Friday, October 09, 2009

Gancho Thurs 10/8 - Katia shocks the Monkey

Ahoy all, just a reminder that I will be out of town and unable to recap for the next two Thursdays. Might someone be willing to do a quickie recap or post a header so that commenters can fill in the highlights and discuss? Thanks!

Estrella gushes to Moni about how awesome Mau is and she lures Moni into gushing too because Mau has snuck in behind her. Considering that most telenovela eavesdropping ends very badly this is a nice change of pace.

Mau tells Moni that he followed Alicia and saw Moni's ma in a hotel nearby. And how did he know it was her? Why he recognized her pic of course. Moni doesn't want to believe it and says anyhow she doesn't care, the woman means nothing to her, the woman is dead to her. Estrella calls Moni stubborn like mule. "Let's go see her," Mau insists.

Nieves has given up the heart motif for her earrings and is now wearing buttons. Beto announces he's going to break the umbilical cord and eat at the cantina. She blesses Beto before he strikes out on his own. She muses that a parent is never prepared to lose their kids.

Beto runs into his "Mamita" Coni outside his cul-de-sac. He announces he's ready for his victor's prize. She reminds him he won nothing. OK then, does she need a chauffeur? She agrees she could use help separating Mau and Moni. Beto suggests they stick together body and soul, more in body than in soul he adds, smooching her neck. He grabs her keys, opens the door, and hey presto instant chauffeur.

Pau tells her new pal Lorenza about how faithful she is to the company. When Mau had his accident on the racetrack she tried to smother Rolando Klunder with a plastic bag. Lo wonders what the world would be like without people like Pau in it. Pau agrees but she never gets rewarded at work and it's the same way with guys. She caught her novio Ricardo with another woman and put a plastic knife to his throat. Lo says if she needs to "make a point" it's best not to use plastic. Lorenza prefers to use a real knife, then phffft (cutting motion) people know she means business. No no no, corrects Paula, it's the real knife the makes people think you're crazy, like when Lo threatened Gabi. Speaking of Gabi, Lo wants to know if there is something between Gabi and Sal. Pau redirects the conversation and Lo decides to give Pau a professional makeover and get her promoted to receptionist. These two, with their homicidal tendencies, could make an interesting pair.

Meanwhile Sal is trying to get the female clerical staff to help him but they run away as if he's got a crazy wife running around with a knife threatening any woman who might get close to him. Gabi confirms this saying Lo is still loca, in fact, could Sal please maintain a minimum of 2 metres distance from her at all times?

Isabel tells Alicia that Valentina wants nothing to do with her and won't want to help her. Isa hasn't yet overcome the past and when Valentina came to their town and she saw her sleeping the nightmares returned. The horror returned and she's not sure she wants her daughter in her life. (Harsh!) Al insists it's not Valentina's fault. Isa agrees, not to mention that Nieves repeated it ad nauseaum (hasta el cansancio) for eight years, but her heart feels differently. (Double harsh!) Isa adds she's tired of doctors and hospitals and all she wants to do is die in peace. Al tells her to have hope. Isa says she's got Al and that's all she needs, now let's get the hell out of Dodge.
Mau and Moni stand outside Isa's hotel and wait. Al walks out and, not seeing them, gets into a cab. As Isa follows down the steps she spies our pair. She stops. She stares. Then she gathers herself and gets into the taxi. Moni cries "mamá! mamá!" as the taxi speeds off. Our little monkey is destroyed again.

Beto has escorted Coni into a dining establishment where the waiter knows him. He tells her he'll satisfy her every whim; he makes a great show of cleaning off her table as he wishes to clean all of her tables. And when does he get paid, he asks? You know, I think this little arrangement of her paying him to spoil her could really work. Evidently Coni thinks so too because she whips out her checkbook and writes a deposit, an amount that pleases Beto immensely. She reminds him from now on he has to concentrate on separating Mau from Moni. He caresses her hair and arm, she's a great boss and he needs to start on a full stomach. Speaking of which, does she like pancitas? (menudo)

Now for the heartbreaking scene...Moni weeps and sobs that her mami left her again. Accompanied by their song Mau and Moni sit on the curb, she crying and he putting his arm around her and consoling her.

Back at GS Lorenza terrorizes the female workers with her jealousy and Sal with her presence. When he tells her he can't stand working like this she changes the subject, it's time to promote Paula who has been at the company for three years. She insists he do this or she will make a scene. When Gabi strolls up and asks if she missed anything Lo tells her no, not much, she was just telling Sal how fantastic and efficient Gabi is and how much there is to learn from her. Gabi looks sceptical.

Mau and Moni have gone into the hotel to enquire about a forwarding address but alas, nobody knows where Al and Isa have headed. Moni is sure her ma left to get away from her again, she doesn't love her and never has. Mau says something about Moni's ma coming back for forgiveness. Moni says that's Al's thing, not her mama's.

Pau walks out of the elevator wearing a new dress and a smile. She assumes her new position behind the receptionist's desk. Gabi asks what in the heck is that outfit? Pau runs to Lorenza's side and thanks her profusely for her raise and new job. Gabi is all Que the hell? Nobody told me about this! Pau, you're not prepared for this yet! Pau tells Gabi she is a bad friend and threatened by Pau's promotion. Lo kind of sticks it to Gabi. Clearly Gabi has competition for her position of Queen Bee of the office and she's not happy about it.

Nice scene of extreme close-ups of our beautiful hero and heroine. She says she wants to be alone so she doesn't spoil his day. He comforts her and tells her he wants to be a luchador and fight again, which she finds quite amusing. She still wants to be alone though so she can think. We get one more romantic cartoon kiss as we go into commercial.

Moni comes home sad and is telling Estre that her Mami abandoned her again when Mama Bear Nieves pops out of her lair and lays into Moni about Beto leaving. It's all Moni's fault. Moni points out he's thirty years old (aha! now we know his age) and it's about time he takes care of himself. She tells Nieves she's not in the mood for her usual crapola and she just wants to be alone so give it a break Nieves!

Beto drops Coni off at her apartment, new uniform in hand, and promises to show up first thing in the morning. Katia overhears their passionate, slurping goodbye and asks big sis what's up with that pig? Coni assures Kat that nothing has changed, Mau will be hers and everything is under control. By the way, Kat will be her eyes and ears in the Mau house or else she'll get packed back off to Italy. Kat's not liking this arrangement. Coni tells her to do it or she'll tell mommy and daddy that Katia's dating an orphan. Oooh, like that's the worst thing in the world.

Speaking of the Mau house, the happy family is breakfasting on gigantic pan dulces or doughnuts, yum! Seems Mau forgot about the carnival at their new school. He's interrupted by a phone call and, ouch...groan, can barely get up from the table. Dani pipes up that she wants Monita to be there. Aldo tells her not to worry, he's got a plan.

Meanwhile Coni and Katia dine on massive plates of fruit, cheese and sandwiches. How could these two be so skinny and eat like that? Katia lets it slip about the school carnival and Coni plots to ruin the special family moment.

Moni and pals are talking when Moni gets a call from Tere who needs Moni to take some important papers directly to Mauricio. According to the closed captions however, someone tells Carlota they are very sorry. They have to change Macaren's serum and they'll also check her reflexes at this time. Macarena's condition is very serious and she simply can't wait. Well I'm sorry Macarena, you're going to have to wait at least another 30 minutes until your own show starts!

Rolu is jogging and Kermit, I mean Xime leaps out in a bright green jogging suit. Ta da! What a coincidence, Xime jogs there too! He tries to run away but she dogs him. You go girl.

Aldo and Katia are at the school carnival and Mau catches them kissing, then Luisa and Ivan show up. Then we are interrupted by more weird captions about Carlota and her sister. Would you ladies please get out of our show?!?

Que sorpresa! Moni shows up with the papeles that Mau ordered. Dani runs up and is delighted. The kids admit what they did to get Moni there. Mau acquiesces and asks her to stay there and act as their mama.

Shortly thereafter Coni and Beto arrive. Katia's not happy that Coni is there with her lowlife chauffeur to embarrass her.

A teacher joins them and asks Mau and Moni if they want to compete in the parental games. Of course Moni loves this idea and is sure they'll win and get their names inscribed on the trophy. She's perfectly happy until she sees Beto and Coni who are also in the competition. Beto shows off his new uniform and brags about his job.

Ximi stalks Rolu to a restaurant and takes pics of him and the other Xime. She joins them at their table and he wisely leaves.

Over at the school let the games begin. Moni is winning the egg-in-the-spoon game when Coni trips her and ends up winnning. Beto and Coni can barely contain their ardor at her victory. Moni wants to beat the tar and feathers out of Coni but Mau holds her back. It's only a game and this is the kid's school! That's OK cuz Moni kicks Coni's butt at the sack race.

What a coincidence, Xime banks at the same bank that Rolu does! He escapes from her again.

Now it's the apple bobbing game and Big Mouth Beto is the first to grab the apple. It's Coni/Beto 2 and Moni/Mau 1.

Xime goes to the gym and what a coincidence! Xime is waiting for him in the steam room. She pulls off his towel and admires his tush and tattoo as he runs out the door.

Moni and Mau pull Coni and Beto into a gigantic powdered pillow and thus gain a victory in the tug of war. The score is now even. Coni and Beto are supposed to be mad but it looks like they're having way too much fun playing in the white powder.

What a coincidence, Xime also shops at the same supermarket as Rolu! She accuses him of following her, it couldn't be just a coincidence could it?

A powdery Coni cheats again by body-slamming Moni in the eat-the-donut-on-the-string contest. The crowd is catching on and she gets a few "boos" along with the cheers.

Rolu starts to get into his car that is parked on the top floor of a parking garage. Guess who leaps out, surprise! Xime parks there too! He tells her to get to her car. Unfortunately she just got a manicure and can't drive. He yells that she's driving him loco! Get the hell out of his life!! He'd rather be dead than be with her!

Be careful what you wish for...Rolu lunges at Xime like he's going to push her off the ledge. Just then her cellular rings and she steps aside. Ayyyy.....he takes a flyer off the top level of the parking garage. Xime looks around, where did he go? She looks over the edge and shrieks, she didn't think he was literal when he said he'd rather die. (Oh dear, he's not, is he?)

The parents are gearing up for the 3-legged race. Mau wants to gaze at Moni and Moni wants blood! Coni also wants TO WIN, TO WIN. Playa Limbo serenades our athletic couples. Mau and Moni are in the lead...until Coni cheats again and pushes them over. Moni leaps up, fists flying. Coni calls Moni a mujerzuela and things are about to get ugly until Katia interrupts. If Moni is a mujerzuela then what about Coni? She came to the carnival with her lover. "Her lover?" gasps Moni and Mau. "Yes, my sister and that pig are lovers!"

Mañana - Moni and Beto find Nieves on the ground. Later on Mau sees Beto kiss Moni.

Dear friends, wouldn't you know it, one week before my trip to Guanajuato and I'm coming down with a cold. I feel simply dreadful, so if my recap isn't what it should be I do apologize. It was a scream of an episode and I highly recommend watching it.


Thursday, October 08, 2009

Sortilegio #2, Wednesday October 7, 2009: Alejandro is Muerto! ........ NOT!

Erick is telling Bruno, that Alejandro is going tomorrow. Bruno is upset and says he was supposed to go next week. Erick says sure but it changed. What can he do? Should we cancel. Bruno says no, he will be on the next flight.

He returns to Alejandro's bride who is asking what is going on. Bruno tells her that there is a problem with the company and his boss says he has to get back there immediately, this same night. María José says but, but, and Bruno says he is very sorry, and says …. forgive me. He gives her little kisses until she says yes, and Bruno swears that if it weren't so important he would send the devil. He says he loves her and she'll see him in a few days and he takes María José home.

María José is at home Paula awakens. María José tells her Paula that first they had a drink then Alejandro had to go to work. Paula asks if that means there was no, no, and MJ says of course not, she is tired and wants to sleep.

Bruno drives home and knocks on Erick's door waking him up. EWWWWW Creepy Erick has nakd women all over his walls and sleeps in red briefs, EWWWW , EWWW, so not sexy. Bruno says everything better go well tomorrow.

It is morning and Bruno is playing the piano. I don't know what he is playing. Alejandro says his vacation was short. Bruno asks Ale if he is going to Zarco, and tells him to have a good trip.

BTW, William Levy was Vasco in Pasion. He had trouble keeping his pants on.

Alejandro, in his office at Real Estate Lombardo, is talking to Fernando. Fernando asks if he should go with him, Ale says there is no reason to and Fernando has lots to do. Fernando walks Alex out and asks how Victoria is. Alex replies fine thank you.

Victoria comes in from the patio with Felipa and a parade of people carrying flowers. Victoria asks Bruno something about the office and Bruno says he is on vacation. Victoria asks him what is wrong and Bruno says 'nada' and it's not his problem.

Felipa says it is time that the children know that they are brothers. Victoria replies something and Victoria says she will be in her studio.

Alejandro (I like the way Alejandro rolls out of my mouth) is driving on a lonely road.

Bruno calls Erick to find out where he is, which he is sitting in the cab of a big Monster semi-truck and trailer. The red cab has a huge grill on the front of it. Bruno says not to make any mistakes.

Back to lonely road. Alejandro is flagged down by some people who have an injured man on a donkey, uh make that a horse. Ale gets him into the car and a woman climbs in aslo.

Candi, I mean MJ, is scrubbing the floor of their home and papa comes home and asks her if she is alone. Mj says yes, that Paula went to a movie and explains that she didn't go with because she is waiting for a call from Alejandro, who had problems at the office. Papa says he is a worker. Papa's leg is hurting him a little. Papa talks to MJ and says something about 30,000 pesos. ???? Papa cries.

Back in the red Monster Truck it is dark and Erick and driver are looking for Ales car. Oh, and just as Erick is drawing off some water, here comes Ale. Injured guy in Ale's back seat is talking.

Erick zips up and looks through his binoculars. "It is him" he yells as he hurries to get back into the Monster.

Lonely road is not lonely anymore because Ale has another car on his tail. Ale sees monster truck coming at him and wonders what the embecile is doing. I could not make out what else he was saying. Monster truck pushes Ales car off the road where it tumbles down the cliff. Muchacha that was in other car calls 911 and asks for ambulance and police. Driver wants to know if they should look for the person that was with Ale and Erick says no. Monster truck drives off and Ales car catches fire and explodes. Erick and Driver see the fire and explosion the sideview mirror and give themselves high fives.

Bruno, holding some kind of snake in his hands answers the phon3. He wants to make sure everything is taken care of.

MJ is in bed and Paula comes in and asks if she has talked to Alejandro. MJ says no. Paula says he is inattentive, Mj says he is very busy. Paula says call him on his cell. MJ calls him. Bruno does not answer. She leaves a message and a kiss. Bruno listens to the message.

Erick is running into the house. Bald guys says where are you going? Erick says to see Bruno and it is urgent. Bald guy says wait and he talks to Bruno who says let him comevup.

The police are at the gate and want to talk to the Lombardo family.

Erick and Bruno talk about the car going down the ravine and about Ale being alone. Knock on door the police are here.

Bruno talks to the police and tries to look upset as he tells them that was a company car and his brother was in it. The police tell him it was in an accident and burned up.

Bruno is at the office with Erick talking about the car being identified by the plates. Fernando comes in and says they have a charred body , but they will be checking dental records, that the investigation is routine. Bruno asks says Alejandro was traveling alone right? Bruno goes on about how he does not want a scandal and fuss going on with the family. Then Bruno says how Mother adored Alejandro. Secretary knocks on door and asks what they should say in the notice. Bruno says that Alejandro fell ? in an accident in Zarco. The family is very sad and wants everyone to respect that sadness.

Maura comes to the house and say hello to Rachel who is on the porch and have some girl talk. Rachel goes on about Alejandro being guapo and Maura says he is your brother and she says not really.

MJ and Paula are window shopping, Paula likes the cute bikini and MJ says it is expensive. Paula says that Alejandro is not poor. Paula does not like being poor.

Back at the big house the girls come in. Bruno is there with his hand over his mouth and he asks them to sit. Victoria comes down the stairs and ask what is the hurry? Bruno sits her down and says that he has grave news. Alejandro was in an accident with a truck. His car went down a ravine. Alejandro is muerto. Everyone loses it. Victoria says "no it can't be true, no it can't be true." Rachel and Maura both say "tell us your joking" and Bruno says he is not joking.

Rachel runs to tell Roberto. I think Roberto thinks this is a good thing for them.

Bruno comes in and tells Victoria that Alejandro was married and that Victoria needs to call this woman named Mária José and have her come to Mérida ASAP. Victoria calls MJ and introduces herself. Victoria says it is necessary to come to Mérida. She tells her Alejandro is dead. MJ says it can't be. Bruno says not to talk about it over the phone so Victora says they will talk when MJ gets there. Paula gets a pen and paper to write the address. Paula says she thought Ale's family lived in the US.

Bruno stresses that Victoria needs to talk to MJ and find out what kind of person she is.

Paula tries to comfort MJ as they pack.

Robert asks about a will. Bruno tells them about Ale being married.

MJ and Paula leaving the airport get a taxi. Paula gets excited because this address belongs to millionaires. Paula goes on and on about the neighborhood.

Fernando is talking to Victoria, and I think I heard more than I can write. Rachel and Maura are talking. They all think Alejandro's actions are strange. Maura can't believe he got married.

A farmer comes across Alejandro. Alejandro is not muerto yet.

MJ and Paula arrive at the house and wade through the reporters to get to the gate. MJ asks if this is the house of Alejandro. The reporters start asking MJ questions. She is really overwhelmed by all of this.

Bald man's name is Ezequiel. Victoria announces the widow of Alejandro is here.

Paula cannot believe it. The house, the grounds are beautifully rich.

Ale asks for water and asks where he is and gives his name before he passes out again.

MJ and Paula are in room they've been given. Paula thinks this is pure luxury. Vitoria comes in and MJ tells her she is confused because Alejandro told her his family lived in the United States. Victoria asks if this document is from their civil ceremony. MJ say yes, but, she is just from of humble family means. She did not know any of this about Ale. MJ cries. (I think JB is doing a pretty good job here. She really looks sad, distraught and confused.) Victoria says they don't know what Alejandro's motive were. She ask them about clothes which they don't have. She calls to get clothes and I have to smile as she notices the shoes they are wearing. She also requests shoes. Then Victoria asks about MJ's family and MJ says just her father. Victoria tells them to rest.

Farmer cuts off Ale's watch to pay for a doctor.

MJ and Paula are dressed in nice black dresses, nice shoes and MJ is wearing Pearl necklace and earrings. Victoria brings in black bolsas. (purses.)

Bruno comes in to the house and asks about Ale's esposa and my DVR has ended. Oops. I will have to extend my timer.


ENDA, October 7,2009

Carlota is lying in bed. Macarena comes in asking if she’s feeling okay since she didn’t come to eat dinner last night. Carlota says she’s fine. Macarena asks if she’s seen an envelope lying around that Camila gave her containing information on diabetes (there actually the papers that Carmen gave her). No replies Carlota. Okay, thanks replies Macarena and turns to leave. Carlota stops her and tells Macarena that even though Cristobal has come back he doesn’t have to be a part of their lives. If they had never met him they would not have had a bad relationship (I would say your bad attitude and crazy personality did all that). Anyway Macarena says so you think our bad relationship has to do with him? Obviously replies Carlota. I just want to know that I will not allow Cristobal to come back into our lives. There is no place for him in our lives or in this house. So I expect for you to the same. Macarena asks why she doesn’t want her to have any contact with him? What’s your game? Nothing replies Carlota. But if you open up your life and home to him then Paloma may find out what really happened between you two in the past. And I’m pretty sure you don’t want her to find out that she is the daughter of a priest.

Romina goes up to Paloma and tells her how tired she is. Paloma asks her where she went. Romina tells her to the party that Emiliano was throwing. So you got invited asks Paloma. Of course replies Romina. Well probably because your mother goes out with Emiliano’s boss (Orlando). No responds Romina. Emiliano personally invited me and even wanted me to cut the ribbon. How great replies Paloma. Honestly I don’t understand men says Romina. Ever since I have gone to live at his house he has behaved really well. He even let me use his room to stay, but once his mother goes to bed he comes to visit me. We spend such a good time together and he so good in bed. Paloma says what would the nuns say if they heard you (obviously she isn’t buying it). Oh well. Everything is perfect between us. He adores me and says that I am the ideal woman for his children. So that means your back with him asks Paloma. No responds Romina. He hasn’t actually asked me yet, but it’s obvious.

Emiliano asks Diana if she is feeling better. Yes replies Diana. I so wanted to be with you last night. Emiliano tells her that Orlando really wanted to meet her. But I sent a wonderful replacement did I not asks Diana. Well that is what I wanted to talk to you about says Emiliano. It’s one thing to invite her and another to send her as your representative. She had no reason to be there. And much less cutting the ribbon. But why not asks Diana. She is a very pretty girl and gave the party more oomph. (Don’t’ know if I spelled that right). But we are no longer going together says Emiliano. And it really bothers me that you were the one who sent her. Don’t be that way replies Diana. Romina is going thru a difficult time right now and it is our job to support her. Okay, but don’t confuse everything. Romina and I are not going to get back together replies Emiliano. So have you found another girl asks Diana? Yes responds Emiliano and it isn’t Romina. Who is it then asks Diana. I can’t tell you just yet, but I very much in love with her says Emiliano. Diana does not look happy, but fakes it.

Camila says that she agreed to meet him because she noticed how upset he was at the party. Rafael says what did you expect? You were with Orlando all the time. I don’t understand says Camila. You told me that we both had a chance to get with you, but I see that is not the case replies Rafael. I can’t stand for him to be with you. You even went to Mexico City together. Because he is helping me find my ex-husband since I have a lot of problems with Romina responds Camila. My blood boils when I see you with him says Rafael. Camila tells him that she was very clear with him. They cannot be seen together in public because he is not free. Look where we are at. At a cafeteria far away from Real de Monte so that we can see each other. And constantly on edge wondering if anyone we know will see us. Rafael tells her that it’s not in his hands to change things right now. Then don’t ask me to stay home alone waiting for it to change. If you can’t handle this then tell me. Seriously we are too old for jealousy. Orlando knows how I feel about you, but he is still trying to be with me. He is taking advantage of the situation to get closer to you and you like it replies Rafael. Probably responds Camila. It’s best for us to accept the situation as it is and forget any possibility of anything happening between us.

Macarena calls Rodolfo and wishes to speak to him in private. He invites her out to eat and will pick her up at 3:00pm. She tells him that she’ll be waiting as Carlota comes up behind her and hears her. Carlota asks her who she will wait for at 3:00. Rodolfo replies Macarena. Don’t tell me that you are going to accept him asks Carlota. Macarena doesn’t answer. Carlota laughs at her and says are you going to marry him at your age? Probably responds Macarena. Have you forgotten your priest asks Carlota? Priest repeats Macarena. Ja.

Joel tries talking shop with Rafael, but he’s in a bad mood. Joel tells him that he sent flowers to Angelica. Since Camila and Angelica get on well together perhaps they can all go out for dinner some night. Let’s not talk about that responds Rafael. It just makes me sick that Diana does not want to give me the divorce. And that now Camila cannot be for me. My jealousy is out of control and I am pressuring her too much. I have never been like this. So the best thing for both of us is for me to get out of the way.

Orlando comes in the office and Angelica tells him that one of his clients called congratulating him on the party last night. He compliments her and Emiliano on the party preparations. The flower guy comes up to her with flowers. Orlando looks kind of jealous? (That perhaps is not the right word, but since it’s almost 12:00 I can think of another). Orlando tips the guy and asks Angelica if she has a secret admirer. Angelica reads the card and says it’s from Joel. Rafael’s business partner. I thought you liked Rafael asks Orlando. No replies Angelica. He’s married. But he’s getting divorced says Orlando. Not until he’s signed says Angelica. I don’t mess with stuff like that. I prefer them completely free. Orlando says that probably best and leaves. Angelica comments to herself that the one she really likes his him (Orlando). Poor Joel.

Metche, the shop girl and Camila talk about Romina and the party last night. The ladies discuss the party and who is cuter, Orlando or Rafael.

Liliana and Paloma are talking. Romina runs up and shows Paloma the pictures of her and Emiliano at the party that‘s in the paper. Liliana comments that it looks like Romina grabbed onto him and he is surprised. Romina tells her not to be stupid. I’m just telling you what I see. Romina tells her to be quiet; she’s not even talking to her. Liliana says it must be true if my comment is bothering you and walks away.

Emiliano complains about Romina’s behavior at the party to Orlando. Orlando says he can’t believe Romina’s behavior at the party and especially what she is doing to her mother. It bothers me too replies Emiliano. Orlando says that when they were in Mexico City they had a good time when Camila’s thoughts were not on her daughter. Did that bother you asks Emiliano. Honestly responds Orlando, I am afraid that Romina will get in the middle of our relationship. Me too says Emiliano. I am afraid that she will get in the middle of any relationship I may have with another.

A man gives German some money. German’s happy that he can pay off his credit card now. I thought things were going okay asks the guy to German. I just fell a little behind replies German. The guy tells German that he wished he came over more often and not just for money. German tells him that his new wife does not like him. The guy says my new wife is your aunt, your mother’s sister. I thought I could not have picked a better stepmother for you. (so this is German’s dad) German tells him that she took advantage of his mother’s sickness to get closer to him. That’s not true replies dad. Nothing happened until your mother passed away. I will always have that doubt replies German. I promise you says dad. I never cheated on your mother. You didn’t, but her sister did responds German. Dad says that she loves you. You are blood. Forget about all that craziness that she took advantage to win my love. Craziness or not, that’s the way it happened says German. Your aunt came and filled a huge empty void in my life when your mother died. She also came to separate us replies German. That’s not true says dad. Yes, it is says German. When my mother died, she pretended to love me. But the problem is when she started having her own children, she pushed me aside. And caused problems between my siblings and me. Dad tells German not to be jealous. German says I’m not jealous. If she was a good person then I would not feel like an intruder. And that is what I feel. A stranger in your home.

Macarena is still looking for the envelope. The phone rings and both Macarena and Carlota pick up. Macarena is first to speak and Carlota finds out it’s Cristobal on the other end. He asks Macarena how she is doing. I couldn’t be doing any better replies Macarena. Cristobal tells Macarena that ever since finding her again, he is the happiest man in the world. Me too replies Macarena. He tells her that Rodolfo asked for him to help her accept his proposal of marriage. Really asks Macarena. Yes, replies Cristobal. I think you should talk to him. But not about our plans. Don’t worry says Macarena. Today we are going out and I’m going to tell him that I cannot accept his proposal. I cannot accept marrying anyone that isn’t you. Carlota is impactada. You are the love of my life says Macarena to Cristobal. I love you replies Cristobal. I love you too says Macarena. Did you talk to Padre Mateo? No yet says Cristobal. He woke up sick today and I have not been able to tell him about our plans. I have to be in charge of the parish today. So I couldn’t tell him no. Don’t worry my love replies Macarena. I’m sure it just a couple of days. He tells her sweet nothings and she tells him she loves him again. She hangs up and Carlota turns her around and calls her disgraceful and bitch slaps her. Macarena asks her what is up with her? Carlota says I discovered your secret. So don’t deny it. I heard your whole conversation. You and Cristobal are going to get back together even though he is a priest. You are a hypocrite. Macarena tells Carlota that their love is pure and clean. There love can overcome any obstacle including you and your malice. We are now going to be happy. Carlota yells, NEVER! You will never be together. Better dead before I permit it. You can’t do anything this time to keep us apart replies Macarena. In the name of love that we both have for each other. Cristobal is leaving the priesthood and we are going to get married. We will be together with our daughter. And you will pay for all the hurt you caused us. You are intending to commit a sin replies Carlota. No, says Macarena. Not when god intended for us to find each other again. You are going to pay says Carlota. Macarena runs off with Carlota chasing her. Carlota catches up and tells Macarena that Cristobal will never be hers and pushes her threw a window where she falls down from the second floor. Macarena lies on the ground under a huge pool of blood with Carlota giving her the evil look. I can’t believe that she hated her that much.

Rufi comes out of the kitchen and finds Macarena on the floor. Carlota hides. Rufi calls out for Carlota in a panicky voice. Carlota comes in pretending not to know anything. She tells Rufi to call the ambulance quickly. When Rufi leaves, she tells Macarena that she prefers her dead then with Cristobal. She finds the engagement ring on her finger and takes it from her. She evilly tells Macarena that she tried to fool her, but couldn’t. Your plans to marry him are not going to come true. Carlota puts on the engagement ring as Rufi comes in.

Cristobal is at the church table writing when suddenly he grabs his chest in pain.

Carlota tells Rufi not to touch her. Never touch a victim when they have fallen. She wants to make sure that they know it was an accident. Who would think differently asks Rufi. She just doesn’t understand how it happened. Neither do I replies Carlota.

Romina tells Paloma that the mother superior has called for her. Paloma says perhaps it has to do with you missing school yesterday. Yes, but first things first is my dad says Romina. It’s not my fault that he lives in Mexico City. Well I better go. I’ll tell you all about it later. Liliana comes up to Paloma and says that she doesn’t know how Paloma can stand her. We have been friends for many years and I love her replies Paloma. You guys are too different says Liliana. You need to make sure that Romina does not dig her claws into your blue eyed guy. Paloma looks a little worried.

The paramedics come to take Macarena away. Carlota goes with them in the ambulance. Rufi prays for Macarena.

Romina wonders if she’s getting in trouble in regards to Angelica. No says Mother Superior. If you feel guilty it’s all on you. I didn’t fire her replies Romina. Mother Superior tells Romina that she has missed 4 days of school and that goes against the contract they did a couple of months ago. Romina claims it’s not her fault. She was looking for her dad and finally after 9 years found some information and she had to investigate it. What would you have done if you were in my shoes? Probably the same replies Mother Superior. But that’s not the point. We made a contract that you are not completing. And these are the consequences. Romina tells her that it’s not fair. Mother Superior tells her that’s the rules and hands her the school handbook for her to read for herself.

Macarena is put into the ambulance with Carlota riding with her. Thankfully ambulance workers are their too. Inez and another lady run up to Rufi and ask her what’s up. Rufi tells them that she fell from the second floor and lost a lot of blood. In the ambulance Carlota asks the doctor if Macarena will make it. The doctor replies that he doesn’t know. Carlota hopes that she will stop breathing and continues to fake cry.

Rufi tries to call Camila. No answer. Finally Metche answers. Rufi asks to speak to Camila and tells her that Macarena was involved in a horrible accident.

Romina is in Mother Superior’s office reading the handbook. Romina tells MS that she’s done reading. MS says so you see that I am following the rules. Yes replies Romina. But with Paloma you bend them. I don’t think that’s fair. You gave her back her scholarship and took away her punishment. Do you know why replies MS. Yes, because you favor her says Romina. No responds MS. I have no favorites. It’s because she told me the truth about Angelica and everyone told me the same thing. I realized that I made a mistake with Angelica and Paloma too. Paloma in all these years has been a model student. Romina says please. If she was such a model person then she would never have tried to escape with Inaki and trying to take away my boyfriend. She made be a model student, but not in her personal life. MS tells Romina that it is really sad to hear her talk about her best friend like that. If I learned one thing regarding the situation with Angelica is to trust what I see. I see Paloma as a good person. Quite different from what you see. Romina says I know her better then anyone. And is not superior to me. MS shakes her head and says if you see what I see then you might change. The phone rings and Camila wants to see MS. Romina can’t believe that they called her mother. Romina thought that this was a private discussion. MS says I did not call your mother. Then what is she doing here asks Romina. Camila comes in and says that she must speak with MS in private. About me asks Romina. No replies Camila. When Romina leaves Camila tells MS it’s about Paloma.

Macarena is rushed into the hospital and Rodolfo runs up to Carlota. Rufi called him and he wants to know what happened. She tells him that Macarena was probably dizzy and fell threw the window to the floor below. Rodolfo wants to go in, but Carlota tries to keep him next to her. He shakes her off and runs after Macarena. Carlota finally stops her fake crying and wipes her tears. She tells herself that Macarena chose her ending. Now there is no room for Macarena in her world.

Liliana asks Paloma who Romina went with to Mexico City? Alone replies Paloma. I doubt that says Liliana. After a short discussion on who and who was missing, Liliana says then it was German. Paloma is shocked. A nun comes to get her and sends her to the MS office. Liliana thinks that Romina got Paloma in trouble. She tells Romina that one day she will pay for all the evil things she has done. Romina laughs and says to Liliana that she will never see that day. Now leave.

German’s shady deal has gone down the tubes.

Paloma goes to visit MS. Camila tells Paloma that Macarena had an accident.

Rufi is on the floor where Macerena fell and is touching her blood. Gross.

Macarena is in surgery. Doctors are trying to save her. Rodolfo is in the room trying to help. We are losing her replies the doctor. Rodolfo yells out that they have to save her.

Orlando calls Camila. Camila tells him that Macarena had an accident and is with Paloma.

Carlota again is talking to herself. Blaming Cristobal and Macarena. Rufi comes in and Carlota tells her that they are operating. They don’t know if she’ll make it. Carlota wants Rufi to stay at the house. Paloma runs in with Camila following. Carlota asks how did you find out? Camila tells Carlota that Rufi called and she took her out of school. Paloma wants to see Macarena and Carlota tells her she’s in surgery. Doesn’t look good. Paloma tells Carlota that she lost her mother once (Sagario) but doesn’t want to lose her real mother now. Camila is muy impactada at the news and yells out “Macarena is your real mother?”

Cristobal doesn’t understand what’s wrong. He keeps thinking about Macarena. Must be nerves or the new life that I am going to have next to her. He thanks god for bringing him to Real de Monte.

Camila asks Carlota if it’s true that Macarena is Paloma’s real mother. Carlota is looking totally annoyed. Again I lost some part of my recording. Carlota tells Paloma that isn’t it true that you were talking about Macarena being your real mother because you look at her that way since your real mother died? She takes Paloma aside and tells her to be more discreet.

Tomorrow: Cristobal finds out about Macarena’s accident and rushes to the hospital


Gancho 10-7 Wed. - Wrestling for the future and with the past

We open with the non- Mau and non-Beto giving a really good lucha show despite being improper in that the cabellera shouldn’t put on a mask, as Judy astutely observed this is of course so they could animate much better with stunt doubles. After Beto hits Mau with the chair Sal yells that it’s illegal, and so it goes. Ciber enters the ring to defend his protégé as does Costeno and it turns the match into a tag team fight.

Back in the dunking room Cris is appalled that his pupil learned so well. He says he was taking his sister around who just got here and he didn’t tell Pau he was back because he thinks she loved her work more than him. She tells him, no, you didn’t ask me to marry you. Yeah, take that. He never responds to that directly, only now Christian tells Pau never, after this he does not even want to see her. The fight continues and Pau takes her seat sadly glancing his way..

OK, now why Ciber and Costeno grab up Lalo I don‘t know, I guess Xime thinks it‘s a good macho lesson for him.

Alicia is with Isabel who is getting some sort of medical treatment in a hospital telling her she’ll be out tomorrow and even though she wants to go home she has to stay to speak with her daughter because Val needs to know what is happening with her.

The fight continues and Lalo exits all tussed up saying they will never see him again. Ximena check Jero’s opinion on whether he passed the test. Jero says no, he looks as stupid as you do. She wanders off to go molest Rolu some and wedges her way right in-between him and his new chica. Ximena real forgives him and tells him to send the Ximena wannabe packing. If I were Xime 2, I’d start side show fight number three over there. I don’t like being shoved around by strangers.

The fight continues with various folks cheering and this my favorite move. Mona then realizes Coni is not cheering for her desired novio rather for Beto. Coni tells her it’s because she wants Mau to pay for what he’s done to her. They go after each other again.

Alicia talks to the doc about trying to force Isabel to stay, and fight for her life, the short of this chat is that she needs a bone marrow transplant (of course, come on now, this is still a telenovela even if it’s less traditional) and so we now know the reason that the Mom must chat with the daughter. Sheesh, some plots die hard.

Nieves begs Cesar who looks like he electrocuted himself with gropes galore to do something to stop the fight. He reminds her he is married. She isn’t really listening and puts him into a choke hold so his face is forced into her breast. He and the Panda purse get a nice few jiggles.

We see Dani cheering for Mau and ten minutes into this show FINALLY the fight is over and it’s a draw, or is it…Conni spills that they can’t draw, they bet over you. I knew this would happen so in true triumph of good over evil, Mona goes up there furious with both of them, hears their respective spoils if each wins, chews them out that she is not an object and punches the lights out of both of them sending them to the floor and prompting the ref to declare her the winner. Hurray for female power!!

Estre chats with Mona about the boys. Mona doesn’t want to see either of them, but Estre finds it more romantic than she does and that they were fighting for love, and Mau did this not to lose you. Moni can’t be convinced to forgive them.

Now hears a pic, a grand executive unable to even sit at his desk because he dressed up in a skin tight costume and slugged it out with a commoner all night. They discuss that Mona is furious because of his bet, but he seems oblivious. Mau says he enjoyed being in the ring and wants to do it again. Ha, funny Sal says exactly what I’m thinking, that a highpowered business man like him can’t be doing these kinds of things. He doesn’t listen and promises he’ll get back into the ring.

Pau and Gaby chat about the bet taking sides and Pau tells what happened with Cris, when Lorenza shows up. When Gab tells her this are is for employees, she says she the new presidential secretary.

We flash to Jero chatting with Sal about this very thing. Ah it’s Jero behind Lorenza’s contraction. …said women then come in to the office and want ot know what is up. Jero says there are two presidents so Lorenza is mine and you can stay where you were. Sal of course flips out and says Jerry will Not drive him crazy with this. Jero tells him if he doesn’t like it, to vamos.

The chicas outside argue about where to put some weird horse hitch pipe thing.

Beto runs into Mona in the courtyard and she tells him he’s a child clingin to his Ma’s skirts and she’s maintained him and he’s not done nothing’ for her. To prove he is loyal to Mona above all his he opens his mouth - Y tu mama tambien…well sort of. He tells her that Nieves knows where her Ma is but doesn’t want to tell her. Impact face of course.

Alicia shows up to see Mau. Lor and Gab fight over attending to her. Like kids they make faces at each other across the lobby.

M & B waltz into Nieves room and she thinks they finally talked, but Mona outs with it. What do you know about my Ma…she tries to say nothing and curses Beto for being a traitor. Nieves, in her finest Shitzu (thanks Carlos) regalia says she’ll tell but wants her to know that she’s done everything to protect Mona. She tells her Ali came by to see if Mona would be willing to forgive her Ma if she came back. To this Mona replies with a firm NO.

Funny now Ali asks Mau the same question. He knows she didn’t tell them everything. Before he can get the scoop, Coni busts in and interrupts Mau’s chat.

We see a looming short ponytail shadowing into the courtyard up to Estrella who is washing her ver fine clothes. Estrella fingers her right away from photos, she’s Mona’s mom! And, we finally see her face.

After commercials Estre can’t stop running her mouth about her acting, about Mona being a boxer and not there and so forth but she’ll take Ma to Mona only begs her to wait so she can put away her clothes such that they won’t get stolen, they are her acting wardrobe essentially. We know where this is going. Ma tells her self she can’t do this and runs off.

While Conni and Mau argue about when he will pay attention to her, Ali also has second thoughts and runs off somehow undetected.

Mona continues crying about why her Mom left. Nieves thinks it’s best if she doesn’t forgive her Ma and the furthest away from her she is the better off she is. Mona thinks Nieves knows more about her Mom leaving but she swears not. Mona says that if she is lying, well Mona will never forgive her, ever. Just then Estre runs in screaming her Ma was here but she couldn’t keep her around.

Mau follows Alicia with his covered up Audi emblem car.

Estre thinks Nieves only acted in her best interests. Mona actually defends her and is all excited her Ma came looking for her. She thinks since her Mom knows where to find her, she should come back and show her face.

The meeting of the evil trio commences again with the same banter, Mau left me how are we going to fix it, Jero offers himself to fix her. Lor enters with coffee and the boys drink it but Coni thinks this woman has designs to kill the whole world, so she’s not drinking the coffee, it could be poisoned. The boys spit theirs out. They talk about getting rid of the kids or something.

Mau follows Ali to the Hotel del Parque and spies Isabel going in too. (Trip advisor gives it one star...these are country folks after all)

Ok talk about bedfellows, Lor comes in to talk to Paula, she decides she needs some friends and they bond over the torture topic of what she did to Cris. Lor has a better suggestion to use chains. They decide to throw back some Joe together

Ma throws Beto’s meal down at him and yells at him for making her look bad to Mona and the whole neighbor hood will think she’s a louse, and how could he do this to his Ma who gave him her breasts (for feeding) until he was eight.
He retorts that was her obligation as Mother. I’m not liking this thought actually. She makes a crack about Coni and he says she only wants him as a sexual object and she doesn’t think he should tell his Ma such things. Beto doesn’t need his Ma’s help. Actually, he’s going to work and rent his own room. He’s leaving this house.

Ali and Issy chat about her going to see the Mona. Issy says she can’t because Mona will think it’s only for the marrow. And well it is, and she’ll be expected to act like a Ma, and she doesn’t know if she can.

Estre and Mona are chatting and Mona doesn’t want to talk anymore about any of it, she’s going to the gym. Estre plays devil’s advocate and chides her that Mau looked good and oh, here’s Mau silently walking in unbeknownst to Mona. Estre sees him and keeps up with the suggestive prompts getting Mona to say he looked great and she would love to kiss him all over and more and still loves him and so forth and he finally speaks up that he didn’t come to hear her fantasies about him, though he will later but he says he found her Ma. He impacted face is what we are left with.


Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sortilegio #1, Tuesday, October 6: El Gran Estreno

Or: Who are you people and what are you doing here?

Welcome to yet another exciting TN. I'm 5ft Latina, your cruise director. Everyone got their beanies on? A giant whiteboard to map out character relationships? Snacky cakes? Good! Then let's begin right after the theme song by Il Divo…

A couple is hanging out in the woods in or near Merida back in 1977. And they've got the fashions to prove it. Oh, the horror of that headband! The woman is upset because it won't be long before "Samuel" finds out that she's pregnant. The couple argues over who will be the one to tell him about it. He finally agrees to let her do it.

Later, inside a house, our "embarrazada" (pregnant) hippie chick tells Samuel (who looks non-hippieish to me) that she's pregnant. And right off the bat, we can check a classic phrase off our Telenovela Bingo cards…"no puede ser!" (it can't be!). She realizes that, but it happened. He assumes there's another man, which she doesn't deny, and wants to know if he knows the guy. She breaks it to him that the baby daddy is Antonio Lombardo.

Samuel (not the baby daddy) goes over to Antonio Lombardo's (aka Baby Daddy) house to yell at him that he's they've known each other for a long time, been guests in each other's homes, and this is how he is repaid--Antonio slept with his wife! His righteous indignation would be a little scarier without the toupee and the bright red polka-dotted and ruffled shirt. You gotta be way manlier than this man to pull of ruffles. Antonio, meanwhile is sporting a white satin shirt with some lapels that might just spontaneously take flight on him. Antonio's defense is that he and Victoria (aka hippie chick) fell in love. Yeah, yeah, they all say that. Samuel tosses some stuff off of Antonio's desk. He doesn't want to hear about love. He thinks if Antonio really felt love for Victoria, he would have "respected" her. Antonio says it was "algo más fuerte que nosotros" (something stronger than us). Samuel wants to know how many times they were together. Antonio starts to swear that "since we've been together," but Samuel cuts him off. Antonio tries to explain that now that there's a baby on the way, he's going to divorce his wife. Samuel tells him to forget it--he'll never see his kid in his life. Antonio pulls out another oldie but goodie "en el corazón no se manda" (you can't tell your heart what to do). He loves Vicky and the baby. Samuel threatens that if Antonio comes near his wife again, Samuel will kill him.

As Samuel storms out, Antonio's wife comes up to ask what's going on…she heard Samuel was there. She wonders if they argued, but he says it's nothing to worry about. I call set reuse--isn't this at least part of Santiago's house from Tontas? That staircase looks awfully familiar. Wifey says that someone named Hernán just told her that there's a new fertility treatment available in Canada. She feels like they've tried everything, but now that science has advanced, she wants to give it another go. She hugs and kisses him while he looks worried.

New day, or at least new outfit. Antonio (Baby Daddy) is now in hot pink stripes. He calls Vicky's house, but the maid tells him she doesn't know what happened--a moving company came in last night and cleared out their stuff. The un-happy couple caught a plane this morning. They told her they were going to Europe, but they didn't even tell her which country.

Now there's a Grey Haired Guy in play. He tells Antonio that they went to Paris first, but no idea where they went after that. Their stuff got to Barcelona, but from there the trail goes cold. Ah, Grey Haired Guy is Hernán and Antonio wants his help to find Sam and Vicky. Hernán says he'll do everything within his reach. He then excuses himself.

"Months" later, we are in "Londres" (London), where Vicky has given birth to a boy and a girl and Sam is promising to love them. Vicky thanks him.

Now we go back to Merida, but in 1981 (about three years later). A doctor informs Antonio that his wife is pregnant. Antonio and Wifey are happy, but the doctor says that Ms. Adriana (Wifey) has to be careful. It won't be an easy pregnancy. She's got to get lots of rest, avoid upsets, and eat well. The doctor asks her to please be careful.

Over on the other side of the pond in London, Samuel, now in a wheelchair, talks to Vicky about his feelings after, you know, the thing that happened happened. "I felt an immense rage, not towards you, but towards Antonio. He was my best friend and I couldn't imagine that he had done this to me." Wow, I'm thinking they forgot to tell us some years passed, cause these two are looking considerably older now. Vicky reminds him she done him wrong too, but he's not interested in playing the blame game. He realizes there were things he couldn't give her. He says he was only a man "a medias" (halfway). He understands that she fell in love with Tony and she fell in love with him, because she's always been a special woman. She doesn't want to hear this anymore. He asks her, once he's gone, to go back to Merida and find Tony and, if she should find him not married, marry him. Aw, that's generous. Mr. 5ft, you are NOT given permission to find any of your ex-girlfriends in case of my timely or untimely demise. Just putting that out there. He says that Antonio is Bruno and Raquel's father. He thanks her for her "cariño" (caring), "devoción" (devotion) and "sacrificio" (sacrifice). Vicky denies that there was any sacrifice. Sam says he won't be around to see her and he'd be happier knowing she was going to be happy.

Back in Merida, in 1983. A bunch of kids and their parents are at a party watching a magic show. Antonio holds a very curly haired almost-blonde boy. Hernán comments that he's really handsome. Antonio says that even though he was born premature, he's grown up "sano y fuerte" (healthy and strong). Hernán has something he wants to talk to Antonio about, so Antonio hands the baby off to the woman standing next to him and walks off with Hernán. Hernán's big news is that Vicky is back, a widow with two kids, a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, about six years old. Antonio says those are his kids, the dates match up, and besides Samuel couldn't have kids because of his illness. Hernán wonders what he plans to do. Well, go find them, of course.

At a big pink house, a woman approaches the gate and asks to see La Señora Victoria. She is let in and talks to Vicky, who looks like she's had a cut, color, and style since she became widowed. Felipa got Vicky's telegram and came right over. Vicky is glad, because the house is so sad and empty. Felipa has agreed to come back to work for Vicky. Raquel, the female Wonder Twin, comes running in to announce that the bed in her room is ugly. Vicky says they'll get new furniture delivered tomorrow. Vicky introduces Raquel to Felipa, who is surprised to learn that Vicky has not 1, but 2 kids, and twins at that. Raquel takes her leave and goes running down the hallway. Vicky now piles on the impactos by telling Felipa that these are not Samuel's kids, but they don't know it. Felipa guesses that these are Tony's kids. Vicky wants to hear how he's been doing. Since Felipa went back to her pueblo, she doesn't know, except that his wife died when their son was born. Vicky seems kind of happy to know that Tony "finally" had a kid (well, sure if you don't count the wonder twins).

In a fit of TMI, Tony paces his bedroom with his robe flapping open. He's a briefs man, in case anyone was wondering. He thought bubbles that Vicky's back, but she didn't get in touch with him. Does she know his wife is dead?

The next morning, he introduces himself to Bruno outside the pink house. He starts to give off a creepy stalker vibe, but then asks the kid to go get his mom. He walks down the drive a little and then turns around to see Vicky, who runs back inside the house. He chases her and Bruno looks on, confused. Vicky runs right into her room, Tony on her heels. He locks the door and starts to put the moves on her. They give the obligatory "sorry about your partner, I never wished it," Tony brings up destiny, and then the two make up for lost time. Tony hasn't gone a day without thinking of her and neither has she. The clothes go flying.

In the afterglow, Tony wants to hear about his kids. Vicky calls Bruno "voluntarioso" (willful) and Raquel "caprichosita" (capricious), and says Sam spoiled them both. Tony's other kid is only 2, but he's a good and laughs a lot. And btw, he needs a mother, which Vicky is only too happy to be. Tony thinks this is all quite miraculous. Vicky remembers that Sam used to say that life goes round and round and puts everyone in their place. She lets him know that Sam wanted them together, in his last days. Tony thinks they've got to tell the kids that he's their dad, but she doesn't want to do it now. Tony promises he'll do everything possible to earn the kids' love.

Months later, Vicky breaks it to the kids that she's hooking up with Tony. Bruno wants none of it. Vicky goes off an a spiel about how their money's running out, Tony can give them a better life, better education, etc. Bruno doesn't care, he doesn't like Tony. Raquel wants to know about the room/clothes/toy situation and that's enough to win her over. Vicky tells the kids it's going to be a big change, but she promises it will all go well.

And so, at long last, Tony and Vicky get married in a small lakeside service. I'd be more excited if she'd gotten to wear a big pouffy 80's dress, but alas, she wears a white suit. I know, I know, second wedding and all that, but a bride is a bride is a bride and no woman should be prohibited from wearing the meringue of her choice, should she have the available funds, and tradition be damned! They sign the papers, as do the witnesses. There are lots of kids in the crowd. Margarita, who I guess is the nanny, brings up Alejandro (curly-haired baby), then Tony calls Bruno and Raquel up. He tells the kids that from now on, they're all siblings and introduces his kids to the crowd. Everybody claps and Tony and Vicky kiss some more.

Flash forward again, to 1991 this time. A bunch of boys are playing fútbol. One gets knocked over and gets a bloody nose. This is apparently Alejandro (someday to be William Levy, but not tonight at the rate we're going). As he and, presumably, Bruno walk home, Bruno bounces the soccer ball off Alejandro's back and tells him not to cry. Vicky, who gets younger looking as time passes, is shocked to see her little Alex all bloodied up. She hauls him inside the house as Bruno complains that it's Alex's fault for insisting on playing when he doesn't know how. Felipa is also shocked to see Alex's face and gets him inside the house as Vicky gives a dirty look to Bruno.

Later, Bruno complains that Alex is a "metiche" (busybody; from "meter" to get in, or put in, or get into; i.e., someone who sticks their nose in everything) Vicky gripes out Bruno because "le metiste una zancadilla" (you tripped him). Bruno says that (a) he didn't and (b) if Alex wants to play, he'll have to deal with the consequences. (According to my in-house fútbol expert, Alex was indeed tripped, as Bruno made contact with his feet without coming into contact with the ball. He advises me that it was "just" a trip, not a yellow or red card offense, except for being from his own brother.)

A moment to talk about the captions…they were confusing Mr. 5ft as he kept seeing "# años" and wondering why the kids didn't look anywhere near that old. The full caption reads "hace # años" meaning, "years ago" rather than years old.

Vicky tells Bruno that it's his job to protect his little brother, but Bruno objects that Alex isn't his brother. Vicky brings up that it's always something, a push, a trip, Bruno is always "aggrediendo" (attacking) his brother. Bruno gets pouty as he complains that Alex "me cae gordo" (can't stand him, he gets on my nerves, etc.; can anyone explain where they get that from a literal translation of "he falls fat?") because they pay more attention to Alex than to him. Uh, oh. Never did have that talk with the kids, did you. Vicky claims to treat them all equally, but Bruno thinks he and Raquel should be treated just a little more equally since they're Vicky's kids and Alex isn't. Vicky's final try is to say that Alex is a nice kid. But Bruno doesn't care, he just doesn't like him and now he's got to get dressed because he said he was going out to eat with his "cuates" (buddies; although the literal is "twins"). Vicky walks off, upset.

She goes into Alex's room to console him a little. She tells him the swelling will come down in a few days. She tries to explain that it's not that Bruno doesn't like him (um, no, I'm sure he was pretty clear that he doesn't) it's just that he's a big boy and Alex isn't. Alex complains that Bruno always pushes him, makes fun of him, and gives him "coscorrones" (knocks on the head). Vicky praises Alex's big heart and says that with time he and Bruno will grow closer just like two "real" brothers. Oh, Vicky, honey, take the blinders off.

Flashing forward again, to 1999. Tony, walking with crutches, asks Vicky if she now understands why he decided to put the company in Alex's name. Vicky doesn't, since Bruno is the elder. Tony says he's heard rumors that Bruno is a good-for-nothing. Vicky doesn't believe it, but even if it's true, she thinks they should give Bruno another chance. Well, that's why Tony has called this meeting, to find out the truth. Vicky says that Bruno has assured her that he's doing all his work, that he's doing well in his classes. Ah, so this would be Bruno's college that they're going to? And since when can parents of 22-year-olds request parent-teacher conferences? Tony says if they find out that's true, he'll call the lawyer and change his will.

Inside, Bruno tells "Conchita" that he could swear he just saw his parents. Conchita says they're talking to the "coordinador" (coordinator) of his "carrera" (degree--his department head? His academic advisor?). Bruno looks worried as Vicky, in voice over says "expelled? Since when?"

The coordinator says since three months ago because he's not following his degree plan or the school rules. He's been disrespectful to his teachers and he still dares to come and go as he pleases, bothering the other students, especially his brother, Alex.

As they walk back out of the school, Tony tells Vicky that he's not going to leave Bruno or Raquel unsupported, even though she must agree that they deserve it. Vicky just wants him to think about it, but he has and if he leaves the company in Bruno's hands, there won't be anything left of in within a few years. Bruno has already shown how irresponsible he is and this isn't a game. He reminds Vicky that this is about his "patrimonio" (assets, wealth) and hers as well. Vicky begs for another chance for Bruno. She thinks he can still change. Tony refuses. Vicky chooses this moment--right in front of the kids', er, young adults' school--to bring up that Bruno is "their" son and Alex isn't. Burn. Tony says Alex might not be "theirs" but he is "his". Vicky's sorry she brought it up. Tony wants her to calm down. He says they have to accept that Bruno wouldn't be able to handle that much responsibility. Vicky thinks he doesn't love Bruno because Sam raised him. Maybe Tony thinks that Bruno isn't like him, but he can't do this to Bruno. Bruno will only become more rebellious and he won't forgive Tony for preferring Alex. Tony insists that he's never made any distinctions between the kids up to now. "Ni modo" (it can't be helped). It's time to recognize the limitations of each of their children. Bruno isn't what they would like him to be. "Because he's felt your rejection, that's why he behaves that way," says Victoria. Tony resents her accusing him of rejecting Bruno. Bruno watches them argue from behind a column. Vicky says they're both responsible in any case and it's not fair for Bruno to pay for their mistakes. She won't support his decision because she doesn't agree with it. She won't keep arguing over it, he knows her opinion and she doesn't support him in this.

Now the crutches/anvils come into play as Vicky walks off and Tony sticks a crutch right into a hole next to a drainage grate. This causes him to fall over a motorcyclist and bleed profusely from the mouth.

Vicky frantically screams for someone to get an ambulance. The bystanders stand by. We see Bruno pull out a huge cell phone and start dialing.

Bruno, with horrible emo hair and dressed all in black, throws darts in his room. Little brother Alex, also funereally attired, comes in to talk. Bruno asks if it's fair that after all this time, claiming that they were like kids to him, he and Raquel were left in "la miseria" (poverty). He guesses it's something Tony said to get Vicky to sleep with him. Alex says he'll forgive Bruno for saying that because he knows Bruno is hurting right now, but it's not true that his dad left them nothing. He left Bruno a house in Cancun and Raquel one in Pedregal. But Bruno objects to Alex having been left the company. Alex, kind-hearted sucker that he is, promises that he'll keep giving Bruno and Raquel a monthly allowance so that they can keep living in the manner to which they've become accustomed. He even offers Bruno a job, and not as a "criado" (servant). He says that if Bruno wants to keep living in the house and just rent out his new place in Cancun, he's welcome to do that too. Alex wants it clear that his dad wasn't an "infeliz" (wretch, poor devil, rat bastard), but a good and fair man. Exit Alex. Once he's gone Bruno says he'd die first rather than accept Alex's "limosna" (alms), and Alex is going to be the one who dies, "fíjate" (just you watch).

Back in the study(?) Vicky asks Alex what happened. Alex says that he explained it to Bruno, but Bruno's very angry, and with good reason. His dad shouldn't have done it. Vicky says if what happened hadn't happened, Tony might have changed his mind. A pretty girl, who I presume to be Raquel, asks Alex what he's going to do now that he owns everything. Alex says nothing is going to change. "Besides," he says, "you know I love you." He hugs the girl as Vicky looks on and smiles sadly.

Ten years later (that would be 2009) church bells ring and a young woman in a bright yellow t-shirt happily greets Candi from Tontas. She's there to do an inventory, since she's leaving her job soon. She tells yellow t-shirt girl to leave the postcards or Candi will be charged for them later. Yellow t-shirt girl is off from school since the computer teacher wasn't there today. Did Candi go pick up her dress? Sure did. Nothing fancy, but yellow t-shirt girl is still jealous since Candi will be marrying a hot guy who will take her away from work. But Candi objects that just because it's future hubby's plan, doesn't mean it's hers. She still has to support her dad and yellow t-shirt girl until ytsg finishes school and gets a job. Besides, "Alejandro" isn't rich. He has a good job, but he's no millionaire. YTSG says he has more money than them, and a nice apartment. She wonders if his family are coming to the wedding. Candi doesn't think so since his mom and sister live in the US. Doing who knows what. Candi figures if he didn't tell her, he must have his reasons. She says maybe they're servants and he's embarassed to tell her. YTSG wants to know if she gets a dress for the wedding, but Candi says it's only a civil wedding, and besides YTSG looks good in the green one. But YTSG wants to "estreñar" (wear something new, debut something). Candi says she'll see what she can do. YTSG says it's so exciting that in less than a week Candi will be "Mrs. Lombardo." Sounds fancy, but "Alejandro" is a simple guy. Candi crows that they're both in luuuuurve. YTSG asks for a cell phone for her next birthday. What? You can buy them "en plazos" (in installments) and some places even give them away. Sure, says Candi, but then you've got to buy the cards, etc. She promises that if YTSG passes her classes and if she can afford it, she'll buy her the cell phone. YTSG is ecstatic.

In a cantina, a white-haired guy tells Pedrito that he done good. Pedrito doesn't like hiding things from his daughter, like the time they hid the bootlegged merchandise in the warehouse. WHG says that's just what he wanted to talk to Pedrito about…Rufino wants to do bidness with them again. "Again, with bogus stuff? You know how risky that stuff is!" WHG says Rufino's going to pay twice what he did the last time. Pedrito points out that it won't be enough money to get them out of jail, plus the cops would confiscate the merchandise and then they'd end up owing Rufino.

Back to the two sisters, strolling through the plaza of an evening. Candi says they'll live there at least for a while, but she thinks "his" bosses really like him and they might give him a bigger and better job. "Oh, Paula, I'm so happy!" So now we know Yellow T-shirt Girl is Paula. Paula says her sister's boyfriend is ok and all, but he needs more money before he can be perfect. Ah, says older sis wisely, money isn't everything and besides, "Alejandro" is perfect. They stop to listen and clap along to the music.

Pedrito tells WHG the money wouldn't be bad. WHG says Pedrito could even buy his daughter a wedding present with the money, but the girls don't like daddy getting mixed up in dirty dealings. He doesn't want problems with them, especially now when the elder is marrying a decent guy. If people find out, she'll be embarrassed of him. WHG swears nothing will happen. Pedrito keeps trying to beg off. WHG starts planning.

Candi tells Paula that she's serious about Paula getting a job. It's hard for Dad, as an older man, to get a job, and besides he's got a bad leg. Paula says he sure is sick, but from…she mimes drinking. Paula can't understand why "Alejandro" doesn't want a party. Big Sis explains that there will be a party, but after the church wedding. Paula is disappointed that they can't even invite a few friends, but "Alejandro" doesn't want to. Paula goes off to Big Sister's room to sneak a peek at the wedding dress. The phone rings and Big Sister answers it, delighted that "Alejandro" has called. She misses him too and wonders when he's getting here. Paula comes into the room, saying loudly "Ay, no Maria José" (which I presume is the Big Sister's name and not that Paula is cursing), "this is too big!" When she figures out it's "Alejandro" on the phone she asks Maria José if "Alejandro" is okay with her wearing "típica" (traditional) clothing to the wedding. So Mary Jo obligingly tells "Alejandro" that she's planning on getting married in a "huipil" ( a google image search also brings up some nice pictures), if that's ok with him. She pumps her fist in victory and tells him she loves him too, "and thanks for doing this for me". She tells him not to delay his plane since she doesn't want the judge to get there before the groom. She laughs giddily.

Back in Merida, Alejandro stops Bruno on his way out of the house. He's heard that Bruno authorized the construction of the "fraccionamiento" (subdivision or housing development) of San Felipe. Yep, he sure did. Even though there are "minas de arena" (sand mines?) on the land? "Who told you that nonsense?" Fernando, and he knows what he's talking about. But Bruno says Fernando is a poor devil who makes up stuff to make himself look important and justify his job. Alejandro tells Bruno not to pull that crap, he knows Fernando is a good "topógrafo" (surveyor). Besides, says Alex, "building on that land"…"is cheaper," Bruno finishes. Alex is astounded. He always knew Bruno was a big fat liar, but he didn't think Bruno was stupid too. Bruno takes offense. Alex says that he's not going to let Bruno keep working in his business if he pulls another stunt like this. He orders Bruno to call "Martinez" and cancel the work. Vicky comes down the stairs and asks, "Are you arguing with your brother again?" Bruno says not to call that dog his brother again. "The fact that you married his dad is just a disgraceful coincidence." Vicky (sporting a nice blingy V necklace to make her more easily identifiable) wonders why they were fighting. Bruno claims it's because Alex tries to act like the good little boy when really they both hate each other. Vicky tries to say that Bruno has a "carácter" (character) that…but Bruno doesn't think Alex is such a saint. He complains, for what I suspect is about the millionth time, that Vicky shouldn't have let her husband leave everything to Alex. "What are you complaining about? After Alex you're the most important person in the company." Bruno says he's nothing more than a servant and it has to end. With that ominous utterance, he walks out, leaving Vicky calling after him that if maybe he were just a little friendlier…. But he is outta there!

Pedrito sneaks into the house, tripping on a chair. He brought home some leftovers, too, which he hands off to MaryJo. In the process, she smells the alcohol on his breath. Pedro claims he was celebrating her upcoming wedding and asks if she's happy about that. She is, of course. He tries to give her a statue that maybe she can sell at the store. But MaryJo has told him before, the owner won't sell stuff without a "factura" (invoice). Pedro says he bought it off a poor old lady who needed the money, so where's she supposed to get an invoice from? MaryJo agrees to try to sell it and give Pedro his commission. Now he puts a bracelet on her wrist and says he's going to miss her when she gets married. Pedro says the bracelet is "full" of saints to take care of her. That "Alejandro" seems like a nice boy, he says, and MaryJo agrees.

Bruno sits in a darkened room, with a projector on, practicing Alejandro's signature. Or so I suspect. There's a knock on the door from someone named Erick, last seen as Manzanares on MEPS. He comes in and confirms that Bruno is practicing "the signature." "So, when are you getting married?" Saturday. Bruno wants him to get him a plane ticket in Alejandro's name. "In the name of that disgrace!" And after? What they've planned. Alejandro has to go to Zarco. The road is "sinuosa" (sinuous, winding), and that's where he will die. And Bruno will get the widow and the money. "And will the girl agree, sir?" "Of course! I have her eating out of my hand."

The next morning at breakfast, Vicky swans in, announcing that Maura called. She wants to come to dinner tomorrow. Alejandro laughs, saying she can come over if she wants to, but he's not going to have time for her. He's got a very busy weekend. He says he'll go to Zarco the following week. He needs to check out some wild land that Dad bought a few years ago. He's thinking of building a hotel or a spa. Bruno announces he's on vacation as of tomorrow, maybe to Cancun. Then he gets offended when Alejandro asks if he has any pending business at the office--"Of course not! And if I did, your brilliant brain would take care of it all!" Bruno storms off and Alejandro and Vicky try to laugh it off. Vicky asks him to be patient, but Alejandro says he's been too tolerant with him. Vicky reminds him that he's jealous and feels humiliated because everything he has, he owes to Alex. Alex agrees, but what can he do about it, "I wasn't going to reject my father's inheritance just to please him!" Vicky says Bruno had gotten hopeful, and deep down is a good kid. Alex says it must be way deep down. He reminds her that she's seen him do his best to make friends with Bruno, but Bruno has always hated him, ever since she married his dad and came to the house. "Besides, he doesn't do anything so that we can get along better. And if I put up with him, you know perfectly well it's for you." He excuses himself to go to work. He says he won't be home for dinner and he'll see her later tonight.

Outside, someone's getting Alex's convertible ready. Alex drives off, top down, while Bruno watches from the lawn. Erick approaches Bruno and says he's talked with the judge, everything is ready, the witnesses too. He'll bring over the plane tickets this afternoon. Bruno says that Alex has to go to Zarco the following week. He instructs Erick to pay attention to the day and hour of Alex's departure. Erick agrees.

MaryJo and Paula watch some folkloric dancing and gossip. Turns out MaryJo is pure as the driven snow, despite many visits to "Alejandro's" apartment. Paula would never be so puritanical. Of course, "Alejandro" has asked MaryJo for a sample of the milk before he buys the cow, but MaryJo refused. And she doesn't feel she's missing out on anything. She'll get some of his sweet, sweet loving once they're married. She thinks that Paula, on the other hand, will end up doing something she regrets. Just out of curiosity, MaryJo asks if Paula's "noviecitos" (little boyfriends) are using "preservativos" (and no, that's not preservatives, it's condoms). Paula laughs off the idea of boyfriends.

Bruno packs. There's a knock on the door. It's Vicky. She wants to know why Bruno didn't tell them earlier about this sudden trip. You know, despite the fact that it covers her up too much, I really like the flowiness of her dress. And maybe the belt at the waist to cinch it in makes it ok. Still, awfully formal for a family breakfast and just hanging around the house, no? Bruno gripes that he's old enough to not have to inform her about everything he so much as thinks of doing. Besides, he needs a few days away from there so he doesn't have to look at that "imbecíl presumido y autoritario" (presumptious and authoritarian imbecile). Vicki objects to his description. She reminds him that Alex has always tried to be his friend and of course, he was bound to get tired of it sometime. Bruno says he's tired of Alex too, and if she hadn't contributed to "the old man's" death, maybe things would be different now. Vicky says it was an accident, but Bruno asks her if she's sure. Vicky says, sure, they were arguing, but…. Bruno says if she'd been at his side he wouldn't have died, or at least not so quickly, and she would have had time to change his mind about the will. "So, you see, it's all your fault." Go on, Vicky, give him a kick on the way down the stairs. Ungrateful little brat, making his mom cry like that. Bruno takes his luggage and leaves. Vicky sits down in his chair and says that he's right, it was her fault Tony died. She tells Dead!Tony that she's sorry and that without him the family is a complete disaster.

A few days later, MaryJo and Bruno, calling himself Alejandro, get married. He has a little trouble signing the document, but then pulls off what we can only assume is a passable imitation of the real Alejandro's signature. As they kiss, Fake Alejandro tells MaryJo that whatever happens, she needs to remember that he loves her. She's curious, but he says he's just saying it because he loves her and he's happy. The judge says he'll give them a "comprobante" (receipt) so that they can pick up their marriage certificate. Paula congratulates them and hands out wine.

Out on the street in front of the house, MaryJo tells Paula and her dad that she'll be back for her clothes tomorrow before she goes on a trip with Fake Alejandro. For now, they're going to his apartment to do the nasty. What, isn't that what all newly married couples do? In the car, Fake Alex won't tell MaryJo where they're going. He says it's a surprise and it'll only be for a few days and when they do their church wedding, they'll do a bigger trip. They bump fenders with another driver, but when Fake Alex gets out of the car, the other guys drive off fast. While he's out of the car, his cell phone rings. It's Erick telling Bruno that Alex is going to Zarco the following day. Bruno gripes and Erick suggests scrapping the plan. He looks back at MaryJo waiting for him in the car and tells Erick that he'll take the next flight. MaryJo is surprised to hear this. Bruno/Alex gets back in the car as she asks, "you're leaving?"

And tomorrow: Felipa wonders if it's not about time the kids learned who their BioDad really is; Alex takes the long and winding road to Zarco, with disastrous results; Vicki cries over Alejandro.

Finally! I think I got a little long winded, but they really crammed a lot in there to set this story up. Just as a review, the list of players:

Antonio=Tony=Baby Daddy=the father of all three kids
Samuel=Sam=Non-Baby-Daddy=the guy who raised Bruno and Raquel, now dead
Victoria=Vicky=lover of Antonio, later his wife; first Samuel's wife, mom to Bruno and Raquel, stepmom to Alejandro
Hernán=Antonio's friend who we may or may not even see again
Bruno=Fake Alejandro=snot nosed brat with a huge chip on his shoulder
Raquel=no impression yet
Alejandro=Alex=dumbass guy too nice for his own good
Maria Jose=Candi from Tontas=MaryJo=virginal bride of Alejandro, or so she thinks
Paula=MaryJo's not so puritan younger sister
Pedrito=Pedro=MaryJo's dad; bound to get in trouble with the law
Erick=skeezy accomplice of Bruno


ENDA Tuesday October 6. Mac and PC are on better terms than the ads would suggest.

Carlota sits in severely unflattering light and sobs wretchedly over the failure of her seduction attempt. “Eh, uh, uh, uh,” say the captions.

Cristóbal kneels in glowy holy light and prays, saying he’ll still be faithful to the church’s teachings, but as a regular dude now.

Carlota now paces in her room so we can see her horrid unflattering pants. Rufi graciously comes by to offer her tea, and gets yelled at for her trouble. Carlota sobs some more and looks more pale than purple. She might really be broken.

Mac gets the report from Command Central, i.e. Rufi in the kitchen: Paloma is still at painting class, and Cruel is “cerrada a piedra y lodo” (locked up tight). They guess that Cruel must have spoken to Cris; it’s the only thing that would explain her attitude. Rufi is just worried that now Cruel will hate Mac even more. Mac thinks she’ll have to go far away to live in peace, and Rufi says if only Cris wasn’t a priest, surely he would be courting her all over again. Mac is about to fill her in on the latest juicy development, but Paloma arrives. She’s carrying the gigantic stuffed rabbit and says Aaron gave it to her as a gesture of friendship. Rufi looks skeptical.

Orlando is waiting around for his party to start. Cris is the first to arrive, quite conspicuously in a regular suit with no priest collar. Orlando doesn’t seem to notice. Cris congratulates him on the business success.

Mac and Paloma talk about her art, and Mac says maybe she’ll start painting again herself. Somehow this involves bringing the birds into the living room. Paloma is excited about learning more but wonders whether her relationship with Emiliano will survive if she moves to México City. Mac says time and distance can’t destroy true love. Paloma notes that Mac seems really happy but Mac won’t tell her why.

More people are at the party. Joel asks to be introduced to Angélica. Rafael looks around anxiously for Camila until she finally arrives. He commiserates with her about her search for Romina, but is interrupted by a possessive Orlando. Rafa is trying hard not to let his jealousy show, and pretends for Emiliano’s sake that he’s having a great time.

Paloma is still giving the birds a tour of the house. Now she puts them down in the kitchen, and she, Mac, and Rufi all sing wordlessly for awhile. “Lararara, lara, lara,” say the captions. Paloma notes how happy they all are and will be in the future. Rufi says maybe Edmundo will return and serenade her again. What a coincidence that they all found love at the same time, says Paloma. Rufi with Edmundo, Pal with Emiliano, and Mac with…(Mac looks nervous)…Dr. Bermúdez, of course! Cruel comes to spoil the party. She says the doc is in the sala to see Mac. When Paloma and Rufi start humming again, Cruel gets furious and tells them never to sing that song again. They are baffled. Paloma guesses that song must remind Cruel of her unrequited love. It’s anybody’s guess how Carlota could recognize a song from that tuneless humming.

Back at the par-tay, Emiliano calls Diana and finds out that she is indisposed, but has sent a representative in her place. Said emissary arrives and plants several lengthy smooches on Emoo’s cheek while dozens of flashbulbs fire and everyone stands around and stares. Em looks disgusted but lets Romina do the ribbon (listón) cutting. I don’t know why a new business partnership requires a ribbon, but the gazillion photographers seem to think it’s quite the Kodak moment.

Everyone is back to normal partying. Emiliano is furious at Romina, but she tries to convince him she’s the perfect proxy for his mother. Ugh, Romina, no one wants Oedipal overtones in their futile romantic entrapment attempts, you creep. Emiliano storms off. Germán remarks that the dress Romi is wearing is one he bought in the D.F. Camila finally gets a chance to talk to Romina and asks her to come home. Romina says she doesn’t want to go back, even after she finds her father.

Rodolfo has visual aids for his Marry Me presentation: photos of the house which could be Mac’s for the low, low price of marrying him. Mac starts to say she needs to talk to him about something very important, but then she sees Carlota eavesdropping from the hall and just says she will have to think about it. He encourages her to overcome her fear and tries for a kiss but is denied.

Once he’s gone, Mac reams Carlota for the pathetic skulking around. Cruelota refuses to play defense and goes straight to offense, saying that everyone knows about Mac’s scandalous interest in the priest. The D.F. won’t be far enough to escape her shame; she’ll have to go to China. Mac retorts that she’s not ashamed and she’s not going to let Cruel stop her. “Oooh, I’m so scared!” mocks Carlota. Mac says Cruel is just jealous because Mac has what Cruel can’t have: love. “With your daughter, or with the priest?” asks Cruel, making a face to imply that only stupid people want love. “Both!” zings Mac. Cruel is out of ammunition and resorts to her default “Imbécil!” as she flounces back to her room. She hisses that she hates Macarena.

Camila is still upset about Romina, but Orlando tells her to forget it and just enjoy the party. Rafa and Emiliano join them in a toast, and Romina horns in and hangs on Emiliano’s arm.

Paloma tries to convince Mac to accept Rodolfo’s offer. Mac says no way; she is not in love with him.

Cris calls Mac from Ange’s desk and they arrange to meet. Nosy Inés comes along and almost-ex-padre Cris totally lies to her about the call. After he walks away, she picks up the phone.

Joel hits on Angélica. She’s amenable.

Cris and Mac meet up in the park. He tells her he’s given up his vestments and he’s now free to pick up where they left off. Passionate lip-lock ensues.

Inés calls miserable Diana and reports that the op is a great success. Orlando is strutting around like a peacock with Camila. Inés thinks he’s in love with her, which disappoints Diana because she’d like to think she’s harder to forget than that. After 25-odd years. And abandoning him. And leaving him wondering about their child. And stealing all his money. Yes, how dare he fall in love with someone else?

Cris and Mac take a romantic stroll and marvel that their remotest dreams have come true after all this time. Cris says he wants to get married; they just need to wait a few days until someone can come to replace him in the parish. Mac accepts with one condition. She wants to take Paloma and Rufi and go far away from Real del Monte and not tell anyone where they are going. He agrees it’s best to get away from Carlota.

Emiliano has a big foolish grin on his face, so the text message he’s writing must be to Paloma. Romina rudely interrupts him but he’s having none of it.

Cris says they’re back in the same place they were twenty years ago: wanting to get married, and no money. He thinks he can get a teaching job, though. Mac says she can sew or sell jam or paintings. She’s just worried about separating Paloma and Emiliano. They agree they won’t let P&E end up like them. Cris says he really likes Emiliano, but there’s just something special about Paloma. It must be that she’s so much like Macarena. Mac does not take this obvious opportunity to tell him that Paloma is his daughter. Cris gives her a diamond engagement ring. I wonder how he acquired that on a priest’s stipend. I think the twinkle sound as he puts it on her finger indicates that it is magic, provided by his fairy godmother. More mad making out.

Paloma reads the text message from Emoo and sends one in return. She hugs the phone.

Turns out Cris has been holding onto the ring for nearly twenty years. Smoochity smooch smooch. Odd that no one seems to be out and about tonight to see them. They must be in the same park where Emiliano could bellow about being Paloma’s novio, yet keep it a secret.

{Aside—I hate the ad bumper where Emiliano is licking his lips. It looks lewd. Can’t they get rid of that?}

Orlando has pulled Camila into another room to try to get the afterparty started early. She thinks they should get back to the guests, but he just wants to get busy. They kiss and giggle.

Mac swoons into the house with her lip gloss miraculously intact. She and Rufi blather about Carlota’s goings-on. Rufi offers dinner, but Mac says she isn’t hungry. I guess she’s getting an early start on living on love, since she hasn’t bothered to OPEN THE FREAKING ENVELOPE. Rufi is frustrated that no one in the house wants to eat. Don’t diabetics have to eat on a regular schedule whether they want to or not? No wonder Mac is always sick.

Cris tries to talk to Padre Mateo, but PM is already in bed snoring so Cris just tucks him in.

Macarena admires her ring and is nearly floating. She goes back to the annoying singing but is mercifully drowned out by the soundtrack.

Joel and Ange are still chatting. She gets a call from Dario, begging her to return, but she hisses at him to leave her alone and stop calling. Joel overhears and is concerned, but she tells him it’s nothing.

Paloma asks Macarena just where she has been at this time of night. Mac says she’s not telling, but everything is going to be different now.

Rafael corners Camila and says they need to talk. She says not here. They agree to meet in the cafeteria in the morning.

The next morning, Mac is up early cooking breakfast and singing again. Rufi asks her if she’s read the papers Carmen brought yet. “Oh, right, those…Carmen said they would change everything,” says daffy Mac. Rufi goes to find them. Paloma appears for breakfast and a magical twinkly hug with her mama.

Carlota has taken to her bed to cry and relive the humiliating rejection by Cris. Enough tears, she decides.

Rufi and Mac can’t find the envelope. Rufi thinks Mac is just absentminded, like she’s in love or something.

Paloma is about to leave for school and notices the envelope in her bag. She sticks it in a drawer and leaves.

Mac is searching her bedroom, to no avail.

Padre Mateo is sick and hacking all over. He has the flu and will have to stay in bed for days. Cris still wants to talk to him about his important business, but PM says not now, just manage the church for a few days. Cris looks really disgusted, either at all the coughing or at having to share a scene with this heinous overactor, and he finally gives up.

Mac wonders why Carlota is still in bed and asks if she’s seen some papers. Carlota has not. Carlota says Cris is not allowed in their lives or their house. She really has no footing in this argument yet Macarena still looks cowed. Years of conditioning will do that.

Avances: Cris is back in his priest duds, but sweet-talking Mac on the phone. Carlota eavesdrops and goes ballistic. Does Mac get pushed down the stairs?


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