Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #98 4/25/11 Yo Yo Yo -- The Father is a father!

As Victoria holds little Juan Pablo in her arms, she has a powerful flashback — the car in the night and the loss of la pequeña María. Confusing present and past, she refuses to return the baby to Max. But then Max’s words jolt her back to the present and she hands Juan Pablo to his father. She herself doesn’t understand what happened – she is mortified. She cries. Max comforts her and reassures her she can see her grandson as often as she likes. (Armchair diagnosticians: Shall we go with PTSD?)

Naty – and now we know that’s short for ‘Natividad’ – sure cleans up nice! But then we knew that, right? She has the full attention of the boys – young and old – in the vecindad. Juanjo leans on the runway and howls like a lonely hounddog. Scorpion guy has balcony viewing and takes it all in.

Max leaves with little JP and Victoria pulls out her old photograph of la pequeña María. She cries.

The fashion show is over and Toni, Pipino and Millie comment on how María stole the show with her beauty. Juanjo is a little miffed: And what’s Naty? Chopped liver? Scorpion guy still watching.

Max and María are enjoying some smoochies in her place in the vecindad when Get a Life Alonso bursts in without knocking.

Pipino, the old teacher, Napo and Milagros chatter about Mexicans and how they love to party >>FF

Max gets in Alonso’s face: What’s the big idea of walking in without knocking? He’s had it with Alonso’s “ternura” crap. It’s time for Get a Life Alonso to … well… get a life and find a woman of his own! [Are those whistles and cheers in livingrooms across the land?] Alonso’s weak comeback: Max is a troglodita (a caveman, lout)! Max gives him the punch in the face he’s been asking for.

The Xi and Gui show is running out of steam. Evil is just not as much fun as it used to be. And now Ximena realizes she’s lost everything. Guillermo promises they’ll get even with the Sandoval family but Xi finds his threats hollow. After all, Osvaldo took Leonela from Gui, even had a child with her and Gui stood by and did nothing. And then Gui remembers Osvaldo’s scornful voice pointing out that he exchanged his own son for a theatre.

The Lovely Luci is concerned that others – especially his girlfriend -- may misinterpret that fact that she is staying in Fabián’s apartment. When Fabián admits ruefully that Cruz seems to be gaining on him, Luci tells him she’ll help him conquer Fer.

Meanwhile, back at the Casa Sandoval, the Lovely Fer muses over her dueling swains, their gifts, their attentions, their songs but then concludes sadly that in the end, no one will want to stay with her because of her paralysis.

Post punch in the vecindad. Alonso tells María not to get in the middle of the fight, “Ternura”. Oy, again with the “ternura” crap, says Max disgustedly. The boys take it outside and both get in a couple of good ones while María flutters helplessly imploring them to stop. Scorpion guy continues to enjoy his balcony sightline. At last María runs for help. Cruz and JJ come to the rescue, separating our two macho guanabees. Milagros reads them both the riot act for bringing their bad vibes to her neighborhood. Then she points at Alonso and sends him packing. Scorpion guy still watching and licking his chops over how much Doña Demente is going to enjoy hearing about the goings-on in the vecindad.

Fer wants to know what’s happening at Victoria’s office. She is way way way behind in the news. Vic updates her on the hostile Demente takeover.

Luci has discovered that even metrosexuals like Fabián conceal nasty secrets in their refrigerators. ¡Guácala! (Blech!)

Fer is shocked by the (old) news about Casa Victoria but she perks up when Vic explains they’re selling their minority 49% and starting up a new Casa Victoria – and it will be better than ever. Fer is thrilled. She wants in on the new company – she’d like to start work tomorrow!

Apparently Juanjo got a little bruised in the war of the macho guanabees and now Naty is cleaning his wounds, ever so tenderly. He is disconcerted (well, I think that’s what he’s going for – always hard to discern emotions on that flat face) … anyhow he doesn’t seem prepared for Naty’s blurted “I love you” and impromptu smooch. [What Naty needs is a makeover from the inside out. Then maybe she’ll finally realize she is much too good for this particular troglodita.]

Now that Get a Life Alonso has slunk away with his tail between his legs, María scolds Max for hurting him. Max stands his ground. Alonso is an opportunist and in the guise of helping María he has usurped Max’s place. When he repeats his intention to divorce Ximena and marry María, she expresses some doubt. But they end up all loving and smoochy.

Alonso has taken refuge in a bar, maybe The Only Bar in El DF (TOBIEDF) where he is not so much joined by as accosted by the XiMonster. [She is wearing a brown fedora hat which is actually very cool and makes her look like a dame in a 1950’s noir film.] He is quick to tell her he now hates her as much as he once loved her. She doesn’t believe it:
Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan.
(Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Literally: Where there was fire, there are still ashes.)

Besides “La Desamparada” is never going to love him – she’s in love with Xi’s own husband. Now Alonso shows us that underneath his creepy exterior there beats a heart of stone. Yeah I know it’s Ximena, but still…

He rejects her in the cruelest possible way calling her vacía (empty), hueca (hollow), sin vida (lifeless) because she can’t give him the only thing he wants: a child. She has nothing to offer, he says coldly.

It’s been a long day. The poor, battered XiMonster stumbles drunkenly into her room at Bernie’s and flops on the bed. She finally realizes: Nadie me quiere (No one loves me.)

Padre Juan Pablo paces restlessly. He knows that sooner or later Victoria will reveal that he is the father of her lost daughter. And when that happens, he’ll have to man up.

Osvaldo, alone in his study, and now completely rehabilitated in our eyes, reads soulful love poetry. ( José Angel Buesa – Quizás te diga… I think.) Victoria [who, let’s face it, still has some therapeutic work to do] is touched by his reading. She’s there to thank him for staying with her all night when she was in jail. She knows he’s always been there for her – he’s her pillar. The two reflect on the oddness of her arrest and agree there’s something funky going on. Someone must have planted the incriminating evidence in an attempt to frame Victoria. But the only person who hates her enough to do that -- is Bernarda! But she has no access to Vic’s bedroom.

At this moment Bernarda has become concerned about Quality Control at Casa Bernarda. She sneers at a bunch of drecky sketches and sends Eva (the modernized, no longer the fresh from a Frankenstein movie set Eva) to get Roxana.

Say, where are Ximena and Roxana living these days? wonders Osvaldo. At Bernie’s, Vic tells him. That must be it! Ximena or Roxana must have planted the damning evidence on Bernie’s orders!

Osvaldo gets it that Bernie hates Victoria but what he still doesn’t get is why. One day, she promises -- One day, she’ll tell him.

Bernie gives Roxana her first performance review. Her designs are disgusting (asquerosos) she declares as she tears up the drawings. She despises them! Bernarda realizes she needs professional help. [No, not that kind. It’s way too late for that kind of help.] They will call Pipino’s archrival: Luciano Ferreti!

Guillermo lurks in his red convertible and watches Max get into a taxi with one of the babies. He follows him to the offices of the new Casa Victoria. Max leaves baby Osvaldo in Toni’s care. Gui enters the building…

María and Naty are giggling over Naty’s bold move. If JJ didn’t reject her kiss, there must be something there! [It looks like this time the makeover is going to stick. Naty’s frizzy red perm is gone and now she has lovely, smooth chestnut tresses. No glasses either. I’m waiting for Juanjo’s makeover.]

As if Padre Juan Pablo didn’t feel bad enough, Osvaldo shows up wanting to talk about his relationship with Victoria, how she still loves him but her pride is getting in the way of their reconciliation. Os still doesn’t understand why she kept her first daughter a secret from him all those years – you have your own secrets, PJP reminds him – but now what he wants to know more than anything is: Who was that baby’s father?

Obsessive Alonso is obsessively poring over his obsessive María photo collection. What’s next? The María Desamparada action figure? The doorbell rings. It’s Max. We have to talk, he says. He is divorcing Ximena tomorrow and then he and María will be able to be together. Alonso throws the pregnancy photos in Max’s face and reminds him meanly that he’ll never recover the time he missed at María’s side. You stole those moments from me! retorts Max. Alonso tells him that Ximena is getting ever crazier and more dangerous and Max can’t protect María from her:
Tu esposa estuvo a punto de matar a María.
(Your wife almost killed María).

Apparently not everyone is on board with the divorce plans. When Max’s lawyer presents the demand to Ximena, she refuses to sign. The lawyer reminds her that she is legally vulnerable because she abandoned her home. Does it say in those papers that my husband tortured me? she asks the nonplussed lawyer.

Pipino and Toni get called away from Osvaldo cooing duty when Oscar needs them for some actual, er, work. That’s all Gui was waiting for. First we see his silhouette and then we see the slimeball himself. He slithers in, approaches the bassinet and picks up little Osvaldo. With surprising gentleness, he cradles the baby’s head in his hand, locks eyes with him and kisses his cheek.

Padre JP ruminates over his conversation with Osvaldo and decides that he needs to talk to Victoria. She has to be prepared for what’s coming.

Victoria is back home communing with the Doll That Trumps DNA. She remembers the terrible moment when Bernarda forced her to confess that Juan Pablo was the father of her baby. She cries. Osvaldo comes in and begs her to tell him the name of little María’s father. He thinks it would take a great weight off both of them. But since he hasn’t mastered Demente’s interrogation techniques, Victoria remains silent. Por favor, he says again: Dímelo. (Tell me!) Nada.

But then we hear a weird echo in the room: Yo yo yo. [And if Scuzzy Boy hadn’t gone to that tattoo parlor in the sky, I’d think he had snuck in with some hiphop music.] But no. A ghostly ghastly Padre Juan Pablo stands before them:
Yo soy el padre de esa niña que Victoria perdió.
(I’m the father of that little girl Victoria lost.)

Sweet William Levy in a kayak.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of April 25, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

All the Telemundo novelas were pre-empted Good Friday night for the movie: El niño llamado Jesús. This reminds me of my favorite name of a novela character. There was a character on La Tormenta named, Jesús Niño. To be named Baby Jesus seems like quite a burden.

I am way behind on Reina and haven't watched any of the episodes this week but fortunately Hombre de Misterio and the rest of the gang have done daily recap-ettes. Thanks so much!

I did watch Thursday's episode of Herederos so I will describe the glacial progress, as Novelera so aptly described it, of that novela.

HEREDEROS- Emilio's bandages are off and I don't know what all Modesto's double takes and prevarications previously were about because he looks like a perfectly normal unscarred person. He invites Sofía to lunch at a fancy restaurant. He flatters her and quizzes her about the men in her life. She describes the love of her life in a way that could apply to Emilio or the deceased Gustavo.

Paula and Julieta are having one of their tiresome exchanges when suddenly Julieta almost faints. Paula helps her back to her room and Julieta tells Paula that she has terminal cancer and then she makes Paula promise not to tell anyone.

Lucas concocts an elaborate surprise to get Rosario to put out. She likes seeing Te Amo in flowers and the balloons but she is still not willing to go all the way with Lucas.

Guadalupe sings on the television show without telling Gaspar. He finds out, of course, and is very angry and nasty to Guadalupe when she comes back. He says that he is not sure he wants her as his wife.

Some more stuff with Rosa and Miguel but nothing really happens.

That was about it.

Your turn now.

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Triunfo del Amor #97 4/22/11 What’s Mine Is Mine and What’s Maria’s Is Mine

As Viewerville makes itself comfy in front of the tv, the Devilish Doña Demente, aka, Bernarda, has been found by Padre Juan Pablo with great grandson JPito in her arms frighteningly close to the baby’s bathwater. JP suddenly fears for the baby’s safety, but Mama assures him there’s no way she’d drown this little one if that’s what he was thinking! (So, Viewerville can stop biting its nails.) He takes his grandson into his arms. Nathy and Maria enter the apartment just as Burnie refers to JPito’s maternal grandmother--who, in perfect telenovela family jungle-vine style, happens also to be JPito’s paternal step-grandmother--with the endearing epithet of “infeliz mujerzuela” [wretched hussy]. Maria immediately demands to know the name of her mother (the $64,000 question) --no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it!

Rather than give a straight answer, Burnie diverts by answering the question with one of her own: how could Maria have agreed to take in Jimena’s offspring, being that he’s the child of her worst enemy and her “lover’s” wife, to boot? Maria is now Jimena’s nanny for all practical purposes, gripes Burnie, which is something she considers both humiliating and overly humbling for her granddaughter. (Hmmm. Just like the studio-sized slum-dwelling Burnie’s forced her to live in now.)

At Castillo Sandoval, the family is in Fernanda’s room discussing errant Cruz’s possible ulterior motives in entering Fer’s room through the window. Victoria doesn’t miss a chance to verbally squeeze her philandering ex-hubby, Osvaldo, below the belt again when he dares to defend Cruz as well-meaning, good folk. Vic reminds Oz that he felt the same about Federico Padilla and look where that led. Fer takes up for her daddy and says the accident was her fault, not his. Ozzie considers Victoria’s snide remarks a just rebuke and leaves to go mope somewhere else in the house. Max scolds Vic for being such a witch towards a man who pretty much babysat her while she was in jail the other night. On his way out the door, Max makes the mistake of telling Vicki that Osguito is with Maria. Vic spits fire his way again for leaving his son with hateful and hate filled Maria.

Burnie, meanwhile, escapes the premises without telling Maria anything more than she knew before. Maria gripes to Padre JP about the way his mother always evades answering her. Fausto shows up and JP explains he and Burnie have set Fausto up in the padre’s old apartment to be Maria’s man-Friday and body-guard.

Once again at los Scandal-val, Max gets on Vic for kvetching about Maria. This is the woman he loves, where as Jimmie, the woman Vicki chose for him, has abandoned him and her child while Maria has agreed to help him care for Osguito along with her own son! Vic needs to be a bit more gracious as well as grateful, he says. She apologizes and asks Max to bring both of the babies to the house for a while to visit with her. He agrees. Vicki also agrees to apologize to Ozzie for what she did earlier.

Afterwards, Fer confesses to Vicki that she’s lost hope of ever walking again or having a normal life. Vicki swears she will.

Back in the bowels of the barrio, JP asks Maria why she didn’t tell anyone that Ji had attacked her. Maria says she didn’t want to bother anyone over it. Ji’s just crazy, is all. (Yeah, no biggie. Why would that matter to somebody who never bothers to lock her door, especially in a sleazy part of town like that?) Anyway, Max is dumping Ji, she says, to finally make Maria his main squeeze. (Nothing said about making an honest woman of her, though.) Padre asks about Alonso. It’s platonic. Her heart belongs to Max. JP starts to object because he sees their relationship as impossible. Max walks in on them then and disagrees. Maria is the love of his life and it’s a love that will last a lifetime, he swears. Max and Maria are all Huggies and Smiles--literally. Yup, that’s all they really need to set up house together, Padre.

Cruz faces Vic and explains that he only goes in through the window and does the pratfalls because it makes Fer laugh and she starts having a bit of fun. He swears his intentions are honorable. Vic sees the value in what he’s been trying to do for Fer and gives in. FF>>

Val walks into the study and Oz has their favorite song playing. The memory of that song and his declaration of love are “tattooed” somehow to the both of them. They dance together cheek to cheek and nearly kiss, until Vic catches herself at the last moment. She breaks away from Oz, mean tease that she is, delivering another low blow to what’s left of his male ego–which, admittedly, has got to be slim pickin’s by now. It’s a memory, she says, that she’d prefer to be over and done with. (Okokay! Here’s $64,000 question #2: how many times does a guy have to get kicked in the family jewels before he shows a little self-respect?) Oz stands there and fights the tears stinging his eyes as Vicki struts imperiously away.

Back in the city at Casa de Bernarda, Jimena’s on the phone talking to Gui. Jimmie keeps trying to blow him off while he tries just as hard to get her to visit him for a little more slap and tickle like old times. She grouses. He tries getting into her …er… good graces by suggesting that she could get even with Max using a plan thought up with a cooler head, something like kidnapping Osguito. She’s not interested. As for her starting up with him again, it’s over and has been for a long time now, she reminds him. No, he says, it will never be over between them, especially now that they share a son. The kid’s useless and so’s Guillermo’s blackmail, she says. “--I’m free of you now. Tell them all anything you want. Actually, I’d like to see the look on Max’s face when you tell him that his child is really your son!” She hangs up on him. He tells himself he’s always enjoyed the challenging ones. “—Let’s just see if it really is over for her!"

At Maria’s place again, meanwhile, Padre JP tells Maria he doesn’t doubt she and Max love each other, but hey, seems they've forgotten the “M” word this time around.  Somehow Max manages to slide by that little sticker burr of a detail for now, and Maria sidelines the issue saying she’s not abandoning Osguito the way his mother and hers abandoned them. JP is quick to defend against the accusation that she was abandoned. He explains that because of the restraints of the confessional he can’t tell Maria anything more than that he knows for sure that she was never abandoned.

JP then heads off as Antonieta, Pipino and Milagros show up to discuss with Maria their idea for a fashion show at the vecindad for their new Milagros line. Maria agrees to model for them. Max then takes off with the babies so that Vicki can spend some quality time with both of them. Since Ji’s moved out, Maria says, she sees no problem with JPito being at the casota. FF>>

Fabian shows up at Casa Sandoval bearing gifts for Fer. One of them is a book on Frieda Kahlo who was also in an accident and unable to walk for a while. This seems to be all the encouragement Fer needs to go with him to a rehab center. They spend the entire day there together. FF>>

Pipi and Toni continue discussing their ideas for the new line of fashions geared to the average woman. They want all the women in the building to be a part of the show and model. Nat tells them that no matter how nice the dresses are, nothing would make her look good in one. Toni and Pepi take up the challenge and promise to do a total make-over on her.

Gui surprises Jimmie in one of the offices at Casa Bernarda. He tries seducing her. She tries to fight him off. He tells her not to play hard to get with him. Ji admits she did love him once, but it’s turned to hate. As far as he’s concerned hate and love are opposite sides of the same sensual coin. She wants no part of him or the constant feeling of humiliation and submission. He could care less. He’s only got one thing on his mind. He lays a major lip-lock on Jimena and she melts into his arms. Unfortunately, JP walks in on the two of them en lip-lockus delecti. “--Jimena!” Ji immediately tries to claim her innocence and that Gui was trying to take advantage of her. JP is all like talk to the hand. “—No woman who abandons her child is innocent and no woman who jealously tries to kill another woman is innocent.”

The padre tells Jimmie that he knows she attacked Maria Desamparada. The gal still tries to assert her innocence. “—I would be incapable of such a thing!” JP says in his line of work he’s learned to recognize Evil when he sees it, the same way he’s able to know an angel among them, so don’t bother trying to deny it. (We’ll give him a pass here since he really was clueless when it came to both Mama and Jimmie. I think I’d trade my Evil detector in on a new model if I was him, or at least get the old one tuned up.) As far as he's concerned, Gui and she are just alike! They’re bad to the bone! What’s more, Jimmie better steer clear of Maria and JPito! Consider herself warned, he says, and then storms out of the office.

The news that Ji actually tried to off Maria is like an aphrodisiac to giddy Gui. He offers again to help her get even with Maria and Max. He suggests kidnapping the only thing that connects the two of them which is, of course, little JPito. This seems to finally grab Jimmie’s evilly fertile imagination.

Back at los Scandal-val, Vicki notes to Max how drawn she is to JPito. He suggests it’s the call of the blood (a bit of a stretch, considering Max is no blood relative to Vic.) He takes Osguito then and puts him to bed while she and JPito continue to bond.

Fer and Fab continue with her therapy. FF>>

Meanwhile, a couple of clients from the “Lovely” cosmetics line come by Alonso’s studio to ask about a second ad campaign. He’s suggests the model he first offered who was pregnant before, but who’s had her child now. They object and say that since they’re looking to feature the model’s entire body that her looks may have been destroyed by her pregnancy. Alonso looks at them like what century did these two male chauvinist whack-jobs crawl out of? (Perhaps where they come from they haven’t heard of mothers who are still …er…“sexually” active? Just where do these two south ends of a north-bound jack-ass think little brothers and sisters come from, anyway?) Lonnie smiles politely, like any self-respecting salesman might do, and we will wait to see if he takes the opportunity to gently dissuade them of their sexist biases.

Night falls. The male crowd is getting antsy in anticipation of the fashion show that is about to begin. (Did somebody hear Casa Victoria and automatically think Victoria’s Secret? I mean, there ain’t no way guys are gonna get so squirrely over women’s clothing unless it’s fingering non-lingering lingerie.) Juanjo, Don Joel and Don Naco discuss who’s in the lineup. JJ can’t believe they’d waste their time having Nat model anything considering they’d have to dig pretty darn deep—like maybe all the way to China--to find enough of this gal’s inner beauty to be able to qualify her as a model. Naco says something about Nat’s got a surprise worked out, so wait and see.

The show starts. The lights go out. Then suddenly they go up again. There is Nat in a strapless, pleated chiffon turquoise number. JJ turns into a saucer-eyed, tail-beating, panting puppy-dog when he sees how Toni and Pepi transformed her.

At the same time, Vicki has bonded a bit too tightly with JPito. Max comes in to get the baby ready to take back to Maria. Vicki suddenly has a flood of memories about losing little Maria and won’t give the baby back to Max. Max looks at her like she’s lost her mind. Vicki insists the baby is more hers and she won’t give him up.


Teresa Fri 4/22/11 #25-26 Discussion and Bullet Points

Here is at least a discussion page set up for those of you care to use it.  If anybody writes a recap or comes up with a few bullet points for last night's 2 hr. episodio, I will be more than happy to post them here.   

[Here are the bullet points from Anon. 207  who seems to have hit all the high points, too! I've added a couple from Diann and Emarie this Monday morning in red.  Thanks mucho to all! -- edit.]
These are out of order:
  • Mariano is some place, turns around and Aurora is there.
  • Arturo asked Teresa if she has a novio and she lies and says no.
  • They go to the vecindad and run into Pablito, who tells Aurora that they took a kidney out and told them he won't grow much.
  • Aurora goes up to Teresa's house. She's not home but Refugio is having some sort of episode. Aurora makes Fugie sit down, they eat and Aurora washes the dishes. Aurora tells Fugie that she wishes she could sit down with her mom and have chats.
  • Aida busts on Teresa's earrings. Later Teresa goes to Paolo's house to help him with something. Paolo comes on to her, she slaps him (losing the earring) and leaves.
  • Later Aida comes over to Paolo's house, he's not there. She sees Teresa's earring and runtelsdat to Genoveva. Then Paolo & Aida go to dinner where all his credit cards are declined (courtesy of Mom).
  • Ruben begs Espy to stay, she is like no, see ya.
  • Then some shady looking guy with an expensive motorbike that knows Johnny comes on to her.
  • The owner of Armando's shop is deciding whether to close it down.
  • Arturo tells Luisa he's in love with Teresa.
Ok what else happened:
  • Aurora surprises Teresa on the job. They go out where Aurora mentions she ran into Mariano at some place. Teresa is pissed. Shark music ensues.
  • An important bullet point missed:  Arturo confesses to Luisa he is in love with Teresa. Hes known for some time now, but hes waiting until she is finished with school, then he plans on asking her to MARRY him.  Luisa is super feliz he is in love again after Paloma and doubly feliz that he is in love with her best friend.
  • Arturo tells Teresa he wants to buy Luisa her own apartment and asks Teresa to help. They go to this beautiful apartment. Teresa is facing the window when Century 21 Genoveva comes in. Artie tells Genoveva he will buy the apartment. Teresa turns around and Genoveva's overly made up face is in shock.
  • Genoveva then runtelsdat to Ruben that Arturo is buying TERESA an apartment. She also runtelsdat to Paulo & Aida that Arturo is buying Teresa an apartment and Aida's all like "I knew something was going on between them."
  • Teresa is mad at Mariano because Aurora saw him before she saw Teresa. He calls up Cutberto's Mariachis to serenade Teresa but she's not having it. 
  • Teresa goes to Aurora's house, finds out she never got with anyone in France and then "casually" mentions Mariano proposed to her.*
  • Later Teresa busts into Juana's house furious b/c of Aurora & Mariano. And then she's shaking Juana's sewing machine. If Teresa breaks Juana's machine then she won't have anymore nice custom dresses so she needs to stop that. (I have a sewing machine, I will slap somebody if they shake my machine).
  • Teresa and her covered up boobs drops by Ruben's office to drop off some papers. He tells her he knows Arturo bought the apartment for her and he (Ruben) could give her so much more. Teresa is like "Um, Arturo bought the apartment for LUISA." I don't think Ruben is believing that, though.
  • The owner sells the shop. Armando & Johnny are out of a job. Espy & Fugie are talking in the vecindad courtyard when Armando says he needs to talk to Fugie. He then mentions the owner sold the shop and he doesn't have a job anymore. Refugio then proceeds to have the Fred G. Sanford Big One.
  • There were some ER: Mariano scenes & SAINT PALOMA scenes too.

*I doubt seriously Teresa would have given Mariano another look if Aurora hadn't been interested in him.

AVANCES: Hot Prof sees Teresa getting out of a car, Hot Prof shakes Teresa in a rage, Hot Prof furiously kisses Teresa. I wish someone would furiously kiss me.


Cuando Me Enamoro #3 Friday 4/22/11 A Family Reunion Looms and a Compromiso That Might Be Doomed

Wow! This show has wasted no time in getting the ball rolling. We're meeting no less than four new characters, visiting three different countries, witnessing at least two arguments, and wondering about the future of one marriage proposal - all within an hour! Ay Dios Mio! Let's get started...

We pick up with Fina spitting fire about Renata being such a flirt. “I don’t know what I was thinking when I kept her!” Roberta is confused but Fina quickly backtracks. “I just can’t understand why I let her stay around when she has the nerve to paw that wretch Diego right in front of me!” Roberta throws a hissy fit because Diego is her friend. Fina promises that she will never let Renata get in the way of Roberta’s happiness. (Which Renata overhears).

The next morning, Roberta is short with Renata because of her fling with Diego. Renata swears she isn’t interested in him and would never interfere with a man Roberta had her eye on. Roberta doesn’t believe it and calls Ren a bad sister before flouncing off.

Gonzalo is thrilled to get an unexpected email from Matias. Just like that, we’re transported to Madrid, Spain, where now grown-up Matias is crying at his mother’s grave.

“It’s been a year since you died and it still isn’t any easier to live without you.” Mat has decided it’s time to return to Mexico. Despite his evil stepmother, Mat feels like the time is right to reconnect with his padre. “I know you would agree. Te amo, Mamá.” (Aww, I like Matias! Hopefully we get some happier scenes soon since he’s very easy on the eyes…)

Gonzo rushes out to the stables to give Renata the good news: Matias is returning to Mexico!! Renata is delighted. Gonzo doesn’t know if Mat is just returning for the job at the company or to reconnect with the family, but either way Gonzo is over the moon about it. Renata congratulates him and they hug. Their relationship is so sweet! Thankfully someone is in Renata’s corner to combat the Fina-Monster.

In all the excitement, Renata has a flashback to a childhood memory of Matias. Even as a ten-year-old, he was clearly unhappy about his father remarrying. Young Gonzo makes Matias give each of his new sisters a bracelet. Roberta is ho-hum about the gift but Renata gives him an enthusiastic hug and a kiss on the check in thanks. Mat sulks away while Renata admires the bracelet. Little Renata’s expression plus the dreamy music make me think that Renata might have had a crush on Mat.

Elsewhere, Roberta is heavily making out with her novio Rafael. They are crazy about each other. Rafael is excited because he is going to sign a contrato de compraventa (sales contract) at the winery in a month. In other words, Rafael has organized his first grape harvest for the winery and is about to sign his first business contract. He makes Roberta close her eyes and surprises her with a marriage proposal. “Bonita, will you marry me?”

Gonzo tells Fina that Matias is finally returning to Mexico after almost 15 years of estrangement. Fina feigns excitement and hopes to be a mother for Mat. “Even though he never loved me like one.” Gonzo assures Fina that the past is in the past; she can make amends with Mat and build a relationship from there. Once Gonzo leaves the room, Fina’s angry face comes out.

Roberta is a little hesitant to accept Rafael’s proposal but Rafael promises to make her happy for the rest of their lives. “You will fall in love with my hacienda, the winery, and will never want to come back to Mexico again! Be my friend, my wife, my bonita. You won’t regret it.” Roberta finally accepts but clearly still has doubts.

Renata strides into work at Empresas Monterrubio and heads straight for her amiga Adriana. They both squeal over Matias retuning but Ren is sure Mat still hates her and whole her family. Adriana is sure once Mat sees how gorgeous his stepsister has become, he’ll forget his anger. Ren can only hope.

Meanwhile in España, we’re treated to our first appearance of Jeronimo!

Qué guapo, no? He wins a fencing match and gets a call from his brother Rafael. Rafa tells Jero that he’s getting married. Jero had no idea Rafa even had a novia but he readily accepts Rafa’s request that he come to Mexico in the next week to celebrate the impending nuptials.

Fina gives Roberta the third degree about her new ring. Roberta lays out the truth: Rafael proposed and she accepted. “Over my dead body!” Says Fina. (Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Fina…)

Roberta’s claws come out. “Rafael is not poor! He has an hacienda and a great future!” Fina is sure that Rafael is only after Roberta’s inheritance from her father. (Wait...from Roberto or Gonzo?) Rafa wouldn’t do such a thing, besides Roberta loves Rafa. Fina cackles. “You love him enough to live in the poorhouse? Because if you marry him, your inheritance is gone and the doors of this house are closed to you forever!”

Roberta doesn’t rise to Fina’s threats; she wouldn’t dare throw her own daughter out on the street. “No me pongas a prueba!” (“Don’t test me!”) Says Fina.

Adriana and Renata are still having girl talk at work, complete with Adriana having pulled out her tarot cards. “In a couple days, the love of your life is going to arrive in Mexico!” (How fun. Both Matias and Jero are arriving in a few days.)

Gonzalo and his cuñado Honorio stroll around the sales floor at the Empresa, discussing Matias. Gonzo wants to start a new leaf with his hijo. Hopefully Renata will understand why he wants to offer Mat the VIP job.

Guillermo Capetillo stands in front of a bullfighting ring and tells a mystery person on the phone that he/she is the “priority in his life”. All right, then...

Matias writes an email, also to a mystery person, about his leaving Mexico. Moving right along…

Constanza drops by Gonzo’s place to drop off some things for Matias. Fina is none too happy to see her. “I’ve never asked for your advice, Coni. Get lost.” There’s mutual dislike here, however, and Coni isn’t one to roll over. “You have no idea how much I regret opening the doors of my family and my company to you! I feel so guilty for Gonzalo having met and married you.”

Fina says Gonzo and her hijas have been very happy over the years. Unlike Constanza, who tried for years but never had any kids of her own. God, no wonder Fina has no friends. Coni is stricken but continues with what she came to do.

Jero muses about his rebellious little brother. He’s grown up to be a good man and a good entrepreneur. Jero hopes Rafa finds all the happiness he deserves.

A ha! We find out that Guillermo Capetillo’s character is named Antonio and he has his sights on Regina. He gives her a bracelet but she doesn’t want to accept such a lavish present from an amigo. Antonio admits he is in love with Regina but she can’t commit to a relationship. “There is no room in my life for love.”

Antonio understands Regina’s dedication to finding her hija but she has to move on with her life. It isn’t that easy for Gina. “I don’t have a right to be happy when I don’t know that she’s happy!” Antonio refuses to give up. He won't let Gina's guilt over her hija ruin her future.

Jero gets a phone call from Matias. They’re amigos! What a small (telenovela) world! Actually, Matias calls Jero “profe”, as in professor. So Jero was his teacher at some point? Anyway, Mat and Jero agree to meet each other when they both arrive in Mexico.

Jero meets his novia, Lorea, in a dark bedroom. So dark I can’t even see her face. He invites her to Rafa’s wedding on the condition she promise to take it easy because they're trying to have a baby. Suddenly Lorea starts having pain in her abdomen and is rushed to the hospital.

Roberta shows off her ring to her amiga but Rob is uncertain about it now. She doesn’t want to lose her inheritance; she couldn’t bear to live around poor people. Rob is starting to doubt her feelings for Rafa.

Gina frets to Ines about her convo with Antonio. She has always felt guilty for losing her hija. She has no idea how to stop feeling how she does. Ines tells her amiga that she has to forgive herself in order to move on.

Rafael visits Renata at work and she enthusiastically greets him. Gonzo walks in and gets all bent out of shape about it.

Jero stalks into Lorea’s room with a grave face. Apparently Lorea had been secretly using birth control, which caused her to start bleeding. "When were you going to tell me that it wasn’t in your plans to have an hijo?”

Jero feels as though something has broken between them. He decides they’re done with. Lorea begs him to reconsider but no dice. “You lied to me. You don’t deserve a second chance.” He leaves and Lorea sobs. Wow, I'm impressed. That was ten capitulos worth of plot in about ten minutes.

Gonzo drops the puritan act and greets Rafael cordially. Rafa says he has news for them but will wait until everyone is together to tell them.

After the commercial break, Rafa and Ren are out to lunch. Rafa asks Renata if her padre would accept a son-in-law like him. “Well that’s a little forward!” Renata teases. She answers honestly that Gonzo would approve of Rafa because he’s responsible and hard-working. But she doesn’t understand why he would ask such a weird question.

Fina meets an unnamed Licenciado and asks for his unconditional support. She is afraid Matias’s return will turn Gonzo and his hijas against her. Fina wants to know all of Gonzo’s financial details immediately, before Mat returns. She turns on the charm to get him to agree.

Gonzalo asks Renata if there’s anything between her and Rafael. Of course not! They’re just friends. But Ren admits she’s a little overly affectionate sometimes. Gonzo loves that about her and tells her to never change. “Be who you are, no matter what.” It’s official; they are adorable as father and daughter.

In Ruta de Vino, Ensenada, Baja California, workers tend to a gorgeous farm. A man named Dr. Alvaro Nesme checks up on their progress. He compliments Rafa’s work but another menacing guy wants to buy out Rafa’s crops. Dr. Nesme promises to convince Rafa to sell. “You had better.” Menacing guy warns the doctor.

Rafa is on the phone with Roberta. The business plan didn’t go as well as he wanted; they offered way less than what the harvest is worth. Though Rafa still wants to get married within the next month. Roberta thinks he’s nuts for rushing the wedding but he doesn’t want to wait another minute than necessary.

Matias starts to wonder if returning home is a good idea. “Can I really face that woman again?” Mat has a flashback to playing soccer in the yard as a kid. His soccer ball accidentally hits Fina in the back and she throws a fit. She berates Mat and screeches that she doesn’t want brats like him in her house. Similar to how Fina chopped up Renata’s braids, she stabs a hole in Mat’s soccer ball with gardening shears.

On that happy memory, Matias vows that he is not willing to cut his father out of his life any longer. “Not for Fina or anyone else!”

Avances: Fina slaps Roberta for mouthing off, Roberta calls Rafael with a plan, and Renata and Jeronimo literally run into each other in a hallway.

Happy Easter, Everyone! Relax this weekend because it looks like this show is going to take us for a ride.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #96 4/21/11 A triumph of rules and regulations.

While Vic rots in jail, Maria D and Max are in their respective abodes pledging undying love to their offspring. They face each other in split screen with the babies in the middle.

Out in the country, Alonso spends some quality time with a bath towel. He remembers Maria D. No tenting visible…yet. Wait, was there supposed to be a toga party? He makes time with her blanket, then cries over the pictures of her in the park. He flashes back to all the best times…you know, the times when she thought they were just friends and looked uncomfortable every time he got a little too grabby. Dear Alonso: get over it. There are plenty of female viewers willing to console you. Not me, but, hey, you can't have it all.

Max tells the team that Vic is in jail and they're pissed. He tells them the best thing to do is make the business a success and surprise Vic when she gets out of the big house. Pip and Toni talk about Milagros agreeing to sell their clothing from a catalog (did I hear that right?). Pip says he's Pip the Great because he's modest enough to sell clothing in the mercado. And he wants to kick Burnie's butt. The gang gets to work.

Burnie tells Fausto that he's getting new digs in the barrio so he can watch over Maria D. He has no problem with that at all! Burnie says he should expect surprise visits from her. Eva gets told to shut it when she says that Fausto will behave himself. Fausto goes to pack.

Max brings Baby Os over for a play date. He tells MD that Ximena is out of the house and Mama Vic is in the big house for killing Linda. MD in classic sweet protagonista mode says Vic couldn't have done that! Max things someone's trying to frame her, someone with access to the house. Xi.

Burnie tells Eva not to offer Rox any more of the good sherry. Rox comes in and greets "Bur". She gets informed that this house has rules and a schedule. She sends Eva to go wake up Xi. Rox smarmily agrees with her.

Max wants the drama with Xi over with already.

Xi is on the phone to somebody hearing that Vic is in jail. She's thrilled. She hangs up when Eva stalks in and summons her downstairs. Xi gripes at her for coming into the room without knocking. "I'm just following orders. Get downstairs before there's trouble." And no, this isn't jail…it's Burnie's House. Now there's a reality show for you…seven skank-ho's living under the watchful eye of Burnie…every week the biggest sinner, handpicked by Burnie following no human logic, roasts in the fireplace until only one skank-ho is left. That one repents and wins an all-expense-paid trip to join the Sisters of Our Lady of the Iron Underwear. Burnie's House…no pool table, no hot tub, no escape!

Max and MD marvel over their babies. MD can't believe that Xi is such a lousy mother. Max says she has no maternal instinct. MD says she'll be Little Os's mom. Max is moved. Because motherhood is hawt! Max tells the babies that from now on they'll have the most beautiful mommy in the world. Smoochies.

Os tells Vic he's the one who should be in jail. A guard comes to retrieve Vic, since the witness has arrived. She gets heckled by the other women, who were strangely quite while they had Os to ogle. I would have thought El Señor Osvaldo Sandoval would have made a bigger splash in there.

The cops bring the witness in to identify the murderer. As soon as Vic comes in, the witness seems to fixate on her. Ok, seriously, they're all wearing sunglasses and wigs, but the wigs aren't all identical. The witness thinks Vic could be the one, but she's not sure. The witness rejects #4 for being too tall and too large…right…and Vic has the same body type of modelrexic Xi?

Toni and Pip bring the catalogs over to Milagros. They want her to help out by handing out catalogs and collecting orders. They'll pay her a commission. She insists that Napo get them tortas for the road before they leave. Pip comments that if they get a free torta every time they come over, he'll come over all the time! Toni says she's going to get fat. Ja ja ja.

The witness is nervous. She's still fixated on Vic and asks to have her step forward again. Vic starts coughing and the witness says it could be her.

Oscar yells at the cops. The cop informs them that they have a witness. Oscar argues it's difficult to recognize someone from behind the wheel of a car. The cop counters that because Linda was Os's lover, that makes Vic suspicious.

The witness is still convinced it could be Vic, but then she says there's no way. It's not her. She remembers a taller woman, not a whole lot taller, but taller. None of the women there are the one and she's sure of that. The cop dismisses them all. They're pissed that they're back where they started.

PJP talks to the bishop. He's happy to be PJP again. The bishop asks about his young age on entering the seminary. "Now that you've had a taste of the secular life, are you still convinced of your vocation?" PJP is sure he wants to be a priest until he dies. The bishop tells him he's still allowed to see his daughter.

The cops let Vic go. She and Os hug tearfully.

The parish guys welcome PJP back to work. Some chipmunking about paying for MD's furniture.

The Jarochas come visit Napo at work. They beg to get a look at the catalogs.

Something about soccer practice. Alonso comes up and asks to talk to PJP…urgently!

Maria D sings to both babies. She talks to them about needing to love each other because they carry the same blood. Riiiiight.

Mili asks about the girl Cruz brought to Loteria the other night. Juanjo teases him about Max being his brother in law. Mili says she saw the kiss and he shouldn't get too excited about her. Napo says they're different social classes and it's never going to come to anything. Cruz doesn't care. He only cares about Fer and that she keeps going to therapy. And besides, he has a gentleman's agreement.

Fabian walks in on Luci crying. She tries to cover, but does a lousy job of it. Finally, she admits that she's going to get kicked out of her apartment soon and she doesn't know what to do. Fabian offers her his spare bedroom, if she doesn't take it the wrong way. Ay, Fabian, we've all seen this before and after running into each other in the hallway in skivvies or accidentally walking in on each other in the shower, it's inevitable that you're going to get together.

Napo makes fun of Cruz…and Don Joel, which upsets Mili. JuanJo wants an explanation. Cruz says Fabian is also interested in Fer and they agreed to fight clean.

Fabian tells Luci he knows she'll find another place soon. Luci agrees to stay with him…"But won't it cause problems with your girlfriend?" Fabian says she's not his girlfriend. He's in love with her, but that's all. He wishes she was.

Vic comes to Fer's room to visit. Fer tells her she had a bad dream the night before. Vic tells Fer she was accused of Linda's murder, so yeah, Fer's sensing of a disturbance in the force was right. She's pissed that everyone knew but her and that they hid it from her. She doesn't think it's fair for them to discount her like that. She doesn't care what happens, she's still a member and she demands that they don't hide things from her again. "I'm not a little girl anymore. The accident has made me grow up." Vic agrees and promises she'll be informed of everything. Cruz comes in the window with a rose in his teeth--an unpleasant surprise for Vic.

MD leaves the babies with Nathy for a few minutes. She falls asleep on the couch.

Alonso has come to plead his case with PJP. Dude, move on. Move. On. PJP is attempting to explain how awesome Max and MD's love is. Alonso makes some good arguments, but then he ruins it by saying PJP doesn't love MD as much as he says he does. Alonso finally says MD is in danger from Xi and while MD is with Max, she's in danger.

Bernarda walks into Maria's place without knocking. She picks up the baby on the table and looks speculatively at the tub half full of water. PJP comes in and says, loud enough to wake up Nathy, "What are you going to do with the baby?" He has to repeat the question. Burnie says she came to visit MD and little JP. Since she wasn't in and "that irresponsible girl" was asleep, she just decided to pick him up. Nathy goes to tell MD they're there. PJP takes the baby and demands the truth. "What were you going to do with my grandson?" She's shocked he would think her capable of killing a baby! She insists she loves him and wants him to spend as much time with her as possible. PJP doesn't object, but he also doesn't want anything bad to happen to the baby. "I would be incapable of hurting him. The only thing I regret is that he's also the grandson of that slut!" MD says if they know her mother's name, she wants to know right now, and she won't accept "pretextos" (excuses).

Sweet William Levy in a kayak! That's all for today.

Tomorrow: PJP accuses Xi of attempted murder; Os and Vic make nice; Gui proposes infanticide; and in all likelihood, MD will not get the name of her biomom, so don't even try to convince me otherwise, promo monkeys!


Teresa Thu 4/21/11 #23-24 The fellowship of the ring

Hola todos! I am new to Team Teresa; so I hope ya’ll enjoy. I am posting the first hour tonight, but then I ran out of steam, so the 2nd hour will go up sometime tomorrow. Probably midday.
Cap 23.

Overlap from last night: Teresa calls Aida to set up the dinner scene; Cutberto tries in vain to romance Juana; Nachita cries for Pablito’s suffering; Johnny convinces Armando to let him help with the extra work to pay off the debt.

We begin tonight’s adventure with Aida and Paulo entering the restaurant where Teresa is discussing something notario-ous with Rubigote. Aida displays her usual restraint and runs over and slaps Teresa and asks her papa what he is doing with ‘esta’. Papa explains that they are working, obviamente. Aida ain’t buying it, saying Teresa is just using that as a pretext to see him. Rubigote chastises Aida for making up stuff about T, who is a DAMA, unlike his own daughter (implied, not said). ‘Yeah’, adds T, “why don’t believe your dad, since you’re always telling me how much he looovvveees your mom?” “you bet your sweet bippy he does!” says Aida. Rubigote forces everyone to have a seat and tries to get Aida to apologize once and for all. Teresa doesn’t even care though. She just wants Aida to understand that she has no reason to treat her so bad (no tienes porque tirarme mala onda, my own rough translation). She knows that Aida just acts this way because of Paulo, but he’s with her now, so why can’t she just leave Teresa alone to study and work? Rubigote thanks T for her graciousness and admonishes Aida for her celos and tells her to knock it off. Teresa takes her leave: “well, I’m glad we got that all cleared up Aida. I’ll just let ya’ll eat ‘en familia’” . Rube asks T to explain to Arturo why they couldn’t finish their ‘work‘, and she’s off with the sweetest little ‘hasta manana’ that ever was designed to annoy Aida. Teresa sighs with satisfaction at another victory as Aida cries.

Back at the bigote house, Mayra is worried about Rubigote’s tardiness. He strolls in with Aida in tow and explains how she ruined his muy importante trabajo with Teresa. “Estabas con Teresa?” is all that Mayra notices from this conversation. “You’re going to start with this too?” says the mustache. Rubigote explains that Teresa is Arturo’s assistant ---for whatever reason—and any problems that his ladies cause with her are just going to cause problems for him with Arturo. So butt out, got it? He’s laying it on pretty thick here, but one always wants to put the groundwork into laying the appropriate foundation of deception for an affair. It may take more a little more effort now, but in the long run, it makes one’s life easier. As soon as he leaves the room, mama expresses her concern for her wounded daughter. Sort of, mostly she really wants the dirt—do you think there is anything between them? She’s glad that Aida made a stink, even if her dad is mad.

Next day at school. Paulo asks Teresa what is really up with her and Aida’s dad. She divines that he is jealous. She turns it around as usual saying that now he knows how she feels when she sees him with Aida, presumably working on plan C (though, really Paulo should be pretty far along the alphabet). She brings up how bad she felt during the whole computer scandal and she couldn’t even say whom it was really from. Paulo counters with an uber-weak: “sorry, but you know that it would be inconvenient for both of us if Aida knew.” Teresa ends with a lovely “if you won’t dump Aida, then don’t make me feel bad with your “reclamos” (I had a hard time with reclamos here. I thought she meant it more as ‘rebuke’, but it could be complaint or even claim (as in his claim on her). Thoughts?). BTW, I love how she’s planting the ‘dump Aida’ seed in Paulo’s wee brain.

At the med school, Mariano and his autopsy team are celebrating their success. Best in class. Yay team! Mariano declines to go out since he has to study while his dad is using the taxi. Blond student seductively offers to show him a couple of really great….articles about the disease that kid in his neighborhood has. “Awesome!” says Mariano. But he really does mean the articles. Poor Blondie is still trying her little heart out, but she doesn’t stand a chance.

Aida and Teresa are having it out in the cafeteria. Aida is unrepentant. Teresa is unrepentantly gloating. “Before you just were jealous over Paulo, but now your Papa too—this is a sickness”. A: “I’m keeping my eye on them;” T: “aww, poor you. Instead of enjoying your life, you have to watch out for your loved ones running into me” Aida is undaunted, but Teresa gives her choice: stop it (presumably the harassment) or each time it will get worse, and we’ll see who loses more. Now, we all know that Aida should quit while she’s behind, but then that wouldn’t make for good television.

Teresa and Arturo run into each other, and he offers her a ride, to work but she says she has to go the stationery store and take care of some school stuff and will see him later. After Arturo is safely out of sight, Teresa finds Mariano’s waiting taxi and gives him a big smooch, and they go to lunch. Teresa recounts her victory over Aida (in v. broad terms) and Mariano says he also had a good day, school-wise, though is really tired. He digs in his pocket and Teresa’s eyes light up “me trajiste mi regalo?” (you brought me my gift?) Mariano reveals a roll of mints and offers a very disappointed Teresa one. Mariano says he doesn’t have the regalo. Ok by Teresa, he can just give it to her as soon as they get back home. No, it’s not there either. “What??“ says T, “you don’t have my ring?!” Mariano is surprised: “And how do you know it’s a ring?” Teresa backpedals: “Ring. Did I say ring? Where would I get that idea.” Mariano is clever enough to realize that she already opened the box. She acknowledges the obvious, and Mariano says that he bought it with love, but admits that he ‘lost’ it. Screech!

The kiddles are playing in the vecindad when Paloma comes up and invites them all to the library for some super fun time. And it’s free! She gives the flyers to Juana who offers to distribute them. And OMG there are going to be computers! The kids are stoked. Paloma reminds them to ask their parents’ permission. [ok, we get it, Paloma is a GOOD PERSON who should be forgiven for abandoning Arturo]
On the other side of the selfish divide, Teresa is accusing Mariano of giving HER ring to someone else. He swears that he didn’t/wouldn’t give the ring to anyone else. He loves only her and will give her something even better if she gives him some time. All he asks is that she trust him. Well, all she asks is that he not treat her like an idiot. And with that, she stomps off. Almost. Safety-minded Mariano insists on taking her home and picks her up and carries her off. Perhaps not his first choice for sweeping her off her feet, but it would suit me just fine, and it’ll do for the time being for Teresa too.

Armando is talking with the loan shark and she shows him the ring that Mar used to buy some time (only a week!) for Armie. “It’s too pretty for him to lose it…”, she opines. Armie says he shouldn’t have borrowed so much money, but he will repay it. But please, don’t lend me so much money (really, Armie? This is the angle you’re gonna go for?) The loan shark does syrupy fake sympathy well, everyone asks her that, but later “cuando les aprieta el zapato” {a dicho I am trying to figure out. I can find translations for “saber donde le aprieta el zapato”, but they don’t seem to fit. I am guessing this is meant in a “when they feel the pinch” kind of way}, they come crying to her, and she doesn’t have the heart to deny them.

Teresa and Mariano continue their argument as they walk through the vecindad. Blond med student walks up with a cheery ‘hola Teresa’ and gets a full-on stink eye for both her and Mariano in response. Teresa struts off and Blondie observes that she just made their fight worse. I am sure she is crying over that one. She tries to make the best out of it and offers to help, but Mariano says thanks but no thanks.

In her room, Teresa is really letting the inanimate objects have it, starting with that no-good cheating teddy bear. No way is she going to believe that he just ‘lost’ the ring. There must be something more! She shouts. Her mom comes in and she yells at her to leave her alone. Teresa stares at a picture and rather psychotically says ‘Mariano is mine. Mine and no one else’s”

In his apt., Mariano and Blondie talk shop. Blondie says he probably wants to go talk to his GF, but Mari knows that it’s a lost cause once Teresa’s got a crazy idea in her head.

Meanwhile, a very tearful Teresa is playing her obsessive song again. “ser or no ser. yo soy”. Juana comes in and Teresa declares that she will not cry (despite the facial evidence to the contrary) and feelings that get in your way need to be killed. Juana guesses that Teresa and Mariano had a wee tiff. Teresa tells her about how Mariano says that he ‘lost’ the ring that she saw (that he didn’t know she saw etc). But she just knows that he really gave it to Blondie down there (woah, woah, woah, T. I thought you were smarter than this. I guess the celosas are getting to you). Armie was listening at the door and comes in to clear Mariano’s name by telling her the truth about him hocking the anillo. Teresa puts her earlier stink eye to shame as she processes this information.

Paulo and Aida chat about her dad and Teresa some more (do they have anything else in common besides Teresa?). Paulo thinks Aida should keep her dad away from T. Aida wants to know if it is to help her or because he is jealous over Teresa. Paulo jumps on this pretext (and their continued fighting over Teresa-related subjects) to breakup with Aida (wow that seed sure sprouted fast!). He doesn’t want 4 years of this crap, so adios!

Teresa can’t believe what her dad is saying. Once she does, she is P.O.’d that Mari used HER ring to pay debts. It was HER ring! And since when does her dad have debts anyway? Armie fesses up that the cash was to help her. Armie tells the whole loan shark story and this gives Teresa the opportunity to once again lay all the blame of their problems on being pobre. For all her talk of Maldito Dinero!, she sure is keen to get some.

Mariano is too sad to study. Oh, Blondie’s name is Magda, that’s right. Mariano and pops talk about his girl troubles. His dad is going to take the taxi shift so that Mariano can talk to Teresa, or failing that, get some sleep. Boyfriend does look tired.

Dona Refugio wants to know what he and Teresa talked about. He aint sayin.

Teresa goes straight to the source for her anillo: the loan shark. “How much does my dad owe?” Gema gets out the book and shows her. By the look of Teresa, it’s a lot.

Dona R goes to see Mariano and asks about their fight. DR asks M to be patient with T, but M assures DR that this fight his fault, not hers—he wasn’t able to keep his promise and give her something.

Teresa goes back to her room and surveys the damage—poor teddy is on the floor. Teresa tells Mr. teddy that she knew there couldn’t be another woman and that Mari loves only her. And he shows how much he loves her by helping her dad. “Oh Mariano, I love you like know one else (herself excluded, I assume), but I just can’t ask your forgiveness” (what was it again that goeth before the fall…)

Cutberto shows up at Juana’s to have it out. He wants to know what it is that she doesn’t like about him. He takes her silence as a good sign, but she is just trying to spare his feelings, but he insists. So she obliges: “first, your lack of education and culture, you don’t speak well, and you are just looking for an excuse to drink all the time”. He takes it all in and says (I think), “so tell me, what is it you don’t like?”

Armie ask Teresa to not tell mom about the debts. Ni Juana tampoco. He’ll be in deep doodoo if Dona R finds out.

Arturo is on phone chatting quite happily. Luisa comes in and is happy to see him laughing. He was talking with Fernando. Luisa perks up and gets hopeful: “Is he back in Mexico?” “NO, he’s in Dubai. I called him because I needed to talk to a friend about Paloma” Artie explains to Luisa about how he ran into Paloma again by accident, but Luisa is dubious. And she is more interested in talking about Fer. Fer doesn’t forgive Paloma, and neither does Artie.

Paloma is at the library giving Hugo a tour and giving the show an excuse to highlight a couple of their sponsors during snacktime.

Luisa and Teresa at lunch. Luisa needs to talk to an amiga. ‘Me too!’ says Ter. But then she feigns reluctance to talk. Luisa manages to drag out Ter’s story about her dad getting robbed of money that wasn’t his and now he has to find to get the missing money. Luisa buys it hook, line, and sinker and heads straight to the ATM. Now we can move on to Luisa, who called the meeting in the first place. She fawns over Fernando and his guaponess, then moves on to discuss Artie’s phone call re:Paloma. Arturo says he doesn’t hold a grudge, but Luisa’s not so sure. Everyone and their mother thinks that Artie should stay away from Paloma. Teresa feelingly says that sometimes it is impossible to get over someone even when you try. Luisa asks her why she says that, but Teresa demurs. You can almost see the thought bubble above Luisa: Could she be talking about Artie?

Holy schminoly Teresa is taking the supposed loan shark money and going on a shopping spree!!! Oh, that is mala. Ok, it’s just one dress, but it is an expensive one (1/2 of the money Luisa gave her).

Back in the vecindad, Teresa spills the beans about the loan shark debt to Juana. Juana flips without even knowing how much cash is involved. Teresa uses this as a perfect example of why Juana doesn’t want to get involved with an hombre who will just suck the money right out of her. Sure, have a good time with Cutberto, but don’t ever say yes (to which question is not clarified). She could end up having to take care of him. She needs to take care of herself instead. Ter wishes that she could only come up with a way to help her dad. She thought about asking Arturo, but that would look bad. Wellllll, says Juana, I have a little saved up, but you can’t tell your dad where it came from. The body language speaks volumes here as Juana hesitantly releases the bills as Teresa grasps at them.

Outside in the vecindad, Cutberto moans to Johnny about his sadness for Juana. She doesn’t like anything about him. Johnny, whose wise counsel belies his young age (much like his wrinkles) advises him to give up on Juana, she will never get over her dead love, like him with Rosita. Random girl who has been trying to get with Johnny overhears and sadly holds a cake.

Teresa comes home and counts all her money. Dad comes in and she gives it to him to get the ring back. He tries to thank her and say he’ll pay it back, etc, but she cuts him off.

Armie goes to talk to Mariano, and tells him to go talk to Teresa ASAP.

Upstairs Dona R talks up Mariano and waxes nostalgic about her good life with Armie. Ter is shocked that she was so happy with a poor life. She is even more shocked to hear that they had even less when they were first together than they do now. Mariano comes bearing a rose and his corazon instead of an anillo. Ter melts in his arms, as any sane woman would. They move outside and are smooching and talking lovey dovey. Mariano only needs the two of them to be happy. Ter would like to win the lottery (that’s what she gets lovey dovey about). She seems a little surprised that Mariano agrees with her and they talk about how nice it would be to have cash for the families. They decide to stop talking and make better use of their time together. Fade out.

Armie and Gema : Armie pays up and gets the anillo out of hock, though it seems he still owes more payments. How much money does this guy owe? Nice dicho from Gema: “cuentas claras, amistades largas”; I think this is used generally with the ‘story’ meaning of cuenta, i.e. clear understandings, long friendships, but Gema is punning it with a clear (or settled) account. Would ya’ll agree?
Chez Arturo: in a nutshell, Rube says the kids are all right. When he blames the problems between Aida and Teresa on Paulo, Arturo is all jealous-y to hear that Paulo was Ter’s ex novio. Paulo does not deserve someone like Teresa. With this kind of talk, Rube wants to know—just between us fellas--if Artie has taken a bit of a special interest in Teresa, whose assets he is well aware of….nudge nudge wink wink.
Mariano and Teresa are in the park taking advantage of their time together in their favorite way, Paloma sees and is impactada.

FIN pt 1

Cap. 24

Mariano and Teresa leave the park to have a delicious lunch prepared a la Mariano’s mom.

Rubigote and Arturo chat over coffee. Rube is sure that Artie like likes Teresa, that maybe Aida is right about Teresa getting a little extra credit from the prof. Artie says no way jose, that would be unethical. Rube calls him old fashioned and says it’s no biggie if it were true. Artie reiterates that Teresa’s academic success is from her own merits, and what’s more, Artie promised her parents to take care of her while she worked for him, and that is exactly what he is going to do. Rube is all “that’s fine and dandy for you, but it wouldn’t be so bad if things were different (i.e. unethical). I’m a practical man when it comes to women”. Artie is happy to stick to his old-fashioned ways.

Armando and Dona R talk about Teresa and Mariano making up. They never fought themselves. They chat about how happy they have always been together, even if no money. They have other blessings, 2 great daughters. Rosita and Teresa with all her potential—Dona R only hopes she will use it for good.

Teresa, Mariano, and his dad are having lunch and discussing what a great cook Mariano’s mom was. Teresa particularly liked a chicken dish of hers. Taxi chat. Ter can’t wait for Mariano to stop being a taxista and start being a doctor. Mariano knows how to romance his girl, so he talks about saving up to buy a car after they finish paying off the medical bills debt. Teresa is totally stoked until Mari clarifies that he will be buying a taxi.

Paloma tells redhead friend (Florencia) about seeing Teresa kissing otro hombre. Florencia looks excited, but Paloma doesn’t know what to do. Flo smells blood…maybe the kid Ter’s expecting isn’t even Artie’s! {I liked the way she put it: eso nino podria ser no de Arturo, si no del beso}

Ter is not stoked about the taxi idea. Mariano explains that he won’t be a doctor for a while still, the taxi makes good money, and wouldn’t it be better if he were his own boss. Ter agrees, but doesn’t look happy about it. She mentions that he won’t have the money for the car for awhile yet, and it seems like she is planning on working on him changing his mind in the meantime.

Back to Paloma and Flo. Flo is arguing in favor of telling Artie, Paloma doesn’t want to hurt him again. Flo points out that she still likes Artie, and this could be her 2nd chance.

Teresa stops by manor Barrera to borrow a book. Artie says that she can use his……library anytime. She sidles up the staircase looking like she wants to use something else of his and asks after Luisa. Luisa is out with Julio and Ter is happy to hear it.

Rubigote and Genoveva are fighting about him being with Teresa. Gennie doesn’t like the idea one bit. Rube tells her she is not the boss of him. “Aha! There is something between you two.” Rube laments that even if he wanted to, he couldn’t be with Ter because Artie is protecting her, and he’s not stupid enough to mess with Artie. Gennie thinks there might be something between A and T after all, but doesn’t care one way or another. Her and Aida just need to let it rest. Gene lets Rube know that Teresa was playing him, in that she set up Aida to see them together in the restaurant. Uh oh.

Back to Arturo and Teresa at the house. Artie tells her about Rube’s visit. He wants Ter to know that he won’t let anyone speak badly of her.

Johnny is with Pablito in the hospital room. Pablito complains about his lot in life. To be fair, it is a pretty bad lot. And now Hugo gets to go to the superfuntime library while Pablito is stuck in the hospital. Johnny does a piss poor job of comforting him. Pablito says that he has life, yes, but he can’t do anything he likes, and the point of having a life is enjoying it.

Teresa goes to visit Rube and he gets all pissy about her set up with Aida. Ter denies it all. Aida is lying about Teresa inviting her to the restaurant. Rube isn’t buying it, he’s not as naïve as Arturo, she can’t play him. Ter sticks to her guns, though and dares him to call Aida. Rube doesn’t seem even really to care (though it’s hard to tell through all the botox), he just wants Ter to know that he is on to her game. He points out that, even though he told Aida they were just working, they both know that they had “other” intentions. She feigns innocence, she only saw him as a friend. But if he is thinking about something more, not even friends. And in the future, their relationship will be strictly business and preferably via his secretary.

Mariano gives Armie some more taxi cash, and Armie gives him back THE RING and urges him to talk to Teresa ASAP. Johnny comes running in needing help for someone who fell.

Raul and Paulo meet Aida and other girl at a bar. Aida tries to make up. The drink she gives him is a step in the right direction.

Aha, the faller is random girl who pines for Johnny, aka Maria. Johnny holds her hand and Mariano diagnoses her sprained ankle. One wonders if he is a real Doogie Howser, or if all med students in Mexico are as good as fully trained doctors.

Paloma is at the gates of the casa Barrera begging to be let in, but Reina is holding strong, Luisa returns from her date with Julio and Paloma doesn’t recognize her. Luisa explains that she was the “esquincle” (brat) that Paloma did want to have to raise. Even though Luisa is clearly irate and says that she will never forget hearing Paloma say the above, Paloma is all happy-dappy ‘Luisa!’ Her smile fades rather quickly, though.

Johnny’s wheeling Maria out of the hospital and they chat about how he doesn’t want her around. Johnny has taken Pablito’s words to heart, though, so he is finally gonna give Maria a shot.

Luisa wants to know why Paloma is coming around stirring things up when she and Artie are finally happy. Paloma just needs to talk to Luisa about Arturo and his esposa, Teresa. Julio spills the beans that Ter is not Art’s wife.

Ter finds out from her dad that Mari has the ring and wants to see her tonight. She’s stoked. I have to say, I always thought that Teresa was going to want to put off a compromiso with Mariano, so her attitude in this episode has surprised me. I figured that she would hold out for Arturo for a good long while, even though she loves Mariano. Not that I believe that she and Mariano are going to be in the chapel anytime soon, but it is nice to be surprised by the writers.

Luisa confirms that Arturo is indeed single, but not for you, Paloma, she adds. And Arturo was ok with the lie to keep Paloma away. “That’s how much he hates you”, says L. Julio finally leaves the ladies alone to talk.

Teresa shows Juana her new dress and claims that Luisa gave it to her. Ter is going to wear it tonight for the anillo. Ter and Juana are stoked. Cutberto shows up drunk and chastises Juana for not liking anything about it. He coulda been a contenda. But without a lady at his side, he will instead become a true drunk for reals.

Luisa basically explodes on Paloma. She’s been holding this all for years, and is glad to finally have a chance to get it out. “I wanted to be like you when I was a girl. But I was just an estorbo (obstacle) to you. Don’t you know how much pain you caused my brother? Well, let me tell you. After you abandoned my brother, he was totally depressed. and I was only 11, but had to help him call all the guests from the wedding that you cancelled. and that was the first of many drunk nights for him. he drank and drank, and I was just a girl and didn’t know what to do. If it weren’t fernando, I don’t know what would have happened. My brother was in hell after you left—no love, smiles, or laughter. He became obsessed with proving our dad’s innocence”. In the face of this, Paloma has to agree here that she shouldn’t have left. “And if my parents had died a week later would you have broken your vows and abandoned Arturo then?” Paloma begs Luisa for forgiveness. “it’s easy to ask forgiveness, “ says Luisa, “but I was just a little girl and had to run the whole house, working day and night to prove my dad’s innocence.” Paloma says that she heard that they accomplished that, but Luisa says that she should have helped them. Then her brother wouldn’t have become so embittered. “but I already apologized to Arturo,” sez Paloma. Luisa scoffs “oh you think he forgave you? Think again. Today he told me that he didn’t, and I don’t forgive you either.” Woah. That was heavy. But we feel better, right? Now that we’ve gotten all that off our chest.
Luisa tells Ter about her chat with Paloma. Ter and Luisa worry about Paloma now that she knows Arturo isn’t married. Luisa doesn’t know if she should tell Art or not about the confrontation. Ter says it’s up to Luisa, but seems against it. I think she says (no subtitles) that if he finds out, it will “mover el tapete” (stir up old feelings).

Paloma cries to Flo. Arturo will never forgive me. He hates me. And he’s right.

Mari has Ter blindfolded and leads her to the roof. He has made a romantic dinner with the chicken dish of his mom’s that she mentioned earlier. See, he listens. He cares. Teresa is pouty over the lack of stars at this dining establishment. Mari points out that the simple table and place doesn’t matter if they are together. They’ve got the whole place to themselves all night long. Oh yeah. Ter melts in his arms (have I used that phrase already?)

Back from commercial. Teresa and Mariano love each other. He makes her close her eyes again and gives her THE RING. I’m sorry, HER ring. Mariano confesses that he didn’t know if he should give it to her or not, but he was so happy that she believed in him and got back together with him even before he had the ring. Of course she believes in him, she says, she believes that he will go far. “it’s all for you, Ter, you are the wind beneath my wings.” Mariano puts THE RING on THE FINGER as a reminder that he loves her and he wants to share his life with her. Awwwww.

Blech. Esperanza and Rubigote are at the secret apartment smooching. Espe has to go back to Pablito’s hospital and lets slip that she works there. Rube is none too pleased and wants Espe to quit, but she says no—there’s nothing wrong with working, ya know. Rube says that as soon as her brother is released from the hospital, she will quit. Espe’s eyes tell me that he is winning this battle. Maybe it’s the mustache that is so convincing.

Back on the rooftop of love, Teresa is plotting how she will work hard to make something of herself so that she can come out on top of everyone who looked down on her. Mariano thinks she needs to chill on the bitterness, and adopt a live and let live philosophy. “Don’t lose sight of what’s really important in life—our love. Promise me that you will keep our love alive.” Teresa does: “I will love only you. You were the first man in my life, and will be my only love.”

We fade out and suddenly get a “Three years later” screen. Que the heck? Allrighty then, moving right along.

Mariano in Dr coat and Teresa fight about how neither has any time for the other. They’re both so busy with their studies. Teresa is mad that Mari is not coming to mass for the 3rd anniversary of Rosita’s death, and Mari complains that Ter is always with Arturo.

Chez Barrera. Arturo is waiting for someone with Rube. Rube is still using Artie as a cover for his affair with Espe. Art gently rebukes Rube, but says he understands how someone can fall in love with a beautiful young woman (yeah, cuz a great mystery is how that happens). Art just happens to be hopelessly in love with someone young and pretty, but it would never work. Rube wants to know who. Art ain’t tellin. Rube guesses Teresa, but Art says no. Speak of the mala. She comes in and promptly drops some cleavage on the floor.

Chez Nachita, Pablito doesn’t want to go for his medical checkup and hides under the table from the chemotherapy. He finds Johnny’s love letter and hijinks ensue. The fam teases Espe about not having a novio and working all the time. Tick tock tick tock, you know.

Chez Barrera, Arturo wants Teresa to directly manage his business affairs with Rubigote. Ter shows off her awesome grades—best in class-yay! Rube heads out. Art wants to start paying Teresa (I think because she has finished school), but she says no.

Juana and Dona R chat about Teresa, her love of money and nice clothes, etc. Dona R does not approve of Ter’s taking advantage of Luisa and Armando.

We cut to said Armie back at the loan shark. He’s paying on time, but he owes a lot. Gema is not in a generous mood when he asks for more time to pay.

Johnny and Maria argue about him going to Rosita’s mass. Maria is apparently Johnny’s novia now and is pretty jealous of his continued feelings for his dead ex.

Rubigote shows up at the secret apartment and finds a goodbye note from Esperanza (you go girl!) She waited four years for him to divorce, and now she’s giving up. (I actually thought it was neat how the editors faded in a ghostly Espe writing the letter in the apartment as Rube read it). I think Rube is supposed to be very mad and/or upset, but again, it is hard to tell through the botox.

Aida uses someone else’s wedding invitation to wheedle Paulo about them getting married. Apparently they have been on again/off again these past three years, and their total time together adds up to wedding by Aida’s calculator, but not by Paulo’s.

Rube calls Espe; they agree to meet tomorrow, since she has a mass to go to tonight.

Armando and Dona R get ready to head out for the mass and talk to Rosita’s altar—about flowers, Rosita’s smile, etc. Teresa’s contribution is that she is complying with her promise to Rosita to fight for what she (Teresa) wants no matter what--in the words of some of the commenters, seems a little narcissistic, if you ask me, making Rosita’s mass all about Teresa. Mariano shows up, he has got someone to cover his shift at the hospital to be able to go to the mass, but then he’s got to head out in the taxi. Ter needles him about still being a taxista. She wants him to start practicing medicine ASAP. Mariano reminds her that he isn’t actually a doctor yet. Ter just wants to get married and be with her man. Oh, yes, and also get the heck out of dodge. Mariano thinks that maybe she doesn’t love him after all, maybe she wants somebody, anybody, who will get her out of the vecindad.

Aurora comes back looking good and Teresa is celosa.


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