Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gancho Friday April 9th Pandemonium!

Alternate Title: Sure could go for a nice cup of tea!

Macho bravado. Two men, facing off, hormones raging. Why are they doing it? It has to be for a woman. They taunt each other, they snarl like dogs, they roar like lions, they push, they shove. They parry with words, or they parry with fists. Some try to show the lady how brave they are. Some try to show how tough they are. Some threaten, some joke. But tonight, there’s little joking, as three pairs of rivals face off, desperate to mark their territory, to show the world who’s the real man. And amidst this maelstrom of masculinity, a lone female bares her fangs much more subtly, and with chilling calm, commits an act so vile, so cold, that we want to tear our eyes from the scene, trying to avoid the agony of her actions. But we can’t.

We begin on a gentle note, with Nieves and Cesar in their love nest, he having used his magical skills to transport her to a land of dreams. She thanks him for a wonderful night. He promises her nights, mornings, afternoons. They kiss tenderly, totally at peace.

Jerónimo, however, is falling to pieces! He’s frantic, having been tricked by his Jacquelinay. The money’s gone, and she won’t answer her cell. But maybe he can get money from Gabriela, and leave the country. He calls Gabi, and although she repeats that she won’t pay until Oscar’s behind bars, he screams that he has to flee, because Oscar’ll kill him when he learns he was betrayed. He tells Gabi that Oscar’s in a cabaña in Ajusco. But she already knew that, from the detective. Yeah, well, Oscar has most likely KILLED that detective by now. Gabi KNEW it, that’s why he hadn’t answered or called in. Jerry says there’s only one way she’ll get her information. Gather your money together and bring it to my house NOW, it’s your last chance to trap Oscar, I warn you!

We replay part of Hissabel’s shocking plan to have Moni die in the ring. As Alicia quivers hidden in the corner, shaking in fear and disbelief, Coni is also repelled by the icy chill of Hissy’s venomous words, and refuses to take part, she’s no murderer. Oh, really? says Hissy, and pulls out the staged pictures Oscar and Jerry took which make it look as if Coni killed Salvador, pictures which would send Coni to prison for life. So if Coni won’t do what Hissy says, she’d better keep quiet. Either way, Valentina will have to die.

Over at Grupo Sermeño, Beto is trying (unsuccessfully) to order Paula to get him a cappuccino, when out of the elevator comes a mightily miffed Monita, who purposely smashes into Beto, and demands to see Mau, who’s been “spying” on her. Mau’s not there yet, so Moni will wait in the office.

As we predicted, Hissy now wants the money from Coni, the money owed to Oscar. This blows Coni’s mind, as she gave JERRY the money. This amuses Hissy, and she laughs at Coni’s naivete to trust Jerry, Oscar knew he was a traitor. Hissy recommends Coni get that money somehow, because if Oscar doesn’t get paid, Coni will be rotting in jail long before she gets to fight Valentina in the ring. Coni rushes over to her purse, grabs her cell, and calls her mother. No answer. She hurries out to solve things, and Hissy notices she forgot something from her purse, so she follows. Alicia comes out from her hiding place, what can she do? She has to tell Nieves, Mauricio, Beto, someone. Unfortunately, Hissy’s back before Alicia can take two steps.

Mau arrives at the office and gets a piece of Moni’s mind. How DARE you spy on me. Well, he says, I can’t stand your cavorting with Lobo. Oh yeah, she retorts, if you can sleep with Estrella, I can do whatever I want. After denying (again) he was with Estrella, which Moni doesn’t believe for a minute, he asks Moni to look him in the eyes, does she have a thing for Lobo? She gets right up in his face, says maybe she does, and leaves him fuming.

Alicia nervously says she has to go, she just came for her dirty laundry, but Isabel won’t let her pass. Let’s talk. Alicia doesn’t want to talk, just has some pressing business, but Hissy won’t hear of it. Alicia always LIKES talking. What’s she so nervous about? Let’s have a nice cup of tea. Alicia fumbles, she frets, she says she just remembered she has to turn off Teresa’s frijoles. Cool as steel, Hissy reminds Alicia that Terry hasn’t lived in the neighborhood for days. So what’s your rush? Let’s just have that tea. Alicia is almost weeping with fright, but Hissy has her completely intimidated, and there’s no way Alicia is leaving without that tea.

A bundle of black and red feathers saunters into the neighborhood. It’s Nieves, looking a bit like a wet poodle, but she’s bursting with joy, telling Estrella that her Cesarín is the most wonderful man in the world.

She hands Estre some little thing that looks like a bobby pin (with I had HD), maybe it’s like a pin that Cesar gave her, and tells how Cesar pretended to be a magician, but that’s nothing compared to what happened after! Estre’s happy for her. They gossip a bit, but Nieves has to go make Cesar his favorite snack, romeritos (a green herb like rosemary, served with dried shrimp, potatoes and sauce). Estre gives back the bobby pin (and I realize that’s why Nieves had poodle hair).

Don Cesar is looking particularly sharp in a bright red-orange suit, blue shirt, and gold chain, almost walking on air,

until he sees two cops and a guy in a suit. Turns out he’s under arrest for the suspected kidnapping of Nieves Ochoa. Cesar protests, she’s my woman, my Nievecita, but these guys aren’t listening.

A somewhat weepy Marcos explains to Beto how he’s bringing the full force of the law down against Cesar. Beto admires the ring Marcos bought, and when told it’s 8 carats (kilates), says his jefa weighs a lot more than that. By the way, he’d be happy to deliver it to her, he jokes. Mauricio enters, telling Marcos that Jacqueline left for Italy. Marcos isn’t surprised after she was so embarrassed at the party. Mau thinks not, since she left with Costeño. Anyway, Mau gives Marcos the briefcase full of money, which has now come full circle (Marcos-Coni-Jero-Jacqui-Mau-Marcos). Marcos is dumbfounded. This is the money I gave my daughter for her “acciones” (which can mean both “actions” and “stock shares”). Beto can’t believe Coni would receive this much for her bad actions (hah!). Marcos realizes Jacqui was right, Coni is mixed up in bad business, and has to lose everything before she can see the error of her ways. He offers the money to Mau, who refuses, it would only bring problems and hostility. Beto says HE’D gladly bear problems, hostility, quarrels, punches, whatever if they’d give HIM the money. Mau says he’ll give the money to the Casa Hogar, the group home where his kids were raised. Beto’s not giving up. Remember, he says, I don’t have a Dad. And, umm, my Mom disappeared, so…..

It’s tea time in the lair of the snake, as Hissabel insists that Alicia drink her favorite drink, it’ll calm her down. Alicia says she really has to go out, but Hissy says they can both go out later, let’s just drink our tea first. Alicia gives in, and drinks. Hissy then calmly states “I know you very well, Alicia. I know why you’re upset. What happened was that you heard the conversation I had with Constanza a few minutes ago, right?” Alicia frowns, keeps drinking.

Jero arrives at his/Ximena’s place to pack his bags. Xime tells him someone is waiting for him. It’s Coni, who wants her money back. Now. Sorry, says Jerry, your lustful mother skipped the country with that pumped up black guy (prieto inflada), taking all the money. What!!?? shrieks Coni.

Mau asks Beto if Moni used to have a thing for Lobo, years ago. Beto says yes, in fact, if Lobo hadn’t gotten married, Moni might have married him, and they’d have a bunch of kids by now. But Beto also thinks Lobo plays the field, likes a bunch of ladies. Fortunately, his Constancia is faithful. Mau is starting to turn a bit green at this point.

Why, Isabel, why? cries Alicia. Why such evil? What runs through your veins? How could you want to end the life of your own child? Hissy tells her, It’s been so easy to play with you, Alicia. You chose to believe in me blindly, I guess for the affection you felt for me. And you know what, I could never stand you, you don’t know how much I hated how you could never shut up, you talked and talked without stopping, didn’t you get fed up with yourself? (Alicia starts gasping for breath). And you know what I thought when I couldn’t shut your mouth? I’d never find a way to quiet you once and for all. But guess what - I found the way, look (she picks up the vial Oscar gave her), with this poison I’m going to kill Valentina the day of her match, but I needed to test how effective it was. (Alicia cries no, no, Isabel,

then sinks backwards onto the bed, DEAD!). Isabel smiles. You see, it wasn’t that hard. Finally, I can be together with you in silence.

(Sadly, it appears that our Aliblaba will no more habla).

Over at Gym Jimmy, Lobo wonders why Coni’s late. Enter Mauricio, telling Lobo to stay away from La Monita. Lobo wants MAU to stay away from her. After Lobo calls Mau an imbecile and a pig, the macho pushing starts. Jimmy tries to separate them as they call each other cowards. Lobo says Mau just loves to use his money, and abuse poor women. Mau is really mad now, and Jimmy says if you guys want to fight, put on gloves, and get in the ring. They both have no objection to this.

Back in Moni’s apartment, Hissy cleans up the evidence, removes the cups, scatters laundry on the body, making it look like a heart attack. She takes her bag with the red envelope containing the damning pictures of Coni, and exits, quite pleased with herself.

Coni, though, is not so pleased. Her Mom isn’t answering the phone. Jerry says she left the country, it’s too late. Xime tries to be helpful, but they both yell, SHUT UP! Coni’s worried that Oscar will send her to jail, Jerry’s worried that Oscar will kill him (why don’t they join forces?) Jero says he’s leaving, but Coni isn’t taking that route. Xime interrupts. Coni, you said you could end up in jail. Does that mean it’s now a crime to be promiscuous and easy? Coni stalks out in a rage. Xime tries her luck with Jero, wondering when he’ll die, since the other day, she saw a cute black dress which looked so stunning, she’d really like to wear it, and….Jero’s not amused, and goes upstairs to pack.

Beefcake alert! Mau and Lobo are now shirtless, putting on the boxing gloves. Jimmy cautions Mau not to do it, Lobo’s a pro, he’ll tear you to pieces. Mau won’t back down. The two fighters circle each other, eyeing each other warily (where have I heard that before?) Enter Estrella, don’t do it! Mau tells her to leave, it’s none of her business. She rushes out to get help. Jimmy says let’s have a fair fight, okay, box!

I’m innocent! yells Don Cesar from behind prison bars. (almost forgot about him) He has a visitor, though, smiling, smug, Marcos, as we get ready for macho confrontation No. 2. No one looks me in the face without batting an eyelash (se queda tan campante), says Marcos. Where’d you take Nieves? To the moon and the stars, is the reply. Marcos tells him to watch his words, he’s talking about his future wife. Cesar begs to differ, she won’t marry you. Oh really, says Marcos, you think Nieves would prefer you over ME (motioning at how handsome he is). Look in the mirror, wire head. There’s a big difference between us. Yeah, says Cesar, I’m handsome, you’re decrepit (carcamán). Marcos gets right in his face, don’t mess with MY Nieves. Oh really? retorts Cesar, haven’t you heard that what belongs to Cesar, is Cesar’s? Marcos gets an evil grin, makes a threatening motion with his fist, and tells Cesar he’s a magician, too, and he’ll make Cesar “disappear” from the life of his future wife. He makes his hand in the shape of a gun, “shoots” Cesar, and laughs. (I fear Marcos is slipping a bit over to the dark side.)

Moni’s doing her workout when Estrella rushes in to tell her about the excess testosterone levels over in Gym Jimmy. Moni rips off her practice gloves and runs out, an out of breath (and pregnant, and wearing little flats, unlike Moni’s sneakers) Estrella following as fast as she can.

Ximena has lit some incense and is chanting Ommmmm. She explains to Rolu that she’s trying to get rid of the bad energy Coni left. What’s the matter? asks Rolu. She sits in his lap, explains she’s super worried because Jerry’s going to die really soon. And if he dies, there’ll be a big void in this house. His bedroom, of course. I just can’t decide whether to put in a gym, a mini-spa, a tanning salon, or a super dressing room, what am I to do? Arnie enters, and manages a cheek kiss with Xime. Rolu says Xime can have her gym AND her super dressing room, because isn’t it about time Arnie left? From the background, we hear Jerry say it’s time for ME to leave, so enjoy me, touch me, it’s your last time. The doorbell rings, and it’s Gabi. Jerry figures she brought the money, right? Nope, she brought something else. Boys? Two cops enter, and Jerónimo is under arrest. Gabi tells him the jig is up, he might as well tell them where Oscar is.

The wolf and the sheepdog are displaying their chiseled chests, as Lobo gives Mau a little pep talk, focus, center yourself. Mau doesn’t want any help, and unleashes a quick left to Lobo’s jaw, drawing blood. Big mistake. Lobo starts pummeling Mau with an endless barrage of heavy hits, when in bursts Monita, just in time. She bounds into the ring, imploring Lobo to stop hitting him, quickly jumps in between the boxers, just as Lobo uncorks a vicious right cross, intended for Mau, and catches Moni square in the jaw! She swoons and collapses face down onto the canvas. Our beefcake boys are a bit befuddled.

You KILLED her, cries Estrella.

You’re not taking me anywhere! screams Jerry to the cops, grabbing a designer chair for protection. The suited cop explains it’d be better if Jerry comes with them to answer some questions. Jerry says he’s innocent, it was all Oscar. Tell it to the judge, replies suit guy. Xime has her three things, though. Uno, my hermanolfo, half hermano (brother), half golfo (good for nothing bum), isn’t such a bad guy, except when he grabs my neck and chokes me, but anyway, Dos, if you want to get info out of him, try this little pillow (grabs a cushion (cojín) we’ve seen before), it’s a technique with which he’s very…Shut up, Ximena, that’s just between us, you traitor! I’m just trying to defend you, she replies, causing him to call her taradúpida (combination of tarada and estúpida (both of which mean dummy), causing both Rolu and Arnie to leap to her defense (our third pair of machos?) Gabi tells Jerry to cut the crap, we all know you’re Oscar’s accomplice. Right, says Xime, he’s your “mentor”, you guys are like the Yin and Yang of evil (she still holding a stick of incense). Jerry makes a break for the door, grabbing Ximena as a hostage! The cops pull their guns, and it’s another Mexican standoff.

Our boxing bruisers gingerly turn over the unconscious Moni, Estrella also in the ring, as the three crouch over her, fanning her, looking for a reaction. Sure enough, Moni pops up as if she were in her own match, goes into her stance, ready to take on BOTH the guys, bring it on! She's furious with them. She orders Mau to stop this, he’s no fighter. Mau’s not afraid, and besides, La Momia isn’t a fighter either. But did you know this imbecile is training her? Sure, replies Moni, it was my idea, so you, Mauricio had better train, too, before fighting El Lobo. Fine, says Mau, train me, when can we start? Forget it, get out of here, hit the road! (lárgate de aquí, ahuecando el ala). Estrella begs her not to be so harsh, but Moni says she’s already saved the life of Estre’s loverboy (amorcito), so CAN it! Estre screams back she’s told Moni a thousand times she doesn’t love Mauricio. Oh, so it’s just sex, then. After a bit more yelling, Moni walks away with Lobo, leaving Mau and Estrella frazzled, fizzled, forlorn and forsaken.

Alone with Lobo, Moni reams him out for fighting Mau, he could have really hurt him! Ah, you still love him, don’t you? Yes, as mad as she is at him, she still has feelings for Mau, admits Moni. Lobo says he wanted to give Mau a thrashing (una paliza), because he deserved it, but she’s right, he could have really hurt the guy. Well, then promise me you won’t fight him again. He won’t promise, because this idiot keeps bothering you, he’d better prepare himself, no one should be allowed to make fun of you. He gently touches her cheek with his boxing glove, and she smiles.

Put down your weapons! demands Jerry of the cops. Arnie says don’t shoot, and Xime agrees, she’s young, and beautiful, right? Jerry makes for the door, when Rolu STANDS UP, lunges out of his chair, and starts pulling Jerry off of Ximena. Jerry stops fighting, this is interesting. Xime’s happy her Rolu defended her. Grab him, yells Gabi, but Jerry punches Rolu, who crashes to the floor, and snatches his sister again, ordering Arnie to open the door. Arnie refuses. Jerry says you’d better if you don’t want to be cleaning Ximena’s brains (sesos) off the floor when these guys fire their guns. Not my brains! pleads Xime. Arnie opens the door, Jerry drags Ximena out, and Arnie and the others run after them. The cops trip over each other, as Rolu rushes ahead. Xime grabs a railing, you never take me anywhere brother, why now? Rolu and Arnie yell to let her go! Jerry throws Xime into Arnie’s shocked arms, and bolts. Xime calls Arnie her hero, as Rolu launches himself OVER THE RAILING, crashing down on top of Jerry, twenty feet below, as both their heads CRACK against the pavement!!!!

There’s blood, and Xime bemoans that she might be a widow and without her hermanolfo, at the same time!

Coni, desperate to get out of her jam, has sought out the only other person who could help, her Daddy. She tearfully tells him that Mom went to Italy, and she took all that money! She needs him to get that money back, but Marcos won’t, it’s time for Coni to take responsibility for her mistakes. He agrees that what her Mom did was bad, but you, daughter, also obtained that money through dirty dealings, blackmailing and tricking Mauricio. Forgive me, daughter, but you deserve what happened to you.

Cut to someone who did NOT deserve it, Alicia, lying lifeless on Moni’s bed, as Nieves calls to Moni from outside. She comes in, sees Alicia, gets increasingly distraught as there’s no response.

Coni begs her Dad, I’ll sell the house, can’t you just give me a loan? Marcos is firm, she had to lose everything to learn her lesson, to give up her hate and desire for vengeance. She sinks to her knees, implores him, she really needs to pay a debt, the situation is very, very serious, please, Daddy, please! Marcos takes a deep breath, points a stern fatherly finger at her. Tell me to my face, you’ll change, you’ll return the ownership of the vecindad, you’ll cancel the fight with Valentina. Coni jumps up, I can’t do that Dad, I just won’t! In that case, daughter, there’s nothing I can do for you.

The heavy burden of this fatherly admonishment is writ large on Coni’s face,

her mind whirling with conflicting emotions, and our episode ends.

Previews: I’m not even going to tell you, let’s just say the shocks continue, with lies, love, threats, and desire. It’s últimos capítulos!


Kilates – carats
Prieto inflada – pumped up black guy, prieto means a dark skinned guy, inflada is inflated, or pumped
Se quedó tan campante
– didn’t bat an eyelash, you could translate campante as imperturbable
Carcamán – decrepit, also used as a noun, an old crock (or an old hag, for a woman)
Ahuecando el ala – Get out of here, literally deepening your wing, but it means “scram!”, or hit the road, Jack!
Una paliza
– a thrashing

Sesos – brains


Salvaje - 4/9/10: Wedding Bell Blahs For Aimee

Capítulo 36

As we settle in for a night of wedding eve jitters we FF>> to jip (join in progress) as Juan tells Gabe that he’s not going back to Spain. He cannot forget Aimee and wants to return for her. Gabe does secret mental cartwheels at the chance to see his Estrella again.

The next morning we see Juan, Gabe, Colibri and the crew enjoying themselves on the return trip. That night Juan can only think of coming back to Aimee and of never leaving her side again.

At a family dinner that evening, Rodrigo toasts to Aimee and Renato’s happiness because the following day they are marrying. “Renato I give you my beloved Aimee. Make her happy. Love and respect her all your life.” Renato promises to dedicate his life to making Aimee happy. (No small task. Viewerville snickers in unison. --The poor, lovesick puppy definitely has his work cut out for him!) As Regina politely smiles and suffers in silence, Aimee pretends she can’t think of anything she’d rather do and promises to make him happy also. Clemencia looks on with more than a bit of apprehension. Regi thinks to herself that tomorrow she loses Ren for ever. Aimee thinks to herself that tomorrow she loses Juan forever.

Out at sea, meanwhile, Juan and his men fight to save the ship from an unexpected storm. After being knocked out by a giant wave, Juan recovers and encourages his crew with his bravery. He promises to get them to port safely. (Did we ever doubt he would? Pshaw!)

During dinner at the finca, Noel mentions that the girls’ mother had a given him something before she died. Leonarda secretly worries that it was some sort of proof that she’d poisoned her. Noel explains that Constanza left him a small amount of money from her parents’ inheritance to invest right before she died. He invested it well and it now is a whopping fortune. His instructions were to give half to each of her daughters on their wedding day.

A much relieved Leonarda gets up and makes her own toast to the happy couple. “Tomorrow you will be united and then nothing and no one will separate you.” This last little turn of phrase makes Aimee freak and she rushes out of the room. Regi offers to go after her and handle Aimee’s “wedding eve jitters.” Leona gripes about Aimee’s outbursts [arrebatos]. Rod comments that unfortunately women cannot handle their emotions. (Chauvinist!) Ren gets up to check on Aimee and Leonarda races after him. She whispers a warning to remember her advice from before that he shouldn’t allow Aimee to become some tyrant that forces him to give in to every little whim of hers. (Now that’s certainly the pot calling the kettle black! Shut. Up. Leona.) Ren listens dutifully and then follows after Aimee and Regi. When Leona returns to the table Noel asks what she said to him and she replies that she reminded him that women are fragile, but their duty is to serve and please. (Okiedok.) Rod likens it to a passing feminine tempest in a teapot and says they should retire to the salon for post prandial coffee and brandy.

In the salon, Rod congratulates Noel on the way he invested his wife’s inheritance. Noel says it’s his job and then advises Rod that he probably should sell his shares in wood as the rumors that prices will be going lower are continuing. He’s telling Raul de Marin to do the same. Rod scoffs at Noel’s fearful admonitions and says he’ll buy whatever de Marin decides to sell because he thinks the decrease in price is only temporary and will eventually double or triple.

Ren the Romantic thinks giving flowers to Aimee will cheer her up. Regi prays and promises God to help her sister stay on the high road with Ren. She’s determined to help Aimee conquer the memory of “that savage” for the sake of Aimee and Ren’s marital bliss. (Regi deserves at least an E for effort, I guess.) Aimee sneaks out of the house again.

Juan and his crew manage to avoid total disaster. He thanks his lucky stars and laughs that the sea loves him. Gabe is muy relieved.

Tia Griselda is angry with Jimena for only bringing back a few paltry coins for the day’s work. She tells Mena she should look for the young man who’s always after her and snooker some big bucks out of him. Jimena says he’s gone and probably never coming back. Grizzy angrily tells her she was stupid to let him get away from her. She should have seduced him and that would have done the trick, says Grizzy. When Mena says he doesn’t love her, Grizzy gets physical and says who’s been talking about love? “Payos [non-gypsies] don’t fall in love with gypsies! They despise us! That’s why you take advantage of them. "Figure it out, fool!" [entender, informal use] “Love between payos and gypsies doesn’t happen!”

Juan and his men finally pull into a cove to repair the damage from the storm. Since they all want to get back home in a hurry, especially Juan, the men agree to work at it all through the night.

Mena dreams sweet dreams about Gabe surprising her with the news that he loves her and not Estrella.

Ren takes Regi and Clemencia to see the room that he and Aimee will use and the room that will be the nursery. Regi holds back her tears at seeing the “nuptial bed.” Ren says his whole world is Aimee. Aimee, Aimee, Aimee! Regi fakes another polite smile. (I am ready to barf! Stick a sock in it already, Renato! Sheesh!)

Outside, alone in the garden, Aimee cries over Juan’s leaving her. At the same time, Juan, desperate to return for her, is looking up at the stars. “Aimee! Aimee! Are you thinking of me, Aimee? Are you waiting in anticipation for my return so that I might take you in my arms again? --So that we might never be apart again? My Aimee!”

Meanwhile, Aimee cries because she thinks Juan has probably forgotten her by now. “Damn you, Juan del Diablo! Why didn’t you take me with you? Damn you! Damn you!!”

Juan and the crew crack open some of the bottles of rum they picked up in Havana. They toast to their bravery and to love and passion. Gabe notes the change in Juan’s attitude.

Finally Regi can’t take it anymore and rushes out of the room. Clem tells the worried Ren that women are emotional beings. All the excitement has gotten Aimee and Regi all worked up. He hugs Clemencia and thanks her for staying on with them. FF>>

Gabe mentions the change in Juan and says Juan wasn’t so happy go lucky when he first met him. He was filled with hate and bitterness. Now it’s as if the woman who has enchanted him has stolen his soul. Juan says he’s right. Aimee has and now he knows she is the only woman in the world who can make him happy. He wants to make her happy also, happy always. (Cue the turtle doves.)

Aimee goes looking for Ren in the study. She apologizes for the earlier outburst and blames it on the excitement. On the one hand, she says, she realizes she’s going to be leaving her father’s house forever, and on the other, she’s so excited at the anticipation of a future full of love at his side! (Gag me! The woman knows how to lay it on thick, I’ll give her that.) Ren says he understands completely and will not be judgmental. He then compares her to Regi and says they are alike. They have the same sensibilities. (Renato, ever heard about how the word “assume” breaks down? It makes an ass out of “u” and an ass out of “me”…..) Ren then smiles and says he wants her to feel like a queen in her own little realm there at the finca. He wants her to be as happy as he himself feels having her with him always. (Cue more turtle doves.)

Ren also has a surprise for Aimee. He has made a cocktail for her out of pineapple and champagne. He will call it the “Aimee” and all their children and grandchildren will toast to her with it and remember her each time they taste it. Aimee pretends to be thrilled with the drink and his uber-romantic tribute to her. Aimee, though, is secretly thinking to herself that nothing is as intoxicating [embriagante] as Juan’s lips.

Back at the campfire on shore, Juan excitedly tells Gabe that he plans to buy Devil’s Rock and build a huge mansion on it for Aimee. Then he plans to buy numerous ships so that they can travel together all over the world, not to mention several carriages in all colors and styles to ride in with her on his arm. “So that she’ll feel proud of me.” Anything she wants he’ll do for her. Gabe says he never would think a woman could change a man so much. Juan says it has. He loves his Aimee and that’s a fact. She’s to be his and woe to the man who lays eyes on her because he’ll kill him for sure. They toast to that.

Raul and Fulgencio are enjoying themselves at the Can-Can’t Club. Fully tells Raul that he’s got great news for Don Rod. He bribed a sailor and found out that the man who’s Aldama’s representative set sail for Spain and that he’ll probably not be back. They’ll probably never see hide nor hair of him again. Raul is secretly in seventh heaven. “I’m free! I’m free!” (Cue the polka band.) He gets up and dances a jig with all three of the hoofin’ hookers.

Gabe tells Juan to be careful because he’s worried about what will happen once they return. Juan’s enemies will be laying for him for sure. Juan’s got plans to take care of both Rodrigo Montes de Oca and Leonarda Vidal. Gabe bursts Juan’s balloon by asking him if he’s certain the woman he loves will accept him once he destroys her father. Suddenly Juan’s not such a happy camper. Seems the big galoot didn’t consider that and he’ll need some time to think that one through a bit.

Aimee’s wedding day arrives. Leona, Rosenda and Clemencia are fawning over her (well, Rosenda, not so much). Regi comes in. The two compliment each other’s appearance and hug. Aimee is full of smiles for the others, but deep down it's anything but. (Can you say "Run Away Bride", class?)

Juan is getting close to land and tells Gabe he plans to lay anchor off Devil’s Rock and then go looking for Aimee.

Back at the finca, Aimee comes downstairs. Rod gives her his blessing. He reminds her that her duty will be to her husband and that after the ceremony she will no longer be just his daughter, but also Renato’s wife “till death.” Seems Aimee is still having a hard time with that last little bit of phraseology.


Friday, April 09, 2010

Dinero #60, 4/9/10: Leaving on a Jet Plane

Vicky sics her hermanos on Rafa and blocks him from the door.

The beauty salon is buzzing when an Italian man wanders in and speaks a mixture of Italian and Spanish (Italish...) He’s in Mexico in hopes of becoming the next Andrea Bocelli.

Ale promises Jorge and Rosario she’ll call them once she gets to Playa Estrella. She tells Marco that Beltran is forcing her to go on the business trip with Rafa. He is not happy but Ale says it’s the only way to end all their problems; once Rafa makes the sale, his debt to her will be all cleared up. Marco is still steamed and pulls a puppy-dog face about their second hotel date being cancelled.

Rafa limps out of his room with Vicky clutching his leg. She eventually gets up and squeezes Rafa, refusing to let him go. Leonor tries to pry Vicky off but it’s useless. Rafa gets a call from Ale; she’s already on her way to the airport. Rafa swears he’s on his way. Just then, Vicky’s hermanos start banging on the front door.

Rafa manages to squirm out of Vicky’s grip, leaving her a squealing mess on the floor. He grabs his luggage and hides as Leonor opens the front door. The hermanos flood into the room and hurry to Vicky’s side. Rafa darts out the door while they’re preoccupied. Leonor tries to stop them as they ravage the house looking for Rafa.

At the airport, Ale is anxious because Rafa hasn’t arrived. Marco doesn’t understand the worry. Why can’t she close the deal without him? “Because he knows the people and has all the contacts!” Marco claims Ale is still entitled to the commission but Ale says the money is going to end up hers anyway. She can take care of her own problem and can’t wait until Rafa is out of her life.

Rafa grabs a cab but the street is completely gridlocked. It’s beginning to look hopeless until Rafa sees a guy weaving through traffic on a motorcycle. Rafa offers to pay the guy to give him a ride to the airport; he has got to get there because he’s going on a trip with the love of his life. (Aw.) The guy agrees, helps Rafa put on a helmet, and they speed off.

Susana is on the phone making a reservation for Ale’s business trip. Dandy comments on how alone the two of them are but Susana is busy on the phone with a hotel on Playa Estrella. Dandy is thrilled by the idea of a hotel on the beach for the two of them but Susana sets him straight. She gets back to work but Dandy makes it difficult by continually bugging her.

Just as Ale is about to lose it, Rafa sprints into the lobby. She begs the clerk to let them board the plane. The clerk says it’s too late. Ale explains they have a huge business deal on the line. When that doesn’t work, Ale lays down a threat. “If you don’t let us through, you are going to be responsible for a murder because I am going to kill him and take the pieces with me in my luggage.” (Lol)

Marco shouts at Rafa for being so irresponsible but Rafa says he had trouble at home. Ale keeps begging and turns on some fake sobs. The clerk finally relents and starts to process Rafa’s ticket. Marco warns Rafa that if he fails, he has no idea how much it’s going to cost him. Rafa remembers seeing Marco smooching a hoochie and tries to say something but Ale rushes him away from the counter.

Marco tells Ale to call him if Rafa steps out of line; he has several police contacts. Rafa isn’t fazed. Marco suddenly remembers being “attacked” by a man with a pen and wonders if it could have been Rafa.

Leonor is furious at Vicky for being so foolishly jealous. Vicky cries that even though Ale hates Rafa, she still can’t stand the thought of her Pajarito alone with another woman. Leonor says she’s crazy. (Hahaha!) The hermanos stampede into the room and vow to get Rafa when he comes back. Leonor grabs a nearby cucumber and threatens to call the police on the hermanos, even Vicky, if they pull something like this again. The brothers promise to make Rafa pay in blood but Leonor says they’ll have to go through her first. (All right, Leonor!!)

Jaime and Julieta get mixed into the fray and Jaime tries to reason with the hermanos. Bigger brother picks him up by the shirttail and ends that pretty quickly. Finally, Don Gaston arrives and wants to know what the hell is going on. He makes his hijos put Jaime down. Leonor, cucumber in hand, explains the entire ridiculous situation to Gaston.

Vicky cries to her padre about Rafa leaving with his jefa but he tells her to knock it off. “Stop being so stupid, Vicky! Think like a mature woman. A man has to be respected in business. Rafa is a working man and if you’re going to marry him, you have to learn to respect him.” Vicky is silent, at last.

Leonor then tells Gaston about his hijos threatening to beat Rafa. Gaston can’t believe his sons would spew threats in a woman’s house. He sarcastically calls them brave and muy machos. Gaston slaps the both of them for being so pigheaded (all right!) and yells at them and Vicky to get home pronto.

Gaston apologizes and tells Leonor if they do anything like this again, go ahead and call the police. He’ll come running to give them a good kick in the pants. Gaston asks Leonor to talk to Rafa; he doesn’t like to see his daughter cry and just wants her to be respected.

Rafa and Ale board the plane and Rafa is fascinated by everything. “It’s like a bus with wings!” He had no idea what the inside of a plane looked like and Ale teases him for it.

Susana calls Ale and tells her there aren’t any open hotels. Ale says she’ll just have to look for one when she gets there.

Rafa is surprised they can make phone calls in the plane and pulls out his cell phone. He sits on the arm of Ale’s seat and she’s disgusted pushes him off. “What? I bathe.” Rafa sits in his seat and calls Leonor. Ale “reads” a magazine as a cover for her obvious eavesdropping.

Leonor tells Rafa about how Don Gaston solved the commotion and there’s nothing for him to worry about. Rafa gushes about how amazing it is inside the plane and Leonor is happy for him. He tells her to take care of his hermana while he’s gone, which makes Ale smile.

A voice-over on the plane says to turn off all electronics and Rafa talks back to the voice. Ale lets him know he doesn’t have to reply.

Chucho wanders the Hacienda grounds very late at night. An owl hoots and there are sounds of footsteps in the distance. Sure enough, Chucho finds footprints in the mud and thinks it’s a ghost. He runs off screaming for help.

Martin takes Dolores out on a date. He orders a beer for himself and the finest wine for Dolores. He demands to hear some music and the waiter guarantees he has some music they will like. The two of them chat and flirt until loud opera music spoils the mood. The waiter (I think he’s the Italian from the beauty shop) is bellowing a song from behind the bar.

Dandy tries way too hard to get Susana to go out with him. She does agree to let him take her home. Marino has a sleazy smile and hands Dandy a packet of condoms, just in time for two ladies to notice them holding the packet at the same time. The ladies giggle and the guys scatter.

The waiter promises to change the music and Martin continues charming Dolores. He’s very proud of how the dance turned out and wants to redecorate the trancazo. Dolores asks to know more about him. Martin was married, willingly divorced, and claims to have fallen in love at first sight with Dodo. They chat some more and Martin thoughtbubbles something but I couldn’t get a good translation.

Gaston tells Vicky to go to her room; he doesn’t want to hear anymore from her. She cries that he’ll never hear anything from her again and slams the bedroom door behind her. The hermanos are still out for Rafa’s blood and plan on getting him no matter what their padre said.

Dolores and Martin’s date comes to a screeching halt when Dolores’ chair breaks from underneath her. She lands on the floor hard and gets up with a better understanding of how her customers feel.

Leonor and Julieta have a heart to heart talk. Leonor wants Julieta to feel free to tell her anything; she’s there to give Julieta advice and wants to see her happy. Julieta admits there is a guy she likes but it’s difficult because most guys just want sex. Leonor gulps and Julieta assures her there’s nothing to worry about; Julie is focused on school because of what her madre and hermano taught her. Leonor thinks Julieta needs a guy like Jaime: not good looking or super attractive but kind and decent.

Leonor offers a solid piece of advice: a passionate love may seem attractive but it isn’t strong enough to last very long. A sincere and noble love is one that will last a lifetime.

Rafa asks the flight attendant if he can open a window because he’s claustrophobic. Ale is mortified and laughs it off as though Rafa were telling a joke. Poor Rafa had no idea the windows can’t be opened on an airplane.

Once the attendant leaves, Ale rounds on him for asking such silly questions. Rafa sticks to his guns; he only wanted to open the window for a little air like on buses and cars. It makes total sense to him. Rafa is horrified when Ale tells him airplanes don’t have lights like cars. “How do they see to take off?!” Ale explains that they have instruments to help them see.

Rafa bites his nails nervously but Ale tells him not to worry. (Though she is enjoying watching him squirm.) The flight attendant tells Rafa to buckle his seatbelt and Ale reaches over to do it for him. Rafa jumps, fidgets, and makes it all around awkward. (It’s a lot better to see than read about. Very funny little moment!)

Rafa prays to pass out soon so he doesn’t have to know what’s going on until after they’ve landed. Ale turns away to hide her grin. The plane takes off and Rafa squeals with a mixture of excitement and terror.

Avances: Ale and Rafa arrive at a very sketchy motel and end up with a room that only has one bed. Ooh la la. ;-)


El Clon, Fri, April 9- We finally move forward in time but the plot - not so much

Cristina loses the high-stakes game she was playing as she is declared Armando's wife. Leo gives her a little smile, drops the glove she gave him and leaves.

She heads for the Ladies with Dora and Vicki right behind. She vows that she will make Leo regret what he has done. She will get married (me caso). "But Cristina," says Dora, "you already got married (ya te casaste)." "What have I done!" she wails.

Although Leo is assaulted with flashbacks as he drives home from the wedding, he says that he has finally freed himself from Cristina.

Now we move forward 3 years indicated by Daniel changing from the little Aztec baby as they call him over on TW to an older child. Albieri has been spoiling the child rotten for the last three years so that, as her mother predicted, he doesn't want to be with Dora, he wants to be with 'his father.' [What happened to Julio's concern that Dora be told the truth?]

Latifa has finally gotten pregnant. As usual when Mohamed is deeply moved, he refers to himself in the third person.

Mohamed says that their baby will be born in Morocco. They will go immediately. The happy news reaches Morocco. Nariza pretends to be happy for Latifa. This news gives her less to complain about and diminishes her status in the family. Said tells Jade that the only thing alloying the happiness of the news is that she isn't carrying his baby.

Mohamed distributes food to what appears to be total strangers in celebration of the news. [Mohamed and Latifa are really a cute couple and about the only sympathetic characters in the novela.]

Joy and celebration reign as Mohamed and Latifa return to Ali's house except for Nariza, appropriately dressed in black, who says that the baby had better be a boy.

Up in her room, Latifa tells Jade that the child will be a boy, named Mohamed. She tells Jade that she is very happy and asks Jade if she is happy with her rich husband who covers her with gold. Jade tell Latifa that she if she had another chance, she would live her life the same way, so wonderful was the happiness she had with Lucas. Latifa suggest that she will feel differently when she has children. Jade says that she won't have any children.

Lucas tells Rosa that he doesn't want any more children.

Said tells Jade that he wants a child and he is taking her to doctor. [Of course, he assumes that it is her fault.] Then Jade sees an opportunity. She tells Said that the best fertility doctor is in Miami in the US. She claims not to remember the doctor's name and suggests that they not tell Uncle Ali about this. Said asks why and Jade replies that Ali thinks the best doctors are in Morocco and it would be kinder not to disillusion him and maybe the treatment would be for both of them. Said says no, Muslim men are very fertile.

Zoraida gives Latifa a folk remedy for morning sickness - holding a key. Then she and Jade retire to the kitchen for a chat. She tells Zoraida about the Miami trip. Zoraida can't believe that Said would take Jade to the same city where Lucas lives. Jade replies that she hasn't mentioned Lucas in years; Said has forgotten about him. But for her time hasn't passed. She loves him as much as she did before. Zoraida says that time doesn't pass for Jade. That's what she read in the coffee grounds. Except that it wasn't. Here, from Paula's recap of the Feb 24 episode is what Zoraida read in the coffee grounds:

“A love that will last your entire life. Joy that turns to sadness that turns to joy.” Jade inserts, with excitement, “Then we’ll be together! He’s el amor de mi vida! I knew it the moment I saw him!” Zoraida continues, “You’ll meet the same man two times (i.e. Jade will meet him for the first time, twice. Time will pass for you but not for him. The past and the future will cross in front of you, and you will decide whether to take the path that leads backwards, or to continue forward. Love will last a lifetime, but it doesn’t say you will be together. Perhaps you will lose him and re-find him later.”

Bad prophecy? Sloppy writing?

Jade wonders if Lucas still thinks of her.

Well, of course he does. To illustrate this, Leo is playing some really kitchy Moroccan music. Lucas turns off the CD player. Always sympathetic to the feelings of others, Leo tells Lucas to grow up and if he doesn't like the music, he can go to his room. [Whatever happened to, 'this is now your house, treat me like a guest?']

Danelito #3 is not a great actor. He tells his mom that he doesn't want to be poor like her and insists that Albieri is his father. When Dora says that Albieri is only his godfather, the kid wants to know who his father is.

Luisa wants to take Danielito to visit the Ferrers and she can't understand why Albieri keeps making excuses about why this can't happen. Albieri is interrupted by Danielito calling to ask Albieri to pick him up. He says that he is Daniel's father.

We see that of course Danielito has the birthmark that Diego and Lucas had/have. Marisa sees the birthmark on Lucas and he tells her for our benefit that Natalia will not have it. It is inherited from the mother. Then Marisa tells her friend that Lucas is so not like Diego. Diego was passionate and all the girls adored him. She says that it was strange. She lost the man that she adored and then all of a sudden, there he was. She mentions that when she met Lucas he had a Moroccan girlfriend, nothing serious. When her friend asks if she knows where the old girlfriend is now, Marisa says that she hopes that she is lost in the desert sands and never shows up again.

Jade, of course, is hoping for the opposite. She tells Zoraida that Said will tell her whether she can go to Miami with him after the party for Latifa. Zoraida hopes the answer is no. She is afraid of what would happen if Said and Lucas came face to face. Jade says that she won't get close to Lucas. She made the promise to Allah to give him up if his life was spared. If she had the courage to do it then, she can do it now.

A spying servant (who seems to have learned Spanish while Jade hasn't learned any Arabic) has told Ali about Jade's plan to go to Miami. Ali is totally opposed and says that he will convince Said not to permit the trip.

Jade tells Zoraida that they will see who has more power over Said, Ali or her.

Jade knows how to persuade Said. She gets all gussied up for the party.

When Nariza makes snide comments about how much gold Said is throwing away on her, Said tells her not to pay attention. He says that Nariza has a 'carácter fuerte,' a strong personality, a euphemism for someone who is really obnoxious. But, he continues, she has a good heart. "She works hard to hide it," replies Jade. Said tells Jade how much he loves her and that he will give her anything. "Take me to Miami," says Jade.

Leo recalls to Enrique that it was in this bar that he saw Cristina the day that Natalia was born. Enrique says that he hasn't seen Cristina around. Leo replies that he believes that she went to Argentina with her husband. Enrique says it is too bad that Leo couldn't get past what happened with Cristina and Diego. Leo replies that it's worse than that. He says he will never forgive himself for not preventing the accident that killed Diego. He should have paid more attention to Diego but instead he was besotted with Cristina. [So Leo is going to torture himself with guilt about not paying enough attention to the son he no longer has while he pays no attention to the problems of the son he still has. Way to go, Leo.]

Of course, Cristina is now arriving back in Miami.

Dora tells Vicki that she has heard Osvaldo is back in town and she is dying to see him. There is at knock at the door. It's Cristina.

She fills us in on what happened with Armando. He was a swindler - all lies. He never had any money. One day he just vanished and now his creditors are after her. She lost the money Leo gave her in a bad investment so now she is dead broke. However, she says that Leo will pay for all that has happened because it was his fault- he didn't stop her wedding to Armando.

At the party for Latifa, Ali doles out wisdom from the Koran to Mohamed and Latifa while Jade bewitches Said with her dancing. He is like putty in her hands and agrees to take her to Miami.

When they arrive, Said takes Jade to a nice hotel. He says that he was only in Miami before when he was a boy and doesn't remember anything. Jade announces that since they are in America, she is taking off her veil. Said refuses to let her. She must not show herself to anyone but him. Jade won't give up. She points out that the Koran does not require that a woman cover herself and that many women in Morocco don't wear a veil. Said replies that all the women in his family cover themselves. Her beauty is reserved just for him. He doesn't want her to 'exhibit' herself to any other men. We see how seriously Jade takes her vow not to see Lucas. As soon as Said goes to take a shower, Jade looks up the telephone number of the Ferrer house and calls on her cell.

We don't see who, if anyone, answers the call. Lucas is playing tennis. He agrees to meet Marisa later at a restaurant.

Cristina shows up at Leo's office. Now here's how I would have written it: Cristina: 'Leo, I behaved like a complete idiot in marrying Armando to make you jealous. How about we start over as friends and have lunch.' But no. Cristina rants and raves. She accuses Leo of ruining her life and asks why he didn't stop her from marrying Armando and throws her unpaid bills on his desk.

Of course, of all the restaurants in Miami, Jade and Said are in the same one where Marisa is waiting for Lucas. [We seemed to have missed something here. The woman with Marisa at the pool and at the restaurant is named Adriana and since she arrives with Enrique, she must be his wife or girlfriend.] When Jade goes to the bathroom, Marisa hears Said say her name. She instantly knows that this is Lucas's Jade.

The credits roll.


Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, April 8: The case of murder or mercy.

Tonight, Nuria Bages is "Ofelia, Enamorada" (Ofelia, in love).

A woman stands outside a room. Inside, we see medical equipment and hear some unpleasant snorty sounds. She approaches the bed and picks up a syringe from the bedside table. She pushes the needle into an IV tube and injects it. Another, younger woman walks in, says "Dad?" and then looks surprised.

Gloria seems confident this will be as twisted and bloody as every other week, but I'm not getting that impression just yet.

The body on the stretcher leads the way out of the house. Then comes Ofelia, the older woman, in cuffs. The younger one, Ximena, is being restrained by two hunky DIEM guys as she screams that Ofelia is a murderer who killed Ximena's daddy. Aranda looks troubled and lets the doc know that the body, the suspect, and the witness are all on their way.

Flashback: A man and a woman walk in the woods. The guy is Ricardo, not yet deceased, but he's coughing. It's 11 months ago. Ofelia, not yet a murder suspect, thinks he's smoking too much, but he thinks the best way to stay healthy is to stay away from the doctor. Har, har, har. They move on to talking about Ximena. She's fighting with Roberto a lot lately. Ofelia can't understand young people today--they're together, they're not together. I'm betting she's not on Facebook. That would blow her mind. Ricardo says she asked him what the formula was for being together 20 years, like the two of them. My thoughts: a really big closet and not sharing a bathroom sink. Ok, ok, I guess things like having common interests, honesty, openness, and kindness are important too, but nothing keeps love alive like not having to look at the aftermath of the Sunday night shave. Ricardo told her that every day he asks himself if he would choose Ofelia again. "And? Would you?" I can't quite make out his answer, but something like ask me again later and I'll tell you. He laughs and then starts coughing.

Ricardo and Ofelia are getting ready for bed. They both agree they had fun at the get-together earlier. Ricardo starts coughing and grabs his side. He ends up falling on the floor.

Ricardo is in the hospital. Ofelia leaves another guy in the room with him and goes out to the hallway to talk to the doctor. The doc says that Ricardo has a tumor in his right lung, but this is all preliminary. They need to do further tests to confirm it. He repeats this when she asks if he can be cured. He says they might be able to operate. He tells her not to lose faith.

Ofelia sits in the dining room, stirring her coffee. Ricardo walks in. He touches her gently, but it still startles her. She gives him crap for being out of bed and he gripes that he's been in bed for two weeks. She reminds him he's supposed to rest. "I'll rest when I'm dead!" She brings him into the kitchen and he says it was just a joke. She chops carrots and says she'll make him a carrot and meatball soup. "Has anyone told you you look beautiful today?" "Well, no, you're the only nutjob who tells me that." He says she's beautiful. He's fighting back the coughing and it's hard for him to even be standing up. Finally, the coughing gets the better of him. She pours him a glass of water, which he has trouble getting down. She talks him into going back to bed. In the hallway, he tells her he can make it on his own, but he only gets a few steps before he has to lean on a table for support. He takes the opportunity to tell her to put salt in the meatballs. She won't, though, because the doctors said salt was bad for him. "Doctors don't know everything! And don't even think I'll go to a hospital. I want to read." He goes into his library instead of going back to bed.

Ofelia tells Ximena that cancer was the diagnosis, but she doesn't want Ricardo to know. She wants him to be able to stay home so she can be the one to fuss over him. Ximena, smoking a cigarette, says he has to be in a hospital. He can't stay home like there's nothing wrong with him. Ofelia says that he refuses to go and the doctor said he was fine at home, where he could be more relaxed and have his books. Ximena accuses Ofelia of only caring about what's convenient for her and not caring about Ricardo's health. Ofelia storms off.

Present: Capellan and Aranda discuss the case. Aranda tells Capellan that as soon as they walked in, Ofelia admitted to having killed him. And the stepdaughter confirms it. Capellan asks if they've started the autopsy.

Past: Ofelia serves Ricardo some of the meatball soup, which looks to me more like meatballs with a thick sauce. He has to get his breathing under control before he can talk to her. He asks if she remembers what his mom used to say, "Talk! It's free!" Ofelia laughs. "What would she say if she could see me now, and what it costs me to talk," Ricardo asks. Ofelia tells him with proper nutrition, they'll get him better.

The doctor tells Ofelia that a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of cancer, but an operation isn't possible anymore. She asks the doctor if he's going to be in pain. "The cancer has metastasized. It's gone into other organs. If we're going to have any chance, the chemo will have to be very aggressive. Unfortunately, there's no other way to handle this. The cancer is aggressive and the prognosis isn't good." Without the treatment, he'll definitely die.

Ricardo is coughing up blood into the toilet. Ofelia comes running in. When he can gather enough breath, he asks her if he's sexy. "The sexiest man in the world!" she agrees. I like his sense of humor. She tries to get him to bed, but he misses another opportunity at innuendo and asks her to take him dancing instead. Ofelia puts on a cd and they dance. And kiss. And he coughs the whole time.

Ximena comes to see her dad. She brings him flowers and says his wife forgets the important details. She tells him to leave his oxygen mask on. He asks her if she had her meeting and presented her project yet. She says she did and it went well. A few revisions and they'll publish it. She asks him to review it for her. Ricardo says it's very exciting, her first novel! Ximena says she wrote it for her mom and for him. Ricardo is overcome with coughing. Ximena is asking if he's really fine, if he's taking his medicine, if he should be working. Ricardo tells her that Ofelia doesn't do anything but take care of him. He asks her when he'll see…. "Dad, she's not my mother and I…." Ofelia comes in and tells them dinner is ready.

Ofelia and Ricardo sit outside. Ofelia is sketching with some pastels. Ricardo is in a wheelchair now. He complains about his back and Ofelia rubs it for a little while. Ricardo tells her to sit down. He says his daughter can be kind of bitchy, but if the two of them could just get along…she's suffered too.

One year ago: Ximena and Ricardo are in his office. Ricardo smokes his pipe and reads. He "hmmmmm"'s. Ximena says "you don't like it." She gets up and lights a cigarette. Ricardo says he loves the story, but she added a violence that seems excessive. "Well, not everything in life is rosy, dad!" He agrees, but says not everything is black or white either, there are colors, "there are options." Ximena says she wanted some encouragement from him. "Sometimes I need it." He says she's his favorite author, the most talented. "Yes, yes, as long as Ofelia doesn't start writing too, right?" She noticed a manuscript on his desk titled "Sin…" by Ofelia Millan Lombardo. "We're talking about your work right now," he says. "Sometimes I think I'm going to die without seeing you at peace with my wife." Ximena says she just can't deal with her.

Ofelia reassures Ricardo that she'll be there both for him and for Ximena.

Present: Moran tells Gerardo that the blood tests showed morphine. Gerardo says in advanced cases of cancer, it's used to control pain. He says Ricardo's body was completely "invaded" and he wouldn't have lived much longer. "Then what's the point of giving him an overdose?" "So he won't feel his death." Gerardo smiles at Moran as if to say, "Catch a clue, you dumb schmuck."

Past: Ofelia goes to the front gate and lets in Jorge, the guy who was with her at the hospital when Ricardo first went in. Jorge asks about Ricardo. Ofelia says he's in his library, reading. Jorge brought him some more books. Ofelia cuts him off and says she heard he was going to buy the library from her. She wants him to tell Ricardo that he changed his mind because Ricardo is going to die and he doesn't know it yet. Jorge tells her that as long as there's life, there's hope. Ofelia doesn't know what to do anymore. She tells Jorge the cancer has metastasized. "Sometimes I want to believe that he's going to get better, but the truth is, he's dying." Ricardo wheels himself down the hall as Ofelia and Jorge head for an open door. He hears her saying to Jorge that she wants Ricardo to believe he's going to get better and things are going to be like they were before. Ricardo interrupts them and asks what they're whispering about.

Ofelia heads for the gate and opens it to Sandra. Sandra asks how things are. "The same. Now he's calm. Jorge came to see him and that lifted his spirits." Sandra asks how Ofelia is doing. The truth is, she really hasn't had time to think about it. She only has time for him. Sandra hopes she won't be offended, but the neighborhood has organized themselves to pray for her and Ricardo. Ofelia says she's not offended, even if she and Ricardo aren't believers. Sandra tells her they're going to pray at her house at 6 that evening. She asks if Ofelia needs anything. Ofelia thanks her and hugs her.

Jorge begs Ricardo to put his oxygen mask back on, but Ricardo refuses. He tells Jorge that he's dying, but Ofelia can't or won't understand. Ofelia stands outside the door and listens to him tell Jorge that he's dying. He can feel it inside. He asks Jorge not to tell anyone what they talked about. Ofelia knocks on the door and Jorge grabs a book off the desk and shoves it in his bag. He looks guilty as Ofelia walks in. He says "Oh, good, you're here. I was just telling Ricardo to put the oxygen mask back on, but he won't, he's very stubborn!" Ofelia says it's fine. She tells Ricardo they'll eat soon. Jorge takes his leave and Ofelia asks them what they're plotting. Ricardo says she can't know everything, "It's guy stuff." She gives a disbelieving look and says she'll walk Jorge out.

She thanks Jorge for coming. Jorge pulls out his wallet and says "Oh, I forgot, I owe Ricardo some money, would you give it to him, please?" Ofelia tells him to keep it, they've got plenty of money from her retirement and Ricardo's grant. "And don't play along with him." Jorge says Ricardo asked and he can't refuse. Ofelia says, "You know what I always loved about Ricardo? He was always a bad liar." Jorge laughs and says that's right.

Present: Sandra looks at a picture of Ricardo and tells Capellan that Ricardo and Ofelia were very much in love when they got married. When Ricardo got sick, Ofelia learned how to do everything to take care of him. Capellan asks how the daughter got along with her stepmother. Sandra says that it was a difficult relationship, that Ximena never accepted her parents' divorce and she blamed Ofelia for it.

Past: Ofelia comes home with groceries. Ximena comes down the stairs and Ofelia thanks her for taking care of her dad while she was out. Ximena asks Ofelia what her plans are for after her dad is gone. "I don't know. Learn to survive without him, know what life is like without him, live without him." "Without him, without his house, without his friends." "Ximena, you're not hurting me, you're hurting yourself. The blow is coming for both of us, why keep fighting?" Ximena says if she doesn't fight, she doesn't exist. She says that because of Ofelia she had to leave her own house and stay away from her father. "No one has pushed you aside! Your father adores you!" "And you love me a lot too, don't you?" Ximena asks sarcastically. "Yeah, right," she answers herself when Ofelia doesn't say anything. Little punk.

Ofelia helps Ricardo into bed. He asks her for an injection and she says he's supposed to wait another two hours. He asks again and says the pain in his back is killing him. Ofelia agrees and goes to wash her hands. She pulls open a drawer on the nightstand and pulls out a syringe and a box with "morphine" on it. She remembers talking to the doctor and being shocked that she would be giving him morphine. The doctor tells her the pain is strong and they'll start with one ampoule every four hours. If he's not going to be in the hospital, only the morphine will be able to control the pain. Ofelia tells the doctor that he does have his good days--friends come to visit, he reads, writes, he talks to his daughter. The doctor says the good days will be fewer. Ofelia worries that the morphine cold kill him. "Only in a high dose. It would cause respiratory depression and he'd suffocate. For that you'd have to inject him with 3 or 4 ampoules. Don't worry. I'm only prescribing one. It's nothing." Ofelia gives Ricardo the injection in his IV. He feels the relief immediately. He pats the bed so Ofelia will get in with him. She curls up next to him and he asks her if Jorge paid the money he owed. Ofelia lies and says he did and not to worry about it. He tells her he doesn't understand how such an intelligent woman ever paid any attention to him. She says it's because he looks just like Pedro Infante. "Good thing you're going blind," he says, and laughs. He says she must be angry at him because he promised he'd take care of her when she got old. "Well, I'm already old." "But I'm the one who's dying." Ofelia insists he's going to get better.

The neighbors pray the rosary and walk down the street with candles. Ofelia thought bubbles, "I don't believe in God. I believed in Ricardo and he's dying. It's hard for me to believe in things I can't see, even though I would like to believe, because I realize that it makes people feel better to believe, right?"

Present: Capellan talks to Jorge. Jorge tells her that that he and Ricardo had been friends for 45 years. They grew up together in the same neighborhood. Capellan says that Ofelia has declared herself guilty of murdering her husband. Jorge says she suffered a lot with Ricardo's illness. "Did he know he was dying?" Jorge says he felt it and he even gave Jorge a book a few days before he died, to give to his daughter. "I think you should read it." It looks like a journal.

Past: Ofelia gripes at Ricardo for getting out of bed by himself. He says he's just going to the bathroom. He finally gets in there and she offers to help him, but he says he can do it himself. They both look down and realize it's too late. She says she'll help him get changed and he says he'll do it himself. She leaves the bathroom and says she'll be right outside if he needs anything. She closes the door and they both cry. Dudes, this one is just sad. I don't think there's a twist or anything. I can't even consider it murder at this point, unless there's something we haven't seen yet that changes things.

Present: Moran tells Gerardo he believes the handwriting is the same. Capellan comes in and says, "People, I've got a murderess who confessed and you have nothing to say?" Gerardo says the victim had a high dose of morphine. Moran says the handwriting is a 100% match. "He asked for it, Sofia," says Gerardo.

Past: Ofelia helps Ricardo into bed. He says he's better. He refuses the oxygen mask. Ricardo does the "you've got something on your face" bit and kisses her. "You've got a kiss there." She calls him a liar. "The only liar here is you. Ofelia, in the name of the love that we have for each other, don't let me lose my dignity. Not that, please. Promise me." Ofelia nods and says she promises.

Ofelia paces the kitchen and cries. "Not lose dignity? How does one do that?"

Ofelia feeds Ricardo some soup. He tells her it was good. "We've had a good life together, haven't we?" Ofelia agrees.

11 months ago: Ricardo and Ofelia hold champagne glasses. Ricardo tells the assembled guests, "They say there's always some madness in love." Ofelia interrupts and says there's also reason in madness. Ricardo says he'd like to tell them there's no madness in love. "Love IS madness or it's nothing. So we'd like you to toast with us for these 21 years of immense madness and happiness." Everyone toasts. Ofelia thanks them all for being there. Everybody laughs and has a good time. Ricardo lights up his pipe. (This is possibly the same night he goes to the hospital, since he was talking about having fun at a get-together.)

Ricardo asks what time it is. Ofelia says it's 8:30 and goes to get his sedative so he can sleep. Ricardo says he doesn't want it. "Did you call Ximena?" She's coming later. "And does she know?" "Yes."

Present: Capellan and Ximena have their showdown. Ximena gets up in Capellan's face and says "Tell me why she killed him," or at least that's what I think she said. Capellan puts up her hands and Ximena sits down. She asks about the relationship between Ricardo and Ofelia. "She destroyed my family. When they divorced, my mother went to live in the United States. I didn't want to live with them, so my dad had me sent to school. Why did she kill him?"

Past: The neighbors walk down the street with candles, praying. They pray for Ricardo's family at a shrine they set up outside. Inside, Ricardo struggles to breathe and Ofelia holds his hand.

Present: Capellan sits down with Ofelia. "We try not to get hurt. How absurd. As if pain can be avoided." Capellan says that even if our loved ones are in pain, it doesn't justify that we decide whether they live or die. "But I already knew what was coming. All I could hear was the noise he made when he tried to breathe. The asphyxia, the coughing. You know, I didn't want to see him like that anymore."

Past: the neighbors keep praying.

Present: "It's strange, killing. As if one stops being normal when one kills another person, don't you think? But I wanted to protect my husband, you know? Have you ever been in love?" Capellan doesn't answer.

Past: Ricardo coughs and struggles to breathe. Ofelia starts to prepare another injection. Ricardo takes off the oxygen mask. He whispers something to her, I think "it's time." She puts the injection into his IV tube and cries.

Present: Ximena sits in DIEM and reads her father's journal. "Ximena, adored daughter, I've lost the battle. My heart tells me, and the silence of your eyes and of Ofelia's. Don't worry. Time will make you understand that living with rancor suffocates you, it holds you back, and that the best good in the world is living life with complete loyalty. The battle is over. Only Ofelia's immense love has saved me from this abyss. I've asked her to help me not lose dignity and be able to die like what I've been--an honest, faithful man, faithful to himself. Forgive me if I wasn't able to be the father you dreamed of. I adore you." Ximena closes the book and cries. Aranda looks on.

Ofelia and Ximena enter the hallway on opposite sides. Ximena is hugging the book. Ofelia looks at her and says "I did it for love." She keeps walking and Ximena sits down.

Past: Four ampoules are now sitting on the nightstand, empty. Ricardo is still struggling to breathe. Ofelia picks up the syringe and injects it into the IV tube. Ricardo keeps gasping and looking surprised. His breathing stops and his face relaxes somewhat. Ofelia cries.

"Ofelia Millan Lombardo was sentenced to two years in prison. Due to the evidence presented by Sofia Capellan to the judge, her sentence was commuted to house arrest for six months. Ximena visits her frequently. The legality of a living will or the right that people have to refuse medical treatment in case of terminal illness is currently being debated in Congress. Helping someone die is today in Mexico, and it many countries in America, an offense according to criminal law."


Corazon Salvaje April 8, 2010 Are You My Enemy?

MdR is on the loose. Nobody will help me except for Rod.

Juan and Renato and Remigio are at Paraiso. Remigio has to go and he and Juan act like they don’t know each other. Juan is surprised by Renato’s generosity. He was very fortunate and he wants to help those less fortunate. Juan looks confused. He’s running out of people to hate. The first house is ready. Let’s go have a look.


Back at the Finca, Rod is talking about Regina. Noel is disgusted with the whole thing. After Aimee and Renato’s wedding he’ll deal with her.

MdR finds the keys dropped by Orca. Oh look, something shiny! Uh oh!

Renato and Juan return to the house. Renato wants to know if Juan liked his project. Juan says it is a very ambitious project. He finally tells him that his name is Juan San Roman. Renato realizes he is the one that Rod had an altercation with in town.

Leo announces that Renato saw Aimee’s wedding dress. Oh the horror! Rod and Noel look at her like she is a whack job, which, of course, she is. Rod is sick of Leo’s superstitions. She is predicting doom and gloom for the marriage. Noel wants him to back off of his daughters and to be more fair.

Juan asks Renato if that changes his opinion of him. Juan explains the situation to him. Nobody insults my parents. What would you do if you were in my place? He mumbles something I don’t catch. Juan smiles that special smile of his so it must have been a good answer. He thinks Renato is doing a fine job. Renato tells him it is a dream he had with his friend Regina when they were children.

MdR has the keys and is letting herself out. She stops and says she can’t abandon her son. She goes back for the rag baby.

This is why I built Paraiso. To keep promises. You are a man who keeps his word.

Regina and Aimee are coming out of the house when they spy Juan. Regina pushes Aimee back in the house. Renato introduces him to Regina. Oh yeah, I know him. He’s the one that attacked my father. Juan says that Renato saved his life. He shakes Renato’s hand. Regina snubs him. He tells Renato he is indebted to him for saving his life. He grabs Regina’s hand and kisses it. Regina looks at him like he has cooties. Juan leaves.
Regina wants to know how he saved his life. He explains. Renato has a funny feeling that he knows this man from somewhere before.

Leo and Rosie are coming down the staircase of doom. Leo is going somewhere and doesn’t want Rosenda to go with her. Rosenda thinks she is nervous. Where is she going in such a hurry. Hmmm.

Aimee wants to go after Juan but Regina says no way, no how. She reminds her of her promise regarding Renato.

Juan is ranting that he must get even with Rod for killing his parents and for abandoning him in the jungle like a dog. Pedro says he has to tell Juan something -- Leo is the one that abandoned you in the forest. Juan looks impactada Now he knows who to blame. His own aunt, his own blood. Looks like his Death List is getting pretty short.

Leo heads to the gypsy camp to pay Griselda for her tarot reading the other night. Oh and by the way, since I’m in the neighborhood could we look at the cards one more time?

Rod runs into Dr. Pablo in town. Rod makes it very clear that the only way he is welcome in their house is in his capacity as doctor and NOTHING MORE. Pablo is heartbroken.

Leo is told a man that she loves will have serious problems. Griselda tries to wrangle more money out of Leo. Another man comes out of the past. Leo looks a little worried.

Gabe gives Juan a note. He is being summoned to Havana. Juan tells Gabe to get the ship ready and that they will be heading to Europe after Cuba. Gabe is bummed because he won’t see Estrella again.

Jimena is thinking about Gabe. Does he think of me or of Estrella? Griselda shows up to ruin the day. She says the lady from last night came back. All she cares about is the love of one man. I am going to help her. Jimena wants to know what she is going to do. Griselda says it doesn’t matter because all that matters is the money. FF>>

Orca comes back looking for his keys. He finds that MdR is gone. He kicks the mute girl. Meanwhile MdR is wandering the beach with her rag baby. Remigio sees her,

Back at the Can Can’t Club Jimena is crying about losing Gabe. Lulu says love is not an illusion it is pure and clean. FF>>

Someone has discovered the fire. Ful says they need to find out who is coming to the cave.

Fed is talking to someone who opens the door and Eliosa is waiting in bed for Fed.

Orca finds MdR and roughly grabs here. Remigio says not so fast buddy. Leave her alone. Orca, using his one brain cell, says she is his wife. Remigio doesn’t believe him. He says he didn’t know Orca had a wife. Orca says to leave them in peace. Remigio looks worried.

Ful gets home looking for Eloisa. There is a note saying she is out with Aimee shopping. I don’t think he believes it.

Fed and Eloisa are doing the wild thing.

Orca slaps MdR and the mute runs up and tries to stop him. He whips out a pitchfork and tells her next time he is going to kill both of them. He stomps out. I sure hope there is an anvil in his near future. MdR tells the mute girl that for one moment she was happy.

Regina is telling Celestina how she wants to help Aimee. She swears in the name of her mother she will help her. Is it me or does that dress glow in the dark?

Gabe tells Jimena he is leaving for Havana and then to Europe. Then you will be gone for good? Estrella is sick and won’t see me. And you? Do you think of me? He says he thinks of her. He asks her not to cry. We are the best of friends. It is better than nothing. He wants her to give a letter to Estrella. She turns away with a tear, she turns back and kisses him. She breaks away and runs. He looks stunned.

Back at the Can Can’t Club we are treated to a really terrible belly dancing number. Where is Shakira when you need her? The whole gang is there. Renato and Rod show up. Rod wants to know where the guy is that attacked him. Ful fills him in on his little “test” to see if he was the one that robbed their shipment.
Raul thinks they should be enjoying the dancers. You can’t be serious?

Aimee is sneaking out to go look for Juan but is busted by Regina. Don’t bother me. I’m going to the beach to look at the sea. R-i-g-h-t Regina more accurately believes she is looking for Juan’s boat.

Juan is preparing to leave and looking at the terrible picture of his dad. He says he can’t do anything he promised his father.

Aimee wants Regina to stop worrying about her. She is going to marry Renato. Regina is still afraid she’s going to hurt Renato. Look me in the eye, why can’t you tell me the truth. Aimee is just plain sick of it and wants her to leave her alone. Regina is defending her happiness with Renato. She wants them to be happy. Aimee hates Renato. With all of her soul.

Juan is ready to leave. He wants to know why Gabe is so sad. I’ll miss Estrella. I promise you that you will return to Estrella. The ship sails. He is saying good-bye forever. Gabe is thinking about Jimena and Estrella. Jimena reads the letter and cries. Juan is thinking about Aimee and remembering their times together.

The next day Aimee is looking for Juan. She’s told that he sailed last night. Aimee looks devastated. What will I do without your kisses, without your caresses? What will I do without you? I say suck it up sister and get over it.

The girls are taking a break. Lulu would like to find a man that loves her and would protect her. The other girls try giving advice to Lulu. Because after all, they are so up on that subject.

The ship arrives in Cuba. Juan is going to the office.

Noel is talking to Renato about his Paraiso project. He is glad that Renato remembers he swore to find Juan. He wants to search for him. He wants to keep his promise. Noel wants to help him. Tell me about him. Mom says he was a bastard. Who was he and why were you worried about him?

Everything is in order and they will be leaving for Europe. Gabe brings him news about a shipment of wood. Juan says they are changing their plans. Gabe doesn’t get it (like what else is new). Vengeance--at whatever price.

Jimena is entertaining the crowd and collecting money. She thinks she sees Gabriel. Nope. She is still thinking about him.

Gabe says the ship is waiting. Juan says they are going back to Vera Cruz. Gabe is relieved.

Juan goes back for Aimee. Gabe dreams of Estrella. Aimee is dressed for the wedding.


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