Tuesday, March 09, 2010

un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 3/8/10 Choices II "a Bird in the Hand..."

In his marvelous recap of Friday's episode, Hombre cataloged a number of choices some of our friends in Gancholandia have recently made. Today let's visit once more, this time to check on how the choices are working out for them.

Mauricio has chosen to hitch his wagon to Marcos and was promptly rewarded with rejection by our little monkey who has fallen under the spell of her mother the evil sorceress, Isabel. Isabel, seeking vengeance for her rejection by Marcos (Moni's dad), has poisoned Moni's mind against him. Marcos and Mao (not to be confused with our real M&M) are regrouping in a very appealing restaurant. Marcos inquires about the kiddies and Mao fills him in about the escapades of Aldo. Showing his appreciation for Mao's backing in his effort to develop a relationship with his daughter, he has offered his support to Mao in regaining custody of his children. Should be no problem since this old fart is responsible for Coni gaining custody of them in the first place. He assures Mao that he will make it so. This assertion is met by a confused blank look (in the case of Mao, pretty much the norm).

In the long run, probably a good choice.

I think we have our very own contender for Miss Nails on the Slate in the usually fetching Luisa whose screeching sent me to my knees to give thanks for my hearing loss. If it was so grating to this near-sordo, what must it have been like to the rest of you poor creatures suffering from normal hearing, not to mention Aldo who was within lethal range? I think she was trying to tell Aldo that she disapproves of him getting Estrella pregnant, then running off to marry her without first checking with her. He wants to know how she found out. She tells him about overhearing Jaqui as she filled in Coni. She pleads with him not to abandon her. He looks hopelessly sad. They hug. She leaves. Phew! Cute red and white stripped dress, though: no problem for this girl with horizontal stripes What's this? She must have given him a headache. He heads for his stash of pills. Wait! That's too many! Oh no! Oh yes! Oh Crap!

A terrible choice. Hey kid! Don't they show in Mexico that PSA with the egg... demonstrating what your brain will look like on drugs?

Arnie is captivated by the photo of Ximena at which he is gazing intently at as our sprite on loan from the land of rainbows and unicorns, weightlessly descends the spiral stairway. For the record she is lovely in an unsymmetrical sequined top with a right shoulder and sleeve and only the thinnest of straps on the left. Black pants, high heels... nice. Now, my choice would be to spend more time than we are allotted with her, but let us enjoy what we have. She announces to Arnie that Rolu is safely stashed in his bed with the TV on, so..."How about us Arnie?" Arnie tries to beg off more intimacy lessons , but Ximy points to the progress he has made in only a single day. She is super mega proud (orgullosa) of what her favorite alumnus has accomplished. Of course the really intimate fondling (toqueteos a toqueteos) will be left up to Lalu. Arnie prefers not, but Ximy wants all the world, sea turtles, Mao Tse Tung and Moni, even her hermanolfo, Jero, to be happy. Arnie wants her to be happy but knows that she's not. She goes over the details of her coercion of an incapacitated Rolu to marry her and be with her, even to the point of tying him to the bed, "but it didn't work (no funcionó)." Arnie corrects her, "It worked very well, my brother adores you." She then vows to fight for their maariage for after all, Rolu is her soul mate (gemelo de alma). As she says this her exuberance wilts into a frown of awareness that this simply is not the case. We know that these two have made the choice to try to ignore the growing attraction they hold for each other.

Ill-fated choices that we all know (and as I think they must suspect) will soon be rectified.

And now for the worst choice of all. Valentina has made the choice to put her faith in her lying, deceptive, cold-hearted, totally unfeeling scuzz of a mother who so far seems to have not even a shred of maternal instinct or motherly love. Serpents do a better job of nurturing their young. She and Moni are in Moni's apartment with the cobra crone wishing that she could tag along with Moni to the gym. Moni thinks that it's best that she stay behind and rest up. Isabel can't understand how someone as petite (menudita), feminine and pretty (linda) could have taken up boxing. Well, here's Alicia who will keep Issy company while Moni's away. This couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Alicia's inane babbling will give our momma snake a little glimpse into the Hell that surely is being prepared for her at this very moment.

If there is any justice in the world, Moni will surely rethink this disastrous choice.

Coni's home from her workout at the gym. She has chosen to become a boxer like Moni. Her mother Jaqui tries to impart a dose of reality onto her stubborn, willful, selfish (only for the present, mind you) daughter. With astonishing insight she points out that Coni is trying to become Moni, but ultimately lacks the nimbleness and gracefulness to ever become a boxer. "You'll be surprised when I climb into the ring with Monita." "Yes, I'll be surprised if you last a round." Coni suggests that Jaqui find another man like Jerónimo to keep her occupied and fight with so that she won't be bothering her.

This is an interesting choice, poorly made, but which may ultimately be the key to Coni finding redemption, and more importantly, a renewed sense of self-worth.

Meintras tanto, Isabella is trying to shoo away her preview of Hell. Nosireebob, Alicia, fan aflutter, like the wing of a caffeinated butterfly, suffering her own torment of hellish menopausal hot flashes, needs an ear to fill with neighborhood gossip and Isabel is the designated captive audience.

I say, "Excellent choice!"

Coni does not let Jaqui get off easy. She tosses up an inside fastball of her own. Her daddy, whom Jaqui clearly would like to go a few more rounds with, is smitten with Nieves. Take that, Mommy Dearest!

Making good on his promise to help Mao regain custody of his children, Marcos, Man of Action, is paying a visit to his old pal, Judge Fersail. The good judge doesn't understand nor care why Marcos wants the custody reversed. "You got cash, I got your justice right here. Next!"

Marcos certainly made a good choice with this judge.

In the gym, Mao and Beto are pretending to train but are actually awaiting Moni's arrival. Beto assures a nervous Mao that she will be here, and vows that he is doing all that he can to recapture Coni's heart. Moni's here and Beto takes off with Costeño. Looks like a plan is unfolding. Moni is in no mood to talk with Mao, but not so fast little monkey. Mao scoops her up in his arms, she struggles vainly and voices outraged protest. He's stronger, "This time you will listen!"

Ximena, a fantastic choice of outfits, Sweetheart! Rolu, on the bed, looks up and sees his wife decked out in a red number that would make a bulldog break his chain (I borrowed that from my adored grandfather and have no idea what it means, but it certainly seems to fit this situation). She vamps,"Rolu, how do I look?" "Divino!" He thinks that Arnoldo has spilt the frijoles. She tells him that red is the color of passion. He ends up admitting the brief flirtation with the cutie (chava) in red at the club. seemingly unfazed, she asks him what he thinks.

Back at Moni's, Alicia's verbal waterboarding of Isabel continues. Fan aflapping, she is telling her of Aldo and Estrella, of Mao's legal battle with Coni... Isabel can't take it. She sends her on an errand to the dry cleaners (tintoreria).

Ximena, looking absolutely fatally fabulous in red is needing for Rolu to quantify his love for her. Bigger than the moon, the stars, the universe... "The universe in infinite," she observes. She wants to discuss the matter with him in greater depth... downstairs. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs," she purrs as she backs out of the room... pulling his wheelchair with her. Talk about choices. Rolu has a huge choice to make. The ball is in your court, Buster.

After a brief respite, Issy is joined by the senior torturess, Nieves. She has come, "not to shout at you, or claw at you (arañarse), or share entanglements (greñas) of the neighborhood with you, although you deserve it..." Isabel expresses her appreciation then goes on attack. She knows that Valentina would be furious with her for laying so much as a hand on her. Nieves spits out, "¡Vibora!" "Estorba (hinderance)," Issy cooly replies. This lovefest is interrupted by Jaqui who strolls in unannounced, "Nieves I came looking for you (te)." Nieves wants to know since when does she tutear with her. "Since we got drunk together." Here Isabel jumps into the conversation. Jaqui recognizes her as the lady Coni followed out of the restaurant the night of the miscarriage. Isabel introduces herself as Moni's mom and Nieves quickly appends, "And Marcos' amante." Good with algebra and biology, Jaqui quickly calculates that Moni and Coni are half sisters (media hermanas).

Mauricio has transported a struggling Moni to the park and parks her on a stone wall. Crouched behind the wall with a knapsack are Beto and Costeño who at Mao's signal, "¡Que te quedes aquí! (stay here, using the subjunctive)... ¡QUE TE QUEDES AQUÍ!" Which in Spanish also must mean release the pigeons, because Beto and Beto set free a bunch of white winged-rats, that must be drugged because they don't fly away allowing a nimble Mao to capture one and hand it over to Moni, "With this white dove I offer you a truce... yada yada yada." She must be delighted because she smiles grasping the apparently numbed bird in a death grip. We breathlessly await for her to squeeze the poop out of this peace offering all over her starched white britches... Drat! No such luck. Maybe as she continues to hold it over the back of Mao's University of Tennessee Tee... nopis... Beto and Costeño bump fists. Good job guys.

Back from commercials, Costeño confesses his love to Beto who does not share the sentiment affectioately calling Costy a vulture (sopilote) as they split. As the confused birds mill about Moni finally loosens her grip on her bird enough for it to escape. The two lovebirds (M&M that is) exchange endearments we have heard many times before. Anyone want to hear this?... Thought not. Next!

Nieves, Isabel, and Jaqui are bonding. "You're quiet, Señora," Isabel says. Jaqui tells her that her mind is filled with vulgarities to express her sentiments but frankly she doesn't want to say them. Issy boldly suggests that they tutear since they've shared the warmth (calor) of the same man. Jaqui offers that if she was looking for warmth she should have gone for a charapito (I'm guessing this is like our wino, except with a preference for pulque... Jarocha? Anyone?) instead of a married man. Nieves chuckles. Jaqui considers it a nightmare that Coni and Moni are sisters who hate each other. Nieves jumps in saying that at least Monita was well-reared by her, surrounded by love and she's not about to let Issy rob her of the affection Moni has for her. Just wait'll Moni learns what Issy really is. Jaqui notes that Coni really doesn't need any more hate in her life. Issy pronounces them, "Viejas ridiculas. Metiches, corrientes, y borrachas (Ridiculous old women, meddlers, common, and drunkards)." Jaqui counters with,"Labio triste (sad lip?). Difficult to say who got the best of whom there.

Brace yourselves gang, I'll try to guide us through this with as little pain possible. Mao and Moni are walking and... gasp... talking. Steady guys. Words of love, then Mao shouts, "¡Echale, don Pepe!" Well, I'll be flogged! ¡Mariachis! Inspired choice, Mauricio. They sing, "Por qué no han de saber?..." Not one of my favorites but... Beto and Costy look on, pleased with their contribution. Monita likes. Hey! are those white spots on Mao's shoulder pigeon dookey?

Sitting alone, lovely but sad, Ximy kisses one of Rolu's/Arnie's letters. the words of her primary care bruja, Bartola, ring in her ear, "You've spent your life looking for your soul mate and you've found him, but you will lose him if you don't do something..."

Upstairs Rolu confers with Arnie. Arnie gives excellent advice, "Give up the lie the wheelchair and go downstairs.

Rolu's answer? No!

Ximy reads another letter.

Rolu tries to negotiate with his brother. Nope. Sorry Rolu. So what's it gonna be? You have until after this word from our sponsors to make that choice.

The three ladies reminisce over their relationships with Marcos. Isabel declines to offer the other two a glass of water for fear that they will rust. She notes that she has no vices, she preferred being Marcos' vice. Nieves thinks it's a first love that lasts for toda la vida. "Well yeah, first love lingers in the mind but it's the passion like she lived with him that gets under the skin, and once more I'll have him at my feet."Jaqui opines. "After twenty years?"Nieves is not so sure of that. A smug Isabel offers that Marcos enjoyed himself most when he was in bed with her.

Back at the gym, Beto, wearing a meaningfultee shirt with a simple, stark message: ↑ el Hombre ↓ la Leyenda (cute), and Costeño congratulate themselves on a job well done. This should take care of all of M&M's differences. Uh... yeah... sure. They agree that they make a great pair. Beto thinks that he and Coni make a great pair as well. Por casualidad (remember?), Costeño remembers that Coni is training at Jimmy's gym. Beto thinks that the same strategy will work for him. He enlists Costeño's aid. Costy is not sure how much he can arrange with the amount of money Beto coughs up. Beto reminds him that they are brothers. He wants doves, street birds (callejeras) are OK, just no turkeys (guajalotes) or chickens (pollos) and of course mariachis.

More M&M, this time seated on the edge of a fountain. More sweet words, memories of times together, but I think that we all see where this is headed. Let's skip ahead. Moni stands up and moves in as if to kiss and then shoves him into the fountain. He stands up, grabs her and pulls her in. They thrash about, splash, they frolic in the cool water... Enjoy yourselves kiddies, there's surely another anvil cuing up just over yon horizon.

Ximy's still waiting... and reading. She is joined by Jero. They excange good-natured sibling insults as we look up and see Rolu's amazing and I think, pretty clever choice. He has decided to drag himself down the stairs. "I'm coming my love, it took a bit of effort to get out of bed..." Astonished the sibs look on as he makes it down the spiral staircase and positions himself at her feet. I'm almost in tears at this noble effort, Jero is scandalized, and Ximy is ashamed and too embarrassed for words.

Mercifully we are whisked away from this tragically touching scene and back to the park where the lovebirds are enjoying a moment... He tuns serious telling her that Aldo and Estrella were on the verge of getting married. She knows and apologizes for keeping news of the pregnancy from him. He's in a forgiving mood (at the point of getting lucky with Monita... who wouldn't be?) But then here comes the anvil, straight from Valentina's lovely, luscious lips, "Mama's not our enemy, it's my daddy." He looks crushed, but for the moment plays along. They kiss. Make it last. It may be awhile before there's another.

At he offices of Groupo Sermeño, Marcos asks Jaqui what was so urgent, then tells her that he is nurturing the business as a legacy for his daughters. "Not just for Coni and Katia but also for Monita, right?" Well it's good that you know and perhaps it's best that you don't say what you want to say for the good of Coni. It'll just add to her hate if you tell her." All the while he is covering her with gentle persuasive kisses. We can learn from this man.

Back at Ximy's Rolu is at her feet, clinging to her long gorgeous legs. Our Ximy is stunned. She panics, bolts, and flees. Jero fetches the wheelchair for Rolu then cruelly jerks it away. No doubt he pulled wings off of flies as a child. We don't want to... but... we laugh. Jero's off to take a shower. Rolu rethinks his choices.

Back in the park, Valentina and Mauricio share with each other their very different opinions of her parental units. Irreconcilable. THUD!


PS, here's a photo of the puerco pibil dinner:


Monday, March 08, 2010

Dinero March 8, 2010: Rafa gets his lions

Note: we are looking for a Monday recapper so Pata won't have to do two each week as she has nobly offered! Interested? Let me know, caray@mappamundi.com - Melinama Now on to the recap.

I couldn’t let this great episode go to waste so here is a quick rundown. I have to work in the morning so did this quick and I missed a lot, so anyone feel free to add on or correct anything. But let's give a shout out to Rafa!!! Way to go!!

We have Marco calling Leonor and giving her notice that she is about to be evicted, and advises her to find a place to store all her belongings. Leonora begs him not to this. Marco says time's up

Funny little scene at Siglo where Ale is walking behind someone who she thinks is Marino and grabs his hair making fun of his wig. It turns out it is a client of Isabel. Ale begs his pardon and walks away embarrassed.

She tells all the Siglo crew to get to work and when she sees Marino she tells him if he changes wigs to let her know. Too funny.

Four hours and counting till Siglo closes and the month is over. Ale looks sweetly at Rafa’s Desk and smiles. Juan the janitor sneaks by Ale hiding some papers behind his back. He approaches Susana and asks her to give them to Ale because she gets really angry when he gives her the bills. As if it were his fault!

Susan gives Ale the Bills and she gets really agitated. Susana tries to get her to relax. This isn’t working as Susana his rubbing her temples and telling her to Relax.

Medina is out capturing his lions. They all show up, but not without tequila. They ask after Ale. They wonder if he isn’t in love with her. Rafa says he is not in love with her. He tries to change the subject and mentions the reason he’s here is to sell. The businessmen have other plans and pass around the tequila.

Ale Calls Rafa to find out where he is and how things are doing. She tells him he has two hours otherwise he is out. Ale inquires if Rafa has been drinking. He says yes that is what we are doing. Ale gets mad at him.

Rafa is just about to get to business with the lions and who show up but the daughters. They are more interested in Rafa. There is more tequila drinking,

We are back at Siglo with all the crew handing in their monthly sales reports to Susana. Marino walks in waving his reports. Claudia tries to talk him out of two of his sales and Marino more or less tells her what she would need to do first... Claudia slaps him calls him a pig, and he snorts at her.

Ale walks in and chides everyone. She tells them to get back to work they have an hour. They all scatter.

Beltran approaches Ale and wants to know if Rafa has reported in. She says he still has an hour. Beltran gets all nervous. He says if Rafa doesn’t make the sale he is fired. He tells her to call him.

Rafa is trying to convince everyone what a great deal they are getting. He tells them he will give them a discount if they buy as a group. The daughters are all urging the old guys to buy from Rafa. He tells them he will give them a moment to think without pressure.

As he leaves the daughters are all encouraging the men that Rafa is offering a good deal. Rafa’s phone rings and one of the young women answer it. Of course it is Ale and she is quite put out... She hangs up. And starts choking. Susana enters and wants to know what’s wrong. She is all upset because a women answered the phone. Susana starts laughing and Ale gets madder. She says Rafa is risking everything just to be at a fiesta with women...

The phone rings. It is Marco. He wants to know how things are going. Ale tells him Rafa hasn’t sold anything yet. Marco pumps a fist. He says he will come to pick her up later. Ale hangs up throwing the phone down saying Medina is just looking for this, or in other words deserves what he is getting.

We now see the great lion tamer getting all his advances from the said lions. They are not done with him yet. They offer more tequila. Rafa really tries to leave, but now everyone just wants to celebrate more. The young women chide him and tell him he needs to celebrate with them. They tell him it is an order.

Back at Siglo, his co-workers are all lamenting that Rafa hasn’t returned yet. Ale is fretting that Rafa isn’t back and hasn’t paid one peso. She cant believe she ever thought she could believe in Rafa.. At this moment we see a blue car show up.

Rafa stumbles out of the car. Susana has a huge smile and all of Siglo is watching the spectacle of Rafa stumbling and waving bye to his gorgeous young chauffeurs. Rafa runs up to Ale stating he did it and trips falling at her feet. He is so excited and happy. He is shaking her showing the contracts. He is pretty bombed. Ale says give the contracts to Susana and come into the office.

Ale is in her office. Smiling and stating, he did it. Everyone is happy for him except Marino. Susana is smiling, Marino approaches and chides him, Rafa teases Marino about the wig.

Rafa is so excited about his sales, and talking a mile a minute to Ale. Ale says shut up you drunk and wants to get to business and wants to see the figures. Rafa is still so excited, but all Ale is worried about is that Rafa has enough to pay her what he owes her. She tells him he didn’t make what he owes her.

We have another brief salon scene. This time Ramirez’s old ladies wonder in with rollers and tight curls and want to get there hair combed. Or something like that. It was just very strange.

Ale is now chewing Rafa out for when he danced with Carlotta. Rafa said yes but it worked. Now Ale is yelling about the women who answered his phone. She continues adding up the sales. He is short 400,000 pesos. (I think or 4 mil cien.) Rafa argues with her saying she is expecting way too much of him. She continues yelling and tells him to leave.

Rafa leaves defeated , heading to his desk. The Siglo crew try to cheer him up and want him to celebrate. With him. Bow-tie guy offers him another tape that will help him sell, Claudia tells him she’ll show him the Mexican technique (or something like that). Marino adds his two cents and tells them to come to the meeting tomorrow so they will all get to know the sales person of the month and takes off. Rafa tells the crew he isn’t up celebrating.

They all leave poor Rafa, and Susana sees him distraught and alone. She goes to talk to Ale. Ale is still going on about Rafa being with the clients and drinking. And still didn’t make his commitment.

Susana wants to know what she is so mad about? She tells her no one has sold in one day what Rafa just sold. She accuses Ale of being more upset because Rafa was with those young women, or having a few drinks, then not having met his financial obligations. Which by the way the amount he was lacking was the same amount that Ale paid for the pen for Marco that she charged, or so Susana reminds her...

She accuses Ale of killing Rafas’ happiness. She tells Ale that Rafa worked really hard to complete his obligations.

Rafa is alone at his desk. Wondering why he worked so hard, who even cares. It isn’t worth the effort. He continues crying when a hand reaches across his shoulder, and it is Ale. Finally coming to her senses. She congratulates Rafa and gives him a hug. She tells him he did a good job and she is really proud of him. And that it was a great sale.

Rafa is crying and this scene was worth the whole hour. Ale takes the scarf around her neck brace off and uses it to wipe Rafas’ tears. She tells him she will see him tomorrow. As she leaves she is smiling and Rafa touches his shoulder where she had touched him.

Marco shows up. Ale is all excited still thinking about her little moment with Rafa. She says she had a great day. Marco is telling Ale that he too has good news. He has it all arranged that by tomorrow he will have Rafas’ house. Ale tells him to forget about this. She tells him Medina made his sales. Marco isn’t convinced Rafa will continue to be successful and wants to take Rafa’s house. Ale puts her foot down and says no way are taking that house. She will pay the rest that he owes for the month. But they are not going to sell Rafa’s house. Marco is not too happy.

Before Rafa leaves he is sitting alone wondering why he feels so bad. He knows Ale was never his. Trapito shows up and the two have a cute little moment. And we get to hear Rafa’s funny little laugh.

Rafa shows up to his house, and everyone is sitting around the couch crying. Rafa wants to know what is wrong, he asks if someone died. Jaime tells him Ales’ lawyer called and they need to be out of the house by tomorrow. The end.


Corazon Savaje, March 8, 2010

Gabriel tells Juan that he seems so content. It's the passion replies Juan. Well then perhaps you'll forget about getting your revenge. Juan goes ballistic and says what stupidity are you talking about? I will get my revenge against all the Montes de Oca until there is nothing left of them. Passion and revenge should not be confused. I can feel passion, but will not forget what this journey is really for. Revenge. My revenge.

Noel, Lenoarda and Renato are anxiously waiting for the arrival of Rodrigo and the girls. In walks Rodrigo and Leonarda gets a cheesy grin on her face. In walks Regina and she has a cheesy grin on her face when she sees Renato. Next Aimee sashays her way in and Renato jaw drops to the floor at the sight of her. Rodrigo greets Leonarda who is so happy to see him that she won’t shut up. He tells her that she is as beautiful as she always has been. Then he turns to Noel and says I can see that you have treated Leonarda well. Then greets Renato and insists he call him Tio. Noel greets the girls and says that he barely recognizes them. Aimee tells him that she couldn’t wait to see him again and says the same to Leonarda. Leonarda brings Renato forward and says come and say hello to Aimee and Regina. You were so anxious in meeting them again, why are you so quiet? I am so blown away by their beauty replies Renato and kisses each girls hands. Aimee says you look good yourself. Chuckle from everyone. Leonarda finally greets Regina and remarks on how beautiful both of the girls are. Renato, looking at Aimee, says that is mother is right. They are beautiful and any man would be happy to have them at their side.

Juan walks into his rented pad and says this is exactly what I wanted. Gabriel says he can’t believe that no one came to greet them when they disembarked. Especially the guy they communicated with. (I can’t even try to spell the name of this person. Someone help) That’s because I ordered it that way replies Juan. You will meet him when the time is right. But in the meantime I want to explore this place.

Noel raises a toast to Aimee, Regina and Rodrigo for their return to the finca. Aimee quickly questions if they will be living here full time. She really wants to live in town. Renato says that there is nothing better then living in the country. Regina agrees with Renato. Aimee tells Regina that in this case they both are very different. Then taunts her by calling her Santa Regina. Santa Regina?,questions Renato. That is how I tease my sister. Anyway she is a great photographer. Noel tells Regina that there are many places for her to take pictures. Renato offers to take her to the best places. Clemencia comes in to tell the arrivals that there rooms are ready. Clemencia greets the girls. Of course Aimee grabs all her attention. Leonarda tells Clemencia to take the girls up to their room to rest. Renato says he will accompany them. Rodrigo asks Leonarda to set up a special meal to receive Frederico Martin del Campo. He was on the ship with us and he appears to be a fine gentlemen. I think he would be an excellent husband for Regina. I would like to formalize their relationship and set a wedding date.

Frederico is at his place. He finds a letter from his solicitor saying that there is a list of creditors wanting payment on delinquent accounts. He tells himself that he has to formalize his relationship with Regina or look for a loan. Otherwise Rodrigo will find out exactly how broke I am. How do I get out of this mess?

Juan and Gabriel tour the house. Juan is happy with his rented pad. Juan tells Gabriel that from now on they will act as business agents for Juan Aldame de la Cruz. Me too asks Gabriel. Of course replies Juan. In the time that we have spent together you have won my confidence. You have inherited that from your father. I appreciate your confidence replies Gabriel. Juan gives him the day off. Gabriel says and what are you going to do? Juan says I am going to complete my reason for coming here.

Juan goes to his mother’s grave and brings her flowers. They say you are my mother, but I don’t know much about you. I wish I had known your caress and your voice. If I had known your story then perhaps I would be able to sleep in peace. A peace I have not felt since they yanked me from your arms. If you had existed then perhaps I would not be the same man as I am today. Like what everyone calls me. There goes that animal. That savaje. He would do anything to just hug her and talk to her. He needs her blessing. A blessing that he never received by not living next to her. I need you so much. Even though you are dead, you live in this corazon savaje. More weeping as he lies on her grave.

The dove comes back again to visit Maria del Rosario. She says you came back to complete your promise. Are you taking me far away from here to reunite me with Juan de Dios? She recalls meeting him and his kisses. She says she can’t leave yet. It’s not time yet. She must meet her son.

Juan promises revenge against those that hurt her.

Noel says are you really going to marry Regina off to someone she does not want? We know how serious marriage is. Leonarda tells Noel that his comments are inappropriate. Rodrigo knows what’s best for Regina. He is her father and I will support his decision. Fine replies Noel. I will no longer state my opinion on this matter. He ask Rodrigo to meet in private to go over some business affairs. Rodrigo says that’s not really necessary. You have sent exquisitely detailed information on the business. You have done well. So have you heard anything from our associate in Spain? Santiago asks Noel. He unfortunately passed away several years ago. So who inherited his fortune and interests in our business asks Rodrigo. I understand that his son who lives in Europe did replies Noel. Perhaps he will come here. I had never met Santiago, but would like to meet his heir someday.

The fisherman are fishing. Juan comes up on them and helps. A guy thanks him and after talking they remember who he is. Hugs all around and men frolicking in the water.

Renato, Aimee and Regina are conversing on the porch. Renato says he cannot believe how much they have changed. What I mean is to see how beautiful you have become. That’s really sweet replies Regina. Renato asks Aimee if she left behind many heartbroken men. Was there any that were really important to her? Of course not replies Aimee. I have not yet met the man who has stolen my heart. Did you know that Regina has a proposal? Really asks Renato. Not I replies Regina. Aimee says of course you do. You have a gentlemen who wants to marry you, but you don’t want to except him. She says she’s in love with another. Who asks Renato? Aimee says don’t insist. She has never told me. It’s a secret. Renato tells Aimee to quit teasing Regina. Everyone has the right to follow their heart. I have an idea. I would like you two to accompany me around the finca. I assure you that you will be happy with all the changes that have happened here while you were gone. The girls agree.

Fisherman guy says welcome Juan de Dios. Juan loses his smile and yells out that Juan de Dios is dead. Don’t you remember!? I am Juan del Diablo. I have come for revenge.

Rosenda bosses the girl she got into a fight with around. The girl tells Rosenda to get off her high horse. Now that the girls have come back, Senora Leonarda will forget all about her. They are educated and refined. I wonder which one with conquer Renato.

Juan tells fisherman #1 and Pedro that Santiago and Mabel died in a tragic accident awhile back. He was a great guy who gave me his name. Pedro asks if he inherited a great fortune. Yes a huge fortune replies Juan. And I came to share it with you. To put it at your services. How are the soldiers treating you? Worse every day replies fisherman #1. They put an unjust amount on the fish we sell. But if we didn’t except then we’ll die of hunger. Pedro says things have not changed since his father was alive. Juan says things will be different. How asks Pedro. First off we need to buy a cart. Fisherman #1 says I know of someone selling one. Then I will give you the money to buy it replies Juan. That is the first step in making the fisherman’s lives better. This place recalls many memorizes for me. Meet me tomorrow and bring the cart. Not only did I come here for revenge, but also for justice. And if necessary with my own hands.

Clemencia and Regina are happy to see each other again. Clemencia tells her that she has the same angelic smile her mother had. Regina says too bad the only thing that we have left of her was that truck. A truck that has disappeared replies Clemencia. I don’t lose the hope of finding it one day. Why are you so interested in finding it asks Regina. Inside are many things especially a letter she wrote. I imagine that there is something in that letter that is very important. She shows Regina the key that she has around her neck that will unlock the box where the letter lies.

Orca returns to his lair and throws a bunch of ropes to the side and on top of the missing truck. He is pissed that Rodrigo has returned.

Rodrigo is happy to once again eat the food from his country. Noel notices Aimee not eating and asks if everything is okay. Aimee says she’s not use to such strong flavors from her food. She says she’s sorry. Leonarda promises tomorrow they will have food more to her tastes. Aimee comments to everyone how wonderful her godmother is. She directs her comments to her dad that after her mother died, Leonarda should have been the next woman he paid attention too.

Orca yells at Maria del Rosario and the mute to make sure they keep their mouths shut or else.

Gabriel recalls encounter with Jimena/Estrella. He wonders if he’ll ever see her again.

Meanwhile Jimena is getting slapped around by “Mama”. Mama asks where is the money that she stole from the guy on the boat. Jimena swears she did not steal one cent from him. Mama tells her that her joyride is over. She will pay back every cent that she has spent on Jimena. Then slaps her again. Jimena says whatever you want. Just don’t hit me again. Mama says she’s going to talk to the knife throwing guy. He has wanted you for some time.

Clemencia asks Regina when is she going to tell her about the guy she is getting engaged too? I am not going to marry him replies Regina. I am in love with Renato.

Back from break and Clemencia tells Regina that she could not have set her sights on a better man. Regina says she’s scared that he will not respond to her. Of course he will replies Clemencia. You are the woman that he needs. He will respond to you and you’ll be the happiest woman in the world. Regina says your words give me hope. Now you understand why I can’t marry Frederico Martin del Campo. Because I adore Renato. Only him and no one else.

Leonarda asks Rodrigo why did it take him so long to return? Because of the bad memorizes replies Rodrigo. When I decided to come all I could think about was the faces of each woman. You keep thinking about my sister asks Leonarda. She has been dead for a long time. How can you still think about Maria del Rosario after all that she did to you? Aimee enters and asks who Maria del Rosario is.

Renato comes looking for Regina. He needs to talk to her.

Aimee asks if Maria del Rosario was the lady that died for love.

Renato takes Regina outside for some privacy. He says something has happened to him since the first moment he saw them enter the house. He is in love with Aimee.

Aimee keeps asking. Rodrigo says enough. I told you on the ship that we would not talk about this. Obey my orders. Rodrigo leaves the room and Aimee goes to asks Leonarda who says now is not the time to talk about this. Another time.

Renato asks if she’s okay. All of a sudden she appears pale. Regina says everything is fine. Renato says I wanted you to be the first to know how I feel. We have always been good friends and now more then ever I need your advice. Do you think that Aimee will accept my love? Do you think that she will accept marrying me? Regina tells herself that she cannot tell him the truth. It will break his heart. She instead asks if he really loves Aimee. Yes replies Renato. I love her with all my heart. Regina tells herself that she will help him win Aimee even though it will break her heart.

Aimee goes outside and thinks about her savaje.

Juan goes to his father’s grave and swears revenge against the Montes de Oca.

Aimee says to herself that this storm will not deter her from seeing Juan. Rosenda yells at Aimee to immediately close the doors. Aimee says how dare you give me orders! Because I am Leonarda’s goddaughter and I look after her interests. Besides the rain is coming in and water is getting on the floor. So I tell you again to close the door.

Aimee tells Leonarda that she doesn’t know what Rosenda told her, but she just wanted to get a bit of fresh air. Leonarda tells her not to bother the servants (?) Though she has taken Rosenda under her wing like a goddaughter, she really only has 2. Her and her sister. Rosenda is a faithful servant and doesn’t want Aimee to mistreat her. Whatever you say replies Aimee.

Regina tells Clemencia that Renato confessed to her his love for Aimee. And I promised to help him. Clemencia asks her why did she not tell him about her feelings. Because I didn’t want to mortify him replies Regina. I desire with all of my soul for him to be happy. Even if it’s not at my side. Although I am positive that Aimee does not love Renato. And probably never will. Why do you say that asks Clemencia? Because on your voyage here, Aimee had relations with another man.

Juan visits his dad’s old place and cries. He remembers his father dying. He swears that all the Montes de Oca will pay.

Regina tells Aimee that she wants to talk. She wants Aimee to swear that if Renato asks for her hand in marriage and she excepts that she will never cheat on him. And try to make him happy. Aimee says I don’t understand you. Regina says swear to me. Say it or I will tell dad all about that savaje you meet on the ship. Aimee says don’t! You wouldn’t dare! Regina goes to leave and Aimee says fine. I swear. Now go to sleep. I’m tired. Regina takes off her necklace that Renato gave her. She tells Aimee to start wearing hers for Renato. Aimee says fine. Whatever you say. Regina cries and says I have lost you forever Renato.

Manana: Regina tells Daddy Warbucks that she will not be marrying Frederico; Aimee meets Juan at the beach


El Clon, Mon. March 8- To clone or not to clone, that is the question

In the lobby of the fertility clinic, Dora looks at Lucas with wonder. He says that he's never met her, he'd remember. She says that she feels something inside her as if she's known him all her life.

He asks what she is doing at the clinic and Dora replies that she having AI and she is interested in knowing all about the donor, who he is where he lives... [You're looking at him honey, except that he's donating all the DNA, not just half.]

Albieri is concerned about Diego's mole. He decides to take a sample to have a biopsy done.

Dora's egg harvesting has to be postponed for a month because she had a cold.

Dora tells Vicki that she is depressed about having the AI postponed. She has a feeling that if she doesn't get pregnant this month, everything is going to be different.

Lucas asks Albieri to confirm with Ali that Lucas has decided to convert to Islam. Albieri is shocked and asks if Lucas intends to raise a child under the laws of the Koran. Sure, says Lucas, not having the slightest idea what that means, of course. Albieri remarks on the impetuousness of youth. Lucas thinks Albieri should understand the things we do for love since he just got married. Albieri is spared from answering this because Luisa announces that Leo has come for Lucas.

Albieri tells Lucas not to mention anything about the biopsy until they have the results and Leo tells Albieri that he is taking Lucas to his office to keep him away from Cristina.

Cristina and Vicki are getting a massage.

We get a close up look at Cristina's clown make up - bright green eyeshadow!

We discover that Cristina wanted Leo to hear her message to Lucas. She says that he deserves to be jealous after what he did to her. Vicki doesn't believe Leo has another girlfriend but Cristina is sure that he does. When she finds out who the woman is, she will make sure that the woman never gets near Leoncito.

Back in Morocco, Nariza is complaining to Said about not being able to go to the States right away. Said says that he needs her here to help get ready for his wedding to Jade. At that moment the phone rings, it's Mohamed. He tells Said that Jade doesn't deserve him and he should call off the wedding. Latifa overhears. As Mohamed starts to tell Said what happened with Jade, Latifa unplugs the phone line.

Latifa runs up to Jade's room and tells her about the call. She makes Jade swear that she will says that she is still a virgin. If Mohamed finds out that Jade isn't a virgin, he will think she wasn't one either and she'll be sent back to her family - the worst thing that can happen to a woman. Jade swears.

Said goes out. Nariza tells Abdul that she is sure that Said is hiding something from her. Abdul decides that Nariza is upset because Ali doesn't want to marry again. She admits that and says that she sacrificed everything for her brothers, now they are marrying and she is a 5th wheel. Abdul says that her future is up to Allah, in other words, he's not going to lift a finger to get her a husband.

Said goes to Ali's house but Zoraida tells him that Ali has left for the airport. He asks to use the phone. He calls Mohamed and with Zoraida listening on his end and Latifa on Mohamed's, he finds out about Jade's virginity fiasco of the previous night.

Said asks Mohamed not to tell Nariza or Abdul about what has happened. He will take care of it himself. Ali flashes back to his (few) meetings with Jade. After Said leaves, Zoraida gets a call from Albieri. She tells him Ali isn't there. After the call, she wishes that Lucas had never come to their house.

Lucas is hanging around Leo's office doing nothing. Finally, he says that he is leaving. Leo can't resist the opportunity to ask if he is going to see Cristina. Lucas tells Leo that Diego never would have boinked Cristina if he had known that she was Leo's girlfriend. Leo says that he trusts Lucas; he doesn't trust Cristina. Lucas replies that Cristina was nice to him and listened to his problems. Then Leo has the brass ones to ask why Lucas doesn't tell his troubles to his father instead of a stranger. Lucas tells Leo that he already knows about his problem - his marriage to Jade.

Leo asks why Lucas can't be Jade's boyfriend and get to know her better. Lucas repeats what Albieri told him - Muslims don't date - they marry. Well of course, Leo isn't interested in listening and he tells Lucas that Jade's family just want to trap him. He tells Lucas that he can't believe that he is being manipulated so easily. Then he says that Diego wouldn't have done that. Poor Lucas comes to the conclusion that Leo would rather he had died and not Diego.

Luisa suggests that she and Albieri go out dancing. Albieri suggests that Luisa invite Betty/Molly over for dinner so they can discuss cloning.

Ali arrives in Miami and takes a cab to Mohamed's house where Jade is on the balcony sans veil. She sees him and he sees her. Ali tells Jade that she is coming back to Morocco with him. She says that she will never marry Said. Ali replies that she will learn to love him but if she really doesn't want to marry him, he will cancel the wedding. He will not make someone marry against their will. Jade is ecstatic until Ali lets her know that she can't marry Lucas either.

Lucas tells Leo that he has to pay a dowry so he can marry Jade. Predictably, Leo is outraged. He pays no attention to Lucas' explanation and finally tells him that if Lucas wants to marry against his father's will, he will have to come up with the dowry and the means to support his wife. Marisa shows up.

Jade tries the 'Lucas is converting to Islam' argument but Ali isn't buying. They exchange quotes from the Koran but Ali says that Lucas is only converting to marry her and he won't approve. Jade points out that a cousin of Ali's was permitted to marry a convert. Ali responds that was different because the cousin was man. If Jade and Lucas divorced, she would have no right to her children (????).

In her room with Latifa, Jade says that she won't give Lucas up. Latifa reminds her that the coffee grounds said that her future wasn't with Lucas. Jade says she doesn't believe in that nonsense. Latifa urges her to marry Said but Jade says those anvil forging words: 'nothing and no one will ever separate Lucas and I'.

Mohamed tells Ali that Said is very concerned about Jade's behavior. He loves her but he has his pride and won't take a bride under these circumstances. Ali says that he won't make a decision until he has checked everything out. He will stay until the end of the month. Mohamed starts to bad mouth Jade but Ali cuts him off. He reminds him that the punishment for slandering a women is 80 lashes.

Said is pacing around his house. When he leaves, Abdul suggests that Nariza move up her trip to Miami. Nariza says that she will leave right away.

Jade sneaks out of her house at night to meet Lucas. Lucas tells her that the result of the biopsy on his mole was negative. She tells him that Ali has come to Miami and he won't let Jade marry Lucas even if he converts. She says that Ali is staying until the end of the month and she is sure that she can change his mind. If not, she will leave her family for Lucas. Lucas says the same. They both agree that nothing will keep them apart.

It's 'days later' and Albieri has successfully cultured Lucas' skin cells. Dora has a last night out before her AI procedure. Lucas is pouring out his troubles to Marisa and her suggestion is that they go out dancing. Lucas tells her how much he misses Diego and that he dreams about him all the time. He asks Marisa if she believes in life after death.

In his lab, Albieri says that Lucas' cells are perfect. If he had an egg, he could make a clone of Lucas. At that moment, Silvia is harvesting eggs from Dora for her AI. Silvia tells Albieri about Dora's eggs. It's destiny. Albieri bundles Silvia off to the seminar he was supposed to attend in Washington. He tells Luisa to go home so he can concentrate on his work.

Albieri has doubts - he hears the voices of Betty/Molly, Molina and finally Diego. He says that he will make a clone for Diego.

Nariza arrives in Miami and is shocked by bare midriffs. She arrives at Mohamed's house just as Jade is sneaking out. She calls Jade's name.

The credits roll.


Cast of ENDA on Cristina, March 8, 2010

Post for discussion of the interview.


Saturday, March 06, 2010

Salvaje 03/5/10: More Romp and Ridiculous Circumstance Aboard The Love Boat; Renato Falls Overboard for Aimee

Capítulo 11

Amorous adventure abounds for one and all as Viewerville settles in to watch another Geritol [http://www.lumrix.net/health/Geritol.html] hour full of ludicrously licentious hijinks aboard "La Princesa", aka, The Love Boat. [Ed's note: this might be best read while imbibing Sangria and listening to a little Spanish Flamenco.]

It is not quite midnight as Regina spies Juan (not quite my ideal of Errol Flynn) and Aimee (not exactly the celluloid essence of Olivia de Havilland, either) running off for a few stolen kisses through a nearby doorway. Juan and Aimee, unable to wait to get it on and/or to take it all off are, appropriately enough, behind a set of French doors, amorously swallowing each others tongues. Though Viewerville notes it to be characteristically daring of them, it also realizes that it ain't exactly a smart move considering French doors have WINDOWS! Regi's heart is in her throat as she watches Papa Rodrigo start for said door. Ruh-roh! (Note the Mejia touch: Rodrigo is symbolically wearing a beak-nosed mask reminiscent of the kind worn by doctors during the Black Plague in 16th century France to protect them from the smell and the contagion of the masses.) It seems Papa Rod is looking for his errant daughter, Aimee. Regi is wide-eyed impactada fearing that the jig is finally up for her twin sis.

Suddenly loud Folies Bergère http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folies_Berg%C3%A8re music begins playing and Papa Rod is immediately distracted by three cancan-dancing [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Can-can] cuties. Rod, unable to resist, returns to Regi among the audience on the dance floor. He makes sure to take it all in before sniffing and commenting that the spectacle is immoral and shows just what kind of despicably decadent shipline this is. He asks the foppish Federico (great call on that one, Kat!) to take Regi back to her cabin while he tries looking for his other impressionable daughter. Regi suggests to Papa that she can go looking for Aimee on the way back instead of her papi. Foppy Feddy, unctuously agreeing that this is not a suitable milieu for "decent people," suggests they go on ahead and that he'll look for Aimee himself. Rod reluctantly agrees and drags Regi off with him. Only the truly cultured and the crass (which is everybody else) remain as the "scandalous" performance concludes and the scandalized Madame Marlene has Fay Man grab her hoofing hookers --amid loud applause-- off the stage and back to their cabin for a good scolding.

The MC now announces that only a few seconds remain till midnight when all will have to take off their masks. Jimena wants to avoid being recognized as the gypsy girl from the ship. She fakes feeling faint and asks Gabriel to get her something to drink. As the countdown begins, Gabe suggests taking off her mask because that should make her feel better immediately. Ah well, forget that. "Mena" races up the stairs and out onto the deck right as the clock strikes twelve. Gabe heels behind her.

Feddy unmasks, looks around the ballroom, and then searches the area behind the French doors. (Viewerville gasps expecting the worst.) It's empty, however. Apparently Juan and Aimee have found another spot topside to continue making out. Juan tells Aimee how beautiful she is and how her beauty is like a bright star at night that guides him on the high seas. "We are destined for each other." He then declares that she is his and always will be. She says shut up and keep kissing. "Your kisses make me delirious, Juan." Juan puckers up and plunges ahead.

Down below, in the hookers' cabin, Mme. Marlene bitches out her brood for embarrassing her with their ridiculous display. The girls apologize and say it was only their intention to liven things up a bit for the guests. Marlene says that everyone will know it was them but the girls insist that with the wigs and masks and their costumes nobody will have any idea that it was them dancing. Marlene accepts their apology but grounds them for the rest of the voyage. They can't leave the cabin till they arrive in port.

Back up top, somewhere else on the ship's starlit deck (a real oxymoron) Gabe asks Mena why she won't take her mask off. He's anxious to see her face and to formally meet her. She asks if it's that important and he (of course) says it's more important than she could ever imagine. She might think he's crazy but he has fallen helplessly in love with her. The masked Mena says that's impossible because he doesn't even know her. Gabe says love has hit him like a lightening bolt [rayo]. "That's what's happened to us." Suddenly Mena hears her mama and dreadful Dagger Man approaching so she has Gabe hide with her under a tarp. They listen as Dagger Man and Mama gripe about not being able to find her. Dagger Man is angry with Mama. "You're to blame! That's why the little savage does whatever she wants!" He stops the harangue when he thinks he hears some of the crew [tripulación] approaching. He says it will be bad news for them if they're caught up there. They start back down as Mama says she'll make the michievous little thing pay big time when she finds her.

After they've gone Gabe asks Mena (still masked) who they were looking for. Mena lies and says she doesn't know. Astute little Gabe asks then, why did we have to hide under the tarp? Mena only answers him with a kiss and imaginary Spanish guitars suddenly play romantic strains in the background.

In another part of the darkened deck Juan and Aimee are still sucking face. Aimee says she has to go or her father will kill her. Juan agrees to let her leave, but on one condition: that they continue seeing each other once they've landed. She says of course. That's a given. He adds that she must also talk to her father about them. "Don't forget!" Aimee stammers through a yes, of course, and kisses him again. She starts to leave. Juan stops her again. "--Don't forget! We are destined for each other!" She kisses him a final time and leaves. Juan, pleased with himself, breathes in the sea air.

Down below, Rod is griping to Regi about the outrage [inaudito = outrageous] of a spectacle they witnessed at the ball. Regi tries to suggest that it was just a harmless diversion for the passengers but her fuming Papa tells her not to offer her opinions if she doesn't know what she's talking about. Just then Aimee appears. Feddy is right behind her. Papa wants to know why she's so late getting back. El Foppo tattles and says he only just came across her at the doorway as she was entering. Foppy looked everywhere but she wasn't there to be found. Aimee lies and says she was looking for them, too. When she realized they'd left the ballroom she decided to come back immediately to the cabin. Rod rants again about the scandalous ocurrence during the ball. Feddy postures in agreement, saying it's a shame that the owner of the ship has apparently overlooked [pasar por alto] the fact that there are decent people in this world! Aimee smiles impishly over at Regi who simply rolls her eyes. (I'm with you, Regi. Stuff a sock in it already, Feddy.)

Back on deck again, sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Mena (still masked) kisses a sleeping Gabe good-bye. She gives him a forlorn adios. "Good-bye my love of a single night. Sure as the stars above we'll never see each other again." She disappears into the night.

Down in their cabin, Rod tells his daughters and Feddy that starting the next morning they'll eat breakfast in their cabin. Feddy is of course, invited to join them. Aimee tells Papa that they can't possibly stay cooped up in their cabin till the end of the voyage. Rod relents and says yes, he's exaggerated things a bit, but still, if they leave the cabin it will be in a group, as a family. That way they can avoid mingling with the less desirables travelling on the ship. El Foppo wholeheartedly agrees before taking his leave of the ladies. Once Foppy is finally gone, Rod tells them that he feels Foppy is a fabulous catch for Regi and that (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnnn!) he's arranged for Regi to marry him. Regi respectfully objects, saying that he needs to realize that she is a woman and not a little girl anymore. She refuses to marry Feddy or any one else he might have in mind because she is in love with another man. (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn-duhn-duhnnn!)

Said lucky fella, Renato, is now home telling his mama, Leonarda, how happy he is that her bout with migraines [jaquecas] has ended. Leona, smiling, says that then, he should avoid bringing up disagreeable topics in the future. He asks if she means Juan. She gets fidgety and says yes, exactly that! Renato says he doesn't mean to upset her, but truth be told, he feels sympathy for the poor guy. Growing up for Juan has had to be a rough go. Leona says a bastard's life is full of shame. "It's repugnant!" Renato replies that given he really is a bastard, that's all the more reason he deserves some sympathy. Rosenda comes in at that point to inform them that Renato's carriage is ready. He tells his mama that he's going to town to find out when Rodrigo and the twins will be arriving in port. Oh Happy Day!! Leona and he are both overjoyed at the thought of seeing the three again after so many years. Rosenda, taking her proper place as a part of the wallpaper, is not so much. Renato anxiously looks forward to "the welcome surprises" their return signifies. (So do we, Hotstuff. So. do. we.)

Back on the ship, Rod tells Regi he's going to ignore her foolish outburst and that she will marry Federico Martin del Campo. He warns her that she had better now start being more considerate with Feddy and watch herself, because once they get to Veracruz, if she doesn't mend her ways he'll lock her up in a convent! The girls go to their bedroom. The old RamRodder gripes to himself that the last thing he needed now was to have one of his daughters disobeying his orders.

In their bedroom, Aimee begs Regi to tell her who she's in love with. She wants all the juicy details. Regi refuses. The only thing she will tell Aimee, she says, is that if she is forced to marry Feddy, she will cheerfully take herself to the convent!

Mena sneaks back into her cabin and begins hiding her ballgown and shoes.

At the same time, Gabe is telling Juan about the mysterious maiden that he met at the costume ball, how he fell asleep from drinking too much, and that when he woke up she'd disappeared. Juan laughs and says he'll help him find her. Gabe is upset because he can't understand why she'd leave without even saying good-bye.

Before she can crawl into bed, Mena's mother wakes up and demands to know where she was. Mena cowers.

Juan gives Gabe advice about women and their unpredictability. Gabe leaves for bed. Juan laughs to himself and wonders what Mena's got planned for Gabe.

Mena's mad mama notices all the clothing Mena has been trying to hide under her mattress and accuses her of stealing them, all the while searching for any stolen jewelry she can keep. Mena swears she didn't do anything bad and did not steal the clothes. "Mama" tells her she ought to skin her alive for all the trouble she's caused ever since she took her in [recoger]. She's just a good-for-nothing! (Ah-hah! Mena is an orphan!)

Regi can't sleep. She sits up in bed and tearfully tells herself that she won't marry Feddy. Renato is the only man she loves. She would prefer life in the convent a thousand times better than a life with Foppy Feddy.

It's daytime in Veracruz, still. Renato runs into an old friend of Rod's, Don Fulgencio, and his blonde bimbo of a wife, Eloisa. (Eloisa looks to me like she's nearing her sell-by date, too.) They invite Renato for coffee.

Back on the ship, fuming El Foppo de Federico goes up top for some night air and to cool his jets. Our scheming Feddy surmises that with Rodrigo's support, despite Regina's snub, he will marry her. He will then have control of the Montes de Oca fortune and once they're married, the rebelliously unconventional [renegada] Regi will get her just desserts. (Feddy, something tells me you're better off pawning that ginormous rock on your finger and investing the cash in part ownership of a going business somewhere.)

Meanwhile, Fifi, one of Marlene's girls, can't stand the thought of being locked up in their cabin. She sneaks up top for some air also. Like a moth to the flame, Feddy cannot resist. He introduces himself to her. "Did I frighten you, fair lady?" Fifi says no, it's just that her "tutor" is very strict and doesn't know she's come up there. Feddy says fear not, mum's the word. He kisses her hand. (Oil slick alert!) Feddy asks if he didn't see her at the ball. Fifi says no, that's impossible because her tutor would never allow her to go to something like that. They're pretty much cloistered. "As befits young ladies of your rank [distinción]." Feddy wants to know more about her. Fifi tells him that her name is Josephina Lugo y Cazón and that she belongs to one of the wealthiest [adinerada] families in Spain. She's very lonely because she's not been permitted a relationship [relación = romantic involvement]. Fifi now asks to know something about him.

Feddy tells Fifi that he's also single since he's never had time for luuuhhv. He's been too preoccupied with problems of the several businesses he has world-wide. He's come to [Latin] America to take care of one of them. (Who's puttin' on who here?) He wonders how long she'll be in Veracruz. Fifi stutters and stammers that it all depends on her ...er...studies there. "--It's late. I really have to leave now before they realize I've been gone." Feddy gently grabs her as she turns to go. "Could we have another chat on another night like this that (he moves in to kiss her) so invites...romance?" Fifi dodges the attempted kiss, gives him a definitive "No," and walks quickly away. Feddy thinks to himself with a greedy smile, that if things don't work out with Regi he now has another choice to escape his poverty [miseria].

Back in Veracruz, Eloisa is complaining to Renato at the outdoor cafe that she's got to stay home while hubby Fulgencio goes off to Mexico City. Fulgencio reminds her it's only a business trip. Renato says no harm in taking her too and letting her buy out the stores while he's busy negotiating. Fulgencio says he is simply looking out for her safety. Times being what they are with the political unrest, he explains, it's just not wise to have a lady wandering through a city alone like that.

Eloisa changes the subject to the preparations at the finca for Rod and family's return. She "worries" that with Noel back at the estate in Veracruz the finca must be in dire need of attention. Renato says though they're overjoyed at their return, he does miss the tranquility of the country. Eloisa asks when he's thinking of settling down [sentar la cabeza]. He says when he finds the perfect woman. "Fully" chides her for being so forward, especially since she's a married woman and should show interest in him. Fully then tells Renato that he'd like to stay a bit longer and chat, but he does have to rise early the next morning for his trip to M.C. Eloisa asks Fully if she has permission to visit Leonarda while he's gone. Fully says fine, since Leona is a very sensible and discriminating female. (Viewerville fights that nagging gagging response.) He has no problem with her keeping company with the likes of Leona. Renato thanks him for the praise expressed for his mother. Eloisa smiles (methinks a little too broadly) and says to tell his mama that she'll be coming by soon. She and the grizzled Fully head home. Renato doesn't miss the provacative smile Eloisa shoots him over her shoulder behind the old dude's back.

At the estate, Leonarda fingers an old picture of Rod and his twin girls. She is determined that nobody, not even his own daughters, will get between her and her Rodrigo now that he is returning to Veracruz.

During breakfast the next morning Foppy notes that Regi hasn't eaten a morsel. She politely says she hasn't any appetite. He gets on his high-horse and complains that since she isn't in a sociable mood he prefers to leave. (I say don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!) Rod stands up and asks him to stay. He does a mea culpa, saying that Feddy is like one of the family. "--Isn't that right, Regina????" Aimee shoots Regi a warning glance. Regi takes her time but eventually heels, sort of. "--Yes, Father. Whatever you say." Feddy smiles at himself, his power-play having been satisfactorily executed. Rod suggests they all take a walk around the deck together. Feddy sweetly asks Regi how she likes that idea. Regi smiles broadly. She says she thinks that's a great idea and she would like nothing more than a chance to take some pictures, provided that Feddy carries her camera for her.

At the same time, Mena is also headed up top. Juan grabs her leg and asks what little game she has in store for Gabe.

Gabe, meanwhile, is on deck reading a letter telling him that "Juan's house has been rented and the timber concerns are under control as well. All awaits their arrival. --NB." Gabe wonders who NB is. (I think that's a CC typo and should be NV, as in Noel Vidal.) His attention is caught by a young woman he mistakenly thinks is the mysterious Mena and he quickly apologizes for his mistake.

Speaking of the real Mena, Juan wants to know why she's trying to trick Gabe. She says she doesn't want Gabe to make a fool out of her. She explains that Gabe would be ashamed if he knew the truth about her being a gypsy girl. Juan asks if that means she's breaking it off between them because she's a gypsy. Mena says it's not that at all. She will tell him, she says, but at the right time; she begs Juan not to tell Gabe in the meantime.

Up on deck, Regi (sly girl) doesn't get mad. She just gets good and even running Feddy ragged placing and changing the camera around to supposedly get just the right light and shot. (Ten points, team Regina!)

The ship's captain tells his first officer that they are nearing the waters of Veracruz and in a few days they should be in port waters.

That night Regi secretly watches as Aimee pads her blanket with pillows and escapes from the watchful eye of her father to secretly rendezvous with Juan.

Time passes. Mena catches secret glimpses of Gabe. Rod catches secret glimpses of Mme. Marlene. Feddy continues his secret nighttime chats with Fifi. Mena suffers "Mama's" abuse. Even Juan has fun teasing the be-Jesús out of Regi while she's trying to take photographs. Oh, yes. It's all just Love, American-o Style these last few days and nights of this oh, so enchanted voyage. (Quite honestly, the only thing that makes watching this part of the farcical romp worthwhile has been the music. Kudos to the sound and music editors this go 'round. The piano flourishes and the Spanish guitar were an unexpected touch of genius.) FF>>

One starry night, Mena appears wearing a (WTF?) lace-veiled hat and has a brief romantic encounter with the gullible Gabe. She kisses him and disappears once more. Nope. He still doesn't get her name, so marvelling at the stars in the night sky, he decides to think of her as his "Estrella".

Mena visits Aimee and Regi (we suppose to return the clothes, because suddenly she's back in gypsy garb) and promises to come looking for them once they've arrived. They share hugs and kisses and a heart-felt "Adios" as a lovelorn Gabe returns to his cabin and mourns the loss of his Estrella. "She's escaped me. She's escaped me!"

In the lounge, Rod tells Feddy that Regi's fit regarding her interest in another man took him by surprise. He suggests showering her with flowers and perfume. "That is the way to capture a woman!" Feddy is a quick learner. No sooner said than done. A nasty looking bunch of red roses suddenly arrives at Regina's door with a note. "With my affections, Federico....." Regi grabs the medallion Renato gave her. "Neither Federico nor my father will succeed in erasing you from my heart, Renato. ¡Ay! How much I love you!"

In the living room of the Veracruz manse, Renato is barely listening as Eloisa plays Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on the piano. He's more interested in the telegram he's been reading. Rosenda, in between frowns, is spying on the two of them. Eloisa sits down very close to Renato and asks if he liked the piece. He says oh yes, of course, and explains that he's been looking over the cablegram that tells when their guests will be arriving. Eloisa puts an affectionate hand on Renato's knee. "I hope you aren't disillusioned. People change over time." Renato stops to process, but it isn't clear whether he's processing the hand on his knee or her worldly advice.

Back on the ship, Regi is in her robe and ready for bed but Juan is there with her and Aimee and refusing to leave --at least without Aimee. He starts to kiss Aimee when suddenly there's a knock on the door from their Papa. Panic time!! Juan says he wants to give her papa the straight scoop on the two of them. "I want to speak with him once and for all." Aimee, instinctively noting that discretion is the better part of valor in circumstances like these, insists that he must not. "Not now!" Instead of shoving him out the bedroom door and into the passage-way, however, she and Juan jump under the covers in her bed. (Oh, that's rich --and so delightfully daring. This deserves a big 10 on the laugh-o-meter --not!) Regi nearly has a heart attack as she opens the door and peeks out. "Papa, Aimee has gone to sleep and I'm getting ready to do the same." Rod says all right. "--Don't forget that tomorrow we disembark. Finally this nightmare will end!" (As Foppy would say, "I second that sentiment!") Aimee and Juan have a big silent yuk at Regi's expense before leaving through the bedroom door. (Dunno about you, but nothing has made me more of a landlubber than taking this cruise with this ship of fools.)

Up on deck Juan tells Aimee he's been thinking of speaking to the captain of the ship to have him marry them right away. That way her papa couldn't object. "Your father couldn't deny us then." Aimee immediately puts the brakes on such a rash idea. She demurely reminds him that she promised to speak to her father and says she will do exactly that. Juan gives in but warns her that if she hesitates [titubear] he will speak to her father himself in person. She agrees then tells him to kiss her as if it were the last time.

The next morning Leona is primping at her mirror. Clemencia walks in and remarks that she seems a bit too excited about Don Rodrigo's return. "Shouldn't you be thinking more about your husband and son?" This sets Leona off. She loses her cool and starts yelling at the impudent Clemencia. "Stop being a bird of bad tidings! Trying to wreck my good time like that! Just get out! Get out. Go into the hall and wait for them! Leave me in peace! Git! Go on!" Clemencia leaves and Leona takes another look at herself, perhaps wondering if she's aged.

Back aboard in Juan's stateroom, Gabe is readying the luggage. He says he's glad to see how cheery Juan is. Juan says passion has managed a miracle. Gabe says well, then, maybe he will forget about his plans for vengeance. Big mistake. Juan turns violent and threatening. "My oath for vengeance is irreversible! I will take vengeance on the Montes de Oca family until nothing is left of them, not even under the tiniest of rocks!!" Gabe apologizes. Juan tells him that one should not confuse passion with duty. "I could feel happy about being so romantically involved, but I am not forgetting the principal reason for taking this trip: revenge! My revenge!" (Oh. Okiedok.)

The Love Boat sails ever closer to shore. Rod looks on and remembers his past; Aimee looks on in anticipation of a new adventure; Regi is excited at the prospect of finally seeing Renato again; Feddy is excited about his prospects with Regi; Juan readies himself to finally take his revenge. The ship eventually makes port in Veracruz and the passengers disembark.

Noel checks his watch as Clemencia yells to the family that their guests have arrived. The narrator tells us that "finally the long wait has ended." "...The announced encounter is about to take place. Impatience alone is reflected in the expressions of Noel, Renato, and Leonarda who stare impatiently and longingly towards the main entrance of the finca's impressively enormous house. Rodrigo's smile excites the soul of Leonarda who, with great effort, contains her desire to yell to him and race off to embrace him. The angelic presence of Regina appears next to her father, looking timidly at everyone until her eyes suddenly meet those of Renato. Her heart would seem to be at the point of exploding as finally she is standing opposite the man she loves. In contrast to Regina's calm and sweet beauty enters Aimee, smiling openly, fully aware of her commanding beauty and her powers of seduction."

Renato's tongue goes from lip length to floor length in a matter of seconds. "Renato cannot take his eyes off Aimee because of a deep feeling, a feeling that has awakened in his heart and soul. He has fallen deeply in love with Aimee." Ruh-Roh!


El Clon, Fri, March 5 - I don't want to work. I just want to bang on the [drum] guitar all day

Ali takes the letter from Jade. We have a little discussion about why Said and his siblings speak Spanish - their mother was Mexican and learn that many people in Miami speak Spanish. Then Said suggests that Ali open the letter. He does. Jade has written that she can't marry Said because she isn't a virgin anymore. She knows this was 'haraam' but she is in love with another man who will convert to Islam and marry her. This other man is Lucas, the godson of Ali's friend.

Ali is impactado but he pretends that the letter said that a close friend of the family is ill. Catty Nariza says that she knew the letter contained bad news. It was no wonder that Zoraida didn't want Nariza to give Ali the letter. Ali ushers them out to go to dinner and when they have gone out of the room, he gives Zoraida a look.

The ever lovely Leo tells Cristina to stay away from Lucas. Cristina jumps into Leo's car. She tells him that he still loves her. He denies it. He kisses her but this time it doesn't 'take.' Leo says that he doesn't love her any more. She ruined his family. And what's more he has found a new woman. Cristina wants to know who the slut is.

Latifa asks Jade why she believes Lucas this time. She says that Jade is ruining both their lives for something that doesn't exist. Jade tells her that if Mohamed really loves her he won't abandon her for a mistake Jade made.

Leo comes to see Lucas, who is practicing the guitar. He wants to know exactly what happened between Cristina and him. Lucas gives a slightly edited version - not mentioning Jade. Leo tells Lucas to stay away from Cristina; she has already caused enough damage to their family. Then Leo tells Lucas that he will start working in the company in the afternoon after going to school in the morning. Lucas says, what about his guitar lessons? Leo replies that Lucas isn't going to make any money playing the guitar. Now that Diego is gone, Lucas has to learn to run the company so he can take over when Leo is gone. Lucas says that he doesn't want anything to do with his Dad's business. Too bad says Leo. You start tomorrow. Then Lucas drops the bombshell that Leo has to accept his girlfriend because Lucas is converting to Islam to marry her. Leo replies that Lucas must be drunk or on drugs to say something that stupid.

Ali's guests leave and he tells Zoraida to tell what she knows or he'll have her tongue cut out. He says that she will burn in hell for not saying what she knew. She says that it wasn't her fault. By the time she found out about the relationship, it was too late. Ali says that once she knew, she stayed silent and thereby made herself an accomplice. Zoraida gets on her knees and asks Ali to forgive her but he throws her out of his house.

He starts trying to call the States.

Latifa is dancing for Mohamed when the phone starts ringing.

Ali wants to speak to Latifa but Latifa insists that he talk to Jade. Jade tells a furious Ali that she was following her heart and that she isn't a virgin anymore. Desperately, Latifa grabs the phone and tells Ali that Jade is lying and like she did before about the burns and the dentures. Latifa gives the phone back to Jade with an imploring look and Jade tells Ali that she did lie - she is still a virgin. Before she can say anything more, Latifa snatches the phone and ends the call. Mohamed tells Latifa that Jade has betrayed Said and his family won't accept their marriage and maybe not Mohamed's with Latifa either.

Zoraida takes a tearful farewell from the other women in the house.

No sooner is she out the door than Ali comes looking for her. He is surprised that she has left and goes after her. I guess he can't admit to overreacting so in a masterpiece of logic he accuses her of stabbing him the back and then abandoning him. He orders her back to the house.

Luisa tries to get a rather drunk Albieri to go to bed.

He talks about how brave Betty/Molly Brown is for publicly defending the cloning of humans. He says that he has always caved in to public opinon and he could have been so much more. Luisa leads him to the bedroom still babbling about science and miracle of miracles, he kisses her on the lips but fortunately we're spared seeing Albieri and Luisa in bed together.

Ali tells Zoraida that he made a mistake by letting Jade grow up in the US away from their customs. He says that Jade is a prisoner of a false and dangerous illusion - she thinks that she is in love and that her love is returned. Zoraida asks what if that is true. Ali says that it can't be true. "To us," he says, "love grows when we live together. In the West, that is when it dies." He tells Zoraida to pack his bag; he is going to the States to bring Jade back to Morocco. He says that it is going to be a surprise visit and if anyone finds out beforehand, he will know it is Zoraida's fault.

Jade and Lucas are on the beach. She tells him what he has to do to become a Muslim - he has make a testimony of faith in a mosque that there is only one God and that Mohamed is the prophet. She is sure that one Lucas has converted, her uncle won' t be able to interfere and will accept him as Jade's husband. Lucas is ready to convert right away but Jade says that she will have a sheik, who was a friend of her mother's, make an appointment at a mosque.

Leo tells Enrique about Lucas' latest crazy idea to convert to Islam. Sensible Enrique thinks it is no big deal and if it makes Lucas, who is an adolescent and grieving for his brother, happy, what is the problem. Naturally, Leo can't even comprehend anything that might relate to someone else's feelings. And just to confirm that Leo only thinks about himself, he asks Enrique to set him up with some other women.

Marisa has come to see Rosa and show her some photos of her and Diego. Lucas comes in and looks at the photos. Marisa says that she was crazy for Diego like all the girls.

Albieri tells Betty/Molly and Dr. Molina about his work cloning cattle and horses for Leo Ferrer. Betty/Molly is glad that cloning is becoming so common in animals and hopes it won't be long before a human is cloned. And Betty/Molly goes over the procedure again for our benefit but this time she specifies that the cloning is done with a skin cell. Dr. Molina thinks Betty/Molly is crazy and asks if Albieri agrees with her.

Marisa tells Diego that she will never find anyone like Diego, except him, of course, because he looks exactly like Dieto. Belatedly, she says that he is different from Diego of course. Then she innocently asks if Lucas has a girlfriend. Lucas replies that he does and he is going to get married. Rosa appears to tell Lucas to get ready to go to his father's office. Lucas says that he isn't going to cancel his guitar class to waste time at an office. Rosa protests and Lucas tells her to get it through her head that he wasn't born for business and he will never manage his father's business. He leaves.

Rosa tells Marisa that Lucas is too young to marry and she doesn't approve of his Moroccan girlfriend since she wants to take Lucas far away. Marisa seems to be interested in Lucas under the heading of: If you can't be with the twin you love, be with the twin you've got. Rosa says that she will help Marisa get Lucas.

In response to Molina's question, Albieri says that they are ready to clone a human. Molina replies that many abortions are necessary to get a healthy outcome. Betty/Molly retorts that sacrifices are necessary for science to advance. She says that she will make as many mistakes as necessary to create the first human clone.

Luisa tells Silvia that although Albieri only talked about his career on their wedding night, she is sure that he loves her and he proved it with a night of passion.

Mohamed and Latifa take a walk on the beach. They are both covered from neck to toe and Latifa has her head covered as well. Mohamed tells Latifa that he is worried about the situation with Jade. Virginity is important for his brother's bride. Latifa tells him it was just a joke. Mohamed says that if it is true that Jade is no longer a virgin, Latifa's family will not be worthy of his family. Then Mohamed is grossed out by seeing a woman in a two piece bathing suit with her pregnant belly exposed.

Cristina comes home to find that someone has sent her flowers. She hopes they are from Leo but they turn out to be from Lucas. Cristina's other girlfriend, whose name I cannot remember right now, contrasts Lucas' good manners with those of Leo. She encourages Cristina to call Lucas and thank him.

Leo is haranguing Lucas about his refusal to learn about the family business. Sarcastically he asks what he should do with his company - give it to charity? Lucas repeats that he just isn't made for business. Leo retorts that Diego did it. He learned everything about the business. If Lucas wants to be successful like his father or like Diego was going to be, he has to buckle down ["amarrate los pantalones," literally, "fasten your pants"]. The phone rings. Leo tells Lucas not to answer. Leo tells Lucas that up until now Diego has protected him but now he has to be able to manage on his own. As an example of how he isn't doing this, Leo reminds Lucas that he hasn't had the moles on his back checked out. Lucas says that he will take care of that but he won't work in his father's business. Leo say that he will so. Then the answering machine clicks on so they both hear Cristina's message to Lucas thanking him for the flowers and saying that she needs to talk to him. Lucas leaves the room.

Albieri daydreams about achieving fame as the first person to clone a human. He tells a picture of Diego that when that day happens he will give Diego credit for being the first and only person who beleived in it.

Lucas comes to the clinic presumably to have the mole checked. Dora is waiting there. She sees Lucas and is impactada. She asks where they met before.

The credits roll.


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