adopted kid is still having diabetic problems, or whatever they “think” she might have. Because it’s been over two weeks and they haven’t found anything, they’re sending tests to Puebla, which at most, would be like sending test results to Hattiesburg, Mississippi. (Holla to all the Dale Earnhardt Jr. fans)

So Raquel gets on her knees and starts talking about Root. Here we go... Before she can continue, Pad Tad rudely interfjects that he already knows that Root is Eva’s daughter. Woa, woa, woa! This is HER confession, buddy. Yes, Pad Tad is a bigger town gossip than the local gas-station clerk, and is always on top of the ever-changing, local genealogy. Shot down, once again. Raquel tells Pad Tad that Root is NOT the daughter of Eva, but the daughter of Gabi… OMG! This will make him the most popular priest on Facebook! Now he knows even more scandalous, albeit obvious, information which he can undoubtedly share with his fellow clergy and patrons at the next Swiss Steak Bingo Hall.

Here’s my thing: looking at all the women on this show, it’s obvious that they weren’t turning tricks in the dark every night of their bygone youth. So I ask, with full comprehension that Sofia is the “smart one” in the family; how could you finally get lucky after years of useless flirting, carry a kid for nine months, pop the thing out one crazy, forgotten night, and then have no inclination whatsoever if the local Hoochie Mamma might be the biological fruit of your loins? Think about it, because I know these idiots didn’t…

Well, we know that whatever Miss Judy slurs to Pad Tad must be true because the subsequent scene is Gabi telling Ricky how much Root is like her. I mean, after all, they are so similar, they would have to be mother and daughter, right? Surely Root would make a better daughter than Sofia, so why not trade babies thirty years later? It would be like the ultimate layaway program, ever.

The story goes like this, props to you if you guessed it: One sunny day, Raquel was holding Eva’s baby while nobody else was home. Hmm… She was really itching for her 10:30 Cosmo and ciggie, so you can imagine how nervous she was. Just then, she suddenly remembered that Gabi’s newborn was left unattended in the next room over. From the bridge of the nose and the seemingly flat forehead, Raquel instantly knew that that kid would sell much easier on the black market (I mean, it’s real estate after all). So, to spite Gabi, but mostly because she had a killer hang over, Raquel switched the black-haired kid for the bald kid. They were both in white blankets, and nobody around was conscious, so what’s the prob.? Then, apparently (remember, we're getting this from a drunk), Gabi took advantage of Raquel’s drunken fit, and refused to return Sofia unless Raquel gave her the Robles-Reyes land because it came with a damn-good watering system. After carefully weighing her options and deciding that Root could do much better on the black market than an easily-replaceable sprinkler system, she said “NO DEAL.”
After finding that Root didn’t sell as quickly as she anticipated, Raquel’s been resenting that decision for years. But, these things happen when you lose consciousness before noon (Like I always say, that’s when you know you have a problem.). That’s why, with the grace of God, she wants to change. Now I can officially say; like Jesus, and Liza, and Judy, Raquel is making a comeback.

Pad Tad is reflecting on today’s very important and scandalous confession from a former alcoholic and substance abuser. He laughs as he reminds himself that God’s mysterious paths always end up working-out for (mostly) everyone. That is, unless the miraculous paths interweave and end in turmoil and disaster. He looks for his friend on his left shoulder, he’s not there. He looks for the other friend on his right shoulder, not there either. These disappearances ignite a painful, albeit obviously insightful, memory. It was when Rosendo, the ubiquitous and multi-purpose ranch hand, informed Pad Tad that Ricky was scheming to kill the Robles-Reyes. Damn it, he says, why didn’t I listen to him and Raquel? God, as always, fill me with the light so that I can help these hopelessly desperate, witlessly insane people. God, please don’t unleash Pad Tad on these helplessly desperate morons—you saw what happened last time… and the time before...

Just when poor, alcoholic, border-line suicidal Raquel had clung-on to a bit of the false hope Pad Tad miraculously instilled in her, she walked in on Ricky and Gabi mindlessly and passionately making suck face. If this doesn’t push her over the rainbow’s edge, I don’t know what will…

And another thing, you don’t just walk-in on people while they’re in their own home. I mean seriously, you wouldn’t just walk up to any old hacienda and decide to go in without knocking or asking to enter it. And another thing, did Raquel actually think Ricky was being a faithful husband? Though, her poor sherry-soaked brain probably didn’t know the difference…

Root shivers with sensuality and excitement as she remembers the “special” way Fernie tied her delicate wrists to that hard, sturdy bed post and made a woman out of her by pouring cool, sweet merlot over her white-hot, lily skin. The thrusting, the banging; it all seemed so surreal. No one has ever made her feel so alive, so feminine. What a shame that he’s Gabi’s husband; surely, she could never fully appreciate all his manhood.

What is it with these people? They “can’t sleep” so they drink even more booze and start expressing themselves through art. Well, I guess it's not as bad as booze AND ambien. Fernie’s rendition of Capricho looks like something a paraplegic first grader made with his eyes closed. Gabi ruined the mood, so he crosses-out his refrigerator-quality work with charcoal. Basically, both have moved on to bigger and better pastures while still holding strong to the simply unachievable, unrealistic, and un-fun image of monogamy. By pretending to be hurt by each other’s deceiving ways, they perpetuate their misery and failing image of a functional marriage. (Am I dramatic or cynical? Only time will tell...)

Now the adopted kid is in the hospital and like every other time someone goes to the hospital on this show, she “might not make it.” Well, slap my ass and call me Sally, I sure as hell hope the kid doesn’t make it, then all my problems would be solved, says Gabi.

As if Raquel hadn’t already reached rock-bottom, the kid she knows as her “daughter” tells her to get packing, and never return to see her again. Somehow, Raquel is strong enough to get up in Gabi’s grill and express whatever catty feelings her alcoholism had left inside her. Gabi is not surprised by Root’s behavior; after all, it’s just like something she would do. And sure as hell, while she’s got little Root in her hands, she’ll channel her evil powers in order to get what she wants. She then comes to the realization that Raquel is not her arch-nemesis, but that damn Eva, who happens to be…what?... you guessed it, praying. She simply does not understand why she feels this inexplicable maternal bond to Sofia.

Back at the hospital, they finally found out what was wrong with the kid; she isn’t Juan’s or Sofia’s biological kid. That was the problem…! No, actually, we already knew it; see, we adopted her out of love. Bull shit. You “adopted” her because you wanted your real kid, but you didn’t want to put all three through DNA testing because you’d look like hypocritical morons. Yes, even you two idiots drummed-up enough intelligence to think that one through. Too late, though. Well, even though you’re not her “real father” you’re still good enough to donate your blood to her. Sofia would just die if her daughter dies, I mean, who would take care of her when she gets old, who would she bitch slap every time she got drunk, and who would she have to swap or sell in case she needed drug money or sprinkler systems?

It’s time for the transplant. Things go from bad to ugly to worse when Juan’s baby’s heartbeat lowers two beats/minute. It’s terribly dramatic. Juan even prays for the heartbeat to raise two beats. My question is; how can you donate blood if it has fire in it?

Tomorrow: We all know that Juan would give his last drop of blood for his daughter (?). That’s why the transplant is crucial. But will they survive? Let’s hope not… Though, something tells me that they probably will…

That’s it, kiddies. Sayonara. I’m off for a two-week hiatus in Cozumel. Maybe I’ll find myself and “grow-up,” as some of you have suggested. Doubt it!!!

Until then, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! And to all a good night!


Cuidado con el Angel, December 17, 2008

Amador goes to visit Marichuy and walks into the house. Micaela tells Amador that the baby will be arriving in about 15 days which makes the snake smile.

JM is trying to hypnotise Viv so that he can get info on her whereabouts while she was presumed dead. Unfortunately her cellphone rings and it wakes her up. It's Estephania informing her that the baby will be coming soon.

Cande's teases Marichuy about the name the village people are calling the baby. Marichuy is not finding it funny. Cande asks her if she has picked out a name for the little chamaco yet. Marichuy wants to name the baby after JM.

Viv continues talking to Estephania while JM is still in the room. He is not happy.

Marichuy continues to talk about her choice of name for the baby. She wonders how JM will react when he finds out about the baby. Cande asks her if she is worried that JM will take the baby away from her. Of course responds Marichuy. What if it is a girl? Will you call her Maria de Jesus? No another name. Marichuy starts tearing up thinking that she and JM will not be together. She will go in one path and he in another.

JM asks Viv what Estephania wanted. Viv lies and tells him Estephania was inviting her out. Viv gets up to leave and JM asks her where she is going. She wants to dress up and perhaps go out and asks him if wants to accompany her.

Marichuy is talking to her belly about JM. Micaela shows up and asks if she is up for visitors. It's Amador.

JM tells Viv that she is sick. Only my memories responds Viv and that will not interfere with wanting to have fun. She again says that by them both going out together it could help her get better. JM finally relents and tells her that he will be taking her out that night. She is happy. JM is pissed off thinking that Viv is playing with him. He wonders why fate gave him Viv and not Marichuy.

The cute doctor is examining Rocio and says that she can leave the hospital tomorrow. He reminds Rocio of the promise she made to him that he would be the first one to take her out.

Amador is informing Isa that the baby will be born in about 15 days.

Micaela wants to know if Marichuy wants Amador to come to the room to visit her. Marichuy says no I will get up and go into the living room. Micaela starts to protest, but Marichuy cuts her off and says that the doctor told her to rest not stay in bed all day. She gets up and starts in again about the pain. Micaela starts to panic and Marichuy laughs and says just kidding.

Amador tells Isa to call Estephania and tell her that the baby will be born in 15 days. He hangs up quickly when Marichuy walks in. She asks what he is doing here. He wanted to find out how she is doing and to talk to her. Marichuy says I want to talk to you too and find out about the folks back home. How is JM?

Estephania calls Viv that the baby will not be born yet as she first thought.

Amador says that he has no contact with JM. He hears about him thru the folks that visit Rocio in the hospital. She also wants to find out how Mayita and Cuate are doing. She tells Amador that Mayita is so cute and she looks like JM. She wonders if her child will look like him and how she wants to tell JM about the baby. She wonders out loud if Mayita told JM about the baby. Amador says that JM is probably to busy with his wife trying to get her better. This sobers up Marichuy.

Estephania explains to Viv that she had false labor pains and that the baby will be born in 15 days. Viv says that 2 weeks will pass quickly. Estephania asks Viv if they are still going out for coffee, but Viv tells her that she will be going out with JM tonight. Estephania does not look happy about this.

Amador asks Marichuy about her plans after she has the baby. Will El Leopard be coming back when the baby is born? She does not know when he will be returning but hopes that he does. She trusts him and tells him that El Leopard is really nice. Amador tells Marichuy that when the baby comes to let him know so that he can be there. I guess she promised that she would. He tells her that he cares for her not like a woman, but an actress. (I cannot believe that she buys this crap)

JM is dragging Viv out of the taxi. They both looked intoxicated. She cannot walk so he has to pick her up and carry her. (I had hoped that he would have dropped her)

Marichuy does not know if she can be an actress after the baby is born. She wants to take care of the baby. Amador says you can still devout time to your craft, because the baby will not be a hinderence.

JM is carrying Viv into her bedroom and they both fall on the bed. JM tries to get up, but Viv will not let him. She starts kissing on him and he mumbles about going back to his room. She starts talking crap, but JM is passed out drunk. She starts to undress him. The next morning she leaves the room smiling while JM is still asleep on the bed. She walks into the kitchen and asks that breakfast be sent up to her room for her and JM. As she walks back upstairs to the bedroom she comes across Blanca. Viv tells her that the other day she gave her a look of such disdain it looked like she wanted to kill her. Do you have any mental problems? I don't like that you are watching my daughter. Blanca tries to defend herself but Viv yells at her that she is now in a position to voice all her concerns and make any decisions.

Marichuy is in bed dreaming and she has a nightmare that she is holding her baby and several people enter the room trying to take away her baby. She kicks and screams at them. She wakes up crying and clutches her belly.

JM finally wakes up in Viv's bed and sees his clothes thrown on the dresser. Viv walks into the room and informs JM that she has ordered breakfast. JM asks Viv what happened last night. Well what happens between a man and a woman when they are married she replies. JM is muy impactado.

Marichuy tells Cande about her dream. She has a premonition that something bad will happen when the baby is born. Cande consoles her.

Viv is telling him how sweet and passionate he was and how wonderful it was last night while they were doing the deed. JM is disgusted and storms out of the room.

Cande and Marichuy are having breakfast in their room and Marichuy asks if she knows when El Leopard will be coming back. She says again how nervous she is about the baby.

JM is telling Eduardo about what happened last night. He cannot remember anything and he has tried. Eduardo tells JM that now he has to except Viv as his wife in every sense of the word and live a married life with her.

Estephania congradulates Viv on bedding JM. She asks if JM is happy about all this. Viv admits that JM does not remember last night. Estephania says well now we need to find out if that is true. (them having nookie last night) Viv asks if she thinks she is lying with Estephania reponding that Viv is the master in that area. Viv assures her that it is all true. It was all good and now he is finally my husband in every sense of the word.

Mayita tells Abuela that her mother does not care for her. She never checks to see how she is and does not let Blanca tuck her in at night.

JM says that he cannot be with Viv like before since knowing Marichuy. Before he had to put up with her because of duty. Eduardo asks if Viv had every intention of getting him drunk to have her dirty way with him.

Marichuy asks Cande if she knows when El Leopard will be coming back.

Balbina and another maid are taking JM's clothes from his room into the master bedroom. Viv tells Onelia that all is well. Onelia is happy.

JM asks Balbina what they are doing with his clothes. She says Viv told her to remove the clothes and put them in the master bedroom. JM says hell no, put them back. He storms into the bedroom and asks why she told Balbina to move the clothes. Viv tells him for convience. Why have your clothes in another room when you will be staying here? JM informs Viv that he has ordered all his belongings back into the other room. Viv says that all his things are already in the master bedroom and that is where it will stay. JM pleads with Onelia to talk to her daughter, but Onelia leaves instead. Viv asks JM why he is acting that way. After last night she thought that things would be back to the way they use to be between them. JM tells her that he does not believe that anything happened last night.

Back in fantasyland Abuela tells Mayita to have patience with her mother.

Viv asks JM why he is talking to her like that. JM tells her that if they did the deed last night, it will be the one and only time it happened. Because it will not happen again. Why asks Viv, we are married and I love you. Mayita will be happy to have another sibling. JM looks at her like were the hell did that come from?

Cande finishes her bowl of soup and tells Marichuy that she does not know when El Leopard will be returnning. But soon due to a problem with an irrigation system (?)

JM tells Viv let's make a deal. I will behave as your husband if you agree to be hypnotised.

Marichuy is in her room playing with a basket of ribbon and the door opens up and Marichuy jumps up and says "Tu, eres tu!" In walks El Leopard and she rushes to give him a hug. She is happy to see him and vice versa.

Amador is talking to Isa and Estephania about the plan.

Marichuy and El Leopard are talking about the impeding birth of her little chamaco. He says that he heard she was feeling ill and she tells him what the doctor told her. She is speaking really fast and El Leopard is trying to keep up with what she is saying.

At castle San Roman, Rocio has finally returned home and Balbina greets her. Viv comes down the stairs and pretends that she does not remember her. JM is observing all this. Rocio asks where Mayita is. JM tells her that the nanny has her. Rocio goes up to her room. Viv wants to talk to JM. She wants to let the nanny go because she thinks she has mental problems. She feels scared. JM laughs at this and defends Blanca. He says that Blanca will be staying.

Marichuy and El Leopard are outside talking (with that damn bird on her shoulder) and he tells her that something compelled him to come back right away. He had a premonition that something bad was going to happen to her.

JM is in the library and Estephania walks in and offers her congradulations. He interrupts her and asks why she is telling Viv things that she does not need to know. Why did she tell Viv about what happened to him and Marichuy in the past? Estephania tells him that she did not say anything about that to Viv. JM says I don't believe you. Estephania fires back that I have always been loyal to you and to prove it, I am going to tell you something. I know where Marichuy is. (Holy toledo, I so did not expect that. What was she thinking?)

Tomorrow: JM tells Ceci that Estephania knows where Marichuy is.


Cuidado #59, 12/16/08. The hacendadas don’t know nuthin’ ‘bout birthin’ no babies.

Regurgitated: Vituperous Viv tells Onelia she’s sure Juan Miguel is seeing some woman; Stefi told her that she saw him with some French dame at a bar. Viv is going to follow him and let him know what’s what.

Marichuy tells Cande that Amador has come to visit again. Cande is shocked that he would come back after she told him not to. Marichuy tells her that he wants to know when the baby is born so he can be nearby. They can’t figure out why he is so interested. The two unsuccessful fugitives fret.

Fresh and tarty: Ivette is in Blanca’s room, all dressed up for a night of skanking around. She goes to the closet and takes out a shiny silver dagger (I think? I know nothing of weaponry) and tucks it under a red ribbon around her thigh, under her dress.

Onelia follows Viv toward the castle door, begging her not to do what she has in mind. Viv insists that JM is not going to deceive her. She is surely going to catch him with that woman. She reminds Onelia that he doesn’t know that she disappeared and hid from him deliberately. In a very loud voice. Right there in the Foyer Confessional. Too bad Juan Miguel wasn’t hiding behind a Magic Lollipop Tree to hear all that. Onelia asks Viv to be careful.

Ivette greets Juan Miguel at Ivette’s Casa de Creepiness. I don’t know why she needed to get the dagger at the other place if she was coming right to the armory. He sits down and she massages his shoulders and gets him a drink. She asks if he’s falling in love with her and he says forget it, it will never happen, he is a married man and will not divorce his wife. Ivette asks if he loves his wife and he says he’s in love with another woman whom he lost and cannot have, but staying married is a moral obligation.

JM’s moral obligation enters the brightly-lit bar and orders a drink, thinking to herself that they will show up soon.

But…they are still at Ivette’s place, where our Man of High Morals is getting fondled up and down while discoursing on his emotional state. He says that Viv is sick, so he feels sorry for her, and also sorry that he can’t return her affection, but it’s hard to try to love her when he’s still in love with someone else and bitter and remorseful that he ruined that relationship. Besides, he remembers that Viv wanted to divorce him earlier, but he didn’t want a divorce because he wanted to maintain his home life as it was. JM reminds Ivette that she will get nowhere with him, and if he thinks the situation is getting dangerous, he won’t see her anymore. Dude, you’re repeatedly seeing a woman who won’t keep her hands to herself, makes no secret of the fact that she wants you, and holds knives to your throat. Where exactly do you draw the line at “dangerous”?

Viv returns to the castle and tells her ma that she was following JM but lost him, and he never showed up at the bar. She’s sure he’s with that woman somewhere, though. Onelia tells her to let it be, but Viv insists that she needs some ammunition to use against JM so he won’t force her to have hypnosis. I don’t think you can really be hypnotized against your will (at least that’s what the hypnotist at school assemblies used to tell us), so she should just agree to it and then say it didn’t work. Viv gets a bright idea.

Francisco and Luisa nervously await Elsa’s arrival. The doorbell rings, and they stand around and discuss whether it could be her rather than going to see. It is Elsa, and she is all teary and apologizes for having a ruined marriage and coming back. They say no apologies are necessary, and don’t quite manage to hide their delight that she has left Nelson and returned to them.

Viv enlists Onelia’s help in her plan. She wants to know what the big secret is in JM’s past. Onelia hedges and doesn’t want to tell her. Could it be that Onelia will be the first to flip from devil to angel? Well, she is maybe only just edging that direction. She tells Viv that he committed an indiscretion (deslizo). While he was married to me? Viv is astonished, but more nosy than hurt.

Marichuy lies in bed and talks to herself. She’s afraid of Amador, and she doesn’t know why he keeps following her.

Onelia tells Viv what she knows of the story, that there was an incident with the girl, but it actually didn’t go very far and he was just following her to try to apologize. Viv says it doesn’t matter. She insults her husband and says now she’s got him in her hands. I don’t know what kind of blackmail material that is if pretty much everyone already knows about it.

Elsa and Beatriz sit outside drinking coffee. Elsa laments that her marriage to Nelson was sad and bitter. She wasn’t thinking clearly when she married that useless, lazy idealist. But, now she’s gotten over her illusions, and she’s realized she should never have left Eduardo, who is smart and hardworking and supportive (just say it, Elsa—he has money!), and now that she isn’t blinded she is going to try to rebuild her life. Beatriz sips her drink to avoid discussing her own love of Eduardo.

Speak of the handsome devil, and he appears. Ed walks out onto the patio holding a bouquet of flowers. Beatriz smiles and stands up, but he hands the flowers to Elsa and Beatriz sits down, disappointed. Ed welcomes Elsa home and then asks Beatriz how she is. Beatriz excuses herself, and they try to get her to stay, but she says they have a lot to talk about. She leaves and Ed and Elsa look at each other significantly, and if I’m not mistaken Ed licked his lips. I don’t know why he bothers with her, she was never nice to him even when they were engaged. (P.S. Ed, call me instead. I’m pretty sure I will never cheat on you with a pretentious, lazy poet.)

Juan Miguel walks heavily down the stairs of Castle San Roman in what looks like the same shirt as the night before. Blanca stops him and whisperingly reports the conversation she overheard, wherein Stef told Viv he was with the French Maiden (well, okay…unlikely a maiden) at the bar. He looks confused as to why he isn’t getting away with this.

Isabel and Stefi sit on some steps and drink booze. They toast to the success of their plan thus far.

JM thanks Blanca for keeping him informed, and says she must not think much of him, going out with another woman. She says she doesn’t get paid to think; she’s just an employee and has no right to judge him; her only goal is to keep the family intact and functional for Mayita’s sake. Also, she wants him to be happy. He says his happiness lies in Marichuy’s hands, and she has left him forever. He’ll never be happy again.

Stefi tells Isabel about seeing JM and Ivette in the bar. They cackle. Then they laugh about Marichuy, and if she thinks she’s going to use her baby to get Juan Miguel back, well, she’ll be left with “un palmo de narices,” by which she obviously means with not much but I can’t tell you why that phrase means that. I did learn from my slang dictionary that “narices” is sometimes used as a euphemism for “cojones.” They continue to babble at each other in “…my pretty…” witch voices.

Some time later, as in months, we are back at the hacienda, and Marichuy is looking big and wearing maternity clothes and knitting something pretty. She drops the knitting and says, “aaaayyyy” and Micaela asks her what’s wrong. Marichuy just clutches her large belly. Mica decides that Marichuy is in labor and helps her to the sofa and yells for Cande/Lala, Nacho, and Cosme.

All these months later, Estafa is still living on the Velarde largesse. She is sitting on the lawn at the mansion doing yoga when Ceci comes out to tell her that she is going over to Castle San Roman, aka Casa de Locos, Nadie Curado, to visit Viviana. Stef looks all twitchy about that.

At the Hacienda, Micaela is covering Marichuy’s legs with a blanket and fanning her face and telling her to breathe deeply and to pant like a dog. Basically she has no clue what to do. Cande is no help either, just insisting that it’s not time yet. Micaela wants to get Nacho to bring the truck to take Mari to the hospital in town, but Cande says he’s not around; he’s gone shopping. Mari continues to yell in pain and Mica runs off to see what she can rustle up. Cande wants Mari to move to her bed, but Mari would rather just stay where she is, thanks.

At the Crazy Castle, Balbina tells Viv that Ceci has come to visit her, and Viv remember to pretend she doesn’t know who Ceci is.

Marichuy is in agony and begs Cande not to leave her. They lament that Omar/Leopardo still hasn’t returned; he’s been gone much longer than he said. Now she worries that she’ll have to deliver her baby there, with no assistance. There has got to be SOMEONE out of all the people on that hacienda who knows something about delivering babies. Or they should call Eduardo and have him give instructions. Mica returns and says she’s summoned Nacho. Marichuy worries that the baby won’t survive. The camera lingers on her belly for a long time with a heartbeat sound for accompaniment.

Ceci and Viv talk about Marichuy and her relationship to various parties. Viv says she knows Marichuy was married to JM for one day and wants to know what happened between them. Ceci looks pained.

Marichuy looks even more pained. Cande and Mica try to convince her that everything’s going to be fine, while they just hope that Nacho comes soon with the truck.

Ceci tells Viv how desperately she’s tried to find her daughter and appeals to Viv’s maternal feelings for help with any information which could lead to her return. Unfortunately for both Ceci and Mayita, Viv does not have maternal feelings. She says she can’t help.

Marichuy’s contractions have subsided, and the three ladies alternately pray, try to convince themselves the pains won’t return, that it wasn’t real labor, just anxiety, Leo is going to return in time, everything is going to be just fine.

Ceci says goodbye to Viv as Juan Miguel arrives to say hello. Ceci flees and JM and Viv have a staring contest.

Marichuy sleeps on the couch and dreams of having her baby and Juan Miguel, all happy and together.

Isab!tch and Amador laugh that Ceci is going everywhere asking about Marichuy. They agree that Viv won’t say anything, because she has the most motive for keeping Marichuy away. Amador says that he’s still having Mari watched, and the baby hasn’t arrived yet.

I guess Viv won the staring contest. She tells JM that Ceci was asking her if she knows where Marichuy is, ha ha, isn’t that funny, how would Viv know? JM feels sorry for Ceci, missing her daughter. And what about you?, Viv asks. You know we split up for good, he says. It must be so hard, after a love of so many years!, she retorts. What? She says she knows they hadn’t just met.

Nacho and some other farmhand finally arrive and hold their hats and stare at Marichuy like she’s dead. Mari insists that she’s fine now, and the baby isn’t going to be born yet. What do you know about it?, asks Cande. They still want to take her to the hospital but she insists she doesn’t want to go, she just wants to go to bed. Nacho decides that they should at least bring the doctor there. Will it be the old one, or the drunk?

Juan Miguel admits to Viv that he committed an error in the past, but he’s been paying for it ever since with his upright and miserable life. Viv says she’s the one who has paid; he is so cold to her. He claims that if she were different, he would never have looked at another woman.

The ladies help Marichuy into bed. Mari tells Cande about her dream of being with JM. They both cry.

JM and Viv continue to attempt to assign blame for their miserable marriage. It’s all depressing and nothing we don’t already know, so I’m going to skip recounting it, but JM notes that it’s remarkable that Viviana can dredge up all this history when supposedly she remembers nothing. He threatens her that sooner or later he is going to find out what she was doing all that time she was gone.

JM walks into the house and Ed has just arrived. JM tells him it’s like Ed fell from heaven! That’s what I think, too, but it sounds a little funny coming from JM. Anyway, Juan Miguel thinks Viv’s behavior is strange; why is she refusing a treatment which could help her? Ed asks whether he thinks she’s faking, and Juan Miguel says they have to find out.

Viv, wearing a shirt dress that I think was meant to be just a shirt, whines to her mommy that her husband is going to find out she’s lying to him. Mom is worried that he’ll figure out Onelia was the one who told her about Marichuy, but Viv says they’ll just say Stef did it. I like that as a plan. For everything. Just blame Stef.

JM tells Ed he shouldn’t hypnotize Viv without her permission, but he needs to fight with the same weapons as the enemy, and yes, he does consider Viv his enemy. He is going to hypnotize her. Eduardo advises him to think carefully before he does anything and looks concerned.

Onelia warns Viv that JM will leave her if he knows the truth. Viv doesn’t believe it. Viv is summoned to the room with the fireplace by JM. He has a metronome all set up, and tells her to watch it; it’s therapy. I guess a pocketwatch would have been way too obvious, but I wonder why they even own a metronome. I mean, I own one, but I used to take piano lessons. I never even thought to hypnotize people with it. He sips coffee while watching her get veeeerrrry sleepy.

The villanous vixens get on the horn to share the news that Marichuy has had contractions but still no baby, and what luck, Leo hasn’t yet returned! Ceci interrupts Stef’s glee by returning home, crying over another dead end. She asks Stef very pointedly whether she REALLY doesn’t know where Marichuy is.

The somewhat oldish doctor, who may or may not be a drunk, tells Marichuy that everything will be fine, but recommends bed rest. He thinks the baby will be born within a fortnight. They all look astonished at that news for some reason. Is that still early? We don’t know.

Stef insists she knows nothing, but can’t look Ceci in the eyes while she says it. Ceci looks suspicious.

Marichuy eats soup in bed. The baby is still not born. Amador arrives at the hacienda, where unfortunately the peasants do not have orders to shoot on sight. He asks Micaela about the baby. She is not happy to see him but reports that there is still no news.

JM encourages Viv to relax and sleep. She keeps staring at the metronome and her eyes close.

Avances: Juan Miguel might learn of Viv’s cabana-boy-murdering? The hijo is born, and Marichuy fights off demons which may be imaginary.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre Mon. Dec.16, #158 - Last Night for Free Shipping of Aluminum Lined Beanie from L.L. Beanie in Freeplot, Maine

The picture is merely a joyous family enjoying each other's company on Sunday in case you have forgotten what that might look like. The beanies should be arriving soon.

Subtitle: Three Seductions and an Operation?

I am still looking for someone to take four Tuesday nights starting Jan. 13 through Feb.3, 2009. I don't know the end date of Fuego yet so it will be 4 times of Fuego or a combination with Fuego and the new telenovela, which I think is Mañana es Para Siempre starring our (no es feo) Fernando Colunga and many other favorites like Lucero and that gold medal winner of the cell phone hurl, Sergio Sendel. But there are 207 episodes per Wikipedia so my estimate is that this will end about the 20th of February if there are approximately 49 episodes left depending on how they handle the two part finale, and we have some breaks for Christmas and New Year's weeks.

The night begins one more sorry time with the sisters Elizondo's playing hard to get or impossible to get but wait there are other suckers out there to take up the slack.

Feo threatens the ex-jail bird that he pinned the Bernie killing on, but in turn is threatened by Padre Tad looking plenty mad. Gabriela is told by Raquel about Ricardo's abusive behavior toward his beloved Ruth. Ricardo will be the sociopath we all know him to be if he finds out that Root is not his, Raquel opines.

Gabriela looks in the mirror and says I am the most beautiful in the land, and the most powerful and thinks about poisoned apples, no, no, different story.

Pad Tad and Feo face off with mutually menacing threats, scudding clouds tell us this isn't headed to a happy choir practice session.

Uncle reads the riot act to the Reyez boyz for their disgusting behavior and mistaken conclusions about the death of their parents, he chides Juan for letting Sofia's harvest be ruined because he has denied her hacienda water. Oscar shows us how jealous looks even sober, But he won't listen to Tio about letting her go to someone else if he can't be happy with her.

Rosendo shows up to plead with Juan about the harvest. Rosendo is pained but doesn't know why Juan and Sofia can't get happy. Juan tells him that he has his parents death by Bernie to avenge.

Rosendo has memories of the face off with Elizondo and Uribe and he most clearly sees the snake buckle. Rosendo doesn't argue with Juan or tell him anything useful but remembers the buckle and that it was definitely Uribe's not Bernie's. We see him kneel with Pad Tad to tell him of his memories and fears. Egad, does everyone who knows the truth have to go into confession or into melt down so we can't make any progress here?

The baby's temperature is down, Sofia is so pleased and relieved but it is short lived since Gabriela oozing poison and sugar slimes in the door as she appreciates the baby's recovery but hands Sofia the paper which initiates her challenge to Bernardo's will and testament. With her sickening grin she assures Sofia that she will stop at nothing until she has regained all her property and power and oh, by the way I am so happy the baby is better. Wonder how the baby will look when she is out on the street?
Paddy Tad assures Rosendo that he must break his silence and tell the truth about Gabriela's lie. Rosendo is afraid that confronting Ricardo Uribe directly will result in another tragedy. May God bless them all.

Feo Fernando is digging up his old money stash in the night forest

Quintina is selling tickets in her yellow uniform, giving death defying rides and counting her money like a circus carny.

Juan shows up in black hat and shirt while Juliana shows him her black negligee under her white robe, She removes his shirt and presses the flesh. She flashes back a Sofia telling of her eternal love of Juan which is so broken but she draws back from the warm and willing bare chest to say she can't go through with her desires. She knows Juan is so noble and so helpful but he must go and go now before she loses her resolve. Go to Sofia and don't let anyone separate you.

Feo is checking out his treasure of money, poison, gold lockets taken off of dead damsels and oops, slams the safe door closed when Ruth walks in. He uses the moment to slam her against the mirrored chest in a passionate assault. Can't tell if she half way likes it...

Juan shows up in Sofia's room with one baby and no nuns. Juan asks her pardon and she tells him that Maria Jose is sick again. They discuss her temperature that Sofia worked so hard to lower but Juan feels the baby and she seems too warm.

Juliana tells Papa that she is glad she gave Juan his out instead of carrying out her caprice. Juan is going back to his true love. She learned a great lesson but before she can tell her Papa, she faints with the rose still in her hand. Papa yells for her to react but she doesn't.

On a horse in the night, Juan and Sofia ride triple, Juan yells that the baby isn't reacting either as they speed toward the hospital. When did the dry ice forest open a hospital?
Feo and Ruth try to enjoy their moment by the mirror. She asks him to wait and he offers her a drink, yes she needs a drink so he leaves the room as she thinks what to do but we soon see the expensive looking wine in glasses looking sexy and provocative until she throws her wine in his face. He looks perplexed then throws his wine in her face. She slaps him, he slaps her b back they kiss some more, clothes slide away in jerk frame motions he approaches. No vocabulary here, none needed.

Side tragedy, the young wife Eugenia tells her mother-in-law she doesn't know how to handle let alone deliver the bad news that she won't getting pregnant. Rigo comes in, Mom leaves and Eugenia shows him the analysis envelope but he says this says the person who can't have children is me.

Juan and Sofia arrive at the clinic with screaming baby. The doctor pushes the parents out the door, he needs to examine the child who really has great lungs.

Rigo says I know how much you wanted to have babies. She tries to say it doesn't matter so much but their love matters to her. He counters, I'm good for nothing and will let her go on to find someone who can give her a family..... Mom has been listening and rushes in to ask him what he is saying.

Gonzalo makes a proposal to Sarita that he wants her to be the woman at his side for all his life. So, my little chickadee, will you be my novia? She considers...

Oscar slides into Jimena's bedroom with bandages under his sombrero. They discuss the futility of their happiness, he wants to know why the other guy was kissing her. The best thing she says is to separate forever and tells him to go. Sadly he accepts the rejection once more. In the background Franco sings as the full moon rides high again. Franco is actually singing in the kitchen but the brothers hunker in their little bedroom, Tio comes in the kitchen with a bottle of Tequila.
Sara remembers Franco then tells Gonzalo that she accepts and will be his novia.
Tio opens said tequila bottle in the kitchen and Franco begins to spill the story one more time of why they are all such a miserable bunch of unrequited lovers. Franco can't figure out why they have to keep suffering for the death of the parents. Beats me why we have to keep suffering right along with them.

Juan and Sofia talk about their suffering and worry about the baby.

Rigo, Eugenia and Mom talk about why it makes sense to get divorced because he can't have baby. He don't feel like a man, Mom thinks a MAN is one who loves, supports and stays faithfully with his love. Eugenia then divulges that at first she didn't love Rigo because she still loved Benito but as time went by, she came to love him for his great love and sweetness. She would prefer sacrificing being a mother rather than lose him.

Gabriela's gaze dwells on her empty bed which reminds her that her heart is empty too and has been more and more lately. She sensually sniffs a handkerchief and says the only man she ever really loved is Ricardo. For this she gave him the greatest most profound gift, something he always wanted, the best gift ever, something that Raquel could never give him. We are accepting all bets here: whatever could she mean....teehee.
Papa Uribe decides that nothing will separate him from his beloved baby girl. He will seek her out and tell her what he is looking for and find out why she is looking for kisses from the Reyez bum.. Meanwhile darling daughter is using her belly button as a wine cup as Fernando has tied her up with leather belt to the bedstead and oops papa approaches, how sexy.

Sofia and Juan decide that not only pain has kept them together. They remember moments of happiness and love. Sexier scenes with Juan and Sofia than we have ever seen fly by and the babies being charming and not screaming for a change tells us that fantasies can take many forms. But back to reality in seek revenge and suffer land. None of their dreams has come to life like they planned. Is it love or pain that is forever but they are bound by it. The tears flow together.

Next: Well Nickster, looks like you get the operation, I think they found the hospital, I got some expected and unexpected seductions.


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