Saturday, October 31, 2009

ENDA Friday October 30. Who’s your daddy?

Repeats: Emiliano goes to the bachelor pad to confront Germán, but Germy isn’t home. Emo roots through the dresser drawers and finds the incriminating green camisole of deceit. He leaves with intense purpose.

Carlota gets Rufi to confirm to Paloma that her father is alive. Paloma demands to know who and where he is.

New: Neither Rufi nor Carlota will tell Paloma who her father is, as they promised Macarena that they wouldn’t. Hostility breaks out in which Carloca simultaneously claims that Paloma’s father doesn’t know of her existence, and that he abandoned her. It seems the nuns don’t run a debate club at that useless school, as Paloma fails to see the factual dissonance and instead is just doubly hurt. She runs off to her room, wailing and blubbering as usual.

Camila and Rafael simultaneously try to call each other and thus both get voicemail. Rafa shrugs and goes back to his bar chat with Joel, while Cami sits in her car flailing tears all over.

Inés is swooning because she has received another letter from her secret admirer. She doesn’t feel the need to find out who he is; it makes her happy just to get the letters and imagine that every handsome, nice man she sees in the street might be him. Angélica rains on her parade with the announcement that she’s quit her job. Inés is surprised; it seemed like she was doing so well there. Ange says it was a matter of professional ethics and she hates to bail on Orly, but she thinks it’s best to leave. She doesn’t know what she will do next and will have to consult the pillow.

Diana calls Romina to tell her to put that mosca muerta (dead fly, meaning Paloma, I assume) in her place. She also asks Ro for help in getting Rafael to return. Di thinks he must have broken up with his mystery mistress because he’s seemed sad lately, so it’s a perfect opportunity to club him over the head and drag him back to the cave. Still, Diana wants to find out what lagartona tried to steal him away. She asks for Romina’s detective’s information.

Germán seeks advice from the village medicine man. The bartender thinks he’s screwed. If he says anything to try to claim his baby, he’ll probably lose both the lady and his best friend, and they’ll end up in the hospital. Germs says Emo is a lover, not a fighter. Mr. Bartender says maybe your friend does have atole in his veins, but if it was me I would break your face.

Emo joins Rafa in the bar and says Romina’s baby may not be his.

Paloma is YET AGAIN crying on her bed, chastising Mac’s photo for deceiving her. Rufi tells her that her mother never deceived her; she really believed that daddy was dead and only recently found out that he is not. Paloma naturally wants to know the whole story of who her father is and why each of her parents thought the other was dead, but Rufi won’t tell her anything because Mac didn’t give permission. Of all the insanely stupid plot stallers. You two are on the same team, Rufi!

Cami drags herself back into her house, after an awful day which was surely made even worse by the terrible cummerbunded and/or high-waisted pants and buttoned-to-the-neck ugly blouse she was wearing. Romina is in bed watching television, which we don’t see but it sounds suspiciously like Un Gancho al Corazón. And yet she has no sense of humor herself. Romina tells Camila that Diana wants to investigate and find out about the mysteress in Rafael’s life. However, Romememena offers to call her off the chase in exchange for Cami’s help in forcing Emo into marriage. At some point Ro is going to lose track of whom she is playing against whom. Cami isn’t much help though, as she is still stuck on this “but he doesn’t love you and it would be a disaster” refrain.

Natalia calls Paloma and they make plans to meet after school the next day. Carloca lurks like a vulture and then demands to know what that was all about. Paloma needs to learn to say “none of your beeswax” or the equivalent en español. Cruel tells her it’s so improper for Natalia to visit her priestly ex-novio without a buffering husband, and since she and Alonso are on the outs it’s obvious she’s trying to get Padre Juan back. Paloma doesn’t think Nat is the skanky kind of woman who would go after a priest. Carloca doesn’t even register that unintended zing because obviously rules do not apply to her.

Rufi prays about whether she should tell Paloma who her father is, or keep quiet.

Germs stumbles home and finds his bedroom tossed.

Rafael doesn’t think Emo should ruin Romememena’s reputation without proof. Oh, please. He says kissing doesn’t prove relations were had and wonders whether Germán would really do such a thing. Emo says Germs has always been a good friend, but has been acting suspicious lately.

Emil sends Paloma a text message saying “maybe all is not lost. Have faith.” Then he rings Romina’s bell. Cami answers; Romina is asleep. Camila asks Emo to at least consider marrying Romina if he has any feelings for her at all. In response, Emo pulls out the incriminating green camisole and asks if it belongs to Romina. Cami somehow recognizes this generic clothing item and confirms its ownership.

Casa Germs. Emil calls Germy a bastard traitor and fists fly. Germy says it was just a little fling with Romina. They were overcome with passion one day and kissed, but nothing more. Emo doesn’t believe him and says he will find out the whole truth eventually.

Romina is still lounging in bed being waited on for some incomprehensible reason. She’s annoyed that Camila didn’t wake her up when Emo came by; he probably wanted to propose! Cami snorts and says probably not, but he did bring her camisole back. They don’t know why he had it. Romina leaves a smooch-woochy message for Emiliano while Camila stares in bug-eyed disbelief.

Germán tries to call Romina but she doesn’t answer. She decides to have a bath and get fixed up all purdy in case Emiliano visits. Camila says to call her or Fina (the maid has a name!) if she needs anything, as if Romememena is a convalescent. Germy is all in a lather and leaves frantic messages for Romina.

Rufi tells Cruelota that they should tell Paloma who her father is. It’s mean to leave her wondering. Cruel nonsensically argues that it would be harder for her to know that her father is a priest; how sinful. Rufi says he wasn’t a priest then, try again. So Cruel just says we aren’t going to tell her and that is that. “Is that a threat?” asks Rufi. Yes, it is. Rufi still thinks to herself that it would be better to just tell the truth.

Liliana tells Paloma that she spilled the beans to Emiliano. Paloma’s mad and worried that he will be angry with her for not telling him herself. Lili says she was never going to tell him, and they may as well get the fight over with so they can get on with the reconciliation.

Romina figures out that she had left the camisole at Germy’s place after one of their assignations. She flips out and calls Cami to baffle her by asking about Emo’s mood when he returned it. Cami says he didn’t seem to be in any particular sort of state. She calls Germy and hears about the fight. Germs says they’re screwed. Romina throws a tantrum.

Emiliano consults with Padre JC. PJC doesn’t approve of violence but is glad that Emo is trying to get to the bottom of things. Emil says Paloma won’t talk with him, but PJC tells him to insist because if people don’t talk, important things stay hidden.

Carlota drops by Natalia’s with some sort of baked good, the traditional bait of the gossip-fishing lady. She warns Nat not to put any crazy liberal big-city modern-woman ideas in Paloma’s head, as she is too simple for such things. “You can’t be serious,” Natalia says. Oh, but she is. Cris calls to tell Nat that Doc Rodolfo had an emergency so they’ll have to meet an hour later than planned. Carlota excuses herself and leaves, probably to run home and get her new camera to record the shocking scandal of a priest going to someone’s house.

Ange wants Camila to forgive her and understand her side of the situation. Cami does not care.

Paloma tells PJC about her current conflict: Romina said if Emiliano doesn’t marry her, she will abort the baby. PJC advises her to tell Emiliano all this. Paloma tells him that Romina asked her to keep it a secret. “Who cares?” asks PJC. “Do what you think is right.”

Carloca takes her camera back to the shop to have the photos printed.

Camila and Rafael cross paths on the street; he asks how she’s doing. Eh, so-so. He says not to worry, Emiliano will absolutely support the child if it is his. “What do you mean, IF?” Oops. Er, nothing, that is just a figure of speech. Everything’s fine. Cami longingly watches him walk away as their tune of amor plays.

Paloma goes to Natalia’s house and they catch up: Carlota visited, Carlota might be mad at Paloma but she always is so what’s new, Nat and Alonso will probably divorce, Paloma’s sorry about that. Paloma wonders if it’s hard for Natalia to see PJC as a priest since they were going to marry once. Nat says that was a long time ago and she’s moved on, the same way Macarena probably did. “What do you mean?” asks Paloma. “You didn’t know about Mac and Cris?” replies Nat.

Avances: Emiliano confronts Romina. He wants a paternity test. Will Nat tell Paloma the whole story, or will she just say, “oh, nothing,” and Paloma will forget about it ten minutes later like she forgets everything important?


Friday, October 30, 2009

A new squidoo lens for info AND GOSSIP about William Levy!

Hello friends,

You know how I don't allow gossip and speculation about actors' private lives here at Caray, Caray!? Well, I just put up a page at squidoo, about William Levy, which is just for the sort of thing I don't allow here. Want to see?

About William Levy, Univision star.

Please leave a comment in the guest book if you take a look!

UPDATE: there is a little bug at Squidoo this morning. I have approved the first two comments and I can see them when I edit but they're not appearing on the published lens. Don't let that discourage you, this has happened before and they all show up eventually!

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En Nombre del Amor, October 29, 2009--Everyone Goes Around Telling Everyone Else What to Do

Repeat of Camila getting upset with Angelica for hiding her feelings about Orlando and accusing her of being two-faced; Paloma asks German if there’s any possibility Romina’s baby could be his.

German immediately gets self-righteous, “how dare you ask me that? I don’t mess in your private life, so you don’t have a right to interfere in mine.” Although Pal has doubts, he doesn’t. She asks him if it’s fair for Emiliano to have to take care of a kid that isn’t his. She tells Germ that he still has time to talk to Emil, and he gets all mad that she’s talking like the baby is definitely his, when it’s not. When she mentions that she saw him and Romina go into her house together, he snarks that she has nothing better to do than spy on people. She says if he has doubts but still keeps quiet out of cowardice, he’s going to ruin her and Emil’s lives. Germ tells her to get lost--you aren’t my mom to tell me what to do.

Angelica informs Camila that there’s nothing between her and Orlando. Cami says that omitting something is also lying and wants to know what Angelica was up to when she was going out with Joel while having a thing for Orly. (Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black, since Cami was dating Orly and Rafa at the same time?) And when the four of them went out together, was Ange’s fantasy to swap partners? Cami rants some more about how she thought she could trust Ange and she’s worse than she thought.

Carlota follows Natalia home and nearly gives her a heart attack by sidling right up behind her.

Rafael goes to Camila’s house--he thought it was Cami who asked him there but it turns out that it was Romina. She points out that she helped him and Cami by not saying anything about them kissing, and now he can help her and his grandchild.

Natalia has invited Carlota in and tells her that she’s only in town for 2 weeks. Carlota asks about Alonso and Nat explains that they’re probably going to divorce. Crazy-lota pours on the fake sympathy and gets in a dig about Nat being left at the altar. Carlota says sometimes she doubts Cris’s occupation, which puzzles Nat since she thinks Carlota hardly knows Cris. Carlota is only to glad to inform Nat that she knows Cris from way back, since he had that hot romance with Macarena, and Nat is impactada.

Rafael thinks everything Romi has said sounds like blackmail and he doesn’t like it. Romi claims she wants her baby to have its father’s name. Rafa notes that obligating Emil to marry her by threatening to take the baby away is not a good way to start, and besides, it’s not necessary to marry for the baby to have the father’s name. He’s sure that if she and Emil marry under these circumstances, it’s going to be a failure. Romi prefers that to being a single mother. Rafa says he’ll get Emil to support the baby, but he’s not going to pressure Emil to marry her or anyone that he doesn’t love.

Natalia relates how Cris told her that the woman he loved had killed herself, and Carlota tries to poison Nat’s mind by telling her that Cris lied. He’s a tormented man and he took refuge in the priesthood for a lie that he made up. If I were you, I’d be very careful about trusting him again.

In the office, Ange brings Orlando some papers to sign. He asks if she’s ok, and she accuses him of telling Camila about her feelings for him. Orly swears he didn’t say anything. Ange explains how Cami no longer wants her as a therapist or a friend; Orly feels bad about the whole thing.

Cami gives Meche some money to buy medicine for her grandson Chava. Meche gives her some lotion she made for Orlando to put on the bruises on his face and for Rafael too. Cami knows they were fighting and hopes it wasn’t for her. She also tells Meche about what happened with Angelica and concludes that with all this, she can understand what Diana feels.

Paloma tells Liliana about her conversation with German and that he doesn’t want to get involved. Lili thinks Germ is just running from his responsibility and tells Pal to tell Emil to talk to Germ, he can make Germ tell the truth. Pal doesn’t want to tell Emil without having any proof, so Lili reminds her that she does have it, she saw Romi and German kissing. Why does Pal need Lili to remind her of this, when she was just telling German that very thing 15 minutes ago?

Emil goes to Paloma’s house but she’s not home. Lucky for him Rufi, and not Carlota, is there. He weepily begs Rufi to help him and asks what he should do to convince Paloma not to end their relationship.

Natalia goes to the church to see Cris and wants to know if Mac was the woman for whom he left her standing at the altar. He admits that it was. Why didn’t you tell me, why did you make me believe she had died? Cris explains that he believed Mac was dead and was going to tell her, but hadn’t found the right moment. Nat leaves saying, “what a coincidence.”

Aaron stalks Paloma, er, waits for her outside her house. He mentions that everyone knows what’s happening with Romi and Emil and he’s thinking about what it means for her. He offers his unconditional friendship and literally gives her a shoulder to cry on.

Carlotta-loca goes shopping for a camera. It must be Halloween already, because the outfit she’s wearing in this (and yesterday’s) episode looks like it could double for a vampire or witch costume.

Liliana calls Emil, she has something to tell him and asks him to meet her for coffee.

Emil is visiting Chava at the hospital and explains that he no longer has a girlfriend, he lost her because he was stupid and irresponsible. For being drunk, Chava says. Yes, and that’s why I’m so worried about you. Chava says if he doesn’t drink his buddies will make fun of him. Emil tries to convince him that those aren’t his real friends. Chava worries that he’ll be left without any friends.

Cristobal goes to Natalia’s house, and Carlota, who’s parked right in front, takes a picture of him going inside. She talks to herself about how Cris is going to end up being hers, she’s not going to let anyone get near him. For your love, I’m capable of anything. If I could get rid of Macarena, I can get rid of Natalia, or even your own daughter.

Now Diana has come to Paloma’s to tell her what to do. She demands that Pal keep away from Emiliano. Rufi defends Pal and says it’s about what Emil wants, and he’s in love with Pal. Diana insists that he’s going to marry Romina. Romi doesn’t know about Emil & Pal, but she wants to have an abortion, and if she does, Pal will be the killer of that baby. Diana tops off her visit by calling Paloma a jinx (or someone who’s cursed)--whenever Paloma is near someone she loves, something bad happens, and she can’t allow her son, Romina, or the baby to be exposed to that danger. So if you don’t want to be a killer, stay away from them for good. After Diana leaves, Pal starts crying that she’s right, so Rufi tries to calm her down with a variation of the “it’s not you, it’s me” line: it’s not you, it’s the circumstances.

German accosts Romia--he wants proof that the baby isn’t his.

Orlando asks Camila how she found out about Angelica’s feelings for him, and she confesses that she overheard it at his office. Orly understands that Cami feels betrayed, and tries to explain that it has hurt Angelica to lose their friendship. Cami says it’s not him or what Angelica feels for him that’s the problem, it’s that she opened up to Ange but she didn’t put an end to the therapist-patient relationship and tell the truth.

German threatens to tell everyone that he and Romi are lovers if doesn’t submit to a paternity test, but she’s not scared, she’ll just accuse him of having seduced a minor. He points out that she has no way to prove that. Then he says that if the baby is his, he’ll marry her. If she won’t do a test now, he’ll make her do it after the baby is born. More arguing. She asks if he really would tell his best friend that he slept with his girlfriend . . . no, we know you don’t have the nerve. German admits he’s been a coward and bad friend, but for love he’s been capable of the worst, and he won’t give up this baby carrying his blood. If the baby is his, he wants to give it his name, he wants to have something that’s his. So if I’m the father, you’re going to have to marry me, not Emiliano. Romi looks touched, but I’m sure that won’t last for long.

Cris tells Natalia about how his and Mac’s love was still intact after all those years and admits he was going to give up the priesthood for her. But he read the sign wrong--he thought God wanted him at Mac’s side, but when God took her, he understood that it wasn’t their destiny to be together.

Lili meets up with Emiliano and informs him that she thinks the baby Romina is expecting could be German’s, dun Dun DUN!!!!

Cris says it’s no surprise that Carlota is trying to plant doubts in Natalia’s mind, she’s a manipulator and controller. They both worry about Paloma; Cris wants to talk about this more with Nat but with Dr. B and Rufi there too. Nat says she has a lot of reasons to want to protect Pal and Cris notes that now she’ll understand that he does too, Macarena asked me to. But just one thing, Natalia says, did you love me? Cris answers that it was a different love from what he had with Mac, but yes, I loved you. She replies that she hasn’t loved anyone again like she loved him. Cris is certain that love will come to her life again.

Lili wants Emil to know that while everything she’s told him might sound like she wants to get back at German, but that’s not how it is. She doesn’t want him to let Romi and German get away with this. Now it’s up to you to confront this, only that way are you going to be able to be happy with Pal.

Orlando and Camila go back to his place and have some wine. Cami wonders how Orly feels about Ange’s interest in him. Nothing, he replies. He thinks Cami should have spoken with him first before going postal on Ange, and she thinks he should have told her about Ange. Cami doesn’t care that Ange quit her job, she asked for it (through her lack of ethics). Orly wonders if Cami is exaggerating and she realizes something that we viewers have noticed for months now, that he takes things less seriously than she does. Orly comments that sometimes people keep secrets and that Cami did the same thing with Rafael, she kept quiet about him kissing her. Is that why you two were fighting? Orly wants to know how she knows they fought and accuses her of continuing to play with the two of them. He grabs her arm and demands an answer but she yells for him to let go and takes off. In her car, she starts crying and dialing her phone, wailing “Rafael!”

Rafa and Joel commiserate over drinks--Ange cancelled out on Joel and Rafa is worried about Camila. Joel tells Rafa to call her so he gets out his phone and starts dialing.

Emiliano goes to German’s apartment and upon not finding him there starts searching through the dresser drawers, where he finds a blouse of Romina’s.

Paloma tells Carlota that she broke up with Emil so he can make a decision about Romi, but Carlota insists there is no decision to be made--if a man dishonors a woman, he has to marry her, blah blah blah. Pal wants to know why, if that’s what Carlota thinks, did she not allow her parents to marry? Carlota claims that Pal’s father abandoned Mac, and when Pal counters that Mac told her that her father didn’t know Mac was pregnant, and he thought Mac was dead, Carlota states that Mac lied. Your father is alive. Pal doesn’t believe her so she makes Rufi swear to Pal that her papa is alive. Pal wants to know who is he, and where is he?

Previews: Emiliano tells his dad of the possibility that the baby isn’t his, German tells Romi that they’re done for (I guess that they’ve been discovered).


Sortilegio #18, October 29, 2009: Spies, Spies, Everywhere a Spy

From yesterday:
Replay of Nando and Vicky discussing what else—MJ and Alex. Victoria thinks it would be better if they divorced. Felipa, always the voice of reason, says that Alex can decide his own life. Nando says if nobody renounced the marriage in a month then it is legal. He says he talked to an attorney. They talk about Bruno and Felipa thinks accusations are based on truth. Victoria gets upset and Felipa says I won't say anything more. Victoria reaches over and puts her hand on Nandos. Nando's hormones go into overdrive and for a minute he just looks blank. Oh, wait, that's the look he always has.

Paula skips down the sidewalk as Pimp Daddy walks up in the most awful outfit yet. There is just something about a man in a black and white geometric print shirt, oh-so-sexy red pants and his shirt open revealing bulging pecs (or in his case, lack thereof..) At least he's not in his underoos. He says she looks really happy. She says she is this close to getting into school. All she has to do is take a test. PD asks her if she wants to go back to the house. Paula says of course not. He says, well let's go get something to drink or eat as he mentally rubs his hands together thinking, “Now I've got you my pretty—and your little dog too.” Paula asks him if he has any money and he says not much but he has enough. Paula laughs and I can't believe she finds him so charming.

Alex and MJ are at a restaurant. They are going over the info they have gathered. Alex says everything was well planned out with the apartment and the judge and all the witnesses being “unavailable.” And nobody remembers seeing someone like Bruno. MJ looks at Alex and asks him what he thinks of her. I don't catch his response. He says that Nando and his mom have doubts. As always his mom is defending Bruno. Do we tell them the truth? Of course not. I don't want you to suffer more. Then what do I say if they ask me? Do I lie? Just keep saying we were married. MJ doesn't want them to think bad of her. Uh, it's a little late for that.

PD and Paula are eating ice cream. Paula chatters like a magpie about how she is so happy her sister has this new life with Alex. PD acting like her BFF says he thinks Alex is in love as he plays along to get more info. There is a jackhammer in the background so I missed what Paula says. She says something about Bruno and makes a face. She asks PD if Bruno is his boss or what? He say something about working for Victoria and Raquel too. Paula makes a face at the mention of Raquel and says she is crazy. He laughs and agrees.

Raquel and her pals are working hard at doing nothing in the hot tub and talking about the usual. Zeke appears with drinks and Raquel has him put them on the table. Zeke obviously strains to hear the conversation as they talk about Alex and his marriage to MJ. He must not have had his super secret multidirectional microphone to pick up the conversation. Roberto walks up and says he must be missing the gossip fest (la gran chorcha). Why wasn't he invited? Raquel takes great pleasure in telling him they found out that Alex and MJ aren't really married. Roberto looks doubtful and wants to know who told them that story? RaMaura tells him that Raquel overheard Vicky saying it. I can't figure out the look on his face.

Zeke is in the kitchen talking to Felipa. He can hardly contain himself as he rushes to tell her he heard that someone was trying to kill Alex.. Bruno is being accused. Whose side is this guy on anyway ? Felipa warns Zeke that he shouldn't say anything to anybody. Felipa tells him to zip it as she makes the universal sign for shut your mouth. She thinks Raquel is stupid and says she likes to make up things about MJ. RaMaura too. Zeke says he's worked for the family all his life and he loves everyone especially Victoria and Alex. Felipa says there are good people in this house, but there are some who are not. The kitchen phone rings and Zeke answers. He's told that someone is at the gate to see him and Zeke says he doesn't know him or know anything about it. He listens and then says ok. Let him in. Who is it Felipa wants to know. Zeke says it is someone that Alex has sent to him. Felipa reminds him to keep his trap shut. Zeke is offended and says I'm not a gossip! (chismosa) Riiiight. You just keep telling yourself that big boy. Between me and viewerville he's worse than a gaggle of viejitas sitting around drinking tea.

Chucho is coming up the stairs and looking around in amazement at this fabulous house. Obviously he hasn't been inside yet . They are so rich he says. Hello? Is there anyone here? Zeke hotfoots it to intercept Chucho. He wants to know what Chucho is doing here because he doesn't know anything about it. Chucho says Alex told him to come. I helped him after the accident as he steps forward to shake Zeke's hand. Zeke takes a step back like Chucho has the H1m1 virus and refuses to shake hands, and looks down his nose at him. Chucho says I am the one that saved his life. Alex told me to come and talk to Ezequeal Flores. Alex said you would help me. Help you with what? A job (chamba) Chucho says. A job doing what? Anything. First you will have to take a bath. We don't bathe because we don't have a any water. Felipa's curiosity gets the better of her and she comes out to see what is going on. Chucho's eyes light up and he rushes to introduce himself. He tells her that he helped Alex after his accident. He said Alex told him there would be a job for him here at the house. Felipa tells him that she is the assistant to Dona Victoria and that she is honored to meet him. She says that she imagines that he is hungry and takes him to the kitchen. He tells her that Zeke told him to take a bath. She says he's an old fuddy duddy and Zeke gets indignant and points his finger at her and says she needs to have more respect. She tells him to shut up. She takes Chucho into the kitchen. Chucho laughs.

Roberto and Raquel are talking. Roberto tells her that her mouth is bigger than her head. He gets after her about gossiping and the necessity of avoiding a scandal. He looks like he'd like to slap her lips off and I can't tell if he really is disgusted with her or is just complying with orders from Alex to keep Raquel under wraps.

Our double naught spy Pimp Daddy is talking to Bruno. He tells Bruno he thinks that MJ is in love with Alex. Bruno says she is stupid. She knows that Alex is just playing with her. All I'm thinking is, where can I get one of those tigers on velvet paintings. I mean, woo hoo, that is class for sure.

MJ and Alex arrive back at the house. Zeke tells Alex that Chucho came looking for him and Alex is excited. Alex says he would like to speak with him. Zeke looks a little surprised sand says he'll go prepare dinner for them. Alex goes upstairs to see his mom. Vicky is glad to see him. How are you doing? Alex says he has something to confess. I'm not sure what happened but it is certain that I married MJ on my own. Bruno had nothing to do with it. Vickie is elated.

Chucho is eating in the kitchen with Felipa and the cook. They are plying him with tortillas while he is plying them with compliments. He wants to know what's up with Zeke and when is he having surgery to remove the corncob that was stuck where the sun doesn't shine (donde el sol no brilla). The cook laughs and says that he is the majordomo. That's a big college word there so I'm sure Chucho has no clue what that means. He looked like he was enjoying himself though.

Alex and MJ are upstairs in his room having a conversation about being careful. There is a knock on the door and Zeke announces that he is here with the dinner. Zeke brings the dinner. Alex's phone rings. It is Fernando, the not so best friend, asking how it went. Alex tells him they didn't find anything and the judge and the witnesses have disappeared. Nando says we have a problem. Not at work but at your house. Raquel overheard Victoria and me talking about how you weren't really married. Alex says do you know what kind of scandal that would cause? Bruno intervened. I'll see you tomorrow. MJ wants to know if there is a problem? Did something happen? He says to go ahead that he has a few things to do but he'll be back. Alex goes to find Chucho. Chucho thanks him profusely and says the house is beautiful and that he likes the food. Alex is glad that he is happy. Chucho asks where he is supposed to sleep. Alex tells him to talk to Zeke about a room. Alex says he has to go, can they talk tomorrow. Zeke runs into Pedro who is sitting on his patio. Pedro is happy to have someone to talk to besides his daughters. He's also glad to meet the man who saved Alex. Chucho and Pedro commence to drinking a few cervezas.

Alex goes over to talk to Raquel who is hammered like always. He tells Raquel that he doesn't want to hear any more and MJ is his wife and she has all the rights that he has. Raquel says she loves him. He tells her that she needs to leave MJ alone. He tells her he loves MJ. Raquel touches him and strokes his arm. He's grossed out and says ewwww, we are brother and sister. She tries to kiss him. Get your cooties off of me. He gets upset and leaves.

Vicky is talking to Felipa who is helping her put sugar in her tea. I wonder if she has to fill post-it notes and staplers too? Felipa thinks that MJ sees things as they really are (and doesn't live in her own reality like some people we know.) Do you think Alex lied to me? Felipa doesn't think so. Vicky thinks that it is more logical that Alex made everything up. Victoria says she is going to talk to MJ tomorrow.

Alex comes back and wants to know why MJ isn't in the room. She wants to know where he went. He said he went to talk to Raquel. He tells her that Raquel overheard Nando and Victoria talking about them not being married. You know she hates my family. She'll do whatever she can to cause trouble. They finally sit down to eat.

Uli and Roberto are in a club drinking and talking about Bruno. Uli thinks Bruno is smart but he had a plan that failed. Some guy comes over and gets them for something. Uli says he has no money but Roberto says he will lend him some. I think that scene was just filler.

RaMaura and her sister are having some girl time and looking at magazines and talking about MJ. Oh, please, it is crazy that he could like someone like her. She is poor and stupid. He needs someone beautiful, educated and classy. Well, that's not you that's for sure.

Pedro and Chucho are still throwing back some brewskies. They have become fast friends. Pedro wishes him good luck on his first day on the job tomorrow.

The next day Alex is going to work in a chopper. (Isn't that the way you get to work every day?) Promise me you will say what we talked about. He kisses her and says he loves her and she says she loves him too. She waves as he takes off. I guess that's one way to get away from all the traffic.

MJ and Paula are talking. MJ tells her they went to the apartment and no one knew Bruno or remembered seeing him. Uh oh, here comes Victoria wanting to talk to MJ. Please can we talk in my study. I need to know the true story. You can understand I need you to be totally frank with me. Did you marry Alex or not? MJ gets upset and starts pacing. I married Alexandra Lombardo. Look me in the eyes. Tell me the truth. Tell me the accusations against Bruno are not true. Alex told me to say (?) I didn't catch it. Victoria is elated. I knew Bruno could not make this up. The heart of a mother can't accept. it. Alex is jealous. MJ begs her not to do something and Victoria says she will talk to Bruno. Thank you for everything MJ. Victoria looks relieved. MJ runs upstairs to cry some more. Bruno is sleeping and Victoria barges in. She tells him to get up. She wants to know why he is still in bed. Bruno says I'm not a child. Ha, I beg to differ with that. Victoria says she brings good news. The hit on his head made Alex think crazy. Bruno looks pleased. Bruno and Victoria come downstairs and discuss whether they need to get help for Alex. Bruno thinks he's crazy and dangerous and they should do something. Victoria says don't give me anything more to worry about.

Zeke finds Chucho sleeping under a tree. Do you know where you are? Do you always sleep in the garden? You didn't tell me what room is mine. I was hanging with my main man Pedro and we drank just a few beers. I bet he smells like it too. Here is the key and you need to be in the kitchen in 30 minutes and get your uniform. A uniform? Am I going to war? Zeke stomps off in a huff. Apparently he still hasn't had the aforementioned surgery.

Doctor Hernan shows up and Victoria tells him she is really worried about Alex. She and Bruno try to convince him that Alex is crazy and needs help. The doctor looks suspiciously at Bruno.
Alex is at the office talking to his friend (and I use that term loosely) Nando. Alex says Victoria won't believe that her son is a killer. Alex is leaving the building with Nando. Nando is saying that they looked for dirt on Bruno and found nothing.

Victoria is still trying to convince Hernan to do something to help Alex. Bruno thinks he should be committed immediately. The doctor says Alex is fine. But he says he will talk to Alex. I don't want to worry any more. Victoria tells Bruno he needs to stay away from MJ. And that's final. Maybe she would have better luck if she said “Because I said so.” That always worked for my mom.

RaMaura and her sister tell Uli they've got a plan. They are going to invent a lover and cause a lot of trouble. Oh, wow, what else is new?


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gancho Thurs 10/29 - Is that my lingerie in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?

Guess what, I still haven't uploaded my photos of Guanajuato, sorry! I've been so incredibly busy I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Soon, I promise!

(Before we start, last Thursday commenter Robyn asked what Tano told Estrella that was so shocking. He told her that there was the possibility that she could go to the penitentiary for being a child molester. Luckily that is probably old news by now, she is out of jail, and Estrella has other miseries to contend with.)

As we guessed, tonight was not a night of happiness. However mixed in with all the sadness were some tender scenes, heart-felt conversations, and more than one opportunity for our cast to show off their dramatic props. Warning: no Ximena tonight. Shall we begin?

The sparring continues from last night, Moni in her wedding dress and pink gloves makes quite a sight. Something tells me her sparring partner is going to get the short end of this stick. Moni's vehemence disconcerts her gal pals.

Mau and Sal return from the airport empty handed. Nada! Coni wasn't at the airport with his kids. He tries calling her but no luck. Sal surmises they're still around but she won't answer in order to make him suffer, Coni only pulled the stunt to torture him and get him to stop the wedding. Mau cries that he can't call the police because legally they're not his kids. Mau sheds his first tears of the night for his missing kids and for la Monita.

Mientras tanto, the victorious Coni and Beto are boinking amongst the lingerie. Beto beats his chest and says they should ruin weddings more often. He's ready to take her to the moon again, or to a hotel with champagne and everything. But she has a question, why does he keep stealing her lingerie?

Mau laments to Sal about why this had to happen. They talk a lot, why did all our plans have to get ruined? Coni warned him but he provoked her. Sal tells Mau he's smarter than Coni and he can beat her. (Well, good friends lie sometimes.) Mau thinks it's too late for him and Moni because he's a coward. Sal inists that Moni loves him and he should prove he loves her.

Speak of the monkey, she now wanders disconsolately, still followed by her sad entourage. She wants to be alone.

Don Cesar, holding Nieves' little pink purse, tries to console Nieves as he talks about Moni's strength and tenacity. Nieves invites him in.

Christian tries to get amorous with Pau but she says they need to go into her dad's house. Gabi and Estrella try to make sense out of the day. Tano hangs around and Estre tells him she doesn't feel like being alone. (!) Wisely, Tano tells her not to play around with him, he'd better go. OK, so I can't believe he did that. Very interesting.

Nieves allows Don Cesar to hug and comfort her. These two make quite a colorful pair, our pink princess and her principe azul. She's in pain because Moni is like her own flesh and blood and is suffering greatly. It's a pain she knows herself and she's afraid Monita will end up living a life like hers. The subject turns to Nieves and Don Cesar tells her the man that left her at the altar was an estupido! He would never have done that. He kisses her, tells her he'll work hard to be worthy of a kiss from her lips, clicks his heels, and departs. Nieves hopes he won't take too long. Now this was a scene worth a replay!

The full moon rises and Christian slips out of Paula's abode after a tasty snack. No really, I think they had something to eat. Remember her dad is there. These two are so cute.

A doggie yaps incessantly and Mau knocks on Monita's door. Please open, it's me Mauricio! He breaks into tears again and begs her to open the door. Wah! He loves her with all his heart. The waterworks flow.

Pau and Estre catch this award-winning performance, listen to his full confession, listen some more, "Open the door please, I need you so much, Monita Monita Monita", hear that he's lost his kids "Abreme la puerta por favor, I need a hug", and finally tell him Moni isn't home. They gently tell him that they're not Monita but they'll give him a hug.

Dani and Luisa are at the horrid boarding school in horrid pajamas in the horrid room with the other inmates. The matron enters and terrorizes all the girls into their beds. She refuses to tell them about Aldo.

After Nasty McNasterson leaves Luisa sweetly crawls into bed with Dani so they don't feel so alone. The girls pray, hands together, while Aldo does the same.

Estre begs Moni to open the door for her weeping prince. Mau joins the pleading. No answer, and a worried Estre runs for the keys while Paula crosses herself.

Nieves goes into nasty mode and tells Mau to beat it. Pau sticks up for him but mother bear won't be swayed. Nieves tries banging on the door and Estre runs up with the keyes. Mau opens the door but she's not there. Where could she be?

Nieves starts ragging on Mauricio and how the rich always have to dabble with the poor. She tells Mau if he hadn't put Moni between eyebrow and ear they wouldn't be in this mess. (Not sure what she means exactly, I think she's saying if he hadn't put ideas in Moni's head...) Mau insists he loves Moni. Estre helps him try to figure out where Moni could be, maybe the plaza! Nieves prays that they will find her Monita.

Beto and Coni enjoy a little post-coital pizza and congratulate each other on the success of their nasty little plan. Well, Coni's enjoying a glass of wine and the pizza makes her nauseous (!). She makes Beto empty his pockets of all the lacy bootie he's managed to sequester. (Oops, I mentioned her nausea in my comment today. Was this in the previews?)

Mau and Estre search for Moni in the plaza. He finally finds her listening to some mariachis. He turns her around but no, it's not Monita. The Mariachis wail and Mau recalls the night he tried to serenade Moni, the night they ate tacos, got their pictures taken, ate esquites. Mau and Estre return back to the vecindad having failed in their mission.

Nieves apologizes to Mau, Pau told her all about what really happened this day.

Beto, feeling manly from his recent boinkage and sporting several obvious lipstick marks on his collar, angrily interrupts. Estre calls him on his stained collar and Nieves joins in.

Estre tells Mau that surely Monita is fine and she escorts him into Moni's house. They have an interesting heart-to-heart which I'm not sure I completely understood. Mau discovers that Moni has left her cellular behind so there is no way to call her. Estre takes advantage of the moment to apologize to him for what happened between her and Aldo. She feels really bad that now he is far away and she can't do anything to help him. Mau is all "yeah well imagine how I feel." Anyway, he's nice and tells her she really deserves to have her dreams come true too. What she has with his son is transient because he's young, growing, gaining experience, and sooner or later he will stop seeing Estrella as he sees her now. She says she had Tano but she lost him too and now the whole world thinks the worst of her. Mau hugs her and tells her she has a big heart and that's the reason she's confused. He wants to see her happy but with the right person (i.e. anybody but his son).

Katia confronts Coni when she gets home, what in the heck happened to the kids? Everyone is worried about them and it's not fair to punish them for what Mau did. Coni swirls her brandy, says she wants Mau to suffer a little more, and it's too late to talk.

Mau decides to wait for Moni at her place. "Monita, where are you?" Sniff sniff. He picks up her bouquet, smells her veil and whispers her name.

Far from the DF Moni rings the bell outside Alicia's house. She tells Al she's the closest thing she has to a mother and she needs her now more than ever.

Estrella sits outside and cries. Her little puppy is missing and it's all her fault. She ruined the lives of the children. Pau tries to comfort her but Estre is inconsolable. Pau is a good friend and she says over and over, "It's the mummy's fault, yours NO, hers YES, blame the mummy." Estre says she's got to find her puppy. She doesn't know where to begin but she'll do it.

Alicia hugs Moni and invites her in. Her house is Moni's house. She assures her that time is the best medicine for a broken heart.

Moni explains to Al what happened. They were blissfully happy in Mérida but then he left her at the altar and everbody looked at her with pity. Al is surprised to hear that Mau left. She doesn't get it because Mau adores her and is profoundly in love with her. He must have had a very important reason for doing what he did.

Moni says he got a phone call and he left, she doesn't know who from. Alicia seems determined to help Moni figure out what happened.

Moni asks why does this always happen to her? She weeps that she has been abandoned again. Both her mother and Mau have abandoned her. What is it about her that sooner or later everybody leaves her? Why? Why?

Beto comes home to the patio and finds Estre worried about Moni. When he asks about his ex-hermano she tells him Mau left. She asks Beto for a favor. He misundersands and tries to hug her. No not that idiot! The ONE favor is please leave me alone.

Mau leaves Moni's house and Beto sneaks in. He sees her dress on the bed and graces us with his shifty-eyed smile. Damn him!

Tomorrow: Estre pulses Katia for clues to Aldo's whereabouts but Katia doesn't know what Coni did with the kids. Beto surprises Moni at Alicia's house to say that Mau told him to tell her he never wants to see her again. Oh no, oh yes, oh crap! But will she call Beto's bluff by phoning Mau?

Metido entre ceja y oreja - put between eyebrow and ear (Another saying is "entre ceja y ceja" which means to put ideas in someone's head, I'm thinking that "ceja y oreja" is similar. Does anyone have any other ideas?)


ENDA, October 28, 2009

Rufi is telling Carloca all about the wedding that almost happen between PJC and Natalia.

Emiliano tells Romina as she's lighting candles that he will make sure that their child has everything it needs. Romina asks if he's proposing marriage. No, replies Emiliano. We each go our own ways with our own plans. Nothing has changed in regards to that. Romina tells him that if he does not marry her, he will never see his child. He tells her to quit being ridiculous. A marriage will not work between them. She says we can try, but he points out that he doesn't love her. Well then face the consequences replies Romina. Emiliano tells her not to be that way, but Romina points out that she is carrying the baby and things will go her way.

Metiche tells PJC that she is having problems with Chava. He offers to help her.

Emiliano leaves Romina's and calls his father. He needs to talk to him.

Romina calls Paloma crying. She wants to talk to her. Lili says that Emiliano must have talked to her. She advises Paloma not to tell Romina about her relationship with Emiliano.

Camila comes home and sees Romina crying. Romina tells her that Emiliano does not want to marry her. Camila said that she figured that would happen. What do you mean asks Romina? Well, Emiliano was very clear with you when you were in the hospital. He told you that he did not love you and would never marry anyone without love replies Camila. But we are going to have a child together says Romina. Camila says she understands, but she cannot make Emiliano marry her. We can try says Romina. Camila tells her that they shouldn't and to please understand. The doorbell rings and its Paloma. Romina takes her to her room.

Metiche and PJC find Chava lying unconscious on a park bench.

Romina tells Paloma that Emiliano doesn't want to marry her even though she is expecting his child. Paloma says that he will take care of his child and be a good father to him. Romina says the only way he could be a good father is to marry me. So if he doesn't then I have decided to have an abortion, but don't tell anyone. Paloma tells her that it's a crazy idea.

Camila tells Orlando that Emiliano does not want to marry Romina. Orlando says then we have to make him do it. What asks Camila? Orlando says a father should be near his child to watch him grow and not become a stranger. Camila says that nothing would make her happier, but Emiliano does not love Romina. And that complicates things. Orlando says that if he does not live next to his child then he will regret it.

Paloma tells Romina that her child must be born. But not in these conditions replies Romina. Paloma remembers Macarena telling her that the reason she gave her up was she wanted the best for her. Romina keeps pleading her case that her child needs both parents in its life. Again Paloma tells her not to abort. Romina then pleads for her help in convincing Emiliano to marry her. Paloma doesn't want to get involved, but Romina threatens to abort then. Promise me that you'll talk to him begs Romina.

Diana tells Emiliano that he has to marry Romina even if he doesn't want too. Emiliano refuses. Rafael tells Diana that Emiliano is an adult and he has to make his own decisions. They have to respect his decision. Diana fires back by saying that if Emiliano had respected Romina, none of this would have happened. She turns to Emiliano and says that Romina would be the best mother and wife. Emiliano points out again that he does not love her.

Carloca asks Paloma were she was at. Romina's she replies. Carloca asks if she's told Romina that she is novios with Emiliano. No says Paloma and don't you tell her either.

Emiliano goes to the hospital to see how Chava is doing. PJC says that they found Chava unconscious and drunk. PJC thinks that Emiliano should talk to him.

Paloma tells Lili about her conversation with Romina. She doesn't want to feel responsible if Romina completes her threat. Lili wisely tells her it wouldn't be. You are not the problem. But I am replies Paloma. I am with Emiliano. Perhaps if we were not together then he would marry her. Lili tells her that she doesn't think that Romina would really do that. But it's not your problem either. Think about yourself first.

Emiliano talks to Chava about his drinking.

Orlando asks Angelica if Emiliano has made it in yet as she is bringing in coffee. No replies Angelica. How was your night with your galan asks Orlando. Angelica tells him that they had a fight. What about asks Orlando. You says Angelica. Seems like there are people who do not have a very good opinion of you. And I will not allow anyone to talk about you in a bad way. Orlando didn't realize he had such loyal people around him. I'm not just loyal to you, but to myself responds Angelica. I will not allow anyone to talk about the only man that I am interested in.

Natalia comes to visit PJC and gives him a hug. Of course Carloca sees this. She overhears PJC asking about Alonzo and Natalia replying that things are not good.

Emiliano is waiting for Paloma after school. Emiliano tells her that he talked to Romina and she wants to get married. But he said no. Marriage is not the solution. Paloma hopes that he convinces her, but thinks that while all this is going on they should not be together. Why asks Emiliano. Paloma says that she doesn't want to be the reason for him to make a bad decision regarding his child. I don't want to take away his father. I don't want the baby to go through what I did. That I did not have my father with me. Emiliano points out that her story and his baby's story are very different. I hope so replies Paloma. I'm really sorry, but we are done.

Emiliano says that we cannot end this. I thought that our love was strong and could withstand anything. I know that we are going thru a difficult time, but this baby should not be a wedge between us. Please don't insist begs Paloma. We are done forever and tries to walk away. Emiliano grabs her and says that he will never accept it and kisses her.

Aaron and Romina are walking in the park. Aaron asks Romina how can she be sure Paloma will leave Emiliano. Romina tells him about her threat to abort the baby. But you can't do that replies Aaron. The doctor told you that it will put your life in jeopardy. Yes, I know responds Romina. But Paloma doesn't know that. Anyway Paloma will never allow a child to be without a father like she had. And if she doesn't leave Emiliano then I promise to leave Real del Monte and he will never see his child. Aaron says as soon as he's out, I'm going in. Romina advises him that if he can't get in voluntarily from her, then force the issue.

Emiliano says I love you just as much as you love me. Paloma says it's horrible not having a father. Emiliano says the baby always will. Did Romina ask you to break up with me? No replies Paloma. She doesn't know anything about us. Go to Romina. Forget about me forever. She runs off.

PJC and Natalia are walking. They are talking about Sagario (her daughter), Alonzo and his behavior after Inaki's death. Carloca is following. PJC wants to tell her everything that has happened since they last talked. They agree to meet up tomorrow and hug each other goodbye. Carloca is pissed.

Orlando wants to talk to Angelica about her confession. Camila overhears. Angelica tells him to forget about it. What would it have changed? You love Camila, right? She doesn't let him answer. I have lost again. What do you mean asks Orlando? Angelica says I have only loved twice in my life and both men were unavailable. Orlando tells her that he doesn't want her to go. Angelica says I can't stay here looking at you knowing you know how I feel. Orlando tells her that if he had never met Camila then perhaps. Camila is shocked. Angelica says then nothing can come from this. Orlando begs Angelica to stay. Camila runs out.

Paloma goes to visit Macarena's grave to talk. Paloma tells Macarena that she loves Emiliano as much as Macarena loved her father. Why could we not be happy with them?

Emiliano is with Rafael crying. He says he cannot lose her.

German visits with Rodolfo. German wants a consultation. How can a man find out that a child is his? Can I find out now or wait till the baby is born? Rodolfo says there is a test that they can do by removing some of the am biotic fluid and verify DNA. Is there any danger doing that asks German. Yes, a small one replies Rodolfo. Are you in trouble? No, a friend responds German.

Rufi answers the phone and it’s Natalia. She wants to talk to Paloma. Rufi tells her she's not home yet and takes down her number. Carloca comes in and asks who it was. Natalia replies Rufi. That's strange. We were just talking about her the other day says Carloca. Yes, strange replies Rufi. Carloca thinks to herself that PJC was going to give up the priesthood for Macarena. Could he possibly do the same for her?

Padre Mateo tells PJC he thinks its inapprociate for Natalia to travel alone without her husband to come visit him. Why asks PJC. Woman do it all the time. Yes, but they were not about to marry you responds Padre Mateo. He wants him to stay away from her. PJC says that she needs advice and that is all.

Camila and Romina are talking about Emiliano. Romina says that I will not commit the same mistake that you did. Diana comes in and says that she agrees. A baby needs its mother and father. Romina tells Camila that she knows she has to go and will entertain Diana. Off Diana and Romina go into the living room like 2 best buddies. Diana gives her a gift for the baby. They giggle and chit chat while Camila looks on sad.

Orlando tells Emiliano that Romina is thinking what is best for the child. Emiliano says the best thing for my child is not have his father be with his mother by force. Then Romina might complete her promise no matter what the law says replies Orlando. Emiliano says that he will make sure that his child has everything it needs. Orlando says I don't want what happened to me happen to you. Emiliano replies that just because it happened to you doesn't mean it will happen to me. I will try everything I can to convince Romina that marriage is not the answer. Orlando thinks he's making a big mistake.

Diana and Romina are talking about Emiliano. Diana says her son is noble. Romina doesn't believe it anymore. Diana blames it all on Paloma. Romina believes that Paloma will break up with Emiliano. Diana is in on the plan even if Rafael isn't. Rafael isn't asks Romina. No, he always supports whatever Emiliano wants replies Diana. But who cares. I will make sure to convince him. Romina says perhaps I know of something. What asks Diana? I will talk to him replies Romina.

Rufi tries to comfort Paloma. She tells Paloma that if Romina wasn’t so crazy she would tell her not to listen to her. She is capable of anything. I agree replies Paloma. That is why I broke it off with him. I think I am going to accept the offer from Rodolfo to live in Mexico City with him. Rufi tells Paloma that Natalia is in town and she wants to see her.

Carloca is talking to herself again. She says that Natalia doesn't have her looks or her class. She is not a better woman then me. Why did you touch her? Why her? I am the one for you. Accept it. Leave your god forever so that you can come to me.

PJC calls Rufi and tells her that Natalia is in town. He wants her to come and meet with him and Natalia tomorrow.

Paloma tries to call Natalia, but no answer. Rufi made her a cake that Macarena said was Paloma's favorite. Paloma has no appetite. Rufi tells her to remember her mother's words to her. Paloma gets excited and runs out.

Camila goes to visit with Angelica. What's wrong asks Angelica. Camila answers her by saying that her friend is lying to her and deceiving her. Who asks Angelica? My own psychiatrist replies Camila. Why do you say that asks Angelica? Because during all this therapy, she only wanted more information on the man she loves says Camila. When were you going to tell me? Let me explain says Angelica. No replies Camila. Romina was right about you. You are a person with two faces and bad ethics.

German gets a visit from Paloma. She tells German that she saw him and Romina kissing each other outside his house. She wants to know if they had ever slept together. Could the child that she is expecting be yours? Please tell me the truth.

Manana: Diana says her son will marry Romina no matter what.


Sortilegio #17, Wednesday Oct 28, 2009: Just Another Hot Steamy Wednesday!

Cap #22 Mexican :)

MJ, Ale, Paula and Papa are talking. Ale wants MJ to go with him on a little trip. MJ balks but Papa says its her duty.

Maura takes Uli over to Ale. Ale introduces his wife MJ.

Rachel, Roberto, Uli and Maura are in a den of thieves, I mean a den of orange polka dotted couches, striped pillows, and a brown shag rug, talking about their favorite couple. The guys, Uli and Roberto go out to have a smoke and it sure looks like something is up between those two.

Chucho is being questioned.

Ale and MJ are at the accident sight trying to figure things out. Ale goes over the events as he remembers them and MJ comforting him. Suddenly, Ale, with Savage Jealousy, wonders ( and he really should know the answer to this) if MJ would have accepted Bruno if he had died? (Well, at least until she found out she was with a Brrruto.) MJ gets angry that Ale keeps torturing her by bring Bruno up, that he has no confidence in her, and she starts running up the hill. Ale, scrambles after and and apologizes, saying he just has doubts, doubts that makes him ask stupid
questions. Ale and MJ make up.

Ale and MJ go to find Chuco in the jail, and Chuco asks that Ale tell them that he did not steal the watch. The jailer tells Ale and MJ, they have to talk to the commander. I don't know why Ale has MJ leave.

MJ goes to the church and prays. Ale asks what she prayed for and MJ says peace.

At last, the day is over and their enter a room with candles burning, and MJ says it is a nice room, but she didn't want to sleep in the same bed that she is tired and just wants to sleep. Ale says fine he will sleep on the sofa. MJ opens her suitcase and Ale takes his bedding to the sofa. MJ is very tired but, not so tired that she doesn't take pause, along with viewerville, to appreciate Ale removing his shirt.

Ale pretends to be asleep already as MJ checks as she walks by. After she is in the bathroom Ale opens his eyes shakes his head, smiles as he rolls over to try and sleep.

We watch Ale toss and turn and try to cover his feet before he finally crawls in to bed with the sleeping MJ. He makes sure to share his blanket and kisses her cheek, as he cuddles with her to sleep.

Next day, Ale wakes up to find MJ in the shower, where MJ tries to explain that when she prayed she said she would not sleep with Ale until they are married. As Ale caresses MJ's shadow, on the shower door, he explains that their marriage is valid, and just like that he is in the shower, and Ale and MJ do what comes sooo naturally, and we in viewerville, get lost and have to take a moment to breathe.

Ale tells the Commander that Chencho and Chucho helped him to live. Chucho gets out. Ale gives him money and his card and tells him to go to his house and have EZ give him some work.
Ale asks Chucho about the woman in the car with him and Chucho directs him to a hospital.

Maura a Rachel are wearing wraps on their way to the jacuzzi. Now, the wraps are off but they are still talking about their favorite couple, Ale and MJ.

Fernando has come by to check on Victoria. When Felipa tells Victoria that Fernando is here, she hops out of bed and starts primping.

Erick and Bruno are talking, but this beginner Spanish student cannot make out any words over the music.

Victoria sees Fernando. Fernando tells Victoria that the Ale is in love with MJ and Victoria says that this is a problem.

At the hospital Ale and MJ find Lupe, who has been fighting infections, Lupe has a son. Ale says he will pay for medicines and school for him, Lupe say no one cares for the Indians or something like that.

Ale tells MJ they have something important to do.

Victoria and Fernando are on the porch talking about everyone's favorite people, MJ and Ale. Rachel walks up to eavesdrop. Victoria is going on how Ale said he never married MJ.

Ale and MJ are at an apartment building with Ale knocking on the door. He ask MJ if she is nervous. A woman comes out of the building and Ale asks if she can identify Bruno? (a picture on his cell phone) . The woman says they can check it out. As they walk the stairs, MJ asks if Ale is jealous and Ale says he is not jealous he is just questioning. I don't know if this is an apartment Bruno had? They check it out and leave.

Felipa interrupts Rachel's eavesdropping, and Rachel is ready to denounce the whole bunch of them. Fernando and Victoria try to tell her he is married, but it is Bruno who comes and gets her.

Ale and MJ are at another place. I am confused to where they are at. This isn't the town MJ is from right? I thought it was the place closest to where the accident was? Why would MJ know of this apartment? Any way they talk to someone else who has a document signed by someone who is, of course, long gone.

Fernando tells Victoria that Ale and MJ's marriage is legal. Victoria asks what Fernando thinks.
Fernando says MJ and her family could be lying. Yeah with a best friend like that...

Felipe tries to tell Victoria that she should be sure before Victoria accuses but Victoria doesn't want to hear. Victoria tells herself all the lies she needs to stay in denial about Bruno.


Gancho Wed 10/28 - Yes, it's OK to say mean things about Constanza

Ahoy all, tonight I am doing a quickie on-the-fly for Kris who is wending her way down to Mexico. If I overlooked anything noteworthy please let me know.

Mau tells Sal that he's going to the church to marry and fight with his wife by his side.

The kids (Aldo, Luisa and Dani) dolefully wait for Coni to take them to the wedding. Coni hears Dani call her a witch. This does not help the mummy's nasty disposition, nor does the kids' increasing happiness at the prospect of a Mau and Moni union.

Jeri plays racecar with Rolu's wheelchair, gleefully pretending to push him down the stone steps. I'm guessing Rolu is plotting revenge at this moment. Oski shows up and they play whack-Rolu's-cast-and-push-him-against-the-railing. These guys will be dead meat.

Don Cesar is kissing the hand of Little Bo Peep, aka Nieves. Don't laugh, I had to wear a bridesmaid's dress like that once. OK, go ahead and laugh, I did. Anyway, he escorts the princessa into the church. Mientras tanto Oski and Loca discuss Bo Peep's poor taste in clothing. Sounds like Loca has laryngitis. Beto calls this nasty pair on their mean comments and they trade insults. He asks Pau who is that woman who has a dead dog on her head. (Wow, 10 points from the Russian judge on that one Beto!)

Oh no, oh yes, oh crap! Prepare yourselves for a dreadful turn of events. Coni has brought the kids not to the wedding, but surprise, to a prison for kids, aka the boarding school from hell. A scary-looking matron tells them this is their new home while they learn discipline.

Mau flashes back to the proposal, yay! Then he flashes back to nasty Coni threatening to take his kids away, boo! He soldiers on and heads for the church.

Moni's pals gush over her wedding dress. Yes she is absolutely lovely. Funnily they also comment that Mau is always late. Xime shows up and she looks hot too. "Ay ay, we're getting married together and every year we can celebrate our anniversary together!" Gabi comes to tell them Mau is there. OK we're all a little surprised at his timely arrival. Xime is suddenly worried, Rolu is there too, right? Luckily for her there is no way he can escape this day.

Back at the kiddie prison there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Coni, mean matron and the two bodyguards explain how it's going to be, no wedding for them and it's time to enter the stone walls of doom! The bodyguards force them into the Internado (boarding school). They cry for mercy but Coni stands firm. It's breaking her heart but they need a firm hand. She kisses them off, she's got a wedding to stop.

Inside the cold walls the wicked witch tells the kids she runs a decent establishment and they'll obey her, do they follow? They will be separated, the boys from the girls. Dani whines, the witch yells, and Aldo yells back, they won't be separated. The witch tells him those are the rules! The big bad bodyguard grabs Dani and Aldo punches him. This does him no good. The witch tells him she is the authority around him, follow? (Sigues?) The girls are dragged off and Aldo is banished to the punishment room until he becomes docile. The matron smirks in satisfaction.

The wedding march plays and Xime strolls down the aisle toward a horrified Rolando. She even removes his feather boa for the occasion. Then Beto escorts Moni toward her expectant groom. There is no sign of Coni and he delays until Moni knees him in the nuts. Beto won't release her to Mau until she kicks him in the shins.

Let the vows begin. Blah blah blah says the priest, Moni and Mau blah blah blah Ximena Sermeno y Rolando Kluner, blah blah. Beto squirms and Nieves elbows him in the ribs for thinking of la flaquita and his loins in the house of God. Back to the blah blah blah and time's a wasting, this lasts through several scenes and commercials. Get to the vows! Mau whispers to Sal that he's worried about the kids, where are they? More blah blah blah, these are the longest vows in history.

Beto goes to look for Coni and Don Cesar whispers to Nievecita that he's very interested in her. My, how these weddings do bring out the heat in some people!

Outside the church Beto confronts Sal about putting the moves on his jefa. Sal's got other things to worry about, Consti for example. He calls her house and gets Katia. Bad news, Coni's not there and surely the kids are at Xime's wedding. Beto keeps pestering Sal who's on the verge of whacking him for calling him "chavita", er make that Don Chava. Don Chava slaps Beto's hand and calls him Pithecanthropus Erectis, i.e. upright ape man.

We find Luisa and Dani crying alone in a sparse room filled with ugly bunk beds. They wanted to see Moni's wedding dress. Meanwhile Aldo bangs on the walls of his solitary confinement, sinks to the floor in despair, and begs God to help him. This absolutely sucks.

Lord help us, the vows are STILL going on. Does Xime take Rolu? Obviously! Does Mau take Moni? Anyone have any objections? Beto raises Christian's hand and yells "Yo!". Chris denies it while Pau scolds him. Someone grabbed his hand. Coni makes her way to the church as Sal finally gets a hold of her on the phone. She has no interest in talking to Sal, give the phone to Mau and if he doesn't then Mau will regret it the rest of his life.

Back in the Church of the Perpetual Blather the vows continue ad nauseum as the priest stumbles over the names. Xime has three things to tell him. One, yes she promises to be faithful in sickness and in health. Two, clearly they will be together until death parts them. Three, yes, she accepts. OK you are husband and wife. Mau do you accept Monita ... Oh no, oh yes, oh crap! Sal interrupts with a phone call that Mau HAS to take.

Coni tells Mau she's at the airport and about to remove the brats from the country. They will disappear forever and he'll never see them unless he tells Moni the wedding is off. She has a man inside the church who is watching him. Think of the kids and hurry up.

"Pardon me my love, but I cannot marry you" says our handsome idiot. Moni is muy, pero muy impactada. All our dunderhead can do is beg her pardon, he can't explain right now. "Forgive me, forgive me." He sprints out of the church and heads toward the airport to stop Coni from stealing the kids. Hidden nearby, she watches his tormented exit and smiles in satisfaction.

The church is in an uproar, the guests are aghast, and Moni runs after Mau. Coni continues to watch diabolically. Nieves wails about the dress of bad luck.

Alone in the church, Beto thanks the Diosito for looking after his interests. Then he wants to confess, does the Padre have a lot of time?

Moni marches down the street followed by her entourage including Christian in his police car calling to her over the loudspeaker. It is a veritable pity parade and the sad music plays.

Back at the church Xime laments because nobody will be at the banquet. But our relentlessly happy fresa has three things to say: One, she won't let anthing impede her happiness. Two, she's going because the caribbean beaches await, Cancun here they come. Three, she's heartbroken (acongojada) but also very happy because starting today she's Xime Serme de Klundi! She and Lalo dash off until Jero reminds her not to forget the groom. Jeri is in the best mood ever and wants to celebrate but Oski and Loca have other plans.

Beto and Coni share a passionate kiss and victorious reunion on the church steps.

Moni ends up at the boxing ring and, against her friends' protests, commands Don Cesar to lace up her gloves. They watch in horror as she steps into the ring, white dress and all, and spars with a vengeance.

Tomorrow: Sebastian Rulli does what he is famous for, he cries cries cries and cries some more.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sortilegio #16, Tuesday 10/27/09: Let's get ready to rumble!

Alex and MaryJo continue their middle-of-the-night chat. Alex is such a dip he says he didn't "notice" that MaryJo was a virgin. She doesn't take it kindly. He wants to know about the cell phone he saw her putting in her pocket earlier. She tries to pretend she doesn't know what he's talking about, but once he starts searching through her stuff she pulls it out and hands it to him. He can see that it's Bruno's and wonders why she has it. She explains about the recording, which they listen to, and then tells him that Bruno wants her to say she's expecting a Little Bruno. Alex has had it! He doesn't care if he and Bruno share blood, he wants to kill him. He tells MaryJo that he shares a dad with Bruno and she freaks out that he can't even think of turning into Cain over this. Um, right, cause if you're not related, go ahead and kill him, but if you are, oh noes! Don't even think it! I want to crack up when Alex basically says "yeah, well, he started it." MaryJo now tries to remind him that her family isn't exactly perfect, and how she got them in trouble by falling for Bruno, etc. But Alex just doesn't like the people around him very much right now. "Even Victoria?" MaryJo asks. "She slept with my dad while my mom was still alive." MaryJo has no answer to this.

In another part of town, Maura, Roberto, Raquel, and Ulises are hanging out in what's probably supposed to be a bar, but looks more like an airport terminal. Roberto tells them about seeing MaryJo take the cell phone from Bruno, but he doesn't really know what that's about. Raquel is convinced that MaryJo and Bruno knew each other before and were lovers. Ulises wonders if that was before or after the wedding with Alex, but Roberto points out that nobody is supposed to have met MaryJo before. Maura asks Ulises to walk her to the bathroom. Why? I'm pretty sure he's not using the ladies', and they don't wear the same shade of lipstick. When they leave, Raquel tells Roberto that Maura has the soul of a "ramera" (ho) and is panting after Ulises even though she's supposedly in luuuuurve with Alex. Roberto is either bored or annoyed as he says, "a ti que te importa?" (what's it matter to you?), and we all know the answer to that question.

Maura proposes that Ulises earn himself some money by…no, not sleeping with her. She has a bigger fish to fry, a fish named Alex. And no, she doesn't think Ulises can seduce the "provinciana" (hick) either. She wants him to find out if there's "algo turbio" (something shady) going on with Alex, MaryJo, and Bruno, by getting close to the three of them. Maura is pissed off that she got dumped for a "criada" (maid) and is getting made fun of by her friends. Ulises needs to pick a side. Well, since she offered to pay and he's staying at her place for free, Ulises opts for a spot on Team Maura.

MaryJo tries to convince Alex that she's nothing but trouble and she and her family should get far, far away from him. They'll give him the papers for the apartment and he can sell it and send them whatever amount of money he thinks is fair. She asks about the paperwork to change their marriage to a non-"you get half of everything" arrangement. He says it's done, except for their signatures. He doesn't want to divorce her, though, until they find out if she's pregnant, which she immediately tries to insist she's not. That doesn't get her anywhere, though. She wonders, what about "us." He recalls that she said she had feelings for him. She wonders how much of his feelings are caring and how much are obsession and revenge on Bruno. He's not sure, but he says right now he needs her more than ever, and gives her a big squishy hug. Hey, Bruno, nice job bringing those two together, heh, heh, heh.

The next morning Vicky comes down to breakfast. Felipa comments on her "ojeras" (dark circles under the eyes). Vicky wants to see if Alex comes down and how he looks at her. She's not sure if he read the book, or just flipped some pages, or ignored it. She knows he's upset because "she" ( really, she and his dad, let's be honest here) cheated on his mother.

Alex is getting dressed and talking to Ezequiel. I don't like the patterned shirt with the slightly shiny vest and jacket. And I'm not sure how I feel about the vest being double-breasted. Alex is pissed to hear that Bruno spent the night in the house. He gets his jacket on, takes his wallet and non-matching briefcase (I definitely do not like the brown briefcase with the dark grey suit…and it doesn't match his shoes, either) and walks out as Ezequiel calls a blessing after him.

In the hallway he runs into MaryJo. Like the good little wife she is, she asks if he's leaving and if he's had breakfast. He plans to have breakfast at the office. He's had no further thoughts about their conversation last night and insists they wait to see if she's pregnant, not because he doesn't think she can take care of a kid, but because he won't let his kid grow up away from him. She tries to fake him out with "well, maybe it's not even your kid." He looks so tired as he tells her not to BS him, he believed her when she said she was a virgin and their first time was her first time. She gives up. But she still doesn't like sitting around the house doing nothing and letting him spend money on her and her family. She wants him to fire the maid, but he says she has other things to do. "What other things? Your mom and Felipa take care of the house…." He reminds her about getting Paula into school, and he's not going back on that because he promised Paula. He asks her to take care of it. As he's opening Bruno's door, she asks if he's going to say something about the cell and he says yes. She runs off as he goes in.

He tells Bruno that he's letting him stay in the house because of Vicky, but if he gets within 100 steps of MaryJo again, he will throw him out. "Oh, and by the way, I've got your cell phone. I wonder what other interesting things I'll find on here." Bruno, in fluorescent yellow boxer briefs, jumps out of bed and says "gimme back the phone" but Alex shoves him back. Then we start an epic fight that takes from the doorway of Bruno's room through the upstairs hallway area, onto the landing that curves all the way over to the top of the stairs, tumbling down to the bottom, and startling Ezequiel, who drops a giant silver bowl of fruit. There's lots of punching, kicking, grappling, and other things I don't know the names of. Ezequiel calls for the boys' mommy. As the dueling duo roll into the living room, Ulises and Roberto walk in the front door and immediately pull the pair apart. Funny, I would have figured Roberto for the kind of guy who likes to watch. He does grab the scantily-clad Bruno, though, so maybe that's enough of a thrill for him. They really have to hold the pair back, even after Vicky comes running in screaming at them to stop. Ulises and Roberto lose their respective grips and Alex and Bruno go at it again. Somehow, it looked like Bruno was trying to hit Roberto, but ended up hitting his mother instead and knocking her to the floor. Now he stops. Alex runs to her, calling her mom and asking her to wake up. Felipa yells at someone to call the doctor and then yells at Bruno that this is all his fault. Bruno, the little twerp, says "he started it," but lets himself be hauled away by Ulises and Roberto, I think. And Alex just keeps begging his mommy to wake up.

After the commercials, Ulises and Roberto have gotten Bruno all the way outside, but have to keep walking him farther and farther away from the house to keep him from turning back and smacking Alex around some more. The following conversation ensues:

Bruno: Alex started it!
Roberto: If he did it's cause you won't leave his wife alone.
B: She's not his wife!
R: What do you mean by that?
B: Uh, that she can't stand him and wants a divorce, but he won't let her go.
R: Qué the hell do you care?
B: Well, she asked for my help.
R: Sure didn't look like she was asking for your help last night. She even pushed you down and took something from you…your cell?
B: Well, well…she hates him! (as he's trying to get back to the house again)
Ulises: Calm down, man!
B: You're a parasite living at the expense of others. And you (to Roberto), you're always gambling…you'd bet your wife if you could.
R: What of it?
B: Do you guys have any idea how many millions this family is worth?
U: (after exchanging a look with R) Lots of them, I suppose.
B: And a big part of it should have been mine and your wife's.
R: Hm, well, I agree with you on that.
B: But the demented old guy left it all to Alex. We have to do something to turn the situation around.
R: I don't see how. Only for Alex to die.
B: You said it.

Bruno walks off. Roberto wonders what's up, but Ulises gets it. "He wants to kill Alex."

Down by the fake lake, Paula and MaryJo talk about where babies come from. MaryJo would be ok with being pregnant if Alex really loved her and his family weren't, well, the way they are. Paula says being pregnant would be the best thing right now. I can't even summon up a shut up for her today. MaryJo thinks Alex only wants sex (yeah, so, and what man doesn't? It's either this or a convent, sister, cause even the gay men want sex, even if it's not with you). Paula thinks that's a start. MaryJo changes the subject to Paula's education, but MaryJo thinks it's pointless because if she's not pregnant she wants to get out of there ASAP. Paula suggests telling Mr. Moneybags to buy another place for them to live, if it's just the people in this house that are bugging her. But MaryJo says that would indicate that she accepts him, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, poor you, you accidentally ended up married to a rich sex god. Gee, it must be so tough. The usual Paula/MaryJo argument. The nurse comes out to announce that Pedro is all washed and dressed and has borrowed a cane from Ezequiel and will be walking out any moment. The girls get all excited and run into the house to see him. Well, duh, now he doesn't get to make his grand exit. Ungrateful children.

Vicky is up in her bedroom, conscious, having a compress applied by Felipa. Alex says that Hernán will be over soon, but Vicky tries to say she's fine. Raquel thinks it was stupid of Vicky to get in the middle of the fight between the two "troglodytes." Vicky is happy that Alex isn't rejecting her, but he says he'd never leave her. Raquel is suspicious, but Vicky says it's nothing. Bruno, now dressed, comes in to say he's sorry to his mom. Of course, she brushes it off because he didn't mean to do it. Raquel wants to know what they're fighting about. Shut. Up. Raquel. That's only going to get them going again, you idiot. Alex responds by leaving, and asking Felipa to let him know what Hernán says after he checks out Vicky. After he leaves, Raquel asks Bruno what happened this time, but he says "you know how he is, he just came at me for no reason." Even Vicky doesn't look like she believes that.

Ulises and Roberto put their four spare brain cells together to parse the conversation with Bruno. Sorry, but, come on, these boys are mainly for show and I bet even they know it. Ulises can't imagine that Bruno would go so far as to murder Alex, but Roberto is sure that's what Bruno was implying. He wonders why Bruno would tell them about it. Ulises thinks he wants them to help him. Roberto laughs that off saying no way is he going to help someone with murder. And about the conversation last night, he's still not sure what was going on, but he does think that MaryJo was upset, he saw her take the cell phone away from Bruno and run away. He's sure they knew each other before, but all he can figure is that maybe Alex introduced MaryJo to Bruno before and just forgot about it the way he forgot about being married to her in the first place.

MaryJo and Paula hear about Vicky from the maid. MaryJo thinks it's all her fault and they need to get out of there before Bruno and Alex kill each other. As they climb the stairs, Paula hopes Alex gave Bruno the beating he deserves. Bruno is, of course, waiting for them in the hallway. He yells at MaryJo for giving the cell phone to Alex. She tells him she also told Alex that Bruno wants her to say she's pregnant with Bruno's baby. Paula tells him his little threat didn't work, so he'd better just deal with it. Bruno menacingly reminds them that the threat to their father is still in place. Paula pushes MaryJo off into her room.

Hernán finishes examining Vicky. He doesn't believe her story that she bruised only her jaw by falling down the stairs, but she insists. He wants some x-rays done. Felipa joins him in mocking Vicky, saying she doesn't know what happened, since Vicky usually has her feet pretty firmly planted on the ground. Hernán now tries to get info out of Raquel, but by the time she heard about it, Vicky was already up in her room. Hernán still thinks it's all a bunch of BS, but he prescribes Vicky a "fomento" (fomentation?), an anti-inflammatory, and two days of rest.

Alex is at the office, and tells Fernando what happened. Fernando, being madly in love with Vicky the MILF, is understandably very, very, very upset. He points out to Alex that the situation is getting worse every day. Alex's phone rings. Felipa tells him the doctor left and said everything is fine, but Vicky made up a story about falling down the stairs. She's a little swollen, but the doc gave her some medicine. He gives Fernando the news. Fernando wonders if it's ok to see her and Alex almost indulgently says, "I dunno, ask her," as he gives Fernando a pat on the arm. Fernando gets all excited about that and his eyes light up with an unholy fire most men reserve for new tech toys.

Bruno is still trying to sell the "Alex started it" story, claiming that it's because he came back to the house. Raquel blames it on "that woman." Hi, kids, 2 days of rest, remember. You're giving mommy a headache! Vicky manages a weak, "that's enough." Raquel insists that MaryJo has to be kicked out.

Alex plays the recording for Fernando. Alex thinks it's just some guy Bruno paid to say it. Fernando wonders if it could be true. Alex also tells him that Bruno used the recording to try to coerce MaryJo into saying that she's pregnant with Bruno's hellspawn. Fernando can't figure out Bruno's game. Alex thinks since killing him off didn't work, Bruno now wants to get MaryJo. "Does he love her?" Alex thinks he might, but his phone rings before he can answer Fernando's question, "Do you love her?" Comandante Tenorio is on the phone. Alex puts him on speaker. They have a suspect in custody, a guy who tried to sell off Alex's watch. Oh, noes! Chucho! He's detained until Alex can come over and identify him. Shoulda just given him cash. Fernando's response to the phone call is to say it wasn't Bruno, so MaryJo must have had another accomplice. Down in the lobby, Alex says it wouldn't make sense for Chucho to have been in on it because he would have just killed Alex instead of helping him. And besides, Alex is the one who gave him the watch. But Fernando wonders if maybe Chucho didn't connect Alex with the accident. You know what? Shut. Up. Fernando. I suspect Fernando is being written by the writers responsible for plots that go nowhere because people jump to the wrong conclusions. Alex says that someone hired to kill another person doesn’t just take pity on random strangers and try to help them. Fernando says Alex is rejecting any theories that point to MaryJo. Well, yeah, dummy, because they're wrong! Alex says everything that MaryJo has said is logical. Fernando takes offense, especially because trusting in MaryJo's logic is hurting his beloved Vicky, who should be up on an altar, not being hurt by her horrible ungrateful children. Alex gripes that Vicky is the only one Fernando cares about…"well, she's the most defenseless," replies Fernando. Oh, Shut. Up. Fernando. She doesn't need a defender, she needs to locate her spine and use it. "Dude, are you in love with my Mom?" No answer as we go to commercials. And also, seriously, Alex, you needed to ask?

Back from commercials and Fernando doesn't want to talk about it. Alex is tired of getting into fights with him all the time. He invites him to lunch and Fernando accepts, but insists on taking his own car because he has a project to check in the afternoon. Alex rolls his eyes as he agrees and the two drive off.

Maura fills Ulises in on the plot so far: nobody knows who she is or where she came from; Alex and I were "together" just a week before and he never mentioned her; all of a sudden he's got a wife. She's not given up on the relationship entirely because of Alex saying they would probably get divorced soon and they have an "arrangement." They talk about the fight that morning. Maura thinks it's terrible that Vicky got knocked out, but Ulises thinks it's funny. Maura is intrigued by Bruno saying that MaryJo isn't Alex's wife. She says she's had no luck getting Lisette to make friends with Paula and her dad. Ulises really wants to meet MaryJo, so Maura offers to take him over there this afternoon.

At lunch, Alex wants to talk to Fernando as friends, like they used to. Fernando doesn't really know MaryJo, but what he does know is that since the accident, Alex has changed. "Of course, " says Alex, "Someone tried to kill me, I have a wife I've never met before, and now it turns out Bruno was behind it all." Fernando has a problem with Alex believing this even though there's no proof. Fernando isn't convinced that it was necessarily Bruno, he thinks it could be someone else. He thinks that Alex has decided it was all Bruno just because the two of them have hated each other for a long time. Alex now wonders what Fernando has against MaryJo because he's willing to believe that she's an adventuress who planned this whole scheme and is only blaming Bruno because it went wrong. Actually, Fernando hates her because she's inadvertently messing with his beloved Vicky. But he doesn't say that out loud. The waiter arrives with wine.

MaryJo comes to see how Vicky is doing. Felipa doesn't let her in, but does agree to pass on the message that MaryJo hopes she feels better soon and that she's very sorry for what happened. Vicky doesn't know what to think about MaryJo. She can't get the image of the fight out of her head. She feels like this fight was different, like the two of them were trying to kill each other. Vicky's glad that Alex called her Mom. Felipa asks forgiveness, but opines that Alex is the better of the two boys. Both ladies agree that the boys were fighting over MaryJo. Vicky thinks Bruno must be in love with MaryJo and she doesn't think it takes long to fall in love, since she fell in love with Antonio the first time she met him. Whatever. Even if Felipa says their story was "different," Vicky says that even when you say things are "different," it's really the same old story.

Alex now tries to get Fernando to spill his feelings for Vicky. Fernando carefully hedges, saying Vicky's, like, totally awesome and he likes her a lot. Alex agrees about her awesomeness. He mentions that Vicky gave him a book she had written. Fernando is surprised that Vicky is a published author, but he remembers the book from the day before. He wants to borrow it from Alex, but Alex isn't sure he wants to lend it. Fernando lists all the things he likes about Vicky. He assures Alex he's never been disrespectful and would never tell her how he feels. Alex says she may be old enough to be his mom, but she's not. How terribly open minded of him. Now let's see how he feels about calling his best friend "Daddy." Fernando doesn't care about the age difference. But he's just going to love her from afar, as an impossible love. He's not willing to cross the age line or the class line. Alex admits that even though he's partly after MaryJo to take her away from Bruno, he really likes her.

Paula fills Pedro in on the juicy gossip from that morning as he walks with her and MaryJo. Pedro is inclined to agree with MaryJo that it would be better to get out of there if things are getting this violent. Paula reminds them both that the fighting is going to continue in any case because they already had a hate-on for each other. MaryJo and Pedro are determined to get out of there, which upsets Paula. She leaves and MaryJo points out that it's going to be hard for Paula to give up all these luxuries. Pedro wonders if it will be hard for MaryJo to give up Alex. She says she fell for the wrong guy once and she doesn't want to do it again. They see Alex drive up.

Vicky insists on knowing the reason for the fight. She wants to hear Alex's version. "The same as always," he says, which only upsets her because that means they were fighting over MaryJo. He really doesn't want to talk about it. He only came to tell her that he's going out of town for a few days. They'll talk when he comes back. He compliments her writing and tells her that he hasn't told Bruno that they're half brothers because he thinks that's up to her. Alex goes downstairs, asks Ezequiel where MaryJo is, and goes off to her dad's to look for her.

Maura tells Ulises that she's pretty sure Alex will marry her after he divorces MaryJo. Ulises wants to know how much he's getting paid, but that depends on what he digs up. He suggests they sleep together in the meantime. Maura laughs this off and tells him if he wants work as a gigolo he should proposition Raquel. She goes off to freshen up before taking him over to the Lombardo's.

In Pedro's chalet, Alex explains that the noise they hear is from the generator (uh, ok). Pedro and MaryJo start to make a case for leaving, on account of all the trouble they've caused. And then my DVR cuts off, so I have no idea how it ends or what we can expect for tomorrow. Sorry folks! I'm sure someone will fill us in in the comments.


ENDA Tuesday October 27. Romina wants to marry and Paloma wants to break up, but Emiliano is having nun of that.

Repeat: Padre Juan Cris begins his new class at the convent school in the way of many an optimistic teacher on the first day. This class won’t be like other classes! It will be fun! We will learn together! Carpe diem! He wants to start out by talking about being closer to God, which hardly seems like it should be new curriculum in a school run by nuns, but Paloma obliges by asking a question common among young children: isn’t it hard to have faith when bad things happen to us? PJC says challenges can give us new opportunities and make us stronger. Paloma agrees. Good lesson, Padre!

Camila and Rafael compare matching black eyes. Oh, no, wait, she just has too much eye makeup on. She’s still upset about Romina’s pregnancy, but Rafael says regardless of the circumstances, a child is a blessing and he will love it and be supportive. Also, now he and Cami have even more in common! He kisses her. I wasn’t aware of this custom of the grandparents hooking up, but I sure hope Cami likes Germán’s dad. He seems like a nice enough guy.

New: Diana calls Emiliano, first to yell at him because she didn’t hear about the pregnancy from him, but then to squeal about how excited she is! Woo-hooo! A grandchild AND that fabulous perfect RoMEna for a daughter-in-law! Emo says he’ll do his best for his child but there is no way he is marrying Romememena. Di says he has to. He hangs up and looks moony.

Romena drags herself into her house and tells the nameless maid to bring her water and alcohol to settle her stomach. Any child of hers is bound to take to drink sooner rather than later, I guess. May as well start now. She says the pregnancy is going to be hell.

Suddenly perky rock music makes me think I’ve accidentally changed the channel. No, there is Emiliano, doing his best 007. He leaps the school fence, spins and ducks around corners, makes a pit stop in the ladies’ to avoid a nun, slips into hallway nooks, and eventually hides in a closet. The editors even get in on the action with some split screens and instant replays. Zingy! Those clueless nuns continue to walk piously about. But that is one creepy peeping-tom nun lurking outside the seniors’ classroom. Liliana, daydreaming, looks out the window and sees him. She flings her pen to the floor for an excuse to go after it and alert Paloma. Pal is confundida.

Class ends and the teacher leaves. Emo slips on in and all the schoolgirls gather around, delighted by the diversion. “Trick or treat?” Paloma has no candy, so is tricked into listening to him. “I love you,” he says, caressing her face. His lacy sleeves add a nice touch. The other girls all oooohhh and giggle. The teacher nun comes back. “What is going on here?” Emo turns around and removes his wimple. She does not approve. Paloma and Emo both get hauled off to the MS’s office. Two unnamed mean girls gossip about Paloma dating Romina’s novio, and Liliana tells them to find something better to do.

Meche wonders why Camila tries to avoid Rafael when she seems to like him so much more than Orlando. Cami says Diana won’t divorce him, and is one of her friends. Metiche says Di is not anyone’s friend. Speak of the devil and she appears.

Over in renaissance France or something, the Marquis de Emo tells Paloma she is the only woman for them. He doesn’t get any further before the madre superiora arrives to yell at them. Ever the gentleman, he won’t let her blame Paloma. She says she’s going to call the police. MS thinks wearing a nun’s habit as a costume is an allanamiento de morada (the literal meanings aren’t helping me much with this idiom. Flattening of the house? Anyone?).

Lili finds PJC in the courtyard and drags him in high haste to the MS’s office. He takes the MS away to talk. Paloma tells Emo she wants nothing more to do with him.

Diana has cornered Cami into having coffee with her. She wants to get their strategy straight regarding the wedding planning. Qué? Not so fast, says Cami. Diana is shocked at the mere suggestion that their kids might not marry. After all, a single mother is the worst thing imaginable. Camila somehow doesn’t knock her into the next county.

PJC has talked the MS out of punishing Paloma and calling the police. But if anything like this ever happens again…

PJC takes charge and the MS leaves. He wants an explanation. Emiliano’s face smirks us lewdly into commercials. I really wish they would replace that bumper.

Diana says kids these days just don’t know what they want, so they have to make them get married. Cami’s getting fed up. Even moreso when Di tells her that she and Rafael are still close and he said he’d always be with her. “All righty then, buh-bye,” says Camila, trying not to get violent. “Orlando!” she exclaims as he walks up behind Diana. Di is momentarily stunned motionless and speechless. People should go around saying “Orlando!” near her all the time. She slowly turns as he glares at her. Di runs off and Cami comments that it’s weird she seems so intimidated by him; he’s just her son’s boss.

Paloma and Emiliano continue their argument with a priestly referee. PJC tells Emo to ditch the bad habit. Emo tries to kiss Paloma and gets an elbow in the side instead. When he leaves to return the habit, the padre gives Paloma a lot of advice, the gist of which is that Emo didn’t know Romememena was pregnant either, he didn’t deceive anyone, and she should at least talk with him before she dumps him forever. Even if he looks ugly in a habit. Paloma giggles.

Camila and Orlando compare their matching black eyes. He apologizes for not being more sympathetic earlier.

Liliana tells Paloma to stop making such a fuss; she loves Emoony so she should just marry him. She’ll have a stepchild, so what? Paloma says Carlota will shriek to high heaven. It’s your life, not hers, says Lili.

PJC tells Emiliano that Paloma agreed to meet him in the park later. Emo is ever so grateful.

Back at the rectory, Carloca is waiting for Padre JC. He greets her very coldly. She tries flirting, but when she gets an arctic response she says she’s there because Paloma needs some fatherly care.

Out in the plaza, Emo steels his nerves and calls Romena. She gets him to agree to go to the doctor with her. They make plans to meet to talk about their future. After they hang up, Romi leaps and twirls with joy. The maid plays along.

Crueloca wants PJC to help her separate Paloma and Emiliano, since that filthy dude is just playing with Pal’s feelings the way Cris did with Macarena’s. Cris starts to walk out on her but the phone rings. She won’t move so he has to brush past her to answer it. You can see that in her mind that was a long torrid love affair right there. Cruel looks conniving as she listens to him confirm that Natalia is coming to visit. “You sure are modern,” she says. “Yep, sure am, tell Paloma I’m here for her,” he says, dismissing her. Carloca clings to his hand and kisses it with purple passion. She finally leaves as he looks at his hand with repulsion, wondering whether bleaching and boiling it will be enough, or if he should just cut it off.

Paloma and Emo meet in the park too close to the fountain. Breaking news! He doesn’t love Romina, and still wants to marry Paloma, if she’ll accept him in a package deal with a child. She says she still wants to marry him, but he has to work things out with Romina first. So, yeah, it’ll be awhile.

Lili storms into Germy’s office and gives him hell about letting his best friend take on HIS child. He weakly tries to protest that she’s just jealous, but she is adamant that he should claim what’s his and stop the lies.

Paloma tells Rufi that thanks to Padre Juan’s excellent counsel, she and Emiliano are back on track and everything is peachy. Crueloca eavesdrops, shaking with fury.

Cruel calls Romina and threatens her. She is to give Emiliano no way out!

Lili has taken her crusade to Paloma’s bedroom, to tell her that Germs was very nervous and worried when she talked to him about Romina’s pregnancy. Paloma stutters that Romina swears the baby is Emiliano’s. “Honey. You should never believe what Romina says. You have to tell Emiliano the kid may not be his. He has a right to know for sure,” says my hero Lili.

Angélica and Joel stroll and munch. Either Ange is exceptionally skilled or she just doesn’t care; I suspect most ladies would avoid eating corn on the cob on a second date. They gossip about their friends. Ange is pro-Orlando; Joel is pro-Rafael. Things get a little heated and Joel wants to know why she’s defending Orly so strenuously.

Cruel is “helping out” in the kitchen, meaning she sits at the table making Rufi fetch her the stuff to make cake as she tries to fill Mac’s position. She gets Rufi to tell her that it was Cris who left Natalia at the altar, but Rufi doesn’t know what happened after that to make him become a priest, even when Cruel tries to wheedle it out of her with flattery.

Romina lights candles and looks flirty and hopeful. Emiliano says he’s proposing that he will be responsible and take care of his child and he won’t abandon her. “So we will marry?” she asks. No. Not that. She says if he doesn’t marry her, he will never meet his child.


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