Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mañana es Para Siempre, Tuesday, September 22--Ep #150: Do you take this woman? And if so, why?

So, Aurora knows who her daddy is and she won't leave without meeting him and talking to him first.

Santi and his pimp argue about Santi seeing Aurora. Pimp!Fer thinks Aurora is fine where she is. Santi feels bad about all the hurt he caused Aurora. But Pimp!Fer says they'll be together soon and watch their baby grow up together.

Barbie is agitated, she wants Aurora to let Barbie take care of her. Aurora says she hasn't taken it all in yet. Barbie just wants her to run away with her to someplace nice to live together. Aurora says she realizes that Barbie is a victim, but she (Aurora) never had anything, and now all of a sudden she has a Mom and it turns out it's her dad who ruined both their lives. "Well, of course I'm not just going to say 'yes, Mom, I'll go with you'!" Barbie says they don't have time and they have to leave ASAP. Aurora refuses, loudly, and the Madre Superior comes in and throws Barbie out, saying enough is enough for today. Aurora asks Barbie to tell "that man" that she wants to talk to him. Barbie grabs Aurora's hand on the way out, but leaves without saying anything. MS tells the other Sister to walk Barbie to the door. Aurora cries.

Gardenia comes back to Grupo Lactos. Flor wonders where she was, but Gardenia lies and says she went to the pharmacy.

Franco tells Esteve, Venus, and Martina that he's getting married on Saturday. The gals wish him the best, they hope he'll be happy in his marriage, etc. Have they not been paying attention? He asks them all for a favor, the final favor. He's leaving Las Animas on Tuesday, so Martina won't have a job anymore, but he's setting up a bank account for her so that she and Silvestre will be taken care of, she can get her nursing degree, etc. Martina thanks him, but Franco says it's the least he can do. He asks Venus to leave with Esteve on Tuesday and go to New York and tells her they're going to be the happiest couple ever. Franco says on Monday night, it's all over. Martina asks what he's doing, but Franco says it doesn't matter, he just wants them to know that he's deeply grateful for their loyalty and everything they've done for him. Martina and Venus look worried.

Flor didn't buy the pharmacy story and hassles Gardenia for an explanation. She's worried about what Gardenia might have been out doing. Gardenia says she spilled all the frijoles to Erika…well, only the frijoles about Fer and Franco having a thing. And she justifies doing this because Franco doesn't even love Erika. Gardenia shares the shock of hearing Erika say that she's marrying Franco no matter what. But Gardenia plans to go to the wedding and scream out the truth for everyone to hear. Fer, wandering into the kitchen, wonders what truth that would be. And who can deny a truth to a woman in a pimp hat?

Barbie cries about not wanting to do what Aurora asks or she'll lose her forever. She just keeps sobbing "my daughter, my daughter…."

Aurora has dinner with the nuns. She tells the MS and Sister H that she always knew she'd found her mom as soon as she met Barbie, but she thought she was being stupid--how could a woman like that be her mother? She always thought finding her mom would be the happiest moment of her life, but then she lost hope. And then she heard Barbie's story, which is way worse than hers. Aurora says she can't hate Barbie, but she doesn't believe her either. She doesn't know what she'll do with her life.

Pimp!Fer will not be denied and keeps asking Gardenia "What truth?" Gardenia laments opening her mouth. Fer has been so good to her and here she's involving Fer in gossip. She runs off, saying she just can't tell. Flor makes excuses, but eventually caves and says that Gardenia told Erika that Fer and Franco are in love. Pimp!Fer is impactada.

We get a shot of a cloudy sky…stock footage to indicate some time has passed. Or, in the case of this show, time for a wardrobe change. Fer knocks on the door of Las Animas, sans hat. I'm almost sorry about that…with no hat, how am I supposed to mock? Oh, well, I can only hope the wardrobe department has done as crappy a job of dressing her as ever. Franco, freshly sweaty from a workout, invites her in. Fer says she has to tell him something important. He wants her to calm down first (and if this were earlier days, he would have spent a half hour on that and she wouldn't have gotten her news out until next week). She tells him they've got a problem and asks if he's talked to Erika. He has. Fer tells him that Gardenia told Erika that they (Fer and Franco) are in love.

Gardenia is happy. A little too happy. She eats breakfast with Jacinto and Margie and says she's happy because she's going to enroll in school. Soon she'll be a "muchilingue" secretary. Jacinto and Margie crack up laughing (bilingue = bilingual; muchilingue = many-lingual, and no, that's not a proper word). Flor comes over for breakfast. She yells at Gardenia for being a coward and tells Jacinto and Margie what Gardenia did. And that's not all, now Fer knows. Gardenia tries to blame Flor for ratting her out. Jacinto hurts himself yelling at Gardenia. Even Margie joins in, screaming "When are you going to learn to shut your mouth!" Gardenia leaves. Flor tells them that the wedding is still on. Jacinto wonders if Erika also knows about Franco's real identity, but she doesn't, as far as Flor knows. Margie surmises that Gardenia is saving that little nugget of intel for Fer.

Fer and Franco discuss the trouble they're in. Did Erika believe Gardenia? Franco calls her to find out. She babbles slightly less first thing in the morning, but is her usual gushy self. Franco says he'll talk to her later, hangs up, and tells Fer that from the way Erika talked to him, he doesn't think she believed Gardenia. Fer says if she were Erika she'd also be pretending she didn't believe it and she wouldn't confront him…not him. Franco doesn't know what to make of that.

Barbie stares at Gonzo while he eats breakfast and says he couldn't sleep all night for thinking about Camilo. Barbie is thinking about Aurora. Tomasa comes in to tell them that Comandante Lozoya is here to see Barbie. Barbie wants to see him in the library, but Gonzo overrides her and says they'll see him in the dining room. Barbie says Lozoya is there about Macario and breaks the news to Gonzo that he's dead and they found the body. Tomasa serves Lozoya coffee. Tomasa hadn't heard about the death and is briefly impactada. Lozoya says he died as a result of trauma incurred in the fall and no one knows why he was there. Barbie again offers to pay for the burial, but Lozoya says that the body has been given to the family. Tomasa asks what's going to happen with Rocia, the granddaughter, but her aunt and uncle have taken her to Veracruz. Lozoya just came over to update them. Tomasa can't take it anymore and runs off to the kitchen to cry. Barbie thought bubbles that this is one less problem.

Fer explains how Erika is actually behaving intelligently. There's no reason to hassle Franco since Franco is going to marry her and Fer isn't going to try to break it up. Fer thinks that Erika probably thinks that the thing with her and Franco was an accident. Franco tells her that it's no accident, he loves her intensely, desperately, like a condemned man loves life.

Speaking of…Damian buys a soda at the jail snack shack. And who should be running the snack shack but our old friend Lucio! He reminds Dam who he is and asks why he's there. Damian asks how long Lucio has been there. Lucio says he's getting out soon for good behavior. Dam wonders what he did. Lucio says that Barbie gave him some jewelry to sell and then turned him in for stealing it. Damian tells him that Barbie doesn't just do stuff like that without a reason and wonders what Lucio knows that makes him dangerous to Barbie. Lucio says he knew too much, about a lot of things…like that Dam and Barbie were sleeping together, for instance. Lucio laughs and laughs, saying that Barbie really got him, yes sir, and he wouldn't be at all surprised if one day Gonzo ends up in jail courtesy of Barbie.

Franco tells Fer that he's going to be out of her life soon, but first he'll save Lili. Then he'll try to live with Erika and learn to love her. But he doesn't want to leave without telling Fer that being near her has been enough for him to fall in love with her. He knows this is their destiny, for him to know she exists, but he can't reach her. Although, right now, he wants to just indulge himself, even if he's going to have to come back to reality soon. He tells her he loves her and he asks her to let him say goodbye…. "Goodbye?" She asks. "Yes, goodbye forever." He plants a big 'ol kiss on her. And she reciprocates. And Erika doesn't come knocking on the door. Still going with the kissing. Still no Erika. And we fade directly to….

The church! And the wedding march! And a caption that reads "a few days have passed." Seriously? Don't they usually give us more warning when a wedding is coming up? The nice "You are cordially invited" at the beginning of the episode? But here we are. There's a string quartet playing rather screechily. Franco stands at the altar, trying not to stare too much at Fer in the front row. The church is a little sparse, but it's looking pretty respectably stocked. Martina and Venus are also there. And it looks like Augustin caved and is walking Erika down the aisle. Well, Erika and her ginormous cleavage and her even more ginormous pregnant belly and her super-mega-ginormous bouquet that she's attempting to use to hide that belly. And as Mr. 5ft points out, a shot straight down does nothing to hide that belly. Or the cleavage, I say. Fer looks upset. And actually, the bouquet isn't that big, it just has tons of trailing ribbon and Erika is holding it exactly the way the minister's wife told me not to at my wedding…"Hold the bouquet down a little, you don't want it to look like 'boob, flowers, boob'." But hey, when you gotta hide a belly, you do what you gotta do. More shots of Fer looking upset.

Jacinto, Margie, and Flor (in a dress! And makeup!) are running late and worrying that they won't be able to stop Gardenia's evil plans. But Gardenia is still back at the house and locked in. And her dress is ok, but it seems like the wrong shade of green. She tries looking for the keys, doesn't find them, and then declares that she's going to screw up the wedding one way or another. The kitchen window has no bars and some twisted wire keeping it shut.

The wedding starts. Esteve would have looked better without a gauze turban.

At the jail, Jacobo and Damian conference. Barbie isn't taking Dam's calls. Jacobo encourages him to call her at home or talk directly to Gonzo. But he doesn't think Gonzo would believe him. He wants Jacobo to give a note to Priscila. Damian doesn't want to spend any more time in jail. He's sure that Pris will want to come visit him when he gets the note and that Anibal will help her get him out of there faster. He tries to hustle Jacobo off, but Jacobo is stuck to his seat. Because Damian forgot to wait for Jacobo's last line "we'll get you out of here," after which he repeats that he doesn't want to be stuck there any longer.

The wedding continues. Erika looks like the only happy person. Everyone else looks worried or just blank.

Gardenia caught the bus into town and heads for the church.

Padre Bosco continues the wedding. Now we see that Dolly is also smiling, but not as consistently or crazily as Erika.

Padre Bosco gives a sermon about what a marriage is and isn't. "Is it a custom that we go through the way we go to school? Is it something we have to do because that's what everybody else does and we just don't question it? Or could it be that a marriage is a party that we want to throw because in some way it gives us prestige or relevance? What reasons bring a couple to make the decision to stand before an altar, surrounded by friends and family and say out loud that they promise to form a family in Christ's name?" Big warp-speed zoom on Erika. Is Padre Bosco getting to her?

Gardenia is close enough to hear Padre Bosco from outside as she keeps walking toward the entrance of the church.

"I have the impression that sometimes they come to a marriage to satisfy desires that don't have anything to do with love. And that's why I ask Erika and Franco to take a moment, a moment that should be enough to ask themselves what brings them to this altar." Erika looks like she really is thinking about it, and maybe coming to the sane decision.

We hear Padre Bosco's voice from outside as the wedding car's chauffeur gets out and Gardenia walks by, paying way too much attention to the car. "I hope it's love and not a petty [mezquino] desire that has brought us into the presence of God, our Lord, and that it is humility and not vanity that motivates us to make these vows of faithfulness."

"That it be freedom and not the slavery of a dream that guides us to this altar. Please rise." Padre Bosco comes down and starts asking the pertinent questions. Franco first…"Do you promise…until death separates you?" He steals a glance back at Fer as Erika smiles broadly at him. Franco accepts. Fer is shocked. Erika looks like everything is going just as she expected. Now Padre Bosco asks her. And Erika gives a big toothy grin to her parents as Margie thought bubble prays "Dear God, you know how much Eddie loves Fer, but if it's your wish that they not be together, then thy will be done." *sigh* Sometimes Margie is just too much of a good girl. But then again, she's in one of the few stable relationships in this show, so I guess sometimes nice gals do finish first.

Gardenia comes running in and marches straight up the aisle. She does pause to genuflect [kneel and cross herself] and in that moment, Jacinto puts a hand over her mouth and drags her into the pews. Erika is still smiling and looking around, but she stops smiling as she looks a Fer looking at both her and Franco, looking devastated. Erika says before they continue, she wants to talk to Franco for a moment. Padre Bosco whispers "What's wrong?" Erika tells him not to worry, so Padre Bosco ushers them into the sacristy [little getting-ready room, often just off the altar] as he tells the assembled crowd that they'll continue in a few minutes. Fer looks anxiously around.

In the sacristy, Padre Bosco says he'll entertain the crowd while they take all the time they need. "And may God bless you." Padre, I think we're gonna need more than that! Erika and Franco look at each other.

Jacinto drags Gardenia out of the church. She gets away from him, but then Flor and Margie are blocking the way back into the church. Jacinto reminds her this is going to hurt them all. Flor opines that Eddie has a right to do que-ever the hell he wants to. Gardenia screams that she's going to go in there and tell everyone "Don Santorito is Eduardo Juarez," causing Flor and Margie to gasp.

Erika tells Franco that he's already accepted her as his wife, but now their destiny hangs on her answer. Franco reminds her he's keeping his word. She knows and says she didn't stop the wedding because she doubts his word. Why, then? She says she hasn't forgotten for a moment the terms of this marriage and she knows they're not marrying for love. Franco reminds her that she said their love can grow. Erika says there's something that was missing in their original agreement. She wants to ask him a question and she's sure he'll tell the truth. "Do you love Fernanda Elizalde?" He doesn't answer. "There's a lot at stake here, because the love I have for her is like the love of a sister and you know it. Do you realize? It's not just our marriage in play here, but a great friendship. Franco, don't be afraid to tell me the truth, because right now a lie could be terrible for our lives. I'll repeat the question. Are you in love with Fernanda?" "Yes, Erika. I love her." Erika gulps air and sobs.

Finally, he grew a pair! No previews as we're in Ultimas Semanas, but I can only guess we'll be getting even more exciting revelations tomorrow!



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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday Sept. 22, '09 The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

That title is from a rather cynical French saying. Although, mind you, I'm not complaining when it comes to Gancho. I love the endless rounds of comical crises, fast resolutions and hysterically funny bits by these comedic actors. We did have something decidedly new tonight. Someone actually got killed.... and oily Oscar was injured (not badly enough, alas) but didn't seem quite real. The comic book character of this telenovela manages to gloss over some pretty horrendous stuff. So with no further ado, let's get down to tonight's carnage.


Our rehash was the painful public humiliation of Gaby as she forces a reluctant Sal to tell her all the dirt on Fernando in front of the whole office. Connie fakes compassion and even excuses herself to "go home" because she's so undone by Gaby's pain. If she's upset by anything, it's actually Beto's clueless announcement that he and Monita are now engaged. On her way out, she manages to whack him in the shoulder. The only genuine emotion we've ever seen her express is in her reactions to Beto. Clearly they are meant for each other.

But are we wrong about Fernando at least? He's calling Gaby. It's all a mistake!.... Nope. Just as Sal predicted. Start the party without him. He's heading for the border. Sal found out about him and he's scramming. With the money, natch. But he'll "send it back". Love ya'. Kiss, kiss.

Well, Mauricio's out some money too and he assures Gaby he'll pursue Fernando till the ends of the earth. This brings on a deluge of kisses which startles Mau, worries Sal and Gaby...heck, there's pleasure to be found even in the worst of times, no? I like the way this gal operates. Ximena, oblivious to social signals, is filming all this, claiming Gaby can watch it later to lift her spirits. Gaby doesn't need a film, she needs a weapon, and finds one in Mau's letter opener which she stabs fiercely into the desk a number of times. Woman Scorned no. 1. Armed and Dangerous.

Woman Scorned no. 2 is our feisty little Monita. Mau has the gall to sneer at her engagement, saying that she made an "eleccion a tu altura" (that makes me so mad I'm not even going to translate it! grrrrrr) She fends off Beto, tries to hide in the coffee room but her two gal pals Estrella and Paula barge in and basically ask WTF?

Okay, Woman Scorned No. 3. Constanza is getting it from both sides. The memory of her forced coupling with Jerry and some dissing from Ximena, as in....Oooh did you see Mau's face when Beto announced his engagement!? And YOUR face, Connie. You were just turning" verde de coraje" (lit. green with rage...we'd say purple with rage, I suppose). Our anti-heroine vows that the "maldita gorilla" (Moni) won't end up with either Mau or Beto.

Back at the office, Gaby is trying to make life miserable for the staff. Sal tries to intervene with some tila tea but she's having none of it. Triple vodka maybe. But not ALL men are bad, he whimpers. No, only 80 per cent are scoundrels, she concedes. The rest are swindlers, lechers, wife-beaters, bums....well, you get the picture. Gaby's a little down on menfolk right now.

And speaking really! I didn't see this coming. Fernando is smooching his cash when there's a knock at the door of his hotel room. The police? Nope. It's oily Oscar, his cohort, come to collect his share of the booty. Suave gentleman that he is, though, he suggests they have a drink first. And while they do, they chuckle over the low I.Q's of Jeronimo and Ximena, and the easy pickins' that Gaby turned out to be. Swine swine swine!!!

Now we're back in the coffee room. Mau has cornered Monita asking the very reasonable question: Why do we hurt each other when we both know we can't live without each other!? The lovers' quarrel continues right where they left off before. I'm gonna come to your wedding and watch you marry the mummy while still wanting me. And I'll be in the front row at yours, watching you marry Beto while still in love with ME! So there!

And then our sexy macho boss grabs her and plants some cruel, possessive, lip-grinding kisses on her before stomping out. I've had a few kisses like that and they feel awful on the receiving end. Maybe for guys they really work. Dunno. Time for a study group?

Now here's a subject worthy of study. Constanzia's revenge on Jerry. He's all confident, sliding his hand up to her knee, her thigh and she's pretending to love it. Let's put on the tape, she purrs, and relive the fabulous moment. Do it, do it! She even throws in a couple of low growls. Gotta say, the actress played this scene to perfection. They're all snuggled up, gazing into the camera and aha! Jerry finally realizes that all his blackmail material has been erased by Gaby's unfortunate going-away party footage. Connie wastes no time, letting him know that both he and Oscar make her sick and neither of them will ever get another cent from Mau or any more nookie from her. We know it won't last but it's a great moment. Never thought I'd be cheering Connie on.

Jerry wastes no time getting starting on a little ponytail abuse of Ximena, vowing to shake her eyes out and lamenting the fact that their parents didn't give her away to the circus or donate her body to science. What a great family. Ximena manages to stop the mayhem by coming up with a plan to expose Connie for the harpy she is. But Xime will be the brains of course. Our choice exactly.

Meanwhile, Gaby has organized the barrio gals to wreak vengeance on Fernando. He's been located at the hotel, room no. 343 and she wants no men involved. This is "una cosa de mujeres". The gals are on board, although Paula has a little hissy fit when Moni chooses Estrella to scout out the spa, while Paula is left to check the bar and Gaby , presumably, the rooms. I mean, Paula has the cop boyfriend has she not!? Why is she always chopped liver?

The film editors dilute the tension of the Fernando chase with a little side trip to Mau's house. He's cuddling Dani and the kids are still trying to talk him out of marrying Constanza. But no matter what, they love him and he's the best dad in the world. let's get back to the fun stuff.

Oscar appears in the hotel lobby and Gaby wants to know what he's doing there. "¿Qué haces aqui?" Mientras tanto, Moni and Estrella are heading into the spa. Estrella is momentarily distracted by a guy wrapped in a robe but Moni keeps her on task. They investigate the sauna. Fernando appears, bars the door shut, turns the temperature up to killer levels and leaves. (And to think I once found him attractive!) The ads come on. Are we waiting with bated breath? Nah, we know the girls will get out of it, but I am wondering what slick lie Oscar will spout.

Well, he's a slick one. He pretends he learned of Fernando's whereabouts and came to pounce on the scoundrel. Gaby's all aglow, thinking how Oscar tried to warn her of Fernando's dubious credentials and now he's here to rescue her honor and her money. Oh Gaby...still clueless, but so endearing.

Back at the sauna (how often do you get to say that?) Monita and Estrella are succumbing to heat prostration. Moni still has enough energy to call for help though. And in the barrio, mother hen Nieves is confronting Connie, aka Michaela, who's come to scout out Beto. Nieves is doing her best to run her off but Beto appears and has other ideas. In fact he has a little mouse in his pocket he wants to show her and he and Con rush off to Moni's room (again!? qué grosera!) to explore this further.

Drama coming up. Mau rescues Moni and a policeman drags out Estrella. Tender cupping of Moni's chin as Mau-Mau tries to revive her. Down in the lobby, Paula spots Fernando. Oscar, taking on the role of hero, punches Fer. But suddenly, Fernando pulls out a gun, a big one! and shoots Oscar in the shoulder (lower, lower damnit!). The police pump several bullets right into Fernando's chest and he falls to the ground. The scene ends with a dramatic overhead shot of his body sprawled on the hotel lobby floor. Rest in peace Retrete Pullido.

Lest we become too dismayed by this turn of events, we immediately return to the Connie/Beto lecherous tussle. In between heaves and gropes, they're each complaining about the others' wedding plans. Finally Beto says, do you want to just remain with this desire or get down to it. Remain with the desire, snaps Connie. And leave me with this pain!? Okaaaaaay, let's get down to it!

And they do.

But will it be coitus interruptus? Because Monita, Mau , Estrella and Paula are now right outside. Estrella's telling Mau for the 81st time what a prince he is to have rescued them. Moni's getting cranky. Estrella wisely vanishes. And Paula, noting Mau's goofy lovelorn look, discreetly fades away as well. Mau wants to talk. Moni wants to fight. She flounces off. He follows, wailing Monita! Our hot to trot couple hears him and hops off the bed. What now? Of course we break for ads.

When we come back, there's more shilly-shallying outside the door. Maul wants to have a heart to heart in Moni's room. No way. His only place is in church...with his mummy fiancée. He argues that everytime he sees Monita, something happens in his body and he can't help it. (Not the most romantic statement, in my opinion, but honest...that's for sure) Nieves shows up and throws a damper on things, plus scares the bejesus out of Beto who's more afraid of being found out by his mom than he is of Mauricio or Monita. Interesting. The best part of this scene was Connie getting irritated with him and Beto responding by saying.... You need to treat me with tenderness, "me dañas, me dañas!" (I love these comic refrains).

Nieves shoos Mauricio away, drags Moni off to her house (Mom knows darned well her criatura is up to no good in Moni's room) and Beto lauds his mother by telling Connie her "suegra" is a genius....but while they only have a couple of minutes, they can pull off a "rapidin" or a qweekie.... and Connie seems to agree.

Nieves meanwhile is giving Moni the third-degree. What are you two doing with each other? Don't give me that guff about saunas and rescues (no me chupo el dedo). I see the way you look at each other and eat each other up with your eyes. Tough if you don't believe me, Monita retorts and does another flounce. This time they meet up with Beto, belt unhooked and fly open. (Connie and he have already tenderly kissed good-bye, her head covered in a towel for anonymity.)

Monita wants to check out Beto's nether regions for signs of betrayal, particularly since he reeks of expensive perfume! Fortunately, at this point the scene shifts. We're at the hospital, with Gaby tenderly hovering over Oscar and proclaiming that no one has ever "given his life for her before". In passing, she also acknowledges that Sal has been very protective of her. Was the money recovered? Well, only half. Clearly he had an accomplice. But who? At this pivotal moment, Jerry enters and throws himself on the stricken Oscar (not stricken enuff, sez I), shakes him and slaps him and wails "don't die!". That Jerry....always knows the right thing to do.

More ads and then we come back to a next morning- decidedly glum Mau, stirring his coffee and trying to explain to Teresa why he's marrying the mummy. Because I know her (not true) and she doesn't lie (also not true). Well, you know ME, ventures Teresa, and I don't lie...but you're not marrying me! Why not Moni? Because she's marrying the Fantasma Vengador. They love each other deeply, sighs Mauricio, and I just want to die, he adds. Oh my. If he weren't so D.U.M.B. I might feel bad for him right now.

And later, at the office, Gaby wants to send Monita (who's tardy for work again) to the car show with some kind of document for Mau. At first she refuses. Beto's the messenger. Send him. Sal doesn't trust Beto. Okay, she'll do it. She's looking fetching in some little green shrug shoulder sweater and Mau's looking fetching as well. Heck, even Rolu and Connie look good. And the Okay, everybody's lovely but Rolu's already drunk and ready to hit on Monita. He presses a drink on her. She turns and accidentally hurls it at Connie. Con's enraged and throws a glass of red wine (stains! stains!) back at Monita. They're on each other like feral cats, shrieking, pulling hair, strangling each other and poor Mau's risking his life trying to separate them. And that's where we end for the evening.

Mau's at the hospital to visit Oscar and overhears Jerry gloating about his sex romp with Connie.
Beto and Estrella are holding a newspaper that says Moni's mother is back and looking for her.
Mau also seems to learn about Connie and Beto's hookup.
And Connie comes to Nieves for help.
Goodness....I can hardly wait for tomorrow night, can you!?


picones = little jabs of jealousy
pelos de muñeca = Beto's nickname for Mau. lit. doll's hair
trancar la puerta = bar the door (what Fernando did to Estrella and Monita in the sauna)
apañarlo =fix him up, rig him up. but in tonight's episode Monita said it and it seemed to me "nab him"
hecho una eleccion a tu altura = made a choice appropriate to your (social) level. Mauricio, sneering at Monita about her engagement to Beto.
lacayo =lackey Jerry, fantasizing about his hookup with princess Constanzia
sentir de la patada = feeling rotten , Ximena crowing about Connie's reaction to Mau's horror at Monita's engagement.
verde de coraje= green with rage, red or purple with anger in our lingo

Dicho of the Day:

Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho. It's a long way from the word to the deed. (And it's going to be a long way before Mauricio and Monita actually marry...but we know they will...don't we?)


Amor Monday, September 21, 2009: Just like in any war, everyone thinks God is on their side

Orlando is at the dipsensario, where Padre Chris is finding something to do. He laments to Orlando that his duties have been cut, which means his mind strays unerringly to Macarena. Orlando says it’s a good time to feel around inside of himself and see if he can locate what he really wants. Chris says he feels divided, guilty, relieved Mac is alive, still in love with her, you name it. And then there’s his calling, which saved him.

Orlando says maybe he should give up the cloth. Chris says he was supposed to resist all temptations. He feels like just running away like he did before.

Camila is at Mac’s. Mac is ironing and Camila is telling her about Romina being so mad at her about not telling her that her father had sent some letters. Mac understands, and Camila says she does too, but she doesn’t trust Samuel as he’s likely to just appear and then evaporate again. Mac counsels her to discuss these worries with Romina.

Camila feels she’s messed up with Romina and now with Orlando and Rafa too. Mac is all ears.

Rufi is talking to the canaries and pigeons in their cages about Edmundo offering marriage after 50 years of her not having seen him. He wants her to go to U.S. and she doesn’t know any English words other than “yes.” His kids might resent her, plus she can’t leave Mac and Paloma at this pivotal moment. She appeals to God to tell her what to do, but He’s not talking through the pigeons today apparently. At least they don’t poop on her idea, which may be a sign in itself. She decides to ask Edmundo for more time to think.

The guy Samuel is mooching off of has had enough. He wants to know where his rent money is, plus the money he loaned Samuel, and why the heck Samuel doesn’t have a job. Samuel fumbles an excuse and the guy says cut the lies. You have 10 minutes to pack and get out.

Camila can’t pick between Rafa and Orlando. They’re both terrific guys and hard workers. She’s confundida. Mac says you’re only allowed one guy. Camila says I’ve been alone so long and now that I’m trying to make a new life, I don’t want to mess up. Mac suggests going out with both just as friends and then decide. Camila protests that Rafa isn’t divorced. Mac says wait then, and let your heart decide.

Padre Chris is heading out, but Padre Mateo stops him and wants to know where he’s going. Chris says to check on the soccer team guys. Padre M says that’s a great program, but right now you need to be focusing on other things. Chris says I need some distraction from thinking all the time. Padre M says I know you spent time with Paloma today.

Chris says she’s setting up an art activity for girls. He tries to leave, but Padre M blocks his way again. Padre M tells him that he needs to avoid all contact with Mac’s family, including Paloma.

Another block by Padre M (he should play soccer). He tells Chris that he has to suspend all his priestly activities, including working with the youth. Wow, looks like he’s under church arrest. Padre M tells him needs to observe silence and be penitent. Chris says I can’t – there are too many things that need doing. Padre M says I’ll take care of them, and you’ll go into seclusion until your mind is enlightened.

Carlota is picking up the paste ring. She thinks it’s great and the thanks the jeweler for getting in done ahead of time. She can’t tell it from the real one.

Paloma has gone to Liliana’s home but the maid tells her Lili’s out. Paloma is agitated and leaves her phone number for Lili to call.

Romina and Em are at that pretty patio café. Romina explains that she was all upset about that thing with her father when she was so snotty at Em’s office. Em understands, but says it was no excuse to be abusive with Vero and Angelica. She makes a cute pouty face and begs for forgiveness.

Romina says if my mother lied about those letters, what other lies has she told me about my father? Em says don’t get carried away, talk to her, ask her about it. Romina says she doesn’t trust her any more. Em says don’t be so hard on her. Romina rubs his hand and says she’ll talk to Camila just because he wants her to.

Em’s cell rings. It’s Angelica and he smiles and says he’ll be right there. Un beso. Romina is taken aback and says what’s with you and her? Are you seeing one another? Em just rolls his eyes and asks for the check. He says he has to get back.

She says You care what happens to me, don’t you? He gets her drift and says There are things that just didn’t work in our relationship. Romina says but they could work! Em says no. You’re a wonderful girl and you know I wish you every happiness. He pays and leaves. Romina has struck out.

Paloma goes by Inez’s to find Angelica, but finds Aaron instead. He tells her that Angelica works at the Plateria now and he’s surprised Paloma didn’t know. Paloma seems a little shaken that nobody told her, and he says you know she and Em seem to have formed a grand friendship.

He asks what’s up and Paloma starts to say she wanted to ask about a girlfriend who… but she decides not to tell him. It’s girl stuff, she says.

Inez comes in and greets her enthusiastically. She offers Paloma a coffee, and Paloma demurs, but Inez prattles on – how is Mac? She was in the hospital, wasn’t she? Paloma is stuck, looks like.

Angelica’s ex-guy Dario takes her by surprise in the street. ¿Qué haces aquí? I have to work! Dario says he offered her work. Oh, thanks, she says, in the office of your brother-in-law. He says I admit you were a great help, but the book was just a pretext. What I miss are you kisses. He takes her face and kisses her, but she fights and slaps him. She says don’t you go kissing me – I’ve forgotten you. No you haven’t he says. You could have a brilliant future with me.

Liliana’s maid gives her Paloma’s phone number. Weird, thinks Lili, dialing. Paloma’s not home and Lili leaves a message with whoever answered. She thoughtbubbles that maybe Paloma figured out that Romina had something going with German. She hopes Paloma will see through Romina.

It seems like it’s evening, or maybe it’s just that Rafa and Joel are in a dark restaurant, having drinks. Rafa says to Joel that he seems very distracted lately. Is it love? Joel says find me a girl and I’ll give it a try. Rafa says did you ever get over Sofia? Joel says I don’t want to talk about her. Okay, says the always-accommodating Rafa. They clink glasses.

Joel says have another drink. Rafa says he has to go, he’ll see him tomorrow. He takes off and Joel stares disconsolately into his glass. A gorgeous blonde with cascading hair approaches his table and says Buy me a drink? It’s Sofia.

It’s nighttime and Carlota comes home. Rufi is surprised to see her earlier than they expected. How were the tests? Rufi asks. Tests? says Carlota. Oh those! Fine. Where is Mac? She heads off to see her.

Good old Rufi hollers up the stairs Macarena, la Senorita Carlota is eager to talk to you. Carlota says what are you yelling about? Upstairs Mac, warned, looks like a combination of gulp and drat.

Carlota comes primly smiling into Mac’s room and says Macarena! Any news? Plenty, says Mac and she gives her a good hearty slap across the chops. Bofetada, say the captions. It’s over, says Mac. Those of us with tiny withered hearts (and I count myself among that number) exalt, even though yes, it is a human being getting hit. That was great. Perdoname.

Carlota says have you lost your mind? Get a grip! Mac says I found out about all your lies. Chris is alive and has come to Real del Monte and now I know that he never abandoned me, he never died like you said and that you told him that I’d killed myself over him. Lies! All these years!

It’s Carlota’s turn to look like gulp.

We cut back to the darkened restaurant where the conversation is much quieter, but just as charged. Joel tells Sofia that it’s been a long time. She hurt him terribly by leaving him and marrying another. Things like that can’t be healed so easily. They can be if you try, she says. Joel wants to know why she didn’t fight for their love. Her marriage must have taken place a number of months ago now, he calculates.

Sofia says I had to take the time to think. Joel says I never could have given you the sort of life you were accustomed to. She says maybe not right now, but I know you’ll succeed in the future and then we can have that life. She gives him a kiss, but he doesn’t seem into it.

Over coffee, Padre M is trying to talk Chris into this seclusion idea. Chris says I already did a time in seclusion when I was becoming a priest. Padre M says but now you have a temptation to deal with. Chris says there must be a reason God sent me to Real del Monte. Padre M says maybe it was to clear up the Carlota problem, but I get the feeling from you that it’s the man inside of you who needs answers.

Of course! says Chris. I can’t separate the man from the priest. He leans on a chair and looks tragic. Padre M takes him kindly by the shoulders and says time and distance, that’s what you need.

Mac is still telling Carlota off. You tried to separate us forever! But God wanted us together. I didn’t do anything to separate you, says Carlota in a stunning defense that leaves jaws dropping in viewerdom across the continent, but not Mac’s, thank goodness. God brought us together, says Mac. How dare you tell me that he’d died! How dare you tell him that I’d committed suicide? You’re a monster!

I’m not a monster, spits back Carlota. I did it for your own good. He was such a loser. He just wanted you for your position and class. He never loved you.

He’s not full of venom like you, says Mac. He loved me just as much as I love him. He even tried to remake his life, and to remarry, but he couldn’t because he still loved me.

All lies, says Carlota, don’t be such a sucker. No, says Mac, you’re the liar. He was going to get married to Natalia. Carlota is surprised. Small world, huh? says Mac. That was the wedding Sagrario and Javier were to attend when they were killed. Chris never stopped loving me, even when he thought I was dead!

Carlota grabs Mac by the arms and says why after all these years? What did you do to make him come back? Mac says I didn’t do anything. It was God.

Oh, so God sent Chris back to you so you could be his lover? Don’t make the same mistake you did last time. Mac says our love was never a mistake and God put us together. And there’s not a damned thing you can do about it.

Rufi has a big candle in her hands and she’s praying fervently to the Virgin, begging her to not let anything bad happen in the house and to give Mac strength to face up to her sister. Protect her! She holds up the candle in supplication.

Carlota says God knows that what I did was in the name of love (En Nombre del Amor, in case you missed being clobbered over the head by that) that I have for all of you. Mac says all that that so-called love caused was pain and suffering.

Carlota says I did it to keep the family together. What would you and Paloma have done without me? Mac says probably we would have been happy. Your self-centeredness, your egotism, your arrogance were overpowering. You weren’t happy and you wouldn’t let anybody else be.

Carlota says I have to talk to him. He’ll have to say all that to my face if he dares. Mac says oh, he’ll dare all right, but I’m not going to tell you where he is. If you had the power to kill him, you’ll have to have the power to find him and bring him back to life. And believe me, you’re in for a big surprise when you see him.

Carlota stomps off. Only now does Mac break down and cry.

Chris is praying and Padre M stands in the background and silently prays Enlighten him, Lord. By which I think he means Enlighten him to make the decision I want him to make.

Carlota slams into her room and violently throws her purse in a corner. I think she says why did he love her and not me? I have to talk to him. She grabs the phone and jabs at the buttons. A tape comes on saying I’m out right now. She throws the phone, then leans into the bed and clutches at the bedspread. Where are you Cristobal? Why did you come back for her and not for me? Why not for me? she sobs. Sollozo, say the captions even though the hard of hearing can see she’s completely unhinged and bawling.

Camila is at home thinking hard. Rafa is in his apartment, pacing and thinking. Orlando is having a swig and thinking. For a bit we see the two men in split screen, the way they are appearing in Camila’s mind.

Rufi has brought Mac a cup of tea and hopes she’s okay since she’s a bit frail. Mac says I’m stronger than you think, and you wouldn’t believe how good it felt to say all those things to Carlota’s face. Rufi says I never thought I’d see this moment.

Mac wonders where Paloma is and Rufi explains about her being over at Inez’s, looking for Angelica. Mac is glad she didn’t come during her fight with Carlota, she wouldn’t know how to explain it. Rufi is tearful with relief and says the Lord was watching over us.

Mac says it isn’t over. It’s like knitting – you pull out the first thread, and then everything unravels. Rufi says God is living here with us to protect us.

Rafa has the divorce papers in hand and is at his old house talking to Diana. He says it’s too late for them. Maybe not, she says hopefully. We could move to Monterrey and Em’s padrino would give you a job. Rafa says my factory is here; my son is here. We didn’t want to do that when Emiliano was in school, so why would we now?

Diana says I couldn’t move away from you and Emiliano. Rafa says I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. Let’s finish this up and each of us get on with our lives. He hands her a pen. She flips through the pages, trying not to cry. She throws him a reproachful look, sighs, and starts to sign. Suddenly she stands up, and rips up the papers. There will be no divorce! You can do with your life whatever you want, but I will always be the wife of Rafael Saenz! Always!

Angelica has finished up some paperwork with Orlando and goes to leave his office, and he looks after her, while we hear a little soft piano music. She notices his look and says Is there anything else? Orlando says I was just wondering what a woman like you is doing in Real del Monte. Angie says A woman like me? Orlando says beautiful, attractive, intelligent. A psychologist and a writer. You must have left some broken hearts in the DF. Angie says I might say the same about you.

I’m not a writer, says he. Not yet, says she. Oh, the banter!

Inez invites Paloma for dinner. Even though Paloma doesn’t look real willing, Inez hands her the phone to call to get permission. Paloma sighs a tiny sigh and dials.

Mac picks up. She reports that Romina and Liliana have both called. Excited, Paloma says did she leave her number? Nope. Paloma has a flashback of Romina kissing German in front of her house. She hangs up. Inez fusses with dinner, and Aaron asks Paloma if she’s okay – she looks like she got a shock. I’m fine, she lies.

Carlota paces furiously in her darkened room. Control freak that she is, she seems to have smoothed the bedspread back in place. She slams out of the room and heads down to the kitchen where she gives Rufi a fright by yelling You must know! Where is he?

Rufi says I can’t tell you, that’s for Mac to say. Carlota says How dare you? You are a servant in this house and you take orders. Either tell me or get out right now. Fine, says Rufi, I’m outta here, and I’m not going to tell you anything. Carlota says pack your things and get out. Mac comes in and says What’s going on?

Em has called German to ask him to go out for a drink. German fudges that it’s been a long day and he’s just that pooped. He sniffs some brightly-colored underlovely that Romina has left behind. He asks Em how he is. Em says fine. But how can I say fine – you know how it is when someone absorbs all your thoughts? German looks sad and has another sniff.

Just as Paloma is helping to set the table, Aaron gets a call on his cell. It’s Romina demanding that he meet her in the park. He says he can’t, Paloma’s there. She says Paloma is always getting in her way. She wants to know if he’s found out if there’s anything going on between Angelica and Emiliano. He doesn’t know yet, and she says well, find out!

Inez and Paloma are at the table, and Inez says they were waiting for Angelica, but she’s not come home.

Mac tells Rufi she’ll do something. Rufi says don’t get in a fight for me. Maybe the timing with Edmundo was a sign. I talked to him today and he doesn’t just want to get married, he wants to take me to the U.S. I wanted to think about it, but maybe I should go with him if I don’t have work here, whether I really want to or not. Mac says no, don’t do that.

Mac says if you want to go with him, you should. But you shouldn’t do it just because you have nowhere else to go. Rufi says don’t have a blowup over me. Mac says blowups happen no matter what. I’m going to sort this out. She heads off to confront Carlota.

Carlota is doing some frenetic praying in her room, nervously drumming her fingers. Mac storms in and says Rufi’s not leaving. Carlota says she refused to follows orders. Mac says you just can’t stand that you didn’t get what you wanted. I’m boss here just as much as you and she stays. We have a lot to talk about.

Carlota says well talk now! Mac says no, we’ll talk when I feel like it. There’s a lot that needs saying. Right now I don’t want to risk my health or my heart.

Rufi and Mac embrace in the hall. Rufi says thank you. Mac says thank you for all you’ve done for me and my daughter.

Angelica arrives home and Paloma rushes to greet her but uh oh, she spots Em right behind her. Aaron says well well, Angelica, we didn’t expect you to be so well-accompanied. I know what great friends you are. Angelica looks uncomfortable, and so does Paloma, who is crushed. Em says he was just on his way to have a drink with German. Inez gushes over what a fine fellow German is, so handsome! Does he have a girlfriend?

Em leaves. Now that the mood is totally squashed, they all sit down to tamales.

Romina comes home and Camila says I’ve been calling your cell all evening. Romina says I didn’t want to talk to you. Camila says we have to talk, but Romina says I don’t want to and flounces up the stairs.

Paloma finally escapes Inez’s house. She tells Angelica she’d like to talk to her tomorrow.

Camila is talking to Orlando. He says why didn’t you tell me? She says I didn’t want to bother you. He says you are my priority – I’m always looking forward to when I can see you, hear your voice. Please think of me as someone you can turn to.

Paloma comes home to find Mac and Rufi looking gloomy in the living room. They tell her that Carlota is home, and Paloma says, oh that’s why I feel tension in the house. I’ll go say hello to her. Mac says she’s in a bad mood, maybe from the trip. She’s probably gone to bed. Paloma says too bad the relaxed times are over.

Carlota is looking at the paper with Chris’s information and says the church? Why a church?

Avances: Carlota goes to the church and sees Chris in his priest’s outfit from a distance. She is impactada.


Manana Monday Sep 21 - Luke I am your father *psshhh* *psshh*

Santiago has a hard time processing the fact that he’s going to be a father.

Padre Bosco tells Fr/Ed that Artemio Bravo came to see him and that he promised to produce Eduardo’s dead body Monday night.

Barbara tells Gonzalo that Aurora’s baby is Camilo’s. She convinces Gonzalo that they have to leave Camilo in jail or he’ll try and hurt Aurora, or try to make her abort the baby.

Camilo suffers in jail. Good.

Fr/Ed hurries Padre Bosco into a cab before Fernanda comes out and finds him there. He gives the Padre a manly one-armed hug, complete with hearty pats on the back.

Santiago wants to know who the other man is that Aurora was with – Fernanda tells him it was Camilo. Predictably and understandably, Santiago freaks out.

Erika argues with her parents about moving the wedding date. I thought her mom was on board, but I guess since her dad came home they are all fighting about it again. He doesn’t understand what the hurry is, is she pregnant? She says no! She is just desperate to get married immediately or she’s afraid she won’t get to marry Franco at all. Her dad says she’s acting like a spoiled brat teenager. He’s right. He says fine, if she moves the date, he won’t go. What does she say about that? She tells him that’s too bad for him, she’s getting married on Saturday anyway.

Santiago says he will kill Camilo. Fer says chill, he’s already in jail. Santiago says why? WHY? I couldn’t figure out if he was asking why is Camilo in jail? I guess he means why does Camilo always do this to him.

Fr/Ed plans his assault on Artemio Bravo’s house. Martina arrives, Silvestre’s eye surgery was a great success. Fr/Ed tells her what happened to Esteve.

Santiago wails about Camilo’s history of screwing him over constantly. Fernanda says there is one thing he can’t take away, Santiago’s baby! Uh oh, bad foreshadowing here.

Camilo tells Barbara to get him out of jail or he’ll tell his father everything about her. She says no he won’t, or she’ll get him cut out of his inheritance, what little of it there is left. She says he must follow her orders. She told Gonzalo that the baby is Camilo’s to protect him. If Gonzalo thought the baby was Santiago’s, Camilo wouldn’t have any support from him.

Fernanda and Santiago agree that Santiago will pretend to go back to Florence, but they’ll meet up later at a hotel where he’ll be hiding out. She and Franco are trying to take down La Hiena, they will continue working on it with Santiago’s help.

The mailman brings some mail to the Lactos front desk, where Gardenia is holding down the fort. Metiche Gardenia flips through the envelopes and finds a big card for Fernanda conveniently unsealed, she reads the note from Erika that the wedding has been moved up to this Saturday.

Fr/Ed tells Esteve, now in a wheelchair and looking like (pardon my French) complete shit, that the wedding has been moved up to THIS Saturday. Esteve does the “jeez wtf” sigh/eye roll thing.

Gardenia, now in boobie enhancing regular clothes, sneaks out of the office.

Esteve can’t make Fr/Ed see reason. Fr/Ed says he’ll do the only thing left to save Lily, show the real Eduardo Juarez to Artemio Bravo.

Fernanda and Santiago put on a very badly acted farewell performance, Santiago leaves to get in a cab. Barb sees this happen and is beyond happy that Franco Santoro is such a wonderful ally, getting her orders done so quickly.

Esteve says ok then what happens when Barbara learns the truth about his identity? And Fernanda? Fr/Ed says he’ll do what he promised, save Liliana. Esteve says then what, Fernanda will be so impressed she’ll forgive you? Fr/Ed says no, that will never happen. There isn’t any hope for him and Fernanda.

Flor looks for Gardenia, can’t find her anywhere.

Gardenia is at Erika’s house, Erika greets her while on the phone, going over extremely mundane and boring (to me) details of flowers with the florist.

Barbara visits Aurora. She says she is going to tell the whole truth now, but first, does Aurora have any relatives? No. Barb says she doesn’t either, that she knows of. She tells about her abusive parents, one night when she was only 11 she ran away from home and that same night the house burned down with her parents sleeping in it. Wow what a coincidence. She has a flashback of herself being treated roughly by her father, a greasy looking guy, while her mother is passed out drunk. She manages to knock him over and he hits his head. She douses the place in gasoline and sends it up in flames. Back in the present she tells Aurora that someone then came into her life and took care of her and gave her her new identity of Barbara Greco, his name was Artemio Bravo. Even though she was only 11, he made her his woman and everything was fine until she was pregnant. Bravo had other plans, so when the baby was born he told her it was a boy and that the baby died at birth. She never saw the baby at all. Now she discovered the truth – it wasn’t a boy, it was a beautiful girl, it was YOU Aurora. You are my daughter! They cry.

Santiago takes a cab to a hotel, already in high spirits somehow, even right after hearing about how Camilo screwed his girlfriend. He arrives at what is apparently the only hotel in all of Mexico City, the same Suites where Rico Suave stayed when hoping to woo Fernanda. He tells Fernanda he’s there (by cell phone) and she says she’s on her way. They hang up and Fer sees the card on her desk about the wedding, she thinks “so it’s a done deal.”

Gardenia tells Erika that Franco and Fernanda have something going on between them.

Barbara tells Aurora that she had a feeling about her the first day, when Santiago brought her to the house. She is telling her the whole truth now to try and make up for all the mean things she did and said to her (this doesn’t make any sense, but whatever). Aurora says “where is my father?” Barbara says she already said, he disappeared when Aurora was born. Aurora says WHERE? Do you know where?

Bravo yells at Liliana, he wants her to tell him the truth about Franco, etc. He threatens her and says she really is an Elizalde, she is just as bad as the rest of them.

Barbara says why do you want to know, he’s a horrible person, forget about him. Aurora asks if he looks like Gonzalo, Barb says yes. Aurora says WHY does he look just like Don Gonzalo?

Gardenia goes on about Franco and Fernanda. Erika says she already knew. Gardenia says she wanted to warn her so she could call off the wedding in time. Erika says no, she will marry Franco if it is the last thing she does.

At the hotel, Fernanda gives the diary to Santiago for him to read. She tells him who Artemio Bravo is and how he is related to them. Santiago says he must see Aurora right away.

Aurora says she saw Bravo at the house back in the pueblo but Santiago was the only one who talked to him. She asks Barbara if he knows that she found her after all this time, Barbara says no and he can’t find out. Forget about him. Let’s leave, we can go anywhere, I have lots of money. Aurora says no, she won’t go anywhere until she meets and talks to her father.

Dum dum DUMMMM

The date for the Gran Final has been announced – Monday October 5. That just so happens to be my turn to write again. However, especially if it is longer than a one hour show, we can take parts and make it a joint effort, whatever you other recappers want to do. Just two more weeks for all to be revealed and resolved!


Monday, September 21, 2009

un Gancho al Corazón Mon 9/21/9 Sex, Lies, and Videotape

We join Aldo informing the others of Mauricio's plans to wed the mummy,
thus establishing a tone for this episode.
Mauricio is baby sitting the still unconscious Nieves. She is stretched out over her bed as he patiently maintains a vigil sitting watchfully at the foot of her bed. Finally she stirs and seems a bit shaken by his presence. poor thing, her hair appears to have been done by an under-medicated Shih Tzu groomer, complete with odd pink bows. Where's Cristian? Clearly a crime was committed on that pretty head. She now proceeds to undo all the good that came of his and Monita's recent makeup session. Jeez, that didn't last long. Yep, Moni and Roberto are an inseparable pair: always have been and always will be. She doesn't want Mao to get hurt. Not taking into account that she has the other dog in this fight, and true to form, our dim hunk of beef swallows it hook, line, and once again our hopes of he and Moni bumping little cars any time soon, sink.

The worried son Beto returns to find his mom up and talking with a crestfallen Mao. He inspects his mom, wondering what Mao is doing here. Mao explains that Moni has gone for the Dr., who apparently makes house calls to the barrio. Mao leaves before he is assaulted by anymore bad news or tainted advice. Beto is still understandably annoyed with Mao, but Nieves assures him that Mao is good people. He suspects that she too must have succumbed to Mao's magical spell. Another case of sermeñosis, perhaps? Nopis, Ma knows what she's doing and she's doing it with the skill of an experienced expert. She has the instincts of a mother bear.

Oops, looks like Jerónomo has actually engaged in a little car bumping and parking with a reluctant Connie. He is dressing and gloating, as a tearful Connie sits on the bed with a sheet pulled up to her chin. He informs her that there will be many more such encounters, and he'll even skip bathing if she prefers. This may be the ickiest scene so far in this usually light-hearted comedy. They've succeeded in making Connie, for the moment anyway, a sympathetic figure, and we at home take heart as we see, even now, the invisible anvil being positioned over this cockroach.

In the office, the elevator opens and releases a particularly alluring Ximena, in a loose fitting yet clingy white top over tight black pants. Very nice indeed. She is looking for Jerry, who is not there. She learns of Gabriela's planned move with her newly-found pretty-boy, and when Gabi excuses herself for a moment, proposes a surprise farewell party.

At home in his bedroom, Mao is troubled about things. Connie emerges, looking none the worse for wear. In fact she looks stunning in a pretty little pink silky dress with geometric designs. Are the wardrobe people that good or would she look great in just about anything? She sits on the bed and offers support to the moody Mao. She is even OK with the idea of a new school for the kids. He wants to talk to her and she is worried that he's going to call off the wedding.

Unaware of Nieves' little heart-to-heart with Mao, Moni is sharing the joy of her most recent and pleasant encounter with the prince. Beto is thanking the Dr.,who apparently does make housecalls, as they emerge from Nieves' apartment. Estrella suggests that she is ready for an appointment. Beto congratulates the Dr. because it's time for her Papanicolaou. I just report it, folks. Beto is now trying to sweet-talk his way back into noviohood with Moni. They can take it slow, but after all, he has already graciously forgiven her for her mistake. Moni looks exasperated.

Meintras Tanto, Mao is busy digging himself another hole that he will regret soon enough. Connie needn't have worried, he tells her that he wants to go ahead with their wedding as soon as possible. Well, that's fine with her. For now at least, she has landed on her feet. After her unpleasantness with Jerry, let's allow her to savor the moment. She agrees with him that a simple minimalistic wedding with only three hundred of his guests and only four hundred for her would suffice. And here's a shocker...the kids have been listening in. Who could have possibly foreseen that?

It's morning in Mexico, and Monita, still buoyed by her tender encounter with Mao yesterday, is all abubble as she glides into the mansion clutching a red carnation she has brought for her galan. Teresa is of course glad to see her, but what with things as they are at this time, she deems it best to have Ivan escort Moni to the kitchen while she goes to fetch Mao, still abed. I sure hope Mao pays her well. She gently wakes him with the news, "Constanza is in the bath and la Monita is in the kitchen." He's going to need some Cheerios waiting for him for breakfast this morning. He leaps from bed as Connie catches a glimpse of his hasty exit, and clad attractively in a short robe with her still wet hair turbaned in a towel, she smells a rat, or is that the unmistakable scent of a monkey? Bursting into Aldo's room, looking for him to distract Moni, Mao discovers that the kids have fled, leaving a note thanking him for his hospitality and all, but they do not wish to be culpable for any marriage involving him and Connie.

Connie, Still wearing the robe and towel, interrupts the boxing lesson that Moni is giving Ivan. "First the left and then your right..." Needless to say, Moni, still operating under the assumption that things are fine between her and Mao, is a little surprised to see Connie here and clad in a way that shouts out, "Nyah, nyah, I spent the night with Mauricio and you didn't!" Connie dismisses Aldo, and the two engage in a little felinish, feminine banter during which Connie announces the upcoming nuptials. Mauricio ventures in with Aldo's note gripped in his fist. He is greeted by a gloating Connie and a silent Moni sporting the face of a child who was just informed that the trip to Disney World was canceled. The cat has his tongue, or as we say in Mexico, el ratón le comió la lengua (the mouse ate his tongue).

Gabi is dining with the too-good-to-be-true Fernando Retrete. She is gushing over their trip, "Tell me about Wisconsin," when he drops the bomb. "Ain't gonna be no trip." Wouldn't you know it? He's short of cash. Run away right now Gabi! Run away! Not heeding our collective warning, she asks how much. "Fifty thousand dollars." No problema, she's got that and a little more. Sure, let's give this boob your savings. What could possibly go wrong? Well, he's embarrassed, sure, couldn't possibly... Oops, talked him into it.

Connie interrupts the awkward silence to gloat a little more and goads Mao to jump in. "My children..." he stammers. "Our children," she corrects, "We all are a family,already." Remembering her flower, Moni observes that it was for Mauricio, but now offers it to our blushing bride-to-be instead. Connie graciously accepts. Acting as though he's heard none of this, Mauricio pleads with Monita to stay and then whines about the kid's leaving. Suddenly tone-deaf, Connie expresses that she doesn't see the importance of that at this moment. Moni offers to find the wayward children, and leaves. Still off key, Connie suggests that the children had a little tantrum; it'll pass. Disgusted, Mao goes to take a bath.

Over breakfast, Ximy is trying to recruit Jerry's help. She asks him who rescued him from the top of the building. "Mauricio." Yes, but it was because Ximy insisted. "May I tell you three things?" "No, no, y no." Undaunted she proceeds, "Uno, because of you, Mauricio is going to marry someone he doesn't love, dos, Gabirú is leaving Mexico, y tres, I'm very depressed and am planning a farewell party for her." She leaves for an emergency massage and Jerry retrieves the camera to review his X rated video of Connie and Beto. He is very pleased with his opus. Jerk!

Now dressed, Connie unwisely continues to rag on Mao over Monita. She mentions the assault by Moni on Maira. Bad choice of topics. Mao now knows from Maira's own mouth that was a lie her mother coaxed her to tell. Connie asks what else she may have disclosed. Our genius, instead of saying, "You mean there's more?", simply answers, "Nothing." She rags him a little more and he leaves.

Outside the orphanage Mao catches up with Moni. She informs him that the kids are here. He is relieved and then they they begin an unpleasant conversation much like previous unpleasantries they have shared. This time she paint an unflattering picture of things will be in twenty years, describing his fat belly, hair loss and his novia is getting Botox injections for her wrinkled visage and surgery on her bubis that are sagging to her knees. She hopes that they will still be happy. Mercifully they are interrupted by the social worker, Bernarda. The children will talk with Moni. Mao is not invited. He pouts.

Dani is especially glad to see Moni and greets her with a hug. The kids explain to Monita why the left. They don't want Mao to marry Connie because of them. The selfless Moni points out how much he loves them and blah, blah, blah, he's marrying Connie because he must love her and blah, blah, blah. Convinced or at least persuaded to return, we have a group hug.

Outside, Mao gets a gentle earful from the wise Bernarda, who essentially points out that Monita would be the better choice as a spouse and mother for the children. As if to punctuate her words, Moni appears surrounded by the obviously adoring children. They run to Mao and he is hugged by Luisa and Aldo. Miffed because there is no room in this group hug for her, Dani protests by turning around with arms tightly crossed. "¿Y yo, qué?" Realizing the slight, Mao sweeps her up in his arms. Problem solved. Family reunited. Next!

Ximena has recovered THE camera and is filming a documentary at the office as a farewell message from all to Gabi. She begins with Paula, who complains that Gabi never helps her and is now leaving without recommending her for the job she's leaving. Next up, Moni, who has just come into the coffee room. Say something pretty, Ximy instructs. Moni, who begins by introducing herself to Gabi before hoping that Gabi never has to hurt from love so much that she wants to die. Moved by this, Ximy tells Pau that she should learn from this. Pau is more interested in consoling Moni. Abandoned by her subjects, Ximy turns the camera on herself and utters a heartfelt,"Pobre."

Maurcio is wishing Gabriela well on her decision to leave, but notes the suddeness of it all and points out how much she is loved and is part of a family. "Love doesn't think..." she responds. Listen to what you just said, Gabi, dear. He kisses her cheek affectionately and they are joined by Moni with tea for Gabi. Gabi is bursting with excitement which she briefly shares with Moni and then scurries off, leaving M&M awkwardly alone together, her tea untouched. He informs her that the kids are safely home. She's glad and is about to leave but what he really wants to talk about is the two of them. He does. She's unmoved, "Next time you sleep with your novia, pretend you're doing the same with me." Ouch. She leaves. He scowls. We pout.

In the restaurant Connie solicits Oscar's (look how far you've fallen, darlin') help in recovering the video. Oscar is well aware of the video which he vividly and lasciviously describes in detail. "Jerry showed it to you?" she gasps. No, but he knows pretty well what it consists of, and by the way, he adds that he too will be participating in the extortion. Oh dear.

Somewhere on the street Gabi and the increasingly suspicious Fred Clean Toilet are strolling arm in arm. Looks like she has surrendered, as well as her heart, her life savings. I'm guessing in cash and in that briefcase he's toting. She's got a party to go to. They kiss...goodbye. Oh my.

Our videographer confronts that insect, Jero for some nice words for Gabi. He complies. "Gabriela, estoy muy triste realemente porque te vas, pero mas triste me voy a poner si algún dia regresas, Nunca vuelvas más. (Gabriella, I'm really very sad because you're leaving, but I'm going to become more sad if you return. Never come back.)" Nice. Ximena notes the churlishness of his words and then turns to Osky, fresh off the elevator, for something more inspiring. He offers up, "No te detengas a mira las ramas muertas del rosal que se marchita Don't tarry to observe the dead limbs of the rose bushes that have withered." Huh? "He recited you a poem," Ximy enthusiastically says into the camera. Next up is Beto. He mugs at the camera making obscene gestures with his tongue, and says, "Gabriela, I know that ever since you saw me you, you've wanted to take a bite, don't blame all those who have, I'm a tasty morsel, but here I leave you a chameleon's kiss so that you won't miss me." It even rhymed. As I said, I'm just the reporter.

Sal is sharing his concerns over the business deal with Freddy Tidy Bowl. Sensing that his mind is on other concerns, Sal listens to Mao complain about the state of his relationship with Moni, then offers advice. He lost Gabi because of cowardice. Mao should not make the same mistake. He should not close that door because the same key won't work twice. When that door closes, there's no way to open it. Discuss amongst yourselves.

Beto finds an unhappy Moni in the coffee room. She is short with him offering to cut off his hand if he touches a bottle meant for the party, but then apologizes. It's not his fault that she's miserable. He is affected by her sadness and offers his support, affection and protection. She is touched by his tenderness and sincerity and impulsively assures us of many more episodes...she gives him another opportunity to win her love. Take that, you dumb, blonde, handsome guy!

Connie's turn before the camera. In the conference room, she briefly primps, arranges here sweater, and reclines on the table. She begins her offering, "Hola Gabriela, muchas felicidades in this moment so important in your life, what luck that love arrived just in time, because in this man's world we women have an expiration date and yours is at the point of triumphing so that..." but she bogs down. Ximena, who must go to the bathroom, gives her the camera advising her to erase that and revise her statementand leaves. Connie views with disgust her original offering but then stumbles onto...THE scene. Oh joy! She hardly believes her good fortune. Ximy returns and Connie professes her profound, if new found love for her. She is ready for her close-up, but first she instructs Ximy to record every moment of the party. Our favorite bad girl is once more back on top.

In the coffee room, Beto is continuing to suck up to Moni, they are joined by Pau who is busy getting the food set out for the party. She orders them to bring the Champagne.

In the outer office the party is set to commence as Gabi steps out of the elevator to be greeted by the well-wishers including her gal pal from the barrio, Estrella. She seems surprised. Ximy busies herself filming it all. Take note, she is living proof that there are a few women who can get away with wearing plaid pants. Connie is clinging to Mao like socks to underwear fresh out of the dryer. A serious Sal wants to talk with Gabi in private, but she's having none of that. "Say what you have to say in front of my friends." Well, she has to be told, so he announces to all gathered the results of his investigation of one Fernando Retrete Pulido, which strikes Ximena as quite funny; he shushes her and continues, alias Fernando de la Rosa, alias Fernando Rodriguez Peña, alias Fernando Robles...Gama, A well known swindler (estafador) wanted in six states. Wow, talk about an aguafiestas (party-pooper). Understandably, Gabi is devastated. Her heart and her savings have been burgled. Now if that wasn't enough dampness to spoil the party, Beto pops out with a reluctant appearing Moni in tow, He's blowing a whistle. Clutching a bottle wrapped in a red napkin, he launches his grenade...he and Monita are getting married. Mauricio looks stunned. Monita looks uncomfortable. once again, we at home are left somewhat unsettled and unsatisfied. Dr. Judy...Next!



Sunday, September 20, 2009

ENDA: Friday 9/18/09

Hello-- Took my Mom to see my Grandma and now stuck in Iowa later than expected. Using my uncle's dial-up connection. I don't think I'll be back tonight to get a timely recap done. Could someone please hit the highlights in the comments. Sorry and thanks.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

MEPS 09/18/09: Always The Last To Know Or, Stop The World Cuz I Think Gonzo May Want To Get Off

Capítulo 153?

First the video rewind: In her office at the den of dairy duds affectionately known to us as Grupo Lactos, Barb tells Fr/Eduardo that there is only one person that Artemio Bravo fears in this world and his name is Eduardo Juarez. If Fr/Ed can find him then he will hold absolute power over Bravo. Across the hall, Anibal races into his daddy’s office to tell him the police have Camilo in custody and the person who pressed charges was none other than dear little sissy, Fernanda.

Venus/Loafly and Fer return to the hospital. Errika tells them that, happy-happy joy-joy, Estev has come out of his coma. Venus races off to see him. Err tells Fer that Estev is on the way to a full recovery. She adds that now that Estev’s out of danger, she’s moved her wedding date up to the coming Saturday and says she hopes Fer will keep the date free as she is still her matron of honor. Fernanda, inwardly cringing with the rest of us, graciously agrees to but wonders what about the guests? Err says she’s decided to have just a small, intimate ceremony instead.

Fer gets an angry call just then from Gonzo about her putting Cad in jail and he tells her to high-tail it back to Lactos ASAP for an explanation. On her way out of the hospital she runs into Fr/Ed and tells him her daddy is none too happy with her because of Cad. Fr/Ed tells her he could have signed the complaint instead of her but she says she was duty-bound to do it. She changes the subject to even less pleasant things like Barbara, and wonders what she wanted with him. He tells her the only thing she needs to know is that he thinks he now has a way to rescue Lili. Fer says they’ll have to discuss it later, but with Cad in jail the only consolation is that they might be able to rescue Lili. He takes her hand in his and promises he’ll come through for her. They share a meaningful embrace. (yawn)

Venus is now in talking to Estev. He tells Venus that what kept him alive was thinking he couldn’t die now that he’d finally won her heart. He asks her if anybody has found out the truth about them yet, but she says no. (Dunno if what she told Cad counts. My guess is you betcha!) He says nobody can know the truth until the situation stabilizes around there and they are back home in New York. Venus wonders if he knows who beat him up. He says it was Cad and his troublemaking posse of pissants. She tells him Cad is now in jail paying for what he did to him.

Viewerville now gets a glimpse of our pugilistic pissant in chief being escorted to his new 8’x 8’ guest quarters. Apparently the guards don’t give a rat’s patooty that he is Camilo Elizalde and neither does the stinking, snoring drunk on the floor who they’ve given him as a roommate. (Definitely a Kodak moment.)

Desperate to get Fernanda off the available competition list, Err doesn’t waste a minute getting back on the phone with “Migui.” (Talk about your cringe-worthy nicknames. Sounds like a tiny disgusting little insect. Yech!) She tells him about the change in her wedding plans and that it means no trip to the finca. She adds that Fernanda was supposedly beside herself with joy when he showed up for dinner. “Seriously, she told you that?” “--Yes. And, listen, let me give you a little friendly advice: go after her. You let her get away once, so you must not lose the opportunity life’s given you again.” Miguel, the only truly sane one in the curdled crew of this dairy dinghy, says he came back with that intent but he doesn’t like the idea of pressuring Fer so soon after a failed marriage. Err says that Fer was never in love [with Damian] and is extremely disappointed. Fr/Ed returns and she quickly hangs up.

Err says she thought he was going to pick up Loafly but Fer brought her back instead. He says he had business at Lactos to take care of. She tells him Estev is out of his coma. He races off to go see his friend. She giggles with glee (I swear that laugh of hers sound more and more like nails on a blackboard). It seems her plans are going without a hitch.

Meanwhile, Padre Bosco has returned to his church and is praying. He worries that the situation has gotten out of hand; many innocents are at the mercy of a confused man whose heart has been hardened [endurecido] by hate and the thirst for vengeance. The housekeeper brings him a letter from the Bishop which tells him that as the paperwork is all in order, he gives his permission for the marriage between Errika and Franco Santoro and asks him to officiate.

Fr/Ed goes into see Estev. He promises Venus and Estev that while they’re staying with him nothing like that will ever happen again. Estev tells Ed not to apologize or to blame himself because he was the one who was so anxious to teach Cad a lesson. Venus says no, she is the one to blame because she put the lecherous worm’s [gusano lujurioso] manhood into question. In the end, she says, he received a lesson made to order [a su medida = custom fit/ personalized].

On the phone, Dolly tells Err that she’s canceled everything, but worries that Augie is going to explode when he finds out the small fortune he’s lost on all the deposits. Err says no biggie since he had planned to spend much more. (Good thing Eddie’s got some deep pockets.) Dolly says she still plans on having the reception and that’s that. Err says she’s only interested in getting married, so Dolly can do what she wants about the rest of it.

Fr/Ed comes back from seeing Estev and Err tells him that he was a great friend and that she’s proud of him. He doesn’t understand why. She says not just anybody would have done what he did for him. Estev will probably be leaving soon now, she says, so she moved the date up to the coming Saturday for the wedding so that he could still be the best man. (On crutches or in a wheelchair? Those wedding photos are gonna be something else with that face of his.) Fr/Ed is a bit surprised, but goes along with it. He gets a bit nervous though when she says Padre Bosco will be the one marrying them.

Bosco is distressed [a mi pesar = to my regret] about having to marry Eduardo, but he feels he has to since the Bishop has asked him to perform the marriage. Before he can think about it further, though, Artemio Bravo pays him a surprise visit.

Back at Lactos, Fer, Anyballs and Barbie are in the office with Gonzo while he goes off on Fer for turning in her brother to the authorities. “Never did I think instead of children I was raising a pack of wolves!” He says he knew they always fought at the table, and were not exactly the most affectionate of siblings, but how shameful to see his daughter turn her brother into the police! He demands that Fernanda tell him what Cad did for her to expose the whole family to this pain and embarrassment by cold-bloodedly reporting him to the police. “Your son attacked Estev Norton and now he is in the hospital!”

Gonzo is blind-sided impactado and yells at Anyballs for not telling him. Squirmy, wormy AB says he’s only hearing about it now himself! Trying to earn points with his papi, Anyballs rushes over to Fer then, turns her swivel chair around to face him and yells at her for not being capable of doing it for her husband but somehow certainly seeming able to with her own brother. Fer gets up and sneers at AB. She could have expected as much from them, she says. It turns out that she’s going to be the Judas of the family, but she’s not having any of it.

She admits she did it to stop being complicit with Camilo. Gonzo, always mentally a day late and a dollar short, asks what she’s referring to. (Viewerville sits at attention and crosses all fingers and toes in hopes that this time the self-absorbed old steer gets it in spades.) “Since childhood I’ve seen how Camilo, backed up by the fact of being an Elizalde, has mistreated everything and everyone he could. He used to torture animals and what did you and Mother do about it? Absolutely nothing! You never said a single word to him about it.

“He would take pains to make Santiago’s life miserable. Whatever Santi used to care about, well then Camilo would snatch it away from him. What did you and Mother say? How bright! How intelligent Camilo is! You used to go around lauding his pranks, didn’t you? Do you remember when he became Errika’s boyfriend. Why? Because Santiago loved her. Cad would never have fallen in love with her, ever! And, of course, when he discovered my friend was hopelessly in love with him, what did he do? He ridiculed her feelings and entertained himself by beating her on my wedding day, didn’t he? You remember, right? But you didn’t consider it that important. Well, what happened? --And regarding that business with Jacinto, yes he whipped him and it is true! It’s true! So far, Camilo prides himself telling how he beat him, about how he left him with those scars that can never be gotten rid of! Any half of those acts our workers would now be in jail for, am I right or am I wrong? --But of course, as it’s praise-worthy Camilo, well he continues the abuse.”

Fer turns around and suddenly faces Babs. She frowns at Babs but she’s on a roll and just keeps on truckin’. (Don’t stop now! Let it all hang out!) “So, now Estev Norton is in the hospital, near death and in a coma, and only because it occurred to your son to show what a real man he was. Are you aware of this or not!!?? –If it were one of our employees what would have happened? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Ah, but since it’s a millionaire who’s dying and a business partner, well then we have to be worried, now don’t we? I cannot handle being an accomplice to your lukewarm attitude with your children! Not anymore!” (Viewerville is on its feet cheering.) She turns back toward Barbara again. “—And you!!” She stops herself, looks over at her father then shakes her head and slams the door behind her. Bull-headed Gonzo is left to chew his cud and self-consternate.

Back at Padre Bosco’s parish church, Bravo has come to arrange for a time and date to have his forensic specialist inspect Eduardo Juarez’s remains. Only then will he return Lili to the family. (Talk about your double whammies.) Bosco stares speechlessly at Bravo, realizing that if anybody ever needed a miracle now, it’s him.

Meanwhile, Errika and Fr/Ed go into the hospital cafeteria for a bite of breakfast. Fr/Eddie wants to shake loose from her and suggests Err should probably go see her parents who’ve just gotten back from their trip. Errika (totally overdoing this boda thing) says no, they’ll just have to get used to the fact that their daughter’s first priority is her husband. “By the way, I spoke to Miguiiii and told him we’ll have to postpone our trip to my aunt and uncle’s finca. (Eddie’s really torn up over that one.) You know what? He’s going to be Fer’s escort at the wedding. And do you believe it? He told me he’s really in love with Fernanda!” Fr/Eddie chokes and then forces a smile when she adds that she thinks Miguel is going to propose to Fer that evening.

Fr/Eddie’s saved by a phone call from Fernanda asking if he knows what the new plan for rescuing Lili will be. In his best business voice he says he still hasn’t worked out all the details. “How about we agree to meet tomorrow morning at Las Animas?” “—Uh, are you with Errika?” “—Uh, yes. Exactly.” Fer says fine, see ya, and hangs up. Errika asks if that was a business call and he lies that it was. She tells him once they’re on their honeymoon (what a no-hitter that’ll be) he’ll have to leave the business--along with that cell phone-- behind. “I want you all to myself then.”

Back in her office at Lactos, Fernanda gripes at herself for calling Franco. “Now Errika will think I’m after him. Well, he’s her fiancé, --but he says he loves me. Of course, they’re going to get married”. She’s having a hard time accepting it and yells at herself that she’d better already, even though it hurts like hell and she’s dying of jealousy.

Out at Reception, meanwhile, Flor is floored by the sudden appearance of our smiling, Spanish Adonis, Miguel, virility oozing out from every pore and holding a giant bouquet of flowers. He asks to see Fernanda. Before Flor can dial he touches her hand and asks for a favor. (No way this guy’s still a virgin, saving himself for some pre-pubescent puppy-love. He knows too many of the right moves. Yowza! Eddie-Boy could take a few lessons.) Flor has to remember to breathe.

In Fernanda’s office there’s a knock at the door. She doesn’t look up, thinking it’s Flor, and asks a question. He walks to the desk and replies he doesn’t know, (but who’s listening anyway?) She looks up into his eyes and smiles. He smiles back. (Now all of female Viewerville has to remember to breathe.)

We are rudely shunted to the county jail where Gonzo is now griping at Camilo. “Never did I ever dream of having to come to the police station to see a child of mine!!” Cad whines that he’s glad his daddy finally came. In between sniffles he whines to the lawyer that he’s got to get him out of that garbage dump [muladar] right away. Gonzo wants to know if he ordered Estev Norton’s beating and Cad lies that of course he didn’t. “My sister’s brainwashed and so she reported me to the police!” “—So why would she do a thing like this?” “—Because she’d rather believe the lies of that bogus niece of his!” Gonzo needs an explanation and Cad obliges. He tells him that her name isn’t Loafly; it’s Venus and she’s a prostitute. When Gonzo refuses to believe him he says she told him herself. “--Did you know that this morning she came to my apartment and tried to murder me? If you don’t believe it just look at me!” He shows him the stitches under his chin. Gonzo, as always, needs time to process.

Back in Fer’s office, Miguel drinks in Fer’s perfume as she arranges the flowers and tells him she’s surprised because she thought she was going to see him that evening. He says he came precisely because he couldn’t see her for dinner. There was a cash-flow problem with his Ethiopian project and he’s got to take care of it. His flight leaves in three hours. (Bummer! I could look at this guy till the cows come home.) Fer says she understands and the job comes first. He says he’ll be gone two or three weeks. She says then he’ll miss Err’s wedding. He nods and says he doesn’t know whether it’s just his imagination, but Fer doesn’t seem too sure about this wedding of Err’s. “It may be I’m mistaken, but well, tell me: don’t you get along with this Franco Santoro?” She says of course she does. He’s a great guy and any woman would be happy marrying a man like him. “—Including you?”

Fer laughs nervously and explains it was just a manner of speaking. “What’s the matter with you, Miguel! Don’t be silly!” She reminds him of his flight and says she doesn’t want him to miss it on her account. (Excuse me. It’s three hours off and it’s not like he’s got more than a couple of undies and a shirt to pack, you know?) “I do appreciate your coming to say good-bye, though.” He stares into her eyes, turning up the charm a notch, and says no way he’d leave without seeing her first. She hesitates and puts up the barrier. She says well, she hopes he can resolve the problems at work. He nods and turns away, giving a small eye-roll. He gets up and wonders if he shouldn’t give it the old college try once more. “Fer, take care of yourself, will you?” He stares at her intently. He moves in for The Kiss. She avoids it and pecks him on the cheek, then gives him a sisterly hug. (Re-jected!) The heartache of realization crosses his face. “—I’ll call you when I get back.” (Something tells me “Miguiiiii” won’t be coming back.) He walks out the door, shouldering his heartbreak like a man…..

That night up in their bedroom, Gonzo tells La Barbie that Camilo swore that Loafly Norton told him she wasn’t who she said she was. Sure, he says, it could be something Cad just made up, but all the same…. Babs says if Fernanda signed the complaint there had to be a reason. He is certain that Fernanda’s charges are baseless because she wasn’t there. Babs asks him what he’s going to do about it. He says he hopes she’ll withdraw the charges because he can’t believe she’d actually present herself in court to air their dirty laundry. [carear= go public] Babs says she sympathizes, but she thinks it’s best if Camilo stays in jail. Gonzo is enraged. (Hubby and I take bets over whether Gonzo will survive through the end of this novela.)

Across the hall in his bedroom, Anyballs is on the phone brown-nosing Fr/Ed over Estev’s recuperation, saying that he appreciates the seriousness of the situation and hopes this incident hasn’t affected their working relationship. He hangs up with a smile on his face and says at least he can sleep soundly tonight. Pris is totally disgusted with him and his attitude. “It doesn’t bother you in the least that your brother, innocent or not, is going to spend a wretched night in a jail cell; or that your sister had a horrible argument with your father, that Lili hasn’t turned up, or even that Estev Norton might have died, does it? The only thing that matters to you is that nothing affects your business deals?” AB turns to go into the bathroom. “—And what’s so bad about that?” (Hubby says he’s got a point considering that’s what pays for all those jewels and servants.) She tells herself and the baby that this is not the kind of father she wants for him.

Back to Gonzo and Babs: “So my son should just rot in jail? No! That suggestion is totally unacceptable, Barbara!” She tries to explain. “You don’t understand—“ but he’s lost it. “—Of course I understand! Whatever the case, my children are my children! I’ve lost my daughter with no possibility of ever seeing her again. Now you expect me to simply abandon my son in jail for a crime he didn’t commit?” She tells him he’s right and apologizes for not being clearer. She sits him down and starts massaging his back. In that aggravatingly honeyed voice of hers she sweetly tells him she understands how painful the day has been for him and that the last thing she wants is to upset him with anything. She smiles evilly, secretly elated by all of it.

The next morning Fernanda calls Aurora to apologize for not coming by the day before. Rory tells her that La Sra. is coming by to see her today and once she tells her why she’s so interested in her she’ll force her to leave with her. Fer gets her to promise she won’t go.

Our little lamb, Santiago, shows up unannounced with a spring shear a couple minutes later in Reception at Lactos. Fer is all squeels of joy. Barbara walks in on them and throws cold water on the scene. She tells Santi she didn’t know he was coming back. Fer says she asked him to. La Barbie is not a happy camper because this is most definitely going to put a wrench in her plans with Aurora.

At the hospital the doctor tells Fr/Ed, Err, Loafly and Estev that he is doing so well he can go home the next day. Fr/Ed’s cell rings. Err grabs the phone asking who it is. “Barbara Greco.” Fr/Ed takes it out in the hall. Barbara tells him that Santiago just returned home and orders Fr/Ed to make sure Santiago turns right around and leaves the country immediately. “Are you listening to me, Franco? IMMEDIATELY!!” (Shades of old times with Damian.)

Santi goes into Gonzo’s office to greet him and AnyBalls, the embodiment of brotherly love and affection--not.

Fr/Eduardo needs an explanation. Barbara tells him it’s the favor she’s due for helping him with Bosco the other day. That’s not good enough. She tells him if he doesn’t solve this somehow and get him out of the country right away then they’ll both have very serious problems. “If you don’t obey my orders there will be no possibility of seeing Liliana Elizalde alive again!”

Back in Gonzo’s office, AB asks Santi how long he plans on staying. He explains that with Cad in jail they’ll need him to help there at Lactos. (What is he talking about? Cad never steps foot in that place unless he’s got a personal problem to get taken care of, or there’s a Board meeting.) Santi asks Gonzo why Cad’s in jail. AB tells him to ask Fer since she was the one who put him there.

Fer, meanwhile, is now on the phone with Fr/Ed who called to tell her about his phone call from Barbara. “It was a warning. She called to tell me that Lili’s life depends on Santi’s leaving the country immediately.” She wonders why and what he plans to do. He says he doesn’t have a solid answer for her and she agrees to meet him over at Las Animas ASAP to discuss it. Santi comes in right after she hangs up. She admits she pressed charges against Camilo. He wants to know why. She tells him that she asked him to come back home because several things have happened and in some way or other they have to do with him. She tells him once he finds out everything his life is going to change for sure.

As we come back from the break we are entertained with Damian taking mug shots. (Say “Cheese” for the camera, Dam.)

Barb comes out of her office looking for Santiago. Flor tells her he and Fer left together a little while ago. Gonzo comes out looking for Babs to ask her to come with him to the jail to see Cad. She says fine but first she wants to speak with him.

Fer and Santi arrive at Las Animas together. Santi tells Fr/Ed that all things considered [dentro de lo que cabe], Fer having told him on the way what happened, he’s very sorry about Estev. Fr/Ed tells them he’s doing fine and that he’s being discharged [dar de alta] the next day, and that Loafly is taking care of him there now. He explains that they’re all alone in the house because Margarita is home with Jacinto because he is recovering from his accident, too.

Back at Lactos, Babs tells Gonzo that sooner or later this was going to happen to Camilo. “I’ve had to hide the things he’s done from you to avoid the pain you always feel.” “—By gawd, tell me already!” “The business with your car was only the beginning.“ “—What are you saying???” “--The things he’s done are worse even than what they’re holding him for at the police station.” She pauses to take a well-timed, quavering breath. “I don’t know if I should tell you.” “—How could you not tell me, Barbara? What are you covering up about my son?” She feigns a pained expression and says that it’s not easy telling him this, but Aurora, Santiago’s fiancée, didn’t leave the house for the reasons he thinks. No, she didn’t leave there because Cad drugged her, no. “I found him when he was…raping her!” Gonzo is in shock. (Hubby just doubled his bet.)

Back at Las Animas in the study, Fer tells Fr/Ed that he can talk freely in front of Santi and that Santi also knows that Barbara had something to do with Lili’s disappearance. Fr/Ed asks if this could be the reason that Barbara is so eager to have Santi leave the country. Fer says she hasn’t the slightest idea. Santi says he can’t imagine why he’s become such a nuisance for her. Fr/Ed says well, it has to be something major because she blackmailed him saying that they’d never see Lili alive again if he didn’t convince Santi to leave. Fer asks to speak to Santi alone for a minute and Fr/Ed says fine. Just then the doorbell rings and he goes out to see who it is. Fer reminds Santi that she told him what’s going on has to do with Aurora. She has news from her for him. Santi waits to hear what she has to tell him.

Back at Lactos, Babs fakes near tears and says she tried to convince Aurora not to cause a scandal. Gonzo says, well then, you know where she is? Babs lies and says she doesn’t, that the girl has been calling her and meeting with her in various places. So he asks if what she wants is money. Babs says she doesn’t think so. He says well, what else could it be? “-- Aurora is expecting a child.”

Back at Las Animas, Fer finally tells Santi that Rory is expecting. Santi says nothing, but it looks like he’s got to be asking himself, “Whose?”


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