Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Teresa Mon 4/18/11 #17 Hell Hath No Fury Like a Teresa Scorned; #18 It’s A Very Fine Fix I’m...er...All Of You Have Gotten Me Into!

 Cap 17

 Hell Hath No Fury Like a Teresa Scorned
As Viewerville settles in for another tear-filled two-hour stretch of trauma and drama in the barrio, Teresa has just read Mariano’s love letter that came with the diamond promise-ring prior to the big break-up over the phone.  She’s in tears. (Note to hairdressing: Is it me or what?  I try and I try to empathize but it’s way too hard for me to get excited over a guy that looks like a reject from a Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoon.)  She looks at the ring and has a quickie emotional meltdown.  Suddenly her cell rings.

Daddy Armando wants to know what happened with Mariano and the prof.  Tere cries that not only has the professor lost confidence in her, but Mariano’s dumped her.  Mama’s meddling has put her whole future at risk now!  Armando has some more bad news, too:  Pablito has taken a turn for the worst.

Esperanza is in Pablito’s hospital room.  Mariano arrives to give her some emotional support.  They’ve put her brother on dialysis while he waits to get through chemo (I think) since the other kidney’s been overworked.  Espe gets a call from a contrite Ruben and takes it in the hall.  He wants to see her again to finish their talk from before.  Espe isn't having any.  She shouts back that there’s no way she’s leaving her brother’s side till he’s out of danger!  Click!  

When Espe comes back into the room, she sees that Mariano has red eyes and is sniffling.  Why’s he sad?  No, he’s not sad.  Talk turns to spending time now with Teresa instead of Pablito and her. Mariano admits that they’ve broken up for good.  Espe finds that hard to believe, she says, because everyone knows they are so stuck on each other.  He lets it slip that he’s incredibly jealous.  She could have any man!    "--That’s why?," Espe asks him.  (Espe’s got no use for men with jealous and possessive attitudes these days.)  She asks if he suspects someone could be making a play for Teresa [tirar la onda].  Mariano suspects the prof she’s working for.  Espe says she doubts it because he seemed to be extremely serious, and he keeps his distance according to Tere.

Back at Arturo’s manse, Teresa finds Luisa and tells her that the problem with her brother’s change in attitude is due to her mother speaking with him that morning.  (Tere makes a conscious decision to be a bit loose with the truth here while doing a little CYA.)  The big act begins: she can only imagine what Mama told him!  “--My mother has never loved me!  You know what she told me?  That she’d rather I’d have died and not Rosita!”  Mama doesn’t want her to get ahead or to her work for the professor, she tells the sympathetic Luisa.

Back at the hospital, Espe makes Mariano realize that just because there’s competition, it doesn’t automatically mean Teresa is going to pay attention to the other guy.  (Word up, Rubigote!)  

Tere begins giving Luisa her version of what Mama saw and why she came to the house that morning to complain to Big Brother.  Luisa doesn’t think that Tere’s actions were out of place, considering.  Lu lets it slip that Art is still probably in love with Paloma since he went to speak to her at her house this afternoon. Ruh-roh! Tere knows she’ll have some ‘splainin’ to do once he gets back, but Julio shows up to visit with Luisa before Tere can explain to her what kind of trouble she might be in now if Paloma lets what they discussed slip. 

Art arrives at Paloma’s that evening.  It’s an awkward beginning between them.  

Meanwhile, Refugio and Pablito’s older brother pray for Pablito and for resolution to all the vecindad’s problems.  FF>>

At the hospital, younger Dr. Ledesma tells Espe and family that Pablito’s condition has stabilized.  FF>>

Back at the prof’s home, Lu tells Julio how worried she is that Arturo’s old emotional wounds will reopen now that Paloma has reappeared.  Julio says it’s better if Art faces this right away and closes this chapter of his life.  If the worst should happen, Julio assures her that they will determine the next step together.   He professes his love for Luisa then and kisses her.

During their heart-to-heart, Paloma asks to be forgiven as she was very young and he knows how domineering her parents were.  She admits she was afraid of her father who became totally opposed to the marriage.  Her parents took her off to Europe and that was that.  Later on, her father pressured her to marry somebody else.  The marriage lasted barely three months because they couldn’t get along.  Later, when her mother was dying, she asked Pal for forgiveness for not having defied her father or supporting her more with Arturo and admitted that separating her from Art was a bad mistake.  Paloma hides her face and cries.  Art fights the urge to comfort her. 

Back at the prof's, Tere comes up with an idea to have Lu come to her house with her to tell her mother that there is nothing questionable going on between her brother and her.  Lu agrees and she drives Tere home. 

Meanwhile, Art tells Paloma how bitter and upset he’s remained all these years because of what she did to him.  She says she understands how deeply she hurt him and that she has felt horrible about it all these years.  She still feels badly about it despite knowing that he seems to have gotten on with his life and is very happy with Teresa and the fact she’s expecting his child.  This catches Art off guard--but his male ego certainly doesn’t jump to deny it.

Back at the hospital, Rubigote lurks outside Pablito’s hospital room.  He grabs hold of Espe the first time she leaves to go for something.  He takes out his wallet and tries giving her money for the month’s apartment expenses.  Espe refuses to accept it as long as he doubts her intentions.  She’s only with him out of love, she explains again, not for what she can get from him.  He says she doesn’t have to prove anything to him at this point.  Let bygones be bygones.  Espe says considering his recent attitude and actions, she thinks she does.  Her mother comes out of the room at that point and she tells him to get going.  Ruben leaves, but Nachita has seen him and asks who he was.  Espe lies that he was just somebody asking where the x-ray lab was.

Art tells Paloma he understands and not to worry over the situation any longer.

Ruben arrives home.  He tells Maira he’ll talk to Aida the next morning about whether she’ll stay grounded or not.  Maira goes to tell Aida the good news.  The two realize that when Aida doesn’t answer the banging on her bedroom door that she’s escaped through the window.  Ruben figures she’s at Paulo’s gets ready to head back out to look for her there and give Paula a piece of his mind.

Refugio runs into Mariano on her way to a neighbor and says she doesn’t want him confronting an influential man like the professor.  Mariano says he won’t be because he and Tere have broken up now anyway.  Ref is I-stepped-in-it-big-time-impactada over the news.  She wants to know if it was because the prof and Teresa really were involved.  He says not at all. They broke up before he even spoke to the guy and so there was no reason to talk to him after that.  Ref says breaking up makes no sense because she knows that Tere loves him like no other.  Mariano says ditto, but he can’t force her into anything, either.

Tere introduces her to Mama.  Luisa says she’s there to clear up her doubts.  Luisa and Tere explain to Mama that is the prof’s sister.  Lu confirms Art was upset about his girlfriend--the love of his life and the woman he was to marry.  Tere was only trying to pacify him when she took his hand.  He is with her this evening, in fact, and therefore he obviously has no interest whatsoever in Teresa.  Mama realizes she jumped to conclusions and apologizes for sticking her nose in where it didn’t need to be.  Tere makes a muy big show for Luisa’s sake of forgiving her mother. Tere explains that the problem now is that the professor has changed his attitude towards her because of what she did, and she will probably not have her job or her chance at the university.  (More CYA.)

Luisa says she doubts he’ll renege, but it is up to him after all. Refugio says well then, rather than bother him further, Tere can just go to the state school and forget the other.  Luisa tries to talk her out of thinking like that and asks her to support Teresa’s opportunity. 

Aida and Paulo finally pull up in front of her house.  She blathers on about how she’ll sneak him into her room tomorrow.  He leaves.  She waives good-bye and then runs into her papi who’s on the way out to look for her.  Ruen angrily accuses her of sneaking out to be with Paulo.  She lies and says she had to go out for something else.  Suddenly angelic-faced Raul appears out of nowhere and lies that Aida was with him.  They went out to buy her books at the campus bookstore, he says.  Papi asks where they are.  Raul runs to the car for his books and a few magazines and then hands them to Aida.  Ruben falls for all of it and feels guilty for mistreating Aida.    

Mariano gets home and mentions to his dad that he and Teresa broke up.  His dad can’t believe it, especially after his buying her a ring.  Ruh-roh!  Mariano realizes he lost or misplaced the box with the ring.   What does it matter, though, he says.  Their lives are going in two different directions now.  Cutberto sticks his nose in the door and asks what he did to Tere cuz Juana is on the warpath with him again.

Back at Teresa’s, Ref learns from Luisa about the premature death of her parents when she was only eleven.  Refugio still objects to their giving Tere so many gifts.  Luisa says it’s just her and her brother’s way of doing things—following in their parents’ footsteps--and anyway, Arturo enjoys giving without expecting anything in return. 

Florencia tells Paloma that now that she’s gotten Arturo’s pardon she needs to get on with her life.  Paloma, tho’, can’t get over the thought that Teresa is supposedly going to have his child.

Armando runs into Art in the vecindad and stops him to apologize for what his wife pulled that morning.  Art accepts it.

While Cutberto and Mariano are discussing their problems with Juana and Tere, they notice the prof talking to Armando. They decide to drown their sorrows at the cantina instead of confronting the guy.

Armando brings Art home with him.  Teresa makes a point of asking the prof if he reconciled with his fiancée this evening.  Mama takes the opportunity to apologize to him.  He accepts and says he and Teresa will talk the next day.  Once they leave, Teresa turns on her mother like a rabid dog. The problem isn’t resolved with a simple apology, she yells.  Tomorrow he’ll probably fire her and cancel his agreement.  (Of course, Tere doesn’t tell her mama the real reason he’ll be doing that.  She’d rather let her mother suffer from a major guilt trip.   On the other hand humility and humiliation are both hard to swallow.)  Teresa angrily informs them that she’s spending the night with Juana rather than with them since they think so badly of her.

Across town, Raul calls up Aida to see how things went with her parents once he left.  She asks what he was doing there.  He says he thought she’d like some magazines to read while she was stuck in her room.  Aida thinks it was Paulo’s idea to send them to her and tells Raul it was a nice gesture on Paulo’s part. 

Teresa has no problem spending the night with Juana, who is always happy to have her there.  We learn that Juana’s husband had a pretty respectable job before he died.  Juana apparently rubbed elbows then with a different social class than in that in the vecindad, and this is why Tere says they’re both alike.

Mariano realizes he apparently isn’t the kind to cry in his beer at the corner cantina.  He tells Cutberto he’s going back home.

In bed that night, Teresa kisses Mariano’s ring and tells herself that now he has no reason to doubt her or the professor’s good intentions.

The next morning Tere’s dad comes over to ask her to join them for breakfast.  She refuses and says she’s decided to live with her godmother from now on.  He’s heartbroken.

Across the “Big Pond”, Aurora and her daddy are getting settled in Paris. 

Back in Mexico City, Juana and Tere discuss the problems her mother caused with the professor.  Tere says Mama may have cost her the agreement with the professor.  Juana tells her that when she comes in that morning to act as if nothing happened, just to be real matter-of-fact with him. 

A few minutes later, Aurora and Tere start instant messaging to each other.  Among other gossip, Tere makes sure that Aurora doesn’t suspect there’s any problem between her and Mariano.  Aurora is disappointed.

Espe tells her mama that she is ironing her uniform for her new job which she starts the next day.  Ruben calls her again to apologize for his behavior and asks her to discuss their “problem” in person.  She still doesn’t want to mess with him.  

Genoveva shows up to have Ruben do some legal work for her.   She tries convincing him that he’s being too hard on Aida and reminds him of their crazy times back in the day.    He says that was long ago and no reason to dredge it up now.  “--Ok, then let’s talk about Esperanza.”  Ruh-roh!

Refugio finds Mariano and apologizes for the way she misread things and then caused him and Teresa to break up.  She tells him what she found out.  “--The professor has a girlfriend that he’s going to marry.  Neither he nor Teresa did anything bad.”   Mariano admits that he was wrong about Tere also, and says guiltily that he was blinded by his jealousy.  Refugio says they fought too, and Tere’s so angry she’s living with Juana now.  She should never have gone to her workplace or complained to the professor, she says.   Mariano admits he wanted to beat the guy up.   She hopes Mariono will look for Tere and make up with her.  Mariano shakes his head since he knows he screwed up bad and it’s going to be rough getting back in her good graces again.

Back at Ruben’s law office, Gen tells Ruben that she guessed about Esperanza from what Maira told her had happened in Paris.  Not to worry, tho’.  She assured Maira that he’d never leave her.  Gen smiles broadly and suggests that even though what they had long ago never worked out, they could try being more understanding with their kids’ relationship. 

Back in the vecindad, Juana comes to chat with Ref and give her a shoulder to cry on.  Refugio tells her how heartbroken and sorry she is for what she did to Teresa.  Tere wouldn’t even to eat breakfast with them this morning she was so angry.  Ref also admits it caused Tere’s break up with Mariano.  She hopes Juana will help her to get Tere to forgive her.  Juana says this time Tere was right, and that if she wants to get along with her daughter she’ll have to change her attitude toward Teresa.  Just because Teresa’s attractive, intelligent, and gets along so well with everyone, Refugio can’t let herself think that anyone who gets near Tere has bad intentions.   Anyway, she’s there to pick up Tere’s clothes for her and wants Ref to let Tere stay with her at least until the anger dies down.   Juana will try talking with Tere in the meantime. 

At the same time, Armando is telling Mariano’s dad what happened and why Mariano and Tere split up.

Meanwhile, Juana comes back to her apartment and tries to convince Tere that she’s being too hard on her mother.  Juana doesn’t want the situation with her living there to come between their friendship.  Just then Mariano shows up at the door wanting to speak to Tere. 

Once Juana leaves them alone, he apologizes to Teresa.  She’s still angry that he doubted her.  He says he knows he was a jerk.  She holds up the heart shaped ring box and mentions that she found it when he drove off like a crazy man to complain to the professor.   “--Give this to somebody who does deserve your trust!  Hopefully you won’t offend whatever women you do get close to by doubting them like you did with me!”  She drops the ring box in his hand and makes her dramatic exit out the door.  Mariano is left with his tail between his legs.

Fin Part I.

Cap 18

 It’s A Very Fine Fix I’m...er...All Of You Have Gotten Me Into!

Teresa is still in blame everyone but herself mode as we take up again.  Armando finds Teresa outside the vecindad on her way to work.  He asks Tere to speak with her mother and try to forgive her.  Tere says it’s a bit difficult to do when you realize she’s caused her to lose everything she had going for her over night like that!  He says wait at least till you find out what the prof has decided to do. Besides Refugio is her mama.  Tere says her mama conveniently forgot that when she determined her daughter wasn’t trustworthy!   Armando says her mama knows she blew it and feels rotten about it.  Tere keeps rubbing her daddy’s nose in it, though.  “Maybe she should have thought about speaking to her first before she went running to the professor to complain to him!”  Armando agrees, but  she’s really sorry about it and he’d really like her to talk with her mother.  Tere relents and says it’s only because he is the one asking.

At the same time Mariano is discussing the break-up with Juana.  He admits he was wrong, but how should a guy feel when he is afraid some other dude’s after his girlfriend?  Juana tells him he acted too impulsively and now, on top of what her mother did, Tere’s worried about losing her job and the chance to go to that university. He realizes what a fix Tere’s in now and wishes he could do something to help her out.  He really doesn’t want to lose her.  Juana doesn’t have any ready answers for him.  “--You just really hurt her a lot!!” Mariano swears he loves Tere as much as Juana loved her dead husband.  Juana says well, the best thing to do is to wait to see if she loses her job or not because it will be easier to speak with her if she doesn’t.  He admits he’s got to get his act together [ponerse las pilas].  He doesn’t know how he’ll win her back, but he has to think of something!!

Teresa walks in as her mama prays to the virgencita to help her find a way to make her daughter forgive her and to change her attitude towards her.  She knows she’s clumsy around her but she does love her.  Ref is excited to see she’s come home.  Tere says yeah, but it’s not what she thinks!  She’s only there to pick up some of the things Juana didn’t take over. Ref says she was thinking she might be there so they could smooth things over.  Tere says no way!  Ref begs her to forgive her and tells her she knows what an idiot she was and she’s been praying continually about it.  Tere reminds her that today could be the worst day in her life if she ends up without her job and the means to go to the university. Reg asks what she means.  “--The fact is that what you did has cost me everything!!”

In the meantime, Aida is whining for permission to go to the club with her friends.  Mama Maira is still angry about her escaping and making her look like an idiot in front of her father.  Speaking of whom, Ruben walks in on the two of them and has had a surprising change of heart.  He rescinds Aida’s punishment.  Behind his back Aida gives her a nasty face and races off to the country club.  Maira doesn’t understand Ruben’s change of attitude. How is Aida supposed to learn her lesson this way?  Hey, he says, no reason to be so strict with the kids!  "--They’re both good kids and I realized I acted too hastily in not giving Paulo the benefit of the doubt.  Could be they’ll end up together just like the two of us did." (And that’so  good?)

Tere arrives at Arturo’s.  She greets him as if nothing had happened.  However, the first thing he does is ask her for an explanation of why she lied to Paloma about their relationship.   (She’s had 24 hours to think of something plausible and Viewerville is on pins and needles to see how she wriggles out of this one).  “--Do you realize the gravity of what you made up?”  Tere says she realizes she did wrong, but it was the first thing she could think of. She thought that would be enough to keep her from coming back.  She knows now, she says, that it was a lot worse having hidden it from him.  He agrees.   She says that sounds like a lawyer; she knows she abused his confidence.  He agrees again.   She says since yesterday he’s seemed upset so she realizes she’d just better leave.  She only came to stand up for herself, return the cell phone and pick up her things.  She makes her exit  Once she’s out of the room and possibly out of his life he starts to go after her, but then has second thoughts and stops himself.

Tere stalls a few minutes asking Reina to use their phone and then calls Paulo back with it.  Unfortunately for Paulo, she hears Aida’s obnoxious jabber in the background and hangs up on him.  

At the same time, El Bigote has sent for Mariano to deliver a package.  He gives Mariano the address and asks for complete discretion.  Mariano goes straight over and is surprised when Espe answers the door.  She lies that this is the apartment of the  old woman she has been working for and the delivery was for her to give to her patient, not specifically for Espe.

Genoveva returns home and greets Aida who is fairly jumping out of her skin because papi lifted her grounding.  Gen says that’s nice because neither she nor her daddy has  right to interfere in their business.  Paulo takes that as a sign the coast is clear to fool around and the two of them get busy once his mama leaves the room.  Aida remembers to thank him first for the magazines he sent over with Raul last night, but apparently, the big ape doesn’t have the first clue what she’s talking about.

Art is now at his desk and picks up Teresa’s pen she gave him.  He opens his writing box and discovers the note she’d left him (another CYA on her part).  It says that she’s writing him  to let him know what she and Paloma discussed because she’s sure he’ll eventually find it out anyway.   (Cue the violins.) Paloma, she fibs, assumed that the two of them were a couple now and she not only let her believe it, but embellished with the bit about her being pregnant.  Tere thought it was the most beautiful thing that could happen and let her continue to think it, though  she knows now that would be impossible.  Truthfully, she hopes he’d start his life over and be able to start a family because he truly deserves it.  She didn’t want him suffering over his old girlfriend again.  She has decided to tell it straight even though she will lose all because she knows he doesn’t appreciate lying.  “--Please forgive me and just ignore me.  Thanks for everything and I will never ever be able to forget you. --Teresa”.

Mariano sees Tere coming home early and races over to ask what happened.  She angrily tells him that because of the crap he and her mother pulled she lost her job and her chance to study at a prestigious university under the prof.    “--I had it all, even your love, Mariano.  Now I have nothing!”  No, he says, she still has him, and he really really does love her.  They kiss.    She pushes him off her and says after all that’s happened she only feels a deep hatred for him.  She should let him help her out, he says.  “--Oh yeah?  Just how are you going to help me get back into that university, Mariano? Do you have connections [relaciones] or what?”  “--Gees, is that all you’re worried about, Teresa?”  “--Well, yeah!  It’s my only way out of this place!”   Anyway, she’s had it with him.  She going to makeit her job to bury him, she says and storms away.  Armando races up to Mariano just then and asks if his daughter forgave him.  Nope, especially not after this morning.  De la Barrera let her go. Armando is saucer-eyed impactado.

Tere complains to Juana that she was sure the prof would stop her from leaving after she made the apology.  Is all lost, wonders Juana.  No she left him a letter and hopes he reads it at least.  If he doesn’t Juana suggests talking to his sister and having her intervene.  She says Lu wasn’t at home this morning when she arrived, but she will go back and ask her for help.  Tere gripes that things better work out the way she hopes or she’s stuck going back to that damned Paulo!  Juana can’t believe what she just heard and want’s an explanation.   Didn’t she see what he was like before?  Sure, says Teresa, I know enough to be careful, but it’s obvious he’s very sorry about it.  Juana just shakes her head in disbelief. Well, then what about you and Mariano?  “--Don’t even mention him to me!”  Well, says Juana, he came over and wanted her to try to talk to Tere, and she knows that Tere still loves him.  True, says Tere, but I’ll never forgive him for what he did to me.  “--He doesn’t understand about “existing” and “not to exist.”  Now I have priorities!”  “--Okay, you and your priorities!”  Juana laughs and hugs her.  “--Things will be fine.  You’ll see.”

Back at Teresa’s, Armando says he’s going to have to work harder to keep Tere in school now that Tere isn’t working with the prof any longer.  Mariano just told him, he says.  Refugio feels even guiltier than before.  It’s going to be harder to reconcile with her now, too, he tells her.

Outside on the street, Nachita races over to get a lift to the hospital with him and mentions that Espe has a new job starting tomorrow because they put the old lady patient she was caring for into an institution [asilo] and sent Espe home with out a job.  Mariano realizes then that Espe was lying to him before.

Ruben walks into the apartment and tries to kiss Espe hello.  She rejects him.  He asks if she likes the present he sent her.  She says she hasn’t even opened it and really doesn’t want gifts.  She loves him and his jealous complaints really hurt her. She doesn’t care about those kinds of things from him. They should have been together officially by now, but unfortunately, he’s still married.  He makes excuses that he’s still trying to work things out.  Espe reminds him he promised that if things didn’t work out in Europe he’d try to get his daughter to understand once they got back.  “--So, did you speak to Aida yet?” 

Armando is now at Juana’s and trying to get back on Tere’s good side.  She’s griping because now she has no job and has to start back from scratch again. She begs him to understand her frustration and to help her somehow.

Ruben lies to Espe that Aida says he didn’t fulfil his promise because they came back early from Europe.  Espe says it seems he’s just putting it all off. He says well, then there was the problems she had with Pablito and their fighting.  So, Espe says, you haven’t spoken to your daughter?  Well, he’s still trying to work on that and she knows these things don’t happen from one day to the next.   Maira raised a fit and told everything about that to Aida, so she’s aparrently not in a mood to listen. So, if he gets a divorce, he’ll have to forget about having anything to do with Aida.  Espe gets disgusted with all the run around. He says he needs time to make sure that Aida gets used to things so that when the two of them finally do meet she’ll accept and respect her place in his life.  (Espe has to be smoking something if she thinks any rich guy’s kid will accept him marrying someone from the barrio!) She is worried that now with the problems she has with Pablito and having a job they won’ be able to see each other.  What will become of them?  He isn’t happy having to get used to the idea of her going back to work, but whatever, they shouldn’t worry themselves over it.  She says she thinks it would be better if they stopped seeing each other till after he gets his divorce worked out. 

Meanwhile, Mariano pays a surprise visit to Arturo.  Mariano says it may be nigh impossible but he’s there without Tere’s knowledge to ask him to give her another chance to continue working there for him and to go to the university. She’s a very intelligent and hardworking person and  shouldn’t lose out because of some misunderstanding he and her mother had about him.  Art asks if he loves Tere.  Mariano says he does, but she  doesn’t want anything to do with him.  She has a chance that many don’t get to go in life and he only wants to see that she doesn’t lose out on it.  He excuses himself and then leaves.  Art considers his next step.

Teresa, meanwhile, calls Lu and makes a date to speak with her at the club after lunch. When she gets to the club she sits down at a table near the tennis courts to watch Paulo play. 

Raul walk onto the court and first thing, Paulo asks why Raul is messing with his girlfriend.  Raul says he was just trying to help out and make him look good in front of her dad.  Paul wants a clearer explanation of what went down at Aida’s the night before.

At the same time, Aida walks up and gives Tere grief about being there to snatch Paulo from her.  Tere says she’s got better things to do than snatch back the left overs she’s given others.    Aida says if she’s come looking for a job, the service entrance is that way -->” Just then Lu walks up and Tere introduces them. “You remember the prof’s sister from the book-signing?”  Okay.  Niceties over.  “--You were saying something about your boyfriend?”  Aida takes the hint and walks over to the court.  Lu asks if they’re friends.  She says no, she’s just the girl her ex-boyfriend is trying to make her jealous with.  A few minutes later, she is telling Luisa why her brother is still angry with her and that she’s no longer working for him.  

Paloma’s cousin says that now that she’s got the problem with Art solved, she needs to get away and maybe visit her father in Italy and reconcile with him now.  Paloma says he doesn’t want to and besides she’s not interested in leaving Mexico City.  Well, then says Felisha?You’ve got a career.  Put it to use.  Paloma says that sounds like a winner and begins thinking about the foundation she had wanted to start in the past.  FF>>

Back at the club, Tere primes Luisa with just enough crocodile tears to get her to agree to intercede with her brother on her behalf.  Tere says that’s so kind of her.  They agree they’d gotten so used to seeing and confiding in each other that they have become BFF’s.  They share a sisterly hug.  (Got to admit I do like seeing a gal with whose got all her bases covered like that.)  Teresa chalks up another winning performance.  It beats all the silly Ms. Muffetas sitting on their tuffetas naively eating their curds and whey.

Juana is waiting for Tere when she gets back from her chat with Lu.  She is so excited because the professor sent his driver to pick her up and take her back to speak to him.  Teresa is beside herself with the excitement from this turn of events. Art tells her he was angry with her this morning for lying to him.  She says he must have read her letter then.  “--Sometimes it’s easier to put into writing what we feel rather than look somebody in the eyes when they make you nervous, but she didn’t want any further misunderstandings.  He says not to worry and the offer to work and study with him still stands. 

Mariano stops back by Rubigote’s office to ask if there’s a way to audit law classes and then have them count once his girlfriend has the money to actually pay for them.   (I think that’s what he’s asking the guy.)  He says he’ll check into it and see what he can work out.

Art asks Tere what she meant by writing in her letter that she believed he would go back to Paloma.  Tere says well, women are jealous of one another and won’t allow another woman close to their man, so if she was being let out to pasture.  She’d understand if either of them decided not to have her return there.  He tells her not to worry about that because he has not considered going back with Paloma. 

That evening, Mariano is waiting for Espe on the street outside the vecindad.  He tells her he knows she was lying earlier about working for that lady patient because his mother told him she was starting a new job the next day at Santillana Hospital.

Tere thanks the prof for giving her her job back.  He says she needs to thank someone else besides him.  She says he must have talked to Luisa then.  He says no, surprisingly enough, it was that boy, Mariano, who came by to ask him not to let her go.  Tere is knock-me-over-with-a-feather-impactada.      

Fin parte 2.        



Llena de Amor #171 (Mex. 204-205) Mon 4/18/11 A scholarly study of sperm taxonomy interspersed with gunshots

My last recap, and boy, did I get a doozie of an episode. Whoopie! I had problems with the sound breaking up in the first third of the first capítulo, though, so any corrections on that (or on any of the rest of it) are very welcome.

Make sure your seatbelts are tightly fastened, and the overhead compartments securely latched, and hang on!

Capítulo 204

Friday: Kristel showed up at La Mala Noche in yet another step in her carefully constructed career development plan. This particular step she calls “What the Hey.”

In Fedra’s dressing room, a startlingly solicitous Lorenzo is massaging Fedra’s leg and telling her that everything’s great. The policeman and Marianela are out of the way, and they are together, so how’s about having some lovely wine and sitting and watching the new dancer? La Reina is not amused. She doesn’t want to be stuck in a wheelchair watching some babe dance on her set.

He keeps on massaging, telling her how things are going to change real quick now, and they’ll get everything back and have a great life. Fedra glooms about a life without the use of her legs, and without Emanuel. He says yeah, he feels it, he just lost Ilitia, too. The sound keeps breaking up here like a bad cell phone connection, so bear with me.

Owie! says Fedra, and Lorenzo realizes she has feeling in her foot. They’re excited. He tells her to try moving her toes. She stares at them hard, and sure enough, she wiggles them a little. Jubilation.

Ilitia is happily rubbing her tummy and reflecting that Brandon will be the best darned daddy in the whole wide world. She hears applause behind her and turns to see Mauricio in her bedroom, clapping and saying gosh, she almost makes him want to weep. She calls out for Muñeca and Fidel, but Mauricio smugly informs her there’s nobody home.

Rats, the sound keeps cutting out and I’m getting only about 50% of what is said. Mauricio throws a paper on the bed; Ilitia is supposed to write a note to Muñeca saying she’s going away for a while and needs to be alone, or her mother gets it. He tells her she’s coming with him, she refuses. He tells her that Mayela is her real mother, she thinks he’s lying. Anybody else might be feeling like they were losing ground at this point, but not Mauricio. He just tells her she has to write the note and come with him or Mayela gets it. There are some goons with her right now, in fact.

The Lirio comes into Vicky’s room and she exclaims You’re here! The Lirio de Plata! (Would you like to have a boyfriend called the Silver Lily?) She falls into his arms and gets right to kissing him. He professes his undying love. She tells him she wants an honest answer – did he take the papers that were inside her dolly? Not me, sez he, and he tells her that this is probably their last night together. Back to heavy-duty kissing.

Ilitia doesn’t believe Mauricio, so he gets out his cell and tells her to talk to the lady. The lady is Mayela who is weeping that guys broke in and are holding guns on her. Call the police! Ilitia says she can’t do anything because Mauricio is there telling her she’s coming with him and those are his men. She doesn’t want him to rape her again, and doesn’t want her baby hurt.

Mayela tells her not to do anything to save her, and not to go anywhere with Monster Mau. Ilitia asks if she’s really her mother. Your real mother is Muñeca, says Mayela frantically. I never loved you; you were never important to me, so don’t do anything for me, and don’t go with Mau. Ilitia tells her Mau said he would kill her (Mayela) if she didn’t go with him. When you were born, I put you in the orphanage, says Mayela, heck, I would have thrown you in the trash, so don’t do anything for me.

See? says Mau snatching the cell phone away. Ilitia is to write the letter, or Mayela is a goner.

The comisario waves the headline about the Lirio saving little Javi under Brandon’s nose, and gives him hell for not doing his duty. Brandon protests that he may be a policeman, but he’s a human being too, and Javi is like a son to him. Besides, it’s a policeman’s job to save the lives of others, and that’s what he helped do.

The comi tells him about Jairo having an interview lined up with the Lirio. Get him, or lose your badge.

Vicky asks the Lirio why it’s the last time. He swears he loves her, and doesn’t want her to ever forget him, but the time has come for him to turn himself in. A journalist is going to interview him, and then the whole world will know who he is, and then it’s jail. Vicky begs him not to.

Fedra wants to see her doctor right now. Lorenzo says he’ll bring him; too dangerous for her to go to the hospital. She exults about being able to move her legs in the future. Lo cheers her on, and says that her strength is one of the million things that makes him love her. Sí, ¿verdad? she agrees. He tells her that she’s the love of his life. She tells him she’s awfully vulnerable right now.

Kristel tells Bernardo that she’s grossed out (eeew! eeew!) that her mami was a stripper there. Bernardo says Fedra got the place to relax, and to exorcise her demons. Kristel’s plan is to dance and to be mil ocho mil times better, and to see her suffer. Bernardo laughs and says she has to follow his orders now, but he’s sure they’ll be able to help one another.

Ilitia has written the letter: “Mama, don’t worry about me. I just had to go away to think about my life, my future.” Perfect! says Mau, let’s go. No, says Ilitia, not until you call your goons off Mayela.

She pleads that she’s pregnant, but he just grabs her and demands to know how she could sleep with that crummy policeman. You’re mine! He drags her struggling to another room.

Emiliano and Netty are having dinner in a romantic restaurant, and he reflects in his velvet voice that finally, after all these years, they can be together. He is amazed that Fedra was capable of so many lies. He talks about how he loves all his children, and Netty assures him that they can always count on her affection and support. Aw, that’s why he loves her so much. It’s hard to wrap his mind around all this stuff (tiny hamster, big wheel). And then there’s Kristel… Netty looks surprised. You mean Kristel isn’t your daughter either?

What do you mean “either”? asks Emil.

Delicia and Axel overhear Nereida telling somebody on the phone that she’ll jump into a taxi and get over to La Mala Noche. Axel has a flashback of tricked-out Gretel telling him he can’t be at La Mala Noche y punto.

The Lirio tells Vicky he can’t be a coward, he has to buckle up his swash and face the music. She pleads for him not to abandon the kids, or her. Fedra’s a bad person, but he’s different! To the law, we’re the same, he intones. More weeping, more begging. He’s doing it for her; she’s the most important person in the world for him. She doesn’t want him to go to the polithia. That Vicky sure has focus; she never forgets to do her accent. He wants them to be able to love each other without masks.

Emil is ruefully chuckling over the latest news. Oh well, as least he knows Axel and Gretel are his kids. Netty coughs nervously. Then she gives him the backstory on Mari/Vicky – lost weight in Spain, like another person, pretending to be Mari’s friend, Netty didn’t realize either, then Jorge told her, and Jorge not her husband.

Emil can tell Netty doesn’t much like Jorge. She thinks he has ulterior motives that don’t include the amor he professes. Emil’s glad, now Eman and Mari can be together, but Netty drops the bomb that Mari’s baby isn’t Eman’s. In fact, she suspects Jorge, since he liquored her up and took advantage of her. Emil’s jaw flaps open and shut a few times.

El Lirio declares that Vicky deserves a man who shows his face. She asked him to give up the Lirio biz, remember? She weeps that she was wrong, and he should keep fighting for what he believes in. Nawp, he’s gonna do the interview and take off the mask, and he wants her there with him. It’s all coming down tomorrow. He hands her Jairo’s phone number and an address where he will wait for them.

More weepy lovetalk. The Lirio says he was born to love her. I thought he was going to climb back out the window, but no, she puts on her blindfold and he takes off his mask and it’s time to bust some awesome beso bop moves.

Bernardo wants to know what Nereida’s doing in Kristel’s changing room. Kristel blathers that she needs a personal assistant, so privacy please, yes yes? Bernardo smiles luridly through all that, then turns icy and orders Nereida not to let Fedra see her.

Netty tells Emil more – how Brandon is the actual father of Ilitia’s baby (Emil is astonished) and now it turns out that Mari’s baby isn’t Eman’s (Emil is astonished again, though he already heard about it a few minutes ago. What a loveable doof!) He feels sure Eman will understand, though, and will love the child like his own. Vicky and Eman’s destiny is to love one another and be together forever.

Netty just loves how he talks. She runs about the table and kisses him. Cut to the unmasked masked man and the masked unmasked woman in bed, also kissing.

Brandon shows up at Muñeca’s to get Ilitia, but Muñeca, Flora and the kids just came back, so they guess she’s up in her room. (Wasn’t Muñeca going to pack up the kids and go hide just yesterday? What happened with that? Here they are still all settled in at home.) Muñeca wants to hear the latest, and Brandon takes her hands and gushes over Ilitia, how he loves her, how they’re going to create a family, how he’s going to ask her tonight to marry him. Muñeca is meltingly happy. Little Apple comes down the stairs with Ilitia’s note and everyone’s hopes are dashed.

The note goes on to say “Tell Brandon to forgive me, and to forget me and our child.”

Maurico has gagged Ilitia, and tied her hands. He tosses her on the couch and delivers one of his speeches for which he so famous, about how it’s going to be a night of passion. She believes the police will come after him, but he tells her nobody knows about this house in the boonies he’s bought.

Yet another blindfold! The doctor is brought blindfolded to Fedra’s dressing room. She apologizes for the rough handling, but the police might be looking for them. It’s important to her to have a living doctor to attend her, get it? He gets it. She sends Lorenzo out and then excitedly tells the doctor about the small movement in her toes.

I’ll tell you the truth, the doctor says, but don’t kill me. Huh? she says.

It’s the moment we’ve been waiting for! Lo and Bernardo are sitting together at La Mala Noche, and Kristel’s about to dance. Here she comes! She’s in a harem outfit (her perfect figure oddly enough covered by a sheer flesh-colored body suit), her face, except her eyes, hidden behind a bangled scarf, and look at her hip action! Look at those snake arms! Bring it, Kristel! Whoo-hoo!

Lorenzo thinks she’s preciosa, which is not exactly the word I’d go for. Bernardo says he can fix him up with her if Lo’d like. Lo demurs, saying he’s given up temptations (maybe for Lent?). Bernardo asks him if he doesn’t know that body, and tells him to look closely.

Unlike every other character in this show, Kristel whips her disguise right off for her bows. Lo is impactado.

The doctor, again politely asking not to be slain, tells Fedra that Bernardo paid him to give her with a spinal block. Bernardo? she says wonderingly.

I never thought I’d be on the same brainwave as Bernardo, but “whoo-hoo” is his exact catcall after Kristel prances off. Lorenzo tries to get up, telling Bernardo he can’t let his daughter exhibit herself like that. Bernardo delights in describing the base passions that Kristel arouses in Lorenzo. Lorenzo says he’s fought those impulses since he found out she was his daughter. But what is she doing there dancing?

Just following in Fedra’s footsteps, says Bernardo. They’re so alike! Bernardo yummies over her and Fedra too, and Lo says he would cut off his hands before he ever touched Kristel again. Not necessary, says Bernardo, because Fedra lied to you. Kristel isn’t your child.

Lorenzo thinks Bernardo’s just saying that to separate him from Fedra, and besides, he had the DNA test done. Bernardo snorts that it was Ilitia’s hair Fedra gave him, and suggests a second test. He does some delicious gloating, while Lo mumbles how in love he was with Kristel, and how he was willing to give up everything for her. Bernardo laughs how Fedra did everything she could to separate Lo from Kristel, and guess what – she succeeded. Salud!

Fedra is astonished that Bernardo would do something like that spinal block to her. She wants the doctor to reverse it, but he tells her to just wait, it’ll wear off in 10 days. She grabs him by the tie and demands that he reverse it now. He suddenly remembers he has a medicine he can give her that will hurry it up to tomorrow.

Brandon rips up Ilitia’s note and wonders to Muñeca why she did that to him. She’d just promised to never leave him. Why oh why??? Now he’s crying and furious. She did it again! She used me! She just tossed me in the trash - and she’s taken my child from me.

Muñeca doesn’t understand. She swears that Ilitia loves him, but he doesn’t think Ilitia is capable of it. He’s going to rip her out of his heart once and for all.

What’s this? Ilitia is listening outside a door. She holds her tummy protectively, and tells her baby that Brandon is going realize what happened and come save them.

Next we see Mauricio giving someone some money, telling him he has to go and telling him to take care of Ilitia, and, so she’s not too lonesome, have his goons bring her her mama.

In Kristel’s changing room, Bernardo tells her Lo saw her dance and it drove him crazy, so now he’s outside waiting to congratulate her personally. She agrees, and tarts a bit in front of the mirror, brushing her hair which is so lacquered up that she only dares brush the ends. Bernardo drags Nereida out by the hand so the two can be alone.

Lornezo disapproves of what Kristel is doing, but she says who better to step into her mother’s 4-inch strappy stilettos? He tells her Fedra would take it really hard if she knew, while managing to slyly slip her hairbrush out of her hand.

She wants Fedra to see her, so she can feel Fedra’s jealousy. She wonders what he’s still doing with Fedra – yuck! She comes on to him, but he pushes her off. She can’t understand why he’s rejecting her. Check out this bod! He checks it out all drooly. She tries again to kiss him and he has to really struggle to tell her no, but he finally does. Before anything can happen between them, he has to find something out, and if it’s true, Fedra could end up alone and poor.

Outside, Bernardo gives angry Nereida taxi money to go home, warning her that Fedra must never know what happened. What did happen? she asks. None of your beeswax, he says, giving her a little shove down the street. She hisses at him that it’s obvious – he’s trying to get Lorenzo out of the picture so he can have Fedra all to himself.

Why couldn’t you ever love me like you did her? She’s just treated you like dirt. Leave her! You’ve got me. Bernardo tells her not to compare herself to Fedra. I love you! Nereida declares. Before he can say anything, we hear Fedra’s voice calling him. He tells Nereida to hide, and she squats down behind some trash cans. (Nereida, snap a mental photo. Fedra = la Reina. You = crouched among trash cans. Get the picture?)

This should be good! Tiburon is pushing Fedra’s wheelchair down the street. She sends Tiburon away, and after he’s gone pulls a big gun with a silencer out from under her laprobe and lets him have it in the legs.

You paid the doctor to make it so I couldn’t walk! You try it. He rolls on the pavement, agonizing, while Nereida peeks out in horror.

Capítulo 205

Fedra tells him off big time. So this is how he planned to get Lorenzo out of her life? Lorenzo loves her! He’s sticking with her even though she’s in a wheelchair, and they’re going to get married.

Just kill me! says Bernardo, while hidden Nereida freaks out. I’d like to, says Fedra, but the gun had only two bullets, one for each knee. Now we’re even. I don’t owe you anything. Tiburon will take you to the hospital, and when you get out I’m going to be far from here, tap dancing, walking! Lorenzo and I are going to be husband and wife. Like it?

Too bad your pistol had only two bullets, says Bernardo, pulling out a gun, and calling her an ungrateful bitch (perra malagradecida – an absolute must for your vocabulary list). Fedra reminds him that he couldn’t possibly kill her. Why not? He sneers. Because you love me, she says.

He cocks the pistol. See you in hell, he says, sooner than you think.

He turns the gun to his temple. No! shouts Fedra. BAM, a bullet to the brain. Nereida is hysterical, and Fedra crawls out of her wheelchair to him, lays her hand on his face to close his staring eyes, and lays her head on his side and sobs. Terrified Nereida runs off.

Axel, being driven by someone (isn’t he old enough to drive?) has arrived at La Mala Noche. Inside, Lorenzo is in Fedra’s dressing room, holding Kristel’s hairbrush and telling himself he’ll get the DNA test tomorrow.

Tiburon wheels Fedra in and leaves. Lo notices that she’s shaking and crying. She pulls the blanket from around her shoulders and shows him the blood on her blouse. Bernardo’s dead! She wails. I need a hug, you’re all I have left. He rubs her shoulders and thoughtbubbles that he hopes she didn’t lie to him, or she’ll be joining Bernardo in hell.

Axel comes in, and gloats that there she is with her lover. He’s going to call the police (though he doesn’t seem to have noticed the blood on Fedra). Lorenzo takes him down. He slugs him a few times while Fedra tells him to stop. Who told him they were there? Nobody, says Axel, who receives a few more gut punches.

Lo says he’s going to teach him what his father never did, how to be a man. He’s not Emiliano’s son, Fedra yells, he’s yours and you’re hitting him. Both Lo and Axel look stunned. They stare at each other in horror.

Vicky wakes up and takes off her blindfold – her leather bird has flown. She swears that she won’t let him confess until he knows that they’re expecting a child. She had all night to tell him that, but I guess she didn’t get around to it.

Tiburon is taking Axel away to be locked up somewhere per Fedra’s orders. Lorenzo is furious that he didn’t know Axel was his son. Fedra says she had to stop him some way. So it’s two now, huh, that are mine? Is Kristel really mine? Yes, says Fedra in a small voice. He tells her she better not be lying. Why would I lie? Besides you had the DNA test done.

Jairo calls the comisario to tell him that he has the interview with the Lirio set up. Gretel wanders in and he tells her about his upcoming big scoop, and that he told the police. Gretel takes a fit that he called them. Besides, it was supposed to be her story. He says they’ll do it together, and it’ll be great for her career. She doesn’t want to further her career at the cost to somebody else, particularly the Lirio. Jairo should have talked to her first.

Jairo can’t figure out why she’s so upset. She says she knows who the Lirio is, and no way does she want him thrown in jail.

The comisario exults that they’re about to get the Lirio. Brandon insists that there be no shooting – he wants to take him alive.

Vicky tells Netty about the Lirio aiming to turn himself in. Netty says to heck with that, she’s calling him right now, and she picks up the phone. Hold it, says Vicky… how can you contact him? You know who he is? You have his phone number?

No no no, says Netty. I’m just going to … um... leave a message with someone who knows him. I don’t know who he is.

Vicky doesn’t believe any of this. Netty confesses that she knows who he is, but she’s not going to tell. She promised, just like she promised Vicky not to tell. Vicky begs her to say who he is.

What’s the big deal? Netty wants to know. Just then Jorge strolls into the pension. I need to know, says Vicky, because the Lirio is the father of the child I’m expecting. Netty’s jaw drops. Jorge stares stone-faced. Netty is all excited.

Carlota’s maid appears behind Jorge and greets Vicky warmly. She’s come to testify that Fedra was with Carlota the day she died.

Benigno, Jose Maria and Fidel show up at the big house and Jose Maria tells Emil that he (JM) had said he’d give his life for Eman, and it looks like the moment has come.

Vicky and Gretel are separately lurking in what looks like an empty parking structure, or maybe a concrete building under construction. They both jump when they see the other. Gretel says that she’s come for the Lirio’s interview and that Jairo ratted him out to the police. She talked Jairo into not coming. We cut to him, tied up with tape over his mouth.

Vicky says there’s nothing they can do – El Lirio has decided to turn himself in, and she’s promised to be by his side when he does it.

The Lirio materializes and is glad to see that Gretel will be his interviewer.

Delicia tells Paula that she’s worried – Axel seems to be missing. Next we see Axel trying the locked door of a room, when Lorenzo, all spiffed up in a suit, with a pocket handkerchief that matches his tie, opens it and walks in. The light of fatherhood in his eyes, he says that he never knew Axel was his son. I always thought you were so…. Emiliano never suspected. He steps toward Axel, who turns away, telling him not to touch him.

Lorenzo tells him that he and Fedra are going far away.

Axel: Like the pair of criminals you are.
Lorenzo: We’re going to get married.
A: You’re two of a kind. Get out, leave me alone; I don’t ever want to see you again.
L: You are my son. Even if you don’t believe it, it’s something very important to me. I’ll make sure you are well taken care of, that you don’t lack for anything. It’s the least I can do for you.
A: I don’t want anything that comes from you. My father is Emiliano Ruiz y de Teresa. I’m very proud of him. You are nothing to me - nothing and nobody.

Mauricio brings in Mayela at gunpoint and plops her down on a couch across from Ilitia. He says he kept his word, and now he’ll leave them alone as they probably have a lot to talk about. And they should say their goodbyes, because they won’t be seeing each other again. Today Ilitia’s new life starts, at his side.

Two plastic chairs are set up in the cement-walled room and there’s a video camera. The Lirio sits in one and instructs Vicky to start filming. Both ladies protest, but he’s firm in his conviction.

Gretel starts up in TV news anchor mode: We’re here today with the Lirio de Plata, and the police are on the way. Lirio, (he corrects her to “Lirio de Plata”) many people think you are a hero. No, he says, I’m just someone who cares about the well-being of others.

Gretel states that the Lirio only robs Mafiosi and narcotraficos but what makes him different from them? (Probing journalist Gretel leaves out the inconvenient detail that he also steals from society people, his own wedding guests included.)

The narcotraficos destroy the souls of all of us, and steal the future of our young people. I just want to give it back to them. Maybe it wasn’t the best way to do it, and I don’t recommend it for others. I know have a debt to pay to justice, and I’m ready to pay it.

Police sirens. Gretel wipes a tear away, Vicky begs him not to do it. Nope, he says. It’s time, and everyone needs to know who’s behind the mask.

He turns to Gretel and and I think he says (the sirens are so loud) that she above everyone should know what it’s like to live with so many lies. He starts to untie his mask. Both ladies look on breathlessly.

He takes the mask off. Tu! Eres tu, Emanuel! He allows himself a little smile and Vicky faints dead away. Gretel begs him to leave. The police are sneaking up on the Lirio by blaring their sirens, so we know they’re close. At the rate they’ve been approaching, he could be on a beach in Brazil sipping an umbrella drink by now. He begs Marianela (!) to wake up.

Outside there are a gazillion police cars and everyone in combat gear. Brandon knows Vicky is in there, and asks the comisario to let him do things his way. He wants to go in alone, and promises he’ll bring the Lirio out. Okay, says the comisario reluctantly. Oliver wants to go in with him, and Brandon says okay. For unknown reasons (okay, actually known, for visual effect) golden dust swirls high. The comisario tells everyone to stay outside. Police are running in all directions.

Rogue cop Valenzuela grumbles that it’s always about Brandon and Oliver. He wants to be the one to bring the Lirio down.

Gretel begs Emanuel to run; they want him dead or alive. He says he’ll go peacefully, and keeps tending to unconscious MariVicky, who must have one hell of a bra on, as her bazoomies don’t seem to have swooned with the rest of her, perkily thrusting heavenward as she lies supine on the concrete.

She comes to. Yes it’s me, he says. Now you understand why I have to turn myself in, that I can’t send my own mother to prison while I don’t pay for the crimes I’ve committed. He assures her there won’t be any shooting. She doesn’t care if they shoot her – she will gladly die at his side. Time for a kiss.

Gretel begs him again – they’ve got guns! He puts his mask back on. Vicky decides this is a good time to tell him who she really is, but Oliver and Brandon come in, guns drawn. Vicky clings to the Lirio.

Now it’s time for that mother-daughter chat. Mayela tells Ilitia she didn’t need to do anything to save her. Ilitia protests that she gave her life. Mayela says she didn’t want to get pregnant, didn’t want to have children. She left Ilitia at the orphanage and Muñeca moved heaven and earth to find her. Her real mother is Muñeca.

Don’t tell me that you don’t love me, says Ilitia, because it’s not true. You’ve always been near me. Your father obligated me, says Mayela. I would help with your career with the stipulation that you would never know the truth. Rats, Ilitia still believes Mayela loves her. She’s afraid.

Mayela asks for a hug and Ilitia goes to her. They hug and cry and Mayela tells her of course she matters to her. She does love her, she just knew that Ilitia’s life would be better away from her.

Mauricio comes in and laughs sarcastically. What a moving family moment! He snaps a photo with his cell.

Gretel plants herself in front of the Lirio and tells Oliver and Brandon if they want to get at him, they’ll have to kill her first. The Lirio says he’s going to turn himself in peacefully. Vicky asks him to come with her, because it’s very important that he hear what she has to say before he goes. Brandon is not in favor. Vicky tells him to arrest her too, then; it would be an honor to be an accomplice to the Lirio de Plata.

Oliver wonders what’s up with her and the Lirio. She loves him! She loves him with all the power of her soul! (Look at how that translates into English… can you believe that we’re so used to that kind of purple love declaration that our lips move along with a character’s when they say this sort of smarmy stuff? However iffy our Spanish in other realms, after watching novelas we are all linguistically groomed to have a torrid love affair with a Spanish speaker.)

Brandon, to Oliver’s surprise, gives him 10 minutes to talk to her. He can’t begrudge 10 minutes to someone who brought him back to life. He has a flashback of Eman pounding on his chest to get his heart started. (I thought he’d given up on the idea of Eman being the Lirio, but whatever….) Oliver can’t stand that the Lirio is walking away, but Gretel stops him with a glare.

The police are all outside waiting when they see the Lirio and Vicky appear on a balcony. The commisario radios in to Brandon.

The rogue cop is creeping up some stairs. He gets a call on his cell, and tells whoever it is not to call him; he’s right in the middle of a big operation. Turns out it’s Mauricio he’s talking to. Mauricio wants the Lirio, and after that, he wants him to kill Brandon. Ilitia cries out. Mau assures him about his paycheck.

Ilitia tearfully points out that Mauricio has her, so why can’t he leave Brandon alone? Because he’ll hunt me down, says Mau, sitting down and relaxing. Ilitia thinks the note will have convinced Brandon that she’s left by herself. Nawp, he can’t risk it. Mayela thinks that when Lo finds out, he’ll kill Brandon himself.

Mauricio whips out his gun, scaring them. He’ll get Lo first, and, with the Lirio and Brandon out of the way, and all the business in his hands, there’s nobody but nobody to stand in his way. Bwaaahahahaha!

Brandon, by cell phone, tells the comisario that everything is under control. Oliver meantime is eyeing Gretel like he’s annoyed. So, your brother, he’s the Lirio. He fiddles with the camera. He’s decided to make a decision about his venemito’s family. Gretel pleads that Eman is part of his family now too. I know, he says, removing the videotape cartridge. He pulls yards of tape out of it. Because you and I are going to get married. He drops to his knees and she does too. He proposes to weepy Gretel, who asks if he wants to be married to someone who’s maybe not so stable and has lots of problems.

Of course he does. Just the way that she offered her life to save her brother, he’d do the same for her. Every time she’s had a crisis, he’s been there. She knows he’s been there for her in the worst moments of her life, when any other man would have run away. More wonderful lovetalk, more crying on both their parts, and they decide maybe they’re both crazy. She accepts joyfully and they kiss. Aw.

Back to our other lovers. Eman tells Vicky that despite being about to go to jail, he feels freer than ever, now that there are no secrets between them. No, she says, she has a lot to tell him, and after she does, she hopes he won’t turn himself in. He tells her nothing is going to change his mind.

Somebody runs up and cold-cocks Eman from behind. Why, it’s our little Benigno, who tells Vicky he’s just protecting Eman as always. Emil and Jose Maria, in a Lirio outfit, are there too, having gotten through the police lines heaven knows how. Do we care about these little details? Nah! Let the good times roll!

Emil has a change of clothes for Eman along, and Vicky wants to know where they got that Lirio costume. He lets Vicky know he’s stood in for the Lirio before. He asks Jose Maria if he’s sure about what he’s doing. JM says there’s no other way. He knows jail; he doesn’t have long to live, but their (!) son has a lot of future ahead of him.

Good thing we had that closeup of Eman and JM so we don’t see Eman in his undies.

Fedra, still in a wheelchair, but now in pearls and a white dress, asks sulky Axel if he isn’t glad that she’s marrying his father. He can be the witness. Axel wants to leave. If you wanted to destroy me, you already did it by telling me the truth. She’s afraid he’ll have to stay because he tends to be more gossipy than macho.

Besides, she doesn’t see why he’s so upset about. Now that he knows Lorenzo is his father, he ought to make a little effort to get closer to him. Axel tells her to shut up, that’s not his father. Just saying his name makes her dirty. Fedra says she guesses that’s how Axel is, he’d rather play the guitar and sleep with servants.

And who are you? You have this place, you’re a tiebolera (stripper, table dancer). Me? Says Fedra, a tiebolera? No, she says, rising from the wheelchair. I am La Reina.

Axel is stunned that she’s standing. She tells him that’s her first step. She sits back down and Tiburon comes to roll her to where the judge is. If you weren’t such a rotten musician, she zings Axel, I’d have you play the wedding march.

In a makeshift wedding chapel with bordello-red walls, actually the main stage of La Mala Noche, the mafia lawyer tells Lo he’ll have the results of Kristel’s DNA test tomorrow. Lo wants to know about Mauricio. They’re searching, says the lawyer, but they haven’t been able to find him.

Tiburon rolls Fedra in. She dramatically stands and walks towards Lorenzo, who admires the doctor’s handiwork. I think she says (seductively) that he must think it’s great that she can move her legs. He kisses her shoulder and calls her the most beautiful bride in the world. Sí,¿verdad? she agrees.

She thinks white isn’t the right color; she should have worn black for Bernardo. Lor doesn’t look pleased, so she says it’s a little late in the game for white, it makes her feel dirty, deceptive - he likes that doesn’t he? Yum, yes, it fascinates him. Nothing, he says, is as true in life as his love for her. She flutters happily that she feels like the heroine at the end of a telenovela like the ones Netty does, only the others are the antagonistas and she is the protagonista. He goes to kiss her, but suddenly she’s haughty.

Being in love doesn’t make her stupid, she says, Before she signs any marriage certificate, she wants to be real clear about what’s happening with the money. The lawyer steps up and says the money will be in an account in Switzerland and it will require both signatures, or the death certificate of the other, for any withdrawal. Fedra smiles her approval. Til death us do part, and the person left is a millionaire!

I sense an anvil approaching at 32.2 feet per second per second.

Eman, now in his civvies, is unconscious. Oliver and Brandon, guns drawn, come running in with Gretel and demand to know what’s going on. The fake Lirio says Eman tried to rescue Victoria, so he knocked him out. Eman comes to and holds his head. He tries to figure out what’s going on. Who is that Lirio? Where is his own outfit? Emil tells him it’s for his own good.

Brandon lets the comi know that everything’s in hand. Eman protests forcefully, but Brandon tells him not to obstruct the law. In the background, we see the rogue cop come around the corner and point his gun. Eman demands that the Lirio take off his mask, and the Lirio starts to, but the rogue cop shoots him.

Oliver finds the rogue cop and demands to know why he shot. The cop says the Lirio was armed, but Oliver knows better. The cop shoots Brandon, and starts to run off, but Oliver shoots him. Pandemonium.

Ilitia is hysterical, sure that Brandon is going to be killed. Mayela hugs her and tells her to hang on for her baby.

Eman takes the mask off the Lirio and is amazed to see that it’s Jose Maria.

Outside, the comisario wants to know what the hell’s going on. Oliver responds, saying that Brandon is busy right now, but they’ll be down in five minutes. Oliver is holding a gun on the rogue cop, who is wounded in the leg.

Brandon pops back up – he had a bullet-proof vest on. Eman asks dying Maria Jose why he did it. JM says Eman’s cause is his cause; and Eman is his son and he has to watch out for him. It was the right thing to do. He swoons.

For somebody who thinks she’s a telenovela heroine, Fedra sure is offhand about the wedding vows, but it’s all done and they’re man and wife. Suddenly Mauricio is in the background, applauding, and saying congratulations. Two goons appear behind him. Pulling out his cellphone, he says he has a little present for Lorenzo. He shows him the photo of Ilitia and Mayela and tells him that he has his little princess in his power, so if Lo so much as lays a finger on him, he’ll kill her like a dog.

Nereida has told Delicia and Paula about Bernardo. They are horrified. Nereida has her suitcase and is about to leave, but tio to the max, Max, comes in and says he’s giving orders and Nereida and all of them are to go with him to the police to denounce Fedra as a murderer. Nooo, wails Nereida. What do you mean, no? Max demands.

Brandon is rapidly filling the comisario in. Netty shows up, and hears that the Lirio’s been wounded. We see Jose Maria being carried by on a stretcher. The comisario gloats that they finally have him, and when he gets better, he’s going to be clapped in a maximum-security prison.

Jose Maria gasps to Eman that it had to be that way. Eman begs him to hang on. Capitan Sevilla, don’t die!

Let me go, says Jose Maria. Look at me – there’s no pain, just a peaceful smile. Eman doesn’t want to, now that he’s found him, he doesn’t want to be separated from him. He calls him papa. Jose Maria gasps that it’s the greatest blessing he’s ever received to hear him say Papa. He fades away.

No, no! mourns Eman. I love you, mi capitan. Mi capitan! Papa…

Avances: Gran Final!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #93 4/18/11 Fausto Outs Bernarda and the XiMonster Draws Blood


The Fool Wasn’t Kidding When He Said ‘Cephalopelvic Disproportion’
Holy shmoly! No way did that Very Large Baby come down that Little Pelvis. And the legs on that kid! Look at how they dangle down from the bunting as Juan Pablo cradles his nieto!

Then I remember Mr. Maven’s frequent admonition not to be too literal about these things – and I am back in the moment. And a lovely moment it is – JP holding the newborn child of his beloved child. Sigh! JP blesses mother and son and leaves.

Split screen with María rocking and crooning to her baby, while Max rocks and sings a soft lullaby to Osvaldito.

Showdown At Casa Sandoval: Osvaldo Confronts The XiMenace
Osvaldo is ready to set things straight. He’s sorry he pressured Max to marry her, he tells Ximena. Now he realizes:
¡Tú no vales nada! ¡Ni como mujer, ni como esposa -- y mucho menos como madre!
(You are worthless – as a woman, as a wife, and most of all, as a mother.)

Ximena hits right back, throwing his affair with the Late LindaHo in his face. Who is he to lecture about morality?

He admits he made a mistake, he owned up to it and now he’s paying dearly for it. But she has no values whatsoever. [Os, sweetcheeks, you don’t know the half of it!] Or is she going to come clean and tell Max that the baby’s father is really Guillermo?

[But more importantly – are those knickers she’s wearing? Is she suited up to play shortstop for the Baseball Team from Hell?]

Valle De Bravo: Can You Spell Paparazzo?
“Get a Life” Alonso takes tons of photos of María Desamparada, el bebé and Juan Pablo. [I know some of you are sympathetic to Alonso but he is totally creeping me out. When he calls María ternura, it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard.]

When Juan Pablo cries out from the heart:
¡Yo quiero a tu hijo como si fuera sangre de mi sangre!
(I love your son as if he were my own flesh and blood.)
-- Alonso can’t help but dip his oar in the competitive love stream:
¡Yo lo quiero como si fuera su padre!
(I love him as if I were his father.)

Back In The City: Just Call Her Roxana Desamparada
So sad. Not even her own mother is happy when Xi drops in. Leaving Casa Sandoval was a strategic error, she tells her daughter. Xi reminds Rox that the bones of the Sandoval family are hardly worth picking these days. And besides, she’s sick of their meddling, their criticism and judgment. She whines:
¡Quiero vivir mi vida, mama!
(I want to live my life, mama!)
Rox mimics her:
¡Quiero vivir mi vida! Esto debiste haberlo pensado antes de quedar panzona!
(I want to live my life! You should have thought of that before you got yourself knocked up! panzona = woman with a big belly or panza. Remember how Frida calls Diego Rivera panzón in the movie?)

An imperious knock sounds at the door. It’s a guy in a suit with an eviction notice (una orden de desalojo). And he’s got two uniformed cops and three guys in khaki worksuits ready to back him up. Deaf to Rox’s loud and unceasing protests, the workers file in and proceed to remove her belongings. Cheer up, Rox. Maybe Bernarda has a vacancy in the vecindad.

Valle De Bravo: Max Is Back, Sucker!
Alonso holds baby and coos – he’s going to love him like a second father! But his bubble bursts when the first, i.e., the actual father, Max, walks in and takes over holding and cooing to the baby. Max, María and baby all look quite happy.

Bernarda Plays Juan Pablo Like A Fiddle
Doña Demente pretends to be sorry for her latest round of offenses. JP keeps her from groveling at his feet. The fact that she recognizes her error and that she has had a change of heart is enough for him, says the hottie with the heart of gold.

Demente strokes his face with her perfectly manicured hands, her own face tear-streaked and repentent.

Where Did Gui Put That Darn Murder Kit?
Xi sneaks into Guillermo’s house and searches frantically while anxious-making music plays. She tries to force open a locked drawer…

Taking The God Out Of Godmother
Bernarda assures Juan Pablo that María Desamparada will forgive her. She’ll understand that Bernie was just trying to do the best thing for her own son. As for the baby – she’d like to be his godmother. But of course she won’t insist – we pause for a little eyebrow sweep – that’s obviously a decision for María to make.

In The Vecindad: The Good, The Bad And The Just Plain Annoying
It’s a tender homecoming for María and Mini-Max, with creepy Alonso in tow, diaper bag slung over his shoulder. We hear the affectionate murmurs of the neighbors: ¡Qué lindo! ¡qué hermoso!

Then the crowd seems to freeze. ¿Qué demonios…? It’s Doña Demente! In her usual, imperious fashion, she announces:
Antes que nadie, quiero verlo yo!
(I want to see him first – before anyone else!)
Scorpion Guy makes intros:
Bernie – Meet the Nacos!
Nacos – Here’s Bernie! She owns the vecindad!

Xi Hits Paydirt
XiMenace finds the black bag with her murder kit inside – the wig, the shades, the gloves used for Linda. She stuffs everything in her purse and is almost out the door… when Gui walks in and stops her. She’d better tell him what she’s up to – unless she wants to die!

Back in the Vecindad: Nobody Likes a Bully
María wanted Millie to be Mini-Max’s godmother but Doña Demente just kind of pushed herself on her (se impuso) and she couldn’t refuse her. Millie is indignant that Bernie throws her weight around just because she’s the priest’s ma. Nathy’s opinion of Bernarda:
A mí también me está cayendo gordo.
(I’m don’t like her either. caer gordo a alguien: to dislike. opposite of caer bien.)
But the ladies do approve of María’s choice of padrino (godfather): Osvaldo Sandoval:
¡Es a todo dar!
(He’s a great guy, the real deal.)


Let’s Celebrate!
In keeping with her role as godmother, Bernarda has opened the grounds of her manse for the baptismal celebration. She has even hired a string chamber group for the occasion.

The little Protagonista family – Max, María Desamparada and Mini-Max – look like beautiful fairytale figures. Oh yeah, that’s because they are beautiful fairytale figures.

Give That Man a Second P!
Padre Juan Pablo, presiding over the occasion in his white sacerdotal robes, announces they are celebrating two important events (grandes acontecimientos) –
-- And here we cut to a rather sour-looking Doña Demente –
Mi regreso al sacerdocio y el bautizo del hijo de María Desamparada.
(My return to the priesthood and the baptism of MD’s son.)

The family, including the evil Demente, is now gathered at the baptismal font. Padre Juan Pablo asks:
María Desamparada, ¿qué nombre le vas a poner a tu hijo?
(MD, what name are you giving your son?)
She answers:
Juan Pablo, Padre. Juan Pablo como usted.
(JP, Father. JP like you.)
Demente’s lips tighten slightly.

But she carries on stoically with her duties, tossing silver coins (monedas de plata) for the children and making a public profession of her intention to care for and protect the baby. And then, in front of everyone, she invites María to return as the star model of Casa Bernarda. Think about it, she urges her.

Cruz sings ♪♪La Riqueza♪♪ to his florecita.

Bernie almost loses her cool when one of the parish orphans stumbles and bumps into the table of honor where she is seated but a quick eyebrow smoothing restores her equanimity. Padre Jerónimo turns, looks at Demente, and seems to get an instant migraine.

Don Joel gets the gang from the vecindad to help him move their table so the dancing can begin. They are ready to rock and roll.

Fausto takes advantage of the moment to slip out of the house and, when María and her baby are close enough, he approaches and offers his shy congratulations. She asks him if he wants to hold the baby.

The classical strings have retired. Everyone is dancing or swaying to the music. [Nathy is partnered with Juanjo. Damn!] And Bernarda works those brows. They’ll be smooth as alabaster by the time this day is done.
Get a Life Alonso captures it all on film.

Max Brings the Party – and His New Son -- Home to Casa Sandoval
Max stops in to see Victoria and tell her he missed her at the ceremony. Almost in spite of herself, Vic smiles and asks Max:
Pero dime, ¿cómo es tu hijo?
(But tell me, what’s your son like?/ what does he look like?)
You really want to know? smiles Max impishly. He leaves the room and returns in a moment pushing Fer’s wheelchair while Fer holds the baby, still in his christening gown. Vic takes him in her arms and asks Max what they named him: Juan Pablo, he says. María Desamparada wanted him to be called Juan Pablo.

The Astonishing Confession of Mr. Fausto
Padre JP is mildly surprised to hear Fausto’s voice in his confession box. But he is incredulous when Fausto declares he has so many sins to tell, it would take all day and all night to name them.

Cut to Padre Jerónimo preparing to serve mass. Bernarda approaches…

Meanwhile, back in the confessional, Fausto dares to tell Juan Pablo the nature of his sin – his desire to get his revenge on JP’s own mother, Bernarda.
JP is impactado. Do you realize what are you saying? he asks Fausto.

Bernarda reaches Jerónimo and kneels. She fixes him with a malicious, challenging smirk.

Juan Pablo, struggling to understand what Fausto has said, asks him to explain this terrible thirst for vengeance. And Fausto gives it to him straight:

Su madre es una asesina. Mató a Tomasa a sangre fría. Pero lo más terrible es que quemó vivos a mis padres estando yo presente.
(Your mother is a murderer. She killed Tomasa in cold blood. But the most terrible thing is that she burned my parents alive – in my presence!)

He heard their screams. He saw them writhe in pain. He smelled the burning flesh. He has had to carry that terrible memory all his life. Your mother is a murderer, he repeats. Your mother is a murderer and she has to pay for what she did. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!

Fausto breaks off and flees the confessional. JP follows him through the church. Both Jerónimo and Bernarda watch them leave.

JP catches up with Fausto outside the church. He begs him to forget about revenge. Violence only begets more violence. But Fausto has one more thing to tell him:

The man his mother burned alive – the man Fausto loved like a father -- was JP’s own father!

Jealousy Brings Out the XiMonster in the XiMenace
Victoria feels a special bond to this baby – Can he stay a bit longer? Of course, says Max, I just have to check with María. Vic is sure she'll refuse. But Fer doesn’t think so:
María Desamparada nos ha dado una lección con sus buenos sentimientos.
(MD has given us a lesson with her goodwill.)
Ximena lurks in the hallway and peers in at the happy scene, hears the kind words for María, sees how these three Sandovals are falling in love with María’s baby.

The little caravan of Victoria, Juan Pablito, Fer and Max makes its way to a bedroom where Osvaldo is admiring little Osvaldito. Vic sets little JP on the blanket beside his brother. Xi watches and seethes in silence.

Lady, You’re in the Wrong Line!
Jero is giving communion. Bernarda is next in line. She stares at him as if daring him to deny her communion. He doesn’t back down:
¡Sal de esta fila! Estás retando a Dios!
(Get out of this line! You’re challenging God!)

The Invasion of the XiMonster
María Desamparada is in her room in the vecindad folding baby clothes when an uninvited guest arrives. It’s Ximena, her Crazy amped sky-high by her jealousy. What are you doing here? asks the startled María. What do you think? snarls Xi. That I came to visit you or bring you a present or ask how you are after your delivery or that I wanted to see your C-section scar…???.

The writers saw to it that my son was born the natural way, rejoins María with just a touch of pride.

Ximena answers bitterly:
Ah sí, pues a mí me acuchillaron!
(Oh yeah, well they cut me!/ I went under the knife!)

I’ll never be the same woman! They mutilated me! [And it’s telling that here and elsewhere, she complains about her scar and not about losing the ability to have more kids. The latter might actually buy her a little sympathy. Or maybe not.]
A child is worth any sacrifice, answers María stoutly. But Ximena rejects her “cheap speeches” about women sacrificing themselves for their children. María is appalled at her callousness.

Get Your Do-it-yourself Communion Here! Comes with a Free Trip to the Infierno!
Bernie and Jero are still staring each other down. She hisses:
Esto no se va a quedar así. Todavía no ha nacido quien sea más fuerte que yo.
(This isn’t over. There’s no one alive/no one has yet been born who is stronger than I.)

Then she plucks a communion wafer out of the cup, shoves it in her mouth, and crosses herself.

(Oh man. She is so going to hell.) She strides out of the church while the other parishioners stare after her in horror.

Can I Help it if I’m Irresistible?
Back in the vecindad, the XiMonster is reserving her own spot in the fiery regions. The only thing she and María share, she tells her nemesis, is their profound, mutual hatred. No, says María, I don’t hate you, Ximena:
A mí me das lástima.
(I feel sorry for you.)
Besides, she continues, we have nothing to argue about because I renounced Max. He’s the one who keeps coming after me. He’s the one who sought me out when my son was born.

Leave Max alone, says Ximena. Forbid him to see that bastard of yours! If not, you’ll be sorry for the rest of your life!

¡La Madre!
Padre JP intercepts Bernarda as she leaves the church. Madre, he says, we need to talk right now. She smooths an eyebrow and looks ready to rumble.

Why Won’t the XiMonster Leave?
Understand, once and for all, says María, I’m not doing anything to make Max come to me!

¡Mientes! (You’re lying!) screams Xi. If María doesn’t leave Max alone and won’t keep him away from Mini-Max, something terrible is going to happen to that child! If you want to protect your son, she snarls, keep him away from the Sandoval family. That’s MY family. Your brat (escuincle) has no right to be in that house, much less alongside my son. He is legitimate! He was born with rights!

María wants nothing from the Sandovals. All she wants is for Ximena to keep away from her son. And she repeats: leave and don’t ever come back here.

Did Somebody Say Bad Timing?
Is Ximena about to leave now? – we’ll never know. Because at just that moment, a delivery boy arrives with an enormous arrangement of red roses and he places them on the table. Xi snatches the attached card and reads aloud:
Para mi mujer por haberme dado el mejor regalo que un hombre puede recibir del amor -- un hijo. Con todo mi amor, Max.
(For my woman/wife for having given me love’s best gift – a son. With all my love, Max.)

If Xi was teetering on the brink of madness before, now she dives in feet first. Crumpling up the note and crying “Te lo dije” (I told you!) she tears the flowers apart and then starts to pour a bunch of pills down her throat. It looks like she’s going for the whole bottle but María intervenes, taking the pill vial away from her. María pleads with her to calm down but Xi spins further and further out of control. She grabs at María and pushes her up against the wall. If she won’t stay away from Max, Xi will kill her!

And saying that, she takes a Crocodile Dundee-approved butcher knife from the sink and holds it at María’s throat.

Victoria And the Step-Grandson Who Is Her Actual Grandson But She Doesn’t Know It Because She Keeps Ignoring the Llamadas de la Sangre:
Little Juan Pablo’s eyes remind Victoria of Max when he was a boy. She doesn’t know why, she adds pensively, but he reminds her of someone else…

And speaking of llamadas de la sangre, Max has something he’s been meaning to tell Victoria – the investigator has discovered that little María is almost certainly in Mexico City!

Vic shows the photo of little María to Fer. I wonder how her life has turned out, says Fer. Is she married? Does she have a family?

Whadda You Lookin’ At?
Bernarda asks JP why he’s staring at her like that. It’s as if he had never seen her before!

He says: He went to see a wonderful woman today and he couldn’t tell her what she was longing to hear because his own mother is forcing him to keep silent.

Bernarda doesn’t want to talk about the same old same old (she knows and we know he is referring to Victoria and her lost daughter) – she has Important Things to Do at work. But JP corrects her: nothing could be more important than the conversation they need to have because --

Today I discovered the dark side of your soul!

The XiMonster Draws Blood
Crazy Xi is positively ecstatic: You don’t know how much I’ve longed for this moment! If you knew how it feels to have a person’s life in your hands, the life of the person you hate most in the world!

María’s terror-stricken face is pressed to the wall. Xi grazes her with the knife just behind her ear and María cries out in pain. Blood flows.

Xi spins María around and points the knife directly at her throat. Is your heart jumping out of your chest? she asks.

Ximena please! begs María…

The XiMonster promises: You’re going to pay!

Oh sweet William Levy in a kayak!


Hello, this is only a test

Hola Amigos!
I will be sharing Thursday's Teresa recaps with Elvira and I am just testing out posting for the first time. So far it's a great show, and I am looking forward to enjoying it with everyone.
Hasta luego!

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La Fea Más Bella Post-Finale Discussions

The page for the finale was getting too long, so per your request, I started a new page. I hope it gets some use so I don't feel foolish.


Cuando Me Enamoro - synopsis in English

Sorry folks, the turgid writing of the original sinopsis, surpassing even the usual standard, turned it into quite a muddle. But I'm sure you get the idea.

Cuando me enamoro: a telenovela full of passions, love, encounters, misunderstandings, betrayals and vengeance. About the rebelliousness that overwhelms our will when a strong sentiment like love can't be controlled or quenched, which doesn't disappear even when we fight it within ourselves ...

This is just what happens to our protagonists Renata and Jerónimo, who find themselves in the terrible predicament of hating the profound love that grows between them. A woman in love marries a man whose primary goal is to avenge the death of his half brother.

Jerónimo, a businessman who lives in Spain, comes to Mexico to visit his half-brother Rafael Gutiérrez, employed by las Empresas Monterrubio and owner of a hacienda. On his arrival he's informed his brother has killed himself over a woman called "La Bonita", Roberta Monterrubio, whom he was to marry and who supposedly abandoned him. In reality, it was her mother who murdered him!

In the airport he meets Renata (adopted daughter of Gonzalo, director of the Monterrubio businesses) casually and is struck by her beauty immediately, not knowing her true identity. Love rises between them that will mark them for life.

It was destiny, along with the intrigues of "mother" Josefina) and Renata's sister Roberta, that make Jerónimo think (incorrectly) that Renata had a relationship with his half brother Rafaél who, feeling betrayed and used by her, committed suicide. Jerónimo swears at his brother's grave that his death ill not go unpunished; despite the profound love he feels for Renata, he deceives her and desides to make her suffer and pay for all the sadness she caused his brother.

Eventually Jerónimo discovers it was really Roberta and Josefina, the grand villains of the story, that played with Rafael's sentiments. The whole world thinks of Renata and Roberta as twin sisters, but [of course] there is a great secret: Josefina is Roberta's mother but Renata is the daughter of Regina and Roberto.

Josefina and Roberto were lovers; she got pregnant at the same time as his wife Regina. When Josefina discovered Roberto would only protect his legitimate daughter, leaving Roberta none of his inheritance and fortune, she decided to rob the little girl for revenge. Josefina took the little girl on as her own with the intention of recuperating her inheritance and sharing it with her and her half-sister when she reached the age of 25.

In profound sorrow Regina Soberón dedicates her whole life to finding her daughter, renouncing her own womanhood in favor of the search. With time she encounters love again with Antonio, a good man who offers her help and stability; on the other hand there's Gonzala, a married man...

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