Saturday, May 23, 2009

MEPS, 05/22/09: Franco Santoro, Man of Mystery or…I Haven’t Got a Clue—Have You?

Capítulo 69

As we begin at Las Animas, it is some time in the morning. Eduardo and Padre Bosco are still arguing the merits of the Mexican caste system. Eduardo, having been schooled in America and having achieved yuppiedom, is facing the fact that he’s on the losing end of the stick now that he’s back in ol’ Méjico. Padre Bosco reminds him that Fernanda is, and forever will be, off limits for the likes of an indigenous upstart like him. Yes, Gonzo Elizalde, and those like him (though the padre heartily disagrees), would never accept a liason between their daughter and the son of a poor cook. (Ha! That means Augie and Dolly are going to have a major fecal fit when Err plays guess who’s coming to dinner with Fr/Eddie.) Better an absconded criminal with a lineage for Gonzo’s little girl than an indigenous cook’s kid.

Over at Vlad’s, Damian is giving Vlad final instructions on how to nail the interview with Vlad’s nemesis, Anibal Elizalde. Vlad is rankling at the very thought of having to meet with the guy. Dam reminds him that everything has its price and this is his for protecting Pris. So, when he goes for the interview Vlad must tell AB that for the past two years he’s been working for Prolasa, Pris’ family’s business and Grupo’s major rival. Naïve Vlad has to be clued in that Dam has purposely “enhanced” his resume with a supposed stint there as it’s the only way Any Balls will ever consider hiring him.

Nobody will bother to check this out, says Dam, because the Alvear’s and the Elizalde’s detest each other [odiar a muerte]. All Vlad has to do is say that he left Prolasa because he loathes Rolando Alvear. Vlad asks who Rolando Alvear is. “Well, if all goes well he’ll be your brother-in-law.” Dam advises him to make sure he gets in good with Florecita, too, the president’s receptionist. That will be key if their plan is going to succeed.

Meanwhile, Padre Bosco counsels Eduardo that it’s no use looking back. His rage, justified as it might be, will only paralyze him and Ed has a mission to complete. Still, Eddie asks Bosco if he knows if his mother might have hidden Fernanda’s letters somewhere, but the padre tells him that that part of his past life is now closed. Only when Eddie has accomplished his goal, he tells him, will he find the peace he deserves. Eddie suffers a sudden, shocking moment of self-doubt (through which, I might add, the whole of female Viewerville would love to console him). With a crack in his voice Ed admits he feels terribly alone. Bosco tries to reassure him. He tells Eduardo that he does not agree with this false identity business and wants no part of it, but with everything that’s happened the two of them do need one another, even though it’s best they avoid seeing one another again. However, Bosco adds, he is very aware that the enemy they have to defeat is powerful, so if Eddie needs him he should come get him.

Lucio, meanwhile, is thrown into a jail cell and finds out the hard way that BOW has double-crossed him. One of the policemen tells him that she has brought charges against him “for theft and several other crimes.” Lucio, it seems, is out of options.

Padre Bosco asks Jacinto and Margarita to go back to Sole's house with him. Since he already reported the crime he now wants to see what’s going to happen with the dead man's body. Eddie agrees.

In town at Mud Wrasslers Cantina, Jairo has apparently been on an all night bender [empinando el codo= propping up the bar, bending an elbow]. The bar girls razz him about it so he heads outside and gets buttonholed by two guys in Roto-Rooter uniforms (what supposedly passes for certain cops’ uniforms in Mexico). It’s Aremtio Bravo’s men, Carpio and Nestor, in disguise. They force him into their truck and demand to know what Manzanares found out about Franco Santoro when the guy searched his house.

Cinto, Margarita and Padre Bosco finally arrive at Sole’s old house just as the really real police are driving up. Bosco tells the two to let him handle things and then proceeds to tell a little white lie to the cops. He tells the detective that he got an anonymous phone call from a parishioner saying there was a dead man there. Cinto and Margo, he adds, simply offered to walk with him to the house. (At least this priest knows when to tell a decent fib in the battle between Good and Eeevil.) Everyone heads over to the grave but they find that it’s completely empty. Manzanares’ body is gone! Wide-eyed impactado all ‘round.

Jairo denies to Artemio Bravo’s strong-arming tag-team that he knows anything and he insists that Manzanares told him he hadn’t found anything there. Neither one believes him so Nestor chokes Jairo to make the point while Viewerville cheers at the local bully in chief getting a taste of his own medicine. Bravo’s heavies want answers! Carpio gives Jairo 12 hours to get the information they want and then throws him out of the truck.

Bosco tells the detectives that he figures the person who called must have been nutty. Margo whispers to Cinto meanwhile, that she’s worried whoever took the body will be coming after Denia, too. Cinto reminds her that Tomasa said Lucio had split already. Margo says, sure, but Jairo Roca is involved and he’s capable of anything. Cinto tries to comfort her and promises to turn the tables on Roca before he ever has a chance to try anything with Denia.

Back at Las Animas, Eddie questions Denia as to whether either Jairo or Lucio really didn’t know about his true identity. Denia doesn’t think either one knew anything. She admits to Eddie that she feels guilty about nearly spilling the frijoles to Lucio [despepitar = literally “to spit out seeds” ] but she was terrified that he was going to kill her.

In town, Berguer hands over the necklace to Bitch-Barbie who is now very pleased with herself at the smooth way she got rid of that louse, Lucio. She gets ready to drive off but has to take another call from Artemio Bravo first. He informs her that Manzanares' body has been taken care of, then orders her to find a way to get into Fr/Eduardo's place to find some clue about whatever it was the man found out about Santoro. The Barbinator starts planning her next move.

Vlad shows up at Grupo Lactos for his interview. He flirts a bit with Flor who is apparently taken with Vlad’s good looks. (Vlad may not be leading man material, but he ain’t exactly shabby in the shagging department, either.) Even though there is no appointment written down in the book for him, flustered Flo’ decides there must be a mistake and manages to get AB to see him. (Chalk one up for the Vladster.)

Across the hall, Fernanda and Gonzo discuss the visit she and Santoro made to the old warehouse and her suggestion about putting in little artisan studios. He asks what Fr/Ed thought about the site. Fer stops to remember Fr/Ed’s hunkalicious smile and the way his stare made her (and any of us females with blood still running in our veins) tingle. She tells her daddy that he loved it and is ready to begin construction. She adds she feels it could be a way to get past all the damage that Dam had done to the family. Gonzo decides to tell her about Babs' doubts and says that he is considering cancelling the entire negotiation with Franco Santoro. Babs has always had such a sharp business sense that now he’s having second thoughts. Fer is fit-to-be-tied impactada.

Back at Las Animas again, Eddie tells Denia he doesn’t fault her for anything because he knows her life was at risk. (¡Qué considerado!) He asks if by any chance she happened to overhear who might have sent Manzanares to dig up something on him. Denia says no, but after a minute to consider, says she thinks it had to be Cadmilo Elizalde. Just then Jacinto shows up at the door to tell Ed that Manzanares’ body is missing from the grave. More looks de impactado.

Fer gets angry at Gonzo’s 2nd-guessing. After everything it has cost her in time and trouble to get this deal finalized, she argues, there is no reason to turn everything on its head for some silly notion of Babs’. Besides, she adds, Barbara has nothing solid to base it on and the company’s salvation depends upon this agreement going through. Gonzo counters and says he doesn’t know what has caused Babs to feel this way, but her 6th sense in business is always on target. The thoroughly pussy-whipped Gonzo insists that his wife’s opinion should be taken into account. Fer digs in her high-heels and says that as far as she’s concerned Franco Santoro inspires absolute trust in her; that her sixth sense is just as accurate and it tells her that she can trust Franco completely.

We beam back to Las Animas where Eddie now tells Cinto and Denia that whoever hired Manzanares is the same person that had his body carried off. (Do ya think?) Cinto agrees with Denia that perhaps it was Cadmilo Elizalde. Denia goes to open the front door then to let in Estev. Ed quickly whispers to Cinto that they cannot risk Denia’s safety any longer and says he’s going to take some drastic measures to prevent it.

Duckworth has picked up some of Eduardo’s personal things sent to him from Ed’s old apartment in the States. He also got a portable safe to store everything that might give away Eduardo's true identity in case anybody starts nosing around uninvited again. Estev adds that Jacinto had filled him in on what had been going on the last day or two around there. They’re going to have to think of a very good hidey-hole for it says Ed. He mentions to Dewey that they think Cad might be responsible for what’s going on, but even so, somebody else would have been directing him and he believes that person has to be their “mysterious enemy.”

At Grupo Lactos, Vlad lies to Any Balls about having worked at Prolasa and says things went badly there for him, so no, he won’t be getting any decent references from the place. Rolando Alvear didn’t exactly treat him fairly and Vlad left on bad terms. AB says that’s enough to convince him not to hire him, because if he dislikes the Alvear family so much, then why would Vlad be so anxious to take care of Prissy’s finances? Vlad says that Prissy was the only one who supported him there and so he feels obligated to return the favor. AB thinks to himself now that his air-head wife has picked a real loser to audit her money.

Anibal brags to Vlad that Grupo Lactos is a stronger competitor in the market than Prolasa. Vlad flatters AB by saying that’s pretty much why he wanted to come work for them, to learn from the best. This gets AB thinking that Vlad wouldn’t be such a threat to him and the company after all. He hires him on the spot. (Chalk another one up for the Vladster.)

Santiago and Aurora arrive back home. They see Pris on the stairs and Rory tells Pris that she has bought some yarn to knit a little jacket and booties for her baby. The nuns (of course) taught her how….. Pris gets very excited at the idea and asks Rory to teach her how to knit. (What gives with all the knitting references in these scenes? First Martina and Lili, now Rory and Pris? I guess Uni must have snagged a couple major yarn manufacturers to help underwrite this novela. Of course, I prefer to crochet, but what the hey.) Rory asks her what AB wants to name the baby. Pris says AB isn’t really interested in anything to do with the baby. Santi’s hungry so they go merrily off to the kitchen for a snack. FF>>

In Puebla Purificacion meanwhile, Dominga The Drunk is pouring the last of her remaining rot-gut when she gets a surprise phone call from Artemio Bravo. She is forced to admit to him that Rory has escaped from her. He is furious and orders Dominga to find her. Until she does, he says, don’t bother going to the telegraph office to pick up any more money-grams. Bummer for our besotted Dominga.

Fer now runs into Vlad in the reception area at Grupo Grand Central. She is surprised to find out he works there. He says he was working at Prolasa. Fer says she thought he worked for an insurance company and that Dam never told her he’d ever worked for Prolasa. (Ruh-roh!) Vlad stumbles a bit with his faux pas, but recovers quickly enough. He “explains” that the Alvear’s were his clients for a short time. She invites him into her office for coffee and a chat then whispers a question to him about whether he’s seen Damian lately. Vlad swallows hard and searches for a safe response. (We won’t hold our breath.)

At the same time Ursula is visiting Sonny Boy. Damn says he can’t call Fernanda because the cops would trace the call right back to him and put him in jail. She says that Fer really wants to speak with him and warns him that if she doesn’t hear from him soon she will divorce him. Damn stops to consider the implications.

Back at Grupo Lactos, Fer explains to Vlad that it was Any Balls who launched the media blitz against Dam and swears that neither she nor her daddy consented to it. She hopes he understands how important it is for her to speak with Damian and find out exactly what happened. She asks Vlad to let Dam know this if he happens to speak to him. He nervously agrees and then asks what exactly her job is there. Fer describes something that sounds like it’s Public Relations. She asks if he’s there to take Damian’s job. Vlad says no, he’s just there as an auditor.

Back at the apartment, Damn tells his mama that he is certain that Fer loves him (oh so wrong, Arrogant One) and will go back to him again once he proves his innocence. (If she does, it won’t be for love. That’s for darn sure.) Mama wants him to save their good name and even more, their current income level. She can’t stand the thought of anybody looking down on them. Dam says that the Elizalde's will find out what a serious mistake they’ve made and then they’ll be on their knees begging him to be forgiven. (I guess bad intentions don’t count here. The fact he was a louse who had actually intended to abscond with the $3 million which Babs cleverly bilked him out of is a minor detail and one easily forgotten.)

Once again at Grupo Lactos: Any Balls hands Prissy’s financial information over to Vlad and tells him not to bother Pris with anything. They will handle it all between the two of them, especially now that Pris is pregnant. Vlad plays dumb (not a reach for him, I admit) about the pregnancy. He agrees to keep her finances just between the two of them. Then Vlad dutifully listens while AB puts on airs and gives him a line about “nothing being more important to me than the welfare of my future child or my wife’s peace of mind.” Vlad, to his credit, manages to keep from spitting in the guy’s face.

Back at the hacienda, Babs finds Cad putting his horse through the paces. She confides to him that she doesn't trust Franco Santoro and needs his help with something. He admits that he doesn't trust the man either and explains that’s the reason he entered Santoro’s house the other day and searched it. How else, he brags, could he have known that the guy came there to find himself a rich woman to marry? Babs asks him to sneak in again.

Across the way at Las Animas: Estev says he has a plan to get Eddie back with Fer. He and Ed agree that she’s very different from her two brothers and would welcome anything that would allow her to reconcile with her “new friend.” That friend, of course, is Fr/Ed. Since she is very interested in the association between Powhere Meelk and Grupo Lactos, Dewey suggests that Eddie should “give her an opportunity” to straighten out whatever Cad is spoiling through all his meddling.

Babs tells Cad now that what she needs is for him to find out all the intimate details of Franco Santoro’s life: his past, his friendships, the women in his life, the places he has worked, absolutely everything. She warns him that not a single other soul is to be involved in this, either. Cad is definitely up for it.

Vlad meets Pris for lunch in the city. He has the files with him. Pris wants to know how the interview went, whether AB asked him any questions, and if he offered Vlad the job. Vlad says her hubby was very friendly and that he didn’t ask him a thing. He just gave him her files and had him start that very day. Pris shuts up to process.

Babs continues discussing her plan with Cad. This time, she says, he has got to be much more careful and avoid making a fool of himself in front of Jacinto or Gardenia. Cad says sure, sure, and cackles a bit about it being their “Mission Impossible.” Barbie allows herself a frown. Cad asks her what happens if something goes wrong. Babs tells him in that case, she will assume all the responsibility. (Yeah. R-i-i-i-ght. We’ve seen this broad in action before.) Cad chuckles conspiratorially. Babs, though, isn’t smiling.


Tontas no Van Friday 5/22 Heading for the Cliff(hanger)

Santi and Candy have been doing a pretty good job of supporting each other while trying to persuade their kids to accept the upcoming marriage. But that’s all out the window tonight, as Paulina takes off the gloves, and aided by some amazing luck, skill or maybe just creative writers, gives our love wagon a possibly fatal push. It’s like a perfect storm, as the brakes have come completely off the wagon, it’s picking up steam, and careening out of control towards the cliff (hanger). (Sorry for all the metaphors :))

Things begin quietly enough, as we revisit the scenes in which Candy and Santi were telling their respective kids (fast asleep at the time) that the kids would always be the most important things in their lives.

We also see the tender scene between Raúl and Soledad, where they both say “te amo”. At least someone’s lives are looking up.

Morning in Guadalajara. Candy fell asleep on Chava’s bed. She wakes up, tells Chava to hurry, get ready quickly ‘cause he’s a little late for school. Come right down for breakfast, she adds. As soon as she leaves, he says to himself, not right now, I’m mad at her (Candy).

At Santi’s house, he apparently didn’t sleep too well, as Donato has to rouse him with a rooster imitation. They have their usual banter, Santi saying turn out the light, Don saying it’s millions of miles away (referring to the Sun), Donato noticing Santi’s red mustache, Santi telling him he’s a cat.

In the restaurant, Meño is looking for something, while Christian is complaining about the noise, and the sound of the gas being delivered in the restaurant where he’s been living, can’t Meño do something about it? Meño is mainly worrying about the woman on the phone he’s talking to, but tells Chris he’ll see what he can do. Chris smiles in evil glee.

Chava tells Pat he didn’t even give Candy a goodnight kiss, he’s so mad at her. But why? Pat wants to know. Because she’s going to marry Rocío’s papá! Pat is impactado.

So Meño the softy is inspecting a vacant apartment, asking the landlord if it’s quiet there. It is, and there’s no problem with the gas delivery, because they use hot water heating. The landlord thinks Meño’s “friend” is a little demanding, and Meño doesn’t like this guy’s attitude.

It’s time for the kids to solve the world’s problems with their little cabezas. Rocío and Chava agree that they don’t want their parents to marry each other.

Candy is at work when a single rose appears at her office door. It’s followed by another, then a third, then Santi. Candy appreciates the thought, but confesses she didn’t sleep well. She’s still worried about the kids, and suggests postponing the wedding. Santi reassures her the kids were just having a tantrum (berrinche), and eventually they’ll see how happy the adults are, and the kids will be happy. Candy never thought being happy would hurt so much, but Santi sneaks a little kiss to cheer her up.

Christian informs the staff he has invited a group of friends to the restaurant, and will close the restaurant for their private party. Lulu, Gregoria, Zamora and Toño try to protest, but Christian claps his hands, tells them of course “Don Manuel” knows about it, it was even his idea! He tells them they’d better get to work, or he’ll fire them all, and they nervously scurry away like little mice. Christian gives a whistle, and a parade of completely over the top stereotypes of gay guys enter jumping, hugging and spinning their wrists.

In a hotel room, Paulina puts her earrings back on and coolly reapplies her makeup as her sexual blackmailer Gabino reads the morning paper, drink in hand. What’s her hurry? Well, she has things to do. She has to stop Santiago from getting married. How? asks Gabino. By killing him, as with Mario? No, it’s much easier. All I have to do is put his kids in opposition to him. Oooo, what a bad girl you are, says Gabino, showing her with a little kiss on the cheek that he likes her style.

The outraged restaurant staff has retreated to the back steps of the restaurant, all complaining at once about Christian. Meño comes up, signed lease in hand (from an apartment he has rented for Chris), and wants to know what’s going on. They say they needed some air, it’s polluted inside, and although he says let’s get back in there and work, they agree to let him find out for himself. Inside, Christian’s friends are dancing on the tables, swinging napkins and drinking as Christian tells a buddy that first he got free clothes, then an apartment, and guess what’s next? A new car, then a round the world trip! It’s like winning the lottery! You know what, with this fool, it’s as if I have a chicken who lays golden eggs! In the shadows, Meño heard everything. He rips up the lease in disgust.

Santi has his first patient of the day. This time it’s not a luscious lady seeking a lift, but a bald guy with a big beak and a long black beard. He gives Santi a profile shot, of course you know what I need, right? Santi says sure, a nose job. Not at all, it’s his chin (note, the word barba means both beard and chin. Another word for chin is mentón). He has to wear the beard to hide his weak chin. Imagine all the nicknames (apodos) he has to suffer because of it. Santi can imagine. Superchin (mentón superhéroe), Johnnie Bravo, Barba de Pompa (bubble chin), the guy shushes him, and Santi’s phone rings. It’s Agent (I forget his name, something like Abrosino, but Santi calls him Barbino), and trying not to laugh, has to cut off the name so he won’t offend the patient. The patient asks if Santi can help him. Of course, first cut off the ridiculous beard, it’s totally out of style, the days of peace and love are long gone. Then, I’ll operate on your nose, which will result in your chin looking better, because your face will be more balanced. The guy pushes up on his nose and scrunches up his beard, trying to imagine his new look.

Back at the restaurant, Zamora, Toño, Gregoria and Lulu are reviving a dazed Meño by fanning him with a little straw basket. He finds out that they all knew Christian was using Meño, but Meño never noticed it. Greg asks what they’re going to do now. Fire him, of course! However, Meño doesn’t want to do it, and sends his two greatest amigos (Zamora and Toño) in to do the honors.

Agent whatever his name informs Santi that before he died, Leonardo had found Marissa. Well, let’s go, says Santi, filled with hope. Unfortunately, when they went to the location, Mari must have known they were coming, and has now vanished. Also, no news in finding the baby, but they’re working on it, he says to a now deflated Santi.

Zamora and Toño go back into the restaurant, not sure how they’re going to deal with stopping the gay parade and fire Christian. Zamora thinks these guys could beat them up, but Toño thinks they’re pretty harmless. The two summon up their courage, Zamora taps Christian on the shoulder, and presents him with the bill. Christian says we’re not going to pay, this party is on the house. Toño gets tough (after all Christian’s only about 3 inches taller than he is), puffs out his chest, and says Meño said you’re fired, and you’d better leave now. Zamora adds, or we’ll call the police. Meanwhile, outside, Lulu, Greg and Meño are awaiting he results with baited breath, taking turns fanning themselves with the little basket.

At the Institute, receipts are down, expenses are up, and Chayo and Candy are juggling bills. Candy is worried, but Chayo reassures her that they have several things coming up, and they have three more days before the rent is due, they’ll be okay. Candy, of course, is not just worried about the rent. Chayo sees her ashen face and assumes it was a fight with Santiago. She tells Candy about the argument with Ed about choosing between school and marriage, she chose both, so what was Candy’s fight with Santiago? No, it’s Chava. He didn’t say one word to me this morning, just went directly off to school with Patricio. She touches a photo of herself and Chava with a trembling finger, and the tears start coming.

Meño and crew have recovered enough to reenter the restaurant, where Meño finally gives Christian a bit of his mind, Christian is sent packing, and Meño says they’ll celebrate with the food and drinks those (he uses a cussword for gay guys or freeloaders, I think, it was bleeped out) guys left behind.

It’s time to pick up Chava from school. Candy waits outside the class, as Paulina saunters in. Pau turns the screws, asking if Candy thinks Chava will stay with her, Pau thinks Chava would rather spend more time with Rocío. Pau continues how the kids were so upset about the marriage with Santiago, that a rash broke out all over Rocío’s face (salió una roncha en toda la cara). Here come the kids. Rocío runs to Paulina. Beto greets Candy warmly, but Chava coldly brushes past her, asking Rocío if he can eat at her house. Candy tries to protest, but Chava insists, and Paulina takes Rocío and Chava away, taunting Candy by saying Pau knows what the children really want.

Ed and Santi are comparing problems. They recall the glory days, when they had no worries. Santi sounds as if he’s going a little nuts, forgetting what he’s saying a few times, and holding his sneaker-clad feet up like a kid, while Ed is still obsessed with whether he can have a kid with Chayo, since they rarely do it anymore. Ed leaves before Santi can get his hug.

But we do see a hug between Charly and Meño. Charly is happy Meño finally saw the light about Christian. Meño says he sort of knew all along that Christian was trying to take advantage, but he’s a generous guy who gets pleasure from giving. That’s great, says Charly, since you’re so generous, I could use a motorcycle, okay? In your dreams.

In typical novela fashion, when all else fails, pray. Candy has a bouquet of pink flowers for the virgencita, kneels in the church in front of a candle, clasps her hands, asks the Lord to help with her pain, to give her the balance, the force to make Chava happy. Her cell rings, it’s Santiago, maybe her prayers are answered.

In the garden at Santi’s house, it’s story time, as Paulina tells Rocío and Chava one, which ends up with the lady and the man marrying, but the man was very bad, and made his wife kick the children out, and they were “in the street” (the typical worst punishment for anyone in a novela). Chava thinks it’s “just a story”, but Paulina corrects him, she read it in a newspaper, this is what happens in real life. And you know what, it happens to many children like you two! She leaves the frightened kids to play in the playhouse, smiling to herself. The kids discuss things, Rocío thinking Candy will kick her out, Chava thinking Rocío’s dad is bad, both of them say they’re afraid, as Paulina secretly observes how well her scheme is working.

Santi and Candy are trying to cheer each other up over lunch in a French restaurant. Santi wants to forget the kids for just two hours, and try to be happy with Candy for that short period of time.

Meanwhile, Raúl has brought Beto and Soledad to see some of the color copy machinery that makes his magazine. I think Beto wants his own magazine. They’re having a good time.

Candy is back from lunch, and guess who’s waiting in her office? Pat. He half-heartedly congratulates her on her engagement, he’s glad she’s happy, but once again, he thinks Chava should be with him, there’s no other option, Chava has to be safe. Candy says no way. Pat flashes back to when Lozano told him he was taking pictures of Santiago. He implores Candy, what more can I say? It’s a rhetorical question, as he leaves Candy in stunned silence. Candy is destroyed again (this is about the third or fourth time today she’s essentially been hit with a brick). I guess she is supposed to read Pat’s mind.

We get a little fun, though, as Raúl, Soledad and Beto are now bowling. Raúl shows Beto how to roll the ball down the center of the lane. Beto launches the big bowling ball with two hands, it veers off toward the gutter, but in a miracle of editing, Beto gets a strike! Raúl wants a rematch (revancha, also means revenge), Soledad doesn’t think so, but the two boys beg her, and she can’t resist. Raúl seems to be aiming for a perfect game, this bonding with Beto is right down his alley.

Back to sad. Candy came home from work a little early, but Chava’s already in bed, so she isn’t even going to get to talk to him. Gregoria consoles her, saying things have been changing fast for Chava, give him time.

At Santi’s house, he examines his patient, Rocío’s rash is all gone. He asks if she likes Candy, she responds that she loves her mother. But the question was do you like (or love) Candy? No, not at all, in fact she can’t stand her (me cae gorda). She runs out, leaving Santi frustrated.

At Soledad’s, Raúl and Beto make tiger faces at each other, reveling in their maleness, can’t wait for tomorrow, and Beto goes off to bed. Soledad is overjoyed at how fast Raúl has gained Beto’s trust. And you know what, adds Sole? Every day, I’m liking you more (cada día, me caes mejor). How much more? Raúl wants to know. She answers him with a kiss.

The rest of the episode is like a perfect storm. Each little event is perfectly timed to throw our characters’ lives in turmoil. How did the writers do it? Let’s see.

Step 1. Cut to Chava. I think it’s time for a nightmare. Sure enough, Santi has left him in the street (looks more like a forest, tho) as he screams for his Dad! He wakes up, puts on his shoes, and sneaks out of his room.

Step 2. Candy, unaware of this, is on the phone with Santi. He has an idea, let’s take the kids on a vacation, if the four of us are together, it’ll be fun. Candy wonders how they can persuade the kids to go. Santi says the important thing is to get them all together, even if they have to use force to get them to go on the trip. Candy doesn’t think Chava will want to be taken by force. Guess what – Chava is outside the half-opened door, hears the words Santiago, taken by force, and realizes his fears are confirmed.

In the morning, Candy comes in to wake Chava, and he’s gone! The note on his pillow says “Mommy, don’t search for me, because before you two kick me out of the house, I’m going out on my own. Chava”. Candy is frantic, Charly notes that Chava’s backpack and clothes are gone.

Step 3. So where is he? Apparently he was able to find Santi’s house, and Rocío has him hiding behind the drapes. The coast is clear, and he hides under the piano. Eventually she gets him up to her room (very conveniently, there’s no sign of Lucía, Donato, Isabel, etc.) Chava tells Rocío he’s not going back to his house, and he wanted to go to his Dad’s house, but it’s too far away. He tells Rocío about his nightmare (pesadilla) in which her Dad ran him into the street, and she defends her Dad, but agrees he can live in her room, and she’ll bring him some breakfast. Just then,

Step 4. Paulina comes in (the only person who is NOT going to return Chava to his house). Pau hears Chava’s story, and reminds the kids that she’s the only one who can protect them, but they have to promise not to tell anyone. They do. But Pau says Chava can’t live in Rocío’s room, he has to be in a safe place where Santi won’t find him. Rocío has an idea, and they go off together, as Pau gives her evil smirk again.

Candy has called Pat, but Chava isn’t there, and Pat will come right away to help search. He tells Alicia to stay home, he has to be able to reach her at any moment. She doesn’t care a bit about poor Candy, and after Pat leaves, she tells Patito, let’s go to the beauty salon.

Back at Candy’s, they’re all dressed, Charly has searched the park, and no Chava. Candy figures that Chava must be at Santiago’s house. She calls, and

Step 5. Guess who happens to answer the phone? Paulina, who sees the caller ID, hangs up, then dials and puts down the phone. On the other end, Candy says it went dead, now it’s busy. So she’s calls Santi’s cell, but

Step 6. Santi’s in the bathroom, and Paulina just happens to have walked into his bedroom just in time for this call. She presses ignore, hides the phone under the chair, smiles again, and calmly exits Santi’s room.

Back at the house, everyone is going crazy, Candy is going to go over Santi’s house, but when she opens the door,

Step 7. Pat is right there. He tells Candy that Chava is gone because Candy didn’t keep him from Santiago. Candy, I warned you many times, Chava should have been with me. Why didn’t you pay attention and listen to me! Candy’s eyes get big, as she sees the edge of the cliff approaching at maximum velocity!

Monday: Santi is kidnapped, as we’re not just in últimas semanas, we’re in últimos capítulos!


un berrinche - a tantrum
una barba - a beard, or a chin. Other words for chin are barbilla and mentón
roncha - a rash, or measles type spots
apodos - nicknames
revancha - a rematch, or revenge
me cae gorda - I can't stand her


Friday, May 22, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., May. 21 - Grand Finale

This is it folks.

DB gets dressed up in a frumpy outfit.

She has flashbacks to passionate interludes with Santos while smelling his shirt and saying that she will take his smell with her. Then she says that this is last time she will look at the walls of the house. She urges Marisela to have it torn down since the house is full of death and hate.

At the canoe, DB tells Juan Primito that she is going far away and won't be back. She tells JP to take care of Santos and Marisela and they will take care of him.

DB tells Marisela to be happy and to make Santos happy. She has to - that is why DB is leaving. Marisela asks how she will know that DB is ok. DB says that she will think if Marisela every morning and Marisela should do the same and they'll know about each other. She says that one day, a child of Marisela's will look at her with DB's eyes and then she will know that DB is with her.

She blesses Marisela. Santos and Antonio watch but leave the moment to DB and Marisela.

DB gets in the canoe and Melquíades and Eustaquia are there. Marisela wills her mother to look back. Melquíades tells her not to look back like the goddess she is.
At a dinner of Melesio's family, Antonio announces that he has appointed Andrés to be his advisor.

DB takes ill on the river and is helped by a missionary woman.

Josefa tells Federica that she can't understand what she sees in Mujica. Josefa says that since she has to become a decent woman, she will take Pernalete and says, "better the devil you know than the devil you don't ('mas vale malo conocido que bueno pro conocer')." Mujica calls her his mother in law, Federica calls her 'mama' and Josefa reaches for the bottle.

DB has a the rape dream but this time, Sapo shoots Santos. The missionary woman wakes her up and gives her medicine. She asks what her name is and DB tells her to call her "La Doña" of the river.

Marisela tells Santos that DB forgave them and told them to enjoy life. She says they will have to get used to living without guilt. They have to be happy. Santos tells her not to worry. He says that it is very easy to get used to being happy.

"A few months later" Maurice gets a letter from Marisela describing her wedding and scolding him for not attending. She tells him that everyone at the wedding was making bets that DB would appear. However, the only untoward event that occurred was that JP ran in with the earrings that DB previously tried to give Marisela. She puts them on immediately. She tells Maurice that she is happy and pregnant.

Then we jump ten years ahead. DB, now graying, returns to the mission with gifts for the children and supplies for the missionary. She says that she has been wandering up and down the river all this time. Her malaria returns but she says that she knows that her daughter is happy because she talks to her every morning. She is ill again.

Back at Altamira, Pajarote and Genoveva are finally getting married after having two children.

Marisela is pregnant again. Maurice takes video of everyone to fill in what has happened in the meantime. Gervasia's new boyfriend is Néstor.

Federica and Mujica's family.

Marisela goes into labor at the wedding reception.

Marisela's new baby girl has DB's eyes and Marisela tells Santos that she doesn't feel that DB is there any more. JP says that the rebullones have returned.

DB goes on her final journey.


Thanks to Novelera for filling in for me when I went to Venezuela. Thanks to all those who posted comments. It's been a fun ride. I think this was the best written novela I have ever seen and I'll ask my question again - if DB's writers can produce this, why are the other novelas written so badly? I've been watching La Tormenta in the afternoons and it is similar to DB in that it takes place in the llanos and stars Christian Meier but it is has the same cardboard characters as most novelas. DB had interesting, complex characters and avoided almost all of the tried and true novela plot devices - no babies were switched or kidnapped; there were no secret paternities; no one was forced to marry someone they didn't want to and there were few misunderstandings that went on and on. That being said, I wish the novela hadn't been extended. I thought it lost a lot of its power when DB was essentially redeemed after the Meléndez incident. I'll miss finding out what's happening in the Arauca every night but I won't miss the three hours it took to do each recap!

I don't know if anyone watched the 12 Corazones on Friday. It had some funny bloopers from the show.


MEPS, Thursday, May 21, 2009, Love and Truth are So Near Yet So Far Away, Cap. 68

Good morning, world. Two things, will someone please post this for me. And, if anyone is interested in doing this recap one Thursday a month, the third to be exact, please let me know. Thanks to all.

Ed and Steve discuss strategy. Steve says they should set a trap. The fiesta will be a good start to smoke out the enemy. Steve confuses me when he speaks Spanglish.

Lucio is collecting his thoughts at the jail when Barb enters. He is ever so grateful to see her. She now rubs it in. She’s not there to help him, but to make sure that he stays where he is. He realizes how stupid he’s been. She has another way for him to redeem himself. Tell me, she asks, “Why are you running away?”

Ed is fighting with himself over the love of Fernanda. He had her at his fingertips but it wasn’t real. Sorry, says, Steve, “What are you going to do? “ FrEd says that for Eduardo Juarez that Fernanda’s love was impossible, and for Franco Santoro Fernanda is prohibited.

Barb tells Lucio that what he did must be terrible. She’s going to squeeze it out of him. He spills his guts and tells her that he killed a man. This is right up her alley.

Aurora waits for Santi outside the telegraph building. He tells Aurora that he will leave an envelope for the person who makes the money transfers (Carpio). He goes in and asks the clerk if he remembers him. The clerk says no so he reminds the clerk about the 7th day of the month transmissions and he wants a favor. Santi wants the clerk to give the person who sends the money the envelope. The point is that he and Aurora will be able to identify that person when he/she leaves the building with the envelope.

Lucio denies guilt. He tells Barb about the fight. She wants the name of the dead man. Lucio tells her Rene Manzanares. It hits her like a lightning bolt. She wants to know if they were friends. No, says Lucio, we just met at the cantina. He tells her that Manzanares was investigating Franco Santoro.

Ed tells Steve that he has to act completely professional with Fernanda. He pulls out Manzanares’ card. Now he’s using his head because he’s going to call the police and ask for Rene Manzanares who supposedly works in narcotics. Ed finds out that no such person works for the police. Now Steve wants to find out Manzanares’ identity. Enter Gardenia who tells them that Jacinto and Margarita have arrived. Enter padre Bosco with Jacinto. The good father is shocked when he sees FrEd.

Aurora and Santi discuss their plan to find out the identity of Carpio when a man leaves the building with the envelope. They follow him.

Fernanda is daydreaming at Soledad’s tomb. She misses her very much. She runs her fingers over the name of Eduardo Juarez. She has so many questions without answers. She will love him forever. He’s left her heart so empty no man can fill it.

Padre Bosco is good at this game. He looks at Ed and says, “Who are you?” Ed says Franco Santoro. What? All three of them know he’s Eduardo. Jacinto and Marg leave.

Margarita, Jacinto, Gardenia, Lili, Father Bosco, and Steve all know Franco Santoro’s true identity. Did I leave anybody out? Does Martina know? Manzanares knew and look where he is now.

Padre Bosco and Ed share a hug. The discuss Manzanares and Ed tells him RM was an impostor. Father Bosco tells him that he believed that Manzanares was also investigating him.

Gardenia remarks that Padre Bosco doesn’t recognize Ed. Neither does Fernanda. Gardenia tells them that maybe the dead man told somebody about Eduardo since he had Ed’s passport.

Lucio continues his sad story. She wants to know why Manzanares was wrapping up the investigation. He says he’s sure Gardenia knows something. Jairo has dumped him. He remembers that Gardenia was going to tell him something like a secret about Franco Santoro.

Father Bosco discusses the ramifications of his knowing Ed and Franco. Ed asks the father if he knows any secret about Liliana and tells him that Manzanares was working under the orders of the mystery man – the enemy.

Aurora and Santi hug and kiss while Carpio walks around. Carpio seems to be walking around in circles just like this part of the plot.

Lucio’s head is bursting. Barb is so disappointed in him. He tells Barb that she has to get the information out of Gardenia.

Tomasa and Denia talk. Tomasa tells them about Lucio’s return and the necklace deal.

Barb tells Lucio that prison isn’t for him. She’s moved by his begging. She’s going to move heaven and earth to make him “disappear.” He’s grateful and actually trusts her. She tells him they have a contract. You keep my secrets and I’ll keep yours. He’ll shut up while he’s out and free. She leaves, and he’s not free yet.

Ed talks to Father Bosco and implores him to remember the name of the enemy. The Father tells him he can’t say anything if it was a product of the confessional. And, he says there might have been a good reason why Soledad kept this secret. The father urges him onward, but Ed doesn’t understand how he can do this without knowing the name of the enemy. The father also tells him he will save Liliana with God’s help.

Martina and Lili are winding some yarn when Silly Simple Simon and mama enter. They have brought goodies for the little girl. They tell Lili how sorry they are about Ciro’s demise and how much they loved him. Mrs. Ciro came to ask her something and if the name Artemio Bravo means anything since there was a paper a box they found with the name of Artemio Bravo on it. Lili disappears into herself.

Ed and Fr. Bosco discuss how Lili has been an innocent victim and that the family Elizalde has gone downhill since the arrival of La Hiena.

Meanwhile, Barb makes sure that Lucio will never see the light of day.

Margarita, Denia discuss who could be responsible for the theft of the necklace.

Fernanda visits Damian’s mother. Fernanda immediately asks her, “ Where is Damian.”

Santi and Aurora have lost Carpio.

Fernanda just wants to talk to Damian. She tells Ursula that she (Ursula) was waiting for him. Ursula is distraught because the police are after Damian and it is such an injustice.

Barb meets with Artemio Bravo and tells him that Rene is dead and that her chofer killed him. She also tells AB that Jairo Roca and Gardenia may have information about all this monkey business that they shouldn’t have. Do you have the impression that the body count is about to go up and up?

Gardenia, Margarita and Jacinto have an emotional discussion. Gardenia loves Ed and Fernanda is through with him. She actually thinks that she has a chance. Margarita and Jacinto are exasperated with her. This conversation actually was somewhat more complicated, so, if you know what actually happened, please bring it forth. Thanks.

Barb rips up an envelope and tells AB that Gardenia is now working for Franco. Barb doesn’t trust her for information. AB laughs at her. He wants everything that Gardenia and Jairo Roca know. She has to get it out of them even if blood must be spilled. Barb tells him where Rene is buried.

Padre tells Ed that he had several weird conversations from Barb – like she was following orders. Ed says do you think it’s possible that Lili found out Barb’s real boss. When Ed gets justice for Lili he will succeed in finding the name of the real enemy.

Mrs. Ciro is beside herself. She keeps pressing Lili for information about Artemio Bravo. Silly Simon says that if Lili the loca can’t speak, they might as well leave. Lili says, “Wait,” and hands Mrs. Ciro what looks like a ream of paper. Lili keeps the little box.

Ed asks Fr. Bosco how he is supposed to find out the name of the enemy. The name that his mother carried to her grave. It’s too early for an answer.

Artemio Bravo talks to Carpio. Carpio “made” Santi and Aurora and tells Artemio Bravo about them. Carpio hadn’t seen them before, and they are still looking for him. We now know that Santi and Aurora are in way too deep. AB shoves something at Carpio. It’s a new job. AB is not happy. We now also know that Carpio follows orders from Artemio Bravo in the same robot-like way that Barb does.

Aurora and Santi are in a park and discuss the monthly payments that Dominga received. They thinks it’s funny about how crazy they’ve been. Stupid Santi is going to call her Rebeca Sanchez even though they don’t know the identity of her mother. He loves her and is not marrying her for her mother, but for love. Santi wants to know if Aurora has a good reason not to marry him now. They kiss and we have our answer.

Fr. Bosco and Ed say their farewells, but before the padre leaves Ed asks Fr. Bosco if he knew that Fernands wrote him letters that his mother was supposed to send to him.

Fernanda keeps asking Ursula about Damian. Ursula refers to Damian as her baby and wants to know if Fer thinks Damian is a thief. Ursula reminds Fernanda about marrying for better or for worse. Fer tells Ursula this isn’t about a marriage. Damian caused her many problems. Ursala insists that Damian is innocent and that Damian adores her and that as a mother she can’t be wrong about that. Ha, ha!

Denia tells Marg that everybody knew Ed adored Fer. Now she’s in Ed’s house and can care for him and let the world know she loves him. Marg knows that Denia is having a nervous breakdown. Besides Fer married someone else.

Fr. Bosco tells Ed that Soledad did what she thought was best for him. Ed wants to know why she dared hide this from him. Fr. tells him that his world and Fer’s were completely different. The Elizaldes would never permit him to get near Fernanda. We hear the Mexican version of he’s from the wrong side of the tracks routine. Finally, Ed points out that Fernanda married a criminal.

Avances: Ed, Steve and Denia work at keeping his identity hidden while Barb works equally hard at revealing FrEd’s true identity.


Las Tontas no van Wed - 5-21 - PSAazo, Meno with new do, Charly with new cam, and Pau with old tricks

Pau is threatening again to tell Rocio that she isn’t a member of this family, but Lu tells her she better not dare. Santi and Candi, arriving from their walk under the anvils wonder what Lu is talking about. Isa arrives just in time to blow it all off as Pau just making too much of a literal situation, that she’s just egging Lu on, and Roc isn’t her blood sister, but that doesn’t matter. Santi agrees and says you are more than sisters and are even twin sisters and don’t listen to Pau. Isa begs Lu to come with her. Candi notes Pau is worsening and Santi wants to throw her out but says he can’t.

Tono visits Charly and gives him mucho dinero to buy a camera for his HIV film. The money Tono saved for two years to buy a motorbike. Charly is impacted and Greg listens off in the distance. Charly says he can’t accept, but Tono insists and says he could help with the film, so Charly says fine then they are a team and they will do this together.

Babs and Candi agree they need to do something on menopause, because of what the woman came in talking about. Chayo runs in announcing Mary Boquitas. Holy sh*t. I can’t believe they have this chick on the show. She is one of the Trevi-Andrade scandal and fled with them from Mexico, accused of being involved with maintaining a ring of underaged sex-slaves. Here’s a link if you don’t know this whole story. This is another situation where real life is a telenovela. Que extrano. She tells her story that she was married at 15 for love and thought it would last, and later, forgetting to sew on a button meant beatings for her.

Fede continues with his pressure and Luc continues refusing him. He tries the old show me you trust me by proving it. Lu says oh no, my Abue taught about tests of love. Good on Abue!! He says not love, just trust. Bastard, she kisses him. Ugh I wanted to punch this guy.
If there are any youngish girls reading this, here’s my PSA…don’t fall for this BS. If a guy really loves you, he will wait, and his every conversation will not be, when can we do it. Don’t get me wrong, young boys especially, have a really strong biological impulse that is hard for them to control when they are in close kissy contact with girls, but sometimes they need us to help them with that, by seeing their weakness and not giving in to it. A guy wanting to have sex with you does not = the guy loves you. If you feel even a little weird about it, trust your instincts, they are probably right and you’ll wish you didn’t do it later. OK, I’m done for now. Can I start my own instituta? Hell, I think I just did!

Ok, Mary gets to tell more of her story, that she was prohibited from even saying hello to another man, much less with a salutary kiss, and that she kept on believing she was in love, and that he would change.

Ma and Don talk about Tina’s treatment. He also wants to know about Jaime’s son. She shushes him that the walls have ears. Don thinks she should just invite Zam’s Ma to visit and see how nice he lives. Every Ma likes to see her kid living in a decent place. Isa thinks this place isn’t so decent with THAT woman here. She tells him to get back to work.

Now it’s time to hear more about Mary, so the girls ask what a typical day was like for her. Now this part I think she isn’t acting anymore, and this is taken from her days of subjugation under Andrade, that she would have to write down on a piece of paper what time she would get up, what time she would bathe and for how long if that day it was her turn to bathe, and how long it would take her to cook a meal without having the right to taste anything she was cooking. If she received a phone call and was given permission to answer it, she had to repeat everything the person asked her or said to her and what she answered, and if in that conversation she wished the person well, and it was a man, that meant beatings for her, because she was a slut for saying so, why else would she wish a man well? She goes on to explain that if he was mad at her for not sewing on a button, or not doing the yard nice, she would be forced to eat only bread or water, or whatever his leftovers were. Here she is crying something fierce, and you notice in the editing, the next sentence she has dry eyes and her voice has lightened a bit. I think they cut the first take out here and let her recover a bit and started over again. Later you see Candi with a tear, and then it’s gone in the next instant so the continuity here is lacking quite a bit, but I think it really shows you this scene was emotionally charged in reality.

Mary continues that the beatings would get worse each time, first with the hand, then with a chain (like a necklace) then a belt, then cables, and she was naked. Sole asks her how she felt when the scandal started. She says she has never talked about the root of the scandal and the only reason she is here is because aside from wanting to get things off her chest and feel better, she wants everyone not to take this as a scandal. She lived such harshities, difficulties and rude things that she wishes on noone. She suddenly felt so alone and everything was handled with the celebrity names, that she was in jail, but she wasn’t in jail, Maria Raquenel (her birth name) was in jail. She felt free there actually because she could at least actually go to the bathroom without asking for permission, she could eat, and she could talk to people with less fear, even though they were accused killers. Her soul started to feel free and her faith was free to exist, and in secret, in her cell, she could at least talk to the God that they had taken away from her for so long. Wow, that’s heavy. Here's where Candi begins to cry...

Now the boys and Pato are chatting about futbol around Ali who is showing off Patito's baptismal clothes and Ali says she doesn’t care about futbol, and Pato says yes, she cares, she just doesn’t understand so explain it to her. The kids begin to tell her and she screams she wants a girl!!

Mary continues that God didn’t forget about her, and when she reached rock bottom, mind and body in the dirt as low as she could go, she started realizing that she had worth and value, and she would use little pieces of Cds, because mirrors weren’t allowed in jail, and she’d think she’s not so bad after all, and eventually she was able to cleanse her dirty soul. It was like a trash can full of disgusting garbage, adding a few drops of holy water doesn’t make a difference, you have to empty the trash can all the way first; start to wash it from the inside, and then start to put in clean things. Very nice analogy.


Candi thanks her for sharing her story with them and reiterates to the group that they don’t have to stand for violence. End PSA.

So I have to put this in for the guys...not too long ago she posed for the magazine H Extremo, and you can gather from the cover that, yeah, she's not so bad after all.

After commercial, Candy is now at home and chatting with ma and tells her they picked a wedding date and are arranging the details. Ma is happy they decided, but curiously doesn’t ask when? Wouldn’t that be your first question? Anyway she tells Ma they are planning a dinner out tonight to tell the kids. Now, knowing the kids reservations, why would you do this in public? Hmmm….

Chris and Meno go shopping as do Charly and Tono. Chris is trying to spif Meno up and Charly picks out an expensive small camera. The two interesting things about this montage were Chris taking off his nose bandage to scratch and Tono seeing them in the store and rushing off Charly so he doesn’t see.

Jaime and Ma talk about going to Monterrey. Donato wants to know when he should pack his stuff. Jaime wonders how Don knows all this stuff, and Issy shrugs it off the the walls with ears again.

Meno tries out his George Michael look on his posse.
He and Chris come in with the two on one IPOD trick. Lulu, Greg and Zam were calmly breaking for lunch. They are less than impressed with the new look and act like they saw him in the public mens room, you know, doing what GM did.

Lalo is jealous and yells at Chayo. My studies or you? Chayo chooses both. She says if he’s going to be crazy, he should at least be mature crazy and not childish crazy, and she storms off.

Chava with Pato, he has to take a bath and doesn’t want to Pato sort of indulges him, but Greg keeps him in check.

Candi comes home and asks again for a divorce. Pato maintains he is not mad, he’ll give the divorce, but he’s still doing this for Chava, not to keep her from Santi.

Chava comes back down with the wet washcloth look, but Candi doesn’t buy that he took a full bath and takes him by the ear back upstairs.

Rocio comes up to chat and Santi says yes, we are going to dinner with Candi and Chava, and no your Mom can’t come. Turns out she was put up to it by Pau. Pau wants to know the goods and pitches a fit when she finds out and tells Rocio that Candi wants to be her Ma, of course Roci doesn’t want that, so cries for her Mom not to die.

Sole wants therapy from Babs re Raul, are they going to fast? She’s worried about Beto rejecting Raul. Babs basically says, talk to him about it and give him lots of love.

Tono and Charly start filming their masterpiece.

Chava is talking with a mouthful, at dinner and they tell him they’ll wait for him to finish, he shouldn‘t talk that way. They then lay the news on the kids, they are going to marry. Chava shouts at Santi, you aren’t going to marry my Ma. Bet they wish his mouth was still full then.

Candi tries to convince him that he’s not getting a new papa, but he keeps on with his screams until he notices Rocio turning red.
He thinks she’s so mad she turned into a tomato. Rocio appears to have reaction to something and Santi runs off to get medicine.

When they get home Chava runs up to bed, and Santi says good bye, they’ll be ok eventually. Chava continues to be a snot and wants to live with his Pa, grabbing his picture. Candy cries as she goes to make him something to eat so he’s not to bed on empty stomach.

Tono is drinking with Charly and they are chatting about the film.

Santi brings Rocio home and promises her she won’t turn into a tomato like Chava said. Pau sees this and wonders what he did to her daughter. He explains and she asks what he knows and his reply is that he’s a doctor, uh, duh, so he knows what he’s doing. She accuses him of not caring and wants to take Rocio up to get cured by her Mama.

Santi pulls Pau aside and tells Roc to go upstairs. He tells her extremely seriously never again to say he doesn’t care about his daughter again. He stomps off. Pau winces.

Candi brings Chava food, but he’s sleeping already.

Pau asks what they gave her to eat and she starts crying. What did Candi do to you. She replies both of them did it to me, they are going to marry.

Candi sweats this same thing in her bed flashing back to Chava’s outburst.

Rocio is sought by the black gatito. Pa has painted himself, but he finds no Ro, only scares Lu who tells him Rocio went ot see her Ma. He seeks her out over there, and manages to get her to want to sleep with the cat. He likes that and Pau pouts again.

Tono is drinking un monton of tequila.

In his drunkeness he freaks out when he finds out his bar bill is 5000 pesos, not 500. Um, that’s a lot of tequila. He has no money and right on cue Meno comes out with the cleaning implements.

Candi climbs into bed with Chava and tells her she loves him and could never hurt him, and Santi is so great and they could be happy, but she doesn’t know what to do if he isn’t happy. Oh please.

Santi tells Rocio of when she was born and how she was like a wet rat.

In the other bed Candy is doing this with so much more drama. Santi tells Ro she will always be the most important even if he marries Candi. Ro has fallen asleep. Santi complains all the girls fall asleep on him. Uh, I seriously doubt that.

Sole and Raul are sucking face and I guess he feels that thing I was talking about earlier, but being a slightly more mature boy, he knows to walk away before he can’t stop. He tells her he hasn’t you know with anyone since his wife died, and well he just wants all the passion to build up so that when they actually do it it will be amazing. Yeah, that would melt me. Waahhhhh!!!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Las Tontas Wed 5/20 - Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Pau played the game, but her hand was a bust

Kris and I traded nights so no pictures tonight, sorry.

Last night reminders: Al annoys Pat by telling him she asked Candy and Santi to be the little duck's godparents. After all Candy's doubts Santi provides prescription pad proof that Amanda lied. Sergeant Rossini tells Santi that his PI was hit by Gambino Luco Estevanes.

Christian tells Lulu that some guy out front is very interested in the chef at the restaurant and in fact offered him a little money if he could convince the cook to leave. Lulu runs out front. She's taken aback to see it's Cuau and she confronts him with the truth that he only wooed her to get a cook. He hems and haws and admits he forgot a couple of little details, he's married with three little ones. She gives him a well-deserved slap in the face and for a brief moment he looks enamored.

Santi and Candy actually talk and share theories about how they might have been double-crossed...amazing! Sole tells them Pat is outside and after all this time with no kisses they suddenly decide that it's a good time for a smooch. Pat sees them and is super irritated. Santi lets Candy and Pat talk alone and she aks him what new lies does he have about Santi now. He says he wants her to go to the lawyer's with him to discuss custody of Chava. "Get out of my office and my life," she replies. He makes a pouty face.

The unhappy Lozano takes Gabino and his henchmen (esbirros, I learned that from Doña Barbara) to the grave of his father. Gabino tells Lozano to dig.

Candy complains to Greg that she doesn't have the strength to fight for Chava, she's paralyzed. Greg bucks her up and says certainly she has the strength. They are interrupted by a weeping Lulu and surprisingly Candy stops her whining to give moral support to Lulu. Greg calls Cuau a muerto de hambre, meaning (I think) he's stingy to the point of wooing a cook with love instead of offering a competitive salary.

Donato shows Jaime the pic of Zamora's mom and Jaime claims he doesn't know the woman in the picture. Zam rushes in and Donato tries to hide the pic from him but Zam sees it and asks what is Don doing with a picture of his godmother/aunt?

The grave has been dug and clothing is exposed. Gabino recognizes a dirty but strategically placed bracelet as his dad's. Then he conveniently finds a letter in a plastic bag saying Mario paid Lozano a million dollars for his silence. Lozano is in deep doo doo as the henchmen pull their guns and Gabino states "You betrayed the memory of my father." (I think I recognize the scary-looking esbirro as a character actor from Alborada.)

Christian is in the midst of instructing Toño to call him Señor Christian and saying he has Meño's highest trust when Charly arrives and overhears. He's not too happy about Chris and he tells Candy. Candy gives Charly the crappy advice that she's not sure how Meno feels about Chris but Charly should chill out and see what happens, it'll all be fine. Then she runs away. Nice job Candy.

All guns are pointed at Lozano. They force him to call Paulina and say he shot Gabino in self-defense and he needs to see her right away. After he hangs up Gabino points his gun, turns his head and shoots. We hear a few more shots and I think it's safe to assume that Carlos called it yesterday; Lozano must be dead.

Donato tells Isa in a long and convoluted way that the woman in the photo is not Zam's mom but rather his aunt. He suggests Isa check Zam's birth certificate to see if Don Jaime's name is on it. But he has already given Isa a headache and she wanders off.

Isa informs Pau that she's decided to stick around to protect her family from Pau's lies. Lucia eavesdrops as Pau insists she has the power to kick Isa and Jaime out and adds Rocio isn't Santi's kid. "Que?!?" Lucia blurts out loud. Pau smirks as Isa admits to Lucia that Santi isn't the papa and she isn't the grandma of Rocio.

Pau gleefully tells a shocked Lucia that Mario is Rocio's dad and then she's really rude to Luc. Pau tells them not to forget she currently has the upper hand (tengo la sarten por el mango). Isa admits to Luc that she hasn't told Santi because it would kill him. They are crying on each others' shoulders when Rocio walks in and wonders why they are crying.

Margarita and Pat have a long conversation about Art being involved with the mafia and how she never bothered to ask questions about Art's money because she loved the good life. She adds if Art is a danger to his family it's good that he disappeared. She asks if Pat is going after Chava to hurt Candy. Pat tells her it's because Santi is also involved with these mafia guys and since Candy is Santi's novia then Chava is in danger. Margarita is impactada.

Luc and Isa try to convince Rocio that everything is OK but she ends up crying anyway. They say they're crying over Luc's novio. Rocio says she has a novio too, no it's not Chava, it's her papa.

Candy is surrounded by the chattering Institutas. They are talking about the PSA du jour, violence against women. Barb says they don't have to look far for examples and reveals that the reason she divorced her first husband is because he was beating her. The institutas are impactadas.

Later Meño gives his dance class, Chris seems to be having a great time, and Candy watches and smiles. Charly watches and snarls.

Charly bitches about Chris to Candy. Her advice is to invite Chris to dinner and to relax, everything will be fine. Sheesh. He then excitedly updates her on his HIV work, he plans to make a documentary about young people like him and how they live after finding out they are HIV positive. He'd love to ask Lucia to help but he doesn't like her boyfriend.

Rocio continues to weep and talk to Lucia in her perfectly trembly little voice. She begs Lucia to help her convince her papa to let her mama stay with her. Santi overhears and Rocio accuses him of kicking mom out so Candy can move in. She cries until he agrees to talk to Pau.

Charly tells Meño they should invite Chris to dinner. Meño will cook of course. Meño entices them with a menu of Chicharrones con Verdolagas (purslane) y Salsa Roja with tortillas made by hand and rice pudding for dessert, yum! Candy's already licking her big chops and Meño adds, "Actuallu, I'm not going to do anything. You cook or we'll see what happens."

Gabino comes across Art talking on the phone in some hotel. He wants to know how Art's little project is coming along. He threatens that Art had better not betray him and by the way give his regards to Chava, Beto and Patito.

Santi scolds Pau for scaring Rocio. He says she can stay but she has to lay off Isa and stop making Rocio cry. Rocio was fine until Pau showed up and started turning her against him marrying Candy. Pau caresses his face and tells him Candy left her first husband, what makes him think she'll stay with him? She tells him Candy doesn't love him. He mutters that she's crazy.

Pau goes to meet Lozano and is intercepted by Gabino's henchmen. "Surprise," says Gabino as she gets into his car, "Lozano couldn't make it because he had to bite the dust." (Se tuvo que quedar a morder un poco de polvo) He asks if if a rat has her tongue, he knows she's been playing him. It's Pau's turn to have her face caressed by a predator. He'll let her live if she'll make a little deal with him. He informs her she will be his lover and everytime he calls she has to come right over and satisfy him, deal? In fact right now he's feeling a little sad about his father's death. She agrees but her eyes bug out and she doesn't look like she thinks this is foreplay.

Candy and the girls (and Santi) are on the air. She blabs about all the traits she like in a boyfriend as she allows Santi to kiss her arm Gomez Addams style. They all giggle. Bleck.

I guess Chayo wasn't there because she is at home trying to study while Lalo tries to pick a fight. He says he knows when a man (her teacher) is going after a woman. She says sure he does because he wrote the book. He says he's had it with her flirting and he's serious. I think if he's really worried about losing her then pissing her off is probably the wrong approach.

Now it's the Abandonado's turn on the air and Candy gets to sit in. Santi has an important question to ask that he wants all of Mexico to hear, would she like to marry him? Over on the other side of town Pat listens in anguish as, in split screen, Santi proposes. Quick cuts of a happy Candy are juxtoposed with Pat's tears.

Next day Babs talks to some woman about menopause. The woman is suffering from hot flashes, she's not interested in her husband even though she loves him, etc. Babs says she'll make an appointment for the woman. It's a new day and a new PSA.

Over at the office Lalo complains about Chayo while Santi snores on his desk. Santi tells him not to be immature, so what if his woman wants to work and study, is that so bad? Lalo complains because all she wants to do in the bed is sleep. They used to do it 3-4 times a week but now only once and even then quickly. "Sunday morning," adds Santi. Lalo is impactado, how did he know? OK, sorry folks but I'm done with this conversation.

Now Babs is counseling Raul about his relationship with Beto. She says before he works on his relationship with Beto he needs to define his relationship with Beto's mother. Soledad has suffered a lot with relationships and she's looking for something for the rest of her life; what's Raul looking for?

Chris is negotiating a 3-day work week with Meño, however Meño is absorbed in a phone conversation and not paying attention. When Meño says "Si Señorita" into the phone Chris chooses to believe that Meño is on board with his three day working and four days going to the gym and salon. Chris then suggests that Meño should do something about his grandfatherly appearance. It's time for a Meño makeover.

Charly grumpily brushes by Chris and tells Toño he needs money for a camera for his documentary. Maybe this will be important later.

When Meño gets off the phone he asks Toño if he looks old. "Si Señor!" Toño responds..."er No Señor!" he back pedals until Meño excuses him, he's heard enough.

Babs is having a busy day. Now she's back talking to the menopausal woman. Menopause is only a phase in a woman's life, blah blah blah. Another quick PSA and another quick cure.

Meño and Chris are at the Antua Salon. They are choosing a new hair color and style for Meño. He gets color, a frosting, then a moussing. Chris loves it and Meño is impactado at his new frosted and spiked hair. "Wow, what a look," exclaims Chris, " Tibis, tibis, tibis!" (What in the heck does that mean?) He thinks Meño looks thirty. "Oh no," corrects Meño humbly, "thirty-two!" He admires himself in the mirror.

Over at the big house garden Santi and Candy blithely stroll under the anvils discussing their wedding plans while Lucia and Pau argue nearby. Lucia warns Pau "You'd better not say anything to my sister! She'd die if she learns..." Naturally Santi overhears and asks what's so serious that Rocio can't know? What are they talking about?

Mañana: Chava the little dictator acts out in a restaurant.

esbirro = henchman, minion
un muerto de hambre = a skinflint (Lit. someone dying of hunger)
tengo la sarten por el mango = I have the upper hand (Lit. I have the pan by the handle)
Se tuvo que quedar a morder un poco de polvo = He had to bite a little dust


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MEPS, Wed. May 20, - The Gathering Storm

The threatening lightening and clouds may prohibit me from posting a recap in two hours so here is the header and a penny for your thoughts...

Well the storm blew sideways as usual but it seems like this episode is a gathering storm so I'll keep this theme.

The plot is thickened with some love scenes remembered and imagined. This isn't exactly Winston and Clementine but then I don't know how many women admirers Winston had and I do know that Franco/Eduardo has women that want to both jump him and throttle him lining up at his doorway so get out your umbrella. Damn the torpedoes and the consequences: Eduardo loves Fernanda and shows us right away, he is in no mood to be sensible.

We begin with a smarmy little scene in the horse stables, Camilho interrupting the sweet kiss between Aurora and Santi. Santi tells him his jokes aren't funny. Camilho tries to slough off that little brother's problem is that he takes things too seriously.

When Franco asks what she would feel, Fernanda promises emphatically she would feel infinite hatred if she found out that Eduardo had duped her into thinking he was dead.

Ahhh, Cigarman does want to know where the investigator is. He and his loving Barbara discuss the he (Manzanares) had called Cigie and told him he had important information on Santoro. Barbara perks up. He was supposed to call me back last night but he didn't. What could be the delay? Barbara assures him she is on top of it.

Camilho asks to do something Aurora put him off, Santi and Aurora skip out of the stable doors laughing all the way while Camilho promises to make Aurora fall (caes). In his egoistic state he seems to be playing with thinking he can make her fall for him

Lucio makes it to the jewelry store to cash in on the necklace. Dressed up and no blood visible, but looking mighty nervous, he asks to see the price of a necklace then sneakily asks if they buy jewelry. The manager cordially asks him to have coffee.

Margarita and Jacinto sit in the parish office telling the padre that the her sister Gardenia met up with this man when he searched her employer's house and now he is dead. Where is the body, we better call the police. He is in a grave in the piece of land (solar) that was Soledad's . Who was he? Rene Manzanares. What name, asks padre, scratching his brain. Rene Manzanares, and finally padre has to look at his name ahhhh lets go says the padre, ready for a rumble with dead bodies. He has no idea how lucky he is, does he?

Franco wants to ask a question of Fernanda. She assures him that with all the consideration he has had for her family, he can ask any question he wants. "What was it that Camilo found in my house?" She says, It was correspondence, I don't know if it was a letter or email but the document said that you were in this country to find a wife. Franco plays innocent. What's wrong with that. It isn't a sin (delito, note I always get confused with delito and deleite which is delight, but then sin and delight are close in so many ways, ¿no?) to marry. Emboldened, he takes her for a little walk. I have a confession. The note didn't have any importance but now the important thing is that what the paper said is true. The woman that I came to marry has become an impossibility, but that woman is you. but I arrived late and ahhhhh I love you Fernanda, I love you. Good kiss, she's really into it. then pushes him away. He acted on impulse, he is so sorry. He didn't mean to offend her but has explanations. She takes the paranoid path that he is making fun of her, Are you diverted sufficiently. I trusted you and felt comfortable sharing all my memories. (recuerdos). I believed too that I could share my secrets, he protests his innocence. She doesn't hide how crazy his actions are to her. She says now you are loco and this is totally off base (no tiene ni pelo). How many times have we seen the hero fall on his own petard, but ours carries on blithely. saying, to fall in love Platonically is for locos or children. Why have never seen each other before you came here she protests. But for a long time I have desire you since I met you.

We hear Damian's voice reading, "Not everything is said, Barbara, I am going to fight you!." Barb yawns as she reads Damian's e-mail

Santi discovers that the telegrams that Aurora found in the cupboard before she ran away all have the date of the 7th of the month of today is.... the 7th. So they can go to Mexico City, DF to the address where these telegrams have all been sent to see the person who sends them and maybe it will lead them to Rebeca Sanchez.

Lucio's is set up, as he nervously prods about the value, the manager tells him he will go get his money. Lucio is so excited about getting 8 million pesos, he begins to play the jeweler and use the optical device, soon the manager returns with the guards who seize Lucio and handcuff him. Lucio begs them to call Barbara to prove that she gave him the necklace and he is innocent. Manager Berger calls Barbara who is working at her computer, kind of like I am now but I don't have all the fine jewelry on. Berger proudly tells her, I have your necklace. Did you catch the rat? The guards have transferred him to the police station (delegación). The rat will receive his just punishment.

Franco isn't doing so well convincing Fernanda that he fell in love with the stories of the love of the Jinete Justiciero (Eduardo) like Don Quixote who loved Dulcinea so. Fernanda plays a good leading woman who isn't going to listen to reason at this moment (or emotion as it actually is) I am still married to Damian, she point to her wedding band still on and still big and ugly. Do you think I am a pushover? Franco is crushed, (hellzbellz, I am amazed she didn't just melt) Well now I have lost the chance at your friendship. And she assures him that he can forget it. She and her horse march off with disgust and he and his horse look vanquished or maybe his horse looks disgusted too.

Damian waits while belting a few strong sips of something high octane, He counts up, "they had a coffee, he took her (encontrarse) the documents, so, where in the devil could Vladimir be? He looks at his screen Oh Barbara answered me a lot sooner than I thought she would But her tone is her usual sneer, "She has no time for his blackmail (chantajes). Damian spews, Maldita perra, (You know this one)

Vladi waits for Pris as she emerges from a store with many expensive looking bags. He scolds her that she shouldn't be lifting heavy things and endangering THEIR baby. She still is rude, he adds that he has decided that he can't quit (renunciar) his regular job to do this spying at Lactos. She wonders whether he is expecting a big fee for his services. He looks hurt but undaunted.

Ahhh, the notes were not a hallucination, Doris, her car is completely covered in little colored post -it notes. Pris is stern and annoyed. Vladimir gently fingers the colorful notes and looks sad. Someone with a sense of humor and some love for our poor Vladi could have really gotten a giggle out of this lovesick puppy prank.

Franco tries to salvage the situation in the horse stable which have gotten a lot of action today. Fortunately, Cam the Cad doesn't stick his nose in. Fernanda says she is so grateful for his help He assures her he will continue with all his support. And he assures her that he will remember what is his real role in her life. She rethinks her harshness.

Padre and Margarita and Jacinto show up in Soledad's old yard peer over the edge of the hole, see the body which is looking pretty green and I swear he took a deep breath, bad edit or no edit. They begin to prepare Padre for a little graveside blessing, Said Padre retells that Manzanares was there to see about his son getting into school. But he was some kind of police, says Jacinto. No, the good Padre assures him, he was a rural teacher. Margarita helps padre put on his prayer scarg (sorry, I don't know priestly clothing names) and they all begin to pray for the peace of Manzanares soul with the bible in hand.

Gardenia is still mad as a wet hen. Having miraculously recovered from her truly frightening ordeal and looking quite fetching. Finally Franco tells Gardenia that Margarita, Jacinto, Flor and her are all like his siblings. And she tells him that she doesn' feel like sister and what about that letter she sent him that he never answered. He tries to tell her that after all that time it is a thing of childhood. and surely she doesn't have illusions. (Nice try big fella) She says Fernanda managed to get to him, (alcanso) no? She knows Fernanda still has feelings and so does she. They were equals he was to be hers. but now they are equals because they both want people they can't have.

Back at Elizalde's, Fernanda gets home and she argues with Eduardo's picture. If you loved me like Quixote loved Dulcinea why didn't you tell me. I would have left everything for you.

Gardenia pursues her mad woman dumped and flips her sexy, sassy curls, and if he doesn' love them does he at least like them. did going off to gringolandia really change him? She stomps off when Steve comes in.

We have to notify his family, says Padre. He was not from these parts (lares) adds Jacinto. The little graveside ceremony ends and Jacinto tells padre that he knows a estate nearby who where Gardenia works and Manzanares was searching. Padre is hopeful that Jacinto can find out something about Manzanares there.

Franco tells Steve the story about Mananarez and the Gardenia being attacked in his mom's house, when Manzanares defended her but then died. Franco cries, It is getting too complicated.

Steve says what are you waiting for man, more murders. and you going to help Liliana are you going to escape or triumph. Franco admits that to escape isn't his road. Steve is the best of cheerleaders, you only have to risk everything (arriesgarlo to triumph my firned.

Big kettle drum, door knock and it is Erikka the dreamer at the door. She is dying to tell Fernanda, surely you know about the party planned by Franco Santoro. I can't believe how exciting and what face you are making, don't you like the idea of a fiesta or you don't have confidence in Santoro?

Esteve is assuring Eduardo/Franco he will organize the fiesta with lots of alcohol and booze and they will vanquish (derrotar) the enemies of Liliana and find the hidden enemy. we will draw them out, there is a shadow of evil. You will arrive at the heart of the matter.

Off at the police station Lucio waits, Barbara walks in, he assumes she has come to rescue him, you came to tell them that you gave me the necklace. Do you know why I am here . I don't know , You came into my house and threatened me with a pistol. But, he sputters contritely, it was the only way he could do it. Finally Barbara says, I will help you but there is something you must tell me. Why are you fleeing?

Steve says tell me something educational (edificante) tell me beautiful stories. How was your meeting with Fernanda? Woefully, Eduardo's answer, is: FATAL.

Erika is pouring it on about how why Fernanda doesn't want to come with her to see her triumph . But, Errika has a thought, is it how you feel about Damian? Fernanda seems fed up with Erika's idiocy too: You don't have to slit your wrists to still feel pain at what happened. Erika wants her girlfriend in action. She cheer leads, you have to continue on. Tell me you will go. It is so important that you come with me . She says well you have to be there I think the party is a pretext so he can present me as his fiance .. Fernanda who is interestingly dressed in low cut pastel clothes suddenly, sweeps out of her own bedroom to avoid further conversation with Erika. why are you so mysterious.

Steve. what were you thinking proposing this fiesta already. Franco admits he could not control his impulses. He took her in his arms and kissed her and realized he had forgotten nothing. He rants that he has said over and over that Fernanda means nothing to him but one moment in front of her and he realized that none of that is true. For Eduardo this woman is impossible, for Franco Santoro this woman is absolutely prohibited. [This fiesta is taking on shadows of horror of the wedding fiasco.]

Next: Fernanda talks to Eduardo at the church touching his name on the marble. Gardenia curses Ed/Franc to Margarita and Jacinto with the woman scorned ugly threats. Franco doesn't relish the mess he finds himself in as the clouds roll in.


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