Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fuego, Wed., Jan. 28: She's just a Rebel Without a Cause.

I cried when I had no shoes… until I saw Cheney, who couldn’t walk—then I laughed really hard. Obviously, being in the “chair” was his “choice,” but now that Cheney has something to fight for, namely Jimena and the entertainment of his apathetic bros., he’s picking up from where he left off and moving on with his two crutches, not to be confused in stature or cerebral matter with his two non-supportive bros.

Little Raquel has gone and lost herself again, and the ingenious Juan wants the cops to find her because then they will surely find Ricky. Because we all know the saying; where Raquel is, Ricky…isn’t. Anyway, clearly her disappearance is linked to Libia’s death. Sure the two events happened within years of each other, but just look at the time they arrested Juan for Sofia’s rape. Something tells Juan that Libia was probably not swept away with the current. Gotta love the sibling intuition…

Root feels constrained and un-appreciated by her parents. Clearly, being raised with leather whips and super-tight bras was way too cumbersome for the average unstable single-child. Coyote commiserates because they have the same father. However, he only thought bubbles this because his communicative processing skills were retarted by his similarly-neglecful/unstable upbringing.

“Libia either died by accident, or not by accident.” Oh, my god. After what seems like decades of dead-end thumb-twiddling and hide-and-go-seek, we finally apply the miracle of technology and education beyond fourth grade to reach this promising conclusion. Coyote’s intelligence is a godsend/inspiration, and will probably lead to Libia’s eternal flowery rest in peace.

Ricky goes to Sally in search for answers regarding his “hijo.” But first she wants to know what he did with Raquel—kill her like he killed the Robles-Reyes? Well, that’s beside the point because, yet again, we have another case of “I loved you first.” See, Ricky and Sally were an item, probably before the gangrene and blindness set in, but that damn Gabi convinced the meek, but hawt Sally that Ricky didn’t love her anymore. Fast-forward 45 years: Ricky still has the hots for Sally, despite her diminished self worth and ever-changing countenance and skin tone. Buddy, you snooze—especially with other people—you lose. She asks him to forget about her and their son. Not like it will be hard, considering he forgot about her for 45 years and then, as a result of multiple bystanders and the mysterious workings of destiny, it occurred to him that he always loved Sally.

If there was ever one trace of reality in this show, it’s the fact that the “happy couple” always argues, not unlike many of the failed marriages I imagine the writers of this show have (you’d have to be a loser to call this shit “romantic”). Anyway, Juan, like in every other dialogue, insists that hacienda life is counterproductive to the infantile development of the foster hooligans. Well, I lived here through my mid-thirties and I grew up just fine (?)... Now more than ever, even though no one realizes it, it’s time to return those children to the willing and able hands of the local clergywomen and hope that they someday drum up enough motor skills to work in a federally-funded metal workshop. How about we just wait for mamma to get better and then we’ll go on vay-kay! Ok, dear, because I will always support your opinions, unless they contradict or interfere with my personal vendetta to systematically destroy your family unit—or what’s left of it.

Not that I care about the “plot” of this escapade, but if Gabi dies from another one of her daily diabetic, stress-induced hallucinations, I will despise this show so much that I will probably just love the show out of frustration. Anyway, she can’t breathe because Fernie did something to her and he said that when he comes back she would be dead. Then the whole family threw their arms in the air, but they, too, are marked with Gabi’s paralyzing likeness and simply stand on the stairs waiting for a cue from the scene director or PadTad, whichever gets his act together first.

After contemplation and small talk, everyone gathers around the dying woman’s bed. Even though everyone should have prayed for this day, and considering the fact that not one of them has the ability to convincingly feign emotions, it’s somewhat troubling that everyone seems concerned for Gabi’s health. Rooty, the fountain of emotions, tries to console her dying mother, but Sofia, the one who’s not even related and was loathed by said dying woman, tells her to hit the road because she’s a dirty tramp. Well, there’s another reason for Root to feel shitty about her parents. When will Sofia stop beating a soon-to-be dead horse-whipper?

Of course, PadTad wasn’t about to miss out on this affair staged in his fav. family’s home, and came with bible and holy water in toe to prepare the body for heaven, or whatever they do to make hypocrites feel better. Naturally, Gabi wants to confess herself so as not to go to hell. I remember the days when she said PadTad wasn’t “religious enough,” but now she’s all like “whoa, save me.” Apparently when you’re about to die and on your last breath, your voice projects in a booming, echoing, reflective manner. We all know what she did (hell, we lived through months of it), but we need the church music to make it sound more serious, and besides, her monotonous voice just makes her seem like even more of a bitch, who, might I say, was really just incompetent and half-assed in everything she ever attempted. How will history remember Gabi? Like Jimbo and Plato, she was a rebel without a cause. What’s more: a menopausal, unstable, and brandy-soaked brain with illusions of being a bad-ass, but really only leaving the sort-of legacy of booze-dependence and uncontrolled sensuality to her sort-of daughter. How’d I do?

At this point, I have no clue who Eva’s daughter really is, but whichever rebellious daughter is regrettably hers, just know that her conversation with Root is the exact same one we went through with Rosie, Sofie, Sarita, Rosie again, Sofie, and Root two times before last week’s Wednesday episode. Acceptance, repentance, cry on shoulder-nce. Rinse tear-soaked scarf and repeat.

Of course Gabi’s sins are serious, but God forgives and understands and cleanses as long as you swear that you’re sorry. So basically, if there’s a chance in hell that Gabi’s not going there in a one-way hand basket, there is hope for every other perverted, twisted, and malicious murderer/rapist/self-worshiping god(dess). That must be the “new-age” theological theory they teach in those liberal arts colleges…

The doctor comes after Gabi’s soul cleansing and gives her some curious pills from an unmarked container. Well, just like that, you’re stable—physically speaking. Surely, Fernie tried to kill her. If this 234th near-death experience and explicit confession to the wondrously-forgiving PadTad and god, I think it’s safe to say she’s, to quote our Patti, “Got a New Attitude.”

Well, I’m convinced that if the “doctor” would have paid attention during freshman biology, he would have been able to perhaps guess that Gabi’s condition was the result of drugs and not mother nature’s fury. Fernie is naturally upset that the doctor “happened to be in the neighborhood (he’s practically a live-in).” Then some guy needs Gabi to sign papers so that “everything can legally be Sofia’s.” Well, I’m Gabi’s sort-of husband, so that’s just as good. Good enough for me.

This time the search party (for Raquel) has organized itself according to 18th century standards and even included horses and machetes among its searching techniques. Juan stumbles across what looks like a dead Santa. Let’s just say the makeup department is operating on a non-existent budget, or that’s not Santa…

Tomorrow: Gabi’s good as new and walking around minutes later. She’s disappointed in Fernie for attempting, for the billionth time that week, to kill her. In other news, and I don’t see how this is possible, Fernie is the joint-owner with Sofia of “everything.” Woohoo for him!

*As I edit this post, I ask myself; did anything actually transpire that moved the "plot" forward? Maybe I'm just cranky...


Doña Bárbara, Weds., Jan., 28 - Santos can't find Marisela but he finds out that DB has been keeping things from him

Santos asks Gonzalo where Marisela is. Gonzalo seems surprised to find that she's not at Altamira. He tells Santos that Marisela left them and he doesn't know where she is. DB pulls Gonzalo aside and demands to know why he didn't succeed in winning Marisela's love with all the opportunity he had. "Doña, you can insult me all you want to but Marisela never cared about me. It's impossible to do anything when confronted with indifference or when confronted with love." (Contra desamor o contra el amor no se puede hacer nada.)

Guerrero tells Antonio and María Nieves that they will be released shortly.

Gonzalo tells Santos that Marisela used him to get away from Altamira and especially from Santos and DB. He tells Santos that a few hours after they crossed the frontier, Marisela took a bus back to her country. She wouldn't tell him where she was going except that it wasn't to Altamira. [It wasn't too hard to guess where she went though and later we find out I was right.]
Gonzalo points out to the drink stupefied Santos that he seems to be the only one who is concerned about where Marisela is.

DB tells Eustaquia that she doesn't want Marisela to return to Altramira. Eustaquia says that if Marisela returns, DB won't be able to do anything about it. "Not if I find her before then," says DB. DB sends Melquíades to steal the letters from Marisela that are in Cecilia's house.

Santos comes to Cecilia's house, sees the packet of letters in her secretary and demands to know where Marisela is. Cecilia says that she has known where Marisela is from the beginning but she promised not to tell Santos. She tells him that Marisela doesn't need him.

Melesio tells Gonzalo that he thinks that DB has taken away Santos' will like she did with Lorenzo. He asks Gonzalo whether he thinks this the same Santos of a year ago.

Juan Primito comes to tell DB that Eustaquia is ill. She has a headache. Eustaquia says that she is tired of fighting with DB. She begs DB to leave Marisela alone. DB replies that she has to make sure that Marisela doesn't return. She doesn't want to hurt her. She is afraid of what Santos will do if she returns.

Melesio, his grandsons in law, Gonzalo & Pajarote are playing dominoes when Santos staggers in hopelessly drunk. He passes out and has to be taken back to Altamira. Gonzalo is shocked that Santos drinks so much. Carmelito and Pajarote says that Santos reminds them of Lorenzo when he was drinking.

Melquíades steals the letters from Cecilia's house and delivers them to DB.

DB hand feeds something for a hangover to Santos in bed. DB tells Santos that she has an appointment with the fertility doctor in the Capital. She and Santos make love. As she leaves, Santos asks why DB is in such a good mood. DB replies that she loves him, he loves her and they just made love. DB leaves and Santos says that it is very suspicious that DB is so happy.

Some guys snatch BP from La Chusmita.

Cecilia finds that her letters from Marisela are gone. She thinks it was Santos.

Gonzalo leaves Altamira to return to the Capital.

Cecilia accuses Santos of taking the letters from Marisela. He denies it an they realize that DB must have taken them. Santos tells Cecilia that DB just left for the Capital. Santos goes to look for the letters in DB's room.

Antonio is concerned that he hasn't heard from Cecilia recently. The guard tells him and MN that they have a visitor - a pretty woman.

While walking her nephew in his baby carriage, Altragracia meets Bartolome Mujica, the nephew of Mujiquita. He is very silly and I predict that he is going to be the poet that she thinks she wants until she realizes that she is really in love with MN.

BP is taken to see a man whom he recognizes. Presumably, it is the gringo whom he saw with Danger.

Looking for the letters from Marisela, Santos finds the soil analysis saying that there is oil at La Chusmita. "Barbara knew there is oil at La Chusmita and didn't tell me," he says.

We don't see who has come to visit Antonio and MN but they are surprised to see this person. [I'm guessing it's Marisela.]

DB shows up at Maurice's house [I knew it!] looking for Marisela. [Yippee! Mauricio is back.]

FYI- I am going out of town this afternoon and won't be back until late Sunday night so I will have to do catchup on recaps of DB next week.


Doña Bárbara - Tues., Jan. 27 - Lots of babies except for DB

Well, we had our jump forward so that the babies could be born and Santos could deteriorate into a moody drunk. The information was narrated mostly by letters from Cecilia, the vaqueros and Santos to Antonio in prison and from Cecilia to Marisela.

A very passive Santos let DB convince him to let her live at Altamira. He mentions the situation with Antonio and all of his business projects that have kept him busy. "I only want us to be together," she says, "Just dedicate your nights to me, let us finally get married, support me in the matter of our child. I will do all that is possible and impossible to give you the child that we both want so much." Santos says nothing and lets her lead him upstairs.

Cecilia is told that she is on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy so she can't visit Antonio. Lucía moves to the capital to take up the slack while she is ostensibly attending the university.

The election in Progresso takes place and Pernalete is reelected by fraudulent means but Santos writes to Antonio that no one could prove it.

DB asks Santos when they are going to get married like he promised. He tells her not to pressure him. He says that he isn't her marionette. He says that he is involved in the highway project and can't do two things at once. DB says that she will wait until the highway is finished.

Gervasia doesn't even make it back to the house when she goes into labor and has a six month old baby boy on the way to the river.

Federica has her baby and the paternity mystery is solved. While the vaqueros were 'eating off the same plate,' Federica had a quickie with a black guy and the baby is a 'chocolatito.' This causes Pernalete to have a stroke leaving him paralyzed in such a way that he can't talk and can only hold the baby. Mujica takes over Pernalete's job.

Josefa and Federica open their whorehouse in Pernalete's house.

Santos is busy with the highway project and the milk processing business but he is drinking a lot.
In spite of expensive procedures, DB has no success getting pregnant. DB tells Santos that she wants him to love her like he did before, look at her like he did before, desire her like he did before. Santos tells her that all relationships cool down over time. "Look," says Santos, "I can't love you the way you love me, but I still love you in spite of all things that you hide. Yes, I know that you continue to lie to me but in spite of that, I love you."

Santos spends a lot of time talking to Juan Primito about Marisela.

DB interrupts one of these sessions and asks Santos to go with her to the pozo. He says that he is too busy. She replies that it is his fault that she isn't getting pregnant - he doesn't want her to have a baby. Santos says that is her problem. She thinks that love is having and posessing but it doesn't work that way. The more she does that, the less passion he has.

Cecilia has her baby boy and poor Antonio can't be there and has to find out about in a letter.

DB doesn't find out about Cecilia's baby until a week later. Eustaquia says that no one wants to talk to DB about babies or births. DB tells Eustaquia that Santos never talks to her any more. Eustaquia replies that DB doesn't tells Santos what she is doing with BP and Los Mondragon. She warns DB, "Santos isn't an idiot; he's acting like one, but he isn't." ("Santos no es bobo; se hace, pero no lo es.") DB says to leave her alone. She knows what she is doing.

DB says that she wants a baby with Santos to make him love her again and tie him to her. She says that she wants something to live for, someone to live for. She doesn't want to feel up in the air as if she were about to lose everything and fall into a bottomless black hole.

Seven months go by. Antonio gets a picture of the baby but writes to tell Cecilia not to bring the baby to see him. Antonio is depressed that he has been in prison a year.

Santos goes to see Guerrero. Guerrero tells him that he thinks the political climate is about to change with the elections and political prisoners will be released.

Cecilia brings the baby to see Antonio but finds him kissing Lucia.

Mujica is named to Pernalete's old job.

The highway is opened and Gonzalo, the rebels and their wives come back to Progresso but Marisela isn't there.


Cuidado 1-27-09. Sisters make everyone crazy. What more proof do you need?

Marichuy buys ten jugs of milk and a big box of assorted cookies for the orphans. She puts the change in her wallet, but we don’t see her try to stash it in her tight skimpy clothes. As she hauls away the heavy bags, the store clerk calls to her, “Tu vas a sombrita!” Does anyone know what this means? “Sombra” can be slang for jail, so is he saying she’s headed to the clinker, like this is some joke between them? I don’t know.

Juan Miguel reminisces on the times when he was less tragic-looking and smiled more, because he and Marichuy were in lurve. Those were happier times for us all, I think. He is elated to have found out that she lied to the judge so he could keep his daughter (although, not really. She just told the judge that JM didn’t hurt her and nothing big happened, which is true even though she was scared and had nightmares) and muses that he would love to find her again, even though she said she’s over him. He tells himself out loud that he can’t help being jealous that she’s marrying someone else, because he still loves her. “I love you,” he says to his empty study, as tears and snot run down his face.

Marichuy hauls the snack into the orphanage kitchen and the noisy kids crowd around like they haven’t eaten in days. The nuns praise Mari’s generosity and say that even when she was there as a child, she would always give some of her food to someone who was hungrier. Marichuy says she’ll keep bringing them things; she would never forget about them because this was her first home. She tells the kids that life doesn’t get easier when you leave the orphanage, so they should study hard now.

In the courtroom, Onerylia is telling everyone that Blanca seemed timid and reserved, but obviously that was just a mask because really she is a murderous flirt. The defense attorney says that Ivette killed Viv, not Blanca, and Onelia snarls at him to stop trying to sell that ridiculous story. “What was Viv doing in Blanca’s room?,” asks the attorney. That slows Onelia down. Blanca looks sad.

Olga is still trying to figure out what’s going on with Purita. Purita follows the Lorena School of Communication method (as hilariously described by Ferro; see Querida Enemiga recaps) and goes on and on, thusly: “I have decided what to do. You are going to be very surprised. It is not the usual thing to do. I don’t know whether you will support me. It sort of has to do with Adrian. Do you really want to know what it is? Okay, I will tell you. If you really really insist, I will tell you what I am going to do.” Finally, the angelic music starts up, and, like the musical cues to boot Oscar winners offstage, this finally prompts Purita to wrap up and tell her mother she has decided to become a nun. Mom is muy impactada.

Over at the orphanage, the Marichuy lovefest continues. The nuns marvel that she brings them food when she can’t have very much money herself. She says she does what she can because she remembers what it’s like, always to be in need of something, and soon she’ll be able to give them lots more. She says she has to leave, and the girls beg her to stay. She gets them all to dance as she exits. They should sing “It’s a Hard Knock Life” and do flips.

Onelia tells the court that Viv was searching Blanca’s room because she thought there was something strange going on. Blanca would come and go at odd hours and hide in the dark, and other witnesses will testify that she was with Juan Miguel in a bar and in her apartment. Viv caught them together one night. Again, the defense maintains that it wasn’t Blanca, it was the other personality, and Onelia gets fed up. “There is no double personality! It’s a hoax (patraña)!” Onelia starts yelling at everyone that it’s all a lie; Juan Miguel hated his wife and got Blanca to kill her and then invented the double personality as a cover. Various lawyers and court personnel roll their eyes. Onelia tells them to find another doctor who is NOT Juan Miguel to confirm that Blanca is ill. Umm, yeah. Why have they been listening to Onelia for so long? Everyone has agreed that Blanca or at least Blanca’s body killed Viviana; the only issue at question here is whether Blanca is mentally ill. Get rid of the raving lunatic mother and get some qualified expert witnesses, by which I of course do NOT mean Juan Miguel. Onelia senses that she’s gone too far with the yelling, and begs the judge to forgive her because she is just a grieving mother who wants justice. “Do you really want justice, or just revenge?,” asks the defense attorney (is that Villar? Losada? I can’t keep them all straight.)

Juan Miguel explains the insanity defense to Rocío in kindergarten terms. Rocío looks at him like, “I know! Just because I wear childish outfits and hair accessories doesn’t mean I’m stupid!”

More of the same from Onelia. Then Mr. Defense Lawyer says he’s going to prove that Blanca is ill, not a murderer. So do it already. Mostly I spend these scenes trying to figure out where I’ve seen the actor who plays the judge before. The court takes a break and Onelia and her henchman lawyer say more of the same old same old in the hallway over coffee. The lawyer doesn’t think the insanity defense will work.

Beatriz and Elsa sit on the lawn to gossip. Elsa says the same thing happened to Rocío that happened to her; she fell in love then was disillusioned because Vicente turned out to be weak. Beatriz thinks it’s too bad, because they seemed so in love. Elsa, now the expert on relationships, says that love is strong in some things and weak in others, and if Vicente had tried to recuperate Rocío would have admired that.

Vicente, looking rosy of complexion and fluffy of hair despite it all, thinks back to happy days with Rocío. Then he remembers the fateful motorcycle ride and gets all agitated, then angry. He blames the motorcycle for everything. We get a few close-ups of his trembling feet while he clenches his teeth, so I suspect one of these days his anger will propel him to walk again.

Beatriz asks Elsa whether she still loves Nelson. Elsa does not care to examine her feelings on the matter. In another word, no. She says she will be loyal to him until the end. “Then what?,” asks Beatriz. “Do you still want Eduardo?” Elsa doesn’t grasp that Beatriz just wants to be with Ed without feeling like she’s betraying Elsa somehow. Beatriz says she just wants Elsa to be happy, with whatever man would be best for her. Perhaps it would be more tactful to wait until her current husband actually dies to say that.

Amador hands Marichuy a script and she looks it over as they walk down the street. It’s something about a delicate girl who dreams of a world of glass where she is in control and can break all the figurines in her hand or some such. Amador says it’s very romantic. He wants her to have blond hair and wear see-through clothes. She’s not too keen, but he says it will be very spiritual. Is that what the kids are calling it? Anyway, this is not for television, it’s in the theater, and will help her to improve. He is going to make her a big star. She agrees to take the part.

Juan Miguel visits Blanca and tells her that the petition to have her judged insane and moved to a psychiatric place for treatment has been rejected. Things are going to remain bad for her.

Vicente is doing his exercises with the physical therapist, and says it hurts him much less now. He asks the therapist to help him: he is going to try to stand.

Juan Miguel tells Blanca that he’s going to get one of his colleagues to examine her and find out exactly what’s wrong with her, so she should be very honest and not hide anything even if the questions are embarrassing or shameful. She agrees.

The therapist gives in and tries to help Vicente stand up, even though he thinks it’s too soon. Vicente hangs from his shoulders with his legs buckled under him. It looks ridiculous.

Blanca asks JM if he still wants to marry her. “Why do you ask that?,” he stalls as he thinks back over the possibility that Marichuy doesn’t hate him. Blanca thinks he’s given up on her being freed. He says no, things are complicated but he’s going to get her out and cure her. “And then we’ll get married?,” she asks again. “Um, yeah, for sure,” he mutters as he looks shifty-eyed and fidgety. She beams.

Rocío visits Elsa and Nelson and reminds them of when they were all laughing and joking all the time. “Well, those days are past. Now life has brought suffering and bitterness,” says killjoy Elsa. Nelson looks annoyed to be labeled that way, but he can’t exactly deny it. “Life brought it, or we brought it on ourselves?,” he asks. He says they chose their paths, and now he’s at the end of his. Rocío looks like she wishes she’d picked someone else to visit.

Vicente manages to stand briefly. Then he falls to the floor (like a sack of potatoes, says the therapist, which is exactly what my mother used to tell me I sat like when we rode horses. It was not complimentary), but he is elated because now he knows he can be cured. Now he’ll be able to walk to find Rocío!!!!!

Juan Miguel arrives home as Rocío is coming down the stairs and tells her that she has to go to the tribunal tomorrow to testify. You’d think the lawyer or someone from the court would have officially requested her presence, rather than relying on her flaky brother to remember to give her the short notice. He assures her that all she has to do is tell the truth, though as he says it he looks her up and down like she might also consider putting on some appropriate clothes for once.

Oh no! If I’m not mistaken, the psych consult guy is slimy Ickturo from QE, looking greasier than ever! This doesn’t bode well. At any rate, he’s a better shrink than JM, because he starts asking Blanca logical questions and listening to her answers and taking notes. He gets about ten questions in, regarding her sister who died, before he switches over to JM’s “tell me your secret! Tell me tell me tell me!” method of shrinking. Blanca looks stressed. He stands up and hovers over her, asking if she was jealous of her sister, if she loved the same man, if she killed her own sister. Blanca denies it, crying and screaming. Shrinkturo is yelling at her angrily now: “You killed your sister, didn’t you!” Ah, he is more clever than JM; he’s deliberately trying to stress Blanca into switching personalities.

Purita tells Adrian that she can’t be his novia any longer. He thinks she doesn’t like him, or is in love with someone else, but she gets to the point a little faster this time and tells him she’s going to be a nun. He thinks she’s joking but she assures him she’s not. Forever?!?!!, he asks, like she was just thinking of going to nun summer camp. Purita walks away while he stands there stunned.

Shrinkturo switches to good cop mode. See, he can have two personalities also. He tells Blanca he’s just trying to help her, and he’s sure the double personality has something to do with her sister, because she feels responsible for her death. Blanca shrieks and tries to get away from him. She begs the guard to take her back to her cell.

Shrinkturo, whose name here is apparently Raúl, drops by Castle San Roman to report to JM that he wasn’t able to finish the examination, so he can’t certify that Blanca has a double personality, but he will recommend that she be placed under observation. He warns JM to be careful because she could be very dangerous, which, DUH, but JM seems surprised by that. Certainly it never occurred to him when he left her under his little sister’s care with his wife’s dead body in the house. JM is looking good in his striped shirt, but the lip-rubbing gesture is getting tiresome.

Marichuy rides her bike down the fancy apartment building hallway to the elevator.

Rocío gets sworn in as a witness. She has worn Capri pants rather than a miniskirt, but otherwise her attire is as usual. Blah, blah, blah, more rehashing of the case and who she is. Rocío takes control of the discussion and the prosecutor looks annoyed.

JM sits in his car at a stoplight and wonders whether he is doing the right thing, marrying Blanca when he doesn’t love her. His reasoning is that only a shrink can help her, and Mayita needs a mother. Someone needs to go back to remedial logic class. I can’t believe he got through shrink school with these reasoning skills. Marichuy pulls up beside his car on her bike. They see each other and gape.

Rocío tells the court that Mayita needed a governess because she (R) was in the hospital, Onelia was a totally toxic presence in the household (they look like they believe that), and Viviana had faked her own death and only recently returned. The old guys are suddenly looking more alert and interested in the case.

Through a weird editing choice, we see Marichuy pull up alongside JM again. They both look astonished again. Marichuy looks happy; JM looks like he’s going to cry. He clutches his chest.

Avances: Juan Miguel still loves Marichuy.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fuego 1-27: The next in a series of bitter pills, and vengeance galore.

This is the third of my four recaps for Cheryl, and the subtitles are still dead. I'm going to wait till the switchover to digital signal and then complain. In the meantime...

From yesterday: Franco would give Sara up out of respect for Sarita's devotion to her awful mother, but Oscar points out the mother is a ghastly witch and Franco shouldn't yield. Darth, drunk as a skunk, comes to the hacienda and shouts for Gab's sympathy: their spouses did it together! Dismayed, Furd leaps up the stairs to reassure Gab he has tender love for her and never strays. She falls down the Staircase of Death but, as Julie sadly reported, does not die.

Juan appears, scoops Gab up in his Manly Arms, and puts her to bed while Sofia and Sara fuss around. Sofia's ruffled satin blouse is exceptionally hideous.

Root scolds Darth as he lounges against the would-be Stairs of Death: "Daddy, shame! You're the one who told ME to act only in cold blood!" "I was mad." Root's angst-bubble: "Will Furd tell Mommy I boinked him?"

Soledad tells the Bouffy Padre she feels guilty that Raquel went to confront Darth and now she's gone. Helpfully the Padre consoles her: "Each of us has a destiny that can't be evaded." Soledad wants to report Raquel's absence to the authorities. Hey, good idea!

To compress all these bed scenes: Gab doesn't want to see the good daughters and says so clearly, over and over and over. She only wants to see Ruth and Furd. However, she doesn't trust them. Though Furd swears he loves only her and that Darth is lying, Gab heard differently from Raquel herself. She also knows or intuits that Furd's boots have been under Ruth's bed...

...Furd and Ruth give each other hateful looks, but jointly assure Gab that they, and only they, love her with a deep, disinterested love (ie nothing to do with her moolah, though Furd casts speculative glances at her jewelry.)

Furd thinks Root will have to help him hustle Gab along towards the Pearly (or not) Gates. That's because he thinks he still has, in his safe, the paper she signed giving him half of Gab's fortune. However, Juan gives the paper to Root (in exchange for her having revealed to Sofia the drugged sex caper), so she's free of that particular blackmail, and she is not exactly with Furd's Pearly-Gates program. She is searching, searching: for love, for a way out of her life of hatred... She feels emptiness; Furd says she's weak.

The Doctor comes (probably on a donkey). He inspects Gab and tells her - and then the others - that she hasn't done any of the things he told her to. She drinks and doesn't watch her diet and is surrounded by stress (is this a Public Service Announcement?) and so she's much sicker and if she doesn't mend her ways she could die of a heart attack at any moment. He leaves.

Quintina and her solterona friends (a soltera is a single woman; a solterona is a big hunk of hopelessly pathetic single woman. Like me for instance...) are sewing rhinestones on things and preparing for some dumb ceremony, Quintina will be M.C. and she picks up her skirt and shows her red underpants.

The moon is still full.

Eva appears several times, futilely telling Root not to be so bitter, that real love is giving so others can be happy. She tells the Good Daughters she is there for them like a mother. It makes me want to puke.

Coyote (aka Ricardo Uribe Jr.) comes to pay his respects to Gab and hears that the Stairway of Death almost killed her. He and Juan have important discussions...

...Coyote reveals his true identity and his desire for vengeance against his father (Darth) and Gabriela. Juan remembers he promised Soledad to take care of her son, to dissuade him from his fatalistic path of vengeance. He sort of tries to, yelling that retaliation doesn't work very well and that Soledad doesn't deserve to suffer this way and she won't like it if her son falls off a cliff while trying to avenge her.

"Thank God you have a mother - I'd love to be able to talk to mine -" Juan gets so wrapped up in flashing back his own tale of vengeance, he gets all excited and sort of ends up encouraging the whole idea.

They both wonder, meanwhile, where Raquel is. Then, Coyote says: "Many unexpected things happen on rainy nights like the one during which Libia died. Maybe you should investigate further." "Hmm, maybe I should investigate further," our sharp-witted hero replies.

And Juan vengeance-bubbles: "My heart tells me the people responsible for my parents' deaths are very nearby..."

Simultaneously, Darth remembers Raquel falling off the cliff and seems a little remorseful. "I've killed twice, FIRST THOSE REYES and now my own wife! Gabriela is to blame!" He winces, ugh, Raquel gloating about Furd's superior amatory ability... "I have to get vengeance on him..."

He realizes Soledad must be the mother of his mystery son. He rides all over asking peasants if they've seen a scarfaced woman. He finally gets pointed to her house. Juan, also on horseback, is close on his tail.

Furd goes off to fill Gab's prescriptions and comes home with poison polvo. "Here, take this." Gab watches him with haunted eyes and swallows the bitter pill.

Finally: Oscar is out of the wheelchair and onto crutches. The Reyes brothers rejoice hugely. I'm kind of uncomfortable with the idea that only on legs can Oscar really be part of the action, but I guess that's too politically correct for Mexidoon.

Tomorrow: Sofia pardons Juan (yawn); Gabriela is not doing so well on her Furd-administered medical regimen...


Tontas- Tuesday January 27, '09 "Now We're Getting Down To The Raisins"

Hi folks. This is me taking a break from shoveling snow (8 to 12 inches more expected tonight) and my title comes from a phrase a crusty old newspaper editor of mine used to use when we really got down to the action. It stemmed from a stomach-pumping incident and you really don't want to know any more than that. But my goodness, we ARE getting down to the raisins in this one...things are happening....and happening fast.

We also have a quartet of broken hearts. Chayo alone at the Institute. Hortensia in a humiliating brushoff with Patricio. Lulu being rebuffed by Meño. And Marissa as she overhears Santiago's confession of love...for Candy, not her. But all that comes later, and we can wait, can't we?

First our sad little rehash. Chayo is preparing to bunk at the Institute rather than going home to her unfaithful husband. Lulu invites her to come along to the restaurant with her but Chayo declines, preferring to meditate on her heartbreak all alone. In another scene, Santiago refuses to look at his mama's will and Alicia taunts Candy and demands to know the father of her child (while dramatic music plays in the background).

New stuff: Chava overhears the question and says, Want to know who my dad is?...Santiago. My friend Beto has a new dad and so do I. And who are you? he asks Alicia. A woman in a hurry...who's just about to leave, snaps Candy.

No, she's your aunt, declares Gregoria, spilling the beans big-time.

And boom! we switch back to Santiago, also spilling the beans in a way. Mama Isabella correctly intuits that her great big son is afraid to even contemplate the fact that she could die. Evidently when her husband passed away, Santiago made her promise that she would NEVER die and, as he adds, You promised! And promises must be kept! Well, mom wants him to have her will and she also wants to got to Puerto Vallarte with Jaime. And betray Dad? Santiago, your dad died a long time ago, Isabella answers quietly.

So...decisions are being made...and reluctantly accepted.

Meanwhile Alicia and Candy have taken their fight outside, engaging in a little mutual threatening. Candy still holds the trump card. Don't threaten me Alicia or I may decide to let Patricio know I'm still alive and I still love him. And who do you think he would choose, hmmm?
Back in the house, Chava has developed a bloody nose (a reaction to the dramatic tension?) and while Granny cleans him up he naturally asks Why haven't I ever seen this aunt before? Well you never heard of me before and look, now I live with you, answers Gregoria. And will she live with us too? "Dios nos libre" (God forbid!)

Alright, first humiliation. Lord, I hate these scenes. Hortensia arrives, all hot, bothered and hopeful. Patricio quickly hides the rose, she spots it anyway and thinks it's as beautiful as he is. He starts talking bathroom, she's ready to take a bath with him, why not? Uh, no...I have to go...and go at home...and it's far away...and I have these big mean dogs who won't let any woman in...but hey, maybe I'll have a party and we can get together then. Bye.

I'm batting zero, and 20 have left me, sighs Hortensia. As the waiter quickly exits, she ups that number to 21.
Romantic comedy? NOT.

Now we have Candy and Chaya having a conversation with that creepy little cat puppet she carries around. He tells her about Rocio calling him a liar because he said Santiago loves Candy, he heard it. In typical fashion, she avoids the topic, tells him to go to sleep and "sueña con los angelitos".

Now it's the next day and Meño and Candy are talking about her goof, imagining that Cece was Eduardo's secret lover. Meño tries to make her understand that Cece is gay and is the one leaving the roses on her desk. Candy, typically, doesn't listen and Meño swishes off, taking the tea he brought with him. Fix your own tea if you won't listen to me! No problem, Candy's in a hurry to get started on this week's column anyway. All about women who will put up with anything just to keep their man.

Once it's written, she persuades Hortensia to put it in with Eduardo's papers so he'll be sure and read it.

Well, now it's Lulu's turn to be rebuffed but gotta say that the actress does a great job of humorously vamping Meño. First the lights dim. Then Lulu slithers around the corner, sexy black dress and her usual headgear but woo! the bandanna is flung. (Will more follow?) She opens a fridge door and seductively presses herself against the glass. " Eat me", her eyes seem to be saying. Just in case he didn't get the hint, she dips into some whipped cream and starts licking it. Then sits back on the table flashing a very shapely leg and adding a nice juicy apple to the whipped cream concoction. Yowsa...she's offering "pasión y amor" for the menu and Meño's response? He's on a diet.

Meanwhile, Eduardo's getting set up to read the column. Hortensia hands him some papers with the article on top. Rushes off to get him coffee when he wants to know what it is. He reads it and has an instantaneous illumination. This is about his wife. What is he doing to her?
Well, Eduardo gets it....finally. But Lulu...nope, she's still nursing her illusions. Confess your love, she begs Meño. Hush Lulu, I'm gay...and don't laugh, I'm not joking. Do you care for me? Of course I do. But only as a very dear friend. No problem. You care for me... I'll cure you and we'll have lots of children.

Alright, we leave that tender scene for another consultation with the most neurotic counselor on earth...Miss Candy. However she seems to be giving Isabella good advice. Issy's nervous about making love at her age. And it's been so long! Years since her husband passed away. Candy skips the advice about K2R jelly (although that would have been useful) and just advises Issy to not be afraid of love. Go ahead. Sure it's normal to be afraid...but go for it.

Well, it wouldn't be a good episode without a plug for Guadalajara and it's artisanry, right? Consider it done. Patricio's on the phone setting up an order with someone in Santa Monica. The type of ceramic that he's promoting is called Betus...from the word betun (concrete) Had enough? Okay, prelude to Alicia bopping in the door, all smothery kisses and shrieks and the announcement she wants to start treatment...for having a baby! Patricio's on board and is ready to get started on the groundwork immediately. Right now? Here? Sure. Give him props for being quick on the draw.

More counseling by our plucky (but neurotic) heroine. This time it's a couple at the restaurant evidently they always do when they go out to eat. Madam picks a fight and exits. Husband, a rather wet looking sop if you asks me, is downcast and asks for the bill. He gets it, plus Candy sitting down at his table to hand out some unasked for advice. (Remember how Paula taught you "metiche" in Monday's recap? Well, she's going all "metiche" again on this poor dude). She wants him to talk about his feelings....wah wah wah feeeeelings....Supply the music here, will you?
He can't...and won't...stand up for himself that is. He's afraid that if he really gets in touch with his feelings he'll lose control. Get in a fight. He admits he's a hen-pecked husband ("mandilón"). No problem, Candy invites him to come to the Institute...they'll fix him up. (Guess this makes him the second male client, after Santiago). Meño's reaction is to stroke his eyebrow sceptically. We shall see.

Whoa...not everybody's getting rebuffed tonight. Charly and Lucia arrive at Meño's house to find everybody gone. Let's just compress these scenes. He carries her off to bed. She hesitates...but no, she wants to stay. They're both scared but....yes, passion reigns. Alas, protection does not. When she worries later about not using a condom, he reassures her that nobody gets pregnant the first time. (Alas, they do, not only in real life but ALWAYS in telenovelas where all young heroines are fertile as the Nile). More drama ahead no doubt.

Candy and Hortensia are chatting, the latter, decked out in platinum wig and sunglasses, bemoaning her latest romantic disappointment. Candy advises losing the wig and glasses, scrubbing off a lot of the makeup and having another go. Hortensia trots off to the ladies' room to do just that, leaving Candy in charge of the phones while she's gone. But don't touch the computer. Doctor is very" quisquilloso"( touchy, picky) about his stuff, she pleads.

Quick switch to the airport. Another disappointed lover? Jaime slowly starts to board the plane alone when Issy arrives, catches his arm and asks if there's room for her on the plane. Turns out there's room not only on the plane, but in his heart and in his life. Awwwww.
And eeeeewwwww...that was my reaction to the bathroom scene where the psychologist discovers Marissa's pregnancy test kit. I'll say no more, but it's followed up by Marissa's confirmation of the pregnancy at the doctor's. She's about 6 weeks along, he figures. Good news for Marissa. Bad news for Santiago and Candy. Who are now at the office with Patricio. Will he discover who Candy is? Well, she's in Hortensia's blonde wig and sunglasses and plopped down on the floor with her rear in the air (I would imagine that might bring back memories for Pato) but no, he's intrigued but doesn't know why. We have some pseudo-scenes where Candy imagines confessing and kissing him and also belting the two of them (Santi and Pato) but finally, when Patricio asks for her phone number, she shouts, You're a married man! and heads for the elevator. May I go down with you? Don't you think we have some kind of connection? he adds. Take the stairs, she shouts, kicking him in the shins. Ah Candy, Candy, evidently you're
irresistable, under any and all circumstances.

Meanwhile, Marissa is sharing the good news first (first!!!!) with her brother. (Don't you think that's weird?) Well, okay, he's excited about being an uncle; she's excited about finally having the "goods" to nail down Santiago for sure. But the pregnancy might be a little complicated. (foreshadowing? I certainly hope so.)
A brief scene with the kids, the majordomo and the dog making poop which believe it or not was shaded out on the TV. What is it with animal excrement and the censors? We're showing women with decolletage down to their navels but poop is off-limits? Give me a break.
A conversation at cross-purposes now takes place between Santiago and Eduardo. The latter is stressing over losing (possibly) his wife. Santiago is stressing about losing (possibly) Candy. They each follow their respective paths until Eduardo finally demands some attention. Santi assures him he's lost a woman who's worth her weight in gold. But will she give him a second chance? And will Candy do likewise?
Another brief scene with the majordomo and Tina. He's talking to the vegetables, trying to compose an ode to his love. She's not charmed. But I'd say the situation looks hopeful...on all fronts.
Another "raisin" scene. A biggie. Santiago's at the Institute and he's not there to see Candy (and certainly not Marissa). He's there for a heart to heart with Meño. He's in love. It's not just a crush and it's not just about sex. It's something deeper, finer, it's spiritual, it's LOVE dang it! Meño reminds him that he has a fiancée. Yes, but it's not true love. We were lovers, colleagues, there are lawyers involved, it's complicated, but it's not love. You have a serious problem, concludes Meño.
Her ear pressed against the door, a sticken Marissa hears all this and wonders how she'll ever be able to forgive Santiago. Indeed.
A jump to the beachside hotel and a very nervous Isabella who's spending a long time in the bathroom. (A friend of mine spent so much time in the bathroom on her wedding night, her tipsy groom fell sound asleep before she finally came out.) Jaime however is wide awake and gently insistent that she quit running away from him.
And another exercise video with Alicia. Have to say, this woman looks great in her workout togs and performs the various moves extremely well. However she's thinking back on her confrontation with Candy and imagining how she'll deal with little sis. If you approach my husband, I'll make sure Patricio takes your son away from you. Yep, that should work.

Now we find Candy and Santiago in another elevator confrontation. The other people in the building have seen so many of these, they all immediately exit, leaving our two confused lovers all alone. He denies having " betrayed" her by offering to give Pato Chivi-Chivi's number. You're the friend I love most in the world, he after Rocio and Lucia. Ah, but what matters here is not what's said, but what's done. She gently straightens his collar and touchs his hair (mmmmm...and wouldn't a lot of us like to do that, sigh) and he gently returns the touch, calls her "mi amor" and gives her a chaste good-bye kiss "he's off to work" just the way a husband would. She's bewitched bothered and bewildered as she remembers his words. But anvils are coming baby, anvils are coming.

Alicia has barged into Meño's house again, demanding to see her nephew, putting her feet up on the couch (cheeky wench), declaring she KNOWS Chava is Patricio's son, seducing the little fella with a new soccer ball and promising to get him autographs from all the big soccer players. Looks like the battle is on. Marissa, meanwhile, is desecrating Santiago's photo and one can hardly blame her. As she decorates him with diabolic details, she weeps that she's put up with so much. She's tried so hard to be a good fiancée and a mother to Rocio. And now with the wedding date set and a baby on the way, he betrays her with Candy. How could he?

Well maybe he can't. Because here's what the previews show: Candy's ready to confess to Santiago that she's in love....with him. But before she can get the words out, clever Marissa arrives to share the news that she and Santiago are expecting. Marissa triumphant. Santiago stricken. Candy impactada. And so it goes.

mandilón = hen-pecked
quisquilloso, quisquillosa = touchy, picky
agenda = appointment book
perorata = lecture
metiche = meddler (just in case you forgot)
betun = concrete


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Mon. & Tues., Jan. 26 & 27- Uh oh! The PJ isn't in Salvador any more.


Simón tells Ángela about PJ/S and Valeria. Ángela confronts Isabel and tells her that she has no right to interfere in Valeria's life and that PJ/S can fall in love with whomever he wants. Isabel replies that she was just preventing Valeria from making a terrible mistake and that Ángela doesn't really know PJ/S.

Felipe tells Cantalicia that Andrés drowned under mysterious circumstances and that she should stay away from the Donoso house.

PJ/S tells Gaetana that he is going to see Valeria. He needs to be persistent.

PJ/S sneaks into the house through the basement as usual and into Valeria's room. She reacts badly on seeing him. He tells her that he didn't know she was ill and asks what is the matter. She says that she hates him.

Gaetana's landlord come to say that he has sold her house to a local thug. Gaetana tells the thug that he has to speak to PJ/S.

Isabel comes into Valeria's room. Isabel says that she needs to speak to PJ/S.

Isabel tells PJ/S that he has made fun of her. She kept her promise (killing Andrés) while he plotted to run away with Valeria and jilt her. She says that she should have killed PJ/S like she did Andrés. "And Pedro José Donoso," says PJ/S. Isabel tells him not to mention PJ's name. PJ/S says that Valeria will never forgive him and he is not the man for her. He was made for a woman like Isabel. PJ/S says that he will comply with her demands. Isabel replies that she isn't the only one in this relationship. PJ/S tried to escape from her with Valeria but no one can take him away from her or erase her from his mind.

The psychic wind sounds and PJ/S flinches in pain.

PJ/S admits that if he came back, it was for her, just for her. He says that he has to complete his mission if it's the last thing he does and he shouldn't hurt innocent people. He kisses her.He swears by all that is holy that if she has completed her promise, he will complete his.

During the night, PJ/S wakes up and calls Cantalicia as Salvador. She hears his call. He falls back asleep wondering what is happening to him.

The next morning PJ/S is dressed to go to work but he has lost his table manners and is not interested in Gaetana's problem with her new landlord.

Outside, more psychic wind sound, PJ/S has some kind of a seizure, turns around... and a pugnacious expression and some more eye makeup indicates that PJ isn't in Salvador's body anymore.

The thug landlord and his thug employees show up and since Salvador doesn't have PJ's martial arts skill, they beat the snot out of him. When he wakes up, he says that he doesn't know who they are or where he is.

Gaetana figures out what has happened and tries to keep Salvador under control with drugs.

She tries a seance with Camilo to contact PJ.

But Matilda breaks the spell and Salvador escapes from Gaetana' house.


Doña Bárbara - Mon., Jan. 26 - Antonio and María Nieves are workin' on the chain gang; if Santos won't come to DB, she will come to him

Well, the plot takes a big turn in tonight's episode.
Santos falls to his knees as he watches the boat carrying Marisela disappear. Watching with binoculars, DB wonders why Santos is on his knees if he is her man. She tells Melquíades to follow Marisela's party and make sure that they cross the frontier.

On the boat, Marisela tells Gonzalo that she is leaving her past behind. From now on, everything will be different. She will be a different Marisela Barquero.

DB is impatiently waiting for Santos to return to El Miedo. She tells Eustaquia that Santos didn't care about Marisela, she was only a little child that he liked to teach.

Santos returns to Altamira and starts drinking, smoking and moping around.

Everyone manages to get across the frontier except Antonio and María Nieves who are arrested by a midget and taken to the capital on the charge of aiding enemies of the state to cross the border.

DB comes to Altamira looking for Santos and he tells her that he wants to be alone at Altamira. DB says that she is his woman and will come to Altamira. Cecilia overhears.

Pernalete comes looking for Danger at his hut and BP tells him that Danger hasn't come back.

Cecilia tells Santos that she has decided to move out of Altamira. She doesn't want to be at Altamira with DB. Santos tells her that he doesn't understand or agree with her decision but it is her life and she can do what she wants.

BP comes to remind DB that she promised to let him participate in whatever Danger was into at La Chusmita. DB is not encouraging. Melquíades reports on what happened at the border.

Cecilia tells Santos that she has found a little house in Progresso and intends to start a school there.

Melesio gets notification from the authorities that Antonio has been arrested.

Santos, Melesia and Cecilia go to the capital to see what they can do for Antonio and María Nieves.

DB is pacing around furiously at El Miedo. Patience and being understanding of other is not her strong suit. She finds out from Juan Primito that Santos has gone to the capital.

Lucía finds out about Antonio.

Antonio and MN are in orange suits at hard labor. MN says that the only luck he has is bad luck and the rest is stupidity. If he hadn't decided to teach Altagracia a lesson, he wouldn't be here. Antonio says that at least they are alive. They could have been shot at the border.

Santos demands that Guerrero release Antonio and MN. Guerrero says that Antonio and MN helped dissidents cross the border and he has witnesses. Santos says that it is their word against that of his friends. Guerrero replies that the investigation is continuing and that it would be easy to get the truth out of Antonio and MN with the methods he has. Santos warns Guerrero not to torture Antonio and MN. Guerrero tells Santos not to threaten him. Santos is under suspicion also ("lo tengo en remojo", literally, "I have you underwater or all wet"). Guerrero tells Santos that if he can prove that Santos hid the rebels, he and his friends will rot in prison.

Melesio and Cecilia come to visit Antonio in prison. Cecilia assures Antonio that Santos is a good lawyer and that he will get them out of prison. Melesio goes to see MN and Cecilia tells Antonio to do what he is told and not to get angry and do anything crazy. He tells her to take care of their baby and that he loves her.

Guerrero refuses to release Antonio and MN on bail. Santos says that Antonio and MN are just campesinos. Guerrero says that people like Gonzalo put ideas in the heads of campesinos and cause trouble. Santos says that what Guerrero is doing in unjust. Guerrero admits that is so but he says that the law is on his side. Santos says that the laws in the country need to be changed. He asks to see Antonio and MN as their lawyer.

Santos tells Antonio and MN that he will get them out of prison very soon. He admits that he hasn't made any headway with the Captain but he will go over his head.

Santos, Cecilia and Melesio return to Progresso.

Antonio is told has a pretty visitor. He thinks it is Cecilia but it is Lucía.

Cecilia goes to her house and unpacking with Casilda when she has cramping and bleeding.

Santos returns to Altamira to find DB and all her stuff. He asks what is doing there. She says that Santos told her that she was his woman and would be the mistress of Altamira so here she is to take her rightful place. Santos looks stupified.


Las tontas no van #37, Mon 1/26, Bruja-ja in Guadalajara-ja

Isabel is trying to explain to her beloved that her son will always consider their relationship as infidelity to his father. In other words, Jaime won’t accept Jaime because of Jaime.* Isabel confesses that she is full of questions herself, but before she can elaborate, Donato interrupts with an important call from Candy. Isabel assures Candy that she can come and stay at the house; no one will know. When she turns around, Jaime the timid and insecure has left.

*The portrait in the parlor is Jaime Camil’s real-life father, also named Jaime.

Alicia’s chickens are coming home to roost, and she’s scared of chickens. She warns her mama that Candy had better not mess with her husband or she’ll be sorry. No way will she let Candy destroy her life. Gregoria points out the irony: Alicia destroyed Candy’s life. Besides, Candy doesn’t want anything to do with them.

Candy shows up at Isabel’s and apologizes profusely for the intrusion. She explains that she is hiding from Chava’s father, and Santiago knows all about it. As Candy darts off, wise Isabel muses that her son needs to open his eyes.

Santi comes into the institute under the pretext of looking for Marissa, knowing full well she’s not there. Meño walks in and introduces his friend Jorge Flores (aka Psychic Guy from Fea). Lulu sees him and can’t contain herself. She stammers, “You.. you.. you’re.. Jorge Flores. You were in La fea más bella! (Why do Santiago and Candy both look each other up and down when Lulu says that? This scene is PACKED with little jokes; I think this one is a joke I don’t understand.)

Meño interrupts; Jorge needs to talk to Candy. Santi embarrasses him by looking at his uneven ears. We are left with only Lulu and Santiago, and she’s still bursting with excitement.
Lu: That was Jorge Flores!
Santi: What? From Beauty and the Beast?
Lu: No. He’s from La fea más bella.
Santi: Huh? What’s that?
Lu: It had this muchacho guapisimo! Named Don Fernando!
Santi: That guy was Don Fernando?
Lu: No Don Fer…
Santi (interrupting): Oh, what do I care? I never watch those telenovelas.
Santiago kisses Lulu’s hand as he leaves, and she gazes at her hand, thinking “Tan divino!”

Jorge commends Candy on the important work her institute is doing. He tells her, “Wonderful things will come into your life.” He gives her a necklace and explains that when she finds the other half of the medallion, she will have found the true love of her life. Candy likes the sound of that.

Meño suggests Candy tell Chayo who they think is dating Ed. Candy says first she has to be sure. Meño will go upstairs and find out when Ed leaves work. Candy will detain Ceci so Ed can’t go out with her. When Ed goes home early for once, they’ll have their proof because Ceci was with Candy instead of Ed. Meño goes upstairs and discovers Ed has already left for the day. Meño flatters Hortensia that she has “ojos de chinicuil.” Today’s zoology lesson: chinicuil is the maguey worm, a worm that infests agave (tequila) and maguey plants. It’s the worm they put into bottles of mezcal. But not tequila – regulations prohibit adding insects or larvae to tequila. Oh, the things we learn on Caray!

Today’s vocabulary lesson. Have you ever wondered about the word “metiche” and wondered why it’s such a negative thing? It’s one who butts in where she doesn’t belong. Candy tells Chayo that she thinks she knows who Ed’s amante is but she won’t say anything without evidence. Um, excuse me, she just did say something. Whatever. She continues that she is going to intercept the amante, so Ed will be home early tonight. Our metiche is very proud of herself. I guess compared to Candy’s normal behavior, this almost qualifies as a good deed. I’m too sickened to rant; I’ll leave that to you readers.

Don confides in Isabel that he’s worried Tina may have cancer. She reminds him that she had cancer and survived. She suggests that this is a good time for Donato to tell Tina how he feels about her.

Candy hears Ceci make a date to meet someone and assumes she’s meeting with Ed. Candy invites Ceci to the movies to keep her from meeting with Ed. Ceci is thrilled. Meanwhile Chayo has prepared a lovely dinner and is waiting for Ed to get home early as Candy said he would. And waiting and waiting. She ought to know by now, to not light any candles until he actually walks through the door. She must waste lots and lots of candles on that loser.

Lounging in the parlor, Santiago hears someone in the hall, perks up his ears, and even though his back is turned, he knows it’s Candy, whom he didn’t know was staying there. (That’s not as incredible as it seems. Once I was outside at night, felt a bug walking on my arm, and although I couldn’t see it, I knew instinctively it was a tick. But ticks turn my thoughts to Marissa rather than Candy. Candy more resembles a wolverine.) He throws a pillow at her to make sure she’s not a ghost.

She explains that Isabel let her stay there. For rats? No, for Pats. She mentions she just came from a horror movie, and she wonders why they don’t make romantic comedies anymore. Well, I know of a certain telenovela… She asks what Santiago is reading. It’s a magazine article about his mother and her paintings. Not Isabel, but Jaime Camil’s mother Cecilia de Gama, with a full-page picture. Not wanting to lose the moment, Santiago invites Candy for TV and popcorn like before. Candy says she’d love to, but now he’s an engaged man.

Candy is about to climb into bed when Santiago comes to her door to ask an important question. “If I weren’t engaged, would you marry me?” She’s not willing to answer and tries to brush him off, but he says, “I love you.” She refuses to hear him, so Santiago’s good buddy Chava relays it for him, “He said he loves you, Mama.”

Alicia has a rerun of her nightmare with Pat and Candy trading lamprey kisses. Alicia turns away in disgust. So do I. She wakes up alone in bed; Pat has fallen asleep in a bedroom chair.

Chayo has packed a small suitcase and she is writing a note for Ed. She needs to be alone for a few days to sort things out. She considers staying with Soledad, but instead decides she’ll be more at peace at the institute.

Rocío is ready for school, and Abuela and Papa remember when she was little, and the difficulties Santiago had as an abandoned father, learning to fix his daughter’s hair. He says Rocío was so scared of the barrettes, they were more like little piranhas to her (pienetas parecen como pirañitas). Isabel says that for all his skill as a surgeon, he never learned to comb little girls’ hair. Personally, I think he believes hair is supposed to look like a wild mop. I enjoyed this useless scene because my three favorite characters are playing together. The cameraman falls asleep at the end of the scene, and Camil chuckles because he has to fill in until they remember to call “Cut.” Or maybe the director is just enjoying his trim figure in that shirt, and doesn’t want the scene to end.

Isabel has Donato take Tina to her doctor’s appointment for testing because of the lump she found.

Meño sees Patricio at an outdoor sculpture gallery. Meño teases that Pat’s friends might see them together and draw certain conclusions. Pat tries to explain that he has nothing against Meño, but he needs to take care of his son. In Pat’s defense, he didn’t object before, not when Meño made moves on him, not even when he thought Meño was entertaining his 17-year-old friend upstairs (which is extremely creepy regardless of gender), only when Meño was cross-dressing in front of the boys. Pat advises him, “I know the truth about Chava’s mother.” Pat expands, that he knows she was in prison and escaped.

Santiago finds Psychic Guy in his office but can’t quite remember who he is. “Oh, yeah, you’re from Beauty and the Beast.” Jorge corrects him, La fea más bella. (Personally, I think Santiago’s title is pretty accurate. And to those of us who were disgusted after a certain Cristina show, take note. With this line Jaime Camil has redeemed himself, at least in my book.) Santi answers, “Yeah, whatever it is. I don’t watch telenovelas; they’re all the same.” Still, he sings a little of the Fea theme song, prompting Jorge to ask if he watched it. “Oh, a little. Who didn’t?” Jorge gives Santi a different medallion but the same explanation, that when he finds the other half of the medallion, he will have found the true love of his life. Santiago tries to decline because he doesn’t believe in witchcraft, but Jorge says neither does he, and leaves Santi with the medallion. Santi may not believe in witchcraft, but he does believe in ghosts; he throws pillows at them!

Candy walks into the institute as Alicia is walking out. No near-miss this time! It’s the Bruja-ja in Guadalajara-ja! Alicia, the shorter bruja, gets in the first punch. “Don’t you care how much your lie hurt my mother and father?” Candy comes back with a left hook, “Did you enjoy stealing my husband?” Ali ducks out of the way, “I didn’t make him marry me.” Candy’s cross, “He married you because he couldn’t have me. You picked up the crumbs of love.” Then she throws right jab, “It all started because you slept with him the night before my wedding.” Bruja Baja throws a one-two punch, “That’s when he decided he wanted me, not you. And I’m going to tell him you’re alive.” Bruja Alta blocks and lands a powerful right uppercut to the chin, “Give me his phone number. I’ll call him myself.” Knock-down!

Alicia digs up her bitterness from its very shallow grave. She found Pat first, and things could’ve worked, until Candy showed up and took him. Candy rightly states that Alicia is terrified that Pat will find out she’s alive and leave Ali. Alicia rightly states that Candy is terrified that Pat will take her son; Alicia has figured out the Chava is Patricio’s. They debate whether or not that’s true. Candy claims that Chava is the son of one of the wedding guests. Ali doesn’t buy it. Little Miss Perfect wouldn’t sleep with the first chavo who comes along. They agree that they both want to stay away from the other. Candy reminds Ali, if she ever does tell Pat, he’ll drop her for Candy because he hasn‘t forgotten her. Alicia pretends that she’s not worried because Pat doesn’t love Candy any more, but Candy knows better because of Santiago’s reports. Ali leaves, and Candy goes into her office to scream.

I know I devoted several column-inches to that encounter, but this was the first time Candy and Alicia met, and they covered all the major points. If telenovelas are predictable (Is the pope Catholic? Is Colunga guapo?), we will hear these same arguments countless times. So here is the list in review. Heck! I can even refer to future conversations by item number instead of rehashing!
A1 You lied and your lie hurt our parents.
A2 Pat wants me, not you.
A3 I got to Pat first, and you stole him from me.
A4 You’re Little Miss Perfect who everyone adores.
A5 Threat: If Pat finds out you’re alive, he’ll take Chava.
A6 Don’t mess with me or else.

C1 You stole my husband and you betrayed me the night before my wedding.
C2 Pat only married you because he couldn’t have me.
C3 Threat: If Pat finds out I’m alive, he’ll leave you for me.
C4 Don’t mess with me or else.

Pat doubts Soledad’s story that Chava’s mom is a fugitive, since Meño was surprised when he heard it. Sol says Meño was simply surprised that Pat knew. He’s about to leave, fed up that Sol is hiding something from him, but the urge to kiss starts and the urge to leave stops.

Santiago watches his girls playing on the lawn. He remembers when Lucía came to live with them, and he promised that he‘d be like a father to her. He talks to the memory of his brother; if only he could see how pretty she is now. But she’s just like her mother; she won’t take any lip from anyone. (Correct me if I got that wrong.) He jokes that Rocío is the prettier one, but admits they’re both pretty. Post-mortem sibling rivalry?

At the hospital, Tina thanks Don for bringing her, so she didn’t have to be alone. He assures her that with him around, she never has to be alone. Tina tells him she never got married because her father betrayed her mother and all men are alike.

Candy calls Santiago in tears; she wants to see him. Ed is talking to Santiago and he’s a wreck because Chayo left him. He claims he loves her, but Santi points out that he chases anything with a pulse and a skirt. Ed tries to say that Santi is the same way, but Santi wasn’t like that when he was married. He uses a little reverse psychology on Ed, telling him, “You’re free! Here’s you chance to have all the women you want without troubling your conscience. That is, if you ever had a conscience.” It’s working; Ed’s thinking he doesn’t want to be free of Chayo.

Pat is getting dressed, showing off his furry abs. As Alicia walks in, they trade potshots at each other, and he hides his shirt with the lipstick stain. Women, have any of you ever kissed a man’s collar enough to leave a clear lipstick impression?

Candy arrives at Santiago’s and she’s in a panic, terrified that now that Alicia knows she’s alive, Pat will soon take Chava from her. Santiago commits to help her. “We won’t let that happen. Of course I’ll help defend you, Candy. I’m here for you, wherever, whenever, however you need me. You know I’m crazy about you, don’t you?” Santi says Pat is a decent guy and wouldn’t take Chava, but Candy thinks he’d do it for spite. I’m struck by how rational Santiago is, in contrast to what a basket case Candy is, not just in this particular panic, but in all of her life. He sits her down on the couch just like he does when he counsels his daughter. He tells her she has to accept that she needs help from other people: her family, or a man, or a friend. He assures her, “I offer you my shoulder so you can rest, I offer you my arms so you can feel the support, and I offer you my heart to be a home for you and your son. That is, if you want that.”

Funny he should mention that. On the lawn, Chava tells Rocío that her papa likes his mama. Rocío calls him a liar because her papa likes Marissa, and she refuses to play with him.

In Santiago’s office, Pat asks for Chivi-Chivi’s phone number. Somehow he just can’t get her out of his head, and he wants to call her. Unless of course she sits on Santiago’s team bench. Santi gives him the phone number. Let’s see, Pat has been steered toward Lulu, Soledad, and Meño so far. What other singles are left?

At the restaurant, Meño reminds Candy that Ali won’t tell Pat she’s alive; Rehash #C3, and a bit of Rehash #C1. He says she turns into Dr. Jekyl any time anyone mentions Pat. He didn’t hide the truth about Ali from Candy; he just put it away because he was afraid she’d do something irrational. Gee, why should he think that? She complains that nobody tells her what’s going on and they treat her like a little girl. Gee, why should they think that?

Pat calls the number he got from Santiago, and asks for a date with someone who is muy, pero muy eager to meet him. On the other end of the line, we see Hortensia ready to name their first child after the man of her dreams, except that she doesn’t know what his name is. No matter. He met the important criteria: he talked to her.

Isabel counsels Tina about her fears of cancer and gives her support and encouragement.

Candy and Chava move their suitcases back into their own house. She tells him not to worry about Rocío being angry at him because it’ll blow over. (After all, how long can a person stay angry? Don’t answer that.) He’s upset because she called him a liar when he told the truth – Santiago really does like his mama. He runs upstairs and she thinks to herself, “We needed to come back here. Some things worry me more than Alicia. I can’t stay in Santiago’s house. It’s too much temptation for both of us.”

Isabel brings papers to Santiago in his study, papers he doesn’t want to see. It’s her will, and he tells her, “I don’t want to think about a time when you won’t be with me. Take your papers somewhere else, but not here.” She reminds him that one day she will die, like it or not.

Alicia walks into Candy’s house and asks her point blank, “Who is your son’s father?” just as loose-lipped Chava walks into the room.

Tomorrow: Marissa's Doctor says she pregnant. Candy confronts Pat face to face, in a wig and huge sunglasses.

Closing thoughts. Do you remember that I said that plot progression in Tontas is less like a continuous train ride and more like a grand tour? You stay in London exploring everything for a week or several, then you move to Paris and stay there exploring, until it’s time to move on to Rome. Well, friends, in the past few days, what have we have seen?

  • Meño told Santiago to dump his novia and don’t lose Candy.
  • Santiago is changing. He’s working on getting Candy into his life instead of into his bed.
  • Santiago raised the marriage question much more seriously and told Candy he loves her.
  • Candy admitted to herself that her attraction to Santiago is strong.
  • Psychic Guy gave Candy & Santiago their medallions of media naranja (half orange).
  • Alicia found out Candy is alive, and Pat encountered Candy face-to-painted-face.
  • Marissa is starting to get ugly, and in her doctor tells her she's pregnant.

    Friends, I think Big Ben’s chimes say it’s time to pack our suitcases. Anyone for a croissant?


  • Fuego, Monday 1/26 (#183): Teetering anvils, tottering soulmates

    Tonight's episode is brought to you by the Fateful Falls Tourist Commission of Mexidoon in conjunction with the Rape Forest Appreciation Society and the Dry Ice Woods Preservation Agency.

    We rewind so far back that Raquel is still at the bungalow. She knees Darth Ricardo in the nuts and runs in the dumbest direction possible, towards a cliff rather than the hacienda or a road. He backs her up to the edge. She tells Darth that Feo was her lover, and he was hotter in bed than Darth ever was. Holding onto him for dear life, she also surprises him with the news that he has a son named after him (Darthito?), but leaves out that he's AKA Coyote, and also refuses to tell Darth who the son's mother is. She laughs like a maniac, but then loses her footing and falls from his grasp. She plummets to her death clutching a piece of snakeskin from Darth's jacket.

    Darth screams at her to rot in hell. He is impactado... not because of his wife dead on the ground below, but because he has a son. "Where is my son?" he howls. The coyotes shout their reply, but their subtle hints float right over Darth's clueless head. (My question: will the coyotes feast on Raquel's corpse, or will her body remain undisturbed until it's discovered?)

    Oscar gets the safe open. The first thing they notice is a big envelope full of cash, proving that Feo isn't as poor as he claims. Next, they look at the documents. Franco grabs for the little box that carries the nuclear anvil payload, i.e. Libia's necklace, but gets distracted when Juan finds the papers Ruth signed offering half of her inheritance from Gabi to Feo. This puts Gabriela's accident with the out-of-control car in a whole new light.

    Franco disagrees; it was Ruth herself who saved Gabi's life. (Eh, isn't Juan the one who pulled Gabi out of the car? Never mind.) Juan says if Gabi dies, then according to this document, everything goes to Ruth AND FEO. Juan isn't crazy about getting in the middle of this mess, but he and Oscar agree that the document can help them.

    They are not paying attention to Franco, who is opening the little box. However, even as he is opening the lid, Oh no! Hide everything! Rosendo's approaching voice sends them all into a panic. He slams it shut and gives it to Oscar, who stashes almost everything (including the little box) back in the safe and closes it, and hides Ruth's contract (and the envelope it was in) under his lap-blanket while Franco and Juan rush Rosendo and sing loudly so that Rosendo can't see or hear what Oscar's doing.

    Rosendo is going into town and offers a ride. I think Oscar says he needs underwear (yes, that's one meaning of calzones; think about that next time you order dinner). Franco offers to go with, too. (I think the main thing is that Oscar probably needs a ride home.) Rosendo tries to wheel Oscar to the door. Franco somehow manages to ward Rosendo off for a moment so that Oscar can give the papers to Juan behind his back.

    Juan brings the papers to Ruth and threatens to show them to Gabriela. Ruth claims that Gabi won't be interested in anything he has to say. He scratches at some invisible fleas and says okay, Gabi doesn't have to see them... he can take them to the comisario instead; maybe he'll open an investigation into Gabi's accident.

    Ruth apparently hasn't been in this town long enough to realize that such an investigation would be way beyond the comisario's skills, so she agrees (reluctantly) to Juan's demands: she must tell Sofía the truth, that nothing ever went on between them.

    Sofi and Eva are reviewing new Crap from Afar. Eva feels that Sofi is being too rough on Juan. Sofía is confused. Eva tries to explain to her that Juan was tricked. Sofi promises to think about it, but first she needs to deal with Ricardo, Ruth, and Fernando to protect her mother even though she doesn't want to be protected.

    Eva is in favor of Gabi leaving for a while. Sofía is worried that Gabi will be in danger if she's with Feo. "Doña Gabriela knows how to take care of herself," Eva says. "She's very sharp and always turns a situation to her advantage."

    Sarita tries to get her mother to stop drinking and go to bed. Gabi lays on the guilt trip so thick that I expect even gullible Sarita to see through it, but no. Gabi just piles on more verbal abuse. "I always believed that you were like me, but you fooled me. You've become a cheap imitation of your sister Sofía. I used to care very specially for you, Sarita, but that's all done." Sarita weakly protests. Gabi's lines ("you and your sisters are always against me"), Sarita's lines ("wee wee wee"). She wants her humble and obedient daughter back. Then she gets up, all feeble and weepy, and says that if Sarita wants to be forgiven, she must prove her love, come back to Mommy, and become obedient again and forget about her stupid love story with that baker Franco Reyes.

    Ricardo is drinking and yammering to himself in the bungalow, amazed that he has a son, and delighted (in a crazed, drunken way) that no one will find out that he killed Raquel.

    Coyote wonders where Raquel is. "Something tells me Ricardo Uribe found her."

    Ruth is waiting sullenly in Sofía's bedroom with Juan. In fact, they're actually sitting together on the bed, much to Sofía's annoyance when she finally shows up with Eva. Ruth confesses all (she needs some prompting from Juan). She drugged him and put him in the bed, and then she got in the bed, and that's it.

    Eva is so happy that Ruth has done this wonderful thing, admitting the truth. Ruth is repulsed by her display of motherly pride. Sofía is confused as to why Ruth is admitting it now. Ruth says it's because her plan failed. Sofía wants to know who helped her. Ruth refuses to say, and Eva is still so over the moon with joy about Ruth's confession that she feels that nothing more needs to be said. Sofía seems a little miffed by Eva's dismissal of her concerns, but Juan also seems to feel that the case is closed. Ruth mutters about their mushy displays and spits. Classy!

    Eva follows her into the hallway. Ruth begs Eva to leave her alone. She doesn't want to yell at her or be mean to her, but she doesn't want to be around her, either. "The day you become a mother, you'll understand," Eva says. A mother must fight for her children and never give up.

    Struggling, Ruth starts, "It's that you're not..." but Eva interrupts, yeah I know you can never see me as your mother, but I still have hope in my heart that someday the time will come when you call me "Mama."

    Ruth hesitates, but prudence wins out and she denies Eva again. More Eva's lines. Ruth struggles to keep her secret and avoid being hateful - you can see the strain in her face and posture - and says there's no reason for Eva to feel badly on her account. Eva says a mother will give her life for her children, so if Ruth ever needs her or decides to forgive her, she'll be there to give her the love that she didn't have before. She'll save it for Ruth.

    Coyote watches through the window while Ricardo drinks and broods silently. He muses that he doesn't feel anything for his father and wonders where Ruth is.

    Juan asks Sofía what he has to do to get her to forgive him. She wants more time. She's not satisfied with Ruth's bizarre and sudden explanation. Juan says, "Okay, fine. When your mother and Feo leave here, I'm gone too. You and your sisters don't need me for anything, so there it is. But think it over, because if you don't forgive me, then Ruth and her accomplice will have gotten their way. Don't you see?"

    Franco's in Sarita's room. Sarita is crying her head off over the things Gabi said to her. Franco says Gabi is very selfish. Sarita struggles - she has to choose between her mother and Franco. He says it's not fair that she thinks more about her mother's whims than about him. She's the one who has to understand! He loves her with all his heart, with all his blood and fire. But if she's going to sacrifice their love, then it's best that they separate forever.

    He kisses her and exits via the balcony. Have we ever seen these guys get in or out of a motor vehicle? Something tells me that they'd hop in over the open window, Dukes of Hazzard Style, rather than use the door.

    Coyote asks Gabi's maid if she's seen Raquel. Fatima hasn't seen her in ages and doesn't know where she might be. She runs off to find Gabi.

    Gabi strong-arms a helpless painting while Feo watches. It's a one-fisted fight, because Gabi is still holding hands with Brandy. She's drunk and grumpy. Feo says he can't go on putting up with her mood swings. "You don't have to put up with anything if you don't want to," she informs him. "I told you I've got enough money to get out of here and live ALONE if that's what I choose. Don't think I'm going to die if I don't have you at my side."

    Feo asks her to either tell him what's going on, or he'll leave. She looks as though she's about to dare him to go, when Fatima announces that Coyote's here. Gabi smirks and tells Feo that Coyote's always been sweet with her; perhaps she'll ask him to go away with her.

    She staggers down to the parlor. Coyote is just as suave and gallant as ever. Gabi woozily confides that she's fixing to take off for a while. Her kids have betrayed her and she doesn't trust anyone. She pours drinks and tells him she doesn't even trust Feo. This brings a big smile to Coyote's face.

    Upstairs in the hallway, Feo tells himself that Gabi's mistaken if she thinks she'll be free of him, but she won't see him until he relieves her of the rest of her fortune.

    He goes to his old bedroom, but it's locked. Juan pretends not to know who's at the door. ("Feo who?") Feo tries to put him on the defensive, asking why did he lock the door. Juan says it's to keep out the icky creeping animals that they both know could come in.

    Feo says he needs to pack because he and Gabi are leaving tomorrow. Feo is surprised that the wardrobe is locked too. "I told you I'm distrustful," Juan jokes (and adds a crack about them not liking each others' clothes). He drops the keys on the floor. Feo warily picks them up, being careful not to turn his back. He keeps an eye on Juan in the mirror as he unlocks the wardrobe.

    Coyote says he can't bear the thought that Gabi might have left without saying goodbye to him. He asks if Ricardo is going with. Gabi laughs; no, it's just her. And Feo? Haha! Hellz no, he doesn't deserve it. Coyote is glad she has finally realized that she deserves someone better than Feo - "Someone like, say, me." She gives him a happy drunken smile.

    Jimena shows up in Oscar's bedroom. Unfortunately, the Reyes do not seem to have balconies outside their bedrooms, so she had to come through the door. She's glad that he'll be walking soon, and she needs hugs. Oscar is happy; he missed her so much. He asks her to stay the night - he's scared and needs her to protect him. Smoochisimos!

    With trembling hands, Quintina and the grownup Marias are measuring the dancers' inseams and chests. The meager appeal of this scene is mostly visual (it's at 8:00 in this clip).

    Soledad wonders where Raquel and Coyote are. She's getting worried that she shouldn't have told Raquel to put her fear aside. She'll never forgive herself if something happened to her.

    Coyote comes home and reports that he didn't find Raquel. He promises to find her if it's the last thing he does. (¡Últimas palabras famosas!)

    Feo's still packing his bags. Juan encourages him to pack everything, including the contents of that safe. "What have you got in there? Lots of money, jewels, important documents?" Feo says no, he's totally broke, he has nothing. Juan asks, "then why do you want a safe?" "I told you, I'm broke!" He leaves without touching the safe. Juan wishes him bon voyage.

    Coyote hands out guns to his posse and tells them to find Raquel. "Don't come back without her!"

    Ruth comes home to find her dad quite drunk. "Something happened that I didn't want to happen," he explains. (To his credit, at least she didn't become invisible to him the moment he found out he had a son.) He got Raquel to sign the papers. Ruth doesn't get why he's so out of sorts. He tells her about Ricardo Uribe Jr. Ruth wants to know who/where he is. Raquel wasn't able to tell him who/where the son is because she's dead. Ruth puts her wrist to her mouth, horrified. Ricardo covers his mouth too, but I think it's either because he's giggling or he's going to barf.

    Ruth accuses him of killing Raquel and pummels him with little girly punches and slaps. He says it was an accident. She confessed to being Feo's lover, too. (Ruth is having multiple impactadas tonight.) "Always Fernando Escandón," Darth mutters as he staggers out the door. She follows him outside.

    Sofía stands in front of a stage fan and remembers all of her lines and Juan's lines. "I can't lose Juan!" she concludes.

    Guess what phase of the moon it is?

    Juan tells himself that Sofía doesn't love him as much as he thought. He decides he's going to leave the hacienda forever tomorrow morning.

    Drunk Darth Ricardo confronts Feo, who is lurking on the lawn for a smoke. Darth wants Feo to pay for messin' with Mrs. Darth. Feo isn't interested, but Darth throws both of his guns on the ground and waves his nasty knife at Feo. Feo easily dodges a few wild swings and disarms him. Then he threatens to kill Ricardo "for what you did to my family." But first, he wants to know who was Darth's accomplice. Ruth tries to intervene, but Feo really wants an answer from Darth. "Tell me or die!" Ruth picks up one of the guns. Feo protests that she can't do this to him - they're accomplices! Darth Rico hits him from behind. Feo hits him. Ruth hits Feo. Rico threatens to tell Gabi about Feo's affair with Raquel and runs toward the hacienda.

    Feo gets the gun away from Ruth and warns that if Rico tells Gabriela then their own little games will be revealed as well, so she'd better go and shut him up. She takes this advice to heart and goes running for the hacienda. Feo has a weird anguished fit.

    Oscar and Franco talk. (Wait, where'd Jimena go?) Franco is ready to break up, so as not to get between Sarita and her mother. Oscar disagrees. Since when do the Reyes have to ask permission for what they want? He tells Franco to fight and win, and show Sarita how much he loves and respects her. "If you don't want to do it for yourselves, the do it for me, for Juan, and for the whole pueblo!"

    Ricardo comes into the hacienda screaming for Gabi. "She has to know everything!" Ruth tries to shush him. He tells Gabi (also still drunk, calls him "Ricardito") about Raquel and Feo. "Don't pay any attention to that guy, he's drunk," Feo offers.

    "Drunk, but not stupid," Ricardo replies. Sofía reminds her mother that she warned her that he was cheating on her, "and not only with Raquel." Gabi isn't interested in S's testimony. Feo goes up the stairs and tries to reassure Gabi. She tries to shake loose from him and falls down the stairs.

    Unfortunately, she does not die. Not yet, anyway. Of course not. Nobody ever dies on my night. I mean, there was Raquel tonight, but that was a rerun. And there was that head of the guard that El Chino killed in Pasión. That's it for me and fond farewells. Oh well. I've still got a few more weeks.

    Mexico airdate: 1 de octubre
    Next time: No more avances, now that we're in últimos capitulos! Waaah!


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