Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Oct 27, '09 This Boda Doesn't Bode Well

Alternative Title: Is It Okay If I Say Mean Things About Constanza?

Yep, our Connie has gone beyond the pale now. From time to time I've felt a flicker of compassion for this rejected female ,but she's so far on the dark side now there's no coming back. Mauricio, the children, and a whole lot of other folks are about to learn that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned--especially if that woman is Connie.

We start this evening with Mauricio barging into the judge's office to tell him if he thinks he can take the children away the judge is wrong! Alas, it's our dim but hunky hero who's wrong. The judge informs him that Constanza Lerdo de Tejado, the responsible woman who took care of the kids while he was away, is now their legal adoptive mother. Well make that mutha'. He dismisses Mauricio as an irresponsible doofus who's better off taking in a "mascota" (pet) if he wants warm fuzzies. The children are better off with the right person...and that's Constanza.

While we mull over that bizarre thought, the scene switches to Nieves and Monita, bonding over her offer of her old wedding dress. Seems Nieves was also romanced by a millionaire, the father of Beto, but was left standing at the altar in this very dress. But that's why she worried so much about the Mauricio/Monita romance! Now, though, she understands that these two are meant for each other. So she gives it her blessing and offers her dress to replace the one her "criaturita" ripped to shreds. The scene ends with a loving hug and a "Que Dios te bendiga y te vaya bien."

The prospects for that look dim. But we'll see.

Back to Sal and Mauricio who's frothing at the mouth and not thinking clearly. (Well, he never does. But for once it's understandable.) However it's clear to Mauricio that Connie is behind this. Sal tries to point out that surely Oscar and Jerry are also, but that our Mau can't believe. But hey, he's still planning to marry Monita...THIS AFTERNOON...and surely that will help his case with the judge.

And boom, we have an ad. Lately the ads have been coming at 7:08 or 09...much earlier than before. More ads because greater audience share? Who knows?

When we come back, we see Oscar at the office, fooling around on the computer. Lorenza walks in and soon they're fooling around together--after she complains about having spent the night in jail, that is. He reassures her that getting a divorce from Sal is a great move. But take him for all the money he's got! As Lorenza mulls over the way she wants Sal to suffer, Oscar is clearly turned on. Ah, what an adorable couple.

Another adorable couple is Nieves and Beto. She's massaging his shoulders and trying to make him see reality. Monita stopped loving you. She fell in love with Mauricio. These things happen. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. But don't ruin her day, Beto. Sure, in fact I'll help them, lies Beto, following Connie's advice. Nieves is surprised at the sudden change....and without even a sandwich request. Mighty suspicious.

Beto now trots over to Monita's room to propose walking her down the aisle. Paula and Estrella are as suspicious as Nieves, and try to run him off. But he manages to convince Monita that both his repentance for ripping the dress and his desire to make her wedding a happy one are for real. Lots of shifty eyes while he makes these declarations but our lovestruck bride to be doesn't notice. Big hug.

And big hug with Mauricio and his children also. He assures them he'll work things out with the judge, but in the meantime they'll have to stay with Connie. Horror and protests. But wait...there's more. Good news. I'm going to marry Monita this afternoon. Joy and excitement.

But now we have to talk about what happened while I was away. Discomfort and concern. Yep, Mau's lowering the boom. No more relationship with Estrella. No more noviazgo with Ivan. Doing all this behind his back was even worse. After all, he's a dad who LISTENS. They should have told him.

Another scene change. Now we're at the hospital where Teresa and Ivan are talking. He's reassuring abuelita that he truly loves Luisa and will do her no harm. But it's better if he doesn't come back to live at the house. But he'll visit Teresa every day.

Back to Connie's apartment. Now that Mauricio has laid down the law, he reassures the kids he's not mad at them and NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO SEPARATE US (start the anvils falling right now, gente). This tender moment is soured the moment the door opens and Connie enters with an "Hola guapo".

Paula and Estrella are still trying to wise up Monita about Beto's intentions. "Yo que , la verdad"... (Truthfully, if I were you...) Paula begins. But Monita cuts her short. She really believes Beto is sincere.

Not so Mauricio. He's convinced that Connie is behind this crazy adoption and blows away her initial story about having them at her house to forestall sending them to the orphanage. You're a hypocrite, a schemer, a liar and now that I know who you really are, I can't believe you're still begging for love, he sneers. I'm going to marry Monita and I want you out of our lives.

Be careful how you talk to me, is her cool reply. You're not taking the kids from here. They're mine, legally mine.

Three caras impactadas as the kids suddenly learn Connie is their legal adoptive mother. In our updated refrain, Oh no, oh yes, oh crap!

Our little pit bull Estrella is still gnawing away at Beto, saying he doesn't fool her for a minute. Big Pit Bull Nieves shoulders her way up and tells our star she's not going to yell at Beto in his own mother's house. And from there, launches into one of her signature ream-outs of Estrella. Listen, babe, your little cub "está en celo" (in heat, under the influence of hormones) but once he's had his fill, he's going to look for a girl his own age (at which point, Nieves hoists her bosom to indicate that Estrella will be droopy and aged very shortly). Thereafter follows some family insults such as "Bruja tu abuela!" No tengo, replies Estrella. "Se nota" quips Nieves. Rough stuff.

Time for a little sweet romance with a touch of comedy, right? I mean, this has been Grimsville so far. Right...so we're off to Gabriela's apartment. Sal has come to change his clothes for the wedding. Can't get into his own place. Gaby reassures him that he can count on her. We're in this together. I'm in front of you, behind you, on your backside!...This calls for a kiss. Romantic music swells. Doorbell rings. Music fades. Oh crap.

And the crap is hitting the fan back at Connie's. How much do you love those kids? she asks. Because if you ever want to see them again, you'll have to do what I ask. If you humiliate me by marrying that guttersnipe of a street monkey, I'll take them from you forever. And if you try to leave with them now, I'll call the police. You need to reclaim your real place in life...WITH ME...not with that grubby animal.

Mauricio's not coming 'round. We were together out of habit, not love. I NEVER was in love with you. And now all I feel is contempt.

Hmmm...not the best way to handle a breakup. But Mauricio's been pushed beyond endurance. Where will this lead?

Well, forget that for the moment. We're back with Gaby and Salvador....and guess who rang the bell? Lorenza. Will she strangle Sal? Nope, she's going to take a deep breath, imagine him slowly roasting to death in the fireplace and then relax. But vamoose Sal! Lorenza wants a heart to heart with Gaby and he'd just be in the way. Nope, Sal's staying and he wants to talk about the divorce. Gaby trots off to hide the knives and the talk begins.

Switch back to the devastated kids. Dany doesn't want to stay with Monstranza Bruja Connie. Neither do the others. Mauricio promises to see them every day but for now he'll have to say good-bye. They're distraught and Luisa screams to la momia that she hates her. But Connie has the last world. I'll see you in church, she warns Mauricio....and we'll see how much you love your children.

After the ads, we find ourselves back in Gaby's apartment, listening to the sad tale of Sal and Lorenza's marriage. We lost love love years ago, he's telling her. I feel empty with you. You didn't want kids. You changed the decor every three months. We had no relationship. Yet even so, I never slept with another woman.

Lorenza starts getting angry again, but Gaby calms her by suggesting she close her eyes and imagine Sal falling down an elevator shaft.

And Sal continues, looking straight into Gaby's eyes.

But I WAS unfaithful in that I let another woman into my heart. I fell madly in love with her.

Whoops, Lorenza's getting angry once more. Imagine that Sal has catalepsia and seems to have died, Gaby whispers to Lorenza. You bury him. He wakes up pounding at the coffin, crying, shrieking. Hmm...I feel better, murmurs Lorenza.

And...."I love you too" Gaby silently mouthes to Salvador.

And there, our sweet, romantic ,crazy ,funny scene ends. The rest of the episode is pretty much oh no, oh yes, oh crap.

Mau drops in on Teresa at the hospital, tells her he'll take her home when she's discharged tomorrow, and avoids upsetting her by reassuring her the kids are fine. Outside the room, Ivan tries to convince Papa Mau he didn't want to hurt Luisa but dad assures him he already has. And don't come near her again!

Is the wedding still on? Well, down in the barrio, it looks that way. Nieves is dressed up like a Walt Disney Cinderella doll. Estrella manages a dig about how could Nieves have ever fit into the wedding dress, given how "caderota" (hippy) she had to have been, even in her youth.

Beto, looking spiffy in a tuxedo, but still with shifty eyes, arrives with Costeño and assures Monita all the guys from the gym will be coming to the church also. Looks like a full house for our disaster, no? Consteño thinks Beto must be on some kind of drug, he's so calm. Well, our big dude is right to be suspicious. Beto's in cahoots with Connie and that's never a good thing.

Sal, meanwhile (mientras tanto, excuse me!) is trying to keep Mau from going ballistic before the wedding. But how can Mauricio stay calm, after seeing how the kids looked at him, how they held on to him, their tears....? Well, don't fall into Connie's trap, cautions Sal. If they bought the judge, we'll find out and do something about it. But maybe you should put off the wedding.

Mauricio pauses and seems to come to a decision. I'm getting married. Together, Monita and I will both fight Connie!

And on that hopeful note we end.

Beto has walked Monita down the aisle as promised, but now he won't let go of her arm!

puente peotonal =pedestrian bridge
mi otra mitad = my other half, my better half
puesto como fiera = to get furious lit. to get like a wild beast
ni te inmutas = you weren't even bothered (Mauricio criticizing Connie for being indifferent to the children's suffering)
caderota - hippy, big-hipped
yo que tú = shortened version of "If I were you"
se nota =you can tell, it's obvious

Dichos of the Day

Estar entre la espada y la pared. (lit. to be between the sword and the wall) To be between the devil and the deep blue sea; to be between a rock and a hard place. That's where Mauricio is right now.

Estar hecho bolas (pelotas) To be completely at sea; to be all mixed up. And that's where Mauricio is also! Pobrecito!


Amor Monday, October 26, 2009 A lotta Carlota

Friday: Carlota sends Pal over to where Romina is waiting, as she and Carlota planned, to tell Pal that she’s pregnant with Emiliano’s child. Carlota calls her and says Pal is on the way, then thoughtbubbles that one day Chris is going to know Paloma is his and he’ll pay for all his sins. Em finally calls Pal’s cell, but she didn’t take it with her. He leaves a mushy message. Romina tells Pal the bad news. Pal says I saw you kissing German. That was nothing, fakes Romina. I know it’s Emiliano’s baby. No puede ser! Romina says why is that so important to you?

And here we go: Romina says you shouldn’t be worried about that, you should be worried about me, since I’m your friend. I’m never sure about whether what Emiliano is in love, but boy, when he’s with me, he just can’t contain himself. I sure do love him, though. I didn’t mean to treat your house like a hotel, it’s just that I’ve been hiding out because I’m ashamed. I went to the doctor and there’s no doubt.

Romina tells Pal that Emiliano was the first to know. Pal wants to know how reacted. Romina says more like sad and she starts to cry. Pal goes to her and says don’t cry.

Em is walking along a street and dials up German, who’s at work and looking like he’s really relishing it. Em says he needs to unburden himself about something, but the secretary interrupts German, so Em says never mind, I’ll talk to you tonight.

Chris is at his desk and Padre Mateo comes and notes he’s awfully serious. Chris says sometimes it’s hard to know what the right counsel is, whether to advise a person to follow the rules strictly, or to follow their heart. There’s a young man who is in love with one woman, but another woman says she’s pregnant by him. Mateo sighs the human race! It’s the same old story over and over. We feel your pain, Mateo – it’s the same thing we’ve been griping about.

Mateo goes over to the schedule book and checks out tomorrow’s appointments. He spots Natalia’s name and says isn’t that the lady you almost married? Are you sure there’s no conflict – I mean, after what happened with Macarena? Chris assures him they are great pals now, no worries. Mateo looks doubtful.

In the DF, Natalia is having coffee with her friend (Ivonne?). What are we to make of their coordinating black-and-white patterned outfits? The friend asks her why go to Real del Monte? Natalia says she needs time away to clear her head, and she won’t be all alone as Chris is there plus she’s going to visit Paloma. The friend wants to know if she’s going to go back to work, and Natalia says she’ll wait to make that decision when she sees how things shake out with Alonso.

The friend wants to know if Natalia still loves Alonso. Natalia says a part of me does, and he helped after my wedding disaster with Chris. But I’m not sure we’ll get ever past this latest problem. The friend says and what about Chris, huh? Natalia says he’s a priest. The friend says so what? Wink wink, nudge nudge. Natalia arches an eyebrow.

Carlota tells Rufi that if Em shows up, tell her first. Rufi says why is that? Carlota says since when do I owe you any explanations? Diplomatic Rufi says well, you know, what if Pal gets to the door first? Carlota says just do what I tell you.

Carlota sets a couple of big candles by her huge Virgin statue and says ay, Paloma. I want to make it very clear that you’ll be having the same luck in love as your mother did. Laser beams shoot from the Virgin’s eyes and Carlota is reduced to a pile of ash.

Huh? I must’ve nodded off for a second.

Rafa is agonizing over whether to make a phone call. He decides to. He calls Orlando and tells him they need to talk, but not over the phone. He’ll meet him in the jazz bar. Orlando says I’ll be there as soon as possible. He looks puzzled.

Romina is cuddled up to Paloma, crying. Thank you for being with me now, she weeps. I thought when I told Emiliano, he’d say that the baby would be born into a marriage, but he didn’t say anything. Paloma says what are you going to do? Romina says I don’t know, but it’s given my life a new purpose. You and I grew up without fathers – you know how horrible it is. Yes, says Pal in a small voice. Romina says I would like Emiliano to assume responsibility, but if there’s someone else standing in the way, I don’t know what I’m going to do.

At home, Paloma bolts up the stairs and Rufi calls after her. Carlota comes in and says leave her alone. Rufi says can’t you see something’s wrong? Carlota says what’s wrong is that men can’t appreciate the love of a woman.

We see Paloma cuddled in bed under a blanket crying. She has flashbacks of loving, happy moments with Em. Her cell rings. She looks at the caller ID and pushes it away.

We see Em pacing in his office, listening to her cell ring. He despairs. Next we see Romina checking out her figure in the mirror – it’s still okay, but she swats angrily at some bottles on the vanity.

Carlota comes into Paloma’s room and Pal protests that she wants to be alone. Carlota says I just don’t want you to suffer anymore. Why? Why? sobs Paloma.

German, who has helped himself to a cup of coffee, comes into Em’s office and says you sounded pretty upset, so I wanted to come see you. Em says Romina is pregnant with my child. German suppresses a spit take. Just when I was going to marry Paloma, I’m going to have a child with Romina, says Em. German’s eyes shift around.

Carlota is stroking Paloma’s cheek and says I never liked that boy for you. Paloma says but I love him and he said he loves me. Carlota says in the name of love (En el Nombre del Amor, get it?) people tell a lot of lies, commit a lot of sins, deceive a lot of other people. These are things that go on generation after generation. That’s what happened to Macarena and now to Romina. The words of a man are worthless.

Paloma jumps up. But Emiliano’s are true! He’s worth it! She flees to her bathroom with the gorgeous tile sink and splashes water on her face. Carlota pursues her and says I can’t believe you are defending him. Sometimes we’re too stupid to realize that other people are just playing with us.

I hope Em doesn’t do what they did to you. What? says Paloma. Your father abandoned you, and your mother had to give you to people who could be parents to you. No, says Paloma, he didn’t abandon me, he didn’t even know my mother was pregnant. My love, says Carlota, don’t you know Mac told you that so you wouldn’t suffer? And that they’ll tell Romina’s child the same thing if Em doesn’t step up to the plate?

Paloma absorbs that like a body blow, and clings to Carlota, who smirks over her shoulder.

Rafa is waiting for Orlando in the jazz bar which fortunately is jazzless at the moment, so we can hear. Here comes Orlando. Rafa says I’ll make it simple: I know what your past is with Diana, and I want you to know that even though we are divorcing, she is not alone. And I also want you to know that Emiliano is my son. Rafa looks daggers at Orlando who regards him warily and sighs.

Crushed Paloma says to Carlota I guess it’s my destiny to be alone. Carlota says no, my love, I’ll always be with you. Rufi comes in and says you asked me to tell you first when Em came by and he’s here. Paloma says I don’t want to see him! Carlota says I’ll take care of it, and she leaves.

Rufi says what’s wrong? Paloma weeps that her heart has just been ripped out of her chest. She hugs Rufi.

Carlota tells Em that Paloma can’t see him – she’s indisposed, and if he wants to know why, he can examine his conscience. Em says I want to hear it from her. He tries to step through her but she says loudly and firmly Buenas noches and gives him the stink eye. He leaves and Carlota smiles smugly. Life is good!

Next Em calls Romina who is thrilled to get his call and calls him mi amor. He asks how she’s doing and she says so-so. How about him? He says he’s confudido, and he has one question. It’s yours, says Romina hotly. It’s not that, says Em. Does Pal know? Did you tell her? Romina says I didn’t tell anybody, but her aunt was here while I was talking to the gynecologist and she overheard. After that Paloma came over. She’s my best friend, of course I told her then.

Em hangs up and Romina stares at her phone, then smiles. Perfecto! she says. She rubs her abdomen and says your father will be with us, mi amor.

At the jazz bar, things are getting very heated. Orlando says to Rafa you have no idea what Diana, as you call her, is capable of.
R: I’ve been married to her for 20 years and you say I don’t know her?
O: Maybe you’ve known the mask she’s worn all those years, but I know another woman. She is capable of anything just to get money.
R: I won’t let you talk like that about the mother of my son.
O: I’m talking this way because she’s the mother of my son.
R: You just want to get close to Emiliano, to suck him in, to get him to doubt who his true father is. To use him to keep committing frauds.
O: Is that what she told you? Do you know that she made off with all my money?
R: If that were true, she would have had money when I met her.
O: If you want to believe her, help yourself! All that’s important to me is Emiliano and Camila.
R: (slams the table and stands up) Leave her alone!
O: You leave her alone!

A fistfight breaks out and the patrons scramble. The staff finally pulls the two apart and restrains them, and the patrons stare.

R: I’m warning you!
O: I’m not scared. And I’m going to play this out to the end, consequences be damned.
R: This is going to end up bad for my family.
O: It started out bad and it’s going to end up bad for Gudelia. Her farce is going to be exposed sooner or later and you, you’re going to find out that you were her latest victim.
R: Don’t talk crazy. I’m warning you – don’t mess with me or mine.

Rafa shakes off the waiters and huffs off.

German bursts into Romina’s house and grabs her roughly by the wrist. The child you are expecting isn’t Emiliano’s, it’s mine! Romina says are you nuts? German says you’re nuts to think I’d believe your story. You were with him only once and with me a lot of times. Romina says what makes you think it was only once? He’s quite the gentleman and maybe he just talked about the time I wanted to kill myself over him. But it was more than once. I don’t believe you! says German. Romina says I don’t care if you believe me or not.

German grabs her by the arms and says it’s mine, and you have to tell Emiliano. Romina looks scared.

It’s nighttime and Paloma is where she’s spent a large percentage of time in this show – in bed, blubbering. Her cell rings and she picks it up, opens it, looks at the caller ID and snaps it closed again. Why did this have to happen? she agonizes.

Emiliano’s still in his office and he leaves a message. He says we have to talk sooner or later, and sooner is better. Please please call me. I’m dying to see you. I love you. Please don’t ever doubt it.

Romina gives a hefty shove and dislodges German. I don’t have to tell Em anything. You can tell him, I know he’d love to hear it. No, huh? You don’t have the nerve. It’s another one of your little attempts to be brave. German says this isn’t the end of it. Romina says yes it is. It was already over when you had a secret relationship with me. Don’t try to threaten me.

German grabs her roughly by the arm. You’re making me crazy. All these doubts and uncertainties. Romina says well, you earned it. If you were silent about it at the start, you have to stay silent about it. And don’t try to throw a scandal because I’m capable…

Of what? says German. Romina says look out for your reputation as a man, and as a lawyer. She strokes him and says What would people say if I said you took advantage of me when I was a minor? It’s not true! says German. Romina says but I could get everyone to believe it. Get out.

It’s daytime again. Paloma is leaving for school and Carlota says I’ll drive you. Paloma says it’s okay, I can walk. They both spot Emiliano hovering on the sidewalk. Paloma jumps in the car and Em says Paloma! Paloma! Please! He pounds on the window. Give me just a minute! I love you! Please! Carlota drives off, Em chasing after and still pounding on the window until they speed away.

Camila has called an emergency breakfast with Angie to tell her about Romina. Angie says don’t feel so guilty about what Romina does, she’s an adult. Camila says she sure doesn’t act like one. Angie says you gave her good advice, and if she didn’t listen, it’s her own fault. Maybe she wanted to have a child. Camila says she doesn’t like kids. Angie says maybe she subconsciously wanted one to hang onto Em. Camila is startled that a person might do that. Angie says her father abandoned her and then Em. This could be a way to hang on to him.

Camila says that’s awfully sad – that a baby would have to pay for her father’s abandonment. Angie has to get back to work, so she leaves and Diana runs up and says hey, Camila, hi! Do you have time for a coffee? Camila begs off. Diana says what’s happened with us? We don’t see each other. Let’s have coffee sometime this week. Camila says gosh, she’s just so busy with work. Diana makes a pout face and says aren’t we friends anymore? Camila says aw, don’t say that, and she makes a run for it.

At school, Pal has told Lili, who is astonished. Since Romina is wild, Lili says, you’d think she would know just what to do to protect herself. She also is amazed that Pal would believe Romina. Ask Em himself, she says.

Joel has brought Rafa a bag of ice to hold to his bruised face. He says why don’t you bring charges against Orlando? Rafa says I will, but not until Em is out of danger. Unfortunately my hands are tied. Joel says that’s because you have something to hide, so why don’t you just tell Em the truth? Em’s a man now, not a boy, and now that he’s expecting a child of his own, he’ll understand. Rafa says it’s not the same thing. Joel says things like this come out sooner or later and he’ll understand better than ever why you and Diana hid the truth from him.

At the plateria, Orlando tells Em he got in a fight with some robbers in Pachuco, but never mind, Em’s problem is the important one right now. Em looks tragic and says he’s confundido. Orlando says it’s life-changing, but I think you know what a man is supposed to do under these circumstances, don’t you?

Romina happily tells Diana that she’s pregnant with Em’s child and Diana squeals with joy. Romina says Em’s not so thrilled. Diana says she’ll bring him around. They hug happily.

Orlando is soliloquizing in his office. He’s figured out that Romina’s pregnancy news is the reason that Camila waved him off the other night. He’s happy! Now they’ll be closer than ever since they’ll have a grandchild in common. This is excellent.

Chris meets with the sister at Paloma’s school. He’ll be giving the classes the previous priest used to give.

Carlota tells Rufi that she’s proud of the way she’s brought up Paloma when she compares her to how Romina came out. Rufi says Pal is more docile. Carlota says they’re the same, I just knew how to dominate her. Rufi says if domination makes a person happy, then it was a great success. Carlota looks like she’s trying to puzzle out whether that was a compliment or not. Rufi adds But Paloma isn’t happy.

Carlota says it’ll pass. Rufi says yes, but the scars will remain. Carlota says it’s not my fault that these things have happened to Paloma. Rufi says no, but what’s sad is that she thinks her father is dead, particularly now when she needs him so much. Carlota says didn’t Macarena tell her? No, says Rufi. Carlota says Why didn’t I think of it before? Rufi says what? and Carlota says, oh nothing.

Carlota thoughtbubbles: Which would be better, if she knew, or if he knew?

Chris is starting his teaching off with Paloma’s class. He explains that he’s there to teach about Jesus about His love (he stares pointedly at Paloma) and about how things that seem terrible can be put to good use. Paloma’s hand shoots up. She says that sounds good, but things happen that we don’t like, that we don’t want. He explains that those things are to test and strengthen us, even though it’s not easy. God knows why things happen and we have to keep faith. Etc. Paloma seems to be comforted and cheered.

Rafa has stopped by Camila’s shop and she says what part of “don’t come around” did you not understand? Rafa says it’s not about us, it’s about your daughter and my son having a baby together. Camila says we can only support their decisions, but gee, they’re so young.

Rafa notices that she’s sad and says I just want you to know that you can count on me for whatever you need. She’s touched. He says she’ll be a young and beautiful grandmother and that a child is always a blessing. I’ll love it, I know, says Camila. Rafa comes close and says we’ll have that in common, a grandchild and our love. Their song starts up. He says I’ll love the child even more because it’s a part of you. He leans in and kisses her.

Avances: Emiliano jumps the fence of Paloma’s school and comes in dressed as a nun and proposes to her in front of her class. She says okay, but just don’t get into the habit.
(I made that last line up. Sorry.)


Monday, October 26, 2009

Sortilegio #15, 10/26/09: Victoria drops a bombshell and we all have to suffer for it.

I would like to be a dutiful recapper and tell you all the things that get said tonight, but I can't bear to, because everything has been said already, or is said on this very night, many more times than is necessary.

Hope you enjoyed the "previously's" because that's all the fun you're getting tonight. Alex and MJ smiled happily in bed ...

... but then he had to go and ask again about Bruno. When she said "I fell in love" Alex sneered, "you said that about me last night, you 'fall in love' pretty easy dontcha?" which is not a good way to make headway with a girl as tetchy as MJ.

"No, of course I won't love Bruno again, I'm furious at him for deceiving me, your family will never accept me, yes I was a virgin, your sister was a snake to say she saw us kissing..." blah, blah...

I can see, though, why Alex would be hurt that when there was trouble with the Pirate Papa she went off with Bruno instead of telling all to her hubby.

Philipa and Pedro are destined to be an item because they were both poor (there's something sure to bind a couple) and from the same town. Victoria is snobby and - because she's intent on absolving Bruno of all guilt - she's going with the "MJ and Paula are evil witches who tell lies and have an accomplice" story.

Paula is impressed that Alex spent 50,000 pesos to get dad out of trouble. Same conversation as usual, to whit: I'm not really his wife, yes you are, they aren't our people, etc.

Alex shuffles down the stairs and there's Bruno on the couch! Since Alex paid so much to him to get him to leave, there is natural indignation...

... which ends in fisticuffs, and mama Victoria comes rushing in to separate them and eventually says: "If you make Bruno leave, I'm leaving too!" She follows him into another room and, making no progress in softening his heart...

... escalates by dropping the bombshell: "Raquel and Bruno are your father's children."

Alex is impactado and spends the rest of the episode moping, drinking, sobbing, etc.

In the kitchen Ezequiel is "telling all" to Philipa - about all the times he's seen MJ with Bruno, and Bruno's continually hopping in through her bedroom window etc., but Philipa tells him to shut his pie hole because they don't need more scandal.

In the midst of all the identical conversations about her fornication "errors" and why she's kept this secret so long, Victoria reveals one entertaining thing: "Bruno didn't want me to marry any other man, he wanted there to be only him in my life." Heh.

I'm looking over my notes and skipping, skipping ... ah yes, moping Alex goes into his study and looks at a photo of his parents as a bunch of celestial sopranos bust out in a "GLORIA!!"

Here on earth, Victoria and Alex cry on a split screen! Commercial.

Paula meets up with Alex on his way out and natters on about Raquel firing Eric and... but Alex drives away, not listening...

... so then she has to tell it all to MJ and that was kind of funny. "Well, yeah, a cat fight, but Raquel hit me first! And she called me names!" MJ goes on again about, I'm not his wife, we'll take care of dad ourselves. "Well, but if you sell the apartment to pay his bills, we'll be out on the street." MJ has no answer for that.

Philipa, who has patiently endured years of Victoria's moping and snuffling and whining about the kids, admits she thinks Alex is a better guy than Bruno or Raquel. Heh.

Eric and Bruno, each in a dashing (?) unbuttoned shirt, go to see some scumbag and pay him to make a recording on Bruno's cellphone implicating Papa Pedro the Pirate in various dastardly smuggling deeds including guns.

Alex and his bud Ferdinand go to a bar where Alex gets sloshed and Ferdinand earnestly stands up for Victoria and the irresistible power of love. Blah, blah, blah. He eventually resorts to saying that what Alex is doing with MJ right now is no better than what Victoria did and asks, did you use a condom? No answer [uh oh, then MJ's pregnant for sure -- Ed.].

MJ is leaving her dad's chalet after a cozy chat with nurse Rosie... when who should pop up but Bruno, cell phone false witness in hand, asking whether she's been sleeping with Alex, and when are they getting divorced. He avers that her staying with Alex is "not in my plans." Then he demands, "Tell him you're having my baby!" and plays the tape for her.

Thank goodness, instead of collapsing and sobbing she grabs the phone and runs! Hurrah!

Bruno sets off after her but is slowed down by his brother-in-law who is skulking (luckily for MJ) in the bushes having a smoke. MJ gets to the house safely and wants to share this latest calumny with Alex but he, for once, isn't having any and mopes off to bed. And cries over his shoelaces because he doesn't want to share blood with Bruno.

After a few more repetitive conversations, Victoria (in very amusing pajamas) knocks on Alex's door and he reluctantly lets her in. She's brought that out-of-print book Ferdinand found for her in some bookstore - she wrote it, it's about her torrid love affair with Alex's dad. She says her husband was a writer, but an unsuccessful one, and she wrote as a hobby, but when it seemed she might have some success she published under a pseudonym so as not to embarrass her husband. Alex reads and weeps some more. Gee, her prose sounds just like a telenovela...

Elsewhere: Eric suggests to Bruno: "You could walk away from the whole mess, from the money and the woman," but Bruno says no, he chose MJ for himself...

Alex goes to wake MJ and asks: "We've had sex twice and I didn't use a condom. Are you glad or not? And are you [shouldn't that be 'were you'?] a virgin?"

She says, "too bad you're such a jerk," and this sorry episode comes to a close.

Tomorrow: Alex and Bruno tumble together down the Stairway of Death but I bet they both survive (not a spoiler).


un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 10/26/9 Did Anything Happen While We Were Away?

Luisa, Ivan, and Alicia are pounding on the door at Mau's place to no avail when Ivan has an inspiration, "Duh, I have a key." This proves to be useful as he unlocks the door and the three rush headlong into the kitchen where they discover Abuela unconscious on the floor. Terryfying! (Hey, Hombre started it!) Katia calls an ambulance as Ivan and Luisa try to rouse her.

Aldo and Coni are bonding. Actually she is rather frank with him emphasizing to him that she has the upper hand here, and he for the most part wisely recognizes this. Well she is off to the boutique for a bit and reminds him to feed his little femsibs and sees to it that they do their homework. He bristles and with remarkable restraint murmurs that he has always taken care of his sisters. Uh oh, things are going to be different here with Coni.

Beto strolls into the jail amongst the cells, left alone by the guard who escorted him back. He seems to know his way around. He is surprised to see Sal. "Beto, don't ask." Beto observes the strange felling of being on this side of the bars. He, however, is here to speak with Estrella. What's going on with M&M in Mérida? She is all too happy to tell him that they are feasting on each others kisses with no thought to him. He turns back to Sal for more information. "Is he there on business or to get married?" Sal knows nothing about any wedding and is not in the mood for Beto's silliness, and really doesn't like Beto calling him chavita.

Coni is welcomed by Ximena who appears to be in the midst of wedding preparations, she is holding a little bouquet and is wearing her bride's garter as a headband and looking absolutely stunning in a black and white top. Coni is seeking information about any wedding plans that Mao has. Does Ximena know anything? "¿Yopi? ¡Nopi!" Wait, what's this? Rolu, still cocooned in his body cast is furiously blinking otherwise. Coni sends Ximy off to get more flowers for the bouquet and she'll help her fix it where it's coming apart, then turns to Rolu, placing the garter around his casted head, asking him for what he knows. Speaking in well-modulated blinks, he informs her of M&M's impending nuptials...tomorrow. "Don't worry," she reassures him, "ain't nobody gettin' married mañana." She leaves tossing the bouquet. It lands in his lap.

At the hospital, Aldo has joined Luisa and Ivan. OK, who's looking after Dani? Gabi is with them and she has seen to it that Teri's bill is covered. "I thought that Coni is taking care of you." Aldo admits,"Truth is, we don't trust her." The Dr. comes out and assures them that Granny should be fine ( Terryfic!)... if she remains calm and the kids don't give her anything to worry about (Oh, then it looks like she's a goner).

Ivan eases into Teri's room and sits beside her bed. She comes to and smiles, asking forgiveness (Remember? She kicked his butt out after a rather stinging slap) and inviting him back home. Awww.

At the jail, Nieves has brought the girls tortas. She is almost as at home here as Beto is. She turns her attention to Sal and then back to the girls. Estrella points out to Nieves that he is divorcing. She's not surprised. Loriloca tries to insert herself in at this point and is rebuked by Nieves, "I wasn't talking to you!" She then turns her attention and charm back to Sal, offering him his choice of her wares. He is captivated by a torta milanesa as well as by Nieves. Lori is worried and tries to intimidate Nieves, but Nieves puts her back on her heels, at a loss for words. I think Lori may have met her match. Nieves has a regally elegant bearing and presence as well as a frightening demeanor. Lori is at a loss for words.

Outside a hotel in Mérida a Mexican trio is waiting to do a little serenading and here are the serenadees now. It's M&M mostly clad in white but we never get to hear our trio as they are drowned out by the love theme for the show as time flies and the happy couple are kissing in the street fronting the 'hood. He's exchanged his white fabric jacket for a nifty black leather jacket with the collar turned up. Very Fonzi. She is wearing a strapless sundress. Very Mary Ann. They share some cloying endearments and the he gets in the backseat of his white pickup as she blows him a kiss. Then, our little princesa, who is glowing, knowingly touches her abdomen.
Hmmm. She then picks up the box and the handle to her suitcase and passes through the green door that opens into her world.

She is met by Nieves who informs her that a lot has gone on since she left. Both Estrella and Paula are in jail. She wants to know what's in the box. They scuffle over the box and are joined by Beto. He wants to know what's in the box. They scuffle over the box which he wrenches it away, spilling Monis's wedding dress. He then proceeds to rend it.

Coni has arrived at the hospital and is confronting Gabi. Coni refers to the kids as her children. Huh? Gabi thinks the Botox may have affected Coni's brain. They verbally spar with Coni pointing out that the judge has entrusted the care of the kids to her.

Mientras tanto, Beto is continuing the shredding of Moni's wedding dress just as she has shredded his heart.. She rewards his effort with well-placed punches. He glowers (a truly frightening glare) then stalks off and Moni turn's her ire on Nieves as she gathers up the remnants of her wedding dress. She is not in a forgiving mood. Poor Moni. Poor Nieves.

Ivan, Luisa, and Alddo surround Teri's hospital bed...Nice. Lots of intergenerational bonding...Next!
Jero is dressing Rolu for the upcoming wedding. He fits a black bowtie around his neck allowing it to snap into place. There! All ready. A knock at the door. It's Mao. He congratulates the lucky groom.

Lalo is helping Ximena with her wedding dress in her room when there is a knock on the door. Sensing danger, Lalo leaps to help Ximy hide her novial outfit. It' not Rolu (how would he have gotten up the stairs, anyway?) but Mao, and Ximy's glad to see her favorite primuchi. He's delighted that she has guarded the secret that he and Moni are getting married. She is glad to be their fairy godmother for their wedding and has three final things to say to him as a single woman.

"Una, "I have to he happy marrying Rolu, because I don't have any other choice...well, for now."

"Dos, "I also desire all the happiness in the world for you and Moni because you make such a dreamy pair together."

"Tres, "Now go change clothes because we'll see each other in church this afternoon."

Am I wrong, or is there some nifty chemistry between these two?

More kids and Teri, but Coni bursts in and spirits Aldo and Luisa away, leaving Ivan to keep Teri company.

At the desk in the police station Sal is thanking his lawyer for arranging bail for him and Lori. He leaves and Lori lets Sal know that they will never be divorced, just as Gabi waltzes in. Lori chides Sal about trading her for a vulgar common torta, Gabi thinks that she is referring to her and when Sal tells her that she is referring to Beto's mom, Gabi sees the humor. Then Sal learns about Teri, and Gabi's encounter with Coni in the hospital.

Estrella and Pau have been released as well and Estrella especially is enjoying her freedom. She hugs a willing tree. The neighborhood looks great. They bump into Moni who is distressed that her wedding dress has been trashed by Beto, but she proudly displays her engagement ring. The two excons admire the ring and express their elation. Hugs.

Mao is home and is greeted by Coni who wastes no time in informing him that she is aware that he is about to marry Moni. He explains to her all the reasons that he has for loving Moni. She warns him that she is not about to give up and, "oh yeah, the kids are living with me, now. The judge gave me custody." His stunned expression asks a silent, "¿Qué?"

Estrella and Pau are helping Moni shop for a new wedding dress to replace the one that Beto destroyed. Pau thinks that Mao needs to beat up on Beto. Actually Moni is worried about just that. Pau let's it slip that there was a problem with Aldo, and Moni learns that Beto took him to enroll in music lessons and that there were subsequent problems as a result. "I went to rescue him and we ended up in jail," confesses Estre. "¿Qué?"

And Coni isn't done with Mao, she proceeds to chew on his leg some more about how his bud, Sal, did nothing to help when the judge ordered the kids transferred to an orphanage and she at least rescued them long enough for him to tell them goodbye, and "by the way, Teri conked out and is in the hospital; thought you'd like to know." He looks worse than he did after his bout with Beto. Coni has a bit of a mean streak, but looks great in red.

The Three Amigas are strolling down the street with Estrella and Pau filling Moni in on the misadventures of Aldo. Moni learns that Pau and Cristian found them in bed together, but Estrlla weakly points out, "Nothing happened."

Mauricio is meanwhile learning from Sal more details of things occurring while he and Moni were away. The judge had proof that Mao is a bad dad. "What proof?" Well, the pictures of Aldo and Estrella at the hotel, Aldo getting arrested at the music school, oh, and then there's the relationship between Luisa and Ivan. Of course Sal was distracted by Lori threatening to jump off the bridge. Mao decides to talk to the judge. Good luck with that.

Dani is not happy. She wasn't allowed to see Teri in the hospital and she does not want to stay at Coni's. The others, Luisa, Aldo, and Katia, try to jolly her out of it by pointing out that soon everything will be sorted out, they will be home with Mao and best of all, Monita will be there, too.

Connie smiles when Beto tells her about his destruction of Moni's dress and of Moni's violent response. She wants details but he offers no more. OK then, she has a three part plan:

Uno, tell Moni that he's willing to give her up.

Dos, tell her that he's willing to support her in her plan to marry Mao.

Tres, tell her that he and Nieves are her only family and then escort her down the aisle.

Beto is horrified but Coni, as she assured Rolu, assures him that there will be no wedding.

Moni's in her apartment. There is a knock at the door. It's Nieves. Moni is in no mood, she's getting married this afternoon and has nothing to wear. Nieves has brought her wedding dress which she has carefully washed and altered for Moni. She wore it the day of her own wedding but she was left standing at the altar. Moni is touched, but I ask, isn't there a bit of bad luck lurking in this vestido de novia?

Mauricio bursts into the judge's office demanding that the judge reconsider his decision. Too late! The judge informs him that he has already granted the adoption of the Hernandez orphans to... Constanza Lerdo de Tejada.

"Oh no! Oh yes! Oh crap!"



ENDA: Friday 10/23/09

I know I bailed on this show, but the least I can do is give you a place to post comments until a Friday recapper can be found.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sortilegio #14, 10/23/09: Debts and Doubts

Capítulo 19 (Mexican)

First the redux: Blonde Play Boy and World Traveler Extraordinaire, Ulises (yeah, Ulysses—the writers were a little too cute by half with this one) returns from his travels through Europe and joins Roberto, Maura, and Lisete at a party in town. They greet him with open and very willing arms, and then everybody begins giving him the 411 about Bruno, Alex and his mysterious marital woes. Eventually they head back to the Lombardo mansion for more gossip and a few more drinks. Meanwhile, Erick of the many-colored way-too-briefs, calls Bruno to confirm that Alex has left on a trip and should be gone for the evening. He reminds Bruno that Raquel fired him earlier. Bruno says he’s now back in Merida and plans on taking advantage of AJ’s absence. He’ll handle Erick’s dust-up with Raquel while he’s at it.

At the hospital Mary Jo and Alex head to the cafeteria since she’s in no mood to go back to the hotel yet.

Back at the Lombardo’s, Uli asks what Bruno’s got to do with Alex and MJ’s situation. Maura says it’s still a mystery. Roberto, aka, Bobo, says he’s tired of talking about it and invites Uli to eat with them at the house the next evening. Uli accepts.

MJ tells Alex she’s uncomfortable staying with him at his house and mooching off him. She’d rather stay with her father and figures she’ll look for a job again. He refuses because she’s his wife now, he says. When she tries to disagree he insists again that she actually is now. (Well, he’s got a point if they consider it marriage by proxy.) He says he knows she needs to talk about what happened between them the night before. She says it should never have happened. AJ says, well it did and he’s extremely pleased about it. She says that’s because he got what he wanted from her. (Ouch. That’s rude.) He takes her hand and tries to explain what should be obvious, that if that was all he had been interested in, he certainly wouldn’t be at the clinic with her now, waiting for her dad to get better and return to Merida with the two of them. (No duh! We’ll give MJ a pass since her experience with men has been sorely limited up to now, and since she’s emotionally exhausted.) She backs up a bit and says it’s because he’s just kind. Alex says it has nothing to do with good will, but rather affection and understanding.

MJ wonders how Alex could feel this way for somebody who suddenly appears in his life and causes him nothing but loads of grief. He says he doesn’t know and doesn’t care, either. It happened. She says she still finds it hard to believe. He asks what he can do to get her to believe him. She says nothing more than what he’s already done; it’s her problem. He tells her kisses will help to make her feel better. (Works for me!) He begins to smother her with them. She says kisses don’t erase any of it, they just make her giddy. He keeps kissing and she goes with the flow. (Who in their right mind wouldn’t, I ask?) A few more kisses and he talks her into letting Augusto, his driver, look after her daddy while they return to the hotel to get some rest and…er... whatever else comes to mind.

In the meantime, Broodo returns home. The security detail confirms that AJ is gone on a trip. He heads straight up to Victoria’s room to square things with her. He wants to know what Alex told her. She says he told her lots of horrible stuff, that Broodo married MJ using Alex’s name and then tried to kill him. “Alex says that it was Mary Jo who told him all of this.” Bruno denies everything and says that one or the other of them invented it all. He feigns incredulity. “How could you, my mother, believe I would be capable of this?” She admits she doesn’t believe he could have and says there must be some mistake. Bruno says it’s no mistake. Either MJ is a very clever liar or else Alex is affected now from the hit on his head and has gone mad. She begins to cry. He tells her Alex isn’t worth her tears. Vicki says she’s not crying only over him, but also for what’s become of her family. Raquel is more offensive than ever; Bruno always answers her rudely, has become surly [hosco], and has a rotten disposition--worse than before; and, as for Alex, she has no idea what’s gotten into him. (It’s a girl called Mary Jo.)

Speaking of Alex, he’s back at the hotel in Saqui and gettin’ busy with Mary Jo. The two of them are down to their skivvies. She begins to weep --out of happiness she says-- and she tells him that it all seems like a dream to her. Alex smiles and says it’s all very, very real. The two confess their love for each other. As he carries her to the bed (and Viewerville is given another voyeuristic visual) she tells him that it’s all happened so quickly that it seems it’s as if he’s a soap bubble that will vanish in the next instant. He tells her that’s how these things happen. “A man and a woman meet, they look at each other and suddenly something happens between them.” She worries that it might be only temporary. He tells her then that it’s up to the two of them to make sure it won’t be. (Ok. Ok. We all know how the deed is done. Amazing how Uni invariably forgets this somehow.) As Uni breaks to make payroll, Mary Jo finishes another lesson in …er…how to keep the home fires burning for her man.

Back at the manse, in Mama’s room, Vicki demands to know why Bruno agreed to take MJ’s family to the States and why Raquel apparently saw him kissing Mary Jo. Bruno says Raquel is lying and that he isn’t so stupid as to do something like that in the garden where one of the servants would have been able to see them. Vicki asks if MJ came on to him and he says no, never. (Not now, she wouldn’t!) He concocts another story about him seeing her crying that she had made a mistake by marrying Alex. He didn’t bother with the details, he says. Mary Jo simply asked and he agreed to do it. Vicki tells him then that Alex said her father might be a drug dealer. Bruno runs with it and says that could also be the reason they wanted to leave. Vicki wonders why he couldn’t have just told Alex then. Bruno whines. “There was no reason to since nobody ever believes me. Besides, MJ also was hurt because Alex wouldn’t even let her out of the house.”

Vicki agrees that it’s odd behavior for Alex. Bruno, obviously having had many years of practice at this, plays Mama like a Stradivarius. Son Numero Uno says that’s why he thinks Alex has gone nuts from that hit on his head and now they are all at risk. If Alex kicks him out of the house then she and Raquel could be the next to be forced to leave. He wonders if Mama’s going to believe the string [sarta] of accusations AJ’s made against him now. (Surprise us for once and say yes!) Mama says no. He and Alex have never gotten along. Bruno knows he’s winning the argument here and starts in with the crocodile tears. “That’s exactly what it is, Mama!” Victoria doesn’t know what to think anymore. Her maternal instincts have aced her good sense. (Geez, this woman needs a life! Anybody else feel like getting her a membership to e-Harmony de Méjico?) Bruno begins to whimper. “Alex lied about me and put me through hell because he has always hated me! Alex either convinced Mary Jo or threatened her to support his lies; perhaps she did it in exchange for him helping her with her drug-dealing father, and as a way to help AJ get me out of his life.” Vicki says it’s just too incredible to believe. Bruno turns the water works on all the way now and says if she really thinks Alex is right he’ll take the blame. He sits on the floor and cries in her lap. (Gag me. I need a barf bag.)

The next morning at the clinic, Pedro is awake when Mary Jo and Alex return. (OMG! Note to wardrobe: next time nix the color-coordinated red beads on the Alpha-male. This isn’t exactly South Beach in Miami, ya know?) Pete apologizes to Mary Jo and Alex for all the trouble he’s caused them. AJ is more interested in finding out who this Rufino character is and why he apparently beat up Pedro and left his face looking like a half-eaten Ruby-Red grapefruit. Ol’ Pete lies and says he doesn’t remember. AJ and Mary Jo say it would be better if they knew the truth so they could help him out of this jam.

The old guy gives in and admits that he only wanted to be shed of the problem but ended up making things worse. He explains how Bruno threatened him over the pirated merchandise to make sure he would go along with the wedding ruse; Pete thought that he would burn everything so that Bruno wouldn’t be able to prove anything if he did go to the police. Some of the pirated CD’s and DVD’s were Rufino’s that he’d given them “on consignment”. When Rufino didn’t get his money he beat Pedro to a pulp. (Calling Pete naïve at this point would be a compliment. I can’t believe the old dude was that dense and wouldn’t realize the consequences.) Pedro’s partner apparently realized what would happen and he high-tailed it out of town and over the border before the proverbial poo hit the paredes.

AJ asks how much Pedro owes Rufino. Pedro is embarrassed to tell him that it was $50,000 pesos and suggests that perhaps Rufino might give him a little time to sell his apartment so that he could pay off his debt. Alex says fine, that he’ll buy the apartment from Pedro and pay off the debt to Rufino for him. AJ immediately leaves to look for Rufino.

Alex and Augusto head for the bad side of town to find Rufino’s crib. He pays off Pedro’s debt. Alex tells the thief that now that he has his money, he expects Rufino not to bother Sr. Samaniego again. Rufino asks Alex if he is Pete’s friend. Our man, Alex, though, has street smarts as well as a sumptuous build and he refuses to answer the slug. AJ coolly excuses himself and walks away to rejoin Augusto. Rufino has a couple of his bad boys follow them.

Back at the hospital, Pedro tells Mary Jo that he was right about Alex, that she has found herself a good man who loves her since Alex worries about her entire family as well. Pete says he’s sorry for the problems he’s caused MJ and that he feels he’s become nothing but a nuisance now. They would be better off without him, he says tearfully, and that it would have been better if Rufino had actually killed him. (Viewerville is tempted to agree.) Mary Jo cries too. She tries convincing him otherwise. He was a good father and raised them to be good and honorable girls. If he got into trouble it was only because he allowed himself to let his friend hoodwink him. Pedro admits he did it for her, because he felt she needed the money. He knows he shouldn’t have gotten involved once he realized that the merchandise was illegit. Mary Jo says it’s all in the past. She just hopes that Alex gets back in one piece because of the type of people he’s dealing with. This causes Pedro more embarrassment. Mary Jo tells him not to worry because they’ll repay Alex once the apartment sells.

As AJ and Augusto are walking back towards their SUV, Augusto tells him he thinks Rufino’s men are following them. Alex, though, is the macho man with a major plan. He tells Augusto that he is to drop him off at Pedro’s. The two guys trailing them will probably stick around to watch the place, but once Augusto is sure they aren’t following him, he’s to pick up MJ and her father at the clinic.

The bad guys follow Alex’s SUV to the apartment and decide to wait outside. Alex throws them off the scent by escaping over the rooftops of the apartment buildings. He gets the call from Augusto that the bad guys are still sitting out front of the apartment building instead of following the SUV. Alex tells him to meet him on the highway to Merida after he’s picked up MJ and her dad.

Augusto comes for Mary Jo and Pedro at the clinic. Augusto tells her Alex is okay, but she needs to hear AJ’s voice and has him reach him on his cell. She takes the phone. “Mi vida, what happened?” “—Mi vida???” Alex is ecstatic to hear her call him that (note the camera’s dorky slow-mo) and he teases her about it. She tells him it’s no time for kidding around. She wants him to tell her what happened. Uni inopportunely breaks for a word from its sponsors while Alex apparently fills MJ in and teases a bit more.

Meanwhile, Vicki and Felipa go shopping in town. Vicki tells Felipa she’s not a gullible person. (Uh, yeah, and the Pope ain’t Catholic and bears don’t sh!t in the woods.) She thinks that Mary Jo simply knew how to take advantage of her good looks to convince Bruno to take a walk on the dark side. (Yeah, it’s all MJ’s fault.) Felipa says even so, Bruno should have known better than to take off with Alex’s wife like that. He’s just as much to blame because of it. Vicki agrees Bruno should never have listened to Mary Jo, but her blaming Bruno and getting Alex to accuse him of all those horrid things is too incredible! It’s absurd, she says, and she refuses to believe any of it. Well, Felipa agrees, there’s no way [ni hablar] anyone could believe that somebody would marry that girl pretending to be Alex, either. Vicki says then it’s possible Alex really did marry her and just doesn’t remember yet. Felipa says it’s been a while now for Alex not to have remembered. Vicki is adamant and she flatly refuses to believe it having been Bruno that planned this scheme.

Felipa asks then if Victoria is letting Bruno stay there. Vicki says she is. Felipa warns her that Alex is going to be angry once he gets back, but Vicki insists she has just as much right about who she lets stay in the house as Alex does. Bruno has a right to be there. He wants to live there rather than live alone and he is her son, after all. “He seemed so torn up about this whole thing.” The two women shake their heads and cluck.

At the same time, outside on the grounds of the manse, Brooding Bruno and Erick The Butt-lick (emphasis on the “ick”) are giving Paula the third degree about Mary Jo’s whereabouts. Pau lies and says she doesn’t have any idea where her sister is. Broodo doesn’t believe her. “You two are always together. You tell each other everything. I’m sure she told you where Alex took her.” Pau insists she doesn’t know. Erick interrupts and complains again that Raquel’s going to get on his case because he hasn’t left yet after getting the boot. Bruno tells him to stop whining because he told him already he would handle it. He turns back to the business at hand with Pau. “What have you found out about your father?” Pau lies that she hasn’t heard a thing and is really worried about him. “If Alex hadn’t promised Mary Jo that he was going to look for him, I’d have called ‘Missing Persons’ by now [locatel – a public service missing persons hotline in Mexico City]. She starts to threaten Bruno about telling Alex on her. Bruno stares her down and walks off. Erick asks Pau what she has against Bruno. “Don’t pretend you don’t know! You work for him, don’t you?”

Inside the house, Uli, Raqui and Bobo are cutting up before dinner. Mau shows up. Uli mentions he’s only there to eat and say hey, because he’s still got to unpack. He tells them he’s staying with friends. They’re pigs, but it’s the best he can do for now. Mau works her way around to suggesting he stay at her home since they have more than enough empty bedrooms. Bobo says no way. He and Raqui will take offense if Uli doesn’t stay with them instead. Bruno walks into the living room just then and greets Uli like the long lost brother he wishes he had. Uli brings up Alex’s shocker of a marriage and the supposedly gorgeous new wife. Raquel can’t let that compliment go unchallenged. She immediately jumps up and says the woman revolts her, not to mention the sister! She starts grousing at Bruno about the incident at the skating rink the day before and how Pau slapped her. “Oh, and by the way you need to fire Erick.”

Bruno reminds her that Erick works for him and not her. She says it’s all the same and anyway, Erick was treating that smart-assed girl like she was his boss instead of Bruno. Raqui runs her motor mouth a bit more, carping at the way the little so-and-so dared to raise her hand against her. Bruno stares disgustedly at her before walking away and says, “Boy, you really know how to irritate!” Raquel sniffs and sits back down. Uli laughs and says Bruno’s sour personality has gotten even worse (as if). Raqui says he’s been that way ever since he got involved with Alex’s wife, and then she spices the story up with the bit about catching Bruno and MJ together. Bobo tells her to stop with the idiotic stories already but she insists that Bruno did ask Mau to distract Alex while he left with MJ and her family to take them out of the country. Mau says yeah, but…. Uli is just loving the gossip. “Wow! What a tale!” (Yep. Just like in a telenovela.)

Alex and Augusto meet up on the highway. MJ and Alex embrace and she tells him what he did was really risky. He smiles and says it turned out fine. Pedro thanks him. AJ says not to worry. “Problem solved for now.” They head back to Merida. As the SUV starts up, Alex and Mary Jo smile at each other and hold hands. He then calls the house on his cell so MJ can tell Pau the good news.

Back in Saqui, Rufino finds the wife of Pedro’s pirating pal. He politely explains to her that he’s trying to find Pedro Samaniego. She tells him that he’s living with his daughter and her rich husband somewhere in Merida now. She doesn’t know his son-in-law’s name, though. Rufino thanks her and walks away. He tells the guerrero with him that their guy was apparently Samaniego’s rich son-in-law who, it appears, is ripe for the picking. The man asks [I think] if perhaps this guy is connected somehow. Rufino doesn’t care because he smells money, and lots of it. They head for Merida.

Speaking of the monied of Merida, AJ and Mary Jo arrive back at the mansion with Don Pedro. Pau comes running out to greet them. Vicki and Felipa come out a few seconds later. AJ and Pete tell Vicki he got hit by a truck. Vicki accepts the story but she secretly doesn’t believe a word of it. AJ orders Zeke to call a nurse to look after Pete. Pau and Felipa go with Pete back to his bungalow to look after him. Vicki tells AJ they need to talk when he has a minute once he gets settled in. He and MJ go upstairs for a nap first.

A bit later Vicki is still waiting to speak to Alex, but Zeke tells her they’re up in his room sleeping. She asks where Felipa is. Zeke tells her she is still visiting with Don Pedro in the guest house since he asked for some soup and boiled chicken. Vicki goes to investigate. It seems Zeke is up to making a little mischief himself. He enjoys a wicked little chuckle after she leaves.

Pedro and Felipa hit it off after finding out the two of them come from the same home town. Vicki comes in and hints she’s upset with Felipa because she couldn’t find her earlier. Don Pedro thanks Vicki for her kindness. Vicki is not exactly obliging and tells him AJ’s sent for a nurse. He apologizes again for the hassle and says it’s his fault for not looking where he was going. Vicki looks over at Felipa with a knowing glance but again says nothing.

Pau runs into Broodo on her way back to the house. He teases her about the whole family having come back again. She’s up for it though and for once gives Bruno as good as she gets. She taunts him about Alex being head over heels in love with MJ and Bruno’s being powerless to stop it. “Oh-h! They might have slept together already! What do you think of that!” He accuses her of lying. “Why would I have to lie?” She smirks. “Your brother or relative or whatever he is, had a lot more on the ball [abusado] than you, but –and pardon me for saying it-- he is also much handsomer!” She turns on her heel and trots off. Broodo has just been cold-cocked by a pug in a ponytail. (Ten points, team Paula!)

Upstairs in his bedroom, AJ wakes Mary Jo with a kiss. She smiles at him and asks if she’s in heaven. He laughs and says no, she’s on terra firma and in his little bed “—our bed--” he corrects himself. She asks what happened to them. She says she has never been the “easy” kind, but she doesn’t understand what happened to her when it came to him. All of a sudden he brings up Bruno and wants to know what really went on between the two of them. (Ouch! Really bad timing Big Boy.) MJ is righteously upset with the question and asks if Alex is jealous. He admits he is. “--Terribly jealous!"


Gancho Friday October 23rd The Bubble Gets Bigger and Bigger and Bigger, and

Oh, for the times when problems were solved in one day. We seem to be getting more and more problems, with no solutions in sight. And Mau and Moni are completely oblivious, living a dream of immense joy. It’s almost like the stock market of 2008. And we all know what happened when that bubble burst. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. What could possibly have gone wrong (and right) tonight?

We start with a little truth. Katia is contrite about her role in lingerie/gate. Although Connie asked her to do it, she was wrong, was just mad at Aldo, and thinks she’s just as bad as her sister. Aldo doesn’t think so, but wants a little time to find a solution to the custody problem. Luisa enters, hears the truth, and is furious at Katia. But Aldo calms her down, pointing out that Connie’s actions don’t add up, and it would be better if they all work together, and act as if they’re NOT suspicious of Connie, so they can figure out what’s really motivating the Mómia.

Out on the bridge, Loriloca is waiting to be rescued by Sal when Oscar gets there first, hankering for a showdown of sexual come-ons. She wants to tie him up. He thinks she’s insatiable, he’ll give her what she deserves. She thinks he deserves to be punished. He’s been a naughty boy. Gonna whip me? he asks. She’ll use her imagination. He pretends he’s shaking with fear as she twists his tie. They growl at each other, and seal it with an evil kiss.

In contrast, we zip over to sun-kissed Mérida, Yucatán, as we see El Monumento de la Pátria.
But look who’s here. Jerónimo is at the very hotel where Mau and Moni are staying. He bribes the man at the front desk that no matter who calls, don’t tell them Mau and Moni are here. Jerry seems to be having a mosquito problem, he bought some repellent, but it seems to be working backwards – attracting mosquitos (too bad, Jerry). Moni and Mau come in (as Jerry ducks out), ask the man if there are any messages for them. No, Señor. As they leave, Jerry congratulates the man on a job well done.

As Loriloca sees Sal approach, she quickly sticks her leg over the edge of the bridge as if she were going to jump.
(Time for me to learn a new vocabulary word, as they proceed to use the verb aventarse about twenty times. It means to hurl or throw oneself. Aventar means to hurl or throw something). Sal says don’t do it, and why did you stop taking your pills? Lori responds, they were the first things I threw off (aventé). The voices told her to. Sal says the voices are bad. The only good voice is his. And his voice is ordering her not to hurl herself off (no te avientes). She can’t figure out which voices to listen to. He repeats that his is the one, and she calms down a bit. He tries to make an analogy to all the voices and gossiping in the office, but doesn’t know when he’s ahead, and says why don’t they get divorced? Bad move. She starts screaming, sticks her leg over again. An innocent bystander, not an extra, walks right by, and amazingly our actors stay in character (but I thought it was funny). Lore then says you know what? I’m not going to throw myself off (no me aventar). Why, because I’m going to throw YOU off! (porque al que voy a aventar es a ti). I’ve now officially learned the word aventar.

In the cárcel, Paula has joined Estrella, and the two are happily keeping each other warm, huddled next to each other. After Cris kisses Pau through the bars, he’s called away for some emergency. Pau remarks how dedicated Cris is, and Estre says if all cops were like that, the country would be quite different (a little social commentary snuck in, I’d say). While the girls shiver on the prison bench, they glow with vicarious warmth, thinking of Moni’s happiness.

Cut to Moni, punching Mau, Mau punching Moni! But it’s all in fun, she’s teaching him, until Moni accidentally hits him in the solar plexus, and he’s temporarily down for the count. As he recovers, he wonders if he should be getting so involved in her life as to be taking boxing lessons from her. Moni replies that he IS her life, her whole world. Mau’s chest hurts a little, Moni goes to kiss away the hurt. She says he’s the best present she ever received. He wonders if she likes to unwrap her presents. She does (she does!), as the clothes fall off, her shoes, his shirt, and the kisses and caresses start anew. To the tune of Qué hago con mis labios, by Ha-Ash (What should I do with my lips?), he gently caresses her legs,
her beautiful hand (diamond ring sparkling) strokes his broad back, and all’s right with the world (for now).

Jerry’s on the phone, itching to fill in Oscar with the latest news. Actually, he’s just itching, as the bloodsucking mosquitoes seem to have found a kindred soul. Jerry tells Oki that he has an eye on Moni and Mau, who seem to have no idea of what’s happening back home. Oki says Sal’s being taken out of commission, which Jerry finds hard to believe. When Oki hears Jerry’s yelps from the mosquito bites, he helpfully tells Jerry that at least someone wants to “eat” Jerry without his having to beg for it!

And Sal is, indeed, being taken out of commission, as Lori has him bent over the railing of the bridge. She demands to know, who’s the other woman?! He urges calm, they can talk about this at home. No way, she replies, there’s only one thing to do, yell for help. HEELLLPP!!! she yells, and two seconds later, here comes Cris (see above emergency, maybe the bystander called it in), and Lori promptly says her husband’s trying to kill her! Sal says she’s crazy. Lorenza says he’s got another woman, probably much younger, because he’s a cradle robber (rabo verde, see vocab for explanation). Cris and his partner don’t know whom to believe, and arrest them both.

Well, it turns out Connie can cook one dish – spaghetti. All the kids pretend to like it, since that’s part of their new plan to find out what Connie’s up to. Little Dani’s sleepy, so Luisa and Katia take her off to beddie-bye, leaving Connie and Aldo. Aldo acts nice, and Connie continues her nice act, too. Of course she can’t help being her high and mighty self, telling Aldo that he’s going to sleep on the couch in the living room, and he’d better bathe first, because she can smell from all the way over on her side of the table, all the places he’s been. Classy. By the way, she’s got things to do tomorrow, so could Aldo take care of getting the kids to school?

As Can’tstandha strides out, heels clicking, Aldo flashes back to sweet Estrella, so tender and understanding at the music academy. Aldo breathes deep, tells himself he’ll never stop loving Estrella. And over in the jail, a wistful Estre’s thinking the same thing, lovingly recalling Aldo’s powerful words when he poured out his soul to the unseen hooker, not realizing Estrella was right there. One can’t help rooting for these two.

Sal and Lore are brought into the jail, and Lorenza’s overjoyed to see her buddy Paula is already there. She wonders why she hasn’t seen Pau in the office lately, she feels abandoned. Estrella makes the crazy sign (finger around ear).

And it was evening, and it was morning, and a new day dawns for some more fun. The kids are ready, but Aldo finds out (apparently from Jerry) that Estre’s still locked up, and wants to visit her. He goes off, leaving the girls to fend for themselves (and once again, Katia’s suffering from jealousy).

Over in Mérida, Mau and Moni are both wearing white (actually he has a light purple shirt and almost peach colored pants under his crisp white jacket), and they walk hand in hand, smiling. Mau actually has his meeting today (remember, this was a business trip!!), so Moni can shop for her wedding gown. Across the way, Jerry sees them kiss, and when they split up, he says into the phone, okay, whom should I follow? Kukla and Ollie (sorry, I mean Connie and Oki) have him on speaker, Oki says follow him, Con says follow her. No, him. No, her. Jerry lurches back and forth, all the time vainly trying to stop those pesky mosquitoes. Ouch!

The girls haven’t left for school yet, but Teresa has called them on the phone, and Luisa tells her they didn’t sleep too well, but they’re putting up with staying at Connie’s as well as possible. Neither Terry nor the kids have heard from Mauricio, and they haven’t heard from Ivan, either. Terry feels very guilty and worried about Ivan, and all of a sudden, she gasps for breath. Luisa wonders if she’s okay, and Terry pulls herself together, reassuring Lu, saying she has to hang up, she’s got something on the stove (en la lumbre). Luisa tells the girls they’re not going to school, either, and they’re off with a plan of their own.

Gabi arrives at the jail as Sal’s getting fingerprinted, and wonders if he was really trying to kill Lore. Of course not, he was just trying to stop her from throwing herself off (yo traté que impedir que se aventara – there’s that word again, this time in the imperfect subjunctive). He tells Gabi he told Lore of the divorce, and this really set Lore off. Gabi begs Cris to let Sal go, based on the love he has for Paula, Gabi’s friend. Negativo, responds Cris. Fine, says Gabi, I’ll just tell Paula, how about that! Cris says Pau’s locked up, too, which causes Gabi to tell Sal his case is hopeless. If Cris won’t even let his own NOVIA out, Sal might as well forget it. Cris advises a lawyer, Gabi suggests Oscar, Sal says no way, so I guess they’ll try to find another lawyer. Sal also inquires about Mau, and Gabi hasn’t been able to find him in any hotel. His phone doesn’t answer, and Moni’s goes to voice mail. Sal is frustrated, and when Gabi tells him the kids are with Connie, Sal’s even more upset. But there’s nothing he can do at this point, and Gabi tries to calm him with soothing words and soft hands.

On the other side of the bars, Paula the Philosopher tells Lorenza divorce isn’t so bad, it’s like going to the dentist. It hurts at first, but then you get the pain out. Lore wants the truth. Does Paula know who Salvador’s girlfriend is? No way, responds Pau. As you know, she adds, I keep to myself at work, I NEVER gossip. (Hmmm.)

Aldo rushes in, Estrella jumps up and gives her little puppy a kiss through the bars. He tells her all the stuff about Connie and the custody.

Mau’s waiting for his meeting, asks the secretary if he can use the phone, he lost his cell, and wants to call home. No problem, and he dials the number. Back home, Terry’s slicing canteloupe, but looking a bit green in the gills. The phone rings, she turns, struggles to breathe, and collapses on the kitchen floor. Nooooo! This is Terryble!

On a brighter note, it’s time for Moni to pick out her bridal gown. Jerry’s outside, trying to peek through the window, still getting devoured by his little compadres. Moni tries a simple off the shoulder gown, and she looks lovely, her hair up, pretty but elegant. Hopeful piano chords accompany her slow-motion dress fitting. She radiates happiness and tranquility. But then she tries another gown, even nicer looking, a satiny, high waisted strapless gown, and I think this is the one. She looks amazing.
(Ahhh, to be 30 years younger, not married, fluent in Spanish, and as good-looking as Mau. Oh well). She even puts on the veil, and we see in her eyes that she’s made her choice.

Back at Connies, the kids are out, so Connie and Beto have the place all to themselves. He backs her up against the wall, stretches out her arms, and moves in for the kill. However, her phone rings, and being a telenovela character, she can't let it go unanswered. It’s Jerry, saying guess who’s buying a wedding dress? Both Connie and Beto are impactados about this, and Connie commands Jerry to stop the wedding, or at least find out exactly what the plans are. But Jerry’s tired of being ordered around (and being bitten by bugs), so he says he’s returning to the D.F., Connie’ll have to handle things, and he hangs up. Beto tells Connie he knows what they have to do. What? Have sex, of course, it’ll relax them, and then they can take a plane to Mérida and stop the wedding. Connie doesn’t want to act impulsively, they have to think clearly about what to do, there’s a lot in play. Beto decides this still means they can have sex.

Lorenza sees Aldo and Estrella flirting, and remarks to Paula that he seems a little young for her. But Paula says love has no age, and the two ladies look on approvingly as Aldo and Estrella do very little to hide their affections. Sal walks over, though, on the way back from his fingerprinting, tells Aldo to go to school, Estre concurs, so Aldo goes. Sal starts to speak to Estre, when Lore jumps up, don’t you remember the promise you made 20 years ago? Until DEATH do us part! she yells gleefully, arms thrust in the air. Sal starts to tell Estrella to stay away from Aldo, but Estrella decides not to cooperate, she AGREES with Lorenza, she hugs Lore and Paula in sisterhood togetherness, and asks who is Sal to give moral lectures when he’s cheating on his wife! Lorenza jumps up, and Sal quickly scurries back over to the men’s side, where he’s safe behind those nice little bars.

Back at the Connie and Beto show, she’s tried calling Jerry 10 times, but he’s not answering. Beto warns her she’d better not be seeing Jerry, if she’s unfaithful, he’ll kill her. Connie gives it right back, if he’s unfaithful, he doesn’t know WHAT she’s capable of. Oh, really? he replies. I’m macho, and I can go with all the dames I want. But you can’t. And how could you play with Jerry after what he did to you? Because I feel like it, I need him as an ally, and why should I explain anything to you, you of limited intelligence? You know, she adds, men are only good for one thing – pleasure. Beto wants clarification. Connie spells it out. If Jerry lays a finger on her, she’ll get a big scissors, and cut things off at the pass, so to speak. And the same applies to you, too, Beto, so watch out. And now, why don’t you go talk to those naco amigas of La Monita, and find out what’s going on. Beto barks twice, rolls over and obeys his Mistress (figuratively, of course).

Looks as if Luisa and Katia dropped Dani off at school, and picked up Ivan (how did they even know where he was? Oh, I think they found him at the university where he goes to school, he’s wearing a tee-shirt that says “University”). Anyway, they’re walking home. Ivan doesn’t exactly approve of their ditching school, but Luisa says it’s for a good cause, to check out the college where Katia might go, and to get Terry and Ivan back together. Ivan’s also mad at Katia for not speaking up sooner about the photos, but Lu says Kat’s sorry, and Ivan forgives her, but could he possibly see those photos again? Just kidding, he says. Our three friends are smiling, all is forgiven, as they press the buzzer to the house.

Mauricio leaves a message for Sal on his cell. Moni arrives with a big box. Mau can’t see the dress, but she’ll describe it to him. The skirt has lots of frills (olánes), and many, many ribbons (listónes), red, purple and yellow, and on the waist in the back, a huge green bun (moño), and the whole thing glows in the dark, it’s fluorescent, so even if the lights go out, we’re all set! Mau’s a little taken aback, wants to see the dress, but Moni says Gotcha! It was a joke (broma). Isn’t she cute? He picks her up, spins her around, puts her down, kisses her deeply. But she has to be punished for her little joke. With tickling!

Aldo arrives at Connie’s, and she knows he wasn’t at school. In fact, she knows perfectly well where he was, with that cabaret dancer. Aldo says she’s not a cabaret dancer, and adds that he loves her. Connie laughs, so you love her? And you were with her? I AM with her, he replies. No, Aldo, you WERE with her. Because if I find out you get back with her, I’ll make sure she stays in prison FOREVER, for corrupting the morals of a minor. Get it?

And our happy teens aren’t happy for long, as Ivan opens the door with his key, and they find Terry lying on the kitchen floor, unconscious! Katia calls for an ambulance, Ivan says Granny, can you hear me? and Luisa begs Terry, say something, please!!

Previews of Monday’s show: Do we have a wedding?!!


Aventarse – to throw oneself (off of something). Similar to arrojarse, or tirarse. Aventarse can also mean to dare. Aventar means to throw (something)
Rabo verde – a cradle robber, a much older man fooling around with a young woman. Literally, it means green tail, and refers to the green tail of an onion, which has white hairs (the old guy)
Lumbre – fire, en la lumbre means on the stove, ¿tienes lumbre? means “Do you have a light?” for a cigarette
Olánes – frills, flounces
Listónes – ribbons
Moño – a bun, as with hair. Interestingly, agarrarse del moño means to go at each others’ throats
Cosquillas - tickling


Friday, October 23, 2009

Gancho Thursday Oct. 22, '09 Oh No, Oh Yes, Oh Dear......

Sylvia's away but here's a header if you want to discuss what happened in last night's Gancho episode. There were watery love scenes, nefarious doings as usual, a fun segment of Oscar getting whipped, and a pivotal scene with Tano and Estrella at the jail. And who can forget Paula's wonderful tasering of not one but two police officers!? Truly destined for a life of crime, that lady. So join in the discussion, and Sylvia will be back next week.


Sortilegio #13, October 22, 2009: Don't worry. It's Normal. Really. It is.

From yesterday
Tonight we get the Reader's Digest version of the love scene to beat all love scenes. Viewerville sighs and takes a collective cold shower. Whew! MJ is crying from happiness for a change.

The sun comes up and MJ and Alex are still entwined in sleep. A bell tolls outside. MJ sits up and thinks Oh God! What have I done? Alex wakes up and tells her not to leave. He tries to convince her to stay but MJ feels guilty and says it was a mistake. Alex says it is normal we are married. He calls her his love and says they need to talk. MJ is in the shower and we see her silhouette through the shower door as Alex tries to console her. She sobs in the shower. He feels bad and says he wants to know what she thinks. He leaves the bathroom and she continues crying.

Raquel, Victoria, Felipa (why does the maid get to sit at the table with the rich folks?) are eating breakfast. Raquel comments about Pedro being sick then opens her big fat mouth and says something about Bruno. Victoria throws down her toast and says that she already told her that Bruno was not with the girls. They went to look for their dad and nothing more. Raquel says something and Victoria says this is stupid. Your brother was helping someone having a difficult time (apuro) and nothing more. Don't fill Alex's head with such nonsense (tonteria). Raquel says something about the party and they all left together and Victoria would have the the same suspicions as Raquel. Raquel thinks the story they are telling her is very odd (raro). Victoria says she's already told her the story and she can think whatever she wants. Raquel gets up and stomps out. Victoria wants to eat in peace.

MJ is washing a sheet in the bathroom sink. Paula comes in and takes it from her and tells her to let the servants do it. She tickles MJ and wants to know all the juicy details about last night. MJ is saved by a knock on the door. It's Zeke with a huge arrangement of flowers. Paula grabs the card. MJ gets it back and reads the card. “I'm sorry I had to leave for the office early. We will have dinner later. I love you.” MJ looks happy. MJ is still worrying about her dad though. She says she's afraid (so what else is new?). She smells the flowers and smiles.

Roberto shows up at the office. Alex looks surprised and says, What brings you here? Money? (Uh, duh! ) Well, yes. You have to give him props for not trying to sugar coat it. Hey you could work. Robert looks absolutely shocked at the thought. Alex says he wants him to keep his perra on a short leash so she won't bother MJ.

MJ goes to the restaurant looking very pleased with herself. Alex is waiting for her as a trio serenades them. They kiss. Couldn't hear the conversation because of the background noise.
Meanwhile, Pedro is calling the office looking for Alex. Maria (or Mary?) says he's not in. Pedro says he is checking on his daughters do you know how they are? She says she does not.
Maria writes down the number from caller ID and calls Alex. MJ has never had food as good as this. They make googly eyes at each other. Maria calls Alex and tells him that Pedro called and is at his house. He tells MJ her dad called and don't worry. He calls for his driver to bring the car. He calls Maria back and wants to know if Pedro has called the house and talked to anyone there? She doesn't think so. He says to tell Pedro not to call the house for any reason. Again he reassures MJ that everything will be ok. He kisses her hand. Their lunch is cut short as they head for home.

Paula looks bored while Pimp Daddy E looks on. Good afternoon he says just oozing charm in his best Saturday Night Fever shirt. He asks her if she is bored and she says yes. She says Victoria left and Raquel and Maura are at the spa. He says let's go do something. Whatever you want. She says let me get my purse.

Victoria and Felipa are still talking about Bruno. Victoria calls Fernando. Fernando asks if there is any news? Do you want me to come over? Victoria says yes she'd love it. Fernando's eyes light up and he says I'll be there Thank you very much. Does Victoria really not get it?
Pedro calls again for Alex at the office who is still not in so he asks for the number to the house. Maria tells him she does not have the number. He says thank you and hangs up. He thinks everything was for nothing. It is better if he were dead.

Alex arrives at the house and Zeke tells him everyone is gone. Paula has gone with Erik, Victoria has gone with Fernando, and Raquel is at the spa with Maura. (Again, nobody really cares.) He asks Zeke to pack a small suitcase, they are going on a trip.

Raquel and Maura are at the ice skating rink. Maura's lines, Raquel's lines. Oh look! Isn't that the stupid girl? Raquel starts screeching at PD asking him who gave him permission to come here? Raquel starts shouting at Paula who bless her little heart doesn't back down and we have a cat fight on the ice. You go Paula! My money's on her for sure. Raquel wouldn't want to break a nail. PD and some guy try to pull them apart. I say let them fight to the death or at least until one of them is bald.

Fernando and Victoria are at a flea market. They are browsing and she spies a unicorn. Fernando wants to know what a unicorn symbolizes. I couldn't understand what she said any help would be appreciated.

MJ and Alex are in the car heading to Pedro's house. He calls the office and is told Pedro has called two more times. They kiss in the backseat of the car. The next thing you know they will be parked at makeout, uh, lookout point. She worries about the driver watching them. He tells her not to worry it's normal.

As Victoria and Fernando are shopping she asks Fernando if he has a girlfriend. He says no. I haven't found the right girl. Isn't there someone in your circle? No. That's not really the problem he says. How mysterious she says. She finds an old book and picks it up. I didn't see the name of the book. She can't believe she found it. Do you know this book. Have you read it? Yes, she says with a faraway look in her eyes, a long time ago. He eagerly buys it for her. She hugs the book and looks sad.

Raquel shows up at the house looking for Alex. Zeke says he's gone on a trip. Raquel barges in on her mom and starts to tell her what happened with Paula. Paula shows up and they start yelling at each other again. I'd put my money on Paula again. Victoria tells them both to knock it off. Did I ask you for your opinion snaps Raquel. You don't need to yell. Raquel demands to know where Alex is and makes some nasty remark. You do not talk about the wife of the owner of this house like that. Victoria says she doesn't want to hear another word. Raquel gets in Paula's face again. Paula tells her she is just jealous. Raquel calls her a bitch and again stomps out. Hey, Raquel, it takes one to know one. She goes off to tell Roberto about it thinking he is going to support her. He tells her that Alex told him that he can't let her bother MJ or he wouldn't get any more money. She starts to screech like a harpie and he grabs her, pinching her face and pushes her. She angrily throws some nuts at him. I think it would have been much more effective if she threw his nuts at him. Just the good old grab and twist maneuver. Sorry guys.

Felipa wants Victoria to go do some writing. Victoria cries. Why don't you write about today. Write about Sr. Fernando. He is so young and handsome. I'll bring you something for your nerves. Victoria looks thoughtful and thinks about Fernando. Flashback to the other night when he was telling her she was a good mother. She gets a funny look on her face and you can see the light bulb trying to light up, it kind of flickers, and then goes out. She thinks to herself that she is crazy.
MJ and Alex arrive at Pedro's house. They talk about the divorce and laugh and kiss. She opens the door and they walk in. Dun, dun, dun she stops and looks impactada . Commercial.
We come back from commercial to find Pedro face down on the floor. He's got blood on his face. Did you fall, what happened? He tries to talk. Alex calls the ambulance.
Erik calls Bruno and tells him something happened, Alex and MJ left. Bruno wants to know what's up with that and Erik says he'll see what he can find out. He asks around but either nobody knows or they just aren't telling him. Eric asks him where he is and he says in Merida.
MJ and Alex are at the hospital with Pedro. The doctor comes out and I couldn't understand what he was saying. I did hear him say that he does not have any internal injuries and that is good. He tells MJ to get some rest.
Roberto is at a party (surprise) and New Guy shows up in a taxi. Roberto knows him. I'm not sure if he said he was his brother. They all seem to know him. Maura says she's got to fill him in on what is going on.


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