Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Llena de Amor #167 (Mex. 196-197) Tue 4/12/11

Maggie here. Because of Llena’s not being shown on Monday, I’m recapping today and Julia is having a well-deserved rest.

This is my next-to-last recap (penultimate, if you like Latin-y words, and I know you do, because heck, you’re studying Spanish!), and I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for what has been for me a prime Caray Caray experience here at Llena. Yes, this was a really fun show with a terrific cast and intricate, if totally implausible, plotting. I am grateful for the performers’ wonderful diction. I mean, say what you will about Mari/Vicky, at least she speaks very clearly.

But what I’m really grateful for is the splendid time we’ve had here. I felt very honored to be part of such an amazing recap team, all of them astonishingly talented superstars. In fact, my only complaint during this show (except the chopped up last capitulos, natch) is that I completely ran out of superlatives when I was commenting on my fellow recappers’ posts. There was no way to express appreciation for every funny bit, for every beautifully turned phrase, because there was such a superabundance of them. I just want you all to know that nothing went unnoticed or unappreciated, and that if you had fun writing it, I definitely had fun reading it.

The same can be said for the marvelous commenters. What an amazing group. You made me laugh, and you sure made me think. I just loved the tone and content of all the comments. You rock.

I will be taking a break from recapping after this, as I’ve done 5 novelas in a row (3 years). A note to those who are considering recapping: Do it! I just love it and will miss it terribly. It’s a wonderful creative outlet, and it’s fun to be part of a recapping team. It’s just one evening a week, which is a reasonable amount of time to spend on a hobby.

I’m not at all burned out on recapping, what I’m burned out on is telenovelas, or at least having to religiously follow the novela the other 4 nights a week. Just an overdose, I guess. So now I’m going to peek around at various ones, or maybe just attack that stack of books by my bed.

Capítulo 196 She flies through the air with the greatest of ease

We left off Friday as Ilitia let slip to the Lirio that Brandon is the love of her life. The Lirio, a full-service kinda guy, provides some family counseling. If she doesn’t love her husband, why doesn’t she just tell him she’s been involved with someone else? Ilitia doesn’t figure she could live in a big house like this on a policeman’s salary. Money doesn’t buy happiness, she knows, but it sure helps. The Lirio realizes she married for money. He offers her a deal – if Brandon is the father of her child, he promises not to hurt him.

At the dollhouse, Muñeca gets plenty het up as the whole idea of Mayela being Ilitia’s mother sinks in. She thought she and Mayela were friends! Not really, says Mayela icily. Muñeca just can’t understand how Mayela’s been around all the time, how Ilitia filmed her first commercial with her when she was 12 years old, and all this time she never gave any sign. How could she be so near her daughter all the time, and not show anything? And why is she telling her now? Mayela stares at Muñeca coldly like the hardened career woman she is, and says Money, money to pay my debts. I was about to get it, but Ilitia intervened.

Lorenzo is mad that Mauricio talked to Mayela, but Mau insists that he just happened to bump into her in a restaurant and they got to chatting. Lo suspects Mau gave her money, but Mau pretends that he never would without asking Lo. Lo smells a rat. Mau offers to off her, but Lo waves that off, telling him to let him know if she contacts him.

Ilitia thinks the Lirio will blab to Marianela if she says anything, but the Lirio says he just met Mari briefly in a hospital room, and gives himself a plug for having paid for Javier’s operation. Ilitia insists Eman is the father.

The Lirio takes her by the shoulders a bit roughly and tells her not to lie. She starts calling for help and he claps a gloved hand over her mouth, and takes her like a hostage downstairs, where Benigno, Paula, Emil and Max all stare. Max pulls a gun and Benigno and Emil beg him not to shoot.

Mayela tells Muñeca that Lo paid her to make Ilitia a Top Model because it was his princess’s big dream, and she did, but after that she had to put up with her little whims, her moods, her drinking. So she fired her, but Lorenzo paid her to take Ilitia back. Ilitia didn’t make any effort to change, and now Mayela stands to lose the business it took her her whole life to build.

Muñeca furiously tells her she’s not getting any money from her. Mayela maintains she did Muñeca a huge favor, giving her the child she could never have, and never interfering. Muñeca fires back that Mayela just dumped Ilitia at the orphanage. Muñeca always thought that Ilitia’s mother was some street person, and she was afraid for Ilitia to find her.

Mayela proclaims that she’s not a monster, that she never wanted to have children, unlike Muñeca, who was always praying to have a child. Muñeca yells at her to get out, but Mayela says all she wants is some help from Muñeca, she doesn’t want a gift, just a loan that she’ll pay back over a couple of years.

Muñeca snorts how it’s always about money. She’ll give it to Mayela outright, if she’ll just get out of their lives, and never tell Ilitia. Mayela scoffs that she doesn’t give a rat’s little fuzzy hiney if Ilitia knows or not.

Emil talks Max into not shooting. The Lirio apologizes, throws his smoke screen and evaporates, leaving Ilitia behind, and everybody coughing.

Gladiola and Netty are weeping on the couch and Mari tries to sort them out, telling Gladiola that Doris will be fine, and that Netty needs to tell Eman the truth about what was in those papers. Netty says she kept Mari’s secret, and Mari has to keep this one for her.

In the big house kitchen Nereida puts some of Bernardo’s drops, the ones that make a person crazy, not the sleepy-time ones, in one of the drinks for the family gathering. When she goes in to serve them, she says that she hates it at Fedra’s and can she please still work here? Emil says sure.

Nereida gives the tainted drink to Gretel, and Emil starts in on a big announcement. He had hired a detective who went to Greece to investigate Fedra’s past (the family is stunned) and he found out she wasn’t the Curiels’ child. She was born in Veracruz, but he doesn’t want to get into her past because it’s distasteful. He plans to confront Fedra, and demand to know why she came into his life pretending to be another person, and who Jose Maria is, because he thinks he’s hiding something too.

But there JM is, walking into the pension where Gladiola is still a river of tears over Doris. She fills him in on why nobody’s home, mentioning that Netty’s engagement has been called off. That sure grabs his attention.

Eman’s finding it hard to believe his mother isn’t who she says. Emil hands over the investigation for him to read. The drops must’ve kicked in because Gretel is coming unglued, and hysterically repeats that she doesn’t want anything bad to happen. She has a vision of ghostly Luis Felipe (in black and white because that was cheaper to develop years ago, I guess) holding a silencing finger to his lips.

Speed-reader Eman reports that yup, Fedra wasn’t the Curiels’ daughter, and also that Jose Maria was in prison for murdering them. Everyone marvels and wonders. Eman implores his father to tell them who his mother was in Veracruz. He must’ve been skimming when he read the report.

Netty shows up with Marianela and tells Emil that she wants him to listen to what she has to say.

Bernardo and Fedra have pulled up outside and Fedra wistfully notes how lovely the big house is all lit up at night. Nereida comes up to the car and tells them who all’s inside. Bernardo thinks it’s going to be hard for Fedra to return to her throne in the castle. She says thinks Eman will stick up for her, Max and Emil could be a problem. Her main fear is that Gretel will blab what she knows. She tells Bernardo to keep his mouth shut. He makes sure Nereida followed his orders about the drops.

Emil tells Netty that his marriage started out with secrets, and he doesn’t want to make the same mistake and start another when he knows she’s hiding something. Mari begs him not to be so harsh. Netty swears that she loves him, and that’s her only truth. Benigno, a secret romantic, lets out a long sigh.

Emil explains to Eman that Netty knows what Jose Maria’s secret is, and she won’t tell him. Eman can’t stand that they’re fighting, their whole happiness is at stake. He asks his father to come talk to him alone in the office, but Netty begs him not to do that to Emil. Eman doesn’t want a breakup because of JM, while Netty pleads that Emil’s whole happiness is that Eman is his son. Emil of course is getting very confused.

Netty, deciding it was a mistake to come and that she’s going to leave, tells everyone that they should be very proud of their father – he saved her from the kidnappers, saved her life in fact. Emil grumbles that JM is more important to her than he is, so Eman insists they go talk alone.

Fedra comes in looking looped, Bernardo behind her, and demands to know what Netty is doing there in her house. Emil tells her she’s the one who’s going to do some explaining. Emil knows she isn’t Fedra Curiel, Max adds that the Curiels didn’t have any children, and then Mari, Ilitia, and Netty all take turns letting her know that the jig is up.

Emil says he knows her real name, now she’s to say it in front of everybody. Gretel, standing in the back, is freaking out.

Back at the pension, JM is very understanding to weepy Gladiola and she leans on his shoulder. Brandon and Oliver come in and are shocked. Gladiola tells him that she needed comforting because Doris ran off with Andre.

Fedra, slurring her words, says that it’s true she wasn’t the Curiel’s child. She was an orphan they took in, but they treated her like a servant, not their child. Emil demands to know why she didn’t tell him from the get-go. Fear, she says, that you would reject me.

Netty tells her she’s making it all up. Flipped out Gretel keeps repeating “don’t believe her, don’t believe her.”

Emil wants to know how she made a living in Veracruz, and adds that his brother had uncovered all of this long ago, and Mari has the report. Right, says Mari, the moment of truth has come. Tell everyone your real name, or I will. Fedra ambles up to Mari, gets right in her face refuses, and bolts.

Looks like we’re in the pre-boda home stretch now, that magical, deeply gratifying time when the telenovela gods wield their terrible swift swords, smiting the evil, so it’s time for a little ditty.

The moment had come
I swallowed my gum
I knew there’d be blood on the sand
Pretty soon.
(Tom Lehrer)

Fedra has fled to a bedroom, and Gretel, not seeing her, comes in. Fedra quick locks the door and gives Gretel a slap. Max and Eman pound on the door.

This is quite a pair of the impaired, Fedra sloshed and Gretel nutsy from the drugs. Gretel tells Fedra that she saw! Fedra mumbles that that Luis Felipe was going to uncover her past. She curses Emiliano and Mari, and shoves Gretel onto the bed. The guys pound some more outside.

Tell them! Gretel shouts. Fedra leans on the door and slobbers to Eman outside that she doesn’t want anybody to put her in jail. Eman is puzzled. Fedra goes to Gretel and sentimentally strokes her leg, sadly saying she couldn’t stand it if Eman didn’t love her. I love you! she calls out to him. The guys pound some more and demand to be let in. Fedra blocks the door with an office chair with wheels (that oughta work…not). She looks for a way out, and we see that the balcony is pretty high up, above tree-level.

Fedra is remembering how it all happened. She remembers the balcony was just there… then, taking Gretel to the closet and placing her there, you were just there, hiding like a rat.

Fedra is definitely weirding out, but Gretel foolishly yells at her that she knows that she was a prostitute. Fedra goes back to reenacting that moment, and runs to the balcony and shows how she pushed Luis Felipe, remember, mi vida?. Gretel sobs that she couldn’t do anything. Fedra tells her she’s not going to be able to do anything now either.

Fedra climbs onto the balcony rail and stands there, back to the yard, arms held out straight on both sides, while Gretel begs her not to do it. Below, Nereida sees her and starts yelling. The family rushes out and pleads with her not to jump. I love you, Emanuel, she calls down.

Gretel begs her to come back in. Fedra tells her it was her fault Luis Felipe died, and now it’s her fault that she’s going to too. The others are yelling Don’t do it! Fedra allows herself to fall, arms still held out.

Ka-thunk! Boing, boing boing.

I made up the boing boing boing part. Looks of horror on everyone’s faces, Gretel screaming Nooooooo! Max looks a little urpy, Eman calls out Mama, no! then he and Bernardo Eman run over to her. She is unconscious, blood running from her mouth, her hair spread wide. Kristel clings to Ilitia and rambles over the horror. Tranquila, comforts Ilitia (like that would help for heaven’s sake). God knows why these things happen, adds Ilitia who now has a death sentence lifted off her after all.

Netty says she always wanted to see Fedra brought down, but not this way. Eman realizes that Fedra’s still breathing and Emil calls an ambulance. Max spits curses at her.

Shut up! yells Bernardo. All Fedra has done all her life is worry about all of you, about her kids, he raves at them. And this is how you repay her? You’re all responsible for this!

Max begs to differ. Actually, he’s yelling that no way can Bernardo defend her, and the only people who have paid are her victims. Axel asks if Bernardo’s forgotten what she did to him, and Ilitia chimes in on how evil she was. Max tells Bernardo to get out. Kristel gets hysterical and screeches that everyone should shut up. Mari tells Bernardo that he was instrumental in constructing the lie, and he’s going to pay.

In her room, Gretel is rocking herself and repeating that it’s her fault. Outside, Paula is pounding on the door while she and Netty try to get her to open up. Netty calls out to her how awful Fedra was, and how she always said Eva was an alcoholic, when she’s the one who really was. Bernardo has wandered into the foyer, and hears Netty and mumbles that Gretel’s the one who was responsible for killing the woman he loves and she’s going to pay, in blood.

Eman has been at his mother’s side all this time, and he can’t wait for the ambulance, he wants to take her to the hospital himself. Ilitia goes over to him and softly tells him she’s going to die, and to let her go. He yells at her to shut up. Emil is sure she’s going to die, but Eman, in tears, sobs that he knows they all hate her, but she gave him life and he’s going to fight for hers.

Mari sadly tells him that it’s better to wait, it’s not safe to move her, and Emil backs her up. Ilitia looks slitty-eyed. Mari wishes her off the planet too.

Gladiola is hanging on hard to Brandon, who wants to go after Andre. Oliver tells him he’s too overcharged, that he (Oliver) can talk with Doris. Gladiola tells Brandon that Doris is upset about having to spend a night in jail, and she doesn’t want to lose her forever.

Brandon’s cell rings and it’s Ilitia pleading with him to come, she feels really alone and bad. She leaves out the weensy detail of Fedra’s having flung herself off the balcony. Brandon tells Oliver to talk to Doris, and bring her on home, and tells Gladiola everything will be fine and off he goes. Oliver asks to have the cell phone and Brandon hands it over. Hmmm – what was that all about?

Poor Gretel is still rocking herself when her eyes widen at the sight of Luis Felipe, in shades of gray and all shimmery, telling her it was her fault, she didn’t do anything and she let him die. Shimmery gray Fedra appears beside him and agrees.

This calls for a bit of the Bard!

I think it is the weakness of mine eyes
That shapes this monstrous apparition.
It comes upon me. Art thou any thing?
Art thou some god, some angel, or some devil,
That makes my blood cold and my hair to stare?

The music is too loud to make out what they’re saying, but they lay some more guilt on Gretel, who begs them to leave her alone. She backs into the closet and closes the door and screams. At the pension, Oliver feels a sharp pang in his chest. Gladiola is afraid it’s a Doris pang, but Oliver knows something has happened to Gretel.

Netty calls the pension and tells Gladiola that Gretel’s bad off due to Fedra jumping off the balcony. Oliver knew something was wrong! He tells Gladiola he’ll go talk to Doris later and he bolts out.

The ambulance comes, Fedra is loaded in and Eman gets in with her. Others follow in the car, leaving Max, Paula and Benigno and Kristel. They go in, and then we see Bernardo beside the house with a ladder, threatening that Gretel’s going to pay.

Outside Gretel’s door, Mari has joined Paula and Netty. They wonder why Gretel is so bad off. Netty thinks Fedra would drive anybody nuts, but Mari looks thoughtful. Max shows up. The keys haven’t worked, they tell him, they push but can’t open the door. He pounds on it and calls to Gretel.

Gretel cracks the closet door open only to see the two spirits again, Fedra telling her it’s her fault and Luis Felipe demanding to know why she let him die.

Bernardo has made it over the balcony and now comes into the cobwebbed room, evilly saying he knows she’s there. He spots her in the closet. She cowers. He tells her she’s killed the woman he loves. Gretel blubbers that Fedra pushed Luis Felipe, not her.

Capítulo 197 Not really Fedra Curiel, not really dead

Mari wants to wait for Oliver – he’ll lure Gretel out. Mari and Max send Paula and Netty down to the kitchen. Inside the room, Gretel tells Bernardo that she’s was a witness to all his crimes, and she’s going to testify. He laughs. He’s getting as nutso as Gretel, and he didn’t even drink the magic drink. He growls that she’s taken Fedra away from him, and she doesn’t deserve to live.

He shows her a gun – it’s Fedra’s. Nobody knows he’s there, so everybody’s going to think that Gretel had it and - boom! - shot herself because she couldn’t take it. He holds the gun to her head while she trembles.

Netty and Paula are having a tea, and Paula tells her how Gretel is her child, and if she’d known, she would have defended her tooth and nail. Netty is amazed that Eman wants to save his evil mother, but Paula points out good or bad, that’s his mother. Netty thinks that Fedra jumping off the balcony is justice, but she apologizes to San Antonio.

Ilitia drags Brandon into her bedroom and hangs on him and delivers what for her is the headline of the day, namely that the Lirio was there, Mari’s surely in cahoots with him, and that she could’ve lost her baby, which she knows would be particularly upsetting to him. He wonders why. She pounds on his chest and tells him he’s too taken up with chasing criminals and doesn’t pay attention. He grabs her and kisses her, leaning her onto the bed.

Of course Mari walks in and demands to know what’s going on.

Kristel is talking to Nereida about being the Top Model when Oliver comes in looking for Gretel. She calls him “corazon” and grabs him by the hand and they run upstairs. They go into a bedroom and she closes the door and says she needs him too, then throws him on the bed.

Bernardo menaces Gretel, telling her she’s worthless. She ends up clinging to him, begging. He holds the gun to her head again, saying nobody will doubt that the family nutcase pushed Fedra, then shot herself. He keeps repeating how Gretel took her away from him, how she killed him, then he breaks down, leaning his head against hers and weeping into her hair.

Gretel has another vision of Fedra and Luis Felipe and tells Bernardo to look. Forgive me! she says to the watery spirits. He looks, sees nothing, and passes his hand in front of her eyes. What’s wrong with you? Gretel begs them to forgive her. Bernardo is confused, then laughs that she’s crazy, but looks like he’s coming unhinged too because he hands her the gun and tells her to shoot him; his life is worthless without Fedra.

Mari tells Brandon and Ilitia off for kissing – and in her bedroom, no less! Brandon tries to tell her it wasn’t what it looks like, and Ilitia tells her she’s nobody to talk. Brandon said she made him mad, so he kissed her. Ilitia pretends to be mad, then slaps him, saying he wanted to rape her.

Gladiola shows up at Andre’s apartment where Doris is staying and announces that Doris can’t go through with this mistake.

Some woman calls Lorenzo, calling him Senor Lorenzo, and tells him Fedra’s at death’s door and is on the way to the hospital.

In the ambulance, Eman tells his unconscious mother that she’s strong, and begs her to hang on. He kisses her forehead. She comes to a little and says she’s going to die, and that she did it for him. I love you. He tells her he loves her too. She passes out again, and Eman panics. The paramedic leaps into action.

Kill me, laughs Bernardo. Wraith Fedra tells Gretel she should pay with her own life. Bernardo thinks she should kill him, either that or, with a single shot, she could put an end to her own suffering. I’m afraid! Says Gretel. Kill me, then, says Bernardo.

Four-way split screen of all the family groups quibbling. A shot is heard.

Brandon and Oliver appear at the doorway, along with others, and Oliver begins pleading with her to open up. In another room, Ilitia and Nereida find Kristel tied up with bedsheets, cursing Oliver. “I don’t get it!” says Kristel.

At Andre’s apartment, Gladiola begs Doris to come on home and not waste her life, and slaps Andre.

Oliver tenderly and desperately talks to Gretel, trying to get her to open the door while the others listen and hope. Finally the door opens, and Gretel, looking like a wraith herself, opens the door and says that he said he wanted to be with Fedra. She killed him.

Arms surround her and she is taken to her room. Max, Benigno and Oliver burst into the room and find Bernardo on the floor. He’s still alive. Max figures he was trying to hurt Gretel. Brandon decides he has to arrest Gretel. Over my dead body, says Max. Bernardo, who is only wounded in the arm, says she tried to kill him.

Doris tells Gladiola that Andre is her guy and that’s that. Andre swears he loves her and that she’s in good hands, and he lets drop that he doesn’t have any family, they left Mexico. That hits Gladiola’s tender spot.

Fedra’s being rolled into the hospital and rushed to emergency. Eman is frantic.

Gretel is hysterical and Paula, Netty, Oliver and Mari are puzzled. Netty thinks she seems crazy. Gretel says something about having seen something, and everyone wonders what she’s talking about. Max comes in with Bernardo holding his bloody shoulder and demands that she tell them what happened, but Gretel is too freaked out. Bernardo says she was all nutsy and wanted to kill herself, and he took the pistol away and it went off. Gosh, he was just trying to prevent a tragedy. Tell them the truth, he says to Gretel.

I can’t! she says. I know the truth, but I just can’t say it. Brandon thinks he has to arrest her (his universal solution to all problems), but Oliver, who is sure Bernardo is lying, forbids it.. Brandon decides to take Bernardo to the hospital first, and then he has some big-time questions for him.

Gladiola tells Andre to look in the mirror – he’s paying the price for his wild ways, and he’s probably infected a legion of women. Andre says he’s paying the highest price there is. Doris proclaims her big love again, but Gladiola swears by the memory of Doris’s dead daddy that she’s going to separate them.

Oliver asks everybody to leave so he can calm Gretel down. She sobs against his manly chest.

Emil is trying to calm down Eman, who says that his mother is dying and he doesn’t even know who she is or her real name. That sets off the mournful violas, and Emil repents that he confronted Fedra like that. Eman knows that she couldn’t face up to her truth in front of everyone, and it’s not Emil’s fault.

Gretel is afraid she’s losing her mind. She hasn’t heard voices in ages, or seen visions, and now it’s happening. She begs Oliver to ask Netty to get that psychologist lady to come.

Emil says his sons (Axel is there too) have the right to know the truth about Fedra. Eman tells him no, he wants to hear it from her own lips. Axel says no matter what, he doesn’t want her dead. He always hoped that she’d have a turnaround and tell him how proud she was of him.

Eman wants Emil to go solve his problems with Netty, but Emil wants to be with boys through this. Group hug.

Paula and Netty are back in Gretel’s room. Gretel is terrified of being crazy again, she just can’t take it. She begs again for the psychiatrist. Netty promises she’ll deliver and everything will be fine, and drags panicked Oliver out of the room.

Eman comes home to talk to Marianela, and Ilitia gives him grief about not greeting her first. Mari appears and Eman asks her if Fedra can recuperate in the house. Of course, says Mari, you know I have a good heart, and I’ll do it for you. Ilitia imitates her sarcastically. Suddenly the gloves are off – Eman says that the whole marriage is a farce, that her big love for him is fake. Mari says she saw her kissing Brandon, and she should fess up that she’s in love with him.

Lorenzo has managed to get into Fedra’s hospital room. She unconscious, but he begs her to fight, that she’s all he has left. He starts crying, saying that he loves her and that she has to live so they can be married. They can wipe out everybody who’s against them, so she needs to live to get her vengeance.

Bernardo, his arm in a sling, opens the door, sees Lorenzo there and closes it again. Next a cheery doctor comes in and tells Lo that the operation was successful, and they’re just waiting for her to come to so they can check her out. He asks Lo to leave so he can tend to Fedra.

Ilitia protests that Mari’s lying, but Eman tells her to come clean. He’s sick of being lied to. His mother, Ilitia (he flicks his eyes at Mari), all these lies. Mari looks a bit abashed. Ilitia weasels some more without any luck. Eman just wants to know who the baby’s father is.

Bernardo pops back into the hospital room. Now we find out why the doctor is so smiley – Bernardo has paid him to inject her with something (but I don’t know what, as this section wasn’t shown, so no captions to clarify). Bernardo is thrilled he did it and tosses the giant syringe into the trash. Now she’ll realize who really loves her. The doctor smiles that each injection will be just as expensive. They shake on it.

Netty has come to the hospital with Delicia. She asks Emil to come on home with her. That leaves Delicia and Axel, who doesn’t believe that Delicia came just to keep Netty company. Delcia fesses up that she knew he’d be there worrying about his mother. Axel gushes that she’s an amazing person to be worried about Fedra, who has done so much to her. Delicia, softening, says she wasn’t worried about her but about the man she…. um, had the back luck to marry. Axel swears he’s going to luchar for her love and not stop lucharing until he’s won her back.

Bernardo is petting unconscious Fedra and swearing if she dies, he’ll die too and they can be reunited to burn in hell together. He swears there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. Everything changed as of today – people know now . Maybe they’re lost. Fedra mumbles to him that nothing is lost, because she’s still alive; no force in the universe is stronger than Fedra Curiel. He kisses her hand frantically, and tells her everybody knows now that she’s not Fedra Curiel. She asks who couldn’t be moved by the story of a penniless orphan who had to fight to survive?

If they believe it! says Bernardo. They will, Fedra assures him, didn’t you see Emanuel’s face, how sad he was? She swears she’s going to stick with that story, get back in her house and wreak revenge on everybody.

She tosses off her cannula saying it bothers her and sits up. Oops, can’t feel those legs!

Ilitia is still lying up a storm when Brandon walks in. She tells him Mari made up some story about them kissing, and she wants him to tell the truth about how he’s obsessed with her and how she keeps shoving him off. Brandon apologizes to her, and admits her was kissing her, and he would never force anybody, he’s not that kind of man. It’s just that she doesn’t want to lose the family name, the money, the house, the power. Ilitia holds a finger to her lips.

He tells her that even though she calls him a naco, a gorilla and all kinds of things, he gave her his heart and soul, but that didn’t mean anything to her. Don’t say that, Ilitia says, looking stricken and near tears. Yes, I’m her lover, her toy, her penniless policeman. I can’t give her what she needs, but I can tell her I love her her right in front of her husband, right in front of the whole world. I’m crazy in love with you, Ilitia Porta Lopez.

Avances: Lorenzo slaps Ilitia, and offers Mauricio stacks of dough to off Brandon. Eman tells Ilitia the marriage is over, and tells Mari he’s going to make everything clear.


Teresa Tue 4/12/11 #9-10 and the 2 hour episodes begin….oh my

Dr. Ledesma goes over the options with Espe for Pablito's care: surgery and if necessary chemo. The cost depends on hospital and surgery. Surgery along may be more than 200,000 pesos. At the same time, Mariano is doing his best to revive Pablito on the kitchen table with the help of Aurora and Pablito's friend Hugo.

Aida and Paolo -- Paolo incredulous that Teresa is smooching a taxista. She gives him Mariano's business card and dares him to call if he doesn't believe her. Paolo's mom gives him VIP tickets for La Quinta Estacion concert. Aida assumes he's taking her to this padrisimo (cool, the ultimate) concert.

Teresa is admiring Arturo's library. Luisa explains Arturo and she have shared many interesting conversations in this room. In contrast there's another room that she never enters (dun-dun-dun). It's the room where her parents were murdered many years ago. It was a terrible scandal. In addition to the pain of losing their parents, there's the gossip and good friends distancing themselves. Arturo was never the same again. That's why he's so serious. FLASHBACK: A man and woman sitting at the piano while Luisa tells of their murder. Dad was accused of fraud, but he was innocent. The fraud victim (evil looking dude with a ponytail) burst into the room and shot dad, and when mom went to his aid, she became crazy and attacked the murderer, trying to detain him. That's when she was shot. The dad then gets up and tries to confront the murderer, and he's shot again. Teresa is sorry she made her recount this painful story (and she looked very sincere) Luisa can’t talk about this with Arturo and has no one else to discuss this with. Teresa comforts her and hugs her. Very touching scene.

Cutberto is drunkenly stumbling through the vecindad. Machita scolds him and he says it’s his Juana Chula's fault. Machita reminds him Juana is not his (brincos diera--loose translation: I'd jump if this were true). Cutberto says until now he has known only two types of women: the kind that have tried to force him into marriage, and the kind that would undo their marriage (descasarze) to be with him. And what type is Juana, Machita asks. Neither. She just doesn't love me!

Mariano has revived Pablito!! YAY! Mariano to the rescue again. Pablito doesn't remember fainting. Hugo, runs off to notify his parents and Mariano asks that they come back with the results of his medical tests. Mariano thanks Aurora for sticking around to help. She asks what could possibly be wrong with Pablito? Mariano wants to move him to another room and has a worried look on his face.

Paolo and buddies are sitting around a table of drinks, complaining that this imbecil hasn't bothered to show up. Friend says, too bad, you're gonna stay with the urge to beat up this taxista (te vas a quedar con las ganas de partile la cara al ruletero). Paolo calls again and Mariano explains he had an emergency but would come to him now. Paolo says forget it and hangs up. Tells his friends Mariano's not coming and suggests they go get him. They raise their beer bottles in agreement.

Back at the library Luisa explains it was very difficult but Arturo fought to prove her father's innocence. Teresa agrees it must have been difficult to fight the slander (lidiar con las columnias) while at the same time care for Luisa. He was only 24 when it happened. He had just completed his courses with honors; he was so happy. Teresa finds it difficult to think of him that way. Luisa reminisces how happy he was, beginning his career and that he was even getting married. Teresa perks up: WHAT? Luisa: Oh yeah, she had everything, was from a good family, intelligent, wealthy. Arturo walks in just then and interrupts the conversation. Arturo is amazed that Teresa has read all the transcripts (expedientes) Teresa: Pshaw! Couldn't sleep thinking of your book! She now has many questions. Arturo seems pleased (and pleasing to look at, ay Papi!) Arturo later tells Teresa that this is surely growing into the ideal profesor/alumna relationship due to their ability to discuss and debate issues.

Cutberto is climbing into Juana's window, still drunk. Mariano and Aurora are still there. Mariano shushes him and tells him to explain himself. He laments that Juana doesn't love him. By contrast, he says Mariano is lucky. Teresa loves him. Aurora in nonplussed to hear this. Mariano later apologizes that she had to witness all this (Cutberto's behavior). She says no bother, we all react differently to love trouble. Mariano then complains about not having been able to help Rosita and now Pablito without even the rudimentary medical supplies. Machita breaks in crying and Espe explains about the kidney cancer.

As she's leaving, Teresa assures Luisa she won't reveal what they talked about earlier. Luisa says Arturo can't abide speaking of the woman who dumped him. They were novios since their university days. But after their parents death, she overheard Paloma tell him that she couldn't possibly marry him with the cloud of suspicion hanging over this father's honor. Furthermore, she didn't want to take up the responsibility of raising a child (meaning Luisa) that wasn't her own. Luisa was a burden to her. Arturo refused to abandon his sister. Then he began drinking (beber sin medida) But that was a long time ago and when she saw him cut himself with a glass, he swore he would stop drinking, clear their parents' name and take care of her. He then dedicated himself to his work, studies, and collection of rare books. Teresa: But he forgot the most important thing of all. He forgot about love. (and we all know who's gonna help him find it, right?)

Arturo signing his book for Teresa. The best of my students as you have enriched the author.

Everyone at the vecindad is strategizing on how to raise money for Pablito's care. Cutberto invites everyone to menudo and Juana scolds him for being so insensitive. Mariano says he will talk to the Drs Ledesma and see if there’s a hospital somewhere that will help them. And everyone needs to pull together to raise whatever they can.

Aurora asks her dad for help in Pablito's care. When he finds out Pablito is Mariano's friend, he voices his concern that her concern with Pablito may be centered around Mariano. By the way, wasn't she planning to leave?

Mariano is telling Teresa about Pablito and she reiterates, "See what comes of being poor?" As he's kissing her goodbye, Paolo breaks in and challenges Mariano. Like all bullies, he calls in his henchmen when Mariano goes after him.

--commercial break--

Teresa tells Paolo if he wants to talk to Mariano, do it as a man. Paolo wants to talk to Teresa but not before he puts Mariano in his place. Teresa urges Mariano to leave and he does so reluctantly. She tells Paolo she knows he's only "dating" Aida to make her jealous but she's moved on with her life. Paolo claims she is jealous and wants to get back together. The only thing she wants is for him to get the heck outta there (8 finger snaps, no less). Paolo pleads with her to take his offer. He can give her anything she wants. She's la Reina and deserves to be treated as such. She counters with, hmmmm does that include marriage? Paolo: "Well, um, you see, um, it's like this. My mother would ever allow us to get married." Teresa: "Then get out of my sight for-ev-er" He then threatens Mariano and she informs him she now works for el Profe Arturo and he's very powerful. Mariano then breaks in with Paolo's henchmen right behind him and with the other chavos from the vecindad. Paolo conveniently stays behind his buddies and then tells everyone to calm down claiming "this isn't over yet."

Aurora assures dad she has no relationship with Mariano. It's just that when she went to say goodbye to Teresa, that's when everything went down with Pablito. Can daddy talk with Dr. Ledesma to help without anyone knowing that it was Aurora behind the request? “And I always thought the worst thing that could happen to anyone would be to lose your mother and she abandoned us for someone else.” Daddy corrects her, "For me, your mother is dead and has been for a very long time." Aurora, "You're wrong! She's living somewhere with a new family. My half-brothers/sisters who I may never meet. I can't help but wonder where is she? Does she think of me? You don't ask the same questions?" Dad: "Never and you should also consider her dead." She wonders why she left, did she not love her? Dad assures her she can count on him and that he loves her enough for both of them. What hurts him most is the damage her mother caused her—the fear of abandonment. That's why he doesn't want her involved with Mariano. He feels it's noble that she stands aside for Teresa but can't help but ask himself if she would have gone for Mariano if Teresa hadn't been in the middle. Aurora assures him that is not the case.

Teresa explains everything is ok now. Paolo's an idiot and Mariano defended her. She assures him it's all over between them and tells him he needs to concentrate on his work and his studies. Don't waste your time on him.

Paolo and his goons are leaving the vecindad and Paolo stops to note Mariano's Taxi licence, "I know how to track (rastrear) you."

Aida is waiting for Paolo to go to the concert. She thinks he went after Teresa after she told him about the new novio. Paolo's mom suggests they all head off to Acapulco but don't mention Teresa! Aida agrees that in Acapulco, everything is possible.

Espe and Machita are giving Pablito a pep talk telling him to be patient with his recovery. Armando and Refugio are discussing his raise. Teresa overhears him saying he will give that extra money to Pablito's fund. Teresa his shocked and not very happy to hear this.

In Paris, Ruben and Maira are just arriving in their room. He leaves the room and his cell rings. Of course, Maira picks up and of course, it's Espe leaving a message that she's desperate to speak with him! ruh-roh!

----commercial break ---

Paolo's friend Raul comes over to find Aida there. Paolo's mom tells Aida on the sly to go out with Raul. It would serve Paolo right to get a little jealous.

Maira confronts Ruben over the phone call: Why is someone called Esperanza calling on your cell, and above all, calling you Mi Amor? Ruben: duh..... Maira: Don't you dare deny it! I heard the message. Ruben: Are you accusing me of cheating? How dare you! She has him listen to the recording. Ruben: She doesn't even mention me by name! It's a wrong number. Some woman calling her lover. (good one, fast thinking) Maira: How does she know you're in Europe? She knows you're far away. Tell me the truth - are you cheating on me? (me estas poniendo el cuerno?) Ruben: I can't believe you would doubt me? After all these years, have you ever wanted for anything? Would I take you on a second honeymoon? Maira: Please forgive me but I have a frightening jealousy (un celos espantoso) Ruben: Well, let's hope you remember that for the next time. You're my only love and I want you to remain so for the rest of my life (ugh) They start smooching. (double ugh)

At the hospital, Mariano is speaking with Dr. Ledesma, explaining there's no money. Espe has no money. Dr says unfortunately hospitals are booked up but he'll see what he can do. Mariano assures him he will do whatever he can to help even though at present he has no money.

Teresa asks dad about his raise and then she goes on about the cost of books and how much she's spent on commuting to el Profe's house. All that and now he is introducing her to his colleagues as his assistant. She's going to be meeting a lot of important people and well, she needs to present herself well dressed. Refugio tells her Aurora came by with bags of clothes for her. Teresa: Charity. How embarrassing to be dressed in hand-me-downs!

Arturo/Luisa: Arturo is impressed with Teresa's discussion about his book. Luisa is equally impressed by Teresa. He comments on how funny life is, Teresa is so intelligent but she lives in such unfortunate circumstances and disadvantages. Luisa is happy that he's agreed to help her. They both agree that she is extraordinary. He likes having her by his side everyday but understands that it will be more difficult once she starts her classes. Luisa leaves him and he thinks to himself: "Teresa, Teresa, Teresa" Ah, the Univision echo machine is alive and well.

--- commercial break and the one hour mark --

Refugio is lecturing Teresa not to be ungrateful. Aurora's gesture is not charity and they can't afford to give her more money. Not everything is about you! Teresa exclaims she doesn't understand her anger. She had no way of knowing Armando had promised his money to Pablito's fund. She just doesn't know how she'll impress the important people she'll be meeting. Daddy says no worry, just tell him how much she needs and he'll somehow come up with the extra cash each month. As the Jaws theme plays, she appreciatively hugs and kisses dad. (esa hembra really is mala)

Paolo finally shows up and tells Aida he's ready to go to the concert. She tells him, not so fast cowboy, I have plans with Raul. There's nothing serious between them and she's sick and tired of being quote unquote free. He tells her he really likes what they have together and doesn't think of their relationship as "free".

Mariano is explaining to Teresa that Dr. Ledesma will be able to provide (for Pablito) his services pro bono for the operation and some of the medicine but the chemo will have to be done on an out-patient basis. Teresa: Well at least he'll be treated. Mariano explains that even the chemo is still very expensive: 20-30 thousand pesos per mo. Teresa tells him not to be so down about it. We all have our problems, she needs money too. He reminds her that they all jobs and opportunities whereas Pablito's opportunities will end quickly if they don't get some cash pronto.

Espe talking with El Bigote crying -- You mean you won't be getting a divorce now? Ruben: Thanks to your "little" phone call I have to start from point zero. Maira is now aware that I love someone else. The damage is done, and it's not because she loves me, she only does it to annoy me. Espe, crying: Please forgive me, it's just that I was desperate. Ruben: And you don't think I wasn't desperate without you? But look what you've done now. She now assures me she will never give me a divorce. Never call me again. Espe hangs up, crying. (poor thing, she needs to wake up and smell el cafe)

Teresa thanks Arturo for the dedication in her book. He only hopes he will be a good advocate for her and suggest they drink a toast. His cell phone rings and it's Paloma!!! She's all lovey dovey. So happy she was able to reach him. He's not buying it asking how she got his number and asking her never to call him again. He slams the phone shut and heads straight for the liquor, pours himself a strong one, chugs it down, then pours another. Teresa stops him and tells him that no matter what is wrong, remember he has Luisa and he has her. He looks at her with tears in his eyes. Teresa assures him she's not just saying this but that there are many who think highly of him and there is always a reason to look ahead (tomorrow is another day?) He responds that he is very appreciative and promises that he will explain things at a later time. She leaves to run an errand to the notaria and he sits back still visibly shaken.

--- commercial break ---

Paolo tells mom that he and Aida are now novios. Mom wants to head to Acapulco to celebrate but hasn't had time to book flights since there are two house sales pending. Aida volunteers to run to the notaria (uh-oh confrontation coming) to set up the trip. Paolo accompanies her to the notaria. They're kissing when Teresa pops up. She ducks out when she sees them but the secretary Eva signals Aida that Teresa is there. Aida confronts Teresa outside and tells her of their wonderful trip to Acapulco. Teresa reminds her that she already handed over Paolo, she's with someone much better now. Aida: Oh, my daddy's messenger? Teresa: Say hi to your novio and his mother. And, oh, by the way. Please tell Paolo to please stop begging me to come back to him. Last night he came to my place wretchedly begging me to return to him. Finalmente, you can have my leftovers.

Teresa sees Luisa at the door and a man is giving her a goodbye peck on the cheek. He's someone she's known since la prepa. She also refers a guy named Fernando who is now in Europe. She asks about Teresa’s love life and she responds that she doesn't have a novio (Arturo wouldn't stand for it). She goes on to tell her the story of Paolo (without naming names).

Dr. Ledesma is talking to Espe. He remembers her speaking of a novio and thought he would be able to help financially. Espe says novio is in Europe and may not even come back to her as he's upset with her.

Refugio is crying to the picture of Rosita when Johnny comes in asking her permission to come by now an then to speak to Rosita. Refugio tells him he's always welcome.

---commercial break----

Dr. Ledesma and Aurora's dad (sorry, forgot his name) are discussing Pablito's case. Aurora's dad explains his daughter is what has him interested in Pablito and also interested in Mariano who is studying medicine. Dr. Ledesma agrees Mariano is very worthy despite his shortcomings. Yes, he's from the same vecindad as Pablito and is paying his way through school as a taxista.

Espe shares with Mariano that Dr. Ledesma has recommended her for another job. This will help to distract her from Pablito and other things (oopsie almost let the gato out of the bag!) She asks who is the angel Pablito is always referring to, the one that was there when he fainted. Mariano tells her about Aurora, saying that although she's from a higher class, she's really nice and above all she helped with Pablito and did so out of the kindness of her heart.

Aurora and Teresa meet for lunch. Teresa tells her about confrontation with Aida who told her that she will do what she can to put Teresa in bad terms with her (Aida's) dad. Teresa thanks her for the clothes she brought by. Aurora feels she should have talked it over with her first. Teresa says, oh no, us poor people are used to leftovers. (meow) Aurora meant no offence. Teresa assures her no offence taken and then shows her the pirated purse she bought recently that is now falling apart. Aurora feels bad and gives Teresa her own designer purse to remember her by.

Paolo confronts Raul about his interest in Aida. He tells Raul that he's now interested in Aida and warns him to back off. Aida hears this whole conversation.

---- commercial break ----

Teresa presents Arturo with a gift(a pen) and says it’s to show her appreciation of his confidence in her and also to remind him that she will always be there for him. He says he'll always use it as he prefers to use a pen versus the computer. He tells her she must think he's very old. She says no, he's still very young. The secretary comes in and tells her that the taxi is here for her. He offers her the use of his chauffer at any time. She refuses and then tells him she pulled up some info from the internet he may find useful pertaining to international law. He seems impressed.

Aurora's dad asks him why she hadn't told him about Mariano's economic status. She didn't feel it was important. He hopes that wasn't the reason she stopped pursuing him. He taught her to like people for what they are and not their economical status. He was afraid she had inherited her mother’s prejudices. She tells him Mariano is unaware that she likes him and that she wouldn't want to interfere with his relationship with Teresa.

Teresa is upset with Mariano for surprising her at work. He says he only did it to save her from having to travel on the bus and the metro and why is she so upset, he thought she'd be happy he was there. She tries to rush him and he figures it's because she's embarrassed to be seen with him in front of the profe. She reminds of him of her deal with the profe to dedicate herself to her work, and that includes no novios. Mariano doesn't understand how this can be and feels it's because the profe is interested in her for himself. She accuses him of jealousy and threatens to end the relationship.

---commercial break ----

Luisa bad talks Paloma wondering why she's called. Arturo says if he sees her again he's capable of killing her. He tells her Teresa was there when Paloma called and she surprised him with her compassion and reminded him of Luisa's importance in his life and now Teresa's place in his life as well.

Teresa assures Mariano she doesn't want to break up. He doesn't understand how the profe can control her personal life. She swears he didn't ask her not to have a novio. She says that she's doing this to show Arturo her willingness and commitment to her studies. She doesn't want him to know of any of her personal life. Mariano buys this and they hug.

Mariano and Teresa are now all lovey dovey at the park. She drops her purse and he sees the receipt for the pen. She quickly tells him that it was for Aurora so she'll think of her whenever she uses it. At the same time, Arturo is telling Luisa about the pen realizing the sacrifice this must have been for her since she has no money. He would like to return the gesture but doesn't want to compromise their relationship. Luisa suggests that since she and Teresa are now friends, she can buy her gifts. Friends always exchange gifts, que no?

Ruben is talking with Aida and finds out they are all going to Acapulco. Maira expresses her concern with this trip since she knows Paolo doesn't love her.

Juana and Teresa are looking at the clothes Aurora gave her. Teresa wants her to pay attention to the cut and the material so she can make her copies. She tells Juana that Aurora likes Mariano. Isn't life weird, she has everything, yet she likes her novio. But now she's off to France where, of course she'll find a French novio and again have everything she wants!

Luisa suggests to Arturo that he still loves Paloma. He denies this and says it's that this type of experience will mark you forever. It's not easy to forget and he asks Luisa to leave him alone. Luisa refuses to leave him alone and reminds him it is not good to bury your head in the sand and it's not good to continue running from Paloma. After all, he had a drink for the first time in a long time. He needs to get this past this.

Dr. Ledesma talk again about Pablito's case. Aurora’s dad (aaagh can’t remember his name) wants to talk again about Mariano. He's very impressed with him. Ledesma shares he had to leave his studies once before. Aurora’s dad wants to make sure Dr. Ledesma helps him in any way he can so that this doesn't occur again.

---commercial break----

Espy tells Teresa of the fiasco caused by her call to Ruben. Now, Maira will never divorce him. She doesn't know if he'll ever call her again. She loves him so much. Teresa suggests she forget him. Or maybe don't forget him, but move forward. Even if they get back together, consider other options. Especially now with what’s going on with Pablito. Is he providing her with the moral support she needs at a time like this? What about companionship? Leave other doors open.

Aurora visits Dr. Ledesma and gives him a gift that includes a stethoscope and blood pressure monitor. She tells him she's purchased two sets, one for him and one for Mariano.

Teresa walks in where Johnny is still crying at Rosita's shrine, asking her to help with Pablito. After he leaves, Teresa speaks out loud, not knowing that Mariano is standing behind her. She says she'll do anything to get out of that maldito vecindad to which he asks, "what do you mean, anything?".
Ruh-oh! And mercifully, that is the end of tonight’s episode.


Teresa putting the heart key-chain that Mariano gave her on a scale, saying, "I already have Mariano's love, now at all costs, I need to add money and power."
Teresa in Arturo's office, thinking to herself while looking at a picture of Arturo and Paloma, "You don't know what I'm capable of when I set my mind to something"
Teresa meeting with Paloma: "I'm Teresa Chavez, Arturo's mujer"


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #89 4/12/11 Where’s the Car, Ma? Oye, There’s the Karma!


Max strides out of the vecindad, gets in his car and when his way is clear, peels out without noticing that he is dragging Ximena along with him. When he realizes what is happening, he slams on the brakes and she falls free of the car. He runs to her, discovers she is unresponsive and shouts for an ambulance. Rox is her usual, unhelpful, hysterical self. Not a tear is shed in the Maven household.



After saving María from Xi’s latest dirty trick – the trip wire -- Alonso is seriously worried about her safety and well-being. She’s finally worn down and frightened enough to accept his offer of refuge in his place outside the city. All she has to do is pack a few things…


Milagros, a riot of red gingham over hot pink, sits at her table and reads her Tarot cards. Don Napo has a woman in his future:
¡Ay, que no sea una de esas viejas guacamayas!
(Ay, I hope it’s not one of those old loudmouths! literally, macaws)

Said viejas guacamayas, Poly and Triny, cackle over a small bottle of medicine they plan to give to Milagros to sweeten up her disposition. Bwahaha! They join Millie at her table and chatter away. Oh man, the jarochas crack themselves up! Millie, not so much. They press their magic potion on her.


Oh sorry. That’s a different Rox and Max. This Rox says he better hope her daughter doesn’t die on her – if she does, he’ll rot in jail. And this Max replies bitterly that it’s not the time for her stupid threats.
They glare at one another.


Padilla is having fun. He is reviewing Victoria’s designs and dismissing them one by one. He asks sneeringly:
¿Y tu piensas que esa porquería le va a gustar a la sra Bernarda? Ni remotamente!
(And you think Señora Bernarda is going to like this crap? Not a chance!)

Why don’t we let her decide if she likes them or not, answers Vic dispassionately.

But Padilla isn’t finished:
Eres una mujer acabada. Lo has perdido todo – incluyendo la poca imaginación que tenías. …incluyendo a tus dos hijas.
(You’re washed up. You’ve lost everything – including the little bit of imagination you used to have. … including your two daughters.)

You’re wrong, Vic corrects him. I haven’t lost my daughters. But your son, she tells Padilla, is gone forever! And as much as Padilla may try to blame others, he is the one who bears the guilt. And besides, Victoria knows how badly he treated his son, how he beat him – Fer told her everything! Here’s the truth:
Tú no sientes su muerte. Lo que te agobia es el remordimiento porque en el fondo – en el fondo -- sabes que tú tienes la culpa de su muerte.
(You’re not grieving his death. What torments you is remorse because deep down – deep down – you know his death is your fault.)


Fabián takes his turn as Fer’s fisioterapeuta. She thanks him for helping her and apologizes for all the times she was rude to him. He encourages her to let her parents, especially her mother, help her too. She reaches for the Doll That Trumps DNA (DTTDNA) and strokes it tenderly. We notice that the bruises on Fer’s face have healed and her hair is carefully brushed.


Vic is in Padilla’s face assuring him that she’ll see that her daughter walks again, if it is the last thing she does! We are subjected to a close-up of Padilla’s sweaty upper lip and visibly gnashing teeth.


Fer tells Fabián she has just found out she has a long-lost sister. Victoria brought her the little doll and told her the story.

Fabián is impactado! He never knew! But he tells Fer that’s even more motivation for her to recover and help her mother.


María has packed her few possessions in the poor man’s Samsonite, a cardboard box held together with twine and spit

She insists she doesn’t want to complicate Max’s life. Well then you should have backed me up when I said the baby was mine, says Alonso. María looks shocked at the idea: ¡No no no no no! ¡Eso no!

[Sadly, both of them seem to be forgetting about Juan Pablo. He’s probably got his box tied up in twine all ready to go and he’s just waiting for the signal.]


Rox sits on the hospital waiting room couch railing against fate:
¿Por qué, por qué Dios mio, por qué tenía que pasar esto?
(Why? My God, why? Why did this have to happen?)
Max paces.

Rox springs to her feet and points a finger at him:
¿Pero sabes que? ¡Tú tienes la culpa por haberte enamorado de esa zorra!
(But you know what? It’s your fault for falling in love with that slut!)
Max is in no mood. He’s still fuming over how they concealed María’s enormously pregnant belly from him. (Although frankly, sweetie, that one’s on you. I mean…You felt the kid move!)


Alonso apologizes to María for telling Max the baby was his – he was only trying to help. María tells him she doesn’t want Max to think
she hid her pregancy from him because she stopped loving him:
Lo amo. Lo amaré toda mi vida porque Max es y va a ser siempre el único amor de mi vida.
(I love him. I will love him all my life because Max is and always will be the one and only love of my life.)


Millie’s not coming up with the goods today. She doesn’t see any men in the future for Poli and Trini. Isn’t there something she can do? They are desperate to get Don Napo’s attention. Millie, after a show of reluctance, agrees to prepare a love potion. She warns them it will attract all men, not just Napo. She palms the vial the jarochas have given her, takes it to the sink and mixes its contents with what looks like agua de Jamaica (Hibiscus tea). She pours each one a glassful and instructs them to sip it slowly: Despacito, despacito!


Os meets with one of his lawyers. A witness will testify that Gui had the theatre’s assessed value altered, making it appear to be worth far more than it really was. From there, they will be able to show Osvaldo’s intention to buy the theatre. The next step is drawing up the criminal complaint against Guillermo: abuse of confidence.


A process server arrives at Guillermo’s house and serves him with a subpoena. He will have to defend himself in court. Os thought bubbles: Damn Osvaldo, if I don’t counterattack, I’m going to end up in jail!


Juan Pablo (who, may I say, is looking particularly fetching today with his top button rakishly open) is looking for María. He and Nathy have searched everywhere. Where could she be?

Nathy stands in front of the GIANT image of María’s GIANT hand over her GIANT belly. She’s worried something might have happened to her friend. The neighbors say they heard screams coming from the room and from their descriptions, it sounds like Max and Ximena were here. Max and Ximena? JP covers his face with his hands. Oy vey! Let’s go! (Think, JP, think. Remember Alonso’s plan?)


[We’ve been in this part of the country before. Remember Osvaldo’s retreat? Not the one with the Late Linda and her Buns of Brass. The other retreat.]

Alonso maneuvers the jeep down a narrow dirt road. He stops and asks María to breathe in the peace. (I don’t know about you, but this guy is starting to get on my nerves.)

Cue up the Max-María smoochie song because the actual Max is busy right now.


Finally, finally, it occurs to María to think of Juan Pablo. (Well, duh!) They agreed he would come with them, didn’t they? You’re right, says Alonso. But for now his only interest is finding a calm situation for mother and baby and he doesn’t want anyone to know where she is. For the moment, mamá tranquilo, bebé tranquilo, todos tranquilos. María gives in but she looks a bit uneasy.


JP tracks down his mother at Casa Bernarda and asks her if she knows where María is. Her answer:
Si esa bastarda desapareció, es porque no le interesa tu ayuda.
(If that bastard child disappeared, it’s because she’s not interested in your help.)
And on she rants – that girl has Victoria’s bad blood! All sinners are the same!

For God’s sake, exclaims JP in disgust, trying to make her stop.

But she just keeps on going:
No menciones a Dios! Tú no tienes derecho!
(Don’t mention God! You have no right!)

Then Bernarda says slyly, almost to herself:
Ha tenido mucha suerte. Desde niña se ha salvado muchas veces.
(She’s been very lucky. Since she was a child, she’s had many narrow escapes.)

JP is appalled:
Como? La conoces desde niña?
(What? You’ve known her since she was a child?)

Her maddening response:
Algún día si regresas al sacerdocio, te diré la verdad.
(One day if you return to the priesthood, I’ll tell you the truth.)

And now Juan Pablo is finally starting to get the idea:
¿Es tan ruín, tu manera de conocer a mi hija que necesitas decírmelo en el secreto de la confesión?
(The circumstances of your acquaintance with my daughter are so despicable that you need the secret of the confessional to tell me about them?)


No glamour on the runway today as these real-life madonnas make their ungainly way back and forth, one hand on lumbar spine in the universal Oh My Aching Back posture of advanced pregnancy. Pip and Toni exchange despairing looks.


Is it wrong to feel relief that Ximena is unconscious? Probably. Oh well.

The doctors look down at her on the table and are pessimistic about her prognosis:
No creo que se salve, ni ella ni el producto.
(I don’t think she’ll make it, not her and not the fetus.)
The camera focuses on Ximena’s face. She moves slightly so we know she’s still alive.


The gentle, pensative piano notes tell us it’s time to switch mindset right now! Think of it as Emotional Speed Dating.

The camera focuses on Fer’s unmoving bare feet and sweeps upward until we see her holding the DTTDNA and we hear her thought-bubbling Fabián’s words. She needs to do her part to get better for her parents’ sake. Laboriously, she drags herself to the edge of the bed and moves her legs into position so that they dangle to the floor. The wheelchair is, unhelpfully, several feet away from the bed.


After a taste of their own medicine (literally), the jarochas are feeling strong urges. It’s love, right? Ufffff! They make a desperate run for the shared toilet and someone’s using it! Ay caray! The jarochas use all their strength to hold it in!


Upstairs, Fer drags herself to the chair and uses all her strength to pull herself upward. When she finally accomplishes her goal, she kisses the DTTDNA

Downstairs, Os is waiting when Victoria comes home. She starts to tell him about her ghastly day but their conversation is cut short when they hear Fer calling. Both race upstairs. And both are thrilled at Fer’s accomplishment – she has made it to the hallway in her wheel chair. Group hug!

Alas, this tender scene ends abruptly when Os gets The Call telling him about Ximena’s accident. He and Victoria rush off to the hospital. They promise to keep Fer informed.


Toni and Oscar are looking at Rox’s drecky designs. They can’t understand why Rox is still working there. And it’s clear that Bernarda knows nothing about fashion. And what a mistake to change the company name! Casa Bernarda? Puh Leeze!… Their lamentations are interrupted by The Call. They too go running to the hospital.


Os and Vic join Max. He tells thems Ximena is in surgery. Before he can say more, Rox rushes up and insists it’s all Max’s fault. He ran her over! She’s just getting revved up when one of the doctors approaches the group and addresses Max. He has some very difficult news, he tells him. Ximena’s condition is grave and she needs surgery immediately. But here’s the Solomonic kicker:

You have to decide between your baby and your wife!

Rox runs up to the doctor and tears at his scrubs: My daughter! Save my daughter!

Calm down, madam, says Dr. Frostyfreeze. In this case, the patient’s husband has to make the decision.

Save both of them! says Max Who Walks Through Fire. Save both of them!

Apparently the doctor hasn’t read William Levy’s contract and he is trying to make Max understand that’s not an option when a nurse bursts on the scene. They need Dr. Icicle right away in the OR. There’s a new complication!

Vic comforts. Rox blames. And Os and Max wait with manly stoicism.

In the OR the doctors must operate immediately. The surgeon calls for a scalpel (bisturí).


Toni is moving fast. But not fast enough to avoid meeting Guillermo. Get out of my sight, she tells him. You’re nothing but a con man and a cheat! A piece of garbage! You misjudge me says Gui, putting on his Sincere Face. My feelings for you are genuine. Tell it to someone more foolish, more naïve than I, says Toni and pulls away from him.


“Bernarda de Iturbide” reads the new lucite name plate on the desk. Beside it sits a wrought iron crucifix. Behind it sits Doña Demente herself, once more in funereal black. And before it sits Guillermo.

He assures her their plan will go flawlessly – of course they do need Xi’s cooperation. Then Gui gets The Call and it wipes the unctuous smile right off his face.

Roxana tells him Ximena is dying and it’s all his fault for knocking her up and failing to take responsibility for her.

Gui hastily excuses himself, explaining that their plans will have to be put on hold. Ximena is in the hospital and she is in critical condition.


Things are spinning out of control in the OR. The scrub nurse peers over the surgeon’s shoulder and her eyes bug out at what she sees. The doctor shakes his head slightly. They take the mask from Ximena’s face. The lines on the monitor go flat. [Don’t get excited. It will mean whatever they tell us it means.]


Alonso plays bridegroom, carrying María over the threshold of his hideaway and sets her down in a comfy chair on a porch with a view of the gorgeous setting – lake and lush woods. He is dazzled by her beauty, and the light, and the view. He takes a gazillion photos.

He rhapsodizes over the flowers in her cheeks, her waistline widened by the child within…

She thanks him for his beautiful words. I wish they were mine, he says. He read them long ago in a poem and seeing her brought them to mind.

She offers to help him fix a meal but he won’t allow it. He says:
A partir de hoy, yo te voy a cuidar
(From today on, I’m going to take care of you.)

Uh oh. Major Buzz kill for María. For us too. The Song plays. She remembers that romantic phone call when she and Max recited the lyrics to one another:
Mi cielo, quiero que tu sepas que a partir de hoy....
(My love, I want you to know that from this day on...)

María turns to Alonso: Do me a favor, she says. Don’t say “A partir de hoy” again – it reminds me of Max.


When Cruz drops in to see Fer, he’s pleased to see she has accepted using the wheelchair (although less than pleased that it was Fabián’s words that finally convinced her.)

When he carries her back to bed, their eyes lock for a few seconds and the strains of ♪♪Mi Riqueza♪♪ play in the background. [Again. Don’t get excited. It will only mean what they tell us it means.]

Fer tells him about Ximena’s accident and asks him to go to the hospital – she knows Max thinks a lot of him and he could use his support right now. Cruz is happy to oblige. He’s on his way out when he picks up the DTTDNA – it has fallen to the floor -- and asks: ¿Y esta muñequita? (And this little doll?) She tells him about Victoria’s lost daughter. [She’s pretty free with her ma’s secret, isn’t she?]

He makes his usual window exit: a polite “con permiso” followed by “ay ay ay” and then a crash landing. Fer smiles and asks the DTTDNA:
¿Cómo será mi hermanita? ¿Cómo será?
(I wonder what my little sister is like?)

As if by magic (maybe the doll is like Aladdin’s lamp), her thought conjures up the image of that hermanita, María Desamparada, who is now dozing off in the comfortable chair on Alonzo’s porch in Valle de Bravo. He startles her awake by brushing her cheek with a flower. It’s time to eat, he announces, and then escorts her to the beautifully set table.


The surgeon comes up to Max:
Tiene usted que ser muy fuerte. No le tengo buenas noticias.
(You have to be very strong. The news isn’t good.)

Rox is sure her daughter is dead. Neither one died, announces the doctor. Well then what’s happening, doctor?

The doctor addresses Max:
Tuvo usted un hijo.
(You had a son.)
Max exhales and Os puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Rox starts pacing and begins again with the accusations against Max. It’s his fault Xi is in critical condition.

The doctor intones gravely:
La señora está muy delicada pero el deterio de tu salud se debe al abuso de tranquilizantes y el alcohol.
(The lady’s condition is delicate but her poor state of health has been caused by abuse of tranquilizers and alcohol.)

Then what’s the bad news? asks Max. (Because, I mean, get real. We already know she’s a drunk and a pill-head and probably has the liver of an eighty year old and a brain that looks like Swiss cheese.)

The doctor answers: The first part is very painful. Ximena won’t be able to have any more children.

Pause. You may fill in Roxana’s Rants and Recriminations yourselves.

And the rest of the bad news? Max persists. The doctor says:
The child is in very delicate condition. His lungs developed poorly because the mother didn’t take care of herself. We’re going to keep him under observation in an incubator. Within 24 hours, we’ll know if he’s going to survive. But I have to be honest:
No sabemos si su hijo morirá o no.
(We don’t know if your son will live or die.)

Sweet William Levy. In a kayak.


Don Francisco Presents the Eva Luna cast (formerly know as the “Christina after Show” ) 4/11/11

Before I start the Don Fran recap I wanted to share just a few of the wedding pictures from the final that was so wonderfully recapped by Jardinera.

The first picture is to show how long the train was and how packed the church was.

Don Julio is walking Eva down the isle

Dan and Eva seem surprized during the ceramony when they turn and realize it is Laurita singing.

That indeed is Laurita singing her little heart out.

Dan is brought to tears as he listens to Laurita sing.

Now lets get on with the show. Don Fran welcomes everyone to Los Angeles. He says it is the first time in 10 years that they have taped the show outside of their studio. He tells everyone they are their to celebrate the number one rated show “Eva Luna”. He also had Lourdes Steffen from “Salt and Pepper” with him.

Don Fran’s first guests of course are “those who were not invited to the wedding” the villains of the novela, as he introduces Leo, Vick, and Marcella.

I really had a hard time understanding Don Fran most of the time, but I think his first question was to “Marcella” asking her how people reacted to her character since she was playing such a villain. She said they responded well to her and than said something about they weren’t willing to pay for her parking.

He asks Vanessa how she felt about being in Eva. She says she has been in lots of novelas, but this had been the best. Don Fran reminds her she was “bad” in this novela. She tells him Victoria was more of a victim.

Don Fran asks who was the worst villain? Victoria or Leo? Leo is waving his fingers in the “Certainly not me” fashion.

Marcella tells him both her children are good. There are boos from the audience. Vanessa says her character was not so much a villain as she was mentally unbalanced.

Don Fran asks Julian Gil how the experience was for him. He says he is naturally mischievous and the people misunderstood his character. Again talking about the Leo character he says he wasn’t bad.

Don Fran asks him which he prefers to play “heroes or villainous” parts. Julian tells him he likes to play the adventurous parts. He is encouraged by the audience to stand and turn around and we get a little twirl.
He does so to many cheers. He does admit to liking the “villainous roles” as the people seem to like that more. Don Fran jokingly says he isn’t going to stand and twirl because there is nothing to see.

Don Fran is talking with Susana D and asks what was it with Eva that captured the hearts of so many people. She tells him the TN had magic and a good script. He asks her how Marcella could have been so bad. Marcella looks at him and says she wasn’t bad. She says it depends on how you look at it. If they take your house, take your husband and you end up on the street. Julian too says it wasn’t a question of being bad. People just misunderstood the circumstances.

Vanessa also adds that she had the perfect life until Eva arrived at the house. She had to fight for her man.

We go to the audience for questions. The first question is for Julian and he asks what it was like to act with such a beautiful and talented actress like Blanca Soto. He tells him she is one of the most beautiful women he has seen in his life, and from the first day that he met her he knew she was going to be a star.

Second question is for Vanessa . She is asked what she prefers to play. A good person or a bad person. She tells him she likes to play both parts. Of course she identifies most with the “good” She likes it when the “bad” character becomes remorseful at the end of the show.

The next guests are “Alicia and Tony” and Fran and Jacky.”

Alicia still looks like the same airhead.

I think the audience is again chanting for another turn and twirl and I think it is for Tony. We do not get one. Don Fran asks “Tony “ how him and Alicia got along. Alicia teasingly says really bad. And they hated each other. Then she says they got along incredibly. Don Fran asks Alicia what was the best kiss he gave her. The camera shoots over to Julian with his hand raised taking credit for the best kiss. Tony teases that Leo’s character “is dead” Don Fran is now encouraging the both of them to demonstrate a kiss.

The audience is now chanting for them to kiss. We get a funny exaggerated kiss, with Alicia being the one to grab Tony.

Tony tells the audience the kiss that was the best was the last one when Alicia caught the bouquet. She agrees and says of course that was the best. Tony adds that always before he had to steal kisses from her and this time she went over to give him a kiss from her heart.

Question from the audience. Actually Lourdes is saying that since she represents all the women in the audience she wants to see Tony’s abs. Tony laughs and says he can’t right now but very soon people will be able to see it with other surprises when they buy his book the “Fat solution.”?

Don Fran remarks about his incredible weight loss. He use to weigh 300 lbs. We also get a before picture of Tony

Don Fran tells him he has been an inspiration for many people. He also mentioned that Tony had a problem with anorexia as well or studied anorexia. (didn’t really understand what he said) He congratulates him for solving his addictions . Tony says he is grateful to have the opportunity to inspire other young people. Alicia adds other tributes to Tony, he has written several books as well.

Don Fran now turns his attention to “Jacky and Fran”. Saying something about their characters coming and going throughout the entire novela. Don Fran also mentions “Fran’s” father, who apparently was on “Sabado Gigante” or something like that but who had passed away.

Don Fran mentions that Fran’s character always wanted to be a millionaire and in the end didn’t end up with anything. He tells Don Fran that he believes all men have a little bit of “Francisco Conte” in them.
He asks what man hasn’t lied a bit to a woman to impress her. He says all men are alike. Don Fran interjects, but not Julian, who teasingly says he has never lied in his life. He says the Fran character was important because it added humor to the story. (Or something like that.)

Don Fran mentions that in these stories it is not uncommon that the chauffer ends up with the maid. He then turns his attention to Jacky. I am not certain about this but Don Fran mentions something about finding love on and off the set. Jacky answers something about this costing her 8 months of not being able to tape. (Was she pregnant? I don’t know what that was all about.)

Don Fran also mentions that Marcella forgot to bring her black glove and she is now wearing a borrowed one. She says the other one was dirty with blood on it. They tease about her offering coffee to people and she turns to Don Fran and asks if he wants a coffee.

They talk a bit about the death of Marcella and we get a clip of the fire. More teasing about her demise and that she had lots left undone. Vanessa teases about having an Eva Luna part 2.

It turns out that Jacky is from Argentina. She mentions that Julian is from Argentina as well. She talks about having to neutralize her accent.

Don Fran is thanking “the second string” and announcing that the next segment will be the “A team” (Finally). (he didn’t say that but that is what I was thinking.)

He also is introducing the final scene of the novela which was nothing more than a shameless add for Mac Donalds. Eva and Dan are riding in a blue convertible very content. She suddenly gets a craving for a chicken sandwich. Thank goodness they are in front of Mac Don’s. She pats her stomach a bit and Dan is clueless as ever. He asks her if she can’t wait. She has to pat her stomach again before he figures out she is now eating for two.

We return to an empty stage with Don Fran introducing Guy and Blanca . Eva looks smashing in a golden slinky number and Dan looks like he is going to the rodeo.

Don Fran says to Blanca that she has to be very emotional after knowing so many people were watching the novela. He also notes that Guy has been in several novelas but that he has to feel very comforted with the publics reaction to this novela. Guy says the response was phenomenal and he is very grateful.

Don Fran asks Eva how the physical relationship in a novela between two people changes from the beginning to the ending. She says it is about the same but it gets easier towards the end. We get a clip of the fiery kiss between them in the back of the SUV.

and the audience is now chanting again for a kiss. Both Blanco and Guy seem a bit embarrassed. We get no kiss but Dan throws kisses to the audience.

More questions from the audience. The person who is asking the question now was lucky enough to be an extra at the taping of the wedding. She congratulates Blanca and tells her she is very pretty. She asks Blanco in real life does she like men more like Julian or like Guy. Guy is laughing as Blanca thinks about it and says “Oh my God” and says she prefers them like her husband. We get a nice picture of Eva and her Husband.

Don Fran teases her that her answer is logical but perhaps not the truth. She finally says she prefers them more masculine and Strong. Don Fran mentions that her first husband died. Then he asks her if there are similarities between her first husband and second one. Blanca tells him they are totally different. In their manner “of being” their looks and every thing. Don Fran than says that a person is able to fall in love with different types of people. Blanca tells him it is what is inside a person. Dan explains that his first wife isn’t dead but his second wife is totally different from his first. He agrees with Blanca that people look for something inside the other person and not necessarily just the physical.

Next question. The woman asking begins by saying “Papacito” She wants to know if Guy’s wife gets jealous when he kisses Blanca. Dan tells her that his wife knows that he is a professional and she usually leaves the set when they film, and sees it for the first time when it airs. He says he can than tell if he is doing his job well if his wife likes the scene. He tells her she is able to separate the real from the fiction.

Don Fran says he imagines that they have to refilm the scene many times. Dan also explains that while filming it gets very technical . There are cameras and microphones every where. The whole world is there. He says it is a job, although they do it with love so the audience will enjoy it.

Don Fran points out that Blanca was not the first leading woman for Guy in a novela but Guy was Blanca’s first leading man in a novela. Blanca tells him it is different when making a movie compared to a novela.
She says it is much longer doing the novela and they spend many more hours with one another.

The next guest is Laurita, played by Gabriela Borges. She comes bouncing out very cheery wearing the strangest looking little furry boots as she sits down beside Don Fran. She looks adorable

He tells her it is probably very different for her to be there because when she tapes there isn’t a lot of people around but here there is 2000 people. This does not see to daunt her one bit as she shouts out and asks how every one is.

They talk about her getting the role. She said she went to casting and was worried about looking so much like a gringa. Than she found out Guy was going to be the father and she went “Good, I have the job.” Don Fran mentions that Guy was born in Brazil and has lived in many different places. Dan than points out that people may not know this but Gabriel spoke English at the casting. She didn’t speak Spanish very well and learned it during the novela. She says she is still learning and after 8 months of taping is better. (her smile and energy throughout the interview is so fun to watch.)

Don Fran mentions that there are many kids who have bilingual parents but are not bilingual. Guy says it is important that children learn both languages so that they will have more opportunities. He gives the example of himself, who is an “American actor” but he has the opportunity to be in telenovelas.

Don Fran asks Gabriel what it was like working with Guy. She says it was great!! This was her first acting job and all the actors were marvelous and she loved it.

Our next guest is Deborah, Frances Oliviera. He points out that it was probably more difficult for her as she came in half way during the novela. When everyone else was already use to one another. She said it was a bit difficult because there was already a rhythm set. She says she had lots of help and direction. Don Fran also mentions the writer and asks for applause from the audience.

Don Fran asks what the work hours were like. Frances tells him they sometimes would start at 7 in the morning. Blanca says she was usually there by six. Frances tells him she would get up about 4 in the morning to be ready. Dan is thanking God that he didn’t have be there so early to do hair and such. Frances says they were there from about 6 in the morning till about 7 at night.

Don mentions that she has been in so many novelas and asks Frances why she thinks this one was such a success. She tells him because it was magical and had great actors writers and directors and also a great audience.

Next audience question or statement is from a young man who notes that Frances is beautiful and appears more like Eva’s sister rather than her mother.

Don Fran asks her how many novelas she has been in and she tells him thirty. He asks her if the novelas are distinct from one another or is the work the same. She tells him they are very distinct. She says the personalities are usually very different and her preparation for the roles are different.

Don turns to Gabriel now and says “this being your first novela, what is it like sitting next to some one who has done thirty? And with Guy who has also done so many.” She says she wants to continue doing novelas.

He asks her if she is studying as well. She says she is home schooled. He asks her now that the novela is over if she will return to school or continue with home schooling. She tells him it depends if she keeps working or not. He asks her if she is a good student. She says she was. He asks Blanca if she was a good student. She tells him yes that discipline was very important. We find out that Dan had studied international administration at school.

Next audience question addressed to “Papacito tan chulo” (the very cute) Guy. She wants to know who kisses better. Blanca or Vanessa. Guy tells her even though Vanessa is a wonderful person the role she played was a bad person and they didn’t give the passionate kisses because he was never in love with the Victoria character. He says that is why it is hard to compare them.

Don Fran is sitting there quite sadly as he says. “ In all the time I have been in television no one has ever called me “Papacito chulo”. Eva reaches over to give a consoling hand as we go to commercial

Every one is back on stage now as Don Fran reminds everyone where they can find all the episodes and news about the novelas.

There are more questions from Lourdes who has now joined the entire cast on stage. Some one wants to know if they are doing a slapping scene and the cameras shut down what do they do. I think Dan says they just shoot it over. Another question is for Guy. He has always played the “good” part. Does he ever want to play the “bad” part? He says he would love to change places and play Julian’s part. The audience boos. He than asks the audience if they wouldn’t like to see him play a villain. Every one shouts back no.

Don Fran asks Julian if he has been more successful with his villain roles or the hero roles. Julian tells him with the villain roles because he enjoys them more. Then he adds pointing to Guy that when he plays opposite someone like him he is always more successful.

Than Alicia started talking and I just lost interest. Everyone was talking at once. Finally Don Fran brings them all to their feet and asks for applause for all their hard work. He asks Susana Dosamantes to speak for everyone that has worked on this for the last 9 months. She says it was made with much love and hard work and was done for all of us.

Don Fran gives thanks to all the actors and the studios involved for presenting such a successful novela an we exit to our faithful Eva Luna theme song.

Don Julio was missing throughout the entire show and I didn’t catch if there was an explanation or not. I do want to leave you all with my favorite Don J. picture.


La Fea Más Bella #293-294 4/12/11 Mrs. Doubtfire Region 4, and The White Knight Conquers Three Dragons

Capitulo 293.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The police arrest Efren for unpaid child support.

2. Caro asks Omar why he’s mad. He saw the man leaving her house in the morning, talking about the incredible night. Caro starts laughing. She wanted to make her home nice, for when they live together, and she blew a circuit. Omar hitches up his calzones and stammers that he loves her.

3. The laison for DIF Nuevo Leon asks Lety to head the project and she can get married in the cathedral in Monterrey. Lety marvels, “The fea can marry the love of her life in the cathedral?” Luigi tells Lety he won’t go to Monterrey, for personal reasons. Lety leaves and Irma counsels Luigi, “Isn’t it time to forgive them?” Luigi says he can’t.

4. Lety talks to Aldo in her grown-up voice. No puede ser! Marcia gets another note from her secret admirer.

5. Fern tells Lety that he and Aurora must go to a dinner tonight. Jax is bringing a European media magnate, and Jax needs Aurora there to convince him. Lety promised to go out with Aldo. Fernando respects her “no” and says he’ll convince Jax to do something else. What a man! Lety points out that this is the only way Aldo can get back his restaurant, and she knows it’s the way for Fern to recover his father’s respect (Lety thinks about Fern’s needs!!!). She decides Lety and Aurora will go to the same restaurant.

6. Lola takes Efrain food, etc. in jail. His first words are, “I’m here because you sued me.” Lola says he’s there because he didn’t provide for his children. Jaz arrives so Lola leaves. She’s so worried for him that she suggests he put his assets in her name (por qué no pones lo tuyo a mi nombre?), so Lola doesn’t get them. Efren says, “All you care about is my money. You never loved me, did you?” She says that of course it was only for the money, because he’s fat and disgusting.

7. Fern, Lety, and Tom practice quick changes at the Restaurant of Five Names.*

8. That night Lety arrives at the restaurant with Aldo but soon changes to Aurora then Lety then Aurora then Lety then Aurora then.. Walter is impressed and agrees to the deal. Jax tells Fern Conceptos will make megabucks. Lety is so drunk that she arrives at Aldo’s table as Auroralety.

Capitulo 294A. Read 5ft Latina’s original recap.

1. Aldo stares at Auroralety. Jax is very impressed. Fernando gives Aldo a look that says, “You hurt her, you’re dead!” Aldo says there cannot be any justification for what he sees. Lety tries to explain.

2. Efren is released from jail. He tells Lola that he won’t be paying Jasmín’s expenses, so he can easily pay child support. Lola makes sure he recognizes that the hussy caused him to neglect care of his children. He takes her out and begs to get back together. She says his children need him but she doesn’t.

3. Jax tells Fern and Tom that it was a spactacular night. The TV show premires tomorrow, and he’s sure, after tonight, that it will be a grand success.

4. Aldo says, roughly: I would’ve accepted it if you had told me at the beginning, but not now. You trusted Fern and not me. You’re sad because you deceived herself. You tried to make someone suffer. You’re lost. You don’t know what you want in life. You’re running to and fro, but not working at making yourself better. But you’ve found what you really want – Fernando Mendiola. I saw the kiss. You had to disguise yourself to kiss him? I’m profoundly disappointed. He leaves despite Lety’s protests.

5. Fern comforts Lety and says he and Tom will take care of her. Tom has to go. Fern will take Lety home.

6. Tom finds Ali on the phone with her papi. He takes the phone then says, “He hung up.” Ali cries, “He always hangs up. He always leaves her alone. He always goes. It’s always the same.” Tom now knows Alicia better. Read the rest of the scene in the original recap.

7. Fern tries to cheer up Lety, but she’s sure Aldo is gone for good. Fern says she can count on him for anything. He doesn’t want to leave her alone like that, but she sends him home. What a man!

Capitulo 294B. Read Amanda’s original recap.

8. Carmina is very eager to comfort Aldo. She’s available for anything he needs. He says he feels like his life ended. Lety never stopped loving Fernando.

9. Marcia informs Fern that Omar moved in with Caro. Fern tells Marcia that he wants to win Lety back, and something happened that could be a sign. It could be his opportunity and he doesn’t want to miss it.

10. The morning scandal rag announces that Aurora is Lety. She cries that she’s the fea that no one can love. Fern says, “I fell in love with you like crazy, and I still love you just as much.”

11. The cuartel reads the story, and Irma reminds them of the way Fern and Auroralety kissed for the show. She says those two love each other like crazy.

12. Carmina barges in and tells Lety that Aldo left for Acapulco. Lety hurt him so much that he can’t stand to be in the same city as her, and he never wants to see her again. Lety says she needs to hear that from Aldo, not Carmina. Carmina says today she’s going to move in with Aldo. Fern drags her out of the office.

13. Fern tells Lety he needs to know what she’s thinking (because he has to decide whether to fight to win her back), and to him Aldo looks like he’s throwing a tantrum.

14. Erasmo comes in next, yelling at Lety that it’s disgraceful and there can be no excuse. Fern stands up to him and says he doesn’t have the right to judge her. Lety did it with good intentions. Erasmo yells, “What right do you have?” He answers, “Because I love your daughter!”

15. Omar sees the paper and is quaking. Caro worries how he’ll react. Marcia said he didn’t love Aurora. Now his pride is hurt because he was going out with a fea. It’s bad for his image. Luigi freaks out too.

16. Omar thanks Lety. Pop asks why. Omar says he was horrible to Lety and made her suffer terribly. But as Aurora she taught him a lesson. He has learned to value women, and he fell in love with a wonderful woman. Pop forgives Lety, as Fern watches lovingly.

17. Next Fern reams out Jax. Jax says they’ll make big bucks. Fern yells that he cares much more about people than about companies. Jax says Fern needs to be cold to be successful. Fern says he was before, but he lost the woman who he loves and who made him happy. He yells, “Didn’t you realize you could ruin her life? Lety doesn’t deserve what you’ve done to her.”

18. Everyone in Lety’s office hears him. MamaJ says he’s incredible. Irma says his love for Lety made him that way. Erasmo says Aldo loves her more. The Fern Team Captains say Fern is defending Lety, and Aldo is nowhere to be found. Lety says he got mad at her and left town. Fern shoos them out to watch the screening of the show.


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