Saturday, March 20, 2010

El Clon, Fri. March 19 - People in Miami are unhappy; people in Morocco are unhappy; people in Viewerville are unhappy

To give the illusion that something might actually be happening in the main story, we get teasers in the 'scenes from the next episode'. Here is the teaser from Thursday's show: Lucas answers the phone.
Jade: Lucas?
Lucas: Jade?

And here's the rest of the conversation in Friday's episode.
Lucas: Jade, are you there?
Jade: Yes, I'm here. I'll call later.

All this call does is give Jade and Lucas grief.

Jade tells Nariza that it was a wrong number and she advises Jade to leave answering the phone to the maids and to take care of her husband who has given her so much.

Marisa sort of apologizes to Lucas saying that his isn't how she imagined her wedding. [That is such an ugly dress!] No one from her family is there and she is all alone. Lucas says that they have to make this work. He wants to be happy at her side.

The mouth wasn't finished with Jade. She tells Jade that she wants her, not the maid, to make her some tea. Jade asks what the difference is between the maid making tea and her making it. Nariza says that because she raised her brothers Jade should treat her like their mother instead of their sister. She accuses Jade of not caring for Said and still carrying a torch for the Westerner. She says that she hopes Said divorces Jade and that they never have children.

Jade accuses Nariza of hating her and Nariza replies that she could never love someone who makes her brother miserable. Then Jade tells Nariza that what really bothers her is that her brothers look at other women and not at her and that it isn't her and Latifa's fault that Nariza can't marry her brothers. Well, that sets Nariza off. She screams at Jade, collapses and tells the maid to hurry and find Said before she dies. Jade covers her ears and watches this performance with amazement.

Dr. Frankenalbi (I liked that one) holds Dora's baby and says, "It's alive!!" No, sorry, wrong story. He says, "Diego, you're back." Dora asks for the baby back to feed him and Albieri almost won't give him back.

In a scene that does not advance the story at all, Latifa and Mohamed go to a swimming pool where there are lots of nearly naked people. They wonder what Uncle Abdul would say if could see them but you have to ask what are they doing there? Are they going to swim fully clothed? Why would you take a picnic to a pool (as opposed to a beach or a park) if you weren't going to swim?

Jade goes to see Ali. In our next installment of, 'wisdom from Uncle Ali,' he admires how she has spiffed up her appearance for her husband, says that she is too skinny and opines that Westerners have it all wrong. They are schlubs at home and get dressed up when they go out. He says that it is no wonder marriages in the West don't last. Jade won't accept that. She says that marriages without love don't last. Then he asks if she is happy with Said. Jade replies that Said is good to her. Ali says that someday she will understand that he did this to protect her from herself. Zoraida comes in to say that Said has come for Jade.

Said is furious that Jade insulted his sister and now Nariza wants to leave the house and be a servant in a stranger's house. Jade replies that Nariza is lying and Said says that his sister doesn't lie. She knows what her religion requires. He says that he will do anything to make Jade happy but he won't let her mistreat his sister. Nariza is sacred and Jade must respect her as if she were Said's mother. He wants her to apologize to Nariza. Zoraida has overheard. When Jade goes for her veil, she counsels her not to confront Said on this. She can get even (desquita) with Nariza later. She begs her to be clever (Sé hábil). Ali gives her similar advice saying that it doesn't cost her anything to wait on Nariza. Back at Said's house, Nariza is milking it for all its worth with a servant, Said and Jade all waiting on her. When Jade brings her tea with sugar and Nariza sends her for honey.

The newlyweds leave for their honeymoon. Lucas promises Marisa that 'that woman' is out of his heart. Albieri gives Luisa the slip and leaves the reception. He goes to the hospital but Dora has already been discharged.

At Cristina's, Dora asks if the baby resembles Osvaldo and she has to say that he doesn't resemble Dora or Osvaldo because he's white. But they hope that will change. The baby doesn't resemble a newborn either. Dora tells Cristina that Albieri has agreed to be the godfather of the baby but the only problem is that he doesn't like the name Osvaldo. He wants the baby to have a second name - Diego. Cristina says that naming the baby after Albieri's godson who died tragically won't bring the baby any luck. Dora agrees that it would be like bringing the spirit of the dead person to her baby. The baby's name will just be Osvaldo.

Albieri apologizes to Luisa for abandoning her at the wedding reception without telling her where he was going. Albieri says that he didn't think [he never does think about Luisa]. Dora and her baby needed someone to bring them home. Luisa has exercised her irrational thought processes again and come to the conclusion that Albieri wasn't interested in Dora but in her baby that he created in the lab. Dora's baby has awakened his paternal instincts. She says that they need children in their lives. Albieri agrees but he's thinking of a godchild and Luisa, of course, is thinking of her own child. Albieri asks if Luisa is pregnant and she says no, not yet.

Vicki runs into Osvaldo and asks if he is going to the baptism. Osvaldo says that he has better things to do. Vicki, who still hasn't seen the baby, tells Osvaldo that the baby should look like him. Osvaldo says that he is too exclusive for someone else's baby to look like him. He says that Vicki can tell Dora to forget about him.

Watching Albieri play with the baby, Dora tells Luisa that if Albieri is that way with her baby, imagine how much he will love Luisa's baby. With the name, 'Diego' off limits, Albieri gives the baby the second name of Daniel.

When Enrique tells Leo that Cristina and Albieri are going to be the godparents of Dora's baby, he is sure that it is Albieri who is is with Cristina. [This has got to be the lamest storyline.]

The baby gets christened. Osvaldo is hanging around the back of the church. Dora has found a great grandfather in her past who was white to explain the skin color of her child. Albieri is nervous when Cristina suggests that the babies were switched in the hospital but Dora is sure this is the child that she gave birth to. Luisa is also unconvinced that a white great grandfather could produce Dora's baby. Albieri tells her not to put ideas in Dora's head or he could get into trouble.

After the Christening party has left the church, Osvaldo tells 'his saints' that he doesn't want Dora any more.

Luisa tells Albieri that it is clear to her that the wrong egg was implanted. Albieri says that is impossible and if there was a mistake, it was Silvia's fault because she implanted the embryo. He orders Luisa not to share her suspicions with anyone.

Lucas and Marisa return from their honeymoon in Venice and the Greek Islands. I don't know if it is a hint of things to come but Marisa very casually orders Rosa to take their bags and bring her a cold drink. Rosa looks a little surprised but then Leo comes down and the moment passes. Leo tells the couple that from now on they are in charge of the house and he will be like a guest. Marisa thinks that is a good idea - there are lots of things that need to be done. She is going to start by a remodeling job that would involve tearing down the wall of Diego's room. Leo puts his foot down. She can do anything she likes - have the whole house knocked down - but Diego's room is his. Nobody touches it.

Ali goes for a camel ride and reads from the Koran or something and a year has gone by. The kid playing one year old (he looks more like two) Osvaldo/Daniel looks rather Native American. Luisa tells Dora that she hasn't been able to get pregnant. When Dora says that she wants to bring the kid to the clinic to show him off, Albieri forbids it. Dora tells Luisa that she sometimes thinks that Albieri wants to hide the kid from everyone. Luisa thinks that she is imagining things.

Rosa is collecting pictures of Diego as a child for Albieri. She asks Lucas what is the problem between Albieri and Leo. Lucas doesn't know what she is talking about.

Luisa tells Albieri about her latest failure to conceive while he plays with the kid. She says that she thought they both wanted a baby but obviously that wasn't so. Callously, he suggests that she get close to Daniel. Albieri says that it would be better if he were more affectionate but he can't [he is pretty affectionate with Dora's baby]. Every time he starts to love someone, death comes and takes them from his side. He begs her to let him love Daniel as a father. Finally, Luisa agrees to let Daniel be the child that they can't have. [Luisa works in a fertility clinic - couldn't she have some tests or something to see why she is having trouble conceiving?]

Uh oh. Leo's got problems with the business in Morocco. We know what that means.

Leo casually asks Enrique if he's heard from Cristina. Enrique says no and leaves. Leo hesitates but finally calls Cristina. After hanging up the first time, he calls again and asks her which of his friends was after her. [Mind you, it was more than a year ago that Cristina casually told Leo that some of his friends had flirted with her.] She decides to lie and gives him a clue to identify the guy- he is taller than you ('tu no le llegas a los tobillos,' literally, 'you don't come up to his ankles'). Then she thanks him for putting this wonderful man in her life. Finally, she tells him to leave her alone. Leo the nitwit decides that she must be referring to Albieri. [Not that any logic should be brought in here but isn't Leo taller than Albieri? See this shot from the first episode.]

Mohamed tells Latifa that they have received a great blessing - Nariza is coming to visit. Latifa doesn't feel blessed but she hides it from Mohamed.

Jade meets Zoraida in the market and says how happy she is that Nariza has gone to torment Latifa. She says that Nariza won't have to deal with her much longer. Zoraida asks what Jade is up to now. Jade takes Zoraida to her house and shows her all the jewelry that Said has given her. When she has enough, she will sell it and buy a plane ticket to the US. Jade tells Zoraida that she has Said in the palm of her hand and we see Jade dancing for Said. She pretends that she is beginning to like him and that what he says goes in the house.

Then little by little she gets what she wants. Zoraida says that this explains why she wanted to look prettier. When Zoraida asks what Jade has turned into, she replies that she has done what any prisoner would do to get her freedom. Once again, Zoraida warns her of the risk she is running and says that a woman can't get on a plane without her husband's or guardian's permission. Jade says that she will worry about that problem later. Zoraida accuses her of wanting to go after Lucas and take him away from his wife. Jade admits that she wants to see Lucas, look in his eyes and have him tell her that everything they went through was a lie. She swears that she will do it.

Cristina is all bummed out about her conversation with Leo. Vicki reminds her of all she lost by letting Leo go. Cristina says that Leo lost too. She really loved him. When Vicki says that Cristina was interested in Leo's money, she doesn't deny that was what originally attracted her to Leo but she fell in love with him and now she feels that she can't live without him.

Albieri is in front of Dora's apartment house with the little clone when Rosa comes along. He says that he can't let Rosa see the kid or everything will be lost. She asks who the kid is with him and wants to see his face. Rudely, Albieiri pushes her away.

The credits roll.

Monday- Lucas is going to Morocco. Will he meet Jade or this another teaser?


Friday, March 19, 2010

Dinero #45, 3/19/10: Neck braces and torn suits are so last week.

Rosario seems far more excited over the prospect of Ale’s wedding than Ale is.

Rafa arrives home after work to a wedding party at his house. He tries to sneak away for a minute of peace but Vicky’s brothers refuse to let him. Vicky and her friend Janet complain about Rafa drifting off to sleep during the party. Janet suggests Rafa may be tired/buzzed for some reason other than work. Leonor overhears and sets the record straight.

Vicky chats with Rafa about the wedding. She wants a tiara instead of a veil with her dress.

Marco chats on the phone with Chavez while strolling along the sidewalk. It’s his last night as a free man since Ale gets home at 7 the next morning. Chavez says he knows some very discrete women who Marco could “get to know better”. Marco tells him to forget it; he doesn’t want to be unfaithful to Ale again until after the wedding. (Oh, how thoughtful!)

Marco stops at a pharmacy to pick up a vial of medicine for Jorge. There’s a big commotion nearby because the police are shutting down a brothel. Marco laments the sad state of the world to the pharmacist but has to eat his words when the ladies from the brothel recognize him and tugging on him for help.

Vicky, Rafa, and Leonor talk about what he should wear for the wedding. Leonor suggests one of his new suits and Vicky is over the moon he bought a new suit for their wedding. Rafa tells Leonor the truth about the suits; Ale bought them for him so he saved them for a special occasion. An occasion that happens to be the following day.

The police come to collect the ladies who’re hanging all over an embarrassed Marco. The detective asks Marco if he’s the boss of the brothel operation. Marco vehemently denies it and claims to not even know the women. Too bad they’re all chanting his name.

Marco demands respect from the detective and threatens to charge him with abuse of authority. The detective is fed up and tells the officers to take Marco and the ladies in. Marco yells there’s been a mistake. The ladies smooch all over him in the squad car.

Ale and Rosario are finally ready to leave the treatment center. A male nurse brings in a wheelchair but Ale is having none of it. “No, thanks! I’m gonna walk.” She leaves the cane behind and walks out the door with Tia on her heels.

Marco explains his story at the police station. They don’t buy it since Marco’s face is covered in lipstick marks. The ladies rush down the hall and swear they and their Marquito are a team. The cops plan to keep Marco and the girls there at least 24 hours.

Marco is allowed a phone call. Unfortunately for Marco, Chavez is snoozing in a bedroom with two women. Marco tells him about the situation but Chavez falls asleep in the middle of the call.

Ale and Rosario do some more sightseeing on their last night in town. They take a carriage ride, visit the aquarium, and roam around the city. (Meanwhile, a different “hasta que el dinero” song plays in the background. Have we heard this one before? It was charming and I think it might have been Itatí Cantoral singing.)

Rafa is already awake and showered when Susana gives him a wake up call for the last time. He congratulates her for doing such a good job as his alarm clock. It’s obvious he can’t wait for Ale to take over the job again.

Our trademark Random Scene: A very pretty woman named Señorita Reyes agrees to buy a car from Ramiro. She’s a well-known sexual therapist and Ramiro asks for her help. Trapito butts in and gets his head bitten off by Ramiro.

Ale and Rosario arrive at the airport and Ale is impatient to leave when they can’t find Marco. She refuses to have to depend on him and decides to take a taxi.

Chavez finally pulled himself together enough to get to the police station. He meets with an officer who says Marco is being charged with giving a false statement and suspicion of human trafficking and prostitution.

We get a double-dip in random today. Ramrio pulls off the sale and promises to call Señorita Reyes. His picture-frame wife and mother-in-law make fun of him. His wife is sure she has nothing to worry about since Ramiro can’t even please her, let alone an attractive younger woman.

Chavez says Marco’s situation is his own fault since Chavez offered some female company that Marco turned down in favor of going to “the pharmacy”. Marco gives up trying to convince Chavez of his innocence and tries to call Ale.

Jorge and Azucena warmly welcome Ale back home. The telephone rings and Ale is all too eager to answer. It’s Marco who claims an important breakfast meeting with Urdiales is the reason he couldn’t pick her up. Ale feigns understanding and promises they’ll talk about it later.

Ale gets ready for work and wants to start a new life. (We never get a good look at her; lots of extreme close ups of her mouth, hands, and legs.) Rosario gives Ale back her cell phone and she calls Susana. Ale says she’s coming back to work immediately.

Rafa is at the barbershop getting a shave and offers to pay double so he can look his best.

Similarly, Ale is at the beauty salon (not our famous one) and wants to shine for her return to work.

Susana tells Marino she needs him to close the business deal with his “novia” or else there are going to be serious problems with Ale.

Rafa strides into work looking sharp with a clean shave and a spotless new suit. The employees are impressed; he really looks like salesman of the month.

Marino’s ex-flings and their children stampede the Siglo looking for him. It’s the end of the month and they want paid. Ramirez and Trapito are forced to fight them off. Marino’s current fling Elena drives up and questions Trapito about the mob. Elena has Trapito tell Marino she is outside waiting for him.

Marino the coward hides in the trunk of a car but has to come out when Trapito finds him. The rest of the employees pressure Marino into going outside to take care of his responsibilities.

Marino uses Ramirez as a human shield. He leads the way while Marino squashes through to get to Elena. She’s furious at Marino for never telling her about all of his other women. His excuse? “I’m single. There’s no ring on my finger.” Elena is even more heated up and pulls off his wig.

Marino hangs out the window of Elena’s car and tries to convince her to stay. She pulls off his wig again and drives off. Marino turns on his mob of ex-mujers and says it’s their fault he lost the business deal. It’s their fault they won’t get any money this month. He take off his belt and chases them away with it. (And my blood has reached a boiling point!!! A pox on his head for being such a toad!!!)

Susana tells Marino since he hasn’t sealed the deal, it doesn’t count. He’s still smug and says he’ll come through eventually. Susana says no dice.

Thankfully that nastiness is over with so we can get to the part we’ve all been waiting for! Trapito tells everyone Ale’s car has arrived. The whole office gathers to see her return. We see a striking pair of snakeskin heels. Slowly, the camera pans up to reveal a gorgeous Ale in a crisp white suit, matching sunglasses, and her ever-radiant smile. No more neck braces for this gal!

Everyone is surprised but complimentary. (There are even a few whistles in the back.) All the employees file into the meeting room except for Rafa. Ale catches a glimpse of Rafa for the first time and her eyes widen in surprise at his appearance. Rafa says she’s beautiful and Ale compliments his suit. Rafa slips and calls her Señorita instead of Licencida.

Avances: Susana chats with Ale about Rafa and Rafa wilts when Ale mentions her wedding while on the phone with Marco.


Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, March 18: The case of the torching torturer.

Tonight we get a re-showing of the most popular show from the first season, so Leticia Calderon is "Sonia, Desalmada" (Sonia, Soulless). I believe according to the gossip, this is the role that got her cast in ENDA.

A junk collector and his dog are walking down an alley. The man sees smoke rising from a dumpster and picks up a branch to poke around. What he sees makes him gasp and run off.

The credits are a bunch of clips from throughout the first season, I presume, accompanied by the show's instrumental theme. I miss Gloria this week.

A man and a woman walk off an elevator into a parking garage. The man is Dr. Fernando Quevedo, played by Juan Soler, who I last saw as Aldo the Daisy Duke-d angel in La Fea Mas Bella. The woman is his medical resident Marcela Gonzalez, played by Grettel Valdez, who I last saw as Carlota in Lola. They're flirting and being watched by a woman with zebra-stripe-tipped nails smoking a cigarette. I assume this will turn out to be Sonia Quevedo, aka Cruelota from ENDA. She finally insists she has to leave and he's got a surgery to perform. She pulls herself a way and he grins, watching her, before getting back on the elevator. Sonia whispers, "Marcela." Bye, Marcela. It was nice knowing you.

Marcela combs her hair while her mom watches. She tolls mom that she'll probably be back late because she's got "guardia" (she's on call tonight). The phone starts ringing and she tells Mom not to answer it. Mom insists they can't keep living this way. She yells at the person on the other end of the phone that this is a decent house and her daughter's not…. The party on the other end hangs up. Mom wonders what that woman has against Marcela and Marcela denies knowing. Marcela asks Mom to please just let the machine answer it. Mom fusses some more about Marcela taking a taxi from the hospital and not the street because it's dark out by the time she leaves work.

Marcela walks down the street, followed by a car. She gets into a taxi and Sonia quits following her.

A coworker, Isabel, asks Marcela how it's going with "you-know-who" (she's dating Voldemort? That puts a whole different spin on things.) Marcela gets jumpy and asks "a ti que te importa?" (what's it to you). Whatever, Isabel was just wondering if she was off the waiting list yet. Dr. Fernando hears this and asks what list. Isabel says it's the surgery list, but he gives her a suggestive smile. Marcela asks him for a minute of his time and before they leave he mumbles something to Isabel about not missing her turn.

Marcela and Dr. F get to macking in an exam room. Marcela, in between moans and groans, tells him that people are starting to suspect. There's more mumbling on his part until she shoves him away and says she doesn't like hearing the gossip. He throws out an "a ti que te importa" before leaving the room. She walks out after him and says his surgery is at 12. Sonia is waiting for them in the hall. She asks who Marcela is and, on hearing the name, says "I know who you are. Fernando's never mentioned you." She says her name is Sonia and reaches out a hand. Marcela shakes her hand. Sonia says "I'm Fernando's wife. I'm sure he's mentioned me to you." Marcela uncomfortably excuses herself and Fernando drags Sonia into the same exam room he was just in with Marcela. He's upset at her for being there, but she says she wants him to come with her to see the remodeling that they're doing of her parents' house. He tells her to deal with her affairs on her own. She starts coming on to him and saying that he is her business and she wants the house to be perfect for them. He pushes her away, calling her pathetic and reminds her that they're in a hospital. She reminds him that she's his wife, but he calls her "frigid" and says she never wants to get help. Fernando says he's the problem and there's no point to this. He starts to leave, but she says she isn't going to beg, "I want you to make love to me." Fernando tells her to see to the remodeling and maybe she'll get lucky and find a really good "albanil" (builder) who will give her the tumble of her life.

Marcela walks down the street, being followed again. Sonia stops when Marcela walks up a flight of stairs. "Soon, Marcela, very soon."

Marcela gripes at Isabel for not telling her that Fernando was married. "It was a week ago, get over it already." Isabel asks why she had to tell Marcela something that everybody already knows. "Well, he said they were divorced." "And you believed him? And what will you be asking Santa Claus for this Christmas?" Marcela continues to insist that Isabel should have told her. Isabel tells her that everybody sleeps with everybody else in the hospital. "Is that why you told me about the list?" Isabel says the guy is swimming in money and what's best about him is that he's married. A nurse in a white uniform asks if the gals have seen the new guy in trauma, "He's divine, he's got an ass that's, mmm" (nalgas = ass). She says she's got to go, she's got a thing with someone in cardiology. Marcela is mopey. "They keep calling my house. When my mom answers they tell her the same thing, that I'd better take care of myself, that they're going to kill me." Isabel wonders if Marcela has any idea who it could be. Marcela doesn't know, but Isabel recommends she figure it out and report it to the cops. "It's probably a crazy lady." "Por eso" (that's why; you can use it in place of "exactly" or "well, there you go") replies Isabel.

Marcela hands over a clipboard to the girls at the desk and leaves. Fernando comes after her and says she's been ignoring him for days and he heard she applied for a change in residency. Marcela will, in fact, be starting at a new hospital on Monday. Fernando tries to argue that this hospital is the best one for her specialty. He offers to explain things to her, but she just asks him to tell his wife to stop calling her house. "My mom's getting really nervous and she's about to make a report." Fernando tells her they need to go get a coffee.

Fernando wonders what she wanted him to say. "The truth!" Marcela informs him that the "partial" truth he told her is no good to her, she doesn't go out with married men. "But I'm getting divorced, I swear!" Yeah, like we've never heard that one before. He says he didn't want to hurt either her or Sonia. Marcela doesn't want him to do anything, as there's nothing left for him to do. "What you did wasn't good." "Oh, please, you sound like my mother!" "No, I sound like your lover!" His phone starts ringing and it's Sonia. Marcela starts to leave, but he asks her not to. Sonia is actually standing right outside of the cafeteria and presumably knows exactly where he is. He lies and says he's just about to go into surgery. She asks him if he's thought about where they're going on vacation this year and he flips out and says he hadn't thought about it yet. He asks her to hold on as Marcela starts walking out and calls after her. This gives Sonia enough notice to avoid being seen by Marcela by the simple expedient of turning her head the other way. Once Marcela has left, he picks up the phone and starts trying to continue his conversation with Sonia, who is busy staring after Marcela.

Marcela gets followed down the street, yet again, and this time Sonia honks. She offers Marcela a ride and Marcela asks her to quit calling her house. "I didn't know he was a married man and my mom doesn't need…" Sonia asks Marcela to give her a chance to apologize. Marcela gets in the car…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm going to make a general rule here that if a person is, was, or intends to be sleeping with another woman's husband, it is extremely unwise to get into a car alone with that woman. This is a PSA brought to you by the Foundation For Not Ending Up In A Pool of Blood. Once Marcela gets into the car, and before she's even quite finished closing the door, Sonia stabs her with a syringe and injects a pale yellow liquid. She tells Marcela it's just an "analgesico" (analgesic; painkiller). Marcela starts to get out of the car, but Sonia grabs her by the hair and slams her face into the car door until she passes out. She raises the window and says "You know, you and I have a lot in common. I wanted to be a doctor too, and I was also one of Fernando's residents, but, well, we'll talk about that later. We have a lot to talk about." She locks the doors and puts the car in gear.

Marcela wakes up tied to a chair. Sonia tells her that she's in her house as a guest. Marcela starts crying for her mother. Sonia throws water on her face to get her fully woken up. Marcela starts babbling that she didn't know he was married, but Sonia doesn't believe her. Marcela is sobbing and babbling and Sonia says she won't let her go or else she'll go running to Fernando and then Sonia and Fernando will never be happy. Marcela screams at Sonia that she's crazy and gets slapped across the face for it. "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to scream in other people's houses?" I dunno, lady, didn't anyone ever teach you not to kidnap people? Sonia tells Marcela that she grew up in that house.

We get a flashback to a little Sonia having a tea party with her dolls until Daddy walks in. She gets nervous, but daddy asks for a cup of tea. After she gives it to him, he shoves the dolls off the table and says he wants the two of them to play alone.

"My dad smoked. My mother didn't. We can stay here as long as you like, you and I, alone." Marcela begs again to be let go. "What, you want to go? Without having tea? Without talking? You're sleeping with my husband and you can't even talk to me?" Sonia puts her cigarette out on Marcela's shoulder.

Sonia and Marcela are both sleeping when the buzzer sounds. Sonia sits up and says "He came! My love came!" She gags Marcela and tells her to be quiet. She gives her a kiss on top of the head and goes rushing out. Marcela sobs.

Sonia fixes her hair before answering the door to Fernando. He tells her they've got to talk. Meanwhile, Marcela keeps sobbing and Fernando hears something and turns around. Sonia distracts him by asking him if he likes the wall color. "That's why you wanted me to come? To talk about the wall color?" She says no, but can't articulate what she did want to talk to him about. The fact that he keeps interrupting her doesn't help. He starts to open the door to the room where Marcela is, but she asks him not to because it's a disaster. "Like the rest of the house isn't?" Sonia takes off her jacket and starts to take off his and kiss him. She's telling him she loves him and he tells her she's sick and pathetic. Then he leaves. Sonia starts crying and looks at herself in the mirror. Then Hulk gets angry and goes to take it out on Marcela some more. "Did you see what you did? I lost him and it's your fault! And here you were, making noise so he'd hear you, right." Sonia notices that Marcela has wet herself and calls her "cochina" (dirty).

In a flashback, we see that little Sonia has wet herself. Her father yells at her that he can't even talk to her because the first thing she does is wet herself. Well, asshole, maybe if you wouldn't confuse "yelling" with "talking."

Back to grown-up crazy Sonia. "Is that the only thing that occurs to you, and just when Fernando shows up! Clean it up!"

Flashback: "Well, now you're going to clean it up!"

Present: "Clean it up!" Marcela, it should be noted, is still tied to the chair. "Clean it up now!" Sonia shoves the chair over on its side.

Flashback: Sonia is cleaning the floor with the bottom of her dress. "I'm not going to be cleaning up your filth. Clean it! Or do you think your mommy is going to come help you? Mommy's not here anymore."

Present: "Does it hurt?" When the chair fell, Marcela hit the same side of her head that had been bashed into the car door. "Of course. And that's good that it hurts. Rest up, precious." Marcela keeps crying.

Back at the hospital, in the locker room, Isabel and the nurse are discussing Marcela's disappearance. Isabel says she hasn't seen her in two days. "Are you sure she didn't take vacation?" Isabel doesn't think so. Marcela's mom, Lorena, walks in and greets Isabel. She came to check out Marcela's locker and see if there was anything in it to help them figure out where Marcela is. Isabel opens the locker for her, as Lorena says first there were all those calls to the house, and now…. Lorena hasn't called the police because "the woman" has been calling saying that if she called the police…. Isabel thinks that's exactly why she needs to call. She suggests that Lorena get in touch with DIEM, they should know what to do. Lorena asks if by any chance, her daughter was going out with that doctor who…. Isabel asks her to go get a coffee.

Lorena goes to DIEM and looks around nervously. She bumps into a few people and doesn't seem to know who to ask for. Teniente Alvarez (played by Laisha Wilkins, aka La Momia, aka Constanza in both Gancho and briefly in CS) greets her and tells her that Det. Capellan is already working on the case. She walks Lorena to Capellan's office.

Capellan's hair is much, much bigger this season. Alvarez takes notes as Lorena says that she last saw Marcela two days ago when Marcela was on her way to work. It was in the afternoon, and she wasn't planning on coming home for dinner because she was on call. She was supposed to come back in the morning, on the following day, but she never came home. Capellan asks Alvarez to pull the on-call schedule for the hospital. Capellan asks if Lorena has been getting calls asking for money and Lorena says that they didn't ask for money, but she did get calls from the same woman. Lorena tells Capellan about the previous calls. The started out insulting, then they got threatening, and now they're saying they've got Marcela and they're going to kill her. She didn't make a report from the beginning "por estupida" (because I was stupid). "My daughter is very innocent sometimes. I'm not saying that because I'm her mother. I'm worried that she's so naïve. You know how the world is, like there's no place for innocence." Capellan confirms that the first call was about a week ago. Lorena tells her that one day, Marcela came home from work very upset and didn't want dinner and that the next day they started getting the calls. She calls them "obscene" calls. Capellan apologizes in advance and asks if the calls and threats have something to do with the "innocence" of her daughter.

Sonia picks up the chair and unties the gag. She pats Marcela on the cheek. "Did I tell you that I studied medicine? I got as far as my residency. My specialty was surgery." She has a set of surgical tools and she's looking lovingly at a scalpel. "That's where I met Fernando. Just like you. He was a brilliant young man. He was already head resident, and before 30, imagine! You know why he fell in love with me? My scalpel skills " (bisturí = scalpel) she's showing the scalpel to Marcela. "No one could take out an appendix more neatly than I could. " She takes the scalpel and cuts an x into Marcela's upper chest. Marcela starts screaming. I'm pretty sure yesterday's injection has worn off. Sonia strokes her cheek.

"You're right, my daughter was going out with that doctor, but she thought he was divorced. Now I know that his last name is Quevedo and that he's the head resident, Isabel just told me. She's my daughter's friend." Lorena isn't sure if the calls have anything to do with that. She says Marcela was a good girl and wasn't raised to go out with married men. "My daughter had already broken up with him. And I thought that everything would calm down." Capellan picks up the phone and asks someone if they've already processed the photograph.

Camacho shows someone that he can make a three-dimensional reconstruction of a face from a photograph. The conversation is somewhat mumbled, so I don't hear what the two men are talking about, but something to do with what the computer program does. Alvarez comes in and Camacho fumbles the calipers and bulb syringe he'd been playing with. Alvarez tells Camacho she needs him on a 315.

Alvarez and Camacho are at the hospital talking to a nurse. She gets Isabel's last name, then finds out that Isabel was last seen with Dr. Quevedo, who is probably in surgery right now. Dr. Q is just coming out of surgery and the nurse points him out. When Alvarez introduces herself and says where she's from, Dr. Q figures it must be about Marcela. Alvarez asks him to come with them. Isabel looks meaningfully at Dr. Q and says "Fer". Alvarez asks her if she's Isabel and asks her to come with them also. "Well, I don't understand this, the doctor just came out of a difficult surgery and…." "And I suppose you also want to help us to help other people from suffering more, like Marcela's mother?" Fernando says they'll go get changed and go with them. Nice, Isabel. Your friend disappears and not only have you moved in to take her place with Fernando, but you don't want to talk to the cops about her disappearance?

Back at the remodel, Sonia smokes a cigarette and thinks about the past.

Flashback: Sonia is in the shower and her dad walks in on her. She covers herself with the towel, but he takes it away from her. He tells her her mommy's not coming.

Present: Marcela is crying for her mother. "Is that all you wanted, Marcela? To separate me from my husband? I'd end up alone. I'm not your mother, Marcela, and your mom isn't coming." Sonia starts crying and says "She's not coming. That's how Fernando likes them, you know, young. They've all been young. He doesn't like grown women. And I've kept quiet, you know? I've never, never said anything. I can already imagine, if I went out with a younger guy. Fernando would die if I went out with anyone else. He's very jealous. He didn't make jealous scenes with you?" Marcela just keeps sobbing. "I'm talking to you!" Sonia stabs her in the thigh with the scalpel and Marcela screams. "That's it. Now you're paying attention, right? Poor thing. Who would like you looking like this. You need a touch-up." Marcela keeps begging. Sonia pulls out some black eye shadow and a huge brush and starts putting it on Marcela's eyelids. "You haven't answered me, was he jealous?"

Flashback: "Your mom isn't ever going to come back. Now, you and I are alone." Sonia is huddled in her towel, after her bath, and her dad hugs her. He's combing her hair as he says he can take care of her. "See how your hair is. What did you mom put in your hair, Sonia?" Sonia hands him a bottle. "Good. She knew everything. She always took care of us. But now she's not here."

Present: Marcela has the classic bad girl eyes now. I can never manage to achieve that look, no matter how much black eyeshadow I layer on. It always comes out kind of a muddy grey and not trashy-looking enough. "See, you look beautiful! Oh, no, but look at your hair! It's a disaster. But that's got a solution." Sonia pulls out scissors and cuts the elastic out of Marcela's hair. She grabs a bunch of hair from the top of Marcela's head, but Marcela is sobbing. "Oh, Marcela, no, really, I can't do it like this." Marcela swears for the millionth time that she didn't know he was a married man. "Stop lying. I don't like lies. I hate lies, Marcela." She stabs her in the arm with the scissors, then wipes them off on her shirt before going back to cutting Marcela's hair. "You complain about everything." She starts humming. "Come on, sing with me."

Fernando tells Det. Capellan that Sonia is incapable of doing "something like that." Capellan asks if he is and he denies it. "Your wife found out about the adultery. In these cases people start to threaten, blackmail." Fernando wants clarification about blackmail. He tells Capellan that Sonia's the one with the money, not him.

Alvarez is talking to Isabel. She asks if that was the last time Isabel saw Marcela and whether Marcela had a car. "Marcela would take the bus and if we got out late, she'd get a taxi. Can I go now." Alvarez asks about her relationship with Dr. Quevedo. Isabel is surprised. "According to your coworker, Irene Cervantes, you were in a relationship with the doctor before he broke it off to go out with Marcela. I suppose that upset you." "Are you saying I did something?" "I'm asking." "I don't understand." Alvarez says that there's a possibility that this was done by a jealous lover. "Did you or didn't you have anything to do with Marcela's disappearance?" Isabel doesn't answer before we go to commercial.

Det. Capellan asks Fernando when his wife found out about Marcela. He says it was recently, maybe about a week ago when she came to see him at the hospital. "She surprised me, as always." He says she came because she complains that she never sees him. He saw her the day before yesterday at the house she's remodeling. He tells Capellan that the house was empty. "Yesterday when you were there, did you notice anything strange about the house, or about her?" He says he didn't, but then remembers her telling him not to open the door. He tells Capellan this.

Capellan storms out of the interview room. Fernando follows her, but stops by the stairs and takes a deep breath.

Sonia is wringing out a cloth in a bucket and Marcela begs for water. "Do you know how long a person can live without water? Four days." Marcela begs, but Sonia empties the rest of her water bottle out into the bucket and says it's all gone. "I know, I can give you coffee! Do you drink coffee? Of course, with Fernando you drank coffee all the time." She opens a thermos and pours hot coffee all over Marcela's legs. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Oh, how funny! I knew you were going to ask me that!" "Look, I have nothing to do with your husband, I swear." "Look, Marcela, I tried to do this nicely. I even called your mom so she'd make you see reason, but you wouldn't pay attention. Well, your filth is clean now. That's something. You can't live in filth. I hate filthy people. What's more, I'm going to give you a bath." She starts to untie Marcela. "I broke up with Fernando." Sonia screams that Marcela can't and shouldn't talk about him. "He talks about you, you about him, and me? I don't know what to do with you anymore. Fernando is MY husband and he LOVES me! You don't believe me? You're going to hear it right now." She starts dialing her cell phone.

Camacho comes in to tell Capellan that they've reviewed the camera footage from the hospital. She tells him to forget about that, they've got a code red at this address. Fernando's phone starts ringing and he runs in to Capellan. They get the computer ready and sit him down. When they signal, he answers. "Fernando, my love! You answered! I miss you so much! Tell me you love me!" "I love you, Sonia." Marcela starts getting herself untied as Sonia is asking Fernando where he is. "You're at DIEM? What's that? For Marcela? Do you want me with you?" When he says he does, she falls all over herself telling him to wait and writing down the address. She writes it down, continuing to ask if her loves her. She finally announces, "We're going to be so happy! Do you remember when we were happy? I love you! Yes, yes, love, of course I'm coming over. I'll be right there." Marcela is dragging herself toward the door as Sonia is wrapping up her phone call. "What are you doing?" Sonia tells Marcela to throw herself at his feet. She cuts Marcela's throat, shallowly and Marcela starts bleeding onto the floor. Sonia sits down and watches.

DIEM storm the place and find evidence of blood. Camacho calls Capellan to inform her, "We got here too late." Capellan tells someone in the hallway to send Mrs. Q's photo and information out. She tells someone else to inform the airport and the border checkpoints. Alvarez tells Capellan that they just found a woman's body in a trash dumpster. Capellan tells her to have Camacho send the blood samples form the house. Sonia, cool as a cucumber, walks in and introduces herself to Det. Capellan.

In the interview room, Capellan tells Sonia that they have satellite records to confirm that less than an hour ago she was at the house. "Who told you about that house?" "Your husband." "Wow. Finally he's interested in me."

The forensic guy analyzes the DNA and it matches. That's so fake, it's supposed to take a couple of days at least.

Capellan is telling Sonia that they found her using her cell phone when the forensic guy walks in and hands Capellan the folder. He tells her the samples match, "the blood at the house and from the body we received are the same."

Alvarez tells Lorena that what she's about to see won't be easy. She doesn't know if she's ready. They uncover the face and Lorena gasps and says it's Marcela. "What have they done to you? Let me see." Alvarez holds her up.

We still hear her weeping as we cut back to Capellan and Sonia and Sonia's creepy smile. "I'll be brief. The evidence implicates you in the murder and kidnapping of Marcela Gonzalez. Why don't you tell me once and for all what happened." Sonia agrees. She opens up her trench and we see her white shirt all stained with blood. "Where do you want me to start?" She smiles proudly.

Sonia drives a car out to the dumpster we saw earlier. She pulls Marcela out of the trunk, dumps her in the dumpster, wipes her hands on her shirt, and pulls two containers of gasoline out of the trunk. She empties them into the dumpster, lights her lighter and lowers it to Marcela's face. Marcela opens her eyes and sees the lighter. Her eyes go to Sonia. Sonia tosses the lighter into the dumpster.

"Marcela was kidnapped two days before being murdered. The autopsy revealed that she was still alive when her body began burning. Sonia was found guilty of kidnapping, torture and premeditated murder with violence. She was condemned to the maximum sentence: 50 years in prison."


El Clon #24, 3/18, Clothes make the man, and a wedding dress makes the shrew.

Dora calls Albieri from the taxi. He runs out to meet her. Betty Brown and Dr. Molina argue in his head, about where he goes from here. As her taxi pulls up, he says to himself, “Now the moment of truth has arrived.” Don’t count on it, Tutz! Dora complains about the contractions, and Albi answers, “I almost became a priest, and then I renounced the church. But I always stuck to my ethics.” Gee, that was random! But he does tell her that favorite telenovela line, Tranquilizate. While Albi takes Dora to the hospital, Luisa sits at home and cries.

Vicky sees Osvaldo at the club and reminds him that Dora’s due date is soon. He answers, “What’s it to me?” and goes off mumbling, “Women! Traitors! Sassafrasafrasa.”

Leo checks in on Lucas who is getting ready to go out to the bars with his buddies. Leo worries about Lucas’ mole, but Lucas tells him Tranquilizate and walks out. Leo asks Rosa where Albieri is because he wants to ask about that mole. He reminds Rosa that the boys’ mother died of a cancerous mole, and they are hereditary. He wonders whether Lucas’ children will have them.

In the hospital lobby, we get our only fleeting glance at Dora’s belly in the whole episode - they avoid that shot in the rest of the cap. We discover that they didn’t waste money on a big pregnancy pad like you’d expect from a woman about to deliver. Maybe a 6-month belly, tops.

Cristina rushes into the hospital to see Dora, but she runs into Leo instead. He assumes she’s following him. She assumes he’s still nuts for her. No, just nuts. Cris refers to all Leo’s friends who used to flirt with her, and suddenly Leo wants names and places. We never do see Cris visiting Dora. In the delivery room, Dora is straining and Albieri is staring and sweating. And staring and sweating.

At home, Luisa explains to Julio that Albi had a special bond with Diego. He saw his birth and even cut the cord. Julio asks about children, and Luisa says she has arrived at a decision. I wonder whether she’ll mention it to her husband.

Dora pushes and Albieri stares and sweats. The attending doctor invites Albieri to catch the baby. Albi worries that it will be deformed, so he pinches his eyes shut to chase away the thought. With his eyes shut, he misses and the baby pops out and lands on his head. “Mrs. Williams! I dropped the baby on his head! I don’t know why.“ No, not really. Albi finally opens his eyes as the baby cries. He’s holding the baby and is amazed that it’s not deformed. He stares and stares. He does notice a large mole. Dora waits and waits. She just went through hours of labor, and that lunatic won’t giver her her baby. I’d start throwing things at Albi! Give me my dang baby!!! The attending doctor tries to give the baby to Dora, but Albi won’t let go! Dora is stunned by how white the baby is.

As the clone is being born, Lucas, on the other side of town, doubles over in pain, from Telenovela Telepathy.

In Morocco, Said tells Jade he’s going to Cairo this week and he wants to take Jade. She’s staying in bed late, thinking about today being Lucas’ wedding day. It’s also morning in Miami, which is strange, considering they are 7 hours apart. Rosa comes in to waken Lucas. He’s 20 and his nana still barges into his room before he’s out of bed in the morning??? Lucas says that yesterday he had an incident where he felt like Diego was trying to communicate with him.

Jade is having serious trouble coping with the fact that it’s Lucas’ wedding day. Zoraida counsels Jade to use this Cairo trip to get closer to her husband. She could be very happily married to such a fine young man. After all, Mónica quit loving Andres and fell much more passionately in love with Juan del Diablo. Matilda got over Adolfo Solis and fell much more passionately in love with Manuel. And Jade could have the same chance, if she wasn’t so stubborn and self-absorbed. Jade tells Zoraida she will change who she is. She will stop feeling but put on an act. The Jade who gave herself totally to love is gone; she died.

Luisa tells the silent Albieri that she’s sure he’s obsessed with the idea of having a child (that was random!), and that very soon she will have a surprise for him. The wedding is strange. There are a total of 16 people, and that includes the bride, groom, and priest. Everyone except Leo and Rosa, Albieri and Luisa are between 20 and 30 years old, and everyone appears single. Where are the bored, noisy children? Where is Aunt Mildred who wears too much perfume, and Uncle Merlin who always drinks too much at weddings? Where is Marisa’s family? Where are Leo’s business associates and the rest of his employees? Lucas and Marisa exchange vows and are pronounced married. Lucas kisses the bride but imagines Jade. This does not bode well for their happily ever after.

Said sees Jade in her new clothes and he is very impressed. She’s also much less cold to him than usual, a moment that gives Said cause to hope. She even smiles at him.

Nariza complains to Said that he’s spending too much money on Jade. Said tells her, and I quote, “Nobody asked your opinion.” Of course, she keeps going and he tells her, “Enough!” So instead she lays into Jade. She accuses Jade of spending Said’s money to look good for another man. She doesn’t get Jade as upset as she’d like, so she calls Mohammed and asks him why Latifa isn’t pregnant yet. Does he have some problem? You can imagine how Mohammed loves hearing that accusation! He tells her nothing is wrong with him, so Nariza says there must be a problem with Latifa.. She says if they were doing what they are supposed to do, she’d be pregnant. He hangs up on her. Gee, I wonder why on one wants to marry Nariza. Latifa is afraid that Nariza is trying to get Mohammed a second wife, or that he wants a second wife. She’s in a panic, but he swears three times that he won’t take a second wife. He does wonder why she’s not pregnant. Latifa answers, “Allah will send a child when he wants to, not when Nariza wants it.”

At the wedding reception, already Marisa is off with her girlfriends and Lucas is huddled with his buddies. So much for starry-eyed lovebirds. His buddies got him a wedding gift - a belly dancer who starts performing for Lucas alone. Of course Lucas imagines Jade and can’t take her eyes off of her. A barely-clad dancer, bouncing and bobbling for the groom, at the wedding? Bachelor party, yes. But the wedding? Tighten the beanies. Marisa throws a rod. She accuses Lucas of planning it. He turns on his heel and walks into the house. Next she turns on the dancer and says, “Get out of MY house.” Gee, no grass grows under her feet!

Cut to Dora’s hospital room. The baby is in the bassinette next to her bed. You’d think, as much as she wanted this baby, that he’d be in her arms every moment, but we’ve barely seen her hold him at all. She tells Albieri that the baby has a mole that is normally inherited from the mother, but she doesn’t have one. She asks Abli to explain. She also asks why her baby is so white. So much for the moment of truth Albi promised at the start of the cap. He mumbles something about a white cat in the attic. Albi picks up the baby and we noticed that the baby’s hair has changed from blond and short to brown and long, overnight.

Marisa lays into Lucas for embarrassing her in front of the guests.
Marisa: You’re upset, not by memories of Diego, but of that filthy Arab woman.
Lucas jumps up: Never talk like that about Jade!
M: I’ll talk about her however I want. And I won’t let you humiliate me like this. Come back outside this instant, and act as if nothing happened.
L: I can’t. And I didn’t humiliate you. What happened to you is the same as what happened to me. When you saw me, you remembered Diego. You’re only with me because I’m his brother.
M: That’s not true. You think no one realizes she still matters to you? Everyone’s talking about it. Put on a happy face and come downstairs right now or you’ll never see me again. (So what’s the down side?)
L: Do what you wish.
Rosa opens the door and stands there, listening to the newlyweds quarrel. I’m disliking Rosa more and more by the day. Marisa starts grandstanding for Rosa’s sake, suddenly playing the humble victim. Leo comes in and orders Lucas to go apologize to his bride, as if he were a five year old who pushed a playmate off the swings. And Lucas obeys. He says, “I’m sorry” but hardly looks at her. She says, “I’ve put up with plenty from you, but I forbid you to ever put her in the middle of our relationship.” (Ya’ know, people have complained about Mohammed and Said pushing their wives around, but those two are pussycats compared to Marisa.) He orders her to stop speaking of Jade. And Marisa orders him to stop thinking about her.

Albi is holding the clone baby and pondering. Should he keep the news hidden, or announce to the world the first clone baby. Dora asks Albieri to be the godfather of the baby. A man who has renounced all belief in God. Okey-dokey. But Dora has already asked Cristina to be the godmother, and Dora worries that Luisa will be upset. Not to worry, what Luisa thinks never matters to Albieri. All that matters to him is that he has the right to name the baby, and he wants it to be Diego. But Dora wants it to be Osvaldo. So they use both. Albi is delighted. “My boy will be named Diego.” This alarms Dora; she begins to wonder if Albieri is a little strange. Descubrió que el agua moja (she discovered that water makes things wet).

Lucas sits, pondering, and determines that the dream of Jade is dead. He will devote himself to being happy with Marisa. Just then the phone rings. It’s Jade.


Corazon Salvaje 3/18/10--She's mine! All Mine!--Or Maybe Not.

From yesterday:
Juan is on the ship looking out over the ocean. He dives half naked into the water. Woo hoo. He climbs back on the ship and swears that he will ruin each and every Montes de Oca. No exceptions--NONE!

Leo is telling Regina she’s not going anywhere. Regina begs to differ and says she is responsible for what she does. Clemencia stops Leo from smacking her.

Leo grabs the suitcase and Regina says I’m going to the convent. Leo says she can see why her father favors her sister. Regina says something about Aimee‘s excesses. Leo looks uncomfortable and wants to know what she‘s talking about. One day I will tell you. Clemencia helps her out the door. Leo shouts for Johnny Cash. She tells him to let Rod know that Regina is going back to the convent without her authorization.

Jimena runs into Josefina (or maybe it should be Ho-sefina). Jimena is worried that Gabe loves Estrella and not her. Ho-sefina says she will help her. Uh oh, Fed just happens to run into Ho-sefina. He takes her arm they go to a restaurant.

Rod is told that someone is there from the Finca with a message from Leo Rod wants to know what the big fuss is. Johnny Cash tells him that Regina went back to the convent without Leo’s permission. I don’t really understand why everybody is so upset about it.

Back at the convent, (maybe they should put in a revolving door just for Regina) the Madre is trying to get to the bottom of all this. She’s still not sure that Regina is sure that this is what she wants. Regina thinks that as long as she is close to Renato he will eventually find out how she really feels. She doesn’t want to ruin it for Aimee or Renato.

Fed and Ho-sefina are having lunch. He asks her something and she gets up and tries to run away. She breaks her shoe and he helps her back to the house. Man, I hate it when I fall off my shoes. It is painful not to mention a little embarrassing.

Regina is in prayer. She is told her father is waiting. FF>>

Aimee is out on the town with her girlfriends. Hey, how did she get my ivory parasol? I bet she doesn’t have the matching fan.

Fed puts the moves on Ho-sefina and gets a freebie in the afternoon. She is ashamed. Fed feels bad and says he has to make it right and will have to marry her. Ah, but Rod will be pissed.

Rod brings Regina home. He wants her to marry and have children. She isn’t going to marry Fed that’s for sure. He’s actually being nice to her.

Leo is talking to Renato in a boarded up house (?). He starts pulling down the “wood” and it wobbles. He is so excited. Some paint and furniture and this place will be grand. Leo is crying. Renato is worried that she is not happy about the marriage. Aimee is the woman of his life and soon will be my wife. MINE, ONLY MINE! BWAAH, BWAAH….! Uh huh….You just keep believing that.

Aimee returns home and Curly and the Parrot are spying on her.

Regina just wants to find peace. Rod says she can find peace here. Where is Aimee. She’s out with some friends. She spouts off about Aimee and he wants to know what that’s all about. Aimee comes in and has turned into quite the little hateful heifer.

Curly and the parrot run in to report to Juan. He found out where his One True Love lives. Juan perks up at this news.

Aimee says she doesn’t want to get into it with Regina. Aimee tells her to get lost. Seriously, what a heifer.

Dinner Renato and Leo. Regina went back to the convent. Why is the difference in your feelings for Aimee and Regina. I have respect for Regina. But Aimee has all my love. That’s like telling someone they have a great personality.

Aimee is surprised by Juan. Ah ha, now I have you my pretty, and your little dog too--uh wrong show sorry. You have to get out. He picks her up and tries to run off with her. She says I can’t. Juan says if you don’t come with me I’m going to talk to your father. Maybe it would be more effective if you bellowed Aimee at the top of your lungs. A I M E E E. Damn she does have the matching fan. He is just so adorable when he smiles. Aimee says he is her obsession. I love your lips, your body. She puts a lip lock on him. Somehow the end up on the beach whispering sweet nothings to each other. He thinks she is HIS, ONLY HIS! BWAAH, BWAAH…! I think we all know where this is heading.

The “gentlemen” are waiting outside. What the heck is going on? They hear music. FF>>

Back on the beach or is it a cave, Aimee and Juan are talking. Helloooo? Hellooooo? I hear an echo. How annoying. She says something and he laughs.

The doors are opened by Philipe. Come in and enjoy. The Hos are dressed to the nines. Rod is muy impacted when he realizes who the Madame is. Dun, dun, dun.

Back to Juan and Aimee. Now they have a fire going. Is his wig falling off? For once she has no lipstick. They pledge their lust for each other. If she ever had another he would kill him with his own hands. It makes her crazy to think of him with another woman.

Back at the club there is an awkward moment and I’m not sure if it is because Rod knows who Madame is or he is uncomfortable in that environment. They watch the Can Can which is one of the worst I’ve ever seen.

More Juan and Aimee now fully dressed. She still doesn’t want him to talk to her father. He is worried about Regina and Aimee doesn’t want to bother him. Please have patience. He doesn’t strike me as a patient kind of guy.

Rod is talking to Madame who introduces him to Briget (?)

Juan is back home and a young lady enters the house. What are you doing here? Gabe tells him she is here to work for him. Gabe goes on to tell him about some documents but Juan wants to deal with it tomorrow. But now he wants to go to the casino so he can finally meet his enemy. This should be good!

Juan shows up at the casino looking very dapper with his hair braided and a very nice tuxedo. Madame is very glad to see him. Juan is greeted by another gentleman I’m not sure who he is. Meanwhile, Ho-sefina has grabbed Gabe and says she has a surprise for him. She blindfolds him and leads him up a spiral staircase.

The gentlemen size each other up and sit down for a “friendly” game of cards.

Gabe has entered a room and we know Jimena is there because we hear the gypsy music. He bumps into her and takes off his blindfold. He turns to go but she stops him. He’s afraid she is one of the fillys in the stable but she says no they are my friends.

Noel looks like he’s skipping out and one of his friends stops him and says what the heck? Where are you going? Noel says this place is swell but he’s just not accustomed to it. He looks like he just smelled something bad and turns around and smacks into one of the girls. He is a little embarrassed and hopes that he did not upset her. She assures him she is fine. They get that “look” for each other like they will meet up again in the future. She would like to meet with him again to “talk.” Is that what the kids are calling it these days? She says anywhere you want. He asks her if she is married--does he really not know what these girls do? She says oh no she is single. There is a twinkle in his eye and he looks practically giddy.

The poker game commences. It is very tense. Rod throws down his hand and reaches for the pile of coins. Not so fast bucko--Juan has a better hand. He happily scoops up all the coins. Rod is such a sore loser. (Does anyone know anything about the cards? I’ve never seen cards like that before.)

My recording cut off so I’m going from memory:

Ho-sefina runs into Fed who is just so outraged that she is a Ho. And here he was all worried about having to marry her and stuff. How inconsiderate of her to leave out that little detail. He insults her and Juan steps in to intervene. I wish someone would just put that little weasel Fed out of his misery. Rod steps in also and says something about names and he tells Juan his name is Rodrigo Montes de Oca, Montes de oca, Montes de Oca. Juan’s eyes narrow and I swear his nostrils flare.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dinero #44 - 3/18/10: What, You Don’t Trust Me?

We come back to the happy scene of Rafa singing “Me Encantas.” The whole quinceñera party is dancing behind him, and they all love him too. There’s also lots of dancing going on at Hacienda Alejandra. Unfortunately for Marco and Chavez, the only ones dancing on a table and baring their midriffs are B&V. Marco is pretty darned pleased that Chavez picked up a muñeca like Ovi in the hood, but not so pleased about the two friends she brought. B&V come over just then to look Marco over and take a moment to squeeze the Charmin. They scamper off, leaving Marco slightly traumatized and crestfallen. Chavez notes that Marco needs a woman that wakes the passion within him to cheer him up. A woman just like Ovi. Marco thinks that would be great, but he’s not the owner of this modeling agency Chavez used as a lure to get Ovi there. Chavez gives him a pep talk, “It’s the man who is going to seduce her, not the business!”

Fresh from his pep talk, Marco saunters up to Ovi, who has just emerged from the pool in an itsy, bitsy, teeny, weenie yellow (non-polka dotted) bikini. He tries a few lines on her, but Ovi is on to his game. Men lie to her all the time to try to get into her itty bitty bikini, because men are cowards. She tells Marco that it will take more than a lie to get near her cuerpocita. She then struts off, revealing that there’s even less to that bikini from the back, than there was in front! (I hope some of our guys were watching.) Marco’s buddies come up to him to enjoy the view, and to point out that he’s losing his powers of seduction.

The quinceñera party continues, and I have never seen Ramiro so drunk or having this much fun. Rafa’s also more drunk than ever. How can you tell? Well, he answers Vicky’s phone call and tells her exactly where he is. Soon enough Vicky’s arrived at the party, with her two goons (i.e. brothers) in tow. She whistles for her pajarito, but he’s too busy chatting to a small crowd of lovely ladies to hear her. She spots him, grabs him away from his new amigas, and loudly claims that he is HERS. This doesn’t go over so well with Don Aurelio’s nieces and some choice insults are thrown between the ladies. Soon a catfight has erupted which turns into a full fledged brawl. Don Aurelio’s mujer gets into it when she catches Don Aurelio and Claudia dancing cheek to cheek during the melee. She clocks Don A, then she gives Claudia a taste. Even Ramiro and Dandy seem to be beating each other up for no apparent reason. Rafa checks on birthday girl Chayo who is hiding under a table and doesn’t seem too upset that her party has turned into a full fledged fracas.

Things are a lot more tame at the finca, where the wildest thing happening is a conga line around the pool and then into it. Marco surveys the scene and swears that soon all of this will be his, HIS! Chavez wakes up from a drunken stupor on the couch in the pool room to being cuddled by B&V. Time for a Chavez sandwich!

Ramiro’s also in a drunken stupor and stumbles his way into his house, over a chair and right in front of his scowling wife waiting for him on the couch. His suegra pulls her broomstick up behind him, and his ancient suegro hovers in the background. Ramiro’s wife is so upset by his drunken state, and probably more upset that he keeps giggling and seems happy, that she kicks him out of the marital bed they have shared for 15 years. She “condemns” Ramiro to spend the next 15 years sleeping on the couch and not enjoying her “caresses” (because I’m sure there were lots of those). This is the best news Ramiro has gotten in a very long time and he cannot contain his glee. His father in law congratulates him.

More days on the calendar fly by; the Autos Siglos team is still way behind on their sales; Marino continues to work his new sales manager/girlfriend; Rafa continues to work Don Chemas friends and family; Ale’s neck brace comes off, and instead of throwing it away, she keeps it out of sentimental value (no doubt remembering her fun times with Rafa); the plastic surgeon has done a great job and there is no trace of a scar on her leg (he must also wax while he’s down there by the looks of Ale’s leg); Ale attempts once again to sneak a call to Autos Siglo and is busted by Tia Rosario.

Julieta also gets busted when Leonora finds a skimpy bikini in her school bag. Julieta uses a few tried and true teenage tactics: “How could you look through my things?!; What, you don’t trust me?; My friends and I are just innocently taking a dip in the pool when we take a break from studying hard; That bikini isn’t mine- it’s a friend’s; Please, don’t tell my brother. Let’s just keep it a secret between us.” When asked point blank, Julieta cannot deny that, yes, there are boys present, and yes, they have had some beers on occasion during these little “study break pool parties.” Leonora is not having any of it.

Tia Rosario decides to indulge Ale and calls Autos Siglo herself to get an update from Susana. If it’s good news she’ll pass it on to Ale, if not, she won’t mention she called. Rafa stumbles in from his latest outing with the Friends of Don Chema and excitedly passes on the news to Susana and Rosario that he has captured three lions in the jungle and that he has seven in his sights/line of fire. Rosario doesn’t get what this strange message is all about, but when Ale hears it she smiles and has renewed energy for her therapy on the treadmill.

More days fly by and it’s now 5 days till Ale returns! Everyone on the sales team, except Rafa, looks terrified at the prospect and spring into action. Rafa’s floating on air thinking that it’s only 5 days. Ale is also all smiles thinking about her impending return.

Random scene of the evening: Claudia is driving along, speaking on her phone, without a hands-free device. She gets pulled over by the two cops we’ve seen a few times now. She uses her feminine wiles to get out of a ticket.

Days go by and now it’s the last day of the sales month. Marino’s girlfriend/paycheck arrives and she has good news. Her bosses have decided to buy the trucks! The bad news is that they won’t make the purchase until the next day. Marino explains, salesperson to salesperson, that his reputation as a salesman is in jeopardy if he doesn’t get the highest sales that month and she agrees to fill out the paperwork that day so that the sale makes it into his report, although the check won’t be ready until the next day. Rafa’s looking like he’s having luck too. Each of Don Chema’s friends/family members have paperwork for trucks in front of them. They’re about to sign, until…one of them mentions that they spoke to Don Chema’s staff in D.F., and none of them remember him ever mentioning Rafa. “Just how exactly did you meet him?” Rafa’s caught off guard at first, and we are left to ponder how he will get out of this jam and make the sale throughout a commercial break. When we return, we see that the tactic Rafa has chosen is righteous indignation. “What, you don’t trust me?!” (Yep, he and Julieta are definitely related.) He starts to pack up his things to go, but the Friends of Don Chema feel so badly about upsetting him that they beg him to stay, order another bottle of tequila and get busy signing those papers.

Marino kisses his paycheck/girlfriend and sees her off. She has made him the happiest man in the world. The female sales team can’t believe he has added another woman to his harem. He scolds them, saying that that woman’s name is Elena Sanchez, and not only has she helped him close one of his biggest sales, she is also the future mother of his future daughter!

The team hand their sales reports to Susana, and Marino begs her to include his Elena Sanchez sale although the check won’t be in hand till tomorrow. Rafa manages to stumble in, leaving tequila fumes behind him, just before closing again. Susana gently reprimands him and looks over his sales report, but she gives no indication of how many he has sold nor whether this will put him in the winning spot again this month. We will just have to wait till tomorrow to find out…

On their last day in Houston, Ale and Tia Rosario go shopping! Yay! Ale looks like her movie star self from that dream she had a while ago. She’s wearing tight jeans (no leg brace or cane), a cute hat, a scarf, and big sunglasses. The two of them also enjoy some people watching (silly gringos skating on ice), ice-cream, and a trip to the salon. Smiling, Ale looks through the photos one last time, but quickly puts them in her purse when Tia approaches. Rosario has spoken to Marco who will pick them up bright and early tomorrow when they arrive in DF. Ale does not look excited at the prospect of seeing Marco, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Rosario. She gives Ale a pep talk: “Leave the old Ale behind, the ones whose life was destroyed by that criminal. You’re returning to Mexico a new woman. A woman that is ready to recover her man and marry him!”

Tomorrow: Ale takes Rosario’s pep talk to heart and returns to Autos Siglo a new, sexier woman.


Gancho Thurs 3/18 #190 - Bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

This seemed like an episode of traps. Is Marcos trying to trap Mauricio with kindness? Is Coni going to trap Marcos into an admission? Are Marcos and Jacqui trapped in the War of the Roses? Will Aldo be coerced into robbery? Isabel tries to trap her daughter with fake love. Estrella doesn't want to trap herself or Aldo into marriage and Aldo wants it but doesn't see it as a trap. Sal is trapped by Loriloca and they are both trapped by Oscar. Arni is trapped in love with Ximena. The rateros are trapped in a cage. There is more but ya basta! Let's see who is trapping whom tonight and you can make up your own minds...

When we left off from last night Marcos was offering Mau a job as President of Grupo Sermeño. Ya see, he wants to build a great family business owned by his daughters and run by his two sons-in-law. (Methinks he's figured out HE doesn't have time for it and his daughter who fired the entire staff is now too busy training to be a cut-rate boxer to run the biz. What do y'all think?) Mau is all about the family cuz GS was started by his dad, a stonemason who started from the ground up and turned it into a great business. OK, he accepts the offer and Marcos agrees to keep the name Grupo Sermeño. Wonder how Beto's going to feel about that? Poor dude is already lobbying for Grupo Ochoa.

Gabi is having breakfast with Xime and I must say, neither of these beauties outshines the other. They both have exquisite but very different features. And they are in color coordinated shirts! But I digress, Xime says Rolu is upstairs sleeping off his night of passion, Arni is nowhere to be found (poor sod), and she promises Jero isn't around either, he never came home last night. Gabi says he's probably with Oscar which makes Xime wriggle with delight, How marvelous! "No, not like that," corrects Gabi, "they are accomplices." Hablando del rey de roma y por la puerta se asoma... in walks Jero looking uncomfortably surprised at the sight of Gabi.

Marcos continues his role as the grand benevolent. He thinks Mau's bodega is too small and unseemly for his yerno and nietos. How about the keys to a penthous suite? (Easy there Mau, all this kind arranging may come with a price tag.) Marcos is also confident that for Valentina's sake he will eventually debilitate Isabel, have faith in papa Marcos everything is under control. All righty then, Marcos will see Mau at work first thing Monday morning, here are the keys and oops, almost forgot to give Mau the address of the penthouse! Mau smiles his dopy trusting smile. I hope for Mau's sake they find Salvador soon, I'm not sure he can run GS on his own.

Gabi puts the pressure on Jero, she wants him to tell her right now where Oscar is. Jero's a rotten liar but he does it anyway. He has no idea where that fugitive is, he's hiding from the cops and don't forget he stole all Jero's money too! Gabi doesn't believe a single word and she offers to pay Jero to tell her where Oscar is and any info on Salvador's murder. Any amount, name your price.

Over at the manicomio privado Loriloca makes Sal comfy while the nurse readies the next injection. Lorenza protests, no inyección please! Sal musters up all his strength to moan a pitiful "No, no." The nurse recalls Oscar's treacherous words, he doesn't like loose ends and Lori and Sal must die, so she agrees no inyección, but it has to be their secret. The nurse sends Loriloca to keep a watch at the door and she advises Sal that he must continue to act like he's drugged, then he and his wife must escape. "Graaaacias" he moans.

Gabi is still pressing Jero who seems to be interested in her offer. How much money is a lot? Xime keeps piping up that she knows he's hiding something. Gabi maneuvers around Ximena's interruptions and tells Jero she is prepared to sell everything, her car, her apartment, her family's property.

Nurse tells Sal he will feel some withdrawal symptoms but they will soon pass and he needs to try to cover them up. Señor Oscar is muy peligroso and Sal and his wife are in great danger if they stay. Oscar and Lori come in and Oscar ominously reminds the nurse that Sal must have his inyección every five hours.

Xime is ready to donate an unbitten apple and the change in the bottom of her purse. Gabi is appreciative but forges ahead. What does Jero want? Jero sticks with the lies and tells Gabi when they find that treacherous rat Oscar she will be the first one at him. When he goes upstairs Gabi and Xime look at each other suspiciously. He's hiding something.

Estrella visits Mau at the bodega to tell him Moni doesn't suspect a thing although she (Estre) nearly had a heart attack. She still can't remember, is he sure nothing happened (she asks just a little too hopefully)? He's sure absolutamente nada happened. (Aw, poor Estrella.) They piss and moan about that traicionera Isabel. What are they going to do?

They are interrupted by a surly Aldo who is in an epic snit. Mau and Estrella are thrilled he finally came home. But Aldo lunges at Estre and yells that last night he found them in bed together! This goes on for a couple of scenes but in typical telenovela fashion Aldo won't listen and they can't seem to find the words to tell him the truth anyway. After lots of loud but impotent yelling our cachorro heads for the door never wanting to see them again.

Marcos gets home and finds Coni lying in wait for him. She's confused, what this big secret that her ma keeps talking about? Marcos tells her not to be fooled by Jacqui's craziness. Oops, Moni walks in and tells him to go ahead and tell her his big secret.

Luckily Marcos has a commercial break to get his story straight.

Coni tells Moni to beat it, she has nothing to do with her father, go back to her cage and leave them in peace. Au contraire, Moni has a prior engagement with Marcos. Coni tells Valentina to mind her own business and beat it because she's talking to her dad right now. Marcos corrects her, in point of fact he needs to talk to Valentina solo, he pushes a mortified and irritated Coni out the door. "OK Valentina, we're alone now."

Moni doesn't want Marcos to call her "hija". He says they have a lot to talk about. First up is the subject of her hating him based on Isabel's lies. Moni doesn't want him to call her Monita either, he has to stick with Valentina. He says he wants to start by being her friend, he just wants to see her happy.

Isa and Aliblahblah take their seats in the oncologists office, but then Isabel decides she doesn't want to wait for the test results so they get right up and leave. Weird, did I miss something?

Moni accuses Marcos of ruining her happines. He abandonied her mother and left her all alone, meddled in Mauricio's business, yada yada. He tells her he wants both she and and Coni to be happy. (What about Katia?) He wants Coni to stop her vengeance, to marry Beto and he wants the same for Valentina, to marry Mauricio and have a family and immense love. She looks slightly confused.

Mau and Estrella moan some more about that damned Isabel's perfidy and oh dear whatever will they do about Aldo?

Marcos tells Moni that actions speak louder than words, thanks to him Mau has the kids back. Moni accuses him of doing good deeds not to help people but to get them on his side. He makes the fatal error of mentioning Isabal and Moni goes on her usual rant and ends up yelling she's sick of him and his blood in her veins. "Me das asco!" (An old favorite, "you disgust me".)

Tere and the girls show up at the bodega and Mau tells them they just missed Aldo and guess what, they are moving into a new house. Danny likes it fine in the bodega where they were all crammed into one room, how sweet. Mau asks Tere to move in with them, just like old times.

Luisa slips away and follows Estrella outside to tell her she knows Estre is preggers by Aldo and what's up with him? Why is he acting weird and why has he disappeared? She's worried about everyone and everything. Estre tells Luisa to keep it a secret but soon she and Aldo will get married and everything will be fine.

All except the Aldo part because he's gone back to the cardboard pile and the sidewalk to sit with his creepy cuates. Creepies say they need to go to the store to get some money and want him to come. He's all bummed out and apathetic, doesn't want to go, so they give him a bag of drugs because that's what all good pals do, verdad?

Mau and the girls love their new place, it's huge and beautiful. Tere is reinstated as housekeeper. Ivan is there too and Mau, once again President of GS, offers Ivan his old job back. Dang, things are looking good again, all except those anvils lining up on the horizon like night squalls on the Pacific.

It's night and Aldo and co. make their way to a convenience store. They tell Aldo to wait outside, one guy hangs out at the door and the other (the ratero who stole the jewels) goes inside. It's highly suspicious but Aldo is oblivious.

What's this? Xime and Arni are doing a stakeout? What's up with that? Actually Arnie doesn't know because Ximena's in charge. This is a super dangerous mission they are on. They are following her brother to try to find Oski for Gabi. Arni has a fit, the guy is a murderer! She says it's OK because they are super smart they will be heroes like Sherlock Holmes and Watson! Their subject exits the building. Shirley Holmes tells Watson to drive in pursuit. Glad to see she buckles her seatbelt.

Now Marcos is at Coni's trying to keep his other hija from being mad at him. It's going well until Jacqui casually strolls in with a snifter in her he going to explain to his daughter what's going on? "What is the damned secret papa?" Go on, tell her, urges Jacqui.

Aldo waits outside, ignorant of the holdup ocurring inside the store. The rateros have a knife to the clerk's throat and demand money. The clerk pushes a button and steel doors slam shut. The little creeps are stuck inside the store with the clerk who now wields a dangerous looking sawed-off. They are trapped like, dare I say it, rats in a trap. Three police cars scream in and Aldo hides.

Mau is at Estrella's house. They figure that Isabel is systematically attempting to separate Monita from everyone in her life. She did it with Mau and is trying it with Estrella. If they don't want to lose Monita they have to change tactics. Estre thinks he and Moni will end up together in spite of Isabel. What they need to do is get Mau and Moni into a place where Monita can't escape. During this scene Estrella keeps aproaching Mau then running back when she gets too close. At the end he wants to give her a hug for her good idea but she squirms away and squeals, "no more arms on this body, principe, after what you and I saw I'm a little nervous." He leaves and she squeals once more "NOOOoooo" and fans her hot bod.

Back at the holdup the cops are putting the rateros in their squad car. Aldo, hiding behind some cars, watches then runs away looking over his shoulder. Cachorro, you escaped by the skin of your teeth this time. Whatcha gonna do now?

Jacqui and Marcos are giving each other a hard time ad nauseum until Coni finally begs them to stop. She hates being stuck between a couple of insane ancianos! "Elderly, me?" demands Marcos. (Guess he doesn't mind the insane part.) Coni wants to know once and for all what they are hiding? Marcos tells Jacqui to go ahead and tell if she wants Coni to know so badly.

Isabel frets about her visit to the oncologist and of course Moni tells her everything will be all right. Isa says she loves enjoying Monita's silence and tranquility. (I'll bet after living with Ali.) They go to bed and Moni replays in her head Marcos saying he loves her and wants her to be happy.

Back at Los Bickersons Jacqui says Marcos is hiding his secret all because Nieves his lechona (suckling pig? because of they way she stuffs herself into her clothes?) asked him to and he can deny her nothing. Coni is beside herself that he would put that woman and her rabble before his own family! More bickering and Coni tells them to stop changing the subject. What's the secret?

Marcos says OK, since she keeps insisting and in point of fact, what he's been hiding is...he proposed marriage to Nieves and she has accepted. They are going to marry as soon as possible! Caras muy impactadas de Coni and Jacqui. Cara victoriosa de Marcos.

Tomorrow: Aldo is sleeping under an overpass and eating fast food that somebody threw out the window into the dirt. Jacqui vows "That Woman" will never marry Marcos, not while she can stop it. Surprise, Mau traps Moni on a boat.

los actos dicen mas que las palabras = actions speak louder than words (what Marcos thinks)
albañil - stonemason or bricklayer (Mau's dad)
cabos sueltos - loose ends (what Oscar doesn't like)
cuanto antes = as soon as possible
disimular = to cover up, hide, suppress (what Sal needs to do to fool Oscar)
efectivamente = in point of fact (Marcos says this a lot)
estafar - to swindle, rook, cheat, con (what Oscar did to Jero)
por el contrario = on the contrary, au contraire


Gancho Wed. March 17th- I celebrate all holidays...

Well, I have had a busy week and so St. Patty's Day got the better of me and I rather forgot to come back and do my recap. The 3:00 version didn't record so I needed the 12:00am version anyway...I couldn't stay up that late so, there you have it. I know, curse those recappers with day jobs! Arrgh. As time permits today, I'll get pieces done.

For starters we opened with Aldo discovering his Dad in bed with his girlfriend. Now how's that for a laugh... hee, like any good teen, he retaliates by stealing all his Dad's money, oh and for good measure, the clothes. Ha!...more to come!

Cris is happy to have his patrol car back...he couldn't recognize the perps but could tell from their voices they were kids. Aldo sees them but disappears the other direction after dumping the clothes he took from his Dad. Oh and he's bawling. Poor kid.

Marcos eats a french fry from Nieves cleavage. Ah she is frisky. He thinks since she is jealous, she still has feelings for him. She says no way and insults Jacqui. He swears he won't fall again for that spider. It looks like they will kiss.

Mona and Ma are in bed, Mami dearest rips up Mona's only photo of them. Nice, Mona wonders why she did that and she says bad memories you know I was dying and all. There will be others. Hrmph!!

Beto interrupts the rainbow lust fest. He thinks Marcos should marry her first and then have well, the honeymoon. Marcos says, yep, just the plans I have for your Ma.

Mona is hot to take another photo, so she does, and wants to go to the park for more. Ooops, Ma forgot to tell her that Estrella wanted to talk to her and she forgot. Mona says eh, it's too late. So Ma syas she'll got ot bathroom. She really goes over to Estre's and takes photos. Ooooo I want to punch that vibora!!! she notes that someone was here.

Ma returns and puts back the camera. So weird.

SO the next day and our unsuspecting nakeds are waking up Estrella reaches over.. ah principe...AAAHHH PRINCIPE??????? This wakes up Mau to the same horror. Yep she's naked, and she checks, he is too!!! Ruhro...

Mau wonders what happened, Estre really can't remember. Oh now Ma is pitting her venom again, encouraging her to go eat breakfast with Estre and not come to doc. She does and Estre shoves Mau under the bed. Mona says her Ma told her to show up. Estre doesn't remember that, but says let's go eat out and she tries to get Mona to go out while she changes. Ali sees Ma outside and chitter Mona comes out to look for Estre's glasses, Ali tells her Mau looked for her last night, ma wonders if Estre was alone. Mona says yeah and Issy is stumped. Ha.

Inside the nakeds eventually figure out Issy must be behind this. She tells Mau to leave but be careful no one sees her. Just then Mona and Ma come back and Estre notes Issy looking around for something. Yep Estre asks her what she might be looking for. She manages to kick them out and the bitties finally go off to the doc.

Estre sends Mona to get her glasses and looks for Beto. Nieves answers and says he's not there. Estre tells her to go help out Mau because Issy tricked them. Mona comes out with no glasses, but yes, that camera. Nieves goes in...Mmmmmmaaamamamamau!!!! She can't resist his wonderful chest. Yeah, I could see that.

Cris sees Pau and wants to talk but she doesn't he's a little sick though and tells her about his assault. He tells her he thought of her and he managed to confront them and got his car back. Hmm she tells him about the same thing that happened to her and Tano. Cris doesn't want her to go out with him. She tells him she may have a future and kids with Tano, but a stalemate with him, so she'll see him later. Beto shows up and wonders why his Ma went to Estres.

Nieves is enjoying Mau being without clothes. Of course Beto comes in at just the right time to see them struggling together.

In the car Issy is fuming because maybe her little trampa didn't work. Ali swears she did what she was supposed to.

OK, so Beto freaks and tries to rip his Ma off of Mau. That wasn't very easy indeed. Mau explains things aren't as they seem. Oh really. Ma is clearly drunk on Mau's chest hairs. She sticks up for him and Beto sends her to get hte clothing. Maybe the spell will break. Beto wants to know what happened and Mau is convinced the Bruja was behind it.

Mona and Estre go out and are taking more pics and Mona tells her about the photo ripping. Estre is cynical, but wants a copy of the photo. Ok, looks like Nieves came back with the clothing. I can't wait to see what T-shirt they put on Mau. Ha!!!!!!!

Beto has to drag her out so Mau can change.

Ok now we at the Tudor and Oski is complaining that he is a prisoner. He muses where he might go when Con shows up with the dough.

Oski and Jero talk about their captives, Oski thinks they are witnesses and must die. Wait, is Jero cracking? He faked a very nervous smile...hmmmm maybe he's redeemable.

Ha Mau is Beto's clothes, the pants he says are a little too short, hee, and the shirt......I'm ccompletely a gentleman, I stop for what you feel. Or something like that...

Now we go to Coni's and she is complaining to her Ma about the robbery. Ma thinks maybe Oski and Jero were in on it. Coni doubts it she is going to see her Pa. Ma is bitter of course.

Mona and Estre are having breakfast when some chump comes up and asks to buy Estrella a beverage, she says sure if you don't care that I'm pregnant. Huh, they have some girl talk and the conversation turns around to Marcos being bad, and Estre suggesting maybe she should get to know him just a little.

Breakfast does the mild reversal of Vibora brainwashing. It's not working well, Mona is just sure her Ma suffered at the hands of that man and she will never forgive him.

Marcos is playing with Dani begging her to call him G-pa when Mau turns up in Beto's clothes. They all recognize it right away and Marc wonders if he disinfected it first.

At the docs we learn that Issy opened her wound, must have been carrying something heavy (yeah like naked bodies?) Doc wants to refer her to an oncologist. She finally agrees and enter Marcos's plant. She fights at first but agrees to be examined.

Marc wants to talk to Mau so Tere goes off with the little girls. Marcos proposes that Mau become president of Grupo Sermeno that he should reinvest the shares Xime sold him.

And cut. Thanks for waiting for me!!!


Dinero # 43 March 17 2010: Two fiestas and a funeral

We start out with our sweet Rafa funeral crashing. He is all broken up about the passing of Don Chema. The other pallbearers don’t have a clue who he is. I think the one guy asked if he was a con artist ready for the mark. (But wouldn’t swear by that).

Back at Siglo we have Marino returning with his potential client. In a white convertible. He is telling her he doesn’t want to mix business with friendship. Then he invites her out for the night. He kisses her goodbye and gets out of the car.

Bow-tie guy has witnessed all of this and asks him if he was just kissing his client. Mario tells him yes. This justifies my breakfast. (What the heck?) Bow-tie guy accuses him of seducing a client. Marino has no shame and admits to working on this and he will see what happens tonight. Then bow-tie guy asks him if he is just using her to obtain his sale.

Marino tells him no, he says he likes her. They are the perfect couple. She is manager of sales and he is a salesman. Bow-tie guy is not so certain about the ethics of this relationship. Marino gets defensive and says you don’t get it, I like this women. He says if I married her tomorrow and had kids with her I would be the happiest man and the happiest salesman . Then he says and do you know why? Because I will be the best vendor and make a great sale and that imbecile (Rafa) will be 6 feet under.

Well not exactly 6 feet under but close. We find Rafa at the edge of the newly dug grave of his new dead friend Don Chema, consoling the grieving widow. One guy finally asks Rafa who he is he and says he should respect the widow . Rafa says he does respect her and continues consoling her.

Ale is working very hard in her therapies. She is instructed to take it slow. Well we all know Ale and she is going to do what she is going to do and pushes herself, telling Rosario if something happens I am not going to die.

I think this was our odd scene. We have Beltran whining about the poor sales, and I think he has some Ford promotion. That will raise the level of their establishment. He is explaining to Claudia what the promotion is, as he continues his explanation his eyes drift towards Claudias’ chest and she raises his head to signal her eyes are up here.

Back at the grave side, Rafa continues his little charade. He has his arm around the widow and she asks him if he was a fried of Don Chema. He tells them who he is and that he was a good friend and invites them out for all out for drinks (smooth but rather creepy method Rafa) . The widow then invites him back to the house.

Ale is finishing up with her water therapies and getting praise from the doctor as he puts her neck collar back on. She looks exhausted and falls into Rosarios’ waiting arms.

Back at the widows place, Rafa is asked how he knew Don Chema. Rafa tells them it was destiny. He was just about to sell him a truck. He hands them all business cards as he continues talking The widow seems surprised. Rafa says well he never committed to this but we became friends and would have coffee. This is questioned because Don Chemo wasn’t allowed to drink coffee. Rafa is thinking as quick as Marco and says yea I knew this and gets himself out of this lie.

He shows them a picture of a large truck. The widow continues to be surprised. Rafa assures her that he didn’t buy it yet. He says it was going to be a surprise. Now Rafa is in full sales mode and starts talking about the great deal he can give everyone. They are all looking at his book and Rafa steps back.

Marco is talking to Chavez telling him he cant stand being with Jorge any longer. He feels like he is in prison. He tells him he has to come up with something . He needs a party or some action. Chavez tells him he knew he wasn’t going to be a good babysitter much less to an old man. Marco tells him to come up with something, organize a party , call some friends. Or I am going to strangle Jorge.

Chavez tells him not to worry , first remember that this sacrifice is for your good and if you continue to tolerate this a little longer you will gain the sky and be well compensated for your good will with lots of money.

Marco tells him to stop talking like he‘s stupid. And let him know what he comes up with. Chavez tells him he will meet him at nine at the hacienda and will have everything he needs to relax waiting for him. Marco says perfect, he will give Jorge a couple of pills so that he will sleep all night.

As he hangs up the phone we hear Jorge in the distance calling out to Marco wanting to know where he is. (I so enjoy Marcos’ frustrated faces) as he calls back to Jorge I am here.

Ale tries to sneak a call back to Mexico but is busted by Rosario. She just needs to know how things are going back at Siglo. Rosario tells her to forgot about Siglo. She reminds her that Marco is taking care of Jorge. She doesn’t have to worry about anything.

Said Marco is playing 21 with Jorge. Who has changed the name of the game to 23. Marco is wasting is time explaining to Jorge that the game is 21 not 23.

Ovi is practically falling out of her blouse washing a clients hair when in walks Chavez. Ovi turns and asks him what she can do for him. I think Chavez just told her to cover herself so he doesn’t have a heart attack. He introduces himself as a modeling agent and has her do a little twirl.

He tells her that today he has a casting for models for commercials and films and wants to know if she is interested in coming. She says of course. He gives her the directions as he looks her over. Ovi realizes it is a ways from the city and Chavez says well it is quite exclusive.

He gives her money for a taxi and Ovi asks if she can bring a couple of friends. Chavez says if they are as gorgeous as you of course and gives her more money . He tells her he will see her tonight and not to let him down and as he leaves he tips over a chair.

Bogan and Villia enter and want to know if she attended to the crosseyed guy that just left. She tells them that he came to invite them to a private party for a modeling casting. I think she tells them she knows he is up to no good and that’s why she is inviting them to go with her. High fives all around.

Siglo time, and in walks Don Aurelio with his two nieces on his arms. They are all excited and waving to Rafa. Don Aurelio wants to know how Rafita is doing. The girls greet him as guapo (hey good-looking).

Rafa is happy to see them all. Dandy is looking on in surprise. Rafa remembers both the girls names and they are surprised at this. Rafa says how could he forget such lovely girls.

Rafa wants to know what they are doing there. He says you didn’t come to buy a car. They remind him about the “quinceanero” (15th birthday party ) of his niece. Rafa begs off but They are not taking no for an answer. Don Aurelio says you don’t want me to go off on you in front of everyone (I think that’s what he said) as he is laughing And Rafa says of course I will come.

Don Aurelio enquires about Ale and Rafa explains that she is in the states having surgery. He says good if it gets rid of the robot thing she drags with her and that thing around her neck so she can breath. He feels bad that he missed her.

They get ready to leave and Dandy wants introductions. Claudia pulls Rafa away from the two young women and wants to know where they are taking her Rafa. Ramiro shows up and wants to know what’s going on. Don Aurelio is taken by Claudia and he ends up inviting everyone to the party . They all end up leaving in the large truck they just happen to have. Ramiro tries to beg out as he is worried about the anxiety it will cause his wife. Dandy says don’t worry about that if she dies from anxiety at least Ramiro is free. They are all off to party

Now we are at Hacienda Alejandra. A couple of Marcos’ buddies are enquiring how things are going with Ale. He tells them just fine. She is in the states having surgery. He tells them that in a couple of weeks he will be able to announce a new date for their wedding.

One of his friends says an operation like that is going to cost lots of money. Marco says well if I am going to marry her it’s the least I can do. The other guy says the whole world knows Marco is generous. Then he wants to know what Chavez is doing at the fiesta. (I think he called Chavez an old man).

Marco tells them that Chavez is his assistant. They tell Marco that he should not be let out in public (well not exactly those words) . They say Chavez isn’t up to his standards. (I may be going out on a limb here but I think Marco actually felt bad and defended Chavez. ) He says he organized the fiesta and brought the goods. (the girls).

And in walks are lovely Ovi escorted by Bogan and Villia. Marco seems dumbstruck and Chavez just shrugs his shoulders.

Now we have the proud parents of the 15 year old giving a speech. The papa seems either very nervous or very drunk or both. Everyone claps .

In walks Challito (the birthday girl) proceeded by a group of young man coming down a double staircase. She is wearing a very pink ruffled dress and they do the strangest waltz I have ever seen. There was no dialogue but I feel obligated to describe it in case someone missed it.

The young men (about 6 of them) go to pick her up cheerleader style and almost drop her. Everyone seems a little nervous. Now she is being twirled around and manages to knock one of the young men down. Now a couple of young men go to do a lift on her and all three end up on the floor. Mind you all of this is to a waltz. Now they are all twirling around and everyone looks really confused about what is going on. None the less they all stand and applaud

Now Don Aurelio to the stage to dance with her. He is the Godfather. After a couple of twirls the announcer says now we will have the best friend of the family Rafa Medina dance with her. Rafa looks a bit panic stricken but ever the good sport walks over to her, nearly knocking down one of the young men on his way to the dance floor.

Don Aurelio gives him a big bear hug that nearly knocks the breath out of him and Rafa dances with the young lady. Honestly this was too funny. Some confetti drops from the ceiling and Rafa gets startled by it. He is dancing, tells her congratulations and she steps on his foot.

He hops around for awhile , She wants to know if she stepped on his foot. He tells her not to worry, he calls her amusing . She tells him he looks like a singer that she really likes. He says you don’t say, who? She says one that sings ranchero. I am not really certain what she said next, but Rafa told her he has been told that many times before. They all clap

So the hour is almost over and we almost made it, but here we have our little Vicky scene. She is all dressed in red underwear, wondering where her little birdie is. Well he’s not here so its his loss. (Not!)

Chavez is about to introduce Ovi to Marco. He says he would like to introduce this lovely desert (biscotti) and Bogan and Villia go in to shake Marcos hand. Then Chavez says I said Biscotti, not dead bread. B and V are offended. Ovi wants to know about the modeling job. Marco looks confused. Chavez tells her to do another twirl. She asks if what he is already seeing not enough, as she is busting out of her shirt. Marco tells her her talents are quite apparent.

I don’t really understand what was said next but B and V cover Ovi with their coat and next thing we know she is standing in her underwear. (what the heck was that all about?) She is asking them if she looks too big. I don’t think so

Ramiro is dancing with some sweet thing and instead of enjoying it is all nervous. Claudia is vamping out on Don Aurelio and Rafa warns her he is married and escorts her away from him. Dona Aurelio doesn’t look pleased. Aurelio gets up one more time to chat with Claudia and is whisked to the dance floor by the Mrs.

Dandy goes to dance with the nieces and we hear Rafas’ thoughts of how he misses Ale and how she would really like this fiesta, then quick scene of Ale in bed smiling and either dreaming or thinking about the duet she sang with Rafa. There is a sweet split/screen of the both of them, and we see Ales’ lovely smile.

Rafa is deep in thought and Claudia snaps him out of it. Asking if he is thinking about his girlfriend. Rafa says no. Then he gives it a little more thought and decides it is better to say he was thinking about Vicky, who else would he be thinking about and he drinks to Vicky.

Don Aurelio is making sure everyone is having a good time. (Even Ramiro looks like he is having fun). Rafa thanks him for inviting him and allowing his friends to come along. Aurelio tells him your friends are my friends. Then he asks Rafa to tell a couple of his funny stories.

Rafa starts one of his stories. Okay I had to listen to this a couple of times but here’s the joke ( I think.) and it may be in bad taste but what wasn't in bad taste tonight. (but all so funny) There was this old television star named Farah Fawcett who was dying. They asked her what was her final wish would be. She said she would like to see everyone who hurts kids to disappear from the world. Then you know who died? Michael Jackson. (I am 99% certain that is what he said) Don Aurelio is in stitches and Rafa spills his drink all over Dona Aurelio.

What’s a Fiesta without Rafa singing. He dedicates a lovely song to Challito. The song is “Me Encantas”. He is out dancing and serenading Challito and everyone is on their feet. And I don’t know how I got so lucky to have two Wednesdays with Rafa singing his little heart out. Me encantas!!!!

Warning, there looks to be a pretty volatile Vicky scene coming up on Thursday.


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