Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gancho Friday Dec. 25th, Part Two - Beto doesn't like to share

Post holiday greetings to one and all. I got home much later than planned (of course) and have to get up quite early in the morning so this won't be the most detailed of recaps. In fact, if any of you have additions/corrections please comment accordingly and I will happily (and gratefuly) add to the recap. But Hombre has promised that this will be an hour of little talk and all action let's pick up where he so skillfully left off...

Beto the Billy Goat has told Mau that it was he, the macho cabrío, hombre-with-five-letters who slept with Mau's wife. Mau points out that hombre has six letters; he also wants clarification, is Beto both Coni AND Ximena's lover? Beto denies being Ximena's lover, Ximena knows all about Coni and Beto, in fact practically the whole world knows. Then Beto challenges Mau with the Fantasma Vengador pose. Mau looks not exactly impactado, perhaps more dazed and confused and slightly amused.

Now we go to the barrio where Estrella and Coni are having a face to face shout-em-up. Estrella demands to know what Coni is doing here on her turf (mis terrenos) attacking her for no reason? Coni tells Estre it's because she opened her big mouth to Aldo. "Mi cachorro?" Coni spits out "cachorros, monos, que espanto!" (Cubs, monkeys, how dreadful!) Coni tells Estre it's her fault that Mauricio knows she has a lover. The light bulb goes on over Estrella's head. She tells Coni to stop her car right there (I think, parale to carro) and stop blaming Estre. If her husband suspects anything it's because the whole world knows what a desgraciada Coni is. A crowd of neighbors is starting to gather and Coni winds up for another slap. Estre grabs her arm and says "dare to do it and you won't leave here alive."

Meanwhile Aldo is at school bragging to his chums that he's done it more than once with his girlfriend and even his dad is OK with it. Two of the guys break off and pull Aldo aside. Does Estrella have any little friends for them? How about Aldo hang out with them after school, maybe go to the club? Aldo is their new best friend and hero. This temptation will no doubt put a serious crimp in Aldo's heavy school and work schedule, not to mention he plans to see Estrella again, the mention of which puts his libido-laden cronies in a testosterone turmoil. Katia strolls up and overhears, causing her to slyly raise an eyebrow.

Back at Grupo Sermeño Mau tells Beto to have a seat and start from the beginning. Can Beto tutear Mau? NO. Beto gets a little sidetracked but Mau sternly instructs Beto to tell him about Constancia. Beto swears when he first started going out with Coni he didn't know that Mau was her boyfriend and that's the truth. (Eso es neta.) They talk a lot, they talk fast, my closed captions weren't working. I think Beto tells Mau his relationship with Coni was incendiary and Coni told him that he (Beto) was a much better lover than Mau. Ouch. Beto ends by saying he's an ebanista en la cama? A cabinetmaker in bed? Hmmm, clearly I did not get that quite right, or Beto was being Mr. Malaprop again.

Monita is at the gym alternating between punching her bag and looking around. She sees Costeño and asks about Furia, shouldn't he be there for practice? Costeña says it's odd Furia is late, he's usually very punctual. Then he ribs Moni about her unusual interest in Furia's schedule. Moni protests too much, says they are only friends. Yeah sure.

Over at the barrio the argument continues between Coni and Estre. Well it looks like Estre said the wrong thing by telling Coni that she (Coni) will always be the other woman (La Otra) and not the Main Act. Coni slaps Estre and Estre grabs Coni's hair with her right hand and Coni's scrawny neck with her left. Let the action begin!

Luckily for Coni Nieves shows up and breaks them apart. Estre rats out Coni and tells Nieves that Coni just showed up and slapped her. Nieves turns her wrath toward Coni but Coni tells Nieves it's none of her business. Nieves is sick and tired of Coni's high and mighty ways and tells Coni that she and Estrella are humble and united. Estrella's business is HER business. Estre looks a bit surprised but grateful to have Nieves on her side. Coni mouths off to Nieves and receives a well-deserved slap in return. (Hooray!!!!) Coni tell Nieves she has no right to touch her but Nieves gets all up in Coni's face and yells that she has every right as Beto's mother and the grandmother of the baby that Coni carries. Estre totally freaks out at this news..."What? Gross!!!"

At the kid's school a cute guy named Andres invites Lu and Katia to some performance where he will be singing. Two of Aldo's slimy friends show up and want to talk to Katia alone. One guy, Esteban I think, tries to get Katia to come over to his place, his parents won't be home and they can get naked and let whatever happen. Katia slaps the glasses off his face and calls them a pair of idiots. I have no idea why these twerps propositioned Katia except maybe they think because Aldo dated her she puts out. These two idiots then plot something, maybe to try to find out where Estrella lives in the hopes they can get some too.

Mau and Beto are still having their "conversation" at Grupo Sermeño. Mau thinks it's impossible that Beto could love both Monita and Coni. Honestly, I can't understand a word these guys are saying, so moving right along...

Xime stands in front of the door and refuses to let Rolu leave. He told her that he loves her, wahhhh. He says he doesn't like what he's feeling but he'll allow her to tell him three things, the last three things he'll ever hear from her. One, her heart is breaking. Two, the suitcase he has is hers and it's the only one she has. Three, if he's going to abandon her she needs thirty little minutes to put on a long red dress as a symbol of that he's leaving her behind. (?) Whatever. He weeps that he loves her so much, he hugs and kisses her. He tells her goodbye forever.

Coni tries to tell Nieves that they both know Beto is not the father. Nieves says she knows what she heard. She waves her finger in front of Coni's face and tells her to get out, Coni has no more business here. If she stays all she'll get is another slap. Estre cheers Nieves on while standing safely behind Nieves. After Coni leaves Estre asks Nieves if it's true that Beto is the father. That desgraciada Coni is telling everybody that Mau is the father but no, her Beto is the father! What can they do about it? How can Beto love this woman who makes him suffer? The thing that hurts Nieves the most is that Coni thinks even less of her. Nieves cries on Estre's shoulder.

Mau asks Beto how he could help Coni ruin his and Monita's wedding. Beto says he didn't know what he was doing. He knew he was helping Coni but he didn't know her exact plan. Anyway, (and now Beto becomes very animated) Monita is his and Coni is his too! Having spent the last few days with a bunch of little kids surrounded by presents I can expertly observe that Beto is not very good at sharing. Mau, too, is becoming very irritating by Beto's posessive ravings.

Pau approaches Gabi to tell her she is learning English. "My name eees Paulis..." Gabi tells her, in English, that she's very glad Pau is learning English, it will help her in life. Of course Pau doesn't understand so it's back to the drawing board for her.

Jacqui steps out of the elevator and she and Gabi are joined by Oscar. Gabi warns Jacqui about Oscar the egoist but Jacqui says no worries, she's happy by Jero's side. They start talking about Mauricio and what a great guy he is, so calm, polite, even-tempered...then CRASH!!!!! Beto comes flying through the glass from Mau's office into the lobby.

The ladies are impactadas, Ivan rushes into the lobby, and Mau steps over the glass toward's Beto's limp body. He leaps on Beto and starts punching his face (while Oscar chuckles). Beto bleats that Mau is the thief. Mau starts smashing Beto's head on a desk and puts him in a wrestling hold. Beto insists that Coni loves him. He can insist all he wants, Mau has him pinned and Beto waves his arm around helplessly.

Back at the apartment of confused love Rolu is trying to escape but Xime is hanging onto his ankle for dear life. She wails as he slowly drags her toward the door. Jero runs downstairs with his briefcase wondering what the racket is all about. He tries to step over his sister and slip past but Rolu grabs Jero's arm and we are left with Jero in the lead, Rolu attached to Jero's arm and Xime attached to Rolu's ankle. What a family.

Katia approaches Aldo and gives him hell for what his stupid friends Ben and Steve said to her. Just because she's friends with Aldo they think Katia is loose like Estrella. Aldo tells her she's not even worth a pinch of Estrella. Cachorrito, hell hath no fury...

Over at the gym Don Cesar chats with Moni who keeps looking over his shoulder. "Waiting for someone?" he asks. Oh no, it's just weird that Furia hasn't shown up yet. DC is happy if Moni is interested in Furia, he says Furia is a whole bunch of good adjectives. Estrella interrupts (accompanied by the usual whistles and catcalls) to tell Moni that the Mummy is expecting Beto's baby.

The fight continues at Grupo Sermeño. Mau is now kneeing Beto in the nuts while the ladies try to get him to stop. Beto stops him by grabbing Mau's own family jewels. Beto has the upper hand and, with many grrrrs and aaaarghs, twists Mau's arms back. Finally Oscar and Ivan jump in and separate the two rabid fighters. Meanwhile Paula is shouting, the guys are grunting, Gabi is shrieking, dang it's noisy.

Moni says the worst of it is she's not sure the kid is Beto's because Mau spent the night with the Mummy. They are interrupted by a phone call from Paula. Mau and Beto are killing each other because Mau knows Beto is Coni's lover. Moni is impactada, Beto must have told Mau the truth.

Jacqui hides out in Oscar's office and tries to call Coni. She's not happy about Coni putting the horns on Mau for that jackal Beto. Oscar tells Jacqui that he and Jero know about Coni's plans to try to get Mau to marry her. Then he tries to get Jacqui to dump Jero and partner up with him because supposedly they are so much alike. He hands her a box, a little gift for her, a brilliant and gaudy necklace. She seems to love it and thanks Oscar effusively. It's going to be fun watching these two try to double cross each other.

It looks like Mau and Beto have broken free from their captors because Mau has Beto in a headlock. He is also kneeing Beto in the back repeatedly. The onlookers yell ineffectively. Ivan attempts to jump in but Mau shouts him back, "Not your business!" Oops, he should have taken the help because Beto flips around, sits on Mau and smashes his face into the desk. Gabi tells the others they might as well enjoy the show. Paulis leads the cheer for Mauricio.

I think we're in a time warp tonight. There is a lot of noise but nothing progresses. Over at Jero's apartment he is still being clung to by Rolu and Xime is still sprawled out on the floor with a grip on Rolu's ankle. Jero comments that they are both a pair of idiots, made for each other, and it's really sad that they don't have a mature relationship like Jacqui and he who have a love they can't hope to attain. Suddenly Xime releases her grip and at the same time Jero pushes Rolu off. Rolu goes flying across the room and lands on his back. Xime leaps on him like a panther and pins him as he vows she cannot force him to stay. Rolu breaks free and makes a dash for freedom. Xime looks around for a way to stop him, grabs a vase, and smashes it over his head. Oops, auch, perdon Rolu.

The employees at Grupo Sermeño are eating popcorn and enjoying the show. Mau has Beto twisted backwards with his knee in Beto's back. Beto finally slaps the floor and it looks like Mau has won the match. The employees, impressed by Mau's wrestling prowess, cheer their boss on. Mau makes a luchador leap and lands next to Beto. Just then Moni and Estre enter and Moni rushes over to separate the fighters. It doesn't work. Beto's not about to be bested by this Mr. Nobody, he's too macho. Mr. Nobody twists out of Beto's grasp and twists his arms behind his back. He shouts to Moni that Beto helped Coni break up their wedding. If it weren't for this idiot they would be happily married right now!

More fighting, Beto gets the upper hand. Mau gets the upper hand, literally. Judging by Beto's plaintive pleas Mau is breaking Beto's huevos.

Moni's seen enough. She jumps in and cracks the two blockheads together and orders them to their corners.

Jacqui is still trying to call Coni while Oscar tells her the reason for all this discord is not Coni but Monita. The problems all started when Monita started working there. Coni calls Jacqui back and happens to walk into the lobby of Grupo Sermeño at the same time. As she walks into the battle zone she is greeting by Mau who does a perfect imitation of Beto, "How nice of you to join us Constanza, or should I say Constancia, Constancia!" He thrusts his hips for effect and glares at her through his tangled hair. All are impactadissimos.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gancho Friday Dec. 25th, Part One. What is Beto, a Zopenco, a Mariquita Chismosa, or a Macho Cabríto?

Okay, I’m doing hour one of tonight’s two hour special presentation of Un Gancho al Corazón. Wouldn’t you know, the first hour is almost all talk, and much of it is grim? And the second hour is total ACTION! Well, Sylvia gets the fun part, but I’ll soldier on, and try to make the big setup hour go by quickly. And since my captions are on the blink, this may be a lot shorter recap than I usually do. Not! I’m incapable of giving you a short, concise recap. But I’ll try.

There’s a lot of rehash from the last episode. Briefly, Estrella, Mau and Aldo know each other’s secrets, and agree to keep them. Estrella shyly bids Aldo goodnight. Mauricio needs to have “the talk” with Aldo. He okays Aldo/Estrella as a couple, but Aldo has to use safe sex, and also be aware of the risks in any relationship. And if he wants to be an adult, he’ll have to pay for things when he goes out with Estre. How? He’ll work at Grupo Sermeño. He’ll go to school in the morning, work in the afternoon, and study at night. Aldo doesn’t think that leaves much time for Estrella, and Mau says life is tough. He’ll still have the weekends, though. In addition, the Furia warehouse is off limits. And another thing. One slip up, and it’s military school.

Beto has admitted his relationship with Connie to Moni, but neither of them knows for sure if the child Connie is expecting is Beto’s or Mau’s. Enter Nieves, ready to serve dinner, but when she finds out that Beto told Moni about Connie, she starts hitting him. Moni’s hitting him, too. Nieves (thinking Moni already knows) tells Moni how shameful it is that Beto’s the one who called Connie and told her that Mau and Moni were kissing at the amusement park. This part is news to Moni, and she feels betrayed. Beto tries the memory loss thing again, but a few head chops from Nieves brings his memory RIGHT back. Moni hits him, too, and Beto asks his Mommy to stop Moni from hitting him. Nieves doesn’t think one hit from Moni will be enough to stop him from being the dummy (zopenco) he is. She leaves the two alone to clear things up. Beto gets on his knees, saying don’t kill me, Monita, remember our wonderful childhood memories?

She doesn’t hit him, but she gives him a look that’s even more painful for him to bear. Beto insists he’s always been loyal to Mona, but she points out that those are just words, and actions speak louder than words. He then tells her to hit him, but she doesn’t feel like it any more. She’s through with him. Everyone has a limit, and she’s reached hers. She wants him out of her life. She’s through with Mauricio, with Beto, with all those who’ve hurt her.

After the commercial, we finally get some comic relief, as Rolu (stone drunk) and Ximena (wearing a blond wig),

are capping off a night on the town at ye olde tattoo parlor! Rolu, slurring all the way, says he has her on his back, but he wants her on his chest, too. Xime asks are you sure? because last time you got really mad. He’s segurisimo (really sure). Rolu wants the word Ximena, but Xime’s getting creative, suggests writing on his heart “No entry. This heart’s taken. I love you, Xime!”

Beto’s still trying to persuade Moni, but it isn’t working. Moni tells him he claims to be such a big macho, but in reality, he’s not much of a man. He’s a gossipy wimp (una mariquita chismosa). Beto takes issue at this. But Moni tells him, if you’re such a macho man, hitch up your pants, and tell Mauricio the truth. That you and Constanza are lovers. I know you’re a traitor, but let’s see if you’re a coward, too. Beto’s eyes narrow, he’s been challenged. With gritty determination, Beto promises he’s no coward. He’s going to tell Mauricio everything.

Mau’s just about finished the talk with Aldo. Does Aldo have any questions, about sex, for example? Nope, Aldo’s good. Mau reminds him that you have to take precautions every time, because sometimes men get all excited, and things happen fast, things they might regret. Aldo asks if that ever happened to Mau, and Mau admits he did make an error, didn’t take precautions, and the result was not good (he doesn’t say when, tho’), and Mau doesn’t want this to happen to Aldo. He warns Aldo about AIDS, and says never to have sex without protection. Aldo agrees, thanks his Dad for the talk, and the two hombres head out together.

Moni isn’t going to forgive Beto, if he tells Mauricio, he’s doing it for himself. Moni proceeds to give Beto the cold hard truth. Nieves tried to raise Beto well, but maybe it didn’t work. Beto has no shame, he has no manliness (hombría). Moni could forgive the laziness, the drunkenness, but she’ll never forgive his betrayal. She wants him out of her life. And it’s not for Mauricio, because she’s through with him, too. And there’s no other man. She doesn’t need any man. And definitely not Beto. All Beto’s earned is her contempt (desprecio). She opens the door for him. Tears are streaming down her face, but her jaw is set, she’s standing firm. Beto slowly walks out, saying Adiós, Monita, saying to himself he’s lost his Monita forever. Moni walks over to the bed, sits down, and tells herself there’s no way Beto will tell Mauricio – he’s a coward (un cobarde).

Aldo and Mau enter the big house, happily discussing Mau’s secret identity. Aldo says Mau could have had a change of clothes in the trunk (cajuela), but actually renting a whole place to change was brilliant. Luisa wants to know what they were discussing. They can’t tell, of course, and Aldo wonders why he can’t have a little secret with his Dad. Connie walks in and wants to know, what’s the big secret?

Beto’s back home with Nieves and Don Cesar, sitting at the dinner table looking somber. Nieves offers food to brighten up that mouth. Don Cesar suggests toothpaste might help, too. Beto blames his Mom, whom he calls a big-mouth (bocona) for his losing La Monita. Cesar says Beto deserves what he’s getting, and Beto wants the porcupine (puerco espín, referring to his hair) to shut up. Nieves says they can’t help him now, he betrayed Moni, and besides, he got La Flauta pregnant (at this, Cesar, spews his food all over the table). Ooops. Maybe Nieves IS a bocona.

Bitter Connie starts insulting Aldo, and he gives back just as good as he gets, which only infuriates her more. He goes off to finish his homework, and Connie lays into Mau for taking Aldo out without consulting her. And what’s that secret? Mau covers, saying it was just that Aldo’s going to work at the family business. Now Luisa’s upset. First Mau goes out alone with Aldo, and now Aldo gets a job? What does SHE get? She stalks off to her bedroom.

Nieves tells Cesar they’re gonna be abuelos! Beto’s offended, Cesar’s just a live-in (un arrimado). Cesar says you’re an arrimado, at your age you should have your own place, be married and have kids. Beto counters that Don Cesar has none of these, but Don Cesar points out he was invited here, what about you? Beto wants his Mom to defend him, but she says he should hitch up his pants (tienes que fajar los pantalones) and be a man. Beto realizes this is just what Moni said. Cesar observes that Moni’s not just a great boxer, she’s intelligent, too. He advises Beto to tell Mau the truth, because it’s better for Mau to find out directly than through gossip. Nieves also gives words of encouragement.

Connie continues reaming out Mau for not advising her of his sojourn with Aldo, but he just blows her off and walks away. Jacky doesn’t think Connie handled that too well, but Connie now has the idea that since Aldo knows Estrella, ESTRELLA must have been the one who gave Mau the idea that she and Beto were amantes (she previously accused Moni, Ximena, maybe a few more, it’s hard to keep track – it actually was Moni, but she told La Furia, not knowing he was Mauricio). She wants to shut Estrella up. I’m thinking Connie’s titanic plan has hit an iceberg, holes are appearing all over the place, and eventually she’ll be sunk.

As Dani combs her doll’s hair, Luisa furiously combs her own, and Dani can see Lu’s anger.

Mau enters, tells Dani to give a kiss to Aldo before bed, and she runs out to see her big brother, whom she hasn’t seen all day. Mau tells Luisa he has no favorites with the kids. Yeah sure, retorts Luisa, you take Aldo to the racetrack, the fights, and now you even have a secret. Mau lies and says he took Aldo to a dirty, messy construction site, why would Luisa want to go to a place like that? He tells Luisa that she and her sister are wonderful girls, he wouldn’t trade them for anything. You two are the ones who bring tenderness and warmth (calidez) to my life. These soft words have their effect. Luisa turns to Mau with her big brown eyes and seems ready to forgive.

Mau adds that he has to keep Aldo close to control him. But you three are my children, and I love you equally. She gives him a hug, and wants them to have their own secret, which Aldo won’t know. Mau agrees, kisses her hand, and tells her to think hard to come up with just the right secret. She smiles.

Aldo’s on the phone with Estrella as Dani jumps on his bed and starts tickling him. He assures Estre that Mau’s okay with their relationship, he’s an upstanding guy (un tipazo). Estre’s relieved, and they exchange words of love. After Aldo hangs up, Dani gets the scoop. Her big brother has a girlfriend, and it’s Estrella. Dani’s happy, and the tickling resumes. Unfortunately Katia has heard this, and she’s hurt, but pulls herself together, puts on a happy face, comes in and congratulates Aldo.

Connie enters Mau’s bedroom (the guest room, as she sleeps in the master bedroom) without knocking, of course. He has nothing to say to her, but she insists he stop thinking she has an amante. He tells her he doesn’t just think it, he knows it, and pretty soon he’ll find out who it is (but didn’t Moni already tell La Furia it was Beto? I guess he wants more confirmation.)

In the barrio, Paula is demonstrating the English she’s learned from Ivan. With a pretty strong accent, she says “”My name ees Pauulis. Whatz jours?”
Estre and Moni think that was great, but didn’t understand it, so Pau explains that it means “Yo soy Paula, y tú, ¿quién es? The girls clap their hands with joy. Paula’s going to try to use this new skill to get that receptionist job back. Estre starts talking about Aldo, and Moni lets out that she now knows that Estre wasn’t with Furia, but was actually with her cachorro (Aldo)! Paula thinks this is great, too. She wants to know the details. Was he “pretty good?”. Estrella says you can’t imagine. He’s a bull (un toro). He’s a man, and we’re novios! More squeals all around. Paula cautions Estre about the age thing, tho, remember that lady in Number 12 who messed with the butcher’s son? Estre says she’s gonna keep trying, she really has nothing to lose. And La Furia apparently has his eyes on someone else. Estre and Paula look at Moni knowingly, but Moni won’t admit a thing, and goes off to bed.

Connie and Mau are still at it. Mau says they were only together one night, so it’s beyond belief (inaudito) that the baby is his. Connie keeps insisting. Mau points out that there are tests that would settle this issue once and for all. Connie, cool as ice, says bring ‘em on, she’s not worried, she’ll talk to her doctor. Not so fast, responds Mau, I’m no fool (not sure I agree), I’ll pick the lab. So why not just save us the time and tell the truth? Connie doesn’t budge. She tells Mau to test away, she doesn’t have an amante, and the child she’s expecting is his. She leaves, he fumes.

In bed, Moni thinks of La Furia. Can she really be falling for him? We see the full moon, we see the sun rise, and it’s a new day.

The camera follows a trail of clothes across the floor, then pillows, a crutch, some powerful legs, and a man’s back. Rolu awakes, having completely forgotten his drunken spree from last night, and gets up from the bed (we see Xime’s lovely bare back) to greet the day. But then he sees his chest in the mirror, and yells “Noooooooooo!” Tattooed in capital letters is the following:

Do not enter….
This heart
Already has a master
I love you

There are some other marks or letters I can’t read, but this nice little message covers the entire side of Rolu’s chest. It’s your own blunder, Mr. Klunder!

Rolu is royally pissed off, he feels like a cow. Xime’s up (that shout did it), and her initial good mood is turning to confusion. One day, Rolu’s super romántico, and the next, he’s a horrible ogre who treats her badly and says ugly things. What’s up with that? Rolu says he says these things because Xime deserves them, she’s unhinged (desquiciada), crazy, and she does crazy things like this tattoo. Xime has 3 things to say. 1) The tattoo was his idea, 2) you yourself said to do it, that you were dying of love for me, and we had a night of love, and 3) you promised you wouldn’t get mad, and look at you now. Oh, as an appendix, she adds, the text was her idea. Rolu gets out a suitcase, and Xime’s overjoyed, we’re finally going on our honeymoon! No, says Rolu, I’m leaving, and you know why? I don’t like what I’m feeling for you, and you know what it is? Amor. Even Xime can’t get her head around this one.

Estrella’s doing her laundry at the outdoor sink, humming happily. Moni approaches, dressed for the gym, and hears how Estre couldn’t sleep, she’s so happy about Aldo. Moni asks if Estre has any message for La Furia. Sure, says Estrella, tell him I’ve a got a friend who has a thing for you, and just happens to be free of commitments now, although she denies it. Moni denies she has any feelings for Furia, but quickly says goodbye, and rushes off to the gym as fast as she can, just in case that wrestler she has absolutely no feelings for is there.

Enter Connie, dressed in black (but several heart-shaped necklaces), who proceeds to tap Estrella on the back, and when Estre turns around, Connie slaps her hard! She’ll teach Estre not to butt into her life!

At the office, Sal wonders why Mau’s always late for work, where’s he going? Mau’s not telling, but he does need Sal’s help with something. What now? Mau tells him that Connie’s pregnant, Mau only had sex with her once, but he suspects she’s had another lover. He’s almost totally sure the child is not his, but he needs proof, so he wants to get some DNA testing. Sal agrees to set it up.

Enter Beto in his cleaning crew outfit. He wants to talk to Mau. He admits he always tells Mau I didn’t do it, I didn’t do it, but actually, I did it. This billy goat (macho cábrio) you see before you, is sleeping with your wife!

Well, we’ve got our set up. In the next episode, Sylvia will tell us how all hell breaks loose!


Zopenco – a blockhead, a dummy, I think I had this before, but since I haven’t learned it yet, here it is again. I guess I’m a zopenco
Una mariquita chismosa – a gossipy wimp
Hombría – manliness
Cajuela – trunk of a car
Bocona – big mouth (female, bocono for a guy)
Puerco espín – porcupine
– people who live together, a couple. Arrimar means to get close

Calidez – warmth
Inaudito – beyond belief, unprecedented
Macho cábrio – a billy goat, he-goat or god goat


Friday, December 25, 2009

Sortilegio Wed Dec 23 - Ep# 55

capítulo 60

Ale falls asleep.

Next morning Ale wakes MJ.....

I love this man.... He is so tender towards MJ and baby.

Ale leaves. EZ gets shook up, and Bruno kicks Cuco, and starts to drive off when Fernando beats the cr*p out of Bruno. That did feel good!

Victoria has Fernando leave, and asks for help to get Bruno into the house.

Victoria is trying to tend to Bruno's cuts and bruises when Bruno tells her to leave him alone. Bruno tells her that it is all beacuse of her lover, and that if she had a bit of decency (he should talk) Victoria would not let him come to the house. "Don't you see that people are talking?" Bruno says. He tells her she would rather have a fling than pay attention to her reputation. Bruno leaves.

Rachel is like "Why were they fighting?

Roberto says because Bruno is Crazy. Fernando is peaceful but be careful when he explodes. Especially if he is stronger than you.

Victoria says that Bruno needs psychiatric attention, and she leaves.

Raquel asks if Roberto saw them fighting? Roberto tells Rachel that Bruno is unhinged because of Ale's and Fernando's return, but he tried to take it out on the wrong guy.

Victoria calls Fernando to see if he is ok and Fernando apologizes. Fernando tells Victoria that he is going to get his sister and will return tomorrow. Fernando tells Victoria he loves her very much, and Victoria says she loves Fernando with all her heart.

In the boardroom, Ale is meeting with his lawyers. They are telling him that the judge ruled that Victoria's part of the house was divided by 3. Ale says that MJ will give him some shares so that he can again have a say in the company. The lawyers tell Ale that there were some changes to the by-laws while he was gone and that you cannot give shares, you can only sell shares. They ask Ale if he has any money? Of course he has money!
The lawyers tell Ale that MJ can give him power of attorney. Ale wants to know when he can remarry her? Bruno is accusing him of a fraudulent divorce. The lawyers say that the law dictates that women must wait a year to avoid conflicts of paternity if they are pregnant, but in this case the conflict would not exist. Ale can get remarried at any time. Ale then asks about and re-contesting the trial to see if they could reverse the judge's ruling considerably because he could not attend the trial. They don't think that the judge decided on the testamonies, but they could try to prove that they were given falsely, and if they did, evidence would have to be gathered that proved that. The lawyer wants to know why he would want to file an appeal since Ale through MJ has the majority of shares and Bruno only has slightly over 11. Ale says he does not want Bruno to live in his house that's all.

Sandra, (I am no good at wardrobe description so someone fill in here.) is checking out Oceanica for drug rehab. You can check it out here. The length of time varies with the individual. They work on the physical, spiritual and psychological.

MJ and Paula are having a picnic on the grounds. Paula says she heard about the fight with Bruno and Fernando and Paula says that Bruno is completely nuts! Chucho and Pedro come in a cab. Pedro is so happy that Ale is alive and he is happy also because he knows that made MJ happy. MJ says she is the happiest woman in the world! Chucho says they are very happy also, when Paula gave them the news.

Useless is at Maura' telling her how deranged Rachel is. Maura wants him possibly to do her a favor. Lisette says he should leave Rachel pronto! Roberto comes to tell them the news that Ale is alive. Maura wants to know what Bruno's reaction was.

Culiacán, Sinaloa ... Sandra.. I couldn't quite catch what she is saying but she ends up canceling her reservation. As she walks out Mateo follows her out and asks her about a restaurant. Sandra says for Mateo to leave her alone. Sandra sees her drug guy waiting for her and she goes off with him.

Roberto and Useless are out to lunch and Mario calls Useless to tell him he saw Sandra leaving a luxury hotel.

Roberto and Useless chat about Sandra and then about Ale. Roberto leaves. Useless gets another call from Mateo. Mateo needs more money to keep looking for Sandra.

Back at the picnic they are still talking how they are so grateful that Ale is alive. Ale calls MJ and they talk sweet words, and kissy kissy and Ale tells her he is seeing Hernan.

Maura is telling Lisett that this is the happiest day of her life to be celebrating that Ale is alive. Twice he has escaped death. Lisette reminds Maura that not only is he alive but also divorced! Maura says she knows that Ale divorced MJ so that Bruno could not take everything. Lisette says that Maura has a small opportunity to get Ale back. Maura asks how, and Lisette says they need to think about it. So is Lisette is pulling Maura back to the dark side you think?

Rachel calls Useless and finds out he already knows about Ale. Rachel wants to know who told him. Useless says Reberto told him at Maura. That is all Rachel needs to start ranting about how Useless knows that Maura has more money than she and Useless hangs up on her. Maura has to catch her breath.

Hernan asks Ale if he is sure that Bruno killed that judge. Ale says he is postive that he did. The judge just didn't just happen to fall at the waterfall, but once again he has no proof. Hernan says everyone is talking about his family, Victoria, Ales divorce from MJ, problems with company stock. Something could go wrong. Ale says is he supposed stand back and do nothing while that fool keeps doing what he likes, to deceive, kill, that blackmail?
Hernan says he understands Ale, but do you uncover the sewer or assuming all the consequences or stay silent? What does you mother says? Ale says he understands that Bruno is her child, but she does nothing but cry. NO KIDDING. Hernan tells Ale to do what he thinks is necessary, but to also think of her.

Uncle Emiliano and friend Porfirio are talking when Fernando arrives. They congratulate him and want to hear all about what happened to him.

Lisette is tired. Maura wants to know if she is sick. Lisette says she did not sleep well. Rachel comes by, and Maura starts to hug her over the "Miracle" but Rachel pushes her away knocking her drink onto the floor and wants to know what she is doing with Useless?

Fernando is finishing up his incredible story and Katia comes in. They hug. Katia leaves the room and Uncle mentions her novio Bruno.

Maura repeats that she has no interest in Useless. Rachel ask who he is interested in. Maura says an old girl friend from Madrid. Rachel says she is pregnant with his baby. Rachel asks Maura's help to have an abortion. Maura says no. Rachel tells Maura she needs to know who this other woman is. Maura ask what purpose it would serve anyway, Rachel says Useless is the father of her baby yada, yada, yada. Maura finally says it is your problem deal with it! Rachel says thanks for nothing.

Maura calls the Lombardo office and gets Mari. She wants to talk to Ale, but he very busy to Mari takes a message.

Ale and Hernan are talking to the board members that Bruno has in his pocket. Ale is telling them that he has the vote of his ex wife, his mother, and Hernan. His sister Rachel he does not have a lot of faith in. Ale tells them he need one of them to support him for the presidency. They hem and haw. Hernan tells them to think
about the future of the business, that Bruno is a man unhinged, and that they know the bad management that Bruno did while occupying the office of vice-president. That if it wasn't for Ale that Bruno would have ruined the company. Hernan then asks them if they doubt it. They tell Ale and Hernan that Bruno promised to sell them shares if they voted for him. They gave Bruno their word, and they will have to think about it. Hernan and Ale shake their heads.

Bruno is on the phone with Thomas telling him to let Erick in. Thomas says that Ale said Erick was not allowed. Bruno says that Ale does get to say who comes to the house and to let him in immediately.

Hernan and Ale are talking about whether they will get the vote or not when Mari phones Ale to give him the message that Maura wanted to talk to him as soon as he wasn't busy. Ale wonders what she wants to talk about? Hernan says she is probably just happy he is back. Ale said Maura was willing to buy some shares to vote against Bruno. Hernan says to talk to her about it. Ale says yes, but he worries that MJ might get be jealous. Hernan says it is just business.

Ale calls MJ to tell her he can't have dinner tonight with her because he is having dinner with Maura. MJ wants to know why.

Bruno and Erick are talking. Erick has come up with a plan to have Rufino arrested for pirating and then Bruno pays him to accuse Pedro and that that could be the push that MJ needs to vote for Bruno. Are we really going to go here again? I hope not. Bruno thinks that a lightbulb is in Ericks head.

MJ is telling Paula that she doesn't like Ale having dinner with Ale but is trying to explain to Paula that it is business. Paula says she is a vampire.

Ale is waiting at the bar when Maura comes in and gives him a hug. she is so happy that Ale is okay. They go to their table.

People at the restaurant gossip about Ale.

Ale and Maura talk about the divorce and then Maura toasts to Ale coming back to life, accepting her dinner invitation and adds "like before".

MJ is beating herself up because they are out to a business dinner.

Ale is talking to Maura about buying shares. Maura says she has always been on Ales side. Are we going to get back together? Ale asks if she is blackmailing him. Maura says it is not blackmail it is love. Ale tells her we have been there done that. So Maura finally says ok fine, she accepts. She leans in to kiss him and Ale turns his face, but that is not what the pictures look like.

Sandra is telling someone that she wants her credit cards. Whoever wants to go to Mexico and that Sandra will have to look for him.

MJ is seeting with her jealosy. MJ asks Ale what happened with Maura. Ale tells MJ that Maura accepted. Nothing else or in exchange for something? Ale tells her nothing else and says he is telling her the truth, does she believe him. MJ rolls over to look at him and says yes. They tell each other they love each other. Kissy Kissy.

Next morning MJ is having breakfast with Paula who upon reading the paper and getting upset, quickly shows MJ the paper that says that Ale who had been missing and who had divorced MJ had returned to the city with his old love. MJ tells Paula that surely Ale was giving her thanks for helping him. Paula says that thanks are given by saying thank you. MJ asks Paula what is she trying to do make her feel bad? Paula says she is saying it because MJ needs to be careful with Maura who will now be an associate in the business and will be all over Ale like a bedbug. Paula leaves and MJ picks up the paper.

Lisett reminds Maura that Ale is divorce.

Paula gets a ride with Roberto.

Fernando decides that this morning is the time to talk to Katia about her relationship with Bruno, and that she is a minor. Katia says that Bruno respects her. Fernando says that Bruno respects no one. Katia thinks Fer is making things up about Bruno.

Mari comes into Ale's office with a stack of newspapers, which have pictures of Ale and Maura. Ale looks at the paper. Ale is not too happy.

Fernando says no, it is evident to him Bruno is a violent person. That yesterday they had a fight. Talk to Victoria or MJ. Katia ask Fernando why she would want to talk to those embittered old woman who are already on Alex's side, of course they would say bad things about Bruno. Katia tell Fernando that know know Bruno better than she.

Ale is calling MJ. Ale asks how she is and MJ says fine and you? Ale says he is fine also. What do you think about us having lunch together? MJ says she doesn't want to go out. Ale says ok we will eat at the house. MJ says that will be fine. Ale says The truth is you have seen the photo in the paper, and it isn't doesn't mean anything. MJ says she understands, that she is feeling fat and ugly. Ale tells her she is the most beautiful woman in the world and that he is in love with her. MJ says she is afraid. Ale tells MJ that she can trust in his love and that there isn't anything that could taker her place in his life. MJ crying says she is sorry, it is probably the pregnacy, but she feels sad. Ale tells MJ that she she should not be sad. Her family is fine, soon their baby will be born and he loves her with all his life, and when they see each other at lunch he want her to be happy agreed?
MJ agrees, but she doesn't look like she is in a happy mood.


ENDA, December 25, 2009

For discussion of the Dec. 25 episode.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Un Gancho - Wed Dec. 23 - So are we in Ultimos Capitulos or What?

Jeepers. Many things were wrapped up tonight and things set right that it seems the show will end next week. Not true right? Well, I am taking my grand old time with this recap for a change because I get at least an extra day, maybe even four! Jesus Son of God is on tonight and tomorrow I think something else preempts this, so I figured I'd draw it out a little.

In the meantime I'm wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!!! Even if you don't celebrate it, hopefully you can relate to the spreading of cheer that ideally surrounds it. My very best to you and yours and hope my message finds you well.

Now on to the beginning:

We open with Mau alias beneficial bug (Thanks Carlos) spilling to Monita that he is in love with her. So tonight we get to see her reaction instead of that silly oh to familiar impactada face. "Er, uh, um, well, I...I...I... don't know what to say, Furia you shouldn't have told me that." She says she's not sure she can reciprocate. He tells her she needn't respond, he just felt it was important to throw that out there and be honest. Hmmm. Now he decides this? Oh dear dullard who wears tights and silly masks to get a girl. Surely you could come up with something better than that.

Rolu meets a “bebe” at a restaurant. He tells her he got married. She can’t believe it. He starts complaining about Xime, and her stupid three things until the last thing is that he needs another drink and starts laughing. He then waxes on about how he loves her three things, and how she's always happy, and stayed with him despite his accidents and...

She tells him this Ximena is not that stupid if she trapped the untrappable Rolando Klunder. His accompanera realizes he really is in love with his wife, and he needs to just accept it.

Said Ximena is doing one heck of a sexy dance all by herself. She stops to call Lalu and thank him, that she feels much better. Billy Idol is ringing through my mind....

Over on the Furia front "the talk" continues. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable, the friendship doesn't have to change. She didn't expect that and can only offer friendship. He understands and accepts, just doesn't want her to go away. She neither.

Back at the bar Rolu insists nope, he really hates the loca. Chica keeps telling him uh no, you are in love deny it all you want.

Xime has moved on to the next song in her "Yuritherapy" (see Carlos' link below to Cuando Baja la Marea) and is slinking up a storm when Coni barges in screaming at her for such loud music. Xime is mad she was interrupted at the peak of her character immersion. She wants her to leave, but Coni isn't going anywhere until she finds out why Xime betrayed her.

Rolu continues to deny he loves his wife, but the chic keeps going and this doesn't turn out well. Rolu tells her she is stupider and crazier than his wife if she thinks this is true. He gets belligerent and she says fine, leave your wife then, no woman deserves such a patan as you. He says fine leave you are stupider and uglier and harsher than my wife anyway. Ouch. How's that for a backhanded compliment.

Back at the Xime den, Coni explains how Mau knows everything now. Xime is thrilled that Mau knows about the lover but swears she didn't tell. She is happy for Robi too. She thinks it's great that everyone knows the child in her womb is Robi's. Now get out, she's interrupting the Yuritherapy. Once Coni is out the door she resumes her character because the public is waiting, and she thanks "Mexico"!

Furia and Mona are looking at photos of her past, with Beto who is like her brother. She shows him the photo she took of her Mama that time she came back and slept in her apt. She wonders why Furia didn't say what everyone else does, that they look alike, that she loves you very much. Anyway, she muses about her Ma and how she was sick, and now it's ok to remember her Ma, because she came back to tell her how much she loved Mona. Anvil time...

We now flash to Estrella and Aldo en la cama and Aldo wants her to sing his praises about his lovemaking skills. She gives him a 20 out of 10, but he wants to keep hearing it, and now they are a couple right? She says ok, they will try, but she has to go now.

Mona and Furia are still discussing the "intimacies" of life, and she has shared hers, now it's his turn. Obviously our Furia/Mau doesn't want ot share anything, he says there is nothing to tell.

Ah yes, we return to Xime's "Yuritherapy" (see Jarocha's link below or this one that gives you a sense of the outfit and dance) and she is really in character now with wig and all. Soon Rolu enters and starts chuckling to himself. He turns off the lights and Xime is shocked that there is a real apagon (Blackout) and then Rolu grabs her as she remarks mimicking the song "oh the things that happen in a blackout!"

OK back to dullsville where Furia and Mona are still discussing the past Furia doesn't want to take off his mask but Mona wants to know all about him, like what bugs him, what makes him tick. He says he's a hermit and not very social (on a personal note this is sounding very familiar to me...hmmmm) anyway, he lists his friends as Estrella, Aldo, Don Cesar, and Mona pipes up and Beto, remember you went out drinking with him. He says no I only accompanied him I don't drink. She notes, you don't drink either? He asks, why, who else doesn't and she pauses. Apparently, it is extreeeemely rare to be a non-drinker???? Anyway, he continues, uh, yeah you're right, Beto too, and this mask helps me to be around people. She thinks everytime she's around him she feels he's carry a great sadness, and wonders if it's for a woman. He says yes, he lost a goldmine, but he's trying to be strong and that's why he feels better when he's with her.

Coni and Ma discuss that mau suspects she was with another man. Ma wonders how she expects him to believe her after all she's done. Ma says Mau should realize the viper that you are. Coni wonders who's side she's on. Um, yeah that's pretty harsh to say to a daughter, even if it is Coni.

Ugh!! Furia and Mona still continue to talk about things they have lost, then about Mau and dreams she had and how she can carry on with out him etc.

We go now to Ivan giving Pau English lessons. He asks if she understands what he just said in very broken English. She says yes!! You are sick of Cristian and if he doesn't go out the door, you'll throw him out that window. Aye Paula, you have an interesting way of looking at things. This turns into a few repetitions of English words and Ivan obviously timid to be around these lovers who think things sound cool in English. I swear it sounded to me like he called Cris "she"... :)

Coni and Ma continue discussing the revelation. Yelling at her for playing with fire and a man who will never love her. Coni ends up trying to figure out who betrayed her and threatening them with the end of the world.

Again with the Mona and Furia crap...blah blah, she thinks Furia is ultimately like all guys, maybe, and she doesn't need Mau and doesn't want to keep talking about Mau. Good, I'm sick of listening to that. NEXT!!!! Oh well Furia asks one last thing about Mau being deceived by his wife and if she might know who that is. Turns out it's Beto. He screams it out loud, just as said subject enters.

But of course we have to go to another scene in the house with everyoen chatting about Mau taking out Aldo for hombre a hombre talks, despite all the girls wishing they were with him too. Coni empathizes.

Beto needs to talk to Mona urgently. She is surprised and mad that he interrupts. Furia is wondering if she was referring to him as the cheater or merely said his name because he just showed up. She said she was talking about him and because he just showed up. He begs her to have the Furia leave so he can PLEEASE tell her something. Furia politely begs off. He outs that Mau knows everything.

Coni is still guessing. Maybe it's Aldo, because Estre is dating him now and she probably opened her older mouth. How ridiculous for him to be with such an older woman. Ma reminds her there is nothing wrong with a guy dating an older woman. Hee.

Mona tells Beto she already knew, Coni yelled at her. She doesn't know how Mau found out. He doesn't want to see Mau so he might go as a wetback to Tijuana and swim over. Beto explains Mau doesn't know it's him because when he was at her house he heard the things Mau was yelling. Mona yells at him for having the cajones to enter her house even!! She says OK, now that you have clearly recovered your memory, let's talk about that baby Coni is expecting. It's yours isn't it???? Doh!!!

Mau comes home to Estrella and Aldo saying goodbye after their "repeat performance" sin mascara this time and he makes like he and Aldo have a lot to talk about and it's late. He tells them how he explained away that he lent Aldo the costume as a favor so he he could "try to get" her. Sure enough when she leaves Mau tells Aldo he's not mad, but there are certain risks when you have a relationship like the one you have with Estrella...he knows, they take precautions.

Beto and Mona discuss that really they don't know anything for sure, Coni lies so who knows if the kid is really his. Imagine if it is yours. He celebrates with a little dance then realizes his audience and covers, ooops, no, bad to have a kid with that evil woman. She yells at him how could he dare impregnate that Mummy!!! He says but you said it, we don't really know. She says good luck getting out of this one. A son is not to anger me with another Beto...

Eventually Ma comes in and find our "kids" fighting again. She sends him to watch hands and get ready for dinner. he remembers this right? Mona says yeah, he remembers everything. She doesn't want to eat with him. Ma guesses he's told her everything, including that she and Mau went to the Festival together. Mona didn't know this part, but ooops, she does now and screams once again at Beto!!!!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

ENDA, December 23, 2009

Orlando and Camila in bed kissing.

Emiliano talking to Rafa about his feelings for Paloma.

PJC being interrogated by the police. PJC claims his innocence. Police officer tells him that he will remain in jail until everything is cleared up. Here you can forget about being a priest.

Carloca comes to visit PJC. He caresses her hand and begs her to get him out. She agrees while caressing his face. She asks for a kiss and they lean close and Carloca suddenly wakes up. She says to herself even in her dreams he doesn't kiss her. Why?

Emiliano calls Padre Benito and tells him that PJC is still in jail. They are accusing him of the murder of Alonzo.

Rufi asks Paloma about her visit at the jail last night. Paloma fills her in on the police believing that PJC had an affair with Natalia and that they both killed Alonzo. Paloma hopes that German will help them. Carloca overhears Paloma talking about the situation at the jail and wonders how she knows what's going on. Rufi claims she heard about it in the streets and told Paloma.

Romina gets upset with Emiliano when she finds out that he and Paloma were out all night together. Emiliano says he can't take her crap anymore. She knew he was going with Paloma since she called and told him.

Paloma asks Mother Superior to miss school so that she can go to the jailhouse. She wants to try and assist PJC and Natalia in any way possible. MS lets her go.

Padre Benito asks Gabriel what he is going to do once he finishes restoring the painting. He doesn't know yet, but what's to find someone to finish his work.

Diana is waiting for her car to be brought up when Rafa sees her. He asks her if things are more clear to her now. She doesn't answer. Rafa asks her what she was looking for when she went into his office. She refuses to answer and Rafa informs her that she is no longer allowed to enter the factory. It has been forbidden and the staff all knows now. She yells at him that he can't do that, but Rafa says it's already done. And if you keep provoking me, then there will be even more surprises.

Orlando and Camila get into the car and he realizes that he left his phone in the car. He tells Camila that when he's with her, he forgets everything. She tells him that he better write down the wedding date so that he will not forget. He promises that he won't because it will be at the end of the month. He sees Emiliano called and finds out that PJC is in trouble.

Carloca spreads her vicious lies to Inez and another woman about the affair between Natalia and PJC. Inez can't believe that PJC would kill anyone. It must be a mistake.

Gabriel and Padre Benito talk to German and he shows them pictures of PJC and Natalia together at her house. Padre Benito wants to see PJC.

Camila tries to comfort Orlando. He tells her about PJC past relationship with Natalia. He also tells her that PJC was leaving the priesthood to marry Macarena. Camila recalls Macarena calling her excited and wanted to tell her something. Now Camila realizes that she wanted to tell her about the engagement. She feels bad that Macarena died before marrying the man she loved. Orlando says that Macarena died happy because of the knowledge that PJC loved her all this time. He also talks about Paloma being Macarena's child. Camila is muy impactada and wants more details. She wants him to pull over. They continue to talk and Camila says that PJC is Paloma's father. Orlando disagrees. PJC met the real father. Camila doesn't know who he met, but is positive that Macarena had only one amante and that was PJC.

PJC calls Carloca. He says he is positive that she is behind all this. He wants her to come down to the police station and admit the truth. Carloca says I asked you to play my game, but you refused. Now it is I that does not want to know anything more about you. Rot in jail! So this is revenge says PJC as he is pulling off his priest tie. (don't know how to call it) You are the one that did not want me in your life and rejected me replies Carloca. Now that you are in trouble you want me. So you must think that my influence will get you out of hot water. It is because you caused it says PJC. If you want to cleanse your soul then you must tell the truth. Carloca says she's not interested. You didn't appreciate my love and now these are the consequences. Now I know why you did this replies PJC. You are the one that killed Alonzo. Do you really think I would do that just so that I can lay the blame on you and Natalia asks Carloca. Please don't be so arrogant. It looks like this was a crime of passion. PJC says the relationship between he and Natalia was pure. Right says Carloca, just like you said about Macarena and you. What would people say if they found out that you were going to leave the priesthood for Macarena? PJC says I don't know how karma will get you, but once it does you will have to pay for all the bad things you have done. Whatever replies Carloca and hangs up. She gets excited and says I knew you would call me. You finally will realize that I am the only one that can save you.

Rafa and Joel are at the convention. Rafa spots Luz a row back and they smile at each other. Joel tries to get Rafa to pay attention.

Diana arrives home and Inez spots her. Diana tells Inez a big whopper that she came back early because she realized that she is no longer in love with Rafa. He wanted to have nookie last night, but she couldn't. Inez can't believe she would just throw Rafa away like that. Diana wants to get revenge though. Inez asks how. The same way he did me. Get another man and make him jealous. Inez tells Diana about PJC's problems.

Padre Benito and PJC talk about the pictures, his past relationship with Natalia and how he was going to leave the priesthood for Macarena. How all this looks bad. PJC wants to know if the church would expel him for all this. PB doesn't know.

Romina asks Camila to talk to Paloma. She wants her to tell Paloma to leave Emiliano alone. Camila refuses to get involved. Romina hangs up on her. Camila knew this was going to happen. Orlando offers to talk to Emiliano, but Camila says we don't get involved in their relationship.

Gabriel and Paloma talk about PJC and her feelings him and Natalia. He tells her that Emiliano came to talk to him and thinks that he is interested in her like a woman. Paloma denies that he feels that way and he agrees. Gabriel says he explained all that to Emiliano. My interest in you is purely professional. I just wanted to clarify that with you also. Paloma says she feels the same way.

Rafa and Luz talk about their time together and Diana. Rafa hopes to see her again.

Gabriel asks Paloma why Emiliano married another when he's in love with her. Paloma says because of the baby. German comes out and Paloma asks if she can see PJC. German will try to see what he can do.

Angelica checks her messages to see if Dario has emailed her back. She gets frustrated and tries calling him, but gets voicemail.

Romina goes to the school looking for Paloma and comes across Liliana who starts dissing on Romina. Of course they go back and forth with insults. Romina asks for Paloma and finds out that she left.

Gabriel calls his dad and asks for his help in trying to get Paloma to visit PJC.

Camila and Orlando talk about how happy they are. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Suddenly Samuel comes up and insults Camila. Orlando punches him.

Manana: PJC gets hit with a rock, Paloma gets upset and seeks comfort from Gabriel in front of Emiliano.


Sortilegio Wed Dec 23 postponed - Because I can.

It is a long weekend and I have company until Friday, so please forgive me, I will post as soon as I get it done. Happy Holidays Caray Caray!



Sortilegio, Tuesday, December 22--Ep #54: The boys are back in town!

An angry Maura swears that Bruno will never get what he wants because she's going to stop him, angrily. Bruno angrily warns her she doesn't know who she's messing with and leaves as Maura breathes deeply and angrily. Grrr!

Alex and Fer enjoy their drinks on the plane. Fer wanted to call home, but Alex didn't. He didn't want Bruno warned before they arrive. He wants to get the jump on him. Fer thinks he's being paranoid, but Alex reminds him the Bruno always seems to know everything--he knew they were in the DR. He offers that Fer can call Vicky once they get to Merida and let Vicky know they're on the way. Fer caves and agrees that Alex's plan is good. He can't wait to see the looks of surprise on everyone's faces when they show up.

MJ tells Vicky that she's planning to sell some of her shares to Maura and Lisette. She wants Vicky's blessing/advice. Vicky tells her to do what she thinks is best. After all, Alex left it to her, so he must have trusted her judgment. MJ asks if Vicky will come with her to go sign the contract, but Vicky declines. Vicky hopes that once this is done, Bruno will calm the heck down already.

MJ goes to the company and is greeted by Mari and some people in the waiting area. Mari gives her the condolences of everyone in the company. She says that Alex was an awesome guy and they really miss him. Mari shows MJ into Alex's office, where everything is just as he left it. MJ lets Mari know that she's expecting Maura, Lisette, and their lawyer. Mari asks for permission before giving MJ a hug and then leaves. MJ sits behind Alex's desk and cries. It's hard to get too into it knowing that he's coming back any minute now.

Alex and Fer get in a taxi and ask it to take them to "the Lombardo family house." Must be nice. I doubt anyone would know where the hell I was talking about if I just said "take me home."

Lisette and Maura's lawyer gives MJ the contract to review. They talk to her about selling them even more shares, but MJ has no intention of doing that at the moment. MJ hesitates to sign, so Maura puts on some pressure--no one else will give her as much money and they could end up being on Bruno's side. MJ mentions wanting Vicky to be president of the company, but the lawyer says that's not a good idea, given the scandal. Maura suggests MJ, Hernán, or herself, and the lawyer says any of them would be a good choice, provided they get advice from someone (the implication being that it be someone who actually knows how to run a construction business). MJ is still hesitant because Alex wouldn't have wanted her to sell. Maura reminds her it's an emergency and they've got to do it to beat Bruno.

Alex and Fer arrive at the house and Tomás happily calls to everyone that they're home, after he lets Alex know that his wife isn't at home at the moment. Ezequiel passes on the message to Vicky, who thinks he's trying to drive her nuts. But then Alex walks in. Vicky exclaims "hijo, hijo" (son) but gets hugged by Fernando first. Hugs are exchanged all around between Fer, Alex, Vicky, Ezequiel, and Felipa. Vicky goes into momma bear mode, asking if the boys are hungry, thirsty, what happened to them. Vicky tells Alex that MJ is at the company getting ready to sell shares to Maura and Lisette in order to keep Bruno from taking over the company. Alex rushes for the phone, but Vicky reminds him that he may not want to give a pregnant woman such a big shock. Vicky makes the call for him.

MJ is still hesitating over signing the contract. She answers the phone and Vicky tells her, since she hasn't signed yet, to come back home. "Er…because we need to discuss it!" MJ tells Maura, Lisette, and the lawyer that they'll have to postpone the signing because Vicky wants to see the papers.

An ecstatic Ezequiel (say that 10 times fast) meets MJ in the driveway and helps her up the stairs. She's wondering why Vicky wanted her to come home. Zeke just says "they" are waiting for her in her bedroom, which she refers to as "Alex's room." Zeke is so flippin' happy he's kissing her hand.

MJ walks into her bedroom, looking for Victoria. Instead she finds Alex, freshly washed, and in his robe and slippers. That's like winning the lottery. Predictably she faints. This was preferable to him calling her on the phone how? Well, ok, she can faint into his arms this way, I'll grant you that. He carries her to the bed and tells her "I'm here, I told you I'd be back." She wakes up, cries, and hugs him. Then they get down to doing the nasty. Which we do not get to see, either because she's got that big fake belly on, or because the writers have decided that we've had enough of shirtless Alex in the past week. Whatever, writers, there can never be enough shirtless Alex on the Shirtless Alex Show (you didn't know that was the real translation of Sortilegio?).

Paula has been informed of recent developments and she's so happy, she jumps on Ezequiel and almost wraps her legs around him. She hugs Felipa and the other maid and jumps up and down. Felipa thinks that Alex's guardian angel is doing an awesome job. Paula says she's going to see MJ, but Felipa says "they're in their room, talking, and they probably have a lot to say to each other." She might have been speaking literally, but I think that's a euphemism. Paula settles for going to tell her dad.

MJ has changed into pj's and a robe. She was worried that Alex would never get to see his baby. Alex said he never had a doubt he'd get out of there…"It took you months!" MJ reminds him. Yeah, but he did it. That's the important thing. And he thought about her the whole time. He wants to get a look at the goods, but she's feeling shy. He says motherhood is the most beautiful thing in the universe. He's in awe of the fact that they, like, created life. Duuuuuuuude.

Fernando tells Vicky that he's had enough, death can come at any time, and you can't give up what you want most. They love each other and she needs to quit fighting it, already, cause all he cares about is her. Vicky says she regretted rejecting him so many times and she can't do it anymore. Game on!

Pedro comes running through the mercado yelling that Alex is back. Chucho laughs and says there's no body of water big enough to drown Alex in. Pedro has to sit down from the excitement. He's all red in the face and crying.

Lisette and Maura fill Roberto in on the meeting with MJ. Maura is in a snit, saying "those people" can't be trusted. Roberto is confused, thinking that MJ was really determined to sell last time he talked to her and that it must just be that Vicky advised her to let the lawyers look over the paperwork first. He gets a call from Raquel on his cell phone and incurs her wrath by saying she's interrupting him during a business meeting. She tells him to cut the crap, she just talked to her mom and mom is calling for a family dinner that night at the big house. Roberto wonders why and Raquel says maybe it's to welcome home the prodigal, now that Bruno is going to be living in one of the chalets. Roberto tells her he'll be there. He tells Maura and Lisette that they're having a family dinner and maybe it will be to discuss selling the shares. Maura is still upset about the hesitation. Lisette finds the idea of a "family" dinner amusing since the Lombardos are even less united than usual. Lisette tells Roberto that he needs to get divorced already so the two of them can hook up. Seriously. She says "I like big strong men like you." Does she mean "you're a big strong guy and I like 'em that way" or "hey, we both have the same taste in men?" Right in front of him, Maura tells Lisette to look for big strong men on the internet, cause she's wasting her time with Roberto. Lisette shoots back that Maura is the one who was wasting her time with Alex. Roberto takes his leave without commenting on the last part of the conversation. Maura gives him a kiss goodbye and asks him to keep them informed, regardless of what's going on. Once he leaves, Maura accuses Lisette of having a brain the size of a mosquito for interrupting a serious business discussion with random horniness. Lisette tells Maura that Maura is tied with an impossible idea, because Alex is now six feet under ground…or under water, as it were. Is Lisette always so nasty or has she had a lot to drink? I didn't think she had anything against Alex to be so flippant about his alleged death.

Fernando goes home and is greeted by the maid, who is happy to see him and cries. Fer gives her a hug. The maid says she doesn't know how Katia is doing, except that she's with her uncle and she called the other day to say that she'd send the maid's paycheck with one of her uncle's workers. She leaves and Fernando picks up the phone and calls his uncle.

The uncle takes the news well. He's really happy to hear from Fer. He tells Fer that Katia is out with Elena right now and asks "Do you remember her?" Fer gets a constipated look on his face.

Katia joins Elena at a restaurant, complaining about the cold. Elena pumps Katia for information about MJ, which Katia notices. Elena says she just thinks the story is interesting, that's all. Katia doesn't think that MJ is going to live her little fairy tale for much longer. Bruno is going to see to that. Katia asks about Elena's daughter, who Elena says is studying in Madrid. Elena's phone rings and she answers it, telling Katia that it's her husband. He tells her that "tu hijita" (your little daugher) has been spending money in Culiacán.

Finally, we get a look at the bad twin. And it ain't pretty. Short, fried, bleached blonde hair, a purple and blue tank top, purple hot pants, plaid leggings, a red fuzzy purse, and bright yellow stilettos. And it's no prettier from the front. Tons of black eye makeup, including thick black eyeshadow on an otherwise pale face, an eyebrow piercing and a nose piercing. And just to be clear, I have nothing against any of those things individually, but all together the effect is just not good. We get to hear her Thpanith accent as she peers in the door of a church and has a brief convo with God. "Hi, I'm Sandra. You don't really know me because I don't go to church, but I came today because I want to get off drugs. I need to do it. Everyone asks you for miracles, right, so I came to ask you for that one because only a miracle can get me out of this."

A guy looks through a telescope and sees Sandra. She complains that he found her, but she doesn't try to leave. He reminds her that they were at a "reve" (short for reventon, party) and she announced that she'd had enough and was going to Sinaloa. Sandra tells "Jonathon" that she can't go on like this. There's a drug rehab clinic here and she's trying to get up the guts to go admit herself. She says she's a "piltrafa" (piece of crap) and she doesn't want to go back to her family like this. She does this weird jerky movement thing as Jonathon puts his arm around her and starts walking her somewhere.

Now they're in a little boat. He asks her since when she cares about her family. She says what she cares about is her grandfather's money and that if he sees what she's become, he'd probably just as soon leave his money to his "mozo" (his boy; his servant). Jonathon asks if she can't imagine "toda la magia que podríamos comprar con mi colonia con ese billete" (all the magic we could buy with my colony? With that money…is this some kind of drug reference? And what does the "with" my whatever "with" that money imply? Anyone? Bueller?). She shoves him off, telling him to go back to Mexico, cause she'll never get clean with him here. She tells the guy driving the boat to take her to the shore and calls him "tío" (but no, I don't think he's her uncle).

Ulises gets a call from Elena tells him that Sandra is in Culiacán. Ulises tells her he'll take care of it. He calls Mateo and tells him to get to Culiacán. Ulises will send him a picture of Sandra so that he can recognize her. He gets off the phone and tells his reflection in the mirror "Sandra, at last we will see each other again!"

Bruno is walking with his lawyers and complaining that if "la estupida de" (that idiot) MJ sells his shares to Maura and Lisette, that pair of harpies, he's toast. "That's all women are good for, to screw things up!" Interrupting his rant, I must say I'm fond of that descriptive construction the "la/el descriptive noun de *person*." You just have to make sure that the la/el agrees with the gender of the person you're describing. For example "el guapo de Alex" (that hottie Alex), "la arpía de Maura" (that harpy Maura). Anyway, the lawyers think he's freaking out for nothing and the ladies might not even be able to come to an agreement on price. Bruno says Maura has enough money to make it happen and they need to come up with a counterattack. The lawyers say that MJ can do what she wants with her shares. Bruno tells them they'd better come up with a way to get MJ out of his way or he'll find other lawyers. Damn, Bruno's bitchy when thwarted. He gets a call on his cell phone and announces it's from his mother. The lawyer says maybe it's about the shares, so Bruno answers it and pretends he's happy to hear form her. She invites him to dinner that night, saying she wants to have everyone together again. Bruno agrees, because he wants to talk about that stupid decision MJ is making to sell her shares. He wants Vicky to convince her not to. She brushes that off and asks for confirmation. He agrees he'll be there. Vicky lets Alex, MJ, and Felipa, who were all in the room when she made the call, know Bruno's response. She's worried about how he's going to react when he finds out what's going on. Felipa crows that Bruno's really going to have a "patatus" (a big 'ol scare; fainting or getting dizzy because something really shocks you) this time, seeing Alex back from the dead and all. MJ says the one who does need to come back now is that judge that Bruno killed. Alex hasn't heard about the judge so MJ fills him in--Sra. Maya said the body hadn't been found and Bruno was trying to catch up with the guy, but he apparently fell off a waterfall, and Bruno knows about it because he was there when it happened. Vicky tries to say that maybe it was an accident (*sigh* old habits die hard). Alex says, if so, it sure is a convenient accident. Vicky bumps his chin with her fist in response.

Bruno gets a call from Katia, griping him out about not calling. He tells her not to start with him She complains that without Elena, she'd be dying of boredom. She wants him to come pick her up and take her away. He tries to make excuses, but she tells him she knows what he went to the DR for, to take care of that judge, and she bets Bruno did something to him. Bruno claims to have bribed the judge to keep quiet, but Katia's not buying it. Bruno tells her not to threaten him and she tells him not to ignore her and get her out of there! She hangs up on him. Oh, little miss priss, I'm willing to bet no one hangs up on Bruno and lives to tell the tale. For now he just pulls out his earpiece and keeps driving.

Bruno finishes getting ready somewhere in the big house and makes for the dining room. At the table, Vicky, Raquel, and Roberto, and Felipa are waiting. Raquel talks about how she's the only punctual one and MJ is so low-class that she can't be bothered to be on time. MJ and Paula saunter in and Paula tosses out "well, your little brother Bruno hasn't gotten here yet either!" Raquel tries to rub it in MJ's face that Bruno is back and she didn't end up with everything even though she tried to, ha, ha. MJ grins the grin of a glowing pregnant woman who just found out her beloved ex-husband isn't really dead and has spent the whole afternoon with him in the boudoir doing unspeakably sexy things. Bruno saunters in, saying there's nothing like being home again and having a good family dinner. Alex walks in and says "That's just what I say, nothing like seeing your whole family, don't you think?" Bruno, Raquel, and Roberto are all impactados. Imagine the thought bubbles…Bruno: "No, wait, I was about to have everything, curse you, why won't you die!" Raquel: "OMG, he's alive, I get another chance to jump his bones…no, wait, I forgot we're related. Damn it! Why is the only many I'm really interested in a blood relative!" Roberto: "Oh, crap, he's back! Is he going to be pissed about the whole selling-shares-to-Maura thing? How am I going to spin this to my advantage?" Alex: "Heh, suckers!" Commercials.

Vicky tells Bruno, who hasn't managed to shut his mouth yet, that both Alex and Fernando are back. Subtext: Both the half-brother you hate and his best friend who you don't want me seeing are still alive, and you'd better believe I'm gonna hook up with that young hottie every chance I get! Roberto gets up and says he's happy to see Alex. Bruno, like a small child who's just had a favorite toy snatched away, stands up and starts screaming that it's all a trick, Alex faked his death, and his divorce was a trick too. Alex reminds him that the divorce is legal and that it was the price Bruno wanted so that MJ and the baby wouldn't die. "But you left her everything just to screw me over!" Alex doesn't really deny that, he just says he left her everything because he wanted to. Now Bruno's getting desperate. He tells Alex that Alex shouldn't be there because the house doesn't belong to him anymore. Alex smiles and says his mom and his ex invited him. Bruno tries to appeal to Victoria, saying that Alex pulled one over on them and isn't she upset, I mean, they cried and everything. Alex: "I doubt you cried. And speaking of dead people, what ever happened with the judge? Did you throw him over or shoot him or push him?" Alex informs him that Sra. Maya told them that Bruno was looking for the judge. "Lies!" shouts Bruno. MJ says Sra. Maya told her the same thing. Alex suggests they give her a call. Bruno finally admits that yes, the judge fell, but that doesn't mean he killed him, he didn't even see him. Alex doesn't buy it. Bruno doesn't buy Alex's story either. Bruno is going to accuse Alex of theft. Fine, then, Alex will accuse him of murder. Bruno storms out. Vicky tells Alex to sit down and tells Zeke to serve dinner. Raquel says she'll vomit if she eats anything. Then she grins (seductively?) at Alex and says she's glad he's not dead. Roberto agrees. Alex announces that MJ is going to give him power of attorney and give some shares over to him and that if Raquel votes for him, he can be president again and keep the company from going under. Vicky starts crying and says she's sad. She's glad the boys are back, but everything else that's going on is making her sad. She excuses herself and gets up from the table. Felipa goes with her. Alex and MJ smile at each other.

Bruno goes into his room and starts throwing things around.

Felipa reminds Vicky to focus on the boys being back. Felipa tells Vicky that she did a good job raising her own kid, but he turned out bad anyway and it wasn't her fault. Vicky says that as a mother, you never stop suffering. Felipa reminds her she's got a young hottie and a grandchild on the way and she should focus on that. Once your kids are grown up, you can't smack them around anymore. You can give them advice, but they're going to do whatever they want to in the end. "Are you going to turn into an old lady crying in your chair all the time?" Felipa reminds her that she's still a hottie and she's got a lot to live for, like Felipa lives for Cuco. "But Fernando isn't Cuco!" Eh, says Felipa, he wishes he were! Cuco gets to sleep with me all night!

Fer finally gets to talk to Katia. She cries. She wants him to come get her. He says he will tomorrow. Katia tells him she feels very alone and she's glad he's coming to get her. "But come in a plane would you, cause it's a really long drive." Fernando agrees. Katia tells her uncle she's sorry to leave him. He tells her he'll miss her. She thanks him for everything and says she had a great time. Her uncle says she doesn't have to lie--he knows she's a city girl and living out in the country just isn't for her. They share a hug.

Raquel is in awe that twice they've thought that Alex was dead and yet here he is, back again. Roberto says MJ must be really happy. Now he's lit the fuse. Raquel (drinking, I see) is furious that MJ ended up with everything, she must have talked Alex into it, etc. She hopes one day Alex will open his eyes and see what a "ladina" (an Indian who adopts Spanish ways; a sly, cunning woman--this is one of those "all those people are like that" kind of insults, like using "gypped" or "welshed" to mean "cheated") MJ is and will get rid of her. Roberto soothes her by saying they're already divorced. Well, Raquel agrees with Bruno that it was a farce. Roberto takes away her drink because it's bad for the baby. She whines that she didn't want it and she should have gotten rid of it. She wants a divorce already, she really loves Ulises, blah, blah, blah. Roberto tells her that Ulises doesn't feel the same way, he's just using her. She wants to know who Ulises' other woman is. He declines to say. Raquel decides it must be Maura since Alex dumped her, so she went after Ulises so that she wouldn't end up an old maid. Roberto tells her the point is that she's going after a guy who doesn't want her. He tells her not to ruin her life for him, they've been together for years and they can try to work on their relationship. "What for? So you can keep living off of me? All you want is my money!" He reminds her that they don't have any money, or less than before in any case. He tells her that he asked MJ for a job at the company. Raquel is, of course, upset, because now MJ will think she's above them. How the hell does Raquel not end up getting sick of hearing herself spout this nonsense? Roberto says he's doing it for their little girl. Raquel doesn't care about the kid or about Roberto. She storms off, saying that she's going to fight Maura for Ulises. Roberto, wiped out from dealing with her, halfheartedly calls "She's not interested in Ulises," and sighs.

Alex and MJ are in bed together. Alex is spending some quality time with the bump. MJ says when she thinks about everything that has happened, she feels sorry for Vicky. Alex just hopes that Fernando will help her out and console her. MJ is convinced that Fernando's feelings for Vicky are returned. Alex smooches on MJ as she reminds him that he's not supposed to be there, since they're divorced. Hey, stranger things have happened. Alex doesn't care about Bruno's threats, but he will check with the lawyers, even though he doesn't think Bruno can sue him. He doesn't like Bruno being there, but MJ tells him the judge ordered that he have part of the house. MJ tells Alex she missed him. Ales replies, "Me too. There were no women anywhere on that island!" She laughs at his joke. Alex is worn out from so much excitement, but MJ wants to hear the whole story. He's asleep. She thanks God for getting Alex back to her.

Alex and MJ wake up together. MJ is pleased that it wasn't a dream. Alex invites her to cop a feel and make sure he's flesh and bone. You bet she does! Smoochies. Alex comments that she's getting very "audaz" (audacious, bold) and MJ replies that he showed her how. Smoochies and rolling around. Lots of kisses for the bump.

Ezequiel walks Alex to his car and tells him that he'll have the household budget prepared and ready for him to review. Alex drives off. Bruno walks up and asks Zeke if Alex spent the night (yes) and if he spent it in the bedroom with MJ. Zeke replies that he really can't say. After all, there are a lot of guest rooms in this house. Bruno starts choking Zeke. Cuco would have come to the rescue if he hadn't been on a leash. Felipa asks what's going on. Bruno tries to kick the dog and misses. Bruno gets into his car, saying that if the dog isn't gone by the time he gets home, he'll kill it. Vicky comes out, wanting to know what's going on, and Felipa fills her in. Bruno starts to drive off, telling Ezequiel and Felipa to shut up and calling them good-for-nothings. He is blocked by an SUV coming into the driveway. It's Fernando. Bruno tries to tell him to go away, he's not getting in. Fernando gets out of the SUV and Bruno punches him and then knees him in the gut several times. Vicky tells Zeke to bust it up, but he gets hurt in the process. Fernando and Bruno go at it. Fernando does manage to get some good hits in and gets Bruno down on the ground.

Tomorrow: Maura wants to get Alex back; MJ seethes about something. And in all likelihood, a replay of Fernando beating the snot out of Bruno. Good times!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Dec. 22, '09 I Love You. I Love You NOT!!!!! Well, I Love Somebody, Anyway

Tonight's episode was all about secrets. Some were kept. Some were teetering on shaky ground. Others were brought to light....deliciously. And a few were revealed with maximum cruelty. Not all fun and games. But not all sturm und drang either. A little bit of both.

Here's how it began: Jacqui is fluttering around, warning Connie and Beto of Mauricio's approach and playing the devoted mama to her son-in-law. Beto, in a panic, wants to head for the hills but Connie persuades him to hunker down in his natural habitat--the bathroom. This leaves her free to play the lying game with Mauricio one more time. Her lines: Yes, I'm pregnant. I'm having your baby because I love you, even if you don't love me. His lines: There's someone else. You've been cheating on me all along, even before we got married. Yada yada yada.

More yada yada with Estrella and Monita. Why are guys such swine? Why do they romance us and then drop us or betray us? Monita's convinced they're better off without 'em. Estrella's not so sure. She still wants to talk things out with Furia. Fine! snaps Monita, but don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart again.

Back to Mauricio and Connie. Same discussion but she's a better liar than he's a confronter. The real action is in the bathroom. Beto is wanting to go in the WORST WAY, biting a towel to resist but finally sinking down on the throne and "releasing some hostages". We're treated to a closeup of his relieved face. Well, you know what they say about simple pleasures....they're the best.

And speaking of simple, here's Ximena, still enthralled with vicious Rolu, finding his tantrums adorable and planning a fiesta to welcome his brother. A mystified Lalu looks on. How can she love this insulting, cruel goon? he wonders. As do we. Do you suppose Rolu's brother is destined to be her true love?

We ponder this as we find ourselves back with Beto, frantically opening the window to dispell the pungent Beto fumes. They're so bad they seep out the door and assail even Mauricio and Connie's nostrils, but she deftly blames the plumbing and says she's asked Teresa to see about it.

And presto, we are now at the Bug Lair where Estrella is frantically trying to wake a seemingly comatose Furia. She finally takes off his mask. It's Aldo!!!! And he still fails to wake up. Not until she throws a pitcher of cold water in his face does he come to. What are you doing here?! she asks. We'll get the answer later. And rather delightfully, I might add.

Mauricio, even armed with the sure knowledge that Connie has a lover, is-- you guessed it-- floundering. His IQ is no match for Connie's shrewdness and when he proposes that Jeronimo is the lover, she's aghast. Puh-leeze...that idiot! Besides, he's dating my mother! Nothing to do but for Mauricio to retreat. Clearly he's overmatched when it comes to his wife.

And Beto appears to be overmatched as well. Emerging from the bathroom, he proposes that the three of them, him, Connie and little Betito, run away someplace where nobody knows them. Because everyone knows the baby is mine! even my mother. Your mother is an idiot, snaps Connie. Careful sez Beto, my mother is sacred, she nursed me till I was 8 years old after all. Our silky liar disarms him completely, reassuring him that if it WERE his baby, she would tell him. But alas, it's simply and completely Mauricio's offspring. Nothing to do but accept that. Another defeated and befuddled male leaves the building.

Well, on to Rolu. Defeated and befuddled? Not hardly. He's about to strike back after months of mute paralysis in a full body cast, and then more months in leg casts and a wheelchair. He has finally emerged from his cocoon and it's gonna be ugly, folks. Of course Ximena doesn't see it coming. She's shooing off Lalo now that she knows Rolu is about to celebrate his freedom from the wheechair. She's going to wear her "elebayday" (LBD: little black dress) and drive him wild with desire. Their lovemaking will send fireworks up in the sky, so skedaddle Lalu! so we can get busy. Rolu, alas, has other plans. Let's compress these scenes and get the sad stuff over with quickly, okay? Xime is outlining the agenda: dinner in a romantic restaurant, strolling under the starlit sky, dancing, dancing, dancing and then coming back to make mad, passionate love. I'm going out but not with you, snarls Rolu. How could you be so idiotic as to think I loved you. Step by step he takes her back through the courtship.
X: But you loved me! You asked me to marry you!
R: How could I do that? I couldn't speak.
X: You wrote it on a sign.
R: How could I do that? I couldn't move.
X: You asked Jeronimo to write it for you.
R: How could I do that? I couldn't speak.
X: You communicated it with your eyes. You blinked twice meaning 'yes"
R: TWO BLINKS MEANT NO!!!!! I married you against my will, you idiot!
X: Well, then, why did you stay with me after you got out of the cast?
R: To make you suffer. But now I'm going to leave you because I HATE YOU!!!!

The final scene, which comes later in the episode, has a sadder but wiser Ximena getting therapeutic advice from Lalu. His tack is to save those expensive sessions with the psychologist and do a little role-playing on your own. Ximena has the wheelchair set up with a big pillow with Rolu's face drawn on it while she lip-synchs to "As Time Goes By". Where this therapy will lead eludes me, but at least it gives Ximena something to do. And if it works, so be it. Our plucky little heroine will survive to love another day, I'm sure.

While Ximena is busy having her heart broken and hopes dashed, Connie is storming though the Group Sermeño office like General Sherman. She plows through Ivan and Paula (Paula was instructing Ivan in proper office protocol); is temporarily diverted by a smooth Gabriela (I'll get you a cup of green tea, just the way you like it) and finally marches into HER HUSBAND'S office, only to find a pensive Monita( remembering Mauricio's promise of fidelity) and ready to take on the little street slut here and now. Gaby and the staff hover at the door, ready to jump in on Monita's behalf but she waves them away.

Connie starts in on a series of arrogant threats and questions. Why did you tell Mauricio I was sleeping with someone else?! And thank God he doesn't know it's Beto. But if you DO tell him, believe me, what happened to the kids before will seem like a fairy tale compared to what I'll put them through next!! And the baby is Mauricio's. You can be sure of that. I told him I wasn't on the pill. And he didn't use protection either. It's not a surprise. We BOTH wanted this baby.

Monita is stymied. She doesn't believe Connie but then again.... And she can't belt her because she's pregnant. So she storms off, much like Mauricio and Beto did earlier. Clearly Constanza, in full grrrrrrr mode, still has the upper hand.

Hey, enough of this nastiness. Let's wrap this up by savoring Estrella's discovery. Not all the secrets were cruel ones, after all. Of course it looks bad at first. She's grilling Aldo on the disguise. Well, he donned it because he admires Furia "un montón" (a lot). Oh my, the classic behavior of an immature guy, sniffs Estrella. But who is Furia really? "Me" says Mauricio, who arrives at that moment. OH NO!!!!

Estrella faints. Mauricio looks impactado. And Aldo looks bemused. They both get busy fanning our prostrate actress while nattering at each other: How could you bring her here? I didn't. She followed you here and learned where you lived. She found me in costume and......
The penny drops and Mauricio suddenly understands why Estrella was all over him at the gym. But, what really happened!? Papa adds. At that point Estrella comes to, shrieks that she's in love with the son but slept with the father! Question answered. Father and son exchange the classic impactado LOOK.

And now it really gets juicy. And funny. Estrella is raving about the wild bull love-making, the sizzling kisses, the....Aldo has that "tell me more" look on his face. But she suddenly segues into her role as the heroine of a real life Greek tragedy--like Melea (Medea, corrects Mauricio) or like Helen of Goya (Troya, says Mau) or that Benito guy (Oedipe interjects Mau) and there are a few more malapropisms but you get the picture. Estrella is circling the airport but can't quite land. But then she does...with a thud. After Aldo explains to her that she didn't sleep with his father, she slept with him! she faints once more.

When she comes to again, the misunderstandings are all cleared up, love and desire are remembered, celebrated.... and get an encore. All is well at the Bug Lair. For now anyway.

Mauricio has gone off with the express purpose of getting Furia back in Monita's good graces. And that will involve dropping the dime on who actually made mad passionate unforgettable exquisite (did I forget anything?) love with Estrella. At first Monita doesn't want to listen but he gradually gets his point across. He did it to help his little friend who is clearly in love with Estrella. And if you don't believe that's what happened, ask her. No problem. Monita's convinced and apologizes for the insults and the blows.

And after all, Furia goes on...I could never have anything with Estrella because I'm madly in love with someone else.
You, Monita. I'm in love with you.
And there our story ends. For this evening anyway.

Jackie is warning Connie that Mauricio is about to discover the type of viper Connie really is. And Monita finally tells Mauricio aka Furia that Constanza's lover is Beto. BETO!!!!??? he yelps.

Vocabulary: Some of these we've had before, but they bear repeating. My high school chemistry teacher always said "Review and learn new" so we will.

dar portazo a la rata -= take a dump, "release hostages"
pedalajal = riff raff, hoi polloi, what Connie thinks of folks from the barrio
lejes y manejes = this may be mispelled. that's how my captions had it though. meaning the "ins and outs" of the office. what Paula was explaining to Ivan
sano juicio = right mind (Rolu sneering that no one in his right mind would love Ximena)
toro salvaje = wild bull (Aldo's passionate lovemaking)

Dicho of the Day

El que persevera alcanza. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. (Go Aldo!!!)


Amor December 22, 2009: Discussion link for Tuesday's episode

Recapper Julia is out of town this week, so there's no recap for Tuesday's show. But here's a space for your comments...


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